IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2011-09-04

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madsaraHmmm, looks like meego 1.2 doesn't like me00:29
madsaraHangs at black screen... "unable to remount root with SSD option00:29
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DonaldShimodaStskeeps, finally do...01:01
DonaldShimodaStskeeps, do you have any idea where the builded rpm are?01:01
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MeeGoBotBug 12636 maj, Low, ---, arjan, NEW, Netbook kernels being build with NOHIGHMEM=y01:10
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ali1234that's your problem01:10
ali1234limits memory to 1GB01:11
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DonaldShimodaali1234, yes, a bug with no solution01:11
ali1234the solution is simple01:11
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: for you01:11
ali1234rebuild kernel with NOHIGHMEM=n01:11
CosmoHillif you have access rights on the other hand it's easy01:11
ali1234that could be done on OBS01:11
ali1234in fact i could probably do it01:11
DonaldShimodaali1234, hehe, thank you! but building kenel on meego is a nigthmare01:11
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, what?01:12
ali1234yes, building the kernel is hard01:12
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DonaldShimodaali1234, no no, building kernel NO MEEGO is hard01:12
ali1234i'm testing with build now01:12
CosmoHillI'd install the dev tools and build a custom kernel on meego01:12
ali1234sure, on meego01:12
ali1234building a random kernel is trivial01:12
* CosmoHill is used to compiling....everything tbh01:12
thiagodouble negative01:12
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, yes , i bet was realky easy for you, congrats!01:13
ali1234DonaldShimoda: which version of meego are you using?01:13
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DonaldShimodaali1234, i build my kernel for ubuntu painless, but on meego is a shame01:13
DonaldShimodaali1234, 1.201:13
DonaldShimodaall updates applied01:13
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, for start the wiki is wrong about this, not even existe the files...01:14
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, what method yoiu apply for build kernel?01:14
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DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, what method do you use then...?01:15
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, dont you do every day?01:15
ali1234DonaldShimoda: what hardware you run on?01:15
DonaldShimodaali1234, aspire one D255E01:15
ali1234means nothing to me01:16
ali1234what cpu is it?01:16
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DonaldShimodanetbook, atom n550 2 G what more?01:16
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: easy, all you need is a screw driver01:17
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, you are funny, that joke show me you dont even know what you talk about...01:17
CosmoHillyou mean that your specific device has the RAM soldered onto the motherboard?01:18
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, you never build the kernel, then dont talk shit please, dont help you lie01:18
* CosmoHill blinks01:18
ali1234anyway it is pinetrail01:19
ali1234are you using the pinetrail kernel adaptation?01:19
DonaldShimodai really find impossible a linux dont supporting 2g ram out of the box... what kind of assholes take this direction to a project?01:19
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DonaldShimodaali1234, ?01:20
DonaldShimoda2.6.37.6-11.1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Aug 5 08:35:27 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux01:20
ali1234in pinetrail kernel adaptation this is accepted as a bug01:20
thiagoDonaldShimoda: people who know how much performance loss you have by enabling highmem01:20
ali1234again that tells me nothing01:20
DonaldShimodaim using the kernel the installer install01:20
DonaldShimodathiago, really? a lot more than lossing the half of your memory...01:20
ali1234and which installer did you use?01:21
DonaldShimodathiago, what a bunch of crap! haha01:21
DonaldShimodaali1234, netbook installer01:21
thiagoDonaldShimoda: ok, suit yourself. I know who these people are and they know the kernel VM inside and out.01:21
* CosmoHill wonders what people do on netbooks that require 1GB+01:21
ali1234why does highmem cause a performance hit anyway?01:22
thiagothe point is that there are a lot of netbooks with 1 GB (that's the mainstream)01:22
DonaldShimodathiago, i will do, if someday somebody fix the probnlem to build a simple kernel, they seems to forget what is linux...01:22
thiagoali1234: I don't know. Ask arjan.01:22
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: if you build a simple kernel then it will only work on that device01:23
DonaldShimodathiago, actually no01:23
berndhsdifferent addressing modes I think01:23
ali1234i guess it is something to do with memory addresses and instruction widths?01:23
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, uh?01:23
CosmoHillthiago: I think Arjan explained it to me, I'll see if I can find the log01:23
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: regular distros use complex kernels with initramfs01:23
thiagoCosmoHill: good01:23
ali1234like a full 32 bit address takes 2 instructions to load or something (if the total instruction width is 32 bits)01:23
ali1234bet it is more complicated than that though01:23
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, previous meego versions support my 2 GBç01:24
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: my simple kernel has the minimum needed to boot and everything else is a module, there is no initrd but a hacked bootscript that mounts my RAID post boot01:25
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, the "improved" 1.2 version dont01:25
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: that's why it was filed as a bug01:25
CosmoHillpersonally I think there should be a kernel with more than 1GB support that can be installed from the repo post installation01:25
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, exactly, then dont say is not a bug affecting only myself01:25
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, and will start to agree then...01:26
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, in short time even phones and other devices in the target of meego will have more than 1 GB01:26
DonaldShimodasoon, very soon01:26
ali1234phone with 2GB?01:26
CosmoHillit's much easier to roll out a new kernel with 1GB+ than a device :)01:26
CosmoHillwait, that's more than my freaking laptop01:27
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, and your point is?01:27
ali1234not any time in the next year01:27
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, is not easy using meego...01:27
DonaldShimodaali1234, chinese device, yes sr01:27
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: when someone ships a device with 1GB+ they can do one of two things01:27
CosmoHillbasically either MeeGo or the vendor will ship a kernel that supports the 1GB+01:27
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, dont think will happen01:28
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, already there devices with more than 1 GB (my netbook) and meego see other side01:28
CosmoHilldid the vendor ship that device with meego?01:29
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DonaldShimodayes, linpus, suck big time01:29
DonaldShimodaclosed like the ass of a cow01:29
berndhssome vendors will ship phones with 2GB for differentiation, whether they work any better or not01:29
DonaldShimodaif i have a bomb some day, will go tho the linpus office and put there01:29
CosmoHillclearly I'm not as familiar with cow's arses as you are01:29
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, i think you are, dont you a english farmer? :P01:30
CosmoHilllots and lots of laptops came with 4GB of RAM and 32bit vista01:30
CosmoHillnot all farms have cattle01:30
CosmoHillthiago: I can't seem to find it so it might have been a PM or just a quick comment01:31
berndhsi'm almost feeling inspired to build a kernel now :)01:31
CosmoHillberndhs: 2.6 or 3.0?01:31
* thiago built a kernel last week01:31
berndhs3.0 I think01:31
thiagofirst time since 2000 or so01:31
thiago3.1, then 3.001:32
