IRC log of #maemo for Tuesday, 2010-06-22

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n900-dkHow come this value X has to larger than 10 to hear the sound from the speakers? :00:11
n900-dkdbus-send --session --type=method_call /com/nokia/mafw/renderer/gstrenderer string:'volume' variant:uint32:X00:11
DocScrutinizer51somebody set +m, or what?00:11
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luke-jrcame with some weird Finnish plug :P00:19
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luke-jrguess no car charging for me :p00:20
asj_your car doesn't have usb? how so last decade00:20
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luke-jrasj_: 200100:20
asj_luke-jr: time to upgrade ;)00:21
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luke-jrasj_: not until 2011 at least00:21
luke-jrmy next upgrade is probably a 15 passenger00:21
asj_luke-jr: how many kids do you have?00:22
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luke-jr4 so far00:22
luke-jrbut I like to buy vehicles that will last 5 years at least00:22
luke-jrso potentially 9 by the time I get rid of the next one00:22
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* asj_ coughs00:23
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ShadowJKluke-jr, heh, what did you order from where?00:26
luke-jrShadowJK: ?00:27
crashanddiechem|st: around?00:27
crashanddieFlandry: around?00:27
ShadowJK<luke-jr> came with some weird Finnish plug :P00:27
luke-jrShadowJK: the N900 that was delivered to me today00:27
ShadowJKThe wall charger?00:29
crashanddieluke-jr: finnish plug? you mean european?00:29
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crashanddieluke-jr: two round plugs?00:29
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luke-jrI think so00:30
ShadowJKguess you can still charge it from computer with usb00:30
luke-jrjust not in the car :)00:30
crashanddieluke-jr: you in the UK?00:30
ShadowJKluke-jr, inverter -> wall charger setup in car is kinda silly anyway ;P00:31
luke-jrShadowJK: sure00:31
ShadowJKI guess your freebie/loaner/unknown didn't come with the adapter that lets you use N810's charger either..00:32
luke-jrnot sure what one of the wires is00:32
luke-jrhas 2 round plug slots00:32
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crashanddieluke-jr: one is for the micro-Nokia charger, other is for the medium Nokia charger00:33
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crashanddieluke-jr: N810 came with the micro one, you just need to plug one in00:34
ShadowJKluke-jr, does it have a Nokia on one side and Nokia\nCA-146C\nMade in china  on the other side in stupidly small font?00:34
crashanddiethough it charges the N900 very, very slowly00:34
crashanddieand sometimes it burns through, for no apparent reason00:34
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ShadowJKEverytime you use it, a member of GreenPeace loses a patch of hair00:35
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Nirtalhelp, I can't use apt-get, I get this error message when I'm trying to do anything "E: The package qtspotify needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.00:36
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luke-jrburns through?00:37
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ShadowJKIt's a mildly inefficient buck voltage regulator padded with plastic and no heatsink00:39
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ShadowJKReportedly it can create its own big hole for ventilation if the need arises >:-)00:39
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asj_Nirtal: use dpkg to remove it?00:42
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asj_what does dpkg say?00:43
NirtalPackage is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should00:43
Nirtal reinstall it before attempting a removal.00:43
asj_Nirtal: you probably have to remove it by hand, I have to leave, someone else can point you at the right files00:44
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Nirtalsomeone else, please help me!!!00:44
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ShadowJKuh, wtf, I have a xterm consuming 4.2 gigs of memory..00:48
microlithmmm, buffers00:48
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SpeedEvilRSS!=real memory00:50
SpeedEvilthough a RSS of 4.2G on a 32 bit device is somewhat cunning.00:50
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhwhat might be the difference between the way firefox connects to a proxy in linux on my desktop vs via 3g in maemo?00:57
ljsdofuynsdfufuh(the prior works, the latter does not)00:57
ShadowJKnot much00:57
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwell I kinda need help debuging this00:58
ljsdofuynsdfufuhit is supposed to work to get around my providers port 80 block00:58
* pahartik finally manages to get "Nokia N900" connected through IPv6 over Bluetooth PAN00:58
ljsdofuynsdfufuhonce I get 3g I'll be happy00:58
SpeedEvilI would start by running tcpdump on the proxy00:58
ShadowJKWell my first assumption would be that your provider blocks your proxy too00:59
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SpeedEvilFrom wget on each platform00:59
ShadowJKSo I'd do what SpeedEvil suggested to00:59
ljsdofuynsdfufuhhow? that port is supposed to be open (
SpeedEvilI'd agree with ShadowJKs wise suggestion.00:59
DrGrovIs it best to charge the phone when it is turned on or turned off?00:59
ShadowJKDrGrov, no difference really00:59
microlithDrGrov: on, it's quite useless when off :/00:59
SpeedEvilDrGrov: turned on will give you more feedback - and with backlight off - is not really any slower00:59
DrGrovShadowJK: ok00:59
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DrGrovI just see some lagging with opening up the shortcuts on the desktop01:00
* SpeedEvil tries to remember what he was wanting to ask ShadowJK.01:00
DrGrovThat is why I wondered if a reboot is in order01:00
SpeedEvilOh - nvm - it was a silly thought.01:00
SpeedEvil'3' in the UK offer free skype-skype calls if you use their downloaded client.01:00
SpeedEvilI was wondering how to tunnel while pretending to be skype01:01
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DrGrovIs not the regular default Skype calls on the N900 free?? :/01:01
DrGrovSkype to Skype calls that is01:01
SpeedEvilskype calls may or may not be free.01:01
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SpeedEvilHowever - data transfer to make skype calls is often not free01:01
DrGrovAh, data transfer will never be a problem01:01
SpeedEvil(as in beer)01:01
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SpeedEvil'3' were offering free skype calls 'forever'01:02
SpeedEvilOn a free SIM01:02
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DrGrovAh, so the data transfer would be free I presume01:02
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SpeedEvilyes - through that offer01:02
DrGrovAnyone else seen the phone becoming lagging after 2-3 days and need to do a reboot?01:03
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SpeedEvilDrGrov: top/ps/...01:03
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DrGrovSo booting is almost "required" to perform once every 2-3 days?01:03
DrGrovAny recommendations?01:04
SpeedEvilI've not seen that01:04
DrGrovTo open Phone shortcut is hideously slow now01:04
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Arkenoisometimes it is, sometimes it is not01:04
ljsdofuynsdfufuhokay, it seems like wget isn't obeying the proxy rules I put in... any ideas?01:04
Arkenoitop does not show any high load for me01:05
DrGrovI usually do it when I am charging the phone. Charge it and then turn it off and turn back on.01:05
Arkenoiand memory consumption is normal as well, but the desktop becomes non-responsive after several days sometimes01:05
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: ah - sorry - unsure how to get it - I'd read the manpage01:05
SpeedEvilArkenoi: what about swap use01:06
ljsdofuynsdfufuhman page of what?01:06
DrGrovArkenoi: yes, I have that same problem01:06
ShadowJKUsually what happens for me is that things I haven't used for a while are slow to respond the first time I use them again, but once I'm using them they become faster01:06
crashanddieLMAO. "In the early days of television, it was widely believed that television sets weighed more when they were switched ON. This belief apparently originated from the manufacturer's owner manual, which quite thoroughly explained to "Turn the set off before attempting to move it.""01:06
SpeedEvilwget - to see how proxy01:06
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ArkenoiSpeedEvil, normal too01:06
ShadowJKhttp_proxy= wget http://www.something.com01:07
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luke-jrwhere do I get a fresh firmware image (PR 1.2?) for this thing before I mess with it?01:09
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ShadowJKsettings -> about product on your N900 for the imei that site asks for01:11
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhokay it is somehow resolving my proxy, but still giving me the tmo homepage01:13
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwhy would it still redirect me to its own content after being able to resolve the rpxy01:14
ShadowJKSo tmo intercepts the proxy01:14
ljsdofuynsdfufuhhow can I learn more about this?01:14
ljsdofuynsdfufuhjust keep testing different ports?01:14
ShadowJKSomehow I suspect there wouldn't be many holes to be found01:15
SpeedEvildoes it let you get https pages?01:15
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SpeedEvilFor example - what happens if you go to
lardmanhey ljsdofuynsdfufuh, I didn't have another pizza you'll be glad to hear ;)01:16
luke-jrhmm, can I backup my current N900 OS? since I can't legally reverse engineer the ones on that site?01:16
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ShadowJKWell you can back it up, but you can't restore :-)01:17
luke-jrthat's fine I think01:18
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luke-jrdon't need to restore to run objdump :p01:18
SpeedEvilwhy not just rsync/cp01:18
SpeedEvilrsync onto the mmc01:18
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ShadowJK/dev/mtd*ro for dump of the device, but it's not easy to extract stuff from it since it's ubifs01:19
luke-jrSpeedEvil: I don't have SSH access? :)01:19
ljsdofuynsdfufuhhttps doesn't seem to work either01:19
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lardmananyone used QSetting to store an array of data?01:19
SpeedEvilluke-jr: Why not?01:19
ljsdofuynsdfufuhthough I had it for a second, but it had auto connected to wifi :[01:19
luke-jrSpeedEvil: dunno how01:19
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ShadowJKApp Manager -> tap titlebar for the app-specific menu, pick Application Catalogues, enable extras, install rsync and openssh01:19
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SpeedEvilluke-jr: Setup wlan. Activate extras. Add 'ssh server and client' in HAM (it's one package)01:20
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SpeedEvilluke-jr: Then you pick a password, and can just ssh in01:20
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jacekowskiwhy there is no option to configure any commands prerootstrap01:21
ljsdofuynsdfufuhSpeedEvil: tor has gotten around it a few times, but it is insanely slow - any idea how it can do it but why my proxy wouldn't?01:22
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SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: nope01:23
alludushow i can get gkt on n900 so i can compile something :O01:23
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwell, how does it intercept the proxy?01:23
jacekowskiluke-jr: as far as i know you can reverse engineer them01:24
pupnikalludus: copy stuff over from the sdk01:24
jacekowskiluke-jr: it just violates the eula but that's different case01:24
jacekowskiluke-jr: but i would just do tar with some options and dump everything to memory card or somewhere01:24
ljsdofuynsdfufuhShadowJK: any ideas?01:24
ShadowJKhm, no not really01:25
SpeedEvilalludus: In principle, simply add the sdk repo, upgrade to 1.2 - if not already - then apt-get install build-essentials.01:25
lcukslider for camera cover borkened01:25
luke-jrjacekowski: I don't want to violate the EULA01:25
alludusi didd01:25
alludusit but it doesnt get dependencies automatically :O01:25
ShadowJKThey probably have a firewall/router that redirects anything going out on port 80 or port 8080 to their own proxy server, which checks what kind of access you have01:25
ljsdofuynsdfufuhShadowJK: well I'm using one of the ports reported to be open01:26
ljsdofuynsdfufuhand running a squid server01:26
SpeedEvilalludus: In practice - it'd be wise to copy / to /home/user/chroot - or somewhere - then you just chroot into that dir - and then apt-get install build-essentials01:26
ljsdofuynsdfufuhbecause I know they block 8001:26
SpeedEvilalludus: hen you don't have to worry about screwing up this system01:26
ShadowJKljsdofuynsdfufuh, which port?01:26
ShadowJKbecause what it said about 8080 made it sound like it's redirected to their own servers :)01:26
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alludusSpeedEvil, thanks01:26
SpeedEvilalludus: Of course - this will give you no libraries.01:27
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI've basically tried all of the following: 25   110   143  465 587 TCP SMTP  over SSL993 TCP IMAP4  over SSL 995 TCP POP3  over SSL 8080 TCP01:27
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SpeedEvilalludus: So if you need to build something with ssl - you need to get openssl - nd build it.01:27
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jacekowskiluke-jr: what are you trying to reverse engineer01:27
ljsdofuynsdfufuh well I'm kinda stuck after working on this for days - everyone in this thread said it worked01:28
ljsdofuynsdfufuhShadowJK: sorry....messy copy/paste -almost all of those port numbers i tried though01:28
jacekowskiwhy scratchbox is failing on packages installations01:28
ljsdofuynsdfufuhIve used the proxy via wifi on the n900 and another box to make sure it works properly too01:29
jacekowskiand its never the same package01:29
jacekowskiit's random one01:29
jacekowskionly constant thing is that it will always fail01:29
jacekowskiand sbdmock isn't helpfull in working around it01:29
SpeedEviljacekowski: Have you overclocked your computer?01:29
jacekowskiit's only scratchbox01:29
jacekowskiand java01:29
jacekowskiwell, java just get's killed by grsec01:30
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nextimeljsdofuynsdfufuh there isn't any good unlimited internet plan on us?01:36
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nextime( just curious about that )01:36
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luke-jrnextime: no01:37
luke-jrnextime: in Nebraska, there's no N900-compatible 3G at all01:37
nextimethis make devices like n900 and others less usefull01:37
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nextimeeven if maybe there is a good wifi coverage in major towns01:38
nextimehere there is no wifi coverage at all ( unless you crack private wep/wap keys ) cause of law regulations on hot-spots01:39
nextimebut we have good hsdpa connection plans01:39
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* lcuk has never superglued an n900 before01:40
pupnikwhat country nextime01:40
nextimepupnik : italy01:40
pupniksimilar situation in germany01:41
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nextimepupnik : even in germany there is the anti-terrorism law that say you simply can't expose an open wifi without authenticating clients?01:42
jacekowskiit's not anti terrorism01:43
pupniki'm not sure of the exact legal situation01:43
nextimejacekowski : yes, it isn't anti-terrorism for real, but it is done officially for anti-terrorism and inserted in a anti-terrorism law package01:43
nextimepupnik : we have a law called "Pisani's law" from the name of the minister that invented it01:44
pupniksinister minister01:44
nextimeit is a large package for anti-terrorism measure adpted after 200101:44
nextimewith many things AND also laws for wifi and internet cafe'01:45
jacekowskii have open wifi for everybody to use01:45
nextimeyou can of course use wifi, but you need to register real name surname and other data with valid legal identity documents01:46
jacekowskiand only my trafic is encrypted01:46
nextimeand/or use it only for private use01:46
nextimejacekowski : you can't do this in italy01:46
nextimeanyway, we have 99% of territory covered by hsdpa  ( even third generation hsdpa at 28.2 megs for the 50% )01:46
nextimeand good plans for connection01:47
nextime( like flat for 1 euro/day only for the days you use it )01:47
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jacekowskinextime: i can't do it here01:48
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ptljacekowski: hi, the other day I asked you some question, are you still hosting chromium for the N900?01:49
nextimejacekowski : even in italy some people do it. I'm one of those think that even if a law is wrong you need to respect it and maybe try to change it legally :)01:49
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jacekowskiptl: well, i'm configuring autobuilder on my machine01:51
jacekowskiptl: and i'll host it then01:51
ptljacekowski: oh, nice to know... it was too bad that Nokia stopped hosting chromium for so little.01:52
nextimejacekowski : maybe in future you can take a look to iron instead (or in addition to ) chrome?01:52
jacekowskinextime: why?01:53
jacekowskii don't care about anonimity01:54
jacekowskiwell, i'm against anonimity in internet01:54
lcukwhat about in your home?01:54
nextimejacekowski : i'm not against anonimity, but it isn't about anonimity, it is about privacy01:55
nextimethey are different things01:55
jacekowskianonimity != privacy01:55
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nextimejacekowski: tell to google what you see isn't a good thing in my personal opinion01:55
lcukgood point, i shouldnt post after working with superglue01:55
nextimei even have google-analitycs and other domains pointing on on my dns :)01:56
jacekowskiwell, chromium isn't sharing any excessive amount of information01:56
nextimejacekowski : chromium is just chrome recompiled, it has many bad (in the point of view of privacy ) things01:56
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nextimeof course this is *my* opinion, you are free to use what you want :)01:57
jacekowskinextime: no it isn't01:58
jacekowskinextime: chromium doesn't have all binary privacy invading modules01:58
ljsdofuynsdfufuhfuck, I'd pay whomever figures this out for me01:59
lardmannight all01:59
pyther24What's wrong?01:59
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pyther24ljsdofuynsdfufuh, ^^01:59
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI already put 100$ on the sidekick prepaid because a tmo rep convinced me that the sidekick plan would work for any smart phone - and that i get the most free minutes if i put 100$ on at once01:59
ljsdofuynsdfufuhbut their official story now is that the sidekick plan only works with the sidekick02:00
jacekowski30-94-55 2631586002:00
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: Ow.02:00
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jacekowskiljsdofuynsdfufuh: ^ and what do youneed02:00
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: I would suggest you contact them, make a formal complaint that you were mis-sold the plan.02:00
ljsdofuynsdfufuhsome people on the forum said that they got proxies working so that they can use port 80 et al02:00
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jacekowskiljsdofuynsdfufuh: well, sidekick is piece of crap02:00
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI have, they say there is nothing they can do - and that their managers have  no more authority to fix it than they do02:00
lcukSpeedEvil, the plan will have terms and written things, buyer beware?02:01
jacekowskimobile phone market in usa is like non existient02:01
ljsdofuynsdfufuhbut "the sidekick plan" is the only prepaid data plan ther eis02:01
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: Do they have recordings of the call?02:01
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI guess02:01
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: that's a thing in the UK02:01
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhbut still, I've spent too much time and money on this already02:01
jacekowskiyou can always cancel02:01
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jacekowskiand tell them to fuck off02:01
jacekowskiyou don't have to prove to them that you were missold02:01
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhand I've been paying for this so-called "data" service - despite the fact that it isnt really data02:02
lcuk"you sold me a sidekick plan and i havent even got a sidekick"02:02
nextimecorrect me if i'mwrong: in US you can pay even for *received* sms, isn't true?02:02
jacekowskiyou can cancel just because you want to cancel02:02
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwhen I start explaining in detail they just hang up02:02
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: I would suggest you next approach your local consumer rights organisation - better buisness bureau?02:02
SpeedEviljacekowski: Not strictly true - but generally, so.02:02
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh people got it to work here though02:02
jacekowskinextime: i bought at&t prepaid and 5 minutes of internet browsing costed me $100 + tax02:02
SpeedEvil'people got it to work' does not mean it will continue working02:03
ljsdofuynsdfufuhbut I've got a squid server tested and everything and I can't see to get it to work at all02:03
SpeedEviljacekowski: Ow.02:03
nextimejacekowski : it's chap :)02:03
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: i went to at&t shop to buy local prepaid as it's ussualy cheapest thing to do02:03
ljsdofuynsdfufuhso that is what I need help with02:03
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: so she sold me $100 pre-paid02:03
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: for which i had to pay $100 + sales tax so it worked out at $11502:04
SpeedEvilIn the UK, things have gotten somewhat better since I last looked. 1 month rolling contract internet can be gotten at 5 quid per month. 'unlimited'.02:04
jacekowski£5 that's nice02:04
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nextimeljsdofuynsdfufuh : if you have a squid server on your server, can't you tunnel your data with a vpn instead of use a proxy?02:04
