IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2009-12-11

GeneralAntilleslbt, just making sure you know the thread exists for when discussion breaks out. ;)00:00
lbtheh - I only wrote that this pm :)00:00
mikhashm, nice idea. maybe I could learn sth from the code00:00
Ceron^ > n900 at class00:01
woglindelardman hehe00:02
woglinde~lart broken cmake support in sdk+00:02
* infobot urinates on broken cmake support in sdk+00:02
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saahlehi want a browser that doesnt crash! And how to get the pipe-symbol in console?00:03
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Scummerwhere can i find the trunk for libmodest-dbus-client ?00:03
mikhassaahleh, via sym table00:03
saahlehsym table?00:04
lbtGeneralAntilles: mutter tmo  mutter  maemo-developer ml00:04
mikhassymbol table00:05
Scummersaahleh : fn + sym00:05
GeneralAntilleslbt, indeed.00:05
mikhasthe most top left key00:05
mikhas+ fn, yes00:05
lardmanlbt: ml snr going down/00:05
mikhaswhich is situated right below00:05
saahleha, thanks | :)00:06
* lardman prays that he's not missed another bloody vfp command this time00:06
mikhasnow that you found the symbol table: the 3rd row (from top) are compose keys00:06
SpeedEvillardman: what about adding LED support for barcodes00:06
mikhasI only mention it in case it is too obvious to you =)00:06
SpeedEvillardman: turning on the LED in torch mode would be handy for some scanning00:07
lardmanSpeedEvil: sure, do we know how?00:07
SpeedEvillardman: it's a v4l2 ioctl00:07
SpeedEvila control of the main camera00:08
SpeedEvilplus - it would double as a flashlight00:08
mikhas <= no "maemo6 by example" section?00:08
lardmanI'll look in the camerabin source, might already be available as a gst-photography fn00:08
lardmanbut yeah, sounds reasonable00:08
lardmanthanks for the linky00:08
luke-jr_mikhas: seeing as Maemo6 doesn't exist yet..00:08
SpeedEvillardman: if it can do arbitrary v4l2 controls - like 'pan' and stuff - then it should be easy00:08
Arkenoiis there a torch application already?00:08
mikhasit's a dev guide OK, but I always want to see some results quickly before I go reading sth in length.00:08
SpeedEvilArkenoi: not that runs the LEDs00:09
SpeedEvilArkenoi: one that brightens the screen onl00:09
Dr_Cainis there any way to turn off noticiations for certain skype chats perhaps?00:09
lbtlardman: yeah - I'd rather discuss this kind of thing on the ml -- when quim does this the "tmo is replacing the ml" becomes a bit self fulfilling - he's capable of *huge* influence on how/where people engage :)00:09
cehtehthe led chip has 3 steps btw00:09
lardmanlbt: ack00:09
cehtehlow light, torch, and flash00:09
SpeedEvilcehteh: it has lots mroe than 300:09
SpeedEvilcehteh: the low light is a seperate LED - if you mean the red one00:10
lardmanlbt: I have to say brainstorm has passed me by as a useful tool00:10
cehtehSpeedEvil: sure? i read the specs recently00:10
cehtehfor the flashlight leds00:10
derflardman: You're reducing the resolution of the camera image in mbarcode, right?00:10
SpeedEvilcehteh: the flashlight LEDs are the flash LEDs - same ones. just at a lower current. Spent last night reading driver00:10
SpeedEvilcehteh: 5000:10
lardmanderf: yeah00:11
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derfHave you thought about reading the full resolution image and then just cropping it?00:11
cehteh10mA for a dim light,  50mA for the torch mode and 320 mA for flash00:11
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derfI find myself pushing the device right up to whatever I want to scan, where it focuses badly.00:11
SpeedEvilcehteh: As I read it it's variable - but, a bit annoying.00:11
lardmanderf: yes I was thinking about that, might make focusing work better00:11
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derflardman: Yes, exactly.00:12
SpeedEvilfull res image has its own problems - rate will be _lots_ lower00:12
lardmanderf: the reason I didn't was that the gst element to do cropping was missing00:12
Sir_Lancelotwhere can I find a list of all existing keyboard shortcuts for N900? :)00:12
cehtehSpeedEvil: i read the controlers specs which has 2 bit for controling it off + 3 modes00:12
Gadgetoid_iMacCamera is already agonizingly slow00:12
lardmanand I simultaneously worked out how to focus, so thought I'd give it a go00:12
lardmanderf: is an easy tweak to the code though00:12
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SpeedEvilcehteh: I've downloaded, but not read the ds, thought it was linear - guess I'm conflating it with the focus00:12
jebbaif the build box is using qemu, is it at least using virtio?   speeds up things significantly.00:12
SpeedEvilcehteh: whihc is linear00:13
cehtehyeah likely00:13
luke-jr_jebba: qemu is not KVM00:13
cehtehwell i wont experiment with the flash leds too much .. you can easily destroy them, even when they are protected, i dont trust the protection too much ... overcurrent/heat kills high power leds00:14
pupnikSir_Lancelot: talk.maemo.org00:14
jebbaqemu-kvm   ...00:14
SpeedEvilcehteh: read the driver00:15
jebbaah, unless it's just doing qemu as ARM00:15
SpeedEvilcehteh: says 350ma*500ms max, or 50mA cont00:15
pupnikhow close can you focus with n900 macro?  i seem to get up to about 14 cm, then blur00:15
pupnikor maybe 1800:15
lardman sums up my opinion00:15
jebbabut if it was just running qemu to virtualize things, well, i'd hope it was kvm not plain qemu ;)00:15
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luke-jr_jebba: if it was just needing virtualization, it should use OpenVZ, not KVM nor qemu00:15
cehtehSpeedEvil: i didnt looked at the driver .. i looked at the specs of the contolling chip, maybe the driver doesnt export all00:16
SpeedEvilcehteh: notes in driver platform file about maxes.00:16
cehtehand 500ms are a long time, be careful00:16
jebbaluke-jr_: well, it is running qemu from what I was told, but I dont have acces, so i dont know for sure. EIther way, it should use virtio...00:16
SpeedEvilcehteh: it's enforced in the driver IIRC00:16
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cehtehthe chip as also some protection iirc00:16
SpeedEvilcehteh: though you can still flash multiple times - but you can do that with the normal app too00:16
SpeedEvilcehteh: only for overheat of the chip00:17
lardmanderf: there's a GDK fn to convert from RGB to greyscale isn't there iirc?00:17
luke-jr_jebba: virtio doesn't sound like something that would benefit an emulator00:17
SpeedEvilcehteh: it has no seperate LED overheat detect00:17
luke-jr_jebba: and virtio would just be crazy for OpenVZ00:17
luke-jr_OpenVZ isn't a hypervisor, it's faster00:17
cehtehwell overheat of the chip is linear to led overheat since the current goes through both :P (not exactly, thats why i warned not to stess it)00:18
SpeedEvilcehteh: not really00:18
jebbaof course it would benefit an emulator. Faster disk & net.  gah, why am i having this conversation done.00:18
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cehtehi prolly has also a timer/watchdog .. cant remember00:18
pupnikhah t.m.o thread with 3,653 replies "Mobile Phones Direct N900 Customers"00:19
cehtehanyways .. this leds are easy to fry if you abuse them00:19
SpeedEvilcehteh: consider it like your car. you have engine and brakes, the power goes through both if you press them both together - but the engine won't fry00:19
pupnikLEDs should be current-limited00:19
SpeedEvilpupnik: they are.00:19
pupnikdriven by current-limited circuits00:19
SpeedEvilpupnik: to a rate at which it will exceed specs if they are on over .5s00:19
pupnikyou can also get by with properly chosen resistors00:19
SpeedEvilpupnik: as they are flash LEDs fundamentally00:19
SpeedEvilpupnik: (well - in flash mode)00:20
lardmanare they not heat limited ultimately?00:20
SpeedEvillardman: maybe, there can be other failure mechanisms.00:20
cehtehread the datasheet00:20
SpeedEvillardman: but heat is a primary one.00:20
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lardmancertainly the ones I use have a heat tolerance and draw as much current as they need00:20
SpeedEvillardman: however - the driver says that flashlight mode is OK - it's 1/7th the power.00:21
lardmankeep below ~120C, etc00:21
pupnikodd topic00:21
SpeedEvillardman: diodes are a fundamentally constant voltage device. They take as much current as you give them.00:21
lardmanso you have to current limit them?00:22
xorAxAxdoes the n900 have a sip client?00:22
SpeedEvillardman: yes.00:22
lardmanhmm, interesting00:22
cehtehyou must control the current, not the voltage00:22
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SpeedEvillardman: in all but the situations where you've read the datasheets extremely carefully, and done all the sums to ensure that it's safe.00:22
SpeedEvil(or if you don't care if it dies in a few mins)00:23
cehtehthe chip can do up to 820ms flashes ...00:23
cehtehmhm better dont try :)00:23
SpeedEvilIIRC a limit at 500 in the driver00:23
Scummerfinally.. modest is compiling..00:23
SpeedEvilbut there is a sepearte torch mode that is quite bright enough00:24
cehteheven 500ms are a long time to build up heat on such small things00:24
Scummerwhat a pain in the nuts00:24
SpeedEvilEspecially for short range flash/constant flashlight00:24
lardmananyone else, is there an e.g. GDK fn to turn an RGB pixbuf into a greyscale one?00:24
cehtehSpeedEvil: you read the datasheet now .. then you discover the 3rd dimmed mode00:24
SpeedEvilcehteh: I don't recall it being implemented in the driver.00:24
SpeedEvilcehteh: but I could have skimmed over it00:25
cehtehpage 1400:25
cehtehyeah maybe the driver can be hacked a bit :)00:25
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cehtehtoo bad that it cant be pwm controlled00:26
SpeedEvilyou can't pwm with a rolling shutter camera, for obvious reasons00:27
Scummera dark pic or two.. no one would notice :)00:28
* VDVsx installs 12 offscr's apps in his N900 and fells again like a iPhone user :)00:28
pupnikwhat is this LED discussion for?00:28
nomislardman: I am unaware of such a function.00:28
SpeedEvildark lines in the pics actually00:28
lcuklardman, you can do it as part of the gstreamer00:28
SpeedEvilpupnik: there are two flash LEDs in the n900. These can also be used for flashlights.00:28
lcukbut im not sure about a specific method00:28
lcukthere probably is one tho00:28
SpeedEvilpupnik: Though at lower brightness00:28
Sir_LancelotVDVsx : whioch apps?00:29
VDVsxSir_Lancelot, games and weird stuff,lol00:29
jebbaSpeedEvil: the LCD at full brightness white screen makes better flashlite tho for sure00:29
lardmanlcuk: not in gst atm, reading from file00:29
lardmanwill just do it manually00:29
SpeedEviljebba: it's perhaps 1/50th of the brightness at best00:29
* lcuk nods00:29
nomislardman: you can iterate over the pixbuf data manually. It is a bit tedious, but possible.00:29
lardmanhow's things lcuk ?00:29
jebbaSpeedEvil: the LCD?00:30
lardmannomis: yep, just writing the code now00:30
SpeedEviljebba: yes00:30
GeneralAntillesjebba, the LEDs are way brighter than the LCD backlight. :)00:30
jebbahuh. How can you just turn on the LEDs?00:30
SpeedEviljebba: part of that is as the light is not as focussed.00:30
VDVsxSir_Lancelot, current list:
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SpeedEviljebba: you open the camera file descriptor and send a ioctl(V4L2_TORCH_ON)00:31
jebbaah ay00:31
SpeedEvilor something ismilar00:31
cehtehn900 .. the most expensive torch to date :P00:31
jebbaSpeedEvil: any dbus majick for something like that?00:31
Sir_LancelotVDVsx : in 100000 light years from you00:31
Sir_Lancelotit's all foregien language to me00:31
SpeedEviljebba: well, there may be a dbus thingy for it - there is no need though. mplayer could do it if it could control arbitrary v4l2 controls - but it can't00:31
nomislardman: ooh: gdk_pixbuf_saturate_and_pixelate()00:32
Sir_Lancelotwhich is the repo list for all those apps?00:32
jayabharathDoes anyone know which accelerometor sensor chip is used on the N900 and is it interfaced through I2C with the OMAP?00:32
VDVsxSir_Lancelot, blame the guys that did the descriptions00:32
lcukVDVsx, cool! they working then now? i was wondering why we werent getting ported s60 stuff00:32
VDVsxSir_Lancelot, ovi store00:32
SpeedEviljayabharath: it's the lis402 IIRC - and yes00:32
SpeedEviljayabharath: lis302 even00:33
SpeedEviljayabharath: why?00:33
lardmannomis: couldn't work out if that would do quite what I wanted though00:33
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lardmannomis: and I still need to reduce the data to a single char per pixel, so may as well do the conversion myself I think00:33
nomislardman: I think it should do something resembling the right thing with saturation = 0 and pixelate = False.00:33
lcuklardman, im tired! but i had a great time with the ux people last week00:33
timelessfor people curious about the flagship store00:33
nomislardman: ah, ok.00:33
timelessthe state remains unchanged00:33
jayabharathSpeedevil: thanks for the infor... I was looking for the sensor driver...on linux-omap tree do you if src patches are upstreamed ?00:34
lardmannomis: yeah, having troubles with buffer sizes expected by decoder threads, etc., easier to just give them what they expect than change everything00:34
lardmanlcuk: cool :)00:34
SpeedEviljayabharath: dunno00:34
lcukyou wouldv found your level there simon, there were people form all areas00:34
lcukwas great00:34
jayabharathSpeedEvil: No problem .. I will look around. Thanks much for the link to the datasheet00:35
nomislardman: as an offtopic question: have you ever seen RDS output on the N900?00:35
lardmanlcuk: had work commitments, plus wasn't feeling too hot00:35
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SpeedEviljayabharath: see
lcukyou oculd walk through a room and go from detailed technical discussion through design and niceties and meander past documentation through coffee and bacon and back to general stuff00:35
lardmannomis: reception? No, not tried either though00:35
pupnikis Ovi store barrier to entry for developers much higher than Palm or Apple store?00:35
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jayabharathSpeedEvil: ok..00:36
GeneralAntillespupnik, yes.00:36
lardmanlcuk: mmmm, coffee + bacon, perfect!00:36
javispedroit's bigger than Apple's, dunno about Palm.00:36
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jebbalcuk: i was checking out your liq* programs today, they're rad thx  :)00:37
nomislardman: yeah, reception. The chip apparently can handle it, there is some linux driver code for that, but I am unsure if this is actually on the device.00:37
nomisat least /dev/radio1 does not spit out RDS raw data in the v4l format.00:38
lcuk    \m/    -_-    \m/00:38
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Mouseyawesome ar00:38
VDVsxlcuk, I want liqSeismometer, so funny :P00:39
lcuknomis, it spits out NOKIA! to the radio itself00:39
lardmannomis: not tried yet, sorry00:39
cehtehSpeedEvil: V4L2_CID_INDICATOR_INTENSITY  ... the dim mode is supported in the driver00:39
lardmannomis: I'd certainly like to - both for radio station names and also traffic info ;)00:39
lcukVDVsx, at the summit i was talking to mmmmm someone00:39
lcuki forget his name00:39
lcuktho i wrote the app with it in00:39
lcukanyway i wrote a graphing thingy for the accelerometer00:40
lcukjust to see if it worked, its good fun :)00:40
* lcuk will remember hte name soon00:40
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nomislcuk: oh, the transmitter? That is cool.00:40
SpeedEvil18mG resolution = sucky seismometer00:40
lcukwill detect a kick in the teeth00:40
lcukover the internet no less00:41
lcukits good enough that if you have 3 devies on a desk00:41
lcukand 5 people around00:41
lardmanSpeedEvil: plus you need to bury it to get a signal ;)00:41
lcukyou could detect where they were sat00:41
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lcukbanding the table in front of em00:41
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lardmannot from their heart-beats?00:41
SpeedEvillcuk: yes - banging is a somewhat different case00:41
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SpeedEvillcuk: as you're acting like a microphone sortof00:41
SpeedEvillcuk: the actual accelleration in that case can be quite high00:42
lcukinput mechanism lol00:42
lcuksomeone said today in #maemo-ux  if i double tap to zoom in00:42
Scummerthe SDK doesn't have the included ?00:42
lcukhow do you zoom out00:42
lcukit owuld be cool to tap on the back of the device ;)00:42
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Scummerman oh man... the learning curve for maemo development is steep00:43
lcukanyway,time for me to vanish,this code wont write itself00:43
lcuk:) indeed Scummer00:43
lbtGAN900: short reply...00:44
lardmanScummer: try Symbian one day ;)00:44
lardmanok, school boy question, if I'm doing some manipulations on some chars, what type (or register) will be used to hold the intermediate values?00:45
lardmanas I need more than 8bit res for the intermediate data00:45
Scummerthe tells me to use to test out my app.. but it's not there :?00:45
derfIn C, any arithmetic promotes things to int.00:45
GeneralAntillesScummer, install nokia-apps.00:45
lardmancool, thanks chaps00:45
ScummerGA: thanks.. will try00:46
derfIt's one of the reasons C will never have good vectorizing compilers.00:46
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lcukholy crap! dev env in scratchbox takes about 400mb00:47
lardmanyes, I can see it will be problematic00:47
ali1234lcuk: mine is at about 1.2 gb00:47
lcukali1234, i just did an apt upgrade tho00:47
lcukits evil i tell you00:47
derf400 MB is chump change.00:47
lardmanare these operations promoted to int, or to native register size?00:47
lcukon normal n900 i do 2 apt-get lines and its compilable!00:47
woglindelcuk but tage ages00:48
lardmanjust out of interest00:48
derflardman: int _is_ the native register size.00:48
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ali1234arm toochain is 250mb00:48
derfThat's what "int" means.00:48
lcukwoglinde, no00:48
lardmanok, so that's the reasoning00:48
lcuki could be finished now00:48
lcukthe code is 4 dialogs00:48
lcukits tiny00:48
lardmanwell not on a 64bit chip running a 32bit os?00:48
lcuklinked with 1 library00:48
ali1234at least the ful CS toolchain is00:48
lcukits not "heavy" in any sense00:48
lcukbut gives liq* apps easily00:48
derflardman: Those have 32-bit registers.00:48
javispedroon windows amd64 int is 32 bit (lp model)00:49
lardmanah yes, they are shortened or combined00:49
lcukwoglinde, its how programming used to be :) simple00:49
derfjavispedro: No.00:49
derfwin64 is just p model.00:49
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lcukbut then theres this whole "packaging" debacle ontop00:49
derflong is also 32-bit.00:49
derfBecause they are fucking insane.00:49
javispedroderf: touché.00:49
jaskabackwards compatibility kludges :)00:49
jaskal != p might be a bit weird tho00:50
pupnikahh finally my sim card is active.  agps is awesome!00:50
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derfjaska: Indeed, it breaks lots of software.00:50
lardmanchar = short = int = 16bits on TMS320, so they aren't the only ones with insanity ;)00:50
derflardman: C55x you mean.00:50
derfC64x is also TMS320.00:50
lardmanah yes, sorry00:50
lbtGeneralAntilles: I said GAN900 b4..... I replied to the docs thread...00:50
* timeless_mbp sighs00:51
GeneralAntilleslbt, I highlight on all possible formats on all clients. ;)00:51
timeless_mbpso, sip is kinda buggy00:51
ShadowJKlardman: It's only insane if sizeof(int) is not 1 :)00:51
timeless_mbpi called my parents via sip00:51
timeless_mbpand instead of it showing that i was calling them00:51
timeless_mbpit showed me the sip url to call them00:51
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timeless_mbpbecause i really need to see an incredibly long and useless url00:51
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lbtGeneralAntilles: I still like that your nic is CamelCase :)00:51
lardmanShadowJK: so insanity rules on most platforms then? ;)00:51
ShadowJKlardman: no00:52
GeneralAntilleslbt, meh, how many services do you know that let you use spaces?00:52
lbttimeless_mbp manages fine00:52
lardmansizeof(char)==1 ok00:52
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GeneralAntilleslbt, and how many more do you know that let you use underscores?00:52
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lbttimeless_mbp manages fine00:52
GeneralAntilless/let/don't let/00:52
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: lbt, and how many more do you know that don't let you use underscores?00:52
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: does the n900 have a sip client?00:52
timeless_mbplbt:  ?00:52
bizzlehellok, anyone have an idea why I can run a command that exists in /usr/bin as root on the n900? its intltool-update00:52
GeneralAntillesI use this nick EVERYWHERE.00:52
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: yes00:52
lbt:D timeless_mbp00:53
GeneralAntillesBesides, WTF does my nick have to do with the wiki? :P00:53
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timeless_mbpxorAxAx: it's integrated into the addressbook/phone00:53
lbtthough art a mere example timeless_mbp00:53
GeneralAntilleslbt, the only place I say no CamelCase is there. :)00:53
xorAxAxtimeless_mbp: in the sdk i only see google talk in the accounts setup00:53
ShadowJKlardman: sizeof(char) is always 1, so where int is bigger than char, sizeof(int) should obviously be greater than 100:53
timeless_mbpxorAxAx: oh00:53
* timeless_mbp shrugs00:53
kynkyGeneralAntilles, some ircd have nick length limits (or used too) :)00:53
timeless_mbpsdk is just a demo00:53
* lbt can't be CamelCased00:53
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lardmanShadowJK: yes00:53
* timeless_mbp goes to file bug00:53
lbtit could have palindromic caps though....00:53
GeneralAntilleskynky, indeed. I'm 15 characters now, some limit it there.00:54
lardmanShadowJK: though sizeof(char) = 1 and it being 16bits is rather nasty00:54
timeless_mbpdoes *anyone* else here have a sip account?00:54
lbto/ timeless_mbp00:54
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ShadowJKlardman: yeah but CHAR_BITS or something is 16, right00:55
lbttimeless_mbp: however my N900 won't even *try* and connect to wifi at the moment...00:55
timeless_mbplbt: youch00:55
lbtwindoze time...00:56
jebbatimeless_mbp: i have a SIP acct with ekiga.  And before with a number of other providers (used with asterisk)00:56
lardmanShadowJK: I guess so, the code I was porting didn't bother to check00:56
ShadowJKI,ve seen people complain the n900 sip client has not worked on networks where the n8x0 client works, with identical settings00:56
timeless_mbpjebba: you have an n900, right?00:56
timeless_mbpcan you try calling an american 800 number for me?00:56
lbtmine uses sipgate00:57
ShadowJKlardman: yes, people never write portable code ;)00:57
lbtand asterisk00:57
lardmanShadowJK: so true, or they think they have, but it's not00:57
jebbatimeless_mbp: yes00:57
derfC leaves too much as "implementation defined" for that to be practical.00:57
Scummeryeech.. another 50 bazillion packages to install00:57
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jebbatimeless_mbp: ah, not for regular termination in PSTN.  But I may have some old accts still going somewhere i can dig up.00:58
derfIn reality you write code for some reasonable set of hardware, and figure anyone else can fix it if it ever really becomes an issue.00:58
derfBecause most of the time it'd be wasted effort.00:58
lbtoh, wait, just local asterisk...00:58
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woglinde~seen qwerty00:58
infobotqwerty <n=sw@> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 272d 9h 58m 17s ago, saying: 'i need a good webhosting please'.00:58
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redcan i use the musicplayer in foldermode00:59
rednot a fan of playlist files =)00:59
lardmanso where is qwerty?00:59
lardman~seen qwerty1201:00
infobotqwerty12 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 7d 4h 36m 2s ago, saying: 'Khertan: "As of hildon 2.2, HildonDialog has been deprecated in favor of GtkDialog. "'.01:00
lardmanslightly better01:00
redn900 that is01:00
ArkenoiSeems that Vultures Eye does not run after latest update :-(01:00
VDVsx~seen qwerty12_n90001:00
infobotqwerty12_n900 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 8d 7h 10m 29s ago, saying: 'w00t: If it makes you happy, I have a picture of my N800, N810, and "my" N900 on a desk. Urge to kill rising?'.01:00
woglindehm where he is01:00
javispedroArkenoi: can you run it from terminal?01:00
VDVsxI loose01:00
lardmanah, someone's killed him then01:00
jkimball4would be nice to see maps load a little quicker ..01:01
lardmancrashanddie: .....? ;)01:01
Arkenoican't cd to /opt/vultures01:01
crashanddielardman: ?01:01
Arkenoiit does not exist, indeed01:01
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lardmancrashanddie: just wondering if you'd killed qwerty?01:02
crashanddieI actually have an alibi01:02
crashanddieI'm in the US, and have been for two weeks01:02
lardmanyou know, escaping the country and all01:02
* VDVsx suspects that lcuk did it01:02
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crashanddielardman: and even though I know I'm good, killing someone a few days after his last appearance is pretty hard01:02
lardmana whole 2 weeks! you poor thing01:03
GeneralAntillesStill can't get any packages from Ovi.01:03
crashanddiestill have a week to go01:03
lardmando you want to know what's been happening in the world?01:03
crashanddielardman: nha I'm good, I've got CNN01:03
lardmanthey do world news?01:03
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, apt-get install is your friend01:03
crashanddiewhat world?01:03
lardmanor does that just mean Alabama?01:04
VDVsxjust installed a bunch of apps from there01:04
crashanddielardman: I saw some guy in the Ukraine blew up his face with chewing gum01:04
crashanddielardman: seems like the same old world to me01:04
lardmanyeah, strange01:04
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crashanddiealabama is the capital of Europea, right?01:04
lardmanno that must be Texas, Paris is there01:05
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Scummeralabama.. reminds me of My Cousin Vinny01:05
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Scummergreat flick01:05
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pupniksteve martin is talented.  plays great banjo01:06
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, why can't h-a-m find them?01:06
GeneralAntillesUrgh, it's pulling qt from d.m.n.c01:06
GeneralAntillesThat can't be good.01:06
GeneralAntilles user/hidden01:06
GeneralAntillesCan we stab the Ovi idiots to death yet?01:06
lcukerrr help, any idea why my scratchbox is trying to download i386 versions of stuff whenim selected inarmel mode01:06
lcukor how i can fix it01:06
pupnikGeneralAntilles: what is it now?01:06
pupniknever saw that lcuk01:07
lardmanlcuk: you sure your targets aren't just named something other than what they are?01:07
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, yes please :P01:07
woglindelcuk you are in i386 mode then01:07
lcukhow do i change it01:07
lcuksupposing i had to rebuild a new target01:07
* Arkenoi tries to scan 1d barcode with mbarcode, no luck. is it really that hard so most barcode reader applications are actually limited to qr-codes?01:07
lcuksshhhhh Arkenoi01:08
lardmanArkenoi: sorry, is the barcode online or physical?01:08
GeneralAntillesHrm, somebody want to figure out what h-a-m does with user/hidden ?01:08
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, my list:
crashanddielardman: I think you need to learn to fist pump01:08
crashanddielardman: and hit the club and all yo01:08
lardmanArkenoi: basically derf's QR code works better than the 1D code and far better than the Datamatrix code01:09
lardmancrashanddie: lol01:09
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, I'm tempted to write a pissy email to -developers.01:09
crashanddieGeneralAntilles: don't01:09
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, isn't it amazing that whenever Nokia puts together some shit behind closed doors like this they do it fucking wrong?01:09
pupnikGeneralAntilles: wrong?  are you an IP lawyer now?01:10
GeneralAntillespupnik, er?01:10
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lardmanI've not received any emails, what's up?01:10
crashanddiepupnik: you missed01:10
lcukselect compiler:  cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm701:10
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, true, they don't listen the experts <- us ;)01:10
crashanddielardman: working 6AM - 2AM01:10
GeneralAntillesWhat the hell does improper repository setups and broken control files have to do with IP? :)01:10
lardmancrashanddie: ouch01:10
pupniki missed what your prob was, sry01:10
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lardmanlcuk: yep and the correct rootfs too01:10
lcukdo i need a transparency method ahh where do i get that01:11
crashanddielcuk: makeTransparent()01:11
* GeneralAntilles bangs head on desk.01:11
lardmanshould have been installed with the rest of the debs01:11
GeneralAntillesHey, new section, who would've thunk'it?01:11
lcuklardman i broke it today01:11
GeneralAntillesAlso: turns out I don't care.01:11
lcukand it shouldv rebuilt all this for me01:11
lcuki got the x86 working !01:12
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, try xploder, its a funny game01:12
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GeneralAntillesI wonder how user/hidden handles updates.01:12
GeneralAntillesChrist, why can't we just use h-a-m for browsing the Ovi shit, again? <_<01:13
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, patience please, it's not released yet it seems01:13
VDVsxtech preview, hihi01:13
fnordianslipnicer conky on n900 shot:
Shapeshifterclearly we need a conky widget01:14
GeneralAntillesVDVsx, yeah, my optimism isn't exactly overflowing. ;)01:14
Shapeshiftersticky, non-movable01:14
Scummerwhy ghz and mhz?01:14
Shapeshifterforget about non-movable01:15
fnordianslipits the default conf with some font tweaks01:15
lcukShapeshifter, fnordianslip this is something zach did for his google summer of code on his n810
lcukworks well inside liqbase on anything01:16
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lcukbased on conky code01:16
lcuki believe01:16
* lcuk nods01:17
lcukits intended for multiple machine network monitoring01:17
lcukand you can zoom into different machines and features01:17
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pupnikthe n900 slider feels so great when it schlocks into position :)01:18
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lardmanoh cock, not working01:18
lardman~curse changing code01:18
infobotMay the fleas of a thousand camels infest your most sensitive regions, changing code !01:18
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jadamshey hey01:19
lcukrootstrap you say01:19
GeneralAntillesWell, we've got a solution for non-user packages that need to be updated through h-a-m!!! :rolleyes:01:19
lardmanGadgetoid_iMac: just a saying01:19
GeneralAntillesuser/hidden to the rescue. . . .01:19
Gadgetoid_iMaclardman: and you had me all excited01:19
jadamsI'm going to be playing with wiicontrol / snes emu tonight I suppose...the n900 is wonderful :)01:20
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Scummerjadams: my son was all smiles yesterday when i showed him snes on the TV with the wiimote :)01:21
jadamsI'm not really sure how to go about it, but I haven't really spent any time trying yet either01:21
Scummerit was rather easy01:22
Scummerthe only problem i encountered was the mappings didn't switch.. so i manually edited teh wiicontrol.py01:22
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pupnikyeah i am going to take tv cable to some relatives01:22
pupnikgenerate some sales01:23
Scummerof non availalbe n900's ? :)01:23
ShapeshifterI'm bored01:23
ShapeshifterI wonder if I'll see my n900 before 201001:23
pupnikor boring01:23
Shapeshiftervery likely both01:24
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pupnikare there production issues, or is demand so high?01:24
Shapeshifterfiji has the n900.01:24
Scummerno.. they are all on vacation already..01:24
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pupnikrobotron clone01:24
Scummerin europe half of the year you have vacation :)01:25
SmilyOrgi ordered mine on wednesday, the status was changed to "shipped" yesterday (thu) :D01:25
lardmanScummer: It's a hard life01:25
Scummerlard: i know.. i lived it01:25
Zeddythe n900 is one bitch machine when it comes to sucking the life out of the li-on :\01:25
GeneralAntillespupnik, they underestimated demand by a large margin is my bet.01:25
Scummerlard: i do miss it tho... 7 weeks vac compared to two in the US.. hurts01:26
GeneralAntillesZeddy, broken WiFi?01:26
jadamsZeddy, meh, it beats the G1 into the ground01:26
lardmanScummer: just that the US is very bad for holidays01:26
Zeddyit does?01:26
GeneralAntillesZeddy, 3G all day?01:26
lardmanScummer: 7 weeks!?01:26
ShapeshifterGeneralAntilles: I thought that as well, but I kinda started doubting that theory now that there are n900 ads everywhere01:26
Zeddyi depend on the 3g :P01:26
lardmanScummer: what did you do?01:26
pupniktwo weeks is not enough downtime01:26
Zeddyotherwise i wouldn't have bought the phone01:26
jadamsZeddy, I used 3g all day and it survives a day.  I didn't use 3g EVER on the G1, because it was so much less powerful/awesome, and it lasted till 5 PM01:26
GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, the ads don't change it.01:26
Scummerlard: yep.. 6 weeks standard + 1 week something i can't remember01:26
ShapeshifterI doubt they'd do this kind of advertising for such a slick-looking product and then not expect demand01:26
lardmanthat's a lot of holiday01:26
derfI think I get something like 5 weeks vacation + 11 holidays.01:26
Scummerlard: i used to be an electrician in germany01:26
GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, I really don't think they realized quite how much interest there is in a device like this.01:26
derfIn the US.01:27
Scummervacation.. not holiday01:27
GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, well, Nokia is a big company.01:27
derfI never actually take that much.01:27
Scummerthe holidays are extra01:27
ShapeshifterGeneralAntilles: "like this" - I think most people don't see it as a product "like this", they see it as a slick phone and want to buy it.01:27
lardmanvacation doesn't mean anything01:27
GeneralAntillesShapeshifter, whatever they see it as, Nokia didn't estimate the demand well.01:27
GeneralAntillesThus the shortages. :)01:27
pupniki think shapeshifter id right01:27
Scummervacation means something when the company wants you to take them instead of paying you out01:27
lardmanwell that is lots of holiday, I get something like 27 days + public holidays01:27
Scummerso in '93 i was about 6 weeks in the US visiting my back then girlfriend :)01:28
pupnikthat is a sane amt01:28
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Scummerah.. the good ol' times01:28
lardmanmove to Switzerland, they have sooo many public holidays ;)01:28
Shapeshifterlardman: we have?01:28
Scummeri'm actually landing in zuerich next thursday :)01:28
lardmanafair yes ;)01:28
Shapeshifteri don't think it's as many01:29
Shapeshifterchrismas, new year, some christian holiday before easter, easter, and 1. of august.01:29
Shapeshifteror after easter01:29
Shapeshiftersomething with someone rising somewhere01:29
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lardmanseemed to me there were lots01:30
lardmannot a bad thing though01:30
