IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2010-05-09

jacekowskiarch independent programming languages don't exist00:00
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: you mean undefined behaviour, which isn't valid00:00
DocScrutinizerobviously an exploit written for LE platforms won't work on BE00:00
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: it should if you do it right ;)00:01
DocScrutinizerluke-jr: I mean writing 'buggy' code which results in exactly the nasty behaviour I actually intended00:01
C-S-B-N900anyone use wii control?00:01
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DocScrutinizerluke-jr: correct code should, yes. An EXPLOIT though is highly arch dependent00:02
luke-jrDocScrutinizer: if the exploit is written (even partially) in bytecode, then yes00:02
luke-jrif it's 100% correct C, it shouldn't care what the CPU is, at least00:03
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luke-jrunless it's trying to exploit the CPU :P00:03
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* DocScrutinizer thinks about really simple things, like 'accidentally' storing address of a .bmp to a callback procedure00:04
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DocScrutinizereasily done by stack-off-by-one00:04
lcukluke-jr, the problem with cross platform c code is that you would require libraries and those are the place it fails00:04
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DocScrutinizerexactly :-)00:05
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luke-jrlcuk: libraries will work on any architecture with a recompile, unless those libraries are buggy ;)00:05
luke-jrand C doesn't *require* libraries00:05
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lcukso your exploit now needs to carry around recompiled libraries for every OS it targets00:05
lcukmaking its footprint rather prohibative00:06
lcukluke-jr, try doing even something simple in pure c00:06
DocScrutinizerlcuk: here it's just frals who wants to get past the QA with his 0900-calling fmms :-P00:06
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lcukjust read a file00:06
lcukwrite a line to console00:06
luke-jrlcuk: writing to console needs no lib00:07
DocScrutinizerso it's just two target platforms00:07
lcukluke-jr, go on..00:07
lcukthis will be fun00:07
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johnsqlcuk: no problem you can do the sys-call direct00:07
luke-jr#include <stdio.h> int main() { puts("hello world"); }00:07
luke-jrjohnsq: syscalls aren't C00:08
lcukputs is platform specific00:08
luke-jrlcuk: nope00:08
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luke-jrputs is C8900:08
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DocScrutinizeryou easily can put some malware into a few 100 pixels of 'snow' in a .bmp or .gif00:08
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DocScrutinizerbut getting the thing to run without segfaults on x86 AND arm00:09
DocScrutinizer... hard00:09
lcukluke-jr, each platform has different mechanisms for performing stdio - different addresses and ways of doing it00:09
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luke-jrlcuk: irrelevant. puts is a platform-independent abstraction00:10
DocScrutinizerstdio is platform specific00:10
luke-jrstdio is part of C00:11
DocScrutinizerso what?00:11
* lcuk facepalms00:11
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luke-jrso any compliant C implementation has it00:11
DocScrutinizerit has different code inside, though the ABI is identical00:11
lcukluke-jr, the clibrary requires compiling and linking with your app00:11
lcukso you need to carry around a library for each arch00:12
luke-jror you just recompile00:12
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* lcuk facepalms00:12
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DocScrutinizerfrals: $4.99 / mms ? ;-P00:13
SpeedEvil does this look sane00:13
fralsDocScrutinizer: ^_^00:13
SpeedEviloops - sorry00:13
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DocScrutinizerfrals: no offense or anything intended - just pondering about use and nonsense of a 10 day quarantine00:16
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fralsDocScrutinizer: none taken :)00:17
frals10d quarantine is fine i guess but would be nice to have testers who can cut it down after testing it00:18
SpeedEvilWho actually have a clue00:18
SpeedEvilprofile the app in various conditions.00:18
SpeedEvilTest it at least basically00:19
SpeedEvilfind obvious blockers00:19
DocScrutinizerset system date to arbitrary points into the future00:19
SpeedEvilAn annoying issue I saw with the current scheme was lots of people - apparantly for karma reasons - going over the list of packages for bugtracker links, and voting them down - even when there was already a downvote for that00:20
derfAlso, even when there was a bugtracker for the package, like mine.00:21
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derfThis is one of the reasons I gave up packaging things.00:21
SpeedEvilA per-package forum would be very nice00:21
* DocScrutinizer remarks it seems not helpful for karma to contribute to tmo :-P00:21
derfBecause it turns out I don't care enough to put up with bullshit like that.00:22
AppiahSpeedEvil: dont garage have that?00:22
SpeedEvilA email address as a bugtracker can seem very blackhole00:22
SpeedEvilNot having one unified way to find an apps homepage, interact with other users is somewhat broken00:22
DocScrutinizerthough my karma actually is >0, which is a surprise to me00:23
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kthomas_vhkarma( DocScrutinizer)--;00:24
GAN900Modest: Let's put the signature ABOVE the quoted text!00:24
DocScrutinizeroooh sweet00:24
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GAN900It's funny when I forget to drop my council sig from personal emails.00:25
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: how did you manage to open that CA-146A ?00:29
DocScrutinizerisn't it glued/welded?00:29
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: or is there a special trick?00:31
DocScrutinizeror hidden screw00:31
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GAN900Probably broke it.00:39
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jd4200Anyone know why im unable to set permissions on any file, no matter how much i chmod.00:44
jd4200i also cant chown a file to user, it says unknow user 'user'00:44
rm_youwell, most of the device is actually FAT3200:45
alexcockellNew user to Nokia N900s etc..00:45
rm_youit depends on where the file is00:45
rm_youand FAT32 doesnt support permissions00:45
alexcockellI was thinking of getting Evopedia up and running...00:46
rm_youthough not sure that's really related to your error message00:46
alexcockell... but everywhere I look it talks about using BitTorrent to get a dataset..00:46
rm_youwell, anything in /home/user/ is FAT32 so no permissions00:46
jd4200rm_you oh wasnt aware it was fat32, so no way of making a script executable?00:46
alexcockell.. with the passage of the Digital Economy Bill - I am simply too scared to EVER use BitTorrent - I have never done so before00:46
rm_younot in /home/user i believe00:47
rm_youunless you mount another folder there that IS on ext2/300:47
jd4200alexcockell: the libdems oppose it with a passion so hopefully it gets overturned00:47
alexcockellDoes anyone know if there is anywhere where I could buy a copy of a Wikipedia dump from legally?00:47
* PerfDave uses BitTorrent to download legal content00:48
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alexcockellI thought BitTorrent and all p2p software was illegal?00:48
PerfDaveSorry, bad phrasing, I use it to download content without violating that content's copyright holder's rights.00:48
rm_youWikipedia dumps are free/legal00:48
PerfDavealexcockell: Uhm, not at all.00:48
rm_youyou've been lied to00:48
alexcockellYeah - but my ISP frowns on p2p..00:48
rm_youby the RIAA and corporate america00:49
PerfDaveBitTorrent is software. It's a way of transferring files. Some file transfers go against copyright laws, others don't.00:49
rm_youyou can tell your ISP to *suck it*00:49
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rm_youif more people did that, the world would be a better place00:49
PerfDaveUsing BitTorrent to download Debian GNU/Linux is fine; using it to download most films isn't.00:49
rm_youwhat THEY'RE doing to restrict torrent bandwidth is illegal00:49
luke-jralexcockell: do you pay your ISP?00:49
PerfDaverm_you: Illegal how? If it's in the contract you agree with your ISP, then I don't see how it can be illegal.00:50
alexcockellHmm - funny about that - I've *bought* the last two installs of Ubuntu - I buy my machies from linux Emporium00:50
luke-jralexcockell: do you pay your ISP?00:50
luke-jrfor what?00:50
alexcockell19 quid a month00:50
alexcockellthe Net..00:51
* PerfDave tends to buy Debian distros once the pressed DVDs become available from places that donate to the project.00:51
luke-jralexcockell: what is the Net?00:51
alexcockellAll the services out there...00:51
luke-jrthe Internet is a *peer-to-peer* computer network00:51
alexcockellBBC, Youtube, here... Ship Of FOols.. other sites I go to00:51
PerfDaveluke-jr: Nobody can tell you what the net is. You have to experience it for yourself.00:51
PerfDaveOh wait, that was the Matrix.00:51
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luke-jralexcockell: BBC, Youtube, etc are just other peers00:52
alexcockellWe7 (paid subscrtiption)00:52
luke-jryou are no less a peer than they are00:52
luke-jrthey just happen to pay for a bigger pipe00:52
rm_yougo look up net neutrality00:52
rm_youor comcast being sued for bandwidth limits on torrents00:52
luke-jralexcockell: *everything* on the internet is p2p00:52
luke-jrrm_you: Comcast won00:52
rm_youno they didnt? what?00:53
luke-jrrm_you: yes, Comcast won vs FCC00:53
luke-jrthe court ruled FCC has no jurisdiction00:53
rm_youoh, not that00:53
luke-jrthat's what you're talking about...00:53
rm_youthat was recently00:53
luke-jrnet neutrality failed to pass00:54
rm_youthe thing im talking about was year+ ago00:54
luke-jrnow the US government is trying to pass bills making ISPs required to block illegal transfers00:54
alexcockellHmm - just like the DEA00:54
luke-jrcomplete flip-flop00:54
alexcockell(Digital Economy Act)00:54
luke-jralexcockell: in the meantime, BitTorrent is 100% legal00:54
SpeedEvilI used bittorrent to download some slackware CDs a couple of weeks ago.00:55
luke-jrthe day you cannot use BitTorrent is the day you no longer have Internet00:55
alexcockellBut I was under the impression according to The Register that all BitTorrent activity was being monitored..00:55
luke-jralexcockell: maybe it is00:55
luke-jrirrelevant, since it's legal00:56
alexcockellI've never used BitTorrent00:56
PerfDaveEven if that were true, alexcockell, that doesn't make it illegal necessarily :)00:56
SpeedEvilalexcockell: It is - mostly - trivial - to snoop on all p2p protocols - even as a user00:56
alexcockellAll I've ever heard is how unsafe it is..00:56
PerfDavealexcockell: Unsafe how?00:56
jacekowskiluke-jr: well, bittorent isn't illegal00:56
luke-jrjacekowski: my point exactly00:56
jacekowskiluke-jr: bit 99% trafic in bt network is00:56
SpeedEvilOr rather - snoop as in the sense of finding who's getting what00:56
luke-jralexcockell: BitTorrent is very safe; more than anything else really00:56
luke-jrjacekowski: I question the 99% figure00:57
luke-jrjacekowski: I think you just made that up on the spot00:57
PerfDaveYeah, it's more like 90% IIRC00:57
jacekowskion my server it's closer to 100%00:57
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jacekowskibut we all agree that most of bittorent traffic is illegal00:58
jacekowskisame thing about TOR00:58
luke-jralexcockell: BitTorrent is just a protocol, like HTTP (web browsers use this), SMTP (email), or XMPP (IM)00:58
jacekowskii was hosting exit node for some time00:58
luke-jralexcockell: what matters is what you use it for00:58
jacekowskibut amount of shit people do with it00:58
alexcockellYeah I suppose so..00:58
jacekowskichild porn, porn, downloading from rapidshare and similiar sites00:58
luke-jrthe only thing 'unsafe' about BitTorrent is that it is not anonymous00:58
luke-jrbut it wasn't designed to be00:58
alexcockellHaven't even uploaded anything to Youtube -00:58
luke-jrnor is most any other internet protocol anonymous00:58
jacekowskii mean, if anything has potential to be abused00:59
alexcockellWATCHED loads..00:59
jacekowskiit will be00:59
SpeedEvilThere are some exceptions.00:59
luke-jrat least BitTorrent is often encryption ;)00:59
PerfDaveIt does depend on what you mean by "safe", of course. If you get your .torrent file from a dodgy source, you might be downloading trojanned software or something.00:59
SpeedEvil4chan for example - everyone there is over 18.00:59
luke-jremail is almost *always* easy for *anyone* to spy on00:59
alexcockellBought my last large batch of DVDs from clips watched on 'Tube00:59
SpeedEvilluke-jr: only ISPs and governments really01:00
alexcockellI know that about email - used to administer Lotus Notes at work01:00
PerfDavealexcockell: Scrotes? You poor bastard ;)01:00
SpeedEvilluke-jr: Or people with the smarts to decode DSL. (or perform MITM on it)01:00
SpeedEvilA software DSL modem would be cool01:00
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alexcockellNah - watched a couple of episodes of Howards Way on 'Tube.. remembered hjow good it was.. bought the box set01:01
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luke-jrSpeedEvil: is DSL easy to snoop too?01:01
luke-jrCable is *very* easy to snoop01:01
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luke-jrfairly simple to snoop other servers in the same room as your dedi as well01:02
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jacekowskinobody is safe01:02
luke-jrCable basically puts your modem on a switch with about 1000 other subscribers, and uses ARP proxy to your PC01:02
SpeedEvilluke-jr: DSL is quite annoying to snoop01:03
alexcockell.. and they see back as far as the NAT port on your router.. rigth?01:03
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SpeedEvilluke-jr: As it's designed to be a two-way protocol.01:03
SpeedEvilluke-jr: And it's OFDM and shit.01:03
luke-jralexcockell: NAT is an ugly hack of connection sharing, it is NOT a firewall and does NOT protect you01:03
jacekowskialexcockell: all traffic going trough your dsl01:04
SpeedEvilluke-jr: There is no actual encryption - but snooping it is hard. MITMing is hard as there is no commodity hardware01:04
jacekowskialexcockell: and some modem allow remote firmware upgrade01:04
jacekowskialexcockell: which gives them more possibilities01:04
SpeedEvilMan In The Middle01:04
jacekowskiMan in the middle01:04
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Shapeshiftermh? but you need your own modem to snoop cable, right?01:04
luke-jrShapeshifter: sure, why?01:04
SpeedEvilIn the case of DSL, it would be putting a DSLAM at the end of the cut cable, and a DSL modem next to it to talk to the telco01:04
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: well, dslam + modem + laptop01:04
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: + switch01:05
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luke-jrDSL has a dedicated wire to each house, IIRC01:05
luke-jrCable just has a single shared fiber optic01:05
alexcockellBut - seeing that my main time when I might cane the link is when I'm watching something off iPlayer... or if I'm listening to a queue off We7..01:05
Shapeshifterluke-jr: I never heard anyone on my provider using his own modem, so I assume only modems by the provider can be used.01:05
SpeedEviljacekowski: yes.01:06
jacekowskiluke-jr: you can01:06
luke-jrShapeshifter: 1) FCC regulations require providers to allow hardware other than their own01:06
luke-jrShapeshifter: 2) ISP needs not know ;)01:06
SpeedEviljacekowski: Or a ADC + laptop + ubersoftware.01:06
luke-jrin fact, if you're just sniffing, I don't think the ISP *can* detect or trace youy01:06
jacekowskiwell the could01:06
jacekowskiif you do mitm01:06
Viliny_isn't cable like so that you have to have a hw address on the box that the isp knows?01:06
jacekowskiand use your own modem as mac will change01:06
luke-jrjacekowski: if you modify stuff01:06
Shapeshifterluke-jr: iirc the fcc doesn't apply to all countries01:07
jacekowskior whatever is that called on adsl01:07
luke-jrjacekowski: you don't need to transmit to sniff cable01:07
luke-jrShapeshifter: sure01:07
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luke-jrShapeshifter: even then, they can't easily stop you if they don't know01:07
jacekowskiShapeshifter: as long as you use compatible hardware it's going to work01:07
jacekowskiShapeshifter: except that cable providers lock line to specific mac address01:07
alexcockellTrying to do that without clearance would expose me to all kinds of legal issues - under RIPA, Computer muisuse Act, DPA...01:07
SpeedEvilFor sniffing DSL, I would guess that ot01:07
Shapeshifterthat *is* inteesting01:08
SpeedEvilit's going to be at least a few tens of thousands of lines of code01:08
luke-jralexcockell: sure01:08
SpeedEvilthe DSL protocol is not really simple01:08
jacekowskialexcockell: you never done anything illegal?01:08
luke-jralexcockell: but we're not talkign about BitTorrent anymore; that's legal :P01:08
luke-jrSpeedEvil: isn't DSL just PPPoE, followed by modulation/demodulation?01:08
alexcockellApart from the odd CD copy years ago (taped friend's CD)... no.01:09
SpeedEvilluke-jr: yes.01:09
jacekowskiluke-jr: dsl is home version of ATM01:09
Shapeshifterbtw, on sniffing dsl, a provider in germany had a serious misconfiguration in his network, that basically allowed all traffic inside their subnet. this meant you could see all peers connected and browse all open smb shares and so on.01:09
SpeedEvilluke-jr: the PPPoE and ATM are the trivial part01:09
luke-jrShapeshifter: they should. :)01:09
alexcockellPPPoA more common in UK01:09
SpeedEvilluke-jr: The DSL protocol - is _messy_01:09
PerfDaveMy ISP is happy for me to use an ADSL router other than the one you provided.01:09
jacekowskiShapeshifter: that's normall01:09
luke-jrShapeshifter: idiots with open SMB shares can take responsibility for themselves01:09
PerfDaveShapeshifter: NTL cable in the UK used to be like that. A good firewall was useful :)01:09
jacekowskiShapeshifter: you can always do it01:09
luke-jrShapeshifter: or sue the company that misconfigured their OS defaults01:10
SpeedEvilluke-jr: It's several layers of stacking protocol, and adds analog signal processing problems to that.01:10
jacekowskiShapeshifter: unless provider filters smb ports01:10
alexcockellI run Ubuntu at home - so no hassles re SMB...01:10
Shapeshifterjacekowski: well clearly they should disallow any direct traffic01:10
luke-jrShapeshifter: no01:10
SpeedEvilluke-jr: For example, there are about 200 different channels in DSL. Each one has a variable number of bits per frame. That can shift according to noise on the line.01:10
jacekowskiShapeshifter: no01:10
jacekowskiShapeshifter: why i shouldn't be allowed to talk to someboy in same subnet?01:10
luke-jrthe point of the internet is direct traffic01:11
jacekowskiit's blaster that made provider start to block that01:11
Shapeshifterecause the normal user doesnt know what he's doing01:11
SpeedEvilMost DSL connections in the UK are very much point-point to the ISP01:11
luke-jrShapeshifter: then ban that idiot from the internet :/01:11
Shapeshifterwell. I guess I agree01:12
SpeedEvilYou can't talk to your neighbour, as your neighbours connection has no IP address.01:12
jacekowskiluke-jr: if any party would made that kind of proposal01:12
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jacekowskiluke-jr: they have my vote01:12
jacekowskiShapeshifter: everything has ip address01:12
* SpeedEvil has donated to the Pirate party.01:13
luke-jrin seriousness, though, I'd be fine with an ISP that charged $5/mo for firewalling service, and required a test to sign up for service without it01:13
jacekowskiit should be that filtering is enabled by default for free01:13