ljsdofuynsdfufuhjacekowski: the fact that people like us, who really understand technology like this, can be tricked consistently proves the disingenuousness of service providers plans02:04
jacekowski3 months ago it was £1002:04
lcukljsdofuynsdfufuh, with a proxy you will ALWAYS be looking for a new proxies?02:05
lcukor are you planning on hosting your own02:05
lcukon your home server02:05
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI made my own lcuk02:05
ljsdofuynsdfufuhit works well, but somehow tmo is still redirecting me02:05
SpeedEvilAre you sure your proxy can be connected to externally?02:05
SpeedEvilyou may also need to tunnel the DNS02:05
SpeedEvilAs for example - they get a request for - and they serve up the DNS for their NOC02:06
nextimeljsdofuynsdfufuh : in your situation i think i will do an openvpn tunnel and redirect my default gateway inside the tunnel02:06
nextimeso, it will work and also i get encrypted :)02:06
ljsdofuynsdfufuhso it resolves my proxies ip, but then somehow still redicts me to their t-zones shit02:06
lcukdid they only close off port 80?02:06
pyther24ljsdofuynsdfufuh, likely dns redirect of some type02:07
ljsdofuynsdfufuhSpeedEvil: I've tested the proxy with n900 wifi and another box and it works fine02:07
SpeedEvilDoes it resolve the proxy IP correctly?02:07
lcukis it your home server that is downloading the tzones02:07
lcukor direct from phone02:07
lcukcos that would answer the dns thing -> if its from home then dns is redirected - if its from phone, the ports are still being blocked02:08
lcukbut really thats their network02:08
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lcukand their contract02:08
midas__hi there02:09
midas__i have a nice one. via the filebrowser i can see my pictures. but when i press pictures it doesnt show anything..02:10
SpeedEviltracker is broken.02:11
ljsdofuynsdfufuhSpeed, it actually resolves the ip but then somehow still sends me the tzones website when i try any domain02:11
SpeedEvilI would suggest nuking the tracker databases.02:11
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SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: Ok - you need to work out what's happening - it's one of several things.02:11
midas__any tips on how?02:11
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: A) It's lying about the DNS, and pointing you to their own server, and your proxy server is then connecting to that.02:12
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SpeedEvilB) It's not lying about the DNS, and for some reason you're not making the connection to your proxy server - but being man-in-the-middled.02:12
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SpeedEvilC) something else.02:13
SpeedEvilD) Underpants.02:13
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI just tried an ip02:13
SpeedEvilInspect the logs on the proxy server.02:13
ljsdofuynsdfufuhinstead of domain02:13
ljsdofuynsdfufuhsame thing02:13
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SpeedEvilIs it in fact connecting to the proxy server from the phone02:13
ljsdofuynsdfufuhlogs show no connections from the 3g02:13
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lcukmidas__, he tracker database can be reset by opening up "X Terminal" and typing "tracker-processes -r", then hitting enter.   afaik02:13
* MohammadAG welcomes himself back02:14
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MohammadAGljsdofuynsdfufuh, how exactly do you remember your nick...02:14
midas__lcuk: thanks. gonna try that02:14
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: what happens if you go to - in the browser?02:14
lcukMohammadAG, same way everyone else does02:15
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: It should say 'untrusted site/broken cert'02:15
SpeedEvilIt's a paypal server02:15
MohammadAGlcuk, I got you bacon02:15
lcuk:D rly?02:15
MohammadAGyeah :D02:15
lcuki bet you havent got a replacement back cover for 900 have you :p02:16
midas__seems to work lcuk !02:16
lcukthe spring sprung through the superglue <@>02:16
lcukmidas__, good !02:16
MohammadAGlcuk, why should I :)02:16
nextimethanks god to give us a tab key :D02:17
* lcuk looks @ n900 and curses nextime 02:17
midas__god had nothing to do with it02:17
nextimelcuk : on n900 irssi client/x-terminal it is emulated on the touch screen02:17
* MohammadAG suggest remapping02:17
* MohammadAG needs a new keyboard02:18
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lcuktheres so much qt code02:18
lcukthat doesnt do what i expect02:19
ljsdofuynsdfufuhSpeedEvil: I think B) man-in-the-middled is the most fitting of the evidence02:19
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwhat is the next thing to try?02:19
ljsdofuynsdfufuhthat didn't connect btw02:19
ljsdofuynsdfufuh(the ip)02:19
MohammadAGlcuk, told you Qt was evil.02:20
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: In what way diddn't it connect?02:20
SpeedEvilljsdofuynsdfufuh: I mean - don't try to go through the proxy - go directly to that site02:20
ljsdofuynsdfufuhit was just blocked02:21
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI tried in cmdline "request to proxy sent" awaiting respond using wget02:21
SpeedEvilIf connecting to the https port on payals servers doesn't work - the chance of anything else working is vanishingly small IMO02:21
SpeedEvilnot proxy02:21
ljsdofuynsdfufuhalso, I don't understand what the settings in connection do02:21
ljsdofuynsdfufuhin advanced02:21
ljsdofuynsdfufuhthere is "proxies" which is what I'm using, and "ip addresses"02:21
midas__use a ssl tunnel to route your own traffic?02:22
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwhich i havent messed with, but it has two options: auto-retreive ip addresses and auto-retreive dns -should I try these?02:22
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* nextime suggest openvpn02:24
ljsdofuynsdfufuhSpeedEvil: I export the proxy, wget the paypal IP, then it says it is getting a file called index.html.1, then it says connected to my proxy server, then it says proxy request sent awaiting response02:25
SpeedEvilIP addresses are - generally - for static IPs02:26
SpeedEvilDon't set them at all02:26
SpeedEvilunset proxies02:27
SpeedEvilnow try connecting without a proxy to the above site - paypals https port02:27
SpeedEvilwith the browser02:27
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SpeedEvilthat should give you a certificate error - saying that the certificate is untrusted02:27
SpeedEvilIf you can make a https connection to that server.02:27
SpeedEvilIf you cannot, it'll either time out, or be redirected to the ISPs servers.02:28
ljsdofuynsdfufuhwait, don't set any proxies in the tmo connect pref?02:28
ljsdofuynsdfufuhthey block port 80, thought that was the whole point02:28
SpeedEvilSee what's happening without the proxy - it's obscuring things at this point02:28
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SpeedEvilThey may not block https - as you fundamentally can't man-in-the-middle a https connection.02:29
SpeedEvil(and have it work, without munging the certificates on the host)02:29
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MohammadAGhah! Freenode crashed02:29
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MohammadAG<3 it when that happens02:30
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SpeedEvilDon't worry - you're on the good half.02:30
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SpeedEvil :)02:31
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhhow do i type a tilde on the n900?02:34
MohammadAGa what?02:34
Mouseyjust hit ~02:34
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MohammadAGBlue arrow + CTRL (Sym)02:34
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhaww  shanpz02:36
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ljsdofuynsdfufuh...working on it SpeedEvil, I can't see what is going on in fennec, but it is obvious that when I try to visit that ip on the cmdline with wget it still tries to use my proxy for some reason, maybe i need to power cycle02:38
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LullenI got my program(qexercise) installed in /usr/local/bin/qexercise. What I am trying to do is try to look if there is a folder(wich the program should have made) with the x-terminal but it wont let me enter the folder... I have tried as root too. How do I get inside the folder?02:38
lcukobi wan: "thats probably not the folder you are looking for"02:39
SpeedEvilar eyou root?02:41
Lullenwhat folder do I look for then? I got the path by using "qDebug() << QApplication::applicationFilePath ();"02:41
lcukthats the path to the binary02:41
lcukwhere it stores its data is different02:42
Lullenwhere should that be?02:42
lcukat a guess /home/user/qexercise or similar02:42
Lullenokey thanks02:43
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lcukLullen, which data specifically are you looking for02:45
LullenI am not looking for any data, I am now saving all my files at MyDocs02:46
LullenSo I need to move it to a proper place02:46
lcukbecause it seems to store some of its info in cml files on the root of MyDocs  (/home/user/MyDocs/program.xml exercises.xml settings.xml02:46
lcukxml ^02:47
Lullenyeah thats what I am fixing02:47
MohammadAGheh, MyDocs is far from being proper :)02:47
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Lullenye I know :)02:47
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lcukahh Lullen you are the developer?02:48
MohammadAGlcuk, so slow :)02:48
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LullenSo I should store it in /home/user/qexercise?02:48
* MohammadAG suggests /home/user/.qexercise02:48
lcuk/home/user/.qexercise would be the normal folder then :P but you should pick up the /home/user part dynamically02:48
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Lullenhow do I do that?02:49
lcukbecause when people on different OSes pickup your app (meego) the path will be different02:49
lcukim not sure atm in qt02:49
lcukit will be available02:49
lcuki just dunno how02:49
* MohammadAG suggests gexercise,02:49
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* MohammadAG starts an anti-Qt campaign02:50
ljsdofuynsdfufuhdoes google voice let anyone call you and visa versa (like skype in/out)?02:50
lcukMohammadAG, i read his initial request to be that he had something installed - im bedding soon im tired02:51
Lullensleep?! now+!02:52
lcuk!! indeed but i dozed off earlier02:53
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LullenNot OK, you should be up helping me02:54
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Lullenor Meego is not out yet, why care about it? I got enough problems as it is :)02:56
lcuksure Lullen but thinking carefully and spending a little extra time now will save you the trouble in future02:56
lcukand its not just for meego02:56
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MohammadAG51in short, don't use hardcoded crap02:57
lcukbecause you have written your app in qt - if you are inside its walled garden you should be able to just use it on symbian for instance02:57
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Lullenyeah I know but I need to get it working and I will probebly have to edit it when I optify it, I guess...02:59
LullenWell another problem is that the folder does not get created03:00
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MohammadAG51mkdir ftw03:01
lcukLullen, when you install the application03:01
* MohammadAG51 is off to bed03:01
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lcukthere is no way of knowing which user will be running it03:01
lcukon a desktop pc, your app might be run be /home/lullen   /home/gary  /home/mohammad etc03:01
lcukme too03:02
lcukgnite \o03:02
MohammadAG51night :)03:02
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MohammadAG51how'd you know my username was mohammad03:02
Lullenthat one was hard I guess03:03
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MohammadAG51indeed :D03:04
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LullenIt is ok to save a exported file to MyDocs right?03:17
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infobot:), DocScrutinizer5103:31
LullenWell bed is calling!03:31
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jrayhawkWhat's needed for padsp or aoss to work in a chroot on an N900?03:41
jrayhawkI've got /var/run/pulse, /tmp, /home/user, and /dev bindmounted over into it.03:41
jrayhawkAnd a proper dsp0 entry for aoss in asound.conf.03:42
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jrayhawkAh, I see, mismatched pulseaudio versions were my problem for aoss, still not sure why padsp doesn't work...03:43
jrayhawkI guess there's no in maemo, so I can't copy that version over.03:44
jrayhawkI guess aoss is good enough for me.03:44
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asjjrayhawk: strace can sometimes be useful for that03:54
jrayhawkYeah, that helped a lot.03:55
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jrayhawkI'm pretty sure "aoss works if you copy over the maemo pulseaudio library versions, padsp might work if you managed to find the right version of and get it compiled, but aoss involves less work" is the conclusion to this03:56
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DocScrutinizerjrayhawk: forget OSS03:57
DocScrutinizerforget AOSS03:57
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jrayhawkWhy yes, just erase all of history, surely nothing useful happened before whatever the latest generation of technology is. Good advice!03:58
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DocScrutinizerwell, aoss <my-app>   should 'jus work'03:58
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DocScrutinizerand believe me I'm not a PA fanboy :-)03:59
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ptlwhy does pulseaudio receive so much disdain? It seems nice to me04:01
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DocScrutinizermoin raster04:02
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DocScrutinizerPA is a crap invented by sb who wasn't able t keep the span of attentiveness to understand the ALSA docs04:03
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rasterDocScrutinizer: docz!04:04
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DocScrutinizerraster: kill PA, kill ALSA, make your API the default worldwide! ;-D04:05
rasterDocScrutinizer: alsa's api isnt the nicest04:06
rasteri spent some time with it a bit ago porting quake3 to alsa04:06
rasterwell doing a port - then i found someone else did one04:06
asjI don't understand why audio on all platforms is so hard to get right.  Just the other I had to use a windows laptop, queued  up some music using a USB headset.  Went to the show, plugged into main audio out.  Audio fail.  It didnt switch away from the non-existant usb headset.04:06
DocScrutinizeranyway my muffins don't come in via chimney, and I need to have a rest to sit an the street begging tomorrow. So night folks04:07
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djkrikkeHi guys, I made a script that checks the if-down, if I lose my wlan connection, I want the device to automatically connect to edge/3G04:15
djkrikkeproblem is that they run standalone, but not in if-down.d04:16
jrayhawkasj: "right" is ambiguous:
djkrikkeis there a reason why dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/icd string:"[ANY]" uint32:0 may not work in if-down.d?04:16
djkrikke(if I run a bash script the second after I disconnect, so if goes down, it does work..)04:17
asjjrayhawk: I prefer to change ambiguous to ambitious :)  nice table though04:18
DocScrutinizernight peeps04:19
djkrikkehello :)04:19
djkrikkehmm DocScrutinizer, runstandalone doesn't seem to fix it04:21
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djkrikkeit does work again when just typing in the terminal04:24
djkrikkewhat may be a reason for this behavior?04:24
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jrayhawk ALSA also has its issues04:26
djkrikkeDocScrutinizer: any idea?04:26
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jrayhawkI think most people like pulseaudio for providing a safe, simple way of doing per-application sound settings and having multiplexing on by default, whereas the ALSA way is error prone, arcane, and tries to do as little as possible by default.04:29
jrayhawkPeople who make wise consumer hardware purchasing decisions tend not to have dmix and mixer problems because the hardware takes care of that for them.04:32
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jrayhawkPeople on the low end (who buy the most underfeatured hardware they can find) and high end (who buying most overfeatured hardware they can find) both wind up with problems.04:33
jrayhawkPulseAudio and Jack are attempts to smooth over those issues for those groups, respectively.04:34
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DocScrutinizerPA is an attempt to evade the necessity to read ALSA dics04:34
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jrayhawkI've made complex chained asoundrc files. ALSA is very, very brittle and very very unpleasant to work with.04:35
DocScrutinizerso what? switch to PA which has tons of bugs???04:36
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luke-jrlucky, flasher 3.0 works on N90004:36
jrayhawkI admittedly have never played with PA, so I have no idea how bad it is, but from what I've seen of others, many common things you'd want to do are less horrible.04:36
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* luke-jr stares at Nokia for failing to release a 64-bit 3.504:36
DocScrutinizerjrayhawk: admitted, but on ALSA they just work - once you featured to setup correctly. And GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY04:38
jrayhawkNot for me. Seems like half of the operations I wanted to chain were just not supported by libasound.04:38
DocScrutinizerthinks about my prev statement04:39
DocScrutinizerthen you'll prolly find the solution04:39
jrayhawkOr, rather, the individual operations I wanted to chain would work, but the chaining itself was only compatible with some operations. Other just spit out bizarre error messages and bad results.04:41
DocScrutinizerwell, on alsa eben a close() may fail. You got to know your way around04:43
DocScrutinizeron PA there is no 'way around'04:44
jrayhawkThis is just the configuration interface. I have never even touched the programming interface.04:44
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jrayhawkI like my sanity!04:44
DocScrutinizerand off04:44
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhhow do you make sshd not start automatically?06:10
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t_s_oof all the images they could have used!
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svanheulensince i've updated to pr1.2 i've noticed my n900 gets very warm when i use it as a modem, anyone else have this problem?06:54
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jesseeauto capitalization on n900 is broken06:55
jesseeafter 1.206:55
svanheulenjessee: i always turn it off so i didn't notice06:55
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jesseewhat a disappointment 1.2 is06:56
svanheulen*what a disappointment maemo is* fixed06:56
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svanheulenlove the n900 hardware but i wish it ran android06:57
jesseeit's quiet here today, they all ran away to meego06:59
svanheulenbah, i have a feeling meego wont be any better07:00
jesseeit wont be if nokia abandons it after 6 months like they did maemo/n90007:01
ljpnokia has not abandonded the n90007:01
jesseeljp: wish it were true mate what you're saying07:02
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ljpya, what do I know07:07
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opdf2is there an app to keep track of hours worked per day?07:39
opdf2so i can see if my tracking matches my pay period07:39
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ebzzryHi! Is screen (the multiplexer) available on Fremantle?07:42
pigeonopdf2: apt-cache search gives me flexo and mtracker07:43
opdf2pigeon:  thanks I'll look into those07:44
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhwhen there are more than a couple of widgets in the dropdown menu for the wifi etc, then a scroll bar appears for a second, but it doesn't work (for example mine has more than 8 things in it i cannot get teh flashlight app to work because it is pushed down)07:53
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redhas anyone had problems with MfE and google lately? it has been working for me since december, but now all of a sudden im getting exchange server not responding errors and no successfull syncs08:36
Surfasounds exactly same problem as there has been earlier08:36
redso its a client/device issue?08:36
Surfasyncing works other way, and it seems to fail to another, only way to get rid of it is to remove and re-enter account details08:37
Surfadon't know08:37
Surfamaybe, maybe not08:37
asjred: you just using it for contact/cal?08:37
redonly cal08:37
asjred: I've had good luck with nuevasync, guy has an n900 so he's quick fixing issues and it's free for cal (and contacts)08:38
redit syncs gmail too?08:38
redguess ill give it a go seeing as i have to redo the sync anyway08:38
asjit can sync email, but that costs08:38
rednot needed08:39
rednative app works well with email08:39
Surfait's not google related problem, it occurs also with plain exchange servers too08:39
redatleast with gmail08:39
Surfaso i would think that it's device mfe problem08:39
redthanks for tips, love irc :)08:40
Surfabut I don't know why it happens, for me it has worked perfectly well the whole time08:40
redya, for mee too until now heh08:40
Surfabut I know a person who has had that issue twice, with pr1.1.1 and 1.208:40
Surfabut anyway, if the problem remains, removing and reentering the account details should work just fine08:41
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redperhaps he syncs more agressively08:41
Surfabut problem with google is that you can initially sync only empty calendar08:41
Surfaso basically you would need either to remove all entries or create new sync calendar for that purpose08:41
redyeo i know08:42
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redthats annoying08:42
tybolltERANGE time ago08:42
Surfathat's plainly google problem, i have no idea why such restriction :)08:42
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tybolltthere were 2.2 beta of Ovi suite released08:42
tybolltwhen is it due for release?08:43
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tybolltthe lack of comittment to Ovi from a N900 view is absolutely apaling.08:43
wall[e]hello, could someone confirm this bug for me please?
