IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2009-12-09

GeneralAntillesAnidel, you can also catch a bit of my head and shoulder in Sebastian's frat shot on tigert's photostream. ;)00:00
Gadgetoidcrashanddie, aggreed on sennheisers00:00
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Anidelthese two are fine and I can confirm you exist :p well.. that at least there exist somebody who claim it's the ga on IRC and t.m.o00:00
GeneralAntillesAnidel, here too:
RST38hAnidel: Hey, Myrrti was asking for the comeback of the normal xournal UI today00:01
Anidelcrash everything's fine.. just miss the weather in Barcelona00:01
RST38hAnidel: Any better idea when? =)00:01
* GeneralAntilles isn't just a figment on the internet!00:01
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, it was really bizarre.00:01
Gadgetoidthe almighty general? a figment?00:01
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: i thought you were a bot until pictures showed up00:01
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, it's like, "Well, can you find somebody else to film around?"00:01
Anidelrst38h: I'll prepare a wiki page on about that.. need some time to re-organize it and schedule everything00:01
SpeedEvil - neat00:01
derfStskeeps: They're probably shopped.00:02
RST38hAnidel: ack.00:02
derfYou can tell because of the pixels.00:02
GeneralAntillesderf, indeed.00:02
RST38hStskeeps: Maybe e is a physical bot!00:02
RST38hDalek in disguise00:02
Gadgetoida mechanical turk?00:02
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, yeah, was wondering around BCN at night looking for a place to eat with VDVsx, andy80 and yerga and walked past that in the dark.00:02
AnidelI've got very nice feedback there and Xournal will improve a lot in usabilty... next Qt version (yes there will be one) will they say it "next generation UI"?00:02
Anideldinner's ready!00:02
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, I looked up and my mouth dropped open.00:03
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: It looks disney.00:03
Gadgetoidoooo xournal polishing? yummy00:03
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GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, I then commented on the fact that in the city I grew up in my 1920s neighborhood is one of the oldest in the city. :D00:03
RST38hAnidel: just bring back all the old options into the current version first =)00:03
GeneralAntillestigert, why the low resolution on your Flickr stuff, by the way?00:03
Gadgetoidit drives me nuts how xounal handles, or rather doesn't, word wrapping00:04
Gadgetoidotherwise it's a cracking app00:04
RST38hAnyone knows the URL of the DDP eStore order tracking page?00:05
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mikhasGeneralAntilles, perhaps full resolution would have been too expensive for his data plan? IIRC he was uploading everything instantly00:06
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GeneralAntillesRST38h, I just had it.00:06
GeneralAntillesRST38h, think you can go to home.00:06
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RST38hI see no tracking link :(00:07
aSIMULAtorcause he has some print quality photos on his flickr and i'm guessing he doesn't want to share those print quality photos in high res00:07
GeneralAntillesRST38h, or maybe MyAccount00:07
mikhasevil =)00:07
GeneralAntillesOne second.00:07
javispedroRST38h: can't sleep eh? :)00:07
javispedroRST38h: I just copied a folder and the entire build system broke00:07
RST38hjavispedro: almost asleep, gotta read some Mieville and shut myself down00:08
RST38hgeneral: Thanks!00:08
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles: wankers00:08
woglinderst when will ir arrive?00:09
crashanddiewe need more mods on tmo :(00:10
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RST38hwoglinde: mine does not appear to be shipped yet00:11
crashanddiewhat we need is a mod system that only gives you x actions per day/week00:11
woglinderst oh00:11
SpeedEvilcrashanddie: What does it pay?00:11
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RST38hwoglinde: then it will hit christmas and get lost I am afraid :(00:11
crashanddieSpeedEvil: a line in your posts and a lot of shit from users00:11
woglindewith luck in the new year00:11
derfcrashanddie: So, you want to make /.?00:11
crashanddiederf: I didn't say anyone got to moderate00:12
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RST38hwoglinde: I do have a loaned preproduction unit, so not a roadblock to development, just a minor annoyance00:12
crashanddiederf: just double the amount of mods, but relieve their functions after some time/actions so they don't burn out00:12
woglinderst ah okay00:12
derfIf you limit how much action a moderator can take, you necessarily lower your standards for moderators.00:12
RST38hcrashanddie: you know there is an easier way to handle it?00:12
crashanddieRST38h: how so then?00:13
woglindeseems I should have travel to amsterdam too00:13
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crashanddiederf: what do you mean?00:13
RST38hcrashanddie: genocyde.00:13
* RST38h laughes heartily00:13
crashanddieRST38h: or maybe we could create an underground fora, with only a few people, the ones who are really worth it00:13
RST38hcrashanddie: actually, I suggested that on multiple occassions00:13
crashanddiewe'll start out as a secret organisation, and only people who pass the test get access00:13
RST38hcrashanddie: it is the sanest of options00:14
RST38hcrashanddie: reading open for everyone, posting by invitation only00:14
GeneralAntillesRST38h, I say we just give root access to Darius.00:14
derfcrashanddie: I thought that's what _this_ was.00:14
crashanddiewe'll get together every 3 full moons, in a secret base just off the m25 near ipswitch, an old nuclear bunker00:14
RST38hGeneral: You of all people should know that Darius is undergoing his seasonal maintenance at some Polish bedlam00:15
crashanddieand then we'll gang bang the 3 only girls that were silly enough to join our ranks, and share memories from when tmo used to be cool and elitist during our collective post-coital glow00:15
RST38hSo, he is unavailable!00:15
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RST38hBut yes, I do suggest we seriously consider idea of one-two subforums that are invitation only00:16
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crashanddiesome will say we are a sect of some sort, that we should be stopped, we will get jailed, and some of us even burnt on a stake, but in our hearts we will know we were true to ourselves00:16
RST38hEither that, or genocyde, or you start breeding cranky moderators who still end up with genocyde00:16
mikhasThe only thing I'd really need, on top of thread subscriptions: a service (email) that announces new threads to me (only from selected forums, of course). then, I would decide which ones to follow. perhaps the mail would be formatted in such a way that I delete all threads from it I dont want to follow, and just send it back ....00:17
GeneralAntillesRST38h, man, I can just see geneven running with that idea.00:17
javispedrojust put up a random .deb file in tmo which triggers battery explosion in n90000:17
RST38hcrashanddie: not sure what you are driving at, I am mostly after very practical goal of keeping signal to noise ratio off the epsilon mark00:17
javispedroand let the problem fix itself00:17
StskeepsRST38h: i think most of the crowded-news issue is due to the reliance of people using "New Posts".00:18
RST38hjavis <-- took words out of my mouth00:18
mikhasif such a email would come to me once a day ...00:18
RST38hStskeeps: I am not talking of news.00:18
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, I'd prefer it uploading GPS coordinates and nuking those locations from orbit.00:18
GeneralAntillesIt's the only way to be sure.00:18
StskeepsRST38h: i meant crowded-forums00:18
RST38hStskeeps: I am talking of hordes of people infinitely repeating the same false rumors or half-correct instructions for bricking their devices00:18
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crashanddieRST38h: I was being satirical because most "secret organisations" inside communities fail miserably -- they believe they beat the system, but they're just asocial nerds who think they're being original00:18
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StskeepsRST38h: meh, wasn't it like this a year ago on tmo anyway?00:19
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RST38hcrashanddie: no need to make it secret, just make people take a sentience test00:19
kevloraljavispedro: so you basically want to turn a n900 into an iPhone, right? :-)00:19
javispedroRST38h: whishing those "half-correct" instructions were "fully-correct" instructions to brick their devices :)00:19
crashanddieinstead, just concentrate your efforts on making the community a more interesting place -- trolls die young00:19
javispedrooh kevloral, now I remember you!00:19
Stskeepscrashanddie: agreed00:19
GeneralAntillesAnidel, I forgot to thank samantha for the art work, by the way.00:20
crashanddieRST38h: if you want to better the signal to noise ratio, don't prevent noise from being generated, just create more signal!00:20
GeneralAntillesAnidel, wearing (and digging) the t-shirt as we speak.00:20
RST38hcrashanddie: this does not work00:20
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convultedgood day all!00:20
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RST38hcrashanddie: not at the current concentrations of eager but clueless people00:21
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GeneralAntillesUgh, -developers is up to 250 unread.00:21
XisdibikUgh indeed GeneralAntilles00:21
* javispedro uses Pan to read -developers00:22
* GeneralAntilles didn't read enough email over the weekend.00:22
RST38hcrashanddie: you can still do it in a separate semi-controlled subforum, but not in an open forum where 90% of people joined in the last 3 months and 70% of them do not have actual devices00:22
kevloraljavispedro: yep, I remember you too.00:22
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GeneralAntillesLet's just strap crashanddie to a chair Clockwork Orange-style and make him moderate.00:22
javispedrokevloral: was trying to pm you, but I guess your client is ignoring pms too00:22
crashanddieme a moderator? Man you're in for a ride00:22
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: that being said, the clockwork orange style is strangely compeling00:23
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, well, there are two possible outcomes.00:23
crashanddieone certain out-cum00:23
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, wrong scene, sorry.00:24
GeneralAntillesThe one later. :P00:24
RST38h"When eaten, there are two possible outcomes!"00:24
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RST38hok, now I am really out00:24
timeless_mbp!seen qwerty00:25
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javispedroinfobot's still dead00:25
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pillarhmm it seems that network doesn't work from my maemo5 sdk xephyr, is there something that should be setup beforehand? network works in the virtual machine and scratchbox00:26
cehtehdid you fixed /etc/resolv.conf ?00:27
woglinde3pillar check resolv.conf00:27
mikhaspillar, check your /scratchbox/resolv.conf00:27
mikhasthe problem becomes appearant on laptops, where you often change networks but sbox sticks with the wrong resolv.conf00:27
cehtehdebugging by voting :)00:27
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mikhasjust coping the recent one to /scratchbox/resolv.conf + relogin to sbox should solve it00:28
javispedroso, just install pdnsd o dnsmasq and fix the problem00:28
pillarwhoa, didn't expect so many answers all at once :) I think it is okay, since the network works in scratchbox? it is just inside xephyr that when my app tries to connect it won't work00:28
javispedro"inside xephyr" doesn't make much sense00:29
javispedrounless you're talking about graphics. xephyr only handles graphics.00:29
cehtehthats fairly impossible xephyr just displays apps00:29
pillarjavispedro I realise that, I don't know what is a correct way to say this, I don't like to call it an emulator00:29
mikhasI can install apps from the hildon-desktop app man when running in xephyr ....00:29
javispedropillar: you called it scratchbox already, that's fine.00:30
cehtehpillar: xephyr is only the 'nested' Xserver00:30
pillarwhat I mean is that I am running my app in the scratchbox, which is shown in xephyr00:30
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pillarbut scratchbox command line network works just fine, not in my app or for example the web browser in maemo5 "emulator"00:31
Anidelgeneralantilles: just thanked Samantha for you :) she's happy about that!00:31
javispedropillar: which network tools work?00:31
pillarjavispedro wget, scp00:31
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pillarit wasn't working at one point, so I did copy resolv.conf, but that has been days00:32
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javispedropillar: so this is your app's problem... because you're probably waiting for icd2 to signal there's internet -- like the app mgr does.00:33
Gadgetoidcrashanddie mod me, i'm not around often enough to abuse the power00:33
Gadgetoidor... really... ever00:33
javispedropillar: or maybe you missed some resolv.conf files00:34
javispedroin the /scratchbox directory00:34
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pillarjavispedro: ok, how do I achieve that then? I mean, there has to be a way to debug apps that require network connection00:34
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XisdibikIs anyone here using DosBox on their trusty N900's?00:34
luke-jr"trusty" is not a word I'd use for N90000:35
luke-jrcan't trust something with blobs00:35
Gadgetoidmine's been pretty trusty thus far00:35
javispedroXisdibik: ...yes?00:36
crashanddieGadgetoid: you talk to me like I have any powers on the fora00:36
javispedropillar: don't remember the connection detection details, so try do the resolv.conf one first00:36
Gadgetoidcan i ask more than for the ability to idle irc all day on wifi with something that fits in my pocket00:36
pillarmine too, I don't know how people have this thing rebooting all the time, I have only had a couple and they have been because battery ran out00:36
javispedropillar: find every resolv.conf file under /scratchbox and check if they're fixed00:36
pillarjavispedro: ok I'll do that thanks00:37
Gadgetoidcrashanddie I haven't got the foggiest what powers anyone has.... and don't really care... unless they can see through clothing00:37
hardaker2I reboot mine only once in a while, usually to recover memory as at some point pdfreader won't open docs any longer.  Other than that, it's been very stable.00:37
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hardaker2but I want a bigger battery.00:37
Gadgetoidjust use a portable top up charger hardaker200:38
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: go boy, go:00:38
crashanddieshit, ctrl paste afil00:38
hardaker2Gadgetoid: ugh.00:38
Gadgetoidalso called a netbook00:38
Xisdibikjavispedro: is there a fix for the keys that dont work?00:38
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: go boy, go:
Xisdibikjavispedro: as i cant get a / which makes it hard to mount stuff :)00:38
javispedroXisdibik: see
Xisdibikarigatou javispedro00:38
javispedroXisdibik: the answer is "not yet", though00:39
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Xisdibikyou still need your 30 minutes? ;)00:39
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javispedroyeah, had to fill today's free 30 minutes with searching some "lost thread" in a 5 GiB phpBB database because of a phpBB glitch.00:40
convultedDeveloper question: Can I do something to get a hildon pannablearea to jerk less when doing inertial scrolling of an image?00:40
Xisdibikjavispedro: yuck, that doesnt sound fun :/00:40
Gadgetoidwoah a dude from WinCE wondering why the n900 lacks polished core functionality ... which it doesnt anyway00:41
Gadgetoidthe iphone is soooo boooring00:43
Xisdibiklack of polished core functionality?00:43
Ceron^its impossible to copy stuff00:43
woglindeGadgetoid lol00:43
Ceron^with pc suite00:43
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Ceron^to phone..00:43
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pillarjavispedro: I think I got it working, you were right, there was still one resolv.conf with wrong settings00:43
Ceron^how to access samba shared folder00:43
Ceron^from n90000:43
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Ceron^i hate this pc-suite crap00:43
Gadgetoidwell complaining that people keep saying "get an ipod" or "get an iphone" every time someone criticises the n90000:43
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javispedroCeron^: no way so far, unless someone uploaded samba to extras00:44
mikhasCeron^, without smbclient? you dont. but I heard it is easy to compile.00:44
Gadgetoiduse ftp Ceron00:44
Ceron^i cant even get one ftp!00:44
javispedroor sftp00:44
Ceron^uplaoded with pc suite00:44
javispedrouse the cable and mass storage mode00:44
Gadgetoidi use ftp to grab files to my n900... or bittorrent00:44
javispedrothey put mass storage for a reason. say no to pc suite mode (just in case some uy decides in the future to only have "pc suite" mode)00:45
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Ceron^ooh :D00:45
Ceron^mass storage mode00:45
Ceron^works fine thx00:45
hardaker2scp: easiest way to go.00:45
Ceron^always tried pc suite way00:45
hardaker2or even sshfs if you really want (I've done it)00:45
* hardaker2 goes off to port the NFS modules.00:45
ali1234i like to use scp over wifi00:46
Gadgetoidhaha sshfs00:46
javispedro"port" the nfs modules?00:46
woglindehardaker2 there is nothing to port00:46
ali1234anyway, new psx4all video:
woglindeyou can even use samba00:46
Gadgetoidi will stick with my softy ftp solution :)00:46
hardaker2I haven't actually tried; I'm just surprised no one mentioned it so I figured nokia left them out by default.00:46
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javispedro~seen pupnik00:46
javispedrothis reminds me00:47
woglindejavis lol00:47
woglinde~seen bot00:47
javispedrowhere's qwerty?00:47
javispedrodidn't see him for a while?00:47
Gadgetoidseen the n900s tilde key00:47
VDVsxjavispedro, spot him a while back at tmo00:47
javispedroali1234: good job!00:47
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ali1234i just found out the psx4all git repo is a year and a half old00:48
ali1234i bet they have faster code by now00:48
javispedrothat happens, email the maintainers00:49
javispedro(i personally find the gp2x/pandora a bit sloppy on that regard)00:49
ali1234yeah, zod is on holiday for xmas tho00:49
javispedro*the xxx guys00:49
integer`where i can find nfs-client for n800 ?00:49
GadgetoidPandora is god!!!!!!!!! heathen00:49
woglindeinteger just compile mount and nfs modul00:50
integer`there is now any repo with already compiled?00:50
javispedroi think there is, for diablo.00:50
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* ali1234 waits for all the "zomg where i get file?" comments00:51
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javispedroali1234: ah yeah, welcome to the emulator porters club. get your spam filters ready.00:52
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woglindecompiled kernel with nfs-module is not in the repo right00:53
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javispedrothere's no need to recompile the kernel00:53
Anidelwanna walk into Pompeii's ruins?,+italy+ruins&sll=40.716428,14.537315&sspn=0.061672,0.132351&ie=UTF8&hq=pompeii,+italy+ruins&hnear=&ll=40.748902,14.484834&spn=0,359.991728&t=h&z=17&layer=c&cbll=40.748902,14.484834&panoid=1e-bu_kis-dL1BnVGZhDdw&cbp=12,209.48,,0,7.6300:53
woglindejavis only modul?00:53
javispedrowoglinde: module, and maybe nfs-utils or portmap00:54
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javispedrooh hi Anidel!00:54
Anidelhi Javi00:54
Ceron^how to get "newest messages on desktop"00:54
Ceron^on the n90000:54
Anideluploading 112Mb of images to via N900..let's see00:55
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redeemanhardaker2: are fuse compiled in on the n900?00:56
redeemanso all i need to do is get sshfs compiled for armel?00:57
cehtehisnt that already packaged?00:58
cehtehmaybe extras-* devel or testing00:58
redeemannot in standard extras atleast00:58
redeemanin -devel it is, nice01:00
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hardaker2redeeman: no...  I mount the other direction.  from my linux desktop to the n90001:11
hardaker2I don't know about the reverse as I haven't tried it.01:11
redeemanapparently its there01:11
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pwnguinis there a flashlight widget? something to turn on the camera leds and leave them on for extended periods of time?01:15
pwnguin(for n900)01:16
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pwnguinhmm. liqtorch and moodlight claim to have flashlight modes, but i'd need to enable extras-testing?01:18
redeemanyou could probably make a simple shellscript01:18
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redeemanthey are probably controlled via the leds class01:18
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archebytehello all01:18
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pwnguinwhich shell scripts are object oriented?01:18
redeemananyone that knows if the community provided qt4 can set portrait mode?01:18
pwnguini guess perl, but bleh01:19
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redeemanpwnguin: you do not need objected oriented to do that01:19
redeemanbut i can tell how how the leds framework works01:19
redeemanbasically its just a file01:19
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redeemanand you write a value in it, to control the led strength01:19
tKMFDMdoes the maemo 4 evince package work on the n900?01:19
redeeman(some leds only support on/off though)01:19
pwnguinsorry, i thought you had a specific meaning for class01:19
archebytedid the nintendo emulator disappear from extras-testing?01:20
redeemanpwnguin: ah, i mean a class in linux01:20
redeemanpwnguin: the kernel01:20
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redeemanpwnguin: look at /sys/class/leds01:20
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pwnguinredeeman: the most kernel hacking ive done is a MINIX course01:20
archebyteI remember installing it a few weeks ago.. it was name iNES or something..01:20
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redeemanpwnguin: you need not touch the kernel source at all, you just manage the devices via files01:20
pwnguinredeeman: then i guess it's a shell script after all ;)01:21
redeemanor a c++ app if you want :P01:21
pwnguinbut i think liqtorch does what i need?01:21
redeemanhmm i might write such an app01:21
redeemanoh i don't know that app01:21
pwnguinme either01:21
redeemando you have a link?01:21
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pwnguinthe question is, how dangerous is extras-testing, really?01:22
redeemanonly as much as the stuff you install01:23
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pwnguinso how exactly does this thing work?01:23
pwnguincan i upload a new liqtorch with higher version?01:23
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pwnguinor is that package owned by the maintaner?01:23
n900ev1lI have had no major issues with testing01:24
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pwnguinie, can someone without clue upgrade libraries or python or something01:24
pwnguini know ubuntu's still struggling somewhat with group permissions01:24
redeemanjust looked at liqtorch source01:25
redeemandoes not appear to have any code to turn on/off the lights01:25
redeemani cant even gather what that thing does01:26
n900ev1lliqtorch just displays a white screen I thought01:26
redeemanyeah i think so too01:27
redeemanit certainly doesn't poke sysfs01:27
redeemani'll look at the moodlight code01:27
pwnguini dont think moodlight does it either01:27
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pwnguindid the n810 have a camera01:27
redeemanmoodlight also appears to just display stuff01:28
redeemanwell pwnguin, it should be easy to make a program that can turn it on/off01:28
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n900ev11liqtorch just displays a white screen I thought01:29
Gadgetoidpwnguin, what do you mean "did"01:29
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javispedrowell, #maemo has been divided already... when's tmo scission?01:30
* n900ev11 wishes there was a way to not connect to a net that you explicitly disconnected from.01:30
Gadgetoidn810 is in its prime, awesome tablet, good library of software and cheap spare batteries... and a crappy front camera with littlem practical use01:31
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Gadgetoidalthough i pretty much only use mine as an ebook reader now01:32
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redeemanpwnguin: damn, seems like its not registered in the leds framework01:33
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woglindehm there is something wrong in the sdk somehow01:34
woglindelinking with -L /usr/lib -lX11 dont works really01:34
pwnguinredeeman: maybe it's tied into the camera chip directly?01:34
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woglindeproblem with
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redeemanpwnguin: that's a definite possibility, theres no other good reason not to have it there01:35
pwnguinGadgetoid: as in the n810 is in the past, and n900 is the future :P01:35
pwnguin(for six months)01:35
redeemanthat would be somewhat annoying though, i used the light alot on my previous phone01:35
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Arkenoibtw is 810 still in production?01:37
woglindeArkenoi dont think so01:37
Gadgetoidi wubb my n810... fbreader will have to improve in leaps and bounds on the n900 before i retire it01:37
paddy_melonHey guys... what products other then the NITs/n900s run Maemo... I'd love an n810 or n800 but... it's out of my price range... I can't find anything on google. Any help?01:37
woglindeanyone intressed in imagemagick for fremantle?01:38
pwnguinpaddy_melon: there's like an n700, but thats really pushing history01:38
pwnguinwoglinde: why not use graphicsmagick01:38
paddy_melonpwnguin... hasn't Maemo been ported to other devices?01:38
woglindepwnguin because the package I really wanted has dep against libmagick++01:39
pwnguinpaddy_melon: you want mer, the open source version01:39
redeemanwoglinde: chances are it will work with graphicsmagick aswell01:39
paddy_melonok... what runs mer then?01:39
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DocScrutinizer(<pwnguin> redeeman: maybe it's tied into the camera chip directly?) you bet it is01:39
woglindemaybee it has the same deps as imagemagick01:40
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redeemanDocScrutinizer: that's bad01:40
pwnguinwoglinde: if it's tied to a lib, it needs symbols to be the same; i know theres a compatible cli, not sure if the libs are too01:40
DocScrutinizerthought about putting fotoflash LED to purpose as well01:41
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DocScrutinizerthink you need to talk camera into lighting it up01:41
redeemanDocScrutinizer: that's a huge fuckup on nokias part, it should have been outside the cover, and able to be turned on at will01:41
XisdibikWelcome SpeedEvi101:41
pwnguinpaddy_melon: name a device that's like the n80001:41
woglindehm same deps despit of openexr01:41
woglindeopenexr segfaults at compiling01:41
DocScrutinizerredeeman: I agree01:41
paddy_melonpwnguin... I'm not sure... say a Q5 or other MID?01:42
pwnguinpaddy_melon: there's also a #mer channel01:42
* SpeedEvi1 sighs.01:42
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvi1: ehazzup?01:42
pwnguinits mostly populated by users whose devices have been left behind01:42
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pwnguinpaddy_melon: "*"01:43
pwnguinMer runs on : 770, N800, N810, FreeRunner, SmartQ5, SmartQ7, Beagleboard, and to some degree on Zaurus, Loox; we'd like to support other devices too... talk to us.01:43
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SpeedEvi1rede: it's a seperate led driver chip on the IWOMAN bus01:43
pwnguini know it ran on my virtualbox01:43
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvi1: for the fotoflash?01:44
pwnguinhow do you screw up IWOMAN and i2c?01:44
pwnguinthose keys are nowhere near each other01:45
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvi1: well I dunno for sure. but usually you control those from cam directly01:45
redeemani wonder whom one should contact within nokia to have them not do this shit on next device01:45
SpeedEvi1docs: apparantly01:45
pwnguinalso, who decided to abbreviate iic i2c?01:45
Gadgetoidtell them the stand sucks bals whilst you are at it redeeman01:45
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redeemanhaha yeah it does01:46
SpeedEvi1pwn: autocomplete01:46
DocScrutinizerpwnguin: EE did that looong ago01:46
pwnguinDocScrutinizer: it saves no space!01:46
DocScrutinizerEE folks even01:46
Gadgetoidi mean hardcore superballs... how the fuck did it pass muster... its useless01:46
DocScrutinizeras does A2DP01:46
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Gadgetoidi uaw my n810 to prop up my n90001:46
pwnguinat least w3c is shorter than wwwc01:46
SpeedEvi1also - drill 2 holes, fill with clear, and you have leds01:46
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SpeedEvi1flash leds probably aren't continually rated01:47
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redeemanSpeedEvil: perhaps not, but the ones on my SE phones have been running for more than 24 hours straight once01:48
redeemanand i've been using the led atleast ~10 min every day for more than a year01:48
redeemanit uses one of those special weird leds01:48
woglindeargs graphmagics drags in transfig which needs texlive01:48
redeemannokia could use those aswell01:48
SpeedEvilredeeman: it's compromises01:48
lbtnight all01:48
redeemanone of those are atleast as powerful as the two the nokia have01:48
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SpeedEvilredeeman: power LEDs are quite hard to heatsink right01:48
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvi1: yes, but seems you can dim it to a 100% duty cycle01:48
redeemanSpeedEvil: that's REALLY powerful ones01:49
SpeedEvilredeeman: And some have very limited rated lifes. As in a couple of hours.01:49
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SpeedEvilAs they are intended for flash use.01:49
pwnguinwoglinde: as a build-dep?01:50
redeemanwell.. again, the ONE in my SE phone has been in use ~10 min every day for a year, and sometimes i forgot it on for more than a day, and it works fine01:50
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: but lifetime goes thru the roof if you go down to maybe 25% of max power01:50
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: yes01:50
redeemanand its as powerful as the two in the N90001:50
SpeedEvilredeeman: sure. Powerful is quite irrelevant.01:50
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SpeedEvilredeeman: The important fact is the datasheets of the LED involved, and the heatsinking.01:51
DocScrutinizerredeeman: that means exactly nuttin01:51
redeemanDocScrutinizer: it means that nokia could do the same, that's what my point is01:51
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: yo01:51
SpeedEvilHaving said that - at 25% output, I'd be quite comfortable saying it's ok.01:51
SpeedEvilredeeman: There are always compromises.01:51
pwnguinredeeman: except you can build it cheap or reliable01:51
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redeemanyes well.. this is one there didn't have to be01:51
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redeemanpwnguin: i doubt its cheaper that way01:51
redeemanand its certainly not unreliable01:52
SpeedEvilredeeman: size/space/heatsinking/cost/life are a real tradeoff for LEDs.01:52
SpeedEvilredeeman: and yes, it is actually cheaper that way in some cases.01:52
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: make that 10% and you bet you're safe side of fence01:52
pwnguinredeeman: have you ever priced bright leds?01:52
redeemanSpeedEvil: theres no heatsink on that led, and life has been exceptional, and MANY other people do that01:52
jebbawhy can't i do something like?    wget  --no-check-certificate        I feel i'm missing something obvious?  I just want to grab the stock kernel debs....01:52
SpeedEvilredeeman: And that is one LED, of one design, it says little about others.01:52
redeemanpwnguin: im not talking those insane leds, it costs maybe $2-4 in retail for such a LED, when nokia buys, ALOT less01:52
lardman|homejebba: why not grab them from extras?01:53
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lardman|homeor the standard repo?01:53
redeemanSpeedEvil: what it says is that its doable, and its something that adds alot of use01:53
SpeedEvilredeeman: Shaving $.5 off the cost of a LED circuit by overdriving it is _IMPORTANT_ if you're making phones.01:53
DocScrutinizerredeeman: I'm actually not interested in that utterly non-EE approach to the issue01:53
redeemani would have paid $10 more for this01:53
SpeedEvilredeeman: And no, things that are not key design factors for the phone are not specced.01:53
redeemanthis is a key feature, its something many people use01:54
SpeedEvilredeeman: So you can't say you can safely use the LEDs 100% of the time, or plug it directly into a car battery, or use it to open walnuts.01:54
pwnguinredeeman: im sure you would, but everyone has a different ten dollar addon, and the end result is a phone nobody can afford01:54
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redeemanwho said they needed to say any garantuee?01:54
SpeedEvilredeeman: that does not matter. What matters if, at spec time - the 'LEDs must run continuously' was in there.01:54
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: thaks. couldn't have put it better01:54
redeemanwho said it must run continously?01:54
redeemannobody did, except you01:55
redeemani said the SE phone CAN01:55
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pwnguinyou want to trigger a flash?01:55
redeemantheres a distinct difference01:55
SpeedEvilredeeman: where continuously is designed to work for well over 5s at a time.01:55
pwnguinand then you lept from SE can to "so can n900"01:55
jebbalardman|home: ah, but that doesnt have kernel-flasher for some reason hmm01:55
redeemanSpeedEvil: and as i've said, a single led that needs no heatsink can do this, so what's the issue?01:56
lardman|homejebba: the flasher is not open afaik, you download that elsewhere01:56
crashanddieredeeman: you're free to hack your device and plug in your led01:56
SpeedEvilredeeman: because some LED datasheets I have seen that are labelled for flash use are not specified to be used at their flash rating all of the time.01:56
DocScrutinizerredeeman: you sound like santa claus talking bout easter01:56
* timeless_mbp frowns01:56
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redeemanSpeedEvil: so it must actually say "for flash usage", nevermind what the product actually can do, is that how stupid the people involved are?01:57
SpeedEvilredeeman: and there are of course no data published on the nokia design.01:57
SpeedEvilredeeman: No, of course not.01:57
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jebbalardman|home:  i meant the package named kernel-flasher, not the maemo_flasher program. They are different.   `dpkg -l | grep kernel` on your system, you'll see a kernel-flasher deb01:57
redeemani'll bet you the datasheet for the ram piece they buy doesn't say: "for storing photos in"01:57
crashanddieredeeman: please stop trolling01:57
pwnguinredeeman: it sounds the only thing that you'll believe is the actual LED specsheet.01:57
redeemanDocScrutinizer: you sound like you do not understand what im trying to say01:57
lardman|homejebba: nope, I don't see that in Fremantle SDK01:58
SpeedEvilredeeman: The LED has a maximum pulse rating - this is used for flash often.01:58
pwnguini know i saw a teardown of n900, is there a BOP yet?01:58
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SpeedEvilredeeman: It is not rated - for thermal and other reasons - for continual use at this current01:58
pwnguinthough identifying leds must be damn near impossible01:58
crashanddieredeeman: would you use the flash on your actual camera to light your living room?01:58
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jebbalardman|home: the kernel-flasher .deb gets built along with the kernel-modules and kernel.deb, so i'm surprised its not in the same dir01:58
DocScrutinizer(me trows dice on leaving chan or /ignore redee*01:58
lardman|homejebba: fair enough01:59
redeemancrashanddie: i can only conclude you haven't read what i wrote, i do NOT want to have it on constantly, what i want is to have a light with my always, so for instance if its dark and i need to find something, like the lock on a door or something01:59
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redeemanor when i walk my dog at night01:59
redeemannot long periods01:59
pwnguinredeeman: continously means longer than milliseconds01:59
crashanddieredeeman: install liqtorch01:59
jebbalardman|home: what do you get if you just download it? I think you can do something like  `apt-get -d install kernel-flasher` or something  (yumdownloader is what i would use in fedora space, not sure of equiv with apt)02:00
pwnguinif you just want a flash, well, take a picture of the dark02:00
redeemanpwnguin: and as for you, you say i only care about the specsheet, i specifically said i didn't care about the datasheet, as long as the device can do what i want02:00
DocScrutinizerredeeman: everything >10sec is a prolonged period for hardware02:00
lardman|homejebba: It's not available afaict02:00
SpeedEvilredeeman: The datasheet does not say it can. If you exceed the limits - it is free to burn out.02:00
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pwnguinredeeman: the spec sheet's the only thing that can be trusted, as the manufacturer is liable if it's wrong02:00
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lardman|homejebba: apt-get install <blah>02:00
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SpeedEvilredeeman: And some actually will if used continuously. Some will not - but...02:01
redeemani see, so your point is that theres no leds that officially supports this? because that's fine then02:01
crashanddieredeeman: did it say in the spec that the flash could stay on for more than a few milliseconds?02:01
Sachin007so did your n900 ship :)02:01
SpeedEvilredeeman: no - many LEDs do.02:01
crashanddieredeeman: did the features include torch or pocketlight?02:01
pwnguinredeeman: the point was we dont know whether these LEDs condone it; they might, they might not02:01
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: just find the sysnode for redeeman and ask him to report how long the LED took to burn out. Everybody happy ;-)02:01
redeemancrashanddie: you are not staying on topic, i didn't claim anything said that, i said i WANTED that feature02:01
lardman|homeI've got some nice 16W LED arrays, get rather warm though02:01
crashanddiewell then stop ranting about it02:02
jebbalardman|home:  i meant do download the actual .deb itself. I kind of pooched things up and am trying to recover. Long story heh.  I just want this deb, basically:   kernel-flasher 2.6.28-20094102.3+0m5         but dont see it anywhere (neither does google)02:02
SpeedEvilredeeman: Is the LED in the n900 one, and is it, all the power supply circuitry, and the thermal environment it's in all capable of doing it.02:02
crashanddieyou've made your point, fair enough, now let's move on02:02
redeemani don't appear to02:02
redeemanbecause you're all arguing against points im not trying to make02:02
crashanddieok, let me help you02:02
lardman|homejebba: and I meant that apt-get doesn't see it from scratchbox, so I can't. Sorry02:02
Sachin007i wonder what the rest of users are doing?02:02
lardman|homeplus I'm compiling BLAS atm02:02
SpeedEvilThe LED flash is driven by the adp1653 module02:03
jebbalardman|home: ah gotcha. thanks for checking tho  :)02:03
SpeedEvilin the kernel02:03
crashanddie"Hey guys, wouldn't it have been awesome if the N900 supported a feature where we could use the camera led to light our environment for a few seconds? Oh well, maybe in the next version of the platform. Can I put feature requests in somewhere for the next releases? Thanks"02:03
crashanddieredeeman: copy paste the above, then /quit02:03
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: now U r talking :-D02:03
redeemancrashanddie: yet that wasnt what we were arguing about, you and the others came with insane arguments against points i had never tried to make02:04
* Arkenoi is really annoyed with dirt collecting border around n900 screen - what is it for, really?02:04
Sachin007so how to get rid of the red lite while recording video?02:04
jebba"Package kernel-flasher is not available, but is referred to by another package."  :(02:04
pwnguinredeeman: people interpreted what you said differently than you intended; comparing the existing leds to other leds02:04
crashanddieredeeman: then make your bloody point already? The only thing I've seen you do is: "<nickname> That's not what I'm talking about, you're wrong, I'm not listening to you?"... Rinse and repeat02:05
SpeedEvilArkenoi: Firmware update in 6 monts for $50 will peel off the bits to reveal a 4.5" screen.02:05
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redeemancrashanddie: i did, i said that SE  had a led that can do this, and that means nokia could get that too, but apparently you are unable to read it, and just kept on trolling02:05
SpeedEvilArkenoi: practically - packing stuff into a mobile phone is _hard_.02:05
SpeedEvilredeeman: nokia can - of course they can - nobody is arguing that. The point is that you can't assume from the fact that they can that they have.02:06
Sachin007i would kill for a 4.5 to 5 inch n90002:06
redeemanSpeedEvil: and the great part is, i _NEVER_ did02:06
SpeedEvilSachin007: me too.02:06
redeemanSpeedEvil: i said i WANTED that, not that they had done it02:06
Arkenoime too02:06
Sachin007wonder what is stopping them?02:06
SpeedEvilyes, actually, you were.02:06
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Arkenoithough i've seen damn many people complaining that n900 is big and they want n97-mini size02:06
redeemanSpeedEvil: care to point out when?02:06
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DocScrutinizer51redeeman, that's starting to get annoyingly noisy spam02:07
Sachin007yeah have multiple devices.... who said no?02:07
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redeemanSpeedEvil: i wanted to use the led for that before i realized it was impossible due to not having control, and then i started talking about how nokia should make this feature for next device, that's all02:07
redeemanDocScrutinizer51: well if you had read what i actually wrote, this wouldn't have come this far02:07
Arkenoiwe are going to have only one new maemo phone next year and i am almost sure it will have no qwerty02:08
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javispedroand a capactive screen02:08
Sachin007do u guys think we may have a keyboard less variant next year?02:08
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DocScrutinizer51too much02:08
redeemanis it known when that maemo devices comes out next year?02:08
Arkenoinokia said semi-officially that there will be just one02:08
Sachin007so no more resisitve screens?02:09
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jebbaDocScrutinizer51: just /ignore02:09
Sachin007u think the next devixe will come with maemo 6?02:09
Sachin007i dont think so... may be the one after..02:10
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lardman|homeanother one bites the dust02:12
lardman|homeBLAS this time02:12
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SpeedEvilWhere can I find a tarball or patches of the n900 kernel?02:14
* SpeedEvil fails at google.02:14
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* lardman|home wonders how fort77 is already in Diablo extras-devel when f2c and libf2c(2) weren't02:15
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SpeedEvilI can find the adp1653 driver being pushed to upstream02:15
lardman|homeSpeedEvi1: see the link jebba gave above02:15
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jebbaSpeedEvil: you can also run   apt-get source kernel02:16
SpeedEvilah - right02:16
jebbaSpeedEvil: i have more docs on kernel building on my page now.
