IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2010-06-21

flailingmonkeyI also noticed that I have a microSD card inserted, as does MohammadAG00:00
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flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: did you mkdir /media/root?00:00
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, <MohammadAG> mkdir /media/root && mound --bind / /media/root00:00
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kW_flailingmonkey: might, but then it would still be a bug in the vfs, somehwere00:00
MohammadAGflailingmonkey, he knows :P00:00
DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: I'm not a noob00:00
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ^^^00:00
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: I was teasing :P00:01
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kW_DocScrutinizer: do you think it is feasible to relocate the mountpoint of the FAT32 partition to "/home/user/MyDocs/RealMyDocs"?00:03
meceMohammadAG, is it arabic btw?00:03
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MohammadAGmece, yeah00:04
DocScrutinizerkW_: most probably will break almost everything, see
MohammadAGkW_, that would cause more problems than solutions00:04
kW_DocScrutinizer: this way, I do not need to re-bind "/home/user/MyDocs/.maps" (which I do not want to store on the FAT32 partition, because FAT32 is inefficient with large directopries), and I can safeily re-bind "/home/user/MyDocs/root" to "/"00:04
kW_note that I have 19GB free on my root partition...00:05
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MohammadAG<flailingmonkey> I also noticed that I have a microSD card inserted, as does MohammadAG00:05
kW_so what specifically would break?00:05
type_tany project working on .iSCSI .idisk WebDAV googleFS  for distributed filesystem or peer-to-peer projects?00:05
DocScrutinizerkW_: [2010-06-20 22:55:08] <DocScrutinizer> kW_: try 'MYDOCSDIR=/home/user/MyDocs/DCIM ossofilemanager' ;-)00:06
kW_DocScrutinizer: I did00:06
MohammadAGif you didn't get an answer the first time it probably means no00:06
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MohammadAG@ type_t00:06
meceMohammadAG, it looks so much nicer on screen than these letters. Handwritten like.00:06
DocScrutinizeryou noticed HFM seems to use the fs-root of MYDOCSDIR?00:06
kW_DocScrutinizer: the result was that the only top-level directory was "MyDocs"00:06
* lcuk finally kicks visual basic and calls it a wild piece of shite00:07
kW_and _not-_ "DCIM"00:07
lcukive actually found something in it i cant do!00:07
kW_DocScrutinizer: so, this does not help, does it?00:07
MohammadAG<lcuk> ive actually found something in it i cant do!00:08
MohammadAGyay, party!00:08
DocScrutinizerno, but it strongly suggests your relocation will break more than you'd normally guess00:08
flailingmonkeylcuk: congrats00:08
MohammadAGmece, lol00:08
eitamaHello everyone.00:08
meceeitama, hi00:08
* eitama waves00:09
lcukMohammadAG, its taken 10 years00:09
tremnite all, sweet dreams00:09
lcukbut today i think it finally beat me00:09
flailingmonkeylcuk: what version of VB?00:09
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flailingmonkeyahhh vb600:09
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kW_DocScrutinizer: but you do not know specificall what would break?00:10
flailingmonkeyi got familiar with when doing maintenance on an app in VB6, then doing a VB6 to .NET migration.00:10
* mece hasn't touched VB it since the 90's00:10
MohammadAGkW_, mate, it will probably render your device unbootable00:10
DocScrutinizerfirst libhildonfm2 will break I guess00:10
kW_MohammadAG: well, then I should try it :-)00:10
flailingmonkeythe USB storage device export scripts probably would break00:10
lcukflailingmonkey, i spent 9 years working with the damned thing, and still have a fucktonne of code in it - i just cant get this one piece working00:11
MohammadAGkW_, time the reflash please00:11
DocScrutinizerkW_: as your relocation is the same as MYDOCSDIR=/home/user ossofilemanager00:11
eitamaSomeone please tell me you know how to start a skype call from dbus / C++ / Qt code / terminal pelase please please00:11
lcukaccessing the live .picture data from the VBIDE addin subsystem whilst generating a c application from the form layouts00:11
flailingmonkeylcuk: what I learned what that it has a TON of behavior that typical CS types wouldn't expect, and a lot of those behvaiors changed in .NET too00:11
MohammadAGmaybe you just can't :)00:11
meceMohammadAG, howcome you haven't voted on this:
MohammadAGeitama, run dbus-monitor, see if there's a path for it00:12
kW_MohammadAG: no, I can boot from "rescue" mode and just undo the change00:12
eitamadbus monitor00:12
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eitamai'll search around (:00:12
MohammadAGdbus-monitor in terminal00:13
MohammadAGkW_, k00:13
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kW_DocScrutinizer: well.. not having rebootet yet, relocating MyDocs to MyDocs/RealMyDocs works so far... but ossofilemanager needs to be started as "MYDOCSDIR=/home/user/MyDocs/DCIM ossofilemanager", not as "MYDOCSDIR=/home/user/MyDocs ossofilemanager"00:14
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silbo_____is usleep in microseconds?00:14
kW_so you have to supply a _fake_ MYDOCSDIR to actually make the MYDOCSDIR accessible00:14
kW_weird, but works00:14
DocScrutinizerkW_: this actually works?00:15
kW_so far00:15
kW_now I should try to reboot :-)00:15
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flailingmonkeykW_: it might prune the last dir even00:15
MohammadAGkW_, nah, just try too finish a reboot00:15
DocScrutinizerkW_: first edit some shellscript where MYDOCSDIR=/home/user/MyDocs is defined00:16
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kW_DocScrutinizer: I just did00:16
kW_now I'm rebooting00:16
kW_let's see00:16
* MohammadAG ponders what userdel would do00:16
DocScrutinizerkW_: where is it? (MYDOCSDIR=/home/user/MyDocs)00:16
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: try rm -rf /, it's shorter00:17
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MohammadAGsomeone steal a serial cable from a care center and mass reproduce it, please :)00:18
DocScrutinizerkW_: env|less highly recommeded for lecture00:18
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* DocScrutinizer ponders where to smash in that "mount --bind / /media/root" line...00:20
eitamaI ran it00:20
eitamaand pressed the skype call button right after it00:20
eitama10 pages of crap (:00:21
DocScrutinizerjust 10?? feel blessed00:21
eitamaReally it's japanese to me00:21
kW_ /dev/mmcblk0p1 was mounted to /home/user/MyDocs and not to /home/user/MyDocs/RealMyDocs00:21
kW_against the wish stated in /etc/fstab00:21
kW_I probably need to redefine INTERNAL_MMC_MOUNTPOINT00:22
DocScrutinizerkW_: fstab is dynamically built on boot00:22
MohammadAGeitama, idk anything about dbus tbh00:22
MohammadAGannoying POS ^00:22
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kW_DocScrutinizer: not on my system ;-)00:22
MohammadAGkW_, actually, it is :)00:22
kW_MohammadAG: actually, what is what?00:23
DocScrutinizerhmm, just stopping the new build of fstab doesn't mean it's actually used anywhere. You'd need a mount -a for that00:23
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MohammadAGfstab is built on bootup00:23
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kW_DocScrutinizer: well, "mount /dev/mmcblk0p1" would help, too00:24
DocScrutinizerkW_: I guess no grep will find any 'mount -a' in any /etc/* file00:24
eitamaMohammadAG, it's never too late to learn?00:24
DocScrutinizerso you can as well smole your fstab  in a pipe00:24
kW_MohammadAG: no, I explicitly changed the scripts to not rebuild /etc/fstab anymore00:25
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* ENTERANICK [W2I=000:u:0:000:]00:25
MohammadAGeitama, good luck
DocScrutinizerhooray ENTERANICK is back again00:26
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kW_guys, it works :-)00:26
kW_I need to leave in 1 minute00:26
kW_plugging in the USB cable and making RealMyDocs visible on the computer works, too :-)00:27
MohammadAGminute's over00:27
MohammadAGOut you go00:28
kW_so changing MYDOCSDIR, changin INTERNAL_MMC_MOUNTPOINT to another directory and creating this directory is enough00:28
kW_ciao :-)00:28
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kW_no fear of unbootability :-)00:28
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DocScrutinizerkW_: great! :-)00:29
kW_ciao :-)00:29
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DocScrutinizerkW_: though I'd expect major surprise on using HAM next time00:30
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, change settings so that it uses /var/cache/apt/archives00:31
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: wrong approach00:32
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, it's only a s/1/0/ :)00:32
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, so just change 134     export INTERNAL_MMC_MOUNTPOINT='/home/user/MyDocs'00:41
MohammadAG and you should be good to go00:41
MohammadAGthis too if test "x$INTERNAL_MMC_MOUNTPOINT" = "x"; then00:41
MohammadAG154     export MYDOCSDIR=$HOME/MyDocs00:41
dotblankMohammadAG, what happens if the phone is in mass storage mode?00:42
DocScrutinizermhm, and what's with
DocScrutinizerfor example00:42
MohammadAGNokia-N900:/media# cat /usr/sbin/ | grep mmcblk0p100:43
MohammadAGNokia-N900:/media# cat /usr/sbin/ | grep MyDocs  Nokia-N900:/media#00:43
meceI'm out. Toodles. And thanks for the help.00:43
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, nothing that's hardcoded I guess00:43
DocScrutinizeryour guesses aren't quite assuring00:44
MohammadAGI know, they're very worrying :P00:44
dotblankMohammadAG, oh I ment if you set the mmc mountpoint in the MyDocs directory whilst the phone is in mass media mode00:44
dotblankmass storage*00:44
dotblankI would guess bad things00:44
MohammadAGdotblank, how would you even do that...00:44
dotblankMohammadAG, honestly no idea00:45
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: or look at that:  :-D00:45
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, not hardcoded, again :)00:45
DocScrutinizerproove it!00:46
dotblankMohammadAG, is there a way to use the g_file_storage kernel module to boot a computer with the usb cable?00:46
MohammadAGgrep MyDocs in it00:46
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dotblankIn theory it should work...00:46
MohammadAGerr, what's this got to do with it00:46
DocScrutinizerif (setenv("OSSO_SWAP", mmc->swap_location, 1))   looks damn hardcoded00:46
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, just change the variable and it's not hardcoded anymore00:47
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: BS00:47
MohammadAGk, nvm00:47
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DocScrutinizerbtw the real problem is it's actually NOT hardcoded, but depends on object mmc00:49
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eitamaGood Night guys00:51
DocScrutinizertime for my breakfast I guess00:51
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DocScrutinizerguess it had to wait for me so long, it honestly could catch mold by now00:53
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crashanddieI'm so fecking bored it's not even fun anymore00:55
DocScrutinizer51kick yourself for the thrill00:56
SpeedEvilYou have the internet! There is so much fun and exciting stuff you could do! For example -
crashanddieyeah, so not going to happen SpeedEvil00:56
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Koriami./me ha00:59
* Koriami ha00:59
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sp30003.5! a winner is me.01:04
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GAN900crashanddie, finish, yah bastard.01:28
crashanddieGAN900: I'm not working on something where I never get any feedback01:28
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crashanddieGAN900: I'm a challenge driven man, and if the 3 things that challenge me, integration with twitter, jquery and the algorithms for edition management are written, I can't be arsed to finish it up01:29
crsHi guys. Can anyone tell me where are contacts stored on n900?01:30
crashanddiecrs: on the n90001:30
crsNice. How about path?01:31
crashanddiecrs: what are you trying to achieve?01:32
crashanddiecrs: why not simply use the API?01:32
MohammadAGls /home/user/.osso-abook/db01:32
MohammadAGyou'll find some files that might interest you01:33
crsI do have a lot contacts (some step of backing up from other device and importing to n900 caused that) with date of birth 31/01/2001. I would like to clear that field for those contacts.01:33
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alterego"In the computer?!?!?!?"01:35
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GAN900crashanddie, too bad.01:39
GAN900crashanddie, what if I dive into the CSS?01:39
crashanddieGAN900: hey, I've been asking people start working on it since I started on it01:40
crashanddiethere is nothing that I hate more than working alone on a project01:40
crashanddieWatashi wa anata no keiyaku wa, ketsumatsu wa, to suisoku hiro sa re masu.01:43
MohammadAGagreed on that last bit01:43
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crashanddieMohammadAG: wa shiri o o okonau koto ga deki masu?01:44
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MohammadAGcrashanddie, no01:44
pahartikMohammadAG: Maybe you know whether it causes problem for Maemo if one uses "ext2" instead of "vfat" for "/home/user/MyDocs/"?01:45
crashanddiewakara naku nari mashita01:45
MohammadAGsure sure, just meet me in france by the eiffel tower01:46
MohammadAGpahartik, no idea, sorry01:46
crashanddieMohammadAG: shame, you were making sense for a while.01:47
MohammadAGcrashanddie, what were you saying anyways :P01:48
MohammadAG~seen zaheem01:50
infoboti haven't seen 'zaheem', MohammadAG01:50
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Ken-YoungWhen I use gdb in scratchbox to examine a core file, it always seg faults - has anyone else seen that problem, and found a fix?01:51
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crashanddiefirst I was preaching, then you said "agreed on the last bit", then I asked "what? That I can do you up the arse?", to which you replied no. I then said I was confused, and you said we'd meet under the eiffel tower01:51
crashanddie~seen zaheerm01:52
infobotzaheerm <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 2d 10h 49m 59s ago, saying: 'timeless_mbp, yep'.01:52
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pytherHi all01:52
MohammadAGThat I can do you up the arse?", to which you replied no. <-- LOL01:53
pytherI'm gonna buy a N900 and was wondering what accessories I might want to look at. Any suggestions?01:53
MohammadAGcar battery modded with a USB cable01:53
crashanddiepyther: an iphone01:53
MohammadAGyou might just get one day with it01:53
pythercrashanddie: not much interested in an iphone01:54
crashanddieactually I'm hitting my 3rd day on one charge01:54
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MohammadAGcrashanddie, you're special01:54
MohammadAGcrashanddie, I use 4 batteries each day01:54
MohammadAGwell, sometimes 301:55
crashanddieMohammadAG: no, I live in a room where the electromagnetic current is so strong that batteries charge themselves01:55
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crashanddiethat and I'm being paid by Nokia marketing to put in a good word every now and then01:55
MohammadAG<crashanddie> pyther: an iphone <-- uhuh01:56
crashanddiewell, it's just that, an accessory :P01:56
pytherNah I just mean is there anything that I might want to look at grabbing01:56
crashanddiepyther: screen protectors off the net01:57
pytherI got an Otter Box case/screen protector in my newegg cart01:57
crashanddiepyther: they seem pretty hot on the forums, never used/seen one.01:57
pytherDoes anyone know if the N900 can charge via a simple/normal dc->usb charger?01:57
crashanddiepyther: I've lost all my styluses, so you may want to think about that too01:57
crashanddiepyther: not a "normal" charger, it requires some kind of "smart" charger IIRC, all these questions are answered by google and the wiki01:58
pythercrashanddie: so not with this?
MohammadAGsoldering irons ftw
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DocScrutinizerI'm going to contaminate myself now  ->
pytherMohammadAG: thanks for the link02:00
pytherCan anyone recommend a good smart-usb car charger?02:01
MohammadAGNokia one I guess02:01
MasseRI've just a few hours ago downloaded scratchbox, and have been trying the examples foudn around the net. All the ui-elements are grey, what could be the cause? (
infobotMohammadAG meant: or.,,02:01
MohammadAGdamn bot...02:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: +g02:02
FredrIQwouldn't that require s/foo/bar/g02:02
FredrIQwhat he said02:02
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: s/jkadhkDHJJHgDGHJ/jkadhkDHJJHgDGHJ/G02:03
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: jkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGHJjkadhkDHJJHgDGH...02:04
infobotzash meant: f\nbar02:04
infobotMohammadAG meant: oh...02:04
DocScrutinizerdamn capslock02:04
MohammadAGI see02:04
infobotzash meant: f\\nbar02:04
MohammadAGty DocScrutinizer02:04
MohammadAGstop spamming :P02:05
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DocScrutinizerevery 'special' char will make the regex fail02:05
DocScrutinizerit's a shame how poorly documented is that special feature if infobot02:08
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Ken-YoungWow, has the Good Doctor ever been absent from this channel before?02:10
* MohammadAG stabs crashanddie02:10
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pytherWhat do you guys use for car chargers?02:13
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MohammadAGpyther, muhahaha <MohammadAG>
MohammadAGbtw, that way the FMTX works02:13
MohammadAGoh, and the car does act as a booster02:13
MohammadAGthus violating regulations02:14
MohammadAGbut... I don't give a crap02:14
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pythersomeone said this cable will do the trick
MohammadAGcrashanddie, someone's gonna be pissed02:14
MohammadAGnot sure02:14
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GAN900crashanddie, yeah, sorry.02:16
crashanddiewait, wut?02:16
crashanddieoh, you offering to work on the CSS?02:16
crashanddieWell, I'm on a UX expert. i just try shit until people scream "this is awesome"02:17
crashanddiecan take a decade or two, before that actually happens02:17
MohammadAGcrashanddie, DocScrutinizer, who else02:18
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crashanddiewho gives a shit about DocScrutinizer51?02:18
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crashanddieHe's a grumpy old electronics engineer02:19
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crashanddiepuzzled: ohayo yoi sa02:19
puzzledanyone know a way to make the Modest email client on a N900 with PR1.2 do client certificate authentication?02:19
puzzledcrashanddie: evening :)02:19
* MohammadAG hands crashanddie his pills02:20
MohammadAGyou're welcome02:20
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puzzledModest doesn't send its client certificate when requested so I wonder if there is some magic gconf setting that I can flip to make it offer its client certificate02:21
pytherAnyone have any idea if this cable would work with the N900?02:21
pytherit states "DataSync and Charging Cable"02:21
puzzledpyhimys: looks good. afaik it's a standard usb <-> mini-usb (or was that micro-usb) cable02:22
crashanddieMohammadAG: anata wa amarini mo shinsetsu de yujin desu shitashii02:22
puzzledpyther: that was for you (sorry pyhimys)02:22
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pytherpuzzled: it was a micro, I'm hoping to use it with my cheapo car charger02:22
crashanddiepyther: dude, that cable comes with the n90002:23
MohammadAGcrashanddie, what language is that? Arigato is japanese02:23
crashanddieMohammadAG: tashika ni02:24
* lcuk thinks crashanddie has been playing pokemon today02:24
puzzledpyther: cheap enough to try :) Make sure you sand of any "bumps" at the bottom side of the micro-usb connector or you will soon join the ranks of folks who pulled the female micoro-usb connector straight out of the N900 or break it02:24
lcukpuzzled, ive never sanded my bumps down o_O02:25
puzzledread the massive forum thread about the usb port breaking on the N90002:25
crashanddieactually, I had that question during a pubquizz last tuesday, lcuk, "What does Pikachu evolve into?", and secondly "What is the name of the yellow teletubby?"02:25
lcuki know it can happen02:25
lcukbut its not guaranteed to02:25
lcukand ive certainly had device for a long time now02:25
pytherlcuk: how can I sand them, sandpaper?02:25
puzzledmy N900 has started to stop charging intermittently so I'm going to bring it to Nokia02:26
lcukand i whack it in and out like nobodies business02:26
crashanddiepyther: I think that would be the ustensil used to sand stuff.02:26
lcukpyther, i dont know!02:26
puzzledlcuk: then you're on of the lucky ones I guess02:26
puzzledone even02:26
crashanddiepuzzled: never had any issues either02:26
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lcukthe only time ive ever broke a usb thing is on a device i dropped cable on and that wasnt a nokia even02:26
lcukpuzzled, not at all02:26
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puzzledpyther: you can use one of those things women do their nails with02:27
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crashanddiepuzzled: a file?02:27
lcuktheres thousands on thousands of people with perfectly fine devices02:27
pytherah ok02:27
lcukand a handful02:27
puzzledcrashanddie: that's the word, thanks (not native English speaker)02:27
crashanddiepuzzled: neither am I :)02:27
lcukpuzzled, its always the way02:27
lcukthe vocal minority02:27
lcukyou dont shout from rooftop "my device usb port works fine"02:27
MohammadAGcrashanddie, this is racism, and sexism, why does infobot have voice and I don't02:27
* lcuk does actually02:28
barisioneis it known that the planet is probabile dead?02:28
puzzledif I look at the pictures of how the micro usb connector is attached to the pcb then, without any technical knowledge, tend to agree that it is a design flaw02:28
crashanddieMohammadAG: because your voice isn't worth hearing?02:28
lcukbarisione, i think its just sleeping for the weekend02:28
* MohammadAG goes up to his roof and shouts02:28
lcukX-Fade has been missing a bit this weekend02:28
lcukso perhaps theres a blockage02:28
MohammadAGMy device's USB port works fine!02:28
lcukhad a nice weekend barisione ?02:29
puzzledMohammadAG: is that you I hear faintly? :)02:29
MohammadAGlcuk, actually, the importer's been funny lately02:29
* lcuk submitted your patch for testers tomorrow02:29
crashanddiebarisione: this may help answer your question:
puzzleddidn't know domains could have that much chars02:29
MohammadAGLOL crashanddie02:29
barisionecrashanddie: I meant another planet, the maemo one and not the earth one ;)02:30
crashanddiebarisione: ah, my bad02:30
barisionelcuk: yes, and now it's time to bed02:30
barisionenight all02:30
MohammadAGcrashanddie, how would that get updated if it does destroy the world02:30
lcukcya in the morning marco02:30
MohammadAGnn barisione02:30
crashanddieMohammadAG: well, I think you just answered your own question02:31
crashanddieMohammadAG: if the planet is destroyed, serving dynamic pages should be your last problem02:31
MohammadAGcrashanddie, nope, UFOs have ethernet nowadays so they need to check on this planet's status02:31
barisioneMohammadAG: you are missing the funny part of the page :)02:31
MohammadAGthe source code02:32
MohammadAG<script type="text/javascript">02:32
MohammadAGif (!(typeof worldHasEnded == "undefined")) {02:32
MohammadAG} else {02:32
MohammadAGROFL <!-- if the lhc actually destroys the earth & this page isn't yet updated02:32
MohammadAGplease email to receive a full refund -->02:32
SpeedEvilpuzzled: What do you mean - design flaw?02:33
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crashanddietell that to the W3C, they still have to finalise the IPITP standard (InterPlanetary Internet Transfer Protocol), I mean, seriously, how is wide-fi supposed to work if the specs aren't approved?02:34
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crashanddieAnd what, every browser will just implement their own solution, trying to elbow all the others out of the room, just like in the crappy HTML5 days? Man, that was over 3 million years ago!02:34
* crashanddie wonders if the stuff we're fighting so fiercely for, and are so vocal about will matter in say, 10 years, 100 years, 2000 years...02:35
MohammadAGnope, IE will still stuck02:36
puzzledSpeedEvil: the way the connector is attached to the board seems rather fragile. combined with the rather sturdy way that the connecter is attached seems (according to folks in the forum thread) to result in pulling the connector straight from the board when removing the cable's connector02:36
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crashanddieWhat will be remembered? The Open Source communities that were trying to build a better computing world, or the massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico?02:36
SpeedEvilpuzzled: The attachment is completely standard in the industry02:36
puzzledthen why are people reporting the complete removal of the board's connector? shouldn't it just stay on?02:37
puzzledthat just should not happen02:37
crashanddiepuzzled: how many people are reporting problems?02:37
crashanddie10? 50? 100?02:37
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: I was amused at reading 'time did not begin, as is taught in many programming classes at the dawn of the space age, when man first went to the moon' (in some SF novel)02:37
crashanddiehow many N900s have been sold?02:37
SpeedEvilpuzzled: It is a completely standard design - that happens if the connecor is forced. (or there is a manufacturing defect)02:38
puzzledcrashanddie: I don't know tbh. this was a problem with preproduction models which Nokia said was solved in production models but reports are still coming in02:38
crashanddiepuzzled: I have a pre-prod model, no issue at all02:38
crashanddiemaybe fat-fingered lumberjacks need to be more careful with their hardware?02:38
puzzledand my N900 stops charging intermittently which from reading that forum thread is also a sign of a failing board connector02:39
puzzledagree but I have treated my N900 with the upmost care02:39
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puzzledfor a phone in that prive range crap like that should just not happen02:39
puzzledprice even02:39
SpeedEvilThere is no other standard connector for microUSB.02:40
crashanddieshit happens, there's always faults, return it to nokia, the price you paid included a warranty02:40
SpeedEvilNobody makes them.02:40
lcukim thankful the usb cable on my n900 isnt so long02:40
SpeedEvilThat is - a board secured variant02:40
lcukits fallen off desk a few times to just swing there02:40
lcuk bet if it hit the ground it would hurt tho02:40
crashanddielcuk: aye02:40
puzzledcrashanddie: planning to do that. there were reports that warranty claims were refused. after a piece on Engadget some Nokia guy responded publicly that issues with the usb connector would be honored (within warranty limitations off course)02:41
crashanddiepuzzled: btw, this is a maemo channel, not a nokia customer service venting outlet02:42
* puzzled nods02:42
pytherHow long does it take for the N900 to detect a single?02:42
SpeedEvilpyther: a single what?02:43
SpeedEvilBeyonce - Crazy in love?02:43
SpeedEvilWhat sort of signal?02:43
crashanddieI mean, I feel for you, and all of those who had bad luck with the usb socket, but there really isn't anything we can do on our end02:43
asjI suspect it detects a single blow from a hammer pretty quick02:43
pytherSpeedEvil: cell signal02:43
pytherI'm in an area where coverage is spotty02:43
SpeedEvilpyther: a few seconds02:44
pytherahh ok cool02:44
pytherhad a phone that would take 5 minutes02:44
crashanddieasj: apparently, there's a special feature that will make the N900 cry "OK, OK, I'll do multi touch now" if you hit the screen with a sledgehammer02:44
asjcrashanddie: I look forward to the youtube video02:44
crashanddieasj: could make a good follow-up to "will it blend"02:45
asjI want to see the N8 on will it blend02:45
SpeedEvilI suggested the n900.02:45
asjthe n900 has a lot of plastic, where as the n8 has a glass screen and alum body (except for the endcaps)02:46
SpeedEvilThin glass shatters immediately when hit at speed02:47
SpeedEvilThe n900 also has a glass screen02:47
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asjwith plastic bonding it together...might be interesting02:48
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HtheBanyone is following WC 2010?03:07
HtheBdoes anyone follow the WC2010*03:08
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HtheBlol, everybody is sleeping03:09
GAN900Stupid happy hour03:09
pytherJust ordered a N900 :D03:10
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mhmhI want the phone back.. shipped it on service 12days ago :/03:12
pytherNow I won't be able to wait to get my hands on mine!03:13
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pytherProbably won't get it till Wed03:14
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Ken-Youngpyther, Glad to hear it - welcome to the club!03:15
pytherKen-Young: thanks!03:15
SpeedEvilIs there a nice installable package for powertop?03:18
