IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2008-06-11

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CyorxampDoes anyone in here have a Nokia E51 and can tell me if the built in SIP client can work over a 3G connection as well as the WiFi?00:00
aquatix[i: inplace editing, a: place cursor to the right, edit00:00
n800mok, here goes00:00
NakedGeneralAntilles: I'm not afraid of dev versions, can I get diablo builds somewhere?00:00
NakedCyorxamp: works like a dream00:00
GeneralAntillesYou have to get the password to the repo from an apt .patch00:00
GeneralAntillesThen you can upgrade using SSU.00:01
CyorxampNaked: its a E51 you own?00:01
lcukheh :D thats quant,  no kinetic, the menu is odd, theres no configure cpu, scrolltest isnt right and theres lots of framecounters :D wicked00:02
NakedGeneralAntilles: great! thanks!00:02
CyorxampWas thinking of getting the E51 + N810WiMax, then I'm sorted for SIP whether I have the PDA or not... and also a 3G Modem until we get WiMax properly over here00:02
KotCzarnylcuk: :)00:02
NakedCyorxamp: the very same00:02
lcukand sketches dont save ;)00:02
KotCzarnyas i said, 2months old00:02
lcukits the basics though :)00:02
CyorxampNaked: cool, so if I'm on Wifi and 3G - does the nokia prioritize or something for internet calling?00:03
NakedCyorxamp: battery life is a bummer for E51, esp. with 3G/2ifi00:03
* lcuk confirms source is still available for that00:03
NakedCyorxamp: I hardly get through a day without charging, sometimes not...00:03
CyorxampI'll prob get a desktop stand for work and home like I do with my current nokia00:04
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NakedCyorxamp: you have to define the access point it uses for the SIP registration - but you can change it easily00:04
Cyorxampit's the only AD2P+ARVCP, HSDPA, SIP, good looking nokia I can find!00:04
KotCzarnyso many acronyms in one sentence..00:04
* KotCzarny grins00:04
NakedCyorxamp: A2DP works nicely, too00:05
Cyorxamphow many identities can it handle? just the one00:05
CyorxampI have my own PBX in a server room, so it'll prob just connect to that00:05
n800myeah learning vi with a sytlus is a freakin blast00:06
NakedCyorxamp: several can be registered at once00:06
NakedCyorxamp: but you need to pick which one you use for outgoing calls00:06
Cyorxampok sounds like a good transitional phone then. people can be calling in on what is a normal mobile number00:06
GeneralAntillesn800m, that's what the dpad is for.00:06
Cyorxampwhile I can call out cheaply with my phone system :P00:06   phew!00:06
GeneralAntillesYou don't use a mouse with vi.00:06
Cyorxampdoes anyone know time frame we can get the WiMax 810 in the UK?00:07
n800mi keep forgetting about the dpad00:07
KotCzarnywhen it's done00:07
CyorxampPipex are expanding the WiMax network in september00:07
KotCzarnyie. no date00:08
rm_youlcuk: Open Source! Open Source! Open Source! Open Source! Open Source!00:08
Cyorxampwell is there any harm in importing it?00:08
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NakedCyorxamp: the firmware is buggy - some crashes etc. - but then again, what phone isn't these days00:08
mgedminokay, I give up00:08
mgedminwhat does 'SSU' stand for?00:08
mgedminsingle something update?00:08
CyorxampNaked: E51?00:08
NakedCyorxamp: yeah00:08
rm_youlcuk: got to prod you at least twice a day... :P00:08
CyorxampNaked:co  looks like theres updates for it tho00:08
lcukrm :) and i thank you for it00:09
CyorxampKotCzarny: were you speaking to me before?00:09
rm_youlcuk: show me your thanks by releasing liqbase as OSS :P00:09
lcukif its any concelation, my missus thinks i should just upload it and stop playing on maemo.00:09
KotCzarnyi don't know00:09
NakedCyorxamp: I got a crash when answering a phone call with A2DP on with the latest firmware, for example00:09
GeneralAntillesRather, mgedmin00:09
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lcukshould i stop playing with my 810?00:10
mgedminahh, "seamless software update"00:10
KotCzarnywhat would you do then?00:10
lcuk(and im not on about just tonight)00:10
CyorxampNaked: I thought A2DP was 2 speaker, no microphone00:10
unique311lcuk, tell your missus maemo is not a game, its a way of life...00:10
mgedminI wish them luck00:10
mgedminubuntu hasn't managed "seamless" yet00:10
aquatixlcuk: well, don't stop completely00:10
lcukthen for now i continue working towards a decent software release :)00:10
n800mhow do i do shift+ key with the onscreen kb?00:10
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, works OK already for upgrading Chinook. ;)00:11
mgedminthen again old versions of system libs in /usr/local/ would break anything00:11
aquatixbut maybe she needs more time with you? :)00:11
lcukit is all or nothing...00:11
NakedCyorxamp: it is, my headphones just do headset as well00:11
* lcuk has a plan though :)00:11
* aquatix knows the feeling00:11
aquatixshare way too much quality time with my gadgets00:11
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rm_youlcuk: if you REALLY are that set on it, fine, get everything seperated out into different apps... THEN release *all* of the source for all of them00:11
GeneralAntillesAll-or-nothing is definitely not compliant with "release early, release often". ;)00:12
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CyorxampNaked: I've got a Plantronics 590A, blue tooth headphones and headset... supports A2DP and knows (if listening to music on PC) if your phones calling to give you the choice of answering00:12
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lcukwhat if i just released the bits which comprise a central library to make your own apps ? ;)00:12
* lcuk teases you00:12
rm_youlcuk: have you ever read "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"? :P00:12
CyorxampNaked: but I thought the phone would use the old profile... while the stereo the new profile... so does A2DP support 2 speakers and a Mic ?00:12
lcukactually no, i know i should00:12
* RST38h burps at the mention of that essay00:13
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* lcuk reads it in liqreader00:13
rm_youlcuk: it's basically like...00:13
NakedCyorxamp: nope, it switches to headset profile when there's a call00:13
Cyorxampthats what I thought00:13
rm_youthe closest thing I can think of to compare it to is... my Bible00:13
RST38h[at this point, God is probably considering how to smite rm_you]00:14
CyorxampNaked: so for calls my phone doesn't need A2DP even if my headset says it does... its only if my phone wants to play music (which I don't care about) ?00:14
rm_youand a few of RMS' rants are like... gospels :P00:14
rm_youCyorxamp: yes00:14
KotCzarnysmite him with a wince device!00:14
GeneralAntillesAnybody running Diablo with a Bluetooth keyboard?00:14
* Gadgetoid owns a wince device :(00:15
CyorxampOK does a bluetooth profile of stereo + mic even exist?00:15
CyorxampThat would be ideal for a gamers headset00:15
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n800mis there a way to do shift + key on the n800?00:15
rm_youCyorxamp: dunno, tried it with Teamspeak, couldnt get the mic to work00:15
Cyorxamprm_you: the 590A ?00:15
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rm_youCyorxamp: no, my crazy Japanese Logitec thing (NOT Logitech)00:16
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* GeneralAntilles pokes a stick in johnx's direction.00:16
NakedCyorxamp: true, although the phone will register A2DP by default I think, regardless if you play music or not - in any case, I was listening to music then00:17
GadgetoidI have approximately one day to brush up on the N810 before I need to start using/reviewing it... it looks like it embodies everything I love about gadgets apart from the wishful "people on the street thrusting it into my hands along with fist-fulls of cash" quality00:17
Cyorxamprm_you: Naked:
Cyorxampthats my review of the Plantronics 590A ... I'd have expected more really00:17
rm_youGadgetoid: lol00:17
rm_youGadgetoid: well, I hope you like it :P00:18
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CyorxampNaked: right so since I don't need to use my nokia for music, then probably re-look at what nokia has to offer without that as a mandorary field00:18
KotCzarnyGadgetoid: just don't compare it to phones00:18
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Gadgetoidrm_you: I think I'm dead set for liking it, which is sad really!00:18
* lcuk ponders00:18
NakedCyorxamp: yeah, A2DP is useless, except for music00:18
* KotCzarny kills temple priests00:19
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GadgetoidKotCzarny: I was considering comparing it, in some ways, to the HTC Kaiser but it beats it hands down in more or less everything bar out-of-the-box PIM and ... well, making phone calls00:19
GadgetoidEven the 810 screen resolution makes me weep tears of bitter joy!00:19
rm_youyes. please don't be one of those reviewers that says: "well... it sucks at making phone calls tho, so i hate it" >_>00:19
GeneralAntillesGadgetoid, you tried SIP through with the built-in sip client?00:19
rm_youGadgetoid: yeah, check out mplayer + tablet-encode00:20
rm_youridiculous looking videos00:20
GadgetoidGeneralAnt: I generally don't make phone calls on my phone anyway :D00:20
lcukGadgetoid, you know when you play crysis at 1600*1200 on an old graphics card.  the impression is similar ...00:20
NakedCyorxamp: though with those feature requirements, I think E51 is your best bet anyway...00:21
GadgetoidWell it's refreshing to come here and find a community to back up the 810, when looking at a linux-based device with so much potential for development I think the community is essential... specially when you can run IRC on the ruddy thing and idle here!00:21
KotCzarnyirc is a time waster00:22
GadgetoidIt reminds me of my GP2X days!00:22
KotCzarnyaddictive though00:22
CyorxampNaked: well now I'm just after built in SIP client, HSDPA capable... and something NOT FANCY and looks like a bloody phone! (since it'll mix with a N810 anyway!)00:22
KotCzarnyGadgetoid: check pupnik.de00:22
GadgetoidYes I was a recovering IRC addict until about 5 minutes ago.. damn!00:22
CyorxampNaked: I've been using the nokia developer forum advanced search tool00:22
lcukGadgetoid, back away from your irc client and get back on the wagon00:23
GadgetoidPlayable SNES speeds on the N800? I think I might have to buy an N810 instead of an HTC Touch Pro00:23
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rm_youGadgetoid: seen lcuk's video? :P00:24
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Gadgetoidrm_you: Nope! I've yet to even get hold of the N810, just "signed" the loan agreement this morning and decided to do some background work in the interim... so I know little to nothing about it!00:24
CyorxampNaked: although its only the N and E series that have the SIP (non-UMA) voip capabilties, so you're right... still after a E51 then, dispite being like £150!00:25
Cyorxampat a good price00:25
rm_youlcuk: link him to your video00:25
rm_youlcuk: and then release a beta + source :P00:25
CyorxampNaked: do you know if its hard to get it to play Ogg Vorbis, if its gonna have AD2P might as well use it!!00:25
rm_youCyorxamp: install the ogg-vorbis packages00:26
rm_youthat should be it00:26
Cyorxamprm_you: on about symbian s60 on e5100:27
Cyorxampsorry for confusion00:27
rm_youoh :P00:27
GadgetoidI might be up for bringing coverage of goog maemo development projects to Gadgetoid, and certainly up for any good writer to do it for me, heh!00:27
GadgetoidAlthough I do have a nasty habit of over-diversifying my content to the point where visitors can't tell what on earth it's all about00:27
n800mwould this work? edit the .py that's in root, save it as something else and then replace/rename in xterm?00:28
n800medit with emelfm2 first, then save copy, then replace in root00:29
n800minstead of editing with vi00:29
NakedCyorxamp: haven't tried ogg - streaming internet radio over 3G works fine, though00:29
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GadgetoidOkay... FreeRA, that Baldurs Gate screenshot...Links2... why was I ever suckered into windows mobile!00:31
aquatixthose questions of life...00:32
GeneralAntillesGadgetoid, be sure to check out FBReader, Maemo Mapper, Vagalume, HAVA, Doom, ScummVM, and GarnetVM. ;)00:33
lcukand numptyphysics00:33
GeneralAntillesand Quake I and II. ;)00:34
n800mdescent is good to00:34
GadgetoidGeneralAnt: You had me at ScummVM... I don't read backwards it just caught my eye!00:34
GadgetoidNo way!00:34
lardmanbmidgley: Are you about?00:35
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KotCzarnyGadgetoid: and of course vnc, so you can use pc to play games00:35
KotCzarny(or remote desktop for some)00:35
GadgetoidAye, I'm a Mac user and my windows mobile device doesn't play nice!00:36
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n800mquiver is cool too00:36
n800mand diskusage <300:37
KotCzarnynobody mentioned canola200:37
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rm_youadvanced-backlight! :P00:37
n800mevince rules also00:37
* Gadgetoid frantically takes notes00:37
lcukapt-get is a good little game00:37
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FatalI've completed it, twice00:38
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Gadgetoidapt-get is fun, when it doesn't somehow completely render my OS unbootable for some bizarre reason, even after a reinstall00:38
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rm_youoh yeah, if no one mentioned it, the link to gronmayer in the /topic is important00:38
KotCzarnyrepo hell?00:38
n800mwhoa 843 people in #debian00:40
lardmanjohnx: are the a2dp scripts/tools yours?00:41
n800mthats the most i've ever seen in one chan00:41
KotCzarnyi though more people use debian in the world00:41
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GadgetoidEvery debian user signed on at once!00:41
GadgetoidEveryone knows that ZipSlack is the future!00:41
qosdoes somebody know if it is possible to use vala for creating hildon deskop applets?00:41
KotCzarnynow if they included emp protection too..00:42
rm_youlardman: yes those are his00:42
lardmanrm_you: cool, just checking for an email I'm writing00:42
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lardmanrm_you: thanks00:42
n800mGadgetoid if you wanna impress somebody get numpty physics00:43
GadgetoidGot a linky?00:43
rm_youn800m: i still don't know what that is / does00:43
n800myes, n8x0 + numpty physics = sex00:43
n800mtry it out00:44
KotCzarnyn800m: can you get preggy from it?00:44
n800mi just discovered the user levels the other day00:44
GadgetoidRest assured I will!00:44
n800mhaha KC00:44
KotCzarnyor stds..00:44
KotCzarnyin that matter00:44
n800malso gpe calendar is decent00:45
n800mand that whole suite00:45
GadgetoidJust asked for an extended loan period, I'm never going to cover this stuff in a matter of days!00:45
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KotCzarnyyou will00:45
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GadgetoidAfter trying to write particle simulations in Xna I've gained a deep appreciation for what people go through to create stuff like Numpty00:46
n800mman i've installed emjayes' rotate thingy and using my power key sucks now.00:46
n800myeah it's pretty amazing00:47
KotCzarnyGadgetoid: and for screen rotating.. well, it's possible with a patch to the kernel and x server00:48
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KotCzarnynot yet in os because most apps are unaware of that possibility00:49
KotCzarnybut works well enough00:49
GadgetoidKotCzarny: Would be good for ebook reading!00:49
n800mnot needed00:49
KotCzarnywebpage browsing too00:49
n800mfbreader has its own00:50
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KotCzarnyn800m: show me a browser which does content rotating on maemo00:50
rm_youlcuk: did you link him to your video yet?00:50
n800mhe said ebook reading00:50
n800mi thought of fbreader00:50
KotCzarnyi said web browsing :)00:50
n800m<n800m> not needed00:51
n800m<KotCzarny> webpage browsing too00:51
GeneralAntilleslol <_<00:51
n800mdid you see those lines in the same order?00:51
KotCzarnybut mind you, rotation done in hw is faster i guess00:51
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GeneralAntillesThe disadvantage the FBReader implementation has is that it's rendered against the draw direction of the panel when it's rotated. xrandr changes the draw direction, too.00:53
n800mit reads text00:53
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rm_youI still like lcuk's app better than any other ebook reader i think... and he still refuses to release it >_<00:54
KotCzarnyhe will00:54
KotCzarnyjust wait till it's releaseable00:54
GadgetoidYou can't rush perfection, eh?00:54
GeneralAntillesAh, must better on the duplicates.00:55
KotCzarnyimplement search ordering00:55
rm_youRST38h: better... still uses mouse hover >_>00:55
RST38hrm_you: click on the arrow.00:56
KotCzarnyie. exact matching > package name matching > description matching00:56
rm_youthat should probably be on the left, before the package name00:56
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rm_youthat's where dropdowns are (by convention)00:56
KotCzarnyrst: add onmouseover or img:hover00:56
rm_youKotCzarny: you realize the tablet doesn't HAVE a mouse to hover, right?00:57
rm_youso any mousehover things will be entirely useless (and posibly INTERFERE) on the tablet00:57
GadgetoidNot selecting the drop downs does a search across all?00:57
GeneralAntillesSomething to that effect should probably be indicated. Either the default option should be "All" or there should be a note.00:58
GadgetoidSearch: god  Found: stsstat00:58
rm_youam I the *only* person that thinks it would be a bad idea to use effects that your main audience CANT USE?!00:58
GadgetoidNeeds an option to search title/description/both00:58
GeneralAntillesNo, rm_you, I'm just too apathetic to argue it. :P00:58
KotCzarnyrm_you: YET00:59
n800mcan i use gedit in maemo?00:59
rm_youKotCzarny: STFU >_<00:59
rm_yousorry, frustrating since obviously no one is listening to me00:59
KotCzarnybetter implement it now, when he is in coding mood00:59
rm_youand i'm still in web designer mode00:59
KotCzarnythan bug him later00:59
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GadgetoidWhat, no emacs? :D01:00
rm_youjavascript for navigation (even hints) is something I wish I could erradicate from the web01:00
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rm_youand SO many people use it01:00
rm_youit's *horrible*01:00
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KotCzarnyrm_you: what standards do nit browser comply to?01:00
n800mso i can't use shift + key combo on n800?01:00
GadgetoidFlash and AJAX should go with it, rm_you01:00
rm_youKotCzarny: it's not that the browser doesn't support it01:01
Veggenajax has a purpose, sometimes.01:01
rm_youhave you looked at your tablet recently?01:01
rm_youdo you *SEE* a mouse cursor?01:01
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Veggenbut javascript menus, no.01:01
rm_youthe answer is NO, fyi01:01
RST38hKot: the ordering stuff is not possible with sql afaik01:01