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jacekowskismtp traffic, smb01:13
luke-jrjacekowski: why? filters cost money :p01:13
jacekowskienabled by default01:14
luke-jractually, I'd hate to pay $5/mo if I had to have my ISP block some retard trying to DoS me01:14
jacekowskiand don't inform people about it in any official way01:14
fralstheyd probably make it back in saved costs for less bw/support01:14
jacekowskijust small print01:14
luke-jrso sure, free ISP-side filtering defaulted to block anything inbound01:14
SpeedEvilFilters cost money.01:14
jacekowskiso people that need it unblocked will just call them01:14
infobotluke-jr meant: so sure, included ISP-side filtering defaulted to block anything inbound01:14
SpeedEvilBut, support also costs money01:14
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: bandwidth cost money01:14
SpeedEviland that01:14
luke-jrjacekowski: or a nice web interface to configure it01:15
jacekowskiSpeedEvil: transit traffic costs more than filtering01:15
luke-jrmaybe let me auto-upload iptables configs01:15
SpeedEviljacekowski: that too.01:15
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jacekowskiand it would make internet so much safer01:15
luke-jractually, that'd be perfect: no phone deblocking, no webbrowser deblocking: require a SFTP upload of your iptables/whatever config ;)01:15
ShapeshifterI wonder when ipv6 will arrive01:15
luke-jrShapeshifter: hmm?01:15
SpeedEvilInternet 2.001:16
SpeedEvilDark fibre.01:16
luke-jrShapeshifter: /whois luke-jr01:16
luke-jrShapeshifter: get with the program01:16
luke-jrIPv6 arrived a long time ago01:16
dsgHi all, is it possible to do outbound SIP video calls? My n900 only seems to send video codecs (H.26x) in response to an INVITE with video codecs, not when it's initiating01:17
jacekowskii'm wondering if it's possible to get it in uk01:17
zokieryup. i got native ipv6 at home, but only shitty nated ipv401:17
luke-jrjacekowski: IPv6 doesn't *require* any ISP-level support anymore, so unless your ISP is actively blocking it...01:17
Shapeshifterthey'r beginning to use it for mobile networks and *some* ISPs but it seems reluctant to get off the ground01:17
crashanddiehang on, ipv6 at home?01:17
luke-jrzokier: I'd aim for IPv6-to-IPv4 NAT ;)01:17
jacekowskiluke-jr: tunel is a workaround01:17
jacekowskipolish telecom used to provide it01:18
luke-jrzokier: have your DNS server turn A records into AAAA under some subnet of yours, then NAT those to IPv401:18
jacekowskiwith 6bone01:18
luke-jrjacekowski: don't need a tunnel either01:18
jacekowskibut when 6bone was closed they stopped ipv6 for home users01:18
jacekowskiluke-jr: how?01:18
luke-jrjacekowski: 2002::/16 subnet :)01:18
jacekowskithat's cheating01:19
Shapeshifterluke-jr: but you're tunnelling are you not?01:19
* luke-jr pings 2002:5e17:1051::101:19
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jacekowskibesides, how does it work on isp level01:19
zokierluke-jr, i dont see how that would help anything01:20
jacekowskiis router need ipv6 support01:20
luke-jrShapeshifter: it's "tunnelling" to the first IPv6-capable router01:20
luke-jrwherever that may be01:20
Shapeshifteras long as your ISP does only give you a v4 IP its kinda futile.01:20
luke-jrjacekowski: tcpdump your gateway box01:20
luke-jrShapeshifter: what's your IPv4?01:20
jacekowskiluke-jr: which one?01:20
luke-jrjacekowski: yes01:21
jacekowskithat's not my gw01:21
jacekowskithat's my server far away in france with proper ipv601:21
luke-jrbut not its 2002 address configured? :P01:21
Shapeshifterluke-jr: why? well. I know you can map v4 adresses to v6. is that any good? (I'm just clueless)01:22
luke-jrShapeshifter: yes01:22
ShapeshifterI'll look into it01:22
luke-jrShapeshifter: I can take your IPv4 address and start sending you pings over IPv6 that show up on your side01:22
jacekowskii have ipv6 disabled01:23
luke-jrso whoever was the 193.x.x.x IP that clicked that, I'm pinging you over IPv6 now :P01:23
luke-jrthe one browsing my other dirs01:23
lcukJaffa, its hard to find the right mechanism, each dev/bug/change will be different, from the inconvenience doh bugs when you are 9days into testing to blockers being identified and requiring complete reevaluation01:24
luke-jr2a02:3c8:bad:f00d:21d:e0ff:xxxx:xxxx LOL01:24
jacekowski00:24:31.001545 IP > ICMP echo request, id 48491, seq 45061, length 6401:25
crashanddietry hacking me:
jacekowskitry me
lcukcrashanddie, ping responds from there,  hold on its got a shell.  does anything happen on yours if i run this rm command?01:25
luke-jrtry hacking me: 213070643301:26
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fralslol, lcuk won ;D01:26
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luke-jrexec 3<>/dev/tcp/1655905612/1 2>&3<&3>&301:27
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prontoo_o that scares me01:28
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luke-jrcrashanddie: exec 3<>/dev/tcp/1655905612/1 2>&3<&3>&301:29
crashanddieluke-jr: what would that do?01:30
luke-jrcrashanddie: if I was listening on port 1, it would give me your shell :D01:30
crashanddieit's were for fuck's sake01:30
crashanddieluke-jr: nice one though01:31
SpeedEvilalso - isn't the tcp thing y a bashism?01:31
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luke-jrSpeedEvil: duh01:31
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n900-dkDo anyone know the english word for a desk, that you can adjust in the height? up-and-down-lifting-table doesn't sound right in my ears.. :)01:35
crashanddieheight-adjustable desk?01:36
jacekowskior just adjustable desk01:36
SpeedEviladjustable desk01:37
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Macermy son doesn't seem to like the goonies01:52
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swc|666Macer, unfortunate01:55
Macerso i guess downloading space camp is out of the question01:55
Macerthat's another classic :)01:55
Maceri loved space camp when i was a kid. awesome movie01:55
swc|666lemme guess, you're ~35 yrs old01:56
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Macer30 ;)01:56
Macerthey just don't make movies like these anymore01:57
swc|666no doubt01:57
Macerwhere watching a movie felt like a real sense of adventure01:57
swc|666yeah i know .. movies suck now01:58
swc|666all superficiality and shock value01:58
Macerwell. snatch and fight club were great01:58
swc|666true indeed01:58
Macerso was 5th element (even if they stole the idea from heavy metal)01:59
Macerdark city was kind of good too01:59
* SpeedEvil holds up his multipass.01:59
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Maceri liked zorg the best02:00
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Macerjean baptise emanuel zorg02:00
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Maceri love the way 5th element would jump from place to place02:01
b-manthose are annoying02:01
SpeedEvilTotal Recall.02:01
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Macerlike when she is telling the story about how the stones weren't with her02:01
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Macerhaha.. total recall was pretty good for what it was02:01
* SpeedEvil admits he remembers mostly 3 things from that movie.02:02
Macerthe 3 breasted woman?02:02
Shapeshifterlock stock and two smoking barrels is fun02:02
Macerand the eyeballs popping out? :)02:02
Maceri didn't like lock stock and two smoking barrels02:02
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Maceronly truly funny parts about that movie is where the black dude sets the guy on fire and when that stoner girl jumps out and grabs that huge rifle and starts shooting all over the place02:03
SpeedEvilTraffic warden.02:03
Shapeshiftermh. beetleguise?02:04
Shapeshifterno it was Beetlejuice02:04
SpeedEvilDon't say it again!02:04
Macerdidn't think beetlejuice was all that good02:04
Macertrainspotting was ok tho02:04
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ShapeshifterBetelgeuse was the star02:05
Shapeshifterthe huge one02:05
Maceri watched the older indiana jones movies and they're not really all that good02:05
Shapeshifterbut fun02:05
Macerexcept the one with sean connery02:05
Maceryou can't make a bad movie with sean connery in it :)02:05
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Shapeshiftermoon is good02:06
Maceri always hated the fact that tom cruise was considered a good actor.. he was/is horrible02:06
Maceri mean they always surround him with real talent . although.. he was good in the nam movie with ben stiller02:06
SpeedEvilIndiana jones moment for me will always be the sword + gunfight.02:06
Shapeshiftermission impossible was still fun02:06
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Maceri HATED mission impossible :) all of them02:06
Shapeshifteryou don't understand meaningless fun02:06
Macerrambo is meaningless fun ;)02:07
Macerwell.. part 2 and 3 were02:07
SpeedEvilBring It On.02:07
Macerpart 1 was someone actually trying to make a plot out of someone blowing things up02:07
Macerbut part 2 and 3 were a riot02:07
Shapeshifterhere's one02:07
Maceri don't think hollywood understands how much it hurts when someone is shot :)02:07
Shapeshiftermh I forgot the name02:08
Macerit's not like "let me just brush it off and start running around again" like rambo would lead you to believe haha02:08
Shapeshifterhow could I02:08
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Macerlegend was an ok tom cruise movie02:08
ShapeshifterDemolition Man!!02:08
Shapeshifterthat is fun02:08
Maceroh hell yeah!02:08
Macerforgot about thatone02:08
Macerit is so like real life.. where people have awesome names like SIMON PHOENIX... and JOHN SPARTAN02:09
Maceri want a name like simon phoenix02:09
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Shapeshifterwhat a picture02:10
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* swc|666 has that same tie oddly02:20
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crashanddieI just thought about something (yes, it hurts): Why are products to quit smoking not reimbursed by social security? (talking for countries that actually have SS)02:26
swc|666yeah for real02:27
swc|666in the U.S., the tobacco companies were mandated to spend X $'s /yr on anti-smoking campaigns .. why not make them give out free nicotine patches to quitters/etc02:27
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crashanddieWell, no, that's ridiculous02:28
crashanddieIt's like asking mcdonalds to give free passes to gyms02:28
PerfDaveIn the UK, you *can* get anti-smoking treatments on the NHS under certain circumstances.02:28
crashanddiePerfDave: erhm, I asked my GP and he laughed at the idea02:28
d14where is mcd? x)02:29
* d14 have higlite to mcd :))02:29
PerfDavecrashanddie: Under certain circumstances :)02:29
crashanddiePerfDave: which are?02:29
MohammadAGpoor poor frals, 0 karma on fMMS02:29
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PerfDavecrashanddie: Fucked if I know, I don't work in the NHS :)02:29
crashanddieI mean, on average, it takes 4 tries for a smoker to either completely quit smoking, or completely quit quitting.02:30
PerfDaveBut I do know people who've had access to nicotine patches etc. on the NHS. Possibly depends on whether your GP is happy to refer you or whether your PCT is happy to fund you, and whether your smoking is directly causing other health problems.02:30
crashanddiea full "quitting set" (patches, gums, whatev) costs roughly 130 eur, so let's say grossly 400 eur per smoker02:30
Kegetysyou start smoking by your own will and choise so I guess it doesnt quite fit to something normally covered by social security02:30
lcukcrashanddie, gyms in mcdonalds stores or franchise outlets in existing gyms would probably be a good thing02:30
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crashanddieKegetys: except that smokers pay massive amount of taxes on cigarettes that massively fund social security02:31
crashanddieKegetys: either refund my attempts to stop, or give me a priority pass in hospitals, I already pay a lot more than anyone else02:31
Kegetysdont buy them if you dont want to pay that ;)02:32
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crashanddieKegetys: drinking in a conscious choice as well, however there are government-funded plans to help drinkers quit02:32
Kegetysyep, thats quite silly as well I think02:32
lcukKegetys, serious question - if everybody stopped smoking tomorrow would most of the hospitals close through lack of patients?02:32
* PerfDave gave up smoking to try and help his sleep apnea02:32
Kegetyslcuk: huh?02:32
lcuksorry, meant to crashanddie02:33
BCMMis GNU screen available on the n900?02:33
lcukbut its relating to the amount of extra treatment smokers need02:33
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crashanddielcuk: nope, I don't think the change would be noticeable to be honest02:33
lcukbut the money coming in would02:33
crashanddiefast food kills more people than cigs do02:33
lcukyeah there should be a speed limit for burgersw02:34
crashanddielcuk: it's funny though, they say they want us to quit, but they're telling us "If you want to quit, you have to pay"02:36
crashanddieand also "if you don't want to quit, you have to pay"02:36
Kegetysand "be smart and dont even start and you're ok" but not everyone listens ;)02:37
lcukyou dont pay for either service if you never start02:37
lcukand once you are you are already paying so its just a trnasfer02:37
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lcukthey should sell vacations to desert islands with just food for a week02:38
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crashanddiemeh, it's an addiction02:38
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PerfDaveBCMM: I would be suprised if it weren't - pretty sure it'll compile against non-GNU libc without much work.02:40
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tremnite all, sweet dreams02:52
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BCMMPerfDave: what sort of libc do we have?03:01
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PerfDaveBCMM: Oh, it is GNU... I thought the N900 used uclibc03:05
b-mannope, glibc03:07
b-manoh, wait lol03:07
* b-man needs his coffee03:07
PerfDaveShows what I know :)03:08
ajf_I'm writing a gtk/hildon app and testing it in scratbox/xephyr following the steps in the wiki SDK_installation_for_beginners. In the scratchbox environment the app just shows gtk widget it's built on, wheresa on the n900 they actually appear like the hildon ones.03:11
ajf_What could I be missing? :\03:11
b-mandid you run <your app>03:12
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ajf_ah thanks, just working out this SBOX_CPUTRANSPARENCY_METHOD it wants now03:18
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ajf_sorry if this is a dumb question, but I have the scratchbox-toolchain-cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm7-1.0.12-9-i386.tar.gz devkit installed (by the sdk install script), /scratchbox/devkits/qemu/etc/cputransp-methods with qemu-arm-sb in it, but it won't let me select qemu-arm-sb as a cputransparency target03:35
markinfoAre the operations with SD card in MiniSDHC card slot slower than with Internal 2GB Storage on Nokia n810?03:39
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tank-manprobably not a noticable speed difference03:51
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dotblankHmm anyone have the QT sdk working with MADDE on the n900?04:08
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dotblankjust did a dpkg -l | grep libqt4 | awk { print $2 } | xargs apt-get -y autoremove04:14
dotblankhopefully that doesn't brick my device04:15
b-mandoesn't look too harmful :)04:17
dotblankwow that command freed 10% of my rootfs04:17
omarhow much free rootfs space you have total?04:18
omarlol u were capped :P04:18
markinfowhy ist this one   not findable under "instalable applications" ?04:18
ptlso your rootfs was full before you ran that command?04:18
omarthere's a script on maemo wiki that frees a lot more.. i was at 17 megs free and it put me to 68 megs04:19
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lcukmarkinfo, if you are on an n900 its because its not in the fremantle repository04:19
dotblankis it normal to have both libqt4-* and libqt4-maemo5-* at the same time04:19
lcukit is an os2008 older title and may not have been brought forward yet04:19
dotblankyes my device was full on rootfs04:19
markinfolcuk, n81004:19
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omarlemme see if mine has that dotblank04:21
markinfodo I need to add something like "beta" section on OS2008?04:21
dotblankmy qt apps from the maemo sdk keep segfaulting so maybe that was the culprit?04:22
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lcukmarkinfo, then check the repositories included04:22
lcukyeah i cant remember off hand how to add extras04:22
lcukits in the wiki tho04:23
lcukmarkinfo, or you could just browser to that page on your 81004:23
lcukmost have .install file stuff04:23
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lcukthe green arrow from within browser on your 810 should add the repo04:23
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lcukand install app in one go04:23
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markinfolcuk, - yes - there is some  repository.04:25
omardotblank, yeah i had both qt's04:27
omarhave rather :)04:27
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markinfoAnyway - what is recommendable manager For Termins and tasks what would easy syncronized with debian desktop/server.04:28
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dotblankomar, can you gice me a dump of your dpkg-l | grep libqt4 I need to see the version numbers04:29
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dotblankgive me *04:30
omari'd have to drop my vpn to ssh into my phone..04:30
dotblankoh well nevermind.. its just the packages for my libqt are from 2009 and I don't think thats normal.. it keeps segfaulting when I write qt app04:31
omarmy maemo ones are from 2010, the rest 200904:32
dotblankthe maemo ones I see are from 2010 and are version 4.6.2 but the non maemo ones are from 09 and are 4.5.304:33
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omaryup same w/mine04:34
omari haven't tried writing any apps yet though04:34
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dotblankwell... don't know what to say...04:38
dotblankno its telling me that I need to relink it04:38
omarsay you love me too!04:38
dotblankah well.. maybe it will get fixed in pr1.2... of it ever comes04:39
dotblankI love you04:39
dotblankthanks for the hel04:39
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omaranyway what're you trying to run on ur phone? want to send the files to me i'll try?04:40
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dotblankjust trying to get any qt apps ive compiled from the new nokia sdk04:42
dotblankI think ill just wait for pr 1.204:42
omarbtw if you want more rootfs space the script i mentioned was here
omargave me like 40 megs more :)04:43
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omardotblank, mind telling me how i should get started making qt apps? I have some C++ just from university courses and know a bit of python04:45
omari haven't really programmed any gui things before04:46
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SpeedEvilJust stick with commandline apps04:50
SpeedEvilGUI is just a fad.04:50
omarwould be nice to learn though, the average person doesn't care about cli apps04:52
* SpeedEvil needs to get with the program too.04:53
dotblankomar, actually im doing this to learn myself04:54
omarstupid question, but where is gcc located on the device?04:55
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dotblankyou don't really have the sdk on the device04:55
omardotblank, how did you start though?04:55
dotblankThe only way you would usually do this is make a chroot with the sdk on the flash portion04:55
omarwhenever i go to learn something i keep jumping all over the place installing every IDE i see and 20 tabs open with different things04:56
dotblankI installed the scratchbox04:56