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HtheBu want happy ending?03:21
HtheBhappy ending!03:22
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ohwhymeso ive tried a tracker-processes -r and tracker-processes --hard-reset and the mediaplayer wont index my music files03:24
ohwhymeanyone have any ideas on what to do next03:24
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, should one be available?03:27
GAN900HtheB, too much wine at the restaurant.03:27
HtheBDocScrutinizer51, Happy ending!03:28
HtheBdid anyone saw England vs USA?03:28
MohammadAGHtheB, you really want to get kicked don't you03:28
HtheBthats what happened!03:29
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asjSpeedEvil: I thought so...I have (had?) it installed on my phone and didn't do anything special03:30
HtheBcheck the link ohwhyme03:30
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ohwhymedenmark vs cameroon was the best game so far03:32
HtheBohwhyme, did u check the link or not? :p03:33
SpeedEvilasj: if you'd OTA'd since PR1 - then it'll be there03:33
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Ideally, yes03:33
ohwhymeyea i did03:33
HtheBlol save :p03:33
pytherWhat does 768MB of "virtual" ram mean?03:33
SpeedEvil - someone tried, and failed03:33
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, k, I'm bored anyways03:33
SpeedEvilpyther: swap03:33
pytheris it swap that rus from the SSD?03:33
pytherso it should be faster than a hard drive based swap, correct?03:34
SpeedEvilpyther: In some ways yes, in many ways no.03:34
MohammadAGperf.c: In function 'sys_perf_event_open':03:35
MohammadAGperf.c:68: error: '__NR_perf_event_open' undeclared (first use in this function)03:35
MohammadAGperf.c:68: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once03:35
MohammadAGperf.c:68: error: for each function it appears in.)03:35
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HtheBohwhyme, its the vuvuzela03:35
HtheBthat lets the players sux03:36
HtheBsaw it03:36
HtheBits on #1 at the moment03:36
HtheBon the site i gave u03:36
asjSpeedEvil: ah, nm then03:36
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, any idea what perf is? or if it's even needed03:36
SpeedEvilI've never looked at the source of powerotp03:38
SpeedEvilI note that powertop is not the one03:38
ShadowJKoh is source for nokia powertop available?03:41
MohammadAGnot on the SDK repos03:43
SpeedEvilI have plans to replace nokia powertop03:44
SpeedEvilBut much of my sourcecode is scrawled on post-it-notes.03:44
MohammadAGhey that worked03:44
MohammadAGI used the lenny source03:44
SpeedEvilis that the one from lesswatts?03:44
SpeedEvilThe non-nokia one doesn't give nearly as much hardware info unfortunately03:45
ShadowJKwell is basically intel03:45
GAN900I suppose when that Missteps post hits 100 thanks I'm officially a whore?03:46
MohammadAG<SpeedEvil> The non-nokia one doesn't give nearly as much hardware info unfortunately03:46
MohammadAGand where is the nokia one?03:46
SpeedEvilGAN900: As much as
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: nokia!03:47
* SpeedEvil has no clue.03:47
SpeedEvilMaybe ShadowJK might know who to poke03:47
MohammadAGok... so is there a binary?03:47
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MohammadAGI could make a non-free package03:47
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MohammadAGwb DocScrutinizer03:48
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MohammadAGSpeedEvil, suggest a section
MohammadAGI'd say user/system03:53
MohammadAGyeah DocScrutinizer, already got it and making a non-free package03:53
SpeedEvilIsn't it more development?03:55
MohammadAGdevelopment it is03:56
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MohammadAGSpeedEvil, any ideas if it depends on anything?03:59
MohammadAGand should I include an icon for it?04:00
pytherHow does koffice work with view word documents?04:00
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: the above is just a binary I think04:00
MohammadAGI know04:01
MohammadAGI already have a package04:01
SpeedEvilldd /usr/local/bin/powertop04:01
*** ohwhyme has quit IRC04:01 => /lib/ (0x40030000)04:01 => /lib/ (0x40042000)04:01
SpeedEvil/lib/ (0x40000000)04:01
SpeedEvilI think that means no?04:01
MohammadAGI guess those are built in04:01
SpeedEvilOr rather - that if your phone dosn't have those, it's not really gonna matter :)04:01
* GAN900 hopes Docs gets fixed before mwkn has to go up.04:02
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, does it need to be run as root?04:04
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MohammadAGmeh, so I need a sudoers entry04:08
SpeedEvilIn practice, it's going to be mostly useless run from the UI04:08
SpeedEvilIt needs to be run over ssh04:08
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SpeedEvilneeds is perhaps strong04:10
SpeedEvilBut for example running with the screen unblanked reports 4% CPU use, and 70 wakeups/s, vs 0.2% and 20/sec04:10
SpeedEvilIt's probably sane to have it do that though04:11
SpeedEvilstartable through the UI - if you can also ssh to it.04:11
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SpeedEvilOr run it in xterm, and blank the screen.04:11
SpeedEvilThere is probably a better explanation somewhere that I missed - I just wrote that04:12
pytherIs it possible to set a ring schedule where maybe from 9:00am-12:00pm the phone is on vibrate and then the rest of the day it is on ring?04:13
GAN900pyther, short answer is yes04:13
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pytherGAN900: is there a guide or something on the maemo website? (I don't have the phone up) and a search failed me04:14
GAN900pyther, long answer is that I'm not sure of anything available that makes it simple.04:14
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MohammadAGalarmed does04:15
asjpyther: ses does it too04:20
asjpyther: rather I should say, System Event Scheduler does exactly that and it works fine04:20
pytherasj: and that is shipped by default?04:21
asj(of course it's in extras-devel)04:21
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asjpyther: of course not...but not much ships as default, that's what extras is for (and -testing and -devel)04:21
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pytherIs extra-devel as dangerous as the wiki makes it sound?04:25
FauxFauxYes and no.04:25
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pytherIs there a nice easy way to view the extra-devel repo?04:30
MohammadAGXarchiver updated, if anyone gives a crap04:34
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DocScrutinizerhow would I catch a look to a kernel oops printout?04:37
DocScrutinizeris there any way to redirect the kernel console, or otherwise get the kernel log after reboot?04:38
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DocScrutinizerdoesn't install on 'your' kernel. Some weird a needs b needs c needs a04:39
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DocScrutinizer  sysklogd: Depends: klogd but it is not going to be installed or04:42
DocScrutinizer                     linux-kernel-log-daemon04:42
ohwhymehow's the usb otg coming along?04:42
DocScrutinizerWC holiday04:42
DocScrutinizerapt-get install klogd04:44
DocScrutinizerThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:44
DocScrutinizer  klogd: Depends: sysklogd but it is not going to be installed or04:44
DocScrutinizer                  system-log-daemon04:44
MohammadAG<DocScrutinizer> WC holiday LOL04:45
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: oopses are in /proc/mtdn04:45
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, it installs fine here, enable -devel04:45
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DocScrutinizerapt-get install system-log-daemon04:46
DocScrutinizerNote, selecting sysklogd instead of system-log-daemon04:46
DocScrutinizer  sysklogd: Depends: klogd but it is not going to be installed or04:47
DocScrutinizer                     linux-kernel-log-daemon04:47
MohammadAGapt-get install sysklogd klogd04:47
ham5installed fine for me just now04:48
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: seems this time it only dropped the usual unmet deps04:49
DocScrutinizer  mp-fremantle-generic-pr: Depends: kernel-modules (= 2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5) but 2.6.28-20101501+0m5 is to be installed04:49
DocScrutinizer                           Depends: kernel (= 2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5) but 2.6.28-20101501+0m5 is to be installed04:49
DocScrutinizer                           Depends: kernel-flasher (= 2.6.28-20094803.3+0m5) but 2.6.28-20101501+0m5 is to be installed04:49
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, OMG OMG OMG, you broke it!04:49
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, umm. seriously, PR1.1.1?04:50
DocScrutinizerYOUR kernel broke it ;-P04:50
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MohammadAGMY kernel is for 1.2, YOUR on the older version :P04:50
DocScrutinizernope, that's your kernel and modules running fine on a 1.1.1 environment04:50
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, and didn't I give you great packages?04:50
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, yes, but the SSU package is 'braindamaged'04:51
DocScrutinizerI see04:51
MohammadAGidk why I said that...04:51
DocScrutinizeranyway lemme check if sysklogd is there now. Ummm how'd I do that, btw? reboot04:52
MohammadAGdo what?04:52
DocScrutinizerstart klogd04:52
MohammadAGI think so, or start sysklogd04:53
DocScrutinizerstart: Unknown job: sysklogd04:53
pytherAny good sites that feature apps for maemo?04:53
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, did you install it?04:53
MohammadAGpyther, yeah, maemo.org04:54
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: >:-( HOW DO I KNOW?04:54
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MohammadAGNight peeps05:08
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DocScrutinizer<SpeedEvil> DocScrutinizer: oopses are in /proc/mtdn05:19
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ??05:19
DocScrutinizerklogd failed epically on writing back even the last line that was displayed by a tail -f /var/log/syslog05:20
DocScrutinizerprior to the kernel crash05:20
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DocScrutinizerthere's just /proc/mtd and the content of that one is rather sysinfo than any log05:23
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DocScrutinizeroooo k05:25
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DocScrutinizerwhy I'm not surprised? X-P05:29
DocScrutinizer[128769.325012] Process hald-addon-bme (pid: 858, stack limit = 0xce3a62e0)05:29
DocScrutinizer[128769.325042] Stack: (0xce3a7ea0 to 0xce3a8000)05:29
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Maceris it me or after 1.2 does microb seem to work like crap?06:00
asjMacer: it's you06:01
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asjMacer: I beleive it turns off javascript timers after X many seconds by default now, perhaps that's causing you issues?06:02
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Macermaybe. seems slow though06:04
Macerand randomly crashes when typing in an address in the bookmark startup screen06:04
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asjMacer: have not seen that06:08
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DocScrutinizerMacer: I hope you're not using a device that had been overclocked formerly (or even now)06:10
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pigeonweird, now my wifi adhoc stopped working with my n900 :(06:10
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flailingmonkeya friend with an N900 seems to think adhoc isn't stable. might have been trying to start a network rather than join one06:24
pigeonthe "WEP" on the n900, what is it actually?06:24
pigeonlike, under network manager on linux, there's 40bit and 128bit WEP.06:25
pytherpigeon: it is a type of wireless encryption06:25
pigeonhmm, so which one should i choose on the other end?06:26
pytherwell that would depend what wireless encryption your network is using06:26
pytherwpa/wpa2 is probably pretty common these days06:26
pigeonso the n900 will work it out?06:26
pigeonas in, between 40bit or 128bit key06:26
pigeonwpa/wpa2 doesn't work with ah hoc though i thought06:27
pigeonor at least not on the n90006:27
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pigeonor, at least, not from its gui...06:28
pytherI'm not very familar with ad-hoc networks, sorry06:28
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N900bastardthere any programers in this channel?06:30
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pigeonany programmers?06:32
N900bastardyeah...maemo programers06:33
flailingmonkeyyeah, they're all asleep06:33
Ken-Youngpigeon, I'm sorta a programmer...06:33
flailingmonkeymany in the european timezones06:33
N900bastardjust wanted to ask why most n900 apps suck balls compared to android06:33
pigeonwell, i'm a programmer too, but not (yet) a maemo programmer06:34
Ken-YoungN900bastard, They don't suck balls, they simply take an IQ greater than 70 0 to appreciate.06:35
N900bastardKen-Young: you familiar with android?06:35
Ken-YoungYou betcha - I've got an ANdroid phone.06:36
Ken-YoungI stopped downloading fart apps after number 600.06:36
N900bastardthen u know what i'm saying?06:36
N900bastardfunny how all you nokia lovers always bring up the same "fart app" argument - fucking weak06:36
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asjN900bastard: bored yet?06:38
Ken-YoungYes, the ANdroid market place has a spectacular selection of fart and celebrity soundboard apps.   Countless Sudoku and bejewelled clones.   Gosh, I'm weeping with jealousy.06:38
flailingmonkeyN900bastard: what are your most important android apps? perhaps then we will know what specific deficiences must be addressed06:38
flailingmonkeyplease note, I am not defending current selection. but broad generalities are wasted bytes06:39
* puzzled pitches support for client certificate authentication in Modest06:39
N900bastardi dont have android phone but i was playing with one and man they wipe the floor with maemo06:39
pytherN900bastard: you do know you can put Andriod on your N900 if you feel so inclined06:40
N900bastardpyther: i know06:40
Ken-YoungAnd Apple wipes the floor with Android, if apps are your method of judging.06:40
N900bastardi guess it dont really matter since nokia is shutting maemo down06:40
pigeonN900bastard: i'm sure there are apps on android that the n900 hasn't got, but what app(s) in particular?06:40
flailingmonkeypuzzled: indeed, a lot of isses would be better addressed by improving the core apps in maemo 5, rather than a whole new one06:41
Ken-YoungN900bastard, On that I can agree with you.06:41
N900bastardpigeon: i cant really tell you -the selection is just better it seems06:41
pytherN900bastard: I ordered a N900 today because it is going to give me control, maemo is 100% open and from what I am able to tell very open to modifications06:41
pytherAndriod likely not as much06:42
pytherI love that fact I'll be able to ssh into my boxes from my phone06:42
N900bastardpyther: i love my n900 - best freaking phone out there06:42
N900bastardis there an app for ssh on n900?06:42
Ken-YoungN900bastard, If you love your N900, write an app for it!06:42
N900bastardcause i was fucking around with ssh the other day on my n900 but couldnt get this shit to work, too much geek talk06:43
asjN900bastard: an app for ssh? really? you have to ask?06:43
pigeonon that note, i was extremely disappointed that there isn't a free ssh client on the apple app store.06:43
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N900bastardpyther: thanks - i tried it just seems like a half assed effort06:44
pigeonwithout jail breaking the device that is...06:44
flailingmonkeypigeon: i wonder if it would get accepted06:44
asjN900bastard: lol :)06:44
flailingmonkeyfor maemo devices, Ovi store is like a lemonade stand.06:45
N900bastardthis is what i mean....other os have polished apps.... maemo has half assed shit designed for geeks06:45
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pigeonflailingmonkey: and i ended up paying one for about $2, and it doesn't support ansi color properly :(06:45
pythernoob question but what are maemo apps developed in (language; python, c, c++, etc...)06:45
pytheror does that depend on the program?06:45
flailingmonkeyextras is another distribution path, but it won't draw proprietary apps06:45
pigeonactually, s/properly// :)06:45
puzzledN900bastard: the phone is aimed at geeks...06:45
asjN900bastard: you want to ssh somewhere and you're complaining about opening a terminal and sshing there....? really?</fuel troll>06:46
N900bastardgeeks talk about this linux shit in their pockets as if it was the second coming of messiah....fuck linux i say06:46
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flailingmonkeypyther: maemo apps have been GTK+ apps written to use the hildon interface, and now the platform is moving to Qt06:46
pigeoni bet someone here can write a frontend to ssh in no time...06:47
flailingmonkeyboth in C++, but there are python bindings06:47
N900bastardflailingmonkey: and next year the platform will move to something else... thats the problem with nokia06:47
N900bastardthey not consistent06:47
Ken-YoungNo, they can be counted on to abandon us.06:48
pytherflailingmonkey: ahh ok, maybe I'll learn some c++ and write some ssh sync code for conboy (tomboy clone)06:48
puzzledKen-Young: as long as they release a good meego image for N900 it's ok with me06:49
Ken-Youngpuzzled, I agree.   I'm not optimistic about that though.06:50
N900bastardfull of lies they are06:50
puzzledneither am I. but if they do they will probably piss of a lot of devs which is not good for their eco system06:51
asjwhy can't the community do a meego image? ;)06:51
puzzledasj: sure, if Nokia provides the closed parts in an ongoing effort I don't see why not. It's just another distro06:52
N900bastardasj: fuck the community image.....i want official shit for my n90006:52
asjpuzzled: meego should be tad more open which may help06:53
N900bastardi dont want hacked os on my phone06:53
flailingmonkeythe thing is, they are paying people to get meego (and harmattan) working on N90006:53
* puzzled watches the clueless meter run straight of the scale06:54
N900bastardflailingmonkey: where did u hear that?06:54
flailingmonkeythey aren't just asking people to put the pieces together. but they aren't committing to having Nokia Care people walk users through the install, etc06:54
N900bastardlast i heard was nokia killing maemo06:54
flailingmonkeydirectly from the people working on the project06:54
asjflailingmonkey: I would like to see it :)06:55
N900bastardthere's been so many conflicting stories from nokia.... dont know who to trust06:55
flailingmonkeyit's coming. there is culture clash inside Nokia, which is why they can't talk details in public or they risk getting fired06:56
flailingmonkeyas for the move to Qt, that was coming a long time. before that it was always GTK+06:56
flailingmonkeythe major abandonment issue was new OS releases on the previous hardware generation06:57
puzzledflailingmonkey: maybe they should have put the effort in a skunkworks project out of sight of "old school" influences and opinion06:57
N900bastardand thats what i'm afraid will happen to n900...abandoment...hope i'm wrong06:57
flailingmonkeythey already have meego running on the N900, which is a looot more than could be said of previous NITs07:00
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pytherWhat is meego? <=== sorry for the noob question07:01
pigeondoes anyone know how i can change the incoming server (imap) address for an e-mail account in modest without deleting it first? the fields is grey out in the options for whatever reason...07:01
infobotit has been said that meego is an opensource distribution for netbooks and mobile devices07:01
N900bastardyeah... but it's meant it's just to test shit... not intended for the public07:01
pigeoneven username is grey out07:01
asjpyther: a joint intel nokia probject, that compines maemo with intels work07:01
puzzledpigeon: don't think you can change07:02
N900bastardflailingmonkey: nokia is running meego now on n900 just to test it.... they said n900 is just a testing platform no?07:02
pigeonnot even changing the config file somewhere?07:02
pigeonor maybe in a gconf settings?07:02
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puzzledpigeon: that I don't know07:02
pigeonhmm alright, thanks.07:03
flailingmonkeyN900bastard: nope07:03
flailingmonkeyin fact they are building the build system so that meego apps can be built for maemo 5 (fremantle) and so that meego images can be built for N90007:04
flailingmonkeyso all future meego versions will run on N90007:04
N900bastardhmm....interesting shit07:04
puzzledN900bastard: read this:
N900bastardwhat i dont get is.... why not just come out and say it: "meego will run on n900".... why all this bullshit talk from nokia?07:05
flailingmonkeyobviously, they should promote this properly, but right now the project managers want a whole big reveal thing (eventually people saying Nokia should be like Apple, and THAT is what they choose to do)07:05
flailingmonkeyso it all has to be, quiet. until some annoucement07:06
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* puzzled hopes for a big announcement on GUADEC07:06
N900bastardflailingmonkey: i respect what yer saying man.... i just dont see nokia EVER making an announcement about meego on n900.... i just dont get the vibes reading all  the shit07:07
flailingmonkeyand I don't even know who they got doing their PR.07:08
flailingmonkeybut at the end of the day, you have to see it as: people (paid to develop Maemo, by Nokia, but are contractors), then Maemo (now Meego) Devices group at Nokia, THEN Nokia people that choose what gets announced, and how07:10
puzzledthat's enough room for a lot of disconnects :)07:10
asjyou assume nokia knows what it wants07:13
GAN900flailingmonkey, people are paid to develop maemo.org07:13
GAN900Call them Nokia contractors if you're talking about Collabora, Kernel Concepts, Open Ismus, etc.07:14
flailingmonkeyGAN900: thanks for the clarification :-) is the community07:14
GAN900N900bastard, define "MeeGo"07:14
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N900bastardmeego is maemo and intel stuff now under one new name07:15
GAN900N900bastard, as it stands now we have at least two major things: MeeGo-Harmattan and
* flailingmonkey mixed up the contractors that work on Maemo, and the wonderful people that work for the community07:15
N900bastardGAN900: meaning what?07:16
GAN900MeeGo-Harmattan will not be officially supported for N900 (because Nokia hates their customers)07:16 is supporting the N900 as its ARM dev platform.07:16
digitalsurgeondo any of you guys use reddit ?07:16
digitalsurgeonwould the idea of a reddit app appeal you guys ?07:17
RST38hEHLO maeblin punks07:17
GAN900So, in the end, you get a pill of mostly useless bits and pieces for users unless somebody from the community steps up and makes it work.07:17
GAN900So when you talk about Nokia making an announcement about MeeGo and the N90007:17
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GAN900and when you talk about providing some sort of support for the N90007:18
N900bastardGAN900: right... i get it07:18
GAN900you're actually talking about a half dozen things. ;)07:18
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* flailingmonkey goes to bed07:19
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GAN900In summary, it's BYOS (Bring Your Own Support) because Nokia's filled with cheap bastards who couldn't give two shits for the people who have already forked over the cash.07:19
N900bastardGAN900: sad07:21
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asjthat's a pretty imature view07:25
N900bastardasj: but its true07:26
asjN900bastard: it's true that it's an immature view?07:27
N900bastardasj: no... the view is true07:27
asjN900bastard: I don't understand why one would expect a device to follow a major os change, nokia has said they won't do it, they've never done it before. Wouldn't you rather have developer resources focused on the next new device to make it better than playing around with a 1.5 year peice of limited hardware?07:29
N900bastardasj: no. i hate nokia constantly giving the finger to their customers. and the n900 is not 1.5's only been on the market for a very short time and nokia is fucking their customers already07:31
RST38hIt is more like 6 months, indeed07:32
asjN900bastard: to get the device to market you can be assured hw designs for it were probably done >6mo before it hit store shelves.  You haven't been screwed, if nokia said "we will support blah on the device" then reversed the decision you would have been screwed, they said they wouldn't and you may not have chosen to beleive them...but that's not their fail07:33
ljpas far as support for the n900. I wonder what all the work I have been doing bringing mobility to the n900 for the last year is...07:34
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N900bastardasj: a 3 yeard old iphone can run the latest os... 6 month old N900 is being killed off... see the difference?07:34
asjN900bastard: nope07:34
digitalsurgeonguys this is for the best, for Nokia doesnt do what its doing, there might not be a maemo device in the future ... ever07:34
N900bastardasj: really?07:34
asjljp: consitent support accross platforms? :)07:34
* RST38h has been screwed by the broken Phone application on the n90007:35
* RST38h has been screwed by the non-working mail client07:35
ljpi guess it s for non support of a dying device that nokia has killed off, even though a major update was just released a few weeks ago07:35
* ljp shurgs07:35
* RST38h has been screwed by the overally sluggish system07:35
digitalsurgeonn900 was for geeks, it was never intended for mass audience.07:36
* RST38h has been screwed by the lack of Cyrillics support on physical kbd07:36
digitalsurgeonit was for Open Source geeks, ppl like you07:36
RST38hShould I continue or are you getting the picture?07:36
ljpyep. youve convinced me. nokia is killing off the n900. you might as well send it to me07:37
asjRST38h: if I get an iphone and don't get a free ssh client did apple screw me?07:37
RST38hasj: no07:37
asjRST38h: but I want it!07:38
N900bastardasj: thats different.... what da fuck you talking about it?07:38
RST38hbut if you get an iphone and have problems using it to call people, apple screwed you07:38
RST38hasj: check my statements above, do you see ssh there?07:38
ljpi don tthink your 3g iphone is going to get updated to ios407:38
N900bastardasj: thats the problem... nokia apologists will continue to buy their products and nokia will never stop fucking their customer07:38
digitalsurgeonRST38h I will also happily take the n900 off your hands07:38
asjRST38h: just because you don't care about ssh doesn't mean I don't07:39
RST38hbut ssh has not been included into the base os07:39
ljpobviously you havent yet gotten your latest update07:39
ljpi could have sworn I got one the other week07:39
* ljp checks07:39
RST38hI have been talking about builtin stuff failing to work07:39
Arkenoiwell, actually new decent phones come at "one per 2-3 years" rate07:39
Arkenoiso n900 has at least 1.5 years to live07:39
Arkenoii doubt situation will change07:40
ljpfor killing off a device, Nokia sure does heaps of work on it07:40
asjRST38h: so am I, I can't add arbitrary applications to the device, I think that's getting screwed07:40
RST38hljp: as evidenced by...?07:40
RST38hasj <-- bullshitting07:40
asjRST38h: qt 4.6 being released for it07:40
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ljpermmm.. what I have been working on the last months07:40
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ljpwhat hundreds of developers have been doing07:41
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RST38hasj: that is calle "working on qt"07:41
ljpthe latest frickin update07:41
* RST38h does not have use for qt07:41
Arkenoiqt sucks07:41
Arkenoiat least on n900 and at the moment07:41
asjRST38h: ah, but without qt 4.6 you would have been stuck with a dieing device07:41
ljpthats why gtk is so sindy07:41
asjljp: that's just because your pants are low ;)07:42
ljpyep. on the ground07:42
Arkenoiand if you use qt you have programs that take 3-4s just to *start*, it is *INACCEPTABLE FAIL*, it is not WM, guys, so it is *NOT TOLERABLE*07:42
ljpthats because the gtk event loop is slow07:43
RST38hasj: I would not.07:43
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digitalsurgeonArkenoi: if the whole device was Qt, it would be so much faster.07:44
digitalsurgeonLoading Qt libs takes time, just like on GNOME loading KDE apps takes time.07:44
RST38hQt is just a UI framework. To the end user, it is no different from Gtk07:44
ljpqt is more than ui07:44
RST38hSo, Qt may be important for Nokia, but it does not make much of a difference for the users07:44
digitalsurgeonQt provides much nicer transitions fw, on the level above or equal to coco touch.07:44
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RST38hljp: Yea, it is also an attempt to unseat POSIX with C++07:45
RST38hljp: Which is even less interesting for both users and developers07:45
digitalsurgeonRST38h you would see when the next meego device comes from Nokia,07:45
* RST38h yawns at digitalsurgeon07:45
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asjRST38h: umm, that would be like saying glib is trying to unseat posix with C07:45
RST38hTransitions. Pfft. All you need is transitions, indeed :)07:45
RST38hasj: Correct07:46