rm_youyou can't use mouseover if you don't know where the mouse is01:01
KotCzarnyrm_you: but for someone who enabled mouse cursor it will be ok :)01:02
GeneralAntillesAh mouseover necessarily comes with a click, too.01:02
GadgetoidJavascript anything is fine as long as you add it via the dom and it degrades gracefully to something usable01:02
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RST38hFolks, just forget about mouseover01:02
GeneralAntillesSo it's 100% pointless on the tablet.01:02
rm_youWORSE, if the cursor gets left somewhere in the middle of the screen, the user won't immediately know why weird things are happening01:02
rm_youbecause they can't see it01:02
RST38hIt works all right01:02
rm_youKotCzarny: which is basically no one01:02
KotCzarnysomeone could use it01:02
RST38hThere is an arrow to click01:02
GeneralAntillesRST38h, arrow should be on the left side01:02
GeneralAntillesand point towards the right/down.01:02
rm_youRST38h: move the arrow to the left of the package name01:02
rm_youand i'll stop bitching01:02
KotCzarnyor add little 'click for desc' below01:03
GadgetoidThe package name should be linked, imo01:03
GeneralAntillesStill not loving the dashed border01:03
KotCzarnyright now there's no way to guess you can see the desc by clicking anything01:03
GadgetoidAlso the brief description shouldn't be centered01:04
GadgetoidBut, that said, I'm reading it on a desktop display so it might look better at 80001:04
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rm_youRST38h: oh, did you want me to host that for you? i remember you were looking for hosting last time01:05
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GadgetoidYou're also not using real links, eliminating tab indexing and nerfing accessibility01:07
KotCzarnyit's for tablet anyway01:08
KotCzarnywhich isn't so accessible for blind01:08
* KotCzarny grins01:08
GadgetoidI would hazard a guess you can select things with arrow keys or 4-way nav though01:08
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Gadgetoid"things" being links01:08
MangoFusion__well unless it had speech recognition and a screen reader01:08
n800mdo you guys use the system sounds or do you have them turned off?01:09
MangoFusion__that clicking is sooooo annoying after 5 minutes01:10
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GeneralAntillesIt'd like to keep it for the finger keyboard01:10
GadgetoidI'm seeing duplicate results in a search for "apt" weird01:10
GeneralAntillesbut off for other things01:10
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GeneralAntillesI used to keep the hardkey sounds on01:11
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rm_youGadgetoid: it shows all revisions, i think01:11
GadgetoidNot a revision, it's a version for version duplicate01:12
n800mare there any text editors ported to maemo yet?01:12
GadgetoidUnless it's such a minor point release that it kept the same version number01:12
KotCzarnyn800m: mcedit, nano, vi01:13
KotCzarnyabiword too i guess01:13
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KotCzarnyand emacs01:13
rm_youGadgetoid: nah i see you're right01:13
rm_youGadgetoid: it's a work in progress <_<01:13
GadgetoidAs long as I'm not going insane!01:14
KotCzarnybut i have heard it's unstable01:14
KotCzarnywell, it's unstable on pc too01:14
GadgetoidPCs are unstable, kaboom!01:14
n800mwhere do i get mcedit?01:15
KotCzarnyjust install mc01:15
n800mnever tried that one01:15
KotCzarnyit's included in mc01:15
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GadgetoidOuch even the b-stock N810 is £286 from expansys01:16
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rm_youGadgetoid: personally I still prefer the n800 >_>01:17
KotCzarnyme too01:17
Gadgetoidrm_you: I'm very fond of hardware keyboards though!01:17
MangoFusion__y'know, i'm surprised that nobody has made a papercraft n81001:17
rm_youcheaper (down under $200 when on sale, which is often), has two full-size SDHC slots01:17
KotCzarnyone thing i would like is the screen01:17
rm_youI prefer my own GPS and bluetooth keyboard anyway01:18
GadgetoidThat said my Vario 3 has a keyboard, GPS and internet connectivity01:18
GadgetoidAnd £150 for an N800 at sounds like a bargain01:18
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GadgetoidAnd two full-size SDHC slots is pretty drool-worthy, it had to be said01:20
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GadgetoidAnyone got one to work with an Apple bluetooth keyboard?01:20
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MangoFusion__which reminds me, i need to sell mine01:21
GadgetoidApple keyboard? why!01:21
GadgetoidBest PS3 accessory, ever!01:21
MangoFusion__it's the big white version01:21
GadgetoidI had one of those, they're a bastard for not only getting full of crap but showing it off through their transparent sides01:22
GadgetoidWorst. Keyboard. Ever.01:22
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GadgetoidI tried to vacuum the crud out and ended up digging through dust looking for my apple key01:22
GadgetoidDumbest. Idea. Ever!01:22
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GeneralAntillesGotta stick 'em in the dish washer.01:23
GadgetoidNot sure that works so well with bluetooth keyboards01:23
rm_youtake off the keys and dishwash them01:23
rm_youit should work01:24
KotCzarnyjust don't eat near the computer?01:24
rm_youas long as you dry them completely :P01:24
GeneralAntillesYou can dish wash motherboards.01:24
GadgetoidI wouldn't want to try that...01:24
* GeneralAntilles remembers refurbishing a PII lab in middle school.01:25
GadgetoidAll right for some... I did middle school computing on Acorns01:25
GadgetoidShame the n800 has no buttons on the right hand side01:26
lcuki once put my brand new nvidia 5900 under the tap01:26
lcukturn it over ;)01:26
GeneralAntillesGadgetoid, some bullshit about appealing to business-types. :|01:26
GadgetoidI once put a brand new Ti4200 in my computer... in retrospect I wish I had put it under the tap!01:27
GeneralAntillesDuplicating the buttons over onto the right side would so win.01:27
GadgetoidIt would be awesome01:27
KotCzarnymore buttons!01:27
GadgetoidBut I guess games have to rely on a small portion of the touch screen to make up for the lack of buttons01:27
GeneralAntillesHa, another Mac user burned by Nvidia, lcuk. ;)01:27
GadgetoidI'm digging the price of the 800, but the 810 keyboard has gotta be handy01:27
lcukno, was a coke accident whilst installing in my pc01:27
KotCzarny'coke accident', hah01:28
rm_youI loved my ti4200 <_<01:28
KotCzarnydon't do drugs and it01:28
lcukcoke + dust bunnies == sticky mess01:28
GadgetoidDon't snort coke off new graphics cards01:28
rm_youit's up there with my voodoo3 for nostalgic cards :P01:28
GeneralAntillesGadgetoid, personally, I do just fine with the N800's finger keyboard.01:28
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rm_youGadgetoid: you'd have to try both I think01:28
Gadgetoidrm_you: I think you're right01:29
rm_youn800 works for some people01:29
GadgetoidBut I think after trying the 810 it might be hard to go for the 800.. although much easier to justify to my other half. I will certainly see if I can get one on loan!01:29
KotCzarnyget both?01:29
GeneralAntillesdneary, ping01:29
GadgetoidHaha if I get both my case for an Acer Aspire One will be shot to hell01:30
dnearypong, but not for long01:30
dnearyGoing to bed01:30
rm_youGadgetoid: after using the n810, i might WANT to go back to the n800... again, mainly for space01:30
GeneralAntilles3-column looks fine01:30
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Gadgetoidrm_you: dual SD slots make that much of a difference?01:30
GeneralAntillesI added my cool new template to your userpage now that the ParserFunctions plugin has been installed.01:30
GadgetoidAh support for up to 32gb... yeesh01:31
rm_youn810 is one SD-mini01:31
GeneralAntilles64GB vs 14GB? Yes.01:31
rm_youn800 is TWO fullsize SDHC01:31
GadgetoidNo 32gb SDHC yet?01:31
rm_youyeah its out01:31
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GeneralAntilles32GB have been out for a while.01:31
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pekujait's a shame they took the other one out and made it smaller. two SDHC's gives you a lot of capacity01:31
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GadgetoidHaven't seen any myself... at least not for under £20001:32
GeneralAntillesWell, the other one is still there01:32
GeneralAntillesit's just soldered on.01:32
pekujawell, ok, yeah, but it's not all that big01:32
GeneralAntillesI'd rather they had bundled the maps on a 2GB MicroSD and kept the second slot.01:32
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GadgetoidWeird I just got a paper cut, despite being nowhere near any form of paper01:32
pekujayou got a Macbook Air?01:33
GadgetoidNah if I sat like this with a Macbook Air it would cut me in half01:33
GadgetoidRather than the MacBook Pro which just gently cooks me through01:33
GadgetoidWhat the N800 needs is a Slingplayer client01:34
wolfspiritHas anyone had an issue where after you flash your n800/810 with the dual boot option when in flash mode the buttons lock up on you if you lock the touchscreen?01:34
GeneralAntillesGadgetoid, HAVA.01:35
lcukwolfspirit, how are you locking01:35
rm_youso... 32gb sandisk SDHC:
rm_youbut not really01:37
GadgetoidGeneralAnt: hava looks US only?01:37
GeneralAntillesUh, don't think so.01:37
GeneralAntillesDunno, though.01:38
wolfspiritHitting the power button and selecting lock touchscreen  sometimes it works and other times it locks the buttons too01:38
wolfspiritand i have to remove the battery to restart01:38
lcuki only use the lock slider and my 810 and it locks everything01:39
dnearyGeneralAntilles: Cool, thanks01:39
dnearyI think we're going to switch definitively tomorrow & finish the migration live01:40
lcukbut the slider works to unlock it again01:40
dnearyNight all01:40
lcuknite dave01:40
GadgetoidRighty tighty, I'm off for BSG and sleep! I'll be back.01:42
GadgetoidThanks for all the links, info and whatnot; will be a huge help01:42
RST38hAll right, I have figured out sorting and depends browsing01:42
rm_youRST38h: did you move the arrow?01:43
KotCzarnyorder by name,repo,desc ?01:43
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wolfspiritThe n800 doesn't have a lock slider01:43
RST38hKot: yep01:43
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KotCzarnysql is fun01:43
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lcukwofl, sorry only have 810, you mentioned prob there01:44
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* lcuk will be using sqlite soon enough01:45
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bedboihi there.02:41
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bedboii know i should not ask about diablo repo pass02:42
GeneralAntillesThen don't. ;)02:42
bedboii will just ask an hint02:43
GeneralAntillesThe hints are everywhere.02:43
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gentooerwhy does everyone use ext2 on their n8x0? why not ext3?02:45
* KotCzarny uses ext302:46
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gentooerok so there are no unique reasons not to use ext3?02:47
GeneralAntillesCould potentially negatively impact flash life.02:47
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glassand a small part of it too, no? the one containing the journal?02:48
KotCzarnythat's a fud.02:48
GeneralAntillesThe wear leveling should take care of that.02:48
GeneralAntillesBut it's more total writes.02:48
KotCzarnynumbers please.02:48
KotCzarnyext2 fscks on crashes02:49
KotCzarnyand afair nit doesn't shutdown properly02:49
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KotCzarnyso expect fsck on every reboot02:49
gentooeri think i'll go with ext3, flash is cheap :)02:49
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KotCzarnyone thing to note is to make sure you mount it noatime02:50
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bedboi<GeneralAntilles> The hints are everywhere. <-- this is quite generic02:51
GeneralAntillesThey are, though.02:52
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bedboiGeneralAntilles: i just need a week to read the thread on ITT03:00
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GAN800It's not that long. Unless you're the slowest reader on the planet.03:02
GAN800You can skip the first 30 pages or so, too!03:03
NullM0demlol 30 pages03:04
GAN800It's not hard to skim03:04
NullM0demwhats the article? is it in topic?03:04
GAN800The Diablo topic03:05
GAN800oom? wtf.03:05
GAN800HAVA leak. . . .03:07
NullM0demah its a player NVM03:08
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n800mext2 fscks itself?03:10
n800mmust've misread03:10
KotCzarnystartup script need to do it03:10
KotCzarnyext3 doesn't fsck itself too03:10
KotCzarnyonly replays journal03:10
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n800m3rd one's funny03:12
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NullM0dembeen there sort of03:13
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fysayoutube plugin for canola broken?03:33
rm_youWFM, YMMV03:35
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fysawait.  i forgot to install mplayer.03:37
fysafrom garage?03:37
GeneralAntillesIt's in Extras.03:38
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fysaOK.  nm then, I got it.  will forget about canola youtube for now then.03:39
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maketohello, I am trying to pair my n800 (os2008) with a Lego mindstorms nxt03:41
rm_yousounds neat03:41
maketois there sdptool or hcitool for n800?03:41
fysammmv ;)03:41
rm_youyeah, hcitool exists03:41
maketothe funny thing is that the n800 pairs with the nxt but the nxt keeps whining with a "line is busy" message03:42
fysaseems like vids download (prog bar grows) but only darkness.03:42
maketorm_you: where would I find hcitool?03:42
GeneralAntillesfysa, #canola03:42
maketorm_you: which repo?03:43
rm_you chinook/free03:44
maketorm_you: duh, I guess an apt-cache search was in order before asking :)03:45
rm_youheh np03:45
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maketointeresting... "sdptool add 3" on the n800 allowed the nxt to pair with it03:53
* maketo confused03:53
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t_s_ohmm, is it just perception or does the usb speed drop when the screen goes black?04:03
KotCzarnymay be04:04
KotCzarnysome power saving?04:04
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t_s_ocould be it...04:08
t_s_oit seems to drop to 1/10 of what i see when i poke the screen to wake it back up04:08
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t_s_oi see a lot of voltage messages...04:13
t_s_ohrmf, i guess i should have flashed it up to the latest now that i have some sdhc cards in there, just in case...04:14
t_s_obut then, how long until diablo?04:14
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KotCzarnydiablo will be installed over your existing os04:15
KotCzarnyie. no image flashing04:15
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GeneralAntillest_s_o, a month give or take.04:15
t_s_ook? i have seen some people do it on the forum, but i tought that was a ugly hack...04:15
KotCzarnyyou will just select proper package and it will upgrade everything to diablo04:15
KotCzarnyit's just a work in progress04:15
GeneralAntillest_s_o, it's an ugly hack.04:16
GeneralAntillesDiablo will almost certainly be released as a FIASCO image.04:16
GeneralAntillesFUTURE updates will be through SSU.04:16
GeneralAntillesBut not this one.04:16
KotCzarnywe will see04:16
t_s_oheh, i was starting to wonder if i had missed something :P04:16
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t_s_omeh, heading back to bed to salvage some level of decent sleep pattern...04:17
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GeneralAntillesConsidering that an upgrade to Diablo from Chinook kicks in the lifeguard reset, there isn't a chance in hell it'll be released as anything but a new image.04:19
KotCzarnyquite a thunderstorm coming to nyc04:19
ds3that sucks04:20
KotCzarnypeople screaming04:20
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GeneralAntillesds3, that's not to say that you wont be able to turn off the lifeguard and try updating from the repo.04:20
AnunakinHi All!04:20
ds3Being able to not wipe out third party apps is a very very nice thing04:21
KotCzarnywell, that depends on the method of upgrade they will choose04:21
maketoNokia-N800-51-3:~/nxt_python-0.7/scripts# hcitool con04:22
maketo        > ACL 00:16:53:02:0B:15 handle 44 state 1 lm SLAVE04:22
maketoam I reading this right?04:22
maketodoes this mean that the n800 is a master in this bluetooth connection?04:22
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rm_youi believe the n800 would be04:24
rm_youCAN it be a slave?04:24
rm_younot sure how bluetooth works04:24
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maketorm_you: I am not sure either, I would think that the SLAVE line (which is the NXT) is the slave04:25
ds3depends on your config files04:25
ds3one implication of slave is it take clocking from the remote side04:26
maketods3: interesting, see I crosed the hurdle of making the connection but now I cannot detect the nxt brick04:26
maketoI can see the connection using the hcitool04:26
maketobut I cannot query the brick for any information via bluetooth04:26
ds3maketo: what profile does the mindstorms use?04:27
maketods3: meaning? :) I am pretty poor with bluetooth terminology04:28
KotCzarnyyeah. quite. the. thunderstorm04:28
ds3maketo: meaning, does it emulate a serial port, a keyboard, or something entirely proprietary?04:28
maketods3: I have no idea, that's a good question04:28
ds3it could be it is expecting something to happen04:29
maketods3: I think it is a serial port04:29
ds3maketo: how did you get it to this point?04:29
maketods3: I ran into a page talking about using rfcomm and sdptool to set up the communication to nxt on linux04:29
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ds3so you used sdptool to find out the key numbers and then rfcomm tomake the serial connection?04:30
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maketods3: well, hmmm, I am not really sure. The nxt refused to pair with the n800 just by plain bluetooth discovery04:31
KotCzarnyclosie (2)04:31
maketods3: so I used sdptool to do sdptool add 304:31
ds3maybe the nxt side needs to be in pairing mode?04:31
maketowell, it prompts for a pin, it is in "searching" mode04:32
maketoso it discovers the n80004:32
maketoasks for a pin (which is pre-input for you: 1234)04:32
maketoI type the 1234 on the n800 and the nxt complains with "line is busy" but n800 goes on happily to say it is paired04:33
maketonow with the addition of the sdptool add 3 command the nxt actually says it is connected04:33
maketo(or there is an absence of "line is busy"message and it shows an active connection)04:33
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NodeRazorI've setup Tablet OS 2008 Hacker Edition. What's the default root password for it?04:48
NodeRazorIt won't let me access sudo without password =(04:49
