IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2010-04-05

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jogaah, now I got the display back00:01
jogait still says extracting though, I guess it'll take its time, it's been installing for 50minutes or so now00:02
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jogaweird though that I have a 1-hour lock delay and now it's locked..00:03
jogaah well, now it's done :) it was just busy then00:04
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jogait shows the call I made to it to have happened at 00:01 while I actually made that at 23:44 :)00:06
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ppriyankhi all00:07
ppriyankgot a quick question regarding my n900!00:07
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ppriyankcan anyone hlep?00:07
jogajust ask00:07
ppriyanki was readin the fm transmitter MOD thread over at talk.maemo.org00:07
ppriyankand it says that i can change the frequency to 87.500:08
MohammadAGtheoritically you can, practically (atm) you can't00:08
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ppriyanki followed all the steps, and when i try to change the frequency to 87.7 (that's the lowest on my 2003 corolla), i can't, the lowest is still 88.100:08
MohammadAGumm sec00:09
ppriyankok thanks!00:09
luke-jrI think my battery problem is just Nokia's BME crap malfunctioning -.-00:09
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ppriyankanyone else try to mod the fm-transmitter on their n900?00:11
luke-jrRemaining standby time to battery low (mins):   1496400:11
luke-jrwhy does BME force a shutdown when it has so much time??00:11
ppriyankas it is right now, its really bad audio output (even with the boost enabled at 118)00:11
luke-jrInstantaneous battery voltage (mV):     394800:11
ppriyank(i'm in new york, and most of the stations are occupid), hence i'm trying to enable 87.5+ frequencies, so i can use it at lower frequency for better audio quality (without static)00:12
pupniksuggest modding the car to accept headphone jack00:12
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ppriyanki thought about that, but my car is pretty old, and don't wanna spend more money on for a new stereo00:13
ppriyank(i'm a broke ass studen)00:13
phellarvHa - My N900@900 did not like smartreflex00:13
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SpeedEvilppriyank: proctologist?00:15
pupniki wish hilighting text in browser worked00:15
JZAhi i got an issue with my n90000:15
JZAafter update the cammera app is not working00:15
SpeedEvilluke-jr: with an old battery, it's probably actually real instantaneous low00:16
SpeedEvilJZA: have you fiddled with the filesystem?00:16
JZAit crashes as soon as i start it00:16
SpeedEvilpupnik: it does?00:16
SpeedEvilpupnik: select the arrow thingy00:16
pupnikyeah then i drag opver text and the webpage moves00:16
ppriyankSpeedEvil: no a chiropractor (still got few months before i graduate)00:16
JZAspeedevil: well yes i free up the rootfs00:16
pupnikthe arrow is active and tapped with red stripe00:17
SpeedEvilJZA: camera does not work with non-vfat mydocs - if that's what you did00:17
JZAfollowing the tutorial00:17
luke-jrSpeedEvil: hm?00:17
JZAok no i didnt change the partition filesystme00:17
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ShadowJKThe battery meter in N8x0 doesn't cope with old batteries00:18
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VladNistori tried freed up space on the rootfs today by moving microb-engine to /opt and symlinked... now even after i moved it back it doesn't start :)00:18
luke-jrShadowJK: Instantaneous battery voltage (mV):     394800:18
ppriyankok thanks for all the input. i guess nobody besides me tried to mod the fm transmitter on their N900 :(00:18
VladNistorwould i be able to apt-get remove (with whatever it reases with that) and then install it back?00:18
ppriyanki guess i'll just wait for somebody to respond on the thread00:19
ppriyankthanks for all the help though :)00:19
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ShadowJKluke-jr, but if it really only lasts 15 minutes I'm surprised bme doesn't abort() trying to charge it :)00:19
luke-jrShadowJK: it lasts 0 seconds now00:19
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ShadowJKoh, shuts down when you remove charger?00:20
ShadowJKWhen on charge and battery full condition is reached, BME resets its capacity counter to that of a fully charged fresh battery, and its time estimates are based on that00:20
ShadowJKso they're only ever vaguely relevant for a brand new battery :)00:21
JZAhow can i check the partitions again i got mpartition but cant remember the flags00:21
VladNistorwhat i mean is weather the microb is in the nokia repositories to be able to reinstall it, and weather you guyz know :)00:21
ShadowJKluke-jr, is it on charger now?00:22
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* luke-jr plugs it in00:22
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ShadowJKSW PWM, open switch voltage, closed switch voltage00:23
luke-jrwould <1s shorts hurt it?00:23
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luke-jrthink Nokia wants to replace my battery because they uh "forced" me to damage it? <.<00:24
Stskeepsyou probably voided your warranty with your public statement of hacking the serial ports00:24
luke-jrby making the serial totally inaccessible00:24
ShadowJKThe original battery that came with my N810 is unusable :)00:24
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luke-jrStskeeps: can't void your warranty unless you actually damage it <.<00:25
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luke-jrwhich I did, but not by hacking the serial ports00:25
ShadowJKthe battery has only 6months warranty anyway00:25
luke-jrso what battery do I want to get?00:25
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luke-jris there one that lasts longer and works in devices other than N810? <.<00:25
ShadowJKAny battery would last longer than your current, I think :)00:26
luke-jrI mean longer than default00:26
ShadowJKWell there's the mugen double-thickness one :)00:27
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luke-jrShadowJK: does it fit sanely?00:28
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ShadowJKit comes with a new plastic back cover00:29
ShadowJKthat makes the N810 thicker on the part covered by the battery cover00:29
luke-jrso like the C76000:29
luke-jrwonder why those don't just use the entire surface for battery00:29
luke-jrrather than the tiny rect used by the normal one00:30
ShadowJKadds cost and complexity00:30
DocScrutinizerand while it's reasonably safe to parallel two identical cells, it's absolutely nogo for different make or brand cells00:33
DocScrutinizerand playdo cells to fit the formfactor of a small brick and a large brick back to back, that's yet to invent00:35
Tu13esi just found my n800 and gf's n77000:35
Tu13esi haven't used either of them in about two years00:35
Tu13esanything new that i can do wit hthem or should i toss em back in the closet?00:36
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luke-jrany idea how this full-SD upgrade works?00:36
SpeedEvilTu13es: ebay!00:37
Tu13esyeah, i should get around to that00:37
Tu13esi can't run anything newer than os2008 right?00:37
Stskeepssome people are starting work on a n8x0 hardware adaptation for meego00:38
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Tu13esdid Mer ever go anywhere?00:39
Stskeepsand the community ssu work is active00:40
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fernando_so uh, say, would battery-status from work on an N900?00:42
fernando_guessing not00:42
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luke-jrwonder if there's any way to use AAAs with N810? :P00:45
brikgetting desperate? :P00:47
luke-jrwell, I need to get AAs anyway00:47
b-man17i wonder how many people are going to fry their devices people seem to be trying more and more to push their N900's clock speed past 1Ghz LOL00:47
fernando_ hahaha00:48
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derflcuk: You mean like ?00:49
luke-jr$3.50 a good price for BP-4L new?00:50
b-man17"They propably can just sell the los alamos and buy your phone...." LOL00:50
ShadowJKluke-jr, afaiui there's a flat ribbon cable going to a fullsize SD slot that gets screwed onto the device next to the battery, and then you either need his new battery cover so that the stuff fits, or the mugen battery cover00:50
ShadowJKluke-jr, yes00:50
ShadowJKluke-jr, genuine nokias are about $20-$35 :P00:50
derfErr, I meant that for luke-jr, not lcuk.00:50
luke-jrShadowJK: ah, so the ribbon goes into the miniSD port?00:51
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luke-jrShadowJK: you mean this might be counterfeit? :|00:51
ShadowJKluke-jr, lol00:51
GeneralAntillesb-man17, I bet there'll be a slew of complaints in about 6 months.00:51
b-man17indeed xD00:51
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, the question is whether it's worth it :)00:51
ShadowJKand if you can still buy N900 in 6-18 months of if all you can get is stupid capacitive by then :(00:52
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, :(((00:52
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, that makes me sad everytime I think about it.00:52
GeneralAntillesI can't believe how stupid Nokia is00:52
GeneralAntillesWell, I can, but I can't believe I'll have to end my relationship with their products after 10 years.00:52
b-man17isn't Nokia investigating captive-resistive?00:52
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GeneralAntillesb-man17, Stantum is multitouch resistive00:53
GeneralAntillesbut they don't seem interested in actually using it in a product.00:53
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luke-jrShadowJK: PM?00:54
GeneralAntillesMan, makes me so sad.00:54
GeneralAntilles800x480 with capacitive is going to suck so much00:54
GeneralAntillesbasically means they're either going to be completely stupifying the Harmattan UI or it's just going to be unusable.00:54
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luke-jrShadowJK: that's seriously a counterfeit?00:55
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b-man17GeneralAntilles: it's a good thing we have MeeGo ;)00:56
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GeneralAntillesb-man17, meh.00:57
GeneralAntillesb-man17, MeeGo's not going to be as big of an answer as you think.00:57
GeneralAntillesIt doesn't get you any of Nokia's differentiation crap00:57
GeneralAntillesWhich, despite being crap, actually makes for a usable experience.00:57
MohammadAGa year from now, apple will make something new and all companies will switch to it, of course, it will be crap but hey it's apple00:57
MohammadAGnot going to start apple-nokia wars, ignore my statement00:58
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* b-man17 wants to work for Google xD00:58
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b-man17hello, matokizo01:00
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wazdOMG :D01:00
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wazd0:25 - russian guy pwnz iPad dramatically :D01:02
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luke-jrcan counterfeit batteries damage my N810? :|01:04
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massoudnobody is sharing 3g connexion from n900 to usb connected laptop ?01:05
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MohammadAG_.query ppriyank_01:11
ppriyank_no luck?01:11
Treibholzmassoud: works fine via bluetooth01:11
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massoudTreibholz: how ?01:12
massoudwith a linux laptop ?01:12
Treibholzmassoud: you need to install the profile01:12
Treibholzapt-cache search tethering01:13
Treibholzthere you'l find it01:13
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Treibholzand then you may use it just like any other phone as umts modem01:14
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massoudTreibholz: and for usb how would you do ?01:16
lcukmassoud, didnt i already tell you this was entirely possible earlier?  which os are you struggling with on your laptop?01:17
Treibholzmassoud: don't know...01:18
massoudlcuk : i am missing sthing cause my n900 doesn t appears like a modem for my debian off the shelf01:19
massoudsorry it s not out of the box working01:20
massoudand iptables doesn t support nat with maemo 501:20
lcukok, from the device point of view, lets assume that just switching it to pc suite mode sets up that side of it01:21
lcukthat means that the ubuntu connection manager does all the work01:21
lcukso thats the bit you are missing on your debian01:21
lcukis there any way i can print this information for you (or try to) whilst i keep a connection01:22
lcukto try and diagnose what you need to do in debian?01:22
massoudwhich ubuntu package is handling that connexion ?01:22
lcuki dunno, it comes up in the normal connection applet when i plug in device01:22
lcukill grab phone now, just a min01:23
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V13j #maemo-devel01:23
luke-jrbefore I buy another battery, maybe I should consider discarding the N81001:23
luke-jrsince the AC adapter seems to bend fairly easy01:23
V13is PR1.2 out01:25
* V13 ducks01:25
luke-jrthey skipped to PR1.301:25
luke-jrit was released ~40 mins ago01:25
luke-jrthe dl is quite bogged down tho01:25
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luke-jrprobably won't be able to get it for a while realisticly01:25
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anotnaci've come to the conclusion that if DR Who was real he would use a N90001:27
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BCMMbecause of generally doing everything?01:29
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V13anotnac: that's deep thought. on drugs? :-P01:29
BCMMi do get the feeling that in fiction it would tend to look like a convenient plot device01:29
BCMMi mean, why exactly can it control car radios?01:30
V13why not ?01:30
anotnackinda, i was watching DR Who on iplayer via n900 whilst on drugs when it hit me01:30
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trumeeis there any dictionary for N900?01:31
haltdefn900 choked on iplayer for me01:31
trumeerather i need a spellcheck in email and browser01:31
haltdefmight have been the HD version, didn't try that hard :P01:32
anotnaci was using bigscreen version made for wii i believe01:32
lcukok massoud, its in a section called mobile broadband on the profiles list, and its on usb001:32
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BCMMdoes it have a BBC-approved DRMed iplayer, or does one use get_iplayer?01:35
anotnaci was streaming using this link
V13ffs... the builder imported an older version of my package... now I'll have to wait half an hour... this is the worst waiting thing in packaging.01:40
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lcukv13 :)01:42
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lcuki guess this is how really old developers used to feel running mainframes01:42
lcukcommiting batch jobs and waiting for their app to run01:43
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V13well... yes...01:43
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lcukwaiting whilst the pile of cards was processed and you hope you ordered them correctly :p01:43
V13except that I *must* be there/online to press "promote package" when this thing happens... if I could schedule it then it would be ok.01:43
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lcuki have been in your sitatuation before now01:44
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V13those 30 minutes last about 5 hours...01:44
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lcuksmetimes longer if theres other human intervention along the way01:46
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V13in the meantime, you're all invited to download tecnoballz. the imported version (0.92-3) is exactly the same as the not-yet-imported versions (0.92-4). The latter only has a better description and as soon as it is imported I'll promote it to extras-testing.01:52
V13The link is here:
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anotnacnice i will try it out i like arknoid type games01:56
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V13it's arcanoid on steroids..01:58
anotnacjust installed gonna give it a spin01:59
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anotnacwow gameplay is fast smashing and dropping items02:00
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anotnacwow what was them circle things i collected shooting millions of balls and demolished everything]02:02
V13hehehe :)02:02
V13it does it some times :)02:02
V13as i said... arcanoid on steroids :)02:02
V13note: it is not my creation. i just packaged it for n900.02:03
V13it seems to be an old game. very nice though!02:03
anotnacmore like arcanoid on acid i'd say02:04
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anotnacnice game will kill some time with that02:10
V13wait until you reach level 5 :)02:10
anotnaci got to 4 or 5 and died lol02:11
anotnaci'm addicted to taking my n900 to the bathrooom with me i forget why i'm there and sit there an hour playing games or doing customisation mods lol02:12
anotnacthis will be a game for there too lol02:12
jacekowskii take my laptop and n900 with me02:12
V13lol.. this is really funny02:13
lcukim gonna install a twitter client on my toilet02:13
V13it sounds ridiculous...02:13
V13but the worst thing is that i do it too :)02:13
lcuk"user sat down, 15stone 4oz"02:13
jacekowskiV13: it's modern version of newspaper02:13
lcuk"user standing, 14stone 8oz"02:13
V13lcuk: nailed it :)02:13
anotnacomg that would make the press lcuk02:13
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lcuknahhh, its a crap story02:14
SpeedEvillcuk: - has a RSS feed02:14
anotnacthe sun will run with it then02:14
SpeedEvilyou can tweet what you've eaten02:14
lcukmaefoods or maemoeats os something group on flickr i think02:15
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anotnacmaegirls integration lol02:16
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anotnacis there a tmo games section moderator here02:19
V13ok.. tecnoballz is in extras-testing.02:19
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anotnacis that a custom levels he posted or [paid pack02:21
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V13downloaded it... it seems to be a package for the iphone02:25
V13(it's a zip)02:25
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microlithI'm guessing tecnoballz is optified?02:27
* microlith gets02:28
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V13well.. it installs a couple of files in / but that's the icon and the desktop file.. less than 10Kbytes02:29
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nidOanotnac: it's the custom levelpack02:29
V13nid0 I don't think so.02:30
anotnacwhy is it a IPA file itunes wants to open it and it trys to over write my ipod version02:31
nidOah well god knows, looked like the custom maps but could be a pirate copy of the proper ones02:32
V13nid0 it seems to be the iphone app.02:33
nidOis anyone/has anyone given brain party in -testing a test yet?02:33
V13xm.. is it in testing ?02:33
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alicemirrorHi to all! New in this room :)02:34
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anotnaci'm testing it one of the games crashes and freezes up phone, its the game with jewels what slide in lines, it was only in devel yesterday02:35
lcukalicemirror, people are situated in multiple channels, its just those you started with are more specific02:35
alicemirrorok, but in effect I'm working in this development phase in UI (on N900 platform) Do you think that #maemo-ui is not appropriate ?02:36
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lcuki dunno02:37
lcukno1 knows what you are doing02:38
lcukjust thought you might get more response if you talk in general first02:38
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ShadowJKSpeedEvil, 4179mV @ 95mA02:39
ShadowJK(charging mugen)02:39
alicemirrorI think it's right. In effect I started also in these specific channels to see what are the discussion arguments.02:39
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: that's sane, and should eventually trip Ilim-chend02:40
DocScrutinizer(at least if you 'suspend' the phone - dark screen, no powerhogs)02:41
tremnite all, sweet dreams02:42
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SpeedEvilWow. GPS is a hog.02:42
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ShadowJKI'm not doing proper sampling at the moment, but based on one sample per minute, I'm at 1500mAh right now :)02:42
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, log window log file off, location-test-gui?02:42
SpeedEvil+100mA that is02:43
ShadowJK1500mAh, 4181mV @ 90mA... kinda far from the 2400mAh on the label ;p02:43
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: fix?02:44
SpeedEviloops - yes, that's with a fix02:44
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: until fix it runs 1/2 a mio corellators, after fix only some 1002:45
ptl_demands_PR12ShadowJK: you are using mugen battery, isn't it? Is it true that with this battery you can't use an MicroSD card?02:45
DocScrutinizerso THAT's damn scary02:45
ShadowJKptl_demands_PR12, yes02:45
SpeedEvilhowever - it was an indoors fix - maybe it's lighter outside02:46
ShadowJKptl_demands_PR12, the battery is physically much bigger, it requires a new battery cover. The current battery cover is missing the required things to make N900 detect that the battery cover is installed, and it refuses to let you use MicroSD card02:46
ptl_demands_PR12ShadowJK: :/ that's really bad, because my main use for such a big battery would be to experiment with stuff such as Mer and Meego.02:46
ptl_demands_PR12ShadowJK: only because of that stupid little magnet?02:47
ShadowJKptl_demands_PR12, Mugen has said they're working on a new battery cover to fix these issues. They've said that customers will get the new cover when it's ready.02:47
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ShadowJKI also emailed them about the thermistor vs resistor issue, and the CSR said he was forwarding my email to their engineers and that he'd update me next week02:47
haltdefoh dear02:48
haltdefI was eying up that battery02:48
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: (thermistor) see my post to tmo02:48
DocScrutinizererr, bugtrac02:49
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, yes well I checked 4 generations of nokia batteries and they all had a resistor02:49
ShadowJKand mugen got it right with their previous N800 battery02:49
DocScrutinizersure, but it doesn't make any difference02:49
* ptl_demands_PR12 doesn't know this thermistor vs resistor issue02:49
w00t_anyone here had problems with Qt::WA_Maemo5AutoOrientation?02:50
DocScrutinizerptl_demands_PR12: somebody assumed the third contact on battery is to signal bat capacity. This assumption was out of thin air and obviously is wrong02:50
w00t_problems being "it doesn't work"02:50
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* GeneralAntilles despises blogs that watermark images that aren't their own.02:51
