* nox- wonders if Venemo likes fglrx better... | 00:00 | |
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Venemo | nox-, I hear that it is even crappier | 00:00 |
nox- | right :) | 00:00 |
* DocScrutinizer wonders if infobot maybe is just the smarter incarnation of apt | 00:02 | |
Venemo | nox-, the FOSS drivers usually work bettter, but those have _VERY_ poor 3D support | 00:02 |
DocScrutinizer | tanks apt | 00:02 |
nox- | yeah | 00:02 |
DocScrutinizer | thanks apt | 00:02 |
Venemo | apt is not here | 00:02 |
DocScrutinizer | thank you apt | 00:02 |
merlin1991 | DocScrutinizer: infobot did react to apt some time ago | 00:02 |
DocScrutinizer | thank you infobot | 00:02 |
infobot | de rien, DocScrutinizer | 00:02 |
merlin1991 | I think MohammadAG was pasting some apt lines and infobot did respond | 00:02 |
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DocScrutinizer | [2011-06-13 11:54:25] <DocScrutinizer> thanks apt | 00:03 |
DocScrutinizer | [2011-06-13 11:54:26] <infobot> no problem, DocScrutinizer | 00:03 |
Venemo | thanks apt | 00:03 |
Venemo | thanks infobot | 00:03 |
infobot | Venemo: sure thing | 00:03 |
Venemo | I see. | 00:03 |
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DocScrutinizer | [2011-06-13 11:46:44] <DocScrutinizer> thanks infobot works too? | 00:04 |
DocScrutinizer | [2011-06-13 11:46:56] <mgedmin> hahaha | 00:04 |
DocScrutinizer | [2011-06-13 11:46:59] <mgedmin> no | 00:04 |
DocScrutinizer | [ | 00:04 |
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DocScrutinizer | thanks infobot works too | 00:05 |
infobot | de nada, DocScrutinizer | 00:05 |
DocScrutinizer | thanks infobot works too? | 00:06 |
infobot | de nada, DocScrutinizer | 00:06 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~+uptime | 00:07 |
infobot | - Uptime for infobot - | 00:07 |
infobot | Now: 51m 9s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux | 00:07 |
infobot | 1: 59d 8h 41m 19s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Sun Nov 14 18:39:57 2010 | 00:07 |
infobot | 2: 57d 3h 9m 23s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Fri Jun 26 20:39:27 2009 | 00:07 |
infobot | 3: 36d 20h 47m 14s running infobot 1.5.4 (SVN) -- linux, ended Tue Aug 4 17:38:59 2009 | 00:07 |
DocScrutinizer | AHAAAA | 00:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | Tim been busy again | 00:08 |
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DocScrutinizer | should've known | 00:11 |
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trx | does anyone here have meego installed? | 00:19 |
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MohammadAG | apt-get install test | 00:20 |
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MohammadAG | /etc/apt/preferences.d/SomeFileNameIMadeUp.pref | 00:21 |
MohammadAG | merlin1991, can't remember what triggered it | 00:23 |
MohammadAG | except the whole line (from logs) | 00:23 |
MohammadAG | Thank you, MohammadAG. I see that your post has several differences: "Pin-Priority" rather than "Priority", and you put it in /etc/apt/preferences rather than /etc/apt/preferences.d/SomeFileNameIMadeUp.pref I'll just try it your way to make sure it works first, and then later on see what things I can modify without breaking things. | 00:23 |
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MohammadAG | retarded bot, http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2011-04-26.log.html#t2011-04-26T02:07:21 | 00:24 |
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mer_ge | so I'm in the middle of getting SIP over VPN to work and have one little question: with mc-tool I have to set a the local-ip-address value manually after VPN-connection | 00:28 |
mer_ge | Is there a way to automatically always obtain the current local IP address and use it in a script? | 00:29 |
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mer_ge | i mean, openvpn displays the IP address in the connection details for example. I just want to use that value instead of looking it up and modifying my script :) | 00:31 |
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Macer | hm | 01:22 |
Macer | anybody know where i can get n900 parts? | 01:22 |
Macer | i cant seem to find a new keypad | 01:23 |
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dangergrrl | is there a trick to getting plastic screen protectors on with no bubbles? | 01:28 |
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mer_ge | dangergrrl I got best results when doing it quick | 01:29 |
dangergrrl | Macer: i have seen it discussed here before i think if you wait a while someone who knows may answer :) | 01:30 |
dangergrrl | i just got a 3 pack of them in, like <$5 including shipping from amazon/TDC Direct | 01:32 |
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user0 | hmm | 01:32 |
user0 | does flashing the device use that much battery ? | 01:32 |
dangergrrl | actually, Macer you may want to try google with site:http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog | 01:33 |
user0 | does it really need to be full? | 01:33 |
dangergrrl | the discussion i remember was about a replacement screen if that helps | 01:33 |
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dangergrrl | user0: probably does not but would you risk bricking a $500 device over impatience? | 01:34 |
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user0 | i dont see any risk to be honest | 01:35 |
user0 | and i got it for 320 :P | 01:36 |
user0 | but still im gona wait | 01:36 |
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Macer | a 3 pack? | 01:37 |
dangergrrl | i paid $350, darn :) | 01:37 |
Macer | of keypads? | 01:37 |
dangergrrl | no screen protectors | 01:37 |
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* dangergrrl inserts a comma | 01:37 | |
mer_ge | so noone uses sip over vpn here by accident | 01:38 |
dangergrrl | but someone here did find a replacement screen i am pretty sure and it will be in the logs i linked, or you could just wait and see if someone who knows notices you | 01:39 |
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Macer | dangergrrl: i am looking for a replacement keypad | 02:00 |
Macer | mine has the paint fading off it | 02:00 |
Macer | looks ghetto | 02:00 |
Macer | i already have screen protectors | 02:00 |
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user0 | any defualt lock code? | 02:04 |
user0 | just flashed the device, and its asking me for a lock code | 02:04 |
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user0 | this is the first time it asks for one | 02:04 |
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NIN101 | 12345 | 02:07 |
user0 | didnt work | 02:07 |
user0 | along with 0000 00000 54321 123456789 | 02:08 |
user0 | i just flashed it | 02:08 |
user0 | and was expecting the welcome screen as stated on the wiki | 02:08 |
user0 | but now its asking for a lock code | 02:08 |
user0 | it never did before | 02:08 |
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jacekowski | user0: flash it again | 02:12 |
jacekowski | but hmm | 02:13 |
NIN101 | this is strange | 02:13 |
jacekowski | it looks like it was locked before you flashed | 02:13 |
user0 | i've turned it on and off many times before flashing | 02:13 |
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user0 | its safe to turn off the device and unplug it atm , correct? | 02:14 |
user0 | the flashing is done since its asking for thus a thing? | 02:14 |
user0 | such* | 02:14 |
MohammadAG | jacekowski, doesn't matter | 02:14 |
MohammadAG | the lock code only pops up if a certain gconf key is true | 02:14 |
MohammadAG | since gconf values are stored in /var, they're lost after a reflash | 02:14 |
MohammadAG | so yeah, flash again | 02:15 |
user0 | i'll give it a try | 02:15 |
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user0 | didnt work | 02:27 |
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user0 | any suggestions people? | 02:29 |
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user0 | so its not possible to remove the lock code? | 02:36 |
user0 | possible to access the terminal remotely at this point? | 02:37 |
nox- | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?p=524522#post524522 | 02:37 |
* nox- saved that link once | 02:37 | |
user0 | without any software installed since its been flashed | 02:37 |
nox- | (didnt have to test it yet :) | 02:37 |
user0 | ok, let me check it | 02:37 |
user0 | ty but i've found that already | 02:38 |
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user0 | its just that i cant install anything on it since i cant even get to the desktop | 02:38 |
user0 | its just boots up and asks for a lock code after flashing it | 02:38 |
user0 | MohammadAG : if you're still there , flashing it twice didnt help | 02:38 |
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user0 | you guys think i should use another image? | 02:45 |
user0 | like an older one for example? | 02:45 |
jacekowski | user0: you can modify cal from bootloaders | 02:46 |
jacekowski | bootloader* | 02:46 |
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jacekowski | but, after flash it should worka | 02:46 |
jacekowski | user0: what are you flashing | 02:46 |
user0 | an n900 with RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin | 02:46 |
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jacekowski | try flashing emmc as well | 02:47 |
user0 | was using flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R | 02:47 |
user0 | now i used flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f | 02:47 |
user0 | its taking longer now | 02:48 |
jacekowski | flash emmc first | 02:48 |
jacekowski | or whatever | 02:48 |
jacekowski | just flash them both | 02:48 |
user0 | this is the 3rd time | 02:48 |
user0 | jacekowski : normal to take longer if flashing the emmc? | 02:48 |
jacekowski | you need separate image for emmc | 02:49 |
jacekowski | that's just rootfs you have | 02:49 |
user0 | :S | 02:49 |
user0 | i can remove the cable when flasher-3.5.exe closes after saying that flashing is done , correct? | 02:50 |
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user0 | jacekowski : where do i get the image for the emmc? | 02:52 |
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jacekowski | same place where you got rootfs image | 02:52 |
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jacekowski | user0: you have to flash both images without restarting phone | 02:53 |
jacekowski | first rootfs then emmc | 02:53 |
jacekowski | without rebooting or anything | 02:53 |
Hurrian | keep 2 terminal windows open | 02:53 |
Hurrian | the dots actually appear after flashing rootfs | 02:53 |
Hurrian | hit enter as soon as the other window completes flashing | 02:54 |
jacekowski | no need for that | 02:54 |
jacekowski | just don't reboot | 02:54 |
Hurrian | yeah, should probably mention that battery pull is no longer necessary | 02:54 |
Hurrian | who even suggested that? | 02:55 |
user0 | RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin? | 02:55 |
jacekowski | user0: yes | 02:55 |
user0 | now i need to enter the damn IMEI again on nokia's site | 02:57 |
user0 | i didnt know i need another image to flash the emmc | 02:57 |
user0 | i just removed the -R | 02:57 |
user0 | what's gona be another problem ? | 02:58 |
user0 | that's* | 02:58 |
jacekowski | no need for -R | 03:00 |
jacekowski | it's not going to work with -R at all | 03:01 |
jacekowski | because it reboots phone after flashing | 03:01 |
user0 | so the problem was that im rebooting? | 03:02 |
user0 | im gona flash it with the image i have atm | 03:02 |
jacekowski | no | 03:02 |
jacekowski | flash rootfs | 03:03 |
jacekowski | then emmc | 03:03 |
jacekowski | and then just unplug it | 03:03 |
user0 | then flash it with the one i download | 03:03 |
jacekowski | yes | 03:03 |
jacekowski | without any reboots between | 03:03 |
user0 | rootfs? | 03:03 |
user0 | as in RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin? | 03:03 |
jacekowski | yes | 03:03 |
jacekowski | it's also caled fiasco image | 03:04 |
user0 | right | 03:04 |
user0 | ok i'll give that a try now | 03:04 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: ( keep 2 terminal windows open) sorry that's BS. | 03:04 |
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user0 | so... | 03:05 |
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user0 | what do i do? open one as fast as possible? hows that gona change anything? | 03:05 |
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DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: the procedures elaborated on ~flashing are based on >1 year of evaluating user experience and internal operation of the flashing process | 03:05 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: see | 03:06 |
DocScrutinizer | ~flash | 03:06 |
infobot | it has been said that flashing is http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 03:06 |
DocScrutinizer | it's *really* *all* in htre | 03:07 |
DocScrutinizer | there | 03:07 |
DocScrutinizer | just read the *entire* page prior to starting any action | 03:07 |
DocScrutinizer | make sure you also _understand_ what you read | 03:07 |
DocScrutinizer | and read _carefully_, e.g. there's clearly nothing on this page suggesting your flashing eMMC would be same like flashing rootfs just without -R | 03:08 |
user0 | NOTE: Always flash the eMMC image first, then the FIASCO image immediately after that. Never boot up the device between flashing the FIASCO image and the eMMC image! When flashing eMMC always also flash FIASCO rootfs - NEVER boot the device between the two flashes. | 03:09 |
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DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: It's been me among others suggesting to remove battery, which is correct and a needed step when you follow the foolproof eMMC_first scheme | 03:09 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: be assured everybody in here has read this passage already | 03:10 |
user0 | :) | 03:10 |
user0 | jacekowski suggested otherwise | 03:11 |
user0 | thats why i pasted it... | 03:11 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski is an "experienced user" | 03:11 |
DocScrutinizer | if you read on you'll understand | 03:11 |
dangergrrl | so, where does one get replacement parts? | 03:12 |
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DocScrutinizer | dangergrrl: how many times will you go to ask this again? :-) | 03:12 |
Sazpaimon | i like how abill has been banned like 5 times and none of them are permanent | 03:12 |
DocScrutinizer | how many times I'm going to post these links again here? :-) | 03:12 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer : i've read most of the page | 03:12 |
dangergrrl | DocScrutinizer: i do not need them, i told Macer it was in the logs | 03:13 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: obviously not all of it, or you skipped part, or didn't notice them | 03:13 |
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DocScrutinizer | I think I told macer already about where to find kbds | 03:14 |
dangergrrl | oh cool | 03:14 |
DocScrutinizer | even picked some shops that can deliver instantly | 03:14 |
dangergrrl | i hurriedly read scroll and did not see it sorry | 03:15 |
DocScrutinizer | not today, maybe 2 weeks ago | 03:15 |
dangergrrl | oh they were asking like 2 hours ago | 03:15 |
Hurrian | okay, a question for the n900 experts: does /lib/modules/current need to be present when using multiboot? | 03:15 |
DocScrutinizer | when he last time moaned about the paint of his keymat coming off | 03:16 |
dangergrrl | lol | 03:16 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: no multiboot experts here, see /topic | 03:16 |
dangergrrl | i don't care if the paint comes off my keymat eventually by that time i will know thne layout | 03:16 |
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nox- | seems to be a common issue tho | 03:17 |
nox- | bbl | 03:17 |
Hurrian | DS: no, i did not fuck my system up | 03:17 |
DocScrutinizer | nox-: paint coming off? yes | 03:17 |
nox- | yeah | 03:17 |
Hurrian | just dual kernels between kernel-bfs and power47 | 03:17 |
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dangergrrl | paint comes off on keyboards when you use them | 03:18 |
DocScrutinizer | Hurrian: anyway, no multiboot experts here | 03:18 |
Hurrian | ah k den | 03:18 |
dangergrrl | i usually wear out one keyboard a year | 03:18 |
Poncho009 | hi | 03:18 |
DocScrutinizer | well, I dunno maybe some expert joined in yesterday | 03:18 |
Poncho009 | how are you? | 03:18 |
dangergrrl | and the keycaps are blank by the time i do (pc keyboards that is) | 03:18 |
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Poncho009 | a question | 03:19 |
Hurrian | and oh, that's the first time i've heard of the labels wearing off the n900 | 03:19 |
DocScrutinizer | Poncho009: what are your devices you own? | 03:19 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh, k | 03:19 |
Poncho009 | where I can get the source code for maemo? | 03:19 |
DocScrutinizer | Poncho009: | 03:19 |
DocScrutinizer | ~ask | 03:19 |
infobot | Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic. Don't ask if you can ask a question first. Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. We are all here voluntarily or against our will. | 03:19 |
DocScrutinizer | Poncho009: you came over like a spambot honestly. I alrwady took countermeasures ;-) | 03:20 |
user0 | well, i'll be waiting a few minutes for the emmc image to download | 03:20 |
user0 | i'll be back when its ready. | 03:20 |
Poncho009 | no | 03:20 |
Poncho009 | no | 03:20 |
Poncho009 | no | 03:20 |
flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer is on top of it | 03:20 |
*** user0 is now known as user0-away | 03:20 | |
Poncho009 | no i a spambot | 03:21 |
DocScrutinizer | Poncho009: see /topic | 03:21 |
dangergrrl | i hope if you are here against your will you get paid :P | 03:21 |
flailingmonkey | "no i a spambot" is classic spambot rofl | 03:21 |
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Poncho009 | no no I'm not a spam robot | 03:21 |
Poncho009 | is serious | 03:21 |
DocScrutinizer | Poncho009: see /topic and stop flooding | 03:22 |
Poncho009 | I just want to see the code, learn and collaborate with this project so | 03:22 |
dangergrrl | you need to install the sdk, Poncho009 | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | Welcome to #maemo http://maemo.org/intro/ | http://maemo.nokia.com/ | http://wiki.maemo.org/Community_Council | Source: http://wiki.maemo.org/Sources | Chanlog: http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog | PROBLEMS WITH NITDROID/MULTIBOOT? reflash rootfs&kernel aka COMBINED, and keep clear of that shit! (we're fed up with 3 user requests / day) | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | for your convenience | 03:22 |
DocScrutinizer | :-) | 03:22 |
dangergrrl | the "Source" part | 03:22 |
Sazpaimon | I'm definately here against my will | 03:22 |
* DocScrutinizer too | 03:23 | |
Poncho009 | thanks docscrutinizer | 03:23 |
DocScrutinizer | yw | 03:23 |
Sazpaimon | they only feed me rice | 03:23 |
DocScrutinizer | stay with us, we're mostly a nice community :-) | 03:23 |
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dangergrrl | they have chinese prisoners on #maemo now too? | 03:24 |
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dangergrrl | there was a recent news piece about chinese prisoners forced to play WoW and mine gold | 03:24 |
DocScrutinizer | darn, drive-by shooter | 03:24 |
Sazpaimon | I'd also like to point out that I am, in fact a spam robot | 03:25 |
Sazpaimon | just a heads up | 03:25 |
Sazpaimon | by the way, could I interest you in buying penile enhancement pills from a reputable* canadian pharmacy | 03:26 |
dangergrrl | how many languages can you spam in? | 03:26 |
DocScrutinizer | hope poncho009 will find out about the wonders of mxr, even while he quit chan after 160s staying here :-S | 03:26 |
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Sazpaimon | *what? why are you reading this? no fine print here** | 03:26 |
Sazpaimon | **seriously stop it its 100 percent legit*** | 03:27 |
dangergrrl | i am 200 miles from nuevo laredo | 03:27 |
Sazpaimon | ***okay maybe not | 03:27 |
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dangergrrl | if i wanted foreign pharma i could ride my bike there in 4 hours and 20 minutes | 03:27 |
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dangergrrl | or so says google | 03:27 |