RST38hasj: And also failing miserably.07:46
ljpPOSIX is so... 1970's07:46
digitalsurgeonwell just as an example look at neego netbook ui 1.0 that was release coupld of weeks ago.07:46
RST38hIt is simple, well supported, and works.07:46
digitalsurgeonit kills win 7 on a netbook.07:47
digitalsurgeonand it sall Qt07:47
RST38hdigitalsurgeon: What is a netbook? Why do I need it?07:47
Arkenoiwin 7 on a netbook is probably not hard to kill07:47
asjRST38h: ok, great unseat it, it's not portable on desktops, much less phones. It's time is over.07:47
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digitalsurgeonit kills all linux uis on netwbook as well07:47
RST38hdigitalsurgeon: Why do I need 1) netbooks 2) linux on netbooks ?07:48
Arkenoidigitalsurgeon, it is much more interesting. how?07:48
* RST38h has a subnotebook, running WinXP, weighting less than some netbooks07:48
digitalsurgeonok, just one work, QtQuick07:48
digitalsurgeonyou tube for QtQuick Demos.07:48
* RST38h googles for tQuick07:48
RST38hdigitalsurgeon: So, it is another load of eyecandy. What is your point?07:49
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puzzledhere's one:
RST38hDoes it allow me to do something I have not been able to do with, let us say, WinXP?07:49
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ljpermm. yes07:50
GAN900asj, your revisionist history is interesting07:50
RST38hpuzzled: looks like Modest.07:50
RST38hAnd we all know by now that Modest sucks.07:50
asjGAN900: I'm not revising any history, but it's also not 1998 anymore07:50
GAN900asj, and people expect it because ALL of their competitors in this niche are providing that support.07:50
puzzledRST38h: but I bet it does client certificate authentication :)07:50
ljpqt quick doesnt look like anything07:50
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RST38hasj: POSIX works everywhere, phones included.07:51
GAN900asj, the N800 received a major update07:51
RST38hasj: Why, it is even supported inSymbian07:51
GAN900as did the 77007:51
GAN900so you're either underinformed or revisionist.07:51
asjRST38h: android being java only doesn't do posix, fail.07:51
* Arkenoi does not see how QtQuick can "kill" anything on a device without a touchscreen07:51
digitalsurgeonQtQuick / Declarative UI is where I think Nokia is betting, ,the reason for the delays in devices ...07:51
RST38hasj: Android phoens support posix underneath, when you program using native api07:51
RST38hdigitalsurgeon: declarative UI has been known since Motif07:52
digitalsurgeonbut tell me which mobile os currently uses declarative uis ?07:52
GAN900asj, and they HAVE said they'd support their products better in the future than they did in the past.07:52
RST38hdigitalsurgeon: Any Flash-based device from Samsung07:52
asjRST38h: symbian's posix support is unuseable, and "underneath" is the lamest excuse I've ever heard07:52
RST38hasj: It is sufficient for me.07:52
digitalsurgeonsamsung makes flash based devices ?07:52
RST38hasj: Does all the basic things07:53
GAN900asj, so kindly stop spewing uninformed nonsense since you clearly aren't very familiar with Maemo's history.07:53
digitalsurgeonwow thats new for me :)07:53
RST38hdigitalsurgeon: I think a lot of thing are new to you07:53
asjGAN900: maemo's history is irrelevant07:53
digitalsurgeonflash is a performance hog, but qt quick just flies, even on symbian.07:53
RST38hdigitalsurgeon: So, if I were you, I would be sitting quietly and listening.07:53
asjGAN900: unknown trial devices that weren't important 3 years ago and are less no07:53
RST38hdigitalsurgeon: Wonderful, "just flies" is what we have heard of Clutter based UI07:54
digitalsurgeonRSt38h: dude if you are so pissed at N900 then why no go buy something else and stop whining ?07:54
ljpexcept 'just flies' also includes development time07:54
GAN900ljp, as for that latest update, well, I got more regression than update.07:54
RST38hdigitalsurgeon: You probably missed Clutter advocacy phase from Nokia07:54
digitalsurgeoni meant the development time, i made the copter game in one day07:54
GAN900digitalsurgeon, because we'd like to see the platform succeed.07:55
GAN900Despite the fact that Nokia does everything in its power to see it fail.07:55
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N900bastardwho is calling 1.2 pr update? they broke more things that fixed07:55
digitalsurgeoni guess u guys are fan bois for gtk or clutter :)07:56
GAN900N900bastard, +107:56
GAN900And "hundreds" of developers is an interesting number.07:56
asjdigitalsurgeon: just whingers :)07:56
GAN900considering the Fremantle team is down to skeleton crew size.07:56
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GAN900asj, how cleverly dismissive of people you disagree with.07:57
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RST38hmoo wazd07:57
ljpbecause fremantle is in maintainence mode07:57
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RST38hasj: and not even caring to check who these people are...07:57
GAN900ljp, yes, because Nokia doesn't care about their existing customers07:58
N900bastardtypical of this channel to dismiss people they dont agree with as trolls or noobies07:58
RST38hwhoch is making the whole thing even funnier07:58
ljpGAN900: wrong07:58
GAN900So don't trot out your "big" update as some sort of proof that they do.07:58
RST38hGAN900 <-- a newbie troll indeed07:58
* GAN900 tries one more time to get google docs to let him edit mwkn before sleeping.07:59
asjGAN900: the only thing you do on irc is complain, and tmo is so full of complaints it's hard to see anything else eh?07:59
ljphmm. so if nokia puts out an update its not supporting customers, and if nokia does not put out an update its not supporting customers, either. gotcha07:59
GAN900asj, good for you.07:59
digitalsurgeonbut you guys are acting as trolls07:59
digitalsurgeonany ways what ever makes you guys happy and go to sleep :)07:59
N900bastardhow can anyone in their right mind call 1.2 update?????08:00
RST38hYes, we are all trolls here08:00
ljpi dunno, works for me, and gave me new features08:00
GAN900ljp, an "update" that's months delayed and has more regressions than fixes isn't really an update.08:00
RST38htrololololo is what we do08:00
asjcertainly an unhappy bunch08:01
GAN900Sorry, Jaffa, thwarted by Docs.08:01
N900bastardit's funny how 1.2 fixed a couple of bugs (overshadowed by numerous regressions) but Nokia apologists get a boner in their pants08:02
fralsmore regressions than fixes sounds a tad made up tbh08:02
GAN900frals, hyperbole helps keep me sane.08:02
GAN900At the end of my patience here, so. . . . ;)08:03
RST38hhow many nokia apologists do you know?08:03
RST38hhaven't they been a dying kind lately?08:03
N900bastardIs quim and other nokians still posting on or have gthe08:04
RST38hAh those...08:04
N900bastardor have they run away completely to meego?08:04
RST38hno, Quim is still around, making sure he mentions Meego in his every post though08:05
N900bastardNokia have fucked every n900 owner and it's criminal that they're still introducing the N900 in markets, a device they have killed off08:06
ljpevidence? or are you just talking out your *ss?08:06
N900bastardljp: you serious?08:07
ljpyou just contridicted yourself in one sentence08:07
N900bastardi did?08:07
timeless_mbpRST38h: i don't think symbian supports posix :)08:07
N900bastardprey tell how08:07
ljp'introducing' and 'killed off'08:07
JaffaGAN900: No probs, let me put it somewhere else and we can publish when ready08:08
RST38hsymbian supported posix since S60e3 at leat08:08
N900bastardyes....thats what nokia did cause they re so fucking greedy08:08
RST38hthey had to, to make JVM work.08:08
ljpN900bastard: again. evidence?08:08
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ljpi personally knoq about 50 guys here that would state the contrary08:09
asjRST38h: have you ever developped for symbian, really is this your posix argument? really?08:09
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RST38hYes, I have developed for Symbian. And for Maemo too.08:09
N900bastardcurrent fremantle folks is 3 guys pretnding nokia cares about mameo....every other fucker ha now moved on to meego08:09
RST38hljp: And while we are at this topic, have you ever developed for something?08:10
RST38hN900bastard: Meego or Harmattan?08:10
* Arkenoi suffered 3 times as Nokia changed OS in my handhelds without *ANY* compatibility already (geos->s80->s60->maemo) and at least once compatibility was quite limited (s80v1 to s80v2)08:10
ljpRST38h: no, I just been sitting on my butt for the last 10 years picking my nose08:10
N900bastardpoint is: the focus for nokia is meego....not maemo that they lied to us about08:11
RST38hljp: I see.08:11
Arkenoiso i did not really expect anything really different from i previous experience08:11
RST38hWell, they have not really lied08:11
Arkenoifrom my even08:11
RST38hThey are just changing their plans so often that it is impossible to expect support from them08:11
asjRST38h: lol, sorry, but that's too funny I just can't get over it.  Next thing you'll say is you like Symbian C++ and think everyone should use a cleanup stack. :)08:12
N900bastardi say to every developer: fuck meego and abandon this sinking ship....enough of nokia bullshit08:12
fralsgreat to have you in this channel N900bastard08:13
* RST38h does not necessarily likes Symbian but he has programed for it. And not having POSIX there would have made his job way more difficult.08:13
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ljpN900bastard: you only think its sinking cause you are looking into a morror08:13
ljpand seeing oppositeland08:13
RST38hthe other bank, you mean?08:14
N900bastardcommunity support my ass suckers - keep believing nokia bullshit08:14
RST38hare we talking about Styx, btw? =)08:14
asjN900bastard: bye :)08:14
N900bastardasj: truth hurts dont it?08:14
ljpthere's 3 truths. yours, mine and the truth08:15
Surfatruth my ass :)08:15
N900bastardmany long time maemo members abandoning this circus08:15
timeless_mbpN900bastard: if you're planning to be a troll, could you please try to spell the name of your target correctly?08:16
ljpand many more longimt Qt members have joined08:16
timeless_mbpi'm not sure where mameo is08:16
RST38hmany will probably get back once the next device is released08:16
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asjN900bastard: why are you here?08:16
RST38hwhich does not explain why each device has to be abandoned 6 months before the next one is released08:16
N900bastardasj: it's a free society aint it?08:16
timeless_mbpN900bastard: no08:17
timeless_mbpthis is a community channel08:17
ljphmm. .lets see now.. developers working + recent update = abandonded. ok. go tit08:17
timeless_mbpnot a free society08:17
timeless_mbpyou're free to rant somewhere else08:17
timeless_mbpsome of us would like to sleep in peace08:17
ArkenoiRST38h, it is easily explained: senior management are "phone" people. and typical "top handset" lifespan is half an year or less08:17
timeless_mbpnow please, either explain what happened to you in 1.2, or go away08:17
RST38hljp: update that breaks things rather than fixing them, is not a good thing08:17
N900bastardi wont reveal my true identity but you should think before calling people trolls. i was doing this long time ago when you were still running in diapers mate.08:17
Arkenoiand they simply do not understand the difference08:17
timeless_mbppersonally while i'm disappointed that 1.2 was incredibly delayed, i did find its additional features useful08:18
RST38hArkenoi: Don't they see other companies operation though?08:18
timeless_mbpi do use the Calendar integration in Modest08:18
RST38hArkenoi: Apple? Google?08:18
RST38h1.2 has broken Phone application.08:18
ljpworks for me08:18
ljpi call my wife all the time08:18
timeless_mbpRST38h: broken how?08:18
ArkenoiRST38h, nope, i just think they work for nokia for a long time and they just act as always and do not care until get fucked (and do not care even then)08:19
RST38hA moment.08:19
N900bastard1.2 has lots broken....not just phone app08:19
timeless_mbpN900bastard: please explain what's broken08:19
asjN900bastard: why hide behind a mask?08:19
timeless_mbpand if you can't point to bugs in, then, please file them08:19
timeless_mbpArkenoi: management will do until it is replaced08:19
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timeless_mbpwhich is unfortunate, but that's how management works08:20
N900bastardand yet because the fucking battery lasts 3 minutes longer after 1.2 the fan boys declare it huge success and get a hard on in their pants08:20
SurfaN900bastard, what are you trying to achieve?08:21
jogaI'm content with my n900 and don't really care if nokia doesn't support it08:21
Surfaby trolling here? :)08:21
ljpN900bastard: i think youve mistaken n900 with an iPad08:21
N900bastardSurfa: truth08:21
RST38htimeless: Set your Phone app to the portrait mode. Put the phone down, locking it. Let someone call it. Watch the screen going through convulsions for 2-5 seconds before you can answer the call.08:21
SurfaN900bastard, and how this all whining is giving you the truth?08:21
jogathere are many shortcomings with the phone app though, compared to features of most previous nokia phones08:22
AppiahRST38h: is that in PR1.2 ?08:22
N900bastardno but...08:22
joganot that I really need any of those myself, though08:22
RST38hArkenoi: Do we already have a bug filed for this thing?08:22
RST38hAppiah: Yes.08:22
AppiahRST38h: crap...08:22
N900bastardmeego is doomed08:22
SurfaN900bastard, ok so again, what are you trying to achieve with this all? :)08:22
microlithN900bastard: shouldn't you be trolling on tmo?08:22
N900bastardi want to enlighten people08:23
digitalsurgeonguys go watch That 70s Show, that would cool you down08:23
jogaenlighten about what?08:23
AppiahI almost forgot about N900bastard08:23
N900bastardmicrolith: trust me mate i know more about maemo than you can ever hope to learn08:23
RST38hN900bastard: Are you sure we need enlightening here?08:23
Appiahcomes in with different nicks starting with n90008:23
SurfaN900bastard, there's nothing you have said that people haven't already heard and most of your enlightment is just your subjective view08:23
Appiahand starts ranting about the support for meego08:23
jogayou'll probably find that on this channel, most know what they've bought08:23
microlithN900bastard: Surely you do, because you said so on IRC ;)08:24
asjthat call went well...I dunno08:24
SurfaN900bastard, best way to enlighten people is to file bugs for the problems so they can be fixed08:24
ArkenoiRST38h, yep, there was one08:24
N900bastardfile bugs??? how fucking naive08:24
SurfaN900bastard, have you done that?08:25
microlithof course not08:25
SurfaN900bastard, if not then you really can't say anything about it08:25
RST38hArkenoi: care to find bugid? I am looking through my mailbox but cannot find it08:25
ljphe doesnt get paid for filling bugs08:25
Appiahye.. beacuse bugs never gets fixed... right? (me looking at the fix list for PR1.2)08:25
N900bastard100000 fucking times i filed a bug08:25
Appiahunder what name if I might ask N900bastard ?08:25
jogaare you sure about that number08:25
microlithwow, 100000, that's a lot of hyperbole08:25
Surfanice contribution08:25
RST38hmaybe he was filing the same bug08:25
povbotBug 10613: screen glitches on incoming call08:26
Surfait takes awhile to go throught that list of bugs and fix them08:26
RST38hor filing it outside of bmo08:26
N900bastardi wont tell my identity here - you wouldnt believe me anyways08:26
RST38hArkenoi: thanks, voting for it08:26
jogaN900bastard: or care08:26
ljphe ment 100000 in binary08:26
microlithN900bastard: I'd probably be disappointed in your attitude towards people here08:26
Appiahdont care08:26
Appiahjust wanna see how you file your reports08:26
jogaAppiah: think they really filed any?08:26
N900bastardjoga: right, not with your nokia blinders on08:26
jogaN900bastard: I don't have such. I'm no fan of nokia08:26
timeless_mbpRST38h: i seem to recall you complaining about this08:27
jogaI happen to own this phone because of its technical merits alone and because of its usability for *me*08:27
SurfaN900bastard, it's sound you're more like insulting us than giving feedback about n90008:27
timeless_mbpi don't seem to recall suffering from it08:27
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timeless_mbpin fact we tried to reproduce it at dinner a week or two or three ago08:27
N900bastardyou all are so fucking naive but i dont give a shit no more08:27
RST38hgood for you08:27
asjN900bastard: send us a link, show us a bug report you filed, really let's see one08:27
timeless_mbpRST38h: did you file a bug?08:27
AppiahN900bastard: thats what you say everytime you're here ranting08:28
Appiahyet you come back?08:28
jogaN900bastard: you sound so immature you shouldn't really bother your head with our things anyway08:28
povbotBug 10613: screen glitches on incoming call08:28
N900bastardasj: you think i'm stupid???08:28
AppiahWith all the time you put in here complaining maybe you could have filed proper bug reports ?08:28
RST38htimeless: Notice that the screenshot is included with the bug report, to prevent you from claiming that "you could not reproduce it"08:28
SurfaRST38h, it's pretty damn difficult to debug if you can't produce it :)08:29
N900bastardAppiah: go ahead, file the fucking bug reports while nokia is laughing08:29
microlithN900bastard: why not just gtfo?08:29
microlithyou've got nothing useful to say08:29
RST38hSurfa:  It is reproducible 100% of time08:29
AppiahN900bastard: but I was talking about you?08:29
N900bastardmicrolith: oh but you are so useful yourselv right?08:30
Appiahthis troll08:30
microlithN900bastard: I may not be 100% useful but at least I'm not being rude08:30
timeless_mbpRST38h: so...08:30
timeless_mbpi think your steps which you provided over irc didn't specify 'start at the home screen'08:30
asjN900bastard: so wait, you complain but won't put your money where your mouth is...? How is showing public bugs to the public being stupid?08:30
timeless_mbpnot certain08:30
microlithasj: because he's a troll and likely a liar08:31
N900bastardi was once very high up the maemo channel within me....just fucking trust me people08:31
microlithwhy should we?08:31
Appiahwe dont care08:31
RST38hSurfa: Similar effect occurs in other applications as they change orientation, so I guess it is somehow related to the way Nokia does those rotations since PR1.208:31
microlithyou've given us no reason whatsoever08:31
ljpcant be a trol. i doubt he ever worked for trolltech08:31
timeless_mbpyour description of the problem doesn't at all match the picture08:31
Macerrescue me is making me tear up since i am dying laughing08:31
timeless_mbpi thought you were complaining that it jumped back and forth between portrait and landscape08:32
AppiahI dont see what that has to do with anything really , so what that you worked higher up?08:32
RST38hSurfa: In other places it is simply uncomfortable, in the phone app it makes you miss calls08:32
N900bastardi could give you inside info here you've never heard before but i cant08:32
stskeepsieN900bastard: so, what's the URL for the internal repositories, only accessible within nokia?08:32
microlithN900bastard: until you present proof you're just a troll, so hush08:32
timeless_mbpN900bastard: you could, but you can't?08:32
RST38htimeless: the picture shows the n900 screen at the moment of transition08:32
timeless_mbpsure sounds like you can't08:32
stskeepsiethat's a pretty easy way to verify08:32
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Macerit is the funniest damn show i have seen in a while08:32
ljpN900bastard: ahh, that explains it. disgruntled ex nokia employee08:32
N900bastardstskeepsie: you surely are joking??? LOL LOL LOL08:32
asjljp: be nice to the janitorial staff ;)08:33
stskeepsieN900bastard: nop, i'm not joking :) it's a simple question08:33
RST38htimeless: it is a very good picture too, the photographer had a second or two to make it08:33
timeless_mbpRST38h: yeah, that photo is pretty cool08:33
timeless_mbpwe never have any luck using cameras to take photos of the n90008:33
timeless_mbpeven when its screen isn't moving08:33
RST38hAt this positive note, I will excuse myself and go to work08:33
RST38hmeanwhile, you can contact GAN900 and tell him this problem does not exist08:34
RST38hHe will be absolutely delighted to know that08:34
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Venemogood morning08:35
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asjVenemo: GOOD MORNING!!!!!!08:36
timeless_mbpoooh, SFO is getting free wifi08:36
asjwith so much 3g service is it really that important?08:37
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timeless_mbpasj: as a european who gets killed on roaming 3g charges/08:38
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stskeepsieoh that was so the wrong irssi to quit08:38
asjtimeless_mbp: 3g pay as you go US sim? tmo+sidekick plan?08:38
timeless_mbpand i mean the airport08:38
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timeless_mbpasj: sorry, i like being able to receive calls while i travel08:38
timeless_mbpit's part of having a mobile phone...08:38
asjtimeless_mbp: picky picky08:38
timeless_mbpi know, it sounds stupid08:38
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asjtimeless_mbp: sip :) but who uses a phone for voice anymore?08:39
timeless_mbpwhy would a mobile phone owner want to be able to receive phone calls...08:39
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Jaffatimeless_mbp: Or text messages08:39
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JaffaRoaming charges really limits how useful my N900 is when travelling.08:39
timeless_mbpJaffa:  well, i could just stick to a british land line08:39
timeless_mbpi hear those support text messages08:39
Jaffatimeless_mbp: PPfft, I wouldn't.08:39
timeless_mbpbut i don't think i can take one of those with me either...08:39
Jaffatimeless_mbp: Indeed they do. Not sure anyone uses that feature regularly.08:39
* Jaffa should get ready for work.08:40
timeless_mbpdoes the uk have mobile homes? :)08:40
asjtxt over sip is missing from most providers, I wonder why08:40
timeless_mbpsms interconnect historically sucked08:40
timeless_mbpmms interconnect was (is?) much worse08:40
ljphmm.. dang it. looks like I have to get back to working08:41
* Jaffa remembers the days of intra-network only SMSes, and sharing cross-network centre numbers.08:41
asjheh, international mms is well...heh that's why I have an n900, mms doesn't matter ;)08:42
* timeless_mbp remembers them too08:42
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* timeless_mbp didn't bother using SMS but does remember the lack of utility08:42
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* ljp remembers when sms's were morse code08:45
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wazdmeego community firmware should definitely be called "WeeGo" :)08:55
wazdhello everyone btw :)08:56
Stskeepsor GoMer08:56
microlithI'll vote for GoMer08:56
wazdStskeeps: :D08:57
wazdStskeeps: nice :)08:57
timeless_mbpwe are the knights of Nee08:57
timeless_mbpNee Go08:57
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Venemoby the way, what happened to Mer?08:57
Stskeepsgo read mer-project.blogspot.com08:57
VenemoStskeeps, I already read this blog :)08:59
tybolltJaffa: I agree about the limited usefullness due to roaming charges08:59
tybolltJaffa: Lucky me my N900 broke just in time for my vacation08:59
VenemoStskeeps: the last entry mentioning Mer said "Mer as a system will live on in Mer^2"08:59
tybolltso I was never faced w/ that problem09:00
VenemoStskeeps: and since then, I haven't heard of it09:00
StskeepsVenemo: yeah.. and plans changed around a bit after we got meego running on n8x009:00
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VenemoStskeeps: so, the new plan is porting MeeGo instead of Harmattan?09:02
StskeepsVenemo: Mer^2 was for N8x009:02
VenemoStskeeps: yes, I know09:03
Venemosorry, I meant "porting MeeGo instead of Fremantle" ?09:03
StskeepsHarmattan on N8x0 is just insane, MeeGo, less so :P09:03
VenemoStskeeps: :)09:03
VenemoStskeeps: so, this is the regular "MeeGo" and not "MeeGo-Harmattan", correct?09:04
VenemoStskeeps: okay09:05
VenemoStskeeps: thanks for the info09:06
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plastunhello! how to set style for TouchSelector items like in Phone? large text for the first line and small text for the second line?09:08
Venemoplastun: what do you mean by a TouchSelector?09:11
plastunI mean scrollable widget with n-columns and m rows09:11
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Venemoplastun: Qt or Gtk?09:12
Venemoplastun: well, then, I haven't a clue09:13
Venemoplastun: I mostly develop in Qt09:13
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Venemoplastun: perhaps try #maemo-devel09:17
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mecegood morning09:23
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shorterhey, I've a 5.1 surround from logitech09:24
shorterbut it only has those three input for surround cards09:24
shorterhow do I plug in a stereo (like from an ipod) and have it sound full/good?09:25
shorteroh shit09:25
shorterwrong channel09:25
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Corsac I find your lack of input disturbing09:25
shorterI'm going to blame it on pidgin's cntl+tab functionality09:26
shorterme corsac?09:26
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meceshorter, thanks, I didn't know about ctrl-tab. Great and useful feature :)09:28
shortertry it in a browser09:28
shorterdont forget cntl+shift+tab09:28
shorterto go in reverse09:28
mecenod I figured that one out already :)09:28
shortersub cntl for alt for most WM (in linux) features09:29
mece~seen x-fade09:29
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo (3d 21h 29m 55s) #meego (3d 21h 29m 55s), last said: 'Saviq: Only 1.10 as max.'.09:29
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mecehowcome AIR feels more like lead?09:30
tybolltis that on N900 now?09:31
tybolltah for PC09:31
tybolltyeah sure09:31
tybolltI argee09:31
meceit's like the name is sarcasm.09:31
tybolltmy media centre at home does HD playback fine09:31
tybolltw/ AIR I can't even do SD playback w/out lots of choppy chops09:31
tybolltso yeah I agree - ironic name indeed09:32
mecehaha.. I never did any video playback with air, but all air apps I've used are incredibly slow and memory hungry09:32
tybolltugh yeah I bet09:33
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mecehmpf, I promoted a new version of qlister yesteday (that supports right-to-left languages) and the main package page hasn't been updated, so there's not proper link to the voting page.09:36
VenemoI'd like to start my application on startup09:36
Venemocould someone tell me what is wrong with this script?09:36
Venemostart on started hildon-desktop09:36
Venemo     /usr/local/bin/./EVE-Watcher without-ui09:36
Venemoend script09:36
Venemoit doesn't start09:37
mecethe ./09:37
Appiahwhat language is that?09:37
Venemothe ./ is usually needed to start my app09:37
Appiah./usr/local/bin/EVE-Watcher without-ui09:37
meceVenemo, but that only refers to "current dir" if you specify the path you don't need that09:38
Venemomece, okay09:38
Venemookay, will try09:38
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mecehmm should still work with ./ there though.09:38
meceoh wait09:39
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meceAppiah, should there really be a . in front there? I'd say /usr/local/bin/EVE-Watcher without-ui09:39
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Venemomece: still not working09:40
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Appiahmece: no idea on what Venemo is doing09:42
Appiahi dont understand the "script , end script"09:42
Appiahnever used that09:42
frals_wont it need
VenemoAppiah: every script in /etc/event.d/ looks like this09:43
Appiahyes but I never used it Venemo09:43
Appiahnever touched it09:43
frals_ie /usr/local/bin/EVE-Watcher without-ui09:43
Venemofrals_: trying now09:44
mecefrals_, does the latest fmms need testing? I can confirm it works :)09:44
Venemofrals_: not working, either09:45
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Stskeepsmorning andre__09:47
andre__morning Stskeeps09:47
Stskeepshad a good weekend?09:47
timeless_mbpandre__: can you change's default quoting behavior?09:48
timeless_mbpiirc it's a param09:48
frals_X-Fade: lists latest version in testing as 1.1.8 while seems to be in testing :)09:48
timeless_mbpbugzilla for insane reasons defaults to full comment quote09:48
timeless_mbp(broken out of the box)09:48
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andre__Stskeeps: was okayish... didn't do much. plus studying  :-/09:49
frals_mece: always need votes ;-)09:49
frals_Venemo: then i have no clue, sorry :p09:49
Stskeepsandre__: i pretty much didn't do much after returning home saturday, i'm always a bit comatose after trips :P09:49
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meceVenemo,try this:
meceor something.09:51
Venemomece: will do09:51
meceMeego release plans. If anyone's interested (not the right channel, I know)09:52
andre__timeless_mbp, I don't think there is any option for that.09:52
mecefrals_, I have that exact problem with qlister.09:53
mecefrals_, the testing link09:53
timeless_mbpandre__: hrm09:54
mecefrals_, also, you could vote for your own app too :)09:54
meceVenemo, did it work? Or got caught in a reboot loop?09:55
timeless_mbpthe version of bugzilla we have is so old09:55
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Venemomece: a minute09:55
timeless_mbp there's definitely a user pref for it in newer09:56
timeless_mbpi had hoped there'd be a site default of "not stupid"09:56
