IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2009-12-12

RST38hkonttori: vote for it 10 times? =)00:00
pwnguinwhat's the advantage of optification?00:00
konttoriwon't help because the opt version is not in testing00:00
pwnguinpreservation across reflashing?00:00
RST38hkonttori: and vote 10 times for every update to it no matter how minor?00:00
VDVsxkonttori, you can ask someone with permissions for do that, like marcell or x-fade00:00
konttorioptification helps spare precious rootfs space00:00
konttorihmm... marcell it is then on monday00:01
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konttoriwe are going to push more and more content to the device, and space is at premium00:02
jaemdid Nokia give a reason for the way they structured the flash?00:02
VDVsxkonttori, optify that new "content" :D00:02
jaemI think I can see why, but from a user's standpoint, it seems rather pessimal00:02
mihuHi. On the N900, is there some menu item to show your own number? I have looked for it, but found none. At least it's not under Settings -> Telephone.00:02
RST38hjaem: what would you like this reason to be?00:02
evoandre__: case sensitive issues, I have ten albums of the same artist00:02
VDVsxjaem, windows coufh coufh00:03
redmihu: like u wanna set up ur own info alltogether00:03
redor just check what ur phone number currently is?00:03
jaemRST38h, if I could pick their reason, I would just pick one that would have been shot down ;)  I was wondering what *their* reason was00:03
evoandre__: 9 went in the same "folder", one not .. multimedia player sees it as it was all UPPERCASE, but I checked everything00:03
redhavent found one to see the number, but there was own info tab somewhere, where you could add contact infos etc00:03
mihured: Just want to check my own phone number that is associated to this SIM.00:03
andre__evo, uh00:04
jaemmihu, not sure, as I don't have a SIM in mine, but there should be a way to do it, even if it isn't exposed in the UI00:04
konttorijaem: to be honest, it just ended up structured as it is - multitude of reasons, but none to really say that that's the reason00:04
jaemmihu, oh wait - give me a moment00:04
RST38hjaem: I just do not see what is "wrong" with the layout00:04
jaemkonttori, fair enough00:04
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evoandre__: I can send you one of those mp3s, if you want to check00:04
jaemRST38h, nothing's wrong with the layout, per se, but 256MB roofs and thus the need for optification just seems messy00:04
konttorithe 2 gig home we just figured is enough. Looks like it is.00:04
RST38hoh that00:04
jaemyeah, it is00:04
jaembut it's messy00:05
konttoriand we didn't want to steam more from the normally mountable emmc partitions00:05
RST38hjaem: rootfs is on its own chip, that chip has 256MB of ROM00:05
jaemit works, that's fine00:05
konttoriit's messy all right.00:05
jaemRST38h, yes, I know00:05
redhaving to separately click update for all software installed00:05
jaemthat ws my point00:05
RST38hjaem: so, you want a reason why 256MB chip was used?00:05
jaemred, menu -> update all00:05
konttorired, I'm going to get HAM changed to have multiselect in the updates view.00:05
andre__evo, oh yeah, feel free to :)00:05
jaemRST38h, I was curious, but it's not terribly important00:05
VDVsxjaem, no need to optification in most of the cases, just build the packages to install everything into /opt00:05
|Rpupnik: ok, strange though that SNES is at full speed and NES isnt, i was just wondering, q3 is running too now (forgot the pak :P)00:06
evoandre__: dcc send is OK for you?00:06
konttoriRST38h: 256 was pretty much the only available at the time of deciding on HW00:06
jaemVDVsx, sorry, wrong terminology - that's what I meant00:06
jaemkonttori, ah, okay00:06
andre__evo, email to aklapper at openismus dot com is better :)00:06
RST38hkonttori: Yea, I know, that convinient Samsung combo chip?00:06
evoandre__: agreed :)00:06
VDVsxjaem, maemo-optify is for lazy folks :P00:06
konttoriwell, HW was decided long time ago.00:06
pupnik|R: when i tested snes i got about 22fps, not full speed.00:06
* VDVsx hides00:06
konttoriand not by SW guys00:06
|Rpupnik: well, i mean, perceived speed, no laggy sound or play :)00:07
jaemkonttori, when you click Update All in HAM, it gives you the disclaimer, but shows the details of the first package, as if that was the only one00:07
jaemwas that intended?00:07
konttorimaemo-optify is definitely for the lazy00:07
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konttorijaem: that should probably be fixed as well at the same time00:07
pupnikplease don't make us click 'ok' for each package jaem :)00:07
jaempupnik, I didn't mean that00:07
|Rpupnik: playing life force on the nes is really awkward ... but on my ex-n810 it was fine i think, that's why i'm surprise, but i'll be patient, i was just wondering if i had missed an option :)00:07
VDVsxpupnik,  +100:07
pupnikyeah :)00:08
jaemI meant that it should give summary info in that dialog, rather than saying "Update All", and then showing you name/version/whatever for only one00:08
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jaemor remove that bit entirely00:08
jaemit's just confusing as-is00:08
pupnik|R i don't want to start whining about the reasons for it.  Just know that they are known reasons, and are being looked at.00:08
fnordianslipis there an easy way to rip out the man pages when being lazy and using optify?00:08
VDVsxfnordianslip, edit your rules file00:09
pwnguini kinda wish debian had a solution to breaking out manpages & translations00:09
|Rpupnik: cool! :)00:09
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pwnguinsometimes i _want_ that manpage00:09
pwnguinor documentation00:09
pwnguinor changelog00:09
redany page that has listed good applications btw? apart from maemo select00:09
pupnikdo you want a manpages package for extras?00:10
jaemhmm... libqt4-maemo5-* doesn't come with the qt3support package00:10
jaemI guess I'll have to build that myself?00:10
pupnikfor, say, basic busybox and unix commands00:10
evoandre__: meanwhile, a brief question :) ... do you think that bug #5634 could be fixed with new firmware?00:10
povbotBug Deleted IMAP messages are not expunged00:10
pwnguinactually i'd rather have bash00:10
jaempwnguin, agreed00:10
pwnguinand autocomplete ;)00:10
ifreqplease tell me, is there cisco 3000 vpn client for maemo5?00:10
pupnikctrl-i autocompletes here00:10
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pupnikifreq: you got an open-source one to port to maemo5?00:11
VDVsxpupnik, a simple GUI app with commands would be useful for some people00:11
jaemmihu, sorry - I forgot my N900 is plugged into the server in the other room - I can't check for you right now00:11
pwnguintab autocompletes but bash autocompletion has a powerful context engine00:11
evoandre__: email sent, thanks in advance!00:11
pupnikoh yeah, when did that get added.  One year bash started knowing what file types my applications played.00:11
ifreqpupnik: well afaik vpnc would do ok., but its not on repos00:11
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pwnguinpupnik: bash autocomplete's been around for ages00:12
mihujaem: Ok. Will try to find it out or ask later again.00:12
jaempupnik, it's all scripts, I believe, and where some of them come from depends on your distro00:12
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RST38hA'ok. Page buttons now work00:12
jaemmihu, actually, heck - I can go unplug it ow00:12
jaemgive me a moment00:12
woglindeifreq package it00:12
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pwnguindebian / ubuntu just enabled them by default some time ago00:12
wazdPatent wars at last00:12
jaemhi wazd00:12
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woglindeifreq just take the debian package and run it on sdk for building00:13
pwnguinpupnik: its' better than that, you can autocomplete options too, like apt-get in<tab> to get install00:13
pupnik  ifreq that it?  i dont see a list ofdependencies on the hp00:13
ifreqaha ok, wonder why no one hasnt do it then allrdy00:13
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wazdjaem: heya00:13
woglindeifreq nobody needed00:13
woglindewpa2 solved a lot of thinks00:13
ifreqthats strange , gotta check it out then00:13
RST38hTo ALL: Could someone remind me what loops I have to jump through to make Maemo5 drop coredumps?00:13
jaemwazd, do you still have link to that "TI-84+ Hello Kitty Edition" skin you made as a joke ;)00:14
jaemI wanted to show it to someone00:14
mgedminhey, was the garage downtime announced somewhere/00:14
pwnguinRST38h: /etc/limits.conf?00:14
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woglindemgedmin nope00:14
RST38hhmmm...lemme try00:14
wazdjaem: yeah00:14
woglindemgedmin thats why the nokia people arent around here00:14
mgedminRST38h, in older maemos it was mkdir /media/mmc2/core-dumps/00:14
woglindebecause they try to fix it I guess00:14
mgedmindid somebody lob a tactical nuke on their data center?00:14
jaemmgedmin, pfft, get a real data center00:15
mgedmin~ $ cat /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern00:15
fnordianslipVDVsx: i tried giving a path like --mandir=/dev/null to configure in the rules file, but dpkg doesn't like that, so wondered if there was an easier way than patching the makefile00:15
mgedminon a n90000:15
jaemmgedmin, actually, my uni has a bunker underneath it :P00:15
mgedminprints "/what/me/worry"00:15
mgedminRST38h, I'd try echo core |sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern; ulimit -c unlimited; run-app-that-crashes00:16
mgedminor go search in a wiki or something00:16
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mgedminmaybe echo -n core, actually00:16
RST38hmgedmin: I have that dir00:16
jaemwazd, -grin- thanks00:17
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jaemwazd, I presume I can just swap that out somewhere in /usr/share ?00:17
wazdjaem: ask RST38h :D00:17
redpupnik: how do i run the server so that the cmd window gets hidden on launch?00:17
wazdjaem: I'm not sure that Ti-84 is released though00:18
andre__wazd, must...! have...!00:18
ifreqmgedmin: ah must be blind. there seems to be vpnc vpnc-gui on dev00:18
jaemwazd, right, I was forgetting that it wouldn't be that easy00:18
ifreqgotta check how good they work00:18
jaemI don't have an 84+ ROM, so no go there00:18
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* mgedmin is wondering why ifreq is telling him that00:18
wazdjaem: yeah. that's why it's not implemented yet :)00:19
ifreqmgedmin: me2 :) ment to woglinde00:19
jaemoh, it's not even implemented00:19
mgedminah, you typed an upside-down w!00:19
jaemah... I thought it was just disabled unless you had your own00:19
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* RST38h checks00:20
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jaemso... I was writing a C++ exam yesterday, on 4.5hrs of sleep, and I went to write an uppercase const, and for a moment got confused about the lack of a CAPSLock key on my pen :S00:20
Dr_Caincoding on paper is horrible00:21
Klownernobody uses a capslock!00:21
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Dr_Cainespecially when you want to insert stuff between lines00:21
pupnikred: not sure - that sounds like a windows thing.00:21
jaemDr_Cain, yes, but have you tried ASM on paper, and then hand-assembling from a reference book, and typing it into a dev board on a hex keypad?00:21
jaemnow *that's* painful00:21
jaemmy prof kept telling us he'd get the computers up and running, but somehow it never happend00:22
* pupnik remembers hours of wire-wrap00:22
jaemin his defense, that wasn't really his job, but stilll... painful00:22
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Dr_Cainnow, how to get strace on there00:23
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pupnikDr_Cain: i used to code on paper in junior high school.  Didn't have my own computer, so i had to do my thinking beforehand :)00:23
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pupnikyou know, kids stuff... gotos.00:23
Dr_Cainyou get a slap on the wrist is you use gotos today :D00:23
pupnikbut great practice00:23
RST38hFBReader uses...eeek....STL00:23
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pupnikyeah, i found out who wrote the BASIC on our commodore pets in school00:24
pupnik... Bill00:24
jaempupnik, real programmers use COME FROM00:24
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pupniki seem to recall jz and jnz still being used00:24
mgedminSTL is kinda nice00:24
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mgedminas much as it's possible for C++ to be nice00:24
mgedminyou have to admire the people who designed and implemented it00:24
jaemmgedmin, meh... C++ isn't pretty, but with something like Qt, it's decent00:25
mgedminkinda like building a bridge out of toothpicks00:25
jaemin its class, it's my favorite00:25
Dr_Cainit's nice, but the error messages you can get.. whoa00:25
mgedminthe error messages can get truncated after the first 1024 characters00:25
jaemI was somewhat confused though, when a friend told me that he didn't like C++, but did like C... and Java00:25
mgedminthat kind gave me the first indication all's not well with C++00:25
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mgedminused to be my favouritest language once00:25
pwnguinKlowner: looks like amazon carries invisibleshield products. but not for n900 =(00:26
mgedminread lots of books, knew most of the gotchas00:26
RST38hSTL is a nest of fail00:26
mgedminwhich was the second indication: you have to know all the gotchas, or a land mine will make your code explode00:26
inzI started "real programming" with C++, but when I learned the beauty of C, I went there00:26
inzAnd rarely look back00:27
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* mgedmin went the other direction: to Python00:27
Klownerpwnguin: ya, you can get em from though.. full body ones are $25 though :/00:27
* woglinde makes all00:27
pupnikinz: can you find words that describe why?00:27
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woglindeeven java on n90000:27
pwnguinKlowner: amazon discounts them, and free shipping00:27
mgedminhm, do we need #maemo-languages?00:27
inzpupnik, my nick is shortened version of inzane. 'nuff said.00:28
jaeminz, I prefer you don't mean "literal" beauty?  Neither C or C++ are terribly pretty languages00:28
RST38hmgedmin: There is a way to use C++ without knowing the gotchas00:28
RST38hmgedmin: You simply have to ignore the hairy stuff00:28
woglindebeer now00:28
inzjaem, ...the eye of the beholder... ;)00:28
mgedminanybody uses screen on n900?00:28
woglindethan back trying to convert gl app to gles00:29
jaemmgedmin, on-device, no.  via ssh, all the time00:29
pupnikmgedmin: i run my screen session on the pc00:29
inzpupnik, with C I know what I'm doing. I guess I'm too stupid for "more advanced" languages00:29
mgedminthe "via ssh" is a bit unclear: you can ssh from the device, or to the device00:29
Klownermgedmin: return-key issues?00:29
jaemmgedmin, sorry, ssh'ing to a screen session on a remote server00:29
mgedminnah, wanted to share my fix for the "Cannot make directory '/var/run/screen': Permission denied" issue aka bug 573000:30
pwnguinmgedmin: its you europeans. it irssi+screen works for me :P00:30
povbotBug screen should mkdir /var/run/screen on startup00:30
pupnikinz: that is *exactly* how i felt in 1990 when everyone started going off on C++ vs ObjC00:30
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pupnikor 1991 or smth00:30
pupnikturns out different models are suited to different tasks.00:31
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woglindepupnik hm oh I always tough objc was later00:32
woglindeargs thought00:32
RST38hfuck, I hate STL00:32
jaemhmm... Facebook popped up a message on login telling me they've added more privacy "features"... why does this make me suspect they've made it worse... :S00:33
* RST38h looks up the name of the guy who invented STL and makes a special plea to the Tentacled One00:33
VDVsxRST38h, the c++ template lib ?00:33
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mgedminI once read an interview with the guy who invented STL00:34
mgedminhe's a genius00:34
RST38hVDVsx: In FBReader, some super-templated vector destructor is being called, it somehow calls dialogbuilder destructor, which calls an extra free() which crashes00:34
mgedminsadly, only a genius can use it00:34
woglindeits s60 but who cares00:34
RST38hAlexander Stepanov00:34
evojaem: they did, double check everything ... now they force everyone to share something (ie. profile pic, friends list etc.) with everyone00:34
* RST38h asks the Tentacled One to feast on Alexander Stepanov slowly and painfully00:35
jaemevo, gah... maybe I'll finally kill the account then... as much as they allow00:35
mgedminRST38h, some implicit compiler-defined copy constructor that shares the pointer inadvertently?00:35
jaemI only keep it for the odd event invite and such00:35
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RST38hTo slowly drain him of the remainders of his sanity, converting him into a seventh day adventist or some other equally dull and pointless mania00:36
VDVsxRST38h, can people just use the standard stuff, why use such stuff :P00:36
RST38hmgedmin: I have no idea.00:36
RST38hmgedmin: All I see is that the code almost entirely consists of < and > characters00:36
pupnikIn 1988, NeXT licensed Objective-C from StepSton00:36
redpupnik: mm.. cannot access the mediaserver outside of the server pc00:36
woglinderst wasnt it develop under sgi?00:36
redjust says unable to connect, even tried with no firewall up00:36
RST38hwoglinde: one of implementations was00:37
RST38hVDVsx: It is psychology00:37
redany suggestions00:37
meceTO my astonishment it turns out the N900 can record clear sound at a rock concert :D00:37
pupnikred - try on local net first. that is only usecase i tried00:37
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RST38hVDVsx: People tend to stick to an idea like "This framework will help us write a better code"00:37
VDVsxRST38h, ohhh, C is so scary :P00:37
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woglindemece you violate dmca00:37
woglindeprepare for punishment00:37
* VDVsx actually thinks that C is the boogieman itself :P00:38
mecewoglinde, que?00:38
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RST38hVDVsx: And they do not fucking let the idea go, even after it becomes painfully obvious that they spend 75% of time solving the problems caused by the use of that framework00:38
redpupnik: actually i could connect with my netbook00:38
redbut not with N90000:38
redjust tested00:38
jaemwoglinde, encrypt the audio from the concert speaker!00:38
redill reboot phone and retry00:38
jaemmake people wear special, proprietary, $600 headphones to listen00:39
jaemthat'll teach 'em ;)00:39
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ext3mountanyone know how to mount an ext3 on n810?00:39
RST38hVDVsx: Seen that many times, with C++ overloaded <</>>, then with templates, STL, Java, XML, etc etc00:39
woglindeext3mount you put ext3 on sd-card?00:39
ext3mountwoglinde: yes00:39
woglindeprepare for failure within 6 months00:40
pupnikred are you using knots2 client on n900 or the webbrowser?00:40
ext3mountwoglinde: ok, that doesn't stop the problem of getting ext3 mounted00:40
jaemext3mount, woglinde has a point, but if you really want to know...00:40
jaemyou need to load the modules manually00:40
ext3mountjaem: nooooo, thats what i thought00:40
ext3mountcan i put easydebian on a fat16 or fat32?00:40
jaemext3mount, you could probably put them in modprobe.conf, or whatever Maemo uses00:41
redpupnik: webbrowser00:41
jaemext3mount, yes, the image is only 1.5GB00:41
woglindeext3mount use ext300:41
woglindeargs ext200:41
redthought its via that since i didnt see a client in the programs list00:41
woglindeI meant00:41
ext3mountjaem: i need the image to be 3 gb, not 1.5 or 1.2 gb, ext2 failed to make the file larger than 2 GB00:41
jaemext3mount, hrm... ext2 can be used for larger images00:42
jaemwere you building your own image, then?00:42
ext3mountjaem: no, dumping the *root.tar.gz file from qole onto the image after mounting00:42
jaemext3mount, hmm... odd00:42
jaemand you just made the image the usual way?  dd + mkfs ?00:42
ext3mountjaem: yep00:43
ext3mountjaem: but ext2 wouldn't allow an image larger than 2 GB00:43
jaemunless I'm crazy00:43
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ext3mountjaem: thats what i thought00:43
jaemext3mount, that I'm crazy?  jerk :P00:43
jaemhey, has anyone seen qole around?00:44
ext3mounti meant the odd part00:44
ifreqcan someone recommend a good disk space widget?00:44
jaemifreq, wrap some python around df? :P00:44
jaemother than that, no00:44
jaemifreq, homediskfree (or whatever it was called) might be portable00:45
ifreqjust got work vpnc (cisco3000) working <3 gotta love this00:45
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woglindeifreq cool00:45
ext3mountjaem: i wonder why qmount doesn't support ext3?00:47
jaemext3mount, never used it00:47
jaemdoes normal mount not work?00:47
ext3mountjaem: nope00:48
ext3mountjaem: not with ext300:48
jaemext3mount, why not?00:48
jaemI've done it00:48
ext3mountjaem: i guess the ext3 was removed from maemo on n81000:48
jaemext3mount, no, it's there00:48
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jaembut as I said, you have to load the modules00:48
jaemuse insmod00:48
jaemyou'll need mbcache, jbd (in some order), and then ext300:49
ext3mountjaem: what are the commands in terminal to load the modules?00:49
jaemone sec00:49
* jaem pulls out his N81000:49
ext3mountok, thanx00:49
ext3mountcan i get them to start on startup too, that would be a plus00:50
jaemext3mount, insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/2.6.21-omap1/mbcache.ko00:50
jaemand repeat for jbd.ko and ext3.ko, in the same directory00:51
jaemyou'll need root00:51
jaemand as for startup, probably, but I'm not sure how Diablo does that00:51
jaemask around00:51
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jaemmaybe modprobe00:51
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ext3mountjaem: im getting errors on the first00:51
ext3mountjaem: a file exists error00:52
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jaemext3mount, okay, just continue with the rest00:52
jaem...I think00:52
jaemhaven't done it in a while00:52
ext3mountyeah, on all of them, a cannot insert because file exists error00:52
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jaemhuh... sounds like they're already there, then00:52
jaemtry mount -t ext3 -o loop /path/to/image /path/to/mountpoint00:53
ext3mounti tried rebooting and it still didn't detect the ext300:53
ext3mountlet me try that, one sec00:53
jaemyou need to manually specify the fstype00:53
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ext3mountjaem: i have to re-write the .img file, right now its just a flat ext3 partition00:54
ext3mounti can do that command without the -o loop00:54
RST38hSTL vector adds one item but deletes two00:54
RST38hdeleting the same item twice00:54
jaemext3mount, as someone said, though, ext3 really isn't good for flash00:55
ext3mountjaem: i did a mkdir /media/mmc3 (my test) and used gparted to format to ext3 then a mount -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk1 /media/mmc3 yields mount failed00:55
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jaemat least stick the image on your external card - the internal one is not something that is worth the expense to replace00:55
jaemI checked with tech support, and they said it's just the guts of a card soldered to the board, or some such00:56
ext3mountjaem: is it safe to put the image on a fat16 or fat32?00:56
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jaemI was quite impressed, both that they were willing to answer a "I know this will void my warranty, but..." question, and also that they had someone available who knew the hardware at that level00:57
jaemyay Nokia00:57
jaemext3mount, safe, yes.  FAT32 has a low max filesize, though (2GB?)00:57
jaemwhy not ext2, though?00:57
ext3mountjaem: quick question...the /dev/mmcblk1 is the right device in that command?00:57
ext3mountjaem: ext2 won't allow files sizes larger than 2GB for the image00:57
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Vulcanis_it should00:57
guerbyhi, is it possible to turn the N900 3G connection into a wifi access point?00:58
Vulcanis_s/should/did, I'm pretty sure/00:58
infobotVulcanis_ meant: it did, I'm pretty sure00:58
jaemext3mount, okay, so why don't you format your external card into FAT32 and EXT2, and use a native partition?00:58
fluxjaem, I think you want to avoid running e2fsck as much as you can on a battery-powered device..00:58
mgedminguerby, barely, check my emails on that topic on the list00:58
jaemguerby, should be, but not in the GUI00:58
fluxthus, use ext300:58
javispedrothe entire set of gcc support libraries seem like magic. why would g++ invoked as a linker link to libgcc_s when gcc does not?00:58
mgedminthat was with a prerelease firmware, mind:
go1dfishwould it be possible to partition the sd into two sides00:58
jaemflux, well, yeah, but it's not that hard - I've done worse on my N810, and still used it for the rest of the day without issue00:58
ext3mountflux: we are trying to get ext3 working, i have the *.ko files where they should be, but the mount isn't working00:59
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fluxI suppose n900 always shuts down cleanly, though. even when its battery runs out?00:59
go1dfisha fat32 side for USB stick booting ubuntu, and file usage under windows00:59
go1dfishand a separate partition for a debian chroot00:59
ext3mountflux: i did a mkdir /media/mmc3 (my test) and used gparted to format to ext3 then a mount -t ext3 /dev/mmcblk1 /media/mmc3 yields mount failed00:59
fluxext3mount, did dmesg list some errors?00:59
go1dfishi.e. if I partition the sd card, will a pc still boot from the device in mass storage mode00:59
mgedminaugh, garage is down, cannot check out
ext3mountflux: not that i can see, but i think the error is the /dev/mmcblk1 part01:00
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javispedroah, it's actually documented. sorry.01:00
go1dfishmgedmin: is that what it sounds like, i.e. wifi sharing from 3g/edge?01:01
mgedminext3mount, what, mounting the whole device, not a single partition?01:01
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go1dfishbeen looking for something like that, also has anyone managed to make the n900 function as a bluetooth dun client ( i.e. sharing the connection *from* another device)01:01
mgedmingo1dfish, only in the sense that a bicycle is the same as a train01:01
mgedminyes, I could browse the web on my laptop using my n900s 3g connection, without a cable between the lappy and the n90001:02
fluxext3mount, indeed, mmcblk1 is the whoe device, while mmcblk1p1 would be a partition of it..01:02
mgedminit was pretty painful (socks5 proxy, swap hell bug 5712)01:02
povbotBug N900 goes into swap hell with frozen UI, despite free RAM01:02
ext3mountok, let me try that01:02
Mouseywhat? mmcblk? not usb based eh01:02
go1dfishah, so it's not a full ip routing01:02
richard42flux, clever01:02
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go1dfishhas anyone explored trying to get iptables running?01:02
fluxext3mount, what did you format ext3 anyway?01:03
RST38hOh my god...01:03
RST38hThey are combining Boost with STL01:03
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mgedmingo1dfish, I did01:03
ext3mountflux: the image for easydebian would not exceed 2 gb when i had the freespace (using dd)01:03
mgedminno iptables.ko on pre-production firmware01:03
mgedminand no kernel sources, so I couldn't build a working version01:03
mgedminRST38h, Boost was built on top of STL!01:04
mgedminin the same spirit01:04
go1dfishyour still pon pre-pro firmware?01:04
RST38hSOmebody, please, kill them all =(01:04
mgedminyeah ...01:04
mgedmintoo much effort to backup/reflash/restore01:04
fluxext3mount, well, in theory you could workaround that issue with raid0..01:04
mgedminplanning to do that over this weekend01:04
fluxactually not raid0, but concatenation raid01:04
go1dfishif it makes you feel any better, I dont think iptables.ko is present on production either01:04
fluxext3mount, or maybe dmsetup, I think it does that too01:04
ext3mountyeah, neither /dev/mmcblk1p0 or /dev/mmcblk1p1 is working01:04
guerbymgedmin, you mean  the topic "internet connection sharing" back in october?01:04
ext3mountdmsetup is installed01:05
go1dfishoh wait...01:05
go1dfishthere is an ip_tables.ko01:05
go1dfishand an iptable_filter.ko01:05
mgedminguerby, yes; I pasted the link here a few seconds later01:05
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mgedmincorrection: wasn't iptables.ko, was something else...01:05
fluxext3mount, I don't know how to do it, though, but I do believe it's possible :). so you'd have multiple files, possibly loopback-mount each of those, and compose a linearly combined block device out of those01:06
ali1234go1dfish: yes i have01:06
RST38hOh, it is even worse01:06
ext3mountflux: well, i may just go back to the 2 GB image of easydebian01:06
ext3mountflux: until qole has time to review01:06
go1dfishali1234: any difficulties, I successfully inserted ip_tables.ko01:06
go1dfishno userspace utils seem present though01:06
fluxext3mount, btw, another alternative would be to put different directories of the easydebian image into different images01:07
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fluxbut it'd be more complicated to manage01:07
ali1234i tried to compile the missing modules using the kernel source, but i couldn't get it to generate the right symbol versioning01:07
fluxwhichever solution is chosen, it'd need to be implemented in easydebian, while your ext3-solution would Just Work(TM)01:07
ali1234i didn't try very hard though01:07
ext3mountim out all, have to go, thanks for the ideas01:07
richard42Hi, is there a way I can test maemo on my pc?  Is there a virtualbox image or something like that?01:07
mgedminali1234, production firmware?01:07
flux/proc/filesystems says n900 supports ext3, so I think it _should_ work01:07
mgedminmaemo 5.1 sdk?01:07
ali1234but possibly not the right kernel package or something, i didn't apt-get update01:07
mgedminor 5.0?01:07
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go1dfishali1234: I wonder if the userspace from the chroot will work01:08
ali1234no idea :/01:08
ali1234probably 5.001:08
derfRST38h: You knew it was going to happen.01:08
mgedminthe right kernel was only released maybe one day ago01:08
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guerbymgedmin, thx!01:08
mgedminto the SDK01:08
ali1234ok then that would be why01:08
flux/dev/mmcblk0p2 is /home and it's already ext3, so it must work01:08
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RST38hderf: Right now, I just want to kill every single "C++ hacker" I can get my hands on01:08
woglindeRST38h *g*01:08
derfRST38h: Let me know when you want to get started.01:08
derfI'm here to help.01:08
fluxactually I might also consider switching the p1 partition to ext3, I'd only use it as mass storage memory with a linux pc anyway..01:08
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* VDVsx codes in C++ sometimes, but is a nice guy, please spare him :P01:09
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SpeedEvilTodays crazy moment.