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SpeedEvilmeh - E: Package gcc has no installation candidate02:17
derfSo where are "the allowed user/* sections" listed?02:17
jebbai've actually got one up and going that I built.  Then i did another one, but stupidly installed some old crappy one i did the other day by accident, so i'm trying to recover from that ;)02:17
woglindehi jebba02:17
SpeedEviljebba: thanks - I'm not tracking this stuff as well as I should. Health problems suck.02:18
mgedminVDVsx, anticipating your request, here are IRC logs for the new channels:
GAN900Cracker Barrel02:22
jebbaany irc chanops types of gurus who know how i can hand a channel over to VDVsx that i registered?02:22
GAN900First time I've been really full in days. :D02:22
mgedminjebba, have you tried chatting to chanserv?  /msg chanserv help etc.02:23
lardman|homeGAN900: what! airline food not good enough for you?!02:23
SpeedEvilLooks like the LED driver can do flashlight mode - and there are no huge warnings over the code02:23
crashanddiejebba: ask in #freenode, they'll be able to help02:23
SpeedEvilseems to be a v4l2 ioctl - this may imply that the camera has to be on with the current implementation - though I have not checked02:24
lardman|hometake a look at the gst_photography fns then, you may find one which turns it on all the time02:26
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvi1, sounds promising02:26
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvi1, what scares me a little is the fact you can,t enable video flashlight02:28
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvi1, so much for the warnings02:28
Xisdibik_are you scared of hte dark?02:28
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SpeedEvilI think these things will present as controls of /dev/video002:30
lardman|homeXisdibik: probably not going to have any luck re subtitles with the built-in media player02:30
derfOh, you renamed user/tools to user/utilities.02:30
derfI guess the former was too short and concise.02:31
SpeedEvilSo you should see 'torch intensity' which is a slider which goes from 0-1 (and has two values)02:31
Xisdibiklardman|home: yea i gave up on that,  im going to load up mplayer when i really need the subtitles02:31
Xisdibiklardman|home: do you think there is a way to like etch the subtitles into the movie using some program on the desktop?02:31
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvi1, should?02:31
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvi1, where? when?02:32
* hardaker2 thinks it should go from 0 to 1102:32
lardman|homeXisdibik: yep that is possible02:32
Xisdibiklardman|home: how about taking a movie with more than one audio track and extracting the movie with just one of the audio tracks?02:32
lardman|homeXisdibik: or, as lots of people are moaning about the built in, we just port something that also uses gst02:32
lardman|homeXisdibik: yep all those sorts of things are possible02:32
pwnguinso we've gone from "you can't assume that!" to "i bet this could work?" on the flashtorch?02:33
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lardman|homeXisdibik: but I'd prefer to not have to mess around like that tbh02:33
Xisdibiklardman|home: know a good program (free preferably) that i could use to do those things with? ;D02:33
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redhow to rebind the meta key02:34
woglindenext build of imagemaick started02:34
reddislike having esc at the touchscreen02:34
redtried: /bind å key meta02:35
woglindered this is same as n81002:35
redbut no dice02:35
woglindeesc only as touchscreen key02:35
redye, but dont get why rebinding the meta key is such a hazzle02:36
redcant figure out how to do it in maemo02:36
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: a video player app that can play v4l devices - and present the arbitrarily named controls they may have02:37
redalready binded window changing to qwert.. so i dont need to usefn+ numbers02:37
redmissing the most important02:37
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SpeedEvilAha = the LEDs must have no more than 320mA pulse for .5s, or 50mA continuous.02:37
SpeedEvil./arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-rx51-camera.c lines 576-598/754 78%02:38
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lardman|homenot quite up to my 1.2A ones then ;)02:38
redwoglinde: have you been able to rebind the meta key02:38
* SpeedEvil got a shiny new xp-g in the post02:39
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvi1, here you are :-)02:39
woglindered didnt try this02:39
GeneralAntilleslardman|home, nah, European food! :P02:39
lardman|homehmm, fort77 moving to extras-devel not having happened yet, me goes to bed02:39
redill keep searching02:39
lardman|homeGeneralAntilles: small portion sizes hey? ;)02:39
redtried 3 different x terminal commands and two different methods inside irssi02:39
lardman|homenight all02:39
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pwnguinSpeedEvil: wonder how strong 50ma is02:41
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pwnguinSpeedEvil: you think the spec sheet has a amperage-runtime curve?02:42
SpeedEvilpwnguin: probably around 10-15lm02:42
SpeedEvilpwnguin: this was based on the notes in the kernel driver for the flash chip02:42
jebbahow to talk screen shot?02:42
pwnguinie, one minute gets you 60mA02:43
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pwnguinSpeedEvil: you said you'd read led spec sheets before, so i was wondering if that was something they published02:43
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DocScrutinizer51err. you lost me02:43
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redeemanhe meant if it can run .5sec with 320mA, how long can it run with 100mA or 60mA02:44
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DocScrutinizer51no hard figures on any of these02:46
SpeedEvilpwnguin: typically not.02:46
SpeedEvilpwnguin: they give a pulse and a continuous figure02:46
Xisdibikpwnguin: cashew, pecan, peanut, almond?02:46
SpeedEvilI lost me sometime back in 1985, you're not unique.02:47
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvi1, Q: how long on 100mA. A: no facts. not tested. not guaranteed02:47
pwnguinSpeedEvil: im guessing the curve would pretty much be a step function anyways02:48
pwnguinie, you cant go much above 50 for long02:48
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DocScrutinizer51guessing won't help though02:48
dmj7261UMA sounds pretty cool.  Anyone using it?02:49
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DocScrutinizer51you simply *must* not go over 50mA for longer than 0.502:49
DocScrutinizer51everything else is handwaving02:50
SpeedEvilI would - however - be astonished if you got any damage at 55mA if it's on for a week even.02:50
SpeedEvilbut - that is in the handwavy area02:50
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woglindegood nite02:50
Xisdibikdmj7261: i heard the n900 didnt support it02:50
DocScrutinizer51but given physiological facts of light perception it also won't make amy difference02:51
SpeedEvilIt would typically be something like you can assume pretty safely that 170mA for 1s is safe.02:51
DocScrutinizer51for user02:51
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pwnguinSpeedEvil: now that's handywavy02:51
jebbahmm. i think  i've asked this before...   But how do i tell from which repo i got a package (e.g. from extras, extras-testing, etc)?02:52
pwnguini guess the most important question is how that output compares with the damn screen02:52
pwnguinjebba: apt-cache policy pkg-name02:52
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jebbapwnguin: thx  :=02:53
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SpeedEvilpwnguin: lots better. /me tries to relate it to a measure people might be familiar with.02:53
SpeedEvilpwnguin: it's going to be brighter significantly than the little keychain 1 LED torches.02:54
pwnguinyea, perceptions a drag man02:54
pwnguinSpeedEvil: at 50mA?02:54
jebbapwnguin: actually that doesn't show it.
pwnguinalternative theory02:54
SpeedEvilpwnguin: yes - they are probably running more like 30mA - and are probably generally less efficient LEds02:54
dmj7261Xisdibik: Where'd you find that?02:54
iDialektIs it worth going maemo on t-mobile?02:54
SpeedEvildmj7261: uk?02:55
Xisdibikdmj7261: was on a thread on maemo talk i think, let me see if the school connection is good enough to find it quickly ;)02:55
dmj7261US on tmobile?02:55
pwnguiniDialekt: it handles tmobile 3g, if thats what you mean02:55
pekujaiDialekt: what does it have to do with T-Mobile? bad connectivity?02:55
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DocScrutinizer51some basics about LEDs: they usually don't burn out in a sudden. Rathermthey deteriorate and get dim. This is a process that starts to get much faster on higher currents as well as hifgher temperature02:56
SpeedEvilor being shit.02:56
Sachinyeah tmobile is perfect for n90002:56
SpeedEvilI have some LEDs from ebay that at their nominal power reach around 5% brightness in a month.02:56
nomisA fun way to burn out LEDs is to forget the current limiting resistor in series.02:57
Sachinalso u get the 10$ unlimited internet for phones02:57
nomissmells quite bad.  :)02:57
Xisdibikdmj7261:   << I think this is it, but im not 100% sure02:57
redAny ideas how to rebind the meta key in maemo?02:57
Xisdibikdmj7261: yes,  US tmobile02:57
redor any resources02:57
pwnguinheh, its amazing (to me) how much people study LEDs02:57
Sachini use tmobile02:57
SpeedEvilt-mobile UK is more awesome perhaps. 25 quid - including a SIM - gets you internet for 6 months and nothing else to pay02:57
iDialektpwnguin: Well just wondering how they are as a carrier02:58
XisdibikSpeedEvi1: ive heard that phrase from you like 500 times ;)02:58
pwnguiniDialekt: ive just been using tmo as a prepaid sim; data over wifi02:58
Sachini swiched from at&t call clarify is phenomenal02:58
SpeedEvilpwnguin: the field is coming on amazingly. A decade ago, the most efficient white LED was perhaps 1/10th as efficient as now.02:58
XisdibikSpeedEvi1: im very happy that you can pay 25 squids for a SIM card and 6 months internet,  we dont have that option here ;)02:58
SpeedEvilSorry  :)02:58
Sachin3g speeds are also good02:58
iDialektSachin: Yeah they use full hmr while AT&T uses half02:59
redmy 3.6mbps 3g costs 9,9e/month02:59
iDialektBig call quality difference02:59
SpeedEvilpwnguin: To the extent that if they repeated that in the next 10 years, the LED would create more energy in light than it uses in electricity.02:59
Sachini pay 60$ after taxes for 1000mins and data02:59
pwnguini mean, sure, theres people hunting blue leds02:59
iDialektT-mobile rocks in that departmet02:59
XisdibikSachin: ur not getting SMS?02:59
redouch, 60 dollars for 1000mins and data?02:59
iDialektCoverage is tolerable?02:59
Mika_it-mobile will upgrade their 3g to 7.202:59
Sachinwithout contract02:59
pwnguinbut most of my EE friendes seem more interested in things beyond diodes02:59
Mika_iby the end of the year03:00
Xisdibikred: im paying 59.99 for 500 minutes   + unlimited SMS / Data03:00
SpeedEvilpwnguin: It all comes down in the end to I/O devices.03:00
Xisdibikred: for the same stuff,  i had to pay like 101.83 at AT&T03:00
SpeedEvilpwnguin: be they LEDs, LCDs, or pulsed thermonuclear fusion devices.03:00
iDialektYeah very soon.03:00
go1dfishtmobile here to03:00
iDialektSachin:  you on month to month ?03:01
Sachinxis is that pre tax?03:01
go1dfishgood coverage03:01
Xisdibik59.99 is not pretax03:01
Xisdibik101.83 included taxes and fees03:01
dmj7261ok...I would like to see uma added to the n900 if possible03:01
go1dfishalso on the 500min plan no contract03:01
Xisdibik500 minutes is plenty imho03:01
pwnguinright now i spend 100 a year on tmo03:01
Xisdibikive used like 10 minutes03:01
go1dfishi dont like phone/calls much03:01
pwnguinthats 1000 minutes a year; i donno who the hell complains about too few minutes03:01
Xisdibikdmj7261: as would i03:01
go1dfishso yeah plenty for me03:02
Sachinyeah i will think of changing to 500 mins03:02
dmj7261seems like it would be a killer feature03:02
go1dfishfree nights and weekends to03:02
simula__i wish there was a cheap data only plan :P03:02
pwnguinsimula__: there kinda is03:02
simula__what pwnguin?03:02
Xisdibikdata is 39.99 i think, thats not cheap03:02
pwnguini donno if they've closed it off03:02
pwnguinthere used to be a 10 dollar prepaid plan03:02
pwnguinfor data03:02
Xisdibiknot anymore i think03:02
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Xisdibikthey totally redid their plans03:02
dmj7261(iphone will never have it, and it would boost the value that plans provide as well as massively increasing coverage)03:02
dmj7261(lots of wifi routers in the houses of people who live in rural areas)03:03
Xisdibikdmj7261: UMA is apparently not just software based but is hardware based aswell, so dont get your hopes up on it03:03
SpeedEvilIt requires support on the network - and also on the hardware radio03:03
Arkenoiif you have unlimited data you may have dirt cheap voice with voip03:03
dmj7261still could be untapped hardware support03:03
simula__arkenoi... exactly03:04
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SpeedEvilIt is basically 'handing off' to another cell - but that cell is connected over wifi03:04
SpeedEviland is a virtual cell at the telcos home office03:04
Xisdibikheres a question for you guys, i was enjoying some nice SUper Tux on the train ride today, and when i quit,  it was still in mouse mode, and had a big black square covering the screen (i could see my desktop at the edge of the screen just a bit,a nd wouldnt go away, anyone know whats up with that?>03:04
SpeedEvilSo you need the underlying modem hardware to understand that.03:04
iDialektWhat about lte 4g?03:04
SpeedEviliDialekt: no hardware03:05
dmj7261lte definitely isn't supported unless there's a massive easter egg in there.03:05
Xisdibik7.2 mpbs seems plenty reasonable for a mobile anyways03:05
iDialektT mobile has been on the bottom of carrier list for sometime03:05
XisdibikT Mobile is vastly underrated imho03:06
SpeedEvilXisdibik: power button -> end task do anything?03:06
Sachini thought the n900 can handle upto 10 mbps03:06
XisdibikSpeedEvi1: hadnt tried that, i hit poweroff before i realized i could hit end task ^^03:06
XisdibikSachin: yea, but tmobile isnt going to up 3G to 10mbps, it will stop at 7.2mbps, and jump after the 3G03:07
Xisdibiker 4G*03:07
Xisdibikand the = to03:07
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Arkenoii think there are much more wimax networks actually deployed than lte at the moment03:07
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Xisdibikis there an app yet for the n900 for Google Voice?03:09
dmj7261sounds like LTE is going to be deployed more though03:09
redeemanXisdibik: i think it already has that builtin03:09
Xisdibikyea, LTE will be the next big thing03:09
Xisdibikredeeman: where abouts, (and i dont mean Google Talk if your confusing the two) :)03:09
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redeemanXisdibik: oh, sorry03:10
Xisdibikredeeman: np ;)03:10
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iDialektI'm Right on the fence with android and maemo03:12
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iDialektAndroid is obviously gaining popularity and more widespreaad devices03:13
GeneralAntillesiDialekt, what's more important, quantity or quality?03:14
GeneralAntillesiPhone has more market share than Android.03:15
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GeneralAntillesAre you on the fence about that? :P03:15
iDialektHmmm well I dunno I guess I'm simply tied to the eco system of my device (iPhone)03:15
iDialektI want to change but find it hard to switch when I look at everything I want in a device03:16
iDialektAndroid is very intuitive and the hardware is finally catching up..03:16
iDialektThe n900 seemed like it had a slight learning curve to it03:16
iDialektPortrait mode enabled yet?03:17
XisdibikiDialekt: no03:17
XisdibikiDialekt: but it hasnt bothered me yet03:17
iDialektYeah but it bothered me upon using it03:18
GeneralAntillesiDialekt, meh.03:18
iDialekt(just being honest)03:18
GeneralAntillesPortrait is largely overrated03:18
aspiditesplus there is a growing list of alternate apps that support portrait mode03:18
GeneralAntillesand really not particularly useful in Maemo.03:18
* Xisdibik agrees with GeneralAntilles 03:18
iDialektI know I know. But for me it's not03:18
iDialektI do a lot one handed03:18
Arkenoithe first truly user-oriented (not a geek toy) android phone is out not long time ago03:18
XisdibikiDialekt: Apple store is that way ;)03:18
aspiditesfor example midori browser has portrait mode support03:18
GeneralAntillesPR1.1 has portrait browsing03:19
Arkenoiso there is no surprise iPhone has bigger market share at the moment03:19
DocScrutinizer51GeneralAntilles, ack03:19
XisdibikArkenoi: which one are you referring to?03:19
GeneralAntillesShould be out in a few weeks, apparently.03:19
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ArkenoiHero, for sure03:19
XisdibikArkenoi: ok then i agree ;)03:19
iDialektBravo/passion from htc?03:19
XisdibikGeneralAntilles: PR1.1?03:19
aspiditesbravo is out q1 next year isn't it? leaked htc road map right?03:19
GeneralAntillesPublic Release 1.103:19
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DocScrutinizerGeneralAntilles: PR1.1 of maemo5?03:33
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer, yes.03:33
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derfSo, is the Maemo Packages Interface completely busted?04:06
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timeless_mbphrm, JourneyMan is neat04:15 news is 0 bytes04:16
timeless_mbpi'd say is busted :)04:17
GAN900Server migration, maybe.04:17
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timeless_mbpn900 ran out of battery04:17
GAN900timeless_mbp, 770s to N810s, I think.04:19
timeless_mbpGAN900: so...04:19
timeless_mbpi need to figure out how to deal w/ the call ui, got time?04:20
* timeless_mbp wants to strangle someone04:20
timeless_mbpbtw, i've got a great photo04:20
GAN900timeless_mbp, my brain is mostly slush atm.04:20
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GAN900Ugh, I'm getting about 2 dozen hildon-home crashes a day.04:22
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timeless_mbpwhat extensions are you using?04:25
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GAN900Bookmarks, contacts, shortcuts, location, media player04:26
timeless_mbpso nokia items?04:27
GAN900Only reason I know it's crashing is Nitro04:27
GAN900Nothing 3rd-party04:27
GAN900Although I do have some installed and have used them in the past.04:27
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GAN900Managed to crash browserd at the hotel Saturday night then spent 5 minutes typing out a description and realized I didn't have a connection. . . .04:28
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AndrewFBlackkonttori_work_no, pong04:30
AndrewFBlackkonttori_work_no, ping I mean lol04:30
pekujait's 04:30 in the morning in Finland so I'm guessing he's not around04:32
Macerstupid osx04:32
pekujaassuming he's in Finland, which I'm assuming based on his name04:32
Maceri guess insomniaX doesn't work on it anymore with the 10.5.8 update04:32
AndrewFBlackI thought it was later there ohh well I was thinking we where like 12 hour apart04:32
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pekujaAndrewFBlack: where are you?04:32
AndrewFBlacknew theme maker is locking up on my04:33
crashanddieAndrewFBlack: west coast is 9 hours from mainland europe04:33
crashanddieAndrewFBlack: you central time?04:33
DocScrutinizeryeah, here 3:3304:33
crashanddieso probably 7 or 8 hours04:33
crashanddiefor you04:33
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AndrewFBlack8 if its 4:30 there04:34
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DocScrutinizerI doubt Finland is +1 from Germany04:35
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Ronaldo38741Germany = GMT +2. Finland = GMT =3.04:37
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crashanddieFinland is GMT+@04:38
crashanddieFinland is GMT+204:38
crashanddiegermany is GMT+104:38
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ShadowJK+1 to both in summer04:39
crashanddieit's bloody december04:39
* Ronaldo38741 looks for blood04:39
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* crashanddie RDP's into a win box in order to ESX into a Linux box...04:40
crashanddie(from osx)04:40
* DocScrutinizer puzzled04:40
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Macercrashanddie: yeah. i thought there only being a win client for esx was kind of stupid04:43
Macerespeically considering they use a linux hal for it :)04:43
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Macerthe hardware support for esx is rather lacking04:44
FoxxWould anyone happen to have information on how to add menu items to the apps list in maemo 5 (diablo)? A URL with some info perhaps?04:45
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summelis there any information on when will be online again? -_-04:47
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ShadowJKbefore dnf04:48
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paroneayeaso, if I ssh into my desktop and enter emacs in an xterm04:49
paroneayeaenter does not emit kp-enter04:49
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paroneayeainstead it emits M-o m04:49
ShadowJKduke nuken forever04:50
paroneayeaanyone have any idea why enter might not be mapping to enter?04:50
summelnot helping04:50
summeli dont think it is funny04:50
summeli just wanted to download the sdk04:50
summelbut since is down for weeks now i just give it up04:50
Foxxthis is freenode, there arent too many helpful people here04:50
summeli hate nokia :O04:50
ShadowJKit was up earlier today atleast04:51
summelFoxx: nothing to do with freenode... more like IRC04:51
summelShadowJK: it is down for weeks now for me04:51
summeli had the main homepage shown 2 times today but does never work04:51 has very helpful folk04:51
summelonly maemo.org04:51
GAN900Foxx, add a .desktop file.04:51
Foxxthank you GAN90004:51
summelwhy is there a link to when the sdk is on which works just fine?04:52
GAN900paroneayea, because Nokia is stupid.04:52
ShadowJKand on tablets-dev I guess04:52
Foxxthats 3 out of 439 people that have been in any shape or form a help so far04:52
GAN900summel, because SDKs on Forum Nokia were a VERY recent development. :)04:52
summelthis is just sooo much faiöl04:53
GAN900Foxx, don't expect more help if you'd rather troll. :)04:53
Foxxim not, im trying to convey my appreciation04:53
Foxxhumm, how about this one... I have btscanner installed, no thanks to the built in application manager04:54
GAN900Sounds more like you're denigrating the people in this channel and this network to me.04:54
Foxxid like to get an external USB HCI adapter going, but damned if hcitool or hciconfig commands work04:54
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GAN900USB OTG is not supported.04:55
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GAN900USB host is questionable.04:55
Foxxit shouldnt need OTG mode04:55
Foxxyeah, ive heard a lot of borderline stuff with hsot mode04:55
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FoxxI got a 500GB HDD working, external power of course, but that was for the shits and giggles of it04:56
GAN900On the N900?04:56
FoxxI wish I could afford a n900!04:56
GAN900Why are you asking about 5 then?04:57
GAN900N800 runs Maemo 4 or 304:57
FoxxI was under the assumption that the latest build for the n800 was maemo 504:57
GAN900No, that's Fremantle.04:57
Foxxagain, thanks for the clarification04:57
Foxxno scarcasim there04:58
GAN900Anyway, Bluetooth USB adaptors I can't help with.04:58
Foxxnot too many people can, to be honest04:58
Foxxits a bit tricky under linux04:58
Sir_LancelotHi fellows, I just bought a N900, but I'm kinda noob on Linux....04:58
Foxxas long as you stick wit CSR radios, its not a big deal, but knowing if an adapter is CSR or not is pretty much hit or miss04:59
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Sir_Lancelotwhat should I start doing / reading / going?04:59
Sir_LancelotI'm kinda lost with this..04:59
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Sir_LancelotI come from WM devices04:59
FoxxWell, what would you like to do with the device? That is a good place to start05:00
wylhistoryI like N90005:00
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DocScrutinizerSir_Lancelot: you've read the user manual that's in MyDocs on N900 somewhere?05:01
ali1234i like turtles05:01
ali1234Foxx: have you actually tried some usb bluetooth?05:01
Sir_Lancelotyes I did05:01
Sir_LancelotI'm not thaaaaaaaaat noob :D05:01
DocScrutinizerso  seems you should learn about Linux in general then, to start with05:02
Sir_Lancelotbut aren't there already developed apps for the phone?05:02
DocScrutinizerand then Foxx had the right question for you05:02
DocScrutinizeryes, a lot05:03
Sir_Lancelotwhere can I get them from?05:03
Sir_Lancelotand how does this work?05:03
DocScrutinizergo to app manager, check extras catalog05:03
Sir_LancelotI've been there05:03
ShadowJKcsr doesn't always help, if the phone/device you're connecting to isn't csr too05:03
DocScrutinizerSir_Lancelot: you enabled the preconfigured extras catalog?05:04
Sir_Lancelotand also added the catalog for the beta apps from meamo.org05:04
DocScrutinizerso you should see quite a number of apps05:04
Sir_Lancelotyes I did05:04
redeemanFoxx: what's the problem with bluetooth usb?05:04
Sir_Lancelotbut is that catalog the only source of apps? or are there other catalogs?05:05
FoxxI cant bring the adapter up05:05
Foxxwell, mind you this is an external USB stick05:05
ali1234Foxx: what does dmesg say?05:05
redeemani assume it uses the standard hci_usb interface?05:05
redeemanwhat does hciconfig say?05:05
Foxxnormally I would issue an hciconfig set up command in shell, but there is no hciconfig05:05
redeemanwell theres your problem05:06
redSir_Lancelot: there are mainly three catalogs at the moment afaik, one of which is testing extras that you can basicly screw your device over if you dont understand linux and fiddle around05:06
redeemanyou need bluez05:06
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ali1234ah i see - then just compile bluez-utils05:06
redgood place to browse for software rathern than app packages is from ur web bookmarks the maemo select05:06
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ali1234or snatch the debian armel bins if you're feeling lazy05:06
ShadowJKdo you have a hci_usb kernel module loaded?05:06
redsome must have apps listed there better explained05:06
Foxxapt is telling me its installed05:06
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Foxxlast I can recall, all CSR radios are supported under blue-z, which is why I try to stick with them05:06
Foxxplus I like the hardware05:07
redeemanFoxx: i don't know anything about maemo 4, but bluez-utils provides hciconfig and hcitool and such05:07
redeemanand afaik, hci_usb should support ALL bluetooth usb standard compliant devices05:07
redeeman(which is required to get approval from the bluetooth people)05:07
Sir_Lancelotok, so this means that in what concerns apps, I'm not as far behind as I thought05:07
ShadowJKis the hci_usb module loaded though?05:08
redis tethering ubuntu + n900 hard btw? i found that the usb itself finds the device perfectly and i can browse files on the phone np05:08
Sir_Lancelotwhich leaves me in the right position so start learning Linux basics then ;)05:08
redbut im wondering about using the phone as a modem for my netbook05:08
ali1234red: works ootb for me05:08
ShadowJKit wouldn't be normally, because the device's own bluetooth isn't on uab05:08
Foxxthats where I have been cought up on05:08
redali1234: where should i go for some tutorial about adding the phone as modem?05:08
ali1234red: select pc suite mode, nm will see a standard mobile broadband device05:08
redeemanFoxx: lsmod | grep hci_usb05:08
redmmh, pc suite for linux? what05:09
Foxxredeeman, working on it, booting the n800 now05:09
nez800pc suide for linux?05:09
ali1234red: no select it on n900 when you plug it in05:09
redeemanor if you have a very new kernel, its called btusb instead of hci_usb05:09
redahh, select pc suite state and it recognizes it as a modem?05:09
ali1234red: yes, and then use the mobile broadband wizard in n-m05:09
reddidnt think of that as i was plugging it in to a linux and crossed out the possibility alltogether05:10
redalright, ill give it a go, brb05:10
Sir_Lancelotbtw: my n900 didn't bring a CD with Pc Suite05:10
nez800^ same05:10
redeemanafaik it won't expose it as a modem, but rather usb cdc ethernet device05:10
Sir_Lancelotwhere can I get Pc Suite for N900....and from the Pc side, it's a regular XP SP305:10
redali1234: so u are using the cord for that btw05:10
redid prefer bluetooth, but can live without05:11
ali1234redeeman: it has both05:11
ali1234red: yes usb cable05:11
redeemanali1234: ah i see05:11
reddo you know if its possible over bt?05:11
redeemanred: it is, but not with default configuration05:11
redalright, where should i go look for the documentation on that (if there is any done)05:11
redeemanthere is on the wiki, but i don't know if that's online now05:12
redgoogling for it was a waste of time, didnt find anything relevant05:12
redmight be that im using wrong keywords05:12
redeemangoogle for bluetooth dun n90005:12
ali1234nah don't use DUN it sucks05:12
ali1234you want to set up a PAN if possible05:12
redeemandun has worked fine for me on lots of devices05:13
ali1234with dun you have to keep redialing if the connection drops05:13
Foxxis there a speed limit you can do over DUN? I have never really used it05:13
redeemantrue, pan is nicer, but more elaborate to setup05:13
redi dont regard reconnecting as issue05:13
redas it is that way via default pc suite windows + usb tethering05:14
redand generally i dont experience disconnects unless i am on the move, and if i am - laptop will be closed05:14
Foxxno hci__usb module loaded05:14
ali1234hang on, doesn't the n800 have bluetooth built in??05:15
Foxxyes, I want to use a more powerful adapter with high gain antenna05:15
Foxxor at least with a standard 2dB gain rubber duck05:16
Foxxim not going to stress too hard over this, its not important05:17
Foxxits more like... I have the adapters, antennas, and the n800, just seeing if it can do it05:17
FoxxBTScanner on the n800 is a major eye strain either way05:18
nez800how does one toggle SSH on/off on the N900?05:20
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crashanddienez800: "toggle" ?05:21
nez800turn on/off05:21
wylhistorymaybe the dropbear or ssh in /etc/rc2.d/*05:21
crashanddie /etc/init.d/sshd stop?05:22
nez800oh, I was hoping there was a graphical applet for it. I know there is a Services applet for N80005:22
wylhistoryI think there is no.05:22
redjesus christ its a buttload of work for bluetooth tethering05:22
Foxxyeah, thats how it usually is05:23
redwonder why such functionality isn't completed out of the box.. as BT draws less power than usb/wif tether05:23
FoxxI have this book "Bluetooth Demystified"05:23
crashanddiered: yeah, and cursing on IRC will definitely ease the process :)05:23
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Foxxits about 300 pages, and "bluetooth made simple and easy to understand"05:23
redhey its 5am and im tired, little venting out isn't forbidden I hope =)05:23
redFoxx: hah05:24
redoh well, it was simple and easy for my nokia 9300 which is years and years old05:24
crashanddiered: not at all, just don't take the lord's name in vain05:24
redodd that some features go backwards in time05:24
|RI'm about to replace my old nokia phone which doesn't even have BT with the n900 :P05:24
redplug in my bt dongle, open pc suite, connect device and dial gprs05:24
crashanddiered: just kidding, slam the bastard :P05:25
redthis phone is in every way better than my old devices.. except tethering :)05:25
crashanddiered: n900?05:25
crashanddiered: and you're trying to tether in which direction?05:25
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redfor my netbook to be able to bluetooth connect to internet via my n90005:25
crashanddieoh, like so05:26
redvia usb it shouldn't be a hazzle05:26
redbut that draws more power and i need to keep the cord with me which i dont like05:26
redsince it will recharge the phone at the same time, drawing more power05:26
crashanddieactually, USB wouldn't draw more power from your N90005:26
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crashanddiegiving your N900 more uptime :P05:26
redit would draw more power from my NETBOOK :p05:26
crashanddieyeah but as long as your netbook doesn't run maemo, we couldn't care less :D05:26
red7,5h uptime about using ubuntu netbook remix and making notes during schoolday, some ircing and internet browsing05:27
redvia bt tethering on nokia n9300 that is05:27
redvia cord, ~2h away from that, so it wont last the whole day :)05:27
crashanddiered: 7 hours of uptime with full core 2 duo + 4 gigs of ram ;)05:27
crashanddieand a real screen plus real keyboard :P05:27
redi be using a cheapo asus eee pc 9xx :p05:27
redjust what i could afford as a student year ago05:28
redguess ill keep my years  and years old communicator with me at school until bt tethering is sorted05:28
rednot optimal, but beats having few hours less uptime on the laptop05:28
crashanddiered: what issues are you getting?05:28
redno idea how to tether n900 using bluetooth05:29
crashanddieand no, "it doesn't work" isn't a valid answer05:29
redread some threads at but cannot get any viable solutions05:29
crashanddiered: basically, you need to install iptables on the N900, and then get BT networking up and running05:29
ali1234n900 kernel doesn't have iptables support05:29
crashanddieah damn05:29
redmostly everyone replying there that it isn't functional yet05:30
crashanddiedo we have some kind of proxy then?05:30
ali1234you have to use dun currently05:30
crashanddieali1234: have you tried it?05:30
ali1234which means setting up rfcomm05:30
ali1234crashanddie: no. somebody made a custom kernel with iptables support though05:30
crashanddieali1234: you wouldn't happen to have a link?05:30
redali1234: if at any point of your life you feel bored enough to paste me some tutorials or explain it to me, you'd make one happy Finn05:30
crashanddieoh, you're a Finn, not talking to you anymore05:31
crashanddiejust go knock on some Nokian's (probably a neighbour) door05:31
ali1234red: rfcomm is a huge pain in the ass to set up even when you've got all the kernel modules05:32
redalright, lets forget it the. ty anyway :)05:32
ali1234if it was me, i'd rather try to compile iptables and use PAN, than screw around with DUN, that's how bad it is05:32
nez800is the main site down for other people??05:32
redyeah, I think I get the picture05:32
toggles_wwoot! my n900 is in the mail!05:33
redgz :p05:33
nez800I just got mine today :D05:33 is timing out for me05:33
nez800I can not get to it...05:33
toggles_wnez800: woot in deed, just in time too!05:34
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ali1234let's have a look at this kernel source then05:34
Sir_Lancelotsee you guys tomorrow05:35
Sir_LancelotIt's 3:35 am.m here05:35
red5.30 here :p05:35
redslapped the N900 into my netbook now and enabled the pc suite mode from the phone05:36
toggles_wnez800: same here, timeout..05:36
redoff to research about modem installation, brb05:36
nez800How can I prevent dropbear/sshd from starting on boot?05:37
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|Ranyone wants a google wave invite?05:40
|RNobody wants them anymore hehe05:40
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ali1234hmm we have ip_tables as a module now05:41
nez800i have wave invites if anyone wants lol05:41
|R18 of them to throw away...05:42
ali1234we have usb-storage.ko too... how odd05:42
ali1234am i on the right box?05:42
ali1234yes, i am05:42
toggles_wnez800: maemo came good mate05:43
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redunbeliveable how easy the tether was via usb cable =)05:43
redjust clicked "add a connection thru mobile gsm device"05:43
redall my isp settings were hardcoded into this netbook remix of ubuntu by default and took about 15 seconds to get the connection up and running :)05:44
ali1234they're in all versions05:44
ali1234they're in n-m05:44
redspeedtest was 2.4mbps/0.7mbps :)05:44
ShadowJKI never get that much with bluetooth :)05:48
pwnguinthat reminds me to test that tomorrow05:49
Foxxit can be fun to toy with05:49
pwnguinfor the next massive network failure05:49
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FoxxI modded some of my CSR Class 1 BT adapters with antenna jacks, and built beefed up antennas05:50
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redeemanFoxx: interresting, how much better range do you get with that?05:50
Foxxwell, out of the box my adapter couldnt go across my livingroom05:51
Foxxwith my waveguide, it went across the house05:51
Foxxwith the waveguide and parabolig dish, it went through the house05:51
Foxx... across the street05:51
FoxxI have some pictures if you would like to see them, just PM me for the link05:52
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pwnguinany  way to identify the imei without taking the back cover off?05:58
nez800in settings05:58
nez800about device has the imei information05:58
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pwnguinso it does05:59
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DocScrutinizer51usually *#06# should display IMEI, but hmmm...06:22
pwnguinthe mail in rebate suggested opening the device06:23
nez800settings -> about device06:23
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pwnguinnez800: ive already followed your advice, thanks06:24
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nez800no prob. youre welcome06:25
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nez800None of the # codes seem to work on N90006:25
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nez800t-mobile #646# to check minutes, for example, does not get processed06:26
nez800has anyone noticed this?06:26
Mika_ieverybody know that06:26
nez800I just got the N900 today so wasn't sure06:26
pwnguini wondered why that wasn't working. is that the downside to unlocked phones?06:27
nez800no I have had unlocked phones before that worked fine with those codes06:28
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pwnguinyet implies a plan to implement?06:31
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DocScrutinizer51that,s plainly spoken a bug in dialer06:37
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pwnguinok, the facebook installer package is actually bigger than the facebook package?06:37
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pwnguinclearly i dont understand the point06:37
DocScrutinizer51N.B. a bug implemented on purpose XD06:37
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DocScrutinizer51some funny mood made devels think it'd be a good idea to check numbers for valid format06:39
DocScrutinizer51result: bold fail06:40
johnxmornin' LL06:40
DocScrutinizer51Linux Losesrs?06:42
johnxs/caps_lock/a/ :)06:42
nez800it's an acronym06:42
pwnguinbut for what06:43
nez800Life, Universe, Everything06:43
johnxpwnguin, I really don't know...06:43
DocScrutinizer51aaaA KFJ06:43
nez800I don't understand the need for "installer packages"... can't I just install the app through the apt-get front end?06:43
johnxnez800, you mean the ones pre-included?06:44
nez800yes, but they also show up in the app manager06:44
johnxthe package that has the "installer" binary itself you mean?06:45
pwnguinnez800: i could kinda understand a promotional aspect to save on larger packages, but it's tiny06:45
johnxyeah. that's so you can remove it :)06:45
nez800I did06:45
johnxgreat. then you're all set06:45
nez800but of course it is available to install in the app manager06:45
nez800so I see "facebook" and "facebook installer" as two entries06:45
pwnguinthe actual fb app is smaller according to dpkg than the facebook installer06:45
nez800doesn't really matter to me but it might be confusing to other users06:46
nez800also did I mention this device shoots amazing video?06:46
ali1234pwnguin: it probably has crazy deps06:46
nez800because it does06:46
DocScrutinizer51wtf is facebook ;-P06:46
Xisdibikits a book of faces06:46
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nez800oh snap!06:47
pwnguinDocScrutinizer51: a long long time ago, in 2004, it was a website where hot chicks in college would create profiles; theoretically it was for communicating with your classmates06:47
XisdibikJinx nez800 ;)06:47
nez800not anymore :(06:47
pwnguinbut it's basically a dating tool =/06:47
nez800psh no it's not06:47
johnxis it like yourfaceinatube?06:47
nez800it's a farmville playing tool >_>06:47
pwnguinjohnx: its not anymore, now that they lifted the .edu email restriction06:48
johnxpwnguin, you missed a reference :)06:48
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pwnguinbad aim06:48
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pwnguinnez: its not anymore, now that they lifted the .edu email restriction06:49
nez800I know. I have a facebook06:49
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Xisdibiknez800: is farmville fun?06:49
nez800I don't know, I don't play it. But my friends who do spam my newsfeed with their updates about it06:49
johnxXisdibik, that depends. Do you like watching pretend plants grow?06:49
pwnguinanyways, its a social networking website that people upload pictures to and do stupid things on06:50
Xisdibikjohnx: yes, i really like the harvest moon series games on the consoles06:50
nez800harvest moon >> farmville06:50
Xisdibiknez800: :)06:50
johnxXisdibik, this is apparently like the gutted carcass of harvest moon06:50
nez800by the way, I made an xkcd app on facebook, in case anyone here likes xkcd06:50
Xisdibikjohnx: then not what i want ;)06:50
Xisdibikare there any harvest moon type games out (aside from harvest moon)?06:51
nez800sweet! :D06:51
Xisdibikif not one of you programmer peoples needs to go and make one!06:51
johnxXisdibik, it could also be accurately described as a pyramid scheme without the money06:51
pwnguinwe already have an xkcd app06:51
pwnguinits called xkcd06:51
nez800the fb app just pull's's JSON feed and writes it to your profile's FBML06:51
nez800err... pulls*06:52
pwnguindoes it do img hover?06:52
nez800hell yeah. I'm not up to version 2.3 for nothing!06:52
pwnguinwhatev. feed readers handle it just fine06:53
DocScrutinizer51omg, now I finally realize N900 is a tool to finally get world dominion of the dark side06:53
pwnguinwithout spamming about who hit that wuzzle last night06:53
nez800no lie: I know people who have facebook as their homepage06:53
pwnguinnez800: like my mom06:53
nez800oh god :(06:53
crashanddiepeople like that should be put up to a wall and shot in the back of the head06:54
DocScrutinizer51DAAAARK SIDE06:54
crashanddieor maybe line them up, use one bullet for multiple deaths06:54
nez800this might be a dumb question, but is there any way I can sync my MacBook's address book to my N900?06:54
* Xisdibik uses the force to choke pwnguin's mom ;)06:54
nez800I have like 80 contacts06:54
