IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2011-12-02

arceanmerlin1991: happily rss reader sources are available :)00:00
amiconn(silicon bug, gcc bugs however are rather likely)00:00
freemangordonwith -O2 cssu-calculator it sigills00:00
DocScrutinizerwhat's unlikely in silicon bugs?00:00
RaimuLol, silicone00:00
freemangordonwith -O3 works like charm (besides raster bug :D )00:00
* merlin1991 sees rss reader soon in cssu too00:00
freemangordonnow trying with -O1, so far works like charm00:00
DocScrutinizersilicon bugs are virtually impossible to rule out on a WFM-basis00:01
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer: that makes them so awesome00:02
merlin1991you start the rumor and nobody is ever going to trust the stuff again :D00:02
DocScrutinizerand I think in the very early days of fremantle there was a discussion with some Nokia devels about why they don't use thumb00:02
freemangordoni've been searching for some silicon bugs re CortexA8 and thumb, find nothing. while gcc bugs...00:02
merlin1991freemangordon: but awe aren't going to swtich gcc either00:03
freemangordona pile of00:03
merlin1991nor can we get rid of the A8 :D00:03
freemangordonI missed the point00:03
DocScrutinizerwe should try to speak to someone in a central position of ex fremantle team, konttori maybe00:03
freemangordonQt compiled with -O3 has a bug in raster engine00:04
freemangordonand that is gcc00:04
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: do you have contact?00:04
merlin1991I'm pretty sure me and mag don't have that kind of contact :D00:04
DocScrutinizerif there's been such word about silicon bugs in N900 thumb, then it came from Nokia devels00:04
freemangordonand we are OK when everything works with -O200:04
freemangordonnow, what is the difference to apply the same to thumb2?00:05
DocScrutinizerwell, I could try to find a contact, but probably have to google or go via Quim or somebody who... aaaah dm8tbr possibly00:05
DocScrutinizerlast thing I heard of Konttori iirc was he's in USA though00:06
DocScrutinizernow working for NokiaWinPhones00:06
DocScrutinizerI'll try to find better more precise info00:07
DocScrutinizeruntil then keep in mind there *might* be a reason for thimb not being used00:08
DocScrutinizerand maybe this reason is not fixable by a compiler update00:09
merlin1991yay :)00:09
freemangordondoc, and what is the reason to not use thumb on 3630?00:10
merlin1991that is what he'll try to find out00:10
DocScrutinizerthe idea hits my mind of compiler not being tested with thumb back when because there was no hw that even a bugfree code could run on00:10
arceanre thumb support:
freemangordonI just refuse to believe that both 3430 and 3630 have same bugs not fixed for 5 years or so00:11
freemangordonerrr who rote that?00:11
DocScrutinizeryeah, sounds odd00:11
DocScrutinizererr 3630?00:13
freemangordonno, the wiki page00:13
DocScrutinizerno, why 3630?00:13
freemangordonbecause AFAIK n9/50 don't use thumb too00:13
DocScrutinizerhmm, maybe cargo cult00:14
freemangordonwhich does not make sense00:14
freemangordonand the "Maemo5: SHOULD NOT be used. The Omap3 version used in it has broken thumb support. " means nothing00:14
DocScrutinizermaybe the thumb issue was in N8x0 and lingered on in devels' mind00:14
freemangordonwell, so far it IS gcc who breaks things00:15
arceanhmm, maybe Stskeeps will know the answer00:15
DocScrutinizersure, as nobody ever tests a gcc faeture for a broken hw option00:15
arceanas they are using newer toolchain for mer/nemo00:15
freemangordonQT with -O2 everything works(including QML browser) besides libgui00:16
DocScrutinizerdoesn't mean anything00:16
DocScrutinizerexcept obviously that it works for you00:16
DocScrutinizerso far00:16
freemangordonQT with -O1 libgui works, but webkit apps refuse to start00:17
freemangordonwith -O3 averything works, but raster engine is broken00:17
DocScrutinizerdoesn't mean it works on my device, or for you tomorrow when your sequence of opcodes is different, your cpu-freq-governor decided to ramp-up/down clock to a rate this code hasn't seen so far, your temperatures change, whatever00:18
freemangordonso, my next test will be to compile gui with -O1 and everything else with -O200:18
DocScrutinizerbtw, what's the supposed purpose of using thumb?00:19
DocScrutinizerjust asking00:19
merlin1991reduced memory use00:19
freemangordondoc, until you find some errata from TI I will asuume GCC and not thumb support broken00:19
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: sure, fair enough. Just saying, keep in mind00:20
freemangordonAs I told you, i've been searching for "broken CortexA8 thumb" errata for the last couple of days00:20
freemangordonok, we have a patch in kernel for some self-modifying code.00:21
freemangordonAFAIK Qt does not use such code00:21
DocScrutinizerchecking now00:21
DocScrutinizerwow, that's more tedious reading than I was prepared to do now00:24
DocScrutinizerwill possibly postpone to weekend00:24
DocScrutinizerfirst day at job tomorrow00:24
freemangordonnp, maybe until then I will have working thumb-compiled Qt00:25
DocScrutinizerplease check that one, I'm too tired now. Might indicate there *was* a SiERR and they "fixed" it in SW:
DocScrutinizerwhich would rise the question: is this patch in our maemo code, where ever it belongs - or not?00:31
DocScrutinizeraiui it has to go to linker00:32
Sc0rpiusI wonder why I can't install CSSU from the Application Manager anymore00:32
freemangordonshould be,
Sc0rpiusit sends me to the Backup thing, I make a Backup, and then I'm back to the Application Manager00:32
Sc0rpiusit really bothers me00:32