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Sazpaimon | I feel that i shouldc come clean | 03:29 |
Sazpaimon | I am not a spam robot | 03:29 |
Sazpaimon | I am actually a scrapple robot | 03:29 |
Sazpaimon | Sorry fo misleading you all | 03:30 |
dangergrrl | (I was actually shopping for diapid/vasopressin today) | 03:31 |
Sazpaimon | I'm also a wizard | 03:33 |
Sazpaimon | but thats an unrelated side hobby | 03:33 |
dangergrrl | i am an adventurer | 03:34 |
Sazpaimon | robots cannot be wizards so I try to keep that on the downlow | 03:34 |
DocScrutinizer | damn, seems I never looked at the http://wiki.maemo.org/Sources wikipage really. It's darn awesome and comprehensive, and most amazing it seems has been like this since long | 03:34 |
dangergrrl | never meddle in the affairs of wizards | 03:34 |
dangergrrl | it makes them soggy and hard to light | 03:34 |
Sazpaimon | I feel compelled to mention that rdesktop is bad | 03:35 |
Sazpaimon | very bad | 03:35 |
dangergrrl | i want to put a free build host up | 03:35 |
dangergrrl | so, will bubbles in a plastic screen protector hurt other than visibility? | 03:36 |
DocScrutinizer | err, wut? | 03:36 |
dangergrrl | like will they make the touchscreen dysfunction | 03:37 |
dangergrrl | i am going camping like for a year or two starting about 10 days from now | 03:38 |
dangergrrl | don't want the screen scratched | 03:38 |
Choom | it's a resistive screen, so I doubt it | 03:38 |
Sazpaimon | has anyone sat next to someone listening to the radio and beeter and play something super offensiven teptedd to start your transmit, | 03:39 |
Sazpaimon | wtf | 03:39 |
Sazpaimon | damn remote desktop | 03:39 |
Sazpaimon | let me try that again | 03:39 |
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user0-away | ok the download is over | 03:41 |
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user0 | so on one page i have "Never boot up the device between flashing the FIASCO image and the eMMC image!" | 03:42 |
user0 | and on the other "Plug in the powered down N900 while holding 'u' key" | 03:42 |
user0 | after flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin -f | 03:42 |
DocScrutinizer | I have a hard time figuring how to operate a touchscreen buried nder bubblefoil | 03:46 |
user0 | hmmm | 03:46 |
user0 | i must be too sleepy | 03:46 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: "booting up" defined as "going beyond the point where the NOKIA screen shows USB icon" | 03:47 |
Sazpaimon | has anyone sat next to someone listening to the radio and been tempted to start your transmitter and play something super offensive | 03:47 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: you seen the section in "troubleshooting" that explains the procedure terse but detailed? | 03:48 |
Sazpaimon | there damn remote desktop | 03:48 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer: im just gona flash the emmc using the steps on the wiki | 03:48 |
user0 | first the emmc then rootfs | 03:48 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer but what about removing the battery ? | 03:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | what about it? | 03:49 |
DocScrutinizer | http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware#Troubleshooting bullit 6 | 03:50 |
user0 | on http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_firmware , can i skip step 9 in Flashing the eMMC in the N900 | 03:50 |
DocScrutinizer | >>If you cannot establish a connection with N900, do following steps:...<< 1. - 8. | 03:51 |
user0 | who said i cant establish a connection with the n900 ? | 03:51 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer : i just want the device to stop asking for a lock code | 03:52 |
user0 | the device was working perfectly but after flashing it , it started asking for a lock code | 03:53 |
user0 | so now im flashing the emmc to fix this problem | 03:53 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: we won't go to spoonfeed the bits from http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware#Troubleshooting to you | 03:55 |
DocScrutinizer | as suggested several times here, flashing eMMC and rootfs should solve your problem. How to do that is elaborated on and explained to goty detail on the wikipage | 03:56 |
DocScrutinizer | gory even | 03:56 |
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DocScrutinizer | please don't ask for shortcuts as there aren't any | 03:57 |
user0 | why are you suggesting the troubleshooting section of the page | 03:58 |
DocScrutinizer | because it's the most foolproof and terse yet precise explanation what to do | 03:58 |
user0 | i explained what i was doing once more for you since you were suggesting that page | 03:58 |
user0 | regardless i'll let you know how it turns out | 03:59 |
DocScrutinizer | even the wiki page itself suggests you should read it *completely* - if you do that you'll understand what the parts are about | 03:59 |
DocScrutinizer | honestly also IRC isn't a shortcut for reading this page completely and to *understand* it | 04:00 |
DocScrutinizer | I admit the page isn't exactly well structured - that'S what you get when a document grows over the months. But it's correct and comprehensive. It just needs you to read it completely | 04:02 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer : done | 04:10 |
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user0 | DocScrutinizer : this didnt solve the problem - it still asks for a lock code | 04:11 |
user0 | even after flashing the emmc and the rootfs | 04:11 |
DocScrutinizer | remove your SIM please | 04:12 |
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user0 | i did | 04:13 |
DocScrutinizer | then your flashing process failed | 04:13 |
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DocScrutinizer | for all that's known about "firmware" and lockcode, it shouldn't get asked for on a freshly flashed device | 04:14 |
user0 | "Flashing the eMMC and rootfs...reverting everything to factory settings" | 04:14 |
DocScrutinizer | given you use the recent firmware images | 04:14 |
user0 | i must have done something wrong, or something wrong with the device | 04:15 |
DocScrutinizer | sth wrong with device fails to nake a consistent story for me | 04:15 |
DocScrutinizer | your flashing process failed | 04:15 |
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user0 | i hope so. | 04:17 |
DocScrutinizer | frequently users consider an aborted flashing step as a success, by missing to check for correct feedback from flasher | 04:17 |
DocScrutinizer | the wikipage quotes a correct reply when flasher succeeded | 04:18 |
DocScrutinizer | >>Image(s) flashed successfully in 4.711 s (9199 kB/s)!<< or similar | 04:19 |
DocScrutinizer | this line has to show up for both images | 04:19 |
DocScrutinizer | quite usually users try flashing with weak battery which makes device enter boot immediately and not stop at NOKIA screen with USB logo aka flashing mode | 04:20 |
DocScrutinizer | all this been mentioned on the wiki page somewhere | 04:21 |
user0 | i've read all that im doing it over again | 04:22 |
DocScrutinizer | also there are windows users who try to run flasher like a usual click-icon app and don't even expect any feedback on console | 04:22 |
user0 | :D | 04:22 |
DocScrutinizer | honestly there's no way lockcode could still get in your way when a correct complete flashing is done according to that fine wikipage | 04:23 |
user0 | it takes longer to boot after flashing the emmc | 04:23 |
DocScrutinizer | that's ok and a good sign | 04:24 |
user0 | thats what i thought | 04:24 |
user0 | but its asking for a lock code after that | 04:24 |
DocScrutinizer | WTF?! | 04:24 |
DocScrutinizer | you probably missed to correctly flash the eMMC then | 04:25 |
DocScrutinizer | actually it's partially the eMMC flashing that "resets" the >ask for lockcode< bit | 04:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | user0: that's the result of following the 'experienced user' approach of flashing rootfs first and then without and pause flashing eMMC. It may fail without you even noticing the fact. Seen that from many users asking for assistance here | 04:30 |
DocScrutinizer | that's why I suggested the "foolproof" method as described under troubleshooting | 04:31 |
flailingmonkey | would it also wipe out odd partitioning | 04:31 |
user0 | i never did that | 04:32 |
flailingmonkey | ok | 04:32 |
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user0 | "Lock code request cannot be disabled by flashing firmware nor emmc," | 04:36 |
user0 | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=70703 | 04:36 |
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user0 | DocScrutinizer : please check that link above | 04:38 |
user0 | tell me if its true | 04:38 |
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DocScrutinizer | It seems to be mere bogus rant. Guys here know their stuff (not always sth you could claim for all TMO users). When MohammadAG says the gconf-key telling to ask for lockcode entry is reset in the gconf-database you are flashing from RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin then I'm absolutely confident he's right on that | 04:41 |
DocScrutinizer | also NB original poster her/himself uttered doubts about eMMC flashing had succeeded for him | 04:42 |
DocScrutinizer | so no, this seems *incorrect* | 04:43 |
DocScrutinizer | basically I think you find a claim and its opposite for $RANDOM at TMO | 04:43 |
DocScrutinizer | flailingmonkey: of course flashing eMMC whipes your prev partitioning | 04:48 |
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flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer: just making sure it targets the whole device, not partitions on device :) | 04:49 |
* fusi[n901] smashes desk with head | 04:51 | |
DocScrutinizer | flailingmonkey: see http://wiki.maemo.org/User:Joerg_rw/tools second white box. Wouldn't work without wiping partitions | 04:52 |
DocScrutinizer | fusi[n901]: wazzup? | 04:52 |
DocScrutinizer | tired? ;-D | 04:53 |
flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer: oh yeah, that's a nifty trick. the fact that they had put a shell script into a .bin file was a nifty discovery | 04:54 |
DocScrutinizer | well, it's not exactly a shellscript, but anyway | 04:54 |
MrPPS | Officially now, my favourite app for the N900 is Quassel2Go | 04:55 |
flailingmonkey | right | 04:55 |
user0 | any more suggestions DocScrutinizer? | 04:55 |
flailingmonkey | MrPPS: i'm using quassel in ubuntu, is quassel2go good too? on N900 i'm using irssi | 04:55 |
MrPPS | flailingmonkey: Quassel2Go is very good, yes :) Very clevery and easily laid out, and IMO, much better than irssi for the phone | 04:56 |
user0 | i just read something about no flashing from windows 7 | 04:56 |
user0 | could that be the problem? | 04:56 |
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MrPPS | switching between channels is very easy, and it doesn't fetch older messages unless you tell it too | 04:56 |
DocScrutinizer | yes | 04:56 |
MrPPS | to save on network usage | 04:56 |
MrPPS | flailingmonkey: it's also very well laid out for the screen, which is nice | 04:56 |
fusi[n901] | DocScrutinizer: coding tired makes bugs that are a pita to fix :( | 04:56 |
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MrPPS | it doesn't have a cruddy interface, and you don't have to do Up arrow + Esc + number trick to switch windows, like in irssi | 04:57 |
fusi[n901] | hence headdesksmash :p | 04:57 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: flashing from windows is generally discouraged | 04:57 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer : is there any other way to remove the lock code? | 04:57 |
fusi[n901] | something like that gif with the bloody stumps for hands | 04:58 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: it *may* work for you, but don't ask here for help if it doesn't | 04:58 |
fusi[n901] | user0: smt on the wiki bout that user0 | 04:58 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: use a linux life CD | 04:58 |
fusi[n901] | go have a search there im fairly sure theres a way | 04:58 |
fusi[n901] | like that ^ | 04:59 |
fusi[n901] | :P | 04:59 |
flailingmonkey | DocScrutinizer: I wonder if you could make like a virtual machine appliance which just does flashing :p | 04:59 |
user0 | i've got arch linux install on this pc | 04:59 |
user0 | no need for a live cd | 04:59 |
flailingmonkey | many virtualization options allow hooking into USB interfaces | 04:59 |
user0 | but hows that gona change anything | 04:59 |
DocScrutinizer | flailingmonkey: VMs under windows usually have issues accessing USB, so no | 04:59 |
user0 | the flasher isnt giving any errors | 04:59 |
flailingmonkey | my reasoning is that if it worked, it could simplify windows flashing by a lot, right? | 05:00 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: windows loves to intefere with USB in strange ways | 05:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | user0: generally expertise on windows is under represented here | 05:01 |
DocScrutinizer | so all advanced hints and recommendations on wiki and here are strictly applicable for linux flashing only | 05:02 |
DocScrutinizer | while interest in debugging windows flashing is rather limited | 05:02 |
flailingmonkey | i'd say its because it's pretty damn hard to debug things in windows | 05:02 |
MrPPS | flailingmonkey: too many windows bugs get in the way :P you'd spend most of the time debugging windows itself... | 05:03 |
fusi[n901] | haha SOTRUE | 05:03 |
DocScrutinizer | also debugging windows in a linux community (remember maemo *is* linux) makes little sense | 05:03 |
fusi[n901] | speaking from experience | 05:03 |
flailingmonkey | I thought "debugging windows" was the primary use-case of windows OS | 05:03 |
fusi[n901] | hrhr | 05:04 |
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fusi[n901] | kill me for saying this | 05:05 |
fusi[n901] | but i do like msvc10 | 05:05 |
fusi[n901] | code completion/highlighting etc | 05:06 |
flailingmonkey | vc? or visual studio | 05:06 |
fusi[n901] | it feels 'nice' | 05:06 |
* fusi[n901] ducks | 05:06 | |
flailingmonkey | ah yeah visual studio | 05:06 |
user0 | this time i just flashed it with rootfs then emmc | 05:06 |
user0 | without turning it off or anything | 05:06 |
user0 | so everything done now i turn it out and let it boot? | 05:07 |
flailingmonkey | fusi[n901]: when visual studio works, it has many features, and plenty are useful | 05:07 |
user0 | damn i need some sleep | 05:07 |
user0 | everthings* | 05:07 |
fusi[n901] | it crashes too much tho yer | 05:07 |
user0 | it off* | 05:07 |
fusi[n901] | nn user0 | 05:08 |
flailingmonkey | fusi[n901]: but that's necessary, because working with MS languages (like .NET) without visual studio is insanity | 05:08 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: yes, if both flashs succeeded, you unplug and reboot | 05:08 |
fusi[n901] | heh | 05:08 |
fusi[n901] | good ol lockin | 05:08 |
fusi[n901] | keeps their whole business ecosys goin | 05:09 |
fusi[n901] | use c# at work for most things | 05:09 |
MrPPS | oh, anyway here actually dual booted with Android on the N900? I have a feeling it wouldn't be worth it/wouldn't run that great, but I thought I'd ask nonetheless | 05:09 |
fusi[n901] | local gov, ms happy :s | 05:09 |
fusi[n901] | ot tho :p | 05:10 |
fusi[n901] | me go byebye for 5 o/ x | 05:10 |
user0 | fuck it | 05:11 |
user0 | this thing isnt working | 05:11 |
user0 | seems like im gona have to pay some guy to get it done | 05:11 |
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gn00b | anyone ever send their phone in for repair? i'm sending mine off to ft worth in the morning. any horror stories? | 05:27 |
SpeedEvil | What's wrong with it? | 05:27 |
gn00b | won't charge | 05:28 |
gn00b | n900 | 05:28 |
SpeedEvil | Ah. You've tried the charger, and the USB lead? | 05:28 |
gn00b | both | 05:28 |
SpeedEvil | And looked carefully in the socket to see if you can see any debris | 05:28 |
gn00b | yes | 05:28 |
gn00b | used air can | 05:29 |
MrPPS | gn00b: haven't accidentally dropped it and damaged the socket have you? | 05:29 |
gn00b | nope | 05:29 |
DocScrutinizer | gn00b: you can charge from PC? | 05:29 |
gn00b | nope | 05:29 |
SpeedEvil | You've backed up everything? | 05:29 |
DocScrutinizer | you can use mass storage mode from PC? | 05:29 |
SpeedEvil | They may need to change the motherboard | 05:29 |
gn00b | backed up everyday | 05:30 |
gn00b | it's totally dead now. can't do anything now | 05:30 |
SpeedEvil | Wen you plug it in - you don't even get a yellow constant light? | 05:30 |
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gn00b | nothing | 05:31 |
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DocScrutinizer | what's with pluggin in to PC? | 05:31 |
SpeedEvil | K - the yellow light - if the battery is flat - is hardwired | 05:31 |
DocScrutinizer | does N900 detect that? | 05:31 |
gn00b | that's how i normally charge it. but i get nothing | 05:31 |
SpeedEvil | Looking like a hardware fail. :/ | 05:32 |
SpeedEvil | Where are you gn00b? | 05:32 |
DocScrutinizer | yup | 05:32 |
gn00b | az | 05:32 |
DocScrutinizer | you're in electronics a bit? | 05:32 |
gn00b | nope | 05:32 |
DocScrutinizer | ok, send it in | 05:32 |
SpeedEvil | {*emote*} wishes he could get a pile of dead n900s. | 05:32 |
* SpeedEvil wonders where that came from. | 05:33 | |
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DocScrutinizer | usual USB-off failure | 05:37 |
DocScrutinizer | *OR* he managed to blow the 2A fuse ;-) | 05:37 |
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gn00b | i've treated this phone like gold since i bought it. i have ghost armor on it and a boxwave armor case. | 05:41 |
DocScrutinizer | a fuse may blow without apparent reason sometimes | 05:44 |
DocScrutinizer | some USB receptacles came off for users definitely savvy of treating their hw correctly, gently, and nice | 05:45 |
DocScrutinizer | even a silicon defect is possible | 05:46 |
DocScrutinizer | not every chip leaving the fab will live on forever, some fail before their time has come | 05:46 |
SpeedEvil | :/ | 05:46 |
DocScrutinizer | that's why you got a warranty usually | 05:47 |
gn00b | yep | 05:47 |
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* DocScrutinizer would relly like to know what's Nokia's return-for-repair statistics of N900 | 05:48 | |
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GAN900 | It's no wonder people bitch about power consumption spikes on Android | 08:43 |
GAN900 | as it's impossible to spot offenders without 3rd part software. | 08:44 |
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* GAN900 notes Maemo has very little issue there. | 08:44 | |
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ruskie | hehe | 08:45 |
psycho_oreos | I think people are usually somewhat well prepared for smartphone's apetite for power, even if they aren't prepared they will notice the difference sooner or later | 08:47 |
psycho_oreos | s/apetite/appetite/ | 08:48 |
infobot | psycho_oreos meant: I think people are usually somewhat well prepared for smartphone's appetite for power, even if they aren't prepared they will notice the difference sooner or later | 08:48 |
shamus | phones are gering verey hungy latly | 08:52 |
ruskie | I wonder when someone will notice that and produce one that will last for a week or two | 08:53 |
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* shamus is still rockign an old scholl nokia 2600 c with ti's week or so of standby | 08:54 | |
shamus | i still carge it nightly out of habbit most of the time but i have gone a week betwen charges before | 08:55 |
ruskie | the most I get is 4 days | 08:57 |
shamus | then agin i do not talk alor | 08:58 |
shamus | and do not use the data as wap sucks and ois pricyt as heck | 08:58 |
ruskie | wap???!!!??? | 08:59 |
shamus | typo | 08:59 |
ruskie | hehe | 08:59 |
shamus | that old scholl data thingy | 08:59 |
ruskie | yeah I know what it is | 08:59 |
ruskie | but what that has to do with a n900 that is a 3g capable device... | 08:59 |
shamus | was talking abotu my old 2600 c lol | 09:00 |
shamus | it's a bick but get the job done | 09:01 |
ruskie | ahh | 09:01 |
ruskie | I got a 5110 that the last time I used it still lasted 1w with the original battery | 09:01 |
ruskie | when it was new it lasted like 2 weeks | 09:01 |