crashanddienez800: address book -> gmail -> n90006:54
nez800I can't do that. Gmail messes it up ... already tried06:54
Xisdibiknez800: i can tell you one way that i know.   it involves a combination of a mouse, and your thumbs and will take you a long time06:55
nez800thanks for the sarcasm =)06:55
pwnguinubuntu has a couchdb thing06:55
Xisdibiknez800: anytime :)06:55
pwnguinmaybe import from address book to evolution06:55
johnxnez800, vcards via bluetooth?06:55
nez800ooh that game me an idea06:55
Xisdibikgame you an idea? :)06:55
nez800I'm going to see how Mac OS X stores its address book06:56
nez800if it is plain text I can write a script to convert it to a format I can import on the N90006:56
Xisdibiknez800: you can probably export the address book in several formats06:56
nez800nope. only "abbu"06:56
XisdibikMacs are lame ;)06:56
pwnguini wish i knew more about old macs06:56
pwnguinso i could mention a list of incompatible old contact formats06:56
nez800I use a Mac for most things... I have a Linux laptop for coding06:57
crashanddienez800: works for other people06:57
pwnguini have a mac, a pc and ubuntu on my desk06:57
pwnguinits pretty damned ridiculus06:57
johnxnez800, let me boot this powerbook into os x. you're on 10.5 or 10.6, right?06:58
pwnguini get but i dont use the mac much. too annoying06:58
nez800someone wrote a program to convert ABBU to CSV06:58
nez800yes! link -
* paroneayea kinda wants to convert his camera shutter button to be an alt key06:59
pwnguinthe life of a programmer is mainly building pipe fittings06:59
nez800and duct taping things ^06:59
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johnxI want to convert the camera button to do the same as the "switch apps/show all apps" button on the screen07:00
paroneayeanez800: in case that was directed at me, because I want to use emacs easier :P07:00
nez800johnx: that would be nice07:00
pwnguinso how do i file a bug against a specific package?07:00
nez800especially given that the camera slider already is a way to lauch it07:00
crashanddiepwnguin: bug.maemo.org07:01
crashanddiepwnguin: bugs.maemo.org07:01
DocScrutinizer51I want a settings plugin to customize all that foo07:01
johnxnez800, select all your contacts, click file -> export -> vcard07:01
pwnguini wish lp had been open sourced sooner, cuz i really hate bzilla07:01
johnxyou should end up with a single file that you can pass to your N900 that included all your contacts07:01
nez800johnx: you da man!07:02
nez800doing that right now.07:02
XisdibikGood work johnx07:02
johnxand if it imports with no problem that you win even more (never tried it )07:02
* Xisdibik puts a gold star on johnx 07:02
nez800hmm the interface is deceptive - it appears you can only export one vcf at a time, but selecting all lets you do multiple so meh.07:03
nez800this is going to make syncing a pain07:03
pwnguini think thats what "ovi" is for07:04
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pwnguinexcept they want to sync with your other phone07:04
johnxreally, I want LDAP for my address book :/07:04
pwnguinand its what couchdb is for, except nobody uses evolution07:04
nez800I just want things to work properly ...07:04
pwnguinnez800: you could do something with unison07:04
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nez800"Import Contacts file"..."no files/folders"07:05
nez800oh c'mon07:05
paroneayeahey hey07:05
paroneayeaso those are the files you edit07:05
nez800when you are in mass storage mode07:05
johnxhuh. did you try shooting the vcard over bluetooth?07:05
nez800you can't see files on the flash memory when you are in USB mass storage mode. have to unmount it first...07:06
nez800contacts importing....07:06
johnxit seems like every night a different group of people talk about syncing and I try and plug :)07:06
* Xisdibik crosses fingers07:06
johnxnez800, do they look good?07:07
nez800let me check07:07
Xisdibikeverything looks sexy on a n900 screen07:07
DocScrutinizer51nez800, sure.mass storage unmounts the whole fs07:07
nez800yeah just realized that.07:07
Xisdibikbut hes on a n800, so who knows07:07
nez800like when the N800 unmount the SD card if you take off the back cover07:07
nez800no I am on a N90007:07
nez800well, both, actually07:07
pwnguinmy solution is to have no friends07:08
* nez800 N800 looks in envy at N900's Maemo 507:08
pwnguinwith no friends i have no contacts to maintain!07:08
nez800contacts imported successfully - including pictures too!07:08
nez800I am very pleased07:08
nez800pwnguin you should try having friends sometime. I heard it's not all too bad.07:08
nez800except for friend drama. that sucks.07:08
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nez900there we go07:09
pwnguinactually, i have friends, its just i only keep in touch with the ones that know IRC07:09
nez900IRC > Jabber/GTalk > AIM > pretty much anything > facebook chat (oh god the horror)07:10
pwnguinis maemo-applet-fmtx an official desktop widgit?07:10
Xisdibikpwnguin: ill be your friend07:11
Xisdibikbut only because your name is a play on Penguin07:11
pwnguinpwnage and penguins, whats not to like?07:11
nez900I want to play supertux now ....07:11
Xisdibiknez900: i have Gtalk, and Skype active on my n900, everything else has the boot07:11
Xisdibiknez900: can you test something once u have it installed,  play the game, then quit, and tlel me if it leaves a big black square on your screen07:12
nez900I tried staying signed on to Gtalk and skype from my N900 but the problem is people keep messaging me thinking I am at my desk07:12
Xisdibikand leave u in mouse mode07:12
* pwnguin takes linux to lanparties07:12
Xisdibiknez900: i made new accounts for both, so people know ones mobile and ones not07:12
nez900Xisdibik I was going to play it on my laptop but hold on I will try on the N900.. need to install it now07:12
Xisdibiknez900: sure :D07:12
nez900also that's a good idea.07:12
johnxtimeless_mbp, hey. are you around?07:12
Xisdibiknez900: for skype its nice, though if i decide to subscripbe to a service from them, it means one account will have it one wont, but i can live with that,  login to the subscribed one if i need calls from laptop07:13
* johnx needs to figure out what he installed that broke pulseaudio on his N90007:14
Xisdibiknez900: for GTalk, ive had two gmail accounts for ages, because i dont want ppl mailing my phone all the time, only select people have that one :)07:14
DocScrutinizerjohnx: ouch07:14
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nez900I am concerned over the battery drain leaving IM signed in all the time07:14
Xisdibiki have it set to use 2.5G only07:15
Xisdibikand wifi is on all the time (and active with wifi around)07:15
nez900I get 3.5G in some parts of campus07:15
Xisdibikand it goes the whole day and more07:15
nez900and 2G in others07:15
johnxDocScrutinizer, it's not like I didn't have it coming. I'd just like to figure out how it happened and get it fixed before tomorrow07:15
Xisdibiki get 3-3.5G in alot of places, but i keep it set for 2G07:15
Xisdibikas its fine for IM07:15
nez900do you have an opinion on a good twitter client for N900?07:15
Xisdibiki had Mauku widget07:16
Xisdibikdidnt use it much07:16
Xisdibikremoved it07:16
DocScrutinizerjohnx: actually I wonder which pkg could bork PA07:16
johnxDocScrutinizer, it's actually pretty weird. something happened that's causing PA and the system tray thing to both use 50% of the CPU time and sound and touchscreen vibrations don't work07:16
pwnguinmaybe i'll just send an email to the maintainer field and let them figure out where it belongs in bugzilla07:17
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pwnguincuz ive got no clue; are there allowed to be packages in extras without a product in bugzilla?07:17
johnxand weirdest of all it seems that video no longer plays either (!!)07:17
DocScrutinizerjohnx: some hungup notification?07:17
johnxmaybe. I really hope it was some weird package I installed, but i first noticed it while plugging in headphones and switching to silent mode at the same time07:18
DocScrutinizervideo... jmm. Some flash in browser then?07:18
DocScrutinizerseen that on quite a number of desktops07:18
johnxdunno about the browser07:19
nez900SuperTux is working fine for me. Game play is laggy though.07:19
johnxI mean even the boot-up "Nokia hands" video07:19
DocScrutinizerjohnx: rebooted?07:19
johnxrebooted, pulled battery, left off with battery out for 8 hours (x2)07:19
DocScrutinizerso all my previous ideas are moot07:19
johnxyeah. it's got me pretty stumped, and I like to think I have at least a passing familiarity with the maemo architecture07:20
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DocScrutinizerplugged/unplugged headphones once or twise again?07:20
johnx...nothing interesting in dmesg...07:20
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johnxyeah. I'll try the headphones again07:21
nez900Putting phone into portrait mode should toggle Phone app, right?07:21
DocScrutinizerknown issue from FR07:21
nez900or do I have to check a setting07:21
DocScrutinizeryes, in phone settings07:21
johnxand not where you think either. ;) it's phone -> settings rather than settings -> phone07:22
nez900settings -> phone has nothing related to it07:22
nez900thanks for the info johnx would not have found it there07:22
johnxtook me a while, even after someone told me the setting existed07:22
DocScrutinizeroops sorry for talking ambiguous07:22
johnxnot your fault07:23
johnxit's an ambiguously located setting07:23
DocScrutinizerlol - yeah07:23
MacerRelay access denied; from=<> to=<>07:23
nez900erm... where is settings in the phone app?07:23
Macerhotmail trying to spam .tw relaying through my mail server? :)07:23
johnxso hildon-status-menu and pulseaudio are both going nuts (load average is ~2). no sound, no vibrate-on-screen tap. videos refuse to play07:23
Macerwhat is this world coming to?07:23
DocScrutinizerjohnx: what's up now with Ur audio?07:24
Macerwtf uses hotmail anymore?07:24
johnxnez900, from the menu at the top07:24
nez900never mind I found it .. "Turning control"07:24
nez900johnx: what happens if you kill pulseaudio?07:24
Macernow that i think about it... does anybody use aol anymore?07:24
johnxit respawns with the same problem07:24
Macerlike actual aol? didn't tw buy them out or something?07:24
johnxnez900, a terrifying amount07:24
johnxhmmm...though maybe that's just people who have webmail addresses07:25 is not time warner07:25
nez900it's taiwan07:25
johnxdo they give those out free now?07:25
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johnxare you sure time warner doesn't own taiwan?07:25
DocScrutinizerjohnx: booting or shutdown with hs plugged is a known problem on some linuxes07:25
johnxbeen through multiple reboots now07:25
johnxand some other things with the status-area seem to be "wacky"07:26
Xisdibiknez900: tested Super Tux yet?07:26
DocScrutinizerjohnx: weird. scary07:26
nez900Xisdibik: yes I said earlier that it worked fine although gameplay was a bit laggy07:26
DocScrutinizerjohnx: anyway I'm short of ideas now07:26
johnxactually the status-area menu no longer shows any buttons, just a flat dark grey box07:26
Xisdibiknez900: strange ok07:26
nez900and by a bit I mean it was jumping around ...07:26
* johnx digs into gconf07:27
Xisdibiknez900: was smooth as butter for me07:27
DocScrutinizergonna get me some food and g'night then07:27
nez900strange. and my N900 is brand new07:27
zgoldali1234: ping07:27
nez900goodnight doc07:27
johnx'night DocScrutinizer07:28
nez900sometimes my N900 screen goes totally black and I have to slide the keyboard out and in to make it come back07:30
nez900is this normal?07:30
Foxxmy n800 does that when its idle. I need to hit a hardware button to wake it up07:30
johnxthe phone is locking :)07:31
johnxyou can use the slider on the side to turn it back on as well07:31
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nez900no, I mean in the middle of using an app07:31
nez900I know when it locks07:31
johnxsorry :P had someone ask the same question the other night and he *didn't* know it locked07:31
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johnxit does go to screen-off pretty quick though07:32
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nez900yeah at first I thought the slider was to take off the back cover07:32
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nez900but the manual (who reads those!?) said it was not07:32
Foxxthat one suprised me a bit, because I use x11vnc to work on it and out of nowhere it will lock and hald the inputs dont work via VNC anymore07:32
johnxheh. brute force is to take off the back cover07:32
nez900I was scared I was going to break it07:32
nez900I bricked my N800 the first day I had it when upgrading IT OS200807:32
johnxit loosens up a bit after a while07:32
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johnxlike actually bricked it?07:33
johnxthat's pretty rare07:33
nez900I don't really see a need to take the back cover off all too much unless your N900 freezes though07:33
nez900yeah. really bricked.07:33
nez900wouldn't even turn on the blue LEDs under the D-pad07:33
johnxdid the battery completely die during flash?07:34
nez900the now-defunct circuit city honored the return policy not knowing that my USB hub reset itself during the flashing process07:34
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johnxmy local circuit city is now an empty building with a christmas tree lot out front in the parking lot07:35
RST38hmoo all07:36
johnxm00f RST38h07:37
RST38hjohnx, Arkenoi: Vulture's Eye is now in Extras-Devel07:38
RST38hIt is optified, so safe to install07:38
Arkenoiwill try07:38
johnxRST38h, what was the permissions weirdness?07:38
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RST38hjohnx: Looks like my chmod g+s did not quite work yesterday morning07:39
RST38hthe ali124 guy noticed it in the ls -la yesterday night07:39
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pupnikuqm package says it depends on joydev package, which is unavailable07:43
RST38hhey pupnik07:43
nez900GUYS I JUST MADE an amazing discovery! Ovi is like Mobile Me except... FREE. Let's all go tell those iPhone users to shove it!07:43
RST38hpupnik: yea, uqm is currently broken in the repo. But you can always play with V instead :)07:43
RST38hWhat us Mobile Me? Who needs it? Who needs Ovi, too?07:44
ShadowJKbeats me07:44
Arkenoiuqm as most games is not playable on 2-arrows keyboard :-(07:45
Arkenoiit is quite common bug07:45
nez900yeah :(07:45
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RST38hArkenoi: bit the bullet and tell Maemo that your keyboard is "Netherlands/UK"?07:46
ArkenoiRST38h, i need a dynamic switcher then - i type much of cyrillic text07:47
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RST38hArkenoi: ukeyboad may help, try07:47
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tigertyou could maybe have the touchscreen kbd in one layout and the hw one in another?07:52
tigertif that works for you07:52
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RST38hit does not work for him.07:52
RST38hnor fo anyone, really =(07:53
johnxanyone else have an idea on why hildon-status-menu and pulseaudio are both trying trying to use all my CPU time (50% user, 50% system)? Otherwise, I'll just backup my stuff and reflash07:56
* johnx <3 the touchscreen keyboard07:57
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RST38hjohnx: I would kill pulseaudio process08:02
redeemanjohnx: my pulseaudio only uses ~20-30% cpu when theres audio playing08:03
RST38hprobably got stuck somewhere08:03
redeemani think its very high though08:03
pupnikno redeeman that is there to show you how fast the N900 cpu is08:03
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johnxRST38h, yeah. it got stuck over like 5 reboots and a battery pull. i can summarize other things I've tried if you're interested08:04
redeemanpupnik: theres no excuse whatsoever for an audio daemon using that much cpu on a fast system like the N900 :)08:04
flx_redeeman, that sounds quite hich indeed. maybe for some reason it needs to do resampling?08:04
pupnikthe excuse is a mistake was made.  ever made a mistake redeeman ?08:04
johnxredeeman, what if the CPU is running at low speed?08:04
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redeemanpupnik: well.. true, but that should have been caught08:05
RST38hjohnx: What are you running in background? Any specific widgets?08:05
redeemanjohnx: yeah, i've been thinking that, but i don't think the cortex-a8 can scale that low08:05
redeemanjohnx: and realistically, we're talking seriously low frequency for it to consume that much08:05
johnxredeeman, it scales to 250MHz08:05
redeemanunless it resamples and uses a VERY fancy algorithm08:05
* RST38h reiterates his desire to exterminate everyone who starts another audio framework for Linux08:06
pupnik:) glad you are also bothered by it redeeman08:06
johnxredeeman, it involves "digital amplification" IIRC :)08:06
redeemanRST38h: no, you should rather exterminate those who would use it08:06
johnxthat's an interesting thought. but I'm not running anything I wasn't before this happened08:06
RST38hredeeman: I am going for a greener solution. Fewer bodies.08:07
redeemanRST38h: more bodies means less wasteful cars used08:07
johnxthe part that weirds me out is hildon-status-menu using up CPU as well08:07
redeemanyes, that's strange08:07
RST38hBTW, if I understand things correctly, Maemo6 will be switching to Phonon? ;)))08:07
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redeemanRST38h: hopefully08:07
RST38hjohnx: Why not kill the process? It should restart.08:08
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RST38hjohnx: or strace by pid and see what it is doing08:08
redeemanit seems very likely they will switch to phonon, they have after all integrated it as part of Qt, and it is superior to pulseaudio :)08:08
redeemani really want maemo 6 :D08:08
RST38hyea, right...superior...yeah...08:08
johnxRST38h, tried rebooting, tried killing processes08:08
johnxhaven't straced yet08:08
johnxI will now that I'm backed up08:08
redeemanRST38h: pulseaudio is below garbage for a wide variety of reasons08:09
RST38hthat's what they all say...08:09
redeemani hope so08:09
RST38h<other framework> is garbage08:09
redeemanyes well.. the difference is, most of them don't know anything about it08:10
redeemanthey probably had some issue, and go "garbage"08:10
RST38hand you do? :)08:10
redeemanas a matter of fact, yes08:10
* RST38h wants /dev/dsp back.08:10
johnxredeeman, cool. why is phonon better than pulseaudio08:10
RST38hOr /dev/pcm. Or /dev/audio.08:10
* johnx is curious08:10
redeemani agree, oss was better(in principle, the linux implementation was crap)08:11
RST38hThat was the last working audio.08:11
redeemanalsa works too08:11
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RST38has long as it is /dev/dsp, yes08:11
RST38hwhen it is ALSA, it does not work08:11
redeemanit does08:11
redeemanyou probably use a distribution that ships a non default config08:11
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redeemanor one that ships broken application configs08:11
johnxyay. we're having this discussion again! just what I always wanted08:11
* RST38h sighs08:11
ShadowJKthe free linux implementation was limited08:11
RST38hShadowJK: And that is exactly how I like it. Limited.08:12
pupnikthe only mp3 player that has 'delete current track' appears to be 'dbpoweramp'08:12
johnxpro tip: you guys won't convince each other.08:12
RST38hShadowJK: To playing audio.08:12
johnxnow fix my problem instead :)08:12
redeemanjohnx: pulseaudio is extremely buggy, that can ofc be fixed, but its also having various issues, for instance relatively high latency, it messes up badly with lots of streams, it has a tendancy to introduce jitter08:12
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ShadowJKoss has alsa emulation these days, amusingly enough :)08:12
johnxredeeman, and you think this is inherent to the design rather than implementation?08:12
* ShadowJK wonders if it still costs money08:12
johnxShadowJK, everything has everything emulation :)08:13
redeemanjohnx: nah, it can probably be fixed, though its design is somewhat limited in the latency regard - allthough phonon isn't designed for lowlatency either08:13
ShadowJKalsa is highly capable of introducing multisecond jitter of its own :-)08:13
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johnxShadowJK, but it's easier if we use pulseaudio! hey, wait...08:14
ShadowJKthen you have alsa redirecting to pulse redirecting to alsa that eventually feeds it to hw...08:14
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redeemanyes lol, complete madness08:14
johnxexcept that lowest level alsa is actually really oss-alsa emulation08:15
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redeemansome people also pipe it over jack from pulseaudio08:15
redeemanwhich then goes alsa08:15
johnxcan we get esd involved somehow? or maybe arts?08:15
redeemanyes, but not easily :P08:15
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redeemanofcourse not that the other stuff is easy08:15
nez900goodnight all! I thank you for your help.08:16
redeemanplain alsa is far easier08:16
johnxnez900, 'night08:16
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johnxyeah. I was pretty happy with alsa+dmix08:16
redeemanthe thing is08:16
ShadowJKmplayer without the "I have broken sound"-switch is alot smoother if you tell it to access alsa hw:0.0 directly instead of alsa default device :-)08:16
redeeman99% of the people that complain about audio on linux08:16
ShadowJK... if you haven't got broken sound drivers, that is08:16
redeemanare either using a distribution with an insane setup, like.. pulseaudio or worse, or uses applications that access hw directly08:17
redeemandmix works very well for nearly all uses08:17
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redeemanso all people gotta do is instruct their application not to take the hardware by the balls, and they'll do fine08:17
redeeman(which should be a sane default, and is in most applications)08:17
ShadowJKdmix was worse than pulseaudio by miles08:17
redeemandmix has worked without issues since they enabled it by default many many years ago08:18
redeemanwith a few exceptions such as mmaping etc08:18
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ShadowJKthe first version forked behind an application's back, and you were left with dozens of rogue copies of random programs, all hanging dmix in some way until you went hunting for them08:19
ShadowJKthey changed that later I think08:19
redeemani've never had that08:20
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redeemanand i've used it since on my first amd64 box, which was when amd64 was introduced08:20
redeemanso needless to say, its a long time ago08:20
luke-jrShadowJK: that's a problem with the fork design of *nix :/08:20
ShadowJKnot sure if dmix ever gave correct buffer fill data back to apps. When I last tried it, it could say "there's 500ms worth of audio in the buffer" for 400ms and then jump to 008:21
redeemani don't know if i've tried that, i've had some files that played weirdly, but i suspect that's the files, though i obviously cannot be 100% sure08:22
ShadowJKluke-jr: it's why libraries shouldn't unexpectedly fork() behind an application's back. it's asking for bugs, and bugs it got08:22
redeemanoh well.. time for me to sleep, its 07:24 :) night08:24
luke-jrShadowJK: unfortunately, there is no clean way to create a new process other than forking08:24
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luke-jrthere might be some clone() variant that can do it, but clone isn't POSIX08:25
ShadowJKit's alsa, they don't have to be portable08:25
luke-jrtrue :)08:25
luke-jrthey could probably even just use threads actually08:25
redeemanlinux doesn't have the ordinary concept of threads08:26
redeemanbut yeah08:26
simulaare the maemo sdk images for virtualbox or vmware?08:26
ShadowJKcreating threads behind an apps back is also evil08:26
luke-jrwhatever 'ordinary concept' means08:27
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crashanddieIt's 22:27, and I'm still at the office08:27
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crashanddieWe're waiting for this chick in Oz to finish some stuff for us before we can go home08:28
johnxcrashanddie, why?08:28
johnxis her name Dorothy?08:28
crashanddiewe're throwing stress balls at each other because of the boredom08:28
Flandryhyuk hyuk08:28
ShadowJKbasically, it's like they wanted to hide that there existed a sound server, so they made their lib fork a new process for every app and communicate over shm (or something like that).. they could've avoided all the wtf by not trying to hide it :)08:29
crashanddieTwo of the balls collided in mid-air08:29
crashanddieWe burst out in laughter, and I semi-yell: "Haha, I love it when our balls smash into each other"08:29
crashanddieThe girls goes: "WTF?"08:29
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crashanddieI'm supposed to be her boss...08:30
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ShadowJKyou should've just asked if she's got anything against guys having fun08:31
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crashanddiewe're done08:33
crashanddieI'm out08:33
crashanddietalk later08:33
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redhey, using butterfly IM in maemo08:55
redi see msn info in the contacts compartment for every contact that isn't online08:56
redand for the ones that are online, theres the green dot next to their image, naturally - but the msn icon / contact adress isn't listed in the view08:56
redunless I click edit, then I can see it08:56
redso basicly, butterfly lets me contact offline contacts by doubleclicking the address.. but it disappears for online ppl, so i have to navigate manually to Instant Messaging and pick them off from that list08:57
redit's np in a way, but seems bit odd that i can call them, sms them from the normal contact field, even send im messages - but not if they are online08:58
redis this some sort of bug or intended, anyone know?08:58
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johnxI'm thinking it's a bug08:59
johnxdid you try msn haze?08:59
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reddefinately a bug, tested with a fresh contacts (emptied, rebooted device, tested on 2ndary msn account)09:11
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redcan see the icon to send im for everyone - except the two contacts that are online09:12
redjohnx: does msn haze integrate into contacts so that i can IM straight from there?09:12
andre__at least for me that worked09:12
redsaw fring09:12
johnxit's like "account-plugins-haze" or something09:12
redand atleats on iphone it was just  standalone app09:12
redill dl haze and give it a go ty09:13
johnxsure. :)09:13
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redno hits for "haze" via search in N900 app control09:15
redam i missing some app list?09:15
redgot extras-testing and fremantle tools added09:15
johnxah. it might be in extras-testing or extras-devel09:15
johnxit'll be account-plugins-<something> I think09:15
redsearch will search the extras testing too ofc?09:15
johnxI think so09:16
johnxI just looked at the "All" listing09:16
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redonly have two account-plugins09:16
johnxactually, I'll help you look in a sec. I'm reflashing now09:16
redidle and salut09:16
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redill search for devel list meanwhile, dont think i have it09:16
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johnxyou might want to disable devel after installing account-plugins from it as stuff there can be a little shakier than extras or testing09:17
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redi've gathered as much09:18
reddont feel like taking my device to service after i finally have everything set up :)09:18
redim happy having root control, apt-get, wget, nano, ircing, msn09:19
redbut the 1 is lacking so bit more tweaking =)09:19
pupniki love how requires three different logins09:19
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redjohnx: i read some bugging in haze aswell09:25
redsome guy having his msn connection stuck, uninstalled haze but couldnt get any other work afterwards09:25
redand incorrect setting of nick / status09:25
redso unsure if its worth the hazzle? or do you have any knowledge about recent bugfixes in it?09:26
johnxerrr...I was using it up until last night09:26
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johnxit seems to work just fine most of the time09:27
meceIs there a bugtracker for Witter?09:27
johnxit did have trouble getting "stuck" in some situations I think, though09:27
rashed2020Does Mono come preinstalled on the N900?09:27
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mecerashed2020, no mono for N900, but I read somewhere that it's coming. Maybe.09:29
rashed2020mece: No mono, period? Or no Mono installed?09:30
rashed2020Oh, I got it. Shame :/09:31
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Stskeepsno mono installed or ported yet i think09:32
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adeusI think it was for the previous maemos, so porting it should not be a big issue09:33
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mecerashed2020, no mono _yet_ :) I did read on a blog somewhere that it's actually in the works. I forget where so might not be reliable.09:36
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Vrathaany of you know how to create a ringtone for the n900?  i just took one of my aac files from itunes and threw it in the ringtones folder10:35
Vrathabut it doesn't show up in the list of ringtones.  does it limit it by size?10:35
FoxxI dont have a n900, but im pretty sure AAC files are locked to iTunes and your specific ipod10:35
Foxxtry an MP310:35
Termanai don't think the n900 has native aac support10:35
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Termana^^ what foxx said as well10:36
Vrathaall the default ringtones on the n900 are .aac files10:36
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FoxxiTunes still locks the files so they cant be played on anything else10:36
wazdhello maemo10:37
Vrathano, i tunes doesn't do that naymore10:37
tekojohello wazd10:37
frals_mornin all o/10:37
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Vrathai can already play my aac file on the n900 music player10:37
Foxxno?? *shrugs* that is why I stopped using it, that and its a horrible piece of software in general10:37
Vrathai just can't get it working as a ringtone10:37
Vrathano, apple removed drm months ago10:37
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FoxxI dont see how they could have gotten away with that with the RIAA and all10:38
Vrathathis happened ages ago10:38
Vrathaall the big record labels got on board10:38
Foxxwell, have you tried an MP3 to rule out a file format issue?10:39
Vrathanot yet, but i was going to try.  i'm just trying to find a converter10:39
Foxxor perhaps read the owners manual?10:39
Foxxwhat OS do you use?10:39
VrathaOS X10:39
Vrathaalso, since my file formats match between the default ringtones and my music file, you'd think it'd work10:40
Foxxwhelp, im useless, I dont have a mac10:40
FoxxI like having computers that go beyond the sloagn "it just works"10:40
Foxxotherise I would have suggested mediacoder10:40
wazdPandora looks so oldskool, oh my :)10:41
VrathaFoxx: oh, you don't know macs very well then :)10:41
Foxxnot very well, all of my development is done under linux and windows10:41
FoxxOSX doesnt allow hardware level access to my hardware10:42
Vrathaalright, got the N900 mounted on my mac and am using "file" to check the file formats.  they do in fact differ10:42
Vrathawill just have to convert this i guess, even though both are aac10:42
Vrathathey are just different aac10:42
Foxxdont get me wrong, im not against macs or OSX, but for my personal applications they dont work for me10:43
Foxxhell, I still use DOS10:43
Foxxthe right tool for the right job, as they say10:43
Vrathai don't hold it against you; everyone has their style10:43
FoxxI recently did a class on NES Hacking and such, there are no decent debuggers for OSX10:44
wazdI'm not against OSX or Macs, but Apple sucks :D10:44
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FoxxLinux and Windows, I had to help someone cross compile an old branch of the FCE Ultra emulator10:44
wazdjust kidding :)10:44
VrathaFoxx: what kind of debuggers?10:44
Vrathawe have xcode10:44
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Vrathausing gdb in the backend, but i don't know what you were doing exactly10:44
FoxxNintendo Entertainment System10:45
Termanafunny, i thought a osx user would buy an iphone not a non-consumer rated n90010:45
Vrathayeah, i know the NES.  they have a special debugger for that?10:45
FoxxI wouldnt call it special, its all open source10:45
VrathaTermana: i do own an iphone10:45
Vrathabut this just shows your ignorance :)10:45
Foxxjust nobody has really gotten it ported to OSX with specific optomizations10:45
VrathaFoxx: ah, understood10:46
Foxxthis is one of those cases where a 400Mhz PC is a good enough tool, just because the tools exist10:46
FoxxI have some kick ass hardware fpr my hacking stuffs that have no OSX support at all10:46
Termanano, i'm just recalling the fact most males that use a mac have man-love with steve jobs. females love him too, just look at ijustine10:46
FoxxEEPROM/FlashROM emulators and programmers, and things of the like10:47
Vrathai do love steve jobs10:47
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Vrathai have a man crush10:47
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FoxxI also dont know of any circuit simulators for OSX, although it would probably outperform a PC10:47
Vrathabut it stops at the app store and their approval (rejection?) process10:47
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VrathaFoxx: hmm, i can't help you there.  i would like to know of one myself10:48
Foxxif you find out, let me know?10:48
Termanawell at least you admit your man crush :P lol10:48
Vrathai'm not a big EE guy (yet), but i do dabble in hobby robotics sometimes10:48
VrathaTermana: totally :-)10:49
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KMFDMdoes anyone else have an issue with the the IM sound being played if you get an IM with headphones connected while playing something in the media player even though my IM sound volume is zero10:51
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KMFDMit only happens with headphones in and media playing10:52
KMFDMwell with media playing i haven't tested with ehadphones out10:52
andre__KMFDM, There is an "IM sound volume"?10:53
KMFDMandre__, yeah10:53
KMFDMin profile10:53
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KMFDMtogether with sms10:53
KMFDMand ringtone10:53
KMFDMit is incredibly annoying as im usually carrying on 3-4 IM chats10:54
KMFDMand now i can't play music on the phone10:54
KMFDMit only happens since I flashed the device10:54
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KMFDMperhaps it is a media player setting i forgot to change back10:54
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andre__oh. hehe :)10:55
slonopotamuswow, just wow10:56
andre__KMFDM, what account type?10:56
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: mm?10:56
KMFDMandre__, what IM account type is causing the beeps?10:56
* slonopotamus goes tomorrow to local nokia representative get his n900-gift-from-nokia10:56
Stskeepsslonopotamus: scary - what'd you have to do to get that? :P10:57
andre__KMFDM, Gmail, XMPP, Jabber, ICQ, MSN? :-P10:57
X-Fadeslonopotamus: N900 key chain? :)10:57
KMFDMyeah i wnanted to be sure that is what you meant/ I have only tested with gmail so far10:57
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andre__KMFDM, want to send me a message via Gmail so I can test it? :-)10:57
slonopotamusStskeeps: you won't believe me. absolutely nothing :) just got email yesterday that they wanted to give it to me since i am 'expert in this area and my opinion is important to them' :)10:57
wazdI wonder why nokia is so kind to everyone except me :D10:58
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jyskydoes anyone have any idea how to install crl:s to n900. S60 phones had it through browser but N900 browser doesn't understand certificate files10:58
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KMFDMsure PM me your address or post it here10:58
slonopotamusX-Fade: :P10:58
andre__slonopotamus: sounds like a typical spam mail. Will you also receive millions of dollars? ;-)10:58
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Stskeepswazd: you're obviously doing too much. if you had kept quiet, they would have slipped you one? ;p10:58
slonopotamusandre__: they're really nokia representative. and they confirmed when i called them by phone10:59
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wazdStskeeps: yeah, maybe the world has changed :D10:59
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: and you won't be kidnapped and put to work in the Maemo Siberian Work Camp for Coders?10:59
slonopotamuswazd: maybe someone from nokia likes gentoo :D10:59
wazdStskeeps: less action -> more free stuff :)10:59
Vrathagentoo, where you become an expert overnight by watching shit scroll by the screen11:00
Vrathathe faster it goes, the more expert you are11:00
slonopotamusVratha: wrong11:00
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Vrathawell, that's what a website told me11:00
slonopotamusVratha: it shouldn't go too fast11:00
slonopotamusVratha: there's some local optimum11:01
wazdslonopotamus: yeah, that's how it works I guess :) You need to be loved by someone in nokia :)11:01
vesahmm, application manager startup says: operation failed. log shows 'apt-worker exited.' and 'sudo: /etc/sudoers is zero length'. time for a reflash? =)11:01
Vrathagentoo goes for a global optimum11:01
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Vrathawith racing stripes11:01
slonopotamuswazd: i wonder whom i'll have to thank for that :)11:01
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: i see what they're doing.. trying to get as many coders away from n8x0 as possible :P11:02
Stskeepsif suddenly luke-jr receives one, we have to be suspicious11:02
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slonopotamushehe :)11:03
Stskeepswazd, your best tactic is obviously to only do gfx for n8x0 ;)11:03
slonopotamusStskeeps: wazd :D11:04
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wazdStskeeps: heh :)11:04
wazdStskeeps: that's a bit boring :)11:05
Stskeepsyeah :P11:05
andre__KMFDM, seen my PM?11:05
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Stskeepswazd: did you try qt designer and such yet btw?11:06
slonopotamusbtw, is n900 as brickable as n8x0?11:06
* andre__ realizes that he has blogged this morning. damn scheduled posts :-P11:06
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lbt_mutter - is texrat for real?11:06
flx_vesa, do you have an ssh-server running?11:06
Stskeepswhat did he do now?11:06
wazdStskeeps: yep, nice stuff11:06
wazdStskeeps: haven't tried it really close though11:07
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pwnguinis there an alt key (meta?)11:07
Stskeeps <- insane insane people11:07
flx_stskeeps, I wouldn't be surprised if the device starts failing after some time after the water test..11:08
vesaflx_: i use sshfs, but no server running afaik11:09
Foxxthats almost as bad as 'Will it Blend?'11:09
woglindestskeep lol11:09
pwnguini guess esc suffices11:09
wazdoh, I've reached 11k downloads total in Maemo 5 extras! Celebrate! :D11:09
woglindehm maybeee they had choose fire11:09
Foxxsomeone needs to tell that person smashing a device does not equal a brick11:09
X-FadeStskeeps: Check out his youtube videos.11:09
woglindemorning x-fade11:10
X-FadeStskeeps: The phone takes quite some abuse.11:10
lbt_Stskeeps: community flyer ... quim offered a critique and he threw his toys out of his pram11:10
pwnguinnot manhy moving parts to fail11:10
flx_vesa, well, I think in that case you're out of luck..11:12
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Stskeepslbt_: ah, yeah11:12
homeasvsX-Fade, erlang still going I presume ?11:12
vesaflx_: thought so, oh well. i have backups11:12
homeasvsX-Fade, if so, is there a prize for 'longest build' ? :)11:12
Stskeepsisn't that webkit?11:13
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X-Fadehomeasvs: inet_gethost inet_gethost 411:13
X-Fadehomeasvs: Does that try to connect to the outside world?11:13
homeasvsX-Fade, well, at least it's stumbling towards the finish line :)11:13
homeasvsI am not sure to be honest11:13
homeasvslet's hope not11:13
homeasvsI assume your build machine would block that11:14
X-Fadehomeasvs: host is sandboxed, so that doesn't work.11:14
homeasvsbut it would make it error out no ?11:14
X-Fadehomeasvs: Depends on the app ;)11:14
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X-Fadehomeasvs: If it has a timeout, then yes.11:14
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KMFDMandre__, i replied11:15
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woglindehijo wazd11:18
woglindedamn why they fremantle sdk needs -Wl,--rpath-link so often11:19
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wazd_n800woglinde, heya again :)11:19
woglindeinstead of -L -l11:19
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AdmiralSausageHi folks - can anyone tell me where to obtain powertop for n900?11:22
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woglindeAdmiralSausage install sdk grab the debian package recompile it11:26
woglindeand install it11:26
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woglindebut maybee it will not work11:26
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woglindebecause its focused on x8611:27
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AdmiralSausagewoglinde: Ah OK thanks. Only had this thing 1 day - I will get to that point but I'm not there yet. Other folks are using it happily on the N900 already (& I don't think they each compiled it individually but could be wrong)11:27
jbnwoglinde: it will work, just compile it against arm11:27
Stskeepspowertop should really be in extras11:28
Stskeepsi mean, people should use it for extras-testing11:28
woglindeStskeeps it isnt11:28
woglindeI checked it11:28
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woglindehm or has extras-testing non-free seciton?11:29
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woglindehm it hase11:30
woglindebut no powertop11:30
woglindehm I will upload it tomorrow11:30
wazd_n800ok, can anybody tell me, does n900 has usb-host?)11:31
sejohow do you gain root on the device? r11:31
sejocan I reset the users password?11:31
Stskeepswazd_n800: we're not sure. it doesn't have usb otg.11:31
AdmiralSausagewoglinde: That's great, thanks. I will wait till then!11:31
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wazd_n800Stskeeps, yeah, that's what I heard11:32
wazd_n800Stskeeps, how Nokia Push works then?11:32
Stskeepswazd_n800: bluetooth probably11:32
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wazd_n800Stskeeps, hmm11:33
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woglindeAdmiralSausage I quick test if it compiles right now11:34
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floriangood morning11:35
