konttori | ok. maybe cairo and gtk then. | 00:00 |
KotCzarny | :) | 00:00 |
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Navi | O_o | 00:01 |
konttori | This threah should help you get on your feet with python desktop plugins: http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16720 | 00:03 |
KotCzarny | thx | 00:03 |
KotCzarny | bookmark added :) | 00:03 |
konttori | hns posts on second page a really good example on what you have to put to desktop file and where you have to put the python file | 00:04 |
konttori | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16720&page=2 | 00:04 |
konttori | (and also a good cairo example) | 00:04 |
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blimpdude | hi. | 00:10 |
blimpdude | any ideas how i can watch flash videos on my 770? | 00:11 |
KotCzarny | flash with os2008he ? | 00:12 |
GeneralAntilles | mplayer | 00:12 |
blimpdude | hmm... os2008he on 770 ? | 00:12 |
GeneralAntilles | Not supported | 00:13 |
KotCzarny | he stands for hackers edition | 00:13 |
GeneralAntilles | But there's a thread on ITT covering the steps to install. | 00:13 |
blimpdude | ya im sceptical to even install 2007he | 00:13 |
pupnik | "flying in the air so fancy free"? | 00:14 |
pupnik | i'm hearing homer simpson sing 'hey there, blimpy boy' | 00:14 |
KotCzarny | Browser works nicely but there is no Flash. | 00:15 |
KotCzarny | ah | 00:15 |
KotCzarny | scratch it then | 00:15 |
KotCzarny | http://maemo.org/news/announcements/view/internet_tablet_hacker_edition_pushed_at_chinook_level.html | 00:15 |
KotCzarny | unless something has changed since then | 00:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Ha | 00:16 |
blimpdude | i <3 my 770 tho | 00:16 |
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Navi | Oh lawd | 00:40 |
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KotCzarny | http://blog.homac.de/?p=58 | 00:58 |
KotCzarny | hah | 00:58 |
pupnik | bleh. my 'new' desktop PC is listed by some kid on ebay under 'classic computers' | 00:59 |
glass | haha | 01:05 |
glass | classic computers ha | 01:05 |
glass | friend showed a mmc reader for c64 last night | 01:06 |
pupnik | sweet :) | 01:06 |
KotCzarny | o.o | 01:06 |
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jku | stage.maemo.org and b.m.o seem to be down again | 01:15 |
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Drewseefus | Hi all! I'm trying to delete cached away msg's on Pidgin on my Nokia N810 Tablet. There is no delete key to do so. Is there a work-around? | 01:19 |
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Drewseefus | Hello? | 01:23 |
Proteous | I've never used Pidgin | 01:23 |
Proteous | so I have no idea | 01:23 |
Drewseefus | Thanks Proteous | 01:23 |
Drewseefus | Do you know of any software that will allow me to use an on-screen keyboard? | 01:24 |
Drewseefus | I need to be able to use the "DEL" key | 01:24 |
Proteous | heh | 01:25 |
Drewseefus | That's the problem that I'm having. I can only delete Cache by using the DEL key, which isn't included on the device. | 01:25 |
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Cptnodegard | [00:24] <Drewseefus> Do you know of any software that will allow me to use an on-screen keyboard? <- dont the onscreen kb show when the hardfware keyboard isnt pulled out? | 01:44 |
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vlad_ | ugh, is maemo.org down/dead again? | 01:50 |
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sp3000 | weekend, yup | 01:53 |
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vlad_ | is there a repository mirror anywhere? | 02:03 |
GeneralAntilles | timeless had one setup | 02:04 |
GeneralAntilles | Not sure if it's still up | 02:04 |
vlad_ | hm | 02:04 |
vlad_ | our IT guys offered to mirror I think, but we got turned down or somesuch | 02:04 |
vlad_ | not sure what happened | 02:04 |
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GeneralAntilles | Really? | 02:05 |
GeneralAntilles | Huh | 02:05 |
vlad_ | yeah, I'll ask again and see what's up | 02:05 |
vlad_ | or I'll probably just do a mirror anyway, of the repo at least | 02:05 |
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skibur | Anybody have their Bluetooth Headset working with N800/N810? | 02:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Headset or headphones? | 02:10 |
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GeneralAntilles | Tons and tons of people headsets. | 02:10 |
GeneralAntilles | Headphones, fewer, but they work, too. | 02:11 |
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pupnik | can apt-get handle mirrors? | 02:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Should be able to. | 02:20 |
GeneralAntilles | I'd assume, anyway | 02:20 |
* GeneralAntilles doesn't have a lot of practical experience with Debian proper. | 02:20 | |
yllus | dumb question. I'm at the shell and I have a .deb file I want to install. What's the apt-get syntax for that? | 02:20 |
milhouse | dpkg -i filename.deb | 02:20 |
yllus | danke, good sir | 02:21 |
pupnik | Actually i don't think it does GeneralAntilles | 02:21 |
pupnik | you have to comment-out redundant mirrors | 02:21 |
pupnik | afaict | 02:21 |
GeneralAntilles | Aha | 02:21 |
GeneralAntilles | Suckitude | 02:21 |
GeneralAntilles | Wish we could set a sane timeout. | 02:21 |
pupnik | also it'd be nice if 'install from file' would go fetch required libraries | 02:22 |
KotCzarny | pupnik: let's make community apt-gui :> | 02:23 |
pupnik | KotCzarny: either that or make proper extras packages :) | 02:24 |
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KotCzarny | ;) | 02:24 |
pupnik | But um. People who want to do that are welcome to | 02:25 |
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KotCzarny | do what? | 02:55 |
pupnik | brush up things and submit to repositories | 02:56 |
KotCzarny | yeah, i have thought about community controlled repo | 02:56 |
pupnik | extras-devel? | 02:56 |
KotCzarny | extras-eyeballed | 02:56 |
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pupnik | heh did you know there was a computer maker in east germany called 'robotron'? | 02:58 |
KotCzarny | yeah | 02:58 |
KotCzarny | soviet block IT ruled | 02:58 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 02:58 |
pupnik | http://www.robotrontechnik.de/bilder/Uralt/D1/Magnettrommelspeicher_k.jpg Robotron drum memory with 2048 byte capacity | 02:59 |
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KotCzarny | erm.. | 02:59 |
Tama^2 | Hello | 03:00 |
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pupnik | they were sure creative -- distributed some programs on vinyl records | 03:02 |
KotCzarny | O.o | 03:02 |
* KotCzarny remember vhs backup system for amiga | 03:02 | |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:02 |
KotCzarny | *remembers | 03:03 |
pupnik | yup | 03:03 |
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KotCzarny | but vinyls.. | 03:03 |
KotCzarny | now that's something :> | 03:03 |
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Tama^2 | vhs backup for amiga? never knew that one existed | 03:03 |
Tama^2 | it's lol | 03:03 |
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KotCzarny | or was it atari | 03:04 |
KotCzarny | but i think it was in ami times | 03:04 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:04 |
Tama^2 | useful until your brother overwrites your vital data with midnight tv pr0n | 03:04 |
KotCzarny | tama: never owned it | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | i just know about it existence | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | and your brother vital data might be pr0n ;) | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | so it's all dependant on the user ;) | 03:05 |
KotCzarny | http://www.robotrontechnik.de/bilder/Uralt/D4a/D4A_2_k.jpg | 03:06 |
KotCzarny | mmm | 03:06 |
KotCzarny | i love 60s | 03:06 |
* Tama^2 sings an ode to relativism | 03:06 | |
KotCzarny | ;) | 03:06 |
wnd | must have been for amiga. I remember trying to get components for required circuit. | 03:06 |
pupnik | nice | 03:06 |
Tama^2 | yes, never again a woman was seen so close to electronic equipment | 03:07 |
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KotCzarny | http://www.robotrontechnik.de/bilder/Uralt/C8205Z/Cellatron_C8205Z_6_k.jpg | 03:08 |
KotCzarny | mmm | 03:08 |
KotCzarny | skirts | 03:08 |
KotCzarny | hair styles can change, nice legs .. mmm timeless :) | 03:08 |
Tama^2 | invoking rule 34 (was it 34?) | 03:08 |
KotCzarny | yes | 03:08 |
KotCzarny | http://www.robotrontechnik.de/bilder/Uralt/C8205/Trommelspeicher_2_k.jpg | 03:09 |
Tama^2 | obsolete computer equipment advertisement pr0n | 03:09 |
KotCzarny | now combine those two pictures to suit your rule | 03:09 |
vlad_ | anyone have libreadline4_4.3-10_armel.deb and gdb_6.6.dfsg-1+armel+osso1_armel.deb handy? :p | 03:09 |
pupnik | somehow KotCzarny is finding much better pictures on that site than I am | 03:09 |
KotCzarny | pupnik: just look for girls | 03:09 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 03:09 |
Tama^2 | perv! | 03:09 |
vlad_ | hm, wonder if I can pull it from etch | 03:09 |
KotCzarny | vlad: probably, as long it's armel | 03:09 |
vlad_ | nod | 03:10 |
wnd | http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Video+Backup+System+Amiga+hardware :-) | 03:10 |
Tama^2 | mh | 03:11 |
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Tama^2 | can I adapt it to back up my brain? | 03:11 |
KotCzarny | robably | 03:11 |
vlad_ | argh | 03:11 |
Tama^2 | I guess an audio tape would suffice for that | 03:11 |
KotCzarny | but restoring backup can be painfull | 03:11 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 03:11 |
vlad_ | the etch packages are built for 'arm', not 'armel' | 03:11 |
KotCzarny | and tiresome | 03:12 |
KotCzarny | i believe i have seen armel on debian.org | 03:12 |
vlad_ | yeah, I thought I had too.. looking now | 03:12 |
Tama^2 | lol | 03:13 |
Tama^2 | http://www.hugolyppens.com/VBS.html | 03:14 |
Tama^2 | Error Correction | 03:14 |
Tama^2 | VBS uses a powerful error-correction algorithm which compensates for drop-outs on the video tape. This ensures none of your data is lost. | 03:14 |
Tama^2 | gotta love the use of 'absolutes' in advertising | 03:14 |
KotCzarny | absolute marketing isn't so absolute | 03:15 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 03:15 |
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vlad_ | youch | 03:16 |
vlad_ | well, this gdb is a bit too new | 03:16 |
KotCzarny | vlad: there is debian on maemo project going on | 03:16 |
KotCzarny | you may want to check it out | 03:17 |
CrashandDie | "Intel has found a way to stretch a Wi-Fi signal from one antenna to another located more than 60 miles away." | 03:17 |
CrashandDie | (this is not WiMax) | 03:17 |
CrashandDie | http://www.technologyreview.com/Infotech/20432/ | 03:17 |
Tama^2 | 40MB/H on VHS tape, talk about being conservative | 03:17 |
KotCzarny | that's about 50 floppies / h | 03:17 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 03:17 |
CrashandDie | Anyway | 03:18 |
Tama^2 | CrashandDie: the method entails bringing down any building in line of sight and a high gain antenna? xD | 03:18 |
CrashandDie | I have some kids I gotta teach tomorrow morning | 03:18 |
CrashandDie | Tama^2, nha, did that about 3-4 years ago | 03:18 |
KotCzarny | vlad: http://armel-debs.applieddata.net/debian/pool/main/g/gcc-4.3/ | 03:19 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:19 |
CrashandDie | Tama^2, built our own satelite-dish antennas, high gain uni-directionnal receptor (which we built), had a ~20Mbit LAN over 30miles :) | 03:20 |
Tama^2 | mh, I was already imagining the KIT content: 2 wi-fi AP, 4 antennas, telecopic poles and 200Kgs of C4 | 03:20 |
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pupnik | i hope OS2009 moves to a newer GCC | 03:20 |
vlad_ | mmm, gcc 4.3 | 03:20 |
vlad_ | 4.2.1 is buggy :( | 03:20 |
CrashandDie | yeah, cuz it limits quite a lot of things | 03:21 |
CrashandDie | native version of perl 8.8 for example :-° | 03:21 |
KotCzarny | http://ftp.hk.debian.org/debian/dists/unstable/main/binary-armel/ | 03:21 |
KotCzarny | and this one | 03:21 |
KotCzarny | 8.8 ? | 03:21 |
yllus | I'm so tempted to print to this person's printer using their unrestricted wireless | 03:21 |
CrashandDie | anyway | 03:22 |
CrashandDie | I'm off | 03:22 |
KotCzarny | yllus: just don't leave any traces | 03:22 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:22 |
* CrashandDie has to do 4 hours of teaching C++ tomorrow morning, most probably to idiots who don't give a damn, nor understand a glimpse | 03:23 | |
yllus | hehe, yeah, the potential blame for an overreaction is why I don't | 03:23 |
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KotCzarny | crashanddie: the key is to find at least one person that actually does | 03:23 |
KotCzarny | bah. | 03:23 |
yllus | haha | 03:24 |
vlad_ | KotCzarny: mm, the applieddata ones are too new -- glibc 2.7 | 03:24 |
vlad_ | looking at the others | 03:24 |
KotCzarny | vlad: there's no such thing as too new! | 03:24 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:24 |
KotCzarny | otherwise we may stay with 3.4.4 ;) | 03:25 |
vlad_ | yeah, the other is just ano lder mirror | 03:25 |
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KotCzarny | http://ftp.debian-ports.org/debian/pool-armel/main/g/gcc-4.3/ | 03:30 |
KotCzarny | and this one | 03:30 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 03:31 |
KotCzarny | 2.7 though | 03:31 |
Zetx | hey, how can i reflash/reinstall os2008 when it's already installed? the windows updater is looking for a bin file, but i don't think it needed one the first time around :\ | 03:31 |
KotCzarny | O.o | 03:31 |
yllus | repository.maemo.org seems down | 03:32 |
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KotCzarny | hi pupnik | 03:32 |
GeneralAntilles | The bin is what contains the OS. | 03:33 |
Zetx | right, so i'd need a bin file... which would be on maemo which is down? :| | 03:33 |
KotCzarny | may be on nokia's site too | 03:34 |
yllus | The request for Max Payne 1 and 2 on the tablet made me lol | 03:34 |
GeneralAntilles | The Windows updater should it get it automatically from akamai caching network. | 03:34 |
KotCzarny | zetx: is it n800? | 03:35 |
Zetx | KotCzarny: yes | 03:35 |
Zetx | my touchscreen seems to be kinda wonky | 03:35 |