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shamus | yep old phones last ages even bwith bluetooth | 09:02 |
ruskie | that was pre bluetooth | 09:02 |
shamus | ahh | 09:02 |
shamus | what was the style that had that big antena on the top? | 09:03 |
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ruskie | yup | 09:04 |
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shamus | had to dig in my old draw to look at wat moddle it was the old 5165 hehe | 09:05 |
shamus | that thing lasted weeks and was dan near indistructable | 09:06 |
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ruskie | I still have my 5110 | 09:07 |
ruskie | with a new battery it would probably be a great fallback phone | 09:07 |
shamus | my 5165 final bitthe dust a few years back but i never pitched it i also had a 3595 | 09:08 |
shamus | my 3595 still works but it's star buttion bwas starting to ware out hehe | 09:09 |
ruskie | well I actually managed to get 3 dud 5110s as well | 09:11 |
ruskie | so I can always pull the keypads from them | 09:11 |
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shamus | wonder what the future looks like for the n900 if there will be a n910 etc or if now that micsoft own nokia they will kill meamo off | 09:14 |
shamus | er mego | 09:15 |
flailingmonkey | blah blah blah | 09:16 |
flailingmonkey | fly to finland and snoop around helsinki offices or something | 09:16 |
ruskie | shamus, according to nokia they plan on keeping meego around | 09:19 |
ruskie | as a long term R&D project | 09:19 |
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jacekowski | shamus: nokia killed maemo long time ago | 09:25 |
shamus | never even noticed has a n800 | 09:25 |
shamus | been runing diloblo comunity thingy with the rotation | 09:26 |
shamus | mer any closer to prim time? | 09:26 |
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flailingmonkey | mer long gone | 09:29 |
flailingmonkey | more likely to have meego with cordia working | 09:29 |
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shamus | very few updateds for Diablo apps almost as if the devs are startign to let it die out | 09:32 |
shamus | then aing it is an old platform one a very limited spec device | 09:32 |
robbiethe1st | Yes | 09:33 |
psycho_oreos | it shared its glory, have a look at 770 devices | 09:33 |
shamus | that 400mhz proc is slow | 09:33 |
shamus | or was is 400/600 | 09:34 |
psycho_oreos | N900 is 600MHz | 09:35 |
shamus | ok | 09:35 |
shamus | so the n810 was 400 max i thught it was higher | 09:36 |
psycho_oreos | N800 is 400 max but underclocked to 330 | 09:36 |
robbiethe1st | Was it OCable like the n900? | 09:36 |
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shamus | the n800 was uped to 400 with os2008 | 09:36 |
psycho_oreos | nfi :) I don't own one | 09:37 |
psycho_oreos | 770 = measly 252MHz | 09:37 |
shamus | o.0 | 09:37 |
shamus | 252? | 09:37 |
psycho_oreos | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nokia_770 | 09:37 |
shamus | ouch | 09:37 |
psycho_oreos | N810 is natively 400MHz | 09:38 |
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gomiam | doesn't really matter either way. It's been quite long since I read any news about N8x0 OS being upgraded... or replaced. | 09:39 |
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shamus | http://wiki.maemo.org/Diablo_Community_Project is the most curent i have seen | 09:40 |
* gomiam checks | 09:40 | |
shamus | This page was last modified 15:44, 28 November 2010 | 09:40 |
psycho_oreos | ironically there's still buyers buying N8x0 devices | 09:41 |
shamus | yep | 09:41 |
shamus | and theyt still sell them on amazon | 09:41 |
cehteh | biggier screen, real kickstand | 09:41 |
shamus | and full sice sd card slot | 09:42 |
cehteh | well and better keyboard | 09:42 |
gomiam | psycho_oreos: well, the N8x0s are quite useful, IMO. It's a pity they have been basically kicked to the curb. | 09:42 |
cehteh | the only problem is the RAM and CPU :P | 09:42 |
shamus | amen the ram and cpu and batary are the killers | 09:42 |
gomiam | cehteh: RAM and CPU are _always_ problems sooner or later. But I can actually do quite a few things with my N8x0s | 09:43 |
gomiam | (and yes, I have several;) | 09:43 |
shamus | hell at the very leat it's still handy as a ssh decive | 09:43 |
cehteh | sure but the problems on the 810 is really sooner than later | 09:43 |
gomiam | of course I don't think I'll ever get to edit video streams in real time, but I don't really care that much about video editing :D | 09:43 |
psycho_oreos | gomiam, despite the fact that N900 does kick N8x0 series in the butt in every other way except for the overall miniaturisation | 09:43 |
cehteh | n900 could have more ram of course too .. but it works *way* better than the n810 | 09:44 |
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shamus | i wish i had a n810 insted of the n800 as the lack of a built in keyboiard is very anoying | 09:45 |
cehteh | some maemo device with 1ghz cpu and 1gb ram would be awesome :P | 09:45 |
gomiam | psycho_oreos: (un)fortunately, I bought my n800 and then noticed Nokia's pattern of treating these tablets as dumb mobile phones. Sorry if I'm not interested in paying for more "dead" hardware :P | 09:45 |
cehteh | ah the 810 had no keyboard .. i always forget the differences | 09:45 |
gomiam | shamus: I have a Ubiquio BT keyboard and it is quite useful with my 800 | 09:45 |
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cehteh | nokia is a dead horse by now :P | 09:46 |
cehteh | if anyone can do thing more wrong than wrong, then nokia | 09:46 |
gomiam | cehteh: I wouldn't count them out yet, but they look down to me right now. | 09:46 |
cehteh | kicking eveyone into the nuts ... including themself | 09:46 |
shamus | been looking for a nice bt keyboard but first i need to figure poiut why my battery is dieign so fast | 09:46 |
gomiam | shamus: oh, perhaps it has reached its life end. | 09:47 |
psycho_oreos | gomiam, apart from seeing nokia hardly showing interest in the whole maemo community. You still have to admit that N900 is still a pretty nice device, a internet tablet with hacked debian shoehorned into it along with phone capability | 09:47 |
cehteh | what apps/widgets do you have running? | 09:47 |
shamus | im lucky if i get 8h on standby | 09:47 |
cehteh | you can drain the battery in less than 2 hours with no problems | 09:48 |
cehteh | some widget running? rss, mail, ... or some instant messenger/skype? | 09:48 |
gomiam | psycho_oreos: I think the n900 can be quite interesting, but there's that little problem with the USB connector... nah, I think I'll keep playing with my n8x0s for the time being. | 09:48 |
shamus | no widglits other the the clock stock and the calander thimgy squenic and the advanced hardwer power managment thingy | 09:49 |
psycho_oreos | gomiam, yeah that's a surmounting problem but you could have easily seen that was one of the potential sources of nokia losing interest :) lack of quality | 09:49 |
robbiethe1st | gomiam: I will say that the USB problem is fixed for most people... I've managed to drop mine hanging by the USB port several times without issue | 09:49 |
gomiam | robbiethe1st: good to know. Still... a new laptop is higher on my priority list. | 09:49 |
shamus | oh and the procmon thimngy | 09:49 |
cehteh | shamus: throw the advanced power away .. it doesnt work :P | 09:50 |
cehteh | squenic is what? | 09:50 |
shamus | a typo | 09:50 |
psycho_oreos | gomiam, I really like N900 for its added phone capability on top of just being internet tablet :) N900 gets to be sold as phones and you can get them financed, unlike internet tablets back then :) | 09:50 |
cehteh | and clock stock .. is there a clock widget? | 09:50 |
robbiethe1st | gomiam: Just so you know, my N900 has literally replaced my laptop for 99.5% of the time. I've got my desktop for games and coding and such; my n900 does great at providing a perfectly good web etc. experience. | 09:50 |
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shamus | yea the clock widgit | 09:51 |
cehteh | whats that? .. | 09:51 |
cehteh | or just turn that off | 09:51 |
robbiethe1st | and the ability to just go open up a terminal and SSH into something, or use VIM whenever I need it... :P | 09:51 |
gomiam | robbiethe1st: did Nokia manage to get WPA TTLS in the n900? Because that is one of my main gripes with N8x0 | 09:51 |
robbiethe1st | I... don't know. | 09:51 |
cehteh | poorly written widgets which constantly draw on the screen are really bad for battery life | 09:51 |
gomiam | robbiethe1st: I can do that with my n8x0s ;) | 09:51 |
shamus | Advanced Power is borked? | 09:52 |
cehteh | well i wont say borked .. but it adds no value | 09:52 |
gomiam | cehteh: true, true, the RSS scroller was hell until you disabled automatic scroller | 09:52 |
robbiethe1st | I dunno how fast it would be though; I had to bump mine up to ~1ghz to get the responsiveness I wanted, especially when loading half-a-dozen web windows at once..., | 09:52 |
gomiam | cehteh: well, being able to quickly change USB mode, BT mode and a few other things... I find it quite useful :) | 09:52 |
shamus | the abuirty to toglree usbon the go form a menu is no valu? | 09:53 |
cehteh | the rss widget also sucks battery .. you can reconfigure it to update less frequently | 09:53 |
robbiethe1st | dunno how useful it could be at 400mhz | 09:53 |
cehteh | ah then we talk about something else | 09:53 |
shamus | yea Advanced Power is very usefull esplice the reboot lol | 09:53 |
shamus | http://maemo.org/downloads/product/OS2008/advanced-power/ | 09:53 |
cehteh | i meant the advanced power monitor which just adds a improved battery meter | 09:53 |
gomiam | cehteh: I reconfigure it to _not_ update. I only need to see whether I have new entries :) | 09:53 |
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cehteh | well if his battery drains unusally fast he should figure out why | 09:54 |
cehteh | powertop may help | 09:54 |
cehteh | (over ssh while the device is closed, screen is off) | 09:54 |
shamus | could it be the sd cards? | 09:54 |
cehteh | the cards alone rather not, but accessing them | 09:55 |
cehteh | also some older (really old) sim cards draw much more power than modern ones | 09:55 |
shamus | seqetary is very batery frendly atleast should be | 09:55 |
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cehteh | i dont know that | 09:56 |
cehteh | well install powertop and sshd | 09:56 |
shamus | powertop? | 09:56 |
cehteh | monitors whats waking the cpu up | 09:56 |
shamus | ah | 09:57 |
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shamus | where is it it's not in the downloads section | 09:57 |
cehteh | extras-devel or something like that | 09:57 |
gomiam | cehteh: any reason for installing sshd instead of dbclient and friends? | 09:58 |
shamus | or openssh | 09:58 |
cehteh | sshd is openssh | 09:58 |
cehteh | i never tried dropbear but i heared that its somewhat ugly and limited | 09:58 |
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cehteh | for myself i want a full sshd because i use it quite frequently ... sshfs, rsync and for all kinds of stuff | 09:59 |
gomiam | cehteh: good point. | 09:59 |
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gomiam | I have never used sshfs though. | 09:59 |
gomiam | actually, the only thing I miss is sftp, sometimes | 09:59 |
gomiam | then again it still has scp | 10:00 |
cehteh | sshfs is backed by sftp | 10:00 |
cehteh | doesnt dropbear have even a simple sftp server? | 10:00 |
cehteh | wee :P | 10:00 |
gomiam | cehteh: not AFAIK | 10:01 |
cehteh | so .. nogo for me :) .. i am happily wast little more space for much more functionality | 10:01 |
shamus | why is python still running | 10:01 |
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cehteh | shamus: something using it? | 10:02 |
gomiam | shamus: mmm... ps -efa ? | 10:02 |
gomiam | or see what is at /proc? | 10:02 |
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* cehteh is quite unhappy that so much things are written in python .. resource wise it sucks :/ | 10:02 | |
gomiam | cehteh: does it? | 10:02 |
cehteh | yes | 10:02 |
cehteh | python is relative slow and burns a lot cpu cycles | 10:03 |
gomiam | cehteh: I was thinking about using python for one of my long term projects so I didn't have to worry too much about porting. | 10:03 |
cehteh | no jit compiler (psyco is dead right?) | 10:03 |
cehteh | well you can prototype it in python if you really want | 10:03 |
cehteh | i like lua more and otherwise would do things in C | 10:03 |
shamus | hum | 10:04 |
cehteh | (or start in lua and do add C modules for heavy lifting task) | 10:04 |
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cehteh | you can do the same in python when you like and know it | 10:04 |
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gomiam | cehteh: mmm... if I'm supposed to prototype it in Python I'd rather use C++ which I already have programming experience with ;) | 10:04 |
cehteh | but python will never be as small and elegant as lua :P | 10:04 |
cehteh | or that | 10:04 |
cehteh | well i dont know what your project is after | 10:05 |
cehteh | if its something relative small with no high performance demands and sleeping most of the time and doesnt need much datastructures in memory, then python is fine :P | 10:05 |
gomiam | bah, "nothing too complicated", just a turn+rule based table game translation | 10:06 |
shamus | what should i do with what the ps spits out? | 10:06 |
cehteh | (conclusion: not for anything real :P) | 10:06 |
gomiam | (think Warhammer, the table game) | 10:06 |
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shamus | frack 1224 root 25072 RW python /usr/lib/advanced-power-monitor/AdvancedPowerM | 10:06 |
cehteh | years ago i proposed python as nice beginner language and for rapid development and prototyping | 10:07 |
cehteh | but i am more and more unimpressed | 10:07 |
cehteh | shamus: see .. i saied deinstall that advanced power monitor :P | 10:07 |
shamus | but it's so handy | 10:08 |
cehteh | haha | 10:08 |
cehteh | well deinstall it just for a test if its the cause of your battery drain | 10:08 |
cehteh | maybe not today ... if you disabled something else already | 10:08 |
shamus | was draing beforvtho | 10:08 |
cehteh | and better figure out what really sucks the battery than playing try'n'error | 10:08 |
shamus | bene draing since i got it | 10:09 |
cehteh | prolly the battery monitor is not that bad | 10:09 |
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cehteh | you can also install DocScrutinizers battery monitoring script | 10:09 |
cehteh | http://enivax.net/jk/n900/ | 10:10 |
cehteh | bq27200.sh i2cget | 10:10 |
cehteh | put both in /root/ | 10:10 |
cehteh | cd /root | 10:10 |
cehteh | (as root) | 10:10 |
cehteh | sh bq27200.sh | 10:10 |
crashanddie | wtf | 10:10 |
cehteh | .. this may need the power kernel .. dunno | 10:11 |
crashanddie | there's still scripts that require console/root access? | 10:11 |
crashanddie | DocScrutinizer, shame on thee. | 10:11 |
cehteh | well i dont know if it is from DocScrutinizer .. dont blame him he suggested that to me | 10:11 |
cehteh | and thats rather low level stuff :) | 10:11 |
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crashanddie | so? | 10:11 |
crashanddie | Low level == crappy to use? | 10:11 |
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flailingmonkey | i believe the script was written by shadowjk | 10:12 |
cehteh | make a frontend instead complaining | 10:12 |
cehteh | shamus: nice flood :P | 10:12 |
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shamus | sorry | 10:14 |
shamus | atleast it was not in local | 10:14 |
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ShadowJK | crashanddie, it does direct access to the hardware. Such things require root privs | 10:15 |
ShadowJK | If you don't like it, there's the battery kernel module in power-kernel, but you must take care to make sure it only gets loaded after bme, and then go find the values in /sys/ and punch some numbers on a calculator to get meaningful numbers | 10:17 |
crashanddie | I don't mind the fact it requires root so much | 10:17 |
crashanddie | Heck, root exists for a reason, only ubuntufags run around screaming "NOOOOO USE SUDO INSTEAD OF SU" | 10:17 |
DocScrutinizer | cehteh: bq27200.sh doesn't need PK | 10:18 |
cehteh | ok | 10:18 |
crashanddie | I just find it highly stupid that this channel recommends people to download an arbitrary script, and run it as root, is all. | 10:18 |
Macer | hahahaha | 10:18 |
DocScrutinizer | cehteh: it's basically from me, originally. Though ShadowJK preferred to rewrite my original version so it doesn't need bash anymore | 10:19 |
robbiethe1st | crashanddie: It all becomes a matter of trust. Do you trust DocScrutinizer? | 10:19 |
robbiethe1st | Or any other random person? | 10:19 |
RST38h | It is a good channel, all scripts suggested here are good for you! | 10:19 |
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crashanddie | robbiethe1st, that's completely besides the point | 10:19 |
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Macer | crashanddie: what is the alternative? | 10:19 |
RST38h | Doc is obviously a foreign agent and a menace to the mankind. | 10:19 |
crashanddie | the alternative? Put the stupid .sh in a .deb and put it in extras. | 10:20 |
Macer | run it as user so it doesn't work? | 10:20 |
RST38h | Besides, he hates Linux geeks. This alone should be a reason to be afraid of him. | 10:20 |
ShadowJK | crashanddie, there's a reason that I, the author, only recommend it to people after checking their unix/linux skill level, and then I walk them through it :-) | 10:20 |
Macer | crashanddie: isnt that the same thing ? | 10:20 |
cehteh | crashanddie: well .. anyone should consider that on himself .. and a script as root makes no much difference to any other installable gui app | 10:20 |
robbiethe1st | crashanddie: No, it's not. In that case, you're trusting the extras repo. | 10:20 |
Macer | except less direct | 10:20 |
cehteh | since security on the device is so much flawed | 10:20 |
crashanddie | wait, wait, wait. | 10:20 |
ShadowJK | I can't make a deb on n900 | 10:20 |
Macer | :) | 10:20 |
crashanddie | am I being yelled at in this channel because as an op, I recommend people to not give out arbitrary links to arbitrary scripts? | 10:21 |
crashanddie | seriously, WHAT THE FUCK? | 10:21 |
robbiethe1st | ShadowJK: Um, you'll want the Python deb creator | 10:21 |
ShadowJK | the what | 10:21 |
Macer | crashanddie: hahaha | 10:21 |
Macer | well your point was "trust" | 10:22 |
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robbiethe1st | ShadowJK: I forget where I found it, but it takes Python(or other non-compilable script sources) and makes a .deb package for you | 10:22 |
robbiethe1st | works on the n900 | 10:22 |
robbiethe1st | "py2deb" | 10:22 |
ShadowJK | crashanddie, hey did you see the massive warnings when installing i2c-tools someone made? :) | 10:22 |
Macer | debs from extras do the same thing only in the background.. but fair enough point | 10:22 |
DocScrutinizer | hell, if you're so damn concerned, then why don't you include i2cget to sudoers? | 10:22 |
crashanddie | robbiethe1st, and yes, I trust extras infinitely more than any other website providing scripts/debs for Maemo. There is a reason why we went on a witch-hunt for other repositories, because we had people breaking their device every other week. | 10:22 |
ShadowJK | Well now people break their device with extras-devel every other week :) | 10:23 |
Macer | crashanddie: extras isn't what it used to be | 10:23 |
crashanddie | DocScrutinizer, again, it has nothing to do with root. | 10:23 |
ruskie | so you self appointed as guardians of users??? | 10:23 |
crashanddie | Macer, probably not, but then neither is Maemo. | 10:23 |
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Macer | ShadowJK: isnt that what backupmenu is for? | 10:23 |
robbiethe1st | ShadowJK: http://wiki.maemo.org/Py2deb | 10:23 |
ShadowJK | (And no, I'd never consider my script for inclusion to extras proper) | 10:23 |
crashanddie | ShadowJK, why not? Isn't there a category or something in which it would fit? | 10:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: I fail to see what's the point of all this noise here anyway | 10:24 |
Macer | DocScrutinizer: it is fun! people arguing about maemo repo flaws :) | 10:24 |
crashanddie | hey, I just asked why there still were scripts that required manual download + root. | 10:24 |