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, well imo it's kinda silly to say "not standardized" or something like that, I take it as a given that Nokia does things to make life hard for third party battery manufacturers :-)02:51
ptl_demands_PR12DocScrutinizer: hmm02:51
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: LOL02:51
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: then for sure they'd use something sophisticated like those printer-cartrige manufs do02:52
DocScrutinizerrather than a silly resistor02:52
ShadowJKBut all the leaked nokia service manuals I've seen have called third pin "Battery Size Indicator".. and all the batteries I currently have (sorry, threw out the nimh stuff a few years ago) behave like third pin is a simple resistor, bigger resistors for bigger batteries02:52
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: you're right. In aquisition mode - it uses _200_mA!02:53
ShadowJKAnd Mugen has used resistors for their previous batteries before, so I dunno wtf happened :)02:53
SpeedEvilI wonder how much cheaper this was than a SiRF or whatever than manages with 20.02:53
DocScrutinizerit's a simple resistor nowadays, to stay compatible with older thermistor design. And yes, nokia used the size of this resistor sometimes to distinguish TYPES of battery, where e.g both NiCad and LiIon were available for same bat formfactor02:54
DocScrutinizeranyway resistor value to type of battery is a lookup table, not an algorithm02:55
ShadowJKyes, I suspect it's something like resistance = type * constant + size * constant02:56
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: WTF!?!!02:56
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, FWIW, I saw far smaller power consumption than you've seen when I tested the gps02:56
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: exactly _not_ afaik02:56
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, I guess I should find some resistors and connect them to BSI and reboot my N8x0 a few times to see how capacity as reported by BME changes? :-)02:57
DocScrutinizersee BL-5C which comes in 3..4 different flavours from some 750..1200. All have same resistor afaik02:57
SpeedEvilShadowJK: It may be it's in poor signal conditions. It's barely getting a signal - 50m error - indoors02:58
DocScrutinizeryou should test the thermistor value of mugen or any older nokia bat with thermistor, over the range from -15C to +65C02:58
ShadowJKI rarely see 50m :)02:58
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, the mugen battery's resistance value changed about 30kOhm over a 10C temperature range02:59
SpeedEvilI will try outside tomorrow - but it's cold.02:59
DocScrutinizeryou'd be amazed and learn there's no room to code designed capacity PLUS temp the way you suggested02:59
ShadowJKthe nokia batteries measured +- 1 digit on my DMM within that 10C range02:59
ShadowJKI am suggesting that there's no temperature coding, at all.03:00
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: not on modern cells. See my comment on bugtrac03:00
ShadowJKI think they just dropped the temperature coding and changed it into size-only coding at some point03:01
DocScrutinizerthey *do* *no* size coding03:02
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ShadowJK = 39803:02
DocScrutinizerthey do chemistry type coding, if anything at all03:02
ShadowJKThis value, 398mAh, changes depending on the temperature of my N900 when I boot it with the mugen battery :-)03:02
ShadowJKThe battery meter gets progressively suckier the hotter my N900 is when I boot it with mugen03:03
RobbieABSurely once they have the chemistry, everything else can be corrected in software enough to keep the system safe?03:03
DocScrutinizerwell, dunno what they specified for N900 bat, anyway they do different on every battery they build03:03
ShadowJKYeah, could be03:04
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: even that's no wonder at all (getting worse the warmer the cell). Voltage vs charge curve changes with temperature, that's a chemistry effect03:05
ShadowJKwell the meter performs no better after battery has cooled down (with no reboot in between) :)03:05
DocScrutinizerBME does some very strange heuristics it seems03:06
ShadowJKWhich leads me to think that the resistance is measured on boot, and used as reference value for the capacity of a full battery03:06
DocScrutinizeryou'd need to test with different fixed R values03:06
DocScrutinizerto know for sure03:06
DocScrutinizeralways boot with same bat voltage03:07
ShadowJKyeah, I agree03:07
DocScrutinizerbut different R03:07
ShadowJKFWIW, I booted N810 with BSI unconnected, and it said design capacity 0 and refused to charge :P03:07
RobbieABWhere do I get hold of the config file for the default N900 kernel? I ran "apt-get source kernel" and it's not there03:08
ShadowJKisn't there a arch/arm/defconfig/*RX51* or something?03:09
ShadowJKRX-51 maybe03:09
RobbieABAh. Thanks. :)03:09
RobbieABI'm not used to working with crossdev, but am used to playing with normal kernel sources...03:10
ShadowJKthis is still within "normal" parameters ;)03:10
RobbieABNot when you are used to gentoo :p03:10
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: you checked schematics? isn't it strange what they do to BSI, and then it ends at GAZOO...03:11
RobbieABWhich drops a .config (or generates a default one)... Anyway, I want to tweak a little (add modules which should be there!)03:11
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, iirc it's connected to ADC on Gaia /and/ something on Gazoo..03:11
DocScrutinizerfrom other modems I know they refuse to ramp up to full power with battery too cold or too hot03:11
DocScrutinizerexcept for 91103:12
DocScrutinizeras you can ruin the cell with too high current (in/out) when not inside safe temp range03:13
ShadowJKFrom the way bme behaves so differently from what b27200 is reporting, I had, before even discovering this thermistor vs resistor thing, suspected that Gazoo has its own charge monitoring stuff..03:13
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ShadowJKN900 looks kinda like a dual-personality beast.. the openish OMAP on one side of the circuit board, and the closed nokia components on the other side..03:14
ptl_n900We hope the closed part will succumb to the pressure first.03:14
ShadowJKWhile N8x0 looked more like a hybrid with mostly Nokia components and a TI SoC :P03:14
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* DocScrutinizer thinks nokia implemented 3 or 4 different bat mgmt machines, so they can use the one that turns out to be the best/easiest/most convenient for them03:15
ShadowJKYeah, even the FTD output on N8x0 looks like 3 different engines :)03:15
* MohammadAG_ wonders if the N900 would run compiz03:16
ShadowJKAfter booting a warm N900 with mugen battery, and design capacity becoming ~300, the battery /bars/ looks sensible, but the battery reporting current mAh, and percantages are completely broken, staying at 100% until it drops to 003:17
ShadowJKmaybe the battery.bars are based on voltage, with some heuristics making it "less likely" for the bars to increase without charger attached...03:17
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ShadowJKand the reporting mAh value driven by Gazoo trying to count charge with the assumption the battery is 300mAh..03:18
ShadowJK(+ voltage feedback)03:18
ShadowJKbme's algorithm seems like someone spent years and years adding ad-hoc algorithms and tons of code to present some usable output to the user when the input values are almost random :-D03:21
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w00t_to answer my own earlier question about Qt::WA_Maemo5AutoOrientation.. not actually working until PR1.203:22
w00t_(how handy)03:22
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ShadowJKbq24150 seems felixble enough it could be made to work with A123 cells :)03:24
ShadowJKbut bq27200 needs some guidance from software for that03:25
ShadowJKnevermind why you'd want to use A123 cells..03:25
adalali can't install stuff on the n900 anymore03:26
adalali need the upgrade lol03:26
ShadowJKAre you out of space on / ?03:26
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SpeedEvilShadowJK: cycle life03:27
SpeedEvilShadowJK: and being able to charge in 2 minutes.03:27
w00t_very early days, still needs some UI work and a *lot* of speedup.. but:
w00t_lcuk: ^ if you're interested too :)03:27
ShadowJKwhat does the "update" button do that is different from "Check for new posts".. I don't have facebook, I'm facebook-illiterate03:28
lcukw00t_, im interested from a technical perspective, but i dont have a facebook yet to test it with03:28
w00t_ShadowJK: sets your status03:28
ShadowJKOh, right03:29
w00t_like mine there 'needs to go to bed soon' :P03:29
ShadowJKI was just asking because it looked like lots of space taken up by it :)03:29
w00t_the UI really needs to be hit with a brick03:29
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w00t_this is literally the first time it's run on an n900, all development was done on my desktop, so03:29
ShadowJKI'd put update and check for new shit into titlebar menu... but then I'd worry about the idiots^Wusers not knowing that titlebar menu exists03:30
ShadowJKoh, that's impressive then :)03:30
w00t_update will probably stay where it is as that's a fairly common action03:30
w00t_check for new posts will probably move03:30
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: there's not much guidance you'd be able to do for bq25x0003:30
DocScrutinizererr bq27x0003:30
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, DONE in command register :)03:31
RobbieABOk... so the N900 CAN do packet forwarding on the default kernel...03:31
C-S-B-N900RobbieAB: o rly?03:33
C-S-B-N900Anything ive missed in the last couple of days?03:34
RobbieABWell, the option is certainly in /proc03:34
RobbieABHowever... NAT is a different matter.03:34
C-S-B-N900which makes it useless.03:34
haltdef200kbps out of 3 in the middle of exeter at 5pm .. is that normal for 3g providers or do 3 just suck? :P03:35
ShadowJK"ouf of 3"?03:35
C-S-B-N900hey haltdef i was in exeter area this weekend. :)03:35
RobbieABC-S-B-N900: It's one less module I need to add :p03:35
haltdef3 being my provider03:35
ShadowJK5pm is like rush hour for internet isn't it..03:35
haltdefheh, where exactly?03:36
C-S-B-N900RobbieAB: are you looking to implement a 3g ap?03:36
RobbieABC-S-B-N900: Yes03:36
C-S-B-N900haltdef: dawlish03:36
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haltdefI live in dawlish03:36
RobbieABC-S-B-N900: But to BT and not WiFi.03:37
C-S-B-N900RobbieAB: whats wrong with dun?03:37
C-S-B-N900haltdef: 3g sucks in dawlish.03:37
haltdef3g doesn't matter when you live there, got dsl :P03:38
ShadowJKRobbieAB, there something wrong with the existing BT tethering?03:38
C-S-B-N900haltdef: im on O2, which iirc is what 3 fallover to.03:38
w00t_for anyone wanting updates as I progress with this:
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RobbieABC-S-B-N900: Can't have multiple computers using it at the same time?03:38
haltdef3 have their own 3g network + sharing agreement with t-mob, use orange's 2g net03:38
haltdefswitched from o2 for 2g a while back I believe03:38
C-S-B-N900RobbieAB: does bt have the bandwidth for that:03:39
RobbieABShadowJK: the N900 doesn't do BT PAN Access Point. By default PAN is switched off, but is installed.03:39
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ShadowJKtotal bandwidth is going to depend on cell size, number of users, and amount of spectrum available (decided by regulator and size of cells)...03:39
RobbieABC-S-B-N900: BT EDR should give 14Mbs, my 3G is 3Mbs03:39
ShadowJKAh, I've only ever used BT DUN and direct USB tethering03:39
ShadowJKI've never seen more than 1Mbit/s on BT EDR03:40
RobbieABWhich is enough for getting email :p03:40
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C-S-B-N900so haltdef, living in dawlish, that must make you 75?03:40
haltdefno, 19 :P03:40
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haltdefdad got a job in exeter a few months ago, I had no real choice but to follow from the midlands03:41
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C-S-B-N900haltdef: is it as boring and oap populated as it seems?03:41
haltdefnot that I don't like it here03:41
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C-S-B-N900ipplepen is an awesome name btw.03:42
haltdefcockwood's my favourite03:42
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C-S-B-N900so haltdef shame i didnt know you earlier, we could have had a linux/n900 meet up.03:44
haltdefhonestly linux pisses me off :x03:45
haltdeflove it on the n900 but on desktop .. no thanks, tried it, happier on windows03:45
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C-S-B-N900your choice.03:45
C-S-B-N900a bad one, but yours.03:45
C-S-B-N900why does it piss you if i may?03:46
haltdefI do make an effort to give it another go every so often, but it's been a while03:46
lcukn900w00t_, fsck internet dead03:46
haltdefeffor tto make simple things work03:46
ptl_n900if you try to use linux as windows it will piss you off because it's not windows.03:46
w00t_lcukn900: :(03:46
ptl_n900if you use linux as linux, it's a wonderful SO and does everything you want from it03:46
C-S-B-N900like? i dont have trouble with anything day to day.03:46
ptl_n900me too03:47
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haltdefI don't want to do any command line hackery to get my bluetooth mouse or earphones to work03:47
ptl_n900and I use it at my job, at college and at home. Only.03:47
ptl_n900So don't.03:47
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C-S-B-N900haltdef: i dont.03:47
haltdefthat meant no bluetooth mouse or earphones for me last time I used it :p03:47
lcukn900ptl_n900, i discount that. unubtu has awful bug if i use it normally03:47
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ptl_n900but having the command line is good if everything else fails03:47
C-S-B-N900haltdef: just click the bluetooth icon03:48
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ptl_n900and it is also awesome for automating things03:48
RobbieABhaltdef: Stop blaming the OS for Nokias decisions. They chose to disable the HID profile :p03:48
haltdefI'm not talking on the n900, happy with it there :p03:48
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haltdefreally should keep my dislike of linux quiet in here, gonna get myself killed or something03:49
RobbieABThan I'm surprised, as my experience with non-hacker distros is they are pretty close to getting it right.03:49
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rasterhaltdef: probably a smart move :) chances are a lot of people in this channel can shoot down most of your linux complaints (vs some other os) as being not an os problem, but a problem of either closed hw vendors, or distribution choices, or simple bias03:50
* C-S-B-N900 should stop reading his name as DocScrotumizer 03:51
haltdefmm, some things are far from the fault of the OS itself but still affect its usability03:51
DocScrutinizerpal, you got NO IDEA :-P03:51
haltdeflast I checked blu-ray playback just wasn't possible without removing drm03:52
ptl_n900haltdef: you can't get killed by voicing your opinion on IRC... Nevertheless, the reason of the rejection of such utterances by some linux hackers is due to the fact that linux is a perfectly usable desktop, in some parts much better than windows (e.g. windows management), but some people tuned with the mental mode of windows which can't learn something new just do not seem to adapt.03:52
haltdef(which itself can diaf)03:52
RobbieABhaltdef: Some of my biggest gripes with OSX are directly related to decisions apple made, ditto with windows.03:52
RobbieAB(ok, windows were MS decisions)03:52
C-S-B-N900haltdef: bluray is not a linux limitation.03:52
haltdefI know :p03:53
lcukn900window management in linux on ubuntu at least is odd03:53
RobbieABDo we really care about BluRay?03:53
haltdefown a few03:53
lcukn900the time i click a button for makes result differnt03:53
DocScrutinizermoin raster03:53
RobbieABOn our computers? (Or even our tellys), are we actually getting any benefit from the supposedly better image?03:53
C-S-B-N900haltdef: and although i have to pump it through dumphd into mplayer, i can play bluray happily.03:53
haltdefsee, hackery03:54
haltdefpop disc in and work please03:54
lcukn900clicking x in ubuntu very quickly actually passes the close event to a window behind03:54
* RobbieAB cackles insanely03:54
lcukn900its infuriating03:54
RobbieABThat REALLY doesn't work on ANY OS03:54
ptl_n900it's 'hackery' until someone makes a pretty interface for it.03:54
ptl_n900at least you've got this option03:54
ptl_n900this is the point03:54
lcukn900ms media centre works a treat03:54
ptl_n900in Windows you don't have this option.03:55
infobotUbuntu is based on Debian, but it is not Debian, and it is unlikely to live up to Debian's standards (see <Debian policy>).  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  Use #ubuntu ( instead.  Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on #debian.03:55
RobbieABlcukn900: So long as you agree to play by their rules.03:55
lcukn900playing dvd. pop in memory card. click play on dialog03:55
RobbieABHow well can windows handle ogg files?03:55
DocScrutinizer~ubuntu also is
* infobot lovingly explains to also is in a way that causes also is to weep with gratitude that also is must read the fine, friendly manual03:55
lcukn900play episode from usb. stop it. carry on dvd03:55
jacekowskiRobbieAB: very well03:55
RobbieABjacekowski: out of the box?03:55
lcukn900robbie i dunno03:55
jacekowskii think so03:56
lcukn900where can i buy ogg files from?03:56
lcukn900do they work in my car stereo?03:56
jacekowskibuy flac03:56
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RobbieABjacekowski: not the last time I checked.03:56
jacekowskiRobbieAB: xp maybe not03:56
rasterDocScrutinizer: docz!03:56
ptl_n900~Debian policy03:56
* infobot tells policy to RTFM!!!! GAH!!! HELL FIRE AND BRIMSTONE!!!! BURN!!! DIE!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!03:56
jacekowskibut i'm sure that win7 supports ogg out of the box03:56
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lcukn900mp3 = more universal03:56
RobbieABI just meant that for all the fancy stuff, it is trivially easy to trip it up and than it's horribly hard to get to work.03:56
jacekowskiwell i either use mp3 or flac03:57
RobbieABLinux? Mostly my experiences are that LESS hackery is needed03:57
jacekowskior whatever i was given03:57
C-S-B-N900jacekowski: really, thats a step in the right directi03:57
lcukn900but it would never need to trip03:57
DocScrutinizerpossibly someone vandalized infobot's factoid database?03:57
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RobbieABlcukn900: Try working on a helpdesk :p03:57
jacekowskiC-S-B-N900: problem with that is that EU will eat microsoft because of that at some point03:57
lcukn900robbie, how do you know i dont now03:57
jacekowskiC-S-B-N900: as they did with IE03:58
jacekowskiC-S-B-N900: and media player03:58
RobbieABlcukn900: because if you are seriously telling me that windows "can't be tripped up" or shouldn't ever be, you are, frankly, deluded, no offence.03:58
RobbieABso far, realplayer formats, quicktime formats, neither work "Out of the box" on windows.03:59
lcukn900i never said it couldnt be tripped up. but the argument you gibe is not one that would be needed03:59
rasterRobbieAB: blueray is DEFINITELy better quality than dvd. visibly better by a wide margin. but then again all my screens are at least 1920x1080 or better and my eyesight is better than 20/20 - so to me it stands out like a sore thumb if its dvd quality vs full hd03:59
rasterits like 32kbit mp3 vs 256kbit03:59
jacekowskiRobbieAB: because of license limitations03:59
RobbieABevery linux media player worth talking off handles it.03:59
rasterfor an audio equivalent03:59
lcukn900customers who get music really dont often accidentally a whole ogg03:59
raster(well to my eyes it is)03:59
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jacekowskiRobbieAB: and you are saying loads of bullshit03:59
C-S-B-N900raster: better than 20/2003:59
jacekowskiRobbieAB: not you03:59
jacekowskiraster: you are saying loads of bullshit04:00
rasterC-S-B-N900: well i can pass the 20/20 vision tests and still read smaller test.04:00
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RobbieABraster: Some people do, 99% of people can't see it, and certainly can't see it on a 40" screen from 10 feet.04:00
jacekowskiraster: there is no way that anybody can tell the difference between dvd and blu ray from normal viewing distance04:00
rasterjacekowski: am i? please explain. since graphics is not just a hobby, but it's been pretty much my life's work.04:00
DocScrutinizer~ubuntu is also
* infobot lovingly explains to is also in a way that causes is also to weep with gratitude that is also must read the fine, friendly manual04:01
RobbieABAnd furthermore, where it can be seen, it's often distracting.04:01
C-S-B-N900night dudes.04:01
lcukn900jacekowski, sure there is but thats by the by04:01
ShadowJK "MOOBEX stands for Multimedia Out-Of-Box EXperience. It is a test suite of multimedia samples designing to testing an operating system's multimedia capabilities when that OS is in its freshest state (just after it has been installed)."04:01
rasterjacekowski: i call bullshit on that. i can. by a country mile. just because your eyes are broken, does not mean mine are. i can absolutely tell the difference.04:01
DocScrutinizer~literal ubuntu04:01
infobot"ubuntu" is "<reply>Ubuntu is based on Debian, but it is not Debian, and it is unlikely to live up to Debian's standards (see <Debian policy>).  Only Debian is supported on #debian.  Use #ubuntu ( instead.  Even if the channel happens to be less helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on #debian."04:01
rastergraphics is what i do04:01
rasteri will bithc about thigns being 1 pixel off - on a 300dpi screen.04:02
lcukn900raster and i for one am glad of it04:02
RobbieABraster: What is the dots per arc second of full HD on 40" from 10'?04:02
lcukn900is bluray still compressed in yuv04:02
lcukn900with half resolution uv04:03
rasterblu-ray is definitely much better quality (well lets just talk 480p vs full 1080p as thats the real nuts and bolts)04:03
rasterRobbieAB: i'm not a human calculator for you. you do the math yourself :)04:03
jacekowskinow you are just talking marketing04:03
rasterlcukn900: correct. as is dvd.04:03
jacekowskiand bullshit04:03
lcukn900yeah raster.  when we see full  hd games they are rendered at higher rgba res then04:04
RobbieABraster: I don't need to, because I already no the answer is somewhere approaching visibility... but on 40" it is only APPROACHING.04:04
jacekowskiit's like contrast 1:3000 is worse than 1:600004:04
lcukn900which surprised me when i realised04:04
RobbieABi.e. It's still not visible.04:04
jacekowskibut nobody can see difference04:04
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lcukn900robbie i used to think i couldnt tell pixels apart on my 225dpi screen04:05
lcukn900now i notice04:05
lcukn900and the dpi is higher on n90004:05
