IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2009-12-10

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AbstractWDocScrutinizer: "Hmm. This file is unavailable."00:01
lardman~lart Windows for randomly deciding to reboot without permission00:01
* infobot frags Windows with his BFG9000 for randomly deciding to reboot without permission00:01
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mikhassince I didnt find those demos instantly:
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DocScrutinizer51AbstractW, sheesh I don't find how to share to world on ovi :-/00:05
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DocScrutinizer51pupnik_, your hehe seems to indicate you were able to access the fullsize jpg ?00:08
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Scummeraha.. 10 euros for a sim card at tschibo with 10euros included until 28.12 ... now I wonder, can I purchase that SIM card at a bakery with a few Bretzels together ? :)00:13
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VDVsxGeneralAntilles, yes, but you can accidentally choose the wrong device, there's also a autoconnect feature, disabled in this version00:14
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VDVsxcrashanddie, you can, when nokia fix the x server00:14
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, it takes forever to connect anyway.00:14
GeneralAntillesYou can just hit cancel if you pick the wrong one.00:14
fragmentported my old GP2X demo for the N900:)
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, true, actually that's a artifact from the previous UI00:15
pupnik_DocScrutinizer51: i saw thumbnail of worn spacebar00:16
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, my other suggestion is to use less photo-real icons for the function selections.00:16
andre__Scummer: most probably in a Tchibo shop that you will find at every bigger station00:16
pupnik_fragment: nice to meet u00:16
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VDVsxGeneralAntilles, why ? :P00:16
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, feels like they kind of overpower things.00:16
GeneralAntillesand simplifying them would make them easier to spot quickly.00:17
pupnik_fragment: how are you drawing to screen?  sdl?00:17
fragmentpupnik_: yeah, SDL00:17
fragmentpupnik_: I use it to open the window and get access to the pixel buffer. everything else is non-sdl00:17
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javispedroah, Bada shaping up00:18
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javispedrofragment: uh? you still call SDL_UpdateRects or SDL_Flip?00:18
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fragmentjavispedro: sure00:19
javispedroah, well, that's normal usage :)00:19
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, do we know what it is yet? :P00:19
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javispedroseen engadget?
GeneralAntillesjavispedro, ah.00:20
javispedroand they mention "resistive multitouch"00:20
javispedroso take care.00:20
* javispedro thinks the screenshot is fugly and wm-like00:21
pupnik_N900 so good for chatting/surfing, it replaced my pc for that00:21
pupnik_to a degree00:21
javispedrothe font reminds me of palmone's def font for the palmos00:21
javispedroI think it's actually the same, lol00:22
Xisdibikpupnik_: mine didnt replace it, but its certainly not a hassle for me to use the n900 to chat, like my last phone was00:22
Scummerpupnik: the keyboard is a tad small for chatting.. a BT keyboard on the other hand..00:22
JaffaMust resist maemo-user trolls00:24
Jaffabut then, lbt can't either.00:24
GeneralAntillesJaffa, when did you resub?00:24
lbtbad lbt00:24
JaffaGeneralAntilles: I've never unsubscribed from -users; I just ignore most of it.00:25
JaffaBut "oooh, $510 is far too expensive for an unlocked N900" annoyed me when I saw an unlocked iPhone 3GS on sale in Helsinki airport for 999eur. Turns out, they're $900 too.00:25
DocScrutinizerAbstractW: pupnik_ :
Scummer999 euro???00:26
Scummerholy schnikes00:26
javispedroyeah :)00:26
javispedrobut people don't see after operator plans00:27
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Scummeri do like the new t-mobile month to month plan00:27
VDVsxScummer, most contracts raise the price to something like +$150000:27
javispedrobtw does anyone remember which nokia shop was selling the n900 carring case?00:27
VDVsxfor the iPhone00:27
ScummerVDV: yep...00:27
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pupnik_fullsize works now DocScrutinizer5100:28
ScummerVDV: with contract 130$ for family plan and 100$ for month-to-month without phone.. so.. 2 year contract required +150$ for initial phone price = 600$ for a 400$ phone.. in that case mytouch3G00:28
VDVsxbut the think is people in the US are used to contracts00:28
DocScrutinizerdman should, better00:28
VDVsx*thing is00:28
DocScrutinizerdamn even00:28
ScummerVDV: was there even a choice ?00:28
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, and we don't get discounts for bringing our own phone.00:28
VDVsxScummer, true00:28
Scummerall the big companies had only 1/2 year contracts00:29
Scummert-mobile just changed that a few month ago.. thankfully00:29
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Scummerbut then.. alot of things don't make sense in the US00:29
woglindeIn germany its very nice I only use prepaid00:29
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andre__lbt, ahaha! thanks for that maemo-users@ posting! :-D00:29
woglinde10 euros in half a year00:29
Scummerwriting checks in the 21st century... man oh man00:29
woglindebut I am not this much cellphone user00:30
JaffaVDVsx: UK too, TBH00:30
rangeI really wonder why Mark still "cares" for maemo devices ...00:30
javispedroah, no nokia online store has the case, they all want me to go to a physical one or place a call00:30
Sir_LancelotAnyone here herad about N900 loosing the mic?00:30
Scummerwog: in germany the cellphones were also unlocked00:30
lbtandre__: I toned it down so much....00:30
woglindeScummer jupp00:31
Scummerwog: at least it used to be this way 15 years ago00:31
Sir_LancelotAnyone here heard about N900 loosing the mic?00:31
Scummerlance: mine works fine00:31
woglindescummer depends00:31
VDVsxJaffa, oh no, you guys also like contracts ? :p00:31
woglindebut you get unlocked phones as well00:31
Sir_Lancelotseems like there's a couple of people who loose their mic00:31
Sir_Lancelothappened to me today as well00:31
woglindecontract phones mostly are simlocked00:31
Sir_Lancelota friend of mine had to send his back00:31
VDVsxJaffa, or don't have any choice..00:31
Sir_Lancelotbecause of it00:31
JaffaSir_Lancelot: It's a bug with the FMRadio app (most likely)00:31
JaffaSir_Lancelot: Do you have FM Radio installed?00:32
Scummerwog : i don't think you could get a phone subbed with a contract 15 years ago..00:32
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GeneralAntillesAh, Mark Haury!00:32
GeneralAntillesI'd forgotten about that fellow.00:32
Scummerat least i can't remember having a choice when i bought my Siemens S1000:32
JaffaSir_Lancelot: Reboot. Don't use it further.00:32
woglindeScummer 15 years ago cellphones weren't cheap anyway00:32
Scummerwell... 600$ ain't cheap either :)00:33
JaffaVDVsx: Most people get devices through contracts, although there is an increasng number of "SIM only" deals, these are pitched as "keep your existing phone" rather than "buy this phone full price"00:33
woglindeScummer right00:33
Scummerbut being able to play mario world is worth it haha00:33
Sir_Lancelotso this is a known issue of this app?00:33
JaffaSir_Lancelot: Yes, there's a bug report in bugs.maemo.org00:33
woglindeScummer you can bye a pandora soon00:33
woglindeargs buy00:33
Scummerpandora ?00:33
woglindesame hardware as n90000:33
povbotBug 6407: microphone doesn't work during a call and after closing fm radio00:34
Scummerwog : never heard of it00:34
VDVsxJaffa, normal here is pre-paid sim cards, but the phones are locked00:34
woglindescummer ->
GeneralAntillesAh, I see he's clueless about when the N800/N810 dropped in price, too.00:34
Scummeropen pandora googled it00:34
VDVsxJaffa, and you've got discounts like 100~200€ in the expensive devices00:34
Sir_Lancelotthanks Jaffa00:34
Sir_Lancelotshould a uninstall the app then?00:34
Sir_Lancelotor if I don't open it00:34
Scummerhmm... nice.. but nothing like a N900 :)00:34
DocScrutinizer51Jaffa, duh!? fmradio *breaks* mic?? o.O00:34
lbtSir_Lancelot: I saw people debugging that (I assumed) last week00:35
Sir_Lancelotseems like it, Doc00:35
woglindescummer they working hard to get it ready in the next months00:35
Sir_LancelotI installed it yesterday00:35
Scummercan't make phone calls with pandora00:35
DocScrutinizer51Jaffa, or is it a sw-misconfig00:35
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woglindescummer right00:35
lbtand I don't think it's 'break'00:35
JaffaSir_Lancelot: Don't use it, it's not a problem00:35
andre__Sir_Lancelot, ?00:35
javispedroso, the Mic problem was caused by fmradio?00:35
JaffaDocScrutinizer51: The FM Radio app plays with the mixer settings. The bug contains more info and background.00:35
javispedronow give me a break.00:36
Jaffajavispedro: According to qgil on #6407 it accounts for *some* of the issues.00:36
Scummeri really like the N900 for business as well... hook up the projector and run the office apps for a presentation00:36
Sir_Lancelotbut is the fmradio app that damages fisically the mic, or is it only SW?00:36
JaffaNot that I've read the tmo thread, as I'm still enjoying a tmo free time.00:36
JaffaSir_Lancelot: It's s/w. That's why a reboot will sort it.00:36
Scummerhook up a wiimote for paging back and forth00:36
javispedroI do not think _that_ many tmo users' first action with their n900 is to install fmradio and receive phone calls with fmradio active.00:36
Scummercan't get any better than that :)00:36
GAN900javispedro, it's also a hardware issue.00:37
DocScrutinizer51Jaffa, ok, so no hw-breakage. *ny reboot should "fix" it00:37
woglindehm but thats not QS00:37
ali1234haha so that's why somebody couldn't hear me on phone one time00:37
Scummerhmm... i used the fmradio and had no issues with the mic yet00:37
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woglindewhy nobody tested fm and phonecalls00:37
woglindethats a common usecase00:38
javispedroScummer: read the bugreport carefully if you want to know what causes it.00:38
Sir_Lancelotbut is the fmradio app that damages fisically the mic, or is it only SW?00:38
ali1234Sir_Lancelot: it's software00:38
Sir_Lancelotsorry...just read the answer00:38
DocScrutinizer51woglinde, fm radio not officially supported at all00:38
Sir_LancelotGAN900 just said that it's also HW issue..  :S00:38
javispedroSir_Lancelot: no, he meant there's also a HW issue, but it's not related to fmradio00:39
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javispedro(the HW issue is the "defective mics one")00:39
GAN900No, the fm-radio does not damage the mic.00:39
Sir_Lancelotso, which HW issue is that then?00:39
woglindeDocScrutinizer sorry but ...00:39
GAN900What javispedro said.00:39
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GAN900Some units have shipped with broken mics. . . .00:40
Sir_Lancelotthere's a know issue with defective mics?00:40
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javispedrothere's nothing known, there's no plan, no design, no backup!00:41
ali1234fm-radio disables the mic in software because if it doesn't, it doesn't work right with the nokia headset00:41
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ali1234i hope they can come up with a *working* fix this time :P00:41
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melmothare we suppose to reboot to get the mic back if the radio is a problem, or is it just a problem when using the radion ?00:42
zgoldali1234: anything on psx? :)00:42
DocScrutinizer51fm radio is a hack anyway aiui. routes audo via BT or sth00:42
ali1234zgold: did you see my psx4all video? that's the latest00:42
KlownerSir_Lancelot: yep00:42
Klownernow the nokia stores in Chicago and New York are closing?! Baaaaaah00:43
zgoldali1234: I didn't, can you linkit?  Also, anything on publishing yhour work?00:43
melmothThanks jaffa, will do if people dont hear me next time i got a call :)00:43
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zgoldfound it00:43
DocScrutinizer51melmoth, just stop using fmradio00:43
ali1234i won't get time to properly release this until after xmas00:44
zgoldali1234: looks like you got past the crash00:44
ali1234yeah, using real bios00:44
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ali1234but that gives 10% slow down too00:44
zgoldali1234: sweet :)00:44
zgoldthe video is taken w/op hildon running?00:44
Sir_Lancelotit mentions that is fixed....odd...seems like it's not fixed least on my phone :D00:44
ali1234zgold: video is taken with no extra hacks00:44
ali1234zgold so it's worst case00:45
zgoldali1234: not bad then00:45
zgoldali1234: i wonder if it runs @ full speed with other games00:45
ali1234with audio disabled and no hildon i get 50 fps00:45
ali1234oh and without stretching too00:45
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ali1234this code base is 1.5 years old too00:46
* timeless_mbp sighs00:46
zgoldali1234: arn't there newer versions?00:46
timeless_mbpjavispedro: ping00:46
javispedrotimeless: hi00:46
ali1234zgold: yeah, but looks like zod did not release the source publicly yet00:46
Sir_Lancelotbrb...have to make a reboot00:46
ali1234zgold: when i get chance i'll contact him00:46
Sir_Lancelotdon't say anything importrant in the meantiem...ehehehehe00:47
KlownerSir_Lancelot: if you mic worked before, it should work after a reboot. Some people (like me) ended up with hardware borked mics00:47
zgoldali1234: i really wonder what we can do to make it run as smooth as iphone 3gs00:47
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Sir_LancelotI'm gonna unistall it, just in case...00:47
Sir_Lancelotdon't wat to ruin the mic because of this app00:47
Klownerand were then subsequently raped by NokiaUSA00:47
ali1234zgold: get rid of hildon and pulseaudio00:47
zgoldali1234: and compositing00:48
ali1234then it will run like iphone already00:48
GeneralAntillesSir_Lancelot, as stated before, the fm-radio is a SOFTWARE-ONLY issue. :)00:48
ali1234zgold: no hildon = no compositing00:48
nezbmy N900 runs faster than my iphone 3g00:48
ali1234also remember iphone has lower rez00:48
zgoldah, thats a good point00:48
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ali1234nezb: but does it run psx games faster? that's what we're discussing :)00:48
nezbhaven't tried00:48
Sir_Lancelotthen, what happened that caused Klowner mic to broke?00:48
ali1234nezb: afaik i'm the only person who has :)00:49
Sir_Lancelotsomeone said a while ago that the phones were SHIPPED with broken mics00:49
nezb...who runs psx games on the iphone... with a touch screen?00:49
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ali1234nezb: search psx4all on youtube, loads of people do00:49
Sir_Lancelotand Klowner phone mic broke during usage00:49
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pupnik_Apt-worker-backend is quite slow.  Suggest allow multiple uninstalls to avoid wasting the users time00:49
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KlownerSir_Lancelot: that's probably just a mixer issue, mine didn't work when the phone arrived, after reboots, reflashing00:50
zgoldali1234: can you just tar up your psx dir and email me? I may work on it a bit next week00:50
javispedrosetup a garage project already00:50
Sir_Lancelotahhh...ok...not it makes sense Klowner00:50
GeneralAntillesSir_Lancelot, he said nothing of the sort. :)00:50
javispedroI want to see the source and can't be bothered to get down to the gp2x forums again :)00:51
pekujaspeaking of emulators, apparently the first final OpenPandora is now running:
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pekujabut then I think they already called an earlier prototype "final", so take that for what it's worth00:51
nezbooh pandora!00:51
GeneralAntillesSir_Lancelot, there are two possible failure modes here. Devices shipping with broken microphones from the factory, or devices using the fm-radio and having SOFTWARE-ONLY mixer issues. :)00:51
pekujaI think that one's an actual final device though00:51
nezbhehe I want one00:51
nezbbut I already spent all my free money on the N900 :P00:51
Sir_Lancelotunderstood GeneralAntilles ;)00:51
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Jaffapekuja: An actually final final device?00:51
pekujaJaffa: yeah I think it's supposedly a real final final device00:52
nezbcaption from video: "The very first video of the very first REAL Pandora. This day should go down in history."00:52
Sir_LancelotI just know 2 cases in which the phoe arrived with working mic, and then it broke00:52
Jaffanezb: This day should've gone down in history 2 years ago! ;-)00:52
pekujaJaffa: they're not shipping yet, but that can't be far off now00:52
JaffaSir_Lancelot: Where a reboot didn't fix it?00:52
nezbsadly, yes ...00:52
ali1234zgold: actually it all compiles to one single binary, i could send you that. but it's tricky to use if you don't know the code00:52
JaffaSir_Lancelot: And did they use FM Radio?00:52
PhantasmUhm... For some reason irssi doesn't interpret return key properly from N900. Using terminal to ssh to my home computer and resume screen there. On the screen return works just fine on bash on other window, but on irssi return does nothing at all. ^J and ^M can be used to make return, but that is very clumsy. What does N900 use as return so I could bind it to work?00:52
Sir_Lancelotand restoring default settings didn't fix it00:52
JaffaPhantasm: It's a screen issue.00:52
JaffaPhantasm: Press Ctrl-M as a workaround00:53
pekujaI would like an OpenPandora too, but I probably won't get one for a while, since N900 should cover a lot of my needs already00:53
ali1234zgold: if you want the source, learn2git, then you can pull my changes direct00:53
nezbthe N900 and Pandora has very similar hardware00:53
zgoldI know git =P  Wheres your repo?00:53
pekujaand I don't really want to carry around a whole bunch of different devices unless I'm getting significant advantages00:53
nezblike dual analog sticks00:53
fralslots of bugmail spam lately.. talk is spreading ;<00:53
Sir_Lancelotthey say that they didn't have FM radio installed00:53
pekujanezb: yes, but the focus is different00:53
PhantasmJaffa: Ugh.. How do I get rid of the screen issue? And enter is working just fine on the same screen session in another window of it on bash.00:53
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Sir_Lancelotanyway...I don't give a sh*t00:54
ali1234zgold: give me 10 minutes to push it to my repo00:54
pekujanezb: the main differences are: N900 has a phone, OpenPandora has gaming controls.00:54
zgoldali1234: sure00:54
JaffaPhantasm: I dunno, I've had the same issue. There's an issue for it in, I just know the workaround00:54
JaffaSir_Lancelot: Right, so uninstalling it is unlikely to make much difference ;-)00:55
pekujaI think I might get an OpenPandora eventually unless it flunks really badly. would be nice for playing games. of course, for just games a PSP or a DS might be better in some ways00:55
pekujaalthough obviously not quite the same thing00:55
Sir_Lancelotexaclty Jaffa ;)00:55
javispedroali1234: ah, so you have a git server already?00:55
Sir_Lancelotone thing guys: is there a place where I can check all possible keyboard shortcuts?00:56
ali1234javispedro: yeah, but at the moment it only has linwizard kernels on it00:56
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ali1234but i can soon chuck my psx4all branch on it00:56
pekujapsx4all might be really nice on a Pandora00:56
pupnik_fremantle mplayer hangs after a few minutes playing mp300:57
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pekujaheh, looking at the Pandora OS demo video, I have to say it looks a lot like it was thrown together from existing desktop software components00:58
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pekujaI mean, it is, of course, and that's not a bad thing, but it definitely doesn't look like a friendly consumer device. :-P00:59
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pillaris there an easy way to find out what is taking all the space in my root? I have only 10mb left and cannot even install some qt library because of it..00:59
GeneralAntillespekuja, that's because it is and it's not.01:00
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pekujaGeneralAntilles: yeah01:00
ShadowJKhm. I've hardly used n900 tonight but the battery use seems almost same as when I spent ahalf the night browsing tmo..01:01
pekujaGeneralAntilles: and not that it's a bad thing per se even01:01
melmothpillar du -sh  ?01:02
Sir_Lancelotn900 FTW :D01:02
pekujamelmoth: probably not going to help a lot if it's a specific program for example01:02
pekujamelmoth: since stuff is all over the place01:02
Sir_Lancelotone thing guys: is there a place where I can check all possible keyboard shortcuts?01:02
solpeteI wonder wether there will be many non-emu games for n90001:03
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melmothwell, find large dir, dpkg -S files in it to see who s the culprit01:03
pekujaGeneralAntilles: I do prefer that approach to Apple's approach for example :-)01:03
pillarmelmoth I guess if I go to every directory and check it, I was hoping some parameters to list all directories and how much they take01:03
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pekujaGeneralAntilles: but I'm probably in the minority. I just think it's ridiculous that iPods and iPhones can't do anything without being first plugged into iTunes01:03
melmothwell, you can do that with some shell magic, find and du together01:04
GeneralAntillesPandora is a particularly ugly device.01:04
melmothbut usually du -sh * gives a good idea where to continue to dig in the tree01:04
pekujaGeneralAntilles: yeah, agreed01:05
nezbsolpete: hopefully, since it has opengl es games can take advantage of it01:05
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pekujaGeneralAntilles: I'm sure it'll get better with time though. not that most of its users are going to care that much01:05
solpeteIts such a pity that they cant add some sort of real gaming pad :)01:06
nezbplaying supertux back on the N800 was rather hard even with its real d-pad :P01:06
pillarmelmoth ok thanks01:06
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solpetenezb its not a real gaming pad :) and where´s a b c d buttons :P01:08
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rashed2020What's Maemo terminology for the calling options? (Cellular/SIP/Gtalk/etc)01:08
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nezbsolpete: it still beats playing on a keyboard with mapped buttons :\01:09
nezbrashed2020: what do you mean01:09
thomastpwhen I add labels in a table, how do I make the labels left-align ?01:10
kelvanhey folks. just started to play around with my n900 a few days ago, but i have a big problem with umts01:10
kelvanthere are only fields for apn, user, passwd but none for number (*99# in my case) and maemo cannot establish a connection, does anybody has an idea?01:10
solpeteanyone knows a place with videos taken with a production unit? I mean more videos that whats been on tankgrl phonearena etc...01:10
solpetethan even01:10
nezbI can shoot video if you want01:10
DocScrutinizer51kelvan, that's default. you don't need to set it01:11
DocScrutinizer51kelvan, if your connection fails then for other reason01:11
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PhantasmJaffa: Ok, found the bug report of it. Hopefully it gets fixed sometime soon. Makes irccing from the N900 a pain in the ass.01:12
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kelvanDocScrutinizer51: so i have to find another reason :-/ anyway thx01:13
nezbirssi on the N900?01:13
solpetenezb: its like 22.8 fps or something right?01:13
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Phantasmnezb: You can install it on it as well.. But X terminal, ssh, screen -rU -> irssi. Return just doesn't work normally.01:13
nezbwould you like me to check, solpete?01:13
AakashPatelOn the phone app01:13
solpetenezb yes please01:14
AakashPatelWhere it lets you pic how you want to make your call01:14
AakashPatelCan apps add thier own option in?01:14
nezbPhantasm, right now I am sshd to server that has irssi on it01:14
JaffaPhantasm: What's the bug#, OOI?01:14
povbotBug 6045: ENTER key stops working in XTerm01:14
povbotBug 6009: "Enter" key sends wrong keycode to console applications01:14
solpeteHow do I propose an App?01:14
pwnguinto who?01:15
DocScrutinizer51AakashPatel, that is missing in dialing a number from contacts :-(01:15
solpeteto Developers01:15
pwnguinsolpete: probably, the easiest way is to ask if anyone's already written it01:15
AakashPatelDocScrutinizer51: what do you mean01:16
pwnguinthen someone either says, yes, or gives you a detailed analysis of how easy it'd be01:16
pwnguin(and then devolve into a flamewar over proper use of flash LEDs)01:16
solpeteI have a killer APP in mind.. I should get paid :)01:16
AakashPatelWell then how about this01:16
Jaffasolpete: Historically, saying something like "I'm not a developer, but I think it'd be really easy for someone to develop this app which'd I'd really like..." is NOT the way to go01:16
AakashPatelCan an app "intercept" an outgoing phone call and get the phone number from it?01:16
JaffaAakashPatel: See what gcobb's documented at
pwnguinsolpete: if your idea is worth a damn patent it.01:17
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solpeteIll tell you my APP I have in mind if you say "your cat just shitted on your carpet"01:17
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pwnguinanyways, ive got my own apps to write :P01:18
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simula__ideas are a dime a dozen01:18
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AakashPatelJaffa: what does CSD stand for?01:19
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DocScrutinizer51carrier switched data?01:19
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solpeteCereals Strewed over Desktop01:20
PhantasmJaffa: Any idea how to change bindings on X terminal?01:20
JaffaPhantasm: nope01:20
nezbsolpete: Nokia N900 show video with format MPEG-4 (video) AAC (audio) Resolution 848x480 Bitrate 3434kb/s Framerate 30.000000102401:21
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solpetenezb cool... In all videos i´ve seen its been really choppy and some dude claimed it was like 22.5 fps measured by software01:22
solpetenezb perhaps you could shoot something and put it somewhere01:22
nezbsolpete: this information is from VLC player01:22
solpeteI´d like to see it01:23
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nezbsolpete: I have recorded a 1 minute video to test this and it plays back very smooth01:23
nezbboth on N900 and on my computer01:23
solpeteI dont believe you, but I believe you think its smooth :)01:23
nezbyou don't believe me? :P01:23
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nezbI can put something on youtube if you want01:24
PhantasmJaffa: Do you happen to be able to change priority and severity settings of bug reports? I really feel that low priority and severity minor are far from the real for that bug. 6009 mainly that is.01:24
solpeteNezb: 1.) Ive seen so many videos and all were choppy 2.) Nokia themselves state 25 fps01:24
nezbI am only giving you the information that VLC says when I right click the MP4 file01:24
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nezbbut alas, if you truly need proof I will go shoot video01:25
PhantasmJaffa: Effectively all normal people using ssh to connect to irssi will be totally unable to use irssi at all. As such it is very significant problem. And not only geeks do use irssi through SSH on phone. And the problem isn't related to screen. And as mentioned on the comments, some other programs (like vim and less) do not function properly due to the bug.01:26
solpeteAny way since noone was funny enough to point out for me that my cat shitted on my carpet, Ill be nice and tell you about my APP I had in mind anyway. I was thinking about a phone APP - APP that automatically calculates your current bill based on parameters you specified. On the "break-date" it automatically resets itself to zero again. :)01:26
solpetenezb I think I truly need proof ... :P01:26
pwnguinPhantasm: esc is meta01:26
nezbsolpete: Then I will go outside to shoot some video, be back in a bit01:26
solpetenice t.y.01:27
Phantasmpwnguin: I am well aware of that. How does that have anything to do with enter not working?01:27
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pwnguinPhantasm: i donno. that seems bad, i must have missed that part01:27
nezbsolpete: also, just for the record, T-mobile's website can tell me bill information based on my usage01:27
plr_what bug makes ssh irssi unusable? I'm using it right now01:28
Phantasmplr_: The bug that makes enter not to work at all on irssi from N900.01:28
solpetenezb: yeah but perhaps an APP for that would be nice :)01:28
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Phantasmplr_: There is workround (^J and ^M) but not many know those.01:28
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plr_Phantasm: haven't faced that one01:29
solpetewould it be possible to control the PS3 via blu-tooth?01:29
pwnguinPhantasm: it was working for me last night; anything special i need to duplicate?01:29
Phantasmplr_ & pwnguin: Xterminal, ssh to another comp, screen -r to existing irssi session.01:29
pwnguini did01:30
pwnguinlast night01:30
pwnguinworked fine01:30
plr_solpete: I'm hoping someone does the other way around - would be nice to control n900 wit six axis01:30
PhantasmMight it be related to keymap? I have scandinavian one.01:30
plr_Phantasm: that's what I am doing right now01:30
solpeteI wonder, there are so few reviews out there of the n900 ... at least of release version01:30
plr_although I use -drU01:30
solpeteplr but wiimote works aight?01:31
plr_solpete: yep, but I only own ps3 :/01:31
PhantasmI use -rU (-U because of screen bug not understanding the new shorter UTF-8 locale names).01:31
solpetebut you could buy a wiimote01:31
solpeteis playing nes through tv-out with wiimote laggy?01:32
plr_I guess yeah01:32
plr_don't know01:32
* DocScrutinizer51 suggests a bug in host's screen or ssh ot irssi implementation01:32
nezbhow do you tell which hardware revision you have?01:32
solpetewould be cool anyway if it worked 100% ... I travel alot with work and stay at hotels .. would be nice to hook up to the hotel-tv... would be even cooler if multiplayer worked01:33
nezbalso, what happens if you type reset on the terminal?01:33
pwnguinirssi+ssh works right now for me; en_us01:33
nezbsolpete: I shot video, uploading it shortly01:33
* plr_ is happy about getting qt app recognize portrait mode01:33
solpetenezb thats cool of you01:33
pwnguinnot fond of the color scheme01:33
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plr_now what though, do I have to manage the turning of widgets myself.. wondering01:34
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PhantasmMight be that irssi version has something to do with it. I have 0.8.12 while you have either .13-rc1 or .13.01:35
solpetenezb as thanks, I suggest you hook up on Spotify and listen to "Chang Ju-Chun - Seasonal flowers" ... Dont thank me01:35
solpeteWhat is Qt01:35
pwnguinPhantasm: i have a way to test this theory01:35
pwnguinactually, im surprised i have .1301:36
solpeteBBNS ... ok its a " Cross-platform application and UI framework " ... but couldnt you just tell me the potential01:37
mikhasplr_, what you mean?01:37
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Shapeshifteryay my vikuiti screen protector arrived01:38
mikhaswhen in portrait mode widgets will be oriented correctly01:38
Shapeshifterand my spare battery is shipping01:38
nezbQT is a library that handles drawing of windows, and much more01:38
Shapeshifteryaay. All that's missing is the n900 -.-01:38
plr_mikhas: ok, then the setting of portrait is not working for some reason, even though the recognition is01:39
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pwnguin_n900still works01:39
plr_good to know that it should rotate widgets on it,s own01:39
pwnguin_n900ubuntu hardy01:39
solpetehow is the n900 keyboard?01:40
DocScrutinizer51let me put it this way: QT is what KDE is built upon01:40
mikhasbut that's for qt 4.6 for maemo =)01:40
lardmanbut nicer to type on than the N810 one imo01:40
mikhasfor 4.5 you still have to rotate using the low level API via X atoms01:41
nezbsolpete: the video is online, and also the keyboard is overrated.01:41
pwnguin_n900solpete: the top row is a bit close to the screen01:41
mikhasanyway, #qt-maemo01:41
solpetenezb allright01:41
nezbhere is the link
pwnguin_n900any way to change the xterm colors?01:41
nezbpwnguin_n900: yes01:41
nezbit is in the settings if you tap the top of the window01:42
solpetenezb ty01:42
redeemanplr_: you need the qt4-maemo qt for rotating feature01:42
nezbyou're welcome01:42
redeemanplr_: then you can set it with setAttribute01:42
solpetenezb it says the file is temporarily unavvailible01:42
pwnguinnezb: oh, under font. how unintuitive01:42
nezbsolpete: I just uploaded it, give it a little bit of time01:42
nezbpwnguin: yeah some of the settings are in weird places :\01:43
solpeteall right... I guess megaupload is checking so its no porn01:43
pwnguin_n900muuuuuuch better01:43
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nezbpwnguin are you pwnguin_n900?01:43
nezbsolpete: yeah probably. the link is working for me now01:44
solpeteRumour has it N900 version 1.1 will have portrait01:44
nezbsolpete: just like rumour had it iphone 3.0 would have landscape ;p01:44
Phantasmpwnguin_n900: Ok.. If I directly go to my irssi machine from N900, enter works. If I go to my home server from which there is connection (existing already on screen) to the irssi box, then it doesn't work. Also if I go to the irssi box, ssh to home server and use screen there it doesn't work.01:44
pwnguinPhantasm: i think you've lost me, and will continue to  lose me without pictures01:45
solpeteremote desktop
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solpetegot the video now...01:46
Sir_Lancelothey! what remote desktop app is this?!?!?!01:46
Phantasmpwnguin: Computer a and computer b... A has screen running and within it, there is ssh to b on which there is screen running that has irssi there. If I connect to a and screen -rU, enter won't work. If I connect to b and screen -rU, enter works. If I connect to b and ssh to a and screen -rU, enter won't work.01:46
Sir_Lancelotit's amazing when compared to VNC...01:46
solpeteSir_Lancelot oh waky waky ... hehe01:46
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Scummergahh  stuck in traffic.  damn snow.  good thing i can waste time with my n900  hahaha01:47
Phantasmpwnguin: And b has Debian 5.0.2 and a has newest Ubuntu LTS release.01:47
solpeteScummer you scum. Dont irc and drive at the same time01:47
* DocScrutinizer51 suggests a bug in host's screen or ssh ot irssi implementation01:48
Scummeri'm not driving.  i'm parked on the highway01:48
Phantasmpwnguin: So, if I at any point go to the ubunty machine, enter stops working on irssi..01:48
pwnguinPhantasm: but only for n900?01:48
Scummeri moved a mile in 30 minutes01:49
solpeteWhat I really REALLY want, Is a gps navigation ApP for n90001:49
pwnguinsolpete: uh...01:49
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Sir_LancelotSygic is releasing one soon, solpete01:49
pwnguindoes ovi not count?01:49
Phantasmpwnguin: Yes.01:49
DocScrutinizer51ubuntu sucks no matter what01:49
Phantasmpwnguin: No problems with enter on any other device than with N900.01:49
solpetenezb thanks for the vid01:50
nezbsolpete: I can not find Chang Ju-Chun - Seasonal flowers01:50
pwnguinPhantasm: it sounds like you need a DD, an ubuntu dev and a maemo dev in the same room01:51
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pwnguinotherwise this argument will go in circles01:51
javispedroso.. I have two phone numbers here. One of them calls my archenemy while the other one calls my friend. Which one is one?01:51
solpetenezb : wang Seasonal flowers ... sorry01:51
BernardVSame here for ubuntu 9.04 LTS with irssi01:51
pwnguinBernardV: same as who?01:52
BernardV01:01 < Phantasm> pwnguin: So, if I at any point go to the ubunty machine, enter stops working on irssi..01:52
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solpeteSir_Lancelot: but I dont want to pay 100 euro :)01:52
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pwnguinits you europeans01:52
pwnguinand your fancy unicode01:52
Scummerfork() this weather01:53
nezbsolpete: can't find it on google :(01:53
Sir_Lancelotsolpete , what remote desktop was the video???01:53
pwnguinScummer: you now have two winter storms01:53
solpetenezb its on sporify01:53
Phantasmpwnguin: ;P01:53
solpetenezb search wang Seasonal flowers01:53
pwnguini know i have problems with asian characters not showing01:53
solpeteon spotify01:53
solpetepwnguin: Your device is broken01:54
Scummerpwnguin: one ain't bad enough01:54
pwnguinsolpete: on ubuntu, not n90001:54
pwnguinor possibly on my hacked up NAS01:54
solpetepwnguin: I dont believe you... its your n900 you´re just a fanboy01:54
nezbsolpete: I don't have spotify so I was looking on google01:54
pwnguinsolpete: but arent i an ubuntu fanboy?01:55
solpetenezb: sorry its spotify exclusive :)01:55
solpetepwnguin ok... perhaps... then you should install scientific linux01:55
jebba900jaffa that dbus page is great thx01:55
solpetenezb if you dont have spotify its about time you get out of the closet01:55
nezbI am in the US they don't have it here :(01:56
solpeteyou dont have spotify in the US?01:56
nezbUnfortunately, due to licensing restrictions we are not yet available in your country.01:56
solpetesorry... but thats US in a nutshell01:56
pwnguinon the other hand01:56
pwnguinwe have, itunes, pandora01:56
pwnguinand we dont pay a tv tax01:57
solpeteI read about that girl shooting her friends birthday inside a cinema while some movie was running. She now risks 4 years in prison... THAT ... IS ... RIDICULUS01:57
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nezbnor do we have to pay a blank media tax (like Canada)01:58
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solpetepwnguin: TV tax is good. In sweden, the money is spent on TV channels (BBC-like) that are politically neutral01:58
lardmansolpete: shooting her friends?01:58
lardmanor filming them?01:58
Scummersolpete: don't you love monopolies01:58
solpetelardman filming them even01:58
GeneralAntillessolpete, TV is never politically neutral.01:58
lardmannp, just wondering01:58
BernardVI'm in The Netherlands and also no spotify.. but you can register with a UK proxy (or other country) and later change the country back to where you really live.01:58
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pwnguinsolpete: so bbc isn't polically neutral?01:58
Sir_Lancelotsolpete , what remote desktop was the video???01:59
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solpeteGeneralAntilles well at least you could be more or less politically neutral01:59
solpeteSir_Lancelot I have no IDEA ...01:59
ali1234pwnguin: the bbc isn't politically neutral, no, but it does have it's own agenda which doesn't necessarily align with government's01:59
DocScrutinizer51lardman, for US I guess it's bee a .3801:59
GeneralAntillessolpete, that all depends on where you define your center.01:59
DocScrutinizer51or a .22 as it,s been a girl02:00
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solpeteGeneralAntilles: Ok I should be so hard to judge, but what ive seen from CNN and FOX news ....02:00
solpeteshouldnt even02:00
GeneralAntillessolpete, political neutrality isn't a reality.02:01
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GeneralAntillessolpete, it's a rationalization to make people feel warm and fuzzy. ;)02:01
solpeteanyways... filming a friend during a cinema friend with your digicam and risc 4 years in prison... thats crazy02:01
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GeneralAntillessolpete, yes, copyright law has gotten out of hand.02:01
solpeteGeneralAntilles of course :) Its analogue02:01
pwnguinhow good of a job is sweedish tv doing informing the public if barack obama can win a nobel peace prize?02:01
lardmanbetter to take the $63,001 fine02:01
DocScrutinizer51political neutrality is an antinom02:02
GeneralAntillespwnguin, there was a story about two "Nobel prize winners" meeting to discuss climate change on the news at the airport the other day.02:02
GeneralAntillespwnguin, it was Obama and Gore.02:02
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* GeneralAntilles facepalm.02:02
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solpetepwnguin: dunno really .. last i heard today was that they were reporting why Obama doesnt want to meet the King02:02
Scummersolpete: i suggest raping someone and you might walk as a free man out of court02:02
solpeteScummer huh02:03
Scummerit's definitely out of proportion02:03
solpetedont unnerstan u02:04