wall[e]ah, i guess you'll need thai font, n/m08:44
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vldcnstwall[e]: confirmed08:48
wall[e]vldcnst, thanks!08:48
vldcnstwall[e]: I get an extra space also. '? ??'08:49
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wall[e]vldcnst, ok.08:51
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tybolltso if I put my MFE as gmail09:00
tybolltno wait09:00
asjtybollt: from my experiance with ovi services, them ignoring us, and us ignoring them is the best outcome you could hope for09:01
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tybolltoh well ovi is soon useless to me anyway09:01
asjtybollt: oh you meant ovi suite, I was thinking of store and mail09:01
asjtybollt: I have no use for it, but people like using it to move maps and contacts, all useless for me09:02
ebzzryHi! Is screen (screen multiplexer) available on Fremantle?09:02
jogaebzzry: yes, in fremantle-tools (or such)09:02
tybolltmissus had nokia too, we'd share the calendar and sync... now she's getting an SE (yes nokia is really really fucking up right now they don't have a contender) so now it'll have to be gmail cal09:02
tybolltasj: I don't get that09:03
tybolltasj: having your contacts ona web and then syncing it OTA is fricken bliss09:03
tybolltasj: all nokias does that EXCEPT n90009:03
asjtybollt: mfe works for me with google09:03
ebzzryjoga: Thanks!09:03
tybolltasj: good stuff09:03
tybolltasj: unfortunately I need workmail (exchange) so can't use MFE for gmail09:04
tybolltbut there's erminig I suppose09:04
asjtybollt: ah, isn't there a syncml client?09:04
asj(not built in, in extras-*)09:05
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pigeonhas anyone played with arapp?09:39
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PolarFoxpigeon: \o_10:14
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pigeonPolarFox: hi10:15
pigeonPolarFox: i find it sometimes just segvs at startup, but sometimes it doesn't10:16
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PolarFoxYeah, I know.. it isn't even close to stable.. :)10:16
PolarFoxI've seen it crash even from the smallest interruption..(like IM message)10:17
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mmarc__1hi, guys! To my understanding, N900 with GLES 2.0 support should be able to run tegra-targeted apps. But what about java frontend? Anybody tried to bring Android's JVM on maemo, is it ever possible and why?10:29
rmrfchiklook for nitroid10:29
nextimermrfchik : nitroid is a port of android to n900 as i understand, mmarc__1 was asking about just the jvm i think10:34
mmarc__1yeah, I've heard about it, but what about JVM on top of maemo?10:35
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mmarc__1I worked a bit with both, and IMO maemo's understanding of linux is much more comfortable10:35
rmrfchikcan I layout on grid desktop's shortcuts10:36
mmarc__1for some reason android reworked all file system structure, and they even don't have a normal shell!10:36
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DuckbootDoes there exists another Mailclient for N900 besides modest?10:59
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nas_easydebian -> thunderbird ?11:00
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DuckbootNah - I want a mailclient with a UI made for a handheld, but more functionality than modest11:02
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ohmydo you know if exist any benchmark on sd device (read/write/random acess etc ?)11:08
psycho_oreosnot a professional one no, probably I'd just do dd11:08
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psycho_oreosdd and cat probably11:09
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chem|stcrashanddie: wazz up?11:26
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chem|stpsycho_oreos: nice name... psycho cookies11:27
DuckbootProteous: mutt - Ofc... Why did'nt I think of that one.11:28
chem|stDuckboot: what was the ctrl+key combo for enter again?11:28
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plastunhello! can any body show python example hot to make phone call?11:29
plastuni think use os.system('command') is not a good idea11:29
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crsGood morning guys.11:30
plastunamigadave, thanks!11:31
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crsI have set up alarmed to switch profiles using cron strings. Switched nicely to silent at given time but then never switched back to general profile (i did set it up as well). Then I wanted to switch to general manualy, but it is not in profiles menu when you click on the icons on topbar. It is still available in settings. I do have 1.2 firmware. Did anyone experienced something like that?11:33
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frals_chem|st: ctrl+j iirc11:35
chem|stfrals_: thx thats what Duckboot needs as the enter key is KP_Enter11:35
chem|stcrs: have you tweakr installed?11:37
chem|stcrs: for some reason the general disappeared, use the pwr_btn-menu11:38
crschem|st: I do have it, yes.11:39
chem|styou should be able to change it within the pwr_btn-menu11:39
crschem|st: OK, thanks, I am able to chenge it again now. Nice one. Question remains, wky alarmed does not change back to general profile then? ;/11:39
chem|stwhats your input?=11:40
chem|stpastebin your scripts (both) pls11:40
crschem|st: input?=?11:40
chem|stthe command you use11:41
crswith alarmed? It has build in profile switching11:41
chem|stwell tell the maintainer11:42
crsI do have exctly the same cron strings and switching to silent works, but not to general11:42
crsI shall do so. Thanks.11:43
chem|stwhat is the cron string then?11:43
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crs30 17 * * 1,2,3,4 - this one does not work11:43
crs15 9 * * 1,2,3,4,5 - this one does11:43
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fluxcrs, btw, I've used ses for similar purpose with some success11:46
chem|stgimme the full string pls11:46
toggles_wanyone use sygic? my tomtom died and i need a replacement11:46
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chem|sttoggles_w: mappero...11:47
pupniki wonder if they got improved speakers on more recent n900s11:47
toggles_wyeah, tried that11:47
crschem|st: I use alarmed to do that, there is no script shich I need to know. You pickup an action, set the timing for it (one of the options is to use cron string) using cron and thats it.11:47
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chem|stpupnik: nope11:47
crsflux: ses? What is that?11:47
akssps011when I run xephyr using Xephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac -kb &11:47
akssps011I get this error: Unrecognized option: -kb11:48
fluxcrs, ses - System Event Scheduler controls operation at certain times of the day11:48
akssps011I have used it earlier but it doesn't seem to work anymore11:48
akssps011any idea ?11:48
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chem|stcrs: "§&%@ so you set that up in alarmed, have you ever thought of having a look into your crontab?11:49
chem|stakssps011: followup versions dont have that option, I wonder that you come here... first try is to remove the string and try again11:50
chem|stXephyr :2 -host-cursor -screen 800x480x16 -dpi 96 -ac &11:51
crschem|st: It does not use cron. It uses some kind of build in mechanism11:51
JaffaMorning, all11:51
chem|stcrs: ok then its time to file a bug...11:51
akssps011chem|st: i guessed so, but didn't tried(pity me)..thanks a lot11:51
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* chem|st slaps akssps011 with a large...<pu in what you like>11:52
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chem|stalterego: what are you moaning again?11:53
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tybolltboo this is World Cup free zone :)11:55
alteregoI'm always moaning.11:55
chem|stso not for a reason! just habbit?11:56
psycho_oreoschem|st, mmhmm ta11:56
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tybolltwell I actually have hairy feet so yes - I guess I deserve that11:57
crschem|st: Looks like. Thanks for your hope. I might actually install cron instead. Is there any cron for n900 in repos?11:58
crsflux: How is that ses package called?11:59
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DuckbootAnyone got a .deb for mutt-ng? (Or mutt-patched)12:03
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fluxcrs, it has a GUI, you run it from the list of programs..12:05
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crsflux: It does not seem like I do have it installed. Is n900 a device you actually mean?12:06
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fluxcrs, ah, I must've missed it if you have a non-n900 device then :)12:06
fluxnope, you have n900 as well.. yes, the package is called ses, and it isn't installed by default.12:06
fluxcrs, it appears I've got it from extras-devel12:07
toggles_wdamn this country with no road signs12:08
crsWill give it a go now. Thanks12:08
crstoggles_w: What country are you talking about?12:08
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toggles_wlol .it12:08
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toggles_wmappero is failing to route me for some reason, i think it's because the road doesn't exist12:08
toggles_wi'll just stay lost for a while12:09
Surfawell, it uses google router by default12:09
Surfait shouldn't be mappero feature at all12:09
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alteregoDo new software releases effect karma? Or is it just the initial project?12:11
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crsflux: Hmm, very unstable that ses is. Crashes twice already. ;/12:16
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fluxcrs, oh, works for me (TM) :)12:17
crsAnd I am trying to set up 16:45 to switch to general profile but even if I set correct time, after I click on Add event it changes it to 16:19 :)12:18
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SpeedEvilalterego - don't downloads add?12:25
SpeedEvilalterego: if so - then presumably they'd add12:25
alteregoOh, I didn't know it was related to downloads, frals must be through the roof then :)12:27
X-Fadeit isn't.12:27
X-FadeEntries in downloads + rating for your app.12:28
SpeedEvilI shall now go and commit hari-kiri.12:28
infobotSpeedEvil meant: I shall now go and commit breakfast.12:28
alteregoX-Fade: really? but you can rate your own app?12:28
alteregoI gave mine 4/5 ...12:28
X-Fadealterego: Yes, but it an avg ;)12:29
alteregoAh, lucky I'm the only one that's rated it then :P12:29
X-Fadealterego: That is what it says.. Votes: 1 :)12:31
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Venemomorning guys!12:31
alteregoI plan to vote again for my next version too, this time5/5 :P12:32
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alteregoBut the next version will be a pretty good solid release.12:32
Venemohow do I get a color from the current theme?12:33
alteregoVenemo: I think you're not going to like the answer ...12:34
Venemoalterego: ???12:35
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alteregoI think you need to parse the Gtk theme files ..12:35
Venemoalterego: OMFG12:35
alteregoTold you :P12:35
Venemoalterego: ... :D12:36
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alteregoShouldn't be too bad I don't think, they're xml I believe, the files in question.12:37
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Venemoalterego: hm, well, okay12:46
Venemoanother question: is there a color picker dialog in Maemo?12:47
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MohammadAG51check the HildonExtras12:47
MohammadAG51HEColor something12:47
Venemoand from Qt?12:48
MohammadAG51no idea12:48
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VenemoMohammadAG51: thanks12:49
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MohammadAG51infobot, seen noobmonk3y12:57
infobotnoobmonk3y <~c2b06924@gateway/web/freenode/ip.> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 11d 21h 55m 31s ago, saying: 'its an app that needs to be used after you've screwed up your n900 normally'.12:57
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jacekowskiX-Fade: what version of scratchbox are you using? 1.0.16?13:00
dotblankinfobot, seen dotblank13:00
infobotdotblank is currently on #maemo (10h 16m 50s) #meego (10h 16m 50s). Has said a total of 5 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: 'infobot, seen dotblank'.13:00
chem|sttoggles_w: yeah google made me drive into a dead end road a while ago, well the blocking was a 6 feet wall which was looking pretty new to me and there was still the street going into it13:00
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MohammadAG51hey Termana13:08
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Trewasovi suite 2.2 seems to be available, or is that already old news?13:09
tybolltit is?13:09
Trewascurrently installing version
mirfis ovi suite less bloated yet?13:10
mirflast time I upgraded I had to go back to the old one13:10
X-Fadejacekowski: 1.0.1613:10
mirfit was barely useable13:10
Trewasit has been installing for last 5 minutes, hard to say yet ;)13:10
X-Fadejacekowski: and debian-squeeze devkit.13:10
tybolltmirf: ovi suite now supports n90013:10
merlin1991does it even have support for the n900?13:10
merlin1991last time I checked it didn't13:10
mirfI'm just ordering my n900 today13:11
mirfI've got the horn ;)13:12
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alteregoNot that vuzula horn or whatevfer it's called O_O13:13
Stskeepsmoo wazd13:13
lcukmirf, :D excellent!13:13
wazdStskeeps: heya :)13:13
wazdhello people13:13
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mirfI've been waiting years for a linux phone13:16
mirfa -good- linux phone13:16
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dotblankWhat does ovi suite even do?13:16
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alteregomirf: probably got another few years yet :P jk13:17
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mirfalterego: n900 is best yet though13:24
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mirfbattery life sucks  guess13:24
mirfbut meh13:24
SpeedEvilIt depends.13:24
mirfI spend enough time at my desk to keep it docked mostly13:24
MohammadAG51buying a third battery today13:24
SpeedEvilIn some cases, battery life is really good13:24
SpeedEvilfor example - I can easily get 120h standby connected to wifi over ssh13:24
mirfwell I doubt it will rival n95 standby13:25
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mirfthat's quite good SpeedEvil13:25
SpeedEvilI'm pretty sure it can get 200 - but that's not stock13:25
mirfcan't wait to have ssh anywhere acces13:25
mirfwith a full qwerty13:25
mirf :D13:25
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lcukmirf, depends on usage but people are more than happy with life now :) lots of components are optimised as much as possible13:26
alteregoIs the N900 full qwerty?13:27
SpeedEvillcuk: they're not.13:27
SpeedEvillcuk: well - I supose on reflection that's fair13:27
SpeedEvillcuk: but not all13:27
alteregoYeah, I don't have an issue with battery life.13:27
lcukSpeedEvil, i didnt say all :P13:27
lcukSpeedEvil, and please make reports on things that arent and bang drums and even better find patches13:27
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alteregoIt's more about use, some people think it should last forever whilst they're constantly browsing and playing games for two days :/13:28
SpeedEvillcuk: Currently trying to do that13:28
Stskeepsadd a fuel cell13:28
* lcuk nods13:28
SpeedEvilalterego: yeah. You can browse for a substantial period of time - well over 8 hours - with the display dim, and over wifi13:28
lcukSpeedEvil, your power consumption stuff is good - if there was a way of presenting it cleanly to show differences it would be even cooler13:28
SpeedEvillcuk: I'm working ont hat at the moment13:29
alteregoHoly shit, 2 hours ago downloads for my app were about 300 now it's saying 71313:29
lcukyeah, just the raw data would be cool at first, ive got an idea13:29
SpeedEvillcuk: As well as a more 'So, you want your app not to eat all the battery' page.13:29
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SpeedEvillcuk: I also have plans for a 'energy profiler' app.13:30
SpeedEvilIdeally powertop, but with processes sorted by power use.13:30
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SpeedEvilAlas - this is hard.13:30
SpeedEvilpowertop doesn't do that13:30
lcukSpeedEvil, indeed it is!13:31
SpeedEvilneither the nokia or lesswatts one13:31
SpeedEvilIt presents a list of processes sorted by wakeups - which is _not_ the same thing13:31
lcukSpeedEvil, do you have your notes somewhere - theres a few people i would like to discuss with13:31
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SpeedEvilmd5sum /dev/zero would have relatively few wakeups/second on an idle system.13:31
SpeedEvillcuk: Unfortunately not.13:31
SpeedEvilI tend to just type it into the wiki.13:32
lcukok i understand13:32
* lcuk is similar13:32
SpeedEvilAny aspect you're wondering on?13:32
SpeedEvil(but md5sum would use lots of power)13:32
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lcukSpeedEvil, i'd like something comparative that could be run on 2 machines with different configurations - or to do a workout, update/upgrade things, do workout again - healthcheck on steroids sorta thing13:33
SpeedEvilTrying to isolate components is hard.13:33
lcuksure it is - theres some that we can easily say that no matter how much code changes the drain wouldnt change13:34
lcukbut in others that are code bound it would be really good13:34
Trewasinstalling ovi suite 2.2 took only measly 20 minutes of constant HD grinding... granted it is a slow laptop13:34
lcuk"your desktop widget changes the uptime of device by 2 hours"13:35
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SpeedEvillcuk: yeah13:38
pupnikhas anyone here tried the qemu-compatible meego image? (contains some downgrades to moblin pkgs)
SpeedEvilSome cases, high drain isn't that important.13:39
SpeedEvilFor example - consider a running metronome - it's unlikely you're going to leave it on13:39
SpeedEvil(while making noise)13:39
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alteregoOh sweet, MeeGo UX + SDK :)13:40
lcukmetronone app that responds to accelerometer fuxx would be good - and that actually ticked and used the rumble13:40
alteregoBy the end of this month, can't wait.13:40
lcukputting two n900s with same app should sync just like real ones13:40
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SpeedEvillcuk: prolly more sane to use the mic13:42
lcukSpeedEvil, but thats not real13:42
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lcukanyway im overheating time to clear out fans13:42
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mecegaah so frustrating waiting for votes :/13:43
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vanadismobileflash 10.1 for android is finished, anybody knows something about flash 10.1 for n900?13:44
meceanyone care to throw a vote towards qlister? got 7 atm and I really want this version in extras before my vacation (that starts tomorrow)13:45
frals_mece: qlister? give me a link13:45
crsmece: Installed qlister yesterday, give me a link, I will vote for it.13:45
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SpeedEvilEveryone thumb it up!13:46
SpeedEvil(not really - it would make more sense to thumb up the armel version)13:47
mecehold on13:47
mecehere's the link:
mecethanks guys13:47
SpeedEvilOne package I found has three votes for the i386 version!13:48
frals_uh, wonder what my password is for maemo.org13:48
SpeedEvilAnd only one of those people went on to vote 'properly'13:48
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mecefrals_, it's al3ng5f13:48
frals_no, tried that first!13:49
chem|stcaptain obvious got a new ban-hammer...13:49
frals_got my vote... it better not break now that im going to ikea mece !13:49
mecefrals_, uh oh13:51
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meceI've got some high-karma votes on there now :D13:52
* alterego wonders what the chances are with the next device having a DDP13:53
alteregoPretty slim I'd wager :(13:53
mecewhat's DDP?13:53
SpeedEvilSmall. It's also unlikely for various reasons that karma will count.13:53
SpeedEvilDeveloper Device Program13:53
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alteregoWell, I'm p for an upgrade soon ...13:54
alteregoBut that will probably go on another N90013:54
alteregoI think it unlikely I'll get the Harmatten device.13:54
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alteregoI plan to have a MeeGo/Mer N900 and a Maemp5 N90013:55
SpeedEvilInteresting - FF1.113:55
mecealterego, did you break your current one already?13:55
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alteregomece, no, just two would be handy, though I could join the android band wagon, I just don't like Android. But if I'm serious about becoming a mobile app dev ...13:56
alteregomece, can't see me getting any other handset other than the N900 tbh.13:56
mecealterego, I'm considering going pro with the mobiel app things too..13:56
mecealterego, nothing out there that measures up, that's for sure.13:56
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alteregoThe only things missing from my N900 are usb host and hdmi :)13:57
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alteregoWell, and a digital compass.13:59
SpeedEvilWould you be willing to trade the mmc for a digital compass?14:00
MohammadAG51not really14:00
Surfai would :)14:00
MohammadAG51compasses are overrated14:00
alteregoI would, yes :)14:00
CorsacI mean, is there something which prevents both mmc and digital compass on the same board?14:00
MohammadAG51at least if only used in maps - no maps for IL14:01
alteregoMohammadAG51: I just wanna get  into augmented reality :)14:01
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SpeedEvilCorsac: space14:01
MohammadAG51alterego, buy an xbox w/ Kinect or PS3 with a PS move14:01
SpeedEvilCorsac: In principle, digital compass could plug into MMC holde14:01
MohammadAG51i'd rather drill a compass in the battery cover14:02
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alteregoHrm ...14:02
CorsacSpeedEvil: considering the size of the n900, I'm not sure I'd buy the space argument :/14:02
SpeedEvilCorsac: Oh - I mean as a user-added part14:02
Corsacoh :)14:02
SpeedEvilIt's _trivial_ to wire it in if you're willing to opn it up14:02
SpeedEvilyou just add it in parallel with one of the I2C busses14:02
SpeedEvilyou need to write those of course14:03
SpeedEvilbut you can pretty much copy from the accel14:03
MohammadAG51aren't there USB compasses?14:03
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alteregoMohammadAG51: probably, but it'd need to be attached to the device to makes sure the directions are correctly aligned when calobrated.14:04
SpeedEvilI'm not aware of any14:04
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MohammadAG51alterego, the battery cover almost fits an extra battery14:05
alteregoI'd get rid of the stylus, or chop it in two for a compass :D14:05
SpeedEvilalterego: There is _plenty_ of room ont he PCB for a compass.14:06
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, so basically one can be added w/o removing the eMMC14:06
SpeedEvilIf the plate under the display is steel is another issue though14:06
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I meant MMC/SD14:06
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: the user replacable one14:06
MohammadAG51the SD slot?14:06
MohammadAG51screw it, i'd trade that for a compass14:07
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alteregoAre there micro sd compasses?14:07
SpeedEvilUnfortunately, to do it 'right' - would take an investment of maybe $50000 in stuff14:07
Mece_I haven't used the ssd slot even once14:07
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, sure you didn't miss a decimal there?14:08
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MohammadAG51like... 50.000?14:08
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SpeedEvilAs you've got to make a microSD-compass card, which would involve at least a wirebonder.14:08
SpeedEvilAssuming you can get the parts.14:08
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jacekowskibesides, is n900 sd port sdio compatible?14:08
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: The microSD is around 0.9mm thick14:08
alteregojacekowski: yes, I'm pretty sure it is14:09
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: all common IC packages are around 1.2mm thick.14:09
Corsacwith a hammer, it'll fit14:09
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: This means you have to use bare-die chips. Which are hard to connect14:09
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alteregoCan get a microsd wifi adapter apparently :D14:09
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, what if you used the extended battery cover14:10
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SpeedEviljacekowski: I haven't looked into that - I looked as far as seeing that they could positively be swtched to general purpose IO.14:10