Zetx | when i hit it at a certain angel in the middle, it thinks i'm hitting the left side | 03:36 |
KotCzarny | http://europe.nokia.com/A4305010 | 03:36 |
KotCzarny | zetx: yeah. touchscreen sometimes gets x=0 | 03:36 |
KotCzarny | probably fixable via software | 03:37 |
Zetx | yeah, i'm hoping i won't have to rma on me | 03:37 |
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Zetx | or... wait, i can't talk ... but yeah, i wouldn't have to rma >_> | 03:37 |
yllus | Stretching out the lifespan of my 770 on OS2006 is becoming difficult | 03:38 |
GeneralAntilles | Upgrade to one of the HEs. | 03:38 |
celesteh | arg, the nokie site is sending me in circles. what the url for os2008? | 03:39 |
KotCzarny | http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/nokia_N800.php | 03:39 |
KotCzarny | LOL | 03:39 |
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GeneralAntilles | tablets-dev.nokia.com/nokia_N810.php | 03:39 |
KotCzarny | The server is temporarily unable to service your request. Please try again later. | 03:39 |
Zetx | gah. KotCzarny, the link you gave me says to use the Internet Tablet Software Update thing, right? Manual update leads back to maemo.org :| | 03:39 |
KotCzarny | zetx, i think you will have to wait | 03:39 |
KotCzarny | nokia's site is b0rken too | 03:39 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Thinks seem to be a bit down right now | 03:40 |
GeneralAntilles | So it may be worthwhile to wait until tomorrow. | 03:40 |
Zetx | alright, i'll just hope for the best with my tablet >.> | 03:40 |
KotCzarny | yeah, it's a nice little tablet | 03:40 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:40 |
celesteh | ah, i see that there's a reason i can't find the update | 03:40 |
celesteh | bad timing | 03:40 |
GeneralAntilles | You can probably still grab one of the firmwares off BT. | 03:41 |
celesteh | BT = british telecom? | 03:41 |
KotCzarny | bluetooth | 03:41 |
KotCzarny | :> | 03:41 |
* Zetx wonders if he should put the larger memory card in the internal or external slot...hm | 03:41 | |
KotCzarny | just kidding | 03:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Doesn't REALLY matter, Zetx. | 03:41 |
Zetx | i know! | 03:42 |
Zetx | hahah | 03:42 |
GeneralAntilles | Take a wild guess, celesteh. | 03:42 |
Zetx | :p | 03:42 |
GeneralAntilles | Assuming both cards are over 1GB | 03:42 |
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Zetx | actually, just got a 4gb and the stock nokia one | 03:42 |
celesteh | i'm spacing on what BT stands for, but it doesn't matter. i'll wait until morning | 03:42 |
GeneralAntilles | Oh | 03:42 |
GeneralAntilles | Then put the 4GB on internal | 03:42 |
KotCzarny | i think os2009 will be glibc-2.7 based | 03:43 |
celesteh | night folks | 03:43 |
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KotCzarny | at least it should be | 03:43 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:43 |
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GeneralAntilles | and pick up an 8GB for pennies ASAP | 03:43 |
Zetx | pennies? what url is that? | 03:43 |
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GeneralAntilles | http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211180 | 03:44 |
Zetx | D: | 03:44 |
Zetx | how did i miss that earlier | 03:44 |
KotCzarny | wait for 32gb | 03:45 |
Zetx | I LOOKED at newegg! argh. >_< | 03:45 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 03:45 |
KotCzarny | 4gb is more than enough | 03:45 |
GeneralAntilles | lol? | 03:45 |
KotCzarny | unless you watch movies have many mp3 | 03:45 |
GeneralAntilles | There's another half-dozen at similar prices. | 03:45 |
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KotCzarny | heh | 03:47 |
KotCzarny | ga's link is OPEN BOX | 03:47 |
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KotCzarny | hmm | 03:49 |
KotCzarny | 32gb cf is 140$ | 03:49 |
KotCzarny | humuhmhum | 03:49 |
* KotCzarny has ide--double cf adapter in his laptop | 03:50 | |
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pupnik_ | http://www.neonbox.org/minix_laptop/index.html one of these would be fun. 2.5" floppy drive | 03:51 |
pupnik_ | laugh at those EEE owners who feel slow with their hundreds of mhz | 03:53 |
Navi | pupnik_, where does opentyrian stick the save file? | 03:53 |
KotCzarny | floppy drive is so 80's | 03:53 |
KotCzarny | flash is in | 03:54 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:54 |
pupnik_ | i'd love to do internet and irc at a cafe on a 4.77 mhz pc | 03:54 |
pupnik_ | Navi, good question | 03:54 |
Navi | >_> | 03:54 |
KotCzarny | pupnik: atari was first! | 03:54 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 03:55 |
pupnik_ | what? | 03:55 |
KotCzarny | i have seen one on CL | 03:55 |
KotCzarny | http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/sys/622714155.html | 03:56 |
KotCzarny | :) | 03:56 |
pupnik_ | not bad | 03:59 |
pupnik_ | much older than that zenith | 03:59 |
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KotCzarny | more cute too | 04:00 |
pupnik_ | http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.old-computers.com/museum/icones/897.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.old-computers.com/museum/year.asp%3Fst%3D1%26y%3D1985&h=50&w=50&sz=2&hl=en&start=1&sig2=LR1E0lsSXgtYiCjRPDMM8g&um=1&tbnid=ANhI2oOQ420p_M:&tbnh=50&tbnw=50&ei=0DfwR__LFY2SwQHyy6km&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dz-171%2Bzenith%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3DSwiftfox:en-US:unofficial%26sa%3DG first puter i got to use at home | 04:02 |
KotCzarny | argh! | 04:02 |
pupnik_ | argh | 04:02 |
GeneralAntilles | Tiny URL fail! | 04:03 |
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pupnik_ | http://www.old-computers.com/museum/computer.asp?st=1&c=897 | 04:03 |
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KotCzarny | nice | 04:04 |
pupnik_ | i can't find it now :/ | 04:04 |
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KotCzarny | maybe someone sold it on ebay | 04:06 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 04:06 |
KotCzarny | or just throw it out :/ | 04:06 |
KotCzarny | *threw | 04:06 |
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KotCzarny | Kurvimeter | 04:07 |
KotCzarny | lol | 04:07 |
pupnik_ | defective supersport on ebay ~ 2 euro http://www.kcmail.de/ebay/uralt2.jpg | 04:08 |
KotCzarny | in polish it would be quite offensive name | 04:08 |
Tama^2 | lol | 04:09 |
KotCzarny | http://www.robotrontechnik.de/bilder/Bausaetze/KUB64K/KUB_5_k.jpg | 04:11 |
KotCzarny | cooled joystics? | 04:11 |
KotCzarny | O.o | 04:11 |
pupnik_ | w t f | 04:12 |
Tama^2 | where do you see cooling? :) | 04:12 |
KotCzarny | maybe just a decoration | 04:12 |
glass | decoration most likely | 04:12 |
KotCzarny | those vertical holes | 04:12 |
glass | or the boxes had them prior the stick/button installation | 04:12 |
KotCzarny | usually used for cooling | 04:12 |
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KotCzarny | ie. air circulation | 04:13 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:13 |
glass | it doesn't look too decorated | 04:13 |
Tama^2 | lol, my guess is that they used standard boxes that had grilles | 04:13 |
glass | so probably project boxes already had em | 04:13 |
glass | ye | 04:13 |
KotCzarny | still, looks powerful | 04:13 |
KotCzarny | :> | 04:13 |
* Tama^2 sings an ode to "The Razor" | 04:14 | |
KotCzarny | http://www.robotrontechnik.de/bilder/BDT/HADES/daro1600_2_k.jpg | 04:15 |
KotCzarny | mmm | 04:15 |
KotCzarny | legs | 04:15 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:15 |
yllus | This part of Full Throttle is horribly tough on a tablet | 04:16 |
* yllus tries to bike fight again | 04:16 | |
KotCzarny | to bite fight? | 04:16 |
yllus | That would be a novel method | 04:17 |
Navi | http://tinyurl.com/29ddh9 <- that huge-ass link | 04:17 |
KotCzarny | navi: he reposted correct link | 04:18 |
KotCzarny | oh | 04:18 |
KotCzarny | i forgot, navi is an idiot who is ignoring me anyway | 04:18 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 04:18 |
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poorman | anyone know when maemo.org will come back up? | 04:19 |
KotCzarny | only people from nokia | 04:20 |
poorman | you mean only people when Nokia would know? | 04:20 |
KotCzarny | my guess it's a db failure | 04:20 |
KotCzarny | or maintenance | 04:20 |
poorman | yeah, could be | 04:20 |
poorman | any mirrors for downloading packages? | 04:20 |
KotCzarny | nope | 04:21 |
poorman | I was hoping to download the new mplayer version | 04:21 |
poorman | lol damn | 04:21 |
KotCzarny | i was thinking about mirroring chinook packages | 04:21 |
poorman | yeah, seems like SOMEONE should lol | 04:21 |
KotCzarny | just for future safety :> | 04:22 |
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poorman | lol yeah | 04:22 |
else58 | How is scratchbox2 in debian lenny(testing) related to Scratchbox Apophis? Is it newer and can I used it for Chinook? | 04:24 |
KotCzarny | probably | 04:24 |
KotCzarny | scretchbox doesn't have any maemo specific mods | 04:25 |
KotCzarny | it's the sdk part that has | 04:25 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:25 |
else58 | od | 04:26 |
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else58 | er ok. | 04:26 |
poorman | you know I bet maemo.org is down because of CTIA | 04:30 |
poorman | cause they're going to announce the n810 wimax edition | 04:30 |
poorman | cause even specific non-maemo portions of Nokia's site are down | 04:30 |
Navi | Found the tyrian save file :o | 04:32 |
else58 | I can't ping beyond fi.customer.alter.net | 04:33 |
KotCzarny | hmm | 04:34 |
KotCzarny | is python-hildon-desktop available for n8x0 ? | 04:34 |
GeneralAntilles | gj, Navi, you failure. | 04:35 |
glass | poorman: shouldn't be totally down for anything like that | 04:37 |
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Navi | GeneralAntilles, omg ur nub | 04:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Navi, ur nub, besh! | 04:39 |
Navi | STFU OR I KEEL U | 04:39 |
GeneralAntilles | You go to hell! You go to hell and you DIE! | 04:39 |
KotCzarny | ^ 2 trolls at their finest | 04:39 |
Navi | I AM IN HELL, it's called #trem-null | 04:40 |
doc|home | finest? that's the lamest trolling I've ever seen | 04:40 |
doc|home | lame! | 04:40 |
KotCzarny | 'their finest' | 04:40 |
KotCzarny | :) | 04:40 |
doc|home | hah | 04:40 |
doc|home | lamers! | 04:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Trolling? Where? | 04:40 |
* GeneralAntilles puts on his troll hunting gear. | 04:40 | |
else58 | Set Ignore, and move on | 04:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Ha | 04:41 |
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GeneralAntilles | Nobody's trolling. | 04:41 |
* KotCzarny goes back to python tutorial | 04:41 | |
elb | and ignore is beyond annoying | 04:41 |
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pupnik_ | what's this animosity stuff good for | 04:53 |
pupnik_ | Navi, it's somewhere in /home/user i assume? | 04:53 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm just being funny, pupnik_. | 04:53 |
GeneralAntilles | Inside thing. | 04:53 |
Navi | it's stored in the tyrian folder on the mmc that you pic | 04:54 |
Navi | pick | 04:54 |
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pupnik_ | an ok | 04:58 |
pupnik_ | it needs work | 04:58 |
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Navi | It's kinda old | 04:58 |
pupnik_ | the mouse control is pretty confusing | 04:59 |
Navi | the build, that is | 04:59 |
pupnik_ | as per gpl, source is available upon request | 05:00 |
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oob | is there a mirror of the maemo.org software repo somewhere ? | 05:22 |
KotCzarny | probably | 05:23 |
KotCzarny | none known though | 05:23 |
oob | thanks. any idea when maemo.org will be up again? | 05:23 |
KotCzarny | /me doesn't know | 05:24 |
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KotCzarny | ok | 05:34 |
KotCzarny | basic version of 'kciconsbox' is ready | 05:34 |
KotCzarny | who wants to try it? | 05:34 |
KotCzarny | :) | 05:34 |
KotCzarny | (util for bringing back 'invisible' windows) | 05:35 |
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Zetx | Well, maemo.org and tablets-dev.nokia.com are back up. :) | 06:01 |
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Navi | Ooh, mytube is cool now | 06:23 |
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elb | heh I hope it works better than youtube in microb | 06:30 |
Navi | of course :P | 06:30 |
elb | I'm pretty surprised that the web browser plugin can't seem to keep up with youtube-resolution flvs | 06:31 |
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Navi | Flash sucks | 06:38 |
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tank-man | boot from mmc and flash works 100% | 06:56 |
tank-man | cpu usage seems like 80-90% during playback | 06:57 |
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tank-man | from the web browser | 06:57 |
tank-man | 'top' shows it using 60% | 06:58 |
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cLin | what allows me to sftp into my tablet? | 07:36 |
KotCzarny | ssh-server | 07:36 |
else58 | On my n800, I rebooted it with the power-button and when it came back up my ssh sessions where active where I left off!?> | 07:38 |
cLin | hrm | 07:39 |
cLin | can't connect to it | 07:39 |
KotCzarny | try regular ssh first | 07:39 |
cLin | did | 07:39 |
cLin | i ssh into it | 07:39 |
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KotCzarny | then you're doing something wrong | 07:39 |
else58 | cLin: I have dropbbear running on n800 | 07:39 |
KotCzarny | fe. using wrong user name | 07:40 |
cLin | hrm | 07:40 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:40 |
cLin | hold on | 07:40 |
cLin | is there a way to find out the ip of the tablet | 07:40 |
KotCzarny | ifconfig | 07:40 |
cLin | not found | 07:41 |
KotCzarny | /sbin/ifconfig | 07:41 |
else58 | or /sbin/ifconfig if user | 07:41 |
cLin | no wonder | 07:42 |
cLin | it changed ip for some reason | 07:42 |
KotCzarny | life | 07:42 |
KotCzarny | can you control your dhcpd? | 07:43 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:43 |
cLin | ? | 07:43 |
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KotCzarny | you have on on your network, i presume? | 07:43 |
KotCzarny | *one | 07:43 |