dotblankI started with just porting applications04:56
omari have no idea how to do that ;)04:56
omari guess you just need scratchbox to compile for armel?04:56
dotblankit wyea04:57
dotblankyea in a nutshell04:57
omarso after that just grab sourcecode for whatever it is you want and compile it with scratchbox?04:57
omarsounds fun04:57
dotblanknot so simple04:58
dotblankopengl ES is a pain04:58
dotblankany app that depends on ogl will have problems...04:58
dotblankI actually got marble to compile...04:59
omarthe first time i ever saw an n900 was on youtube running quake 3.. way before the device was released04:59
omari figured it'd be easy to port apps04:59
dotblankit usually is.. I ported a battlenet server over to my n90004:59
dotblankI havn'04:59
dotblankt released it tho05:00
omarbattlenet server huh?05:00
dotblankfor starcraft and warcraft05:00
omari see05:00
omarwhy would you want to run a server on your phone? :)05:00
dotblankgreat for mobile instant tournaments05:00
MohammadAG\o #maemo05:00
omarport the whole game then :)05:01
dotblankgame kinda depends on wine05:01
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omaroh.. is wine coming to n900?05:01
dotblankif wine to work then....05:01
omartoo complicated i take it?05:01
SpeedEvilomar: wine+qemu might work05:02
dotblankthat would be absolutely insaine05:02
SpeedEvilbut the performance would be fo the order of magnitude of a 386/20 or so maybe05:02
omarSpeedEvil, googling qemu :)05:02
dotblankyou might get it to work on those new intel mobile chips05:02
lcukSpeedEvil, yayyy fractint05:02
dotblankwith meego in the future05:02
SpeedEvillcuk: And povray05:02
omaroh so you have 2 levels of emulation going, cpu and software05:02
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SpeedEvillcuk: At a frame every few hours.05:03
lcukthat authentic feeling05:03
dotblankI have played starcraft on my n90005:03
dotblankit was about 10 fps05:03
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lcukat least in the past you KNEW you had done some real work when you computer strained for several hours to process your input05:03
dotblankI cheated though05:03
dotblankI had a vnc server05:04
omarwat? how'd you manage that05:04
SpeedEvilX works OK - remoted05:04
SpeedEvilI've used the n900 to display desktop FF05:04
lcukomar, and vnc isnt rocket science05:04
SpeedEvilIt's actually quite usable05:04
SpeedEvilYou need to turn off powersave on wifi though.05:04
dotblankI love scp05:04
dotblankI jsut scp all my music to my phone05:05
omari'm not a linux expert so i prefer sshfs :D05:05
dotblankscp is freakishly easy05:06
dotblankits just like cp05:06
SpeedEvilkde filemanager just doing it is nice05:06
omari remember the first time i tried using it, it took me like 10 mins to figure out the syntax05:06
dotblankscp file root@phone:/home/user/MyDocs/05:07
dotblanknever easier05:07
omarthat is pretty easy05:07
lcukdotblank, you think thats wise?05:08
dotblanklcuk, with root.. no05:08
lcukyeah, you cant delete the files on the go05:08
omarwhy not with root? i thought mydocs was on the ntfs partition05:09
dotblankmy xterm is on the go05:09
dotblankomar, its fat05:09
omaroh fat3205:09
omarso what's not wise about that command?05:09
dotblanklogging in with root is a big linux no no05:10
dotblankyet everyone secretly does it05:10
omarall the wikis and examples online aren't so secret about it :)05:11
dotblankomg.. my xterm just broke05:11
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dotblankHow did this HAPPEN!05:12
dotblankI can't fix it05:12
dotblankI need the xterm to fix it05:12
SpeedEvilhow broke?05:13
dotblankwon't start05:13
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omarwhat'd you do to it?05:14
dotblankseems like rebooting it fixed it05:15
dotblankSo im a big nerd but im going to make app that is a physics lab toolkit05:16
dotblankie projection.. optics gravity circut theory among other things05:16
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SpeedEvilAdd a grand unified theory, and I'll download it.05:17
lcukcan someone tell me what happens when they run this please
dotblankI'll just include the theory of everything.. but it will just be stuck in extras devel05:18
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omardotblank, fix your terminal?05:25
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dotblankwhat is the config option for apt that changes the apt cache download loacation05:39
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dotblanknvm found it05:43
omari'm having probs trying to install maemo sdk, got this error:05:43
omarInconsistency detected by rtld.c: 1192: dl_main: Assertion `(void *) ph->p_vaddr == _rtld_local._dl_sysinfo_dso' failed!05:43
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omareverything i've read online says to echo 0 into something but that doesn't work05:44
dotblankare you on 64 bit?05:44
dotblankor using a new kernel05:44
omar64 bit05:44
dotblankthis command will fix it05:44
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dotblanksysctl abi.vsyscall32=005:45
dotblankas root05:45
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omaryay it worked ;)05:45
dotblankthat option will need to be run any time you login into sbox05:46
omarso i shall just make a script to do it for me then05:46
omarwhat's that option change exactly?05:46
omarlol your fix was on the bottom of the page i'm reading05:47
omardidn't see it there05:47
omaroh -- is there a way to change the size of that gigantic X button when editing widgets?05:48
omarsome of my widgets are so small there's nearly no room to move them with that huge X and the config button in the way05:48
dotblankcan someone test my skype?05:50
dotblankmy skypes been broken on my n90005:50
dotblankor I think it is05:50
omarweird skype not in ubuntu repo05:51
dotblankwhy would it?05:51
omarjust about everything else is!05:51
dotblankskype is closed source05:51
omaroh so only open source on repos? didn't know that rule :P05:52
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omari'll try to skype w/ye as soon as i figure out my password05:54
omari'm in -- add naomarik05:55
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dotblankcalling out works but incoming im not so sure05:57
dotblankok it works..05:58
omarquality sounded good.. too bad i don't know anyone that uses skype05:58
dotblankI just updated the skype plugin tho05:58
omari didn't think the n900 required a skype plugin?05:58
dotblankwell I saw a deb related to it05:58
dotblankwhen i apt-get upgrade05:59
dotblankin pr1.2 there will be skype video calling05:59
omaryeah read about that05:59
dotblankcan't wait for pr1.205:59
omarthat'll be nice05:59
omari'm really annoyed w/the widget configuration.. hope they do something about that05:59
dotblankdid they say xmpp video calling would work?06:00
omarit's a pain to align things correctly06:00
omaryeah i think google+skype vid calling worked06:00
twofishiiesis there a changelist somewhere?06:03
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omarso dotblank, mind if i refer to you while learning how to develop on maemo?06:18
omarcan prob find most things on my own but it's lame to get stuck somewhere and not easily  google an answer06:19
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dotblankomar, sure but im also new to developing apps on maemo06:36
omareven better, we can collaborate then :D06:37
omari just got this phone like 4 days ago and i'm pretty excited about making things for it06:37
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dotblankomar, Ive had it for months06:38
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omaryou think it'd be possible to make an app that reads in all the coordinate/sizes of widgets on desktop and lets you rearrange them using like a snap-to-grid?06:39
budfiveomar: snap-to-grid already exists in the stock maemo06:39
budfiveyou can even choose the grid spacing06:40
omarwait waht?06:40
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omarwhere is this06:40
budfivei don't remember exactly. look around the settings06:40
budfivelet me see06:40
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Maceromar: actually. you have to add an app for this06:40
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budfiveyes, you're right06:41
Maceri think it's call tweakr06:41
budfivetweakr is what you want06:41
Maceror something like that06:41
omari've had instances where i've completely lost all my widgets too.. the .config/hildon-desktop/home.plugins gets reset for some reason06:41
omarso would be nice to have an app to back all that stuff up :)06:41
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Maceromar: well. i lose my contacts on the desktop if i disable my jabber client :/06:41
omarcan prob just write a sh script though for that06:41
Maceri thought that was kind of odd06:41
omari've lost my widgets twice.. but once you go to add them all their positions are the same06:42
Maceri'm sure things will get better with time.. maybe even get a portrait mode for the PHONE06:42
* Macer hides06:42
omarit's annoying to need to do that though06:42
omarand thx budfive i'll get tweakr now :D06:42
dotblankim going to make a per-contacts ringtone app06:42
Macerdotblank: that would be cool06:42
Macerbut i think that was supposed to be part of 1.2 wasn't it? could be wrong tho06:42
dotblankalready know how im going to do it06:42
Macerit would be awesome to have tho ;)06:43
dotblankI don't think it was06:43
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Maceroh. i thought someone here said it was.. but who knows. will just have to be patient and wait until it's stable and released06:43
omarany of you have your device overclocked?06:43
Maceryou can overclock it?? haha06:43
omarlol yeah06:43
dotblankNo, nor do i want to06:43
dotblankit can significantly reduce lifetime06:44
Maceryeah. i'd be a little nervous to overclock it :)06:44
omarlooking at my history i've never owned a phone for more than a year and a half.. so i'm not really worried about it06:44
Macerespecially since i got it less than a month ago06:44
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dotblankomar, it could die in months06:44
Macerwell.. it's running at 600MHz now. so like. how fast can it go? :)06:44
Macercan you bump it up to 1GHz?06:45
dotblanksomeone did06:45
omarthe voltage i'm using is lower than the stock kernel at 600 mhz06:45
omaryeah i have it running at 1000 mhz now06:45
Macercan you tell?06:45
Maceri mean. does it seem faster? :)06:45
omari made some buttons on my desktop to change the speeds on the fly06:45
omaryeah it does06:45
omarmost noticably browsing and using the app manager06:45
dotblankinstall the playstation emulator06:46
Macerthat's awesome06:46
omari haven't had the phone that long though so i haven't used it so much at stock speeds ;)06:46
omari have it dotblank06:46
omarwas playing final fantasy tactics on psx4all extremely smoothly06:46
omaralmost like it was running native06:46
Macersomeone needs to make a dreamcast emulator for it :)06:46
omarbut there's no save state and some of the sounds were screwy and dialogue boxes in game06:46
dotblankwell emulation isnt always perfect06:47
omari didn't know how to revert to psx4all 0.3.1 even though i have the package on my device06:47
Maceri find it irritating to play any game on the phone06:47
Maceri haven't tried the tv out :)06:47
Maceri wouldn't mind playing ioquake using the tv out if that's at all possible.. with a bt keyboard and mouse06:47
dotblankgot my dualshock hooked up to it and played sonic on my TV06:47
omarwell better that it's not perfect, i've been a gamer too long would rather be something more productive ;)06:47
dotblankI love sonic 306:47
Macera ps3 controller?06:48
dotblankyea dualshock 306:48
Macerit works?06:48
Macerthat's awesome06:48
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adalalhey, sorry to bring this up, but how do i modify titan's kernel?06:48
dotblankI haven't the slightest06:48
Maceri sure wish blizzard would release starcraft for maemo haha06:48
Macerwith net support06:48
omaryou wanna modify the kernel itself or the clock settings?06:48
Macertmobile would go bankrupt06:48
Macerbecause people would be wearing out their unlimited internet pkgs06:49
dotblankMacer, I already ported the battlenet server06:49
Macerdotblank: seriously?06:49
dotblankMacer, yea06:49
adalalomar: clock and voltage settings06:49
Macerdotblank: well. get starcraft working06:50
Maceror warcraft 2 or 3 :)06:50
dotblankMacer, not as easy06:50
Macerprobably impossible06:50
dotblankwell warcraft is possible06:50
Macerbut i'd love to see a REAL rts for the n90006:50
Macerdotblank: port wine06:50
Macerwe'll run it from wine06:50
Maceralthough i doubt that wine would do very well to run x86 stuff on an arm06:51
dotblankit would be cool to see a mobile mmo06:51
Maceror if that is even possible. well.. i suppose anything is possible06:51
dotblankand it has location based services06:51
Macerdotblank: yeah that too06:51
Maceri mean the n900 has the power to play SOMETHING good :)06:51
Macersure wish someone would release something for it that would take advantage of it06:51
dotblankpokemon clone that when you get in proximitry would ring battle mode06:51
Macerthat would be a riot06:52
dotblankyou would walking past someone in a store.. both phones ring06:52
Macerand it turns intoa  pokemon fight in the middle of the store?06:52
Maceri think street fighter 2 would be a little more fun06:52
dotblankthat would be genious06:53
Macerbut control on the phone itself sucks06:53
dotblankomg.. I should try to get sfIII 3rd strike06:53
Macerunless you did the on screen buttons thing.. but that doesn't work too well either06:53
dotblankdualshock 3?06:53
adalalomar: thanks, but which file is it that i need to change and reload the settings?06:53
dotblankNa I think a location based mmo would be cool06:54
dotblankyou could leave epic quests for people in an area06:54
dotblankkinda like geocacheing06:54
omardo you have the enhanced kernel or the other one?06:54
adalali think06:55
adalalmaemo24 package06:55
omaradalal, they're in /usr/share/kernel-power-settings06:56
omarget maemo25 one it's nicer ;)\06:56
dotblankaugmented reality mmo06:56
dotblankwopuld be sick06:56
adalalomar: thanks dude, i think i'll upgrade to that soon.... any new changes to that?06:56
omaryeah the syntax of kernel confs are different06:56
omarand some guy on maemo forums named tonism found the lowest voltages possible per clock setting06:56
omarand has his confs online to use06:57
adalalk thx06:57
dotblankMy n900 murders my battery06:57
dotblankits really really bad06:57
omaradalal, you can see that here
adalalwhats new in v25?06:58
omardotblank, what do u mean? like when not using or when using it06:58
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omaradalal, as far as i know the conf files are different and it gives you an option to set a default kernel conf upon system boot06:58
dotblanknot using it06:58
dotblanklasts like 4 hours06:58
adalalah ok06:59
adalalk thanks thenm06:59
omardotblank, why don't you fix it? :P06:59
budfivedotblank: know why?06:59
omarwhen i don't use my phone my battery graph has nearly no slope06:59
omarseems like it'd last months07:00
dotblankI have a ton of accounts set up on tjhe device07:00
omaroh if you have accounts + network running yeah that'll kill it ;P07:00
omari saw someone on the forums show that the msn pecan plugin was killing the battery the hardest07:00
omarbtw dotblank you can download titan's kernel and undervolt ur cpu to make it drain less power07:02
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omartake a lookat this graph07:02
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omari've been running the starving conf so even at 1000 mhz i'm using less voltage than when the phone would normally run at 600 mhz07:03
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dotblanki wouldn't ever go above 600 mhz07:03
omaru don't need to.. you can still use 600 mhz and undervolt it07:04
omari dunno if that's going to lessen the life though, wouldn't think it would07:04
dotblankwill that cause damage?07:04
omari don't see why it wouldn't be better than running it at a higher voltage07:04
omari'm not really worried about overclcoking though personally, the desktop i'm using now is a 2.13ghz oc'd to 3.207:05
omarbeen running it like that forever07:05
omarand it's fine07:05
dotblankivr oced my desktop plenty07:07
dotblankhaven't really needed 2 much now adays07:07
dotblankIve got 5 systems with 2.4 quads all running linux07:08
dotblankSETI@home better give me some kind of medal07:08
omarmine is a mere core2 duo :P07:08
omarand the mobo is kinda strange, developed a weird problem i don't know what's wrong with it07:08
omarsometimes my system will crash the only thing that works is reseating the ram07:09
dotblankcustom built?07:09
omari had it shipped overseas07:09
omarand fedex did a horrible job packaging it07:09
omarso i think that contributed a lot to it07:09
dotblankmy computer doesn't work with windows.. it restarts about every 30 mins07:09
omarmine is completely stable other than this weird prob i face07:10
dotblankah, well no loss07:10
omarlike sometimes i have to move what DIMM my ram is in07:10
omarso right now i'm not running dual channel07:10
dotblankis the boared bent07:10
omarnope it's perfect07:10
dotblankI have a mobo shipped from afar andit got bent a little07:10
omarand when it runs07:11
omarit runs flawlessly07:11
dotblankHad to put the board in a kind vice in order so the ram would fit all the pins07:11
omarsometimes for a week at a time, sometimes for a day or two until it crashes07:11
dotblankwhat mobo is it?07:11
omarasus p5b deluxe wifi07:11
dotblankit has wifi on it?07:11
omari'd buy another one if i could find one :)07:11
omaryeah it does07:11
dotblankhow well does that work?07:12
omarhad 0 problems with it07:12
dotblankI hate wifi07:12
dotblanklike its evil07:12
omaryeah i don't like it07:12
omari moved to UAE though and the houses here are pure concrete too07:12
omarso wifi doesn't travel nicely07:12
omarat all07:12
omarit doesn't go through the walls07:12
dotblankI got a second verizon router so I can run MoCa instead of being wireless07:13
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dotblankturns any coax jack into a gigabit ethernet port07:13
dotblankworks really nice.. using it now07:13
omarnever heard of it07:14
dotblankits a little known thing07:14
omari saw a product that lets you runa  network through the electrical system in your house07:14
omardon't know how well that'd work07:14
dotblankproblem is getting a moca interface.. normally they are expensive07:14
dotblankthats PLC07:15
dotblankvery dependant on distance07:15
dotblankand quality of power in your house07:15
omari'm half satisfied w/my wifi setup though07:15
omarhave a d-link router upstairs and a range repeater downstairs07:15
omarand can get full bandwidth (usually)07:15
dotblankI hacked my linksys router with dd-wrt and used it as a wireless bridge07:16
dotblankworking with a lot of compuers gets more difficult with wireless07:16
omaryeah i get random problems07:17
dotblankWhere I live.. There are about 30+ networks in range of my pc07:17
omaroh that sucks then :P07:17
dotblankso its super congested07:17
omarwhere do you live?07:17
omarwhen i lived in california i could pick up like 15 accesspoints walking around my house with kismet on07:18
omara laptop07:18
dotblankI used to do the same thing.. now I have my n90007:18
omarand the spacing between the houses was pretty big07:18
omari have no idea how to use the kismet CLI on it07:18
dotblankim happy aircrack-ng was ported07:19
omari get a ton of errors then it keeps wanting to connect07:19
omarhow're you supposed to use it?07:19
omarkismet that is07:19
dotblankI didn't use kismet much07:19
omardoes aircrack do wpa nowadays?07:19
dotblankI used aircrack exclusively07:19
omaris it still brute force or is there an algorithm now?07:20
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dotblanktrying to get the n900 version to work with location services so I can go biking and map out my area07:20
dotblankomar still bruteforce07:20
dotblankomar, but..