ali1234hitler godwin this is why we can't have nice things change the subject :P02:04
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Scummerlife ain't worth shit in the us court system02:04
solpeteScummer what do you mean, that you can rape someone and walk out a free man?02:04
solpeteim sure you cannot, unless there is a lack of evidence02:05
Scummersolp: meaning, the punishment doesn't fit the crime02:05
DocScrutinizer51bah. US legislation sucks baseballs thru a waterhose02:05
solpeteScummer you think the punishment os too low?02:06
GeneralAntillesDocScrutinizer51, still in favor of shooting them all out of cannons into the sun.02:06
GeneralAntillessolpete, the penalty awarded for copyright infringement is often higher than that for rape.02:06
solpeteScummer oh I get you ... walk out as a free man raping but risking 4 years for filming inside the cinema02:07
Scummersolp:  no, the punishment for the cinema tghimgy was way too high02:07
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solpeteAlso I read about some mother got fined $8000 per track someone had downloaded while "hijacking" their wireless router...02:08
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solpeteI think she got personally bankrupt ....02:08
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solpeteThe judge claiming she was responsible for her internet connection02:09
ali1234that is not unreasonable02:09
solpeteali1234 your too americanized :) For me its crazy02:09
lardmancome on LAPACK02:09
solpetetell her to fix her connection and rest the case02:09
* VDVsx installed braek and now feels like a IPhone user :(02:10
Scummersomeone crack the judges Wpa2 with the n900 and download some music.  quick :)02:10
DocScrutinizer51that,s why you need to *open up* your wifi on purpose02:10
ali1234solpete: fixing the connection = taking responsibility02:10
JaffaVDVsx: Is it in testing yet?02:10
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lardmanbed time, LAPACK will have to wait 'till the morrow02:11
lardmannight all02:11
VDVsxJaffa, yes02:11
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DocScrutinizer51no legislation to prohibit it. And you can't be responsible for random driveby users02:11
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solpeteali1234 why should you be responsible for your internet connection?02:11
JaffaVDVsx: Cool02:11
VDVsxJaffa, not cool I had to restart my device :)02:11
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ali1234solpete: why should anybody take any responsibility for anything then?02:12
JaffaVDVsx: Ah, yes. How does one stop it?02:12
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GeneralAntilleszerojay, ping?02:12
VDVsxJaffa, dunno, there no way to do that atm afaik02:12
Scummertraffic is rollin again.  i'm out02:13
JaffaVDVsx: X Terminal > killall braek02:13
JaffaVDVsx: Starting it again gives you another...02:13
JaffaRight. Bed time.02:13
VDVsxJaffa, yes, but lazy to do that :P02:13
VDVsxJaffa, I had four running02:13
VDVsxJaffa, gnite02:14
JaffaVDVsx: I SSHed :)02:14
javispedrobraek, funny, but needs a remove option02:14
javispedroI see you suggested that already :)02:14
solpeteIn sweden there are 9 million citizens. A recent study showed that 2 million downloaded "illegally" at least once during the last year. In numbers that was 75% of all people between 13 and 40... You cannot criminalize a whole generation of people; Something else with the "system" is wrong. Its time to realize that copyright, sharing , networking, social behaviour, possession of music videos radio television media - is something new now an02:14
ali1234that best not be copypasta02:15
VDVsxjavispedro, its funny to do a prank with a friend's n900 ;)02:15
ali1234javispedro: want me to CC you on the psx4all repo mail?02:15
* Jaffa will show it to a colleague tomorrow as "my N900's got a feature shared with the iPhone" ;)02:15
javispedroali1234: yes please02:15
* javispedro already envisions the app being pulled from extras because it damages "critical features of the device"02:16
solpeteImagine getting sewed because you bought and wore the same clothes as your neighbour; your neighbour should of course own the rights for his looks :)02:16
VDVsxJaffa, you don't have the real dealbreaker yet02:16
VDVsxJaffa, fart app :D02:16
GeneralAntillesIf somebody ships a fart app I'm putting this thing through the disposal.02:17
solpetegotta sleep02:17
DocScrutinizer51I thought the only way to damage critical features was to massively overcharge the battery cell ;-P02:17
solpetenighty nighty02:17
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VDVsxGeneralAntilles, I bet that will exist a couple of fart apps in the ovi store02:24
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: That's almost makes me want to write one.02:24
JaffaJust to get the damned thing out of the way.02:24
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GeneralAntillesJaffa, hehe.02:25
JaffaWhat do they do? Just a single button? Is it pressure sensitive? Should you shake the device to build up pressure?02:25
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, the Ovi Store on Symbian is a uniquely depressing affair.02:25
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, an exercise for you: pick your 5800,open OVi store and then search for "fart"02:25
GeneralAntillesAll of the flight tracking applications only work for airports in Singapore.02:26
VDVsxJaffa, one of the most ratted:
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VDVsx"pico fart pro"02:26
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JaffaOh. My. God.02:26
VDVsxI installed pico fart lite, miss some features :D02:26
VDVsxbut it«s free02:26
GeneralAntilles3 star ratings are the worst.02:27
Proteousdon't need a special fart app for the n900, just use one of the many flash based ones on the web02:27
VDVsxProteous, oh good idea02:27
* VDVsx searchs02:28
ProteousFlash:1 Ovi Store:002:28
GeneralAntillesHow far the Maemo Community has fallen. . . .02:28
JaffaWonder if it streams them? If embedded, it could be an offline package02:28
* VDVsx packages a flash fart app for maemo02:28
* GeneralAntilles wonders if his DDP N900 will ship before he returns home for Christmas.02:29
JaffaThat one's even finger friendly.02:29
* Jaffa can't make up his mind on DDP.02:29
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JaffaI'm thinking not. Loan & contract run out at similar times.02:29
DocScrutinizer51f*cking mail app flashed up the ettins for 0.5sec this moment02:31
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xorAxAxin which ways is the builtin calendar better than the gpe calendar?02:31
DocScrutinizer51~lart pop mail for not knowing error codes like poll_mintime02:32
* infobot shoots pop mail in the head for not knowing error codes like poll_mintime02:32
JaffaxorAxAx: Integrated with contact's birthdays.02:32
JaffaxorAxAx: alarmd integration.02:32
JaffaxorAxAx: Probably about it. It's been a while since I used GPE02:32
GeneralAntillesGadgetoid, Device Discount Program.02:33
GeneralAntillesJaffa, I may decide to sell it to somebody.02:33
Gadgetoidoh right general, how much did you get roff?02:33
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xorAxAxhmm, how can i sync the builtin calendar with evolution?02:33
Gadgetoidnot bad02:34
GeneralAntillesWhich is borderline ripoff compare to US street prices.02:34
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GeneralAntillesEspecially without a warranty.02:34
Gadgetoidno warranty? bah02:34
VDVsxfor those with 1 year loan the DDP is quite useless IMO, but we never know:)02:34
Gadgetoidi got £150 pff retail02:34
Proteoushow come nokia can't make enough phones for everyone who wants one to be able to buy one at launch02:34
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Gadgetoidfirst sim free phone i've ever bought02:35
GeneralAntillesProteous, because management was stupid and underestimated demand by a ridiculous amount?02:35
JaffaVDVsx: I may run for council in March just to have some kind of "we should have 'em" leg to stand on ;)02:35
JaffaGeneralAntilles: *again*02:35
ProteousGeneralAntilles: maybe by design in some sort of stupid "lets make this exculsive and make you feel lucky if you get one" kind of thing02:35
mikhasbecause demand > supply is the only way to keep prices high?02:35
GeneralAntillesProteous, yeah, they're not that smart. ;)02:36
mikhasit's not really in the interest of the supplier to match/overshoot demand =)02:36
Gadgetoid500 quid is about the going rate for smartphones02:36
Gadgetoidunless its an iphone02:36
Jaffamikhas: It is if you're trying to build a platform and *meet* demand.02:36
Proteousin reality it ends up being, "oh well, I can't get one for another 4 months and by that time something else better comes out that I buy instead"02:36
VDVsxJaffa, didn't get your proposal :D02:36
Gadgetoidnokia are hardly keeping prices high02:36
xorAxAxJaffa: what is the alarmd integration about?02:37
GeneralAntillesJaffa, lol, gonna do the Grover Cleveland thing? ;)02:37
JaffaVDVsx: Long time to go yet -- I'm waiting to see if all the good work the current council does makes me feel bad. Or whether everyone'll end up just having hissy fits at Quim on -community.02:37
GeneralAntillesmikhas, there are orders of magnitude to contend with here. ;)02:37
JaffaxorAxAx: Alarms will go off if device is completely off.02:37
Gadgetoidspecially with some of us preorderers scoring between 30 to 45 percent off02:37
xorAxAxJaffa: oh, thats cool02:37
JaffaGeneralAntilles: I needed to Google that - 22nd & 24th US president isn't something non-USians necessarily know about ;-)02:38
mikhaswell, ok. let's say demand >> supply might be stupid then =p02:38
GeneralAntillesJaffa, I had a whole weekend full of European references I didn't get, so I'm repaying the favor. ;)02:38
VDVsxJaffa, eheh, seems that Quim doesn't like our proposals at all :P02:38
Gadgetoideuropean up my leg02:39
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timeless_mbpdoes GPE support MfE?02:42
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: Barcelona? You should've just gone around asking for Manuel to teach you English "from a book". And answering everything with "Que?"02:42
Jaffatimeless_mbp: No. But it has other sync capabilities AFAIK02:42
GeneralAntilleszerojay, ping!02:43
DocScrutinizer51talking bout alarms - I'm really missing the maemo4 alarm setup02:43
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GeneralAntilleszerojay, pick a good weekend in the summer to have an event on.02:43
DocScrutinizer51maemo5 is so... retarded02:43
GeneralAntillesA "long weeekend" if you will.02:43
timeless_mbpGadgetoid: last i checked the cost of an unsubsidized iPhone wasn't much cheaper..02:43
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DocScrutinizer51(alarms for that statement)02:43
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zerojayGeneralAntilles: Er... week 24. lol02:44
zerojayWhatever the fuck that would be.02:44
Gadgetoidtimeless_mbp more like 400 more02:44
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Jaffazerojay: Excellent, there's even a Candian joke in that clip02:44
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zerojayGeneralAntilles: Let me ruminate.02:44
Gadgetoidi miss the n810s endearing notification led02:46
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* timeless_mbp ponders02:48
timeless_mbpdoes ovi store work w/ my n81?02:48
timeless_mbpi'm considering one of the free apps, it says you need to be a native speaker to appreciate it02:48
* timeless_mbp crashes safari02:48
timeless_mbp(or maybe that's "ovi crashes safari")02:48
DocScrutinizer51Gadgetoid, what's the problem with N900 led? smaller apperture?02:50
Gadgetoidi love the big corner led on the n810... its nice and visible and has character02:51
DocScrutinizer51yep, ack for that02:51
* Arkenoi really wants bigger keys. at least bigger shift, fn and ctrl keys, Crtl-Q, Fn-A, Fn-Sym and Shift-Z are tricky to press.02:52
Gadgetoidthe one on the n900 just aint visible in a slip case02:52
DocScrutinizer51Gadgetoid, not even when screen down on table02:53
DocScrutinizer51Arkenoi, luckyily the prefix keys are stricky02:54
DocScrutinizer51except ctrl (sometomes?)02:54
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DocScrutinizer51darn. typos indicate a timeout due02:56
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Xisdibik<DocScrutinizer51> darn. typos indicate a timeout due03:05
Xisdibik<-- alsuren has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))03:05
Xisdibikhowd you know03:05
DocScrutinizer51s/timeout/outtime  ;-D can't disclose about my crystal ball03:08
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Xisdibikheh, i know alot about them03:11
Xisdibikwhen i was a wee toddler, i used to wave my hands over my dads head and say.. Crystal Ball,  Crystal Ball... he wasnt to happy about that :/03:11
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Sir_Lancelotxchat is 100000000x better than irssi03:26
* Sargun_Screen is a 100000x better than03:27
* Sargun_Screen 03:27
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Proteousirssi == teh win03:30
Proteousnothing like saying how great your irc client is then getting disconneted03:30
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redeemanProteous: theres a difference between "getting" disconnected and disconnecting03:32
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dmj7261It strikes me that a lot of games for maemo 5 are very artist unfriendly03:34
simula_do people shoot artists in these games?03:34
dmj7261no, they just hide the artwork in c files and other funky formats03:34
redeemanyour editor cannot read in a byte array from C files? :P03:35
redeemanimage editor that is03:35
dmj7261It would be like asking a Isaac Newton to please do all of his publications via a hex editor03:35
dmj7261I'm sure you could get GIMP to do that if your *really* wanted to.03:36
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simula_i think somebody needs to add a note to the manpage03:36
dmj7261I hope more games will be showing up for the n900 soon03:39
simula_i still have to try out the nes emulator03:40
simula_too busy trying to get the qt libs and qt-creator installed on the phone03:40
redeemansimula_: you have a toolchain on the phone?03:41
simula_you can get g++ and companions in one of the fancy repositories03:42
simula_i forget if it's extras-devel or sdk03:43
simula_or it might be another one03:43
redeemani hope that installs to /opt - / doesn't have enough space for that03:44
simula_heh, nopes03:44
simula_they ate up all my root.. i'm down to like 10megs :)03:44
simula_i'll install everything i cook up to opt though03:44
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Xisdibikdmj7261: 47:72:61:76:69:74:79:20:69:73:20:61:62:6f:75:74:20:74:68:65:20:61:70:70:6c:65:20:66:61:6c:6c:69:6e:67:20:66:72:6f:6d:20:74:68:65:20:74:72:65:65:2e03:49
XisdibikI wrote you something ;)03:49
dmj7261Your IPv8 address?03:50
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dmj7261I've written lots of things in hex, but I'd rather not draw pictures in it.03:51
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tank-manx-face maker :)
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AakashPateldmj7261: ivp8?04:02
AakashPatelDoes that even exist yet? lol04:02
dmj7261a joke...we're still not fully on IPv604:02
dmj7261no it doesn't04:02
AakashPatelYeah haah04:02
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dmj7261(but it was too long to be IPv604:03
dmj7261hmmm...could have vanity IP addresses, just like license plates.04:03
AakashPatelYeah, tahts what i was wondering lol04:03
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dmj7261A corporation might choose something like:04:04
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dmj7261or even04:06
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zashdmj7261: lol04:12
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JoshTriplett1Hi.  I report and triage a lot of bugs in the Maemo bugzilla, and I wondered if I might request "canconfirm" or "editbugs" permission, so that I could more easily help with triage rather than just noting a necessary status change so someone else can make it.  What procedure exists for requesting such permissions?04:14
DocScrutinizerdmj7261: .--.  .-..  .  .-  ...  .    ...  -  ---  .--.    -  ....  ..  ...    -.  ---  -.  ...  .  -.  ...  .    ...-.-04:15
JoshTriplett1DocScrutinizer: What nonsense? ;)04:16
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GeneralAntillesJoshTriplett1, we don't really have a strong formal process for it.04:17
GeneralAntillesBut talk to Andre about it.04:17
* JoshTriplett1 fixes his nick.04:17
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JoshTriplettMust have gotten disconnected at some point. :)04:18
GeneralAntillesI'll ping him tomorrow if I remember.04:18
JoshTriplettGeneralAntilles: Thanks!04:18
jebba900anyone tried video plugin with pidgin?04:20
GeneralAntillesJoshTriplett, he's usually on here under andre__04:20
GeneralAntillesJoshTriplett, it's about 5 AM there, though. ;)04:20
jebba900JoshTriplett, also see #maemo-bugs and there is a bug day on the 15th, see the wiki04:21
JoshTriplettjebba900: Yeah, I saw that on Planet.04:21
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microlithwoohoo, newegg charge for my N90004:28
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DocScrutinizer51microlith, gimme your account info. I'm happy to charge you as well if you enjoy it so much :-P04:31
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* Xisdibik charges microlith's card aswell04:43
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Vrathajust got Nokia Messaging setup for my email today04:48
Vrathai wonder how much they plan to charge for that when it goes live04:48
Vrathaif i have to, i'll just setup my home system to text message me when a new email arrives04:48
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JoshTriplettVratha: I feel certain that won't prove necessary. :)04:53
Vrathayou think it's going to remain a free service/04:56
JoshTriplettVratha: Most likely, but even if it doesn't I feel certain that Maemo will support other mechanisms for achieving the same thing.04:57
Vrathamaybe.  i'm waiting to see inbox search and "smart folders"04:57
Arkenoibtw i do not see imap folders in gmail with nokia messaging and duplicate sent and draft folders instead :-( is it known bug?05:00
JoshTriplettArkenoi: The duplicate sent and drafts folders represents one of the most requested missing features.05:00
JoshTriplettArkenoi: See and
povbotBug 2557: Keep Sent and Drafts on IMAP server05:01
JoshTriplettArkenoi: I don't know what you mean by the other issue.05:01
JoshTriplettPossibly an issue with IMAP subscriptions; I think Modest (the email client) only shows subscribed folders.05:02
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ArkenoiJoshTriplett, it is not local folders and server folders - it is two copies of server folders05:03
JoshTriplettArkenoi: Oh.  That sounds like a different issue, then.05:03
JoshTriplettArkenoi: I don't know the problem there, sorry.05:03
JoshTriplettArkenoi: Possibly a known issue, possibly not.  I'd suggest doing a quick search on bugzilla to see if you see the bug, and if not you should report it.05:03
Arkenoione has "globe" icon and one has regular one, but the contents are the same - i see server-side messages that were not sent via nokia messaging in both05:04
Arkenoiand there are no subscription options, at least none i could find05:05
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microlithtracking number even05:05
JoshTriplettmicrolith: :)05:06
JoshTriplettmicrolith: I know that feeling. :)05:07
JoshTriplettArkenoi: Modest doesn't have any visible subscription options; it just hides any folder you haven't subscribed to.05:07
JoshTriplettArkenoi: But in any case, the behavior you described definitely sounds like a bug.05:07
microlithI can retire this ancient A120005:07
JoshTriplettArkenoi: You should report it.05:07
timperiamiga 1200?05:08
JoshTriplettmicrolith: Heh.  I can beat that: this replaces my Nokia 3120b. :)05:08
microlithtimperi: you must have big pockets :)05:08
timperiit's the nonfunctioning microphone that bothers me really05:11
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ersinhey does anyone know why hard vfp is disabled in scratchbox?05:13
ersinso silly that the n8x0 has a vfp unit and that it doesn't get used05:14
ersini understand that a lot of apps are compiled w/ thumb to make them smaller05:14
ersinbut there are still plenty that use softfp05:14
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ersinwhoa looks like i disconnected05:21
ersindid anyone get my question?05:22
JoshTriplettersin: Netsplit; not a problem on your end. :)(05:22
JoshTriplettEr, :)05:22
JoshTriplettAnd yes, your question went to the channel before the netsplit.05:22
ersinis that an ice cream?05:22
DocScrutinizer51freenode barfed05:23
JoshTriplettersin: IRC means "internet relay chat"; the "relay" part means multiple servers pass messages back and forth.05:23
JoshTriplettersin: Freenode, like most large IRC networks, has many servers.05:23
jebba900ok so the liq* apps are fantastic05:23
JoshTriplettersin: The connection between two of them got broken, and everyone on the wrong side saw everyone else disconnect. :)05:23
ersinthat's kind of funny when you put it that way05:24
ersinlike mass online schadefreude05:24
luke-jrFreeNode should setup redundancy -.-05:24
JoshTriplettersin: You can see that in the quit messages; they all say "".  Means split off.05:24
JoshTriplettluke-jr: *More* redundancy, apparently. ;)05:24
ersinah, thank you joshtriplett05:24
luke-jrJoshTriplett: afaik, FreeNode only uses a single connection between any two servers05:25
ersinso does anyone know about the vfp unit?05:25
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luke-jrvfp is not a unit05:25
ersinbut the n800 has support for it built in, no?05:25
ersinyet scratchbox gcc only supports emulated vfp05:25
Scummeror split off.. depending on what side you're on :)05:25
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ersinor "softfp"05:26
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr, if that's been a oopsie on, it's hard to setup redundancy for it's users05:26
derfersin: Assume anyting luke-jr tells you is wrong.05:26
derfvfp is a unit.05:26
ersinderf: lmao ok05:27
ersinthat's what i thought...05:27
luke-jrderf: no u05:27
luke-jrScummer: is not a server05:27
Scummerwhat ?05:27
Scummer*** Current server: 666705:28
Scummeri disagree05:28
ersindr_cain: pluto is not a planet05:28
luke-jrScummer: is a round-robin05:28
derfersin: And yes, the N800 is ARM11, which has vfp.05:29
ersinso then why doesn't scratchbox support the hardware vfp by default?05:29
Scummerok.. ok.. a dig does show multiple ip's for which is the cname for irc05:29 is the whole infrastructure05:29
derf"softfp" does not actually mean software-emulated floating point.05:29
derfIt's just specifying the ABI.05:30
luke-jrersin: are you actually asking why an emulator is emulating?05:30
ersinwhat does it mean then?  i do remember from compiling 770 kernels (which don't have vfp) that there is a kernel module for fp emulation05:30
derfersin: 22:30:14 < derf> It's just specifying the ABI.05:31
DocScrutinizer51so the statement "for the split off" is absolutely correct05:31
ersinluke-jr: um...yes, in a sense...why is it emulating when there's no need for it05:31
ersinderf: sorry i didn't see that05:31
luke-jrersin: an x86 CPU is not going to support vfp, so ... there is a need for it05:31
ersinluke-jr: excuse me...?  i'm talking about the n80005:31
luke-jrscratchbox *on* a N800?05:31
ersinthat's not how cross compiling works...05:32
ersinyou don't need a pc with vfp support to have a cross compiler that supports vfp05:32
luke-jrso why do you think this cross-compiler isn't making binaries that use vfp?05:32
ersinluke-jr: ...are you trolling?05:33
ersinluke-jr: that's the whole reason i came here, to ask if anyone knew why the compiler was doing that05:33
ersinare you familiar with scratchbox?05:33
luke-jrwhat makes you think the compiler is doing that?05:33
ersinbecause it only supports -mfloat-abi=softfp05:34
luke-jrnope, never touched it with a 10 foot pole05:34
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luke-jrthat's an ABI05:34
ersinwhereas other arm cross compilers support -mfloat-abi=hard05:34
ersinyes...yes it is05:34
luke-jrafaik softfp ABI can use vfp05:34
derfersin: -mfloat-abi is _just_ the ABI.05:34
ersinderf: it seems fishy then that other places on the internet report using -mfloat-abi=hard05:35
ersini mean, i guess my question then is if anyone knows what the difference is05:35
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ersinbetween "softfp" abi and "hard" abi05:35
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derf"Specifying `soft' causes GCC to generate output containing library calls for floating-point operations. `softfp' allows the generation of code using hardware floating-point instructions, but still uses the soft-float calling conventions. `hard' allows generation of floating-point instructions and uses FPU-specific calling conventions."05:36
SpeedEvildoes the n900 have hardwarefpu?05:36
derf(or man gcc)05:37
ersinderf: thank you for that gem05:37
DocScrutinizer51I guess hard is using direct machine opcodes while soft uses the lib05:37
ersinso then essentially hard *is* more optimized05:37
luke-jrSpeedEvil: that's what vfp is...05:37
derfAnd note, for cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm7, the default flags are05:37
ersinso why wouldn't diablo scratchbox use hard...?05:37
derf-march=armv7a -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mfpu=vfp %{.S:-mfpu=neon} -mfloat-abi=softfp -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-optimize-sibling-calls %(old_cc1)05:37
luke-jrersin: most likely the reason it won't let you do ABI hard is because ScratchBox is specifically for targetting Maemo05:37
luke-jrand Maemo uses softfp05:37
luke-jrand the two ABIs are not compatible05:37
ali1234actually they are compatible on new eabi according to what i read05:38
ersinluke-jr: yes, obviously, but i'm saying why isn't the *whole thing* in hard???05:38
ali1234but does diablo use new eabi? i think not05:38
luke-jrersin: OS2008 still supports 770 to some degree, perhaps?05:38
ersinhmm good point05:38
ersinalright then, i'll settle for softfp for now05:39
luke-jrthe real question I have now is why my Gentoo on N810 is using softfp ;)05:39
ali1234SpeedEvil: cortex-a8 fpu infos:
ersinbut mark my words, one day fremantle will run on the n800 in all hard vfp05:39
ali1234the short answer is a8 has vfp but it has neon too, and neon is better05:39
ersinluke-jr: hah, of all distros to run unoptimized lol05:40
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ersinali1234: i didn't think that n800 uses a8 cortex?05:40
ali1234ersin: it doesn't, n900 does05:40
ersinali1234: gotcha05:40
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ersinalright well back to work for me, thanks everyone05:41
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ali1234does anyone know off hand what code sourcery version is used in fremantle sdk?05:42
ali1234no, gcc05:43
ali1234it will be something like 2007q305:43
derfali1234: cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm705:43
Scummerohh i thought versioning05:43
derfI just said.05:43
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ali1234sorry, i was reading that pandora page :)05:44
jebba900maep is great liteweight map tool05:46
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Scummerhmm.. supports google maps05:47
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Scummerjebba : you compiled it from the svn source ?05:49
Scummerseems like no .deb exists05:49
DocScrutinizer51is there tangogps for maemo?05:50
jebba900Scummer, i grabbed it from the repo maybe extras-devel05:51
jebba900DocScrutinizer, havent seen it yet05:51
Scummerjebba: ok05:52
DocScrutinizer51a pitty05:52
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jebba900doc maybe GL issue. i may have even tried to build it myself but hit lots of deps05:55
Scummermaep is neat05:58
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Scummercool.. maep uses a cycle map and shows bicycle path06:00
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DocScrutinizer51is contacts and dialer open source?06:04
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Scummerscrutininzer: doesn't the SDK tell you this ?06:09
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DocScrutinizer51Scummer, I bet it would. Alas itMs not *yet* installed on my laptop with that crammed hd06:14
Scummerterabytes are cheap :)06:16
DocScrutinizer51not for laptop replayement. just the moving of whole system to new hd costs some downtime which I can't afford ATM06:17
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Scummerhm.. i externally attached my new drive, moved all my docs over and swapped the internal for the new bigger hd06:20
Scummerapps were reinstalled06:21
Scummeron the other hand.. apps are easily moved in os x06:21
DocScrutinizer51yeah. Fact is, I got no SDK yet. So you got an answer?06:23
gahballsscummer apps are easy, when drive dies taking 200 gb of organised data its more of a hassle06:24
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Scummerscrutinized : one sec06:25
* gahballs is looking at data disaster. tho hopefully what remains will be the cream.06:26
DocScrutinizer51gahballs, ouch. No fictive case :-\06:28
gahballsits not so bad i have incremental and essential backups06:28
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gahballsits just the first time in years my core dev stuff has all been vaped and will tak some time to get back in place06:29
gahballsthankfully my linux stuff is rock solid06:30
Scummerhmm.. odd.. i thought i had scratchbox installed already06:31
gahballsjust cant get to net through it cos windows is in the way and i dont want to send traffic through machine whilst its disk scanning06:31
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gahballswhats phase 5 on scandisk for06:36
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Scummerwhats scandisk?  windoze tool ?06:39
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gahballsscummer yeah06:39
gahballsok maemo question.06:40
gahballswhere can i gwt a hannah montana screensaver for my girlfiends n90006:40
arachnist <| lol06:41
gahballsserious scummer i can ger one for s60 from the app store06:42
gahballswhy not maemo06:42
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* gahballs gets breakfast06:44
Scummerdarn.. scratchbox takes up quite some spaec06:44
gahballsits about 1/2gb isnt it?06:45
derfSignificantly more.06:45
Scummer1.3GB it appears06:45
gahballsf is that with all targets and toolkits tho06:45
Scummerthis is without the SDK06:46
Scummeri only gave that virtual machine 10g's...06:46
gahballswho wants baconbutty06:46
Macerninja assassin06:46
Macer100lbs of gold!06:46
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Scummerhurray for 4Mb downloads, even tho my speed is 16Mbit *grumble*  slow scratchbox server ?06:48
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arachnisti just wonder06:49
gahballsmaybe, anyone got any milk im out and tmilkman aint due for a while06:49
arachnistif i already have armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi crosscompiler06:50
arachnistand qemu06:50
arachnistdo i really need scratchbox?06:50
Scummerthe SDK install asks for it06:50
Scummeri guess you could just modify the script to have the sources downloaded without scratchbox...06:51
derfRight now, my /opt/scratchbox is (according to du):06:51
derf8.3G    total06:51
gahballscrikey derf06:51
Scummerderf: is that with source only?06:52
* hardaker thinks porting stuff to the N900 is like chasing a dependency tree from hell where you have to build every package known to man first.06:52
Scummerderf: or are there some compiled bins in there as well ?06:52
derfThat's with 5 or so targets and at least two devkits.06:52
Scummer8G's.. mother of god06:52
gahballshardaker you are doing it wrong.  if however you startewd by getting sources for something else, yeah it an get like that06:53
derfI didn't even bother install an x86 target for fremantle, because that's at least another half a GB wasted.06:53
gahballsi just let the gji installer do its magic06:53
gahballson a clean ubuntu06:53
Scummerit does say that scratchbox is a precondition for installing SDK in the install script06:54
Scummeri'm using a clean debian06:54
hardakergahballs: yeah...  the problem is that on a full linux system, of course, they try to get everything under the sun into a package.  So taking a debian build directory from ubuntu and putting it in scratchbox invariably tries to pull in a gazzilion things that is "optional"06:54
arachnisti don't really understand why are you so picky about hdd space, anyway06:55
Scummerah hell no.. /tmp is full06:55
microlithnice, the billing info for my phone was received 4 hours before my package was scanned at its origin06:56
* arachnist has 2x 1TB drives in a nice raid1 array06:56
DocScrutinizer51Scummer, TB are cheap ;-P06:56
gahballsoh crap06:56
Scummerscrut: hehe.. yes.. i do have a 2TBx4 raid5 on my mythtv box :)06:56
Scummerbut that's for movies.. not for scratchbox dang it06:57
gahballsi have drive fail on other one now. i get the feeling the mobo isying06:57
arachnistand in 4 months i'm going to get 7x 1.5TB drives, build a raidz2 zfs pool from 6 of them and use one as a spare06:57
hardakerScummer: so you're porting the .022 mythtv interface then for me?06:58
hardakerpretty please?06:58
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Scummerhard: nope.. i'm not a progger.. i just play with that stuff :)06:58
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gahballsvme kicks windows07:10
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lcukwhats the recommended girly phone nowadays, n97 mini or still something like the 580007:21
johnxare you pretty set on Nokia?07:22
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hardakerspraypainted pink07:22
johnx...including the screen :)07:22
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Macerninja assassin is depressing07:22
Arkenoilcuk, htc hero07:22
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johnxhardaker, but, in that case you might as well get this:
* lcuk facepalms07:23
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Arkenoi5800 sucks big time07:23
lcukdamn all my recent links and things saved have gone07:23
lcuktheres a pink cover for n90007:23
johnxMacer, yeah, kinda07:24
johnxoooh, hybrid!07:24
johnxsomehow it makes the N900 look very 80's07:24
lcukand tracy went gaga when i showed it her07:25
lcukshe had just told me the day before she would have an n900 if it was pink07:25
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Scummertell her black is the new pink07:26
lcukScummer, she has used n900 for a while now07:28
Macerjohnx: you saw it?07:28
lcukand just wont have one in her handbag unless it matches her other stuff07:28
Macerit cracks me up07:28
johnxMacer, at the cinnebarre (which is basically the best invention ever)07:29
Macercinnebarre hahaha07:29
microlithlcuk: that is very... bright07:29
johnxMacer, you have one in your area too?07:29
lcukmicrolith, you wont lose it07:30
Macerwe have something similar07:30
microlithlcuk: certainly not07:30
lcuki think my computer is working again07:30
lcuktho i lost 350gb of media07:30
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lcukand had to physically pull the newest drive :(07:30
Scummerlcuk : sounds like high maintenance07:31
lcukScummer, the drive or my girlfriend?07:31
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Scummerthe gf of course :)07:32
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Maceryou have to love when ninja swoop in and kill a thousand special forces guys07:33
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johnxMacer, yup, and it's even better when you can sit back and drink a beer while watching it on the big screen :D07:34
inzlcuk,my wife wanted a pink phone, she ended up with blackberry (which doesn't even work properly here in finland)07:34
lcukinz lol07:34
inzAll the cool blackberry features depend on operator support. Plain GPRS (EDGE) works of course, if you use opera, and gmail app works too07:35
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* lcuk nods07:36
lcukright, computer so far seems stable07:36
lcuktho ive lost all my firefox settings07:37
lcukand nothing at all got written to a disk yesterday07:37
lcukwhich concerns me07:37
Macerninjas fighting in the street!!07:39
Macerwhat kind of ninjas just fight in the street? :)07:40
johnxMacer, pissed off ninjas07:40
Maceri suppose07:40
johnxI mean, did any of them look particularly happy?07:40
derfNinjas can fight anywhere they want.07:40
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derfThey could fight in your boudoir without you noticing.07:41
Macerjohnx: well. nobody really looks happy in this movie07:41
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RST38hderf: In fact, they do it all the time.07:41
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Scummerstill installing.. no wonder i hadn't installed scratchbox before.. takes half a lifetime07:45
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DocScrutinizer51darn. want that pink monstrosity in black07:59
lcukDocScrutinizer, you mean a black protective shell?07:59
* RST38h moos at lcuk08:00
lcuki kinda agree, if it clips on like it looks like it does, id actually like to see that as a base unit for keesjs push n button thing08:00
lcukhey RST38h08:00
lcukhows it goin08:00
RST38hslow, snowy08:01
lcuksame most places08:01
lcuki had a snowcrash day yesterday08:01
JoshTriplettAnyone have any experience with N900s that refuse to boot?  Mine wouldn't wake up, and when I plug it in to charge it still won't turn on.  After plugging it in, it shows the Nokia logo with no backlight, then starts pulsing the orange light, and keeps pulsing it even if I unplug it.08:01
JoshTriplettNo response to the power button, lock button, or anything else.08:01
Macerwow that was a stupid movie :)08:01
JoshTriplettI've read through the various sources I could find via Google, and didn't find much of use.08:02
RST38hlcuk: A few days ago, wife spent 6 hours on the belt road08:02
lcukJoshTriplett, have you taken the battery out08:02
RST38hlcuk: 18:15 - 00:15. Literally.08:02
lcukbelt road? why does that sound familiar, is that the rly bad one heading out of moscow?08:02
RST38hlcuk: Now, it is a ring around the city08:03
JoshTriplettlcuk: Yup.  Took out the battery, waited a bit, put it in, no response.  Of course, I say that, and I just tried it again and now it works.  Go figure. :)08:03
JoshTriplettlcuk: Anti-demo-gods; it works when trying to debug it. ;)08:03
DocScrutinizer51JoshTriplett, the flashing of LED means nothing as it's controlled by a dedicated chip08:03
RST38hlcuk: Proofpics of the disaster here:
JoshTriplettOh.  Except now it froze on the five-white-dots screen.08:03
Macer"This is not a joke, you are or 100,000th visitor Click here"08:03
Macerwell.. if it says it's not a joke...08:03
lcukJoshTriplett, please check for bug reports on that - bugs.maemo.org08:03
JoshTriplettDocScrutinizer51: It seems odd, though, that it would keep pulsing without the power attached.08:04
JoshTriplettlcuk: I have, and I see several such reports, but nothing that seems to match the symptoms exactly.  Or rather, nobody seems to have a clue. :)08:04
DocScrutinizer51JoshTriplett, it just means nobody switched the chip08:04
DocScrutinizer51and of course it means your bat has enough life to power the LED08:05
lcukJoshTriplett, then charge it fully today and have fun, if you reproduce again file a specific bug with your symptoms/actions and the bods can have a look08:05
Arkenoirst38h i see you wake up damn early ;-)08:06
* JoshTriplett tries booting it again to see if it manages to boot.08:06
lcukRST38h, traffic is bad08:06
JoshTriplettNope, freezes at the same point.08:06
RST38hArkenoi: Well, kids, etc08:06
DocScrutinizer51lcuk, seems to me ther's nothing to file. It probably just needed some time sitting and charging the completely drained bat08:06
RST38hlcuk: that was kinda several degrees beyond "bad" :)08:07
JoshTriplettDocScrutinizer51: Not even close to drained.08:07
lcukDocScrutinizer, but as he said if theres no specific same bug rpeort that cant be clarified or commented on in place08:07
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DocScrutinizer51JoshTriplett, that's a bug then08:07
JoshTriplettlcuk: Well, seems the closest, but as with many such vague bugs, it has a pile of people trying to "help", not all of which necessarily have the same problem.08:08
povbotBug 6334: random reboots08:08
JoshTriplettEr, rather.08:08
povbotBug 6350: random reboot bricks device08:08
JoshTriplettYeah, that one. :)08:08
RST38hHow do you call it a reboot if the device never reboots? =)08:08
* lcuk remembers the days when bricked meant bricked08:08
lcukpoof! goes the magic smoke and the device will never work again08:09
* DocScrutinizer51 sighs semntimentally08:09