cLin | i dont even know what it is | 07:43 |
KotCzarny | lol | 07:43 |
KotCzarny | nice. | 07:43 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:44 |
cLin | :( | 07:44 |
KotCzarny | it's the magic service that gives ips to your machines | 07:44 |
KotCzarny | if they ask for one | 07:44 |
cLin | oh | 07:44 |
KotCzarny | probably on your router | 07:44 |
KotCzarny | or modem | 07:44 |
cLin | i would hope so | 07:44 |
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KotCzarny | by default lease time is ~1-7 days | 07:45 |
KotCzarny | and is dynamic | 07:45 |
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KotCzarny | but it's all configurable | 07:45 |
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Italodance | hi | 07:49 |
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vlad_ | anything special I need to do to get nfs client working on my n810? | 07:51 |
vlad_ | keep getting mout: mounting xxx:xxx on z failed | 07:51 |
vlad_ | er, mount | 07:51 |
vlad_ | server side I see a mount request | 07:51 |
vlad_ | and then nothing else in syslog | 07:51 |
KotCzarny | use sshfs | 07:51 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:51 |
vlad_ | I wish :( | 07:52 |
vlad_ | trying to set up sbrsh | 07:52 |
KotCzarny | use sshfs on n810 | 07:52 |
KotCzarny | then ssh into it and run locally | 07:52 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:52 |
vlad_ | yeah, guess that works | 07:52 |
KotCzarny | it does, because that's how i develop my apps | 07:52 |
vlad_ | there a sshfs package? | 07:53 |
KotCzarny | probably | 07:53 |
KotCzarny | but you can compile it easily yourself | 07:53 |
KotCzarny | or i can give you .tar.gz | 07:53 |
vlad_ | hrm, no fuse in my kernel | 07:54 |
KotCzarny | want my .tar.gz ? | 07:55 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:55 |
vlad_ | sure :) | 07:55 |
KotCzarny | mrrau.dyndns.org:23280/n800/fuse_sshfs.tar.gz | 07:55 |
KotCzarny | don't worry about n800 part, they are basically the same hardware | 07:56 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:56 |
vlad_ | awesome, thanks | 07:56 |
vlad_ | yeah | 07:56 |
KotCzarny | i believe there are proper packages, but as long you know what you are doing .tar.gz is fine too | 07:57 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:57 |
Italodance | how can i change from mplayer to the default media player in canola? | 07:57 |
KotCzarny | i have put fuse.ko in /usr/local/lib/modules | 07:57 |
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KotCzarny | italodance: use settings window, bah. | 07:57 |
Italodance | settings window on where? | 07:58 |
KotCzarny | on canola | 07:58 |
Italodance | but i hear about ~/.atabake/conf ? | 07:59 |
KotCzarny | i don't use canola | 07:59 |
KotCzarny | sorry | 07:59 |
KotCzarny | :) | 07:59 |
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Italodance | KotCzarny how can i access to my n800 internal card? | 08:00 |
Italodance | infact how can i see the install files and edit them? | 08:00 |
KotCzarny | use file manager | 08:00 |
skibur | Looking for info of Wimax on the N800 | 08:00 |
Italodance | file manager can't show my installed files on internal card | 08:00 |
KotCzarny | then install another one | 08:01 |
KotCzarny | http://maemo.org/downloads/search/application.html?org_openpsa_products_search%5B1%5D%5Bproperty%5D=title&org_openpsa_products_search%5B1%5D%5Bconstraint%5D=LIKE&org_openpsa_products_search%5B1%5D%5Bvalue%5D=emel&org_openpsa_products_search%5B2%5D%5Bproperty%5D=os&org_openpsa_products_search%5B2%5D%5Bconstraint%5D=LIKE&org_openpsa_products_search%5B2%5D%5Bvalue%5D=OS2008&fetch=Search | 08:01 |
KotCzarny | oops. | 08:01 |
Italodance | yes which? | 08:01 |
KotCzarny | http://maemo.org/downloads/product/OS2008/emelfm2 | 08:01 |
KotCzarny | this one | 08:01 |
Italodance | tnx | 08:02 |
vlad_ | argh | 08:07 |
vlad_ | yeah, i'm going to have to get a real bash on the device | 08:07 |
vlad_ | this is just silly | 08:07 |
KotCzarny | watch out | 08:08 |
KotCzarny | it may break things | 08:08 |
vlad_ | I know | 08:08 |
KotCzarny | :) | 08:08 |
vlad_ | plan was to just build it and stick it in /usr/local somewhere | 08:08 |
vlad_ | don't want to replace busybox | 08:08 |
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KotCzarny | hmm | 08:57 |
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KotCzarny | ok, kciconsbox v0.1 is ready: http://mrrau.dyndns.org:23280/n800/kciconsbox/ | 09:11 |
aquatix | morning all | 09:11 |
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Italodance | http://img.smape.com/images/review/Nokia/N810/phs/Nokia_N810_035.jpg | 10:13 |
Italodance | :D | 10:13 |
doc|home | ! | 10:14 |
KotCzarny | yawn | 10:14 |
Italodance | Nokia N800 206 g , Nokia N810 226 g | 10:21 |
Italodance | :D | 10:21 |
Lynoure | That's the capasity to carry extra 20 or so paper clips. Shocking :) | 10:22 |
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KotCzarny | hi pupnik | 10:23 |
pupnik | hi | 10:24 |
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KotCzarny | have you seen my kciconsbox ? | 10:24 |
KotCzarny | :) | 10:24 |
pupnik | no, and i did not understand what hidden windows it finds | 10:24 |
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KotCzarny | hum | 10:24 |
KotCzarny | any not-hildonized app | 10:25 |
KotCzarny | that was accidentally minimized | 10:25 |
KotCzarny | do you have links browser for example? | 10:26 |
pupnik | ohhhhhhh | 10:26 |
pupnik | yes | 10:26 |
KotCzarny | then you know what i meant ? | 10:26 |
KotCzarny | :) | 10:26 |
Italodance | very very nice review: http://www.smape.com/en/reviews/nokia/Nokia_N810-review.html | 10:27 |
aquatix | o_O | 10:31 |
aquatix | hammer... on n810 | 10:31 |
Italodance | :D | 10:32 |
KotCzarny | hmm, 770: 185g | 10:35 |
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KotCzarny | so i guess next after 810 will weigh 246g | 10:35 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 10:35 |
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aquatix | and will be even thinner? :) | 10:37 |
WormFood | I understand the hammer on the n8x0 | 10:37 |
KotCzarny | nope | 10:37 |
Italodance | aquatix yes thinner | 10:37 |
KotCzarny | 14--13--14--13 | 10:37 |
KotCzarny | maybe 1mm then | 10:37 |
aquatix | KotCzarny: yeah, just noticed | 10:37 |
WormFood | after the problems I've had with mine....I can understand the hammer, no problem | 10:37 |
Italodance | WormFood the hammer is for its slim | 10:37 |
WormFood | I've wanted to take a hammer to mine | 10:38 |
aquatix | oh? | 10:38 |
* aquatix not | 10:38 | |
Italodance | WormFood very good idea! | 10:38 |
WormFood | a hammer, or drop it out of a 15 story building (I'm on the 15th floor right now) | 10:39 |
aquatix | wait till i can catch it ;) | 10:40 |
aquatix | but seriously, why? | 10:40 |
aquatix | what troubles do you have? | 10:40 |
WormFood | because the wireless does not work worth a fuck | 10:41 |
KotCzarny | works here | 10:41 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 10:41 |
WormFood | many, many, many times it just does not get an IP | 10:41 |
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WormFood | it was working great with my AP, then it stopped working....and now it is working again | 10:41 |
aquatix | hm, that sucks | 10:41 |
aquatix | works here though | 10:41 |
WormFood | hey! tomorrow is april fools day | 10:42 |
aquatix | shush ;) | 10:42 |
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KotCzarny | yeah | 10:43 |
KotCzarny | and nokia will annnounce n820 | 10:43 |
KotCzarny | :) | 10:43 |
WormFood | the n900 | 10:43 |
doc|home | with added kitchen sink, still no gsm | 10:43 |
Jaffa | Morning, all | 10:43 |
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* aquatix guesses n820, with wimax | 10:43 | |
KotCzarny | gsm is for pussies | 10:44 |
aquatix | hsdpa would be awesome though | 10:44 |
doc|home | it would | 10:44 |
WormFood | do pussies like gsm? | 10:44 |
Italodance | umm guys did u removed The protective film of n800? | 10:44 |
* aquatix is a pussy then | 10:44 | |
doc|home | if I lived in a non-backward country | 10:44 |
WormFood | Italodance, of course I did | 10:44 |
Italodance | it is covered in scratches for mine | 10:44 |
doc|home | Italodance: yes, when replacing it with another | 10:44 |
aquatix | doc|home: well, i enabled umts on my phone, and i don't get a signal anyway | 10:45 |
doc|home | Italodance: the default one is a cheap crappy one | 10:45 |
aquatix | and this country seems to be swamped in signal | 10:45 |
Italodance | WormFood ok cos i bought mine about 3 weeks and noticed now!!! | 10:45 |
aquatix | Italodance: get a boxwave screen protector | 10:45 |
WormFood | heh | 10:45 |
doc|home | aquatix: I'm in canada, there aren't even decent rates for anything here, not even 2.5g | 10:45 |
WormFood | I do not use any protection | 10:45 |
aquatix | doc|home: i have a flat-fee gprs subscription | 10:45 |
WormFood | and I don't use any screen protector on my n800 either | 10:45 |
doc|home | WormFood: that's what she sai... *stops* | 10:45 |
aquatix | 10 euro/month for about 7KB/sec | 10:46 |
aquatix | [128kbit] | 10:46 |
KotCzarny | gprs sucks :/ | 10:46 |
KotCzarny | pings >800ms | 10:46 |
doc|home | aquatix: I like boxwave but they fuck you over on delivery charges :/ | 10:46 |
aquatix | tell me something new ;) | 10:46 |
aquatix | doc|home: oh? | 10:46 |
KotCzarny | but if it was given away for free.. | 10:46 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 10:46 |
aquatix | i get the protector in the mail | 10:46 |
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Italodance | doc|home but stylus can scratch the screen display? | 10:46 |
aquatix | for about 1 or 2 dollar | 10:46 |
aquatix | iirc | 10:46 |
doc|home | man, I'd be happy with 10euro a month for that, here it's $5 per mb | 10:46 |
doc|home | Italodance: no idea, but I wasn't taking chances | 10:46 |
aquatix | doc|home: yeah, it would be 10 euro/mb without | 10:46 |
doc|home | I've heard it can | 10:46 |
aquatix | a euro per freaking 100KB | 10:47 |
doc|home | yep :/ | 10:47 |
doc|home | it's ridicukous | 10:47 |
WormFood | wow! | 10:47 |
KotCzarny | O.o | 10:47 |
doc|home | *ridiculous | 10:47 |
WormFood | do you get a kiss with that? | 10:47 |
* doc|home zZzZz | 10:47 | |
doc|home | night all | 10:47 |
aquatix | hsdpa would have nice QoS, so ssh would work a lot better | 10:47 |
WormFood | night doc|home | 10:47 |
Italodance | aquatix stylus can scratch the screen display? | 10:47 |
aquatix | WormFood: nope, only a nice `i'm screwed' feeling | 10:47 |
aquatix | doc|home: night | 10:47 |
aquatix | Italodance: maybe | 10:47 |
aquatix | i think it will not scratch it soon | 10:48 |
WormFood | hell, I wouldn't pay 1 rmb per freaking 100kb | 10:48 |
aquatix | but i bought a protector anyway, and i want to use my fingernails too :) | 10:48 |
aquatix | WormFood: that's why i did that subscription | 10:48 |
* KotCzarny got second hand nokia with protector alread in place | 10:48 | |
aquatix | 10 euro/month for flat-fee is ok-ish | 10:48 |
KotCzarny | and 9 of them as a spares ;) | 10:48 |
aquatix | KotCzarny: wow | 10:48 |
KotCzarny | and it was 150$ for the whole package | 10:49 |
KotCzarny | :) | 10:49 |
aquatix | 9 protectors? | 10:49 |
aquatix | or 9 nokia's? :) | 10:49 |
KotCzarny | + n800 | 10:49 |
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dtahtbot | KotCzarny: Error: "n800" is not a valid command. | 10:49 |
KotCzarny | :) | 10:49 |
aquatix | kk | 10:49 |
KotCzarny | :) | 10:49 |
aquatix | 1 boxwave protector is enough | 10:49 |
aquatix | still have the first one on my palm | 10:49 |
KotCzarny | yeah. nails navigation rulez | 10:49 |
aquatix | barely scratched | 10:49 |
KotCzarny | no stylus needed | 10:49 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 10:49 |
aquatix | indeed | 10:49 |
aquatix | almost never use a stylus on my devices | 10:50 |
aquatix | not even on the tiny screen of my phone | 10:50 |
WormFood | I just use a ball point pen ;) | 10:50 |
WormFood | sometimes I'm too lazy to use the stylus, and I just use a toothpick (plastic) | 10:50 |
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aquatix | heh :) | 10:51 |
* Proteous tries to figure out how using toothpick is more lazy then using the stylus | 10:51 | |
aquatix | to get a pen or toothpick, i would have to do a lot more work than getting the stylus from the device ;) | 10:51 |
Proteous | :P | 10:51 |
aquatix | Proteous: exactly ;) | 10:51 |
WormFood | I was joking about the pen | 10:51 |
KotCzarny | proteous: if one have it sticking out of the mouth.. | 10:51 |
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KotCzarny | ;) | 10:51 |
aquatix | WormFood: you're always walking around with a toothpick in your mouth? | 10:52 |
WormFood | I was too lazy to pull out the stylus, so I just use the toothpick I have laying here | 10:52 |
aquatix | weird cowboy | 10:52 |
Proteous | heh | 10:52 |
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aquatix | calling me weird ;) | 10:52 |
WormFood | aquatix, no, I always have one in my pocket | 10:52 |
aquatix | heheh, k | 10:52 |
aquatix | it's too bad they put the dpad in the slide, now reading an ebook is more work :/ | 10:53 |
KotCzarny | huh? | 10:53 |
KotCzarny | you're talking about n810 | 10:53 |
KotCzarny | :) | 10:53 |
aquatix | yeah | 10:53 |
WormFood | I don't like that little button on the middle of the dpad | 10:53 |
aquatix | `slide' is a give-away ;) | 10:53 |
KotCzarny | btw. lcuk is preparing great text reader | 10:53 |
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aquatix | WormFood: yeah, never use it, only by accident | 10:53 |
aquatix | i kinda like fsreader | 10:53 |
KotCzarny | it's quirky | 10:54 |
KotCzarny | lcuk's reader would be a hit :> | 10:54 |
WormFood | I have to try to unlock it 2 to 4 times, because I always hit a direction when I try to hit the center button | 10:54 |
aquatix | i guess :) | 10:54 |
aquatix | KotCzarny: as long as it can read palmdoc and such :) | 10:54 |
KotCzarny | :) | 10:54 |
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aquatix | yay, netsplit time | 10:58 |
KotCzarny | life | 10:58 |
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KotCzarny | huh | 11:22 |
aquatix | messy netsplit | 11:23 |
KotCzarny | a little | 11:23 |
KotCzarny | not massive fortunatelly | 11:23 |
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Italodance | um where can i load maps for other countries? | 11:45 |
