IRC log of #meego for Monday, 2011-09-05

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vgradeCosmoHill, thanks00:03
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Alison_ChaikenSlides from upcoming IVI talk:
Alison_ChaikenSuggestions and comments welcome!00:20
dm8tbrthe How about MeeGo slide uses a Qt diagram?00:24
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Alison_Chaikendm8tbr, to me, the hallmark of MeeGo for audiences that aren't familiar is "a smaller Linux with a Qt face."00:24
Alison_ChaikenQt is the distinguishing feature of MeeGo, although Wayland is going to have a big impact, and personally I love Connman.00:25
Alison_ChaikenDo you have a MeeGo diagram to suggest, that's not boring?00:25
dm8tbrno, it just strikes me that the first mention of MeeGo shows Qt. I'm sure there is something showing flashy 'stuff' how meego is that 'business thing' that can make your ivi shine by 'leveraging' things like 'qt' etc00:27
javispedrois the iPhone-like picture necessary? ;)00:28
dm8tbrand I agree, qt is a central component, but meego is more00:29
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ali1234IVI is really supposed to be used for vehicle safety controls?00:30
Alison_Chaikenjavispedro, which iPhone-like picture?    All images of handsets are from others' talks.00:31
javispedroAlison_Chaiken: front slide one00:31
javispedroUI looks like Chinese iPhone clone ;)00:31
Alison_Chaikenali1234, IVI will have a wide variety of uses.00:31
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ali1234also, are there any plans to use nokia's terminal mode work?00:32
Alison_Chaikenjavispedro, if you mean the title slide, that's a shipping MeeGo-preinstalled product.00:32
lcukAlison_Chaiken, I saw a cute video recently of an ivi platform using touchscreen windows00:32
Alison_ChaikenNot by me.    I think terminal mode is a no-go, myself.00:32
lcukand the ui was on the window itself00:32
javispedroAlison_Chaiken: O.o! then by all means use it and forgot about what I said.00:32
Alison_Chaikenlcuk, I'd love to know about the video if you can find the link.00:32
ali1234it's just reverse VNC. meego should be able to support it trivially00:32
Alison_Chaikenali1234, I am well aware of what terminal mode is.    It's more than VNC in a bad way.    Terminal mode only runs on N97 mini Symbian handsets right now.    I'm not joking!00:34
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Alison_Chaikenali1234, I don't see the advantages of terminal mode over plain old VNC.    I think it's a sly attempt by Nokia to promote Symbian, but I could be wrong.00:34
Alison_ChaikenAt any rate, I believe that there's almost no activity around terminal mode, but I could be wrong.00:35
ali1234terminal mode hardware in the cars isn't running symbian00:35
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Alison_ChaikenAFAIK, terminal mode has not been implemented by anyone on MeeGo, probably due to lack of interest.00:35
dijital1currently the N950 is still only available to developers and only directly from Nokia correct?00:36
lcukAlison_Chaiken, hold on, cannot quite find it yet00:36
lcukwhy does this remind me of liqbase
ali1234everything reminds you of liqbase00:36
javispedrooh, they changed the SLIDE animation with a ROTATING CUBE animation!00:37
javispedroelop wasn't lying when he was saying they had FREE way to customize WP7.00:37
lcukali1234, no00:37
lcukthe original liqbase used blue tiles :)00:37
SpeedEviljavispedro: Oooh - that reminds me of my linux desktop some decades ago...00:38
lcukAlison_Chaiken, found it00:42
lcukand note, jacob and I were drawing trees just last night00:42
lcukWindow to the World (CIID/Toyota)
meegofreakmeego forum is dead ?00:43
meegofreak50x (Server Error)          Sorry, it looks like our servers are having trouble!   Please try your request again or use the links below to report the issue.00:44
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javispedrolcuk: quite boring considering it is about putting touchscreens and transparent LCD on windows...00:48
javispedrothe only good idea was the zoom one..00:48
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lcukjavispedro, just interesting from ivi perspective00:54
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CosmoHillanyone here have falcon installed on their computer?01:02
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Alison_Chaikenlcuk, I wonder how much the replacement part is if that window breaks.01:07
Alison_ChaikenProlly would cost more than my current car.01:07
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lcukAlison_Chaiken, yeah01:10
lcukfun concept though01:10
* lcuk wonders how much the funding for that would have been01:11