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richard42speedevil, funny01:11
go1dfishhaven't tried extensively yet but it looks like the userspace utils in a chroot will interact with iptables01:12
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fnordianslipanyone wanna try out my deb for conky while i wait for garage to come back up?  no widget or desktop conky yet, just a seperate app window01:15
jaemfnordianslip, for Maemo 5?  Sure, why not :)01:16
ali1234go1dfish: they definitely will cos it's just a kernel interface01:16
fnordianslipjaem: hang on while i upload it somewhere01:16
dnaumovI wonder if you could theoretically reflash a N900 with a completely different setup than what it comes from, say, NetBSD01:17
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jaemdnaumov, theoretically, sure... although it may not be practically possible in some cases01:18
jaemand it would be a lot of work01:18
jaemlook up the Mer project01:18
SpeedEvilIs there a way to get the n900 x server accepting external connections for x windows?01:18
SpeedEvilso I can run stuff on it01:18
jaemnon-Linux probably is not practical, since some of the Linux kernel modules are proprietary, and obviously won't work with BSD01:19
jaemSpeedEvil, can you clarify?01:19
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SpeedEviljaem: so I can run xeyes, or whatever, hosted on my laptop - with the window displaying on the n900 - sorry - not being very clear tonight.01:19
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jaemssh -X, possibly?01:20
go1dfishali1234: cool, im gonna go ahead and set up firestarter in my chroot and go from there, where would I go to get the newly released kernel sources?01:20
jaemif you want to initiate it from the laptop, I'm not sure, but that's the usual way to do it01:20
go1dfishSpeedEvil: yes, ssh -X will do x11 forwarding over x01:20
SpeedEviljaem: hmm, thanks01:20
jaemif you wanted to be fancy, you could write an app to do something somewhat like MS Sideshow, but that's probably overkill01:20
go1dfishSpeedEvil: I've run firefox, etc... off my desktop that way01:21
jaemSpeedEvil, once you use the -X switch (capital X), you can just run X apps in the shell, and they will automatically be remoted01:21
SpeedEviljaem: yes - I've never actually yused ssh forwardin gbefore - X that is.01:21
jaembe aware, though, that Maemo's WM will mangle plenty of them, and the odd app won't be happy being remoted01:21
go1dfishit will only really work well over a fastish connection though, VNC would be better solution for slower connections, but wont do one app at a time01:21
jaembut it generally works01:21
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ifreqcan someone be so bored and do xsnow before xmas comes01:21
ifreq=) pretty pls01:22
jaemgo1dfish, I'd like a working NX client, as that's what my desktop and my friend's server have installed01:22
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go1dfishI've still never really messed with NX01:22
go1dfishheard good things about it though01:22
jaemand RDP for my uni's terminal server, so I can do my homework without needing to buy Windows apps :P01:22
dnaumovjaem: afaik, the openbsd people got the zaurus port to run pretty well, but I would guess if n900 relies on proprietary non-open kernel modules for supporting things like umts/gsm you wouldnt get very far with having phone functions of N900 working in a BSD :)01:22
fnordianslipjaem: you will need to copy /opt/maemo/usr/share/doc/conky/examples/conky.conf to /etc/conky/conky.conf  and run it as "conky -d" from xterm, or put the conf file elsewhere and call "conky -c path/conky.conf -d"01:22
* mgedmin needs a better hostname for his n900 than 'mg-n900'01:22
* go1dfish has been meaning to try out openbsd on his C3100 for a while01:23
dnaumovbtw, I am hearing someone already has quake3 running on his/her N900? any screenshots around?01:23
go1dfishdnaumov: yeah, openarena is in the repos to, I just installed it today01:23
mgedmindnaumov, OpenArena is in extras (-devel, probably)01:23
go1dfishhas anyone tried running android in a chroot on the n900 yet?01:24
go1dfishthat was done on the zaurus's before the g1 was even out iirc01:24
jaemfnordianslip, I'll try it in a bit - I have to get some stuff ready to go out for the weekend01:24
SpeedEvilifreq: to do it 'right' as I understand it it would basically need to be a port to snow on controls, not just windows.01:25
SpeedEvilifreq: as most windows are fullscreen01:25
dnaumovhm, openarena on n900 looks like vertex lighting and seems to run a fair bit slower than the q3 port for n9501:25
fnordianslipjaem: out?  at the weekend?  why?  :) np01:25
jaemfnordianslip, early Christmas01:25
ifreqSpeedEvil: okay, good point01:25
jaemlong story :P01:25
SpeedEviljaem: it should auto-set the display variable - when I ssh to laptop with -X from phone? As it's not01:26
SpeedEviljaem: maybe I've ot the wrong ssh package setup. /me reads his laptop sshd.conf01:26
go1dfishsome distros disable x11 forwarding by default in sshd.conf01:26
go1dfishdnaumov: someone on the forum was saying that q3 on maemo ran faster than openarena as well01:27
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jaemSpeedEvil, yeah, you'll need to enable X11 Forwarding in the config01:28
SpeedEviljaem: yeah - that's it iut was defaulted to no - though it wasn't explicitly set in sshd.conf01:28
jaemwow... FB is worse than I thought... and I knew they were bad when it came to privacy :S01:32
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jaemnow they're just outright lying about the stuff they pull01:32
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* jaem deletes^Wdeactivates his account01:32
SpeedEvilOh well - I was trying xlock -inroot -mode flame - but it's not working.01:32
* SpeedEvil wonders if the pictures can be transparent.01:32
SpeedEvilxsnow - it does nothing! (by default at least without any hacking)01:34
jaemapparently if I deactivate my account, none of my friends will be able to keep in touch with me... OH NOEZ!01:34
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jaemit's not like we have phones... or e-mail/IM... or meatspace01:34
Arkenoifor russian users: (comments welcome, will translate to english if someone is interested)01:34
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SpeedEvilhmm - 0 blocks free on /01:39
SpeedEvilBut I just deinstalled...01:39
mikhasremove apt cache01:39
SpeedEviloptified vs non optified01:39
* jaem finds it a bit disturbing that the docs in this XML file have a "causes-havoc" element :S
SpeedEvilthat may help01:39
mikhasit keeps all packages you installed via apt-get methinks01:40
mikhasthat is, not via app manager01:40
SpeedEvilmik: I installed them all through app-manager01:40
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SpeedEvilhmm - a fair amount not it seems - when python was being screwy01:41
mikhaswell, if your apt cache is full, ... and you never installed via apt-get ... then that's worth a bug report imho01:41
SpeedEvilblow away /var/cache/apt/archives then?01:41
mikhasonly the contents, yes01:42
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SpeedEvilthere still seems to be something screwy with reboots gaining large amount of space01:42
mikhaswell, I had roughly ~70mb in apt cache01:43
mikhaswhich is of course pretty tough for /01:43
VDVsxSpeedEvil, true, already experienced that01:43
SpeedEvilI can't see anything significant holding open files01:44
pupnikmy n900 has no /etc/apt/cache01:44
arachnistpupnik: /car/cache/apt01:44
arachnist /var01:44
pupniki thought those got deleted01:44
microlithyay, it's here01:44
mikhaswell, I was also surprised to find it01:45
wazdnini all01:45
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pupnik20MB here. Maybe those were the packages i installed with apt-get and not application manager01:45
mikhasSpeedEvil says that this is not the case =/01:45
nomishas anyone tried gmediaserver to make stuff available to the N900?01:46
VDVsxwazd, gnite01:46
SpeedEvilmikhas: I diddn't quite01:46
mikhasso, we should ask marius right?01:46
mgedminyou rang?01:46
mikhasoh ok01:46
woglindehaha lol01:46
SpeedEvilmikhas: all packages I saw in that dir were directly installed ones01:46
jaemnomis, is that UPnP based?01:47
mikhasthe other one, optify-marius01:47
nomisjaem: apparently. It just started working. Took a while for some reason.01:47
jaemnomis, huh... I've only tried with the N810, and a different app01:47
mgedminah ok01:47
jaemit was just a UPnP daemon01:47
SpeedEvilBefore reboot. 7594 blocks.01:47
SpeedEvilAfter reboot - 2500001:47
SpeedEvilSince the last reboot all packages have been installed only through package manager01:48
SpeedEvilhow do I install a non-broken find on this thing?01:48
nomisjaem: do you recall what you used?01:48
jaemnomis, let me see01:48
ifreqSpeedEvil: logs?01:50
lardman|homeis Garage still down?01:51
lardman|homefor svn access?01:51
SpeedEvilifreq: ?01:51
jaemnomis, I think it was ushare01:51
jaemit's available for Arch - not sure about other distros01:51
nomisjaem: mhm, seems its not available in debian.01:52
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jaemnomis, apparently it was originally based on GMediaServer anyway01:52
jaemI don't know if it's better, and that probably depends on your preferences01:53
nomismhm. Every time I try to watch a shared movie, the "phono player" interface starts.01:53
jaemwhat's that?01:53
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nomisjaem: the one with the big icon of a record player. Which is kind of bogus for a movie  :)01:54
jaemare you just browsing to the file on the share, then?01:54
nomisjaem: I am browsing from within the media player.01:54
jaemoh ,you mean it's trying to play it as an audio file?01:55
jaemor am I misunderstanding yuo01:55
nomisyeah, thats what I suspect. Not sure how the upnp protocol actually works there.01:55
jaemnomis, what type of video is it?01:55
jaeme.g. codec and such.  I know that MPlayer will attempt to play the audio track even if it can't play the video, so maybe this player is doing something similar, by accident or design01:56
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nomissome random .wmv.01:56
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jaemokay - have to run.  I'll be back in a while01:57
jaemhope you get it working01:57
jaemtry a video with a simple/old codec, and see if that works01:57
javispedrodoes anyone know if there's a way I can send the same source package to multiple maemo-org autobuilders without using the web interface?01:58
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Arkenoiis it true that 10 years old "cubic" nokia chargers may be damaging for modern batteries?02:06
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SpeedEvilArkenoi: I doubt it. The batteries have internal protection typically, and if they do not, the phone does.02:09
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microlithis the N900's WPA PSK compatible with WPA2?02:09
till-isn't the charger logic built into the phone and not the charger?02:09
SpeedEvilArkenoi: Simply as you don't know what shit someones going to connect to it.02:09
mgedminmicrolith, yes02:10
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till-i built a nokia charger for my bike, it just suplies 6v02:10
mgedminjavispedro, are autobuilders even up now?  garage is down :(02:10
lardman|homehmm, forgot to give Qalculate! an icon02:10
lardman|homeand also needs hildonised menus02:11
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lardman|homeah well02:11
till-and until now the batteries of both my n82 and my n800 are fine02:11
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javispedromgedmin: ah, thanks for the warning. won't try to wast my time with uploading 30MiBish files02:11
mikhasQalculate ... for a german this reminds me of Qual ...02:11
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lardman|homeim Moment ist es warscheinlich so schwierig02:13
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mgedminjavispedro, I was asking, not warning -- maybe I could upload my package with scp or something, since the web page is down02:13
lardman|homequite crowded on the screen02:13
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ifreqtill-: good idea thanks02:14
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lardman|homeI always like gift myself02:14
lardman|homealmost converse meaning in English/German02:14
mikhasno, same.02:14
mikhasmost gifts are gift02:14
lardman|homeI hope not the one from my wife! ;)02:15
lardman|homebut you never know!02:15
mikhasin the sense of having to use unwanted gifts02:15
mikhasbut that's still a bit far-fetched, oh well02:15
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microlithhmm, this thing does not like my access point02:17
nomisjaem: ushare works perfect. seems it was a gmediaserver problem.02:19
jaemnomis, \o/02:19
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go1dfishmicrolith: have you played with the wifi power saving options?02:28
go1dfishmine doesn't like certain AP's with power saving on02:28
lardman|homenight all02:28
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microlithgo1dfish: yeah looking at that02:28
go1dfishon the one I had issues with, it wasn't the transmit power that was an issue02:29
go1dfishit was the other power saving option02:29
microlithit's much happier now02:30
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microlithtime to go geek route and load vim02:31
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NickoDoes anyone know if there is a deborphan ported to Diablo?02:40
woglindenicko dont believe it02:41
woglindenicko whats your problem?02:41
Nickolooking for an easy way to clean out un-necessary packages02:42
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woglindehow many packages you have installed?02:43
Nickoin addition to tmp emptying commands like apt-get clean/autoclean02:43
Nickohow many? prolly a lot :)02:44
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ali1234Nicko: get root shell, use apt-get02:44
woglindesudo gainroot02:45
woglindedpkg -l | wc -l02:45
woglindeworks as user too02:45
mgedminalso be sure not to remove any essential packages that would brick your device02:45
ali1234deborphan sounds like apt-get autoremove to me02:45
woglindemgedmin lol02:45
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Nickois that equivalent to apt-get autoremove?02:45
woglindemgedmin you cannt do it without02:45
woglindeI am really dump02:45
ali1234Nicko: i dunno, i'm just going on the name of it02:46
mgedminautoremove remembers which packages were explicitly installed, and which ones were pulled in automatically02:46
mgedmindeborphan tries to guess02:46
mgedminwhich is why I called it 'cruder'02:46
Nickoso autoremove > deborphan ?02:46
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mgedminfor values of >02:49
mgedminit's certainly a newer feature of apt's02:49
mgedminand it can be useful in other ways02:49
Nicko'>' = safer to use02:49
mgedmine.g. if you explicitly install libfoo-dev in order to build something, autoremove won't remove it02:50
mgedminbut deborphan will tell you that you've got libfoo-dev that no other package depends on02:50
Nickoi ran autoremove right now. quite a lot of libs and apps it wants to clean out02:50
mgedminI wouldn't blindly remove every package deborphan lists02:50
mgedminI would blindly apt-get autoremove02:50
mgedminso, yes02:50
ali1234i would blindly apt-get autoremove on ubuntu, but not maemo02:51
mgedminwell, not blindly, but unless it looks _very_ wrong, I'd assume it was safe02:51
mgedminyeah, that02:51
ali1234call me paranoid but i just don't trust those crazy non-free debs02:51
Nickoits funny though..autoremove wants to remove unrar02:51
mgedminI know what's what on ubuntu; a lot of maemo pkgs are a bit mysterious02:51
Nickolast n00b question: is there a way for me to check what is using a certain lib?02:52
mgedminapt-cache rdepends?02:54
mgedminI don't really remember02:54
microlithgood, mic isn't bugged02:54
mgedminooh, ought to check that02:54
mgedminhow do I check that?02:54
odin_Nicko, "ldd /bin/program" also "cat /proc/<pid>/maps" of the running program02:54
mgedmincall skype voice test?02:54
Nickothanks, no worries, i'll do some searching02:55
microlithI just called my parents, works the same02:55
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mgedminah, can't call skype before I enter my account info02:57
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mgedmingah, this data transfer thing is painful02:57
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mgedmingood thing they have two themes, or I couldn't tell my loaner N900 from my personal N900...02:59
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mgedmintime to sleep anyway03:00
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microlithis there a way to mass delete the entire contents of a folder?03:06
arachnistrm -rf03:06
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microlithI should be more clear03:06
microliththe e-mail client downloaded 250+ spam messages google shuffled off into a folder03:07
microlithis it possible to delete all of them?03:07
microlithat once, that is.03:07
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Dantonichi, anyone use the maps app?  are you able to enter number in the Find feature?03:09
Dantonicon the N900 that is03:09
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asidjazzlemme get this str803:32
asidjazzmaemo is gtk+ w/ hildon in c++ or c?03:32
asidjazzah yea c++03:33
asidjazzwhen is the php-gtk support gonna occur :)03:36
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w00tasidjazz: whenever you, or someone else interested in it does it, I'd guess03:45
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DocScrutinizer51just a note of minor importance: N900 messes up DCF77 radio controlled clocks in a radius of up to 1m03:49
asidjazz^- FYI03:50
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siriusnovais it just me or does the Flash on the N900 suck on everything except youtube?04:01
siriusnovaits rediculously choppy on any other video site04:01
siriusnovalike hulu04:01
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pupniksiriusnova: Flash sucks yes.04:03
pupnikthat is not our fault, now is it04:03
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go1dfishsadly flash on the n900 is the best implementation of flash I've seen on linux sofar04:05
go1dfishnot that that says much04:05
go1dfishhulu videos are nearly twice the res of your std youtube video, so not too surprising04:06
go1dfishthat *might* become possible with flash10 with gpu video accel04:06
asidjazzare all maemo apps always going to be free?04:06
asidjazzgotta wait for the ovi store to com eout?04:06
go1dfishand of course if hulu (or rather their content providers) finds out that their site does become usable on the n900, they will take steps to prevent it04:07
asidjazzhulu is already done go1dfish04:07
asidjazzcomcast bought nbc04:07
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asidjazz40 bil04:08
asidjazzthink about that :)04:08
asidjazzwhats comcasts' product?04:08
go1dfishhave they shut it down yet?04:09
asidjazzno not yet the buy is still going through04:09
ShadowJKI'm beginning to suspect the calendar autostarts at midnight04:10
Arkenoiactually almost all online video players suck except youtube04:10
Arkenoieven youtube sucks after they introduced that stupid mouse-on pop-up thingies04:10
Arkenoiit worked much better on low performance machines before that04:11
ShadowJKsome livestream things work on n900, some skins eat humongous amounts of ram and dont work04:11
pupnikustream also too slow on my n90004:12
pupnikand there's just no need for that04:13
pupnikman, i remember designing flash to run on p3s04:13
siriusnovaalso will nokia release ovi suite for the N90004:14
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siriusnovaany ideas?04:14
pupnik@500mhz, scrolling a 800x600 window at 5 fps.04:14
go1dfishflash is just a bloated pos04:14
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pupnikthing is, there are some cases where you have to use it, as a web dev04:15
go1dfishcomplain to the relevant sites to switch to/offer HTML504:15
go1dfishpupnik: yeah I know :( I work with a music label startup04:15
go1dfishuse soundmanager2 for playback, at least that way the UI can still be all DOM/CSS04:16
pupnikhah.  is there a music label anywhere that doesnt do a full-flash web presence?04:16
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go1dfishworks quite well on the n900 btw :) though a bit slow, more due to a lack of js optimization than the flash applet04:16
pupnikwell for streaming video i'd like something that is scalable and open04:16
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pupniki.e. client can ignore some detail if it's not keeping up04:16
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go1dfishheh that wouldn't be necessary if we'd just drop the completely extraneous Flash VM for video playback, I've been through many machines that could handle fluid full screen video, and choke to death on moderate flash vids04:17
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pupnikgoldfish, think browser could be hacked to detect a "normal" flv stream and play that with gstreamer/mplayer?04:19
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pupnikis it really decoding the flv in a vm?04:20
pupnikor just flash apps?04:20
timpericompletely extraneous flash vm04:20
go1dfishpupnik: it might be possible04:23
go1dfishusing the same method as the flv downloaders04:24
go1dfishI don't know for sure how flv encoding works in flash04:24
go1dfishbut I can only imagine it happens in the VM with how slow it is04:24
go1dfisherr decoding*04:25
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pupnikbtw if your device slows down after loading up with files, tweaker the tracker config to taste04:27
pupniki added a delay to scanning on boot, removed .documents from tree04:28
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pupniklowered priority also.  n900 is zippy again04:28
ShadowJKuh, lack of js optimization? doesn't the browser have tracemonkey..04:30
ShadowJKgo1dfish, decoding isn't in the vm, it'd not be anywhere near fast enough for sure04:31
ShadowJKThe decoder in flash isn't that fast though...04:31
ali1234decoder in actionscript? lol04:31
ShadowJKPlus it's doing alpha compositing on top of the video, which uses shitloads extra04:31
ShadowJKand i think it has to convert the video to RGB? that's extra 30% right there...04:31
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ShadowJKWhat I'm saying is, even if flash had a video decoder that was as fast as, say, ffmpeg or openmax, they still wouldn't come close to the performance of a dedicated player04:35
* Arkenoi has c3/c4 rate with sip and xmpp on 26%/73% , is that normal or can be reduced?04:41
go1dfishShadowJK: I meant a lack of optimization in the js of my own site04:42
go1dfishit is using tracemonkey?04:42
go1dfishI don't think microb is using tracemonkey yet04:43
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go1dfishbut I did have a nokia rep say that the browser will be getting JIT compilation for JS soon, I assume he was referring to tracemonkey04:44
ShadowJKI thought it was04:44
go1dfishI could very well be wrong, I haven't looked that deep into it04:45
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AakashPatelThis damn screen scratchs like a mofo easily04:47
AakashPatelI've had it for like 2 weeks and i already see a scratch04:47
Proteousstop carrying it in the same pocket as your keys04:49
Vrathammmm, n90004:49
Vrathawhat i want to know is why t-mobile thinks it's a good idea to route all my internet traffic through Kansas when i actually live in NY04:50
DocScrutinizer51has anybody checked N900 service manuals? Any Idea what's smallest entity to replace to get a new scratchfree display surface... and how much that will cost?04:50
go1dfishDocScrutinizer51: there is a disassembly video floating around04:51
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go1dfishthe bezel/screen cover is removable04:51
lcukn900 autopsy?04:51
DocScrutinizer51go1dfish: any pointer?04:51
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w00tVratha: i've gotten out of the habit of trying to question ISPs/etc04:51
w00twhen I lived in australia, my ISP had a habit of sending my traffic via new zealand..04:52
* w00t never worked that one out04:52
Vrathaw00t: well, when it results in <= 1/3 the speed of AT&T, i care04:52
w00t(I was on dialup, so it really sucked)04:52
Vrathaluckily my land-based cable provider is awesome04:52
w00tah, dialup, how I *don't* miss thee04:52
Vrathaword on that04:52
* w00t hugs ADSL2+04:52
AakashPatelProteous: i dont04:53
AakashPateli treat this thing like a baby04:53
w00tAakashPatel: you too?04:53
w00tI'm glad I'm not the only one that tries to bottle feed my phone04:53
* w00t coos04:53
AakashPatelHaha yeah04:53
w00tmy case arrived today04:53
AakashPatelwait what04:54
AakashPatelthey have cases?04:54
go1dfishim still using the same case as my treo65004:54
Vrathai often throw mine at the wall04:54
go1dfishworks quite well04:54
Vrathajust to let it know who's boss around here04:54
w00tI bought *A* case for it, yes04:54
w00tand it fits ok04:54
AakashPatelerm nvm04:54
AakashPatelIt already has a micro scratch04:54
go1dfisheven the headphone port cutout in the bottom is in the right spot04:54
w00tthough the plastic over the keyboard is a bit annoying04:54
AakashPatelmight as well not use protection04:54
DocScrutinizer51ooooh sheiit what a scary tool04:54
w00tquote of the day award goes to AakashPatel04:54
Vrathai wonder if strangers having sex use that excuse04:55
Vratha"well, my penis already has a scratch... what the hell... no protection!"04:55
Vratha3 weeks later, they learn they have aids04:55
Vrathahiv at least04:55
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Vrathahahaha, that would be funny to us outside observers04:56
AakashPatelBur srsly04:56
AakashPatelthis tiny scratch04:56
w00tI thank god I bought a screen protector04:57
w00telse I'd have no end of scratches04:58
yuizywhich protector do you have?04:58
* w00t is a harsh master04:59
w00tthough I'd not recommend it04:59
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w00tit's ok, but a pain in the *ass* to apply, and i'm not confident it's sticking properly04:59
AakashPatelMy motto is, why protect something when it'll eventualy break anyways04:59
AakashPateljust show off this damn shiny beast05:00
w00tI'd like it to remain pristine as long as I can, really05:00
ShadowJKw00t, mine stuck.. with lots of bubbles.. and I misaligned it originally05:00
AakashPateleh theres that point when you first get a little damage on it05:00
AakashPateland you freak out05:00
ShadowJKmost of the bubbles went away after a couple of days05:00
w00tthe bubbles ARGH THE BUBBLES05:00
AakashPatel(i do that with every peice of electronics i have lol)05:01
w00tI still have some on the top end of the screen, small ones05:01
ShadowJKnow after like 2 weeks or something... the thing has so many scratches it's unbelievable :_)05:01
ShadowJKMost of them go away when you look at the screen contents, except 305:01
ShadowJKthat warp light or something05:01
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AakashPateloh well05:02
AakashPatelfirst scratch of many to come lol05:02
ShadowJKI have 5 more in the drawer though05:02
w00tShadowJK: I used up around 3 trying to put the bastard on05:03
w00tI was in too much of a rush05:03
ShadowJKI ordered 3 of the vquiti or something..05:03