rasterjacekowski: no. i'm not. 1920x1080 is a significant amount more pixels than the 720x480 or so of dvd.04:05
RobbieABIt takes 52-60" for 99% of the world to actually see the pixels, from normal viewing distance.04:05
rasterits not bullshit. its simple math04:05
rasteryou have the same spattial fidelity loss in uv in both dvd and bluray - so its moot comparing04:06
jacekowskihow close you have to be to see that difference?04:06
DocScrutinizerinfobot has a strange kinda humor04:06
RobbieABlcukn900: you can tell the the difference if you get very close. That said, 300dpi is getting to the point where from 3 inches you need a magnifying glass.04:06
ssvbjacekowski: the experience probably probably varies for different blueray disks, the first one that I bought had excellent image quality (and I decided that I'm not going back to DVD), but a few others unfortunately did not and I had to reconsider :)04:06
rasterRobbieAB: then why ask the questions if you know so much? you dont even quote the numbers you aslo assume 10 feet - which is not often the case. have you lived in asia? probably not. lived in japan? where your living room quote often is 2.5m wide - not even 10ft. so distance from your head to tv is more like 6ft04:07
lcukn900upscaled dvd quick cashin on name ssvb?04:07
rasternot to mention a prevalence of 40-50" or more tv's there at good prices04:07
lcukn900i was talking with missus about wallmounting tv in bedroom tonight04:08
jacekowskiit has to be fun to watch 50" from 2m04:08
rasterit is04:08
lcukn900WITH THE VOLUME UP04:08
RobbieABraster: Why ask the numbers? Ever heard of rhetorical questions? Attempts to make you think?04:08
rasteryou get a full field of view filled with tv :)04:08
rasteror well.. most of the important bits04:08
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rasterRobbieAB: dude. i do graphics for a living. i dont need to be schooled with your numbers. i know what yoou are talking about. i happen to disagree. becuase your assumptions on tv sizes and distances are merely assumptions04:09
* RobbieAB is simply going to ignore raster as the kind of pretensious art twerp he has to deal with at work.04:09
rasteralso your assumption on human visual fidelity is just that - an assumption04:09
rasterit is not the case for every home and person04:09
rasteryou say there is no difference between dvd and blu-ray04:10
rasteri will bet hyou $100 that i will tell the difference easily - i do it all the time.04:10
RobbieABNo, I say that 99% of the world can't tell the difference. NOT that same at all04:10
rasterbut... you have your opinion - regardless of evidence to the contrary and i know people liek you - i deal with them at work al the time. they form and opinion and will never be dissuaded no matter the evidence. they are a pain in the butt.04:11
raster<RobbieAB> Do we really care about BluRay?04:11
raster<RobbieAB> On our computers? (Or even our tellys), are we actually getting any benefit from the supposedly better image?04:12
* ShadowJK looks slightly worried at his N810 pushing 1A current into its battery...04:12
rasternowhere did you mention "99%"04:12
ShadowJKMan eneloops are powerful.. I've never seen my tekkeon push this much current before :-)04:12
rasterand the difference is even more pronounced with laptops and desktosp where screens are closer and can often exceed the resolution of most tv's04:13
lcukn900robbie, raster has a long experience and is one of the principle experts in the field with numerous impressive systems under his belt.  you are an unknown.   i am sure if anyne has seen and worked with things you are hypothosising about it would be him04:13
RobbieABraster: Apologies, I hadn't realised you were in that liberal group who thinks what's good for 1% of the world justifies ramming expensive and worthless overspeced solutions on the rest of us04:13
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raster(well often enough in my home)04:13
ShadowJKnobody is forcing you do buy DVDs04:13
* lcukn900 happens to like hearing about graphical improvements04:13
ShadowJKprobably you can still pirate VCDs from teh intarwebs :D04:13
* till- definitely can see the difference between sd and hd :)04:13
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GeneralAntillesraster, +304:14
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GeneralAntillesRobbieAB/raster, but either way, it's rather off topic.04:15
DocScrutinizerraster: Amazing how calm you're today ;-D04:15
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GeneralAntillesRobbieAB, so quote something besides your made up statistics or kindly take it elsewhere. :)04:15
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: +04:16
rasterRobbieAB: look. it's pretty simple. i see a visible benefit of fulll hd video content. you question if we really car. wel.. i care. so we definitely doesn't include me. if your eyesight is shot - then thats not my problem. i disagree with your statement that says that full-hd basically offers no improvement for us in terms of visual quality. you of course, don't like that i disagree and decide to label me as a twerp and whatever else. as i su04:16
rasterurmised. you are one of those people with an opinion and how dare anyone disagree with it OR you even be forced to re-asses your opinion.04:16
DocScrutinizerraster: hold it. leads nowhere04:17
rasteras i said. i do graphics for a living. i spend my days staring at pixels generated, encoded, decoded and god knows what else. *I* care about visual fidelity. :)04:17
rasterDocScrutinizer:  true :)04:17
GeneralAntillesraster, so not worth the energy to waste moving your fingers around. ;)04:17
RobbieABraster: I specifically asked for the critical numbers, and yoou claimed you didn't know, didn't care.04:17
rasterRobbieAB: no. i said i wasnt a human calculator04:17
* ShadowJK wonders how come youtube uses x264 for baseline 480p h264, but still use some crappy whatever encoder for 720p and 1080p...04:18
RobbieABBefore I said anything about lumping you in with the graphics people who assure me that A0 posters need to be done at 600DPI04:18
DocScrutinizerthere's people who know raster, and there's people who think they know better04:18
RobbieABBut anyway.04:18
GeneralAntillesShadowJK, really?04:18
rasteryou have also not quoted your supposed rehotical question's answer. so for now i will assume you are unable to back up the rhetorical bit of it.04:18
ShadowJKGeneralAntilles, well that's what I was told a month ago04:18
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, lol.04:18
DocScrutinizergentlemenn, please take it elsewhere04:19
ShadowJKand before that the story was that youtube used "XVID AVC", or in other words, they hired one of the xvid guys during summer break and he hacked up a h264 encoder for them :-)04:19
ShadowJKSo at ~1C rate, N810 started tapering off charge at ~65% charge level :)04:22
DocScrutinizeryou mean it started CV04:22
ShadowJKWell, kinda.04:23
DocScrutinizersounds about norma04:23
ShadowJKThe charger in N8x0 is kinda "special"04:23
ShadowJKPWM regulated, PWM frequency about 1hz04:23
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ShadowJK(and I didn't forget a letter there)04:23
DocScrutinizeror went down to <100% duty cycle, or whatever they might use for a charging method on N81004:23
dotblankIf im porting some apps and I need to pull some apps from the debian repo which release/version should I use04:24
ShadowJKThe battery voltage is momentarily spiking above 4.3V04:24
rasterthe n810 dc charger ... isnt dc? its 1hz ac?04:24
ShadowJKraster, the thing you plug into the power outlet is a powersupply04:24
DocScrutinizerraster: it's pulse widt modulated full-I charger04:24
rasterinput is ac (100-240v, 50-60hz or so etc.)04:25
ShadowJKraster, then the N810 switches the current on/off... at approx 1hz rate04:25
rasterand output should be xV DC - right?04:25
DocScrutinizerraster: right. ShadowJK is talking about the MBC circuit inside the n81004:25
rasterso charging circuit is doing that04:25
rasteri know my pixels04:26
rasterbut dont ask me about charging stuff04:26
ShadowJKthe dubious realm of pulsed charging essentially04:26
rasterbeyond "is the green light on?"04:26
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: not unusual (PWM). 6210 (2000) does it too04:26
ShadowJKYeah N900 is the first Nokia I've examined that doesn't do it04:27
DocScrutinizerthat's why we got nasty BME heritage04:27
ShadowJKI think everything with 2mm chargiing port does it04:27
ShadowJKAnd non-ancient 3.5mm port too, probably04:27
DocScrutinizerthat's why those chargers are defined to have a certain impedance of around maybe 1Ohm04:28
ShadowJKplus the acceptable voltage/current windows..04:28
DocScrutinizeralso ancient 3.5mm - see 621004:28
* lcukn900 sleeps04:28
lcukn900gnite maemo \o04:29
ShadowJK6210 isn't that ancient :)04:29
b-man17c ya lcukn90004:29
DocScrutinizerthe 2000 model is04:29
ShadowJKI guess when I say ancient I mean nimh04:29
DocScrutinizer6210 came with LiIon but also was able to use NiMH battery pack04:30
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* GeneralAntilles wonders where to find a dimmable 12v halogen light transformer.04:30
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* MohammadAG_ pings w00t_ and kindly asks for the facebook app04:31
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: they're all dimmable - you need the right dimmer though :-P04:31
MohammadAG_I WANT IT NOW04:31
MohammadAG_jk :P04:31
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GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, well, OK, one that wont catch fire if I use a pretty standard incandescent dimmer switch.04:31
GeneralAntillesi.e., one of these
DocScrutinizerit needs to cut out end of sine halfwave04:31
DocScrutinizernot switch on inmidst the wave04:32
GeneralAntillesThe cheap Chinese one that's in there now makes lots of buzzing if you dim it.04:32
GeneralAntillesIt also spits out ridiculous amounts of line noise.04:32
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DocScrutinizersure, and it's kill the t'transformer' 's rectifier04:32
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DocScrutinizeryou got a greatz bridge and a capacitor. now switch on at sine peak voltage - - - SURGE04:33
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DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: for inductive loads you mustn't use switch-off dimmers (voltage spike), for capacitive loads you mustn't use switch-on dimmers (current surge)04:37
DocScrutinizergenerally switch-off dimmers are more expensive than normal ones04:38
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DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: so if you got an electronic 'transformer' you need to switch-off dim it. The heavy steel and copper monsters are hard to dim anyway, but if at all then with a special classic switch-on dimmer04:40
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GeneralAntillesYeah, the dimmer's switch-on, I think.04:41
DocScrutinizermost are04:41
DocScrutinizerswitch-off are rare (as they're more expensive) and they are marked in big letters 'for electronic transformer use'04:42
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GeneralAntillesYeah, there were some at the home improvement center.04:43
DocScrutinizeror cut-out, switch-off OWTTE04:43
GeneralAntillesAbout $4004:43
GeneralAntillesUnfortunately I don't know if anybody makes one for INSTEON.04:43
DocScrutinizerhomematic started with switch-off about 5 weeks ago04:43
GeneralAntillesHrm, LVT-303-12 DC says "Dimmable with trailing and leading edge dimmers"04:47
GeneralAntillesHooboy, $14004:47
DocScrutinizertrailing edge it switch-off aiui04:47
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adalalhello all04:52
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DocScrutinizerraster: what's the theoretical maximum bpp you get with usual video codec formats? Or is this a noob question...05:05
lolznetanyone seen briwerk? or britx lately?05:05
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DocScrutinizer~seen briwerk05:06
infoboti haven't seen 'briwerk', DocScrutinizer05:06
lolznet~seen britx05:06
infoboti haven't seen 'britx', lolznet05:06
lolznet~seen briatx05:07
infobotbriatx <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 776d 17h 16m ago, saying: 'and pupnik too.  are you ArnimS from ITT?'.05:07
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, well you can decode it to float if you're insane ;p05:07
ShadowJKNot that it says anything about the actual signal level inside.05:07
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: yeah, I can transcode 1bpp to 48bit rgb05:07
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ShadowJKusually you target 8 bit per comoponent, iirc05:08
DocScrutinizerI'm interested in the actual precision/granularity used in codecs05:08
DocScrutinizerahh, thanks05:08
ShadowJKthough mpeg2 can have 10-12bit DC precision iirc05:08
rasterDocScrutinizer:  maximum theoretical bpp?05:09
ShadowJKand that's probably carried over into mpeg4asp and mpeg4avc/h264 and used by nobody05:09
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rasterwell technically its not an easy mapping from yuv to rgb thanks to the equation05:09
rasterand linear-interpolation of u and v expand the colorspace theoretically05:09
rasteras such 16bpp is definitely a subseet of yuv precision05:10
DocScrutinizeraah, yeah05:10
raster24bpp overall likely is a superset05:10
ShadowJKI think the best thing that h264 brought us was a bit-exact definition of the (i)DCT transform05:10
rastertho the problem is all that interpolation that theoretically can add an extra bit to r, g and b05:10
rasterif u assume for now u can get exact neighbouring values to decode05:11
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rasteri'd have to do some math to figure it out really05:11
rasterbut even 18bpp wont be enough05:11
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rasterto cover it05:12
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rasterso as such - in the real world u will use 24/32bpp to cover yuv decode (properly)05:12
rasteras really 18bpp exists - but is impractical05:12
raster16bpp is the next practical depth down from 24/3205:12
raster(and by 32 i mean 24bp with 8 byte "alpha" padding)05:12
DocScrutinizerhehe alpha05:13
ShadowJKhm, lavc can do 11bits intra DC precision for mpeg2... but then I guess AC and inter is 8bit? I have no clue how that translates into per-frame RGB precision ;p05:13
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DocScrutinizerraster: anyway you think crating a video from a 24bpp testpattern would yield a optimum codec exploitation05:14
rasterdo thus the quotes. for surfaces u use to com pose the fb it can be used as an alpha channel. but for the fb itself - this is rarely the case.. tho some hw actually does support the upper 8 bits of 32bpp to be an alpha channel/mask for overlaying a yuv buffer05:14
rasterShadowJK: its complicated05:15
rastersjha as such  y, u and v have 8bit ranges once decoded, but you should only use a subset of them05:15
raster(min and max value)05:15
rasterand these map to a range within the 8 bit rgb output05:15
rastertechnically as its an idct its a contiinuous function so talking of these bits is stupid as we are discretisiogn what is a continuous thing05:16
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rasterbut reality is it will have a resolution somewhere - and thats 99% likely the 8bits of decoded y, u and v from the decoder05:16
raster(just sanity fitting the color plans inot a space u can easily compute with)05:17
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, a static test picture would only "test" the yuv<->rgb path really05:17
rasteri need to look up the ranges and mappings again on y, u and v to check on what the actual fidelity may end up as for a mapping to r, g and b05:17
rastereven then its a cubic problem as y, u and v all affect r, g and b out05:18
DocScrutinizernevertheless there must be a rule of thumb where I can say with these specs this is a decent video file to test if the decoder cheats or does the full bith depth05:18
rasterDocScrutinizer: good point. my beet is somewhere such standard video files exist - but within companies05:19
rasterthey have a standard video stream or 2 or 305:19
rasterthey must pay those well05:19
ShadowJKWell.. more important/interesting than bit depth imo is whether things output the full YUV range or the "proper" limited YUV range, and whether whatever displays it expects the full or the limited range, and whether it transforms it correctly05:19
rasterthey have some reference source to compare to05:19
ShadowJKlike, it's such a mess that I think in real world you're more likely to lose alot of signal by stuff using the incorrect transform05:19
DocScrutinizerfriggin mess05:20
rasterchances are your lcd is the worst bit05:20
rastermosty lcd's i have seen over the past few years are actually just 18bit (6bit per r, g and b)05:20
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rasterso going to 24bpp means u basically lose your 2 lsbits05:21
DocScrutinizerraster: to me it seems my sat decoder is considerably worse than my LCD05:21
rasterlcd's are gettign better05:21
rasteroled gives u full fidelity05:21
rasterbut now u pay a different price05:21
ShadowJKAnd when fed with a YUV signal they'll do the wrong transform and either over-saturate/clip your signal, or in the other extreme, wash it out and create banding..05:21
rasterShadowJK:  very possible05:22
DocScrutinizerraster: as I see really poor05:22
DocScrutinizerskin colors via sat05:22
DocScrutinizerwhile good colors via analogue terestrial or even dvb-t05:22
rasterdo on n900?05:22
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rasterDocScrutinizer: comparing to on n900?05:22
DocScrutinizer(built-in decoder of TV)05:22
rasterthats not good05:23
ShadowJKand then you have the whole issue of all these "real time" mpeg/mpeg4/h264 encoders that are optimized for PSNR rather than visual perceived quality :)05:23
DocScrutinizermy assumptions were the cheap sat decoder does a 5/6/5, like n900 AV probably does05:23
jacekowskidon't underestimate n90005:23
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ShadowJKso they're likely to leave an area of similar colours as a single solid color, or just a simple gradient05:24
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jacekowskibesides, you can always do PWM05:24
rasterDocScrutinizer: þe n900 should be using its yuv layer - so that means its better than 565 by a long shot05:24
rasterie its full yuv colorspace05:24
rasterunless its software decoder05:24
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: that's exactly what I see. all the face 'painted' in one or two colorsa05:25
jacekowskihdmi in a phone would be nice05:25
DocScrutinizerand it's quite similar on sat decoder and on N900 AV output05:25
ShadowJKEven 2001-era graphics card ate YUV and output analog signal with precision as good as its DAC and the original 12bit YUV data..05:25
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ShadowJKeven if your desktop was 286-colour or whatever05:26
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jacekowskiin the end graphic card had only rgb output05:27
jacekowskinot yuv05:27
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ShadowJKBecause the video was handled by a separate hardware unit that placed its own output ontop of the output produced by the rgb framebuffer pipeline05:27
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ShadowJKThese days they use their shaders and whatever to emulate the old behaviour of separate hw unit..05:28
jacekowskithese days they use CPU for it and drivers05:28
ShadowJKNah colourspace transform is still done in HW05:29
ShadowJKand scaling05:29
ptl_demands_PR12What's the best day of the week to do open source programming?05:30
jacekowskimake it closed source05:31
jacekowskiit will at least pay for your pizza and coke05:31
DocScrutinizeropensource is coded by night05:32
ShadowJKFor coding, whenever you're not distracted is best05:32
ShadowJKfor collaboration, whenever other people are on05:33
anotnacis there a email widget kinda like the conversations one?05:33 infrastrucutre tends to die on weekends, so that kills collaboration and if you have your source repo on I guess coding isn't as comfortable anymore05:33
DocScrutinizerShadowJK: darwinistic load balancing XP05:34
ShadowJKso you might just as well call your pimp and dealer on friday noon and have them deliver whores and coke, and if you're unlucky you return to reality on sunday evening and discover your booze and money is gone but your ~ is filled with new source code you have no clue how it works05:34
ShadowJKmonday-thursday is spent understanding the code you wrote and fixing the bugs05:35
DocScrutinizerhrhrhrrr sounds just like RL05:35
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dotblankok im at a point in order to port an application it is asking for word size and endianess05:44
dotblankthis is processor specific. Does anyone know what the values for armel are?05:45
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dotblanknvm looks like I figured it out05:49
DocScrutinizeractually if your app doesn't deal with file formats or hardware interfaces, that this shouldn't matter unless it's very poor coding style05:49
dotblankI think its dealing with crypto05:49
DocScrutinizeraiui crypo excange formats all are byte based (actually char based I'd say). So those math wizards decided to do bit juggling madness instead of proper math / logic05:51
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DocScrutinizerprobably some math professor thought he's better on optimization than the compiler. Odds are he never heard of compiler optimization at all05:56
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ptl_demands_PR12what if I use a kernel image with smartReflex active by default, overclocked to 900 MHz and with NAT support? What if?06:00
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DocScrutinizeryou win the fool's batch of the week06:04
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dotblankOk if im compiling a file with GLES/gl.h includes and I need to use the opengl es lib what -l flag do I use06:11
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ReadyKilowattAnyone know a maemo-friendly nasa TV feed?06:32
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mandayahey all, my name is Arjun, and I'm a student at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. I'm interested in working with Maemo/MeeGo for Google Summer of Code. I'd love to work on any project that the community finds useful (especially as a member of the userbase!), but in particular, I would love to work on the ebook reader. As someone who frequently reads ebooks, having a good app for that would be fantastic, and I feel I can contribute in that way. Also, I know O07:37
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ptl_demands_PR12mandaya: evince is terrific for reading PDFs and FBReader is great for reading the rest.07:43
ptl_demands_PR12DocScrutinizer: what is happening with apt on the SDK? I can't find mplayer using apt-cache search, it's there on the packages list but even apt-cache policy mplayer doesn't show it.