Alison_ChaikenThe method for getting cool demos that CIID uses is easier than the method we HW hackers use.01:12
Alison_ChaikenI'll just animate my demos from now on.01:12
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lcukAlison_Chaiken, lol01:15
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DonaldShimodahey ali1234 , how you are?01:21
DonaldShimodawork your kernel?01:21
ali1234i'm good01:21
ali1234i got the kernel built01:21
ali1234OBS and local01:21
ali1234you can test these rpms:
DonaldShimodai dont, so i say god bye to meego for a while, maybe when they release a kernel supporting 2 GB out of the box i will try again01:22
DonaldShimodasorry, i must uninstall meego01:22
ali1234that kernel support 2GB01:23
ali1234well, it shoudl anyway01:23
DonaldShimodareally? and netbok?01:23
ali1234i made it just for you01:23
ali1234i dunno if it will work01:23
ali1234but it should01:23
javispedrowhat's so hard about 2GiB? HIGHMEM? what could it break?01:23
DonaldShimodaok, will reinstall my netbook again01:23
ali1234javispedro: not much i guess, but i can't test it01:23
ali1234since i don't have 2GB01:23
CosmoHilljavispedro: highmem and it's been filed as a bug by auke01:24
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javispedroI'm not sure I'd enable HIGHMEM by default01:24
ali1234it's only supposed to be enabled on pinetrail adaption01:24
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ali1234according the bug01:24
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javispedroit was a small but noticeable performance hit on older CPUs (and thus probably atom..)01:25
javispedrostupid bugzilla being down01:25
javispedroI ponder..01:26
javispedrobug #1555301:26
javispedrocrash and die and get an HTTP 500, MeeGoBot!01:26
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CosmoHilli believe some of the other servers are down tonight too01:28
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DonaldShimodaali1234, it have 177 mb, will take a while, will install and tell you01:28
DonaldShimodathanks my friend!01:28
ali1234noy ou don't need that one01:28
DonaldShimodaah ok, no install debug info then01:29
ali1234you just need kernel-adaptation-pinetrail-
DonaldShimodawill reinstall and tell you01:29
ali1234and you probably have to edit /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf to add it to boot menu01:29
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DonaldShimodaups... wait, explain me a little more this01:33
DonaldShimodai know nothing about extlinux01:33
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ali1234well just look in /boot01:35
ali1234look at the extlinux.conf and copy the meego entry and make a new one for the new kernel01:35
DonaldShimodaok, i will try01:36
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DonaldShimodareinstalling meego01:49
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DonaldShimodai love meego install, beats any other linuxç01:50
DonaldShimodaok, the tiome of the true01:51
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DonaldShimodaali1234,  is ok now i will paste the extlinux file02:01
DonaldShimodaali1234, can you check, i think is ok02:02
DonaldShimodaali1234, my doubt is , how will choice between two kernels, wich one will boot?02:03
ali1234set prompt 1 timeout 1002:03
ali1234it will show a menu02:03
ali1234yeah that looks ok02:03
DonaldShimodaok thanks!02:03
DonaldShimodatheres no default set?02:04
ali1234i dunno02:04
ali1234gues not02:04
DonaldShimodawell,. it dont ask but load your kernel and YES i have 2GB!02:05
DonaldShimodathanks man! you bring me again to meego02:05
ali1234you're welcome02:06
ali1234if you install any updates it will probably wipe the extlinux.conf02:06
ali1234hopefully any updates will fix this anyway though02:06
ali1234you'll want to use pinetrail kernel too, it's better for your hardware02:06
DonaldShimodagreat advice, thanks!02:06
DonaldShimodawill start to configure all i need, virtualbox, wine, community repo, etc02:07
DonaldShimodathanks , i will come bakc later02:07
ali1234you might have difficulty with some of that stuff02:07
DonaldShimodai do before, dont woory02:07
DonaldShimodathe last time i do all this and discover after all it only recognize 878 kb... hehe02:08
DonaldShimodanow i have my full ram  so theres no prob02:08
DonaldShimodasee you later, thanks again!02:08
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gouchihopes this is not true02:14
DonaldShimodagouchi, is not the primer rumor rigth? before say nokia left the project and then they say n900 with meego02:17
gouchiyes yes02:17
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Umeaboythiago & berndhs: Did you mean this when you tasked about the MeeGo Image Creator?