yuizyis the vquiti one any good?05:04
yuizythis one05:04
ShadowJKhaven't received mine yet05:05
yuizyhave you heard any comments?05:05
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ShadowJKseems highly regarded on tmo, I'm told05:06
fnordianslippersi got a vikuiti. good fit, touch still useable, but i got bubbles and crud under it, so binned it. might get a couple more of them.05:14
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* Arkenoi has just one micro scratch after 2 weeks of use, that's almost ok05:21
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Arkenoii am afraid screen protector makes touch less responsive and affects the view05:21
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AakashPatelArkenoi: same here05:22
Arkenoii think i'd better buy a leather case so i won't accidentally damage the phone after throwing it into the same pocket with the keys while drunk or something ;-)05:23
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DocScrutinizer51Arkenoi: same here05:23
DocScrutinizer51I'd really like to learn how much the touchpanel screen surface costs when ordered via a nokia repair shop05:25
DocScrutinizer51I'd prefer to replace the original rather than any protector05:26
jkimball4so dell can't RMA by n900 because they don't have it in their db.  won't get any until 29th05:27
DocScrutinizer51if it's some 20 bucks or such... so what, twice a year05:27
jkimball4so i'm stuck with this one that turns off randomly until early january it looks like05:27
Arkenoii am afraid it is one module with the screen itself05:27
Arkenoiso it may be more like $150 or so05:28
DocScrutinizer51Arkenoi: it,s not05:28
DocScrutinizer51see video05:28
Arkenoiwell, if it is really $20, then there is no reason to bother yourself with protectors05:28
DocScrutinizer51exactly my pov05:29
AakashPatelTaking apart your fone o.O05:31
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* DocScrutinizer51 creates task "visit nokia shop. get their prices for replacing front plastic"05:31
Maceri suppose i will turn my n810 running maemo4 and canola2 into something to hook up to some speakers and play mp3s :)05:31
Macerseems to have lost its appeal as of late05:32
Macerwow canola2 is taking forever to install05:32
DocScrutinizer51Macer: I'm still happy with my 810. Also for MP3 playback (frequently used mode of use) :-D05:33
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DocScrutinizer51also I'm quite off mainstream as I think N810 kbd is *better* than N90005:35
microlithI'm more impressed than I thought I would be with the speakers in the N90005:35
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DocScrutinizer51not bad for such a small volume device05:35
MacerDocScrutinizer51: heh05:36
Maceris there a plugin for canola2 to automatically download cover art?05:37
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jkimball4is there a way to turn on debug logging in maemo ?  maybe i can troubleshoot this shut off issue myself05:37
jkimball4no syslogs or anything that i can see05:37
DocScrutinizer51dunno. not using canola here.05:37
MacerDocScrutinizer51: it's nice :)05:38
Macerit would be perfect if it auto downloaded album art05:39
DocScrutinizer51tseem to remember a plugin for that05:40
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Macerplugin for ogg too ;)05:41
Macerdamn. there are a lot of plugins for canola. it's awesome heh. i should have used it a long time ago05:41
Macertoo bad n810 lost its fm tuner :)05:41
go1dfishanyone figure out how to get alsa working inside of easy-debian-chroot?05:44
DocScrutinizer51anybody a clue which friggin app/update changed my N810 homescreen name to "tana_fi_home tana_fi_home_thumb" lately? Really annoying. And comes with a few other strange special FX05:45
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johnxsome app lunched your localization05:46
AakashPatelif you squeeze the phone05:46
johnxuhm, there's a fix...have you searched
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AakashPatelThe metal parts aroudn the screen05:46
AakashPatelis that supposed to be a little loose?05:46
Macerer. around an n810 screen? :)05:47
AakashPatellike you can see the metal flex, as if it werent on there tight05:47
DocScrutinizer51johnx: not yet05:47
Maceroh. don't know. not l33t enough to have an n900 haha05:47
Macermy G1 is good enough :) haha05:47
AakashPatelYeah I think its normal05:48
AakashPatelIf not...RMA's ftw05:49
Macerawesome. that plugin worked :)05:49
Macercanola just won my heart haha05:49
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mark87Random question:  Has anyone talked about putting fremantle on the Pandora?05:55
DocScrutinizer51check out mer for this05:55
infoboti guess mer is, or on #mer05:59
w00tStskeeps: what the -hell- are you doing awake06:01
Macerisn't that like urban legend?06:02
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Macerw00t: did you receive it?06:02
w00tMacer: yes, haven't had much chance to play yet.. waiting on my adapter to arrive, hopefully tomorrow06:02
w00tUK = different power socket06:02
Maceroh yeah06:02
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Macerhaha. sorry. didn't think about that. would have gotten one from radio shack if i knew you needed it06:03
DocScrutinizer51time on weekend? bah06:03
w00tnah, no worries, it's fine06:03
w00tI needed another adapter anyway06:03
Macerdo you need a converter? i am not sure if it can handle euro power06:03
w00tit can06:03
w00t(checked that first)06:03
Macerok :) so you just need a cheap plastic adapter?06:03
Macerno store in the area sells that sort of thing?06:04
w00tunfortunately not06:04
Macerthat sucks. they sell those things all over the place in iraq ;)06:04
Macerthen again. i think in iraq i ran into like 4 different types of outlets06:04
DocScrutinizer51use lab cables and clips ;-P06:04
w00tabout the only place I -regularly- see them are electrical stores (a bit too far away from me, I have no car) or airports (which admittedly I am going to, but I'd like to play before)06:05
w00tso just ordered one online like a lazy bastard06:05
Macerw00t: well. i wiped the SD and put the stock aios on it06:05
w00t*nod*, appreciated06:05
Maceri'm sure you'll get mer going on it.. good luck with that thing :) it had me about to run it over with my car06:05
w00tthough god it is annoying.06:05
Maceryeah. aios is horrible06:06
Macerthey had a pic of some bullshit one in popular mechanics i think it was06:06
Macera touchbook06:06
w00t*will be happy when it runs a sane environment*06:06
Macerand it was like all space age and shit.. NOTHING like the one i got :) it must be the touchbook5 or something06:06
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Macerw00t: you will have to open the kb and add weights to it06:06
Macerso it doesn't tip heh06:06
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w00tto be honest - the design seems ok, pretty much as i expected06:07
w00tdefinitely noticed that06:07
Maceri was going to do it but didn't see the point in the effort since i was going to ebay it after like 2 months of owning it06:07
Macer1 of which it spent underneath my bed and forgotten06:07
ArkenoiIs Mer going to be useful on 700 or it is just PoC? ;-)06:07
w00twhat annoyed you most about it?06:07
Arkenoi770 even06:07
w00tArkenoi: useful in what way?06:08
Macerw00t: everything :)06:08
Maceri honestly expected a better n810 heh06:08
w00tMacer: ..ah06:08
Macerwith an os capable of performing like maemo4 at the least06:08
Macerwith a REAL touch interface06:08
Macerthe tipping06:08
Macerthe random screen blanking06:08
w00tI suspect if they hadn't used.. what is it.. xfce(?) then they'd be further along06:08
w00toh yeah06:08
Macerwhich i'm sure you will notice in aios soon enough :)06:08
w00ti got a screen blank today :P06:08
Macerit is like totally random06:08
w00t(i still play with it minimally on battery)06:09
Maceri tried everything to fix it06:09
Maceroh yeah06:09
Arkenoiw00t: usable replacement for 2007HE06:09
Macerthe sensor that only works on 1 battery06:09
Macerthe touch screen should have been more sensitive06:09
Arkenoiat least more stable than 2008HE06:09
Arkenoiwhich is almost unusable there06:09
w00tArkenoi: forgive me, but I'm rather new to the scene :P06:09
Macerbut worst of all. there is no real os for it that makes it suck less06:09
w00tso you'll have to be a bit more specific06:09
w00tMacer: isn't there a TB port already?06:10
Macercalling that aios beta .. is like... a massive overstatement as to where the os is06:10
Macerw00t: yeah. there is a mer port06:10
* w00t nods06:10
Macerbut mer was pretty alpha also ;)06:10
w00tright :P06:10
Maceri'd rather stick with the G1 or the n810 with maemo4. i think i've given up on the gadgets for a while06:10
w00ta lot of mer is atm, but I suspect it'll settle down in coming weeks/month or two..06:10
Macermer isn't bad. just the ui ;)06:10
Macerthe base is great.. like running a portable ubuntu heh06:11
* w00t nods06:11
Macerif you don't use the UI it's nice06:11
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w00tui is something i hope to work on.06:11
w00twell, am working on06:11
Macerbut that kind of defeats the purpose of a tablet ;)06:11
Maceri wish maemo4 ran on it06:11
Macerthen i'd use it heh06:11
Macerso far maemo4 is the best one i've used.. then again i haven't gotten an n900 to try maemo5 out06:12
w00tmaemo5 is great.06:12
w00tI say that without having used maemo406:12
w00tbut I have totally fallen in love06:12
Macerwell.. i stil use my n810 with maemo4.. it does a great job for what it is06:12
Macerand believe it or not sometimes you find an update here and there stil :)06:12
w00tlike i said a moment ago, i er, came a bit late to the game06:12
w00tmuch as i regret it now06:12
Macerwell maemo is hands down the best touch type OS i have used.. but then again there aren't too many out there06:13
w00tStskeeps tried to talk me into n800 ages ago, but i looked at it and didn't see the point to yet another gadget, but that was also before i really started to (ab)use portable devices a lot06:13
w00ti use my laptop fulltime at home06:13
Macerwell. i guess there are NOW :) but when i got my n800 i think the iphone and the n8x0 were the only ones pulling it off right06:13
w00tthere are a lot now, but they still suck.06:13
Maceri haven't tried the new palm stuff but i heard it was ok06:14
w00ti boycott it on the basis of it being palm06:14
DocScrutinizer51portrait mode. bah06:15
w00twho needs that.06:15
w00ti actually got the n900 portrait mode bug the other day06:16
Macerah well. have to do a couple things and get some sleep. glad you received it. international shipping makes me scared sometimes06:16
w00twhich would have been great, had i not been demoing the n900 to about 3 people at the time..06:16
Arkenoiwell, back in 90s palm was pure evil and survived surprisingly long being awful shit06:16
Arkenoibut i guess they are not so bad now ;-)06:16
Arkenoiat least there are good ideas to steal06:17
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w00tMacer: yeah, thanks :) cya around06:18
w00tArkenoi: there was no alternative to them, unfortunately06:18
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Arkenoiwoot: there was. the only point of early palm was to make pda that costs $200, not $600 like others, in 1994. Everything since then was pure legacy and gory consequences of approaches chosen to implement that. Shortly afterwards, that makes a religion, mostly alike to modern Apple fags: "if it was not implemented in PalmOS, then it is useless bell or whistle"06:22
Arkenoiand religion survives almost ten years, damn too much for such a crap06:22
w00toh, of course06:23
w00tbut that $200 was a very big selling point06:23
ArkenoiThey had at least two chances to redesign the whole OS and missed it completely, preferred to stay with outdated and incapable thing.06:24
Arkenoieven changing CPU architecture did not help06:24
w00teveryone makes mistakes06:24
w00tscrewups on that proportion happen often over history06:25
w00tthey're just extremely lucky they're still alive06:25
Arkenoiyes, that's a real miracle06:25
w00ta business that stands still isn't winning06:26
w00tit's atrophying06:26
Arkenoiback in 1994 i owned a prolinear pocket PC, it made circles around Palm06:26
Arkenoithough its design was already 5 years old06:26
Arkenoiit was almost "Poqet" of 1989, just a bit faster cpu06:26
w00tother thing to consider is the marketing06:27
Arkenoithey proved the fact so-called "geeks" are just as incapable of independant thinking and being inquisitive as "general customers"06:27
Arkenoijust a bit different advertisement methods and everyone knows that "Palm is ultimate geek toy"06:28
Arkenoithough there were dozens of others06:28
w00tno different to what nokia is going for here really06:28
Arkenoinokia made me wonder with communicator series06:28
w00t(with the possible exception of it probably being the closest thing to truth to have hit the market in a while)06:29
w00toh god yes06:29
w00tcommunicator.. E90 was it?06:29
Arkenoibecause it *WAS* ultimate geek toy06:29
Arkenoibut they marketed it for managers instead06:29
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Arkenoimy first one was 9000i in 199806:29
w00tI'm not that old fyi06:30
w00tI was just leaving primary school in 199806:30
w00tbut the E90, dear god, I strongly considered going for that before being told to wait a while and see whether anything more interesting happened06:30
w00tso I did, nearly going insane in the process06:30
w00tbut now I have my precious06:30
w00tmy life06:30
w00tmy baby06:30
* w00t rubs it06:30
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* Arkenoi owned just every model in communicator series except 9300s since 1998. 9000i, 9110, 9110i, 9210, 9210i, 9500, e9006:36
w00tjesus :P06:37
Arkenoibut seems that n900 is the first one designed as i expected, despite crappy keyboard06:38
w00ti'm actually really happy to be back with a nokia06:38
w00ti've been in the horrible land of ericsson and winmo for the past 3-4 years06:38
Arkenoii was going to switch to Android, looking at the Milestone06:38
Arkenoibut just won n900 on maemo meetup and it proved to be really good06:39
w00tthat is ..insanely lucky :)06:39
Arkenoiin just a few hours i was sure - no, i won't switch to anything else ;-)06:42
w00tyeah, same06:43
w00ti was evaluating hd2, but, i've had enough of windows mobile.06:43
Arkenoiandroid is nice, but not *that* nice. i played with Hero a bit, it is a good phone, but n900 is way better06:44
go1dfishanybody got pulseaudio network working?06:48
go1dfishim trying to use pulseaudio as a way to get sound out of my debian chroot to the device proper06:49
DocScrutinizer51winmo AAAAAARG06:49
go1dfishcurrently getting connection refused after setting my default server to in the chroot06:49
w00tDocScrutinizer51: it's fine provided you don't breathe on it the wrong way06:49
* DocScrutinizer51 coughs and turns blue06:49
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DocScrutinizer51w00t: I had 3 winmoob devices and really disliked each single one of them07:00
w00tmore or less the same07:00
FoxxDocScrutinizer, which devices?07:01
DocScrutinizer51moto Q9, glofiish M800, OMNIA07:02
Foxxoooof, yeah, those are trainwrecks07:02
Foxxthey fight you tooth and nail07:02
FoxxI have had a few, out of the box they were horrible. With some ROM Hacking/cooking they were much better07:02
Pavlovthe hd2 is the best winmo device out right now07:02
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Pavlovand it still lacks in many ways07:03
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FoxxDell Axim X51V PDA, HTC Wizard, HTC Wing, and a few others I cant recall07:03
Pavlovthough the hardware is great07:03
DocScrutinizer51i'm honestly fed up and thru with anything origin Redmond07:03
w00tI'm annoyed to admit I like windows seven, but yeah, they've completely ballsed up windows mobile07:04
Foxxive got a G1, I hate the damn thing07:04
Pavlovthe g1 is horrible07:04
Pavlovw00t: well, winmo is basically still the same as winmo6 -- if they move to a ce6+ kernel or win7 kernel they're going to be much much better off... along with better apps, of course07:05
Foxxim not even going to start with my laundry list of gripes07:05
Pavlovce6 runs at least 1.5x faster than winmo6.5 on the same hardware07:05
Pavlovmaybe 2x07:05
PavlovFoxx: the droid is pretty decent, but still needs more polish07:06
Foxxim not a fan of android right now07:07
Foxxgreat idea, bad implementation07:07
Pavlovhave you used the droid?07:07
Pavlovits 10000x  better than the g107:07
Foxxnot yet, im too poor to keep buying new cell phones that dont work well as a cell phone07:08
Foxxim half tempted to go back to my Moto' V63507:08
Pavlovthe good news though really is that people across the board are starting to put out really nice hardware and are making software stacks vastly better07:09
Pavlova year from now the options should be pretty rediculious (maybe even 6 months from now?)07:09
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DocScrutinizer51Foxx: sounds like OM trauma :-D07:11
Foxxnever had/used one07:12
Pavlovugh, openmoko was just bad07:12
Foxxmy main gripe is that out of the box the G1 didnt work very well as a phone. Mostly software crashes, and the updates made it work07:13
DocScrutinizer51ohh. so there a actually other phones that "don,t work as a phone"?07:13
FoxxSomeone called, dialer crashed07:13
Foxxneeded to make a call, dialer crashed07:13
Foxxneeded to check a number, dialer crashed07:13
Foxxtook a pic', camera crashed07:13
Foxxlooked at a pic, camera crashed07:13
Pavlovheh yeah07:13
Foxxwanted to change a ring tone, had to install a new app... that crashed07:14
Foxxnot to mention most of the apps on the market are designed by people that really dont know WTF they are doing07:14
Foxxadware on my phone now, SCREW THAT!07:15
Foxxwhen my battery is low, which is a 3A cell, so 15% isnt all that low, and fucked if they let me change when it warns me...07:15
Foxxit makes a popup "You need to change your battery [Ok] [Why?]"07:16
Foxxwhy? I know why the battery is low, you dont have to tell me07:16
Pavlovthe n900 normally warns you right as it turns itself off07:16
DocScrutinizer51heh. not exactly07:17
Pavlovsometimes it cries for a little while first07:18
DocScrutinizer51on my one test done so far the system shut down ~90min after nat at 0 and first warning07:18
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Foxxwhen the n900 doesnt cost as much as my rent, ill pick one up07:19
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DocScrutinizer51Foxx: well, if you're not going with a contract and subsidized then you'll quite probably have to wait a while07:22
Foxxyeah, I know, it will be a while07:22
FoxxPlus I am under contract with this G1 until 2011 >:/07:22
DocScrutinizer51oh, too bad07:23
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DocScrutinizer51though I'm sure the contract doesn't mean you can't use N900 with same SIM07:24
* Arkenoi is playing with sms sending service. not only it is cheaper than sending via local operator, i may choose any number to appear as sender.07:25
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DocScrutinizer51heh, for SMS that's new to me. Well kinda. You can do that for SIP calls though07:26
* Arkenoi tries to think out some funny prank, but i am too sleepy now ;-)07:28
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Arkenoisend a message appearing as from oneself "your phone is hacked" and watch him searching for malware? ;-)07:30
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Arkenoiwas hacked, even07:30
Macerstar trek cracks me up07:31
Macer"That's in the southern part of the Galaxy."07:31
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DocScrutinizer51hmm, xchat reregister after connection loss much better now. just the nick reclaiming and registration not quite what it should be yet07:34
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el_zilchoyay vnc :)08:03
el_zilchois there an alt equivalent or do i need to keep using /win to change my selected chan?08:05
el_zilchoesc 2 doesnt work08:08
Stskeepsseriously, what morons made ovi maps..08:14
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ShadowJKMacer, I think they actually talk about north and south, so..08:21
ShadowJKin real life I mean08:21
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ShadowJKStskeeps, with half the features of wayfinder on N810, they manage to be twice as slow as wayfinder on N810, on a device that has ~2X the performance. It's quite impressive really.08:26
* luke-jr wonders why he is doing this08:27
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ShadowJKWhat are you doing?08:27
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luke-jrdesigning a keyboard layout optimized for thumb typing <.<08:28
ShadowJKthe thumb keyboard in maemo4/maemo5 turns out to be much more usable on n900 than n8x008:29
ShadowJKI think it's because the screen isn't inside a pit, and it has decent sensitivity..08:29
luke-jrwhat does the screen have to do with it?08:29
Klowneroooh, Nokia wants my feedback regarding their service, muahahah08:31
ShadowJKluke-jr, hm. a hw keyboard?08:32
ShadowJKKlowner, last time I tried, that questionaire didn't work. I laughed08:32
KlownerShadowJK: was it a url?08:32
luke-jrShadowJK: yes, one for thumbs08:33
ShadowJKKlowner, hm, not sure08:33
luke-jrcuriously, I seem to type 0 and 1 more than all the other digits combined...08:33
ShadowJKKlowner, are those the same clowns that run the online shop website?08:33
ShadowJKluke-jr, maybe you just need a one-handed dvorak keyboard in your pocket08:33
KlownerShadowJK: I don't think so, maybe.. I guess this is only in regard to my e-mail communications with them, which was basically absent08:33
luke-jrShadowJK: Dvorak is designed for a full hand at least08:33
Klownerseeing as it took over a week for them to respond to anything via email08:34
Klownermeh, this survey is insufficient for conveying my frustration in regards to their repair/replacement policy08:37
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* Klowner reads through the case/pouch/screen protector thread again :/08:44
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wazdmornin' all09:02
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Stskeepsmorn wazd09:09
wazdmeh, we have "almost sunny" day :)\09:10
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wazdNokia sues Apple, Apple sues Nokia, TechCrunch sues JooJoo, Sherlock Holmes sues Dr. Watson09:12
pwnguin_n900i like the patent for packaging that apple trotted out09:16
pwnguin_n900granted, all patents are unreadable when done "well"09:17
dmj7261pwnguin_n900: How many hundred thousand software patents have you read and understood?09:17
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pwnguin_n900dmj7261: did you have a point:09:19
dmj7261just pointing out one of the bigger issues with software patents.09:19
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dmj7261people can't really determine whether their software does infringe on any.09:22
pwnguin_n900and if you do read a patent, and are found infringing on it, you're liable for treble damages09:23
pwnguin_n900anyways, this is the choir09:24
dmj7261so the incentive is to a) ignore them and b) file patents and sue people and c) don't make software09:24
dmj7261I figured.09:24
pwnguin_n900time to try out telepathy-idle09:24
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redeemango1dfish: did you install the debian chroot on a microsd card?09:40
crashanddie_mbpdmj7261 & pwnguin: you're idiots09:41
go1dfishredeeman: yeah09:41
redeemango1dfish: lenny or sid?09:42
go1dfishredeeman: used easy-debian-chroot as the base image09:42
go1dfishdisabled the sid repos09:42
go1dfishso I think it's primarily squeeze09:42
dmj7261crashanddie_mbp: how so?09:42
crashanddie_mbpbrainlessly bashing patents is just that: brainless09:43
crashanddie_mbpyou're not allowed to criticise something (based on the fact others hate it) unless you have a firm grasp of it09:43
dmj7261I do in fact have a firm grasp of it.09:44
redeemango1dfish: ah, i was thinking of debootstrapping one09:44
Lateraluscrashanddie_mbp: you see to that personally I see...09:44
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redeemango1dfish: so you use ext3 on the microsd card?09:48
go1dfishconsidering partitioning it though half fat32, so I can maybe set up a ubuntu boot image on it for windows boxes I encounter09:48
DocScrutinizer51Sorry but US patent usual practice is so completely fubar and braindamaged. And it spreads all over the world09:49
DocScrutinizer51patent the smell of a fart09:49
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DocScrutinizer51and sw-patents are worst of all09:52
dmj7261It's possible that patents work/fail to cause harm in some industries, but software patents cause a good deal of harm without any proof of actual benefits from them.09:52
crashanddie_mbpthe N900 exists thanks to software patents09:53
DocScrutinizer51errrrryep. obviously09:53
crashanddie_mbpARM anyone?09:53 it doesn't09:54
Lateralusthat's largely a uselessly broad statement09:54
dmj7261Software patents are not the *cause*, even when they are made in parallel with the software.09:54
redeemancrashanddie_mbp: you obviously have no idea what you're talking about09:54
DocScrutinizer51ARM is exactly ZERO related to *software* patents09:55
crashanddie_mbpredeeman: right09:55
crashanddie_mbpoh my bad09:55
crashanddie_mbpsleepy head09:55
redeemanbut that is to be expected for someone adding _mbp to their nick09:55
crashanddie_mbpthat the best you can do?09:55
crashanddie_mbpI apologise, I missed the *software* part09:55
redeemanbesides, even without patents we'd still have ARM, or if not ARM(if they werent competitive), someone else that's better09:56
crashanddie_mbpI honestly doubt that09:56
redeemanyou should look into why patents were created, and how they fail miserably to achieve the goal09:57
XisdibikI honestly cant understand why this conversation is going on at 11:56pm :P   my brain hurts just thinking at this hou09:57
redeemanmost especially software patents09:57
crashanddie_mbpOne of the main facts that allows ARM to remain so successful is the fact they don't have to wait for production and product lifetimes09:57
crashanddie_mbpXisdibik: waiting for the hotel wifi to allow my flick to stop buffering09:57
crashanddie_mbp(again, not talking about software patents)09:57
Xisdibikwhat flick09:58
DocScrutinizer51not everybody sharing your TZ, Xisdibik09:58
crashanddie_mbpXisdibik: inglorious basterds09:58
Xisdibikawesome movie crashanddie_mbp09:58
Lateralusjust everyone who matters09:58
crashanddie_mbpis it?09:58
XisdibikDocScrutinizer: lies, everyone uses my time zone ;)09:58
Xisdibikcrashanddie_mbp: yes one of the best ones i saw this year09:59
crashanddie_mbpI'm nearly at the end, and it's pretty far from any kind of reality09:59
Xisdibikits not supposed to e09:59
crashanddie_mbpOr maybe I'm missing the point of the movie, but at least it's entertaining09:59
Xisdibikthe last word in your sentence is the point :p09:59
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pupniki love waking up, reaching for tablet, and chatting in comfortable bed10:50
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pupnikbut then again, the day is for deeds...10:51
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pupnikThe Other Scott Horton, international human rights lawyer, professor and contributing editor at Harpers Magazine, discusses the astonishing facts of the "suicide" death of guantanamo detainees (called "attacks of asymmetrical warfare" in us media).
