IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2010-10-08

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TNZ_hi all00:03
TNZ_euuuuhh ... fresh news on PR 1.3 ?:D00:04
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DocScrutinizernox-: there are those lengthy lists in the universal remote manuals, like "Sony TV777UX: 430, 431; Samsung SuperVideoXL3: 431" if you got a samsung you'll probably also can use the remote for Sony (both 431)00:04
DocScrutinizerboozetime, cheers00:05
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* ShadowJK is trying to familiarize himself with using symbian again before swnding n900 for repair01:43
ShadowJKmaemo sure is lightyears more userfriendly :)01:43
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kerioShadowJK: ._.01:46
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GAN900kerio, that's sad for several reasons, isn't it?01:49
kerionah, just for the fact that he has to send his n900 to repairs01:50
keriowhich is something *i* will have to do too, eventually01:50
pupnikwhat broke ShadowJK01:50
kerio(my usb port is *still* broken)01:50
SpeedEvilWhat broke?01:52
kerioit's been... what, 2 months?01:52
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pupnik00:43  * ShadowJK is trying to familiarize himself with using symbian again before  swnding n900 for repair01:53
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* Chani wonders if there's a suse package for madde...01:59
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ShadowJKcellular modem only works when device isn't moving02:07
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ShadowJKthe moment i put it in my pocket and walk/jog/run, it starts disconnecting and crap02:08
ShadowJKsometimes it pops up sim dialog02:08
ShadowJKsometimes just putting it down on a table makes it glitch02:08
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ShadowJKit works perfectly as a tablet though, so I've been procrastinating repairs sice it'll be gone a few weeks I bet02:11
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SpeedEvil1have you tried new SIM/02:13
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ShadowJKI've tried 3 different ones02:34
SpeedEvil1I need to do the same - but I'm getting a new SIM to testr with first02:39
SpeedEvil1getting towards that 12mo02:39
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* nox- now knows why lirc couldnt send... the `irman' in the filename should have been a clue :/03:16
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MrPPShey, two quick questions06:38
MrPPS1, how do you turn off the camera sound in a nokia n90006:38
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MrPPS2, what's the default device lock code06:38
MrPPSi've tried 000, 0000, 1111, 1234, 006:38
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pupnik_hey, can we get acoustic modem connections going over mic/speaker?06:41
pupnik_bell 103, bell 202 ?  or something made for acoustic applications?06:42
pupnik_MrPPS: camera sound is stored as a .wav file that you can discover on the filesystem06:43
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MrPPSpupnik_: thanks :)06:45
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DocScrutinizerMrPPS: camera is silent on profile "silent" afaik. also you can check if >>IroN900:~# play-sound /usr/share/sounds/camera_snd_title_1.wav<< is the audio file you might want to replace by a 0 byte one. Lock code is 12345 afaik06:58
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MrPPSDocScrutinizer: thanks for the help :)07:15
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DocScrutinizerpupnik_: via speaker&mic I'm sure this won't work. Via headset connector there should be no particular problem in running a softmodem07:19
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CreamyGdoes fcamera save pictures somewhere weird by default?07:29
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Maceranybody want a 2.2GHz 2GB 160GB MB for $300?07:47
doc|homeMacer: link?07:48
Macerno.. mine lol07:48
doc|homereally? why?07:48
Maceri dont really have a link for it.. i want to get a smaller netbook07:48
doc|homewhere are you? :)07:49
Macerit is in good shape07:49
Macerand has snow leopard on it07:49
doc|hometoo awkward. I'm in canuckistan07:49
doc|homewould be tempted otherwise07:49
Macerlmao. well. i can ship it... i supose i can ebay it too07:50
Macerbut figure i would ask here first07:50
doc|homeit's a white one, right?07:50
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Macerblack one07:50
doc|homeno, must resist. thanks though :)07:51
Macerlol. ok ;) well.. im sure i can find someone to buy it here07:51
Macermaybe i will just go to uic an find a studebt to buy it.. it really is in good condition07:52
Maceri just started to try to sell it today tho so meh. people suck up apple products pretty quick :)07:52
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DocScrutinizerMacer: isn't it a bit late for USA and a bit early in the morning for Europe?07:55
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Macerit is midnight in chicago07:57
Macerif you considert that late then yes ;) im a night owl07:58
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DocScrutinizerme too, so time for bed for me - dawn outside08:02
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RST38hSooooooo.... PR1.3 today? =)08:09
* luke-jr_ hides PR1.3 from RST38h08:10
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DocScrutinizer51RST38h: heh, why did it take so long until you update to 1.3? was therema blocker keeping you from it for 6 weeks? :-P08:35
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mecePerhaps a warning on tmo regarding backup-menu is in order?09:22
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RobbieThe1stHi all10:15
RobbieThe1stAnyone know why the forum DB keeps going down?10:17
Stskeepsit's the riot caused after the flash 10.1 thing10:17
Stskeepsprobably ;)10:17
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RobbieThe1stI missed it; what, did they say it's never coming out?10:18
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Stskeepsstart from there and go on10:19
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RobbieThe1stHm... Now where did I put that old TI login....10:22
meceRobbieThe1st, hey, this has something to do with you I think:
RobbieThe1stI saw it, in response to an email I got from one of Andrew10:23
meceRobbieThe1st, ok, nevermind then ;)10:23
RobbieThe1stEssentially, worst case, you have to flash to PR1.2 again. It happens on like 40% of N900s. Why? Probably bad blocks. I have a new version that should solve the problem, but no one has tested it for me yet.10:24
StskeepsRobbieThe1st: you're writing directly to NAND?10:25
Stskeepsnot nandwrite or nanderase?10:25
RobbieThe1stdd if=/myfile of=/dev/mtd5 bs=4096 or something like that10:25
Stskeeps.. no no no10:25
Stskeepsyou'll bust people's ability to flash10:26
Stskeepsyou need to look into mtd-utils10:26
RobbieThe1stIts worked so far...10:26
Stskeepssince it's happening for people, it's not10:26
RobbieThe1stBut, actually, I was thinking in terms of working file-level with tar etc.10:26
Stskeepsyou're basically screwing up the eraseblock information10:26
crashanddieStskeeps, sitrep?10:26
Stskeepscrashanddie: mm?10:27
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RobbieThe1stYea, I figured as much... is there a way to -read- an image going around those blocks also?10:27
crashanddiewhat did I miss?10:27
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Stskeepscrashanddie: in context of?10:27
RobbieThe1stBecause even writing my images via the Nokia flasher doesn't work for some people10:27
crashanddieStskeeps, dead NAND10:27
Stskeepscrashanddie: backupmenu and even nokia care couldn't get someone's N900 back to life10:27
StskeepsRobbieThe1st: take a look at mtd-utils' nand* tools10:27
crashanddiemece, saw that, couldn't figure out the thread though10:28
StskeepsRobbieThe1st: is in logs from last night afaik10:28
StskeepsRobbieThe1st: we used those for initfs on n8x0 for ages, so they're safe10:28
RobbieThe1stI looked at the logs myself; couldn't see anything other than mohammadAG saying that someone complained about it "bricking". Which could mean needs to be flashed to factory default.10:29
RobbieThe1stStskeeps: Got a manpage link or something?10:29
RobbieThe1stY'know, I wish I'd known about some of this stuff earlier - its been like three months so far, and no one's suggested anything like mtdutils10:30
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StskeepsRobbieThe1st: take a look at the bootmenu code from n8x010:31
Stskeeps , search for flash_eraseall10:32
RobbieThe1stStskeeps: Hm, just out of curiosity, where is the kernel stored? On a partition of the NAND, or on a seperate chip?10:32
Stskeepsand nandwrite10:32
Stskeepspartition of nand10:32
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RobbieThe1st <- How does that work then?10:33
Stskeepsthere's a partition table in kernel10:33
Stskeepsand nolo takes care of eraseblocks etc10:33
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tybolltStskeeps: has there been more recent releases (yes, I've been hiding under a rock for the past few months) than the original meego one released?10:36
Stskeepstybollt: didn't you see the recent video?10:36
tybolltStskeeps: that was probably done by an insider w/ software not available to the public - yes?10:37
tybolltfair enough - the video is in scrollback the last 24h?10:37
tybolltthank you, sir10:37
Stskeepstouchscreen response we're looking into still, something's really fucked10:38
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tybolltbut the SGX bits are basically all there?10:38
Stskeepswell, the SGX bits in this particular video is a bit unstable so they're not in the release track for 1.110:39
Stskeepsbut they're bloody fast when they do work10:39
tybolltfair enough10:39
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tybolltisat a flying rabbit? How very monty python'esque ;)10:39
meceStskeeps, is the "updated graphics driver" included in the 20101005 image?10:40
tybolltI have to say - the little anim it does when rotating the screen is very pleasing to the eye :)10:40
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mecetybollt, I think the delay before rotating is a bit too long for my taste.10:41
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tybolltmece: that's why stskeeps is here, so you can tell him directly ;)10:41
meceI'll have to see for myself though. writing the image to card as we sepak.10:42
tybolltme? I'd have to have it ina hand of me to form an opinion on that10:42
meces/sepak/speak *mumble* *grumble*/10:42
infobotmece meant: I'll have to see for myself though. writing the image to card as we speak *mumble* *grumble*.10:42
Stskeepsmece: no, as i said, not on 1.1 release track :/10:42
meceStskeeps, ok then.10:43
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Stskeepsmece: know enough to ssh in over usb?10:43
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meceStskeeps, dunno how to do it on this computer unfortunately (windows xp)10:44
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Stskeepsmece: hmm :P10:45
Stskeepsmece: cos you need to push forth and back some pieces to upgrade10:45
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* crashanddie shoots a rocket at Oracle10:46
crashanddie~lart Oracle10:46
* infobot takes a large goose feather pillow and swings it wildly in Oracle's direction, hitting Oracle and sending Oracle flying into the closet10:46
crashanddiewhy the fuck would Oracle remove UML from Netbeans?10:46
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crashanddieBunch of tits10:46
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meceStskeeps, it's ok. I don't need to do it now. I guess we can expect 1.2 weekly's to appear after October 27th? Or before that?10:47
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Stskeepsmece: they should appear on wednesday earliest, but our kernel guy is gone for this week so it'll take a little while to upgrade10:47
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meceStskeeps, sweet!10:49
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tybolltcrashie: ? Oracle done something recently?11:03
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JaffaMorning, all11:12
MohammadAG51Morning Jaffa11:13
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Jaffatybollt: It's okay, Oracle are just destroying Sun's reputation; and surprising me cos I didn't think I thought that much of them.11:14
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ieatlinthaha, yeah, i was about to ask what reputation11:15
ieatlintthe usability of solaris, the efficiency of java11:16
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ShadowJKN900 dropped off at Nokia Care Point :-(11:30
ShadowJKno, cellmo11:30
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ShadowJKI think usb is going to last forever at this point11:30
ShadowJKwell, or would, but fixing cellmo is probably going to be mainboard replacement and new usb port11:31
MohammadAG51or a new simhole11:31
MohammadAG51yes, i called it that11:31
fluxmy ear-speaker is somewhat flaky, but I suppose I want to fix it myself instead of waiting for eons to the phone back11:32
ShadowJKI say it'd probably last forever, because the force required to remove the plug is now 5% of original11:32
fluxshadowjk, :)11:32
ShadowJKWhen it was new, I could have lifted a case of beer with that port before the connector unplugged11:32
fluxI seriously suspect your usb-port has some issues nevertheles :)11:33
ShadowJKnah it's been fine :)11:33
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MohammadAG51mine's dyslexic11:33
MohammadAG51it sends data backwards11:33
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ShadowJKSo I went to Nokia Online Shop, it said find local care point, Nokia Care website told me about this place I didn't know existed, and the name implied it was in a totally different city than what the address on the website was11:34
ShadowJKand Ovi Maps had some "issues" in getting me there..11:34
ShadowJKAnyway, I wander in to this place and they have dishwashers and iphones and what not, and I ask if this is the place for Nokia Service11:34
ShadowJKthe guy says "yeah, down the stairs, first door on your left"11:34
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ShadowJKI walk down the stairs, and the first door I see is the exit. My immediate reaction was that I just got told to piss off11:35
ShadowJKBut there was a small door to the left, and in there sat a guy buried in pile of electronics crap, so I knew it was the right place :)11:35
TermanaN900I think you're confused, if you were told to piss off then you would know you found Nokia Care11:37
TermanaN900kidding :p11:37
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ShadowJKtrue :)11:39
ShadowJKthe guy mostly had piles of car stereos11:40
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meceooooo--I'm such a nerd. My hairs stood up when I read that title..