KotCzarny | use maemo-mapper | 11:45 |
Italodance | oh i should connect to internet ok i thought they are ready for download now! | 11:46 |
aquatix | the map application has a menu option `maps' | 11:47 |
aquatix | you can choose other maps there, and can download the countries you are missing | 11:47 |
Italodance | aquatix tnx yes | 11:48 |
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Italodance | ummm is abailable a game with DEMO videos? (yes a full game) | 11:51 |
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KotCzarny | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6099 | 12:01 |
KotCzarny | O.o | 12:01 |
KotCzarny | some people.. are crazy | 12:01 |
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opendeep | hello X-Fade_ | 12:12 |
KotCzarny | bot? | 12:12 |
X-Fade_ | opendeep: How can I help you? | 12:13 |
pupnik | http://www.thechurning.com/misc/nokintoamonkey.mp3 - the anti evolution song - "I'm no kin to the monkey nonono!" (hilarious) | 12:14 |
opendeep | I want to commit to repository,can you enable my account | 12:14 |
opendeep | username is opendeep | 12:15 |
opendeep | garage.maemo.org | 12:15 |
opendeep | I mean to upload keys | 12:15 |
X-Fade_ | opendeep: You should receive an invitation email shortly. | 12:16 |
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Italodance | KotCzarny win 98 hehe lol | 12:17 |
opendeep | X-Fade:I have an account already,but Edit keys is not enabled. | 12:18 |
aquatix | why bochs :/ | 12:18 |
aquatix | hm, does qemu run on armel? | 12:19 |
X-Fade_ | opendeep: Yes, that is what the invitation is for. It will give you a way to upload keys.. | 12:19 |
opendeep | ok,thank you | 12:19 |
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KotCzarny | ok, night people | 12:27 |
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* Tobotras still can't start using libjpeg past jpeg_set_defaults :( | 12:40 | |
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angrymike | hi all | 12:55 |
angrymike | I want to create an sqlite database for my app | 12:55 |
angrymike | that is the easy part | 12:55 |
angrymike | the bigger question is where to store it... | 12:55 |
angrymike | in .myapp/blah.db ? | 12:56 |
angrymike | and if so, does maemo have a way to access $home/.myapp in a clean way ? | 12:56 |
lardman | Anyone familiar with SDHC cards that don't work? | 13:01 |
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liri | I think another question you should ask yourself as the wear of the device/flash if you would do read/write for a long period of time | 13:05 |
* Tobotras is familiar with SDHC cards that do work | 13:06 | |
Italodance | SDHC | 13:06 |
lardman | my non-working one says words to this effect in dmesg: mmci-omap mmci-omap.1: command CRC error (CMD55, arg 0x00000000) | 13:06 |
Italodance | SD 4 GB is working with my n800! | 13:06 |
Italodance | lardman Toshiba cards don't work | 13:07 |
lardman | hmm, this is sandisk iirc | 13:07 |
Cptn-N800 | Sandisk sucks | 13:07 |
lardman | true | 13:08 |
Italodance | i have silicon power | 13:08 |
X-Fade_ | lardman: Did you try http://intr.overt.org/2.2008.50-mmc-kernel/ ? | 13:08 |
tank-man | i have patriot | 13:08 |
Italodance | silicon power is fast and good! | 13:08 |
lardman | X-Fade_: not yet, have just been looking at that | 13:08 |
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Cptn-N800 | Im using two twinmos cards now. My 16gb adata also works | 13:09 |
Cptn-N800 | Never had a card that dont work | 13:09 |
lardman | hmm, looks like time to try a patched kernel and if that doesn't work some kernel code diving to see what that error means | 13:09 |
X-Fade_ | lardman: If it still doesn't work then, it should be a good idea contact the author of those patches. | 13:09 |
Italodance | lardman look here : http://tabletschool.blogspot.com/2007/10/nokia-n800-which-memory-cards-to-use.html | 13:10 |
Italodance | lardman listen before buy a card u should ask from seller for test it ok???? | 13:11 |
lardman | thanks, will do some flashing at lunch time | 13:11 |
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lardman | Italodance: not the easiest when you buy online | 13:11 |
Italodance | lardman never try online!!!! | 13:12 |
lardman | Italodance: :) well one lives and learns | 13:14 |
lardman | ah ha, the wonders of google: https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1664 | 13:16 |
lardman | bug has been closed though... | 13:17 |
lardman | interesting: https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2672, looks like the adaptor is at fault | 13:20 |
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Cptn-N800 | Anyone have any clue how to make ti92 calcs show desimals when doing ie 9/2? | 13:44 |
liri | I'm unsure from reading the pymaemo documentation introductory page if there is an sqlite module available for performing sqlite db operations when programming with PyGTK | 13:47 |
liri | PyMaemo that is. | 13:47 |
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lardman | Cptn-N800: mode -> approx | 13:51 |
lardman | hi hrw | 13:51 |
hrw | morning | 13:51 |
Cptn-N800 | Yeah i found out eventually, thanks :D | 13:53 |
lardman | Does it run fast enough to be useful? | 13:53 |
Cptn-N800 | Ti92? | 13:54 |
Cptn-N800 | Yes...using tiemu its slow but still useful | 13:55 |
lardman | oh, you're not using tiemu then? | 13:55 |
Cptn-N800 | No, i am | 13:55 |
lardman | ignore me, typed message then looked away and pressed enter | 13:55 |
Cptn-N800 | i just specified that thats what im using, i know there are slower aps | 13:55 |
lardman | I'm glad to see it working, it was very slow on the 770 | 13:56 |
lardman | at least the build I used | 13:56 |
Cptn-N800 | Its not something you want to use for hours on end but for a quick something its nice | 13:56 |
Cptn-N800 | Its still buggy | 13:56 |
Cptn-N800 | and runs the cpu at max when in use | 13:57 |
lardman | ah, so you probably can't suspend with it running, not ideal | 13:57 |
Cptn-N800 | Thik that would drain the battery pretty fast | 13:57 |
lardman | ah well, with the n810 I have less need of the on screen keyboard stuff, might even go for command line giac for the symbolic stuff | 13:58 |
Cptn-N800 | But its not "lock up the tablet until done"-kinda cpu spike | 13:58 |
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lardman | yeah, just wouldn't want to leave it running on the desk and come back to find the battery dead an hour later, etc. | 13:59 |
Cptn-N800 | Indeed | 13:59 |
Cptn-N800 | Transmission does that -.- Because it writes to sd all the time i guess | 13:59 |
lardman | I must have another look for a Python (or indeed any language) mathematics pretty printer (and not latex) to stick a pretty front end on yacas | 14:00 |
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Cptn-N800 | Im just using it for quick calc at math lectures when i dont bother bringing my casio | 14:01 |
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Jaffa | X-Fade_: ping | 14:22 |
X-Fade_ | Jaffa: Yep ;) | 14:22 |
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Jaffa | X-Fade_: I'm just adding tablet-encode to downloads to test #2347 but am a bit confused by the "Screenshots" bit of the form. What's the use/difference of "name" and "title"? | 14:23 |
Jaffa | #2373 sorry | 14:24 |
Jaffa | Oh, that's pissed me off. Just clicked on one of the toolbar icons to see if it did anything helpful (like show me the help) and it bloody changed the page I was on; losing all the data I'd input. | 14:25 |
Jaffa | That's a FFS moment. | 14:25 |
X-Fade | Name is the filename that will be used in the url and title the alt of the image, I think.. | 14:25 |
Jaffa | OK. | 14:25 |
Jaffa | Now, can you stop it destroying data when stupid users click on the weird left-most icon? | 14:25 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: Although we don't seem to use it at the moment.. | 14:26 |
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X-Fade | Jaffa: Which icon did you click on? | 14:27 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: I think, looking more closely, it's the Midgard one. | 14:28 |
X-Fade | Ah, hehe ;) | 14:28 |
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Jaffa | X-Fade: "Page" and "Folder" didn't do anything, so thought that might popup a help window. | 14:28 |
Jaffa | I've learnt it does not :-/ | 14:28 |
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Jaffa | X-Fade: after uploading an image, it's copied the download URL from "URL of .install file" to the "Editable install file" box. | 14:30 |
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X-Fade | Jaffa: You mean, you did? ;) It doesn't do that for me? | 14:31 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: no, it did that for me. It also seems to have half-forgotten my first screenshot and ignored the second after hitting "upload image" on the second. | 14:32 |
* Jaffa puts it in the bug. | 14:32 | |
X-Fade | Jaffa: Those are 2 different fields with different field names. There is no way it copies it.. | 14:32 |
liri | are there sqlite bindings to develop a database app using pygtk/pymaemo? | 14:33 |
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Jaffa | X-Fade: do you want me to try re-uploading my screenshots or do you want time to look at https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2347#c8 first? | 14:39 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: Can you try to add the screenshots, now that the product is created? | 14:39 |
Jaffa | X-Fade: will do | 14:39 |
Jaffa | That worked. | 14:42 |
X-Fade | Jaffa: Yeah, it seems that there is a problem in the images datatype in midgard. Will try to figure out what happens.. | 14:43 |
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thux | any universal im client for os2008? | 15:05 |
dpb___ | Pidgin | 15:06 |
johnx | or rtcomm beta | 15:06 |
thux | both do gtalk and msn messenger? | 15:07 |
johnx | yeah, pretty sure | 15:07 |
jott | or remote irssi with bitlbee :) | 15:07 |
Navi | :/ | 15:07 |
thux | bitlbee ain't for maemo? | 15:08 |
jott | you can compile it | 15:08 |
dpb___ | bitlbee can be used with any irc client | 15:08 |
jott | don't know if there are any ready packages | 15:08 |
Robot101 | rtcomm beta ++ :) | 15:09 |
dpb___ | easier to connect to a public server.. | 15:09 |
liri | isn't gaim good enough? | 15:09 |
felipec | telepathy-haze ++ | 15:10 |
dpb___ | There is no gaim, liri. | 15:10 |
dpb___ | It's Pidgin nowadays. | 15:10 |
liri | trye | 15:11 |
liri | *true | 15:11 |
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jott | there should be a pure console based distro for NITs.. grml NIT edition or so :) | 15:13 |
johnx | debian could fit that bill nicely :D | 15:13 |
johnx | wouldn't be terribly useful for N800 owners though... | 15:14 |
Jaffa | johnx: USB keyboard? :) | 15:14 |
Jaffa | ITT having problems? | 15:14 |
Navi | I don't care so much for the console part as much as the lack of keyboard | 15:14 |
* Navi doesn't have a keyboard | 15:15 | |
johnx | Navi, get a keyboard :P | 15:15 |
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Navi | nevar! | 15:15 |
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johnx | though I find that I don't use my usb keyboard that much | 15:15 |
johnx | have to time it ends up plugged into my desktop controlling freevo | 15:16 |
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johnx | s/have/half/g | 15:17 |
infobot | johnx meant: half to time it ends up plugged into my desktop controlling freevo | 15:17 |
* johnx is b0rken | 15:17 | |
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crashanddie | anyone ever used libhildonmm ? | 15:28 |
crashanddie | it seems their install is pretty much f'd up... Installing the header fles into the wrong directories | 15:28 |
jott | crashanddie: looks ok here | 15:33 |
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crashanddie | jott, try to create a program | 15:34 |
crashanddie | jott, just #include <hildonmm/banner.h> | 15:34 |
crashanddie | you'll notice that that file doesn't exist | 15:34 |
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x-demon | how i can my own deb repo? | 15:35 |
crashanddie | the only file that exists is /usr/include/hildonmm/hildonmm/banner.h | 15:35 |
crashanddie | x-demon, there's an easy, and a hard way | 15:35 |
jott | that's the correct path | 15:35 |
crashanddie | jott, no, it's no | 15:36 |
crashanddie | not** | 15:36 |
x-demon | crashanddie: give me hard | 15:36 |
x-demon | but working | 15:36 |
jott | consider using pkg-config --cflags hildonmm | 15:36 |
crashanddie | the correct path should be /usr/include/hildonmm/banner.h | 15:36 |
jott | crashanddie: no | 15:36 |
crashanddie | oh | 15:36 |
X-Fade | x-demon: The question is, why do you want to create yet another repository? | 15:36 |
Italodance | johnx | 15:36 |
crashanddie | X-Fade, it's just easier for your private packages nobody else cares about | 15:36 |
jott | include prefix IS /usr/include/hildonmm and files can look then for hildonmm/*.h | 15:37 |
x-demon | for my own stuff | 15:37 |
X-Fade | crashanddie: Problem is, that people don't tend to keep those repos just for themselves.. | 15:37 |
x-demon | so how can i do it | 15:37 |
X-Fade | crashanddie: And when then end up with yet-another-repo.. | 15:37 |
crashanddie | X-Fade, well then so be it ? | 15:38 |
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X-Fade | Not if I can help it ;) | 15:39 |
crashanddie | x-demon, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/repository-howto/repository-howto | 15:39 |
x-demon | thx | 15:39 |
x-demon | will try | 15:39 |
crashanddie | x-demon, considering you're only going to use one arch on it, I suggest you use the non-complex approach | 15:39 |
jott | i also have a local repository with ~2gb of packages ;) | 15:40 |
x-demon | if i wanna use not one arch? | 15:40 |
crashanddie | then use the slightly more complex repo | 15:40 |
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crashanddie | x-demon, both cases are explained anyhoo | 15:40 |
x-demon | yes i see | 15:40 |
x-demon | it's really hard... | 15:40 |
jott | x-demon: might take a look at reprepro http://mirrorer.alioth.debian.org/ makes the handling quite easy | 15:41 |
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x-demon | doesnt have i root, i try to setup it on my webhost | 15:41 |
x-demon | if it not possible, i do it on my vds... | 15:41 |