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AdmiralSausagewoglinde: Thanks. Weird cos some of the posts on imply that is comes preinstalled ("you don't have to install it you just have to be root"). Maybe it was on a prerelease/testing firmware11:35
woglindeAdmiralSausage hm11:36
woglindeI am testing in sdk11:36
JaffaMorning, all11:36
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wazd_n800Jaffa, heya11:36
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woglindeAdmiralSausage hm dont you have powertop?11:37
AdmiralSausageNo. "/bin/sh: powertop: not found"11:38
sejodid someone succeed in doing a screencast with the load-applet tool?11:38
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AdmiralSausagewoglinde: "find / -name powertop" comes back with nothing too.11:38
woglindesudo powertop?11:39
woglinde-> mgedmin'sudo powertop' worksforme on the .41-10 fw11:39
woglindethat was 3.11.200911:39
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flx_nice, the device has powertop, hadn't noticed :)11:41
AdmiralSausagewoglinde: "sudo powertop" asks me for a password if I'm user. As root, it returns immediately with no output (as it does for any nonexistant binary)11:41
JaffaAdmiralSausage: Become root (install rootsh, and then type 'sudo gainroot' or 'root'); then you can run powertop.11:41
Jaffa`user' doesn't have sudo power OOTB11:42
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AdmiralSausageJaffa: I did. I don't have the binary.11:42
flx_does C4 level mean full sleep?11:42
AdmiralSausageJaffa: where does it live on your device?11:42
flx_admiralsausage, how about, after going root, doing apt-get install powertop ?11:42
flx_/sbin/powertop here11:43
pupnikntp security updates11:43
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AdmiralSausageflx_: "E: Couldn't find package powertop"11:43
AdmiralSausageflx_: I don't have a /sbin/powertop either11:44
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AdmiralSausageI have FW version 1.2009.42-11.203.211:45
flx_funny, grep -l powertop /var/lib/apt/lists/* says nothing to me11:45
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flx_(and I have extras, extras-devel in addition to the standard nokia site)11:45
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X-Fadeflx_: sdk/tools ?11:46
flx_admiralsausage, does your prompt say Nokia-N900-42-11?11:46
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woglindehi pupnik11:47
AdmiralSausageflx_: No, it says '~ $'11:47
serenitythere was a list of available apps in extras-devel, but didn't bookmarked it. Where can i find it?11:47
flx_admiralsausage, and how about after sudo gainroot?11:47
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AdmiralSausageflx_: '/home/user #'11:48
Lorthirki'm sorry, are you trying to see his kernel version?11:48
flx_admiralsausage, bah, actually I was logged in via ssh when I said that, normal sudo gainroot gives me that too11:49
Lorthirkwhy not uname -a?11:49
flx_well, that works too ;)11:49
AdmiralSausageIf you're looking for my FW version I posted it above (I think):  1.2009.42-11.203.211:50
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AdmiralSausageuname says "Linux Nokia-N900-42-11"11:50
Lorthirkok... it's just that i joined in the middle of the conversation and it seemed to me that you were trying to see the kernel version11:50
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ersinhi all11:51
flx_lorthirk, the root of the problem is that admiralsausage doesn't have /sbin/powertop, and there appears to be no idea how to get him one11:51
AdmiralSausageLorthirk: well it looks like I have a different version of *something*11:51
flx_btw, I needed to mkdir /debug before powertop worked for me11:51
woglindehm linking with g++ when a c++lib needs a c-lib is broken with codesourcery toolchain11:51
Lorthirklet me try on mine11:52
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lardmanmorning all11:52
woglindehi lardman11:52
lardmanhey woglinde11:52
Lorthirkok, i have it11:52
lardmanso do the autobuilders run on a real device? ;)11:52
Lorthirki just did cd /sbin; ls powertop11:52
lardmannot taking the piss this time, but for things like BLAS and Atlas, the on-device tests decide which algorithms will be used in the final libraries11:53
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ersinstskeeps: i managed to get my laptop screen at a tolerable level and so i did a bit more work...i got the fremantle pango/cairo/glib/pixmap packages working and installing properly, i'm in the middle of building gtk 2.14 now11:53
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AdmiralSausageLorthirk: "ls: /sbin/powertop: No such file or directory" - so what't *your* firmware version? I only got this n900 yesterday11:53
Lorthirksame as yours11:54
Lorthirkwhere are you from?11:54
AdmiralSausageLorthirk: damn. From UK.11:54
Lorthirkwhere did you buy the phone?11:54
Lorthirkmaybe it's a different version?11:54
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Lorthirklet me check one thing pls11:54
AdmiralSausageLorthirk: Nokia shop. I *did* uninstall facebook widget and a couple of other toys to save space - you think powertop could have been packaged with one of them?11:55
Lorthirkno, i really don't think so11:55
flx_powertop is in its own package powertop11:55
woglindelardman hihi welcome to the crappy world11:55
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Stskeepsersin: cool11:56
Lorthirkwhat's exactly the "couple of other toys"?11:56
lardmanwoglinde: hmm, I'll have to talk to X-Fade, or have my own repo to host code compiled using cpu-transparency (bad lardman!)11:57
lardmanX-Fade: ping11:57
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woglindelardman I am fighting here with erros when g++ is used as linker11:57
ersinstskeeps: uh, has that been done before?  or is it gtk that's blocking progress11:57
X-Fadelardman: What are you doing?11:57
lardmanwoglinde: ah, I was just scratching my head about some FORTRAN code using a LOADER env var, thought it should probably be gcc then, but turns out fort77 works11:58
Stskeepsersin: we use fremantle gtk2.14 in mer, but the interesting part is if you manage to get it to be fairly trivial to patch to later gtk versions11:58
lardmanX-Fade: maths sw11:58
ersinah, i see11:58
woglindex-fade blas at atlas are really sepcial11:58
X-Fadelardman: And that doesn't compile with qemu?11:58
lardmanX-Fade: a fair few packages will run tests during the compilation process and choose the fastest method to compile in11:58
LorthirkAdmiralSausage: does this program has some libraries?11:59
Lorthirkotherwise I could send the executable11:59
lardmanX-Fade: it compiles, but it won't reflect the device arch and what's fastest there11:59
X-Fadelardman: Can't you just hardcode?11:59
lardmanX-Fade: probably, but that would be bad style ;)11:59
X-Fadelardman: Just add that as .diff.tar.gz ? :)12:00
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AdmiralSausageLorthirk: I don't know - I don't have a dev environment set up to do a ldd (?) or anything but sure, please try!12:00
X-Fadelardman: So the original source is left alone? Just a maemo only change?12:00
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lardmanX-Fade: will need major changes to the Makefiles etc, so pre-select the algorithms to use; but probably doable12:01
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Lorthirkok, wait :)12:01
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lardman|homeoh, what happened there I wonder12:01
lardman|homeah, work pc12:01
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ersinstskeeps: ok, i think everything's coming together in my mind at last.  because nokia's deb source packages don't use patches during the build and just have them hardcoded, that's what's causing trouble?  or are there other problems?12:01
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X-FadeClone ;)12:01
lardman|homeX-Fade: nah, is me still, should have turned work pc off12:01
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meceAnyone here know Philip Van Hoof ?12:01
lardman|homeX-Fade: could I manually upload a replacement binary package?12:01
Stskeepsmece: -> pvanhoof12:01
lardman|homeX-Fade: e.g. make sure the source builds, then replace it with an optimised version?12:02
X-Fadelardman|home: If you increase the epoch, yes.12:02
X-Fadeehm, revision..12:02
LorthirkAdmiralSausage: i'm sending the exec12:02
Stskeepsersin: yeah, ideally need to establish an easy way to patch with the maemo gtk+ additions12:03
AdmiralSausageLorthirk: "Received a malformed DCC request from Lorthirk" don't know if it's you or me - I'm on xchat12:03
Lorthirkprobably it's me12:03
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Lorthirktell me another system you prefer :)12:03
lardman|homeX-Fade: no, I meant a binary only overwrite12:03
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pvanhoofmece, yes that's me12:03
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lardman|homeX-Fade: the source is the same, but I'll compile a binary here which uses sbrsh and is therefore optimised12:04
mecepvanhoof, are you still working on the google-album-art-downloader?12:04
pvanhoofmece, no12:04
pvanhoofgo ahead and pick it up12:04
X-Fadelardman|home: You can't upload binary packages to free at least.12:04
ersinstskeeps: well then working from fremantle svn is fine for mer, because mer is trying to be all fremantle, but then for upgrading diablo shouldn't the hildon code that will go into the patch come from the diablo packages?  i.e. extract the hildon code from gtk2.10 and make a patch set for diablo, and then from gtk2.14 and make a patch set for fremantle?12:04
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AdmiralSausageLorthirk: I am petechap on gmail if you can send an attachment?12:05
lardman|homeI know, can *you* manually overwrite the autobuilder generated package with one I give you?12:05
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Lorthirkof course12:05
mecepvanhoof, I'll take a look. did it ever work? the installer seems borken12:05
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Stskeepsersin: ideally i'd like to see 2.16/2.18 :P12:05
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pvanhoofmece, it once worked12:05
woglindenext try with imagemagick12:05
LorthirkAdmiralSausage: sent12:05
Foxxwould anyone happen to have a binary of spectool_gtk for the Metageek Wispy device?12:06
woglindewhy always I find such bad things12:06
mecepvanhoof, ok. I'll see if I can compile it in sdk.12:06
pvanhoofmece, it was a proof of concept that nokia can't release for obvious legal reasons12:06
pvanhoofso i got its copyrights, packaged it, and released it, but I have no focus or priority for it12:06
ersinstskeeps: me too...what i'm saying is that to make the patches we need to extract hildon-specific code from one of nokia's gtk packages...for fremantle, that should be 2.14, and then apply it to 2.18...but for diablo, we should extract from 2.14 and then again apply to 2.18, no?12:07
mecepvanhoof, k. well it might just be the packaging that's busted.12:07
ersinstskeeps: i'm assuming that fremantle gtk and diablo gtk are very different12:07
ersinstskeeps: or different enough12:07
ersinstskeeps: i mean i have no experience with fremantle really other than watching n900 videos on youtube ;)12:07
pvanhoofmece, possible12:07
Stskeepsersin: i have doubts though, but we'll see12:07
Stskeepsi'm not 100% sure what patches exist12:08
pvanhoofmece, try the dbus api too, to check if it still downloads anything12:08
pvanhoofyou might have to change the search string that it uses to find the actual image12:08
ersinstskeeps: uh, i thought there aren't any patches12:08
AdmiralSausageLorthirk: Thanks. I get "Powertop 1.13.3 \n status: Unknown job: pmtrackerdaemon \n Mounting debugfs...FAILED"12:08
Lorthirkwell.. me too12:08
AdmiralSausageLorthirk: so I guess there is some dependency after all?12:09
woglindeAdmiralSausage kernel12:09
Stskeepsersin: well, as in, what is actually modded gtk -> maemo gtk12:09
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woglindeisnt properply configured12:09
AdmiralSausagewoglinde: I need to install a separate kernel?12:09
hrwtime started ticking... one week and counting12:09
ersinstskeeps: what's the difference?  aren't we working from one unified set of gtk sources?12:09
lardman|homeX-Fade: anyway not an immediate problem, let me get things pushed to extras-devel first12:09
ersinstskeeps: that is, maemo gtk in the fremantle branch?12:10
mecepvanhoof, I'll check it out when I have time. Thanks for the info.12:10
pvanhoofnp, have fun12:10
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Stskeepsersin: sorry, context switching between my thesis and this :) as in, 1) i'm not sure what specific changes are done to gtk+ to make it become maemo gtk+ 2) i'm not sure what fremantle-only things exist in latest maemo gtk+12:11
ersinstskeeps: ah, yes i see what you mean.12:11
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Stskeepsthe interesting thing is if we can extract those into a sane set of patches12:12
ersinstskeeps: well then i'll make patches based on diablo gtk and then fremantle gtk, and then compare them...maybe even gregale gtk O_o12:12
AdmiralSausagewoglinde, Lorthirk: I guess that's why powertop wasn't shipped with the device - if the kernel can't support it. This is turning into a much bigger task than I'd imagined, so I'll leave it for now. Thanks for your help.12:13
woglindeAdmiralSausage jupp12:13
woglindeseems so12:13
* lardman|home twiddles his thumbs waiting for LAPACK to compile12:14
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AdmiralSausagewoglinde: actually seems if you run it the second time it works!12:15
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flx_admiralsausage, ah, so maybe me mkdirring /debug didn't change a thing, it was the restart :)12:17
woglindeAdmiralSausage lol12:17
yannjI need to code a SMS monitor, is that difficult to do?12:17
LorthirkAdmiralSausage: really glad i helped :)12:17
AdmiralSausageflx_: I don't know - I had mkdir'd the /debug anyway just to be sure12:18
woglindeyannj seems you have a fine dbus apu12:18
woglindeargs api12:18
woglindeso it shouldnt be that hard12:18
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AdmiralSausageLorthirk: Really glad too, thanks x100.12:18
yannjwoglinde : you can register to receive an event on new SMS?12:19
yannjwoglinde : kind of use of the proxy pattern?12:19
AdmiralSausageLorthirk: running random executables from guys on IRC is a *good* idea - who knew?!12:19
johnxandre___, around?12:19
andre___johnx, aight?12:19
suihkulokkiAdmiralSausage: dont worry, just run it as root and you are safe!12:20
johnxI can reproduce the desktop wallpaper .desktop crash!12:20
andre___johnx, which is bug number...?12:20
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johnxit's in my email. one sec12:20
johnxbug 586612:21
povbotBug malformed wallpaper collection12:21
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andre___johnx, crash reporter installed? feel free to add a comment to that report with exact steps...12:24
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lbt_ersin: I'd be interested in the gtk->maemo-gtk patchset too12:24
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woglindeyannj hm qwerty could answer this better than me12:25
cm0901AdmiralSausage: don't worry, i'll wait another 2 or 3 minutes before i get access to all your personal informations12:25
woglindeyannj hm search the maemo-dev ml-list12:25
lbt_ersin: is that on a git branch anywhere?12:25
woglindethere were some hints12:25
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AdmiralSausagecm0901: You'll have to do it using minimal power or I'll notice you now :)12:26
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LorthirkAdmiralSausage: i'll try to :D12:26
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lbt_andre__ loses a _12:28
woglindehorray imagemagick builded at least12:28
andre__lbt, unstable network. tomorrow will be even more fun as I won't have electricity around :-P12:29
johnxandre__, I can do better. I'm attaching a .desktop anyone can use to crash their "hildon home screen"12:29
andre__johnx, yeah, that's more fun for me too :-D12:30
johnxit's fun for everyone :D12:30
johnxand I think every .desktop file linked from is a "winner" :D12:30
hrwomg... I know now why nokia did not made video calls for n90012:30
lbt_andre__: heh  no electric irc    that I want to see...12:31
bilboed-pianyone knows how usable mer is on n800 ?12:31
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hrwbilboed-pi: it boots and more or less works12:31
hrwbilboed-pi: you have web browser, IM and can use them over wifi12:32
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bilboed-pihrw, do you mean 0.16 or 0.17pre ?12:33
hrwbilboed-pi: I tried 0.16pre on n81012:33
hrw~curse nokia for h-a-m being still broken after 4 years of development12:34
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, nokia for h-a-m being still broken after 4 years of development !12:34
johnxUpdated bug 586612:34
povbotBug malformed wallpaper collection12:34
johnxbilboed-pi, 0.17testingN on the N8x0 probably won't be very fun12:35
woglindemorning johnx12:35
johnxmornin' woglinde12:35
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hrwok, which repository keeps basic stuff like less, coreutils etc?12:41
Stskeepssdk repos possibly12:42
lbt_for sure12:42
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johnxhey. where'd everyone go?12:44
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FIQnice timing for me joining12:45
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hrwquestion: is there a tool to automerge Jabber/Skype/ICQ/etc contacts with contacts?12:55
ersinlbt_: sorry, just got your message.  no, no git branch yet, just me and my laptop =)12:55
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hrwor I have to go through all >200 entries and do that by hand?12:56
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ersinlbt_: are you interested in helping develop one?  i have no idea how to set up a git branch or anything like that12:56
johnxhrw, nah. but at least in my case the merge built into contacts was reasonable (though manual). it'd be a pain if you have a lot of contacts though12:56
hrwjohnx: I have ~400 contacts now12:57
johnxyeah. that'd be a pain12:57
ersinhrw: damn yo12:57
lbt_ersin: sure - we do a lot of that over in #mer12:57
hrwersin: 323 merged from s60 phone12:57
ersinhrw: i'm not sure i know 400 people, period12:57
lbt_one thing mer does is try to look at fremantle as a downstream of another distro - so seperating out functional patches.12:58
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lbt_doing it for gtk is a big job and complex code - are you up for that?12:58
ersinlbt_: hells yeah =) that's what i've been working on12:59
lbt_Take a look at to start ....12:59
lbt_then move on to scan
MyrttiAnidel: would you like a pair of new woollen socks or mittens? :->13:00
lbt_which is the full-on branching stuff explained as best I can13:00
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lbt_also, we're looking to simplify that process for normal Mer usage :)13:01
ersinuh wow13:01
lbt_yeah - I don't know what level you're working at?13:01
johnxersin, do you have experience with branching in another scm?13:02
lbt_clearly you need to have a fiddle with git if you've not done that...13:02
ersini should mention i'm kind of a noob hacker, i only just started working w/ open source stuff about a month ago, though i have a knack for diving right in, so a lot of the ancillary stuff like how to use git will take me a while to learn lol13:02
lbt_right ... this isn't a good start13:02
johnxersin, for now, just try and keep your patches separated into groups according to what feature they add13:02
lbt_at least, not for git13:02
johnxthe goal being to be able to apply one "feature" without the others13:03
woglindeersin after some time you will love it13:03
lbt_ersin are you trying to create gtk -> maemo-gtk patches13:03
johnx(except where one feature clearly depends on another)13:03
ersinjohnx: right now i'm just going through diffs between the c files of gtk2.10 vs. patchsets yet =)13:04
lbt_I'd suggest looking at gitk and playing with that13:04
ersinwoglinde: thanks for the encouragement =) i'm already a fan13:04
lbt_I find it helps visualise13:04
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ersinlbt_: gotcha13:04
lbt_and makes branch mgmt easy - and the ability to diff any two commits on a clicky-whim is brilliant13:04
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ersinis that what's special about git?13:05
ersiner, i guess gitk13:05
ersinwell before i start any of this i have a bigger problem, namely that my girlfriend accidentally kicked my laptop off the bed and now my video chip is messed up, all kinds of artifacts everywhere13:06
ersinmoving an xterm window into the corner somehow makes it just tolerable, but it's starting to straing13:07
ersinmyrtti: haha13:07
takkuso i dont get it what im doing wrong when im trying to add shortcut for script to open irssi13:07
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takkutrying to do it with this13:10
takkudone the file and i think its just fine but no. cant find it when trying to add it13:11
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Meceis openarena working?13:12
Myrttitakku: you've got all the applications needed installed of course? openssh, osso-xterm...?13:12
takkuhmm maybe not that osso.. ill checkit13:14
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ruskieosso-xterm should be there if you hav an X Terminal thing13:16
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ersincan someone give me a bit of advice on diff?13:17
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homeasvsanyone know why the phone has 'su' (provided by the busybox package) but sbox doesn't ?13:18
ersinso i'm making these patches, but i have to edit some by hand and i'm worried about the range numbers13:18
ersindo i have to worry about the second number in each range (# of lines?)13:18
ersinjohnx?  lbt_?  stskeeps?13:18
X-Fadehomeasvs: You answered that yourself? :)13:18
ersinwhen i'm using diff13:18
Myrttitakku: did you figure it out yet?13:18
ersinand i edit the patches by hand13:19
homeasvsX-Fade, huh ?13:19
johnxwhy are you having to edit by hand?13:19
ersindo i have to worry about the number of lines part of the range numbers?13:19
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ersinuh this is difficult to explain via irc...13:19
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ersini'm trying to get it so that all you have to do is run patch and it will add the hildon functionality to the gtk c code13:19
takkuMyrtti: no not yet, im at work so hard to to two things at the same time13:20
ersinbut there's a lot of differences between gtk2.10 and 2.1813:20
johnxwith you so far :)13:20
lbt_homeasvs: heh13:20
ersinso stuff gets moved around radically, so diff messes things up by default13:20
ersinif i were to run patch on the diff that diff outputs13:20
lbt_homeasvs: symlink su to busybox13:21
ersinit would remove large parts of the functionality13:21
lbt_I found that a while back13:21
ersinwhereas what i need to do is essentially add some preprocessor logic13:21
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johnxersin, think I'm understanding a bit13:21
ersinthat didn't exist in 2.1013:21
ersinjohnx: ok i will get explicit here (not cuss words, just more technical)13:21
johnxI think I get the general idea13:22
johnxI really think that editing diffs by hand might not be the right solution13:22
ersinprobably =)13:22
ersinbut how else would i create a patch set?13:22
ersini mean, tbh, i'm not sure patches are an ideal solution13:23
X-Fadeersin: local SCM repo?13:23
ersinx-fade: hmm i don't know what scm is...wikipedia13:23
johnxscm: cvs/svn/git13:23
X-Fadeersin: git or svn for instance.13:23
sejodid someone succeed in making a screencast with the load-applet?13:23
homeasvslbt_, there is no install for busybox in sbox, is there ?13:24
johnxanyways, in the meantime, unpack two gtk 2.18 trees. hack in one and then patch against the other13:24
ersinso you're suggesting that i just edit the files by hand and let scm take care of the versioning?13:24
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ersinjohnx: gotcha13:24
Gadgetoidhmm vnc server is a bit fail13:24
johnxusing scm is also a very good option :)13:24
lbt_homeasvs: mmmm what are you doing13:25
X-Fadeersin: The scm can then automatically track changes in the upstream tree too.13:25
fnordianslipi've not seen mercurial for maemo5 yet.  does it exist?13:25
homeasvslbt_, I made a couchdb package, it has a script in /etc/init.d13:25
lbt_I was completely screwing around with chroots and stuff13:25
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ersinjohnx: well i've been thinking about it and what would probably be ideal is almost something like a detection script that would see where the changes have been made between versions and insert code at the appropriate line13:25
homeasvslbt_, this script uses su to launch couchdb as the couchdb user13:25
homeasvslbt_, works fine on the phone since that has su13:25
homeasvslbt_, doesn't work in scratchbox because it doesn't have su13:25
lbt_ah, I see13:26
ersinx-fade: that sounds like what i was thinking of lol13:26
homeasvsmaybe maemo has a different preferred way of launching a program as a certain user ?13:26
lbt_sbox isn't meant to emulat that stuff really13:26
lbt_it's not a true machine emulator13:26
homeasvsI saw hildon-desktop doing some stuff, checking that if it was in scratchbox it didn't need anything to launch as user, and so on the phone it uses su13:26
X-Fadeersin: There were a lot of smart people who solved that problem a long time ago ;)13:26
homeasvswell, that's too bad - it wouldn't be too hard to make stuff like this work13:26
X-Fadeersin: We just need to use these tools ;)13:27
johnxersin, ok...there are two sane ways to do this I think: keep two copies of gtk+ 2.18 around. hack in one. make changes in the other and generate your patch with diff -urN13:27
lbt_ersin: or learn and use git13:27
ersinjohnx: that's what i've been doing so far13:27
lbt_which makes life trivial13:27
hrwor use quilt13:27
lbt_after the curve13:27
ersinlbt_ and x-fade: i agree, i'll start learning those13:27
ersini just wasn't aware...i'm still learning these tools13:27
johnxersin, the other way to do it (which is probably the right way), is to just use git, even in its most basic form and let it generate the patches13:27
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ersinso then ideally would i start a git branch on the maemo servers and work from there?13:28
ersinwouldn't i need some kind of access permissions13:28
johnxyou basically "clone" their repository13:28
lbt_local git install13:28
lbt_gogle dvcs...13:28
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ersini'm on it13:29
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ersinjust curious, am i the only crazy american to be up at 6:30 AM hacking maemo?13:29
johnxI guess it depends on which way you want to go: adding maemo stuff to gtk 2.18 or adding 2.18 to maemo-gtk 2.1013:29
johnxcould be13:29
johnxonly 3:30AM here :)13:30
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johnxbut then again, I have work in 6 hours ;)13:30
Myrtti*sigh* is so bloody slow13:30
woglindeMyrtti *g*13:31
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ersinwell that counts lol, i should have said "north american" then13:31
johnxersin, so I should really sleep. but I would be completely remiss if I didn't try to help nudge you along. you're the only person I've known to take one forward-porting the maemo patches to gtk I think13:31
chaosteilam I the only one when trying to use profiles_free_profiles() from libprofile who gets a double free error?13:31
jebbaMyrtti: vote for this bug:
povbotBug 5818: We need servers13:31
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ersinjohnx: well thanks very much for all the help13:31
johnxsure. I hope some of it makes sense13:32
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ersinjohnx: i should probably get to sleep too...but i will look into getting git going and start working through that13:32
lbt_Myrtti: think +ve ,.... it's all the new users .... which in turn drives up demand+nokia resource needs.... which means you keep your job :) Slow servers are good!13:32
johnxRemember: if you find yourself fighting your tools, stop and look around a bit13:32
ersinoh it does, just takes a while to sink in ;)13:32
ersinoh btw13:32
ersinin response to what you said earlier13:32
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ersinmy intention is to port gtk2.18 to maemo, not the other way around13:33
ersiner...did that make sense...13:33
ersinok i'm going to bed too13:33
ersingoodnight, world13:33
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Myrttijebba: I would, if I could log in13:34
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melmothhmmm, just recieve the n900, where can i enable the extras repository ?13:38
X-Fademelmoth: Go to and click on an app.13:38
rEv9go to repo, and uncheck the disabled checkbox13:38
johnxchaosteil, not helpful13:38
chaosteilaw, I see13:38
chaosteilit's how I enabled it13:39
johnxsorry to jump on you there, but red pill mode is totally different from extras13:39
chaosteilah, just extras13:39
Gadgetoidhmm missed the nokia christmas party... boooo13:40
melmothok, found ssh :)13:41
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sejohmm does the n900 support 3G?13:42
sejoI only see 3G in the status (however using the 3G APN)13:42
sejoProximus belgium13:43
X-Fadesejo: Should work.13:43
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sejodunno why I get the 2G then..13:43
Ashenburger_I even see 3.5g at work :)13:43
X-Fadesejo: No 3G reception?13:43
Ashenburger_not at home though :(13:43
sejomy e71 does have 3g here13:44
sejomaybe switch the sim and check?13:44
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arachnisti get 3.5g on my n900 in warsaw13:45
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SpeedEvilI get 3.5G if I hold it just right on the sofa.13:46
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lardman_Mine switches between nothing > 2G > 3G and 3.5G at work13:46
LinuxCodesejo, some sims are locked to 2g13:46
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sejoLinuxCode: apparently this one shouldn't be13:47
sejook switched the sim and still get 2G13:47
* LinuxCode doesnt do apparently13:47
LinuxCodego outside13:47
LinuxCodesee if for some reason, it wont get proper reception13:48
LinuxCodemaybe you need to change a setting ?!?!13:48
melmothhmmm, i can ssh to localhost but not from the network, no ssh prompt13:48
LinuxCodebut then I still havent got a N90013:48
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sejoLinuxCode: switching sim from phone is all I need to get 3G on the E71 I have with both sim cards 3g13:50
sejoon the n900 with both 2G13:51
LinuxCodecould be a config setting13:51
LinuxCodebut as I said, I dont have a N900 yet13:51
fralsthe wait for the ups guy with my package is dreadful :<13:51
LinuxCodeso I am guessing13:51
sejofound it, in settings--phone set mode from GSM to 3G13:52
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melmothhow can i enter weird character such as { ?13:52
LinuxCodesejo, educated guesses work sometimes13:52
sejolol indeed13:52
X-Fademelmoth: sym key13:52
arachnistmelmoth: press "fn" and "Sym/Ctrl" after that13:53
sejowell after switching I knew it had no be a setting, and you confirming it13:53
melmothnow, lets try to enter a long weird wpa key13:53
EightaceOT: using xchat on n900 - does it save log files?13:53
melmothmay be ssh wills works better on my lan :)13:53
jebbaEightace: not by default13:54
toggles_wfrals: i hear ya13:54
Eightacejebba: any way to do it?13:54
sejonow for the screencast to work and I'm pretty happy13:54
jebbaerr, Eightace i take that back and change to i dont know. I do have a "scrollback" dir at least for this channel tha ti dont think i activated13:54
jebbaEightace: probably:   irc_logging = 1   in ~/.xchat2/xchat.conf13:55
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jebbaEightace: there are logs though already fyi:
Eightacethanks I will get them online for now13:56
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nomisSubject: Forum Nokia Order Complete Confirmation14:04
hrwnomis: grats14:04
hrw~curse microusb in n90014:04
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, microusb in n900 !14:04
melmothstill no route to host.14:05
melmothno ssh possible to n900. works ok on the n810 on the same network though14:05
hrwmelmoth: installed openssh or dropbear on n900?14:05
hrwis it normal that plugging CA-101 (microusb official nokia cable) results in "charging..." and then "charging error" if n900 move a bit14:06
X-Fadehrw: blame the eu.14:06
Stskeepshrw: didn't see that one myself14:06
hrwX-Fade: and/or quality of microusb connector in n90014:07
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X-Fadehrw: But no, that is not normal. I can hang my device by the cable, without problems.14:07
hrwand how to force n900 into usb-storage mode? now it works as usb-net/acm combo14:07
jyskyyeah, no probs with microusb connector with me eighter14:07
Stskeepshrw: it should ask when you plug in14:07
auenfn900 will ask what mode when you plug it in14:07
auenfthere might be a setting to auto to a particular mode, but i though that was only on symbian and not on maemo14:08
hrwthats what also manual says... but not happens14:08
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X-Fadehrw: it should.14:09
jyskyhrw, have you tried with other usb port on computer?14:10
jyskywindows sometimes doesn't do well with usb devices repeatedly connected and disconnected14:10
hrwjysky: will have to (now it is 7port powered hub)14:10
jyskyrebooted both systems?14:11
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hrwok, under desk port helped14:11
hrwjysky: I do not reboot my linux box14:11
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jyskyah, it's not windows! well mine n900 worked swell with linux yesterday14:12
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bobbydI've been searching on, but I can't find a way to connect to a Microsoft (pptp) VPN? even if it's complicated?14:13
* timeless_mbp sighs14:13
bobbydsorry, on the n90014:13
* timeless_mbp wants to smack the person who runs maemo.org14:13 uses an invalid security certificate.14:13
timeless_mbpThe certificate is only valid for maemo.org14:13
timeless_mbp(Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain)14:13
jyskyhmm. now to think of it.. i think that i might not have had that query of which mode to go on my windows, when i didn't have latest pc suite and not driver for n900. after i installed pc suite it started asking. but on opensuse machine it just worked like on mac os x14:14
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: www? who uses that?14:14
timeless_mbpX-Fade: probably my browser when the server doesn't answer14:15
tbftimeless_mbp: the big fun of SSL vs virtual domains14:15
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: We don't link to https://www at least?14:15
timeless_mbptbf: this was a solved problem 3 years ago14:15
timeless_mbpX-Fade: not certain actually14:15
timeless_mbpto https? no14:15
timeless_mbpbut www ? maybe14:15
tbftimeless_mbp: sure?14:16
timeless_mbpi probably added the s when http didn't work14:16
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: www redirects to maemo.org14:16
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X-Fadetimeless_mbp: So login will never take you to https://www14:16
tbftimeless_mbp: i am not aware that STARTTLS for HTTP got implemented14:16
timeless_mbpwhich is a horrible mistake14:16
timeless_mbpwe should use www like the rest of the world14:17
timeless_mbpso that cookies don't get shared unless asked14:17
timeless_mbpand so that i can block spam from www and still get it from elsewhere14:17
X-Fadewww is so last century14:17
tbfX-Fade: prefix should be w20 at least :-D14:17
melmothweird,in order to log in the n900 with ssh, i have first to log ona remote box from the ssh with -R 7777:localhost:22 and then from this box, to ssh on localhost 777714:18
melmothso i can have a connexion, but not directly.14:18
melmothanyone having the same issue ?14:18
X-Fademelmoth: No, I can login to my n900 directly.14:18
timeless_mbpmelmoth: did you just install ssh?14:18
timeless_mbpbecause the postinst doesn't start the daemon14:19
Stskeepsmelmoth: PSM14:19
timeless_mbpalthough that wouldn't do it14:19
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melmothi installed the virtual package, so i got client and server14:19
melmoththe only onther stuff i installed was homeip14:19
melmothwhat is psm ?14:20
melmothi can log in from the n900 to localhost too, so daemon is started14:20
X-FadeOk, who is building glib for extras-devel?14:21
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timeless_mbpX-Fade: why? :)14:22
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lardman_X-Fade: doesn't the builder tell you who uploaded it?14:22
melmothtimeless_mbp: thats it thanks !14:22
woglindelardman *g*14:22
timeless_mbpnot me14:22
X-FadeWe have a genius trying to get that in diablo extras-devel14:22
melmothi m using free ISP wich is noted as having issue with psm14:22
woglindelardman I wanted to ask the same14:22
melmothok, one things done :)14:22
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timeless_mbp'free isp'?14:23
melmothFrench ISP Freebox (Maemo #3481 and Free #2538)14:23
melmothat the bottom of the psm wiki page14:23
lardman_woglinde: apparently it's just in the queue atm14:24
StskeepsX-Fade: well ersin who was in here earlier was working on it, but i didn't have the impression he was using extras-devel for the purpose14:24
X-Fadeersin: ???14:24
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Stskeeps(who's not in here anymore)14:24
sejototal w00tness got 2 gig dataplan from work on the maemo!14:24
X-FadeStskeeps: yeah, it is him. Ok, what shall I do to stop him?14:25
StskeepsX-Fade: kill the builder jobs and send him a mail? :P14:25
slonopotamussejo: 'from work on maemo'?14:25
X-FadeAh he is uploading a lot more crap too.14:25
X-Fadelibpixman for instance.14:25
Stskeepshe was working on updating glib and gtk (+ maemo patches) for diablo, but it's a bit stupid way to do it if he's uploading it to extras :)14:26
Stskeepsso a slightly cluebat mail should help14:26
sejoslonopotamus: on the n900 sorry14:26
lardman_well at least it will prove the point that enabling extras-devel is dangerous ;)14:26
StskeepsX-Fade: so, worthwhile work, stupid method :)14:26
X-FadeStskeeps: yeah, indeed. Killed his access for now.14:27
X-FadeWill send him a mail.14:27
woglindelardman_ nope autobuilder should rejected packages that are in any other repo14:27
slonopotamuswhat's wrong with uploading gtk to extras? :)14:27
Stskeepsslonopotamus: will screw up subsequent builds horribly probably14:27
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woglindeand it should be much work to make a mapping for x-fade if someone changes names14:28
lardman_what about woglinde's comment then?14:28
lardman_how can it even be uploaded?14:28
lbt_heh... what you need is a build system where each user has their own area....14:29
X-FadeIt doesn't do any checking for diablo.14:29
lbt_I wonder where we can find one of them?14:29
X-FadeWe have a check in place for fremantle, but not diablo.14:29
lardman_ah I see14:29
Stskeepswas the "N810 GPS crap" bug fixed in fremantle btw?14:30
lbt_Stskeeps:  ROFL14:31
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Stskeepsar, no, 'WONTFIX'14:33
X-FadeGPS now works well, _if_ you have a data connection available.14:34
fnordianslipand OVI maps is a joke14:34
X-FadeOtherwise it is kind of impossible14:34
hrwStskeeps: basically if machine!=n900 then close as wontfix14:34
StskeepsX-Fade: what i worry about is if it caches SUPL data at all14:34
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* lbt_ suggests the GPS problem is a conspiracy with carriers to sell data plans14:35
lardman_Stskeeps: the chap who gave the talk about location stuff at the summit said it does14:35
Stskeepslardman_: mmk14:35
lardman_though I don't believe him14:35
lbt_maybe I should post that on tmo?14:35
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lardman_lbt_: you mean no-one's come up with that one already!?14:36
zaheermX-Fade, did thomasvs/homeasvs  's erlang build complete on fremantle autobuilder?14:36
tigert  hmm14:36
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tigerttuxpaint expects a splash image un /usr/share14:36
timeless_mbptigert: so?14:37
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tigertit crashes14:37
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tigertsince the package is optified14:37
timeless_mbpsounds like a maemo app14:37
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homeasvszaheerm, looks like it's still there14:37
timeless_mbptigert: sounds like someone did a bad job packaging14:38
tigerthaha, braek is awesome :)14:38
zaheermhomeasvs, how long did your n900 take building it?14:38
homeasvszaheerm, 9 hours I think14:38
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RST38hOh, the Tentacled One! What have I started with that GPS bug...14:39
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StskeepsRST38h: a repeat of
povbotBug 2878: Very poor satellite acquisition with internal GPS14:39
takku so this should add a shorcut to menu where to add shorcuts to desktop. But i just dont get it why it wont14:40
RST38hStskeeps: No14:42
RST38hStskeeps: In n900, it is not "very poor". It is "nonexistant"14:43
RST38hStskeeps: I do not know a single person who has managed to get a lock while offline14:43
naxxatoei did once14:43
StskeepsRST38h: location-test-gui(sp) should help diagnose it a little better14:43
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naxxatoebut i guess that was the 1:10000 chance14:43
RST38hSts: where to get it?14:44
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StskeepsRST38h: e-d14:44
naxxatoeat my garden14:44
naxxatoeopen space14:44
naxxatoeno wirless or cellular service there14:44
naxxatoei was highly suprised14:44
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RST38hSts: ack14:45
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StskeepsRST38h: using that we can probably get fact on some of the issues14:48
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RST38hSts: What I wonder about though is why WE should be debugging this14:52
RST38hSts: blindly too14:52
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zaheermandre__, is there an internal bug report for ?14:52
povbotBug 5337: Can't get GPS lock without network connection14:52
Stskeepszaheerm: there's one listed as an alias14:52
pupnikmaps still breaks immediately when i leave my wlan14:52
StskeepsRST38h: cos "let nokia do it" doesn't always work14:52
zaheermStskeeps, wow i'm blind14:52
filipecalegarioHello! I would like to know how to send a simple message through a bluetooth serial port. Could anybody help me?14:53