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ShadowJKthe unobtanium pandaboard11:43
Stskeepssomeone in #meego-arm got one last night11:44
Stskeepsso not entirely11:44
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meceStskeeps, that's pretty sweet11:44
mecewhen was omap4 announced?11:44
Stskeepsfairly long ago?11:45
ShadowJKcouple of years?11:45
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mecewhat about the hardware?11:45
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ShadowJKStskeeps, any idea of pricing?11:47
Stskeepsunsure, i thought there was some presentation11:48
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* MohammadAG51 holds off on getting a beagleboard11:49
TermanaN900If you sign up for their early program and get in11:49
TermanaN900But i don't think the pandaboard is "for sale" per say yet11:49
MohammadAG51what if my project fails?11:50
ShadowJK"We expect it to cost a little under $179 at distributors and will be publishing ordering information in the next couple of weeks. Stay tuned!"11:51
ShadowJKcool :)11:51
TermanaN900MohammadAG51, then your project was a failure good sir11:51
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MohammadAG51that's the same price as the OMAP3 beagleboard xM :o11:52
ShadowJKthat's weird11:53
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Venemothp: congrats for your Hildon-Desktop mods, they're awesome11:53
Venemothp: what I really would like to see in it though is a way to rearrange the windows in the task switcher11:54
MohammadAG51didn't know thp was here lol11:54
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jacktheripperanyway to get an N900 out of a reboot loop without a reflash ? :S12:22
jacktherippercan I somehow mount rootfs on my PC and fix it ?12:22
RobbieThe1stNot unless you have BackupMenu installed.12:23
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jacktheripperI don't remember if I had that installed12:25
jacktheripperwhat would I do if I did ?12:25
dRbiGMohammadAG51: - that's you work isn't it?12:25
RobbieThe1stwell, open your keyboard and power it on12:26
RobbieThe1stIf you see a menu, you will have some access. If not, you're - pardon the language - screwed12:26
jpinx-eeepcif yyou have ssh intalled it might let you login12:27
jpinx-eeepcI mean over the usb network12:27
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RobbieThe1stBut, he says its in a reboot loop12:28
jpinx-eeepcyea - sounds bad12:28
meceStskeeps, I actually find the rotation to be quite smooth even without accelerated drivers12:28
Robot101jacktheripper: you can try using the flasher to put it into r&d mode - there was one weird flashing bug which would cause it to reboot during bootup unless you boot it once in r&d mode then turn it off again12:28
Robot101jacktheripper: what did you do to achieve a reboot loop? :)12:28
jacktheripperI messed with microb-engine :/12:29
jacktheripperthe browser didn't work12:29
jacktheripperI rebooted12:29
jacktheripperand that happened. It also can be because of rootfs having 0B of space.12:29
jacktheripperI booted the device using a meego rescue disk, it gave me a recovery terminal and I have stuff in /dev12:30
jacktheripperwhat's the name of rootfs ?12:30
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jacktheripperdon't have that :S12:31
RobbieThe1stwhat do you have?12:31
RobbieThe1st/dev/ubi0 ?12:31
jacktherippermmcblk0, mmcblk0p*, mmcblk1, mmcblk1p*12:31
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crashanddie"Thousands of flushed condoms threaten to choke the Commonwealth Games  village's drainage system, media reports said, in the latest problem to hit the venue from hidden snakes to outbreaks of dengue."12:32
RobbieThe1stWell, you can get your MyData and SD card12:32
jacktheripperI don't have an SD card12:33
jacktheripperand that's useless, I need microb-engine. Seems like I have to reflash :S12:33
jacktheripperand there's also no way to backup dpkg/info12:33
Stskeepscrashanddie: +112:34
RobbieThe1stdo you have anything with ubi in there?12:34
Stskeepscrashanddie: i wonder if athletics are really nothing more than an excuse to go around the world and fuck women in various countries..12:35
jacktherippernope :S12:35
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crashanddieStskeeps, want to know the worst thing?12:36
jacktheripperRobbieThe1st, sorry, need to go :S c ya12:36
Stskeepscrashanddie: always12:36
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crashanddieStskeeps, this is what the President of the Commonwealth games federation said: "If that is happening, it shows that there is use of condoms and I think that is a very positive story. Athletes are being responsible"12:36
Stskeepscrashanddie: oh dear12:36
meceStskeeps, stupid question perhaps, but how do I connect to the 3g network? Appears it defaults to airplane(offline) mode.12:37
meceI have a sim without pin12:37
crashanddieAthletes are being responsible in using enough condoms to clog the sewage system? What kind of athletes/games are these?12:37
Stskeepsmece: hmm, what provider? Elisa?12:38
meceStskeeps, sauna12:38
Stskeepscrashanddie: maybe it's in good old greek style12:38
meceStskeeps, uses elisa12:38
crashanddiemece, you don't have the 3g network in your internet connection list?12:38
Stskeepsmece: interesting, second person with problem12:38
RobbieThe1stI do have one question for you guys: Do you know of any way - command line wise - to run a java application("java -jar .....") in "fullscreen" mode? It always seems to run with the top statusbar/etc visible. (Note: Using icedtea6 package)12:38
meceStskeeps, could it be that sauna roams in elisas network?12:38
Stskeepsmece: we didn't find a good reason for it yet - did you connect to wifi before trying phone stuff?12:38
ShadowJKSaunalahti is a virtual operator, it uses elisa's network12:39
meceStskeeps, no I didn't.12:39
ShadowJKIt's also a fully owned subsidiary of Elisa12:39
meceStskeeps, it did see a bunch of wifi's tho.12:39
ShadowJKAll phones think they're roaming when using saunalahti12:39
`0660crashanddie, i thought there were pictures of overflowing sewage in athlete apartments even before the athletes arrived. I wonder if the officials are just trying to save their face by blaming the athletes.12:40
mececrashanddie, it's meego.12:40
meceStskeeps, wifi works, it seems.12:40
Stskeepsmece: it's a known bug .. search for sauna in bugs.meego.com12:41
meceok thanks.12:41
mecegetting zarro boogs. Did you find one?12:43
* Stskeeps gahs and can't find it..12:44
* Stskeeps searches mail12:44
povbot`Bug 7893: Alarm clock does not wake me up when battery has died.12:44
crashanddie"Bug: device doesn't function when there is no power"12:44
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crashanddie"Bug: Television doesn't work when I remove antenna cable."12:45
ShadowJKActually, alarm clock woke me up once after battery had died.12:45
ShadowJKTrue story12:45
crashanddieOn the N900/Maemo? Nearly all the time12:45
ShadowJKI was extremely surprised, because it had shutdown due to hw cutoff12:46
crashanddieYou can have the N900 wake you nearly 10-20 times after the BME has shutdown the phone for low battery.12:46
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meceStskeeps, wontfix? wtf?12:47
meceMan I never find anything in the bug tracker12:49
RobbieThe1stGot a QT4/PyQT4 question - anyone know stuff about QT interfaces and the N900?12:49
Stskeepsmece: it hides a bug, i think12:50
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meceStskeeps, well I guess it's because quick search only searches open bugs and the only way to search all bugs is to painfully stake through the millions of options in advanced search.12:54
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ShadowJKwhy is that wontfix anyway..13:05
meceaw crap. I give up. I have absolutely no idea how to find bugs, so I can assume that every bug I report is a duplicate.13:10
Hoxzerwhy would you like to study a bug that's already been fixed?13:10
meceShadowJK, Hmm it looks like the person who it was assigned to thought that the one who reported the bug was just confused or something.13:10
meceI don't really get it.13:11
thpVenemo: wouldn't rearranging conflict with either scrolling or selecting?13:12
Venemothp: maybe it would conflict with scrolling13:13
Venemothp: but there must be some way :)13:13
meceScelt hello?13:13
ShadowJKlong tap to active move?13:14
thpVenemo: well, you know how it's implemented in the launcher13:14
thpbut that's not very practical for the switcher13:14
thpi'd rather have some more intelligent auto-sorting (i.e. group all browser windows, group all IM/SMS, ...)13:15
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ShadowJKBut I always have vmstat in first window, battery status in seocnd, xchat in third, and then I don't care about the rest ;(13:15
RST38hthp: Btw, is your task switcher style configurable?13:15
ShadowJKunless I accidentally close one of them, then I have to close everything to get the "correct" order back :D13:16
thpRST38h: configurable at compile time atm13:16
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RST38hthp: Any plans to add it to that .ini file? =)13:17
thpRST38h: no :p13:17
thpjust scratched an itch there.. but given recent interest in MohammadAG51's mods, maybe he will step up and create an umbrella project for all h-d mods13:18
Venemothp: yeah, I already talked with him about it :)13:21
meceMohammadAG51, ping?13:21
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Venemothp: anyways, I have another idea for rearranging13:22
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Stskeepsi vote for having bananas dancing around in a circle around the task windows13:23
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bennypr0faneHey, i overclocked n900 to ideal profile (500-850) in Titan-powerkernel. Can anyone tell me how to UNDO this without reflashing the stock kernel (if that is possible)?13:25
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mecebennypr0fane: kernel-config limits 250 600?13:28
mecebennypr0fane, something like that.13:28
bennypr0faneis 250 the lower limit?13:28
mecebennypr0fane, read here:
bennypr0fanei thought i'd have to use a low voltage-profile for that....13:29
mecebennypr0fane, 250 is the default I think. I've never touched the stuff, so I don't know, but that's what I've come to understand.13:29
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bennypr0fanethank you13:31
bennypr0fanei'll try that13:31
bennypr0fanealso, i think my phone always boots in r&d-mode or something13:32
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bennypr0fanewhen i power , the white nokia screen shows a phone-icon with a wrench and kernel info etc. are shown in green letters13:33
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bennypr0fane*power on13:33
bennypr0fanehow can i make start normal mode again?13:33
dsgbennypr0fane: Sounds like R&D mode13:34
jarkkomanyone remember what you had to do to get n900's attitude sensor unstuck?13:34
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bennypr0fanedsg does that mean i need a linux pc to disable r&d mode?13:36
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dsgbennypr0fane: Well, the page says reflashing with the windows wizard will disable it. But I don't have any windows so I can't confirm.13:37
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dsgbennypr0fane: Did you get the phone like this from a nokia center?13:37
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mecebennypr0fane, there's flasher for windows13:38
mecebennypr0fane, download it from here:
bennypr0fanedsg yes i did. they performed update to pr 1.2 for me and returned it to me like this. i do have win xp but there's somehting wrong with my desktop's usb port. almost bricked my n900 when i tried to flash pr 1.2 myself.13:39
bennypr0faneso using the windows flasher is what got me there in the first place13:39
dsgbennypr0fane: hm, it might be best to just bring it back to them to fix then.13:40
bennypr0fanei guess so13:40
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meceMohammadAG, hey! Question, can you add a repo and be offered updates from app manager with your fixes, or does one have to install them manually?13:41
mecetalking about the hildon fixes and the media player13:41
bennypr0fanewhat I'm acutally concerned about is that every time i change the battery (i do that a lot cause i have 2), the device starts booting by itself. that didn't happen before service worked on it, so i'm guessing this behavior is due to r&d mode13:42
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bennypr0fanecan anyone confirm that?13:42
dsgbennypr0fane: I seem to recall similar behaviour with R&D mode, but I'm not sure.13:43
dsgbennypr0fane: When the phone is off, and you just shortly press the power button, does it turn on?13:43
bennypr0fanemaybe this is the lifeguard process or sth.13:43
dsg(usually you have to hold it for ~2 seconds)13:43
dsgThat's a sure sign of R&D mode.13:43
bennypr0fanedsg yes it does - just short press13:43
dsgOk, definately R&D mode.13:43
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bennypr0fanewhat does r&d mean anyway?13:44
dsgresearch & development13:44
dsgBasically debugging/testing13:44
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bennypr0fanedefintiely not for me13:44
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bennypr0fanebut do you think the battery thing (just inserting battery will power on the device without pressing power button) is also due to r&d mode?13:45
bennypr0faneMohammadAG do you have an idea about this?13:46
alteregoMy device doesn't boot on battery insertion, well, unless it's plugged in to charge.13:47
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bennypr0fanemine didn't do so either before service gave it back to me set to r&d mode...13:49
alteregoWell, take it off r&d mode then :P13:49
Venemobennypr0fane: the best way to fix these issues seems to be a reflash, or try to take the device to a Nokia care center if you don't feel up to it13:49
infobotrumour has it, flashing is
dsgbennypr0fane: Yes, I'm 90% sure.13:49
Venemobennypr0fane: read that article13:49
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alteregoFlashing doesn't reset R&D flag afiar13:51
bennypr0fanei'd like to disable r&d myself, but it looks like i have to hook it up to a pc in order to do that, and mine's no good for that. so i guess it'll have to be the service center then13:52
alteregoBut you don't need to reflash to remove the r&d flag. regardless on buootit should be blatantly obvious if you're in r&d mode.13:52
alteregoYou can run the flasher on device.13:52
bennypr0fanei guess i'm pretty sure now that i am. i was hoping to avoid the service center 'cause i'm afraid they can tell i overclocked and make me pay for any further service13:53
alteregoNot sure if it works with r&d though? So be careful.13:53
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alteregoI use flasher on device for kernel flashing would be nice to know if it can change those kinds of things aswell13:54
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bennypr0faneat service, can they tell easily that i had it overclocked if i give it to them with factory settings in place?13:55
alteregoThere's no way to tell, and tbh I doubt they'd care.13:55
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bennypr0fanehow do i flash on the device?13:56
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bennypr0fanei've only heard of a flasher that needs to be run from external computer13:57
bennypr0faneor at least it's not mentioned here?