CosmoHillall I've heard about 3.0 is a lot of swearing and "ah finally"01:32
DonaldShimodaanother thing, why the kenerl is not oriented to atom cpus, but to pentium-m01:32
DonaldShimodawgain what a crap!01:32
CosmoHillwait what?01:32
ali1234that's completely false01:32
CosmoHillmeego targets atoms01:32
ali1234it specifically won't work on pentium-m01:32
DonaldShimodawell, the default config is pentium-n01:32
DonaldShimodai downloaded it to build, so....01:33
DonaldShimodacheck yourself!01:33
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, on your dreams!01:33
DonaldShimodapentium-m baby01:33
CosmoHillthe pentium M is pre-Core1 which itself isn't supported by meego01:33
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: my dreams are of a cattle free farm?01:34
ali1234how do i branch kernel-adaptation-pinetrail??01:34
DonaldShimodayes, sure, then why when you run make menuconfig on the meego kernel you get pentium-m selected?01:34
ali1234what repo/project is it in?01:34
ali1234DonaldShimoda: because you didn't make oldconfig?01:34
DonaldShimodayes sure, off course i di!01:35
thiagoSSSE3 or higher required01:35
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ali1234we know that stuff is including ssse3 instructions,because we disassembled it all and checked01:36
DonaldShimodaali1234, you disassembled what? which kind of sick are you? LOL01:37
DonaldShimodado you work where?01:37
thiagoglibc, Qt, etc.01:37
ali1234DonaldShimoda: every single binary rpm in all of meego 1.101:37
thiagoit's unlikely that every single one has SSSE301:37
ali1234they don't01:37
CosmoHillrpm doesn't need SSSE3 but yum and zypper do01:37
ali1234only glibc and qt has any01:37
ali1234well, in 1.101:37
thiagoQt has processor detection01:38
ali1234 think glibc does too01:38
CosmoHillas does gmp but they can be overridden01:38
berndhsI think even in 1.2, if you avoid browsers and things, you can run for days without ssse301:38
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* CosmoHill booted meego 1.0 on a P401:38
CosmoHilleven had chromium running in X1101:38
thiagowell, for Qt's intentional use of intrinsics01:39
thiagobut it's possible that other SSSE3 instructions were used by the compiler01:39
CosmoHillthiago: wait, runtime or compile time processor detection?01:39
CosmoHillthiago: btw have you added your devices to the developer's page?01:40
thiagoCosmoHill: the intentional use of SSSE3 in Qt is always compiled in, but it checks the processor features at runtime01:40
thiagothere's some SSE4.1 and 4.2 code that isn't run-time checked, but MeeGo builds don't enable those01:41
thiagoadd what devices where?01:41
* thiago only has regular laptops01:41
thiagoand the Lenovo tablet from Dublin01:42
CosmoHillI'm pretty sure some of the intel folk have macbook pros01:42
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DonaldShimodaups, sorry mi isp down for a while01:43
thiagoI also don't use my N900 for development. It's my main phone.01:44
CosmoHill"On computers with a lot of physical memory, this can mean that there exists memory that the kernel cannot refer to directly—this is called high memory. When the kernel wishes to address high memory, it creates a mapping on the fly and destroys the mapping when done, which incurs a performance penalty."01:44
CosmoHillthiago, that's okay, other people use it for dev work01:45
SpeedEvilI was wondering today about silly things.01:45
CosmoHillsilly by who's standards?01:45
SpeedEvilLike SDRAM-compatible 64M memory modules with 1G of real RAM, for that emm386 experience.01:45
SpeedEvilCan be configured to page any of the gig into the last meg or two01:46
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, still justifyng dont havong a option with highmem kernel? LOL01:46
thiagoI suggested using a 64-bit kernel in Dublin01:46
thiagoI don't remember why that wasn't a good idea01:46
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: it was on wikipedia01:46
DonaldShimodathiago, yes, another good point, a shame dont having 64 bits01:46
CosmoHillthiago: early Atoms are only 32bit01:46
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DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, wikipedia sucks also01:46
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CosmoHillhey javispedro: do you have any developer devices to add?
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, can i add my device has NOT WORKING device? :P01:48
javispedroCosmoHill: a PC? ;)01:48
CosmoHillsure, only if you become a meego developer01:48
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, you guys a really closed, haha!01:48
CosmoHilljavispedro: I'm half temped to add my desktop, on one had it's meego compatable but on the other hand I don't do dev work for meego01:48
infobotCosmoHill meant: javispedro: I'm half temped to add my desktop, on one hand it's meego compatable but on the other hand I don't do dev work for meego01:49
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, but make me a favor, as you are part of the kingdom, add ALL THE DEVICES WITH 2 GB RAM , that go on the DONT WORK column!01:49
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CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: but they do work01:50
CosmoHillmy 4GB desktop will run meego01:50
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, no out of the box, so dont matter01:50
CosmoHilloff the livecd01:50
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, then please write a rogth tuto on the wiki01:50
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, bullshit01:50
DonaldShimodathe wiki is wrong01:50
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CosmoHillI stopped using the livecd when I found out meego limits you to 1GB cos my programs where maxing out and hanging01:51
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, so?01:51
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, how do you rebuild your kernel then....01:52
CosmoHillthere is a difference between being limited to 1GB and not being able to boot01:52
ali1234um so in the kernel configs in the srpm, how does the adaptation config override the generic one?01:52
DonaldShimodaah ok, theres a difference betweeen booting and be usable01:53
CosmoHillali1234: if you were to make an rpm you'd have the spec file specifiy that it replaces the default kernel01:53
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, you refuse to tell me the simple steps to rebuild the kernel01:53
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: I ran gcc / ppl test suits on meego to crash it01:53
DonaldShimodawill you or not?01:53
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: type "make menuconfig"01:53
ali1234none of that stuff works01:54
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, i see funny england farmer...01:54
ali1234the simple way to rebuild kernel is do it on OBS, which is what i am doing now01:54
CosmoHillwait, did I say that I build kernels or that I build kernels for meego?01:54
DonaldShimodaali1234, give me some link please01:54
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CosmoHillali1234: if you just wait you can have his kernel01:54
DonaldShimodaali1234, the meego wiki was writed but a retarded, i suppose you guess who! LOL01:54
* CosmoHill giggles01:55
ali1234so how does work?01:55
ali1234i hate reading perl code to try to figure out what it does01:55
CosmoHillali1234: it's kinda like php, that's how I get by01:55
ali1234perl is nothing like php01:55
ali1234it doesn't even have reasonable function definitions01:56
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, you are really funny: php like perl LOL!01:56
ali1234every perl function takes a single argument01:56
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, do you even touch a line of code in your live?01:56
ali1234makes perl code completely unreadable01:56
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DonaldShimodaali1234, do you build a meego kernel sucessfull or dont?01:59
ali1234i dunno yet, OBS takes a while02:00
ali1234i never managed to do it without OBS02:00
ali1234i never tried to use OBS before02:00
DonaldShimodaWTF is OBS?02:00
ali1234oh wow02:01
DonaldShimodagoogling , wait02:01
berndhsOpenSuse Build System, best thing since sliced bread02:01
ali1234building the kernel on OBS failed with the same dumb error as when i tried to use rpmbuild02:01
CosmoHillali1234: I've rarely used perl and my way to transitioning / learning a new language is to find a similar one I've used before02:01