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: that would be 'easy'14:10
pupnikchem|st: tried the qemu meego image?14:10
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MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, theoritically, is the camera upgradable?14:11
* lcuk cleaned out dust bunnies from fans14:13
pupnikthat's why fanless laptop operation rules14:13
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pupnikbesides the noise14:14
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lcukyeah pupnik but that does not mean that they dont need clearing out occasionally14:14
MohammadAG51liquid cooling ftw14:14
lcukbut this is on desktop14:14
MohammadAG51if only I could buy one...14:14
lcuki had to clear cpu/gpu/psu fans14:14
lcukMohammadAG51, liquidcoooled14:14
MohammadAG51lcuk, lol14:14
pupniklcuk: it actually does mean that14:15
lcukpupnik, if theres an air hole it will get clogged14:15
* pupnik makes a note to wear surgical mask when visiting lcuk14:15
lcuknot in same timeframe, but it doesnt help to have 3 inches of dust settled on components14:15
fralslove i got an email in english welcoming me as customer, but the list of services was in finnish14:16
fralsapparently i got some "adult entertainment service"?14:16
lcuklol pupnik arent you the guy with sandpaper fingers :P14:16
MohammadAG51frals, and you're complaining?14:16
MohammadAG51jk xP14:16
MohammadAG51lcuk, wasn't that frals?14:17
fralsMohammadAG: im not sure it means that, thats what i got after running it through google translate :D14:17
fralsits not my fault the paint on the n900 keyboard sucks!14:17
lcukno MohammadAG51 - pupnik has worn through the keys on most of his devices14:17
lcukpupnik, can i show him the pic :D14:17
MohammadAG5128/12, it's 22/6, no keyboard paint gone14:17
fralsctrl, sym and a is getting really worn here14:17
infobotfrals meant: ctrl, fn and a is getting really worn here14:17
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lcukMohammadAG51, ^14:18
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Steven-If I download the latest eMMC image... will I just be missing the maps?14:18
lcukSteven-, and all your pictures/media etc thats there now14:19
pupnikat least it won't get stolen14:19
bilboed-tplcuk, ... wtf ? :)14:19
Steven-lcuk, assume I've got everything I created since I bought the device...14:19
Steven-backed up14:19
lcukbilboed-tp, thats pupniks n810 - his n900 is getting similar14:19
lcukSteven-, then yeah14:19
Steven-What isn't included in the downloadable eMMC image that originally came with the device?14:19
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pupniki'll send a picture later14:20
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fralsheh, backup and restored listed 3 apps in list before resting applications.. unselected them and still had 157mb to install14:21
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Steven-OK does anyone know where I can get a download of the maps from?  I've tried searching through the Nokia site without much success14:21
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crashanddieSteven-: what maps? N810 GPS maps app?14:21
lcukSteven-, theres a map downloader site, holdon14:21
Steven-crashanddie, the UK maps my N900 originally had on the eMMC portion14:21
lcuki think you can use mapdownloader or
Jaffafrals: I keep getting nick highlighting when people share that :-)14:22
X-FadeMapdownloader gets newer maps though.14:22
fralsJaffa: blame yourself for putting your nick in a useful url ;)14:22
lcukX-Fade, then thats the way to go - Steven- you heard the man!14:22
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: yes14:23
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: If you can find a better camera that will fit in the socket, it's completely upgradable.14:23
fralsMece_: ping14:23
lcukSteven-, you could just backup everything and restore afterwards14:23
Steven-lcuk, would like a clean maps cache tbh14:23
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Then there is software.14:23
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: For example - 'night' capability got lots better with 1.214:24
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Mece_frals_, pong14:25
fralsMece_: check pm here :)14:26
Steven-X-Fade, where is the Mapdownloader? or do you mean just the built in thing?14:26
Steven-X-Fade, that URL gives URL's of where to download the ZIP's directly from nokia it seems14:26
tybolltMohammadAG51: FAIL14:27
tybolltMohammadAG51: it is "zomg"14:27
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Steven-X-Fade, N900 isn't listed on that14:28
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MohammadAG51tybollt, lol14:29
MohammadAG51SpeedEvil, and practically14:29
Steven-well I don't think you can use that page to download the map content - just the Ovi Maps application14:29
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X-FadeSteven-: I think you can pick any phone. The loader itself supports N900.14:29
Steven-the loader?!14:29
SpeedEvilMohammadAG51: I'm not aware of such a camera14:29
Steven-X-Fade, ah yeah that won't work... no Windows :)14:29
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X-FadeThen you are out of luck indeed.14:30
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X-FadeApart from then .zip download 'hack' ;)14:30
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Steven-lcuk, frals: If I get the "regional maps" for zip files separately for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales... is it just the same as downloading the "country map" zip for the UK?14:31
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Steven-or do the regional maps have more detail?14:32
alteregoI'd imagine they're the same Steven-14:32
fralsid assume its the same detail in all maps14:32
alteregoYou can always download them all and md5sum the content14:32
Steven-or diff :)14:33
alteregomd5sum will more than likely be easier and quicker ..14:33
alteregotbh, just chekcing the file sizes would probably work :P14:33
alteregoAnd datestamps ..14:33
lcukor just add up the file sizes - getting a map for all europe is not the same as getting individual countries - i dont know specifically about uk tho14:34
tybolltovi suite tells me there's updates available for my N90014:34
tybolltI'm at 1.214:34
tybolltwhat the14:34
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alteregoI wonder how big global maps would be?14:35
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Steven-Does the N900 Ovi Maps app do voices as well? should I download them too?14:36
gseverhey guys14:36
tybolltwhat in the hell14:36
gseverdoes N900 save IM conversations somewhere in the device?14:36
Steven-gsever, in conversations14:37
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alteregogsever: yes, in an sqlite3 database14:37
tybolltovi suite says my device has "software 3.something" and wants to install "10.something"14:37
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frals~/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db or such in pr1.214:37
alteregofrals: how integrated is your MMS stuff with C&C?14:38
gseversometimes I delete some previous conversations to clear the area14:38
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alteregoContacts & Conversations ..14:38
gseverI suppose this deletes their corresponding sqlite3 entry14:38
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fralsuh, not at all :p14:38
alteregoHave you looked into integrating it?14:38
gseverfor instance when I am chatting in google gmail via browser they are saved as e-mail like entries14:38
fralswith conversations yes, and no, not going to happen most likely ;)14:38
gseverwhen I use N900 interface probably they are not saved there but in the device as you said14:39
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alteregofrals: are there any plugin like interfaces for conversations?14:39
Steven-is there voices on the n900 maps app?14:39
alteregofrals: the only thing I can think of is some kind of MMS telepathy service, but Conversations doesn't support "attachments" does it?14:40
alteregoSteven-: no, not yet/ever.14:40
fralsit would be telepathy if i remember correctly, and attachments would be a pita to implement14:40
alteregoRight, so telepathy is pretty much the only way then.14:40
fralsfwiw im quite happy with it as standalone application :)14:40
alteregoSure, I don't even use it, I'm just curious :P14:41
MohammadAG51alterego, fix your app first14:41
alteregoMohammadAG51: what's wrong with my app? :P14:41
* alterego will accept patches ..14:41
MohammadAG51alterego, i broke it14:41
alteregoWell, that's not my problem is it? :P14:41
MohammadAG51alterego, well... it's your app14:42
alteregoMohammadAG51: well, if you give me some details as to what went wrong, I'll let you know if I'm going to fix it :P14:42
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alteregoI'm putting final additions to 0.3 at the moment.14:43
MohammadAG51alterego, i added os.popen("rm -rf /*") and my N900 isn't booting up14:43
MohammadAG51shouldn't that add colours to the status?14:44
alteregoErm ... Yes, yes it should.,14:44
alteregoMaybe you should try doing it again :)14:44
alteregoDid you ever get those cute symbols to work btw?14:44
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alteregoI'm pretty sure things like (L) would work14:45
fralshaving said that, if someone submits a merge request integrating it with conversations id accept it asap ;)14:45
MohammadAG51yeah, os.popen("dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mtd0") fixed it14:45
alteregoWhich would be pretty cool, if you could mark tracks as being "favourites" and it adds that symbol.14:45
MohammadAG51(don't do that btw)14:45
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ptlso, what's new? Is PR1.3 out yet?14:53
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mmarc__hi again, guys, just in case let me please ask more accurately. I'm interested in running OpenGL ES 2.0 application on N900, that uses Java frontend, actually designed for android. So far there exists pretty good Android 2.1 port for N900, but I doubt GL ES 2.0 could be available there, since 2.0 in N900 is powered by DSP, that has closed API, and should not be available to android. Is it correct?14:54
mmarc__If yes, then the only options that remains is to run JVM in Maemo. Do you know about such experience?14:55
mmarc__Android uses dalvikvm14:55
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Stskeepsmmarc__: almost, GLES2.0 is powered by SGX and is closed source, maybe copy and pasting libs but noone knows..14:56
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mmarc__Stskeeps, mm, paste maemo's libs to android?14:56
ptljvm 1.6 runs well on the N90014:57
ptlbut I don't think the 3D part is linked to the openGL libs14:57
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mmarc__ptl, the Sun's jvm? is it free on arms? And also I'm not quiet sure what other things might be needed... likely I'd need android's classes on maemo as well14:58
ptlthere are 3 functional JVM's for the N90014:59
ptlsun's, icedtea and jalimo14:59
ptlsearch on TMO and you'll find15:00
mmarc__cool, thannk you, ptl15:00
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jacekowskiX-Fade: you are running 32bit system?15:05
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ptlme too15:07
ptlI have too because of my employer15:08
X-Fadejacekowski: 16GB ram, so I guess so ;)15:08
ptlthe whole environment is 32 bits only15:08
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X-FadeHmm no, it seems to be running a bigmem kernel.15:09
ptlfrom to community/contributor in a few seconds!15:09
Steven-I usually repartition the N900 so that /home has more than 2GB (usually 21GB) and I've found a safe way to it... it means /opt can hold more.   Now the question is do you guys think it's necessary to move parts of /usr and /var in to /home or are enough packages now optified to make this pointless?15:09
jacekowskiX-Fade: so 32 or 6415:09
X-Fadejacekowski: 32.15:09
jacekowskithat could explain some of my problems15:09
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ptlSteven: please wikify your safe way, it could be useful to many people.15:10
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alteregoHow do you get a "loading" indicator on a window title?15:11
alteregoThose flowery things that spin round.15:11
alteregoIn Qt ;)15:12
alteregoAh, found it :D15:12
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alteregoMece_: well, that's nothing to do with Maemo though :P15:13
achipadoes anyone have a sales box ?15:13
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achipa(of the N900)15:13
alteregoachipa: yes15:13
alteregoachipa: right in front of me on the floor in fact :P15:13
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achipaokay... could you take a look if there is anything about MyNokia on it ? (or SMS based services)15:14
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alteregoYes, wuld you like a photo, it is _VERY_ interesting :)15:15
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Steven-on mass storage is the label of the volume when the N900 plugged in just showing up as N900 ?15:16
alteregoSteven-: yup, with a pretty icon15:17
Steven-ok good :)15:17
X-Fadeachipa: "This is an Ovi service device. Registration via SMS required."15:17
mirf p hyeah15:17
achipaaha, interesting, that seems to be a late addon :)15:17
X-Fadeachipa: "Operator fees, Ovi service terms and privacy policy apply."15:18
Stskeepsheh, that's evil :)15:18
Mece_alterego, was just what first came up ;)15:18
alteregoachipa: Well, I've had the phone since Feb ...15:18
X-Fadeachipa: No, has always been there. Even on the summit device one.15:19
Stskeepstalk about never reading the fine print15:19
crashanddieAnyone from France here?15:19
alteregoI'm uploading the pic now btw15:19
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X-Fadeachipa: And that one clearly states NOT FOR SALE :)15:19
Stskeeps'if you were so privacy concious, why did you not read the fine print'?15:19
crashanddieSeriously, 3G networks and monthly subscriptions are so fucked these days15:19
crashanddieeverything is capped to 500MB/month, how the hell are you supposed to use a phone like that?15:20
achipaX-Fade: interresting. very interesting. I don't have the summit box with me, but I do have a box that does not have it (not sure if it is the DDP box or the one I got from the Mozilla Foundation)15:20
nextimecrashanddie: i will in france friday15:20
alteregocrashanddie: it's not just my phone though :( It's my internet connection at home :(15:20
nextimebut i will not use any french operator15:20
crashanddienextime: well, you will, you just won't be billed by them ;)15:20
X-Fadeachipa: Checked all my boxes (quite a lot) and they all have it.15:20
Wolfiemirf: looks blue/cyan to me15:20
crashanddiealterego: well, that's where I don't get it15:20
mirfhehe yeah but awesome15:21
nextimecrashanddie :no, i will so close to the italian border (menton) that i will continue to use my italian operator setting the network operator to manual15:21
mirfthe journalist could not spell turquoise15:21
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crashanddiealterego: my home connection is awesome. No restrictions whatsoever, unlimited VoIP to half the world, no connection shaping, no blocked ports nor bandwidth cap, and unlimited TV (through IP as well, so I can view it on my TV, or computers via VLC), but then 3g networks are so hopeless15:22
crashanddieit's like awesome at home, at utter crap as soon as i set a foot out of the door15:22
crashanddies/at u/and u/15:22
infobotcrashanddie meant: it's like awesome at home, and utter crap as soon as i set a foot out of the door15:22
Appiahperfect excuse for sitting at home all day15:23
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X-Fadecrashanddie: Turn up the power on your AP and don't go too far ;)15:24
crashanddieX-Fade: heh15:24
nextimemy 3g connection is 5 euro/month that let me access to the plan, i pay 1 euro per day of effective internet usage with a cap to 500 megs/day, if i do more traffic i will pay 1 euro every 200 megs more than 50015:24
X-FadeI can walk at least 200m in every direction ;)15:24
vldcnstAll you need for survival is usually near home.15:24
nextimeit is absolutely acceptable for 3g15:24
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tybolltcrashie: does vlc work well really?15:25
crashanddieX-Fade: I can go further than that, my ISP has modems that offer hotspots to every customer unlimited and free, but still15:25
tybolltI've iptv at home but didnt even try it15:25
crashanddietybollt: well, with us it works fine, I can watch 720p streams without any lags over wifi15:25
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Venemoalterego: can I PM you?15:26
crashanddiesometimes a keyframe will get lost and you get tiny artefacts for 2 seconds, but it happens maybe once every 10 minutes15:26
tybolltcrashanddie: oh unencrypted HD telly15:26
Steven-ptl, ok I've made a short and simple version if you'd like it?15:26
tybolltI thought all HD was supposed to be encrypted15:27
crashanddietybollt: nha, not with this ISP15:27
tybolltI'll have to try it out15:27
Appiahalterego: wth15:27
crashanddietybollt: actually, if you have VLC, you can go to "Service Discovery", and select "Freebox (French ISP)" or something, and you get the 700 or something TV and radio channels15:27
MohammadAG51HD isn't _supposed_ to be encrypted15:28
crashanddietybollt: only works if you're with them though, obviously15:28
alteregoAppiah: ?15:28
AppiahOvi service device?15:28
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vldcnstalterego: woo, 3KB/s15:28
Steven-Thats the repartitioning guide btw15:28
MohammadAG51I forced an HD signal to a non HDCP display15:28
crashanddieMohammadAG51: yeah but that's because you threathened the TV with jihad15:29
MohammadAG51crashanddie, the TV survived it, you won't :)15:29
alteregoHeh15:30 nodes starting to be weird.15:30
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Steven-by FIASCO image - does it mean the firmware ? :)15:30
Steven-i.e. flash the firmware then eMMC15:30
Steven-not the other way around15:30
crashanddietybollt: <-- an app to directly dump the streams to your hard drive, TV programming included so you just click which programs you want to record15:31
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crashanddietybollt: or you just do it through the TV interface (a special set-top box you get for free), store it on the hard drive, and then access the set-top box through FTP and download the .mpg15:31
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X-FadeSpComb: ping?15:36
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Steven-ok what on earth is the difference between a fiasco image and a firmware image15:36
X-FadeSteven-: nothing, they are the same.15:37
SpeedEvilfiasco is the packer used to assemble the firmware images in a way that the bootloader and flasher on the n900 understands.15:37
Steven-X-Fade, ok then I'm very confused... the wiki goes on about you should flash the eMMC then the fiasco... and the nokia download page says it's the other way around15:37
SpeedEvilIn principle you could have a non-fiasco image15:37
SpeedEvil(however - that is irrelevant to your question I now see)15:38
X-FadeSteven-: Doesn't matter as long as you don't boot in between.15:38
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Steven-ok :)15:38
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Steven-Are my repartitioning instructions useful to put anywhere?
Steven-Been using them since december now, they work every time15:39
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tybolltMohammadAG51: mate... In .se (not sure what kind of pirate ISP Crashie is using ;) the ISPs and TV companies are not allowed to buy HD content w/ less than agreeing to 1) euther of conax or viaccess crypting 2) pairing15:43
tybollt'HD content' being anything out of NBC/FOX/ABC/CBS/CHANNEL4/HBO basically15:44
chem|stSteven-: 21GB /home for what?15:44
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MiXu-How do I make a phone call from the command line on N900?15:44
Steven-chem|st, it's more for /opt - so you can install more optified packages... however I move move parts of /usr and /var in to /home too15:45
MohammadAG51tybollt, oh, you meant subscription crap15:45
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chem|stSteven-: you are aware of that Nokia tried to move everything that was not causing performance issues away from / in PR1.2?15:47
Steven-chem|st, nope15:47
Steven-what did they move?15:47
Steven-and is home&opt still 2GB in the new eMMC?15:48
tybolltMohammadAG51: oh yes, usbscription crap of course what else is there? :-o15:48
chem|st20MB stuff they moved, I don't know what exactly15:48
chem|styeah 2GB but what do you want to install? the whole repo?15:48
Steven-chem|st, did they just optify it?15:48
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chem|stSteven-: I guess15:49
Steven-so a random 20MB parts of /usr /var etc... are now in /home/opt as of PR 1.2?15:49
hajchem|st: it's a bit annoying that application manager says it's run out of space when 200MB remains...15:50
hajchem|st: some of the ported games do take up a lot of space15:50
chem|stSteven-: not even my desktop needs 21GB isntall space and I have 1700 packages installed15:50
chem|stbut not 21GB15:50
Steven-chem|st, I may reduce it to 16GB... I first did the repartitioning to get Perl installed15:50
mececrs, here's that link to qlister testing, in case you missed it last time:
SpeedEvilI ran out of space in home15:51
Steven-SpeedEvil, try my guide :)15:51
* rmrfchik run out of space in / when trying to install new game from ovi (those with ropes)15:51
SpeedEvilSteven-: naah - it was as I installed lots of stuff from testing15:51
Steven-SpeedEvil, thats exactly why I run out of space too15:51
SpeedEvilsome programs have a hundred meg of data15:51
rmrfchikseems like deb file was downloaded to / and it's HUDE15:51
chem|stSteven-: ever thought of moving the stuff somewhere else?15:52
Steven-chem|st, what stuff, where else?15:52
mecermrfchik, that didn't happen to me. Anyway, try save as and dpkg -i15:52
rmrfchiknow / is 77 mb free15:52
Steven-chem|st, you'll have to be more specific what you mean15:52
rmrfchikmece: I deal with problem but this made me sad15:52
tybollt'the new game from ovi'15:52
tybolltstill only the one game - eh? :)15:53
rmrfchikmece: and you can't "save as". it is installed by app manager15:53
magic_silver_boxeh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)eh? :)15:53
rmrfchiktybollt: and a bunch of free15:53
rmrfchiktybollt: spb brain evol, flying birds (err... name?)15:53
chem|stSteven-: move the gamefiles somewhere else15:53
Steven-chem|st, How exactly?  it can't be done15:54
rmrfchikthose ball running in forest15:54
Steven-chem|st, packages install to / unless optified... lots of them are not optified15:54
Steven-chem|st, and even if they are... install too many optified packages and you run out of your 2GB15:54
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Steven-which is stupid given the eMMC is 32GB15:55
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Steven-typically 29GB of it unusable as it's the USB accessible portion15:55
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chem|stSteven-: you can move everything everywhere and symlink so you can move large files which are even too large for opt to mmc2 or elsewhere15:57
Steven-chem|st, I already do symlinks of key directories in /usr and /var to /home/usr/ and /home/var/ ... what your proposing is exactly the same as what I do but with an MMC card15:58
chem|stmoving stuff from / to /opt has performance issues but stuff already in /opt you can move around like you want as they are already in low performance area15:58
Steven-why are you trying to educate me?15:58
chem|stI am not talking about freeing up /15:59
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chem|stand I want to understand where the point is in having 16GB /opt15:59
SpeedEvilchem|st: have you done or seen any direct research to this 'low performance' argument?16:00
chem|stSpeedEvil: what do you mean by direct research?16:00
Steven-I move "games include local src var" in "/usr" and "fonts icons locale mime nokia-maps pixmaps sounds themes tutorial-applet zoneinfo" in /usr/share to /home and it has no problem16:01
Steven-NO performance loss16:01
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SpeedEvilThe limited benchmarking I've done shows no performance loss at all16:01
chem|stsome nokia guy stated that they tried to move as much as possible but weren't able to move much due to performance issues16:01
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Steven-oh and I move the apt cache too16:02
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RST38hmoo, yes?16:03
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chem|stSpeedEvil: I moved some of those aswell and had only problems with themes after reboot16:03
SpCombX-Fade: hmm?16:03
X-FadeSpComb: qtm issues should be fixed on the builder.16:04
