CatButts | in a paralel universe, n900 has tiny joystick like the Sony Ericsson K750 in place of the directional keys | 01:13 |
* brolin_empey wonders if a Sony CDP-101, the original model of audio CD player from 1982, can play an 80-minute CD because he had at least one 2× CD-ROM drive from the 1990s that could read a 74-minute CD-R but not an 80-minute CD-R. The 12× CD-ROM drive that I think I still have in a cupboard in my office could read 80-minute CD-Rs, though. I still have a 4× CD-ROM drive too but have not tried using it for probably over a decade by now. | 09:43 |
brolin_empey | I recall that a late IBM PS/2 model supports up to at least 64 MiB of main memory, more than the Sony PS2. | 19:01 |
brolin_empey | Wikiwide: Search the page for “Sony”. | 03:10 |
merlin1991 | moving from a jolla-c to sony xa2 I realized that only one sim was nano size | 19:09 |
Wikiwide | brolin_empey: LCD for Nokia N900 may have been made by Sony, but flex cable looks like something custom-made for Nokia. And I don't expect it to be possible to transfer LCD flex cable from a broken LCD to a new Sony LCD? | 22:01 |
brolin_empey | Wikiwide: Some wiki page I redd weeks or months ago, maybe on (?), has the hardware specifications and low-level software specifics for the N900 and says the model of Sony LCD the N900 uses. I think I redd the page on my office computer but I am currently at home and I intentionally do not synchronise my Web browser between my home computer and office computer. | 22:09 |
brolin_empey | Reportely the LCD used by the N900 is from Sony, I do not remember the model name. | 09:23 |
totalizator | and I have a lovely Sony Vaio wit K6-2 533MHz that I find unusable because of loud, noisy fan | 09:58 |
Max___ | Hello all, I am thinking about buying a Nokia N900. As Alternative I could buy a Sony Xperia X with Sailfish OS. But I like Maemo UI more. On the other side I read that Easy Debian will stop with Debian 8 in March 2018 and without modern browser I think a smartphone isn't so good. I saw the Meamo Leste project, too, what gives me hope... What would you suggest? Sailfish/Sony or the good old Nokia N900? Thanks, Max | 17:51 |
Max___ | For me the Nokia N900 or the Sailfish Sony phone would be my first smartphone :-) | 18:02 |
pkill9 | hmm sony Xperia X isn't too expensive | 18:09 |
Max___ | Ok, you are a little bit biased ;-) The Sony I could get for 180 € + 50 € for Sailfish. The Nokia would be 100 €. Perhaps I should give the Nokia a try... | 18:15 |
brolin_empey | the value of the parameter that went out of range. These instructions worked for me. This is a Trinitron problem, though, not a Dell problem. Trinitron is a Sony product, not a Dell product. | 06:22 |
CatButts | I am familiar with it from Sony Erricsson phones | 22:59 |
jonwil | and a few from HTC and Sony and things | 08:10 |
Boyeto | had you actually heard of this? | 07:20 |
Boyeto | p.s. I would argue that they probably don't care if you break your Sony/Nexus devices (not their problem), but if you brick your Jolla hardware, they have to support you | 08:26 |
Boyeto | I like Xperias / Sony, but I miss the N9 | 10:51 |
Boyeto | so this Sony partnership is perfect for me | 10:55 |
hurrian | the Sony UMPC worked better ;) we need more slide-up screen UMPCs, the GPD Pocket was disappointing when I learned it used a clamshell screen | 03:43 |
buZz | sony vaio ux280p | 15:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | Sony compactcam ultrafast autofocus: software | 21:35 |
bencoh | should work as well, btw | 15:57 |
bencoh | freemangordon: I just fetched certificate from (using openssl s_client -showcerts), added it to maemocert using sudo cmcli -c common-ca -a result.pem | 16:33 |
bencoh | cmcli -c common-ca -L |grep sony shows it | 16:34 |
bencoh | but then cmcli -c common-ca -v still fails | 16:34 |
bencoh | cmcli -T common-ca -v works | 16:35 |
bencoh | 65d16a388a3264df9d6624c9ac7f273a49644346 Verification failed: unable to get local issuer certificate | 16:36 |
freemangordon | I suspect we're missing some sony root cert | 16:39 |
bencoh | my question is, why adding cert (since I dont want to add their CA) doesn't work? | 16:40 |
bencoh | why should I trust Sony's CA?! | 16:41 |
Sicelo | bencoh: any reason you don't like to to trust sony's? :) | 16:43 |
freemangordon | we should add sony's root CA the same way we did for those insecure symantec certs | 16:43 |
bencoh | Sicelo: issuer=/C=SE/L=Lund/O=Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB/OU=Sony Ericsson Secure E2E | 16:43 |
Sicelo | question is though .. does sony's supl provide data in a way that Maemo understands? bencoh << | 16:44 |
freemangordon | just add sony's root cert in etc/certs/location-proxy/ | 16:44 |
bencoh | then I should be able to add sony root using cmcli | 16:47 |
freemangordon | we should find somebody woth a sony device :) | 16:48 |
Sicelo | i'm busy with somehting for the next few hours, but am on -devel and willing to test (with some guidance perhaps) ... if someone finds the sony cert let me know | 16:52 |
joga | this has had me wondering for a while... I mostly recharge my n900 with a sony ebook reader charger (since it's the neatest ~2A USB charger I have) and it works fine, but I also have an Anker 15Ah powerbank (which is quite nice I think), I've had trouble lately connecting the phone to it. the 2A port hasn't really worked with the n900, but 1A has been fine, but like six months ago I've had to plug the cable | 22:31 |