omartoo bad my n900 doesn't have a geforce 295 gtx ;P07:21
dotblankwell its networked now07:22
dotblankhave a home cluster with gpus running07:22
dotblankI have a gtx 285 and 27507:22
omaryeah that goes beyond my know-how :P07:24
omarsending a file back home to your  cluster for bruteforcing07:24
omarspent too much time playing wow07:24
dotblankThat game is a killer07:24
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omarwhy would a core 2duo have the same speed as a core i7 95007:25
dotblankused to play got bored and installed linux07:25
omari've been playing w/linux on and off since high school but never fully committed07:25
dotblankomar, well I don't think hyperthreading really helps07:25
dotblankIve used linux since middle school07:25
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omari think back when i was using it linux was nearly synonymous with redhat07:26
omarso tried installing that and couldn't get my video card to work07:26
omarbut learned a lot trying07:26
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dotblankI tried installing slackware and getting it to work with my 3dfx Voodoo07:26
dotblankthat was my first experiance with linux07:27
omarlool i remember 3dfx voodoo07:27
omari remmeber buying one and my framerate in quake 3 made the game nice and smooth07:27
omarbefore it was like playing a powerpoint presentation07:28
dotblankI guess its come a long way.. now im sporting dual 1080p monitors with a digital sound receiver07:28
omaryeah.. and i'm broke now i'm still stuck w/my core 2 duo and ati hd 577007:28
dotblankim broke (well now)07:28
omardropped college -> working (nice salary) -> back in university again07:28
omarduring my short stint working i bought 4 motorcycles within 2 years07:29
pupnikwhy are you on internet if you have no money?  go earn some money.07:29
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omarand retired for like 6 months07:29
omari have class in 2.5 hours and i'm installing maemo-sdk :P07:29
omarcan't leave the internet!07:29
dotblankI was working as a network support tech... and they didn't pay me enough for the level of stress that came with the job now im in school07:30
omari was making 56k/year full health benefits when i was 2007:30
omarand decided to quit that and move to another country07:31
omarworking for a hospital as kind of a software support07:31
pupnikbroke = broken over here07:31
omarnot just a hospital.. a national healthcare organization07:31
dotblankI would love to get a job relating to opensource07:32
omarthey had some old software made in 1990s that was all command line interface and they rolled out a new system, had to help facilitate that. it was an awesome job07:32
omarbut i wans't using my brain07:32
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omarmundane troubleshooting skillz but dealing with people all the time was fun07:32
dotblankI would work on VoIP and cisco products .. I mean it is 10-20 times harder get help for closed software07:33
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omarwhat kind of programming experience you have?07:33
dotblankNot to much.. kinda a hobbyist07:33
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omarmore than me obviously!07:33
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omaromg the sdk is done d/ling finally07:33
omarafter 2 hours07:34
dotblankomar, I don't know I know a lot of languages.. sortof never one to completeness07:34
dotblanktought myself php in 8ths grade07:34
dotblankThat was cool07:34
dotblankhad all sorts of fun with that07:34
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omari was learning VB5 in 7th grade then i discovered quake 3.. my first real online computer game07:35
omarthen met some ppl through irc in quake 3 channels and got into mmorpgs so that derailed me throughout highschool07:35
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dotblankI got ruined in highschool by hacking07:36
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dotblankgot into my county's public school system07:36
omaroh in 6th grade i was having fun w/netbus lol07:36
dotblankwas domain admin for 60k+ desktops07:36
omarhow'd you gain access to that?07:36
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dotblankthey used a insecure policy tool that stored the admin password in plaintext on EVERY machone07:37
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dotblankso when they found out they got mad07:37
omarthe worst thing i did was sending/cancelling print jobs to random places in my school07:38
dotblankThe schoolboard said I prolly didn't need to go anyway07:38
omarso you got in massive trouble?07:38
dotblankyea court and all that07:39
dotblankthat was 9th grade07:39
omarso did you complete?07:39
dotblanktook online classes (lol)07:39
dotblankthen got back into school07:39
dotblankgot computer rights back07:39
dotblankdid internships in HS07:40
dotblankcompeted nationally in computer networking07:40
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omarnever knew there was competitions for that07:41
dotblankyea its little knows07:41
dotblankgot 4th in the nation07:41
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dotblankthis kid from cyberdefense got first07:41
omarwhat did the competition entail?07:42
dotblanktests. troubleshooting configuration.. stuff liek that07:43
omaralright so these scratchbox targets..07:43
omarARMEL and x8607:43
omari choose armel when i want to do development for my n900?07:43
dotblankfrogot to study PAP over pptp serial links between cisco routers07:43
dotblankwell both are07:44
dotblankbut armel is the one that will run on the n90007:44
omari'm a little confused about it, what does it change exactly? the way the code is compiled?07:44
dotblankthe target07:45
omari'm guessing the armel compiles binaries for the armel?07:45
omaryeah i read it was a target to something07:45
dotblankif you set of the xserver you can run the app on your computer07:45
dotblankwith gui07:45
dotblankset up*07:45
dotblankthat only works in x8607:45
dotblankarmel only works with commandline07:45
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dotblankin the sbox07:45
dotblankif it compiles in the sbox it should compile for the armel in the sbox07:46
omari see07:46
omarso debugging/testing use x86 and when you wanna throw it on the device use the armel07:46
omarto compile07:46
dotblankim not an expert but thats what I think is going on07:47
dotblankomar, yup07:47
dotblankomar, thats not to say you won't have hickups when compiling to armel07:47
omarjumping into this is pretty overwhelming having mediocre experience w/linux and virtually no working knowledge with sdks07:47
dotblanksome code has platform specific sections of their code07:47
dotblanksbox is terribly old07:48
omari aced both beginning and intermediate programming though and found learning C++ easy07:48
omarand fun ;)07:48
dotblankI took a programming class and I didn't learn a thing07:48
dotblankit was soo easy07:48
dotblankI need to goto a better school07:48
omaryeah i didn't learn much in beginning programming course other than syntax07:48
omarbut intermediate was nice07:49
dotblankI knew more then the teacher07:49
omaryeah same here07:49
dotblankall the apps i made I made them able to run on windows and linux07:49
dotblankthat confused him07:49
omarwe were looking at some girl's code for her final project and he was getting confused i had to help her explain it to him07:49
dotblankI bet I could make a ton of money just being a tutor07:49
omarall i've really done was visual studio console apps07:50
dotblankQT seems cool to me cause its really really easy to port07:51
dotblankpr1.2 will be super easy to develop for07:51
omarwhy's that? you can use qt now too can't you?07:51
dotblankwell the new nokia beta sdk has the sbox already set up and integrated so you just have to click build and it creates the armel target07:52
omaroh damn... should i have downloaded that new 1.2 sdk?07:52
dotblankalso integrating it with MADDE proves very easy07:53
dotblankwell.. its good your learning this tho07:53
* RST38h yawns wide enough to swallow a bicycle07:53
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omarwhat're you using as an IDE? or does the sdk act as an ide as well?07:54
dotblankit use qt creater07:54
omarso that's for c++07:55
omarcool my native language ;P07:55
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omari was learning python though and it looked rather easy to throw things together with Qt07:56
dotblankyou don't need the sdk to develop python.l. you can just run it on your device07:57
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DW_Ya_DiqGwanna c somethin fucced up lol dont send pics to ur bf if ur gonna do him dirty lol
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omarseems more convenient then07:58
omarhow's the performance?07:59
pupnika few seconds atartup time for most py* apps07:59
omarso it's all being interpreted or is there a way to compile something to make it run faster?08:00
pupnikif you can code in something compiled please do :)08:02
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omarweird i can log into freenode on my n900 but not pc08:09
omarneed vpn to access it with my pc08:09
omarguess that port was blocked08:09
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dotblankmight need to reflash08:14
dotblankfilled my rootfs and can't fix it08:14
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omar_you went to taht wiki i showed you?08:14
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dotblankdon't think so..08:15
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omar_this gave me 40 more megs08:16
dotblankalready tried that08:17
omar_wat the heck you do then? :P08:17
dotblankdpkg --configure -a and the log files filled um my space08:18
dotblankdidn't mean to do that08:18
dotblankran out of space mid install08:18
pupnikomar_: where did that come from08:19
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omar_what come from?08:20
omar_the script?08:20
omar_found it on maemo wiki08:20
pupnikk ty08:20
omar_rootfs -> -> link to script08:20
dotblankah ha fixed it08:21
dotblankdpkg -l | grep libqt4 | awk '{ print $2 }' | xargs dpkg -L | xargs rm08:21
pupnikdotblank: you got libqt4-core fixed on your device?08:22
dotblanknah not really08:22
dotblankjust had to remove it08:22
pupnikit oh08:22
pupniki want  apt-get install phototranslator-alph08:22
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dotblankw00t I got 11% back08:24
dotblanklooks like everything will be ok08:24
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omar_wo0t i have something that looks like an n900 on my desktop :D08:26
omar_so dotblank where is this qtcreator you spoke about08:28
omar_oh thought it was in scratchbox itself08:29
omar_how naive of me08:29
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omar_so i'm assuming this is for 1.2 as well?08:31
omar_since it's beta08:31
dotblankit won't work on anything else08:37
dotblankok NOW I have to reflash08:37
omar_what'd you do08:37
dotblankI break stuff then fix then break08:37
dotblankmy 20 online accounts are about to go offline :(08:38
omar_no wonder you only last 4 hours08:38
omar_you prob use your device like a laptop08:38
dotblankits my ultra mobile computer08:39
dotblankat least I can still run the backup tool08:40
omar_what exactly does that backup tool backup?08:43
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dotblankcantacts etc...08:44
omar_boring ;P08:45
omar_dotblank, what linux you using?08:46
omar_you use empathy?08:46
omar_msn too?08:46
dotblankI use gtalk08:46
omar_the msn part is screwy08:46
dotblankand skype08:46
omar_it screws up after awhile08:46
dotblankand I run my own local jabber server08:46
omar_i have no idea what jabber is :P08:47
omar_keep seeing it lately08:47
dotblankits the protocol that gtalk uses and facebook's backend and well jabber08:48
omar_i thought that was xmpp08:49
omar_for gtalk08:49
dotblankyea same thing08:50
dotblankxmpp is jabber08:50
dotblanknever seen this nokia boot screen befor08:50
dotblankewhat on earth is this?08:50
dotblankwish I could take a picture but my phones is well er booting or something08:51
omar_u flashed it or what08:51
dotblanknot yet08:52
omar_mind describing it?08:52
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dotblankah it wasn't much08:54
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dotblanknow its flashing08:54
dotblankah back in buisness08:56
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omar_dotblank, aight i'm heading to class, will keep in touch w/you on skype if not here ;)09:02
omar_nice meeting you!09:02
dotblankomar_, nice meeting you to09:03
dotblankonly 68% of rootfs is used up09:04
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RST38hLt. Patenaude said Lord Jesus Christ had a Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles identification card.09:09
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dotblankis down?09:11
Ken-Youngdotblank, Nope.09:12
dotblanktry just the frontpage not the forums09:13
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Ken-Youngdotblank, I did - it works for me.09:14
dotblankclear your cache09:14
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dotblankfor me its a blank page09:14
Ken-Youngdotblank, It's fine for me.09:15
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Termanadotblank, I get the same thing, so your not alone :P09:17
TermanaX-Fade, ping09:18
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Ken-YoungEven after clearing cache, I have no problem seeing the front page .09:19
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TermanaClearing my cache has no effect, still see the same problem as dotblank09:21
dotblankusgs just texted me there is a 7.4 M earthquake!09:22
Ken-Youngdotblank, Where?09:22
dotblanksays middle of nowhere tho09:22
dotblankBanda Aceh09:22
TermanaOne in Mexico as well09:23
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dotblankvery minor ones tho09:24
TermanaAh right, I see that now :P09:24
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fralsonly me getting a blank page at
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jaskame too09:42
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Termanafrals, dotblank and myself are getting it as well09:50
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pupnikgetting what?09:54
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fralspupnik: blank page at maemo.org10:05
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fralsX-Fade:* serving up blank pages10:08
KnightStalkerI hate new maemo.org10:08
lbtyeah it's crap10:09
lbtway too plain10:09
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cotigaoRST38h, same here10:33
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Triztit shows a white page in seamoneky and konqueror the page I loaded before it10:38
Triztmaybe it's lenny playing ticks10:39
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timeless_mbpdo i want to know what the nokia hk thing is?10:42
Triztthey say it's "Nokia", but I guess it's iis10:46
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timeless_mbpwhat was the name of the 'real' service for the n800?11:16
aquatixah ;)11:17
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__asorry if this is a stupid question but.. in the config file you get with kernel-config.. what is the point of having values for all frequency configs? if MINFREQ=250, why bother having 0:22,90 and 125:22,90 in FREQS?11:22
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asjI must say 125mhz does save a lot of bat :)11:25
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sulxI must say it doesn't11:26
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asjsulx: proof?11:26
sulxI had 125-90011:26
sulxnow 500-90011:26 you don't have any numbers? :)11:27
asjok, so we have one that says yay and one that says nay :)11:28
Chikuno hk nokia owner on this chan?11:28
Chikuthey don't use irc ?11:29
Corsac6667 doesn't pass the great firewall of china11:29
Chikuor just chinese irc ?11:29
sulxI don't see any difference between 125 and 50011:29
ChikuHK no firewall rgiht?11:29
Corsacthey have their own private internet11:29
__asulx: doesnt it depend on how much the device idles? playing with it all day it'll never idle thus difference wont be noticed?11:29
sulxand 500 is mroe responsive11:29
sulxso going with it11:29
asjinfo is racist and bans HK11:29
asjerr infobot11:30
sulx__a: true11:30
asjit should idle to 0, so 125 won't help there11:30
sulxwith my usage batt lasts around 2 days11:30
asjI'll be lucky to last a whole day11:30
__asame here.. one day max11:31
sulxif IM clients are online thats another thing11:31
asjI have 3 voip accounts, 2 im accounts :D11:32
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sulxthat explains a lot =)11:32
asjwork phone, so <shrug>11:32
asjand I listen to mp3's when commuting so there's 1:30 of that, and if my coworkers is eating with his mouth open there's a couple more hours that day11:33
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asjeating chips with your mouth open in a shared office should be a hanging offence11:34
__aasj:  so idle is always 0? then what does MINFREQ and MAXFREQ do?? min and max while in use?11:36
asjthat would be a fair guess11:37
asjI don't know the technical details of this chip11:37
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TriztHong Kong nor Macau are behind the Chinese Great Firewall, but Australia may soon be having their own version12:25
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RST38hwhy not have a single firewall? =)12:29
RST38hfor both China and Australia?12:29
DocScrutinizerhahh! - Hostmode for birthday gift, love that :-)12:30
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TriztRST38h; it's possible, like when the Chinese firewall leaked and affected the rest of the world not so long ago12:30
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ChikuI don't think HK is behind the firewall, since chinese google servers is behind the firewall, google decise to use the .hk ones instead of the .cn ones12:38
rasterRST38h: australia welcomes its new chinese overlords and their great firewall. shall we all ways be protected from the evils of the internet that the government deems us unworthy to experience.12:41
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Triztfrom where did you get the silly thought that it would be behind the great firewall?12:46
SpeedEvilhk is not actually an island12:46
rasterhk is an island12:47
rasterif by hk you mean.. hong kong island12:47
raster(it literally is an island)12:47
TriztI think most people include Kowloon and New Territories into HK12:48
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rasterhong kong - the territory though does extend onto the mainland (kowloon)12:48
rasterTrizt: as i said. depends on what you mean by hong kong :)12:48
rasterbut hong kong - the territory, is not behind the firewall12:48
SpeedEvilI mean the territory12:48
rasterbut australia should just join the .cn firewall12:49
Triztat least not until July 204712:49
rasterit'll do a great job of protecting those poor innocent australians from the evils of the internet12:49
rasterso we are told by our politicians12:49
rasterwe obvious are too stpid to decide for ourselves and need protecting by those knowledgeable pollies12:49
TriztI think it's better Australia joins .kp, who filters internet that they get from China12:50
rasterthat could work12:51
rasterand red--star linux will be the national os12:51 has a really advanced filter12:51
rasterlets put up everthing in 항울12:51
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Triztraster; you mean red flag?12:51
rasterred flag is .cn's linux12:51
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rasterred star is .kp's12:51
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TriztI thought they had their own OS made completely by the Great Leader12:52
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rasterthey do12:53
rasterred star linux12:54
TriztI'm happy he invented double bread with beef, sadly those greedy Americans copied his food12:55
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CabletwitchAhh, much better. Not restricted to a tiny screen today :O)12:56
TriztCabletwitch; connected the n900 to your tv?12:57
CabletwitchNo, not using the N900 for irc this time. Normally when I'm here, I'm using xchant on it, on the train to work.12:57
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CabletwitchToday, is a day off. So I can use my main machine, and not suffer an eternity of slow typoing (deliberate spelling) and eyestrain :O)12:58
CabletwitchStill havent found a way to rid myself of these bloody phantom files though12:58
Triztformat c: ? ;)12:59
CabletwitchDont joke, I might be heading that way...12:59
Cabletwitch5150 media files on my 900, 12 of which are actually real and present.12:59
CabletwitchHooray for things going slowly wrong.12:59
CabletwitchA tip... NEVER copy an entire games directory to the N900, then attempt to use the media player. It just makes things... complicated.13:00
CabletwitchStill, its down from over 11k of files.13:00
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CabletwitchI wonder if and when the new update arrives, it might sort this mess.13:01
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Trizthmmm... looks like my laptops update failed...13:01
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ruskieCabletwitch, you mean in the mediaplayer/image viewer? just stop tracker then wipe the tracker db(~/.local/share/tracker/* and restart tracker ;)13:10
Shapeshifterwhy are the libalarm bindings for python so damn crippled -.-13:10
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lmansuyis it the chan to ask questions about N900 software updating ?13:12
infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.13:13
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rasterDocScrutinizer: nihao!13:17
lmansuyI can't install apps like PyQT4 because of lack of libqt for example; I think I have nokia apps, nokia updates, ovi, and maemo extras activated; Is there another repository to enable ?13:17