DonaldShimodaah, ok02:01
CosmoHillberndhs: I have a job interview at a company that makes bread slicing machines02:02
DonaldShimodaim a debian guy, know very little about rpm ecosystems02:02
ali1234how do i revert an OBS project to a previous commit?02:02
DonaldShimodai need something saying a build a kernel using meego!!!!02:04
CosmoHillbefore you build the kernel02:04
DonaldShimodatheres no one?02:04
CosmoHilldo you want to see if someone already has?02:04
ali1234i could quite believe that nobody ever managed to build a kernel outside of the core OBS02:04
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DonaldShimodaali1234, what a problem....02:04
CosmoHillali1234: there are a few pinetail kernels02:05
ali1234i've been complaining about it for literally months02:05
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DonaldShimodaali1234, well, i like meego but i nee to run vms on some situations, 1 GB dont fit my model02:05
ali1234i will start over and this time try to build it unchanged02:06
CosmoHillthere;s about six packages called "kernel" with no description or other details02:06
DonaldShimodacan you tell me the steps and i will try the same?02:06
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, is a bot or is ..?02:06
ali1234wait why is it trying to build against "meego trunk standard"02:06
ali1234i asked for meego 1.202:07
CosmoHillto use the OBS you'll need to register which you can't do atm cos they're asleep02:07
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: beboop boop beep02:07
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, sorry, happens you sound like are no smart in a human being02:07
lcukevening \o02:07
CosmoHilllcuk: son of a bitch I'd knew you'd do that02:08
CosmoHillwhenever I say you're not here cos you've gone to sleep you appear02:08
lcukwell thank the cat02:08
ali1234whut is the difference between meego trunk standard and meego current core?02:08
lcukhe just yowled to be let in02:08
ali1234neither of them builds this kernel02:08
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lcuknow since I just rejoined, CosmoHill what did you want02:09
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: would like an account on the OBS02:09
CosmoHillnot that he knows that, we just wants to use both gigabytes of RAM in his laptop02:10
DonaldShimodalcuk, howto build a kernel to build a kernel supporting 2 GB RAM02:10
infobotCosmoHill meant: not that he knows that, he just wants to use both gigabytes of RAM in his laptop02:10
lcuki don't deal with them, but if I did I would ask what he wanted the account for02:10
CosmoHilloh crap that's lbt isn't it02:10
lcukDonaldShimoda, you have been trying for most of the day to build your kernel02:10
DonaldShimodalcuk, i dont want any accopunt, just want to build a f*ng kernel...02:10
DonaldShimodalcuk, yes yes, somebody understand my pain, thanks. :P02:11
lcukDonaldShimoda, what hardware is this for?02:11
ali1234we've already been through all this02:11
lcuki have gone through similar frustrations with various things02:11
DonaldShimodaaspire one D255E, atom N550, 2 GB ram02:11
lcukok fine02:11
ali1234i got as far as branching kernel-adaptation-pinetrail from meego 1.2 on COBS02:11
ali1234but it won't build02:11
DonaldShimodalcuk, go to sleep again?02:12
ali1234so, the project has no build targets. what do?02:12
lcukDonaldShimoda, i will02:14
lcukali1234, add build target of course02:14
ali1234hmm i think i managed to do it through advanced interface02:14
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ali1234no, it still failed02:15
ali1234400 remote error: unexpected EOF02:15
ali1234does that mean i did something wrong, or just that OBS sucks?02:15
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lcukyou broke obs02:17
ali1234it's so hard to tell why OBS fails02:17
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CosmoHillali1234: it's a sunday02:17
CosmoHillday of rest / segfaults02:17
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, is saturday here02:17
CosmoHillnow leave my cows alone02:18
DonaldShimodayou suck big time02:18
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DonaldShimodacan you believe it? my kernel is advancing! is on drivers/staging/ folders!02:19
DonaldShimodamaybe theres a ligth at the end!02:20
ali1234imma just tick every repository and see if any of them actually work02:20
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DonaldShimodawhere will be the rpms once the build process end?02:20
ali1234no idea02:20
ali1234i'll worry about that later02:20
DonaldShimodaali1234, hehe02:20
CosmoHillI know02:20
ali1234i think i might be hammering it now02:21
CosmoHillali1234: there's already stuff there02:21
ali1234i built something before02:21
CosmoHillit should have something like MeeGo_Truck_XXXXXXX02:22
CosmoHillor whichever one you selected02:22
ali1234i selected them all02:22
ali1234wow it is bilding now02:23
ali1234so it ws my changed that screwed it02:23
DonaldShimodahe? how can be on the web the stuff i build on my machine???02:23
ali1234OBS is a remote build service02:23
DonaldShimodayeah, but mine no!02:23
DonaldShimodaim using the wiki method!02:24
ali1234well the wiki method doesn't work02:24
DonaldShimodaali1234, thanks for your support, i really apreciate it02:24
lcukhow do you compile a kernel using a wiki?02:24
DonaldShimodalcuk, well, im a big hacker...02:24
ali1234derpity derp02:24
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DonaldShimodahow can i try the obs method?????02:25
DonaldShimodain paralell!02:25
ali1234you need an account02:25
lcukyou need an obs account02:25
DonaldShimodahow will gibve me this?02:25
DonaldShimodawho give this account?02:25
lcukwhich lbt or X-Fade can sort out, however they are likely zzz02:25
berndhsand you probably want to ask them politely :)02:25
lcukand ali1234 is building it anyway02:25
ali1234i think i nearly did it02:26
lcukit will emerge in his repo02:26
ali1234it's so hard to tell with this thing02:26
DonaldShimodaExecuting(%install): /bin/sh -e /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.dgo0gh02:26
DonaldShimodawell mine is adavancing02:26
DonaldShimodaagain, where are the rpms located on my machine after the build?02:26
DonaldShimodanot using OBS because OBS is for polite people...02:27
DonaldShimoda(acording to berndhs )02:28
DonaldShimodanobody knows? man im starting with meego but dont you are using this sh** for many time?02:29
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DonaldShimodaok, anybody out what happens?02:34
andre__"IRC: The perfect place to learn about patience."02:40
lcukandre__, \o02:41
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CosmoHillandre__: perfect example in LFS; guy joins, asks why he should use lfs, waits 5 mins and leaves02:42
MohammadAGandre__, couple irc with my connection and you'll learn about patience every minute02:42
andre__Hello? Can I ask a question?02:43
andre__Why is it so quiet here?02:43
ali1234DO U HAVE COLOR?02:43
andre__I CAN HAZ COLORR!02:43
CosmoHillali1234: do you ever find it annoy sometimes that you need to use american english when coding?02:44
ali1234no, because i don't02:44
CosmoHillfair does02:44
ali1234unless i'm using a QColor or something02:44
ali1234but my code is always like QColor MyColour;02:45
ali1234and i don't care what anyone thinks02:45
DonaldShimodaali1234, hopw goes your build?02:45
ali1234i think it just finished02:45
MohammadAGCosmoHill, I do02:46
CosmoHillali1234: if it's successful it should be on in a minute or so02:46
ali1234yeah but i didn't patch it yet02:46
ali1234i don't understand how this is supposed to work02:46
MohammadAGspent quite a while wondering what's wrong once when i was using QColour02:46
CosmoHillwhen I've done websites and wonders why things aren't in the centre02:46
MohammadAGwas wondering why it failed to build, then I noticed it was american QColor...02:46
CosmoHillor why the background colour is being ignored02:47
ali1234or why the tyres keep falling off...02:47
DonaldShimodatwo hours compiling my meego, i go to my ssh session, and hot CTRL+C to show you the progress (building rpms) and guess what happens!!!!!02:48
CosmoHillthat reminds me, I was kicking my mates tyre trying to get it off the damn car but it wouldn't come02:48
DonaldShimodaim a IDIOT, hehehehe02:48
CosmoHillI could have told you that hours ago02:48
ali1234you pressed ctrl-c two hours into a kernel build?02:48