DocScrutinizeryou tried to NOT go to the backup thing?00:33
Sc0rpiusyeah and nothing happens00:33
Sc0rpiusit doesn't allow me to install00:33
Sc0rpiusthe only way I found to install is either apt-get or Faster Application Manager00:34
DocScrutinizerwell, you know you can install CSSU only once, and uninstallation is strictly forbidden :-D00:34
Sc0rpiusyeah but I meant upgrade from one version of CSSU to the latest00:35
Sc0rpiusso what the hell, I'm gonna use Faster Application Manager for this 1.1 update00:35
DocScrutinizerduh, anybody tested that? Do we correctly block uninstall?00:35
DocScrutinizerSc0rpius: not helping to fix stuff in CSSU00:36
Sc0rpiusthere is one bug that really bothers me00:37
Sc0rpiuswhen hildon-desktop stops detecting the current rotation and everything goes to a mess and I have to reboot00:37
Sc0rpiusit starts by launching my phone in landscape, God I hate that :P00:37
DocScrutinizerpretty please at very least do a backupmenu image, so somebody else could investigate state of your system later, and figure what's wrong and might need fixing00:37
DocScrutinizerquite possibly you installed T1 with some method that _now_ is causing problems00:39
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DocScrutinizeror fapman did something silly, not the first time we'd see that00:40
merlin1991Sc0rpius: did you check the problems tab00:45
merlin1991as it is clearly stated in the installation faq?00:45
Sc0rpiusit never says that is a problem this is what happens:00:45
Sc0rpius1.- I go to normal Application Manager, select Update00:46
merlin1991just click metappacke00:46
merlin1991got to details00:46
merlin1991and wait a lil00:46
Sc0rpius2.- CSSU appears, I select it00:46
merlin1991it's there on details00:46
Sc0rpiusyeah I have some -dbg packages conflicts00:46
merlin1991freemangordon: we really need that ham fix :D00:47
freemangordonYeah, I know00:47
Sc0rpiusI read today that some people ported Android 4 (4?!?!) to the N90000:48
Sc0rpiusbut I wonder who would install that crap :P00:48
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RaimuYeah, but it's ice cream sandwich! How can you resist an ice cream sandwich?!01:19
DocScrutinizer >>*** konttori_work has joined #maemo01:27
DocScrutinizerwell, maybe they call their next andridiot release Prozac or Cocaine01:29
DocScrutinizerI still won't touch it, but I guess this will make real noise01:29
DocScrutinizerand of course (no email there either :-/ )01:32
DocScrutinizermaybe just try to find his first name, then send to whateverfist.konttori@nokia.com01:33
RaimuDocScrutinizer :D01:55
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jonwilSicelo: ping03:03
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merlin1991jonwil: ping04:02
merlin1991dunno if he's trolling:
merlin1991but could this come from running your modified libsms?04:02
jonwildont see how04:03
merlin1991because afaik cssu doesn't change the telepathy and or sms stack at all, and your widget was the first thing that came to my mind that does anything with the sms libs04:03
merlin1991gotta be some other issue then04:03
merlin1991I honestly don't see how cssu could have caused that04:04
* merlin1991 wonders wth could cause that kind of weird sms crap04:09
merlin1991hm could be simply broken modem though04:09
jonwilI cant see my widget doing it unless somehow their is genuinely screwed up (which would be very unlikely)04:10
merlin1991probably a hardware / genuinely screwed up system issue04:12
merlin1991the behaviour he's describing is just plain odd, from my understanding of the system msgs can't go away suddenly reappear04:13
merlin1991the more youtube changes I see the more I think the new ui generation is yet a step worse04:14
merlin1991though that last statement was a tad ot :D04:16
RaimuSomeone gave a suggestion on the CSSU-t thread that (quote) "It's an indicator that your sms database is corrupt. If you do a db dump/convert it usually fixes the problem."04:30
merlin1991ah yeah I remember, some people on #maemo talked about corrupted sms db like half a year ago04:31
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jonwilseems that so far everything is good with operator-name-cbs-widget05:00
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DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:06:44] <dm8tbr> DocScrutinizer: thumbs are broken, pun intended07:25
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:22:59] <DocScrutinizer> dm8tbr: yes, that07:25
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:23:22] <DocScrutinizer> 's what I recall as well, but what *exactly* is broken07:25
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:24:18] <DocScrutinizer> as freemangordon now starts to compile Qt in thumb, claiming all the problems were mere compiler bugs07:25
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:24:22] <dm8tbr> I suppose if I spend half an hour digging through IRC logs I'd find it, but basically there are two errata that are of such nature that they can't both be fixed at the same time07:25
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:24:33] <dm8tbr> nope07:25
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:24:45] <DocScrutinizer> thanks a lot07:25
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DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:25:25] <dm8tbr> and mind you there are two kernel fixes that can be activated, but they are mutually exclusive07:29
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:30:02] <dm8tbr> DocScrutinizer: - specifically07:30
* jonwil wishes he could be inspired to do more N900 work07:32