timeless_mbpif there isn't, please post a patch ;-)09:57
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mecehey, ansel-a is one vote from extras:
timeless_mbpwhat is it?10:02
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mecetimeless_mbp, what is Ansel-A? It's a "Digital Darkroom" and it's a very cool app.10:04
timeless_mbp"Adding ansela"10:04
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mecehere's the announce thread: definately one of the best apps imo.10:06
timeless_mbpkinda slow?10:07
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timeless_mbp"Loading Photos...5"10:07
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mecetimeless_mbp, hmm yeah. But other than that it's really nice :)10:07
timeless_mbpit's *really* slow10:08
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TriztFromWorkA silly question: but why has the hildon-thumbnail program be run each time you reboot n900?10:08
Venemosorry, my machine just froze10:09
TriztFromWorkor open the gallery10:09
mecetimeless_mbp, Took about 20 seconds for me10:09
timeless_mbpTrizt: it can't know what you've done to the system via usb10:09
AppiahVenemo: :)10:09
AppiahTriztFromWork: the indexer?10:09
mecetimeless_mbp, I only have some 100 photos though.10:09
TriztFromWorktimeless_mbp; it feels like it remakes the thumbnails each time, takes like 2 weeks and the phone is so lagish10:09
meceTriztFromWork, how many photos do you have?10:10
TriztFromWorkAppiah; no clue, it appears as hildon-thumbnail when I do a ps10:10
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TriztFromWorkmece; like all I have taken since 2001 and forward, ~80010:10
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meceTriztFromWork, eeh sorry I got confused about what we were talking about..10:12
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TriztFromWorkso I would be happy if I could disable it, so it won't run automatically10:12
TriztFromWorkmece; hildon-thumbnail10:12
* timeless_mbp kicks ansela out of devel10:12
Proteous"go back to were you came from!!"10:13
infobotProteous meant: where?10:13
Venemomece: it seems that your solution is not working10:13
meceVenemo, hm10:13
timeless_mbpProteous: nah, stop hiding from all the people10:13
timeless_mbptiny caves are no place for a good application to hide10:13
Venemomece: however, I will give it one more try, just let me rebuild my app10:14
meceVenemo, can you run it directly from xterm like that?10:14
Proteousyeah, I hear you can get eaten by a grue10:14
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meceVenemo, as in if you go to exterm and type  /usr/local/bin/EVE-Watcher without-ui10:16
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Venemomece: yes, but the app terminates when I close the terminal10:17
meceVenemo, yeah. still that script should work then.10:17
mecewhat is it called?10:17
Venemothe script?10:18
Venemoit is located in /etc/event.d/ and the filename is eve-watcher (without extension)10:18
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Venemomece: any ideas?10:20
meceVenemo, try doing, as root, initctl list eve-watcher10:21
Venemothe output is:10:21
Venemoeve-watcher (stop) waiting10:21
meceok, so the script runs, but the app exits10:21
Venemoit shouldn't exit10:22
mecewhat happens if you run it as root?10:22
Venemoalso, it should display a message box when started (just to make sure that it runs)10:22
Venemowhich does not appear10:22
Venemothe app should not run as root, btw10:22
Venemoor, at least, no reason to run it as root10:23
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meceVenemo, I guess it gives some errors if it crashes, so you could pipe the errors to a file..10:25
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Venemomece: no, it shouldn't give any errors. at least, it doesn't give any if I simply launch it10:26
Venemoperhaps it shouldn't run when hildon-desktop is started, but when hildon-home is started?10:26
meceVenemo, but obviously it doesn't work from event.d so maybe it gives errors10:26
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Venemomece: hm10:27
Venemomece: is it possible to launch it when hildon-home is running?10:27
meceVenemo, well, try putting  2> /tmp/eve-watcher-errors.log to the end of the command in the event.d file10:28
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meceand see what it says.10:30
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Venemomece, okay10:30
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Venemomece: still nothing10:33
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Venemoand there is no such file in /tmp, either10:33
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meceVenemo, but ok. Does the app work if you start it as root?10:34
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plastunhow to add markupped text to HildonTouchSelector?10:35
Venemomece: I dunno, wait a moment10:35
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meceplastun, I'm not sure you can.10:37
plastunI can, but it works incorrectry10:37
meceplastun, oh.10:37
plastuncell_renderer.set_property('markup', 1)10:37
meceplastun, what's the problem then?10:38
plastundo not set property 'markup', it add text '1' ot touch selector10:38
meceplastun, right cell_renderer.. yeah.10:38
Venemomece: yes, it seems that it runs as root if I launch it from xterm10:38
meceplastun, 1 is not a markup.10:38
Venemomece: initctl now says, "No jobs matching 'eve-watcher'"10:39
plastunmece, yes, but I set cellrenderertext to column, not for each item. right?10:39
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furunk3lyes hello10:47
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timeless_mbpandre__: comment 30 was funny10:49
timeless_mbp> I could verify this bug if somebody will give detailed explanations how to open10:49
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meceplastun, markup property sets the markup'ed text to render, so in that case you have to render each element afaict.10:51
* plastun dazed10:51
Venemomece: any ideas?10:51
plastunit there any other methods to set cellrenderer property and add only elements, with no selecting cellrenderer?10:52
andre__timeless_mbp, doesn't it say much about testing skills?10:52
* andre__ sighs10:52
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timeless_mbpi'm surprised you didn't offer detailed instructions as comment 3110:52
meceplastun, 'markup' is the same as 'text' but with markup parsed. like instead of cell_renderer.set_property('text', 'An item') you do cell_renderer.set_property('markup', '<b>An item</b>') or something like that.10:52
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frals_bug #?10:52
timeless_mbpfrals: just search for '' in bugzilla10:53
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plastunmece, I understand10:53
timeless_mbpandre__: but yeah, i think that one might be worth framing10:53
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plastunmece, can you show simple exaple how to add items with different cell renderers?10:54
meceplastun, I've never bothered.. lemme see if I can find something.10:54
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timeless_mbpandre__: would it be reasonable to note in the public bug what the general fix is so that someone who wants to backport it could know10:55
andre__feel free to10:55
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timeless_mbpfrals: as andre__ noted, our testers are impressive10:59
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mecefrals_, got flattr?11:03
tybolltfrals_: Will you take offence to my calling your update frquency as flooding? >:D11:04
frals_tybollt: ive pushed one update the last 2 weeks ;p11:04
mecefrals_, want an invite?11:04
tybolltfrals_: ? :P11:04
frals_mece: no idea what it is, dont think i need it? but thanks! ;)11:04
tybolltthen my device has cocked up :)11:04
tybolltit's asked me to install fmms updates many many times :)11:05
mecefrals_, it's a micro donation service11:05
mecetybollt, you shouldn't have devel enabled...11:05
mecetybollt, :P11:06
frals_tybollt: i released 1.1.8 like 2 weeks ago and 1.1.9 yesterday or the day before that ;)11:06
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vldcnsttimeless_mpb: do you own
vldcnstJust wondering.11:07
mecetimeless_mbp, you linked to it..11:07
timeless_mbpvldcnst: i work on the web browser11:07
timeless_mbpand we get screwed because the idiots who "own" fonts don't think having decent fonts is important11:08
timeless_mbpso i file bugs about various sites in an effort to get them to make the fonts suck less11:08
mece:)11:08 happens to be a convenient site11:08
tybollttimeless_mbp: do you know of a WM called ION?11:08
timeless_mbpa colleague uses it11:08
tybolltDo you know Tuomo?11:09
tybollt(dude who write ION and who is quite the rabid font ranter :)11:09
timeless_mbpdo i want to know why google suggest for 'tuomo' is 'tuomo ruutu girlfriend'11:09
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tybollttimeless_mbp: :D11:09
tybolltIon (window manager) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - [ Översätt den här sidan ]11:10
tybolltIt is the successor of PWM and is written by the same author, Tuomo Valkonen. Since the first release of Ion in the summer 2000, similar alternative window ...11:10
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timeless_mbpyeah, clearly, not the right tuomo11:10
Venemohey guys11:12
Venemocould anyone please tell me how to run my app on system start on Maemo?11:12
Venemono matter which tip I tried in event.d, it is not working :(11:12
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toggles_wVenemo: you can put it in /etc/rc.local11:18
Venemoit seems that I managed to get it to work11:19
Venemoalthough it runs as root, and not as user11:19
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Venemotoggles_w: this is working:11:21
Venemodescription "starts EVE-Watcher"11:21
Venemostart on started hildon-desktop11:21
Venemoexec /usr/local/bin/EVE-Watcher11:21
Venemotoggles_w: however, I don't know how to pass an argument to the app11:22
Venemotoggles_w: nor do I know how to start it as user "user"11:22
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meceVenemo: exec su - user -c "exec /usr/local/bin/EVE-Watcher without-ui"11:22
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Venemomece, thank you!11:26
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meceVenemo, did it work?11:28
Venemomece, yes it did11:28
Venemomece: you just saved my day! :)11:29
Venemomece: thank you very much!11:29
meceVenemo, np11:30
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meceQlister 0.2-7 needs some votes btw, so test it if you have time.11:33
meceIf you have apps that need testing I can be of service btw.11:33
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lcukmornin maemo \o11:36
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frals_mornin lcuk11:37
frals_hows you?11:37
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lcukmorning frals - im good thanks :) coffee with zero sugars and still alive!11:39
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JaffaMorning, all11:39
lcukmorning Jaffa \o11:39
lcukwhich country are you in today11:39
* lcuk puts 10p in the maemo planet - it does appear to have stalled11:40
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lcukbarisione, did you mention last night you submitted something that should be on planet?11:40
* SpeedEvil installs qlister.11:41
barisionelcuk: the planet didn't update since the 18 it seems11:41
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th3hatecan anyone answer my question about power kernel?11:43
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lcukX-Fade, morning \o do you know anything about planet being stuck?11:44
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meceSpeedEvil, hope it works :)11:45
X-Fadelcuk: Looking at that. The cron job runs as it should though.11:45
meceX-Fade, hello, there seem to be some issue with replacing a package in texting. Do you have time to check it out?11:46
X-Fademece: Can be the same issue as the planet one, let me check that out first.11:47
meceX-Fade, ok, thanks.11:47
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* lcuk slides a coffee over to X-Fade 11:48
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Myrttihello all you beautiful people11:50
Jaffalcuk: UK this week11:50
lcuk:D dont sound so downhearted jaffa :p :D11:51
lcukMyrtti, good morning x11:51
Jaffalcuk: Not been a fun morning11:51
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meceHello Myrtti and Jaffa11:51
meceany particular reason why less is not promoted to extras?11:52
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Jaffamece: 1) Because the developer hasn't promoted it to Extras-testing; 2) because it's not got an icon (including the standard CLI one); 3) it doesn't specifically state that this is for use on the command line only. However, it is optified :-)11:56
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: ping11:58
JaffaGAN900: ping11:58
lcukok, for things like this jaffa, do you think if one of the testing squad could actually make those tiny tweaks and send him a patch11:58
lcukto help him out11:58
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marcusKinda offtopic, but does anybody know where the binary file of OpenOffice Word is located on Arch Linux?11:59
lcukit may push projects such as that forward - ie he might not add the icone because he doesnt know how11:59
Jaffalcuk: *Anyone* could send him a patch11:59
lcukyes i know11:59
jogamarcus: *really* off-topic11:59
Jaffalcuk: Doesn't have to be the Testing Squad. Could be any interested user (*cough* mece)11:59
jogamarcus: but guessing: /usr/bin/oowriter11:59
meceJaffa, :) all true. Where's that icon thing?12:00
lcukJaffa, yeah was thinking the testing squad because they are reviewing - but yes mece is also reviewing :D12:00
jogamarcus: you can also find this out by yourself by typing in a terminal 'which oowriter'12:00
marcuswhich: no oowriter in (/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin/perlbin/site:/usr/bin/perlbin/vendor:/usr/bin/perlbin/core)12:00
joga(I think the binary for the "word" portion of ooo is called oowriter)12:00
Jaffamece: more specifically12:00
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marcusSo guess not.12:00
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jogamarcus: is it installed? usable?12:01
jogamarcus: check the shortcut or something then to see what it launches12:01
lcukjaffa - hmm12:01
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Myrttimarcus: doesn't archlinux have an irc channel of their own?12:01
lcukperhaps that isnt highlighted in the testing guidelines ..12:01
jogalunchie time ->12:01
marcusI've got it open, I just want to tell Firefox that it should open .doc files with oowriter.12:01
lcukrather than fail a package - if in a position to offer a simple patch and guidance..12:02
marcusMyrtti: They do, but I requires some sort of registration, so I can only "listen".12:02
timeless_mbpfirealarm testing this morning12:02
Myrttimarcus: the registration isn't rocket science12:02
timeless_mbpgood thing i don't go in that early :)12:02
lcuktimeless_mbp, mind the firedoors!12:02
timeless_mbplcuk: they changed the way some of the emergency door thingies work12:03
timeless_mbpi'm trying to decide if the new ones are better12:03
timeless_mbpi suspect it takes an instruction manual to operate12:03
lcuklol well when im there ill let someone else open them for me :D12:03
meceJaffa, so adding the words "A cli " to the beginning of the first description line, making it A cli pager program similar to more and adding the icon would be enough?12:04
timeless_mbplcuk: learning from experience?12:05
timeless_mbpthat's not the nokia way12:05
meceit doesn't have a bugtracker. should I link to the official less bugtracker?12:05
timeless_mbpif at first you don't succeed, repeat until you do!12:05
lcuktimeless_mbp, !! i have to12:05
lcukive not got mnay fingers left12:06
timeless_mbpwe didn't let you keep them?12:06
timeless_mbpi mean attached, detached, what's the difference?12:06
lcukyou did, but according to my typing they are now in the wrong order12:06
alteregoOne of my friends just suggested an app that detects lon preiods of time that the acceleromenter hasn't moved, causes an alarm and tells you to do some excercise :)12:07
Jaffamece: Dunno about the bug tracker, mailto:<triager> would be sufficient. Of course, it's also dependent on the packager being willing to promote it12:07
lcukalterego, lol12:07
alteregoNot sure how bad polling the accel would cost though :)12:07
Jaffaalterego: I want an app which detects no movement between certain times of day; uses the light sensor and then sets my IM status to away.12:07
alteregoJaffa, not bad. I could do that :P12:08
lcukalterego, what do you code in?  gtk or qt?12:08
alteregoI've got quite accoustomed to telepathy, auite liking it.12:08
alteregolcuk: qt now, but I used to do everything in gtk.12:08
alteregoWere you one of the devs finding it hard to get to grips with Qt? or was that someone else?12:09
* lcuk nods cool12:09
SpeedEvilSometimes the export process for planet can get stalled.12:09
lcukno im just wondering what limitations you find - since you are a crossover dev12:09
SpeedEvilHistorically at least, the bzip occasionally gell over due to various problems.12:09
lcukcan youhappily create qt desktop widgets12:09
X-FadeShould be going now again, we found the issue.12:10
SpeedEvilerr - never mind12:10
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lcuk\o/ X-Fade12:10
alteregolcuk: doesn't feel like there are as many widgets for Qt out-of-the-box. but they do promote custom widget creation.12:10
ScriptFanixtimeless_mbp: reminds me of
lcukalterego, is the process simple/as simple as it could be12:10
lcukand do you think theres any tricks missing to allowing qt widgets12:11
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xDaReaperxhmm wasn't there a bug when you use Break , the phone switches completly to portait mode ? is this fixed ? cause it dosent seem to work for me12:11
alteregolcuk: also, PySide (not sure about PyQt) seems really bad as it doesn't handle reference counting properly and commonly segfaults unless you explicitly keep references to all your widgets. Which isn't always the nicest thing in a flexible interpretted language.12:11
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xDaReaperxyeah Braek12:12
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MohammadAG51use rotatedaemon, it's more "reliable"12:12
lcukno alterego - would a wrapper class around the hildon widget be required?12:12
alteregolcuk: I find it just as simple as gtk tbh, in some cases it feels nicer.12:12
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Jaffaalterego: It doesn't even need to poll the accelerometer continually; it can just take a few samples every few minutes and if they're very close; assume the device hasn't moved.12:13
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alteregoSemantically, they're pretty much identical though, they have their own meta object systems that implement dynamic properties and signals/slots.12:13
lcukalterego, sure it does - but qt shouldnt have the ballache portions, if there was a hildon_widget class (or whatever naming convention was) that neatly wrapped up all the rough edges12:13
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alteregoJaffa: sure, that would work, but then, it's not particulalry reliable. You might miss movement.12:14
* timeless_mbp rotfl12:14
lcuktechnically guys you dont even need to check accelerometer12:14
timeless_mbpScriptFanix: thank you, i think that made my week12:14
lcukjust see if the screen is on12:14
lcuk/has been on12:14
xDaReaperxMohammadAG51: does it resize the screen ? cause in portait mode the media player's screen is half cut12:14
alteregolcuk: Actually, not having any hildon stuff seems better from my perspective, the less customisation required for an app to be mobile the better imo.12:14
lcukalterego, yeah i know12:15
lcukbut ive seen the boiler plate in example widgets12:15
lcukthat each app has to drag in12:15
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MohammadAG51xDaReaperx, obviously not, the media player is designed for landscape only12:15
alteregoYeah, not done any custom widgets yet.12:15
xDaReaperxOh okay thanks12:15
alteregoBut I will be soon enough  :)12:15
alteregoAnyhow, shower time.12:15
SpeedEvilJaffa: alterego: the accellerometer in hardware can be configured to interrupt if trip points are exceeded12:16
alteregoSpeedEvil: awesome, I'll note that down, I was thinking something like inotify would help, but what you describe is much cooler, anyholw shower! bbiab :D12:17
SpeedEvilalterego: I don't think it's implemented in the kernel driver though12:17
lcukSpeedEvil, docs said similar but did not elaborate could you add notes to the accelerometer page (or a subpage from it)12:18
SpeedEvilWhat would be the correct process to poke for the sourcecode of powertop.12:18
JaffaSpeedEvil: Cool12:18
SpeedEvillcuk: I need to reread the datasheet12:18
lcukcool :) if you manage it it would be good12:18
SpeedEvilJaffa: It also supports hardware 'tap' events, which are unused too.12:18
Jaffalcuk: That doesn't work - if I'm on the train, I want to be contactable but may not be using the device.12:18
JaffaSpeedEvil: Oooh12:18
lcukbecause that also has things about sensitivity and also calibration12:18
JaffaAll manner of shiny12:18
SpeedEvilWhat would be the correct way to poke for the release of the sourcecode of 'powertop' - or to get it into extras-nonfree or somewhere?12:19
meceok, I sent him a pm with a link to a patched control file. Would be nice if he does it.12:19
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pexiahh, this htc desire feels like a real phone ;)12:19
xDaReaperxMohammadAG51 : hahaha i ran Firefox on N900 using rotatedaemo in portait mode , it turned my phone off xD12:19
xDaReaperxtoo buggy12:19
xDaReaperxafter all its for testing12:20
meceSpeedEvil, is the source not available?12:20
MohammadAG51xDaReaperx, that's cause firefox supports portrait mode12:21
xDaReaperxyeah i guess :D12:21
SpeedEvilmece: As I understnad it, no12:22
SpeedEvilWhy is it possible to thumb up ?12:22
timeless_mbpyou mean instead of ?12:23
crashanddieIt's an italian and a greek arguing about who made the best civilisation. The Greek goes "We built the Parthenon", the Italian says "Ah, but we built the Colliseum". The Greek says "We invented mathematics", to which the Italian replies "But we built the Roman Empire". The Greek finally says "We invented sex!". "That's true", the Italian replies, "but we thought about having it with women!"12:24
timeless_mbpbecause we're silly, find/file a bug :)12:24
timeless_mbpi think there should be one12:24
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timeless_mbpcrashanddie: heh12:24
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shorterhow can I tell if the proxies in the internet connection preferences are connecting?12:29
shorterany debuging methodologies?12:29
meceSpeedEvil, is powertop even in the repos12:29
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MohammadAG51frals, you get a lot of weird bugs on bugzilla :P12:31
lcukMohammadAG51, be thankful you havent got your own personal bugzilla :P12:32
SpeedEvilmece: no12:32
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xDaReaperxZen bound is a fun game :D12:33
SpeedEvilIt would seem the original packager noticed.12:33
SpeedEvilIt's in devel now12:33
shorteralterego, I'm not connected yet12:34
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alteregoshorter: well, when you are ...12:34
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meceah non-free12:34
alteregoIs there anything I have to do to my product page for an app to make it recognise my maemo account and apply karma?12:35
shortertrying to get connected12:35
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mecealterego, no.12:36
alteregocool, so it should show up eventually then :)12:36
mecealterego, only the -> needs to be done manually.12:36
alteregoRight, suspected as much.12:36
mecealterego, did your app get to extras?12:36
alteregomece: yup12:37
mecealterego, nice. which one?12:37
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mecealterego, right.. I'm using that one I think.12:37
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meceat least it's installed.12:37
meceI haven't really tested it..12:37
alterego:) Well if you've not configured it before you need to enable/configure it first.12:38
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer51, your bouncer's been a bit laggy lately12:38
lcukmorning tekojo \o12:38
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MohammadAGsaid something on :36:52, I'll see when it goes through12:38
tekojomorning lcuk!12:39
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BCMMwhat's that app called that lets you use wifi without being on GSM?12:40
BCMM(i mean, like offline mode but with wlan)12:40
SpeedEvilBCMM: you can do that nromally.12:40
SpeedEvilthere is 'cell modem switcher' or something12:40
BCMMSpeedEvil: how do you do that normally?12:40
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mecealterego, it works :)12:41
BCMMoffline mode turns off wlan doesn't it?12:41
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alteregomece: :)12:41
MohammadAGdamn lag12:41
SpeedEvilBCMM: You move out of GSM coverage12:41
mecealterego, wait actually I did test this on my friends phone.12:41
meceMohammadAG, what's lagging?12:41
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, I uploaded the package12:41
SpeedEvilBCMM: Or you run 'stop BME' and run the battery below 3v.12:41
MohammadAGmece, freenode...12:41
BCMMSpeedEvil: i mean withou leaving the celll...12:41
BCMMi'll rephrase...12:42
alteregomece, all in all it seems to take about 10 seconds to appear on an MSN account12:42
BCMMiirc, there is an app to allow you to intentionally disconnect from gsm; like offline mode, but with wlan enabled12:42
jacekowskiX-Fade: ping12:42
lcuktekojo, longest day of the year, at least unless you go really far north :) hope sun is shining for you today12:42
alteregomece: which is better than I'd orignally expected, (it's actually just five, but I added a 5 second debounce period to ignore fast track skipping)12:42
X-Fadejacekowski: pong12:42
BCMMcan anyone recall the name?12:42
jacekowskiX-Fade: any chance that you could send me working config files for maemo autobuilder?12:43
SpeedEvil BCMM12:43
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: ?12:43
X-Fadejacekowski: the buildme configs?12:43
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, powertop, I built that package not the original maintainer12:43
X-Fadejacekowski: Ehm sbdmock ones?12:43
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, check the deb's control file, I'll see why it shows him as a maintainer12:43
BCMMSpeedEvil: thanks12:43
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I was confused, as it still said original maintainer12:43
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I mean the one in extras12:44
jacekowskiX-Fade: yeah, and sbdmock, and wanna-build, and buildd, and sbuild or whatever you are using12:44
MohammadAGyeah, I'll have ping X-Fade about it (X-Fade, ping)12:44
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: extras-devel12:44
MohammadAGyeah SpeedEvil, check the control file in
BCMMalso, is it technically possible to use 3G data while not being connected for the purpose of recieving calls?12:44
X-Fadejacekowski: sbdmock is what does the actual build preparations and builds.12:44
MohammadAGI think it's because it's an older version, uploading 1.212:44
jacekowskiX-Fade: but something manages the queue12:45
meceX-Fade, problem sorted, thanks. :)12:45
jacekowskiX-Fade: and wanna-build seems to just ignore everything12:45
X-Fademece: Yeah, maintenance node issue.12:45
X-Fadejacekowski: buildme is what processes the queue.12:45
tekojolcuk: cloudy, but good enough :)12:45
jacekowskiX-Fade: so copy of configuration files would be nice12:45
X-Fadejacekowski: Buildme:
MiXu-BCMM: At least it's possible for the phone to decide not to react to incoming calls.12:46
jacekowskiX-Fade: still, any chances for sbdmock config?12:46
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: ah12:46
X-Fadejacekowski: Yes, moment.12:46
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: /opt/maemo/usr/bin/powertop12:46
SpeedEvilPowertop 1.13.312:46
SpeedEvil - seems not to be older12:46
X-Fadejacekowski: Has been posted to the lists a few times, but let me dig the most recent on up ;)12:46
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, older as in package number, my version is 1.0, the uploaded one is 1.1312:47
SpeedEvilI see12:47
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: shouldn't matter - the old one was never actually downloadable12:47
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, I should've followed the same versioning scheme, but... too late to do that12:47
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: apt-get install powertop now works.12:47
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MohammadAGit's non-free, but that's because the "source" is a binary12:48
meceSoo, who has an idea why the autobuilder-built wesnoth segfaults while the scratchbox built one works fine?12:48
MohammadAGmece, the autobuilder is racist12:48
meceMohammadAG, I don't actually think wesnoth has a race, so racism shouldn't affect it..12:49
MohammadAGmece, the uploader does12:49
MohammadAGX-Fade, do you mind checking out why the maintainer hasn't been replaced here?
