IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2010-10-01

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DocScrutinizerI'm not joking00:01
DocScrutinizertmo is down, see URL above00:01
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nox-ok but will it be up again?00:01
DocScrutinizer* downtimes aren't really any new or exciting though00:02
nox-heh ok00:02
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nox-`it's dead, jim' just sounded so...  eternal :)00:03
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yaccAny recommendations for an ebook (epub) reader?00:03
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nox-yacc, i know of fbreader and dorian00:03
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javispedrooooh pandaboard.org00:04
DocScrutinizerfbreader one of the 10 most frequently used nouns in this chan00:04
* javispedro wants00:04
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DocScrutinizer(just kidding, but anyway)00:04
javispedroWonder if the final MSRP will be similar to that of the beagleboard00:05
yaccWonder if running ntpd on a mobile is a good idea, ...00:05
nox-yeah i had to `fall back' to a python httpd hack + browser too, ebook conversion just didnt cut it00:06
nox-(for some html trees i have at least)00:06
DocScrutinizerask RST38h about where to find the real statistics as it seems it's a fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail  not to mention it here and have a laugh about it in #meego :-)00:06
yaccnox-, calibre seems quite capable when it comes to converting.00:07
nox-why ntpd when there is gps?  or cant that be used for syncing the clock?00:07
javispedroDocScrutinizer: what? fbreader?00:07
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ShadowJKyacc: openntpd would be silly00:07
DocScrutinizerchan statistics00:07
ShadowJKand use lots of power on 3g00:07
nox-yacc, thats what i tried... :/00:07
DocScrutinizeryacc: actually it's not such a brilliant idea00:08
yaccnox-, and what was the problem?00:08
yaccDocScrutinizer: ntpd? Yeah data usage is irrelevant, but battery, ...00:08
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DocScrutinizeryacc: ntpd really isn't build for random connectivity loss00:08
nox-yacc, three probs i remember were thumbnail images w links to larger ones, fbreader knowing no tables and it being kinda slow too...00:09
ShadowJKI just use the network supplied time, it's "free"00:09
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DocScrutinizeryacc: I always suggest to have a line like "netdate && hwclock --systohc" somewhere in ifup and syblings00:09
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nox-is syncing the clock from gps too difficult?00:11
javispedrontpd -q is also "usable", but really, on the n900 you even rdate is fine00:11
yaccDocScrutinizer: Gimme at least a couple of days to get used to doing stuff like that on my new mobile, I've been used to Android the last 18 months or so, where the userland is very un-Linux-ish to say the least.00:12
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yaccShadowJK, how to use the network provided time?00:12
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javispedrothere's an option for that in clock settings00:13
DocScrutinizeryacc: s/netdate/ntpd -q/00:13
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ShadowJKit reset to off for me occasionally00:14
DocScrutinizernox-: GPS needs connectivity for a decent TTFF. So where's the advantage over ntpdate alike approach?00:14
DocScrutinizeryacc: network as in GPS carrier?00:14
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satmdntpd > ntpdate00:14
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DocScrutinizer[2010-09-30 23:13:23] <DocScrutinizer> yacc: s/netdate/ntpd -q/00:15
nox-DocScrutinizer, well for ppl that pay per kb, or when there is no notwork00:15
nox-if you have wifi its ok ofc :)00:15
DocScrutinizerwhen there's no network, you'll have to wait 15min for first fix from GPS00:15
satmdntpd doesn't make much traffic, and if you're concerned you can change the packet interval00:15
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yaccnox-, the N900 is probably not the correct device for people that pay per KB. (Well philosophically I do pay per KB, but it's 4€ per GB ;) )00:16
satmd(default: start at 64 seconds, if time is stable, it'll go up to 1024 secs+)00:16
javispedroyacc: hey, all I get is 1.5€ per 10MiB. Damn third world country (comms wise).00:16
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DocScrutinizernox-: don't listen :-D Just use ntpd -q && hwclock --systohc  in ifup somewhere00:17
nox-heh ok00:17
yaccjavispedro, well, what shall I say, telecommunication wise the America is not that advanced, ...00:18
javispedrotmo is back. hide the beer!00:18
DocScrutinizersatmd: the real question though is what it does when connectivity is lost00:18
satmdit'll fall back to 64 secs iirc00:18
satmdunless you use the iburst/burst options, that is00:18
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nox-also ntp is very susceptible to jitter which id suspect you get a lot on mobile notworks...00:19
lindi-i just got gps time in 20 seconds from cold start with freerunner in a bus. i repeated the experiment twice00:19
DocScrutinizerntpd really isn't meant for devices with sporadic internet connectivity00:19
DocScrutinizerlindi-: we're not in #om here00:19
DocScrutinizerso TTFF of FR is largely irrelevant00:20
lindi-i thought you were talking about gps in general sorry00:20
ShadowJKjitter is absolutely horrible00:21
ShadowJK10 secs or so :)00:21
nox-useless for ntp00:21
luke-jr_DocScrutinizer: GPS doesn't need a fix for the time00:21
luke-jr_GPS time is available from the second of the first satellite identified00:22
DocScrutinizerluke-jr_: that's correct, but location lib seems doesn't offer any time from GPS until fix accquired00:22
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luke-jr_DocScrutinizer: that's a shortcoming of liblocation then00:22
luke-jr_use my code :P00:22
nox-you fixed it? :)00:22
luke-jr_maybe have liblocation up just to trigger N900 GPS startup00:22
luke-jr_nox-: no00:23
luke-jr_but NMEA issues have no relevance to extracting a time00:23
DocScrutinizeralso take my rant about liblocation with a grain of salt - not verified00:23
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: I agree with your observation00:23
javispedroit won't send reports until gps fix00:23
DocScrutinizerk :-D00:24
yaccSo what's the normal way to get media on the device? Connect via USB and select MassMediaStorage?00:24
`0660a time from one satellite is worthless. without gps fix you have no idea how long the signal has been flying around before it reached you :)00:24
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pupnik"Orange is the anti-angst! It's the least depressing color there is! No one can stay upset in the face of orange!"  Comment on N8 colors..00:24
luke-jr_yacc: scp00:24
nox-yacc, thats probably the fastest if you talk transfer speed00:24
luke-jr_`0660: never more than a few seconds I'm sure00:24
ShadowJKI get a time right away with location-test-ui, but dunno if thagt's system or gps time00:25
yacc`0660 let's say that it's probably exact enough for most people, in the 0.1s range I'd guess.00:25
* nox- get >10 MB/s over umass and only 1.5 or so via wifi scp00:25
luke-jr_nox-: what's the rush?00:25
luke-jr_trackerd is going to kill you the faster you move data anyway00:25
nox-haha yeah i guess...00:26
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: I'm quite sure that's system time00:26
nox-but at least umass was usueful getting the 10 G+ wikipedia dumps on there...00:26
javispedroShadowJK: while doing my liblocation->garmin pvt bridge I found out that pre-gps fix reports (when you have cell enabled) did not have the "time is valid" bit set00:26
luke-jr_Wikipedia is crap00:26
yaccnox-, luke-jr: any docs about the paths to be used? I've already installed openssh (c+s), ...00:27
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ShadowJKjavispedro, oh I chose GNSS00:27
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luke-jr_yacc: it's just a computer. copy files like you normally would.00:27
luke-jr_scp file machineB:00:27
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr_: nox-: nope, trackerd won't kick in until ass rage mode finished00:27
DocScrutinizerumount ~MyDocs, you know :-D00:27
nox-yacc, ~/MyDocs/.music (iirc)00:27
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luke-jr_DocScrutinizer: no umount needed for scp00:28
yacc~ being ~user?00:28
DocScrutinizerfor scp yes00:28
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DocScrutinizerit's a shell shortcut00:29
DocScrutinizerfor $HOME00:29
DocScrutinizerwhich usually is /home/user/ on N90000:30
DocScrutinizerif you're root you can use ~user/MyDocs00:30
yaccDocScrutinizer just wanted to know which username to use, ..., id in the Terminal suggested the very individual "user" ;)00:30
DocScrutinizerwhich means "user's $HOME"00:31
* satmd thinks he remembers something about that being a feature not all busybox builds have enabled :p00:31
DocScrutinizerI guess I remember N900/maemo messybox has, though00:32
nox-wtf tmo register only has VB RegSecure instead of images...00:32
yaccAny way to see the current power consumation of the device?00:33
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DocScrutinizeryup, confirmed. N900 messybox knows ~user00:35
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nox-ah it needs cookies...00:36
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GAN900I wish Ovi would stop asking me to have it sign in automatically.00:36
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demuteHow can I disable my n900 to do apt-get update automatically?00:39
Appiahdid not know that could be enabled..00:39
javispedroon my device, liblocation: with no gps fix, cellmo disabled, it will send an initial report with time valid bit unset00:40
javispedrowhen it gets a fix, it will report time00:40
javispedrowhen it _loses_ the fix, it sends a few reports with valid time bit set _but_ time field contains last fix time00:40
demuteAppiah: well in a certain time interval a program called apt-worker is starting to run if I have internet connection...00:40
Appiahoh wait00:41
Appiahapt-get update , I read apt-get upgrade00:41
javispedro(much like NMEA's time of last fix field would do)00:41
Appiahnevermind me!00:41
AppiahI should go to sleep now...00:41
javispedroso: liblocation time field is unrealiable unless there's a fix.00:42
demuteyeah, me too. Sleep -f ?00:42
DocScrutinizerdemute: see wiki 'maemo customization'00:42
demuteDocScrutinizer: thanks00:42
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MohammadAGGAN900, disable the MicroB plugin00:43
DocScrutinizerGAN900: you're visiting OVI via microB? I just can't believe it X-P00:44
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demuteDocScrutinizer: it appears that I have followed that guide before and changed my update interval to 14 400 000 seconds, and since that rebooted and stuff, no change00:47
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DocScrutinizerwrong number format? wrong syntax so cmd failed? invalid number (>maxint)?00:47
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DocScrutinizermaybe start with 604800 - which happens to mean once per week?00:49
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yaccJust out of curiosity, can the N900 handle a partitioned SD (one partition ext2, one vfat)?00:52
DocScrutinizerdemute: also check your system time. Of course a huge jump may trigger an update (like when your hwclock says you're at 1970-01-01, on boot, and later the correct date gets set)00:52
DocScrutinizeryacc: yes00:52
satmdthat happens?00:52
DocScrutinizerVFAT even still is automounted - at least when it's the first partition00:53
demuteDocScrutinizer: on that page it says that it must be lower than 2^31, but of course, they could mean 2^15 ;) I can give it a try...00:53
satmd2^31 would mean it is a signed int00:54
satmdthat would not make much sense00:54
satmdunless -1 means disabled00:54
satmddoes it?00:54
javispedroit's gconf.00:54
* DocScrutinizer51 waves - boozetime00:55
yaccDocScrutinizer: lol, okay, the N900 is a tiny ARM based Linux box. So I guess it can handle almost anything that is within it's hardware resources as long as I'm willing to type commandlines on tiny keyboard ;)00:55
* satmd LOVES that line :D00:55
luke-jr_yacc: not quite00:55
luke-jr_yacc: various hardwares require blobs and have confidential specs00:56
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luke-jr_so you can't use those to their full potential00:56
satmdtrue, but isn't that exactly "within hardware ressources"?00:56
yaccluke-jr_, Let me guess, no host-mode WLAN, so the WLAN tethering is as usually ad-hoc mode only?00:56
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javispedrono breaking gsm towers!00:57
luke-jr_yacc: that's not one of the limittions00:57
luke-jr_javispedro: exactly :/00:57
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luke-jr_you also can't force 3G or 2G only to avoid an interruption in a VoIP call00:57
yaccsatmd, kind of, philosophically sometimes it's hard to draw the line where the hardware/software line is.00:57
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luke-jr_thoguh the hardware is in theory capable of it00:58
deltthis is weird, i can't ping the tablet even though it's connected to the network, and internet access works fine...00:58
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yaccluke-jr: so the N900 can play a WLAN hostap? Cool.00:58
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luke-jr_delt: N900 by default doesn't reply to ICMP ECHO00:58
ShadowJKyou can forse wcdma/hsdpa00:58
deltn810 here.... same?00:58
dsgdelt: It works if you start a ping on the tablet first. It's some powersaving I think00:58
luke-jr_yacc: the hardware can. the specs are available. you just need to write the driver for it00:58
ShadowJKbut you cant force just wcdma :/00:58
ShadowJKor just hsdpa00:58
luke-jr_delt: not sure00:58
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luke-jr_ShadowJK: exactly00:59
nox-yacc, mobilehotspot00:59
javispedroluke-jr_: huh? you mean pings on wan interface? it does reply icmp echo on wlan interface here?00:59
luke-jr_just recall reading that in an if-up script00:59
javispedromight be wan interface, where it usually makes no sense either way00:59
javispedrothey're heavily natted usually01:00
* ShadowJK has un-natted :D01:00
deltok, after running sudo ping <here> from the tablet, now it responds to ping =)01:00
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ShadowJKmy n900 starts getting hot when someone tries bruteforce ssh01:00
deltdsg: does this last until reboot, reconnect, specific delay, ...?01:00
javispedrodelt: so, you just saw Wifi Power Saving in action01:00
dsgdelt: Until the powersaving kicks in again01:01
deltjavispedro: it would seem so =)01:01
luke-jr_someone needs to specify a standard for firewall control01:01
deltah got it01:01
javispedrodelt: your router is broken01:01
luke-jr_so when you set port 22 to DROP, it uploads that rule to the first router capable…01:01
luke-jr_javispedro: nah, PSM is broken ☺01:01
javispedrothere's at least a set (small or not, that I don't know) of APs where it works01:02
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dsgjavispedro: Hm, are you sure those APs don't just disallow devices to enter powersaving somehow?01:02
BCMMShadowJK: can't you configure it to start instantly dropping all connections after the first N from the same IP?01:03
javispedrodsg: possibly both the router and the n900 implementation are buggy. shit happens sometime...01:03
BCMMi know the wifi would still use power, but at least it wouldn't load the cpu much01:03
* ShadowJK has two wifi routers where it works01:03
BCMMand it might even put off an especially clever bot01:03
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ShadowJKlimksys wrt54gl, and Level1 Wap-00601:04
delton a related note, in "connectivity settings" i set the "wlan transmission power" to 10mW instead of 100 (default) .... seems to work fine, any pros/cons/caveats/etc....?01:04
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* javispedro has one D-Link router where PSM works flawlessly, d-link 264001:04
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BCMMcan 802.11 not automatically decrease power like GSM does?01:04
MohammadAGQFileSystemWatcher doesn't detect changes done in /proc01:04
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deltjavispedro: ironic coincidence, i just stepped on it and it broke in half, right before you said that :301:05
ShadowJKBCMM, radiated power is a very small part of total consumption01:05
ShadowJKeven receive-only uses quite alot :)01:05
javispedrodelt: the what? :P01:05
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deltjavispedro: my rooter, or however you spell it =)01:06
BCMMShadowJK: hmm, so why does delt have an option to decrease transmission power? different national regulations?01:06
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ShadowJKyes, exactly01:06
deltsalut cyberfille, ca va?01:06
luke-jr_PSM isn't about decreasing power AFAIK01:06
ShadowJKyou can only use 10mW outdoors in france iirc01:06
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ShadowJKluke-jr, correct01:06
luke-jr_isn't it about turning the radio off?01:06
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luke-jr_which is inherently going to cause delays01:07
deltShadowJK: or you get arrested? (:01:07
BCMMyeah, that sound easily enforceable01:07
javispedroalso, yep.01:07
ShadowJKWith a proper wifi ap, the delay is going to be approximately that of beacon interval01:08
ShadowJKor 50ms :)01:08
javispedroa proper AP will even allow you to configure it01:08
deltPSM.... phase shift modulation?01:08
ShadowJKpower save mode01:08
deltoh heh01:09
satmdcommonly known as PM01:09
ShadowJKyeah, my cheap 20€ chinese ap let's me configure it :)01:09
* satmd says good night01:09
javispedroheh =)01:09
deltbonne nuit satmd01:09
luke-jr_ShadowJK: couldn't you save even more power by making it once a second? ;)01:10
javispedroI use one second01:10
javispedroactually half second iirc01:10
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deltanother weird thing, on the tablet i tar'd up everything on the / that wasn't other filesystems (du -sc told me around 240mb) and i untar it here, gives me 400mb of stuff01:11
javispedromakes ssh unusable =)01:11
javispedrossh _to_ the n900, that is.01:11
ShadowJKI use 50ms because my symbian cellphones spend so little time scanning each channel that they never found aps if beacon interval was high01:11
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ShadowJKdelt: did you accidentally include /proc?01:11
javispedrorootfs is compressed01:12
demutehow come ps -A shows so many duplicates? e.g. 2 x camera-ui, 2 x hildon-home, etc01:12
javispedrowait, du calcs real size =)01:13
jarkkomeach app has 2 threads running01:13
deltisnt there a good ol telnet server for maemo?01:13
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javispedrodelt: no, but you can easily port one.01:13
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javispedros/port/repackage mostly01:13
deltShadowJK: nope, excluded everything that was mentioned in "mount"01:14
deltwell, by the command "mount"01:14
ShadowJKreal size = apparent size?01:14
ShadowJKor size on disk?01:14
javispedrounix doesn't know about the latter01:14
javispedro(theoretically... and afaik)01:14
deltoh, i installed bash from the extras repo, removed the sh -> busybox symlink and made a sh -> bash one ....anything wrong with doing that?01:14
luke-jr_delt: nothing weird about that01:15
javispedroluke-jr_: it's no longer insta-brick?01:15
deltthats the way it is on most unix systems anyway01:15
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luke-jr_[17:11:16] <delt> another weird thing, on the tablet i tar'd up everything on the / that wasn't other filesystems (du -sc told me around 240mb) and i untar it here, gives me 400mb of stuff01:15
ShadowJKI would also have guessed reboot-loop replacing busybox sh with bash01:16
yaccReceived disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for root <= what do I do to allow root logins again?01:16
luke-jr_javispedro: ?01:16
javispedroluke-jr_: past experiencies on stock maemo while doing that usually result in reboot loops01:17
luke-jr_doing what?01:17
javispedro/bin/sh -> bash01:17
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luke-jr_I wasn't talking about that01:17
luke-jr_I was talking about how it's pretty normal for du to show different size-on-disk between different filesystems01:18
delttar'ed up from jffs, untar'ed on ext3 here01:18
demutehow do I change the number of desktops? I only want one, everything is fullscreen anyway.01:18
javispedroah, so du reports compressed size01:19
luke-jr_du reports how much space on the disk it uses01:19
luke-jr_so for extN, minimum 1 block01:19
deltdu "disk usage" normally in terms of blocks, so yeah it is usually more than the cumulative file sizes01:20
javispedrodelt: while we're at it, backup your n900 or undo the sh -> bash symlink if you plan to keep on using maemo.01:20
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deltn810 .... and why link it back to busybox?01:21
* luke-jr_ can't think of any reason one would want /bin/sh -> bash on N900 anyhow01:21
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luke-jr_delt: because all Maemo's boot scripts assume it's busybox01:21
luke-jr_and don't work in BASH01:21
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deltohhhh... and busybox's "shell" mode is ash, right..... :/01:21
demutezsh should be in the repo01:22
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MohammadAGhow do I suppress output from something?01:22
deltwhich is 99% backward-compatible, but a few weirdnesses might happen, and if they do they will in the WORST possible spot01:22
deltgood point, thanks01:22
delthowever i did reboot the tablet after, and nothing has exploded (yet)01:23
nox-aah theres a ticket for the enter key bug...