dsgbennypr0fane: Be careful. Not all advice you read on the internet is good advice :)13:58
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dsgFlashing rootfs from the device sounds much more risky than flashing kernel.13:59
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bennypr0fanedsg sure thing. i tend to trust what people in here advise me though ;-)13:59
bennypr0faneor shopouldn't i?13:59
bennypr0fanealterego so if you're absolutely positive there's no way to tell i had the device overclocked, i guess i'll just bring it in for service14:01
alteregobennypr0fane: there really isn't14:01
bennypr0fanedsg "Flashing rootfs from the device sounds much more risky than flashing kernel." well i don't know how to do it anyway...14:02
alteregoUnless they take it apart and you SoC is melted :P14:02
infobotyour is, like, the possessive of you, and is not "you're", which means "you are"14:02
bennypr0fanealterego not yet :-D14:02
marmoutewhy the hell my mediaplayer is not able t play flv14:06
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MohammadAGbennypr0fane, "RobbieThe1st"?14:09
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mecewhat's the dimensions of the omap3430 chip?14:22
SpeedEvilAbout 10mm*10mm IIRC14:23
meceSpeedEvil, thanks.14:24
crashanddie12x12, 13x14, or 22x2214:24
crashanddie(don't quote me on those, though)14:25
mecewhat is the one on the N900 then?14:25
crashanddie12x12 methinks14:25
MohammadAGwhat variants of router custom firmwares are there14:26
MohammadAGI know about OpenWRT and DD-WRT14:27
timeless_xchatwhat difference does it make?14:27
superchodeMohammadAG: i know of tomato as well14:28
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SpeedEvilmece: digikey.com14:29
SpeedEvilmece: search omap353014:29
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meceSpeedEvil, I guess I could have just measured the one on the beagleboard.14:31
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meceheh looks like they had to squeeze a lot mor stuff on pandaboard than on beagleboard.14:34
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bennypr0faneMohammadAG who's RobbieThe1st14:36
MohammadAGthought you were the backupmenu dev14:37
bennypr0fanedefinitely no kind of dev14:38
pupnik_ty DocScrutinizer fun.14:38
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pupnik_DocScrutinizer: underwater acoustic modems
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andaxIs in maemo something like virtual console you can get on common linux with Ctrl + Alt + F[1-12]? (plain text console, not embedded in QT stuff or such)14:47
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asj_andax: wtf14:48
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sharpnelipupnik_: There were stuff about basically using wlan underwater few years ago on one acoustic conference.14:48
andaxasj_: in case someone is wondering why i need it: they surely perform faster, need less system resources et cetera14:49
asj_andax: -ENOPARSE14:49
DocScrutinizerpupnik_: looks like a relatively simple exercise to implement such underwater modem on N900 :-D14:49
sharpnelipupnik_: Ofcourse it was not at 2.4GHz, they took the symbol and sent it on lower bandwidth (and lower central frequency) in a longer duration. Worked quite well.14:49
DocScrutinizerthe headset connector should even work up to 30kHz I'd guess14:50
asj_DocScrutinizer: I can test it the next time I go scuba diving...send me a waterproof n900 :)14:50
SpeedEvilRF underwater works not terribly, if you have properly matched antenna.14:51
pupnik_it seems the signal processing problems are similar underwater and over-the-air DocScrutinizer14:51
SpeedEvilLow conductivity water works much better.14:51
SpeedEvilSea is a problem.14:51
DocScrutinizersome 30m :-P14:51
sharpneliUnderwater you get much more usable bandwidth if you just use acoustic waves.14:52
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asj_whales have had good luck with acoustic ;)14:52
lcukunderwater keynote speeches? :D14:52
sharpneliAnd ofcourse the closer you are the more bandwidth you could use effectively.14:52
DocScrutinizerlo lcuk14:52
pupnik_i'm more curious about handshaking via audio14:53
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pupnik_two devices chirping to each other would be cute14:53
sharpneliAnd the signal processing problems are identical with acoustics underwater and RF :p14:53
pupnik_makes sense sharpneli14:53
sharpnelipupnik_: For what purpose that would be useful considering that we have bluetooth?14:53
andaxasj_: Usually in Linux (see Linux console), the first six virtual consoles provide a text terminal with a login prompt to a Unix shell. The graphical X Window System starts in the seventh virtual console.14:54
pupnik_can't think of one sharpneli - maybe feedback for humans that the devices are handshaking14:54
asj_andax: sure, on a desktop14:54
sharpneliInstead of the lovely "Pairing" icon on screen?-)14:54
sharpneliMaybe it would be a nice aprils fool joke. Small program that can send contact info etc via the audio to other devices.14:55
pupnik_maybe i'm getting a mitm attack sharpneli :)14:55
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andaxwhy not on maemo? would be surely more efficient if you can handle it14:55
alteregosharpneli: would be nice to implement a dialup modem :P14:55
asj_andax: because it's not a desktop and would be almost useless14:55
RST38h"Many Android users are finding their shiny new handsets almost impossible to use due to a plethora of issues needing ridiculous workarounds, from creating and deleting multiple cloud accounts to repeatedly hard resetting."14:56
sharpneliHeh. Howabout implementing the bluetooth standard over audio? :D14:56
alteregoplugin a audio/mic cross over cable and relive the retro years.14:56
RST38hHmmm... And I thought Maemo sucked and Android was stable? =)14:56
andaxi dont think so, the x-terrminal takes much time to load and i would use pdksh instead of bash, which is also faster14:56
jarkkomyou could probably implement FSK modulation and get few hundred bps out of that with speaker/mic14:56
alteregoRST38h: not needed to flash my N900 since I had it, I flash for each update though.14:57
alteregoSo I'm pretty sure I've not flashed it since PR1.214:57
sharpnelijarkkom: QAM ftw.14:57
andaxwell, i miss the function  keys...14:57
sharpneliMaybe 10KHz of usable bandwidth between two phones close by.14:57
sharpneliI think there's no reason to use anything else than QAM nowadays really. We have more than enough processing power for it.14:58
Sceltmece: waddup?14:58
alteregoCould use the fm transmitter/reciever for data xfer? :)14:59
andaxasj_: maybe it would be useless for you but not for me. (because of the mentioned reasons and some more)14:59
sharpneliHmmm. That's possible. Except FM sucks. We'd still get just few tens of KHz of bandwidth.14:59
SpeedEvila couple of hundred kilobits a second are probably plausible.15:01
alteregoUse it all and do bonding? :)15:01
Sceltmece: yeah, tripzero seemed to have made some wrong conclusions. Maybe I should have capitalized the VIRTUAL OPERATOR to make it understood15:01
SpeedEvilAlso - for silliness.15:01
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alteregobluetooth + wifi + usb + fm rx/tx + audio15:01
SpeedEvilCamera + lcd15:01
SpeedEvilfor data transfer15:01
sharpneliSpeedEvil: Via FM transmitter?15:01
alteregoSpeedEvil: nice,15:01
SpeedEvilsharpneli: yes15:01
alteregoanimated wd barcodes? :D15:01
SpeedEvilsharpneli: Assuming complex modulation.15:02
SpeedEvilalterego: yes15:02
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pupnik_maybe android will start fracturing and sucking mainly because it's not got enough gnu/linux15:02
sharpneliSpeedEvil: I'd assume that the fm transmitter just does exactly what it says. FM modulates the carrier with the input sound signal.15:02
alteregopupnik_: I don't think your average end user cares too much.15:02
Sceltmece: and I didn't know that airplane has nothing with airplane mode, which is very unclear15:02
alteregoIt'll suceed or fail on how good it works for average users.15:03
sharpneliSpeedEvil: So the sound signal would be the limit.15:03
alteregoThat don't want an iPhone :D15:03
SpeedEvilsharpneli: irrelevant.15:03
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SpeedEvilsharpneli: You canmodulate a couple of hundred kilobits a second over a audio channel withthebandwidthof the FM transmitter.15:03
sharpneliSpeedEvil: I dont really know the specs of the transmitter. Yeah you can modulate few hundred kbps in that bandwidth but is it possible with the current hardware?15:05
sharpneliE.g if it just eats the sound and does basic FM modulation it is not possible.15:05
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SpeedEvilsharpneli: Over an audio channel of the bandwidthand SNR of the FM channel. Themodulationis irrelevant.15:06
* SpeedEvil plays with firefox 4.15:07
sharpneliYeah. Though data rate goes as logarithm of SNR (or linear with the dB) but linear with bandwith. :p15:07
sharpneliWith luck the SNR is good. You've tested it?15:07
andaxSpeedEvil: that reminds me on a idea to connect a softmodem directly to a DSL connection15:08
SpeedEvilsharpneli: no, it's a shitload of code.15:09
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SpeedEvilandax: A soft-modem that implements the DSL stck is quite possible in principle.15:09
sharpneliSpeedEvil: Shitloads of code? Save test symbol as wav, send it to fm transmitter and record from other device.15:10
sharpneliTransfer to matlab or whatever fancies you and go wild.15:10
andaxSpeedEvil: Yeah, i guess so and think it would be pretty cool, (cold reduce some wiring salad at home) but i never saw such implementation15:11
SpeedEvilshaIt's an uninteresting experiment.15:11
andaxcold -> could15:11
SpeedEvilsharpneli: The FM transmitter is specified to provide a clean audio link over xKHz.15:11
sharpneliIt is yeah. But what did you meant with the "shitload of code"?15:11
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SpeedEvilsharpneli: A proper soft-modem to modulate at high bits/hz a digital signal, and to recover it at the other end is quite significant code.15:12
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SpeedEvilandax: It would probably not. You're looking at a specialised 'soundcard' - that will at best need USB2 and to be moving a _large_ amount of data continually.15:13
pupnik_alterego: perhaps going with meego with a lot of gnu/linux will mean more long-term trust and adoption of the platform15:13
sharpneliYeah it is. Especially if it needs to be efficient. However it is not relevant if we want to set upper bounds for the possible data rate.15:14
sharpneliSpeedEvil: Can you e.g change the samplerate the FM radio eats? Or is it analog already when it goes to the transmitter?15:14
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alteregopupnik_: maybe, or not, as much as I don't like the architecture of android, it does have the sandboxing potential that vendors may like from a security perspective ...15:15
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SpeedEvilThe datasheet of teh FM transmitter sets a SNR and a bandwidth. You then compute the maximum datarate based on this. You're not doinganything other than treating it as a pure analog channel.15:15
alteregoYet to see how Nokia's security system works..15:15
andaxI was regarding a t40 thinkpad with integrated softmodem, so no USB stuff would be needed. Then, with IP-forwarding, could be the wifi hot spot and home server15:15
SpeedEvilandax: In principle possible, it would mean considerable hardware inside.15:16
sharpneliSpeedEvil: So it does not go trough the audio system? That's great to hear.15:16
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sharpneliI was afraid that it would be tied to the audio output.15:16
SpeedEvilandax: the 'easy' way would be to basically integrate a DSL modem, the hard way would be to integrate a DAC/ADC, and do it in software. This would bemaybe $10-$20 cheaper15:17
SpeedEvilBut would probably not run on linux.15:17
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andaxSpeedEvil: a softmodem is functioning essentially as a DAC/ADC, much like a sound card which handles pure PCM and analog signals from and to the telephone line15:21
SpeedEvilandax: yes. But a softmodem that is designed fro DSL use requires an ADC running around 500 times faster.15:22
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jarkkomdoesn't linux include some softmodem support by default, at least for conexant chips?15:22
SpeedEvilA DSL stack in software for a sofrtmodem would be a really huge chunk of code.15:22
pupnik_it's very simple to win the apple/android/phone war.  make MeeGo the better android platform15:23
SpeedEvilThe DSL specification is - IIRC - around a thoudand pages.15:23
SpeedEvilpupnik_: no, it's not.15:23
pupnik_so you've got native MeeGo/maemo apps, and you run the other fluff in a vm15:23
andaxSpeedEvil: 500 times faster... probably too fast for a soundcard i guess15:23
SpeedEvilpupnik_: The notion that the best product wins in a fmarketplace is completely broken.15:23
pupnik_i know that15:23
SpeedEvilandax: much too fast, yes.15:23
jarkkomactual modulation isn't that complicated in DSL but complexity in ADSL comes from legacy stuff, as there's all the ATM transport15:23
LjLare you talking about using the FM transmitter as a soft-modem...? O.o15:23
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SpeedEviljarkkom: The modulation is not in principle _that_ complex - OFDM/...15:24
pupnik_SpeedEvil: that's why don't don't make a 'better OS' and expect to sell that.  You make a better way for people to run their apps, and they'll flock to you.15:24
alteregopupnik_: it seems more about eyecandy and phone sex factor that makes android successful, not it being any good :)15:24
SpeedEviljarkkom: The problem isthat implementing all of the seperate layers is a quite large amount of code.15:24
SpeedEvilFrom memory.15:24
jarkkomSpeedEvil, yeah I haven't dealth with ADSL/DSLAM in several years but I remember whole ATM thing being main headache as nobody actually had ATM networks anymore15:25
alteregoAdmittedly a lot of the Android phones seem to look the same to me now.15:25