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, suck me dick my friend02:48
CosmoHillno thanks, you're not my type02:48
DonaldShimodaali1234, no, i hit CTRL-C and abort the build processs!!!!!02:48
ali1234CosmoHill: now i think about it i usually use color not colour, because it is one less char to type, and i am lazy02:49
DonaldShimodaali1234, starting over02:49
ali1234depends if i'm feeling lazy or ornery when i write the code i guess02:50
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berndhsi mix american and british spelling and claim it's canadian02:51
CosmoHillI have a mac with a UK mac keyboard and a desktop mac with a uk qwer02:52
CosmoHilland a desktop with a mac keyboard but standard uk qwerty layout02:53
CosmoHillso things like ", @ and # move about02:53
CosmoHillrecently my touch typing has changed from mac UK to standard UK02:53
DonaldShimodac'mon c'mon!02:54
ali1234right lets see if i did it right this time02:56
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ali1234i think it failed before because i didn't set CONFIG_HIGHMEM=y02:56
DonaldShimodayou kidding!02:56
ali1234still doesn't work02:56
DonaldShimodaali1234, and what hardware do the build process?02:56
ali1234i dunno02:57
DonaldShimodai hope theres no someone playing quake on the machine02:57
CosmoHillDonaldShimoda: the OBS is a remote server used for compiling MeeGo packages02:57
DonaldShimodaor doom02:57
DonaldShimodaCosmoHill, yes farmer, what hardware it have02:57
DonaldShimodais a cloud?02:57
DonaldShimodaa storm?02:58
CosmoHillthe key word there being "remote"02:58
DonaldShimodaa farm?02:58
CosmoHillI'm sure someone somewhere knows02:58
CosmoHillbut they're probably asleep02:58
ali1234you'd have to ask lbt02:58
DonaldShimodaeven if is remote is a machine rigth?02:58
ali1234i know there's several machines02:58
berndhssomeone posted a photograph a few days ago02:58
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lcuk\o berndhs02:59
CosmoHillanyone know when they're going to get the single sign on to work with OBS?02:59
ali1234it does work03:00
berndhsCosmoHill: after they rename meego to the new name :P03:01
CosmoHillwell I'm off to sleep, cyas03:02
berndhsnight Cosmo03:02
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ali1234i do not understand03:06
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ali1234it's crashing at make oldconfig just like it does with rpmbuild03:06
ali1234it's the same old bug03:06
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ali1234Makefile:110: *** target pattern contains no `%'. Stop.03:11
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ali1234guess what causes that error03:12
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lcukmorning Termana04:04
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ali1234no, i'm pretty sure it is stuck04:14
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ali1234yeah so the worker is just restarting over and over04:29
ali1234also local build without obs fails, because nothing provides rpmlint-mobile04:31
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ali1234i think it succeeded05:02
ali1234this kernel should have 2GB support05:06
ali1234it might utterly fail to boot though05:06
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iluminator101hi has anyone been able to port meego to hp touchpad?05:28
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iluminator101is there meego that uses .deb instead of meego05:42
iluminator101is there meego that uses .deb instead of  rpm05:43
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twoboxenis meego api compatible05:48
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iluminator101has anyone install meego in asus Eee pad?06:00
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the-bossModeless: Error: "cordia" is not a valid command.09:12
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Venemowhat the heck is ? - no MeeGo version09:13
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StskeepsVenemo: well there's not exactly any meego handsets..09:14
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Stskeepsfrankly, they should just do as they preach and do a HTML5 version09:15
Venemoagreed :P09:15
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RST38hIn fact, they should ONLY do Meego version09:19
VenemoRST38h ++09:19
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dm8tbrthey should be giving away free handsets WITH the meego version ;)09:20
RST38hThey should be giving away free Core i7 handsets with the meego version!09:22
dm8tbrbuilt in nuclear power plant?09:23
RST38ha built in bicycle09:24
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ali1234Stskeeps: i managed to build a kernel on COBS last night11:26
ali1234however local build did not work11:26
ali1234after several minor but fixable errors in the instructions i hit something i could not fix11:27
ali1234build dies saying "nothing provides rpmlint-Moblin"11:27
Stskeepsali1234: hmm11:28
Stskeepsali1234: rpmlint-Moblin shouldn't be in use in 1.211:28
Stskeepsali1234: can you walk me through what you usd?11:29
ali1234first i installed meego-1.2.0-netbook-x8611:29
ali1234booted it up, got root shell with su -11:29
ali1234zypper install build perl-XML-Parser11:29
ali1234tried to import RPM key but it did not work, presumably i already have it11:30
ali1234looked in /usr/lib/build/configs, there is no meego-1.2.conf, only meego-1.0.conf11:30
ali1234it is already linked to default11:30
Stskeepsok, that's probably where something blew up11:30
ali1234assume it is an oversight, someone forgot to bump version11:30
Stskeepsnah, 1.0 and 1.2 differs11:30
ali1234then i enabled 1.2.0-oss-source repo with zypper me -e 1.2.0-oss-source11:31
ali1234then i got s srpm with zypper si -D kernel-adaptation-pinetrail11:31
ali1234then ran build on the spec file that zypper installed11:31
Stskeeps - grab that and name it meego-1.2.conf11:32
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ali1234ok, retrying11:35
ali1234it's downloading packages, i don't think it did that before. so looks good11:35
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Stskeepswhere did you get the build package? meego 1.2 i presume?11:36
ali1234whatever default repos are in meego-1.211:37
ali1234there is actually a tools repo folder for meego11:37
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ali1234dunno if it is enabled by default though11:37
Stskeepsyeah, build should be working though11:37
ali1234you'd think...11:37
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Stskeepsyeah, i know :P11:37
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iekkuit's weekend, does somethig work11:42
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Stskeepsi'm always working :P11:43
Stskeepsexcept when i sleep, then my mind is11:43
ali1234now i got this:
iekkuStskeeps, i don't think you are building machine...11:44
iekkuStskeeps, i think work isn't work for you, but way of life11:45
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Stskeepsali1234: was linux-2.6.38.tar.gz in your srpm?11:45
Stskeepser, bz211:45
ali1234but i didn't have a srpm11:46
ali1234i have a .spec11:46
Stskeepsok, and tarball alongside?11:46
ali1234no, the tarball is in a dirfferent directory, because that is what zypper si does11:46
Stskeepsah, that's silly11:47
Stskeepsput it all in one dir and try again11:47
ali1234ok retrying11:48
ali1234while i was trying to use COBS last night, the worker got stuck in a reboot loop11:48
ali1234it would crash at "starting XEN kernel" and then restart a while later11:48
ali1234it did that about 20 times in a hour, then finally worked11:49
ali1234i that normal?11:49
Stskeepsprobably not11:49
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ali1234well, the error is different now11:50
ali1234not it complains that every single file *inside* the linux tarball does not exist11:50
ali1234eg /bin/tar: linux-2.6.38/arch/microblaze/boot/dts: Cannot stat: No such file or directory11:50
Stskeepsout of memory?11:51
dm8tbrali1234: - it just came back from being down (not shown on the graph)11:51
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Stskeepserr, space11:51
dm8tbrso if anything from core obs was necessary for that build11:51
ali1234Stskeeps: i have 99GB free11:51
Stskeepsali1234: hmmm.11:52
Stskeepsali1234: can you paste the full build log?11:52
ali1234dm8tbr: this was about 7 hours ago, could be in previous red patch i guess11:52