povbot`Bug 6009: "Enter" key sends wrong keycode to console applications01:23
nox-i guess the deb in there is for 1.1 tho?01:24
deltok, changing users shells in /etc/passwd instead of the symlink thing...01:24
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deltor didn't it mention some "bash-setup" thing in the app. manager?01:24
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MohammadAGdelt, doesn't work01:25
deltMohammadAG: the script thingy that comes with bash?01:26
delti'd figure all it does is change the shell at the end of your account's line in /etc/passwd...?01:27
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javispedroI wouldn't do that even...01:28
ShadowJKI'd type bash manually :-)01:28
deltuh why not??01:28
deltchsh is there, unless they forgot to remove it from debian...?01:29
javispedrowell, half of maemo runs as root. the other half runs as user. enuff said.01:29
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javispedrobut, you're free to try of course =)01:29
deltwhich makes using a shell i know better, a better idea, right?01:30
deltor am i missing something :?01:30
MohammadAGjust have a backup close by :P01:30
MohammadAGand flasher-3.501:30
javispedro^^ :)01:30
luke-jr_delt: Maemo isn't based on Debian really.01:30
luke-jr_it just uses its package manager01:30
luke-jr_or rather, it uses dpkg, the core package manager01:31
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tripzerour mom is based on debian01:31
MohammadAGI wouldn't touch anything in /usr really01:31
luke-jr_it doesn't use aptitude, Debian's real pkg mgr even01:31
MohammadAGI edited some libs in /usr/lib, now I can't use my vkb01:31
delttripzero: YOUR FACE is based on debian01:31
MohammadAGhow mature01:31
tripzeromy face is based on ubuntu01:31
infobottripzero meant: your face is based on ubuntu01:31
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luke-jr_delt: basically, there's *no chance* anything was "forgot to remove from Debian"01:31
luke-jr_tripzero: you had that right the first time01:32
tripzeroluke-jr, both are correct01:32
deltnot even /usr/doc/README-debian.txt?01:32
tripzeroluke-jr, did they just apt-build debian packages?01:32
tripzeroagainst their own toolchain?01:32
deltuh that would have been debian-x.yz-release-notes.txt01:32
luke-jr_tripzero: more or less01:32
tripzerowell... that's essentially what ubuntu does... and they claim they are based on debian01:33
javispedroubuntu tries to be in sync with debian01:33
luke-jr_I mean, it's *kindof* based on Debian, but not to the extent that it's remotely Debian-compatible01:33
javispedromaemo usually doesn't01:33
luke-jr_in any way01:33
MohammadAGdelt, /usr/share/docs don't exist01:33
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MohammadAGdocpurge well.. purges them :P01:34
tripzerojavispedro, they sync every 6 months, but they really just pull debian packages and rebuild them01:34
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tripzeroadding their own patches were applicaable01:34
javispedrotripzero: well, as I was saying, that's more than what maemo does =)01:34
javispedroofc on the other side it is based on an old release of debian01:34
javispedroit forked from it.01:35
MohammadAGclose to etch01:35
luke-jr_on the core of an old release01:35
luke-jr_only what they picked out for Maemo really01:35
javispedroMohammadAG: I'd say older.01:35
tripzeroi bet ubuntu has all the infrastructure built out to fork debian every 6 months.  That'd be handy in the open source world...01:35
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MohammadAGI'm forking DeeGo when MeeGo comes out :P01:40
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javispedroMohammadAG: YouGoFirst01:40
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javispedrolame joke...01:40
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deltjffs doesnt have builtin compression?01:42
javispedrois this n8x0 or n900?01:42
MohammadAGthe N900 doesn't use jffs201:42
javispedroI know.01:42
MohammadAGjavispedro, I know you do :P01:42
MohammadAGthat wasn't @ you01:42
deltok, he knows that you know that he knows but he thought i didn't know.01:43
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MohammadAGI knew it!01:43
javispedrobut I had a slight advantage there. I knew I was trying to remember whether delt told me a few lines before he had a n810.01:44
MohammadAGk, you win01:44
javispedroand instead of backscrolling,  I just wasted more bandwidth and a bit of everybody's time. Like I'm doing now!01:44
* MohammadAG gives javispedro 01:44
* javispedro goes do some real work01:44
* MohammadAG gives javispedro a trillion trolls01:44
* delt uses the /me command for absolutely no reason01:44
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* MohammadAG uses the /mkick command to kick everyone in the channel01:45
deltjavispedro: you know in the 12th century you could have been tortured to death for wasting people's internet bandwidth01:45
yaccdelt, well, having the special privilege to have been in the Top-3 bandwidth users at my ISP in the summer months, ...01:47
yaccdelt, I guess in the 12th century they would have me revived at least a dozen times so they could enjoy torturing me more often ;)01:47
delts/tortured to death/decapitated, executed, and then slowly tortured to death/01:48
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yaccdelt, I mean I've got a 100mbit connection, and these guys get irritated if I just use about 10mbit on average, ...01:48
deltyou and your whole village. which isn't good if you're living in a city like Tokyo or New York.01:49
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pupnika laptop screen is nicer than a n900 screen01:52
deltweird, now du -sc (all that stuff on / ) FROM THE TABLET is telling me 348 megs01:52
yaccdelt, well, I'm paying a premium to have the 100mbit connection, I could go with a 16mbit connection for way less, ...01:52
delton a 256mb jffs partition. yeah.01:52
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deltjust /usr is 287 megs according to du -s and there are 22 megs left on that 254.?? meg partition.01:56
ShadowJKsim card issue, part IV.. tried a newer sim card. it worked last week in E75. No go at all in my n900 :/01:56
deltwhat puzzles me is thath doesn't contain a single word that starts with "compres"01:56
* ShadowJK sighs thinking of 2 week nokia repair turnaround, bestg case01:57
MohammadAGShadowJK, broken kernel modules?01:57
jpinx-eeepcShadowJK: was it you that had to prise the sim contacts up with tweezers?01:57
ShadowJKyeah that helped a bit with this card01:58
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ShadowJKdont tell nokia care I did that01:58
* jpinx-eeepc pm's Nokia ;) 01:58
ShadowJKYeah, good luck, they aren't exactly easy to communicate with :)01:59
jpinx-eeepcShadowJK: did you try cleaning the sim contacts with a contact cleaner?01:59
ShadowJK(running alcohol i guess?)01:59
jpinx-eeepcno - that leaves residues01:59
jpinx-eeepcthere is proper cleaning solution for very small contacts02:00
deltApplication packages missing: kernel-diablo-modules-extra <--- how would one go about finding and installing this package?02:00
jpinx-eeepcdelt: apt-cache search....02:00
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yaccAnyone got an idea where I need to stuff my epubs for dorian?02:01
deltin a girl's fa...oh *E*pubs sorry!!02:02
ShadowJKjpinx-eeepc, funny that, I use isopropanol cleaning optical fibres before splicing specifically because it doesn't leave residue02:02
deltok bad one =302:03
jpinx-eeepcShadowJK: I was told that it evaporates too quickly and leaves residues02:04
jpinx-eeepcShadowJK: but go with what you know ;)02:04
* ShadowJK wonders what contact cleaner would be called in .fi...02:04
MohammadAGjpinx-eeepc, never leaves residue here02:05
MohammadAGI used it when I fixed my PS302:05
ShadowJKoh, I put a piece of paper between battery and sim holder. Now it didn't disconnect on same test that disconnected 3/4 tries: riding pushbike from one end of hall to other02:05
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deltoh, the nfs modules aren't included in maemo-diablo either, right? :(02:08
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MohammadAGShadowJK, my N900 always needs a paper under the sim02:09
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povbot`Bug 6009: "Enter" key sends wrong keycode to console applications02:12
deltheh apt-get update tells me some PGP or GPG error "You might want to run apt-get update to correct these problems"02:14
MohammadAGignore it02:15
ShadowJKoh :)02:15
ShadowJKI was told ethanol comes mixed with denaturizing agents and leaves residues02:15
ShadowJKbut isopropanol can be had clean02:15
deltblah blah couldnt be verified because public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY [gibberish}02:16
ds3ShadowJK: Everclear :D02:17
rhodricYeah, I always have loved that error Delt (about running apt-get update to fix it). They are having errors with the extras repository at the moment02:17
deltoh, saw E: earlier because the app. manager was still running.... closed it, now these are only W: (warnings)02:17
deltso it did suckseed02:17
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MohammadAGShadowJK, err, you mean isopropyl right?02:18
delt*sigh* E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned errcode (2)02:20
delt(trying to run apt-get install kernel-diablo-modules-extra portmap nfs-common)02:20
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deltclochette: c'était toi "cybergirl" ya env. une demi-heure de ça?02:21
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DocScrutinizer51cleaning contacts is best done with rough unvarnished paper. Liquids likeethanol or propanol or methanol never remove oxids and may destroy plasic and glued joints02:24
* ShadowJK has access to tons of paper02:24
ShadowJKMohammadAG, probably, seeing as that's where wikipedia redirects me02:25
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ShadowJKmaybe I need two pieces of paper under battery :D02:25
ShadowJKthe one piece did improbe things I think02:25
deltokie, now my /proc/filesystems should include "nfs" right?02:26
deltyay 1 point for me02:26
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DocScrutinizer51meh, disconnect02:31
DocScrutinizer51so you probably know how to call that 300g/m^2 unvarnished carton02:31
DocScrutinizer51I usually call it 'natural paper business card'02:31
yaccJust realized, could it be that the limiting factor of putting data onto the N900 is not my WLAN connection, instead the builtin MMC is limiting it speed-wise?02:33
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nox-yacc, as i said i get > 10 MB/s via umass02:33
yaccUSB mass storage?02:34
yaccThat sounds nice.02:34
DocScrutinizer51eMMC over mass storage and USB is 11MB/s02:34
DocScrutinizer51avrg for *writing* 13GB02:35
DocScrutinizer51raster! :-D02:35
rasteryay for mmc02:36
* raster is on a mission to kill nand02:36
rasteralmost there02:36
DocScrutinizer51cool :->02:36
rasteri seem to have everyone on side by now02:36
rasteras i found a new use for the existing nand02:36
rasterthat massively increases system reliability02:36
jpinx-eeepcShadowJK: I was going to suggest padding up the sim card - but I got d/c'd  :(02:37
rasterand gets rid of our every day mtd based fs's02:37
rasterand all their crud02:37
rasterand it actually makes peolpe happy02:37
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rasteras they no longer feel they have wasted their nand02:37
* DocScrutinizer51 loves happiness02:37
rasterand the bonus is that its making things much more unbrickable :)02:37
rasterlets hope that the telcos/production agree02:38
rasteri'm also on a mission to kill of UMS02:38
DocScrutinizer51raster: how's life?02:38
rasterno more bloody fat fs's being mounted and unmounted02:38
rasterand exposed to host devices02:38
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rasterscrew that ugly mess02:39
rasterit has to go02:39
rasterHAS to02:39
rastergot most of the way to killing that off too02:39
rasterlife - busy02:39
rasterdont get enough sleep02:39
nox-hm i havent treid copying via usb notwork, maybe that also is faster than wifi...02:39
rasterkilled off another bug just now that i was totally baffled by02:39
rasternow i grok it02:39
DocScrutinizer51good :-D02:39
rasterand i'm feeling good02:39
rasterso i'm doing my little self-motivation battle cries :)02:40
rasterdie ums die!02:40
rasterdie nand die!02:40
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DocScrutinizer51monster agnets for fun (had my first MRT today)02:40
yaccWhat do I do when the N900 complains that it cannot do mass storage because it's already in use?02:41
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nox-stop the process(es) that use it02:41
DocScrutinizer51raster: also I carry my very own 0.3 mm^3 of atomic waste with m now, glolite tritium keyring - it's fun for knowing it'll shine on my grave eventually02:44
rasternostop procs using the fat fs when u want to unmount to export to usb host?02:45
DocScrutinizer51fuser ftw02:45
DocScrutinizer51lsof even02:45
rasterthats just wrong02:45
rasteru CAN do it02:45
rasterbut its wrong02:45
rasterits highly unsociable to go killing procs off just because they have a file open on an fs02:46
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rasteri have my phoe - playing music02:46
rastermy headphones plugged in02:46
rasteri arrive home or at work02:46
rasterplug phone into pc to charge + whatever02:46
rasteri dont take my headphones out02:46
rasteri just keep listening02:46
rasteri want to add soem more music files to my phone while doing this02:47
rasterso i  mount it and copy files on02:47
nox-yeah then umass is not for you02:47
rasterwhy should my music be killed off just because i want to do this?02:47
rasterthats just bad02:47
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DocScrutinizer51raster: concept of emulating a block device on top of a FS driver has been discussed02:47
rasteru can do it all without mass storage02:47
rasterand fat02:47
rasteru can keep concurrent access02:47
SpeedEvilraster: yeah - I thought of that ages ago02:47
DocScrutinizer51sftp ftw02:48
SpeedEvilraster: emulation of a virtual vfat fs02:48
SpeedEvilraster: generated on plug02:48
rasterSpeedEvil:  been done. look at qmeu02:48
nox-heh i was just about to say...02:48
SpeedEvilIt's messy i you want to do that as you need to handle locking, or versioning02:48
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rasteru can only do it read-only02:48
rasterbut thats all u need02:48
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rasteru only need ums "emulation" for legacy stuff02:48
rasterlike plugging device into printer02:49
rasteror car steror02:49
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rasterwhere it wants to access the audio files on the device to play them02:49
rasterall u need is RO then anyway02:49
DocScrutinizer51give it ro02:49
rasterfor RW access - you do it all via usbnet + samba02:49
DocScrutinizer51known concept02:49
rasterconcurrent access02:49
DocScrutinizer51nobody implemented it02:50
rasterand u dont have the primitive fat fs to worry about on the device side02:50
rasterie u can keep proper user id's, permissions, symlinks etc. etc.02:50
rasterand in fact u can use any fs u like02:50
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rasterwhatever works for your situation02:50
DocScrutinizer51smb is the future02:50
jpinx-eeepcraster: my aim is to be able to plug the usb into a windows box, use portaputty to ssh in to the box and do my work there. I am highly mobile but can use internet cafes for the big screen/keyboard02:51
rasterthe trick is in making windows work out of the box with it02:51
rasterie the regular windows user can just plug and play like they do with ums02:51
jpinx-eeepcraster: not secure!02:52
rasteras windows wont set up the usbnet right out of the box02:52
rasterjpinx-eeepc: not secure?02:52
SpeedEvilraster: did you make a suggestion when I relogged?02:52
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rasterSpeedEvil: not to you specifically :)02:52
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raster* SpeedEvil has quit (Quit: Leaving.)02:52
raster<raster> u only need ums "emulation" for legacy stuff02:53
raster<raster> like plugging device into printer02:53
raster<raster> or car steror02:53
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DocScrutinizer51he's slapping our heads with UMB  -  whatever that is02:53
rasterthats all u missed02:53
jpinx-eeepcraster: ssh encryption over usb to a windows box02:53
rasterjpinx-eeepc: we're talking smb over usbnet (ie network usb device on your usb cable)02:53
rasterits a USB CABLE02:53
SpeedEvilraster: Ah - yeah - I've worked all this out ages ago02:53
DocScrutinizer51alas he left qagain02:53
rasterpoint to point02:53
jpinx-eeepcraster: it's an INTERNET CASFE02:53
SpeedEvilraster: It's all damn simple if you drop the requirement for vfat.02:54
rasteru plugged your device in02:54
SpeedEvilraster: Which is unfortunately there not only for windows.02:54
rasterif the pc you are using is not trusted - u are SOL02:54
SpeedEvilraster: It's also there for 'I plug my phone into a printer that supports UMS and want to print my photos'02:54
rasterssh wont help02:54
SpeedEvilOr mp302:54
rastereverythnig can be intercepted and logged02:54
jpinx-eeepcraster: and ultimately it needs to work over bluetooth02:54
rasterfrom passphrase entry thru to exchanging of keys02:54
DocScrutinizer51wtf ums02:55
jpinx-eeepcraster: I change my ssh pass every time I use it02:55
SpeedEvilOr however it's spelled.02:55
rasterSpeedEvil: see above. qemu. have vfat (read only) emulation available02:55
rasteru can advretise BOTH a usbnet gadget AND a ums device02:55
jpinx-eeepc*after* I have unplugged02:55
rasterums is the vfat emulation02:55
SpeedEvilraster: That also implies versioning, and a much more aggressive indexer.02:56
DocScrutinizer51WTF IS UMS?02:56
SpeedEvilraster: It's especially fun if you want to support holes.02:56
SpeedEvilUSB Mass Storage02:56
rasterjpinx-eeepc: still doesnt matter - when connected it can be intercepted - extra commands sent down your ssh pipe. if your host cannt be trusted u are SOL.02:56
rasterSpeedEvil:  do it read-only02:57
SpeedEvilraster: If you have the ssh key of the remote side, the local net is just a pipe.02:57
jpinx-eeepcraster: it's connectin g froma chroot in the n900 too02:57
rastersure - once mounted your fs is "frozen" in its fat emulation state02:57
SpeedEvilraster: Still needs someone to implement the much more aggressive daemon.02:57
rasterfiles that are deleted or modified will end up wiht io errs02:57
rasteruntil an unmount and remount02:57
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rasterjpinx-eeepc: u are still SOL. anything you can do - can be done by a malicious trojan/virus/app on the "internet cafe machine"02:58
rasterif u can do it02:58