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mandayaptl_demands_PR12: ah, cool, wasn't aware that evince was ported to maemo already. I was just going on the project ideas list for GSoC; the ebook reader was what caught my eye first :)07:46
ptl_demands_PR12mandaya: evince even has kinetic scrolling...07:48
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ptl_demands_PR12mandaya: if you could however do an app for reading via camera some infrared controls and making a LIRC configuration file for use on IRReco and other programs... Or a good shopping list program... Or a program that can use a custom ringtone for every contact/group...07:49
ptl_demands_PR12mandaya: that would be terrific!07:49
ptl_demands_PR12mandaya: these are all areas where the N900 is lacking07:52
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mandayaptl_demands_PR12: what do you mean by reading infrared controls from a camera? infrared controls for what?07:55
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DocScrutinizerhe means learning mode for IR remote for appliances. To read in the IR TX patterns for a particular original remote control07:59
ptl_demands_PR12mandaya: the camera can "see" infrared as a bright light08:03
ptl_demands_PR12DocScrutinizer: I just tried using mplayer with xwinwrap on the N900 to try and get animated wallpapers. Didn't work :(08:03
ptl_demands_PR12mandaya: the IR sensor on the N900 is an emitter but not a receiver. So, you cannot use it to read output from an IR Remote Control08:05
ptl_demands_PR12mandaya: if we can use the camera to read the IR signal, we could have the base frequency and patterns of the IR Remote Control and build a LIRC file for it.08:06
DocScrutinizerif we could08:07
DocScrutinizerptl_demands_PR12: and you got a new idea how to get the carrier frequency and data pattern from a camera that hardly does more than 60 fps?08:08
ptl_demands_PR12yes... if it is possible at all, there's been some controversy here08:08
mandayaptl_demands_PR12: ah, that does sound interesting, but DocScrutinizer's objections still stand08:09
ptl_demands_PR12DocScrutinizer: it sweeps the screen dot by dot at every nanosecond or such, so if you get the IR light close enough, you might get the real frequency.08:09
ptl_demands_PR125 MP camera, 30 frames per second08:09
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DocScrutinizerptl_demands_PR12: nice you're quoting me, still I asked for *new* ideas :-P08:09
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ptl_demands_PR12if the light dominates the central part of the screen, say, the central 1 MP, you have 30 MHz freqency to sweep08:09
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crashanddieguys, a bit off topic, but I need some help08:14
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DocScrutinizermandaya: I did a video recording while placing the IR LED directly on the cam lens, so the whole picture/sensor got uniformly exposed to the light. On watching such video you can see some kind of light and dark horizontal bars. Depending on the way the sensors does exposure and is read out, you might possibly find even smaller moiree formed by the carrier freq that's between 30 and 45kHz08:14
crashanddie(normal web page), I have 500 items to display, linearly (meaning that each item follows the previous one, etc), and contextual information that spans multiple items08:15
crashanddiehow would you see that being displayed?08:15
DocScrutinizermandaya: you'd need to do several samples so you can reconstruct the full datastream fro the sniplets contained in each picture of the video, and fill in the time gaps between pictures of one video08:15
ptl_demands_PR12crashanddie: in a grid/matrix?08:16
ptl_demands_PR12crashanddie: it depends on the contextual information, I guess08:16
crashanddieI was thinking that in real web 2.0 spirit, I should make it scale, meaning that I should display 500 items on one line, and then allow people to zoom in on the area they're interested in08:16
ptl_demands_PR12crashanddie: would it make it groupable? Is this information like tags or categories?08:16
RST38hcrashanddie: collapsable list?08:16
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crashanddieptl_demands_PR12: try to imagine that the information is a list of houses on a single street, contextual information is "specific houses can listen to what is happening around them in X range"08:19
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crashanddieRST38h: interesting, but I'd rather stay horizontal tbh08:19
ptl_demands_PR12crashanddie: wow, that will be difficult. And reading that description I understood why the "scale" idea. Indeed, a looking-glass through the items might have lots of sense. But on the other hand, it seems that to find the information the user would have to run through all the 'houses', isn't it? He should be able to do that looking only through a small subset.08:21
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crashanddiewell, I did this a few years ago08:22
ptl_demands_PR12If there are categories, best would be to collapse by them08:22
crashanddiewell, actually, each "house" contains 15 "flats"08:22
crashanddieso I could expand even further, and there at 10 streets ;)08:22
infobotcrashanddie meant: so I could expand even further, and there are 10 streets ;)08:22
RST38hcrashanddie: staying horizontal with 500 items is a bad idea08:23
crashanddiethe way we solved this a few years ago, I think, is that we simply had a table showing 50 items, and a coloured stripe above the table that would show if specific house is within the range of another person08:23
crashanddieand then just navigation buttons left and right to go through the full 50008:24
mandayaDocScrutinizer: so then I presume the idea is to do a histogram analysis on the image and direct good matches appropriately?08:25
mandayaor rather, images08:26
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RST38hcrashanddie: And how have users liked that? =)08:28
crashanddieRST38h: well, considering the tool was massively helpful, they didn't really complain08:28
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crashanddieit's like when you ask people to dig a swimming pool. You give them the choice between a shovel and a caterpillar with an uncomfortable seat.08:30
DocScrutinizermandaya: well, no histogram. Rather a pattern readout and analysis, based on some investigations done with known input signals and finding how they represent in the pictures08:31
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* ptl_demands_PR12 just donated $20 to wonderful service08:32
mandayaDocScrutinizer: alright, who should I contact for mentorship on such a project?08:37
DocScrutinizerno idea, I'm not a mentor-worthy sw-devel08:38
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mandayahaha, alright, I'll keep idling on here and ask from time to time then08:41
DocScrutinizermandaya: I just could help a little bit with the basics on how to use the hardware - on a mere hw functions level, no api or somesuch08:41
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: a 'open bme' gsoc project could be interesting08:44
Stskeepsah, VDVsx has been integrated into the mothership it seems like08:45
DocScrutinizerhmm yes. But still, what's my role in GSoC?08:45
Stskeepsyou could technically sign up as mentor still i think08:45
RST38hStskeeps: So, what kind of a knob is he?08:45
StskeepsRST38h: no idea08:45
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: maybe backup mentor for hw related issues08:48
SpeedEvilptl_demands_PR12: and camera not work like that. It has a virtual shutter that opens for several lines. The whole line is exposed, not one dot.08:49
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DocScrutinizermandaya: anyway, your first task would obviously be to get a 10sec video in raw uncompressed format, and generally gain control over the details of cam module setup and opeartion08:50
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: yep, that's what I thought as well08:51
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DocScrutinizerbtw another theoretical possibility would be to rapidly move the remote or shake the cam while taking a video08:54
* SpeedEvil goes back to sleep - 6sm08:55
ptl_demands_PR12SpeedEvil: I didn't know that, would it still be enough to get the frequency? I've read someone here saying that you don't need to get the base frequency (38 KHz or such), only the blinking frequency in top of the base frequency08:55
DocScrutinizerif you could get a exposure time of e.g 1/1000 then you could read carrier freq directly (in KHz) by counting number of dots08:55
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mandayahas opencv been ported to maemo? they have a really nice hooks into cameras and provide great image processing / recognition libraries09:03
mandayaif so, that would make obtaining the uncompressed video trivial09:03
mandayafrom there it's a matter of manipulating the raw frames, extracting the IR data from the visual noise, etc.09:04
DocScrutinizeryep, exactly09:05
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mandayaok, I checked, opencv HAS been ported, so DocScrutinizer, the first step you suggested is trivial09:11
mandayawhich is fantastic09:11
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wazd_e63Moaning people :)09:13
ptl_demands_PR12before you sign this as a google summer of code project, try to see if it's indeed possible, even with a very raw version. You don't want your project spoiled by being impossible, isn't it? On the other hand, if you are able to do it, it would be an amazing example of software overcoming hardware limitations.09:13
wazd_e63Everywhere :)09:13
ptl_demands_PR12more like moaning people, not moaning people09:14
ptl_demands_PR12more like whining people, not moaning people09:14
* ptl_demands_PR12 whines about PR1.2 once more09:14
ptl_demands_PR12good moaning to you too!09:14
wazd_e63Ptl_demands_PR12: at least you have something to install it on :)09:14
* wazd_e63 joins whining party09:15
* infobot cries.09:15
wazd_e63But that russian ipad guy absolutely made my day :D09:16
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Stskeepsipad guy?09:20
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wazd_e63Stskeeps: have you seen that epic BBC fail? :D09:22
wazd_e63Stskeeps: live from apple store09:22
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wazd_e63Stskeeps: oooh09:23
wazd_e63Stskeeps: russian guy screaming "that ipad is a piece of shit! Fuck it!" right at the opening :D09:25
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Stskeepswazd_e63: excellnt09:29
wazd_e63Stskeeps: he spent 500 bucks to perform this prank :D09:30
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wazd_e63Stskeeps: I love how apple is using same details for different products though09:31
wazd_e63Stskeeps: ipad's using same battery clocks as macbook I guess09:31
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wazd_e63But again, if I'd design an iPad, I'd screw that pathetic "thickness" games and fill whole area with batteries to allow user to use it for 24 hours :)09:38
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JaffaRight, fixed MWKN released for today.10:08
JaffaOnly an hour late(ish).10:08
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VDVsxJaffa, (look at #9)10:14
StskeepsJaffa: we just got full elilo (with source) and linux 2.6.33 on joggler btw, so it's a bargain by now :)10:14
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ptl_demands_PR12the guys in Europe are waking up.10:22
ptl_demands_PR12Hope the lab at Finland finally release PR1.210:22
ptl_demands_PR12or else!10:22
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cehtehits holidays in much of europe .. easter :P10:23
cehteh(really much? germany at least, france iirc not)10:23
ptl_demands_PR12easter is sunday!10:24
ptl_demands_PR12oh, c'mon10:24
cehtehsunday and monday here10:24
ptl_demands_PR12I'm tired of whining.10:24
ruskieeaster friday and easter monday tend to be a holiday in quite a few parts10:24
ruskieonly easter monday in slovenia though10:24
ruskieso stop whining10:25
cehtehfriday too .. 'karfreitag' not easter is it called here10:25
asjptl_demands_PR12: you have 1.2 eh?10:25
ptl_demands_PR12asj: wish I had10:25
rmrfchikPR12 is obsolete. Let's deman PR2.010:26
ptl_demands_PR12ruskie: as soon as the N900 'marked as fixed' bugs stop popping up on my face, I'll stopo10:27
infobotptl_demands_PR12 meant: ruskie: as soon as the N900 'marked as fixed' bugs stop popping up on my face, I'll stop10:27
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asjrmrfchik: just be happy Meego uses the n900 as devel platform10:29
asjI used an n97 for the last few days, I forgot how well Symbian works for some things10:29
asjGoogle Maps, Gravity, Gmail are great apps10:30
rmrfchiklovely xterm. "Hey, girls, I used to use dbus to call phones! I'm hackka!"10:30
ptl_demands_PR12You forgot Ovi Maps 3.0310:30
asjOvi Maps 3.x has some issues10:30
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asjlike adding a way point, you can only add a POI, you can't search a map10:31
rmrfchikhmmm, does infobot support escaping? \10:31
ptl_demands_PR12rmrfchik: if we could use dbus to intercept a call and change its ringtone on the fly one of the great downsides of N90 could be solved by now10:31
ptl_demands_PR12rmrfchik: but Nokia does not allow us to reach THAT level of hackka!10:32
rmrfchikinfobot: you suck! learn some escaping!10:32
infobotptl_demands_PR12 meant: \\\10:32
rmrfchikescape this \10:32
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ptl_demands_PR12no escaping.10:33
ptl_demands_PR12so we can't replace /10:33
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pupniksomehow i got n900 to enable display withought backlight10:43
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pupnikit is great in sunlight - maybe 105mA chatting over 2g10:45
pupnikwish i knew how to set this when i want it10:45
pwnguini didnt know it was transflective10:47
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VDVsxptl_demands_PR12, holiday in Finland too, so no luck, I guess :D10:48
rmrfchikwhat holiday?10:50
pupnikmaybe this behaviour is tied to lkight sensor10:50
rmrfchikbtw, what is proximity sensor? how it works?10:52
VDVsxEaster Monday :D lol10:52
RST38hMoo VDVsx10:53
VDVsxRST38h, mooooring :)10:54
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* noobmonk3y has a hurty head!!!10:59
nidOgo to bed11:01
ptl_demands_PR12what did you do to your head?11:01
phellarvHow does one see what clockspeed the CPU is currently running at?11:01
cehtehcat /proc/cpuinfo11:02
cehtehor install conky11:02
phellarvJust Bogomips ther11:02
cehtehah right .. well sysfs has something too11:03
* noobmonk3y drank to much :(11:03
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phellarvnoobmonk3y: Then you drink a litre of water, and go to sleep11:03
noobmonk3ytried that and was sick after drinking too much water11:04
nidOso drink a little less this time11:04
* noobmonk3y whinges11:04
nidOor drink some diet pepsi11:04
noobmonk3ymy n900 drained it's batetry dry last night too :(11:04
ptl_demands_PR12time in each CPU clock:11:05
ptl_demands_PR12cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state11:05
ptl_demands_PR12there's this interesting statistics11:05
noobmonk3yi was looking at those yesterday11:05
cehteh cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq11:05
ptl_demands_PR12mine spents almost all time at 250 MHz11:05
noobmonk3ymost do :D11:05
noobmonk3ysaves battery11:05
cehtehtime sleeping isnt accounted11:06
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cehtehmost time it sleeps11:06
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pupnikbacklight seems to be tied to light sensor?!11:08
nidOsame as the keyboard light11:08
pupniki mean it is OFF now11:09
pupnikjust typing via transflective in full sunlight11:09
cehtehpupnik: prolly one of the closed system daemons regulates that11:09
cehtehmce dsme ...11:09
pupnikwell that is awesome if it is a feature :)11:10
cehtehpupnik: how do you turn it off of extended time?11:10
pupnikand more awesome if it is a bug :)11:10
pupnikif i hit display brightness settings it goes on again11:10
cehtehwell i suggested that, wanting to turn it off in full sunlight11:11
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pupnikor if display blanks and reactivates indoors11:11
cehtehbacklight doesnt help much, just wastes battery11:11
pupnikawesome cehteh11:11
cehtehi didnt noticed this functionality yet11:11
pupnikhelps render colors but i dont want that11:11
pupniksun is shining in hessenm :)11:12
cehtehlittle cloudy here11:12
cehtehkarlsruhe :P11:12
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pupnikice city11:12
nidOmy sister's where you are11:12
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pupniknice even.  lived there a few months11:12
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cehteh /sys/class/regulator/regulator.* .. anyone knows which regulators are controled by which number?11:15
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cehtehcat /sys/class/regulator/regulator.*/name11:15
ptl_demands_PR12what is a regulator?11:22
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pupnik8 am guessing Voltage11:26
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pupnikyeah clouds just passed in front of sun and backlight came on.  awesome nokia!11:27
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crashanddiepupnik: reciting your planning for tomorrow?11:28
phellarvHmmm - Even when running lzma constantly, the CPU still prefer to run in 500, and not 900.11:28
crashanddie8AM Guessing voltage, 9AM Ampere divination, 11AM Newton brunch...11:29
ptl_demands_PR12people, tell me. I swear I have looked in a lot of threads in, but has ANYONE figured out if it is possible to override the default ringing behaviour and somehow use a custom ringtone per contact?11:30
ptl_demands_PR12I just want to know if it is possible.11:31
ptl_demands_PR12If there is some dbus trigger or API for that...11:31
ptl_demands_PR12I couldn't find this answer at all.11:31
lbtptl_demands_PR12: there was discussion on -dev ml recently - the answer is probably "not yet"11:32
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ptl_demands_PR12phellarv: are you using the overclocked kernel? Does it come with NAT (masquerading) support?11:32
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ptl_demands_PR12lbt: do you have a link for the discussion? If it does not take much of your time to get.11:32
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pupnikcrashanddie: point taken11:32
lbtno, just in my inbox11:32
ptl_demands_PR12maemo-dev ?11:33
lbtsubject "Routing SMS to another app."11:33
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ptl_demands_PR12I mean, maemo-developers11:33
pupnikhowever backlight-off feature _is_ cool11:33
ptl_demands_PR12found it, thanks.11:34
* rmrfchik is loooking video "N97: The Truth"11:37
rmrfchikfail ;)11:37
rmrfchikit's some reminds me N900.11:40
* ptl_demands_PR12 always strips the part after '&' from youtube videos11:40
rmrfchiksad, sad modest. sad, sad phone app. sad, sad map.11:40
rmrfchikthat's all sucks a lot.11:41
crashanddiermrfchik: sad sad little man11:41
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ptl_demands_PR12rmrfchik: wow, that was really lame of nokia. I didn't know the N97 sucked so hard.11:43
ptl_demands_PR12I am beginning to understand why they are not dealing with the N900 with such a high priority by now.11:44
rmrfchikheh, n900 sucks not less. "It's phone call! Oh, wait while a get app from swap. Sec... A bit more. Here is your phone! Oops, you have 1 missed call"11:44
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pupnikoww -244mA with no cpu use or backlight. just irssi and 2G (!)11:45
rmrfchikIt's alarm! Common, don't you expect get alarm applicatio right when it alarm happend, do you? dude...11:46
pupnikTTE 160 minutes11:46
crashanddieptl_demands_PR12: the n97 had some issues in the first revision, but it's a lot better now11:46
pupnikNAC 60111:46
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pupnikthis is not good. bbl11:47
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crashanddiermrfchik: PM me when you're done moaning and bitching, thanks.11:48
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ptl_demands_PR12crashanddie: that's what I am trying to find... I figured it should be due to the first revision indeed11:49
crashanddieptl_demands_PR12: I really like the N97, I've used it quite a bit, and just looking at the video you can tell the guy is doing specific things on purpose11:50
crashanddieptl_demands_PR12: first of all, he's holding the phone at an angle when doing the rotation -- yes, the portrait/landscape switching is a bit dodgy, but shaking it around doesn't help11:50
crashanddieand the browser, he's nearly not touching the screen, nor is he patient enough... Anyone knows that bashing on a computer, regardless of the type, while it's busy isn't helping things.11:51
ptl_demands_PR12I figured that, I laughed when the guy started to shake the phone11:52
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ptl_demands_PR12anyway...  the N900 is quite smooth on its transitions11:54
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ptl_demands_PR12I think it was rmrfchik, not rmrfchick11:54
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pupnikit would be helpful for mobiles if the irc server bundled packets and only sent 0.5-1/second11:54
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crashanddiethanks ptl_demands_PR1211:55
crashanddieI fail today11:55
pupnikmy battery use shot way up for some reason.. now it is sort of normal again.  mebbe i's been hacked :P11:56
pupnik80-128 ma now11:56
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* noobmonk3y lol's.... used 1.9gb of my 500mb data limit in the last 2 days... woooooooops12:00
TomaszDI have 50 megabytes per month12:00
ptl_demands_PR12hope the extra mebibytes don't cost too much12:01
ptl_demands_PR12my quote is 200 MiB.12:01
TomaszDyeah, I still need to disable auto update12:01
infobotptl_demands_PR12 meant: my quota is 200 MiB.12:01
noobmonk3ynaaaa, i think they will just start throtteling12:01
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TomaszDthey don't throttle, over 50mb eats away at my monthly money quota12:02
noobmonk3ywohoooooooo 3 people for tomorrows n900 meetup!12:02
noobmonk3ywell, me and 2 women.... lol :P12:02
ptl_demands_PR12how come you use so much? which app?12:02
TomaszDhow's that even possible, my gf only likes the n900 because of the tvout12:03
noobmonk3yptl_demands_PR12, using joiku to get my laptop online, and my mates, and a few other peoples :P - and they where watching BBC Iplayer last night on it ;)12:03
nidOTomaszD: introduce her to blubbels as well12:03
ptl_demands_PR12noobmonk3y: oh, that explains it.12:03
TomaszDblubbels? wth is that12:03
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noobmonk3ymoobox does it for my missus, she loves it12:03
noobmonk3yTomaszD, a game12:04
ptl_demands_PR12TomaszD: my girlfriends also make good use of the tvout, I just watched two movies yesterday with one of them12:04
ptl_demands_PR12the other one didn't show up for tonight, tho12:04
* noobmonk3y lost my tv out cable :(12:04
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nidOiv been using my tv out loads12:04
nidOcos my stupid archos is broke :(12:04
crashanddieyou guys have no idea how wrong this conversation sounds12:04
crashanddie"< nidO> iv been using my tv out loads" TOO MUCH INFORMATION12:05
noobmonk3ycrashanddie, you are in an odddddddd mood today!12:05
TomaszDptl_demands_PR12, exactly, this the best thing, I come around with a load of movies and we can play them back on the big screen, winner feature12:05
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crashanddienoobmonk3y: maybe I have a tumour in my humour?12:05
noobmonk3yquite possibly......12:06
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crashanddiebtw, can I just say: Community is one of the best shows in recent times12:08
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TomaszDhaven't seen community, but if you're looking for the best show in television history, then look no further than The Wire12:11
ptl_demands_PR12oh, no12:11
TomaszDand I don't say things like these lightly12:11
ptl_demands_PR12sorry, no other show for getting me hooked12:11
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ptl_demands_PR12can't waste MORE time on shows!!!12:12
ptl_demands_PR12My SeriesFinale list is growing :P12:12
TomaszDit'll pass, the show will end12:12
TomaszDthen check out The Wire12:12
ptl_demands_PR12TomaszD: I've heard that The Wire is the best show ever12:12
TomaszDit is.12:12
ptl_demands_PR12TomaszD: that's why I don't want to check it ut.12:12
ptl_demands_PR12s/ ut./ out./12:13
infobotptl_demands_PR12 meant: TomaszD: that's why I don't want to check it out.12:13
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TomaszDIs it one of those fears that if you start watching it and it'll inevitably finish?12:13
ptl_demands_PR12Yes. I am obsessive. I can't control myself.12:14
TomaszDalso, it spoils watching anything else...12:14
TomaszDit's like nothing can compare12:14