Macer | like the good old days | 10:24 |
crashanddie | All the other trolling fags are to blame, not me. | 10:24 |
ShadowJK | crashanddie, for the same reason I wouldn't have power-kernel in extras. Too much hacking, not enough testing, not enough thinking about possible side effects, not polished enough. | 10:24 |
crashanddie | Oh wait: <sarcasm>. | 10:24 |
Macer | crashanddie: you can always add it to extras yourself ;) | 10:25 |
DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: because nobody is required to download them at all | 10:25 |
crashanddie | ShadowJK, glad we think alike. | 10:25 |
Jaffa | Moorning, all | 10:25 |
DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: why isn't gdb in extras yet? | 10:25 |
crashanddie | The heck do I know? | 10:25 |
Macer | DocScrutinizer: not enough votes | 10:26 |
DocScrutinizer | ghaha | 10:26 |
Macer | or... not enough people to vote :) | 10:26 |
crashanddie | And anyway, gdb would be useless on Maemo, there's no debuginfo packages... | 10:26 |
DocScrutinizer | pffff | 10:26 |
Macer | crashanddie: probably because the sdk totally blows | 10:26 |
crashanddie | aye | 10:26 |
crashanddie | I started packaging to RPM recently (at work) | 10:27 |
Macer | that is what cssu should focus on :) | 10:27 |
Macer | an actual working sdk | 10:27 |
Jaffa | Macer: Feel free | 10:27 |
DocScrutinizer | so the silly answer to the even more silly Q "why are there still scripts that need root" is: "because root is there for a reason" | 10:27 |
ShadowJK | crashanddie, that script is something I wrote on N900 in my spare time because I was interested in measuring power use and battery performance on n900. I put it on a website, and gave the URL to people who heard about it through word of mouth only. It took about a year and now it seems people are spreading the url all over. I guess i could make a script on my webserver to randomize the url each week, but I suspect that might just make people setup mirrors | 10:27 |
Macer | Jaffa: i dont have the skills to do it | 10:27 |
ShadowJK | of randomly modified/outdated versions :) | 10:27 |
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Macer | hahahahaha | 10:28 |
crashanddie | ShadowJK, sure, w/e. | 10:28 |
Macer | ShadowJK: that would be awesome | 10:28 |
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shamus | fun network issues | 10:28 |
crashanddie | ShadowJK, though, the random url bit would make me smile. | 10:28 |
64MAAN0HO | hey.. Anyone got a good idea how to charge a HTC Desire S from a old 6V motorcycle? the car-charger for HTC needs 9,5-12v input.. the motorcycle outputs about 6-8 volts... | 10:28 |
Macer | ShadowJK: use tor | 10:28 |
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haj_ | woops, wonder how I got that nick.. :) | 10:29 |
crashanddie | haj_, use a transformer? | 10:29 |
cehteh | ShadowJK: just ignore crashanddie ... the script is useful and if anyone executes it its his own decision | 10:29 |
flailingmonkey | this all got very silly | 10:29 |
crashanddie | what the hell did I say against the script for fuck's sake? | 10:29 |
crashanddie | Nothing. | 10:29 |
Macer | flailingmonkey: didn't it? | 10:29 |
crashanddie | So stop putting words in my mouth. | 10:30 |
cehteh | ShadowJK: you may rather insert a rm -rf / there ... that would stop people spreading it :) | 10:30 |
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* Macer eats some more popcorn | 10:30 | |
shamus | rm/rf * lol | 10:30 |
cehteh | shamus: btw i dont know if that works on the n800 | 10:30 |
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cehteh | quite likely it has a different battery chip | 10:31 |
* DocScrutinizer glares at the banhammer, some trolls seem around | 10:31 | |
crashanddie | haj_, though, a charger (or rather, the battery) needs quite steady power, and if you connect it to a small bike's battery, you might have strong power fluctuations that will fry your battery / charger. | 10:31 |
cehteh | i have this problem from my bike charger .. have to experiment witl lowering the charge current still | 10:32 |
crashanddie | haj, so you'll need to regulate the power decently, which requires a bit of know how (that I seem to have lost in the past few years) | 10:32 |
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robbiethe1st | haj: You'd need to pick up some sort of boost circuit. You might have luck finding a 6V-12V adaptor, which you can then plug a car charger into. | 10:33 |
shamus | also isent the n800 sapose to have a more powerfull charger then the 350ma one | 10:33 |
cehteh | you can use the supplied power converter (CA-146C) for regulating DC within some ranges .. but it gets quite hot | 10:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | haj: though I got NFC about the hw you mentioned, here's a general advice: Do *not* use any but the most reliable usb carcharger plugs on any bike. I've seen more than a few devices got fried that way, usually when engaging the starter | 10:34 |
crashanddie | What kind of bike are we talking about? | 10:34 |
crashanddie | All recent bikes I've seen deliver a steady 12v | 10:34 |
cehteh | yeah some limitation might be highly useful :) | 10:34 |
crashanddie | I've installed a cigarette-lighter plug on my bike | 10:34 |
DocScrutinizer | crashanddie: until you engage starter | 10:34 |
DocScrutinizer | ""150V spike? oops - *shrug*"" | 10:35 |
crashanddie | DocScrutinizer, no, I use a transistor/relay to only provide power when the light is lit. | 10:35 |
crashanddie | (which only starts *after* the engine has started) | 10:35 |
robbiethe1st | DocScrutinizer: Ok, then put a NC relay between the battery and the device, hok the coil to the starter switch. | 10:35 |
robbiethe1st | Or crash's method | 10:36 |
haj | woops.. I thought I asked that question on the android channel :) | 10:36 |
Macer | LOL | 10:36 |
Macer | hok the coil huh? | 10:36 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: I'm using Nokias original atm.. It worked with the N900 but it doens't work with the HTC.. | 10:36 |
DocScrutinizer | that may relate to different USB charger signalling methods used by HTC | 10:37 |
DocScrutinizer | Nokia using the D+/- short spec | 10:37 |
robbiethe1st | Macer: hook | 10:37 |
robbiethe1st | Macer: As in, hook up the two wires from the coil... | 10:37 |
DocScrutinizer | HTC might use R_on_ID or voltagelevels_at_D+_D- | 10:38 |
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Jaffa | Good grief. Someone on TMO is using a Wikipedia edit to say the Harmattan device is about to be launched | 10:40 |
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andre__ | "but it's wikipedia! it must be true!" | 10:41 |
Jaffa | http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MeeGo&diff=434179748&oldid=prev | 10:41 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: the N900 did charge _very_ slow at 6V.. but it looks like the HTC just uses power when connected. | 10:41 |
cehteh | n900 at 6V? | 10:42 |
cehteh | n900 takes only 5V regulated .. 6V is within design limits but *not* specified | 10:42 |
DocScrutinizer | ??? | 10:42 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: the power on the bike is pretty stable at 6-8V, but I guess I can't just connect it to a 10Ah supply ;) | 10:42 |
DocScrutinizer | not even within design limits I'd guess | 10:43 |
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haj | cehteh: car charger | 10:43 |
RST38h | Jaffa: bitter, bitter punks | 10:43 |
DocScrutinizer | haj: what got 10Ah to do with it? | 10:43 |
cehteh | DocScrutinizer: last time we talked about it someone (ShadowJK?) figured the limits out | 10:43 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: the charging circuit on the motorcycle has 10Ah output | 10:43 |
cehteh | haj: better stop now .. you have no clue :P | 10:44 |
DocScrutinizer | cehteh: that's maybe abs max of the charger chip | 10:44 |
haj | cehteh: 6V motorcycle with a regular carcharger -> phone | 10:44 |
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DocScrutinizer | haj: 10Ah is a capacity metric | 10:44 |
cehteh | the abs max was higher iirc .. 6V wont kill it he saied | 10:44 |
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cehteh | but anyway i would *not* hook 6V on my n900 | 10:45 |
DocScrutinizer | me neither, but he said "charger" | 10:45 |
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cehteh | he also saied 6V and 10Ah :) | 10:45 |
DocScrutinizer | there *are* chargers specified 6..24V | 10:45 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah :-P | 10:45 |
haj | are there? I can't find them | 10:46 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe there are two classes: 6..12 and 12..24 | 10:46 |
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cehteh | haj: the n900 should feed by 5V regulated ... maybe little more possibly down to 4V (when it is a usb charger and not usb data) and should be rated up to 1.3A (while the n900 usually draws less) | 10:47 |
gomiam | mmm... a universal charger I have has 12..19 or something like that _and_ a USB output. OTOH... isn't there a lighter plug charger for the n900? | 10:47 |
cehteh | if you charger can only provide less current its ok if it doesnt overheat/shutdown | 10:47 |
haj | gomiam: Thats what I was using.. ;) | 10:48 |
cehteh | but connection any non regulated voltage or higher than 5V may eventually fry the device | 10:48 |
gomiam | haj: good enough. Those things are usually rated to use at least 12V. | 10:48 |
cehteh | and the usb output has to adhere the usb charging specification .. many do not | 10:48 |
cehteh | (that is you see very slow or no charging at all) | 10:49 |
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* DocScrutinizer suggests one of those: http://hardwarestore24.de/Universal-KFZ-Netzteil-12V-auf-220V-Titan-TTI-HW75-75W?jtl=roboter then use your normal wallcharger that came with whatever crap hw you got ;-) | 11:00 | |
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DocScrutinizer | also the most fry-safe approach, as many of those: http://www.handy-punkt.com/doppel-fach-zweifach-kfzladeadapter-p-10114.html?ref=3 don't protect your device when there are spikes on 12V car power, like they can be found especially on scooters and bikes when engaging starter | 11:02 |
DocScrutinizer | but also when switching off main lights, when honking, whatever | 11:03 |
DocScrutinizer | as mentioned above, it's rather critical and I've seen several fatalities especiallly on scooters | 11:03 |
DocScrutinizer | won't happen with wallcharger connected to 220V converter | 11:03 |
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haj | DocScrutinizer: but none of those accept a input of 6-8V :) | 11:09 |
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DocScrutinizer | actually those are hard to find. If you really consider that you'll be able to get 6V->220V as well | 11:11 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: I have had a voltmeter on the machine while riding.. and it has never been above 8V... it's between 5.8V (with low battery and lights on) and 8V.. :) | 11:11 |
DocScrutinizer | haj: is it a oscilloscope? a peak voltage detector with hold? or is it a dirt simple analog dial that doesn't tell anything beyond what you could tell by brightness of your light as well? | 11:12 |
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haj | DocScrutinizer: I guess it should be possible to find a drawing of a charger circuit and modify it for 6V and then just make it... | 11:12 |
DocScrutinizer | haj: for *me* that's quite possible. I doubt it's in reach of your skills though (no offense intended) | 11:13 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: it's a digital thing... but I don't see where the spikes should come from.. it does have a battery that should keep it stable, and it doesn't have electric starter or anything like that.. the power comes from a simple dynamo. | 11:13 |
DocScrutinizer | oh, so it's no motorized bike? | 11:14 |
* cehteh wonders if a electronic fuse and a zehner would be ok for protection .. and maybe protection diodes | 11:14 | |
ruskie | sounds like a bicycle | 11:14 |
haj | http://gallery.nathue.dk/tingsager/dnepr/2011-06-03/.cache/800x479-IMAG0023.jpg | 11:15 |
cehteh | i dont really trust cheap plastic chinese hardware :) | 11:15 |
DocScrutinizer | cehteh: better that | 11:15 |
ruskie | nice | 11:15 |
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cloudyLights | hi all | 11:15 |
haj | ruskie: oh.. yah you should recognise that thing ;) | 11:15 |
cehteh | i am not electronics engineer .. but so far i most often get the things working i needed | 11:16 |
DocScrutinizer | haj: believe me, you *got* spikes on such a critter's power | 11:16 |
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cloudyLights | cehteh: hi there , how is it the wether in karlsruhe? | 11:16 |
cehteh | yeah looks cool .. i'd like it .. but that doesnt mean its power is well regulated :P | 11:16 |
cehteh | hi cloudyLights :) ... | 11:17 |
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cloudyLights | I saw a headline two days ago about the nokia CTO leaving | 11:17 |
ruskie | haj, I should? | 11:17 |
DocScrutinizer | those things have basically no power regulation at all | 11:17 |
cehteh | reasonable weather here, bit cloudy but better than too hot | 11:17 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: what if I just do this and use the Nokia charger? http://circuitdiagram.net/6v-to-12v-dc-voltage-converter.html | 11:17 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah, good plan | 11:17 |
cloudyLights | are there any news I missed regarding the N9 coming out? | 11:17 |
haj | ruskie: well.. it does have CCCP printed on it several places... | 11:17 |
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ruskie | haj, well I'm not russian ;) | 11:18 |
haj | ruskie: whats with the ruskie then? ;) | 11:18 |
cloudyLights | btw, there is a wootoff now. see www.woot.com | 11:18 |
cehteh | you may point Treibholz to your bike picture, he'll like that | 11:18 |
ruskie | haj, I played to much red alert ;) | 11:18 |
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cloudyLights | if you can buy stuff in the usa and send them home | 11:18 |
cehteh | he is doing sidecar races with historic bikes with his father :) | 11:18 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: "1A max." .. should be fine.. :) | 11:19 |
cehteh | DocScrutinizer: this electronic fuses, what kind of curve to they have, do they regulate the current or do they break until voltage basically disappears? | 11:20 |
DocScrutinizer | cehteh: which ones? | 11:21 |
DocScrutinizer | polyfuse? | 11:21 |
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gomiam | cehteh: fuses? LOL, I just remembered the first rule about fuses and electronics: "Any electronic circuit protected by a fuse will burn to protect it" | 11:21 |
DocScrutinizer | gomiam: that'S basically true | 11:21 |
cehteh | yeah i saied earlier to put a zehner there as donor circruit :) | 11:22 |
DocScrutinizer | a reasonable plan | 11:22 |
DocScrutinizer | you should use a polyfuse to protect the zener | 11:22 |
cehteh | yes | 11:23 |
DocScrutinizer | do that on input side of your 12->5 | 11:23 |
DocScrutinizer | also use a choke and a 100nF | 11:23 |
DocScrutinizer | and you're probably safe | 11:23 |
cehteh | when you have 12V car/bike then you can put a lot (2) protection diodes there without the loss getting nasty | 11:24 |
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cehteh | and after that protection you can put the regulator | 11:24 |
DocScrutinizer | err, loss? | 11:24 |
DocScrutinizer | which loss? | 11:24 |
cehteh | voltage drop at diodes :) | 11:24 |
cehteh | not really loss | 11:24 |
DocScrutinizer | you'd use a Zener from +12V to GND and it's normally open-circuit | 11:25 |
DocScrutinizer | the Zener should be like 15V then | 11:25 |
cehteh | yes | 11:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | and not usually cause any loss whatsoever | 11:25 |
cehteh | that also protects against polarity reversal when you put a fuse in front | 11:25 |
DocScrutinizer | yep | 11:26 |
cehteh | if not you have a nice heater :P | 11:26 |
DocScrutinizer | hehe, more like a cracker | 11:26 |
cehteh | tantal condensators are the best crackers i know | 11:26 |
DocScrutinizer | gomiam's rule will apply | 11:26 |
cehteh | not too loud, but they popp serveral times and there are no much hazardous substances ... | 11:27 |
cehteh | blowing big elkos is a bit nasty | 11:28 |
DocScrutinizer | my suggestion: use a fat SiFerrit choke in series with 12V-in, then a Zener15V to GND, in parallel with a 4700uF and a 100nF | 11:28 |
DocScrutinizer | put a polyfuse in series with the choke | 11:28 |
_trine | a zener diode on its own may not protect you from reverse voltage because it will not start to conduct until more than 0.6 of a volt | 11:28 |
cehteh | yes ferrite chokes are rarely wrong and usually one has such laying around or can scrap some old power supply or whatever | 11:29 |
DocScrutinizer | yup, also dimmers are nice for chokes of that size | 11:29 |
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DocScrutinizer | _trine: correct, but no real problem here | 11:31 |
_trine | would the equipment survive 0.6 of a reverse volt | 11:32 |
gomiam | erm... would using some kind of photovoltaic thingy as charger make any sense? | 11:32 |
_trine | some stuff will not | 11:32 |
RST38h | nope | 11:32 |
DocScrutinizer | surges with fast risetime would be more of an issue, because of Zeners being slow, but we got the 100nF and the choke for that | 11:32 |
DocScrutinizer | haj: all that applies to you and your 6->12V as well | 11:33 |
DocScrutinizer | though you should use a 10V zener rather than a 15V | 11:33 |
gomiam | I ask because you are going to such extremes to protect the electronics that it might be easier just to uncouple it completely. | 11:33 |
gomiam | and since it is a bike.... | 11:33 |
_trine | if you connected a flat battery it could be damaging | 11:33 |
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_trine | if you could allow for a volt drop of the 0.6v then you could have a diode in series as well to protect against reverse polarity | 11:35 |
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_trine | if you had a full wave bridge rectifier in circuit you could connect it up anyway you wanted to | 11:36 |
DocScrutinizer | http://www.stec-electronic.de/product_thumb.php?img=images/entstoerfilter_web_small.gif&w=122&h=95 | 11:37 |
gomiam | ok, let's cut through all the chase. Just put an inverter to generate 220V and then connect your usual charger XD | 11:37 |
gomiam | much simpler, much easier. | 11:38 |
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DocScrutinizer | http://www.luedeke-elektronic.de/products/KFZ-Zubehoer/Wandler-Entstoerfilter/KFZ-Entstoerfilter-3Ampere-12V.html | 11:38 |
DocScrutinizer | gomiam: that's where we started ;-P | 11:38 |
gomiam | DocScrutinizer: oops, sorry, didn't read that. | 11:38 |
DocScrutinizer | [2011-06-14 10:00:41] * DocScrutinizer suggests one of those: http://hardwarestore24.de/Universal-KFZ-Netzteil-12V-auf-220V-Titan-TTI-HW75-75W?jtl=roboter then use your normal wallcharger that came with whatever crap hw you got ;-) | 11:39 |
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ShadowJK | cehteh, bq27200 doesn't work on N800. | 11:41 |
DocScrutinizer | ok, now that's the one: http://www.luedeke-elektronic.de/products/Elektronik-Module/Ueberspannungfilter/Ueberspannungsschutz-fuer-KFZ-12V-Kemo-M168.html | 11:42 |
DocScrutinizer | errr wut? who's ging to use bq27200.sh on N800? | 11:43 |
DocScrutinizer | going* | 11:43 |
gomiam | what is bq27200.sh ? | 11:43 |
gomiam | :P | 11:43 |
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lardman | morning | 11:45 |
DocScrutinizer | (link above) combine with http://www.maxxcount.de/maxxcount/cms/products/Entstörfilter-12V--5A-.aspx and you're safe | 11:45 |
DocScrutinizer | lardman: moo | 11:45 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: noted. | 11:45 |
lardman | hi Doc | 11:45 |
DocScrutinizer | gomiam: a script reading out the values of battery gauge chip | 11:45 |
gomiam | ah, ok | 11:46 |
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RST38h | http://www.khronos.org/files/opensl-es-1-1-quick-reference.pdf | 11:50 |
RST38h | Ahhahahahaha | 11:51 |
RST38h | Helo lardman | 11:51 |
lardman | hi RST38h | 11:52 |
cloudyLights | hello lardman | 11:53 |