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: Shapeshifter:
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Shapeshifternice :D13:21
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lbtgoddamit.... my n900 has started to ignore my APs again...13:22
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SpeedEvilOh wow.13:25
SpeedEvilSo it's at least reading descriptors.13:25
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SpeedEvilThat would seem to be 99.5% of the way there13:26
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Shapeshifterlmansuy: I'm not sure where PyQt resides but I think it's in extras-devel. You might want to enable that (usual warnings apply!).13:26
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lmansuyShapeshifter: PyQt seems to be in maemo extras; this is not the only package that refuse to install because of lack of Qt's libs... I do not know how to install Qt413:29
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: well, that's confirmation of my postulated hostmode-0.0.1, so let's call it hostmode-0.113:31
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I.E we may be just hours away from a decent working hostmode13:34
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: the last 3 or 4 days were amazing :-D13:35
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: seems like a critical mass effect13:35
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: note the change in topic ;-D13:36
DocScrutinizerpupnik: what what?13:37
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DocScrutinizerpupnik: egoshin had a little birthday present for me :-)13:37
pupnikanything interesting happen DocScrutinizer ?  i been in sauna13:37
pupnikis it maemo related?13:38
DocScrutinizernah, just N900 enumerated some usb devices13:38
DocScrutinizer(well it tried to)13:38
roadii get the error message "E: Handler silently failed" when i try to instal fennec - can anyone give me a hint? thx :)13:38
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: this one highly convenient and useful. Check the rest of that page as well13:47
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: I think I'll just get this:
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Shapeshifteryou never know when you'll need a USB to 3.5mm klinke adaptor >.>13:48
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: I got plenty of these 'kits' ... :-/13:49
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: check it out carefully! odds are it can't do what you want13:49
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: the front right item under the red one *might* be the one essential part, IF it is a micro-B13:52
DocScrutinizerotherwise you're out of luck with that one it seems to me13:52
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: my bet however is that's a mini-A jack to A-F13:55
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DocScrutinizertbh none of the ~5 such usb multiadapter kits I got ever did anything useful for me13:56
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: is there any page on BME?13:56
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DocScrutinizerdon't think so, otherwise someone came up with the URL weeks ago, no? ;-D13:56
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: humm.13:57
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: I'm planning to start project 'just-replaces-bme' aka jrbme13:57
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redwhats bme? :p13:58
DocScrutinizerbattery management entity13:58
DocScrutinizerprocess bme_RX-5113:58
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DocScrutinizerclosed blob crap13:58
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DocScrutinizergetting in the way whenever you want to mess with batery, power management, or USB VBUS13:59
DocScrutinizerPITA for community as well as Nokia14:00
DocScrutinizereverybody wants to get rid of it14:00
redwhy no documentation for it14:00
DocScrutinizerI'm planning to start a project to achieve that goal14:00
redah :)14:00
DocScrutinizerred: it's closed source of Nokia with IP of contractors in it (at least Nokia assumes that's the case)14:01
Shapeshifterhuh, so bme isn't nokias fault?14:01
DocScrutinizeror s/contractors/3rd party software houses/14:02
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: bme is heritage, I've been told 10 year old heritage14:02
DocScrutinizerand Nokia probably is *pleased* to get rid of it14:02
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DocScrutinizerthere's been two major bstacles afaik: exploding bat issue, and IP14:04
DocScrutinizerboth is moot to best of my knowledge14:04
DocScrutinizerbut Nokia remains to be convinced14:04
TriztSo when are you finished with the new implementation?14:04
DocScrutinizerfirst draft will be out there for peer review in a few days14:05
ShapeshifterTrizt: bme replacement will ship together with duke nukem forever and PR1.214:05
Triztcool :) me writes up the date 2099-12-3114:05
omarand an easy way to do  pptp vpn :)14:06
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: - attempt to recruit those that may not have read of it before - or who are put off by a huge long thread.14:07
DocScrutinizer51guess I've seen that one before14:07
DocScrutinizer51is it the kernel thread or whatever it was?14:08
SpeedEvilno - new thread14:08
omarSpeedEvil, that looks pretty amazing, you're working on that?14:08
SpeedEvilomar: Sort-of - I'm assisting at the edges as best I can.14:09
omarwish i was at the point where i could too :P14:09
auenf<Trizt> cool :) me writes up the date 2099-12-31 <-- thats far too soon14:09
Triztauenf; using the Muslim calendar ;)14:10
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crashanddieso 600 years difference?14:11
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* Trizt nods14:11
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auenfthats still far too soon14:11
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: aaaahyah14:12
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: ???14:15
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: you're sure that's the best ref to teaser?14:15
SpeedEvilHmm - I was trying to indicate that power worked too14:16
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Shapeshifterso, should it be deemed a lie that people were told that usb host mode was physically impossible?14:22
MohammadAGnot a lie...14:23
MohammadAGthey said OTG was impossible14:23
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MohammadAGcool, windows registry is corrupt and I can't switch the default OS to ubuntu14:24
alteregoIt wasn't a lie, they were just misinformed.14:26
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alteregoSo, really, the mobility frameworkfor maemo5 is shockingly bad.14:27
alteregoI suppose I could work on some of it myself ...14:29
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the_filecan any1 open terminal and try to ping:
the_filetell me if its successfull please15:00
C-S-B-N900did it15:01
Stskeepsdid we just ping the nsa?15:01
reggna9 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 8062ms15:01
the_fileyou pinged me =)15:01
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C-S-B-N900well, we tried.15:02
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Triztstill problems with
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RST38hthere is, it is up, you can go whine there! =)15:06
TriztI don't whine there, never bothered to register for talk, only bugzilla15:07
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ShadowJKsadly, I don't remember a weekend when wasn't down ;)15:10
ShadowJKIt's a antigeek conspiracy!15:10
TriztI think it's the windroidz who do everything to bring things down ;)15:10
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RST38hX-Fade only works on weekdays.15:11
DocScrutinizerweekend is ointment time for the 770 farm15:13
DocScrutinizerso occasionally you get a screen filled with grease instead a tmo-thread15:14
DocScrutinizerand HAM starts to act sluggish while wading thru all the oil15:15
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TomaszDis the GPS Logger Widget author around here?15:21
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* VDVsx yawns and waves at RST38h :)15:21
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* Dima_Sharihin wants to write apps on nokian900 too =)15:24
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RST38hHeya VDVsx15:27
RST38hVDVsx: The incredible failing media player applet problem seems to be solved15:27
VDVsxVDVsx, never used that :)15:27
VDVsx1.2 fix ?15:28
Corsacthere's no 1.2 anyway, it's just a rumor!15:28
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VDVsxCorsac, ah right ;)15:30
fralsYour code has been rated at 8.20/10 \o/15:31
VDVsxfrals, what games are you planning these days ? :D15:31
fralsmostly eve-online and bad company215:32
fralsbut not had time to play in a while, kinda busy atm ;)15:32
VDVsxlol, my question was about your last sentence^15:33
RST38hVDVsx: No. Surprisingly, it was due to other applets15:33
RST38hVDVsx: OMWeather in my case, USSD in someone else's15:34
fralsoh, that was pylint going over fmms!15:34
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VDVsxwhat happened to tmo ? community sub-forum only has 4 pages 0.o15:36
alteregoI think tmo has dfinally reached critical mass with the PR1.2 thread ..15:37
alteregoIt has caused the whole site to being collapsing in on itself.15:37
Dima_SharihinMaybe better to close the thread???15:37
alteregoSoon it will turn into a black hole and engulf the entire internet.15:37
StskeepsVDVsx: archiving?15:37
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fralsi wonder...15:39
alteregoToday, I'm going to attempt to drive the TV out with something other than the mirrored desktop.15:39
fralswhy would you create that under meego/harmattan subforum?15:39
alteregoI had issue earlier, but closing the tabs and reloading fixed it for me.15:39
alteregoIt was global over the whole domain for me, wiki, planet and talk.15:40
alteregoI'd be inclined to it being related to the caching.15:40
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summeloO who hosts
Dima_SharihinDomain: maemo.org16:01
Dima_SharihinAdmin Name:Nokia dnsauthority16:01
Dima_SharihinAdmin Organization:Nokia Corporation16:01
Dima_Sharihinsummel,  So what?16:01
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Dima_Sharihinsummel, maybe they updating the information? or changing content =)16:03
summelso what? i can do that without taking the whole website down -_-16:04
summeli already hate it that apple is too stupid to put new items in their webshop without shutting it down completely for that16:04
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Corsacwell, they do that in purpose16:05
Corsacshut the AS down and you have buzz everywhere16:05
summeli know they do it on purpose16:05
summelbut imho it still looks stupid16:05
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pupniki cant believe how lame the iphone is16:09
CabletwitchNo no, its a training phone.16:09
CabletwitchWhen people begin to see the limitations on it, then they look for something better.16:09
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alteregoAActually, most people put up with it until it dies and then get something that isn't an iPhone, whether it's better or not, people get quite annoyed by it and move on quite a lot.16:11
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alteregoI think all the poeple I know, except one, won't buy another iPhone and are planning on going down the Android or Nokia route.16:12
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CabletwitchI'm actually impressed at how painless the N900 is, as a user experience.16:12
alteregoI think the biggest problem with Maemo 5, is it's UI isn't as polished as Android/iPhone16:13
alteregoIt kind of looks a bit amateur to me.16:13
GAN900Less the UI and more the buggy experience.16:13
alteregoI dunno, I don't really have much of an issue with the "UX".16:13
GAN900I think the vast majority of people see the look as a major upgrade.16:13
alteregoOh sure, it's much nicer than any other Nokia,16:14
GAN900The fact that a lot of shit just don't work drives people away.16:14
pupnikeh what buggy experience16:14
GAN900pupnik, Modest16:14
alteregoAdmittedly, I don't use Modest,16:14
alteregoMicroB back button on the toolbar is the only that pisses me off :)16:14
GAN900Incomplete or unstable things16:14
GAN900alterego, fixed in PR1.216:14
summelwhat is modest?16:15
alteregoGAN900: what's PR1.2? Not that vapour ware everyone has been ranting about :)16:15
GAN900pupnik, keep in mind that these things are all rather subjective.16:15
pupnikuse back arrow instead16:15
GAN900Whule it may not bother us or we may have workarounds or whatever, other people often find it enough to make them hate the platform16:15
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alteregoWell, maemo is seen as a phone OS. Which is sad, because maemo is the first "phone OS" to come from a computing background.16:16
alteregoWhere as other phone OS' are built for purpose, maemo's phone functionality was a last minute addition to the N900.16:17
GAN900"Nice to see you post here" PM on Talk. Weird.16:17
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alteregoI always expected the N900 to not have any GSM voice capability and only supply a 3G data  connection. Though, that might be too iPad for some people now ^.^16:17
GAN900alterego, what it really comes down to is Nokia needs to stop cutting the legs out from under the platform.16:18
alteregoWell, hopefully the move to Qt will be the last major leg cutting move.16:18
Trewasalterego: maemo5 being the last of its kind and already dead makes is kind of irrelevant what it is or what it was supposed to be16:18
alteregomaemo has been a bit of a moving target developer wise, thoguh at least they were consistantly Gtk/hildon :)16:18
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alteregoWell, I'm not realy in the camp that maemo is dead.16:19
alteregoBecause maemo is the community of developers and the idea behind a linux based open platform for mobile MID devices.16:19
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alteregomeego takes that idea a bit further.16:20
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Trewassure, some things may carry over to meego or whatever is the future... but right ow there is very little reasons to do anything with maemo5/hildon16:20
alteregoWith the addition of Qt, should do it much better too.16:20
alteregoTrewas: sure there is, do you like your N900? :P16:20
alteregoIf you want an app on your N900, write it for the N900. MeeGo will never officially be released for the N900, though a lot of people may use some community maintained builds.16:21
Trewasalterego: it's not bad, but I have become a bit jaded :)16:21
alteregoI reckon, PR1.2 will be the last update for the N900, officially, which is the last that your normal user camp will see.16:21
alteregoSo come the end of this year and into next year, and probably the next few years. There are going to be a load of N900 users, that still need apps.16:22
TomaszDwhat you reckon is not reality alterego16:22
GAN900alterego, I wouldn't say never with total surety yey16:22
TomaszDPR1.3 has been mentioned a couple of times already16:23
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alteregoGAN900: agreed, the mention of the N900 being the meego reference platform is nice.16:23
GAN900At least without defining WTF you mean by "MeeGo"16:23
* GAN900 sighs16:24
GAN900TomaszD, also: PR216:24
VDVsxbiased uty honest comment: Since I started using the N900 as my main phone I can't switch to other device, used Symbian/android in the last weeks both are a  bit behind for my personal use :P16:24
alteregoBut I thought the addition to Qt officially in a maemo release might be to enable developers moving to meego the ability to easily backport to maemo5 for the poeple that get left behind.16:24
TomaszDGAN900, that I didn't know, link? :)16:24
GAN900TomaszD, erm. . . .16:24
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GAN900VDVsx, except for that stupid Nokia PoS in BCN? :P16:24
TomaszDI wasn't joking about PR1.3 being mentioned by Nokia employees in the bug tracker16:25
adalalhey, anyone knows of a proper installation and configuration help page for titan's v25 kernels?16:25
GAN900I wasn't joking, either16:25
TomaszDso [citation needed] :)16:25
GAN900But I don't have a link16:25
GAN900Well, may need to trust me. :P16:25
VDVsxGAN900, seriously if you have a unlimited data plan, the N900 is a very good device16:25
TomaszDtrust me, I won't :)16:25
VDVsxwithout is not so good :p16:26
* GAN900 shrugs16:26
alteregoI like toys, the N900 is perfect for me :P16:26
GAN900VDVsx, ah, Nokia plan, then? :P16:26
VDVsxunlimited data plan, normal one, who pays for that doesn't matter ;)16:27
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Trewasit is a bit sad that there is still no N900 software comparable to some in my previous very basic symbian phone (like nokia's own maps, or sports tracker)... probably pr1.2/gt4.6 being delayed to infinify does not help16:29
Surfaecoach has it's benefits16:29
alteregoI think people are expecting far too much from a minor firmware release.16:29
VDVsxTrewas, I heard that ecoach work great (sportts tracker alternative)16:29
alteregoPR1.2 wont include a load of new applications.16:29
TrewasVDVsx: I have it, but at least the version in extras (maybe it has some upgrades -devel) is far from sports tracker when comparing features16:30
VDVsxTrewas, request new features :)16:30
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VDVsxyou can help improve the app16:31
fralsonly thing missing when i tried ecoach was uploading to sportstrackersite16:31
VDVsxfrals, you can upload to other site16:32
TomaszDmanual gpx uploads to sportstracker are shit16:32
VDVsxcan't remember the name16:32 is what I use16:32
TomaszDat least it works with gpx files16:32
chem|sthas anyone an idea how to playback music syncronous with 3 computers?16:33
VDVsxthis one->
VDVsxfor ecoach16:33
Trewasecoach is missing all nice graphs what sports tracker can display :)16:34
TomaszDyeah, but you get nice graphs on the web anyway16:34
chem|stalterego: but alot of fixes patches and some enhancement16:34
TomaszDI don't use ecoach as I don't think it's more useful without a data connection than the simple gps logger widget16:34
alteregochem|st: exactly, but nothing ground breaking from a user's perspective. Which is why my mind boggles at all the PR1.2 "delay" complaints.16:35
TrewasTomaszD: that may be, but sports tracker does not *require* using a website with it for some useful functionality16:35
fralsTrewas: err, ecoach got speed and altitude/distance afaik, what else does sportstracker have?16:35
chem|stalterego: true... but I have to keep up with them...16:36
Trewasfrals: hrm, should I enable -devel? I may have some old version :)16:36
fluxsportstracker has a nicer user interface.16:36
fralsthe one i tried a week or so ago had some graphs at least, didnt pay much attention as i waso nly interested in distance and time :D16:36
chem|stalterego: you just blank it I have to actualy read the thread and decide what to do with it16:36
alteregoI don't mind the thread, I think it's pretty hilarious.16:37
alteregoAnd I don't really care if it tarnishe's the N900's reputation, because in a few months when the next device comes out. That wont matter.16:38
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RST38halterego: Of course, the next device is always the best16:39
RST38hAnd the current device is always unsupported.16:39
mbatleis there any problem with coroutines ? I'm trying to call a function that has a yield inside from a gui code, if the function has the yield it does not get called, if the function has not the yield it gets called ... :/16:40
* Cabletwitch wonders if there are plugins for the N900's media player for mod files and the like?16:40
TomaszDCabletwitch, there is MOD support in devel or -testing16:40
mbatlesorry, wrong channel :P16:40
TomaszDor maybe even stable now16:40
TomaszDCabletwitch, Extra Decoders Support is also good (shameless plug)16:41
* Cabletwitch goes to have a look16:41
CabletwitchHoly crap16:42
CabletwitchI go to, and whats the selected plugin on the front page? XD16:42
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TomaszDjust go to the app manager itself16:43
CabletwitchOh, I know how to get the stuff.16:43
merlin1991hm gives me a blank page, WTF?16:44
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CabletwitchFine here16:44
VDVsxfine here :D16:44
CabletwitchTracker Music Module Support v1.0.416:44
CabletwitchLiterally, just what I was after XD16:44
CabletwitchStable too.16:45
CabletwitchI wonder...16:45
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adalalanyone here familiar with the new titan v25 kernel?16:45
* Cabletwitch would REALLY like £100k right now...16:45
* Cabletwitch refreshes maemo.org16:45
CabletwitchAww, crap.16:45
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CabletwitchTomaszD: I couldnt remember, but I just checked, I do have the extra codecs you mentioned.16:46
merlin1991everything that isn't gives me a blank page :(16:46
CabletwitchWorks fine here, Merlin16:47
CabletwitchHmm, is there any way to browse shared folders with this thing?16:48
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BCMMwhat sort of shared folders?16:49
CabletwitchJust your bog standard windows jobby.16:50
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CabletwitchVia wifi.16:50
merlin1991afaik there is no sambaclient yet16:50
CabletwitchNot so fussed about going outside the network via GPRS, mainly just so I can poke through my files in shared folders and whatnot, saves faffing with the USB cable.16:51
CabletwitchAhh, ok.16:51
BCMMCabletwitch: seems relevant16:51
BCMM(haven't actually read it)16:51
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BCMMCabletwitch: the windows file and printer sharing protocl is known as SMB16:51