jott | you can build the repo on your local machine and copy it over | 15:42 |
jott | but you can also create it as user :) | 15:42 |
Robot101 | WE'RE WORKING ON IT | 15:43 |
* jott gives keesj a megaphone :p | 15:43 | |
* jott gives Robot101 another one | 15:43 | |
keesj | apt-get install figlet ... | 15:43 |
jott | heh | 15:44 |
Robot101 | figlet | cowsay | 15:44 |
Robot101 | :P | 15:44 |
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jott | banner | figlet | cowsay :) | 15:45 |
x-demon | hmm... some q. i must put packages to repo manually? | 15:45 |
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jott | x-demon: depends on how your maintain your repo | 15:45 |
Robot101 | keesj: Empathy trunk with Stream-engine trunk makes working video calls from desktops to N810/N800s | 15:46 |
x-demon | http://deb.x-demon.org | 15:47 |
x-demon | is the HFS correct? | 15:47 |
hpg101 | hi all. i recently bought an n800. is there a consensus as to whether i should now upgrade to os2008 | 15:47 |
keesj | It starts to ring a bel. some collab between a and b.. | 15:48 |
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jott | hpg101: i guess you'll never get a consensus but the majority would recommend upgrading | 15:48 |
keesj | hpg101: that is really a /. question :p | 15:48 |
keesj | Robot101: do you blog somewhere? | 15:48 |
Robot101 | keesj: robot101.net, but... uh... not for some time | 15:49 |
Robot101 | I might soon :) | 15:49 |
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crashanddie | hmm, maemo repository dead ? | 15:51 |
x-demon | crashanddie: can i go PM | 15:51 |
x-demon | ? | 15:51 |
keesj | Robot101: I did the cape wrath trail | 15:51 |
crashanddie | x-demon, rather not, I'm not highly available | 15:51 |
x-demon | 5 min, i'm nearly finished | 15:52 |
x-demon | ok? | 15:52 |
sp3000 | tmi | 15:52 |
Robot101 | keesj: sweet | 15:52 |
X-Fade | crashanddie: Looking into it now.. | 15:53 |
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x-demon | repository.maemo.org really down | 15:55 |
x-demon | or under heavy load | 15:55 |
x-demon | damn, i have a problem | 15:57 |
x-demon | real packets must go in /pool | 15:57 |
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X-Fade | crashanddie, x-demon: can you check again? Should be better now? | 16:03 |
x-demon | yes | 16:04 |
x-demon | Whoa! My deb repo is working! | 16:04 |
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Italodance | johnx | 16:12 |
Italodance | i am really confused | 16:12 |
Italodance | how can i change the video player from mplayer to the default media player in canola? | 16:12 |
johnx | Italodance, I have no idea | 16:13 |
johnx | someone else might though | 16:13 |
Italodance | ! :( | 16:13 |
johnx | maybe look at the settings at the files in .canola/prefs ? | 16:14 |
Italodance | i heard about ~/.atabake/conf ? but what can i do? i can't find it! | 16:14 |
jott | Italodance: maybe ask in #canola or ITT? | 16:14 |
johnx | it's /home/user/.atabake/config | 16:14 |
johnx | you have to edit it with a text editor | 16:14 |
johnx | it doesn't show up in file manager | 16:15 |
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Italodance | yes | 16:15 |
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Italodance | johnx | 16:16 |
Italodance | i am trying to open it with emelfm2 | 16:17 |
johnx | you have to make emelfm2 show you "hidden" files | 16:17 |
Italodance | but it said enter the command ? | 16:17 |
johnx | I don't use emelfm2 | 16:17 |
Italodance | how can i edit it on x-term? | 16:18 |
Italodance | the command? | 16:18 |
johnx | install nano first, and then type nano .atabake/config | 16:18 |
Italodance | ok | 16:18 |
Veggen | (it's not a bad idea to learn some vi(m) either ;) | 16:19 |
johnx | Veggen, O_o one step at a time | 16:19 |
WormFood | vim is the only thing I use anymore ;) | 16:19 |
johnx | WormFood, me too, but like I said, "one step at a time" :P | 16:20 |
Italodance | johnx ummmm is it another idea! but can u send me ur atabake file! | 16:21 |
johnx | I didn't change mine at all | 16:21 |
Italodance | then i can recopy it there | 16:21 |
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johnx | I'll put it on pastebin if you want though | 16:22 |
Italodance | johnx ur canola video player is by mplayer or media player? | 16:22 |
johnx | it's whatever the default is | 16:22 |
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johnx | I don't even play video on my tablet | 16:22 |
Italodance | well mine is mplayer! | 16:22 |
johnx | here's mine, http://pastebin.com/m3d3674c1 | 16:23 |
Italodance | ok | 16:23 |
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Italodance | ah mplayer! | 16:24 |
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hrw | btw - is there a media player for n8x0 which can handle music collection on remote samba share? | 16:37 |
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Italodance | hrw ukmp canola! | 16:38 |
hrw | which one you would suggest? | 16:39 |
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hrw | and which one is open? | 16:39 |
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Italodance | both | 16:40 |
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Italodance | i have both | 16:41 |
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blafasel | I've never seen a better UI for thie N810 than the canola one, so go with that hrw - at least try it first ;) | 16:54 |
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lardman | hrw: canola isn't open though | 16:58 |
lardman | well my sdhc card works in the SD adaptor in the N800, so it looks like the second bug from earlier is the answer - crappy micro to mini sd adaptor :( | 16:59 |
* lardman looks to see where to buy a new one | 16:59 | |
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hrw | canola lack samba support | 17:07 |
hrw | ;( | 17:07 |
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blafasel | lardman: What was your problem? Because crappy adapter sounds familiar.. | 17:08 |
lardman | 4Gb micro sdhc, doens't work with the mini adaptor, but does with the full sd adaptor | 17:08 |
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blafasel | Ah, okay. I intentionally destroyed my adapter yesterday, after trying to get the perfectly fine card to work in various readers.. Very satisfying. | 17:11 |
lardman | hmm, firstly, I wonder why more shops don't sell them, and secondly, I wonder how it can fail to work, rubbish | 17:11 |
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lardman | I almost lost the card + SD adaptor in my N800 - there's no indent on the exposed side | 17:12 |
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crashanddie | isn't there a DBUS session running on the Maemo platform | 17:15 |
crashanddie | ? | 17:15 |
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lardman | yes, pretty much everything talks over dbus | 17:18 |
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lardman | hrw: It looks like Canola 2 can be extended using Python - so there may be enough flexibility for you | 17:29 |
lardman | perhaps | 17:29 |
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crashanddie | lardman, hmm, d'you know how can I can get around "D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid" | 17:33 |
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lardman | what's telling you that? | 17:33 |
crashanddie | lardman, an example in the maemomm C++ bindings docs | 17:34 |
lardman | no idea, sorry | 17:34 |
crashanddie | http://maemomm.garage.maemo.org/docs/tutorial/html/ch02s03.html | 17:35 |
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lardman | still no idea sorry. Is this on the device or in scratchbox though? | 17:38 |
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Italodance | where can i find nano? | 17:59 |
johnx | on downloads.maemo.org | 18:01 |
Italodance | http://maemo.org/downloads/product/OS2007/nano/ i need os 2008 | 18:01 |
Italodance | http://nitapps.com/dists/chinook/user/binary-armel/nano_2.0.6_armel.deb | 18:02 |
Italodance | here is | 18:02 |
Italodance | johnx then after installl what can i do with that? | 18:02 |
Italodance | is it a tool with icon on menu? | 18:02 |
johnx | it's in xterm | 18:02 |
hrw | lardman: many things can be done | 18:02 |
johnx | open xterm and type nano .atabake/config | 18:03 |
hrw | lardman: but even crappy default media player can handle samba directly.. | 18:03 |
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Italodance | johnx do u have it? it is not a harmful? i afraid | 18:03 |
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johnx | nano is not harmful | 18:04 |
johnx | do I have what? | 18:04 |
Italodance | ok | 18:04 |
Italodance | i trust u :D | 18:04 |
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johnx | I have installed other apps from nitapps.com . They seem fine :) | 18:04 |
Italodance | read the last reply http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18068&highlight=nano&page=2 | 18:06 |
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johnx | try it. the worst that can happen is that it won't work | 18:08 |
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johnx | if you're afraid to use it, then don't | 18:09 |
Italodance | no i need these risks | 18:09 |
Italodance | do u have it on ur tablet? | 18:10 |
GeneralAntilles | lol? | 18:10 |
GeneralAntilles | It's a stupid text-editor. | 18:10 |
GeneralAntilles | It can't break anything. | 18:10 |
johnx | nope. I use vi but vi can be a little difficult for new users | 18:10 |
Italodance | i can uninstall it after my work | 18:11 |
hrw | heh.. | 18:11 |
hrw | canola2 does not handle samba | 18:11 |
hrw | ukmp does not handle anything | 18:11 |
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hrw | it just say 'sorry, no albums, bye' | 18:11 |
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GeneralAntilles | Media player should do Samba. | 18:12 |
GeneralAntilles | Support is a little buggy | 18:12 |
GeneralAntilles | But I'd expect improvements with Diablo. | 18:12 |
hrw | GeneralAntilles: media player do samba. but I have 12GB of music on samba share | 18:13 |
hrw | GeneralAntilles: so I want player with 'media library' funtion not just 'select song to be played' | 18:13 |
GeneralAntilles | You should pick up a 16GB card, then. :P | 18:13 |
johnx | maybe fuse+smbnetfs would be best in the long run... | 18:13 |
hrw | johnx: thats workaround | 18:14 |
hrw | GeneralAntilles: and 300GB hdd on back on n810 (just in case) | 18:14 |
hrw | I like to use tablet to play music from samba share on home hifi system | 18:14 |
hrw | but canola2 does not allow this, ukmp does not even start... | 18:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Media streamer? | 18:15 |
hrw | and media player force user to go through /samba/share/dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir5 each time | 18:15 |
hrw | GeneralAntilles: I prefer to avoid it | 18:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Eh, OK, those are my suggestions. | 18:16 |
hrw | GeneralAntilles: this machine (samba one) has many other things to do now | 18:16 |
solmumaha | does it have ssh? | 18:16 |
lcdd | why should applications provide support for network filesystems to begin with? | 18:16 |
johnx | soon we'll have upnp support in canola at least | 18:16 |
lcdd | do it in gnome-vfs or mount the shares | 18:16 |
hrw | lcdd: because system apps provide it? | 18:16 |
johnx | but I'm with lcdd. I'm a big fan of fuse... | 18:16 |
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hrw | lcdd: user can run original maemo crappy media player and select song from anywhere: rootfs, cards, bluetooth, samba. So why other apps has to limit it to cards + one folder in rootfs (like canola2 do)? | 18:17 |
hrw | johnx: and maemo does not provide fuse modules by default too.. | 18:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Because Samba support isn't free? | 18:18 |
hrw | ukmp do nasty things in postinst... | 18:18 |
johnx | GeneralAntilles, eh? O_o | 18:18 |
lcdd | hrw: most important features come first, i guess | 18:18 |
johnx | hrw, that's the beauty of a linux based device. you can add software | 18:18 |
qwerty12 | I thought Samba was opensource but not SMB | 18:18 |
GeneralAntilles | i.e. you don't just wave a magic wand and have Samba support | 18:18 |
johnx | probably because mplayer (which they sometimes use as a backend) doesn't have gnomevfs support | 18:19 |
hrw | GeneralAntilles: gnome-vfs exists for quite long time and is present on device with working samba features | 18:19 |
derf | And gnome-vfs is a PITA to actually integrate into applications. | 18:19 |
derf | That's why Gnome has already scrapped it and replaced it with GVFS. | 18:20 |
derf | (and SMB is a protocol... it is neither open nor closed source) | 18:20 |
* johnx (tenatively) looks forward to gvfs | 18:20 | |
hrw | derf: it is protocol which has working opensource implementation | 18:21 |
hrw | derf: I am not talking about tablet <> windows2019 but tablet <> samba 3.x | 18:21 |
derf | Yes. Called Samba. | 18:21 |
derf | I'm just being a semantics Nazi. | 18:21 |
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lcdd | hrw: all the media players seem to suck somehow. i've found web-based streaming the least painful to use | 18:22 |
johnx | I've found upnp streaming to be the best supported | 18:22 |
hrw | lcdd: but for playing media streaming zire71 (older then 770) is enough | 18:22 |
hrw | anyway it is good subject to blog | 18:23 |
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Italodance | johnx is it possible i edit the atabake file in my pc then move to tablet and reinstall it there? | 18:23 |
hrw | "user-unfriendliness of maemo media players" | 18:23 |
johnx | Italodance, sure, but that's the hard way. You do it if you want, but it's up to you to figure out how | 18:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Personally, Italodance, I'd invest a hour or so acquainting myself with vi. | 18:24 |
GeneralAntilles | It's really fairly straightforward as long as you don't get fancy. | 18:24 |
Italodance | johnx | 18:30 |
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johnx | what? | 18:31 |
hrw | how to kill maemo image viewer: give it 5Mpx picture over samba | 18:31 |
Italodance | read here : http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18176&page=16 | 18:31 |