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DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:34:30] <dm8tbr> DocScrutinizer: btw - it's entirely possible that his code will run for hours without problems and then spontaneously combust into a giant fireball. at least that's what carsten and me saw.07:35
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:35:21] <DocScrutinizer> that's what silicon bugs are like, yes :-) thanks anyway for confirming it, as freemangordon wasn't inclined to trust in my words07:35
Sicelojonwil: pong07:37
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jonwilSicelo, can you read this and do that shell script?07:38
jonwiland paste the results for me?07:38
jonwilThat will help me find out why you get no operator name07:38
jonwiland what the bug in my widget is (if any)07:39
Sicelohow many lines are in the script?07:50
Sicelojonwil: 15?07:51
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DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:51:52] <Stskeeps> DocScrutinizer: thumb2 is immensel broken on n90007:52
jonwilwhat country is country code 653?07:54
jonwilinteresting :)07:54
Siceloafrica, between south africa & mozambique ;)07:55
jonwilI know where it is :)07:57
jonwiljust didn't think of it as being particularly well developed07:57
Siceloheh, it's not, but it's my home :D07:59
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 06:53:18] <dm8tbr> DocScrutinizer: here's my log of that
Sicelosometimes people think i've said Switzerland, lol08:00
Siceloi wonder how you're going to display both operator name and cb sms, unless u find a way to have a second line of text on desktop. that's how the other phones do it. unless font for operator name is shrunk :/08:05
jonwilMy phone displays both just fine08:06
jonwilby printing the operator name then the cell tower name immediately after it08:06
jonwilas for why your phone isn't displaying the operator name, I cant see anything wrong08:09
jonwilif it was going wrong on my phone, I would be using gdb to debug it08:10
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: you'll be pleased to hear/read:08:10
DocScrutinizer2011-01-29 21:09:15< Stskeeps> ssvb: but i guess thumb is generally safe on beagleboard xm (36xx) and such?08:10
DocScrutinizer2011-01-29 21:09:51< dm8tbr> and archos gen8 :)08:10
DocScrutinizer2011-01-29 21:10:03< ssvb> Stskeeps: yes, I think it should be08:10
DocScrutinizerso obviously indeed cargo cult for HARM / N908:11
jonwilSicelo, what do you see on your phoine, do you see anything at all or do you just get a blank space where the operator name used to be?08:11
jonwiland what do you see if you turn off "Cell Broadcast" in the settings?08:12
* jonwil wishes connui-cellular was open source :(08:13
Sicelowith cb on, i get the cb text (mtnzone 0%)08:13
Sicelowithout, for now it's blank08:14
jonwilok, that suggests that my operator name code is not performing identically to the stock widget08:14
jonwilUnfortunatly, as the stock widget is closed source, finding out how the 2 differ is going to be almost impossible08:14
Siceloso now i toggled between 2G & 3G, and back to 2G. still shows cb sms text, even though disabled in settings :/08:18
jonwilwierd that its doing that08:18
jonwilDo you have the logging turned on?08:19
jonwiloh wait08:19
jonwilyou may need to reboot the phone or restart hildon-home or hildon-desktop or whatever it is08:19
jonwilI dont know why but for some people the "detect changes in the settings" code isn't working right and I dont know how to fix it08:20
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Siceloyes.. restarting hildon-* changed back to operator name08:21
jonwilso my widget is installed and you get the operator name only, no cell broadcast08:22
jonwilwith "cell broadcast" switched off08:22
jonwilis that corect?08:22
jonwildo you have the logging options switched on?08:23
Sicelonot now. switched it off a few moments ago08:23
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jonwilwhat I want you to try this this:1.delete the 2 log files 2.Turn both logging options back on 3.Turn on the "cell broadcast display" 4.Restart hildon 5.Turn off "cell broadcast display" 7.Restart hildon 8.Turn off both logging options 9.Restart hildon again 10.Pastebin both logs08:27
jonwilThat should help me find whatever bug you are getting.08:27
jonwiloh and on my end, switching the settings makes the widget change automatically with no need to restart hildon-*08:28
jonwilswitching the settings via the control panel that is08:28
jonwilstrange that it isnt doing it for yo08:30
jonwilstrange that it isnt doing it for you08:30
Siceloi also think my operator can do weird things, lol. some months ago anyone with automatic time update was surprised to have a clock that's 2 hours behind. took their techs about 3months to fix08:31
Siceloi'm waiting just after step 4 above. no cb sms string received yet08:34
jonwiltry toggling to 3g thern 2g08:35
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jonwilany luck?08:42
Siceloi was also toggling 3G/2G after each change08:46
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DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 07:45:00] <DocScrutinizer> isn't it funny there's no big fat bold warning "DONT USE THUMB, CPU IS BORKED!" in a prominent location of fremantle SDK?08:49
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DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 07:45:35] <Stskeeps> i thought there was actually08:49
DocScrutinizer[2011-12-02 07:46:17] <Stskeeps> but can't find it08:49