X-FadeMohammadAG: email not set in account?12:50
MohammadAGX-Fade, I'm not that much of a noob :)12:50
MohammadAGX-Fade, Maintainer: Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh <>12:50
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X-FadeMohammadAG: Did you add that email to your profile?12:51
SpeedEvilAlso - simply as it was a binary on pr1 fs doesn't mean it's redistributable technically12:51
MohammadAGX-Fade, yes, I've uploaded packages before12:51
SpeedEvilThere is no licence attached to the file12:51
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, afaik it's licensed under the GPL license12:51
X-FadeMohammadAG: Ah, maybe the import hasn't run yet.12:51
MohammadAGX-Fade, it has, the package was uploaded yesterday :)12:52
SpeedEvilMohammadAG:'s powerttop is licenced under the GPL.12:52
MohammadAGwell, today12:52
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, and can someone change the license?12:52
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: this is not that - it's a complete reimplementation12:52
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X-FadeMohammadAG: Yes, but maintenance node was broken-ish. Has been fixed for not that long.12:52
MohammadAGoh, ok12:52
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: Sure - the original author - that we don't know12:52
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MohammadAGSpeedEvil, assume it's under the GPL till someone proves otherwise :)12:53
X-FadeMohammadAG: Ah, there already was a maintainer.12:53
X-FadeMohammadAG: It won't ever replace that one then. :)12:53
X-FadeMohammadAG: You need to request maintainership.12:53
MohammadAGX-Fade, weird, I did it once12:53
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X-FadeMohammadAG: Only if none is set.12:53
* timeless_mbp tries to remember how apt works12:54
MohammadAGX-Fade, and the package is broken (old one)12:54
* timeless_mbp considers asking a computer12:54
MohammadAGtimeless_mbp, super cow powers12:54
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MohammadAGX-Fade, actually, no, I replaced the maintainer for one package12:54
timeless_mbpMohammadAG: my computer relied on super-copy-on-write powers12:54
X-FadeMohammadAG: Well, it isn't nice to steal a package. So that is why you need to request maintainer when there is already one set.12:54
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X-FadeMohammadAG: Package as in reserved name space.12:54
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MohammadAGX-Fade, I know, I was going to request maintainership after I uploaded it, but he just got replaced12:55
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X-FadeMohammadAG: I seem to be missing the issue, what did you expect and what did actually happen?12:57
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MohammadAGX-Fade, I expected it to overwrite the previous fields on the packages page, but that isn't the expected result from what it seems.12:57
timeless_mbp3024 i'm stupid12:58
X-FadeMohammadAG: No, that would be evil.12:58
* timeless_mbp likes that commit message12:58
X-FadeMohammadAG: That way anybody can hijack your package.12:58
MohammadAGX-Fade, hey, the importer did it once :P12:58
X-FadeMohammadAG: Only if there was none set in the interface.12:58
MohammadAGX-Fade, there was someone12:58
MohammadAGnot sure which package it was though12:59
MohammadAGcan someone do an ls -l in /bin/tar please? I removed the original one12:59
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: it's just a symlink to busybox13:00
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MohammadAGSpeedEvil, so it's /bin/tar -> /bin/busybox?13:01
MohammadAGhey Termana13:02
Arkenoi <-resolved13:02
povbotBug 7190: music stutters while multi-tasking, especially browsing web13:02
MohammadAGwow indeed, This has been fixed in package pulseaudio 0.9.15-1maemo43+0m513:03
* Arkenoi wonders if it is possible to get it packaged separately from PR.13 or whatever will it be ;-)13:04
lcukArkenoi, dont sound so shocked that bugs are fixed :)13:05
alteregoApparently MS are following in Apple's footprints by releasing a mobile OS withough copy/paste?!13:05
SpeedEvilI assume apt-get remove pulseaudio;apt-get install pulseaudio would do nothing?13:05
Termanaalterego, did you expect any better?13:05
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, it would install the same package you removed13:06
TermanaThis is Apple and Microsoft we are talking about here :P13:06
alteregoTermana: I expect nothing :P13:06
SpeedEvilThought so.13:06
lcukSpeedEvil, its not in a release yet13:06
BCMMalterego: don't worry, I'm sure they'll introduce it later with great fanfare13:06
BCMMand use the word "innovation"13:06
SpeedEvilIn principle - is there anything stopping some person compiling pulse, and jamming it in extras?13:06
MohammadAGln -s /usr/bin/gnu/tar /bin/tar <-- postinst. postrm --> ln -s /bin/tar /bin/busybox13:06
lcukalterego, that means they are on new green code then13:07
MohammadAGlooks right, right?13:07
X-FadeSpeedEvil: Yes, me ;)13:07
lcuksince they have had c&p for donkeys years13:07
lcukit shows something good13:07
alteregoSo, if I wanted to implement a pay for app, and I was going to implement a registation system to do it. Do you think people would get mad if I used their IMEI to do so? :)13:07
meceSpeedEvil, same problem as with other bits that break SSU I suppose.13:07
MohammadAGalterego, why should they13:07
meceSpeedEvil, but I'm sure it could be in devel?13:07
SpeedEvilalterego: I think they have no real case - as long as you've explained it13:07
SpeedEvilalterego: What do you mean by 'use the IMEI'13:08
MohammadAGSpeedEvil, where would we get the source in the first place13:08
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MohammadAGIMEI tied with registration server13:08
alteregoSpeedEvil: as in make the package lock to their IMEI13:08
SpeedEvilalterego: Sending the IMEI to you I would be hesitant about13:08
meceMohammadAG, apt-get source pulseaudio worked...13:08
SpeedEvilas you can do various bad things with IMEI13:08
alteregoIt's just a light idea at the moment.13:09
MohammadAGalterego, you do know someone could just fake the IMEI if you're going to use the dbus method13:09
MohammadAGmece, for the newest source? (the one that was fixed?)13:09
meceMohammadAG, I suppose not.13:09
alteregoMohammadAG: there are many ways to get around it I'm sure, but your average user isn't going to know.13:09
meceMohammadAG, what was fixed?13:09
MohammadAGThis has been fixed in package pulseaudio 0.9.15-1maemo43+0m5 which is part of the internal build version 2010.24-213:10
alteregoanyhow gotta move bbiab13:10
MohammadAGbug 7190, as Arkenoi said13:10
povbotBug music stutters while multi-tasking, especially browsing web13:10
jacekowskiX-Fade: python2.6?13:10
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X-Fadejacekowski: what, where, how?13:11
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jacekowskiX-Fade: are you using python2.6?13:12
X-Fadejacekowski: For?13:12
jacekowski( on 2.5 it fails on ImportError: No module named json )13:12
jacekowskiand it looks like it's ok on 2.613:13
X-FadeYeah, you need json for python.13:13
X-FadeBut it looks we are using 2.5.13:13
jacekowskiwell, i can't find json package with json that would work13:15
jacekowskianyways, 2.6 is working13:15
X-Fadejacekowski: ii  python-json                       3.4-2                      a JSON ( reader and writer in Python13:15
meceMohammadAG, have you checked on gitorious?13:16
MohammadAGnot really, still looking at the Xarchiver source and the diablo patches13:17
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jacekowskiX-Fade: destinations = ('builder1@corsola.dmz:/home/builder1/', 'builder2@corsola.dmz:/home/builder2/', 'builder3@corsola.dmz:/home/builder3')13:20
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X-Fadejacekowski: Those are just ssh accounts to your sbdmock machine.13:23
shortertrying to get the proxy to work13:24
shorterany ideas?13:24
SpeedEvilHow would I determine if the tag  0.9.15-1maemo43+0m5 is in ?13:24
shorterI've tested it on my computer13:24
* SpeedEvil does not understand git13:25
shorteris there something I would need enabled in squid to connect with teh n900?13:25
shorterin advanced i just have proxyname and port13:25
hajuhm.. anyone tried running Warcraft II on their N900.. via Stratagus I guess... ?13:25
meceSpeedEvil, hmm.. It's not sorted like that. latest is 0.9.19-1maemo3 it appears..13:26
mecehaj, there's a video of it I think, so someone has.13:26
SpeedEvilmece: yes -Ican seethemost recent tagstoo13:26
SpeedEvilmece: Ormaybe that's all ofthem-andit's simply not there13:27
frals_SpeedEvil: in sourceree it should show all tags afaik13:27
frals_otherwise, clone the repo and git tags should show you all of them ;o13:27
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hajmece: yah.. I'm just wondering if it works okay to play it... just played through Dune II as House Harkonnen and that worked somewhat okay.. though OpenDune crashes a lot :/13:28
SpeedEvilI can clone the repo - but I don't understand what to do from there.13:28
* SpeedEvil sighs.13:28
meceSpeedEvil, well one of those commits has the correct version I suppose.13:29
SpeedEvilAssuming it's the same repo13:29
mecethey didn't tag eaarlier than 0.9.18-1maemo1 it appears13:29
frals_SpeedEvil: or just do (assuming you have git installed) mkdir pa-git; git clone; git tags13:29
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MohammadAGhmm, so how do I make an app show up in the "open with" dialog13:31
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alteregoMohammadAG: you need to modify the mimetype registry by adding it into your .desktop I think.13:31
alteregoThere's also an app for that :)13:31
alteregoWhich does it "dynamically" :D13:31
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jacekowskiX-Fade: ChangesException: Error: file chromium_5.0.369.2-maemo4.dsc isn't signed13:32
MohammadAGMimeType=application/x-arj;application/arj;application/x-bzip;application/x-bzip-compressed-tar alterego it already is defined13:32
alteregoHrm ...13:33
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X-Fadejacekowski: That explains itself? :)13:34
jacekowskiwell, it's same package i was using for maemo builder13:35
jacekowskibut hmm13:36
X-Fadejacekowski: Yes, you should be able to turn that check off.13:36
meceSpeedEvil, the changelog jumps from 0.9.15-1maemo32 to 0.9.19-1maemo1, so that particular version, 0.9.15-1maemo43 does not appear to be there.13:36
alteregoMohammadAG: you might need to exec update-mime-database and not sure if you need to register with tracker w/ tracker-register-mimetype13:37
meceSpeedEvil, why not try 0.9.19?13:37
X-Fademece: Might have been an interim nightly build or so.13:37
MohammadAGalterego, where are .service files stored?13:37
jacekowskiX-Fade: i did13:37
SpeedEvilmece: Because that would involve thought13:37
jacekowskiError: can't copy '/home/maemo/public_html/builder/fremantle/chromium_5.0.369.2-maemo4/sources/chromium_5.0.369.2-maemo4_source.changes' to '/'13:37
jacekowskithat's more fun13:37
SpeedEvilmece: It's a perfectly teasonable question though.13:37
meceSpeedEvil, hmm. I'm tempted to build that.13:38
X-Fadejacekowski: Hehe, don't specify builder home as /13:38
alteregoMohammadAG: /usr/share/dbus-1/services I believe13:38
MohammadAGfound it :)13:38
meceSpeedEvil, probly depends on some other stuff though..13:38
SpeedEvilmece: Basically - I was not assuming that that was the gir repo that the development was being done on - it might have been forked ealier - so that the fix does not appear on that repo13:38
SpeedEvilmece: Hence I was lookinf for the same tag name to confirm that13:38
jacekowskidestinations = ('')13:38
jacekowskiError: unknown destination 'm'13:38
SpeedEviljacekowski: What are you trying to do? Has the OK been given to put chromium up again?13:39
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: i'm puting it up in my repo13:39
jacekowskiand because it's in the eu13:39
jacekowskii don't have to care13:39
alteregoGod bless the EU and their anti-sw-patent ethic :)13:40
X-FadeIt is a sad story, but we're still working on a solution too btw.13:40
MohammadAGNuke IL -> RESOLVED FIXED13:41
alteregoIs not in the eu? :D13:41
jacekowskialterego: nokia is in US as well13:41
jacekowskialterego: but i'm only in the eu13:42
alteregoOh, right13:42
alteregoGood point13:42
jacekowski    raise Error("Error: unknown destination '%s'" % destination)13:42
* RST38h nukes MohammadAG slowly and painfully, just like if he were debugging him13:42
shorterhow should i test a 3g proxy on the n900?13:42
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shortercan't tell if it is connecting or what13:42
jacekowskii shouldn't be getting that error unless something is seriously fucked up in my config file13:42
SpeedEvilshorter: A 3g proxy?13:42
MohammadAGpurge and reinstall13:42
alteregoSpeedEvil: so, it's not actually possible to do what we discussed earlier with the accelerometer?13:43
SpeedEvilshorter: you mean a box that you get from your WSP that you pay for, as they are too cheap to build out a proper net?13:43
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shorternot sure13:43
shorterit is a squid proxy13:43
SpeedEvilalterego: It's possible - but you would need to first fix the kenrel to get it interrupting13:43
shorterbecause they're blocking port 80 on my 3g service13:43
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: did you see the crunchpad article?13:43
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: No.13:43
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: well - I assume not, as I have no recollection of the name crunchpad.13:44
timeless_mbpi think i botched the name :)13:44
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SpeedEvilah - no13:45
meceOT but OMG Cthulhu!
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: ah.AtleastintheUK,Idon'tthinktheybotherabout that - thye'll just sell you one13:46
alteregoI think I've got an abcess13:47
SpeedEviltimeless: however - to be fair - many buildings are constructed so they are goo RF shelds, and you'd nver be able to get a signal13:47
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shorterany idea what I should do in the ip addresses section of the advanced settings in the 3g connection preferences?13:54
shorterin order to get a proxy to work?13:54
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shorterSpeedEvil: and I'm not sure what you mean by the box from my WSP13:55
SpeedEvilshorter: I mean a 3G proxy, like the one timeless_mbp linked to13:56
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shorterah, yeah i mean an actual squid server13:57
achipafun-tastic, a FN document is missing and suggest to report the 404 on a page that is... 404 itself13:57
SpeedEvilshorter: I'm not sure that'd work13:57
SpeedEvilshorter: I've never investigated proxysettings. I know others have had problems.13:57
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jacekowskiError occured: Failed to select target maemo5-arm-dba73629df2ffe48249c7bfed488a60535e1a66e, exiting14:07
jacekowskiin sbdmock14:07
X-Fadejacekowski: There you can see what steps it should do.14:09
X-Fadejacekowski: I guess you created the scratchbox users?14:10
jacekowskiwhat scratchbox version are you using?14:10
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plastunhow to temporary disable search in TouxhSelector when pressing hardware key?14:14
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th3hateNokia N8:
th3hatejust for the lulz14:16
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jacekowskii think it's working14:17
alteregoSo what repo is gnu screen in?!?!?!?!?!? :D14:18
MohammadAGalterego, gnu screen?14:19
alteregoIt's a UNIX app, really cool :) Like VNC for the command line people usually say.14:19
Ikarusth3hate: wouldn't happen on the N900, it would just swap trash like hell :P14:19
jogascreen is THE most useful single program I think14:19
tybollttmux > screen14:19
th3hateanother pic for the lulz:
th3hatesymbian will stay symbian no matter what they did14:20
jogatybollt: what does tmux actually do better in practice? I glanced at it briefly (and the other alternative whose name can never be remembered) but didn't see anything worth learning14:20
joga(I think it used ctrl-b for the command key? or maybe it was the other one)14:21
jogaof course you can change that, but well :)14:21
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jogaoh hey now I remember, it was "byobu". just as ingenius a name for a terminal multiplexer as baobab is for a disk usage analyzer14:22
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jogathough baobab is from little prince, I hear14:22
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tybolltjoga: Tmux is actively maintained - in fact it is so actively maintained most bug fixes are done w/in an hour or two14:25
jogatybollt, I've yet to find a bug in screen :)14:25
joga(seriously, I can't think of a single one)14:26
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jogamaybe I've just so accustomed to it I don't notice anymore, but I dunno14:26
tybolltseriously it's a bikeshed14:26
tybolltscreen is good for you14:26
jogacan you name some bug or misfeature in it so I could at least tell my users why I installed several multiplexers for them without telling why they're better? ;)14:27
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tybolltwell it crashed for me at an inconvenient time14:28
tybolltthat there *points* bug that made it crash :)14:28
jogaare you sure it crashed and it wasn't the xon/xoff thing for example?14:28
jogaok :)14:28
tybolltas I said it's a bikeshed - screen is probably good enough for you14:29
jogatybollt, I was just interested in what makes tmux et al superior in practice. I use screen massively and it has never failed me. I don't mean to bash the alternatives. what is screen not good enough for?14:30
zashtmux has built in tiling wm?14:31
jogaI trust ion3 to do that for me14:31
zashscreen just has oneway split afaik14:32
jogayeah, that's one. screen does have crappy window tiling14:32
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jogaI don't need that, though, because I look at one window at a time in a single wm frame anyway14:32
zashthere's also dtach which does *only* the detaching/reattaching part14:33
jogaI tried to use split windows but it just made using screen a bit more error prone, so I don't do that anymore14:33
* pahartik tries to get "aiccu_20070115-9-maemo1_armel.deb" installed but "dpkg: error processing aiccu (--install): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2"14:34
tybolltthe biggest thing with tmux is it is free14:34
jogathis is byobu but when I tried it, to me it just looked like a bunch of confusing candy
alteregoI'm not into split windows + screen, not why I use it. Screen + emacs ftw though :)14:34
tybolltscreen still has that ugly GPL thing14:35
alteregoIt's almost like they were built for each other :D14:35
jogatybollt, ok...but is there some big difference in actual functionality?14:35
jogalike, some cool feature you use every day14:35
tybolltyes there are14:35
petteriscreen rules, don't see any reason from moving to alternatives14:35
korhojoai liek screen14:35
jogaI'd like to know some of the reasons before considering it seriously :)14:36
jogaI've used screen daily for I dunno...7 years at least14:36
alteregoAnyhow, this is a wonderful discussion and all, but where the hell is screen for maemo :P14:36
jogaalterego: oh, it's there, in Extras or -testing14:36
jogaI've it installed at least, and those repos enabled :)14:37
alteregohrm, I get package reference errors.14:37
jogaI wish someone less lazy than me would write some config for tmux so window handling works identically to ion :)14:44
alteregoAh it's in the "maemo tools' repository14:44
jogasorry :)14:45
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TomaszDStskeeps, ping14:50
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StskeepsTomaszD: pong14:57
TomaszDStskeeps, hey. What's new in Maemo land?14:57
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StskeepsTomaszD: well, is self-destructing itself, handset UX should come out this month of meego and i plan on ignoring the internet for a week starting saturday :)14:59
tybolltthe xterm wasn't it then? >:P14:59
TomaszDah, so everything is normal14:59 would be less self destructing if people would stop saying such.  people are looking at hildon on meego14:59
pytherNeweeg dropped the N900 by $10 today15:00
Stskeepstybollt: no, emacs is the new UX15:00
Stskeepslcuk: i actually did port hildon to stock gtk, let's see what people do with it15:00
tybolltStskeeps: Gee, no need to scare us like that ;)15:00
TomaszDI still haven't given up on the FR Stskeeps  :)15:00
lcuksure Stskeeps its just difficult to get people going on meego because of all the smoke and mirrors15:01
tybolltStskeeps: is hildon to be converted to QT somehow or will the QT GUI be a completely new thing?15:01
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Stskeepstybollt: it's difficult to move a gobject based framework to be using a qt base instead of gtk, i'd say15:01
lcuktybollt, there are similar qildon type packages available but people are aiming to get gtk hildon on the meego base15:02
tybolltStskeeps: '15:02
tybolltStskeeps: 'look 'n feel'15:02
Stskeepstybollt: people are quite good with theming, they'll figure something out15:02
tybolltI take that as a no15:02
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* Stskeeps doesn't do gtk, but others might15:02
TomaszDStskeeps, qtmoko has insanely cool fullscreen handwriting recognition that actually works15:03
lcukplenty of people do :p15:03
StskeepsTomaszD: scary, cellwriter or?15:03
TomaszDno, Qt embedded15:03
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TomaszDsomething they eventually gave up on15:04
TomaszDbut hey, it works well, the whole shebang on the FR works well15:04
lcukthats ok - the code should be recompilable15:04
tybolltStskeeps: could you be a little less smoke and mirrors, yeah? :)15:05
Stskeepstybollt: i'm not the one making smoke and mirrors15:05
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Stskeepsi will be smoking quite a fair bit in a week though, but no mirrors involved.15:05
* tybollt reckon Stskeeps is fairly well aware of the boundaires of NDA's :)15:06
lcukwhere you heading to Stskeeps15:06
tybolltlala-land? :)15:06
lcukwell its either freetown or amsterdam lol15:06
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lcukkickass Stskeeps \o/15:08
meceThanks for the bugreport. Much appreciated SpeedEvil15:08
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TomaszDStskeeps, Qt Extended, not embedded15:10
TomaszD4.4.3, after which it got cancelled15:11
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lcukStskeeps, you around for guadec - perhaps we can see about some extra gtk hands :)15:11
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Stskeepslcuk: probably not, but maybe someone can do a BoF on the work15:12
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MohammadAG* eitama has quit (Excess Flood) <-- I guess freenode changed the limit15:15
SpeedEvilmece: Err?15:16
SpeedEvilmece: Oh15:16
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meceSpeedEvil, did you notice how, if it is checked, then unchecking can be done by clicking on the place where it didn't work to check it?15:17
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SpeedEvilI was just running through a list of 10 apps checking for obvious stuff.15:18
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: My landlord got mail from Helsinki for me15:22
pupnik_what about15:22
DocScrutinizerno idea, have to pick it up at him15:23
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Ikarusfrom HEL, why on earth15:23
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StskeepsDocScrutinizer: probably a cease and desist ;p15:25
achipaDocScrutinizer: did you by any change apply on the maemo developer device queue ?15:25
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: lol, yeah15:25
DocScrutinizerachipa: maybe15:25
achipaDocScrutinizer: I'm a bit indecisive today... Or maybe not... :D15:26
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X-FadeHmm nice power outage on my irc host.15:27
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DocScrutinizerachipa: I thought your question was implying the answer you could easly get from a /whois and a browser click to the related wikipage15:27
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: ouch15:28
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X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Yeah, no problem. Just annoying. Or nice and quiet, depends on how you look at it.15:28
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DocScrutinizerI enyoied the hour silence yesterday, when crashy kicked me15:29
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achipaX-Fade: no, the cannot-be-killed-frenzy-packages are annonying. It's definitely nice and quiet15:29
X-Fadeachipa: Yeah, nice race condition.15:30
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achipabut my net is kooky, too, that's why I don't click around much... took well over a minute to log in to amazon aws...15:30
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achipaX-Fade: hey, the soccer part is still there, proud and zombie ! :)15:31
X-Fadeachipa: Yeah, well actual file is gone now. It is just that the non-free Packages file needs to be re-generated.15:31
DocScrutinizersoccer will live on forever15:31
achipaX-Fade: ah, so THAT's why appwatch is crashing ;)15:32
X-Fadeachipa: Which typically happens when someone promotes a non-free app to testing, which is not often ;)15:32
X-Fadeachipa: So I have 2 options, spend quite some time to fix it. Or *shrug* and delete again in the interface in a few days ;)15:33
GeneralAntillesJaffa, pong?15:33
* achipa envisions X-Fade doing tick-class shrugging all day long15:33
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DocScrutinizerachipa: so after thinking thoroughly about it why I said "maybe", I came to the conclusion it's been the correct answer as I dunno what's in the package (or maybe it's even a letter)15:34
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DocScrutinizerso, "yes, maybe it's related to my application for a devel dev"15:35
DocScrutinizermooo GeneralAntilles :-)15:36
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, howdy.15:36
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DocScrutinizerfine, seen my ping to GAN900 ?15:37
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, just now, yes, get it yet?15:37
DocScrutinizerhave to wait til landlord is back again15:37
DocScrutinizerjust got an email announcing 'mail from HEL'15:38
GeneralAntillesAh, love it, Moto's beat Nokia to market with the Droid 2 with OMAP363015:38
GeneralAntillesApple's got a Cortex A9 blowing EVERYBODY away15:39
GeneralAntillesand Nokia's still shipping an ARM11 as their flagship. . . .15:39
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Is that really an A9?15:39
DocScrutinizerIt's NOT a flagship :-P15:39
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DocScrutinizerhonestly I don't give a damn shit15:40