RST38hAnd the devices had real power switches then08:09
JoshTriplettlcuk: I didn't title the bug. ;)  I agree with you, "bricked" means "not recoverable without JTAG".08:09
DocScrutinizer51hehe exactly08:10
JoshTriplettlcuk: "recoverable by flashing over USB" (which I hope this one qualifies as) doesn't come close to "bricked".08:10
* lcuk nods08:10
RST38hWhere do I get FBreader codebase?08:10
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* pupnik_ is pondering making maps of his area for image viewer 08:10
lcukyou can apt-get source if its in the repos, or from fbreader.org08:11
RST38hpupnik: Maemo Mapper does not?08:11
RST38hlcuk: Would really like to get the current source, rather than the last one in the repo08:11
pupnik_it demands internet constanyly RST38h08:11
RST38hpupnik: You can predownload maps and then it does not08:11
RST38hlcuk: aha08:12
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hardakergit works.08:13
RST38hok, maemo version is there08:13
hardakernow, when is my ugrade account going to be active.08:13
pupnik_RST38h: there seems to ba no cache setting08:14
JoshTriplettInfo added as
povbotBug 6350: random reboot bricks device08:18
RST38hpupnik: There is something like Manage Maps where you can preload them08:18
JoshTriplettAs said in that comment, happy to try gathering some information before re-flashing.08:18
RST38h(if I remember correctly that is)08:18
RST38hpupnik: Also try eCoach, it is rather good at maps08:18
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RST38hOk, I have found where I bind keys in FBreader08:26
RST38hI cannot figure out how to add modifiers though08:26
ArkenoiEoV looks so like early 90's ;-)08:30
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RST38hYesssss, yesssss my preciousssss08:40
RST38hI have found you08:40
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derfDon't make me call the Nazgûls to come take you away.08:43
RST38hNo, no, not the ring08:44
RST38hModifier definitions in FBreader08:44
RST38hI can now make it toggle full screen on ctrl+enter08:44
lcukRST38h, great, so do you submit a patch to the fbreader guys and hope thye push it through or find a new maintainr for maemo08:47
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ArkenoiRST38h, well, i just set it to a key via preferences menu08:51
RST38hlcuk: Well, I will try submitting a patch to geometer, but the hopes are not high for it to be included08:51
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lcukok, so how does something like this get dealt with08:52
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lcukRST38h, did you file the bug originally on fbreader08:53
lcukcos if its something specific we couldv crowdsourced interest in it08:53
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RST38hlcuk: I can upload my own version to Extras08:59
RST38hlcuk: And send a patch to geometer after the fact08:59
lcukid rather avoid a fork if at all possible08:59
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RST38hlcuk: It is not really a fork, just a fe changes08:59
RST38hlcuk: But this way if the patch does not get integrated, the main maintainer will get a shitstorm on his hands09:00
lcukyeah and when he pushes a version in the future it will conflict09:00
lcukthats a fork \o/09:00
RST38hwon't conflict09:00
lcukmer has a process to put in patches to upstream components09:00
RST38hwill replace mine -> features missing -> shitstorm -> features added09:00
lcukreproducably and in a manageable manner09:01
lcukthats a fork RST38h however you wrap it up.09:01
RST38hwell, I will try submitting a patch but if the guy does not accept it so be it09:01
lcukif theres a bug report relating to the patch you are going to submit, those of us interested in fbreader on our platform can shout in there too09:01
lcukno point in just one person submitting a random patch09:02
RST38hI am mainly interested in making my own life easier, not in greater good09:02
lcukhe needs to know the platform is using his sw and that decent devs have made a patch :)09:02
* lcuk nods09:02
RST38hSo, if someone wants the new package or a patch, he is welcome09:02
RST38hOtherwise, I couldn't care less09:02
lcuki know09:03
lcukthats the problem in itself, its not like we have someone able to deal with package ports and patching09:03
lcuk:D forkmaster09:04
PaulFertserHey :) Is anyone using the ``powertop'' utility on n8x0? I think it might be mad useful on a zero-clock based system.09:04
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PaulFertserI tried enabling TIMER_STATS that is needed for it to output anything useful but something's segfaulting during the system startup.09:05
PaulFertserKnown issue?09:05
lcukStskeeps, how would distmaster recommend to deal with that kind of problem09:05
lcuk(the fbreader usability patch)09:05
PaulFertserAnd does n900 comes with it by default? I think it's a must have utility to ensure low power consumption.09:05
lcukdunno PaulFertser i tihnk techs might still be sleeping09:05
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* lcuk is eating bacon09:05
PaulFertserlcuk: ah, right, /me leaves in an unusual timezone :)09:06
PaulFertser2 hours make difference09:06
lcukwhere r you?09:06
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PaulFertserlcuk: gmt+309:09
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MyrttiMEH. atleast there's snow today. otherwise I wouldn't bother.09:14
Vrathais there a way to make the wifi on the n900 "go to sleep" when the phone isn't being used?  this would be similar to the iphone and it disconnecting from wifi to conserve battery09:15
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ArkenoiLooks like event description is not synced from google calendar :-(09:16
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fluxvratha, I don't think so09:27
tigertVratha: it does sleep09:27
Vrathaaww :(09:27
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tigertVratha: it just doesnt disconnect09:27
Vrathaoh, well, it would be nice if it disconnected, turning the radio off completely09:27
tigertthere are various ways to do powersaving on wlan09:27
Vrathaor at least have an option for htat09:27
fluxtigert, I wonder how silent it can be to still remain connected..09:28
tigertthats offline mode then09:28
Vrathatigert: doesn't that require me to manually disconnect?09:28
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fluxI suppose if the dbus-interface for controlling network onnectivity was known, it wouldn't be a big task to write such a tool09:28
tigertyes and it kills phone too09:28
Arkenoisyncs ok up (phone to google) but not vice versa09:28
Vrathano, you can just disconect from wifi09:28
Vrathawhich is what i do now after having owned the phone a few days since the battery was dying.  having done that today, the phone battery last WAAAAY longer09:29
fluxactually what slightly annoyes me is that if I've configured it to automatically go online connect whenever it can, I cannot simply disconnect (it'll reconnect shortly after), I need to dig into the menus do disable automatic connecting09:29
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sejo_n900morning all09:30
tigertflux: well yeah09:30
Vrathaflux: uncheck "Switch to wifi when available" in the internet connection settings09:30
tigertthats how autoconnect kinda should work :)09:31
tigertbut yea, do like Vratha says09:31
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sejo_n900hey Stskeeps09:38
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Arkenoiwow, finally, latitude/googlemaps problem solved: - if we could only scroll it with finger..09:56
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pupnik_Nokia N900 just survived a fall from shirt pocket onto concrete!10:02
Vrathashort of unplugging/replugging the usb cable on the n900, can i take the n900 out of "USB mass storage mode" after unmounting from the host pc?10:03
Proteousyou are a dedicated tester pupnik_10:03
pupnik_lid and battery flew all over - no scratches or anything10:03
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Xisdibikpupnik_: no scratches on the case either?10:06
Xisdibikis it in a shell?10:07
pupnik_no scratches, no shell10:07
* luke-jr wonders if people with loaner N900s are liable for damage10:07
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pupnik_Well, i think i should advertise it on T.M.O10:08
pupnik_to balance some of my whining10:08
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ShadowJKVratha, no10:14
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ShadowJKwow, n900 seems to have charged from computer-usb in "charging only" mode, I thought that was the crappy one10:24
VrathaShadowJK: suck.  they should add that10:25
Vrathalearning the fun of dbus-send.  maybe i'll be able to send an sms with it soon10:26
Vrathabut for now: sleep10:26
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wazdhello maemo10:30
Stskeepsmorn wazd :)10:30
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VrathaDocScrutinizer51: pretty sweet.  unfortunately i don't see any SMS stuff there10:31
Vrathabut i'll take a look at some libs later; i need sleep now10:32
* Vratha &10:32
RST38hhello wazd10:33
* RST38h managed to add Ctrl-Enter shortcut to FBReader to toggle full screen10:33
RST38hPending: taking over +/- buttons and fixing a heap corruption on exit10:34
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fralswow, think ive done something to my device, takes forever to register taps on the screen and launching anything takes forever10:35
Stskeepsfrals: do you have browser open?10:35
fralsnope, just rebooted as well10:36
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fralsshould probably reflash, went a bit crazy on extras-devel last night :P10:36
fralsthe load is low thou10:36
Arkenoirst38h: there already is a patch for +/- buttons, have you seen it?10:37
fralson the other hand it has swapped 32megs10:37
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StskeepsRST38h: i actually think you managed to calm down the GPS bug10:38
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iDialekt2 Nokia flagship usa stores closing.10:40
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PaulFertserStskeeps: any thoughts about powertop?10:43
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StskeepsPaulFertser: n8x0 powertop experiments won't work sadly. there was something about the way the kernel is made and something that doesn't work10:43
luke-jrwtf is powertop10:44
PaulFertserStskeeps: exactly, the stock kernel is compiled without TIMER_STATS10:44
StskeepsPaulFertser: and with it breaks wifi, i think10:44
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ShadowJKluke-jr, shows you how much timer abuse apps are doing10:44
PaulFertserluke-jr: mad cool utility to track who the hell spends cycles, i.e. by waking up and doing something useless.10:44
PaulFertserStskeeps: oh no, why is it always so hard :|10:44
StskeepsPaulFertser: the n900 is so much nicer in some regards :P10:45
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PaulFertserStskeeps: does it come with powertop preinstalled?10:45
ShadowJKand time spent in various CPU sleep states, and on N900 you even get a table with various subsystems of the SOC and the amount of time they spent in sleep/etc10:45
StskeepsPaulFertser: installable, afaik10:45
StskeepsPaulFertser: old version had it preinstalled10:45
PaulFertserStskeeps: ah, that's cool, an improvement indeed.10:45
ShadowJKit looks very different from the powertop on desktop, though it's the same info more or less..10:45
X-FadeHmm it seems I need to kill the erlang build. It is really stalled :(10:46
hrwShadowJK: arm != x86(-64)10:46
ShadowJKyeah but the powertop on my PC is like interactive..10:46
RST38hArkenoi: the one in the repo is not a patch for +/- buttons10:46
RST38hArkenoi: The one by qwerty12 I have seen the binaries but not the source10:46
RST38hArkenoi: But I kinda know what is in the patch10:46
Arkenoithere were sources nearby iirc as well10:47
RST38hIt sets a few XAtoms on every focus-on10:47
RST38hfocus-in sorry10:47
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ShadowJKxchat looks pretty obnoxious on powertop's list :-)10:47
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RST38hno wonder10:47
ShadowJKI bet it's keeping flood-throttle and lagcheck timers active all the time10:48
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RST38hit crashes when you save config10:49
RST38hso, that is a no-go for me10:49
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ShadowJKI scp'd the conf from my N810... heh10:49
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PaulFertserluke-jr: so how do you find the power hogs on n8x0?10:49
ShadowJKthe old fashioned way, switch random stuff off and see how long until battery is empty10:50
RST38hholy fuck...I know why N900 goes so slow with time10:50
hrwRST38h: memleaks?10:50
ShadowJKswap fragmentation10:50
RST38hhrw: Better!10:50
RST38hShadowJK: No, better!10:50
RST38h11 copies of Modest hanging in memory10:50
hrwRST38h: modest... it suxx badly in 42-1110:51
ShadowJKoh hey, I have two :)10:51
* RST38h hates that fucking excuse for a mail client and whoever came up with it10:51
ShadowJK(I dont even use it, though I might've tapped the email icon by mistake once or twice)10:51
* ShadowJK wonders if the DSP is part of "core" on powertop10:51
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ShadowJKor iva210:52
luke-jrPaulFertser: I don't.10:52
Arkenoiare firmware updates painless on n900 or is it something like we had on earlier versions - backup, reflash, restore?10:52
luke-jrI just get annoyed at Nokia for my battery lasting 2.5 hrs10:52
PaulFertserluke-jr: do you by any chance know who does?10:52
hrwArkenoi: diablo had non-reflashing updates10:53
hrwArkenoi: maemo5 is supposed to have that way too10:53
Arkenoisounds good10:53
MyrttiOY! Atleast with maemo you can do the reflashing with Linux!10:54
Myrttiit's an improvement!10:54
DocScrutinizer51no powertop on any of the repos I'm aware of so far10:55
PaulFertserluke-jr: no wonder, you use .30 with gentoo and i've been told .30 lacks almost all PM.10:55
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, it must be there, I managed to install it?10:55
* Myrtti waited for a year to get her N95 updated because she had no Windows machine - and then on a first date she was hooked by the line "I've got a Windows laptop in my hotel room, do you want me to flash yours"10:55
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: nokia customers are so clueless they have no use for it? ;)10:55
ShadowJKMy N810's battery degraded to unusably in like 1.5 years10:55
ShadowJKMy E70 never got any newer firmware, and my E75 supported OTA updates already..10:56
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Myrttithen I read the vim pocket guide I got as a present while he was flashing the phone.10:57
iDialektI'm so scared to go maemo now10:57
iDialektJust cause the stores closing down10:57
iDialektFrightens me10:57
MyrttiiDialekt: the stores are a fairly new thing, and things worked fine before they existed10:58
infobotMyrtti meant: iDialekt: the stores were a fairly new thing, and things worked fine before they existed10:58
luke-jrPaulFertser: no, I am running .2110:58
iDialektBut it scares me into thinking of less north American support than they already don't have10:59
RST38hShadowJK: E70 got 3 firmware updates, then nothing10:59
PaulFertserMyrtti: LOL10:59
PaulFertserMyrtti: it was a mixed feeling, wasn't it?11:00
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ShadowJKRST38h, I must've bought mine after the last one :-)11:00
iDialektDammit. I hope maemo gets more software support soon11:00
MyrttiPaulFertser: what, the flashing or the vim pocket guide?11:00
Myrttithe pocket guide was, yes. I'm an emacs user.11:00
Myrttiwhich is why he bought and gave it to me11:00
RST38hiDialekt: what sw support are you talking about?11:01
RST38hMyrtti: PICO.11:01
iDialektI dunno just more apps in general I guess.11:01
RST38hiDialekt: How typical...11:01
Myrttilater, I got mixed feelings about the flashing too, when he told me it wasn't the first time he had used that line to pick up girls :-DDDDD11:01
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iDialektWide selection. I know there are a lot being porter11:01
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iDialektLike IM clients, video applications, multiple browsers? Google maps?11:02
Myrttigoogle maps? what do you mean, ported?11:03
ShadowJKthere's a program called google maps too11:03
iDialektIs there a google maps application for maemo platform?11:03
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MyrttiShadowJK: for linux? URL or it didn't happen11:03
iDialektOr simply have to visit the web ?11:03
ShadowJKMyrtti, not for linux, no11:03
MyrttiShadowJK: touché11:03
iDialektAll I'm saying is for someone that is on the fence with switching platforms.. One would worry about the popularity of an OS for support in the form of apps, community, future compatibility etc11:04
iDialektI'm aware that most techies or gurus may not care11:05
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iDialektThey just wait and defend the platform no matter what the cost because they are developing for it or just inspired by the nature of the os itself11:05
ShadowJKhm, with killall -STOP xchat temporarily, CPU is even spending some time in C4 (completely stopped?).. with xchat active, CPU never went to deeper sleep than 250MHz.. I guess this is why I get the feeling that me using the thing seems to have very little impact on battery life compared to letting it just sit untouched in pocket (with xchat running)11:05
iDialektHence sentenced like the one above11:06
iDialektSentences *11:06
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ShadowJKWell most techies or gurus aren't worried, because the platform is so similar to mainstream linux... it's not like symbian, which is more like a bunch of people had come together and designed something as developer hostile as possible11:07
PaulFertserSo, does anyone have any hints on finding powerhogs on n8x0 pretty please? Or am i /ignored by too many participants already?11:07
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iDialektShadowJK: Completely understandable11:07
iDialektWell I'm one of those users simply ready to switch platforms but am fearful of the unknown. Unfamiliar11:08
StskeepsPaulFertser: htop was the old way :P11:08
iDialektAlthough from my experience the n900 functioned similar to symbian . Wasn't too scary11:08
PaulFertserStskeeps: sure, but somehow at least some stats on power states would be nice to be able to properly evaluate the impact of killing some suspcious app.11:09
ShadowJKPaulFertser, find/google for ftd and ftd-plugin-bme, might be floating around somewhere still.. "Average phone current" field is the instantaneous consumption of power. You can make it log to a file, which comes in handy when you want to average the instantaneous consumption over, say, a minute or so. Close/open/remove/add stuff and see if power consumption changes. The meter is not useful when connected to charger11:09
StskeepsPaulFertser: yeah.. see if it works with TIMER_STATS and wifi11:09
PaulFertserStskeeps: i'll try. Not exactly handy without proper serial console since upon starting mer something segfaults and then the system remains unaccessible via cdc_ether.11:10
PaulFertserShadowJK: Ok, that sounds promising, thanks :D11:11
* ShadowJK is sad to see Nokia Energy Profiler missing from production N900 :(11:12
redguess it wasnt ported11:12
StskeepsShadowJK: request it? :P11:12
* PaulFertser imagines some evil-nokia conspirology explanation11:12
Stskeepsred: it does exist it seems11:12
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Myrttioooohh, it's a COOKIE11:13
redpayware via ovi once it launches?11:13
ShadowJKthe s60 version is free11:13
ShadowJKStskeeps, I saw someone requested it on the mailing list already... the replies were kinda vague :/11:14
fralshmm, slowness went away after second reboot as i was prepared to reflash, interesting ;D11:14
StskeepsShadowJK: write something with BME_Protocol..11:14
ShadowJKLet's hope it hasn't changed :)11:14
Stskeepsdidn't check yet11:14
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Stskeepsguess we'll find out when my n900 burns when i try to install toggles' hald-addon-bme on my n90011:15
Markus23DocScrutinizer51: cool page (about DBUS), is dbus-send-speaker-off the ways to put it in silent mode?11:16
ShadowJKwell, bme on N8x0 crashed/died whenever fed garbage or the app talking to it not eating all data, so if you don't disable lifeguards it'll just throw reboots at you.. wait, no initfs with dsme on n900... hm, this could be interesting? :)11:16
Stskeepsdsme exists still11:16
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ShadowJKSo I guess boot from emmc/sd and fish bme&friends out of nand?11:17
ShadowJKor did you get the binaries deal worked out and implemented already?11:18
Stskeepswell everything kinda got thrown up in the air once i got the job, so re-evaluating things11:18
redtested transmission yesterday, 600kb/sec 1 torrent 40 connections and my phone was freezing like hell11:19
ShadowJKfunny, I thought that binaries thing would've been exactly the thing covered by your job description :)11:19
redi dont suppose rtorrent is available for maemo via apt-get?11:19
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redi prefer dling podcasts via toansmission due the timed throttling functionality11:21
redas opposed to like gpodder11:21
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Markus23jebba900: did repartition work for you?11:24
Markus23I think best would be NAND flash only holding /boot11:24
Markus23and the rest normal / and /home separation, /home maybe FAT32 for win users11:24
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slonopotamusreally wow11:31
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: you got a n900 for free?11:31
slonopotamusStskeeps, yes!11:31
Stskeepsslonopotamus: scary11:31
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: they must really be trying to kill gentoo for n8x0, it must be a competitor ;p11:32
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* slonopotamus starts believing in santa claus again11:32
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Stskeepsso how did they know you were a tablet developer?11:33
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floriangood morning11:36
slonopotamusStskeeps, dunno. i only saw a girl who just gave it to me, she had no idea what it is all about. she suggested contacting to manager who sent me email initially11:36
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redwhy does the phone vibrate while i click the touchscreen sometimes11:39
slonopotamusStskeeps, ah! earlier, someone from same company invited me to n900 presentation here. but i _didn't_ go :)11:39
X-Fadered: That is called haptic feedback.11:40
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redcan be disabled without disabling vibration alltogether?11:40
X-Fadered: Sure, display settings11:40
slonopotamusStskeeps, however i don't see how not going to presentations make you receive $1k presents :)11:40
Stskeepsslonopotamus: playing hard to get?11:40
redi somehow thought sound11:41
redstupid heh11:41
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slonopotamusanyone else got n900 for free? :)11:42
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redgot it ty11:42
meceI got 2 for free, and one I had to pay for.11:42
slonopotamusmeh. now i need to migrate my stuff from both n800 and phone there11:42
slonopotamusmece, 2? :)11:43
meceit's for work11:43
redi got it for 160e cheaper if that counts11:43
slonopotamusmece, doesn't  count :)11:43
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meceslonopotamus, well in that case I did not get an N900 for free.11:44
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redhad 3 iphones break down on me in 1,5 months so i requested to change device with my provider11:44
redshitty hardware + apple naziing the appstore was enuff :p11:45
slonopotamusJaffa, do you accidentally know who likes gentoo in nokia? :)11:45
slonopotamustimeless, or you ^ :)11:46
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JaffaMorning, all11:49
Jaffaslonopotamus: Absolutely no idea.11:49
slonopotamusJaffa, morning :)11:49
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wazdslonopotamus: got it? :)11:50
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slonopotamuswazd, yep o_O11:51
wazdslonopotamus: congrats :)11:51
wazdslonopotamus: and yeah, I hate you so much :D11:51
slonopotamuswazd, man, it wasn't my fault :) it's all them, snetworks.ru11:52
wazdyeah, and them too :D11:52
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fralsif theres a bug in bugzilla, and it has been "reproduced internally", theres no need to comment ur affected by it right? just a vote is good enough? ;o11:54
lbt_lcuk: pint11:56
lbt_hmm, that typo'll get a better response than ping11:56
Jaffafrals: Correct.11:57
mecefrals, I guess so. Bugzilla is not a good place to vent.11:57
fralsrighto, ty :)11:57
Jaffafrals: In fact, if you're not adding any info, just a "me too", voting is always better rather than cluttering up the comments.11:57
fralslbt_: in lcuks case "bacon" might work better? ;)11:57
lbt_frais OTOH if it's WORKSFORME then treat it like a chatroom.... as far as I can tell...11:57
fralsaye thats what i figured.. judging by the bugzilla mailspam lately i wasnt so sure anymore :P11:58
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PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: are you interested to try hostmode on n900?12:04
ShadowJKPaulFertser, do you have a plan?12:04
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PaulFertserShadowJK: a little investigation plan, yes.12:04
PaulFertserShadowJK: requires multimeter12:05
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peterbrettHey folks12:05
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peterbrettIs anyone who works on telepathy-butterfly for Maemo 5 about?12:05
PaulFertserShadowJK: and a reasonable cable you can attach to n900.12:05
ShadowJKI'm guessing you either don't have one or don't want to ruin yours :)12:06
timeless_mbpslonopotamus: someone likes gentoo in nokia?12:06
* timeless_mbp ponders12:06
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timeless_mbpi think i've heard one or two people mention that, but i can't recall whom12:06
PaulFertserShadowJK: i do not have n900 or else i'd try for sure.12:06
ShadowJKwhat would you measure?12:07
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slonopotamustimeless, scroll half an hour back (when i endered channel)12:08
peterbrettBasically, telepathy-butterfly has stopped managing to connect to MSN Messenger at all, ever, and I wonder whether anyone else has seen the problem12:08
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RST38h????, ??12:08
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RST38hIn denying other aspects of the FOIA request, the Army stated 'disclosure of this information is likely to cause substantial harm to the Department of the Army's competitive position in the gaming industry.'12:08
slonopotamuswazd, (in russian)12:09
RST38hslonopotamus: what? really?12:09
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slonopotamusRST38h, absolutely really12:10
RST38hpeterbrett: my icq connection no longer works too12:10
RST38hslonopotamus: well, nagrada nashla geroya.12:11
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peterbrettRST38h: The funny thing is that it was working fine, and now doesn't work even on Wifi (where phone company funny business shouldn't be an issue)12:11
RST38h(act #2, actually)12:11
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peterbrettDoes anyone know how to find out who the maintainer of an extras-testing package is?12:11
slonopotamusRST38h, that's kinda surprising :)12:12
RST38hpeterbrett: tried rebooting already?12:12
RST38hpeterbrett: go to extras-testing list of apps and look it up?12:12
RST38hslonopotamus: time to do something useful with it though =)12:12
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slonopotamuserr... how i switch language on n900? :D12:13
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peterbrettRST38h: Googling has failed to locate the extras-testing list of apps! Got a hint for me?12:13
wazdslonopotamus: damn)12:13
* RST38h sighs12:13
RST38hwazd: They definitely DO NOT LIKE you =)12:14
RST38hIt is getting pretty ridiculous really12:14
peterbrettAh, thanks12:14
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wazdRST38h: yeah, I'm out of any explanations too :)12:15
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* timeless_mbp decides red must be a finnish speaker12:17
ShadowJKtimeless_mbp, from the chat or did you look at the hostname?12:18
Myrttior perhaps the channel list12:18
wazdRST38h: that's not ridiculous, that's humiliating :)12:18
timeless_mbplist of channels he's (?) in12:18
RST38hwazd: entities that are not sentient cannot humiliate =)12:18
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ShadowJKtimeless_mbp, aw12:19
MyrttiI win12:19
pupnik_that is the error of 'reification' - speaking as if abstract entities are actors in time.12:19
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ShadowJKI was scrolling up looking at what he said and not seeing any tell-tale finnish->english side-effects, feeling defeated I couldn't spot anything :-)12:19
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ct529hi! does anyone know when n900 will be released and on which network?12:20
Myrttihas been released.12:20
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Myrttinetwork would depend on what country do you want it to be on12:20
ShadowJKIt does quad-band gsm and tri-band wcdma (900, 1700, 2100?)... should work on almost any network in the world, except if you're in japan or china (and some other places) where there are major networks that do not use gsm or wcdma on compatible frequencies12:22
ShadowJKUS, Canada too12:22
ruskieaccording to your host you're UK based12:22
ruskieshouldn't it jsut work on all there?12:22
timeless_mbpShadowJK: i was kinda surprised myself12:22
timeless_mbpbecause i was about to offer enus1 to red but when i did /whois ... well12:23
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ShadowJKSomeone asked to try my N900 the other day at work, and the first comment was "huh, why is it in english"12:23
timeless_mbpwhat were they expecting, chinese?12:24
Myrttifinnish ofc12:24
HukkaIt was actually surprising that it came defaulting to English and Finnish keyboard.12:24
HukkaDon't mind though, that's what I wanted. But unusual for a phone12:25
ShadowJKI'd say "Hooray for sane defaults", but I fear for my life12:25
timeless_mbpHukka: so, in theory it's supposed to pick up settings from your sim12:25
fralsbtw, is that region detection in emailclient accurate for the rest of you? it suggest i should get a list of finnish service providers instead of swedish.. :P12:25
timeless_mbpbut the keyboard behavior is kinda different12:25
Hukkatimeless_mbp: Then it didn't, since my previous one was in Finnish12:25
timeless_mbpfrals: is your sim finnish or swedish?12:26
timeless_mbp(by that, i mean country, not language)12:26
suihkulokkiHukka: did you have sim in when booting first time?12:26
HukkaHm, good question. I think I didn't, since my coworkers got their hands on it first12:26
ShadowJKI had $nativelanguage set on my Nokia E75. Each week I encountered some new dialog that took effort to decipher. The best way of decoding is to ignore what it says and consider what each word might have been originally.12:26
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timeless_mbpfrals: that *sounds* like a bug, i'm pretty sure it'd be nice if you filed a bug and indicated your operator and some other bits (everything from the regional control panel, and all the env vars)12:27
timeless_mbpthere's actually some output somewhere in dmesg or somewhere iirc that indicates what we know about the sim12:27
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timeless_mbpwhich is probably what's important (not certain)12:27
fralsokey, ill do that12:27
redtimeless_mbp: you decide correctly :P12:27
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ct529Myrtti: I am in UK ....12:28
timeless_mbpShadowJK: there's your linguistic evidence :)12:28
ct529Myrtti: I was interested in doing some development on it12:28
timeless_mbp(and not the stem a native speaker would have chosen)12:28
HukkaTalking about SIM import, would have been nice if N900 would have asked which way my contacs are written (familyname first or second...)12:29
ct529ruskie: yes, I am12:29
timeless_mbpred: anyway, the context for this is that enus1/engb1 have a label for the vibration which actually makes sense12:29
ruskiect529, have you checked yet ? they are offering it iirc12:29
timeless_mbpHukka: hrm12:29
timeless_mbpwhat did it actually do?12:29
timeless_mbp(and again, i think that'd be a nice bug to have, although it'll probably land as FiH instead of FiFsvc)12:29
ct529ruskie: nope .... they say to preorder it without giving any potential delivery date .... and it does not say if it is going to be offered on any network ....12:30
Hukkatimeless_mbp: I had names written in style of "Surname Firstname" and it imported them all taking the surname as the first name and vice versa12:30
redtimeless_mbp: yeah it was quite self-explanatory when I knew what I wanted to disable. I think I saw it the first time when going through configs, but didn't understand what it actually did :P12:30
Myrttict529:, etc.12:30
ShadowJKtimeless, does it also have a more descriptive string for "Power saving mode"?12:30
HukkaWhich mixed the ordering majorly12:30
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timeless_mbpShadowJK: um12:30
timeless_mbpgood question12:30
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ct529Myrtti: ruskie: thanks12:30
ct529ruskie: Myrtti: is there a SDK for Maemo that can be used on Linux desktop?12:31
Hukkact529: The only one...12:31
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Myrttict529: most certainly there is12:31
ct529Hukka: the only one?12:31
Hukkact529: There is SDK only for Linux. If you want to dev under Windows you need to run a virtualized Linux under it12:32
redpeterbrett: I have butterfly going wacky on me aswell. If someone adds me in msn, I cannot start a convo with any online contact until I reboot12:32
ruskiethe one sdk that is there is for GNU/Linux systems ;)12:32
ct529whops .... lists it at £400 realease in january .... ouch ....12:32
redI can reply once messaged thought12:32
timeless_mbpShadowJK: sadly, it appears that it does not12:32
redsame problem if I roam with msn online, it gets jammed :P12:32
* timeless_mbp goes to find the ui element12:32
ct529ruskie: Hukka: thanks, I had not understood what you meant ....12:33
Myrttict529: oo, cheap12:33
timeless_mbpoh right12:33
* timeless_mbp takes this moment to beat Exchange Server with a brick12:33
redthink I'll go ahead and change my phone language to english12:33
ct529we use kde/kontact on client side + egw with groupdav on server side, so it seems Maemo makes sense ....12:33
redmost apps are that way already so no point sticking with Finglish12:34
HukkaI'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, but where is the desktop data saved? Which icons are there, at which locations and widget configurations?12:34
timeless_mbpit is going to send me an email *every* day, until i get my mailbox size under 90%, telling me my mailbox is almost full12:34
HukkaIt doesn't seem to be a file anywhere, so my next guess is gconf12:34
Myrttitimeless_mbp: fail-o-rama12:34
HukkaI'd like to create shortcuts for xterm that immediately launch ssh12:35
ShadowJKime the administrator eventually notices and deletes email for you12:35
MyrttiHukka: apparently has some info12:36
MyrttiI broke a nail AGAIN12:36
HukkaMyrtti: I was reading that thread too, but was only on page 11 :)12:36
Myrttimoar coffee12:37
HukkaIt's huge...12:37
suihkulokkiwhat we really want is a ssh ui which allows adding shortcuts to specific hosts on desktop12:37
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fluxhukka, it might be simpler to create an application for it (I _think_ it's just placing a description file into /usr/share/somewhere)12:37
HukkaMyrtti: But it seems that the poster has the same exact need as I :)12:37
Hukkaflux: It seems like this is exactly what the linked post does12:38
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timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: that shouldn't be too hard12:41
anidelhi there12:41
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JoshTriplett1andre__: ping?12:42
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timeless_mbpgood morningish12:43
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ShadowJKyay, no work until wednesday12:50
ShadowJKthe "you can't carry over vacation days to the next year"-crunch12:51
HukkaMyrtti: Hmh, doesn't work, and hard to say why12:51
HukkaThe option doesn't appear in the shortcut menu12:51
ShadowJK"but don't use them at christmas when everyone else also wants to"12:51
andre__JoshTriplett1, pong12:51
ShadowJKand .fi never stops for snow :)12:51
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JoshTriplett1andre__: 2 things.  First, GeneralAntilles suggested I poke you about getting canconfirm/editbugs on the Maemo Bugzilla, so that I can help triage bugs and such.12:52
* ShadowJK considers spending his free time on another go at wrangling mplayer-neon out of the sdk12:52
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Hukkanm, spellibg errors in config12:56
andre__JoshTriplett, sounds good. mom12:56
JoshTriplettandre__: Thanks!12:56
andre__JoshTriplett, seen ?12:57
redI always get a heartattack @ reboot seeing half empty desktops12:58
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JoshTriplettandre__: I have, yes.  I don't necessarily plan to do so much triage that I need to automate the giving of stock answers, though. :)  I mostly want to have the ability to triage a bug when I run into it and know it ought to get duped/brainstormed/product-changed.12:58
lardmanmorning all12:58
andre__JoshTriplett, ah, I see :)12:58
andre__JoshTriplett, very welcome and appreciated, thanks!12:59
andre__JoshTriplett, but what was the second thing? :)13:00
JoshTriplettandre__: Permission bits show up now, thanks.13:00
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andre__sure. thank *you*13:01
JoshTriplettandre__: I wondered if you might be the right person to ask regarding bug 6334.  I have an N900 with the random reboot problems, and I wondered if I could do anything in particular to help the debugging efforts.13:01
povbotBug random reboots13:01
JoshTriplettI've posted the information requested in the bug already, but I'll gladly try any other debugging technique that might help.13:01
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JoshTriplettandre__: Thus far, it arrived today, and it has rebooted a few dozen times.  That hasn't stopped me from loving everything *else* about it, but...13:02
JoshTriplettandre__: And about a dozen reboots ago it stopped booting, as in bug 6350; I had to reflash the rootfs to make it boot again.13:03
povbotBug random reboot bricks device13:03
X-FadeJoshTriplett: It is a weird bug as I have lost of weird stuff installed and my devices never reboot.13:03
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infobotX-Fade meant: JoshTriplett: It is a weird bug as I have lots of weird stuff installed and my devices never reboot.13:03
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JoshTriplettHeh, I've never actually seen a bot that interpreted s///.13:04
JoshTriplettX-Fade: Whereas my reboots started well before I installed anything.13:04
X-FadeJoshTriplett: Yeah, really weird.13:04
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ct529I think I will download the SDK .... has anyone tried to install it on other devices apart N900?13:04
Stskeepsmaemo itself?13:05
JoshTriplettThe one thing I can't easily remember: whether I enabled Wifi before the first reboot occurred.  I don't *think* I did, but I might have.13:05
Stskeepsand the maemo-on-omap project13:05
infoboti heard mer is, or on #mer13:05
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JoshTriplettandre__: Feel free to just say "no, I can't help with that".  But I figured that as debugging goes, it helps to interactively poke at things with a user who has the problem.  Though, naturally, it doesn't seem to have rebooted itself in the last hour or so; reverse demo gods. :)13:06
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X-FadeJoshTriplett: Try things like flightmode, on/off charger, with sim, without sim?13:07
redi've misplaced my stylus again13:07
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redwonder how long until i will lose it haha13:08
BernardVJoshTriplett: My 2nd N900 also rebooted about every hour, but it couldn't be wifi because that was broken :)13:08
JoshTriplettBernardV: 2nd?13:09
JoshTriplettDare I ask what happened to the first? ;)13:09