rasterit can be done automated02:58
rastersimple version02:59
rasteru ssh in02:59
rasterand can type in commands02:59
rastera malicious app can fake a kbd device input stream to your putty/ssh app02:59
rasterand type in cmds for u02:59
rasterrm -rf /02:59
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rasterthere is NOTHING u can do03:00
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rasterif the host (internet cafe machine) is considered untrusted03:00
rasteras this can be done al the way down in the drvier itself03:00
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rasteras deep as u like03:00
rasteras u cannot make any assumptions on the security of this machine03:00
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rasterif u cant make assumptions - then u are insecure by definition03:00
rastereverything u can do as a person, it can do  as a malicious machine03:01
rasterencryption works over an insecure network as u TRUST both ends of the encrypted pipe03:01
rasteru can verify each end is the "Expceted trusted host" via cert checks03:01
rasterbut in the end u trust both points of the conn03:02
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DocScrutinizer51facit? log in as user, not as root03:02
rasterin your scenario the n900 is trusted03:02
rasterbut not the pc end of the conn03:02
jpinx-eeepcHmm -- I am only connecting to the internet cafe machine for the sake of the big screen and kbd03:02
rasterthe actual connection - usbnet itself is as trusted as either end of that conn03:02
rasterso since u dont trust the pc03:02
rasterthen the whole thng cannot be trusted03:02
rasterencryption or not03:02
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rasterDocScrutinizer51: its aqn internet cafe meachine - no root. its windows, let's say. the intternet cafe operates the host. it may have had "root" (admin) compromised03:03
rasterthe internet cafe itself may have snooping/trojan software installed as admin/root03:03
rasterso doesnt much matter03:03
jpinx-eeepcit will....03:03
rasteru dont trust the machine03:04
rasteranything you can do - it can do.03:04
rasterunless u trust that machine - you shouldnt use it AT ALL03:04
jpinx-eeepcok raster there has to be a way to better secure the n90003:04
rasterthere is03:04
SpeedEvilraster: Unless you trust it to do limited things.03:04
rasterdont connect to the n900 in ANY way other that FROM a trusted host03:05
rasterSpeedEvil: thats my point03:05
rasteru have to place some trust03:05
SpeedEvilraster: For example, you may accept the risk of screen-scraping, and mitigate the risk of keyboard by having the n900 resting on the big keyboard and checking the noises.03:05
rasterin the case jpinx-eeepc above outlined - its an "internet cafe" machine03:05
DocScrutinizer51raster: but you are 'johndoe' (aka 'user') on N90003:05
SpeedEvilraster: I've already wondered about an opensource implementation of the sound->keystroke analyser, for the purposes of eliminating the keyboard.03:05
rasterimagine one of those random pieces of junk in those crappy convenience stores somewhere in some backwater town in rural india?03:05
DocScrutinizer51raster: *MY* 'sudo gainroot' asks for passwor03:05
raster\or whatever03:05
SpeedEvilkeyboard cable03:05
rasterwhere the guy who runs the convenience store is about as technical as a lump of mud03:06
rasterall he did was pay for some adsl03:06
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rasterbuy a pc03:06
rasterplug it in03:06
* jpinx-eeepc uses internet cafe machines all over the third world - they are unlicenced, pirated XP home edition riddled with viruses03:06
rasterand charge u 50rupees/hr to use it03:06
rasterfor example03:06
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rasternow imagine that machine has beeen there for 4 years03:06
rasterby now its a virus and trojan and script kiddie infested MESS03:06
rasterthe kbdinput is logged and sent off somewhere03:07
rastertheres a dozen viruses that have infested the kbd driver and otehre things that can insert keystrokes03:07
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rasteru cant trust that machine as far as u can throw it03:07
rasteru just never connect it to your trusted n90003:07
rasternothing u can do03:07
SpeedEvilSure there is.03:07
SpeedEvilIt's still useful as a network connection.03:08
rasterany privilege u give that machine opens a hole to your n90003:08
jpinx-eeepcraster: ok - so I use the n900 keypad...  I just want the big screeni03:08
SpeedEvilan untrusted network connection you VPN through. But still.03:08
rasterand by using its kbd/screen u are opening such a hole for yourself as a user - and thus it can access anything you can access via that same hole03:08
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rasterjpinx-eeepc: thats safer as u are allowing "output from n900 only"03:09
ds3it doesn't even have to be root/admin03:09
ds3there is a little keystroke recorder that you can connect in series with the keyboard03:09
jpinx-eeepcraster: by the same token, I use their wifi to the n900, and everything will be snooped03:09
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jpinx-eeepcthey are usually public wifi with a webpage login03:09
rasterSpeedEvil:  sure - but jpinx-eeepc  is takling of using that pc as a kbd/screen03:09
SpeedEvilraster: I was wondering today about data-over-skype.03:09
rasterthat means allowing unecrypted input from his fingers thru the kbd of that untrusted machine to the n90003:09
SpeedEvilraster: video skype call.03:09
rasterso doesnt matter if u turn it into an encrypted session over usbnet03:10
SpeedEvilraster: vpning over video patterns and audio patterns on the display, and camera03:10
rasterits already made it thru the untrusted host unecrypted as kbd input03:10
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rasterthe chain of trust is broken as soon as u press the key on that kbd :)03:10
SpeedEvilraster: It's not.03:10
SpeedEvilraster: You can unplug the keyboard, and use it that way03:10
SpeedEvilEither using audio->keystroke, or virtual keyboard style, with the camera pointing at it.03:11
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rasterjpinx-eeepc:  for wifi - as above. u connect frokma  trusted host n900) and encrypt BEFORE it gets to the untrusted medium (their wifi), and gets decrypted at the other end (trusted server)03:11
SpeedEvilOr even USB keyboard on USB host.03:11
rasterSpeedEvil: vkbd doesnt help03:11
jpinx-eeepcraster: tell that to my bank )03:11
DocScrutinizer51check backscroll or chanlogs for german ID cards03:11
rasterif trojan/virus is scanning and recording the screen03:11
DocScrutinizer51same issue03:11
rasterand can issue the same fake mouse events to do it03:12
rastersame principle03:12
rasteru just make it harder and more "custom"' for your device03:12
SpeedEvilraster: Sure - attacks that record the screen are mitigated by the simple fact of bandwidth of attack.03:12
rastersure - the virsus would need to expliucitly know how your system works03:12
rasteras its unique/rare03:12
rasterbut thats security via obscurity :)03:12
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* DocScrutinizer51 yawns03:13
ds3raster: don't even need that... a tiny usb box in the keyboard cable and it is game over...03:13
rasterds3: that too03:13
rasterthats my whole point03:13
rasterif your taks is "real unbreakable security" u cannto have an untrusted element of the chain exist that has unecrypted data03:13
ds3take a look at that :D03:13
rasterthats everything from the kbd hw itself03:13
rasterall the way to the entry point on your trusted host03:14
rasterencryoption is only useful if you can trust the 2 ends03:14
rasterthen it can work through any number and type of untrusted hops along the way03:14
nox-..and then comes obama and wants the keys03:14
ds3encryption/vpns/etc are all easy ways to get a false sense of security03:14
ds3one must understand exactly what they are doing and the environment or there will be no security03:15
rasterds3: thats my point03:15
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rasterjust throwing some encryuption in makes no sense03:15
rasterUNLESS u also ensure both ends are trusted03:15
ds3raster: *nod* just echoing what you are saying03:15
rasterif 1 end is not trusted - there is no point03:15
rasteru just think its secure03:15
rasterbecause u threw in some encryption03:15
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rasterif u want your n900 secure03:16
rasteruse its own kbd03:16
rasterand its own screen03:16
rasterand make sure u dont get anything malicious onto it03:16
nox-...and who knows if there are flaws/backdoors in the gsm/3g link too03:16
rasterie that u can trust it03:16
rasterno indeed03:16
rasternox-: indeed03:16
ds3or personally verify every bit of software that goes onto the bare hardware03:16
rasteractually verify the hw too03:16
DocScrutinizer51in Germany there's an age old sticker for phones (computers, whatever): "Feind hört mit!"03:17
jpinx-eeepcI hear you raster - I'll think again - thanks for the smack ! :)03:17
ds3look at the reports of how android apps are screwing over users despite the claims it is secure and will protect your data03:17
rasterof course.. if u are willing to take a risk03:17
jpinx-eeepcraster: it's not so much the logging of keystrokes/screens/etc . I can control what I ask for and only do non-important surfing like looking for flights03:17
rasteru can "make it harder"03:17
rasterby making it "more obscure"03:17
rasterie there is a lower CHANCE the attacker knows about your obscure connection/control method03:17
rasterand a lower CHANCE that they can slip something in03:18
rasterbut now we are simply talking of risk factors as a percentage chance that they may be smart/knowledgebale enough to be able to figure your stuff out (in advance)03:18
rasterencryuption itself depends on that too03:18
rasterit just makes that chance so low that its effectively 003:18
DocScrutinizer51security by obamity err obscurity03:19
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DocScrutinizer51never works03:19
rasterall encryption (in common use today) can be decrypted03:19
rastergiven enough time and compute power03:19
rasterjuyst with long enough keys + good algorithms it makes that time+equipment required so rediculously huge03:19
rasterthat its silly03:19
raster(inthe end time + compute power becomes a dollar amount - how much hw do u have to buy to crak your encryption within 1 minute for example)03:20
rasterie a useful period of time to exploit it03:20
nox-yeah wasnt there some job posting looking for quantum computing experts a while ago that said `assume working hw'?03:20
DocScrutinizer51steganography ftw03:20
rasterdoes it cost $0, $100, $1mil, $1billion, etc. etc.03:20
nox-so for all we know, non-quantum encryption may already be worthless03:21
rasterpossible indeed03:22
DocScrutinizer51quntumis worthless as well03:22
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DocScrutinizer51every laser is a quantum multiplier03:22
rastertime to popsicle-stand03:23
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DocScrutinizer51whatever that maens03:23
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jpinx-eeepcthat cleared the air ;)03:24
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ds3encryption is a delaying tactic03:24
ds3so make your information worthless quicker then it takes to decrypt it03:24
jpinx-eeepcds3: very true . time and money will always crack it03:24
SpeedEvilOr one-time-pad.03:24
SpeedEvilWhich nobody can crack - with proper pad managment03:25
nox-DocScrutinizer51, sounds like he wants some icecream? :)03:25
ds3OTP can be cracked with other means03:25
DocScrutinizer51Britains, when getting that enigma from U147(?), were able to decode all the comu of last 3 years03:26
ds3i.e. you crack the person, not the encryption.03:26
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DocScrutinizer51this is really a replay of a b-movie03:27
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DocScrutinizer51actually everything been stated several times03:28
DocScrutinizer51steganography ftw03:29
DocScrutinizer51my beer much more attractive than that old stinking security debate03:30
jpinx-eeepcthe fact that "security" is time-limited only means that you have to stay one step ahead by changing keys/passwds/etc more frequently03:30
* jpinx-eeepc pulls up a crate of guinness03:30
DocScrutinizer51Britains, when getting that enigma from U147(?), were able to decode all the comu of last 3 years03:31
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ds3crate? don't they come in kegs?03:32
DocScrutinizer51crope comes in nuges03:33
jpinx-eeepcds3: has never sucked a bottle of guinness?03:35
jpinx-eeepcit was aroun long before those kegs ;)03:35
ieatlintguinness is one of those beers that is just so much better from a keg... bottle isn't worth it in my opinion03:36
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DocScrutinizer51stuxnet wins03:36
DocScrutinizer51next is a generic 8051 virus03:37
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DocScrutinizer51our hackers are already half way there03:37
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ieatlintsomeone go write a virus to target SCADA systems of breweries like budweiser03:38
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DocScrutinizer51FUCK DROPTEST to stone floor from 120cm, slide opened03:39
nox-intentionally? :/03:39
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DocScrutinizer51looks odd, maybe can fix the housing03:39
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DocScrutinizer51drunken gf03:40
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jpinx-eeepcdid *her* slide open?03:41
ieatlintmy gf accomplishes that without the need for alcohol03:41
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DocScrutinizer51my fault. dont hug people while holding N90003:42
DocScrutinizer51well it 'works', no?03:43
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DocScrutinizer51if only there were some warranty with those devel devices03:44
DocScrutinizer51then I'd dare to disassemble to fix it03:45
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DocScrutinizer51the screen half outer frame seems broken. Thought it's metal, now I realize it's plasitc that can have parts broken out03:53
* jpinx-eeepc passes the araldite03:55
DocScrutinizer51whatever that is03:56
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deltdrunken gf =)03:58
delti like that abbreviation "gf" ... sometimes i can answer with: "You did WHAT with your grandfather???"03:59
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ieatlintdo you really want to know the answer to that though?04:00
delthaha, not more than i want to know how you got your nick :D04:01
deltdamn... who would have thought bzip2'ing a jffs2 image would take so long..!!04:03
DocScrutinizer51well, in Germany it's normal to have GV with your GF04:03
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rohanpmdelt: isn't jffs2 already compressed?04:05
deltum, the wikipedia arcticle doesn't mention it at all.....04:05
deltactually 18:57 < delt> what puzzles me is thath doesn't contain a single word that starts with "compres"04:05
rohanpm does :-)04:06
delt*FACE. PALM.* duuuuh *then slaps forehead* anyone have a sledge hammer..... :/\/\/\/\/\04:06
ieatlintyeah, jffs2 is compressed04:07
ieatlintso is ubifs04:07
deltso, junk food filesystem2 is indeed compr...yeah, compressed -)04:07
ieatlintand if you have need to mount a jffs2 partition on your desktop, god help you :P04:08
ieatlintneed to simulate a block device and shit04:08
deltoh, on this computer?04:09
deltmount -o loop jffs2file.img /mnt/wherever .....? wouldnt work?04:09
ieatlint has an example of what to do04:10
deltwhereas mount -o loop ext3file.img /mnt/whereverelse would.....04:10
ieatlintdoesn't look as bad on that page.. but it's a real mess when you think about it all, hehe04:10
deltdd if=jffs2.img of=/dev/mtdblock0 <--- so he uses a flash device as intermediate04:10
ieatlinthe emulates an mtd device04:11
deltthen mounting said device itself and not the device04:11
deltthen mounting said device itself and not the image04:11
ieatlintthen dd's the jffs2 image to it04:11
ieatlintthen mounts the mtd device04:11
* DocScrutinizer heads ut, cackling in an evil and mad manner04:11
deltah ok... misread this line modprobe mtdram total_size=24576 erase_size=12804:11
ieatlintyeah, size may need to be adjusted for your jffs2 image04:12
ieatlintthere are other guides that talk more about it with actual docs04:12
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ieatlintopenmoko's wiki likely has a whole page about it04:12
DocScrutinizerI should investigate how to cause a CORE MELTDOWN by appropriate I2C commands to the USB charger bq24150 chip04:13
deltopenwiki's moko likely wuh what?04:13
infobothmm... joerg is a HW-developer and engineer of Openmoko, usually known as DocScrutinizer04:13
ieatlint has some info and has more04:13
delt*looks up on wikipedia*04:14
DocScrutinizerhave fun04:14
deltjoerg du bist's ja?04:14
delthab ein wenig deutsch in der schule gelernt =)04:14
deltUND JETZT IST MEINE GEDUL...uh i mean.... now my patience is up with fucking WINDOWS PARTITIONS!@#$%04:15
DocScrutinizerschoen fuer dich, aber ich muss dich leider gleich aus dem chanel kicken, fuer abusive language04:15
delttml :(04:15
ieatlintwhy am i doubting kicken is a real german verb04:16
nox-oh it is...04:16
deltmoment mal, "abusive language" als "fuck" "shit" usw.... oder einfach als deutsch schreiben04:17
DocScrutinizerkicker is a famous german news mag about football04:17
DocScrutinizergerman is the 'better English'04:18
deltenglish -is- a "germanic" language04:18
DocScrutinizerfor further answers ask youtube: frank zappa04:18
deltwell, a simplified 10:1 german (at least ancient english with thee, thou, thy, ....)04:19
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DocScrutinizerlerry likes to dress up  funny, tonite he iss dressed up like Frank SSappa. Letss ask him, whatss se deal04:20
DocScrutinizer(FZ 200 Motels)04:21
deltalso ieatlint...uh i mean "the person bearing the nickname ieatlint": canadian french has a LOT of "englishism" words that are waaaay worse than "kicken" :D04:21
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ieatlintfrench is a just a joke :P04:21
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deltdepends what revision of the language you are speaking04:22
deltalso did you compile french as a module, or have it brain-built?04:22
DocScrutinizerfrench is a remedy used when you ate much too old oysters04:23
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deltor what you'd THINK are old oysters..... or, either very very good cheese, or very very old shoe soles.04:24
DocScrutinizerever been in china? in a really classical restaurant? :-D04:25
DocScrutinizerI never would want to eat that eggs04:25
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deltnope.... but those.. chicken abortions from Cambodia were quite similar....04:26