cloudyLights | say lardman , did your a look at waze? | 11:53 |
* RST38h now starts suspecting that the so called Kronos Group is a politically correct word for a bedlam | 11:53 | |
cloudyLights | and the 310$ bounty? | 11:53 |
lardman | cloudyLights: hi, no, I've been a bit busy I'm afraid | 11:53 |
lardman | not bothered about the money, but it does look like quite a cool app | 11:53 |
cloudyLights | it is | 11:54 |
lardman | I also thought that someone had already produced a version that would run on Linux? | 11:54 |
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lardman | there was iirc someone with a link to something on code.google.com or something like that | 11:55 |
cloudyLights | there is a guy that started writing a qt frontend using the web api | 11:55 |
cloudyLights | waze is based on roadmap which was originally written for open embedded | 11:55 |
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lardman | the interesting part of it for me was the use of data reported by devices to map speeds along routes | 11:56 |
lardman | but really, lots of other stuff on, and I'm moving house tomorrow, so no internet for a while I imagine | 11:56 |
cloudyLights | odd that we need to port it now to linux, as it all started there | 11:57 |
cloudyLights | yes, this program can be used anywhere in the world | 11:57 |
cloudyLights | as long as you got that user base , it stays up to date | 11:57 |
cloudyLights | btw lardman, do you know how to package a program for maemo 5? | 11:58 |
cloudyLights | I wrote this small app and still didnt package it | 11:58 |
cloudyLights | must I have a running scratchbox to package? | 11:59 |
lardman | cloudyLights: yes I do, but I'm waiting for some visitors to turn up (at 10am, 1 minute from now) so probably won't have time to tell you | 11:59 |
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lardman | iirc there was a wiki page | 11:59 |
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lardman | cloudyLights: how did you compile the app, or is it python? | 11:59 |
cloudyLights | is pypackager still working? | 11:59 |
cloudyLights | python! | 11:59 |
lardman | you'd need to ask e.g. khertan about that, I've never packaged a Python app | 12:00 |
cloudyLights | was developped on my N900 | 12:00 |
cloudyLights | ~seen khertan | 12:00 |
infobot | khertan <~khertan@AAmiens-553-1-165-155.w92-155.abo.wanadoo.fr> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 1d 14h 36m 7s ago, saying: 'not so bad ... dev palm pré : 277,227409 euros'. | 12:00 |
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edheldil | Hi, what should I use for sound output on n900 in python Qt4? Phonon or QSound? I need simple sound effect playback, nothing fancy | 13:09 |
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MohammadAG | QSound and Phonon are deprecated, use QMediaPlayer | 13:11 |
MohammadAG | part of QtMobility | 13:11 |
edheldil | Thank you | 13:12 |
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* ShadowJK wonders if anyone has compared bme values to pnatd:AT+CBC? values | 13:14 | |
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ruskie | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/14/nokia_apple/ | 13:38 |
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dfaure | after reflashing to PR1.3 and reinstalling subversion, "svn" crashes, every time. Is there a known solution to that? | 13:39 |
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Jaffa | ruskie: My theory: Nokia were desperate for some cash following the results forecast revision | 13:42 |
ruskie | Jaffa, yup | 13:42 |
ruskie | agreed on that | 13:42 |
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ruskie | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/14/metro_bank_email_snafu/ <-- lol | 13:44 |
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edheldil | MohammadAG: are the pyside packages for multimediakit only in extras devel? | 13:48 |
edheldil | or even PyQt ones | 13:49 |
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MohammadAG | most probably, since Qt Mobility 1.2 is in devel | 13:50 |
lizardo | edheldil: dependencies are automatically promoted AFAIK | 13:50 |
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Gyjf | hey guys | 13:50 |
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lizardo | but if some dependency is blocked from promotion, there is nothing we can do :( | 13:50 |
Gyjf | i have a problem with wifi networks showing up when they arnt there, how would one remove them from the list? | 13:51 |
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edheldil | FAM and apt-get use different list of repos? | 13:54 |
MohammadAG | yes, I'm not sure why fapman's dev decided to do thaat | 13:55 |
MohammadAG | KDE has a high trigger limit for auto-repeat apparently | 13:55 |
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RST38h | HELO MohammadAG | 13:59 |
xkr47 | EHLO RST38h Server Ready | 13:59 |
edheldil | 250 Nice to meet you | 13:59 |
xkr47 | LHLO Who uses this protocol anyway? | 14:00 |
MohammadAG | HELL-O RST38h | 14:01 |
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shark_eye | Hello | 14:03 |
shark_eye | everyone | 14:03 |
shark_eye | I am facing a problem in running binaries on my N900. It shows error line 1: syntax error: "&" unexpected (expecting ")"). Can anyone help me ? | 14:05 |
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user0 | hello. | 14:05 |
shark_eye | hello | 14:06 |
user0 | http://pastie.org/pastes/2065982/text | 14:06 |
Gyjf | there is clearly missing a closing parenthesis somewhere | 14:07 |
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Gyjf | on line 1 | 14:07 |
user0 | i cant seem to remove the lock code at boot after flashing the emmc and the rootfs | 14:07 |
user0 | any suggestions ? | 14:07 |
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Choom | there's a default lock code, IIRC | 14:08 |
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Choom | I thiok it was 123556 or something like that | 14:08 |
psycho_oreos | and there's a t.m.o thread about it | 14:08 |
Choom | can't remember anymore since I've changed mine long ago | 14:08 |
robbiethe1st | 12345 | 14:08 |
user0 | doesnt work | 14:09 |
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edheldil | what package do I have to install to get QMediaPlayer in pyside? python-pyside.qtmultimedia seems a bit ... minimalistic | 14:11 |
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gri | I just tried 12345 on my phone where I never changed the code - worked. | 14:12 |
user0 | it has been changed on mine | 14:12 |
shark_eye | @Gyjf , I am not able to get . I mean iwa s able to successfully compile the .c file , but when i try to run the binary generated on my maemo it shows that error | 14:13 |
user0 | but the thing is after flashing the emmc it should go back to 12345 | 14:13 |
Jaffa | lizardo: Well, if something's blocked for promotion it's for a reason, but a discussion/revisit on maemo-developers wouldn't hurt. | 14:13 |
user0 | and shouldnt be enabled at boot by defualt | 14:13 |
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DocScrutinizer | ShadowJK: (at+cbc) not yet. What do you expect? | 14:15 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: it definitely does NOT go back to default | 14:17 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: it shouldn't get asked for anyway, on bootup | 14:17 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: at least that's what smart devels say about it - for obvious reasons nobody has ever really tested it, except those who reflashed and thus recovered, there've been a few afaik | 14:18 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer : did you check the link i pasted ? | 14:19 |
DocScrutinizer | err the one I answered yesterday? | 14:19 |
DocScrutinizer | or has there been a new one meanwhile? | 14:19 |
user0 | http://pastie.org/pastes/2065982/text | 14:19 |
DocScrutinizer | are you sure your VANILLA image is the recent one? | 14:21 |
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DocScrutinizer | RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin looks odd | 14:22 |
DocScrutinizer | RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin is what I'm using | 14:23 |
user0 | :S | 14:23 |
DocScrutinizer | see? it's really simple if you look closer ;-) | 14:24 |
user0 | that has to be the problem | 14:24 |
DocScrutinizer | sure, what else | 14:24 |
DocScrutinizer | your flashing seems to work, though also looking a tad strange. might be caused by wrong image though | 14:25 |
DocScrutinizer | 31s for flashing eMMC feels about right | 14:26 |
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DocScrutinizer | esp the report looks ok: >>Image(s) flashed successfully in 31.171 s (7736 kB/s)! | 14:27 |
DocScrutinizer | .2010.13-2. came with dunno PR1.0.1 or 1.1 or sth. There has to be a reason Nokia published a new eMMC image | 14:28 |
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lizardo | edheldil: better asking on #pyside , but QMediaPlayer is part of qtmotiliby, so you need one of the pyside-mobility.* packages | 14:41 |
lizardo | edheldil: I mean, pyside-qtmobility.* | 14:42 |
shark_eye | http://pastie.org/2066123 | 14:44 |
shark_eye | I really need help with that . Can anyone help me with this | 14:46 |
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user0 | i need some random IMEI | 14:50 |
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user0 | the one i have on the phone isnt working with nokia's site | 14:50 |
ruskie | it should | 14:52 |
ruskie | you did not include the / right and any other such random chars? | 14:52 |
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user0 | no | 14:52 |
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DocScrutinizer | user0: yu're sure you got no fake N900? ;-P | 14:56 |
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DocScrutinizer | lockcode set, wrong IMEI | 14:56 |
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DocScrutinizer | tztztz | 14:56 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: see PM | 14:57 |
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user0 | thx | 14:58 |
user0 | i used http://nokia.tgbus.com/UploadFiles_6632/201003/20100313133610251.jpg | 14:59 |
user0 | downloading RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin atm | 15:00 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, looks good | 15:00 |
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DocScrutinizer | this too | 15:01 |
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psycho_oreos | what, google searched for: N900; imei? :) | 15:01 |
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DocScrutinizer | I'm unsure, maybe that's his own | 15:02 |
DocScrutinizer | that didn't work | 15:02 |
DocScrutinizer | awesome: http://www.usp-forum.de/nokia-n900-forum/53627-imei-n900-ndern.html >:-((( | 15:03 |
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psycho_oreos | found a working imei code | 15:04 |
psycho_oreos | lol, tested it and it works | 15:04 |
RST38h | Doc: whadoesitsay? | 15:05 |
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psycho_oreos | DocScrutinizer, lol @ link, some poor guy got screwed over it seems | 15:09 |
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psycho_oreos | haha @ last thread on that post | 15:09 |
cloudyLights | ~seen khertan | 15:10 |
infobot | khertan <~khertan@AAmiens-553-1-165-155.w92-155.abo.wanadoo.fr> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 1d 17h 46m 4s ago, saying: 'not so bad ... dev palm pré : 277,227409 euros'. | 15:10 |
DocScrutinizer | RST38h: "friend my bought stollen N900 - how change IMEI is possible no?" | 15:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | fools in that forum just told him to piss off. I'd ask him for the current IMEI so I "can calculate changecode for you" | 15:12 |
RST38h | Doc: meh | 15:12 |
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DocScrutinizer | might be a troll as well | 15:13 |
DocScrutinizer | some of the early Openmko Freerunner went out with IMEI=000000000000 ;-P | 15:15 |
ruskie | haha | 15:15 |
DocScrutinizer | prototypes though | 15:15 |
DocScrutinizer | dunno if we ever bothered to set them correctly | 15:16 |
RST38h | Why would OpenMoko need an IMEI? | 15:16 |
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DocScrutinizer | why not? | 15:16 |
RST38h | Can't easily call or receive calls to it, so why IMEI? | 15:16 |
DocScrutinizer | it's GSM specs | 15:16 |
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DocScrutinizer | RST38h: I used a FR for daily phone for ~7 months, other do since almost 2 years now, some maybe longer | 15:17 |
RST38h | Heroes! | 15:18 |
DocScrutinizer | meh | 15:18 |
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RST38h | Doc: Seen the OpenSL quick reference? ;) | 15:19 |
DocScrutinizer | nope, looked to errrr hoaxy | 15:19 |
RST38h | see above | 15:19 |
RST38h | crazy shit | 15:19 |
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DocScrutinizer | indeed | 15:23 |
Venemo_N900 | good morning | 15:23 |
DocScrutinizer | morning Venemo_N900 | 15:23 |
Venemo_N900 | hey DocScrutinizer :) | 15:25 |
Venemo_N900 | I've just finished an exam | 15:25 |
Venemo_N900 | I'm hoping it succeeds | 15:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | :-) | 15:27 |
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Gyjf | is anyone else having problems with the "Extras" repos? | 15:27 |
Venemo_N900 | DocScrutinizer, there were a lot about the Intel 8085 and its friends | 15:29 |
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Venemo_N900 | DocScrutinizer, amazing how similar that old piece o' crap is to current hardware | 15:32 |
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cloudyLights | can anyone pls help me with sb-menu? | 15:51 |
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cloudyLights | sb-conf se FREMANTLE_ARMEL | 15:51 |
cloudyLights | sb-conf: No such target: FREMANTLE_ARMEL | 15:51 |
cloudyLights | this is a brand new install | 15:51 |
cloudyLights | of scratchbox | 15:51 |
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Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, how did you install scratchbox? | 16:00 |
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cloudyLights | I used the instructions at http://wiki.maemo.org/Documentation/Maemo_5_Final_SDK_Installation#Installation_of_x86-64_Debian_based_distributions | 16:02 |
cloudyLights | so I ran sudo ./maemo-scratchbox-install_5.0.sh -F -u $USER -s /scratchbox | 16:02 |
edheldil | MohammadAG: it unfortunately looks like there's no python QMediaPlayer on maemo due to some package/library conflict | 16:03 |
edheldil | or at least not packaged one | 16:04 |
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Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, so what targets are there? | 16:06 |
cloudyLights | Venemo_N900: am I suppose to do anything after running the install? | 16:06 |
cloudyLights | I run sb-menu | 16:07 |
cloudyLights | then enter setup | 16:07 |
cloudyLights | I see only NEW | 16:07 |
cloudyLights | what should I do? | 16:07 |
zap | Hey, anybody had problems with skype lately? My N900 can't log into the skype network for about a week | 16:08 |
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Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, hmmm | 16:09 |
Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, well, I just ran the installer script without any options and it worked fine | 16:09 |
Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, I used the GUI installer from forum nokia | 16:09 |
cloudyLights | I didnt | 16:10 |
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Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, why don't you try that | 16:11 |
cloudyLights | can I run the gui install after I run the script install? | 16:12 |
Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, it's worth a try | 16:12 |
Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, otherwise you could always set up your targets manually, but that can be tiresome | 16:13 |
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cloudyLights | Currently Scratcbox can only run in 32 bit i386 architecture. | 16:15 |
cloudyLights | :-( | 16:16 |
cloudyLights | how to setup the targes? | 16:17 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer didnt work out | 16:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | user0: now it starts to get starnge | 16:18 |
MohammadAG | scratchbox runs fine on x64 | 16:18 |
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Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, SB can run on x64 if you disable the vdso | 16:18 |
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khertan | Hello ! | 16:19 |
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Venemo_N900 | cloudyLights, try the gui installer first | 16:20 |
MohammadAG | I suggest otherwise | 16:21 |
MohammadAG | use the scripted installer, at least it can resume downloads | 16:21 |
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Venemo_N900 | MohammadAG, he already did and it didn't install any targets for him | 16:23 |
cloudyLights | ok, I tried the script | 16:23 |
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MohammadAG | the two scripts? | 16:23 |
cloudyLights | how to add the missing tragets? | 16:23 |
MohammadAG | there are two scripts to run, I'm sure you only ran one | 16:23 |
cloudyLights | let me see | 16:24 |
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cloudyLights | right MohammadAG | 16:29 |
cloudyLights | It wasnt clear in the wiki | 16:29 |
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user0 | i flashed this thing too many times | 16:29 |
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cloudyLights | after the 64bit section there is a link to the 32bit installl | 16:30 |
user0 | MohammadAG : any suggestions? | 16:30 |
user0 | any way to find the lock code without access to the device | 16:30 |
user0 | any way to remove it other than flashing the device? | 16:31 |
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khertan | user0, trying all possible code | 16:32 |
cloudyLights | in the 32bit install the two scripts appear | 16:32 |
cloudyLights | as I saw the command I allready run I skipped it | 16:32 |
cloudyLights | should have understand I still need to run the second command | 16:32 |
MohammadAG | user0, strings /dev/mtd1 | 16:32 |
cloudyLights | khertan: hi | 16:32 |
MohammadAG | find a way to do that, and you have your code | 16:32 |
cloudyLights | khertan: are you the guy that wrote pypackager? | 16:33 |
khertan | it s me | 16:33 |
cloudyLights | can you help me package a python app? | 16:33 |
khertan | depends, did you plan to made binary package ? | 16:33 |
khertan | or just create package for autobuilder ? | 16:33 |
cloudyLights | am... | 16:34 |
cloudyLights | I got three .py files | 16:34 |
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khertan | as if it s just for autobuilder i suggest you to use sdist_maemo ... a distutils extension to build package | 16:34 |
cloudyLights | so I dont need a autobuilder - right? | 16:34 |
khertan | i mean did you plan to upload it to extra-devel ? | 16:35 |
user0 | MohammadAG : possible without having any app running ? | 16:35 |
cloudyLights | khertan: I may want to share it using extra-devel | 16:35 |
cloudyLights | but first I wanted to send it to other ppl for QA | 16:36 |
MohammadAG | user0, you just need shell access to the device | 16:36 |
MohammadAG | whether it's through ssh, another OS | 16:36 |
khertan | cloudyLights, let s go for pypackager so | 16:36 |
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cloudyLights | khertan: I got confused about packaging, read too many advice | 16:36 |
khertan | cloudyLights, did you have already create the scripts to use it ? | 16:36 |
khertan | cloudyLights, yep every dev has his own method to create package :) | 16:37 |
khertan | it s can be confusing when you begin | 16:37 |
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cloudyLights | I got all my files in a directory | 16:38 |
cloudyLights | I then created usr/lib/hildon-desktop and put the frontend there | 16:39 |
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user0 | MohammadAG : is that even possible ? | 16:39 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: I suggest to help user0 to get his flashing straight. he tried for >24h to flash an obsolete eMMC image. I'd guess if it still doesn't work then there's probably another ooopsie yet | 16:39 |