JoshTriplettX-Fade: Thus far, I've had it reboot both while idle and not touching it, while bringing it out of idle, and while actively using it.  No particular userspace application causes it; in fact, I've had it happen while at the desktop and not running anything.13:09
BernardVYeah I have my 3rd now in one week13:09
BernardVFirst had a broken mic13:09
JoshTriplettX-Fade: I haven't tried flightmode, or without a SIM.13:09
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JoshTriplettX-Fade: I *have* had it happen on and off the charger, IIRC.13:09
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ct529Stskeeps: it does not look like it is connected with running Maemo on other portable devices, but with running Freemantle on N8xx devices ...,13:10
X-FadeJoshTriplett: It is just to find out what can trigger it. Try as many different things ;)13:10
ct529Stskeeps: whatever Freematnle is13:10
andre__JoshTriplett, I also have no idea with that report. Nokia is investigating, but it's... difficult. I have never seen it myself either :-(13:10
Stskeepsct529: Fremantle is Maemo5.013:10
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Stskeepsct529: and it's connected to other portable devices, but primary people are n8x0 users13:10
BernardVBut the reboot..if I recall correctly I always had network connection when it happend (gprs)13:10
Stskeepsct529: it runs on a Nintendo Wii..13:10
andre__JoshTriplett, but feel free to share your impressions (especially ehat *cannot* be the reasons, hehe) in that report...13:10
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slonopotamushow i switch language on n900?13:11
JoshTriplettandre__: If this continues for the next couple of days, I'll probably have to exchange my device; I don't know if I can count on it as a primary phone if this continues.  If I *do* have to return it, anything in particular I can do to make sure it ends up in a developer's hands? ;)13:11
fralsmenu -> settings -> regional and language ->13:11
BernardVslonopotamus: settings -> language & region13:11
fralslanguage & region*13:11
slonopotamusno, i mean, during typing13:11
timeless_mbpslonopotamus: text input13:12
slonopotamusit has 2 langs configured13:12
timeless_mbpenable a second language13:12
ct529Stskeeps: :D .... no very portable (cannot imagine going aorund with a WII in my pocket ) :D13:12
JoshTriplettandre__: Assuming it reproduces without a SIM card and without wifi, both of which which I can try to test at some point, then it ought to remain reproducible with the same device.13:12
slonopotamusenabled already13:12
andre__JoshTriplett, none that I know... I know of at least one Nokian who also has such a broken device and already gave it to developers13:12
timeless_mbperr sym-space13:12
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timeless_mbpor ctrl-space, whatever13:12
timeless_mbptop left button + space13:12
JoshTriplettandre__: And did it stay broken, or magically fix itself when a developer laid hands on it? ;)13:12
andre__JosefAssad, so, yeah, they investigate. however, of course there could be several reasons why this happens :-/13:12
andre__argh. JoshTriplett ^13:12
slonopotamustimeless_mbp, and how i was supposed to figure that out?13:12
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timeless_mbpslonopotamus: there's a user guide13:12
andre__JoshTriplett, hehe, only thing I know is that they are working on it...13:13
timeless_mbpyou should ask "how am i supposed to find the user guide"13:13
ct529Stskeeps: I thought more like porting to things like HTC Hero or netbooks13:13
JoshTriplettYeah, bug 6334 has all the signs of a bug report with a sufficiently generic description to make everyone with a remotely similar problem chime in and confuse things.13:13
povbotBug random reboots13:13
timeless_mbpperhaps a more interesting question is: how does it decide which language to use13:13
JoshTriplettAnd it'll only get worse until fixed.13:13
slonopotamusmeh :) i watched through quickstart video. it said 'that's all you need to know to use n900'13:13
timeless_mbpgiven that hardware keyboard languages and software keyboard languages are unrelated13:13
timeless_mbpslonopotamus: yeah, um, remind me to shoot someone :(13:14
timeless_mbpslonopotamus: there's a maemo5ui team section on youtube13:14
timeless_mbpyou need to watch all the videos there13:14
JoshTriplettandre__: Oh, and I just remembered, it definitely happened while away from home today, which means it happened while *not* associated with any wifi network.  So, that partly rules out wifi, though it could still happen that wifi AP scanning causes problems.13:14
slonopotamustimeless_mbp, i can't configure wifi because i need english input for password :D13:15
timeless_mbpslonopotamus: well, you'll have to find the userguide on your own :(13:15
timeless_mbpslonopotamus: do us a favor, call nokia care13:15
timeless_mbpand complain about these things13:15
timeless_mbpspecifically this problem with wifi13:15
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timeless_mbpdon't mention any knowledge13:16
timeless_mbpact like a normal end user13:16
timeless_mbpindicate that you watched the how to video that came with your device, etc13:16
timeless_mbpjust like you did here, but to them13:16
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JoshTriplettandre__: Well, thanks for the update.  I'll toss a bit more info into the bug.  One question: have any of the analyses progressed far enough to figure out if this represents a hardware or software problem?  Since it happens with some hardware devices and not others, that would seem to point at hardware...13:18
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timeless_mbp(cool, finnish banks are on strike13:18
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Myrttitimeless_mbp: remains to be seen are the hampsters that power the internet banking on strike too13:20
timeless_mbpit sounds like it's a possibility13:20
timeless_mbpgreat country you've got here13:21
andre__JoshTriplett, not that I know13:21
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Myrttitimeless_mbp: apart from the strike season things work pretty well in comparison to some other countries...13:22
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lbt_timeless_mbp: hmm in the last few weeks finnish pilots, ground crew and now bankers have been on strike.... is the skiing good atm or something?13:26
timeless_mbpno mountains13:26
timeless_mbpand no snow13:26
timeless_mbpok, a dusting which was collected into an incredibly tiny hill at the bottom of kaampi13:27
timeless_mbplbt_: it might be that they can't strike during christmas13:27
timeless_mbpand want attn13:27
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adeuswhy would the strike during christmas13:29
adeuseither they're on holiday or get triple salary13:29
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Myrttihave you heard the latest though13:30
Myrttithe union issued a warning of a strike on ICT sector13:30
Myrttithe planned schedule is apparently on 28th Dec - 2nd Jan 201013:31
MyrttiI lol'd13:31
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adeusit's easy to strike when no ones around13:32
ShadowJKwait what, banks on strike?13:32
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VDVsxjeremiah, ping13:32
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adeusthat too13:32
ShadowJKI should maybe switch on TV more often than once every 3 years13:32
ShadowJKAll banks? just some banks?13:33
adeusor was it just nordea13:33
ShadowJKhuh. is it a one-day strike or are they striking until their demands are met or something13:33
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VDVsxbank accounts in Switzerland ftw :D13:33
adeusno, all13:33
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* Stskeeps sure hopes nordea poland isn't13:34
Myrttishdb: on Monday13:34
MyrttiShadowJK: on monday13:34
adeusonly the brick stores are closed so it doesn't effect anything :P13:34
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adeusnet bank and atms work13:34
JoshTriplettandre__: Silly question, because I don't know enough about the software architecture of how Maemo 5 boots: when a 32wd_to reboot occurs, does the kernel's printk time normally remain fixed over the reboot?  Because I have uptime 5 minutes, but dmesg gives times like 14558.985382.13:34
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andre__JoshTriplett: no clue at all here13:35
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ShadowJKI remember the last time banks were on strike, was probably 80s... I think there was warning beforhand, and the expectations that it would take ages, because society seemed to convert to entirely cash-based for the duration.. Employers paid in cash etc :-)13:35
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ruskieI'm hearing something similar happening here for banks on strike13:36
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ShadowJKTV and radio striked too, though I dont remember if it was at the same time as the banks, all you could get was this looping clip of a musicbox. On all tv channels, all radio channels. The tune still haunts me today..13:37
ruskieso many things to watch on the net nowadays13:37
ruskieI think if they really did go on strik it would be for the better actually(TV and radio)13:37
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ShadowJKyeah but this was before internets :)13:38
ruskieyeah I'm aware of that13:38
ruskiestill books are alawys an alternative :)13:38
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ShadowJKlet's just hope the librarians don't strike at the same time13:38
ruskienot a big loss ;)13:38
ruskieebooks :)13:39
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* ruskie spent 1000 eur on two gadgets this year...13:39
ShadowJKand there are VCRs these days too!.. and whatever came after those13:39
ruskieN900 and Hanlin Jinke V3 eink reader13:39
arachnistlets see...13:39
arachnistN900, thinkpad x300, openrd-client, sennheiser hd595.....13:40
ShadowJKMyrtti, so is it just monday?13:40
arachnist(and, ofcourse, a new desktop)13:40
ruskiearachnist, I only meant those two toghtere.. I had other purchases as well ;)13:40
ruskienew mb and phenom II X3 705e ;)13:40
ruskieactually two new systems this year13:40
arachnistruskie: i only meant to say that i spend too much13:40
ShadowJKhow's the openrd-client?13:40
ruskieone at the start and one now :)13:40
Markus23nearly all shops ordered n900 but don't have it, unbelievable13:41
MyrttiShadowJK: three days13:41
arachnistShadowJK: nice as a router/torrent-box13:41
ruskiewell money is for spending13:41
ruskieow and of course two atom mini itx boards13:41
ruskiesingle and dual-core13:41
ruskieone for router the other for server13:41
ruskieomg... I did buy a lot this year13:41
ruskiethough I don't think I went over 2k yet13:41
arachnisti'm sure i did13:42
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arachnistthe desktop and new 22" for it would be quite close to 2k13:42
* ShadowJK spent 7000 on car13:43
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ruskierather sure I didn't... the atom stuff was ~250 eur, both systems 250 eur... 620 for the n900, 300 for the V3, 40 eur for the headphones hmm13:43
ruskieI think that's the lot13:43
MyrttiI spent the amount of money needed to buy a N900 to a mattress and a topper for it.13:44
ruskiehmm anyone have any clue how long the battery should last while listening to internet radio over 3g?13:44
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ShadowJKruskie, if it does 3 hours i'd be impressed13:45
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LupuAny tips as to where I can get libgles1-sgx-img-common to be able to try out Quake III Arena on the N900?13:45
ruskiemaybe fremantle/sdk ?13:45
Gadgetoid_mbpI must have listened to internet radio over wifi for 2 hours yesterday, and the battery held out until the end of the day13:45
* lbt_ waits for the internet pixies to go on strike13:46
ruskieif that happens the world grinds to a halt13:46
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ruskieneed to start setting up personal N nodes to have connectivity even when everything else goes foobarf13:46
* lbt_ offers the pixies a cookie13:46
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Lupuruskie: By that do you mean I need to install  the full SDK on the PC to get it? *confused*13:49
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HukkaHas there been any talk on what will be the multimedia framework when QT is the main toolkit?13:50
ruskieLupu, add the sdk repo to the device and search there?13:51
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ruskieI do hope both QT and GTK will be around not just one or the other13:51
arachnisti wouldn't mind if gtk was dropped ;)13:52
Lupuruskie: Ok, that makes significantly more sense. I didn't know of that repository, thanks.13:52
SpeedEvilHukka: pulseaudios creators are doing a special multimedia QT stack.13:52
VDVsxoh my13:52
ruskieLupu, hmm I don't actually see it and I have it13:53
ruskieerm I have the repo that is13:53
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VDVsxSpeedEvil, do you have links for that ? :)13:53
zaheermSpeedEvil, you sure you mean pulseaudio's creators?13:53
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ruskieLupu, do see: libgles1-sgx-img opengles-sgx-img-common13:53
zaheermSpeedEvil, i was told the qt mobility people are doing it13:53
HukkaSpeedEvil: But PA is only audio, or are they planning something with video too?13:53
ruskieLupu, and that's in the nokia-binaries repo13:53
HukkaSpeedEvil: More specifically I'm interested is gst going to stay or be changed13:54
Lupuruskie: I already added the repo behind this link --
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Lupuruskie: Still no installation candidate.13:54
SpeedEvilI was attempting comedy.13:54
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VDVsxSpeedEvil, ehehe13:55
SpeedEvilHukka: yeah - nebulous plans with 'it's all changing, and it'll be shiny!!!' aren't great.13:55
ruskieLupu, so none of those two satisfy it: libgles1-sgx-img opengles-sgx-img-common13:55
VDVsxif IIRC gstreamer will be used in m613:55
* VDVsx checks13:55
VDVsxyup :
MyrttiI love the internets <213:55
Myrtti♥ even13:56
zaheermgstreamer will be used, yes13:56
Myrtti ♥ ♥ ♥13:56
zaheermbut they want to add a qt friendly wrapper for easy shit13:56
zaheermwhich is probably going to be a failure like phonon was, and get deprecated for m713:57
VDVsxzaheerm, lol13:57
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HukkaAre the needed components to bring QT and gst together on M5 already here?13:57
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zaheermHukka, yes, gstreamer is a c library so can be used by any c++ app including qt apps13:57
HukkaIf it's supported, might as well start developing against that, since it will be the new thing13:57
VDVsxzaheerm, phonon is still present in Qt 4.613:58
zaheermVDVsx, phonon is deprecated in 4.613:58
Hukkazaheerm: Well, yes in principle, but there's doable and sensible13:58
nomisMhm, I am stuck in the maps application.13:58
VDVsxzaheerm, humm,
HukkaAnd I have a vague feeling that gst and phonon people don't get along that well13:58
Lupuruskie:   libgles1-sgx-img: Depends: opengles-sgx-img-common (= 0.20090218.55.9+0m5) but 0.20091104.6+0m5 is to be installed13:59
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HukkaWow, phonon going away? What happened, isn't it quite new anyway?13:59
Hukka(I don't really follow the desktop linux world...)13:59
zaheermit is not going away, it'll be on life support13:59
zaheermactive stuff will be on the multimedia stuff in qtmobility14:00
ruskieLupu, maybe will need to wait for an upgrade then14:00
VDVsxfor reference new stuff is here:
HukkaVDVsx, zaheerm: Do you have any hints on where to find discussion about the reasoning and plans?14:01
VDVsxHukka, I think is there a Qt mobility list/forum14:01
Lupuruskie: Alright, thanks.14:02
VDVsxHukka, more info and some rants here:
zaheermHukka, also phonon is basically just a playback api at present14:02
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zaheermHukka, and qtmobility's multimedia plans to handle capture and other non playback stuff14:03
Hukkazaheerm: Ok. I've just seen some news headers at Ars Technica or like that amount to "Wow, Phonon is so great and does your dishes too!"14:03
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* RST38h moos diabolically14:03
HukkaAnd then promptly ignored them "Blah, kde... ion for me!" :)14:03
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* VDVsx moos back14:03
HukkaBut it seems that now that I have the N900 here, I can't avoid the desktop world anymore :)14:04
* SpeedEvil samples RST38h for moobox.14:04
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zaheermi guess we'll see wrt qtmobility's work whether it will be decent enough14:04
* RST38h feeds Phonon architects to the Tentacled One, saying "serves you well, you megalomanicala motherfuckers"14:04
VDVsxdid someone attended the Qt mobility presentation at the summit ?14:04
RST38hHeya VDVsx14:04
zaheermHukka, personally as a developer, i would just use gstreamer's api..that will work on m5, m6 and probably m7 too14:04
ccookeMorning, all14:05
Hukkazaheerm: Can't hurt to at least understand it, then. Thank you for the recommendation14:05
zaheermVDVsx, i missed that, didn't know there was one14:05
VDVsxah no slides14:05
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peterbrettI hope Maemo 6 has a Plasma-based desktop :14:05
HukkaSlides are evil anyway.14:05
HukkaI wish all conference talks were actually recorded, but no :/14:06
VDVsxI was in the 770 room in the bluez 'hacking' session14:06
ShadowJKplasma... that brought my quad core computer to its knees14:06
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zaheermVDVsx, how easy is it to add profiles? is there any documentation on doing that?14:06
VDVsxzaheerm, maemo5 ?14:06
zaheermVDVsx, i want badly to be able to expose call log and contacts to my car's bluetooth14:06
zaheermVDVsx, yes maemo5...14:07
peterbrettShadowJK: well, sucks to be you. :-P14:07
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VDVsxzaheerm, depends if it works under bluez-linux is not that difficult14:07
slonopotamusso. no xchat for  fremantle?14:07
VDVsxie bluez upstream14:07
fralsits in -devel14:07
lardmanHukka: recording went wrong14:07
ruskieslonopotamus, it's in extras-devel14:08
lbt_Hukka: qt4.6 is on tech preview on N900 already14:08
slonopotamusfrade, ruskie , thx14:08
ShadowJK(and don't try to change settings, it crashes)14:08
Hukkalardman: Ah. Well, they tried.14:08
fralsjudging by what ive seen from you earlier i assume you know it might be buggy... yaddayadda ;)14:08
lbt_oh,  sorry I was scrollbacked14:08
Hukkalbt_: Yes, I had that impression though I wasn't that far yet. And I was planning on using that14:08
SpeedEvilIs there any application to take 'rawer' - ideally raw - but I'm unsure if he hardware can do that - pics/14:08
SpeedEvilfull-sized pics14:08
HukkaThough that will also depend on pyside14:08
HukkaI'd prefer to use python for as much as I can14:09
lbt_Hukka: *nod*14:09
* lbt_ is more c++ but that may change on n90014:09
VDVsxOT: does anyone knows a good FFT lib in C++ ? :)14:09
ruskieSpeedEvil, there's a topic on talk about that iirc... DSLR like controls I believe the topic is named14:09
lbt_VDVsx: by definition ... no14:09
lbt_use a C one with wrappers :)14:09
lbt_FFT is not OO :)14:10
lardmanI've not got round to doing fftw, sorry14:10
ruskiehmm odd... I have a contact with a birthday... and when I first imported it I saw the birthday icon in the calendar now I don't.14:10
lardmanis next on the list after LAPACK14:10
lardmanVDVsx: what are you going to do with it?14:10
VDVsxlbt_, remember the name ?14:10
VDVsxlardman, it's for my thesis14:11
lardmanah ok14:11
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slonopotamusdo i have to have SIM-card installed to import contacts?14:11
lardmanwell I hope to get fftw compiled and in extras-devel by the end of the week14:11
VDVsxlardman, cool :)14:12
VDVsxthanks lardman and lbt :)14:12
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hrwslonopotamus: no, I merged contacts from s60 via BT without having sim in n90014:13
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slonopotamusfor some reason n900 fails to get contacts from my nokia 3110c14:13
lbt_slonopotamus: me too14:13
slonopotamusno syncml?!14:14
lbt_however I got them from 3110c to LDIF format14:14
lbt_but buggered if I can get them onto the N900 from a linux desktop14:14
* lbt_ is really annoyed at the lack of linux->n900 for contacts... but... ya know...14:15
lbt_I'm having a happy day so who cares :)14:15
HukkaI still have to figure how to get my SMSs out of the previous phone14:15
HukkaDoes N900 import SMSs from the SIM?14:15
lbt_Hukka: *nod* gnokki14:15
slonopotamusmeh, so pricey phone and doesn't support syncml...14:15
lbt_slonopotamus: I think it's the 3110 - others report success14:16
HukkaOr did my old phonw store them in phone memory (I hope it can transfer to SIM, ir it did...)14:16
rangeslonopotamus: It is supposed to do that, but only over USB and BT.14:16
lbt_it does do syncml .... but not over tcp14:16
plr_Hukka: don't know if it is possible to get them transferred to n90014:16
Hukkalbt_: Do you mean gnokii?14:16
plr_U haven't found a way14:16
rangeAnd it seems to have a bug somewhere.14:16
lbt_Hukka: yeah14:16
slonopotamus3110 happily syncs to zyb.com14:16
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lbt_I knew it had 2 somethings14:16
rangeSo not all SyncML solutions find the n900 to be SyncML capable.14:17
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slonopotamusmeh, these both are from nokia. that's a shame to be incompatible.14:17
Hukkalbt_: Hmm, I wonder... the old phone *does* have a usb connector, but the manual says it's only for repair service14:18
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* lbt_ waits for sparks....14:18
HukkaIt's 1650... Because my 3310 broke in September14:18
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slonopotamusdo you also have '9' trailer video?14:19
* timeless_mbp chuckles14:20
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timeless_mbpsomeone was asking what rule to follow for formatting a time14:20
timeless_mbpi said "steal the code from another app"14:20
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timeless_mbpshows how others use it14:20
timeless_mbpI'd suggest stealing code from one of them ;)14:20
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GeneralAntillesUgh, 10mW WiFi thread on Talk.14:25
sejoheh marbles is cool14:25
GeneralAntillesTroubleshooting voodoo.14:25
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: I was wondering about that. autoreducing power till weget a certian fraction of retransmits.14:26
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: but that's prolly not what's talked about14:26
GeneralAntillesThe 10/100mW setting is regulatory only.14:26
GeneralAntillesIt's not a powersaving setting.14:26
SpeedEvilIt does not affect emitted power?14:26
lardmanit must save power14:26
hrwstupid question: where I can change Call/SMS ringtone?14:26
GeneralAntillesThe radio spends so little time in transmission that changing the power level wont affect battery life.14:26
lardmanhrw: profile iirc14:27
SpeedEvilUnless you're transmitting a lot.14:27
iDialektHi GeneralAntilles14:27
hrwlardman: thx14:27
lardmanhrw: in settings, profile14:27
timeless_mbphrw: are you using en(us|gb)?14:27
GeneralAntillesand, actually, since you're reducing your signal strength it can actually increase consumption if you're at the edge of range or having to do a lot of retransmission.14:27
SpeedEvilAnd in that case, you're probably going to be burning lots of power elsewhere14:27
hrwtimeless_mbp: PL lang + EN/GB keyboard14:27
timeless_mbpit's in profiles, but if you use en(us|gb)1 then this is more obvious :)14:27
timeless_mbphrw: well, if you want to switch to enus1/engb1, let me know14:27
* iDialekt walks away in shame 14:27
hrwtimeless_mbp: looks like I need to complain about UI again14:28
SpeedEvilyeah - a megabyte at 54mbps will take less power than a megabyte at 514:28
timeless_mbpotherwise you get to appreciate finnish translated into english translated into polish14:28
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lardmantimeless_mbp: you need to get optimising the Polish strings too! ;)14:28
timeless_mbplardman: i need to finish polishing the english before i let people translate to other languages14:28
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hrwlardman: old joke you remind me14:30
ShadowJKeven when transmitting, 100mW is minor compared to total power use by the wifi14:30
hrwPolish guy meets English guy and says: I need to polish my English. then Eng one replies: No, your English is Polish enough.14:30
hrwtimeless_mbp: the problem with profile settings is that it is hard to notice that there is something under vibration settings ;(14:31
SpeedEvilShadowJK: minor - but still non-zero. I could see it giving 2-3 mins more battery life in not uncommon scenarios.14:31
timeless_mbphrw: there's a bug filed about that14:31
timeless_mbpthe fix is to defenestrate the ui owner14:31
timeless_mbpor wait for konttori to become the new owner14:32
timeless_mbpwhich iiuc happens sometime next year14:32
lardmanhrw: :)14:32
hrwtimeless_mbp: bug number is? I wnt to vote for it14:32
SpeedEviltimeless: which window?14:32
* hrw -> food14:32
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, yeah sure :)14:32
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: 8th floor, higher is better14:32
timeless_mbphrw: but seriously, can i get you to try enus1?14:32
SpeedEvilShadowJK: but - 2-3 mins here, 2-3 mins there...14:32
lardmandefenestration is so hard these days with all the toughened glass around the place14:32
GeneralAntillesThe message beeps you get while on a call really suck.14:32
SpeedEvilShadowJK: and pretty soon the battery actually charges when you use it.14:33
GeneralAntillesI can never tell if it's call waiting, an SMS, email or IM.14:33
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: the ones for new email are really fun14:33
timeless_mbpyeah, of course i'm getting mail ever Sync Interval during a business day14:33
GeneralAntillesI notice the vibra sometimes gets a bit angry, too.14:33
ShadowJKThis .fi computer magazine's "wifi battery life" test is so flawed. They tested shoutcast playback, timed it until it died (fair enough). Then they concluded that in real life when browsing the internet, the battery life would be less, because the screen would also be on... lol14:33
lardmanSpeedEvil: is that the guy demonstrating the unbreakable windows?14:34
timeless_mbpShadowJK: don't we stop playing music when we turn off the screen? :)14:34
ShadowJKtimeless_mbp, nope.14:34
Gadgetoid_mbpWow, secret profile settings- yay!14:34
* fnordianslip isn't using his n900 as a proper phone yet, waiting for 3 sim fix. /me wonders how many of the 300 have been using their n900 as their only phone on a daily basis14:35
ShadowJKtimeless_mbp, videos however stop when media player loses focus14:35
Stskeepsfnordianslip: i personally have14:35
Gadgetoid_mbpfnordianslip: I, too, am waiting for that fix- but my 3 sim is data only14:35
tigertShadowJK: how is that flawed to assume that when browsing the device screen is on?14:35
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melmothsince yesterday, it s my main phone14:36
Hukkafredrin: "of the 300"?14:36
GeneralAntillesfnordianslip, me, since September.14:36
HukkaI meant fnordianslip14:36
GeneralAntillesAlthough I'm not a 300 member.14:36
Gadgetoid_mbptigert: it's flawed to test a property in one usage case, then just adjust the results arbitrarily to make that result fit another entirely different usage case14:36
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RST38hNokia's New York and Chicago Flagship Stores Closing Too14:36
tigertGadgetoid_mbp: ah right14:36
fnordianslipGeneralAntilles: I'll let you off14:36
ShadowJKtigert, when browsing, you've got like max 10 seconds of data transfer (or however long the twitter-generation user has patience to wait for a page to load), and then several seconds of no transfer at all. In the shoutcast case, the server is sending a stream at a constant rate, keeping the wifi and CPU awake unable to sleep14:37
SpeedEviltigert: for example - idle cpu and wifi most of the time - browsing - + backlight - may be less consumption than active wifi, audio, and cpu14:37
HukkaI don't know what "300" is, except a movie, but I've used mu N900 as my only phone since Friday14:37
tigertGadgetoid_mbp: "we tested our running speed by walking a mile. when running, it is assumed to be faster still!" :)14:37
SpeedEvilHukka: one of hte 300ish that got free phones14:37
Gadgetoid_mbptigert: Sounds about right14:37
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, free device loans for a period of 6 months.14:37
timeless_mbpRST38h: closing?14:38
Gadgetoid_mbpbut couldn't you make it a car analogy?14:38
HukkaSpeedEvil: Do I count, because mine was free; paid by company :?14:38
fnordianslipHukka: I was thinking that the 300 have had them the longest although I've had mine for 2 weeks, so the 300 part of the question is getting pretty nugatory now14:38
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: yes, ...14:38
Stskeepsfnordianslip: 3 sim issue was known very early though14:38
* SpeedEvil is using his as his only phone.14:38
SpeedEvilI'm pondering dropping my landlines.14:38
fnordianslipHukka: he 300 were loaners given out back in september14:38
Gadgetoid_mbpI want my N900 hardware/software transplanted into my N810s chassis14:38
GeneralAntillesfnordianslip, October.14:38
HukkaN900 is a lot better than the 1650 I had before, but that was just a backup phone anyway14:38
fnordianslipStskeeps: yep.  i know.  just waiting14:39
Stskeepsfnordianslip: hopefully it should come this month14:39
fnordianslipGeneralAntilles: oh whatever :)14:39
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HukkaEven calling with that thing was annoying due to horrible sound quality14:39
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: mail me both. I have duct tape and a hammer.14:39
ShadowJKfnordianslip, I switched to N900 as "carry with me" phone about 3 days after getting it... My old phone is now parked as modem for my LAN. Whether this counts as "only phone" or not I dunno :)14:39
HukkaDid have a flashlight, though14:39
timeless_mbpfnordianslip: i've been using my n900(s) as my primary phone for 4 weeks before AMS14:39
timeless_mbpincluding 3 weeks traveling through eastern europe14:39
Gadgetoid_mbpSpeedEvil: Err....  maybe not ;)14:39
sejoanyone knaws how to solve the marbes GChapter 1 level 4?14:39
fnordiansliptimeless_mbp: good to know14:39
sejostuck on it for days now *grin*14:39
timeless_mbpsejo: i solved them on my n800 ages ago14:39
SpeedEvilsejo: I suggest trying 'enigma'14:40
* fnordianslip using vodafone dongle sim currently for data only14:40
SpeedEvilsejo: It has all the fun of marbles, with added 'you can't breath' functionality14:40
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thomastpX-Fade: amazing, just got a mail that erlang built successfully14:40
sejoSpeedEvil: true?14:40
* sejo looks it up in the repo14:40
X-Fadethomastp: Yeah, although I needed to kill the ip test.14:41
slonopotamuswoah. it works14:41
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X-Fadethomastp: It was stuck for a whole day there ;)14:41
thomastpX-Fade: oh ? how did you kill it without breaking the build ?14:41
SpeedEvilsejo: it's not very similar - it's a memory/accuracy of control game.14:41
X-Fadethomastp: Somehow yes :)14:41
SpeedEvilsejo: it is addictive though.14:41
sejoSpeed I'll test14:41
thomastpX-Fade: I'm curious, how did you do that ?14:41
X-FadeJust killed the ip test processes one by one.14:41
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X-FadeAnd then it continued.14:42
sejotimeless_mbp: you wouldn't remember how?14:42
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slonopotamuserr... too long14:42
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timeless_mbpsejo: roughly14:43
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melmothwhat is the correct repo to be able to apt-get source mail for exchange ?14:44
melmothand what is the name of the package itself ?14:44
timeless_mbpsejo: yeah, i remember roughly how to solve it14:44
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timeless_mbpmelmoth: MfE is part of nokia's packages14:46
timeless_mbpit's included in the device14:46
lbt_sejo ... yes14:46
timeless_mbpyou don't "install" it14:46
Stskeepsmelmoth: not a source package14:47
hrwI moved from E66 to N900 yesterday14:47
sejolbt_: can you give me a hint?14:47
timeless_mbpsejo: yeah, i'm about solved14:47
hrwtimeless_mbp: I am not so English to notice difference between engb<>engb1 probably14:47
melmothso, all we have to see how to play with the calendar is ?14:47
sejocool timeless_mbp14:48
timeless_mbpit requires quite a bit of bouncing :)14:48
lbt_sejo... OK ... sec14:48
melmothno example ? (apt-get source calendar-ui also fail)14:48
hrwmelmoth: calendar.... ARGH14:48
sejotimeless_mbp: I cant seem to get them together14:48
timeless_mbphrw: ideally the strings will just be easier for you to use14:48
timeless_mbpsejo: the trick is that you kinda need to sorta free one of them14:48
timeless_mbpwhich requires a visit14:48
Stskeepsmelmoth: the UI things are usually not oss :P14:48
hrwtimeless_mbp: I use Polish translation14:48
hrwspeaking of calendar... time to report bugs against it14:49
melmothgrumble...may be i ll use gpe calendar then.14:49
lbt_get the right gold ball out by putting another ball in there14:49
timeless_mbphas the open source stuff14:49
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lbt_sejo: ^^14:49
timeless_mbplbt_: that's what i said :)14:49
sejotrying tu put another one in there14:49
* timeless_mbp gets explosions from solving14:50
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* AndrewBlack added a huge warning to his Blog abou Maemo-devel/Maemo-testing due to several people asking him to14:51
* sejo still trying to get another ball in there :p14:52
timeless_mbpsejo: asking for too many hints ruins it14:54
timeless_mbptry to play backward14:54
timeless_mbpfigure out "where would a ball land if it did land in there"14:54
timeless_mbp"where would it come from if it landed in there"14:55
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timeless_mbp"how would i get a ball positioned there so it could land there"14:55
timeless_mbpafter a while, you end up at your current state14:55
timeless_mbpor a reachable state14:55
sejotimeless_mbp: true, trying all options14:55
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SpeedEviltimeless: or madness14:57
timeless_mbpi think nintendo owns marble madness14:58
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hrw5139 5294 5477 5479 5540 5790 5954 5955 6051 6431 6521 665114:58
hrwthose bugs already got my vote... and I am just starting14:59
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timeless_mbphrw: did you not find the bug for the scroll indicator?14:59
timeless_mbpone copy was filed by me (probably in browser about bookmarks)14:59
ShadowJKmost of them sound like nokia model numbers too15:00
hrwtimeless_mbp: not yet. going though calendar now15:00
timeless_mbpShadowJK: have you seen the nokia store display picture?15:00
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ShadowJKtimeless: nope15:01
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lbt_hrw ... I thought that was a marbles solution in code....15:02
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hrw~curse brainstorm15:04
infobotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, brainstorm !15:04
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* timeless_mbp pokes ShadowJK 15:06
arachnist~curse me15:07
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, arachnist !15:07
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ShadowJKoh, that's awsome :-)15:09
jebbaI'm going thru calendar bugs to see if there is one like "alarm should show current time, not alarm time".   If you happen to see one....15:09
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needzhelpcan somebody tell me what stream formats work on the N900?15:11
melmothheuu, en c++ si j ai un objet toto , instance d une classe klass qui defini une metode plop, je l appelle comment ? toto->plop() ? toto.plop() toto::plop() ?15:11
sejotot.plop() ?15:11
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jebbaah, i see, an Alarm shows current time, but an event doesnt15:11
melmothni luck with tot.plop() :)15:12
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lardmanwhat does the :: syntax mean? A static object?15:14
* lardman needs to dig out a C++ book15:14
Stskeepsandre__: wow, they fixed a sb-ism15:14
* Stskeeps is impressed15:14
anidelhey lardman15:14
GeneralAntilles Ah, finally.15:14
lardmanhi anidel15:14
anidelwas trying Latitude as on the Google Latitude thread...15:15
derflardman: :: is the scoping operator.15:15
andre__Stskeeps, looks like they have some time now15:15
anideldoesn't seem to get the position on mine.. weird..15:15
lardmanderf: hmm, ok, need to read a book15:15
lardmananidel: really?15:15
lardmananidel: doesn't get your position?15:15
anidellardman: I've installed maemo-geolocation15:15
derfclass::member means lookup "member" from the given class.15:15
lardmanderf: ah ok15:15
anidellardman: and then started the browser using your link.. but it can't find automatically my location15:15
derf::something means lookup "something" from the global scope.15:16
lardmananidel: there's a test page for the geolocation stuff, might be worth checking it's returning something15:16
anidelwill check that15:16
timeless_mbpanidel: afaiu latitude doesn't work15:16
derfThere's also namespaces, which use the same syntax.15:16
timeless_mbpbut i could be wrong15:16
hrwok, wrote long part about beloved brainstorm and why I hate it. now time to write something maybe more positive15:17
timeless_mbpmaps/facebook should work15:17
timeless_mbphrw: you're positive it's useless? :)15:17
anideltimeless: according to Qole it does:
lardmananidel: might work, not sure15:17
timeless_mbpanidel: wow15:17
lardmantimeless_mbp: does for me15:17
lardmanand for Jaffa15:17
timeless_mbpok, so um15:17
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* timeless_mbp goes to find the isntructions for installing mameo-location15:18
hrwtimeless_mbp: no, next part of post will touch  PIM15:18
lardmanand my wife can see where I am on her android phone, and vice versa15:18
anidellardman that works.. weird15:18
timeless_mbplardman: sounds like a bad deal :)15:18
hrwtimeless_mbp: and can be not so positive anyway15:18
timeless_mbptethered husband15:18
timeless_mbplatitude, giving husbands less latitude15:19
lardmanI can tell if she goes shopping! ;)15:19
GeneralAntillesBleh, still no shipment notification from DDP.15:19
lardmanwell I can just shut down the browser, hers is built-in15:19
GeneralAntillesWhich means it's going to show up after I've left town.15:19
GeneralAntillesAssuming it ships at all.15:19
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timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: so. got time for a couple of strings?15:20
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GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, sure.15:20
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xorAxAxfnordianslip: "3 sim fix"?15:26
GeneralAntillesandre__, ping?15:26
andre__GeneralAntilles, pong15:26
fnordianslipxorAxAx: there's a bug and topics on t.m.o.  fixed in unreleased builds apparently15:27
GeneralAntillesandre__, where the hell do I put a bug about the touchscreen settings control panel?15:27
xorAxAxfnordianslip: ah, the company "3"15:27
StskeepsGeneralAntilles: calibration?15:27
fnordianslipxorAxAx: yep15:27
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, the power save setting for the touchscreen is completely useless15:27
andre__GeneralAntilles, but I have one report about the screen noise in there already!15:27
GeneralAntillesand I'd like to see it removed.15:27
GeneralAntillesarachnist, indeed.15:28
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andre__GeneralAntilles, just drop it under Control Panel15:28
GeneralAntillesNow the proximity sensor needs to toggle fullscreen.15:28
* fnordianslip wants to set up a company called " "15:28
Stskeepsfnordianslip: ; DROP TABLES?15:29
zashfnordianslip: like the ( ) party?15:29
fnordianslipStskeeps: huh?15:29
zashthat tried to steal all the blank votes15:29
GeneralAntillesAnybody got the original string for that setting handy?15:29
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GeneralAntillesSettings -> Touchscreen -> Whatever the last checkbox in that dialog is called.15:30
fnordianslipStskeeps: nice15:30
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slonopotamus_i think i got a tricky trick to import contacts15:31
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fnordianslipan xkcd widget for n900 would be nice15:32
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pupnik_till- found the car-charging problem?!