DocScrutinizerinside green like copper, outside transparent like platic stored in a air condition of a smokers' apartment04:26
deltand about 1/4 - 1/5 of the egg is a solid white-ish mass....that sticks to the inside of the shell?04:27
deltif we're talking about the same - or similar thing04:27
DocScrutinizeryou'd never think anybody could even chew that04:27
deltthe hard white thing? you're supposed to throw it away04:28
nox-i guess many chinese think similar about drinking milk from a cow...04:28
deltsame as we do for eating cats and dogs....04:28
deltpersonally i dont really like aborted chickens, but they can eat cats all they want AS LONG AS ITS NOT MY PRECIOUS CAMILLE!!!!04:29
DocScrutinizeractually milk is becoming quite popular in china04:29
deltsee i <3 my cat04:29
delthad her for about 8 years.... since she was a little baby kitten the size of a mouse04:30
DocScrutinizershop prices rised for China buying out milk markets in Germany04:30
nox-but dont many chinese have lactose intolerance?04:30
DocScrutinizerthey give a shit04:30
DocScrutinizerlike redskins give a shit bout ethanol04:31
DocScrutinizerit's ""cool""04:31
DocScrutinizerand expensive04:31
pigeonwhat's chinook again?04:32
DocScrutinizerso if you can afford04:32
DocScrutinizersome maemo vesion?04:32
pigeonyeah, is that older or newer than fremantle?04:32
DocScrutinizermuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch older04:32
pigeonright, thanks04:33
deltoh, this X11 server running on the n810, is a X11 server, right?04:34
DocScrutinizerdamn, thinking about my next breakfast... if I had paypal, how much would you pay for that answer?04:35
deltso what part of the UI would be "analogous" to the window manager?04:35
deltand would it be possible to configure that "window manager" (or of sorts) to support multi-workspace, like say, xfce, kde, windowmaker, etc....?04:36
* ShadowJK adjusted the clips holding the battery, and added 900 micrometers of paper padding ontop of sim bay04:36
ShadowJKand it's been stable for 15 whole minutes04:36
DocScrutinizerc'mon, not even some keystrokes like "0.00"?04:36
deltDocScrutinizer: sorry, i04:37
ShadowJKdelt, it doesn't really have a workspace to begin with, considering windows have two possible sizes..04:37
deltDocScrutinizer: sorry, i 've never had a mobile phone04:37
deltso that \n's why i never been familiar with open(or closed)moko04:37
DocScrutinizerk, n804:37
deltfucking US keyboard04:37
deltyeah... normal, fullscreen04:38
ShadowJKatleast on n8x0 there's physical button to switch app04:38
DocScrutinizerruined N900 plus this non-reply. I think that's ebough for pleasant dreams04:38
deltso.... int x_size; int y_size; 64 bits (or 32 or 128 depending on architecture) gets replaced by 1 flag04:39
ieatlintdelt: by "aborted chickens" do you mean balut?04:39
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: you're my alltime hero!04:39
ShadowJKyeah now you're drunk for sure04:39
deltpersonwhoclaimstoeatlint: Balut (egg), an Asian delicacy <--- in that case, yes04:39
DocScrutinizernot enough, for sure04:39
ieatlintyou can get balut here04:40
DocScrutinizeractually one beer plus one vodka can't really disturb my operation mode04:40
deltA balut is a fertilized duck (or chicken) egg with a nearly-developed embryo inside that is boiled and eaten in the shell.04:40
ieatlintit's awesome for freaking out vegans04:40
deltyes, that looks a lot like it04:41
ieatlintexpensive though04:41
delti dont mind the taste, or texture, but ...yeah 1. the price, and 2. out of respect....04:41
DocScrutinizerbut a girl hitting my N900 so it falls to the ground, that's actually a bummer04:41
deltDocScrutinizer: "drunken" as you mentioned earlier? :/04:42
DocScrutinizerseems that is correct description, yes04:42
deltwell, when i had a girlfriend and she was horny, she liked a lot when i was "indrunkitated".... the owner of the block where we lived made wine, sold it to us for $5 a bottle... would get a few and practically ....well, you get the idea04:44
* DocScrutinizer is off for preparing to do COBOL coding for some bank tomorrow04:44
deltanyhow, not that im in any way proud of that, but... meh, still good memories04:45
DocScrutinizermeamo doesn't buy bagels04:45
ieatlintCOBOL ... hehehe04:45
DocScrutinizercompilable lyrics04:46
deltCOBOL im lucky i never had the ...pleasure of learning that in school04:47
deltinst that obsolete by a few decades or half a century btw?04:47
deltheh, one thing that reminded me of that (maybe 10-15 years ago) was "hypercard" on the old mac's. had a very "fluent-english-like" scripting language04:48
deltdunno if that is still in any kind of use today, but .. i had lots of fun with that when i was in high school =)'04:49
delti especially liked its global variable "it"04:49
delt"calculate the value of me + the next widget on this page" "put it in variable X"04:50
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deltms "visual" basic was a total ripoff of hypercard, except 1. it sucked in every aspect compared to, and 2. they were too cheap to develop a scripting language, so they used the basic interpreter they had pirated from sun microsystems like 10 years before04:51
DocScrutinizeryou can have a COMPUTE A = B + 0 in cobol, but a COMPUTE A = B doesn't work. You have to use MOVE B TO A for that04:52
deltor whatever hideous mutation thereof, in the microsoft-ish style of.. microsoft04:52
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DocScrutinizerMOVE CORRESPONDING is plain awesome04:53
DocScrutinizerno other language has this04:54
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ShadowJKdisconnects continue :(04:55
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flailingmonkeywhat language?04:56
deltcrapo bullshit oriented language04:58
deltor something like that04:58
DocScrutinizer05 STRUCTA; 10 A PIC 9(5); 10 FILLER VALUE "that's just comment"; 10 B PIC 9(2) DSIPLAY;  05 STRUCTB; 10 B PIC 9(8) COMPUTATIONAL; A PIC A(4); ... MOVE CORR STRUCTB TO STRUCTA04:58
DocScrutinizermoves A to A and B to B04:59
DocScrutinizerwhile converting the values04:59
deltwhat was the "comment" mark in cobol? (did it even have one?)05:00
DocScrutinizeryes, a * in col 605:00
deltok, so if you spaced everything to be readable, and you had a number in the 4 digits starting....uh never mind :305:01
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DocScrutinizernah, if you never heard about STORAGE SECTION and LINKAGE SECTION, you just shouldn't bother05:02
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DocScrutinizercompilable lyrics: a THEN as well as a comma ',' is alowable almost everywhere05:03
DocScrutinizera IF clause is terminated by a .05:04
delt21:47 < DocScrutinizer> compilable lyrics05:04
DocScrutinizeryes, a DOT05:04
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DocScrutinizerthe dots always gave us much fun05:05
DocScrutinizeralmost invisible on impact printer05:05
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delt-rw-r--r-- 1 user users 206851135 2010-09-30 20:59 rootfs.img.bz205:06
delt[pts/9][user@deimos]:~/n810$ bunzip2 rootfs.img.bz205:06
delt[pts/9][user@deimos]:~/n810$ l rootfs.img05:06
delt-rw-r--r-- 1 user users 261619712 2010-09-30 20:59 rootfs.img05:06
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deltthats the jffs2 image05:06
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deltso balut eggs do support compre..uh wait...05:07
deltcambodians never cooked balut eggs on a jffs2 filesystem??05:08
DocScrutinizernaybody seen the dot?05:08
deltDocScrutinizer: yeah, if that wasnt ALL-CAPS it would pretty much resemble "hyperscript" on the old mac =)05:08
deltyeah after the 2.05:09
DocScrutinizerNOTE THIS IS a comment, until DOT.05:12
DocScrutinizeryou can have NOTEs everywhere05:13
deltin hypercard it was --05:13
DocScrutinizerNOTE == /*, DOT (.) == */05:14
deltadd 1 to x -- we count one more05:14
DocScrutinizerADD ONE TO X GIVING Y. now guess if X has changed or not05:15
deltum.. in C that would be easy, depends if you use ++X or X++05:15
deltbut i dont know cobol enough to..uh..... i dont know cobol :)05:15
deltum no scratch that... havent coded in too long05:16
deltmy guess: X HAS CHANGED, just to fuck everyone up?05:16
DocScrutinizerCOBOL is a giant when it comes to sort / merge of incredibly lagre sets of records in files05:16
DocScrutinizertbh I don't remember if Xhas changed or not05:17
DocScrutinizerI always use COMPUTE for that05:17
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DocScrutinizerCOMPUTE x = x + 105:17
deltJFFS2 version 2.2. (NAND) © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.05:17
deltMTD: Attempt to mount non-MTD device "/dev/loop0"05:17
deltthat is after: mount -o loop -t jffs2 rootfs.img  /mnt/05:18
DocScrutinizeror ADD 1 to X05:18
DocScrutinizerfriggin nifgtmare05:19
DocScrutinizerGIVING waaaaaaaahhh05:20
DocScrutinizergoogle for COBOL 8805:20
deltADD "girlfriend" to "me" GIVING "head"05:20
DocScrutinizerwon't work, no " allowed05:21
DocScrutinizerexcept for string constants maybe05:21
delthehe would have thought so05:22
DocScrutinizermicrofocus cobol, blarghhh05:22
deltunknown output device ASSHOLE05:22
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DocScrutinizerSTOP RUN05:23
deltum that would be "stop" and then "run" or "stop the run"?05:23
DocScrutinizerleft to reader for exercise05:24
deltvoid warranty(seal) {if (broken) {}}05:25
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* GeneralAntilles boots an N800.05:34
deltoh, i installed a package from the extras repo, that changes the behaviour of the swap? (2 rectangles overlapped) button on the left of the n81005:37
delt.... to a mac osx style "tile" display of running processes05:37
* cehteh had an excellent bug yesterday05:37
delti dont even remember what was the default behaviour of that button :D05:37
GeneralAntillesPeople complained a lot about the hardware, but it really had a lot to recommend. . . .05:37
cehtehwhen rearraning desktop icons every contact-icon was doubled (and exact copy underneath)05:37
cehtehbut deleting one of them deleted both :P05:38
deltuh wuh?05:38
deltthe first clip they have on there is hilarious05:38
delt"sales guy vs. web dude" or something05:39
deltlmao'd several times watching it :D05:39
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deltso... "knots" (stream media from your desktop computer) is pretty useless if you have nfs working, i presume...?05:45
ShadowJKI forget, does knota do the upnp thing?05:45
ShadowJKsome of these things have the desktop transcode videos on the fly to something more suitable05:46
deltcd - is a blessing when you can type 2 characters per second instead of 20, hehh.....05:47
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ShadowJKso how did you end up getting a n810 (right?) at this point in time05:48
deltmy brother sold it to me, wanted one with cellphone capabilities builtin05:48
deltand he got it second hand from a guy in ontario05:48
deltso it was mine uh.... 3rd hand :D05:48
ShadowJKah :)05:49
deltstill owe him $40-50 bucks for it btw, had it for almost 2 weeks now05:49
ShadowJKis it still on original battery?05:49
deltwell, says nokia on it....05:49
ShadowJKimpressive :)05:49
deltfully or 9x% charged, says about 5 hours operation, as per specs i read on the net before "buyrowing" it from my bro (:05:50
ShadowJKthe meter lies :)05:51
ShadowJKor rather, it always assumes the battery is brand new05:51
deltfor the last few years, was always carrying an ipod nano (or more recently a sansa e260) .... which i mostly used to have my notes/phone#/etc. handy05:52
deltand sometimes to listen to music05:52
* ShadowJK is the local battery geek05:52
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deltwell, this one gives me a good 3:30 - 4:00 hours continuous without plugging to the charger05:53
* SpeedEvil is!05:53
SpeedEvilToday I started building my battery analyser.05:53
SpeedEvilTo do 12V/3.3/1.2 cells05:54
delthow much$ would a brand new one cost, say on ebay once i get sick of this one ie. when it drops to 10 minutes after 5 hours charging :D05:54
SpeedEvilwell - batteries05:54
SpeedEvilEbay batteries work well for most people.05:54
ShadowJKthey kinda vary in quality :/05:54
deltplus $19.95 shipping, + border taxes, broker, hmm, $87.39 not too bad05:55
ShadowJKmy original nokia is slightly pregnant and has about half capacity left05:55
deltspeaking of pregnant i got a phone call from an old friend today, hadnt seen her in almost a year05:55
deltand well.. punchline is..... she's pregnant :305:55
ShadowJK$4 from china with hong kong post sailing past customs, $4 for cupcakes for the mailman so he doesn't take it and flog on ebay05:56
delthey, what if i solder 2 or more of them in parallel, like i did with the ipod :D that worked, heheh05:56
deltor just buy a broken n8x0 on ebay for parts (like for ex. the battery connector) and solder said connector in parallel well.. you get the idea05:57
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deltoh, i also noticed milkytracker is in the extras repo, which is AWESOME!!!! ....but no schism tracker????? come on..... !!!05:58
newbie007greetings, I have a n900 and just got a pico projector. It's a projector that has AV video input. I got a blue screen on the device.. any ideas?05:59
delt(i designed the schism tracker logo!!)05:59
deltlike 5 years ago05:59
deltand fixed a few bugs / added a few features+enhancements in schism, when i had a few braincells left05:59
SpeedEvilnewbie007: have you swirtched it to NTSC/PAL/...06:01
deltanyway, when i first got this tablet, that was one of the first programs i was wondering "will schismtracker run on that?"06:01
infobotdelt meant: anyway, before i first got this tablet, that was one of the first programs i was wondering "will schismtracker run on that?"06:02
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infobotdelt meant: anyway, when i first bought this tablet, that was one of the first programs i was wondering "will schismtracker run on that?"06:02
delts/bought/was offered to buy/06:03
newbie007SpeedEvil: never thought of it,, I don't think either device has it though.. ?06:03
deltok ok....06:03
SpeedEvilnewbie007: you can switch the video standard onn90006:03
SpeedEvilnewbie007: umm.... settings -> tv out I think06:03
newbie007ah ok,, good idea.. settings.. probally06:03
deltbut seriously, with a foldable bluetooth keyboard, that would really be kickass =)06:04
newbie007SpeedEvil: I went to pal, but same outcome06:04
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newbie007SpeedEvil: if I hook it to the tv, it just works.. I think it might be the cable.. It's a male headphone jack - smaller male headphone jack06:05
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newbie007SpeedEvil: I did a av audio cables connection between the two devices and it works!06:13
newbie007if anyone cares: the quality of the projector (pico100) is less than I had thought, but works well, I can switch between pal/ntsc06:15
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GAN900"Don't respond to goddamn screen taps."06:19
GAN900is a good OS feature06:19
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GAN900The more technology I use the more I loathe it.06:20
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SpeedEvilnewbie007: the resolution is something like 250 pixels horizontally06:21
SpeedEvilOf the otuput06:21
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rasterGAN900: software used to be simple and reliable. then users wanted features. thats where it all fell apart. :)06:24
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newbie007640x480. barley usable, but it works06:39
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SpeedEvilIt's not 640 pixels06:42
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rasterSpeedEvil: i think u got rows and columns mised up06:50
SpeedEvilraster: nope06:51
rasteru flip between them06:51
rasterThere are simply not 800 columns displayed on any TV standard, by most sensible measures.06:51
rasterthen instantly u go into the 480 rows of ntsc06:51
rasterthe rest makes sense06:52
SpeedEvilSeperate topics06:52
SpeedEvil800 columns - from the 800 pixel resolution of the screen06:52
SpeedEvilOr is it 82006:52
* SpeedEvil forgets06:52
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rasterof the n900?06:52
rasterwell u flip back and forth06:53
rastercolumens, then rows, then back to horiuzontal res06:53
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rasternext paragraph06:53
SpeedEvilI was responding to 'etting at least the same resolution as the internal screen would be great.'06:53
rasterthe active picture is 52/64ths of the line06:53
rasterie that means that the HORIOZNTAL visible region is 52/64ths of the line06:54
rasteru cant getanywhere near the internal screen indeed06:54
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rastercomposite is hoirrid06:54
rasteri think u;'ll be lucky to get 400x240 out of it06:54
SpeedEvilI don't see the problem you're having with the text06:54
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rasteroh wait06:55
rasternever mind06:55
rasteri see06:55
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SpeedEvilIt could probably be clearer - but meh06:58
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rasteractuallyt your numebrs might be a little off06:58
rastertho about right-ish06:58
raster@ 4.5mhz for liminance06:58
SpeedEvilI was shooting for order of magnitude06:58
rasteru have 29.96 frames per sec (interlaced frames)06:58
rasterand 480 lines (not all visible)06:59
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rasterso thats more like 31206:59
rasterof which only part of the line is visible06:59
rasteretc. etc.06:59
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rasterbut order of magnitude you're right :)06:59
rastertv out is crap06:59
SpeedEvil480 lines of picture information, some of which may be lost to overscan07:00
raster<raster> and 480 lines (not all visible)07:01
raster(the not all visible bit)07:01
SpeedEvilAnd anyway, I divided by the line frequency07:03
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newbie007is there any way to display a blender image or html5 on the n900 ?07:33
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SpeedEvilSomeone got blender up and running07:34
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newbie007really I'd just want a player.. I'll googalge it07:34
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h4xordoodheya :)08:37
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h4xordoodcan some one tell how to change theme from xterminal08:37
h4xordoodmy theme button in system settings not workin08:37
h4xordoodwhen i click themes it shows nothin08:38
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slonopotamusand now, after a year of porting gentoo on my n800 and compiling kde for it, i can finally feel the full glory of being able to play KTron on it!08:59
