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sixwheeledbeast | Vajb: KotCzarny: firing up Qt is what's going on there then I would say. However, the bug link before is for another bug, pre-FOSS clock-ui. | 00:52 |
sixwheeledbeast | krbtgt_: I don't believe there are "recommended" mirrors. KEYEXPIRED has been an issue for years. | 00:56 |
sixwheeledbeast | ~keysexpired | 00:56 |
krbtgt_ | still, there's the held back packages (libgcc, libsdl, libcurl, libstdc++) | 00:58 |
krbtgt_ | i want to make sure nothing goes wrong before i install CSSU | 00:58 |
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sixwheeledbeast | we where talking about image-viewer before, oddly I just stumbled upon this QML code http://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2015/04/28/magnifying-glass-qml/ | 01:03 |
sixwheeledbeast | krbtgt_: I don't believe installing CSSU is possible without the packages from the downloads.maemo.nokia repo. | 01:04 |
krbtgt_ | i did find a working mirror | 01:05 |
krbtgt_ | i just need to know what should be done with held back packages | 01:06 |
krbtgt_ | http://pastebin.com/9V3ubtTW | 01:07 |
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sixwheeledbeast | meh, dependency hell welcome to Maemo. | 01:25 |
krbtgt_ | so just go with it? | 01:27 |
sixwheeledbeast | I would say not, you have to be careful with Maemo and dependencies. HAM is recommended way to install packages. | 01:29 |
sixwheeledbeast | ~HAM | 01:29 |
infobot | from memory, ham is Hildon Application Manager. Slow as molasses. Anticipate you got time for a beer or two until it finishes whatever it does, or see ~speedyham | 01:29 |
sixwheeledbeast | ~hamvsfam | 01:29 |
infobot | rumour has it, hamvsfam is https://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2013-10-28.log.html#t2013-10-28T10:44:33, or http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=93227 | 01:29 |
krbtgt_ | hmmm, i ran the anbler and it said errors occured - i think with pinning. | 01:45 |
krbtgt_ | also, it reset my mirror repo to the default down nokia ones (?) | 01:46 |
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krbtgt_ | fighting ham | 02:28 |
krbtgt_ | i can't edit the broken nokia repo - i can edit it from sources.list.d, but HAM will have none of that | 02:30 |
pentanol | hi there, someone know repo for mihphoto? | 02:37 |
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krbtgt_ | i can't control-v/backspace in HAM | 02:40 |
pentanol | krbtgt_ ctrl+v or ctrl+bsp doesn't work? | 02:48 |
krbtgt_ | no | 02:48 |
krbtgt_ | i'm trying to replace the nokia repo with the mirror | 02:48 |
pentanol | when nokia bootups did you chose englich or not? | 02:48 |
krbtgt_ | i can edit the .list file but HAM tells it to fuck off and replaces it with its own | 02:48 |
krbtgt_ | the keys work everywhere else | 02:48 |
krbtgt_ | i know because i just used them in MicroB/xterm | 02:49 |
pentanol | how did you edit .list? with vim? | 02:49 |
krbtgt_ | yeah | 02:49 |
pentanol | why not just copying | 02:49 |
pentanol | prepare ready .list and copy | 02:50 |
krbtgt_ | ham ignores .list and trying to paste the repos into HAM won't work as it won't let me paste | 02:50 |
pentanol | krbtgt_ do you know some image viewer for n900 with zoom support? | 02:59 |
krbtgt_ | the stock one - use the volume buttons | 03:00 |
pentanol | I need photos viewer, not video | 03:02 |
krbtgt_ | it views pictures | 03:02 |
pentanol | wow | 03:02 |
pentanol | that's it | 03:03 |
krbtgt_ | fighting ham is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy | 03:12 |
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krbtgt_ | i'd prefer to do this upgrade over HAM but with it blowing away the mirror it's pretty hard | 03:33 |
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KotCzarny | krbtgt_: maybe you have installed some packages from other repos and now you have conflicts | 09:33 |
KotCzarny | instead of fighting in ham try apt-get way | 09:34 |
KotCzarny | in the worst case you might try removing them or forcibly installing via dpkg | 09:34 |
KotCzarny | well, otherwise just backup and flash stock image | 09:37 |