pupnik_fnordianslip: do it15:34
lardmantimeless_mbp: anidel tells me he had to reboot after installing the maemo-geolocation plugin to get Latitude to see it15:34
GeneralAntillesAnybody find that string for me? :)15:34
timeless_mbpnot technically reboot15:34
RST38hlatitude actually sees the geolocation plugin?!?15:34
timeless_mbpbut probably kill browserd15:34
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lardmanrestart the browser stuff yeah15:34
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RST38hWill make Arkenio happy15:35
hrwtimeless_mbp: do you have a bug for that UI problem? it is hard to find15:35
RST38hHe likes to be followed =)15:35
timeless_mbpsearch was: is:maemo indicator15:36
lbt_ROFL.... just saw the Samsung bada announcement :
lbt_*love* the last comment ... superb :)15:36
Jaffaanidel: browserd needs to be restarting15:37
infobotJaffa meant: anidel: browserd needs to be restarted15:37
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timeless_mbplbt_: the art is nice15:37
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pupnik_gpodder is pretty wonderful.  would be cool if it could also scan a page that has no proper rss/xml15:37
lbt_timeless_mbp: meh... wallpaper and N800 style screen edges...15:38
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timeless_mbplbt_: i mean the boat15:38
anideljaffa: yeah I knew it could be that.. I waited after closing all the browser windows hoping for it to shut down..15:39
anideljaffa: in the end I restarted the device :p15:39
timeless_mbpanidel: at one point closing all browser windows did restart browserd15:40
anidelAnyway it's like on the desktop, after installing a plugin you need to restart the browser15:40
timeless_mbpi need to figure out if we changed that15:40
anideltimeless: may be I didn't wait enough15:40
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anideltimeless_mbp: I expect it dies after a few secs?15:40
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lbt_Couldn't happen here:
timeless_mbpi can't remember15:40
pupnik_Can we see cellular signal strength anywhere on N900?15:40
timeless_mbp(i'd need to ask)15:40
arachnistpupnik_: yes15:41
timeless_mbppupnik_: the bars above the number?15:41
anidelnow we need to develop a nice desktop widget15:41
GeneralAntillesOK, somebody using English strings but without timeless's stringset installed. Open Settings -> Touchscreen and tell me the string on the last checkbox in the dialog.15:41
arachnistpupnik_: next to the battery level15:41
hrw~hail contacts for forgetting default view15:41
anidelshowing your friends is already easy...15:41
* infobot bows down to contacts for forgetting default view and chants, "I'M NOT WORTHY!!"15:41
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JaffaGeneralAntilles: "Touchscreen vibration" IIRC15:41
lbt_Jogglers have arrived!!15:41
pupnik_ah thank you - i get "cellular network not available" may be out of range in my house15:41
timeless_mbpJaffa: dooubtful :)15:42
GeneralAntillesJaffa, scroll.15:42
SpeedEvilis there anything in repos that will let me set arbitrary v4l controls?15:42
* andre__ wondering who's responsible for
lardmananidel: need to dechiper the Google api and then the location information can be made available to whatever app wants it15:42
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xorAxAxhow can i enable "desktop" widgets?15:42
lbt_andre__: why Mr Maemo of course15:43
lardmantap desktop, hit gear15:43
lbt_or the porn team...15:43
andre__lbt, got his phone number?15:43
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* lbt_ grins at and wonder what goes on behind closed doors at Nokia....15:44
timeless_mbplbt_: from memory 4xs in finland means something15:44
X-Fadelbt_: That is an Australian beer.15:44
xorAxAxlardman: and then?15:44
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: tap the title15:44
lardmantap the menu15:44
xorAxAxand then?15:44
xorAxAxthere is no "add widget"15:44
* ShadowJK has no idea what it means15:44
timeless_mbpbut really, if you're using an english, install my strings and then do this stuff15:44
X-Fadelbt_: :)15:45
lardmanxorAxAx: is for me15:45
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: i have "Add Widget"15:45
SpeedEvillardman: thanks - I now have that google page on my desktop15:45
* lbt_ analyses the neat packaging and concludes it's not from Nokia.... then ducks and runs15:45
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* SpeedEvil finds screen protector for n900 in post.15:45
slonopotamusit doesn't see my simcard15:45
lbt_SpeedEvil: ooh any good?15:45
MyrttiOH FFS15:45
ShadowJKSpeedEvil, brand?15:45
timeless_mbpX-Fade: even the ausies can spell ringtone correctly15:46
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: i dont15:46
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: ctrl-shift-p15:46
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: in my scratchbox15:46
SpeedEvilShadowJK: ebay15:46
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: nop15:46
timeless_mbpyou didn't say scratchbox15:46
timeless_mbpyou probably don't have any installable widgets15:46
timeless_mbpor maybe the sdk sucks15:46
ShadowJKmy durasec cleartec has gathered an incredible amount of scratches in just two weeks :)15:46
* timeless_mbp shrugs15:46
* lbt_ rather likes that example code... it even tests for the existence of executables rather than just crashing15:46
xorAxAxthere is a widget shown already15:46
`wicked`i've a question..15:46
xorAxAxso its b0rked15:47
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: delete the widget from the desktop15:47
`wicked`for the developers..15:47
timeless_mbpsee if you can get it back15:47
GeneralAntillesScrew it, posting the bug with the replacement strings. Somebody else can translate.15:47
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: nope :-/15:47
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: file a bug against the sdk15:47
ShadowJKoh, hard case15:47
`wicked`a porting of maemo on a N97 nokia phone..15:48
`wicked`is not possible?15:48
`wicked`I hate symbian os..15:48
nomisI dunno, it might be just me, but sometimes I tap an icon in the main menu, the icon lights up and then nothing happens.15:48
nomisso the click arrived at the software, but the software failed to start the resp. menu entry.15:49
* ccooke tries to stop laughing at
arachnist`wicked`: N97 has a somewhat different screen resolution. might be impossible to run normal maemo apps15:49
timeless_mbp`wicked`: so, if you can get access to enough pieces anything is possible15:49
hrwarachnist: and lot of maemo apss are hrdcoded to 800x480 screen anyway15:49
lardmanSpeedEvil: :)15:49
hrwn97 has 640x36015:49
timeless_mbphypothetically there was one device similar to the n800 which was able to run maemo4.something15:49
`wicked`maemo apps are write for a 480x800 res?15:49
* hrw just sstarted maemo5 on 800x800 screen15:49
`wicked`damn nokia -.-15:50
hrwtoo bad that maemosdk lacks some settings15:50
timeless_mbp(that one device normally ran symbian)15:50
GeneralAntilles`wicked`, 800x480, actually.15:51
GeneralAntillesBut that's not the real problem.15:51
GeneralAntillesThe real problem is getting Linux booting on the N97.15:51
GeneralAntillesand to that I can only say, "good luck".15:51
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xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: which product is it?15:52
`wicked`tnx M)15:52
timeless_mbpsdk has its own product iirc15:52
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suihkulokki`wicked`: not really specifically written for 800x480, just nobody ever tests anything else =)15:53
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xorAxAxhow can i find out the sdk version? settings -> general doesnt exist15:54
jumpulathis is not vim15:54
`wicked`nobody who can try it?15:54
`wicked`nobody wanna risk a n97? ;)15:54
sejohe doesn't dare15:54
X-Fade`wicked`: Different cpu, requires signed firmware. Good luck.15:55
`wicked`ok, white flag, i'm surrender15:55
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mecewhat packet do I need to compile vala?15:56
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anidellardman: this link might help for Google Latitude, looks like someone already reverse engineered the protocol:
GeneralAntilles`wicked`, easier to just sell the N97 and buy an N900.15:58
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lardmananidel: looking15:59
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anideldon't register in order to get access to the link.. I did but the link is now dead16:01
anidelso don't even bother to register16:01
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lardmanbut ok, those urls look familiar from my tcpdump16:02
`wicked`I'm not ONassis ;)16:02
meceandiel, oh man, hate when that happens. I don't like to register to random stuff, but to register for nothing is really annyoing16:02
`wicked`goodbye ^_^16:02
lardmanannoying having all the png and jpeg data sent in the same tcpdump, but c'est la vie ;)16:02
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anidelmece: happens16:02
hrwlardman: use wireshark + filtering?16:03
lardmanthough all the data comes from the same server so hard to filter out the wrong packet types16:03
lardmanor at least it was for me using it for the first time16:04
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hrwhi mgedmin ssvb16:04
ssvbhi hrw16:05
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lardmananidel: actually that code is not needed as we can use liblocation to get location info16:06
anidellardman: isn't that code used to update the location?16:06
lardmanthough it does seems to send some data, which is good16:06
anidellardman: ah no.. you're right16:07
lardmanI think it's using Google to get lat/lon from cell data?16:07
fnordianslipi haven't found powertop yet for m5.  if it does exist, can someone tell me where?16:07
anidellardman: yeah I think so16:07
cehteheeeks .. bada is a korean word and means fail :o)16:09
fnordianslipbada ... boom16:09
SpeedEvilfnordianslip: would be nice16:10
cehtehonly a high level C++ API .. means everythnig has to be rewritten from scratch16:10
timeless_mbphrw: are you going to vote for these bugs? :)16:10
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timeless_mbp(not that it helps an iota)16:10
* fnordianslip imagines timeless_mbp sounding like Marvin from h2g216:11
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lardmananidel: there's lots of cookies and other crap in the sniffed data, no clue is that's normal16:11
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lardmannever having tried to analyse pct/ip/html data before16:12
cehtehif it would be at least POSIXish16:12
arachnistcehteh: "bada" is a polish verb, and it means "to examine" or "to probe"16:12
timeless_mbpfnordianslip: heh, i don't sound like marvin16:13
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fnordiansliptimeless_mbp: perhaps not, but i like to think you do :)16:13
timeless_mbpthe ui designers told me last night that my voice is distinctive16:14
fnordiansliptimeless_mbp: so is marvin's16:14
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lardmanany javascript gurus about?16:14
lardmanthe javascript code on that Google Latitude page seems to be build up of loads of little functions16:15
lardmaneach is defined and then used in the definition of another, ad infinitum (nearly)16:15
lardmanis that a standard method of obfuscation?16:15
lardmanshould be easy enough to just unwind the function definitions to get the final functions really, so not sure why that would be done16:16
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lardmanI guess looking at the javascript might be easier than trying to guess the api from the sniffed data16:17
* timeless_mbp watches So long and thanks for all the fish 16:17
SpeedEvillardman: firebug16:17
SpeedEvillardman: it's great16:17
timeless_mbplardman: roughly latitude is probably a java app16:17
timeless_mbpmost google apps are these days i believe16:18
lardmanany thoughts?16:18
timeless_mbpprobably the thing to do is to take something (jsd? jstracer?) and have it record the actual used paths16:18
timeless_mbpwith full variable refs16:19
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lardman|homehmm, did anyone see my monologue, or has it vanished into the ether?16:19
timeless_mbpbecause what matters to you is roughly speaking the standard control flow, not the loaded code16:19
rangelardman: Isn't that stuff of their standard javascript API which they made public a while ago?16:19
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lardman|homebut I guess it must do the stuff the page does?16:20
lardman|homeso it must be possible to work out how it works from that code? or not?16:20
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hrwtimeless_mbp: I will16:20
timeless_mbphrw: it's worth noting that decisions shouldn't be made based on votes16:21
hrwtimeless_mbp: will not help rather but I have a right to vote for them and for me they are bugs16:21
hrwtimeless_mbp: I am aware of that16:21
timeless_mbpbugzilla is a self selecting non representative sample of our potential userbase16:21
SpeedEvilClearly the right way is to call the users.16:21
timeless_mbpthat said, our ui designers are not better at design choices16:22
timeless_mbpstandard response to pushback other than ignoring is to "make it a preference"16:22
rangelardman: Okay, that code is strange.16:22
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timeless_mbpit took mozilla 5-7 years to learn that this is *not* the right answer16:22
SpeedEvilIt's debatable.16:23
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SpeedEvilFor example I want a preference not to ignore volume buttons in media player when screen blanks16:23
SpeedEvilwhich for some would be very annoying as those buttons will get pressed accidentally for some users16:23
hrwI want really working usb-storage16:23
lardman|homeSpeedEvil: we're going to replace media player as it doens't support subtitles16:23
hrw[63924.144952] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdg] Attached SCSI removable disk16:24
hrw[63924.146811] sd 10:0:0:1: [sdh] Attached SCSI removable disk16:24
hrwand thats all16:24
timeless_mbphrw: sounds like a host problem?16:24
SpeedEvilhrw: It diddn't work for me either, when I plugged it into my printer.16:24
rangelardman: No idea. It probably is something in the skynet-universe which is generating that code.16:24
hrwlooks like I need to dig under desk again just to get it working16:24
SpeedEvilhrw: which supports usb mass storage16:24
timeless_mbpSpeedEvil: did you file a bug?16:24
lardman|homerange: I've no clue, but do you think that the code that uploads and interprets the downloaded data should be there somewhere?16:24
hrwtimeless_mbp: roothub->hub->n900 and roothub->hub->hub->n900 works for charging but not quite for storage16:25
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* hrw -> coffee16:25
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hrwbb in 20min16:25
timeless_mbpusb1 or usb2 hubs? :)16:25
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SpeedEviltimeless_mbp: I have a list of niggles that I need to search to see if they're there, and then file16:27
rangelardman|home: Probably something from tha maps API? of any help?16:27
fnordiansliphmm.  tracepath doesn't seem to work on my n90016:29
lardman|homeah ok, that's how to fetch the location of another user16:29
lardman|homeor yourself16:29
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lardman|homeI'd thought it was just for yourself, but it does say "As an added bonus, both the JSON and KML feeds allow you to fetch the locations of multiple users — you only need to change the user parameter to use comma separated identifiers instead of a single one."16:29
lardman|homeso fine, we can grab our friends16:30
lardman|homewe still need to let Google know where we are16:30
lardman|home(but at least that's less to do now)16:30
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SpeedEvillardman: doesn't tcpdumping the stream when location is active show you anything?16:30
lardman|homeSpeedEvil: I only had a quick look16:31
lardman|homeSpeedEvil: But nothing overly obvious16:31
lardman|homeagain, I've never really looked at low level TCP data, so was slow going16:31
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SpeedEvilyeah - or firebug would be more sane, as it can show responses too16:32
SpeedEvilor alternatively tcpick16:32
SpeedEvil- which reconstructs all tcp streams to a computer - or to a port or ... live to files16:33
SpeedEvilwhich is _very_ hadny16:33
lardman|homesounds useful16:33
SpeedEvilfor example16:33
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SpeedEvilthat's data sent by server and client for the same connection16:34
lardman|homeok, will have a look at that this evening16:34
SpeedEvilwell - that's not the same connection - but you get the idea16:34
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lardman|homeI was working at the same time, do didn't try Linux based apps16:36
rangeethereal can also follow (and analyze) tcp streams if you want something to click :)16:37
rangeUm. Now called wireshark.16:37
lardman|homeyeah, that's what I was using16:37
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lardman|homethe JSON output received by that page doesn't have the field names like the Google page linked above does16:39
lardman|homeare they mandatory?16:39
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joppuSexy? Y/N
timeless_mbpjoppu: new theme?16:40
lardman|homedon't like the two-tone buttons16:40
zgoldjoppu: the contrast is a bit too sharp for my taste16:40
lardman|homegradiated would be better16:40
timeless_mbpjoppu: feels like a glass theme16:40
timeless_mbpi'm not sure that's bad16:41
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timeless_mbpnote that it has issues w/ running through letters16:41
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timeless_mbpit can cause readability issues16:41
bahoI installed sshd. As usual I decided to remove it from autostart (from all the rcN.d paths). Eventhough it's not in any of the rcN.d paths - it still starts up on boot. Also when I run /etc/init.d/ssh stop  -  it won't stop... Am I missing something in maemo's startup script management? Any advice on how to do this?16:41
hrwtimeless_mbp: usb2 of course16:41
jopputimeless_mbp: That's kinda the point, the glass :P16:41
joppulardman|home: As a single gradient?16:42
timeless_mbpbaho: i think maemo uses upstart16:42
timeless_mbpnot rc.d16:42
lardman|homejoppu: yeah, rather than the sharp transition16:42
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lardman|homejoppu: but don;t ask me really :)16:42
slonopotamusfixed undetectable simcard with a piece of paper between holder and battery16:42
bahotimeless_mbp: oh.... thanx... I'm pretty sure I've done this via rc.d in maemo4... Will look into upstart... time to do some reading.16:42
timeless_mbpbaho: upstart came w/ fremantle16:43
joppuI heard a certain person complaining how dull the default Fremantle theme was so I thought I'd make a sharp one16:43
odin_anyone know of USB card reader: 058f:6362 Alcor Micro Corp.  (if it support SDHC ?)16:43
lardman|homejoppu: go ahead, makes no odds to me anyway, as long as I can still see the buttons to click :)16:43
timeless_mbpjoppu: i'd say go for it16:44
joppuWell, since it's and SVG, I can just adjust the templat gradient and it'll fix them all.16:45
joppuTo lower the contrast, I mean.16:45
joppuBut I'll see about it16:45
slonopotamuswhere does xchat go in fremantle if 'minimize to tray' is clicked?16:46
AndrewBlackjoppu, what theme you guys talking about?16:47
timeless_mbp /dev/zero? :)16:47
timeless_mbpslonopotamus: it could go to the status menu if it goes somewhere16:47
ShadowJKodin_: i have alcor...something... no sdhc16:48
slonopotamushow i autocompete nicknames with hw kb? :(16:48
|Ris it normal that me and my friends didn't get the converter in the n900 box? (2mm/3mm to microUSB for older nokia's charger?)16:48
AndrewBlackjoppu, looks nice16:49
SpeedEvilslonopotamus: with xchat?16:49
ShadowJKi saw a systray widget or something... i suspect it might cactch xchat when/if it tried to run to tray?16:49
SpeedEvil|R: I diddn't either16:49
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slonopotamusspeedevil yep16:49
|RSpeedEvil: uhm okay, decided it was not worth it i guess16:50
SpeedEvil|R: just cleaning cloth, headphones, n900, battery, puppy.16:50
fluxis theere a bug open for wanting more hotkeys for maemo5?16:50
|RSpeedEvil: and usb + chargers i guess? :)16:50
|Rotherwise the puppy is going to starve ;)16:50
SpeedEvil|R: yeah16:50
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joppuwazd: It's kinda similar... but not that much in my opinion. Are you implying that I'm plagiarizing Marina?16:50
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wazdjoppu: no, not at all16:52
ShadowJKodin_, oh mine has same USB ID too. Mine does not do SDHC.16:52
wazdjoppu: at least you have the device to test :D16:52
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odin_ShadowJK, kernel: sd 5:0:0:0: [sdc] READ CAPACITY failed, kernel: sd 5:0:0:0: [sdc] Result: hostbyte=DID_NO_CONNECT driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK, for a 4Gb card, but a little further for a 2Gb card: kernel: sd 6:0:0:0: [sdc] 3932160 512-byte hardware sectors (2013 MB)16:53
odin_ShadowJK, thanks for confirming, guess I better get a new one16:53
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ShadowJKMine kinda works for non-HC, on good days16:54
ShadowJKkernel constantly resets it too16:54
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RST38hqwerty12: here? =)16:56
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* Jaffa grrraaarrgghs at #5130. Sodding UI specs breaking the user. Rules are for the obedience of fools, and the guidance of wise-men.16:59
joppuwazd: Actually, I don't. I had but it was a dud, sadly17:00
hrwbug 513017:00
povbotBug Use of "yes/no" in JavaScript confirmation dialogues is confusing17:00
odin_yeah we need N900 advanced mode with tons of user-configuration features... everyone should just find a way to organised/present them all...  the idea of cutting own options for all is plain silly17:01
SpeedEvilJaffa: yes - completely breaking pages is not a good thing.17:01
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eMHais there a bootmanager on the n900 and how can i access it?17:03
eMHait seems i've bricked my n90017:03
eMHabut i know what files i've changed17:03
joppueMHa: How did you do it?17:03
eMHaand if i only had a shell i could revert17:03
eMHawell, i change .profile of user17:04
odin_eMHa, not really, there is something that call itself bootmanager but it not a real one, since its already loaded a kernel and simply changes some options and stuff (that is how I understand it anyway)17:04
eMHaand i think there's aloop now17:04
eMHaok, the usb part is booting ok17:04
fluxemha, so what does it prevent, you cannot use xterm?17:04
eMHano grafical user interface17:05
SpeedEvileMHa: can you ssh in?17:05
fluxhm, funny if it uses .profile17:05
eMHaafter the usb pboot part17:05
eMHait doesn't boot any further17:05
eMHawireless seems not to come up17:05
odin_maybe N900 needs a single user mode, which will boot an xterm no matter what17:05
timeless_mbpodin_: maybe people need to not brick their devices17:06
timeless_mbpat a certain point these are end user devices17:06
timeless_mbpnot hackables17:06
timeless_mbpif you aren't willing to reflash like an end user17:06
timeless_mbpthen don't think like a hacker17:06
eMHathese are hackables ;-)17:06
derfeMHa: You're going to have to re-flash. Hope you made backups.17:06
eMHai can take backups over usb17:06
eMHaso my data should be save17:06
fluxtimeless_mbp, it'd be great though that it would not be possible to brick (so that you need to send it to factory) it unless you use gainroot17:06
timeless_mbpthe data you can backup over usb isn't lost by a normal flashing17:07
timeless_mbpflux: mucking around w/ dot files is pretty damn close to gainroot17:07
fluxtimeless_mbp, but, it's not gainroot :)17:07
eMHaso there isn't any relevant date17:07
timeless_mbpalthough i'm kinda shocked that .profile would cause anything remotely interesting to happen17:07
hrwandre__: can you add (as Bug Master) option to autoclose bugs by moving them to brainstorm area?17:07
eMHabut i hoped i can boot somethin like text mode shell :-)17:07
derftimeless_mbp: I'm not.17:07
fluxI can do anything in my computer without breaking it, as long as I don't 'sudo'. of course, I need to know the root password.17:08
derfActually, isn't .profile on /home/user anyway?17:08
javispedroAloha Javier, welcome to NetHack! You are a neutral female human Tourist.17:08
derfSo won't that survive a reflash?17:08
timeless_mbpderf: it will :)17:08
andre__hrw, ?17:08
X-FadeUnless you flash emmc ;)17:08
odin_timeless_mbp, what a segment of the market appears to want is a hackable product, so Nokia will on-day have to shallow on that and live with it17:08
timeless_mbpX-Fade: better backup in that cas17:08
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Indeed17:08
javispedroRST38h: seems to work, so gonna upload now17:08
odin_s/on-day/one day/17:09
infobotodin_ meant: timeless_mbp, what a segment of the market appears to want is a hackable product, so Nokia will one day have to shallow on that and live with it17:09
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timeless_mbpodin_: how large is that market segment?17:09
timeless_mbp1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% ?17:09
timeless_mbpor smaller?17:09
hrwandre__: I am losing faith in maemo bugtracker as most of interesting bugs gets moved to brainstorm where no one cares about them17:09
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timeless_mbpwhat nokia wants (especially if it's producing lots of devices)17:09
timeless_mbpis a large market segment17:09
odin_timeless_mbp, it doesn't really matter, another vendor (not nokia will be producing the same basic design) and they will cater for hackability17:10
andre__hrw, so?17:10
timeless_mbpodin_: ...17:10
Stskeepsodin_: how did that work for freerunner sales again..17:10
GeneralAntillesodin_, interesting that you make this point when Maemo devices are among the most hackable on the market.17:10
recalcatiI'm going to try maemo for ARM Linux inside emulator . Anybody can point me to the right direction?17:10
GeneralAntilleshrw, Quim got some commitments from Nokia managers to Brainstorm.17:10
andre__hrw: I might miss sense of humour today. All answered already. Enjoy.17:10
hrwrecalcati: maemo4 can be run in qemu17:10
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: really?17:11
canctimeless_mbp: if I follow what you said, the n900 is a end user product, an messing with it is bad17:11
timeless_mbpcanc: i wouldn't go quite that far17:11
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, apparently.17:11
ShadowJKodin_, dude you can't both have the cake and eat it, pick one. Hackability and the power to make your n900 reboot-loop, or safety of being locked out from doing anything damaging17:11
timeless_mbpbut i would say that it's designed to be like an end user product17:11
odin_timeless_mbp, there isn't a lot of support that Nokia needs to give that segment, simple stuff like being able to extract flash data via bootloader/USB, single-user-mode, anything so the bricked device is recoveryable by the modern day hacker17:11
cancI did get one because of the maemo os17:11
timeless_mbpand if you mess it up, you reflash17:11
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GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, it was one of the requirements before we started using the Brainstorm.17:11
recalcatihrw: not meamo5 ?17:11
Stskeepsodin_: the more info you give the open source community the more they want17:11
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timeless_mbpit isn't sold with a serial console17:11
javispedroodin_: i'm sure you can provide that by yourself, though17:11
timeless_mbpif you want a serial console, there's this other thing17:11
eMHais it possible to flash the n900 from linux?17:11
hrwrecalcati: n8x0 emulation is present in qemu - was done for Nokia by OpenedHand17:11
timeless_mbpwhat's the clear plastic box thing?17:12
javispedrounless you're talking about thrased ubifs17:12
canctimeless_mbp: ok, I get the point :) If you messed it, you flash it :)17:12
GeneralAntillesodin_, if you want to hack, hack.17:12
recalcatihrw: thx17:12
odin_GeneralAntilles, I was not making a comment about Nokia not being hackable (that was timeless_mbp, please re-read what I wrote) I am all for hackability but timeless_mbp expressed a viewpoint that its a consumer device and hackability it not a priority17:12
hrwrecalcati: I blogged about it, had a talk about it on maemo summit 2008 even17:12
GeneralAntillesodin_, there's little stopping you.17:12
hrwrecalcati: no idea how goes n900 emu - rather not exists probably17:12
GeneralAntillesodin_, of course it's not a priority.17:12
Stskeepshrw: oh, didn't know it was a pay job :)17:12
GeneralAntillesodin_, hackability doesn't generally sell many devices.17:12
recalcatihrw:  I read something, but I have too many info in my mind17:12
derfA proper hacker sets up rsync backups of the entire device.17:12
* timeless_mbp frowns17:12
hrwrecalcati: normal qemu do not have omap3 emulation17:13
derfBecause they _know_ they're going to brick the device at some point.17:13
hrwStskeeps: ;D17:13
Stskeepshrw: i just assumed you were insane enough to do it in your free time ;)17:13
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recalcatihrw:  I guess that Nokia should have qemu or similar for its SDK, becasue is really important for development17:13
derfIt was one of the first things I did. I'm surprised it took me two days before I needed to use them.17:13
hrwrecalcati: what for? you can use crapbox to run maemo/x8617:14
timeless_mbp! beagle board17:14
hrwStskeeps: ;D17:14
timeless_mbpyes, that's the thing w/ a serial cable17:14
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timeless_mbpgo buy one, or heck, buy two!17:14
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timeless_mbprecalcati: you clearly haven't used the sdk17:15
timeless_mbpbecause it does indeed include qemu17:15
odin_Stskeeps, I'm not sure I understand your points.  Re: cake and eat it17:15
timeless_mbpand you can setup system qemu if you really want to17:15
andre__...anybody having a SDK handy who can quickly confirm ?17:15
povbotBug 6813: "Add widget" missing in SDK17:15
Stskeepsodin_: if you give out kernel then they want bootloader, then they want jtag..17:15
javispedroI'm pretty sure, it's there.17:15
Stskeepsodin_: etc17:15
timeless_mbpandre__: how about telling the reporter how to get the sdk version17:15
* timeless_mbp has no idea how to do that17:15
Stskeepsodin_: the return of making the investment to get that info published isn't convincing17:16
andre__me neither17:16
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odin_eMHa, yes its possible to re-flash the N900 from windows and linux (it is not currently possible to recover rootfs/swap/kernel/etc.. data but the 32Gb eMMC storage remains intact after a reflash, since the root/swap/kernel etc.. are in another flash space17:16
javispedroI guess just doing "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade" and ensuring no errors suffices17:16
ShadowJKif you crash often you'll end up corrupting the emmc and will have to flash that too :)17:16
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eMHaodin_: hm, but there's home of user17:17
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odin_Stskeeps, understood the ROI issue, this is why I say another player in the market will make that move, it doesn't happen to be Nokia, but hey, thats good for everyone right ?  I mean a little competition in the ARM based Linux smart-computer-phone space17:17
odin_eMHa, home of user is on eMMC17:18
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eMHaand is not accessible via usb17:18
eMHahm, litlle problem...17:18
timeless_mbpeMHa: backup the eMMC MyDocs volume via usb17:19
recalcatihrw: I don't find the crapbox link, anyway a qemu or similar as emulator is really important17:19
eMHatimeless_mbp: yeah, allready done17:19
timeless_mbpin theory someday Mer will boot from microSD for the n90017:19
eMHaok, i will try in the hope i'm wrong what i've messed17:19
timeless_mbpand you could then just boot it and muck w/ the altroot home17:19
eMHadownloading flasher...17:19
jkimball4If I flash a device, does MyDocs get deleted?17:19
odin_eMHa, so you are saying your .profile on /home/user/.profile is broken and even if you reflash it wont fix it, cus that will only modify rootfs ?17:19
timeless_mbpdunno if it does yet17:19
timeless_mbpjkimball4: depends what you flash17:19
timeless_mbpnormal flash is ubifs17:19
eMHaodin_: i think so17:20
timeless_mbpbut you can flash eMMC which is ext3+vfat17:20
eMHabut perhaps i'm wrong17:20
javispedroandre__: latest version of SDK has "Add widget", and offers me to add the RSS widget17:20
eMHaonly option i have i think17:20
odin_ah there we go then, you can flash the whole thing back to factory defaults, OneNAND and eMMC17:20
timeless_mbpeMHa: that's roughly correct17:20
andre__javispedro, thanks17:20
jkimball4timeless_mbp: does the nokia software updater let me choose?17:20
timeless_mbpjkimball4: NSU should never do eMMC afaiu17:20
javispedroandre__: since on the default SDK desktop the RSS widget is already on screen 1 (iirc), maybe he just doesn't have any more widgets to add17:20
timeless_mbpflasher3.5 lets you do whatever17:20
eMHai've also saved my backup directory :-)17:21
jkimball4timeless_mbp: well my n900 randomly shuts off so i want to flash to see maybe that fixes it17:21
odin_bug 672017:21
povbotBug Add the ability for Flasher and NOLO to download data17:21
hrwrecalcati: s/crapbox/scratchbox/ and you will easier find it17:21
timeless_mbpjkimball4: i'd use flasher3.517:21
jkimball4is the end result the same?17:22
timeless_mbpyou're not an end user if you're trying to fix things17:22
eMHasome kind of serial console would be cool now ;-)17:22
timeless_mbpflasher3.5 can do exactly what NSU does (minus downloading the image automatically)17:22
timeless_mbpor it can do more, or it can do less17:22
GeneralAntillesjohnx, ping?17:23
recalcatiscratchbox . yes, I remember17:23
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fnordianslipandre__:  i get the "add widgets" button too, as i've just used it17:24
hrwok, time to reboot desktop just to test will n900 work as storage again....17:24
andre__fnordianslip, thanks17:24
fnordianslipandre__: ah, just read bug closed :)17:24
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andre__well, still: appreciated :)17:24
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lardman|homeWhat's the issue with 3 SIM cards all about?17:29
Stskeepsbugfix coming in PR1.117:29
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lardman|homewhat is the problem?17:30
Stskeepsdunno, not a HW guy17:30
Stskeepsbut it's an admitted one17:30
lardman|homefair enough17:30
cancI've got a question about mfe with google17:32
lardman|homecu hrw17:32
hrwStskeeps: in 2010.03-12?17:32
odin_Stskeeps, so what is the word on the serial-console is there a hobby-kit version?  (or other kernel diagnostic, for those wishing to fix kernels/kexec/bootloaders)17:32
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timeless_mbpexplains the problem fairly clearly17:32
canceach time I configure it, the connexion works all right, but it get stuck17:32
timeless_mbpThere is a limited number of new Hutchison 3G SIM cards in some markets (UK, Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Austria and Italy) that require a specific SIM ATK support from the mobile device. The Nokia N900 has not originally been designed to support this requirement.17:32
Stskeepshrw|gone: hopefuly before xmas, but i wouldn't personally mind it being later as my xmas would be ruined by packag eupdates17:32
cancand, it doesn't seem ti end all right17:32
Stskeepsodin_: see if the solution that worked for n810 works on n90017:33
cancis there a log file somewhere, so I can try to figure out what's going on ?17:33
odin_Stskeeps, its been said that host-mode-USB might be a compiled kernel / driver issue, have you looked into / thought about this angle ?17:34
Stskeepsodin_: not a kernel developer17:34
timeless_mbpodin_: so um17:34
timeless_mbpthis stuff has been beaten to death17:34
timeless_mbpread the logs and mailing lists17:34
timeless_mbpdon't abuse the living17:34
redeemantimeless_mbp: i wonder if my operator gives out new sim cards that are those nonworking ones17:35
odin_Stskeeps, well when my Fedora12 works on this PC I shall finally get SDK installed but its looking to be after holiday period17:35
timeless_mbpgenerally speaking though, nothing we've done in Maemo Devices has involved intentionally cripling hardware17:35
timeless_mbpeither the hardware didn't work, or we didn't have time to get it right17:35
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: yeah.. that's the discussion right now, if the pins were actually removed or not17:35
timeless_mbpwell can they beat this dead horse outside?17:35
peterbretttimeless_mbp: How will it run faster if they don't beat it?17:36
odin_timeless_mbp, the talk item I read had no answers, which logs are you talking about ?   its not been talked of on the mailing list in the time Ive been subscribed (which admittedly is not that long)17:36
timeless_mbpodin_: did you know that mailinglists have archives?17:36
timeless_mbppeterbrett: i didn't say not to beat it, just that i don't want them beating it *here*17:37
odin_timeless_mbp, no one is saying things are crippled (Re network Three) that just a corner case extra things that is being mopped up in next release, I think people would be fine with that (I know i would be)17:37
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eMHais now flashing...17:38
eMHaare there other key combos like pressing u while turing on?17:38
Stskeepshm, some claim ovi store up17:39
timeless_mbpcoming soon according to my link from apps17:39
rangeHow many apps? One?17:39
Stskeepsi hope for Bounce levels17:39
timeless_mbpodin_: err17:39
lbt_andre__: did you see the email addresses in:
microlithwhee, N900 in the mail17:39
timeless_mbpit was never an advertised feature17:40
timeless_mbpmopping up something that wasn't advertised is totally misinterpretting how things work17:40
timeless_mbpif we claim "x will work"17:40
lbt_(we were looking at examples in a documentation discussion)17:40
timeless_mbpand <x> doesn't work17:40
timeless_mbpthen it's roughly speaking our job to mop up x17:40
lbt_Bounce levels?17:40
timeless_mbpif we never claim "x will work"17:40
eMHapuh, it booted...17:40
recalcatiAnybody knows why I have this pb installing beta2?        E: Scratchbox command '/scratchbox/sbin/sbox_adduser' is not executable.17:40
timeless_mbpthen there's nothing for us to mop up when x doesn't work17:40
* lbt_ wants a Bounce level creator17:40
Stskeepslbt_: yeah, additional levels for Bounce17:40
lbt_hmm, where's the texture for the apples.... Mer logo....17:41
eMHahalf of my settings are there !?17:41
andre__lbt, haha, no. thanks :-)17:41
timeless_mbpnokia might do lots of things wrong, but this isn't one of them17:41
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timeless_mbpeMHa: so...17:41
timeless_mbproughly speaking if reflashing only ubifs fixed it17:41
timeless_mbpthen your change to .profile was not really how you ruined your device17:41
GAN900Jose-Luiz Martinez said it would be up soon.17:42
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timeless_mbpGAN900: is that like the store guy who claimed they'd fix the display case?17:42
lbt_andre__: I was right about the non-Nokia though <evil grin>17:42
eMHatimeless_mbp: so i check if it wasn't my .profile17:42
timeless_mbptime for me to organize my field trip17:42
timeless_mbpeMHa: and if it wasn't, you apologize :)17:42
timeless_mbpwe get beaten up badly enough here17:42
timeless_mbpwe don't need our sores to go untended17:42
timeless_mbpif you want to complain to Nokia Care and curse them, that's fine17:43
eMHayes,i apologize17:43
GAN900timeless_mbp, dunno, Nseries VP may be more enabled, however.17:43
timeless_mbpthey're paid to take your complaints17:43
xorAxAxhmm, doesnt xournal work in xephyr?17:43
xorAxAxi cant paint17:43
timeless_mbpeMHa: =)17:43
timeless_mbpsorry you needed to reflash17:43
eMHaso it must be something else i've messed up...17:43
timeless_mbpi'd suggest you create a backup regularly :)17:43
eMHayeah, only have this n900 since 04.12.17:44
eMHaand yesterday i first installed rsync for backups17:44
eMHabut hadn't set it up yet17:44
timeless_mbpnote that you don't want one backup, you want some series system ;-)17:44
eMHai don't understand series system?17:45
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timeless_mbpdunno, incremental, daily17:45
eMHai've put the n900 into my server management17:45
timeless_mbpnot just rsync x fixed-remote-path17:45
eMHai've complete backup scripts17:46
timeless_mbpgood :)17:46
eMHafor my other servers17:46
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eMHai can tell backup from server x to server y with rsync these dirs17:46
eMHaand make hardlink copies17:46
eMHaand so on17:46
* timeless_mbp gets solitaire from store.ovi.movi17:47
timeless_mbpit wants me to have a nokia account17:47
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timeless_mbpcan i borrow someone's ovi store account? :)17:47
fluxit's opened for n900?17:47
timeless_mbpflux: Stskeeps 's url works in my browser17:47
eMHathey are /fast/ ;-)17:48
timeless_mbpthere are ~5 free things17:48
* Stskeeps is checking is there's anything remotely usable17:48
timeless_mbpbut... i'm not signing up17:48
timeless_mbpStskeeps: grab solitaire for me17:48
lbt_"Ovi Store is currently not available for your device."17:48
eMHai think my whole settings are there after reflashing!?17:48
timeless_mbplbt_: you visited from the browser17:48
eMHaonly installed apps are missing17:48
lbt_my desktop's not *that* heavy17:48
timeless_mbpeMHa: roughly17:48
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timeless_mbpsettings live in ~17:48