Stskeepsit took a year to compile kde?09:00
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newbie007how can I get the source for Desktop Clock Widget v0.4 ?09:01
slonopotamusno, i tried gnome before that :)09:02
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merlin1991newbie007: apt-get source desktop-clock-widget 0.409:03
merlin1991newbie007: or
newbie007merlin1991: thanks, what ah perfect09:04
newbie007I'm currently running  a rpm based os09:04
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slonopotamus_oh noes09:07
slonopotamus_it doesn't go UP09:07
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slonopotamus_looks like world domination failed.09:08
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skyscraperis it possible to configure n900 to only connect to sip-number "xy" only when its connected to wlan "abc"09:27
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mveplushello guys09:33
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flailingmonkeysounds like that guy with the pico projector "discovered" how Nokia went with a non-standard AV/headphone jack09:37
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flailingmonkeyso, did usb host-mode and jrbme on N900 get stuck?09:53
flailingmonkeyin their development09:54
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slonopotamus_flailingmonkey: afaik, usb host-mode has separate channel, can't remember its name though10:02
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flailingmonkeyhmm, interesting10:02
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flailingmonkeyprobably could search the irc logs for it10:03
infobotflailingmonkey meant: I could search the irc logs for it10:03
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T-Cousb host-mode in N900? Say what?10:03
psycho_oreosits in alpha state10:03
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slonopotamus_flailingmonkey: #maemo-hostmode-discussion10:04
flailingmonkeywhen fremantle goes to community SSU, I expect that will help it to be deployed10:04
flailingmonkeyslonopotamus_: thanks10:04
Kollhi all10:05
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mveplusthanks slonopotamus_10:05
KollHere you can chat about different topics?10:05
slonopotamus_flailingmonkey: also, this thread:
slonopotamus_Koll: except nitdroid10:05
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psycho_oreosKoll, as long as its related to maemo10:06
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Kollwhat is nitdroid? i am russian10:07
Kolli bad know english10:07
slonopotamus_Koll: android port for nokia tablets10:08
flailingmonkeyslonopotamus_ beat me to it10:08
slonopotamus_flailingmonkey: uh?10:08
slonopotamus_Koll: whatever, ask your question :)10:09
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KollHere you can talk about American life? Parties, get-togethers, entertainment?10:10
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Stskeepsonly bacon10:10
johnxamerican life = bacon10:11
johnxparties? only kind of party that's worth talking about is a bacon party10:12
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Kolland for films like American Pie. These parties do not?10:14
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Kollare you sleeping10:16
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psycho_oreosI really don't think here would be a nice place to talk about American life :) not all of us comes from stateside (US)10:17
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johnxkerio, see. you understand me at least ...10:17
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T-CoYanks. pfft10:18
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johnxT-Co, at least we can agree on bacon10:18
kerioi'm actually italian ._.10:18
johnx<- yank :)10:18
T-Cojohnx, Word10:18
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T-CoI'm Finnish10:19
ieatlintnah, we don't agree on bacon in my experience10:19
delti eatta riggatOOOOni with you tonIIIght!10:19
ieatlinteurope tends to prefer a thicker cut than is at all popular or common here in the states10:19
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delt"a fish called wanda" hilarious movie :D10:20
T-CoI just bought 0.5cm slices of bacon for my Coq au Chainti I'm planning to make today10:20
deltcoq au quoi???10:20
deltuh... *quoi?10:20
T-CoCoq au vin but made in Chianti so Coq au Chianti10:20
CWhitehamC'est quoi un coq au chianti?10:20
delten plein ce que j'allais demander10:21
Kollare you smoke weeds?10:21
ieatlintyeah, 5mm bacon is much thicker than you find here10:21
T-Codelt, :)10:21
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ieatlintwe're typically probably 2mm or so10:21
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delti remember "coq ou poule" from when i was a kid (those plants that grow in grass)10:22
Kollyou eat bacon?10:22
deltme? generally yes, but not right now. i am eating Pretzel und Bier.10:23
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Kolland smoke canabis ?10:23
deltBacon nicnt enthalten.10:24
deltnope... never touched that shit in my life, and dont intend to10:24
crashanddiedelt, isn't poule ou coq a game?10:24
delts/dont intend to/wouldnt be a good idea/10:24
infobotdelt meant: nope... never touched that shit in my life, and wouldnt be a good idea10:24
deltmedications and all10:24
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deltcrashanddie: yeah, a stupid 5 year old thing.... you had to guess if it was "coq" (rooster) or "poule" (uh..female chicken == hen?)10:25
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meceMohammadAG51, ping10:25
T-CoI once od'd and never touched since. First and last time :)10:25
Kollis the prevention of cancer. And flies)10:25
deltdrugs is the prevention of cancer, and flies??10:26
delt<--- not following10:26
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Kolldependance has not10:27
CWhitehamwir sall but probably doir sasn't havir sa thir sa faintir sast cluir sa what is going on.10:28
CWhitehams/ir sa/e/g10:28
infobotCWhiteham meant: well but probably doesn't have the faintest clue what is going on.10:28
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delti was thinknig about coming with some completely obfuscated gibberish, which once through s/a/b/ or something, said "go fuck yourself" or something10:29
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delt(i may have just invented a new artform :D )10:29
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pupnik_review stoner ideas later, when sober10:30
Kolldelt i bad understand you10:30
deltoooh, so the bot can take several -e arguments, just no "-e"10:31
deltnow about that sa/e/g..??10:31
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Kolli not understanding10:32
deltkoll which part?10:32
Koll i was thinknig about coming with some completely obfuscated gibberish, which once through s/a/b/ or something, said "go fuck yourself" or something10:32
Kollyou were stoned to?10:33
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delthxlly mzthxfzckxr -> hello motherfucker (s/x/e/ s/y/o/ and so on)10:33
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deltso the "art form" i "invented" consists of:10:34
delttype a bunch of junk10:34
deltthen s/ a bunch of junk10:34
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flailingmonkeywhy would #maemo have any topics other than the BEEESSSTTT mobile phone os commercially released10:34
deltand the bot says <user> meant: <something clever/obscene/amusing/etc...>10:34
flailingmonkeyinfobot always understands me. she's my best friend10:35
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meceflailingmonkey, well fonearena haven't officially announced the winner yet, if that's what you're referring to.10:36
delthow do you define and/or determine the gender of an irc bot?10:36
FauxFauxStick it in it, and see if you're gay afterwards.10:36
deltoh, good one... this woman comes home, and finds her husband with a fly swatter.10:36
deltHe says "Hey honey, i just killed 5 flies! 2 males and 3 females"10:37
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deltso she asks "how do you tell the males from the females???"10:37
delt"easy: 2 were on the beer cans, and 3 were on the phone :D "10:37
deltnot as "true story" as the "dont call your brother a SOB in front of your mom" but kind of amusing none the less -)10:39
deltin french it's even worse "fils de pute" means son of a hooker/prostitute/whore/whatever10:41
deltnite koll10:41
deltor good morning in your case? (i probably should have "nite"d a number of hours ago)10:42
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mecegood one delt :)10:42
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deltuh what? -)10:43
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deltoh yeah, about backing up the jffs2 partition on the n810 ... hahaha dunno wtf i was thinking :D :D10:44
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deltwell, /usr/src/<project_of_some_importance> and /tmp/src/<any_other_junk_i_need_slash_want_to_install> have worked great for the last 15 years, using the root account only to install....10:49
deltso whoever said /usr/ HAS TO be mounted read-only.... do you have mount points in /usr/src and /usr/local ...?10:50
deltnot to mention 5 or 6 hdd's partitioned for each directory from /10:50
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johnxdelt, /tmp commonly gets erased during boot on a lot of distros, just FYI :)10:56
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deltjohnx: yeah like maemo heheh.....10:59
skyscraperi'm having a problem installing an app - getting: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 25510:59
johnxskyscraper, probably other errors. pastebin the whole output if you can10:59
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deltpersonally i just think of /tmp as a part of my filesystem i should cleanup myself, sort out what i want to keep and rm -rf the rest10:59
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skyscraperjohnx its the nitdroid installer O:-)10:59
johnxskyscraper, ok11:00
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skyscraperSetting up nitdroid-installer (0.2.6-3) ... dpkg: error processing nitdroid-installer (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 25511:00
johnxis that actually the whole output from when you typed the command until you're back at a prompt?11:01
johnxif it's too long, use pastebin11:01
skyscrapernot 100%11:01
johnxuhm, other than that, look at the content of the script it's talking about and try and understand why it would exit 25511:02
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skyscraperNokia-N900-42-11:~# apt-get install nitdroid-installer Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done nitdroid-installer is already the newest version. The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:   python-crypto libtpsession telepathy-salut pidgin-facebookchat libqt4-maemo5-dbus liblongcat1 libqt4-maemo5-gui libqtm-messaging   python-telepathy acc11:03
infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , , or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.11:03
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infoboti heard maemo is
infobotwomen are not boys! :P11:04
infobotMen are dumb! Thank goodness I'm just a bunch of bits on the interweb!11:04
infobotsomebody said infobot was better than wowbot11:05
Myrttiare you done soon?11:05
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deltsoon as sometime in the recent/immediate past, yes (and sry :D )11:05
johnxdelt, if you want to have long conversations with infobot you can actually send a PM I believe11:06
johnxskyscraper, look at the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/info/nitdroid-installer.postinst or some similarly named file11:06
johnxthen try and find where it says to exit 25511:06
deltheh =)11:07
delt~johnx infobot -> marital_status11:07
skyscraperNokia-N900-42-11:/var/lib/dpkg/info# cat nitdroid-installer.postinst  #!/bin/sh  update-sudoers Nokia-N900-42-11:/var/lib/dpkg/info#11:07
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deltoh, "jk" here would be kind of .... um, over-sarcastic11:08
skyscraperfixed it - renamed the nitdroid-installer.postinst11:08
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johnxskyscraper, just FYI, you may or may not just have made your N900 unbootable11:09
johnxgoogle about 'update-sudoers' a bit11:09
johnxwhy? cause I googled and people were having booting problems and talking about update-sudoers in the same post11:10
johnxso you should read up and make sure it's not a problem before you reboot11:10
johnx5 minutes of reading now will save you time later11:10
skyscraperi've done "update-sudoers" manually in shell11:10
johnxentirely possible I'm wrong (likely even), but do your homework :)11:10
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skyscraperno error11:10
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johnxupdate-sudoers ; echo $?11:11
johnxrun that ^11:11
skyscraperok wait11:11
johnxif it prints 0, you're good. if it prints 255 it means it's still failing11:11
skyscraperNokia-N900-42-11:/home/user# update-sudoers ; echo $? 25511:12
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johnxtime to do a bit of googling before you reboot11:12
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skyscrapernitdroid wont install to11:13
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skyscraperGoing to download the installation files. This will take a rather long time!  Downloading nitdroid.manifest ...done Downloading NitDroid-0.0.8-Popov.tar.bz2 ...FAILURE. Bailing out.11:13
skyscraperafk a bit11:13
skyscraperbe back later11:13
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deltwhoa... i need to sleep... be back in a few weeks :/11:20
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skyscrapermy /etc/sudoers is very long11:43
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skyscraperhaving massive problems -.-11:56
Hoxzerwhich one uses more power on n900 3/4 wlan or full bar 3G?11:58
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Stskeepsyou mean low bar 3g11:58
skyscraperwhen i have to reflash n900 is the /home/user/* folder deleted?11:58
Stskeepslow bar == need stronger signal11:58
HoxzerStskeeps: no, zI mean full bar11:58
Hoxzera.k.a high bar11:58
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skyscraperf*** i CANT remove kernel-module-cifs... it says its in a very inconsistent state11:59
psycho_oreosyou could probably try force remove12:00
skyscraperit says it should reinstall it... but when i try he wants to replace but gets many errors12:00
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skyscraperanyone could help?
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pupnik_  WebGL on N900!12:03
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psycho_oreosskyscraper, which kernel version are you running (in full detail)12:05
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skyscraperpsycho_oreos... i had stable kernel-power running... 10 minutes ago i used apt-get upgrade and updated kernel-power to extras-devel version.. so i think its kernel-power beta12:07
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psycho_oreosskyscraper, do uname -r and print out the output12:08
skyscraperNokia-N900-42-11:/home/user#  uname -r
skyscraperi doestn rebootet atm12:09
skyscraperanyone said i should NOT restart when my update-sudoers fails with error code 25512:10
psycho_oreosyou'll most likely need to reboot, as the package manager was looking for the current kernel version that you are running (which is obviously non-existent because you did kernel upgrade12:10
skyscraperNokia-N900-42-11:/home/user# update-sudoers ; echo $? 25512:10
skyscraperis this a problem?12:11
psycho_oreosI don't know about that but I don't know why you updated the kernel without rebooting before installing a kernel modules12:11
skyscraperNokia-N900-42-11:/home/user# update-sudoers ; echo $?12:11
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: I don't know about that but I don't know why you updated the kernel without rebooting before installing a kernel module12:11
skyscrapershould i use "sudo reboot" or shutdown and start it via power button?12:12
psycho_oreoshow relevant is the update-sudoers anyway?12:13
skyscraperdont know12:13
psycho_oreosor who said it or from where you read it/are following it?12:14
meceanyone who understand things about qml+js present?12:14
skyscraperpsycho_oreos: johnx said it12:15
psycho_oreosskyscraper, hmm12:15
psycho_oreosdid he also tell you to upgrade the kernel, or did you do that yourself?12:15
skyscraperi did that because i hoped that "apt-get upgrade" will fix some probs12:16
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psycho_oreoswell yeah in other words you've complicated the matter yourself lol12:17
psycho_oreoswhat you could do is either symlink that current kernel version with the installed kernel version for directory of kernel modules (or mount --bind) and then install the package.. double check to see if update-suoders thing exits with 0, if it still doesn't.. then reboot lol12:19
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psycho_oreosI don't understand how update-sudoers work let alone relate to the situation on hand but johnx seems to be a reputable person so I'm going to assume the same thing as well, make sure that it exits with 0 by all means :)12:22
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yaccWondering, does maemo support usbnet when connected via USB?12:33
yaccBasically is there a way to tether through a N900 via USB?12:33
psycho_oreosyes, usb ip networking?12:33
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yaccSo I just need to "click" PC-Suite and do the ifconfigs on both sides?12:34
psycho_oreosno its not that simple.. hang on there's a link12:34
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skyscraperyeah that with the symlink worked!12:36
skyscraperinstalled ok12:36
skyscraperbut kernel-power-flasher crashes12:37
skyscraperbecause of post-install "update-sudoers" (crashing with 255)12:37
meceCheck out this short film by Blender Foundation: It's very impressive :)12:38
skyscraperanyone could help with crashing "update-sudoers"?12:38
psycho_oreosafter install, you should remove the symlink12:39
yaccWell, actually I want to do it the other way, does the N900 default kernel have iptables NAT available?12:39
psycho_oreosI don't think N900 by default would have iptables but I could be wrong12:40
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meceStskeeps, omgwtflol!12:41
skyscrapershould i restart or its possible to fix the problem with update-sudoers?12:41
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ShadowJKuusually you use n900 as usb 3g modem, not as usb ethernet device..12:46
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meceStskeeps, it continues:..