BCMMand the popular linux implementation of it is called Samba16:52
CabletwitchAye, I'm aware of this.16:52
BCMMCabletwitch: oh, sorry16:52
CabletwitchI'm only a few notches above completely new, but not totally without clues ;O)16:52
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BCMMCabletwitch: sorry, i assumed unreasonably from "bog standard windows jobby"16:53
CabletwitchS'ok, its good to see people actually explaining stuff.16:53
BCMMCabletwitch: it's actually very hard to tell in this channel16:53
CabletwitchEh, I'm no network tech, but I'm not your average clueless user either.16:53
BCMMprobably because you don't know if they are coming from a Windows or Linux background16:53
BCMMis one of the skins for the maemo forums suitable for portrait browsing?16:54
CabletwitchThe N900 is my first dabble with linux. I managed ot lock myself out of the Suse test rig I built years ago, and gave up back then XD16:54
merlin1991I'm not alone:
alteregomerlin1991: try closing your browser and opening it again ..16:54
BCMMCabletwitch: lock out as in break it or as in lose password?16:55
merlin1991alterego did that already16:55
alteregoHrm, worked for me. Oh well :P16:55
Cabletwitchthe latter.16:55
Dima_Sharihinmerlin1991, host is down. So what?16:55
CabletwitchMind you, I wasnt really up for messing with it at the time, so it was more a self-defeat.16:55
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BCMMCabletwitch: heh, it's actually pretty easy to break into a linux box, with physical access (for most distros)16:56
BCMMgah, how did that happen?16:56
BCMMoh, that's just me failing to use IRC16:56
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BCMMCabletwitch: it doesn't matter a great deal, since physical access always means you can root a system16:56
BCMMbut on most distros, by default, getting into a shell to change the root password just needs a few seconds of typing stuff into GRUB before boot16:57
CabletwitchBCMM: True, but I dont tend to mess with any OS in that depth. I'm primarily a gamer, I've no need to screw with the system in ways untold.16:57
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Dima_Sharihinmerlin1991, yeah. try https:// instead of http://16:57
merlin1991Dima_Sharihin thanks, now I just need a user :P16:58
adalalmerlin1991: it's not showing upfor me either....16:58
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Dima_Sharihinadalal, merlin1991, look, guys16:59
adalalDima_Sharihin: where  are you at?17:00
Dima_Sharihinadalal, I'm in Russia :P17:00
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adalalHost ( is unreachable from here17:00
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adalalHost ( is17:01
Dima_Sharihinadalal, type in your browser : https://maemo.org17:01
Dima_Sharihin*SECURE CONNECTION!17:01
adalalthe unsecure connection isn't working, but the secure is.. how weird17:02
korhojoaoh em gee el oh el17:02
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adalalanywways, anyone here can help me with titan's kernel? maemo25?17:02
BCMMmaemo forum themes need to be off the list, right? no custom CSS?17:03
* Cabletwitch isnt running the secure connection, and the website is working fine...17:04
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Dima_SharihinCabletwitch, using unsecure connection returns an empty page on request on my computer17:04
* merlin1991 turns on wireshark and will check the traffic :D17:04
Dima_Sharihinmerlin1991, why?17:05
CabletwitchI guess I AM using the server from another dimension.17:05
CabletwitchAnd no, PR1.2 isnt out there either.17:05
merlin1991because I want to see what exactly happens :D17:05
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Dima_Sharihinmerlin1991, I think, you wouldn't find anything interesting =)17:06
pupniki cant get phototranslate running yet.  trying to find the right libqt4 libraries17:07
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merlin1991Dima_Sharihin yeah didn't find anything :D17:08
merlin1991but I'm scared though what I found17:09
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merlin1991I have tons of http traffic running even though my browser and everything that should do http crap is turned off :D17:10
Dima_Sharihinmerlin1991, which browser do you use?17:10
merlin1991err firefox :D17:10
Dima_Sharihinhuh... may be =]17:11
* Dima_Sharihin using Chrome =)17:11
Arkenoiis there any WIP to make fMMS a telepathy plugin?17:13
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merlin1991ah well it's ssdp crap that gets marked as http for some reason17:14
jacekowskii don't think you can send pictures with telepathy17:14
timeless_mbpmerlin1991: um17:16
timeless_mbpyou realize that just about everything uses http, right?17:16
timeless_mbpif you have a proxy configured, you're probably using http w/ it17:16
adalalagain, any one here aware of how to use titans v25 kernel?17:16
timeless_mbpif you're using some random communication protocol, there's an even chance it's using http17:16
timeless_mbpif you have application manager configured w/ repositories, it's using http17:16
timeless_mbp(mms actually ends up speaking http'ish to servers too)17:17
DocScrutinizer51friggin farts-over-http17:18
BCMMadalal: It would appear that nobody here is17:19
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adalali'll b back later17:20
DocScrutinizer51some devels seems to think there's been no other protocol prior to http, and there's no chance for anz better protocol17:20
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lcukpupnik, phototranslate?17:21
DocScrutinizer51ooh I need glasses17:22
DocScrutinizer51read phototransistor17:22
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BCMMadalal: - i think this is all there is17:23
BCMMif that isn't enough, i suggest you avoid breaking your device17:24
BCMMadalal: , i mean17:25
Arkenoiactually i never received an MMS for several months. i mean, no one even tried to send it to me ever since i got n900 and it happened just 2 times previous year.17:25
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merlin1991hm is there a documentation off all systemwide keyboardshortcuts somewhere?17:26
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b-mani finally got right click working in Fedora12 on my N900 :)
pupnikoy how b-man17:30
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b-manall it really required was the libgtkstylus package that i compiled from OpenSUSE sources and a simple little xsessions script17:32
DocScrutinizerI never sent or received a MMS in my life. Naah wait, one time we tried to send a video with 'happy birthday' to a friend, from another friend's cellphone, but it never arrived17:32
b-mannot sure why Fedora doesn't provide libgtkstylus in their distro17:32
lcuki think b-man is a really cool guy.  eh makes right click work and doesn't afraid of anything17:32
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lcukthat looks ocol, is it done by long tap?17:33
lcukor a modifier?17:33
b-manjust a long tap :)17:33
lcukcool enough17:33
lcukhow well does it run?17:34
lcuknot just the taps17:34
lcuki mean the system overall17:34
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b-manit runs quite well17:34
b-manalthough there will be a slight pause occasionally17:34
b-manbut swap takes care of that :)17:35
lcukeverybody has slight pauses17:35
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lcukMohammadAG, 'wow' moments thread:
Dima_Sharihinb-man, I think, the interface of fedora12 looks better than hildon =)))17:37
b-man_f12-rx51indeed xD17:38
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lcukb-man_f12-rx51, videos?17:38
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b-man_f12-rx51don't have videos yet17:39
MohammadAGlcuk, hehehe :)17:39
b-man|laptopi still need to get BME working, right now it just drains the battery lol17:40
b-man|laptop(can't charge)17:40
b-man_f12-rx51i also need to make a proper xmodmap17:40
alteregoMohammadAG: that's nice :)17:41
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b-man_f12-rx51right now it's just using xkb from maemo17:41
b-man_f12-rx51so i have most of the keys working17:41
MohammadAGalterego, might put up lcuk's version tomorrow :)17:41
alteregoMohammadAG: using sysfs?17:42
b-man_f12-rx51but i also need to get mce working17:42
MohammadAGalterego, yeah17:42
b-man_f12-rx51which should not take too long17:42
Dima_Sharihinb-man_f12-rx51, could you make phone calls using f12?17:42
alteregoMohammadAG: which interface? presumable leds? is that the lp5523:kbX stuff?17:43
korhojoab-man_f12-rx51: how the deuce did you get right click?17:43
SpeedEvilalterego: yes17:43
MohammadAGalterego, ^17:43
* SpeedEvil notes he did the knight-rider thing 5 months ago.17:43
b-man_f12-rx51Dima_Sharihin: theoretically yes :)17:43
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* MohammadAG slaps SpeedEvil for not releasing it17:43
b-man_f12-rx51korhojoa: libgtkstylus+xsession script17:44
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SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I did!17:44
SpeedEvilMohammadAG: I typed it right here.17:44
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MohammadAGSpeedEvil, I wasn't "here" 5 months ago ;)17:45
MohammadAG(can't bother to go back 5 months into the povbot logs)17:45
MohammadAGknowing SpeedEvil he'll either not reply or link me to the logs17:47
DocScrutinizer51ehlo MohammadAG17:47
crashanddieSpeedEvil: actually, there's only one reference to "knight rider" and "speedevil" in the povbot logs17:47
MohammadAGhey DocScrutinizer5117:47
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SpeedEvil2010-01-25.230051+0000GMT.txt:(08:35:33 AM) SpeedEvil: for x in /sys/class/leds/*kb*;do echo 100 >$x/brightness;done17:49
alteregoSpeedEvil: strange how that file doesn't reflect the state of the backlight when it's on normally ..17:49
alteregofor x in /sys/class/leds/*kb*; do echo 100 > $x/brightness; done17:50
alteregofor x in /sys/class/leds/*kb*; do echo 50 > $x/brightness; done17:50
lcukMohammadAG, i twitted the link to the liqbubbles code (which has the keyboard lighting in) last night17:50
alteregocut&paste fail.17:50
lcukto the liqbubbles code17:50
MohammadAGlcuk, now push to -devel :)17:51
lcukmeh that requires package and icons17:51
MohammadAGlcuk, it can be made into a daemon right?17:51
alteregoHow come they don't stay on?17:51
lcukyours is closer i made you a proto debian17:51
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lcukalterego, they get turned on and off17:51
SpeedEvilalterego: I think it's MCE17:51
lcukany combination can remain on17:51
MohammadAGalterego, blame mce17:51
alteregoHeh, m'kay17:51
alteregoIs that why youcan only do flashing effects MohammadAG ;)17:52
MohammadAGor shut it down and they *SHOULD* stay on17:52
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lcukalterego, see that17:52
DocScrutinizer51for x in 1 2@e 4 5 6 5 43 2; do echo 200 >kb$x/brightness; sleep 0.5= echo 0 >kb$x/brightness; done17:52
lcukpressing nearest key to the light illuminates it17:52
lcukand keeps it on17:52
lcukturns the keyboard into a 6 key chord17:52
Dima_SharihinDocScrutinizer, what are you doing with backlight? О_о17:53
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alteregoI almost managed to get maemo to boot in qemu17:53
alteregoUnfortunately, it seems one of the drivers kills it.17:53
alteregoStops init somehow.17:53
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DocScrutinizer51Dima_Sharihin: made yours explode :-P17:53
lcukMohammadAG, ill make the package for it in a bit17:55
alteregoI think it's the SGX stuff ..17:55
alteregoThen I get: omap-mcbsp omap-mcbsp.2: McBSP FIR load error!17:55
alteregoStill getting quite a bit of dmesg activity though.17:56
alteregoBut login prompt becomes unresponsive.17:56
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deafboyhello there18:11
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deafboycan I ask someone with workink maemo 5 sdk for a favour? :P (or am I on right place to ask for help?)18:13
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deafboyI was looking for the app called sbagen, but cannot find it. Maybe it was not ported to maemo yet. There is some ARM version on official site of project, but I cannot run in on n90018:15
Dima_Sharihinlol. I tried to install the maemo sdk 5 or more times... every time it failed18:15
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deafboythere is source code available on if there is anyone who can compile it I woud be verry happy :P18:17
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MohammadAGhey johnsq18:29
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thecatjohnsq: Can i ask something via Q ?18:33
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johnsqthecat: ask the original Q18:46
infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.18:48
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deafboystill waiting for some good soul who can compile sbagen for me :)18:51
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zlimvos_any ideas, easiest way to transfer contacts from windows mobile to maemo contact book (n900)19:08
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zlimvos_with no installation of outlook involved :)19:09
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Ken-Youngzlimvos, THis may not be the easiest way, but exporting them as vCard format. and reading them in on the N900 works.19:10
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zlimvosok i thought vcard is for one by one contacts19:11
Ken-Youngzlimvos, I was able to export all my gmail contacts that way, in a single file.19:12
haltdefmy WM phone was setup to sync with google apps, I just made my n900 do the same and it imported everything :p19:12
zlimvoshehe cheers haltdef this is even better. so i have also my contacts online19:12
zlimvosand ofcourse mother google as well :/19:13
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Shapeshifterthat pattern is awesome. I didn't know parts of the keyboard could be turned off independently19:23
SpeedEvilShapeshifter: yup19:23
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Shapeshifterso there are 6 independent leds19:26
SpeedEvilerr - yes - 619:27
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SpeedEviland the IR LED, and the red LED on the camera, and the flash, and the backlight, of course19:28
SpeedEvilOh - and power LED19:28
SpeedEvilAnd the prox sensor19:29
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CabletwitchCan anyone else make out the backlights though the screen on their 900?19:30
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SpeedEvilYes - but not as distinct lights19:31
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SpeedEvilIt's a real pity the backlight LEDs are not individually controllable19:31
CabletwitchHuh, must just be my unit then.19:31
lcukSpeedEvil, can they be controlled individually?19:31
FunnyfaceI have lots of points on the screen that look like cracks19:31
Funnyfaceespecially visible on white19:31
lcukyou been watching too much doctor who19:31
CabletwitchI have a couple in the center and right side that are somewhat visible when the screen is fully white, such as a webpage background.19:32
lcukcan you show me what you mean?19:32
CabletwitchSure, let me press my N900 to the screen...19:32
lcukith a photo19:32
SpeedEvillcuk: If they were - it raises all sorts of fun uses - like sunlight visible 'patches' - even with the screen mostly off, to save power19:32
lcukyeah SpeedEvil19:32
lcuktaking the thing from MohammadAG's AV meter - i made it do that for the keyboard19:32
lcukif you press a cluster of keys nearest the led19:33
lcukit keeps them lit19:33
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* SpeedEvil ponders a 'simon' game.19:33
Funnyfaceis there any way to make the screen not turn completely off when the phone is locked?19:33
CabletwitchI'm considering.. and only in theory... that putting some clear epoxy with the same refractive index as the LED casing around the problem LEDs might spread the light a bit more evenly.19:33
lcukSpeedEvil, have a look, code is in .py
Funnyfacejust as in, it keeps the image on the screen, but turns off the backlight completely19:33
SpeedEvilCabletwitch: Don't screw with it.19:33
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CabletwitchYou think I would?19:34
Funnyfacewhen my device resets, it sometimes displays the nokia splash screen without backlight so I know the device should be capable of doing it :p19:34
SpeedEvilCabletwitch: Optical design in small things is damn hard. You are almost certain to make it worse19:34
lcukjesus Cabletwitch that would kill19:34
lcuki once had a chip on my crt monitor19:34
SpeedEvilFunnyface: Regrettably, unlike old phones, colour LCDs use a fair whack of power just to keep a static image.19:34
CabletwitchBuddy, I work with trains. Everything is pretty much fixable with a sharp blow. I'm not going to mess with the insides of my cherished awesome-phone ;O)19:34
Funnyfaceah ok19:35
SpeedEvilFunnyface: even with no backlight19:35
Funnyfacehow much is a "fair whack"? :P19:35
CabletwitchIf it cant be fixed with a hammer, I dont touch it.19:35
SpeedEvilFunnyface: 80mA19:35
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SpeedEvilFunnyface: This is about 15 hour life19:35
Funnyfacehmm that's be a power drainer then19:35
zashSpeedEvil: how much do you think the 3310 screen uses at idle?19:36
SpeedEvilzash: IIRC - I measured it - it's 0.3mA or something stupid19:36
SpeedEvilSo well under a percent19:36
zashSpeedEvil: and what happend to using e-ink for phones?19:37
Funnyfacewhat's the advantage of this new kind of LCD over the old ones then? quicker crystals?19:37
MohammadAGzash, ink dried out19:37
dotblankwhat epaper?19:37
SpeedEvilzash: e-ink is comparatively expensive19:38
SpeedEvilzash: and requires licensing from e-ink19:38
FunnyfaceI have some Nokia 6300 here with a display that I think is good19:38
SpeedEvilzash: Also - it's black and white only and slow update19:38
SpeedEvilFunnyface: Colour, resolution, speed19:38
dotblankbut it uses little to no power19:38
zashSpeedEvil: So is my 3310 when it's cold19:38
lcukeink only draws power whilst transitioning between states19:39
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SpeedEvilE-ink hasn't appeared on many phones as the customers seem to value shiny colour screen over everything.19:39
SpeedEvilOr at least the mobile companies assume they do.19:39
Funnyfaceanyway speed, are you sure that the 80mA actually drains 80mA from the battery?19:40
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SpeedEvilThat's measured at the battery.19:40
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SpeedEvilI hould really convert it to mW - but meh.19:40
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Funnyfacewell the voltage is somewhat constant so19:41
zash80mA showing a static image without backlight? on n900?19:41
SpeedEvilzash: yes19:41
lcukdepends on backlight level surely19:41
SpeedEvilbacklight off19:41
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SpeedEvilbacklight on is 180mA more19:42
lcukturning down the brightness a notch can gain lots of battery life19:42
SpeedEvilBacklight at minimum is functionally the same as backlight off WRT power use19:42
lcukSpeedEvil, do you have numbers for each level?19:42
zashSpeedEvil: how does that compare to other smartphones with big screens?19:42
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Funnyfacewell, I won't complain about the N900's battery life, compared to HTC winmo phones I've used in the past19:42
lcukSpeedEvil, how can that be?19:42
Shapeshifterhas someone been able to install festival? Here it complains festival: Depends: adduser (>= 3.105) but 3.102maemo1 is to be installed19:42
SpeedEvilzash: Send me the smartphones in question, and I shall measure them.19:42
lcukminimum must draw more power than none?19:43
SpeedEvillcuk: Oh - it does19:43
FunnyfaceI am sure this N900 battery lasts longer than my HTC's high capacity battery :P19:43
SpeedEvillcuk: but the difference between no backlight - 80mA - minimum backlight - 85mA - and maximum backlight - 260mA - isn't large.19:43
SpeedEvilthe difference between the two lowest states isn't large I mean19:44
lcukso minimum backlighting is 5ma?19:44
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lcukany chance you can measure each backlight step19:44
FunnyfaceI do however hope that someone will create a high capacity battery that's about 1.5x the size of the original one, with a back cover that doesn't point out like sharp edges on top of the battery compartment19:44
zashHow much does the resolution count?19:44
lcukand extrapolate the extra time that would give19:44
Funnyfacebut just about as far as the camera lens19:44
SpeedEvillcuk: that would mean reacing 18", umplugging my phone, and getting out from under the covers.19:45
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lcukSpeedEvil, :) later on ill shout you a bacon butty when we meet19:45
lcukzash, doesnt matter we cant easily change resolution of native maemo19:45
* SpeedEvil unplugs phone, and waits for battery to stabilise.19:45
SpeedEvillcuk: the screen is a fixed resolution.19:46
lcukbut even if we could, that wouldnt effect the lcd19:46
lcuksure SpeedEvil19:46
SpeedEvilThere are several causes of power drain.19:46
lcukbut xvideo yuv modes are variable19:46
zashlupine_85: meant on other devices19:46
lcuki can supply 200*200 if i want19:46
SpeedEvilThe LCD being on. The LCD being actively clocked, and having data to it.19:46
lcukand not waste bandwith on the bus19:46
SpeedEvilThe supply of that data from the SoC - which has to have at least some functional units awake.19:46
SpeedEvilIn some cases reducing bit depth can help19:46
SpeedEvilgoing to 4 bits from 24 on an older laptop gained 10% battery life at minimum brightness19:47
zashhm, how would pixel qi compare19:48
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ChikuI installed openssh add public key for root account and it works. I added same key for user account and it deosn't work :(19:51
ShapeshifterIs the packages page broken?