KotCzarny | might be faster | 09:37 |
KotCzarny | :) | 09:37 |
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KotCzarny | or maybe already prepared cssu or cssu-thumb image if there is such thing | 09:49 |
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freemangordon_ | bencoh: did you play with maemo-launcher? any result? | 10:31 |
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bencoh | freemangordon_: havent tried it yet | 11:02 |
freemangordon_ | bencoh: http://pastebin.com/uuBp3JiF | 11:06 |
freemangordon_ | time is ~550 with QGuiApplication *gui... commented, vs ~290 with those 2 lines uncommented on my laptop | 11:07 |
freemangordon_ | going to try on the device | 11:08 |
bencoh | hmm | 11:17 |
freemangordon_ | bencoh: on device it is ~880 vs ~960, using QCoreApplication (seems there is no QGuiApplication in qt4.7) | 11:21 |
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freemangordon_ | bencoh: by using QApplication, time is reduced to ~220, but there are some UI artifacts | 11:23 |
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freemangordon_ | oh, wait, actually those are not artifacts :) | 11:24 |
bencoh | hmm² | 11:24 |
bencoh | so ... it means we'd save at most 10% by writing a qt launcher ? | 11:26 |
bencoh | or am I missing something ? | 11:26 |
KotCzarny | save 10% time but lose part of memory? | 11:27 |
KotCzarny | so it will slow rest of the system? | 11:27 |
freemangordon_ | 960 vs 220 is not 10% | 11:27 |
freemangordon_ | if I remember what math is :P | 11:27 |
bencoh | oh, 960 vs 220 | 11:27 |
bencoh | nevermind | 11:27 |
KotCzarny | you wrote 960 vs 880 | 11:28 |
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bencoh | I see :) | 11:28 |
freemangordon_ | KotCzarny: read it again, please | 11:28 |
KotCzarny | right, missed it too | 11:28 |
KotCzarny | :) | 11:28 |
freemangordon_ | but it seems creating qapplication twice, leads that the "real" application is started with GTK style, instead of maemo style | 11:29 |
bencoh | funny | 11:29 |
bencoh | now wait, isnt precisely why it seems to be running "faster" ? | 11:30 |
bencoh | +it | 11:30 |
KotCzarny | :> | 11:30 |
freemangordon_ | bencoh: look at the code | 11:31 |
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bencoh | yeah I'm reading it (10:30am, I should be fully awake ...) | 11:32 |
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freemangordon_ | http://pastebin.com/Rm6PbFt6 | 11:33 |
freemangordon_ | this is the latest | 11:33 |
bencoh | now that's different :) | 11:33 |
freemangordon_ | see where is QTime::elapsed qDebug()'ed | 11:33 |
bencoh | yeah | 11:33 |
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bencoh | (before widgets get drawn ?) | 11:35 |
freemangordon_ | yes | 11:36 |
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zGrr | moin :) | 11:44 |
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freemangordon_ | dammit, the wifi I am connected to drives me mad, it disconnects every now and then :( | 11:51 |
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bencoh | hmm, looks like https://gitorious.org/meegotouch/maemo-applauncherd hasnt been transfered to github (?) | 12:15 |
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bencoh | nor did we move maemo-af (?!) | 12:22 |
KotCzarny | maybe write a script that would check all of the components ? | 12:22 |
bencoh | I thought it was done already, but ... | 12:23 |
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bencoh | ooh, that might be on maemo.org ... dunno where though | 12:24 |
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bencoh | freemangordon_: looks like maemo-launcher inits every booster for every app | 12:59 |
freemangordon_ | hmm? | 12:59 |
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freemangordon_ | that doesn't make sense | 13:00 |
bencoh | boosters_init(boosters, prog.argv[0]); | 13:00 |
freemangordon_ | ooh | 13:00 |
bencoh | in the child (after fork and before launch_process) | 13:00 |
bencoh | and boosters_init loops on ... well, the boosters chained list | 13:00 |
freemangordon_ | do we have problem with that? | 13:01 |