berndhsUmeaboy: its' called mic2, in noarch/02:34
berndhsif I remember right02:34
Umeaboyberndhs: ?02:35
berndhsyes if you want to run it on meego02:36
UmeaboyWhat do I have to do when THAT'S installed?02:36
UmeaboyConnect the phone with USB-debugging-mode on, but then what?02:36
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berndhsif you want to run it on something else, it would be in .../repos/fedora/15/... or .../repos/ubuntu/...02:37
berndhsmeego image creator lets you generate boot images that you can load02:38
berndhshow you load that on your device, I don't know02:38
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Umeaboyberndhs: OK.02:41
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UmeaboyGotta switch to Mageia. I'll be Bach.02:41
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arfollanyones noticed the meego forum is down?02:44
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arfollweird because OBS is still up ;-)02:44
gouchiDonaldShimod : not confirmed by Phoronix
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CosmoHillnight night03:14
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DonaldShimodaali1234, hi, one question04:25
DonaldShimodahow to download kernel headers?04:25
DonaldShimodafor the kernel you build04:25
ali1234that's in the devel package04:25
ali1234not the 100mb one04:25
ali1234the other one04:25
DonaldShimodaah... ok rigth04:25
ali1234that one04:26
ali1234at least i assume it is04:26
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DonaldShimodasays need hardlink04:26
DonaldShimodais a package?04:26
DonaldShimodaok installing04:27
ali1234maybe you need the link in /usr/lib/modules04:27
ali1234depends what you are trying to do04:28
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DonaldShimodaali1234, have a poble, i run update and change the kernel to be run05:27
DonaldShimodahow to indcate what kernel is the selected?05:28
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dungeon_archlmeego will need 4square and a function "help from nearby". even share nearby.05:42
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DonaldShimodaali1234, a problem06:23
DonaldShimodai need xen support on the kernel to allow m,e run virtualbox06:23
DonaldShimodatheres any chance?06:23
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dbman63still night here :)08:09
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dbman63finally got around to installing the meego sdk08:10
dbman63time to have some fun08:10
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Alison_ChaikenI take it that rather than continue searching for GTK+ for MeeGo, I should just play sudoku for a couple of hours and read Velonews?09:05
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StskeepsGTK+ for meego should be in repo?09:06
Stskeepsunless you mean gtk309:07
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Alison_ChaikenI wanted to compile VTE, which needs GTK+, but all I can find at is people complaining that they can't build something because they can't find GTK+ either.09:08
Stskeepsfairly sure it's right there, i spent ages ripping it out of my minimal core work :P09:09
Alison_ChaikenThanks, Stskeeps, I'll look.09:11
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mcfrisk_MeeGo OBS compiler defaults, where are they set?09:13
Stskeepsmcfrisk_: it ranges - ARM, check gcc.spec - we have --with-arch=armv7-a --with-float=hard etc09:14
Stskeepsmcfrisk_: rest is in rpmrc in rpm and meego-rpm-config09:14
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mcfrisk_Stskeeps: thanks, I'm searching for x86 and IVI defaults09:15
Stskeepsah, then you probably have strict atom patches in gcc09:15
Stskeepsif you manage to rip those out, i'm all ears on what you had to do ;)09:15
mcfrisk_sounds bad, but I'm only searching for the defaults, meego-rpm-config has them.09:18
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Alison_Chaikenmcfrisk_, what is your HW?    Unless you have EMGD graphics, IVI i586 packages produce bad results.09:19
Alison_ChaikenBTW, Stskeeps, I see that what I need to do is tell pkconfig that gtk-2.0 IS gtk+.09:20
StskeepsAlison_Chaiken: btw,
Alison_ChaikenWow, Stskeeps, even better!09:21
mcfrisk_Our public hw is OKI board09:22
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Alison_ChaikenMultiple xterms on same ExoPC screen via terminator:
Alison_ChaikenYay!    Hey berndhs_meego .09:45
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Alison_ChaikenThanks again Stskeeps, I send you a virtual Zywiec Porter .09:54
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Alison_Chaikenmcfrisk_, which graphics chip does your OKI have?   EMGD is easy to use with 1.2 IVI, i915 not so much, although it can be done.09:54
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iekkucore os bug triage starting10:00
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lcukmorning \o10:52
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lcukCosmoHill, \o11:53
* CosmoHill gives lcuk a cup of tea11:55
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lcukthanks CosmoHill12:00
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lcuklibreoffice does not include project planning12:03
* lcuk sighs12:03
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* CosmoHill slips lcuk MS Project 201012:04
lcukCosmoHill, i have linux on my computers, I could go and buy it though12:05
* lcuk starts with pencil and paper12:05
CosmoHillyou know when you first boot a computer and windows asks you if you agree to the EULA?12:06
CosmoHillif you say No you can get a refund on the OS12:06
lcukCosmoHill, no12:06
henalcuk: good luck with project planning software12:07
henasadly all better options on that are web services :/12:07
CosmoHillI'd stick with paper12:07
CosmoHillI mean unless you need something complex like a gant chart12:07
henayeah, planner does basic stuff, but really not enough12:08
Aardfunny thing is that the algorithms behind the project planning stuff are pretty simple, probably the most easy to write software in the office package, but no-one cares12:08