SpeedEvilInitial FIR/IIR filter fromthe ADC/DAC. OFDM modulate/demodulate. ATM with FEC. then PPPOA or ...15:25
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SpeedEvilIt's somethingthat is possible to do, but it would require special hardware and significant software.15:26
pupnik_one thing this maemo experience teaches me is the nature of pioneering product classes (internet tablets) and market adoption15:26
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* SpeedEvil points at the Apple Newton.15:27
pupnik_you've got a chance to be a hit as the innovator - maybe - if it's as simple as a frisbee or hula-hoop :)15:27
sharpneliOFDM == just do FFT and look at the taps ;p15:28
SpeedEvilsharpneli: I know the principle.15:28
andaxthe audio frequency range typically is 20ā€“20000 Hz15:28
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SpeedEvilsharpneli: While the individual parts of it are perhaps managable bits of code, the aggregation is a fairly large bit. And DSL modem debugging hardware is rare and hideously expensive.15:29
sharpneliMy view is extremely biased here because I know the low level stuff well but I really dont know right now how to implement the upper layers. So I'll take your word for it.15:29
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sharpneliOne positive side is that one software based stack could work just as well with audio and with FM transmitter as the transfer path.15:31
SpeedEvilsharpneli: Each individual bit is simple, but implementing all of thetwiddles, and spending ages puzzling over the ambigous meaning of bit 32 of the training word...15:31
SpeedEvilsharpneli: unfortunately, not quite.15:31
SpeedEvilsharpneli: FM is basically a clean channel.15:31
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SpeedEvilReal-world audio that goes throughthe air has many more artifacts.15:32
SpeedEvilReflections, and frequency-dependant phase shifts and amplitude shifts.15:32
sharpneliYeah. But they're all just noise and handled the same way if OFDM is used.15:32
SpeedEvilAs well as external noise.15:32
SpeedEvilthey aren't.15:32
SpeedEvilFrequency dependant phase shifts that alter over time are a pain with OFDM too.15:32
sharpneliWhat would produce that kind of effect?15:33
crashanddieOK WTF
crashanddieWho the hell comes up with this shit?15:33
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SpeedEvilsharpneli: motion.15:33
SpeedEvilsharpneli: reflections off nearby objects15:34
SpeedEvilsharpneli: the angle of the sending/recieving phones changing.15:34
sharpneliMotion is correct, others are just the same as with RF15:34
sharpneliMultipath just means longer guard interval.15:35
alteregocrashanddie: paintball for those in a wheelchair?15:35
SpeedEvilBut you can completely neglect these if you are using the FM transmitter, as you are not dealing withthem.15:35
sharpneliYeah it's true.15:35
sharpneliBut that makes it boring :D15:35
SpeedEvilThe FM transmitter is by definition a nice flat 'perfect' audio channel.15:35
SpeedEvilHave I linked here?15:36
SpeedEvilFree car!15:36
sharpneliYeah because the relative bandwith is so damn small15:36
SpeedEvilThough it seems to be aimed at people who like musical theater.15:36
alteregoI still like my idea, just use everything with a network stack on top and do bonding :)15:36
SpeedEvilThe 'rental battery' concept is interesting.15:36
sharpneliSpeedEvil: However those effects are relevant only to the demodulation phase. After that the rest of the stack is identical.15:37
sharpneliAnd as you said, the rest of the stack is most likely the hardest part to do :p15:37
alteregoThough it means implementing new network devices for fm tx+rx and audio in/out15:37
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alteregoIf you use the forward camera and screen you've got bidirectional communications too :)15:37
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lcuklol SpeedEvil15:38
lcukfrom the thumbnails I tohught 9/12 "Happy" was a meegomobile!15:39
andaxmaybe some forms of historic packet radio network as a starting point could reduce the efforts15:39
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SpeedEvillcuk: naah - that's what happens when you reverse into a crowd of children.15:39
sharpneliGrab the stack of some radio amateur packet radio system and write new modulation/demodulation code.15:40
SpeedEvilI point to debian chroot15:40
SpeedEviland the factr that fldigi is already there15:40
SpeedEvilHowever- the range of FM is under that of bluetooth.15:41
SpeedEvilSo there is almost certainly no point.15:41
sharpneliTrue. The audio path would be quite neat.15:41
sharpneliAnd then plug a small hydrophone to the device and you'll have underwater communication!15:42
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alteregoIs that what this conversation was about.15:44
alteregoI think I'd prefer a text to morse conversion using the flash and camera to encode and decode.15:44
sharpneliAtleast it started with this :D15:44
alteregoWho wants to do it for me? :)15:44
sharpneliHeh. It's hard to know which one would be more annoying. Beeping and hissing or epilepsy inducing flashing :D15:45
crashanddiejust look at the source code of the eeepc15:45
crashanddieor the olpc15:46
crashanddiethey screeched to find one another15:46
alteregoWell, flashing has better range in low noise conditions15:46
SpeedEvilI think it should be able to do a couple of hundred meters.15:46
SpeedEvilWith flash15:46
alteregoEspecially if you could setup the position and do tracking.15:46
SpeedEvilif the two phones are fixed15:46
alteregoCould use the red led as a carrier? :D15:47
SpeedEvilAt night at least15:47
pupnik_alterego: you could do spread specrtum data using YUV!15:47
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andaxWhy not communicating under water? the size of the keyboard gets more and more appealing for frogs as well :-)15:47
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alteregopupnik_: hah, good idea.15:48
jarkkomI guess you could just throw infrared filter over flash if it has enough power in those frequencies15:48
SpeedEvilFlash outputs essentially no power at IR15:48
alteregojarkkom: no point, we've got an ir emitter15:48
Corsacor just use the IR emitter?15:48
SpeedEvilthere will be some tail at IR of the yellow pigment, but I would suspect it to be down at least 10^615:49
MohammadAGif I have 4 partitions on a device, say, sda1-4, would dd if=sda of=file backup all 4 partitions?15:49
SpeedEvilthe IR LED is weak though15:49
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: yes15:49
alteregoUnfortunately you have to make sure the camera is down when you're firing.15:49
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: you are aware trhat mmc are not block devices though?15:49
alteregoflash is much easier15:49
jarkkomoh I forgot abour IR completely, with bluetooth being everywhere15:50
SpeedEvilThere is no IR reciever.15:50
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, it's an external microSD card15:50
sharpneliRemove the IR filter from your camera15:50
SpeedEvilThe cameras can - sort-of pick up IR, but not well.15:50
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sharpneliActually CCD picks it up really well if the filter is removed.15:50
sharpneliBut that's not exactly the most practical solution :p15:50
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SpeedEvilAlso - neither of the cameras in the n900 are CCD.15:51
andaxisnt it a IR sensor on the right of the camera shot button?15:51
SpeedEvil(but that point is irrelevant, as they have a similar spectral response)15:51
SpeedEvilandax: no15:51
nomisandax: it is a sender.15:51
jarkkomsharpneli, had one of those first sony cameras without IR filter at work, annoying to work with since conference area where it was also had IR-based headset system from simultaneous translation15:52
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jarkkomthen sony put IR filters on every camera when some pervert found out that some clothes are quite transparent in IR frequencies15:53
sharpneliI removed the IR filter from one old logitech quickcam. Provided fun for approximately for ~5minutes :p15:53
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sharpneliHmm. I think you just told me an excellent way to use it :D15:53
crashanddiesharpneli, best part of removing IR filter is that you can see through some materials15:54
SpeedEvilIR photography is cool15:54
sharpneliAs a fun sidenote you can see why some black shirts are much hotter at summer than others. Some shirts are actually white at IR even though they're black on visible light.15:54
SpeedEvilfor natural stuff - not pervy15:54
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sharpneli~1um wavelenght kicks ass.15:55
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, this should work for these then right?15:55
MohammadAGmohammad@mohammad-i5laptop:~$ ls /dev/mmcblk0*15:55
MohammadAG/dev/mmcblk0  /dev/mmcblk0p1  /dev/mmcblk0p2  /dev/mmcblk0p3  /dev/mmcblk0p415:55
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: mmc are not a block device15:55
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: err15:56
SpeedEvilactually - ignore that, of coruse tehy are15:56
SpeedEvilI was thinking of mt15:56
MohammadAGthat's not the N90015:56
MohammadAGk, ty :)15:56
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SpeedEvilThe root devicehas allthe aprtitions, and the partition table.15:57
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alteregoAh, you've just reminded me16:00
* alterego flashes a new meego image16:00
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sharpneliHmm. Meego works with n900 already?16:00
maybeArghdepends on your definition of "works"16:01
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sharpneliUseful development work can be done without jig with serial port?16:02
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andaxBTW: HTML/Malicious.PDF.Gen VIRUS WARNING: #
andaxIs there a good online virus scanner for maemo users? ^16:06
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andax(do not open the document)16:07
SpeedEvilsharpneli: no, you cant get to the serial port with no jig16:07
sharpneliIn theory you could. But that was just my definition of the 'works'. No serial port console needed.16:08
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alteregoandax: what do you expect that pdf to do to a Linux machine?16:09
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lcukandax, which virus scanner identified it?16:09
lcukalterego, not the point16:09
lcukits pdf resource and lots of devs may be on windows16:09
alteregoSure I get that.16:09
lcuki see its for m4 though which may limit16:09
lcukbut still if its a genuine detections it should be cleaned16:10
lcukthe virus is being picked up as generic heuristics though16:10
andaxlcuk: scanned with AVIRA, according to description it tries to find ftp accounts16:10
alteregoMaybe someone should work on porting clamav or something for keeping the fat areas clean ;)16:10
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lcukalterego, this isnt a device problem16:11
jarkkomI submitted it to totalscan, let's see what various scanners say16:11
alteregolcuk: the question was :P16:11
jarkkomonly AntiVir complains about it, probably heuristic gone wrong16:11
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alteregoAnd maybe it is a good idea.16:11
alteregoIt'd certainly make some people happy I'd have thought.16:12
crashanddie <alterego> lcuk: the question was :P <-- why the hell is everyone talking like Yoda today?16:12
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jarkkom1/43, so probably just AntiVir issue
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lcukandax, jarkkom could you check
lcukit appears to be the same file published16:13
andaxits odd too that the maemo4beginners server does not have a start page16:14
GAN900Is the new Fennec beta actually available?16:14
jarkkomvirustotal is pretty good for checking that kind of stuff16:15
andaxjarkkom: yes, good to know, thanks16:15
jarkkomthey support all major antivirus software and bunch of more obscure ones16:15
jarkkomand you don't have to risk anything by downloading files yourself16:15
lcukjarkkom, :) it is quite nice actually16:16
jarkkomlcuk, it's same file, identical hashes and same result, just antivir complaining16:16
sharpneliOr it's the best pdf virus ever. Constructed spesifically to give identical hash!16:17
alteregosharpneli: I'm sure the other AVs would have picked something up it it was the case :P16:18
lcuksharpneli, it was just highlighting the same thing had been published ;)16:18
lcukheuristic scanning can often bring up things like this though16:18
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lcukspeaking of viruses on linux:
sharpneliHey, are you going to let logic come into way of fear and despair?-)16:19
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ieatlintlcuk: the real joke is the bookmark to the TMZ16:20
lcukieatlint, \o I will tell tracy that16:20
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smharthis is the first time I try the OVI maps, and I could not find a way to save a location of interest or to search for one, I used to be able to do so with OVI maps for N97.  is it possible in N900? and how?16:21
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ieatlintalso, that must be a lie, there are no women using linux16:21
ieatlintjust like there are no women online16:21
sharpneliConsidering the resolution that's a netbook. Quite girlish thing.16:21
lcuksharpneli, its a lenovo x4116:22
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ieatlintnetbooks aren't really girlish... they're fucking useful16:22
andaxdescription of HTML/Malicious.PDF.Gen :
Corsacieatlint: are you saying that girls are not fucking useful?16:22
ieatlintsometimes you need a lightweight laptop as a terminal that has a battery that will list 6+ hours16:22
lcukhaha the battery on that old couchboard lasts about 5 minutes16:23
crashanddieCorsac, don't know if this 'Useful' dude is being fucked, but I definitely know some girls who are fucking.16:23
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ieatlintCorsac: no, of course not, they just are useful in the kitchen instead16:23