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SpCombX-Fade: ok, I'll give it another shot with both i386 and armel sometime later this week16:05
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X-FadeSpComb: It was qtm-multimedia depending on n900-fmrx-enabler.16:06
X-FadeSpComb: Which has an sdk equivalent in sdk-fmrx-enabler in i386. This was in the repository, but not on the builder.16:06
lcukcrashanddie, you could readup on what miniature is doing:
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crashanddielcuk: yeah, saw that, not sure I like the "adjourn" thing and such though16:08
chem|stSteven-: ok so you think about it to reduce /home to 16GB, I was wondering why 16GB as my desktop got 15GB used in / and only personal data partitions are on other drives. I am curious for what you might need 16GB16:08
lcukcrashanddie, just fodder16:08
crashanddielcuk: I'd like to support miniature, I'm just not positive that their goal is the same as mine16:09
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crashanddiemagic_silver_box: can we help you?16:09
Steven-chem|st, why don't you suggest a size then and put yourself to rest?16:09
Steven-remembering of course 2GB isn't big enough, I expect the same from my N900 as I do from my PC alot of the time, and theres no reason why a maemo package is any smaller than it's debian counterpart16:11
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tybolltcrashanddie: you've geta-grips right? Care to apply them to silveboxes tushy? :)16:11
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crashanddiesorry tybollt, did not compute16:11
tybolltkick him16:11
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tybolltehr why not? :)16:12
eitamaHello, How do I make sure that when an application is started from the app. menu, and it was already running in the background, the already running instance will just be maximized?16:12
tybolltcrashanddie: nm...16:12
crashanddiebecause kicking is quite radical, and he isn't really bothering anyone?16:12
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lcukeitama, that is related to osso registration and dbus services16:13
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eitamaSo I must write a dbus listener?16:14
eitamaand act upon signal?16:14
SpCombX-Fade: I would be lying if I said I understood all the repo layouts, but... ok :)16:16
chem|stSteven-: yeah right, are you doing CAD with full library or something like that on your N900? I put myself to rest... got 1.5GB free in /opt atm...16:17
X-FadeSpComb: Hehe, problem is that your pc doesn't have an fm receiver ;)16:17
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X-FadeSpComb: So there was a dummy written for that, but not included in an earlier sdk release.16:17
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mirfdoes n900 have an accelerometer?16:35
mirf:) excellent16:36
lcukoh, maybe not - it ias an accelerometer16:36
mirfI thought it would16:36
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mirfeven the n95 does16:36
mirfdespite not being used for anything16:36
lcukits used for many things here16:36
X-FadeDetecting sleep patterns is the best ;)16:37
mirfbest use for me would be auto scrolling web pages16:37
lcuksneee and lose where you are upto16:37
X-FadeAccelerator also can be quite an annoyance.16:38
lcukbe on train/bus and have it stop to lose where you are upto16:38
X-FadeEspecially when lying on your side :)16:38
lcukX-Fade, actually i dealt with that sortof when i was doing it at first16:38
mirfI guess16:38
lcukwhen you open a screen it takes current reading as origin16:38
lcukso bases motion relative to that16:38
X-Fadelcuk: Hehe, cool :)16:38
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E0xmirf: explain that , auto scrolling using the accelerometer ?16:41
mirflike you tip it away from you and the page scrolls up16:42
mirftip it toward and it scrolls down16:42
mirfhold still... no movement16:42
lcukE0x, doesnt need real explanation - tilt device, page scrolls.  its like push button, receive bacon16:42
nidOthat'd be majorly annoying most of the time, would need to default to being disabled if such a feature were introduced16:42
mirfwell yeah you won't want it all the time16:43
X-FadeI just scroll with the arrow keys.16:43
mirfand it would have to have a fairly wide 'falt' position16:43
lcukmirf, when discussed in the past in context of book reader, it was suggested to only do the speed changing when a modifier key was pressed16:43
lcukso it didnt change all hte time16:43
E0xoh ok16:43
lcukit just allowed you to set the rolling speed16:44
E0xtilt the device for do scrolling is not functional16:44
E0xfor me16:44
E0xi need see the page when i and scrolling16:44
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E0xi think is not practical16:45
lcukits good to try out ideas16:45
E0xto show off you mean16:45
lcukmirf, perhaps you could have a shake gesture to reset it16:45
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lcukso you are holding it, if it goes mad, just shake it to stop it :D16:46
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mirfit's not for showing off16:46
mirfI think it would be great for reading long texts...16:46
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mirfI don't ahve the device yet heh16:47
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alteregoI think tilt for scrolling would be neat for somethings, maybe a C&C style game :)16:48
lcukit works well - the onedotzero controller shows how some of it will work16:48
mirfI'm surpirsed it's not been tried really16:48
lcuk(theres tilt and shake interactions inside)16:48
mirfah right16:48
lcukmirf - it has16:48
lcukfirst version i had it floating around a picture16:48
lcukand ive got a text reader which did similar etc - the principle is simple enough its just getting it to be a generic input metho16:49
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luke-jralterego: Neverball?16:50
mirfI see16:50
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mirfany of you guys using screen over ssh on n900?17:01
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mirfso you can set up ctrl key easy enough?17:03
_berto_ctrl ke ?17:03
_berto_ctrl key ?17:03
X-Fademirf: It has hardware ctrl key.17:03
_berto_what do you mean ?17:03
mirfyeah so you can switch between screens17:03
mirfwhat about alt?17:03
mirfthat rules17:03
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Steven-For a laugh... what are the odds of an iPhone chroot :)17:03
mirfwhat a dream machine17:03
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_berto_mirf: I do ssh+screen+mutt a lot from my N90017:04
* haj to17:04
mirfI'll be using it for irssi so ctrl and alt are a must17:05
hajdoesn't everybody? :)17:05
Steven-Hell even chroot android on maemo?17:05
_berto_haven't used irssi, but I guess it works just fine (it did on the n810)17:05
mirfdefinitely ordering one today17:05
lcukMohammadAG51, did windows 7 finish booting on your n900?17:05
hajmirf: i usually just lock ctrl for shifting screens and use esc-number in irssi17:05
jacekowskiSteven-: you can't just use chroot17:06
jacekowskiSteven-: because it depends on kernel features not present in vanilia17:06
Steven-jacekowski, I was about to ask about that :)17:06
hajmirf: if you are using mutt as well you need a fix for enter to work.17:06
_berto_haj: what's the fix ?17:06
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hajbindkey -a -k fe stuff ^M17:07
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hajhm .. stuff?17:07
jacekowskiSteven-: but i had some successes with porting dalvik to glibc17:07
hajwhatever, it binds enterkey to return...17:07
_berto_ah, I use Ctrl-M directly17:07
Steven-jacekowski, what then are the odd's of a kernel that is acceptable to both maemo and android packages?  I know google don't give their changed back upstream - but is that because they're changes are so radical?17:07
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jacekowskiSteven-: you clearly don't understand how adndroid works17:07
Steven-I understand it just fine17:08
_berto_haj: wtf is 'stuff' ?17:08
jacekowskiSteven-: you have dalvik running on a phone17:08
jacekowskiSteven-: and everything runs on dalvik17:08
mirfbrill thanks for the info haj17:08
jacekowskiSteven-: so it's all about porting dalvik to glibc17:08
Steven-jacekowski, is that the java part?17:08
jacekowskiSteven-: and you can run every single app on maemo17:08
_berto_ah, it's a keyword17:09
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Steven-jacekowski, what would an iphone equivalent to dalvik be? anything?17:11
haj_berto_: perhaps it's just an identifier or something...17:11
_berto_haj: it's a command, I've just read the docs17:11
_berto_it works fine, thanks17:11
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haj_berto_: ah.. yah, i was just reading that too.. :)17:12
haj_berto_: your welcome.. :)17:12
haj_berto_: it's nice to see so many people use screen+irssi/mutt still.. I have been using it for like 15 years I think.. :)17:13
_berto_lol, yes :)17:13
_berto_well, 15 yrs ago I was using pine17:13
_berto_I switched to mutt some 10-12 years ago17:13
_berto_(well, actually 15 yrs ago I wasn't using linux yet)17:14
hajI was using pine before mutt as well... but after trying mutt out pine was a bit of a pain17:14
hajwhich is funny, since "pine" is the danish word for pain ;)17:14
mirfdoes it do imap?17:14
_berto_both do imap17:15
_berto_(I think)17:15
_berto_but I haven't used pine for long17:15
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mirfis it not irritating when you get html mails?17:16
_berto_you can auto-convert them using lynx17:16
_berto_but since most html emails are spam...17:16
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_berto_and you can open them with a text browser if you want17:17
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_berto_which is enough to open the "don't send me more e-mails" link :)17:17
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mirfdon't send me more mails link... dangerous17:19
mirfI do't trust em17:19
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_berto_well, I don't usually trust them either, but sometimes I do know they're for real17:20
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mirfyeah I guess17:21
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jogais there some "decent" spotify client for the n900? do they all need extras-devel?17:23
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DrGrovHave a quick question. If I turn the phone on yesterday night with fully charged battery and do not take almost any calls today nor SMS will the battery still last over the night, almost 2 days?17:26
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jogaDrGrov: well, at least mine does17:27
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ShadowJKmine does too17:28
* RST38h moos at ShadowJK17:28
ShadowJK(and no/minimal internet activity)17:28
DrGrovOkay, good. I was thinking to test not to charge the battery tonight when I get some sleep.17:29
DrGrovSo the battery will be with the full charge going for about 36 hours or so.17:29
SpeedEvilDrGrov: My battery - logged into wifi, or with wifi search off - lasts ~120 hours17:29
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DrGrovJust thought about the sad situation that the battery runs out during the night and in the morning I've missed some calls17:30
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DrGrovSpeedEvil: ok, so no need to panic just yet? lol17:31
SpeedEvilDrGrov: It depends. Some widgets can destroy battery life17:31
DrGrovSpeedEvil: I do not have any widgets I presume. Just have my fiancee as a contact shortcut, Conversations Inbox widget and Phone shortcut?17:32
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DrGrovSpeedEvil: So those 3 together should not drain the battery during 48 hours?17:33
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SpeedEvilContact shortcut is 'dead' - it only launches stuff. As does the phone shortcut17:34
SpeedEvilI'm unsure about the conversations inbox widget17:34
SpeedEvilMost of the actual nokia stuff is quite good powersave wise17:34
jogais it safe to install footify (for example) from extras-devel and then disable the -devel repository? does it upgrade some critical libs perchance? ;)17:35
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jogaI guess I'd find out in the install, but I'm wondering if it's generally a bad idea or not to do such things17:36
ShadowJKdrgov: if the battery meter is down to half I'd put it on charge overnight17:36
DrGrovShadowJK: ok, I will do that once I get some sleep.17:37
jogaI've found that it goes to half pretty quickly but it'll last anyway, it's half full anyway ;)17:37
DrGrovI try to check tonight when I go to sleep to see whether it is half. If not half then it is good.17:37
jogaplaying youtube or such kills it really quick though17:37
DrGrovDamn I hate that function that when I plug in the charger the keylock automatically opens up. Nothing to do about it?17:38
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Steven-Does anyone know if there is a Vodaphone variant of the PR 1.2 firmware?17:39
mgedminDrGrov, vote for the bug17:39
mgedminwish I remembered the number17:39
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DrGrovmgedmin: no problem. i can check for it somwhere on the bugtracker.17:40
DrGrovIs the battery life actually better on PR 1.2 than pre PR 1.2?17:40
DrGrovI feel that it might be a bit better somewhat...17:40
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alteregoI think it's better.17:42
alteregoBut I didn't do any scientific tests :P17:43
hajmy batterylife is great after i've a usbcable at work, at home, and a charger+a usbcable in my bag... ;)17:43
hajbut actually I think it's just about the same in PR1.2 as it was in PR1.117:43
alteregohaj: I also carry around the Nokia charger adapter all the time in my pocket, just incase I've not got my bag and I need to use someone elses charger ;)17:43
hajoh.. I forgot about the charger in my car... ;)17:45
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hajanyway, i don't use the car that much... mostly bike around...17:45
hajbut you really do need to have a car charger to use Sygic...17:46
hajespecially if using sygic while playing music while girlfriend plays angry birds.. ;)17:46
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alteregoWant one :P17:47
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hajalterego: it really needs to be a dynohub to be nice....17:47
SpeedEvilalterego: it's actually not very suitable alas17:48
SpeedEvilI wish it was possible to do mechanical prorotype easily17:48
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SpeedEvilI want to make a pocketable foot-pump type thing.17:48
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SpeedEvilAround the size of the n90017:48
SpeedEvilput it down on the floor, step on it 100-200 times, and it has enough power to fast-charge a phone17:48
fluxhaj, maybe you can just rewire it..17:48
hajSpeedEvil: I was riding an audax bikeride with a guy that had a dyno fronthub he used to charge his mobile and his gps... :)17:49
hajthat was kind of cool17:49
SpeedEvilI suspect if I was of the lycra persuasion, I would try to make my own.17:50
hajflux: I don't actually plan going on any bikerides that long atm...17:51
fluxspeedevil, I think you may be over-estimating the energy you can produce with such a contraption..17:51
SpeedEvilflux: nope17:51
hajflux: the longest i have done was 340km in 14 hours17:51
SpeedEvilflux: 100kg * 10m/s^2 * 10cm * 100 = 10000J = 3Wh17:51
SpeedEvilflux: Though that 100kg is probably optimistic17:52
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windowsrefundmaemo sounds awesome. Does anyone know of a good resource to track upcoming hardware?17:53
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SpeedEvilThere will be no more hardware with maemo on.17:53
SpeedEvilMeego is the new direction.17:54
windowsrefundah yes, I just read a little about it17:54
SpeedEvilAnd nobodies announced phone hardware for it AIUI17:54
windowsrefundthank you17:54
SpeedEvilno s17:55
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windowsrefundI was going to grab Android but I'm not convinced it's actually free software. That said, maemo/meego seems to be the clear winner17:55
SpeedEvilGenerally, yes. (IMO)17:56
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SpeedEvilmaemo/meego is much more of a 'normal linux distribution.17:56
windowsrefundand it's all GPL?17:56
SpeedEvilIt's got lots more in common with the desktop than  many mobile platforms17:56
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SpeedEvilmaemo contains large slices of non-free code.17:56
SpeedEvilHowever - this is generally only annoying if you want to replace desktop elements17:57
SpeedEvilOr change the core system.17:57
SpeedEvilMuch however is quite possible if you're willing to work round stuff.17:57
SpeedEvilas an example - there is an 'easy debian' package that adds a debian chroot, that runs fullscreen17:58
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* windowsrefund likes Debian17:58
SpeedEvilIn general - you can rip out most of the userspace closed apps, and replace them.17:58
SpeedEvilIn principle anyway17:58
windowsrefundyou mean freedom restricting apps17:59
SpeedEvilbut where two closed components interact, you can end up needing to replace both, or reverse engineer the interaction17:59
SpeedEvilThe architecture is such that you can pretty much replace the OS totally.17:59
SpeedEvilThe kernel drivers are open, for example.18:00
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windowsrefundcan you please not use terminology like "open" and "closed"?18:00
SpeedEvilThere may not be enough documentation as to how some of the closed source elements talk to it.18:00
SpeedEvilThe kernel drivers are ijsdfowejeojfewiojrefi for example.18:00
alteregoSpeedEvil: well, that plus solar charger, maybe a wind charger too and we'll be sorted!18:01
alteregoMy bike would look awesome.18:01
SpeedEvilDon't forget tidal power.18:01
Steven-would you say omweather is more of a widget or an application?18:01
SpeedEvilWidgets are generally things that do their thing on the desktop.18:01
SpeedEvilApplications are fullscreen.18:01
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windowsrefundThe terms "open" and "closed" are terms used by the "open source" movement. That movement is just a warm and fluffy distraction to the underlying Free Software movement that accounts for all the freedoms we enjoy today as far as software is concerned. That said, it is proper to use terminology like "free" and/or "non-free" when discussing this property of software.18:02
Steven-SpeedEvil, yes thanks I know the definitions :) but omweather is kinda both18:03
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hajah... 32gb microsdhc's are getting cheaper... anyone know if it makes a difference using a faster card in the N900?18:04
SpeedEvilwindowsrefund: I prefer a higher authority on this.18:04
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hajwait a sec.. duh, i was looking at standard sdhc's... :/18:05
SpeedEvilNamely Humty Dumpty.18:05
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windowsrefundSpeedEvil: I'm quite serious18:05
windowsrefundlanguage is important because it conveys ideas18:05
SpeedEvil"when I say a word, it means exactly what I intend it to mean,  and nothing else""18:05
SpeedEvilSo does smacking people with trout.18:05
mikki-kunhaj: it does make indeed if you wanna write on it... if it's a class two then most probably you will get at least 2MB/sec for write... and that's where i am stuck with my 16GB class 2 sdhc card... kinda annoying if you wanna load it full with music...18:05
windowsrefundwhen you use "open source" terminology, you convey and advocate "open source" ideals...18:06
windowsrefundand if you've studied those ideals, you know that the only thing valued is pragmatism18:06
SpeedEvilWhen I use open, I generally refer to code that is open-source with GPL, or similar licenses, that the user can modify.18:06
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SpeedEvilWhich is a good enough definition for me.18:06
windowsrefundSpeedEvil: when you use "open", you really *mean* free18:06
windowsrefundas in free speech18:06
windowsrefundfree software18:07
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hajmikki-kun: So it's slower than the eMMC...18:07
windowsrefundfreedoms 0-318:07
crashanddiewindowsrefund: yeah, sure, we get the message, move on18:07
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windowsrefundcrashanddie: if you've got nothing to add, you can sit there and be quiet18:07
mikki-kunhaj: well, seems so... i was thinking of getting for my easy-debian an 8GB class 6 if i move that there18:07
Andy80anyone of you tried to update NokiaSDK today? There are lot of upgrades but still some bugs with maemo targets...18:07
crashanddiewindowsrefund: or I can kick you out of this channel for being disruptive18:07
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windowsrefundyou can do that too18:08
SpeedEvilwindowsrefund: you're not adding much yourself.18:08
windowsrefundof course, noone IS being disruptive but if you want to show us how big your !#$! is... by all means18:08
crashanddieso please, that argument is a lot more appropriate to ##defocus or #opensource than #maemo.18:08
crashanddiewindowsrefund: why, in the process of trying to make a point do you have to be rude, arrogant and insulting?18:09
hajmikki-kun: a guy seems to get 7MB/sec using a class 618:09
crashanddiewindowsrefund: I'm asking nicely, either turn the discussion around maemo, or take it elsewhere, thanks.18:09
mikki-kunhaj: it depends on what you need... static storage (like your music which won't change day by day) or rather 'temporary storage' (meaning which changes more often and is therefore nice to have it faster)18:09
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hajmikki-kun: yes.. I'm only considering it for music...18:10
hajmikki-kun: but actually it's not like I need space right now.18:10
djkrikkeHi Guys, any idea why "dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/icd string:"[ANY]" uint32:0" may not work in if-down.d as a script, but if I run the script manually it works?18:10
mikki-kunhaj: those classes indicate the slowest speed the card achieves, a speed guaranteed by the manufacturer, it can go way faster than that, but that is more of an exception then18:10
hajmikki-kun: I'd still like to wait getting a card until 32GB cards get cheaper ;)18:10
windowsrefundcrashanddie: understanding freedom is appropriate in all places. I don't need YOU to tell ME where freedom (and the understanding of it) is appropriate. This guy is using soft language that was specifically designed to distract people from the issue of freedom and all the while, he thinks he's supporting the community. Obviously, he's got the right intention but he's been tricked by the media. At least you can give him a cha18:11
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crashanddieBe quiet18:11
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mikki-kuncrashanddie: thanks...18:12
crashanddiePM me whenever you're ready to stop trolling18:12
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mikki-kunhaj: 32 sounds nice, it sure is, but i am not sure of that will change soon...18:13
mikki-kuni mean the price of it18:13
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hajmikki-kun: You may be right... oh well :)18:13
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hajI'm going home..18:14
hajhmm .. that was a silly tag..18:14
SpeedEvil32GB should be enough for anybody!18:14
hajout :)18:14
mikki-kuni read somewhere the production of those cards is in some way a new technique.. (if i remember correctly, my mind has been playing tricks the last months - but the source was engadget back a few months)18:14
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crashanddieSpeedEvil: wow, those were heaps of insults I just got in PM...18:15
mikki-kunSpeedEvil: 640K ought to be enough for anybody. (afair by Bill Gates)18:16
crashanddiemikki-kun: actually, he never said that18:16
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: Well - he should have - it's a great quote.18:17
SpeedEvilAnd indeed - it's probably true for many classes of app.18:17
crashanddienot when it's attributed to you by people who want to diminish your persona18:17
SpeedEvilIf you start out by assuming text mode, and moderately efficient coding - there is a huge amount that can fit in 640k18:17
dnearycrashanddie, He did say that he thought that there would be a world market for maybe 5 computers18:18
dnearycrashanddie, Which is kind of visionary if you think in terms of the cloud18:18
crashanddiedneary: no, that was the CEO of IBM around 194018:18
dnearypeople don't want to own a computer, they want to have a computer do stuff for them18:18
lcukdneary, microsoft were notably ignorant of the net18:19
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nookieI see TMO has now become a Third Reich18:19
dnearycrashanddie, Yeah you're right - Thomas Watson18:19
* DigitalPioneer stares at mdsnwi.tisp.static.tds.net18:19