bencoh | dunno, maybe | 13:01 |
freemangordon_ | i doubt, after all there should not be n=much work done in that function | 13:01 |
bencoh | if we add a qt booster, gtk apps would init a qt env as well | 13:01 |
bencoh | dunno how long it takes | 13:01 |
freemangordon_ | wait, what is "qt env"? | 13:02 |
freemangordon_ | it is init *before* fork | 13:02 |
freemangordon_ | once , not for every program. that is the whole point | 13:02 |
bencoh | preinit is launched once and for all | 13:02 |
bencoh | init is done for every program | 13:02 |
freemangordon_ | :nod: | 13:02 |
bencoh | I dont know what should go there for qt | 13:02 |
freemangordon_ | instantiating a QApplication ;) | 13:03 |
bencoh | in init ? | 13:03 |
bencoh | you mean preinit I guess :) | 13:03 |
freemangordon_ | yes, preinit | 13:03 |
bencoh | yeah, but what about init ? :) | 13:04 |
freemangordon_ | bencoh: see http://pastebin.com/364z6i1H | 13:04 |
bencoh | booster_gtk_init sets an idler, I wonder why | 13:04 |
freemangordon_ | bencoh: maybe we'll need to do some hackery because of the QApplication being singelton | 13:05 |
freemangordon_ | or argv parsing | 13:05 |
bencoh | hmm | 13:05 |
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KotCzarny | please check memory footprint before and after | 13:07 |
freemangordon_ | KotCzarny: which memory footprint? parent or child process? | 13:08 |
bencoh | both I guess :] | 13:08 |
bencoh | shouldnt change much for the child though | 13:08 |
KotCzarny | does that preloader keep apps in memory? | 13:08 |
freemangordon_ | no | 13:08 |
KotCzarny | when it inits them all | 13:08 |
freemangordon_ | it keeps libraries in memory | 13:08 |
KotCzarny | ok, then check how much it stores, wouldnt help if system has to swap more | 13:09 |
freemangordon_ | however, /me needs some food, bbl | 13:09 |
bencoh | libraries, and its own copy of initialized structures (that's the point of it) | 13:09 |
freemangordon_ | :nod: | 13:09 |
bencoh | (because library objects are already taken care of by ld) | 13:10 |
freemangordon_ | KotCzarny: we don't really car if it swaps more, as long as apps launch faster | 13:10 |
freemangordon_ | *care | 13:10 |
KotCzarny | ... | 13:10 |
KotCzarny | but then multitasking suffers | 13:10 |
freemangordon_ | suffers as in? I'd prefer to have clock-ui launched in 2 seconds instead of 6, no matter that browser in background will have 1 second delay | 13:11 |
KotCzarny | as in swapping in and out | 13:11 |
bencoh | actually it depends on what you're swapping | 13:12 |
KotCzarny | flash is slow | 13:12 |
KotCzarny | and i would really want more free ram than having clock ran 4s faster | 13:12 |
freemangordon_ | KotCzarny: also, keep in mind that more things in swap doesn't necessarily mean more lag | 13:12 |
freemangordon_ | KotCzarny: wrong, you don;t need free RAM | 13:13 |
freemangordon_ | what you need is used memory ;) | 13:13 |
bencoh | let's say a page with only memleaked structures gets swapped ... you'll never try to access it, so it's not an issue (apart from eating swap) | 13:13 |
freemangordon_ | correct | 13:13 |
bencoh | but if you happen to access a variable in this page ... you're doomed | 13:13 |
bencoh | you'll keep swapping back and forth | 13:13 |
freemangordon_ | what we need to do is to check launcherd mamory usage *before* and *after* qt booster | 13:14 |
freemangordon_ | *memory | 13:14 |
KotCzarny | i dont mind swapping on pc, but on n900 flash wears out | 13:14 |
KotCzarny | that is also a concern to me | 13:14 |
bencoh | ooh | 13:14 |
bencoh | well then, swap on microsd ;) | 13:14 |
freemangordon_ | :nod: | 13:15 |
freemangordon_ | :) | 13:15 |
KotCzarny | :) | 13:15 |
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KotCzarny | isnt microsd unmounted when usb connects? | 13:15 |
KotCzarny | *doom* | 13:16 |
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bencoh | not exactly | 13:19 |
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freemangordon_ | KotCzarny: what is unmounted, is what was previously mounted. swap is never mounted | 14:20 |