Corsaccrashanddie: right now?16:23
mgedminwhy do people think sexism is funny?16:23
crashanddieCorsac, sure16:23
ieatlintmgedmin: because it is16:24
sharpneliFor the same reason anything else is funny. Come on, people laugh at farts.16:24
sharpneliEven though farts are funny it's quite rude and unacceptable to do that in general at public.16:24
ieatlintmy gf is a linux sysadmin and makes more sexist jokes than i do... so meh to your "omg no, sexist jokes are bad"16:25
crashanddiepics or it didn't happen16:25
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andaxsmhar: it is not possible with ovi for n900. frankly speaking, ovi maps on n900 appears as the poorest maps application that i ever came across.16:28
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Surfait only means that you haven't seen too many map applications ever16:28
ieatlintovi maps on the n900 totally beats mapquest16:29
ieatlintwhich is the nicest thing one can say about it16:29
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smharandax, ooh, that is really silly, to specially considering that the code is all there!! I can not think of a reason not to port it to N900!!!16:29
ieatlintwhat code?16:30
andaxSurfa: mapquest... i remember, it was hot around 199816:30
andaxor 1999 or so16:30
smharieatlint, the software code for the part of the software doing the saving and searching of POI16:31
ieatlinti somehow assumed that ovi was entirely closed source16:31
smharso, is there a 'better' alternative maps software for N900 that does that?16:31
Stskeepssygic's good :P16:31
ieatlint is the mobile version of googe maps... there's a gps plugin for the browser16:32
togglesi like the way she stutters16:32
andaxSurfa: at the moment i prefer to navigate without GPS, go to and save the printable file when i need to find something.16:32
smharieatlint, I know, I mean Nokia doing the porting, afterall, they the ones who published OVI maps for N900, and they own and have access to the code of OVI maps for N9716:32
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andaxSurfa: unfortunately this map is  for switzerland only16:32
andaxbut i think its the best16:33
ieatlintsygic is something like $80 as i recall16:33
andaxonline map16:33
smharieatlint, I mean a map application that is an offline one, that does not depend on a live internet connection16:33
ieatlintsmhar: there are some that will do caching of OSM or google methinks... not sure how well they work16:34
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lcuksmhar, paper maps16:34
andaxsmhar: i wish i had a offline map. It makes me crazy wqhen i see the road on the map with its name and cant find that road over the search function of Ovi16:34
smharlcuk, yah, beside that I mean16:34
ieatlintsmhar: in my experience, of the free mapping apps for the n900, mappero is the best16:35
ieatlintand i believe it supports caching16:35
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jarkkomfor Meego they really need to have some kind of QMapView and then have it support whatever map backend phone manufacturer packages16:36
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ieatlintalthough the routing and POI search are online only methinks16:36
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jarkkomeven with just single source, I have like 200MB of openstreetmap cache data on phone currently because each app does its caching in different way16:37
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ieatlintqt4.7 doesn't have a qmapview, and meego won't either16:38
ieatlint(well, meego 1.1)16:39
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achipaisn't there some thingy of that sort in QtM ?16:39
ieatlintthere's gps stuff in qtmobility16:39
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jarkkomachipa, there has been something about it being in plans but I haven't seen anything concrete16:40
ieatlintbut as i understand it, qtmobility has nothing based on qwidget... was supposed to be a wrapper for standardising detection and access of device-specific hardware16:40
lolATmaemoDo you think it will ever be possible to port maemo/meego to n8?16:40
lcukachipa, yes
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* lcuk likes qtmobility :)16:41
ieatlintoooh... i stand corrected16:41
lolATmaemowhy is nokia even trying? they should just kill maemo/meego.16:41
ieatlinti do not like the new layout for qt docs :(16:42
StskeepslolATmaemo: are you a troll? if so, please go and kill yourself slowly with a rusted, blunt knife16:42
ieatlintStskeeps: of course he is16:42
jarkkomI guess majority of developers probably would rather see symbian go16:42
ieatlintlolATmaemo/samosa: do a better job masking yourself16:43
lcuklolATmaemo, what do you suggest to do?16:43
ieatlintthe whole quit and then join 30s later with a new nick is not too convincing16:44
lolATmaemoport it to n8 or abandon it.16:44
lcuklolATmaemo, how do you know meego won't run on the n8 ?16:45
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GAN900lcuk, has Linux ever really run on any Symbian device?16:45
GAN900Besides: shit screen resolution16:46
lcukGAN900, theres versions of linux o nthe iphone16:46
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lcukand Mer runs on a pocket lighter16:46
achipaStskeeps: is Serbia, that saying is with a spoon16:46
jarkkomhmm this looks pretty good actually, I need to see if I could convert my timetable app to mobility 1.1
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GAN900lcuk, "there're" and no, not really.16:48
GAN900lcuk, not since the 3g.16:48
lcukGAN900, sigh - get a sense of adventure16:49
achipaGAN900: does count ? :D16:49
lcukjarkkom, :) yeah it does.16:49
GAN900lcuk, point being, platform sec is getting better, not worse.16:49
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lolATmaemolcuk: [06:40] <lolATmaemo> Do you think it will ever be possible to port maemo/meego to n8? <-- I dont know, but theres no version out?16:49
lcuklolATmaemo, change the nick if you want a serious conversation16:50
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achipawho will countdown for the kick ?16:52
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crashanddieStskeeps, +q works a lot better16:54
crashanddieStskeeps, they can't change their nick anymore, and have to endure us ignoring them :016:54
Stskeepsso does beer in the sun16:54
Corsac+b without kick is the same16:55
Corsacplus they won't rejoin if they leave16:55
crashanddieCorsac, nope, +b still allows them to change nicknames16:55
Corsacare you sure?16:55
crashanddiepretty much16:55
Stskeepscrashanddie: depends on impl16:55
crashanddiewell, let's try16:55
crashanddieStskeeps, ban me16:55
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CorsacStskeeps: I meant on your implem, obviously16:56
Stskeepsman, that feels good..16:56
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Corsac(changing nickname would me escaping the ban, so I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be allowed)16:56
viszcannot speak on channel, when banned16:57
viszatleast on some other ircd16:57
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smharjarkkom, which timetable application?16:58
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Stskeepscrashanddie: worked?16:58
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crashanddieglad Stskeeps took his own sweet time to keep me banned, when obviously I wasn't changing my nickname :P16:59
crashanddiebut I still can't talk when deopped16:59
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crashanddieshould be better16:59
jarkkomsmhar, Helsinki Area Transport provides online XML API for fetching optimal routes through public transport, so got API key from them and wrote client to use that + gps data16:59
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smharjarkkom, interesting17:00
crashanddieCorsac, it makes sense you shouldn't be allowed to change your nickname when banned, but still...17:00
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viszjarkkom, is that app in a repository?17:00
viszi've seen a couple implementations of the same stuff, but they were never finished17:01
jarkkomno, I would have to keep it closed source because I can't share the API key and wider distribution would need agreement with them17:01
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crashanddiejarkkom, how long do you want to bet that API key is kept safe if a few of us start looking at it very closely17:02
jarkkomjust run "strings" on binary :V17:02
crashanddieexactly my point17:02
viszjarkkom, ah, right. the other apps prolly did not use the api17:03
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jarkkomthey also have full XML dump but N900 just doesn't have memory for that even if I serialized that to binary17:04
jarkkomI can give you binary though if any of you lives in helsinki area and want to test it promise not to abuse their API :)17:05
viszoh, great17:05
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crashanddieif they're going to promise that, and you really want them to test, then just give the soruce17:05
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jarkkomI was going to release it as GPL but I don't have time to deal with whatever subcontractor handles API access how to deal with open source projects17:07
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lcukjarkkom, so how does closed source make it better?17:09
jarkkomit doesn't17:10
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jarkkombasically binary only releases in cases like that are just covering your ass, "evil hackers stole it"17:13
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MohammadAGis camera-ui the same size in all firmwares? (as shown by ls -l)?17:20
smharwhy can not I install some OVI applications available for N900? why it is 'not available for you country'?17:20
MohammadAGor the MD5 sum of it17:20
crashanddiesmhar, licensing issues17:20
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andaxsmhar: which country?17:22
smharcrashanddie, but my country is just a 'normal' country! it is even a USA Allie :-)17:22
crashanddiehas nothing to do with the normality of your country17:22
djszapi_if I write an own ioctl kernel function, can I compile a userspace application calling that method ? I would not like to install gcc on the target device, can it be solved somehow from scratchbox or with other bypass ?17:22
djszapi_( to be clear: to avoid the linker 'undefined reference...' error )17:23
crashanddieit's just Damned Copyright Ā©17:23
smharandax, Bahrain,
smharcrashanddie, but there must be a reason why certain country is included in the 'ban'17:24
crashanddiesmhar, because of stupid reasons17:25
crashanddiesmhar, if you have a problem, contact the copyright holder17:25
crashanddienot #maemo17:25
smharcrashanddie, I know it is not a #maemo problem, I just think it is strange. this the second application that I can not install because of this issue17:26
crashanddiesmhar, I'm still trying to understand why any person in their right mind would attempt to limit the amount of exposure an application/product/movie/tv-show/song can have based on the geographical location of a person.17:27
* MohammadAG proves crashanddie's point17:29
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MohammadAG (US only), (international), can't view both17:30
MohammadAGThis video contains content from Sony Music Entertainment, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. <- wtf does that even mean17:30
* MohammadAG goes back to MeeGo17:30
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SpeedEvilsoundtrack usually17:31
GAN900What the hell "E: Handler silently failed"17:31
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MohammadAGGAN900, user/hidden, I have a modified apt for it17:31
GAN900Ah, fennec17:31
andaxsmhar: i could imagine the software you tried to install contained a module with cryptography which possibly is not clear if it is legal or not in Bahrain.17:32
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crashanddieandax, yeah, like Nokia cares about that17:32
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andaxcrashanddie: Maybe not Nokia but OECD:
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DrHalanhey, my n900 freezes at the "nokia" screen on startup... i am kindof clueless...17:35
crashanddieandax, and that link tells us exactly diddly squat17:35
lcukDrHalan, doesn't sound healthy.  did you install things priot to this happening?17:36
lcukand have you gotten yourself a backup17:36
mgedminfreezes for how long?17:36
DrHalannah i just recharged it this night and it turned itself off and now i can't start it anomyre17:36
mgedminI would expect it to boot, eventually, or reboot, eventually17:36
MohammadAGand which Nokia logo, the first one or the boot video?17:36
DrHalanit vibrates and shows a nokia-screen after some time it vibrates again...17:37
crashanddiemohammadAG: the one painted on the hardware :D17:37
mgedmina reboot loop :(17:37
MohammadAGcrashanddie, lol17:37
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MohammadAGDrHalan, a framebuffer kernel would help, if you can flash it17:37
mgedminreflashing is the surest fix, but it'll restore everything to factory settings, losing any 3rd-party applications17:37
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mgedminuser data should be preserved17:38
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mgedmin(unless you also flash the eMMC image, which would wipe user data too)17:38
smharI hope it is not a WSOD, I've had a couple of those with Nokia devices before. bad experience17:38
DrHalanmh guess ill do that17:38
MohammadAGno such thing as a WSOD17:39
DrHalanbut maybe its a hardware issue? to me it seems possible that the power button broke..17:39
MohammadAGDrHalan, flash the framebuffer kernel if you want to find the issue17:39
smharmohammadAG, you mean on N900?17:39
lcukDrHalan, pop out the battery17:39
lcukput it back in and make sure it was charged?17:40
lcukbefore trying anything drastic *shrug17:40
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DrHalanthe only way to "turn it on" is to put in the charger cable and then but the battery in and out again17:40
smharmohammadAGgood news17:40