Shapeshifterwell yeah, but we don't get the day off on most of these01:30
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pupnikjavispedro: still awake?01:30
javispedropupnik: yep01:30
lardmanoh, I used to01:31
lcukset everything to arm01:31
pupnikthink you can bypass clutter somehow?01:31
lardmanwas long time ago though01:31
lcukinstalled rootstraps and everything01:31
Shapeshifterlardman: mhhh01:31
pupnik60 fps does sound yummy01:31
Shapeshifterlardman: where did you work / go to the pub?01:31
javispedropupnik: probably, there's an official method, I still need to try01:31
aSIMULAtori can't sleep01:31
aSIMULAtorgood evening01:31
pupnikwhaa?  what is a keyword for me01:32
javispedropupnik: you can try it already by killing the -desktop01:32
lardmanI lived in Baden01:32
GeneralAntillesaSIMULAter, clearly you've had too much sugar. :P01:32
lardmanused to go out to Zuerich01:32
aSIMULAtoryeah m&ms01:32
Shapeshifterlardman: I see.01:32
Scummerrats.. now what.. do I need to start an Xserver as well to show the app ?01:32
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ArkenoiDoes Optima run maemo?01:33
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javispedropupnik: _HILDON_WM_ACTION_NO_TRANSITIONS01:34
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pupnikjavispedro: ok, blowjobs for *someone* at Nokia01:34
lardmanok, so spot the error:01:35
lardman                for(i=0;i<len;i++){01:35
lardman                    greybuf[i] = ((66 * rgbbuf[i*3] + 129 * rgbbuf[i*3 + 1] + 25 * rgbbuf[i*3 + 2]) + 128)>>8 + 16;01:35
lardman                }01:35
aSIMULAtorrimjobs not blowjobs01:35
aSIMULAtorok i shut up now01:35
lardmanrandom outburst from aSIMULAter01:35
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pupnikhint lardman?01:35
crashanddielardman: /** TODO Documentation required here */01:35
GeneralAntillesaSIMULAter, a RIM job would be making Blackberries, no?01:35
lardmanpupnik: code crashes, somewhere in there01:35
aSIMULAtoroh if only ppl understood my darkbelly of the internets humour :P01:35
lardmancrashanddie: convert from RGB pixbuf to grayscale char* array01:36
crashanddielardman: rgbbuf length is less than i*3 + 2?01:36
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javispedroaka len*301:36
lardmanlength should be len*301:36
pupniki never knew our eyes weighted green so high01:37
lardmanlen = gdk_pixbuf_get_width(buf) * gdk_pixbuf_get_height(buf);01:37
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lardmanrgbbuf = gdk_pixbuf_get_pixels(buf); fwiw01:37
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crashanddiewell there's your problem01:37
jaskalots of green in the plants.. guess recognizing different leaves etc was important back in the jungle etc01:37
crashanddiedunno, just sounded right01:38
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crashanddieit's my yearly "Well there's your problem" day01:38
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Scummerwow... the core dump galore is amazing when trying to start the UI-framework01:38
crashanddiebeen saying it all day01:38
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javispedrolardman? pixbuf format not rgb24?01:39
pupniklardman, no index out of bounds?01:39
pupniki shup01:39
lardmanthanks for your and derf's help earlier, fixed that problem01:39
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crashanddiepupnik: C code, out of bounds doesn't exist01:39
jaskano bounds, omnipotent :)01:39
lardmanjavispedro: I'll check, but it should be01:39
lardmanpupnik: even then it should be ok as it's only reading01:39
javispedrowell, reading can crash sometimes, but probably not there01:40
crashanddielardman: comment out the line, just create three separate lines, and access rgbuff[i*3], rgbuff[i*3 + 1] and rgbuff [i*3+2] separately and see where it crashes01:40
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crashanddielardman: what's the length of greybuf?01:41
lardmancrashanddie: yeah, was just hoping I'd missed something obvious01:41
lardmangreybuf = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*len);01:41
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crashanddieerr, wut?01:41
pupnikand the data is unsigned for >>8?01:41
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pupnikay, our eyes *are* more sensitive around green01:43
javispedrodoes it crash when i is approx. len/201:43
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lardmanno idea01:43
lardmanthough I can add a fprintf in there to check01:43
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lardmanhmm, packed01:44
lardmanand padded01:44
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lardmannevertheless, it shouldn't make the code crash, just the image wrong01:44
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crashanddiepupnik: this is not JAVA01:45
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derfAssuming that n_channels really is at least 3.01:45
crashanddiewoops -- scroll up fail01:45
derfAnd that rowstride is positive.01:45
crashanddiepupnik: ignore previous line01:45
lardmanrowstride must be posisitve01:45
lardmanor even positive01:45
lardmanchannels = 3, bpp = 801:46
crashanddielardman -- the only man on earth who stutteteteteterts with a keyboard01:46
javispedroit could make the code crash01:46
lardmans/bpp/bits per sample (aka colour channel)01:47
lardmanjavispedro: even if the data is rubbish, it will be coerced into the char and that will be it01:48
javispedrolardman: nah, if it's 8 bits per color channel I am shutting up :)01:48
javispedrothough I think RGB24 is uncommon but hey01:49
Gadgetoid3.5 bits01:49
lardmanseems to be how gdk likes it01:49
javispedrothe docs say it likes RGB3201:49
javispedro(aka 4 channels, 32 bits per pixel)01:50
lardmanno alpha here though01:50
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lardmanhmm, I think the problem might be with freeing my buffer actually01:51
javispedroso you didn't know where it crashed? :P01:51
lardmanI knew it crashed in that loop or the line after01:51
lardmandebugging applications on Maemo is a pita as you can't start them from the command line01:52
lardmanmy apologies01:52
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javispedroyou mostly can I think01:52
javispedrowhich one is this?01:52
lardmanuses dbus01:52
lardmanso gets killed if you start from the command line01:52
lardmanI think that's the reason anyway01:53
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javispedrosounds weird. I've debugged the entire hildon-desktop on the device01:53
ali1234are you starting it as root or user?01:53
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lardmanosso_initialize() fails for me if I don't start from the icon01:54
pupniki was juat playing some mame from command line on n90001:54
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pupnikwords.  so easily misunderstood01:55
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Anidellardman my app doesn't get killed if I start it from command line...02:08
Anidelit gets killed if I start it from the icon and I don't initialize it with the proper service name02:09
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lardmanok, I must have been starting as root I guess02:10
lardmanah, would have saved lots of effort if I'd realised that02:10
lardmanoh well02:10
lcuki have officially given up with scratchbox armel for the night \@/02:11
lcukthe bastard that it is wont bloody work02:11
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Anidelwhat's wrong?02:13
Anidelwell going to sleep.. night people02:14
lcukscratchbox armel is trying to download field sfor i8602:14
lcukgnite Anidel02:14
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Anidelcool :)02:14
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lardmannight Anidel02:15
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Arkenoisomething is wrong with browser scroll events. you cannot reliably in applications like google maps, google wave etc02:16
GeneralAntillesIt's called javascript. :)02:18
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GeneralAntillesArkenoi, bright up the pointer button on the left.02:19
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Dr_Cainhow do I get real _ <-underscores in xterm02:29
Dr_CainI get some kind of utf8 underscore rightnow02:29
luke-jr_that doesn't even make sense02:29
luke-jr_underscore is the same in utf8 and ascii02:30
luke-jr_and utf8 is more real than ascii02:30
Dr_Cainbut the button that makes an underscore02:30
Dr_Caindoesn't make one02:30
Dr_Cainit's some other character that looks like an underscore02:30
ifreqit makes with the special button?02:30
luke-jr_xterm doesn't have buttons...02:30
ifreqluke-jr_: well we hope he ment keyboard02:30
Dr_Cainthat would be fn+g on my swedish keyboard02:31
luke-jr_"I can't help you solve your problem, but I can help you correct your description of it!"02:31
Dr_Cainit makes something that looks like an underscore, but doesn't behave like one >_>02:31
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ifreqDr_Cain: that i doubt :)02:32
Dr_Cainwell ok02:32
Dr_CainI tried logging in to my shell via ssh02:32
Dr_Caineg dr_cain@hostname02:32
Dr_CainI got.. "dr\a\a_cain"02:32
* Dr_Cain tries again02:33
Dr_Cainworks now02:34
Arkenoithat's not underscore problem02:34
fralsworks fine here02:34
Dr_Cainignore everything I said X)02:34
Arkenoithat's backspace problem02:34
Dr_CainI see02:34
Vrathaanyone in here on t-mo that actually gets their 7.2 HSDPA service on the n900?02:34
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Vrathai'm up near white plains, ny, and sometimes i get a "3.5G" signal but not for long enough to do anyhing with it02:35
ifreqgetting 3.5G @Finland atleast02:35
ifreqworks OK02:35
Vrathaifreq: what kind of speeds you experience on that?02:35
ifreqi can test next time im on the area of 3.5G02:36
Vrathai'm just wondering.  t-mobile's 3G here in the NY (USA) area seems about 1/3 the speed of AT&T's 3G speed02:36
Vrathaah, ok02:36
ifreqnow im on 3G area (@home)02:36
Vrathaoh, what kind of 3G speed do you get?02:36
ifreqsec02:36 should be sufficient to tell it02:36
paroneayeaso out of curiosity02:37
paroneayeadoes anyone know what the current state of ofono is w/r/t the n900?02:38
Vrathaifreq: yeah, that would probably work.  i've been using speedtest, but i'm not sure it's doing a fair test for my connection, because it keeps thinking i'm 900 miles away02:38
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Vrathai wonder if that's where t-mo's headquarters are, because that would be very odd if i was actually having my traffic routed all the way to 900 miles away before going elsewhere02:38
ifreqVratha: hehe02:38
Vrathathat would certainly slow me down02:38
ifreqim doing to test to the recommend server near me., it gives me 2.29Mbps down and 0.60Mbps up02:39
Vrathahowever, speedtest fairly tests my cable and shows it as about 100 Mbps02:39
ifreqwith the 3G connection here02:39
Vrathawow, nice02:39
Vrathai only get 650 Kbps - 1.1 Mbps02:39
Vrathaand it's usually around 750 Kbps02:39
ifreqyeh must be operator issue02:40
VrathaAT&T consistently gave me over 3 Mbps02:40
ifreqor how near/far from the 3G+ networks you are02:40
Vrathai'm trying to find other speed tests on the itnernet to see if i can get something that doesn't think i'm so far away02:40
ifreqanyone configured activesync/owa with n900, is it even possible?02:41
ifreqsaw the Exchange sync tool but it requires a bit diff aproach02:41
Vrathai haven't, but i thought i read that other people have to get it working with google sync'ing02:41
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ifreqVratha: well on speedtest you can pick some link more near to you02:42
Vrathaifreq: yeah, i do, but the speeds aren't great.  it's definitely possible that i'm just getting shitty speeds; i just want to try someone other than them02:42
Vrathajust to see02:42
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lardmannight all, thanks for the help02:42
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v2n900can i add shortcuts to cuso02:43
v2n900custom commands to the hildon-desktop?02:44
jadamsI can't seem to install wiicontrol02:44
jadamsI found a package but it wants python2.5-runtime, which doesn't exist02:44
SpeedEvilnice ( 1.4M down, 0.4 up.02:47
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guest8792525is there a mirror the the n900 rom anywhere? my download from is only going till 4Mb and then slowing to zero....02:48
Vrathahmm, that isn't too good, SpeedEvil02:49
jadamsSpeedEvil, holy shit, I remember you from #openmoko :)02:50
Vrathaman... my 3G connection is falling apart here.  i'm testing my internet speeds via tethering, and it decided to throw me down onto edge02:51
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Vrathaoh yeah!  now my connection has completely decided to destroy itself.  the phone said "Cellular Data Not Available"02:52
Vrathaoh wait, edge is back02:52
Vrathaoh!  3g is back now02:52
Vrathahahaha, this is ridiculous02:52
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* SpeedEvil finds another issue.02:55
SpeedEvil3g data is active, and you've forced 3g mode - the 3g/2g slector in settings is now inactive, and you have to deactivate data connection manually to switch.02:56
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* timeless_mbp frowns02:59
timeless_mbpso why can't i get ekiga to work w/ my n900?03:00
timeless_mbpit works w/ a bunch of voip apps on my mac :(03:00
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crashanddietimeless_mbp: because ekiga is using some non-standard defaults for VoIP03:00
crashanddietimeless_mbp: go through your SIP configuration and make sure everything is in check03:01
timeless_mbpdo you use ekiga?03:02
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jadamsgarr, I have wiicontrol installed but it crashes when I try to open it.  I tried to pair the wiimote but it's not showing up in my bluetooth devices03:05
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Vrathahmm, it's so weird.  t-mobile has decided to set my 3G's proxy to somewhere about 900 miles away03:11
Vrathai should call them and talk to them about that03:11
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timeless_mbpdoes it matter?03:12
SpeedEviland why do you care?03:12
Vrathabecause i think it's why my connection speeds are so low03:12
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* timeless_mbp grumbles03:13
VrathaAT&T uses a much closer proxy, and i get near-theoretical speed limits on their network03:13
Vrathai get 1/3 (often less) speeds with t-mobile03:13
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SpeedEvilMore localisation work needed -
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Scummerhmm.. now what.. CPU transparency devkit ?04:09
jebbatimeless_mbp: you cant get it to connect at all, or you can't get it to echo check ok?  also be sure to quit it on your mac when you run it on your n900.04:13
jebbai think it'll interfere04:13
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jebbatimeless_mbp: here's my SIP configuration in snapshots:
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Vrathajebba: ah, sweet, you visit this channel :)04:36
Vrathajebba: you have any scripts for using dbus to send sms messages?04:36
microlithN900 tomorrow04:36
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yuizyi hope i get it tomorrow too04:37
crashanddiewhat. the. fuck?
yuizybeen waiting far too long04:37
crashanddiefor far too long**04:37
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GeneralAntillescrashanddie, it's never productive snooping to their level. ;)04:42
jebbaVratha: i'll i pretty much have for now is up there. An sms one would be great tho  :)04:43
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Scummerok.. i give up for now... i cannot get the damn scratchbox to work if my life depended on it04:43
Vrathahaha, yeah, it would be wonderful04:44
jebbait's very likely possible--i'd be more surprised if it wasnt04:45
Vrathajebba: you just seemed to be the expert with nokia's dbus interfaces which is why i asked04:45
jebbaman, the hardest thing in the world is figuring out keymaps tho haha04:46
jebbaVratha: i just pillaged those from, here, and there and...04:46
Vrathajebba: keymaps?  you mean the hooks into their interfaces?04:46
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jebbatotally different thing. Doing qemu/kvm on a remote machine with vnc.  Trying to find a keymap where I have both - and / is hard haha.  (qemu doesn't do la-latin1 which is what my keyboard is and i'm not quite sure of how it's all pieced together in debian). This is for my new build scratchbox.04:52
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fnordianslipconkey is looking pretty nice. need to figure out how to widgetise it though.
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jebbafnordianslip you maintain it?  One thing I noticed about it is that it had it's Yes/No confirm buttons (I was perhaps deleting a file) opposite from what i've seen throughout the system, where yes is usually on top05:03
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fnordianslipjebba: maintain what?05:03
fnordianslipi'm having a go at getting conky into extras-devel05:04
redeemanany of you that have the problem that sometimes the rss widget doesn't autoupdate as its supposed to?05:04
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fnordianslipredeeman: i've never used it since chinook - it sucked then.  i like the iphone version of google reader05:05
redeemani also suspect it of not doing conditional get05:06
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jebbafnordianslip ahhh i was thinking of conboy05:07
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fnordianslipah. np05:07
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redeemanany of you that mounts a microsd card as ext3 or something?05:09
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jebbaredeeman: i formatted it and mounted it ext3, but havent started using it yet.  It works though.05:13
redeemani was thinking of doing that for a debian chroot05:13
jebbait complains each time on boot that its not a readable format, but i can manually mount it ok05:13
redeemanwhy does it read the microsd on boot?05:13
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jebbawell, i suppose had i formatted it vfat it may mount it somewhere or something.05:14
Scummerqemu is not starting even tho i installed the cpu transparent devkit...05:14
Scummeranyone else experienced the same prob ?05:15
jebbai believe so. I think i've heard some couldnt get the arm qemu working in the scratchbox05:15
jebbai think it croaked on me too, actually. But i didnt really look into it as i havent needed it yet. You can test your apps in the scratchbox in i386 format...05:16
Scummerbut what if you want to actually move the bin over to your phone ?05:17
Scummerit has to be in armel format, no ?05:17
jebbaya, you can still build it in ARM format even without qemu05:17
jebbaso you can build for x86 and ARM, test in scratchbox in x86, then copy over the arm debs to the fone for use.05:17
Scummeryeah.. that worked.. i have the modest trunk compiled.. and i'm trying to run it now05:17
Scummeri just need to figure out the qemu thingy05:18
jebbayou may not *need* to, if you're lucky.  On05:18
jebbaONly if your app behaves differently on ARM than on X8605:19
Scummeri guess it shouldn't...05:19
Scummeri was even thinking of just moving the bin into my home dir and start it from there05:19
Scummeron the phone05:19
Scummercopy all libs and the bin over to the home dir on the phone i meant05:20
jebbaby the way, what is the "cpu transparent devkit" ? you mean the regular SDK?05:20
Scummerjust set the LD path and it should work...05:20
ScummerHave you installed & selected the CPU transparency devkit?05:20
Scummerthat's the error message05:20
jebba(12:20:16 AM) jebba: by the way, what is the "cpu transparent devkit" ? you mean the regular SDK?05:21
Scummeri don't really know what the transparent devkit does.. but i know a deb package exists for it05:21
Scummernow i tried to install it but it failed :/05:21
jebbawhere did you get it from ?05:21
jebba    <--- that's the standard way to install the SDK05:22
Scummeri used the scratchbox-install script and the maemo-sdk install script05:22
derfThere are two devkits.05:22
Scummeri followed the wiki.maemo.org05:22
derfcputransp is the old one.05:22
derfqemu is the new one.05:22
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derfWhen you configure your ARMEL target, you should select the qemu one (specifically, qemu-arm-sb, as the transparency method).05:23
jebbaderf: can you give me URLs to old/new so i can see what is what?05:23
derfjebba: Not really, no.05:23
derfThey're pacakges in your distribution.05:23
Scummerderf: now when i try to select a devkit, i used the sb-menu and selected qemu-arm-sb for the devkit05:24
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derfYou could Google for them and find the upstream ones, but that's probably not terribly helpful.05:24
jebbaderf: what are the names for them in debian and/or fedora?05:24
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derfScummer: Okay, that's the correct thing to do.05:24
derfjebba: No idea. I don't use either.05:24
Scummerderf: but its still not working... i must be missing something05:24
derfBut I'll bet they're something with "devkit" and "cputransp" and/or "qemu" in the name.05:24
jebbaderf: what do you use?05:25
jebba$ apt-cache search cputransp05:25
jebbascratchbox-devkit-cputransp - CPU transparency methods05:25
jebbanothing in fedora comes up05:25
derfThat would be the old one.05:25
derfI.e., for Diablo and before.05:26
Scummerunder show target info it does show qemu as the devkit05:26
Scummerok.. lets see05:26
derfScummer: What's "not working"?05:26
jebbascratchbox-devkit-qemu  that one (plus more like -git) comes up in debian05:26
derfjebba: Yes, that's the new one for Fremantle.05:26
Scummerjebba : hang on.. let me try to narrow this down05:27
jebbabut i haven't seen docs talking about this. Scummer what page are you talking about in the wiki? URL?05:27
Scummerthis one :
jebbaah, ya, i guess i just installed that with the "wizard"05:28
derfI actually mostly followed
derfSince, of course, I'm not using Debian or any Debian-based system.05:28
Scummeryep.. the manual_installation part is what i followed as well05:28
derfScummer: Anyway, you still haven't said what doesn't work.05:29
Scummerderf: ok.. when i try to do a modest -s then i get this:05:30
Scummer /usr/bin/ line 2: qemu:: command not found05:30
Scummerso qemu is not working right it appears05:30
Scummer /scratchbox/tools/bin/qemu: No qemu binary found.05:30
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Scummerthat so far seems to be my main problem in getting this stuff to work05:31
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derfDoes /scratchbox/devkits/qemu/bin/ have qemu-arm-sb in it?05:32
Scummerthis seems to be a python script that selects qemu based on the devkit selected it seems05:32
Scummeryes it does contain it05:32
Scummerand it runs05:33
jebbai'm outta here for the night and not much work again til monday.  have fun all ciao and good luck  :)05:33
Scummeri have a feeling the sb-menu program doesn't select the qemu devkit correctly ?05:33
Scummerjebba : g'nite05:34
Scummereven tho under show target info inside sb-menu it does show qemu-arm-sb for CPU-transparency05:35
Scummerthe /scratchbox/devkits/qemu/bin is also in my PATH05:36
Scummerso the qemu python script should find the damn thing05:36
derfI actually don't think that file should even be run.05:38
derfIt certainly doesn't work on my scratchbox.05:38
Scummerhmm.. how do you start your programs ?05:38
derfYou just run them.05:38
derfScratchbox figures out if they need emulation.05:39
Scummeri wish that worked :)05:39
derfIf I actually try to run qemu it gives me the same error you get.05:39
Scummerso.. if you run modest, does it pop up in xephyr ?05:39
derfApparently no.05:40
derfIt just exits without error.05:40
Scummerok.. same behavior here05:40
Scummerit just exits05:41
derfBut that's to be expected, as dbus isn't running.05:41
Scummerhmm.. so when you start the UI shouldn't it work then ?05:41
Scummerso start ?05:41
Scummerand then modest ?05:41
derfExcept that does not work in the ARMEL target.05:41
derfIt did on prior SDK releases, but not Fremantle.05:42
Scummerahhh.. fuuuck05:42
derfDon't ask me why.05:42
Scummerhow come ?05:42
Scummerso i pretty much wasted the whole day trying to figure that one out... lol05:42
derfI don't know. I just know it's a known problem, and the answer is, "Debug in the i386 target, or on the device."05:42
Scummer*snicker* debug on the device05:42
Scummerand brick it while your at it :)05:43
Scummeryou're even05:43
derfYou should expect to brick your device more than once.05:43
Scummeri guess as long as it can be flashed05:43
derfMake regular back-ups.05:43
Scummeri have only phone numbers so far as data.. and they are all on my sim05:43
Scummerso it would be no loss to reflash05:44
Scummerok.. time to copy the binaries to the phone05:44
Scummeri really want to know if the trunk modest cures the problem with the large inbox05:44
derfI doubt it.05:45
Scummeri thought in the bug report it said it's fixed..05:45
derfWell, then maybe you're in luck. I've been complaining about it since modest first existed.05:45
derfWhich is something like 2 years now.05:45
Scummeremail is one important app i really would like to use05:45
derfI just use webmail. It's the only client that actually works.05:45
derfmodest has been mostly a disaster.05:46
Scummersounds kinda awful to use05:46
derfAnd the client before that was worse.05:46
Scummerdoesn't sound promising05:46
derfWebmail is not the easiest thing to use, no, but it has the advantage of actually working.05:46
Scummerbut no notifications and stuff05:46
derfAnd doesn't fall apart just because you have 20,000 messages in your inbox.05:46
Scummerpain in the nuts.. especially for business use05:47
Scummer*sigh* i do love the phone.. but the crackberry for email was definitely better05:47
derfWell, no one says you have to use the same app to read your mail as you do to get notifications for it.05:47
Scummerhmm.. ok05:47
Scummerjust don't open modest05:47
Scummerso tinymail is pulling the email05:48
Scummerand modest is just the frontend i assume05:48
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derfHaha, as much fun as I had with the autobuilder, it could have been worse:
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ali1234is there such a thing as a DECT to SIP bridge?05:58
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Scummerknown issues in the SDK: Armel target does not bring up the UI framework06:00
Scummerdo I feel like an idiot know06:00
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Scummerreading is definitely advantageous06:01
Arkenoiali1234, i've seen dect handset with sip-capable base06:05
ali1234i want the reverse06:05
ali1234i want a box that connects my SIP phone (n900/n800) to my existing DECT base station06:06
ali1234i know you can get SIP to PSTN base stations06:06
Arkenoiyou have dect and no fxo?06:07
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Arkenoiwhy not just use wifi?06:07
ali1234because i can't make phone calls on wifi?06:07
Arkenoi"old" analogue phone line06:07
Arkenoiali1234, why?06:08
ali1234i want to make and receive landline calls from my n90006:08
Arkenoijust replace your dect phone station with softswitch06:08
Arkenoiand route it via wifi06:08
Scummerinstall a fxo card in a linux box and run asterisk ?06:08
ArkenoiScummer, exactly06:09
ali1234i want to be able to use the DECT phones and the N900 simultaneously06:09
Arkenoior just buy cheap chinese box that will do the same06:09
ali1234so rather than use an analogue box (which i know exists)06:09
Scummeri didn't know those exist.. i do use a cheap fxo in my answering machine06:09
ali1234i want the exact same thing but with a DECT receiver in it, rather than analogue PSTN jack06:10
ali1234so, do those exist?06:10
ali1234i know you can get a DECT PCMCIA card06:10
ali1234so i could use one of those with an old laptop and asterisk06:10
Scummeryou can't run the dect phone parallel with the fxo card ?06:10
ali1234but i'd prefer a simple solution06:10
ali1234i don't know, maybe06:10
ali1234in fact, yeah, i could06:11
Scummerthere ya go06:11
Scummeryou just can't conference between the dect and your SIP06:11
Scummeror handover06:11
ali1234if i answer the DECT phone, i can't then transfer it to the SIP06:12
ali1234which is kind of what i want06:12
ali1234if i answer it on the SIP, i can transfer to the DECT06:12
ali1234but not the reverse06:12
GeneralAntillesWoo, random bloggers are following me on Twitter.06:13
Scummerali : how do you transfer from sip to dect ?06:13
ali1234Scummer: just pick up any dect phone and you'll be in the conversation06:15
ali1234actually i could probably rig the SIP to have a special "just pick up" number too06:16
Scummeroh.. so it's not a true transfer06:16
ali1234so it is probably workable with an analogue box06:16
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Scummerali : check this out06:18
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ali1234yeah i read it, but it is mostly about doing the reverse06:19
Scummerip base station06:19
Scummerso you can use dect phone with sip phones06:19
ali1234as stated, that's the exact opposite of what i want06:19
ali1234i want to use my sip phone with my landline06:19
ali1234i don't know anyone who uses sip, or have any interest in using it, other than for this purpose06:20
Scummerbut that would enable to use your sip phone with the landline, no ?06:20
ali1234it would enable me to use dect handsets to make and receive sip calls06:20
ali1234i want to use a sip handset to make and receive dect calls06:20
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Scummerbut dect is just the wireless phone.. you still need the base station with a PSTN ?06:22
Scummeri'm confused06:23
ali1234that's the whole point, i want to keep my base station, and all my dect phones06:25
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Scummeroh.. but it might be cheaper to get a new set of phones with a base station that supports SIP as well.. of course i haven't looked at prices yet06:25
jebba900wifi base + FXO would do it no?06:26
ali1234yes probably06:26
Scummerjebba : you still need a comp as well ?06:26
jebba900of course the wifi base + fxo could be an asterisk box with all that06:27
ali1234i just want to be able to do landline calls on n900, without disrupting the existing dect setup in any way06:27
Scummerhow do you translate sip to analogue with just a fxo box ?06:27
Scummerand a wifi base?06:28
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jebba900example: common linksys router + ethernet to a sipura which plugs into the wall06:28
ali1234yeah, i know about those, i nearly bought one06:29
Scummeroh.. so the sipura box is actually a sip to fco converter?  i guess i was just thinking about a simple fxo pci card06:29
ali1234i want that, except with a DECT receiver in it, instead of the analogue jack :)06:30
jebba900i havent used sipuras for a few years. im sure theres lots of equivalents nw06:30
jebba900Scummer, correct06:30
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jebba900first time ive heard of dect but i just read up. if there are sipura like devicces wirth dect u are lucky. if not dect is still just a "regular" fone as far as the n900 would be concerned06:32
jebba900or get dect in the rx71  ;)06:33
jebba900now i'm really crashing out tho good nite!06:33
ali1234yeah it looks like i don't really need the dect receiver, analogue would work just as well, with some tweaks06:33
Scummersimpsons crack me up06:36
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GeneralAntillesScummer, Simpsons hasn't been funny since the 90s.06:37
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ScummerGA, the reruns are probably from around that :)06:38
GeneralAntillesSeason 21.06:38
Scummerit's the faith off episode running right now06:40
Scummerseason 11 episode 1106:40
ds3what kind of hoops does one have to jump through if they want to get a N900 before xmas?06:42
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luke-jr_ds3: become slonopotamus06:43
hardaker2ds3: pray06:43
luke-jr_ds3: his local store just up and gave him one, he didn't even ask06:43
Scummerds3: short of whoring yourself out.. i don't know06:43
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ds3what about before the 1st week of Jan?06:44
GeneralAntillesds3, quite possibly ordering from NokiaUSA.06:45
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ds3GA: for xmas or for 1st week of jan?06:48
luke-jr_ds3: IIRC, only the pre-orders were screwed06:49
luke-jr_new orders shipped immediately06:49
luke-jr_but I could be wrong06:49
ds3luke-jr: I don't goto any sites on tinyurl06:49
luke-jr_ds3: it's an image of the Pandora :p06:49
luke-jr_one of the first real actual devices06:49
ds3so it may be doable but only at the list $600ish price?06:50
luke-jr_eh, what else?06:50
luke-jr_the "list $600ish price" is the only way to get it period, unless you got enough forum points06:50
luke-jr_or are slonopotamus06:50
ds3thought Amazon/Dell had it for around $400-$500?06:51
ds3but long lead times06:51
luke-jr_meh, I don't know06:51
luke-jr_doesn't make any sense to me why you could get it cheaper from a third party06:51
ds3just need to pamper the N800 for a few more months then :/06:52
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ds3the one thing I can see the N900 over the Pandora is the integrated datamodem06:53
GeneralAntillesds3, ignore luke-jr_. His usual pasttime is trolling.06:54
GeneralAntillesAmazon and Newegg appear to be out.06:54
GeneralAntillesAmazon only has it listed from a 3rd party at this point.06:54
pwnguinds3: also the n900 is in my hands, the pandora?06:54
GeneralAntillesSo if you want one, it looks like the likeliest option is to go direct.06:55
GeneralAntillesElse you're probably going to have to wait if you want it cheaper.06:55
luke-jr_ds3: if you can afford GSM service, that is indeed a nice benefit06:55
ds3GA: I was considering it as a personal treat for going nuts the last few months but at $600, it is a bit steep and I think someone recommended against using the garnet emulator on the Nxx0 devices anyways06:57
ds3luke-jr_: eh? $25 for 3 months isn't that expensive06:58
GeneralAntillesds3, troll. ;)06:58
GeneralAntillesds3, then wait for Amazon to get 'em back in stock at a lower price.06:58
luke-jr_ds3: here, it's over $100/mo for the minimal plan06:58
luke-jr_ds3: be glad you live in a half sane country06:59
ds3GA: the part that stings the most is I paid sub $200 for my N800 and even less for the 770  (all new)06:59
GeneralAntillesUgh, bugzilla is currently filled with useless bugs.06:59
luke-jr_ds3: I paid $800 for my C76007:00
ds3luke-jr: but that's the price of an xscale device ;)07:00
luke-jr_back in 2003 or so, yes07:01
GeneralAntillesds3, well, $600 is the price of being an early adopter. ;)07:01
luke-jr_GeneralAntilles: I would gladly pay $800 for a N900 if it worked with all free software. ;)07:01
ds3GA: understood.07:01
luke-jr_oh, and if GSM service was affordable07:02
luke-jr_or if it supported something practical here07:02
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* Arkenoi did not like Zaurus at all, "pocket desktop" with very poor PDA functionality looked quite silly07:02
ds3then there is the price of giving up full size SD cards all together07:02
luke-jr_Arkenoi: you're not supposed to use the default OS07:02
ds3along with ANOTHER cable investment to use microusb07:02
luke-jr_N900 doesn't include a USB cable?07:02