CosmoHillwouldn't the smart thing to do to be to write the awesome planning software, and then use that to plan the rest of the suite?12:09
lcukCosmoHill, I need something complex like a gant chart. :|12:09
lcukCosmoHill, no it wouldn't12:09
Aardrequires some management background, which probably most of the software developers don't have12:09
lcukhena, Aard - something I do not have12:10
lcukbut I have a damned good idea for a product and am frustrated at inability to spec it out12:10
Aardlcuk: there are fancy software packages to draw charts, and you can just throw your data into an sqlite file for that12:10
Aard(ms project just uses access databases, with pretty fucked up table definitions)12:11
lcukAard, personally I would like to talk with actual business people who understand all this12:11
lcukand make a plan with them12:11
lcukrather than me fuddling trying to do something I have never done before12:11
lcukbut, business people do not come online12:11
lcukand business plans are not commonly worked on openly12:12
Stskeepsthat's why you marry someone from a business school12:12
Stskeeps<3 my wife12:12
lcukStskeeps, that is indeed a good idea12:12
* lcuk marries Stskeeps' wife12:12
* CosmoHill did a management module12:12
* CosmoHill goes looking for his assignment12:13
lcuki have never done business12:13
lcukI just write stuff down :$12:13
Aardlcuk: it's mostly common sense, covered in layers of bullshit12:13
lcukand make it work well12:13
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lcukAard, that is my problem, I try to simplify things too much12:13
CosmoHillmost of my year 3 module assignments never made it back to me12:14
CosmoHillapart from the ones that go "you suck; C"12:14
Aardlcuk: nothing wrong with simplifying it, you don't need all those bullshit layers. that's just for management people who lack the common sense, and need teaching12:14
lcuki want to just make the video and then talk with people to actually make it into areal plan12:15
lcukbut it would be quite a big plan :$12:15
lcukand need lots of money I gather to do it properly12:15
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lcukor I could s/meego/android/ and do it easier I guess12:15
lcuksince the coding would not be from me12:16
lcukand would come from contracted parties12:16
Venemo_N950good afternoon lcuk12:16
lcukI suppose it wouldn't matter what os it ended up written in12:16
lcukhi Venemo_N95012:16
lcukdoes anybody know the difference between salary of employee and the contracting rate?12:17
Stskeepsadd pension + health insurance/social security on top12:17
RST38hIn US or in UK?12:17
Venemo_N950lcuk, there are project planning software for linux12:17
CosmoHilllcuk: cross platform ftw12:17
Stskeepsand watch out for not accidentially being classified as a employee instead12:17
RST38hIn US, Salary = employer pays your social security related taxes for you, at least partially12:18
lcukStskeeps, yeah I know12:18
lcukbut all this kind of stuff needs considering12:18
Stskeepsnow, if you claim to be a consultant, add about 40% of bullshit costs on top12:18
RST38hContracting = you pay all the taxes, including so called self-employment tax (i.e. the social security related part)12:18
henalcuk: planner does gantt charts12:18
lcukfor instance, Stskeeps - if it wasw using the mer core, what sort of costs would there be12:18
Venemo_N950lcuk, by the way, what product are you planning exactly?12:18
Stskeepslcuk: ok, that's a tangent.. what?12:19
CosmoHilllcuk: I'll let you know what a graduate c++ developer could make tomorrow afternoon12:19
lcukStskeeps, no - it is something a vendor would ask12:19
lcukreal tough questions12:19
Venemo_N950lcuk, cost of Mer is buying a beer for Stskeeps12:19
lcukno Venemo_N950 it isn't12:19
Stskeepslcuk: you can probably get by with infrastructure costs, like 50-69eur/month12:19
AardCosmoHill: graduation does not count much as contractor (actually, as employee usually not as well), it's more about experience and how good you can sell yourself12:19
RST38hlcuk: For contracting, you basically sign a contract with the guy, which states what he has to produce, in what time, and what the compensation will be12:20
RST38hlcuk: This is it.12:20
lcukRST38h, yes I understand12:20
RST38hlcuk: You then expense his pay from your business tax forms12:20
lcukStskeeps, I am asking how much a vendor would be expected to pay to ensure upkeep of meego/mer12:20
Stskeepslcuk: contributions is what keeps things going, and open source is free12:21
RST38hHell, it can be a VERBAL agreement, for all it is worth, although I would stringly suggest against it :)12:21
lcukStskeeps, so what kind of contribution and what does the vendor get for that12:21
Venemo_N950Stskeeps, there are two possible ways.12:21
Stskeepslcuk: workers, donations in hardware, perhaps taking on duties itself, sharing the load12:21
Stskeepsit's possible to be a freeloader at own risk12:21
Venemo_N950Stskeeps, 1) you just take what's there and run with the code - free. 2) you can hire the key developers of the project for money.12:22
lcukStskeeps, I am not trying to be freeloader, I am asking a serious question12:22
Venemo_N950sorry, that was for lc12:22
lcukthat if a project were to go ahead using the meego infrastructure12:22
Stskeepslcuk: and i'm answering - in practice a company would not use meego infrastructure12:22
lcukand make a meego product12:22
Venemo_N950lcuk, , 1) you just take what's there and run with the code - free. 2) you can hire the key developers of the project for money.12:22
Stskeepsit would have it's own12:22
Stskeepswhere it imports what meego project produces12:23
lcukhow does a vendor have confidence that meego will produce solid reliable core?12:23
RST38hvendor does not12:24
RST38hthis is open source fo ryou12:24
RST38hno cost, no commitments12:24
Stskeepslcuk: best way is to contribute to making it so and seeing the output of the project12:24
lcukStskeeps, that is not something I can put on a business plan really12:25
Stskeepslcuk: "don't have to maintain a Linux distro myself"12:25
Stskeepsthat is direct value for many12:25
Venemolcuk, "how does a vendor have confidence that meego will produce solid reliable core?" --> a vendor can hire developers whose job is to ensure that.12:26