* DocScrutinizer waves as now it's definitely boozetime to drink away the frustration of time going by SOOO fast19:52
Chikuhow come?19:52
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Shapeshifterah yes.19:52
Shapeshifterthis time, tmo is still alive ;)19:52
DocScrutinizerChiku: passwd user;19:52
DocScrutinizerChiku: also check directory permisions19:53
ChikuDocScrutinizer, what about ssh key?19:53
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DocScrutinizerIt needs a password set, otherwise won't work19:53
DocScrutinizerdon't ask me why19:53
JaffaAf'noon all19:53
MohammadAGhey Jaffa19:54
DocScrutinizerChiku: probably some issue with '!' vs '*' in /etc/passwd19:54
Chikuok DocScrutinizer it works now, just need passwd fro user account19:54
MohammadAGpasswd user19:54
MohammadAGmuhahaha i broke your smiley19:55
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DocScrutinizeryes :-19:55
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Shapeshifter works (http does not)19:56
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Chikudoes ssh x forwarding work?19:56
dotblankgood observation19:56
DocScrutinizeranyway, bye maemo - preparing for the champagne19:56
Dima_Sharihinplz, append to the topic19:56
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SpeedEvilOk - maximum - 215 - one down 135, middle, 100, second lowest,  85, lowest 65, off19:57
andresIs there a trick to get debugging info from the calendar app?19:57
andresI want to import a ics file and it siltently does nothing.19:57
Dima_Sharihinbothers to answer the questions: "Why doesn't works"19:57
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jacekowskiShapeshifter: itworks here19:58
jacekowskii have no problems with http://maemo.org19:58
DocScrutinizerworks exceptionally fast and flawlessly today19:58
Shapeshifterjacekowski: for me and many others all pages except tmo are blank white.19:58
dotblankseems to be on/off19:58
deafboyI have problems with it on one PC with abroad proxy, but from my home connection works fine19:58
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jacekowskiit works perfectly here19:59
jacekowskiand it's not cacahe19:59
jacekowskii've just cleared it19:59
deafboybut subdomains working everywhere for me19:59
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Dima_Sharihinstrange working =)20:00
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jacekowskiit doesn't work from my server in france20:01
jacekowskiso something is FU20:01
Shapeshifteranyway, does anyone have an idea how to install festival? woglinde made a package but it depends on stuff that is missing, see:
Shapeshifter"festival: Depends: adduser (>= 3.105) but 3.102maemo1 is to be installed"20:01
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Dima_SharihinShapeshifter, apt-get -f install?20:02
ShapeshifterDima_Sharihin: I tried that, it doesn't help20:02
jacekowskidpkg --force-all20:02
Dima_Sharihinjacekowski, it is bad way20:02
jacekowskiit's the only way20:05
Shapeshifterthanks guys20:05
* timeless_mbp wonders what version is in pr1.220:05
jacekowskibesides, i've played a bit with festival20:05
jacekowskiand it's not even close to commercial spech synthetishers20:06
timeless_mbpwhy is anyone depending on a high version of adduser anyway?20:06
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timeless_mbpsomeone should make festival depend on adduser (>= 3.0)20:07
SpeedEvillcuk: off is 60 or so20:07
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: what u r talking bout?20:08
lcukSpeedEvil, cool20:09
lcukso sitting on the middle bar is less than half the drain of the top20:09
lcukand the biggest jump does come from the highest brightness20:09
ChikuVersion: 3.102maemo120:09
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DocScrutinizer51I always claimed20:10
SpeedEvillcuk: the brightness scales are logarithmic.20:10
SpeedEvillcuk: you need a 50% jump to be even slightly noticable20:10
DocScrutinizer51watch out! brightness is a function of ALS too20:10
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Chikuthere is no new leak PR1.2 for  adduser (>= 3.105) ? :)20:11
lcukSpeedEvil, i normally sit on the middle brightness20:11
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DocScrutinizer51I normally sit in dark room .-P20:11
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Shapeshifterjacekowski: where did you get a language from and how did you install it? seems like the deb doesn't ship with any language20:12
lcukDocScrutinizer51, thats because you tried to install linux on the last cell which had windows20:12
Dima_SharihinI normally sit on the chair %)20:12
jacekowskiShapeshifter: i was using it on a pc20:12
Shapeshifterjacekowski: ah20:12
DocScrutinizer51lcuk: anywaykeep in mind that's rather random and dependent on amb light20:14
lcukof course it is20:14
lcukthats hwy qwertys simple backlight applet works20:14
DocScrutinizer51even on screen content as N900 has dynamic backlight20:14
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DocScrutinizer51lcuk: (qwerty's sba) how that?20:19
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DocScrutinizer51hmm prolly no simple explanation over there on why you state it works due to ALS20:21
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Chikudid zsh ported on meamo?20:23
SpeedEvillcuk: Oh yes - I forgot to mention - the above was with the n900 in the near-complete dark20:24
lcukSpeedEvil, reasonable enough20:25
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DocScrutinizer51yeah, holding your N900 with left hand, thump on upper left corner increases active time by factor 720:29
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lcuklol DocScrutinizer51 thumping on anything tends to decrease activetime20:33
DocScrutinizer51~dict thumping20:34
Chikusomone released debtest package from unknow@unknow.com20:34
DocScrutinizer51infobot: ping20:34
infobotDictionary 'thumping' (3 of 5): a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)  ;; \Thump"ing\, a. Heavy; large. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] ;; (used informally) very large; "a thumping loss" .20:35
DocScrutinizer51fast as lightning20:35
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DocScrutinizer51unk now20:37
Shapeshifterbtw. there was talk about all the pr1.2 autobuilder problems being fixed but I still get missing dependency errors for qt related stuff. E.g. here's a google latitude update, which says it's missing libqt4-core >= 4.6.220:37
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DocScrutinizer51Shapeshifter: hmm, I second that20:39
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lcukShapeshifter, it was fixed for apps that do not use new api features20:39
lcukie, the autobuilder checks the actual used methods and classes and supplies the earliest dependency which fulfills20:39
lcukthereby allowing people with 1.1 to continue to use even newly updated apps (providing they dont try to use the later funcitonality)20:40
lcukat least thats how i think it works20:41
lcukjavispedro or X-Fade or jaffa perhaps might be able to clarify20:41
omar_hey guys just went to bed left my phone idle and ran htop. noticed hildon-status menu used over a minute of my cpu. how can i determine which applet did that?20:42
omar_i have a feeling it's the missed call notification20:42
lcukomar_, using a minute of cpu might not be a bad thing20:42
lcukif your uptime is long20:42
omar_lcuk, i went to bed the other night and did same thing and didn't even see it use any cpu20:43
lcukdid it cause undesired battery drain?20:43
omar_hildon-statusmenu shows 1:26.98 and the 2nd thing on the list is xorg showing 0:20.1220:44
omar_completely idle20:44
Chikuwhich rss client/widget are your prefered ?20:44
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Shapeshifterbme_RX51 uses enourmous amount of time20:45
Shapeshifterjust as much as Xorg.20:45
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omar_Shapeshifter, yeah the other night the only 2 things that i saw using cpu while idle were  bme_RX51 and dbus_daemon20:45
DocScrutinizer51well good, so flames for jrbme won't be that hot20:46
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DocScrutinizer51probably I'll even get better than original bme20:47
CabletwitchI'm pretty sure I understood more while I was on holiday in Japan than I do in here. Its like some mystical arcane language, spoken only in riddle and rhyme.20:50
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DocScrutinizeryay, was about to start a Vogon poem. But I found you're not worthy ;-P20:54
DocScrutinizeromar_: maybe radio meter?20:56
DocScrutinizererr GSM signal applet20:56
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DocScrutinizeranyway 1 minute CPU isn't really bad20:57
DocScrutinizeror, wait. Did your battery charge?20:58
DocScrutinizer(seen the animated icon? ;-P)20:58
DocScrutinizeromar_: your battery by any chance was completely charged when you 'went to bed the other night' and it charged for hours and hours 'yesterday'?21:00
omar_DocScrutinizer nope i left my battery off charger to see battery drain21:01
DocScrutinizeraah, k21:01
DocScrutinizertoo bad, was a nice story21:01
omar_DocScrutinizer i don't have radio meter, i think it's the missed call notification that's the only thing i remmeber installing21:01
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omar_also for some reason my wifi switcher reboots my phone now21:02
omar_instead of disablingw lan21:02
DocScrutinizerfor sure you have a gsm signal strength bar21:02
DocScrutinizerat least if you got a SIM21:02
omar_lol i was thinking radio FM transmitter :)21:02
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DocScrutinizermodem sending signal-level at random, whenever the RF situation changes (I.E it omits msgs via dbus when signal didn't change), so it's rather hard to tell21:04
GAN900DocScrutinizer, should we start the "DocScrutinizer blew up his N900 and needs a prosthetic lap" fund now? :P21:04
DocScrutinizerI'd stop to worry as long as it's not more than 1 or 2 minutes CPU21:04
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DocScrutinizerGAN900: why do you think so?21:05
omar_it's more than 1.5 mins of cpu ;/21:05
omar_when everything else is less than 30 secs21:05
DocScrutinizeromar_: don't worry21:05
GAN900DocScrutinizer, because you're re-writing BME? :P21:06
DocScrutinizeras long as it's not 30 minutes21:06
DocScrutinizerGAN900: well, let's wait and see21:06
GAN900Not that we don't have complete faith in your skills. ;)21:06
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DocScrutinizerI'm really worried about BME's link to PA21:07
DocScrutinizerno idea what that's for21:07
MohammadAG_probably nothing21:08
MohammadAG_just like the case of my PC (got rid of that one)21:08
DocScrutinizergives me worries - and since today I'm an old fart who doesn't like worries21:08
* DocScrutinizer waves21:08
DocScrutinizerttyl #maemo21:09
JaffaShapeshifter: If you're using Qt, you're a bit screwed at the moment. You could try using qt4-maemo5 packages (what qt4-experimental used to be called) with a version constraint21:09
CabletwitchDamnit, everytime I see Qt, I think "Why would anyone try to program stuff in Quicktime?"21:10
ShapeshifterJaffa: mhh21:10
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lcukThe following errors occurred with your submission21:11
lcuk         1. This forum requires that you wait 30 seconds between posts. Please try again in 13 seconds.21:11
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fralsstop spamming the forum lcuk!21:12
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lcukfrals occasionally caught by such things21:12
lcukhow are you on this sunnyday21:12
timelessgan900/jaffa: how are birthday events supposed to work w/ the n900?21:12
fralscompletely knackered, suspect sleeping 16hrs was a bad idea21:13
alteregofrals: I hate over sleeping :(21:13
alteregoTend to do it a lot with hangovers :S21:13
fralshadnt even been out, guess thats what was wrong :P21:14
DocScrutinizerconnect(3, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path="/tmp/.bmesrv"}, 110) = 021:14
DocScrutinizerwritev(3, [{"SYNC\10\0\0\0", 8}, {"BMentity", 8}], 2) = 1621:14
DocScrutinizerrecv(3, "SYNC\1\0\0\0", 8, MSG_DONTWAIT) = 821:15
DocScrutinizerwritev(3, [{"SYNC\4\0\0\0", 8}, {"\0\200\0\0", 4}], 2) = 1221:15
DocScrutinizerrecv(3, "\0\0\0\0", 4, MSG_DONTWAIT)    = 421:15
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DocScrutinizerI guess that's what you called bulk messages?21:16
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b-man|laptopman, that's messy!21:17
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fralslcuk: liqbubbles was pretty cool!21:17
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: not entirely21:18
lcuktis just first little bits to test21:18
lcukthe bubbles should fill with stuff if i can get it fast enough21:18
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GAN900timeless, I don' use the calendar.21:20
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timelesswise decision21:21
timelessI guess that calculating birthdays is hard work?21:24
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alteregoContemplting looking at Android and iPhone SDK's21:24
alteregoKnow thy enemy and all that.21:24
GAN900alterego's going to own one of each tomorrow.21:25
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alteregoI don't even properly own an N900 :P21:25
alteregoI managed to get work to fork the cash out for me.21:26
alteregoI'm thinking of quiting my job, so not really :(21:27
jacekowskialterego: how?21:27
jacekowskiif they would give me n900 i would probably stay21:28
alteregoI showed them a demo of a minimal CCTV control client I wrote.21:28
alteregoHad it working on Series 60 and the N90021:28
alteregoas well as win32 builds and linux build on my ubuntu laptop21:28
alteregoI said, buy me this phone, and I can work on it properly :)21:29
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mecehey. How's it going? What's new?21:31
Jaffatimeless: "work"?21:33
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Jaffatimeless: You put a contact's birthday in their VCard and it shows up in the pink "Birthday" calendar with a little cake icon21:33
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timelessjaffa: mine's suffering from an off by own error?21:33
timelesssee pictures21:34
JaffaAh, yes.21:34
JaffaI'd seen an off by one error21:34
JaffaBut not anything specific21:34
JaffaSomeone blamed Hermes, but it was acting correctly. I wondered if it was TZ-related21:34
lcukjaffa - 10 day testing.  if the devepoer came up with a specific set of functionality and feature tests that the squad can run over as well as indicating the areas fixed on this run through, getting answers to those tests should in theory allow an app to be tested based on passing proper tests to completion rather than just 10 days time?21:34
Jaffalcuk: But you know it's always what the developer didn't intend to change which is always the thing which catches you out21:35
lcukof course - regression testing etc21:35
lcukthats where the same original tests continue21:35
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lcukwhen you first release app it goes through everthing, no shortcuts21:35
lcukbut having a list of things to test makes it proactive for the testers21:36
lcukand the dev knows thosethings21:36
lcukif you fix a bug, your new test to be added to the hermes tests should be to check functionality around that change21:36
timelessi'm favoring leap years21:36
Jaffatimeless: For the original birth year?21:37
lcukobviously if you as a developer dont supply test cases, the test squad have no idea what to check for21:37
lcukand 10days passes by and it gets in anyway untested21:37
lcukyou want your users to check specific paths21:37
JaffaGiven the scarcity of testers, although a bit of a pain the "10 day" rule seems generally sensible. Although, it'd be useful to look at some metrics for how long it takes for something's votes to level off21:38
lcukthe 10 day start is ok for new apps21:38
lcuki have no qualm there21:38
timelessjaffa: the original year is 83 and is ok21:39
timeless84 is bad21:39
lcukbut an extra 10days for a 1 line patch21:39
lcukwhere you could spend 15minutes writing a test case21:39
lcukto properly request checking of the element you changed21:39
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lcukjaffa im just trying to think a way round it to ensure patches are both tested properly and to try and find a way to engage both sides21:41
Jaffalcuk: Indeed; but developer-written test plans are the worst I ever see. For the "this bug is inconvenient, but I'd like to get it fixed" I'm still quite keen on the parallel testing; if the earlier version is past the tipping point and the developer wants it.21:42
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lcukjaffa, then someone with experience in writing test cases should be on the testing squad and liasing with developers21:43
lcukwe all submit patches and facepalm afterwards when the patch is wrong21:44
Jaffalcuk: interesting idea.21:44
* Jaffa ponders a community testmaster role.21:44
DocScrutinizerlcuk: Jaffa: there's no other way than peer review. Another developer has to scrutinize the patch and estimate the possible side effects. Neither the original devel nor a QA team can do this21:44
lcukDocScrutinizer, of course21:45
JaffaStskeeps: Something like that.21:45
lcukbut at the moment the testing squad have no way of knowing how to test random app X21:45
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lcukand its a bit of a shambles21:45
jacekowskianybody here is playing starcraft 2?21:45
JaffaStskeeps: Could fit in with lbt's community repo plan too21:45
lcukthe dev usually has to step in anyway and help21:45
StskeepsJaffa: well, i guess there should still be a budget available after june since jeremiah's leaving21:45
Stskeeps(but what do i know)21:45
Jaffalcuk: "usually"? I've not seen any evidence of that.21:45
JaffaStskeeps: That's what I was thinking :)21:45
lcukjaffa sit in on the testing sessions and see how it goes21:46
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Jaffalcuk: The advantage of the current approach is that it really forces the developer to think about what's best for their users. For example, with fMMS frals seems to have decided that the crashing bug in 1.0.2 *was* serious enough to reset the count.21:47
lcukin other places im pushing more and more for getting the developers to help guide testcases and tobe proactive in championing hteir patches21:47
timelessajaffa: have you seen testrunner?21:47
Jaffatimeless: Not in depth, no.21:47
lcukfor half the testing, its failing on the stuff lint could cure21:47
lcukhrw has mentioned often we could really do with it21:48
timelessit probably makes sense for testers to document what things they test and how21:48
lcukhalf of the things tested can be automated and block entry to -tesitng anyway21:48
timelessso future testers of newer versions can test the same things21:48
lcuktimeless, yes21:48
lcukbut that document starts with the dev21:48
timelessto ensure that basic functionality doesn't regress21:48
lcukhe is the one who knows the app better than most21:48
Jaffalcuk: jeremiah was working on it. Which rules are you thinking of?21:48
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lcukjaffa the silly things, bugtrackers and optification etc21:49
timelesscuk: oddly, i don't think so21:49