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GeneralAntillesWell, hopefully the MicroUSB thing will be better in the long term.07:03
GeneralAntillesSince that's where the vast majority of devices are headed.07:03
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ds3I figure if the device is $600ish, I am not going to be able to be done with all the stuff I want for under $1K :(07:03
Arkenoiluke-jr_, haven't seen anything impressive until it became outdated ;-)07:03
ds3yes, but I have all the adapters for the mini-A/mini-B... even the "illegal" config ones07:03
GeneralAntillesds3, what? Extras chargers, cables, memory card(s)?07:03
luke-jr_Arkenoi: IIRC I ran GPE OpenZaurus07:03
ds3cables and LARGE sd cards, adapters to use regular SD07:04
luke-jr_Arkenoi: also, I was in college then, so most of my usage was taking notes and playing music07:04
GeneralAntillesWell, Amazon has Nokia MicroUSB cables for about $0.60 a piece, anyway.07:04
ds3and it has to be compact too (I can do it cheaper if I am willing to have a pile of stuff bigger then the old motorola brick phones)07:04
ds3microUSB to what?07:04
Arkenoiluke-jr_, i used nokia 9k series those days, at least there was phone builtin07:05
ds3USB A or USB B?07:05
ds3I am using the N800 right now as more of a laptop device and the N900 is slated for similar use07:05
ds3so I'd want to be able to goto a mini B, USB A and a USB B at the least07:06
luke-jr_ds3: you're aware N900 does not support USB host mode? (or did someone figure it out, GeneralAntilles?)07:06
ds3and probally a suitable hub for power07:06
pwnguindoes your 800 do that?07:06
ds3yes! I have a miniB to full size A cable, mini-B to B07:06
ds3came in really handy when I needed to take a peek at a thumb drive07:07
* Arkenoi tries to think out a purpose for my old 77007:07
pwnguinafaik, i have bad news for you07:07
pwnguinn900 is b only07:07
ds3someone on this channel was telling me they got it working as a host07:07
luke-jr_pwnguin: what does that mean? :P07:08
luke-jr_the difference between A, mini-B, and B, AFAIK, is merely physical07:08
ds3A/B are connectors07:08
ds3I am interested in modes07:08
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luke-jr_so how could N900 be incapable of non-B adapters?07:08
pwnguinds3: well, id be interested in documentation if it's possible07:09
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ds3if they used the 4030 phy, it should be doable07:10
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* Arkenoi got funny maemo stickers with laser-eyed penguins with my n900, still cannot find a place for it07:10
ds3probally a few i2c tweaks and some MUSB voodoo07:11
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newbie003greetings, I'm trying to connect my n900 to the internet via usb,, I read on the wiki that it should just be a matter of setting the ip address,, however this isn't working for me.  Can someone help me out?07:15
newbie003the thing that I think could be the problem is that I when I set the IP address, I don't know if I am setting the correct one..07:15
newbie003However I have tried both "" and ""07:16
* hardaker2 suggests bying a $30 wireless access point ;-) it'd probably easier.07:16
newbie003looking at this guide; under Fedora 1207:16
newbie003harddaker2: thanks, I couldn't get wifi working either07:16
luke-jr_hardaker2: and a $30 wireless access point probably won't work sanely07:16
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newbie003I have a wireless USB device, and a modem that translates the modem to ethernet/wifi07:17
newbie003I can get on it using a wireless laptop, or ethernet, however not this phone07:17
newbie003I read somewhere that the phone has a bug with some sort of wireless encryption,,07:18
Vrathaon a mac, are any of you experiencing the n900 creating several different network interfaces when you connect to the mac in "PC Suite Mode"?07:18
Vrathait just likes to create a new name most of the time07:18
newbie003Does the phone have a push button sort of wifi connection?07:18
Vrathanot sure if that's a problem on my mac or on the n90007:18
luke-jr_newbie003: yes, for each packet you want to send, you need to press Esc...07:19
newbie003I also tried the PIN method07:19
newbie003like-jr_: I'm not quite following,, I' don't know how many packets I would like to send, or when they would get sent07:20
luke-jr_the escape key07:20
newbie003I get the button,, you mean on the phone or the computer?07:20
luke-jr_it's sarcasm because you're not making any sense07:20
newbie003luke-jr_: please explain to me what I have not explained well07:20
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newbie003I've come to this room hoping to get help with connecting the n900 phone to my computer07:22
wiretappednewbie003: what OS?07:22
luke-jr_he said Fedora 1207:22
newbie003wiretapped: Fedora 1207:23
wiretappedoh sorry07:23
newbie003it should have CDC Ethernet support07:23
luke-jr_newbie003: you haven't actually said what your problem is07:23
luke-jr_just what you're supposedly tried07:23
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newbie003the problem is that I cannot connect to the internet using the telephone07:23
luke-jr_what telephone?07:24
newbie003when I plug in the phone I am prompted to hit "PC Suite" or something else,, I always hit PC Suite07:24
luke-jr_you mean the GSM modem?07:24
luke-jr_N900 is not a telephone, but whatever.07:24
wiretappednewbie003: are you trying to get your PC online via your N900? If so, USB networking is probably not what you want07:24
wiretapped looks good07:24
luke-jr_newbie003: you said you had wifi, right?07:25
newbie003no no,  My computer is online,, I'm trying to get the phone online.07:25
luke-jr_newbie003: what exactly doesn't work with wifi?07:25
wiretappedyou don't have a wifi network?07:25
newbie003I do have wifi07:25
wiretappedwhat is the problem then?07:25
luke-jr_does tcpdump show packets coming in on the N900? does it show them going out on the router?07:26
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newbie003I am not sure why wifi doesn't work, the wifi has somesort of special encryption method07:26
luke-jr_you can't turn off encryption?07:26
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newbie003ok, do I perform tcpdump on the device or my computer07:26
luke-jr_on the device first07:27
luke-jr_then on the router07:27
luke-jr_your computer is not in the picture for wifi07:27
wiretappedok i've got my own problem... am i understanding correctly that the n900 uses evolution data server but there isn't an easy way to sync it with evolution on my desktop?!07:27
wiretappedi'm ready for a difficult way, but i haven't even found that07:27
newbie003I have heard that this sort of wifi router doesn't always connect to some laptops, the router will redirect all traffic to a custom https webpage that requests a password07:27
* wiretapped switched to evolution recently thinking it would work well with the N90007:28
newbie003right,, makes since07:28
luke-jr_newbie003: have you tried using the browser for that?07:28
sijksecondly, is there plans for syncml/http support?07:28
newbie003luke-jr_ yes, always the browser,, it always prompts me to connect to a wifi network - I am assumeing that means I am not connected07:29
luke-jr_and when you tell it to connect??07:29
newbie003after clicking PC Suite, nothing happens07:29
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newbie003tcpdump doesnt seem to be installed07:30
newbie003perhaps I need to be root07:30
newbie003I cannot gainroot, because that is not installed07:30
luke-jr_perhaps you need to tell it to connect over wifi first.07:31
luke-jr_and report back what happens07:31
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newbie003luke-jr_: I thought I saw a propmpt once for a "Push Button" to connect to wifi,, aparently you can press a button on both router and wifi07:32
newbie003sorry "both router and phone"07:32
newbie003to connect the devices07:32
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luke-jr_ok, I'm done helping until you tell the N900 to connect to the wifi router and report what happens.07:32
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newbie003I can no longer find that prompt to "push a button" do you know if it exists?07:32
luke-jr_open the browser, it should have a way to connect07:33
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luke-jr_and FYI, I've never seen a N900 before, so don't assume I have any idea what the normal stuff you might see is07:33
luke-jr_nor have I used Fedora 1207:34
newbie003luke-jr_: thanks07:34
newbie003luke-jr_: ok I clicked the wireless connection, I get an error that says "Network connection error. Try again?"07:35
newbie003perhaps a /var/log/wifi ?07:35
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ShadowJKbtw, if the browser/flash is busy consuming all ram, and you tap titlebar to bring up menu, and tap options, and then ctrl-backspace away before options menu appears, with the dialog asking whether you want to kill browser or not appearing somewhere else and forcing you back to desktop, and the options menu in browser then finally appearing but the device then responding to another ctrl-backspace but sending you to desktop, the kill browser dialog does07:36
newbie003I have no logs,, perhaps a root issue,,07:36
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ShadowJKnothing and blocks the UI07:36
newbie003I think the thing for me to do is to try a different wifi connection somewhere07:36
* ShadowJK had to ssh in and killall -o browserd :D07:37
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cheekois there any other phone on which maemo runs?07:38
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newbie003my only other connection would be, when I set the mac address and hard-code the IP address which IP should I be using and what is the purpose for the other IP address07:38
cheekois it based on debian07:40
ShadowJKhm, now phone isn't charging anymore :D07:41
ShadowJKcheeko: debian base   ish07:41
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ShadowJKhm, replugging helped07:43
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luke-jr_newbie003: I guess blame Nokia for not giving you error details. :(07:45
luke-jr_can't troubleshoot a problem w/o a clue what went wrong07:45
luke-jr_newbie003: as far as USB goes, the simplest method is probably ARP proxy07:46
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Vrathaany of you experiencing pretty heavy battery drain on the n900?  it seems fairly difficult to tweak it so that it doesn't kill the battery even when idle08:09
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ruskieScummer, any luck?08:20
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crashanddieanyone very good with WebSphere/J2EE over here?08:25
Vrathagetting 9ms ping time on my ISP and around 95 Mbps download and 14 Mbps upload08:26
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crashanddie95Mbps? fail08:27
Vrathait is not even close to a fail08:29
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crashanddiewell, 100MB/s might be interesting (even though servers will throttle you 90% of the time), but 95Mb/s is pretty average when it comes to "good" internet connections08:30
crashanddie9ms is very average on most xDSL connections08:31
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rohanpmI would be very pleased with 95Mb/s08:32
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Vrathacrashanddie: that's nice08:33
Vrathai don't get throttled08:33
crashanddiehowever, on P2P it's bliss :)08:33
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wazdhello maemo08:42
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crashanddielardman: you don't happen to be a websphere god by any chance?08:43
crashanddielardman: morning, by the way :)08:43
lardmanmorning crashanddie08:43
lardmanno, I'm not a God of anything web related I'm afraid08:43
johnxcrashanddie, is IBM's stuff being awesome?08:44
crashanddie11PM and still at the office :/08:45
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johnxI had a fight with BIND, but it only took me until ~9PM08:45
lardman6.45 and I'm already on the computer, also not good08:46
crashanddiejohnx: if by any chance, you know how to merge different nodes across separate cells... I used ./manageprofiles -create to bootstrap some nodes from an EJB3 template, but for some reason the separate nodes have been spawned in new cells, which makes it quite difficult for the MQs and buses to connect (and also the JDBC connecters and J2C authenticators aren't shared)08:47
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johnxyeah, you're so far over my head here08:47
johnxthough "JDBC" throws horrible warning signs in my head O_o;08:47
* johnx tries to figure out if WebSphere is something I would ever need at my company08:48
crashanddiejohnx & lardman: vote for me, click on thanks:
crashanddiejohnx: jdbc is easy seriously08:49
crashanddieit's just a connection to a database08:50
johnxyeah, sure. but that J that it's connected to scares me08:50
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crashanddiejohnx: be scared of the 18 million lines of java that power the code that use it08:50
crashanddieand that figure isn't very far removed from reality08:50
johnxalso: I generally consider "solution" a warning when it's the chief term used to describe a product. When a product is described as a "collection of solutions" I tend to cut n' run08:52
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crashanddiejohnx: a solution is rarely a product, a solution is usually the setup of a product within a customer environment08:54
crashanddieat least in management/business peak08:54
infobotcrashanddie meant: at least in management/business speak08:54
johnxyeah, I guess I should s/product/"thing"/08:54
crashanddiejohnx: as in: "a solution offers the resolution to a business problem, a company offers a product to make that solution a reality"08:55
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johnxsolution provided by an entity outside of the company == a way for someone else to have your company by the short-n-curlies08:56
crashanddiejohnx: that's why companies create niche business problems that nobody else can fill08:56
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crashanddiejohnx: oldest trick in the book, if I make you believe you have a problem and have something I can sell you to solve that problem, am I not fully profitable?08:57
ManuelSEhow do i TURN OFF phone radio?08:57
ManuelSEit always connects08:58
johnxpower button -> ofline mode08:58
ManuelSEi want to use wlan08:58
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johnxmaybe learn dbus?08:58
pwnguinyou have to be careful about which radio you mean here08:58
pwnguintheres like three08:58
johnxcrashanddie, thank god our execs have a clue O_o08:58
pwnguinmaybe 408:59
ManuelSEdude, phone radio is precise08:59
johnxincluding a radio radio :)08:59
DocScrutinizer51and in europe radio is much like RX08:59
pwnguinManuelSE: under network settings, you can select automatically connect to: wifi08:59
DocScrutinizer51even FM-RX08:59
ManuelSEand it ALWAYS starts the 3g connection09:00
johnxpwnguin, is ocrdroid a maemo project?09:00
pwnguinjohnx: no =(09:00
pwnguinjohnx: i was just taking pictures in the library for fun of some stuff i want to digitize09:00
pwnguinthought i'd plant some seeds09:00
crashanddiejohnx: that's why they have the big fat checks09:01
pwnguinjohnx: it looks like they mainly built it out of open source components09:03
pwnguintesseract and ocropus09:03
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crashanddieok well, I give up for tonight09:03
crashanddieI'll sort this shit out tomorrow09:03
johnxyeah. sleep and some coffee always gives a fresh perspective09:04
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ManuelSENokia-N900-42-11:~# rmmod pn_pep ssi_mcsaab_imp09:06
ManuelSEnixes the umts connection09:06
johnxor you can just use dbus I bet09:06
ManuelSEyes thanks.  but that would waste my time now09:07
pwnguinyou bought an n900 but dont want a cellular connection?09:08
johnxI could see not wanting it sometimes09:08
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lardmanlol @ tags in that thread crashanddie linked09:09
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Corsacarf, n900 has been delayed to january 5 on expansys09:16
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cure`i'm waiting for providers here09:17
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lardmanhmm, my N900 is far too keen to switch to a data connection09:37
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ManuelSEi rmmod -f phonet and smile09:38
timeless_mbpmine switched while i was on a VoIP call09:38
timeless_mbpthe call didn't survive09:38
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lardmananyone else having troubles with gonvert?09:39
lardmanI've got a postinst error09:39
luke-jr_timeless_mbp: Nokia didn't bother to put proper mechanisms in place for that?09:39
luke-jr_or was it XMPP?09:39
luke-jr_not sure if XMPP has that functionality09:39
luke-jr_but SIP certainly does09:40
PolarFoxThen phone should lock the data connection while call is in progress..09:40
timeless_mbpdunno, all i know is that it didn't seem to work09:40
timeless_mbpand i was talking to my parents09:41
timeless_mbpso it was mostly embarrassing09:41
luke-jr_PolarFox: it can learn its new IP and transfer the call09:41
luke-jr_in theory without hiccups09:41
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timeless_mbpit's possible the call would have healed eventually09:41
timeless_mbpbut it certainly didn't fix itself quickly09:41
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mikeoshi, I can't find powertop.. any clue?09:43
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Markus23Is it possible to write voip sms using maemo?09:48
Markus23(not using gsm but umts or wlan)09:48
Markus23sip voip client is there I assume?09:48
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ifreqvoips sms whats that man :)09:50
ifreqused sip and many voips.but newer heard youmcould text with it09:50
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ifreqtho can chat too09:51
ifreqpff misspaste09:51
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Markus23ifreq: so sip on n900 is no problem?09:51
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Markus23A mobile provider gives 50 free sms with a sip package09:52
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Markus23so you say that it is technically not sip...09:52
Markus23(the sms)09:52
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ifreqwell afaik.but not 1st time ive proven wrong09:54
ifreqcall them and ask09:54
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meceSo I tested the N900 proper yesterday.09:57
ifreqand..? :)09:57
meceWell it survived 2 hours of circle pits and walls of death. so good on that. My ngage cracked it's shell in similar conditions :)09:58
meceI'd call it robust :D09:58
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lardmanmece: on a bicycle?09:59
Markus23ifreq: will do that, thanks for help09:59
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lardmanor skateboard?10:00
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slonopotamusis it only me not seeing qik in app manager?10:04
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Markus23ifreq: ok, the sms feature is something they implemented in their own client, seems like I can't use that anyway10:10
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timelessbergie: hey, do you know the mauku people?10:27
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bergietimeless: I've chatted with hhedberg couple of times, mostly about the Qaiku support in Mauku. Why?10:28
timelessgot a bunch of bugs, am looking for a bug tracker10:29
timelessthe one i have requires me to jump through too many hoops10:30
Myrttitimeless: he's been more or less awol for a month or a so, doesn't seem to be responding in twitter to people angry about mauku bugs at all10:33
Myrttiapparently he's got a version of mauku (or sources of it) somewhere that fix some of the bugs10:33
Myrttibut nobody knows if he has an open vcs or if he's just brewing the fixes on his harddrive10:34
Myrttiperhaps the harddrive will hatch something, but nobody knows...10:34
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* timeless sighs10:36
* timeless kicks entourage10:37
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* Stskeeps glances at his coffee10:37
Myrttioh FOR FUCKS SAKE10:37
Myrttiis deleting stuff really made this difficult?10:37
Myrttithe file manager is shite.10:37
timelesshave you found..10:38
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timelessit's my friend10:38
Stskeepsnext up, Deletor10:38
Myrttiand no unzip either?10:38
timelesswe're following the ms model10:39
timelesszip was integrated in what, windows ME?10:39
MyrttiI can see that10:39
StskeepsMyrtti: isn't there a Xarchiver or something10:39
timelessso it's going to come in version 910:39
MyrttiStskeeps: I somehow have the distinct feeling and memory that unzipping was there OOTB in <510:39
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StskeepsMyrtti: not afaik10:40
timelessmyrtti: in backup10:40
MyrttiI could be wrong, wouldn't be the first time10:40
Stskeepswell, in backup10:40
timelesszip is the format10:40
timelessbut other than that, no. never10:40
johnxbut xarchiver was there10:40
timelessnot in the box10:40
johnxI'd really like to see it done the mac os x way10:40
Stskeepsmorning john10:40
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timelessjohnx: no!10:40
johnxtimeless, yeah. s/there/available/10:40
johnxtimeless, maybe the beos5 way then?10:40
timelessthe osx way *sucks* on multi volume space constrained systems10:40
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lardmanjohnx: what's the MacOS way?10:41
timelessfrom memory the beos 5 way is fine10:41
Stskeepsfuse integration, maybe10:41
johnxtimeless, there's only *one* volume though (that the user can unzip to from the GUI)10:41
timelesslardman: roughly things are auto expanded and you're screwed10:41
johnxin mac: double click, thing expands in current directory10:41
timelessgiven how things work in maemo510:41
timelesswe should go the symbian way10:41
timelesswhere double clicking opens a subview10:42
timelesswhich lets you expand whereever you want10:42
timelessjohnx: there are 2 in the n90010:42
lardmanI think basically you should go someway at least ;)10:42
* Stskeeps wouldn't mind a good vmware client on his n90010:42
MyrttiI need a cinnamon roll and booze.10:42
timelesswe still have microSD10:42
johnxyou're right. I totally forgot about that because I don't have one10:42
johnxyeah, something more beos-like seems right to me then10:43
timelessthat's because we forgot to include the free 32mb microSD insult card10:43
lardmanbbl chaps10:43
johnxStskeeps, hmm?10:43
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Stskeepsjohnx: imagine accessing vmware infrastructure on n900 :P10:43
johnxStskeeps, I'm imagining kicking vmware out at work and replacing it with xen :)10:43
Stskeepsjohnx: hehe, okay10:44
MyrttiI'm happy I'm trying out the scratchbox and maemo5 before actually buying the device10:44
Myrttithe UI is somewhat... painful10:44
johnxnah. I actually just had the conversation today with my boss and essentially got the go-ahead :)10:44
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jaemso, this weekend should be fun - I'll be researching and writing a paper on my N900 ;)10:44
StskeepsMyrtti: just remember the SDK is not an emulator, it's basically a bunch of hildon stuff slapped together that feels remotely like a maemo5 instance :P10:45
jaemfor lack of anything else10:45
* timeless sighs10:45
* timeless wishes Entourage wouldn't constantly beach ball10:45
jaemwhich means I need to get Wikipedia loaded onto it too10:45
MyrttiStskeeps: yeah, I'd assume the actual experience would be slower and more painful10:45
arachnistMyrtti: on the device the ui works very well10:45
timelessit makes doing anything hard10:45
johnxMyrtti, faster actually10:45
StskeepsMyrtti: no, actually faster10:45
jaemMyrtti, agreed10:45
jaemit's quite nice10:45
StskeepsMyrtti: the SDK is sw-rendering on many machines10:45
MyrttiI'm not too hopeful10:45
Stskeepsyoutube n900 videos :P10:46
Myrttithe application menus drive me crazy10:46
timelessentourage can't handle progress for a folder w/ 100k messages10:46
timelessafter the first 99 messages it shows:10:46
Myrttithe whole stress on fingerability that has stripped many so good apps to one fifth of the features they originally have10:47
Myrtticase example: xournal10:47
Myrttior osso-xterm10:47
timelessmyrtti: so...10:47
johnxosso-xterm is way better10:47
timelesstry connectivity dialogs10:47
johnxand what's xournal missing?10:47
timelessyou'll find that they suck10:47
timelessbecause they aren't fingerable10:47
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* timeless can't believe ms didn't make sure the field supported 100k mailboxes10:48
jaemtimeless, on an aside, do you have any idea how easy it would be to lobotomize the accent composition mode from the charmap (on a personal build, I mean)?10:48
ruskieyou are joking right?10:48
jaemI never actually use accents, and so it's annoying10:48
Myrttijohnx: everthing that was in maemo4 version, that isn't in maemo5. For example, I don't dream of designing patterns with it anymore.10:48
johnxoh, it supports mailboxes with 100kB of messages just fine? what you want more than that? madness!10:48
timelessjaem: it's a keymap10:48
timelessit should be pretty easy10:48
jaemtimeless, are you saying it wouldn't require source modifications?10:49
timelessjaem: do us a favor and whack the project manager while you're at it10:49
johnxMyrtti, ah. I guess I didn't lose anything I ever used, but I'm kind of a "light" xournal user10:49
jaemtimeless, sorry?10:49
timelessjaem: oh, um, you'll have to modify something10:49
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jaemI'll take a look next week, probably... I'm going out for the weekend10:49
timelessbut the file should be some vaguely documented file10:49
Myrttino option for grid background - eh. And if you say "you should export a pdf with grid layout in xournal on your computer, and then annotate that" what a crappy solution10:49
jaemconcert, and then early Christmas10:49
jaemtimeless, "vaguely documented"?  Woo!  That's what I've been dealing with the last few weeks10:50
Myrttianyway, ranting is useless, I've learnt that10:50
jaemgood fun!10:50
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* jaem rants at Myrtti10:50
timelessmyrtti: i learned to detect a rant10:50
MyrttiAll I get is "you're using your tools wrong, use this app to do what you want" and "have you contacted upstream"10:50
johnxMyrtti, you could talk to the xournal dev at least10:50
timelesscalm down and hopefully politely address it10:50
timelessboy was that challenging10:50
Myrttior "so there's the specs, why don't you do it yourself"10:50
timelesssomeone gave you specs?!10:51
timelessthat sounds like a criminal offense10:51
timelesspassing classified documents10:51
johnxI think in this case talking to "upstream" might actually get you somewhere. Maybe the xournal guy really doesn't use the features he dropped?10:51
Myrttijohnx: or I could just stop dreaming about N900 and save my money and use my N95 and N800 until they break.10:51
Myrttijohnx: *shrug*10:51
johnxMyrtti, you could of course. I can't even cope with using my N800 anymore, though :|10:52
MyrttiI'll contact him all right, I'm just not having high hopes. Hope is the mindkiller, losing hope is worse than not having it in the first place10:52
timelessoh, how nice10:52
johnxI mean, really, what's the harm in asking the xournal guy? he's not even a Nokia employee (AFAIK)10:52
timelessthis copy dialog is at least window modal, if not app modal10:52
timelessbut it isn't a sheet10:52
timelessyay ms10:52
johnxah, sorry. typed that before I read your response10:52
jaemjohnx, I know ;)  My problem is that my N900 is a dev loaner :(10:52
jaemso I'll have to give it back10:52
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johnxjaem, yeah. I've got a loaner too, due back in march or so I guess10:53
timelessmyrtti: it's not like your asking someone to put an 'n' back where it belongs10:53
MyrttiI'll just crawl back to my cave now.10:53
johnxgotta save up $cost_of_n900_2010 in march by the time I have to send it back10:53
jaemjohnx, my prof scooped them at Dev Days, since the one we ordered throught the local office was taking forever10:53
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timelessi think my copy died and it's trying again?10:54
jaemjohnx, yeah, I wish I could :(10:54
* timeless looks up the standard definition of insanity10:54
sayjavadoes anyone know if there is a problem on the maemo playing audio over the network with the phonon framework?10:54
johnxjaem, skip lunch10:54
luke-jr_johnx: I imagine you will have $cost_of_n900_2010 extra to spend10:54
jaemjohnx, for how long?10:54
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luke-jr_johnx: slonopotamus just got a N900 gifted without any terms10:54
timelesssayjava: that sounds like something that's either filed in or not filed there10:54
johnxjaem, until march maybe?10:54
jaemeven if I was buying food at the residence dining hall, itwould be awhile10:54
luke-jr_slonopotamus: curious timing10:55
johnxluke-jr_, that's interesting. what were the circumstances?10:55
jaemluke-jr_, nice10:55
sayjavatimeless: just wanted to check if anyone else is having same issue10:55
luke-jr_johnx: someone contacted him and told him to come pick up a N90010:55
luke-jr_johnx: or something like that10:55
johnxprobably won't happen to me :)10:55
slonopotamusluke-jr_, morning :)10:55
timelesssayjava: that's what is for10:55
timelessif they're having the issue, they report a bug10:55
timelessif you don't provide steps to reproduce, no one can say10:56
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timelesssince you're talking about a network, presumably you can provide a public url and steps so someone else could try10:56
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slonopotamusluke-jr_, no f*cking tab here. i can't use xchat10:56
timelessslono; that's why i use epic/ircii :)10:57
luke-jr_timeless: I suspect he means ssh -X remotehost with working sound10:57
Myrttinote, I'm giving panucci a try - again. If *THIS* isn't any better than the diablo version is, I'll be very, very sad.10:57
luke-jr_slonopotamus: Xchat ftl10:57
* jaem is pondering hooking up a physical throttle to rtorrent :)10:57
* luke-jr_ wonders how you can physically throttle an application10:57
johnxjaem, like a gas pedal? or more like one from a motorcycle?10:58
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jaemjohnx, speedboat10:58
Stskeepsluke-jr_: "nice" ? ;p10:58
slonopotamustimeless, liar. you didn't autocomplete my nick either :)10:58
luke-jr_Stskeeps: ???????????????10:58
Stskeepsluke-jr_: throttling an app :P10:58
timelessslono: i don't believe in autocomplete10:58
timelessyour name is too long :)10:58
luke-jr_Stskeeps: "nice" isn't physical10:58
luke-jr_timeless is right!10:58
luke-jr_slonopotamus: your name violates the RFC10:59
Myrttior then again, it could just crash in the scratchbox.10:59
luke-jr_I demand you fix it!10:59
jaemlame... this torrent is so poorly seeded that I'm pulling only ~250kB/s on a 35Mbps connection :/10:59
jaemthat makes me cry10:59
timelessiirc the limit is 11 chars10:59
timelessand you're 1210:59
* Myrtti goes to get some glögi with red wine in it.10:59
luke-jr_timeless: right10:59
slonopotamusluke-jr_, file a bugreport :p10:59
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MyrttiNO it's NOT too early for wine yet.11:00
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slonopotamus_ftwthat's max11:00
timelessslono: classically irc had an 11 char limit11:00
slonopotamus_ftwctrl+i in xchat does smth weird11:00
luke-jr_I wrote a fancy algorithm to make my bots fit in the 11 char limit11:01
luke-jr_works for up to like 1600 instances11:01
luke-jr_which is apparently far too few :|11:01
Myrttitimeless: wasn't it 9?11:01
timelesswhat kind of botnet were you managing?11:01
timelessmyrtti: hrm11:01
MyrttiI could remember wrong...11:01
Myrttiagain, isnt' the only time11:01
timelessaol had a 10 char limit11:01
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luke-jr_ok, my bad link11:02
slonopotamus_ftwlimits are for losers!11:02
luke-jr_there it is11:02
timelessslono: yeah, we should just use nicks which are 256mb long11:02
timelessthat'll work well on n900s :)11:02
johnxthen we can just show the hash of those nicks in the channel :)11:03
Myrtti*sigh* atleast I got my row counter.11:03
luke-jr_timeless: note it was only able to manage > 1600 instances when they all shared a single process :)11:03
jaemtimeless, millibits are pretty small - it might work11:03
luke-jr_jaem: 256mb isn't *that* small11:03
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luke-jr_still 32 MB11:03
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johnxmb != Mb11:04
ruskiehmm I wish the notification would mess up input focus11:04
johnxI think the first one is millibars actually11:04
luke-jr_johnx: metric != computer units11:04
jaemluke-jr_, no, 256 mibibits == 1/4 1b11:04
pupnikhow close are you gettin macro focus on n900?11:04
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luke-jr_timeless: anyhow, to summarize, the bot swarm is self-mutating survival of the fittest11:05
slonopotamus_ftwso... autocomplete in xchat in fremantle, anyone? :) and where qik dissapeared...11:05
jaemtimeless, any idea what keywords might be useful to find the charmap stuff?11:05
jaemI'm not having much luck in mxr11:05
timelessjaem: hrm, vkb as a find?11:05
timelessyou really want to start by finding the layouts11:06
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jaemtimeless, trying it11:06
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timelessyou might try rx5111:06
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jaemso it's part of vkb, then?11:06
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jaemnot a separate component?11:06
timelessyou're basically looking for the thing that manages key composition/mapping iirc11:06
jaemah... here we go... maybe11:06
timelessbut it's definitely a task for find not search11:06
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* timeless sighs11:08
timelessentourage is really not working11:08
johnxthat's how you can tell it's entourage?11:09
johnxif it started working you might mistake it for a very recent version of mac os x mail11:09
timelesswell, there's a parentless dialog labeled "Copying Messages"11:09
johnxyeah. mislabeled. It should read "Screwing something up"11:10
timelessand clicking it changes the menubar to Entourage11:10
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timelessjohnx: my entourage forces me to rebuild the mail database every time i launch the app :)11:10
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johnxbut you can enjoy all the benefits of your exchange server, right?11:10
timeless(this is not an exageration)11:11
johnxeh, mac os x mail did the same to some of our users in older (tiger especially) versions11:11
timelessjohnx: you mean the daily message saying "you've exceeded 90% of your metric-gigabyte mailbox limit"?11:11
timelessyes, i look forward to that message every day11:12
timelessit helps me reach my limit11:12
timelesssince it isn't a free message11:12
johnxsanity limit?11:12
Stskeepstimeless: how's enus coming along?11:12
Stskeeps(i dont' have time to test until after 15th)11:12
timelesssts: it's going to regress with whatever service release11:13
jaemtimeless, same here (15th)11:13
timelessi've got a few strings in display that need rewrites11:13