pupnikwrong chan11:00
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wiretappedanyone know why otr isn't included with pidgin ?11:19
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luke-jrcomments/criticism? :p11:21
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RST38hjavispedro: around?11:21
RST38hAnyone else willing to screw with the autobuilder around?11:21
slonopotamusluke-jr, what's that?11:27
luke-jrslonopotamus: keyboard layout designed for thumb-typing11:27
wiretapped_|Nix|_: what's up with pidgin-otr?11:27
luke-jrslonopotamus: optimization input is English Perl :p11:28
wiretappedluke-jr: lol11:28
luke-jrwiretapped: ?11:28
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luke-jrwiretapped: in theory, I think it has every symbol you'd need? :P11:29
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RST38hOk, the bugfixed FBReader is now in Extras-Devel-nonfree11:34
RST38hGoing into -free as soon as I find someone who can push it through autobuilder11:34
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luke-jrthere, now the only normal keys it's missing are *Lock, Meta, PrintScrn/SysRq, Pause/Break11:36
PaulFertserluke-jr: i think esc is a nice substitute for Meta most of the time, so it's ok.11:37
luke-jrit IS missing Esc...11:37
wiretappedi'm missing some things11:38
wiretappedwhere do I install less from?11:38
luke-jractually, probably the biggest problem is that it uses the full 64 key matrix11:38
PaulFertserluke-jr: (missing esc) how to use vim or anything then?11:38
luke-jrleaving no room for any extra keys like Cancel/OK (Esc/Enter) or such11:38
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luke-jrPaulFertser: think it'd be too hacky to define Esc as a hardware mapped Fn+Q or such?11:40
DocScrutinizer51wiretapped: good question11:40
DocScrutinizer51moin paul11:40
PaulFertserluke-jr: also while working with bash i find M-. to be mad useful, it's faster than typing $!!11:41
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: moin11:41
luke-jrPaulFertser: M-???11:41
PaulFertserluke-jr: (dot)11:41
PaulFertserluke-jr: yank-last-arg (M-., M-_) in any readline app.11:41
luke-jrEnglish? :/11:42
luke-jrM- short for "Meta + ..."?11:42
PaulFertserluke-jr: pardon?11:42
PaulFertserluke-jr: ah, yep, sure, that's emacs-style notation used in all gnu projects, including GNU Readline library used by pretty much any interactive app on a modern GNU/Linux system.11:43
luke-jrI see.11:43
luke-jrWell, might need to map one of the Ctrl/Alt then :p11:43
DocScrutinizer51PaulFertser: obviously luke-jr isn,t aware of the benefits of alt-.11:43
luke-jralready short on keys11:43
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: Meta is not Alt11:43
luke-jror at least, when I say Meta i mean the key that has a Windows/Apple/Tux icon on it11:44
PaulFertserluke-jr: with default PC layout Alt is mapped to Meta, both in X and console.11:44
luke-jrwhat do you call Win/Apple/Tux then?11:44
PaulFertserluke-jr: alternatively you press Esc, depress it and press what you want, that is also meta.11:44
luke-jri c11:44
luke-jrwell, there are left and right Alt keys in my layout :p11:45
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PaulFertserluke-jr: but alt is a bad substitute for Esc ;)11:45
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LantiziaLo, got my N900 yesterday and I'm compelely clueless how you are supposed to access the SD card to transfer files over BT11:46
luke-jrPaulFertser: hence my question on the practicality of hardware keymapping11:46
Lantiziathe file manager is beyond a joke11:46
PaulFertserluke-jr: (i didn't notice alt in the layout and you said you lack meta, that's why i was confused)11:46
pupnikimpressive flash paint app
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PaulFertserluke-jr: imho the default (the one nokia thinks is the best obviously) layout both in n810 and n900 is far from ideal for a typical command-line usage, so remapping the keyboard is obviously beneficial.11:48
luke-jrPaulFertser: any idea if, in designing hardware keyboards on handhelds, mapping an Esc/Cancel key to a combination (Fn+] for instance) is practical?11:48
PaulFertserluke-jr: well, for vim user that would be a disaster, so i think it should be configurable. I think it's acceptable provided you're not heavy vim user and alt/meta is present as a separate key.11:49
luke-jrwhy would it be a disaster?11:49
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luke-jrit would only mean you couldn't use Fn + ] or Fn + Esc :p11:50
DocScrutinizer51nota bene esc == ctrl-[11:51
PaulFertserluke-jr: well, i might be wrong here. Just try to use vim for everyday tasks pressing two keys instead of one every time you need esc. Probably it'll be ok, i don't know.11:51
DocScrutinizer51err ]11:51
luke-jrPaulFertser: no, I mean a physical Cancel/Escape key that *sends* Fn + ]11:51
PaulFertserDocScrutinizer51: nope, it's [, and yes, thanks for mentioning it, i've already forgot that stuff :)11:51
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: ?11:51
crashanddie_mbpI'm about to move to the other side of the planet11:51
crashanddie_mbpI've been talking about it for weeks, but for some reason, it just dawned on me11:52
PaulFertserluke-jr: you can press C-[ and it's the same as Esc with default terminal settings.11:52
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luke-jrPaulFertser: ok, C-[ then :p11:53
luke-jrPaulFertser: my question is, would it be practical to have a single physical key that sends that combination when pressed?11:53
PaulFertserluke-jr: of course there should be a physical key that sends C-[ if you use vim.11:53
PaulFertserluke-jr: but probably C-[ is about enough too.11:53
joppuAny MacIntosh users around here?11:53
PaulFertserI need to try to avoid using hardware esc key to tell for sure.11:53
crashanddie_mbpjoppu: yup11:53
ShadowJKluke-jr, two thumb typing?11:54
luke-jrPaulFertser: keep in mind with this layout, [ is Shift-{11:54
luke-jrShadowJK: yes11:54
PaulFertserluke-jr: oh, are you sure that shouldn't be the other way round?11:54
ShadowJKluke-jr, is this for fitting onto n810 keyboard or what?11:54
joppucrashanddie_mbp: are to build a theme for me? Please?11:55
crashanddie_mbpJust because I have a mac means I have any design skills?11:55
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ShadowJKtwo ctrl, cool11:55
Lantiziacrashanddie_mbp, yes it's genetic11:55
crashanddie_mbpLantizia: oic11:56
ShadowJK2 alt, AND a fn. that's more than on regular keyboards (I have one Alt, one Altgr (think fn) on mine)11:56
joppucrashanddie_mbp: :D I said build, I have the graphics ready, the building phase just doesn't work on Linux/Windows11:56
crashanddie_mbpjoppu: care going into more detail?11:56
PaulFertserluke-jr: well, i've just tried using C-[ instead of hardware esc on my PC. Comfortable enough for me but i'm quite used to emacs-like bindings in general, so pressing C extra time is nothing special for me.11:56
luke-jrPaulFertser: I optimized the layout using Perl sources for key voting.11:57
luke-jrShadowJK: for new hardware, but I recognize that many chipsets have a 64-key limit11:57
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: ctrl-[ isn't exactly a combo. after keycode to char translation it,s a single byte char11:57
luke-jrShadowJK: N810's physical key matrix is only 11 wide11:57
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: ok, but I mean from hardware to kernel :p11:58
ShadowJKhey you can put esc right of s11:58
Lantiziaso any tips on N900 accessing the SD card? like how!?11:58
DocScrutinizer51from hw to kernel you *never* send combo11:58
luke-jrShadowJK: right of S is Enter11:58
PaulFertserLantizia: can't you just open a terminal, type mount. Then if it's not mounted type mount blabla blabla etc?11:58
ShadowJKoh right11:58
ShadowJKthat's why it's... empty11:58
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ShadowJKLantizia, did you close the back cover?11:59
DocScrutinizer51luke-jr: hw sends keycodes, plus down o up11:59
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: out of key codes11:59
LantiziaPaulFertser, tried that didn't work11:59
luke-jrDocScrutinizer51: "plus down o up"?11:59
PaulFertserLantizia: how exactly? Can you pastebin it?11:59
LantiziaShadowJK, nope.... does it also need restarting11:59
joppucrashanddie_mbp: let's handle it in PM11:59
LantiziaPaulFertser, I'm not allowed access to the only dir in /media - let alone mounting it11:59
ShadowJKrestarting not needed... having the cover on is needed11:59
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PaulFertserLantizia: probably you should get root on _your_ device first?12:00
LantiziaPaulFertser, well I tried sudo su to get in and set via passwd but I don't know the 'users' password12:00
DocScrutinizer51Lantizia: install rootsh12:01
PaulFertserLantizia: you need to search the wiki or something... I have no idea why nokia devices do not come with easy root access by default.12:01
LantiziaDocScrutinizer, via apt?12:01
DocScrutinizer51Lantizia: sudo gainroot12:01
Lantiziasd card shows up in file manager now the back is closed12:01
DocScrutinizer51Lantizia: via packet manager12:01
ShadowJKSending files over BT isn't supported by the filemanager. There's an app in Extras called Petrovich that can send files over BT, though.12:01
ShadowJKapplication manager12:02
PaulFertserPetrovich! Davay vipyem!12:02
Lantiziaso no apt-get on this? I have to use the gui?12:02
ShadowJKyou can use apt-get after you have root12:02
Lantiziaah ok12:02
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ShadowJKto get root, you must install rootsh through application manager. After that, you can type "sudo gainroot" in xterm to get root12:02
Lantiziafirst thing I'll get is nano lol12:02
ShadowJKAnd if apt-get ever suggests or says it needs to remove a bunch of stuff in order to do what you asked it to, say no12:03
Lantiziaand vorbis support12:03
* PaulFertser almost hates nano for its uselessness and clumsinessness.12:03
Lantiziato each their own12:03
ShadowJKnano is in sdktools repo, vorbis support is in Extras.. you should find it in application manager even12:04
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Lantiziawell theres only like 8 things in application manager12:04
Lantiziaand their all silly widgetty things12:04
DocScrutinizer51Lantizia: enable extras12:04
ShadowJKtap the titlebar to bring out the menu, tap application catalogues12:04
LantiziaDocScrutinizer, that the equivalent of enabling contrib? :D12:04
ShadowJKtap maemo extras, tap the tickbox next to disabled, so that the tick is gone12:04
ShadowJKtap save12:05
Lantiziagot it :D12:05
ShadowJK"Ogg Support" in app manager12:05
Lantizia99% of all my music is in vorbis, it's an essential ingredient :)12:06
ShadowJKit even does flac12:06
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: where,s less?12:06
ShadowJKsdk tools,, fremantle/tools, free non-free12:07
ShadowJKI disable that repo after installing stuff from it..12:07
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ShadowJKLantizia, if you're a commandline type person, you probably want to install "Openssh client and server" from application manager too, then you can ssh into your n900 ;)12:10
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: I have fremantle/tools. No less. No strace... :-/12:10
LantiziaShadowJK, already seen it :D12:10
LantiziaShadowJK, thanks12:10
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, hm12:10
ShadowJKwhere did I get it from then..12:11
DocScrutinizer51got a 3xx permanently moved error some days ago. still no less though works now12:11
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, hm, I find it with apt-cache search and I've only got Nokia* and Extras enabled..12:12
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DocScrutinizer51and it's found on search for less?12:12
ShadowJKno that was nano12:13
ShadowJKbut less is found too12:13
* DocScrutinizer51 going to kick off another repo update12:14
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pupnikHow is the bypassing clutter and pulseaudio going RST38h12:15
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DocScrutinizer51great. appman totally frozen12:18
ShadowJKctrl-backspace and do something else :D12:19
ShadowJKwhile waiting for it12:19
DocScrutinizer51not even a close-X in dashboard12:19
luke-jrlm8323 actually has 8x12, not 8x812:20
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: ctrl-bs just opens dash12:21
* DocScrutinizer51 hugs his shell12:22
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DocScrutinizer51duh. the search dialog was hidden behind the search results o.O12:23
DocScrutinizer51(enter) fixed it12:24
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DocScrutinizer51still no less12:27
ShadowJKwhere the hell did I get mine from :)12:28
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LantiziaIs there like a complete list of official and unofficial rtepositories (for apt) that work with maemo 5?12:33
Lantiziamaybe one with nano in it? :D12:33
Lantiziai don't just want to add the debian ones in - I have a feel that'd be BAD12:33
DocScrutinizer51well. no less. no trace. no nano...12:35
* DocScrutinizer51 puzzled12:35
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JaffaMorning, all12:41
lardmanmorn Jaffa12:41
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lardmanI can't seem to find where icons need to be placed, and whether we need multiple sizes, am I missing the obvious>12:43
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lardmanthanks Jaffa, glad it's not just me having troubles finding any docs12:49
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ShadowJKusing the SDK repos on the device is a bit so-so. the tools part of it is mostly safe, but make sure you don't agree to anything apt proposes.12:51
ShadowJKextras-testing and extras-devel information can be found on the wiki12:51
ShadowJKBasically, only stuff in extras has been tested. -testing and -devel can be considered unsafe (and tools), only use them if you're prepared to reflash your n900 and dont mind losing settings/stuff on it, etc..12:52
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lardmanis $(CURDIR) available in
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lardmanI need to install some different sized icons, and not sure how to do it12:58
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lardmanwhether to rename and install from the same dir, changing the names back as they are copied (somehow) or to install from subdirs12:59
lardmanany thougthts?12:59
slonopotamusluke-jr, two alts/ctrls is too much, imo12:59
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slonopotamusluke-jr, and shifts.13:00
Jaffalardman: You can use install - but I dunno what's available inside; I've managed to avoid autoconf & friends :)13:00
luke-jrslonopotamus: ...13:00
slonopotamusluke-jr, i'd move shift to the very left.13:00
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luke-jrslonopotamus: even N810 has two shifts13:00
lardmanJaffa: yeah, well this is automake-tastic so I thought I'd try13:01
luke-jrheck, 2 and a half, since the right shift is wider13:01
lardmanI think I know a way13:01
slonopotamusluke-jr, so holding it with one finder doesn't block access to letters for second finger13:01
luke-jrslonopotamus: say what? finder?13:01
luke-jrthere are exactly two fingers, both thumbs13:01
slonopotamusluke-jr, s/finder/finger/13:02
RST38hJaffa: Feel like pushing a package through the autobuilder?13:02
luke-jrslonopotamus: that is why both mod keys are needed :p13:02
luke-jrslonopotamus: it is impossible for left thumb to reach keys on right side while right thumb holds mod key, and vice-versa13:03
slonopotamusah, you want to use shift on the opposite side of key being shifted13:03
luke-jrI'm not certain it is possible to make a 1-finger keyboard...13:03
luke-jrthough that would be ideal when driving13:03
JaffaRST38h: Conny suggests garage is broken right now; I've got a migraine; Mrs Jaffa's poorly and I'm trying to avoid getting stuck in to applying the various Hermes patches I've received and pushing *that* through the autobuilder...13:04
JaffaRST38h: So, it's a definite "maybe" ;-)13:04
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* Jaffa boggles at "a really good mail experience in those devices". Well, at least Modest on the desktop should attract some more patches :)13:04
RST38hJaffa: ok, I will ask someone else13:05
rangeI still can't use modest, for some reason it kills my imap server. So at the moment it is mutt for me ...13:05
* RST38h has made a few fixes to FBReader, uploaded to non-free for now, needs someone to upload to free13:05
JaffaRST38h: Can't you push it to free?13:05
RST38hJaffa: It does not like me13:06
Jaffa(not a sarcastic question)13:06
RST38hJaffa: I.e. I can, but it will take 4-6 hours which I do not have13:06
lardmanRST38h: I'm probably going to push one in a minute or two13:06
RST38hSo looking for someone who knows the workflow and can do it quickly13:06
lardmanJaffa: what devices are these with good mail experience?13:07
RST38hlardman: Should I give you the tarball?13:07
lardmanRST38h: tar.gz + .dsc + .diff?13:07
Jaffalardman: This is from
RST38hlardman: tgz + updated changes file inside13:07
lardmanRST38h: does it buld as a debian package?13:08
RST38hlardman: yea13:08
lardmanif so yeah, I'll generate the files for you13:08
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lardmango for it13:08
RST38hlardman: A moment then13:08
lardmanJaffa: reading13:08
lardman"Last months, Sergio Villar and me have been working on bringing the Modest user experience to both Gnome and Moblin"13:08
slonopotamusluke-jr, what fn is for, btw?13:08
lardmanlol, is that like wishing for a plague?13:09
luke-jrslonopotamus: &|^~`13:09
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slonopotamusluke-jr, put some of them on shift+5/*13:09
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TomaszDthp, around?13:10
slonopotamusluke-jr, dot and ampersand13:10
lardman*groan* uses glade for the menus13:11
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: I,m somewhat lost. triple checked all my repos in appman. diabled and reenabled each single catalog. no less no trace no gdb no nano. Any hint what else I could do?13:12
slonopotamuscapslock = hold shift13:12
RST38hlardman: The tarball includes some .o/.so/etc files, so do not upload it as it is :)13:13
lardmandownloading now13:13
DocScrutinizer51capslock = doubleclick shift13:13
lardmanno problem13:13
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slonopotamusluke-jr, what are you gonna use it on?)13:13
lardmanthis is for Fremantle I take it?13:13
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slonopotamusdouble shift is ok too13:13
spsneoI want to contribute to Maemo as a dev. How to start?13:13
slonopotamusspsneo, install sdk and choose project :)13:14
spsneoslonopotamus: where to choose project from?13:14
lardmanif anyone fancies hacking the menus of Qalculate away, feel free13:14
^kleanchap_Is maemo available for Slackware and Fedora?13:14
lardmanI don't have time atm13:14
spsneoslonopotamus: I want to contribute to kernel internals13:14
lardmanspsneo: what exactly?13:14
^kleanchap_Or is this a seperate operating system based on Linux?13:15
luke-jrslonopotamus: dunno13:15
lardmanspsneo: devicisms?13:15
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luke-jrslonopotamus: maybe some company will be interested in licensing it or smth13:15
slonopotamusspsneo, ouch :) you have some specific feature in mind?13:15
lardmanRST38h: ja?13:15
jebba^kleanchap_: more or less it's own "operating system" or more accurately a distributino13:15
spsneolardman: like memory management, process management, filesystems etc13:15
RST38hlardman: yea, maemo5 package13:15
RST38hlardman: will probably work on diablo as well, but no point to use it there13:15
RST38hlardman: check out the Changes13:15
slonopotamusluke-jr, or someone will give you n900 for free? :)13:16
spsneono hints ?13:16
lardmanspsneo: probably best to work with mainline then13:16
lardmanunless it's device specific13:16
lardmanin which case mer is a better bet as they will actually accept kernel patches13:16
* RST38h wonders if the penguin-bitten are still using "unix fragmentation" as an argument for Linux13:16
lardmanthe standard Nokia produced kernels likely won't13:17
luke-jrslonopotamus: N900 would not work with it13:17
slonopotamusspsneo, n8x0 really wants to be able to run modern kernels.13:17
spsneoslonopotamus: can u give me a link to get started13:17
luke-jrslonopotamus: only 38 keys on N900, and this design uses 6413:17
^kleanchap_jebba:  Can Meamo be installed on a Fedora system?13:18
RST38hlardman: I have uploaded the same packageto non-free, so you may want to up the minor release #13:18
lardmanoh right13:18
RST38hdunno how it works though13:18
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lardmanjust started another build13:19
lardmanhang on a tick while that ends, then will alter13:19
fluxsooo, how is one supposed to exit from OpenArena?-)13:19
lcuk2 man enter, one man leave13:20
fluxit seemed to me there were several men, but indeed, I didn't try that :)13:20
lcukmornin folks and chaps and ladies and stuff \o13:20
RST38hGoing out to buy a new doorbell. The old one fell victim to kids.13:20
lardmanRST38h: hmm, autobuilder is still down13:21
RST38hehlo, lcuk13:21
RST38hlardman: <facepalm>13:21
lardmanRST38h: I'll push the package up for you tomorrow when I get back though if you want?13:21
lcukbooo RST38h13:21
lcukwhats up wiv autobuilder? totally offline?13:21
lardmangarage maintenance break13:21
lardmanright got to go and shower, otherwise the wife will kill me!13:22
jebba^kleanchap_: the software development kit can be installed on fedora, but not really maemo itself.  But i'm not sure i entirely understand the question13:23
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Jaffalardman: The only mail I've seen about that is Conny's asking how long it'll last. Did I miss one?13:27
lardmanno, I don't think so13:27
lardmanI've no idea why it's down13:27
lardmanperhaps to install some new servers?13:27
JaffaI'd guess so.13:28
RST38hlardman: Sounds good13:28
RST38hlardman: Whoever wants to try it will be able to get the binary package from non-free, and whoever wants -free can probably wait.13:28
* RST38h laughs demonically13:28
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lardmanRST38h: cool13:32
lardmanRST38h: will be back tomorrow, Dad's birthday today so heading over to see the parents13:32
jebbajust built burgerspace hhaha13:32
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lardmancu tomorow13:51
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DocScrutinizer51does anybody know where to find the program 'less'? package name?13:53
DocScrutinizer51maybe even which repository?13:54
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redeemanafaik its its own package13:57
jebbaless, i have it from somewhere13:57
jebbalike -testing or -devel13:57
redeemanyou could always just use more until you get it :P13:57
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RST38hheya wazd13:58
wazdRST38h: moo :)13:58
ale-xDocScrutinizer: fremantle/tools/free13:58
ale-xpackage name is less13:59
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Macerwell. looks like my n810 has tsken the role of glorified mp3 player heh14:04
DocScrutinizer51ale-x: thanks. strange thing is I see packages from fremantle/tools repository. No less package though :-S14:04
ale-xapt-cache policy less14:05
ale-x  Installed: (none)14:05
ale-x  Candidate: 418-1maemo2+0m514:05
ale-x  Version table:14:05
ale-x     418-1maemo2+0m5 014:05
ale-x        500 fremantle/tools/free Packages14:05
wazdRST38h: what icon you were asking me for VE?14:05
RST38hwazd: Anything that makes sense, as far as you care14:07
RST38hwazd: Usual technical specifics (.svg, simple, non photographic), due to the low pixel counts and physical size14:08
DocScrutinizer51ale-x: is this correct setup for the repository?14:08
* RST38h seriously considers replacing the iconset in FBeader14:08
wazdRST38h: oh, you want total replacement?14:09
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jebbaDocScrutinizer51:   deb fremantle/tools free14:09
RST38hwazd: For FBeader? Of course, the current ones suck14:09
ShadowJKMacer, I still use mine.. the screen is better :)14:09
wazdRST38h: no, VE14:09
ale-xI guess so. DocScrutinizer14:09
wazdRST38h: aaaah14:09
wazdRST38h: damn)14:09
wazdRST38h: you need app icon :)14:09
RST38hwazd: VE only needs one icon :)14:09
wazdRST38h: I thought you need some icon for UI :)14:10
wazdRST38h: stupid me :P14:10
RST38hwazd: FBReader needs a bunch, but unless you feel like designing the whole bunch, I will simply takes the older iconset for it14:10
MacerShadowJK: than the n900?14:10
Maceryou mean bigger right ? ;)14:10
ShadowJKbigger, and I think the picture is better too14:10
ShadowJKn900 touchscreen sensitivity owns n810, of course :)14:11
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JaffaAutobuilder seems to be back.14:11
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wazdRST38h: 48x48 as I recall?14:12
Maceri think my g1 has a better ts than my n81014:12
RST38hwazd: 26x26, 40x40, 48x48, 64x6414:12
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RST38hwazd: In other words, an svg14:12
wazdRST38h: ah, k14:12
Macerah well. let me do some stuff14:12
xorAxAxMacer: ts?14:12
* lcukn900 is at santas grotto!14:12
lcukn900i'm very excited!14:13
DocScrutinizer51ale-x: jebba: I,m using appmanager and there definitely is no package less or Less or anything with name or description *less*14:13
SpeedEvil1DocScrutinizer: apt-get install less14:13
ale-xyou could use a trerminal and apt-get install less14:13
SpeedEvil1many of the things are not in app-manager14:13
ale-xlol, SpeedEvil1 has evil speed *g*14:14
JaffaDocScrutinizer51: Command-line stuff can best be found using apt-get; since you're going to run it on the command-line anyway.14:14
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JaffaAlso, less *used* to be in the tools repo; dunno if it's in extras now.14:14
jebbaDocScrutinizer51: in appmanager many CLI apps dont show. You have to do something "special" to make apps show up there, i'm not sure what yet.14:14
Dr_Cainhmm, should grab the key too14:14
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil1: yesyes. Always though appman is just a graphical frontend for apt14:15
Dr_Cainso that you dont have to deal with the authentication message14:15
DocScrutinizer51jebba: oooh14:15
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Jaffajebba: It's called "red-pill mode". And it's dangerous, and not worth it.14:15
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JaffaHAM doesn't scale to enormous package lists; so you're better off with `apt-cache search' and `apt-get install'.14:15
SpeedEvilIt doesn't even really scale to -devel, -tools - * enabled really14:17
SpeedEvilScrolling through the list of all packages is quite ridiculous.14:17
SpeedEvilAs is the lack of a sort by time added14:17
pupnikthat's why there are sections?14:17
DocScrutinizer51ok. point taken14:19
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DocScrutinizer51~lart package manager14:20
* infobot blasts package manager to oblivion with a kamehameha wave14:20
* DocScrutinizer51 hugs his shell14:20
DocScrutinizer51red pill mode pahh!! could have been mentioned somewhere next to repository and app download in wiki14:22
Dr_Cainyeah I'll probably comment them for now, and enable them when I need anything14:22
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* Dr_Cain installs dosbox14:24
JaffaDocScrutinizer51: No, it really shouldn't be. It's a hack, it can cause users to install packages that then break things. If a user is going to use `less' at a commandline, it can be installed via apt-get. It's not like SSH or something14:24
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* DocScrutinizer51 hates apps telling lies to user. like appman and fileman14:24
derfSo don't use them.14:25
derfI use apt-get and bash.14:25
xorAxAxand install mc :)14:25
RST38hand remove MicroB14:25
arachnistmc sacks14:25
DocScrutinizer51Jaffa: if the mere fact appman tells lies was mentioned somewhere I had a few less hair gone gray14:26
xorAxAxyeah, hail ztree!14:26
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jebba"dh_clean: Sorry, but 5 is the highest compatibility level supported by this debhelper."    I downgraded debhelper Build-Depends: to version 5. How to unfoo this one?14:26
xorAxAxthats a question for #maemo-dev :)14:27
RST38hZTree looks like CP/M PIP14:27
xorAxAxwell, it looks like xtree gold14:28
* jebba answers me: change debian/compat from 7 to 514:28
xorAxAxi dont know PIP14:28
RST38hOf course you do not14:28
xorAxAxbut xtree rocks the house14:28
xorAxAxwell, i once had a cp/m machine in my house :)14:28
xorAxAxbut i didnt have PIP14:28
* RST38h facepalms looking at the latest tmo threads: "how to install a deb file"14:29
RST38hcomes with cp/m 2.214:29
JosefAssadnot being all that familiar with apt; if dpkg -L says a package should have stuff in /usr/share/doc/appname/ but that directory isn't there, is that an apt-get option to skip over doc files or something similar?14:29
jebbaJosefAssad: the installer is removing the stuff in /usr/share/doc/foo to save space.14:29
jebbamaemo quirk14:29
arachnistRST38h: don't worry. next year it'll be worse14:30
JosefAssadjebba: aha, ok. Thanks!14:30
JosefAssadjebba: might prompt a rethink though since a lot of licenses go in there...14:30
derfThere's even a /usr/share/doc/README14:30
derfAlthough the explanation is terse.14:30
JaffaDocScrutinizer51: It doesn't lie. It only shows packages in Section: user/*14:30
FIQArachnoid: you mean, when maemo will be nokia's flagship-OS? :p14:31
JaffaDocScrutinizer51: This is relatively well documented, but feel free to edit any appropriate wiki page14:31
jebbaJosefAssad: yes, and the app manager doesn't list licenses either14:31
DocScrutinizer51derf: you bet bash will be next pkg to install. Andfor not using appmgr: every second howto says "appmanager nukes your edits in sources.list, so better use appmngr to setup the repositories"14:31
derfjebba: Just dump all your documentation in / like omweather does.14:31
jebbaheh. didnt see that derf  ;)14:32
kirmais there a easy way to create a desktop shortcut/application that would start the terminal and directly run something else than just the shell on it? (of course, I want to maintain normal terminal with shell too...)14:32
jebbakeep it in /proc ? ;)14:32
DocScrutinizer51Jaffa: err I don,t get you. section user/* ?14:32
derfWell, not "all" the documentation, I guess. Just the help file.14:32
RST38hoh, they are even giving each other wrong instructions on how to install debs14:32
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RST38hand they do it "to get the emulators that have been removed running"14:33
derfRST38h: Why is any of this surprising?14:33
JosefAssadSolution: desktop widgets with licenses. One widget for each app.14:33
RST38hderf: None of it is, but it seems to be like a perfectly dumb thread14:33
moo__RST38h: why they made .deb so difficult to install in the first place?14:34
moo__in ubuntu it is just click and play14:34
RST38hmoo: to keep idiots from installing debs14:34
RST38hmoo: In response, the Nature created better idiots14:34
derfShe always does.14:34
JosefAssadBut seriously though, speaking at least for GPL, isn't it a license violation to not distribute the license?14:34
derfJosefAssad: It's in the .deb file.14:34
moo__RST38h: that's very healthy attidude towards people. I suggest you move to some far and remote place e.g. moon :)14:34
JosefAssadderf: is that legally sufficient? I don't actually know, just asking14:35
RST38hmoo: I am already in a place that does not favor idiots.14:35
derfI'm not a lawyer.14:35
RST38hmoo: No warning labels, no FDA, etc.14:35
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wazdRST38h: even no "warning, low ceiling" sign? :(14:37
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RST38hwazd: Ever seen that one? I have not.14:37
JaffaDocScrutinizer51: If you look at a package, say, - you'll see that it has a "Section". If it starts `user/', Application Manager will show it to the user and categorise it according to the bit following (there are a defined set, anything else ends up in 'Other').14:38
wazdRST38h: no, but I'm reaching that ceilings with my head from time to time :D14:38
RST38hwazd: see, it makes you smarter =)14:38
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RST38h(more careful, at least :))14:38
DocScrutinizer51Jaffa: aaah many thanks :-)14:38
wazdRST38h: I don't think so :D :D14:39
wazdRST38h: How a hit with concrete will make me smarter I wonder? :)14:39