timeless_mbp(mostly, minus wifi and a few others)17:48
timeless_mbp~ is on eMMC in ext317:49
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timeless_mbpwifi and gconf and apps live in / which is ubifs17:49
eMHayeah, wifi is lost17:49
timeless_mbpwhich is what you reflashed17:49
eMHau r right17:49
lbt_wow ... the porn is at #3 already17:49
Stskeepsebook apps..17:49
timeless_mbpooh bounce is on page 217:49
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timeless_mbpw/ a dozen other games17:49
timeless_mbpok, someone ... please share your ovi account17:49
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lbt_"pee monkey toilet trainer"17:50
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eMHaok, my server ssh keys are lost17:50
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eMHabut i've the same in my chroot on microSD17:50
StskeepsLevel Touch isn't a bad idea17:50
timeless_mbpderf: yeah17:50
timeless_mbpalready there17:50
timeless_mbpderf: isn't working? :(17:52
derfHey, you get what you pay for.17:52
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eMHaok, next time i will take more care when messing with my new n90017:53
eMHassh is back :-D17:53
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timeless_mbpderf: =(17:54
* timeless_mbp frowns17:54
timeless_mbpi think we have test accounts somewhere17:54
VDVsxhumm, ovi already open for maemo ? o_017:54
javispedrohey, someone copied someone's "resistor" app in ovi store ;)17:54
redeemanresistor app?17:55
javispedrowell, they're on the right track to pursue the iphone. No app felt useful to me :)17:55
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javispedroredeeman: resistor colors table app17:56
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javispedro*color code17:56
redeemanwhen i go to the store it just says "coming soon"17:57
timeless_mbpredeeman: http://store.ovi.mobi17:57
timeless_mbpdon't use the thing in the app launcher17:58
redeemanisn't that weird?17:58
Stskeepsnot really17:58
javispedroand the .mobi one looks pretty... featurephoneish17:58
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* VDVsx is disappointed no fart app so far :(17:59
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javispedroI feel like If I were browsing through java apps17:59
MyrttiVDVsx: no bbq app either yet17:59
TweaKyay receiving my n900 tomorrow :>17:59
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VDVsxMyrtti, :)18:00
javispedroso did anyone try to download any app already? is there an ovi repo?18:00
timeless_mbpredeeman: most likely it's in beta18:00
timeless_mbpwhen they're ready, the main link will work18:00
microlithSinofEnvy: where'd you order from?18:01
joppuContrast lowered due to public demand:
redeemanjavispedro: who made the original resistor app?18:01
joppuIf anyone wants th installation file for testing, just ask.18:01
SinofEnvymicrolith, uh... a Dutch site. They had them in stock for like a day, so I cancelled my order at this other shop and ordered it from there18:01
SinofEnvyand they sent it today18:01
javispedroredeeman: I don't remember, was on tmo18:01
microlithSinofEnvy: nice timing :)18:01
SinofEnvytell me about it18:01
SinofEnvyI can't wait18:02
microlithmine will be arriving from newegg here tomorrow18:02
rangeOh, there's music on there ...18:02
timeless_mbpjoppu: hit me18:02
SinofEnvynice, was/is there a supply shortage in the US as well?18:02
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microlithSinofEnvy: only through non-nokia retailers it seems18:02
SinofEnvyI know in the Netherlands and UK at least they're pretty much unavailable for now (until next batch)18:02
microlithnewegg just got a shipment in it seems18:03
SinofEnvyeven from Nokia Europe18:03
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microlithok, time for me to get to work18:03
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jopputimeless_mbp: uhm?18:04
timeless_mbpjoppu: your .install file or whatever18:04
* VDVsx downloads a trailer 18:04
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javispedroI am going to kill every one on tmo18:05
VDVsxjavispedro, wait a second,I'm there right now18:05
jopputimeless_mbp: just a reminder, there is probably a nasty bug in the SMS view, but that's something I can't do anything about18:05
* timeless_mbp crosses fingers18:06
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SinofEnvyto thhose with N900s, can I have one (or both) of the camera flashes on when recording a vid?18:06
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timeless_mbpjoppu: eventually your theme preview needs work :)18:07
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timeless_mbpjoppu: i don't think the blue drop down arrows by menus fits with your gray-glass theme18:07
ab[out]SinofEnvy, not with stock camera application18:08
xorAxAxjavispedro: regarding the add widget bug ... you think that my sdk is too old?18:08
recalcatiI don't understand which is the correct starting point for having maemo5 sdk installed on my pc18:08
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, there's a Ovi catalog18:08
timeless_mbpVDVsx: urlme?18:08
javispedroxorAxAx: either your SDK is too old, you don't have nokia-binaries, or you already have the RSS widget18:08
recalcatinow I'm running
xorAxAxjavispedro: probably, i do, no18:08
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, 1 sec18:08
VDVsxupdating now18:08
xorAxAxjavispedro: i downloaded it last week18:09
timeless_mbpjoppu: the rest of your theme uses a darker bluish purple18:09
timeless_mbpif you made the drop arrow use that, it might be better18:09
timeless_mbpjoppu: also, can you open 'profiles' in settings?18:09
jebbarecalcati: how do you like SDK+ (scratchbox2) versus the "standard" SDK?18:09
javispedroxorAxAx: what does apt-cache policy osso-rss-feed-reader-applet show on "Installed:"?18:09
SinofEnvyab[out], okay, thanks.18:09
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GAN900OK, I have YET to see a SINGLE Ovi review in English on either the S60 or Maemo stores. . . .18:10
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xorAxAxjavispedro:   Installed: 1.6.41-2+0m518:10
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, dist: ./18:11
jopputimeless_mbp: the arrow need to be hacked seperately, I don't have profiles in the SDK settings18:11
javispedroxorAxAx: your issue is that Add widget is missing or that the entire menu is missing?18:11
recalcatijebba:  installing beta2 I had that pb:         E: Scratchbox command '/scratchbox/sbin/sbox_adduser' is not executable.18:11
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, comp field is empty18:11
timeless_mbpVDVsx: thanks18:11
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timeless_mbpjoppu: the icons for available in HAM are unfortunate18:12
xorAxAxjavispedro: both ... now i found the rss widget (i also have another one). now i restarted xephyr, removed the rss one and i get a menu and the button18:12
recalcati    is right?18:12
xorAxAxjavispedro: before, i didnt get the button even though only one widget was active18:12
javispedrotwo widgets?18:12
javispedrothe sdk only comes with one widget -- the rss one.18:12
xorAxAxi have gpe calendar installed18:13
xorAxAxwhich is /now/ showing up18:13
timeless_mbphey has anyone made a "Share with scp" plugin?18:13
* timeless_mbp really really wants one18:13
xorAxAxbut wasnt before18:13
javispedroso the issue is that the sdk is not refreshing the list of widgets18:13
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* mgedmin wants subversion or git or bzr for fremantle18:13
xorAxAxjavispedro: yes18:14
lbt_mgedmin: apt-get18:14
mgedmintried, they're not in extras-devel18:14
anideltimeless: that would be nice.. share via scp.. but I also miss a share via picasaweb18:14
ElerionHow to compile a C source on n900? I tried to get gcc cpp binutils etc, but i can't.18:14
lbt_git is in extras-<mumble>18:14
lbt_you sure?18:14
timeless_mbpElerion: you need tools or sdk or something18:14
mgedminmaybe the package was renamed to 'git'?18:14
timeless_mbpit's not in a default repo18:15
mgedminI tried git-core, which is how it's called in Debian/Ubuntu18:15
lbt_mgedmin: way too sane :)18:15
timeless_mbpjoppu: progress boxes are unreadable18:15
mgedminapparently there was a prior project nobody ever heard about (GNU Interactive Tools) that claimed the short package name18:15
lbt_mgedmin: "I was there"18:15
lbt_however "FIXEDINSQUEEZE"18:16
javispedroRST38h: vultures got throught the autobuilder18:16
jopputimeless_mbp: let's handle this in query18:16
* mgedmin is dreading the upcoming data transfer from loaner N900 to DDP N90018:16
ElerionTimeless: I'm sure there must be a way to compile the source on a device.18:16
timeless_mbpjoppu: ok18:16
timeless_mbpElerion: sure18:16
timeless_mbpif you install the repos that have dev stuff18:16
lbt_mgedmin: the Debian packagers came onto the git-dev mailing list.... we weren't polite to him18:16
timeless_mbpyou can install the apps which let you compile stuff18:16
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timeless_mbpif you don't install the repos or the tools, then no18:17
timeless_mbp99.99% of users don't build stuff on device18:17
mgedminlbt_, url to archives?18:17
anidel with free apps?18:17
timeless_mbpso it's a very large waste of valuable rootfs18:17
VDVsxanidel, yes18:17
mgedminold thread/recent thread?18:17
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lbt_very very old18:17
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mgedminah, okay18:17
GAN900Can't install any of them18:18
ElerionTimeless: I'd like to try anyway. What's the repos?18:18
timeless_mbpi didn't say it wasn't possible18:18
timeless_mbpi said you need to add the pieces18:18
* timeless_mbp gives up18:19
mgedminnope, W: Unable to locate package git18:19
GAN900h-a-m chugs along for a couple of minutes then reports package not found.18:19
* mgedmin :(18:19
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timeless_mbpGAN900: i get Checking for upd|ates, please wait18:21
timeless_mbpthe progress bar is stuck at |18:21
lbt_mgedmin: mine is in /scratchbox/devkits/git/bin/git18:21
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lbt_which may mean it's in sbox now, not fremantle... which may mean not on the devide18:21
mgedminwhat scratchbox, I want it on my actual device18:21
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lbt_lcuk: ping.... do you use git on the tablet?18:22
fralsmajor points for the n900 today at uni, a friend needed help with his apache.conf, i pulled up my n900, ssh'd to my server and showed him my config18:22
VDVsxdownloaded a trailer from ovi with .dm as a extension 0_0, doesn't work here,lol18:22
mgedminI want to version my ~/.profile and friends18:22
fralsjaws were dropping... :D18:22
javispedroVDVsx: rename that to ".drm" ;)18:22
mgedminI'm pretty sure diablo had subversion, maybe I should just rebuild18:22
anidelvalerio: noticed the same...18:22
lbt_mgedmin: use git18:23
lbt_it's in diablo extras18:23
timeless_mbpVDVsx: hrm, so the stores are dead18:23
lbt_so should be easy to port over18:23
mgedminlbt_, actually, I'd like to, but I can never figure out how to mirror git repos18:23
timeless_mbpcool, i hope they close mexico city too18:23
lbt_mgedmin: ask...18:23
mgedminthere's no git push ssh://server/nonexistentdirectory18:23
mgedminpeople have tried to show me, with little success ...18:23
anideltimeless: it's re Nokia closing down its flagships stores?18:24
lbt_mgedmin: what are you trying to do?18:24
timeless_mbpfrom VDVsx 's comment earlier18:24
anidelyeah I've read that already18:25
redeemani wonder how detects the device, not from the useragent it seems18:25
mgedminlbt_, use a version control system for backups18:25
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lbt_mgedmin: mmm  use rsync18:26
mgedminrsync is a bloody PITA18:26
lbt_and rsback18:26
lbt_yeah, but it's efficient in many dimensions18:26
mgedminand I want to version my dotfiles and bash scripts, not just have the latest copy18:26
mgedminI need efficiency usability-wise, mostly18:26
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redeemanrdiff-backup could always be used :P18:26
lbt_ah, so local vcs18:26
redeemanofcourse svn is probably nicer18:27
mgedminsvn works kinda well, but the .svn subdirs scattered everywhere annoy me18:27
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lbt_use git with a local repo18:27
lbt_and setup a clone18:27
lbt_and then push to it18:27
mgedminprecisely what I ant18:27
infobotmgedmin meant: precisely what I want18:27
mgedminif I could only figure out how to set up a clone18:27
lbt_use git-server on the backup - started from init18:27
mgedminscp maybe18:27
mgedmindon't wanna new server with a new tcp port with new dnat rules and new authentication issues, I want ssh18:28
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lardmanhmm, just played with one of those huge screen HTC WinMo devices18:28
lardmanwas very slow18:28
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lbt_meh then use ssh to tunnel. git doesn't really use ssh.18:28
lardmanbut the email preview was nice, arranged like pieces of paper which you flick past to the next one18:29
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lbt_ssh -L XX:server:XX; git push localhost18:29
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mgedminlbt_, I don't believe that's the only way18:30
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mgedmingit clone support ssh natively18:30
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mgedminnah, I just need to find a couple of hours, sit down and figure things out18:31
lbt_yep - but not "best practice" and seems to produce bugs.     IIRC   which I may not18:31
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lbt_hmm, I could be thinking of http actually :)18:32
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eMHaso, i bricked second time!18:33
eMHaand it was my .profile which looped and bricked18:33
lardmanby definition there is no second time with bricking18:34
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eMHalardman: hehe18:34
eMHai bricked first time18:34
eMHaand i wanted to see what the reason was!18:34
eMHai changed .profile18:34
lardmanno, bricking is a one way street18:34
lcukbut i cannot access https repositories18:34
eMHabash was involved18:34
lardmanonce a brick forever a brick18:34
eMHai had a loop only if bash is installed18:35
eMHaund after reflashing18:35
eMHabash isn't installed18:35
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eMHatimeless_mbp: and it was my .profile but in combination with bash18:35
timeless_mbpyou *installed* BASH?18:35
timeless_mbpand you're surprised you bricked your device?18:36
eMHait's in extras18:36
eMHai didn't changed default login to /bin/bash18:36
eMHai let /bin/sh point to busybox18:36
timeless_mbpsorry. if you don't think that voids your warrantee ...18:36
fralsits not a brick if it works after reflashing tbh ;o18:36
* timeless_mbp frowns18:36
eMHahey, i don't think i'm using my warantee18:36
* hardaker just read back and notes: I created a git package yesterday... I don't have garage upload permission yet though.18:36
timeless_mbpmy macbook pro's screen doesn't support tapping18:36
lardmanAnyone know how Sheperd is coming along?18:37
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lardmanwould be useful with Latitude location notifier to switch wireless on/off18:37
eMHatimeless_mbp: i wanted to know what bricked my N900, so i found out18:38
eMHaand i'm happy i know now :-)18:38
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timeless_mbpeMHa: someone else complained that you shouldn't be able to brick it by using .profile18:38
timeless_mbpthe warranty void bit is really to the someone else18:38
eMHaso it is possible!18:38
timeless_mbpbut my memory is too short18:38
eMHaif you put something into .profile which is bad18:38
eMHayour N900 doesn't start18:38
timeless_mbpbut you said w/o bash, .profile didn't kill you, no?18:38
eMHait was a if bash is installed do something18:39
eMHaotherwise do what different18:39
eMHaso it is possible to do this if bash is not installed18:39
* timeless_mbp wonders what looked for bash18:39
eMHai had somtheing like18:40
eMHaif [ -x /bin/bash ]18:40
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eMHain my .profile18:40
mgedmina narrow miss18:40
eMHaif bash is installed18:40
eMHathere where some commands18:40
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mgedminnot the best check, though, better check if it's bash that's running .profile18:40
eMHawhich could also be executed when no bash is installed18:41
mgedminyou can have both and still use /bin/sh18:41
eMHamy luck was18:41
eMHathat if bash wasn't installed18:41
eMHathe commands weren't executed18:41
* mgedmin suggests if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then18:41
timeless_mbpbut roughly, i think most people should understand that pulling out an xterm18:41
timeless_mbpand randomly changing the file system is asking for trouble18:41
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eMHatimeless_mbp: yeah18:42
eMHayou're right18:42
eMHabut i'm a geek18:42
eMHai need to do such things ;-)18:42
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timeless_mbpif this was a car, you'd have caused thousands of euros of damage :)18:43
eMHatimeless_mbp: it wasn't enough for me to see my device back in business18:43
eMHai wanted to know what it was18:43
timeless_mbpyeah, i appreciate that18:43
eMHatimeless_mbp: yeah i better don't think about the money i could have lost18:43
eMHanow i know a little bit more about the deivce18:44
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eMHaand this will hopefully prevent me from bricking again18:44
eMHaso putting something like exit in .profile could prevent your n900 from booting18:44
JaffaExciting new apps in the Ovi Store - like Pendulum Touch, Speedometer Touch, Snow Globe Touch, ...18:45
eMHaperhaps there is a way around this?18:45
timeless_mbpJaffa: my ham is still stuck18:45
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lardmanhmm Ovi store works now?18:46
anidellardman: http://store.ove.mobi18:46
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timeless_mbpJaffa: ooh, it finally got unstuck!18:46
timeless_mbpi have an update for supertux!18:46
Jaffalardman: The link in the menu still goes through to the holding page, but opening in the browser shows some content. Even paid stuff18:47
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lardmanoh right18:47
anidelJaffa: were you able to install any of those apps?18:47
timeless_mbpVDVsx: = 40418:47
lbt_the desktop browser doesn't show N900 stuff18:47
anidelpendulum says: Unable to download "offscr-pendulum" package not found18:47
anidelwhat does "off screen" means?18:47
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timeless_mbplbt_: forge your useragent18:47
Jaffaanidel: I got the same error18:48
timeless_mbpanidel: the screen is an area on which things can be placed18:48
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timeless_mbpanything which is on the screen is "off screen"18:48
timeless_mbpsomething which doesn't fit entirely "on screen" is "partially off screen"18:48
lbt_timeless_mbp:   is ovi worth it?18:48
anideluhm ok18:48
timeless_mbplbt_: not with a typo...18:48
rangeanidel: I guess it's the publisher :)18:49
rangeAnd no, backgammon isn#t downloadable either.18:49
anidelrange: yup18:49
rangeBut I have an update for bounce evolution :)18:49
anidelOffscreen "The S60 Touch Applications Company"18:49
rangeS60 emulator? >:)18:50
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lbt_don't suppose they have a free upgrade for Maps do they?18:50
VDVsxtimeless_mbp, I can download some stuff (music, trailers), but the rest is not available yet18:50
* lbt_ considers offering "rm" as an upgrade.18:50
VDVsxand the media files are drm protected, lol18:50
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JaffaVDVsx: Do they play/work?!18:50
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VDVsxJaffa, no18:51
JaffaVDVsx: Ah.18:51
anidelmay be it's just a beta and they're testing with some random apps? don't think so myself :P18:51
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timeless_mbppresumably for the drm you need to get a key which comes some other way18:51
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timeless_mbpdm = digital music?  :)18:51
anidelI assuem that .dm is for S60 as well18:51
JaffaSome of the little apps look quite fun18:51
VDVsxJaffa, those files work in my symbian device18:51
Jaffa"Disks Touch" has a review from a "peter.schneider"18:52
range.oO ( "Comes with no Music" ... )18:52
anidellooks like it's Delta Music?18:52
timeless_mbpoh, delivery message18:52
timeless_mbphow obvious18:52
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timeless_mbpwhy didn't i think of that...18:52
anideland these were Trailers!18:53
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timeless_mbpwouldn't want you to copy them...18:53
VDVsxdunno lol18:53
VDVsxI can copy them from the web18:53
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anidelbut the Ovi catalog had some updated packages... minor numbers though18:54
JaffaAh! Tap on "Offscreen" - it's the name of the sodding developer!18:54
Jaffa"Offscreen - The S60 Touch Applications Compnay."18:55
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anidelI wrote that before :p tsk!18:55
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slonopotamusfremantle kinda rocks18:57
slonopotamusi especially like contacts18:57
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slonopotamushow do you type '1'?18:59
jpjokelaslonopotamus: Now you need only 0 and you can start coding!19:00
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slonopotamusi mean... it isn't very easy to press fn and q19:00
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jpjokelaslonopotamus: There is probably a way to put fn to "lock mode"19:01
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jpjokelaor something, you know19:01
slonopotamuseven worse, fn + a19:01
anidelpress fn twice19:01
anidelit'll lock it19:01
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anidelpress it again to unlock it19:01
anidelsame for Shift (Caps Lock)19:02
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javispedroslonopotamus: you don't have to press both simultaniously, at least in gtk/qt apps19:03
anidelyou can press fn + a with one thumb19:03
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slonopotamusfn + a - agreed19:04
slonopotamusfn+q - woops19:04
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anidelas javispedro said, you can press FN once, release it and then the letter19:04
slonopotamusfn+shift+z gives $€19:05
anidelso one press and FN stays locked for a single char, press it twice and it stays locked until you press it again19:05
Scummerah.. good to know19:06
anidelsome for Shift19:06
anidelto write accented letters, press FN then Sym then the accent you want and THEN the letter you want accented19:07
javispedrogood to know? dont ya read the manuals? ;)19:07
* javispedro reminds the maebar event ;)19:07
slonopotamusbtw, gps doesn't work without cell connection at all19:07
Scummerwhat manual ? ;)19:07
anidelyou might wonder how to then write a single ~ or ' or ` .. FN then Sym then the symbol (~ or ' or whatever) then space19:07
javispedroslonopotamus: yeah, seems ovi maps bugs though19:07
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javispedroslonopotamus: real performance should be similar to the disastrous n810 one19:08
anidelScummer there should be a PDF in the device19:08
javispedroPDF? I got a bunch of html files.19:08
anideloh ok.. that19:08
slonopotamusjavi, at all means at all. damn, where's equals sign?19:08
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Scummermanuals are for engineers..19:09
slonopotamusand tab to autocomplete nicks...19:09
MyrttiScummer: and for people that want more bang to their buck19:09
Scummerthe tab i've been looking for as well.. to autocompletely commands19:09
javispedroslonopotamus: you tried without ovi maps?19:09
Scummerit is with the symbols.. but the tab should be on the physical keyboard19:10
slonopotamusjavi, with what then?19:10
javispedrothere's a debug tool roaming around bugs.maemo.org19:10
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javispedroovi maps is absolutely awful and reaches uselessness for me19:10
fnordianslipctrl+i works in xterm for tab19:10
Scummerhmm.. map tab to the pound sign?  the pound ain't worth anything anymore anyway.. :)19:11
slonopotamusiitt  ttyyppeess  eevveerryytthhiinngg  ttwwiiccee..19:11
anidelwhat did you do?19:11
Scummerctrl+i does work.. is that in the manual as well ?19:12
javispedroyeah, got that bug once19:12
Scummermaybe i should start reading19:12
javispedroclose the window and open it again19:12
slonopotamusit fixed19:12
anidelcan someone test Xournal and vote for it in Extras Testing? only 2 votes missing to reach 10.. and it's been a month there :(19:13
mgedminScummer, nah, ctrl+i simply has the same ASCII code as Tab in an xterm, every grizzled bearded Unix user knows that19:14
Scummeri don't have a beard :)19:14
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Scummerbut man.. with the tab on the keyboard i never had to look that up.. learn something new everyday19:14
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Scummermgedmin: i'm assuming the beard needs to be grey and your last name should closely resemble stallman to know that ? :)19:15
mgedminctrl+a throught ctrl+z are ASCII codes 1 through 2619:16
anidelScummer: wrong :p I don't have a beard and my italian name is far from "stallman" ;)19:16
javispedroanidel: is xournal optified?19:16
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mgedminand then you get ctrl+[, \, ], ^, _ for 27 (aka ESC) through 3119:16
anideljavispedro: no. If I optify it, it doesn't start19:16
timeless_mbpi opened sketch19:17
mgedminand ctrl-@ is ASCII 019:17
timeless_mbpand it gave me "can't open\nfile not found"19:17
pupnik wow, all i knew was ctrl-g19:17
timeless_mbpbut i was *opening* sketch19:17
javispedromy rootfs went down 6% ... :P19:17
anidelpupnik: CTRL-s to pause screen scrolling, CTRL-q to un-pause it... dunno if it works in Terminal19:17
anideljavispedro :D I shall try optifying the libraries it depends on19:18
mgedminnice little trap for people who don't know what they did to make their terminals freeze ;)19:18
javispedromaybe I am being paranoid but up so far I still had the same % as the device came19:18
Scummertrue true19:18
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* timeless_mbp hates ctrl-s/ctrl-q19:19
Scummerctrl-s is easy to hit instead of ctrl-a19:19
javispedrowhat we need is the autobuilder to start optifying things19:19
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anideljavispedro; I still think it should be added to the Rules file by the developers, but it should be incorporated in the documentation when talking about packaging for Maemo. Is it there already?19:20
anidelI don't like the idea of autobuilder doing something the developer isn't aware of19:20
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javispedroanidel: one would be allowed to disable it, but by default I think it should optify19:21
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anideljavispedro: I respectfully disagree :)19:21
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javispedrothe documentation says "maemo-optify" before dh_builddeb call19:21
mgedminbtw typing ctrl-^ is difficult on n900; so far I only managed by using the Ctrl toolbar button and pressing Fn+619:21
javispedroin debian/rules19:22
javispedroand maemo-optify in Build-Depends in debian/control iirc19:22
anideljavispedro: so fine.. a MAemo developer has no excuses to avoid it19:22
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anidelI will try it again tonight.. last time it made Xournal unable to start.. it made some mess with the links.. if I recall correctly it did move files but didn't link them19:23
anidelBUT if I fix it.. I will lose a month worth of votes :)19:23
javispedroanidel: I wouldn't mind because my apps don't tend to depend on lots of libraries... but you'll have to edit a bunch of libraries' debian/rules files for...19:23
javispedrosomething that could be done automatically :)19:23
anideljavispedro: yep.. so simply provide the tool to the developer and he'll run it against his files BEFORE uploading them to the autobuilder19:24
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javispedroor just edit dh_builddeb dammit :)19:24
javispedroyou can get same result as what the autobuilder would get -- by running maemo-optify-deb package.deb19:24
anidelso.. I think something like this should be made explicit by the developer. We're moving around his files. He has to know that more clearly than a subtle change to builddeb o some automatic tool in autobuilder.19:25
lardmanany ideas why this wouldn't work?: buf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_scale(filename, 640, -1, TRUE, &error);19:25
anidelthere's an 'error' there :p19:26
anidelheight -1 ?19:26
anideloh ok19:26
lardmanshould perform automatic scaling of that dimension so I read19:27
anidelwhich error do you get?19:27
lardmanthe odd thing is that buf==NULL and error is not set either19:27
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anidelis filename correct?19:28
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lardmanyes, but even if it weren't, one or other should be set19:28
anidelyep.. how is error defined?19:29
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lardmanGError *error;19:29
anideltry GError *error = NULL;19:29
anidelis it allocating error automatically ?19:30
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lardmanI think it should set it, then I should free it19:30
derflardman: GErrors must be initialized before calling the function.19:30
anidelyes so it may check for error being set to null19:30
lardmanah ok19:30
anidel"must" or can?19:30
derfIn the RFC sense.19:30
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lardmanok, my fault then, thanks chaps19:30
derfI think the idea is you can call a bunch of functions which can return a GError, and then only check at the end if anything went wrong, without leaking memory.19:31
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derfLike most error handling schemes, this is mostly a pipe dream.19:32
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anidelderf: if you only check at the end, you only get the last error, do you?19:33
lardmanor the latter fns fail to work as error is set?19:33
lardmanwhich would explain all my issues in one go19:33
anidelA GError* must be initialized to NULL before passing its address to a function that can report errors.19:33
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anidelso it's the opposite..19:34
anidellooks like to me..19:34
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anidelin this way it's only allocated if there's an error, preserving memory in case everything is fine19:35
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lardmanand if it's not NULL, just return19:35
anidelbecause the assert fails.. there must be a check in the function19:35
lardmane.g. as if an error was being passed thought19:35
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anideland was not properly checked19:36
lardmanright, so hopefully my code will now just work19:36
derfAh, no, I was wrong. The docs say you're required to check the error after each function call.19:36
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derfSo I have no idea why they force you to initialize it.19:36
anidelif you don't and error is set, then the next function will do nothing19:36
lardmanfor the reason you said19:36
anidelthey don't19:37
lardmanso you can continue calling functions and they realise an error has already happened19:37
derflardman: disagrees.19:37
derfIt claims that such usage is always a bug.19:37
anidelGError *error; error = NULL; function (param1, param2, &error);19:37
anidelif (error != NULL) { check it }19:37
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anidelyep.. piling up errors is incorrect19:38
anidelbut the second function will just do nothing19:38
anidelso an error doesn't do more damage because of a faulty code19:39
derfYou hope.19:40
derfIt seems in no way guaranteed.19:40
anidellardman: remember to always initialize your variables, some languages do that, C doesn't19:40
anidelderf: well of course not19:40
anidelderf: but it helps a bit.. better do nothing when error is set, than doing something when the environment is possibly unstable19:41
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lardmananidel: I didn't think it needed it as I was passing a pointer and had to free what it returned19:41
lardmanthough it is my fault for not understanding how it dealt with non-NULL pointers19:41
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anidellardman: well you were passing a non NULL value, it could have been a pointer to a correctly allocated memory19:42
anidellardman: ignoring that would have possible generated a leak19:42
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lardmanindeed, but most code doesn't check ;)19:42
lardmanand I knew it wasn't pointing to anything, etc., etc.19:43
anideldoesn't mean you don't have to initialize :p19:43
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anidel"you knew" :)19:43
lardmansaves ops19:43
anideldoesn't help :P :) hihi19:43
lardmannot here, but anyway :)19:43
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anidelanyway.. I always initialize and optimize somewhere else. It makes for a cleaner and safer code19:44
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anideland saves you from "oops" rather than "ops"19:44
lardmanyes mother ;p19:45
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anidelgood boy ;)19:45
anidelsorry for being pedantic...19:46
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anidelbut I am a fan of clear code against optimized/unreadable one19:46
anidelI am also very pedantic about indentation of the code.. and Xournal code is NOT ! ARGH! :/19:47
fnordianslipWeird.  On my N900, in the (what shall i call it) applications grid (?) under More.. all of my applications with a capital F in their name have a weird looking "F" character, i.e. FileManager FMRadio, etc.19:47
AbstractWDell Home has a pretty good deal on the N900.19:47
fnordianslipanyone else notice the starnge "F" characters?19:48
redjoppu: are there any layouts with part of the screen visible? the touchkeyb seems awful large19:48
fnordianslipstrange, even19:48
anidelfnordianslip: screenshot?19:49
joppured: what?19:49
AbstractWfunk, its not there anymore.19:49
redsaw your image from 17:5719:49
redguess you edited the button images or something?19:49
fnordianslipanidel: ok. in progress19:50
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redlatter seems quite fine19:51
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joppured: It's the default one19:51
AbstractWI wonder if I should trust this retailer..19:51
redlooks so different from pc screen ha =)19:51
redif i had to guess, the glossy one looked like the original19:51
nomisnot sure if the phone functionality does convince me. I don't want ear-imprints on the touchscreen  :-/19:52
anidelCTRL-SHIFT-P to make a screenshot19:52
nomisalso the audio does sound a little bit muffled.19:52
redi just hate ending calls with my ear19:53
fnordianslipanidel: have the shot.  best place to upload it?19:53
fnordianslipnever mind19:53
redid take a capacitive screen with two-finger zoom over this one any day, but thats the only thing so far that bugs me.. will prolly get used to this one regardless19:53
anidelfnordianslip: flickr? picasa? wherever you have an account?19:53
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anideluhm.. cool one :)19:55
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fnordianslipanidel: is yours like that?19:56
fnordiansliphmm.  will try reboot19:56
anidellooks like the font is messed up.. yeah try that19:56
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lardmananidel: np :)19:57
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anidelit's the solution to the np = p problem?? cool!19:57
anideltimeless: how do you recover from a faulty font?19:59
timeless_mbprebuild font db and reboot?19:59
* timeless_mbp shrugs19:59
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timeless_mbp"don't do that"19:59
anidelare the tools in the N900?19:59
timeless_mbpthe fontcache thing is19:59
timeless_mbpiirc droidfonts uses it20:00
fnordianslipanidel: my Fs are ok after reboot20:00
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anideltimeless: ok20:00
fnordianslipall other letters seem present and correct AFAICT20:00
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anideltimeless and what's the command?20:01
anidelcan't seem to find it.. you know it?20:01
anidelmkfont tools are not..20:02
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fnordianslipshould i raise a bug for the Fs ?20:03
nomisfnordianslip: unless you have a way to reproduce the problem the bug-report is probably worthless.20:04
anidelfnordianslip: don't think so...20:04
fnordiansliplike most of the ones i've done so far then :)20:04
timeless_mbpafaict, replacing fonts or localizations live requires a reboot20:04
timeless_mbpi was supposed to poke eero about that today20:04
timeless_mbpbut got sidetracked20:04
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RevdKathyfnordianslip - did you tell your n900 to 'F off'? It took you literally20:06
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fnordianslipRevdKathy: Nope, not yet - it's too shiney for that20:06
anidelthese computers.. they always do whatever you tell them, never what you want them to do20:07
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fnordianslipindeed :)20:07
RevdKathyI know some men like that :p20:07
anidelMen always do whatever you tell them to do.20:07
fnordianslipor do nothing20:07
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anideljust their own personal way :p20:07
RevdKathyYep, but never wwhat you want them to do20:08
crashanddieanidel: don't talk to the computer20:08
fnordianslipthat's what the broken mic is for :)20:08
anidelcrash: only when it has to 'F off'20:08
anidelanyway got to go now...20:08
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anidelsee you all later20:08
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redeemanthe status bar thingie which has the battery and wifi indicator and the popup, what is the process name for that? hildon-status-menu?20:15
redeemanah up20:15
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GeneralAntillesandre__, :(20:27
andre__GeneralAntilles, yes, please?20:27
GeneralAntillesandre__, I was trying. Nobody would give me the proper strings, though.20:28
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GeneralAntillesTo make a good report.20:28
andre__errm... well, you know what I talk about, right?20:28
GeneralAntillesI had timeless's stringset installed.20:28
* GeneralAntilles wasn't trying to be sarcastic.20:28
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timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: advanced lets you look up a string20:29
andre__but I was :-P20:29
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* timeless_mbp needs to get a way to let people copy text from zenity20:29
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, yes, I know, but I accidentally tapped outside of the dialog box.20:29
andre__GeneralAntilles, the "Display" is not really an issue. I'd prefer to have useful "OUTCOME" sections though ;-)20:29
GeneralAntillesandre__, I dunno, it screws up the brightness curves.20:29
GeneralAntillesEither somebody can fix it or it can be removed.20:30
timeless_mbpheh, bug 6679 is more like DIVERTED20:30
povbotBug Need a way to manage & edit user credentials20:30
andre__GeneralAntilles: hmm. maybe *I* am too bitchy today :-/20:30
* andre__ sighs20:30
* Stskeeps passes andre__ a beer20:30
* GeneralAntilles is freaking jetlagged.20:30
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Hehe, delayed jetlag?20:31
andre__Stskeeps, thanks. appreciated, really20:31
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* RevdKathy passes andre__ a beer20:31
andre__too much stuff broken today20:31 bugmaster, the most unforgiving job ever20:31
andre__RevdKathy, heh. thanks, thanks!20:31
GeneralAntillesandre__, I looked at the recent changes list on b.m.o the other day, saw more than a half-dozen red-text lines and gave up. ;)20:32
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, I keep crashing mid-afternoon.20:32
andre__GeneralAntilles, haha. well, it's still okay. but of course, more noise. hence I try to explain people that it's not a forum...20:32
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andre__funny thing is that now I get both "Thanks" and "Fuck you" by private email. A few months ago it was only "fuck you". Now is that a good sign?  :-P20:33
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Yeah, I had this wake up at 5am thing at the beginning of the week. Also not cool.20:33
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GeneralAntillesI'm getting to bed at a normal time, waking up at a normal time, but crashing really early in the day.20:34
lardmanyou're getting old ;)20:34
GeneralAntilleslardman, that's what I keep saying!20:34
mgedminandre__, people are usually more motivated to say F*K YOU than Thanks, so every Thanks ought to be counted 100x more20:34
RevdKathyandre__ can I say thanks over IRC then?20:34
lardmanJust wait, soon you'll be saying "when I were a lad..."20:34
andre__okay, my mood is getting better. thank you all :-)20:34
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GeneralAntilleslardman, dude. . . .20:35
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GeneralAntilleslardman, these kids these days. <_<20:35
RevdKathyGeneral Antilles - you are a long, long way fro old!20:35
lardmanderf: that fixed it, thanks20:36
derflardman: Yer welcome.20:36
lardmanwhere did anidel go?20:36
lardmananyway thanks too anidel/mum20:36
mtrltdoes maemo5 use gpsd?20:37
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Stskeepsgypsy and some obscure liblocation20:37
GeneralAntillesHa, awesome.