KotCzarnyinstall ssh server04:49
NodeRazorwhen I run > sudo -i04:49
NodeRazorit prompts password.04:49
KotCzarnythat will ask for root password to set04:49
NodeRazorinstall it like in debian?04:50
KotCzarnyin app man04:50
skibur    I did a google search and I found this.  Enjoy04:50
NodeRazoroh, you mean ssh server so I can connect to nokia 770 from my pc....04:50
NodeRazorI get it04:51
KotCzarnyyou can use ssh locally too04:51
KotCzarnyssh root@localhost04:51
NodeRazorcan I run this on the Nokia 770 ? apt-get install ssh server ?04:52
KotCzarnytry ssh first04:52
KotCzarnythen ssh-server04:52
KotCzarnyyou may need to enable extras first though04:52
KotCzarnygo to app man04:52
KotCzarnyand in repositories select extras04:52
KotCzarnythen properties, then uncheck the 'disabled' box04:53
NodeRazorok I've opened app man, dont see repositories there04:53
KotCzarnyit's in menu04:54
GeneralAntillesAnother request for any interested parties to go through the articles here and bring things up to speed:
NodeRazorok, I think I got it04:55
NodeRazornow where I find ss server ?04:55
NodeRazorin commandline categorie?04:55
KotCzarnyin app-man04:55
NodeRazorok I found three, openssh, openssh-client and openssh-server.04:56
NodeRazorwhich one openssh or openssh-server ?04:56
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KotCzarnyinstall openssh04:56
KotCzarnyit will install server and client04:56
NodeRazorthanks for this.04:57
NodeRazorHow about the default password for root.04:57
KotCzarnyit's locked by default04:57
NodeRazorit asks me always when I try to run sudo04:57
NodeRazordo you mean "none"04:57
KotCzarnyuser have some sudo commands enabled04:57
KotCzarnybut that's it04:57
NodeRazoras an password or just none, as no password04:57
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NodeRazorhow does one enable sudo root access in Nokia 770 ?04:58
NodeRazorI've tried passwd root, nothing.04:58
KotCzarnygainroot package probably04:58
NodeRazorwill look in to it, thanks KotCzarny04:59
NodeRazorKotCzarny, do you have Nokia 770 or newer ?05:00
KotCzarnyhmm, it's nitapps.com05:00
summatusmentiseasyroot > gainroot05:00
KotCzarnyit's easyroot on nitapps05:00
KotCzarnyi don't use neither05:00
KotCzarnyif i need root i just ssh05:00
NodeRazorhow much ram/space does it have?05:00
KotCzarny128 of ram05:00
NodeRazoryeah will try that.05:01
NodeRazorI'm installing openssh, it asked me for password which I've typed.05:01
NodeRazornow it looks like its stuck at the end.05:01
KotCzarnydon't forget that pass05:01
KotCzarnyit's generating keys05:01
NodeRazori see, and how long does it take useally ?05:02
KotCzarnyjust wait05:02
NodeRazorlol ok05:02
KotCzarnyi was installing ssh only once05:02
NodeRazordone ;-)05:02
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NodeRazoris it possible to stream video or audio from computer to nokia?05:04
NodeRazordid any one tried it?05:04
NodeRazorwhats your experience in this area?05:06
KotCzarnybut other people were doing it successfully05:06
NodeRazordoes it due buffering always, and stops the video?05:06
NodeRazorwhat player does they use ?05:06
GeneralAntillesIt works fine.05:06
GeneralAntilles770 will need a lower bitrate, but it'll work05:07
NodeRazorthank you, will look at it ;-)05:07
NodeRazor? whats this >
NodeRazornever mind lol05:08
* GeneralAntilles haxes NodeRazor.05:08
NodeRazorGeneralAntilles, good luck ;-)05:09
NodeRazorGeneralAntilles, if you can hack me, I will say thank you =D05:09
NodeRazor11yr. security experience. hehe05:10
GeneralAntillesand you're sticking your ssh keys in pastebin? <_<05:10
KotCzarny11yr. old security expert?05:10
NodeRazorthat is not mine05:10
NodeRazorI've just pasted wrong url from the channel =D05:11
summatusmentis11 yr. old security expert? You should meet qwerty12 :-D05:11
NodeRazorthanks everyone05:11
NodeRazorit saved me some time ;-) thanks.05:12
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KotCzarnyanother happy user..05:13
gentooeri see that /etc/fstab only lists / and /media/mmc2, where are all the other mounts defined?05:14
gentooerlike proc, sys, tmp..05:14
summatusmentishe has security experience but knows nothing about ssh?05:15
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|penguinbait|shutdown -h now05:18
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gentooerusing cal-tool i can select whether to boot from mmc1 or mmc2, but it always wants to boot from the second partition.. how can i force it to boot from the 1st?05:53
KotCzarnyinstall fanoush initfs05:56
KotCzarnyor hack your own05:56
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gentooeri have fanoush installed but in the boot menu i can only boot into flash, mmc1 partition 2, or mmc2 partition 205:58
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gentooerand it also lists the filesystem as ext2 when it's actually ext305:59
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gentooerguess i'll just try editing bootmenu.sh06:03
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KotCzarnyever read readme?06:06
gentooeryes, they give options to pass internal, mmc1, or mmc2 but nothing about partitions06:07
KotCzarnyif you want ext3 don't forget to alter modules line too06:10
gentooeryeah i did that, but it seems the file is read-only06:10
GeneralAntillesgentooer, read the README06:11
gentooerGeneralAntilles, i have ready it several times. it claims mmc refers to the first partition and mmc2 refers to the second partition but it seems to me like mmc is my internal card and mmc2 is my external card06:13
gentooerat least that's what happens when i try to change it with cal-tool06:13
GeneralAntillesNo, you've got it backwards.06:13
GeneralAntillesmmcblk0 is internal card06:13
GeneralAntillesmmc2 is internal card06:13
GeneralAntillesmmcblk1 is external card06:13
summatusmentisso... I decided in order for the n810 to be truly mobile, it needs ot be able to deliver itself06:14
GeneralAntillesmmc1 is external card06:14
KotCzarnyyou don't use cal tool with fanoush initfs06:14
gentooerok well can i reinstall fanoush over itself?06:14
gentooerok i'll try it again, but the README made it sound like it defaulted to /dev/mmcblk0p106:15
KotCzarnyedit bootmenu.conf in initfs-flasher dir, then flash it06:16
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gentooeryay it worked :)06:25
gentooerthanks guys06:25
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summatusmentiswhat do I set the gps to in maemo mapper on an n810?06:55
GeneralAntillesNo MAC06:57
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summatusmentisno Mac, MAC, ok07:00
KotCzarnyno macs allowed?07:00
freelikegnuwhat about Mac emus?07:01
summatusmentisand it's A-GPS right? so it should work well enough?07:01
GeneralAntillesInstall a-gps-ui07:01
summatusmentisI need to enable RD mode to get root in diablo?07:03
GAN800Just install easyroot07:05
summatusmentisI have easyroot installed07:05
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summatusmentiswhen I type root, it says07:05
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summatusmentis"Enable RD mode to gain root privileges"07:05
KotCzarnythen use ssh method07:06
KotCzarnyor enable rd mode07:06
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GeneralAntillesDid you install easyroot before you upgraded to Diablo?07:06
GeneralAntillesRemove it and reinstall07:07
summatusmentishow does agps-ui work?07:09
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summatusmentis'night zop07:14
summatusmentisoh ffs, I can't type07:15
GeneralAntillesIP-based if you're connected07:16
GeneralAntillestap-your-location-on-the-big-map if you're not.07:16
summatusmentisdoes it need to be oopen for maemo mapper?07:19
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GeneralAntillesTest it and find out for us. ;)07:23
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ny7owlDoes anyone have experience setting up a python install package ?07:36
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ny7owlI've setup a repository and the packages install fine and run from the command line.07:38
ny7owlThey won't run from the app launcher07:38
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GeneralAntillesPython should be installed as a dependency.07:41
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ny7owlpython2.5 is set as a dependency07:42
summatusmentisGeneralAntilles: it doesn't seem to be recognizing my net connection07:42
GeneralAntillesDoes it recognize any others?07:42
GeneralAntillesOr did the icd install get flubbed.07:42
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summatusmentisno, like I can connect, and my net connection works fine07:44
summatusmentisjust agps doesn't know it's there07:44
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summatusmentisor... something's not right w/ it, neither maemo-mapper or "map" are connecting07:49
summatusmentisI'll keep playing in the morning, bed now07:49
GAN800Dunno, don't have an N810 to test with.07:50
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gentooeri can't get /dev/mmcblk0p2 to mount on startup, i added a line in fstab for it but apparently the N800 doesn't listen to fstab.. how should i mount it on startup?07:56
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KotCzarnyfstab isn't used by startup scripts07:57
KotCzarnyadd your S99-local script07:57
gentooerKotCzarny, where to i put the script?07:58
KotCzarny /etc/init.d/07:58
KotCzarnythen symlink it to /etc/rc2.d/07:59
gentooerah right07:59
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gentooerdamn now my SD cards are smoking fast 14MB/s :D08:25
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Xxaxxhey lcuk , are you here? :)08:58
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skiburworking on http://skibur.com09:14
qwerty12I have no idea what that is but it looks good09:14
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skiburworking on adding my hacks on stuff that I like such as the N80009:17
qwerty12Ah, cool :)09:17
skiburI remembered when people would ask me if I was a Halo gamer I was like, "Where did you hear that because I'm not?"09:19
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KotCzarny[grammar parser failed]09:20
qwerty12QUICK, someone save KotCzarny!09:20
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skiburit was this site --->     I'm a Computer Scientist09:20
KotCzarnystill that doesn't fix above sentence09:21
skiburI'm like dead asleep right now09:22
skiburcode is like keeping me awake09:22
* KotCzarny is having breakfast09:22
* qwerty12 plans on getting mine in 5 mins :/09:22
qwerty12and then looking for my lost usb stick >.<09:23
* skibur needs coffee09:23
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KotCzarnypancakes .. mmmm09:25
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qwerty12Hmm this "-mtune=arm1136jf-s" would give me better results than this: "-mtune=arm926ej-s" ?09:27
qwerty12s/better results/better optimisation09:27
KotCzarnylatter is for 77009:27
KotCzarnyie. binary would run on 770 too09:27
qwerty12Ah, I see thanks09:27
qwerty12Meh, me don't need no 770 compat.09:28
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KotCzarnymtune means tune only though09:28
qwerty12I know about the march :)09:28
KotCzarnyk k09:28
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befordhey. I am trying to use tablet-encode but I get this error when converting any of my videos09:33
befordtablet-encode: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.09:33
befordtablet-encode: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0.09:33
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qwerty12Hmm, the -s option in gcc isn't the same as -static right?09:41
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KotCzarnymore or less think of it as 'strip'09:46
qwerty12KotCzarny, Thanks :)09:46
* qwerty12 is uber n00b, it's first time I'm bothering with CFLAGS etc :)09:47
KotCzarnyqwerty: man gcc09:47
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qwerty12DId do but the length put me off :P. But I should read it and I will :)09:47
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KotCzarnyever heard of search?09:49
KotCzarnyanyway:        -s  Remove all symbol table and relocation information from the executable.09:49
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qwerty12Ah, ok, I used the web and I kept getting ---fpascal"-s" etc09:50
Xxaxxups, sorry :)09:51
qwerty12Cyrillic letters or something?09:51
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Xxaxxyeah, just tried type "/topic" in wrong encoding :)09:51
qwerty12heh :)09:51
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Xxaxxchinook -> diablo -> freemondel(?) -> hardamel(??) ?09:59
qwerty12chinook -> diablo -> fremantle -> harmattan09:59
Xxaxxqwerty12: thanks :)09:59
Xxaxxrm_you: thanks :)09:59
Xxaxx6-9 month between them?10:00
Italodancewho has os2007 here?10:00
KotCzarnyXxaxx: only time can tell10:00
rm_youItalodance: hopefully no-one10:00
Italodancei want my old n800 demo video10:00
Italodancerm_you do u remember that?10:00
XxaxxItalodance: what about youtube? :P10:00
rm_youi may have it10:00
* qwerty12 has never watched it and has never been bothered to mount up a n800 os2007 rootfs.jffs2 to get it10:01
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Italodancerm_you please send it to me if u have it10:01
ItalodanceXxaxx youtube is really a bad quality  agree?10:01
Xxaxxbad for what? :)10:01
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Xxaxxif you need it for one view ...10:02
ItalodanceXxaxx i want to have it again in my n800....i missed it after flash to os200810:03
rm_youItalodance: encode some real videos :P10:03
Italodancerm_you y10:04
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Italodancebut how?10:04
rm_youi think10:05
Italodancerm_you ok but did u found it\\?10:05
Italodancehow can i find it?10:06
Italodancesomeone please upload it for me10:06
johnxI don't think anyone is still running OS200710:07
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Xxaxxsomebody on 770 maybe... ,)10:07
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johnxItalodance, you could flash to OS2007 and copy it yourself10:07
Italodanceoh yes  pupnik............10:07
Italodancejohnx hard way10:08
johnxyeah, maybe the only way10:08
Italodancebut in my opinion the os2007 video was better than 200810:09
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Xxaxxstrange why nokia don't use "4G" name in ads ,)10:17
KotCzarnybecause it's not a cellphone10:17
Xxaxx4G = Wimax or Wifi :)10:18
KotCzarnywifi definitely not10:18
rm_youit would probably confuse and anger people who didnt understand it wasnt a phone10:18
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rm_youis there anywhere you can go to check if wimax is supported in your area? ( a web site, i mean)10:19
KotCzarnytry entering: wimax your_area_name10:19
johnxrm_you, check clearwire's site10:20
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Xxaxxwhat difference between phone and N8x0 with skype/gizmo/sip ? :P10:20
* rm_you sold clearwire for a while <_<10:21
johnxrm_you, really?10:21
johnxI didn't know that :D10:21
rm_youyeah, down at Pioneer <_< since like every computer shop in the state is a dealer10:22
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johnx'cept for compusave which I think deals something else10:22
KotCzarnyit's still alive?10:23
johnxoh yeah10:23
johnxthey killed off pcclub10:23
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johnxheh, well they were there last time I checked, but their site is down now :/10:26
johnxnot that their site and the physical store really had much of a connection besides coincidence10:26
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johnxthough, given the number of results on google, I realize we might be talking about entirely different stores named compusave :D10:28
KotCzarnybizness without online presence?10:28
johnxwas your compusave in WA, north of seattle?10:28
KotCzarnysmells oldish10:29
KotCzarnyi was just reading about it on the net10:29
KotCzarnymythological beast10:29
johnxit was a pretty random place10:30
johnxI worked there for a couple weeks once, filling in for another tech10:30
johnxanother footnote on my list of random jobs :D10:32
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EruditeHermithey guys, my alarmd takes 100%cpu, and when I kill it, it respawns11:34
EruditeHermitI don't even have any alarms set11:34
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EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: hey11:36
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GeneralAntillesHa, #303 is Fremantle11:42
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GeneralAntillesTook them goddamn long enough.11:42
GeneralAntillesHi, EruditeHermit.11:42
EruditeHermitis your diablo install working fine?11:44
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EruditeHermitmy alarmd takes 100% cpu and keeps respawning when killed11:44
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EruditeHermit/etc/init.d/alarmd stop kills it though11:45
GeneralAntillesYou do something to it?11:45
GeneralAntillesOr install something?11:45
EruditeHermitlast thing I installed was the last update11:45
EruditeHermitonly thing that I can think of is that the battery died without it being turned off normally11:46
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EruditeHermitoh wait11:46
EruditeHermitit reset itself11:46
EruditeHermitafter I did the /etc/init.d/alarmd stop and THEN restarted I am not getting the problem11:47
EruditeHermitkilling it and restarting didn't help11:47
EruditeHermitdon't know how or why it is working now11:47
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EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: what do you think of the iphone pricepoint?11:52
GeneralAntillesMeh, Apple's mobile products don't do anything for me but piss me off.11:52
EruditeHermitI know11:52
EruditeHermitbut I figure everyone will buy it11:52
GeneralAntillesThe stupid lock-in bullshit is ridiculous.11:52
EruditeHermitwhich means nokia will have to reduce their prices to compete11:52
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GeneralAntillesWhich is only good for the consumer. ;)11:53
EruditeHermitI know it is subsidized by the contract11:53
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EruditeHermitbut people aren't going to think about that when they buy it11:53
EruditeHermitthey'll think 19911:53
GeneralAntillesA little competition to light a fire under everyone's asses in the cellphone industry is exactly what's needed.11:53
GeneralAntillesI have no love of the current status quo, and if Apple can do something to mix that up, then more power to them.11:54
EruditeHermitnokia might even get the powervr to work because they lack 3D effects11:54
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GeneralAntillesAs long as I don't have to read about "hoa grate teh I-phone iz" more than once a week. ;)11:54
GeneralAntillesEruditeHermit, not a lot of hope for PowerVR on OMAP242011:55
GeneralAntillesDrivers, apparently, suck complete ass.11:55