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* X-Fade wants more RAM more badly than a faster cpu.15:40
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DocScrutinizerthe OMAP3430 is fast enough for all I want to do on a mobile15:40
sx0niirc it's not a915:40
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: ack15:41
* RST38h yawns at the upcoming Apocalypsis for the Nokia15:41
DocScrutinizerbah, then we buy it for cheap money15:41
X-FadeN900 would be a lot more snappy when it had 512 or more.15:41
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: again ack15:41
lcukwerent you all saying the same about 810 -> 900 ?15:42
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, A4, so, yeah, I believe so.15:42
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: How are your soldering skills.15:42
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: That is A8?15:42
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* lcuk thinks 810 is enough grunt, the 900 is relaxing15:42
DocScrutinizerhmm, not THAT good15:42
GeneralAntillesA4 is the same thing as in the iPad.15:42
* RST38h thinks N900 is slow like hell, but the CPU is not to blame for that15:42
GeneralAntillesWait, is the A4 an A8?15:43
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RST38hyes it is15:43
achipaGeneralAntilles: pretty much15:43
MohammadAGisn't the iPhone using an A4?15:43
sx0nn900 is quite snappy with oc kernel.15:43
GeneralAntillesAha, interesting.15:43
X-FadeIn the Agenda VR3, people piggybacked additional ram chips on top of each other ;)15:43
MohammadAGand 512MB RAM15:43
* GeneralAntilles has been mislead for a while now.15:43
SpeedEvilX-Fade: In the n900 too15:43
DocScrutinizeryeah ARM numbering is confusing like hell15:43
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GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, nah, it's not that. Stupid "journalists" are idiots.15:43
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tybolltgan: this is the age of the intarwebz - everyone can be a "journalist" now... :-|15:44
tybolltanyone, too15:44
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: (piggyback) That's how the OMAP SoC is built15:45
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sx0nit stills generates lot of heat though.15:46
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: that's why the worlbest soldering skills won't suffice to push up the RAM in N900. You can't reach the soldering spots to contact the membus15:47
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Yeah, I know.15:47
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DocScrutinizeryou *could* swap the SoC for a variant with 512MB RAM piggybacked to the core15:48
DocScrutinizerif you find a pincompatible variant15:49
X-FadeAnd are good at bga soldering ;)15:49
DocScrutinizerof course15:49
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alteregoHow about quicker swap?15:49
DocScrutinizerI'd bet for a yield < 1 out of 1015:49
E0xgood morning15:50
alteregoIt'd be easier to hack some faster storage I would have thought15:50
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DocScrutinizeralterego: would mean swapping the eMMC. Could earn you a few percent I guess. Not more15:50
X-FadePreventing swapping would help more.15:51
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X-FadePreloading all these apps doesn't help when you don't use them often.15:51
* achipa wonders if swapping to a zippy external card would help, like on the N81015:51
DocScrutinizeroverclocking !!! :-P15:51
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X-FadeI've been wanting to test with disabling most preloaded apps.15:52
X-FadeOr prestarted rather.15:52
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alteregoCan we sort downloads on site by download count? would be handy to know the most popular for QA testing ...15:52
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: really interesting topic. I thought about same15:52
X-Fadealterego: /downloads/15:53
X-Fadealterego: instead of /updated/ for instance.15:53
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil elaborated on this several times now15:53
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DocScrutinizerin ML, and maybe even in tmo. Here even more often then there15:54
SpCombis it possible to do i386 builds of packages that use libqtm in extras-devel?15:55
DocScrutinizerthere's even scripts to do some sum up15:55
SpCombthe autobuilder seems to trip over on installing libqtm-dev as part of the Build-Depends15:55
X-FadeSpeedEvil: url?15:56
SpCombi.e. armel build runs fine, but i386 build fails15:56
X-FadeSpComb: ^^15:56
SpCombdoesn't seem like it's the only package with the same issue either15:58
X-FadeSpComb: Checking..15:58
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SpComb <-- 0.6.97-2 with only the armel arch built fine16:00
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jacekowskiX-Fade: going back to my builder16:04
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jacekowskiX-Fade: i think my sources.list is little bit incorrect16:05
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jacekowskiwell, not sources.list but config_opts['sources.list']16:08
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X-Fadejacekowski: Just start with """ and end with """16:09
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X-Fadejacekowski: And have your regular sources.list stuff in there.16:09
MohammadAGX-Fade, when does the importer run again?16:09
jacekowskiX-Fade: well, content is incorrect16:09
X-Fadejacekowski: We have local repos, but you can just point to repository.m.o?16:10
jacekowskii can't pull whole nokia-binaries repository easily unfortunatelly16:10
jacekowskiso well, i'll have to point it to r.m.o16:10
X-Fadejacekowski: You don't need to.16:10
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X-Fadejacekowski: As you can just add the one from scratchbox with your eula key?16:11
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X-Fadejacekowski: I just don't add the live one as to not expose the key etc.16:11
X-FadeMohammadAG: It is back to normal for a while now.16:12
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X-FadeSpeedEvil: yes?16:12
MohammadAGX-Fade, :05 and :35 right?16:12
X-FadeMohammadAG: ish, yes.16:12
jacekowskibtw. is it fremantle or fremantle1.2 now?16:13
SpeedEvilX-Fade: I assumed your query was about DocScrutinizers mention of my posts to the ml - post is at the end of that thread16:13
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X-FadeSpeedEvil: I have the separate data for every file in every repo.16:13
SpeedEvilX-Fade: basically around the issue that there is only one global downloads counter - or at least ones that are known of - that counts everything16:14
X-FadeSpeedEvil: I've said multiple times that the counter adds up all repos ;)16:14
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X-FadeSpeedEvil: As that is only fair.16:14
SpeedEvilIndeed. Is that available seperately?16:14
X-FadeSpeedEvil: Someone who has the app installed from -devel won't install it from Extras.16:15
SpeedEvilSure. But being able to work out what proportion of users have the app installed from extras-devel/testing/extras has not got no value.16:15
X-FadeSpeedEvil: It has anecdotal value, but really..16:16
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: Was just going to ask if you had any time to flesh out the issue; but it's gone now :)16:16
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: the raw number of downloads is almost worthless16:17
GAN900Jaffa, yeah, I was long abed at that point.16:18
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SpeedEvilX-Fade: Indeed - that's a slightly debatable value - the real interesting bit would be it would help to pull apart the number of users with an app installed.16:18
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X-FadeSpeedEvil: But why would you really want to know that? :)16:18
balorIs gstreamer-plugins-flac available for OS2008/N810?16:18
SpeedEvilX-Fade: Consider an app with 5 releases. The total of downloads is 13000016:18
X-FadeSpeedEvil: What would you do with the data.16:18
SpeedEvilX-Fade: You want to know the number of users16:18
SpeedEvilX-Fade: How do you do this? Other than attempting to integrate the downloads per day graph.16:19
X-FadeSpeedEvil: There is no real way of knowing that as we don't know if it is a clean install or an upgrade.16:19
SpeedEvilOf course not.16:19
X-FadeSo everything you do is just useless ;)16:19
X-FadeWell there is lies and there are statistics ;)16:19
SpeedEvilBut 'version x.y was downloaded 1000 times from extras, 800 times from extras-devel' is a pretty close proxy for the number of users.16:19
DocScrutinizero arguably the whole number wanking is useless then16:20
X-FadeSpeedEvil: I really think we should put our effort somewhere else.16:20
X-FadeSpeedEvil: Graph is nice to look at, but really nothing more.16:20
SpeedEvilX-Fade: Indeed - I'm not arguing on spending any major effor whatsoever.16:20
SpeedEvilI'm wondering if the files would be easy to make accessible - or not.16:21
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SpeedEvilIf not - then I completely agree it is not worth it16:21
X-FadeSpeedEvil: Splitting this out and providing proper analysis is a ton of work.16:21
vldcnstCoffee anyone?16:21
DocScrutinizerhere please16:21
X-FadeI'd rather get OBS in place in the same amount of time.16:21
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X-FadeOr another usefull feature which benefits most people.16:21
SpeedEvilX-Fade: Ok - I was more meaning raw logs for people to parse. If they're not available, I quite agree.16:22
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DocScrutinizerX-Fade: devent numbers for devels of commercial sw to rely on, that *is* something every user benefits from in long term16:22
DocScrutinizerdecent even16:23
X-FadeDocScrutinizer: Yes, but there is not much of a long term.16:23
X-FadeOur time is limited and in the meego scope everything changes radically.16:24
RST38hThe Telegraph has today answered those most pressing questions of the age: just what does Kim Jong-Il inspecting a radish look like, and when he inspects a radish, what conclusion can be drawn from the encounter?16:24
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X-FadeDocScrutinizer: And besides, I'm pretty sure the way we measure things now is how every store shows their data.16:25
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aboyer_has anyone used the texture streaming module (bc_cat) from TI to perform texture streaming on the N900? I've managed to compile the kernel module but when using it, it crashes the device...16:26
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eitamaX-Fade, Got 3 minutes for a question about the auto-builder?16:27
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toggles_wanyone have any sort of guess as to what sort of % of people here are running at 900mhz?16:28
Appiah900? all the time?16:28
vldcnstUnder 5%, I'd say.16:28
toggles_wthanks.. any failures?16:29
X-Fadeeitama: sure16:29
eitamaI ran at 900 for 1 month16:29
eitamathen i moved to 1000 (:16:29
eitamabeen using 1000 since then16:29
eitamaX-Fade: I just uploaded a package to extras-devel16:29
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eitamait's written in Qt16:29
eitamaand uses dbus16:30
timeless_mbptoggles_w: there have been oil wells operating in the Gulf of Mexico for years16:30
eitamato make it build, i had to add /usr/include something16:30
timeless_mbpwith 0 failures through 2009, [hypothetically]16:30
eitamato the pro file16:30
SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: err - no16:30
timeless_mbptoggles_w: thus, it was absolutely safe to run an oil well in 201016:30
eitamaI didn't have to do that same for QContacts16:30
DocScrutinizereitama: you just voided any possible ticket about app instabilities or erratic behaviour of the whole OS16:30
SpeedEvil timeless_mbp16:31
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: the point stands even if the example is inaccurate16:31
eitamaDocScrutinizer: what exactly do you mean I voided?16:31
toggles_weitama: thanks16:31
SpeedEvilah - missed that16:31
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eitamaDocScrutinizer: you mean my warrenty?16:32
jacekowskiX-Fade: you are running buildme from cron?16:32
SpeedEvileitama: I think DocScrutinizer got you mixed up with overclocker guy16:32
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: we can change my example to say 'BP has operated' :)16:32
DocScrutinizereitama: I mean "don't come here whining about any problem with your apps or OS or device in general" and also I'll add that to any ticket opened by you16:32
X-Fadejacekowski: yes16:32
jacekowskiX-Fade: or some inotify based thingy?16:32
SpeedEvilignore me16:32
SpeedEvil(about that)16:32
vldcnstbrain lag again!16:32
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X-Fadejacekowski: Cron, was working on inotify but that got delayed by my OBS work.16:32
lcuktimeless_mbp, ping16:33
eitamaDocScrutinizer: do you mean like, don't come asking for help at a nokia service point? or at TMO?16:33
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eitamaDocScrutinizer: What do you mean "i'll add that to any ticket opened by you?"16:33
DocScrutinizeryour device will start to randomly fail in weird manner16:33
eitamaalmost sounds like a threat16:33
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eitamaI really don't understand what you want, please be more precise16:34
timeless_mbpeitama: if you take a device and give it water damage16:34
DocScrutinizereitama: "comment #2 by joerg: This ticket is based on a device known to be overclocked to 1000 for extended periods. I suggest close as INVALID"16:34
timeless_mbpand then come to me and say "i'm having trouble w/ the usb port"16:34
toggles_wtimeless_mbp: did that, put mine in the washing machine, still runs, tought little bugger16:34
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timeless_mbptoggles_w: i'm pretty sure you'll find that the user guide says not to do that16:35
eitamaLets go back to point zero.16:35
eitamaI opened mirc16:35
toggles_wyeah, took three days to dry out and about a month for the notification light to stop glowing16:35
eitamasaw someone ask how many people are running @ 90016:35
eitamaand he also asked if there are any flaws16:35
eitamais that correct so far?16:35
toggles_wyup, was me16:35
eitamaso i pointed16:36
eitamathat personnaly16:36
eitamaI am running at 100016:36
eitamaand was running @ 90016:36
eitamaand i have no problems16:36
eitamaI'd like to know16:36
DocScrutinizerbut you WILL have16:36
eitamawhats wrong with what I did - lol16:36
timeless_mbpeitama: our point is that you're probably voiding the warranty16:36
eitamaI don't have warrenty anyway16:36
toggles_wnot probably16:36
timeless_mbpso when you later come to a bug tracker and report a problem16:36
DocScrutinizereitama: "comment #2 by joerg: This ticket is based on a device known to be overclocked to 1000 for extended periods. I suggest close as INVALID"16:36
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eitamaso you mean that I shouldn't open the anymore cause I overclock my phone?16:37
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timeless_mbpyou shouldn't complain about anything *anywhere*16:37
eitamayou kids16:38
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DocScrutinizeryou are on your own, as you damaged the device intentionally16:38
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X-Fadeeitama: reproducing bugs might be a lot harder when devices are not the same.16:38
timeless_mbpi have a hard enough time dealing with normal users16:38
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tybolltdoes my phonecall end faster if I overclock?16:38
timeless_mbppeople who intentionally damage their device do not have any right to my time16:38
DocScrutinizertybollt: basically yes16:38
tybolltDocScrutinizer: :D16:38
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timeless_mbpand should do me and the community the courtesy of not trying to spend it16:38
MohammadAGtybollt, and the guy on the other side of the phone might implode16:39
lcukeitama, you can open it, you can even file bugs, but when people ask if theres anything special about your phone they may not be as willing to spend time diagnosing the problem because it could be induced by out of spec hardware16:39
vldcnsteinval: IIRC, the stock 600MHz is already overclocked. Clocking it beyond that will damage it in time more than you'd guess. It's a sensible chip with poor heat disspiation, and it was not designed to run at those frequencies.16:39
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tybolltDocScrutinizer: we need to have dynamic overclocking so you can link it to when mum calls or whatever :)16:39
MohammadAGvldcnst, afaik the 600MHz clock speed is default16:39
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vldcnstMohammadAG: I read that somewhere, I don't know exactly where tho. something about 550mhz, was in a pif.16:40
MohammadAGnot sure, *pings DocScrutinizer*16:40
DocScrutinizereitama: vldcnst: and the chip literally wears out, so you not having problems now doesn't mean you won't have any tomorrow16:41
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DocScrutinizer600 is temporary max clock speed which the system tries to keep as short as possible afaik16:42
vldcnsteinval: I suggest you google 'mtfb'. Your n900 mtfb hours are drastically being reduced by overclocking.16:42
eitamaDocScrutinizer: While your point is very valid, and may also be true, there is a way of expressing your opinion/thought towards other people. You rude choosing of words bring me to a state of mind that makes me uncomfortable16:42
DocScrutinizerit's considered to be reliable operation but will burn out the cpu over time16:42
timeless_mbpeitama: he didn't say go to hell16:42
timeless_mbpwhich might be more suitable16:42
tybolltvldcnst: Mean Time Failure Between?16:42
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tybolltvldcnst: how about you get your acronyms right :)16:43
vldcnsttybollt: slap me.16:43
eitamaI see16:43
toggles_wDocScrutinizer: wears out? due to heat?16:43
DocScrutinizereitama: that's been the intention, as overclockers make us all here feel same discomfort16:43
* tybollt slaps vldcnst and calls him suzy16:43
MohammadAGfu infobot16:43
DocScrutinizertoggles_w: due to an effect known as electromigration16:44
infobotmohammadag is probably special16:44
toggles_wDocScrutinizer: thanks, will google16:44
eitama1st of all, I am not overclockers. I am an overclocker, so take your hatred and direct it to where ever you want, but not to me.16:44
DocScrutinizertoggles_w: wikipedia has a good article16:44
lcukeitama, no hatred16:44
MohammadAG~electromigration is
infobotMohammadAG: okay16:44
toggles_wDocScrutinizer: thanks again16:44
lcukjust pointing out issues16:44
DocScrutinizertoggles_w: yw16:44
eitama2nd: It may very well be, that I have never thought about the fact that my results for specific testing might be altered by me overclocking, that doesn't mean I am doing it on purpose, and nor I should suffer you tone.16:45
toggles_wso if I OC to 900 do you think my n900 will wear out before the n9 with meego arrives?16:45
timeless_mbpeitama: we do not want to suffer your complaints later16:45
timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer and co are trying to protect me, and my fellow engineers16:45
timeless_mbpand we appreciate their efforts16:45
fluxin any case, if the bug has good reproduction instructions, it will likely be verified by non-overclockers as well. if it doesn't, it will likely get ignored anyway.16:46
MohammadAGtoggles_w, it might wear out in 10 minutes, today, tomorrow, next week/month/year, no one knows16:46
eitamatimeless_mbp: I understand your request, but there is another manner of requesting that.16:46
nidOtoggles_w, likelyhood says probably not, but then you might have the shit luck to have the device that packs up tomorrow after clocking to 900.16:46
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tybollttoggles_w: I think the thing is ... "do what the fuck you want with YOUR device - just don't bother the rest of us w/ it"16:46
toggles_wdammit, might have to buy another..16:46
MohammadAGnot sure who posted the lifetimes, but they were 10 years for 500MHz, 5 years for 60016:46
MohammadAGor so16:46
toggles_wthanks for the input guys, sorry to have turned the channel into t.m.o16:46
vldcnstMohammadAG: thats probably what I read.16:47
MohammadAG10 years for 550*16:47
timeless_mbptoggles_w: apologies appreciated :)16:47
fluxdocscrutinizer, I take it this also means an owner of a second-hand n900 can never submit bug reports, because they cannot be sure the device has never been overclocked.16:47
E0x <--- that need a gui16:47
DocScrutinizerflux: that's one of the more nasty implications of the whole fsckng OC topic, yes16:47
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MohammadAGso basically, 2.5 years 650MHz, 1.25 700MHz, 0.524 years 750MHz, 0250 years 800 (rough estimates - no tests to prove them)16:48
SpeedEvilE0x: queen beecon16:48
X-FadeSpComb: ok, found the problem.16:48
X-FadeSpComb: Somehow the Qt people thought it was a good idea to put the qtm libs in the sdk/tools repo.16:48
fluxmohammadag, is the time for running the device continuously at that clock rate?16:48
pupnik_MohammadAG: but the OC'd device won't be running at 900mhz all the time16:48
E0xSpeedEvil: config guy16:48
MohammadAGflux, yes16:49
nidOflux, yes, so in practical terms your usage should be much much longer16:49
nidOor itll die the first time it tries to step up to those clock speeds16:49
DocScrutinizerflux: yes16:49
MohammadAGsame as LCD TVs I guess, 8000h lifetime16:49
E0xerr s/guy/gui/g16:49
eitamaDocScrutinizer: I am not saying your point is invalid. I am saying that if you chosen your words more wisely, for example : "eitama: Overcloking your device may produce unpredicted outcomes, if you open bugs or complain about errors, please mention that your device is overclocked, so we can take that into consideration"16:49
eitamaIt could have been a bit more confortable16:50
eitamaI'd say, good idea16:50
eitamaWill do16:50
eitamaor soemthing like that16:50
achipaX-Fade: shouldn't that (qtm) be nokia apps ?16:50
X-Fadeachipa: That is for the device.16:50
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* MohammadAG still likes infobot's overclocking definition16:50
X-Fadeachipa: Not sdk.16:50
infobot"OK, listen up.  This is your CPU."  apt drops the CPU into a hot frying pan.  "This is your CPU on overclocking.  Any questions?"16:50
DocScrutinizereitama: sorry, but we all are kinda fed up with the whole OC topic by now16:50
DocScrutinizereitama: nothing personal16:50
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MohammadAGand vldcnst didn't get DocScrutinizer his coffee :)16:50
SpCombX-Fade: right, and I have the sdk/tools repos on my local build env16:51
eitamaWell, it's not my fault, i didn't create, not the mod, not the package, and not the idea16:51
DocScrutinizerhow true16:51
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DocScrutinizereitama: I know16:51
X-FadeSpComb: Yeah, but obviously the builder hasn't.16:51
eitamaAnd overclocking has not stopped me from responding on TMO, helping people out16:51
eitamamany times16:51
eitamais my help also questioned?16:51
X-FadeSpComb: As it isn't supposed to.16:51
eitamacause I am overcloking?16:51
SpCombalthough hmm, I should probably fix my sbdmock to remove those, the example fremantle config that I found included them for whatever reason16:51
MohammadAGeitama, chill m816:51
eitamamaybe running apt-get install (&*YIUYIUYIUY is not the right command? cause I am overclocking16:52
DocScrutinizereitama: and I had quite some debates with the one who did. But he claims he got the right thing, just like Smith&Wesson16:52
eitamaWell, I didn't16:52
eitamaI didn't claim anything16:52
DocScrutinizereitama: it's up to the users to understand OC implications16:52
eitamaso your beef is with him16:52
SpCombwhich kind of spoils the point in sbdmock :)16:52
eitamaand not with me16:52
achipaX-Fade: but... nokia apps should still be there too, right ? is it not part of the nokia-binary-evil-whatnot-repo-group ?16:52
X-Fadeachipa: no.16:52
eitamaDocScrutinizer: I understand the implications that my phone may not turn on tomorrow.16:52
X-Fadeachipa: nokia apps != nokia binaries.16:52
X-Fadeachipa: Nokia apps is only intended to be used on device.16:53
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DocScrutinizereitama: please take my apologies for maybe insulting you or being rude.16:53
eitamaDocScrutinizer: and now, I also understand that when I report a bug, it might be a side product of overclocking16:53
* SpComb wonders what the proper sources.list for fremantle sbdmock is16:53
MohammadAGcan we just put down the OC topic?16:53
eitamaDocScrutinizer: Thank you.16:53
X-Fadeachipa: So firmware + nokia-apps + ssu = sdk + nokia binaries16:53
achipaX-Fade: sooo THAT's why FN people wanted to push it to extras-devel...16:53
* MohammadAG gets his shotgun, vldcnst where's mine!16:53
X-Fadeachipa: Yes.16:53
jacekowskinah, whatever i do it fails on dependencies16:54
X-Fadeachipa: Because they made a mess in the first place.16:54
X-Fadeachipa: again16:54
achipaX-Fade: what else is new :)16:54
eitamaAnd just for the record :
povbotBug 9442: Media Player volume briefly spikes up when usb cable is connected16:54
eitamareported by me16:54
eitamareproduced by other people16:54
achipaX-Fade: but fear not, more mess incoming, another team should land qtm-experimental-* stuff (if they havent already)16:54
eitamai don't see anyone asking them if they are overclocking or not16:54
MohammadAGyes, the USB cable being connected raises the CPU to 500MHz16:54
X-Fadeachipa: Yeah, it is just annoying that we always have to come up with fixes.16:55
X-Fadeachipa: My guess is that qtm was not really supported enough to put it in sdk, so they sneaked it in somewhere else.16:56
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achipaX-Fade: I would tend to agree with your guess :)16:57
achipaX-Fade: (but I'm not guessing, I know that for a fact ;) )16:57
* MohammadAG ponders if there is a way to disable the green text at boot up (R&D mode) - or delay the framebuffer console a bit16:57
jacekowskithat's my problem16:58
jacekowskii just realised that i pasted my key16:58
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jacekowskiwell, i don't care16:58
X-Fadejacekowski: Just delete the post?16:59
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jacekowskii don't think i can16:59
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jacekowskibesides, googling for that key16:59
DocScrutinizereitama: please take it now that OC is a major PITA as we for damn sure will see reports about random misbehaviour that are caused by OC damaged devices. And really nobody but TI and maybe Nokia could tell for sure16:59
jacekowskiAbout 214 results (0.22 seconds)16:59
* vldcnst yells MohammadAG: don't shoot! it has your name on it, ready to be served. blame it on fedex!