MohammadAGDrHalan, the hardware power button isn't tied to any hardware which shuts down the device (i.e like on a PC), the hardware button is handled b y software17:42
MohammadAGin Maemo 5, that's mce17:42
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andaxcrashanddie: it says Bahrain: None can tell (nobody answered the phone call). Enough for an assumption that it is still the same today17:49
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* ShadowJK wants nis n900 back17:50
ShadowJKthis thing is lie an abacus17:50
* MohammadAG sends ShadowJK his N90017:50
StskeepsShadowJK: cold turkey kicking in?17:51
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DrHalanmh if im flashing anyways...would you guys recommend meego ? i love bleeding edge stuff but maybe it still is too early17:56
lcukmeego does not replace the rootfs main maemo OS17:57
lcukso for sure try meego but it will not solve your maemo issue17:57
MohammadAGDrHalan, too early, I'm running it right now17:58
ShadowJKstskeeps: yeah. ssh on 320x240 screen is making me want to brick myself17:58
MohammadAGright now, it is in no way a replacement OS17:59
MohammadAGShadowJK, Symbian device?17:59
DrHalanmh alright17:59
DrHalandamn there is no flasher-debian package for 64bit17:59
MohammadAGLinux mohammad-i5laptop 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:32:27 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:00
ShadowJKmohammadAG: yes18:00
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ShadowJKas I said, it's like a stoneage abacus :-(18:01
MohammadAGShadowJK, shoot yourself in the head, it hurts less18:01
crashanddieSo, your assumption is that Nokia is limiting the download of software you don't know the type of based on the already shaky assumption that the software some random dude downloaded had anything to do with encryption, based on the already shaky assumption that Bahrain limits any encryption whatsoever, based on an even more sketchier website where they simply write "We don't know."18:02
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crashanddieandax, ^ ; do you see why I have a hard time accepting your argumentation? :P18:03
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andaxyes, but no, but yes ;-)18:06
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andax"During our first survey, we were contacted by telephone by the Embassy of Bahrain in Washington, D.C. and informed that the agency in Manama, Bahrain that was responsible for regulating the use of cryptography was the Directorate of Islamic Affairs, a component of the Ministry of Justice and Islamic Affairs. A direct query to that agency went unanswered." <- i dont think that sounds too...18:07
andax...sketchy to mention an assumption on top of their story18:07
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GAN900New Fennec beta: As slow and useless as the last.18:25
superchodehrm. WinSCP is having a lot of trouble connecting/staying connected to the N900 for some reason.18:26
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GAN900Is Fennec in MeeGo going to be this XUL mess or native?18:27
Stskeepsmeego 1.1 fennec is my nemesis, currently18:28
Stskeeps1.2 will hopefully be better.18:28
superchodewhat's the general concensus on best method of moving a lot of files to the N900?18:28
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BCMMsuperchode: from what?18:29
superchodea PC18:30
BCMMsuperchode: USB MSC is fastest18:30
mgedminssh connections are sometimes hampered by an access point implementing wifi power savings incorrectly18:30
BCMMfor me, rsync is always substantially slower, even over USB networking with compression18:30
mgedmina workaround is to fiddle in the n900 connection settings and reduce the power savings level, at the cost of some battery life18:31
mgedminscp/rsync is slow (but convenient, and wireless)18:31
BCMMsuperchode: are these files, in total, a lot of data, or just a large number of small files?18:31
superchodeyeah. was using scp in the past... it's slow, but was very reliable. not sure why i can't maintain a connection, at the moment18:31
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mgedminusb isn't exactly screaming fast -- mmc write speed becomes the bottleneck, and then hildon-media-thumbnailer starts trying to burn your cpu out18:32
superchodedrag and drop within win7 generally fails, at some point18:32
mgedminfor hours18:32
GAN900Sheesh, does Fennec launch a tracker process on first boot or something. . . .18:32
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mgedminwell, maybe minutes18:32
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BCMMwin7 generally fails, at some point18:32
GAN900Locked the whole device up cold for a couple of minutes.18:32
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BCMMdoes anybody know why tracker isn't just run nice?18:32
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lcuksuperchode, is it the connection itself thats varying wildly?  ie underlying network transport issues18:32
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lcuktry just pinging18:33
djszapi_how can I build 32 bit binary in scratchbox ? There is no general -m32 or --arch option.18:33
Phong_hi guys, i'm very new to nokia sdk18:33
BCMMhorrible hack, but i feel as if the n900 could be substantially improved with a script to renice a few of the resource hogs after boot18:33
Phong_anyone know the steps to get it going?18:33
superchodeping from the phone or to the phone?18:33
lcukBCMM, technically making tracker take longer just extends the pain18:34
Phong_does anyone know where i can begin to start the sdk?18:34
lcukmgedmin, yeah I filed bug against it when I noticed it18:34
BCMMlcuk: it wouldn't be anything like as bad niced though, would it?18:34
Phong_BCMM, know what need to get nokia sdk ?18:35
lcuktry it18:35
lcukon like for like tests18:35
BCMMPhong_: what OS are you on?18:35
Phong_i'm very new...and interested on progrmming nokia app18:35
mgedminI somehow doubt nicing would help18:35
Phong_win xp18:35
BCMMlcuk: i wouldn't know how18:35
BCMMlcuk: also, are you saying i should, or retorically saying that you have and it's not nice18:35
mgedmina lot of I/O makes a linux system slow18:35
mgedmin(and also wipes disk caches, with the same result)18:35
BCMMPhong_: i've never heard of that OS, ask someone else18:35
Phong_is this a nokia dev chat?18:36
Phong_is this a Nokia Development chat room?18:36
BCMMmgedmin: using storage with 0 seek time should substantially reduce the ability of a low-priority, high-IO process to interfere with other processes18:36
lcukPhong_, yes, you should be able to create and build and test an app using the nokia qt sdk on your n90018:37
BCMMPhong_: this isn't a chat room, it's an IRC channel18:37
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Phong_qt, i dont have a phone i can't do anything?18:37
lcukBCMM, no need to be a pedant18:37
BCMMPhong_: and in practise, all sorts of things get discussed here, including both user and development issues18:37
lcukPhong_, there is a simulator in the sdk18:37
lcukbut you have to read the docs18:37
BCMMlcuk: well, i'm getting the impression he doesn't get IRC etiquette yet18:37
Phong_which version of qt?18:37
lcukdoes it matter?18:38
Phong_i dont know. m asking u18:38
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BCMM"the SDK" refers to scratchbox, right?18:38
mgedminwhat's a Nokia SDK anyway?18:38
mgedminthe Qt one?18:39
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* mgedmin finds
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* lcuk high 5s mgedmin 18:39
BCMMPhong_: for running your app without an n900, there is an environment called scratchbox which can sorta-emulate an n90018:40
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BCMMPhong_: it runs on linux only, but i believe there is a vmware image or something18:40
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Phong_lcuk is it the 923mb one?18:40
lindi-Phong_: no vmware involved afaik18:41
lindi-BCMM: scratchbox1 or 2?18:41
lcukPhong_, IDK possibly18:41
BCMMlcuk, mgedmin: oh, i didn't know about that. how does that fit with scratchbox? is it an alternative? a replacement?18:41
mgedminI think there were three SDKs for the N900 total: Maemo SDK (scratchbox), MADDE, and now the Nokia Qt SDK18:41
mgedminor is MADDE just a beta version for the Qt SDK?18:41
BCMMand how does "the QT Simulator" work?18:41
lcukI think MADDE is in the middle of the nokia qt sdk18:42
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lcukBCMM, now if you we were following etiquette, should we tell you to RTFM18:42
Phong_come on...guys , think of me as a noob18:42
* mgedmin has never used MADDE _or_ the Qt SDK, so /me can't possibly help ...18:43
BCMMlcuk: which? what i've found is fairly minimal, and somewhat contradictory18:43
Phong_lcuk, i download the 923MB now18:43
lcukPhong_, well try and install it and tell us, the nokia qt sdk is not the standard maemo development target18:43
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BCMMlcuk: btw, all i meant by the etiquette comment was that he'd highlighted me without any reason to think that i could help18:43
lcukbut if it produces good apps and follows the qt baseline then its a good alternative :)18:44
Phong_i have not a clue much of what u're saying...just tell me what i need to program for nokia phone18:44
Phong_i'm currently downloading the qt now...the 923mb one.18:44
mgedminPhong_, which phone in particular?  Are you targeting Symbian or Maemo?18:45
lcukso, you are getting the Nokia Qt SDK?18:45
MohammadAGthe Qt SDK is awesome18:45
lcukany idea what SDK means?18:45
Phong_what is the different maemo18:45
mgedmindifferent OSes18:45
mgedminthe only Nokia phone with Maemo is the N90018:45
Phong_what about Nokia n818:45
Phong_or nokia n9718:45
mgedminall other Nokia smartphones use Symbian (Series 60, to be more specific)18:45
mgedminthose are Symbian phones18:45
Phong_ok then i want symbian18:46
mgedminthis channel is for Maemo18:46
mgedminI know nothing about Symbian18:46
Phong_i'm in wrong channel?18:46
Phong_lol this is crazy for me.18:46
mgedminyes, well, it's confusing18:46
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Phong_whre can i find the right channel18:46
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mgedminactually, Qt can be used to develop Symbian apps; it may be the Nokia Qt SDK works for both Maemo and Symbian18:46
lcukthe Nokia Qt SDK also has a symbian device target I believe?18:46
mgedminI don't know, since I've never used it myself18:46
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Phong_there is only 1 phone device that run maemo18:47
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Phong_please tell me what is the right channel for symbian dev18:48
mgedminoh, I lied18:50
mgedminno, I didn't18:50
mgedmin770, N800 and N810 weren't phones18:50
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Phong_mgedmin, n8 is18:50
lcukPhong_, what kind of app do you want to write?18:51
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Phong_lcuk learning...not specific18:51
Phong_lcuk, consider pre-101 symbian18:51
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MohammadAG<lcuk> the Nokia Qt SDK also has a symbian device target I believe?18:51
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Phong_luck or symbian for dummy18:52
MohammadAGyeah, but couldn't find it on the linux version of the SDK18:52
mgedminn9 will be a meego phone, and meego is the successor to maemo18:52
MohammadAGmaemo will always be maemo18:52
Phong_it's N818:52
MohammadAGmeego isn't really a successor, it's a new basebone18:52
MohammadAGno, N9, the next Maemo 6 device18:52
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Phong_lcuk i have downloaded the qt at 82% completed.18:53
Phong_luck, pretty big file18:53
lcukawesome, irc progress bars18:53
Phong_lcuk is that all i need?18:53
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Phong_lcuk just the qt?18:54
mgedminnot enough ascii art!18:54
mgedmin[==================>     ] 82%18:54
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lcukI am sure its over 82% now18:54
* lcuk hits f518:54
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Phong_yeah it's 92now18:55
Phong_lcuk is completed now.. let me do the installation...18:55
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* mgedmin eagerly awaits ascii-arted screenshots pasted in this channel ... NOT18:56
Phong_lcuk is that all i need? the qt?18:57
MohammadAGthe Qt?18:57
MohammadAGdoesn't sound geeky enough for #maemo :P18:58
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Phong_mohammadAG funny?18:58
andaxAh, you brought me an idea mgedmin, is it possible to run the Ovi Maps from N810 on the N900? I could imagine it is better when using the device offline...18:58
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mgedminmeh, ovi maps sucks on both platforms18:58
MohammadAGPhong_, are you running on linux or windows18:58
Phong_windows xp pro.18:59
mgedminwhy not use maemo-mapper (which was renamed to Mappero), or Maep?18:59
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MohammadAGcause as I said above, I couldn't find an S60 emulator on linux.. k18:59
andaxmgedmin: no good news :(18:59
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andaxwell, i will try mappero as soon as my package installer works again o_O19:00
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RST38hMohammad: How about MADDE?19:01
RST38hMohammad: It should let you develop Qt apps for Symbian, no?19:02
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* andax is exploring mappero now :-)19:21
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mgedminmaep is faster/slicker; mappero is more featureful19:21
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DrHalanmh shouldn't my computer detect the n900 as a mobile storage or so?19:23
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jacekowskinot straight away19:23
jacekowskiyou have to click on a phone19:23
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mgedminwhen you plug in the usb cable, the n900 presents a menu: usb storage / nokia pc suite / charging only19:24