timelessand i have a plan to fix the reboot issue11:13
JaffaMorning, all11:13
timelessi was supposed to discuss the bug w/ eero yesterday, but didn't feel well enough11:13
jaemmornin' Jaffa11:13
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johnxtimeless, hey. would there be any reason that your translation pack might totally screw up pulseaudio and/or hildon-status-menu?11:14
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timelesspulse? not that i know of11:14
timelesshildon-status-menu? you'll need a reboot..11:14
timelessbut otherwise, no11:15
jaemgah... I have an exam in 7 hours11:15
johnxI think that one was screwing up the other causing them both to try and use 100% of the CPU11:15
* jaem is going to sleep11:15
jaemnight, all11:15
johnxthrough multiple reboots11:15
johnxjaem, better than a 7 hour exam11:15
johnx'night jaem11:15
timelesssleep well11:16
jaemjohnx, true11:16
timelessjohnx: um, i claim no matter what my stuff does, if pulse goes nuts, that's a problem w/ pulse11:16
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johnxtimeless, I have a feeling that something was asking it to do something repeatedly11:17
aquatixgood morning all11:18
timelessstrings don't ask people to do work :)11:18
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johnxyeah. the only thing that implicates strings was the timing11:19
johnxI have another suspect, but I figured I'd have you vouch for your package anyways :)11:19
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pupnik /jo11:19
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* timeless curses11:26
timelessanyone here understand upstart?11:26
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luke-jr_I understand pizza.11:28
arachnistmmm, pizza11:28
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pupnikthere are a lot of mysterious things running on n900 :)11:29
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luke-jr_pupnik: including a mouse?!?!?11:29
pupnikoh can we use old n800 hack to show cursor?11:29
pupnikif i get started again, i need that synergy11:29
pupnikx pointer11:30
Stskeepspupnik: you need to set a x pointer or something11:30
luke-jr_why not a Y pointer?11:30
pupnikyeah, somewhere in /home/user there was somth like that11:30
X-FadeAnd remove the transparent mouse pointer icon ;)11:30
luke-jr_and finally get a pizza.11:31
* luke-jr_ wonders if he spends too much time around markov bots11:31
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pupnik10:37 <@Koan> Tired of the boring voices on GPS tracking systems telling you  where to go? Don't fret my pets, Snoop Dogg to the rescue! The  38-year-old rapper has lent his voice out to GPS company TomTom,  providing two versions of voice overs.11:40
pupnikwith, and without f-words11:40
johnxthe second part is what makes it11:40
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pupnikthe 3g agps assistance is fantastic!  but why cant we assist manually?11:41
pupnikif we know where we are?   which is sometimes the case...11:42
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timelesscopy+paste ftww11:42
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johnxwin-win = 0?11:42
pupnikright, i am moving shop to brainstorm11:42
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Gadgetoid_mbpODROID dev edition shipping, $349 with breakout board and cable11:44
timelesssts: so11:44
timelessi need an upstart guru11:44
timelessgadgetoid: is that on topic?11:45
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johnxtimeless, as a potential maemo/mer target? yeah, kinda at least11:45
Gadgetoid_mbptimeless: yup!11:46
Stskeepstimeless: not personally one11:46
Gadgetoid_mbploosely speaking11:46
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Gadgetoid_mbpAndroid sucks, but a Maemo ODROID would be... an ODMAEMO?11:46
Stskeepsnah, mer/odroid11:46
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Gadgetoid_mbpHow is Mer, anyway?11:47
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timelessjohnx: in #mer sure11:47
arachnisti wonder when someone will port dalvik to maemo/mer11:48
arachnistthat'd be cool11:48
johnxtimeless, you're talking about entourage and telling people an linux-based omap3 device (capable of running Maemo5/6 in terms of hardware) is off-topic?11:48
melmothi m lost in c++, trying to compile a simple calendar-backend test thingy.11:50
timelessjohnx: it's my copororate mailbox for managing work on maemo :)11:50
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melmothany idea why is the calendar-backend lib not found by the linker whereas pkg-config says it s there ?11:50
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Gadgetoid_mbpThe ODROID guys seem to ignore my repeat requests for a unit, sheesh11:51
timelessmelmoth: -l != -L11:51
johnxGadgetoid_mbp, as in "take my money!" or "gimme one for free!" ?11:51
timelessyou need to specify -L /path/to/junk -llib_name11:51
Gadgetoid_mbpjohnx: "gimme one for free" is my usual approach11:51
timelessbut you should use `pkg-config --cflags --libs package_name`11:52
johnxGadgetoid_mbp, well, it's always worth a try11:52
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Gadgetoid_mbpjohnx: even if it results in a loan, definitely11:52
melmothtimeless is it not what i did ? g++ -Wall -o test  test.cpp -I/usr/include/calendar-backend/ -lcalendar-backend11:53
melmothahh, -L11:53
melmothand -l11:53
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pupnikNice job offer in my area for an embedded/firmware programmer11:53
melmothnow i m puzzled as to what -I is about hten :)11:53
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timelessmelmoth: you could read the man pages...11:54
timelessL is "add directory to library search path"11:54
timelessl is "link against a library (in search path) which has roughly this name"11:54
timelessthe definition of roughly varies by platforms11:55
timelesson linux, i think you get "lib" lib_name ".so"11:55
melmothyop, i should have read the man page11:55
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floriangood morning12:00
melmoth"does not work" :)12:00
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hrwok, time to report another bug12:06
* ruskie wonders what12:06
hrwgroups in contacts12:06
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ruskieyou mean lack of?12:07
timelessnot fair, you can group your gtalk, your skype, your sip, your sim12:08
timelessthat's lots of groups!12:08
timeless(all useless!)12:08
ruskieno gtalk installed no skype installed, sim has no contacts, only one sip account(and that is my own)12:08
timeless(please do complain)12:08
timelessmy customer complained about it12:09
timelessand pretty much everyone in his class does12:09
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timeless(they all send out mass sms mailings regularly)12:09
andre__hrw, sounds like enhancement request.12:09
timelessno, it's a bug12:09
timelesslack of a basic phone feature12:09
pupnikmass-sms is basic?  i am not a phone person12:10
vesalack of a feature isn't a bug if it's not been advertised12:10
* timeless grumbles12:10
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pupnikbut it should be added12:10
vesai agree, but it just isn't a bug =)12:10
timelessthe bug is a lack of a requirement12:10
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pupnikmanym folks in germany are totally sms-oriented12:10
timelessthe bug isn't in the software, it's in the requirements document12:10
mecetimeless, LOL12:10
timelessbut it's still a bug12:10
pupnikahh interesting12:11
timelesspupnik: it hardly matters12:11
timelessif you upgrade to using email, you can still want a mailing list12:11
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timelesswe don't support them in mail either!12:11
vesaif it were a bug in the requirements document, that would mean that the document has interpreted some other document, stating what should be included, wrong.12:11
pupnikso many things to improve.  my brain asplodes12:12
timelessvesa: it's called poor research12:12
hrwbug 685012:12
povbotBug Contacts does not allow to show only non-IM contacts12:12
timelessthe researcher submitted buggy work12:12
timelessit's a bug12:12
vesayou can't call it a bug if the requirement is nowhere to be found =)12:12
timelessi most certainly can12:12
timelessi just did.12:12
HukkaI noticed that there are some extensions to the integrated IM system in M5 in extras-testing, but they all had bad karma.12:12
vesai squash your bug with petty nitpicking!12:12
mecetimeless, calling it that doesn't make it so though..12:12
HukkaBut in principle, is it possible to get anything there, like IRC notifications?12:13
hrwandre__: I will enter EACH bug which I will find into bugtracker.12:13
hrwandre__: and only to bugtracker12:13
hrwandre__: I do not care about 'brainstorm' section because it is useless12:13
sejolol @timeless12:13
andre__hrw, if it's bugs, sure. that's the place. if it's enhancement requests, it's brainstorm12:13
andre__hrw, ah, okay. I can deactivate your account in case of abuse, no problem.12:13
Stskeepsandre__: did we remove enhancement requests from bugzilla yet? :P12:14
hrwandre__: add comments, mails on new activity etc functionality to brainstorm maybe?12:14
melmothtimeless: i m still lost, any idea what i am doing wrong ?
Stskeeps(like, the type)12:14
andre__hrw, ask someone else? I explained all this three days ago to you already? read what I write?12:14
florianhrm.. the contacts application sucks badly12:14
andre__Stskeeps, no, but b.m.o is meant for really trivial ones. rest should go to brianstorm12:14
timeless -I/usr/include/calendar-backend/12:15
hrwandre__: you did, I just like to repeat from time to time to not forgot12:15
timeless I oh, that's an I not an l12:15
andre__hrw, okay :)12:15
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timelessit should be -lcalendar_backend12:15
* timeless sighs12:15
timelessthis font sucks :(12:15
* mece agrees12:16
timelessbut really, you want to use pkg-config12:16
mecewell that font, not this.12:16
timeless`pkg-config calendar-backend --libs --cflags`12:16
timelessin linux, you really don't want to manually build compiler flags12:17
melmothworks way better thanks !12:17
timelessyou'll cry way too often12:17
timelessand when pkgconfig doesn't work on linux, you can complain to the .pc author :)12:17
timelessdistributed blame :)12:17
pupnikn900 performance as experienced by user is 1/(a+n), where n = number of media files on-device and a is some constznt12:18
pupnik384msongs, 101 clips, and i have to set down n900 and walk away on bootup12:19
pupnika few minutes later it recovers from the tracker trauma12:19
arachnistyou actually shutdown/reboot your n900?12:19
florianDid I miss something or does the contacts application not have a field for adress data?12:20
pupnikyou can add fields12:20
mece384 million songs?12:20
pupnik384 songs12:20
meceoh. I have 1500 songs and It's as fast as it was when it was empty.12:20
rangepupnik: Really?12:21
florianpupnik: yes right... this seems to be a bug in the sync app - It pulled all contacts but without the address.12:21
pupniki can make a video12:21
rangeLet me look, I have around 3000 songs on there.12:22
timelessflorian: which sync app?12:22
timeless(we have 3 i believe)12:22
takkusomeone should do a scipt or something about that when u have keylock on and you push the on/off switch to see clock. In that same view would be nice to see also is there any messages or e-mails also...12:22
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timelesstakku: i think according to andre you need to complain in brainstorm12:23
hrwandre__: bug 6851 is better?12:23
povbotBug No way to comment ideas/solutions in brainstorm12:23
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takkutimeless: true12:23
timelessof note, seeing messages/mail is something that came to s60 as "active standby" and it was a very late arrival12:24
andre__hrw: it's even highly welcome. :-) thanks a lot for filing it12:24
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rangepupnik: Normal boot time here.12:24
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mecerange, is yout device snappy with 3000 songs?12:24
odin_Ive looked over "brainstorm" and it doesn't make me want to "contribute" to that process12:24
floriantimeless: I used the contacts app function to fetch contacts from a S60 phone.12:24
rangemece: Yes.12:24
mecerange, pupnik, perhaps it's the videos that cause the problems12:24
timelessflorian: ok, so, that's one of the sync methods12:25
odin_"brainstorm" is just like a forum "poll" nothing more, 100% anacdotal12:25
timelessit's of the 3 the one i've never used successfully :)12:25
hrwflorian: for me it fetched from E6612:25
rangeI only have the "9" trailer on there, as the device doesn't like my .mkvs ...12:25
meceOn my friends device an video had trouble making a thumbnail and that caused a lot of lag apparently12:25
hrwrange: 'apt-get install decoders-support'12:25
pupnikmaps is redownloading data for the 10 km around my home12:25
rangehrw: Still doesn't like *my* .mkvs :)12:25
mecerange, all the mkv's I have are a bit too heavy for the device too.12:25
rangeProbably the AC3 passthrough.12:26
rangeOn the other hand I don't see me watching movies on there.12:27
sivanghiu all12:27
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Hukkarange: I wouldn't either, but I have a train/plane trip coming in one week12:27
sivanganybody experience very slow net access from the scratch box and hence poor browsinf experience on the maemo emlator ?12:27
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sivangit is slow to death12:27
HukkaWill probably take one or two movies with me, just in case I'm too tired to read but not enough to sleep12:27
sivangand has issues finding the address ont he offered web liks in the browser12:27
rangeHukka: - also stands for the n900 :)12:28
* timeless sighs12:28
hrwandre__: bug 6852 is next one12:28
povbotBug No way to get notifications about changes in brainstorm12:28
Hukkarange: It seems that I've lost voice in my FF flash, again12:28
andre__hrw, thanks. no need to tell me here though, I see them anyway when looking at the new bugs.12:28
timelesshrw: i'm surprised andre isn't making you file these in brainstorm :)12:29
timelessthey're missing features12:29
timelesswhich surely means they aren't bugs ;-)12:29
andre__timeless, I consider them usability bugs.12:29
andre__brainstorm is not in the state it should be. full stop.12:29
hrwtimeless: he knows already what I think about brainstorm and that I ignore that part of maemo.org12:29
pupniktablets are great for folks with back problems12:29
timelessyou don't consider the inability to use sms from the tablet a usability bug?12:29
andre__timeless, eh?12:30
timelessandre: i've traveled to a number of european countries recently12:30
timelessin each country, i meet a rabbi who has a phone (nokia) which has a contact list12:30
pupnikdid sms not work?12:30
timelesswhich he uses to send people invites to the next learning/fun session12:30
johnxis this a math problem?12:30
timelesspupnik: try sending a message to 100 people12:30
odin_what about the bug that some "password" dialogs attempt to use auto-complete (but the suggestion is "*****" out, ha ha)  I've not nailed it down to an app, widget-set or toolkit problem yet12:30
timeless(or 50)12:30
timelessand then try sending them another message a week later12:31
* hrw wants modest 46.1112:31
timelessand the next week12:31
timelessand the week after that12:31
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timelessodin: i've never seen that12:31
timelessbut it sounds awesome12:31
pupnikgood enhancement idea12:31
florianhrw: Including adresses? Here it fetched the contacts but not all data from the address fiels got lost.12:31
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sivangwhat a baffling12:31
sivangnothing works :(12:31
timelessflorian: file a bug12:32
hrwflorian: including12:32
timelessinclude the specific make and model and version of the other phone12:32
timelessthen have your other phone send a single example contact card via bluetooth to your n90012:32
timelesshave it save the contact and import it12:32
timelessverify that the data is present12:32
timelessattach that .vcf to the bug as an example12:32
timelessand export the original migrated copy to show what got "synced"12:33
sivangis very slow ?12:33
odin_sivang, normal speed for me today... its not fast, does take a second or so to thing about responding to every request (but this is normal for this site)12:34
floriantimeless: of course - just searching bugzilla if there is one about this already.12:34
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sivangodin_: Ah I see12:35
sivangodin_: good to know, I was sure there is problem with the SDK12:35
sivangodin_: but other sites woek quite well12:35
sivangtrying to install a temrinal app12:35
sivangis ther a gnome-terminal for mameo ?12:36
sivangor a kterm ?12:36
pupnikyou have one12:36
sivangi like there key bindings12:37
sivangpupnik: how do I access it ?12:37
pupniksecond screen of app icons12:37
sivangah bah12:37
sejohmm how long does it take to get the confirmation mail for subscribing on
sivangpkgs update and installation also doesn't work12:37
timelessviang: nothing will save you from not looking12:37
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infobottimeless meant: sivang: nothing will save you from not looking12:37
sivangtimeless: I looked  :)12:38
timelesshow did you miss it?12:38
sivangso I click "more"12:38
sivangright ?12:38
timelessthat's where apps live...12:38
timelessthe front page is advertising12:38
sivangthen I have File Manager, RSS, App Mnaager12:38
sivangthat's all!12:38
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timelessoh, you're using SDK?12:38
sivangI would have seen it if it were there.12:38
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sivangwhy isn't it included inthe SDK /12:39
* timeless wonders which repo has xterm12:39
sivangI want to install ROXTerm12:39
odin_oh yes some of my widgets (or whatever) crashed on the home screen, yesterday. i have not rebooted N900 to get them back12:39
timelesswell, the sdk lets you use your favorite shell/tty12:39
johnxsivang, because if you're using the SDK you're on a machine that has a terminal?12:39
timelessso for most people it's bloat12:39
odin_things like facebook, messages, wlan0 IP, GPRS Tx/RX counters all gone12:39
sivangjohnx: yes, but I want to create a demo showing the terminal in action on the SDK12:40
sivangjohnx: I have a specific reason12:40
johnxok. then the SDK doesn't meet your needs, because it's an SDK, not a demo.12:40
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odin_the other icons restarted, like the bookmarks and the default calander screen and Maemo Select, Ovi Store icons12:40
Jagooout of curiosity, is the actual phone radio API directly accessible by maemo applications?12:40
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timelesssivang: i'd use Mer12:41
* sivang is trying to install ssh client on the SDK, but r.m.o does not respond12:41
odin_anyone know the program that makes them appear?  and if it can't be setup to auto-restart on crash ?12:41
sivangtimeless: what's Mer ?12:41
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infobot[mer], or on #mer12:41
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odin_Jagoo, I belive so, there are is documentation, try  looke for "Reference"12:41
sivangtimeless: I see12:42
timelessjagoo: the fm radio app in the repo is a python app12:42
plr_whoa, an update to the sdk already? nice12:43
JagooI am not talking fm radio12:43
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JagooI am talking radio as in umts/gsm12:43
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Jagoolike, could you write your own "phone" application?12:43
timelesswhat do you want to do12:43
timelessattack the cellular network?12:43
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timelessthe phone ui is based on telepathy12:43
timeless(and dbus)12:44
sivangI am trying to make a demo and a talk about how easy it to use python for testing stuff on the device, can't I use to SDK for that?12:44
sivangespecially testing widgets.12:44
timelesstelepathy documentation is mostly hosted somewhere else, but it's public12:44
JagooI wouldnt want to attack the cellular network, I work for a big operator :)12:44
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sivangthat's why I want to use an term that is instalalble on the device, and show the interactive prompt on it12:44
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odin_  ??12:44
anidelanyone having issues in entering text in Canola ?12:44
timelessodin: wow, documentation12:45
* sivang doesn't understand why is it so hard to get a term app from the SDK from the UI desktop itself12:45
timelesshow distressing and shocking12:45
timelesssivang: find the right repo, and it shoudl be simple12:45
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timelesshave you enabled extras-devel ?12:45
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sivangtimeless: I can't even download for the official ones :)12:45
johnxyour resolv.conf is probably not pointing to real nameservers12:46
MyrttiI install everything from the scratchbox prompt12:46
sivangjohnx: ah, so to my host's ones ?12:46
* sivang checks12:46
timelesssivang: your scratchbox has a bad /scratchbox/etc/resolv.conf or something12:46
timelessyou need resolv.conf and nsswitch.conf to not suck12:46
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sivangtimeless: thaks dude, I thght this was the problem but then israeli sites worked quite well and fast so I figured resolve.conf is okay12:46
anidelno one ;)12:47
sivangholy crap12:47
sivangit has the previous ISP DNS's!12:48
sivangI'll be damned12:48
* sivang fixes12:48
* sivang hates network manager12:48
sivangnetwork manager is such a ...12:48
johnx...wonderful thing when it's working?12:48
sivangI guess :)12:49
sivangare we using it on the maemo desktop for netowrk awareness and setup ?12:49
Stskeepsno, they have ICD212:49
sivangthank goodness12:49
Stskeepswhich is old but for some reason is better than networkmanager..12:49
johnx(for a very limited subset of what nm is supposed to do)12:49
timelessjohnx: a wonder that it ever works at all?12:49
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timelesswell, icd2 fails at handling multiple networks12:50
sivangtimeless: eheh12:50
sivangguys, sorry for almost becoming a trol12:50
timeless(not that nm manages that particularly well)12:50
johnxnm is surprisingly workable here. it even does auto-magic NAT sharing ok12:50
sivangI got on the wrong side today12:50
sivangjohnx: it does that quite well, yes12:50
sivangjohnx: but screws NS all the tiem when itnernet chantes and roamin is enabled12:51
johnxsivang, trying to make the SDK do something useful is enough to make anyone feel trollish. sorry I was short with you about it12:51
timelessnm ui actually makes me appreciate maemo ui design12:51
johnxbut it really isn't "demo" material12:51
sivangjohnx: that;s okay ::-)12:51
timelesswhich is something i really do not like to admit to ever doing12:51
sivangjohnx: I know, until I get my machine I have to use it12:51
timelessalright, group hug!12:51
* sivang hugs!12:51
johnxtimeless, as in the latest n-m? or older ones?12:51
sivang"This is what we have, and with this we shall win!"12:52
timelessjohnx: the last one i used was mer 0.15/0.1612:52
sivangis it okay to use Mer's stuff inside the SDK ?12:52
timelessor maybe there was one in the maemosdk vmware image12:52
sivang(or teh device, for that matter)12:52
johnxthe one in the newest ubuntu is marginally nicer (which is to say it imitates the mac os x wifi-menubar-plugin a bit better)12:53
Jagootelepathy/dbus both seem to be related to the UI, not actual phone radio functions, I dont see anything related to "establishing a phone call" or "sending an sms" in the docs12:53
timelessthere's  always a risk in pulling in anything from anywhere :)12:53
sivangI see, if in doubt, compile ? :)12:53
infobotsivang meant: I see, if in doubt, debuild ? :)12:53
timelessjagoo: my guess is you need to make a channel12:54
Stskeepsif in doubt, help out with mer ;p12:54
sivangwill do12:54
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sivangis it okay to install aan os2008 deb on the sdk ?12:56
sivanglet's leave aside the question if ti will work or not12:56
sivang(due to ABI crapness)12:56
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timelessnot a great idea, but it might not ruin your sdk12:57
Jagootimeless: thanks :)12:57
timelessyou want :"make an audio call"12:58
sivangtimeless: k, thanks dude12:58
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timelessjagoo: btw, i'm looking forward to a competing (open source) phone ui12:58
* sivang is running for the train, talk to you all alter.12:59
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timelesssivang: hag sameach?12:59
Jagootimeless: I wouldnt hold my breath, unless you want to have a CLI interface :)12:59
timelessjagoo: i build ui's in zenity13:00
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timelessif you give me a cli that's usable, i'll probably take it13:00
sivangtimeless: how do you kno ?!13:00
timelesswell, shabbat starts a bit sooner here13:00
timelessand we have to light hanukah candles first13:01
timelessso i have ~30mins to prepare13:01
sivangtimeless: true, you also celebrate shabat ?13:01
sivangtimeless: oh cool :)13:01
timelessthat's why i disappear on fridays13:01
timelessnot that you'd be in a position to notice.13:01
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sivangI guess not :)13:02
timelessstill haven't figured out what your name means13:02
timelesssivan g ?13:02
sivangSivan Greenberg13:02
* timeless hates translit13:02
timelesssuch a royal pain for my tiny little mind13:02
hrwbtw - is there a way to play audio/video on n900 from remote samba share without manually mounting it?13:02
sivangSivan = the month of april in the hebrew calander, Greenberg, formly Grinberg fromly Grunberg int he original13:03
zeenixhrw: yes13:03
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timelessyeah, once i tried i realized the parsing should have been sivan13:03
zeenixhrw: it's call Rygel:
timelessand it made a lot more sence13:03
infobotzeenix meant: hrw: it's called Rygel:
zeenixhrw: oh you said samba, no! i don't know of any :)13:04
Stskeepsexport them over upnp?13:04
pupnikhow many windows do you usually have open?  i am usually around 6-1013:05
hrwzeenix: upnp handle also videos? I know that audio works because tried one day13:05
Micha_hrw: yes, my n900 automagically picked up my upnp server (audio&video) at home and can stream all assets.13:06
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hrwnow need to select good upnp server and isntall on sheeva13:07
hrwzeenix, Micha_: which one do you suggest?13:07
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MeceI have a feeling that my N900 uses battery power while plugged in after it's fully charged. Can anyone confirm this?13:07
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pupnikid like to try upnp too13:08
Micha_hrw: I use Mediatomb. Works a treat, also for my PS3.13:08
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hrwwill try ushare - it is already packaged13:10
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X-FadeMece: Sure, it is. But it will start charging again when a certain level is reached?13:10
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zeenixhrw: packaged for?13:12
hrwzeenix: angstrom13:12
zeenixhrw: afaik, it's abondoned project13:12
hrwyes - "By lack of spare time, motivation and interest, uShare development is currently discontinued (this may change though). Don't expect release anytime soon :-("13:13
zeenixhrw: try rygel, i am the developer and Nokia pays me to write/maintain it so it's an active project :)13:13
hrwzeenix: ok13:13
X-Fadezeenix: Any eta for arrival in Extras? :)00013:13
hrwzeenix: Depends: libatk1.0-0 (>= 1.20.0), libc6 (>= 2.2.5), libcairo2 (>= 1.2.4), libdbus-1-3 (>= 1.0.2), libdbus-glib-1-2 (>= 0.78), libfontconfig1 (>= 2.4.0), libfreetype6 (>= 2.2.1), libgee2, libglib2.0-0 (>= 2.18.0), libgssdp-1.0-2 (>= 0.7.0), libgstreamer0.10-0 (>= 0.10.23), libgtk2.0-0 (>= 2.18.0), libgupnp-1.0-3 (>= 0.13.1), libgupnp-av-1.0-2 (>= 0.5.2), libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.14.0), libsoup2.4-1 (>= 2.27.92), libsqlite3-0 (>= 3.6.20), libuuid1 (13:14
hrwzeenix: sheevaplug is headless...13:14
zeenixX-Fade: as soon as libsoup is upgraded13:14
hrwzeenix: and those are deps of rygel in Debian13:14
zeenixhrw: why should that be a problem?13:14
X-Fadezeenix: What is the minimum version you need?13:14
zeenixhrw: there is no UI involved and i know at least one person who is running rygel on a headless machine13:15
hrwzeenix: I prefer to keep system as minimal as possible - 512MB storage for everything (except media files)13:15
zeenixX-Fade: 2.26 iirc13:15
zaheermzeenix, lisoub 2.26 is in extras-devel13:15
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zaheermparallel installable with older libsoup, it is used by webkit there13:16
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X-Fadezeenix: The only thing you need to do is make sure you use that library name instead.13:17
zeenixi guess i'll kick fatal then13:17
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julianoliverhi. after an act of foolishness /bin/sh points to /bin/bash and i can no longer open the Terminal application. what's the easiest remedy?13:18
X-Fadezeenix: Let him ping me if there are any issues.13:18
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zeenixX-Fade: will do, thanks13:18
woglindehm n900 arrvied here at work13:18
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woglindeunfornatly my co-worker has it now13:18
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julianoliveris there a way to reach an X terminal without using the Terminal shortcut?13:21
julianoliverStskeeps: thanks. it seems that X terminal also relies on /bin/sh pointing to busybox13:22
julianoliverStskeeps: unfortunately, /bin/sh -> /bin/bash and so i can't start a terminal application.13:22
Stskeepsjulianoliver: /bin/sh being bash works fine on Mer.13:23
Stskeepser,, or dash13:23
julianoliverStskeeps: yes i am running stock Maemo 5 here.13:23
Jagooa port of "blacklist" (for both calls and sms) and "total recall" (record phone calls as audio file, without the "beep") for Maemo would be very very nice :)13:23
nomistigert: did you create a "no-fuzz" theme for the N900?13:23
julianoliverStskeeps: what is the best solution here? how do i reach a shell?13:24
Stskeepsjulianoliver: ssh?13:24
tigertnomis: ?13:24
julianoliverStskeeps: this seems to silently fail now also..13:24
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nomistigert: I liked your blue theme for the older devices (forgot how it was named).13:26
Stskeepsjulianoliver: time for a backup+reflash13:26
julianoliverStskeeps: is there no way to boot the N900 into a root shell?13:27
Stskeepsjulianoliver: nop, but i have said for a year it would be a good idea :P13:27
julianoliver(without splash etc?)13:28
julianoliverStskeeps: is there perhaps another terminal application i could install?13:28
julianoliveror even reinstall it perhaps..13:28
Stskeepsjulianoliver: maybe diablo's roxterm, but dunno if it works13:29
* julianoliver tries this13:29
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timeless_mbpis it a bad idea to try to fly on christmas day?13:32
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Stskeepsdepends on if the pilots are drunk or bitter13:33
Stskeepsi'd be more worried about 1. january13:33
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timeless_mbpok, how about i fly wed dec 23 and return mon jan 413:33
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timeless_mbpand i'll deal w/ the mess of getting around later13:33
timeless_mbp300 GBP for the flight13:34
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Gadgetoid_mbptimeless_mbp: just don't try and fly with wax wings13:35
timeless_mbpright, flying christmas eve is a bad idea13:37
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timeless_mbphrm, cheaptickets will deliver my tickets by post13:41
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X-Fadetimeless_mbp: No eticket?13:41
X-Fadetimeless_mbp: How old fashioned ;)13:41
timeless_mbpi want to fly HEL to Manchester13:42
X-FadeBtw, I managed to check in by putting my N900 under a barcode reader in Australia.13:42
X-FadeLaser barcode scanned worked fine ;)13:42
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X-FadePretty cool when you can just use you e-ticked PDF on your phone display ;)13:44
julianoliverugh, so it looks like /bin/sh -> /bin/bash totally bricks the N900.13:44
julianoliverthat was foolish.13:44
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julianoliveris there no way to reach a terminal hosting /bin/bash without using the Terminal shortcut?13:44
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X-FadeStskeeps: Getting sea sick ;)13:45
StskeepsX-Fade: yeah.. not my video13:45
arachnistjulianoliver: ssh13:46
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julianoliverarachnist: it silently fails as ssh looks for /bin/sh13:47
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julianoliverarachnist: i'd love to find some way to pull up a root busybox or bash shell.13:48
julianoliverwould save me having to reflash..13:49
rangeX-Fade: That's one of the reasons why I'd like MMS on the N900, as the german railway company sells tickets that way: You get a QR-Code via MMS which then gets scanned on the train. They don't send those per mail, though.13:49
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X-Faderange: Well, if your phone doesn't support MMS, you will get an URL I guess ;)13:50
arachnistjulianoliver: you could try creating a .desktop file launching "osso-xterm -e /bin/bash"13:50
X-Faderange: So you can view the link online?13:50
arachnistjulianoliver: or better: ask someone to create a package that'd do that13:50
rangeHmmm. Actually I think you can get them to send a test MMS. let me see what happens to that on the N900 (didn't think of that).13:51
julianoliverarachnist: right. perhaps i could create this file with the text editor..13:51
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X-Faderange: t-mobile does that for me at least.13:51
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redeemani get those links in DK aswell13:52
julianoliverarachnist: installing the package without /bin/sh won't be possible i think..13:52
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julianoliverarachnist: and the note-taking application doesn't seem to like saving notes anywhere other than the desktop.13:53
julianoliveri mean.. it /doesn't/ save to the desktop. so that's no good.13:53
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arachnistjulianoliver: isn't MyDocs accessible when you connect the device over usb to a pc?13:54
arachnistjulianoliver: i think you should be able to launch .desktop files using the file manager13:55
julianoliverhmm.. there's a good thought.13:55
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tigertjulianoliver: ctrl-shift-x13:59
florianIs there a way to share the Internet connection of the N900?13:59
tigerthi florian :)14:00
florianhi tigert14:00
Veggenflorian: there's always a way.14:00
tigertflorian: at least via usb cable it connects my mac to teh tubes of the interweb14:00
Veggennot necessarily an official, toolkit-supported, way, though.14:01
florianok, I should have asked a more prcise question :)14:01
X-Fadeflorian: bluetooth-dun in extras-devel14:01
florianVeggen: this should have been the question :)14:01