MohammadAGis the key generator borked?16:59
jacekowskii'm not the first one to do it16:59
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DocScrutinizereitama: that does not mean all bug reports are void from now on16:59
jacekowskiMohammadAG: i think everybody has the same one16:59
MohammadAGjacekowski, mine's the same...17:00
jacekowskiMohammadAG: type it into google17:00
DocScrutinizerand now please listen to MohammadAG and drop that nasty topic17:00
jacekowskiMohammadAG: and you will get like 10 pages of results17:00
* MohammadAG shoots vldcnst's mug, LIES!17:00
achipaX-Fade: well, it has good chances for being included in the 'PE1 SDK update', whatever that is17:00
MohammadAGjacekowski, thus raising the question, <MohammadAG> is the key generator borked?17:00
X-Fadeachipa: Yeah, next sdk.17:00
MohammadAGI remember it gave me different keys17:01
lcukachipa, what are we including17:01
achipalcuk: qtm17:01
lcukaww vldcnst you made MohammadAG a special cup17:01
lcukachipa, being?17:02
lcuknot the open source blogging client17:02
achipalcuk: QtMobility17:02
* MohammadAG slaps lcuk with a frals 17:02
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frals_oi im trying to work over here!17:02
lcukmakes sense then17:02
DocScrutinizereitama: and17:02
DocScrutinizer[2010-06-21 15:42:54] <timeless_mbp> eitama: he didn't say go to hell17:02
DocScrutinizer[2010-06-21 15:42:58] <timeless_mbp> which might be more suitable17:02
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lcukcan someone in the NRC find frals and drop some extra work on his desk ;)17:02
X-FadeAh, forgot to do that when I was there ;)17:03
achipalcuk: except for the part of people not being able to push qtm stuff *now* :)17:03
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eitamai'm done arguing17:03
MohammadAGI haven't finished my popcorn yet17:04
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frals_lcuk: :D17:04
frals_lcuk: none knows where im sitting! cept valerio but hes in sweden i think :D17:04
SpCombX-Fade: why do all the fremantle sbdmock config examples I can find out there include sdk/tools in the sources.list, then?17:05
lcuklol frals_17:05
SpCombnobody just ever wrote a sane one?17:05
* MohammadAG traces frals_'s IP17:05
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frals_oh.. forgot to identify with nickserv before joining, doh!17:06
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vldcnst"Overclocking - make your N900 run like it should". Laugh.17:08
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lcukvldcnst, my n900 has run like it should from day 117:09
vldcnstMine too!17:09
lcukfrom before day1 infact17:09
MohammadAGmine ran good - till yesterday17:10
lcukwhat did you do?17:10
vldcnstShotgun practice?17:10
eitaman900 fly17:10
MohammadAGnot sure, but it's most probably my fault17:10
MohammadAGlcuk, load goes up randomly, I saw it was 17.00-ish yesterday17:11
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lcukits always your fault, hacking is fun tho :D17:11
alteregoGood point, back to hacking ..17:12
lcuknow you just have to find out what you did so no1 else has it happen to htem17:12
MohammadAGlcuk, I installed Windows 7 in qemu17:12
lcukon device?17:13
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MohammadAGalterego, you do know your app could be of other's benefit, just add an echo %s %t and make it echo the song name + artist to a file17:13
MohammadAGlcuk, yeah17:13
alteregoMohammadAG: don't want to use DBUS? :P17:14
lcukMohammadAG, well that would increase load substantially - has it finished booting up yet>17:14
alteregoMohammadAG: I think, if I was going to do that, I'd probably use gconf actually ...17:14
MohammadAGalterego, your app does, why should other's :P17:14
* MohammadAG gets his shotgun again17:14
MohammadAGalterego, gconf?17:14
MohammadAGlcuk, yeah, it's at "Preparing your desktop"17:14
alteregoSure, maintain mafw status in gconf is probably better than writing random strings to a file :P17:15
alteregoAnd just as easy to poke at with gconftool-2 in scripts.17:15
* MohammadAG recoils shotgun17:15
alteregoI'll put it in 0.3 (next version) and document it, good call btw :P17:15
DocScrutinizereitama: there's a lot of warnings and of explanations about OC implications all over the place, some of them quite to the point, others fuzzy and inaccurate. Now that you understood the problem with OC, you could do all fellow users a big favour and think about why you didn't run into them or were ignoring them or whatever, and then maybe fix it in a way you think it should have been so you had known about it before we ran into this little17:15
DocScrutinizerdispute here. That's obviously something quite hard to do for dudes like me who already know about all the details and can't figure what's the usual route for a 'noob' (no insult intended) to come to OC17:16
* MohammadAG fires17:16
lcuklol MohammadAG17:16
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alteregoMohammadAG: okay, okay ,what if I create a fuse filesystem you can mount that has the current status of mafw as files under it, as I'd lay it out in gconf :P17:17
lcukwho (in england) is betting all the news reports about rampant foxes running wild biting people will mean fox hunting will make a big come back!17:17
MohammadAGalterego, no, write the song's name to /dev/mtd0, who needs a bootloader anyways17:17
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MohammadAGlcuk, me17:18
lcuknothing like pitchforks and maining innocent children to allow savage pack of dogs and howling through the countryside on horseback17:18
* MohammadAG wonders how DocScrutinizer would post 140-letter tweets17:18
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DocScrutinizerno way17:19
MohammadAGit probably won't let you sign up anyways17:19
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* MohammadAG sens DocScrutinizer a facebook invitation and runs for his life17:20
vldcnstilly = godsent.17:20
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DocScrutinizerx.o  -> aim and FIRE17:21
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kW_Hello! How do I make the N900 calendar notify me some defined time before an event?17:22
lcukDocScrutinizer, didnt i see you on twitter :D17:22
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: nah, the irc-twitter gateway attributed to me as initiator is a hoax17:23
lcuki would *really* like that tbh17:23
marmoutekW_: if you ask him too17:23
kW_marmoute: how?17:23
marmoutekW_: by setting the Alarm section of the event ?17:24
DocScrutinizerkW_: dunno if it can be done. I suggest the incredible alarmed app17:24
kW_marmoute: well, there does not seem to be any "Alarm section" of the event17:25
vldcnstLook closer.17:25
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DocScrutinizerkW_: calendar just has 0, 5, 15min in advance17:26
vldcnstDocScrutinizer: +30min, 1h, 3h, 1d17:26
kW_DocScrutinizer: that would suffice, but in the "Edit event" dialog, I just get the fields "Title", "Where", "All day", "From", "To", "Calendar", "Description"17:26
DocScrutinizeroops, yes. had alarm time set to 25min to the future17:27
marmoutekW_: yes there is17:27
eitamaDocScrutinizer: The dispute was not about me not agreeing with you about the potential problems OC might have about me reporting bugs in bugzilla, or filing a warrenty claim @ nokias. It was ONLY about the way you presented the problem before me. Thats all. Anyway, everyone has bad days, i guess today is yours, and I accept your apology. I'll take a look at the OC wiki, and I'll add a line about reporting bugs/errors.17:28
vldcnstkW_: What is between Caledan and Description?17:28
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DocScrutinizerkW_: between calendar and description there's the button for alarm17:28
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kW_DocScrutinizer: nothing17:28
DocScrutinizereitama: thanks, highly appreciated17:29
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kW_I'm just trying to produce a screenshot...17:30
eitamaDocScrutinizer: Np.17:30
DocScrutinizerlol - that's funny how xchat rises a mini-dialog "are you sure" when you click the mini-closebutton on the mini-window in taskswitcher17:30
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ZogGDocScrutinizer what button?17:32
DocScrutinizereitama: just make sure everybody understands the fact of OC permanently damaging the device, even when you haven't noticed it during the time you overclocked17:32
eitamaDocScrutinizer: I'll make sure it's written :) it's not always the case though.17:33
ZogGDocScrutinizer i overclocked and my eggs were never burned too much, as well i like to make coffee with my N900 (to boil water at least)17:33
DocScrutinizerZogG: taskswitcher (ctrl-bs), then click on xchat's [x] upper right17:33
kW_how do I actually create a screenshot? Shift+Ctrl+P does not seem to work17:33
lcukDocScrutinizer, i know the drum needs banging, but about 2 hours ago eitama bowed before you and you all made up :P what caused the continuing barrage? :D17:33
eitamaDocScrutinizer: I had an ATI1950pro that ran at 103 Degrees Celcius Overclocked with just a fan for 2 years before it fried.17:33
ZogGkW_ have youc cheked folder for files?17:33
ZogGit's screenshot folder17:33
pupnik_different chips behave differently17:33
kW_hmm, I think I found it :-)17:34
ZogGpupnik_ but Chip and Dale are the best17:34
marmouteZogG: expecialy to kill dragoons17:34
X-Fadeeitama: TI spec sheets state MTBF goes from years to months.17:34
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X-FadePretty sure TI doesn't want to lie to people buying milions of their cpus :)17:35
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: I'm not arguing with eitama any longer. I just asked him to improve the wiki or whatever he sees would need it, so other users don't run into the same17:36
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eitamaX-Fade: MTBF ?17:37
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DocScrutinizerkW_: ctrl-sh-p works usually great for me. You just need to find the screenshot file17:37
eitamaMinimum Time Before Fry?17:37
madduckis there an ssh-agent for the n900 that i just cannot find?17:37
eitamamadduck: you mean client?17:37
kW_DocScrutinizer: well, I found it :-)17:37
eitamamadduck: open-ssh17:37
madduckeitama: no, agent. auth agent.17:37
eitamamadduck: Can't help ya (:17:38
vldcnstkW_: have you tried changing the day of the alarm?17:38
vldcnstkW_: or the hour.17:38
kW_vldcnst: yes17:38
DocScrutinizerkW_: yep, I'm lagging. Busy unpacking a package from HEL :-))17:38
kW_vldcnst: well, the day of the event17:38
vldcnstkW_: weird.17:38
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kW_yes, weird17:39
DocScrutinizereitama: OC damage on OMAP isn't due to overtemp (though high temp helps in making the effect worse). You can create partial shortcircuit in a single transistor of the CPU by OC even when you freeze the device and keep the SoC at <0°C. It's called electromigration and it's a nonreversible slowly building up effect17:40
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kW_I think I got it17:40
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kW_when changing the day of the event, I just changed the end-date17:41
DocScrutinizerand the "big" processors are less prone to it than our OMAP SoC17:41
kW_and alarms are only offered when the event is in the future from the phone's POV17:41
vldcnstkW_: yup.17:41
DocScrutinizerkW_: makes sense :-P17:41
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eitamaDocScrutinzer: I see. TBH, i bought my N900 from a dude who bought it in NY City, he didn't like that the phone was rebooting every 5 min, so he sold it after 1 week. He bought it in NY, and flew to Israel, so he couldn't have it serviced. Anyways, I updated it to PR1.1.1 reflashed and everything was solved. BUT, therefore, I have no warrenty17:42
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eitamaDocScrutinizer, So i don't care about warrenty as I don't have it anyway, now :17:42
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eitamaDocScrutinizer: the phone UI for me, when not overclocked is just SLOW, choppy and not fun. I don't enjoy it, at least not when compared to my girlfriends IPhone - But I don't want an Iphone17:43
vldcnstow the I word, run.17:43
eitamaDocScrutinizer: So, I OC it, when it fries, i'll just buy a new phone. let it be MeeGo, or Maemo17:43
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eitamaThe worst part, is when she plays angrybirds levels that I can't play (;17:45
SpeedEvilKeep at it!17:46
SpeedEvilI thought you meant due to skill17:47
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merlin1991hm and again I'm here with a strange problem, In the media play app I don't have the vhf transmitter option17:57
eitamaDocScrutinizer: Ping17:57
merlin1991could that have something todo with running 1.2?17:57
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eitamaWould you read what I added? fix anything if needed?17:57
DocScrutinizereitama: of course17:58
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* merlin1991 meant the fm transmitter17:59
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DocScrutinizereitama: sounds perfect to me :-)18:00
eitamaDocScrutinizer: Goody.18:00
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: fine. devices arrived18:05
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: thanks mate, for taking care about it18:05
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DocScrutinizerseems now it's time to send in my own N900 to let Nokia repair the power button they broke during last repair18:05
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, why don't you join twitter18:05
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, sue18:06
GAN900DocScrutinizer, took long enough. ;)18:07
GAN900DocScrutinizer, and no problem18:07
GAN900Gotta do something to offset the negativity. *g*18:07
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insanefakaso what do people think about meego? seems like a slap to the developes face who  invested in n90018:09
insanefakaanybody here?18:10
toggles_wis it more than just a recompile to go to meego?18:11
insanefakaknock knock18:11
insanefakaits a pain in the ass to recompile shit18:11
MiXu-If you wrote something on Qt for N900 I think it should run on MeeGo without any problems.18:12
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MiXu-I don't know if you even need to recompile18:12
insanefakawho knows next year nokia will introduce yet another os18:12
MiXu-insanefaka: What's the problem?18:12
insanefakaand another and another and another18:12
alteregoNew UI is coming on nicely.18:12
insanefakaMiXu: with what mate?18:12
* frals loves how we are getting new trolls everyday18:12
lcukfrals, well nokia DID buy trolltech :p18:13
fralslcuk: :D18:13
MiXu-insanefaka: Qt stuff runs just as fine on Maemo 5 as it does on Harmattan18:13
insanefakawhy should i developer like me invest in n900? tell me18:13
fralslcuk: im going to sign apartment papers tomorrow most likely \o/18:13
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MiXu-...and then next MeeGo18:13
toggles_walterego: link to pics ;-)18:13
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merlin1991is thare any other way to enable the fm transmitter besides using the fmtx-faker package?18:13
lcukawesome frals18:13
alteregotoggles_w: I said it's coming along nicely, didn't say it was finished :P18:14
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MiXu-insanefaka: Either your trolling or you don't even try to think for yourself.18:14
alteregotoggles_w: though, it will probably be done in about 20 minutes or so.18:14
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alteregoJust placing my "Donate" button ;)18:14
insanefakai aint trolling18:14
toggles_walterego: ^-- was for you18:15
MiXu-Well then tell me what's the problem? You compile once and the shit runs on N900 and the next armel MeeGo device18:15
insanefakawhat about multitiuch and other shit meego will have?18:15
insanefakayour recompiling idea is fucked18:15
MiXu-insanefaka: I didn't even say anything about recompiling.18:16
insanefakasome1 did18:16
fralsofc you have to change stuff if you want to add features to your application18:16
MiXu-And you gotta recompile anyway every time you make a change18:16
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fralsinsanefaka: what kind of developing experience do you have?18:17
MiXu-I suppose you were planning on making one perfect release and never have to recompile anything ever again.18:17
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insanefakafrals: very extensive, right now i see maemo as a dead horse18:17
fralsany examples?18:18
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fralssince you seems to have missed that qt is probably what you are looking for in terms of code once deploy everywhere (obviously with exceptions) from what ive gathered18:19
insanefakacant share here18:19
MiXu-Maemo is pretty much a dead horse in a way. No new releases. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't develop SW on N900, as it'll work on the next MeeGo Handheld device(s). If you want multitouch then that you'll need to wait. But I don't see the problem in that.18:20
lcukinsanefaka thats unusual for people not to be able to share some things they done18:20
insanefakathat dont make sense18:20
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lcukespecially since maemo is about open source and open projects ;)18:20
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insanefakamaemo open source? dont make me laugh18:20
Surfayou shouldn't be able to add multitouch and new features later on if you implement wisely18:21
n900-dkMohammadAG: Shouldn't the LEDs flash all the time the KnightRider music is playing for your script? (
Surfaso n900 should be good to go as a dev platform for meego18:21
insanefakaSurfa: NO !18:21
trip0Surfa, so we hear...18:21
lcukinsanefaka, there seems to be quite a lot of things here:
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lcukbut anyway - you are the one coming here being rather obtuse - frals asked a perfectly valid question18:22
lcukyou made a statement and he enquired further to continue the discussion :)18:23
fralsinsanefaka: i suggest you look at qt, seems to be what you are after18:23
MiXu-As such, writing programs in Qt doesn't even bind you to N900 or anything else for that matter.18:24
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MiXu-I've started programming my Qt apps as "windows apps"18:24
MiXu-And later tweaked the UI to fit N90018:25
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alteregoI just ssh into my device and code using gedit on my laptop, saving it to the device and running it from the console :)18:25
alteregoUnless I use the Nokia SDK, which does a similar thing but with a build phase and pretty good automation.18:26
lcukalterego, i did that for ages :)18:26
MiXu-The SDK is nice, but MADDE doesn't support external libraries, and that pretty much kills it for me at this point.18:26
lcukit only gets hairy when you want same code on multi devices at same time18:26
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MiXu-That better be something that's "coming soon"18:27
alteregolcuk: yeah, works really good for Python development, though I think you're talking about C aren't you :P18:27
alteregosadist :P18:27
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lcukindeed - same mentality for dev but optimal speed :P18:27
fralspython über alles! ;)18:27
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* lcuk dumps an ocean worth of trout on frals18:28
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achipafrals: is that German for 'python FTW' ? :P18:29
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merlin1991achipa yes18:29
* merlin1991 just got his 10th beep battery low message from his fresh replaced n900, lol18:29
lcukmy n900 gives up warning me about battery low once i start writing on it18:29
* alterego wires up his signals and sluts18:30
alteregoI mean .. slots ...18:30
chem|stachipa: more like "python to rule the world"18:30
achipaMiXu-: there is a tendency to think about Qt on mobiles as a complete environment, I doubt there will ever be serious support for external libs18:30
merlin1991I had that with my old n900 too, the first time I did let it run empty I got the battery low msgs way too early, but after that it knew when to spam me :)18:30
alteregoStupd bloody python ..18:31
alteregoI can't believe that their lambda's don't have proper closure properties in a for loop :(18:31
chem|stalterego: right!18:31
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evilrobpython -- whitespace for code block separation...  this is not cobol18:31
alteregoSyntax doesn't bother me, but some things it does are just dumb.18:32
alteregoRuby is sooo much nicer :(18:32
alteregoWell, beggers can't be choosers (he says as he connects his donate button to paypal)18:32
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MiXu-achipa: That's too bad. Try writing an app that displays PDFs with Qt without using an external lib. You'll be reinventing the wheel.18:33
achipachem|st, merlin1991 : I know, I was translating to slang. My German is bad (Tarzan Deutsch am besten), but I do get the grasp (vielen Dank fur Trek auf RTL :) )18:33
achipaMiXu-: poppler, eh ?18:34
chem|stachipa: hehe "python FTW" is actually right but historical set its "to rule the world"18:34
alteregoWell, it was solved by explicitly creating a stack frame inside my for loop, stupid python ..18:36
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alteregoNow, even though I'm adding support for internet radio, and videos. Well, internet raido is easy, but videos don't have metadata in tracker :/18:38
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alteregoJust gonna have to use the file name - dirname and extension me thinks.18:39
pupnik_"tarzan deutsch"  LOL18:39
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merlin1991hm my n900 is still running xD18:41
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achipapupnik_: never did a proper effort to memorize der/die/das and corresponding grammar so my German sentences are just a bunch of words except for a few common phrases (to make things worse, even those are mostly based on Star Trek :D )18:43
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merlin1991is it possible that with pr 1.2 the fm transmitter is disabled in general?18:44
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merlin1991because I don't even have a settings panel that tells me it's disabled18:45
achipamerlin1991: which region ? Germany should have it, AFAIK18:45
merlin1991should have it too18:46
merlin1991well I had to send my original device to nokia since it was broken and got a replacement, who knows what region it thinks it is from18:47
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merlin1991btw it's still running, I had 3 more warning beeps, and it's playing mp3s all the time18:51
SpeedEvilmerlin:in that case, it probably is disabled for your region.18:51
microlithwhy yes, nokiausa, I will review the device I never got from you18:51
* microlith chuckles18:51
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merlin1991well I'll try the fmtx-faker as soon as the battery has died out and I load it again18:52
timeless_mbpmicrolith: details?18:52
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microlithoh they think that my orders with them back in november->december actually went through, instead of being rejected without explanation18:53
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microlithended up going with Newegg18:53
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merlin1991I want to implement another protocol for the conversation and contacts system (like the msn stuff,...) but I would need a slight hint to some documentation about the c&c itself :)18:58
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alteregomerlin1991: you actually need to read up on Telepathy19:03
alteregomerlin1991: Conversations uses a system called Telepathy for IM accounts.19:03
alteregoIt's clever like that :D19:04
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merlin1991well I got so far to know that, but then there was a certain lack of easy to find documaentation about telepathy, at least for me19:04
n900-dkHow do I make mediaplayer start playing the last played media from commandline? As in pressing play on the mediaplayer-widget19:04
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MiXu-achipa: Yes, poppler is an external library, no? :)19:06
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alteregomerlin1991: Do you understand how Telepathy works?19:06
merlin1991not yet since I found nothing to read for myself19:07
dr34mguys anybody using this pelota thing? stopped working today .. i restart it and get like 2min. the results than it stops and says 'no games today'19:07
alteregomerlin1991: then check out the Telepathy documentation, on the Telepathy website.19:07
n900-dkalterego: great, thx!19:07
Robot101merlin1991: also #telepathy on this network19:08
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merlin1991thx Robot10119:08
merlin1991finally the phone died19:10
MiXu-Hmm... I suppose I could just compile poppler along with my app.19:10
alteregoMiXu-: you'll need to find a way to do that and not screw up the builder if you plan to push to extras :)19:12
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DocScrutinizerhi Robot101 o/ :-)19:14
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Robot101merlin1991: -
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DocScrutinizerhmm, Version:1.2009.42-11 on this fresh device. Seems I should try an OTA upgrade immediately19:21
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DocScrutinizernever realyized the firstrun settings wizard was SO fancy19:22
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bigonmmmm did other ppl saw an global issue with application using curl when a host name has both A and AAAA records?19:22
bigonI've found this bug but not sure if it's using libcurl too19:23
povbotBug 9943: MfE Wizard fails if exchange server hostname has IPv4 and IPv6 addresses19:23
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insanefakai'm getting bored of n900.... fuck linux19:28
insanefakaopen source my ass19:29
DocScrutinizerinsanefaka: that's starting to get a bit too much trolling now19:29
DocScrutinizerinsanefaka: if you're bored about N900, so why share with us?19:29
insanefakaexpressing my opinion19:29
insanefakait's a free society aint it?19:30
pupnikit isn't19:30
DocScrutinizeropinions are like asholes, everybody got one19:30
insanefakapupnik: oh no?19:30
insanefakapupnik: well to me it is19:31
bigonwell and a irc is not a democracy it's a moderatocracy (like forums)19:31
pupnikwe're trying to make it freer.  thatps part of what motivates open-source19:32
insanefakabigon: please check the definition of "forum" in a dictionary19:32
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insanefaka"forum" does not imply a closed conversation between like minded people19:33
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insanefakaeverytime somebody has a different opinion from yours you can't just say "troll"'s a fucking weak argument, no?19:35
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insanefakaalterego: troll you19:35
DocScrutinizerI just say "BORING, INPRODUCTIVE"19:35
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E0xinsanefaka: true but say that you are bored of the n900 and linux sux is a weak opinion too and should keep it for ur self19:36
alteregoWell, you've gone from one rather pointless and uninformed discussion to another.19:36
vldcnstSmells like a troll to me.19:36
insanefakayou have to listen to other opinions in order to expand your knowledge...spending time in a love fest with other like minded people is called regression, no?19:36
alteregoinsanefaka: right now, being here, what exactly are you trying to acheive? Be honest now ..19:37
DocScrutinizerOMFG, my knowledge expanded beyond all limits by learning yu're bored by N90019:37
RST38hinsanefaka: And, closer to the point, what are you wearing, pretty?19:37
E0xinsanefaka: opinion without facts are not useful19:37
insanefakaalterego: honest? i'm pissed at the liers19:37
alteregoinsanefaka: and you thought you'd air that here? We're not really interested.19:38
alteregoinsanefaka: So, who lied to you?19:38
insanefakaI'm trying to open your minds cause your part of the problem19:38
RST38hinsanefaka: Yet, you refuse to tell what you are wearing19:38
alteregoinsanefaka: that's a rather unkind statement, you don't know us.19:39
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lcukinsanefaka, open mind towards what - you wont tell us what you do or why its better19:39
insanefakai do know you19:39
alteregoinsanefaka: you're an idiot, that's all I know about you.19:39
alteregoinsanefaka: now what do you know about me?19:39
insanefakai was a contributing member of this once long ago vibrant community19:39
* DocScrutinizer is close to decide insanefaka either not passed the turing test or qualified in a plethora of other reasons for a kickban19:40
vldcnstWhat frequency did it vibrate at?19:40
pupnikhave any of you tried that motorola phone with android and keyboard?  keyboard seems nice but the dpad looks annoying19:40
alteregoinsanefaka: well, forgive me if I'm wrong, but your attitude suggest you're not a contributing type.19:40
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insanefakapupnik: it's miles away ahead of n90019:40
valdynpupnik: milestone keyboard is lame19:41
alteregoinsanefaka: okay, so you're an android fanboy?19:41
insanefakaaltergo: negative19:41
insanefakaalterego: negative boy19:41
alteregoinsanefaka: just anti maemo19:41
valdynpupnik: and theres plenty better android phones, however none with physical keyboard I think19:41
insanefakaalterego: anti deceit and lies19:41
pupnikinteresting ty valdyn19:42
valdynpupnik: so if you wanted android and a physical keyboard its probably not to bad19:42
insanefakaandroid is ahead of the game19:42
pupnikit seems the android phone vendors are sucking with updates atm19:42
alteregoinsanefaka: you're not being straight with us, you're just being argumentative, if you actually told us what was wrong, maybe we could help. But you're just trying to pick fights. You've not even used your real nick, that is, if you really were a "contributing" member of our community at one time.19:42
insanefakaalterego: i cant reveal19:43
valdyninsanefaka: zealotry is off topic, no matter which phone you want to talk about19:43
insanefakavaldyn: i'm no zealot19:43
valdyninsanefaka: you only talk like one19:43
insanefakavaldyn: negative19:44
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insanefaka1.2 is a regression. period. end of discussion.19:44
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bigoninsanefaka: let's try again, what in the 1.2 update made you think that there are regressions?19:45
insanefakabigon: overall lack of responssivness19:45
DocScrutinizer51bigon: he said 'end of discussion'. I tend to fulfill his wish19:45
insanefakabigon: broken media player widget19:46
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insanefakabigon: shall i go on?19:46
bigoninsanefaka: did you opened bugs?19:46
insanefakabigon: worse battery life19:46
alteregoinsanefaka: media widget is working for me, are you sure there's not something else that is wrong?19:46
valdynI find it more responsive19:46
Venemoalterego: hi!19:47
alteregoinsanefaka: most people have said the opposite in regards to responsiveness and battery life.19:47
alteregoEllo Venemo :)19:47
Venemoalterego: can I PM you?19:47
insanefakabigon: pardon my language but fuck opening bugs nokia doesnt give a fuck about19:47
alteregoVenemo: of course19:47
insanefaka1.2 is a disaster... n900 being resetted every couple of days19:48
nidOits all so clear now, nokia should use their super psycic magic 8-ball to find out about problems you and basically no-one else is having19:48
alteregoinsanefaka: Nokia are a large company, this is not something that is completely un-expected, if you have issue with them, why don't you go and tell them?19:48
nidObeing as almost everyone reports much better responsiveness and increased battery life after 1.219:48
alteregoI have heard that the media widget breaks fora few people, but I use it all the time and it works fine for me ..19:49
E0xi have 2 days of uptime19:49
E0xin my n90019:49
E0xerr 3 days19:49
alteregoMine just restarted because the battery died.19:49
insanefakaEOx: bullshit19:49
alteregoBut it was doing pretty well before then :)19:49
bigonalterego: the media widget seems broken here19:49
E0xmaybe your n900 have some hardware problem19:49
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E0xmanufacture problem19:50
GAN900DocScrutinizer51, you and andre__. That's not how you use "tend". :P19:50
valdyntheres *some* actual problem with larger uptime and responsiveness19:50
alteregoinsanefaka: your language doesn't help you sound particularly mature you realise this?19:50
valdynbut thats not worse than older firmware19:50
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lcukinsanefaka, :) its entirely feasible you can run your n900 down in no time - anyone can, i think we worked out at max burn battery can be drained in less than 2 hours19:50
insanefakaI'm on my 4th N900, I'm losing patience19:50
lcukwhat are you getting instead?19:50