jonwilhmmm, those logs dont tell me much, short of running the thing in GDB, I cant see any way to find out why you dont get the right operator name sometimes08:50
Siceloi think i'll try to reinstall08:53
Sicelodid u get any feedback from others using it?08:53
jonwilyes so far everyone else seems to have had no problems08:56
DocScrutinizerpossibly most of them only tested basic functionality?08:57
DocScrutinizernot even bothered to switch to 2G?08:57
DocScrutinizerso "doesn't differ to 'normal'" is best to expect from them08:58
jonwilothers have said it works for them when switching to 3G08:58
DocScrutinizerotoh *some* bugs in extended functionality are not a blocker for CSSU-T08:58
DocScrutinizerjonwil: yes, basic functionality is supposed to work on 3G08:59
jonwilI mean others have said everything works (including cell broadcast) when switching to 2G09:01
jonwilSo far Sicelo is the only one who has had problems with their operator name not displaying properly09:01
DocScrutinizerI'd test it and do some screenshots to show in detail what the new functions look alike, but alas my carrier doesn't use chan5009:01
jonwilAnd short of either getting inside his phone with GDB or somehow finding a guru who can properly reverse engineer the stock widget, I have no way to figure out why his phone isnt doing what it should be doing09:02
DocScrutinizerwell, you used raw dump of "everything"?09:03
DocScrutinizerto make sure the libsms works as supposed09:03
jonwilThe cell broadcast SMS bits are working just fine for Sicelo09:03
DocScrutinizerthere's my which should do raw dumps09:03
jonwilthe issue seem to be in the algorithim for determining the correct operator name09:04
jonwilwhich is as close to the way the stock widget does it as its possible for me (with my reverse engineering skills and other things) to get09:04
DocScrutinizermaybe locale encoding used for Sicelo is different09:04
jonwilthe logs dont indicate that09:05
jonwillocale doesnt come into it for operator name09:05
jonwilthere is nothing wrong with the cell broadcast SMS stuff for Sicelo (either in the logs or in what he says he sees on screen)09:05
DocScrutinizererrr, smscb as any sms has locale coded into it, afaik09:05
jonwilI am not talking about CBSMS09:06
jonwilwhich is the tower name/ID09:06
jonwilI am talking about the operator name09:06
jonwilwhich is the other part of what my widget does09:06
jonwilIts that which Sicelo isnt getting proper display of09:06
DocScrutinizerso operator name can't get garbled from smscb?09:06
jonwilnot unless g_strdup_printf is horidly broken09:07
DocScrutinizerno idea bout operator name encoding ATM09:07
jonwilMy code for calculating that is as close to the stock widget as its possible for me with my ARM skills and know-how09:07
DocScrutinizerweird stuff09:08
jonwiland for everyone I have talked to/heard from except for Sicelo, its displaying exactly the right operator name09:08
DocScrutinizerhmm, so we might get it into T and hope for a braoder tresters base and feedback09:08
jonwilThe only way to make the algorithm even closer would be to get gdb going for someone who has problems, get Nokia to open-source connui-cellular or get someone with better ARM reverse engineering skills (or a copy of HexRays for ARM) to properly reverse engineer the stock widget09:09
jonwilbut yeah I think the best way forward is to get it into cssu-t and get as many people using it as possible.09:13
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DocScrutinizernote that there are at least 3 sources for operator name09:21
DocScrutinizerif one of the less commonly used ones fails on your widget, odds are rarely anybody will notice09:22
DocScrutinizerI actually CAN test this, as my card is so old I see clear differences on the 3 methods, usually09:22
DocScrutinizer4 methos actually09:23
jonwilthere are 3 ways in which the code gets the operator name, the first is passed in as fields of the network_state structure that is passed to the net status callback (registered via connui_cell_net_status_register)09:23
jonwilthe second is via a call to connui_cell_net_get_operator_name09:23
jonwilthe third is connui_cell_sim_get_service_provider09:23
jonwilNo idea how those match to actual network-level stuff09:24
jonwilI just call em because the stock widget calls em09:24
jonwilhence my reverse-engineered libconnui-dev package :)09:24
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Siceloif it works fine for others, guess my operator is fsckd. just re-installed, and changing cb sms setting on the fly does nothing, not even cb sms log. i still haven't toggled 3G/2G.09:25
Sicelohmm, 3G uses different cell ids from 2g?09:31
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jonwilMohammadAG: ping13:12
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Raimujonwil: I've been testing your widget for some two days now. Logging's on, everything works but I don't think my network uses an alt broadcast method. Nothing in the logs indicate it, anyway.13:48
jonwilok, makes sense13:48
jonwilnot all operators do13:48
RaimuI did try it in 3g and 2g, though, a couple of times.13:48
Sicelowhat's your operator Raimu?14:02
jonwilSicelo: Got some more tests to run if you are willing to do it, just finishing some extra logging now to see whats going on14:04
Sicelosure. u can ping when u have something. i will be on and off irc14:06
jonwilits a pitty I cant find someone with these problems who can run the plugin inside GDB and debug things...14:14
Sicelojonwil: .. almost similar :/14:22
jonwilyeah I saw14:23
jonwilhence why I want to do some debugs with you to see whats going on14:24
RaimuSicelo: TeleFinland.14:24