cloudyLights | I mean, I used /path/to/my/dir as if it was the N900 rootfs | 16:39 |
MohammadAG | eMMC doesn't do shit | 16:39 |
MohammadAG | flash the COMBINED image | 16:39 |
cloudyLights | and made the directories in it and put the files there | 16:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: I thought it could do shit, for ~ | 16:40 |
cloudyLights | how to take that directory and create a deb from it? | 16:40 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, gconf is stored on /var | 16:40 |
user0 | i've flashed both many times now | 16:40 |
MohammadAG | /var isn't on ~ | 16:40 |
DocScrutinizer | no it's possibly on eMMC though | 16:40 |
MohammadAG | no | 16:40 |
DocScrutinizer | uhuh | 16:40 |
MohammadAG | very sure it's on / | 16:40 |
DocScrutinizer | check | 16:40 |
cloudyLights | khertan: pypackager appears as os2008 | 16:40 |
khertan | cloudyLights, did you have read the howto ? http://khertan.net/articles/maemo/pypackager_howto ? | 16:41 |
MohammadAG | I'm sure | 16:41 |
user0 | o_o | 16:41 |
DocScrutinizer | you'll be amazed | 16:41 |
cloudyLights | so I didnt know if I can use it in maemo5 | 16:41 |
khertan | cloudyLights, it s available for all Maemo OS :) | 16:41 |
user0 | so how do i get shell access atm ? | 16:41 |
MohammadAG | are you sure you're flashing it right? | 16:41 |
DocScrutinizer | parts of /var are on eMMC afaik | 16:41 |
MohammadAG | cause I'm having doubts it's your PIN code | 16:41 |
user0 | yes | 16:41 |
MohammadAG | gconf isn't DocScrutinizer | 16:41 |
cloudyLights | khertan: actually that url was down a few days ago | 16:41 |
MohammadAG | that's why widgets lose their positions | 16:41 |
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khertan | cloudyLights, it s just that i'm tired to update Maemo.org/Download and see it overwritten by older informations each time i upload a new package | 16:41 |
khertan | cloudyLights, ? really ? | 16:42 |
DocScrutinizer | well whatever, how can his particular device ask for lock code while nobody else's does? | 16:42 |
MohammadAG | he's not flashing it right | 16:42 |
khertan | cloudyLights, i didn't notice that my website was down | 16:42 |
cloudyLights | can I run pypackager withour scratchbox? | 16:42 |
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khertan | cloudyLights, yep ... you can run it on device | 16:42 |
DocScrutinizer | so there's no use in talking him thru yet a wilder adventure ;-) | 16:43 |
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khertan | cloudyLights, i made it create package in the train without scratchbox | 16:43 |
cloudyLights | good | 16:43 |
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user0 | MohammadAG : no sim | 16:43 |
MohammadAG | try flashing the COMBINED image only | 16:43 |
khertan | basically put all your python file in a folder | 16:43 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: please have a look at the pastie he posted | 16:44 |
khertan | and in the parent folder write the script, put the .desktop, icon and service file | 16:44 |
MohammadAG | which one? | 16:44 |
khertan | modify a bit the script to add dependancies, and change description | 16:44 |
DocScrutinizer | backscroll | 16:44 |
khertan | cloudyLights, and then python script.py | 16:44 |
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* DocScrutinizer needs a break, a looong break. and... | 16:45 | |
DocScrutinizer | time for 12648430 ☕ | 16:45 |
user0 | http://pastie.org/pastes/2066640/text | 16:45 |
user0 | this is another one | 16:46 |
cloudyLights | khertan: thanks, I will try this at home | 16:46 |
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MohammadAG | oh so it did flash... | 16:46 |
user0 | this one is using the latest emmc image | 16:46 |
MohammadAG | well, only suggestion is to crack the code somehow | 16:46 |
khertan | cloudyLights, what your app does ? | 16:47 |
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MohammadAG | http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/Using_Rescue_Initrd <-- try this | 16:47 |
user0 | but i dont have access to the shell | 16:47 |
MohammadAG | see the link above | 16:47 |
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user0 | its in some text file just not in plain text | 16:48 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: useless effort, not even I can use that shit | 16:48 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, why, it's easy as piss | 16:48 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: your COMBINED flashing aborted after flashing CMT | 16:48 |
MohammadAG | doesn't matter, his rootfs got flashed | 16:48 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: known problem with some US versions. Use global | 16:48 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: hahaha | 16:49 |
MohammadAG | http://mohammadag.xceleo.org/public/maemo/rescueinitrd/vmlinuz- | 16:49 |
MohammadAG | http://mohammadag.xceleo.org/public/maemo/rescueinitrd/initrd.img-rescue- | 16:49 |
user0 | thas what im using | 16:49 |
MohammadAG | sudo flasher-3.5 -k vmlinuz- -n initrd.img-rescue- -b"rootdelay=1 root=/dev/ram0" | 16:49 |
DocScrutinizer | then WHAT? | 16:50 |
MohammadAG | drop the sudo, I forgot you're on windows | 16:50 |
MohammadAG | press T, and strings /dev/mtd1 | 16:50 |
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jacekowski | i finally got a job offer that isn't more than 20 miles away | 16:50 |
DocScrutinizer | are you going to talk him thru getting mtd1? | 16:50 |
DocScrutinizer | then using john? | 16:50 |
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DocScrutinizer | c'mon | 16:50 |
MohammadAG | yeah | 16:50 |
DocScrutinizer | BS | 16:50 |
MohammadAG | why not | 16:50 |
MohammadAG | look | 16:51 |
DocScrutinizer | because FLASHING FAILED | 16:51 |
DocScrutinizer | evidently, look at end of http://pastie.org/pastes/2066640/text | 16:51 |
MohammadAG | flash the COMBINED image only, no eMMC | 16:51 |
MohammadAG | DocScrutinizer, looks fine to me | 16:52 |
DocScrutinizer | wtf, eMMC worked, but he flashed US vesion which is known to sometmes fail at cmt | 16:52 |
MohammadAG | CMT flashed successfully | 16:52 |
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MohammadAG | again, I don't see anything wrong there | 16:52 |
user0 | im using the global version | 16:52 |
DocScrutinizer | so where's the last line saying "flashing complete, flashed xxxMB (456kb/s)" | 16:53 |
MohammadAG | probably he didn't copy it, since you can see he doesn't have the line from the cmd prompt | 16:53 |
DocScrutinizer | aaah yes, sorry, that's actually mr0 | 16:53 |
* DocScrutinizer is gone. have fun boys :-) | 16:53 | |
MohammadAG | Sending and flashing rootfs image (185728 kB)... | 16:53 |
MohammadAG | 100% (185728 of 0 kB, avg. 185728 kB/s) | 16:53 |
MohammadAG | Finishing flashing... done | 16:53 |
MohammadAG | is all that matters | 16:53 |
DocScrutinizer | look closer what you pasted :-P | 16:54 |
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MohammadAG | division by 0 is possible on windows :p | 16:54 |
DocScrutinizer | windows sucks, you're right | 16:54 |
DocScrutinizer | bah | 16:55 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: toldya DON'T USE WINDOWS | 16:55 |
user0 | im at work , this is what i have access to | 16:55 |
user0 | winxp! | 16:55 |
DocScrutinizer | flashed 185MB/s HAHAHAHA | 16:55 |
DocScrutinizer | this shit is flashing NUTTIN | 16:56 |
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cloudyLights | khertan; switch the profile when a meeting is taking place and return to general | 16:58 |
DocScrutinizer | honestly you need to flash COMBINED properly anyway as you already flashed eMMC. Once you done that you don't need to go thru the rescue-initrd hoops MohammadAG has for you | 16:58 |
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user0 | properly? | 16:59 |
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cloudyLights | I also seek a program to wake me up when the bus is near the station I should get off at | 16:59 |
cloudyLights | may have to write it too | 16:59 |
user0 | all that i did was from the wiki | 16:59 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: your windows is cheating on you | 16:59 |
user0 | and its seems to work perfectly | 16:59 |
DocScrutinizer | no, the numbers are all shit | 16:59 |
DocScrutinizer | 100% od 0kb flashed, at a speed next to speed-of-light - NONSENSE | 17:00 |
MohammadAG | I want the speed of light in kb/s actually | 17:00 |
MohammadAG | would be interesting | 17:00 |
user0 | this is the second pc i use to flash it | 17:01 |
user0 | first win7 | 17:01 |
user0 | and now winxp | 17:01 |
DocScrutinizer | win7 is known to fail | 17:01 |
DocScrutinizer | and winxp isn't much better honestly | 17:01 |
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DocScrutinizer | yesterday you seem to have succeeded but you flashed some wrong eMMC which spoiled things for you some weird way | 17:02 |
DocScrutinizer | use your arch box and do flashing there, as it starts to get exhausting | 17:03 |
DocScrutinizer | and again, please read | 17:03 |
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DocScrutinizer | ~flash | 17:03 |
infobot | hmm... flashing is http://wiki.maemo.org/Updating_the_tablet_firmware | 17:03 |
DocScrutinizer | I updated it especially for you ;-) | 17:03 |
DocScrutinizer | last night | 17:04 |
DocScrutinizer | cya bbl | 17:04 |
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asdfu | can anyone help me with this? http://i.imgur.com/5730I.jpg thx | 17:06 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: speed of light at baud metrics is $(X=$random)bytes flashed in 0 seconds, speed $X/s | 17:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | obviously usb_send(whatever, *usb_dev) returns erratically in no time without doing anything, but doesn't return any error, on windows | 17:13 |
DocScrutinizer | it's completely irrelevant if it's called with bytes, 512byte chunks, or the whole image to flash. it can get called 5million times and still the whole thing takes <1s. So you get that diagnostic output, and no rootfs or whatever flashed | 17:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | actually the function call seems to return with 0(flashed bytes count) instead of a negative number to indicate it failed | 17:18 |
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DocScrutinizer | these zeroes summ up to "of 0kB" | 17:18 |
DocScrutinizer | whatever | 17:18 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: use linux to flash! | 17:19 |
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user0 | i will tonight | 17:32 |
user0 | too many customers infront of me atm | 17:33 |
user0 | im out | 17:33 |
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ruskie | http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/14/making_hacking_tools_should_be_criminal_act_say_eu_ministers/ <-- erm | 19:15 |
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Thordasin | hi all :) | 19:44 |
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DocScrutinizer | telling_bullshit_political_statements_schould_be_ciminal_act_say_eu_hacker | 19:59 |
jacekowski | http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=tippexperience&annotation_id=annotation_820885&feature=iv | 19:59 |
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Thordasin | DocScrutinizer i got a kernel built and working but had to use the meego obs to do it. | 20:00 |
DocScrutinizer | mhm, nice. Why didn't SB work? | 20:02 |
Thordasin | sb? | 20:02 |
DocScrutinizer | scratchbox | 20:02 |
Thordasin | oh, dont' know i kept haveing problems with the phone rebooting even in r&d mode, but the meego kernel works just fine. | 20:03 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm | 20:03 |
Thordasin | do you knbow how to use pacmd to set the volume? i've tried everything i can think of and can't get it to go up. | 20:04 |
_trine | can someone compile this for me on the N900 http://code.google.com/p/pyrit/ | 20:04 |
_trine | I only need pyrit and not the other stuff on there | 20:04 |
DocScrutinizer | Thordasin: sorry | 20:04 |
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DocScrutinizer | _trine: 500 | 20:05 |
_trine | not sure what 500 is | 20:06 |
DocScrutinizer | me neither | 20:06 |
DocScrutinizer | general "didn't work" errorcode | 20:07 |
_trine | oh I see | 20:07 |
_trine | you tried | 20:07 |
_trine | svn checkout http://pyrit.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ pyrit_svn | 20:07 |
Thordasin | i' | 20:07 |
_trine | ./setup.py | 20:08 |
Thordasin | i'll have my build enviroment on the n90 working later today, if you haven't gotten some to compile it let me know then. | 20:08 |
_trine | Thordasin, thanks much appreciated | 20:08 |
_trine | I have compiled it all for my PC | 20:08 |
Thordasin | can you email me a link so i won't forget :) rlumley(at)telmaron.com | 20:09 |
_trine | yes | 20:09 |
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Thordasin | well catch you all alter have a dr. apointment now :) | 20:10 |
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_trine | DocScrutinizer, ypu need to move to the trunk folder | 20:14 |
_trine | then compile | 20:14 |
_trine | well,, trunk/pyrit | 20:15 |
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_trine | DocScrutinizer, python setup.py build | 20:17 |
_trine | then if you were on a PC you would next do | 20:18 |
_trine | DocScrutinizer, python setup.py install | 20:18 |
_trine | but i only want the build for the N900 | 20:18 |
DocScrutinizer | fine, alas I fail to know whats pyrit | 20:18 |
_trine | http://code.google.com/p/pyrit/wiki/Installation | 20:19 |
DocScrutinizer | nm | 20:19 |
_trine | I need it to check the goodness of the WPA 4Way handshake | 20:19 |
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user0 | back | 20:26 |
user0 | i just pulled out my laptop and flashed it using arch linux | 20:27 |
user0 | you guys think i should also try flashing both rootfs and emmc from linux? | 20:28 |
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nop__ | jacekowski: yo | 20:32 |
nop__ | jacekowski: (do you have any plan /what would you consider a reasonable 'bounty') to add gamepad (see /dev/input/js0) support to drnoksnes? | 20:34 |
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nop__ | jacekowski: also, are you responsible for ines as well? | 20:34 |
nop__ | DocScrutinizer: hello | 20:34 |
nop__ | DocScrutinizer: I have a hardware question | 20:34 |
nop__ | in this image: | 20:35 |
nop__ | http://www.klc.fi/fin/images/264805.gif | 20:36 |
nop__ | which is the gps antenna? | 20:36 |
nop__ | do you know? | 20:36 |
nop__ | (dont say the one tuned to 2.4ghz pls!~) | 20:36 |
nop__ | also, I think soldering a peice of wire to it improve gps reception, do you? | 20:37 |
user0 | ok | 20:39 |
user0 | i just flashed both using linux | 20:39 |
user0 | still asks for a lock code | 20:39 |
user0 | damn it! | 20:39 |
user0 | same problem | 20:40 |
nop__ | lock code is not un doable by flash | 20:40 |
nop__ | you need to extract the shadow file then crack it offline | 20:40 |
user0 | i need to get shell access first | 20:40 |
nop__ | you installed backupmenu right? | 20:40 |
user0 | no | 20:41 |
nop__ | lols | 20:41 |
nop__ | well you gone done it now! | 20:41 |
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nop__ | there is still hope though | 20:41 |
user0 | i got the device yesterday, its a used device | 20:41 |
user0 | wasnt asking for a code | 20:41 |
nop__ | aaah, stolen goods huh? | 20:42 |
user0 | after flashing it . its started asking for one | 20:42 |
nop__ | really? | 20:43 |
nop__ | thats wierd | 20:43 |
user0 | ... | 20:43 |
nop__ | well to get rootfs access | 20:43 |
nop__ | you need to boot meego rescue initrd | 20:43 |
nop__ | enable usb mode | 20:43 |
nop__ | then you can access the device like a usb drive and grab the shadow file | 20:43 |
nop__ | http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/Using_Rescue_Initrd | 20:43 |
nop__ | is how to boot into initrd and enable usb mode | 20:44 |
nop__ | on the tmo forum you will find details on how to crack the password | 20:44 |
nop__ | do you understand? | 20:44 |
user0 | yes | 20:46 |
user0 | i'll give it a try | 20:46 |
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DocScrutinizer | nop__: please recheck | 20:47 |
DocScrutinizer | there are some experts claiming gconf key that decides wheter to ask for lockcode or not gets erased by flashing | 20:48 |
DocScrutinizer | nop__: btw that's most like BS to access CAL via USB mode | 20:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | ooh what? there's no shadow file | 20:50 |
DocScrutinizer | there's no problem with root password either | 20:50 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer, no solution ? | 20:50 |
user0 | i was thinking getting access to the recovery terminal was a good idea | 20:51 |
DocScrutinizer | no, you got to either flash rootfs and thus delete the gconf key | 20:51 |
user0 | then i could just get the code and convert it to plain test | 20:51 |
DocScrutinizer | or you go the route of rescue-initrd and john-the-ripper but it's way more complicated than everybody tries to make you believe | 20:51 |
DocScrutinizer | or you get to a shop that has a pgenix flasher | 20:52 |
DocScrutinizer | phenix | 20:52 |
jacekowski | ehh | 20:53 |
jacekowski | are we sure that phone is really flashing? | 20:53 |
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DocScrutinizer | actually your device acts weird anyway, as usually after flashing lock code should be DISabled, not suddenly get ENabled | 20:53 |
sr71 | http://theoatmeal.com/comics/smartphone | 20:53 |
DocScrutinizer | I bet it's not, jacekowski | 20:53 |
DocScrutinizer | NOLO might have gotten a ditch | 20:54 |
jacekowski | hmm | 20:54 |
jacekowski | thinking about that | 20:54 |
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jacekowski | that's possible | 20:54 |
jacekowski | if you mess up cal | 20:54 |
DocScrutinizer | I can't understand why it seems so incredibly hard to flash that thing | 20:54 |
DocScrutinizer | yup | 20:55 |
user0 | its easy as fuck | 20:55 |
user0 | i've done it so many times now and it still doesnt help | 20:55 |
user0 | a few times on win7 | 20:55 |
user0 | a few times on win7 | 20:55 |
user0 | and a few minutes ago on arch linux | 20:55 |
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jacekowski | can you paste exact messages you get when flashing | 20:56 |
jacekowski | hmm, can you try coldflashing maybe | 20:56 |
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user0 | i wish i could | 20:57 |
user0 | i pasted some a few minutes ago from this pc | 20:57 |
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user0 | arch is running offline | 20:57 |
DocScrutinizer | we'd be interested in the arch diagnostic output though | 20:58 |
DocScrutinizer | particularly | 20:58 |
user0 | ok wait | 20:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: indeed, if you want to ruin N900, don't nuke NOLO, better nuke CAL | 20:59 |
DocScrutinizer | device been used. Might as well have a OC scorch | 21:00 |
DocScrutinizer | which actually would explain all the strange behaviour and refusal to flash properly | 21:01 |
DocScrutinizer | well, let's wait and see... | 21:01 |
DocScrutinizer | jacekowski: is there a way to flash CAL with flasher-3.5 (plus other tools like initrd)? | 21:02 |
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user0 | http://pastie.org/pastes/2067931/text | 21:04 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm now this looks ok I'd think | 21:05 |
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DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: jacekowski: ? | 21:06 |
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nop__ | DocScrutinizer: did you see my query up above? | 21:08 |
nop__ | jacekowski: did you also see? | 21:08 |
DocScrutinizer | nop__: yes | 21:08 |
DocScrutinizer | GPS ant is next to USB | 21:08 |
DocScrutinizer | can't locate the plastic part you showed me | 21:08 |
nop__ | ok, do you think the theory is sound? | 21:10 |
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DocScrutinizer | which one | 21:10 |
nop__ | the possibility of soldering a length of wire to the gps antenna would make it perform better | 21:12 |
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DocScrutinizer | for sure not | 21:13 |