johnx | why? | 18:31 |
Italodance | nokia want to help me here :D | 18:31 |
johnx | what am I reading? | 18:31 |
Italodance | http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18176&page=16 | 18:32 |
hrw | it will open it, show and then any menu usage will make it looping with 'opening 1/15' (15 pics in folder) | 18:32 |
Italodance | i typed the reply message of nokia there | 18:32 |
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johnx | hrw, yeah...I kinda, think the gnomevfs/smb support in maemo is a little sketchy | 18:34 |
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GeneralAntilles | It's fresh with OS2008. | 18:34 |
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GeneralAntilles | We've yet to have a real update to OS2008. <_< | 18:34 |
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Cptnodegard | are there any mods on ITT? | 18:35 |
hrw | johnx: a little? | 18:35 |
GeneralAntilles | Cptnodegard, one. | 18:35 |
johnx | yeah, that's why I'm going to get fuse/smbnetfs working... | 18:35 |
GeneralAntilles | If you have a problem, use the report button. | 18:35 |
GeneralAntilles | Reggie deals with the spam stuff pretty quickly. | 18:36 |
GeneralAntilles | My bet is that we'll see a lot of improvement with Diablo. | 18:36 |
crashanddie | anyone here ever tried to use the maemomm libs ? | 18:36 |
hrw | and the one who created hildon filerequester have sick type of humour... | 18:36 |
hrw | run any default maemo4 app, choose 'open' and you will start from /Documents/ never mind where you were before... | 18:37 |
Cptnodegard | yeah i just reported a spammer, but reports in the fast seems creepily slow, weird that such a big forum has a single mod | 18:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Meh, it's not really much of an issue. | 18:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Surprisingly. | 18:37 |
crashanddie | johnx | GeneralAntilles: you guys never came accross the following error while programming on scratchbox/n810: "D-Bus library appears to be incorrectly set up; failed to read machine uuid ..." | 18:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Can't install scratchbox here. :P | 18:41 |
johnx | I haven't built anything that needs d-bus I think. What are you trying to compile? | 18:41 |
solmumaha | johnx: i have an smbnetfs package if you wanna try it | 18:42 |
johnx | it might be searching for d-bus in a strange way? | 18:42 |
johnx | solmumaha, I'd love to! :D | 18:42 |
lardman | crashanddie: inside scratchbox or on the device? | 18:42 |
solmumaha | still have the address? | 18:42 |
johnx | let me see... | 18:43 |
crashanddie | lardman, both | 18:43 |
lcdd | does the upcoming sdk update mean there will be also a new OS image? | 18:43 |
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crashanddie | johnx, examples from the maemomm doc | 18:43 |
lardman | crashanddie: ah, I was just wondering if it could be a runtime error because the scratchbox maemo desktop stuff wasn't running | 18:43 |
crashanddie | lardman, nha, its on both, though, when I force it with dbus-launch ./progName, it runs fine | 18:44 |
inz | crashanddie, try run-standalone.sh ./progName | 18:44 |
johnx | solmumaha, downloading now... | 18:45 |
crashanddie | yeah but do I have to do that on the n810 too ? | 18:45 |
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crashanddie | inz, seems pretty ugly to me | 18:46 |
lardman | no | 18:46 |
crashanddie | hmm | 18:46 |
inz | crashanddie, you only have to do it when starting it manually from command line | 18:47 |
crashanddie | ooooh | 18:47 |
crashanddie | figures | 18:47 |
crashanddie | ok, great :) | 18:47 |
inz | crashanddie, if you have your program started by hildon-desktop or dbus, then you don't need it | 18:47 |
crashanddie | inz, oh right, sweet :) Thanks ! | 18:47 |
crashanddie | well, heading home now, be back in a bit | 18:48 |
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jott | inz: you fixed the bold black in vte?! i've compiled current trunk and tag mh7 from garage but this vte version still (again) lacks bold black. do you have a diff of what you changed and why is it not in svn? or am i missing something? | 18:54 |
inz | jott, which svn you compiled from? | 18:55 |
jott | inz: https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/scmsvn/viewcvs.php/vte/?root=osso-xterm | 18:55 |
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inz | jott, indeed I wonder where I fixed it in, can't find the fix in either my repo, or the garage | 18:57 |
inz | jott, maybe I forgot to commit, beh | 18:57 |
inz | jott, the fix is actually _very_ trivial | 18:57 |
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jott | inz: i bet it is - still this should be in svn :) | 18:58 |
konttori | inz: Did you patch the 14 line? | 18:58 |
hrw | fuse... another tool which is not present in maemo repos.. | 18:58 |
inz | konttori, 14 line? | 18:58 |
konttori | ah.. of xterm | 18:59 |
konttori | or did the patch only affect the vte? | 18:59 |
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solmumaha | hrw: http://nakkiboso.com/maemofuse | 19:01 |
inz | konttori, the patch is only vte | 19:01 |
konttori | ok. cool. | 19:01 |
inz | jott, I've now uploaded a patch to maemo-hackers.org svn | 19:04 |
hrw | solmumaha: I already have ~50 repositories present... | 19:04 |
hrw | solmumaha: so sorry but installing packages from totally random place is not a solution | 19:04 |
jott | inz: ah thanks, maybe also put it in garage so it might be in the next release :) | 19:05 |
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inz | jott, I'll try that it compiles, at least ;) | 19:05 |
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jott | hehe sure :) | 19:07 |
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solmumaha | hrw: just thought you wanted it | 19:07 |
hrw | solmumaha: if something for maemo is not present in those 40 (checked with wc) repos which I already enabled I prefer to build it by my own then getting it from random places. | 19:08 |
solmumaha | well do that then and upload them to one :) | 19:10 |
johnx | solmumaha, is there a reason you don't have user allowed to use fuse? | 19:10 |
hrw | maemo extras supports only scratchbox built packages. I do not use sbox | 19:10 |
inz | jott, dammit, it was already in maemo-hackers svn | 19:10 |
johnx | I just tweaked a couple things and it works here... | 19:10 |
hrw | solmumaha: and using fuse on tablet require also kernel change | 19:11 |
solmumaha | johnx: no | 19:11 |
qwerty12 | Does it? I thought fuse was user space. | 19:11 |
inz | jott, for some reason, i couldn't spot it in the patch list and made a new one... ...with a same name (just different order number) | 19:11 |
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hrw | qwerty12: + kernel module | 19:12 |
solmumaha | hrw: it has a kernel module, no need to touch kernel | 19:12 |
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hrw | ok then | 19:12 |
jott | inz: yeah already spotted the trivial fix ;) | 19:12 |
inz | jott, the fixes I made were different though | 19:13 |
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inz | jott, the other used >= 8 and the other > 7 ;) | 19:13 |
hrw | solmumaha: possible that I did not checked that. my n810 has fuse,nfs,ext2,ext3 and some other goodies in kernel | 19:13 |
inz | jott, anyway, added the patch to garage svn too | 19:13 |
jott | nice, thanks inz | 19:13 |
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solmumaha | hrw: i only compiled fuse for ntfs support | 19:16 |
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solmumaha | people then wanted sshfs etc so i compiled them too | 19:17 |
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hrw | solmumaha: put packages into maemo-extras? | 19:18 |
* johnx tests how canola and smbnetfs play together... | 19:19 | |
solmumaha | johnx: did it work? | 19:20 |
johnx | smbnetfs works great | 19:20 |
johnx | picked up all my open shares and looks fine in filemanager and CLI | 19:20 |
solmumaha | glad to hear it | 19:20 |
johnx | thanks, btw. :D | 19:21 |
solmumaha | what about password protected shares? | 19:21 |
johnx | I haven't tried one yet | 19:22 |
johnx | I dunno if I even have any password protected shares | 19:22 |
hrw | johnx: as long as you mount those shares somewhere in /home/user/ or otherwise none of maemo apps will not show it... | 19:22 |
johnx | hrw, yeah, I know | 19:23 |
johnx | I just mount them under /home/user/net/foo and ln -s the parts I want into MyDocs/foo/bar | 19:23 |
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solmumaha | hrw: i don't have an account and i packaged them by hand so they aren't really extras ready | 19:23 |
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johnx | solmumaha, so they aren't based on the debian packages? | 19:24 |
solmumaha | nope, made with ar and tar | 19:25 |
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konttori | GeneralAntilles: Hey, where was it announced that diablo will have support for some kind of debian updating? | 19:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Roadmap? | 19:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Somewhere on maemo.org | 19:39 |
GeneralAntilles | Back when everybody outside of Nokia was under the impression that Diablo = OS2009 | 19:39 |
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konttori | sweet: also: Automatic codec installer - don't know if that's for diablo or not though : http://maemo.org/intro/roadmap.html | 19:46 |
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Italodance | i changed mplayer to media player in atabake config file but no change? why? | 19:48 |
johnx | post your .atabake/config on pastebin | 19:50 |
Italodance | ok | 19:51 |
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Italodance | http://pastebin.com/m2dbcef36 | 19:54 |
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johnx | and you just expect that it will guess what you mean by media player? | 19:55 |
GeneralAntilles | Ehehe | 19:55 |
qwerty12 | Does anyone have a list (not links -although if you have them, it would help :P) of security/hacking tools like nmap, metasploit, kismet that you can run on OS2008? | 19:56 |
Italodance | johnx i changed all mplayer with media player | 19:56 |
qwerty12 | lol wtf | 19:57 |
Italodance | johnx what's wrong now? | 19:57 |
qwerty12 | replace it with mplayer | 19:57 |
Italodance | qwerty12 it was mplayer before i want media player | 19:57 |
johnx | qwerty12, he's trying to change it to "maemo media player" | 19:57 |
qwerty12 | replace it with oms then | 19:57 |
johnx | Italodance, use "oms" not "media player" | 19:57 |
Italodance | johnx ok so i use : | 19:58 |
Italodance | oms = oms | 19:58 |
Italodance | general = oms | 19:58 |
Italodance | right? only this? | 19:58 |
Italodance | yes? | 19:59 |
johnx | is that the whole file? did you just delete the rest of it? | 20:00 |
hrw | http://blog.haerwu.biz/2008/03/31/very-small-test-of-maemo-media-players/ | 20:00 |
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Italodance | done but canola can't full screen now | 20:02 |
Italodance | ? | 20:02 |
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qwerty12 | not much we can do about it then. | 20:03 |
qwerty12 | mplayer is meant to be used by default on purpose. | 20:03 |
Italodance | qwerty12 http://www.internettablettalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=18176&page=16 | 20:03 |
qwerty12 | I'm not seeing anything. But I think my page count is set higher. link me to the single post. | 20:04 |
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johnx | Italodance, you messed up that file. You just guessed what needed to be in it, instead of reading about how to edit it. open xterm and run rm .atabake/config to make canola work again, then play a song and the file will be recreated correctly. then when you edit it again, just replace mplayer with oms | 20:04 |
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konttori | GeneralAntilles: Ah. Found that also Quim Gil has been talking about the Seamless Software Updates (SSU). (http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-irclog/%23maemo.2007-08-21.log.html) | 20:05 |
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Italodance | i changed it to mplayer again can be full screen too | 20:05 |
Italodance | lol | 20:05 |
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KotCzarny | yawn | 20:10 |
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GeneralAntilles | Nice find, konttori. | 20:10 |
qwerty12 | KotCzarny, always tired? :p | 20:11 |
tenspeed | can anyone tell me what I can do with my N770 thats useful? I seem to have a lot of problems with the stuff I'm attempting to run and don't understand others. | 20:11 |
KotCzarny | qwerty: more like sleepy | 20:11 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:11 |
qwerty12 | I'm really sleepy too and it's only 6 PM >.< | 20:11 |
qwerty12 | :) | 20:11 |
KotCzarny | qwerty: have you seen kciconsbox? ;) | 20:11 |
qwerty12 | Stupid time difference | 20:11 |
GeneralAntilles | tenspeed, all sorts of stuff. | 20:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Basically everything the N8x0 can do, but slower. | 20:11 |
KotCzarny | ah, i guess you have | 20:12 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:12 |
qwerty12 | KotCzarny, Yes, I saw it and thanked you :). I haven't got around to installing yet though but a brilliant program :) | 20:12 |
tenspeed | for example: i got FBreader, kinda confused what books you read on it? How do I get the books on there in the first place too? | 20:12 |
hrw | tenspeed: read fbreader homepage | 20:12 |
KotCzarny | btw. what's that thankingin thing for anyway? | 20:12 |
GeneralAntilles | tenspeed, it may be worthwhile to visit the ITT wiki | 20:13 |
GeneralAntilles | It covers a lot of stuff like that. | 20:13 |
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GeneralAntilles | baen has a lot of free stuff available | 20:13 |
GeneralAntilles | as well as project gutenberg | 20:13 |
tenspeed | I was messing with GVM(palmos emulator) and everything I install crashes and stuff. I guess this is the norm? | 20:13 |
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johnx | well you can read books in html format or in plucker format, and you can either plug your 770 directly into your computer to transfer the files over or download the books directly on the 770 from project gutenburg or similar | 20:13 |