KotCzarny | but if i undestand how it's shared, WHOLE card is shared as a single block device, so any partition cant be used | 14:26 |
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freemangordon_ | KotCzarny: no, at least in CSSU, only the first fat partition is exported | 14:28 |
KotCzarny | that has positive and negative sides | 14:29 |
freemangordon_ | sure | 14:29 |
freemangordon_ | but you have no problems if swap is on uSD | 14:29 |
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freemangordon | bencoh: "Apr 30 18:23:14 Nokia-N900 maemo-launcher[16457]: opening of /usr/bin/worldclock.launch took 644745 usec " :) | 18:37 |
freemangordon | still no qt accel though | 18:37 |
bencoh | oh | 18:37 |
freemangordon | only gtk and cpp | 18:37 |
bencoh | well I have a patch here but havent tried it | 18:37 |
freemangordon | what for? | 18:37 |
bencoh | qt accel in maemo-launcher | 18:38 |
bencoh | http://pastebin.notk.org/pastebin.php?show=d2fecc06e | 18:38 |
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bencoh | I dunno why I have a strange error when including QMaemo5Style so it's commented out for now | 18:39 |
freemangordon | what error? | 18:39 |
freemangordon | btw i made a similar patch to yours, without actual code though | 18:40 |
bencoh | http://pastebin.notk.org/pastebin.php?show=d4822ee03 | 18:40 |
freemangordon | with only enabling qt-booster | 18:40 |
freemangordon | bencoh: you're missing a lot of defines | 18:41 |
bencoh | I looked at the gtkmm-booster, it doesnt do anything in preinit | 18:41 |
bencoh | oh okay | 18:41 |
bencoh | I've never used QMaemo5Style, so ... :) | 18:41 |
bencoh | or do you mean, Qt defines ? | 18:42 |
freemangordon | yes | 18:42 |
freemangordon | see the trickery I did https://github.com/community-ssu/feedservice-plugin-fb-common/blob/master/src/oauth/Makefile.am | 18:42 |
bencoh | ugly. | 18:42 |
bencoh | :) | 18:42 |
freemangordon | yeah, I know | 18:43 |
bencoh | qmake yay .... :) | 18:43 |
freemangordon | but did not find other way to get platform qmake defines | 18:43 |
bencoh | I might be missing -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB | 18:43 |
freemangordon | and several others :) | 18:43 |
bencoh | think so ? dunno | 18:44 |
freemangordon | I am sure | 18:44 |
KotCzarny | hacking software - ultimate geek game | 18:44 |
KotCzarny | :) | 18:44 |
bencoh | tbh I dont really like qt, so ... ;) | 18:44 |
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freemangordon | that's just an example | 18:45 |
freemangordon | tbh I like it :) (qt) | 18:45 |
KotCzarny | looks like a lot of libs being loaded | 18:46 |
freemangordon | ok, lets try with qt booster | 18:47 |
freemangordon | "Jan 2 06:15:48 Nokia-N900 maemo-launcher[2099]: opening of /usr/bin/worldclock.launch took 110321 usec" | 18:52 |
freemangordon | ok, lets see what will happen if we have qapplication instance :) | 18:53 |
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freemangordon | bencoh: qmameo5style error can be workarounded if you change the header files order :) | 19:18 |
bencoh | meh :( | 19:19 |
freemangordon | hmm, ok, qith qapplication in booster-qt, hildon-desktop won't start :D | 19:23 |
freemangordon | *with | 19:23 |
bencoh | huhu | 19:34 |
bencoh | I was afraid of that | 19:34 |
freemangordon | rescueos to the rescue :) | 19:36 |
bencoh | yeahhhhhhhhhhh | 19:36 |
bencoh | wooops, silly bug. "yeah" :) | 19:36 |
bencoh | maybe we should fork another maemo-launcher with qt only | 19:37 |
freemangordon | hmm, why? | 19:38 |
freemangordon | will only waste resources | 19:38 |
freemangordon | it will need gtk and cpp boosters as well | 19:38 |
sixwheeledbeast | did someone say fork? | 19:38 |
sixwheeledbeast | ;) | 19:39 |
freemangordon | oh | 19:39 |
freemangordon | :) | 19:39 |
freemangordon | ooh: "Maemo applications must be run with the run-standalone.sh script!" | 19:42 |
freemangordon | "maemo-launcher: opening of /usr/bin/worldclock.launch took 71228 usec" | 19:46 |
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bencoh | wait, what ? 71ms ? | 20:30 |
bencoh | freemangordon: what did you change ? | 20:30 |
bencoh | (to make hildon-desktop start) | 20:30 |