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wazdRST38h: I think situation architect is an idiot actually :)14:40
wazdRST38h: cause it's him who made stairs for freaking hobbits14:41
RST38hwazd: It will weed out all the dumb people =)14:41
RST38hwazd: What is the building? You are not talking about the MSU main dorm by any chance?14:41
wazdRST38h: mostly underground passes14:41
RST38hOh those14:42
RST38hI am sure there is a GOST for those =)14:42
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wazdRST38h: I have to low my head too much to just enter some of them :)14:42
* ShadowJK wishes he had a real camera14:42
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RST38hwazd: people were shorter in the 50s. =)14:43
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RST38hAh, cool, Google made a special iPhone Latitude app14:45
RST38hwebapp, even, works with Maemo14:45
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JaffaRST38h: Yup. lardman, zaheerm and I have been using it to good effect for the last week14:48
lcukn900wazd thanks for your grass contribution :D14:48
jebbaJaffa: so to make a package available in HAM, i just change "games" to "user/games" done, voila?14:48
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wazdlcukn900: this thread is up for a day and no artist asked if he could help14:56
wazdlcukn900: they are all too busy looking for someone to help I guess :D14:57
pupnikwhat art is needed?14:57
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VDVsxgrrr garage is down :( :(14:58
pupnikscrew that. write the game first using boxes14:58
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wazdpupnik: it's done already :)14:59
wazdpupnik: relax :D14:59
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pupniki have a game called '15:00
pupnikabout sheep15:00
pupnikholy ... brb15:01
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VDVsxpupnik, ehehe15:01
VDVsxpupnik, it's a shame that only runs on windows, otherwise would be a good maemo port ;)15:02
pupniki am looking for publisher/author email15:02
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jebbato answer myself again re: HAM, yes. :)15:03
jebbaI think you add  "XB-Maemo-Display-Name: BurgerSpace"  to debian/control to make it appear in the applications list once installed.   Now to figure out  XB-Maemo-Icon-26: ....15:04
VDVsxjebba, that for the app manager icon15:05
jebbai see how o make one15:06
jebbaVDVsx: this has a good explaination too:   thx btw  :)15:06
VDVsxjebba, that for diablo ^15:06
VDVsxfremantle uses 48*48 icons in the app manager15:07
fluxfunny, my n900 lost its wlan connectivity, although it thought it was connected (reboot resolved it)15:07
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jebbaVDVsx: ah, mejor15:09
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arachnistwhy is liqflow so addictive?15:09
Gadgetoid_iMacif by addictive you mean boring, arachnist, then I don't know!15:10
glass_arachnist: maybe it's your meds15:11
Gadgetoid_iMacAnyway, it doesn't work... I poured water into the headphone socket as instructed and just ended up with a blank screen!15:11
fluxhas someone tried using a (nokia) bt-hf with n900? is mine just broken down, or does the sound quality bad enough to be judged buggy?15:11
fluxhm, does -> is15:11
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jeanjeanflux, mu bh-905 works nicely15:13
jebbaVDVsx: the last two lines contain this of the uu output. Where do I cut?15:13
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VDVsxjebba, remove all ==15:13
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VDVsxjebba, be careful with the "heading" spaces in each lines, those are required15:14
fluxjeanjean, ok, so perhaps it's time to upgrade :)15:14
DocScrutinizerflux: I used a Sony-BT-HS and worked grea15:14
jebbaVDVsx: not quite sure what you mean by heading.  Here's my icon:    I ran this to make it:   uuencode -m src/images/burgerspace.png src/imas/burgerspace.png  > /tmp/burgerspace.png.en15:15
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DocScrutinizerflux: for decent stereo audio you need A2DP pairing. SCO will give you abyssmal mono noise15:16
jebbaah! a space before each line i see now15:16
VDVsxjebba, yes15:17
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jebbaVDVsx: cool thx. package coming up :)15:18
lcukn900god damned hard to click links in xchat15:18
fluxdocscrutinizer, any suggestions of one that would let plug in my own headphones, but would have a builtin microphone?15:18
fluxI suppose I could as well use it for music listening then, if the quality is good enough15:18
lcukn900vdvsx how are you this mornin15:19
VDVsxlcukn900, fine thanks :)15:20
VDVsxlcukn900, hope you're well too ::D15:21
lcukn900how well would the x screensavers work on n900 i have the shoal 3d aquarium on my machine15:21
lcukn900and want it on n90015:21
lcukn900im gr8 i think15:21
lcukn900just took jake to see santa15:21
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VDVsxlcukn900, I never saw a screesaver in the n900, I guess15:22
DocScrutinizerflux: sony HBH-DS22015:22
lcukn900heh well i know its a battery killer15:22
jebbamy  5 year old son asked yesterday if i would give him (in spanish) the "camera fone computer".  Even he knows its not just a phone ;)15:22
lcukn900but for in home use with a profile "run when charging" it might be cool15:22
pupnikjebba, forward to nokia marketing ;)15:23
SpeedEvillcukn900: I want one too15:23
SpeedEvillcukn900: I want xlock -inroot flame in the background of the desktop15:23
pupnikmame + marble madness + accelerometer15:23
SpeedEvillcukn900: It shouldn't be _that_ bad.15:23
lcukn900loads of my liq* stuff would work as screensavers15:23
SpeedEvillcukn900: as the desktop only shows some of the time, and it only shows for 30s unless the user touches it.15:24
DocScrutinizerlcukn900: screensavers are saving exactly nothing. They *wase* CPU cycles and thus your battery15:24
fluxdocscrutinizer, thanks, woudln't have found it as my usual dealer doesn't carry them :)15:24
lcukn900cool i guess the problem is the desktop ones are geared for full gl15:24
DocScrutinizerwaste even15:24
lcukn900they look pretty tho and when charging are ok15:25
lcukn900idle distractions15:25
fluxdocscrutinizer, any experience on how's the battery life when streaming music to it?15:25
DocScrutinizerwhen charging yes15:25
SpeedEvillcukn900: I suspect most of us know this.15:25
DocScrutinizerflux: I haven't managed to deplete the bat15:25
floriangood morning15:25
DocScrutinizerso I think it's quite some hours15:26
fluxdocscrutinizer, I was thinking the phone battery..15:26
lcukn900heh that would be cool. designate percentage of battery for use with other stuff15:26
jebba"Sorry for the inconvenience. garage has a maintenance break."   that's actually really good news  :)15:26
lcukn900once that percentage is gone phone drops back to  being basic model15:27
DocScrutinizerno, haven't done streaming of music to N900 operating from bat15:27
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johnxlcukn900, sounds like a general purpose policy daemon15:31
fluxdocscrutinizer, some amazon review says it can do 2 hours music streaming, which doesn't sound that high..15:33
lcukindeed johnx something of the sort that ccooke is looking to implement :)15:33
DocScrutinizerthe phone?15:33
fluxdocscrutinizer, the HBH-DS22015:33
fluxalso apparently pairing it with both the phone and the laptop is going to be a drag15:34
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johnxlcuk, yup. I woke up thinking about it a couple hours ago15:34
TomaszDa ballistic rocket went out of control, spiralling while spewing fuel, nothing to see here, move along15:36
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lcuklooks kewl tho15:36
DocScrutinizerflux: I just checked manual. Says 8h approx.  Pairing of BT-HSs with more than one source isn't a frequently found capability15:37
yaboTomaszD, I'm sure it rather was some sort of alien gravity technology stolen by russians to americans in the zone 51 !15:37
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TomaszDof course15:37
fluxdocscrutinizer, 8h of music streaming over bt, or something else?15:37
fluxbecause that'd be enough :)15:38
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DocScrutinizerflux: 8h of listening aka using the bt-hs HBH-DS22015:38
DocScrutinizerflux: that's what I would guess as well, as I for sure used it for >2h and bat indicator wasn't that much at low end15:39
fluxdocscrutinizer, ok, nice to know15:40
fluxI've been wondering if it's more energy-efficient to stream via bt or via FM, though15:40
fluxI would need to measure that some day :)15:41
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SpeedEvilflux: FM - by a wide margin15:41
johnxdoesn't the bt chip have to be on to use the fm tuner?15:42
SpeedEvilFM is a low-power reciever only - it will use under 10mW or so. And it will presumably simply be connected to the speakers in some analog manner, meaning the CPU doesn't need to get involved at all15:42
johnxthough it'd stay in low power mode I guess15:42
fluxin that case a builtin FM receiver would be a nice thing to have in that15:42
johnxalso, it's not connected to the speakers through analog15:42
fluxit's funny btw how FM transmitter works without an external antenna, but receiving requires (?) it15:43
pupnikwhat range do you get with xmitter15:43
Jaffajebba: Correct.15:43
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: flux: are we talking N900 or headset now??15:43
SpeedEvilAh - sorry - I haven't properly woken up15:44
SpeedEvilI misread that as listening to audio via the n90015:44
fluxI was talking about the energy efficiency of streaming music out of N90015:44
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jebbathis is fine, no?  "dpkg-genchanges: warning: unknown information field `Xb-Maemo-Display-Name' in input data in package's section of control info file"15:46
wazdlcuk: that's russian's Bulava failed again :D15:46
wazdlcuk: nothing serious15:47
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lcuklooks good15:48
DocScrutinizer51flux: I'd guess there's hardly any noiticeable diff between sending audio via BT vs via FM-TX15:49
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DocScrutinizer51both short range low power RF15:49
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* SpeedEvil ponders getting off arse, and measuring crap.15:49
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* SpeedEvil realises he's lost BT headphones.15:50
DocScrutinizer51and you need a lot of thewhole system up and active which will eat much more15:50
SpeedEvilany sort of streaming from compressed media is gonna need 'lots' of power15:50
odin_DocScrutinizer, BT is digital tho ?  FM-TX is analogue ?15:51
DocScrutinizer51yes exactly15:51
DocScrutinizer51yes odin_15:51
* SpeedEvil wants digital audio transmitter.15:51
SpeedEvilbut that' way more complex15:51
yabocat my_music.wav > /dev/fm15:53
thpTomaszD: pong15:53
* odin_ holds nose at thp15:53
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SpeedEvilhaving said that - uncompressed audio will only be better if the DAC has a really huge buffer15:54
SpeedEviland I don't think it does - so you're going to be waking several times a second - even neglecting pulseaudio15:54
DocScrutinizer51ouch pa15:55
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SpeedEvilI don't understand why nobody - that I can see - has come up with a leetle DAC with ~1M or so of memory, that you can wake up, jam audio into at the full rate you can, and go to sleep again15:56
GAN900Pandora delayed again15:56
TomaszDthp, got my email?15:56
johnxGAN900, yeah. thanks for diplomacy15:56
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cehtehSpeedEvil: dont do this things DMA?15:57
SpeedEvilcehteh: DMA isn't the point15:57
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: dunno of 34$x companion chip15:57
thpTomaszD: yep. i'm in bug-fixing mode today, but let's see if i can add panucci to transifex ;)15:57
cehtehdo the n900 audio apps use the dsp or the cpu?15:57
SpeedEvilcehteh: DMA means that the system has to be awake to DMA15:57
FIQPandora pwns at been delayed15:57
TomaszDthp, that'd be cool :)15:57
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: you sure it doesn't?15:57
TomaszDthp, and also the plural forms15:57
SpeedEvilcehteh: I mean wake for ~1s, jam 10s of audio into a buffer, and power down 99% of the system, keeping only the DAC alive15:57
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: no - I need to read more crap.15:58
FIQAt least, there's a "status page" @ openpandora showing the progress15:58
cehtehSpeedEvil: well if you have to keep the main memory awake for dma or some buffer in the dac it wont be much of a change except for a lot more complexity and cost i assume15:58
SpeedEvilcehteh: yes, there is.15:58
cehtehnote that you need an extra memory controler for this 1mb buffer15:58
cehtehwell maybe a good idea, but pricy15:59
SpeedEvilcehteh: as for the main RAM to be alive, you need the SoC memory controller to be alive and ... I was assuming internal to the DAC/audio chip.15:59
Flandrywoohoo my N900 should be delivered before Christmas15:59
SpeedEvilFlandry: Woo!15:59
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SinofEnvysup dawgs15:59
* Flandry tiptoes back out of a deep conversation on DMA16:00
cehtehFlandry: mine too .. before chrismas 2010 :)16:00
SinofEnvyI installed openssh client+server on my n900, now I want to SSH/SCP into it but it says access denied :( what user should I log in as? I thought "user" but... apparently not16:00
thpTomaszD: i'll keep the plural forms for later, i guess. want to push out a release "really soon now"16:00
odin_woof woof .... more like a farmyard everyday!16:00
FIQheh, just saw that on nokia's official page16:00
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: you probably also could do DMA while CPU is completely asleep16:00
fluxsinofenvy, when you installed the server, it asked for a new root password. so, login as root.16:00
TomaszDthp, really soon = ?16:01
cehtehyes you can do dma while the cpu is asleep16:01
SinofEnvyah okay flux, cheers16:01
fluxsinofenvy, I suppose you could set a password to the user 'user' and login as user also16:01
cehtehisnt that the point of dma? :)16:01
thpTomaszD: today, tomorrow..  hopefully :)16:01
TomaszDthp, ok16:01
SpeedEvilcehteh: CPU and memory controller are largely one though.16:01
SpeedEvilcehteh: If you can turn the CPU off, stick memory in self-refresh, the savings are quite high.16:01
cehtehyes but the cpu is very good in putting single functional units to sleep16:01
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: don't think so16:02
SpeedEvilcehteh: especially compared to waking every .1s to compute another .1s of data.16:02
cehtehi dont know how well that works on arm but i suppose every single thing can be put to sleep down to ALU, single FPU pipelines, Caches ...16:03
cehtehnext big thing would be to offload as much audio playing as possible to the dsp ...16:03
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: keep in mind the TI special powersaving hw16:03
TomaszDthp, btw, I've completed my translation and fixed many issues spotted on the desktop version, also fixed some things for maemo, so it's good to go from my point of view :)16:03
SpeedEvilI've been feeling really horrid this couple of weeks - so haven';t been doing the digging I'd wanted to. Been in bed most of the day16:03
fluxbtw, another energy-efficiency thing I've been wondering about: which is more efficient, streaming 64kbps AAC+ or 128kbps MP3?16:04
SpeedEvilfeeling a bit better today though16:04
cehtehSpeedEvil: well such buffering made me once think about if it is possible for the network stack too16:04
SpeedEvilcehteh: yes.16:04
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: it,s working automatically on a very finegrained subsystem basis16:04
TomaszDthp, having panucci in transifex would be great, also you need the bugtracker field16:04
SpeedEvilcehteh: but you need app/kernel support16:04
fluxstreaming off the net over 3G (or wlan), that is16:04
SpeedEvilcehteh: I was wondering about a _hyper_ hacky thing - something like for example nice level 19 only got scheduled once every 30s, nice level 18 every 10.16:05
GAN900johnx, see camkeyd yet?16:05
SpeedEvilcehteh: which would tend to bunch wifi. you for example nice xchat down to 19 on display going away, and it gets a slice of CPU every 60s16:05
cehtehSpeedEvil: thats partially possible ... nice 19 gets automatically the SCHED_BATCH scheduling class16:05
SinofEnvyso... can I access the files of the "mass storage mode" over SCP as well?16:06
cehtehwell i would rather do that in a irc proxy16:06
johnxGAN900, installed, loving it. I wish two presses sent me to applications rather than (nothing)||(camera)16:06
SpeedEvilcehteh: yes - that's another good option16:06
cehtehcork alot of messages and batch them out16:06
SpeedEvilcehteh: I need to finish off my hacks around a web differential proxy, and get something working16:06
cehtehwith variable delays, if the user is active then maybe every 250ms otherwise every 2000ms16:06
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fluxgan900, my installation opened both the camera and the process view, but it was from a few days back.. has it been improved?16:07
SpeedEvilcehteh: - if you've loaded in the (250M of cached data) past, it sends not the page, but a diff of auction2 against auction116:07
SpeedEvilcehteh: it seems to work quite well in some basic sums I did - but I need to do a proper actual working proxy16:07
fluxsinofenvy, I haven't tried it [mass storage mode], but that sounds unlikely..16:08
fluxunless perhaps in read only mode16:08
flux(but even then)16:08
SinofEnvyhmm yeah okay16:08
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SinofEnvyI didn't think it'd be possible16:08
SinofEnvybut I had a little hope XP16:08
SpeedEvilcehteh: both the proxy, and the remote proxy on a fast network share a cache context.16:08
TomaszDthp, with panucci, when something finishes playing, is there a way to start it up again? I couldn't find a way16:09
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thpTomaszD: no, except for selecting the file again16:10
TomaszDthp, and... this is good design? :)16:10
thpno. feel free to send patches ;)16:11
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DocScrutinizer51this nice19 idea sounds quite odd to me. AIUI a program that's on IO-wait or in another way sleeping won't get any cpu cycle. Not even scheduler itself should be running until some hw or timer IRQ awakes cpu. So absolutely no need to suspend an anyway sleeping task with nice 19 for 30 sec16:14
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GAN900flux, don't press it all the way down.16:17
TomaszDthp, I could try some concepting for panucci though, would you be interested in some?16:17
GAN900flux, use the autofocus step.16:18
fluxgan900, oh :)16:18
fluxgan900, perhaps I should give it another spin then :)16:18
DocScrutinizer51any task no in sleep 99.99% of the time is either doing some work that mustn't be delayed by 30sec suspend. or it's fubar16:18
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GAN900johnx, not so far, would be nice but just this so far is awesome.16:20
GAN900Hoping to get fullscreen on proximity.16:20
johnxugh. do not want16:20
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TomaszDthp, I think I have something that would really work well16:21
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saltsa_noo, is there any fix for the rootfs size -problem?16:21
saltsa_it seems that it's going to full very easily and I guess it will broke lots of things then...16:22
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* evo just uploaded his 13GB music library to his N90016:29
evolooks like it doesn't like some of the covers, *sigh*16:29
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: however - the point of this isn't directly to save CPU. It's to save activity which is high cost to initiate. Be that spinning up disks, sending a packet over 3G, ...16:29
yuizyevo: so you've bought all that, huh?16:31
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: you'll want to use a sleep 30 inside app16:31
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: in principle, yes.16:31
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: this is a hack to avoid doing that for many apps.16:31
DocScrutinizer51wont fly16:32
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evoyuizy: are you jealous or just trolling?16:32
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: In what way do you mean won't fly? It seems to actually work - with the stupid test of stopping and restarting the process. I agree in its outlined form it would never get upstream approval.16:33
yuizyjust kidding :p16:33
evoyuizy: ok, sorry then16:33
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: it was more as a proof of concept test than anything else.16:33
DocScrutinizer51I don't see any proof in stopping a task for 30sec and then claim it's actually not running.16:35
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DocScrutinizer51that's quite self evident16:35
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DocScrutinizer51but as mentioned before there are not tasks that use lots of resources and same time may be stopped for prolonged periods of time16:36
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Not lots of resources. Occasional packets of network activity through expensive to activate interfaces.16:38
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DocScrutinizer51I don,t see any of those heavy activation overhead IO16:39
DocScrutinizer51on N90016:39
DocScrutinizer51so wha's wrong with 3G?16:40
SpeedEvilWhen I attempted to measure it, I got a figure indicating that the cost to send one teeny packet is _way_ disproportionate to its size.16:41
SpeedEvilI need to check properly though16:41
johnxdo you let the data interface stay up all the time?16:41
guaquawaking up the radio is expensive16:41
DocScrutinizer51you think you find a task the sends an occasional packet' and in the meantime some magic is powering down the modem?16:42
SpeedEviljohnx: yes - this is a hack, rather than any logical attempt to avoid waking it in the right way16:42
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RST38hA'ok. I have added the fullscreen icon and the old icons to FBReader16:45
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ShadowJKThere is a library for coordinating with other apps when to send packets16:46
ShadowJKOnce you wake up the 3g modem by sending/receiving packets, you might as well go full blast for 10 seconds or something16:47
ShadowJKbtw, xchat is quite effective at preventing the CPU from ever reaching C4 sleep state16:47
GAN900johnx, well, that's why you make it configurable. ;)16:47
SpeedEvilShadowJK: how do you tell?16:47
SpeedEvilShadowJK: is there powertop?16:47
ShadowJKyes there's powertop16:47
derf10 seconds is an eternity in networking.16:48
ShadowJKmight've been tools repo?16:48
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: duh. xchat behaves really nice here16:48
SpeedEvilargh - just when I've powered down my n900 :)16:48
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, in powertop too?16:48
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ShadowJKit still does like a day on wlan anyway..16:49
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SpeedEvilE: Couldn't find package powertop16:49
SpeedEvilI have tools, extras-devel enabled16:49
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: which value/dimension is the assumed overhead in "starting" umts xfer? time? cpu usage? current consumption?16:50
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ShadowJKhow do i tell wherefrom i got it16:50
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DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: (a day) that's my point16:50
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I measured - preliminarily with an improper setup - a not inconsiderable amount of current for a few seconds around sending a packet.16:51
ShadowJKi think radio must stay transmitting something like 3-5 secs after last packet.. depends on network too16:51
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: that,s quite normal. sending packet means TX16:52
TomaszDthp, tell me what you think, this is just landscape for now
ShadowJKxchat on 3g had similar battery life as shoutcast on 3g :)16:52
guaquaShadowJK: :D16:52
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: I don't see how you spot a *overhead* though16:52
JaffaYay! Pretty:
RST38hwazd: Interested in doing the new icons for FBReader, btw?16:52
ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, compare mWh per byte in the xchar case and in the shoutcast case, consider the difference as "overhead"16:53
xorAxAxi want my n900 *grr*16:53
JosefAssadwhat icons does fbreader need? Just the shortcut?16:54
xorAxAxcehteh: any news from your dealer?16:54
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: that's a rather arbitrary equation16:54
wazdRST38h: yes, but not now :)16:54
ShadowJKsure is16:54
wazdRST38h: long list of current projects :)16:54
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: GPRS has to use/transmit one complete timeslot. No matter if it,s filled or not16:55
ShadowJKyeah, but the timeslots are tiny?16:56
lcukwhats the packet size for gprs?16:56
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DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: depends on what you consider tiny16:56
ShadowJKless than 100kbyte ;)16:57
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ShadowJKprobably less than 10k?16:57
DocScrutinizer51it's more like MTA16:57
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DocScrutinizer51depending on what u use: gprs or umts or even hspa16:58
DocScrutinizer51mtu of course16:58
ShadowJKI usually switch it to gprs/edge only when I'm at work with no charger access :)16:59
DocScrutinizer51Macer: better knowledge? please join in16:59
ShadowJKotherwise irc drains the battery in 4 hours on umts/hspa16:59
DocScrutinizer51k, noice time for a test...17:00
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: connect a DMM17:00
DocScrutinizer5116.00 local time17:00
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: observe current17:00
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lcuki wonder if you could setup a buffered ircd to send over everything from your chans every 30s or 1min17:00
lcukrather than dribbling17:00
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: but I'm trying to setup something that will actually measure17:00
lcuksend it in defined bursts17:00
ShadowJKlcuk, modified bnc17:01
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lcuktho i dont notice irc draining that badly17:01
ShadowJKdepends alot on activity17:01
lcukits irc!17:02
ShadowJKyeah but say 30 chans17:02
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lcukspeaking of which, o2 internet died before17:02
JosefAssadRST38h: what icons does fbreader need? Just the shortcut?17:02
ShadowJKit's fine on wlan anyways :)17:02
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lcukthats not good17:04
SpeedEvilmeh - I can use the spare - I need to discahrge anyway17:04
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cehtehxorAxAx: no17:05
DocScrutinizer51so let's see what it's actually like with xchat over UMTS17:05
thpTomaszD: thanks :) looks good. btw, the strings in gpodder should be frozen now for the release in case you want to translate the remaining ones17:05
RST38hJosef: No, the whole toolbar, two lists (files and book) and the app icon17:06
DocScrutinizer51bat at 100, 16:00 local time17:06
ShadowJKi wish nep was available for n900. atleast on s60 it tells you about 3g network timers17:06
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DocScrutinizer51how would I prevent an auto fallback to wifi?17:07
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TomaszDthp, I think it's 100% translated atm17:07
DocScrutinizer51is that enough to select GPRS from the connections applet?17:07
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ShadowJKDocScrutinizer, no17:08
ShadowJKsettings - internet - untick prefer wifi - save17:08
DocScrutinizer51aah tnx17:09
ShadowJKdo you have 2g 2.5g 3g 3.5g reception?17:10
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* RST38h moos at ShadowJK and TomaszD17:10
TomaszDoh noes17:11
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ShadowJKI saw cows today. Real cows. A guy called asking for help with this computer saying it's slow. Turns out the computer was the brain of his farmhouse. It controlled cowmilking and cowfeeding robots :-)17:12
DocScrutinizerhmmm 3G now. Should be 3.517:13
ShadowJKthat's normal17:13
ShadowJKIt upgrades to 3.5g when there's activity. Sometimes.17:13
* SpeedEvil fails to find the battery door interlock switch.17:14
SpeedEvilAnyone got a clue?17:14
ShadowJKthere isn't one17:14
DocScrutinizer51so this obviously isn't enough activity17:14
SpeedEvilMine wouldn't start with the battery door off17:14
SpeedEvilor maybe I'm misremembering17:15
ShadowJKOh, taht17:15
ShadowJKI thought that was magnetic?17:15
DocScrutinizer51oh no it actually *is* :-D17:15
DocScrutinizer51or another one of those weird IR reflecttive17:16
ShadowJKcould be electric too I suppose :)17:16
DocScrutinizer51actually magnetic makes sense. reed under camera17:17
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ShadowJKOh yeah, it has to sense the camera door too :)17:17
DocScrutinizer51that's a IR reflex sensor17:18
DocScrutinizer51watch the hlf white half black stripe on door17:18
cehtehmaybe all this internal magnets are the reason that it doesnt have a internal compass17:19
cehtehanyone tried if the n900 sticks on a fridge door? :)17:19
DocScrutinizer51there,s a small tiny magnet to hod the stand17:21
DocScrutinizer51it,s umder the cam. middle of stand bed17:21
tigertSpeedEvil: you need to hold the powerbutton a while to start it17:21
cehtehthe keyboard switch is also magnetic17:21
tigertSpeedEvil: but the back cover switch indeed is magnetic17:21
TomaszDwow, bookmarks in panucci are broken17:21
DocScrutinizer51is it?17:21
tigertcould use the same magnet as the stand door17:21
lcukhey tigert \o17:22
DocScrutinizer51tigert: thats what I talked about ;-)17:22
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tigertI think it does17:23
RST38hAll right, new version of FBReader uploaded with the full-screen button in MicroB style17:23
tigertI'd do that and save an extra magnet if I'd to design something like this :)17:23
* RST38h had to make a few changes to qwerty's patch, to make it more C++, but it was good otherwise =)17:23
yaboAnyone has a good slipcover for the n900 ?17:24
cehtehas soon my device is there i plan to build a hardcase17:25
lcuki saw an n900 disassembly video17:25
lcukin it, one of hte first things they removed was a plastic plate/block element17:25
lcukwhich didnt appear to have a use17:25
lcukiwonder if that space could be reporposed17:25
SpeedEvilhmm. It seems to partially boot.17:25
SpeedEvilbut I suspect I need more peak current - the impedence of my measurement thingy was probably too high17:26
cehtehlcuk: well maybe the use of that element wasnt just clear to them17:26
lcukof course17:26
ShadowJKmaybe it just warped alot on the highspeed camera drop test, and they added that widget for extra stability17:26
lcukbut it looked like a spacer17:26
lcukrather than a useful element17:26
tigertlcuk: those things could be structural17:26
lcukreplace the structure with some silicon17:26
tigertit might be some stuff that takes impact on fall etc17:27
tigertthose things are pretty crazy design17:27
SpeedEvilAnd not always obvious.17:27
SpeedEvil'omg - it breaks -here- when it's dropped 1/10th of the time17:27
DocScrutinizer51might be accoustic element17:27
SpeedEvil'jam some rubber in there, see if it helps17:27
DocScrutinizer51or antenna17:28
lcukflip device over, take back cover off, left hand side17:28
tigertits like car or aircraft design17:28
tigertyou take out some bit17:28
tigertand the structural strength can be very dramatically different17:29
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SpeedEviltigert: which you don't know until you crash it, and your feet fall off.17:29
tigertor the wings fold in the air :P17:29
lcukits also equally plausible its just padding17:30
tigertgiven the amount of punishment the nokia phones can take without breaking...17:30
lcukwithout being hw engineers for the platform we dont know17:30
tigertlcuk: that too yeah17:30
tigertits impossible to say without knowing the details17:30
lcukif it did turn out to be a spacer, it could allow the compas module to be internally fitted17:30