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jacktheripperis the vanilla PR1.2 kernel available for download somewhere ? (no thanks I don't want to download 180MB for a kernel :D)19:31
MohammadAGyes, sec19:31
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MohammadAGI should remove the .bin, server allows no extension files19:32
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jacktheripperdo I need any other file (like an initrd for example) to boot directly with flasher without copying to rootfs ?19:33
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DrHalani managed to startup the n900 and saw the loading bar and after that a strange sound game (like a beep) and it turned of..19:34
SpeedEvilDrHalan: it''s probably the 'emergency battery shutoff noise.19:35
SpeedEvilWhich is wierd19:35
DrHalanbut i have plugged in all the time before..19:35
DrHalanmaybe the charging is broken? :(19:35
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DrHalanbut i have this yellow light that indicates charging19:35
SpeedEvilwere you tethering?19:35
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DrHalannah i never did that19:36
DrHalanbut now i try to connect it to my computer maybe it works then...19:36
DrHalanis the display supposed to show anything when charging?19:37
pupnik_Nokia: 3000 mAh tablet battery!? << what?19:37
SpeedEvilnot if it's very flat19:38
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SpeedEvilpupnik_: ?19:38
pupnik_SpeedEvil: look how easly 3000 mAh fits19:39
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MohammadAGpupnik_, err...19:42
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MohammadAGif a 3000 mAh battery has the same size as a 1320 one, it's not 300019:42
pupnik_fits within the form factor MohammadAG - 2x 1500mAh19:43
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SpeedEvilcovers cam19:43
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pupnik_you could get 4000 mAh if you didn't need space for wifi and camera19:43
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jacekowskiyou can get 60Ah if you are willing to carry 10kg battery with you19:45
MohammadAGbme will probably blow up19:46
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mikhas60Ah ...19:46
* SpeedEvil wants a step-charger.19:46
DrHalan does the device have to be turned on to be flashed? seems like it only gets detected when running..19:48
infobotflashing is probably
jacktherippercan I access rootfs when the device is stuck in a reboot loop ? :S19:50
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MohammadAGyou'll need a script, backupmenu would be one19:52
MohammadAGto start an ssh server19:52
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MohammadAGor you could install a minimal backup OS with USB networking, then isntall19:52
MohammadAGinstall a custom kernel for that19:53
MohammadAGmeego would be one19:53
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MohammadAGthough it's not exactly minimal19:53
DrHalanargh -.-19:53
jacktheripperI tried a minimal OS,
MohammadAG400MB download19:53
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DrHalanthe usb logo doesn't appear so guess the battery isN#t charged19:53
jacktheripperit didn't expose rootfs. Just the eMMC19:54
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jacktheripperand if I get MeeGo, wouldn't I have to flash rootfs ? :D19:54
MohammadAGload ubifs module19:54
MohammadAGthen mount it19:54
MohammadAGjacktheripper, meego doesn't fit in 256MBs19:55
jacktheripperhow's it installed on N900s then ?19:55
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jacktheripperand how do I load that module ? (USB recovery mode still doesn't give me rootfs, even at /)19:56
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DrWilkenmodprobe ubifs?19:57
jacktheripperoh on my PC. AFAIR I didn't find a device file related to rootfs19:57
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DrHalandoes it make sense to flash my device to the newest firmwareƟ20:02
DrHalanor does the package manager take care of that?20:03
DrWilkenYou might as well flash it with the newest fw from the start. Why not?20:04
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DrHalanwell iirc maemo has a package manager. does it update the system stuff too?20:06
DrHalanso flashing wouldn't change anything20:07
DrWilkenit would overwrite it20:08
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RST38h32GB MicroSDHCs are now<$10020:12
SpeedEvilI want a 32 exabyte card.20:13
RST38hOf course they are Class2, so beware20:13
DrWilken... but still slow... :)20:13
SpeedEvilAnd a puppy.20:13
Getkeys wtf is that plastic hinge thing20:13
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James_Littlerhi, does anyone know how long developer account activation takes? I need to use the Autobuilder. Thanks20:31
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jacktheripperJames_Littler, it took less than 24hrs for me.20:37
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James_Littlergreat, thanks20:40
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Phong_is there such as qt plug in for eclipse?20:52
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MohammadAGhi RevdKathy20:58
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RevdKathyHi MohammadAG! Hi all.  :)20:59
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divanhi guys, i'm trying to make a video screencast on n900 and to achieve most optimal results, I use rawvideo ffmeg codec and convert it to mp4 on standalone computer. Everything seems to be great and fps is around 15frames, but I have one problem  - the video after encoding to mpeg4 moves from the right to left - looks like some issues with vertical synchronization.21:02
spinningcompassPhong_: Yes.21:02
divanon the n900, I run such command: ffmpeg -f x11grab -vsync 0 -s 800x480 -r 15 -i :0.0 -vcodec rawvideo -sameq -y test.avi21:03
divanthen copy test.avi over scp to my desktop and then run: ffmpeg -vcodec rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 -r 15 -s 800x480 -f rawvideo -i ./test.avi -r 15 -sameq -vcodec mpeg4 -y output.avi21:03
divanAny suggestions? Video just slowly moves to the left, like the 0 X-coordinate constantly descreasing in loop..21:04
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tybolltd jaaksi resing?21:18
jacktheripperit just can't be bootloop > reflash. There has to be an easier way to recovery :S21:19
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keriojacktheripper: backupmenu21:35
GAN900tybollt, nobody knows.21:35
tybolltGAN900: well that is frankly a load of BS :)21:36
tybollt'there are people in this very channel whom I am 110% certain knows _exactly_, granted, they are probably on NDA :)21:37
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tybolltbut really - there must be some kind of speculation going on :)21:37
* tybollt reading TMO for the first time in ... long time :)21:38
jacktheripperkerio, and if I already bootlooped my device without even knowing there was a solution ? is there anything that can help me ?21:39
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jacktherippersee ? that's what I'm talking about xD21:40
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BCMMjacktheripper: reflashing isn't a big deal21:40
BCMMjacktheripper: you may only need to reflash the kernel21:40
jacktheripperBCMM, I don't want my tons of apps removed21:40
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BCMMjacktheripper: there are various types of reflash21:41
BigWookieHi, I want to start developing with the NokiaQtSDK for Maemo and MADDY, is there a proper Documentation/Getting started Anywhere?21:41
BCMMjacktheripper: it is possible to flash just the kernel21:41
jacktheripperBCMM, yes I noticed21:41
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BCMMjacktheripper: well, that doesn't involve losing your apps21:42
jacktheripperI think the problem lies in the power kernel, before the loop, I had just removed the kernel (through apt-get (big mistake ?)) and rebooted. It still boots using it.21:42
BCMManyone know how that works, btw? is there a little bit of dedicated memory just for the bootloader somewhere?21:42
GAN900tybollt, OK, nobody HERE knows who can talk about it.21:43
BCMMjacktheripper: well, power kernel does come with large warnings to not do that21:43
BCMMjacktheripper: i thought you said it didn't boot?21:43
tybolltGAN900: thank you :)21:43
jacktheripperBCMM, boot loop21:43
BCMMjacktheripper: anyway, it seems like you have no kernel. flash a kernel to the device21:43
jacktheripperBCMM, I have a kernel. R&D mode shows the kernel name. If I flash only the kernel image will it fix this ?21:44
BCMMjacktheripper: i don't know21:44
BCMMi can't remember how R&D mode works21:44
jacktherippernot about that.21:44
jacktheripperR&D shows some info on the Nokia screen, it shows the kernel name.21:44
jacktheripperI was asking if flashing the kernel would replace the power kernel.21:44
tybolltGAN900: still when there21:45
tybolltGAN900: still when there's not even a good hint out there it smells fishy. Coverup etc... :-/21:45
GAN900tybollt, given my experience, I'm not sure what to make of it.21:45
BCMMjacktheripper: flashing the kernel will cause you to use whatever kernel you flashed, if that's what you mean21:45
GAN900Although it doesn't particularly bother me.21:46
jacktheripperBCMM, good enough. Do I need the FIASCO image or there's some other 'smaller' solution ?21:46
tybolltgan: It does me21:46
BCMMjacktheripper: i don't know21:46
divandid anyone try to grab video from the framebuffer with ffmpeg rawvideo demuxer?21:46
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jacktheripperBCMM, ok, thanks for the help21:46
GAN900Jaaksi was never really very open source in his approach to open source.21:46
tybolltugh ok?21:46
tybolltGAN900: though21:46
GAN900So I wouldn't assume it had anything to do with the company shifting in a direction we might not like.21:46
tybolltI don't really care about that, more like why did he leave - what is about to happen that he is leaving because of ;)21:47
tybolltGAN900: uhuh21:47
tybolltGAN900: there rumours nokia's up for sale has been floating around for some time21:47
BCMMjacktheripper: so does it boot in r&d mode or what?21:47
GAN900tybollt, sure, he basically brought the use of open source technology to Nokia, but he was never one to put open source ideals into practice.21:47
BCMMjacktheripper: i don't know how it works; is it possible that it displays the name of the kernel before trying to load it?21:48
GAN900tybollt, I can't see it.21:48
GAN900Not the arrogant Finns.21:48
jacktheripperBCMM, I don't really know what R&D mode is. So far, it does nothing but displaying some extra information and disabling watchdogs (those reboot the device automatically if it didn't boot the 'official' way)21:48
BCMMin any case, it sounds like you need to flash a kernel21:49
jacktheripperBCMM, I will.21:49
tybolltWell all finns are arrogant really...21:49
BCMMso is there a seperate bit of memory just for loading the kernel from or what?21:49
GAN900tybollt, I think the biggest thing we're likely to see from his resignation will be the direction his replacement decides to push things in.21:50
tybolltwill there be one?21:50
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tybolltpraps they'll replace him w/ an intel exec and skew meego@nokia21:51
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* RST38h is practically forcing himself not to unsubscribe from Mohammad's threads21:56
RST38hHeavy, incredibly heavy lemmng infestation. And yes, their N900s are all broken and nothing works for them.21:56
jacktheripperBCMM, the kernel and most of the filesystem is on rootfs.21:59
BCMMjacktheripper: so how does flashing the kernel work?21:59
jacktheripperBCMM, copy/paste :D21:59
jacktheripperBCMM, it isn't really 'flashing'. Rootfs can be written to like any other filesystem. The kernel is just copied onto it22:00
BCMMso how does the boot process work? presumably there is some kind of custom bootloader?22:00
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BigWookieUmm I try to use a emulator for the N900 with madde (atm freemantle ) but at boot it says "no initfs"22:02
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jacekowskiignore that22:05
jacekowskithat's normall22:05
BigWookiehmm i cant even ping the emulator22:06
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jacekowskibecause it's not booting probably22:07
jacekowskiyou should get something after that no initfs22:07
jacekowskibut no initfs isn't the problem itself22:07
BigWookie:D i thought so, but I cant find andy documentation about setting it properly up22:07
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BigWookieCould you probably tell me where to find one? :)22:11
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GAN900Your N900 will really feel slim after using it in an OtterBox for a month or so.22:13
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ShadowJKsymbian... 3 bars battery left, 5 seconds later it decides battery is low, terminates all my apps and switches to some useless "energy saving" profile. I open energy profiler and battery is at 3.76V. wtf.22:36
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GAN900ShadowJK, we're all laughing at your suffering.22:47
GAN900Wait, I mean sympathizing with your loss.22:48
GAN900Yeah, that's the one.22:48
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delti can't flash my n810 because of the boot menu thing :(22:48
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delttrying to enable "rd" mode22:48
ShadowJKbootmenu runs after the flashing stuff..22:49
deltran maemo-flash --enable-rd-mode on the PC, says no suitable device, waiting.....22:49
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deltthen turned on the n810 while connected to the usb port... went directly to the boot menu stuff22:50
ShadowJKdid you hold in the button that brings up the program list?22:50
deltxterm on the pc was still saying "waiting..." (oh and loading the CPU to 100%)22:50
deltprogram list?22:50
deltyou mean the list of running tasks while using maemo normally?22:51
delt<--- confused :?22:51
ShadowJKI think that was the one22:51