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nandani want to flush n90012:48
nandanhow can i do it12:49
psycho_oreosthere are instances where you need n900 to function as usb ethernet device :p such as file transfers whilst maintaining shell/vnc access12:49
korhojoaput it in the toilet bowl. push button/pull lever12:49
nandansorry flash12:49
korhojoai don't know why you want to do that though12:49
korhojoasend it to me instead12:49
korhojoaread the wiki12:49
nandani got some problem12:49
yaccShadowJK, you mean that I get an USB "serial device" that I can set AT commands to do connect?12:49
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psycho_oreosany of you have bh-905? mine no longer powers up.. damn flaky nokia devices :|12:54
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skyscraperrebooted.... n900 bricked12:56
skyscrapershowing some crazy bootmanager restarting all the time and i cant select anything12:56
psycho_oreosahh fixed it, stupid thing12:57
skyscraperwhen i press "1" without pressing anything before it boots original maemo kernel12:57
skyscraperomap... not power12:57
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skyscraperyeah back in maemo now :D12:57
skyscraperhow to modify the bootmanager to boot the powerkernel?12:58
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marmouteskyscraper: with a bootmanager modifycation tools12:58
skyscrapermarmoute: can i download it with apt-get?12:58
skyscraperuname -r says 2.6.28-omap1... thats original kernel istn it?12:59
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majeruhi, has anyone in here OC'ed a N900?13:08
Stskeepsmajeru: would recommend against it13:09
majerumine is running at 900 MHz for a few minutes now, and seems stable13:10
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majerui'm keeping it at max with an infinite loop13:11
Stskeepsyeah, but your eMMC suffers and other parts13:11
majeruthe temperature is now 38C13:11
Stskeepspeople has been getting bad sectors on emmc = fucking bad13:11
DocScrutinizer2~tell majeru about omap-oc13:11
majeruStskeeps: ouch13:11
Stskeepsso that's why i'm saying 'don't do it'13:11
SpeedEvilmajeru: you cannot measure the core temperature13:12
majeruok, I quit then13:13
majeruI didn't notice much improvement anyway13:13
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ShadowJKi'm surprised if it just appears as bad block13:19
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ShadowJKthat'd be like the first flash device i'd ever seen that fails so benignly13:19
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ShadowJKusually they just lock up and require poweroff reset on a bad block condition ;p13:20
ShadowJKyacc: yes13:21
yaccShadowJK: Only issue left is that phone starts to act as an comedian when used as an USB modem => I'm getting yellow band messages about the phone using more power than it gets from the host, and it recommends to use the power outlet charger instead. Wonder where Nokia has hidden that second USB port, if I know my luck it's under the battery and inaccessible ;)13:23
lcukyacc, if you have yellow messages visible, that means your screen is illuminated ;)13:24
ShadowJKpower use stays approximately balanced at +-0 with screen off for me13:24
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yacclcuk, ah, I see, I shouldn't use the N900 to surf on top of being a modem, so I'll finish that and switch to the PC, and everything will be fine :)13:25
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lcukyacc, I find I can do most things in any order even using usb13:27
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lcukbut I have my screen brightness quite far down (2nd notch)13:27
SpeedEvilmax notch to one down saves most power13:28
SpeedEvilsubsequent powersaving is really quite small.13:29
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yacclcuk, well, the N900 seems to have a much nicer battery than my old G1. Even taking in account that the G1 batteries have been used 1-1.5 years already, leaving the G1 in UMTS mode overnight tended to have it drained, while the N900 showed only a tiny dip in the battery state, ...13:29
yaccWonder how well the N900 can detect the state of the battery.13:29
lcukyacc :) at different times and different uses thats happened to people too13:29
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lcukits entirely possible to abuse the available capacity13:30
yacc(the G1 battery setup was basically stupid, and based on Android & the kernel doing an educated guess based on usage how your battery is)13:30
lcukand it can detect charge quite well13:30
yacclcuk, it's not my first smartphone.13:30
lcukshhh, some here will tell you the n900 is not a smart phone13:30
yacclcuk, the most embarrassing thing had been always the E61 phones where me and my wife had exactly the same phone. Mine always drained in under a day, hers kept for a week, ...13:31
yacclcuk, oh, it's a smartphone as it should be, ..13:31
lcuk:) me and tracy notice the same things with our n900s13:31
lcuktho hers is more an angrybirds phone13:31
yacclcuk, it's basically an ARM based Debian-derived laptop in a form factor that makes it useable as a mobile phone, ...13:32
lcukindeed :)13:33
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lcukyacc so what do you use yours for then (apart from phone and internet :P)13:34
yaccI wonder, how does one restore the thing after killing the OS on it? I know a former friend of mine managed to overfill the root partition, basically brick the device, and he mentioned that it's was trivial to unbrick, as he said, it seems to be almost completely safe even for crazy users, ...13:35
yacclcuk, well, IM, Email, Ebooks, browser, and when the situation warrents network accesspoint.13:36
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lcukyou can download lovingly created and fully tested images of the default OS and eMMC13:37
yacclcuk, the phone needs a data package for all the apps anyway, and I've never seen the joy of paying two data packages so that I have my phone and my USB modem working.13:37
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yacclcuk, and how do I install them when the thing is bricked?13:37
pexii'm thinking of buying a real smart phone because of the calendar sync problems :)13:37
lcukyou misuse the term bricked :)13:37
lcukthe usb flashing part is very early in the boot sequence and practically impossible to break from the OS itself13:38
misc--hi all, is it possible to send sms from the terminal?13:38
yaccWhat tools do I need for that on the host, just to be safe for the future?13:38
yacclcuk, yeah, as I said, the comment of this guy was that his N900 was near unbrickable, and that's absolutely great for a device one wants to play with.13:39
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lcukmisc--, its easy to do via python, I am not sure if there is a direct dbus call though13:40
misc--lcuk: ahhh, ok thanks13:40
lcukyacc, lots of work done by a great many people in ensuring the device is as solid and reliable as possible :)13:41
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yacclcuk, yeah, but it's the idea that counts. An G1 with HardSPL installed is quite hard to kill to, but stupid T-Mobile puts a castrated SPL on it by default, so you always that one moment where you need to replace the boot loader, where you brick your device easily, ...13:43
_|Nix|_X-Fade: Hey! Can you please have a look at libhildon-extras_0.9.6? It's been building the x86 portion for a while. Is it stuck with the X server again? I've made some changes ...13:45
yacclcuk, Nokia OTOH has made it easy and relatively safe.13:46
* lcuk nods :)13:47
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yaccWell, let's be truthful, the G1 was not a bad mobile, but the N900 is clearly superior to it (perhaps with the exception of the touch screen), ...13:49
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meceQtWRT is included in Qt4.7, right?13:56
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mgedminDocScrutinizer2++ for the informative overclocking lecture14:03
mgedmindoes infobot count ++ when it's followed by more text?14:03
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* Arkenoi watched meego video. fascinating. how did they manage effectively reduce 800x600 screen to 4 lines of text, restoring famous nokia 3210 feel?14:06
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harbaummy wifes n900 just lost its usb recepticle :-(14:07
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mgedminanother one bites the dust :(14:09
Hoxzermy n900 broke my 3rd party charger14:09
mgedminArkenoi, which video?14:09
Hoxzerthe usb plug was too strong :(14:09
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Arkenoi this one14:09
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Stskeepsmalformed video id14:09
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mgedminArkenoi, "The URL contained a malformed video ID."14:10
mgedminharbaum, you know what to do, right? Nokia Care14:10
mgedminthe weak USB socket is a design deficiency14:10
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Hoxzerimho it sucks that nokia will not replace those phones.14:11
Hoxzeror some of the people had their phones replaced14:11
Hoxzerjust as mgedmin it is desing flaw14:11
Hoxzerthe charger should break not the n90014:11
harbaumdo they actually care? I don't want to send it in just to have them requireing weeks to fix it14:12
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Arkenoioops ,
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mgedminharbaum, yesterday people on this channel talked about it14:16
mgedmin"weeks to repair" was mentioned as someone's actual experience :(14:16
mgedminbut it is covered by the warranty, as far as I understand14:17
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harbaumThe Nokia site just ack'ed that it's still under waranty14:19
_|Nix|_*sigh* ... can anyone besides X-Fade have a look at libhildon-extras_0.9.6? It's been building for a while, and I'm afraid it's stuck, and when I re-submitted, that just keeps sitting in the queue ...14:19
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harbaummgedmin: Thanks for the links. This may help to convince certain people that this is covered by waranty14:38
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mecermrfchik, hee14:51
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psycho_oreosharbaum, which revision version is your wife's n900?14:53
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JaffaMorning, all14:55
Jaffa_|Nix|_: Raise a bug.14:55
_|Nix|_Jaffa: I guess ...14:55
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jacekowskimy  vwindow goto14:58
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_|Nix|_Jaffa: MB#1135714:58
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|187|guys how long does a charging cycle via usb cable usually take? phone was down to about 20% its charging 3hrs at my office pc already15:06
|187|that normal ?15:06
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mgedminI think it takes longer to charge from a PC than from a wall socket15:08
mgedmin~2 hours for a wall socket, maybe 3, 4 from a PC15:08
mgedminnumbers approximate since I never measured15:08
Jartzawall charger has more "ooomph"15:08
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Jartzameaning more milliamperes, than usb15:08
mgedminthe technical term is "current"15:09
mgedminmy laptop's fan started making a noise :(15:09
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ShadowJK4-5 from a PC sounds about normal I think15:10
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psycho_oreoswhat about powered USB hub? :)15:13
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Khertan_lbt_: any news about the community obs sync ?15:16
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Khertan_Morning all !15:27
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harbaumpsycho_oreos: Dunno. HW rev or what? I don't have the device here15:33
psycho_oreosharbaum, ahh ok, its either printed inside the device or the retail packaging itself.. I'm curious to know if that revision is higher or lower than mine15:34
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jogahmm...trying to use mobile hotspot (with power kernel installed; says it's started and stuff), but my laptop doesn't seem to be able to pump an ip from it15:37
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jogaany tips what to check?15:37
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jogaI can see in iwconfig that it has associated with the n900, shows the essid15:39
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luke-jr_joga: it only works with the mobile hotspot kernel15:44
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jogaluke-jr_, oh, I thought the power kernel is required15:49
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jogaheh, now that I actually tried using the net with n900 while it's using the hotspot, I have speeds of 0.5-3kB/s with 3g15:51
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jogaluke-jr_: what's this "mobile hotspot kernel" and where do I get it?15:57
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Hoxzerjoga: You can download it from repos.16:03
ieatlinti've learnt that having a touchscreen makes me try and use regular monitors incorrectly :(16:04
GAN900So who's going to justify themselves for a PandaBoard?16:04
Hoxzerjoga: it's called "Enchanced linux kernel for power users"16:05
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ieatlintif i could think of anything to try and sell the pandaboard peoples, i would16:05
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GAN900I wonder if anybody has proposed "Porting MeeGo" yet.16:06
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Hoxzereh,? YOu can install development version of meego on n90016:07
jogaHoxzer, but that's exactly what I have16:07
Hoxzerjoga: try uname -r in terminal16:07
ieatlintin theory, there is no "porting" of meego to the pandaboard16:07
Hoxzeryes, then the mobile hotspot should work.16:08
ieatlintpandaboard has a working kernel, which is 95% of the work to "port meego" to a device16:08
ieatlintinstead, it's just installing software16:08
GAN900ieatlint, yes, but do they know that?16:08
jogaHoxzer: it does start the hotspot and I can see it from my laptop, but I can't get an ip16:08
ieatlinti damn well hope so :P16:08
GAN900ieatlint, and the key phrase there being "in theory".16:08
Hoxzerjoga: :/ Hmm, you mean your laptop can't get the ip?16:08
jogaHoxzer: yes16:09
GAN900ieatlint, make the proposal and find out. :D16:09
ieatlintyeah, well, i suppose you could sell a meego image for the device16:09
jogatried both unsecured and wep16:09
Hoxzerjoga: and your laptop works with all hotspots (using dhcp) ?16:09
GAN900tybollt, yeeeesss?16:09
ieatlintpartitioned and such with a specific profile setup16:09
jogaHoxzer: yeah, had no problems yet16:09
ieatlintnetbook i guess, as handset and tablet don't fit16:09
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Hoxzerjoga: try without encryption16:09
jogaHoxzer: as I said already, tried it :)16:09
lcukGAN900, isnt there an omap4 board video shown running meego already?16:10
Hoxzerthen I have no more tips for you. Usually works fine with me16:10
Hoxzeryou can try restarting n900 or laptop16:10
ieatlintno idea i have would actually accentuate the pandaboard as a platform, or require any features it has over the beagleboard16:10
Hoxzerjoga: btw, remember to close all connections before you start mobile hotspot16:11
jogaHoxzer: yes, I've done all of those, and now I tried to reinstall mobilehotspot, restart n900, make sure it's not connected, then start hotspot unencrypted, it starts, I can see it from the laptop, but it just gets stucks at obtaining ip16:12
MohammadAGlcuk, indeed16:12
jogaI'm using wicd on the laptop, which has no problems connecting to the other wireless networks16:12
lcukseems to run it very well too from what i can gather16:13
jogadoes n900 support master mode?16:13
ieatlinthas the price for the pandaboard been announced even?16:13
Hoxzerjoga: try to login as root and type "route" in n90016:13
ieatlintkinda looks like it could replace a number of the soekris uses, if the price is reasonable16:14
jogaHoxzer: hotspot is now running, I only have one line: * U 0 0 0 wlan016:14
jogaI also tried to manually assign an ip and gateway for my laptop but to no avail16:15
joga(chose as ip, as the n900 appeared to be .1)16:15
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ShadowJKhm, is there no way to "stream" readings from accelerometer..16:15
Hoxzerjoga: try "ifconfig"16:15
jogaShadowJK, what do you mean "stream"?16:15
tybolltGAN900: just aying hi really16:16
SpeedEvilShadowJK: See
SpeedEvilnot that16:16
jogaHoxzer: any specific thing you want to know there? wlan0 is up and has the .1 ip16:16
GAN900tybollt, hi. :)16:16
SpeedEvil is a link to the APIs I think16:16
Hoxzerjoga: gprs016:16
jogasays it hasn't received anything16:16
jogagprs0 is down16:16
SpeedEvilthe hardware does not support streaming mode, the CPU has to poll it16:16
Hoxzerjoga: it should be up16:16
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jogathen I guess mobile hotspot screws up :)16:17
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, yeah it just seems I can poll it at the rate of i2c bus16:17
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Hoxzerjoga: verify that the "Connection" is specified correctly16:17
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jogabut I try again: I'll make an internet connection without hotspot once, then disconnect and try it16:17
jogaHoxzer: it is, only one choice there16:17
ShadowJKI was hoping it'd delay giving reply until a new value is available16:17
GAN900lcuk, and what does that mean, exactly? We should all know how things are with getting operating systems running on ARM.16:17
SpeedEvilShadowJK: there is I think a flag.16:17
SpeedEvilShadowJK: but you poll it at ~400Hz, and it works.16:17
Hoxzerjoga: for me the N900 reports that there was a problem connecting and then askes for connection16:17
Corsachmhm, is there some kind of synergy client for n900 (using touchscreen and keyboard to control remote box through wifi)16:18
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Hoxzerjoga: you can try running mobilehotspot in terminal.16:18
dsgCorsac: There's a VNC client16:18
jogaHoxzer: now hotspot is not running, I made the internet connection and see gprs0 being up. should I now manually disconnect from it and then run hotspot or should hotspot do this for me?16:18
Hoxzerhotspot should do it for you16:18
jogaok, I will try starting it now then16:19
ShadowJK6000 samples in 11 seconds, 545.454529/s16:19
ShadowJK972 unique, 88.363640/s16:19
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Hoxzerjoga: try "mobilehotspot_backend start" in terminal16:19
jogaapparently fails to insmod nf_conntrack.co16:19
jogahmm, maybe as root :)16:20
jogaok it seemed to have done the tricks to put wlan0 up and stuff16:20
jogagprs0 and wlan0 are up16:21
SpeedEvilShadowJK: my mistake.16:21
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jogastill not giving ip with dhcp, it seems16:21
SpeedEvilShadowJK: It can interrupt on new data16:21
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, the driver calls sysfs_notify but I don't know how to hook into that :)16:22
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SpeedEvilSee 7.416:22
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SpeedEvilon the datasheet16:22
Hoxzerjoga: try the "route" again16:22
jogaHoxzer: default thru gprs0, and then there's the wlan0 supnet16:22
Hoxzerjoga: does it said "default" for gprs0 ?16:23
jogawhich sounds proper to me16:23
Hoxzeryes it is.16:23
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jogain iwconfig encryption is off, it's in ad-hoc mode and everything seems normal16:25
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jogaI'm seeing a different mac address from my laptop than what is shown in ifconfig wlan0 on the n900016:26
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jogathat's not normal, right?16:27
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jogawlan0 starts like C8:97:9F... and the laptop shows 36:97:64...16:28
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jogathat one doesn't even seem to be valid16:29
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jogaoh, well, I think I'll look at this later, have some stuff to do. Thanks for your kind help Hoxzer16:29
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jukjust reflashed n900, calendar glitching, with internall error, and contacts refuses to read sim sim16:39
jukwireless works16:40
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jukmodest mail app not works16:44
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jukcontacts from sim still not showing up :(16:45
jukmodest mail app not works Unable to select server inbox16:46
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jukflashed with lates global image16:46
jukwhat's wrong?16:46
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jukbut i didn't flash external memory16:47
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jukwho the fuck cares here16:49
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ShadowJKIf by external memory he meant emmc, then that'd explain why the flashing didn't help :)16:51
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nocturnalusing the gui installer for the maemo sdk i ran into an error when it was setting up scratchbox targets. i've pasted the last parts of the install log here
nocturnali've tried running /scratchbox/login manually but it says run sb-menu first, and sb-menu says i'm not allowed to run it. even though my user is in sbox group. i've also tried with root.16:53
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node808ahhh sooky sooky yeah boiiiii.....i need dat new look...that fresh fresh...whatchall feel those new momo rims in stunnin them boys16:55
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node808oh bad dog17:03