mtrltok, thanks20:37
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: crossover games ftw20:38
mtrltis there hope for libgps to work on maemo5?20:38
mtrlt(i guess not, but..)20:38
Gadgetoid_iMacdanger danger high dorkage!20:39
timeless_mbpbrainstorm can't handle 100 votes20:39
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X-FadeWow, posting to this one bug sends out a lot of mails. Lots of people in CC. :)20:39
* lardman goes to play some sport, bbl20:40
andre__X-Fade, yeah, your bugs are getting popular too now :-P20:40
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X-Fadeandre__: I blame GeneralAntilles for that one ;)20:40
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, I fixed a typo in the summary of one of those a few weeks ago without realizing how many people were subscribed. I changed all of one character and it sent out like 60 emails.20:41
tekoniveli am organizing my calendar, but after creating some new calendars i got wondering what is the maximum number of them?20:41
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Yeah, fun stuff..20:42
tekoniveli work on various projects, i would love to have a separate calendar for each. but if there's a limit of, say 10 calendars, i will run out of them in no time20:42
tekonivelso should i instead have calendars like "work", "study" etc, and not more atomic ones20:42
GeneralAntillesand what the hell am I getting blamed for now, anyway? :P20:43
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: The servers one.20:43
Gadgetoid_iMacGeneralAntilles: world war 220:43
GeneralAntillesAh, christ.20:43
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, I hate that the angry mob attached itself to that one.20:44
RevdKathyNo, just his appointed representative20:44
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, I had to stop myself from RESOLVING it this morning.20:44
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I don't mind that, really.20:44
andre__Gadgetoid, no, World War 2 is still mine.20:44
tekonivelalso i wonder what would happen if i deleted a calendar... would all the events be removed too or just their colour and the events would go to the default N900 -calendar... that's easy to test however20:44
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Things _are_ slow atm, but at least most of the hardware is now getting delivered.20:45
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GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, my father favors, "I guess you didn't recognize me without my sandals." ;)20:45
RevdKathyX-Fade... yeah no more shipping threads!! :D20:45
RevdKathygood reply20:45
tekonivelok yeah, deleting a calendar also removes the entries in it20:45
RevdKathySo, tekonivel, who is gonna hate you now for forgetting theirbirthday?20:46
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jebbaOMFG! I see the brainstorm page!  f1rst time ever loaded for me :)20:47
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Scummerhmm... i wonder how safe it would be to install a trunk version of modest and tinymail...20:47
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Ceron^20:37:51  GeneralAntilles: Ha, awesome.
Ceron^translate this jiberish20:49
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Ceron^what is it about?20:49
GeneralAntillesCeron^, ask crashanddie.20:49
GeneralAntillesCeron^, it's Khertan talking about Maemo.20:49
Ceron^some new browser ? :\20:49
GeneralAntillesNo, just Maemo in general.20:49
Scummergah.. french20:50
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Gadgetoid_iMacBaaah my partner is drinking mulled bloody wine at the Samsung christmas party... AYEWANNAAAGOO!! damn London20:52
RevdKathySounds wonderful!20:52
tekonivelRevdKathy: lol facebooks sends greetings automatically anyway :)20:53
GiantTalkingCowDamn London? Unhappy you're not there, I'm guessing?20:53
RevdKathyThat's no use - no proof you thought of them at all20:53
Gadgetoid_iMacYes GiantTalkingCow... I should have moved closer20:53
tekonivelhow do i conjure a pipe from the keyboard? i want to run 'dmesg |grep -i "bogomips"'20:54
* RevdKathy is writing Christmas cards by hand20:54
Gadgetoid_iMacI missed the Nokia party too20:54
andre__tekonivel, Blue key and Contorl key20:54
Gadgetoid_iMactekonivel: top right of the symbols menu20:54
GiantTalkingCowAh well, c'est la vie. Not fond of the holidays myself, parties or no. Then again, I do live in the US, which likely has something to do with it.20:54
Gadgetoid_iMacI like gadget related parties GiantTalkingCow, but I'm generally a bit out of place at any other variety20:55
tekonivelandre__: wow thanks!20:55
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GiantTalkingCowI don't dislike parties, I just loathe the traditional Christmas decorations, trimmings, songs, etc.20:55
crashanddieCeron^: He's saying "I'm an individual developer in the Maemo Community, I develop Open Source applications for Maemo. Maemo is an Open Source operating system developed by Nokia, based on Debian, bla bla bla20:55
GeneralAntillesThe only thing that has made me dislike the holidays is working retail. ;)20:56
Gadgetoid_iMacI don't think I could work retail20:56
* SpeedEvil places a reindeer hat on GeneralAntilles.20:56
Ceron^why did you paste that stuff ;(20:56
tekonivelbugger, dmesg doesn't mention bogomips20:56
Ceron^if it wanst anything good!20:56
el_zilcho"Package libzeemote is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:56
Flandrybah humbug20:56
GeneralAntillesPersonally, I think working retail should be required for citizenship. ;)20:56
GiantTalkingCowI just hate the commercial blitz that accompanies the holidays in the US. Also, this recent "War on Christmas" shit that's been popping up every year.20:57
el_zilchoAny clue what package refers to libzeemote? i see
GeneralAntillesCeron^, because Khertan's on TV?20:57
RevdKathyTry working in the church: by 20th Dec you never want to see another mince pie or sing 'O come all ye'... but I still love it20:57
el_zilchooh nm20:57
* el_zilcho check his repo list20:57
crashanddieCeron^: he's also saying that Maemo 5 is the first version of Maemo available on a phone form factor, which completely changes the market to which it's aimed, and that the next version will be based on Qt and not GTK, and that his main challenge is that he needs to re-write all of his apps to work nicely in the completely new finger-friendly Maemo 5 UI, and the future Qt libraries20:58
Flandryis anyone currently maintaining libzeemote?20:58
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el_zilchoi think i have to to add some repos that got removed when i used app manager20:58
GiantTalkingCowFrankly, I'm not hugely fond of finger-based UIs, myself. Or rather ones that are solely finger-driven.20:58
timeless_mbpGiantTalkingCow: are you fond of the real world?20:59
timeless_mbpor are you afraid it might it you?21:00
GiantTalkingCowYes, why?21:00
timeless_mbpespecially w/ a pair of buns21:00
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tekonivelfound bogomips value in /proc/cpuinfo, it's 249.9621:00
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GeneralAntillesAnybody tried the E72 yet, by the way?21:00
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: anything else you need translating?21:00
GeneralAntillescrashanddie, no, you may go. :P21:00
GiantTalkingCowNot really. In addition to being a talking cow, I can also handle most firearms. The last Texan that tried turning me into brisket is now stuffed and mounted on my wall.21:00
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: thank you, SIR21:00
tekonivelcompared to 3200+2400 on my real computer21:01
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Ceron^are there any qt apps for n900 :l21:04
GeneralAntillesSeveral, yes.21:05
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timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: do you remember adventures in splash screens?21:06
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, OS splash screens or application splash screens?21:06
GeneralAntillesActually, I should probably just answer, "No".21:06
timeless_mbpthe maemo rotation one21:07
timeless_mbpi'm wondering which codec the one i'm using is using and if i could get someone to transcode to mpeg421:07 w/ the orange/silver balls and the various open source project logos21:07
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GeneralAntillesOh, that's from Talk.21:08
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Scummerbtw.. is ogg not supported on the n900 ?21:08
derfCan you replace the video with the little pulsing dots?21:08
GeneralAntillesScummer, install ogg-support from Extras.21:08
GeneralAntillesderf, yes.21:08
derfGeneralAntilles: Link?21:08
timeless_mbpyou can replace it w/ anything you like21:08
timeless_mbpi've replaced it w/ that video21:08
GeneralAntilles <- timeless.21:08
derfOr rather, where is the file?21:08
GeneralAntillesderf, it's all handled by hildon-welcome.21:09
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GeneralAntillesderf, that Talk link should have the details in the first post.21:09
derfGeneralAntilles: Thanks.21:09
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crashanddietekonivel: qdl-SLA:~ # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -i bogomips bogomips: 15328.8821:10
derfGeneralAntilles: Hmm, that's the hands video. I meant the other one.21:10
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: yeah, but which codec is it using?21:10
* VDVsx needs a new twitter app for the n90021:10
timeless_mbpi'm told that mpeg4 has the best perf21:10
derfWell, "animation", I don't even know if it's actually a video.21:10
GeneralAntillesderf, it's in the same folder.21:10
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, mpeg4 with an avi container.21:10
derfGeneralAntilles: Uh,21:10
derfroot /usr/share/hildon-welcome/media # ls21:10
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, however anything that GStreamer supports will work.21:11
GeneralAntillesderf, OK, I THOUGHT it was there.21:11
timeless_mbpderf: yeah, i have splash.avi21:11
timeless_mbpthe other file is in /etc/hildon-welcome/21:11
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timeless_mbplemme toss up my package21:11
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derfYeah, I have no splash.avi on the entire system.21:12
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timeless_mbpderf: yeah, splash is my replacement21:12
derfYeah, I'm not trying to replace hands.21:12
timeless_mbpi'm too lazy to give it a more interesting name21:12
timeless_mbpwhat are you trying to do?21:13
derfI'm trying to replace the _other_ animation thing.21:13
derfWith the pusling dots.21:13
timeless_mbpif you don't like the default thing just kill the .conf from /etc/hildon-welcome/21:13
infobottimeless_mbp meant: if you don't like the default thing just kill the .conf from /etc/hildon-welcome.d/21:13
derftimeless_mbp: Yes, I already did that days ago.21:13
* timeless_mbp is confused21:13
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, they may very well be .pngs.21:14
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GeneralAntillesEr, s/timeless_mbp/derf/21:14
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derfWhen you turn on the phone there is a) a giant Nokia logo b) some pulsing dots c) the hands video d) more pulsing dots.21:14
GeneralAntillesIn which case they're in the icon share somewhere under hildon.21:14
GeneralAntillesSame as the bootsplash from Maemo 4.21:14
GeneralAntillesandre__, updated.21:14
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andre__thanks :)21:15
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Ceron^GeneralAntilles: tell me an example of qt app on maemo21:16
Stskeepssomeone is claiming it isn't possible to SSU-update N900 without a SIM21:16
Stskeepsthat's wrong, right? :P21:16
GeneralAntillesShopper, danielwilms application catalog browser.21:16
GeneralAntillesStskeeps, I can't imagine how it'd be required.21:17
timeless_mbpStskeeps: i can't imagine it's right21:17
timeless_mbpgiven that the n800/n810 didn't need a sim..21:17
GeneralAntillesWell, actually, I CAN _imagine_ it, but it doesn't make any sense.21:17
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: your imagination is too active21:17
luke-jr_timeless_mbp: didn't need? more like couldn't use21:17
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, oh c'mon, you WORK there. :P21:17
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: i don't need to imagine21:18
timeless_mbpall i have to do is look21:18
murrayc_How can I type a | on the N900?21:18
timeless_mbpe..g at the nokia flagshipstore21:18
GeneralAntillesmurrayc_, fn-sym21:18
murrayc_nifty. thanks21:19
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GeneralAntillesmurrayc_, before you ask, the 3rd row is deadkeys. ;)21:19
GeneralAntillesmurrayc_, qole's figured out something or other about rebinding keys, too.21:19
derfAh! /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/hildon/indicator_update?.png21:19
RevdKathyThanks General Antilles! Been looking for those symbols!21:20
murrayc_GeneralAntilles: Oh, so that's the deadkeys weirdness that I keep hearing about.21:20
murrayc_So how do I actually enter ~?21:20
Chikuany french on this chan?21:21
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Gadgetoid_iMacoui Chiku, je suis un pamplemouse!21:23
GeneralAntillesmurrayc_, press space.21:23
Chikuwhy pamplemousse?21:23
Gadgetoid_iMacI got told!21:23
GeneralAntillesmurrayc_, supposedly PR1.1 has an improved UI indicator or something.21:23
Chikudo you got n900?21:23
Chikubought from th phouse house shop?21:24
murrayc_GeneralAntilles: How awful. +1 on that bug.21:24
Gadgetoid_iMacNokia online store :).. and I'm about as french as fried bread21:24
GeneralAntillesandre__, ping?21:25
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andre__GeneralAntilles, pong!21:25
Chikuok Gadgetoid21:25
GeneralAntillesandre__, can we change the quicksearch on the frontpage to search all bugs by default?21:25
GeneralAntillesNot just open ones.21:25
Scummerodd.. why doesn't scratchbox read the resolv.conf ?21:25
GeneralAntillesmurrayc_, bug #531421:25
povbotBug Easy to enter ~ ^ ' ` " symbols with 3rd row of special character view21:25
lbtScummer: it's idiotic21:26
andre__GeneralAntilles, file me a ticket, please :)21:26
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Yes indeed.21:26
StskeepsScummer: /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf - there's a FAQ on ths21:26
Chikulooks like no french around21:26
lbtI tried to "do it right".... but if you look at what's needed you begin to realise...21:26
GeneralAntillesandre__, I'd complain except it sounds like you're telling me to karma whore.21:26
* GeneralAntilles skips over to bugzilla.21:26
* lbt unpacks a Joggler...21:26
Scummerkeeps: uah.. ok21:26
Stskeepslbt: pics! pics!21:27
andre__murrayc_, bug 5314 is... sigh, about Managers that think that they know better than users. The internal ticket shows that quite well :-(21:27
GeneralAntillesandre__, managers ALWAYS know better than users.21:27
RevdKathyandre__ what do mere users know?21:27
andre__yeah. all depends on the definition of "reality", the one you have internally and the one out there...21:28
murrayc_andre__: Must be some weird managers.21:28
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andre__well, it's one of the very few tickets where I became insulting :-P21:28
saahlehwill there be support for dynamic WEP onetime? works perfect on linux, so dont see a big problem21:28
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Arkenoiwho needs WEP?21:29
BluesLeehi, does someone run quake 3 on the n900?21:29
ArkenoiWEP is broken, even dynamic one21:29
* timeless_mbp curses21:29
GeneralAntillesandre__, insulting. Oooh.21:29
* GeneralAntilles gives andre__ a cookie.21:30
Scummerkeeps : the odd part was /etc/resolv.conf inside scratchbox and /etc/resolv.conf outside of scratchbox differed... confusing21:30
lbtsigh, wifi won't connect... reboot...21:30
lbthey andre__21:30
Scummerbut with /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf it works of course..21:30
lbtdid you want a dmesg or something when wifi won't connect?21:30
Stskeepsandre__: 5413 sounds like a "everyone does not speak finnish" mentality21:30
Stskeepser, 531421:30
andre__GeneralAntilles, yummy21:31
saahlehArkenoi: me! tell that to my university...21:31
timeless_mbpandre__: a couple of notes21:31
VDVsxandre__, did you already ate all the chocos ? Lol21:31
timeless_mbpdead keys exist on windows and linux too21:31
timeless_mbpand they're pretty much nearly as stupid as the ones in maemo21:32
andre__VDVsx, sshhh!21:32
* VDVsx hides21:32
timeless_mbpalthough most of them were smart enough that tapping twice inserted the key21:32
timeless_mbpinstead of requiring you to press space21:32
timeless_mbpthe windows onscreen keyboard has the same general behavior21:32
andre__timeless_mbp: I refer to arguments like "This is how it always works, everywhere" while I even posted official microsoft URLs showing that it's not true21:32
timeless_mbp(of course, it mimics the real one)21:32
X-FadeDouble tap is pr1.1 behavior.21:32
timeless_mbpi'm @c721:32
timeless_mbpX-Fade: 1.1 is vaporware21:33
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: Just saying ;)21:33
VDVsxhumm ~ works in the same way in my linux box as in the n900, where's the problem ??21:33
timeless_mbpVDVsx: problem is that most customers don't use dead keys21:33
timeless_mbpso they have no idea how a dead key works21:33
VDVsxtimeless, their problem :P21:33
timeless_mbpas this is the first introduction to deadkeys21:33
* timeless_mbp tosses a load of bricks at VDVsx 21:34
murrayc_And there's no clue that it's a "dead key" or a "press this, click off the window, and press space" key.21:34
valdyntimeless_mbp: isnt this configurable using a terminal?21:34
asidjazzdo maemo packages need to be like signed21:34
timeless_mbpasidjazz: no21:34
GeneralAntillesHe may hate on the normal folks, but he's awesome at ordering tapas. :P21:34
timeless_mbpvaldyn: eh?21:34
asidjazztimeless_mbp: what about the cert crap symbian does21:34
GeneralAntillesasidjazz, lol.21:35
timeless_mbpasidjazz: you're welcome to sign things21:35
timeless_mbpbut you don't have to21:35
VDVsxtimeless, that hurts :(21:35
valdyntimeless_mbp: cant die hard linux users who really want their linux - like dead keys change the dead key setting with xterm21:35
timeless_mbpVDVsx: don't say stupid things and you'll get fewer bricks tossed your way21:35
andre__murrayc_: well: user manual :-/21:35
Chikuwhat is default is on meamo5?21:35
timeless_mbpvaldyn: we don't care about die hard users21:35
timeless_mbpwe care about normal customers21:35
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andre__which is of course non-intuitive.21:35
valdyntimeless_mbp: but I asked21:35
timeless_mbpwho are screwed by this broken UX21:35
timeless_mbpvaldyn: you're offtopic21:35
* VDVsx now has a 770 sent by timeless_mbp :P21:35
GeneralAntillesPeople keep thinking I'm saying "topless bar" when I tell them we went to a "tapas bar".21:36
timeless_mbpGeneralAntilles: heh21:36
timeless_mbpandre__: so, 1. what happened to a demand that the userguide be fixed?21:36
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, lol21:36
Scummertopless bar sounds better :)21:36
andre__timeless_mbp, where, what?21:36
RevdKathyGeneral Antilles... did I miss something?21:36
timeless_mbpyour c7 internal21:36
timeless_mbpThe current User guide also only covers this vaguely:21:37
timeless_mbp"Enter special characters: Press ↗ and the sym key."21:37
timeless_mbp"Enter accented characters: ...."21:37
timeless_mbpNo mentioning of the spacebar in order to get only the symbol.21:37
GeneralAntillestimeless_mbp, I've described my adventures in BCN to a lot of people and am a bit worried some of those folks actually think I meant "topless bar".21:37
andre__timeless_mbp, don't know21:37
timeless_mbpi went to a tapas bar in Madrid21:37
GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, only Americans being unused to the concept of tapas bars.21:37
timeless_mbpdidn't have time for one in BCN21:37
andre__timeless, at some point discussing become non-rational :-P21:37
timeless_mbpi also was at a tapas bar in AMS21:37
timeless_mbpandre__: file a new bug ;-)21:38
RevdKathyGneral Antilles ... you mean you didn't really go to a topless bar and I missed it?21:38
jebbawould be nice if the "special keys" keypad came up when you *PRESSED* Fn+Ctrl, not when you *RELEASED* it  :)21:38
andre__timeless_mbp, up to you. you have access to the internal tracker.21:38
GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, no, no topless bars. ;)21:38
timeless_mbpandre__: i have no luck filing bugs internally21:38
jebbai use it all the time, yet it seems half the time it doesnt come up21:38
timeless_mbpyou don't think i'm going to start now21:38
andre__timeless_mbp, then you should reflect on what you might do wrong? ;-)21:39
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saahlehshouldn't there be a maemo-chat room? ;)21:39
timeless_mbpandre__: filing bugs and expecting someone to fix something?21:39
timeless_mbpi reflected, and decided it wasn't a good idea21:39
timeless_mbpsomething about a definition of insanity21:39
* VDVsx also went to a tapas bar in AMS21:39
GeneralAntilles camkeyd for anybody who missed it the first time.21:39
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timeless_mbprepeating an action and expecting differing results21:39
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andre__timeless_mbp: maybe changing the tone sometimes? ;-)21:40
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rrr__quick question, is the n900 screen supposed to have tearing?21:41
tigertGeneralAntilles: camkeyd rocks :)21:41
tigerti love it21:41
tigertif its the taskswitcher key binder daemon?21:42
GeneralAntillestigert, yes.21:42
GeneralAntillestigert, the proximity sensor project is merging, too.21:42
GeneralAntillesSo you'll be able to bind both the camkey and the proximity sensor21:42
GeneralAntillesI'm likely to bind fullscreen to the proximity sensor.21:42
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timeless_mbpandre__: i'm a native speaker21:43
lbtStskeeps: now it's downloading a new OS...21:43
timeless_mbpmy tone fluctuates as i speak :)21:43
timeless_mbprrr__: the n900 can tear if you do certain things21:44
andre__timeless_mbp, you want to misunderstand me, yeah. ;-) see PM21:44
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rrr__any fast motion will cause it21:44
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timeless_mbpyour ghost messaged me21:45
timeless_mbpthat's not fair21:45
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Stskeepslbt: that worries me a tad21:45
redeemanrrr__: i see it aswell, which is weird given its composited21:46
GeneralAntillesredeeman, 800x480 is a lot of pixels to push around.21:47
lbtStskeeps: 29% now... "Software updates"21:47
redeemanGeneralAntilles: but the N900 is a fairly powerful device21:48
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GeneralAntillesredeeman, still a lot of pixels.21:50
lbtit's not quite what I expected...21:50
lbtvery solid and hi quality21:50
Stskeepsfor 99, it's a real bargain21:51
redeemanGeneralAntilles: and slower devices have been doing more21:51
lbtbut very 3D with a BIG polished chrome stand21:51
lbtoh yes21:51
lbtno battery backup at all - only mains21:51
Stskeepsstill makes for a nice mer device21:51
lbtOh I have plans...21:51
lbtactually the mains thing is almost better for e21:52
lbtI can't think that a new OS will stop hacking though21:52
Stskeepsi hope so21:52
lbtit's a gorgeous bit of hardware21:52
lcukstop drooling21:52
lbt100% perfect for a linux picture frame21:53
rrr__another quick question, is the bounce demo supposed to have random clipping issues?21:53
lbtnow if only I owned openpictureframe.org21:53
lbtoh wait, I  do.21:53
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lbtand .com21:53
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Stskeepshow many inches was the screen again?21:54
lbtsame as Q721:55
lbtmy cat just licked my^H^Hyour Joggler21:56
AbstractWI'm sad I missed out on a $450 N900 from Dell :(21:56
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Stskeepslbt: i demand cat rebate!21:56
Stskeepsoh nice, there's a stereo plug in the back21:56
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GeneralAntillesredeeman, not with the same number of pixels. :)21:57
GeneralAntillesredeeman, kthxbai.21:57
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redeemanGeneralAntilles: do keep in mind that most of the "juggling" can be done by memory copies, then it obviously needs to write some new stuff, but all in all, i'll bet the device is fully capable of this21:58
lbtoops - it's rebooted 4 times now...21:58
lcukwow joggler picture
Stskeepslbt: not abnormal21:59
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Scummergeez.. git clone of modest is taking quite a while22:00
ruskieand then in the end will even fail to build22:01
ruskieatleast it does for me :(22:01
ruskiefails during configure22:01
Stskeepslbt: it has an internal mmc too22:01
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Scummerruskie: hm.. interesting..22:02
Scummerruskie: i let you know what happens.. once I've got the source22:03
Stskeepslbt: where does the usb plugs sit? in the back or the side?22:05
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timeless_mbpandre__: i lost your bug number/comment reference22:06
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andre__timeless_mbp, doesn't matter ;-)22:06
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timeless_mbpbut i want to read it22:07
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jkimball4it might be gps that is causing my n900 to randomly shutoff22:07
Stskeepsjkimball4: if you have random reboots, return it to shop and get a replacement seems to be best advice atm22:08
jkimball4worked fine all morning.  shortly after i turned on the gps, shut off22:08
jkimball4doesn't reboot just shuts off22:08
jkimball4Stskeeps: replacement meaning a refurb?22:08
Stskeepsjkimball4: no, you have warranty :P22:08
jkimball4Actually I sent a message to nokia support.  I might just see what the have to say.  Seems like dell would just jerk me around about an rma22:09
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AbstractWjkimball4: Dell isn't selling the N900 anymore :(22:09
jkimball4oh really?22:09
AbstractWI missed my chance to get one cheap.22:09
jkimball4AbstractW: nay22:09
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jkimball4there's another good offer i just saw22:10
jkimball4one sec22:10
Robot101they're cheap on amazon US too, there's a rebate22:10
AbstractWDell was $450 :(22:10
Stskeepsjkimball4: shutting off sounds bad.. and you're sure it's not just the blank screen timer?22:10
jkimball4AbstractW: you just missed another $450 offer.  looks like the offer expired22:10
jkimball4oh it was dell, too22:11
AbstractWIts been annoying, because my credit card was recently stolen 3 days ago, and I'm waiting for a replacement.22:11
AbstractWI would have ordered already, but I have no way to do so, until I get my new card in the mail! :(22:11
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jkimball4Stskeeps: funny. ;)22:11
Scummerabstract : physically stolen or the number stolen ?22:11
Stskeepsjkimball4: i get tricked at times by it22:11
AbstractWPhysically stolen, not used before I canceled it.22:12
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AbstractWOr lost.22:12
jkimball4Stskeeps: I have to remove the battery to get the damn thing to come one after these shut offs22:12
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Stskeepsjkimball4: and you didn't toy with R&D flags?22:12
jkimball4don't even know what those are22:12
AbstractWSo, it looks like I may be shelved with another $150 cost to get one :(22:12
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Stskeepsjkimball4: yeah, take it in for repair/warranty22:12
Stskeepsif it continues after reflash22:12
jkimball4well i haven't reflashed because I'm not sure how to get all my stuff off22:13
jkimball4Already have a bunch of pictures and shit22:13
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Scummerthrow your docs on the sd card ?22:13
xorAxAxwhats the most expensive offer you have seen for the n900?22:13
xorAxAxhere is one for 666 EUR22:13
AbstractWDoesn't the N900 act as a mass storage device, when connected to a PC?22:13
Scummerabstract: either pc suite mode or mass storage22:14
AbstractWScummer: You could always use SSH, to pull your stuff off.22:14
Scummerand it shows the sd card as well22:14
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jkimball4I guess i could tar up the contents of the mass storage shit22:14
jkimball4I'll have to find another computer to do the flashing though22:14
jkimball4I'm on Solaris22:14
jkimball4no support for flasher on sol22:14
Stskeepsjkimball4: heh, i ran into that issue once..22:14
AbstractWspool up a vbox22:14
Scummerrun a linux vm in solaris22:14
jkimball4i thought about it, but that seems a like a bad idea when flashing my toy22:15
AbstractWI'm a big fan of osol.22:15
AbstractWI use that for my fileserver.22:15
AbstractWzfs is awesome.22:15
jkimball4it sure is22:15
* Stskeeps has a SS-4200E with osol and 4x1tb22:15
Stskeepsnever been happier22:15
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Stskeeps(cheap, hackable NAS)22:15
AbstractWI've got 5x1TB22:15
Stskeepsyeah, raidz1 here too22:16
AbstractWIts RaidZN, where N is the number of spare disks22:16
Stskeepswell, not exactly, there's also zfs spare disks22:17
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StskeepsN means how many disks you can lose22:17
jkimball4okay so where do i do warranty stuff if the flashing doesn't work?  will they send me a new one first so i'm not phoneless?22:17
AbstractWnot a true spare, but yeah.22:17
Stskeepsjkimball4: talk to nokia care and hear about it22:17
jkimball4okay well in their email, they'll hopefully mention that22:17
AbstractWjkimball4: You will prolly only be able to get them to send you a new phone, if you temporarially buy a second one.22:17
jkimball4i'll just leave gps off for now22:17
jkimball4AbstractW: that sounds gay22:18
AbstractWyes, it does.22:18
AbstractWbut, if you're in the US, with no carriers selling that phone, that may be your only option :(22:18
Scummerzfs on linux seems to work only with fuse22:18
jkimball4zfs on linux is pointless :)22:18
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jkimball4and crap tbh22:19
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jkimball4the only non-Solaris platform that it is any good on is freebsd22:19
Stskeepsjkimball4: it actually works decently for my backup server22:19
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Stskeepsfor my purposes22:19
Creteilhi all22:19
jkimball4Stskeeps: it's slower on linux and uses a lot more memory last i heard22:19
Stskeepsjkimball4: probably22:19
AbstractWoracle is funding btrfs for linux...22:19
jkimball4I mean, why would you want zfs on linux anyway?hehe22:19
AbstractWwhich is supposed to be oracle's zfs on linux22:19
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Scummerkimball: my htpc runs linux.. but so far soft raid5 with ext4 does work ok22:20
jkimball4bleeding edge ext4 eh22:20
Stskeepsjkimball4: hw support comes to mind, or working SMART for SATA22:20
AbstractWRaidZ1 > Raid522:20
AbstractWzpool export ; zpool import ; for super easy migration.22:21
jkimball4AbstractW: yeha that shit rocks !22:21
lbthmm, we're going for about the 5th reboot/sw upgrade in a row on this joggler.... not impressed22:21
* fnordianslip has a bright pink conky running in scratchbox. uurgh22:21
Creteilsomeone can explain me why the extra-devel constantly fall in error on my N900 ???22:21
jkimball4it's missing a hash22:22
Creteilwhat is the right way to add the extras-devel ?22:22
jkimball4you probably did it right22:22
Scummeri used app manager for it22:22
Scummerworked without any probs22:22
Creteiljkimball4, any fix ?22:22
AbstractWAnyone else find a $500 N900? I want a $500 N900, not a $600 N900 :(22:22
Stskeepslbt: it probably does them iteratively22:22
Scummerwhats the price at newegg now ?22:23
Stskeepslbt: is it connected to eth?22:23
AbstractWhrmm. haven't checked22:23
lbtit has a phone number...22:23
Stskeepsor wifi22:23
AbstractWnewegg is $60022:23
jkimball4Creteil: it's a server thing not a local thing agaik22:23
Scummerall the 500$ deals are gone it seems22:23
jkimball4all i want is the flac plugin22:23
GeneralAntilleslol, Amazon's up to $800.22:24
Creteiljkimball4, ok, so why the server admin's doesn't fix it (I'm probably not the only user reporting this issue ...) ?22:24
jkimball4free market at work i guess22:24
AbstractWNokia's website sells it for $610 or so.22:24
jkimball4Creteil: no idea. :)  but i agree that it's frustrating22:24
Creteiljkimball4, for sure ;-)22:25
AbstractWDirect from Nokia is $569... but its out of stock ><22:25
jkimball4Creteil: it looks to be working for me22:25
jkimball4have you tried recently?22:25
Creteiljkimball4, for flac just apt-get install flac must work no ?22:25
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jkimball4i didn't want to drive into the terminal for that22:26
jkimball4needed root, but didn't feel like installing gainroot22:26
AbstractWI'd try it.22:26
AbstractWwhats the default root password for the N900?22:26
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Scummerbooyah.. modest clone is done22:26
Creteiljkimball4, btw in terminal you can see explicitely why things doesn't install ...22:26
AbstractWIf apt doesn't find flac, just add the stable deb repository.22:26
AbstractWbut, that could cause other problems.22:27
Creteiljkimball4, go ahead install it and go to the terminal ...22:27
slonopotamusvery funny22:27
AbstractWI don't think I'd try an apt-get dist-upgrade :P22:27
hardakeryay.  got my extras repository contributor invite.22:27
hardakerAbstractW: there isn't a default.22:27
slonopotamusn900 advertises ovi but can't sync to it22:27
AbstractWThen just add a new deb source to your sources.lst22:27
wazdI should stop or I'll drink to death :D22:27
* slonopotamus requests proper syncml support for n90022:28
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Stskeepswazd: drunk on a thursday first? ;)22:28
AbstractWwith no affordable N900, I'm stuck with this freaking iphone for a few more weeks.22:28
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wazdStskeeps: I always have the reason :D22:29
Stskeepswazd: "no n900 leads to alcoholism"?22:29
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AbstractWThen I need a N900 sooner.22:29
jkimball4hmm where the hell is flac22:29
AbstractWI want my alcoholism NOW22:30
wazdStskeeps: continuous humiliation leads :)22:30
AbstractWjkimball4: you didn't try 'apt-get install flac' ?22:30
jkimball4looking in app manager22:30
CreteilAbstractW, don't complain, mine was buy at 662€ (974$ approx)22:30
wazdStskeeps: not yet alcoholism but really shitty mood for sure :)22:30
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AbstractWI'm complaining, because I missed out :P22:31
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jkimball4oh it's in the ogg package22:31
* RevdKathy send wazd chocolate instead of beer22:31
Scummerkimball : flac support ?22:31
jkimball4i don't know about you guys but i can get on at&t's 3g network22:31
AbstractWogg is a container.22:31
CreteilAbstractW, Ouch <- not really, since I manage all the gsm phone at my office, I have the device offered by the operator ...22:31
wazdRevdKathy: I like chocolate so much but I can't eat it :D22:31
jkimball4have to tell the thing manually though22:31
AbstractWjkimball4: There have been reports that the N900 doesn't work with ATT's 3G.22:32
RevdKathywazd no choc? how do you survive?22:32
wazdRevdKathy: beer :D22:32
RST38hFBReader takes forever to build =(22:32
jkimball4AbstractW: it works.  I made a call yesterday and was surfing the net at same time.  definitely had wifi off22:32
Scummerhopefully t-mo rolls out their new network next year like announced.. 7mbit DL would be awesome22:32
AbstractWHrmm. Well, I hate ATT.22:32
RevdKathywazd: not the same22:32
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jkimball4Tmobile fully covers my city, but they don't offer service here O_o22:33
AbstractWATT drops calls all the time.22:33
Scummerthat is odd22:33
AbstractWI'll be switching to TMobile.22:33
jkimball4Scummer: bs really22:33
slonopotamusi got gps fix without data connection in ovi maps22:33
Scummerso far i like the n900 on t-mobile.. my laptop is tethered, i get 1.5Mbit down and can make calls at the same time22:33
hardakerAbstractW: the N900 doesn't work on ATT's 3G, FYI.  I have it and only get edge.22:33
hardakerthe freq coverage range for the N900 doesn't include ATT's band22:33
AbstractWI'm wondering how long before someone ports multi-touch to the N900, and google maps.22:33
rangeAbstractW: Porting new hardware could be a bit problematic.22:34
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AbstractWMulti-touch isn't new hardware.22:34
AbstractWUnless you need a capacative touch screen, instead of resistive.22:34
jkimball4hardaker: if you switch to manual nework selection you may be able to get 3g.  it's working here22:34
wazdRevdKathy: yeah, I know :( I remember when I was eating Toblerone long ago :)22:34
hardakerI think I tried that when I first got it and it said it failed.22:35
SpeedEvilAbstractW: you do22:35
SpeedEvilAbstractW: the resistive screen in the n900 can't do multitouch22:35
RevdKathywazd.. bournville dark... ah!22:35
hardakerI suspect you're not really on AT&T's network unless they hid the fact they bumped the data radio frequencies up22:35
Scummertoblerone... good stuff22:35
hardaker(down actually; the cut-off was higher than the AT&T band)22:35
jkimball4multitouch on my old iphone was cute, but it was really only useful for a handful of things22:35
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jkimball4hardaker: don't know.  it says at&t still.22:36
wazdRevdKathy: you got it :)22:36
hardakerwhat's it say underneath the bars?22:36
RevdKathywazd :)22:36
hardaker2.5 or 3?22:36
lcukhow do i find out which package a certain file comes from22:37
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Scummerthe n900 does get warm when tethering over usb. no cpu load tho.. maybe the radio is working hard ? :)22:37
hardakerdpkg -s FILE I think (ie, from memory)22:38
fnordianslipuurgh.  bright pink conky on my N900:
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SpeedEvilfnordianslip: you need
SpeedEviland you've got a theme going on22:38
wazdRevdKathy: I have one question for you btw :)22:39
rangefnordianslip: What are those three blocks to the right side of the wifi thingy?22:39
SpeedEvilrange: load meter applet22:39
wazdRevdKathy: how come maemo and toy bears were combined in a single body? :D22:39
fnordianslipload-applet i think22:39
RevdKathywazd: ?? go ahead22:39
SpeedEvilrange: extras-devel I think22:39
AbstractWmmm hot pkn22:39
rangeSpeedEvil: Ah.22:39
SpeedEvilrange: cpu and ram usage iIRC22:39
Gadgetoid_iMacSpeedEvil: are there any serious N900 cases out there?22:39
RevdKathywazd.. you mean me? I have a wide, wide range of interests. maemo and bears are just a couple of them22:40
rangeGadgetoid_iMac: Wasn't that serious enough?22:40
AbstractWGadgetoid_iMac: Whats *NOT* serious about that?22:40
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AbstractWIts SERIOUSLY pink!22:40
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: I've got one that I don't really like that much22:40
AbstractWfor serious22:40
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: but mostly does what it says on the tin22:40
Gadgetoid_iMacI must admit it's strikingly pink, but I like leather22:40
AbstractWI think I should get a pink case for my phone.22:40
fnordianslipshall i see if i can get conky into extras as my first proper effort22:40
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Gadgetoid_iMacWait... is leather better or worse than pink?22:41
Myrttiyou're setting off my hilight22:41
Scummergadgetoid: kinky22:41
AbstractWI dislike the cases that are glued on leather to hard plastic.22:41
wazdRevdKathy: good for you :)22:41
rangeGadgetoid_iMac: Pink leather?22:41
AbstractWThe leather comes off ><22:41
SpeedEvilmy current case.22:41
RevdKathyScummer - pink leather?22:41
Gadgetoid_iMacrange: I think I might have a pink leather iPhone case somewhere22:41
SpeedEvilThe protector is OK, the case has some sharp edges which need sanding22:41
Gadgetoid_iMacSpeedEvil: that one looks 'shopped22:41
AbstractWI'd say that a screen protector is required on a plastic screen.22:41
Creteiljkimball4, just use the console ...22:41
Gadgetoid_iMacLooks like I'm going to have to start whining at Proporta to deliver a viable N900 case22:42
AbstractWCreteil: Sweet.22:42
jkimball4what am i using the console for?22:42
SpeedEvilGadgetoid: looking at the actual case - the pics are a fairly accurate reflection22:42
AbstractWjkimball4: Installing flac :P22:42
Creteiljkimball4, to install flac support ..22:42
Gadgetoid_iMacOH wait, it's on their radar22:42
RevdKathyGolla bags - little soft pouches for n900 in a range of colours22:42
jkimball4oh.  i already got it installed.22:42
jkimball4haven't tested though22:42
jkimball4all my audio is at home. :(22:42
Creteiljkimball4, ah ... ok ...22:43
AbstractWjkimball4: Test from any random flac file on the internet.22:43
Gadgetoid_iMacAlthough having tried many of Proporta's aluminium lined leather cases, and appreciating them for their protectiveness I can comfortably say that I much prefer slip cases22:43
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AbstractWStitched leather, just doesn't stand up to a beating like hard plastic does on a phone case.22:43
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Scummeri have a krussell case.. but it is a tight fit22:44
Gadgetoid_iMacAbstractW: I don't often beat my cases...22:44
redcan one purchase these from finland somewhere?22:44
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AbstractWred: get the pink one.22:45
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SpeedEvilred: search n900 crystal on or wherever it is.22:45
SpeedEvilred: probably22:45
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Gadgetoid_iMacred rocket!22:46
reddon't really fancy ebay but guess I don't have a choice22:46
jkimball4Creteil: thanks for the pointers, though22:46
Gadgetoid_iMacYou do, red, wait.22:46
AbstractWhell yes! microsoft finally corrected their FOSS violation!