Siceloi notice his opername.log has service provider name get, then set operator name Vodafone RO. on mine, set operator name is always blank14:24
Sicelowhat is 'rat_name' in cbsms.log?14:25
jonwilradio access technology14:25
jonwilnow building new package14:28
jonwilSicelo, what do you get if you type gconftool -R /apps/connui-cellular14:31
jonwilWhat does it display?14:31
jonwilSicelo: ping14:35
jonwilSicelo, what do you get if you type gconftool -R /apps/connui-cellular14:36
Sicelothe three values set for the 'widget'14:37
jonwilare they set to true or false at this point?14:37
Siceloright now all are false,14:37
jonwilDo you have the widget installed?14:37
Siceloi set them myself14:37
Siceloyes, installed, but disabled14:38
jonwilok, uninstall it with dpkg -r operator-name-cbs-widget then grab
jonwiland reinstall14:39
jonwilyou need to uninstall first otherwise the reinstall stuffs up your system for reasons I haven't yet found14:39
jonwilonce you reinstall, immediatly reboot the phone14:41
jonwilwithout changing any settings14:41
jonwilthen tell me what you see on the home screen14:41
jonwilyou doing that?14:43
Siceloyes.. rebooting right now14:43
jonwilonce you have done that, tell me and I will give you the next instructions14:44
Sicelohmmm, nothing displayed at all, not even operator name.. just blank14:44
jonwilNow go to the control panel and turn on all 3 options14:45
jonwiltell me if you see any change to the home screen14:45
jonwilany change?14:45
Sicelonot yet14:45
jonwilopen both log files14:46
jonwiltell me what the last entry is in both14:46
jonwillast few lines14:46
Sicelonew lines refer to the changing of each of the setting in control panel14:47
Siceloopername hasn't changed in any way14:47
Siceloin gconf, all are true14:49
jonwilnow switch from 3G to 2G and back14:50
jonwilor vice vresa14:50
jonwilswitch from whatever state you are in to the other one and back14:51
jonwilthen tell me if the screen or opername.log changes14:51
jonwilany change?14:52
Sicelono change on screen, opername.log has some change.. here14:53
jonwilok, get me the change14:54
Sicelostart operator name / state > operator name / operator Swazi-MTN error 0 / oper is / code 86 240 1 / service provider name empty / set operator name /14:54
jonwilpastebin it14:55
jonwilit will be easier to follow...14:55
Sicelotime now is 14:5814:57
Sicelonow home screen has display of cb sms, but no operator name14:58
jonwilok, that tells me something.14:59
Siceloabout to leave home.. will change cells :D15:00
jonwilok, the gconf-change-detection seems to be working15:00
Siceloyeah, gconf was changing all along15:00
Siceloif u mean gconftool -R /apps/connui-cellular, that is15:01
jonwilI mean the code in the operator widget to detect changes to the settings via gconf_client_notify_add15:02
jonwili.e. via the notification function passed to gconf_client_notify_add15:02
jonwilI think I have a fix that should make things work better15:11
jonwilAlthough I cant find out what the EA code is doing differently to mine15:12
jonwilso I wont bother and will just add this workaround15:12
jonwilFirst up, uninstall the widget and then reboot the phone15:12
jonwilhaving done that, grab and install it15:16
jonwilThen tell me if you see any change to the logs or home screen15:19
Sicelorebooting, after install ...15:20
jonwiltell me what you see15:21
Sicelono operator name yet. waiting15:22
Sicelonow cb sms string, no operator name still15:23
jonwilpastebin the log files if there is anything new in em15:23
Sicelojust a minute..15:24
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jonwilwhats in your opername.log15:37
Sicelo_bad connectivity now15:37
jonwilaha, I see a possible fix. Making changes now15:39
jonwilwhile you wait you should uninstall the widget, reboot the phone and then delete both log files15:45
jonwilso we start with a clean slate15:45
jonwilthanks for your help in getting this to work right15:46
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Siceloyw. cool feature. i'm back15:52
jonwilok, so the logs are removede?15:53
jonwilok, now grab
jonwiland install15:54
jonwilthen reboot the phone15:54
jonwiltell me what you see15:54
jonwiland pastebin both logs15:54
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Siceloinstalled, logging and cbsms is on. home displays operator name. nothing cb sms. i'm on 3g16:03
Sicelologs ...16:03
jonwilok, what do you see if you switch to 2G?16:03
jonwildo you get cbsms?16:04
Sicelonow going to 2G16:09
Sicelohome shows both operator name & cb sms text16:10
jonwilcan you pastebin the 2 logs after you switched to 2G16:12
jonwiljust so I can verify things one final time16:13
jonwilif thats all good, I will make another post in the tmo forum thread and let everyone know that all is good now and the problems are fixed16:13
jonwillooks good to me16:17
jonwiltime to declare this thing "Finished" unless someone else appears with a bug16:18
Sicelowhat was the issue?16:18
jonwilhard to explain to someone who doesn't understand the way the widget gets the operator name16:22
Siceloheh, ok16:23
Sicelothanks for great functionality16:24
Sicelotoggling cb sms on/off works perfectly now.16:41
jonwilonly change I can think of left is to move the control panel widget from "personalization" to "connectivity"16:46
jonwilbut I cant be stuffed turning my Gentoo box back on to respin the package with that change :)16:46
Raimujonwil, should I update the widget to your newest build now or just wait since the older one works for me?16:48
jonwilupdate now16:48
jonwiluninstall then reinstall16:48
RaimuWill do.16:52