node808i had seent this room..thought it was the momo rims room17:03
node808my bad playa17:03
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MohammadAG~seen javispedro17:14
infobotjavispedro <~javier@Maemo/community/council/javispedro> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 15h 30m 12s ago, saying: 'and instead of backscrolling,  I just wasted more bandwidth and a bit of everybody's time. Like I'm doing now!'.17:14
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DocScrutinizer2ShadowJK: you sorted your accel readout and notification issues?17:27
ShadowJKeh I just wanted to dump it to a file at max rate17:27
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DocScrutinizer2ShadowJK: most natural way to use gmeter is to set a convenient threshold and get a uevent/kevent/knotify or whatever it's called when that threshold is tripped, so you can read out the new value17:29
DocScrutinizer2ShadowJK: for high resulution continuous recording I'm not sure if gmeter itself has a mode for triggering an IRQ @ 400Hz, or you simply read out the sysfs node @400/s17:31
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infobotfrom memory, maemosdk is
DocScrutinizer2(kevent) I tried to find out about how to do that a few days ago, but lost my way in /usr/src/linux/Documentation17:33
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sivanghow can I tell myself about something from the infobot?17:35
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infobottalk dirty to me! Preferably, do so after you have typed "/query apt" which should open a new window/tab/whatever with most irc clients. You can talk to me all you like and don't annoy other people with endless queries. Be aware that the stuff you write is logged, so don't get too 1337 :)17:35
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DocScrutinizer2sivang: help helps a bit about what you can do17:37
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ferenchello, FYI:
DocScrutinizer2listkeys and listvalues are useful cmds to grep in database17:38
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DocScrutinizer2~maemo-down is
infobotokay, DocScrutinizer217:40
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_|Nix|_ferenc: Does anyone aside from X-Fade have access to the buildbot? I uploaded libhildon-extras_0.9.6 to the fremantle build queue, and it never finished building. Then, when I tried to upload it again, it got stuck in the queue. I'd need someone to terminate the previous build attempt.17:40
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_|Nix|_ferenc: It's probably stuck at the very end because it launches an X server (required for gtk-doc generation) and probably never terminates it.17:41
flexxxvhy is the source of the maemo 5 calculator included17:41
flexxxvI mean avaiable17:42
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satmdinfobot: do you notice that '/query apt' is not the correct nick? :p17:42
ferenc _|Nix|_ : I will check and try to remove it from the queue, but I am not so familiar with the build infra.17:42
infobotyes, I notice that '/query apt' is not the correct nick? :p.17:42
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: (kevents) FSO is using that mechanism a lot, so you should be able to spot examples in python and vala there17:43
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: (on FR kernel notifies FSO fsodeviced(?) about battery charging state changes, which in turn switch notification LED via yaml rules)17:45
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DocScrutinizersatmd: are you sure?17:46
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* DocScrutinizer suggests a /whois apt17:47
DocScrutinizeralso /whois ibot17:47
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satmd^- that's what she said17:48
DocScrutinizer~seen ibot17:49
infobotibot is currently on #gsoc (14d 21h 17m 41s) #bzflag (14d 21h 17m 41s) ##bspress (14d 21h 17m 41s) #brlcad (14d 21h 17m 41s) #handhelds (14d 21h 17m 41s) #utah (14d 21h 17m 41s) #oe (14d 21h 17m 41s) #zaurus (14d 21h 17m 41s) #gllug (14d 21h 17m 41s) #pillbox (14d 21h 17m 41s) #arm-netbook (14d 21h 17m 41s) #handhelds-gpe (14d 21h 17m 41s) #uphpu (14d ...17:49
DocScrutinizer~seen apt17:49
infobotapt is currently on #debian (15d 4h 44m 14s) ##icf (15d 4h 44m 14s) #elive (15d 4h 44m 14s) #htc-linux (15d 4h 44m 14s) #kde (15d 4h 44m 14s) #wowroster (15d 4h 44m 14s) #openmoko (15d 4h 44m 14s) #slug (15d 4h 44m 14s) #lugwv (15d 4h 44m 14s) #openmoko-cdevel (15d 4h 44m 14s) #debian-france (15d 4h 44m 14s) #debianppc (15d 4h 44m 14s) #linuxpakistan (15d ...17:49
DocScrutinizer~seen infobot17:49
infobotinfobot is currently on #utos (15d 4h 14m 32s) #asterisk-doc (15d 4h 14m 32s) ##t42 (15d 4h 14m 32s) #fredlug (15d 4h 14m 32s) #maemo (15d 4h 14m 32s) ##ols (15d 4h 14m 32s) #flyspray (15d 4h 14m 32s) #asterisk-dev (15d 4h 14m 32s) #webos-internals (15d 4h 14m 32s) (15d 4h 14m 32s) #asterisk (15d 4h 14m 32s) #byumug (15d 4h 14m 32s) ...17:49
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DocScrutinizerapt: hi!17:53
aptSince Thu Sep 16 09:58:38 2010, there have been 101 modifications, 1563 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 760 commands.  I have been awake for 15d 4h 54m 56s this session, and currently reference 117310 factoids.  I'm using about 38392 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 5077.74/127.37 child 0/017:53
merlin1991apt help17:54
merlin1991apt, info17:54
* merlin1991 doesn't know the apt bot17:54
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ShadowJKI suspect it needs beer17:54
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infobotSince Thu Sep 16 09:58:38 2010, there have been 101 modifications, 1563 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 761 commands.  I have been awake for 15d 4h 57m this session, and currently reference 117310 factoids.  I'm using about 38392 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 5078.35/127.45 child 0/017:55
iliushow to see pidgin's body list window?17:55
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sivangDocScrutinizer: thanks17:59
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infobotflashing is, like,
_|Nix|_ferenc: Dunno what you (or anyone else) did, but libhildon-extras1 seems to be gone from the queue ... dunno if it's building now, or if it got simply yanked, but I'll wait. Thanks a lot!18:00
sivangthanks infobot18:00
infobot:), DocScrutinizer18:00
ferenc_|Nix|_: it's building, but I am afraid that the build git stuck again.18:00
sivangthe topic still mentioned extras is hosed, is that so?18:01
_|Nix|_ferenc: Damn!18:01
DocScrutinizerferenc: seems IT is a somewhat deterministic thing18:02
_|Nix|_ferenc: OK. I'll revert the X portion to what we had in 0.9.5 ...18:02
_|Nix|_ferenc: Can you please kill it again?18:02
DocScrutinizersivang: I heard no complains last 24h, so maybe not18:02
_|Nix|_ferenc: I wish I could kill these things from here, but it seems that, if not all processes quit, the build gets stuck ...18:03
DocScrutinizersivang: otoh odds are nobody bothers to mention it's still broken for some of the servers, as the fact and a workaround is known :-P18:03
ferenc_|Nix|_: I am looking for the build log to get more clue..18:04
sivangDocScrutinizer: ah, really? The workaround being using a community member that mirrors the repo somewhere? :)18:04
DocScrutinizerferenc: you got access to the reporsitory server farm?18:04
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DocScrutinizersivang: bother to click the URL mentioned in topic18:05
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_|Nix|_ferenc: I launch a copy of Xvfb using a script called which I may not be killing ...18:05
DocScrutinizerthe workaround is to resolve to an IP of a good server18:05
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sivangyes, read this now- thanks again, I should have more trust in channel's topic pastebin'd instructios :)18:06
_|Nix|_ferenc: The problem is that I cannot reproduce this problem in my own scratchbox.18:06
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ferencDocScrutinizer: I have access to the origin server, from where content is being fetched by the caches. what's the problem?18:06
_|Nix|_ferenc: I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the buildbot collects all output into the file, and if not all processes quit, the file is never closed.18:07
DocScrutinizersome of the caches had a broken *.gzip file18:07
DocScrutinizernot all but only some of them18:07
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_|Nix|_ferenc: I remember once reproducing this hangage by running dpkg-buildpackage > filename 2>&1, but it's not working now ...18:07
DocScrutinizerferenc: see /topic18:08
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_|Nix|_ferenc: I wish it posted the log of the hangage after you kill it, so I can compare it with my own scratchbox's output, to tell what the difference is.18:10
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_|Nix|_ferenc: If it's stuck, can you please kill it one more time, and I'll revert to the previoius version and try again. If it gets stuck, I don't mind waiting till Monday if you decide to call it a day.18:12
ferenc _|Nix|_: I found the build logs, but see no errors there. Strange. I kill the processes again.18:13
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_|Nix|_ferenc: Thanks!18:13
DocScrutinizerferenc: see until / and
_|Nix|_I'll revert then.18:13
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DocScrutinizer_|Nix|_: starting X on a buildhost? sounds weird18:15
_|Nix|_ferenc: Just checking: You do know that the problem is only happening on the i38 side, right? I see no logs from i386 here:
_|Nix|_DocScrutinizer: Necessary for proper gtk-doc generation.18:15
ferenc_|Nix|_: oops. let me check the i386 logs then.18:15
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ferenc _|Nix|_: no sign of the i386 build here on the server :(18:16
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ferencDocScrutinizer: do you refer to the broken Packages file in the extras repo?18:18
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DocScrutinizerferenc: diablo was broken as well, see URLs above18:19
_|Nix|_ferenc: Yeah ... weirdness ... I think the file never gets created, because all processes don't qui.18:20
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ferencDocScrutinizer: looks good to me.18:21
ferencDocScrutinizer: same for fremantle.18:22
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DocScrutinizerferenc: it was broken only on some of the akamai servers of the server farm. Worked for one IP while it failed for another18:22
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ferenc_|Nix|_: from the x86 build logs:18:23
ferenctest -x debian/rules18:23
ferencmkdir -p "."18:23
ferencStarting X server ...18:23
ferenckill: usage: kill [-s sigspec | -n signum | -sigspec] [pid | job]... or kill -l [sigspec]18:23
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MohammadAGferenc, do you have access to the packages on the repos?18:23
DocScrutinizerdepending on where you get redirected to by the load balancing you either encountered problems or not18:23
MohammadAGI want to remove a non-free package18:23
_|Nix|_ferenc: You dound it ...18:23
_|Nix|_ferenc: Nice.18:23
ferenc DocScrutinizer: yes, unfortunately I can not clean the caches.18:24
_|Nix|_ferenc: Yeah, that's OK, as long as it kills it at the end.18:24
_|Nix|_ferenc: It starts the X server twice and should kill it once at the end.18:24
_|Nix|_ferenc: Look at the i386 build log for libhidon-extras_0.9.518:24
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ferencMohammadAG: I can remove it from our origin server, but not from the caches.18:24
_|Nix|_ferenc: ... for comparison.18:24
DocScrutinizerferenc: ok. I guess it will just "fix itself" on next rsync. Would be interesting to have a look into the cause of it18:24
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_|Nix|_ferenc: BTW: I reverted the X server related changes and I'm trying again ... *cross fingers*18:25
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ferenc_|Nix|_: ok18:25
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_|Nix|_ferenc: My original motivation for making changes to the way I run the X server was the fact that when I first submitted 0.9.6, it failed to start an X server at :2 because one was already running18:26
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ferencDocScrutinizer: I am not sure if Akamai uses rsync, otherwise it would have been fixed already :)18:26
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_|Nix|_ferenc: My X server killing method may not work.18:26
_|Nix|_ferenc: kill -9 $(pidof Xvfb)18:26
DocScrutinizer:nod: rsync was more like $RSYNC18:27
ferenc_|Nix|_: yeah, I think this is the problem.18:27
MohammadAGferenc, can you remove psfreedom from non-free?18:27
_|Nix|_ferenc: But this worked with 0.9.5 ...18:27
ferencMohammadAG: yes. hold on.18:28
DocScrutinizerferenc: I suspect it happened when $RSYNC got started in 'a wrong moment'18:28
_|Nix|_ferenc: BTW: The armel portion of the new submission has completed.18:28
_|Nix|_ferenc: I'm expecting the i38 portion to fail because of an already-running server ... unless you killed it :)18:28
_|Nix|_ferenc: It built!18:29
_|Nix|_ferenc: Can you please check if there are any Xvfb instances still running?18:29
_|Nix|_ferenc: ... now that the build has completed.18:29
ferenc_|Nix|_: There are no  Xvfb instances.18:30
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ferenc MohammadAG: fremantle non-free?18:30
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_|Nix|_ferenc: Cool. So, it worked.18:31
MohammadAGferenc, yep18:31
_|Nix|_ferenc: Next time, if my build fails because of a X server running on the same DISPLAY as the one I'm trying to start (:2), I'll simply try to re-submit. In no case will I mess with this setup though, I don't think, because it works, as long as no server is running on :2.18:32
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_|Nix|_ferenc: Or, maybe, if a server is already running on :2, I should just use it, instead of trying to start one of my own.18:33
dRbiGhmm, does anyone else share my view that larger python scripts consist in 40% of string 'self.'? ;D18:33
_|Nix|_ferenc: In any case, thanks a lot for your help!18:33
ferenc_|Nix|_: I did not see a new build starting after I killed the build for the 2nd time. So I am not sure if this build is ok. :(18:33
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ferencMohammadAG: I might be blind, but I can't find psfreedom :(18:34
_|Nix|_ferenc: All signs point to it being OK.18:34
_|Nix|_ferenc: The build doesn't take very long ... unless it gets stuck, of course :)18:34
ferenc _|Nix|_: ok, good. the build must have been fast.18:34
DocScrutinizerferenc: either block $RSYNC to the caches (in whatever way that can be done), or make sure the master always has a consistent image to sync to the caches, so no races occur that sync a half done image that's "build in progress" - my 2 cent18:35
_|Nix|_ferenc: Yep :) Thanks a lot!18:35
ferenc_|Nix|_: you are welcome!18:35
DocScrutinizers/block/during build block/18:36
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: ferenc: either during build block $RSYNC to the caches (in whatever way that can be done), or make sure the master always has a consistent image to sync to the caches, so no races occur that sync a half done image that's "build in progress" - my 2 cent18:36
ferencMohammadAG: ah, it is in extras-devel. ok. removed it.18:37
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MohammadAGferenc, ty :)18:37
ferencMohammadAG: no18:38
ferencMohammadAG: np, i meant :)18:38
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ferencDocScrutinizer: Akamai fetches stuff that has been built. I know what went wrong last time. We were testing a new export control feature and I enabled debugging. During that time Akamai refreshed its content and received a "wrong" Packages file. After the tests Tero cleaned the caches, but some crap remained there :(18:40
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DocScrutinizerferenc: fine :-D problem cause identified, problem solved. Thanks a lot18:41
MohammadAGferenc, did you just remove all of psfreedom? lol18:42
ferencDocScrutinizer: I hope we can negotiate access to the cache web ui, so such problems can be cured faster.18:42
ferencMohammadAG: yes, from non-free. You asked: "can you remove psfreedom from non-free?"18:43
MohammadAGyeah, but it's not free18:43
DocScrutinizerferenc: I assume caches should all have received their good sync now?18:43
MohammadAGit's not in free*18:43
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ferencDocScrutinizer: yes, hopefully.18:44
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ferencMohammadAG: sorry, I lost you. psfreedom is no longer in fremantle-1.3 / extras-devel / non-free section.18:45
ferencMohammadAG: it has also been removed from the Packages tool itself.18:45
ferencsatmd: well, the latest fremantle release..18:46
satmdmhm ok18:46
MohammadAGferenc, why?18:46
MohammadAG0.3-4 was in free18:47
ferencMohammadAG: ok, I am sorry. I will revert it.18:47
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: just upload it again?18:47
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MohammadAGsigh, can you add it back to the packages tool?18:48
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* sivang dar's the content of the phone that was backed up to an mSD before "The Big Reflash"18:50
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sivangI guess I am a little bit paranoid when it comes to back ups18:51
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infobotrumour has it, flashing is
DocScrutinizersivang: ??18:52
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sivangScelt: yes yes, I am well aware of that, I just commencted about backing up partition contents before18:53
sivangDocScrutinizer: I didn't satisfy with the internal backup program18:53
Sceltsivang: oh, no. I needed the flashing url myself :]18:53
DocScrutinizerfair enough18:53
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I did, it was rejected :P18:53
* sivang still carries the sysadmin mindset to other disciplines18:54
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DocScrutinizersivang: keep that habit18:54
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sivangDocScrutinizer: yeah, it is *always* to be safe than sorry :-[18:54
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DocScrutinizerexcept sometimes in strictly social activities, where such mindset isn't alway appreciated :-P18:55
ferencMohammadAG: do you need this instance kept:
sivangDocScrutinizer: hehe, true18:55
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MohammadAGferenc, that's the one I wanted you to remove18:56
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sivangDocScrutinizer: heh18:56
ferencMohammadAG: The Packages web UI and the repo are 2 different things. I removed the package from the repo and then I also deleted the "psfreedom" entry from the Packages catalog.18:57
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ferencMohammadAG: the latter one was restored, but I can clean up the non-free "package instance" from there too.18:57
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MohammadAGferenc, thanks :)19:11
MohammadAGferenc, you can remove the non-free instance19:12
ferencMohammadAG: yes, I will try..19:12
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GAN900Anybody recommend a registrar these days?19:14
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ferencMohammadAG: done.19:14
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ferencMohammadAG: welcome19:15
slonopotamusevening, ladies and gentlemen19:15
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RST38hgood evening,heffalumpus19:23
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slonopotamusmeh, can't find any traces on controlling wifi psm :/19:25
MohammadAGany DSLR experts?19:26
slonopotamusand wtf is that post by Teemu Harju on t.m.o?19:26
slonopotamuserr, on maemo planet19:26
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fralsslonopotamus: link?19:29
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RST38hHmm, installing Mohammad'sSSU packages broke apt-get19:32
slonopotamusfrals: oh, it was removed already. i got it via rss.19:32
RST38hIt now thinks that the system is broken as mp-fremantle-generic-pr has unsatisfied dependencies19:32
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fralsslonopotamus: what was it?19:32
MohammadAGRST38h, dpkg -r it and install it again19:33
MohammadAGunfortunately, 6-1 > 7, or that's what apt thinks19:34
* slonopotamus can't paste unicode into maemo xchat... wtf19:34
MohammadAGno, you can't paste more than one line19:35
slonopotamusi didn't19:35
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slonopotamusoh, k, some weird symbol19:36
slonopotamusthat post was titled "次のエクシオで名誉挽回"19:36
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slonopotamusand here's full contents:
slonopotamusi have no idea what that means19:36
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RST38hMohammad: You mean I should install one from your repo?19:37
MohammadAGyeah, version maemo719:38
RST38hhmmm ok19:38
MohammadAGapt-get install mp-fremantle-generic-pr=10.2010.19-1maemo719:39
merlin1991ah MohammadAG hearing about your repo all the time but never saw an url, gimme! :D19:39
MohammadAGit will say downgrading, but it's actually upgrading19:39
MohammadAGsometimes apt confuses me19:39
MohammadAG#maemo-ssu, if you can test the .install file I'd be grateful :)19:40
RST38hhm ok19:41
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RST38hInteresting,installing mp-fremantle-generic-pr for some reason keeps back libsdl-mixer1.2 perl-base19:43
merlin1991it keeps that back on my phone too19:44
merlin1991but I don't have the ssu enabled yet19:44
MohammadAGRST38h, apt-get install perl-base19:44
MohammadAGdon't touch the sdl package19:44
MohammadAGthe perl-base package was updated by Nokia (thanks X-Fade)19:45