glassEruditeHermit: the half the price advertising is ridiculous..  especially when at&t upped their plans at the same time11:56
EruditeHermitwell perhaps they will think about using a 3D chip that works for any new tablet11:56
GeneralAntillesThat'd be the OMAP343011:56
EruditeHermitglass: but people aren't going to see that. Advertising works11:56
glassEruditeHermit: which is why some consumer groups should bitch at apple about it. a lot11:57
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Does the wiki plugin work for you?11:57
EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: btw which kernel are you using for your diablo install?11:58
GeneralAntillesIt's perfect, X-Fade, thanks. See the {{More topics}} template here:
GeneralAntillesEruditeHermit, I think it's the 22-8 kernel.11:58
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Great :)11:59
EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: does popout camera trigger internet call and invert when rotated?11:59
christefanoX-Fade, do you have a minute to talk about the website? I have a security concern11:59
* GeneralAntilles gets the N800 off the nightstand11:59
RST38hAFAIK iPhone+contract cost a little bit more than before now11:59
RST38hEven considering $199 price point for the device11:59
glassrst 10$ more per month12:00
GeneralAntillesEruditeHermit, yes.12:00
glassif the finnish newspaper was accurate12:00
RST38hwonderful marketing12:00
glassso it's more than what it used to be12:00
glassinstead of half the price12:00
RST38hglass: Well, this will be 24*$10=$24012:00
RST38hSo it comes to $440 for the 8GB iPhone now12:01
glassplus the contracts werent cheap to begin with12:01
glasssince you'd get something like n95 for free on similar contract12:01
glassso it's 440+something like n9512:01
GeneralAntillesThe original iPhone contract was $20/mo.12:01
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* RST38h wonders what will all the "want iPhone without contract" people do12:01
glassRST38h: wait for a sim unlock.. maybe forever12:01
glassthey gotta have increased the security12:02
RST38hglass: but they will no longer sell you iPhone if you do not sign up with ATT12:02
glasson the new gen12:02
GeneralAntillesCan't even swap sim cards into an iPhone. <_<12:02
glassRST38h: ah.. i wondered when they begin doing that12:02
glassGeneralAntilles: the old iphone you could swap sim easily12:02
GeneralAntillesNot on a stock iPhone.12:02
jaskadont think you can refuse to sell unlocked phones around here12:02
glassGeneralAntilles: and even get simlock cracked12:02
glassGeneralAntilles: on a stock iphone.12:02
glassjaska: 3g..12:03
glassjaska: they can refuse12:03
GeneralAntillesNot on the iPhone _I_ tried with.12:03
glassjaska: the edge iphone couldn't be subsidized in finland, but the 3g one can be12:03
RST38hGA: Wasn't a problem for the guy I bought iPhone for12:03
EruditeHermitGeneralAntilles: it only works with the chinook kernel for me12:03
GeneralAntillesEruditeHermit, dunno12:03
glassGeneralAntilles: huh? failed to find the slot then? or did you try an ipod touch12:03
RST38hGA: So I guess that at least the original model had swappable SIMs12:03
jaskaglass: yes but i dont think they can _force_ contracts on you here... bundling phone + contract was illegal up until a couple years ago in general12:03
GeneralAntillesglass, I swapped my sim card into my mother's iPhone, it told me to put the old sim card back or it wouldn't work.12:04
jaskaas you probably recall12:04
glassjaska: they can force simlock on phones they bundle12:04
glassjaska: and refuse to sell them without it12:04
RST38hGA: Oh, you mean the software lockout12:04
glassGeneralAntilles: thats simlock12:04
GeneralAntillesYou have to activate your sim card for an iPhone.12:04
GeneralAntillesWhat the fuck else would I mean?12:04
RST38hGA: Not the physical one12:04
glassGeneralAntilles: that ties it to a network12:04
wizajaska: in finland only 3g phone + contract bundling is legal12:04
GeneralAntillesNot hacked12:04
RST38hGA: THAT ONE can eb worked around.12:04
glassGeneralAntilles: you could have swapped another at&t sim..12:04
GeneralAntillesWorking around that is hacking it.12:04
GeneralAntillesglass, I _DID_12:05
jaskawas under the impression that they _have_ to also offer to sell the phone separately12:05
wizajaska: it was an exception to get people to get newer phones12:05
RST38hGA: I personally don't give a damn how it is called as long as it is reasonably easy to do12:05
GeneralAntillesRST38h, that's fine12:05
RST38hGA: If Apple wants to define this activity as murder, let them12:05
wizajaska: umm, never heard that one before12:05
GeneralAntillesbut is outside the scope of my point.12:05
RST38hGA: And let them argue that definition in front of a judge.12:05
* GeneralAntilles gives up.12:06
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* GeneralAntilles does actually give a fuck about anything iPhone related.12:06
RST38hkinda different meaning =)12:06
GeneralAntillesJust woke up, deal.12:06
glasswiza: they extended the 3g bundling to be forever..12:07
glassjaska: they don't have to offer unlocked, afaik you can pay the whole contract at once though12:08
glassif you want off it12:08
RST38hI guess the real question is whether you can terminate your contract and what the penalties are12:10
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jaskathats fairly ridiculous12:10
RST38hit is. but this is the new economy.12:10
RST38h"service based"12:11
glassold shit way of doing mobile economy way actually12:11
RST38hRemember Nokia's own Jaaksi talk about "services"? This is what he means.12:11
glassof operator total lock in walled garden shitness, which was crap earlier and would continue to be crap later12:11
RST38hglass: They don't care. They don't have to. They are the Phone Company.12:12
glasshmmh? i was talking of apple12:12
RST38hFirst of all, it is revenue, not cool features. Cool features don't make you money.12:12
glassnokia is fairly open and not operator-lock-in compared to apple12:12
RST38hHow is Apple different?12:12
glassthat you'll have to sell your stuff through apple12:12
RST38hApple or AT&T or Verizon - they all live by the same rules12:13
glassnokia doesnt force your apps to nokia downloads12:13
RST38hNokia too, BTW, as soon as it figures out a way to make you pay over and over again12:13
glassor nokia doesnt force you to pay to use mp3 as a ringtone12:13
glassnokia makes money with just hw sales too12:13
RST38hJust wait and see12:13
glasswithout subsidisation bullshit to fool the consumer thinking that the device is 19912:14
RST38hThey wil figure something out12:14
hrwwith my last nokia phone I had to use 3rdparty tools to enable gprs always online functionality...12:14
hrwas it was set to off to be 'operator friendly' instead of 'user friendly'12:14
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glassoperator branded fw?12:14
RST38hWhat Nokia does right now is releasing new and new phones monthly so that fashion conscious geeks always buy a new model12:15
RST38h(notice that this is done at the cost of product quality)12:15
hrwglass: no - clean nokia firmware12:15
hrwglass: it was 6310i12:15
RST38hAt some point, this "fashion" trend expires and Nokia will have to figure out a new way to make money continuously. That is when you will see them pushing "services"12:16
glass6310i is kinda shite.. was first gprs from nokia, no?12:16
glassRST38h: ovi etc are being pushed hard now12:16
RST38hWell, I do not see it here12:16
glassRST38h: but really, it's rather long shot from the apple total lock-in and forcing you to specific operators12:16
glassRST38h: the ovi pushing is done behind the curtains..12:16
glassRST38h: like nokia downloads pushing12:17
RST38hglass: Well, it is not the same as Apple but not because Nokia does not want it to be the same as Apple ;)12:17
glassRST38h: it would be a bad situation for nokia to serve just one oper12:17
glassrather than all12:17
glassor to sell just one model12:18
glassi like s60 for theres some diversity in the devices at least12:18
RST38hglass: Just means they have to do it a different way12:18
RST38hglass: For example they may only allow installing new apps from Nokia Download store12:18
glassRST38h: also some operators are already bitching at nokia for stepping on their shoes with ovi etc12:18
RST38hglass: This does not require operator lockin12:19
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glassRST38h: that wouldn't happen in a long while, mainly because the different operators wouldn't like it12:19
RST38hOr, they may implement video chat and other cool features but only through their servers12:19
glassRST38h: (limiting to just downloads)12:19
RST38hglass: I do not think operators care12:19
RST38hNot about users installing apps12:19
glassRST38h: ..they care12:19
glassthey care about where the users can buy their apps12:19
RST38hWell, when you install a Google Maps app on your S60 phone, where is operator in this process?12:20
RST38hSo, when Nokia makes you install all such apps through Nokia Download, what will change for the operator?12:20
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glassthat they can't sell apps of their own12:20
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glassand games and whatever12:20
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RST38hOperators? They can12:21
glassif nokia does it and limits to only them12:21
RST38hJust need to do it through Nokia download12:21
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RST38hBTW, operators do not normally sell content12:21
glassthat wouldn't be the same12:21
RST38hThey just charge content resellers something like 50%12:21
glassi know..12:21
RST38hIn this new case, they will charge YOU for GPRS12:21
RST38hor 3G12:21
glassi work in mobile distribution company(does other things too)12:21
glassthey want that 50%12:21
RST38hThey will lower your 3G caps12:22
RST38hMove you from a fixed cap to pay-by-MB12:22
glassthat would be going backwards12:22
RST38hThat would be bringing more revenue12:22
glassi got flatfee 3g now12:22
RST38hBesides, it is NOT backwards12:22
glasstheres no revenue if there is no usage12:22
RST38hATT still caps 3G12:22
RST38hThere will be usage12:22
glasspay per mb kills 3g usage12:23
RST38hAs long as your monthly 3G bill comes down to some affordable amount, there will be usage12:23
glasspeople use it a lot more if it's not per mb12:23
RST38hSo, MB will cost less over 3G12:23
RST38hIt is natural12:23
glassin reality, everywhere where you pay per mb it's ridiculous pricing12:23
RST38hJust because they have not figured it out yet12:23
RST38hRussians did12:23
RST38hThey always charged per MB, even for wired internet access12:24
glassand it's crap, and lowers usage12:24
RST38hNot really12:24
RST38hIt all depends on the actual price12:25
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glassyes really, if you have to count how much youtube you look12:25
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RST38hI don't12:25
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glassor if you count how much shoutcast you can listen12:25
RST38hI pay $20 for 15GB/month and forget about it12:25
glass15gb is ridiculously low for wired12:25
RST38hNever comes that high12:25
glassi do sometimes 15g with my 3g..12:26
RST38hWell, there is a catch12:26
RST38hLOCAL traffic is free12:26
glassyeah if you have a local ftp full of warez it's not that big deal12:26
RST38hAnd all the heavy content (movies, music, applications) can be found locally12:26
glassbeen on a capped student network12:26
glassbut if you hadnt that then 15gb would limit your internet usage a lot, no torrents whatsoever12:27
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RST38hNot really12:27
RST38hI do not watch that much video12:27
RST38hNot over the network anyway12:27
RST38hYouTube is crap and I would rather download some MP3s than listen to them via "internet radio"12:27
glass20$ should get you uncapped anyways12:27
glassif it was 2-4$.. a cap would be ok12:28
RST38hI can get uncapped for the same price12:28
RST38hBut the speed will go down12:28
RST38hRight now, I have got 100Mbd in local net, 4Mbd outside12:28
RST38hUnlimited plan will lower that to 1.5Mbd12:28
RST38h*and* will require me run a VPN which I do not want to do12:29
glasssucks then12:30
glassaround here some buildings have 100/10 for ~20-30e12:30
glassand my unlimited 3g is about 10e12:31
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dnearyI need volunteers12:32
dnearyfor boring grunt work :(12:32
X-Fadedneary: Wow.. you know how to market your stuff ;)12:32
dnearyI think I've migrated the most important user & community pages, but the developer section is in need of care & attention12:33
dnearyThis is murely migrating & fixing wiki formating (and any minor issues in passing, if you spot them)12:33
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dnearyAn in-depth review of content will come after12:33
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dnearyX-Fade: Yeah, I know :)12:34
dnearyWell, I prefer to be honest than have people be disappointed afterwardzs12:34
* GeneralAntilles shudders at the quality of the midgard articles.12:34
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dnearyYeah, they're pretty shocking12:34
dnearyIn a few cases, I've just dumped them12:34
* rm_you doesnt even know what midgard is12:34
dnearyAnd in others, I've deleted 2/3rds12:34
rm_youother than the mythical home of the norse gods12:34
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GeneralAntillesBy and large, they're full of out-of-date technical methods that have been supplanted by newer, easier methods.12:34
dnearyrm_you: Let me guide you :)12:34
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GeneralAntillesI can't bring myself to just deleting the technical stuff and providing a link and a short paragraph for the GUI method. :\12:35
dnearyrm_you: There are two useful pages you'll need:12:35
dneary1. The list of pages in the old wiki worth moving:
dneary2. The proposed organisation of those pages in the new wiki:
dnearyEvery page in the "Development" column which isn't in italics has yet to be migrated12:36
dnearyYou find that page in Midgard, get the wiki text for it by using the "view" action which X-Fade kindly added, and copy that text over to a new page in the MediaWiki12:37
GeneralAntillesIs this really a Delevopment article?
dneary(I've found that the easiest way to create those new pages is to create a link from the Categorization page)12:37
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GeneralAntillesFlashing is a pretty integral part of most user's tablet usage.12:37
dnearyWell, maybe not12:37
dnearyProbably not, even12:38
dnearyLet's take one example, FM radio programming:12:38
GeneralAntillesI'm changing it to users. :P I'll add a Windows section for completeness' sake to round out the Users part.12:38
dnearyMake the name "Programming FM radio" to fit in with Mediawiki naming norms12:39
dnearyand make it into a link12:39
dneary(just done) on the Categorization page12:39
dnearyFind the page in midgard:
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dnearyX-Fade: I can't remember how you got the raw wikitext12:40
dnearyIt's not /raw/12:40
dnearyAh, damn... httpS12:41
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dnearyAh, rigt12:43
X-FadeNo need for https12:43
dnearyIn, that page, "View source", Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C12:44
dneary(alternative is to edit the page & copy & paste wiki text)12:44
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dnearyAdd {{Midgard article}} to the top, [[Category:Development]] and [[Category:Midgard wiki]] to the bottom12:45
dnearyAfternoon you mean, don't you? ;)12:46
dnearyThen, change the markdown to MediaWiki:12:46
dneary# become = =12:46
dneary## becomes == ==12:46
dnearyBullet lists start on first column12:46
dnearyPreformatted stuff is surrounded by <pre></pre>, or is indented at least 1 space12:47
dnearyLinks go from [link text](link URL) to [link URL link text]12:47
dnearyWiki links probably need manyal setting/changing12:47
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X-Fadedneary: I'll lock the old wiki.12:47
dneary_text_ can be changed to ''text'', **text** to '''text'''12:48
dnearyetc. etc.12:48
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, weird wiki bug. I've got a "You have new messages" banner that I can't get to go away. :\12:49
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dnearyEt voilà:
dnearyEnd to end, approx. 15 minutes per page12:54
dnearyBoredom factor: high12:54
dnearyUsefulness factor: immesurable12:54
dnearySo, who's game? :)12:54
luogniisn't better to just do a script to convert pages ?12:54
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GeneralAntillesdneary, may or may not be a useful recruiting venue:
dnearyI saw that12:55
* andre__ should read itt more often to streamline bug reports12:55
lardmandneary: bit busy atm, but might find some time this evening12:55
dnearyluogni: There's a lot of manual retouching to do anyway, and almost all the pages need to be renamed12:56
andre__hmm, nice idea12:56
GeneralAntillesandre__, good luck with that. <_< :shudder:12:56
dnearyluogni: But indeed, there is even a script that I wrote12:56
andre__heh... well, we got to get this going :)12:56
GeneralAntillesitT has experienced a long descent into uselessness over the past 3 years.12:57
GeneralAntillesNowadays it's mostly just iPhone comparison stupidity and inane bitch-n-moan sessions that never result in anything productive.12:58
lardmanGeneralAntilles: it happens once you get past some critcal level of waffle12:58
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lardmanGeneralAntilles: All the useful info should be distilled out and saved somewhere, some of those threads are sooo long, it's very hard to find what you want even if you know the thread12:58
lardmanWe had the same issues with the forums and forums12:59
GeneralAntilleslardman, we tried that with the wiki13:00
GeneralAntillesnothing ever came of it.13:00
lardmanyes, we also tried and failed13:00
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lardmanin the end it needs someone who's familiar and interested in a given subject (and who's therefore read the threads) to write up and maintain a wiki page about that subject (IMO)13:01
lardmanbut people are scared of wikis (I was anyway :) so they need a prod13:01
GeneralAntillesWonder where that technut thread about either the strong core getting fed up and disappearing or the orbiting debris being blown away and the core coming out stronger went. Sadly, we seem to be experiencing the former.13:01
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lardmandepends on the density of the core ;)13:02
X-Fadedneary: I have now disabled editing on the old wiki.13:02
dnearyIs it possible to have one page be an exception? ;)13:03
lcukon whether or not the core has dma access to the LCD ;)13:03
dnearyX-Fade: Thank you, by the way :)13:03
X-Fadedneary: I'll give you edit rights?13:03
lcukhmmm halfapost..13:03
lcukhi folks, just popping past \o13:03
GeneralAntillesAnybody with an N800 add some input here?