Laiskatakku: Actually, if you read that post with thought, it says that it will add an option to create a new shortcut for irssi under the "Create a new shortcut menu", if you don't see the whole "add new shortcut" -menu that's probably your problem.. Just guessing, as I dont have the device in front of me.14:53
zaheermso second question is judging by all the comments on that bug, it should be reopened......14:53
lardman_filipecalegario: open the serial device with fopen, write14:53
infobotzaheerm meant: so second statement is judging by all the comments on that bug, it should be reopened......14:53
RST38hSts: It is not even a request for enhancement though14:53
RST38hSts: GPS is just plain broken14:53
StskeepsRST38h: well obviously not totally since AGPS works14:54
RST38hSts:" GPS does not though -> broken14:54
redi use an alias for screened irssi in xterm14:54
pupnikstskeeps, is there a way for me to preload the map data for my destination?14:54
Stskeepspupnik: there was a talk thread on this14:55
pupnikthere must be a way to use a map like nIqP14:55
lardman_pupnik: Jaffa had a blog post about using the Windows tool to download it14:55
StskeepsRST38h: i don't like the issue either but i think it's good to look at alternative ways for working around it14:55
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X-Fadepupnik: Yeah, you can download zip files with maps. Worked fine for my trip to australia.14:56
mthmobIs there an irc app with gui for n900 available yet?14:56
X-Fadepupnik: Well, the maps worked. The app itself....14:56
hrwmthmob: xchat14:56
mecemthmob, which is in devel14:56
hrwX-Fade: I have to copy maps from my e66 phone14:56
mthmobahh ok, thx.14:57
RST38hSts: Not use internal GPS? :)14:57
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redtakku: did u get it to work?14:57
redusing that same solution myself.14:57
takkuLaiska: yes. i can get to that menu where u can add shorcuts to desktop. but i wont find that one from there14:57
StskeepsRST38h: no, ability to pre-cache, but we already agree on this14:57
RST38hStskeeps: yeah14:58
Gadgetoidmthhob scrolling in xchat is pure pain14:58
StskeepsRST38h: if there's a sane API made for this, it could even be a daemon / extras app14:58
RST38hStskeeps: if we know the cached data format of course14:58
RST38hStskeeps: The Diablo AGPS app was in Extras too14:58
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mthmobgadgetoid> so its a scrollbar in the side?14:58
X-FadeRST38h: Nope14:58
StskeepsRST38h: like "Maemo Traveller" where it precaches stuff for the area your airport is in14:58
X-FadeRST38h: gadgeteer14:58
lardman_RST38h: we probably won't be allowed to know the format, but an api that would allow us to send SUPL messages would work14:59
redtakku: hmm i didnt notice the shortcut part earlier actually14:59
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Stskeepspre-caches maps, AGPS info for the next 7 days14:59
X-FadeRST38h: Or tableteer. whatever.14:59
takkured: nope, i dunno what im doing wrong did u got it?14:59
Gadgetoidyes mthmob14:59
Stskeepsi'd personally use that app14:59
RST38hX-Fade: Ah, ok...Where is gadgeteer now btw?14:59
RST38hor it still around?14:59
X-FadeRST38h: Basically that is Nokia apps on N90014:59
Laiskatakku: Rebooting the device makes no difference either?14:59
takkuLaiska: nope15:00
* RST38h rejoices at receiving "order processed" email from DDP. No DHL tracking number though.15:00
redi only did the terminal alias part15:00
redfast enough for me15:00
SpeedEvilRST38h: :)15:00
redcon would be better i guess but it seemed like a hazzle15:01
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takkudamn thats the last thing for me to setup this phone15:02
takkueverything else is fine except that15:02
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redi didnt find any decent way for msn15:03
filipecalegariolardman_: thanks for the idea, but is there any simple terminal command that does it already?15:03
redbutterfly is buggy, cant msg online contacts via contact view15:03
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takkured: hehe bitlbee inside irssi :)15:03
lardman_filipecalegario: probably not, you also need to connect to the BT device and setup the serial port iirc15:03
redthe im address is only visible for offliners15:04
redbitlbee is gimped :(15:04
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redno sound alarm, ppl that i dont have added appear only in the spammy status to15:04
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filipecalegariolardman_: thanks! I will try with fopen then.15:05
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redand too many random dc and cant msg offliners or ppl appearing as offline even when they msg u15:05
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fralsim terrifed to get the back cover off my n90015:08
naxxatoeme 215:09
naxxatoei tought about adding a 16 gig microsd15:09
naxxatoebut i cant remember how to take the back cover off15:09
mecefrals, I think it feels quite nice. Seems much less breaking prone than the N95 back cover imo.15:09
X-Fadefrals: Use a creditcard on the side.15:09
fralsah good one, cheers15:10
naxxatoetell  me how it went15:10
X-Fadeworks quite well15:10
naxxatoei am curious if i should do it15:10
edgar2my experience is that the back cover plastic will bend nicely over time, so it becomes quite easy to open the cover after awhile15:10
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X-FadeFirst few times the sound is scary though ;)15:10
SpeedEvilnaxxatoe: it's easy - slide the switch - use the fingernail grab to pop the cover off at the back - slide your nail up the gap left towards the top of the phone, repeat on the other side15:11
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X-FadeSpeedEvil: Switch?15:11
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fralsnot too happy about ups manging to wreck the box it came in (not wreck but its a decent dent in it.. thank god the device is unhurt!)15:12
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naxxatoewhat switch?15:12
melmothis there a way to be sure the n900 will never ever try to use 3G while still accept receiving calls ?15:12
melmothoff line mode makes me miss call15:12
lardman_good lord, you don't know about the switch!15:12
lardman_melmoth: in internet settings tell it to not use it15:13
X-Fademelmoth: Just don't set it to autoconnect.15:13
X-Fademelmoth: And it will ask for roaming.15:13
melmothhmm, i rummaged in there without finding such option. I ll try again15:13
SpeedEvilX-Fade: the battery catch switch - just next to the headphone port15:13
lardman_Settings > Internet Connections > Connect Automatically15:14
X-FadeSpeedEvil: lol, that is just an electrical switch to send a signal.15:14
SpeedEvilI assumed it had some mechanical signal15:14
lardman_that allows you to lock/unlock the device15:14
zaheermwhoever doesn't have an n900 yet, look away now:
Stskeepszaheerm: ow15:14
melmothok, "always ask". thanks :)15:14
X-Fadezaheerm: lol ;)15:15
GeneralAntilleszaheerm, lol.15:15
barisionezaheerm: :D15:15
SpeedEvillardman: that also removes one of my bugbears about the locking.15:15
Stskeepsthat looks a bit like the summit piles15:15
SpeedEvillardmanwhich is nice15:15
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xorAxAxwhat can we do to put pressure on the nokia developers to fix the gps problem? recommend people not to buy the n900 because of it?15:16
xorAxAxits WONTFIX, so a serious bugger15:17
Robot101zaheerm: we actually put them out of stock in the UK for a few days *whistles*15:17
SpeedEvilxorAxAx: i find an axe-handle across the neck works well.15:17
sebasmagriHi people, I'm having some problems with a n810... it turns off after 3 seconds of pressing the power button...15:17
sebasmagriI already tried a hard reset...15:17
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StskeepsxorAxAx: be vocal?15:18
GeneralAntillesxorAxAx, no, threats don't work well. :)15:18
zaheermRobot101, lol shows the lack of availability i guess, you guys are what around 75 people?15:18
SpeedEvildon't press the power button?15:18
xorAxAxStskeeps: i cannot sing15:18
SpeedEvilxorAxAx: youtube video rap about the issue?15:18
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LinuxCodexorAxAx, take the device back and say you want it fixed15:18
zaheermxorAxAx: get reopened :)15:18
povbotBug 5337: Can't get GPS lock without network connection15:18
LinuxCodeif they say it is not broken, go to trading standards15:18
timeless_mbpso our channels have forked?15:18
xorAxAxpupnik: i did so already15:19
lardman_LinuxCode: don't be silly15:19
LinuxCodelardman_, do I look like I am being silly ?15:19
xorAxAxindeed, WTO!15:19
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: not forked but established seperate rooms for concentrated discussion15:19
LinuxCodelardman_, GPS in the N810 never worked right15:19
infobottimeless_mbp meant: threaded?15:19
lardman_LinuxCode: it doesn't specifically say it will work without a network15:19
xorAxAxcan we sue nokia for such a bad gps?15:19
Robot101zaheerm: yeah we ordered 69 and they had around 100 on friday15:19
pupnikhow can i set a POI in nOPP maps::15:19
xorAxAxRobot101: who?15:19
cehtehxorAxAx: DoS them wie new and new bug reports of the same issue :)15:19
lardman_LinuxCode: I know about the n810, I'm just talking about Trading Standards15:19
LinuxCodexorAxAx, if you paid for a device, that does not work right, you have consumer rights15:20
pupnikhow can i set a POI in n900 maps?15:20
timeless_mbpanyone here near the Chicago or New York flagship stores?15:20
flx_wouldn't the bug be simple to test by putting the device into offline mode?15:20
timeless_mbpi need someone to take a field trip to them15:20
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xorAxAxcehteh: hehe, with a markov chain text generator and a botnet :)15:20
timeless_mbp(London store too)15:20
flx_but indeed, n810 never got lock as fast as my standalone gps did15:20
zaheermRobot101, nokia's online shop or the retail stores?15:20
flx_thought that it just had bad sensitivity15:20
flx_but n900 takes lock almost immediately in places where my normal gps wouldn't lock :-o. I suppose AGPS help there quite a bit, though.15:21
pupnikn900 gps does not exist as a feature for me at this time15:21
timeless_mbppupnik: ?15:21
LinuxCodelardman_, sales of goods act is quite clear15:21
xorAxAxhmm, if there is a conspiracy with the data plan providers, we could also start an antitrust case, right?15:21
LinuxCodefix or refund15:21
zaheermLinuxCode, does it not advertise agps rather than gps :)15:21
lardman_LinuxCode: which is why I said to you that it never claimed to work with out a network15:22
xorAxAxdo we have lawyers here? :)15:22
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StskeepsxorAxAx: find a spot in the specification where it says GPS without AGPS or that GPS is possible without sim card usage15:22
lardman_xorAxAx: steer clear of litigation if at all avoidable15:22
pupniknice stskeeps15:22
xorAxAxlardman_: why? :)15:22
lardman_Stskeeps: thanks15:22
lardman_xorAxAx: it's expensive and wastes lots of time15:22
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pupnikthat is honest.15:23
Robot101zaheerm: Nokia direct15:23
lardman_personally, I'd prefer in almost all cases to get on with life15:23
xorAxAxso lets start with bad reputation :)15:23
xorAxAx"the n900 is worse than the nokia online shop"15:23
Robot101zaheerm: they said every other call was about the N90015:23
Robot101and had much more interest than the N9715:23
GeneralAntillesxorAxAx, jumping to suing is not productive.15:23
zaheermRobot101, the rest of their phones seem to be sold by people other than nokia however15:23
zaheermRobot101, like the operators, but yah i'm not surprised if it outsells the n9715:24
GeneralAntillesxorAxAx, the people at Maemo Devices are reasonable folks. Think about how you reacted if instead of having somebody approach you with an issue then went off to start litigation.15:24
meceIis openarena stable and useable?15:24
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GeneralAntillesxorAxAx, not likely to drive up your desire to work with them, is it?15:25
lardman_xorAxAx: in any case you would never win15:25
xorAxAxlardman_: just a matter of the right lawyer :)15:25
lardman_no not really, the right amount of money15:25
xorAxAxalso that15:25
lardman_mainly that I would think15:25
lardman_anyway, back to useful work15:25
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lardman_like a SUPL feeding api so we can actually feed the GPS some data of our own15:26
zaheermlardman_, you sniffing network traffic?15:26
lardman_no, why's that?15:26
SpeedEvilhas anyone worked out where it stores the GPS state?15:26
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Stskeepslardman_: it's SSL, ltrace, i guess15:27
fnordiansliphmm.  in the bug comments quim says he's going outside to test the gps.  hope he finds his way back :)15:27
povbotBug 3833: Request for information to allow hooking into A-GPS location framework15:28
Stskeepslardman_: still relevant i guess15:28
xorAxAxfnordianslip: lol15:28
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xorAxAxmaybe he has a data plan15:28
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lardman_I know we could insert SUPL data, but I would like an api so we could provide e.g. ephemeris data if we're offline15:28
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lardman_anyone happen to know about homo/heterodyning lockin systems?15:31
fnordianslipi thought a gps rx got ephemeris data from the sats themselves15:31
SpeedEvilfnordianslip: yes, it should do that too15:32
lardman_fnordianslip: yes, but it can be pre-loaded so it doens't need to wait so long to download the infp15:32
SpeedEvilfnordianslip: it should take no more than 60s to download or so.15:32
SpeedEvilfnordianslip: in a good signal area.15:32
lardman_I thought 60s was the almanac?15:32
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lardman_wasn't there a 12min cycle in there somewhere?15:32
fnordianslipindeed. but it doesn't seem to do it, does it.15:32
SpeedEvillardman: no - the almanac is broadcast on a 12.5 min cycle.15:32
lardman_ah ok15:32
SpeedEvillardman: the ephemeris is 30s cycle - but you need a complete cycle15:33
fnordianslipi though abt 15 mins to get almanac, so sounds right15:33
fnordianslipthought, even15:33
lardman_I wonder if the almanac info is scrubbed from our chipset, even though it should last a long time15:33
SpeedEvillardman: and the initial lock to any satellite will take a few s, so that's a few seconds plus a random place in the 30s cycle15:33
SpeedEvillardman: me too15:33
lardman_SpeedEvil: yep15:33
melmoth /etc/email-addresses or something ?15:34
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* fnordianslip fondly remembers hanging wires out of planes in an effort to get dgps correction data from lighthouses15:35
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fnordianslipi lost a 3/8" spanner that way, somewhere over bournemouth15:36
AndrewBlackkonttori_work_no, Ping15:36
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lardman_fnordianslip: glad I don't live there15:36
fnordianslipme too15:37
lardman_what were you doing with a spanner in-flight?15:37
Stskeepsand who got hit by it?15:37
glass_opening up the plane probably15:37
fnordianslipit was tied to the end of the wire to stop it flapping around so much.  was being the operative word. when i pulled the wire in, the spanner was gone15:37
lardman_what were you flying?15:38
Jagoohas someone made a maemo port of gnu nano editor yet? :)15:38
fnordianslipcessna 40615:38
lardman_and you let a spanner clonk around out the back?!15:38
rednano works straight up15:39
AndrewBlackI´m starting to thing that only 15 people ready lol thats the average number of votes either up or down that posts get :)15:39
redno port required15:39
fnordianslipthere was much more then just a spanner on a wire hanging out the back15:39
lardman_fnordianslip: ah ok15:39
RST38hJagoo: nano port exists but it coredumps on ^W15:40
RST38h(AGAIN I must add)15:40
fnordianslipand we flew at 2ft above the sea near whitley bay15:40
lardman_I trust it was flat calm15:40
xorAxAxRST38h: W means write, it wrote something with your written text in it,15:40
redi just wget nano15:40
xorAxAxisnt that enought? :)15:40
redand it worked without any changes15:40
lardman_fnordianslip: why?15:40
redusing n90015:40
RST38hxorAxAx: ^W means Search15:41
fnordianslipdamned pilot was mad15:41
xorAxAxRST38h: oh15:41
xorAxAxhow unintuitive15:41
redapt-get i mean ffs15:41
lardman_fnordianslip: ah ok, not part of the job then15:41
RST38hxorAxAx: Not liking it? Use vi instead.15:41
Jagooafter playing around with a retail N900 at work I placed an order for one :)15:41
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xorAxAxRST38h: i plan to, yeah15:41
Jagoonow reading up on what kind of apps there are15:41
redgood pick15:41
fnordiansliphe wanted to look for topless sunbathers on the beach, and we agreed on 15ft15:42
rednot that many apps yet, im an ex iphone user15:42
xorAxAxfnordianslip: lol15:42
redbut still loving the device15:42
sejo*all you need is VI, vi*15:42
sejo*vi is all you need*15:42
sejoeven the beatles knew vi!15:42
Jagoothe main sell for me (switching from a N95 8gb) is the qwerty kbd and a browser thats actually fast15:42
redtook some fiddling to get root priviledges and msn is a bit bbuggy15:42
xorAxAxsejo: now sing it :)15:43
redkeyboard is ok i guess. still a bit small for my taste15:43
redliked 9300@keyb15:44
AndrewBlackI like n900 better then iphones and now better then n81015:44
StskeepsAndrewBlack: :)15:44
xorAxAxAndrewBlack: then you didnt try gps with a data plan :)15:44
AndrewBlackxorAxAx, I did worked fine15:45
xorAxAxyou got a fix?15:45
xorAxAxwithout internet connection?15:45
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AndrewBlackahh I though you said with data plan lol15:45
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AndrewBlackdont know I havn't tried it with out data on15:46
xorAxAxsell your n900 and buy a pre15:46
sejoxorAxAx: no john would resurrect to kick my arse!15:46
xorAxAxAndrewBlack: just as a means to protest15:46
AndrewBlackwhy no have a data plan only $10 a month15:46
xorAxAxdoes it work internationally as well?15:47
AndrewBlacknope you have to move to the US15:47
AndrewBlackbut its worth it :)15:47
joppu_Is Mer in need of some custom icons?15:47
xorAxAxah, US. i meant roaming. but americans probably have less vacation in non-home countries than europeans15:47
Stskeepsjoppu_: possibly - wazd has some degree of overview15:48
joppu_I have been working on something called "freemanle icons"15:48
xorAxAximagine yourself doing holidays in mexico, AndrewBlack15:48
xorAxAxno gps fix, lost!15:48
Stskeepsjoppu_: mm?15:48
Stskeepsjoppu_: we have a freemantle-icons set too ;)15:48
AndrewBlackI always get prepaid sim cards when I leave country15:48
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Stskeepsbased on Oxygen15:48
joppu_haha, I think I stole that name from there :D15:48
xorAxAxAndrewBlack: hmm15:49
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xorAxAxno solidarity? :-/15:49
AndrewBlackjoppu_, can you do me a favor?15:49
StskeepsxorAxAx: we'll see what quim says when he reemerges from the wilderness after being lost with his gps15:49
RST38hSts: I suggest Ari Jaaksi himself does that15:50
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GeneralAntilleshrw, DDP?15:50
RST38hSts: Will be way way more effective15:50
StskeepsRST38h: i suggest nokians get stripped of free roaming aboard for testing the N900 :P15:50
hrwGeneralAntilles: yes15:50
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, amen!15:50
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, Quim wanted to use Twitter for organizing after-hours meetups in BCN.15:51
RST38hSts: That will also solve us the offline map download problem15:51
GeneralAntilleshrw, cool.15:51
GeneralAntillesI wonder when fanoush'll get his.15:51
hrwGeneralAntilles: so do I15:51
RST38hhrw: So, are you liking your N900 so far?15:51
hrwRST38h: n900 like n900... I like the power of omap315:52
hrwn900 is too thick15:52
suihkulokkihrw has sertainly been touching the screen a lot :p15:52
* RST38h smiles noticing how similar Polish idioms are to Russian15:52
hrwit reminds HTC Tytn-II which was few years old15:52
hrwRST38h: ;D15:52
AndrewBlackanyone on linux with Theme Maker 1.2.5+ want to build a theme for me so I don have to wait til I get home?15:52
RST38hYea, or HTC Diamond Pro15:52
woglindehm htc will ship 8 new phones in fist half of 201015:52
RST38hThe beefy one with the keyboard15:52
woglindemostly android15:53
hrwRST38h: never saw diamond newer then first one15:53
joppu_By the way, anyone know if they have any spare part for the N900 in their... repair facilities? I sent mine in for repairs and they promised it'd be complete in 5-10 days.15:53
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joppu_*spare parts15:53
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RST38hhrw: Notice how similar it is (sans WinCE of course)15:54
Stskeepsjoppu_: what was your issue btw?15:54
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joppu_Stskeeps: screen failure15:55
hrwRST38h: is nicer15:55
Stskeepsjoppu_: ah15:55
RST38hyea, guess so15:55
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SpeedEviljoppu_: did you do anyting to it?15:55
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timeless_mbplardman: so, i'm told by a birdie @ nokia that you can setup a bluetooth gps daemon on another computer15:56
timeless_mbpspecifically gpsfeed+15:56
hrwRST38h: and I use nokia e66 now so going to n900 is ;(15:56
timeless_mbpand use it to lie to your n900 (select that as your gps source)15:56
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SpeedEviltimeless: well - it's actually in the location menu in settings15:56
hrwRST38h: need to buy new case for it for example15:56
RST38hhrw: I already know N900 is exactly the size of iPhone, just thicker though =)15:56
SpeedEviltimeless: oh - no - the other way round15:56
joppu_SpeedEvil: 2 hours on after unboxing, installed a few apps (ssh and hermes) locked the screen, unlocked it and bam, screen is pitch black with backlight still on15:57
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SpeedEviljoppu_: :/15:57
xorAxAx14:56:36 -!- Irssi: New peak in #maemo@freenode : 49215:57
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joppu_Reflash didn't do anything15:57
X-Fadejoppu_: removed battery?15:57
joppu_X-Fade: For 2 hours15:58
X-Fadejoppu_: That should have been more than enough :(15:59
tbfi wonder how winter season and impatience of users contributes to n900 hardware faults15:59
Stskeepsand drool15:59
fralsgod im in love with this device15:59
tbfon the other hand: it's a phone, not a hard disk15:59
timeless_mbpJagoo: =) re fast browser15:59
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: having encountered a non free phone bill16:00
timeless_mbpi should note that it isn't technically free roaming abroad16:00
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joppu_I really suspect a serious lack of quality control16:00
xorAxAxmay WORKSFORYOU, but it certainly doesn't work on mine, and it's going back16:00
xorAxAxunder warranty if this isn't fixed in the next update."16:00
timeless_mbpjust nearly free roaming w/in the civilized world16:00
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Any idea why I sometimes only get the checkered background when going back through the graphical history thingy?16:00
timeless_mbpand that only applies to europeans16:01
wazdyes it needs16:01
joppu_The failure rates are almost as bad as the xbox360 :P16:01
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: I then need to switch between apps a bit to get it redrawn?16:01
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: eh?16:01
bobbydhi, sorry to ask again, but is there any way to get a pptp VPN working on the N900 atm? I can see a thread on, but it appears to be saying that the kernel that ships with the unit doesn't have pptp enabled. There's another page talking about the n800, but nothing I can find for the n90016:01
SpeedEviltimeless; eh?16:01
timeless_mbpX-Fade: can you explain in more detail?16:01
bobbydtimeless_mbp: SpeedEvil eh?16:01
SpeedEviltimeless: oh16:01
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: what other way around?16:01
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till-bobbyd i'm using pptp on my n80016:02
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: browse page, click through, swipe from right, click on previous page.16:02
SpeedEviltimeless: I misarsed your comment to refer to using an external bluetooth GPS with the n900 - which I've seen as an option in settings - though not actually tried.16:02
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Previous page then only shows the checkered pattern.16:02
till-i had to built a custom kernel for mppe encryption support and installed pptp-linux16:02
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: that's what i'm talking about16:02
bobbydtill-: ok, do you know of any solution for the n900, or was that just information?16:02
SpeedEviltimeless: oh16:02
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Happens quite a lot with a few browser windows open.16:02
till-i don't own a n90016:03
timeless_mbpi think in order to actually run gpsfeed+ on host and make it serve your n900 will probably require an interesting hack16:03
timeless_mbphost=n900 in that16:03
timeless_mbpX-Fade: so.. confused16:03
till-but if the configuration is similar you may need a new kernel for the encryption16:03
timeless_mbpyou get a proper preview of the page when you are in the back history list, right?16:03
till-if your vpn uses mppe16:03
bobbydI can live with all the other stuff that the n900 doesn't do, but not being apbe to VPN is a killer for me :/16:03
SpeedEviltimeless: I'm proibably being slow - but why would you want to pretedn youre n900 is connected to a bluetooth gps that is really the internal n900 gps16:03
timeless_mbpit's just the checkerboard when you click on the page16:03
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Yes.16:04
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: someone was talking about wanting to send random bits to the supl server16:04
timeless_mbpnot sure what they wanted to do or why16:04
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: And it doesn't redraw.16:04
SpeedEviltimeless: ah16:04
timeless_mbpi know i want to be able to take a picture of an island and claim i'm in tahiti16:04
timeless_mbpbecause i need to test the geotagging16:04
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: we want to cache SUPL data for getting GPS fixes while abroad and without data roaming16:04
timeless_mbpand nokia won't pay for my flight16:04
fluxbobbyd, well, if it consolates you at all, my openvpn-based vpn is working great! ;)16:05
timeless_mbpwell, roughly, what i'm suggesting is how you'd do it16:05
SpeedEviltimeless: I have doubts that caching data for more than some hours is going to help16:05
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: *shrug*, "not my problem"16:05
xorAxAxbobbyd, flux: and vpnc seems to be available as well16:05
* SpeedEvil notes that he has a horrible throat infection, and is probably not tracking very well.16:05
timeless_mbpX-Fade: so...16:05
StskeepsSpeedEvil: i would gladly use 2gb of data if that helped anything.16:05
hrwbtw - what kind of #$^##@$#!@ wrote maemo5 'so called email application'?16:05
timeless_mbpabout the checkerboard (and this really needs to be a blog entry)16:05
hrwit is not even useless :(16:06
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SpeedEvilhrw: It's certainly different.16:06
timeless_mbphrw: um16:06
timeless_mbpplease calm down16:06
SpeedEvilhrw: It won't actually connect at all for me over pop316:06
frals__god this is so awesome16:06
Myrttihrw: have you used the maemo<5 mail clients?16:06
timeless_mbpthe guy who wrote the email application is probably called a "contractor"16:06
hrwno access to imap folders other then inbox/sent/drafts16:06
mecefrals__, what is?16:06
hrwMyrtti: I used Claws on n81016:06
wazdjoppu_: yes, Mer needs custom icons16:06
timeless_mbpcontractors are guys who do whatever someone else tells them to do16:06
Myrttihrw: did you use the default one?16:06
Myrttihrw: did you try it?16:06
frals__the n900 :D16:06
timeless_mbptypically someone called a "ui designer" writes out lists of demands16:06
hrwMyrtti: tried once and decided against it16:07
timeless_mbpthe ui designer, potentially also a "contractor"16:07
mecehrw, my imap folders work just fine...16:07
timeless_mbpis ordered to solve a problem based on a list of "requirements"16:07
X-Fadehrw: It uses folders for me on gmail imap just fine?16:07
timeless_mbpthe requirements come from some database of old and irrational requirements16:07
Myrttihrw: I think you'd need to put a lot of effort to make things worse than that16:07
timeless_mbpthis is all bundled together into a schedule by a guy called a "project manager"16:07
Myrttihrw: which I doubt has been done, effort is such a horrible thing to waste16:07
timeless_mbpthat guy says "oh, we don't have time for X, drop it"16:07
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timeless_mbproughly, the people who work on an app in a company are not responsible for its quality16:08
hrwtimeless_mbp: I know how project managing works and what deadline means16:08
SpeedEviltimeless: the requirements which may be drawn up by someone that hasn't actually used mobile email ever - for example - and is inventing logical requirements. Which adds fun.16:08
timeless_mbpthey're the victims of people they can't control ("managers")16:08
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timeless_mbpthat seems to describe 95% of our requirements on average16:08
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timeless_mbpe.g. the requirement not to use 'Re:' for all localizations16:09
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timeless_mbp"We must support Outlook Express style localized Re prefixes"16:09
lardman_Stskeeps, SpeedEvil: so who do we actually try to talk to to get some more progress on the GPS?16:09
* timeless_mbp grumbles16:09
suihkulokki16:06 < hrw> no access to imap folders other then inbox/sent/drafts16:09
suihkulokkion maemo5? not true.16:09
timeless_mbpTargeted to be Fixed in some service release16:09
SpeedEvillardman: that information is not as I understand it public16:09
lardman_SpeedEvil: that's why I asked Stskeeps too ;)16:09
timeless_mbplardman: what do you mean pogress?16:09
infobottimeless_mbp meant: lardman: what do you mean progress?16:10
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timeless_mbpother than the fact that the checkboxes for gps are too intimately tied to work well16:10
MyrttiI think it's time for some music16:10
timeless_mbpand that the camera app uses them in a stupid place16:10
lardman_well I'd like to find out about caching definitively and as whether we might ever get an api to provide our own assistance data16:10
timeless_mbpi don't see specific problems w/ gps16:10
Stskeepslardman_: i know who to poke but i'm not sure how it can be done16:10
hrw is what I have on screen16:10
timeless_mbplardman: you can replace in the settings>location panel16:10
lardman_timeless_mbp: not problems per se, but progress16:10
lardman_timeless_mbp: I would prefer local data provision, but I guess running a local supl server would be possible16:11
timeless_mbpX-Fade: anyway, about checkerboards16:11
hrwno other folders, no way to go to inbox->mailinglists->development->oe->poky folder16:11
timeless_mbplardman_: i'm offering a public api :)16:11
timeless_mbpyou're asking for work to be done16:11
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lardman_oh I see16:11
lardman_timeless_mbp: well I'd like to know what is cached too16:12
hrwsuihkulokki: where should I get folders on that screen?16:12
lardman_as it doesn't seem to work well atm16:12
Stskeepslardman_: oh that's not a bad idea timeless has..16:12
lardman_anyway, got to go, bbl16:12
Stskeepslardman_: make a localhost supl server that gives us data :P16:12
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timeless_mbpwell, we're supposed to be partying today like we shipped the "Nokia 900"
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: oh dear16:12
timeless_mbpso i wouldn't expect anything today (other than drunken finns)16:12
SpeedEvilwell - I have one valid bug on the GPS - the truncation of GPS coordinates precision in geotags of pics.16:13
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Duh ;)16:13
StskeepsSpeedEvil: 43, 47? :P16:13
timeless_mbpStskeeps: photo from the Helsinki Nokia Flagship store window display16:13
SpeedEvilBut I haven't properly verified the long lock with no net16:13
SpeedEvilStskeeps: ?16:13
timeless_mbphires photo w/ geotagging available16:13
StskeepsSpeedEvil: rounds to integers?16:13
SpeedEvilStskeeps: yes16:13
StskeepsSpeedEvil: sigh16:13
SpeedEvilStskeeps: integer seconds of lat/lon16:13
timeless_mbpX-Fade: back to checkerboarded16:13
woglindeepic fail16:13
StskeepsX-Fade: any good reason why is blank btw?16:13
SpeedEvilStskeeps:  (~30m grid at the equator)16:13
timeless_mbpStskeeps: heh16:13
suihkulokkihrw: in my case they are under sent folder.16:14
Jaffatimeless_mbp: And you've not been shot for highlighting it yet?16:14
X-FadeStskeeps: Need to ask Soumya.16:14
povbotBug 6584: GPS geotagged pictures truncate precision of GPS reading.16:14
timeless_mbpJaffa: well, i got two or three nastygrams from people at Nokia House16:14
timeless_mbpi think they want to shoot me16:14
timeless_mbpit's ok, the feeling is mutual16:14
* SpeedEvil passes timeless a suit of powered armour.16:14
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: i do wonder how you keep your job at times :P16:14
hrwsuihkulokki: I do not know... maybe it is refreshing folderlist in background... but I did not found email app which would require so big amount of time to scan it16:14
* SpeedEvil hopes timeless has enough bl5cs.16:15
timeless_mbpStskeeps: i wonder how long i'll keep my job every day or so16:15
hrwI have just ~100 folders16:15
suihkulokkihrw: all subscribed?16:15
timeless_mbphrw: try subscribing to only 516:15
timeless_mbp(preferably small folders!)16:15
hrwtimeless_mbp: first I want to get option to subscribe to them16:15
timeless_mbpbe nice to the tinymail program16:15
timeless_mbphrw: not implemented16:15
timeless_mbpuse thunderbird16:15
hrwtimeless_mbp: I want my OE folder with 14000 mails in it16:15
Myrttiyou're all silly, have some cheesecake16:15
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timeless_mbpMyrtti: that doesn't sound finnish16:16
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Myrttitimeless_mbp: rahkapulla then16:16
Stskeepsthere's no subscribe to imap folders functionality?16:16
hrwtimeless_mbp: ok, so looks like I have to wait for alternative email client for n900?16:16
Stskeepshrw: claws should exist16:16
timeless_mbphrw: gmail/h and gmail/x work nicely16:17
hrwtimeless_mbp: I have all my folders subscribed16:17
Stskeepsclaws would be so much cooler if they didn't have an elitist attitude about contacts..16:17
hrwtimeless_mbp: I do not wnt to move my mail to gmail16:17
timeless_mbphrw: so fix it w/ another client once16:17
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* Stskeeps likes claws though16:17
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timeless_mbpMyrtti: yum16:17
timeless_mbpMfE works if you can get your mail server admin to add support for it16:17
timeless_mbpit turns out that google supports some version of MfE... hypothetically someday some MfE clients might support it too :)16:18
sejotimeless_mbp: problemthere is that it's mostly paying addons :/16:18
sejothe mfe addons on zimbra, zarafa etc16:19
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timeless_mbpso for 50USD / year i can get decent mobile access to my mailbox?16:20
timeless_mbpthat's a bargain16:20
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woglindetimeless set up your own zimbra16:21
woglindeor what is mfe really?16:21
timeless_mbpmicrosoft's replacement for imap16:21
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timeless_mbpit's a server controlled windowed push protocol16:22
xorAxAxnews on bug 533716:22
povbotBug Can't get GPS lock without network connection16:22
woglindethe blackberry death16:22
timeless_mbpthe server says "I know you have X, Y, Z. Forget them"16:22
woglindenobody needs this16:22
fnordianslipso, quim got a fix and made it back.  he claims to have no SIM in but then says that he installed the Location widget, so presumably he had Wifi connectivity.16:22
timeless_mbp"Add A, B, C with data: ..."16:22
xorAxAx quim found his way back! :o16:22
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GeneralAntillesfnordianslip, location widget is built-in.16:23
GeneralAntillesfnordianslip, he means "added the location widget to the desktop"16:23
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: odd16:23
timeless_mbpisn't the location widget a default on widget?16:23
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* timeless_mbp removes most of the default widgets anyway16:24
timeless_mbp(first run task)16:24
timeless_mbp"gotta zap them all"16:24
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, quite possibly.16:24
timeless_mbpzap_: =)16:25
timeless_mbpi'm not much of a collector16:25
timeless_mbpand they slow down boot remendously16:25
timeless_mbpi like a nearly pristine mobile desktop16:25
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timeless_mbpunlike my work desktops where i have hundreds or thousands of objects :)16:25
SpeedEvilI'm unsure that 'no GPS lock without a connection' is actually valid if you've had a GPS connection which may have stored data recently16:25
SpeedEvilrecently = 12h-3 weeks16:25
SpeedEvildepending on stuff16:25
StskeepsSpeedEvil: he flashed it first16:26
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ccookeheh. One of my coworkers just had his n900 arrive16:26
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Stskeepsthat said, his GPS experience sounds tortorous16:27
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, yeah, I feel like he's splitting hairs over the summary and resolution.16:29
mececcooke, was there cheering involved?16:29
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, a process that, in the end, is just generating ill-will and preventing us from actually getting any bugs addressed.16:29
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: obviously GPS fixes are possible, but it's not very strong16:30
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, and my experience in BCN was that they're not possible.16:30
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Stskeepsthat they're buggy is something else :P16:31
wazd~seen fiferboy16:31
infobotfiferboy is currently on #maemo (49m 45s), last said: 'You can set them up to, or add alpha to an RGB pixbuf'.16:31
fiferboy_Hey wazd16:31
wazdfiferboy_: heya :)16:31
Stskeepsjoppu_: so what did you base your icon set on?16:32
wazdfiferboy: how's it going? :)16:32
fiferboy_wazd: He's a ghost16:32
wazdfiferboy_: ah :)16:32
GeneralAntillesEgads the Pandora is ugly.16:32
guerbyhi N900 seems to be completely sold out in France. Vendor the phone house report only 5 out of 300 stores with a N900 in stock. How is it going in other countries?16:33
GeneralAntillesand people call the N900 thick. . . .16:33
meceguerby, heard uk was low on N900's16:33
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wazdfiferboy_: do you have any progress on PC? ;)16:34
w00tGeneralAntilles: I don't understand that to be honest16:34
GeneralAntillesw00t, nor I.16:34
fiferboy_wazd: Not since the baby16:34
guerbymece, / is out of stock too16:34
w00tGeneralAntilles: n900 is a bit thick *I SUPPOSE*, compared to other phones, but it's certainly not huge16:34
w00tit's smaller than my previous phone (HTC Universal) by alot16:35
GeneralAntillesPandora really needs Mer.16:35
LinuxCodeguerby, ** cough16:35
GeneralAntillesTalk about waiting a while for boot.16:35
wazdfiferboy_: ah, sure :)16:35
timeless_mbpw00t: it's about as thick as most phones with useful slide out keyboards16:35
timeless_mbpif it didn't have the keyboard it could be thinner16:35
timeless_mbpand then people could complain it doesn't have  a keyboard16:35
LinuxCodenvm pre-order16:35
timeless_mbppeople will always complain16:35
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hrwtimeless_mbp: but why n810 is not so thick?16:36
timeless_mbphrw: it also didn't have a cellular radio16:36
GeneralAntilleshrw, wider, taller16:36
suihkulokkiless hardware, larger other dimensions?16:36
GeneralAntillesPlus fewer electronics.16:36
hrwn810 is just like n900 base16:36
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GeneralAntillesThe stylus tappin' on the Pandora makes me chuckle.16:36
zaheermguerby, collabora bought up all the uk stock according to Robot101 :)16:36
timeless_mbpi've heard rumors that to get a working signal w/ AT&T's network, your phone needs to be somewhat thick - just for the radio16:36
timeless_mbpi'd always wondered why the iPhone was so much thicker than my iPod touch16:36
timeless_mbpi have to believe that it really is a radio requirement16:37
zaheermtimeless_mbp, i managed with my e71 fine when i was in usa16:37
mecedownloading openarena over 3g 384kbps was a stupid idea...16:37
timeless_mbpzaheerm: on at&t 3g?16:37
suihkulokkiiirc it has been rumoured the reason n900 is thick is the camera module16:37
meceoh well, it's still ticking.16:37
zaheermtimeless_mbp, aah only 2g16:37
w00ttimeless_mbp: my point is, really, I don't see why people are complaining about the size16:37
w00tit's not unmanageably big16:37
timeless_mbpzaheerm: sounds like you're proof that it's the radio :)16:37
timeless_mbpw00t: me neither16:37
zaheermi don't think my e71 had at&t 3g freqs16:37
GeneralAntillesDamnable lack of AT&T 3G.16:37
zaheermalso when i travel i always set my radio to 2g16:38
* GeneralAntilles really hates Nokia for that.16:38
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: that was clearly a business decision16:38
timeless_mbpit sounds like working w/ at&t is painful16:38
timeless_mbpand requires a lot of up front planning16:38
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zaheermor that t-mobile paid some money for not having at&t freqs ;)16:38
timeless_mbpit took apple, what 2-3 years to design the iPhone in concert w/ at&t, no?16:38
wazdfiferboy_: maybe I'll just start to make some skins :)16:38
meceGeneralAntilles, Isn't that cdma? Also known as the hd-dvd of telecom?16:38
wazdfiferboy_: and you'll catch up when ready :)16:39
timeless_mbpmece: no16:39
timeless_mbpverizon/sprint and friends are cdma16:39
timeless_mbpat&t and tmobile are the gsm providers in the usa16:39
meceok. well then it's just a bummer.16:39
fiferboy_wazd: That sounds good16:39
meceI'm off. toodles.16:39
timeless_mbp(ignoring minor bit players and sublicensees)16:39
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suihkulokkitimeless_mbp: well, the iphone proves that if you have a great product with a overhyped brand, at&t will take it, no matter how bad the deal is to them..16:39
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: heh16:40
timeless_mbpwell, that's no problem for Nokia16:40