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* amiconn never saw a single cell broadcast message, despite having reception of those enabled forr 10+ years on his various mobile phones17:37
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Palimerlin1991 or MohammadAG can you import my tvout plugins git repository and calculator engine repository to cssu gitorious?17:49
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int_uaamiconn, do you know of any cell broadcast usage anywhere? :) BTW, does N900 really supports it? How could developers test it?18:27
int_uas/usage/usage fact/18:27
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merlin1991does anyone know how to reach nicolai?19:02
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Siceloint_ua: jonwil has implemented cell broadcast already on n90019:06
* merlin1991 will wait another 15 mins, then try to start evaluating packages in -testing with anybody who happens to be around19:09
merlin1991Pali: you filed the bug against pdf viewer for the missing translation of the menu item, do you know where we need to add it ?19:15
Paliwe need to create new gitorious repository and import pdf viewer l10n package19:16
Paliand then transtale missing string19:16
Paliwe need to collect default lang translations19:16
merlin1991is there some git repository with the original source somewhere?19:17
merlin1991or do have to take it straight from the sdk?19:17
Palil10n packages are only on
Paliand license of l10n packages says that is same as that application19:18
merlin1991so we can copy paste them, k19:18
Paliplease check it19:18
merlin1991I will add that repo and push the original source after double checking the license :)19:18
Paliit was written in more l10n packages19:18
Palibut I do not know if for pdf viewer too19:19
Palimerlin1991: /usr/share/doc/osso-pdf-viewer-l10n-cscz/copyright: Licensed under same terms as the software component the l10n strings have been derived from.19:20
merlin1991ah k19:20
merlin1991pdf-viewer was gpl, right?19:20
Palisource package is osso-pdf-viewer-l10n19:20
PaliI chack that19:20
Palimerlin1991: license is not specified, but program is derivated from xpdf19:22
Paliand xpdf is under gpl v219:23
Paliso all is OK :-)19:23
merlin1991and that one is gpl so we're all fine, nice19:23
merlin1991oaky I will see to set that up today19:24
amiconnint_ua: No I don't. I have no idea whether the N900 supports it however, of the 11+ years of having a mobile phone, my N900 covers only ~1.5 years19:24
merlin1991(and add german translation :D)19:24
Palimerlin1991, can you import my tvout plugins to gitorious?19:24
int_uaamiconn: See above, Sicelo said that it supports it :)19:25
merlin1991Pali is that the same as ?19:25
merlin1991if yes please file a merege request19:25
Paliit is based on tvout desktop widget19:26
Palithat on gitorious is some qt application and my plugins has proper control panel plugin19:26
merlin1991in that case it's up to mag, sorry19:26
Palimy git repository is based on
PaliMohammadAG, see ^^^19:28
merlin1991okay anyone around to comment on stability of packages in -testing?19:28
merlin1991the one thing that's going into next stable for sure is the upgraded maemo-security-certman19:29
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Palimerlin1991: now certman applet is open source19:29
merlin1991Pali: we'll include that as soon as we write a patch to it19:29
merlin1991no point in adding only because it's the exact same thing19:29
arceanmaybe the latest patch to osso-calc?19:30
merlin1991besides that I've noticed a blocker bug in camera-ui which will stop it from getting included to stable in the current status19:30
merlin1991arcean: that one isn't even in -testing yet19:30
merlin1991wich leaves modest from the updated packages, and everything we didn't include in the first run19:31
merlin1991anybody who uses modest alot?19:31
PaliAnd what to do with my patch for osso-calculator-engine?19:31
arceanmerlin1991: I know, but it wouldn't made it worse ;)19:31
merlin1991Pali: get mag to include it to -testing19:31
merlin1991-stable by definiton will only include packages from testing in versions we consider stable19:32
merlin1991arcean: I think for -stable I'll also wait with including the hildon-home that fixes portrait wp since they still don't work as expected with image sets19:34
Palion is patch for portrait mode for Conversations19:34
merlin1991any comments on modest?19:34
Palican be that patch added to gitorious CSSU?19:35
merlin1991Pali: that one has been discussed a lot, and we have the problem that the css that gets modified is not gpl19:35
Paliah, ok19:35
arceanmerlin1991: they don't even actually work correctly for landscape views19:35
merlin1991yeah, but I don't want to announce "stable has portrait wp now" if it doesn't work for image sets :D19:36
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merlin1991no comment at all about modest?19:43
merlin1991is anybody even using modest?19:44
merlin1991freemangordon: ping19:44
Siceloheh, i do, but prefer mutt19:44
RaimuModest would be the n900 vanilla e-mail application?19:44
Sicelowhat do u have in mind?19:44
RaimuI use it, although not a lot. It hasn't ever glitched out on me.19:45
merlin1991currently wo don't have modest in stable because the last testing version glitched like crazy19:45
merlin1991on wednesday the cssu update included a possible all mighty fix to most crash bugs19:45
merlin1991now I wonder how it performs now19:46
merlin1991(it's going to get a longer time untill I consider it stable anyway though)19:46
* amiconn didn't see modest crashes either19:46