DocScrutinizer51FSCKING POP3 setup popup17:31
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ShadowJKThey didn't think the F-15 could fly with one wing, then one of them lost a wing, and the pilot had too big an ego to let a missing wing stop him, and landed it instead of bailing out17:31
johnx*(&$%ing POP317:31
DocScrutinizer51that's a really *annoying* part of "i'm your app and I'm so smart"17:31
ShadowJKI'm waiting for claws..17:32
ShadowJKI hope it comes17:32
tigertShadowJK: actually I think he didnt see the whole amount of damage until when on the ground17:32
ShadowJKtigert, yeah that's true17:32
ShadowJKprobably if he had seen that he only had one wing he wouldn't have believed he could fly ;)17:33
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johnxand we all know what happens in that case :)17:33
DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: pictures!!!!17:33
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johnxyup. that's about one less wing than they usually have17:38
SpeedEviltigert: Of course - the real win militarily comes if you can convince the pilots they don't actually need planes to fly at mach 1.17:40
tigertSpeedEvil: finns ;)17:41
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* tigert looks up an url17:41
SpeedEvil(and yes, I know about the sr71 bailout)17:41
tigertthis is a finn having small model plane jet engine boots17:41
tigertand a wingsuit17:42
SpeedEviltigert: I did the numbers for that when I first heard of wingsuits.17:42
SpeedEviltigert: it's quite practical17:42
ShadowJKjetpacks exist, dude :)17:42
SpeedEviltigert: (before it was tried). (for low levels of practical)17:42
tigertthe guy apparently was the first to try that and could maintain level flight17:42
tigertuntil he ran out of kerosene17:42
SpeedEvilI have a design for a heli/hoverboard17:42
SpeedEvil~60Kg, 80cm*80cm, ~3Km altitude celing, stand-on board.17:43
ShadowJKit must be nearly impossible to maintain balance with jetboots..17:43
SpeedEvilyou're not maintaining balance17:43
SpeedEvilyou're flying with the thrust of the boots augmenting the flight17:43
mavhkjetpacks use more fuel per second than a 74717:43
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SpeedEvilspecific fuel consumption sucks17:44
lcuki liked the water powered jetpack thingy17:44
SpeedEvilITWM H2O217:44
SpeedEvilH2O2 isn't really water.17:44
tigertlcuk: yeah that looked fun17:44
DocScrutinizer51damn that video is incredible17:44
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tigertVisa is at the local parachute club17:44
SpeedEvilOh - that's somewhat cheating.17:45
wazdh2o2 is a chemichal nonsense :D17:45
tigertSpeedEvil: cheating that looks incredibly fun17:46
lcukSpeedEvil, it gives you something jetpacks dont17:46
lcukand has the wow factor17:46
SpeedEvillcuk: the ability to fight fires near wateR?17:46
lcukthe ability to fly for literally hours and always be over safe ground if you lose power ;)17:46
SpeedEvilyeah - the above hoverboard idea is $60000 or so, and only flys ~5 min or so.17:47
lcuki like the idea of ski gliding too17:47
SpeedEvilWingsuit + luge is clearly the next big thing17:47
TomaszDthp, portrait mode concept
tigertTomaszD: good thinking17:48
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TomaszDtigert, any thoughts on ?17:49
DocScrutinizer51guys, that video for sure had more impact while downloading and decoding/displaying, than those 45min of IRC over UMTS17:50
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wazdTomaszD: controls on top?17:51
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TomaszDwazd, nah, it works well with the built-in media player like this, because you have your keyboard open most of the time, so it kind of makes sense17:51
wazdTomaszD: I mean in portrait mode17:52
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TomaszDwazd, yes, did you read the rationale?17:52
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TomaszDor do you honestly use the n900 in portrait mode using two hands?17:52
tigertTomaszD: dont have time to look deeply into that, but looks ok at a quick glance17:53
wazdTomaszD: I dont have n90017:53
johnxhmm, I think you end up covering part of artist/song/album when pressing previous/next17:53
wazdTomaszD: I'd rather make play/pause button and cover art same big rectangle17:54
wazdTomaszD: and other stuff on the bottom17:54
TomaszDwazd, would that make any sense usability-wise?17:54
TomaszDor would just look good17:54
wazdTomaszD: sure, cause in 90% of cases you need only play/pause button :)17:54
TomaszDjohnx, yes I'm thinking about it17:55
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TomaszDwazd, I'm sure you can come up with a concept we can look at, right now I can't visualize what you are saying, that's why paper concepts are useful17:55
johnxalso, be reaching across the whole device from one side to the other, I think you're more likely to hit something accidentally17:56
TomaszDjohnx, give me a concept without this issue17:56
TomaszDI don't think it's possible unless you keep all the controls on one side17:56
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lcukvoice activated!!!!17:56
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lcuk"computer, earl grey tea, hot"17:57
johnxTomaszD, if you keep the most important buttons on the bottom row you reach more "upwards" with your thumb17:57
wazdnurse! :D17:57
johnxI don't disagree about keeping the less used controls higher up17:57
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lcuki wonder whether skinnable media player would be useful17:58
lcukto allow people to supply layouts17:58
lcukwhich work for them - like old winamp used to have17:58
TomaszDI'm holding the n900 right now in portrait mode with the old panucci UI and the buttons on the top in the concept are exactly where my thumb naturally sits17:58
lcukdunno, but the ui controls can technically be moved around with ease17:58
johnxold winamp skins were just pictures. you're thinking new winamp :P17:59
lcuki dont use my 900 in portrait mode yet - the biggest limiting factor for me is lack of a dock17:59
ShadowJKdamn this youtube, now I'm staring at 3dmasters17:59
lcukmy old pda used to have a neat little dock - i wonder if a replacement backcover could be done to allow it to rest in a dock and be charged17:59
lcuklike the wiimote replacement battery pack things use17:59
TomaszDdroid has a nice dock, but it's landscape18:00
johnxhmmm, charge the battery directly?18:00
lcuknot necessarily johnx18:01
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lcukbut that sort of principle to allow device to just be dropped in dock18:01
lcukinstead of fiddling with usb18:01
DocScrutinizer51is it safe to edit etc/hostname?18:01
johnxI think so :)18:01
johnxI did it18:01
TomaszDbut the microusb plug goes at the top of the device, not the bottom18:01
kalikianaDocScrutinizer51, in the worst case you're offline and you can still fix it18:01
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lcukTomaszD, hence dock18:02
TomaszDso the dock would have to be really ugly and cumbersome18:02
johnxlcuk, but that's the way the wiimote charger thing works. I don't know how you'd get around it with the N90018:02
SpeedEvilmy 'hosts' is 17 bytes of NUL18:02
DocScrutinizer51I'll throw the exploded N900 at you kalikiana ;-P18:02
SpeedEvilerr hostname18:02
lcukTomaszD, isnt there internal usb pads physically wired to the same point as the external18:02
lcukso you could do it all from inside a backcover18:03
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SinofEnvyis there any button or something for the keyboard backlight? it seems to randomly go off sometimes and.. stuff...18:03
johnxthat'd be some pretty invasive surgery, lcuk18:03
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: THAT'S odd indeed18:03
SpeedEvilor something18:03
lcukjohnx, not surgery18:03
TomaszDlcuk, go ahead while I still have my n900 in working condition18:03
lcukim just thinking, i like docks18:03
lcukand if more and more is going portrait its something users will start to want18:04
lcukits ugly atm to not have a way to keep it rotated18:04
SpeedEvilSinofEnvy: /etc/mce/mce.conf18:04
johnxwell, you could dock charging and AV18:04
TomaszDnot in portrait mode, it doesn't make sense to cover one of the speakers lcuk18:04
kalikianaDocScrutinizer51, I'll take it, reflash it and sell it for lots of money :-P18:04
TomaszDif anything, it's going to be a landscape dock18:04
SpeedEvilTomaszD: sure it does - in a proper dock18:04
johnxwhich makes sense to me, and leave transfers over wifi for the most part (also makes sense)18:04
lcuksame principle then18:04
lcuki dock already in landscape18:05
lcukbut i still dislike the usb18:05
TomaszDSpeedEvil, you mean in something that would also have speakers built-in?18:05
SpeedEvilTomaszD: yeah18:05
johnxI just want mine for charging+AVout18:05
TomaszDthis is getting too complicated and too costly :)18:05
lcuknice idea johnx18:05
lcukit also gets over the covered speaker thing18:05
lcukcos you can have proper hifi speakers18:05
lcukthis is just a single plugin18:06
TomaszDjohnx, charging and avout are on different sides of the device, there's a design/engineering task for you guys if you want a dock with those features18:06
SinofEnvySpeedEvil: Can't open /etc/mce/mce.conf: No such file or directory18:06
johnxTomaszD, ah, right :)18:06
lcukreplacement back cover and touch contacts18:06
SpeedEvilSinofEnvy: ini18:07
lcukcraves1 needs to get active :D18:07
wazdTomaszD: do you need seekbar?18:07
TomaszDand it would be really really ugly having to put it in and out of the dock cradle18:07
DocScrutinizer51bah, minox type cradle18:07
ShadowJKSinofEnvy, I use ctrl to turn it back on18:08
TomaszDwazd, seekbar is very useful for audiobooks, but we can get rid of it in portrait mode18:08
johnxalso, the connectors might not be designed to support much flex/weight18:08
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SinofEnvyShadowJK. Hmm. Well, I'd think that -any button- would turn it back on after going off because it's "inactive", but it randomly stops even during typing18:08
SpeedEviljohn: the connector for the USB is a bitch to dock. You basically cannoy do it right without a seperate insertion mechanism that puts it in after you slam it in the dock18:08
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TomaszDwazd, I wanted to make it as large as possible in portrait mode so it's actually useful, but I'm thinking about it again... I don't think it makes much sense18:09
johnxyeah. hard enough to get the charger plugged in18:09
lcukwell the wiimote has NO default charging capacity so one was make..18:09
johnxlcuk, which makes it easier18:09
johnxthe wiimote doesn't think about different charging states, etc18:09
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lcukof course but i mean the charging points18:10
ShadowJKSinofEnvy, my n810 does that :)18:10
johnxyeah. that's exactly what I mean18:10
lcukif indeed the internal usb pads are electrically connected18:10
TomaszDwazd, it's optional, but it might still be useful for very quick one-handed searching18:10
lcukit couldbe used18:10
ShadowJKsometimes you can blame it on the light sensor thinking there's enough light... but not always18:10
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: what I said. slide crade (like minox camera) that inserts both jacks when you close it, and same time nicely fixates device with some brackets18:10
johnxwhich internal usb pads? actually visible with just the back cover off?18:11
SpeedEvilI wonder if someones assuming those are USB18:11
lcukunder the battery actually18:11
SpeedEviljohnx: there are four groups of contacts under the battery.18:11
lcukyeah SpeedEvil i am18:11
SpeedEviljohnx: in groups of 7,7,2,4 IIRC18:11
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ShadowJKsome of them are serial I bet18:12
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DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: compare schematics of N81018:13
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DocScrutinizer51seems they have D+- of USB on pads. also some other weird stuff18:14
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DocScrutinizer51ShadowJK: think fab process18:15
SpeedEviljtag/power/USB wouldn't be unlikely18:15
* johnx gets some breakfast18:15
ShadowJKthe "funny shit" to run that rf calibration stuff18:15
* SpeedEvil gets some dinner.18:15
SpeedEvilJTAG to load first stage bootloader, then USB to flash most firmware18:16
johnxwould also make sense to provide everything necessary to do a "cold flash"18:16
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* DocScrutinizer51 gets some kick in the ass by himself to start some shopping etc18:16
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johnxso that if they have to do a last-minute firmware update before shipping they just take the back off, set it in the testing rig and press go18:16
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DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: I guess 1st stage BL is mask rom. like on wikireader18:17
Mecehello maemoites18:17
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johnxsooo, who wants to be first to try supplying some voltage to those pads and see if the N900 turns on? :D18:17
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DocScrutinizer51I'd prefer to suggest using a DVM18:18
johnxsomehow, your way sounds less fun :P18:18
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: of course - it'll be inside the SoC - which is somewhat irrelevant.18:18
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: first 'user' programmable bootloader.18:19
johnxalright, really out of here. have fun :)18:19
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DocScrutinizerdamn. server closed port18:23
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t_s_ook, who tripped on the ethernet?18:26
* SpeedEvil ponders a chat protocol without splits.18:26
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lcuk2SpeedEvil, its ok, but you need connected servers for load balancing18:27
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DocScrutinizer51172512 * Your host is farmer.freenode.net18:27
lcuk2and once you are there, splits will occur18:27
DocScrutinizer51better than orwell18:27
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SpeedEvillcuk: you're assuming that there are not multiple connected servers.18:27
SpeedEvillcuk: imagine - forex - usenet-like routing.18:28
lcuk2well irc on a single server doesnt have netsplits18:28
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Gadgetoid_iMacSplits are fun, they make life exciting18:28
SpeedEvillcuk: multiple multiply connected servers rather18:28
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lcuk2SpeedEvil, throwing more iron at the problem will nto solve it, it will just make splits more frustrating18:29
DocScrutinizer51actually I seen other orwells quiting minutes before I got kicked with "host closed port"18:29
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DocScrutinizer51so no real split18:29
SpeedEvillcuk: not throwing more iron.18:29
SpeedEvillcuk: altering the protocol so it's 'flood fill' - not point-point.18:29
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DocScrutinizerthis was *no* split18:30
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DocScrutinizerit's been a flaw *inside* orwell18:30
SpeedEvilWhere split is a generic term for a server oops.18:30
DocScrutinizerk then18:30
DocScrutinizerstill any other floodfill prot won't help18:31
lcuk2speedevil it will still occur if 100 people are connected to one point and that goes off18:31
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SpeedEvillcuk2: sure.18:31
lcuk2it wont actually help much18:31
SpeedEvillcuk2: Assuming the mutliple connection isn't extended out to the leaf nodes/users.18:31
lcuk2adding complexity18:32
SpeedEvilAnd yes, you always trade complexity for ohter stuff.18:32
lcuk2it would simply be better to hide your join/leaves and buffer messages until the person joins ;)18:32
DocScrutinizer51I got redundant connection here ;-P18:32
DocScrutinizeryou may copy for your RFC18:32
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lcuk2anyway beer time18:33
DocScrutinizerand even with good ole IRC prot18:33
DocScrutinizer51time for some RL action18:34
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DocScrutinizerbtw: 90min... 71%18:35
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DocScrutinizerdecay rate ~1.5% / 5min18:35
DocScrutinizerwith allways-on backlight at low brightness18:36
DocScrutinizerand IRC over 3G ;-D18:37
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DocScrutinizerI'd say that's decent18:37
SpeedEvilI was getting _much_ worse performance than that.18:37
SpeedEvilAs in ~50%/4 hours, with backlight off, and xchat on. And it wasn't that xchat was taking lots of CPU18:38
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wazdI just saw WoW ad on TV18:38
SpeedEviland net over 3g18:38
Gadgetoid_iMacI've been getting good battery life on Wifi18:38
SpeedEvilGreat over wifi.18:38
Gadgetoid_iMacWhich is kinda handy, because 90% of the time I'm in range of a wifi connection18:38
melmothanybody here is fluent with gdb in c++ ? I do not find how to set a break point for a c++ method (classname::methodname is not recognized)18:38
fralswazd: theyve been doing WoW ad's on telly here in .se for ages :)18:38
yabowazd, and you want a WoW client on maemo ? :)18:38
wazdfrals: I saw the one with Mr. T18:39
DocScrutinizer51hh 2418:39
DocScrutinizer51not 24518:39
wazdyabo: never played it actually :D18:39
fralshehe, last year they had one with ozzy osbourne :)18:39
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: many inbound packet spamming?18:40
yabowazd, :)18:40
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: no inbound packets I saw over the period I checked other than as expected from IRC18:40
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: and yes, I need to properly check that.18:40
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: how'd you tell?18:41
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: tcpdump18:41
DocScrutinizer51firewall log on N900?18:41
SinofEnvycan I put my N900 in "flash torch" mode through any stock app? I went through all the camera and flash settings and all but can't find anything :/18:42
* DocScrutinizer51 ponders about NAK sending18:42
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DocScrutinizer51SinofEnvy: nope18:43
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DocScrutinizer51SinofEnvy: not yet. seems SpeedEvil is working on a PoV app18:43
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killefizvoice quality using my parrot car hands-free seems to be much better with the n900 than with the e51 and the iphone - can anyone think of a reason? Built in noise reduction?18:44
SpeedEvilkillefiz: is this bluetooth?18:45
killefizSpeedEvil: yes18:45
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SpeedEvilSinofEnvy: no18:45
SpeedEvilkillefiz: bluetooth audio has eleven million different options.18:45
SinofEnvyI meant it as in, "what do you mean PoV"18:45
SinofEnvybut okay18:45
SinofEnvybut okay thanks, so right now the torch mode is hardware supported but no app does anything with it?18:45
TomaszDbetter quality SBC18:45
SpeedEvilkillefiz: it's possible that the n900 supports - or has as default - a better codec18:45
SpeedEvilSinofEnvy: yes18:46
wazdTomaszD: You can even add some more functions if you'd like to18:46
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TomaszDwazd, looks good, not very intuitive though, is it18:47
killefizSpeedEvil: that would be an explanation - whatever it is - I like it ;)18:48
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TomaszDI like those big buttons, although I'm not sure about their function, this being an audiobook player18:48
TomaszDyou don't often switch between tracks I guess18:49
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TomaszDI don't know really18:49
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SpeedEvilI'd want a nice way to bookmark your current place very obviously18:50
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TomaszDyeah, and my concept has that scenario covered18:50
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SpeedEviland I'd lose the track next/track last in favour of a drag gesture18:50
SpeedEvilas in drag 'back' like the browser18:51
SpeedEvilalso volume via spirals18:51
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TomaszDalso, a pony18:52
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killefizwhat is the default lock code on the n900? I tried 0000 and 1234 but neither works.18:52
killefizTomaszD: that works - thanks18:53
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killefizhow is one supposed to know that?18:53
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lcuk2theres a lock code?18:53
TomaszDthe manual should have it somewhere18:53
killefizTomaszD: I just skimmed through the manual (the german one that was in the box) and it doesn't mention anything related to the lock code.18:54
killefizlcuk2: if you push the power button while the device is powered on there is a menu option "secure device"18:55
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lcuk2that would be why ive never needed a lock code18:55
lcuk2it asks for a code to lock the device tho18:55
lcuk2no default?18:55
lcuk2if i tap outside the dialog it goes away18:56
lcuk2ie still unlocked18:56
lcuk2until i enter something18:56
killefizlcuk2: the default lock code is 12345 as I have just learned18:56
lcuk2to tell it what to lock18:56
SpeedEvilyeah - I found no obvious way of setting the lock code18:56
SpeedEvilwhich is bad18:56
lcuk2i cannot lock it without entering my own code tho18:56
killefizSpeedEvil: you can set it under settings18:56
killefizsettings -> Device Lock18:57
TomaszDwazd, any rationale behind this specific design (as a whole and in details)?18:57
SpeedEvilkillefiz: 'enter current lock code'18:57
killefizSpeedEvil: 1234518:57
SpeedEvilkillefiz: and where is that documented?18:57
killefizSpeedEvil: #maemo in freenode ;)18:57
TomaszDI must have found that somewhere18:57
TomaszDhow would I know otherwise18:58
TomaszDI don't think I was guessing18:58
TomaszDmaybe the n810 had the same code18:58
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killefizgoogling for n900 and lock code also works - according to a thread on 12345 is nokia default18:58
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* lcuk2 still cannot use lock without first entering my own ode18:58
killefizargh - it wants a 5 digit code18:58
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lcukn900hey rst18:59
RST38hhow are things?18:59
wazdRST38h: reheya18:59
woglindedamn why the hell I must have a r8167 with firmware needed19:00
woglindehi wazd and lcuk19:00
wazdTomaszD: well, it's handy :)19:00
lcukn900hiya woglinde19:00
wazdwoglinde: hey19:00
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t_s_othat garage job is taking its time...19:01
woglindegarage istn up already?19:01
killefizwazd: are you one of the panucci developers?19:01
wazdkillefiz: no19:01
t_s_ostill just shows a single line of text to me19:01
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* SpeedEvil adds
povbotBug 6891: Device lock setup gives no way to set a lock code for the first time.19:03
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nezbcan someone do me a very fast favor? If your N900 does NOT have ssh installed, give me the first line of /etc/passwd19:04
w00tI have ssh, else I would19:05
woglindefirstline is root19:05
nezbyes, woglinde?19:05
woglindedid you delete the entry?19:05
nezbthere should be root: something :0:0:root/root:/bin/sh19:05
nezbI need the something part19:05
nezbwhen you install ssh it changes the password on the root account19:06
woglindetake the one from your host19:06
woglindenezb whats the problem?19:06
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woglindesudo gainroot dont works anymore?19:06
nezb...I need to disable the root acount19:06
woglindeyeah look at your hostsystem19:06
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nezbmy host system has a root account with password19:07
nezbthanks.. I needed the "x"19:07
woglinderoots password should be in shadow19:07
woglindenot in passwd19:07
nezbN900 doesn't use shadow19:07
woglindeI consider your system not safe19:07
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woglindeyour HOST19:07
nezbmy host is running Debian :P19:07
nezb/etc/shadow- of course19:07
woglindeguess what I pasted19:08
woglindeor from19:08
nezbyour host system..?19:08
woglindeyou are smart19:08
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nezbI don't have a machine around that I could have got that from19:09
nezbis it okay to change the password on the user account?19:10
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woglindeits your device19:11
johnqI tried to login to my N900's user account via ssh publickey, it does not work. Any idea?19:11
nezbwell, I was worried some applications that expect it not to have a password might stop working19:11
johnqlogin to root using password works19:11
nezbjohnq: that's my problem. you have to set a password to the user account19:12
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woglindejohnq hm configure sshd_config?19:12
woglindemaybee only root user is allowed19:12
nezbjohnq: from root login, type passwd user19:12
nezbssh won't do public key for an accoun with no password for some reason19:12
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johnqnezb: ah, thanks19:12
nezbjohnq: you're welcome19:13
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Scummerouch... phone crashed during a phone call and now it doesn't boot.19:13
johnqI would like to increase the security of my device, but I'm not really sure what is the way to go.19:13
nezbjohnq: I changed the port ssh runs on19:13
nezbjohnq: disabled root login for ssh, and also forced public key auth (no password auth)19:14
nezbScummer: at all?19:14
johnqnezb: yeah, that's what I thought of19:14
johnqnezb: but how to you get root access on your device?19:14
Scummernezb: well.. it does show the Nokia splash, one round of the balls and then it turns off19:14
nezbjohnq: I think that's all you can do. the phone has no open ports except for ssh (when it is running, usually I leave it off to save battery)19:14
nezbjohnq: sudo gainroot19:15
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johnqnezb: hm, do you need to type in the root password for that?19:15
nezbScummer: that's not good :\ filesystem corruption maybe?19:15
nezbjohnq: nope. you can do it from the user account19:16
Scummernezb: i wonder...19:16
nezbScummer: I know on the N800 you could be able to enter recovery mode and reflash19:16
Scummernezb: the n900 should have it too19:17
johnqnezb: but then it seems quite insecure to me19:17
nezbjohnq: read the link I pasted19:17
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DocScrutinizer51ok. 30 minutes with backlight off and idle. just gprs with IRC: 0..1%of bat drain19:18
nezbScummer: it does, you need windows to run flasher-3.5.txt19:18
Scummernezb: i'm using the os x flasher19:18
nezbScummer: if you don't want to try to figure out what really happened, you can just do this:
Scummerso i'm going to try it19:19
nezbScummer: the OSX flasher kernel panicks on 10.619:19
johnqnezb: I think it's insecure nevertheless. Have I missed something?19:19
nezbScummer: 770Flasher does, at least, not sure about the command line version19:19
Scummernezb: i have 10.6 :(19:19
nezbsame. I experienced it firsthand a few days ago19:20
johnqnezb: anybody who gets user access to my device instantly gets root access19:20
nezbjohnq: isn't that true for any device?19:20
Scummerduring the flash ?19:20
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nezbScummer: right at the end of it. it does something to the USB module in the Darwin kernel19:20
johnqnezb: of course not?19:20
SpeedEviljohnq: unless you disallow reflashing, that's always the case surely?19:20
nezbjohnq: it's just a phone though19:20
johnqnezb: i'm not talking about physical access but network access19:20
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: btw all above from hald readout which is amazingly NONsteppy this time19:20
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: odd19:21
johnqnezb: or think of viruses19:21
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: I got lots of steps.19:21
nezbjohnq: network access means they need a private key to login19:21
johnqnezb: why do you disallow root ssh access if it's the same as user access in the end?19:21
nezbsudo rainroot only works if you are already logged into the device19:21
DocScrutinizer51better lots than a few shuge ones19:21
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: maybe it gets better over cycles19:21
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nezbbecause bots will try to login as root usually.19:21
DocScrutinizer51no idea, honestly19:22
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DocScrutinizer51rainroot is cool19:22
johnqnezb: ok, I'll think about it19:22
johnqnezb: thanks for your help19:23
nezbjohnq: you're welcome19:23
zemmroot is definitely the account to be bruteforced, then comes list of some common firstnames (according to my ssh-fail-logs)19:26
Scummernezb : hmm.. the phone restarted with hooking up the USB19:28
DocScrutinizer51SpeedEvil: last 5 readings: 66 (5min) 66 (5min) 66 (5min, bl on) 61 (5min) 6019:29
Scummeruahh... the battery was simply empty19:29
yabozemm, though a root password shouldn't be bruteforceable19:30
Arkenoihow to reach nokia messaging tech support?19:30
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thomastpwhat is a preferred way of storing username/password info on maemo for gtk apps ?19:35
woglindethomastp should be same as in other gtk-apps too19:36
thomastpwoglinde: well, a lot use gnome-keyring, that's definitely not on maemo atm19:36
thomastpand I'd prefer to avoid packaging that for my needs19:36
woglindegnome-keyring is a gnome app19:37
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thomastpyes, so does maemo offer anything similar to gnome-keyring ?19:38
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OnJenwhere can i find the data folder?19:38
nezbin the home directory, it is hidden (filename start with a dot)19:38
woglindethomastp hm I dont know19:38
nezbyou can find it doing ls -a ~19:38
Gadgetoid_iMacthe n900 fscking sucks as a phone19:38
JosefAssadwhat would be the correct term for the menu which drops down when one clicks the title bar of an aplication?19:39
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Gadgetoid_iMacA call comes in, and it just goes "OHSHITOHSHITOHSHIT A CALL OMG CRASHCRASHFREEZEFREEZE"19:39
JaffaJosefAssad: Either AppMenu or GtkMenu19:39
JaffaJosefAssad: Depending on whether it's finger friendly or not19:39
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JosefAssadJaffa: okie. Ah, great19:39
OnJenso i have to create, when there is no data folder?19:39
Scummergadget : mine never did that19:40
JosefAssadJaffa: there's one such in theremin, and it's finger friendly but clearly not the same as the builtins, so probably not hildonised was why I'm asking19:40
JosefAssadJaffa: appmenu it is then19:40
JosefAssadJaffa: thanks19:40
ArkenoiGadgetoid, never seen such behavior19:41
JaffaJosefAssad: The builtins are all AppMenus, FWIW19:41
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SpeedEvilI get a SMS, with a number in, that I want to SMS to. I click the number, and it takes me to the phone app, with no visible way to SMS.19:41
SpeedEvilAm I missing somethign/19:41
lcuk2when you are on the sms screen dont oyu just start typing to reply19:41
Ceron^lcuk2: how to install liquidflow :\19:41
Ceron^tell me19:41
SpeedEvilI don't want to reply to the SMS, I want to SMS to a number in the SMS.19:42
nezbtap and hold the number?19:42
lcuk2goto extras-testing, find liqflow, install ?19:42
SpeedEvilnezb: ah - that works, thanks!19:42
TomaszDthp, you added strings 2 hours before the release?19:42
JosefAssadJaffa: hm. OK, I just don't want to conuse people with the terms I use. The menu I'm looking at is finger friendly and drops down and all, but the width is the width of the labels not buttons fitting to the screen width. Still "app menu"?19:42
Ceron^add extras-testing to repo on n900?19:42
nezbSpeedEvil: you're welcome. there's lots of hidden context menus like that in maemo19:42
nezbCeron^ in app manager open the drop down menu on the top19:43
SpeedEvilnezb: actually - it seems not to19:43
nezbCeron^ go to sources and uncheck disabled from extras19:43
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nezbSpeedEvil ?19:43
lcuk2if you would like to test it yes.