timeless_mbpwe don't have any of that :)16:40
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: care to join me for a field trip to the Nokia Flagship store?16:40
timeless_mbpwe can see if they manage to spell our product's name right :)16:40
Myrtti <-- intresting read16:41
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GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, adding a radio frequency hardly seems like something that'd involve much talking with AT&T.16:41
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GeneralAntillesMore likely is that it was part of their agreement with T-Mobile US not to include AT&T 3G support.16:41
GeneralAntillesSo, yes, a business decision.16:41
suihkulokkitimeless_mbp: yeah, I could16:41
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GeneralAntillesand a stupid and irritating one since T-Mobile has shit for coverage.16:41
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lardmanSpeedEvil, Stskeeps: still about16:42
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: ok, i'm feeling unwell, can you head to kaampi metro station near the radisson hotel?16:42
suihkulokkitimeless_mbp: I presume we'll head to the same place afterwards16:42
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lardmanre local supl servers16:42
timeless_mbpi can meet you there at 5pm16:42
fiferboy__Darn network connection >:|16:42
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: yeah16:42
suihkulokkinot at office?16:42
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: you have my phone number, right?16:42
sayjava_cant get the phonon to work properly on maemo16:42
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: i'm feeling unwell16:42
timeless_mbpbut yeah, we'll head to the same place afterwards16:43
lardmantimeless_mbp: get well soon16:43
timeless_mbpyou can lead since i have no idea where it is16:43
* suihkulokki wonders if it is healthy to meet you then :P16:43
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: oh, i'm fine :)16:43
lardmantake one of those masks ;)16:43
Stskeepslardman: mm?16:44
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HydroxideI've got an n900 customizability question for anyone who might know. given that most of the SMSes I receive are work-related and most of the voice calls I receive aren't, I'd like to make SMS messages produce an audible noise but voice calls only vibrate. is there a way I can hack together something (even through the terminal) to do that?16:45
lardmanSUPL server to allow GPS data injection when there's no web link16:45
lardmanHydroxide: I think you can change the volume for different things can't you?16:46
Hydroxidethat would be my preferred behavior for the 'general' profile. for the 'silent' profile I'd like SMSes to vibrate and voice calls to make no vibration/noise16:46
timeless_mbpHydroxide: not given the current stack16:46
Stskeepslardman: yeah, that would be one way to do it. but i worry that it then tries to make a data conn anyway16:46
timeless_mbpit's definitely doable in software16:46
Hydroxidelardman: I don't know a way to configure vibration for sms and voice separately16:46
hrwuf... after looong time email app finally shown folder list16:47
lardmanStskeeps: well I guess if it's written properly it should just try for the supl server address it's given16:47
Hydroxidetimeless_mbp: is there a way I can write a component for something, or do I have to file a feature request with nokia and wait for them to take action?16:47
lardmanHydroxide: oh vibration, dunno then sorry16:47
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hrwjust to tell that they are empty ;D16:47
timeless_mbpHydroxide: my impression is that you could do it16:47
timeless_mbpthe ui is afaiu built around dbus hooks16:47
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timeless_mbpso it should be possible, i believe16:47
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timeless_mbpbut i work on the web browser16:47
timeless_mbpi've never actually looked at any of this, and i don't want to16:47
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timeless_mbp-- ie don't quote me16:48
Hydroxidetimeless_mbp: yes. it's fine if you don't know the details. what would be ideal is simply a pointer to the relevant public docs16:48
HydroxideI wouldn't mind learning dbus and telepathy anyway16:48
timeless_mbpwell, has the public sources16:48
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timeless_mbpdbus and telepathy docs are probably best found somewhere not in *.maemo.org16:48
timeless_mbpmy impression from people internally is that we (perhaps thankfully) don't have our own better docs16:49
Hydroxideheh, probably :) except for whatever maemo-specific components there are.16:49
fralshmm, tempted to upgrade to exchange 2007 just so i can sync with exchange.. wonder if its worth the hassle of running it on x86 >-<16:49
timeless_mbpfor the most part we're apparently using bog standard telepathy apis16:49
timeless_mbp(again probably a very good thing)16:49
HydroxideI could also ask some of the collabora guys I know from debian, but I'll start by looking at standard docs, the maemo sdk docs, the URL you gave me, etc. thanks!16:49
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Stskeepslardman: openssl s_client -tls1 -connect
Hydroxideand yes, reusing standards is a major plus of the n900 and maemo generally16:49
timeless_mbpHydroxide: sounds like pretty much the right approach16:50
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timeless_mbpit sounds like the collabra guys really are the best source16:50
Hydroxideyep. that was my plan all along - was just hoping for pointers16:50
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lardmanStskeeps: nice16:50
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timeless_mbpthe notification apis are probably the part where you'll diverge from the standards16:50
timeless_mbpand need to play w/ maemo stuff16:50
* SpeedEvil passes Hydroxide a *.16:50
timeless_mbpbut that's expected16:50
timeless_mbpX-Fade: still trying to explain checkerboarding16:51
Hydroxideyeah, they seem to be focused especially on that stuff. it's a shame that the most technical IRC chatrooms related to this part of the maemo stack are on collabora's staff-only IRC network according to them :P16:51
HydroxideSpeedEvil: careful - that almost got dereferenced in transit!16:51
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: An alternative is to explain it to me over lunch next week ;)16:51
timeless_mbpX-Fade: well, i want to write this up into a document16:51
timeless_mbpbecause i'm tired of explaining it16:52
lardmanStskeeps: v2 now I think16:52
timeless_mbpbut yes, lunch next week sounds good16:52
* timeless_mbp tries to figure out pants for this evening16:52
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SpeedEviltimeless: mankini16:52
lardmanok, so I'll hack a Python server together to pass data through and allow us to look at it too16:53
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lardmanSpeedEvil: are there any opensource apps which generate ephemeris and almanac dara?16:54
Stskeepsthere's a database i think16:55
SpeedEvillardman: not as far as I'm aware.16:55
SpeedEvillardman: you can get two line element sets for the sats16:55
lardmanwhat we really need to make it useful is forward predictions16:55
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X-FadeStskeeps: Fixed:
woglindelardman/speedevil what you are working on?16:57
StskeepsX-Fade: thanks, was a bit baffled by it16:57
lardmanwoglinde: injecting supl data16:57
SpeedEvilwoglinde: I'm just trying to work out why I sometimes get bad lock times for the GPS16:57
lardmanwoglinde: specifically when there's no net link16:57
X-FadeStskeeps: Turned out to be a broken regex..16:57
fnordianslipgiven a set of tles, predict should do it16:57
SpeedEvilwoglinde: I'm perhaps a bit obsessed - I'm working on a software GPS too16:57
lardmanwhat does location-test-gui do?16:57
woglindehm isnt it gpsd again?16:57
SpeedEvilfnordianslip: yes - but then you need to go to the ephemeirs format16:57
lardmanwoglinde: that's above the level we're looking at16:57
Stskeepslardman: it's a tool for testing the location framework16:58
Stskeepslardman: you'll probably have good use for it16:58
lardmancool, thanks both then16:58
woglindelardman hm okay so you are on the paths of guypsy16:58
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timeless_mbprough writeup17:00
timeless_mbpa better one later17:00
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woglindeciao timeless17:00
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lopzhi ;D17:01
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Yeah, I get that. But why doesn't scrolling trigger a redraw?17:01
lardmanhmm, when a dialog is in the fg and the bg is blurred out, it doesn't reflect any changes in the underlying app17:01
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Or re-render. It just doesn't do anything but show the checkerboard at that point.17:01
timelessit should, eventually17:01
fnordiansliptimeless_mbp: sometimes it doesn't render anything after the page loads, i just get a whiteout, until i scroll or something17:02
SpeedEvilX-Fade: installing load applet gets you a better idea of what the CPU is doing17:02
X-FadeSpeedEvil: I know and cpu is idle then ;)17:02
lardmanI hate HAM17:03
X-Fadelardman: SPAM any better?17:03
lardmanperhaps SPHAM - simon pickerings hacked hildon app manager?17:03
lardmanthe other thing that really annoys me, is the way the browser flicks up and down when it opens17:05
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Stskeepsright, GPS bug is turning toxic17:05
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HydroxideI was able to get the gps to get a fix by running ecoach17:06
lardmantimeless_mbp: any chance of not resizing the browser window when the url bar is displayed?17:06
FlandryWho here thinks that omission of up and down arrow keys in some localizations is a defect?17:06
Hydroxidemaemo-mapper and the built-in stuff and gpxview all couldn't get a fix, but they could use the fix once ecoach got it17:06
X-Fadelardman: There is an option to start in full screen mode.17:06
StskeepsHydroxide: i'm not sure MM is using liblocation correctly17:07
* toggles_w is unboxing..17:07
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wjtJaffa: just wanted to say thank you for hermes17:07
lardmanX-Fade: it's also the way it changes the screen though when the url bar comes up, so if you've clicked the wrong link you need to reaim17:07
HydroxideStskeeps: it might not be. what programs/tools besides ecoach are supposed to be able to get a fix currently?17:07
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GeneralAntillesStskeeps, seems like GPS bugs always turn toxic.17:07
* RST38h continues watching bug 5337 in complete awe17:08
povbotBug Can't get GPS lock without network connection17:08
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Flandryyeah that's ridiculous17:08
Flandrybtw queue Britney Spears :P17:08
RST38hQuim and a few other people should be in emergency rooms with deadly bouts of hiccups by now17:08
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: well, technically it should take 12.5min for a totally cold fix17:09
lardmanX-Fade: actually I think the open in full screen mode is the thing that's annoying me, as it seems to open then go full screen17:09
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homeasvshow can an app detect going to portrait mode ?17:09
HydroxideStskeeps: note, I actually have had a network connection every time I've tried the GPS, so this is unrelated to #5337. ecoach was able to get a fix in seconds with a network connection, and no other program I've found yet could get one in several minutes in the same exact situation17:09
lardmanhomeasvs: read the docs, dbus message17:09
fnordianslipi wonder if the sat signals are two weak to read the almanac data without errors under some circumstances, perhaps.17:09
HydroxideStskeeps: am I missing something key?17:10
Stskeepsfnordianslip: also a good theory17:10
GAN900Stskeeps, with optimal conditions perhaps.17:10
StskeepsHydroxide: location-test-gui would be a good tool for it17:10
StskeepsGAN900: yeah17:10
GAN900Stskeeps, but, like I said, I couldn't get a fix at all in BCN.17:10
StskeepsGAN900: even with wifi connected?17:10
lardmanooo, that gps test program is cool17:11
Stskeepsand a sim17:11
fnordianslipperhaps we could aggregate different almanac cycles with an algorithm to combine them and mitigate the errors17:11
HydroxideStskeeps: what package is that in?17:11
StskeepsHydroxide: url was mentioned above, it's in tools non-free17:11
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_berto_with internet connection it works fine, but without it I haven't been able to get a fix either17:11
HydroxideStskeeps: oh, in the source? gotcha17:11
Flandrythat sounds like a good idea17:12
GAN900Stskeeps, even with.17:12
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fnordianslipi've just got a fix using  Location test GUI in GNSS mode, after about 20 mins.  I do have 3G and wifi on, but that shouldn't in theory make a difference17:12
StskeepsGAN900: that's odd17:12
GAN900Although I didn't spend more than 5 minutes trying outdoors.17:12
lardmanI'm surprised no-one is more excited about Latitude working17:12
GAN900It almost sounds like a bug. ;)17:12
Stskeepsis it in extras yet?17:13
Jaffawjt: You're welcome :)17:13
zaheermlardman, i am, it is in my bookmarks :)17:13
lardmanoh good :)17:13
wjtJaffa: :) We just got a shipment of N900s, and my address book looks much prettier post-Hermes17:13
lardmanStskeeps: Latitude? Is a bookmark17:13
* agi waves at _berto_ 17:13
Stskeepslardman: ah17:13
wjtalthough osso-abook is happily chomping my CPU17:14
wjtguess it takes a while17:14
_berto_hi agi ;)17:15
* Flandry wishes he had his N900 already :/17:15
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_berto_you here?17:15
agi_berto_: yep :)17:15
agi_berto_: bought a n900 (and had to return it 2 days afterwards)17:15
_berto_mic not working ?17:16
agi_berto_: more reboots than uptime17:16
agilovely device, waiting for a new one17:16
agihope the next one works, reading #6334 scares the hell out of me17:17
_berto_I didn't know that one existed17:17
_berto_I heard about problems with the microphone, though17:17
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* fnordianslip wonders if Location Test GUI could show status of almanac data recieved, etc17:18
sejoI only had issues when installing fm radio17:18
HydroxideStskeeps: thanks for the pointer to the tools repo - I'm going to enjoy having less and screen around :)17:18
lardmanI think I'll have to write a daemon that sends location info to the Google server rather than having the browser open all the time17:18
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zaheermlardman, that'd be better definitely17:18
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lardmanI need to do some tcp/ip sniffing and work out the format17:18
agi_berto_: never heard of this problem until I received my device. Now it seems to be a big problem in a lot of devices. Hopefully just a bad batch...17:19
_berto_I hope so17:20
zaheermlardman, no public api for sending the location data to latitude?17:20
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wjtJaffa: hey, it'd be really nice if i could type to search the facebook contacts when manually pairing up unmatched people17:22
fralsagreed with wjt, other than that much love for creating hermes :D17:26
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HydroxideStskeeps: ok, will have to try location-test-gui when I'm next outdoors. if that works, what does it mean with regard to my gps issues? (I think maemo-geolocation wasn't able to get a fix either - haven't yet tried with a fix already established by ecoach)17:27
lardmanzaheerm: nope17:27
StskeepsHydroxide: well it will help pinpoint issues17:28
lardmanHydroxide: they all use the same backend17:28
RST38hStskeeps: Once again: where do I get lcoation-test-gui? It does not appear in Extras-devel for me17:28
lardmanRST38h: grab it manually from the extras repo17:28
fnordianslipi've noticed that LTG can show a lock and Ovi Maps can shows a position, then the red dot just disappears from Ovi maps, yet LTG still shows a lock.  must be a different issue.17:28
Stskeepsdon't you mean SDK tools repo, lardman?17:28
Hydroxidelardman: I had to add the tools repository and then find it in the second Other repository17:28
Hydroxideor maybe System17:29
zaheermfnordianslip, that is an ovi maps bug i believe17:29
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lardmanI just downloaded it in a browser from extras17:29
fnordianslipzaheerm: tnx17:29
X-Fadefnordianslip: Don't look too much at Ovi Maps. It doesn't seem to use liblocation correctly it seems.17:29
lardmanor did I17:29
Hydroxidemaemo-mapper was able to track my bus ride once I had a fix17:29
X-FadeNor do anything else that makes sense ;)17:29
Hydroxideso it's clearly using liblocation at least semi-correctly :)17:29
HydroxideI know MM != OM though17:30
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lardmanwhatever repo that is17:30
X-FadeTha is SDK17:30
sejohmm using the jabber in accounts makes my ejabberd flip :p17:30
Hydroxidelardman: that is just the pool used by all the repos17:30
sejoprobably empathy issue17:30
sejostill annoying17:31
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lardmanX-Fade: ah, ok17:31
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jebbais erlang still building?17:31
fnordianslipah. LTG is non-free, that's why i just failed to find the source17:32
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X-Fadejebba: looks like it: inet_gethost inet_gethost 417:33
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RST38hLocation Test GUI works17:34
RST38hgotta try it without network though17:34
fnordianslipI'm just trying LTG in ofline mode now17:34
RST38hnice little app, /me loves it =)17:34
fnordianslipsource please17:34
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fnordiansliphmm.  if almanac data is sent every 12.5 mins, then in worst (viable) case, you might have to wait just less than 25 mins to receive it17:37
fnordianslipassuming it tales 12.5 minutes to send it17:37
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RST38hfnordianslip: I assume 3 hours can still be considered as "it does not work" though?17:38
Ceron^ <- lol17:38
povbotBug 5337: Can't get GPS lock without network connection17:38
Ceron^its true the gps really is crap17:38
X-Fadefnordianslip: Unless you have a slight interruption in reception while the almanac stream comes down.17:39
StskeepsCeron^: it is deeper than that though17:39
Ceron^Stskeeps: deeper?17:39
TomaszDjesus christ, I guy just came in to ask to sign a petition not to build a base station in the vicinity17:39
Stskeepsbase station? hell yes!17:39
RST38hStskeeps: This makes me wonder: is there ANY device on the market where TI5500 chip (or whatever it is in N900) works well?17:39
Stskeepsfaster 3g? ;p17:39
FlandryCeron^: GPS hardware is ok, just not the software17:39
fnordianslipthat's why i wondered about accumulating almanac data, containing residual errors, and trying to average them out17:39
Ceron^Flandry: you sure?17:39
TomaszDI was the only one who signed who agrees with the build17:40
Ceron^Flandry: what chipset is n900 useing for gps?17:40
RST38hTomaszD: So have you signed? ;)17:40
fnordianslipnot sure if that is feasible though17:40
Flandrywell in theory anyway :D17:40
RST38hTomaszD: I would also write "And kill all the whales please" =)17:40
TomaszDRST38h, you had a choice Yes, build or No, don't build, I was the only one who signed up as Yes, build17:40
TomaszDfucking crazy backwoods people17:40
FlandryDon't think it's a sirf17:40
RST38hCeron: N900 uses TI's NaviLink17:40
RST38hCeron: Probably a 550017:41
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RST38hTomsazD: Could you at least put "10" in the "yes" field? =)17:41
StskeepsRST38h: i wonder if it caches almanac data as well17:41
Flandrythe point is with AGPS it can get a fix fast17:41
StskeepsRST38h: cos if it does a completely cold fix every time, that's obviously not good17:41
Flandrysuggests to me there are problems with implementation/drivers17:41
RST38hStskeeps: At least the Exchange connector guy had enough care for his work to come to t.m.o and ask for feedback17:42
GeneralAntillesAh, it feels good to drive yourself again. ;)17:42
RST38hStskeeps: One can only wish the GPS guy would do the same...17:42
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Ceron^anyone got a review on Texas Instruments Navilink 5500 gps17:42
Ceron^im intrested to know its performance :p17:42
* RST38h suspects N900 uses NL5350 rather than NL5500, right or wrong?17:42
Ceron^and accuaricy :p17:43
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StskeepsRST38h: exchange guy was russian, he's able to deal with people with pitchforks standing at his doorstep17:43
RST38hAnyone has a hires image of a gutted N900? =)17:43
RST38hStskeeps: Sadly, yes17:43
TomaszDwhat the hell is with those people commenting on the gps bug as if this was some kind of a forum17:43
Ceron^yeh wierd ppl17:43
StskeepsRST38h: i'm not sure this goes for the GPS guy17:43
wjtwhat's Sync meant to do on n900wallpapers?17:43
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Ceron^they should find a solution not flame it17:43
FlandryCeron^: there's a discussion of N900 GPS in the preview on symbian world that is continued in the forum thread17:43
RST38hStskeeps: (sadly in the sense that I wish everyone would be able to do that)17:43
TomaszDmove the discussion to tmo, I'm getting spammed with useless bugzilla comments17:44
RST38hTomaszD: Quim marked it as worksforme, with a really screwy explanation17:44
GeneralAntillesTomaszD, people who don't get Bugzilla.17:44
RST38hTomaszD: LOTS of people are watching this bug and they are royally pissed off17:44
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RST38hTomaszD: So, it probably felt like the last drop to them, and many cracked17:44
StskeepsRST38h: well, definition of 'WORKS' is interesting. it seems like fixes are indeed possible but take ages17:45
GeneralAntillesRST38h, still doesn't excuse the spam.17:45
SpeedEvil  RST38hdunno - I'm fairly sure it's no tthe 5500 - as that has more radios in - and they duplicate the existing FM and bluetooth17:45
Hydroxidefor people who aren't used to bugtracking systems, I can understand the confusion. (and the anger.)17:45
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RST38hGeneral: I would not call it "spam", just a wrong place fo rcomments like these17:45
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SpeedEvilRST38h: nl5350 may be it I suppose17:45
RST38hSpeedEvil: 5350 then. N810 had 5300.17:46
FlandryKlapper does a bit of bugzilla spam of his own from time to time17:46
RST38hThis is not the confusion17:46
StskeepsRST38h: so make a new bug "GPS fix seems to take incredibly long time without a network connection"17:46
RST38hAnger mostly, judging from comments17:46
GeneralAntillesRST38h, does it contribute anything useful to the bug? No. Spam.17:46
SpeedEvilRST38h: but - why are we sure it's a TI part?17:46
StskeepsRST38h: which is the main issue in this one17:46
GeneralAntillesFlandry, in the form of whiny comments? :)17:46
RST38hFlandry: You meanm, he offers penis extensions? What is the bug #? =)17:46
Flandrylol no not extenze ads17:46
RST38hSpeedEvil: Seen a reference to NaviLink17:46
SpeedEvilRST38h: where?17:47
RST38hSpeedEvil: no longer remember, sorry17:47
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pupnik_Performing your work with joy leads to better results. - Aristotle17:47
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fnordianslipStskeeps: When it doesn't work, it doesn't work (for some definition of) forever, not for a known finite time17:48
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RST38hfnordianslip: If it does not work until Nokia replaces it with a different kidn of a chip, is this considered a finite time?17:48
Flandryer whatchadoin GeneralAntilles17:48
Stskeepsfnordianslip: well, realistically we should have a fix within 12.5 mins. if it's more, quality of gps signal is bad17:48
* RST38h laughes demonically17:48
Stskeepsfnordianslip: ok, 2517:48
SpeedEvil wacky. navilink 617:49
GeneralAntillesFlandry, killing a ban I set on a spammer from 34,000 feet Monday.17:49
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Flandrylol they need a new bugzilla status "WORKSFORME-ATT=HARMATTAN"17:50
GeneralAntillesRST38h, indeed.17:50
GeneralAntillesRST38h, BANNED FROM SPACE!17:50
X-FadeIt seems to me that the GPS data is just not used correctly.17:50
Flandrysatellite-based defense?17:50
RST38hGeneral: There is a relatively well known story about someone calling HP service center about a printer17:51
RST38hGeneral: With the service guy asking the caller to bring the printer for service17:51
toggles_wanyone know what the chrage time on these things is from flat?17:51
StskeepsX-Fade: well, ovi maps giving up after a little while doesn't help impression17:51
X-FadeThe location test sometimes knows my location with reasonable < 1km accuracy with 0/12 sats.17:51
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StskeepsX-Fade: with cell-id probably17:51
X-FadeThat should be quite ok to start with.17:51
StskeepsX-Fade: that requires a network though17:52
fnordianslipX-Fade: in which mode?  try GNSS17:52
RST38hGeneral: And the caller answering that he is on the space station, so it is kinda problematic, but if the HP guy tells him what joint to solder...17:52
AndrewBlackwhere does .desktop file for loopable backgrounds go?17:52
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X-Fadefnordianslip: Ok. Let me try that.17:52
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Flandrywhy would a guy from the space station go on an ordinary support line17:53
Flandryhe should just use the replicator :P17:54
SpeedEvilRST38h: I would have expected 'and navilink 5 for ...' in there17:54
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lardmanI can't believe it's a navilink 617:55
X-FadeIt looks like the erlang build really got stuck.17:55
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Stskeepslardman: i haven't found any proof what chip it is either17:56
SpeedEvillardman: I really doubt that17:56
X-FadeMy guess is that it hangs on ip tests..17:56
lardmanwould duplicate 2 extra chips, seems a bit silly really17:56
SpeedEvillardman: I can't see any reports from any sources other than guesswork that it's even a navilink17:56
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lardmanwe need to find the gspdriver equiv and run strings on it, that's how I worked out the N810 had the 530017:56
Stskeepslardman: there's none, as far as i can tell17:57
GeneralAntillesI wish I could tell what was going on with my DDP order(s).17:57
lardmanhow do things talk to it? through a dev entry?17:57
SpeedEvillardman: I haven't found that - I need to look properly17:57
RST38hGeneral: Well I have just got a DHL tracking # on it17:57
Stskeepslardman: i think it spits out NMEA17:57
RST38hGeneral: So, things do get done. Eventually.17:57
lardmanI've not looked too hard either, but if it doesn't have ARM-side processing it's not a 530017:57
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fnordiansliphmm.  35 minutes with offline n900 and LTG in user mode and17:59
fnordianslipno lock17:59
lardmancan someone with a toolchain in front of them run strings on liblocation?17:59
Stskeepsfnordianslip: outside? :P17:59
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lardmanfnordianslip: using the test app?17:59
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fnordianslipyep LTG17:59
lardmanah ok18:00
lardmanhow many sats?18:00
X-Fadefnordianslip: Got a fix in about 5 mins.18:00
X-Fadefnordianslip: Inside with concrete root and window looking West.18:00
fnordianslipwas the device offline or just GNSS mode selecetd?18:01
X-Fadefnordianslip: Just GNSS selected.18:01
SpeedEvillardman: you're assuming it's not doing the processing in the phone hardware, which is possible18:01
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lardmanyes indeed18:01
fnordianslipso it was online.  ok18:01
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X-Fadefnordianslip: yes, it was on wifi18:01
fnordianslipX-Fade: ok.  i have my device offline and just trying gnss method18:01
SpeedEvillardman: I find mention that the 5350 is used in quite a lot of other nokia devices - n95/9718:02
lardmanwould be interesting to know how much feeback the chipset gives about almanac/ephemeris downloads18:02
SpeedEvillardman: so it's not completely implausible18:02
* lardman looks up that chips18:02
SpeedEvillardman: err - that was meant to be the navilink 5 number. I may have gotten it wrong18:03
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* SpeedEvil sighs and wants a broken n900.18:05
SpeedEvil(in addition to my non-broken one)18:05
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fnordianslipSpeedEvil: buy another, you might get lucky18:06
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SpeedEvilfnordianslip: My lounge is currently at 8.5C, for economy reasons.18:06
SpeedEvilActually - I lie. 9C.18:07
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fnordianslipSpeedEvil: hm.  it was a joke, but you have my sympathy.18:07
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SpeedEvilyeah, I know.18:07
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guerbyzaheerm, indeed :)
SpeedEvilIt's just frustrating to know that 5 min with a screwdriver can answer this.18:08
fnordianslip10 secs with a hammer18:08
guerbyLinuxCode, N900 "Pre-order. | Due for release on 31/12/2009"18:08
lardmanSpeedEvil: doesn't really matter atm anyway18:08
zaheermguerby, so xmas tree or being used?18:09
lardmanSpeedEvil: as we don't have the source that would control it anyway18:09
guerbyzaheerm, no idea :)18:09
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SpeedEvillardman: if the kernel can be rebuilt, and it works, we do.18:10
SpeedEvillardman: or rather - we have the source of the intermediate level which we can strace.18:11
Jaffawjt: frals: patches welcome - turns out that find-as-you-type isn't as easy as it should be (GtkTreeView allows it, but Hildon's broken it)18:11
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lardmanSpeedEvil: depends if it's in the cell phone bit though18:11
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ali1234what package is strings usually in?18:11
SpeedEvillardman: true18:12
lardmanali1234: in the toolchain I think?18:12
ali1234well yeah but i dont want to install the whole toolchain on to the phone18:12
lardmanwow got a lock from scratch in <1m18:12
lardmanno ephemerides according to the test app, may still have had the alamanac18:13
lardmanand no connections18:13
lardmanother than the cell country18:13
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_berto_Jaffa: find-as-you-type has been implemented recently
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lardmanok, then disconnect and it reconnected within 10s18:14
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Stskeepsok, so it does cache almanac at least18:15
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ali1234strings of liblocation from sdk armel target:
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fnordiansliplardman: is your n900 offline?18:16
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lardmanit was, yes18:17
fnordiansliphow did it get the cell country?18:17
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lardmancell was online, wifi off, data off18:18
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Stskeepsfnordianslip: those gconfs look interesting18:18
SpeedEvilStskeeps: maybe - that depends. For example, it may keep a trickle of power going to the GPS to maintain clocks and ephemeris.18:18
lardmanthanks ali123418:18
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fnordiansliplardman: I put mine in Offline state, i.e. airplane mode18:19
lardmanok, just done that, lock in 5s18:19
RST38hmake it offline, wait for 3 hours then try18:20
lardmanso it seems something is cached18:20
RST38hat least something yes\18:20
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KhertanHi !18:22
lbt_GPS bug is noisy :)18:24
cehtehgood :)18:24
cehtehthere should be a vote "i dont want a n900 with buggy GPS" .. just to show nokia how much sales they loose18:25
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lardmanworks for me18:26
GeneralAntillescehteh, Bugzilla isn't the place for it. :)18:26
GeneralAntillescehteh, if you want to spam, hit Talk.18:26
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lardmanwhat's the bug?18:26
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cehtehlardman: without data connection it doesnt get a fix18:26
lardmancehteh: does for me18:26
pupnik_i agree with cehteh18:26
lardmanthough with cached almanac probably18:27
cehtehlardman: yes likely18:27
pupnik_nokia N900 gps is broken and unusuable due to software, not hardware.  and the bug is an easy easy easy fix18:27
lardmanhow so?18:27
lardmanthe easy fix?18:27
cehtehbut it expires the alamanc too early18:27
pupnik_give me access to the gps when i leave my wlan, lardman18:27
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lardmanpupnik_: I just tested it and it works18:27
cehtehsome tell the GPS just shuts down too early while acquireing a fix18:27
pupnik_i just tested it and it doesn't work18:28
lardmancehteh: well that might be true18:28
lardmanbut that's a problem with the location stuff not the gps then18:28
pupnik_normally i would trust lardman over my own eyes, but not this time18:28
cehtehits a crappy gps chip .. ok .. but the software makes it much worse18:28
lardmanusing the test app it seems to work ok with no connectivity but with a recent almanac18:28
cehtehwell i want to get a fix without data connection in less than 10minutes at least .. anywhere on this planet18:29
cehtehif it can not do that this would be a showstopper18:29
Stskeepscehteh: then you need to be in a place where the receiption is OK18:29
lardmanthat is not necessarily possible due to the spec of the gps signal18:29
Stskeepscehteh: otherwise you need to cache almanac18:30
cehtehok lets say on 'average conditions' ... good view to the sky, 3-4 sattelites visible18:30
lardmanis it worth adding something to that bug, or is the SNR too low now?18:31
cehtehthat should be given most of the time unless you are in a canyon, under heavy trees or in a city with high buildings18:31
cehtehi dont know i dont have a device yet, just seeing many people complaining18:31
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cehtehwhen my device arrives that will be the first thing i test .. else i send it back18:32
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cehtehso nokia, you have some days or perhaps weeks to fix it, heared me? :)18:32
Stskeepscehteh: your loss18:32
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GeneralAntilleslol . . .18:32
Stskeepsand IRC is always the best place to bitch18:32
GeneralAntillesDeal breaker!18:32
GeneralAntillescehteh, call up Nokia Care.18:32
fnordiansliplost with it, lost without it :)18:32
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GeneralAntillescehteh, bitching here just irritates people who can't help you. :)18:33
cehtehhehe .. nah i think thats political .. xorAxAx bitched too .. and the more people bitch about it the more serious it will taken18:33
cehtehsome nokia officals are here or? :)18:33
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GeneralAntillescehteh, well, consider this warning #1.18:34
lardmanhow long do ephemerides remain valid?18:34
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cehtehthe gps specs/firmware isnt free .. so nothing know about or?18:34
lardmanI know everything about it18:34
VDVsxspot the N900 in stores today :)18:34
VDVsxwell only only store has it :P18:35
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SpeedEvilcehteh: the GPS specification is freely available - that is of the signals18:35
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cehtehSpeedEvil: i meant for the chip in the n900 not GPS signals in general18:35
lardmanah, 2hrs for the ephemeris to get stale probably18:36
_berto_a galician carrier is already selling the n900 subsidized (starting from 180 eur)18:36
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lardmanso we need to check for cached almanac + stale ephemeris; stale almanac + stale ephemeris18:36
SpeedEvilcehteh: ah18:36
zaheerm_berto_, how much a month and how long is contract?18:37
pekujado people actually look at subsidies and think they're getting a phone for a third of the price?18:37
cehtehcant one do some anticipatory calculations to keep the almanac warm? instead just throw it away?18:37
GeneralAntillespekuja, yes. Next question.18:37
lardmanpekuja: you need a contract anyway18:37
lardmanpekuja: so factor in the price, etc18:37
cehtehat worst it might drift and be inaccurate but thats still better than no alamac at all18:37
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xorAxAxwhat do you think about an application which syncs evolution and the addressbook of the n900 on a file level?18:37
xorAxAxi am thinking about implementing that18:37
pekujalardman: you do, but you can get cheaper contracts18:37
_berto_zaheerm: depends on the type of contract, if you want it for 180 eur it's 60 eur/month18:37
cehtehxorAxAx: rsync? :)18:38
_berto_which is very expensive imho18:38
zaheerm_berto_, ouch18:38
pekujalardman: usually the subsidised contract forces you to get something very expensive18:38
xorAxAxcehteh: not really18:38
pekuja_berto_: hah, that's a pretty bum deal18:38
cehtehxorAxAx: you dont have the device yet?18:38
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_berto_with a 30 eur/month contract you can get it for 300 eur18:38
xorAxAxcehteh: no, why?18:38
cehtehjust curious18:38
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xorAxAxcehteh: but i just looked at the particular file18:38
xorAxAxits a bdb with vcards in it18:38
zaheerm_berto_, not really a good deal :(18:39
_berto_zaheerm: no :(18:39
xorAxAxdoes anybody of you need a syncing solution?18:39
zaheerm_berto_, in UK it is free on contract for < 60 euro/month18:39
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zaheermxorAxAx, syncing of what?18:39
xorAxAxhmm, or i write a multisync plugin18:39
xorAxAxzaheerm: contacts18:39
_berto_yes, it should be free if you pay that much every month18:39
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pekujamy contract is about 24e/month for two years with no money up front ("free" phone)18:40
xorAxAxwouldnt that be cool - a multisync plugin for osso-abook?18:40
_berto_they should even send you a box of chocolates by christmas18:40
pekujabut that doesn't really include anything18:40
pekujaI pay separately for mobile internet, calls, etc.18:40
Micha_pekuja: ouch18:40
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pekujaMicha_: ouch? I don't think it's bad at all18:40
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Micha_No internet/calls included in that? So you've effectively paid 576e for the phone..18:41
pekujaMicha_: yeah. that's how much the phone costs18:41
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pekujaMicha_: I doubt you can get it much cheaper in Europe18:42
xorAxAxhmm, or i try the syncml plugin18:42
Micha_Why lock yourself into a contract though?18:42
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pekujaMicha_: when you tally the contracts18:42
pekujaMicha_: so that I get to pay the phone in two years instead of all at once18:42
zaheermit's a loan18:42
* Micha_ paid 82GBP, plus 40GBPpcm for 12 month, including unlimited internet, text, and 300min of calls per month18:42
xorAxAxpekuja: the german providers offer the n900 for 497 EUR18:42
pekujaxorAxAx: ok, that's pretty good18:42
pekujaanyways, on top of that, I'm paying 10e/month for 384kbps 3G internet18:43
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cehtehwell besides they can not ship because they dont have the device :)18:43
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pekujaand around 7 cents a minute for calls and 7 cents a piece for SMS's18:43
cehtehlets see if i get mine before chrismas18:43
Micha_Given my expired contract was 22GBP pcm, I'm effectively paying 18GBP pcm *12 + 82 GBP for the phone ~== 300GBP for the phone18:43
pekujacehteh: I'm hoping for that too18:43
pekujaMicha_: what's pcm?18:44
cehtehwhere did you order?18:44
cehteheh .. not german ..18:44
Micha_pcm = Per Calendar Month18:44
pekujacehteh: my operator18:44
pekujaMicha_: I see18:44
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EightaceWhats the best sim only contract in theU18:44
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pekujaone of the contracts that's available here now is around 60 euros a month for all phone calls, SMS's and 3G internet use you want18:44
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EightaceUk I mean18:45
FIQ60 euros18:45
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pekujawhich is pretty sweet, but I don't need that much so I opted for a cheaper plan18:45
pekujaFIQ: including the phone18:45
FIQthat's much18:45
pekujaFIQ: for unlimited use though18:45
pekujaI gotta go ->18:45
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VDVsx_berto_, wow, here is just 600 € :P18:46
* Micha_ doesn't make a lot of phonecalls. The 'standard' offer here at the Nokia store is free phone @ 35GPB pcm for 2 years.18:46
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* FIQ likes the three offer in sweden and is paying around 150kr/month, unlimited phone-calling, sms (in three, 0.69kr/min and 0.69kr/sms in other networks, 6Mbit/s data plan, max 5GB use). 1 kr ~= 8 euro18:48
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rrr__FIQ, mind sharing a link for that?18:50
SpeedEvileightlace: you mean if you have the phone? t-mobile-UK pay-as-you go. add an internet booster for 6 months - 20 quid qwith a 1G/mo fair usage. so 25 quid gets you 6.50 credit and free net.18:51
FIQto three or the abonnemang/offer's i use?18:51
FIQbrb google18:51
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zgoldali1234: ping18:56
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* fnordianslip now thinks there is something to the cache expiry theory for the N900s gps issue. after failing to get a lock with LTG in offline/UserSelected and offline/GNSS mode (for 30 mins each), i tried online/AGNSS to get a lock, then went back to offline/AGNSS and offline/GNSS, and got a lock in both modes within 2-3 mins.18:57
fnordianslipall in same location, near the window18:57 - the main one18:58
FIQAbout the dataplan (name = 3surf plus), seems like i cannot find it on the desktop site for same price (seems like it's for 199kr/month at the desktop site), just on the phone18:58
FIQ@ rrr__18:58
* timeless @party18:59
GeneralAntillesOnly Maemo users. . . .19:01
fnordianslipall party goers sitting in corner with their n900s ?19:01
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* w00t parties with his n90019:02
SpeedEvillike it's 1999?19:02
w00tslightly more geekily than that19:03
w00ti don't lug around a crt with me after all19:03