freemangordon | disabled qt booster, then started maemo-launcher from terminal (with qt booster enabled) | 20:35 |
freemangordon | to achieve those 71 ms | 20:35 |
bencoh | oh, okay | 20:35 |
bencoh | and the 110321 usec was with qtbooster but without qapplication in preinit() ? | 20:36 |
freemangordon | yes | 20:36 |
freemangordon | but actually it is qcoreapplication now | 20:36 |
bencoh | and 644745 usec with cpp ? | 20:36 |
freemangordon | otherwise bad things happen | 20:36 |
freemangordon | yes | 20:36 |
bencoh | oh, sad ... okay | 20:36 |
freemangordon | cpp+gtk | 20:36 |
bencoh | well | 20:36 |
freemangordon | well, 71 is not that bad | 20:36 |
bencoh | it's great | 20:37 |
freemangordon | actually the UI appears in 1.5s | 20:37 |
bencoh | but 110321 isnt bad either, if hildon-desktop works | 20:37 |
bencoh | 1.5s vs ... ? | 20:37 |
freemangordon | but with some more smoke and mirrors... it will look great :D | 20:37 |
freemangordon | vs 3-5 | 20:37 |
KotCzarny | 110321 is 0.1s | 20:37 |
bencoh | yeah we know that | 20:37 |
bencoh | :) | 20:38 |
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KotCzarny | drat, those changing contexts | 20:38 |
bencoh | 1.5s is the perceived time between "click on icon" and "woohoo, window popped" I suppose | 20:38 |
freemangordon | bencoh: I guess you can check the vs by symply starting worldclock :P | 20:38 |
freemangordon | bencoh: yes | 20:38 |
bencoh | freemangordon: cssu-stable here ;) | 20:38 |
bencoh | it's blazing fast | 20:38 |
freemangordon | oh | 20:38 |
bencoh | ;p | 20:38 |
freemangordon | how fast? | 20:39 |
bencoh | (worldclock) | 20:39 |
bencoh | lemme see | 20:39 |
bencoh | where do you run it from ? hildon-status-menu ? | 20:39 |
freemangordon | yes | 20:39 |
freemangordon | "clock and alarms" | 20:39 |
bencoh | hm more than 2sec I'd say | 20:39 |
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bencoh | maybe not that fast :) | 20:39 |
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freemangordon | :) | 20:40 |
bencoh | yeah a bit more than 2sec | 20:40 |
freemangordon | how much? 2s? | 20:40 |
freemangordon | yeah | 20:40 |
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freemangordon | KotCzarny: cssu on your device? | 20:40 |
bencoh | did you rebuild worldclock ? | 20:41 |
KotCzarny | nope, stock | 20:41 |
freemangordon | yes, ofc | 20:41 |
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freemangordon | bencoh: BTW, is UI responsive right after it appears? | 20:41 |
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freemangordon | or you are presented a screenshot? | 20:43 |
bencoh | it's responsive | 20:43 |
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freemangordon | ok | 20:44 |
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bencoh | I dont think I've ever seen a "screenshot" | 20:46 |
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kerio | what's a decent jabber client that's not Contacts? | 20:59 |
bencoh | pidgin ? | 20:59 |
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sixwheeledbeast | I like how jabber works with Contacts TBH. | 21:36 |
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krbtgt_ | it's probably one of the few mobile OSes to do IM right | 21:43 |
krbtgt_ | (along with webOS) | 21:43 |
krbtgt_ | SMS, Skype, XMPP, Facebook convos all with one consistent UI | 21:43 |
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bencoh | freemangordon: btw, when I said "cssu-stable" I was implying I'm still using stock worldclock ... dunno if that was clear :) | 22:04 |
freemangordon | yeah | 22:05 |
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KotCzarny | what i dislike about n900 is low battery situations | 22:28 |
KotCzarny | just now i didnt check battery level and received a call, obviously it turned itself off after few secs | 22:28 |
KotCzarny | but now it cant turn on unless charged for how long? | 22:28 |
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KotCzarny | 1-2 mins is not enough | 22:29 |
freemangordon | KotCzarny: replace your battery | 22:29 |
KotCzarny | nope, its not that | 22:29 |