dnearyX-Fade: I guess I have them already13:07
lardmanI've never used the thumb keyboard13:07
dnearyI just modified the page13:07
GeneralAntillesEver, lardman?13:07
lardmanGeneralAntilles: never ever, it just annoys me when it pops up :)13:07
GeneralAntillesNot even on the 770 or N800?13:07
lardmanI always use a stylus on those13:07
* GeneralAntilles couldn't imagine getting by without it.13:08
dnearyWe're down to about 20 pages needing migration, then we need to fix all the content and that'll be the fun stuff13:08
dnearyBut first, lunch13:08
GeneralAntillesThat might explain your fetish for the N810's keyboard. ;)13:08
lardmanIndeed :)13:08
GeneralAntillesI'd be irritated, too, if I had to use the vkb all the time.13:08
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Thanks for that nice banner ;)13:09
GeneralAntillesThink of it as incentive.13:09
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: What plugin is that?13:10
GeneralAntillesThe banner? None, I think.13:10
GeneralAntillesIt's just mediawiki.13:10
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: At least now I got a mail from mediawiki about you adding something to my talk page.13:13
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, you want me to file something in Bugzilla?13:18
X-FadeThat would help. Then I can assign it to Ferenc.13:19
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Aveis it possible to set some settign in microb that'd stop the scaler doing anything BUT text only?13:27
AveI'm perusing about:config but so far only looks viable13:27
X-FadeAve: So just set font size?13:28
Avewith the +- buttons13:30
Avecurrently it scales everything, which is bad13:30
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Avethe bitmap scaling really sucks quality-wise so I'd rather not have it at all13:30
GeneralAntillesI hate that13:33
[nine](side note regarding that bug) omniweb uses webkit now?13:34
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GeneralAntilles[nine], has for about forever now.13:35
GeneralAntillesSince 5.013:35
[nine]i haven't used it since the dark days of the osx public beta in 2000.13:35
GeneralAntillesIt was awesome then, it's awesome now. :D13:36
GeneralAntillesAh, sorry, 5.5 was WebKit, actually.13:36
[nine]it was awesome then. because the alternative was *shudder* internet explorer.13:36
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GeneralAntillesTrue, but it's still awesome compared to the alternatives now. ;)13:36
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lardmanAnyone running Diablo who has got a2dp to work for them?13:46
lardmanLooks like the error I was seeing with my DSP version is also present in the non-DSP version13:47
lardmanI seem to remember qwerty saying he was having troubles13:48
herwoodhi guys13:50
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, regarding the login page editing. Apparently you need the "editinterface" privileges (may or may not be on by default for sysops) to edit the login page. Alternatively, I think you can edit it from /includes/SpecialUserlogin.php locally.
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Well, I'll have to get me some of these rights then ;)13:51
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* GeneralAntilles spams website bugs for great karma.13:52
X-FadeHehe. Yeah, I'll bet that will help you.13:53
GeneralAntillesIt's too bad triaging is so weak on the karma side.13:54
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: File an enhancement bug? :)13:54
GeneralAntillesGood plan! :D13:54
GeneralAntillesWho is directly responsible for the karma stuff? Quim?13:55
X-FadeI already requested a karma plugin for the new wiki already, so you should be getting more there :)13:55
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X-FadeThe Nemein guys are going to improve the karma system as task for the next 100 days.13:56
GeneralAntillesStill waiting on that itT "Thanks!" karma . . . I'll be sittin' real pretty then. ;)13:56
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Yeah, we would need a 0.00001 modifier there ;)13:57
herwooddoes anybody know that is it possible to get valgrind run in N810?13:58
herwoodor is it only possible to play with it under x86?13:58
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, I was hoping for a 2x so I could blow right past Quim. :D ;)14:00
X-FadeYeah, but Quality is better than Quantity. ;)14:00
GeneralAntillesOoh buuurn14:00
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trickie|workherwood: i think valgrind only works on x8614:02
trickie|workmaybe PPC also14:03
trickie|workherwood: yep,
X-Fade , no armel there.14:04
herwoodtrickie|work: oh, what a pity.. now I have to find all the memory leaks by myself.. :P14:04
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X-Fadeherwood: Can't you just run it on the x86 target?14:05
herwoodX-Fade: I have to run it in the actual device, because I use bluetooth14:05
X-FadeHmm, yeah that is a bit more difficult.14:06
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herwoodBut atleast I could start the program and shut it down to find some of the memory leaks14:06
herwoodunder x8614:07
X-FadeYeah, and try to disable the bt part of functions.14:07
X-FadeAlthough that is probably a lot of work.14:07
herwoodis there any other way to find memory leaks under arm?14:08
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KotCzarnyanalyze code by hand?14:08
wndccmalloc for instance14:08
X-FadeMaybe you can look at smaps for the pid?14:08
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lardmanyou could replace alloc with your own allocator (from a memory slab) and print out debugging info14:09
lardmanit will quickly become fragmented, but might indicate where your code is not freeing14:10
herwoodyeah, that could be one options14:11
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* lcuk does not like leaks14:22
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shresHey, do you guys know where i can find source for hildon-im-hwr-teach?14:26
mbufhas anyone tried using wvdial or anyother PPP application from the Maemo device?14:26
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GeneralAntillesshres, I'm 99% sure it's not open, but if it is, it'll be somewhere around here:
shresGeneralAntilles, ah, that explains me not finding it. Thanks.14:32
trickie|workherwood: you could try some techniques at
trickie|worki never used it myself14:36
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herwoodtrickie|work: thanks, I'll try that14:43
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gadgetoidWoah information overload!14:52
KotCzarnycame back for more?14:52
gadgetoidOn the n810 now14:53
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gadgetoidGot root.. Updated package lists... Its awesome14:53
gadgetoidAnd works great with wmwifirouter14:53
gadgetoidKeyboard sucks though :(14:53
gadgetoidYeah running on my wm phone.. Making it a wifi router14:54
KotCzarnyit's small, what would you expect14:54
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KotCzarnyever tried q1 umpc? ;)14:54
bedboii got two cards both connected to the internet, i would like to generate traffic from one interface (say eth0) to the other interface traversing the internet14:55
gadgetoidI think i might just do with the n80014:55
* KotCzarny has n80014:55
gadgetoidEven my tiny phone keyboard is better than this14:55
KotCzarnyand a bt kb14:55
Anunakinumpc is not to me ... at this time... very expansive...14:55
bedboii tried by adding a rule in my routing table but it always use localhost14:55
mtrlt_n810's keyboard is good imo :-(14:56
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AnunakinI not live at USA... and here imports receive a 100% tax14:56
mtrlt_much better than a virtual keyboard14:56
gadgetoidBut the n810 looks pretty and the screen is amazing14:56
AStormnot much, but better14:56
AStormyeah, n810 is shiny :>14:56
gadgetoidI would use a bluetooth keyboard14:56
KotCzarnyn800 is enough for me14:56
KotCzarnypaying 200$ more just for chic factor?14:57
Anunakinn810 is very good... but a x86 processor and 3D graphics are good...14:57
mtrlt_and gps (albeit crappy)14:57
KotCzarnywait for software updates14:57
wndherwood, is there a reason why you can't just use ccmalloc?14:57
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AStormAnunakin: and is heavy and works short on batteries?14:58
AnunakinI dont understand... why GPS on n810 needs 10 sats to sync. .. and not do nothing with 3 ....14:58
AStormor are you talking about some Everun?14:58
KotCzarnyastorm, btw. nokia's charger is 6.24V without load14:58
AStormAnunakin: no, just 314:58
AnunakinI talking about UMPC14:58
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AStormKotCzarny: w/o load = add a load and remeasure ;P14:58
AStormAnunakin: which UMPC?14:58
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KotCzarnyprobably goes down to 5.714:58
KotCzarnyor something14:58
gadgetoidAnyway back to work!14:59
AStormto ~5V14:59
KotCzarnyhave you measured it?14:59
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AStormKotCzarny: yes14:59
KotCzarnyhow is the AA project?14:59
KotCzarnyq1 ultra has 3.5h battery life15:00
KotCzarnyand mind you, it's battery is a biggie15:00
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AStormthese are very power-hungry15:02
AStormKotCzarny: right now it's stalled, no time, exams etc.15:02
AStormneed a proper case for the AAs and that bit of electronics15:02
AStormand a proper hard switch15:03
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AStormthe current one is junk15:03
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KotCzarnysnatch one from an old lamp15:03
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KotCzarnythe one that has a string to pull15:03
RST38hor a fighter jet15:03
AStormnah, too large15:04
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AStormI need a small hard switch ;P15:04
AStormthat's mostly a safeguard, an electronic soft switch would do (can signal the Maxim to turn off)15:05
AStormit'd still reduce battery drain a tiny bit15:05
AStormah, and need to add a 5V led ;P15:05
AStorm(and attach it to power_good wire)15:06
KotCzarnyhow about battery meter?15:06
AStormno, too expensive15:06
AStormwould eat battery too15:06
KotCzarnyenable by user action15:06
GeneralAntillesX-Fade_, is there a table up somewhere showing a breakdown of the karma weighting?15:06
glassa button press powermeter is nice feat on some batteries(on some laptops etc)15:06
KotCzarnyie. press some part of battery15:06
AStormKotCzarny: expensive, hard to fit, but... why not, maybe later15:06
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AStormactually, could use the maxim when not operating to do that15:07
KotCzarnyastorm, it would be nice to know when you have to recharge15:07
AStormit has a comparator15:07
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AStormalthough, that one is tuned to 1.5V15:08
AStormand not the slightly lower voltage15:08
AStormcould use it anyway15:09
KotCzarnytime to go to sleep15:10
KotCzarnynite people15:10
AStormoooh, I sense improvement15:11
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AStormI'll use a synchronous rectifier instead of the Schottky diode15:11
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herwoodwnd: Sorry for my delay. I haven't heard from ccmalloc before. Is it easy to use?15:21
wndbasically you only need to link your application against it15:23
wndthe package comes with a wrapper, so in most cases it works as drop-in replacement for the compiler15:23
herwoodahaa, sounds good15:24
herwoodI'll try that, because it sounds so "easy".. :)15:24
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wndit seems that the debian package build depends on g++-4.1, but it seems to compile and work with older g++, too15:25
mbufi see that pupnik_ has wvdial working, but, where can i find documentation regarding that?
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wizacouple of questions: 1) since I'm thinking about paying wayfinder some money, is there easy way to install wippies/fon hotspots info to wayfinder 2) any software available to automatically login to wippies/fon networks in n81015:29
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GeneralAntilleswiza, just use Maemo Mapper?15:34
wizaGeneralAntilles: I thought it needed internet connection for routing?15:34
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wizaand usually when I really need it, I'm middle of nowhere on some unpaved road on my motorcycle...15:35
wizaand 3g or even gprs is not always there...15:35
wizaand I like everything in same software15:36
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herwoodwnd: Yeah, ccmalloc works great! Thanks!15:38
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dnearyanyone about?15:57
GeneralAntillesNo, we're sleeping.15:57
rm_youyep. definately sleeping.15:58
* rm_you is waiting for someone here to wake up and go to work so I can go to sleep15:58
* rm_you is essentially time-sharing a bed >_<15:58
GeneralAntillesThat's called hot racking, rm_you. ;)15:59
rm_youyeah, 4 people sleeping in a 2 person apartment15:59
rm_youonly one couch...15:59
rm_youso i wait for the guy with the comfortable bed to wake up and go to work :P16:00
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dnearyrm_you: While you're waiting, how about PerformanceOptimisation?16:02
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dnearyrm_you: or JavaLanguage?16:02
rm_youoo JavaLanguage16:02
rm_youwhat do i have to do?16:02
dnearyrm_you: Move the contents of to, basically16:03
dnearyYou will need to redo markdown as mediawiki, thought16:03
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* GeneralAntilles pokes X-Fade again as he's shown a small sign of activity.16:09
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: There is no formal list for karma modifiers. But we have the config file in svn.16:10
GeneralAntillesHmm, ok.16:10
GeneralAntillesMind if I file an enhancement request for a karma description page generated based on that config?16:11
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Or just create one in the wiki?16:11
GeneralAntillesOr that, too.16:11
X-FadeAh bergie should be able to tell you the karma modifiers ;)16:11
rm_youGeneralAntilles: why so obsessed with karma? :P16:11
GeneralAntillesSelfish reasons. ;)16:12
bergieX-Fade: what seems to be the problem?16:12
GeneralAntillesand it's my nit to pick for this morning.16:12
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rm_you<GeneralAntilles> and it's my nit to pick for this morning.16:12
GeneralAntillesbergie, happen to have a breakdown of the karma modifiers?16:13
rm_yous/nit/Nokia Internet Tablet (?)/16:13
infobotrm_you meant: <GeneralAntilles> and it's my Nokia Internet Tablet (?) to pick for this morning.16:13
GeneralAntillesrm_you, :P16:13
rm_youyeah i know :P16:13
bergieGeneralAntilles: see the karma_xx_modifier keys near the end16:14
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GeneralAntillesAny breakdown on bugzilla?16:15
mbufmaddler, ping16:18
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: No, it is only for filing at the moment. I think.16:18
bergieGeneralAntilles: bugzilla karma plugin is called externally and has its modifiers hard-coded into itself16:19
bergieMarcell did it (IIRC)16:19
GAN800Well, I've got 30 bugs and 64 karma points on bugzilla. So, I guess the modifier's high and it hasn't updated in a bit?16:20
X-FadeBut I think for itt posts we need a log scale type modifier ;) Because GA posts way too much..16:21
bergiewith blogs and apps we take votes into account to try to modify for quality instead of quantity. Does ITT have anything similar?16:22
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X-Fadebergie: Yeah, the thanks part is the quality modifier.16:23
X-FadePeople can say thanks per post. So good posts receive a lot of thanks.16:23
X-FadeBasically  number_of_posts/thanks is your ratio..16:23
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GAN800I'd just use the Thanks! alone, as the ratio would be screwy for people who have been posting there since before the thanks system was implemented.16:27
rm_youwow i have like 90 thanks and like... 15 posts <_<16:27
GAN800Reggie set up an xml dump for it a few days ago, it's mentioned in one of the itT enhancement requests on bugzilla.16:27
X-FadeYeah thanks/100 would be ok ;)16:27
GAN800Woo adv-backlight!16:28
rm_you109 thanks, 52 posts <_<16:28
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rm_youonly 2/116:28
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dnearyrm_you: How's she coming along?16:35
rm_younot very. not sure what exactly I'm doing here :P16:35
rm_youi SUCK at wiki markup16:35
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dnearyX-Fade: You know karma isn't updating for some people, don't you?16:35
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X-Fadedneary: Nah, they just don't do enough to get noticed :D16:36
dnearyrm_you: I gave the 10 second guide earlier:16:36
dneary Then, change the markdown to MediaWiki:16:37
dneary # become = =16:37
dneary ## becomes == ==16:37
dneary Bullet lists start on first column16:37
dneary Preformatted stuff is surrounded by <pre></pre>, or is indented at least 1 space16:37
dneary Links go from [link text](link URL) to [link URL link text]16:37
dneary Wiki links probably need manual setting/changing16:37
dneary<dneary> _text_ can be changed to ''text'', **text** to '''text'''16:37
dneary etc. etc.16:37
dnearyX-Fade: You talkin' 'bout me?16:37
X-Fadedneary: Could be ;)16:38
rm_youah missed that16:38
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X-Fadedneary: I have no idea why it isn't updated.16:39
dnearyWell, what's the metric?16:40
dnearyPerhaps the email addresses don't match?16:40
dnearyIn which case, what can I do to merge?16:40
X-FadeYou can't merge.16:40
dnearyPerhaps wiki edits and creates aren't being taken into account?16:40
X-FadeBut al least comments, favs and blogs should show up..16:41
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rm_youwait, how do i do bulletted lists?16:43
mbufi can dial out to USB-modem from N810 with ppp package? or do i also need wvdial?16:43
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mbufthere is already ppp package available for maemo16:44
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DekaritaeHow can I configure FBReader to indicate the read/unread state of hyperlinks?16:45
||cwwvdial is just a gui for ppp isn't it?16:45
sp3000rm_you: ...er16:45
mbuf||cw, i would assume so16:46
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unixSnobi'm trying to open a file, and the file browser has me in some kind of chroot jail or something16:49
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unixSnobI cannot find /home/user16:50
unixSnobi just see "audio clips", "documents", "games", etc16:50
sp3000yes, the file chooser doesn't show a root at /16:50
sp3000but in ~/MyDocs and /media/mmc* and a bluetooth root and whatnot16:50
johnxunixSnob, the file open/save dialog and file browser are trapped beneath /home/user/MyDocs16:51
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||cwsp3000: install an alternative file manager16:51
rm_youor make a symlink? >_>16:51
unixSnobwhat a lousy implementation.  no way to climb above?  Does it work if I make a symbolic link to /16:51
sp3000you can use the web browser, dunno how far a symlink gets you (not sure if there's anything atm that does stupid things wrt symlink loops, hope not)16:51
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rm_youit might loop the media-crawler, actually16:52
rm_youi remember that being a problem16:52
johnxunixSnob, file an enhance request to nokia, but I bet the answer is "works as intended"16:52
sp3000bug 1760, "This will be fixed in the next release (Diablo)."16:52
johnxrm_you, that's correct16:52
sp3000so perhaps that's not a good idea (yet) ;)16:52
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GeneralAntillesjohnx, don't file the request16:53
GeneralAntillesit's already been filed16:53
GeneralAntillesand yes, the answer is "works as intended"16:53
sp3000exposing a bunch of gibberish in the ui would be silly anyhow16:54
GeneralAntillesJust pick an alternative file manager and keep stuff you need to get to a lot on the cards or in ~/MyDocs/16:54
sp3000a textfile level pref otoh perhaps, but, meh16:54
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johnxyeah, I actually don't mind too much16:54
johnxif you're hacking around in /etc you're better off in x-term anyways16:55
pupnik_Poll and Collection bin for comments about the d-pad for future internet tablets. I'd like everyone who plays games to vote, and if you voted 'don't like' to leave a brief comment.