KotCzarny | try looking for old toshibas/sonys | 22:27 |
freddd | I emailed HTC and Sony asking about it. | 17:36 |
fishbulb | I remember when netbooks were cool sony had one that was tiny | 22:34 |
xes | i'm using a kernel with BFS/BFQ patches into a (slooow) Sony VGN-P11Z and it gives a nice kick to overall system usability | 14:56 |
freemangordon | Pali: "ARM: OMAPFB: panel-sony-acx565akm: fix missing mutex unlocks" is still in the tree | 14:55 |
jonwil | One member of the family doesn't own an iFail, they own some sort of Sony piece of crap | 00:19 |
Pali | fremangordon, can you resend patch "ARM: OMAPFB: panel-sony-acx565akm: fix missing mutex unlocks" as Tomi asked? | 14:02 |
freemangordon | which patch, for "ARM: OMAPFB: panel-sony-acx565akm: fix missing mutex unlocks" ? | 11:17 |
Pali | "Re: [PATCH v2] ARM: OMAPFB: panel-sony-acx565akm: fix missing mutex unlocks" | 11:18 |
brolin_empey | KotCzarny: I know that. As I said before, my interest in a CF HDD is only because it would be novel to use magnetic storage in this application, like the Sony DSC that uses a 3.5-inch flexible disc drive. | 00:43 |
* Sicelo wishes Sony didn't kill their VAIO P-Series :( | 16:46 | |
KotCzarny | i wouldnt trust sony | 16:46 |
KotCzarny | i mean this: | 19:59 |
totalizator | auenf: well, not always - I had (I have) a Sony J7 with custom firmware and was possible to install new apps - memory for ringtones was used | 13:44 |
totalizator | contrary - I'm concidering things like Sony Z3 Compact and Iuni I3 | 20:45 |
spongie | freemangordon: and what hw will 1k buy me from apple or sony or lg, etc? | 14:25 |
KotCzarny | which is weird twist, because its a sony | 16:04 |
DerHat | or sony | 17:59 |
JamesJRH | I sometimes carry my old LG Optimus 3D because, well, it's stereoscopic and my Sony Xperia Z1 doesn't have that. | 00:42 |
JamesJRH | It was slow on my old LG Optimus 3D, frequently taking over 10s to render the screen, and it was just as slow when I got my Sony Xperia Z1, presumably because it had more pixels, but it has since become a lot faster, I think because it's making better use of the GPU now (hardware accelleration didn't seem to make a difference a while back). | 18:41 |
scottc | KotCzarny: sony-ericsson "eco" one overnight! | 12:12 |
messerting | Sicelo: Sony Ericsson T610 did | 17:11 |
teotwaki | Nokiabot: or I'll haxors your Sony Ericsson J105i | 15:34 |
DarkFox | Please; no license wars... BSD is an open source license. FreeBSD is an operating system where basically everything is licensed BSD. This allows you to create something propritary (such as sony's playstation) without the requirement to return the code. | 15:30 |
DarkFox | Even in Sony's case, they do send code back to the community. | 15:30 |
jon_y | or Sony | 15:31 |
jaykru | hurrian: how else will I use sony vegas on my phone? | 12:23 |
hurrian | Good fucking job, Qualcomm | 14:57 |
r00t|d430 | | 13:39 |
r00t|d430 | dunno... the picture is old... | 13:40 |
antithesis_ | jaska I'm kinda the same, actually. I sold my Chinkphone because it was too shitty, but just now I tried out some note-taking on my mom's Sony device and it was actually quite pleasant, better than I'd expected | 16:46 |
Psi | | 11:03 |
Psi | yeah, not in pierogi, i think the sony model number starts with DTC and thers's none of those | 11:06 |
darkschneider | ehehhe, that a nice feat :D (all my expensive crt actually broken :/ else i woudl seill be using my great sony cpd g420) | 12:50 |
brolin_empey | darkschneider: I use an awesome Sony CPD-G520 I bought in like-new condition for 25 CAD from a Craigslist seller in 2012. :-D | 12:55 |
jpinx | sony have arguably the best phones atm | 07:48 |
Macer | sony? | 07:49 |
Macer | i cant say i see too many sony phones out and about tbh. not here at least | 07:49 |
jpinx | Sony Xperia Z Ultra 6.4" phablet | 07:50 |
Macer | is that the sony answer to a note? | 07:51 |
MohammadAG | The camera's a Sony though | 00:58 |
MohammadAG | Tbh, I think my next device will be a Sony | 01:06 |
Lava_Croft | i think Sony is actually the one with the brightest future, on the console front | 17:32 |
psycho_oreos | No DRM is as insane as sony's SCMS. | 18:21 |
Macor | pretty soon it will be ms and sony and thats it | 12:37 |
psycho_oreos | I'm sure Sony also have bad customers labelling Sony as Sory. | 12:54 |
HtheB | from sonyericsson | 14:56 |
win7mac | the other 2 were shot with sony pmw ex-3 | 01:25 |
DocScrutinizer05 | basically since that fire ate my Sony 250 (or was it 400?) CD changer player, I stopped listening music | 13:20 |
jon_y | think sony rootkit, but abrasive upfront :) | 13:59 |
DocScrutinizer05 | or so hoped Sony, eh? | 14:00 |
Drathir | but screen on tv and sound is briliant on sony tv "9" sample builit in after flashing... | 17:01 |
jacekowski | while company like sony sells their psv for half of that | 00:24 |
jacekowski | sony sold 100s as many PSVs in one day | 00:27 |
robbiethe1st | I think it's Sony | 06:22 |
alec__ | my current phone (sony p1i) was released quite a while ago; i've hung onto it because of the hw keyboard though | 07:14 |
WizardNumberNext | Sony STR-KLS40 | 00:51 |
teotwaki | You have Sony. | 00:51 |
teotwaki | it's still Sony, it's eeeeeevil :) | 00:54 |
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