Stskeepsalso, with open source, if things go tits up, you still have the software12:26
Stskeepsand don't have to fight with whoever is the manager of the bankrupt firm on licensing terms12:26
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Venemolcuk, the more important questions are 1) how do you get the necessary money for developing your product. 2) how do you get users to actually buy it when it's done12:27
RST38hlcuk: May I point out an interesting detail?12:27
RST38hWhich might be of some use12:27
lcukby all means RST38h12:29
RST38hlcuk: The main point investors will look for in your business plan is how you are going ot make money12:29
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RST38hlcuk: As "I will make money by using Meego because it is open source" is obviously a pointless statement, it may be a good idea to avoid mentioning Meego at all, or mention it much later in the plan, as a method to cut dev costs12:30
lcukRST38h, sure12:30
RST38hlcuk: But, again, the main question IS NOT what Linux distro you will use. It is how you are gonna make money12:30
lcukas stated, this plan will work with android as much as with meego12:30
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RST38hAnd android does provide a full software stack, unlike Meego12:31
RST38hBut of course, this completeness comes t a cost.12:31
lcukRST38h, I want to add a whole new method of communication.  towards short term money making there can be a number of simpler client apps on the other app stores to run some of the features whilst the ux is built12:33
RST38hlcuk: emphasize short term gains12:33
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lcukRST38h, sals on ovi/appup/market/ipad for calendar and stuff.  simple steps whilst building a more comprehensive set12:34
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lcukshort contract for each app would get a client built12:35
lcukand tested12:35
lcuki have the synchronisation aspect working12:35
lcukso that clients in any os are possible12:35
RST38hlcuk: you do know that the app store stuff does not sell, in general?12:35
lcuki just don't have the polishing skills myself to do it12:35
lcukRST38h, depends who you are selling it to12:36
RST38hlcuk: no, I mean it in a different sense12:36
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RST38hlcuk: You are very unlikely to make any money selling your apps via established app stores (Apple, Goolge)12:36
RST38hlcuk: Most likely, you will bring $500-$2000/month in sales for all your efforts.12:37
SpeedEvil500-2000 adds up if you've got several12:37
lcukRST38h, if that coverse the contracts for making the apps then its a win12:37
RST38hSpeed: TOTAL./12:37
RST38hlcuk: It will not12:38
lcukRST38h, and sales come from use, something like the calendar is not a run once thing12:38
RST38hlcuk: Nobody works for peanuts, and you also have to pay yourself. Do not forget that.12:38
lcukit is a practical useful day to day thing12:38
lcukRST38h, I never forget that12:38
RST38hlcuk: Ok. How will you charge for the use?12:38
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SpeedEvilRST38h: Some people work for peanuts.12:39
SpeedEvilRST38h: If you can live on peanuts, and are happy with peanuts - then why not?12:39
RST38hSpeed: They are usually not the same people who can do software development well12:40
* SpeedEvil points at india.12:40
* RST38h points to "well" and indicates it as the keyword12:41
SpeedEvilThere are skilled coders in india.12:41
SpeedEvilBut, yes.12:41
RST38hThe best you can hope for with peanuts is Moldovans.12:41
CosmoHillthey maybe skilled but do they understand the culture of the program they are writing12:41
RST38hCosmo; Forget the culture, they usually do not understand the program12:42
RST38hBut anyway, it is kinda offtopic12:42
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lcukI am going for a smoke, bbiab12:42
CosmoHillas long as you don't fire whoever you contract and finish it off in house with people who have never heard of the program you should be ...better off12:42
CosmoHillwait smoking?12:43
Stskeepsyes, people smoke12:43
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StskeepsFor one of our projects we are in need of the products that can meet the specification as described in the following. The drawing, together with the relevant reference, will be sent by E-mail to you. 1. Name: plastic gaskets 2. Material: 757ABS 3. Quantity: 5,000,000pcs12:46
Stskeepsspam has gotten worse over time.12:46
Stskeepsbut i guess i have an alternative business model..12:46
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RST38hStskeeps: makes one wonder what these guys are hoping for12:51
RST38hStskeeps: Are they trying to scap the previous spammers who offered plastic gaskets?12:51
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SpeedEvilI'd guess they are the reuslt of poorly internet-educated buisnesses hitting a spammers page fist12:52
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SpeedEvil'find leads for your buisness'12:52
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CosmoHillit get kinda annoyed when people reply to emails from their banks without thinking "hold on, I never told them my / this email address:12:56
CosmoHillsome spam I get randomly had " ," at the end of any subject12:58
CosmoHill"#You have a new secure message from Halifax‏" << Very secure considering I don't use this bank12:59
CosmoHilllcuk: web13:01
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lcukCosmoHill, did you see the developer_devices chart by the way13:02
lcukvgrade added links to most of the device wiki pages13:02
CosmoHillyes I gave him a cookie for that13:02
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* CosmoHill looks at the CLFS changelog and wonders what's happened to the other developers13:10
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arfollCosmoHill: on that list how far are we going to go?13:16
CosmoHillarfoll: my plan was for it to be any device a developer owns and uses for the purposes of meego13:17
arfollCosmoHill: isn't there this allready ?