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deltoh, i installed a package that modifies the behaviour of the "2 squares overlapping" button... changes it to a kind of mac osx "tile up all open windows" kind of thing22:52
ShadowJKwell, packages don't run on boot22:52
ShadowJKso it shouldn't matter what you've installed22:52
ShadowJKBut yeah, the 2 squares overlapping button22:53
deltbut, thing is, i dont remember what that button does (in normal use) by default :D22:53
delt(the one with 2 squares overlapping in diagonal)22:53
deltso i think you may have meant that one when you said 15:52 < ShadowJK> did you hold in the button that brings up the program list?22:53
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deltoh and im so smart i dont even remember the name of that package :/22:54
ShadowJKYes I meant the two squares overlapping in diagnoal button22:55
deltah ok, thanks =) trying that now.22:55
ShadowJK"hile holding the Home/Swap button (It's a house on the 770 and N800, and two overlapping rectangles on the N810), power on the device by holding the power button. You should see a Nokia logo in the middle of the screen, and a USB icon in the top right corner. "22:55
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deltactually i did try it the other day (while connected to usb) but without maemo-flasher "waiting" for it22:56
deltok, lets try it out22:56
deltflasher v2.5.2 (Oct 21 2009)22:56
deltSuitable USB device not found, waiting.22:56
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ShadowJKDid you start flasher before plugging in N810 to USB?22:56
deltyeah... well at least before turning on the n81022:57
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ShadowJKIt's a long time since I flashed my N800 and N810, but I think I started flasher before plugging in USB even22:57
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deltright now i have the maemo-flasher saying that22:58
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deltunplug usb cable, replug...22:58
deltwhich i dont really see how it should make a difference... lsusb doesnt even show the nokia when its turned off22:58
infobotflashing is probably
deltso iirc. if i hold down a button even before turning the device on, it will still detect that it's pressed down, right?23:00
deltnope... connected to usb, holding down two-squares and turn it on, still goes straight to the bootmenu thing :/23:01
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deltand since that button brings up the "network-over-usb" recovery mode in the bootmenu, it just goes straight to that23:01
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deltoh, other question... how wound one go about changing the delay before default selection is made, on bootmenu?23:02
deltis there something like liloconfig on pc....?23:03
ShadowJKIt's really strange, I seem to remember that my N810 would display Nokia and USB icon if I pressed swap on boot, even if USB wasn't plugged in at all23:03
deltyeah me too.... seems the bootmenu thing killed all ways to get to that :/23:04
ShadowJKGAN900, I feel like I'm Pitr: (and next ones in the series)23:04
deltso when you're on that startup screen ie. white screen with "NOKIA" logo and blue USB icon in the top right... that's just firmware/hardware running right? no maemo kernel or anything?23:05
delt(at that point in the boot sequence)?23:05 it's not at all dependant on whatever contents of the internal or external flash/sd/etc....?23:06
luke-jr_Is there any harm in putting a thin computer between the battery and the case in N900?23:06
ShadowJKWell, kernel might actually replace nokia logo with nokia logo too..23:06
ShadowJKluke-jr, dunno, cellular on mine was dying from the slightest pressure on battery cover23:07
deltthat would make things like, very confusing :/ and uselessly imho23:07
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luke-jr_eg, a spare SIM card or 223:07
GAN900ShadowJK, hehe.23:08
* delt tries fiddling around with the bootmenu settings in "pb" / "pbeasy" ......23:08
luke-jr_"SIM card regiztration failed"23:09
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DocScrutinizerN8x0 might go from NOLO straight to batery charging, when battery voltage is too low23:09
deltah PenguinBait ...was trying to remember what PB stood for the other day ...knew it was someone's username =)23:11
luke-jr_oh great23:11
luke-jr_now SIM reg fails all the time23:11
ShadowJKwhoah :)23:11
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delthmm.... in pb "select default boot device" just lists the 256mb partition :/23:15
delt<--- tries "cancel" then "scan for disk changes, update info"....23:15
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deltnope.. other tasks in "pb" can see the internal flash, but "select boot device" only lists /dev/mtdblock4 (size 256mb_used_blahblahblah)23:17
delt(let's try booting from the backup (256mb) and running pb from there.....)23:18
deltoh sorry thinking aloud here... uh i mean thinking atype hre23:19
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DocScrutinizerdelt: what is it you really want to do?23:20
ShadowJKat this point I'd probably try remove the battery, keep flasher running on PC, disconnect usb, hold in swap key, insert usb, insert battery, press power key. Still holding swap23:20
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, i think he wants to flash23:20
luke-jr_can "SIM card registration failed" mean anything other than "broken SIM"?23:20
DocScrutinizer[2010-10-08 22:09:46] <DocScrutinizer> N8x0 might go from NOLO straight to batery charging, when battery voltage is too low23:20
deltDocScrutinizer: 1. enable/disable "rd" mode, 2. change the delay "bootmenu" waits before loading default partition (from infinity to like, 0 or 1 second)23:20
DocScrutinizerluke-jr_: yes, it may mean your carrier refused sim to book in23:21
ShadowJKluke-jr, anything fun in dmesh?23:21
luke-jr_any way to tell if it's broken SIM or T-Mobile not liking me?23:21
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DocScrutinizertry sim in other device23:22
luke-jr_ShadowJK: when it there *anything* in dmesg? :P23:22
luke-jr_DocScrutinizer: what other device?23:22
ShadowJKthere was when my N900 started malfunctioning23:22
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luke-jr_suppose I can boot Gentoo and try it thereā€¦23:23
deltDocScrutinizer: btw, there's a package i installed -before- cloning my 256mb jffs2 to the internal 2gb partition, that changes the behaviour of the "home / "2 squares overlapping in diagonal" button ..... and im so smart i dont remember the name of that package :/23:23
deltfrom maemo-extras (i THINK)23:23
deltanyway, that's for bonus points =)23:24
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deltok, running "pb" from the 256mb jffs2 as root, now let's see......23:26
DocScrutinizerdelt: you have a full battery? You unplugged N810 from charger so it's really off when powering it on?23:26
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DocScrutinizerdelt: please read23:27
deltreally off when powering it on? uh....23:27
infobotflashing is probably
DocScrutinizerdelt: "off" while charging doesn't really mean you can enter flashing mode by "powering up while holding home button"23:28
DocScrutinizeras "off" with charging actually is act_dead23:28
ShadowJKit's never off if charger is connected23:28
deltweird thing is, im pretty sure i selected 1 second as the delay in "pb" .... but now it asks me to select partition for several minutes, then switches back off23:28
ShadowJKif it goes as far as bootmenu, it's too late for flasher23:29
deltDocScrutinizer: turned off as in, press the "power" button (top ledge, in the middle) then select "turn device off"?23:29
DocScrutinizerdelt: PLEASE read23:30
infoboti guess flashing is
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ShadowJKanswering whether charger is connected or not should be easy enough :)23:31
deltreading.... (thanks for your concern!!)23:31
DocScrutinizerdelt: for flashing N8x0/770 the device MUST NOT be connected to power supply23:31
deltyeah, the docs mentioned that... and thinking about it, .... yeah when its connected to the charger, it's never really completely turned off....23:32
DocScrutinizersee? :-D23:32
deltbecause there has to be SOME intelligent programming checking the batterly level(s) otherwise it will shorten the battery's live23:32
infobotdelt meant: s/life/life23:32
delts/ live/ life/23:32
luke-jr_Error activating /n900/primarycontext8: org.ofono.Error.NotAttached: GPRS is not attached23:32
luke-jr_any idea what that means?23:32
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deltum... again, just thinking alou....uh i mean atype =)23:33
deltyeah, if the device is turned off completely, and current is still going to the battery, then eventually it will lose its "zero" point and only hold smaller and smaller charges23:33
deltlike an electric razor, if you keep it plugged all the time23:34
ShadowJKthat's mostly bullshit :)23:35
* delt ?23:35
ShadowJKuf current goes into battery without stopping, battery explodes23:36
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delt(completely unrelated to the page above on wiki.maemo.org23:36
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DocScrutinizerdelt: 770/N8x0 has software controlled charging. It can not charge battery without a booted system23:37
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ShadowJKelectric razor probably has a nimh battery which tolerates some small amount of overcharge. the charge circuitry probably never stops charging. the best nimh batteries can take a year or so of  that kkind of charging23:37
deltum.... so you say the "bootmenu" thing runs AFTER actual kernel boot. Does it read a config file from the FS, or....?23:37
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DocScrutinizerprobably, but how's that related to flashing?23:38
deltDocScrutinizer: so its like the razor thing..? i remember when i was a kid, in germany, my dad had an electric razor he always kept plugged to the wall socket23:38
deltworked fine that way, but when he unplugged it, he couldn't figure out why it slowed down and died after like 10 seconds23:39
DocScrutinizerdelt: google for NiMH memory effect23:39
nox-or nicad if it was that long ago23:39
DocScrutinizeractually NiCd23:39
DocScrutinizernox-: yep23:39
ShadowJKnicad memory effect is mostly a myth23:39
ShadowJKbut keeping it plugged in is a sure way to kill the batteries all without involving memory effect.23:40
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DocScrutinizeranyway, sw charging of N8x0 LiPo has no link whatsoever to memory effect or deterioration by overcharging of NiCd/NiMH23:41
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deltso, as i suspected this is why 16:39 < DocScrutinizer> delt: 770/N8x0 has software controlled charging. It can not charge battery without a booted system23:41
delta simple fix would be to include a simple voltage checking circuit between the battery and charger input?23:42
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DocScrutinizeryes, basically23:42
delt(not an electronics expert, but first thought....)23:42
ShadowJKOnce the battery is fully charged, it starts producing hydrogen. There's a mechanism in place to recombine it, but it can only handle so much. The battery slowly vents excess hydrogen and loses water. it dries up23:42
DocScrutinizerand that's what N900 has23:42
deltand most mp3 players like ipod, sandisk etc etc.... but you can kill the battery if you just leave it charging on some weird configuration, like an old version of rockbox and some unknown charger thing23:43
DocScrutinizerdelt: please make sure you have a fully charged battery, and no charger connected, when trying to flash23:44
delt[x] check23:45
DocScrutinizerremove full battery, start flasher, plug in USB, hold home button, power up N8x023:45
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DocScrutinizerremove full battery, start flasher, plug in USB, insert battery, hold home button, power up N8x023:46
deltuh.... remove full battery as in, physically take it out of the n810?23:46
deltaaahh ok i get it23:46
deltsorry, hadnt even read the rest of that line :323:46
mariorzhey guys, anyone have any linkage for modifying the menu bar in os2008?23:46
deltso, even if the screen is black, and no keys are responding... doesn't necessarily mean it is completely off?23:47
mariorzi know about the file but doesnt seem to be exactly what im looking for23:47
delt"nokiiii, you're just pretending to sleep!!! i know you're awake!"23:48
lolloowhy is the screen scrolling on N900 is sluggish alot!23:48
lolloo3D engine is bad23:48
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deltDocScrutinizer: thanks for the tip! but, question: just out of curiosity, what would be the difference between "plug in USB, insert battery" or the other way around?23:50
delt(if there is any)23:50
DocScrutinizerno diff probably23:51
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DocScrutinizerdevice might accidentally boot up on battery insert23:51
DocScrutinizerwhich isn't helpful23:51
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deltoh... and how does plugging the USB first prevent that?23:51
DocScrutinizeranyway, probably a good idea to hold home button during plug in USB, insert battery, and power up23:52
DocScrutinizer(prevent) it's supposed to start flashing when booting up to a waiting flasher connected to USB23:53
deltah ok thanks =) so if i only have 2 hands? :D jk23:53
DocScrutinizernota bene: if your battery is too low voltage (not completely charged) then NOLO may decide to ignore all flashing action and directly boot system to charge battery23:54
DocScrutinizerso make sure your battery is fully charged23:55
deltuh ooops... ALMOST did it, but i released (and pressed back down) the "home" button during operation "put battery-cove back" :323:55
deltits like at 90% nwo23:55
infobotdelt meant: its like at 90% now23:55
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deltoh, second hand... no wait make that 3rd hand battery. my brother had this n810 for a bit less than a year, which he bought from someone in Ontario. Then i bought it from my brother.23:58
luke-jr_(*#($*)# T-Mobile23:58

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