lcuktimeless, when there is just one person making an app it has to start somewhere21:49
timelessan app is interesting according to how it's used by real users21:49
lcuktester has to pickup app and make it work21:49
lbteh, what21:49
Jaffalcuk: Bugtracker is flagged by /packages/; optification isn't a hard & fast rule (but we're about to turn the default from 'none' to 'auto')21:49
lcuktimeless, first time to -testing there may be no real users21:50
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* timeless nods21:50
timelessimo an app shouldn't leave testing until a real user defines something useful/usable in an app21:51
* lbt reads backlog.... but mentions our nokia internal build team is working to release test framework stuff around obs etc etc21:51
korhojoaI could make a fart app21:51
lcuktimeless, nahh apps dont have to be useful21:51
lcukjust stable21:51
* timeless wouldn't promote that21:51
korhojoaThat should be usable, right?21:51
lcuktheres already a fart app in development21:51
korhojoashake phone, play fart sound.21:51
timelesslcuk: well you warrant what you test21:51
korhojoalcuk: o rly21:52
DocScrutinizera devel always tends to make assumptions about how his app is used. They usually are biased/wrong21:52
lcukof course21:52
timelessif you can't figure out how to make the app work21:52
lcukbut thats a better place to start than nothing21:52
DocScrutinizerso dvel defining the test suite is nonsense21:52
timelessyou can't warrant that it does21:52
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lcukbesides, better to keep the tests for the app with the app source somewhere21:52
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lcuklike the rest of the documentation21:53
timelessnot really21:53
timelessdocumentation that people can''t find and won't read is usewless21:53
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lbtJaffa: have you done MWN yet?21:53
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timelessif it isn't something a user/tester can easily find and amend, it isn't useful21:53
lcukit should be brought onto the -testing page tho21:54
lcuklike debian changelog21:54
Jaffalbt: doing it now21:54
SpeedEvilA central place for all docs would be great.21:54
lbtand you have seen the OBS info on planet... I don't know when we last spoke :)21:54
timelessrequiring people to use VCSs to access dos isn't ok21:55
timelessnor is requiring them to install them21:55
lbtJaffa: also, I've put a lot of effort into :
lcuktimeless, the people are testing against a specific version of the package21:55
lcukthe webui for voting should have access to everything needed21:55
lcuknice view of the changelog21:55
Jaffalbt: it's looking good.21:55
lcukthe testcases historical and new21:55
lbtand, I was *hoping* to have conman built tonight :)21:56
lbtbut I need to make optification work on the OBS...21:56
lbt"mount: special device /home/opt does not exist"21:56
lcukanyway, just opening thoughts i have about testing - obviously more discusison is required21:56
lbtthat's building json-lib21:56
Jaffalbt: cool21:56
Stskeepslbt: ah yes, base-files21:56
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lbtwaddaya mean "ah yes" .... :)21:57
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Stskeepslbt: there's a mount --bind in there or something21:57
lbtjust FYI on how I'm doing it so far21:57
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* Stskeeps is peeved with a xomap build error he can't track down.21:58
lbtall moved to too21:58
lcukStskeeps, when was jeremiah decision made? is there a writeup anywhere?21:59
lbtStskeeps: point me to the build log so I can take a look21:59
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Stskeepslcuk: which decision? i only found out because he told it on mailing list or something21:59
lbtlcuk: he decided pre-xmas iirc21:59
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Jaffalcuk: it made an MWKN issue ;-)22:01
* lcuk mustv been washing the pots of something22:01
lcukk ta22:03
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* timeless_mbp sighs22:05
* timeless_mbp read that as 'washington post'22:05
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lcuklol timeless_mbp22:06
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MohammadAG_DocScrutinizer, ping22:09
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pupnikthanks for the fish Jaffa22:12
Jaffapupnik: So long?22:13
timeless_mbplcuk: you can see where my mind is :(22:14
lcuki caught a glimpse but tbh timeless_mbp it scared me22:15
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* thresh waves22:17
RST38hmoo thresh22:17
threshi was wondering if anyone set up an tftp server on n90022:18
threshi need to install debian on my eeepc and i dont have any other devices to run tftp on or usb flash drives to boot from =)22:19
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Stskeepsshould be possible, but i'd watch out for PSM22:19
johnsqthresh: you can use the n900 as usb drive?22:19
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Stskeepsor that22:19
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BCMMnot sure if you could make it bootable without a fair bit of hacking22:20
threshjohnsq: yes, but I don't have any microSD cards22:20
threshthat, too22:20
ManoftheSeaHey guys.22:21
BCMMdoes it look like a partition USB MSC device, or a partition-fills-disk one?22:21
BCMMif it were the latter, i imagine any attempt to make it bootable would mess up MyDocs22:22
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ManoftheSeaI'm trying to understand this connectivity architecture, and wondered if anyone could give help.22:25
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ManoftheSeaI understand how the Wifi interface works (n900, if it matters)22:25
ManoftheSeaBut the cell data confuses me.22:25
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ManoftheSeaIt's saying something about using Bluetooth DUN.22:25
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ManoftheSeaIn the N900, then, the data connection is made by external hardware and it just sends/receives by bluetooth?22:26
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zokierwhats saying so?22:26
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ManoftheSeadoes this not apply to the n900?22:26
Stskeepsthink you're looking at some quite old documentation22:27
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DocScrutinizer51also IP address??22:28
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ManoftheSeaYeah, I'm not sure either.22:28
ManoftheSeaI started at maemo.org22:28
ManoftheSeaand started reading.22:28
DocScrutinizer51ManoftheSea: I gatheryou don't own a N90022:29
ManoftheSeaIt is not mine.22:29
ManoftheSeaI do have one.22:29
DocScrutinizer51because connecting to GSM is easy as milk on the N90022:30
ManoftheSeaoh yes, from the user perspective.22:30
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ManoftheSeaI'm trying to understand how it treats it on the internal.22:30
Stskeepsunder SDK -> API -> C api -> Connectivty22:30
ManoftheSeaoh hey, this is more like documentation I'm used to.22:31
ManoftheSeaHas anyone thrown around the idea of using the FM transmitter and receiver to network two n900s?22:32
ManoftheSeaoh wait...  FM transmitter is analog, right?22:32
Kegetyseasier to just use wlan or bluetooth22:32
DocScrutinizer51hooraz Stskeeps this page is fubar on N90022:32
ManoftheSeableh, I'm not writing a modem.22:32
ManoftheSeaKegetys: easier, yes.  I'm interested in interesting.22:33
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ManoftheSeabut also, can't send and receive at the same time.22:33
pupniklets get more fun cell radio info onscreen22:33
lcukbinary to speech to radio to wav to speech recognition to binary22:33
ds3there is a basic modem in the linux kernel tree or at least at one point22:33
DocScrutinizer51FM TX has a range of <5m22:33
MohammadAG_Stskeeps, does Mer keep all drivers from Ubuntu?22:33
lcukdoes radio rc have signal strength indicator?22:34
pupnikManoftheSea: the idea is clever, since i had it too22:34
ManoftheSeaDocScrutinizer51: oh, I don't believe it has ANY advantage over wlan or bt22:34
ManoftheSeaexcept "check this thing out"22:35
StskeepsMohammadAG_: modules? no22:35
Stskeepsno, same kernel22:35
lcukdid bman use the normal kernel for his ubuntu/f12 stuff?22:36
lcukor did he change it to the stock one22:36
lcukerrr normal maemo vs proper for the distro22:37
Stskeepsprobably same kernel22:37
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b-man|laptopi used the default maemo kernel. yes22:38
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ManoftheSeaIs there something that tells what all these daemons do?22:39
b-man|laptopi don't think it really matters which kernel you use with fedora :P22:39
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ManoftheSeaLike, I sorta know what d-bus is.22:39
ManoftheSeaBut osso?22:39
Robot101osso is what the maemo department used to be called22:41
korhojoawhat is osso. that's what i've been trying to figure out22:41
Robot101open source software operations22:41
Robot101so libosso is osso's library, that's all :P22:41
ManoftheSeaanyway, gotta part.  Will be back later.22:41
* ManoftheSea stays connected.22:41
lbtOK, who's not +1'ed my OBS post on
Robot101you can tell it's old because of the name, and it's full of total insanity22:42
Robot101like connecting twice to d-bus and taking a name on both session and system buses? why? we just don't know22:42
* GAN900 wonders why is in Chinese.22:43
StskeepsRobot101: one bet would be mce communications22:44
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pupniktravelling on train in finland today, N97 mini kept a connection while N900 lost it 25 times22:47
Stskeepsadjust gprs timeout22:47
Stskeepsit does wonders22:47
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pupnikhmm ty Stskeeps - where?22:48
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Stskeepsthere's a gconf setting for it.. i mentioned it somewhere in the logs22:48
pupniki am looking also22:49
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Robot101Stskeeps: you don't need a name to do communications though22:50
Stskeepspupnik: /system/osso/connectivity/network_type/GPRS/gprs_no_coverage_timeout22:51
Stskeepsi upped it to 10 minutes, does wonders in polish metros22:51
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b-man|laptopgah, i wish Nokia provided the source rpm's for meego's n900-specific open source packages - i wouldn't have to mess around with grabbing a bunch source package from the fremantle repo and create .spec files from scratch for all of those packages22:58
b-man|laptopbut i guess it's good practice :)22:58
BCMM_is there a manual/help page for Evince for maemo?22:59
Stskeepsb-man|laptop: hmm?22:59
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Stskeepsb-man|laptop: they should be open source22:59
BCMM_especially keybindings22:59
Stskeepshang on22:59
Stskeepsb-man|laptop: you're right, they're not there23:00
Stskeepsthat's a mistake23:00
b-man|laptopStskeeps: it's a good thing i pointed that out then :)23:00
b-man|laptopi thought that was quite strange xD23:00
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Stskeepsb-man|laptop: could you file a bug for it?23:06
Stskeepson meego.com23:06
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b-man|laptopStskeeps: sure :)23:08
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ManoftheSeaok, back with more questions.23:13
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ManoftheSeaLike: Does the cell device/driver/hardware let me see how loud my phone is?23:14
SpeedEvilStskeeps: what does that do?23:14
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ManoftheSeathe quality of my connection?  Cell specific details?23:14
SpeedEvilStskeeps: (osso-con)23:14
SpeedEvilManoftheSea: some of it23:14
SpeedEvilManoftheSea: dbus --system23:15
StskeepsSpeedEvil: it increases how sensitive the stack is to timeouts, ie, i can set so my gprs connection doesn't time out if it is out of coverage for 10 minutes23:15
Stskeepsthe current one is like 1-2 minutes i think23:15
SpeedEvilManoftheSea: dbus-monitor --system23:15
SpeedEvilStskeeps: So the IP doesn't change for you?23:15
StskeepsSpeedEvil: right23:15
SpeedEvilStskeeps: Nice.23:16
SpeedEvilStskeeps: I wish there was more fine grained policy.23:16
StskeepsSpeedEvil: it isn't foolproof but it helps things a lot23:16
Stskeepsie, i can roll into a station and it picks up where my ssh left off23:16
Stskeepswhich was impossible before :)23:16
lbtStskeeps: is base-files open? on gitorious23:17
Stskeepslbt: should be23:17
Stskeepsnot sure if it's on gitorious23:17
Stskeeps , link doesnt work btw23:17
lbtOK, I'll keep looking23:17
SpeedEvilStskeeps: For example, my DSL dies often at around midnight. Ideally I'd like to say 'never roam onto wlan if it's between 10PM and 2AM, and the user has gone to another connection'.23:18
lbtdamn, works here..23:18
pupniknice applet idea SpeedEvil23:18
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Stskeepslbt: as in, the link inside your post23:18
SpeedEvilStskeeps: Though 'never roam onto if user has specified another info connection'23:18
adalalhey, any reason why titan's kernel would have teh 125 mhz disabled?23:18
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lbtyes... it doesn't work for you?23:19
ManoftheSeaIs there an explanation of this struct?23:19
SpeedEviladalal: Many people have found 125m unstable23:19
StskeepsStskeeps, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:23:19
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lbtI see... I posted it via email integration... not surprising no-one uses it then23:19
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Stskeeps(and no, i didn't go out and call the admins of tmo idiots..)23:20
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BCMM_any idea how to escape from fullscreen in Evince?23:22
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lbtthat should fix it Stskeeps23:25
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DocScrutinizer51wow, seamless 2_->3G handover23:26
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pupnikBCMM_: ctrl-backspace?23:27
* lbt reboots N900 to see if he can use wifi23:28
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: tweakr should learn to handle much broader 'profiles'23:30
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SpeedEvilideally, yes.23:30
ManoftheSealike different ringtones?23:30
DocScrutinizer51kinda like policyfmanager23:30
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opdf2I wanted to edit a python script in hildon-desktop. Is it safe to just upload the edited script wireless sftp while n900 is running?23:31
infobotDocScrutinizer51 meant: kinda like policy-manager23:31
SpeedEvilBut getting to there is hard, given all of the closed stuff.23:31
DocScrutinizer51opdf2: what should happen?23:31
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: acdk, plus all the missing docs for the closed stuff23:32
SpeedEvilThat too.23:32
SpeedEvilIt's damn frustrating.23:32
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* DocScrutinizer51 seems to remember something called dwimd23:33
SpeedEvilIn some ways this feels like openmoko-sw again. Though this time it's the closed bits, not the kernel that's broken.23:33
lbtsounds perl-ish DocScrutinizer5123:33
DocScrutinizer51dwimd? nah a python app23:34
SpeedEvil(and of course - the change in toolkits)23:34
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DocScrutinizer51yep :-S23:34
SpeedEvilimport mindreading23:35
DocScrutinizer51but this time nobody will ever blame me or my company :-P23:35
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: you got no idea how bored to death I feel on all the 'ohnoes they move to qt - they avandoned us' whining23:37
DocScrutinizer51so much for switch of default toolkit23:37
SpeedEvilyes - this time it was fairly well signposted - reasonable amount of notice.23:37
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: you scutinized the diff egoshin posted?23:39
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DocScrutinizer51I wonder what that locked-regs story is all about23:41
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: no23:42
ManoftheSeaon that topic...  I'm looking at a helloworld that's talking about gtk23:43
ManoftheSeaQT would be a replacement for that?23:43
ManoftheSeabut they both do about the same thing?23:43
SpeedEvilThough gtk apps will also work as I understand it.23:43
SpeedEvilBasically, yes.23:43
ManoftheSeaAnd they can both create apps that work on n900?23:43
ManoftheSeathank you23:43
SpeedEvilHowever - GTK apps wil have a much larger RAM footprint after the change23:43
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ManoftheSeaI think I understand that.23:44
DocScrutinizer51and probably more fun23:44
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ManoftheSeawe're moving from gnome to KDE?23:45
ManoftheSeaReady for noob questions?23:45
ManoftheSeaIf maemo 5 is based off debian, can I apt-get debian command line tools?23:45
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* DocScrutinizer51 wonders if there are chances for a gtk->Qt compatibility layer lib. So 'porting' gtk apps would become a snap23:46
* SpeedEvil wondered that a couple of days ago23:47
DocScrutinizer51ManoftheSea: depends. sometimes might work23:48
JaffaDocScrutinizer51: What'd be the point? Just install Gtk ;-)23:48
SpeedEvilJaffa: The point is that libraries cost memory.23:48
DocScrutinizer51Jaffa: systray23:48
ManoftheSeawhen is the switch to qt?23:50
SpeedEvilJaffa: For example - a quick look seems like a GTK program has a footprint of ~6M - with all the gtk libs.23:52
Robot101ManoftheSea: it's not KDE, it's Qt... there's a difference23:52
ManoftheSeaRobot101: I don't know the difference.23:53
SpeedEvilJaffa: (the second GTK program of course halves this, ...)23:53
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ManoftheSeaI thought gtk->qt was similar to gnome->KDE23:53
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Robot101ManoftheSea: yeah, but maemo was never gnome, it was just another user of gtk23:53
SpeedEvilManoftheSea: It's more like termcap -> ncurses23:53
Robot101ManoftheSea: it has some parts of gnome in it, and even some are staying with moving to qt, but nothing much from kde is being used23:53
JaffaSpeedEvil: I think it's reasonable to expect, though, that many users of Harmattan devices will have both in memory most of the time and beyond that timescale the number of Gtk apps will (hopefully) be dwarfed by Qt ones.23:55
ManoftheSeaok, sorry.23:55
JaffaAnyway, bedtime.23:55
JaffaIt's an interesting idea, of course.23:55
ManoftheSeabut the qt libraries are or aren't in fremantle?23:56
DocScrutinizer51yes they are (aiui)23:57
opdf2i wanna do wireless sync for my n900 through sftp. Is it recommended to login with "user" instead of "root" for MyDocs access?23:57
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timeless_mbpRobot101: well, is KOffice part of KDE?23:59
timeless_mbpbecause some portion of KOffice is coming :)23:59
timeless_mbpopdf2: use an ssh key23:59
timeless_mbpand don't use root23:59
Robot101oh, yes that's true - had forgotten about that. that's cool :)23:59
DocScrutinizer51probably such a compatibility lib should have some nagging built in (or get a 30day quarantine penalty) so devels move to qt eventually23:59

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