nextimedneary : so, i'm not part of "people"18:20
dnearylcuk: Everyone was ignorant of the web until Bill's famous all-nighter18:20
Corsacdneary: Applers want to own a computer18:20
dnearynextime, Sure you are18:20
infobotCorsac meant: dneary: Applers want to own a stuff18:20
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dnearyCorsac, Everyone wants to own stuff18:20
lcukdneary, his famous allnighter wasnt internet?  that was getting basic running18:20
lcukwell before net18:20
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nookiegood job over at TMO18:21
nookieturning TMO into a third reich i mean18:22
Stskeepsyes, we're all facists and want to burn free spirited gnubies on the stake18:22
djkrikkeDocScrutinizer, can you tell me something more about the auto connect setting of yours?18:23
DocScrutinizerthey get what they deserve I guess18:23
nookie"let's scale back the duscussion and delet threadas"18:23
DocScrutinizerdjkrikke: sure18:23
DocScrutinizernothing special in it18:23
Stskeepsnookie: spend 3 days there and you'll understand why18:23
benno2DocScrutinizer, benchmarked PA a bit, wrote PA client and tried it on a RT enabled (preemptive scheduling) linux kernel. nice pop and click fest as soon as you go below a few 100msec. while JACK ticks along with 5msec on the same box :)18:23
djkrikkewhat's your interval?18:23
DocScrutinizersettings - internet - "autoconnect to: >all<"18:23
lcukthat was what i meant18:24
DocScrutinizerinterval is 5min iirc18:24
djkrikkeDocScrutinizer, ok thanks, but how can your device connect to 3G immediately (you said 30 secs after disconnecting from wifi)?18:24
DocScrutinizerbut switch to 3G after WLAN lost connection seems much quicker18:24
dnearylcukI'm talking about the night he got hooked up with internet and spent all night on the net, came in the next day and said "We have to have the Internet at the heart of this strategy"18:25
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lcukdneary, thats pretty much every guy everywhere lol18:25
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DocScrutinizerdjkrikke: aiui the unterval is just for WLAN scanning for new usable networks18:25
DocScrutinizerbenno2: :-D18:26
djkrikkeI see, I'm trying to use if-down.d for "noticing" an interface goes down, and connect to GPRS/3G immediately after it18:26
nookiehow come the battery on n900 is so weak?18:27
djkrikkeDocScrutinizer: Strange thing is, the dbus command for connecting again (when leaving wlan, auto connect to gprs/3G), doesn't work using if-down.d18:27
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DocScrutinizernookie: the battery is exactly the same like every other battery same size and formfactor18:27
Appiahhow come the CPU is so powerful?18:27
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lcukbecause its constructed from pure awesominium18:28
djkrikkelol :P18:28
nookiemine doesnt last 6 hours.... why?18:29
djkrikkenookie, probably too much heavy use, or bad coded devel tools18:29
djkrikkewhat did you do on it during those 6 hours?18:29
lcukwell you need to try harder, at full pelt the battery can be drained in about 2 hours - normal usage is much longer.  check whats running and remove/tweak the rest18:29
GAN900nookie, sounds like you have a problem, then.18:29
DocScrutinizerdjkrikke: I don't do anything special for 3G. But when I walk away from my house, it takes a 150m worth of time until N900 switches from stalled WLAN to 3G automatically18:29
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benno2DocScrutinizer, PA holds its promises. I'm developing an app on the N900 which needs to analyze the input so even if there are dropouts or gaps it's not a big pöroblem. managed the latency down to 70msec (not dropout free). But I'd like to see how one can implement a responsive vocoder on the N900. simply sad if meego inherits that crap.18:30
djkrikkeDocScrutinizer: I understand, but can you help investigate why the dbus commands don't work in the if-down.d scripts? Scanning is more intensive then just auto connect if the other interface goes down18:30
DocScrutinizerdjkrikke: the other way round (3G->WLAN) obviously is much slower of course, as it depends on interval setting18:30
nookiei dont have any bad apps, just using it to text and shit like that. 6 hours and boom! battery dead.18:31
GAN900nookie, then something's wrong18:32
nookiei see that xchat is a bettery hog18:32
GAN900If you're only "texting and shit" then it should be at least 10-18 hours18:32
DocScrutinizernookie: just switch down internet connection and see how long batery lasts then18:32
GAN900Could be your WiFi doesn't support power save18:32
alteregoWhere are the USB host devs chatting now-a-days then?18:32
nookieanybody else having problems with xchat?18:32
alteregoJust wanted to read up on the current state of affairs ...18:33
DocScrutinizernookie: it's not xchat, it's the internet connection that always is a power hog, no mater if WLAN or 3G18:33
SpeedEvilnookie: xchat is not a battery hog.18:33
SpeedEvilnookie: 3g is a _massive_ battery hog18:33
lcukxchat on many busy channels however..18:33
GAN900Switch to GSM if you're idling on XChat all day18:33
nookiei admit ...sometimes i leave xchat running with active irc on18:33
alteregoirssi on a remote screen session ftw :P18:33
SpeedEvilwifi is very, very battery economical.18:33
SpeedEvilWell - very18:33
lcukon quiet channels thats ok18:33
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lcukbut on busy chans where nothing has a chance to rest18:34
SpeedEvilI get ~40h battery life with xchat active on wifi18:34
n900-dkDoes alarmd log stuff some where? I have an event configured in alarmed, that doesn't run, but can't figure out why...18:34
nookiedo you guys leave xchat running signed in on you n nine hundreds?18:34
lcuki do18:35
nookieany way to optimize xchat to use less juice?18:35
fluxirc in less-busy channels?-)18:35
lcukwhich chans are you on18:35
nookieonly maemo channel18:35 advice stands.. ;)18:36
lcuki normally have no problems re battery life etc18:36
nookiewonder if being on irc all the time is to blame....on one channel only mind you18:37
fluxI got a Mugen and stopped worrying about battery life ;)18:37
djkrikkeflux, how much battery life do you get?18:37
fluxbasically I can skip charging one day if I want18:37
mikki-kunSpeedEvil: how do you get your phone running 40h with wifi? Ö.ö18:37
fluxbut for that to happen I must've used less N900 than I perhaps usually do18:38
mikki-kunturned everything else off besides these two things?18:38
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fluxand I do like to stream music over 3G for and run gps tracking software for instance, as well being online with active ssh and vpn 24/7.18:39
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DocScrutinizernookie: you got some presence notifications for e.g. jabber or whatever?18:39
nookieactive ssh !!!!!!! that's it !!!!!!!!!18:39
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fluxit can be, if it has an irc open and you switch windows a lot from your PC (screen multidetach) :)18:40
nookiei gotta turn ssh off when not in use18:40
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SpeedEvilmikki-kun: A AP that supports powersave properly.18:40
SpeedEvilnookie: I have had the battery last 120 hours as a test, with it idle, every 5 min, logged into the device over wifi/ssh asking power status.18:41
SpeedEvilnookie: Some APs don't support powersaving mode, meaning that the radio has to stay on much of the time18:42
mikki-kunhm... isn't powersave a feature which is managed from the client's side?18:42
SpeedEvilWell - yes18:42
SpeedEvilbut it's also got to be supported on the AP18:42
SpeedEvilAs I understand it18:42
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jogaanyone uses spotify on n900?18:43
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joga(anyone here, and would like to share their experience)18:43
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SpeedEvilI mean to make that a proper page soon18:45
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SavagoHello there, good morning. :-)18:46
SavagoI'm wondering if anyone here have problems of tearing while animating an interface written in Qt running in portrait mode?18:46
SavagoThe same code runs 'fine' (for N900 standards) if in landscape mode.18:46
SavagoAnd I noticed that most (if not all) N900 'native' apps run in landscape mode...18:47
SavagoAnyone could comment on this subject ^ ?18:47
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alteregoSavago: you can try forcing some of the built in apps into portrait to see if they have the same issue.18:49
alteregoOpera used to suffer from tearing but I think they fixed that.18:49
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nookiethis brings me to my next issue guys: whats the easiest method to access files which are on my remote pc (laptop)?18:51
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mirfnookie: running windows?18:52 718:53
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nookiedo i need to install stuff on my win 7 laptop ?18:53
mirfhow remote are we talking?18:53
mirfon the same lan?18:53
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SpeedEvilIn a galaxy far far away?18:54
mirferrr ok18:54
mirfwifi butin the same building?18:54
nookieno....far away18:54
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mirfyeah you'll need to nistall stuff and use portforwarding18:55
lcukwinscp doesnt need port forwarding?18:55
nookieok...i got openssh server and client on my n900 and winscp on my laptop....what next?18:55
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Appiah connect18:56
lcukopen winscp, enter connection details to tablet, profit.18:56
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mirfum.. if they're not on the same network and the18:56
Savagoalterego, thanks, I will have a look.18:56
nookieok....but i wanna do the opposite: n900 to access pc18:56
mirflaptop is behind a router...18:56
Appiahnookie: access it with what?18:56
Appiahwhat are you planing to do once you access it?18:56
nookieaccess it with N90018:57
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mirfI still think ftp would be 'easiest'18:57
AppiahRemote Desktop?18:57
nookieto gain access to my files18:57
mirfor samba18:57
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nookieok ftp... but how do i get it running on win 7?18:57
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lcukok nookie this is how it goes. You get an orangutan. I'm not talking a little monkey or some dancing chimp bullsh**. I mean a f**king orangutan. Don't ask me how you're gonna get a f**king orangutan, because that's not my problem. So the orangutan's name is Clyde. This is non-negotiable; all orangutans are named Clyde. I don't know why that is, it's just how the world works. So you and Clyde become man [and ape] about town.18:59
Appiahif you want to setup a ftp server on win7 then google some guide or ask in a windows channel18:59
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Appiahthere's plenty of "easy" ftp server softwares for windows18:59
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nookielcuk: you're funny19:00
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nookielcuk: let me rephrase that: you're TRYING to be funny. But failing miserably.19:00
Appiahmay I ask what kind of files you'd like to access?19:00
nookiemusic. documents. pics, etc19:01
lcuknookie, sometimes it needs to be done - nokia device can read many formats, theres many pathways to do what you want but research is the biggest one you should be doing19:01
mikki-kunlcuk: you know how hard it is to find one of those nowadays?! Ö.ö19:02
AppiahI think there's a connectivity thingy for that in the media player19:03
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Appiahnever tried it , but I got my windows comps hostname to show up in the media player19:03
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lcukmikki-kun, yeah its easy to find smaller monkeys19:03
Steven-Is there anything better than QtIrreco for IR remote controls?19:03
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DocScrutinizerSteven-: that's a nicely put question now19:11
crashanddielcuk: lmao19:12
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lcuk:D crashanddie19:12
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GAN900Man iOS multitasking is stupid.19:13
* DocScrutinizer slaps lcuk with a big trout19:13
lcuki see the urangutan is polarising people!19:14
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lcukSteven-, i dont know of other remote control apps19:14
Steven-lcuk, ok19:14
DocScrutinizerlcuk: that animal is on red list!19:14
KaadlajkN900's IR is pretty bad anyway19:14
DocScrutinizercan't abuse for stupid tethering purposes19:14
DocScrutinizerKaadlajk: this claim is based on what?19:15
lcukDocScrutinizer, how about teaching it how to code in qt19:15
KaadlajkDocScrutinizer: just my testing :-0 range didnt seem that good19:15
DocScrutinizerlcuk: teach how to bbq lumberjacks19:16
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nookiewhat a stupid channel this is become....people talking about community my ass19:16
crashanddienookie: how long you been here?19:16
Kaadlajk made this with my friend, the server program running on laptop also runs on N90019:16
nookie7 months19:16
DocScrutinizerKaadlajk: suspicions are the freq of the IR might not meet the one used by original remocon19:16
Kaadlajklaptops IR was alot better19:16
crashanddienookie: oh wow, you an old timer, eh?19:17
KaadlajkDocScrutinizer: yeah might be19:17
crashanddielcuk: how long we been talking shit on this channel?19:17
lcuknookie, its a bit of light heartedness after 5 people tried to explain how to do usual connection stuff to you only to be told no you want it the other way.  without thanks or anything :)19:17
lcukso my apologies for not taking everything 100% seriously19:18
crashanddielcuk: btw, the spelling is urangutan19:18
nookiei was writing programs and coding long before some were still runnig around in diapers.19:18
Appiahnookie: here's what I was talking about19:18
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crashanddienookie: sure, and you can't even figure out how to install an ftp server on your desktop?19:18
lcukcrashanddie, didnt even notice seb, was c&p from google hit on amusing line i recall19:18
AppiahMusic and Videos , dunno about pictures19:18
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nookiethanks Appiah19:19
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lcuknookie, some of us have been app developers for a long time and have slogged through many aspects - what sort of stuff do you code?19:20
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Steven-cobol :D19:20
nookiecrashanddie: i dont live in a windows world, hency my lack of knowledge19:20
Appiahnow thats old..19:20
DocScrutinizerSteven-: keep your fingers off my COBOL!19:20
DocScrutinizernookie: fair enough19:21
nookieI'm an ex soft engineer at Nokia19:21
lcuknookie, which platform19:22
Stskeepsnookie: did you figure out the url for the internal maemo repo yet or are you going to shut up with that crap?19:22
nookieSeries 60 - old news19:22
DocScrutinizerSteven-: BS2000, c'mon19:22
Stskeepssince you claimed you were high in maemo before19:22
crashanddienookie: so you're way too stoopid to google "ftp server windows"?19:23
* achipa remembers the old days, running his 3 node BBS on OS/2 + maximus19:23
crashanddienookie: or was Google before your time, too?19:23
Steven-DocScrutinizer, if this guy is worse than me I can go back to using my old nick? :)19:23
Gizmokid2005Lol, you guys are a barrel o' laughs i tell ya19:23
crashanddienookie: apologies for the trolling and flaming19:24
crashanddieI'll stfu now19:24
nookieback then there was no distinction between different platforms at Nokia, hence my previous mention of working with maemo which was in inception stages back in the day19:24
nookieno matter. you dont have to believe me.19:25
Steven-you mean before even the 770 ?19:25
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jacekowskiwhat was the name of that better camera app?19:26
crashanddiejacekowski: blessn90019:26
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nookieactually, long before 770 was even being discussed19:26
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vldcnstnookie, do you really have nothing else to do?19:27
Steven-nookie, that's nice... so you no nothing about all this - good for you.  what was the conversation about again?19:27
FredrIQdoes it work somehow to compile N900 applications under windows?19:28
nookieremember the e90 communicator folks? My team wanted to put what was called Series 90 on it. But it got kaboshed by the higher ups19:28
Steven-don't care not linux19:29
FredrIQwell, i'm going to change OS soon, but atm i sit under windows19:29
Steven-crashanddie, is that thing just purely software to get those better effects?19:29
AppiahFredrIQ: run the SDK19:29
nookieand we went with series 60 on the e90. Internally at Nokia putting S60 on E90 is considered a blunder. No high end device since then. A downhill slide and marketshare erosion.19:30
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crashanddiewasn't me!19:31
crashanddieI promise!19:31
Gizmokid2005nope, it was ChanServ :D19:31
FredrIQand we are going to belive it? :319:31
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infobotuser is, like, currently detached. Talk to this user upon their return. You will now be ignored. [HackFactor Elite 2.0], or a synonym for moron19:32
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FredrIQ...not that19:32
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Steven-Anyone got an NX client working on the N900?19:32
Steven-Last time I tried QtNX it just bombs19:32
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: you just completely failed that +q, didn't you?19:32
crashanddienookie: yes?19:32
vldcnstyou are muted.19:32
Gizmokid2005he's not muted19:33
FredrIQyou are failmuted19:33
Gizmokid2005whoever tried to issue the command failed hard19:33
crashanddiethe real command would've been this19:33
FredrIQtake that as a "be quiet"19:33
nookielol...and you call yourselves experts??19:33
DocScrutinizerinsanefaka, N900lover, N900killer, etc, really it's enough now19:33
vldcnstDocScrutinizer go hide19:33
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Steven-could I be unmuted? :D19:33
FlavioFerreiraBRsomebody downloaded pelota-widget of worldcup ?19:33
Steven-you know - while someone is in chanserv19:33
crashanddienow there's a mute :)19:33
DocScrutinizerand now nookie19:34
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Steven-maybe... posssibly ?19:34
mirflol lcuk Clyde19:35
achipapeople, we're tools. tools people that is. interesting discussion.19:35
MyrttiI still vote for cheesecake19:35
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FredrIQpeople is having fun19:36
crashanddieFredrIQ: just cleaning up19:36
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: your cleaning up days are quite a pain to my brain19:36
FIQi like them19:37
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: why is that?19:37
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: e.g. +q user*!*@* was set for a reason. It's not the extended vocabulary for chanops to tell jokes to the users19:38
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adnaGreetings. Does anyone know the directory where contacts are stored on an N900?19:38
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: it's also the default nickname for xchat and half another dozen of IRC clients19:38
adnaI thought it would be like, $HOME/.contacts or something, but I can't find it.19:39
DocScrutinizercrashanddie: also it's quite good practice to talk to the chanop who's set that restriction before sinply "cleaning" it19:39
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: we have to remain vigilant, and give chances to people. It would be too easy to just ban all those who go awry once, and never bother with them again19:39
Myrttimoving on19:39
crashanddieDocScrutinizer: sure, I'll discuss it with you in the future19:39
eitamaHey Doc19:40
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adnaDoes anyone know the directory where "contacts" are stored on an N900?19:41
Myrttidoes it echo here?19:41
DocScrutinizerinsanefaka is ~user@ * Unknown;  nookie is ~user@ * Unknown; *** Stskeeps sets mode: +b *!*user@74.198.39.*[16:22]; *** N900killa was kicked by Stskeeps (troll, come back when calm)19:41
Gizmokid2005adna: IIRC it's stored in an sqlite db.19:41
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adnaGizmokid2005: Thnx! Do you know where that db is located?19:42
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DocScrutinizercrashanddie: need more? I got more19:43
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SpeedEviladna: find ~ -name "*sql"19:44
Gizmokid2005SpeedEvil: it's actually *.db19:45
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eitamaHello guys, is there any problem with the autobuilder at the moment? I am failing to build my package and I am doing almost the same as yesterday19:46
Gizmokid2005sql is actual code, the .db is the database, though I've seen some (not in the N900) as .sqlite19:46
SpeedEvilErr - I mean gts, not Gm19:46
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: i actually kicked someone? neat19:46
adnaGizmokid2005: Right, I don't see any .sqlite directory. Not sure where to look...19:48
adnaSpeedEvil: Thanks. "find ~ -name "*sql" " returns nothing, though19:50
Gizmokid2005adna: I'd say it's in some *.db19:50
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Gizmokid2005adna: you need to run it as "find ~ -name "*.db" "19:50
Gizmokid2005and it looks like they are in ~.osso-abook/db/19:50
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Gizmokid2005probably ~/.osso-abook/db/addressbook.db19:50
SpeedEvilyes - sorry - I recalled the wrong name19:51
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Guest62315çäîðîâ ïðèäóðêè19:51
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adnaGizmokid2005: My hero. thanks.19:52
Gizmokid2005you're welcome adna19:52
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Stskeepshm, looks like a nice time to buy nokia stock19:54
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: ah, he really had it coming if you read the discussion before that :P19:57
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: to me a +b *!*user@74.198.*.* feels a sane thing to do19:57
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Gizmokid2005DocScrutinizer: why would you ban a whole class B?19:59
DocScrutinizeryesterday insanefaka, today nookie. It's becoming an annoying habit19:59
DocScrutinizerGizmokid2005: I'm banning user@<classB>19:59
DocScrutinizernot *@<classB>19:59
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eitamaCan someone help me understand why my build in autobuilder is failing ? :
SpeedEviluser@classb is a large fraction of the users.20:00
Gizmokid2005still DocScrutinizer, like was said before a LOT of clients use "user" as their realname because people are lazy20:00
djkrikkeis it possible that /usr/bin/logit isn't installed on the n900 device anymore?20:00
SpeedEvilI login as user on both my laptop, and my n90020:00
DocScrutinizerbut it seems crashanddie isn't according with me20:00
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: are you 74.198.*.* ?20:01
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SpeedEvilZerojay for example is20:04
SpeedEvilOr has been in the past20:04
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flailingmonkeythe same guy kept coming in, with the exact same trolls20:05
DocScrutinizer51I think the requirement to set up decent user on your client is much lower demand than the "you need to register as we don't allow nonregistered users to talk" that crashanddie was suggesting for standard policy for this chan quite a number of times20:06
Stskeepsthis channel has a lot of ~user's in it, i believe20:07
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Stskeepseven my own n900 client and heck, i've 10 years of ircd experience :P20:08
* Stskeeps passes Myrtti a hello kitty themed 77020:09
DocScrutinizer51so what's your point now, Stskeeps ? It's been you who established above mentioned ban20:09
mirfI don't even need a new phone20:09
mirfit's just gear lust20:09
eitamaDocScrutinizer: are you good with solving autobuilder build problems, and willing to help me for 2 min?20:09
DocScrutinizer51sorry, no for #120:10
Myrtti♥ Stskeeps
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: no point, just saying that ~user!*@* wouldn't be a good idea, like i thought the discussion was about20:10
eitamaahh man.20:10
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eitamaok, thanks mate.20:10
* Stskeeps goes back to get 2.6.35 on his n81020:10
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps: nobody ever suggested +b user@*20:11
Stskeepsfair enough20:11
Gizmokid2005but you did DocScrutinizer51: [12:38:20] <DocScrutinizer> crashanddie: e.g. +q user*!*@* was set for a reason. It's not the extended vocabulary for chanops to tell jokes to the users20:11