Veggenbut of course it supports echo "1">/proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/forwarding14:01
Veggenor wherever it is.14:01
florianX-Fade: sounds like a start14:02
Markus23I have the n900, it is so great :-)14:02
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JaffaYay, getting patches for Hermes.14:04
X-FadeOSS at it's best :)14:04
julianoliverarachnist: i turned the N900 off and rebooted and of course it fails. it's bricked :(14:05
julianoliverarachnist: it wasn't mounting and so rebooting seemed the next logical step.14:05
florianuh... garage is slow today14:05
arachnistjulianoliver: :/14:05
lardmanflorian: today?! ;)14:05
andre__julianoliver, bricked means that it's unrevertible. which is highly unlikely.14:05
andre__tried reflashing?14:06
hrwzeenix: rygel require vala to be installed during build?14:06
lardmanandre__: we need a new name for temporarily unworkable machines, rather than bricked14:06
julianoliverandre__: i'm about to try, yes. a lot of important data on there! i did a backup before rebooting, but it seemed not to save images/video/source code directories.14:06
andre__lardman, yes.14:06
lardmanperhaps paperweighted14:06
lardmannot quite the same ring though14:06
julianoliverlardman: indeed14:07
julianoliveranyway, if /bin/sh -> /bin/bash the N900 is broke.14:07
lardmansounds fine to me14:07
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florianlardman: make it an "extra slow today" :-)14:07
lardmanflorian: ah ok14:08
nomis(with a slight reference to the german word "brocken": lump, boulder, crumbs14:08
zeenixhrw: no14:08
hrwzeenix: ok14:08
lardmannomis: sounds good too14:08
zeenixhrw: if you use release tarballs14:09
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hrwzeenix: I am attempting to build 0.4.614:09
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* lardman goes to make bacon sarnie14:09
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hrwzeenix: m4_esyscmd comes from gnome m4 macros?14:11
zeenixhrw: great! more help on this topic on #gupnp (
hrw5th network...14:12
hrwzeenix: m4_esyscmd([GNOME_TAG_PATTERN=RYGEL build-aux/git-version-gen .tarball-version]) - but there is no build-aux/git-version-gen in 0.4.6 tarball14:13
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zeenixhrw: weird, let me check..14:14
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Stskeepsoh good, fanoush has a n900 now14:18
woglinde re14:18
Stskeepshmm? :P14:18
meceStskeeps, yay! I've been waiting for him to hack it to bits :)14:18
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yaboHas nokia communicated on when they woul add ovi support for the n900 ? I didn't find any clear statement from them but only expectations in various forums. :-/14:19
Dialekti'm dying for change..14:19
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* Dialekt looks through devices..n900, n97, DROID, Hero14:19
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VDVsx_yabo, dunno, but they just blocked the access to the store14:21
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yaboVDVsx, hmm, what could it mean ?14:22
redhey, i just got a sms contact card on n90014:22
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redits a link14:22
yaboThe reason why I bought a n900 was to be able to always have my agenda on me and to sync it14:23
VDVsx_yabo, the opened the store yesterday for test, it seems14:23
redi click it and it asks to do a new contact or merge14:23
yabooh ok14:23
redbut there is no info14:23
redso is it bugged or wtf14:23
VDVsx_I downloaded a bunch of games :P14:24
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redguess ill ask for  the number as an sms msg instead14:24
redill be back to rant :p14:25
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woglindeStskeeps args I read god isntead of good14:25
lardmanred: hang on14:25
lardmanred: why don't you save the vCard and look at it?14:25
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VDVsx_yabo, here is the list of 'app's there, just from one publisher: (retrieved yesterday)14:26
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yaboVDVsx, in fact I already installed some of those14:27
rmrfchikhow can I setup desktop box (linux) to auto assign network on usb0 when n810 connects?14:27
yabofor example14:27
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yaboBut I had to do the apt-get install by hand14:27
VDVsxyabo, yes, same here14:27
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furunk3li know the offscr stuff from symbian14:28
redlardman: there is no info in the contact card14:28
redeven via hold - save14:29
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furunk3lare the packages also in the extras-devel repos?14:29
redoh fuck this14:29
tekonivelwtf the Maemo email client doesn't wrap long lines14:29
redi opened dial pad while on the phone14:29
yaboI don't have the extras-devel repos, only extras and extras-testing14:29
tekonivelthis has to be a joke14:30
VDVsxfurunk3l, no, Ovi repository14:30
redtyped the number there but no option to save14:30
VDVsxfurunk3l, but was taken down today14:30
redand it disappeared when call ended14:30
furunk3li assume the ovi store will be up soon then14:30
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yaboand all the ovi services with it14:31
VDVsxyabo, careful with extras-devel :)14:31
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yaboVDVsx,  I said I didn't use extras-devel, only extras-testing14:31
VDVsxyabo, :)14:31
yaboThough I'd like to install Qt 4.6 to try to play a bit14:32
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Markus23yabo: is Qt 4.6 already in repository?14:33
tekonivelit's possibly the mime content type "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed" that the maemo email client fails to handle properly.14:33
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VDVsxMarkus23, yes, in -devel14:34
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Stskeepswazd o/14:35
wazd_n800Stskeeps, heya)14:36
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* kalikiana wonders if SpeedCrunch could be ported on Maemo14:38
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tigertdoes anyone know about python home applet?14:46
tigertI wish to have an applet which gets METAR string from teh internet14:46
tigertand displays it in the desktop14:46
Corsacn900 release in France looks like a big fail14:46
tigertlike the homeip applet does14:46
Corsacmaybe they don't have enough azerty ones produces14:47
wazd_n800VDVsx, you don't need to be sorry for anything)14:47
yaboCorsac,  I've an azerty N900 bought two days ago in France :)14:47
Corsacyabo: at tph?14:47
redfrench are a big fail14:47
Corsacred: you're a big fail14:47
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VDVsxwazd_n800, seems that the council has no power on that, or some people don't like you :P14:47
Corsacyabo: out of interest, which contract did you get?14:48
redyou guys just want to do everything differently and whine about it :p14:48
* red spent 2 years there14:48
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ale-xhi hackers!14:48
yaboCorsac, I have little use of 3G as I live in Paris so almost always have a Wifi connection. So I went for the cheapest one providing the best price for the N900 : Bouygues Telecom Evasio14:48
wazd_n800VDVsx, maybe)14:48
kalikianared, never go to Asia, they don't even write in Latin letters :-P14:48
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wazd_n800VDVsx, but at least I can thank all those generous people)14:49
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ale-xI've been trying to get SDK+ working here for days now14:49
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VDVsxwazd_n800, well the Council at least was generous :)14:49
Corsacyabo: here it seems like a lot of TPH don't have it and can't order it (and as they have exclusivity, other stores only mark it as “available soon”)14:49
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ale-xanyone knows how to get rid of "'' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded"14:50
yaboCorsac, oh, lucky me then :)14:50
Corsacyabo: and you can't even go to a store, buy it and leave the store with it, you have to wait like 2 days before they receive it. do you confirm?14:50
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yaboCorsac, yes I confirm. I bought it monday and got it on wednesday14:51
yaboBecause they keep them all in a central depot and have to ship them to the store14:51
Micha_ale-x: Did you get it after downloading the nokia-binaries?14:51
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Corsacyabo: ok14:52
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Corsac(that kind-of sucks :)14:52
Corsacyabo: out of interest (i'm in paris too), which store did you buy it from?14:52
* Stskeeps passes wazd_n800 a cookie and a beer14:52
wazd_n800Stskeeps, no, no more bear please)14:53
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ale-xMicha: no, I wanted to enter my i386 sb214:53
Stskeepswazd_n800: hehe, rough night last night?14:53
yaboCorsac, 15 BOUL. MONTMARTRE, 7500214:53
wazd_n800Stskeeps, I'm already feeling like an astronaut )14:53
Micha_ale-x: I mean, since when did the message start occuring, immediately after installing sb2, or after you tried to download the nokia-binaries package inside sb2?14:53
ale-xMicha_: I downloaded and setup the armel rootstrap without that problem14:54
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ale-xMicha_: and I never got that error until I tried sb2 -eR14:54
ale-xMicha_: with i386 target14:55
Micha_ale-x: I only got it after installing additional packages inside sb2, but in my case I can fix it as follows:14:55
Micha_ale-x: sb2 -eR14:55
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Micha_ale-x: cd /usr/lib14:55
Micha_ale-x: rm libfakeroot14:56
Micha_ale-x: ln -s /usr/lib/libfakeroot .14:56
Micha_Basically the symlink got trashed because libfakeroot-net gets installed inside sb2 as a dependecy of nokia-binaries.14:57
Micha_Are you on a 64-bit or 32-bit host?14:57
ale-xI'll try with a virgin rootstrap and report back14:57
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Micha_Ok, you might have to ln -s /opt/maemo/dists/lenny-2009-1/usr/lib/libfakeroot/ instead then.14:58
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ale-xMicha_: I already thought so *g*14:59
Micha_So far I have fixed a bunch of problems trying to install the i386 rootstrap, but I've never ended with a fully working one.14:59
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ale-xwhich is funny, because armel works except that hildon doesn't start14:59
Micha_ale-x: Here's my notes so far:
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* Micha_ would be very grateful for a fully working install :)15:00
Micha_Yes, the armel target is fine for compiling, but it's known that the emulation is not stable enough to run the system.15:01
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ale-xMicha_: thank you for your great tip. "ln -s /opt/maemo/dists/lenny-2009-1/usr/lib/libfakeroot/ ~/.maemo-sdk/rootstraps/i386/fremantle5.0minimal_i386/usr/lib/libfakeroot/." did the trick15:07
Micha_ale-x: No worries; took me a few days to work out.15:08
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Micha_ale-x: Let me know if you get a full hildon interface running under the i386 target15:09
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ale-xMicha_: atm I'm installing nokia-apps and nokia-binaries from archive cache, shouldn't take long15:10
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odin_what granularity are OneNAND flash pages?15:23
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odin_how are you today farmer RST38h ?15:30
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SinofEnvymaybe stupid question, but is it possible to develop an application for the N900 which just turns on one of the LED flashes for the camera with the click of a button, until you click it again to turn it off? does the sdk allow you to control the hardware like that? or is this impossible15:36
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SinofEnvy(basically for a flashlight app, I saw one but I think it just used the regular screen on full brightness or something? instead of the camera flash which is way brighter)15:37
RST38hodin: well fed.15:37
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odin_SinofEnvy, does the camera light support continious on mode ?  since its a "flash" and its designed to "flash"15:38
SinofEnvyI'm not sure... does it? :p15:39
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cehtehit has 3 modes .. indicator (dim) light, torch mode and flash15:39
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cehtehfeel free to implement an app for that15:39
SinofEnvyah okay, thanks cehteh15:39
cehtehor send me a device then i'll do :P15:39
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cehtehbe careful with the flash level you can easily fry your leds15:39
SinofEnvyhaha nah that's okay, I know a bit of C and I can probably figure it out.. I just don't have my N900 yet (can arrive any moment now, due today :>) so I wasn't sure15:40
cehteheww :P15:40
SinofEnvyeww? :15:40
infobotflashing is probably
cehtehi dont have a device yet and i expect it wil still take some weeks15:40
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SinofEnvyyeah I was lucky15:41
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SinofEnvyreally lucky. they were all out of stock here, but I found this one site that had it ... I ordered it, checked 2 hours later, and it was out of stock on there as well15:41
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odin_~hotcakes ?15:41
SinofEnvyimmediately cancelled my other order :p15:41
odin_mine was shipped from NL15:42
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cehtehi should prolly order at all places which have it for less than 500Eur15:42
SinofEnvyhmm. what site odin_?15:42
SinofEnvyor Nokia Netherlands?15:42
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odin_arrived 2 wks ago15:42
SinofEnvylucky then I guess? since iirc the UK had the biggest supply issues in europe, no?15:43
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cehtehwell you paied more15:43
cehtehSinofEnvy: i bet germany has :)15:43
cehteheven the nokia shop is sold out15:43
odin_no idea.. I ordered it only 2 to 3 weeks before, was given the date when they were due to receive them into warehouse, by the Wed the following week it was with courrier on its way to me (i guess the 2 day delay was since I ordered last)15:44
odin_dispatch warehouse was in NL15:45
wazdk, I'm out to the hospital15:45
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Oli``If you were smart, you would have pre-ordered it when there were two 15%-off voucher codes available that stacked. My n900 was the best deal I ever had. </smug>15:46
odin_what 15% off vouchers?  maybe some people as just richer than you and don't care?15:46
cehtehi just wait15:47
Oli``odin_: it was a while back... few weeks before launch15:47
Oli``No, nokia vouchers for use on the nokia shop15:47
SinofEnvyI'd wait but I'm impatient as hell :(15:48
cehtehno idea where you get those .. but since i ordered for less than 500Eur and it costs over 600 at nokia i dont care about 15%15:48
yaboOli``, curiosity : how much did you pay it ?15:48
SinofEnvyI'd been watching the N900 since like october so when it was actually coming out I just couldn't wait for a price drop anymore (with all the delays and all)15:48
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SinofEnvyI spent less than 500 as well though15:48
Oli``yabo: £360-something inc £10 next day delivery15:48
Oli``sorry, £370.5215:49
SinofEnvyI efficiently spent €42015:49
cehtehits not that urgent for me .. getting something well tested (by all you test bunnies bwahaha) from the 2nd or 3rd batch hardware with most of the problems fixed for 100Eur less is ok for me :P15:50
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cehtehSinofEnvy: where?15:50
yaboOli``, that's 410€ right ?15:50
SinofEnvyyabo, yes15:50
cehtehwell .nl not .de :/15:50
SinofEnvyand cehteh, well, random shop but I cheated a little... I didn't include tax, because at the end of the year I get it back because I wrote it off as business phone :x15:51
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yaboI got it for 199 € here in France with a 37€ / month subscription with "illimited" 3G15:51
Oli``SinofEnvy: good point... in that case, I "paid" £322.1915:52
yabo(limited to 500 Mo / month)15:52
Jaffacehteh: We're already on h/w revision 4 or 5 ;-p15:52
Oli``yabo: that's not bad15:52
Oli``although I could easily burn through 500megs in a week =\15:53
cehtehJaffa: the better :)15:53
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yaboOli``, I have little use of 3G, I prefer wifi15:54
yaboso it's more for vacations or travels15:54
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julianoliverwhen i attach my N900 via USB to my Debian machine and select 'Mass Storage' i consistently get "unable to connect via USB: device in use".15:55
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julianoliverany ideas?15:56
julianoliverit worked before the latest firmware15:56
cehtehsoemthing keeps the storage mounted15:56
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Oli``julianoliver: I've had that once but (unhelpfully for you) I restarted my Ubuntu PC and the phone, tried again and it worked15:57
cehtehdo you have some app running accessing data on it?15:57
julianolivercehteh: no, i don't.15:57
julianoliveri've just reflashed and plugged the device in.15:57
cehtehor last time you didnt unplugged it safely15:58
julianoliverOli``: i'll try a restart of the phone, first.15:58
julianolivercehteh: yes, it's possible.15:58
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julianolivercehteh: reboot the phone and the laptop?15:58
cehtehcheck if there is a stale mount15:58
ccookeGood Afternoon15:58
julianolivercehteh: no, there isn't.15:58
cehtehwell dunno then15:59
julianoliveri'll reboot the laptop.15:59
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cehteh.. did i say that storage thing will be the first thing to disable :P15:59
cehtehreformat as ext4 and make networking over usb15:59
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fluxwow, has anyone else noticed that the device apparently can serve alarms even when powered off?-o16:01
fluxapparently symbians also did that, though16:02
tigertits not really totally off16:02
fluxobviously :)16:02
tigertif theres a battery16:02
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DerSaidinanyone know a way I can run a bash script whenever I connect to a specific lan? (or every 5 mins, but it only works on 1 lan)16:03
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CorsacDerSaidin: run a script in cron and detect the current selected wlan?16:04
Corsac(maybe the info is available in dbus or something like that)16:04
DerSaidinCorsac: I didn't find a cron16:04
Corsacoh :/16:04
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tigerttheres dbus for finding out about lan16:06
tigertand there is an alarm framework iirc16:06
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DerSaidinok, somewhat excessive for running a bash script :p16:09
DerSaidinbut I guess it would be usefull if it was made configurable16:09
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DerSaidin(ie, crontab)16:09
yabothere should be a cron implementation using that framework16:09
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CorsacDerSaidin: ans isn't cron available at all?16:10
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CorsacDerSaidin: in maemo4 there was a cron package16:11
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awbenhi all16:12
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DerSaidin that sounds like it might be close enough to cron16:12
awbensomeone on who can help me with a calendar problem?16:13
yaboawben, what's your problem ?16:13
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awbeni tried to open a lokus notes calendar (ics)16:14
awbenthe phone open the calendar and shows me ca. 6000 enrys16:14
Mysterioushello everybody16:14
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awbenafter storing the calendar in a new one, it shows sero entries16:15
yaboawben, I never tried to open an ics file :/16:15
awbenit is funny.... i cant see any entrys, but this morning i got an alarm for one entry16:15
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awbenmaybe a remember of the twilight zone16:16
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awbeni can see only the birthdays... but they are from my contacts16:17
awbeni tried 2 synchronise the calendar with my 9300i... but it doesnt works...16:17
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fluxhas maemo 5 sdk been getting updates, or would the one I installed a month (or so) ago be still up-to-date?16:19
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hrwflux: "fakeroot apt-get update;fakeroot apt-get upgrade" should update your sdk anyway16:22
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fluxhrw, oh, ok16:23
hrwflux: remember - nevermind how they broke Debian on which they base, it is still a bit of Debian under16:23
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yabois there a maemo roadmap somewhere (not talking about maemo 6 but the updates to the 5) ?16:27
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hrwyabo: next firmware should get working Modest (compared to current not usable state)16:28
cehtehimap idle?16:28
yabohrw, ok, thanks16:29
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hrwcehteh: large accounts with lot of folders and emails16:29
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cehtehnice .. i absolutely need that16:30
fluxfor the record, the sdk has apparently only a handful of non-critical (just guessing) updates during the last month or so16:30
cehtehwell imap idle support would be nice, i have some hopes anyone fixes that16:30
hrwcehteh: for me n900 is only able to tell that I have new email. but it takes eons to get it to show it16:31
cehtehhrw: yes, i seen that on the sdk16:31
cehtehmodest is kindof braindead/unuseable16:31
cehtehin some ways16:31
hrwcehteh: maybe it works for pop3 accounts16:31
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yabohrw, I have a quite large email account using imap and it works. A bit slow though. Over wifi (didn't try over 3G)16:32
cehtehno imap subscription support, no imap idle, no subfolders .. i didnt figured out if it has threading for messages16:32
hrwyabo: sure, it works here too. But I do not have patience to wait half hour just to get list of emails16:32
yaboBut I guess it depends on what "large" means16:32
cehtehand i have a lot huge mail folders with more than 30k messages16:33
yaboI've the same though with less messags (more around 5-10 k)16:33
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hrwyabo: my S60 phone with ProfiMail application do check of 7-10 subscribed folders (~18000 mails in total) in 5 minutes. and it display 14k folder in few seconds16:33
HukkaI only have about 9k mails in my inbox, but modest doesn't have a search feature...16:34
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ccookeI think I must have burned out some important part of my brain - I'm enjoying the "Only 30% cost of the n900 is justifiable" thread...16:34
pupnik_how much would it cost to design and produce a different back cover for n900 that could take 2 batteries in parallel?16:34
yaboIs Modest the only mail client for maemo ?16:34
HukkaKinetic scrolling doesn't appeal to me quite that much16:34
hrwHukka: does Modest has something at all?16:34
hrwyabo: the only one integrated probably16:34
cehtehthere is claws mail for maemo .. not sure if its ported to n900/maemo5 yet16:34
Hukkahrw: Well, it pops a notification when new mail comes?16:34
ccookepupnik_: Hmm. Say two days of work and around $100, with additional covers costing about $50.16:35
pupnik_would make it about 4mm thicker, and require some little bridgepiece between batteries16:35
HukkaThat's something16:35
ccookepupnik_: that's the cover alone, though - you'd need electronics.16:35
pupnik_nah i cheat and bridge batteries16:35
ccookeOh, and the whole process would take about a month or two.16:35
pupnik_how come cover so cheap?16:35
ccookeI'm thinking of shapeways16:35
yaboYou could also always have 2 batteries with you and switch them16:35
yabobut it requires a shutdown of the device though16:36
ccookebasically, use existing 3d imaging stuff to get a 3d model of the official cover.16:36
ccookeRedesign it, then ship that to shapeways using a cheap material. That will probably be wrong, so refine that over a few attempts.16:36
awbenhow about a fuel cell16:36
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pupnik_mhm, the slider camera cover would add to cost a lot16:36
yaboawben, nuclear powered cell :)16:36
ccookeOnce you have a workable design, print it in a more solid material as a final test... then you're done :-)16:37
awbensome fuel cells are available for notebooks16:37
pupnik_ty for the shapeways info16:37
ccooke(note that shapeways take a *lot* longer to print metal objects)16:37
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pupnik_btw bmw and vw have abandoned fuel cells16:37
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ccookeyabo: not viable :-)16:38
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awbenfor that, u need big pockets16:39
xorAxAxnah, you can build small ones as well16:40
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tigertso folks16:40
awbeni can use the phone nearby 24 hours with one loead16:40
tigerthas anyone manaed to make that adblock plus installed?16:41
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awbenbut i go 2 offline mode in the night16:41
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naxxatoeawben: the best power saver is still for me to turn off wifi auto scan and auto connect16:43
awbencopy that16:43
Laiskaaaah,first ever n900 irc experience16:44
naxxatoethat does the trick quite well, the downside is i have to connect manually when i get somewhere16:44
GeneralAntillestigert, zerojay's package in Extras?16:44
naxxatoewith not much running in the background16:44
awbenand 2 increase the time of refreshing weather and so on16:44
naxxatoeand listiening to music about 3 hours a day16:44
naxxatoei get about mhh 48 hours of batt life16:44
naxxatoetill empty16:44
awbenhow long do u use it?16:45
awbeni have it since last week friday16:45
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awben48 hours is very good16:45
naxxatoegot it like 1 weeek ago16:45
naxxatoemaybe one and a half16:45
HukkaHmh, ipython doesn't run.16:45
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naxxatoealso its quite nice to turn off 3g16:46
naxxatoeif you dont need it16:46
HukkaOh well, here begins the actual work (the one that isn't fun at the same time)16:46
naxxatoethat is a big power saver too16:46
awbeni lost a lot of battery capacity, trying 2 get my f**** notes calendar into the phone16:46
pupnik_normal phone users will need to learn that battery life varies tremendously on an advanced power saving platform like this16:46
awben"normal" phone users. should choose another phone16:47
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pupnik_show the bounce evolution demo to folks.... wetpants16:48
naxxatoewe need more good apps on the n90016:48
GeneralAntillesAwesome, Talk users want to "remove" the CPU clock "governor".16:48
naxxatoebut its kinda hard to do, i have so many great ides (some already sketeched on paper)16:48
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naxxatoeand i suck at doing graphical stuff16:48
SpeedEvilforce it to 800GHz!16:48
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pupnik_naxxatoe: any ideas u wanna shate?16:49
SpeedEvilpupnik_: neads moar levals.16:49
ccookeSpeedEvil: I see you're playing to your nick...16:49
awbenive got no 3g at the moment16:49
SpeedEvilHaving said that - I would like more governor flexibility.16:49
SpeedEvilBut not on that side really.16:49
odin_looking at  (wishing someone produced a "net-book" sized screen 10" to 12.1", with "net-book" sized resolutions 1024x640 to 1280x960 via a USB2 link)16:49
naxxatoepupnik_: i have a couple, stuff like a finance management tool (that keeps track of your expenses, something really useful to road warriors and so on),16:49
pupnik_SpeedEvil: i guess so.  it is so well done.  such happy colors.  i dont wanna show folks openarena16:50
SpeedEvilFor example queuing inbound and outbound packets from processes for 30s.16:50
naxxatoevarious addons to the calendar wich is a real mess16:50
pupnik_naxxatoe: yeah i need expense tracker16:50
naxxatoea location tool that allows you to swithc locations16:50
pupnik_manual agps16:50
SpeedEvilAnd stalling them for most of the time, to make them ~100% idle, and reduce radio use, and CPU16:50
naxxatoeand turn on wifi/3g based on that16:50
naxxatoepupnik_: agps is doable16:50
naxxatoei thought about that yesterday16:50
pupnik_it works great when cell radio is on16:50
naxxatoeall we need is a database of satilites16:50
naxxatoelike nokia has16:51
pupnik_so clearly the gps software could be changed to allow user-assist16:51
SpeedEvilnaxxatoe: the problem is we have no docs on the formats of stuff16:51
naxxatoethen we have a mini web server16:51
awbenanyone else problems withe the calendar?16:51
naxxatoeand a sniffer16:51
pupnik_i should charge for my advice16:51
naxxatoechange the url in the config interface and go16:51
naxxatoepupnik_: you good with graphical stuff?16:51
pupnik_not any more16:52
pupnik_the world moved-on16:52
naxxatoeneed a coding partner to push cool projects, as my graphics stuff sucks ;)16:52
pupnik_why u need gfx16:52
naxxatoenot gfx16:53
naxxatoei just dont get along with lets say qt16:53
pupnik_ui stuff?16:53
pupnik_port some sdl games then :)16:53
naxxatoei am more the high performance computing and security guy16:53
pupnik_is great for noobs to get started16:53
naxxatoeafk for a bit16:53
GeneralAntillesMan, there is NO productive troubleshooting going on on Talk.16:54
GeneralAntillesIt's a lot of clueless people helping other clueless people arrive at incorrect conclusions.16:54
pupnik_we d16:54
pupnik_we do that direct with mainteners16:55
pupnik_adding regulatory hoops to tinyproject maintenance is a waste of life16:55
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SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: And the phone isn't even available to the unwashed masses who can get given it on a contract yet. They have to seek it out.16:56
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: So the ones on talk are the smart ones.16:56
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GeneralAntillesIt's like the WiFi thread, I can't even find a productive bug on the issue.16:57
SpeedEvilImagine 6 months, when some carriers are giving the n900 out to iphone users cold.16:57
lbt_lcuk: hey --- dominic says they've removed the offending clauses16:58
wazd_5130Vdvsx, around?16:58
lbt_we should be good to go16:58
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pupnik_SpeedEvil: i hope after 6 months some of the annoyances will be fixed.17:00
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pupnik_nokians, please fill your N900s with media files17:01
pupnik_join us17:01
Stskeepsheh, tracker17:01
Stskeepsbecause indexing files should be O(1)? :P17:01
SpeedEvilpupnik_: Sure. But they will find new and stupid ones.17:01
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GeneralAntillesThe WiFi one seems pretty stupid17:02
SpeedEvilpupnik_: many of which are not in scope - such as carrier performance.17:02
GeneralAntillesI wish somebody would dive in and troubleshoot it.17:02
pupnik_yes.  also media players should notify users if their index is not uptodate.  on startup i have very slow device performance for a couple of minutes.17:02
GeneralAntillespupnik_, Apple uses a statusbar icon for that.17:02
GeneralAntillesNokia could easily do the same.17:02
pupnik_GeneralAntilles: aha!17:02
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pupnik_grep track /etc/init.d/* > (0) results GeneralAntilles17:05
pupnik_hjashahah i was on my pc17:05
VDVsxwazd_5130, yes17:05
VDVsxnew phone, lol17:05
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SpeedEvilShould the suggestions of the keyboard be statistically based? I mean - I go to enter a new appointment - 'driving les' - as I have done several times before - and it suggests to complete that with 'bians' - not 'driving lesson'.17:08
pupnik_I wish i still had my original VT100 terminal17:08
pupnik_would be a gas to hook up to n90017:08
pupnik_GeneralAntilles: i don't see what invokes tracker - it ought to be able to run at a lower priority, no?17:09
GeneralAntillespupnik_, I think it DOES run at a low priority.17:10
GeneralAntillesbug #686217:10
povbotBug Add status area item to indicate Tracker activity17:10
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, autocomplete is just horribly and uselessly broken.17:10
GeneralAntillesSave yourself the suffering and turn it off. ;)17:10
wazd_5130I was thinking if you need analogue sticks for ps3 profile17:10
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: I find it not quite useless.17:10
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: If I pick really long words with unique beginnings, it greatly boosts my typing speed17:11
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, it picks phrases its acquired from your typing over dictionary phrases.17:11
yaboI wish they had put a tab key on the keyboard to use the autocompletion17:11
pupnik_ wazd_5130 just ordered a BT ps3 controller for experiments17:11
GeneralAntillesIt also interferes with removing typos.17:11
* SpeedEvil tries to remember when he typed driving lesbians.17:11
GeneralAntillesWhich I still don't understand, jrocha!17:11
VDVsxwazd_5130, that not sure, that might be tricky17:12
jrochaGeneralAntilles, what don't you understand?17:12
yaboSpeedEvil, could be more interesting to than a car ;)17:12
wazd_5130Pupnik, hehe)17:12
SpeedEvilyabo: indeed.17:12
GeneralAntillesjrocha, what possible point having the backspace key remove the autocomplete suggestion serves.17:12
GeneralAntilles(other than forcing me to turn off autocomplete)17:13
yabosp3000, maybe the phone is smarter than you think and tries to make a suggestion :)17:13
wazd_5130Vdv, i mean just buttons, without analogue stuff17:13
pupnik_GeneralAntilles: ok how about this - when user starts N900, they generally want to do some stuff.  Maybe if we had the 'out of sync' icon, we could delay invocation of the tracker for a minute or two?17:13
pupnik_Right now, it is "Turn on N900, walk away"17:13
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GeneralAntillespupnik_, Apple doesn't let you stop out-of-box Spotlight indexing either.17:14
GeneralAntillesDon't make it more complicated than it needs to be.17:14
VDVsxwazd_5130, humm, no need, they do the same thing as the dpad, at least in the PS217:14
jrochaGeneralAntilles, the point is that at that moment the *last* thing you did/have was to receive the word suggest, backspace removes that last thing17:14
jrochait's clear for me17:14
* RST38h moos at pupnik, wazd, VDVsx, and General17:14
* VDVsx moos back17:14
pupnik_GeneralAntilles: maybe media indexes are the problem17:14
wazd_5130Rst, heya17:14
RST38hAnyone has any ideas why Vulture's fails updating?17:15
jrochaif the backspace deleted the last char and an other suggestion was received it'd look intrusive for me...17:15
VDVsxRST38h, have packages to test ? I have :P17:15
pupnik_you know, a filesystem is there, to organize your data17:15
* RST38h has done some research this morning but nothing conclusive17:15