merlin1991Pali: do you have the sms bug handy?19:47
Paliwhat is it?19:47
merlin1991the patch for conversations I mean19:48
* merlin1991 just realized it's dezember19:48
Paliwait, I will try to find it in bugzilla19:48
* merlin1991 has to rent a new root server19:48
* amiconn would like to see the two nasty fMMS bugs fixed19:49
amiconnProbably not cssu material though19:49
povbotBug 11976: viewing sms conversations in portrait mode without horizontal scrolling (patch)19:49
merlin1991yeah fmms is in extras, has to be fixed there19:49
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merlin1991Pali: where is the fixed calculator engine?19:51
Paliit of course need testing19:51
merlin1991why can't you just make gitorious projects :D19:51
merlin1991it would ease the integration into cssu a lot :D19:52
PaliI think it is same: using only git19:52
Paliand for me is simple to push somewhere git repository19:52
merlin1991yea, but on gitorious you have the whole ui around it, I could easily browse your repo without cloning it, could comment on stuff there, you could do mergerequests against the cssu repos where yet again there is an option todo comments, ...19:53
merlin1991are actually using your tv-out plugin?19:53
Paliyes, I have my tvout plugins installed19:54
merlin1991actually what is the backend for the settings, is it simply some gconf stuff?19:55
Palibut now I cannot proper testing, my tvout cable is not with me19:55
Palistatus area plugin monitor for all gconf keys19:55
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Paliand settings plugin only change that gconf kesy19:55
merlin1991so the whole settings plugin simply is a gui for a few gconf keys19:56
* merlin1991 goes to test it19:56
Paliand desktop widget is rewritten to only change gconf keys19:56
Palistatus area plugin monitor HAL if tvout cable is connected/disconnected19:57
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: yoh?19:57
Paliand if is connected, it should show tvout status menu icon19:57
Pali*not icon but status menu entry19:57
merlin1991does it need a reboot after installation?19:57
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: I accidentally enabled orientation lock in statusmenu. The disabled it again, and it messed up behaviour of desktop - no rotating despite GUI_may_rotate=no19:58
DocScrutinizernow* rotataing19:58
Palimerlin1991: yes, you need to reboot19:58
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: afaik the lock switches that key too19:58
merlin1991check if it's still set19:59
Palisome people from TMO wrote that is needed reboot 2 or 3 times (I do not know why)19:59
merlin1991yep lock widget does change gui_can_rotate too19:59
merlin1991just set it to false again and you should be all fine20:00
* DocScrutinizer wonders how he can get rid of that widget, like in S20:00
merlin1991install S ;)20:00
merlin1991well you need to remove the T metapacke to get rid of it20:00
merlin1991then you can just uninstall it and reboot20:01
DocScrutinizerthen no more updates20:01
merlin1991the package is status-area-orientationlock-applet20:01
merlin1991well still more updates if you follow them and do manual apt-get installs ;)20:01
Palifor Conversation portrait patch: can we use Quim exception: ?20:02
merlin1991yeah not exactly the right way20:02
merlin1991tbh I don't wan't to break the nokia license based on that "exception"20:02
merlin1991we need to get nicolai into irc more often20:03
merlin1991Pali: are the builds on equal to the git repo there?20:04
Palicould be20:04
merlin1991that's not what  I wanted to hear ;)20:05
merlin1991should I rather build myself to be on the safe side?20:05
PaliNow I see that they are older20:06
merlin1991okay, cloning and building20:06
Palithat deb packages are builded with madde20:06
Paliand madde is experimental...20:06
merlin1991I'll build them in sb20:06
Palithis is better for testing20:07
merlin1991and the compile failed, Nor rule to make target 'configure', needed by 'config.status'20:10
merlin1991that should be done by the debian/rules if needed20:11
Paliyes, I will add rule "configure:\n\t./"20:12
merlin1991hm now it chocked on error expecte declaration specifier or '...' before DBusConnection'20:13
merlin1991actual error is file not found dbus/dbus.h20:13
Palibad includes20:13
Palineed to fix autoconf.am20:14
Palior maybe missing dependences20:14
merlin1991well then they miss in the build-depends in the control file too20:16
merlin1991otherwise dpkg-buildpackage would fail20:16
merlin1991 /usr/include/dbus-1.0/ is missing in the include paths20:18
merlin1991so I guess the check for libdbus in is missing20:18
PaliI recompiled and updated deb packages20:25
merlin1991Pali: we still need the source in a way that compiles in sb straight20:27
Paliyes, I know, but now deb packages can be tested20:27
PaliI do not know autotools, so that problems can fix someone else better20:28
merlin1991it's mainly that the call to PKG_CHECK_MODULES for dbus is missing20:29
merlin1991I'm currently trying to find out what fsckd name the libdbus has in dpkg-config20:30
Paliit is pkg-config20:30
Palitry "dbus-1"20:31
merlin1991yah typo there20:31
merlin1991 and ofc it was dbus-120:31
merlin1991tried dbus libdubs libdbus-120:31
merlin1991but didn't think of dbus-1 :D20:31
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merlin1991rofl the autoconf is srly fsckd21:14
merlin1991I fixed the compile but now the packaging is looking in the wrong directories21:14
merlin1991to be exact21:16
merlin1991the stuff for hildon-desktop ends up in the hildon-cp folder and vice versa21:16
Paliaaah, I see that HILDON_CONTROLPANEL_LIB_DIR is badly assigned21:17