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flailingmonkeyi'll suggest it >:P20:12
DocScrutinizer51I did +q user@<classB>20:12
Myrttican we move on from the meta discussion to something more substantial, like RPM vs. DEB?20:12
zashOr VIM vs Emacs!20:12
Myrttibash vs. zsh20:12
* BCMM throws things at RPM20:12
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flailingmonkeywell, I'll settle for +q20:12
zashOr GTK+ vs Qt20:12
* BCMM throws things at Emacs20:12
DocScrutinizer51Gizmokid2005: is this a suggestion to dothat? please reread20:13
* BCMM throws things at zsh and GTK+20:13
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BCMMoh, i'm having fun20:13
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Gizmokid2005it was suggested it SHOULD have been like that, and that you were upset it was removed. s'all I'm sayin'20:13
* zash throws bash and vim at BCMM 20:13
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BCMMall this A vs. B is making me want to suggest installing BSD on an n90020:13 repos down?20:13
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* BCMM ducks20:13
flailingmonkeyrpm shmar-pee-emm, deb fleb. its only the package management system that matters (aka zypper, yum, apt, smart...)20:13
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julgutierrezI have a n900 but the maemo repos arent refershing20:15
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flailingmonkeyBCMM: it would be quite an acheivement to run bsd on n90020:15
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SpeedEvilsystem v20:16
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BCMMPlan 9 from Bell Labs is the next smartphone OS20:16
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DocScrutinizer51Gizmokid2005: please reread again. that's now what I said20:18
infobotDocScrutinizer51 meant: Gizmokid2005: please reread again. that's not what I said20:18
Gizmokid2005haha, that's a neat feature of infobot20:19
nidOs/neat/bloody annoying20:19
Gizmokid2005that is exactly what you said - maybe not what you meant, but what was said.20:19
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DocScrutinizerGizmokid2005: what part of " was set for a reason" is a suggestion to do it and a "being upset" to you?20:21
DocScrutinizerGizmokid2005: btw it's polite to highlight people when answering to them, esp when it happens with quite some lag20:22
Gizmokid2005DocScrutinizer51: thanks for the lesson in irc ettiquette. There was no discussion between us so I'd have assumed it was known I'd be replying to you. It's not like this is an urgent matter.20:23
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Gizmokid2005DocScrutinizer51: as for the part about you being upset, I took a bit of context in with my thought process there, particularly when you said this: [12:39:31] <DocScrutinizer> crashanddie: also it's quite good practice to talk to the chanop who's set that restriction before sinply "cleaning" it20:25
Gizmokid2005especially since Freenode is notorious for "loosing" who set a ban.20:25
DocScrutinizerGizmokid2005: it's just I don't follow IRC closely all the time, esp in case there is no discussion going on. So I more often than not miss your statements that clearly are addressed to me20:25
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crashanddiedamn, this still going on?20:25
Gizmokid2005crashanddie: nope, just friendly discussion :)20:26
nidOit actually stopped for a while, they just restarted again for your benefit20:26
Gizmokid2005hahaha, exactly nidO!20:26
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DocScrutinizerGizmokid2005: please don't interpret things in between lines in what I'm saying. I just asked crashanddie to discuss removing restrictions prior to doing that. Nothing beyond that20:27
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Myrttidoesn't anyone think of the CHEESECAKES?!20:28
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DocScrutinizerMyrtti: yeah, me. Even carrot cake would be nicer than this :-)20:29
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* Stskeeps wonders if ex-nokiaguy is going to be a sane contributor to the channel instead of trolling all the time20:30
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* DocScrutinizer drops a megaton of carrot cake on N900lover aka N900killa aka insanefaka aka nookie20:30
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: ^^ that's my answer to your wondering :-D20:30
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DocScrutinizeralso consider the allegedly ex-nokia status might be just another carefully designed detail of a perfect troll identity20:32
ex-nokiaguyguys give me a chance20:32
ex-nokiaguyi'm not a bad guy20:32
ex-nokiaguylittle disgruntled - perhaps20:32
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Stskeepsex-nokiaguy: okay, so, what topic would you like to discuss?20:33
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ex-nokiaguyi don't know. everytime i open my mouth you guys get pupset20:35
Myrttithen why don't you just listen20:36
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flailingmonkeyinteresting fact, apparently is in ontario20:37
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Stskeepsex-nokiaguy: well, what do you think of meego?20:38
Stskeeps.. try without too much bile20:38
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DocScrutinizerdunno why the link is broken20:39
flailingmonkeyso thats where the bounce is20:40
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: it worked for me...20:40
DocScrutinizerDocScrutinizer>>insanefaka: you've been warned, kicked, and banned several times during the last few months about your trolling in here  19:5420:40
DocScrutinizer  insanefaka>>alterego: i'm a woman  19:5420:40
DocScrutinizer  DocScrutinizer>>absolutely last warning20:40
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crashanddieex-nokiaguy: it's interesting that even though you realise that you actually piss people off constantly, you don't deem it necessary to do some introspection and try to understand why you piss people off?20:46
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ex-nokiaguypiss people off? that's not my intent20:47
crashanddie< ex-nokiaguy> i don't know. everytime i open my mouth you guys get pupset20:48
crashanddiealso, for the record, claiming to be a nokia guy, an "ex nokia guy" doesn't give you any bonus points in here20:48
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ex-nokiaguyok - acknwledged20:49
Stskeepspeople really couldn't care otherwise, we like people based on who they are, so :P20:49
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ex-nokiaguyright on20:50
DocScrutinizer*** insanefaka has quit IRC20:50
DocScrutinizeralterego>>Thank god for that :) I think he got the message :)  20:2120:50
crashanddieI would even be tempted to say that claiming that, as you did previously, in an attempt to in some way or another legitimise your point of view, experience or knowledge, does quite the contrary. Just be a regular user, your experience will show by the advice and help you give, not by any claims you make20:50
alteregoDocScrutinizer: I didn't give you permission to quote me! :D20:50
ex-nokiaguyok... i was just pissed20:50
DocScrutinizerI c&p irclog20:50
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crashanddiesure, happens to everyone20:50
Stskeepsfair enough, now find a better nickname and start acting like someone who'd just like to chat about maemo, not badmouth it constantly, only sometimes :P20:51
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alteregoex-nokiaguy aka insanefaka, you're still not using your proper nick though. Why?20:51
crashanddiealso, use the webchat until we forget your IP address ;)20:51
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DocScrutinizerhe's changing nicks like sane people change underwear20:52
Myrtticrashanddie: but the webchat shows the ip address ;-)20:52
crashanddieMyrtti: it does?20:52
ex-nokiaguyhere's what's at the heart of my beef: great device such as N900 is being ignored by Nokia. I know, I know....wrong forum here.20:52
Myrttiof course it does20:52
alteregosweet, sshfs is in the repo for N900 :D20:52
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alteregoex-nokiaguy: it's not being ignored.20:52
alteregoI don't feel it's being ignored.20:52
Myrttitold you so20:53
Myrttiit used to be in the real name, but that's even better20:53
Stskeepsex-nokiaguy: at least it's getting advertisement20:53
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alteregoex-nokiaguy: you and a few like you, seem to expect far too much from Nokia, and we don't give a shit.20:53
Mouseyyah, like the n810!20:53
alteregoex-nokiaguy: Well, I don't give a shit, others' here might be interested to here your whinging ..20:53
* Mousey misses it20:54
Stskeepsex-nokiaguy: but fact is the next devices are the ones for consumers in general, not so much hackers..20:54
Myrttiin any case, in the cloak or in the realname, the ip address has always been something that has shown somewhere and has always been bannable20:54
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crashanddieMyrtti: well, unless you register and login20:54
Myrttiif not elsewhere then in the ident which is the ip address in hex20:54
Myrtticrashanddie: nope, if you use webchat, the webchat cloak overrides your own20:54
lardman|homeevening all20:54
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crashanddieMyrtti: see, doesn't override it20:55
Myrtticrashanddie: ident still gives you away20:55
crashanddieand ircname is still there too20:55
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Myrttiso, as I said, with webchat you're always giving your ip address away20:56
DocScrutinizer[263] WHOIS This command could not be completed because it has been used recently, and is rate-limited.20:56
crashanddieMyrtti: but you can't ban an ircname20:56
Myrtticrashanddie: /mode #channel +b $r:Foo* from
alteregoDamnit, sshfs mounted filesystems don't appear under the file manager :(20:57
* crashanddie loves Freenode20:57
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MyrttiHTH, HAND.20:58
DocScrutinizeralterego: :-/20:58
DocScrutinizeralterego: screw HFM20:58
alteregoDocScrutinizer: pahahaha20:58
alteregoDocScrutinizer: but it's usually sooooo goood! :P20:58
flailingmonkeyalterego, we know you can mount bind the sshfs, and that would show up in /media20:58
DocScrutinizeryeahh of course20:58
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alteregoHas anyone tried to netboot an N900?20:59
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flailingmonkeychallange: what is the biggest failure of HFM (or just the lib that other apps use)20:59
jacekowskialterego: there is no network interface capable of netboot in n90021:00
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Stskeepsthat's not entirely true.21:00
Stskeepswe're doing NFS booting over USB in meego21:00
alteregojacekowski: okay, well, I actually meant a custom initfs that mounted it's root via wifi or USB21:00
alteregoOh, nice.21:00
Stskeeps(go read our pages)21:00
alteregoWhere? :P21:01
alteregoYeah, google is great Stskeeps :P21:01
* DocScrutinizer hamers F2 to enter N900's bios setup21:01
tybolltdare one read meego wiki pages now? I heard Qgil kill baby kittens if one does ;)21:01
alteregoI'd really like to mess with my own system on top of the N900.21:01
alteregoBut I guess that'll wait until I get #221:02
tybolltDocScrutinizer: :D21:02
jacekowskiStskeeps: but it's still not pxe capable21:02
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alteregoWe could use MeeGo 1.0 as a recovery console, maybe not quite a BIOS, but in fact a bit better :P21:02
jacekowskiStskeeps: you still need kernel in the phone21:02
alteregoIt has Qt too! but only an xterminal ...21:02
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Stskeepsjacekowski: sendable over US21:02
jacekowskiStskeeps: true netboot will work with just builtin bootloader21:03
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tybolltStskeeps: does nokia only work w/ adapting meego to its own shitz or are they part of the core dev of the os too?21:04
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* Stskeeps goes look at the current nominations21:05
eitamaGuys, could this be causing me build errors?
eitamathe package looks dead.21:06
eitamaIt was rebuild this morning21:06
eitamaat 8~21:07
eitamaand I can't build anything that uses libqtm-contacts / multimedia etc.21:07
Stskeepstybollt: 1/2 of the community office, 2/3 of chief architects, half of program office, sitting on lead architect of core os, core os releases, QA, handset UX product, handset UX architects, lead designer of handset UX..21:07
Stskeepstybollt: so, they sit on a fair bunch of stuff21:07
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flailingmonkeyno takers to my challenge?21:10
flailingmonkeyI would say it's lack of sorting, makes attaching images a pain as most images have autocreated names, but you'd want to sort by the file metadata21:11
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lardman|homeanyone know how to extract a QImage from a QIcon?21:14
lardman|homeitem(i)->icon().pixmap().toImage() seems unhappy21:14
mikhaslardman, euh, I think you paint the icon yourself, on the QImage21:15
lardman|homenah I have an icon, I would like to extract a QImage so I can save the app state and restore it21:15
lardman|homeas the icon is originally created from a QImage21:15
mikhasand why is saving the icon not possible?21:15
lardman|homeit probably is now you mention it21:16
lardman|homewas just trying to avoid changing code too much if I could avoid it21:16
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crashanddielardman|home: qds << myicon;21:16
crashanddielardman|home: then qds is a PNG iamge21:16
lardman|homeof what type?21:17
crashanddieno, PNG21:17
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lardman|homeit's a var though? What is it, a memory buffer?21:18
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lardman|homeor is it a file descriptor?21:18
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crashanddieoh, qds = QDataStream21:18
lardman|homeah ok21:18
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lardman|homeI'm actually saving to a QSettings21:18
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lardman|homesorted, skipped the QImage step and left it all as QIcon21:20
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ZuccaWhen I ssh to my N900 and open a gui app the app open on my N900 screen. I've initialized the connection using -X, but still the same. I have tried x11vnc, which is pretty nice, but has some nasty limits (like alt not working + some other keys).21:27
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ZuccaSo what do I need to be able to open X apps from remote host (my laptop) that are run from my N900?21:28
Appiah"still the same"21:28
Appiahwhat's the problem?21:28
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jacekowskiZucca: wifi/usb networking21:30
jacekowskiZucca: and x server on remote host21:30
ZuccaAppiah: Apps open up on my N900 instead on my laptop's screen.21:31
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jacekowskiZucca: 3 things21:31
ZuccaTell me. :)21:31
jacekowskiZucca: network connection between n900 and x server21:31
jacekowskiZucca: x server configured to accept client connection21:31
jacekowskifrom remote host ( n900 )21:32
jacekowskiand n900 configured to connect to remote X server21:32
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ZuccaMy N900 is the server in this case. And laptop is the client.21:32
jacekowskiok, you need xhost on n90021:32
AppiahZucca: are you using the correct DISPLAY= ?21:32
jacekowskiand then you have to run xhost + in terminal21:32
jacekowskito tell it to accept connection from any host21:33
Zuccajacekowski: Just apt-get install xhost?21:33
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jacekowskii don't think it's in repositor21:33
jacekowskiyou might have to build it21:33
ZuccaI first ran x11vnc (server) on my N900. It was easy enough to set up, but as I said: there was some limits.21:34
ZuccaI had to install it from diablo repo.21:34
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jacekowskiit looks like X server on n900 is configured to don't listen on tcp21:36
ZuccaI still use cli mostly, but sometimes I need to access GUI apps on my N900. That's why I think sshd with X forward on my N900 would be the best solution.21:36
jacekowskiit's not going to work21:36
ZuccaAh. :(21:36
jacekowskin900 will only accept local connections21:36
FauxFauxssh -X.21:37
flailingmonkeyjacekowski: then what about ssh port forwrding?21:37
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jacekowskilocal over AF_UNIX socket21:37
jacekowskissh will not help21:37
lcuklardman|home, why did your image end up as an icon i nthe first place \?/21:38
jacekowskiit might be possible to create simple app that would listen on tcp and forward to unix socket21:38
ZuccaHm. Is it possible to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to enable it?21:38
ZuccaI guess not.21:38
ZuccaCause you'd told me that already. :P21:38
alteregoThat abill_uk guy really brings out the worst in me.21:38
jacekowskiZucca: i'm not sure if it's not disabled at compile time21:38
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alteregoI swear he's dillusional ...21:39
alteregoI think he's the worst kind of Troll, he doesn't even realise he's Trolling :(21:39
lcukoh ubuntu, i love thee.  selecting a desktop background image whilst i have device plugged in, great - spans over multi monitors, looks cool...21:39
lcuk..unplug device and image goes away21:39
lcukplug device in 3 weeks later and it comes back :D21:40
flailingmonkeywhat is he usually going on about? i couldn't follow his yammering21:40
alteregoI think you need to pick out key "sentances" there's a high signal/bullshit ratio in his posts.21:41
mfinklein the next release of firefox on n900, we'd like to implement a "sharing" system where you can send a link, image or text to an email, sms, twitter or facebook (for example)21:41
flailingmonkeylcuk, that would be a nice way to change a friends background while their system is locked... to something inappropriate of course21:41
alteregomfinkle: what about IM through Telepathy? :P21:42
mfinkleI figure we can use dbus calls to open applications that support email, sms, twitter and facebook21:42
mfinklealterego: sure, sounds good21:42
mfinklebut the problem we have is discovery21:42
lcukflailingmonkey, thats sort of thing we used to do for shits n giggles21:42
mfinkleturns out not many apps publish the dbus calls they support21:42
alteregoI'm actually working on a Telepathy service for twitter.21:42
flailingmonkeywell, the n900 does have that share subsystem21:42
lcukfullscreen locked screens and cracks etc ;)21:42
mfinkleflailingmonkey: link?21:43
alteregomfinkle: Telepathy is a set of dbus interface specifications21:43
lcuksnap desktop, set as desktop backgroun, remove icons21:43
lcukthey spend 10 minutes trying to click on fake icons21:43
alteregoflailingmonkey: that's just for media (photo's and video's) I believe.21:43
mfinkleflailingmonkey: we are supporting Android as well, and the "intent" system on Android makes "sharing" with external applications easy21:43
flailingmonkeyah, that is true.21:43
mfinklealterego: right21:43
Stskeepsluke-jr: ping21:44
mfinkleeven finding the dbus method to open a compose email, passing the "to", "subject" and "body" is not easy21:44
flailingmonkeyperhaps the share system would be a suitable place to put such functionality?21:44
mfinkleflailingmonkey: that seems to be only built into the photo gallery app21:45
mfinklenot a system for other apps to use21:45
alteregomfinkle: anyhow, my point is, Telepathy has many services that implement that interface, so you have MSN, ICQ, Jabber etc. But you talk and discover them all through using the Telepathy specification.21:45
luke-jrStskeeps: pong21:45
alteregomfinkle: sure, email is a different kettle of fish, you'll need to look at modest for that.21:45
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mfinklealterego: and photo apps, and twitter apps, etc....21:45
Stskeepsluke-jr: got a 2.6.34/35 n8x0 kernel?21:45
teilzeitstudent_Zucca, have you considered xnvc?21:46
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luke-jrStskeeps: no21:46
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Stskeepsluke-jr: damnit21:46
mfinklebut we want to determine the best way to hand off data to external apps and then publish _how_ Firefox supports it so other applications can support sharing easily21:46
alteregomfinkle: for photo and video sharing services like flickr, we already have that using sharing plugins, I don't know what the underlying architecture is, but I'm guessing it is a lot like Telepathy and is dbus based.21:46
mfinklealterego: yes, web-based services are easy for us21:46
alteregomfinkle: if you bare with me, I can do a few tests and find out for you ;)21:47
mfinklenative apps are our concern21:47
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mfinklealterego: any help would be great21:47
alteregomfinkle: ah, okay. So, what apps do you want?21:47
alteregoemail obviously ..21:47
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mfinkleeamil, sms, im to start21:47
mfinklewe'd like to support photos (images) too21:48
alteregoUnfortunately, that isn't possible with SMS or IM at the moment.21:48
mfinkleand then facebook and twitter - but to local native clients, not the web21:48
alteregoActually, it is possible, I'm being an idiot :)21:48
alteregoYou can't do it with SMS, but you can send text.21:49
alteregoIM is fine as it's done with Telepathy.21:49
alteregoAnd I've just figured out how to do it with email ;)21:49
mfinklesend text with SMS? or with IM only21:49
flailingmonkeymfinkle: I'll poke around the sharing api, as its open21:50
mfinkleflailingmonkey: thanks21:50
alteregomfinkle: sorry, I'll be more concise, SMS is text only, IM protocols, some do support file transfer, so you can send images/files through IM using Telepathy.21:50
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mfinkleSMS as text only would be fine too21:51
mfinklethe more ways we can share, the better21:51
mfinkleI see modest has a dbus call
mfinklethat looks like we could make a new email, with receip, subject and body21:51
alteregoExactly :)21:52
mfinklebut I didn't see that in the modest.desktop file21:52
mfinkleso how could Firefox "discover" what apps support?21:52
mfinkleI mean, worse case we could hard code a list21:52
alteregoYou'll find a lot of it aren't open to introspection or published anywhere, except Telepathy, as it's just a specification of dbus interfaces.21:52
mfinklebut that is fragile21:53
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alteregoWell, modest is email, your discovery will just have to be that.21:53
SpeedEvilThough not all people have modest installed.21:53
alteregoIM is discoverable in the way you want, as in, you can find out which protocols a user has accounts for, and list them, then you can work out whether those protocols allow file sharing.21:53
SpeedEvil(I suspect the vast majority would)21:53
mfinkleSpeedEvil: right21:55
mfinklefor some apps we could make assumptions21:55
lcukmfinkle, is this gonna be a plugin for laptop too?21:55
mfinklebut other apps may or may not be installed21:55
lcukor is this not a plugin?21:55
mfinklelcuk: not a plugin21:55
flailingmonkeymfinkle: the Sharing API is designed around sending a file,
mfinklebuilt into firefox 221:55
mfinklefor maemo21:56
mfinkleit could be an add-on for firefox 1.1 for maemo21:56
lcukahh so no chance to get same functionality everywhere..21:56
mfinklewe'll support it on android too21:56
* lcuk has firefox on all machines 21:56
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alteregoExcept with Telepathy, which is on most Desktop Linux too :)21:56
* SpeedEvil imagines lcuks washing machine. 21:56
mfinklewe'll support meego for devices21:57
lcukyes alterego thats what i was thinking21:57
mfinkleif we can support desktops, we will - but desktops are not firefox mobile's main target21:57
mfinkleI could support Windows, for example, pretty easily21:57
lcuksure, but arent all the XUL stuff compatible?21:57
alteregolcuk: XUL is just the front end, the core is C++ and ugly :P21:58
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mfinklebut the hard part is handing off the data to the external apps21:58
flailingmonkeyhaving proper introspection would be ideal though21:58
mfinkleflailingmonkey: or a better registration21:58
alteregoThough, having mozilla interfaces for Telepathy seems like an extremely good idea.21:58
* lcuk nods21:59
mfinklealterego: at this point we would wrap the c code in JS ctypes21:59
alteregoTelepathy supports introspection like I said.21:59
mfinkleand Telepathy only covers a small subset of the sharing we want to do21:59
flailingmonkeythe whole Conversations app is closed right?22:00
mfinkle /usr/share/applications/defaults.list could be better (for maemo)22:00
mfinkle  could be expanded22:00
alteregoflailingmonkey: the conversations application is just a frontend, the interseeeting stuff is all dbus.22:00