GeneralAntillesjrocha, so, let's say I'm typing along and I hit a typo (frequent occurrence when typing on the N900 keyboard). It stands to reason that the thing I'd want to delete was the typo, right?17:15
RST38hVDV:sx: a moment =)17:15
pupnik_also media tracker picking up graphics images from games is not good.17:15
RST38h09:27 Baltimore, MD - USA With delivery courier17:15
wazd_5130Rst, my n800 is temp dead so I have to use java irc)17:16
GeneralAntillesjrocha, well, right now, if I want to delete that typo I have to typo backspace TWICE to remove the autocomplete which was AUTOMATICALLY inserted.17:16
jrochaGeneralAntilles, but to remove that type is two key strokes away!17:16
GeneralAntillesjrocha, so, twice the effort, right?17:16
GeneralAntillesjrocha, but you still haven't explained WHY the autocomplete needs to be deleted by backspace.17:16
GeneralAntillesjrocha, what purpose does it serve?17:16
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VDVsxGeneralAntilles, bug number please ?17:16
GeneralAntillesjrocha, note: I know of no other autocomplete system on any other platform that does it this way. :)17:16
jrochaGeneralAntilles, what should happen in your opinion then? remove the char and the autocomplete?17:17
yaboGeneralAntilles, innovations are always misunderstood :)17:17
VDVsxRST38h, oh, I meant apps, lol17:17
GeneralAntillesjrocha, autocomplete should be based on whatever characters are currently in the word. If you remove the last character, then the autocomplete suggestion changes.17:17
povbotBug 5369: Backspace removes auto-completion text but does not delete last typed char17:18
* VDVsx didn't ordered the DDP device, since his a poor guy :)17:18
GeneralAntillesjrocha, why does the delete key need to remove the autocompletion text?17:18
wazd_5130Rst, can i buy your qwerty nokia please?)17:18
GeneralAntillesyabo, point me to the innovation here.17:18
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jrochaGeneralAntilles, well, I would find that really annoying, having the autocomplete popping up every time I hit backspace17:18
yaboGeneralAntilles, I was kidding :)17:18
GeneralAntillesjrocha, isn't that the purpose of autocomplete?17:19
GeneralAntillesjrocha, to show you suggestions based on what you have typed out now?17:19
GeneralAntillesand to REDUCE the amount of work it takes to typo?17:19
GeneralAntillesRight now it's pretty much only succeeding in INCREASING the amount of work.17:19
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GeneralAntilles(which is why I've turned it off)17:19
jrochaGeneralAntilles, the purpose is to give you a suggestion of what you typed, not what you are left after removing stuff17:19
RST38hwazd: ohmygod17:19
RST38hwazd: My current one is a loaner =)17:20
jrochaGeneralAntilles, I'm not the designer who invented it. I'm not a designer, I'm a programmer17:20
HukkaHm "PTY allocation request failed on channel 017:20
GeneralAntillesjrocha, note: every other platform I've seen with autocomplete does it this way.17:20
jrochaGeneralAntilles, but as also a N900 user, I like it17:20
HukkaWhen I try to ssh into N90017:20
wazd_5130Rst, yeah, a bit sick experience)17:20
GeneralAntillesjrocha, and here we get to the core issue with Nokia's broken process.17:20
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RST38hsomebody removed libpulse017:20
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RST38hI wonder why17:20
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GeneralAntillesjrocha, I assume it's completely impossible to get to either the manager or the designer (or anybody at all who has the power to fix this glaring bug).17:21
pupnik_Hukka: i ssh'd to root no problem.  Specify root17:21
jrochaGeneralAntilles, why do you think this is a glaring bug? is anyone apart from you complaining about it?17:21
GeneralAntillesjrocha, yes, everybody here I've asked about it doesn't like it.17:22
GeneralAntillesjrocha, it's a bug because it's reducing usability, not increasing it.17:22
Hukkapupnik_: Did, that is not the cause17:22
yaboGeneralAntilles, isn't Maemo open source ? Can't the community fix this ?17:22
Hukkapupnik_: Google hits mention broken udev upgrades and missing device files17:22
pupnik_   "This page does not exist yet" GeneralAntilles ;)17:22
wazd_5130Going deeper underground, bbl17:22
andre__GeneralAntilles, it's not that I don't like it. It's that I don't care ;-)17:22
VDVsxI don't like it too :( is annoying if you're used to other device17:22
GeneralAntillesyabo, not in this particular case, I don't think.17:22
lardmanGeneralAntilles: we talking about autocomplete crapness?17:23
VDVsxand doesn't make any sense for me either17:23
povbotBug 5369: Backspace removes auto-completion text but does not delete last typed char17:23
yaboGeneralAntilles, no what ? This part of code isn't open source or it's too complicated to be fixed by the community ?17:23
lardmanah, my bug17:23
pupnik_Linux Nokia-N900-42-11  Hukka ?17:23
GeneralAntillesandre__, yeah, see, I'm inclined not to care either, but mostly because the autocompletion is broken to the point where it's utterly useless.17:23
jrochaI don't think basing an experience on whatever devices one used is *always* a good point17:23
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AbstractWlooks like nokia has more N900s in.17:23
RST38hVDVsx: You can test VE and SlideRule for exampple =)17:23
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lardmanI note that autocompletion works correctly in desktop GTK apps17:24
pupnik_bug 5369 might be considered a feature17:24
povbotBug Backspace removes auto-completion text but does not delete last typed char17:24
SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: mostly useless. I find it of more use than not.17:24
Hukkapupnik_: Yes17:24
GeneralAntillesjrocha, and yet I've not seen a reasonable justification for why the autocomplete has to be setup this way. :)17:24
HukkaClosing all xterms solved this17:24
HukkaBut not a nice solution...17:24
RST38hVDVsx: Maybe even FBReader, if/when I figure out how to make a package of it17:24
pupnik_Hukka: you ran out of ptys then17:24
GeneralAntillesAnybody who's bothered by this issue, please vote on the bug.17:24
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GeneralAntillesjrocha, we're at 6.17:24
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redGeneralAntilles: on the backspace issue?17:25
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GeneralAntillesjrocha, which based on b.m.o's usual voting response rate makes it rather non-trivial.17:25
GeneralAntillesred, yes.17:25
reddo i need an acc to vote or is it ip based17:25
jrochaGeneralAntilles, like I told you, my opinion is, it seems logic to me this way and doesn't get in my way. I cannot give you the original reasoning of why this was thought because I'm not the one who designed it :D17:25
redsince it bothers me aswell17:25
GeneralAntillesred, need to register an account.17:25
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GeneralAntillesjrocha, again, this goes back to the brokenness in Nokia's process.17:25
redid also like to know why a vCard sent from a 60e nokia symbian phone is empty on my n90017:25
jrochaGeneralAntilles, I tell you what, next week I'll try to rediscuss this issue with the designers17:25
GeneralAntillesjrocha, if there's any chance you could drag the person accountable out into the bug it'd be much appreciated.17:25
GeneralAntillesI'd really like to hear some logic17:25
GeneralAntillesbecause right now I can't find any.17:26
redtested few different contacts, and even created a new one with just the phone number in it17:26
redhas anyone else experienced this?17:26
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redbugzilla does require login17:26
redoh well ill create one17:26
GeneralAntillesred, it doesn't take too long.17:26
redi have a feeling ill be needing it later on17:26
GeneralAntillesand it's pretty useful.17:26
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jrochaGeneralAntilles, I'll try that. Actually I'm sending an email right away to the designers about this matter17:27
redgot loads of stuff to go vote for / post if its not posted already17:27
GeneralAntillesjrocha, thanks!17:27
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SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: I assume commenting negatively on a wontfix is pointless - is voites actually purposeful?17:27
Hukkapupnik_: Four is too much?17:27
lardmanSpeedEvil: yeah votes are an easy metric17:27
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, votes are useful.17:28
jrochaGeneralAntilles, what if the backspace deleted the suggestion AND the previous char BUT not suggesting anything?17:28
lardmanrather than reading posts17:28
pupnik_look at /etc/inittab Hukka  - there they are instantiated17:28
GeneralAntillesjrocha, that'd be workable.17:28
lardmanjrocha: that would be fine, but probably a bit silly17:28
pupnik_i think u should be able to add some17:28
GeneralAntillesjrocha, although my suggestion here is that the designers look at how other platform do it.17:28
jrochaI know I know17:28
GeneralAntillesjrocha, as this is one of those cases where, unless you have something really innovative, deviating from what people are used to doesn't serve much purpose.17:28
lardmanDamn ui spec! ;)17:28
GeneralAntilleslardman, indeed. :(17:29
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redAnyone know an media player compatible with n900 that would support genres and folder based (+subfolders)17:29
GeneralAntillesI hate that it's the engineers out here taking our flack and not the designers or managers.17:29
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lardmanI'm sure this must annoy Nokians too, but it's in the UI spec and therefore cannot be changed17:29
redi have a huge collection sorted into folders by main genre, then subfolders by albums17:29
GeneralAntillesred, the built-in one does genres.17:29
lardmanI wonder if the UI spec writer is very scary or something?17:29
GeneralAntillesCanola does folder browsing.17:29
redi know, but I need folders aswell17:29
GeneralAntilleslardman, I think it's just a broken process.17:29
redfex: Rock & Punk folder has rock, alt rock, punk, punk rock, grunge17:30
pupnik_I think GeneralAntilles is right again17:30
GeneralAntilleslardman, there doesn't seem to be a good way to get fixes into the design.17:30
redkeeping .pls files up to date is a hazzle17:30
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jrochaGeneralAntilles, I'm actually not at work time anymore but I'll still send the email17:30
GeneralAntilleslardman, design bugs don't seem to be a "thing".17:30
pupnik_red, i just put media into the proper directory17:30
pupnik_what is so hard about that17:30
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SpeedEvilGeneralAntilles: yeah - see the javascript yes/no thing :/17:30
redI have .sound/punk & rock/albumname17:30
redbut I cannot set the player to play only stuff in punk & rock + subfolders17:30
pupnik_lectures/mit  lectures/auburn  songs/jazz songs/rock  etc17:31
redsince I also have DnB, House, Metal folders set up the same way17:31
GeneralAntillesSpeedEvil, or a thousand others over the past 3 years. :(17:31
pupnik_right red, because our industry has decided that users are too stupid to organize media17:31
SpeedEvilI really hope the GPS phototagging precision isn't one of those - as it seems to be the policy on other phones from nokia.17:31
pupnik_and perhaps the industry is right17:31
jrochaGeneralAntilles, about the designers not enrolling more in discussions, maybe it also has to do with how things are told, I'm used to people being aggressive on mailing lists and stuff but that might scare people that are not taking up with such shit17:31
pupnik_but i would rather that our devices not contribute to the IDIOTification of the planet17:31
redwhats so hard about organizing media :(17:31
pupnik_agree with you red17:31
redthere are programs to do basic sorting for you alread aswell (like jaikoz fex)17:32
RST38hpupnik: Just need a decent third party multimedia player AND a way to turn tracker off17:32
GeneralAntillesjrocha, unfortunately it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.17:32
redhad the basic same problem with iphone about folder, but it was neat that I could just drag & drop a folder into a playlist17:32
GeneralAntillesjrocha, when people get frustrated, they tend to get short and irritable.17:32
lardmanGeneralAntilles: doesn't seem to be a good way of getting enhancements anywhere either :(17:32
redthen autosync the playlist and just adding music into playlists instead of folders worked17:32
GeneralAntillesjrocha, so internal people are less inclined to come out and people get more frustrated.17:33
VDVsxlardman, enhancements, did you mean brainstorm :D17:33
GeneralAntillesjrocha, my personal opinion is that they need to stop hiring people out of S60. ;)17:33
lardmanVDVsx: wash your mouth out!17:33
pupnik_vi /home/user/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg17:33
redguess I could just work my way around it and autotag all those mp3s as "pop & punk" etc and then it would work, but that would suck for genius playlists on my desk comp17:33
pupnik_cooool!  it has initial delay!17:33
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redand having two copies of a 50gig library is gay aswell17:34
jrochaGeneralAntilles, well, I like to think that human-beings can reason and understand that sometimes you just need to go slower and be polite17:34
pupnik_<3 n900 soo much17:34
GeneralAntillesjrocha, easier to do when you don't feel like your effort is just getting flushed down a toilet.17:34
andre__GeneralAntilles: if the community behaves respectful and patient, this would work. but a few people tend to attack Nokia, and I can also understand Nokians saying "why should I spend my time in the community?"17:34
pupnik_flag to RST38h `17:34
jrochaandre__, EXACTLY!17:34
lardmanjrocha: is hard for us though when we make quite decent suggestions and get told "No way, doesn't agree with the UI spec"17:35
pupnik_tracker was indexing my documents - elohel!17:35
andre__GeneralAntilles, and yes, I can also understand frustration in the community. but saying "but the other party has to start" never works :-)17:35
temp-ale-xa question, just out of interest: has anyone of you got an SDK+ to work with i386 rootstrap of freemantle?17:35
Stskeepsthe opposite argument is that the fact people aren't 'out in the community' causes the tension instead :P17:35
andre__lardman, yeah, UI Spec argumentations extremely suck.17:35
andre__so we all agree on a chicken and egg problem? :-P17:35
jrochaGeneralAntilles, I don't think that's the whole story, I think the internet enabled people to do and say whatever they want because you're behind a shield and is free (tm)17:35
GeneralAntillesandre__, you can't lay the blame squarely on either side.17:36
RST38hSts: It really has ot be resolved at the case-by-case basis17:36
Stskeepscos we don't know who to gently poke17:36
lcuklbt_, yeah?17:36
RST38hSts: Not all developers should be spending their time online rather than working17:36
StskeepsRST38h: of course17:36
GeneralAntillesandre__, respect and disrespectful seems to get you exactly the same distance--nowhere.17:36
Stskeepsand not all decisions should be made by community alone, either :P17:36
pupnik_man, whoever made tracker, GOOD JOB with that .cfg file17:36
RST38hSts: Some developers (like the GPS guy for example) are better pay some attention to the community17:36
andre__GeneralAntilles, so in doubt you should be respectful if it's the same result anyway ;-)17:36
GeneralAntillesandre__, after as much time as a lot of folks have put in it becomes quite frustrating.17:36
jrochaandre__, exactly17:37
lcukStskeeps, designers and developers need to be together when coming up with specs to ensure their plans match with the devices and capabilities17:37
RST38hSts: And yes, the UI Spec sucks, and yes, I do not think community participation would help there17:37
andre__GeneralAntilles, yeah, I totally agree. And you're way longer around here than me, plus you've put a lot of efforts into Maemo...17:37
GeneralAntillesandre__, eventually that leads to meltdowns, however.17:37
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lcukand it needs to remain so to follow up afterwards17:37
RST38hSts: Because Good UI Spec mostly depends on the common sense that was missing in the current UI Spec designers17:37
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Stskeepslcuk: i'm really happy to see the UX guys/girls out of the woodwork :)17:37
pupnik_# Set to true to disable initial indexing when running on battery17:37
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lcukyes was good thrashing some bits out last week17:37
lcukneeds to continue17:38
jaempupnik_, where is this cfg file?17:38
jrochaGeneralAntilles, but people dealing with you may change and new people may arrive, and if the new guys who can be nicer or worse arrive and see: "hey, this sucks! DO THIS NOW, that MAKES NO SENSE, FIX IT!"... people tend to give up17:38
RST38hSts: Instead of watching users and helping them do their work faster, the current UI spec builds a "beautiful" city-on-the-hill in hopes that the usersand developers will flock to it17:38
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pupnik_vi /home/user/.config/tracker/tracker.cfg17:38
RST38hWell, no freaking chance, given how crooked the streets are17:38
Stskeepsdid any of you read the materials put out about style guide etc?17:39
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RST38hSts: I have read the style guide. It is enough.17:39
jrochaGeneralAntilles, not pointing this stick to you but if one tries to be more polite when asking for things, results are normally better. you (generic you) should try it ;)17:39
redDoes any other IM program integrate into contacts like butterfly? Butterfly has problems sensing internet connection and remains in connection error state after I roam to an area where there is no wlan/gprs.17:39
GeneralAntillesjrocha, unfortunately that's rarely the case.17:39
redand only way to get it to reconnect is offline mode -> online mode17:39
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RST38hSts: Explaning to me why it is done this way is not going to succeed, as there are multiple ways to accomplish those goals17:39
GeneralAntillesjrocha, mostly you either get no response or a "this it how it is *WONTFIX*" no matter how kindly or not the original issue is filled. :)17:40
slonopotamusargh. n900 wifi is weaker than n800. have to move AP somewhere, n900 loses network in the kitchen :(17:40
odin_does ARM have a CPU serial number, like Intel CPUID ?17:40
nomisis it possible to configure the "blur radius" of the stuff in the background of the dialogs?17:40
GeneralAntillesjrocha, which is why people tend to trend towards being unpleasant.17:40
RST38hslono: more agressive powersave17:40
Stskeepsnomis: yeah, hildon-desktop.ini17:40
Stskeepsor something17:41
odin_(which was removed due to outrage, OUTRAGE !!!)17:41
lardman~kill all representatives of Global Telecom17:41
* infobot shoots a excited photon gun at all representatives of Global Telecom17:41
RST38hGeneral: Well, live people are often unpleasant, there is nothing unusual with that17:41
_berto_slonopotamus: in my experience it's the other way around17:41
RST38hGeneral: Ability to withstand some flac and a good strategic position helps though17:41
lardman~piss on the graves of all representatives of Global Telecom17:41
* infobot pisses on the graves of all representatives of Global Telecom17:41
slonopotamusrst38h, is it configurable?17:42
RST38hNokia does not have that on many of the public bugzilla trackers17:42
RST38hslono: Yea17:42
jrochaGeneralAntilles, unpleasant does not get you any further. I'm not sending the email because you were aggressive, I'm sending it because I think you guys might have a point17:42
GeneralAntillesjrocha, this is one case out of 500.17:42
* Stskeeps ponders idly if it's time for community code of conduct17:42
jrochaGeneralAntilles, still, politeness if the way :D17:42
* VDVsx waits for the day that "Fixed in harmattan" massively attacks bmo17:42
slonopotamusberto, i have them both on the table near each other, n800 sees wifi (2 bars), n900 doesn't17:43
StskeepsVDVsx: it's going to be a more odd situation than with diablo - as most of the stuff is developed openly now17:43
Stskeepswell, a lot of stuff17:43
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lardmanGeneralAntilles: if you'd like to take our some agression, I can suggest that any representative of Global Telecom would gladly welcome being beaten to a pulp17:43
GeneralAntillesjrocha, my only point is that we don't all have the patience of saints.17:43
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slonopotamusrst38h, how? :)17:43
GeneralAntillesjrocha, both sides tend to reap what they sow.17:43
_berto_slonopotamus: strange, my impression was different, but you might be right :)17:44
VDVsxStskeeps, just wait for UI changes/enhancements ;)17:44
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Micha_temp-ale-x: How far did you get?17:44
slonopotamusrst38h, found17:44
RST38hslono: yeah :)17:44
JagooI wonder how long its gonna take until we see proper ports of Quake and Quake2 for the N900 :)17:44
jrochaGeneralAntilles, okay, I understand that but you gotta free the hate buffer once in while, to leave space for the new people not to be annoyed on their first contact to the community17:44
temp-ale-xMicha_: stuck somewhere at the and17:44
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ale-xor whatever?17:45
ale-xthis is not even my password *g*17:45
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andre__jrocha, yeah, exactly. i've seen people attacking developers in bugzilla and talk after they had started to speak directly with the community. no good17:46
jrochaalso re-check the language that people use sometimes and forget that some of the people, specially designers (statistically) might be girls, and girls tend to get more annoyed than us when someone says: "hey why the frak is this doing X instead of Y dude!"17:46
andre__heh. "WTF?????????????"17:47
VDVsxI totally agreed with jrocha on that, I already saw some Nokians and contractors showing up in BMO for the first time and they generally got a really nice welcome there :(17:47
lardmanI'd be upset as a boy being called a small piece of poo too17:47
furunk3lwhat did i miss?17:47
StskeepsVDVsx: heh, - i'm still astonished by how well vitaly_repin is keeping up on tmo :)17:47
Jagoojrocha: the wonders of OSS development model ;)17:48
lardmanhmm, wikipedia doesn't seem to agree with my meaning for the word dude17:48
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furunk3llardman: change it17:48
* lardman wonders where he heard that then17:48
AbstractWthen update wikipedia, lardman.17:48
Gadgetoid_mbplardman: dude != poo17:48
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lardmanfurunk3l: ah yes :)17:48
Gadgetoid_mbpThat would be doodie17:48
VDVsxStskeeps, on related news (tmo), seems that our friend Darius is back17:48
lardmanah, means fool from German17:48
StskeepsVDVsx: oh dear17:49
andre__VDVsx, uh? where?17:49
jrochaJagoo, yes, but we need to change that if we want to be more successful17:49
slonopotamus_with disabled powersave it works17:49
slonopotamus_need to try with medium17:49
VDVsxandre__, talk17:49
furunk3li would translate it more like "alter"17:49
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GeneralAntillesDarius for Council chair! Impeach VDVsx!17:49
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GeneralAntillesMisappropriation of funds!17:49
GeneralAntillesI hear he used money to go to a topless bar in Barcelona!17:49
VDVsxGeneralAntilles, + 117:49
andre__VDVsx, username / link?17:49
rangeTopless bears?17:50
andre__hmm. as long as he does not enter bugzilla... :-P17:50
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jrochaof course, developers are also very aggressive sometimes, not only unhappy users :)17:50
odin_Who was looking into the Maemo "Security API" ?  or specifically a "Secure Storage API" ?  the kind of API to be used for service credentials, maybe long-term cookies17:50
GeneralAntillesandre__, Imma PM him a link.17:50
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solpetecould someone check if kongregate games work on n900 .. such as
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jrochawe should think about this and change17:50
VDVsxandre__, there's another thread, where is complains about lack of updates for the 77017:50
* Stskeeps blinks17:51
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Scummerwoof woof17:51
slonopotamus_rst38h, you made me happier :)17:51
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X-Fadeodin_: Maemo 6 platform security?17:51
ale-xMicha_: start should be run as root?17:51
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odin_X-Fade, 5 and yes 6 (i.e. I don't expect things to be perfected in 5 but for input into Meamo6 development)17:51
andre__jrocha: yes. a good rant is acceptable if it actually triggers change. yes, we're all a bunch of passionate people, aren't we? :-P17:51
Scummeralex : no.. you can login into scratchbox and run the init script from there17:52
jrochaandre__, yup!17:52
lardmanshall I delete that post, seems to be spam17:52
Micha_ale-x: To be honest, that was before I figured out that what that does, should really be done by "maemo-sdk start gui"17:52
Micha_ale-x: If you do "maemo-sdk --verbose start gui" you (should) see a lot of errors.17:52
ale-xwell, the maemo-sdk way doesn't give me enough error output17:52
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ale-xah ok17:52
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ale-xyou were faster than I *g*17:52
Scummermicha : is that for the armel or x86 target ?17:53
jrochaandre__, let's be passionate like artists, not passionate like hungry lions going for the tiniest gazelle in the field17:53
ale-xthan I could think, I meant17:53
Micha_Scummer: We're stuck trying to get the i386 target working17:53
andre__jrocha, hell yeah.17:53
Scummeri've spent all day yesterday to get the armel target up only to read that it actually just simply doesn't work d'oh17:53
solpetedoes java games such as work?17:54
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Micha_Scummer: It works just fine for compiling, just not for running stuff17:54
odin_solpete, I don't think there is any Java support yet, ths is something I would very much look into (in new year)17:54
Scummermicha: correct.. i was able to compile modest trunk only to find out i couldn't test it in scratchbox :/17:54
Micha_Scummer: Yeah, and I like to test stuff first before I try it on the device..  the sb2 stuff seems to be very fragile at present.17:55
ale-xMicha_: I get stuck at Error setting value: Configuration server couldn't be contacted: D-BUS error: Can't overwrite existing read-only value17:55
Scummermicha: ACK17:56
ale-xthen maemo-invoker complains about not getting the correct parameters (or none it seems)17:56
Micha_ale-x: I get similar.17:56
ale-xthen trackerd doesn't finds its libs (which is odd, because they are there)17:56
ale-xand that's it17:56
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ale-xapart from a few gstreamer related problems17:57
ale-xmaybe dbus or whatever17:57
ale-xMicha_: do you get the same results in X86 and AMD64?17:57
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Micha_ale-x: Would have to double-check now (and right now I can't due to being at work).17:57
lbt_lcuk: yes, I got the revised stuff through. We're officially allowed to be "derogatory and disparaging" towards Nokia *and* their employees .... hear that timeless_mbp you worthless yankee nokian? <grin>17:58
lcukas long as you are happy david, thats the most important thing.17:59
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ale-xMicha_: but you couldn't get it to run in X86 either?17:59
lcukand i think timeless rocks! so dont call him again17:59
lbt_we can't defame them though ....17:59
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Micha_ale-x: Nope. My amd64 box is Ubuntu 9.10, my x86 box is Debian sid18:00
lardman lol18:00
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lardmanesp this bit:18:00
lcukof course, thats been the same for every self respecting member of this community fora long time anyway18:00
* lbt_ has rules - you can insult anyone on irc that you've had dinner with ;)18:00
lardmanA humorous aphorism attributed to E.B. White summarizes these distinctions:18:00
lardmanTo foreigners, a Yankee is an American.18:00
lardmanTo Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner.18:00
lardmanTo Northerners, a Yankee is an Easterner.18:00
lardmanTo Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.18:00
lardmanTo New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.18:00
lardmanAnd in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.18:00
Micha_ale-x: When I get time, I was going to set up a virtual Debian lenny box and try it on there.18:00
lcuklbt, ive never eaten dinner with you!18:00
pupnik_I just heard a lecture including a history of the yankees, and that is not far off.18:00
ale-xMicha_: my first try was in a ia32 chroot18:01
lcukbut ive slept in the same room as you and thats close enough18:01
VDVsxlbt_, I did, so I can insult you now ? :P18:01
lbt_VDVsx: of course18:01
ale-xMicha_: could not even get diablo to display in Xephyr there18:01
Micha_ale-x: I never tried that. Read something that the sb2 based environment now supports amd64 so I've just been bashing my head against walls trying to get that going.18:01
VDVsxnever had dinner with timeless_mbp , but he was my summit roomate, dunno if that counts :p18:02
lbt_lcuk: nah I'm always polite to people I sleep with ;)18:02
Scummerlard: lol18:02
ale-xMicha_: actually I can run the diablo rootstrap in my system without problems, so I'd say yes, sb2 supports amd6418:02
lbt_lcuk: seriously though - all the contentious legal clauses are out18:03
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lcuki know, ill talk to you properly after work :) thanks for pushing18:03
SpeedEvillbt: no requirement for indemnity forex/18:03
lcukcompromise :)18:03
lbt_the licensing still needs work but I'm happy that the community and W+K have a basis for communication now18:03
Micha_ale-x: Heh. Haven't tried the diablo one. Just been trying the fremantle rootstraps.18:04
lbt_SpeedEvil: correct18:04
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VDVsxlbt_, many thanks for the effort :918:04
lbt_nb... legal docs are like code problems18:04
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* VDVsx prefer code problems18:04
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ale-xMicha_: I think I'll give up for now and wait for SDK+ and freemantle to mature a bit18:05
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Scummeralex: agreed18:06
andre__ale-x, fremantle. one e. :-P18:06
Micha_ale-x: That's pretty much where I'm at too :(   But people must have it working..18:06
Scummermicha: or you just test on the device :)18:06
Scummerthat's what the ssh server is for :)18:07
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ale-xI guess those who are emulating successfully use SDK and old scratchbox18:07
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ale-xScummer: no need ssh if there is no N900 to ssh to ;-)18:08
Scummeralex: oh.. sorry :)18:08
Scummeri forgot.. there are still a lot of people waiting18:09
Micha_Scummer: True.. But a bit scary..18:09
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ale-xI won't get one in the near future either ;-)18:09
Scummercurrently i shouldn't really test on the phone as the office internet is down and i'm connected through my n900 ;)18:09
Scummerthat could potentially leave me dead in the water18:10
ale-xScummer: is it easy to completely brick the N900?18:11
andre__ale-x, no.18:11
Scummeralex: i haven't tried it yet :)18:11
odin_ale-x, there are known causes, like filling rootfs and rebooting18:11
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Scummerbut i also don't have a flash image with me18:11
Stskeepsodin_: which isn't "bricking" as such. brick = not even possible to flash18:12
ale-xStskeeps, that's what I meant18:12
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Scummeri guess it is advisable as a n900 to carry your laptop with a backup image with you at any times? :)18:12
Scummern900 owner even18:12
GeneralAntillesAh, camkeyd is so awesome.18:13
odin_Scummer,  not really advise just paranoia18:13
Scummerparanoia is good18:13
Scummerkeeps you on the edge18:14
odin_Scummer, are you looking at me ?  stop looking at me !18:14
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lardmanI've yet to make a device unusable in normal day to day use18:15
lardmanand I've had a few18:15
lardmanfrom 770 onwards18:15
lardmanso I really wouldn't worry18:15
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odin_had a few?   attempts?  days?  devices?  beers?18:16
lardmanall the above18:16
ShadowJKwow, bounce is (somewhat) optified18:16
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odin_I think it would possible to fix the non-booting when full issue18:16
hrwbye all18:16
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lardmancu hrw|gone18:16
Scummerodin : hmm.. like a daemon running?  if rootfs > 95% then rm -rf /18:17
Gadgetoid_mbpodin_: delete stuff at random18:17
odin_maybe even provide single-user mode (to boot)18:17
Gadgetoid_mbpBah Scummer beat me too it18:17
Scummergadget *5*18:17
ale-xodin_: what exactly is the problem? device doesn't boot if there is no space left?18:17
odin_thats the common (presumed) cause I've head, no-space-on-root-mean-no-life-after-boot haha18:17
lardmanhmm, I really would rather like a beer18:17
Gadgetoid_mbpFscking right up when the root fs runs out of space is a Maemo feature18:18
Gadgetoid_mbpOne that N8x0 owners thoroughly enjoyed18:18
ale-xodin_: what filesystem does the roo partition use?18:18
Scummermaybe have a way to start another image from the SD card to mount the rootfs and clean up some stuff ?18:18
odin_the fix is to make the important stuff work even with no space (ubifs is expandable anyway, so its possible to reserve)18:18
Gadgetoid_mbpAlthough when I filled my N810 I didn't even need to reboot it before it fscked right up18:18
odin_ale-x, UBIFS for rootfs18:18
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Gadgetoid_mbpRan out of cache for apt, so there's no room to uninstall apps... what a paradox18:19
AbstractWThe N900 was in stock this morning, and now its out of stock on Nokia's site.18:19
Gadgetoid_mbpI'll sell you mine for £700 AbstractW18:20
Scummerabstract : still trying to score one?18:20
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lcukGadgetoid_mbp,  how much as in AbstractW worth?18:20
Scummerabstract 0: nokia store 118:20
odin_what about if during bootup and root mount it sees less than 32Kb (or whatever min-limit) free space, it offers single-user-mode and a terminal ?  which runs X11 and terminal using a ram-drive for storage if needed18:20
AbstractWIdeally, if I could get in on that $450 dell deal, I'd jump.18:20
odin_doesn't FuSE work, I see there module is there... ramdrive over the top of rootfs18:20
Gadgetoid_mbplcuk: precisely 1.5 GBP18:20
ale-xodin_: and how are you filling the root fs to make it full? installing software?18:20
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odin_ale-x, yes that is one way, I move my /var/lib/dpkg tho, since the installed software package-db uses 5 to 10% of rootfs storage18:21
ale-xodin_: yes, that's a problem with dpkg, it was not really designed for embedded systems as far as I know18:22