Paliand also HILDON_DESKTOP_LIB_DIR21:18
Palimerlin1991: see configure.ac21:18
Paliand swap it21:18
* merlin1991 wonder HOW this even works in madde21:18
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PaliI have special patch for building in madde21:19
Paliwhich replace only that variabales21:19
Palimadde has its own pkg-config21:20
merlin1991I see21:20
Paliwhich works other then that in scratchbox21:20
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merlin1991if this compile works I have a git commit that fixers all compile errors in sb21:22
merlin1991hm yet another one to find21:23
merlin1991for some odd resaon the .desktop files end up in debian/tmp/usr/usr/share/...21:23
merlin1991instead of debian/tmp/usr/share/..21:23
Paliedit data/Makefile.am21:24
Paliand remove @prefix@21:24
Pali@prefix@ is replaced by /usr/21:24
merlin1991yep found that before you could post :D21:25
merlin1991okay compile works21:29
merlin1991now how do I get that commit to you?21:30
Paligit format-diff21:30
Palimerlin1991: thanks! now I pushed it into my web git repository21:34
merlin1991okay, going to test this now21:37
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merlin1991Pali: I'm going todo a comparison vs stock, 2 n900s ftw ! (
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merlin1991Pali: I see nothing in the status menu21:47
merlin1991btw does stock maemo have the tv-out running all the time? (because it has no option to turn it off or on)21:47
Paliin stock maemo, tvout is still enabled when connecting cable21:48
Paliand is not possible to disable it21:48
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Paliwhat do you mean that you see nothing in status menu?21:48
merlin1991I have the widget on the desktop21:49
merlin1991and the applet in the control panel21:49
merlin1991but nothing in the status menu21:49
merlin1991(the package is installed though)21:49
Palitry connect tvout output21:49
Palistatus menu should show only when tvout is running21:49
merlin1991I have that21:49
Palisee output on your TV21:50
Palicheck it21:50
Paliif status menu entry is not visible when tv output is running it is bad...21:51
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Paliwhat is output of: cat /sys/devices/platform/nokia-av/detect ?21:52
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Pali3 means open cable21:54
Pali2 - video cable21:54
Palibut status menu plugin using hal21:55
Paliwait, I will write hal check command21:55
RaimuI can confirm that the status menu entry won't appear on my n900 either when plugged in TV and everything else runs.21:55
RaimuAdditionally, why does the scale option blank the TV screen when the scale percentage drops over 50?21:55
Palirun: $ lshal -u /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/platform_soc_audio_logicaldev_input21:57
Paliinput.jack.type should be videoout21:58
merlin1991input.jack.type = {'line-out', 'video-out'} (string list)21:59
Paliah ok21:59
PaliI only checking first type22:00
Paliand it is with '-'22:00
PaliI will fix this22:00
merlin1991Pali I checked various things, cat /sys/devices/platform/nokia-av/detect only switched to 2 once22:00
merlin1991but in that case it was connected but for some odd resaon the screen had no image :D22:01
Palithat sysfs file is now irrelevant22:01
Palistatus menu plugin use only hal info22:01
merlin1991crap though that the sysfs file doesn't work22:01
Paliso I will check for "video" substring in input.jack.type22:01
merlin1991how do you talk to hal?22:03
merlin1991nvm I'll check the source22:03
Palionly in tvout_status_menu_item.c22:04
merlin1991so you say the stock system enabled tv-out as soon as the cable is connected?22:05
Paliand also with my plugins22:07
Palinow I pushed hot fix into git repository22:07
Paliif check for all values in input.jack.type if starting with "video"22:08
Palistock system autoenable and autodisable tvout output and also monitor pal/ntfs format22:09
Palithis is done by ohm and dres22:09
Palimy plugins do not touch this22:09
Paliand after reinstallation is needed to reboot device22:10
merlin1991It's dinnertime for me now, I will check after22:11
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Palinew version with this fix is builded on:
merlin1991in the git repo too?22:19
merlin1991does the desktop widget depend on anything?22:20
PaliRaimu: scaling problem is in xorg driver22:20
merlin1991or can it be used standalone too?22:21
Palicontrol panel plugin and desktop plugin depends on status menu plugin22:21
Palibut status menu plugin has button which open control plugin, so status menu plugin depends on control panel plugin22:22
Palidesktop widget only change gconf keys22:23
merlin1991so desktop widget in fact could simply go into extras?22:24
Paliyes, but it does not work without status menu plugin22:25
Paliold version of desktop widget is in extras22:25
merlin1991why does the desktop widget not work without status menu plugin? (sorry if I sound dumb)22:29
Palidesktop widget only change gconf keys. status menu applet monitor for gconf keys and talking with xorg driver for changes22:31
Palistatus menu plugin when starting read gconf keys and change initial settings (aspect, scale, ...)22:32
Paliit doing same like ohm and dres with pal/ntsc config22:32
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merlin1991well all I can say is, that it works now22:34
Palinice :-)22:34
PaliRaimu: bug is fixed22:35
RaimuPali: Nice!22:46
RaimuWant me to test it as well?22:46
Paliyes, you can test it22:46
RaimuOK, be right back.22:46
RaimuIt does work. :)22:51
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