redeemanexcept they actually didn't22:47
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jkimball4shall we start a license flame war? ;p22:47
rangeI have a leather pouch. That should be enough.22:47
redeemanthey should have released the code used to generate the actual binary they distributed, where they instead choose to rewrite some parts and release that code, since they didn't wanna release the original22:47
Gadgetoid_iMacHoly shit, why does every advert have to play La Roux's sodding song22:47
AbstractWredeeman: Oh, damn.22:47
jkimball4Gadgetoid_iMac: adblock22:47
jkimball4and noscript22:48
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Gadgetoid_iMacjkimball4: Errr.... on the telly?22:48
redeemanAbstractW: hardly a surprise though, considering who it is22:48
rangeGadgetoid_iMac: Sure :)22:48
RevdKathyI have someone askingwhat happened to the fm radio - it's no longer available for d/l. Anyone know why?22:48
Gadgetoid_iMacI'm too lazy to fast forward22:48
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jkimball4ah well if you're not willing to expend energy to avoid them, i can't help you ;)22:48
lcukRevdKathy, there was unfortunately a bug relating to fm radio intefering with the mic22:49
AbstractWRevdKathy: The N900 has a FM reciever?22:49
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lcukand whilst its resolved its just been removed22:49
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SpeedEvilAbstractW: yes22:49
Gadgetoid_iMacYou could do it for me jkimball4... you could dance a little jig to distract my every time an annoying advert plays22:49
lcukyes AbstractW22:49
RevdKathyI saw that and assumed it was that, lcuk. Will it be coming back?22:49
SpeedEvilAbstractW: and a transmitter22:49
AbstractWoh, very cool.22:49
lcuki imagine it will yes22:49
AbstractWHas anyone gotten the transmitter to work with an automobile?22:49
Gadgetoid_iMacAbstractW: the FM transmitter sucks :D22:49
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lcukyes abstract22:49
AbstractWto be expected.22:49
RevdKathylcuk. Good. That's what I guessed at and replied22:49
Gadgetoid_iMacYou could always duct tape your N900 to the car ariel, that MIGHT give you a clear signal22:50
lcuki saw the sheepdog thread :D its sparked lots of interest22:50
* RevdKathy may be beginning to regret the pm link in my sig at t.m.o22:50
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lcuklol RevdKathy22:50
RevdKathylcuk - yes the question is how to take the sheepdog further22:50
lcukrEv9, could you please change your nick22:50
lcukyou are getting in the way of me speaking to kathy22:50
lcuki was playing around last night actually kath22:51
lcuki was trying to make he particles errr sheep move over an undulating field22:51
RevdKathylcuk: do you need to tell us that in IRC O_o22:51
lcukwithout much luck lol22:51
GeneralAntillesRevdKathy, yeah, encouraging people to PM you is never porductive. ;)22:51
lcukits ok RevdKathy have you noticed the sex thread got administerated?22:52
rEv9lcuk: eh, what?22:52
AbstractWYou have to be kidding me.22:52
RevdKathyGeneral Antilles - I've made lots of freinds, but they seem to think I err.. know stuff22:52
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lcuklol rEv9 i type "re[tab]" and your nick comes up every time22:52
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odin_what this VMWARE rubbish idea for mobiles?22:52
lcukso i have to delete and reenter :D22:52
Gadgetoid_iMacOoo I'm slightly drunk on shandy, quaffed from a classic pint mug22:52
RevdKathylcuk - yeah that thread got nuked right after I suggested it should form the basis for a workshop at the next long weekend22:52
AbstractWodin_: What? You want to get VMWare running on your N900? :P22:52
lcukno wonder lol22:53
rEv9lcuk: if you change your irc client to a more decent one it actually remembers the last client you talked to and prefer that one when you use tab :)22:53
Gadgetoid_iMacodin_: they want to run two shitty OSes on their phones instead of one, obviously22:53
odin_AbstractW, no friggin way.... not util my N900 sports 2Ghz CPU and 2Gb RAM22:53
Gadgetoid_iMacTheir justification for VMWARE on phones is hilarious to say the least22:53
lcukrEv9, cool idea!22:53
RevdKathyPerhaps we should stick to talking about sheep22:53
lcukits the little things that count22:53
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rEv9last nick22:53
Ceron^how am i suppoused to create album covers22:54
Ceron^on the n900?22:54
lcukyeah kathy22:54
Ceron^could anyone tell22:54
Gadgetoid_iMacI mean, it's exactly like me using VMWare on my MBP to "Sandbox" my work environment.. it just isn't going to happen until virtualisation is 100% efficient... which is impossible, argh!22:54
RevdKathythe admins don't seem to mind that22:54
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* RevdKathy thinks some people have no sense of hmour22:54
Gadgetoid_iMacCeron^: you're listening to music, what the hell do you want album covers for!? I'll never understand that22:54
RevdKathywe need a designer to draw us some good sheep22:55
lcuki dont think its a lack of humour22:55
Ceron^well i just want it to look fancy22:55
Ceron^thats all22:55
lcuki tihnk it was people pointing out it was just about the best thread ever22:55
Ceron^when showing the phone to friends O_o?22:55
Ceron^like some iphone guy22:55
MyrttiGadgetoid_iMac: I'm a visual person and can tell albums apart better from the album covers than the music, sometimes22:55
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RevdKathylcuk: LOL I thought it was upholding the stereotype of geeks and nerds22:55
lcukCeron^, liqflow makes people go "ooooh" quite a lot :)22:55
Myrttivisual aids22:55
Ceron^how are the album covers made22:55
Ceron^lcuk: i dont understand liqflow22:56
Ceron^i cant get it to work22:56
lcukand the accelerometer stuff gives people ideas :)22:56
Gadgetoid_iMacMyrtti: then I envy your musical knowledge... I can just about guess an artist from the album cover22:56
lcukif you have an n810 that might explain it22:56
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Ceron^lcuk: i got 90022:56
RevdKathylcuk is liqflow actually available for download? Is it Mo-safe?22:56
Ceron^ bought one22:56
lcukits in extras-testing22:56
Gadgetoid_iMacliqflow? that's what you do when your girlfriend is on her... err... nevermind22:56
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RevdKathySafe enough for My Mo, given that I don't know how to undo stuff22:56
Ceron^i got liqbase.playground22:56
lcukand has mainly +ve stars :)22:57
Ceron^do i need anything else?22:57
lcukCeron^, thats why lol22:57
lcukthats not ready for human consumption22:57
Ceron^oh :D22:57
lcukits too much power for one person22:57
lcukand its got many bugs22:57
Gadgetoid_iMacI put liqbase on my n810 and it esploded22:57
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Ceron^i loved the beer widget22:57
Ceron^i found in there22:57
Ceron^with cpu meter thing + beer22:57
lcukwhere was it22:58
RevdKathyI'm not afraid of d/ling from other repositories - I have Xchat. ;) But I need reassurance that things won;t harm My Mo. Rough UI I don't care about22:58
lcukliqflow on its own is nice and simple :)22:58
lcukand works well22:58
AbstractWxchat is bad.22:58
AbstractWuse bitchx :P22:58
RevdKathyliqflow is the one with the movey flowing lights, yes?22:58
AbstractW<3 console22:58
* Gadgetoid_iMac downloads liqflow22:59
Gadgetoid_iMacxchat is cool, it's got an x in it!22:59
RevdKathylcuk - the one I want for sensory work with people with learning diffs22:59
AbstractWI missed those troopers.22:59
lcuki need to update that this week22:59
* lcuk nods at RevdKathy 22:59
RevdKathylcuk - how big can you get a touch screen to play that on????22:59
lcuki would love to have massive size :$22:59
pwnguinRevdKathy: im pretty sure liqflow is open source23:00
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RevdKathyI would settled for 15 inch that someone could reach out and touch. Could see it really working for LD sensory rooms23:00
pwnguinRevdKathy: probelm is that it does wrap around rather than source sink23:01
solpeteI think software development has been slow23:01
solpetefor n90023:01
RevdKathypwnguin... err I don't understand that!23:01
lcukpwnguin, ??23:01
* RevdKathy is very very new to all this23:01
lcukwhat do you mean23:01
pwnguinif you set up a contour23:01
pwnguinrather than distorting a field of falling particles23:02
pwnguinit slowly forms a narrow stream23:02
lcukit does now, or you would want it to?23:02
Arkenoi4 destkops is not enough :-( i'd prefer more to slide up and down23:02
pwnguinthats what it does now23:02
lcukthats befcause of the wrap, you are right23:03
RevdKathyOoh! All sorts of things in extras-testing... MUST RESIST!23:03
pwnguinlcuk: if you treated the top as a particle source and the bottom as a particle sink23:03
lcukthe very first version i had, once a particle goes off screen, i had it  teleporting and regenerating in a random place23:03
solpeteRevdKathy where can I view extras content online?23:03
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lcukpwnguin, but then where would the flow go23:03
Gadgetoid_iMacliqtorch is so awesome23:03
lcuki know what you are saying23:03
lcukperpendicular forces#23:04
pwnguinlcuk: it'd still flow, right?23:04
lcukit would push away in a group23:04
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pwnguinor rather, it would cause a distortion field23:04
lcukits reasonably easy to test23:04
RevdKathysolpete: standard extras are here:
pwnguinever seen that old warp screensaver?23:04
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lcukyeah but im wondering how it would help23:04
lcukwith perception it would be crapo23:04
lcukcos you would draw23:04
lcukand it wouldnt do what you expect23:04
pwnguini guess we're just after different things23:05
lcukit would be counter inuitive for live motion23:05
RevdKathyDamn you lcuk! Now I shal never get any work donw!23:05
lcuk:) RevdKathy23:05
rangeGadgetoid_iMac: Yeah, but I'd like to have a button for the LED Flash.23:05
lcukhow do you think i feel!23:05
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lcukif you have liqflow source, you can alter it simply23:06
solpeteRevdKathy cant fint it23:06
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RevdKathylcuk - it's like playing with fairy lights!23:06
pwnguinlcuk: true.23:06
lcukif you grab it, ill show you how to rotate the force by 90degrees23:06
woglindehe lcuk23:06
pwnguinim not sure what the 90 degree thing would do23:07
lcuk"use the force"23:07
lcukwell it would23:07
woglindesome sdk+ developer here?23:07
lcukcos for stuff on one side of the line it would push23:07
Gadgetoid_iMacrange: agreed!23:07
lcukand for stuff on the other it would pull23:07
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rangeGadgetoid_iMac: And then complain that battery life sucks :)23:07
lcukwhich is exactly what you said23:07
lcukand can be done by changing 2 variables23:07
Gadgetoid_iMacrange: I don't think I'd use it THAT often23:07
lcukbutton for LED flash *has* to go inside the camera app23:08
lcuki want led when im using camera23:08
lcukand if it happens to be useful anywhere else23:08
lcukyou still need to open lens23:08
lcukwhich opens camera23:08
lcukwhich has torch icon23:08
lcuknothing else will do for me, sorry23:08
Gadgetoid_iMackinda makes sense lcuk, having a separate app just to light the camera LEDs up is a bit... overkill23:08
lcukespecially when ALL the code is in the camera itself already23:09
lcukand the camera app has to run at that time23:09
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plr_is it possible to paste into xterm in n900?23:10
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pwnguini wonder though, if you can drive the LED from safe torch to flash23:10
rangeWell. Brainstorm!!!!23:10
Stskeepspwnguin: if you hack the kernel you can probably overload it23:10
Stskeepsi found the place somewhere23:10
pwnguinor if flash is expecting a on / off cycle23:10
rangeplr_: Yes. If you have something in the buffer, you can paste it via the bar at the top of xterm.23:11
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woglinderange I wondered if there is some shortcuts23:11
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lcukif you are testing it, please verify that it operates :)23:12
lcukhey javispedro23:12
woglindere javis23:12
javispedrohiyo lcuk23:12
javispedrohi woglinde23:12
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RevdKathyI will test it tonight and vote properly tomorrow :)23:12
rangewoglinde: ctrl-v/-c doesn't work, it seems.23:12
woglinderange jupp23:12
woglindesame as in diablo23:12
lcukroger \o23:12
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rangewoglinde: No idea. I only had an n800 which had no real ctrl-c/-v :)23:13
javispedrolcuk: now I have to agree with you, the n900 is too fast :)23:13
plr_range: true, thanks. I thought I had, but apparently did not23:13
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lcukwoglinde, are you called roger?23:13
lcukjavispedro, :)23:13
javispedroplease slow it down! :)23:13
* javispedro plans to underclock 23:13
RevdKathylcuk: though I seem to run out of lights. They all run away from me after a few minutes23:13
javispedrolets see if that improves battery life, I guess not though.23:13
lcukthey vanish down a blackhole/sink23:14
lcukclear them23:14
lcukusing the little button in the bottom corner23:14
Gadgetoid_iMacI intensely dislike IE623:14
RevdKathylcuk the little button restarts it23:14
lcukit dislikesyou too23:14
javispedroyou're running ie6 on a imac?23:14
javispedrothat's evil.23:14
lcukahhh you want to clea just the particles, but not the lines23:14
Gadgetoid_iMacNah javispedro, I'm remote desktopping into my PC, which is running it in VirtualPC23:14
* lcuk will make sure thats in the ui23:14
lcukon the next one23:14
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woglindejavispedro hm I thought last oe version on mac was 523:15
lcukwe were discussing it at the weekend23:15
woglindeargs ie23:15
RevdKathylcuk - no I just pressed the other corner and it all cleared! but I don't see a button there23:15
Gadgetoid_iMacMy Mac would explode into flames if I tried to run IE on it23:15
lcukand i have layouts and notes about the required preferences, or some of them23:15
lcuki could do with continuing the discussion23:15
lcukahhhh RevdKathy then its a bug23:15
Gadgetoid_iMacRunning it on a computer that's safely tucked away upstairs on the other side of the house seems like an appropriate precaution23:15
lcukdo not vote it up :)23:15
lcuki will cure23:15
javispedrohm.. my n900 is doing weird things right now23:15
javispedrothe icd2 icon is blinking but it's definitely connected and apps know it23:16
* pwnguin looks up the name of that DS homebrew particle system23:16
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RevdKathylcuk: I see the little green 'back' arrow, but no button in the bottom right. Pressing there works to reset - but I don't actually see what I'm pressing23:16
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lcukRevdKathy, then the graphic for the button is missing, its a bug23:16
lcuktheres meant to be one23:17
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lcukpwnguin, cool23:17
lcukmore toys23:17
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RevdKathylcuk! aha! no, no icon23:17
RevdKathyit's like dancing in a snowstorm in the warm23:17
javispedro"The door resists! The door resists! The door opens". Do people really play this?23:18
lcuki gather that wouldnt have much of an effect for you!23:18
lcukyou could stand in the rain and not get wet23:18
pwnguinjavispedro: kick the door down!23:19
SpeedEviljavispedro: I personally prefer the ascii port23:19
RevdKathylcuk: me? Why? I get cold and wet. But I love your snowstorm23:19
SpeedEvilerr - version23:19
valdynjavispedro: look up nethack at wikipedia23:19
SpeedEviltelnet nethack.alt.org23:19
lcukRevdKathy, i just like to clear it and twist and tilt the device, i think it looks like rain23:19
SpeedEvilthere are a dozen ormore games in progress at most times23:19
SpeedEvilthat you can watch23:19
lcukat the maemo weekend they worked through graphical nethack i think23:19
woglindeqt gles nethack?23:20
SpeedEvil42 even23:20
javispedro.. vulture's eye.23:20
lcukwith accelerometer controls23:20
xorAxAxi am running the sdk and the app man is neither showing icons nor descriptions, how can i fix that?23:20
lcuk"app man"23:20
SpeedEviljavispedro: I find the interface confuses the underlying game mechanics.23:20
xorAxAxapp manager23:21
SpeedEviljavispedro: but then again - some want gooey.23:21
RevdKathylcuk: I could see this being very big in therapy23:21
lcukRevdKathy, its very theraputic to me already23:21
lcukthat video i posted up there23:21
lcukwas done about 10 minutes after i made it23:21
lcukive wanted to do it for years23:21
RevdKathylcuk - yes, but for people with learning difficuties, depression, anxiety23:22
lcukand knew how it could work (it uses the same stars engine from original liqbase)23:22
lcuki can bet i have all 3 of those at different times ;)23:22
RevdKathyLOL me too23:22
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RevdKathyI could sell this tomorrow to these people:
lcukyeah you said23:23
lcuktheres some polishing work going on in the next few weeks23:23
RevdKathyor whole walls of it in rompa rooms23:23
javispedroSpeedEvil: have to agree, I think the interface is kind of hiding which kind of game is this one23:23
lcukbut i need to get together again with some of the folks from maemo-ui to make sure we get everything right23:24
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lcukbut then there will be a really slick nicely tuned app23:24
SpeedEviljavispedro: telnet and watch some games. It's an insanely involved game IMO. I still come back to it after >20 years.23:24
RevdKathycompared with your vid, I a only seeing the one icon23:24
RevdKathyIt will be beautiful.23:25
* lcuk nods23:25
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Arkenoiseems that rss reader has no fullscreen mode on n900?23:25
lcukthe same technology is being built into sheepdog23:25
pwnguinsadly, no source23:25
RevdKathyIt's alread beautiful, but you need the UI stuff like the load screen: the actual app is gorgeous23:25
RevdKathyGreat! Woof!23:25
* lcuk nods 23:26 is so slow23:26
lcukim not gonna do the graphics or anything lol23:26
woglindexorAxAx yo23:26
lcukbut ill make sure the app can be built on23:26
RevdKathyI wondered about creating one of those games where you have to get a bal-bearing up a spiral mountain23:26
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lcuki was just thinking of starting with the box holes version23:26
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RevdKathyI was wondering whether Samantha could draw us some sheep23:26
lcukif they want big heavy 3d ones it will need the big heavy 3d engine23:27
RevdKathydo you think she would23:27
lcuksomeone would23:27
lcuktheres lots of interest already23:27
RevdKathyI think it only needs little cute sheep (or Qt sheep)23:27
lcuki might even make a specific liqbase sketch app23:27
lcuk"draw us a sheep"23:27
RevdKathyable to lower their heads to eat and lift their tails to poop23:27
lcukand let em be uploaded23:27
lcukask in the chan for sheep graphics23:28
lcuksee what people send you23:28
lcukideas for in game graphics23:28
RevdKathyhow would I do that?23:28
lcukget em to hand draw em/ made em themselves23:28
fnordianslipeach sheep should be unique and have a name23:28
woglindeblog post23:28
lcuk"hi, to take this further, draw us some sheepy graphics"23:28
RevdKathyMy nephew draws sheep23:28
lcuk"titles in game graphics etc"23:28
lcukyeah why not23:29
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lcukthen there will be a load of different alternative graphics for use in whichever sheepy games we have23:29
RevdKathyfnordianship - working towards a really advanced version where the sheep have ear-tags and you have to get each sheep in the right pen23:29
zshow can I download all examples from in one go?23:29
pwnguinjust take a picture of sheep and magic wand it ;)23:29
lcukthe paths that people try to make the sheep may allow multiple games to be made23:29
lcukyeah pwnguin if you want23:29
* fnordianslip wants a sheepipede23:29
RevdKathyOk.. I'll post in general!23:29
lcukjust let people be creative23:29
clmntchdo they sell dvi switch boxes?23:30
lcukjust extend the same thread or something23:30
RevdKathyI was also wondering about going to a sheep farm with a sound recorder...23:30
lcukits no hassle23:30
lcukand easy to do23:30
RevdKathyfor some baaas23:30
clmntchwhoops wrong channel23:30
lcukgo with graphics, people like to be creative23:30
RevdKathyneeds a bit of background baaing23:30
lcukask for any sort of things which might be usable in a sheep related game23:30
RevdKathyok, I will :)23:30
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lcukthey will end up with a style that works and suits23:31
RevdKathyI'll post in general in case people (like me) don' venture into games very often23:31
SpeedEvillcuk: just add sheep to bounce23:31
lcukand some one else might even make a game engine for em to use em23:31
lcukeveryone wins23:31
RevdKathysounds good!23:31
lcukyeah SpeedEvil23:31
RevdKathyok, I'll do that in the morning23:31
SpeedEvillcuk: imagine smacking them through the air, and them splashing in the water!23:31
SpeedEvilWith cool ripple effects!23:31
lcukSpeedEvil, you start making the game then23:31
RevdKathymeawhile, I'm going to take those snoflakes to bed: got a day learning to get out of strangleholds tomorrow23:31
lcukyou will have some graphics tomorrow night23:31
RevdKathygreat! thanks for the help23:32
lcukno prob kathy :) sleep well23:32
RevdKathyGoodnight all!23:32
RevdKathyI will :)23:32
RevdKathyand dream of sheep and snowflakes23:32
fnordianslipcould call it "ruminat rescue" or similar23:32
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fnordianslipruminant even23:32
lcukcounting sheep screen saver bedtime app!23:32
jkimball4flac works23:32
pwnguinlcuk: ive got it. you make a calendar drawing app23:33
SpeedEvillcuk: be careful123:33
pwnguinevery day is a new subject to draw23:33
lcukpwnguin, what do you think i do with it already23:33
lcukbefore i wrote the calendar i wrote an app to draw fonts on23:33
lcuki drew a different thing in each box23:33
lcuknow i have the calendar itself23:33
lcukbut like i said to quim, the idea works for anything23:34
pwnguini was just thinking if you want people to participate23:34
lcuki know EXACTLY what you are thinking23:35
pwnguinin a group drawing challenge, maybe they don't have to nessecarily draw know they're contributing to an archive. or maybe this is what you have in mind and i should stop wasting time23:35
lcukive already spoken with people about it23:35
lcukits part of the collaborative orchestra application im working on23:35
Proteousw there are men on it... top men23:35
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ProteousI said Top Men23:35
lcukwoglinde, :)23:36
pwnguini remember brain age had a daily "draw x" task23:36
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pwnguinor weekly, semi-random. i cant remember. i guess that means fbrain age failed23:37
lcukhahahahahahaha SpeedEvil23:37
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fnordianslipsheep cakes:
lcuki posted xkcd today in a very serious channel23:38
_claesbasis there a bluemaemo for maemo5 for testing yet?23:38
lcukmaybe its in testing23:38
lcukVDVsx, wake up23:38
_claesbasI've poked him already23:38
lcuko_O i dont wanna know what you did lol23:38
VDVsx_claesbas, and I answered23:38
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_claesbassorry, I saw that now.. thank you23:39
VDVsx_claesbas, is alpha sw so don't expect that much..23:39
Ceron^i love the sound quality of my n900 + bose headset23:39
_claesbasOk, I see.. I am actually helping a friend here23:40
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_claesbasI have no n900 yet but a friend does23:40
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lcukcan somebody write me a tiny .sh script which takes as a parameter a thread index and a picture file.  i will write a quick sketch app which will let you submit a sketch as a photo to an ongoing tmo thread23:40
_claesbasand he asked for a bluetooth keuboard/mouse solution23:40
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_claesbasVDVsx, ok, then I know.. are you working on it atm?23:41
woglindelcuk .sh and threads?23:41
VDVsx_claesbas, that's a remote controller app only23:41 script file23:41
VDVsx_claesbas, not too much23:41 thread23:41
lcukusing wget23:41
lcukor something23:42
lcuki could do it with the internal www library23:42
lcukbut this will be quicker to get moving23:42
lcuki can let kathy have her sheep drawing app by the morning23:42
lcukso when she opens the thread she can give people a drawing tool to send them to23:42
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woglindelcuk I am tired23:42
woglindework was hard today23:42
xorAxAxis it possible to disable the "not supported by nokia" warning in the app manager?23:42
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lcukwas hard for me too!23:42
lcuki had to rebuild scratchbox :S23:43
pwnguinlcuk: the problem with automated posting is that you'd need to authenticate23:43
woglindewhy you are building scratchbox23:43
mikhasxorAxAx, you want to replace it with a "not supported by the developer" warning instead?23:43
woglindeinstead of installing it23:43
pwnguinlcuk: maybe instead, just launch a url in the browser?23:43
lcukpwnguin, cookie gets logged in by user23:43
woglindelcuk make cmake working in sdk+23:43
Macerwhat is the point of a 400MB losless release of an album? :)23:43
xorAxAxmikhas: heh, no, i want to skip it23:43
lcukpwnguin, it needs uploading23:43
Macerwhy not just release the CD? haha23:43
lcuki do it now to liqbase.net23:43
lcukbut from inside the app23:43
lcuktheres gotta be a way to automatically post to talk.maemo.org23:44
lcukfrom code23:44
pwnguinsure, if you steal cookies23:44
lcukthen steal em23:44
pwnguinor embed passwords23:44
lcukthats doable23:44
lcukill ask for the username and password23:44
lcuki do it now for liqbase23:44
pwnguinthat maybe not so bright23:44
lcukok, ill pass those as params23:44
pwnguineven worse23:44
lcukmeh i actually store the base64 away for liqbase23:45
lcukerrr not base6423:45
pwnguinon the other hand23:45
pwnguinhow does the flickr / facebook / etc work?23:45
lcuksame way to some degree23:45
pwnguini think flickr has some keypair tool23:46
lcuktell me what i need to pass you to a .sh script and ill make sure its available23:46
lcuki just wanna post pictures to tmo23:46
lcukso kathy can get her sheep23:46
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lcuki could use the irc app im building23:46
lcukbut that wont be ready by the morning23:46
lcukthis can be23:46
lcukand in extras-devel23:46
lcuksimple logistics23:46
pwnguinhacky way would be to take username, password, thread and filename23:46
Sir_Lancelothi guys23:47
lcukfilename is autogenerated23:47
lcukcos they will draw23:47
lcukand when submit23:47
lcukit makes file23:47
lcukso, great23:47
lcukdo it hacky23:47
Sir_Lancelotdoes it exist a Facebook app for the N900?23:47
pwnguinthen you'd issue a login request via wget, then a post request via wget23:47
lcuki wouldnt23:47
lcukyou would :P ill get writing the app23:47
pwnguinthe script would23:47
lcukwhats your name23:48
lcukill make sure its on the front23:48
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pwnguinactually im at work, and you're distracting me :P23:48
pwnguinits possible, get someone else do do the hack ;)23:48
lcukdistracting myself too23:48
lcuki should be resting23:48
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lcuki wonder if thread by title would be possible23:49
lcukinclude a list of subjects to draw23:49
lcukand let people just choose the ones they wannt play in23:50
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jkimball4who was talking about the return key not working right on irssi?23:51
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Sir_Lancelotis there a keyboard shotcut to acess the program menu?23:53
GeneralAntillesThen tap the icon in the upper left.23:55
mikhaslol, not really a keyboard shortcut then =p23:55
GeneralAntillesmikhas, it's a bit like your shortcut on the metro. :P23:56
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GeneralAntilleslbt, ping?23:57
GeneralAntillesmikhas, have you installed camkeyd?23:58
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lbtpong GeneralAntilles23:58
GeneralAntilleslbt, Maemo 6 ToC.23:58
mikhashave I what? probably not!23:58
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GeneralAntillesmikhas, it's in Extras-devel or Extras-testing.23:59
GeneralAntillesIt binds the autofocus step on the camera key to ctrl-backspace.23:59
woglindejo lardman23:59
lbtyup - it's what we whiteboarded23:59
lardmanhi woglinde23:59
lardman~lart building for i38623:59
* infobot breaks out the Hoover and sucks up building for i38623:59

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