odin_ale-x, i.e. what I'm saying is the package-db as-is is not scalable, since lets presume number of repos/apps doubles, thats 10 to 15% of rootfs for it18:22
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Scummer /var is not an extra fs ?18:22
lardmanmmm, beer18:22
odin_Scummer, no, only /home18:23
Gadgetoid_mbpPandora XML for all!18:23
Scummerodin : hmm.. ok.. that's no good18:23
ale-xodin_: I'm asking, because I know that some fs provide reserveable space for root-user18:23
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ale-xubifs as well, afaik18:23
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odin_ale-x, the problem is its a single-user devices, so there is "User" and "root" most things assume root, which is ok really18:23
yaboIsn't it possible to change /etc/fstab to have a new FS layout ?18:23
Gadgetoid_mbpDid you just copy /var/lib/dpkg to user space and symlink it?18:23
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odin_I wrote a script18:24
ale-xodin_: the solution that instantly came to my mind: don't allow apt to install if there is not enough space and reserve some for root18:24
Scummerhmm.. since there is 32G's.. make the rootfs 2G's ?18:24
odin_ale-x, yes sure there are issue with apt getting the amount of free diskspace on UBIFS, since its a compressed filesystem18:25
ale-xodin_: but I don't know enough about the N900, given the fact that I don't even own one *g*18:25
Scummerinstead of the meager 230M's as the df shows ?18:25
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X-FadeScummer: the emmc is way, way slower.18:26
siriusnovaim new18:26
siriusnovai just bought a brand new Nokia N90018:26
X-Fadesiriusnova: welcome ;)18:26
Scummerxfade: oh.. ok18:26
siriusnovaso what can i do with this fancy gadget18:26
lopzhi :!18:26
odin_ale-x, making the device boot with a full rootfs is like really useful feature, worth persuing18:26
X-FadeScummer: There is a reason why root is on that 256 MB part ;)18:26
yaboX-Fade, though the /opt is on the emmc isn't it ?18:27
lardmansiriusnova: have a look in the application manager to see what you can install, and look at TMO for some other ideas18:27
Scummerxfade: so the 256M is some fast flash or battery backed RAM ?18:27
ale-xsiriusnova: donate it? to me?18:27
Scummerbattery backed ram makes no sense18:27
lardmancome on infobot18:27
Scummerso fast fash18:27
siriusnovaale-x: pif 700 USD18:27
X-FadeScummer: onenand flash18:27
microlithScummer: it's a samsung OneNAND chip18:27
ale-xyeah, as if I had USD at hand18:28
odin_does it operate are CPU memory  bus speed?18:28
siriusnovalardman: what is TMO18:28
siriusnovais there a good irc client for the maemo 5?18:28
odin_siriusnova, X-Chat does the trick for me18:28
Scummersirius: xchat18:28
yabosiriusnova,  irssi :)18:28
AbstractWdefine good :P18:28
siriusnovaxchat isnt available in the extras repository18:28
siriusnovairssi is in extras-devel i think18:28
lardmansiriusnova: talk.maemo.org18:28
Scummerssh into home box with screeen and ircII is better tho :)18:28
siriusnovaor extras-testing18:28
yabosiriusnova, non extras-testing18:29
AbstractWscript: No, bitchx beats ircII18:29
yabosiriusnova, I have it without using extras-devel18:29
rabbitearI just noticed that the n900 is missing a 'wall projection screen'18:29
siriusnovayaho - weird i dont18:29
siriusnovalemme check18:29
siriusnovai dont see xchat18:29
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ScummerircII is the grand daddy of irc clients :)18:29
ale-xsiriusnova: I guess pidgin would be an alternative too, supports IRC18:29
ShadowJKextras-devel, crashes if you try save settings18:29
lopzhello, anyone has the motion application running on a n800?18:30
rabbiteartelnet is the grand daddy of irc clients :)18:30
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Scummerrabbit: ok, you win :)18:30
X-Fadeirssi is in extras-testing18:30
pupnikrabbitear: 'talk' maybe18:30
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pupnikhey, who wants a port of 'hunt'18:30
lopzI have installed but when starting gives me some errors concerning v4l2, I step log of what I get on screen18:30
rabbiteartalk does host to host I believe...18:30
siriusnovawhat other apps do you guys reccomend18:30
siriusnovafor my new Nokia N90018:31
siriusnovaaside from openssh :P18:31
Scummersirius: drnoksnes18:31
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Scummerwith wiicontrol18:31
siriusnovawhich repo is it in?18:31
Scummerand a projector for tv out :)18:31
siriusnovai have all 318:31
GeneralAntillesLater folks.18:31
pupnikmaybe gpe file manager, gpe calendar, packagerate, maemo music player daemon, xchat, gpodder18:31
Scummeroffice life becomes so much better with those 3 things :)18:31
lardmancu GeneralAntilles18:32
GeneralAntillesWinter break!18:32
pupnikcu GeneralAntilles18:32
GeneralAntillesuc lardman usuk18:32
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rabbitearhave not seen talk in a loooong time, or am I thinking of hmm, oh well18:32
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pupnikhunt was the first unix multiplayer fragfest18:33
siriusnovawhere is xchat18:33
Scummerinsteaf of talk, just use write :)18:33
siriusnovaits not in extras-testing either18:33
rabbitearyeah, brain gets to rest :) (winter break)18:33
Scummersirius : try extras-devel18:33
rabbitearthats what I was thinking of write18:33
siriusnovaisnt that buggy sw18:33
Scummersirius: so what ? :)18:33
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yaboBeware extras-devel eats your children, kills your kitten and blows up your house.18:34
Scummerthe bleeding edge requires a sense of adventure.. even if that means spending another 600$ on a new phone :)18:34
siriusnovaid rather not18:34
rabbiteartalk was like an ncurses or whatever thing like bbs chat18:34
Scummerrabbit: yeah.. talk had like a dual screen18:35
siriusnovabut in case how do I reflash my N900 anyhoo18:35
siriusnovais it possible yet?18:35
siriusnovasince its brand new18:35
Scummerbut write you could run from the command line.. especially useful when you are in the middle of typing a long command and a write comes in :)18:35
rabbitearyep :)18:36
Scummersirius: is your friend18:36
siriusnovayes found it18:36
rabbiteargood for messing with people at work.. (write)18:36
Scummerlike : the system is going down.. logoff now!! and bamm.. you could 100% the CPU to yourself18:36
rabbitearI miss my job (long time ago) :)18:37
Scummerbut that's wall was for18:37
Scummerwall = write all18:38
rabbitearoh ya....18:38
rabbitearyour bringing back memories to me Scummer18:39
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rabbitearthese was slackware servers ...18:39
rabbitearhad all that stuff..18:39
Scummeri ahven't been a unix admin for a while myself.. but the useful commands i still somewhat remember :)18:39
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rabbitearwe and them, well, in the room, was answering the phones, using the slackware servers... in the 97++... isp's where young back then18:40
rabbiteartoday thats all different.. *shrugs*18:41
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Scummerit was a lucky shot if you got DSL in 97 unless you lived downtown in a city18:41
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yaboare there other usable distros for the n900 ?18:41
rabbitearback in school, and I shoulda done like art or something, its all windows Crap!18:41
Scummeryabo : i think Mer might work with some fiddling... but i think you'll loose the phone features18:42
rabbitearScummer: I had the first (one of, was a beta tester) cable modems in town..18:42
yaboScummer, ok18:42
rabbitear25kbits I think is that right18:43
Scummerrabbit: i always had DSL until a few month ago.. swtiched to commicast18:43
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rabbitearScummer: that was in fairbanks, alaska actually....18:43
rabbitearScummer: I'm in anchorage, ak now (from boston tho), you guys have the better deals :)18:44
Scummerrabbit: brrr.. those bits were crawling in the cold.. no wonder it was 25kbit :)18:44
rabbitearfaster then 3-5kbits18:44
Scummereven tho.. a modem could have given you 33k back in 97 :)18:44
Scummeror was it 56k already ?18:44
rabbitearokay then I mean 250kbits18:44
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Scummer250kbit.. yeah.. a tad faster than ISDN.. sounds right18:44
rabbitearI'm so bad at converting that..18:45
ShadowJK230 is like edge..18:45
ScummerISDN was nice.. i had that in germany18:45
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Scummerwith channel bundling 128k when everyone else was still 33k dial up18:45
Scummerand the linux support for ISDN was pretty good 15 years ago18:46
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ShadowJKisdn and dialup sucked in thr sense that it was charged per minute18:46
Scummershadow: not in germany18:46
* ShadowJK switched to gprs as soon as he had phone with serial port and gprs coverage18:47
Scummershadow: after a while they had a flat rate.. just the dial-in was 10 cents and then no more charges18:47
ShadowJKisdn would've been about 3 euro per hour here :)18:47
Scummerif you were in a range of 5 miles to the CO18:47
Scummerwhich I was :)18:47
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rabbiteara little waay back you could still bluebox in germany too18:48
Scummerrabbit: i've tried.. but was never successful with it18:48
rabbitearlike up until the mid early 90's18:48
Scummerrabbit: i really could have made good use of it as my girlfriend lived in the US18:48
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rabbitearScummer: I got calls into my bbs before way back from the boxers18:49
Scummermy phone bills were outrages18:49
Scummeroverseas calls are now damn cheap18:49
rabbitearthe box sounds very weird on the phone18:49
rabbitearthats incoming box calls18:49
Scummerrabbit: even a normal call sounds different now than a decade ago18:50
rabbitearand takes a long time to connect too... Scummer18:50
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SinofEnvyjust received my N900 :> any ideas on how to transfer my contacts from my iphone to my n900? lol18:50
Scummernow it seems they are right in the next town18:50
Scummerenvy: take out the SIM? hehehehe18:50
SinofEnvycontacts aren't on the SIM unfortunately18:50
SinofEnvybut on internal mem :(18:50
ale-xSinOfEnvy: SyncML?18:51
Scummerthe iphone actually does have a sIM?18:51
juharSinofEnvy, do you have mac?18:51
valdynSinofEnvy: nuevasync.com18:51
SinofEnvyjuhar, no18:51
yaboale-x, SyncML on n900 ?18:51
luke-jrSinofEnvy: by hand18:51
ale-xno there?18:51
SinofEnvyluke-jr, lolz... I'd rather not, but if there's no other way xP18:51
yaboale-x, no18:51
SinofEnvynuevasync, I'll have a look. thanks valdyn18:51
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AbstractWSinofEnvy: Use outlook18:52
SinofEnvyoh that's actually a good idea.18:52
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rabbitearthe damn console here takes my keyboard away from me from time to time... don't know what that is yet18:53
ale-xyabo: but there is syncevolution, right?18:53
rabbitearI can't type in the console sometimes -- every once in a while, its just archlinux18:53
rabbitearno idea - no biggie18:54
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yaboale-x, don't know18:54
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rabbitearfvwm runs pretty strong (always use that for years cuz it works) but I think it might be this gnome notification thing...18:55
rabbitearoh well.18:55
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yaboale-x, apt-cache search says no18:55
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ale-xyabo: hmm, I was just thinking, that because it's available in Debian, it's there for maemo as well18:56
ale-xyabo: should not be too hard (at least for the command-line app) to port it to n90018:56
ale-xlatest syncevolution release does even have a gtk ui I was told18:56
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yaboale-x, yep, but it would be better if SyncML was flawlessly integrated in the phone18:57
yaboseems a pretty basic need...18:57
paravoidI'm trying to create my own layout (for Greek)18:57
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paravoidfor the hardware keyboard of my N90018:57
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paravoidproblem is, I need to have level 5-8 and use Ctrl+Space for change18:58
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ale-xyabo: you are right. if I was able to run my SDK here I'd start to try to port to18:58
paravoidnow, I see that with Russian Ctrl+Space changes language and the message "Keyboard layout switched" is displayed, while e.g. with English, Ctrl+Space results in "Input language switched"18:58
paravoidthe latter changing only the virtual keyboard's layout18:58
paravoidany idea why there's that difference and how can I override it?18:58
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AbstractWI just want a dvorak keyboard on my N90019:00
SpeedEvilIs htere a nice way to have a refreshed picture URL on my desktop?19:00
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SpeedEvilI want - forex - updated every 3 hoursish19:01
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yaboSpeedEvil, isn't there a command line tool to change the background ?19:04
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yabothat could be called by a crontab event :p19:04
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SpeedEvilI've been trying to avoid doing stuff my normal way for some reason.19:05
SpeedEvilWhich would probably involve awk.19:05
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ShadowJKhm, i cant paste multiple lines from browser to xchat on n90019:10
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AbstractWsniff the clipboard, see if its chopping your CR/LFs19:14
AbstractWOr, xchat is stripping those.19:14
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ShadowJKbrowser -> notes is fine19:16
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siriusnovaok so19:16
siriusnovaim about to enable extra-devel19:16
* siriusnova crosses his fingers19:16
johnqHi! Is it possbile to automatically execute "ifup usb0" on the N900 once the "PC Suite mode" is selected after connecting the usb cable?19:16
woglindejohnq hm19:17
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woglindejohnq you could try to run ifpludg19:17
woglindeargs ifplugd19:17
woglindedont if it is packages yet19:17
woglindebut debian package should work out of the box19:17
user_hi, anyone with an N900 here right now?  could you tell methe  browser's useragent? (or alternatively just click
Xisdibiksiriusnova: good luck19:18
siriusnovawhat does that mean19:18
siriusnovashould i not do this19:18
siriusnovai really dont want to brick my N90019:18
Xisdibikit means, you might need to reflash your phone if you do something wrong ;)19:18
Xisdibiknow having said this19:19
user_if you're in doubt, that probably means you shouldn't be doing that :P19:19
Xisdibiki have extras-devel enabled19:19
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mgedminwhich is technically abusing the term "brick"19:19
jkimball4not term abuse again19:19
johnqwoglinde: I assume that this is a very common problem, I don't want to fire up a terminal on the device when connecting it via usb. So if there is no general solution I'll search for one and update the wiki.19:19
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user_Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux armv7l; fi-FI; rv:1.9.2a1pre) Gecko/20090928 Firefox/3.5 Maemo Browser RX-51 N90019:20
user_thanks, whoever clicked that!19:20
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siriusnovalol i see dosbox in extras-devel19:20
siriusnovahow does it run?19:20
siriusnovaon a 600MHZ Arm19:20
paroneayeaI keep trying to add extras-testing to my device19:20
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Xisdibikit has some issues at the moment19:20
paroneayeaand I keep getting "failed to refresh"19:20
Xisdibiknot related to performance19:20
odin_Ive lost a lot of my home screen stuff (I rebooted earliar and only just noticed its not come back)19:20
odin_stuff like facebook widget, wireless lan IP, GPRS tx/rx counters, "messages" window19:21
woglindejohnq running ifplugd is a common solution19:21
SinofEnvyquick question.. I updated my .sounds directory but my N900 isnt recognizing any music files, so I googled and came across "Run tracker-processes -r as user in an xterm."19:21
SinofEnvyI tried this, but it says permission denied..19:21
johnqwoglinde: ok, thanks19:21
XisdibikSinofEnvy: are you still connected to the PC19:21
Xisdibikwith the USB19:21
Xisdibikthen it should update19:22
pupniklooks like i fixed my performance issues with tracker :)19:22
Xisdibik(give it a minute or so after u open the media player19:22
woglindejohnq hm when remeber correctly ifupdown has a auto mechanismus too, but ifplugd works better for me19:22
* pupnik dances19:22
SinofEnvysays the same thing, Xisdibik19:22
Xisdibikdont try the command19:22
Xisdibikjust open media player19:22
SinofEnvyshould I just run as root?19:22
SinofEnvyhmm ok19:23
Xisdibikafter u unplugged tho19:23
odin_its letting me re-add them...  but application makes "widgets" work on home screen?19:23
SinofEnvyyeah cheers mate19:23
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Xisdibikif your in mass storage mode or PC Suite mode with the USB cable19:23
johnqwoglinde: I do not completely understand the mechanism behind this dialog window: the usb0 device is available before selecting "PC Suite" on the device, right?19:23
Xisdibikit unmounts the drive and mounts it in the desktop19:23
woglindejohnq no19:24
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johnqwoglinde: ah ok, so I got that wrong19:24
woglindeifplugd runs on known or not yet know devices19:24
woglindeusb can eithet net or console19:24
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woglindeudev tries to figure out whats right19:24
SinofEnvyokay, so next question.. how do I remove the "Getting started" thingy at the bottom of my screen? :p19:25
Scummersitting in a vendor presentation is so much more bearable with a new toy :)19:25
woglindesinofenv its an apllet19:25
ShadowJKtap empty space on desktop, icon of gear pops up19:25
ShadowJKpress the gear, then tap titlebar menu19:25
woglindesinofenv somewher you can configure which appletts are shown on homescren19:25
SinofEnvyah yeah19:25
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SinofEnvyI see. I got it.19:25
SinofEnvyI should try before asking ;P19:26
SinofEnvyI could've easily figured that one out hahab19:26
SinofEnvybut thanks19:26
woglindeSorry for the inconvenience. garage has a maintenance break.19:26
yaboAm I the only one who has trouble with the little support beside the phone ? I wish it was larger... When I need to cick on the top right corner the phone tips over19:27
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odin_the widgets that disappeared were, "Personal Data Plan Monitor", "Personal IP Address", "facebook", "Converstations Inbox", "Forceca Weather", however when I load them back (by adding them again, they each appear in the correct desktop place)19:28
_berto_hildon-desktop running on Ubuntu Karmic:
fluxyabo, definitely. I think it's mostly for fairs or something, so they can hold the device in upright position..19:28
SinofEnvyactually, if I recall correctly it was for watching movies etc...19:29
SinofEnvynot so much a stand to actually USE the phone. just to position it so you can watch/look at it (so yeah I guess fairs as well)19:29
yabotoo bad, it's very useful for working with the phone on a table too...19:29
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paroneayeaI thought I followed the instructions for adding the extras-testing repository, but I keep getting:19:30
siriusnovaits fremantle19:31
siriusnovanot freemantle19:31
siriusnovai made the same mistake19:31
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mgedminat least it's easier to spell than scirrocco[sp?]19:32
pupnikdeb fremantle free non-free19:32
pupnikdeb fremantle free non-free19:32
paroneayeafremantle.  gotcha.19:32
siriusnovaman there are a lot of libs in extras-devel19:32
siriusnovabrowsing through them is slooow19:32
siriusnovaanyone try the openvpn app in testing?19:33
pupnikkinetic scrolling widget is only good up to a couple hundred entries imo19:33
siriusnovadoes it work19:33
mgedminpupnik, you don't say!19:33
pupnikwhat is the solution for longer lists mgedmin19:33
mgedminever tried to scroll to the bottom of a large html page (like the irc logs of this particular channel)?19:33
pupnikhow about a-z categories19:33
mgedminit's pure hell19:33
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yabosiriusnova, use apt-* :)19:33
pupnikwell the browser lets me scroll ahead of its rendering, which is very nice19:34
mgedminexcept you don't know when to stop scrolling19:34
mgedminyou have to pause every so often to let it catch up19:34
siriusnovawell atm im browsing through
siriusnovaand i think is lagging19:34
mgedminit's EVIL: even if you're holding your finger and NOT scrolling, it won't redraw19:34
siriusnovathe webserver is taking ages to refresh new pages19:34
siriusnovaare you guys running this on a N900?19:34
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pupnikmgedmin: there's really no choice, from a marketing perspective.  Scrollbars look old.19:34
pupnikhow about an invisible scrollbar on right side?19:35
pupniktap at 50% of vertical space to skip to 50% of webpage19:35
yabopupnik, it would have been great that the scroll bars that are actually displayed when you scroll were functionnal19:36
yaboit's soooo much useful to scroll on long lists or to go directly to a known spot19:36
johnqis there a squashfs module for the official n900 kernel? if not, can I compile only the module and link it into the running kernel?19:36
pupnikwell, that is true19:36
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mgedminfor ordered lists, typeahead-search would work (think app manager with lots of apps)19:37
lardman|homereboot time19:37
mgedminfor web pages, I'm lost19:37
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mgedminunlimited zoom-out maybe?19:37
mgedminas a multiplier for your scrolls19:37
mgedmincurrently the zoom-out stops at 80% or something like that19:37
yabosure about that ?19:37
siriusnovacold pizza ftw19:38
yabomgedmin, indeed19:38
redyou guys got the circular motion zooming working19:38
redfor me trying to clockwise/counter move my finger on the screen just wiggles the webpage19:38
siriusnovaworks for me19:38
yabored, yes, I find it quite nice19:38
siriusnovai use a stylus19:38
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redi miss two-finger style19:38
redguess i should try if i can get it to work with stylus19:39
red<- butterfingers19:39
yaboi have both working19:39
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newdayanybody experiencing random reboots of the device ??19:39
melmothnewday: i think i saw a thread with this subject on
yabobut what's bad with the zoom is that it doesn't refresh the page so that if you're at the max zoom out level and that you go to the max zoom in everything is pixellised and you have to wait a second so it is refreshed19:40
mgedminthe browser is not as fast as I'd like it to be yes19:41
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newdaythis reboot problem is on bugzilla but no solution found yet :(19:41
povbotBug 6334: random reboots19:41
adeusI wonder if they set the "random boots" off on the final flash image :)19:42
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melmothanybody kows how to enable CAL_DEBUG_LOG calls in the calendar_backend thingy ?19:45
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woglindegogo lardman19:46
lardman|homehi woglinde19:47
woglinde~lart garage19:47
* infobot makes a balloon animal out of garage19:47
StargazersI accidentally a whole file system. Is that bad?19:47
lardman|homeaccidentally what?19:48
pupnikand a verb too19:48
yaboStargazers, a verb is missing :)19:48
StargazersA file system19:48
yaboThat's not a word, same player plays again19:48
lardman|homeimplicit "am"?19:48
lardman|home[I *am* accidentally a whole file system. Is that bad?] ?19:48
* lardman|home thinks the verb to "rm -rf" is more likely19:49
yabohow do you rm -rf a file system ?19:49
Stargazerslol just wanted to test if people here read 4chan :D19:50
lardman|homeyabo: "cd / && rm -rf" ??19:50
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mgedminAlways proofread carefully to see if you any words out, Stargazers!19:50
lardman|homeeven better with fdisk mind you19:50
woglindedd if=/dev/zero  of=/dev/moo19:50
yabolardman, thecnically speaking you're not removing the file system but the files stored in it19:50
Stargazersmgedmin: :)19:50
lardman|homemgedmin: I can't talk though, I'm English and I manage to mistype all the time ;)19:50
mgedminthe dd will remove the filesystem19:51
yabomgedmin, agree19:51
lardman|homeyabo: hmm, ok, I'll go one better then with dd ;)19:51
Stargazersdd rocks19:51
woglindemgedmin who cares19:51
mgedminleaving just the empty husk of a partition behind it, assuming the filesystem was inside the partition19:51
yabodd if=/dev/random is funnied though19:51
* mgedmin has extra skillz in pedantry19:51
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woglindeyabo hm only when you have fast entropie19:52
woglindeso urandom is better19:52
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Dr_Cainerr.. quick question19:52
Dr_CainHow do i get the ALT key in xterm?19:52
yabowoglinde, you don't want the FBI/CIA/NSA to be able to recover your data, which would happen by using a weaker random generator.19:53
LaiskaDr_Cain: i was juat about to ask the same thing :)19:53
lardman|homeDr_Cain: what for?19:53
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Laiskaalt+a e.g.19:53
Laiskafor irssi19:53
Dr_Cainit's there on a normal keyboard, I would like to use it on my n900 too :P19:53
Laiskawould be useful19:53
Dr_Cainthough, in irssi you can do esc+fn+number19:54
lardman|homenot sure you can actually19:54
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Dr_Cainso no meta key? :|19:54
lardman|homethough I'm non-authoritative19:54
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yaboI miss the '~' key on the keyboard19:54
lardman|homethere may be a way19:54
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woglindeyabo he even water cannt destroy the n90019:54
mgedminDr_Cain, for xterm apps, esc followed by a key is the same as alt+key19:55
mgedminat least for keys that are alphanumeric19:55
Stargazersyabo: You mean sepparated key for that?19:55
lardman|homethanks mgedmin19:55
siriusnovathis Nokia N900 is so much more open then google or i[phone19:55
yaboStargazers, no, just the '~' to be somewhere on the keyboard19:55
siriusnovaxchat and irssi + openssh = win19:55
woglindeiphone is nothing open19:56
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Stargazersyabo: blue key above shift and ctrl/sym and then select that?19:56
Laiskayabo: well you can find the tilde under Sym so I dont think its a problem19:56
yaboyes I know about the Sym table, but I'm using it very often when in a shell19:57
yaboso its quite painful19:57
VDVsxiPhone is soooo close that you can't even remove the battery :P19:57
Stargazersyabo: well that I meant when said separated key, uhm19:58
AbstractWI'm really put off by the no multi-touch.19:58
AbstractWWhen will apple's patent run out? :P19:58
yaboStargazers, oh ok19:58
rangeWhat do you need multitouch for?19:58
AbstractWYou don't 'need' multitouch for anything.19:58
AbstractWits just nice.19:58
Stargazersyabo: I said it little bit strangely :P19:58
rangeI'd really like to know that - all the iPhone people I know use double taps for zooming.19:58
yaboStargazers, yes, I thought it was like adding a new key dedicated to it19:59
AbstractWI must be the only one who uses multi for zooming then.19:59
rangeAbstractW: Do I know you? >:)19:59
yaboStargazers, but I recognize that the keyboard (azerty) is full so no space left for the ~19:59
VDVsxAbstractW, seems that maemo6 has multitouch19:59
* mgedmin would happily trade the pound key for ~19:59
VDVsx*will have19:59
Stargazersyabo: Yeah19:59
StargazersMy bad19:59
AbstractWThen the N900 will not officially be supported by maemo 619:59
AbstractWwithout a cap touch screen.19:59
rangeOr Multitouch can be turned off in M6.20:00
lardman|homeI asked about that20:00
siriusnovaanyone try openvpn client20:00
lardman|homewas told the multi-touch gesture layer would be an optional part of Qt20:00
siriusnovafor Maemo 5?20:00
nomisuh, can one send an SMS with the N900 without creating a new contact for the target number?20:00
VDVsxAbstractW, you can still can use single touch in a multitouch device :)20:00
mgedminnomis, I think so20:01
AbstractWTrue, I guess I've never known about double tap zin/zout on the iphone.20:01
mgedminConversations -> New SMS -> type something in the To field20:01
mgedminhaven't actually tried that20:01
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nomismgedmin: oh right, thanks. I was looking in the telephone app.20:01
yabois there any plan for support of an external keyboard via the usb port ?20:02
siriusnovaoh well i guess ill be the guinea pig and try openvpn on my N90020:02
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yabosiriusnova, tell us how it performs :)20:02
nomisyabo: AFAIK that is not possible, since they don't have USB host in the N900. A bluetooth keyboard should work though.20:02
yabonomis, ok thanks20:03
mgedminpeople complain about the system not having a standard pc105 keymap20:03
mgedminso bluetooth keyboards have many buttons simply not working20:03
* mgedmin hasn't tried himself yet20:03
yabomgedmin, but that shouldn't be hard to add20:03
Dr_Caininstall one then :)20:03
* lardman|home wonders what's gone wrong so that his greyscale conversion spits out all zeros20:04
mgedminwhere do I report bugs about avahi-daemon?20:04
yabobut the usb keyboard could have been powered through the usb and that would have been kewl20:04
AbstractWnomis: Is the lack of the USB host a lack of hardware? Or is it just not implemented in software?20:04
lardman|homemgedmin: normal20:04
nomisAbstractW: AFAIK it is a hardware issue.20:04
AbstractWThat would make more sense, as it'd be a trivial software thing.20:04
VDVsxyabo, mgedmin seems that the X guys will accept maemo changes upstream and then we can have the upstream package in maemo with the default kb layouts :)20:04
AbstractWHas there been any word from nokia about their Maemo 6 device?20:05
mgedminlardman|home, 'normal' what?20:05
yaboVDVsx, ok20:05
lardman|homenormal way, sorry20:06
paroneayeacan't install maemo-optify20:06
mgedminI looked once, couldn't find it20:06
lardman|homeis there20:07
mgedminavahi-daemon is in extras-devel20:07
lardman|homeoh, I see20:07
mgedmin -> no avahi listed there20:07
lardman|homein which case probably email the package maintainer20:07
mgedminMaintainer: Utopia Maintenance Team <>20:07
lardman|homeI thought it was a standard package, sorry20:07
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mgedminI doubt they were the ones who uploaded avahi to maemo extras20:07
lardman|homemgedmin: hmm20:08
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lardman|homemgedmin: in which case ping X-Fade to find out who uploaded it20:08
mgedminso I'm grasping at straws and asking on irc20:08
mgedminactually, why?20:08
mgedminI could ask on the list20:08
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VDVsxmgedmin, I think you need a brainstorm for that :D20:08
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mgedminor hijack the package and supply the missing /etc/event.d/ config file20:08
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mgedminaha, debian/changelog tells me who uploaded it to maemo!20:09
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mgedminfor some reason I thought dpkg-buildpackage took the debian/changelog name + email and put it into the control file20:10
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lardman|homeno, unfortunately not20:10
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* mgedmin finds retribution messages of the form "I will now give my money to your competitor!" somewhat funny20:11
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cbrakehow does one install ssh on a N900?20:13
lardman|homeopenssh from the repo20:13
Stargazerscbrake: openssh in extras?20:13
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cbrakeis browsing that way that is done?20:14
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lardman|homeApplication Manager20:14
divinegodhow much space is available for text messages? I've reached the limit I think.20:14
divinegodBut deleting conversations didn't help20:14
mgedminwhere are they stored?  I'm curious20:14
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divinegodand it seems that I can't send or recieve tests now.20:14
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xorAxAxdivinegod: 50 text messages in the default version, 200 messages in the premium version of the n90020:14
Stargazersmgedmin: In sqlite320:15
mgedminin $HOME?20:15
xorAxAxuse grep :)20:15
StargazersUnder home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger20:15
mgedminOvi Store sells extra message store coupons for $1.0520:15
cbrakegot it, thanks.20:15
xorAxAxmgedmin: indeed20:15
lardman|homexorAxAx: rubbish20:15
siriusnovalol holy crap20:16
Stargazerssiriusnova: ?20:16
siriusnovathe openvpn applet requires like20:16
siriusnova20MB of python libs20:16
mgedminyeah :/20:16
xorAxAxsiriusnova: well, better than NIH20:16
Stargazersmgedmin: Did you found that db?20:16
siriusnovaill try it anyway20:16
mgedminI love python, but I'm not convinced it's the best choice for a tablet20:16
xorAxAxmgedmin: why not?20:17
mgedminStargazers, no, I'm busy with something else20:17
siriusnovaany reccomendations wether i should use dropbear or just regular openssh20:17
lizardosiriusnova: hopefully they are all going to /opt if you are using the optified version already :)20:17
Stargazersmgedmin: Ok :)20:17
mgedminsiriusnova, always used openssh, never had problems20:17
mgedminnever tried dropbear for that reason20:17
mgedminI know my ~/.ssh/config syntax by heart20:17
StargazersSsh config file ftw20:18
mgedminI should show you my ~/.profile hack that starts ssh-agent...20:18
siriusnovaherm k installing the openvpn applet20:18
siriusnovatime to set me up a new client key on my server20:18
Stargazersmgedmin: where ssh-agent is used?20:19
mgedminby ssh, to avoid asking my passphrase every time20:19
t_s_o <- one more argument for the computing world to get of its x86 addiction?20:19
mgedminyou ssh-add once, enter the passphrase that protects your key, and that's it20:19
mgedminanybody who steals your n900 can ssh anywhere as you until they reboot20:20
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cehtehdoes the n900 use pam for auth?20:20
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Stargazersmgedmin: Err I just use ssh-key20:20
mgedminwith no passphrase?20:20
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* mgedmin wrote an upstart config file for avahi-daemon, but it didn't work :(20:20
StargazersI have passwd on machine surely20:21
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mgedminso what, keys sidestep passwords20:21
cehtehthat wont help20:21
cehtehyou want a good passphrase for your ssh key20:21
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StargazersNo I dont20:21
StargazersI use keys only trusted computers20:22
mgedminhey, if the man leaves his house doors unlocked when he leaves on vacation, it's his choice20:22
cehtehactually i use pam_ssh on my laptop, that means i login with my ssh-passphrase and it starts a ssh agent automatically20:22