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mbuffound this,
Xxaxxbtw, is that true that only osso-xterm available on os08, or maybe more xterminals exists?16:56
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johnxXxaxx, any xterm you can compile will run, but osso-xterm fits in best16:58
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Navineeds tabs16:58
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GeneralAntillesIt has tabs.16:59
johnxI have screen16:59
Xxaxxthere was hacked version of osso-xterm back in os0716:59
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Naviso many new emails17:00
XxaxxGeneralAntilles: will it be as second terminal or as the only one?17:01
GeneralAntillesInstall it over the default one. . . .17:01
GeneralAntillesIt'll upgrade it.17:01
XxaxxGeneralAntilles: how can I turn it back? :) reflash? :P17:01
glassaika hintsusti on17:03
inzglass, tkäsi!17:07
XxaxxGeneralAntilles: it is empty! :P17:07
GeneralAntillesIt's in one of the official repositories.17:07
GeneralAntillesSo just remove it and reinstall it from there.17:07
XxaxxGeneralAntilles: I understand :) I will try it now :) new version I mean17:08
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XxaxxGeneralAntilles: is that your version? :)17:08
GeneralAntillesI'm using Diablo, and, no, jott compiled that.17:08
inzAnd the "enhanced" version is my fault17:08
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GeneralAntillesDiablo xterm is worlds better than the Chinook xterm17:09
Xxaxxhm :)17:09
johnxcounter point: there are some small but noticeable improvements17:09
GeneralAntillesjohnx, the toolbar doesn't completely suck17:09
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GeneralAntillesand finger keyboard actually works.17:09
inzGeneral, I wonder if they used my fixes as base for it...17:09
GeneralAntillesThat's worlds compared to Chinook.17:10
johnxGeneralAntilles, I didn't notice any real difference or improvement on either :P17:10
rm_youdoes the control+ modifier not behave RETARDEDLY?17:10
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: It seems that you have filed 28 bugs in bugzilla? That is what the karma plugin picks up.17:10
GeneralAntillesjohnx, then you weren't using it enough. <_<17:10
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johnxpossibly correct, I try to avoid it, because somehow even with a usb keyboard, using a term on a device that small is a PITA17:11
GeneralAntilles31, X-Fade:
GeneralAntillesjohnx, the finger keyboard return actually sends a return17:11
X-FadeBugzilla urls are always very long ;)17:11
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GeneralAntillesand the toolbar doesn't close the vkb when you click on, say, Ctrl.17:12
lardmanGeneralAntilles: I wouldn't use it if I were you, stick to the stylus ;)17:12
GeneralAntillesStylus keyboard sucks ass. ;)17:12
GeneralAntillesI get about 25wpm on stylus and 40-60 on finger17:12
GeneralAntillesWhich would you use?17:12 zaurus w/ ssh17:13
lardmanjohnx: +1 :)17:13
GeneralAntillesGiven the two options above. :P17:13
johnxcan't tab in the thumbboard17:13
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lardmanI like to be able to see the screen17:13
* rm_you agrees... mostly just SSH in17:14
johnxI switch between both about half and half17:14
johnxand try to avoid either as much as possible17:14
GeneralAntillesOK, whatever. :P17:14
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pupnik_cool jobs at maemo.org17:15
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johnxit is incredibly encouraging to see nokia put their $$$ where their mouth is in terms of paying for talent for maemo \o/17:17
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rm_youNow, if only they'd open a few select source packages...17:18
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dnearyX-Fade: Ping?17:19
* johnx won't worry about that for now17:19
X-Fadedneary: Yep.17:19
* rm_you worries about that now17:19
dneary is giving me a security error17:19
X-Fadedneary: Yes, the garage certificate has been revoked.17:20
X-FadeWe should be getting a new one shortly..17:20
dnearyDo you know who installedd the MediaWiki? I want to give credit where it's due17:20
dnearyWas it you, or Ferenc?17:21
X-FadeFerenc did that.17:21
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, is the karma generated dynamically or does it run an update once a day or something?17:22
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Once a day.17:23
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t_s_ohmm, i recall reading that the imap implementation that gmail use is limited at best. but i need to find where i read that...17:28
lcukpupnik_, shame most of them dont list location requirements17:29 IIRC17:29
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XxaxxGeneralAntilles: haha:) what difference between original osso-xterm and version? :x I didn't see any:)17:29
qwerty12Eh, there's a lot :p17:29
Xxaxxencoding ?17:29
johnxthough google-imap+modest work well for me17:29
Xxaxxqwerty12: for example ?17:29
qwerty12Xxaxx, Did you install .13 or .14?17:29
GeneralAntillesrm_you, you fail at logging in to the wiki. :P17:30
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qwerty12Ah, some bug fixes present, the option to hide the scrollbar works etc. .13 shows more difference (tabs and vertical shortcut bar) but it is older :/ and you may not like17:30
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Xxaxxhow about background/foregrownd black/white ?17:31
Xxaxxand vertical shortcut bar, I like it:)17:31
MangoFusioni find gmail imap is very odd. and annoying too if you store anything other than email in it (e.g. apple mail's todo's)17:31
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles,dneary : I at found a bug in the bugzilla karma. You should see a difference there tomorrow. (I hope) :)17:32
GeneralAntillesThanks, X-Fade.17:33
summatusmentisqwerty12: how does agps-ui work?17:33
GeneralAntillesIt is just submitted bugs, though, right?17:33
qwerty12summatusmentis, No idea, n800 here17:33
GeneralAntillesHe doesn't have an N810.17:33
summatusmentisI thought he'd posted on a blog somewhere, my mistake17:33
qwerty12Well, I was first to post a screenshot and maybe notice it :/17:34
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Yes, but it seems a plugin for other bugzilla things should be possible.17:34
qwerty12But I couldn't test it out :p17:34
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Xxaxxah, I can change the xterm colors, good:)17:34
summatusmentisoh, ok17:34
dnearyX-Fade: What was the bug?17:34
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, that's good. Triagers should get their recognition. :D17:34
lardmansummatusmentis: over a dbus message17:35
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X-FadeIt didn't update since a few weeks ;)17:35
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X-FadeThank the debian openssl bug for that ;)17:35
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lardmansummatusmentis: iirc gpsdriver asks for the info over dbus, but I only looked briefly17:35
summatusmentislardman: so it should work fine w/ maemo mapper then?17:36
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lardmansummatusmentis: yes, it operates at a lower level afaik17:36
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GeneralAntillessummatusmentis, the GPS framework is below the application level. ;)17:36
qwerty12It would make AGPS shit on the N810 if it only worked with Map 0.o17:36
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GeneralAntilles"Map" sucks however you look at it.17:37
summatusmentisI agree, just wanted to clarify17:37
qwerty12GeneralAntilles, Agreed. I don't know why people bother to try and "crack" it.17:37
GeneralAntillessummatusmentis, Yeah?! You wanna fight  about it! :P17:37
lardmanI actually got a lock from stone cold yesterday, using agps, in ~2min17:37
summatusmentisGeneralAntilles: you'd kick my ass17:37
rm_youvector maps would be nice...17:37
rm_youwould love to see a vectormap plugin for MaemoMapper17:37
* GeneralAntilles throws paper ninja stars at summatusmentis.17:37
summatusmentishmm... I've got 8 satellites in view... none connected17:38
qwerty12ooh, that's gotta hurt17:38
summatusmentispsh, ninja starts? weak sauce17:38
* summatusmentis activates force field17:38
* rm_you orders some strong sauce for GeneralAntilles 17:38
lardmansummatusmentis: the agps-ui is probably not accurate enough to be able to generate completely correct ephemeris data17:38
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summatusmentislardman: I don't understand the word ephemeris, I just want a mapping program that works :)17:39
pupnik_would gps get a faster lock if user could specify where (s)he actually IS RIGHT NOW when starting gps?17:39
lardmansummatusmentis: well that's independent of how the gps works17:39
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qwerty12pupnik_, Isn't that kinda defeating the point of the GPS for some purposes?17:40
summatusmentislardman: well, no, I'm looking for a gps fix, mostly17:40
RST38h"Applications may not be designed or marketed for real time route guidance; automatic or autonomous control of vehicles, aircraft, or other mechanical devices; dispatch or fleet management; or emergency or life-saving purposes."17:40
lardmansummatusmentis: you have almanac which gives the rough pos'n & vectors of the satellites & ephemeris which corrects that - if you know what you can see and how fast they are moving you can spend more time on the right channels looking for their signals17:40
dnearyThanks rm_you17:40
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lardmansummatusmentis: gps fix is again independent of which mapping sw you use17:41
X-Fadepupnik_: That is how the new a-gps function can work in diablo. You can point on the map.17:41
lardmansummatusmentis: that's down to the underlying bits & bobs17:41
qwerty12gpsd, gpsdriver etc17:42
X-Fadepupnik_: Or it can use cell info from your mobile phone.17:42
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lardmanpupnik_: I'm not sure of the accuracy of the ui though, would be good to be able to zoom into the map of the earth17:42
summatusmentislardman: right, ok17:42
qwerty12Someone should make uber ke-recv now that it's oss :)17:42
lardmanX-Fade: I see agps-ui is closed, will it remain that way (you may not know)?17:42
X-Fadelardman: You answered your own question.17:43
summatusmentisawesome, I've got a fix :)17:43
lardmanIt would be good to have a library to which we can pass a location, and it then talks to the supl server and updates gpsdriver17:43
lardmanX-Fade: :)17:43
summatusmentisit sort of seemed like it took a while, but that just might be maemomapper17:43
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rm_youwah, so Java actually sorta works on maemo?!17:48
lardmanIf you run agps-ui full screen (for example), a single pixel comprises a square of about 50x50 miles17:48
rm_youi could actually code some crazy shit if I can use java :P17:48
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crashanddieYeah, Java on the NIT would be awesome17:49
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crashanddieit does work :-°17:49
crashanddieWell... I wrote an app in java, an x-forwarded it to my tablet :P17:50
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jottjava works quite ok on the n8x0..17:50
crashanddienever got around testing the port... How does the UI behave ?17:51
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jottthe swt bindings are even hildonized17:51
dnearylardman|afk: How would you feel about taking a hold of the "Programming the DSP" page?17:51
jottand swing is slow and ugly as on the desktop ;)17:51
qwerty12Are we talking about jailmo or something else?17:51
summatusmentismaemo mapper hates downloading POIs, apparently17:52
jottyeah jalimo17:52
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GeneralAntillesandre|afk, thanks for the blog update! :D17:54
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dnearylardman|afk: That said, I just noticed that you more or less have already :)17:59
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GeneralAntillespupnik_, love your post in the N900 thread @Karel. :D18:03
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GeneralAntillesIt's too bad he's turned into such an epic troll.18:05
pupnik_yeah well the grass is always greener on the vaporware side of the fence18:06
qwerty12It's actually really pisstaking, every post that he makes in any thread is about how nokia, N800 etc is shit18:06
GeneralAntillesOh, itT18:06
GeneralAntillesWhat a cesspool.18:06
pupnik_it's not that bad18:07
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GeneralAntillesIt's close. :P18:07
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VReIf they would have news:// interface to ItT I might read those rants more often :)18:07
NaviWoo, trolls18:07
qwerty12Navi's excited because he's reunited with people of his kind :p18:08
pupnik_ty for the comments on the dpad navi et al18:08
RST38hGA: Was Karel a better human being before?18:09
GeneralAntillesRST38h, yeah.18:09
RST38hI mean, before he opened the Pandora box?18:09
GeneralAntillesHe sorta took a nose dive last Winter.18:10
Naviopenpandora has some nice stuff for it already18:10
GeneralAntillesNow it's mostly just sad.18:10
qwerty12Guy's probably gonna jerk off on his pandora when he gets it the amount of times he's been biggin it up.18:10
GeneralAntillesI'm hoping I can scrape together the cash for both.18:10
RST38hThe sad part is, he is unlikely to achieve happiness when he gets it18:11
GeneralAntillesRST38h, he's always talking about how many unsatisfactory handhelds he's been through.18:11
RST38hGA: Well, it will be another one18:11
NaviI'll be able to achieve happiness if a new iNES is released :D *hint hint*18:11
johnxhe will not enjoy a real community supported linux handheld, I'm certain of that18:11
johnxif he thinks the n8x0 somehow lacks polish he just needs to wait18:11
RST38hNavi: releasing it is not difficult but the audio problem you are having will most likely stay =(18:12
* GeneralAntilles is waiting patiently to jack all of the Pandora code when the N900 comes out.18:12
qwerty12Navi, I think that is the biggest hint ever :P18:12
NaviGeneralAntilles, pfft18:12
RST38hGA: Pandora is nothing more than an OMAP3 reference design in a shoddy casing18:12
NaviGeneralAntilles, the GP2X is a generally closed community source-wise18:12
johnxGeneralAntilles, I'll be going the other way :)18:12
RST38hNokia phones are OMAP2 reference designs (to be OMAP3 shortly)18:12
GeneralAntillesNah, qwerty12, this is: [size=∞]HINT[/size] :P18:12
NaviGeneralAntilles, even the GPL'd source they jack isn't opened18:12
pupnik_RST38h: ever find time to look at mplayer /trunk/libvo ?18:13
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qwerty12GeneralAntilles, lol, got me there :p18:13
GeneralAntillesGetting a Pandora, johnx?18:13
RST38hpupnik: Nope - I have 11-14 hour workdays18:13
johnxGeneralAntilles, very likely18:13
pupnik_:/  i understand18:13
summatusmentisdoes the n810 have fm radio?18:13
johnxI'll see how source openness plays out with the pandora18:13
RST38hpupnik: lcuk is the best person to talk about it18:13
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qwerty12summatusmentis, no muhahahaha18:13
Navijohnx, as badly as the GP2X?18:13
RST38hpupnik: He has done some good progress on making YUV stuff work18:13
johnxNavi, totally different company...18:14
Navijohnx, same community18:14
summatusmentisqwerty12: oh, ok. I don't care that much, just curious18:14
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Navidneary, dave!18:14
RST38hsource openness does not sell units18:14
GeneralAntillesHaha, Navi's done for now.18:14
dnearyDo you have about 15 minutes to help out with something?18:14
johnxNavi, I don't care about the source for someone's port, all I care about is an open kernel18:14
Navijohnx, oh, meh. Probably the same old stuff we have to deal with every day18:14
dnearyNavi: Is your nick your first name backwards?18:15
Navidneary, nope18:15
Navidneary, I've told you my name before :P18:15
Navidneary, yeah, I have some time18:15
Navidneary, what's up?18:15
dnearyAnd I remember it, of course....18:15
johnxNavi, I'll see, *before* I buy18:15
dnearyRemind me :)18:15
qwerty12Navi, It's on your bugzilla :p18:15
Navidneary, Anthony18:15
GeneralAntillesjohnx, you definitely should apply for a discount code, though. :P18:15
dnearyOK - how would you like to copy the wiki text from two pages to their MediaWiki home?18:15
johnxGeneralAntilles, I think I will this time18:15
Navijohnx, they have a repo for their stuff18:15
johnxNavi, ah, really?18:16
Navijohnx, they should.18:16
Navior at least, they will :/18:16
johnxthey will probably18:16
NaviI haven't been keeping up with pandora progress18:16
johnxthings are still under NDA until they ship though, AFAICT18:16
johnxNavi, I have actually18:16
johnxI'm cautiously optimistic that either the n900(?) or pandora will be "what I want" :)18:17
NaviI'm pessimistic18:17
dnearyYou'll need to update the wiki text and add the following to the top: {{Midgard article}} and this to the bottom: [[Category:Development]]\n[[Category:Midgard wiki]]18:17
GeneralAntillesI couldn't take the Pandora out of the house looking like it does.18:17
NaviThey're both vaporware until they release18:17
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johnxNavi, fair enough18:17
johnxbut being optimistic is free for now18:17
dnearyAnd if you are up for a second one: to
GeneralAntillesWell, either way, TI is definitely more open with the OMAP3 than 2.18:18
dnearyAh, OK. Yes - I recall18:18
Navihah, curl was slow to respond with my tinyurl stuff :/18:18
qwerty12What about Nokia's openness?18:18
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pupnik_thanks for the links dneary18:19
* qwerty12 wants to cry, fsck wants to scan my hard disk on the next reboot (anyone using linux will know the pain) :(18:19
dnearypupnik_: No problem. which ones?18:19
johnxNavi, if both let me down, I'll buy a beagleboard and make a case for it out of *wood*18:19
johnxI'll hit up lcuk for help with that too :D18:20
NaviWood? That thing still exists?18:20
GeneralAntillesjohnx, that so wont be pocketable. :P18:20
qwerty12With the nails sticking out, it would be a nice weapon18:20
johnxhey, as long as I'm being crafty I'll sew new pockets to all my pants :D18:20
NaviIf I do end up getting an openpandora, I'm planning on making new housing for it18:21
dnearyThis page is pretty painful to read:
dnearypupnik_: ?18:21
dnearyYou lost me18:21
NaviThe official design just sucks so much balls18:21
johnxNavi, I don't mind it too much18:21