KotCzarny | that situation is since i got it | 22:29 |
KotCzarny | when battery was brand new it behaved same way | 22:30 |
freemangordon | it is, unless you've been warned a couple of thimes that your battery is low | 22:30 |
freemangordon | *times | 22:30 |
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freemangordon | how old is that battery? | 22:30 |
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KotCzarny | i probably was, but phone was unused whole day | 22:30 |
KotCzarny | s/i/it/ | 22:30 |
infobot | KotCzarny meant: it probably was, but phone was unused whole day | 22:30 |
freemangordon | so? how old is the battery? | 22:31 |
KotCzarny | so 'battery low' was probably displayed, just didnt get a chance to see it | 22:31 |
KotCzarny | 2009 ? | 22:31 |
KotCzarny | :) | 22:31 |
freemangordon | oh, sure, it is not the battery ;) | 22:31 |
KotCzarny | i get solid 5-6 days of standby still | 22:31 |
freemangordon | KotCzarny: you're aware that internal battery resistance increases with time? | 22:32 |
KotCzarny | yes | 22:32 |
freemangordon | standby does not matter | 22:32 |
KotCzarny | yes, but still im talking about something else | 22:32 |
freemangordon | so, when you receive a phone call, with that increased resistance, the voltage drops bellow emergency shutdown level. | 22:32 |
KotCzarny | im not talking about powering off, because most likely it was already at the red bar | 22:33 |
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KotCzarny | im talking about trying to turn it on | 22:33 |
ShadowJK_ | I can turn it on instantly after attaching charger | 22:33 |
KotCzarny | and mind you, it was the same story even when new | 22:33 |
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freemangordon | ShadowJK_: me too | 22:33 |
KotCzarny | heh | 22:33 |
freemangordon | polarcell here, ~1 yo | 22:34 |
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KotCzarny | apparently it stops chargine on reboot/boot | 22:34 |
KotCzarny | and powerkernel boots twice | 22:34 |
KotCzarny | and yellow light turn off during boot | 22:35 |
freemangordon | KotCzarny: trust me, just replace your battery. with powercell, ~1600 mAh | 22:35 |
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freemangordon | KotCzarny: bootloader charges up to a threshold(voltage), after which it boots the linux kernel. | 22:35 |
KotCzarny | nah, if i'll be replacing i will get double cap one | 22:35 |
KotCzarny | already got the cover | 22:36 |
KotCzarny | :) | 22:36 |
freemangordon | but because your battery is with decreased capacity, it can;t hod until bme is started | 22:36 |
freemangordon | *hold | 22:36 |
freemangordon | ShadowJK_: correct? ^^^ | 22:36 |
KotCzarny | why cant it just run on charger power? | 22:36 |
KotCzarny | droid can | 22:36 |
freemangordon | heh | 22:37 |
KotCzarny | and i think its the reason why n900 cant run without battery | 22:37 |
freemangordon | because n900 *does not* know what tpe of charger it is attached to | 22:37 |
freemangordon | before bme runs | 22:38 |
ShadowJK_ | Electrically it can run without battery, though not on 2G unless you sit right next to celltower | 22:38 |
KotCzarny | ShadowJK_: you can turn on n900 without battery? | 22:39 |
ShadowJK_ | It turns on, software sees battery is missing, and turns off ;) | 22:39 |
KotCzarny | heh | 22:39 |
KotCzarny | and another thing that irks me is usb port on the top (when talking) | 22:50 |
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bencoh | polarcell <3 | 23:35 |
bencoh | but they're 1500mAh, not 1600mAh ... at least for mine | 23:35 |
freemangordon | mine is > 1600, if we should trus bq chip | 23:38 |
bencoh | lucky :) | 23:38 |
bencoh | bq says ~1490-ish | 23:38 |
KotCzarny | last measured discharge on mine is 1185 | 23:53 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:53 |
freemangordon | KotCzarny: oh, just like a new battery :) | 23:54 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:54 |
KotCzarny | - internal resistance | 23:54 |
KotCzarny | but yes, quite a lot after 6 years for a liion | 23:54 |
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