ali1234about 1am-2am UTC11:52
ali1234dm8tbr: anyway, it dutifully built the FS image from packages each time, then crashed while trying to launch it, with error 5511:53
dm8tbrsource service / api was up between 00:00z and 08:00z AFAICS11:53
dm8tbrok, most likely unrelated then11:53
ali1234Stskeeps: it appears to still be building? :/11:54
Stskeepsali1234: fun11:54
Stskeepswell at least we're closer to a reason11:55
ali1234the full log so far is a couple of mb11:56 won't accept it11:56
Stskeepsi'm more interested in the first ~200 lines11:56
Stskeepsali1234: did  you set default to meego 1.2 conf?11:58
ali1234yes, i set the link11:58
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ali1234oh, some more fun errors12:00
Stskeepsthose are fairly normal12:01
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ali1234according to top, 3x cc1 is running12:01
ali1234so it is doing something12:02
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dm8tbrthere we go again *sing*12:14
Stskeepsdifferent cause12:14
Stskeepswell, its' the no socket attached12:14
Stskeepsbefore it simply didn't answer12:14
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dm8tbr and - should allow to understand which is which12:19
dm8tbrignore the 'warning' state as that's just due to core obs answering with 401 on https /12:20
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dm8tbrah, sorry, one of them is 24h only. let's fix that12:21
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Stskeepsat this point i would ask if they could start graph incoming amount of requests on public api12:24
Stskeepsas to help track down the issue12:24
Stskeepsand perhaps load avg12:24
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dm8tbrthis is RE we're talking about12:25
dm8tbrsnowball, hell, ...12:26
dm8tbrthey haven't even confirmed that there is an issue. lest fixed the underlying problem for more than a month12:26
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dm8tbradam tries to help from time to time, but seems he's bound by stuff we are not privy to know12:27
* lbt points out the log around here to Ulf_ ....12:27
lbt(who I think is on RE ?)12:27
lbt(and probably won't be around for many many hours)12:28
Stskeepsisn't it like labor day weekend?12:28
Stskeepsi think everyone is pretty much poof gone :)12:28
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Stskeepsin the US at least12:28
lbtwell it' sure ain't "labour" day12:28
lbtsince that implies work :)12:29
lbtspeaking of which ... bbl8r12:29
Stskeepsdm8tbr: i have an experiment we should try out at some point12:29
Stskeepsdm8tbr: drag qt tarball over public api a couple of times and see if we get reproducable problems12:29
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dm8tbrStskeeps: ok, we could start by trying to whack cobs that way12:39
dm8tbras that's easier to get fixed ;)12:39
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dm8tbrlbt should be able to point out when IT is available and cobs usage low so we don't interfere too much if we succeed12:40
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lbtoh... that kind of snapshot ... yeah12:41
lbtFYI I'm around today (out 2-6pm uk time) and afk all mon/tue .... back late tue night12:41
lbtThen I am working on Mer for the rest of the week full time12:42
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lbtand Stskeeps I'm going to allocate 50% of my sprint to Mer and propose we roll out the released elements of BOSS to CE12:43
lbtto be available to CE12:43
lbtphaeron is still away which is a shame - he should be back during the week12:44
* Stskeeps schemes out storage format for fakeobs12:44
lbtcan you send me a reminder on the fakeobs design12:45
lbtI keep feeling the need to debate it12:45
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dm8tbrOK, I'm gone for the rest of the day, visiting some friends at their mökki12:46
Stskeepswell, this one is the one for making full-project dumps and trading it around with rsync, so you can run a fakeobs instance that exports the snapshot12:46
Stskeepsie, it acts like a OBS on the wire12:46
lbtdm8tbr: cheers ... l8r12:46
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dm8tbrtnx, l8r12:46
lbtwhat aspect of OBS does it provide?12:47
Stskeeps(for other obs instances)12:47
Stskeepsit provides obs link, ie, public api12:47
lbthow does it differ to download on demand?12:47
Stskeepsprovides sources12:47
lcukStskeeps, is mer going to include front end ux in its planning?12:47
lcuki know you are focusing on the core elements12:47
Stskeepslcuk: mer's a core, UX is up to more creative people12:48
lcuki know it is, but will it be part of mer12:48
Stskeepsi think in order not to confuse, they are technically seprate projects generateing requirements to core12:48
lcukso what do people get from mer?12:49
lbt <- lcuk12:49
* SpeedEvil ponders some sort of icon for mer. A MerMaid?12:50
Stskeepslbt, it basically enables offline usage of entire core source tree + binaries if need be12:50
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lcuklbt so IVI12:52
ali1234lbt: did you see the email on meego-dev from the nigerian guy?12:52
lcukmeego -> mer -> ivi12:52
lcukor meego -> ivi12:52
lbtali1234: subject?12:52
ali1234lbt: basically "please send me a dvd with everything i need to develop for meego"12:53
Stskeepslcuk: IVI would take the core, dump UI and tools on top12:53
ali1234hang on i have a link12:53
Stskeepsand components12:53
lcukStskeeps, which core?12:53
lcuksince mer is the topic12:53
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lbtali1234: fair request given the bwidth over there12:53
lcukmeego core12:53
Stskeepslcuk: Mer12:53
lcukor mer core12:53
Stskeepsthat's gthe idea at lest12:53
lcukso it is meego -> mer -> ivi12:53
Stskeepsi don't understand your ->'s12:53
ali1234lbt: subject was: [MeeGo-dev] a meego bootable cd/dvd12:53
lcukmer is based on meego12:53
lcukthe -> are upstreamyness12:54
Stskeepssee it as layers instead - IVI project would build agaisnt a core12:54
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lcukbut there are 2 cores12:54
lcukand would ivi still be a meego project12:55
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lcukif it is based on mer12:55
Stskeepslcuk, mer is a project to reignite/reconstruct meego, by making a different kind of core. like with meego, ux'es are put on top12:56
lcukStskeeps, sure I know that12:57
Stskeepsanyway, now i got sidetracked in my conversation with lbt :P12:57
lcukStskeeps, just trying to suss out where the work on these things will be12:58
Stskeepslbt, would it make sense to rsync around full history of core?12:58
lbtthinking what the goal is12:58
lbtI am deeply concerned about branching in OBS vs branching in git12:59
Stskeepsgoal is to allow people easily to track core, both in terms of ports and development12:59
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Stskeepsand well, if main obs goes down, technically anyone can resurrect using same data12:59
lbtso, in my mind what you want is a blend of several things13:00
lbtbinaries for ease of build targetting13:00
lbtsrc for hacking and merging13:00
lbtnow git is great at the latter ..13:00
lbtrsync at the former13:00
Stskeepsi basically want what OBS serves over public API, in file form13:01
lbtyeah ... that's more pragmatic13:01
Stskeeps(some server on top that can read the databases/metadata and provide interactive access, is ok)13:02
lbtit seems a lot of work... and I wonder why it's not just another OBS instance13:03
lbtuse domining's snapshot (or similar)13:03
lbtand rsync that13:03
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Stskeepsit's not that much of work - for basic link functionality i have mostly static data and then ~160 lines of python13:04
Stskeepsslightly more lightwight than a full obs instance13:04
lbtyeah - OK13:04
Stskeepslemme just sketch something13:04
Stskeeps , check index.html (view source), _meta, _config, etc13:06
Stskeepsthat's the kind of stuff i want to pass around13:07
Stskeepsa dump of what the 'main' OBS provides over obs link13:07
Stskeepsthat'd be basically the full gpl-compliant dump, ie, what you need to recreate the package13:09
lbtI thought you meant a subset of
Stskeepsjust the public api one13:11
Stskeepswhich is fairly limited13:11
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Stskeepsso you can effectively osc co fakeobs:Trunk mypackage13:11
Stskeepsfor any revision13:12