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DocScrutinizer | GHz antenna design is mere voodoo | 21:13 |
DocScrutinizer | and I mean voodoo | 21:14 |
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DocScrutinizer | so, maybe yes ;-P odds are it'll spoil everything though | 21:14 |
nop__ | but gps antenna does not transmit, merely receive | 21:15 |
DocScrutinizer | odds are you can't even reverse it as you'll never get away the solder again | 21:15 |
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DocScrutinizer | nop__: anybody here that thought different probably should rethink why he got the N900 ;-P | 21:16 |
nop__ | jacekowski: did you read my enquiry above? | 21:16 |
* DocScrutinizer thinks back to GPS ant design and evaluation for GTA03, and moans loudly | 21:17 | |
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DocScrutinizer | after all it's been gps ant in the end that finally killed the project | 21:18 |
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DocScrutinizer | though indirectly - but that's another story | 21:19 |
nop__ | DocScrutinizer: http://www.noeman.org/gsm/hardware-firmware/64357-hardware-hack-improve-n95-gps-reception.html | 21:19 |
nop__ | can you explain this guy then? | 21:20 |
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SpeedEvil | nop__: Sometimes wrapping duct tape round your house will improve it structurally. | 21:22 |
DocScrutinizer | sure, easily: noob with no fsckng clue ("longer antenna means better reception..." PFFF says who??) doing some mod and of course is amazed and excited then. Placebo tuning does the rest | 21:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | nop__: believe me, you can't "tune" the GPS of N900, it's damn awesome | 21:25 |
DocScrutinizer | I get a fix even indoors | 21:25 |
DocScrutinizer | after some 10 to 20s | 21:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | only "tuning" for N900 GPS is to insert a working SIM, so the chip gets assistance via GSM | 21:26 |
DocScrutinizer | otherwise it needs to scan for *ALL* sats x *ALL* vectors, and get the efem and alm data then via 30bd or what's it, from sats, which will take 12min for interference free reception | 21:28 |
DocScrutinizer | ask SpeedEvil - he's the damn GPS wizard | 21:29 |
SpeedEvil | It's not quite that bad - you can get a fairly rapid fix in 60s or so if you have a very good signal. | 21:29 |
DocScrutinizer | SpeedEvil: I exaggerated, on purpose | 21:30 |
SpeedEvil | Sure. | 21:30 |
* SpeedEvil needs a door-lock thingy on his n900 | 21:30 | |
SpeedEvil | I keep taking phone outi nto garden, and forgetting keys | 21:30 |
DocScrutinizer | hehehe | 21:31 |
kerio | get a door unlocker connected to your lan | 21:31 |
DocScrutinizer | ergo: get a wlan doorlock | 21:31 |
lcuk | SpeedEvil, | 21:31 |
dfaure | After reflashing to PR1.3 and reinstalling subversion, "svn" crashes, every time. Anyone seen that? Any workaround/solution? | 21:31 |
lcuk | just phone girlfriend to let you in | 21:31 |
kerio | DocScrutinizer: sucka | 21:31 |
SpeedEvil | lcuk: I could do with one of those, too. | 21:32 |
* SpeedEvil wonders again if http://www.nokiadirect.co.uk/Pay-Monthly/sc521/p26078.htm is real. | 21:32 | |
DocScrutinizer | lcuk: you're always scaring geeky in a non-geek way | 21:33 |
SpeedEvil | Seems odd they're still pushing the n900 - from the 'the way forward is windows' perspective. Not so much if it's simply bottom line | 21:33 |
DocScrutinizer | geek^2 or sth | 21:33 |
SpeedEvil | 25.53/mo - 24 mo contract | 21:33 |
DocScrutinizer | errr, N900 for lease? | 21:34 |
SpeedEvil | yes | 21:34 |
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DocScrutinizer | cool shit | 21:34 |
SpeedEvil | I got an ad for it last week. | 21:34 |
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SpeedEvil | I was assuming it was a typo, but I got another today | 21:34 |
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madlord | guys, for questions about installation/configuring of the maemo 5 sdk, is this channel the correct or the #maemo-devel is the one? | 21:36 |
DocScrutinizer | could somebody who wouldn't mind test that weird lockcode crap please? set lockcode to 9999, enable, then reflash rootfs and verify lockcode's gone | 21:36 |
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DocScrutinizer | we all see how to test without actually doing the flashing part | 21:37 |
user0 | using rescue initrd , th n900 restarts for no reason | 21:38 |
user0 | nothing is changed on the device as stated on the site | 21:38 |
DocScrutinizer | I'd however be interested to know for sure the rootfs image has gconf key unset | 21:38 |
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DocScrutinizer | user0: please elaborate | 21:39 |
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user0 | if i use it as USB storage mode for example it lasts for a minute or so | 21:39 |
user0 | then the device restarts | 21:39 |
DocScrutinizer | :nod: | 21:40 |
user0 | same thing if as recovery terminal | 21:40 |
user0 | normal ? | 21:40 |
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DocScrutinizer | I'd suggest you give back device to seller and tell him to keep his OC cooked-black crap | 21:41 |
user0 | OC? | 21:41 |
nop__ | your such a cynic doc | 21:41 |
DocScrutinizer | random erratic behaviour of many differen kinds... | 21:42 |
nop__ | OC==OVERCLOCKED | 21:42 |
nop__ | PEBCAK | 21:42 |
DocScrutinizer | nope | 21:42 |
nop__ | anyway | 21:42 |
DocScrutinizer | problem exists in HW irreversible | 21:42 |
nop__ | does anyone know where location widget caches it's map data? | 21:43 |
user0 | it was working perfectly before i flashed it] | 21:43 |
DocScrutinizer | perfectly is relative | 21:43 |
user0 | god is dead | 21:44 |
user0 | and we have killed him | 21:44 |
DocScrutinizer | seems you got a lemon | 21:44 |
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MohammadAG | <user0> using rescue initrd , th n900 restarts for no reason | 21:44 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah, initrd should tickle WD, no? | 21:45 |
MohammadAG | the initrd doesn't ping the watchdog, you need flasher-3.5 --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-omap-wd,no-ext-wd,no-lifeguard-reset | 21:45 |
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DocScrutinizer | WUT? | 21:45 |
DocScrutinizer | what a crap is THIS???? | 21:45 |
MohammadAG | complain on #meego-arm | 21:45 |
nop__ | THIS | 21:45 |
nop__ | IS | 21:45 |
nop__ | NOKIARRRRGGGG!!!!! | 21:45 |
DocScrutinizer | this is definitely the most tepco design for any rescue tool I ever had the joy to witness. Couldn't they tickle the friggin wd? | 21:48 |
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DocScrutinizer | user0: wait for next surprise: no / | 21:48 |
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DocScrutinizer | though MohammadAG found the ueber-hack | 21:49 |
DocScrutinizer | ctrl-i for tab-expansion | 21:49 |
MohammadAG | I'm worried about lack of "strings" actually, but let's not worry about that | 21:49 |
MohammadAG | yet | 21:49 |
DocScrutinizer | HAHAHAHAHA | 21:50 |
fusi[n901] | arg sdk vm image keeps blacking out the screen | 21:50 |
DocScrutinizer | muhahaha | 21:50 |
DocScrutinizer | rotfl | 21:50 |
DocScrutinizer | toldya - text adventure dungeon | 21:50 |
MohammadAG | actually cat works fine | 21:51 |
MohammadAG | Nokia-N900:~# cat /dev/mtd1 | grep -A 13 lock_code | tail -1 | 21:51 |
MohammadAG | IfXQzaonQUfag | 21:51 |
MohammadAG | crack my code, /me doesn't care | 21:51 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: I get the feeling you were easily willing to talk user0 into this adventure, and now you see where all this will end ;-P are you already hoping he'll give up befor you do? | 21:52 |
MohammadAG | actually don't bother cracking it, it's FU expanded and in T9 :p | 21:52 |
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Sazpaimon | so | 21:55 |
Sazpaimon | i could probably get my hands on TI's flash 10.2 plugin | 21:55 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: you considered the lockcode might actually be some bogus crap written there by accident (or complete erasure) and simply can not get decoded? ;-P | 21:55 |
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DocScrutinizer | Sazpaimon: flash 10 is overrated | 21:55 |
Sazpaimon | since I work for an online video store that is rapidly moving into mobile on-demand | 21:55 |
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* MohammadAG tries cracking his pass | 21:55 | |
nop__ | Sazpaimon: well be a total bro and go get it then | 21:56 |
Sazpaimon | problem is | 21:56 |
DocScrutinizer | unless you get the source and knowhow how to hw-accelerate it on N0ßß | 21:56 |
Sazpaimon | should i care | 21:56 |
DocScrutinizer | N900 | 21:56 |
nop__ | is there a map widget that doesnt suck testicles? | 21:56 |
SpeedEvil | Sazpaimon: It's more complex than that apparantly - the 10.2 plugin for ARM is reportedly needing heavily optimised to work well on n900 | 21:56 |
Sazpaimon | has the 10.2 plugin leaked out yet | 21:56 |
Sazpaimon | i thought only 10.1 leaked out | 21:57 |
DocScrutinizer | nobody cares | 21:57 |
DocScrutinizer | the leaked one was slow as melasses | 21:57 |
nop__ | the built in location widget doesnt cache map data or use built in maps | 21:57 |
yigal | damn you PowerVR | 21:57 |
yigal | :) | 21:57 |
nop__ | flash blows and will soon die out | 21:57 |
yigal | html 5 is king | 21:57 |
Sazpaimon | flash will never die out as long as companies need DRM for video | 21:58 |
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Sazpaimon | though i do hope silverlight fills that gap | 21:58 |
yigal | silverlight has worked wonders for DRM | 21:58 |
DocScrutinizer | Sazpaimon: so the answer is: definitely no, you should better stay a good trustworthy employee | 21:58 |
Sazpaimon | DocScrutinizer, even if i dont feel like leaking it I can still utilize it for any development boards we get | 21:59 |
DocScrutinizer | well, maybe | 21:59 |
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fusi[n901] | bwaha | 21:59 |
Sazpaimon | though i should have probably requested an A9 variant instead | 22:00 |
Sazpaimon | A8 is old hat | 22:00 |
DocScrutinizer | hihihi | 22:00 |
Sazpaimon | also I'd love a silverlight plugin for ARM | 22:01 |
Sazpaimon | well, moonlight | 22:01 |
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DocScrutinizer | *BURP* | 22:01 |
DocScrutinizer | ask the MONO nerds | 22:02 |
DocScrutinizer | they'll love the idea | 22:02 |
user0 | back | 22:03 |
user0 | using --enable-rd-mode --set-rd-flags=no-omap-wd,no-ext-wd,no-lifeguard-reset | 22:03 |
user0 | the thing still restarts | 22:03 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: what NOW | 22:03 |
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Sazpaimon | honestly sall I want flash to do on my phone is play VVVVVV at full speed | 22:04 |
DocScrutinizer | more and more looks like nuked and fsckdup CAL partition (you are aware rd-flags also live in CAL, you do, right?) | 22:04 |
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user0 | no seems like its working now | 22:05 |
Sazpaimon | I like how insanely long it takes for google to unlist your site once it gets flagged for "badware" | 22:06 |
user0 | its lighting up and not restarting | 22:06 |
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Sazpaimon | even though it takes almost no time for it to be flagged after an intrusion | 22:06 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: your constant making me alert and thinking is really exhausting | 22:06 |
user0 | im really sorry about that | 22:07 |
DocScrutinizer | I feel like solving a 50 issues for you the last 24h, of which 49 were no-issues in the end | 22:07 |
user0 | i just need this to work | 22:07 |
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DocScrutinizer | please double-check and rethink before you are shouting "fire" next time | 22:08 |
user0 | [18:48] <DocScrutinizer> user0: wait for next surprise: no / <-- | 22:08 |
user0 | lol | 22:08 |
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lardman | evening | 22:10 |
* lardman is going to be without a landline for ~2 weeks | 22:11 | |
lardman | and broadband for longer still | 22:11 |
lardman | rubbish | 22:11 |
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DocScrutinizer | bah, use sat | 22:11 |
DocScrutinizer | ;-P | 22:11 |
lardman | well I have to sign up still | 22:11 |
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DocScrutinizer | inmarsat has "pretty fast" dataservice | 22:12 |
lardman | what does it cost though | 22:12 |
lardman | my entire package is ~£26/month | 22:12 |
DocScrutinizer | errr, less than a ferrari per month | 22:12 |
lardman | probably cheaper to drive the Ferrari to work and use free broadband there then ;) | 22:13 |
DocScrutinizer | depending on datarate you can choose between sporting a ferrari and buying a new one each month, worth of fee | 22:13 |
user0 | MohammadAG : care to help ? | 22:13 |
lardman | :) | 22:13 |
MohammadAG | sure, what's wrong? | 22:13 |
user0 | im in but cant do shit , what did you have in mind ? | 22:14 |
DocScrutinizer | cd dev | 22:14 |
user0 | ok | 22:14 |
DocScrutinizer | hehehe | 22:14 |
DocScrutinizer | cat mtd1 | grep -A 13 lock_code | tail -1 | 22:15 |
user0 | lol | 22:15 |
DocScrutinizer | ask moh how to pipe X-P | 22:15 |
user0 | this is crazy | 22:15 |
Sazpaimon | i love how comcast's "package" deal is the same price as the items individually | 22:16 |
Sazpaimon | maybe even more expensive | 22:16 |
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lardman | you lot see the patent battle between Apple & Nokia has been settled? | 22:16 |
yigal | Sazpaimon: it's the value added service combing the three packages | 22:16 |
yigal | combining | 22:17 |
DocScrutinizer | oh sure it's settled once apple buys nokia | 22:17 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer : path to mydocs? | 22:17 |
lardman | http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-13759612 | 22:17 |
DocScrutinizer | err *cough* | 22:17 |
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DocScrutinizer | mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /mnt -t auto | 22:17 |
MohammadAG | no need for a pip | 22:17 |
user0 | none of this is possible | 22:18 |
MohammadAG | grep -A 13 lock_code /dev/mtd1 | 22:18 |
user0 | MohammadAG : whats you're solution for this? | 22:18 |
Sazpaimon | also for the bundle deal they dont say what your internet speed will be | 22:18 |
jacekowski | nop__: ? | 22:18 |
DocScrutinizer | ok | 22:18 |
Sazpaimon | it just says "Speed comparison between Comcast 6.0 Mbps service and standard 1.5 Mbps DSL (downloads only)." | 22:18 |
DocScrutinizer | grep -A 13 lock_code mtd1 | 22:18 |
Sazpaimon | but they say that for even their 100mbit package | 22:18 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: nolo can flash cal | 22:18 |
MohammadAG | he's in /dev? | 22:18 |
DocScrutinizer | yep | 22:18 |
MohammadAG | ah k | 22:18 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: but there is no code for it in flasher | 22:19 |
DocScrutinizer | I see | 22:19 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: so somebody would have to write app for that | 22:19 |
DocScrutinizer | how would we 'make' such code? | 22:19 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: or get app from nokia ( they probably have one ) | 22:19 |
jacekowski | there is that flasher alternative | 22:19 |
DocScrutinizer | erhhhmmm | 22:19 |
jacekowski | 0xffff i believe it's called | 22:19 |
DocScrutinizer | yeah | 22:19 |
jacekowski | modify that | 22:19 |
DocScrutinizer | k | 22:19 |
jacekowski | or simpler, create small initrd | 22:20 |
jacekowski | that would flash cal | 22:20 |
DocScrutinizer | friggin shit | 22:20 |
DocScrutinizer | aahyep | 22:20 |
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Sazpaimon | also they charge $7/month for a cable modem | 22:20 |
DocScrutinizer | nanderase nandwrite along that line | 22:20 |
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Sazpaimon | what a joke | 22:20 |
Sazpaimon | its probably a crappy arris modem | 22:20 |
DocScrutinizer | you get a used one for less than a month fee | 22:21 |
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Sazpaimon | money would be better spent getting a motorola sufboard docsis3 modem | 22:21 |
Sazpaimon | *surfboard | 22:21 |
Sazpaimon | whats the point in having 20mbit internet if you use a crappy modem | 22:21 |
jacekowski | DocScrutinizer: or just dd if=/fresh_cal_copy of=/dev/mtdX | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer | *cough* | 22:22 |
Sazpaimon | I can get a SB6120 modem for $80 on amazon | 22:22 |
Sazpaimon | probably cheaper elsewhere | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer | adventurous but *may* work occasionally | 22:22 |
DocScrutinizer | user0: whazzup? | 22:22 |
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DocScrutinizer | what's your hash now? 8-o | 22:23 |
Sazpaimon | and you can customize a surfboard modem | 22:23 |
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DocScrutinizer | user0: you know we need that magic hash that makes reflash worthless | 22:24 |
* DocScrutinizer yawns | 22:24 | |
user0 | give me a sec , im dealing with some customer | 22:24 |
DocScrutinizer | ooh | 22:25 |
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licensed | anybody have angry birds RIO.deb? | 22:30 |
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user0 | DocScrutinizer : i cant type this > grep -A 13 lock_code mtd1 | 22:32 |
DocScrutinizer | haha, no _ | 22:32 |
DocScrutinizer | I guess | 22:32 |
user0 | no numbers even | 22:32 |
user0 | and no - | 22:32 |
DocScrutinizer | YAY | 22:33 |
user0 | this should be in some script | 22:33 |
DocScrutinizer | ask MohammadAG | 22:33 |
user0 | his client should be blinking :P | 22:33 |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: hi! | 22:33 |
MohammadAG | err | 22:33 |
javispedro | hello | 22:34 |
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MohammadAG | the only way to get the - is to find a binary with - in it | 22:34 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: hacker riddle: <user0> DocScrutinizer : i cant type this > grep -A 13 lock_code mtd1 | 22:34 |
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javispedro | where's the riddle? | 22:34 |
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DocScrutinizer | no numbers, no - (rescue-initrd) | 22:34 |
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nop__ | wait, who wrote docnoksnes, was it javispedro or jacekowski | 22:35 |
nop__ | ? | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer | the greatest text adventure since ZX81 | 22:35 |
MohammadAG | isn't there USB networking in that image | 22:35 |
user0 | yes there is | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer | what for exactly? | 22:35 |
DocScrutinizer | no access to | 22:36 |
user0 | remote terminal maybe ? | 22:36 |
DocScrutinizer | / | 22:36 |
javispedro | nop__: technically me. | 22:36 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe yeah | 22:36 |
DocScrutinizer | actually ttySAC should work | 22:37 |
DocScrutinizer | or whatever it's called | 22:37 |
DocScrutinizer | ttyUSB? | 22:37 |
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* DocScrutinizer ponders idly how friggin useful h-e-n was in rescue-initrd | 22:38 | |
DocScrutinizer | but then a full keymap was equally useful | 22:39 |
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DocScrutinizer | honestly boting to meego uSD seems the better alternative | 22:40 |
javispedro | heh. | 22:40 |
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javispedro | Peter@Maemo Marketing is now Peter@Entire Nokia Marketing, according to twitter =) | 22:40 |
user0 | give MohammadAG some more time | 22:40 |
user0 | he'll find a way ;) | 22:41 |
DocScrutinizer | this rescue-initrd got built by fools and is as useful as an additional hole in my backside | 22:41 |
MohammadAG | no, I won't :P | 22:41 |
MohammadAG | but i think it has an ssh server | 22:41 |
user0 | :O | 22:41 |
MohammadAG | If I'm wrong, the only thing that image is useful for is resizing the eMMC | 22:41 |
MohammadAG | in which case, <DocScrutinizer> honestly boting to meego uSD seems the better alternative | 22:41 |
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MohammadAG | there's also another way, but I'm not sure you can do it | 22:42 |