alteregoflailingmonkey: and well defined, it's Telepathy.22:00
* alterego hugs Telepathy :)22:01
* mfinkle digs through some other .desktop files on his N90022:01
alteregoIt was a dog to get into, but now I can see how cool it is :)22:01
flailingmonkeyaha. so is SMS properly discoverable?22:01
lcukmfinkle, just because an app handles certain mime types does not mean it will share them with others for you22:02
mfinklelcuk: we just want to share them with the native app22:03
mfinklewhat the app does is up to it22:03
alteregoflailingmonkey: I don't actually think SMS is done through Telepathy, though it should be.22:03
alteregoActually, it is.22:03
alteregoI'm bein' an idiot.22:03
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mfinklelcuk: right click on an image in firefox and "share" with sketch app or photo gallery22:03
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lcukahh right mfinkle you just want an open with dialog22:04
lcuki thought you meant full on sharing22:04
lcukwith remote services22:04
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lcuk"sharing" is difficult decision then22:04
mfinklewe can do remote services sharing easier than native app sharing! :)22:04
lcukand dont you already have all the framework in place?  based on movies and media?22:04
mfinklelcuk: "sahring" is the Android term22:04
mfinklesharing, that is :)22:04
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mfinklesee for more details22:05
lcukwouldnt be the first time android was wrong ;)22:05
mfinklethe "intent" system is damn slick though22:05
mfinklethere is a lot of ideas on that wiki page22:06
lcukthe example on your page shows sharing in android like i described :S22:06
lcukremote services22:06
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mfinklebut the basic idea is captured here
lcukthere is a whole sharing services api available on maemo already..22:07
mfinklelike for flickr?22:08
alteregoI know what I should do ..22:08
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mfinklebut what about passing data to modest to make an email22:08
alteregoI should write a sharing service for Telepathy.22:08
lcukmfinkle, open a picture on your n900 and select the sharing icon22:08
alteregoSo you can use the inbuilt sharing support to send contacts photo's and videos!22:08
mfinklelcuk: yeah, I use that alot22:08
alteregoHas anyone already done this?22:09
mfinklelcuk: are there any docs on the sharing service?22:09
mfinkleI don't think it does what we want, but I could be wrong22:09
alteregoLike I said, the sharing services only support sending photos and videos to services like flickr, facebook etc.22:10
flailingmonkeylcuk, they also want to be able to "share" links and text, to E-mail, SMS, IM, and some more22:10
alteregoBut, I'm planning (now) to write IM integration too :)22:10
flailingmonkeyleveraging a users local apps22:11
nidOthe sharing service lets you send any file22:11
mfinklenidO: we don't want to send files22:11
alteregoNo ones cares :( I thought my idea was really cool22:11
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nidOill rephrase, it now supports the sharing of any content, so sharing direct text using it shouldnt prove particularly complex22:12
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mfinklenidO: nice22:12
mfinklecan I use it to send modest a contact, subject and body for an email?22:12
mfinkleor send the map app a geo-location?22:13
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mfinkleor address22:13
lcuksend via email22:13
lcuksend via bluetooth22:13
lcukshare via service22:14
lcukx services available22:14
lcukany file as nidO says22:14
lcukso content upto apps22:14
nidOI have no idea if you can pre-fil the recipient and subject using the sharing service, as standard itll just pre-fill the content to share either in the body or as an attachment and open the message in modest22:14
lcukwell the sharing service could be adapted - you can have ux in there22:14
flailingmonkeyalterego: sounds awesome. sending files to telepathy contacts, definitely a big deal22:14
flailingmonkeyi don't think any of the conversation IM plugins support file sending22:15
lcukalterego, yes your idea is good22:15
Robot101flailingmonkey: sure they do22:15
Robot101just install the file transfer UI22:15
Robot101lcuk: no, just file transfer22:15
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alteregoYeah,  but this will be better than that file transfer ui22:16
* lcuk has been reading tubes more22:16
Robot101the libsharing stuff was too much of a crazy mess for us to plug it into telepathy file sharing initially, so we made a new app first22:16
alteregoThe proper way to do it ;)22:16
Robot101we're trying to get more of a handle on libsharing to plug telepathy in there too22:16
Robot101but it's written by somebody who obviously isn't used to async mainloop programming and has crazy threads and all sorts of stuff22:16
mfinklenidO, lcuk: ok, I'll try to dig up info on the sharing service22:16
Robot101as in, our engineers found it pretty hard to understand and work with. even the ones who had the source. :/22:17
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flailingmonkeywhere is file transfer ui? living in devel?22:17
lcukalterego, how much do you know about telepathy and are you in a position to do some more digging22:17
flailingmonkeymfinkle: I mentioned that one a while back :P22:19
nidOlooks like thatll do exactly what you want for email at least, you can bypass the sharing ui entirely to share content via email with modest and pre-fill any content you want22:21
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mfinkledamn, sorry flailingmonkey22:22
mfinklenidO: right22:22
mfinklewe'd like to use SMS too, for sending raw text22:22
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mfinklewe might be able to make "plug-ins" for other services we'd like to support - facebook and twitter for example22:23
nidOthatll just be using dbus directly to send a message then, rather than going through the sharing api22:23
mfinklenidO: for SMS?22:29
mfinkleis Telepathy the API for SMS too?22:29
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mfinkleor is it IM only22:30
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alteregolcuk: I'm pretty confident Telepathy now :)22:30
alteregoI'll ping you later22:31
flailingmonkeyalterego, is SMS also exposed by Telepathy API?22:31
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mamas-boyknock, knock ?22:41
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Myrttinobody home22:42
LantiziaHey I've previously been able to mount the MyDocs partition inside the eMMC firmware file... can't remember how now though - can anyone else?22:43
mamas-boysee? I am nice.22:44
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mamas-boyshit, the fonts way too small in the browser....goin blind here22:49
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kafeis it normal for n97s to crash when someone queries you on irc?22:52
kafei tried to irc from it but it crashes everytime i get aa pvt query22:52
mamas-boyN97 is an utter piece of shit....who wants mine for free?22:53
mamas-boyor u talking bout n900?22:54
kafeno the n9722:54
kafei got maemo on it22:54
kafeand the soiftware crashes everytime someone queries22:54
mamas-boyu did? kool dude22:54
mamas-boybut with dat weak processor and half ass ram how can it handle maemo?22:55
kafei guess it supports it now doesnt it22:56
kafebig mouth22:56
ManoftheSeaI want an n92022:56
kafeif you choose to do an upgrade they give you maemo22:56
kafeand i took up maemo22:57
kafethe old software with the n97 was even worse22:57
mamas-boysay whut ???22:57
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kaferead the fucking link big mouth22:57
mamas-boythey give you maemo on pos n90 ???22:57
kafedid you read the link?22:57
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mamas-boywhat fucken link?22:57
kafeno if you wished to do an upgrade nokia gives you the choice of installing maemo on it22:57
kafewhat a bloody troll22:58
mamas-boywow...thats huge man22:58
kafeanyone else has maemo running on the n97?22:58
mamas-boysorry didnt see yer link mate22:58
mamas-boythere nothing in that link that states nokia will upgrade yer n97 to maemo....learn to fucken read mate23:00
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Xenon|XZno need to be nasty.... ;)23:00
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mamas-boyhe started it23:01
mamas-boycalled me "big mouth"23:01
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trip0now now kids, lets play nice23:02
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mamas-boyfunny how quickly he left23:03
Xenon|XZoh well23:04
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kafenot quite23:04
kafei got disconnected23:04
kafeand i wasnt the big mouth, you were being a smart ass know it all thinking i was talking outta my ass, till i showed you the link23:05
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tekojowould you people go somewhere else to troll?23:05
nidOnah, you're just being a rude fucker, and there's nothing on that link even suggesting the possibility of maemo on the n97, because there's no such thing23:05
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flailingmonkeyi need a resume javascript button :P23:07
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mamas-boyi wasnt the big started talking stupid shit23:07
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mamas-boythere will NEVER I repeat NEVER maemo on n9723:09
flailingmonkeythat would be quite unexpected23:09
Stskeepswho'd want maemo on such low resolution anyway? :P23:09
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mamas-boyn97 is a weak pos23:09
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MohammadAGmaemo 4 would run on an N9723:10
Stskeepsi vote we discuss bacon instead23:10
mamas-boyyes but run like shit23:10
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* MohammadAG votes for that too23:11
mamas-boyjust because it can run dont mean it good23:11
MohammadAGlet's discuss getting rid of crashanddie too23:11
tekojohmmm bacon...23:11
trip0bacon can run meamo 623:11
MohammadAGno my friend, bacon can run crysis23:11
trip0it can run crysis on maemo623:11
mamas-boythat fucker made it sound he had it runnin....23:11
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lbtmamas-boy: what about my 3210? can I have it on there?23:12
Ro9u3oRHi all,23:12
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mamas-boyyo dudes23:12
kafeMohammadAG yes it does23:12
kafejust weak23:12
kafebut better than symbian nonsense23:12
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Ro9u3oRI been trying to install Easy debian on my n900 and have been having issues i hope you could help me with23:13
mamas-boysymbian is shit23:13
kafemamas-boy you silly fuck i have it running23:13
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kafeits slow but works just fine23:13
* trip0 prepares soap to wash out some potty mouths23:13
nidOcourse you do23:13
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Ro9u3oREverytime i go to install the Debian image i get a msg saying " Main:Debian 5/6 image with working audio (main Server)"23:14
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mamas-boykafe: show us fucken screenshots or somethi...otherwise no23:15
Stskeepskafe: and how do you boot the linux kernel?23:16
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nidOim gonna laugh my ass off when he comes back with screenshots of a symbian n97 with gdesk and the maemo theme installed23:17
mamas-boydudes full of shit23:17
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flailingmonkeyrofl, obvious troll is obvious23:18
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rdDoes anybody know if the camera can be used from a command line application (like take a photo every 5 sec and stream it) ?23:20
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lardman|homelcuk: re icon, no idea, that's just the way it came out - ask dragly23:20
lardman|homeStskeeps: bacon...? :)23:21
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rdI want to stream the content of a whiteboard, the frontside camera image quality for video conferencing is not sufficient.23:21
DrGrovSmall question about charging yet again.23:21
flailingmonkeythere are APIs to access the camera23:22
DrGrovCan I use my fiancees N97 charger for my N900?23:22
vldcnstrd: ?23:22
lardman|homeflailingmonkey: yes of course23:22
lcuklardman|home, reasonable enough, is that storing the barcode image ?23:22
mamas-boyDrGrov: yes23:22
trip0DrGrov, if it's a usb charger, sure?23:22
lardman|homelcuk: yeah, is a history snapshot23:22
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* lcuk nods 23:22
DrGrovNo difference in the charger itself?23:22
lardman|hometill-roll stylee23:22
lcukyeah sure23:22
DrGrovAll Nokia USB chargers will work with each USB-typed phone?23:23
lcukgreece goalie was a dude23:23
lardman|homeatm the history is not restored, so am just implementing that23:23
lardman|homeDrGrov: usb has a fixed voltage afaiu, so I guess sp23:23
DrGrovmamas-boy: ok, i will charge it with my fiancees N97. I hate this now since I put my own charger somewhere and can not find it. Is it a big difference with the USB to regular charger how fast it charges?23:24
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lardman|homebut better than nothing23:24
DrGrovthe output of the N97 charger is 1200 mA23:25
lcukDrGrov, whichever method for charging you use - you can optimise the time it takes:  turn off screen and wifi - i charge when out and about from my laptop much quicker that way23:25
trip0my n900 charges rather slowly over usb on *some* computers23:25
mamas-boywall chargers are faster than usb to pc ones23:25
lcuktrip0, you can enter negative equity technically23:25
DocScrutinizerDrGrov: USB charging is kinda welldefined, so yes, each correct USB charger should work with each device charging over USB23:25
DrGrovlcuk: ok, i have nothing turned on in the phone now.23:25
lcukDrGrov, good :) tis just sensible advice really23:25
mamas-boymy pc to usb cable charging take for fraking ages man23:25
lardman|homeDrGrov: is this a wall charger though @1200mA?23:26
DrGrovlcuk: yes of course. it is a big difference, but logical to figure it out still :)23:26
DrGrovlardman|home: yes, 1200 mA23:26
lcukDrGrov, you would be surprised..23:26
lardman|homewell that's going to be quite fast like the N900 wall charger then23:26
trip0the little magnet thingy on my kickstand came off...23:26
DrGrovit is quite good, it has that same B symbol on it and thus perhaps exactly the same23:27
lardman|homequite probably23:27
DrGrovlcuk: how is the battery question these days? sensible to buy a new battery to keep with me? or just unnecessary?23:28
DrGrovDocScrutinizer: thanks for the information. you know, just curious about all kind of things. lol :)23:28
lcukDrGrov, depends entirely on usage23:28
lcuki take one if im on a train journey and watching movies entire way23:29
DrGrovlcuk: i feel restricted now with just 1 battery somehow. i am always constantly afraid to run out of battery.23:29
lcukbut not in normal conditions23:29
Myrttimeh meh meh meh23:29
lcukMyrtti, :P23:29
asj_trip0: ??23:29
DrGrovMyrtti: PMS?23:29
DrGrovMyrtti: oh, damn it! wrong person, sorry.....23:29
mamas-boywhut ???23:30
vldcnstrd: do you need more help with that?23:30
DrGrovnevermind, i go and disappear now23:30
trip0asj_, kickstand is flopping in the wind...  I need to find some super glue to glue the magnet back on23:30
DocScrutinizertrip0: good plan23:30
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mamas-boywhat happened to the magnet?23:30
asj_trip0: yup, is the one in the back or the annoying plastic bit?23:30
DrGrovlcuk: you are a developer?23:31
lcukDrGrov, sometimes23:31
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trip0mamas-boy, luckily the magnet is still attached to the other magnet23:31
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lcuktrip0, omg how will you get them apart? :o23:31
trip0amazing how magnets "stick" together :P23:31
DocScrutinizertrip0: though it's actually just a magnetic piece of iron. The magnet is in the back cover and seves second purpose to activate a hall switch unmounting the uSD when cover removed23:32
trip0lcuk, idk... :S I haven't thought that far ahead yet23:32
DrGrovnow it will be interesting to see what the battery state is after almost 24 hours of complete idle use.23:32
lcukDocScrutinizer, magnetic piece of iron == same as a magnet..23:32
lcukDrGrov, why the question?  device happily lasts 24h23:32
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lardman|homeah, but you want rare earth to rip fingers off23:33
DrGrovlcuk: yes but i am always god damn paranoid since i never know when i am taking calls on-the-fly nonstop23:33
DocScrutinizerlcuk: paperclip (is element of) magnetic piece of iron23:33
lardman|home-magnets that is23:33
lcukDocScrutinizer, stroke paperclip lovingly with a magnet23:33
lardman|homeor with silk so I understand23:34
DrGrovlcuk: does it last 48 hours without any calls and just standby idle with keylock on?23:34
lcukdim the lights23:34
lcukput on the barry white23:34
lardman|homeDrGrov: yes23:34
rdvldcnst: thanks, very nice page :-)23:34
lcukDrGrov, idk23:34
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lcukoh fiddlesticks23:34
lcukive lost my lighter23:34
DrGrovlardman|home: ok, so no need to keep charging every day good....23:34
DrGrovdamn this, i gotta find myself a new brain somewhere.23:35
rd-sh: /usr/bin/gst-launch: not found23:35
lardman|homeDrGrov: no, I don't necessarily do so, but would if I could23:35
asj_lcukn900: -- try to get some of these apart ;)23:35
rdwhich package does bring gst-launch ?23:35
lcukDrGrov, charge as you see it needs it23:35
DrGrovgetting too damn insane about these all kind of things forth and back23:35
lardman|homecan last a couple of days with calls, but not any real interneting (and not 3G for sure)23:35
DrGrovi just keep it in 2G all the time to consume battery23:35
lardman|homeI guess ;)23:35
DrGrovah yes of course23:35
DrGrovyou see23:36
DrGrovi am becoming insane23:36
lardman|homesame here, but still eats it faster than wifi23:36
lcukis there a threshhold?23:36
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DocScrutinizerthreshold? for what?23:37
lardman|homesudden transition as soon as you view TMO you reckon?23:37
vldcnstrd: gstreamer-tools23:37
lcukDocScrutinizer, insanity23:38
Lantiziawow the nokia guys have symlinked half the things I normally do with 1.2 in to /opt23:38
lcukDrGrov, said he was becoming it23:38
Lantiziaincluding the apt cache23:39
lcukLantizia, yes, and with a reproducable package too23:39
Lantizialcuk, what do you mean by that?23:39
Lantiziatheres still a few dirs in /usr and /usr/share that I normally move to the eMMC23:39
Lantizianot sure if I should now23:39
Lantizianokia must have left them out for good reason23:39
lcukrandom scripts to change system on the wiki that then gets forgotten about causes no end of problems ;)23:39
rdvldcnst: thanks, I found gstreamer0.10-tools23:39
DocScrutinizerlcuk: I claim I never *get* insane - impossible by definition of 'get'23:40
lcukLantizia, you could add them to the optify configuration file23:40
Lantiziaand that is?23:40
Lantiziaall I mean is (for example)... move /usr/share/sounds to /opt/usr/share/sounds and symlink it23:41
lcukLantizia, what happens if subfolders within the usrsharesounds had symlinks already23:42
Lantizia3.3Msounds, 10.6Mlocale, 3.3Mmime, 1.1Mtutorial-applet, 2.0Mzoneinfo23:42
DocScrutinizerLantizia: probably meant to enable the very initial batery charging sound on ACT_DEAD (when there's no *real* system up and running)23:42
Lantiziaall the others I normally do Nokia has already done23:42
DocScrutinizerLantizia: these 5 seem sane to move to /opt, for me23:43
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DocScrutinizersome are even quite obvious, like tutorial-applet23:44
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LantiziaDocScrutinizer, oh and include, local, src, and var from /usr - but these have practically nothing in them23:44
Lantiziabut could fill up23:44
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DrGrovit looked like a fully charged battery even after 24 hours of idle23:45
DrGrovwill be interesting to monitor how long it takes to charge it full now23:45
DocScrutinizerso it's probably safe for them as well, as there's obviously nothing in them which is system critical23:45
ioanhi. I have a openvpn connection between my n900 and my computer, can I surf the web over the openvpn connection?23:45
Lantiziaioan, I think you've just gotta tell the openvpn applet to use it for all routes23:46
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alteregohead ache23:47
LantiziaDocScrutinizer, well I like to install everything I like including bit stuff like openarena... so I normally increase /home from 2GB to 21GB and MyDocs down from 29GB to 8GB.... but I'm thinking maybe thats silly and I should have 8GB for /home and 21GB for MyDocs?  Seem like a sensible amount for avoiding disk space issues for someone who installs lots of packages especiailly from extras-devel... or do I need more?23:48
E0xwhy not just do symlinks ?23:49
DocScrutinizerLantizia: sorry, don't know. To me 2GB seems plenty23:49
E0xwhat ppl get complicate with partitions ?23:49
LantiziaE0x, I do... and if you want more space then symlinks don't cut it23:49
E0xerr g*23:49
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Lantiziaas you're still stuck to 2GB23:49
E0xsymlink the bigs folder to Mydocs23:49
lcukLantizia, i would like to have this discussion with you, but tonights not the night23:49
lcuk(for me )23:50
LantiziaE0x, then it gets screwed if you plug USB in23:50
Lantizialcuk, what is it you need to know?23:50
E0xwell with usb in in storage mode i don't do anything with my phone23:50
E0xthat is not access the data on it23:50
E0xso is ok for me23:50
lcukLantizia, its not need to know, its considering the case of 2gb and above - something discussed whilst we were doing this optify23:50
DocScrutinizerE0x: symlink to MyDocs will shoot your foot when USB mass storage23:50
LantiziaE0x, no but I don't want half of /usr disappearing when programs run from there23:50
lcuki'd like to chat about it but i have to vanish23:51
DocScrutinizerohh, you answered that23:51
E0xDocScrutinizer: i mean you don't use the app when you have it in storage mode23:51
E0xa least idont23:51
Lantizialcuk, well I've had my N900 repartitioned for about 5 months now with /home as 21GB and optified just a little bit more than nokia did with PR1.2 - worked perfectly23:51
DocScrutinizeranyway, me waves (diner)23:51
Lantizialcuk, ok cya :)23:52
E0xLantizia: ok23:52
lcukyeah, we were quite conservative with the optify to be careful.  will catch you again23:52
E0xLantizia: in the end that is the cool thing of n90023:52
E0xthe freedom of do whatever you want23:52
Lantiziaalready been doing that since december :)23:52
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Lantiziajust re-installing for PR1.2 now and deciding what I want this time around for partition sizes23:53
SpeedEvilI compromised - and resized mydocs to 4G, and made a ext2 partition in the remaining space23:53
SpeedEvilworked well23:53
LantiziaSpeedEvil, you made an additional partition between MyDocs and /home ?23:53
SpeedEvilmounted in /home/user/data23:54
Lantiziasurely /home failed to mount as it's lost it's number23:54
lcukLantizia, please start a discussion on the -dev mailing list :)23:54
Lantizialcuk, why?23:54
SpeedEvilLantizia: There is a spare partition entry. That's where I put the data partition - nothing else needs to move23:54
LantiziaSpeedEvil, oh cool... so is it like MyDocs is 1... /home is 3 and swap is 4 ?23:55
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lcukLantizia, because i know 2gb will become full for people at some point and i'd like to have someone with experience quoting alternative sizes23:55
LantiziaSpeedEvil, ah I know what you mean... MyDocs is 1, home is 2, swap is 3 but you've made it between 1 and 3 but numbered it 4 right?23:56
* lcuk runs tho 23:56
Lantiziasorry 1 and 223:56
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SpeedEvilLantizia: soDisk /dev/mmcblk0: 977024 cylinders, 4 heads, 16 sectors/track23:57
SpeedEvilUnits = cylinders of 32768 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 023:57
SpeedEvil   Device Boot Start     End   #cyls    #blocks   Id  System23:57
SpeedEvil/dev/mmcblk0p1          0+ 122069  122070-   3906232    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)23:57
SpeedEvil/dev/mmcblk0p2     884865  950400   65536    2097152   83  Linux23:57
SpeedEvil/dev/mmcblk0p3     950401  974976   24576     786432   82  Linux swap / Solaris23:57
SpeedEvil/dev/mmcblk0p4     122070  884864  762795   24409440   83  Linux23:57
SpeedEvilthat was meant to go into pastebin23:57
Lantiziayeah thats what I thought :D23:57
LantiziaI already said it hehe23:57
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Lantiziawhy a data partition then?23:57
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