Ceron^i got it enabled :P19:43
lcuk2once you have tested it, please complete the survey (tick yes or no) :D19:43
Ceron^oh its liqflow :D19:43
johnqis there a "best practice" to sync the n900 with evolution under linux?19:43
nezbwhat is liqflow anyway19:44
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SpeedEvilnezb: ah - I suspect it's slightly confused. I get an sms from 48004 - I want to SMS to 48004 - I diddn't realise that was the actual number I wanted to SMS - so it takes me back to the same 'conversation'.19:44
Ceron^i dont got19:44
Ceron^Extras-testing in my repo19:44
Ceron^only got Extras :(19:44
nezbmanually add it?19:44
Ceron^i will!19:44
nezbSpeedEvil, can't you just reply then?19:45
lcuk2Ceron^, note apps listed for testing are not complete and may conflict19:45
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lcuk2beware and remove/disable it again after you have what you need19:45
Ceron^lcuk2: should i delete all liqbase19:45
Ceron^playground stuff19:45
nezblcuk2 - can't you just pin it to a lower priority?19:45
Ceron^before installing liqflow?19:45
SpeedEvilnezb: yes, I can, it was confusing me that I hadn't realised that the number it came from was the same one it was asking me to SMS19:45
lcuk2nahh they dont conflict19:45
lcuk2just upgrades it all19:45
nezbSpeedEvil oh gotcha19:45
lcuk2nezb, probably19:45
lcuk2but its not the default mechanism19:45
* lcuk2 needs to push new updates for libliqbase this week too19:46
nezblcuk2, yeah. I get the feeling lots of people are going to mess stuff up :P19:46
lcuk2wild wild west19:46
lcuk2-testing is there for testing specific apps19:46
lcuk2and for giving the developers the feedback they need19:47
lcuk2without feedback improvements cannot be made19:47
nezblcuk2: just saw your video of liqflow on youtube. that's pretty cool!19:47
* SpeedEvil turns n900 up to 11, and places mic next to speaker.19:47
lcuk2indeed nezb :)19:48
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lcuk2SpeedEvil, try this in the console19:48
lcuk2gst-launch pulsesrc ! pulsesink19:48
nezbwhat does that do? :P19:49
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Ceron^installing liqflow!19:51
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nezbis it bad if /etc/passwd and /etc/passwd- are out of sync? I'm guessing yes...19:53
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valdynnezb: why would it be bad?19:55
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nezbisn't passwd- a backup of passwd?19:56
JosefAssadJaffa: thank you again19:56
johnqHow do I install cython in the SDK to compile .py programs to arm binaries? There is a package named cython (or python2.5-cython) in extras-devel, but what is the correct line to add to /etc/apt/sources.list in the scratchbox?19:56
JosefAssadDoes it make sense to have "is it properly hildonised" in the Extras-testing QA checklist?19:57
JosefAssadnever mind me, it's encouraged but not a blocker. I RTFA'ed19:58
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timeless_mbpreading, wow19:59
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Vrathaah man20:02
Vrathai must say that sync'ing contacts between the n900 and OS X right now is a lot of painful work20:02
Vrathahope nokia does a good job with their iSync plugin20:02
nezbyou can sync with OSX!?20:02
hcarrega Vratha salling media:)20:03
timeless_mbpusing an Exchange Server + Entourage? :)20:03
crashanddie_mbpnezb: contacts -> gmail -> n90020:03
hcarregaits free20:03
Vrathacrashanddie_mbp: you may, yes, but i don't want to get to know you well enough to figure that out20:03
valdynVratha: try ?20:03
hcarregawith addressbook20:03
nezbcrashanddie_mbp, oh, that's what I do right now. I thought you meant over USB20:03
hcarregaand then send via bt to n90020:03
Vrathahcarrega: yeah, i did.  it's a lot of painful work20:03
hcarregabut for now20:03
fnordianslipyou can just export entire address book as a vcf and import it on device20:03
Vrathaespecially when you have to add the country prefix for everything so you can do skype calling20:03
Vrathathis is just something basic nokia should've had working in the first place20:04
timeless_mbpVratha: um, what?!20:04
crashanddie_mbpI don't think some people realise it's not about syncing once -- but more about staying in sync20:04
timeless_mbp80% of the market does not have a Mac20:04
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timeless_mbpto think that we shouldn't ship a product because we're missing support for that platform is absolutely nuts20:04
valdynthat country code thing works nowhere20:04
nezbwell how do you sync it to Linux in that case... since I have a Linux and Mac OS X box20:04
timeless_mbpand i'm speaking as a Nokian whose employer purchased a mac book pro20:05
Vrathatimeless_mbp: so, last i checked, the rest of the market supports mac sync'ing out of the box.  pretty sad nokia doesn't, right?20:05
timeless_mbpVratha: last i checked Palm was busy losing a lawsuit in that area20:05
hcarregamaybe in future20:05
timeless_mbpall things considered, i'd rather my employer not spend its money losing lawsuits20:05
hcarregatry gmail20:05
Vrathatimeless_mbp: wow, your straw man argument holds no water20:05
valdyncrashanddie_mbp: probably works ok for that20:05
timeless_mbpVratha: go away.20:05
valdyncrashanddie_mbp: but i dont want to adverstise something i dont even really know...20:05
SpeedEvilVratha: neither does yours20:06
Vrathai don't give gmail my contact info20:06
VrathaSpeedEvil: yeah, because saying that most of the market place is beating nokia in the area of sync'ing is really a straw man...20:06
valdyntimeless_mbp: why offend "customers"20:06
Vrathait's a statement of fact20:06
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timeless_mbpvaldyn: i'm not paid to take offense from customers20:06
timeless_mbpif they want to complain, they should call nokia care20:06
timeless_mbpnokia care is *paid* to take complaints20:06
valdyntimeless_mbp: oh, i didnt see you being offended20:06
timeless_mbpthis is #maemo, where we work as a *community* to improve the maemo platform20:07
timeless_mbpwe don't go around bashing companies20:07
timeless_mbpnot apple, not microsoft, and not nokia20:07
timeless_mbp(nor palm for that matter)20:07
Vrathammmm, actually, maemo is backed by nokia20:07
Vrathathey released the n90020:07
valdyntimeless_mbp: sure, agreed20:07
nezblol at flamewar...20:07
Vrathathe community doesn't have to do anything really20:07
lpotter__nick ljp20:07
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* timeless_mbp passes lpotter a slash (/) :)20:08
sp3000what do you say we make apple juice and fax it to each other20:08
valdynor maybe, "this is not a nokia care channel" should be on the /topic ;)20:08
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crashanddie_mbpfanbois screaming "I want steve jobs to get cancer" simply because there's a legal battle between nokia and appl20:09
Vrathafine, let's talk about something non-nokia related then.  how about them contact books in maemo?  imported my contacts via a large vcard, and rather than merging with existing contacts, i had to do that manually20:09
nezbIf anyone here is like me, we all bought this phone knowing that it is an open platform that we can expand or modify to fit our needs. There is no need to argue...20:09
Vrathathen, it decided to duplicate tons of info20:09
Vrathathen, the contacts app locked up20:09
valdynVratha: theres no merge feature afaik.20:09
lbtVratha: you had a lot of contacts in one vcf file?20:09
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timeless_mbplbt: he was trying to import all of his contacts20:09
* lbt too20:10
lbt+ 3110i20:10
Vrathain the contacts app, if you have a lot of contacts of the same name, you can manually merge the info, but it duplicates distinct data20:10
lbtdoesn't mix :(20:10
Vrathalbt: yes, i did, from the mac address book20:10
lbtso I used gnokki or gnokii to get an ldif...20:10
lbtI just didn't realise vcf would hold multiple entries20:10
thpis there an ETA for garage coming back to life?20:11
Vrathalbt: me either, until i learned how to sync from mac to n90020:11
lbtthe pain for me is that I have 100+ vcf files .... and although N900 will export multiple contacts to multiple vcf20:11
lbtit imports 1 by 120:11
timeless_mbpfwiw, Mac sync support for sony ericson phones seems to come from a third party:
Vrathalbt: yeah, so on your mac, if you export all your contacts into one file, you can import just that one file on your n900 to get all them in20:11
* lbt is a linux guy.... Mac is way too closed20:11
Vrathalbt: ah, i thought you were saying you had a mac20:12
timeless_mbpVratha: please read carefully20:12
Vrathabut, that was kind of a trolling opinion20:12
lbtno, but I have the multiple contaxt import problem20:12
timeless_mbpit'll help you avoid annoying people20:12
Vrathatimeless_mbp: he didn't say he didn't have a mac20:12
timeless_mbpoh, so that means he must have one!20:12
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Vrathait doesn't mean he doesn't have one20:12
timeless_mbpyour logic is impeccable20:12
Vrathatimeless_mbp: actually, you're kind of annoying me20:13
lbtheh, anyways.... off to actually do something +ve20:13
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lbtcheers for the multiple contacts/vcf tip.... will look at that20:13
lbtDocScrutinizer-8: does your nick mean you look at Docs?20:14
DocScrutinizer-8lbt: yes20:14
timeless_mbplbt: yeah, we support multiple vcards20:14
DocScrutinizer-8that's been the iriginal meaning20:14
timeless_mbpfwiw, don't try sticking >50 fields into a single card20:14
lbtyou involved in the docs team?20:14
timeless_mbpthe contacts app will get annoyed20:14
lbttimeless_mbp: *nod* ... ta20:14
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timeless_mbpDocScrutinizer: whose docs do you poke?20:15
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timeless_mbplbt: you jumped to a conclusion back there ^ :)20:15
DocScrutinizer-8once been openmoko docs20:15
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lbttimeless_mbp: did I? sorry... what?20:15
timeless_mbplbt: the domain of DocScrutinizer 's scrutiny :)20:15
lbtheh - jumping would have been inviting w/o asking.... :)20:16
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lbtOf course he could have a medical fetish...20:16
timeless_mbpanyway, the people i've talked to who have done a single vcard have used some perl or whatever to clean up their file before importing20:16
lbtjust in case it appeals :)20:17
suihkulokkihmm... i didn't have trouble importing the vcard that supposedly holds all finnish telemarketers numbers...20:17
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: 50 is per card, not cards per file20:17
Vrathabefore importing your vcard, use perl to fix it up so it has the country code in front of all the numbers, if you care about making skype calls20:18
suihkulokkiit is one big vcard20:18
timeless_mbpsuihkulokki: it's one big vcard container20:18
lbtI guess I have no time to talk to people at the moment.... so it's low on the list ;)20:18
timeless_mbplbt: actually, avoid 44, not 5020:19
timeless_mbpanyone have some time to kill? :)20:19
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* lbt declines this time :)20:19
nezbtimeless: maybe20:19
ifreqtime is irrevelant20:20
kalikianaYou should take the time for a good kill20:20
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Gadgetoid_iMacWhy, timeless_mbp?20:22
Vrathaifreq: that comment seems ironic coming from you, considering your handle20:23
nezbwow, transferring a 58MB video file from N900 to my computer over Bluetooth is _slow_20:25
Corsacbluetooth _is_ slow20:26
nezb150kB/s! BLAZING FAST!20:26
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TomaszDthat's actually really good for Bluetooth20:26
slonopotamusthat's 1mbps. how much did you expect?20:26
nezbyeah... In the past I remember to be happy getting 20kB/s20:26
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nezbno it's 0.1mbps20:27
slonopotamusyou said kilobytes20:27
nezberr 1megabit, 0.1mBps20:27
nezbmy bad20:27
slonopotamusi said megabit20:27
DocScrutinizer-8lbt: I see.  Well I'm not quite much into development yet. But at least I can tell for me the most important part is to understand all the middleware and API stuff. E:G I have no idea what to enter into xchat cfg to make the vibrator bounce in a highlight even20:27
nezbyeah I misread you =)20:27
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slonopotamusso, just 8 mins20:29
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nezbyep. just finished.20:29
nezbhmm.. screencast file is unplayable..20:30
slonopotamusyou know, ppl used 14kilobites per second modems not so long time ago :)20:30
nezbyeah, but we didn't push 800x480 video though them either20:31
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DocScrutinizer-8err 14kb modems? sounds like plain CSD20:31
cehteh14kbit? ... hey that was fast! .. somewhere i have a 300baud modem20:32
DocScrutinizer-8OVER gSM20:32
nezb300baud modem on an Apple //e20:32
nezbdual floppy drives!20:32
slonopotamuserr, kilobits20:32
DocScrutinizer-8actually I never seen a 300 modem. We called those acousitc couplers20:33
slonopotamusmy first one connected @9600 :)20:33
DocScrutinizer-8modems with a wire to plug to pots started at 1200 iirc20:33
cehtehmaybe its 1.2k ..20:33
nezbthe first modem I ever used was a 28.8...20:34
cehtehcan be20:34
derfI have a 300/1200 baud modem.20:34
cehtehthey can all fallback to 300 baud20:34
derfI can actually see the box for it from where I'm sitting.20:34
cehtehiirc the handshake is always made at 300 baud for compatibility reasons20:34
cehtehlong ago :)20:35
derfcehteh: Yes, but I enjoy the fact that it's _marketed_ as "300/1200 baud".20:35
nezbcheck out this video of a 300baud coupler from 1964 being used on a modern computer20:35
nezbwow, google has some horrible URLs....20:35
DocScrutinizer-8yeah, wtf?20:35
Arkenoifuck nokia messaging. what a stupid idea to have support request routed to "general" nokia support. they returned me a call, promised to fix something on their side and nothing still, no fucking ticket number20:35
nezbgoogle users those urls to track what I click on, apparently20:36
nezb*uses :P20:36
nezbwell, it's still a cool video20:36
Arkenoithe main difference of "consumer" vs "technical" support services is that "consumer" ones *NEVER* provide a tracking ticked and you *NEVER* know what happens there and if someone really works on it20:37
lcuk2mmmmmm steak n chips20:37
infobotArkenoi meant: the main difference of "consumer" vs "technical" support services is that "consumer" ones *NEVER* provide a tracking ticket and you *NEVER* know what happens there and if someone really works on it20:37
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Arkenoiso i really hate it20:37
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timeless_mbpArkenoi: what was your problem?20:38
nezb - Arkenoi20:38
timeless_mbp(not that i can directly help, but i'm curious, and if it's interesting, i might find the other side and ask them to poll to see where it went)20:38
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* RST38h does not understand something: it looks like the Fremantle toolbar in FBReader fits 30% fewer icons than the Diablo toolbar20:40
RST38hWhat the hell?20:40
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derfThe new button margins are huge.20:40
nezbI think the icons are bigger20:40
Arkenoitimeless, actually i have two - one is that i cannot set up a pop3 mailbox because stupid AI thinks that mail server should match domain name and simply refuses to register and second one even more annoying is that i have problem with outgoing email via google mailbox, two messages are there with permanent failure, one of those is to ;-)20:40
RST38hno, same sized icons20:40
RST38hmargins do seem to be bigger20:40
derfI was able to get rid of the interior margins.20:40
Arkenoiartifical intelligence20:41
derfBut I couldn't get rid of the outside ones.20:41
RST38hwhen I put a spacer explicitely, I almost can't notice it20:41
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derfIf you figure out how, let me know.20:41
RST38hAnyways, I had to sacrifice a few icons, folks20:41
RST38hHope you will not mind20:41
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Arkenoithat's how i call all that smart ass programs who try to overthink the user20:41
timeless_mbpArkenoi: wait a second20:41
derfRST38h: I didn't have that luxury.20:41
RST38hArkenoi: MS Office?20:41
timeless_mbpare you saying that there's a publicly listed email address that doesn't work?20:41
jyskyhey, what's the thing with maemo talk. i can create new threads with my account, but can't reply anyone else's20:41
timeless_mbpArkenoi: if that's the case, um, let's get that going somewhere20:41
RST38hderf: Well you can always do your own toolbar of course..20:41
derfRST38h: It's not just the toolbar.20:42
Arkenoithat even, not who. i am starting to antropomorhize it ;-)20:42
derf_All_ of the buttons have larger margins.20:42
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* RST38h curses those "finger oriented" UI designers20:42
RST38hmy fingers are not that large20:43
derfI mean, the only place it really mattered to me was the kanji radical lookup table.20:44
derfI can't tell Japanese to use fewer radicals.20:44
lcuk2Arkenoi, whats the bug number for the problem you are encountering20:44
derfMuch as I might like to sometimes.20:44
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lcuk2i cannot work out exactly whats happening from your vague description here and like timeless would not like to just leave it hanging20:45
Arkenoilcuk2, it is not n900-related so there is no bug number, it is service failure :-(20:45
Arkenoithey do not provide me bugzilla interface for Nokia Messaging20:45
lcuk2who dont?20:45
timeless_mbpnokia doesn't use bugzilla much internally20:46
timeless_mbpQt uses *something*20:46
timeless_mbpMaemo uses bugzilla20:46
* SpeedEvil wants to submit bug on the stupidly rubbery charger cable.20:46
timeless_mbpmost of nokia uses a db you'd never want to touch20:46
timeless_mbptrust me, i looked, i'm scared20:46
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Arkenoiwell, if they only had a trouble ticket system you'd probably have the description20:47
Arkenoibetter one20:47
Arkenoibut they do not20:47
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Arkenoii receive anonymous calls, anonymous emails and then i simply cannot find a person who called or a person who emailed me20:47
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wazdArkenoi: heya'20:50
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johnqis it really true that the garage website is offline since thursday?20:53
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timeless_mbppeople shouldn't do work on weekends :)20:54
johnqis there an alternative download location for esbox?20:55
Stskeepsjohnq: server move probably20:56
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johnqthe python extension compiled!20:59
johnqthe first thing that worked since wednesday!20:59
melmothgrumble...any idea where i can find the sources for libical ?20:59
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RST38hmoo Stskeeps21:03
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Stskeepsmoo RST38h21:03
RST38hhow are things?21:04
StskeepsRST38h: master's thesis handin in 3 days, gues21:04
* w00t whips Stskeeps 21:05
w00tthesis faster!21:05
* timeless_mbp pokes Gadgetoid_iMac 21:05
RST38hStskeeps: <evil cackling>21:05
RST38hStskeeps: Wait until you start on a PhD...21:05
* Gadgetoid_iMac feels pokered21:05
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nezbfinal exam grades are up for me, I just got an 87.5% =)21:05
nezbwoo undergrads21:05
StskeepsRST38h: i'm making very sure noone would ever admit me for a phd programme.21:06
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Stskeepsat the moment i just want the degree :P21:07
RST38hStskeeps: defending masters thesis in computer modeling of the australian sheep breeding habits, as function of weather?21:08
RST38hOk, one more last FBReader build, and I am done for today21:08
nezb^ sounds interesting, I'd read that paper21:08
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RST38hHope everyone will like the new default settings though...21:08
StskeepsRST38h: close enough, rehabilitative exercise recognition via computer vision21:08
RST38hStskeeps: Ah, that is kinda applied, as they come21:09
Stskeepsi'm really into applied cs.. to an extent21:09
RST38hno shit, with all the embeded systems work you are doing...21:10
DocScrutinizer-8electric sheep? what you're dreaming of?21:11
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* Arkenoi reads livejournal comments on my mini-faq which mostly descibes google sync issues.. seems that it was really major fuckup for nokia to underestimate the importance of google sync before the product release.. people laugh on us21:13
timeless_mbpArkenoi: *shrug*21:14
timeless_mbphopefully someone will write glue21:14
RST38hArkenoi: that is different21:14
timeless_mbpi think that eventually MfE will support google21:14
nezbi <3 google sync. would use it if it worked. hooray for open source21:14
andre__well, I get enough bug reports of users that complain that MfE does not work properly with Google21:14
RST38hArkenoi: judging from comments, you are simply being mugged by a bunch of Android zealots21:14
RST38hArkenoi: And looks like the iPhone ones are starting to gather as well ;)21:15
melmothtalking about open source and sync thingy.. anybody know where i can find the source for libical that comes with the n900 ?21:15
timeless_mbpmelmoth: ?21:15
timeless_mbpif it's open, it should be there21:15
RST38hArkenoi: Obviously, Android is supposed to sync perfectly with Google Calendar =)21:15
Arkenoiactually google sync is *more* important than whe whole MfE thing for current n900 audience21:16
timeless_mbpseems like libical (1.43-99.3+0m5)21:16
infobotArkenoi meant: actually google sync is *more* important than the whole MfE thing for current n900 audience21:16
andre__melmoth, plus tarballs at
melmothahh, tarball is better.21:16
timeless_mbpArkenoi: MfE should include contacts..21:16
ratMinok, 4.22.8-25-g633d is working for me (y)21:16
timeless_mbpratMin: what's that?21:17
ratMintimeless_mbp: sry, wrong channel .. irssis is someteme litle hard to read21:18
Arkenoitimeless_mbp, and it simply cannot be done truly properly as using MfE adds activesync limitations to google ones. and there is major potential issue that we will lose some contat fields that cannot be synced properly21:18
timeless_mbpArkenoi: you want us to write yet another client21:18
timeless_mbpin 2 days21:18
timeless_mbpand test it thoroughly against 1 thousand google accounts21:18
timeless_mbpwith all sorts of random contact sets?21:18
timeless_mbpsounds great21:18
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timeless_mbpwhat army do you have available that i can use for this task?21:19
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Arkenoi:-) nope, i just say it is the thing that should be given priority several months before release ;-)21:19
Arkenoithen maybe we already had it today21:19
* timeless_mbp shrugs21:19
jiajiahello does anyone now using n900 nokia21:19
jiajiahow is it21:19
timeless_mbpwhat feature would you have dropped?21:19
nezbit's great21:19
lcuk2mail for exchange21:20
timeless_mbpCamera support?21:20
andre__yeah, definitely mail for exchange.21:20
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kevloralhi all21:20
Gadgetoid_iMacI like to suck boiled sweets21:20
Gadgetoid_iMacs/boiled sweets/cock21:20
Arkenoiactually i guess dropping whole MfE in favor of Google sync may be better than vice versa ;-)21:20
timeless_mbppersonally, i'd have dropped Nokia Messaging21:20
Gadgetoid_iMacIt was worth a try...21:20
timeless_mbpbut can you imagine management approving that?21:21
lcuk2mmm "nokia messaging" ? thats not the messaging ui i use every day21:21
lcuk2for sms is it?21:21
Gadgetoid_iMactimeless_mbp: just throw Maemo 5 away and release Android firmware21:21
timeless_mbpGadgetoid_iMac: i'm pretty sure that puts me out of a job21:22
lcuk2phew! thats a relief21:22
Arkenoiand they probably see google being direct competitor to ovi services21:22
andre__lcuk2: kind of a push service for email21:22
nezbyou can run Android on N900 hardware?21:22
jiajiahow to get this firefox for this n90021:22
timeless_mbpArkenoi: really? wow21:22
Arkenoihaving ovi email and nokia messaging totally unrelated is just as insane21:22
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: that's on the point21:22
Gadgetoid_iMactimeless_mbp: Also, Maemo >>>>>> Android21:22
timeless_mbpwhat an incredible idea21:22
lcuk2oh, like sms but bigger21:22
nezbI know you can run Android 1.5 on N800 but it is really slow...21:22
jiajiahaha  , have fun man when u get tired sleep well21:23
DocScrutinizerArkenoi: nokia is moving. probably away from cheap phones and towards webservices/content provider21:23
jiajiathanks for advice21:23
ArkenoiDocScrutinizer, and there already is google.21:23
Arkenoiit is better to make friends with it than to copy it poorly21:24
jiajiaArkenoi: would u tell me how to have this firefox for my nokia n90021:24
DocScrutinizerdon't tell *me*21:24
timeless_mbpjiajia: do you have an n900?21:24
jiajiatimeless_mbp: yep21:24
timeless_mbpjiajia: do you want Firefox Mobile (Fennec)?21:24
Arkenoijiajia, you probably do not want. it lacks microb features.21:25
jiajiayeah sure21:25
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jiajiatimeless_mbp: yeah sure21:25
DocScrutinizerI personally give a sh*t on ovi, as I do on google, or exchange21:25
jiajiaArkenoi: but i think that is much better than the one "web"21:25
jiajiatimeless_mbp: how could i get it ,thanks alot21:26
kevloraljiajia: go to on your n900. But I also prefer microb for now (at least until weave works, that is).21:26
DocScrutinizerIf I was a google fanboy I had got me an androidiot21:26
timeless_mbpkevloral: omigosh, the number of redirects i got there was amazing21:26
RST38hFennec is slow like hell21:27
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jiajiakevloral:where can i get this microb21:27
RST38hAnd tends to hang the tablet as a whole, too21:27
timeless_mbpjiajia: he gave you the url21:27
kevloraljiajia: it is the browser that comes with the n900 by default.21:27
Arkenoianyways, there is no direct profit on ovi services, just expenses. thinking that one will buy things in ovi store just because it is related to ovi mail or ovi sharing services is ridiculous. those are completely unrelated. so why support it and not to provide customers what they really want?21:27
jiajiahaha nice thanks21:27
timeless_mbpoh oops21:27
timeless_mbpsorry, yeah, microb is the included browse21:27
kevloralRST38h: I agree. It is very resource hungry.21:28
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timeless_mbpArkenoi: so, asking why nokia business management does stuff is imo offtopic21:29
timeless_mbpnokia has managed to earn money for various years and seems to be run by businessmen21:29
timeless_mbpthey don't do things unless they see some way to make money from doing them21:29
timeless_mbpbut asking/speculating on that isn't topical for this channel21:29
timeless_mbpand it puts nokia employees in an uncomfortable position21:30
Stskeeps - and even before release, pandora is run out of the market?21:31
w00tStskeeps: lol.21:31
Gadgetoid_iMacYeah but if you sit around with an Odroid people are just going to laugh at you21:31
Gadgetoid_iMacAlthough I wish the Pandora had its HDMI out21:31
Stskeepsin contrary to a email with a pandora preorder in it?21:31
johnsqStskeeps: looks good, but still vapourware21:32
Stskeepsjohnsq: yeah..21:32
Stskeepsjohnsq: that said, 320x480 is kinda crap21:32
Gadgetoid_iMacStskeeps: probably essential for the HDMI out21:32
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DocScrutinizer-8timeless: hey, I should have known and adopted that PoV some 2 years ago. Whould have eased my life several times21:33
johnsqStskeeps: I see, thats bad, so still n900 the best device.21:34
Ceron^so when will i see more 3d games21:34
Ceron^on my n900 :\21:34
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nezbdoes Ovi sync contacts to N900?21:34
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Ceron^no working version of ovi suite for n90021:34
nezbCeron^: any time frame for that? Ovi looks pretty cool but I have no way to try it out21:35