ptl_demands_PR12I'll probably check it out some day, maybe get the entire boxed set or something12:15
TomaszDI was one click away from getting it12:16
TomaszDbarely stopped myself, just too expensive12:16
TomaszDI'm getting the o2 joggler instead12:17
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trumeeanybody uses opensync for syncing N90012:23
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ptl_demands_PR12lbt: just got some more concrete response about that ringtone stuff12:28
lbton ml ?12:30
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ptl_demands_PR12lbt: yep12:33
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ptl_demands_PR12well, at least it seems, I am still decided to only go further about PR1.2. :)12:33
ptl_demands_PR12s/ about / after /12:33
infobotptl_demands_PR12 meant: well, at least it seems, I am still decided to only go further after PR1.2. :)12:33
lbtah, I was watching meego-dev :)12:33
ptl_demands_PR12maemo-developers, Kate responded12:34
lbtptl_demands_PR12: lets hope Robot101 catches this thread12:35
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ptl_demands_PR12Is he also looking for this info?12:36
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Raafat__Hi, all I have an idea about GSOC application and I would like to discuss it here with you.13:03
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Raafat__The idea is developing an application that enables the user to search for anything by just pronouncing words, the application shall do speech recognition and then show the results to the him/her. If you have any suggestions or feedback, I would be pleased to hear it from you.13:04
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Raafat__on Maemo talk somone suggested integrating social network abilities and sms and calling functions to it also13:04
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naxus60 has similar functionality for making calls13:06
naxuperhaps some code could be re-used13:06
naxufeature is called: sind13:07
Raafat__thanks, naxu I will look for it13:08
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naxuit is not easy to do speech recognition with limited cpu and in time that user wants to wait for results13:09
naxubut with limited amount of terms it seems to work ok13:10
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SpeedEvilIt's not a GSOC13:20
SpeedEviltype thing13:20
SpeedEvilIt's a combined effort of a lot of people over years type of thing13:21
* javispedro wonders what will happen to the overclockers thread when they finally realize they can actually change the max freq without reflashing the kernel...13:21
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SpeedEviljavispedro: How?13:21
javispedrokernel cmdline13:21
SpeedEvil(though I'm more interested in the low end)13:21
javispedrowell, actually, that requires flashing13:21
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SpeedEvilcan kexec be built as a module?13:22
javispedroI don't think so; does that finally work btw?13:22
SpeedEvilDon't ask me.13:23
javispedroI know a bunch of work was required to make it work for the n8x013:23
SpeedEvilI wish qemu was fast.13:25
SpeedEvilqemu + dragon dictate = win13:25
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joker_89i know that this channel is only from maemo, but i want to know if notes in symbian can be sync?13:26
phellarvjoker_89: nope13:26
joker_89are you sure? because i can get sync only to server13:27
joker_89but no server-> client13:27
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SpeedEvilIs there anywhere offering bounties for apps?13:31
SpeedEvilI'd like to contribute small amounts towards certain apps being developed, without a project going atm.13:32
SpeedEvilFor example, speech recognition, ...13:33
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javispedroGod, tmo. They read what they like and ignore what they dislike.13:35
* javispedro rediscovers humanity13:35
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javispedronow curiously enough "optification" has become associated with a certain level of ascension applications have.13:35
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javispedro"non-optified" applications burn battery cycles, make your system slow, crash your phone, and corrupt your files13:36
javispedro"optified" applications do none of these.13:37
javispedrothe irony here is the original definition of optification...13:37
javispedrothey read a bug report and grab the first set of shell commands they can run into terminal.13:38
javispedroeven if the _next_ post tells "that's wrong, use XXX instead"13:38
toolshi all..13:38
* javispedro stops ranting and goes try "help" someone.13:39
* SpeedEvil passes javispedro the flamethrower filled with bile.13:39
toolsI'm trying to connect my notebook to the n900 via bluetooth to share it's internet connection13:39
toolsI thought to use pan but am not sure about the necessary steps13:39
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toolsI'm using debian testing/unstable on my notebook13:40
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toolsand would like to have a commandline based connection13:40
javispedroi think DUN is easier13:40
tools(in contrast to using PC Connectivity)13:41
toolsI don't really care about dun or pan. I couldn't get dun working though13:41
toolsI installed the package13:41
javispedrothere's an app in extras for DUN. I never tried it though.13:42
javispedrodo you have another bt phone? to test if n900 or desktop is wrong?13:43
toolsI got my notebook to send a file via obex - so basically bluetooth connection works13:43
trumeenobody syncs their contacts with PC here?13:44
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toolsI think n900-wise it's all set13:44
trumeeofcourse we are talking about linux not windows!13:44
toolsI wonder what I have to do on my notebook though to make it use the n900 as it's gateway13:44
trumeeit is strange on why the syncml implementation on N900 is different to N9513:45
naxufor me it worked automatically with ubuntu and network manager13:45
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joker_89syncml works with notes?13:45
toolsI don't use network manager13:46
toolsbut actually I don't even know the theoretical steps to take13:46
naxuyeah i understand :J13:46
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toolslike if I have to setup an interface, a gateway or whatever13:46
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trumeejoker_89: on N95 it didnt. only the contacts and calender worked13:47
trumeejoker_89: are you isng opensync?13:47
toolsthere's howtos on tethering but afaiu I don't want to tether as I establish the internet connection on the n900 manually13:47
joker_89no why?13:48
joker_89i try to sync notes and work :S13:48
trumeejoker_89: with what software?13:48
joker_89but only mobile-> server13:48
joker_89with native syncml13:48
joker_89in n8513:48
toolswhat I want is to have a networking connection from my notebook to the n900 via bluetooth which uses the n900 as it's gateway. probably have to configure nat on the n900 to make that work13:48
joker_89but seems that notes database have only read only13:48
joker_89because server-> client dont work13:49
trumeejoker_89: i tried to use opensync but wasnt successfull.13:49
trumeejoker_89: what server do you use?13:49
joker_89i read that native and funambol works13:49
joker_89i try it with mooha its a syncml server usning php and msyql13:49
joker_89i install it on my pc and do it with my nokia emulator13:49
joker_89but seems that only works in one side13:49
trumeejoker_89: not very good then13:50
joker_89i am saying this because i am programming a new notes for symbian that can sync13:50
trumeejoker_89: i want to sync against kde addressbook which is a plain vcf file13:50
trumeejoker_89: you mean notes only work once side, but contacts work bot sides?13:51
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user`hi the zoutube application doesn't play videos can this be fixed?13:53
trumeejoker_89: does mooha sync all the fields in contacts. my worry is that the server might skip some fields in the addressbook13:53
joker_89i try mooha because i am doing a syncml server like mooha13:55
joker_89but its not a good server for calendar and contacts13:55
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sylarpowais there any gsoc mentor?13:57
trumeeany idea what is the best server to sync addressbook which can retain all the custom fields.13:57
reggnaMaemo is in gsoc?13:58
reggnaGood to know..13:58
joker_89trumee in maemo or symbian?13:58
joker_89i sync with gmail now13:58
trumeejoker_89: maemo13:58
sylarpowareggna: yep13:58
joker_89but maemo cant sync notes?14:00
trumeejoker_89: i dont really care about notes.14:01
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trumeejoker_89: only interested in contacts.14:03
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C-S-B-N900i have to sync with nuevosync (sp)14:03
C-S-B-N900which in turn chucks it out to gmail14:03
C-S-B-N900works for me but i cant seem to get evolution to get those contacts...14:04
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* SpeedEvil writes v0.1 of an app to test power use of apps.14:13
javispedrowinmo has one of those14:14
javispedrousing bq27xxx ?14:14
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SpeedEvilrunning and killing app 10 times14:14
SpeedEvilafk - doing stuff in garden14:14
javispedroafaik on winmo they just use timer stats , seems we might have something more precise :)14:14
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user`is there a way with the maemo browser to go to the previus visited page without selecting it from the history list14:20
nidObackspace on the keyboard14:20
nidOas of 1.2, the back button in the browser screen will also do it14:20
user`thanks with the keyboard works14:21
user`but with the back.button I always get the history list14:21
nidOre-read what I said :)14:22
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user`I have the latest update installed14:22
nidOwhich is 1.1.114:22
* Noobmonk3y moos14:22
user`when will be 1.2 out?14:22
Noobmonk3yuser`, in the year 202014:23
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Noobmonk3yie nokia do not give dates14:23
Noobmonk3yany guess is as good as the next14:23
user`I see14:23
Noobmonk3ysoon hopefully14:24
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javispedroI've now been called both Nokia-hater and Nokia-side conspirator14:26
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nidOjavispedro: and which is true?!14:27
javispedrotbh I don't know :)14:28
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zashDoes someone continue with a .deb based maemo dist?14:36
* VDVsx conspires about javispedro :D14:36
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VDVsxzash, maemo6 is still debian based afaik14:36
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VDVsxthere's some efforts for meego as well14:37
javispedroVDVsx: hehe. another interesting thing is that the only thing that happened between me getting called a "hater" and me being called "conspirator" is the announcement of the new council :)14:38
javispedroI _knew_ I should not have edited my tmo signature ;)14:38
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VDVsxjavispedro, being in the council is fun, people think that the council has a lot of inside info, that the council members are conspirators, and some times that the council members are Nokians :D14:40
VDVsxyou'll see ;)14:40
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javispedroyes, I see :)14:44
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toolsis it possible to use tethering to re-use an existing connection?14:46
toolsall the tutorials I find for setting up tethering with pppd assume that I want to connect to a provider instead of using an already established connection14:47
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* VDVsx notices that he still has the council IRC cloak :D14:48
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javispedroyeah, seems that GAN didn't exert enough pressure to freenode guys! ;)14:48
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VDVsxjavispedro, I think only X-Fade can change that14:49
VDVsx~poke X-Fade14:49
* infobot cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind X-Fade, pokes X-Fade repeatedly, hilarity ensues.14:49
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trumeehow are the contacts stored internally in N900. is it possible to retrieve that file?14:49
javispedrocontacts are stored into a sq-lite database, but idon't remember the path from the top of my head14:50
_berto_.osso-abook or something14:50
Raafat___Hi, I have an idea for GSOC and I want to discuss it here.14:51
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Raafat___I am thinking of developing an application that enables the user to search for anything by just pronouncing words, the application shall do speech recognition and then show the results to the him/her ... Someone in the Maemo Talk suggested adding social network abilities and sms and calling functions.14:53
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VDVsxRaafat___, humm, see "Pocket Jeeves" in our ideas list14:54
trumeejavispedro _berto_, /home/user/.osso-abook, thanks14:55
nidOthat really doesnt sound like the sort of think youll be able to knock up for gsoc, unless you're just porting something that already exists14:55
VDVsxtrue, that's a lot of work14:55
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VDVsxhowever Pocket Sphinx can help a lot14:56
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Raafat___VDVsx , nid0 ... I am searching for an open source library for speech recognition ... I hope this will reduce the amount of work and make it more suitable to be a GSOC project14:59
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* Stskeeps is really fond of after having to deal with 13 year old forum admins15:00
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Raafat___VDVsx , I am checking out Pocket Jeeves ... it looks very intersiting15:02
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VDVsxStskeeps, ahah, they kick you out ? :D15:04
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StskeepsVDVsx: first forum ban in 10 years15:04
VDVsxOMG, lol15:05
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lcukx200Stskeeps, we could get VDVsx to ban you from here too if you like ;)15:06
VDVsxone time I got a notice because I post a brand name in a tech forum, didn't know that was against the rules 0.o15:07
* VDVsx still wonders how to talk about tech without brand names :D15:07
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nidOwell, its easy to discuss whether you prefer xxx graphics over xxxxxx or xxxxx cpu's rather than xxx!15:09
RST38hVDVsx: That probably was an abusive moderator15:09
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StskeepsVDVsx: otoh, it was probably not a good idea to call them idiots afterwards15:10
* Stskeeps got a little pissy15:10
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VDVsxlol, see tmo is a paradise :D15:11
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Stskeepsall things considered, that place breeds innovation15:12
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lcukx200new languages the mod doesnt know to try and get your message out?15:13
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namusI have taken image thru N900 camera with geotags enabled & directly uploaded to ovi page , after uploading to ovi , map location is not visible . is there a problem with my account?15:14
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lcukx200namus, did you have a gps lock at the time of taking the image15:15
lcukx200did you select to geotag your photos?15:15
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namusya , gps info is available with my image .. if i open the image with phots application ->menu-> details -> show on map15:16
namusthe map location is clarly visble thru nokia maps15:16
namus*clearly visble thru15:17
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lcukx200i dunno then if the tags are on the photos and you are uploading those photos, go and have a look around your ovi settings?  is it the first time you have tried or does it normally show location15:17
Raafat___VDVsx, I check out Pocket Jeeves, I love it, I would like to participate15:18
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VDVsxRaafat___, then submit a proposal and good luck :)15:19
namusif only geotags are present & not gps-info , then probable map-location is visible15:20
namushow would i set proper ovi settings >?15:22
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SpeedEvilOops. Sorry for earlier spam join/part, forgot.15:25
SpeedEvilxchat - moderately active - looks like 30mA15:26
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Raafat___VDVxs, I am searching for a proposal template but I can't find till now15:33
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Raafat___is there a proposal template to apply for GSOC ?15:41
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noobmonk3y_Raafat___, not one on one of the tmo posts?15:43
noobmonk3y_VDVsx, ping15:43
VDVsxRaafat___, is in the GSoC site and also in our wiki15:44
* noobmonk3y_ thanks VDVsx 15:44
* noobmonk3y_ swears loudly at the n900's GPS... why can you find one part of the fix but not the other :(15:45
Raafat___thanks, VDVsx , I appreciate it15:46
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* noobmonk3y_ grins15:59
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lcukx200noobmonk3y_, ive got the other part of your gps lock over here16:07
noobmonk3y_yay! :D :D16:07
noobmonk3y_lcukx200, new na,e? - uber lcukx200 ? hehe16:07
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lcukx200virgin fail16:08
lcukx200tho its just stopped flashing, its been down for longer than an aged hooker this week16:09
lcukx200brb changing connection16:09
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noobmonk3y_wb lcuk16:10
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lcukthats better16:10
noobmonk3y_app manager refusing to update or view catalogues16:10
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noobmonk3y_hmmmm my n900's cpu is running at 40 degrees C.... joiku is a bit evil!16:14
Shapeshifterone day, someone might finally get around skripting the iptables magic needed for a bare and simple wlan AP solution16:15
wiredhey guys :) im trying to run qt applications through a gentoo chroot. they work, but they wont respond to the keyboard at all. any ideas?16:16
noobmonk3y_wired.... similar to the debian issue?16:16
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wirednoobmonk3y_: perhaps, i don't know what the debian issue is16:17
noobmonk3y_for some reason, press the power button so the menu appears, then return back to your app - fixes it in debian16:17
noobmonk3y_(easy debian, qole's thingy)16:17
wiredhmm lets see16:17
noobmonk3y_odd fix i know, but works16:17
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noobmonk3y_lcuk,  2 new builds of healtcheck today :D - one in extras devel now :16:19
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lcukwow noobmonk3y_ you are slacking16:20
lcuktheres normally at least 1016:20
noobmonk3y_;) 2 good ones, better then 10 ok ones ;)16:20
noobmonk3y_loadsa new info on there16:20
wirednoobmonk3y_: that didn't work.. :)16:20
noobmonk3y_wired,  :(16:20
wiredonly the arrow keys work16:21
noobmonk3y_:( no idea :(16:22
* noobmonk3y_ is just going to put his joiku-on-fire-n900 in the fridge... to test the temperature readout :D16:22
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javispedrogood afternoon, nokia conspiracy comrades16:25
javispedrohow's the conspiracy today? is the president already dead?16:25
noobmonk3y_lol decided which side you are on now?16:25
* javispedro tries to check mail on the n900, but as soon as I unlock the screen it shuts down due to low battery16:26
javispedrothus gets me in bad mood, thus nokia hater!16:26
* noobmonk3y_ only hates nokia on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays16:27
RST38hjavispedro: go tell about it on tmo!16:27
lcuknoobmonk3y_, but its a bank holiday monday16:27
noobmonk3y_still a monday :D16:28
RST38hjavispedro: tell these suckers you are buying an ipad instead!16:28
javispedroRST38h: did you read the part where I've been called a conspirator and a hater within a few days? :)16:28
noobmonk3y_right, time for a swim :D back laters :D16:28
javispedroI didn't know you could so easily switch between "us" and "them"!16:29
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* javispedro plays homer in the "us" vs "them" frontier16:29
javispedros/homer/homer simpson16:29
noobmonk3y_whats the s/ thing mean?16:29
noobmonk3y_s/ boobies16:29
noobmonk3y_meh doesnt do anything16:29
javispedronoobmonk3y_: s/regexp_to_replace/replacement_string/16:29
javispedronoobmonk3y_: and the both will do it for you16:30
RST38hjavispedro: Yes. You were even covering your trackes on Wikipedia!16:30
noobmonk3y_?!?! now that was a geek-ful?!16:30
javispedronoobmonk3y_: I usually intentionally skip the last / since I think the bot introduces too much noise16:30
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javispedronoobmonk3y_: with the .. uh, "big" number of typos per second I make that's quite a lot of noise ;)16:31
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javispedroRST38h: I am SO evil. You cannot even imagine when I tried to correct wikipedia about the partition layout!16:32
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* Arkenoi found several "magic" spots in St Petersburg Megafon 3G networks where active data connection consumes more power than charger may provide16:34
RST38hjavispedro: the longer you stay on tmo, the eviller you get16:34
RST38hjavispedro: Ask GeneralAntilles: he know ALL about it16:35
javispedrobut the General appears evil even to me! ;)16:35
javispedrobtw you're evil too RST38h, you're not working on VGBA hard enough! evil!16:36
nidOsigh bitch girlfriend16:36
nidOjust blew away my blubbels highscore by like 1100 :<16:36
* RST38h worships the tentacled One, as a proof16:36
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javispedrothat's the most evil evilness in the eyes of tmoers: not allowing them to play pokemon.16:37
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* javispedro notes that someone now stated as fact that cpufreq is disabled when connected to charger16:38
javispedrowill see how long does that stand until it gets magically converted in "the truth"16:38
RST38hYea, the pokemon thing sounds kinda silly16:38
RST38hwhy not play it on a real GBA?16:39
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javispedroYou Got Ten Evil Points.16:39
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crashanddieRST38h: "because OMG, carrying two items? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm way to cool to carry two items. I mean, like two different items could ever have been designed for different purposes is just ridiculous, I will not accept that anything I posess cannot be used for the same uses"16:43
* SpeedEvil ponders adding Maehammer to extras.16:43
RST38hcrashanddie: Do you think using a canned reply "Stuff it." will be considered rude by the tmo moderators?16:44
derfLet's resolve this using the scientific method.16:44
crashanddiedepends on how many reports there will be16:44
crashanddieRST38h: 1-2 reports, no, 3-5 reports, yes16:44
RST38hOn the other hand, the lemmings have mostly moved on to PSX emulators...16:44
crashanddieTMO moderators have ill-defined boundaries, resulting in variable judgement calls16:45
* toggles_w reads engadget overclocking info and does the keanu WHOA!16:46
toggles_wwho's running at 1GHz?16:46
* javispedro is reminded of the engadget overclocking info, which causes his nose to bleed16:46
javispedroRST38h: yes, makes me feel bad about poor smoku16:48
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VDVsxRST38h, "I want PSX running full speed for all games!!!" :D17:05
VDVsxand a pinky pony :D17:06
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RST38hIn 1958 a B-47 accidentally jettisoned an unarmed nuclear weapon which fell and detonated on a garden owned by the Gregg family in Mars Bluff, South Carolina.  The high explosive detonation created a crater 50-70 feet wide and 25-30 feet deep.17:20
javispedroreading slashdot, eh?17:21
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tmdyYesterday I visited here17:31
tmdyAbout flashing17:32
tmdyやはり 失敗しました17:32
tmdyAlso failed17:32
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ml-mobiletmdy: are you using an IME on the N900 for the japanese text?17:38
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crashanddiehow do you "accidentally jettison" a nuclear weapon?17:47
javispedrooh, they did "accidentally drop" one around here too.17:47
javispedrothere's some pictures around about some national figure "taking a bath" in the beach where they drop the bomb, just to reassure the masses.17:48
crashanddienational figure == bobby kennedy?17:50
marmoutecrashanddie: in spain17:50
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javispedro(in spain)17:51
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kamuisup Gs17:54