Stskeepsarfoll: a nice result this morning for raspberry pi: qmlviewer + xorg + full gles + connman/ofono/bluez in 29mb13:19
CosmoHillthey are devices compatible with meego, not nessacarly  owned by developers. the aim for the page was for developers to see what other developers used to work on meego13:20
arfollStskeeps: very nice! now we just have to get a few of thos pis and boot meego13:21
arfollhave you emailed the guy?13:21
Stskeepsi still need to shape it a bit more up before i send some fs'es around13:21
Stskeepsthis was on n900, i think you're CC'ed on all convos13:21
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arfolldon't think so? which convos? about armv6 with michael davey or other?13:22
Stskeepsyeah, those13:23
arfollCosmoHill: i dont really see the point of seperating the two... people jsut want to to see what devices work/are being worked on - should be on the same page no?13:23
* CosmoHill shurgs13:24
CosmoHillit wasn't something that was thought through before it was made13:24
arfollStskeeps: yep. no new mails for 13 days though ;-)13:24
Stskeepstime has passed on :P13:25
arfollCosmoHill: merge maybe? I mean the first page could do with some love, but listing device specs IMO is a little pointless, i think maybe making stubs for devices with no instructions for meego install would be a nice push13:25
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CosmoHillwould you want to keep the first page as a list or convert it to a table?13:26
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arfollCosmoHill: your table if you can get the ordering done wikipedia style13:27
* CosmoHill looks through the page and thinks it could do with more than a bit of love13:27
arfollotherwise i think an organised list split by device category (and maybe arm vs x86) would be nice13:27
CosmoHillarfoll: that's something I want to figure out how to do13:27
arfolli agree the page is a mess13:28
CosmoHillI also don't like that "meego will run on this device when it comes out"13:28
arfollbut maybe actually what should be done is a list of SOCs/CPUs supported and under the page of the SOC/CPU have the devices tested13:28
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arfollwell for "future" devices a nice little "future" category is easy to do13:28
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* CosmoHill can't hear anything and his desk is vibrating cos people are insulating his walls13:49
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Stskeepsputting you in a padded cell?13:50
* dm8tbr read ... insulting his walls13:50
CosmoHillthat would make sleeping in the corner comfier13:50
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KaIRCCosmoHill: I think a three-tiered list is needed: 1) devices that come with MeeGo pre-installed, 2) devices that have good instructions for how to get MeeGo to run, 3) devices people are working on to get them supported (or have partial support)14:00
KaIRCCosmoHill: 2 and 3 could also be annotations in the same list, of course14:01
KaIRCand instructions and/or more info should be linked from that list14:02
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lcukgood idea KaIRC14:11
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timophlcuk: I'll be in manchester sunday morning before 1014:14
lcukat the airport or are you having to travel to the centre?14:14
timophairport afaik14:15
lcukwill you have time for a coffee?14:15
timophplenty since I have the whole day to get myself to where I'm going (the ~130km trip)14:16
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CosmoHillsortable tables :)14:36
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arfollCosmoHill: looks good, now remove the chipset column14:40
lcukall those devices are awesome14:41
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niqti have installed on wetag andr writed this14:52
niqtis it developer device?14:52
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CosmoHillthere's no wetab on the list14:59
CosmoHillhowever the list was quickly made saturday morning14:59
CosmoHillit's on this page15:00
vgradewetab and exopc are similar if not identical hw wise15:00
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arfollvgrade: theres an issue with the wetab bootloader though which is worthy of a note15:04
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leinirthey're /almost/ identical - they have different bluetooth modules, and i think there's different amounts of ram in them, otherwise they're the same15:05
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bkalingaCurrently I have  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU  W3505  @ 2.53GHz cpu cores: 2(does not have a in built intel graphics card )15:38
bkalingacan someone please tell me  the processor name that you are currently using for meego related development using xephyr/scratchbox15:38
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bkalingaIs it possible to  use MeeGo with xephyr/scratchbox set up with my present  Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU  W3505  @ 2.53GHz processor that has 2 cores15:47
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bkalingabut in one of the wiki page i had seen intel graphics chip as the pre-requisite for MeeGo+xephyr set up15:48
bkalingaanyone has more clue about it15:48
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ineanhello everyone16:24
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Stskeepshi inean16:45
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huge__what's true with this news ??18:10
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annmahuge__: Intel denies it's true18:12
Stskeepshuge__: it shows that the internet can't read18:12
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Stskeepshuge__: there was a rumour, and intel states it's still committed to meego18:13
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huge__good ...18:17
GAN900Stskeeps, Jaaksi said the same thing about webOS. *g*18:26