lbtfor any revision?13:12
Stskeepsyea, i mean, snapshot would come with package history13:12
Stskeeps(or could)13:12
Stskeepsyou could make tools that only pull 'needed' binaries13:13
Stskeepsneeded source files13:13
lbtthese are .gz tarballs.... history of them is not pretty13:13
lbtbut yeah13:13
Stskeepstoo big snapshot you think?13:13
lbtsee this is where I would love to see git and pristine-tar working together13:14
lbtbut a snapshot including a tgz of every revision .. yeah .. too big13:14
lbtNow if your packages were in git...13:15
lbtand your rev had a sha113:15
lbtas provided by source service13:15
lbtand we used a git->tar service tlike pristine-tar13:15
Stskeepsjust for good measure, each package has a md5 so it wouldn't be .tar.gz times amount of commits13:15
lbtthen it becomes 'trivial' :)13:15
Stskeepslike OBS stores it itself13:16
lbtand you know OBS is headign that way13:16
lbtI need to dig into obs2.3 again13:16
lbtbeen too focused on other things13:16
lbtOK - that's actually very elegant ... I like it13:17
lbtI think it would be great to do that for a 'release' or even a weekly snapshot13:17
Stskeepsi'm thinking a main structure with metadata and then a files/ dir that has <packagename>/<md5>-<filename>13:17
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Stskeepsso it's possible to first mirror the metadata, and then the files we're interested in13:17
Stskeepsi mean, rsync takes a file list :P13:20
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lbtand regexps13:20
lbthmmm /pool is a good name13:21
Stskeepsor to follow OBS convention, /trees13:21
Stskeepsso on the main obs there would be a process that follows lastevents and keeps the 'snapshot' alive13:22
Stskeepscaching binaries, etc13:22
Stskeepsand then publishes it to mirrors13:23
Stskeepswould even be useful on :P13:25
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CosmoHillhey lbt13:27
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* lbt puts fakeobs on whiteboard13:29
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lbthey CosmoHill13:30
CosmoHillI put a XKCD comic about passwords on the university notice board :)13:30
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Stskeepsthe other fakeobs concept i'm talking about is the one that with simple auth allows a user to check out and compile a package offline, as well as 'commit' - ie, send a package change into QA13:31
Stskeepsthis fakeobs could technically work on top of the snapshot, ie, multiple people providing that server in a pool13:31
lbtit feels a lot like something that would grow up to need a webui and eventually become OBS13:32
Stskeepspossibly, but KISS13:32
lbtone big concern is that we are very time/resource limited13:33
Stskeepshence some of these solutions13:33
Stskeepseasy contribution, distribution of work across different companies/servers, etc13:33
lbtyeah but if the real issue is "make the core OBS API more reliable" ....13:33
Stskeepsalso corporate view "what, we have to access a server on the net every time we build?:13:34
lbtoh, yeah ... hence DoD13:34
StskeepsDoD is still, only for binary packages, afaik13:34
lbtand this is where the 'correct' solution for source is git13:34
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lbtobs clone Trunk13:35
lbtthat's what you want? right ?13:35
Stskeepssortof yeah13:35
lbthence aiming to a 'proper' longer term source management solution13:36
Stskeepsidea that just came to my head: instead of user login for fakeobs, gpg signing of commits13:36
lbtwow ... that was easy to find ... I knew I'd read about it a while back13:38
Stskeepscan OBS drag full package info from a git backend?13:39
Stskeepsit, grab the package from git13:39
lbtthat is the design direction13:40
lbtit clones the tree and does git archive on a tag/commit13:40
lbtto make a transient tarball13:40
Stskeepsyeah, but we'd need spec and so on too13:40
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lbtworking on that with Aard13:41
lbtgit-buildpackage for rpm13:41
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lbtand other git entries13:42
Stskeeps.. but does this software exists that's described on it13:45
Stskeepsie, instead of BSDB, it's git backend13:45
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lbtno .. but if we're going to work towards a goal... go in the right direction13:46
lbtback in 5 ... coffee13:46
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* CosmoHill refuses to believe he's build an embedded linux system in 2 hours13:51
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lcukCosmoHill, heh13:51
lcukis that from scratch?13:51
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Myrttiwhich solder did you use?13:53
lcukCosmoHill, which device is that for?13:53
lcuklol Myrtti13:53
CosmoHillstopped to watch the btcc13:53
CosmoHillMyrtti: lead free of course13:53
Myrttilcuk: well I've soldered my own Arduino clone so it's a valid question, who knows ;-)13:53
Myrttiwell, technically it's not mine13:53
Myrttibut I soldered it13:53
CosmoHilllcuk: none, just building it cos I have a job interview at a place that uses embedded systems13:53
Myrttithat reminds me to open safari online, thanks CosmoHill13:54
lcukMyrtti, arduinos are awesome13:54
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lcukwhat did you build with yours (or duncans)13:54
Myrttinothing yet, but probably a tweeting doorbell13:54
CosmoHillwhat I'd like to do is finish the CLFS 1.2 and release it13:55
lcukMyrtti, how are you finding it writing the sketches?13:55
Myrttilcuk: well it would probably be easier if the board were a proper Arduino, then the instructions would work out of the box without the need to guess which pins work13:57
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RST38hTweeting doorbell is two transistors and some extra junk =)13:58
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lcukMyrtti, i know that feeling13:58
RST38hUnless you mean THE doorbell of course!13:58
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MyrttiRST38h: are you enjoying taking the fun out from my tinkering? :-<14:01
Stskeepslbt: bs git backend would be great but it doesn't exist :/ it is probably a 'delivery 2.0' approach, but technically it can be handled with a fake obs approach as well (as described above)14:01
RST38hMyrtti: Yeah, and I steal candy from kids too! =)~14:02
Stskeepslbt: it doesn't directly state anything about having anything but OBS using the git though, ie, outsides14:02
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lbtno... agreed14:04
Stskeepsbsgit seems a bit interesting though, from a "off the street contribution" pov14:05
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Stskeepsbut using the same set of tools, ie, osc, for both "newbie" and "professionals" may be better14:05
lbt*nod*... and in general having osc co do a git checkout also allows the same 'offline' commit14:06
lbtbut ... waaaay in the future :)14:07
lcukStskeeps, management tooling is important14:08
lcukis that the professionals banner14:08
* lbt prepares for BOSS demo tomorrow14:09
* Stskeeps heads off for dinner14:09
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CosmoHillballs, grub doesn;t like my kernel format14:31
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CosmoHillmore balls, I wasn't looking and it booted windows14:32
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* CosmoHill finds "make defconfig" for the kernel14:50
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ali1234Stskeeps: build finished. where do the rpms come out?15:09
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ali1234nvm, it's on the wiki15:10
ali1234Stskeeps: success, i got some rpms15:11
ali1234now testing kernel...15:15
ali1234looks like it all works... sweet15:15
ali1234so apart from the meego-1.2.conf thing it works15:16
ali1234and the missing files spam was just an annoyance15:16
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ali1234so it doesn't look like the missing config is bugreported15:25
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nasa01Anyone know what "The setup of repository is broken, build not possible" means relative to OBS?15:28
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ali1234looks like build from 1.3 has meego-1.2.conf15:35
ali1234oh, and meego-trunk.conf15:36
ali1234so fixed in 1.3 i guess15:36
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toprohi, just realized: where have 1.2.90 pinetrail images gone?16:38