GeneralAntilles | HTML/RTF/TXT/Mobi/Plucker (non-drmed) stuff is what FBReader uses. | 20:13 |
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qwerty12 | KotCzarny, no idea :p :D | 20:13 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:13 |
GeneralAntilles | tenspeed, GVM is very beta. | 20:14 |
GeneralAntilles | Only works with a limited set of Palm applications. | 20:14 |
jott | there is also a tool to automatically fetch stuff from project gutenberg | 20:14 |
KotCzarny | is it like bonus points or respect ? | 20:14 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:14 |
tenspeed | oic, was thinking it was refined I guess | 20:14 |
tenspeed | are there any emulators that work a little better? | 20:14 |
GeneralAntilles | pupnik.de | 20:14 |
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GeneralAntilles | Really, though, the truth is that the OMAP1710 is just a touch slow. :) | 20:15 |
tenspeed | I was googling for netrek client too called TODO, but nothing yet I guess. Maybe it never released? | 20:15 |
qwerty12 | KotCzarny, maybe to clean up the forum and I guess for respect too :). I want to try the kciconsbox (should be useful with some crap game ports I've put out) but I'm restoring a backup ATM | 20:15 |
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KotCzarny | i should really make a proper package, but i just wanted to post the working version as soon as possible :) | 20:16 |
qwerty12 | I hate packaging >.< (making that is). Unless you count PyPackager, I could never figure out how to make one. All I wanted was a deb of the directory structure I made and dh_make wants makefiles etc :p | 20:17 |
KotCzarny | nah | 20:17 |
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KotCzarny | it's as simple as making debian/ dir and running dpkg-buildpackage | 20:18 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 20:18 |
qwerty12 | Not to me :P ;) | 20:18 |
tenspeed | GeneralAntilles: can it read DRM'ed stuff too? | 20:18 |
KotCzarny | i will steal debian/ dir from canola | 20:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Are you familiar with the DMCA, tenspeed? | 20:18 |
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KotCzarny | and *poof* package is ready :) | 20:18 |
qwerty12 | lol | 20:18 |
tenspeed | DMCA: all the crappy laws about piracy? | 20:19 |
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qwerty12 | tenspeed, some formats can be "undrmed" | 20:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Eh, more or less. | 20:19 |
GeneralAntilles | But, no, it doesn't support DRMed formats | 20:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Not because it's not possible | 20:19 |
tenspeed | that would be something like eReader on Palm or something right? | 20:19 |
GeneralAntilles | but because the DMCA prevents them from doing so. | 20:19 |
johnx | ahaha...fuse/smbnetfs is much more responsive than the builtin gnomevfs/smb and I can skip around in songs with it too... | 20:20 |
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KotCzarny | johnx: have you seen my kciconsbox ? :) | 20:20 |
GeneralAntilles | More or less, it's illegal to circumvent encryption. | 20:20 |
johnx | I saw the listing for it...but I mainly use apps that behave themselves :) | 20:21 |
tenspeed | GeneralAntilles: just gotta read around. I don't know much about all the formats and getting "the good stuff" on my reader | 20:21 |
KotCzarny | johnx: mainly ;) | 20:21 |
KotCzarny | it's for those rare blacksheeps ;) | 20:21 |
GeneralAntilles | http://www.gutenberg.org/ http://www.baen.com/ | 20:22 |
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GeneralAntilles | Are both good places to start. | 20:22 |
qwerty12 | KotCzarny, that just reminded of ABS | 20:22 |
GeneralAntilles | There are . . . others, if you know where to look. | 20:22 |
qwerty12 | *reminded me | 20:22 |
KotCzarny | abs? | 20:22 |
qwerty12 | Albino Black Sheep lol | 20:22 |
johnx | those muscles in your torso :) | 20:22 |
KotCzarny | ah, ok ;) | 20:22 |
GeneralAntilles | Anti-lock brakes? | 20:22 |
* johnx actually thought about anti-lock braking system... <_< | 20:22 | |
tenspeed | GeneralAntilles: anything else you suggest installing. I've had this N770 for like 9 months and couldn't even install an application on it, but finally figured out it needed reflashing for some reason | 20:22 |
* KotCzarny thought about abs(); | 20:23 | |
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GeneralAntilles | Canola, mplayer, Doom | 20:23 |
* jott wonders why basically only americans assume their laws would apply globally :P | 20:23 | |
* qwerty12 agrees | 20:23 | |
KotCzarny | because they don't know nothing about world? | 20:24 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:24 |
jott | good point :) | 20:24 |
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GeneralAntilles | jott, US government != americans | 20:24 |
jott | GeneralAntilles: you talked about DMCA | 20:24 |
jott | or are you US government? ;) | 20:24 |
keesj | KotCzarny: evert better steel the one from the canola-tunnig (real 1337 shell deb faking stuff) | 20:24 |
KotCzarny | keesj: thx for tip :) | 20:25 |
GeneralAntilles | jott, that's the reason. | 20:25 |
tenspeed | General Antilles: is there some way to stream videos on this thing away from home? | 20:25 |
GeneralAntilles | Doesn't really have anything to do with my opinions on global application of american laws. :\ | 20:25 |
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GeneralAntilles | tenspeed, what's the upstream on your internet? | 20:25 |
GeneralAntilles | and what OS do you run on your home computer? | 20:26 |
tenspeed | XP: 400k | 20:26 |
GeneralAntilles | Ha | 20:26 |
tenspeed | XP, 100k I mean | 20:26 |
GeneralAntilles | 100Kbps or 100KB/sec? | 20:26 |
tenspeed | 100kbps | 20:26 |
GeneralAntilles | No, there's no way to stream videos to the 770 away from home. | 20:26 |
GeneralAntilles | Unless you have an external host somewhere. | 20:27 |
KotCzarny | flash streamer? | 20:27 |
tenspeed | might be 768kbps if I'm on wifi | 20:27 |
jott | hehe 54kbps modem stream ;) | 20:27 |
KotCzarny | everything is doable | 20:27 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:27 |
GeneralAntilles | Huh? | 20:27 |
GeneralAntilles | Your neighbor's wifi, or what? | 20:27 |
tenspeed | figured out I can pair with my HTC Touch phone, but limited to EVDO speed | 20:27 |
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jott | most people are used to the youtube video quality anyway ;) | 20:28 |
* GeneralAntilles slaps jott around with a ;) | 20:28 | |
KotCzarny | yeah | 20:29 |
KotCzarny | hd is only fun on screen >40" | 20:29 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 20:29 |
* jott ;)'s | 20:29 | |
johnx | or sitting close to a 19" LCD :P | 20:30 |
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jott | or having good eyes | 20:30 |
lcuk | or putting an 810 over each eye | 20:30 |
johnx | lcuk, that sounds like another great wood-working project for you :D | 20:30 |
lcuk | ( i am thinking of doing a proper 3d projection with 2*400*480 | 20:31 |
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lcuk | :D | 20:31 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: i have made kciconsbox | 20:31 |
johnx | a nice head-mountable N810 holding frame | 20:31 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:31 |
KotCzarny | and it works ;) | 20:31 |
lcuk | excellent - hope the little hint got you in the right direction | 20:31 |
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KotCzarny | yup | 20:31 |
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lcuk | :D | 20:31 |
KotCzarny | thanks for your help :) | 20:31 |
lcuk | np, its a learning curve for all | 20:32 |
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KotCzarny | but i will have to rewrite it for xlib | 20:32 |
KotCzarny | startup is slow because of import gtk | 20:32 |
KotCzarny | and take quite a bit of ram ~10mb | 20:33 |
lcuk | arent all py apps so sluggish though | 20:33 |
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Juhaz | use the launcher? | 20:33 |
KotCzarny | but i hope shared libs are shared properly | 20:33 |
KotCzarny | juhaz: does it help with pygtk ? | 20:34 |
lcuk | would it be quicker using the library you found all wrapped up inside a single c exe? | 20:34 |
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KotCzarny | lcuk: yes | 20:34 |
KotCzarny | that's what i meant with xlib rewrite | 20:34 |
lcuk | ahh - i thought xlib was the front end of choice in python.. | 20:34 |
KotCzarny | no | 20:34 |
KotCzarny | it's standard x.org lib | 20:35 |
lcuk | well then all in one will be better :) | 20:35 |
Juhaz | KotCzarny, it should | 20:35 |
Juhaz | in fact, as far as I got the announcement, that's the only module it helps with so far | 20:35 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:36 |
KotCzarny | hehe | 20:36 |
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KotCzarny | but quite a bit of apps use pygtk | 20:36 |
vlad_ | hrm, is there any way to flash or boot a different kernel on the device itself? | 20:36 |
KotCzarny | vlad: yes | 20:36 |
KotCzarny | google for fanoush kernel flasher | 20:36 |
vlad_ | danke | 20:36 |
keesj | KotCzarny: that one does run after the kernel is loaded right? | 20:37 |
keesj | but the standard nokia flasher and the 0xffff flash booth support flashing of a kernel | 20:37 |
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KotCzarny | keesj: fanoush flasher is a simple script to make mtd-utils easier | 20:39 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:39 |
KotCzarny | also pads the kernel etc | 20:39 |
keesj | it is pretty asome indeed | 20:40 |
KotCzarny | yeah, and straight forward to use | 20:40 |
tenspeed | general:I got it to stream videos, but for some reason I can't see any music on my media server with Windows Media Play and mplayer on the Nokia | 20:40 |
keesj | KotCzarny: but it not not flash the kernel :p | 20:40 |
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KotCzarny | keesj: i'm talking about kernel flasher, not initfs flasher | 20:41 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:41 |
KotCzarny | there are two of them, you know | 20:41 |
KotCzarny | (two scripts, that is) | 20:41 |
keesj | hmm interesting.. | 20:41 |
KotCzarny | you should read fanoush's page in whole | 20:41 |
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GeneralAntilles | Windows Media Play is proprietary, no? | 20:41 |
KotCzarny | it has many usefull information | 20:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Besides, mplayer doesn't support shared media like that. | 20:42 |
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vlad_ | hrm, is the rx-34-kernel that's in the repo the one from the latest image? | 20:50 |
KotCzarny | probably | 20:50 |
vlad_ | I guess it must be | 20:50 |
KotCzarny | but get randr patches | 20:50 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:50 |
vlad_ | mmm, tempting | 20:50 |
vlad_ | I'd have to rebuild though | 20:50 |
KotCzarny | sse2.net/rotate/ | 20:50 |
vlad_ | and I just want oprofile at the moment | 20:50 |
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buck68 | anybody have experience with implementing a tap-and-hold popup menu? | 20:51 |
lcuk | tap | 20:52 |
lcuk | hold | 20:52 |
lcuk | damn | 20:52 |
lcuk | tap | 20:52 |
lcuk | hold | 20:52 |
lcuk | ahhh damn | 20:52 |
KotCzarny | lol | 20:52 |
KotCzarny | is damning part of the process? | 20:52 |
lcuk | a user interface necessity but a user interface nightmare | 20:52 |
lcuk | i curse everytime i use it | 20:52 |
KotCzarny | yeah, it should have a button | 20:52 |
KotCzarny | :) | 20:52 |
KotCzarny | or simply have reverse magnet on the other end | 20:53 |
lcuk | it shouldnt be needed - we should be able to choose either a double tap or a button or leave as is | 20:53 |
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GeneralAntilles | lcuk, tap'n'hold should be much improved in Diablo. | 20:54 |
buck68 | i am trying to connect a popup menu to a drawing area via tap-and-hold .... i don't seem to get any response... and I'm wondering if there are any gtk.gdk flags I might need to set on the drawingarea to enable the tap and hold | 20:54 |
lcuk | infact, the better would be a single tap should bring a menu up if there is one, and a tap/slide action should do whatever else | 20:54 |
GeneralAntilles | So, instead of activating a link, you get a contextual menu? | 20:54 |
KotCzarny | menu shuldn't hide after picking up stylus | 20:55 |
fysa | not a single day goes by where I don't curse at my IT's UI. | 20:55 |
lcuk | in the broser the tap takes > 1 second anyway so you could have it responding to a second tap easilr | 20:55 |
KotCzarny | it's hard to keep the pressure | 20:55 |
fysa | I almost smashed it last night again. | 20:55 |
buck68 | this is in pymaemo btw | 20:55 |
lcuk | buck, im not sure, does it work if you try it on a windows/linux desktop box? are there examples (there are for everything else) | 20:56 |
lcuk | fysa, if you want to smash it ill make you a wooden replica and you can smash that and ill have your real one :) | 20:56 |
fysa | haha | 20:56 |
johnx | KotCzarny, it used to work that way in OS2007 | 20:57 |
KotCzarny | johnx: damn | 20:57 |
lmoura | buck68, https://garage.maemo.org/plugins/wiki/index.php?TapAndHold&id=40&type=g | 20:57 |
lmoura | AFAIR, there weren | 20:57 |
johnx | I think it's a bug though or something, so it should get fixed | 20:57 |
KotCzarny | btw. i have found finger operations need quite a pressure | 20:57 |
fysa | I really want to use the stylus to highlight partial text in a browser textfield, have the keyboard come up and let me type to replace that text. | 20:57 |
lmoura | there weren't any flags | 20:57 |
KotCzarny | sensitivity should be configurable | 20:57 |
fysa | I do NOT want to click left dpad a million fucking times to get to the start of the textfield. askdsjdsjds | 20:58 |
lcuk | KotCzarny, ill send you over something later which allows a bit of testing of the pressure and stuff | 20:58 |
lcuk | i have rawmouse working and have been playing a bit :) | 20:58 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: yeah, i have seen the code | 20:59 |
KotCzarny | but it should be system wide config option | 20:59 |
lcuk | fysa, are you on an 800 | 20:59 |