jottjohnx: duct tape the beagle board - you could also attach a display on it this way ;)18:22
johnxyou want it more tablet-like?18:22
NaviI would have preferred something closer to the GP2X18:22
johnxI like having a keyboard18:22
Navigaming buttons all on the face18:22
Navislide out keyboard18:22
johnxNavi, that would have been nice18:22
GeneralAntillesjohnx, you should just get this:
GeneralAntillesAt least you don't have to worry about the screen then.18:22
johnxNavi, apparently they're somewhat afraid of patents on that stuff18:22
dnearypupnik_: Ah!18:23
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dnearypupnik_: You're taking on the migration?18:23
johnxGeneralAntilles, yeah, it's only a bear board for *10x* the price :P18:23
pupnik_no and i shouldn't even be chatting here now18:23
johnxI was gonna s/ that but it does look like a bear :P18:23
pupnik_ffh.  oh well - consequence.  bb someday18:24
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solmumaha to18:25
NaviI'm working on the X11 extension thing so if anyone wants to migrate the gamedev article, knock yourself out18:26
jottugh.. the gamedevelopment article should be split up and the links on the bottom should be removed.. maybe i'll find some time when i'm back home18:26
solmumahai was just sighing about my inability to use putty :)18:27
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rm_youhrm, pandora looks awesome on first scan <_<18:30
rm_youanyways, sleep for me18:30
rm_younight all18:30
johnx'night rm_you18:30
GeneralAntillesWeird part message from pupnik. :\18:30
lardmandneary: yes that's fine18:30
lardmandneary: do I need to import it?18:30
dnearyjott: Yes, I agree18:31
dnearyjott: But if you wanted, a pure migration with someone else following up with an edit would be fine18:31
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NaviAnyone know how to do a mailing link in mediawiki?18:32
jottdneary: yeah i see what i can do in a few hours from now. i could also do some cleanup if someone migrated the article in the meantime18:32
jottgot to go now18:33
GAN800Navi, [link name] doesn't work?18:33
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summatusmentisIs there a way to 'remote control' a phone via bluetooth?18:38
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johnxI've heard of phone-link18:38
NaviGAN800, no18:38
johnxnever tried it18:38
NaviI've heard of it, but I wasn't able to use it 'cuz my phone wasn't support it18:38
summatusmentisgarage's certificate has been revoked?18:39
qwerty12I would <3 the person to convert bt info from Java into C/whatever18:39
summatusmentisJava's not bad18:39
lardmanI'd never looked at the Pandora before, looks pretty cool18:39
Navisummatusmentis, yeh18:39
Navigetting a new one18:40
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NaviHope it's not as annoying :P18:40
johnxlardman, the omap3 is a very interesting board. It will be fun to see what linux devices come out based on it :)18:40
dnearyGAN800: [URL link text] works18:41
Navi[email address] doesn't18:41
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NaviJust waiting on that and subsections18:41
lardmanjohnx: yep, nice open documentation :)18:41
johnxand serious guts18:41
NaviI'd know how if the mediawiki guide would fscking load18:42
summatusmentisNavi: any idea as to when the new one will come?18:42
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Navisummatusmentis, ask X-Fade18:42
johnxI think it will be an interesting year or two for embedded linux :)18:42
Xxaxxbtw, have anyone seen hildonised links2 (x11 graphic version) ?18:42
Xxaxx(links -g)18:42
johnxXxaxx, does links2 use gtk for a toolkit?! O_o18:43
GeneralAntillesNavi, [ email me] ?18:43
Xxaxxjohnx: noop18:43
Xxaxxnope :)18:43
johnxthen hildonizing it would mean making a new links based on gtk first :P18:44
Xxaxx"links -g" need only two features :) input and fullscreen :)18:44
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NaviGeneralAntilles, yeah, that works18:44
Xxaxxvirtual keyboard input I mean18:44
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Navihow's that?18:45
johnxXxaxx, and the hildon-input-method will only work with gtk apps18:45
Xxaxxjohnx: yes, but fbreader not gtk application for example ,)18:45
johnxit is I believe...18:46
Xxaxxit isn't18:46
johnxyes, it is18:46
johnxwant me to run ldd on it or something?18:46
Xxaxxbetter look in source :)18:46
GeneralAntillesIt's got zlibrary for the text rendering18:46
mgedminXxaxx: fbreader uses a widget abstraction layer that can use many diverse toolkits as backend18:46
mgedminon maemo it uses gtk18:47
Xxaxxyes, but for "links -g" must be possible to make dirty hacks without full intergration18:48
qwerty12Only if it is GTK18:48
qwerty12hildon-input-method only works with gtk (python too but I guess python is only interpreted)18:48
johnxqwerty12, only python apps that use gtk for a toolkit :)18:49
Navipython with the python gtk wrappers which import the hildon module18:49
qwerty12johnx, Ah, ok :). I assumed it was all python >.<18:49
Xxaxxyou can use hildon-input-method not only with gtk, you can use it with plain x11 application with a little hack18:49
qwerty12Well recompile links2 with that little hack.18:50
XxaxxI was tried, without luck.18:50
summatusmentisphonelink is not happy software18:50
johnxXxaxx, can you tell us about the hack. I'm sure others would be interested18:50
dnearyNavi: Looks great!18:50
GeneralAntillessummatusmentis, give it a cookie?18:50
qwerty12summatusmentis, Trying to use it on a CDMA phone or something?18:50
dnearyI just added categories and the Midgard article template at the top18:51
summatusmentisqwerty12: well, yes18:51
Xxaxxjohnx: ?18:51
qwerty12Well, I don't know if BREW believes in AT commands with CDMA being the POS it is18:51
Navidneary, I noticed18:51
summatusmentisI'm not disagreein CDMA is a pos, but it works where i need it to18:52
Navidneary, thanks18:52
qwerty12works fine on my W810, but it doesn't like my Symbian phones >.<18:52
NaviAnyone do the gamedev article yet?18:52
GeneralAntillesDon't forget to log in when editing.18:53
johnxXxaxx, hildon-input-method has changed quite a bit since then. That's likely the source of your is likely still possible of course18:53
summatusmentisqwerty12: can you recieve calls? or does it just notify you that you're ringing?18:53
NaviGeneralAntilles, no. I rather people see mah IP an' haxxorz me18:53
GeneralAntillesNavi, karma. :P :D18:53
NaviScrew karma.18:53
NaviEven more reason not to register18:53
qwerty12summatusmentis, Never tried out that feature, all I tried out was the texting and ringing calls which work for me fine18:53
Navilog in*18:53
qwerty12summatusmentis, See if there is a version of gnokii with cdma support or the like18:54
NaviGeneralAntilles, I was asking in case there hasn't been a commit18:54
NaviGeneralAntilles, I can see that the page doesn't exist quite well18:55
summatusmentisqwerty12: and the calling out is all done through the n8x0 right? you don't still have to pick up your phone to actually talk to someone?18:55
GeneralAntillesAh, I see, but it's still a worthwhile bookmark.18:55
Xxaxxjohnx: eh ;(18:55
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qwerty12summatusmentis, no, you have to pick up the phone physically, phonelink just dials the number (but if you have a bluetooth headset connected to the phone, you don't need to pick up anything)18:55
mgedmindoes this work reliably?18:56
summatusmentisqwerty12: intriguing18:56
mgedminmy ancient phone (t68i) didn't relinquish the bluetooth connection with my palm that did the number dialing fast enough to connect to the BT headset18:57
mgedminor something like that18:57
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dnearyNavi: Looks like it's till up for grabs19:00
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Navidneary, yeah, working on it19:00
dnearyNavi: Cool19:00
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Navidneary, can I skip the projects with broken links?19:08
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dnearywhich ones?19:08
NaviWell, none of the indt screenshots work19:09
NaviThe whole game list is really not needed in the first place19:09
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Navidneary, what should I do about it?19:14
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dnearyLeave the links out19:14
NaviKeep the projects in?19:14
dnearyOr perhaps put them in comments19:14
dnearyYou mean screenshots of games etc?19:14
NaviWell, I was talking about the links to the screenshots before19:15
NaviBut do you want to keep the names of the projects and their descriptions in?19:15
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Navidneary, still here?19:36
GeneralAntilleslol @ small headings19:36
dnearyJust busy :)19:36
dnearyNavi: OK - I understand your question better now19:37
dnearyI think we should just drop the games from the page19:37
GeneralAntillesNavi, the whole header hierarchy should probably be moved up a place (i.e. == to =) or the SDL section needs to be reworked.19:38
GeneralAntillesThe headers get too small.19:38
NaviGeneralAntilles, do it yerself19:39
GeneralAntillesOK. :)19:39
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Navidneary, k19:40
Navidneary, so, take it out?19:40
GeneralAntillesDon't mid-air collision me19:40
GeneralAntillesYou want the game section dumped?19:40
NaviGeneralAntilles, mediawiki has diffs for that19:40
dnearySo - I desist19:40
dnearyI will stop editing19:40
dnearyI was thinking of keeping "External links"19:41
GeneralAntillesYeah, but it's not automated. :P19:41
NaviIt warns you when someone makes a commit before you :P19:41
Robot101Navi: it gives you the entire page "before" and "after", it's pretty lame19:41
Navicopy and paste19:41
Robot101you still have to do a manual merge19:41
NaviEasy 'nuff19:41
Robot101which is just crap considering how many tools there are for doing 3-way merges19:41
Robot101and showing inline conflicts19:41
GeneralAntillesOK, submitted.19:41
Robot101it's un-necessarily annoying :)19:41
GeneralAntillesSeems like somebody should've written a plugin for it.19:42
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dnearyHi Robot10119:46
Robot101dneary: hola19:47
dnearyNow, what would really be great, and it's really the last worthwhile content I have seen from Midgard, is if "Getting started on Garage" could get content reviewed, heavily edited and mograted19:48
dnearyThe "MaemoGarageStartUp" page19:48
GeneralAntillesI'd like to see that as part of an Extras/Downloads/Garage documentation thing for developers19:49
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andre|afkGeneralAntilles, you're welcome :)19:58
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* GAN800 prods X-Fade to blog more.20:01
X-FadeGAN800: Dude, I do about one a week. Where's yours? :)20:02
GAN800I don't blog. :P20:02
inzMy current blog rate is about 2 posts/year20:02
qwerty12inz, congrats, you've topped my record at 020:02
X-FadeOk guys, I have now installed a self-signed certificate on garage as a temporary solution while we wait for Verisign to give us the right one.20:03
GAN800I blog on itT, anyway.20:03
inzI ignore itt20:03
GAN800A wise plan.20:03
qwerty12X-Fade, But but but firefox won't let me in: "The certificate is not trusted because it is self signed."; you are trying to hack my computer!20:03
X-Fadeqwerty12: Well, but now you can at least add an exception.20:04
GeneralAntillesI try and bring as many of the non-idiots out of itT and into the maemo community-proper as I can.20:04
X-FadeWe revoked the old one and FF3 wouldn't let you in at all.20:04
qwerty12Heh, I'm only joking, I add certificates anyway when ff3 won't let me in, I don't really give a toss about it being dodgy, I just wanna see the content :p20:05
X-FadeSo even though self signed is bad, it is better than no access at all ;)20:05
qwerty12Reggie: "I would think that the wiki will be a good replacement for the itT wiki". With the people at ITT, I hope not.20:06
GeneralAntillesHehe, again, pulling the useful people out into the larger community. ;)20:07
qwerty12But it seems like an invite for noobs :/. The useful people do/should already know about the wiki.20:08
GeneralAntillesNah, n00bs aren't too bad on a wiki.20:08
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GeneralAntillesThey're usually scared off on just take baby steps20:08
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GeneralAntillesOnce you get 'em taking baby steps you can make them into something useful.20:08
qwerty12Cool, I'd contribute more to these sort of things if my English was brilliant on wiki (dodgy because on paper, I'm brilliant >.>) and if I knew some wiki basics, html & css20:09
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GeneralAntillesNo need for html or css20:10
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GeneralAntillesand english isn't a huge hurdle for technical stuff20:10
GeneralAntillesbesides, that's what the other editors are for.20:10
GeneralAntillesAre you only allowed to add one comment per entry in Downloads?20:11
Peoriais there anyone got their nokia 770 replaced/fixed under warranty?20:12
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summatusmentisI need to find a larger mini-sd card20:12
summatusmentisor even micro-sd w/ adapter20:12
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Peoriai'm thinking which symptons are enough to get this thing fixed20:12
qwerty12I need to start packaging my compiles a whole lot better, the aircrack-ng I posted before is the only one I've put real effort into :/20:12
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summatusmentis!!! 8GB mini-sd on newegg20:14
GAN800and then start pushing them to Extras-devel. ;)20:14
GAN800lol? summa20:14
X-FadeYeah, push them to -devel!20:14
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summatusmentisGAN800: oh, for $33 also20:15
summatusmentisthat's awesome20:15
GAN800Had you not looked before? :P20:15
NaviI just steal debian pkgbuilds and modify them20:15
Navis'not hard20:15
qwerty12I don't have enough faith in my compiles to put then in extras-devel20:15
summatusmentisit wasn't there before... last time I looked, they only had 4GB ones, for like $4020:15
GAN800That's what the -devel is for. ;)20:15
X-Fadeqwerty12: -devel is for experimental stuff :)20:15
X-Fadeqwerty12: And you can even use the autobuilder to test the quality.. ;)20:16
summatusmentisthe micro-sd ones are pricy though20:16
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qwerty12Cool, I'll work on Conky and put that in -devel, seems to be the most popular thing I've compiled20:16
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qwerty12Hmm, does xournal have a feature where it can annotate on any program on the screen?20:24
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johnxprovided you take a screenshot first20:25
qwerty12Ah, cool, thanks for the answer20:26
johnxheh...sorry. :P I think the answer would be no, in general20:27
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X-Fadeqwerty12: Only if you put screenshots in a pdf?20:27
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GeneralAntillesI wish things would keep me signed in. <_<20:29
GeneralAntillesLove/hating planet stuff is always a two-step process. . . .20:29
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: That is going to happen as soon as we have the new servers in place.20:30
* GeneralAntilles is looking forward to that.20:30
qwerty12So you are finally replacing the N800's with Apache running on them? :p20:30
GeneralAntillesNah, upgrading FROM 770s TO N800s. :P20:30
GeneralAntillesAny of this upgrading gonna help with tablets-dev and Extras?20:31
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X-FadeOh believe me, me too.20:31
GeneralAntillesSince I'd say tablets-dev and Extras are easily way more important than maemo.org20:31
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Those servers are mirrord by a huge caching network.20:31
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, which fails totally.20:32
qwerty12Thank God catalogue.tableteer is a site...20:32
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GeneralAntillesThey might as well not be cached at all for all the good it's done. :\20:32
X-FadeYeah there is something that expires the files from the cache way too soon.20:32
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GeneralAntillestablets-dev and Extras HAVE to be 100% uptime.20:33
qwerty12X-Fade, Anyway, how comes you made /something report it's not found :p. When I got the password, I expected the Nokia collection of porn only to find some useless testing files and now they appear to have gone :( :P20:33
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X-Fadeqwerty12: I can't follow?20:34
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GeneralAntillesEspecially with apt's ridiculously long timeout.20:34
GeneralAntillesIt's fun waiting 20 minutes to find out the repos aren't up.20:35
qwerty12X-Fade, :)20:35
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qwerty12( lists something btw)20:35
qwerty12So I know that message is lying to me :P20:35
X-Fadeqwerty12: I don't have access to those machines.20:35
qwerty12Ah, ok, my bad :/20:35
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X-FadeThat is on the other side of the big firewall ;)20:36
qwerty12The great firewall of China?20:36
wndGeneralAntilles, you could try to set timeout for the connections ;-)20:37
AnunakinI having a problem with my system clock... date comand works, but on controlpanel (maemo) this crach when I try change my time20:37
GeneralAntilleswnd, yes, but that doesn't help the end-users.20:37
Anunakinany hope?20:37
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GeneralAntillesWhich are the people most impacted by that stupidity.20:37
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wndhence the ";-)"20:37
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GeneralAntillesWhile we're on the subject, can we make the sort-order less retarded on ?20:37
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: You got to love that one, right? :P20:38
GeneralAntillesI just search for whatever I'm looking for when I'm browsing through there.20:38
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Put it on my TODO list ;)20:39
X-FadeMaybe I should have one on the wiki?20:39
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GeneralAntillesSounds like a good plan.20:40
GeneralAntillesSomething I can point at is always useful for me.20:40
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X-FadeI'd have to bug somebody else to do it, but I'm good at that..20:41
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GeneralAntillesYou want a bug for it?20:41