slaineGAN900: haven't they proved that by keeping webOS and splitting off the hardware ?18:27
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KaIRCslaine: well, then they land in almost the same situation as Intel in the end - a mobile OS but no devices to run it on18:29
KaIRCthough our situation with MeeGo is better due to the openness and community18:29
KaIRCwe can make devices run the OS even though they are not released with it18:30
GAN900Yes . . . the openness.18:30
GAN900slaine, my slightly cynical point is that there are a lot of shades of gray between.18:30
andre__on the paper the situation is better wrt openness, sure.18:31
berndhsmaybe Intel has a new partner that's being kept quiet for now18:32
berndhshow long beforehand was the Intel-Nokia thing announced?18:32
ali1234before what?18:32
berndhsi mean the Moblin -> MeeGo change18:33
ali1234it was all announced at the same time18:33
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berndhsright, that was basicall overnight for Moblin and Maemo people18:34
ali1234i heard the rumour about a week before18:34
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DonaldShimodagood morning18:34
DonaldShimodaali1234, how you are18:34
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ali1234oh, fine18:34
berndhsit's still morning, don't know about "good" :)18:35
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ali1234DonaldShimoda: how is 2GB working out for you?18:38
iekkuberndhs, morning18:38
DonaldShimodaberndhs, hehe, just saying hi18:39
iekkuberndhs, hope your day is going to be good18:39
DonaldShimodaali1234, work fine, thanks18:39
berndhsiekku: there is still hope :)18:39
DonaldShimodaali1234, but i need virtualbox, and cannot install because the kjernel dont have xen support18:39
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ali1234what did you do last time?18:39
DonaldShimodaali1234, any chance to add this support?18:39
DonaldShimodajust try to install virtualbox but ask for xen.h on the headers, and is m,issing18:40
ali1234dunno about that then18:40
ali1234did it work before?18:40
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StskeepsDonaldShimoda: did you install kernel-adaptation-XXXX-devel?18:40
DonaldShimodayes, yes18:41
DonaldShimodaStskeeps, the headers are there, but no xen18:41
DonaldShimodaStskeeps, happens im using a custom kernel , build by ali123418:41
DonaldShimodai need use my 2GB18:41
huge__there are rumours about Samsung will become the power of MeeGo. Could this be true ? hmmmm18:42
ali1234i think it might be due to missing link at /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build18:42
ali1234can you check if that exists?18:42
ali1234it should point to kernel headers18:42
Stskeepshuge__: there's also a rumour that steve jobs is a space alien, nokia is being sold to it's former tire firm and pigs can fly18:42
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ali1234what is the correct way to install kernel packages on meego?18:44
ali1234if i just install the rpm it isn't added to extlinux.conf18:44
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berndhsStskeeps: pigs fly just fine, give sufficient thrust18:50
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ali1234how do i add my COBS repo to zypper repos?18:52
Stskeepsyou know the path, right? http one18:53
Stskeepsthere is a .repo file there18:53
Stskeepszypper ar that18:54
ali1234package kit is blocking. stupid package kit18:54
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ali1234i keep getting "grubby fatal error: unable to find a suitable template"18:58
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GeneralAntillesberndhs, I think serious talks started in 2009.19:08
RST38hit is all purely academic now19:09
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DonaldShimodathen how can i build my own kernel please , anybody can help me with this?19:26
DonaldShimodaany tutorial to follow?19:26
DonaldShimodai need to enable 2GB and xen19:27
DonaldShimodaand maybe some other stuff i will discover on the road19:27
DonaldShimodatoc toc19:29
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slonopotamussadly, that's a forgotten knowledge19:30
ali1234Stskeeps: i want to put a link to meego-1.2.conf on the wiki page, so that the instructions actually work. what should i link to?19:32
DonaldShimodareally i find unusuable a linux distribution without the posibility tio BUILD a kernel in a consisten way19:33
ali1234you can build it on OBS, just like I did19:33
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DonaldShimodai cannot, dont have a account19:34
Stskeepsali1234: you got a kernel compiling?19:34
ali1234Stskeeps: um. yes?19:35
DonaldShimodaand oth , have no sense, why i must depend of somebody allow me to build a kernel19:35
Stskeepsali1234: oh, what was the problem?19:35
ali1234Stskeeps: which?19:35
DonaldShimodais plain stupid19:35
slonopotamusDonaldShimoda: meego has a totally brain-damaged build system. i'm afraid you need an obs account19:35
ali1234Stskeeps: there was about a zillion problems19:35
Stskeepsali1234: ok, so what fixed it? :P19:35
ali1234do you mean on OBS?19:35
ali1234or with build?19:36
DonaldShimodaslonopotamus, not for me then, i love the interface but dont wanna a closed system. sorry guys19:36
DonaldShimodasee you in other life19:36
DonaldShimodaim done with this19:36
Stskeepsali1234: with build19:36
ali1234with build the problem was missing meego-1.2.conf19:36
slonopotamusDonaldShimoda: i'm not a meego dev, maybe i'm wrong19:36
RST38hYou simply do not understand how cool OBS is19:36
RST38hIt lets a score of Linux hackers and master system admins have fun for hours at a time19:36
Stskeepsali1234: ok, and it worked after that?19:37
Stskeepswell then19:37
Stskeepsslonopotamus: wrong19:37
Stskeepsali1234: i thought there was a lot of "no such file or directory" errors19:37
RST38hYour difficulties are nothing compared to the potential of mental self gratification OBS has19:37
ali1234all those errors that it barfed out where non fatal19:37