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GeneralAntilles'lo, Myrtti.19:05
Stskeeps"N900: so you don't have to lug a laptop around with you"19:05
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MyrttiGeneralAntilles: oink oink19:09
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* Khertan think that splitting maemo irc channel was a bad idea19:11
GeneralAntillesKhertan, I think it'll be useful so long as people are careful about where they move stuff.19:12
GeneralAntillesi.e., stick to #maemo until the noise gets too high.19:12
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Khertanhum... at least the most important things to do first should be splitting ... in talk.m.o and whinning.m.o19:12
GeneralAntilles'lo, Kathy.19:12
GeneralAntillesKhertan, yeah, and I'm nominating you to moderate whining.m.o. :P19:13
GeneralAntillesKhertan, you suck for not being at BCN, by the way. ;)19:13
plr_does someone know whether nokia is updating default pdf reader or anyone else making their own? as of right now, it is sort of useless19:14
KhertanGeneralAntilles: i wasn't invited :)19:14
GeneralAntillesAh, yes, could be expensive then.19:15
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KhertanGeneralAntilles: nominate me as a moderator is always the worst things to do ... i most of the time doesn't take the time to think twice before swording :)19:15
plr_Khertan: what other maemo channels exist?19:16
GeneralAntillesKhertan, hehehe, that was the point. :D19:16
KhertanGeneralAntilles: this is mainly because i got already some meeting elsewhere19:16
woglindehi Khertan19:16
GeneralAntillesAh, too bad.19:16
Khertanplr_: #maemo-devel19:16
Stskeepsplr_: it's open source, feel free to improve it19:16
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GeneralAntillesBy the way, any North American folks have an opinion about an NA Long Weekend in either the US or Canada?19:16
Khertanhi woglinde19:17
RevdKathy'Lo GA. You changed your name19:17
plr_Stskeeps: I wish I had the skills.. but good to know it's open19:18
GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, GAN900 is just for the portable devices.19:18
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RevdKathyAhh right. If you're talking mods, why did they nuke the naughty thrad?19:18
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melmothhey RevdKathy is here.19:18
GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, I tend to be a bit more curt on limited keyboards so it helps for people to know when I'm on them. ;)19:18
RevdKathyAhh right19:18
GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, no idea, was just proposing Khertan to moderate ;)19:19
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RevdKathyDon't blame you19:19
RevdKathyHow about an IRC channel: #maemo-whining?19:19
GeneralAntillesI'd just register it with a bot and have it autokick anybody who joined.19:19
woglinde #n900-whining19:19
RevdKathyI listen more than I talk usually - though maemo whining is one of my specialist subjects19:19
KhertanGeneralAntilles: nice idea19:20
RevdKathyNah - get God and Megacrazy to mod it19:20
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AndrewBlackwhat font is logo in?19:20
KhertanAndrewBlack: Whinning True Type ?19:21
GeneralAntillesAndrewBlack, I kind of assumed it was custom.19:21
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RevdKathyt.m.o. needs a 'whine' button. If enough people designate you a whiner your IP is blocked for a week19:22
penguinbaitRevdKathy  -- Stop Whining19:22
RevdKathyLOL ok ;)19:23
plr_there's been plenty of whining lately, that's for sure19:23
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* Stskeeps clicks the 'whine' button on penguinbait 19:24
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lardmanwhining about what?19:24
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GeneralAntillesAbout lardman.19:25
RevdKathywhining about other people whining19:25
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GeneralAntillesUgh, lardman.19:25
* lardman considers one touch ban and cleaning anyone who whines about him19:25
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penguinbaitI have been quiet, no whining here19:25
mgedminoooh, the flames in the gps bug19:25
penguinbaitbitchin maybe19:25
GeneralAntillesI want some admin wars to keep things interesting.19:25
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lardmanI hate how the comments on applications seem to come across like commands19:26
RevdKathyit's the sense of entitlement annoys me19:26
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melmothmgedmin: is it me or was the bug just closed ?19:26
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mgedminquim marked it as a WORKSFORME19:27
AndrewBlackGeneralAntilles, I figure he used a basic font ofr part of it19:27
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mgedminsome people demand, nay, DEMAND! that a N900 MUST ABSOLUTELY be able to get a GPS fix from cold start in under 2 mintues19:27
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woglindere wazd19:27
mgedminafaiu that's physically impossible19:27
melmothi just received the n900 today, did nto have time to tes the gps, but i fear it wont work for me (no 3G data plan)19:27
mgedminthe satellites don't transmit enough date to get a cold fix in under 12 minutes or so if you don't have a current almanac and ephemeris precached19:27
lardmanmgedmin: not necessarily impossible, but that's then down to the abilities of the chipset19:28
RevdKathyI can't get a gps fix as I won't let it use the data19:28
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melmothi hope it will at least as , well...good (sigh) as the n81019:28
RevdKathyi use a paper map19:28
Stskeepsi think the problem is also with ovi maps's insane low timeout for gps19:28
lardmanmgedmin: if your receivers are good and many, I understand that it is possible19:28
lardmanStskeeps: yes, I think that is part of the issue19:28
mgedmin"12.5 minutes are required to receive the entire almanac from a single satellite" says Wikipedia19:28
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melmothah, may be. I wonder if maemomapper is planned for fremantle.19:28
mgedminmelmoth, it exists already19:29
mgedminI just installed it today19:29
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lardmanmgedmin: if you have enough receivers to search for each freq you don't need the almanac19:29
melmothmgedmin: extras devel ? extars testing, or svn build yourself ?19:29
mgedminextras something, probably devel19:29
lardmanbut that's not reasonable for a cheap chip19:29
mgedmindoesn't really look extras-final-material, e.g. diablo-styled main menu still19:29
crashanddieit shouldn't be19:30
crashanddiethe problem is that IIRC, the QA process doesn't judge on quality of the UI, rather usability and stability19:30
* mgedmin reads
lardmanthanks for the thumbs down for mbarcode Michael Cronenworth, really encouraging me to actually bother with users19:31
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, it's in Extras-devel.19:31
mgedminmaemo-mapper's usability is poor: zoom buttons lag, volume buttons control volume rather than zoom, cpu usage is kinda high when it's downloading maps, which feels kinda slow over 3g...19:31
mgedminstill, better than Ovi Maps ;)19:31
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: I don't even know we're talking about :)19:32
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: my usual off-topic babbling19:32
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, the fact that Maemo Mapper is available.19:32
Stskeepsmgedmin: i suspect it might be an unoptimized sqlite19:32
mgedminrunnin file on the map .db file told me "GDBM" once19:32
mgedminplaces.db is sqlite, otoh19:33
Stskeepsold one though19:33
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: how are ya buddy?19:33
mgedminlots of I/O == massive fail on a NIT19:33
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, great!19:33
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penguinbaitman thats looking sweet19:33
GeneralAntillesWent to Cracker Barrel last night to reboot my digestive system. *g*19:33
Stskeepspenguinbait: plastic looks as weak as the q519:34
RevdKathyGeneral Antilles - now I'm jealous19:34
penguinbaitIt was not final finish, but who cares19:34
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GeneralAntilleslol . . . "sweet"19:34
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: I would like to propose a vote for maemo.org19:36
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, I vote that Nokia finances my tourism of Europe.19:36
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: to randomly give a community member, once per day, the right to shut up19:36
crashanddieas long I am used as the randomness generator19:37
penguinbaitcrashanddie, your earned it ;)19:37
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, can we put the same sort of magic on this algorithm that picks members to highlight for the sidebar? *eg*19:37
GeneralAntillesEverybody can be lardman's day. :P19:37
GeneralAntilless/Everybody/Every day?19:38
GeneralAntillesEr, yeah.19:38
GeneralAntillesAll of those non-native speakers I was around broke my English. ;)19:38
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MyrttiI wonder should I do a brainstorm about that applet thingy19:38
Myrttieenie meenie miney moe19:38
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles: brainstorm is broken -- nobody reads it unless they're hardcore about an idea or just hyper-dedicated to Maemo19:39
* GeneralAntilles sure doesn't.19:39
lardmannor does /me19:39
crashanddieI've read it once19:39
Khertancrashanddie: it was from the start19:39
Khertanhi crashanddie19:39
crashanddieabout 6 months after it was launched19:39
crashanddiehey Khertan19:39
RevdKathyGeneral Antilles. *Cough* non-native speakers???19:39
crashanddieo/ lardman19:39
lardmanI've put 2  bugs into there at Quim's behest, but no desire to read it ever again19:39
lardmanhey crashanddie19:39
crashanddieRevdKathy: yes, people who don't speak an indian dialect19:40
GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, yeah, what were there about 6 native ones? :P19:40
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Myrttioh, ok. I'll just whine to you about my idea then.19:40
RevdKathyYeah, but we were all in the docs event :p19:40
Myrttiwould someone please make me a counter widget?19:40
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: in a pedantic way, everyone is a native speaker19:40
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: maybe not a native English speaker -- but still19:40
GeneralAntillesWhen the first solutions I saw on Brainstorm were either "Nokia should do it" or "Community should do it" with the vote split about 50/-50/ in favor of the former. . . .19:40
Khertanoh really maybe i should add a idea... community and nokia ban it for whinning and pollution :)19:41
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crashanddieThere should be two ways to handle something19:42
crashanddiewell, three really19:42
GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, actually, more like 5 since lcuk doesn't count. *g*19:42
KhertanThere should be 10 ways to handle something ...19:42
crashanddie1/ Something doesn't work, you file a bug or 2/ enhancement request for the next platform (yes, we need a formal way to express our19:42
Khertan1/ They understand binary19:42
Khertan2/ The other :)19:42
Khertan2/ those which don't19:42
RevdKathyGeneral Antilles - you reckon Manc isn't really 'native English'?19:43
crashanddieour requirements or things we'd like. -- 3/ You build it yourself. We have garage, we have a good community, just motivate someone and get cracking19:43
zaheermRevdKathy, manc is what rebellious scousers speak, right?19:43
RevdKathyNo, Manc is what Mancunians speak :p19:43
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penguinbaitel pollo loco en la cabasa19:43
* zaheerm thinks of rooney/owen :)19:43
crashanddielook at lardman, he wanted to play with barcodes and had a pet project -- he kept working on it and now there's more and more people working on it. He didn't brainstorm it, he didn't moan about it. "If you build it they will come"19:44
GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, Gary said a lot of things to me Saturday morning at breakfast. I think I all I understood was "Bacon!" when the waiter set the plate in front of him. :D19:44
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: but lcuk isn't a native speaker :P19:44
zaheermGeneralAntilles, are you american? ;)19:44
RevdKathyLOL. I lived in Manchester for 3 years - understood every word19:44
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, exactly my point!19:44
GeneralAntilleszaheerm, what, you couldn't tell? :P19:44
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: he speaks northern, an estranged dialect that requires many CPU-cycles to compute19:44
RevdKathy'Northern' has many variant dialects19:45
zaheermGeneralAntilles, i was told they toned down the accents in the full monty for americans :)19:45
Myrtti*sigh* I'll just go read my Snake Wrangling for kids then and dream of some day be able to code what I want. So far my attempts have mainly failed, everytime I've tried.19:45
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* Myrtti goes to get more coffee and yarn19:45
crashanddieone of the new guys on my team -- in Australia -- had a bit of an accent. At some point I interrupted him and asked "mate, are you from Skelmersdale?" -- Big silence, then he goes "Actually, I'm from Wigan, how'd you know?"19:46
GeneralAntillesHrm, what was the one I had a lot of trouble with recently . . . Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels maybe?19:46
GeneralAntillesWell, that, and Trainspotting. ;)19:46
zaheermGeneralAntilles, so i guess hey you're the non-native english speaker :)19:46
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: try snatch19:46
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles: and in bruges19:46
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zaheermaah i haven't watched in bruges19:47
GeneralAntillesYeah, saw Snatch.19:47
toggles_wdamn.. ext3 not supported on uSd in n900?19:47
RevdKathyYou can't tell a Skem accent from Wigan???19:47
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melmothi loved snatch. Anything to declare ? YES dont go to england !19:47
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lardmanRevdKathy, GeneralAntilles: no Manc is definitely not English19:47
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lardmanwhere is qwery when I need him?19:47
lardmanand where's lcuk when I want to give him some abuse? ;)19:48
RevdKathyManc is nearly as pure British as Black country19:48
lardmanindeed, almost as British as say, German19:48
lardmanexcept I understand German better19:48
lardmanRevdKathy: Are you another Northerner? :)19:49
RevdKathyNo, but I have lived all over the country19:49
lardmanah, ok19:49
lardmanmulti-lingual then19:49
RevdKathylardman, I'm from the deep south... west19:49
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lardmanah, I live in Bath19:50
RevdKathyooh! That may make you the nearest known maemo user to me. Fargus visite Exeter occasionally19:50
lardmanwhat's up with that member map anyway, is that happening?19:51
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RevdKathyThere were two opinions on the member map. Qgil wants it for event planning. The paranoid amon us are afraid they'll get stalked19:52
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lardmanwell, people can work out where you live if they want to stalk you19:52
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markus_hy everybody19:52
Markus23Does upgrading maemo works trough dist-upgrade or is flashing necessary?19:52
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Markus23markus_: hi :-)19:52
Myrttilardman: why make it easier?19:52
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GeneralAntillesMarkus23, well, dist-upgrade can work depending on the repositories you have installed19:52
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GeneralAntillesbut it can also throw you into a reboot loop if you have bad ones.19:53
GeneralAntillesBut, your binary selection there isn't appropriate.19:53
lardmanRevdKathy: you've got a proper Sky address, an IP would make life easier19:53
GeneralAntillesUpgrades are done via a metapackage in the application manager.19:53
RevdKathyHave I? I never noticed19:53
RevdKathyyou try explaining anything like thsat to sly support :p19:53
lardmanwell your IP is
RevdKathySky support only know how to tell you how to reboot the moem. They don't know what an IP address is :p19:54
lardmanso I guess one of those IP to locations things could work that out, etc., etc19:54
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lardmanRevdKathy: yeah tech support for Sky is pretty crap :)19:54
zaheermyah the geoip databases are reasonably good19:55
Myrttilardman: or firefox location thingamajing. or fire eagle backend. or something.19:55
lardmanand for everything for that matter - TalkTalk no less crap19:55
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lardmanMyrtti: exactly19:55
RevdKathywhois isn't much help - it suggests Amsterdam19:55
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RevdKathywhich is... less than acurate19:55
lardmanthough it you try to reverse geo me, I appear to be in Brum19:55
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zaheermRevdKathy, same continent arguably ;)19:56
lardmanBirmingham for the non-British19:56
RevdKathywrong side of water... Though I wonder if I'm nearer Amsterdam than Brum19:56
MyrttiI'm recognized to be in the correct town atleast.19:57
Jaffalardman: BTW, Firefox 3.5, Google Latitude and the iPhone URL puts me pretty exactly at both home and work using wifi triangulation on both Windows & Linux :)19:57
lardmanMyrtti: letting information slip ;)19:57
* microlith jabs Newegg with a sharp stick19:57
lardmanJaffa: wb19:57
RevdKathyOuch! maxmind is pretty accurate!19:57
lardmanJaffa: how's Latitude working on-device for you?19:57
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Myrttilardman: and you find out what my ip is, then...19:57
zaheermRevdKathy, yah we use max,mind at work for geoip blocking streams19:57
* RevdKathy starts locking the doors and windows in case of stalkers19:57
lardmanMyrtti: I'm not the stalking kind ;)19:58
Myrttilardman: sadly I've got enough of them already...19:58
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Jaffalardman: It was quite cool in the bus on the way back from the airport yesterday; but there needs to be some control panel setting for whether microb geolocation should use coarse or precise accuracy in liblocation. Tootling around with the GPS on all the time doesn't appeal for the battery life; and it'd be good to have it somewhat reverse-engineered so there was a daemon updating my location occasionally and I could open an app (probably just embedding the19:59
Jaffasort of "report" vs. "rendezvous" modes.19:59
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RevdKathyI'm open to a little stalking if you're Qt19:59
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zaheermJaffa, you at work?19:59
lardman_hmm, the wonders of TalkTalk19:59
Jaffazaheerm: ATM, yup20:00
* zaheerm spots jaffa not too far from the thames20:00
JaffaIndeed, less than 10 min walk to Tower of London20:00
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Jaffalardman: "Friends list" on the map didn't work on my N900; and I dunno if the shift-double click to zoom out which works in Firefox will work on device (not tested)20:01
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lardman_Jaffa: hmm, works for me20:02
lardman_Jaffa: are you online atm?20:02
lardman_19m ago you were20:03
lardman_London, just north of London Bridge20:04
lardman_on the corner of the A10 and A12??20:04
lardman_where ?? matches 2 chars that look like 11 but are obscured by your avatar20:05
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lardman_oh good, was just a bit too quiet20:06
lardman_how does one make the browser go back to normal zoom?20:06
lardman_this page is a bit flawed as you can't zoom afaict20:06
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lardman_nor can you pan20:07
lardman_I guess that is actually possible on an iPhone though?20:07
lardman_anyone got one?20:07
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lardman_you can PM me if you don't want to admit your shame in public ;)20:08
fdvlardman_: what is possible?20:08
lardman_zooming and panning the Latitude page20:08
fnordianslipwhat page are you guys looking at? let me see20:08
* lardman_ looks for it in yesterday's logs20:09
fdvoh, that's a gps app?20:09
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lardman_no, webpage with location plugin20:10
fdvbut you'll still need a gps, so my 2g phone won't do much good :)20:10
fnordianslipis the plugin in e-d ?20:10
lardman_fdv: what phone do you have?20:11
fnordianslipno brickey-brickey with the plugin ?20:11
lardman_no, should be fine20:11
lardman_(evil cackle)20:11
fdvlardman_: iphone 2g and n90020:11
lardman_well will probably work on the iphone as that's what it's designed for20:12
lardman_on n900 install the plugin and open the webpage20:12
fdvworking on it :)20:12
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fdvwhere'd you say the plugin could be found?20:14
lardman_fdv: extras devel20:14
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lardman_fdv: I'll get you the url so you don't need to enable the repo20:14
fdvlardman_: is the repo that unstable?20:14
LuciusMarecan anyone tell me why there is still "preorder" for n900 at nokia store?20:14
lardman_fdv: not imo, but still20:15
MyrttiLuciusMare: depends on what nokia store you're looking at20:16
LuciusMareMyrtti: europe20:16
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zaheermLuciusMare, i think because they keep running out of stock20:17
lardman_interesting, someone has already hacked the api on the iPhone20:18
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lardman_that page needs panning and zooming, so will have to do likewise, plus to save battert20:18
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lardman_I guess a library would be the best bet, feed it your google account info, it returns a list of your contacts and their locations20:24
lardman_with a callback for changes in location, etc20:24
zaheermthat stuff is public api right?20:24
zaheermso could go into libgdata20:24
lardman_I need to reverse engineer it afaict20:25
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crashanddieLooks like another episode of Mythbusters20:26
crashanddiedo we know if the uSD port is SDIO-enabled?20:27
lardman_zaheerm: saw that, but only allows you to lookup your own location afaict20:28
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zaheermlardman_, ah ok, so a little less useful20:28
LuciusMareback to preorder at shops,i dont think so20:28
LuciusMareavailibility is coming soon20:28
LuciusMarenot out of stock20:28
lardman_not useful at all, though I had the same good thoughts to begin with, as we already know our lat/lon, so no need for Google to tell us20:29
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Jaffacrashanddie: are you down under yet?20:31
crashanddieJaffa: nope, still in California20:32
Jaffalardman_: on desktop on that page you can zoom in with double-click and zoom out with shift-double click. I guess, you'll have to disable the pan mode using the left toggle button20:32
Jaffacrashanddie: nice?20:32
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redCan I use my N900 as a remote controller for my PC via WiFi or internet?20:34
redused to this functionality on my older devices so just wondering20:34
tigertred: vnc for example20:35
tigertdepends what you mean20:35
redbluemamo is bluetooth?20:35
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redwell for example mousecursor controlling20:35
redor sending keystrokes20:35
tigertvnc is what you need then20:35
tigertor rdesktop20:35
redvnc oughta work adequatly20:35
redbut could be horrible performancewise dno :p20:35
tigerttheres both vnc or rdesktop20:35
tigertits ok if you have a fast wlan20:35
redoki, ill dig into it20:35
red3.6mbps gprs or wlan as fast as n900 can deliver20:36
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lardman_Jaffa: thanks20:37
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lardman_still think something not tired to a webpage is a better bet though really, from a power saving point of view if nothing else20:37
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Jaffalardman_: agreed20:38
lbtstupid adsl20:38
crashanddieJaffa: cold20:38
Jaffagood news: seems to be doing wifi triangulation on N900 too20:38
crashanddieJaffa: appears to be one of the coldest winters in years20:38
fnordianslipuplardman_: perhaps just range and bearing would do20:38
jrochalizardo, hey20:38
RST38hlardman: Ok, I tried that location test app20:39
RST38hlardman: Got interesting results.20:39
lbtRST38h: worth getting?20:39
lardman_fnordianslip: they will return lat/lon20:39
JaffaStatus area had it as "general", but showing me pretty precisely at euston20:39
lardman_RST38h: go on20:39
lizardojrocha: hi20:39
RST38hladman: Looks like gps stuff itself is not to blame. It does get a fix, after a while, even in offline mode20:39
RST38hlardman: BUT20:39
jrochalizardo, I got a doubt about packaging a Python app20:39
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RST38hlardman: Ovi Maps. It starts gettng location, GPS icon starts flashing, then after about 40-100 seconds, Ovi Maps shuts GPS down, asks for an uplink (continue in offline mode? yes/no) and initializes GPS again20:40
RST38hlardman: Of course, if you are flipping the gps like crazy every minute or two, it will NEVER get a fix20:40
jrochalizardo, I build a deb package on SB and it will get me the tarball of the package as ...i386.tar.gz20:40
RST38hWill have to try with Maemo Mapper though20:41
jrochalizardo, and the build dependencies I have for it are only available on i386 target (python-runtime)20:41
lardman_RST38h: ok, so that's ovi maps' fault not liblocation's then?20:41
RST38hor eCoach for that matter20:41
RST38hlardman: Looks so to me, at the moment20:41
lizardojrocha: are you on a x86 or armel target ?20:41
RST38hlardman: Needs more testing with other GPS apps though20:41
lardman_Ovi Maps really is a pile of shite20:41
jrochalizardo, but I would like the tarball to be arch independent20:41
jrochaon the X8620:41
* lardman_ considers adding that to the bugtracker20:41
RST38hlardman: I had that idea long ago20:42
lardman_RST38h: ok20:42
lizardojrocha: BTW, you should not depend on the "python-runtime" package ... it is a meta-package to be installed by developers, not to be used on debian/control20:42
lardman_well yeah, just extra confirmation ;)20:42
RST38hlardman: There is really no right way to file Ovi Maps bugs20:42
RST38hlardman: Other than "It sucks."20:42
lardman_dpkg --remove20:42
lizardojrocha: in that case you should use "Architecture: all"  on debian/control20:42
jrochahmm, lizardo I used it for builde-dep only20:42
lizardojrocha: even so, I'd suggest you depend only on the Python packages you really use20:43
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jrochalizardo, I got Architecture: all in debian/control20:43
lardman_I need a Windows app which will sniff tcp/ip data and allow me to filter by process, any ideas?20:43
jrochalizardo, okay20:43
jrochalizardo, I noticed hermes or gpodder (don't recall which exactly) also had it that way20:44
lizardojrocha: are you sure it is not "Architecture: any" because "all"  should generate a *_all.deb package, not a *_i386.deb one20:44
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles: did you ever try bluemaemo with your mac?20:44
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crashanddieGeneralAntilles: can't seem to get it to work20:44
lizardojrocha: yes, I still need to notify the packages that do this :) it is some old habit from Diablo times, I suppose20:44
fnordiansliplardman_ Open Ports to see which stream are for which process, and Wireshark20:44
vrphello all, could someone help me with an issue installing the SDK on Ubuntu?20:45
jrochalizardo, I get a all.deb package but I get a i386 tarball20:45
jrocha"Architecture: all" copied+pasted20:45
lardman_wireshark, ok20:45
vrpafter i login to scratchbox, i and run I get "command not found"20:45
vrpI ran the gui installer from the nokia site20:45
vrpi manually installed the nokia binaries using apt-get install mameo-explicit20:45
fnordiansliplardman_: there's an app for Win called "Open Ports"20:46
lizardojrocha: but you know that having "python-runtime" on Build-Depends (or any other python-* dependency) does not guarantee that the Dependency will be available at run-time , right ? the Depends: field will not contain any python-* dependencies that you defined only on Build-Depends20:46
lizardojrocha: which parameters you pass to dpkg-buildpackage to generate the packages ?20:46
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lizardojrocha: that's really strange, I always get a .orig.tar.gz+.diff.gz or .tar.gz package  only...20:47
jrocha -us -uc -rfakeroot20:47
lardman_fnordianslip: can I have more than one filter at a time?20:47
jrocha -us -uc -rfakeroot20:48
lizardojrocha: well, that's really weird, I never seen Debian packages generating some .i386.tar.gz ...20:48
lardman_wireshark doesn't seem to record the process name20:48
jrochawell, i does for me :D20:48
lizardojrocha: maybe something you put on your debian/control ?20:48
fnordiansliplardman_:  in wireshark - like "tcp.port eq 80 and udp.port eq 2000"20:48
lardman_ok cool20:49
DocScrutinizer51lardman_, there's even a convenient UI for filter setup20:49
jrochalizardo, so, for build-depends maybe only python2.5 is enough?20:50
crashanddieGAN900: ?20:50
lizardojrocha: I suppose you are using sb1 and not sb2 , right ?20:50
lardman_yeah, couldn't see how to join filters though, but if "and" works that's fine20:50
crashanddielardman_: how's Qt?20:50
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lardman_crashanddie: progressing slowly20:51
crashanddiethe important word being "Progress"20:51
fnordiansliplardman_:  i might have meant "or" thinking about it20:51
lardman_nah, have started writing code20:51
JaffaDocScrutinizer51: "convenient" might be overstating it a little ;)20:51
lardman_trying to work out how to encapsulate everything in these funny things called classes20:51
lizardojrocha: yes, either "Depends: python (>= 2.5)"     or "Depends: python2.5" (if you also target Diablo)20:52
JaffaLatitude on N900 is doing a good job of my journey home20:52
lizardojrocha: s/Depends/Build-Depends/20:52
jrochaups yes, that's what I meant :)20:52
Jaffalizardo: get him to specify the optified version ;)20:52
* lardman_ logs on to check20:52
* Jaffa is going to in his next Hermes build20:52
jrochalizardo, ok, I'll check if I get arm.tar.gz on arm target20:53
lizardoJaffa: that's not really necessary... the optified version is already in testing, there is nothing mor ewe can do to push it further :)20:53
lardman_Jaffa: Berkhamstead?20:53
infobotlardman_ meant: Jffa: Berkhamstead?20:53
lardman_no he didn't20:53
lizardoJaffa: actually the "how to push non-user/* package updates to the user"  issue is still open20:53
DanielWmwhere can i find the source packages for the packages on ?20:54
lizardoand "make all packages depend on specific versions of packages"  is not a good solution IMHO :)20:54
DocScrutinizer51is there any widely accepted best practice to avoid /fs cramming ewhile installing all kinda devel-foo? like e.g. moving /usr20:54
Jaffalizardo: >= is possibly good enough20:54
derfThe correct solution, obviously, is to put everything in user/*.20:54
jrochalizardo, ... I'm sorry I told you i386.tar.gz... it is the .changes that have the arch attached20:55
JaffaHas anyone tested user/hidden with the shipping Fremantle HAM?20:55
lizardojrocha: in that case this is no problem at all20:55
Jaffalardman_: sounds about right20:55
lizardojrocha: you don't want a arch attached to it , use the -S option20:55
lizardojrocha: and -sa20:55
lardman_Jaffa: Aldbury now20:56
lizardojrocha: in short : dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -rfakeroot -sa -S20:56
lizardojrocha: (I think this is the recommended command for extras-devel uploads)20:56
derfNo, that's not the one in the docs.20:56
jrochalizardo, ok, my problem is just that I uploaded it to extras devel and it built it to me for 'maemo-fremantle-i386-extras-devel' target20:56
lizardojrocha: but not the  "-S" will build only the source package :)20:57
Jaffalardman_:  exciting my train journey, isn't it?20:57
lardman_but nice it works ;)20:57
zaheermJaffa, you live in herts?20:58
lardman_right, going to do some tcp sniffing so will shutdown to avoid too much extra noise20:58
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RevdKathytcp sniffing? Sounds... deadly20:59
DanielWmwhere to find the source of the lirc package?20:59
jrochalizardo, -sa will still give me i386.changes21:00
fnordianslipcan't get good glue anymore21:00
RST38hEach American Consumed 34 Gigabytes Per Day In '0821:00
|Rawkward amount21:00
fnordianslipof what? burgers?21:00
jrochalizardo, using -S gives me ...-source.changes21:00
RevdKathyIn the absence of glue, try whiteboard parker pens21:00
Jaffazaheerm: no, I'm still going21:00
DocScrutinizer51RevdKathy, nah, tcp is considered one of the more soft recreational drugs21:00
RST38hwell, some advertising too21:01
fnordianslipyou're thinking of pcp21:01
zaheermJaffa, long commute, then :)21:01
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RevdKathytcp is an antiseptic. It would do nothing for you!21:01
lizardojrocha: yes, it's because it builds the binaries... it will always append the arch where the package was build, even if all packages in debian/control are Arch: all21:01
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lizardojrocha: the -S will append only _source.changes21:01
jrochalizardo, I see21:01
RST38hAnd PCP is what koalas getting high on?21:01
lizardojrocha: but I'm not sure why that's a problem :) you don't need to distribute the .changes file anyway21:01
jrochalizardo, I'm obviously a noob on deb pkg generation21:01
* RST38h throws more wood on the bug 5337 fire21:02
povbotBug Can't get GPS lock without network connection21:02
Jaffazaheerm: 90mins door-to-door21:02
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lizardojrocha: the changes file is only required for uploading to extras-devel, and for that you must use "-sa -S" AFAIK21:02
zaheermJaffa, ok that's not too bad21:02
zaheermmy commute tomorrow will be like 4 hours door to door21:02
jrochalizardo, it's just that I scped the changes, tar.gz and dsc to extras devel and its build says at some point:  [2009-12-09 18:10:26] Building seriesfinale 0.1-1 for target 'maemo-fremantle-i386-extras-devel'21:02
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lizardojrocha: yes, that's just the name of the sbox target on the autobuilder machine21:03
lizardojrocha: but given the package is Arch: all, it builds only on i38621:03
lizardojrocha: because the package generated there is also installable on the armel target21:03
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jrochalizardo, so the package will be available on armel as well in the end21:04
lizardojrocha: if you had any Arch: any packages in debian/control, it would build on both targets21:04
lizardojrocha: yes ;)21:04
DocScrutinizer51c'mon devels. I'm probably not the only one with / at 93%. How to tackle that?21:04
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lizardojrocha: it would not be available only if you used Arch: i386 specifically21:04
jrochalizardo, oh! nice then :D ... and I've been wasting your time..21:05
lizardojrocha: no prob :)21:05
derfDocScrutinizer51: Re-flash.21:05
DocScrutinizer51want to get even more tools on the device - not reset to default21:05
jrochalizardo, so the recommended way is to have Arch: all on debian/control and build it using -sa -S, hence uploading the ....-source.changes to extras devel?21:06
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* SpeedEvil wants a nice 3GB package of all possible tools in a chroot.21:06
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil, duh. sounds like overkill...21:06
DocScrutinizer51bu then. it has charming aspects21:06
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Vanadishai thar21:08
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DocScrutinizer51so nobody did a simple move of /usr and /var so far?21:08
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ali1234it isn't necessary to move anything21:10
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DocScrutinizer51ali1234, please toss a better procedure then21:10
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ali1234um, install whatever you want to a loopback filesystem, mount it, path it, that's it21:11
RST38hlardman, Jaffa, Stskeeps, SpeedEvil: Take a look here:
povbotBug 5337: Can't get GPS lock without network connection21:11
lizardojrocha: AFAIK , yes21:12
jrochalizardo, ok, thanks21:12
lizardojrocha: as long as your package is readlly architecture independent (i.e. does not compile anything) :)21:12
StskeepsRST38h: good job investigating21:13
RST38hStskeeps: Seems to be OVI MAPS21:13
jrochalizardo, ok, thank you for the help21:13
StskeepsRST38h: please state what mode you used in LTG21:13
SpeedEvilRST38h: I saw something that looked like that with something else...21:13
SpeedEvilRST38h: ah21:14
SpeedEvilRST38h: gpsjinni was doing that too21:14
RST38hStskeeps: defaults21:14
DocScrutinizer51ali1234, thanks. but that doesn't disclose its's advantages in everyday use to me' compared to moving /usr21:14
SpeedEvilRST38h: the shut down the GPS thing21:14
JaffaRST38h: looks good21:14
ali1234DocScrutinizer the advantage is you don't have to more /usr and potentially screw the device in the process21:14
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RST38hJaffa: Of course if it is OVI MAPS, Maemo Mapper is our only hope21:14
StskeepsRST38h: i suspect ovi maps wants cellid - it went totally crazy once and mixed cellid and gps input21:14
RST38hThere is no way anyone is gonna fix THAT pile of fecal substance21:14
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ali1234if you don't mind that nobody else has tried it, and you might mess it up, then feel free to choose the difficult option21:15
luke-jr"Mostly, nobody knows I'm drunk until I've decided to use shared libs in a taste test"21:15
RST38hStskeeps: Once you have Location Testing thingie keep GPS up, OVI MAPS works :)21:15
JaffaRST38h: GPXview is a quite nice map viewer21:15
SpeedEvilRST38h: also seemed to keep gps location fix up - gpxview - IIRC21:15
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Jaffayayp nearly home21:16
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VDVsxRST38h, first two screens of vulture's eye are a bit off the screen21:17
RST38hStskeeps, Jaffa, SpeedEvil: There is one more possible cause for this problem21:17
* VDVsx gonna thumb down :D21:18
RST38hVDVsx: They are made for a bigger screen21:18
SpeedEvilRST38h: The pope?21:18
* VDVsx is kidding :P21:18
SpeedEvilRST38h: The illuminati?21:18
VDVsxRST38h, resize them21:18
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RST38hStskeeps, Jaffa, SpeedEvil: Consider a situation where OVI MAPS DOES NOT forcibly shut GPS down21:18
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SpeedEvilRST38h: yeah - I was wondering if it was a somewhat lower level library21:18
RST38hIntead it simply stops using GPS and the GPS subsystem shuts GPS down, rather than keep it up for another few minutes in the hopes that someone may need it21:18
SpeedEvilRST38h: shutting down the gps as it confused idle with no fix21:19
VDVsxRST38h, the bugtracker points to tmo, lol21:19
DocScrutinizer51anybody knows how to set up a dualboot system on n900? (only bootloader)21:19
SpeedEvilRST38h: 'shutdown if nobodies got a position report in 1 min'21:19
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: rootfs or kernel?21:19
RST38hGiven how expensive it is to reacquire them damn lock, GPS should be kept up for at least a few minutes when it is unused21:19
SpeedEvilRST38h: meh21:19
RST38hVDVsx: No shit Sherlock :)21:19
RST38hVDVsx: I really had no idea where to direct bug reports21:20
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps, mostly rootfs. wouldn't mind kernel as well21:20
RST38hVDVsx: Don't think Clive has a forum21:20
SpeedEvilRST38h: I meant today to get an oscilloscope hooked to measure the instantaneous current. So I can see how expensive exactly a packet is over GPRS and 3G and ...21:20
VDVsxRST38h, well, at least it should point to a specific thread21:20
SpeedEvilRST38h: but feeling horrible today21:20
RST38hVDVsx: Probably, yes21:20
RST38hVDVsx: If you feel like adjusting the graphics and icons, please do21:20
SpeedEvilRST38h: also good for gps of course21:20
RST38hVDVsx: Send the resulting data to me *and* javispedro who is trying to get it through autobuilder21:20
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: had a n810 with bootmenu?21:21
DocScrutinizer51no :-S21:21
RST38hSpeedEvil: How expensive in terms of TMobile/ATT exec time? :)21:21
VDVsxRST38h, bugtracker and the first two screens, nothing else21:21
VDVsxworks fine so far21:21
SpeedEvilRST38h: :)21:21
RST38hVDVsx: Feel free to fix the screens (/opt/vultures/graphics)21:21
* VDVsx installs braek 0_021:22
DocScrutinizer51Stskeeps, tnx for ptr21:22
StskeepsDocScrutinizer51: 'tis my job21:22
SpeedEvilRST38h: I was more thinking of how many millijoules a 64/512/4096 byte packet takes over 3g/gprs/wifi, and what the breakdowns are of data quantity/latency21:22
RST38hSpeedEvil: I remember overhearing that one minute of a transatlantic phone call cost AT&T about $.02 7 years ago21:22
RST38hSpeedEvil: Also, AT&T owned the damn cable21:23
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RST38hSpeedEvil: So, we are takling about 500%+ margins here21:23
SpeedEvilRST38h: oh I believe it21:23
SpeedEvilRST38h: It's also misleadin if you odn't count amortisation of the cost of the cable, and replacement cable funding of course.21:23
fnordianslipSpeedEvil: don't forget bluetooth too, in your comparison21:25
markus_how does the include line has to look like? "#include "SDL/SDL.h" seems not to work21:25
SpeedEvilfnordianslip: true. I don't happen to have a bluetooth pan device setup - I suppose a mouse would work21:25
ali1234Stskeeps: the bootmenu is post kernel though right?21:26
RST38hSpeedEvil: I think it has all been included21:26
fnordianslipSpeedEvil: not ideal though.  still, what you propose is interesting enough21:26
RST38hSpeedEvil: $.02/min was a bulk rate at which AT&T sold minutes to other companies21:26
Stskeepsali1234: yes, kexec is broken21:26
ali1234are there public docs on how to build a flashing jig yet?21:27
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ali1234(for n900 or n800)21:27
Stskeepsn800 or n810 had some..21:27
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil, Ws/byte. A nice evaluation :-)21:29
RST38hMeanwhile, in the less known bug...