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X-FadeGeneralAntilles: I seem to recall there actually is one?20:41
johnxseriously did the sort order end p like that...I can't even figure out what it's sorting on20:41
GeneralAntillesI remember hrw mentioning it a few times.20:41
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X-Fadekarma hunter ;)20:43
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* GeneralAntilles wants that cheap N900 realbadyeah20:44
pekujais the gps on n810 kinda bad or is there some trick or required conditions to getting a connection to a satellite?20:44
johnxit's not the best20:44
pekujagps status seems to be "searching" all the time20:45
GeneralAntillesImprovements are coming in Diablo.20:45
mtrlttrick: stay inside an open area.20:45
johnxtry to have a view of the southern sky when getting a fix20:45
mtrlti couldn't get a lock in a forest20:45
pekujaI played Diablo years ago and it's still not working!20:46
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pekujadoes cloudy weather hamper gps?20:47
pekujathat might be it then, I guess20:48
pekujait's very cloudy20:48
johnxnote: don't get lost when it's cloudy20:48
pekujathat would suck20:48
pekujaespecially if it rains20:48
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gadgetoidNumpty physics is so awesome20:49
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kulvebad weather shouldn't prevent getting the fix, just increase the first fix time a bit..20:51
X-Fadepekuja: Under trees, between buildings. It can all hamper reception.20:51
johnxkulve, what if the situation is borderline already?20:51
kulvejohnx: then you are ofc in trouble :)20:52
johnxright :)20:52
kulvebuildings tend to be difficult as the reflect the signals..20:52
summatusmentisthat might be why I couldn't get it to work last night20:53
summatusmentisGeneralAntilles: cheap n900?20:53
summatusmentisoh the dev thing20:54
summatusmentisunless it's got huge improvements, I'll probably stick w/ my n810 for a while20:54
GeneralAntillesgadgetoid, no info yet.20:55
X-Fadegadgetoid: Yeah, don't you have that? I have the N1210 already ;)20:55
GeneralAntillesWe're basically 99% sure it'll be OMAP3430, but that's about all of it.20:55
mgedmin"The class midcom_user is not default constructible."20:55
mgedminwhen you click on any name in that announcement20:55
gadgetoidHaha I can try bugging my pr contact about it20:56
gadgetoidBut i should imagine they will keep mum20:56
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Are you? I would guess it is just a bit too early for that?20:56
mgedminwhat's the price difference between OMAP3xxx and 2xxxx?20:56
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GeneralAntillesX-Fade, well, what ELSE would it be. ;)20:56
kulveI've played a bit with 3430's and at least it can play videos decently ;)20:56
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, they'll be about the same as the OMAP2s were in 2007. ;)20:56
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: OMAP2 still?20:57
gadgetoidI can barely find the cash to hold on to an n800 let along the next best thing20:57
GeneralAntillesX-Fade, no way.20:57
mgedminwhy not?20:57
GeneralAntillesThey do that, and I'm buying an iPhone.20:57
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mgedminthey might have a secret deal with apple20:57
GeneralAntillesWe're at 3 OMAP2 tablets20:58
GeneralAntillesmore than enough thank you very much20:58
GeneralAntillesBesides, what would be the motivation for sticking with OMAP2?20:58
X-FadeGeneralAntilles: Dual OMAP2? :)20:58
mgedminbinary compatibility of software20:58
mgedmin(existing software)20:58
GeneralAntillesIt's an SoC, it doesn't work like that.20:58
mgedminin both directions20:58
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, and loosing a shitton of existing customers to the competition?20:59
johnxmgedmin, won't be much of an issue for 90% of what's out there I would think20:59
mgedminwhat competition?20:59
infobotGeneralAntilles meant: mgedmin, and losing a shitton of existing customers to the competition?20:59
* X-Fade would love to have an OMAP3 tablet :)20:59
GeneralAntillesPandora, iPhone, etc20:59
* johnx *will* have an omap3 linux handheld *one way or the other*20:59
mgedminyou could give the same argument for including a GSM chip in the next NIT20:59
gadgetoidBleh iphone20:59
mgedmin"lose the competition for iPhone"20:59
mgedminor multitouch21:00
* mgedmin would love multitouch21:00
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, not upgrading the platform in 2 years is a bit different to not adding GSM or multitouch.21:00
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mgedminmhm, maybe21:00
mgedminbut wait21:00
mgedminthe point of upgrading the platform is that you get something out of it21:00
mgedmin(unless you're a geek)21:00
mgedminwhat would nokia get from omap3?21:01
GeneralAntillesAre you paying ANY attention?21:01
mgedminlower cost? faster hardware? 3d?21:01
johnxa "desktop-like browsing experience" and decent video playback21:01
GeneralAntillesWay faster CPU, 3d, hardware video acceleration21:01
* mgedmin is paying some21:01
gadgetoidA higher number to put on the spec sheet21:01
GeneralAntilles^ and that21:01
mgedminso, there are pluses21:01
johnxthey could *really* start talking about the video playback21:01
mgedminwhat are the minuses?21:01
mgedmincost? power usage?21:02
GeneralAntillesPower usage should be the same21:02
* mgedmin wants to hear that OMAP3 is more power-efficient21:02
GeneralAntillesIt is21:02
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GeneralAntillesmore power-efficient per cycle21:02
mgedminI'd take better performance for the same battery life21:02
GeneralAntillesThat's what you'll get.21:02
mgedminiff nokia decides that makes sense from their business perspective21:02
GeneralAntillesIt has the same consumption as the ARM11 in the OMAP2 at 2-3x the performance.21:03
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, we're in the same situation as we were with the OMAP1-to-OMAP2 upgrade.21:03
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mgedminoh? was the 770 OMAP1?21:03
GeneralAntillesExcept this is even more significant than that.21:03
* mgedmin doesn't remember21:03
johnxGeneralAntilles, wasn't the omap2 out in production devices significantly before the n800?21:03
GeneralAntillesYour premise is broken, mgedmin. ;)21:03
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GeneralAntillesjohnx, 6-8 months ish21:04
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* GeneralAntilles wants a source on that.21:04
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X-FadeI read something today that OMAP3 is expected to show up in handsets at the end of 2008. So who knows.21:04
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GeneralAntillesThe "tube" or whatever it is is supposed to be coming out soon, right?21:05
mgedminnokia normally announces new tablets in january, doesn't it?21:05
GeneralAntillesmgedmin, no21:05
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gadgetoi1Woohoo thanks22:45
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lardmanwhey - sbc output22:46
lardmanbut not very good, broken up22:47
lcuksorry lardman? can't hear you22:47
summatusmentishow easy is it to port an application to be hildonized?22:47
KotCzarnyfew lines of the code22:47
keesjyes only need to already be gtk ?22:48
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lcuk:D lardman im glad its working though, i saw earlier you said it was your headset that stopped you22:48
KotCzarnyfor gtk you will have to add program container too22:48
KotCzarnyhildon program :)22:48
Gadgetoidxchat much better22:48
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lardmanlcuk: user error, seems that's a normal issue22:48
KotCzarnyby i managed Xt app to show in task nav too22:49
lcukheh lardman :D sounds like me cursing my machine for software not working before realising that i had cleaned the build down ;)22:50
Gadgetoidstill no full screen but nice tiny text22:50
lcukGadgetoid, you mean xchat isnt fullscreen?22:51
lardmanlcuk: slightly embarassing really22:51
lcuktry pressing the hardware button ;)22:51
lardmanprobably need more wine22:51
lcukagreed, speaking of which ive got an alcopop geting warm downstairs22:51
Gadgetoidoh that's what that button does22:52
summatusmentisKotCzarny: I'm just wondering about thunderbird22:52
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summatusmentisKotCzarny: regarding hildonizing apps23:00
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summatusmentiswhy are so many people stuck on the full size SD slots for n900 ?23:05
summatusmentissd cards are bulky by comparison23:06
johnxfull size sd is cheap and easy23:06
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johnxand also biggest, currently23:06
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summatusmentisyeah, but it takes a lot more to carry 3 SD cards around than it does 3 microsd's23:07
KotCzarnyyeah, but it takes more to carry 2 minisd cards than 1 sd23:07
summatusmentisnot by much23:07
Gadgetoiddoh no airodump port23:08
KotCzarnyif you have one big sd card you don't need to carry anything else23:08
KotCzarnyor to swap them23:08
summatusmentisI feel like SD cards, while higher capacity, and more prevalent right now, are 'too big' :)23:08
Gadgetoidfull sized sd doesn't work in my phone.. which is a pain23:09
Gadgetoidmicro sd is just too small23:09
KotCzarnysize doesn't matter23:10
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KotCzarnyi just don't want to carry them in my pocket23:10
johnxmini sd is already dead though23:10
KotCzarnywhen i can have them in my device23:10
johnxand a lot of hackery things is made easier by having two card slots23:10
johnxsuch as root on sd while still keeping a spare "media" card23:11
johnxor loading pics from a camera23:11
Gadgetoidlike the good ol tapwave zodiac eh eh!23:11
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DekaritaeYus, and more soon23:12
summatusmentismini sd is, micro sd isn't necessarily23:12
DekaritaeWithin a week or two will have SDHC driver for Zodiac (and others)23:12
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johnxa driver for palm os?23:13
summatusmentisI did like the full SD slot in my Z, but if the micro sd slots make it easier for other gadgetry internally, I'd prefer them23:13
johnxI thought there were some issues that kept palm os from addressing more than 1GB or somesuch...23:13
* johnx reads23:13
Gadgetoidi sold one of my zods, havent touched the other in ages23:14
Gadgetoidso much for shiny palm goodness23:14
DekaritaeI have three, one working, one with broken backlight23:14
Gadgetoidand my sharp wizard is now a baby toy23:14
Gadgetoideven my 1 year old cant keep her mitts off gadgets23:15
DekaritaeAlso have Treo 650, Treo 300, Handera 330, Cassiopeia A-10, HP 320LX, and MessagePad 210023:15
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DekaritaeIs like am SPCG member23:16
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Gadgetoidglad i have gadgetoid to help keep me abreast of my addiction23:18
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DekaritaeI buys crap on craigslist23:20
johnxI want to dig up an ibm z50 or psion 5mx or netbook to play with :D23:22
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DekaritaeI want plucker on my nokia23:24
Gadgetoidugh the psion5mx is the greatest gadget i never owned23:24
Dekaritaefbreader is blows23:24
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Gadgetoidmy other half almost  bought one  years ago23:24
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johnxI wonder what kind of RAM the z50 takes23:25
johnxI just found one...23:25
summatusmentisthose things look ginormous23:25
DekaritaeI have three23:25
johnxthree psions?23:26
johnxhi, Gnuton23:26
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Gnutonhey johnx23:26
summatusmentisyeah, huge. I'll stick to my Z and n81023:26
DekaritaeFrom picture23:26
infobotsummatusmentis meant: yeah, huge. I'll stick to my Zs and n81023:27
DekaritaeNewton, Palm V, Treo 65023:27
DekaritaePalm V gave away23:27
johnxDekaritae, you saw garnetVM for the n8x0, right?23:27
DekaritaeYes. Not terrible useful23:27
johnxit can scale to full screen now at least23:28
DekaritaeNo screen rotation and no use of high res23:28
johnx"no screen rotation" hmm?23:28
DekaritaePalmOS garnet can handle 640x480 screen resolution native so why not use23:28
johnxyou mean, can't display landscape modes?23:28
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johnxah, I didn't know that23:28
DekaritaeAlphasmart Dana uses 640x160 resolution23:29
johnxjust wow23:30
johnxdo most apps cope with that ok?23:30
KotCzarnysmall sfcreen23:30
DekaritaeApps that don't run square23:30
johnxthat's probably why they didn't bother in garnet vm23:31
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DekaritaeWould kill for version OS5 hires23:31
DekaritaeReally. Have crossbow23:31
KotCzarnyrelative to device size, of course23:31
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johnxhmm...looks like psions don't have much support in 2.6 :/23:33
lardmanbbiam, keyboard playing silly buggers again23:34
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summatusmentiscan I ask why anyone would want a psion anymore?23:34
johnxfor fun23:34
johnxto play around and hack on23:34
johnxmaybe for ssh/irc/reading23:34
DekaritaeEeeOS has nice UI for 800x480 screen, and boot image < 400 MB23:34
johnxmpd client23:34
DekaritaeAlso is Debian23:34
Gadgetoidpsion is awesome23:35
johnxDekaritae, hmm?23:36
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johnxlooks nice though23:36
johnxmost of the custom stuff should make for a straight recompile for the n80023:37
DekaritaeWhy on nokias is there no way to open the apps menu with hardware key23:37
johnxit's the menu button23:37
johnxit has a picture of a menu23:37
summatusmentisnot the 'start' menu23:37
johnxah, right23:38
johnxapps menu not app's menu :)23:38
johnxI read that wrong23:38
johnxI just thumb it anyways23:38
DekaritaeThis is grand UI flaw23:39
summatusmentisI thumb it too23:39
summatusmentisDekaritae: no it's not, it's really nice... just use your thumbs23:39
* lcuk fingers it23:39
DekaritaeI can navigate menu with pad. And launch app from menu with pad. But not open menu23:40
lcukits on the wrong side for thumb use23:40
DekaritaeYou have thumb on wrong side23:40
johnxthe icon is like 10mm away from the d-pad...23:40
lcukwell im left handed23:40
DekaritaeI am usually hold nokia with right hand23:40
summatusmentisI hold it with both hands23:41
lcukthen surely its a finger job than thumb23:41
Dekaritaeeffik awkward to launch23:41
johnxso you can reach the d-pad but not 1cm over to the icon?23:41
summatusmentisI would've loved to hold my Zaurus w/ both hands, but the stupid wifi card kept jabbing my palm23:41
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DekaritaeI cannot thumb. The icons are too small23:42
summatusmentisyour thumbs must be huge23:42
DekaritaeOnly small much23:43
DekaritaeStupid Canola23:43
johnxthumb app menu icon, then use d-pad23:43
johnxand yes, a couple more hardware buttons would be great23:44
lcuknot intuitive enough23:44
lcukjust get better menu system ;)23:44
lcukbig fat buttons visible from orbit for those that want an easy ride23:44
johnxheh...getting bigger plans lcuk?23:44
summatusmentisthe only hardware buttons I use are d-pad, lock slider, and power23:45
summatusmentisI wish there was a scroll hardware button though23:45
lcukyou've seen the vid, the thing that just gets bypassed is how quickly i navigated different areas of the system ;)23:45
johnxI use back arrow all the time23:45
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summatusmentissee, when I'm using my n810, I've got the keyboard out, and forget about the two hardware buttons on the faceplate23:46
lcuki hate havign it open and having to reach around to press fullscreen or scroll - its like old pcs where you had to scurry round the back to find a usb slot23:47
johnxsorry, coming down with a cold I guess23:47
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Gadgetoidthe n810 isnt much of an upgrade23:48
Gadgetoidmushy nasty horrible keyboard added....woohoo23:48
lcuksideways step to give the punters who want sliughtly different feature set what they want.  aint that what nokia does with all its devices?23:49
wizaI didn't even consider nxxx before keyboard23:49
wizai think it's ok23:49
lcukGadgetoid, it was the keyboard which made me get this - i didnt contemplate an 800 because i cant type and work at the same time23:49
lcukoooh wiza, scary23:49
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lcukand i have a bluetooth keyboard for 810 but when im not at home the keyboard is essential23:50
Gadgetoidits okay to type on when lying the device flat23:50
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Gadgetoidbut with thumbs argh23:51
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lcuki type on my knee with it whilst im out havin a cig at work23:51
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summatusmentishonestly, I *need* a thumboard23:51
wizaI travel alot on my motorbike so basically it's mostly for checking email, im, some web, navigation23:51
wizaI can leave my laptop at home for short trips23:51
Gadgetoidbut i will be stuck with the 800 if i buy one anyway23:51
Gadgetoidmaybe i  am having bad keyboarding experiences to justify that23:52
lcukGadgetoid, i heartily recommend a decent bt keyboard :) the OSK is really good on this device, but you miss so much action when its up23:52
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Gadgetoidi have an apple one that works nicely23:52
lcuksmall thin?23:53
lcukor big dopey?23:53
Gadgetoidaye.. enough23:53
Gadgetoidnot pocket sized of course23:53
Gadgetoidbut i would not use the keyboard away from home anyway23:53
Gadgetoidalready got one on my htc kaiser23:54
RST38hlcuk: A laptop!23:55
lcukwith 2 keyboards!   double productivity23:55
* lcuk just realised that23:55
RST38hhigh quality case made of natural wood23:55
Gadgetoidusing irc with the apple keyboard is positively a pleasure23:56
Gadgetoidthe stand in the n810 is excellent23:56
lcuk:) indeed, i couldnt draw on the screen with it raised up, not the screen is flush to the surface and my wrist rests naturally like drawing on paper23:56
summatusmentisI love apple keyboards23:57
lcukthe apple keys feel massive23:57
pH5lcuk: the only thing I'm missing in that picture is a big fresnel lens in front of the screen :D23:57
lcukheh ph5 - would it be clear enough ;) ?23:58
* lcuk has only seen blurry lense :(23:58
KotCzarnyyeah, especially magnifying rgb pixels23:59
pH5lcuk: unlikely, but that would be so brazil23:59

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