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Stargazersmgedmin: Well I lock my pc20:22
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cehtehStargazers: without a passphrase on a ssh key anyone can use it who gets access to it .. as in stealing it20:23
yaboStargazers, I can read directly your hardrive and therefore your key...20:23
StargazersI know20:23
cehtehand the normal 'login' password doesnt help20:23
Stargazersyabo: well yeah but sometimes my hard drive is crypted.20:23
mgedmintechnically, anybody with sufficient access to read his hard disk can install a keylogger and capture his password20:23
StargazersI know that20:23
cehteh'sometimes' :)20:24
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Stargazerscehteh: well on llast installation20:24
cehtehmy harddrive is always crypted :P20:24
Stargazersatm nit20:24
Stargazersatm not20:24
adeusthat gets you nowhere if the comp is corked while running20:24
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Stargazersadeus: yep20:24
yaboStargazers, but that means that by breaking one encryption our finding one hard drive not encrypted breaks all your security20:24
yabowhy bother with security then ?20:25
* cehteh still wonders how to protect a n900 in a good way20:25
adeusa ton of cement20:25
StargazersWell I do not generate keys everywhere...20:25
StargazersOf course someone can steal my pc and take its hd and so on20:26
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StargazersBut what he gets? My irssi account to hack, lol20:27
cehtehserious .. i dont know yet how auth works there, just entering the pin? does it use pam?20:27
adeushey, like google said, only criminals have something to hide :P20:27
StargazersI have my personal stuff gpg crypted20:27
adeusis there any good gpg apps for n900?20:27
mgedminwait, what?  I reboot my n900 and it connects to 3g instead of my wlan!20:27
adeusas in password safe20:27
yabohave to go, see you folks20:27
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cehtehadeus: gpg is there isnt it?20:28
mgedminexplains why I can't see avahi running20:28
StargazersI am too paranoid to save images on servers what I dont maintance myself20:28
adeusyes but as in a gui app20:28
StargazersBut now gotta go o/20:28
adeusthe Handy Safe that I have now on my 5800 needs a replacement20:28
mgedminSorry for the inconvenience. garage has a maintenance break.20:29
pupnikcehteh: glass display case on the shelf, and synergy20:29
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cehtehpupnik: well serious20:29
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cehtehwith my laptop i have a fingerprint scanner which is fun for unlocking things (but not for login)20:30
pupniki use an old cellphone case and the maemo neckband20:30
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cehtehmeans you dont have to enter passwords in public places20:30
mgedmincommand-line pwsafe rules, well, doesn't20:31
mgedminbut at least it keeps the passwords invisible20:31
cehtehfor a n900 it would be a bit inconvinient to enter a password frequently20:31
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adeusthe fingerprint thing is rather unsafe20:32
cehtehwell .. ok for me20:32
cehtehi dont use it for unlocking the harddisk or for login20:32
cehtehits not *that* easy to cheat20:32
cehtehat least a password is easier to spy20:33
LupuThat's why you use password-protected SSH keys.20:33
LupuNeither the key nor password alone will gain access. :)20:33
Lupu(for typing in public places, that is)20:34
cehtehhey btw .. by config error i did (1.5 years ago when i setup this laptop) root login over ssh requires a fingerprint swipe .. i like that :P try to remote root login on my laptop haha20:35
cehtehLupu: i am first talking about local login on the device (laptop, n900 whatever)20:35
dolphinfingerprint scanners are "myth busted"20:35
cehtehdolphin: passwords too20:36
zerojayQuim apparently finds it more important to jump up and say that my package has blockers (which it doesn't) than it is to respond to my e-mail about my busted N900. Awesome.20:36
dolphinnobody ever claimed passwords to be safe20:36
cehtehdolphin: so what are the alternatives?20:37
dolphinsubconscious memory20:37
zerojaySpeedEvil: Yes.20:37
cehtehcant anyone be serious?20:37
SpeedEvilzerojay: in what manner/20:37
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zerojaySpeedEvil: Micro USB port broke.20:38
SpeedEvilzerojay: oh - that - sorry - forgot.20:38
zerojayI sent an e-mail a week or so ago... still no response... but yet, he's all over a complaint that my plugin isn't optified, which is bullshit.20:38
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mgedminhalp! anybody understands upstart?20:38
woglindemgedmin sure20:38
woglinderead the doku20:39
woglindemgedmin or whats your problem?20:39
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mgedminwoglinde, I'm trying to get avahi-daemon to start up20:39
mgedminit won't20:39
mgedminif I sudo start avahi-daemon it does20:39
woglindehm why someone want avahid20:39
woglindeits the second I delete after networkmanager20:39
mgedminmy upstart job has 'start on stopped rcS' just like the sshd job, which comes up fine20:40
fnordianslipi find avahi useful20:40
pupnikthanks for your work woglinde20:40
mgedminwoglinde, 'ssh mg-n900.local' in *any* WLAN *anywhere* rules20:40
mgedminno typing of IP addresses of asking admins to configure dhcp/dns20:40
woglindepupnik qtnx again?20:40
woglindepupnik I will try fremantle stuff this weekend20:41
woglindeand we have a n900 at work now20:41
pupnikit is just beautifully fast20:41
mgedminwoglinde, here's my attempt, next to a working sshd config:
mgedminnote that -D for sshd means "don't daemonize", while -D for avahi-daemon means the opposite20:41
woglindemgedmin no erroer output?20:42
mgedminmaybe I should install syslog20:42
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woglindehm try logread20:42
mgedminpoint is, 'sudo start avahi' works... hey, maybe avahi ought to wait for some other service, like dbus20:43
mgedminthanks for the idea!20:43
woglindehm yes20:43
ifreqwhy would anyone really run sshd on phone?20:43
ifreqjust a thought.20:43
woglindeiefq sure20:43
Mouseyyou can't think of a reason?!20:43
SinofEnvyIs there a N900 compatible PC suite? :/ or is there another possibility to sync Outlook with my n900?20:44
Mouseyfish:// that's why!20:44
fnordiansliphmm.  shouldn't avahi-daaemon (re)start when a network interface comes up?20:44
SinofEnvywhen downloading the PC suite on the nokia site it says the n900 is incompatible20:44
ifreqMousey: nope, nothing else than insecure access for hacker20:44
woglindeopenssh was the first package my coworker installed on n90020:44
mgedminifreq, file transfer20:44
mgedminsshfs or scp -- no cables!20:44
ifreqmgedmin: what about usb storage20:44
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woglindeifreq type passwd20:44
* Mousey huggles sshfs20:44
mgedmincables are for hobos20:44
Mouseyand security freaks20:44
ifreqso rather open service against internet20:44
mgedminthe bottleneck is eMMC write throughput anyway20:44
ifreqon a mobile phone20:45
ifreqok nvm.20:45
ifreqdont wanna start wars ;)20:45
Mouseyto get all the music/pictures on/off20:45
mgedminhey, let the internet crack my SSH key if they want to20:45
woglindeifreq try read about simtoolkit and you will never use a cellphone anymore20:45
Mouseyjust install denyhosts20:45
mgedminalthough lack of a maemo security team providing openssh security updates is maybe a bit worrying :/20:45
Mouseyor don't listen on 2220:45
Mouseyor don't listen on the cel radio20:45
mgedminI suppose I could configure sshd to only listen on wlan, maybe20:46
woglindemgedmin jupp20:46
ifreqwell happily i dont need to move files 24/7  to phone20:46
woglindein sshd_config20:46
mgedminit wants a network address, not interface name, doesn't it?20:46
woglindeifreq by the way google g1 has only telnet as default20:46
woglindelet me check the doku20:47
ifreqwoglinde: i dont care about sharing my phone against internet access20:47
* mgedmin loved that "everything you type is entered into a root shell" bug of android20:47
odin_SinofEnvy, I am using Nokia PC connectivity v7.1.40.120:47
ifreqso no telnet no ssh., ive got sshd on servers.20:47
ifreqbut eof with this discussion, was just wondering.20:47
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woglindemgedmin hm only adresses20:48
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ifreqwoglinde: yeh well it can listen on WIFI LAN20:48
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mgedminwoohoo it worked!20:49
woglindemgedmin cool20:49
* mgedmin is building a fixed avahi-daemon package now in scratchbox20:50
woglindemgedmin what was it?20:50
* GAN900 wonders why there are so mant Maseratis in Florida.20:50
woglindemgedmin build a sreadahead20:50
mgedmin"start on stopped rcS" instead of "start on started dbus"20:50
lopzSomeone has the application "motion" running on a n800?20:50
woglindemgedmin hihi20:50
mgedminnah, next goal is probably an upstart script for screen to mkdir /var/run/screen20:50
woglindemgedmin and dbus depends on udev right?20:50
ifreqis there a spotify client out yet?20:51
zemmifreq: is there even alternative for ssh to directly modify files on the phone (mass storage mode + unmounts = no) ? :)20:51
mgedmindbus has start on USER20:51
ifreqand hows the status with openvpn, no gui yet?20:52
mgedminzemm, samba?20:52
ifreqzemm: i use usb mass storage so no worries :)20:52
ifreqsued to have sshfs for various of things, but really no need :)20:52
zemmwell that would result countless plug/unplugs20:52
GAN900paroneayea, you can just leave the dist field blank.20:52
GAN900It'll autofill the appropriate thing.20:52
ifreqasi only transfer music and movies (rsync +mount)20:52
jaem_n810ifreq, is sshfs available yet?20:52
mgedminalso, zemm, you can't edit stuff like /etc/event.d/avahi-daemon over mass storage20:52
ifreqjaem_n810: sshfs is availabe to any system which has sshd20:53
mgedminand I'd rather do that with a real laptop keyboard20:53
zemmthat too20:53
ifreqjaem_n810: well not on maemo client i guess20:53
mgedminanybody know when the garage maintenance break will be over?20:53
zemmmgedmin: is there samba available somewhere?20:53
jaem_n810ifreq, I was meaning "is it in a fremantle repo"20:53
jaem_n810I thought I heard something about someone working on it...20:53
mgedminzemm, dunno, it never interested me20:53
mgedminI think I remember people building it for the 77020:53
ifreqjaem_n810: yeh i dunno.20:54
jaem_n810gui installer for the SDK?  bah!20:55
* jaem_n810 is installing sbox in easy-debian20:55
siriusnovaI can verify for you that the openvpn app and applet works just dandy20:55
siriusnovain extras-devel and testing20:55
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ifreqsiriusnova: yeh i saw the vpn app, wheres the applet?20:55
ifreqah or is the applet on devel (not using it yet)20:56
siriusnovaifreq - apparently you have to install openvpn-applet20:56
siriusnovathe openvpn in devel works20:56
ifreqokay, im a bit too scared to install dev repo20:56
siriusnovathe one in testing doesnt20:56
ifreqopenvpn is on extras-testing imo20:56
ifreqdamn it20:56
ifreqim forced to install it then :)20:56
siriusnovaalso openvpn-applet doesnt show up in the app catalog20:56
siriusnovayou have to apt-get it20:56
jaem_n810ifreq don't be scared - reflashing is fun! :D20:56
johnqI'm trying to compile some backport of the squashfs v4 kernel module. Compilation goes fine, but modprobe tells me "Invalid module format" and dmesg says "no symbol version for struct_module". Any idea?20:56
ifreqhrr :) well it isnt!20:56
siriusnovareboot your device and it shows up at the top20:56
siriusnovait works just fine20:56
ifreqthanks man20:56
siriusnovait install 20MB of python crap though20:56
woglindeisnt crap20:57
ifreqsiriusnova: so you have all the repos enabled?20:57
ifreqokay and still ircing, cant be so bad then20:57
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woglindejohnq hm yes you have other header/config for the running kernel20:58
jaem_n810hrm... where does easy-debian on the N900 mount the image to?20:58
jaem_n810oops... nvm20:59
johnqwoglinde: where do I get the correct config? I followed the instructions in
woglindejohnq try with header-kernel-package which match your running kernel20:59
woglindeor install the kernel you compiled20:59
woglindejohnq sorry20:59
johnqand used apt-get source kernel in the scratchbox.21:00
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woglindejohnq hm cannt you overwrite actual kernel?21:00
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_claesbasI am looking for a thread on which shows different countries keyboard layouts on the n900.. I can't find it while searching..21:02
mgedminjohnq, does the kernel version match?21:02
mgedminare you using the official production firmware?21:02
_claesbasdoe anyone here master the serach funktion there?21:02
mgedmindid you run fakeroot apt-get update in your scratchbox recently?21:02
_claesbasbit scared someone will kill me if I ask for it21:03
_claesbason talk21:03
jaem_n810_claesbas Google ?21:03
johnqI hope I don't have to overwrite the current kernel21:03
jaem_n810t.m.o. search is pretty good, but sometimes El Goog is easier21:03
johnqthe kernel on the device is 2.6.28-omap1 (factory kernel)21:03
jaem_n810_claesbas, also, we're nice here :) - if you've already tried to find something, we won't bite your head off for asking for help21:04
johnqmgedmin: I think I ran it shortly before downloading the kernel source21:05
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mgedminjohnq, check with apt-cache policy kernel21:05
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mgedmin2.6.28-20094102.3+0m5 is the kernel available in the SDK (the recently announced 1st update)21:06
mgedmindunno what's on the production firmware21:06
_claesbasjaem_n810, ok, I will do some more searching and if I not lucky I ask for it..21:06
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mgedminmy Amsterdam device has 2.6.28-20094102+0m521:06
mgedminthe original SDK release had 2.6.28-20093908+0m521:06
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mgedminthe original SDK kernel + amsterdam device = version mismatch errors or (if you strip versions) kernel panics and reboots21:07
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johnqlinux-kernel-headers is ...908+0m5, but it seems there is no package kernel (only a source package with that name)21:07
mgedminthat was when I was trying to build iptables.ko21:07
johnqwhere can I get the actual version in the files (.ko and running kernel)?21:07
mgedminxterm on your n900, apt-cache policy kernel21:07
ifreqhow do i can see on app-manager from what repo im installing the current package?21:08
johnqah sorry, of course ;-)21:08
ifreqah nvm21:08
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johnqthe version string is exactly the same as the one of the source .tar.gz21:08
mgedminhm, bad21:09
johnqI suspect that I compiled the module incorrectly21:09
mgedminI hope so21:09
mgedminor we have a mismatch somewhere and nobody can compile modules for the official kernel :(21:09
mgedminand that would mean no iptables for me :(21:09
johnqI patched the full kernel sources and did make EXTRAVERSION=-maemo2 modules21:09
mgedminI think that's bunk21:10
johnqand then copied over the .ko file in fs/squashfs21:10
mgedminthe official kernel is built with EXTRAVERSION=-omap121:10
mgedminI *think*21:10
johnqmakes sense21:10
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mgedminsince that's what uname -a displays on my n90021:10
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mgedminif you have success with kernel modules, please write to the list (or fix bugs in the wiki page)!21:11
mgedminI have to go now21:11
mgedminbye all!21:11
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johnqEXTRAVERSION=-maemo2 is mentioned on the wiki21:11
johnqbut also -omap121:11
ifreqanyone has good top10 top25 apps sites?21:12
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johnqargh, still same error21:13
ifreqsiriusnova: so applet should be shown after a reboot on top of screen allready?21:14
ifreqah nvm:))21:15
siriusnovadid you install openvpn and openvpn-applet?21:15
ifreqjust too exited of it21:15
ifreq<-- blind by exitement21:15
johnsu01Heh, is it really necessary for Nokia to claim that the shell script installers for the SDK are proprietary software?21:15
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johnqi'm giving up for now21:16
pupnikwhat are you most excited about using on n900 ifreq ?21:18
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ifreqpupnik: the ability to do so much compared to my old phones :)21:19
ifreqpupnik: also quite happy with the hw, physical keyb, more opensrc env21:19
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ifreqpupnik: now i can even do some of my work via vpn+ ssh nicely21:20
pupnikit is heroic it ever got produced as open as it is21:20
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jaem_n810pupnik, yeah21:22
siriusnovaopenvpn is the killer deal for me21:22
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siriusnovai live and work in a censored country21:23
siriusnovawithout openvpn my data is snooped on21:23
AbstractWwhat country would that be?21:23
ifreqsiriusnova: yeah that must be suckage :P21:23
siriusnovasaudi arabia21:23
AbstractWThat'd do it :P21:23
AbstractWAt least your government is open about snooping your data.21:24
Mouseylets talk about sex!21:24
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AbstractWmy country isn't nearly as open about the snooping they do.21:24
ifreqanyone tested vulture's eye?21:24
javispedroifreq:  ye21:24
Dr_Cainok.. xchat from extras-devel, not quite stable yet :/21:24
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siriusnovaits in devel for a reason :p21:25
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ifreqjavispedro: was nice or?21:25
siriusnovait hasnt crashed for me yet21:25
Dr_Caintry switching the channel list to the bottom21:25
Dr_Cainit give me a segfault :(21:25
javispedroifreq: it is nethack, and I still don't know what nethack is. some dialogs are a little bit on the smallish side but seems playable.21:25
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siriusnovahow do i port console based apps to the maemo21:33
siriusnovai mean N90021:33
melmothsiriusnova: recompile them in the sdk21:33
melmotheasiest way is to apt-get source a package from a debian based distribution21:34
melmoththen , on the sdk, dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot21:34
melmothif you are lucky, that's all what is needed21:34
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RevdKathyWow! great conversation in here tonight!21:39
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RST38hHmmm...employment agencies seem to be having some fest tonight, 3 emails in a row...21:41
evoHello, had anyone experienced troubles with mp3 tags and maemo multimedia player? I'm talkin' about "case sensitive" issues21:42
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* RST38h feels inclined to answer "But don't you want to help me enlarge my penis?"21:42
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siriusnovai could play with my n900 all day21:43
siriusnovabut i think i need to sleep now21:43
siriusnovaNokia does need to update Ovi Maps21:44
siriusnovaits all but useless right now21:44
siriusnovacompared to my Nokia 5800 running Symbian and Ovi Maps 3.021:44
javispedrotry the Nokia Map Loader though21:44
javispedroit seems to do something if you clear the "data store"21:44
siriusnovaalso no ovi suite21:44
siriusnovaherm k21:44
AbstractWDoes google maps work in the browser?21:44
javispedroincluding the ability to actually see the map without connectivity21:44
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RST38hoh holy fuck21:59
pupnikFor some reason N900 directory select now shows me two entries for: "Audio clips" "Camera" "Documents" "Images" and "Video clips"21:59
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pupnikanybody know this weirdness?21:59
RST38hWho removed libpulse0 (>= 0.9.15~test5), ?21:59
pupniksince two weeks now21:59
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RST38hpupnik: Yes it is a known bug22:00
pupnikthanks.  i dunno RST38h.  I wasn't able to find anything to 'improve' or 'temporarily disable' in /etc/pulse22:00
RST38hbug 583822:00
povbotBug Certain directory entries are duplicated22:00
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RST38hpupnik: no, it got removed from extras so none of my packages can be installed now22:01
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* microlith wishes UPS would come by sooner22:07
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pupnikRST38h: alright, the person who removed it SHOULD be here, no?22:08
RST38hpupnik: No idea22:08
javispedrolibpulse was on extras?22:08
RST38hI have no idea where it was but it is no longer there22:09
javispedrothis is my device one22:09
RST38hsame here22:09
javispedrojust edit your package to depend on >0.9.15 and resubmit22:09
RST38hbut now look at the fmsx page in packages22:09
javispedro>=0.9.15 I mean22:09
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RST38hjavispedro: all votes get wiped out and it never ever gets promoted22:10
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javispedroah, the wonders of -testing22:10
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javispedroeither way pulling libpulse0 from extras is wrong22:10
RST38hthreshold is still set to 1022:10
javispedroand probably H-A-M's "chicken-like" algorithms  would have complained sooner or latter22:10
RST38hIs jeremiah around anyway?22:11
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PelapLol, preparing a video file before sharing=crash. Welcome to the future!!122:16
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Stskeepsjavispedro: libpulse is part of SDK, why is it in extras?22:19
slonopotamusdoes microb hover mode work at all?22:19
redthe VNCViewer application22:20
javispedroStskeeps: yeah, sorry, wanted to ask the exact same question as you22:20
Stskeepsslonopotamus: yes, slide from left side of screen (a little outside)22:20
redwhat kinda program do i need on my desk pc in order for it to work?22:20
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red(windows 7)22:20
Stskeepsred: realvnc , tightvnc or the likes22:20
lcuk2does windows 7 still support remote connections?22:20
slonopotamussts, it drags page22:21
Stskeepswoo, my car charger works with my n90022:21
Stskeepsslonopotamus: hmm? a gentle gesture from left side turns it into cursor22:21
lcuk2heh Stskeeps22:21
Ceron^are there any nice ODB2 programs22:21
redlcuk2: theres some remote desktop protocol atleast, i've it disabled thought22:21
Ceron^for maemo22:21
Stskeepsslonopotamus: outside the visible area22:21
redhope the vnc prog doesnt require it22:21
slonopotamusah, crap22:21
slonopotamusyou all lie22:21
lcuk2i dont22:21
slonopotamusyou must drag at the bottom window porder22:22
redslonopotamus: it works ok  i guess, bugs ALOT with flash (youtube for example)22:22
lcuk2hey hrw22:22
redbut for other stuff i found it works ok22:22
slonopotamusright where arrow image appears22:22
slonopotamusi was dragging higher22:22
hrwI wonder when each time when I use n900 I am finding new thigns to report in bugtracker22:23
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lcuk2hrw, we need a bugtracker app :)22:23
lcuk2with live updating chat and stuff22:23
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slonopotamustry, it really doesn't appear if you drag higher than arrow22:24
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slonopotamusthis is argh #3 after no intuitive way to switch kb and no syncml server support22:26
pupnik[ Google demonstrates quantum computer image search - tech - 11 December 2009 - New Scientist ]
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redStskeeps: works alright, but is there any vnc (or similar solution) available which I could use for live image22:30
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redkinda like ultravnc videodriver/possibly streaming video onto the device22:31
rednow im not seeing my irssi window, nor kmplayer at all22:31
red(and yes i enabled fullscreenpoll)22:31
melmothI m looking for a way to change the default timezone in the sdk.22:31
melmothi cannot find where to do that,i try regionnal settings and clock and date stuff22:31
melmothi can create a new world clock, buti need to have non gmt set as the default timezone, as it  s the case on the real device22:32
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redohwell ill try the mirage driver22:34
melmothfound it :)22:34
* javispedro calls to skype echo test service... mic works22:34
melmothneed to disable update automatically22:34
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RST38hAnyone can tell me the direct URL to FBreader source?22:38
redStskeeps: hmm. still no video image appearing even thought im hooked directly into display drivers mirror screen22:38
RST38hThe one that the package is built from?22:38
Arkenoiseems that n900 does not show sms notification on headset display22:38
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Arkenoirst38h: i am going to write a brief n00b's faq on n900 in russian, should i include a link to fbreader fix there or should i expect it to be fixed in te main repository?22:39
Arkenoiat, well22:40
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RST38hArkenoi: Well, I want to make some modifications to the package. I have done them locally but cannot package from the sources I have got22:40
RST38hSo, it is too early22:40
redfbreader fix?22:41
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RST38hAnyone willing to hint me to where I get Extras-Devel sources of fbreader and zlibrary?22:41
Arkenoired: mod to enable zoom keys to work as scroll22:41
Arkenoibtw n900 lacks "fullscreen" key, is there a way to remap it so some key combo globally?22:42
RST38hArkenoi: I have done so22:42
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RST38hArkenoi: My version reacts to Ctrl+Enter22:42
cosmodoes anyone still know how to get packages from extras-devel to extras?22:42
redRST38h: would it be possible to disable the browser fullscreen icon aswell22:42
ArkenoiRST38h, how to achieve that?22:42
redits in the way of a certain websites fixedposition menu =)22:42
RST38hArkenoi: A few changes to fbreader config files22:42
RST38hArkenoi: need to add definitions for Ctrl key and modifier first, then say that Ctrl+Enter does togglefullscreen22:43
ArkenoiRST38h, globally i mean not for fbreader only - there are many programs that look much better in fullscreen22:43
RST38hah, not globally, sorry22:43
Arkenoiactually i remember most of them worked in fullscreen just fine if there was a key22:43
Arkenoirss reader, etc22:44
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RST38hah found it22:44
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redI guess I'll just setup apache on my pc and download the video files etc which id like to stream.22:45
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redMost of my videos are 720p thought so it will be huge overhead compared to a streaming option22:45
* RST38h will get qwerty's code and add some more stuff22:46
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ArkenoiRST38h, so answer to my question is..? ;-)22:48
RST38hArkenoi: do I know how to do it globally? No.22:49
RST38hDo I have a new fbreader? Not yet22:49
Arkenoiok, so i include qwerty's fix into faq22:50
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RST38hhow touching, qwerty made exactly the same fix as I did22:50
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AbstractWnetsplits galore!22:58
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RST38hThe Tentacled One is feasting on a transatlantic cable tonight!!!22:58
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pupnik:) Lovecraft had a fantastic imagination.22:59
Vulcanis_he witnessed all of it.23:00
RST38hActually, 80% of the online Cthulhu memes are due to The Unspeakable Vault, not to Lovecraft23:00
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redjesus, setting up VLC as video on demand server is awful23:10
redanyone have any suggestions what program would be suitable for windows, and would have a client on linux aswell? :P23:10
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jkimball4what's the number to get n900 fixed under warranty?23:11
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jkimball4still shutting off randomly.  don't feel like messing with their site23:12
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pupnikred, it is pretty gross.  Windows has some other options (orb, upnp).  For streaming video from my pc to N900/N810 i use 'knots2'23:12
redpupnik: i used to use a software called airvideo23:13
reddid a great job on iphone, encode on fly to specified resolution, or encode first and play then etc (depending on how badly my pc was on load or how big the file was.. 1080p takes some time to process for phone screen ^^)23:14
johnsu01what's up with garage?23:14
wazdback again23:14
redpupnik: *facepalm* knots says for windows users download vlc23:16
redsup with that :(23:16
pupnikwell it drives vlc for you23:16
redahh, it hooks up via vlc23:16
pupnikso there's less fiddlingf23:16
redye i should have read further23:16
redjust raised a red flag heh23:16
pupnikit is a nice clean straightforward solution imo23:17
pupnikmaybe just cause i saw it being developed23:17
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RST38hqwerty's fbreader source has got errors23:18
RST38hhow did he compile?23:19
VDVsxbtw where's qwerty ??23:19
RST38hit is friday night23:19
RST38hthe real question is not where qwerty is but why we are here23:19
VDVsxbecause I got out on Saturdays :)23:20
RST38hAnalyst Claims iPhone Users Are Suffering From "Stockholm Syndrome"23:20
VDVsx~seen qwerty1223:20
infobotqwerty12 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 8d 2h 56m 35s ago, saying: 'Khertan: "As of hildon 2.2, HildonDialog has been deprecated in favor of GtkDialog. "'.23:20
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VDVsxhumm, 8 days23:20
reddoes it matter if my knots file is at progfiles\git\cmd\23:20
redor does it have to be in c: root?23:20
Shapeshifterhuh. does america have software patents?23:21
clmntchwhere are the .desktop files for the backgrouns?23:21
Shapeshifterthe US I mean23:21
wazdyeah, I have the same question bout qwerty23:21
wazd~seen qwerty1223:21
infobotqwerty12 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 8d 2h 57m 51s ago, saying: 'Khertan: "As of hildon 2.2, HildonDialog has been deprecated in favor of GtkDialog. "'.23:21
woglindewazd yeah23:22
woglindewondered yesterday where he is23:22
ifreqis there any openvpn configurator around?23:22
redeemanclmntch: in the folder where the images also are23:22
wazd~seen qwerty12_n90023:25
infobotqwerty12_n900 <n=faheem@Maemo/community/contributor/qwerty12> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 9d 5h 35m ago, saying: 'w00t: If it makes you happy, I have a picture of my N800, N810, and "my" N900 on a desk. Urge to kill rising?'.23:25
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VDVsxhe's active in talk, so lardman|home or lcuk didn't killed him yet23:26
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melmothdoes somebody know the difference between calendar file type: VCAL and ICAL ?23:29
woglindeis garage up again?23:29
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fnordianslipdoesn't look like it23:30
fnordianslipwonder who's maintaining it at this time of night23:31
redpupnik: im at the webgui now23:31
redand i must say the program looks promising23:31
redaudio streaming too, which is very good :)23:31
redthis means i can actually stream my music at school without eating up my phone battery :)23:31
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redmmh, a problem actually23:33
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redadded a folder, and clicked update -- internal server error and access forbidden for my d:\ -drive23:33
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pupnikred, let ukki know if you like it please23:33
redactually D:/System Volume Information23:33
redwhich is a hidden folder23:33
redgot my vids in the root of d:\ as its a dedicated video drive23:34
redcan i set it to skip hidden files on a scan?23:34
pupniki tell it what folders i want to share23:34
pupnikthose folders contain what i want to share23:34
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pupnikthe things i don't want to share, i don't tell knots2 to share23:34
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redi guess i could move them one folder upwards23:35
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pupnikwhat behavior would you prefer red?23:35
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pupnikjust ignore hidden directories?23:35
pupnikshould be a quick fix23:36
redwell, you hardly have videos in hidden folders :)23:36
redbut i poked the vids 1 level upwards in a empty dir so its np23:36
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melmothet pas de probleme depuis ?23:39
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|Rany reasons why iNes would be slow on my n900? (while drnoksnes runs fast)23:40
|RNothing else is running...23:40
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|Ralso ioquake3 doesn't have an icon and just keep loading forever ...23:42
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redpupnik: so report any suggestions to ukko?23:45
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pupnikhe da man!23:48
pupnik|R: emulators shoul get around 20 fps as things stand.  Hopefully that can be fixed.23:49
pupnikBut don't be impatient for it23:50
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* RST38h found how to package goddamn fbreader23:52
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Klownerdebating an invisible shield23:52
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RST38hnothing to debate, get it23:53
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KlownerRST38h: not too weird with the stylus or anything?23:53
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RST38hno idea, but you probably do not want to scratch the display23:53
pwnguinis it possible to "dock" via usb?23:54
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pwnguinobviously power, but im wondering about network and sound (maybe video?)23:54
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Klownertrue, I should say I'm debating between cheapo plastic screen protector and an expensive InvisibleShield brand fancypants one23:54
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Klownerconsidering how scratched up the protector on my blackberry has become over the past year, I certainly need *something* on the N90023:55
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ArkenoiSorry for the inconvenience. garage has a maintenance break.23:55
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evohello, has anyone experienced troubles with mp3 tags and multimedia player?23:56
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konttorihmm.. is it just me, or does python seem non-optified again?23:57
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VDVsxkonttori, the one in extras and -testing is not optified, at least last time I checked23:58
VDVsxonly the one in -devel is23:58
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andre__evo, how do you mean? examples? well, it's not bugfree :-P23:59
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konttoriso, how do we get it to extras?23:59

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