javispedrocrashanddie: center guy: then spain's "information minister"; right guy: then USA ambassador to Spain17:56
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trumee3rd day of new N900 and one speaker seems to have died18:00
trumeesound is only coming from one speaker18:00
crashanddieoh really?18:00
javispedrohey, that happened to me.18:00
trumeecould it be a software problem18:00
crashanddieThat is something I couldn't have been able to understand from your first statement18:01
javispedrotrumee: at the end I found out it was hw problem, had to send in for repair.18:01
trumeejavispedro: is this a hardware issue?18:01
trumeeis it common?18:01
crashanddie"One speaker seems to have died. Sound is only coming from one speaker" <-- you don't say?18:01
javispedrotrumee: I don't think it's common, so far I only remember it happening to me :(18:02
trumeejavispedro: hopefully i will get a replacement. i am still under 14 day warranty18:02
javispedrotrumee: you might want to play a bit with the headphones plug (plug something then unplug) before sending it back18:02
javispedro(note that my problem wasn't related to the headphones plug though)18:03
trumeejavispedro: is it worth reflashing?18:03
javispedrotrumee: yes, also ensures you don't leave personal data before sending it back.18:03
javispedrotrumee: but it didn't help me.18:03
trumeeexactly, i dont want to send my personal stuff.18:03
trumeei guess i can use pc suite to download my contacts? and then reflash it?18:04
javispedroor use builtin backup application18:04
trumeejavispedro: oh! did not know about built in backup. how does it work?18:04
javispedroIt works best, other than paper and pencil.18:04
javispedrotrumee: you launch it, hit backup :)18:04
trumeejavispedro: ok :)18:05
javispedrotrumee: either back to an sd card, or move the resulting file to your computer18:05
trumeebacking it up now18:06
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trumeehow do i factory reset it afterwords?18:06
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infobotfrom memory, flashing is
trumeejavispedro: will it format the inbuilt user partition as well?18:07
javispedroif you flash both the "normal" firmware (the rootfs) and the emmc, then yes.18:07
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trumeejavispedro: yes, that is what i want.18:08
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* noobmonk3y waves18:11
frosty`hi noobmonk3y18:11
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noobmonk3yhey frosty`  :D18:11
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trumeejavispedro: the backup tool restores the settings as well?18:18
javispedrotrumee: should18:19
javispedrospecially for core/builtin apps18:19
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wiredhmm it seems that the keyboard works in qt menus but not qt text fields18:21
Chikudoes someone use skype ?  do you get spams ?18:28
Chikuhow to avoid skype spams?18:28
frosty`Chiku: you can change a setting to get messages from only your contacts18:29
jcrawfordChiku, don't use skype :)18:29
frosty`oh, hi jcrawford :P18:29
jcrawfordmorning frosty`18:29
frosty`morning :)18:29
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Chikufrosty`, it is already only from my contacts18:30
jcrawfordChiku, then remove that contact :)18:30
jcrawfordwhy are they a contact if they are just spamming you :) remove them and they wont be able to message you18:30
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, so i see about 20 mA current xchat/wifi, 50-70mA with GPS on..18:30
ChikuI don't have these contacts who send spams18:30
jcrawfordso who has overclocked to 900mhz-1ghz?18:31
Chikubut I checked "only from my contacts" on my pc client18:31
jcrawfordoh i thought you meant the guy spamming you was on your contacts haha18:31
Chikudoes it depends client settings? or it's serveur settings?18:31
jcrawfordsorry long weekend, lots of alcohol and not so much sleep :)-18:31
SpeedEvilShadowJK: I got +30mA - based on joining 10 channels for 2 minutes - then killing xhcat for 2 mins - repeating for 10 *18:31
SpeedEvilShadowJK: the phone also discharged all the way with vdq=1 - sw reset due to low bat I assume - and diddn't log new cap.18:32
ShadowJKWell mostly my lower numbers for GPS that I wanted to point out18:32
SpeedEvilShadowJK: I'll check it outdoors in a bit18:32
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Chikufrosty`, ok it's client setting18:34
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frosty`Chiku: ah, okay18:34
Chikuby default pc client "only from my contacts"18:36
Chikubut by default on n900, it's "all people"18:36
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Chikudoes skype video work?18:47
ChikuI tried with gmail video it works but what about skype?18:47
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ChikuShadowJK, did you try video with gmail?18:48
Chikuwonder if it's possible to use video chat with backside camera instead of the front one18:49
_llll_i dont think many people want to video chat your arse18:49
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sylarpowaVDVsx: hi, I have seen your comment on my gsoc project draft, what do you think about it?18:51
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noobmonk3yMohammadAG, W00000000000p!18:51
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MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, hey!18:53
noobmonk3yhey hey :D - lots up h/c updates today!18:53
* MohammadAG wonders why noobmonk3y doesn't have his own repo18:54
MohammadAGyou can upload 1 package each minute if you do :P18:54
noobmonk3ygood point ;)18:54
noobmonk3ystill trying to figure out how to get a decent app list18:55
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MohammadAGthird party, meh18:56
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MohammadAGzoutube was updated, hope it works with the new youtube18:56
MohammadAGexpected PR1.2 :P18:56
noobmonk3yJaffa, .... when you did catorise, did you do it in perl for a reason, or is that just the best way to get the apps installed etc?18:57
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noobmonk3y:) lol18:57
MohammadAGnoobmonk3y, maybe he knows perl better :)18:57
noobmonk3yvery true, and expecting that answer18:58
noobmonk3ybut he is also cleverererer than me and may be able to help my feeble mind ;)18:58
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andrewfblacka few more posts like and I will just mail Quim my N900 back19:01
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* joga does not get it19:03
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andrewfblackwhat don't you get joga ?19:05
MohammadAGandrewfblack, there are ****s, just ignore them19:05
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jogaandrewfblack: well, I don't know who festivalnut is and what relevance that post has :)19:06
andrewfblackMohammadAG: Seems people like that are taking over t.m.o now and days19:06
woodong50anyone there19:07
MohammadAGandrewfblack, noticed that, read the Goodbye N900 thread and saw a lot of them...19:07
andrewfblackjoga: the relevance to me and that post is I an the designer of the minimalist theme and I don't know who he is either but I just get tired of people complaining about something but not getting suggestions on whats wrong with it or being willing ot fix it them self19:07
jogaandrewfblack: ok, I see. I wouldn't worry much about it, people can be very insensitive over the net19:08
andrewfblackMohammadAG: I didn't even bother reading that thread maybe I will now19:08
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MohammadAGandrewfblack, don't, it's just full of the normal N900 vs iPhone stuff, and someone's dramatic story of why he got an iPhone over the N90019:08
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MohammadAGhe's obviously a troll, since 1. he doesn't have an N900 2. he joined the site to say how good his unshipped iPhone was.19:09
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zeqHi guys, I've been playing with the openvpn applet, by default it won't "redirect-gateway" due to the fact the gprs default route doesn't have a gateway address defined.  Ideally the API should pass the gateway address to "/etc/gprs/", but it's easy enough to get the gateway from the P-t-P interface address so I modified it to do that. It's also handy to have a script set up dnsmasq for the vpn tunnel which I've also got wo19:09
zeqrking.  Should I just open buzgilla bugs and post my patches?19:09
ShadowJKI think since minimalist is kinda "broken" right now, they're using the theme, and that one has the right half of pictures missing, as well as content that doesn't word-wrap and just gets cut off (the page numbers for example), as well as the right hand menu column that makes the actual content fill only like 60% of your N900's screen once you scroll down19:10
MohammadAGandrewfblack, maybe there should be a new forum that doesn't get announced on tmo :)19:11
ShadowJKand on the other parts of website some buttons only work if you're https:// and some only work if you're http://, and some stuff links to www.maemo and www.maemo leads nowhere after the server move..19:11
ShadowJKlots of tiny things that make actually using a bit painful :)19:12
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andrewfblackShadowJK: how is Minimalist broken?19:20
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andrewfblackonly have one bug reported and it is a minor one19:21
ShadowJKjump to first post doesn't work19:22
ShadowJKfirst new*19:22
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ShadowJKIt's like possibly one of the key feature you need to browse :P19:22
FlavioFerreiraBRSomeone will try the GSOC EbookReader ?19:23
ShadowJKunless the cause was found and fixed by now, I only tested it last week :)19:23
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slonopotamus'cyliders' on sd card is really impressive :)19:28
infobotslonopotamus meant: 'cylinders' on sd card is really impressive :)19:29
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SpeedEvilFlavioFerreiraBR: IMO tehre is very little wrong with fbreader19:34
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SpeedEvilFlavioFerreiraBR: It could perhaps do with some tweaking - 2/4 orientations have issues with where the 'back to menu' button pops up.19:34
dmj726_n900are there python bindings for gdigicam?19:34
thenktorhi, is there something similiar for maemo:
* SpeedEvil discovers that you get sort-of-OK stereo by balancing the n900 on your head.19:35
tmdyplease tell me what is mean "SU_VERIFY_COMMS_REQ timed out."19:36
cehtehNokia-N900-02-8:~# swipl --version19:38
cehtehSWI-Prolog version 5.6.50 for armel19:38
slonopotamusSpeedEvil: :D19:38
cehtehwtf .. which packages uses prolog?19:38
jogaprolog could prove useful when confronted with a logic puzzle on the go!19:38
javispedrocehteh: lol, the open hw manager19:38
javispedrocehteh: good find.19:38
javispedrosomething to talk about19:39
cehtehi am old fart prolog programmer, but really didnt expected a prolog on my device by default19:39
javispedro"the N900 uses prolog for hw management" ;)19:39
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javispedro" A dependency resolver plugin for OHM." :P19:40
* MohammadAG wonders if there's a way to download the 1.1.1 SDK19:40
cehtehis this move-microb-engine-to-emmc reasonable safe?19:40
* pupnik tries switchin to 3g19:40
cehtehmy rootfs really needs some space badly19:40
javispedroMohammadAG: you don't need the entire 1.1 sdk, but just the 1.1 rootstrap; that should be avail in tablet-dev site somewhere.19:40
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* cehteh just doing that19:41
cehtehat worst microb breaks :P19:41
SpeedEvilKiller ipad app.
SpeedEvilcehteh: at worst you get a reboot loop as the watchdog kicks in19:42
* javispedro wonders why all the people who know how to patch the kernel to allow for overclocking tend to say "be careful, please don't."; but all the people who DON'T know how to patch the kernel are the ones saying "overclock is fine! gimme! I don't believe what you say!"19:42
cehtehmeans at worst i have to reflash19:42
fluxspeedevil, I think it's better expressed as "iPad killer app"?19:42
MohammadAGjavispedro, thanks, will check it right now19:43
javispedroMohammadAG: actually, do you have the pr1.2 sdk installed?19:43
javispedroMohammadAG: try downgrading specific packages, to see if the older ones are still on the repos19:44
MohammadAGjavispedro, still installing19:44
MohammadAGonly files there seem to be modified on 1/419:44
SpeedEviljavispedro: Is 720 the highest officially supported speed for the variant in the n900?19:45
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MohammadAG <The_Freak_Magnet> you can do a /wallops GregoryRasputin for sale $10.01 if you like19:45
SpeedEviljavispedro: where officially supported = chip is supposed to run at that speed - but not warrantied in n90019:45
javispedroSpeedEvil: I don't know. 3430 datasheet requires NDA, technical manual is public but that information is removed.19:45
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kirmaI thought 3530 is identical with 3430, but sure I can't be certain19:46
MohammadAGjavispedro, I think this is it
MohammadAGsince it has the same apt version as PR1.1.119:47
SpeedEviljavispedro: ah - k19:47
SpeedEviljavispedro: have you investigated nda?19:47
cehtehthese blendtec blenders are awesome19:47
javispedrokirma: there have even been differences within 3530 revisions, since there seems to be speed binned one19:47
Stskeepsjavispedro: i'm waiting for the first smoked n900 to calm the overclockers19:48
kirmayep, I'm not surprised19:48
kirmabut it should be readable from the chip if it actually supports 720 MHz mode officially19:48
javispedrokirma: I have one datasheet where suggested core voltage for 720Mhz is same as 600Mhz; another one where it's not, and both of them are from the 353019:48
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cehtehStskeeps: the big that this one daemon sticks at 100%cpu isnt fixed yet19:48
Stskeepscehteh: hildon-thumbnailer?19:48
cehtehno xinput something19:49
javispedroSpeedEvil: nope19:49
ShadowJKNote that the 720MHz CPU and the 600MHz CPU are both called 3530, but different part numbers :P19:49
javispedrothere's even a 3530A around ;)19:49
* SpeedEvil wonders on the part number in n900.19:49
kirma"720MHz Device Identification" on OMAP35x technical reference manual would probably be a way to see19:49
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cehtehwell 800mht would be awesome, but there should be a cpu governour which ensures a maximal time on that level19:50
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cehtehmaybe flash will then play without stuttering finally ..19:50
cehtehmhm or is flash DSP accelerated?19:51
ShadowJKit's not19:51
cehtehhey guys overclock the dsp pease :P19:51
ShadowJKmost of the flash stutter comes from I/O anyway19:51
ShadowJKit eats a huge chunk of memory19:51
fluxcehteh, apparently overclocking dsp is possible as well, but it's more difficult to benchmark it and see its stability etc, so it's not done by lehto's kernels19:51
cehtehi want ramzswap for my device .. have to ask t-tan if he made any progress there19:52
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fluxI actually had ramzswap on my desktop machine for a while19:52
ShadowJKI don't think I've seen anything where the DSP has stuttered :P19:52
cehtehi have it too on my laptop19:52
fluxbut I realized it doesn't help if it just puts stuff into it at boot and never digs it back19:52
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cehtehcurrently not activated and i bought 4GB ram .. rarely needed19:52
javispedrobtw 34xx technical reference manual is public:
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fluxbecause ramzswap has not yet (has the situation changed?) added a mechanism for pushing old ramzswap pages onto disk19:53
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cehtehfor some workloads its gold .. even with 4gb ram ... opening gitk --all on the kernel tree for example19:53
cehtehyeah nothing there yet19:53
cehtehnitin plans some improvements but compressing disk pages is higher on his list19:53
cehteh(reducing io by that)19:54
cehtehi made some suggestions to him and he slowly working on it. i thinhk its a cool project and works already pretty well19:54
javispedro"OMAP34xx family is composed of: OMAP3420, OMAP3430, OMAP3440-720". You can guess which one's been speed binned ;)19:54
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ShadowJKwhoah, cloak :)19:55
cehtehrootfs                  227.8M    209.1M     14.5M  94% /19:56
cehtehwoah .. some mb free :)19:56
kirmajavispedro: hmmmm19:56
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cehtehand microb still working19:57
kirmanow it would be interesting to know what's the difference in comparison to 353019:57
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javispedrofeel free to diff a 3500 page document :)19:57
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kirma34XX document is 44 pages longer19:58
ShadowJKhm... cellmo-watch crashed19:58
* ShadowJK wonders what it does and if it's important19:58
kirmawhich is less than two percent though19:58
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cehtehthere is some discussion on t.m.o about enabling smart-reflex, i tried that now too, lets see, anyone of you noticed and instability/difference?19:59
ShadowJKI had a reboot once with SR enabled20:00
RST38hcehteh: it is unstable20:00
javispedrodepends on device, currently.20:00
cehtehsome say it is, some say it is not20:00
RST38hcehteh: differs from person to person though, depending on the quality of your omap3 chip20:00
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ShadowJKI don't notice any difference in power consumption either20:01
cehtehafter i enabled it and rebooted once the watchdog kicked in, but could be coincidence i had it running since hours now, just rebooted because of moveing the microb engine20:01
javispedroI have enabled it for two weeks, does not seem to crash more often, active use battery life improved sligthly (very slightly, but improved)20:01
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javispedroShadowJK: does not affect idle at all...20:01
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cehtehwell idle is already good, any improvement in the active department would be nice20:01
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GeneralAntillesAh, crap.20:02
cehtehi try and see20:02
GeneralAntillesSorry, Jaffa. <_<20:02
javispedroShadowJK: could you check (using bq2xxxx) if there's an improvement in the cpu at 100% use case?20:02
cehtehi doubt for the 100% case .. but when there is moderate activity it might be nice20:03
cehtehreading about it..20:03
phellarvOn my 24th hour with 900MHz - All stable and fine.20:03
cehtehhow it behaves in reality might be different20:03
cehtehphellarv: i guess you dont do much with it :)20:04
cehtehi have constant wlan and xchat running, gives me about 16hrs20:04
GeneralAntillesphellarv, short-term isn't where you have to worry. :)20:04
cehtehadding 2g and gps, maep i am at 4-5 hrs :/20:04
GeneralAntillesphellarv, it's week 3 or month 3, etc. where it suddenly turns into a brick. :)20:05
RST38hcehteh: moving or stationary?20:05
cehtehwlan+netradio isnt good either20:05
cehtehRST38h: moving, but only 2g20:05
* andrewfblack just closed t.m.o, will be a while before he returns their again20:05
RST38hcehteh: does not matter, it wastes time redrawing mostly20:05
phellarvGeneralAntilles: Seriously doubt your predictions.20:05
RST38handrewfblack: could you please roll out the minimalist theme update first?20:06
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cehtehRST38h: maep seems at least less power hungry for redrawing than mapper20:06
RST38hphellarv: it is your device20:06
RST38hcehteh: but of course :)20:06
phellarvGeneralAntilles: All mobile CPUs are downclocked way below their intended speed.20:06
RST38hphellarv: If you burn it, it will be your money wasted20:06
andrewfblackRST38h: Its not up to me to roll it out I have to beg Reggie for about 2 to 3 weeks then he will roll the updates out.20:06
ShadowJKphellarv, hey just read the spec20:06
RST38handrewfblack: omg20:06
cehtehphellarv: not really .. you dont want a big heatsink and fan on your mobile20:06
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phellarvcehteh: Of course I will have the big heatsink...20:07
andrewfblackRST38h: Its just one more thing that drives me crasy about t.m.o20:07
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cehtehthey are often in warm places (bag, pouch, trouser)  without ventilation20:07
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cehtehso they have to be conservatively clocked20:08
javispedrokirma: interestingly enough, one difference between the 34xx and 35x TRMs is that the 34x one doesn't mention smartreflex! (
RST38handrewfblack: I am no longer trying to participate in administration in any way20:08
PhonicUKanyone know the package name to get xterm in the Maemo emulator?20:08
cehteh(or good thermal management)20:08
ShadowJKelectromigration is probably bigger concern than heat really20:08
RST38handrewfblack: any plans, suggestions, or mockups appear to be futile20:08
javispedromaybe smartreflex is even a stub on the 34xx and we're here pursuing ghosts :P20:08
cehtehPhonicUK: its there by default and the package is osso-xterm20:08
RST38hjavispedro: it is not. once you enable it, the tablet crashes :)20:08
PhonicUKcehteh, I've just installed the latest version and its not there :\20:08
cehtehhaha RST38h yours crashes?20:08
PhonicUKits there now though :)20:09
RST38hcehteh: Have not even tested it on mine, given statistics20:09
cehtehPhonicUK: should be there ... in the 'More...' thing20:09
PhonicUKthere is no "More.."20:09
andrewfblackRST38h: I'm about to give up on altogether.  I will most likly regret something in the full page blog post I just made.  Its all rant and no rave.  I didn't even reread it to filter my self lol20:09
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PhonicUKin the apps menu, there are 14 apps, not enough to get a "More.." menu20:09
cehtehRST38h: well i tried and so far it works, i have to watch it a few days to see20:09
cehtehPhonicUK: strange20:10
PhonicUKnow ive installed osso-xterm its there though20:10
PhonicUKthe X Terminal icon that is, not the More...20:10
phellarvHmm - Where could I see the current cpu-speed - /proc/?20:10
ShadowJKtmo seems to be down \o/20:11
cehtehphellarv: if you dont know, you shouldnt try :P20:11
* Stskeeps hugs andrewfblack 20:11
andrewfblackI needed that Stskeeps20:11
Stskeepsnp :P20:11
phellarvcehteh: Bahaha.20:11
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Stskeepsnow show me that post before you regret it and erase it :P20:12
kirmajavispedro: hmmh. anyway, differences on table of contents page count level seem to be relatively evenly spread over the manuals20:12
javispedroyeah, but the missing 2 pages about smartreflex have surprised me for a start :P20:12
andrewfblackStskeeps: don't know if I will follow through will everything I say I will do but right now I really feel like I want to20:12
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phellarvnvm - found it under sys20:13
Stskeepsandrewfblack: that sounded like a suicide threat :P20:13
andrewfblackStskeeps: Suicide for my N900 maybe20:13
Stskeepsandrewfblack: i don't really think you're saying anything that isn't true though20:14
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Stskeepsandrewfblack: i'd go more into detail over what bothers you and how you think things should be fixed20:14
* Stskeeps is a big proponent of increased moderation20:15
javispedroyeah, they're sometimes really evil in tmo20:15
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javispedroI find that they've still not come to the realization that there's human heads behind.20:15
nidOI would agree that in general tmo needs more moderation of the fucktards flooding it20:15
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javispedrobehind developers, behind Nokia.20:15
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Stskeepsi'm hoping the new council will do their bit to bring this community back on track, because the last council (some people excluded) seems like next to nothing got accomplished20:16
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andrewfblackThe funny this is if I got pissed chunked my N900 in the drawn and said the heck with it the only ones who would care are the ones that are not bothing me20:16
javispedroStskeeps: well, we didn't start exactly right, with one mod down :(20:16
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javispedroStskeeps: saw the "who mods mods" thread?20:17
Stskeepsjavispedro: ah, crashanddie's behaviour?20:17
javispedroyep, he got burn from that I think.20:18
Stskeepshe was a new mod after council got added?20:18
Stskeepser, elected20:18
javispedrono, he was a mod before, iirc.20:18
PhonicUKarg this is annoying20:19
PhonicUKin the Maemo emu, the normal enter key does nothing20:19
PhonicUKi have the use the enter key on the number pad :\20:19
evilrobwow...  got my N900 to boot itself just by trying to connect to an adhoc wireless network20:19