povbotBug 2501: Hardware keyboard doesn't switch Input language when pressing Ctrl+Space21:29
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ersinhi all21:30
Stskeepsersin: did you by chance put the glib and so on stuff in extras-devel? :P21:31
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ersindoes anyone know if there's anything bad about disabling the hw watchdog?  a lot of people seem to complain about random reboots21:31
ersinstskeeps: YES!  i'm so, so sorry about that21:31
Stskeepsersin: hehe, next time it's better to set up your own repo :)21:31
ersini got an e-mail from x-fade21:31
Stskeepsor dpkg -i stuff manually21:31
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ersinstskeeps: absolutely, i don't know what i was thinking, i just got caught up in it all21:31
ali1234ersin: they'll just get random freezes instead of random reboots :P21:31
ersinali1234: oh...lol21:32
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ali1234i mean it's unlikely that the system will unfreeze if it freezes long enough to trip the watchdog21:32
ali1234possible... but unlikely21:32
DocScrutinizer51random reboots might be caused by filled rootfs and any write() failing/blocking21:33
derfNo, it's fairly likely.21:33
derfWhat's unlike is that the user cares enough to wait for it.21:33
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ersinstskeeps: i was thinking about starting a thread on for sharing some adhoc builds of mer/fremantle packages ported to diablo, i'm sure lots of people would like to try if there were just a set of easy links (lots of disclaimers of course)21:33
Stskeepsersin: talk to the community SSU guys21:33
Stskeepsthey might be interestes21:33
ersinali1234: no but there's plenty of times when it will just reboot for no reason21:34
derfI was able to make my N810 trip the watchdog fairly easily just by swapping too much.21:34
derfAnd I was usually happy when it did.21:34
ersinali1234: like when using easy debian openoffice21:34
ali1234that's kind of ... bad21:34
lbthmm, ersin... what device have you got?21:34
ersinstskeeps: didn't realize there was a group like that, are they on irc?21:34
ersinlbt: n80021:34
* lbt wonders why you're not building on Mer/OBS then :)21:35
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lbtMer is about porting fremantle stuff21:35
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lbtand provides a clean place for you to up the gtk version in your own project space21:35
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ersinlbt: well i'm getting reasons for sticking to diablo in the short term are obscure but important to me21:36
lbtyeah, np21:36
Stskeepsersin: lma and SD6921:36
andre__somebody having a UPnP share here and running 1.2009.42-11? can you please tell me if also happens in English?21:36
povbotBug 6736: Polish string too long durung UPnP browsing21:36
lbtjust trying to provide options21:36
ersinlbt: but i am very much interested in contributing to mer, trust me it will happen =P21:36
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ersinthank you, much appreciated21:36
ersinstskeeps: noted21:37
RST38hProcessed at Helsinki - Finland!21:37
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lbtRST38h: heh <grin>21:37
lbtneighbours then21:37
RST38hlbt: You and my N900? :) Indeed21:38
lbtDeparted from DHL facility in Helsinki21:38
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RST38hyours is leaving first!21:39
JackSMithget windows keys for cheap :)21:39
* Stskeeps should get that rebate at some point..21:39
lbt1st class21:39
RST38hstill need to get a decent case21:39
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* dinmin_ välter kulve 21:40
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lbtyeah, and maybe a protector21:40
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RST38hI ordered protector21:41
RST38hThey are backordered though21:41
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dinminMeh... kurtan*21:41
ali1234andre__: (upnp) no it doesn't happen for me (the text is smaller and on two lines)21:41
andre__ali1234, thanks a lot!21:42
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RST38hZAGG has got a near perfect order tracing system21:42
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* RST38h has never seen anything this good21:42
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JosefAssadso if I'm following and I get to the ./maemo-sdk-install_5.0.sh21:44
fnordianslipali1234: i'm confused.  I can't see anything to do with upnp in Media Player, although I can see my twonky server in File Manager.  how do you select a upnp share in MP?21:45
JosefAssadand I get IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/scratchbox/users/josef/targets/FREMANTLE_ARMEL.config'  <-- what obvious step did I miss?21:45
ali1234fnordianslip: it just appears at the bottom of the main media player screen21:45
fnordianslipali1234: er, or not in my case. hmmm21:45
ali1234upnp can be hit and miss21:46
ali1234mine appears but all the folders are empty21:46
ali1234i'm using gmediaserver21:46
fnordianslipfile manager hots and media player misses. hmm.21:46
fnordiansliphits, i meant21:46
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ersinstskeeps: so for git, once i clone my own repository, i should just change the code directly and committing will keep a record of it that can be pulled by the gitorious branches?21:48
ersinstskeeps: i.e., i don't have to worry about doing diff patches, right?21:49
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ersinthat is absolutely awesome21:49
wazdI wonder if Pandora guys are planning to release Pandora 2 :)21:49
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: any concise summary about bootloader, initfs, partitions etc.? (like "on power-up, bootloader is moved to ram from...")21:49
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: nolo,x-loader loads a zImage from internal flash21:50
VDVsxwazd, of course the major hit will be duke nukem forever 2 :D21:50
Stskeepscan't recall what partition21:50
DocScrutinizerStskeeps: what's x-loader? ;-)21:50
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: something magical21:50
Stskeepsno idea, actually21:50
DocScrutinizerso first step user has any control is the content of zImage21:51
DocScrutinizerk, thanks21:51
Stskeepsor at nolo, booting kernel from USB21:52
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DocScrutinizerwhat's nolo then?21:52
StskeepsNokia Loader21:52
ersindocscrutinizer: i found that looking at the initfs's linuxrc script is very helpful21:52
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ersinthat's the script that's run right after the magical nokia boot stuff takes place21:53
DocScrutinizerersin: thanks21:53
Stskeepsno initfs in n90021:53
BluesLeehi, is there a widget for taking notes or one where i can manage my todos? (the calendar widget doesnt show me my todos)21:53
Stskeepsnot a used one21:53
ersinoh, my bad21:53
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DocScrutinizerStskeeps: so what's your multiboot actually doing? tweaking bootloader (guess no), or kexec, or sth even different?21:55
StskeepsDocScrutinizer: starts in /sbin/preinit21:55
DocScrutinizeraah, I see. It's not for different kernels. You asked me if I need rootfs, or kernel multiboot21:56
Stskeepsit's for rootfs21:56
DocScrutinizerk, ic21:56
Stskeepskernel multiboot is not possible atm :/21:56
* andre__ confused: Are Bluetooth mice officially supported for the N900?21:56
VDVsxandre__, no HID21:56
andre__VDVsx, heh. thanks :)21:57
VDVsxmice/keyboard uses the same profile21:57
DocScrutinizerandre__: there's a package somewhere in devel or dunno claiming to do HID for BT though21:58
andre__yeah, I know...21:58
andre__just wondered if it's technically the same as with keyboards...21:58
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VDVsxDocScrutinizer, if your're talking about bluemaemo is the opposite, the device acts as a HID keyboard/mice21:59
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VDVsxandre__, yes, plus the UI that doesn't support a pointer22:00
VDVsxexcept the browser22:00
VDVsxthere a BT mouse works22:00
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Markus23but for keyboards there are still problems with umlauts?22:04
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Markus23n900 is really great however22:04
Markus23can't await christmas :-)22:04
lardmanhmm, interesting, the location data is indeed JSON22:05
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crashanddieMarkus23: you can't really "not await" something22:05
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Markus23crashanddie: bad english?22:06
crashanddieMarkus23: I'm awaiting something22:06
crashanddieMarkus23: or, I can't wait for something22:07
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Markus23ok, so I can't wait for christmas :-)22:07
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Markus23thanks for correction22:07
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Gadgetoidnot being able to reliably use my bt keyboard with the n900 is annoying22:11
Markus23Gadgetoid: any chance that it will be fixed?22:11
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LuciusMareGadgetoid: youcan use a bt keyboard with n900?22:11
Gadgetoidlack of mouse i am kind of used to... it doesnt work well on the n810 either22:11
GadgetoidLuciusMare, barely... only the letter keys work22:12
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Gadgetoidmouse wont even connect22:12
Gadgetoidand Markus23, an official fix seems unlikely... the bug raised was shot down22:13
Markus23seems like they want to sell their own bt keyboard22:13
Gadgetoidthere are some smart folks here... though... if any of them want it fixed, it will be fixed22:14
Gadgetoidi agree markus2322:14
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Gadgetoidmakes sound business sense... and i would buy such a keyboard if it didnt suck22:14
Markus23why does it suck?22:14
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Gadgetoidalthough the hid profile is totally disabled... not sure how they would get onet to work without firmware changes22:15
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Ceron^ port this to maemo22:15
Ceron^priority nr.122:15
Gadgetoidit probably will suck... i don't think suvh a keyboard yet exists22:15
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Markus23Gadgetoid: whats special about firmware changes? isn't it a dist-upgrade and reboot afterwards?22:16
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Gadgetoidi guess Markus23 but it requires a small config change either way22:17
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Gadgetoidwhich anyone who knows their way 'round terminal can do themselves in about 30sec22:18
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Ceron^whats the newest firmware22:19
Ceron^on the n90022:19
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Gadgetoidthats odd... no cable to my homeplus network22:19
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DocScrutinizer51friggin splits22:23
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Vink_Hi, any solution for this?22:23
Vink_[sbox-maemo-beagle: ~] > fakeroot ./make_rootfs.sh22:23
Vink_  /scratchbox/tools/bin/fakeroot: line 185: ./ No such file or directory22:23
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Gadgetoidnever seen 'em so common22:23
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AbstractWIs Maemo 6 going to be Qt based, rather than gnome based?22:28
AbstractWAre they completely ditching Hildon?22:28
woglindeAbstractW yes but gtk-maemo apps will run as well22:28
VDVsxthink so22:28
toggles_wwhat, my moe six? i just got five...22:29
AbstractWHearing about that switch, has me tenative to purchase an N90022:29
AndrewBlackI´m a little confused who would pay $20 for Documents to go viewer if you have atleast 1 other free viewer?22:29
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AbstractWUnless the N900 is supposed to be one of the target devices for maemo 622:29
toggles_wAbstractW: n900 is very very sweet22:29
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go1dfishI don't think there has been a confirmation either way on that, re n900/maemo622:29
go1dfishbut whether it happens officially or not, I'd be extremely surprised if it didn't happen unofficially22:30
AbstractWI have no doubts it'd happen unofficially.22:30
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go1dfishI myself am looking forward to the qt switch22:31
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go1dfishas a user, I used to hate qt apps, and was much more of a gnome guy22:31
AbstractWI think most people were that way.22:31
RevdKathyAre you Qt, goldfish?22:31
go1dfishbut qt4 is very sweet, no matter how you look at it really, good from both a dev and user perspectiv22:31
woglindegoldfish jupp22:32
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go1dfishstill running gnome, and mostly gtk apps on my desktops I must admit, kde4 is too rushed and incomplete22:32
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woglindego1dfish yes22:33
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woglindeqt is nice from user and dev site22:33
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go1dfishah, cool22:33
woglindekde4 is kde422:33
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woglindeonly based on qt22:33
petterihopefully maemo 5 -> maemo 6 is not kde 3 -> kde 4 all over again :D22:33
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mikhas_petteri, was kde3 written in gtk?22:34
petterimikhas_: what do you think :D22:34
luke-jrno, KDE 3 was Qt322:34
luke-jrwhich would suggest that Maemo 5 -> Maemo 6 could be far worse or far better22:34
luke-jrsince GTK sucks that much more than Qt322:34
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petterii am also hoping to run maemo 6 on my n90022:35
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Scummerare there svn trees for maemo 6 available ?22:35
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petteriScummer: look here: http://maemo.gitorious.org22:36
N900_fanboythis maemo 6 for n900 is interesting question. is n900 "history" when maemo 6 is out?22:36
mikhasScummer, maybe. if there is git2svn =)22:36
Scummerpett: ok thanks22:36
Scummergit is fine22:36
StskeepsN900_fanboy: people's n810's work just fine still22:36
AbstractWThe N900 was a device designed specifically for maemo 5.22:36
* VDVsx 's n810 rocks!!22:37
Scummerthe n900 is way to cool not to be running  maemo 6 :)22:37
woglindemaemo5 was designed for n90022:37
* Stskeeps is personally looking forward to insert the first qt4.6 stuff and DUI and such and put on mer/n90022:37
woglindekinetic stuff yeah yeah22:38
woglindeyeah yeah22:38
go1dfishheh I've already got a little python/qt4 app I wrote last year ported to maemo522:38
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VDVsxStskeeps, you can test some of the new Qt stuff in the n900, works quite good ;)22:39
|Ryé just got the n900 !22:39
|Rnow, how the hell do you open the back :P22:40
mikhasVDVsx, care to upload the ported examples as .deb?22:40
Scummerjust pop it open22:40
mikhas"ported", heh22:40
|Rjust pulling hard where the little line-hole is ?22:40
VDVsxmikhas, which ones ?22:40
mikhasif one line can count22:40
mikhasoh, they all are?22:40
Scummerno sliding or anything.. just pop it22:40
|Rnot enought nails haha i ll get something to do a lever ;)22:41
* mikhas needs to check!22:41
go1dfishheh when I first got my loaner, the little sticker with the instructions wasn't there22:41
go1dfishso I thought the suspend/resume switch22:41
VDVsxmikhas, the ones that a did based in the symbian stuff or the new ones from OpenBossa ?22:41
go1dfishwas a latch for the battery cover22:41
Scummerhehe.. i thought the same thing :)22:41
go1dfishdidn't realize it had another purpose till days later22:41
Scummeri didn't read the manual22:41
go1dfishI don't think I got a manual22:41
go1dfishgoing to go check22:41
Scummerwho does afterall :)22:41
crashanddieVDVsx: do you know why bluemaemo doesn't work on macs?22:42
crashanddieVDVsx: if you tell me "because I don't have a mac", I"m slapping you22:42
VDVsxcrashanddie, did you removed the parings ?22:42
* lardman fears he has underestimated reversing the Google Latitude protocol22:42
crashanddieremove them?22:42
crashanddieshould I let bluemaemo do the pairing?22:42
VDVsxcrashanddie, yes I don't have a Mac to test22:42
toggles_wlardman: lol22:42
VDVsxcrashanddie, yes22:42
crashanddieVDVsx: ok, lemme check22:43
Scummeranyone have a trunk svn modest app running? i haven't set up email yet because of the bug with the sorting22:43
VDVsxcrashanddie, remove them from the device and mac22:43
fdvlardman: seems to work like a charm (latitude) :)22:43
go1dfishhmm nope, no manual (I won mine at a raffle in santa clara) =D22:43
Scummernice :)22:43
lardmanfdv: Good :)22:43
Scummeri won mine from newegg after I paid 500$ for the raffle ticket :)22:43
VDVsxcrashanddie, that's because a new service is adv and the system saves these stuff in a conf file for paired devices22:44
fdvanybody know if there is a currency converter that can be used for fremantle / n900?22:44
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go1dfishfdv: google22:44
Scummerfdv : extras testing maybe ?22:44
go1dfishfdv: 3 dollars in euros22:45
crashanddieVDVsx: removed it from both -- however nothing happens after I do "Establish connection" (it pairs, but that's it)22:45
go1dfishI don't know of any native apps for it yet22:45
fdvgo1dfish: well, converting currency is typically useful abroad, and roaming charges are prohibitive :)22:45
go1dfishgood point heh22:45
VDVsxcrashanddie, did it goes to the menu?22:45
crashanddieVDVsx: and from the mac I only see browse and send file when looking at the N90022:45
Scummerbluemaemo.. interesting app22:45
crashanddieVDVsx: doesn't look like it22:46
Scummergotta try that22:46
VDVsxcrashanddie, n900 right ?22:46
crashanddieVDVsx: I only see Wait for connection, reconnect and establish connection22:46
dreamer_fdv: isn't the exchange rate constanly changing though?22:46
crashanddieVDVsx: correct22:46
lardmanhmm, can't see where my lat/lon is uploaded22:46
fdvdreamer_: yeah, but if I have wifi access at the hotel, I can refresh the rates daily22:46
fdvand they don't change *that* much ;)22:47
VDVsxcrashanddie, well, after the "establish connection" it should go to the menu22:47
VDVsxcrashanddie, any error ?22:47
dreamer_write a perl script ;)22:47
crashanddieVDVsx: no error -- are there logs?22:47
fdvcrossed my mind22:47
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fdvor just use the one I'm using at my pc22:47
VDVsxcrashanddie, after the pairing do you see a screen saying to connect to your pc ?22:47
VDVsxlike it yes or no ?22:48
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crashanddieVDVsx: nope, after pairing it just returns to the wait for connection / reconnect /establish connection screen22:48
crashanddieVDVsx: on the mac the device is registered as supporting Bluez HID mouse and keyboard though22:49
VDVsxcrashanddie, so you're already paired or the pairing failed22:49
VDVsxcrashanddie, try reconnect now22:49
Stskeepsmm, x11vnc and n900 is really a godsend22:49
VDVsxcrashanddie, GAN had success with his mac22:49
crashanddieVDVsx: hmm, I'll with him then22:50
crashanddienow bluemaemo doesn't start anymore... :/22:50
DanielWmmhh. let me ask again. i cant find the source package for the lirc package.  where can i get that?22:50
VDVsxcrashanddie, he only removed the pairings and establish the connection22:50
Scummerkeeps : openssh is the killerapp :)22:51
VDVsxcrashanddie, note that a pin code should be requested otherwise is there a existent pairing in one of the sides22:51
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AbstractWMaemo has caused this .net guy to start writing gtk code :P22:51
VDVsxcrashanddie, ??22:52
crashanddieVDVsx: I removed pairing from both sides; when I clicked "Establish connection" it started the pairing (I selected the mac from my N900). It then showed a PIN on both machines and asked me to confirm, I confirmed on both -- then BlueMaemo just showed the previous screen again22:52
Scummerhmm.. maybe not ssh.. but drnoksnes with wiicontrol is great for airplane rides :)22:52
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DanielWmi cant even find that package on though i installed it from extras devel?22:53
VDVsxcrashanddie, never experienced that, strange, there's no code there to return to the previous screen for that stage o_022:53
crashanddieVDVsx: I'm rebooting the N900, starting over22:54
Scummerdaniel : lirc can be used as a receiver and transmitter?22:54
hrwScummer: working on getting irda on n900?22:54
StskeepsScummer: bring down a plane with that wiimote?22:54
pupnik_microsoft word 2003 refuses to open abiword documents because of some idiotic url abiword inserts22:54
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Scummerdaniel : oh.. so universal remote control ?22:54
DanielWmworking on controlling a mini rc helicoper with my n90022:55
DanielWmit basicly works22:55
SpeedEvilDanielWm: with it in the pilot seat?22:55
Scummerhmm.. i could use that for my HTPC22:55
DanielWmlol really mini22:55
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SpeedEvilDanielWm: accellerometer + gps +cam + helicopter = win22:55
pupnik_nice DanielWm22:55
SpeedEvilDanielWm: the IR ones?22:55
pupnik_look at quadcopters22:56
DanielWmir one yes22:56
AndrewBlackt.m.o says .desktop for image sets goes in .images is that right?22:56
* SpeedEvil is currently doing a sillycopter.22:56
DanielWmi can start it already22:56
Gadgetoidpupnik_ don't use word then?22:56
SpeedEvil(well - doing in the sense that it's in the middle of my stack above the orbital rocket)22:56
SpeedEvilvectored thrust climb optimised helicopter.22:56
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SpeedEvil1-4Km altitude in 2 mins.22:57
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DanielWmthe problem is i need the lirc source from the package used on the n90022:57
DanielWmi believe i look at the wrong place22:57
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DanielWmbut can't find the correct one22:57
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Scummerdaniel: you've looked here:
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DanielWmnot yet. will do when home. walkinh and typing is not safe22:59
Gadgetoidstskeeps, x11vnc hangs for me :(22:59
StskeepsGadgetoid: it's supposed to22:59
Stskeepsconnect to your n900 IP afterwards22:59
Gadgetoidi tried at work... will try again22:59
odin_come back holmes!22:59
Scummerdaniel : there is 0.8.4b for fremantle to be found22:59
crashanddieVDVsx: there's an exception!22:59
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crashanddieERROR:dbus.connection:Exception in handler for D-Bus signal...23:00
VDVsxcrashanddie, some someone messed with the deps :(23:00
andre__some bug reports are weird... Does anybody else have undeletable contacts listed in his addressbook that he does not know? Or a wrong non-editable phone number under "My information"?  ( )23:00
povbotBug 6712: my information has some(wrongly and strange) predefined phone numbers23:00
crashanddieVDVsx: no, it's because of the name of my computer!23:00
VDVsxcrashanddie, eehehhe23:01
crashanddieVDVsx: self.part_text_set("label_name_, self.main.current_adapter_name + " ?") (file edje/edje.c_edje.c:10210)23:01
woglindex11vnc reminds me to put qtnx in extras-testing for fremantle23:01
SpeedEvilandre: that's likely a per-network ID loaded on the SIM - for voicemail or price info23:01
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VDVsxcrashanddie, lol23:01
crashanddieVDVsx: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2019' in position 17: ordinal not in range(128)23:01
VDVsxcrashanddie, so is really the name23:01
andre__SpeedEvil, aha? how does that work?23:02
crashanddieVDVsx: ahaha, it's because my computer is named "Sebastian Lauwers' macbook"23:02
woglindecrashanddie uauuaahahaha23:02
SpeedEvilandre: I've got some SIMs with numbers like 123 and stuff preprogrammed23:03
woglindethe evil space in hostname23:03
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VDVsxcrashanddie, thanks for find this :), thats should be a problem with the edje lib ;)23:03
andre__SpeedEvil, ah. thanks23:03
pupnik_tested zeemote with snes last night.  using the analog joystick as dpad doesnt feel right.  it would be better suited as a mouse / pointer23:03
Scummer123 is VM for t-mobile23:03
Gadgetoidworks a treat stskeeps although i am vnced into my n900 from my n81023:03
VDVsxcrashanddie, now change the name and try again :p23:03
Gadgetoidwhich has a weird key repeat rate bug23:03
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andre__Gadgetoid, which one? I know of one bug report?23:04
Gadgetoidmmaakkiinngg  iitt  iimmppoossssiibbllee  ttoo  ttyyppee23:04
Gadgetoidandre__, when i try to type on my n900 via vnc from my n81023:05
VDVsxcrashanddie, so it crash on start because of that too ?23:05
Gadgetoidiitt  ddoeoess  tthhiiss23:05
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crashanddieVDVsx: works now23:06
VDVsxcrashanddie, that a big issue, because a lot of folks use ' in the PC name23:06
crashanddieVDVsx: yup, basically the screen where it shows reconnect / establish connection never gets updated23:06
crashanddieno error is displayed or anything23:06
crashanddieVDVsx: it's the default on macs23:06
Gadgetoidwhich is irritating becuase i would love to use my n900 from my n810.. i prefer the feel/keys of the latter23:07
andre__Gadgetoid, that's a known bug, I also had it once here23:08
Gadgetoidthe onscreen keyboard works well via vnc though23:09
Scummerhmm... tcpdump would be nice to have23:09
andre__Gadgetoid: feel free to file a new bug report in against Desktop platform > Input methods and set Alias field to int-14054723:10
woglindeScummer should be extras-devel or extras-testing23:10
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Scummeryep it is..23:10
woglindecmake dont works in sdk+23:11
Scummerthat should make it easier to debug problems with vnc and such easier23:11
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crashanddieVDVsx: feature request: support portrait mode when using mouse :)23:11
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Scummerwoglinde: but it seams not in the maemo5 testing-devel.. seems like it's for 4.1  triying to install the .deb and see what happens23:14
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GeneralAntillesVDVsx, by the way, can you drop the confirmation step from the reconnect process?23:16
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DocScrutinizer51any news on fixing xchat segfault?23:17
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SpeedEvilI will give anyone that fixed xchat a whole apple.23:18
Scummerheh.. nice tcpdump works23:19
DocScrutinizer51so seems I need dualboot to install gdb to trace xchat23:19
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: why - it seems to install fine on phone23:20
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SpeedEvil(well - it's not finished instlaling yet admittedly)23:20
DocScrutinizer51yeah. but root at 93 percent23:20
SpeedEvilhave you tried a reboot?23:21
SpeedEvilIt seems to free up some usually for me.23:21
DocScrutinizer51not yet23:21
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SpeedEvilAnd I know it shouldn't23:21
DocScrutinizer51k. so dualboot postponed23:21
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DocScrutinizer51grrrr. really reluctant to nuke my uptime23:22
* GeneralAntilles is official jetlagged.23:22
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Scummerscrutinizer: why not install xchat in a dev environment and start debugging ?23:23
SpeedEviloh - no debugging symbols in xchat23:23
SpeedEvil0x410524b8 in raise () from /lib/
SpeedEvil0x410524b8 <raise+68>:cmnr0, #4096; 0x100023:23
SpeedEvilis probably not very useful.23:23
* RevdKathy soothes General Antilles jet-lagged brow23:23
DocScrutinizer51Scummer, that's the alternative. yes23:23
Scummereasier and faster too23:24
RevdKathyGoodnight all!23:25
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil, there,s a whole lot on how to debug native to be found on wiki. speedred it ryesterday23:25
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: If the error happens with x86 too - sure23:26
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil, I,m not suggesting to go x86 (yet)23:27
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javispedroso how many thousands of irc channels do I have to follow if I want news?23:27
DocScrutinizer51tbh have no clue23:27
Xisdibikjavispedro: over 900023:28
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, all of 4. :P23:28
Stskeepsjavispedro: #maemo is primary one, the other ones are probably side channels for intense discussion :P23:28
ScummerN900 ?23:28
RST38hdepends on which news23:28
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crashanddieVDVsx: do you think it would be possible to do it the other way around?23:28
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Simply building xchat with debug syms would be the easiest option I sispect23:28
crashanddieVDVsx: use HID to control the N900 from a laptop?23:28
Scummerspeed: ACK23:29
crashanddieI concirr!23:29
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crashanddiesispucion is the mother of all evil!23:29
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil, sure23:29
Scummercrash : your u and i is swapped on your keyboard :)23:29
DocScrutinizer51or get xchat-debug?23:29
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Scummerdaniel : ran into a lamp post or something while typing ? :)23:30
SpeedEvilno such package23:30
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Sir_Lancelothi there folks23:30
javispedroI am happy with "spinoffs" for specific topics -- maemo-qt, maemo-ui, etc. but maemo-devel...23:30
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil, more like a Q than a advice?23:31
Sir_Lancelotwhere can I get xchat?23:31
Sir_LancelotI could only find irssi23:31
Scummerlance: testing i think23:31
SpeedEvilapt-get install xchat23:31
SpeedEvilafter configuring the extras-deviants repository23:31
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil, dunno if gdb can use externally supplied symtabs23:31
SpeedEvilyeah - texting23:31
Xisdibiktexting lol?23:31
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BernardVSir_Lancelot: Why would you need xhat if you have irssi? :)23:33
Scummerare there any german pay as you go sim cards with data for.. uhmm.. relatively cheap ?23:33
pupnik_tschibo scummer23:33
Scummerpupnik : hmm.. ok23:33
pupnik_i just researched23:33
rangepupnik_: But aren't those data only?23:33
Scummeri need data and phone23:33
pupnik_i asked in the store and they said d5@plus voice23:34
pupnik_after calling their tech folks23:34
Sir_Lancelotbecause I didn't like much the interface of irssi, BernardV23:34
Scummersince i'm back at home for 2 weeks23:34
pupnik_data plus voice23:34
* mikhas is interested ... phone + umts, flat or prepaid23:34
Sir_Lancelotis there a place also with a list of repository links?23:34
SpeedEvilI found the zoom buttons on xchat changes channels23:34
SpeedEvilthis is probably documented somewhere23:34
BernardVIf i'm correct the extra's repos is:
DocScrutinizer51Scummer, I use O2 loop with internet-l 5GB/month23:35
Scummer5GB/month is enough.. i'm only there for 2 weeks23:35
rangepupnik_: Ah. The tariff details tells more :)23:35
Xisdibiksee i want the same thing as that DocScrutinizer but in Japan :P23:36
andre__whouah, needs an update. sigh.23:36
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Scummerhas been a while since Tschibo only sold coffee ;)23:36
rangeScummer: They still do that? >:)23:36
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pupnik_i wore through the paint on the raised nubs on the N900 "j" and "f" keys already23:37
andre__Scummer: if you find out (assuming you refer to DE), please let me know too :-D23:38
pupnik_need to wash grit off thumbtips23:38
DocScrutinizer51ooooh FSCK23:38
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Scummerandre: yeah.. .de23:38
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DocScrutinizer51pupnik_, that's annoyance to hear :-(23:39
Scummerso its tschibofonieren instead of telefonieren... how about onanieren ? man oh man23:39
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zshi, I am trying to compile hello world example but no hildonmm package found, what is the name of package for it?23:40
andre__Scummer, marketing guys on crack...23:40
Scummerno kidding23:40
DocScrutinizer51pupnik_, I really hoped Nokiausea learnt from N81023:40
javispedrohi pupnik_ !23:40
javispedropupnik_: have you tried drnoksnes after killing hildon-desktop?23:40
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pupnik_no javispedro - speedups?23:42
javispedropupnik_: _fscking speedup_23:42
javispedronearly doubled23:42
javispedroreaches full speed on mario kart23:42
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Scummer24 cents per MB data23:43
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Stskeepsjavispedro: and you did disable compositing? :P23:43
javispedroStskeeps: I've still not done any real tests, ali1234 suggested that disabling compositing didn't get such an speedup23:44
Xisdibikjavispedro: any 30 minutes today? :D23:44
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ali1234disabling compositing via the WM hints has no effect on framerate, in my tests23:44
Stskeepshow about the key shortcut?23:44
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pupnik_very interesting result javispedro.  thanks on behalf of future games23:44
ali1234it's possible i'm doing it wrong tho23:44
ali1234what is the key shortcut?23:45
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ali1234btw, i'm using SDL, so had to ask SDL for the X window references - so SDL could be broken23:45
rangeScummer: That's still cheaper than data over SMS :)23:45
javispedroah, that reminds me I need to check if sdl creates two x11 windows even in non fullscreen mode23:45
Scummerdata over SMS... eeks..23:45
ali1234javispedro: yeah that's what i'm thinking too23:46
ali1234although the window does behave differently when compositing is disabled. just no effect on framerate23:46
javispedrodoes it get drawn in the task switcher?23:47
ali1234hmm. yes23:47
javispedrothen it's composited.23:47
mikhaszs, libhildonmm et al23:47
ali1234let me check that23:47
ali1234yeah, confirmed23:48
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GeneralAntillesjavispedro, you got a Flickr account?23:49
javispedroGeneralAntilles: yep23:50
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, don't see it.23:50
javispedroGeneralAntilles: I have a y! account iirc (javispedro)23:50
javispedrono photos on flickr though23:51
javispedrohmm I used to have...23:51
javispedroeither way they were some ugly palmos apps screenshots, so ... nothing of value was lost.23:51
ali1234hmm not even the transitions are disabled23:53
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javispedrobtw, eduroam PAP'rs. please test the nokia provided .deb package in the eduroam PAP bug.23:56
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pupnik_hehe DocScrutinizer5123:58
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