MohammadAGthe sdl package is a package in -devel which breaks your metapackage, idk who uploaded19:45
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jacktheripperis it possible to dump microphone input to the FM transmitter on the N900 ?19:47
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RST38hMohammad: scary19:47
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MohammadAGjacktheripper, just dump microphone input anywhere, then start the FM transmitter19:49
MohammadAGidk what node the mic is in /dev19:49
RST38hapt-get install perl-base tells it is going to remove the mp-fremantle-generic-pr and a whole bunch of maemo5 core packages19:49
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jacktheripperumm what do you mean by dumping it anywhere ? I want it live not recorded if that's what you meant.19:50
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jacktherippercan I just dd mic input into radio0 ?19:52
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lcukjacktheripper, try it?19:53
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lcukbut IDK19:53
MohammadAGRST38h, then ignore it19:55
SpeedEviljacktheripper: no, it's horribly more complex than that.19:55
SpeedEvilRadio0 is not a sound device19:55
SpeedEvilyou need to convince pulseaudio to do it.19:56
SpeedEvilIt may be possible to use sox to do this.19:56
sivangMohammadAG: maybe it'd be better to provide each package upgrade separately ?19:56
sivangSpeedEvil: is Radio0 an pulseaudio "sink" that has it's protocl/API for accessing and not plain dev node?19:57
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sivangMohammadAG: why not? to you need to authenticate the whole package (is it a meta package btw?) for HAM to accept it?19:57
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MohammadAGit uses a fake mp-fremantle-generic-pr package19:59
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MohammadAGbut no, if you want separate packages remove the existing metapackage19:59
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sivangMohammadAG: so the meta package exists in purpose to not allow you to individually upgrade some of the core componenets and still have the nokia package in?20:00
SpeedEvilradio0 has nothing whatsoever to do with audio20:00
SpeedEvilit's just a control node20:00
sivangSpeedEvil: ah, so to enable/disable20:00
SpeedEvilyes, and tune, and ...20:00
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sivangSpeedEvil: so like to choose the transmitting frequency ?20:00
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MohammadAG<jacktheripper> umm what do you mean by dumping it anywhere ? I want it live not recorded if that's what you meant.20:01
MohammadAGI meant you don't have to address the FM transmitter directly, just find a way to play mic input through speaker output20:01
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RST38hMohammadAG: Basically, removing the mp-*-pr thing automatically suggests removal of pretty important system packacges like rtcom stuff20:01
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RST38hMohammadAG: So, I guess, living without any mp-*-pr at all is not a good idea20:01
MohammadAGno, it shouldn't20:02
MohammadAGI lived without it for a month or two actually :)20:02
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KhertanHi again20:05
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RST38hMohammadAG: I hope you did not do apt-get autoremove during that time :)20:05
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KhertanI got strange charging problem since three night with wall charger on my n90020:06
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Khertanthe two first time the n900 was powered so i think that it s come from process eating cpuj20:07
Khertanbut this night i shut it down and in the morning it was only charged at 40% when i power up20:07
Khertanso more than when it  s start to charge but less than it should be after 6 hours of charge20:08
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Khertancould it be the charger which is defect20:08
Khertanbut i see the charging icon when i plug it in the n90020:08
Khertanthis is kinda strange, isn t it ?20:09
RST38hElectronic Arts and developer Danger Close have bowed to pressure and announced that the Taliban side would simply be referred to as "opposing force."20:09
RST38hMedal of Honor would allow players to take the role of Taliban forces in multiplayer games, causing no small amount of consternation among political groups and military supporters.20:09
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RST38hKhertan: I had two N900s (one a developer unit) fail to go into charging mode during the night, for unknown reason20:09
RST38hKhertan: Might have somethingto do with voltage spikes in the outlet, dunno20:10
Khertanrst38h: it will be a borring game : run ... run ... run ... explode with the bomb20:10
RST38hKhertan: Nah, talibs are actually more lively than that20:11
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stef_204hi, does anyone know if there is a way so that the email client in maemo on n900 does NOT dowload all attachments when checking for emails (IMAP)?20:11
GAN900RST38h, saw that a few times on my proto.20:11
KhertanRST38h : hum maybe but the electronic alarm haven t lost his datetime20:11
GAN900Obnoxious when the phone is dead leaving the house.20:11
* sivang -> (out, "be back later")20:12
RST38hI know for sure it is not related to the N900 hw20:12
RST38hBecause TWO of them could not do the same thing in a row20:12
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KhertanRST38h, but yes it s possible has we have many electricals problem on the electrical network many out of power every day. And when i start electrical device i can see light blinking20:14
RST38hshit, something installed python again =(20:14
RST38hKhertan: If you can get an old voltage stabilizer, get one20:14
RST38hKhertan: Or a UPS, I guess, will do the same thing20:15
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SpeedEvilI have a ferroresonant power conditioner.20:16
RST38hHow do I check who depends on a given package? =)20:16
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RST38hYour next Nokia device:
* RST38h hides20:17
rdesfois there a perl6 version that works with nokia's n900?20:17
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Khertan_hum ups will beep during the night in the room20:19
Khertan_my wife will be not happy20:19
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SpeedEvilPlace ape over beeper.20:21
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Khertan__grrr third deconnection20:23
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nocturnalusing the gui installer for the maemo sdk i ran into an error when it was setting up scratchbox targets. i've pasted the last parts of the install log here
nocturnali've tried running /scratchbox/login manually but it says run sb-menu first, and sb-menu says i'm not allowed to run it. even though my user is in sbox group. i've also tried with root.20:25
lcuknocturnal, did you try reading the troubleshooting guide and specifically about vdso?20:27
nocturnalno i did not, thank you lcuk20:27
lcuknocturnal, I googled the first error20:28
lcuksomething you could have done ;)20:28
nocturnalvery nice of you =)20:29
lcukhope it fixes it anyway :P20:29
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RST38hKhertan: Just move somewhere with stable power, dammit~! B)20:34
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dRbiGanyone here got some experience with gtk(+) programming?20:40
dRbiGi need a widget to be hidden _and_ not to be included in the size calculation of the container and i have currently no idea how to do it :)20:40
dRbiGor i'm just getting the impression that the hidden widget is still used for the calculations20:41
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DrIDKCan somebody help me to test something : try to open from your brother20:42
_llll_mt brother's on holiday20:43
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jacktheripperwhy does 'cat /dev/kmem' crash the device here ?20:47
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SpeedEvilI tried that ages ago, and it did20:50
nocturnali'm seeing a lot about debian x64 being unsupported with the SDK. is this serious? should i maybe reinstall with just 32-bit?20:50
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nocturnalmeh i'll give it another shot now that i disabled vdso20:52
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GAN900Weather starts dipping into the 80s and it feels like winter.20:58
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* kirma has learned that mr. jaaksi is leaving today :I20:58
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pupnik_what was he responsible-for?21:00
Stskeepskirma: :O21:00
Stskeepskirma: [citation needed]21:00
pupnik_i find the explosion of arm-based portables mysterious, looking at n810... n900... somehow missed the wave21:00
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pupnik_how did that happen?21:01
RST38hEpic, definitely epic:
kirmaI can't give citations. consider it a rumor.21:01
jukso I installed, scratchbox following 12 step failed i don't have :(21:01
RST38h(and yes, few people understand that "overprocessed"!="better")21:01
Stskeepskirma: please let the replacement -not- be someone from MS..21:02
jukhow to emulate21:02
kirmaand... I'm not a nokia employee, nor employee of a subsidiary or other company in direct interaction with nokia21:02
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RST38hJaaksi gone?21:03
RST38hOhhoho, more Changes are coming21:03
tybolltRST38h: jaaksi gone? why?21:03
kirmaI really hope for a proper verification for this word-of-mouth21:03
RST38hkirma: URL or it didn'thappen.21:04
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kirmathen it didn't21:04
jukhow to emulate using Xephyr?21:05
jukso I installed, scratchbox following 12 step failed i don't have :(21:05
infobotmethinks maemosdk is
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jukthanks infobot21:06
tybollt~slap juk21:08
* infobot slaps juk, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!21:08
pupnik_ty RST38h21:09
jukinfobot, it's kind of welcome, i get it21:09
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tybollt~kill juk21:10
* infobot shoots a hyper-charged positrino gun at juk21:10
juk~headshot juk21:11
* infobot shoots juk in the head21:11
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juk~blood juk21:11
juk~bleeding juk21:12
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jukMohammadAG: I did everything by instructions why Im missing that
jukanyone have one, would share content?21:20
jukby imea i got link added to list updated ...21:21
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jukand replacing symlinks by dir is outdated info, it is already dirs21:22
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juktybollt: im sorry i meant no offence, emotions21:23
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tybolltjuk: :)21:25
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RST38hSweat dreams.21:26
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jukRST38h: im not allowed to watch youtube21:27
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jukRST38h: do you know what in af-sb-init.sh21:29
RST38hsome shell code?21:29
jukRST38h: exactly21:29
jukRST38h: i need it, shortly21:30
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jukRST38h: i assume you don't have it, so have I nice day21:31
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GAN900RST38h, you said Jaaksi is leaving? *eg*21:34
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RST38hGAN: not me, some other guy21:34
jukso I installed, scratchbox following 12 step failed i don't have :(21:34
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RST38hGAN: Said he heard it, no URL though21:34
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RST38hGAN: But there is a cute video of a living electroturd devouring an iPhone at the above URL, to make you forget =)21:35
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TiagoTiagomy photo gallery is broken :(21:39
TiagoTiagoit says operation failed and says there are no images21:40
TiagoTiagohm, the builtin media player also isn't finding anything21:40
TiagoTiagoalready did21:41
TiagoTiagohm, rootfs got zero bytes free....21:42
SpeedEvilrm -rf /21:42
SpeedEvil(will break your device more)21:42
kirmaI said... the leaving part. but consider it a rumor slipped out from regular intoxicated finns on a friday night. :I21:42
RST38hkirma: Go back there, bring 'em more booze!21:43
jukso I installed, scratchbox following 12 step failed i don't have, please give me, who have got one21:43
jukso I installed, scratchbox following 12 step failed i don't have, if you got one, pastebin output: cat `which` from your scratchbox21:45
jukso I installed, scratchbox following 12 step failed i don't have, if you got one, *pastebin output: cat `which` from your scratchbox*21:46
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jukso I installed, scratchbox following 12 step failed i don't have **, if you got one, pastebin output: cat `which` from your scratchbox21:47
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GAN900kirma, so I should source you when I write it up for next week's mwkn? *g*21:48
jukso I installed scratchbox, following: 12 step failed i don't have *af*-*sb*-*init*.*sh*, if you got one, pastebin output: cat `which` from your scratchbox21:49
RST38hSomebody, help that juk guy, he is getting really annoying now.21:50
tybolltGAN900: 'some dude on IRC said that..."21:50
jukRST38h: no, im cool, just reformarting...21:50
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RST38hGAN900: Just source Eldar Murtazin, nobody will say a word at that =)21:50
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GAN900Well, clearly if Jaaksi's on his way out, they must've signed a deal with Darius.21:54
GAN900He's got his think tank.21:54
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RST38hHis think tank is filled up with nuts up to the rim.21:56
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lcukjuk, why didnt you follow the official scratchbox installation instructions or use the GUI installer that makes it trivial?21:57
jacktheripperfound that FM transmitter routes all the audio automatically to FM, so I just have to route mic input to audio output. Can I do THAT, with dd ?21:58
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jukso I installed scratchbox, following: 12 step failed i don't have *af*-*sb*-*init*.*sh*, if you got one, pastebin output: cat `which` from your scratchbox22:00
jukgives command: Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac -kb &22:00
MohammadAG<jacktheripper> found that FM transmitter routes all the audio automatically to FM, so I just have to route mic input to audio output. Can I do THAT, with dd ?22:01
jukUnrecognized option: -kb22:01
MohammadAGnot sure about dd, but I told you that about 2 hours ago :P22:01
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jukplease someone edit wiki22:01
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MohammadAGjuk, take out -kb22:02
MohammadAGyou're probably on Ubuntu 10.0422:02
jacktheripperdamn, didn't notice :/22:02
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jacktherippersorry for that :D22:02
jukMohammadAG: yes, 9 days remaining to 10.1022:03
TiagoTiagogotta go, cya22:03
gregoajuk: my /usr/bin/ -->
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MohammadAGjuk, I'm on 10.10, but that's not the point, the Xephyr package on 10.04+ doesn't have the -kb option22:04
MohammadAGso just hit ALT+F222:04
MohammadAGpaste Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac22:04
MohammadAGhit ok22:04
MohammadAGor run, whatever22:04
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jukgregoa: god bless you kind man, could you also pastebin: /etc/osso-af-init/af-defines.sh22:08
jukMohammadAG: thanks22:09
gregoajuk: sure -->
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jukMy God help you in everything you doing, last thing:22:19
jukAF Warning: '/etc/osso-af-init/osso-gtk.defs' not found22:19
jukAF Warning: '/etc/osso-af-init/keyboard.defs' not found22:19
jukAF Warning: '/etc/osso-af-init/sdl.defs' not found22:19
jukgregoa: if it makes sense, i dont know how many, else22:21
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gregoajuk: here we are (all 3):
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ikke-thi, i'm having problems getting stacked windows working on my test app22:23
ikke-tis there any limitations for using them?22:23
ikke-ti made three widgets, and tried to obey the example, but failed getting them appear as stacked window22:24
prontoanyone know how to get a self timer working for the n900?22:24
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opdf2ANyone have a simliar problem of Call Notify always saying I have 5+ missed SMS when i only have one?22:27
Funnyfacedo you know if the performance of wimax is comparable to DSL? or is it just about as sheite as UMTS/HSDPA?22:27
Funnyfacepacket loss and latency wise22:27
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ShadowJKpacket loss depends on signal22:28
ShadowJKI have about 30 - 50ms latency, consistently22:28
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ShadowJK(on UMTS/HSDPA your first pings take 1000ms before it starts becoming reasonable)22:29
ShadowJKThen again I have a 30cm fixed dish in a tower in my backyard, pointing at the base station 500m away.22:30
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Surfabut is wimax really alive somewhere? :)22:31
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ShadowJKit's filling the adsl/umts notspot here.22:32
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jukgregoa: May God protect you from whole the trobles of life, thank you!22:35
gregoajuk: you're welcome22:36
jukMohammadAG: I got this output when run, looks like bug: help22:36
MohammadAGsb-conf select FREMANTLE_X8622:37
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juk<< Startup Xephyr, with the x86 targets pointing the output to it >> what that suppose to mean 12 step dartarrow.net22:40
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nocturnal finally got the sdk working! thanks for all the help you guys who helped me figure out vdso32.22:44
juknocturnal: mac?22:46
nocturnali use vmware fusion to run linux22:48
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lcuknocturnal, :)22:52
juknocturnal: why no app panel?22:52
MohammadAGjuk, echo $DISPLAY22:52
nocturnalthe dock you mean. i think it's worthless when you have spotlight. unfortunately Adolf Jobs hard coded it into the desktop so turning it off disables like 4 other services and makes the desktop unusable.22:53
nocturnalso it's only hidden to the side22:53
jukMohammadAG: [sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: ~] > echo $DISPLAY22:53
MohammadAGare you sure you have nokia-binaries installed?22:54
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ShadowJKnocturnal, why does your nick look completely unknown to me on freenode, but when I see your own irc window it looks familiar22:55
jukMohammadAG: how comes, I am apologising, please, i din't realise, apparently not [:shame:]22:55
nocturnalShadowJK: no idea, i've been on freenode since like 2000 but mostly in #freebsd back before the extra #22:56
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DocScrutinizerwho thinks /topic should lose the "| Skype...*$" part?23:02
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DocScrutinizerplease post "topic -" if you think the topic should get shorter (i.e. delete the part after&incl " | Skype"23:04
DocScrutinizerplease post "topic +" when you think the topic is ok as it is now23:05
korhojoatopic -23:05
korhojoa(are we allowed to start yet?)23:05
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DocScrutinizertopic -23:07
jukDocScrutinizer: why in India?23:08
DocScrutinizerinia COMBINED image comes without Skype23:08
jukDocScrutinizer: clear23:08
DocScrutinizersome legalese about encryption23:08
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SpeedEvilI wonder why wpa2 is ok23:10
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nocturnalhas anyone managed to setup cpu transparency for ARMEL so you can run the ARM apps without transferring them to the tablet?23:17
nocturnali get a missing devkit.23:17
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luke-jr_nocturnal: yes23:18
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luke-jr_but not necessarily *Maemo* apps23:18
nocturnalluke-jr_: ok well should i read this for help on how?
nocturnalor how did you do it?23:19
luke-jr_but I do have a working ARM chroot for Gentoo23:19
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luke-jr_again, not sure how that can be modified to run Maemo apps or not23:20
luke-jr_but it's a start23:20
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TiagoTiagois it safe to optify the python stuff under /usr/lib/ ?23:22
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nocturnalthanks luke-jr_23:26
TiagoTiagooh, and  hi23:26
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kirma&last 20023:40
TiagoTiagois it safe to optify the python stuff under /usr/lib/ ?23:40
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SpeedEvilHas anyone used witter?23:42
SpeedEvilI can't setup oauth23:42
ShadowJKisnt it already optified23:42
ShadowJKcheck output of df..23:42
SpeedEvilOn returning from the browser, and clickg ok, I get a window that's off the bottom of the screen with what looks to be an entry box that I can't use.23:42
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sivanghow do I know which firmware my N900 is? Middle east, UK , it was sent to me from Espoo, Finland23:47
sivangdoes this holds as a UK version or the "plain" images?23:47
sivangas per FNC gift23:48
* sivang picks "GLOBAL" release23:48
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opdf2nm had to edit callnotify.py23:50
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