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Stskeepsbroken images16:39
toproso tables has not been discarded *phew*16:40
toprojust remembered of some rumors lately16:41
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annmaI have one from 9 August and it's OK16:44
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annmaa tablet ia32 one16:45
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nasa01So, can one use OBS on the weekends?  It seems to have a history of breaking during them...17:05
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arfollnasa01: RE are trying to make sure you have a nice weekend.17:09
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vik123Hi All, I have a problem with printing using CUPS... Can anybody help? Thanks17:56
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lcukso how would a meego product actually look18:58
lcuksince Stskeeps is working on the core aspects which aren't a product18:58
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lcukwithout something to actually make use of all these elements18:58
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lcukwhere would the actual backing come from? would the product aim to be released from various vendors18:59
lcukor would it not be feasible to make an actual product18:59
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Stskeepslcuk: core + hw adaptation + ui19:01
lcukscope, I thought you weren't doing any ui?19:01
Stskeepsyou asked how a meego product looked19:02
lcukahh yes19:02
lcuki thought you were saying where your expertise would be19:02
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lcuksince you do core+ adaption now19:02
Venemolcuk, "the grand plan" is that Intel (with the help of Stskeeps) does the core part of MeeGo and some reference UXes19:02
lcukStskeeps, I have a load of pages of notes about a professional grade meego product19:03
lcukVenemo, screw reference ux19:03
lcuki want a product19:03
lcukif others want to use it beyond the initial then great19:03
lcukbut if a job is worth doing19:03
Venemolcuk, so that when a manufacturer chooses to use MeeGo, they must make their own "hardware adaptation" (drivers), and they have the option to make their own UX or reuse pieces of one of the "reference" UXes.19:03
lcukVenemo, are google apps called "reference"19:04
lcukor are they the defacto ones19:04
Venemolcuk, not sure what you mean by google apps19:04
lcukon android19:04
Stskeepslcuk: heh, you can only use those if you pass android compliance19:05
lcukmaps for instance19:05
lcukis not a reference baseline app19:05
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Venemonot sure what they are called, but there are some "apps" that google just forces on their cusomers19:05
lcukStskeeps, I know19:05
lcukVenemo, I don't want to make a reference19:05
lcuki want to make the real thing19:05
Venemolcuk, then go and make it19:05
Venemolcuk, I will definitely not stop you from doing so!19:05
lcukVenemo, is the meego harmattan ux considered reference?19:07
lcukor is that a product19:07
Stskeepsno, as it's not free19:07
Stskeepsreference = something you can reuse19:07
lcukStskeeps, i am sure with enough money anything is reusable19:07
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digitalmonkeyTOPIC gpsfake on meego19:08
lcukStskeeps, just starting the conversation19:08
lcukbecause making a product is going to be important19:09
Venemolcuk, yeah, Harmattan UX is a product19:09
Venemolcuk, MeeGo Handset UX is a reference UX.19:09
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lcukVenemo, so how do we get vendors onboard to actually create a product19:10
Stskeepswe make them able to easily make it so19:11
lcukwe have a range of devices in various stages19:11
SpeedEvilA) Hand them ten million dollars.19:11
lcukSpeedEvil, we want a product19:12
lcukjust throwing money without a plan won't help19:12
lcuklong term anyway19:12
Venemolcuk, the idea is to make their work (eg. creating one's own UX) and easy enoughjob19:12
Venemoand show them that if they use MeeGo, the customers will buy their products.19:13
lcukVenemo, there is another way19:13
Venemoand this latter area is what's lacking.19:13
lcukthere are whole teams of meego people19:13
lcukwho could work together with direction19:13
lcukto make a proper meego product to be proud of19:13
Venemoof course, the community could work together to create a MeeGo product19:13
Venemosee eg. smoku's efforts on the Cordia Tab19:13
SpeedEvilHijacking commercial hardware that is open-by-design may be interesting.19:13
lcukVenemo, what if it wasn't community based?19:14
Venemolcuk, well, that would be the ideal!19:14
digitalmonkeyOn the automobile side, there are industry groups who embraced Meego as their development platform. GENIVI19:14
lcukVenemo, but involved all the companies who came together initially19:15
lcukafterall: work would be wanted completing on time!19:15
Venemolcuk, I'm not sure how you or me could achieve that.19:15
lcukand community you can ask and put up stuff19:15
lcukbut not quite the same as a work thing19:15
ali1234make some friends in china19:15
lcukVenemo, that is what I am trying to find out19:15
ali1234have them design a cheapola phone for you19:15
lcuki have product idea19:16
lcuki need help in making it a real proposal19:16
arfolldigitalmonkey: no, meego simply is one of the GENIVI dev platforms. right alongside an Intel alternative from windriver....19:16
lcukthen need work to make it into a product19:16
lcukand that involves business19:16
lcukand something I have never seen around are example collaborative business plans etc19:16
lcukinfact I have never seen a proper filled out business plan19:17
lcukbut that is beside the point19:17
ali1234that's because collaborative business plans are dumb and never work19:17
lcukali1234, i have a whole set of things and keypoints required for making a roadmap19:17
Venemolcuk, elaborate your product idea please :)19:17
lcukVenemo, why?  I have been talking about it for years in different respects19:18
lcukbut I have never done anything about it professionally19:18
ali1234lcuk: you are in the perfect position then to see meego from the POV of a vendor and tell us what we need to do to make your job easier19:18
lcukali1234, indeed19:18
digitalmonkeyarfoll: Thanks for clarification.19:18
Venemolcuk, are you talking about the Liq home UX you talked about yesterday?19:18
lcukVenemo, partly yes19:19
Venemolcuk, what would be the other part?19:19
lcukwell to make a complete product requires deeper integration and component building19:20
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lcukVenemo, there are things which are not yet in liqbase19:20
lcukbut only written in notes19:20
ali1234notes in liqbase?19:20
lcukbecause I am not skilled enough to code them19:20
lcukali1234, liqbwas was written to make notes19:20
ali1234i know, i was making a joke19:21
ali1234i'll get my coat19:21
lcukthe last note actually says "need bigger paper"19:21
ali1234i think you just write too big19:21
lcukbecause I was lay in the countryside on the side of a hill writing19:21
ali1234i've seen some of the screenshots, it's like one word per note19:21
lcukali1234, was using my n90019:21
lcukali1234, visible from orbit, when I write technical and detailed it is smaller :)19:22
lcukbut often only one or two words are required to remind me19:22
lcukanyway, i will need to somehow try to write a real product spec from these notes19:22
ali1234what do you mean by product?19:23
lcukand business plan19:23
ali1234both of those things are outside the scope of meego imo19:23
lcukali1234, a product is a combination of components, hardware and software19:23
lcukali1234, without a product there is no meego19:23
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ali1234meego is not about building products19:23
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lcukthen what is it?19:23
ali1234this has been repeated ad nausium19:24
lcukand once more19:24
ali1234meego is a base system from which hardware vendors such as yourself can build a product19:24
lcukso if no vendors are using it to make products19:24
lcukwhat is its use?19:25
ali1234then meego fails19:25
ali1234it's use is precisely nothing19:25
lcukthen how do I make these notes into a proper spec and product proposal19:26
ali1234you'd have to ask a business advisor about that one19:26
Venemowhat the...? someone at asus has read my wish list?