Stskeepseither way, you need to find people who are sufficiently balanced - power tripping people will harm things. i mean, i just got my first forum ban in 10 years because of immature mods somewhere else :)20:19
PhonicUKah there keyboard layout isn't British, but theres no british option20:20
javispedroStskeeps: you've been banned? :)20:20
Stskeepsandrewfblack: i'd thumb up your post when i see it on planet, but constructive suggestions would be nice too20:20
Stskeepsjavispedro: not from talk :P20:20
javispedrodamn :)20:20
andrewfblackI think I will post a follow up to my rant later today with some constructive sugguestions,  I just needed to rant a little first.20:21
Stskeepsandrewfblack: :nod:20:21
Stskeepsi'll probably thumb up your rant, so don't take it the wrong way20:21
Stskeepsi mean, Mer started as a rant about Maemo20:21
javispedroandrewfblack: that's what we do continuously here: rant :)20:21
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andrewfblackI really am about to the point of putting away n900 if I had another phone lol20:22
Stskeepswould be a shame, with even meego going to it :P20:23
andrewfblackStskeeps: lol do we really know that it is?20:23
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javispedroaha. "ubifs corruption" mention in overclock thread.20:23
PhonicUKDoes anyone build for Maemo without using Scratchbox?20:24
VDVsxconspirators !!20:24
* VDVsx hides20:24
VDVsxPhonicUK, you can use MADDE if you are using Qt20:24
VDVsxwell, also works for gtk+, afaik20:24
PhonicUKis there a particular IDE that it ties in with?20:24
PhonicUKNormally I use Code::Blocks20:25
javispedroQt Creator :)20:25
javispedro(I guess)20:25
SpeedEvilStskeeps: have you ever had a successful learn of battery cap?20:25
VDVsxthere's esbox at least20:25
VDVsxand Qt creator beta IIRC20:25
javispedroalso the other day someone was talking about ingreting sbox1 with an ide here20:25
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, yes20:26
ShadowJKwith the original battery :)20:26
javispedroafter selecting the target you can do sbox invocations like "scratchbox command_to_run /full/absolute/sbox/path/to/file"20:26
PhonicUK*installs Qt creator*20:26
VDVsxthere's a video in the Qt blog, of full device integration for Maemo and S6020:26
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PhonicUKwith QtC ?20:26
SpeedEvilShadowJK: Odd. vdq was 1, and it powered off.20:27
SpeedEvilShadowJK: and no learn20:27
VDVsxPhonicUK, yes, but its a beta or alpha20:27
PhonicUKah ok20:27
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, it's kinda hard I think, it needs to be like 12 seconds below EDV1 threshold but above shutdown threshold (which cuts drain to 0 and makes voltage jump up) :)20:27
PhonicUKso probably not in the version in the main Ubuntu repo?20:27
ShadowJKVDQ just dropped to 0 :(20:28
ShadowJKtoo huge capacity =/20:28
ptl_demands_PR12andrewfblack: that's a pity, I've seen many of you posts and I've seen how you help people (can't say I used any of your themes because I am not too keen on changing the appearance of my desktop), but the two posts you linked to on your blog seem just the regular, immature non-critical critic that often appears to makers of free (as in free speech) stuff20:28
SpeedEvilShadowJK: it perhaps tripped off due to incoming SMS20:28
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PhonicUKoh nice Win32 support :D20:32
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javispedroyoutube comment to "Will the iPad blend?" video:  "This video gave me a reason to live."20:35
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Shapeshifterthe success the ipad has is just sad20:40
matthew_it's a cool device20:41
haltdefno it isn't.20:41
ShadowJKhm.. my N900 isn't charging :o20:41
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matthew_haltdef: Have you got one?20:42
javispedroShadowJK: see what I told you about overclocking... oh, wait.20:42
haltdefno, I know it's useless without needing to touch one20:42
trumeejavispedro: i reflashed, but the device still has my contacts20:42
haltdefiphone OS alone makes it pants :P20:42
javispedrotrumee: did you reflash the emmc too?20:43
trumeejavispedro: reflashing doesnt format the user partition20:43
trumeejavispedro: i used RX-51_2009SE_3.2010.02-8.203.1_PR_COMBINED_203_ARM.bin20:43
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javispedrotrumee: that's not the emmc indeed :)20:43
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infobotflashing is, like,
PhonicUKis there any benefit to installing a custom kernel on the N900?20:43
javispedrotrumee: follow this
ptl_demands_PR12 ---> alternatives to the iPad20:44
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javispedrotrumee: no need to reflash the fiasco/rootfs  again if you did already.20:44
frosty`ptl_demands_PR12: i have hopes for the wepad20:45
trumeejavispedro: but i restarted the device. the howoto says that the device should not be booted20:45
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trumeejavispedro: "When flashing the eMMC content, always flash the FIASCO/Rootfs image first, then the eMMC. Do not boot up the device between the two!"20:45
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trumeejavispedro: but the device automatically restart after flashing the rootfs20:46
javispedrotrumee: yes, but for current firmwares you're mostly safe as long as you don't do much stuff between flashing fiasco and emmc (like installing apps)20:46
ml-mobilewait, the touchbook has an OMAP2?20:46
trumeejavispedro: ok, no i havent installed any apps.20:46
ShadowJKml-mobile, no20:46
ShadowJKml-mobile, omap320:46
ml-mobilethat site ptl linked is wrong then20:47
ShadowJKoh actually Gaia thinks charger is still connected20:47
ml-mobilealso, apple likely still wins for user experience20:47
Stskeepstouchbook had a lot of potential if the thing wasn't so immature20:47
LiraNunajavispedro: were you the one who asked me to port GCC 4.4.3 to scratchbox?20:48
javispedroLiraNuna: I _suggested_ it, I couldn't ask anyone to suffer so much ;)20:48
LiraNunaoh I like challenges20:48
LiraNunaI one compiled a canadian cross compiled on Linux targeting OSX to run on windows20:49
ml-mobileyou know, I applied some of those changes to transitons.ini and this thing actually feels more responsive20:49
javispedroLiraNuna: also note that cs2009q1 is already ported:
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trumeejavispedro:  i dont need to reflash the rootfs after flashing the emmc?20:51
LiraNunawhat's cs?20:51
javispedroLiraNuna: codesourcery20:51
trumeejavispedro: the howto suggests the alternate "Having flashed the eMMC, you should now flash the firmware of your device. "20:51
LiraNunaoh, that sounds safe20:51
javispedrotrumee: do as you wish, it won't hurt, but it's not needed either.20:52
trumeejavispedro: thanks20:52
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* javispedro notes the wiki contradicts itself20:52
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javispedro"always flash the FIASCO/Rootfs image first" <-> "Having flashed the eMMC, you should now flash the firmware of your device. "20:52
javispedroso, what's first: chicken or the egg?20:53
LiraNunabo, plangton20:53
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LiraNunajavispedro: why do you think it'll be a pain to have a different GCC Version in scratchbox?20:54
Stskeepsit is20:54
trumeejavispedro: do i need to press 'u' again when flashing the emmc?20:54
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LiraNunaStskeeps: care to add why?20:55
javispedrotrumee: yes, it's mostly the same as flashing a normal image only you change the image the flash and it takes more time.20:55
javispedro*image to flash.20:55
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StskeepsLiraNuna: because adding a scratchbox toolchain is similar to stabbing yourself with a fork20:55
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trumeejavispedro: cheers, the instructions on emmc flash on the wiki are not complete then.20:56
StskeepsLiraNuna: i've done it once but it wasn't a pleasure :P20:56
javispedroyes, seems they're  a bit rotten.20:56
LiraNunaStskeeps: I love challenges20:56
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lf_Anyone know if there are any examples on python-notify ? Can't find any:)20:57
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Jaffanoobmonk3y_: Just because it's on the device by default, and seemed sensible for quick text processing.21:00
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JaffaVDVsx: Ta. Fixed.21:01
JaffaStskeeps: Cool, my Joggler arrives tomorrow :-)21:02
trumeejavispedro: ok the right speaker is certainly dead. The reflash did not revive it.21:03
noobmonk3y_Jaffa, :D thankee!21:03
noobmonk3y_Managed to piece it apart and started looking at it in python :D21:03
noobmonk3y_just about remember perl :P21:03
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Jaffanoobmonk3y_: Didn't want to make Python a dependency for something so trivial. Although having Python as a dependency for a future GUI editor would be fine21:04
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noobmonk3y_hehe good point :D - i'm more interested in a gui app dependency list etc... so list apps, see how much them + dependencies take etc....21:05
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trumeeScary, after 2 days my N900 developed a hardware fault21:06
javispedrotrumee: mine developed that after 2 months21:06
* noobmonk3y_ 's hasn't yet!21:07
ShadowJKit's best to catch faults early :)21:07
javispedro somebody's scoring points for being banned from bugzilla21:07
povbotBug 5357: Does not accept GSM (USSD) Codes starting with *#21:07
trumeemaybe i should return my N900 and wait for the meego device :)21:08
MohammadAG<trumee> Scary, after 2 days my N900 developed a hardware fault21:08
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, clearly Bugzilla registrations should be more complicated.21:08
MohammadAGmine developed one day on 221:08
GeneralAntillestrumee, it's better that they develop early when you haven't become completely attached and when the retailer return period is still available.21:08
MohammadAGfixed itself after 2 months too21:08
GeneralAntillestrumee, rather than 2 days after the warranty is up.21:09
trumeeGeneralAntilles: yup, i am probably luck in that respect.21:09
trumeeMohammadAG: what fault was that?21:09
MohammadAGtrumee, vibration motor stopped working21:10
trumeeGeneralAntilles: although i did spend the last two days setting it up to my liking.21:10
MohammadAGbackup, replace, restore :)21:10
trumeeMohammadAG: crap. and it solved by itself21:10
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MohammadAGtrumee, what's your problem?21:10
MohammadAGerr defect*21:11
trumeeMohammadAG: right speaker has stopped working.21:11
MohammadAGoh :(21:11
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MohammadAGdoubt that'll get fixed on its own21:11
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Shapeshiftermine has two hardware "faults" already. keyboard bezel not fitting properly at the lower end and the touchscreen having a slight and odd surface tension so that if I press a tad harder then neccessary, it "clicks" inside and touches the lcd making scary looking ripples.21:11
trumeeMohammadAG: i always have the speaker at maximum. could that be a problem?21:11
ShapeshifterI'd say the build quality is generally crap. but as expected.21:11
MohammadAGtrumee, it should be able to handle it21:12
E0xi am thinking in buy a n900 today any hints , tips to take in count21:12
trumeeMohammadAG: the sound level otherwise is so low. My N95 speakers are much louder.21:12
microlithE0x: what are you expecting?21:12
StskeepsE0x: if you have an addictive personality, you're going to have problems21:12
MohammadAGI think noobmonk3y got something wrong21:12
E0xStskeeps: hehe why21:12
ShapeshifterE0x: read the specs and what it can and cannot so you're not going to be disappointed21:12
* ShadowJK usually fires up alsamixer to make the lowest sound level lower on his N900...21:12
MohammadAGmy CPU can't be running at 2 deg C21:12
StskeepsE0x: it's like the screen is made of cocaine.21:12
E0xmicrolith: useful,hackfriendly device21:12
microlithE0x: alright, you've made the right choice21:13
MohammadAGtrumee, everything after the 5800 doesn't have good speakers21:13
MohammadAGthe X6 is an exception21:13
E0xi mean not have some manufacture or design problem in the hardware ?21:13
trumeeMohammadAG: N97 also?21:13
E0xi hear something about the jack21:13
javispedrotrumee: if this is the same fault as I got, you'll also note the maximum speaker volume is pretty low21:13
MohammadAGtrumee, yep, I sold mine21:13
trumeeE0x: you mean usb?21:13
MohammadAGthe N97 that is21:14
microlithE0x: Some people had issues with the USB jack, I've h ad mine since december and have had no isues21:14
ShapeshifterE0x: some had it falling out. should covered by warranty of course.21:14
trumeejavispedro: yes, exactly. The speaker level has become low now. i was surprised by that.21:14
E0xmicrolith: ok so is question of luck or random issues ?21:14
E0xtrumee: yes , sorry21:14
javispedrotrumee: and even distorted, but ignore that and get a replacement.21:14
trumeejavispedro: yup, i am going to take it to the shop tomorrow.21:15
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microlithE0x: random issues probably21:15
E0xcool i will go for it21:15
MohammadAGtrumee, I think the N97's speakers are the same as the N900's21:15
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trumeejavispedro: funny thing i noticed, that the device remembered the date after a reflash. guess it picked it up from hardware clock.21:16
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E0xn900 coming with the lasted firmware/maemo update ?21:16
E0xor i need check the version and check for update ?21:17
ShapeshifterE0x: but you are aware it lacks some features *some* feel to be very important, like, say, custom ring tones per contact or stuff like that21:17
ShapeshifterE0x: mine came with the latest at the time21:17
ShadowJKUSSD, MMS, Video Calls21:17
trumeeE0x: i bought mine two days ago. the firmware wasnt the latest one.21:17
microlithE0x: dunno, if it doesn't it'll prompt you21:17
Shapeshifterussd is fixed in pr.1.2 isn't it.21:17
ShadowJKpr 1.2 isn't out21:17
E0xShapeshifter: i can live without that kind of stuff , i don't use it in my iphone21:17
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ShapeshifterShadowJK: but it will be, some day ^^21:18
trumeeE0x: you are moving from iphone to N900, good one there!21:18
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ShadowJKShapeshifter, maybe21:19
ShadowJKShapeshifter, but I would not base my purchase decisions on future expectations that might or might not come true21:19
E0xtrumee: yes , i drowned my iphone few months ago21:19
ShapeshifterShadowJK: true that.21:19
E0xi feel the iphone limit21:19
SpeedEvilIsn't USSD coming in 1.221:20
SpeedEvil(and sort-of-there with ussd-widget, as is mms with fmms)21:20
ShapeshifterE0x: the n900 doesn't scroll as smoothly in most apps.21:20
Shapeshifterit's definitely usable but jerky depending on your standards of smoothness.21:20
E0xi spend 10% of the itme scrolling21:20
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DocScrutinizerthere are community pkgs for USSD and MMS21:21
E0xwhat is USSD ?21:21
DocScrutinizerand yes, the hw seems to have issues with speakers at max volume. That's why they implemented a special PA dynamic compression - seems the amp can blow the speakers21:21
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ShapeshifterE0x: what *I* love about it is: a) hacking in practically any language I want using any lib or toolset as long as it compiles on ARM, b) the emulators + keyboard, like vgba, snes, c) nice instant-messaging integration imo, d) *awesome* screen21:22
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trumeeDocScrutinizer: is that what happened to my device. I had the device set to max volume for the past two days and one speaker blew off21:23
E0xShapeshifter: i like that !21:23
javispedrotrumee: no, as he said, there's quite heavy software protection for it21:23
DocScrutinizertrumee: possibly. or you simply got a weak component which can happen all the time21:23
ShapeshifterE0x: and the good linuxy stuff like sshd21:23
ShapeshifterE0x: you can even x2x onto the n900 and stuff like that.21:24
javispedroaha, iphone os 4.0 announced21:24
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javispedronothing public, more on the 8th21:24
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DocScrutinizerwho cares?21:25
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javispedrothe entire world, unfortunately :(21:25
javispedroyet again I won't be able to read any non-apple new in my rss feeds tonight :(21:25
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E0xShapeshifter: hmm will useful if vpnc work21:25
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javispedro(I am to blame here for choosing so horrible feeds)21:25
ShapeshifterE0x: it does for me21:25
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E0xnice !21:26
ShapeshifterE0x: someone wrote a status-area applet but that one is a bit daft. you're invited to improve it (e.g. it should save the password and stuff)21:26
E0xi not that good programing but i want do some play with it21:27
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trumeeShapeshifter: is there pptp support?21:28
kamuidid someone explain what ussd was?21:28
kamuiI miseed that21:28
MohammadAGit's used to check credit on some operators21:28
MohammadAGas well as other things21:28
MohammadAG*#(insert number)# - send21:28
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Shapeshiftertrumee: no idea but "why not"...21:29
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DocScrutinizerE0x: N900 maemo is a quite standard linux system for all you usually care about. If you're happy with a desktop linux, you'll love the N900. If you want a are looking for a nifty smartphone, you better get a iPhone21:34
E0xDocScrutinizer: i was a iphone user21:34
E0xiphone is for ppl who think need a smartphone21:35
E0xor want say that have a smartphone21:35
noobmonk3yits not a smart phone, but is a clever phone21:36
E0xbut in my personal view i need what i think n900 is21:36
E0xa table internet with phone feature21:36
DocScrutinizerE0x: yep21:37
adisbladisI got an N900 because i wanted a small computer21:37
AppiahI see it as a small netbook , with phone feature21:37
adisbladisThe phone features are a bonus21:37
* joga really likes it now that easydebian is installed21:38
adisbladisjoga: Easydebian?21:38
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jogaadisbladis: you know, the one in Extras, where you download a debian filesystem image and can chroot there and run software in it21:38
trumeeguys, anybody remember what was the initial price of N900 when it came out?21:39
jogaadisbladis: so I can now run maemo progs *and* debian progs and maintain them separately21:39
noobmonk3ydepends on the country21:39
DocScrutinizersee, e.g N9x phones have cute voicedial feature, N900 doesn't21:39
adisbladis6000SEK was the initial price21:40
anotnac500GBP in UK21:40
adisbladisHere in sweden if i recall correctly21:40
trumeeanotnac: so it hasnt dropped much in price then.21:40
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Arkenoithanks to "inofficial" import from emirates n900's are available here for just $62021:41
DocScrutinizertrumee: 599EUR on german Nokia webshop21:41
MohammadAGthe screen isn't pressure sensitive right?21:41
anotnaci have seenits dropped by £20 on nokia site, i;m certain you can get them much cheaper from other places21:41
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adisbladisI bought mine used (the guy had used it for a day) for 4200SEK (about 430 euros)21:42
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: huh?21:42
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, not sure how I can explain this but21:42
MohammadAGopen the menu21:42
MohammadAGtap more21:42
E0xsomebody experience some sip phone21:43
E0xwith n900 ?21:43
MohammadAGhold an icon's app and move a bit, then reduce pressure without removing your finger/stylus, the glow will fade a bit but it stays there21:43
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DocScrutinizerE0x: works great here21:43
trumeeE0x: i am a regular user of sip.21:43
MohammadAGapp's icon*21:43
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trumeeE0x: works great, but eats cpu like anything21:43
GeneralAntillesMohammadAG, resistive is pressure sensitive.21:43
E0xa question i can have a sip phone open and if some call in i get wake ( the phone )21:43
E0xlike normal phone call21:44
GeneralAntillesMohammadAG, it WORKS based on pressure. ;)21:44
trumeeDocScrutinizer: i find pulse audio running at 35% with sip. is that normal?21:44
E0xi  mean some background state or something21:44
MohammadAGGeneralAntilles, lol didn't think of it that way21:44
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: well the ts is capable to give a 'pressure' value - at least in hw21:44
E0xtrumee: don't think21:44
E0x35% is something wrong there21:44
MohammadAGI'm wondering if apps like GIMP can support it21:44
trumeeE0x: sip calls work the same as normal calls on N90021:44
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: no idea if it's exposed via API and if it's used21:44
javispedroDocScrutinizer: gtk apps can read it, but requires some work (I doubt the launcher does it)21:44
E0xtrumee: so i can have my phone "sleep"21:45
E0xand the call in normal21:45
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trumeeE0x: although, there is no Message Waiting Indicator support (which sucks)21:45
MohammadAGjavispedro, well try what I said a couple of lines above :)21:45
trumeeE0x: dont understand what you mean by sleep. Turned off?21:45
E0xthe same state that iphone get when you press the lock button21:46
E0x( screen off , etc )21:46
MohammadAGE0x, lock switch is on the side21:46
trumeeE0x: oh yes it responds to sip calls like normal calls21:46
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: though you're basically right, in practice first instance you are not. R-TS is 'working on pressure' like a pushbutton does21:46
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E0xtrumee: cool21:46
E0xi hope ( and i think all n900 owners ) that meego get n900 support too21:47
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E0xmeego look promise21:47
trumeeE0x: but as i said i have noticed that cpu usage is high for sip calls21:47
DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: 2nd thought you can read out the area*pressure from r-ts, though it's not very exact21:47
E0xtrumee: ok21:47
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trumeeE0x: that is the reason i delayed buying my N900 until i was sure meego will be supported21:48
woodong50n900 is other with n81021:48
DocScrutinizermicrob does distinguish between finger and stylus this way, at least our microb guru told me so21:48
trumeeE0x: with the latest meego update, my worries have been settled :)21:48
javispedroer... n900 doesn't necessarily support meego at this point.21:48
woodong50i am using n80021:48
E0xtrumee: heeh yes21:48
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trumeejavispedro: why not? it is a reference phone for meego.21:49
javispedroDocScrutinizer: 770/n8x0 used that to decide wheter to launch finger keyboard or stylus keyboard21:49
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Terjetrumee, only a development device.21:49
DocScrutinizertrumee: E0x: why do you *need* meego?? o.O21:50
trumeeDocScrutinizer: because i need an all singing and dancing Qt phone21:50
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javispedroQt comes to Maemo with PR1.221:51
anotnaclol found this funny look at link
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Shapeshiftertrumee: I'd say meego will never be "supported" by the n900. there will likely be usable but possibly incomplete builds but I'd say it's almost certain that nokia will not support it officially.21:51
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DocScrutinizerthere's nothing meego could do better than maemo now, and that isn't going to change for let's say at least 12 months21:52
javispedro(and in fact might never change depending on n900+1 hw)21:52
ShapeshifterI'd rather like to see ofono on maemo 5 instead.21:52
Shapeshifterand stuff like that. Just replace the dumb nokia closed bits with good stuff on maemo :)21:52
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: ack21:53
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Chikumeego benefit is for software portage with bigger community21:54
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trumeeI want the ui to be open. it is a shame to ask the Nokia devs to change ui everytime and leave it to their whims and fancies21:54
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trumeeAddressbook, Calendar should be open.21:54
trumeeand i hope meego will accomplish that.21:55
Shapeshiftertrumee: which hasn't got much to do with meego specifically.21:55
Shapeshiftertrumee: you're invited to install any open calendar or addressbook right now.21:55
Shapeshifteron maemo.21:55