fysa | yes. an N810 would probably solve half of my frustrations. | 20:59 |
lcuk | KotCzarny, agreed :) but basically touch/tap shouldnt really be treated differently | 21:00 |
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fysa | I am in a holding period, waiting for a higher performance/more RAM (it's really needed with this browser) -- or an optimized webkit browser. | 21:00 |
lcuk | fbreader gives you options to adjust touch tap things and ries to do stuff, but theres no play area to configure it and it moves multiple annoying pages | 21:00 |
KotCzarny | lcuk, doesn't matter, what i want is control-panel app for it | 21:00 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:00 |
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GeneralAntilles | fysa, I'm waiting for Diablo. :D | 21:01 |
lcuk | . | 21:01 |
fysa | I work from home, and would love to use my device to catch up on Google Reader outside on the deck/couch -- you know, to relax away from the desk for a bit during lunch or such. | 21:02 |
fysa | The problem is using this device is not relaxing in the least. | 21:02 |
KotCzarny | it will be, it will | 21:02 |
fysa | it's a battle. | 21:02 |
* KotCzarny grins | 21:02 | |
KotCzarny | at least making apps for it isn't a problem | 21:02 |
lcuk | does links compile for maemo? wont the experience be faster? | 21:02 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: yes | 21:02 |
KotCzarny | want my patched version? | 21:03 |
lcuk | sure, ill give it a blast - ive never used it on normal linux but it will be good to see | 21:03 |
KotCzarny | i have made scrollbar and back 'button' bigger | 21:03 |
KotCzarny | and probably something else | 21:03 |
fysa | someone has webkit-based midori packaged. | 21:04 |
lcuk | the only thing that made browsing barable for me with standard browser was making dpad move by page | 21:04 |
* lcuk curses his keyboard | 21:04 | |
KotCzarny | mrrau.dyndns.org:23280/n800/links.gz | 21:04 |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk, spacebar should page. | 21:04 |
lcuk | tap | 21:04 |
GeneralAntilles | shift-spacebar should go back | 21:05 |
lcuk | damn tap n open isnt working here.. | 21:05 |
GeneralAntilles | Then you can use the browser without even having to touch the screen. | 21:05 |
lcuk | im left handed anyway - i can never use the screen because my hand covers it to reach the scrollbar | 21:05 |
KotCzarny | use xkbd :) | 21:06 |
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KotCzarny | i can be made to show different layouts/positions on the scrren | 21:06 |
KotCzarny | screen | 21:06 |
lcuk | why? ive got a kb underneath :) | 21:06 |
* KotCzarny doesn't | 21:07 | |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:07 |
lcuk | does usbhost work for 800? | 21:07 |
KotCzarny | yes | 21:07 |
johnx | works really well too :D | 21:08 |
* lcuk kicks his browser - kot, your mime types are messed up, firefox wanted to open as text and now it wont download | 21:08 | |
KotCzarny | heh | 21:08 |
lcuk | WARNING: MIME FIELD | 21:08 |
KotCzarny | ok, moment | 21:08 |
fysa | left handed here also. very painful. | 21:08 |
KotCzarny | links.exe.gz | 21:08 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:08 |
KotCzarny | and it's not the mimetypes i guess | 21:09 |
KotCzarny | probably because of lack of extension | 21:09 |
johnx | I'm right handed but I don't use a stylus anyways, just thumbs on the screen. Maybe some of you lefties should give it a shot? | 21:09 |
KotCzarny | shot in a thumb? | 21:09 |
* KotCzarny shrugs | 21:09 | |
* lcuk quickly wipes his screen after john used it | 21:09 | |
fysa | someone doesn't want me to use my thumb to browe, because they refuse to make the scrollbar a decent size. | 21:10 |
fysa | browse | 21:10 |
johnx | yeah, that would be nice | 21:10 |
KotCzarny | fusa: that's what drag anywhere is for | 21:10 |
johnx | I use my right thumb nail for it though | 21:10 |
KotCzarny | to make scrollbars obsolete | 21:10 |
fysa | you'd think.. | 21:10 |
fysa | but try a page that's 10-20x window height | 21:10 |
fysa | it quickly becomes a treadmill | 21:10 |
johnx | yeah, well the drag anywhere in microb has a ways left to go | 21:10 |
KotCzarny | yeah.. i know | 21:11 |
johnx | anyways, web scrollbar -> right thumbnail | 21:11 |
lcuk | ahh but they gave you a painful way to scroll in page (like my bookreader;)) which if you slow down enough and wait for the page to download and everything to initialise and all the background processes to stop and dont click on a link and dont have anyone around you and are in the right country will actually scroll down the page for you :) | 21:11 |
lcuk | (but only after the gps initialises ;)) | 21:11 |
KotCzarny | hehe | 21:11 |
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johnx | lcdd, eh...it's meant to be used. In 2 years when the screen dies from my abuse their will be something better/faster/cheaper anyways | 21:12 |
johnx | gah...lcuk, not lcdd. sorry lcdd :| | 21:12 |
lcuk | lol | 21:12 |
lcuk | misifre | 21:12 |
KotCzarny | tabuser | 21:12 |
* johnx loses | 21:12 | |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:12 |
johnx | guilty as charged :P | 21:12 |
lcuk | <<< FAIL | 21:12 |
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lcuk | its always the way when you are correcting someone else that you make more mistakes - seen all over /. | 21:13 |
johnx | also, glasses wipes work great on gadget screens :D | 21:13 |
lcuk | im not too bothered by touching this screen, its not that bad | 21:13 |
KotCzarny | nope | 21:14 |
lcuk | someone said 810 came with a special wipe | 21:14 |
KotCzarny | once you get corrected you make less mistakes | 21:14 |
lcuk | i must have been conned | 21:14 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:14 |
KotCzarny | fewer? | 21:14 |
KotCzarny | ':) | 21:14 |
* lcuk is still waiting for htis download to kick in | 21:15 | |
* lcuk restarts the internet | 21:15 | |
johnx | I used to be so obsessive about not getting my screen smudged, then I got an N800 with no stylus and just kind of gave up :D | 21:15 |
pupnik | a pencil works just fine | 21:15 |
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GeneralAntilles | I like the Boxwave anti-glare for smudge reduction. | 21:16 |
lcuk | i use a pen but have to check the lid is on | 21:16 |
lcuk | a bit difficult sometimes because i have a notepad in front of me at all times | 21:16 |
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johnx | but for the lefties out there I bet tapping on the screen with thumbs will work better. (also thumb tapping is easier when standing on the train) | 21:16 |
KotCzarny | nails | 21:16 |
KotCzarny | nine inch nails! | 21:16 |
lcuk | chewed | 21:17 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:17 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: leave 2 nails unchewed | 21:17 |
johnx | you can chew two of your toe nails instead if you need to :D | 21:17 |
KotCzarny | yuck! | 21:17 |
KotCzarny | socks! | 21:17 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:17 |
lcuk | w00t - manually clicking link told me firefox didnt know the protocol. but saving as just left it in downloads | 21:18 |
* lcuk puts his foot in mouth more often than not | 21:18 | |
KotCzarny | bug? | 21:18 |
lcuk | firefox only | 21:18 |
lcuk | i think | 21:18 |
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johnx | I think canola is trying to be clever and not recurse down a different file system for scanning... | 21:19 |
KotCzarny | johnx: bug! | 21:19 |
johnx | it might be intentional... | 21:19 |
johnx | the media player is showing similar behavior | 21:19 |
KotCzarny | lcuk: #kotc, i can't respond on priv ;) | 21:20 |
pupnik | tenspeed: still around? | 21:20 |
lcuk | kot, i know i was just showing the links without reposting | 21:20 |
KotCzarny | k k | 21:20 |
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KotCzarny | lcuk: but for links you will need kciconsbox too | 21:24 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:24 |
lcuk | ill grab source :P | 21:24 |
lcuk | for links without for now | 21:24 |
KotCzarny | huh? | 21:24 |
lcuk | hmmm intershit exploder works with either link | 21:24 |
KotCzarny | mine grammar parses has just failed | 21:25 |
lcuk | links depends on kciconbox | 21:25 |
KotCzarny | *parser | 21:25 |
lcuk | internet explorer opens both links | 21:25 |
lcuk | firefox doesnt like your domain name, it thinks it smells | 21:25 |
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KotCzarny | i think it doesn't like :23280 part | 21:25 |
lcuk | ahhh well i have now. whos got a blog round here and which are good and nice enough to allow code upload and comments etc | 21:27 |
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KotCzarny | ok, bbl | 21:33 |
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* johnx watches canola index 13GB of music over smbnetfs | 21:34 | |
KotCzarny | johnx: media libraries.. suck! | 21:34 |
KotCzarny | (metadata, that is) | 21:34 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 21:34 |
johnx | actually, I just want to torture test smbnetfs | 21:35 |
KotCzarny | johnx: how about xmms? | 21:35 |
johnx | how about it? | 21:35 |
KotCzarny | it's nice | 21:35 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:35 |
KotCzarny | and supports many different formats | 21:35 |
johnx | it's not as thumb friendly as canola | 21:35 |
johnx | all my stuff is mp3 | 21:35 |
KotCzarny | it is | 21:35 |
KotCzarny | just press double size | 21:35 |
KotCzarny | :) | 21:35 |
KotCzarny | ok, bbl | 21:36 |
johnx | anyways, canola is done and playing music nicely :) | 21:36 |
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denny | does anybody here want a Jaiku invite, before I throw them onto jaikuinvites.com ? | 22:20 |
MangoFusion | is jaiku any good? | 22:21 |
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GeneralAntilles | MangoFusion, I think it mostly depends on whether there are any people on there that interest you. | 22:22 |
GeneralAntilles | (as with most social sites) | 22:22 |
MangoFusion | haha yes | 22:22 |
crashanddie | Jaiku: YASW | 22:22 |
MangoFusion | not really gotten into the "micro blogging" scene yet | 22:22 |
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GeneralAntilles | It's sorta like slow IRC for people who aren't l33t enough for IRC. :P | 22:24 |
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GeneralAntilles | I can't say it excited me all that much. | 22:24 |
MangoFusion | denny: i'll have an invite if you like. gotta try out these things, i think :) | 22:25 |
denny | hokay - throw me an email address | 22:26 |
MangoFusion | jamesu at gmail.com | 22:26 |
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denny | tis underway | 22:27 |
MangoFusion | many thanks | 22:28 |
denny | you're welcome | 22:28 |
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hrw|gone | bye | 22:34 |
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fysa | I wonder if Canola can be made to work with AirTunes. | 22:55 |
blafasel | Or with mythtv ;) | 22:56 |
fysa | http://raop-play.sourceforge.net/ | 22:56 |
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fysa | Canola would make a nice whole-house-audio jukebox controller. | 22:58 |
fysa | if there was a way to get simple audio without having to wire it directly to the stereo system. | 22:58 |
KotCzarny | :> | 23:01 |
KotCzarny | nas | 23:01 |
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KotCzarny | http://www.techamok.com/?pid=4318 | 23:06 |
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KotCzarny | d'oh | 23:06 |
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KotCzarny | http://www.techamok.com/?pid=4319 | 23:09 |
KotCzarny | hjeehehe | 23:09 |
blafasel | nas might be a solution for audio, but I want video as well. | 23:09 |
blafasel | And - with a neat (canola?) gui :) | 23:10 |
KotCzarny | blafasel, hmm, mmpd ? | 23:10 |
KotCzarny | or the client? | 23:10 |
KotCzarny | or anything that you can control with a browser :) | 23:10 |
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blafasel | KotCzarny: Client, on the nokia | 23:13 |
blafasel | And no, please not yet another web gui ;) | 23:13 |
KotCzarny | i like web guis | 23:13 |
KotCzarny | for interoperability it's a 100% hit | 23:13 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:13 |
blafasel | I don't. For usability it's a compromise | 23:14 |
KotCzarny | probably | 23:14 |
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KotCzarny | good enough [tm] for me | 23:14 |
KotCzarny | i think there's mmpd client too | 23:14 |
KotCzarny | https://garage.maemo.org/projects/mmpc/ | 23:15 |
KotCzarny | MMPC is a frontend for the Music Player Daemon. The player interface got especially designed to be used as a remote control. MMPC is based on gmpc, and thus contains a lot of features. | 23:15 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:15 |
KotCzarny | though alpha status | 23:15 |
blafasel | Nice anyway, thanks for the hint | 23:17 |
KotCzarny | np | 23:17 |
blafasel | Got my eeePC today, comparing features and usecases ;) | 23:17 |
KotCzarny | you should assume that if there's an app for linux, there is a n8x0's version too | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | :) | 23:18 |
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blafasel | KotCzarny: Give me Neverwinter Nights, then ;) | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | if not packaged yet, then simple compile will be enough | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | blafasel: no problem, but give me 3d drivers first | 23:18 |
KotCzarny | ;) | 23:18 |
blafasel | Actually I'd be satisfied if you could offer me Oracle binaries.. =) | 23:19 |
KotCzarny | how about playing nwn over vnc? ;) | 23:19 |
blafasel | Na, of course I'm just kidding. I'm happy with both devices (and switched my workstation to linux after quite some month again as well) | 23:19 |
KotCzarny | mhm | 23:19 |
KotCzarny | they have a little different uses | 23:20 |
KotCzarny | so comparing them isn't quite right | 23:20 |
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blafasel | Well, that's what I said: I compare features and usecases. | 23:22 |
KotCzarny | ok | 23:22 |
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oob | boo | 23:44 |
blafasel | Needs mono to run but should work fine. | 23:46 |
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