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nezbisn't there Ovi for the N800?21:35
Ceron^ovi e-store?21:35
Ceron^or the ovi suite?21:35
timeless_mbpStskeeps: it has "no cellular connection"?21:36
nezbalso, is anyone else getting "21:36
nezbWe're sorry, is unavailable at the moment."21:36
timeless_mbpso it's basically an overpriced gameboy?21:36
nezbthink of it as an internet tablet, timeless_mbp21:37
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: pandora doesn't have celluar either afaik21:37
kevloralnezb: nope, works fine from here.21:37
nezbI still use my Gameboy Color from time to time21:37
timeless_mbpnezb: i'm pretty sure i can buy a 770 for less :)21:37
evoandre__: ping21:37
nezbtimeless_mbp: I spent $400 on my N800 when I first got it. It kills me to know that is is almost worthless now.21:37
Stskeepswhat, worthless?21:38
nezbwell, to sell.21:38
nezbI still use it from time to time.21:38
nezban iPod touch replaced it as an internet tablet, sadly21:38
* timeless_mbp chuckles21:39
timeless_mbpi have an iPod touch21:39
timeless_mbpnokia bought it for me21:39
timeless_mbpi haven't used it in ages, heck, i don't remember where i put it21:39
nezbwhy would they do that?21:39
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timeless_mbpthe iPod touch has a web browser21:39
timeless_mbpi work on the browser for the n800/n810/n90021:39
timeless_mbpso it's a competitive product21:39
jiajiatimeless_mbp:which browser u think it is the best for n90021:40
* Arkenoi will pay $50 to anyone who is willing to sell his n800 ;-)21:40
DocScrutinizer-8you always need to know your competitors21:40
nezbthe Safari for iPhoneOS is amazing. I still prefer it to even the N900, although I must give major props to the N900 MicroB21:40
timeless_mbpjiajia: would it surprise you to hear me say that i'm biased?21:40
nezbArkenoi: only 50$?21:40
GAN900Gawd, did h-a-m get slower in Fremantle or is it just me?21:40
ljp pffftt.. iphone doesnt even have flash21:40
GAN900jiajia, MicroB.21:41
nezbljp: meh, flash is overrated21:41
andre__evo, pong21:41
jiajiaGAN900:thanks man21:41
ljpnezb: most websites/ads, I would say ya. but there are good uses for flash as well21:41
Arkenoinezb, well, and my old n770 as a bonus. that's how i estimate the upgrade value ;-)21:41
evoandre__: sorry to bother you, just wanted to be sure you got my mail yesterday21:41
GAN900nezb, spoken like a true iPhone user. ;)21:41
andre__evo, yes, ariived. thanks :)21:41
ljplike online kids games to keep my kids entertained21:41
nezbGAN900: I have an iPhone and an N800, N900... not really biased here21:42
jiajiaGAN900: how could i get this microb from my n900 sire:21:42
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evoandre__: thanks to you :)21:42
johnsqljp: good games didn't need flash :>21:42
nezbArkenoi: where do you live21:42
timeless_mbpArkenoi: i'd tell you that the product was actually the "nokia 770"21:42
timeless_mbpbut it seems are sales team can't get our product names straight21:42
timeless_mbpso i'm not sure i should bother21:42
GAN900I can't take any browswr that runs at less than VGA seriously.21:42
wazdnezb: Apple is overrated21:42
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nezbArkenoi: shipping from the U.S. will be more expensive than the device...21:42
GAN900jiajia, it's the built-in on.21:42
evoandre__: I think I found a new bug, I'll report it (albums with same name but different authors always get same cover even if they're different)21:43
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nezbwazd: in some regards, yes. Mac OS X is their only worthy product.21:43
infobotGAN900 meant: jiajia, it's the built-in one.21:43
Arkenoiyep :-( unless someone is travelling and willing to take it with him21:43
jiajiaaha i did not find it , so u menan the one called "web"21:43
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wazdnezb: Citibank Online has flash password input to prevent keylogging21:43
Dantonic-2what's the "xorg" logging process i usually see when running top?21:43
nezbwazd: LOL21:43
wazdnezb: any phone without minimal flash support is a junk automaticaly21:44
* GAN900 wonders idly what the source status of MicroB is these days.21:44
nezbyou can keylog flash...21:44
jiajiaGAN900: alright so i don't need to download what ever firefox21:44
timeless_mbpGAN900: technically the gecko part is in mxr / repo21:44
* nezb just installed fennec on N900 to try it out. looks nice so far.21:44
timeless_mbpthe other part, gah, i suppose i could ask someone21:44
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timeless_mbpbut not over the weekend21:44
timeless_mbpjiajia: you're welcome to try any browser that runs on the n90021:44
timeless_mbpwe're not stopping you21:45
timeless_mbpif you like a different browser, that's your choice21:45
GAN900timeless_mbp, last impression I was under was that it would be open for Maemo 5.21:45
wazdArkenoi: I can pay you 50 bucks for your n900 :D Since you've got it for free :P21:45
jiajiatimeless_mbp: haha i just wanna the best one is enough21:45
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* Arkenoi paid $80 for 770 1.5 years ago ;-)21:47
RST38hArkenoi, wazd: BTW
nezbany good ideas for cool things to do with my old N800?21:47
Markus23nezb: installing qt 4.621:48
ArkenoiRST38h, yep, already seen it21:48
solarionnezb: cool is in the eye of the beholder21:48
solarionnezb: there are plenty of cool aps21:48
crashanddie_mbpnezb: hide it under your kid brother's bed and at night, play your voice with a sound modulator and go "The humans will diiiiiiiiiee, sooooooooon"21:48
solarionor you coul develop software for it21:48
Ceron^where are all the opengl games for n900 :(21:48
Arkenoinezb, "toilet rss reader", that's it ;-)21:49
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nezbArkenoi: my ipod touch already does that :P21:49
crashanddie_mbpnezb: "braaaaaaains"21:49
nezbcrashanddie_mbp: that would probably scare the crap out of my kid brother21:49
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crashanddie_mbpnezb: my point exactly21:49
nezbcrashanddie_mbp: he would probably smash the N800 after that though :P21:49
Arkenoin800 is better- bigger screen21:49
nezbMarkus23: do you have a guide for that?21:49
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nezbArkenoi: yeah but I prefer the app I use on the iPod touch21:50
nezbiPhoneOS has some really good apps, to be honest21:50
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Markus23nezb: are you beginner or programmer?21:50
nezbsome of the N900 stuff isn't "finger optimized" enough21:50
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nezbMarkus23: I prefer to call it "hacking" rather than "programming" :P21:51
Markus23nezb: it has gps, or? you could do geo caching :-)21:51
nezbMarkus23: no GPS :(21:51
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Markus23ohh, ok, then the solutions are external, sorry21:51
nezbooh I got a good idea. I have an LED grid that uses a serial port to program the display.21:51
nezbI can buy a USB-serial adapter and control the display with the N800 over 802.11 wifi21:52
Markus23nezb: you could hack something where you track what you are trinking at a night and it shows you the promille of alcohol :-)21:52
Markus23(I hope you are not young)21:52
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nezbmaybe stream to it or something :P21:52
nezbMarkus23: I have a keychain breathalizer that runs on two AAA batteries for that :P21:53
Arkenoiyou may plug usb wifi and go wardriving (iirc builtin wifi does not allow packet injection)21:53
nezbI went wardriving with a friend a couple of times. We upgraded a lot of router firmwares.21:53
* luke-jr ponders if it's possible to have a handheld with both LCD and OLED displays21:54
Markus23luke-jr: i am interested too21:54
luke-jrand the LCD only powered up for video or low-light21:54
Markus23would be fantastic21:54
Markus23don't think it exists now21:54
nezbis there MMS for N900?21:55
luke-jrplus an eInk keypad ;)21:55
Arkenoinezb, no21:55
Markus23or e-ink with lcd21:55
nezbthey should make MMS for the N90021:55
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Markus23even better?21:55
Arkenoibut mms seems to be almost dead21:55
luke-jrMarkus23: eInk is currently greyscale only21:55
nezbmy friends still use it.21:55
Markus23nezb: nobody needs MMS, or?21:55
luke-jrMarkus23: probably not wanted for regular use21:55
Arkenoii made a poll, about 500 people responded to it21:55
nezbcollege students + iPhone = lots of MMS usage21:55
Markus23luke-jr: if you have lcd anyway for fallback? why do you need colors then?21:56
nezbI sold my iPhone to get the N90021:56
Markus23luke-jr: for reading eInk is really really great21:56
luke-jrMarkus23: it just wouldn't market well21:56
Arkenoii personally like MMS, it is like SMS on steroids and push email is not widespread enough21:56
go1dfishanyone else have their phone telling you the firmware version is (null) in About Product?21:56
luke-jrMarkus23: perhaps eInk+OLED+LCD :p21:56
nezbMS Exchange is a horrible excuse for push email21:56
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luke-jrMarkus23: would be even sweeter if it could be overlay-based...21:56
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Arkenoibut it turns out that almost no one uses it and more than half people either have incapable phone or their phones were not set up properly21:56
hpboxhi, I'm having trouble getting on the internet. I'm using the N900 device. Following the directions here:
Arkenoiand there are major connectivity problems for different operators21:57
hpboxI can ping the computer from the device, but not the other way around, also the device cannot resolve googe.com21:57
Arkenoiand it is simply not reliable enough21:57
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Markus23why push email when you can have normal imap?21:58
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nezbbecause imap does not push, it is polling21:58
Arkenoiso mms is effectively dead, i sent 3-4 messages a month and received 1-221:58
nezbit depends on the market. may college students use mms21:59
guaquais there some generic way of accessing letters that are not printed on the keyboard?21:59
Arkenoithat's the reason too21:59
nezbguaqua - push the blue arrow and then SYM21:59
Arkenoi"mms is for schoolboys"21:59
Arkenoiquite common misconception21:59
hpboxguaqua: you might try the on screen keyboard, or I don't know if you can plug in a keyboard21:59
luke-jractually, wtf22:00
luke-jreInk has a colour version since 200522:00
nezbN900 doesn't do host USB mode so you can't plug in a keyboard ...22:00
luke-jrnobody uses it?22:00
hpboxnezb: I was wondering about that22:00
Markus23luke-jr: so color eInk + lcd :-)22:00
hpboxnezb: but I could connect to the internet right?22:00
luke-jrMarkus23: sounds nice22:01
SpeedEvileink has demonstrated a colour eink panel != eink has made commercially available at a reasonable price reliable panels.22:01
luke-jrMarkus23: will require some serious X hacking i suspect :x22:01
Markus23maybe n910 *g*22:01
Markus23luke-jr: yes, multitouch is more realistic22:01
luke-jrsince eInk DPI is not comparable to LCD dpi yet22:01
dl9pfno usb host mode on n900 ?22:01
dl9pfreally ?22:01
Vrathagoal of the day: bulid and install prboom on the n90022:01
luke-jrMarkus23: tbh, I don't care about touch period22:01
nezbplease do not speak of an N910... I don't have any money left lol22:01
Markus23luke-jr: or you could make it hardware-switchable22:01
guaquanezb: is there a way to get to another 'page' in the special characters?22:02
luke-jrMarkus23: ?22:02
hpboxdl9pf: can you or nezb explain what that means?22:02
SpeedEvildl9pf: If htere is USB host mode, nobody has gotten it working.22:02
Markus23nezb: lol, only joking, did not open my n900 box yet22:02
hpboxguaqua: I'd like a return button on the botton of the console onscreen keyboard22:03
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guaquahow do you launch the onscreen keyboard?22:03
nezbguaqua: not sure22:03
Markus23luke-jr: I mean to switch between eink and lcd not by X but by hardware22:03
hpboxit's under settings22:03
hpboxI like it22:03
guaquanezb: ahh. got the accents in another way :)22:03
nezbMarkus23: Open it!!22:03
luke-jrMarkus23: you would need to restart X too22:03
nezbguaqua: how?22:03
luke-jrMarkus23: X cannot change DPI on the fly22:03
guaquahpbox: i enabled it, but it doesn't pop up anywhere22:03
guaquanezb: dead accent keys for ' and `22:04
hpboxguaqua: next hit any textbox, or console22:04
hpboxguaqua: I'm talking about the n900, I'm newbie to maemo22:04
guaquahpbox: the same for me22:04
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hpboxI'm starting to feel the differences between debian and redhat22:04
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hpboxquaqua: what are you trying to do?22:05
guaquai needed to get some accents, but got it covered22:05
hpboxguaqua: sorry I'm using irssi22:05
guaquanow i'd like to see that onscreen keyboard22:05
Markus23luke-jr: ok, that is definitiv a problem then, maybe they etink and lcd can have same resolution :-)22:05
hpboxguana: did you figure out how to switch between windows yets?22:05
luke-jrMarkus23: eInk afaik can only do 80 dpi or so at most22:05
Markus23hpbox: debian is great, or :-)22:05
DocScrutinizer-8you'll never use same video-interface for LCD and eInk. So you'd need separate xserver anyway22:05
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hpboxMarkus23: I use F1222:06
luke-jrDocScrutinizer-8: X support multiple video interfaces...22:06
Markus23luke-jr: when color ink has reasonable prices it may do much more :-)22:06
* luke-jr wonders what the color eink framerate is22:07
nezbhas anyone tried the Skype with video calls (front web cam)?22:07
hpboxhpbox: applications > settings > text input22:07
Markus23hpbox: what has F12 to do with debian?22:07
nezbluke-jr: probably like 1/2fps22:07
DocScrutinizer-8aha, so it can do concurrent interfaces but only with same resolution? though completely different modelines? interesting22:07
* Arkenoi wonders if my GSM operator will ever let me reroute incoming calls to SIP.. they already do that, but not for my home network22:07
Markus23is there a web cam in n900?22:07
nezbMarkus23: yes22:07
nezb640x480 cam in the front22:07
nezb5MP cam in back22:08
luke-jrDocScrutinizer-8: even with different resolutions. but the DPI is the problem22:08
Markus23wow, didn't know of that22:08
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hpboxMarkus: they are different, my comment is that i can really see the differences I was reffereing to configuration files etc..22:08
hpboxMarkus: web cam yes 2 I think22:08
Arkenoibtw did you try "mirror" application - do you get reasonable picture quality there? I get terrible digital nose all over22:09
nezbI get horrible picture from Mirror app22:09
hpboxMarkus: web cam yes, at least one is definatly a web cam the other may be only a camera22:09
Arkenoiso that's not me just having faulty cam22:09
nezbvery static-y image with little color on Mirror22:09
hpboxthe two cameras have different resolutions22:09
nezbI think the app has bad code or something22:09
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hpboxhow can I tell the device that I want it to use usb0 to communicate to the internet?22:10
nezbhpbox: route command?22:10
hpboxI can ping my host computer, bu...22:10
hpboxthat's what I need to do22:10
hpboxnezb: how?22:10
hpboxon the host or the device?22:11
luke-jrip route add default via ...22:11
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luke-jron device22:11
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nezbor just ifdown the wifi22:11
luke-jr/sbin/route is deprecated :p22:12
nezbluke-jr: really? didn't know that22:12
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luke-jrnezb: iproute2 replaced it22:12
nezbsame syntax?22:12
hpboxah, thanks.. ifdown wifi says "..not configured"22:13
luke-jrI don't know if /sbin/route supported interface creation and such22:13
luke-jror routing tables22:13
DocScrutinizer-8SpeedEvil: straaange. the bat capacity reading gets kinda stuck during device idle and dim. and just dropped 46->35 when I unlocked it22:13
nezbno I don't think so either.22:13
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nezbDocScrutinizer-8: how do you get numberic battery percent?22:13
DocScrutinizer-8SpeedEvil: before it was stuck at 46 for 60min22:14
hpboxI typed iproute2 I wish I could pastebin the results22:14
luke-jrnezb: iptables doesn't do routing22:14
nezbreading battery capacity is not an exact science22:14
DocScrutinizer-8nezb: lshal22:14
luke-jrhpbox: the command is 'ip'22:14
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer; yeah - it seems wiered.22:14
nezbDocScrutinizer-8: erm... what should I grep from that22:14
hpboxluke-jr: ip returned a command not found22:14
SpeedEvilnezb: yes, it actually is pretty muhc.22:14
DocScrutinizer-8or try bat22:15
SpeedEvilnezb: trying to interpret what the value really is secondhand is annoying though.22:15
luke-jrhpbox: ew22:15
luke-jroh well22:15
nezbbattery.charge_level.percentage = 56  (0x38)  (int)22:15
luke-jrperhaps just eInk for keypad then22:15
nezbmaybe I should make a widget that displays battery percent on your home screen?22:16
hpboxluke-jr: would it help to know what iproute2 says?22:16
crashanddie_mbpheh, skype call from n900 to n800 -- california to italy -- my mate hasn't been in a house for 3 months, only tents22:16
hcarreganezb: it would be nice22:17
nezbis making widgets hard? maybe I will do it22:17
hpboxsorry that's /sbin/route, I'm a complete newb22:17
SpeedEvilnezb: annoyingly that 58% does not actually seem to be consistnet22:18
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hcarregai prefer percentage22:18
Arkenoipredicting lifetime would be even better22:18
nezbit should be that tapping the battery icon tells you this information, but alas that is not the case :\22:19
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DocScrutinizer-8SpeedEvil: either: that cell chemistry and percentage is calculated from voltage. voltage drops on current rising due to Z.  Or: hald or whatever else is involved in bat capacity readout gets suspended when device goes to 'deepsleep'22:20
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DocScrutinizer-8aah great. And charger plugin wasn't detected on first go yet another time :-\22:25
nezbthat happens to me sometimes. I just re-plug it22:25
DocScrutinizer-8yes. replug fixes it. yet annoying22:27
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* luke-jr wonders if OMAP3 has enough processing power to reasonably drive an AR handheld22:28
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: the 'raw' graph looks like it doesn't update until the backlight is on almost22:28
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hcarregawhats the name of that plugin?22:28
DocScrutinizer-8SpeedEvil: if there's a way to draw raw currunt from cell without changing device state we could tell apart if it's caused by current rising or cpu doing some update22:30
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SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: or I need to finish up my patch lead set.22:30
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: and just measure.22:31
DocScrutinizer-8what would you patch?22:31
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: to the bat leads, to measure bat v - for this22:31
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SpeedEvilI tried something with croc-clips, but it's not wanting to know.22:32
DocScrutinizer-8could also attach a stunt22:32
crashanddie_mbpI have a friend who just did a bike (push bike) trip from southern egypt to northern italy and his only device was a n800 -- loaded with 32 gb of movies and shows for the chill out nights -- their only piece of electronic equipment22:32
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: that too.22:32
DocScrutinizer-8charger attached. capacity more like drops rather than climbs. weird22:33
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johnq_has someone got network-usb for the n900 working correctly with ubuntu's NetworkManager?22:35
johnq_it was quite a pain to get it working for the FreeRunner, but some time it magically worked for me.22:35
johnq_now the problems begin again with the n900...22:35
DocScrutinizer-8johnq_: see? not all OM problems are genuine22:36
slonopotamusjohnq_, johnsq? :) got n900?22:36
johnq_slonopotamus: ?22:38
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slonopotamusjohnq_, you aren't johnsq?22:39
johnq_slonopotamus: not that I know ;-)22:39
slonopotamusargh. please, misters johns.*, would you be so kind to choose more distinguishable nicknames? :)22:40
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nezbbye all!22:56
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wazdRST38h: what are the top size of the icon again? :)22:59
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RST38hwazd: 64x6423:00
RST38hwazd: but do go for svg23:00
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RST38hwazd: if you are not doing svg, 48x48 feels like a sensible base size that can still be kinda resized23:01
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ersinhi all23:01
ersini was wondering if anyone has had problems with scratchbox and automake23:02
wazdRST38h: no, I'll do svg23:02
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ersini'm trying to configure the svn trunk of abiword from the sources, but...well, it's just being strange23:03
ersinon the one hand, it's properly detecting the host_os variable as linux-gnu23:03
ersinbut on the other hand, it's generating a makefile that has mac osx only features, which are only allowed for if host_os=darwin23:04
ersini'm almost certain that scratchbox has something to do with it23:04
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Markus23weather of where you currently are - how cool is that!
Markus23in which frequency do new application occur these days?23:05
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GAN900Updated to the FBReader in Extras-devel and no more rocker scrolling. :(23:08
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GAN900RST38h, what version is yours?23:09
RST38hI think Garage is so dead that it has not even moved my packages into Extras-Devel yet23:10
RST38heven the binary packages =(23:10
GAN900Stupid ISP23:10
GAN900We need an ISP that doesn't make development and usage impossible.23:11
DocScrutinizer-8dang that's sick. after almost 1h of charging 32% no change23:11
peterqHas anybody succeeded in compiling a kernel module for maemo?23:12
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timeless_mbppeterq: compiling or compiling + loading?23:12
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peterqtimeless_mbp: yeah, loading is the problem ;-)23:13
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GAN900DocScrutinizer, did it actually start charging?23:15
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DocScrutinizer-8GAN900: you bet. it gets noticably warm23:16
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DocScrutinizer-8BwaaHaHAHAAHA. unplugged charger... -> bumps up from 32 to 7923:17
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* jshupe just purchased an n900 from Amazon.com23:19
ruskiehmm anyone know if there's a specfic pulse audio sink that the mediaplayer uses?23:20
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DocScrutinizer-8why should it be different from what other audioapps use?23:22
timeless_mbpsp3000: but can it butter the bottom side of my toast?23:23
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peterqsomebody mentioned compiling the iptables module yesterday23:23
peterqunfortunately I don't remember who that was23:23
ruskieDocScrutinizer-8, just curious because I'm trying to use xmms2 on it and it blasts at max volume out so am wondering if there is a separate audio sink for it23:24
andre__sp3000, that promo video has some typos in their german. quite embarassing23:24
timeless_mbpandre__: lol23:24
andre__but as it's fake anyway...23:24
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DocScrutinizer-8ruskie: isn't max volume a good thing first instance?23:25
ruskieit happens also if I do stop and then play23:28
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DocScrutinizer-8ruskie: sorry don't follow. Probably extreme hypoglycemia23:31
* Arkenoi wonders - according to user blogs, almost every second n900 newbie says that he "installed IM client". Why? What's wrong with builtin one? The whole n900 concept is about getting rid of such thing as "IM application" and they install it in the first hand anyways?23:32
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DocScrutinizer-8I for one hate pidgin (purple)23:33
ifreqArkenoi: yeh but mayb they mean also plugins(i hope)23:33
Arkenoinope, they usually mean pidgin23:34
ifreqwish the IRC plugin would be more usable.. tho xchat is much more fun :)23:34
jebbapidgin has options enabled for video chat with gtalk and it "sees" the camera (in that in the config, you can pick either camera and it lists them), but i havent tried a video conf with it yet.23:34
DocScrutinizer-8so for IRC I'm just happy I can install xchat23:34
RST38hArkenoi: builtin stuff does not transfer files, does not let you query information about the user23:35
RST38hArkenoi: and does not do IC23:35
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DocScrutinizer-8it does23:35
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jebbaanyone know what the deal is with java on n900?  amigo wants to install a java app.23:35
DocScrutinizer-8but the way it does... :-S23:35
timeless_mbpjebba: not supported out of the box23:36
timeless_mbp [bad cert]23:36
timeless_mbpuse 'http' instead23:36
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* timeless_mbp grumbles23:37
timeless_mbpwhat idiot provides a readonly wiki editor?23:37
jebbatimeless_mbp: i dont see anything in extras or -devel or anywhere. Is it something anyone is working on or?   ...not supported out of the box... does that mean it is supported elsewhere?23:38
timeless_mbpjebba: that url was for you23:38
Proteousin the  box only23:38
timeless_mbpbeware, the English is written by a German23:38
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Proteousonce you unpack it you no longer have support23:38
timeless_mbpor at least, i suspect it's a german23:38
jebbaah thx23:39
DocScrutinizer-8is that not so nice sounding, or what?23:39
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yabois there an unzip app ?23:40
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yaboi'm stuck with a zip file :)23:40
timeless_mbpyabo: with a gui or without?23:41
timeless_mbpyou can get infozip from the repos23:41
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yabodon't care23:41
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DocScrutinizer-8get mc23:41
timeless_mbpi got unzip from an internal repo23:42
timeless_mbpit seems someone decided it was important to package23:42
yaboi have neither infozip nor mc23:42
timeless_mbpas i said, you can *get* them from repos23:42
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timeless_mbpthe package you want is 'unzip', assuming you don't need to be able to zip23:42
yabowhat repos ?23:42
timeless_mbpprobably extras-devel..23:42
yaboextras-devel kills your children and eats your kitten :)23:43
timeless_mbpwell, it might be in testing, but i doubt it23:43
RST38hso can I have the remaining kittens?23:43
timeless_mbpyou could get someone to push it to testing23:43
yabonot in testing :(23:43
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RST38hShit, why not just replace with ?23:46
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RST38hyabo: and search for Maemo5 / unzip23:47
yaboso i'll have to say good bye to my kitten :(23:47
yabothanks  !23:47
yabo"coming soon"23:48
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jebbawtf  ?23:54
RST38hwhy do you have to ask?23:54
RST38hand why do you have to ask?23:56
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jebbawell, apparently yabo and I did the same thing. anyway. why do you have to ask why do i have to ask?23:57
crashanddie_mbpjesse ventura is such a joke23:58
timeless_mbpandre__: the fsf-gnome thing on /. sounds fun23:58
andre__yeah, just realized it23:59
RST38hjebba: I am bored and willing to do some psychoanalysis.23:59
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