DocScrutinizerall this are bit NOT EXISTANT in meego for now, and it will take a looong time until it changes21:55
trumeeShapeshifter: but these will not be integrated into the system like the official ones.21:56
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DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: what makes you think they will, once there's any such app like dialer or calendar in meego?21:57
Shapeshiftertrumee: as DocScrutinizer said, it will be *long* until there will be anything you're dreaming of available in meego.21:57
javispedrocalendar will probably not be open in meego, unless some breakthrough happens21:57
jogabtw. how should one be able to click on links in the terminal while having virtual keyb enabled and hw keyb closed? it briefly shows the copy/open popup and then the virtual keyboard21:57
javispedromeego handset ux, that is.21:57
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jogaonce I managed to get the copy/open without triggerin the vkbd21:57
ShapeshifterDocScrutinizer: mh?21:57
DocScrutinizerShapeshifter: E-ADDR21:58
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microlithjavispedro: if it's not going to be open, why would it be in meego and not a vendor-supplied image?21:58
DocScrutinizers/ Shapeshifter / trumee21:58
javispedrojoga: works here, how do you try to get to the copy/open popup?21:58
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jogajavispedro: I just tap on a link21:58
javispedromicrolith: yeah, forgot about the "handset ux".21:59
trumeewhat is ux btw?21:59
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microlithuser experience21:59
jogajavispedro: but do you have virtual keyboard enabled in settings?21:59
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javispedrojoga: no, sorry, you're completely right.21:59
DocScrutinizerand pondering about waiting for 'meego device' or rather get a N900 - c'mon that's outright silly22:00
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jacquesdupontdhi guys22:00
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jacquesdupontdi'm with a friend on the n900 and he is searching a viewer and also editor for all office suite files like oOO is someone having an idea ?22:00
DocScrutinizerUser interfaXe22:00
Shapeshifterit's funny how people - "customers" - thought they've been adressed when the first meego images were released :D22:00
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jacquesdupontdthat would be very cool cause he is leaving and i would like to find him that before he leaves22:01
jogajacquesdupontd: one option is easydebian which includes ooo22:01
Shapeshifter"zomg meego is out".... "huh this sucks it has no features, we're being mocked". They don't really get open source, do they.22:01
joganot that the device is superb for using it...22:01
jacquesdupontdeasydebian is a totally different os on the n900 ?22:01
smharDocscrutinizer, I just logged in... so excuse my ignorance but.. why is is silly? many are wondering the same22:02
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trumeeDocScrutinizer: i guess the question becomes important when somebody is buying a device close to the release date of the next device. If somebody bought N900 last december it wasnt important, but if somebody is buying N900 in next two months it is an important question to ask.22:02
jacquesdupontdjoga is it like ubuntu that we can install on the n90022:02
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Shapeshiftertrumee: huh. so you think a meego device is coming out anytime soon?22:02
Stskeepspeople are probably confusing harmattan with the current meego release22:03
trumeeShapeshifter: what do you say by end of the year?22:03
DocScrutinizersmhar: if you're considering to get a device next 5 years, then you probably don't want a N900 right now. If you need a device next 6 months, then you're out of luck with any 'meego device'22:03
Shapeshiftertrumee: I'm not up to date, but where does it say this?22:03
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Shapeshiftertrumee: and do you remember the n900 release schedule?22:03
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trumeeShapeshifter: no i dont.22:04
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Shapeshifterthey were like "it's out october 1st". I got mine mid-february.22:04
* DocScrutinizer yawns22:04
trumeeDocScrutinizer: :)22:04
javispedroDocScrutinizer: bored? go give tmo a visit22:05
jogajacquesdupontd: not exactly, but it's a debian image that makes it possible to install anything debian has, without risking messing up maemo22:05
trumeeShapeshifter: the next version of Nxx will not be meego?22:05
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javispedroburnt and suicidal? go give tmo a visit!22:05
jacquesdupontdok he just found it out on the respository22:05
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jacquesdupontdhe is just installing it22:05
jogajacquesdupontd: search youtube for n900 debian, there's a nice video of some guy who demonstrates it :)22:05
jogaheh ok22:05
jacquesdupontdfrom what i just read after that we can install easily with apt-get commands22:06
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* noobmonk3y will be back later - need beer22:06
jacquesdupontdi just searched and read things about it, most ppl are installing it to run openoffice and gimp from what it seems22:06
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jogajacquesdupontd: that is correcy22:06
jacquesdupontdim on debian since 7 years i should managed to do it22:06
DocScrutinizersmhar: It's like "should I get a core-2 laptop, or should I wait for quantum computers"22:06
jogaI just set up a lisp IDE yesterday22:07
smhardocscrutinizer, most people I know are thinking it this way; If I buy an N900 within the coming 6 months I am afraid a meego device will be release then and all the work from Nokia, and eventually the community will shift to it. since nobody -almost- want to support a dead end device22:07
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javispedroDocScrutinizer: the eternal question in computing. they were joking about that 20 years ago in public TV.22:07
jacquesdupontddo we need to restart the n900 or is easy debian launchable as an os image ?22:07
jogajacquesdupontd: reboot22:07
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jogajacquesdupontd: or uh22:07
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jogaI mean, after install reboot once22:08
jogabut no need to reboot again just to run programs22:08
DocScrutinizersmhar: N900 no way will be 'dead end' when N900+1 appears. The next device actually is considered inferior to N900 by almost all N900 owners22:08
jacquesdupontdfrom what i had read here and there ubuntu was installable on the n900 that means we can also go thrue this way to instal oOO ?22:08
jacquesdupontdright joga ?22:08
jogajacquesdupontd: I guess, but easydebian is really simple to use22:08
smhardocscrutinizer, how can they tell if it is not released yet?!22:08
jacquesdupontdjoga that's what i was thinking when you proposed it to me22:09
javispedrosmhar: they have heard stuff about capacicraptastic screen22:09
jacquesdupontdhe just rebooted but nothing appeared22:09
DocScrutinizersmhar: there are some details which are considered fix for next device, like capacitive touchscreen and no hw-kbd22:09
jacquesdupontdjoga he should have a grub style thing with the choice of the os isn't it ?22:09
jogajacquesdupontd: one tip: extracting the image takes a long time and makes the phone quite unusable while doing it (ie. unresponsive). but just wait patiently22:09
trumeeDocScrutinizer: i wont miss the next device if there is now hw-kbd.22:10
Shapeshifterlol no hw-keyboard, that one really is killer22:10
jogajacquesdupontd: tell him to start deb img install, then wait for around 50minutes22:10
jogathen reboot22:10
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Shapeshifterfor me at least. "let's go back to tapping onto a glossy surface to write stuff"22:10
jacquesdupontdjoga from the maemo os now he launch easy debian and it will extract it for 1 time or everytime ?22:11
jogajacquesdupontd: once only22:11
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DocScrutinizeranyway, /me away. smething with my laptop&vacuum ventilation starts to smell scorched22:12
jacquesdupontdjoga in fact what he downloaded from the repo only seems to be shortcut for easy debian once the image downloaded and extracted22:12
jogajacquesdupontd: yeah22:12
trumeeis it possible to use the virtual keyboard and harware keyboard the same time?22:12
jacquesdupontdjoga if that's the case i will do it for him later cause he has to go but thx a lot for your help :)22:12
jogaor, well, it's some script to get the image first22:12
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jogaok :) I'm currently in an escalator heh22:13
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Raafat___Hi, all ... I want to work on Pocket Jeeves project and make a proposal to GSOC ... I want to ask a few questions about it :)22:13
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trumeeanother question, if you do a ctrl+backspace to get all the task windows, can they be selected using the hw-keyb rather than by tapping the screen?22:14
lcukRaafat___, are these the sort of questions that some sort of handheld intelligent search engine could answer?22:14
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smharok.. one question... from what I read and saw.. it seems that the address book, and search facility in N900 are lacking a lot of what I want, which is available in an old 9300i communicator that I owned. how difficult it is to 'improve' this and integrate it back with the system?22:16
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threshso how many kittehs been killed today?22:17
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b-man17YESS!!! Ubuntu lucid finally bootstraps on my N900 without any issues :D22:18
trumeesmhar: addressbook is closed source on maemo522:19
grishnavwhat is ubuntu lucid?22:19
b-man17now to get cracking on getting it to boot :)22:19
threshwhat do you guys use to stream (ok, file-on-demand aka DLNA) video to N900?22:19
b-man17Ubuntu 10.0422:19
b-man17@ grishnav22:19
grishnavand it boots on the n900?22:19
b-man17it's Cortex-A8 optimized :)22:19
b-man17not yet22:19
smhartrumee, so it is impossible? to have an improved addressed book in N900?22:20
b-man17but it will ;)22:20
trumeethresh: i am using knots which is not upnp, but rather on the fly transcoder based on vlc.22:20
grishnavi just finally got openvpn running on my n90022:20
grishnavit's quite nice22:20
thresh'based on vlc' is fine for me22:20
trumeesmhar: it is my gripe as well. but since it is closed source we are all relying on nokia devs.22:20
threshoh god, theora.22:21
b-man17(Cortes-A8 optimized meaning you can't run Ubuntu 10.04 on previous tablets unfortunately)22:21
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trumeethresh: you can get more support in #knots, but it has worked very well for me.22:21
b-man17@ grishnav22:21
threshtrumee: thanks! i think i'll try it.22:22
smhartrumee, what about an improved replacement?22:22
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trumeesmhar: dont know if anybody is developing a replacement.22:22
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trumeei can understand why Conversations is closed source, but why the hell is addressbook closed!22:23
smhartrumee, but is it possible? to have a replacement that will just 'plug in' the system and integrate with the rest?22:23
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DocScrutinizer-8trumee: (taskswitcher) no kbd select. I ranted about that quite some times22:24
trumeesmhar: no idea. it will be pointless if the replacement cannot interact with other applications seamlessly.22:25
trumeeDocScrutinizer-8: that is a bummer.22:25
DocScrutinizer-8(addrbook) the backend has an API. the frontend (dialer, contacts) is closed and hard to augment22:25
smhartrumee, the api is open and documented, right? so, for a good programmer, it should be an easy trip..22:26
smhartrumee, I wish I was a good programmer, or any programmer at all :-)22:26
trumeesmhar: no idea, DocScrutinizer-8 seems to know more.22:26
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smharDocScrutinizer-8, so using the backend API, one  can develop another front end -a new contacts, maybe using the same dialer- and integrate it in the system. am I right on assumption?22:30
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DocScrutinizer-8probably you could, though integration is difficult as the bits where you want to integrate the new features are closed source as well (e.g what's the use of better search or groups or anything in contacts, if you can't fully integrate that to dialer)22:32
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infobotit has been said that flashing is
MohammadAGI'm editing the eMMC section, returning it to how it was22:34
smharDocScrutinizer-8, can't you just get the final number from the 'new' search and just 'pass it' to the dialer?22:34
MohammadAGI'm not sure who added the When flashing the eMMC content, always flash the FIASCO/Rootfs image first, then the eMMC. Do not boot up the device between the two!22:34
MohammadAGit's eMMC then FIASCO image...22:34
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DocScrutinizer-8smhar: that's actually easy22:34
MohammadAGoh for the love of...22:35
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MohammadAGit says don't reboot and has the command as flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_1.2009.41-1.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R22:35
MohammadAGthe -R reboots!22:35
trumeeMohammadAG: yup, i went through the same instructions a while ago. they suck.22:36
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smharDocScrutinizer-8, so what is the problem? just let the new programs do all the work and when you find the contact you want to call from new search or the new group, just pass the phone number to Nokia's dialer to do the actual dialing22:37
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MohammadAGtrumee, fixed, I think, can you check if they're clear now?22:37
smharDocScrutinizer-8, until someone replaces that as well :-)22:37
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trumeeMohammadAG: The second time it says plug usb, it doesnt mention before of removing the cable.22:38
DocScrutinizer-8smhar: it's not impossible. you'll just face all sorts of rough edges where you have to compromise22:38
trumeeMohammadAG: "Plug the USB cable into the N900", but the cable is already plugged in.22:39
smharDocScrutinizer-8, is it also possible to 'replace' the dialer?22:39
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MohammadAGtrumee, oh fixing22:40
DocScrutinizer-8smhar: even more complicated (to interface all the telepathy and modem control bits) but yes, it should be possible22:41
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trumeesmhar: you think the dialer needs improvement?22:42
smhartrumee, no.. just need to be open :-)22:42
Raafat___Hi, all . I want to start working on Pocket Jeeves project for GSOC, I started reading tutorials for how to use SPHINX system , do you know what prerequisite should I have before starting this project ?22:42
DocScrutinizer-8you bet it does22:42
trumeedo any nokia devs participate here?22:43
DocScrutinizer-8dialer is really limited, bot in functionality UI wise, and API for devels22:43
DocScrutinizer-8try to teach it to play contact specific ringtones and you'll see22:44
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MohammadAGtrumee, updated again, did some major changes, can you check now?22:45
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trumeeMohammadAG: yup, clear now. thanks22:46
smharif nokia has all the community ready to improve the system, in addition to its own developers, why in heaven would they release a 'very basic and limited' software, and then close it so no body can improve it? that is just crazy22:46
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smharDocScrutinizer-8, many 'basic' mobile can do the contact specific ringtones !! even from Nokia22:47
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nedkozgold: ;)22:49
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ptl_demands_PR12that's weird. There are no manpages on the N900, but you can install help2man, a manpage generator.22:51
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ptl_demands_PR12smhar: I've been discussing this a lot and Kate from nokia came up with a trail I could follow22:51
zgoldnedko: hi!22:51
smharptl_demands_PR12, which is22:52
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MohammadAGsmhar, the basic mobiles are running an OS that's been in development as a PHONE OS for years22:53
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ptl_demands_PR12smhar: it's in the maemo-developers mailing list, I'll paste into pastebin and show you22:54
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ds3Blasted flash on the N900 is no better then on the previous devices :( a 2.5hour MPEG video through media player - barely a change in battery... an hour of sitting on a web page nearly completely drains the battery :(22:59
RST38hds3: you expected it to behave differently?22:59
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lcukptl_demands_PR12, smhar - theres a tmo thread about custom ringtones and speaking the name of the caller23:00
ds3RST38h: yes, I expected someone to make flash usable if they are to put it on a battery device!23:00
lcukone suggestion was when using the new methods, simply set the core ringtone to a silent mp323:00
lcukthen whatever replacements come in go over the top23:00
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E0xds3: then adobe is the one who have to do that23:00
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ds3E0x: IMO, as it stands, flash should be banned as brown technology @!$#@!$@#$#@!$!23:01
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E0xtrue , i prefer html5 win23:04
E0xbut that is not the case right now23:04
E0xand if we all need/want better flash we just need hope adobe do something23:04
ds3I don't really care for which one... I just want it to not drain the battery..this is madness23:04
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E0xthen stop saw flash content23:05
ds3if you are going to legistate about all those crap and force crappy charging systems on us (i.e. the microusb thingie)...then prehaps flash should be banned entirely.23:05
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ptl_demands_PR12lcuk: Yes, I use espeakcaller, but its technique is easy enough - just play a sound (the speech) when a certain number calls. The most difficult part from the developer was correctly configuring the pulseaudio group, I think, but nevertheless, this is quite different from the custom ringtone stuff because we should have to prevent it from playing and also control ring stop, interruption and such.23:05
* lcuk nods23:06
lcukso essentially a fully fledged replacement callui frontend23:06
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lcukin qt23:06
Goliath23does anyone know how much maemo there will be in meego? it will be rpm based. right? will the gui be Qt based?23:06
ShadowJKThere will be qt23:07
ptl_demands_PR12I didn't understand that from Kate's message23:07
DocScrutinizer-8lcuk: this 'solution' rolls up my toes23:07
lcukim taking what you say - i thought you were on about a very limited subset23:08
lcukDocScrutinizer-8, sure, same here - but it was one possibility without too much refactoring and mucking about23:08
lcukobviously needs more discussion :)23:08
ShadowJKGoliath23, in a sense, the MeeGo API == QT23:08
Goliath23but the gui will have a totally different look (i.e. the qt4.6 hildon widgets will be deprecated?)23:09
ShadowJKLike, it looks as if Nokia is going to rename Maemo6 into MeeGo, because Maemo6 will have same qt as MeeGo :P23:09
Goliath23ShadowJK: would be cool if it would be that way23:09
lcukShadowJK, does the meego day1 have any qt in it all?23:09
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ShadowJKlcuk, dunno23:09
ShadowJKit's probably there but nothing uses it23:09
ShadowJKI heard there was no GUI at all :)23:10
lcukhopefully the api is greater than the sum of the visual parts23:11
Goliath23will MADDE be reused? i really like it. in combination with qtcreator its a cool DE23:11
Goliath23tried it today and it worked great..23:12
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styleis there easy way to add x-terminal to start with some command shortcut to desktop23:23
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ptl_demands_PR12MADDE is difficult to use with external librarie23:23
infobotptl_demands_PR12 meant: MADDE is difficult to use with external libraries23:23
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lcuko_O majority of missing miners have been pulled out from chinese mine :)23:24
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DocScrutinizer-8style: there is a kbd shortcut for xterm - see wiki about shortcuts and gestures23:27
mecestyle, ctrl-shift-x :)23:28
mecelcuk, wow. I wasn't expecting that.23:28
ShadowJKAt first read I thought he wanted a way to add "top inside x-term" shortcut to desktop23:28
lcukmece after the divers went in at start of weekend and found nothing it didnt look good23:29
mecesorry style.23:29
lcukbut from news at least 115 / ~150 are out23:29
stylemece: ;) heh23:29
ShadowJKmece, no I think you can interpret it either way23:29
ShadowJKmore punctuation might help23:29
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mecestyle, anyway something like this: ?23:30
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stylemece: ye23:31
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* DocScrutinizer-8 sighs23:33
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meceThere there DocScrutinizer-823:34
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trumeeDo you guys find typing '1' on the hw-kbd is a real pain23:37
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ptl_demands_PR12do you have fat fingers?23:38
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dmj726_n9001no more than 23456789023:38
cehtehtry entering a lot of IP addresses, thats pain23:38
trumeeptl_demands_PR12: probably23:38
E0xdo 3 - 223:38
E0x911 = 93-2,3-223:39
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trumeeis xchat the best irc client for n900?23:41
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GAN900Or irssi23:41
noobmonk3yi like it :D - havnt tried others tho23:41
GAN900Whichever floats your boat23:41
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cehtehnoobmonk3y: btw for display test you better make an chessboard like pattern between the given color and black23:43
cehtehdead pixels are much better to see then23:44
noobmonk3yahhhh on the dead pixel test?23:44
cehtehjust looked at the healthcheck app :)23:44
noobmonk3yooo should be able to do that :D23:44
noobmonk3yhow many squares across?23:44
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noobmonk3yi mean for rough sizing example23:45
cehteh1 pixel23:45
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lcukand make it flash rally fast23:45
cehtehyou need 2 alternating ones of course23:45
cehtehhaha no static23:45
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PhonicUKany of you guys used QT Creator?23:45
PhonicUKthe 2.x beta23:46
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cehtehdraw such a pattern and make one pixel black then you see, much better noticeable than a single dead pixel23:46
SpeedEvil_trumee: I like it.23:46
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SpeedEvil_trumee: It's not too annoying.23:46
SpeedEvil_trumee: It has a few remaining issues.23:46
lcukcehteh, thats a difficult one to tell - the full on color is the usual method23:46
noobmonk3ylol lcuk23:47
lcukwhere would you get enough randomness to do static23:47
trumeeSpeedEvil_: is there a version in extras-devel, i haave only used the stable version23:47
* lcuk hasnt seen a convincing computer generated static so far23:48
* microlith boggles as his N900 spontaneously drops from edge and goes for the wifi23:50
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SpeedEvil /dev/urandom23:50
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trumeegoodnight guys.23:50
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SpeedEviltrumee: I'm using the one23:50
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smharcan someone tell me an approximate size -in MB- of one minute of skype voice call?23:51
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lcukSpeedEvil, the problem is23:52
lcukive not seen a proper tv static simulation, and most of the movie encoders cant keep u pand amke it look like carp23:52
lcukmake crap23:52
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cehtehok smart-reflex is instable23:55
SpeedEvillcuk: why do you want to make it?23:57
lcuki dont it just reminded me of something ive pondered in the past23:57
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smharnoobmonk3y_, these are dsl figures, I am planning to get a 3G plan with some MB for use with N90023:59

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