MohammadAG | dump mtd1 into a file and do the rest on a PC | 22:42 |
DocScrutinizer | which storage MohammadAG , which storage | 22:43 |
user0 | ... | 22:43 |
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user0 | he have to mount it first i guess | 22:43 |
* DocScrutinizer got a brilliant idea: cat mtd1; #use videocam to capture the text scrolling by | 22:44 | |
user0 | no numbers | 22:44 |
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DocScrutinizer | that's MOOOOMENT | 22:44 |
javispedro | what the hell are you trying to do? | 22:44 |
DocScrutinizer | nah, doesn't work either | 22:45 |
javispedro | let me guess though: recover lock code from a stolen/code-forgotten-but-device-locked n900? | 22:45 |
DocScrutinizer | almost | 22:45 |
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DocScrutinizer | bought used | 22:45 |
DocScrutinizer | worked ntil flash, then lockcode kicked in | 22:46 |
javispedro | ask previous owner. | 22:46 |
DocScrutinizer | indeed | 22:46 |
user0 | alright they are turning off the lights here | 22:46 |
user0 | time to pack and leave | 22:46 |
user0 | a few minutes and i'll be back online | 22:46 |
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DocScrutinizer | javispedro: I'm afraid though the device is nuts | 22:47 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: lock code *kicked in* on flash, rather than _vanish_ | 22:47 |
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MohammadAG | although I'm sure flashing clears the gconf key, since that's how qwerty12 wrote the app to break the existing code | 22:47 |
DocScrutinizer | several 'analysts' say this can't happen as lock code gets enabled via gconf | 22:47 |
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javispedro | and the default image does not have the key set? | 22:48 |
DocScrutinizer | nope, allegedly not | 22:48 |
MohammadAG | did you device boot up and ask for a lock code when you first bought it? | 22:48 |
DocScrutinizer | weird enough huh? | 22:48 |
MohammadAG | your* | 22:48 |
MohammadAG | but yeah, it doesn't have it set | 22:48 |
javispedro | is it user0's? | 22:48 |
javispedro | (he left) | 22:48 |
DocScrutinizer | jup | 22:49 |
DocScrutinizer | he baught it used | 22:49 |
javispedro | IMHO forgotten lock code + "nuts device" = stolen device. | 22:49 |
DocScrutinizer | MohammadAG: on factory defaults lock code hash = lock code | 22:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | = 12345 | 22:49 |
MohammadAG | yes | 22:50 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: yeah indeed | 22:50 |
DocScrutinizer | though I'd more worry about http://www.usp-forum.de/nokia-n900-forum/53627-imei-n900-ndern.html | 22:51 |
MohammadAG | yeah, I have that on the other N900 | 22:51 |
MohammadAG | it's not hashed | 22:51 |
DocScrutinizer | "how chng IMEI posibble not?" | 22:51 |
MohammadAG | it's possible I think | 22:52 |
MohammadAG | on S60 devices we used Nemisis Service Suite to change the product code | 22:52 |
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* javispedro sighs | 22:52 | |
MohammadAG | since that's the only way to change firmwares | 22:52 |
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DocScrutinizer | for N900/BB5 you need phoenix suite | 22:52 |
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MohammadAG | BB5 phones worked with NSS | 22:53 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, maybe too | 22:53 |
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MohammadAG | Pheonix is for flashing images afaik | 22:53 |
MohammadAG | there was also another one, can't remember it | 22:53 |
DocScrutinizer | phoenix however could also fix lock code | 22:53 |
DocScrutinizer | aiui | 22:53 |
DocScrutinizer | and calibrate ALS etc pp | 22:53 |
MohammadAG | yeah, tried that on an S40 device | 22:53 |
MohammadAG | it wasn't hashed, just stored on some Permanent Memory (PM) block | 22:53 |
MohammadAG | think it was #163 | 22:54 |
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DocScrutinizer | screwit, again late at night | 22:54 |
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* javispedro is reading that lock code is plain DES (or crypt() I bet?) , so a picture and manually typing it into a "fast" computer probably gets you the plaintext. | 22:54 | |
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DocScrutinizer | it does | 22:54 |
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DocScrutinizer | that's what we try to do | 22:55 |
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DocScrutinizer | just picking it out from mtd1 is a PITA on recue-initrd | 22:55 |
DocScrutinizer | that's the riddle | 22:55 |
MohammadAG | javispedro, been cracking my code for 40 mins | 22:55 |
MohammadAG | I think I'm doing it wrong | 22:55 |
javispedro | aaa, no numbers no dash | 22:55 |
DocScrutinizer | exactly | 22:56 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer^^ | 22:56 |
javispedro | also, busybox.. | 22:56 |
DocScrutinizer | initrd is a useles pile of crap | 22:56 |
javispedro | hm.. | 22:56 |
javispedro | (nokia care should also be able to reset codes while we're at it) | 22:57 |
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DocScrutinizer | has anybody checked cdate of the files? I bet is Apr 1st | 22:57 |
DocScrutinizer | yes, they use phoenix | 22:57 |
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DocScrutinizer | and L1_2 | 22:57 |
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* _trine has a computer with 3204 cores | 22:57 | |
DocScrutinizer | o.O | 22:58 |
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DocScrutinizer | you dropped a sackof nuts into it? | 22:58 |
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_trine | it makes my room too hot in the afternoon so it has to be turned off | 22:59 |
DocScrutinizer | lol | 22:59 |
DocScrutinizer | you're not kidding | 22:59 |
_trine | no I am not | 22:59 |
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DocScrutinizer | sever blade rack? | 22:59 |
DocScrutinizer | or GFX station? | 23:00 |
_trine | its a PC with some GPU's | 23:00 |
javispedro | pfft. | 23:00 |
DocScrutinizer | :nod: | 23:00 |
javispedro | stop dilluting the definition of core even more. | 23:00 |
* DocScrutinizer likes core memory | 23:01 | |
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_trine | I didnt define the definition it was ATI | 23:01 |
DocScrutinizer | one core / bit | 23:01 |
javispedro | btw, do you want a 128 cpu itanium machine? noone wants it here, too much power | 23:01 |
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_trine | javispedro, put it this way | 23:01 |
DocScrutinizer | *burp* | 23:01 |
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_trine | if I do a calculation on my 4 core intel i5 | 23:02 |
_trine | my computer with the GPU's can do it 45 times faster | 23:02 |
DocScrutinizer | you need longer to read the result than the machine needs to compute it | 23:02 |
_trine | it is the equivilan doing the types of calculation I use it for of 45 intel i5 processors | 23:03 |
_trine | equivalent ** | 23:03 |
DocScrutinizer | unless you calculate "how many kg of paper to print out until the sequence 844179813604617887631 appears in PI?" Answer: 421.342kg | 23:04 |
haj | Just got my N900 back from service... they tell me that they replaced the main board, and that I should notice that it has a new IMEI-number.. | 23:04 |
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haj | somehow it got converted to a N8 in the process... | 23:04 |
haj | :/ | 23:05 |
ruskie | seriously???!!!??? | 23:05 |
DocScrutinizer | ohnoes | 23:05 |
javispedro | cue jokes in 3,2,1... | 23:05 |
DocScrutinizer | ask for n8++ | 23:05 |
javispedro | does the n8 qualify as "device with similar or superior specifications"? | 23:05 |
DocScrutinizer | maybe they upgrade you to N9 | 23:05 |
GeneralAntilles | LulzSec DDoSing League of Legends. | 23:05 |
* GeneralAntilles is bored now. | 23:05 | |
haj | ruskie: they switched my phone the assholes.... And they had it for 25 days.. :/ | 23:06 |
ruskie | haj, was it a developer device or actually bought? | 23:06 |
haj | I bet it'll take them 25 days to find a replacement... | 23:06 |
* DocScrutinizer DDoSng GeneralAntilles for the LULZ | 23:06 | |
haj | ruskie: I bought it.. | 23:06 |
ruskie | they need a new where the sun don't shine hole ;) | 23:06 |
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_trine | haj, it could be an old main board which has previously been madly overclocked | 23:08 |
_trine | who knows | 23:08 |
DocScrutinizer | eh? | 23:09 |
DocScrutinizer | wasn't that to user0? | 23:09 |
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javispedro | here's to hoping nokia uses the apple money to fund real r&d | 23:10 |
DocScrutinizer | as that's what I suggested is his problem, some hurs ago | 23:10 |
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javispedro | instead of funding, let's say, steve ballmer and his evil minions. | 23:10 |
DocScrutinizer | foooorgETIT | 23:10 |
haj | _trine: I did overclock it to 1GHz for a year or so... but that wasn't the problem.. it just lost the connection to the phone-part... | 23:11 |
mece | o/ | 23:11 |
haj | _trine: that doesn't explain why they would return a N8 ;) | 23:11 |
_trine | yes thats true | 23:11 |
* DocScrutinizer is rather happe he got no brandy or wodka in da house. In a mood to hit the label | 23:12 | |
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javispedro | http://irclogs.meego.com/meetbot/meego-meeting/2011/meego-meeting.2011-06-14-13.56.log.html#l-30 | 23:12 |
DocScrutinizer | haj: orly? how do you tell it's not due to OC? | 23:12 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: Because it did it when pressing down on the keyboard various places... | 23:13 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: also, it's a know fault.. theres a few threads about it on talk.. | 23:14 |
javispedro | yet another meego public figure "moving" due to nokia uncertainness. | 23:14 |
DocScrutinizer | ok mech failure unrelated to OC *usually* :-) | 23:14 |
DocScrutinizer | unless you cooked the solder ;-P | 23:15 |
javispedro | this makes me very, very sad. very sad to see many oss gurus previously employed at nokia polishing up their resumes. | 23:15 |
DocScrutinizer | javispedro: best thing they can do | 23:15 |
DocScrutinizer | get a job, get rid of those penny stocks | 23:16 |
javispedro | so it is the end :( | 23:16 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: It's not like it'll generate that much more heat... it doesn't even use more power at 1GHz.. (not anything I noticed anyway).. ;) | 23:16 |
DocScrutinizer | not yet, there'll be a looong agony still | 23:17 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: I didn't hear of any OC related faults? | 23:17 |
* javispedro is more pessimist every day. | 23:17 | |
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DocScrutinizer | haj: so you missed them | 23:17 |
DocScrutinizer | GFX core restes like mad, eMMC IO errors, whatnot else | 23:18 |
DocScrutinizer | each of those dudes claims "but it doesn't relate to OC, as it doesn't vanish when I reset to default clock" | 23:18 |
haj | hehe... How much did they overclock? | 23:19 |
DocScrutinizer | I don't count the numbers | 23:19 |
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haj | anyway doesn't matter... Mine did 1GHz for a year.. and it didn't kill it... something else did, and now they gave me a N8 that I don't even want to turn on.. | 23:20 |
DocScrutinizer | ~omap-oc | 23:20 |
infobot | i guess omap-oc is http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2010-08-01.log.html#t2010-08-01T22:16:05 read that!, or and this http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2011-03-11.log.html#t2011-03-11T03:04:11 | 23:20 |
haj | Wonder if they gave some other person a N900 in place of a N8 | 23:20 |
javispedro | that would be an upgrade, and rma upgrades _never happen_ | 23:20 |
DocScrutinizer | c'mon reclaim your maemo phone | 23:20 |
javispedro | before its too late | 23:21 |
DocScrutinizer | exactly | 23:21 |
hiemanshu | odd maemo issue, camera doesn't work, says memory full even though there is a lot of space | 23:21 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: It's annoying.. they'll demand that I return it to the shop.. I'll need to take time of work to do it.. that's annoying.. ;) | 23:22 |
DocScrutinizer | check your cam storage setting | 23:22 |
DocScrutinizer | o/ | 23:22 |
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javispedro | omg a private tv network asking for donations, where do I live now | 23:24 |
hiemanshu | DocScrutinizer: well the only thing being used (over 2 digits in %) is /var/run and rootfs | 23:24 |
hiemanshu | rest of the device is well empty | 23:24 |
DocScrutinizer | check your cam storage settings | 23:25 |
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DocScrutinizer | switch to uSD | 23:26 |
DocScrutinizer | switch back | 23:26 |
haj | DocScrutinizer: The worst part of this slow service is that I have actually gotten quite used this Android-phone while waiting for it.. ;) haha.. | 23:26 |
DocScrutinizer | check `mount` for r/o | 23:26 |
haj | *away* | 23:26 |
nop__ | android is ass | 23:26 |
GeneralAntilles | javispedro: what's wrong with that? | 23:27 |
GeneralAntilles | They usually need them more than public networks. | 23:27 |
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GeneralAntilles | Considering they don't get any tax dollars. :P | 23:27 |
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javispedro | GeneralAntilles: well, the guy just excused himself for asking donations by telling that "US networks already do that!!" | 23:28 |
nop__ | javispedro: was it you who wrote docnoksnes? | 23:28 |
javispedro | nop__: yes... | 23:28 |
nop__ | javispedro: (do you have any plan /what would you consider a reasonable 'bounty') to add gamepad (see /dev/input/js0) support to drnoksnes? | 23:29 |
DocScrutinizer | here they do call in win games "is a PC A) a comuter B) a fish ?" call 090034343434 to win 5000 | 23:29 |
DocScrutinizer | each call (or SMS) earns them 50ct | 23:29 |
DocScrutinizer | you bet there are mor than 10k calls/SMS each time | 23:30 |
javispedro | nop__: I will consider it, but no money. Which gamepad are you trying to use btw? | 23:30 |
nop__ | just a standard 8 button controller that creates a device at /dev/input/js0 | 23:30 |
nop__ | javispedro: just a standard 8 button controller that creates a device at /dev/input/js0 | 23:30 |
javispedro | DocScrutinizer: pfft, they do that all of the time. I'm just surprised they went straight to directly asking you for money. | 23:30 |
DocScrutinizer | I prefer that ;-P | 23:31 |
nop__ | javispedro: I can cat /dev/input/js0 to see the output from the controller | 23:31 |
nop__ | javispedro: I can 'cat /dev/input/js0' to see the output from the controller | 23:31 |
javispedro | nop__: but I am just curious, is this a noname gamepad, a wiimote, some other console? | 23:31 |
nop__ | javispedro: however docnoksnes does not 'see' it | 23:31 |
nop__ | no, it is just a noname gamepad | 23:32 |
javispedro | it happens that I just bought a xbox360 gamepad so I might have a reason to implement it... | 23:32 |
nop__ | javispedro: that works with the standard joydev module | 23:32 |
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nop__ | javispedro: well I will happily start a TMO whiparound to get some beer money | 23:33 |
nop__ | javispedro: thank you for considering | 23:33 |
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javispedro | nop__: naa, don't do that, it's not hard, and I don't want money. | 23:33 |
ds3 | this is an odd bug | 23:33 |
nop__ | javispedro: but you do want beer right? | 23:34 |
ds3 | pausing the media player with the hands free answer button results in the lost of audio alerts. but if I pause it from the screen, audio alerts work fine | 23:34 |
javispedro | nop__: haha. we'll see :) | 23:34 |
nop__ | javispedro: did you also create ines? | 23:34 |
javispedro | nope | 23:34 |
nop__ | okey dokey | 23:34 |
* javispedro has to leave, cya | 23:34 | |
nop__ | I am working on trying to compile xscope | 23:35 |
nop__ | whaddya think? | 23:35 |
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user0 | back... | 23:38 |
DocScrutinizer | @.@ | 23:39 |
user0 | DocScrutinizer : any new ideas ? | 23:39 |
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user0 | the guys at #meego seem to know nothing about this | 23:40 |
DocScrutinizer | my brain became concentrated vacuum | 23:40 |
DocScrutinizer | forget #meego | 23:40 |
DocScrutinizer | las user trying that said the relation is like 30min here are >> 7 days there | 23:40 |
user0 | :) | 23:41 |
DocScrutinizer | *you* got idea of reoteterm | 23:42 |
DocScrutinizer | remote term even | 23:42 |
user0 | so now we have to find a way to make use of the usb networking function ? | 23:42 |
DocScrutinizer | hmm, not sure what's the remote term function in that crap - maybe some tty-over-usb? | 23:42 |
DocScrutinizer | just enter the mode, then try 22, 23 with telnet | 23:43 |
user0 | must be | 23:43 |
DocScrutinizer | if that doesn't work (oops nevermind) | 23:43 |
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DocScrutinizer | first check if anything new shows up in PC's lsusb | 23:44 |
DocScrutinizer | like ttyACM or ttyUSB or whatever | 23:44 |
DocScrutinizer | dmesg/syslog may help | 23:44 |
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DocScrutinizer | if not, you're probably with USB networking, which should have a mini-HowTo specially for that rescue-initrd | 23:45 |
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DocScrutinizer | if it's networking then you probably should see sth like cdc_ether in lsmod and also getting loaded logs in syslog | 23:46 |
DocScrutinizer | o/ | 23:47 |
DocScrutinizer | (trying again to escape from this laptop) | 23:47 |
user0 | usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether | 23:47 |
DocScrutinizer | network then | 23:47 |
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DocScrutinizer | you'll need info about IPs | 23:47 |
user0 | its | 23:48 |
DocScrutinizer | a network always has two IP: local and far end | 23:49 |
DocScrutinizer | the other one is .14 afaik | 23:49 |
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DocScrutinizer | so you probably need a route to via local wirtual nic IF | 23:50 |
user0 | ok i'll try that | 23:51 |
MohammadAG | wouldn't ssh work? | 23:51 |
DocScrutinizer | then pin .14 and see if N900 answers | 23:51 |
MohammadAG | if there was an ssh server on it | 23:51 |
user0 | 1879.250688] cdc_acm 2-2:1.6: ttyACM0: USB ACM device | 23:51 |
DocScrutinizer | hah that's a thing for minicom, no? | 23:51 |
MohammadAG | dial up :p | 23:52 |
DocScrutinizer | direct tty over USB | 23:52 |
MohammadAG | yep, never figured out how to use those, besides network-manager | 23:52 |
DocScrutinizer | minicom -s | 23:52 |
DocScrutinizer | select tty: ttyACM0 | 23:53 |
DocScrutinizer | baud: dunno prolly 115k | 23:53 |
DocScrutinizer | etc etc | 23:53 |
DocScrutinizer | I might be *completely* wrong though | 23:53 |
user0 | alright so now i can ping it | 23:54 |
DocScrutinizer | it should be called sth like "USB console" | 23:54 |
user0 | but cant ssh or telnet | 23:54 |
DocScrutinizer | shit | 23:54 |
DocScrutinizer | you need to start some sshd | 23:55 |
user0 | no servers installed on it | 23:55 |
DocScrutinizer | dunno if that initrd has a menu for that | 23:55 |
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DocScrutinizer | remote session, remote foobar, dunno | 23:56 |
DocScrutinizer | usually on tiny systems dropbear doe the sshd crap | 23:56 |
DocScrutinizer | or you actually try minicom approach | 23:57 |
DocScrutinizer | I think I've seen "USB console" in initrd menu | 23:58 |
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user0 | just gona let the phone charge a bit atm | 23:58 |
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user0 | it doesnt charge while using that initrd | 23:58 |
DocScrutinizer | I *honestly* _doubt_ rescue-initrd will charge | 23:58 |
MohammadAG | it doesn't | 23:59 |
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MohammadAG | wtf is the use of USB networking if there's no sshd | 23:59 |
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MohammadAG | download a meego image | 23:59 |
MohammadAG | this stuff is crap | 23:59 |
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