Venemothey only missed on item on my wish list, that is MeeGo :P19:27
arfolllol how to not upset intel by making an arm powered netbook...19:28
ali1234keyboard looks horrible, seriously19:29
lcukarfoll, a product would include large form factor devices too!19:29
* lcuk has intel 20" device waiting for meego19:29
arfolllcuk: i was talking about the eepad slider19:30
lcukafk anyway19:30
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ali1234anyway, you should not buy arm stuff until the SoC vendors get their act together and sort out some kind of sensible device framework19:31
Venemoali1234, what do you mean by that?19:31
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ali1234see linus comments on lkml and other places19:31
arfollsoc vendors & sensible... might be a while ;-)19:31
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Venemowell, there is a MeeGo adaptation for Tegra 2 afaict19:33
ali1234i don't want to use words like "bios" and "upnp" because everyone hates that stuff19:33
Venemothe bigger problem is that this gadget costs a hell a lot of money.19:33
ali1234but even the win95 implementation of upnp is literally 20 years ahead of what arm has today, which is nothing19:33
ali1234i don't mean upnp do it?19:34
ali1234i mean PnP19:34
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ali1234even if there was one standard per vendor it would be a big improvement19:36
ali1234but there isn't even that19:36
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Venemoa pity that this stuff isn't an Atom19:37
Venemobut the form factor is exactly what I would prefer.19:37
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VenemoHMM, rumour has it that the machine will be produced with an Atom too! HA!19:38
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lcukVenemo, which navigation tool/package would a reference meego ux use?  and where would a company shop for alternatives?20:15
Venemo_N950not sure20:15
Venemo_N950there are some community navigation tools, but not one developed by intel or nokia (nokia developed a properitary one, but not a reference one obviously)20:16
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timophlcuk: is maemo mapper (can't remember what it was renamed to) still alive?20:40
lcuktimoph, not sure20:41
lcukthat would be something for the CE to investigate20:42
Stskeepsi vote for cloudgps instead though20:42
lcuk:D Damian is awesome20:42
lcukStskeeps, not sure how well it works on n900-ce and n950-ce yet?20:43
lcukafaik it had maemoisms - I think he might have n950 harmattan build20:43
* lcuk cannot recall20:43
lcukStskeeps, it is ok for community build, but how do we advance it upto professional product grade?20:45
lcukI think I know and all relates to the earlier talk of seeing business advisor20:45
lcukLuke starts college tomorrow20:46
lcuka whole new set of challenges for him :)20:46
Stskeepsthere's a place and a time for everything - and that's college20:46
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CosmoHilllcuk: good luck to him20:48
CosmoHillmy cousin starts her work exp on tuesday20:48
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mingwandroidX-Fade: Hi, can I pm you?20:58
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CosmoHillmingwandroid: is it about the community OBS?21:03
mingwandroidCosmoHill: yes.21:03
CosmoHillyou might see if lbt is around as he can also help21:03
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mingwandroidlbt: ping21:05
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* CosmoHill wonders about learning a new programming language21:07
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lcukCosmoHill, learn c21:08
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timophc is a good choice21:08
CosmoHillI already know C / C++21:08
berndhs_meegoHe said _new_21:08
CosmoHillyou mean improve it21:08
berndhs_meego€ is older than cosmo21:09
lcukCosmoHill, which c code have you done?21:09
lcukhi berndhs_meego \o21:09
timophtry the new c++ standard21:09
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timophit has some nice features in it21:09
timophlike the auto keyword21:09
berndhs_meegoYes should make more readable code21:10
CosmoHilllcuk: I've not done any real world programming but for uni I've used it for parralel computing and datasctruces and algorithms21:10
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thiagoC++11 is only 1400 pages long21:10
CosmoHillreading it would probably be faster than trying to get a compiler that supports it on my aging mac21:11
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CosmoHillI've been looking at squirrel, F# and miniD / any on wikipedia21:11
thiagono compiler exists that supports it entirely21:11
CosmoHillthat kinda backs up my point21:12
thiagoheck, we've only just got compilers that support C++98/03 entirely21:12
thiagoand only the modern ones support TR121:12
berndhs_meegoIm just wating for 0 to be != nullptr :)21:13
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timophthat is a good change21:14
berndhs_meegoWont happn for a long time, the effect would be spectacular21:15
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thiago0 will be convertible to all pointers in C++1121:17
thiagothe difference is that nullptr cannot be converted to integers21:17
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CosmoHillcurrently I'm just looking at programming languages with cool names :/21:18
lcukCosmoHill, heh21:19
CosmoHill I mean just check that their logo21:19
lcukwhat are ICS using meego for?21:21
berndhs_meegoWhats ics?21:25
thiagoa company21:26
CosmoHillnot that IT training company?21:26
thiagoICS does trainings yes21:27
arfollthey do purple tshirts21:29
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lcukthiago, do you know of any qt apis for character recognition?21:38
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* lcuk is going to get Tracy to transcribe his notes in shorttime21:38
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* CosmoHill gets confused by the lack of termination in falcon21:42
CosmoHillwhenever I'm helping people program in C / C++ I always remind them to finish their lines with a semi21:43
CosmoHilllcuk: translate them into what?21:43
lcukCosmoHill, text, I normally don't mind but I have to use them as a basis for a spec21:44
* lcuk reads handwriting everyday21:44
lbtmingwandroid: pong21:44
lcuksynchronisation worked a treat. as I was writing them on the hilltop they were arriving on my wallmount and were there when I got back21:45
* lcuk impressed by that21:45
lcukball it needs is a nice new message notification :)21:46
mingwandroidlbt: hey21:48
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mingwandroidI've been talking to vgrade and have decided to throw my hat into the ring on a bit of MeeGo on Advent Vega work.21:54
mingwandroidHe mentioned the Community OBS and I'd like to get an account setup if possible?21:55
thiagolcuk: for OCR? No, sorry.21:56
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lbtmingwandroid: sure....22:02
lbtso it sounds like it's all open source - I need your account22:03
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lbtok higlight me when you're back22:06
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mingwandroidlbt: sorry, doing too many things at once. my meego (and real) name is raydonnelly22:09
lbthave fun :)22:09
mingwandroidthanks, MeeGo's a whole new world to look into ;-)22:10
lbtoh yeah22:10
mingwandroidI've been doing android before. Can I ask some questions about community OBS (and can I abbreviate it to COBS ;-))22:11
lbtI do22:11
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mingwandroidcan I get the COBS to point at and build from git repos on different servers? Or does it provide user git repos?22:27
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* CosmoHill gives vgrade a cookie for adding the links to the device page22:34
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* CosmoHill grumbles cos he started learning falcon then hit a problem he can't fix22:38
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lbtmingwandroid: at the moment c.obs uses tarballs, not git repos23:00
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lbtwe have a mechanism to link to git repos23:00
lbtit's not deployed yet23:00
lbtour Release Engineering team are ..... traditional :)   Apparently if quilt and patches were good enough for their grandads then by god they're good enough for you!23:01
lcuklbt, uphill both ways at weekends too!23:02
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SpeedEvillbt: rcs?23:03
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lbtSpeedEvil: nah, I think they use sccs to store versions of the gzipped tarballs23:04
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UmeaboyNow that I've rooted my SGS 2 is it possible to dual-boot Megoo on it?23:12
UmeaboySamsung Galaxy S2.23:13
UmeaboyThe bootloader IS open.23:13
UmeaboyI've flashed ClockworkMod Xrecovery on it.23:13
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thiagoyes, if you do the effort of making it work23:16
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* CosmoHill is getting on well with falcon23:18
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javispedrothere seems to be kinda connectivity problems with frm the COBS23:25
javispedroslow downloads, half of the time it just doesn't work, the other half it prints out stuff like "connect to No route to host"23:25
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Umeaboythiago: OK. How does one start?23:34
UmeaboyI have done backup.23:34
UmeaboyAt least I think I have.23:35
dm8tbra) learn coding23:35
dm8tbrb) learn about the hardware23:35
thiagoUmeaboy: first step is to figure out what bootloader there is on the device23:35
thiagothen figure out how to make it boot something else23:35
Umeaboya): What's the easiest way finding out?23:35
thiagocan it boot from an SD card? That's the easiest way.23:35
thiagodd the meego image to an SD card and boot.23:35
Umeaboythiago: What's.......23:35
thiagoif it can't, then repartition the device and install meego23:36
UmeaboyThe Handset-image, right?23:36
dm8tbrthat presumes that there is a working hw adaptation for that phone23:36
UmeaboyWhich .img? There are several.23:36
thiagothe one that works for your device23:36
thiagoif none works, you'll need to use the MeeGo Image Creator to create it.23:37
UmeaboyIt says Nokia on the wiki........23:37
thiagothere's no wiki for your device23:37
thiagoyou need to figure out on your own23:37
UmeaboyMaybe I'm blind.23:37
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thiagotry a MeeGo Core image. Just boot to X.23:38
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UmeaboyWhere do I download the MeeGo Image Creator ?23:40
berndhsUmeaboy: there are repos, for example here
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UmeaboyI think my phone has armv7123:43
UmeaboySo it seems to have support.23:43
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UmeaboyCan I test-boot it without doing any actual harm to the phone?23:44
UmeaboyThere's no physical SD-card in it.23:44
thiagocan the bootloader boot from a partition?23:45
dijital1which wifi chipset is used in the N950?23:50
dm8tbror is it even wilink7?23:52
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