alteregoinsanefaka: I don't believe you, but I'll give you the benifit of the doubt.19:51
lcukanything to replace it?19:51
insanefaka1st N900 - screen died, 2nd N900 usb broke, 3rd N900 lose slider19:51
insanefakaget your shit together n900 lovders !19:51
valdyninsanefaka: maybe you should treat a phone more carefully19:51
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alteregoinsanefaka: so it's our fault you're unlucky? pahahaha19:52
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lcukinsanefaka, come now - you have so far had a laundry list of bitching complaints that started a couple of hours ago19:52
lcukjust get yourself a new platform and move on19:52
insanefakapaint wearing off keypad... kickstand lose....on and on and fucking on19:52
pupnikeffective troll there19:53
alteregoinsanefaka: well, that's what you get for requesting a tighter slide :P19:53
lcuksure - dedicated ill give him that19:53
insanefakaI'm fucking frustrated19:53
alteregoinsanefaka: have a wank, usually sorts me out.19:53
DocScrutinizerinsanefaka: you've been warned, kicked, and banned several times during the last few months about your trolling in here19:54
insanefakaalterego: i'm a woman19:54
DocScrutinizerabsolutely last warning19:54
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insanefakasorry guys19:54
alteregoinsanefaka: again, I don't believe you.19:54
insanefakaI'm fucken confused19:55
lcukinsanefaka, you said earlier that you are a software developer who makes lots of stuff - have you made any maemo apps19:55
alteregolcuk: he said he was a "contributer" earlier :)19:57
alteregoSome time ago,19:57
alteregoBefore women were invented19:57
flailingmonkeyI like the proactive steps being taken about t.m.o19:58
DocScrutinizerwhich are...?19:58
DocScrutinizershut it down? :-P19:59
flailingmonkeyinsanefaka: I'm sorry you have had so much trouble with your N900s. I can only report that I haven't been as unfortunate as you have.19:59
lcukmr bump hasnt been as unfortunate as him19:59
lcukare any of the bluetooth heart monitors also capable of blood alcohol monitoring20:00
lcuklike the anklet thing lindsey lohan has20:01
flailingmonkeyI want to see some celebs side-talking with an N90020:01
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cropeinsanefaka: usb connector breaks off? thats know hw design big...20:02
flailingmonkeyhave to use speaker phone but should be doable20:02
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lcukflailingmonkey, im seriously more interested in a star trek communicator doofer20:02
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alteregoNew UI:
DocScrutinizercrope: sorry but no. That's a fabrication bug mostly found on some preseries devices20:03
DocScrutinizercrope: no design bug20:03
lcukkickass alterego \o20:03
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: regarding my t.m.o comment,
alteregothanks lcuk :)20:03
flailingmonkeyalterego: looks sexy20:04
lcukalterego, you shouldnt have donate button though.  you need "send appreciation via karaoke20:04
flailingmonkeydonate button is unfortunate but exists due to lack of better alternative :-p20:05
lcukdoes that update to twitter?20:05
alteregolcuk: no, I could add that if you wanted me to.20:05
alteregoBy writing a Telepathy twitter iface.20:05
alteregoWhich is probably a good idea anyway.20:05
lcukwhat would i have to sing you to get that? :P20:06
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alteregoI'll put it in the road map for 0.4 :P20:07
alteregoI'd do one for facebook, but that'd just annoy the scht out of people :)20:09
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alterego0.4 will be a big feature release though, with twitter telepathy plugin (though that'll be a seperate project) and a youtube video finding and facebook posting facility.20:09
alteregoSo, when you hear a song you really like, you can hit a button and it'll get you the youtube video and share it on facebook.20:10
Arkenoipupnik: actually exactly the opposite thing: dpad is great but droid keyboard sucks.20:11
DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: hmmm on that. WTF? no ban me20:13
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E0xalterego: that is carbon theme ?20:15
E0xat the shot20:15
alteregoE0x: indeed.20:15
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alteregoThank god for that :) I think he got the message :)20:21
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DocScrutinizeralterego: :-)20:25
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DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: what exactly is your comment? which number in t=56702?20:26
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cropebtw. I tried to connect my old Nokia 770 via bluetooth N900 without success...20:27
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cropeall my other phones connects just fine to internet from 770 bluetooth20:28
Arkenoiiirc there was bt tethering package, i guess it adds some profiles20:29
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cropeArkenoi: you mean it was due to missing profile (DUN??)?20:30
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RST38hIt enabled DUN20:30
wolf^alterego, what theme are you using?20:30
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lcukcrope, surfing on you 770 using n900 as modem? :D20:31
cropelcuk: yeah20:31
RST38hOh man, this Flandry guy obviously has not done his required Lord of the Flies reading20:31
cropelcuk: since 700 does not have gsm/umts connection...20:31
lcukcrope, when you get it working can we have some pictures20:32
RST38hOr maybe he simply has not understood...20:32
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cropelcuk: have you ever used Nokia 770? There is no SIM-card, only Bluetooth and WLAN are possible20:33
lcukcrope, you could feasibly have been using your 770 as a gateway to wifi internet.. just good to see still in action20:33
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cropelcuk: wifi seems to be broken, I just installed OS2008 hackers edition and I am willing to use that device as OBD diagnistics. Carman...20:35
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cropeoooowww, now wifi is working :D20:35
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lcuk:D crope20:35
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cropeand not now anymore. only gprs connection :[ and Nokia 770 is veeeery slow. N900 is much better20:36
pupnikbrowsing web feels painfully slow on n810 now20:37
flailingmonkeyDocScrutinizer: sorry, my comment was in IRC, that I approve of the changes to policy, and how the decision making is being done in the open20:37
flailingmonkeycrope: someone was working on getting carman working for N90020:37
DocScrutinizeraah, ok.20:37
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DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: I somewhat share RST38h POV though20:38
flailingmonkeywhat is RST38h's POV?20:39
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RST38hflailing: There is a dangerous busybody in that thread, using his moderatorial privileges to boss people around20:40
GAN900DocScrutinizer, pictures of the new baby? ?P20:40
DocScrutinizersure. You really want?20:40
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RST38hflailing: Among other things, he is trying to make it look like his proposed "rules" have wide public support20:41
DocScrutinizermaybe later. had no brweakfast or other decent meal for 72h20:41
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RST38hflailing: My suggested remedy would be to feed him shit, collectively, until he bursts. But that is unlikely to happen, due to the current lack of community spirit.20:42
Mouseyrah rah rah20:43
flailingmonkeywhich one is the busy body20:43
flailingmonkeyah, Flandry?20:43
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flailingmonkeyRST38h: why not opposed the proposed rules? so far I see discussion in the thread, but no disagreement20:49
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infobotflailingmonkey meant: RST38h: why not oppose the proposed rules? so far I see discussion in the thread, but no disagreement20:49
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DocScrutinizerflailingmonkey: tbh I couldn't care less about tmo20:51
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DocScrutinizeranyway, cya20:51
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lardmanhey chaps20:51
lardmanbye DocScrutinizer assuming you're off20:51
flailingmonkeylardman: ahoy20:52
lardmanflailingmonkey: there!20:52
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RST38hflailing: he has the standard response to opposition20:53
GAN900I don't see much to quibble with20:53
lardmanhey RST38h20:53
RST38hflailing: "What part of the rules you do not agree with? You do not agree with the whole thing? This is not constructive criticism, go away."20:53
RST38hmoo lardman20:53
lardmanand GAN900, ah good to see all the old faces, where's Jaffa these days?20:54
alteregoDoc is turning into GAN :P20:54
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lardmanalterego: ah, but what is GAN900 turning into then...?20:54
flailingmonkeylike mummification20:54
lardmanbrain removed through nose?20:54
lardmansounds more like tmo-ification ;)20:55
alteregoGAN900 has always been in a league of his own20:55
GAN900lardman, a frog?20:55
GAN900Is that the special kind? :P20:56
flailingmonkeyRST38h: saying that you disagree with the "whole thing" might be your opinion, but that doesn't really articulate the reasons for that opinion20:56
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RST38hflailing: Instituting these rules will let their creator satisfy his petty governance desires, at the expense of the freedom of speech for us all20:57
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flailingmonkeyfor example, a bunch of the policy items are from the current policy20:58
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RST38hflailing: Of course, why not20:58
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flailingmonkeyif you really mean that we should have no policy, and have no restrictions on any postings at all on t.m.o, then thats a position I am sure some also hold20:59
RST38hAnyway, I have got some popcorn and expect to see this particular drama to its logical conclusion20:59
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RST38hflailing: It is perfectly ok to have a simple technical policy (no ads, no spam, etc)21:00
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RST38hflailing: Elaborate policies with complex rules, allowing for wide interpretation, the system of points and punishments, etc are characteristic for very special forms of governance though21:01
flailingmonkeyand should that policy define the mechanisms for enforcing that policy?21:02
lcuklardman, jaffa was around this morn21:02
RST38hflailing: That is up to you to think over. I have done my best to explain my point.21:02
lardmanhey lcuk, how's things?21:02
flailingmonkeylcuk: there is no morning on IRC :P21:02
lcukon the subject of old timers :P RST38h is turning into a grouch too ;)21:02
lcukflailingmonkey, when we are all in the uk there is21:03
lardmanflailingmonkey: well there is if you both have the same ugt offset ;)21:03
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RST38hlcuk: Like I have ever been different...21:03
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lcukRST38h, sure - you used to just be strange guy who posted scp ;)21:03
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lcuknow you are just strange grumpy guy :P21:03
RST38hlcuk: Ah, we can always get back to that =)21:03
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lcuktheres plenty of creepy pasta there21:04
lardmanwhat we need is to meet up and drink expensive beer again21:04
lcukyeah lardman we deffo do21:04
lardmanare people going to go to the meego summit?21:05
lardmanI can't make it, clashes with a conference21:05
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flailingmonkeyRST38h: I see what you are gesturing to (verbally), but the current policy is basically that its up to mods to determine how to handle infractions. if that works better for you, it would be work recommending21:05
DocScrutinizer~tell flailingmonkey about ugt21:05
RST38h...Once the victim has been completely enfolded, thousands of hair-like protrusions extend from the surface of the carpet and dig into the victims skin, quickly draining them of blood over the next ? minutes...21:05
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lcuki imagine most should be lardman21:06
flailingmonkeyi can't make it, becuase I'm on the wrong side of the atlantic21:06
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lcukRST38h, i thought you were meant to be doing scp and not windows update21:06
dima202lol you guys read that flash 10 post? one of us has some "connectoins" at the top of the food chain21:06
lcukwhich conf this time lardman21:07
RST38hflailing: you are at the mods' mercy either way. having more rules gives them more reasons to screw you.21:07
RST38h(and yes, that has always been the case with humanity)21:07
lardmansame one, nde stuff, i.e. day job :)21:07
lardmanbut this time it doesn't almost clash, it really does (at least afair)21:07
lcukheh yeah i remember your gallavanting21:08
lcuki beat visual basic to a pulp last night after not being able to do something21:08
* lcuk can do it now21:08
* flailingmonkey has been enlightened. and will live a neverending morning...21:08
lcukand it apologised personally for putting me through crap21:08
flailingmonkeywrt UGT21:08
lcukflailingmonkey, who says you cant make it21:09
lardmandima202: thanks21:09
RST38hlcuk: isn't it kinda retro to still program in VB?21:09
RST38hAt least get yourself some C#...21:09
lcukRST38h, not coding in it - converting some layouts i wrote long ago in it21:09
flailingmonkeyit makes good money to maintain VB6 :-) its the new cobol21:09
lcukto c21:09
lardmannah, most of the code I have only works with vb621:09
lardmani.e. libs for hardware stuff21:09
VenemoRST38h: well, VB is equal to C#21:10
RST38hlcuk: Ah21:10
lardmanVenemo: in craptasticness?21:10
lcukvb6 is still interoperable in windows despite microsofts best intentions21:10
lcukthanks to activex21:10
lardmanyeah it is, though it's not pleased to install on Windows 7 I note21:10
RST38hWindows still has CALL5, doesn't it?21:10
flailingmonkeyVB6 isn't going anywhere. the VS6 licences aren't going to be replaced by expensive VS2008 or w/e and are very popular in china21:10
lcuki wouldnt know lol21:10
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DocScrutinizerI prefer the old COBOL21:11
lcukis that another rst38h typ thing?21:11
RST38hlcuk: CP/M services entry point21:11
RST38hlcuk: Like INT2121:11
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lcukDocScrutinizer, im surprised you arent a valve fan :p21:12
RST38hIn fact, INT21 should also be operational =)21:12
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lcukRST38h, theres lots in the core of windows that is still operational21:12
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jacekowskias far as i know int21 is gone forever21:12
lcukoh no, net dying21:13
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lcuklagometer at max and net deaded21:13
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insanefakai see tmo is turning into a lovefest21:18
microlithas opposed to the usuall troll-and-hatefest?21:19
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insanefakaas opposed to constructive criticism21:23
* SpeedEvil comments on the 'rules' thread.21:23
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SpeedEvil(re: blanket ban on buisness advertising isn't always good)21:24
StskeepsSygic would be banned then, wouldnt they?21:24
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Stskeepswell that's one counterargument21:24
SpeedEvilAnd mugen21:24
Stskeepscos they were really engaging as part of community21:24
SpeedEviland ...21:24
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SpeedEvilI totally agree that people spamming screen protectors would be bad.21:25
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insanefakawhy would you ban the only people (Sygic) whose app is any good on maemo?21:28
SpeedEvilHave I missed a 'This is what you should do so that your app does not use lots of battery' on the wiki?21:28
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lcukfakes stands are cool, mugens batteries have a purpose, angrybirds and all the commercial things due from ovi let people play - commercial != bad, but blatant spamming is21:29
* SpeedEvil wonders if the username SteveJobs is vacant on TMO.21:29
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhwhat is the alarm supposed to play?21:35
lardmanmmm, pizza, and not a rasher of bacon in sight (though now I type that, I am thinking it might be nice...) :)21:35
ljsdofuynsdfufuhthe system ringer?21:35
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DocScrutinizerworst thing always is the army of idiots. Wherever you run into them21:35
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lcukmmm lardman bacon pizza21:37
lcuk20+seconds of lag to get to host+1 after my router :( gnite chaps21:38
lardmandoes sound rather good21:38
lardmannight lcuk !21:38
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* DocScrutinizer feels grumpy due to missing food. Bye now21:39
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crashanddiegreetings, earthlings21:40
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lardmanhey crashanddie21:40
Venemois there anyone here who is familiar with MADDE?21:40
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VenemoI would like to create a library with it, but it seems that it doesn't place the header files into the -dev.deb21:41
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madeinkoreawow !21:47
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhso the alarm clock ringer can't be set separately?21:50
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SpeedEvilWhat do you mean? You can play all the alarm sounds independantly21:51
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clasificadohi all21:54
ljsdofuynsdfufuhI mean, what setting in the general profile corresponds to what is played as the system alarm?21:55
ljsdofuynsdfufuhsorry for the delay SpeedEvil, heh21:55
SpeedEvilah - sorry - don't know that off-hand.21:55
* lardman heads to sort out a second pizza... :)21:56
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ljsdofuynsdfufuhI wonder why he is called "lardman"21:57
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DocScrutinizer51ljsdofuynsdfufuh: clock menu alarm settings22:03
DocScrutinizer51ljsdofuynsdfufuh: and obviously it's not supposed to change with profile settings22:04
n900-dkhow to read the volume value from commandline?22:08
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SpeedEvilalsactl will do it22:10
SpeedEvilyou probably don't want to do that22:10
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n900-dkif it can be done, I sure will :)22:11
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: I wonder if it's really alsa22:11
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SpeedEvilIt's not22:12
SpeedEvilIt's pulse22:12
SpeedEvilAnyway - does anyone know of a page on the wiki 'this is what you nee to do to maximise battery life'22:12
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SpeedEvil(for your application)22:12
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GAN900SpeedEvil, there's something in one of the Maemo docs somewhere22:12
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: not really22:13
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DocScrutinizer51yeah, what GAN900 said22:13
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SpeedEvilGAN900: Pointer would be welcome - I was contemplating writing something22:14
SpeedEvilI had a brief look, and couldn't find22:15
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adnagreetings. anybody here using busybox on an n900?22:15
Stskeepswe all are :P22:15
SpeedEviladna: everyone22:15
Venemoadna: what else?22:15
SpeedEvilwell - not lcuk. But he's wierd.22:15
adnawhere is "less" and "nano"22:15
SpeedEvilless is in the tools repository22:15
SpeedEvilunsure where nano is.22:16
adnaWhere do I get info on location of .deb repositories?22:16
SpeedEvil /etc/sources.d/hildon-application-manager.list22:17
SpeedEvilor something22:17
SpeedEvil /etc/apt/sou...22:17
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ptlSpeedEvil: were you looking for that?
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adnaI thought the contents of hildon-application-manager.list was already what apt-get update was using.22:18
SpeedEvil adna is my current list - you want to carefully consider what you enable22:18
SpeedEviladna: it is22:18
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SpeedEviladna: ah - sorry - that's what I thought you meant22:19
adnaSo if the tools repo is in hildon, why can't apt-get install find "less"22:19
SpeedEvilptl: Hmm - could maybe do some additions.22:20
SpeedEviladna: It can.22:20
SpeedEvilOr at least it can with me.22:20
SpeedEvilMaybe it hates you.22:20
adnaI think so.22:21
SpeedEvilwhat error does atp-get instal l  less give?22:21
adnaapt-get install:  "couldn't find package less"22:21
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ptlless is in the tools and extras-devel repositories22:22
ptladd or activate them and you'll be able to install22:23
adnaAhh. I see. My (raw) version of hildon doesn't include tools.22:23
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adnaI'll add those and it should do the trick. Thanks!22:24
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adnaSpeedEvil: Thnx! Sweet 'less' and 'nano' are back.22:34
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SpeedEvilnow update to PR1.2 - if you have not already, install the sdk repo, and apt-get install build-essentials.22:35
adnaAnybody know why Maemo is using the hildon(...) repo list instead of just /etc/apt/sources.list?22:36
adna...and why vi is crippled? ("'q' is not implemented...")22:36
nextimeadna: it just use the /etc.sources.list.d/name.list schema22:36
SpeedEvilbusybox vi22:36
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nextimeit is a common way for debian based things22:37
adnaBut then why not bash?22:37
SpeedEviladna: The answer to many of these questions is: 'A wizard at nokia did it for reasons more complex than you could possibly understand.22:37
SpeedEviladna: Busybox is a sane choice. Busybox is considerably lighter for scripting than bash and friends.22:38
nextimeadna : maemo is an embedded linux distro for a limited device, it is not a desktop pc22:38
nextimeso, it is very common to use busybox for all the base system22:38
adnaRight (sigh).22:38
SpeedEvilWith busybox - starting any contained process - most of the process is already in RAM. This dramatically reduces ram use and startup time22:38
nextimeadna: you CAN anyway install bash if you really need it22:38
adnaIs there a 'best' webpage on a maemo site listing available repos and what's in them?22:39
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adnaMaybe with annotations like 'Use at your own risk!"22:39
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SpeedEvilPractically, I've not had major stability problems with anything I've installed.22:40
flailingmonkeythere is really just: extras, extras-testing, extras-devel (and I guess tools)22:40
SpeedEvilIn general - avoid anything that says 'kernel' or 'flasher' and you should be fine22:40
SpeedEvilMany of the early problems have been alrgely resolved with new processes on the bildserver to automagically move stuff off the root filesystem.22:41
flailingmonkeydo be aware that enabling devel (and testing to a lesser degree) results in dealing with a much bigger apt db22:41
flailingmonkeyand that slows down installs/updates/etc noticably22:41
SpeedEvilHowever - installing everything isn't possible - you run out of space on the 2G software partition soon.22:41
nextimeis there any overlay fs support in the default kernel?22:42
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adnaThanks, all. I just got my n900 and you've been incredibly helpful.22:43
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SpeedEvilnextime: no22:43
adnaI just have one last question (right now). How do you ssh to your phone?22:43
nextimeadna : you need at least to setup a password22:44
adnaI just connected via USB in 'PC-Suite' mode but from my PC I get 'no route to host'.22:44
nextimeand of corse install ssh :)22:44
adnaI've done both.22:44
nextimeadna : i ssh over wifi22:44
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adnanmap shows ssh is running on port 22. Why would there be no route to host?22:45
pahartikadna: I just got my "Nokia N900" about 30 hours ago and have been trying to set things up correctly... Very good so far22:45
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nextimeadna : maybe you just aren't in the same subnet or something like that on the pc side?22:45
DocScrutinizer51flailingmonkey: that's damn true22:46
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flailingmonkeyadna: connecting by usb does not automagically create usb networking22:48
DocScrutinizer51adna: install ssh22:48
flailingmonkeythere are instructions on the wiki22:48
adnaflailingmonkey: right.22:48
SpeedEviladna: enable extras. Install ssh server and client (same package) pick a root passowrd22:48
SpeedEviladna: scp to phones /root - static IP makes it easy.22:49
DocScrutinizer51adna: setting up usb networking is a pita22:49
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adnaI did: ifup usb0   ifconfig usb0
SpeedEviladna: move into the .ssh directory, rename it authorized_hosts and then chmod it to 600. chmod .ssh to 70022:49
SpeedEviland then you can just do ssh root@Phone22:50
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adnait worked fine for one session, but now it shows no route to host. Never got it to work over wifi.22:50
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vallhalla-mobilehello all22:51
adnavallhalla-mobile: hi.22:51
DocScrutinizer51adna: check pkg PC connectivity manager. Still you need correct setup on PC side for USB networking22:52
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adnaDocScrutinizer51: thnx!22:52
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DocScrutinizer51adna: setting up usb networking is a pita22:54
DocScrutinizer51adna: check pkg PC connectivity manager. Still you need correct setup on PC side for USB networking22:54
flailingmonkeywith wifi, you can usually address the hostname Nokia-N900-42-11 and it will work22:55
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madeinkoreawhy isnt xchat kenetic ?22:58
vallhalla-mobileis there a way to use framebuffer on a n900?22:58
madeinkoreawho uses scrollbars in 21 century ?22:59
trip0madeinkorea, because it's a port from the gtk version22:59
vallhalla-mobilemany did back in the 21st22:59
madeinkoreaman i hate these half assed ports23:00
DocScrutinizer51scrollbars of xchat are a pain23:00
trip0madeinkorea, most people hate porting code more.23:00
adnaDocScrutinizer51: ? on PC (kubuntu) 'ls /dev' doesn't show a usb device. just 'usbmon0' - 'usbmon5'...23:00
DocScrutinizer51bur with right keymapping you can use shift-up/down23:00
madeinkoreawhy even bother porting if it blows chunks23:00
DocScrutinizer51xchat isn't hildonized23:01
madeinkoreai know23:01
vallhalla-mobileuse irssi i find its better23:01
trip0does irssi have kenetic scrolling?23:01
madeinkoreabut irsi is too damn plain23:02
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vallhalla-mobileno just use pgup pgdn simple but ef23:02
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adnaHow does one pipe something to grep on the n900 keypad?23:02
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Appiahsymbol adna23:03
vallhalla-mobileirssi is very easy to set as non plain i have many colors and themes on it23:03
DocScrutinizer51adna: bluefunc + sym23:03
*** MikeK has quit IRC23:03 the blue arrow key + Sym + ..what for a pipe?23:04
vallhalla-mobileis there a way to use framebuffer on a n900? both on startup for messages and in a console23:04
vallhalla-mobileadna: yep then select the pipe23:05
vallhalla-mobilemicrolith: thankyou23:06
vallhalla-mobileno way to do it without losing defualt kernal?23:06
microlithcorrect, support is not compiled into the default kernel23:07
vallhalla-mobilethat is a shame23:07
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microlithnot really, options like that are unnecessary for most of the populace23:07
microlithpersonally I'd rather have an easy to access UART :)23:08
vallhalla-mobileCutMeOwnThroat: is your name a pratchet reference?23:08
adnavallhalla-mobile: There's no pipe to select. Is it a three key combo?23:08
CutMeOwnThroatvallhalla-mobile, sausage inna bun for you?23:08
CutMeOwnThroatthey're freshly delivered today!23:08
CutMeOwnThroatnamed animal, too23:09
vallhalla-mobileoo how novel23:09
* CutMeOwnThroat .oO( I think he was called 'spot' )23:09
vallhalla-mobiledo you hav ne thin ona stik?23:09
CutMeOwnThroatno, ran out23:10
DocScrutinizer51adna: should be there on vkbd23:10
vallhalla-mobileah well ta ne way mr dibbler23:10
luke-jrso a N900 was just delivered to me o.O23:10
adnaDocScrutinizer51: Yes, I just found it.23:10
CutMeOwnThroatyou'll come back when you regret your decision :)23:10
Stskeepsluke-jr: scary23:10
luke-jrbut no letter or conditions or anything... anyone know anything about this? XD23:10
Stskeepsluke-jr: did you sign up for the device queue?23:10
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vallhalla-mobileCutMeOwnThroat: im of ta the mended drum23:11
luke-jrStskeeps: a while ago, yeah; that's my guess, but I was expecting someone to tell me they were sending it and what the terms were and such23:11
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Stskeepsmore importantly, how'd they get your addy?23:11
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luke-jrsomeone did ask me for it a few weeks ago-- GAN I think23:12
ecksunis there some frontend to alarmd?23:12
Stskeepsluke-jr: not sure there's any terms if none came along23:12
luke-jrbasically, I'm wondering if I'm expected to finish N8x0 mainlining in exchange, or write apps for it, or *not* reveng BME/GPS, or such23:12
Stskeepsor port gentoo23:13
luke-jr"or such"23:13
Stskeepsor contribute to meego ;)23:13
luke-jrthe possibilities are endless23:13
Stskeepswell, have fun23:13
Stskeepsperhaps you can join DocScrutinizer51's BME project23:13
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: you applied for devel dev?23:13
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: a what?23:14
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Stskeepsluke-jr: the battery charging on N900 is much safer and DocScrutinizer51 and co seems to know how to do safe open charging23:14
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: seems there are no terms23:14
Stskeepsany 'NOT FOR SALE' label on the box?23:14
luke-jrStskeeps: not that I saw23:15
luke-jrbtw, my first impression: "I sure hope this isn't what the end users get"23:15
DocScrutinizer51your contributions are just appreciated so muh ;-D23:15
luke-jrintuitiveness is *terrible*23:15
Stskeepswell you use gentoo.23:15
luke-jrStskeeps: not yet23:15
luke-jrit's got whatever was shipped to me still23:15
Stskeepsso your intuitiveness is different than normal people23:15
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: so welcome to the club now XP23:15
luke-jrah, I see what you mean23:15
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: got yours too?23:16
luke-jrStskeeps: for example, I had a hard time finding settings23:16
luke-jrand when I did, I didn't off-hand guess that I had to disable auto-update on the clock to set a timezone23:16
luke-jr(wtf is with that, btw?)23:16
Stskeepsluke-jr: ah, yeah, that's a nice wtf23:16
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Stskeepsyou'd want to set Region initially23:16
luke-jrregionwas already "English (UK)"23:17
luke-jrwhich is what I want23:17
Stskeepsbut if you're wanting to contribute, i'd point you in direction of either meego-n900 or DocScrutinizer51's work, either one benefits a more open n90023:17
luke-jranyhow, the shipment I *was* expecting also arrived, and I need to have that one ready to send out by 4 today :)23:17
luke-jrso 45 mins to figure out how to install Kubuntu w/o a CD drive :x23:17
luke-jrI'll get back to N900 later23:18
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tremnite all, sweet dreams23:19
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DocScrutinizer51so FINALLY luke-jr got a device. No more hiding away now :-P23:23
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luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: hiding?23:26
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DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: just kidding :)23:26
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DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: your arse is owned by Nokia now :-P. No oher terms involved23:29
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NirtalWich is the best spotify client for maemo?23:32
Nirtalthe most stable23:32
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nextimeroute -n23:42
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