Bostikyou don't NEED obs to build things, but getting the whole cahin up (and configured) in a virtual machine is pain19:37
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slonopotamuslooks like RST38h knows better :)19:38
Stskeepsali1234: odd19:38
DonaldShimodagood bye people,. tyhanks a lot ali1234 for your effort, i really apreciated man19:38
Bostikand even then there are occasionally funky inconsistencies :)19:38
* RST38h moos evilly19:38
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RST38hslono: Won't the poor guy able to do his thing in the Platform SDK?19:38
ali1234Bostik: on a sensible distro, getting the virtual machine up would involve: 1. install meego release image 2. zypper si <package>19:38
ali1234do it on a virtual machine, or on real hardware, it should not matter19:38
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ali1234however that does not work19:39
ali1234even when bilding on meego on real hardware, we still need to set up a virtual machine especially for the task19:39
Bostikali1234: not that, it's the fact that some builds end up really odd in vm, such as getting "impossible" binary deps19:39
slonopotamusRST38h: no idea. i don't understand why one needs _anything_ besides source, gcc and make in order to compile kernel.19:39
ali1234rpmbuild still does not work19:39
slonopotamuswell, also binutils19:40
Stskeepsali1234: URL for the guide?19:40
Stskeepsali1234: thanks19:40
RST38hslono: well, I think he also needs a system with the same arch as the target19:40
ali1234not for kernel19:40
RST38hslono: running the same OS. at least it is going to be easier this way19:40
slonopotamusRST38h: of course no! why?19:40
RST38hA Meego-running VM would do19:41
ali1234kernel cross compile system actually works19:41
ali1234it's normally one of the easiest parts to build19:41
RST38hThen WTH did he want OBS?19:41
ali1234you currently need OBS to build the MEEGO kernel19:42
ali1234because it is packaged as an RPM19:42
ali1234you need to run the prep to get the kernel configs built19:42
ali1234and you need it as an rpm package19:42
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ali1234sure, building *A* kernel is trivial19:42
ali1234building the exact kernel from meego is not, due to the build system being whack19:43
slonopotamusRST38h: all you need to build a kernel is: binutils producing binaries for target platform, gcc producing asm for target platform, make and kernel sources. that's all.19:43
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ali1234it is possible to build the meego kernel without OBS but the instructions are currently broken19:44
ali1234i think Stskeeps is fixing them right now19:44
Stskeepsali1234: i thought you said you managed to do it with build19:44
ali1234i did19:44
ali1234but the instructions on the wiki don't work19:44
ali1234so as i was saying19:44
ali1234the instructions need to link to meego-1.2.conf in order to work around the bug19:45
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Stskeepsali1234: let's see..19:46
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Stskeepsali1234: running the build now19:54
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Stskeepsali1234: , though on my fedora20:03
Stskeepsbuild 2011.03.2920:03
Stskeepsi'll check on my meego later20:04
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ali1234Stskeeps: what's the paste about?20:35
ali1234the fedora one20:35
Stskeepsali1234: that i set up meego-1.2.conf and did a kernel compile20:35
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Stskeepswith fedora20:35
ali1234so did i20:35
Stskeepsi don't see same errors as you though, i'll have to try it out on meego20:35
Stskeepswhat build version do you have there?20:36
Stskeepsrpm -q --info build20:36
ali1234yes you do20:36
Stskeepsi do?20:36
ali1234the missing meego-1.2.confis the only error20:36
ali1234the stuff about missing files is... i dunno what it is. but it doesn't affect anything20:37
Stskeepsi thought you saw "no such file or directory" too20:37
ali1234yeah, it doesn't make any difference20:37
ali1234rpm still builds20:37
ali1234how do i check package version?20:37
Stskeepsrpm -q --info pkg20:37
StskeepsRST38h: because slono said he needed it20:39
Stskeepser, was scrolled back20:39
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Stskeepsali1234: i added wgetting the meego-1.2 from my site :P20:40
Stskeepsok, so we conclude you can build without OBS, good20:41
ali1234build the kernel yeah :)20:41
ali1234there's about a zillion other packages i didn't try :)20:41
Stskeepssame should work for other20:41
ali1234do you think build will work on ubuntu?20:41
Stskeepsi mean, osc just calls build20:41
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ali1234i mean the version that is in ubuntu :)20:42
Stskeepsah.. 2011.01.XX is probably needed for arm distros20:42
ali1234not too bothered about arm20:42
ali1234and i still think it should be possible to build the kernel using rpmbuild, without having to run a whole virtual machine to do it20:43
ali1234build just calls rpmbuild inside the vm anyway right?20:43
Stskeepsno disagreement20:43
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ali1234looks like build isn't packaged for ubuntu20:44
ali1234and there is no meego tools repo for 11.0420:44
ali1234i just remembered i don't have ssse3 anyway so it doesn't matter20:45
ali1234have to build on netbook20:45
Stskeepsali1234: try to have your .rpmmacros be equal to this:20:45
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Stskeepsbefore doing rpmbuild20:45
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Stskeepsyes, if that's where your rpmbuild will pick it up from20:46
ali1234well... i have no idea20:46
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Stskeepsif i think that's where :P20:46
Stskeepsso let's just try that20:46
Stskeepsand then do a kernel build20:47
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ali1234so when i did zypper ar my.repo20:47
ali1234did that add source repos too?20:47
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ali1234i think it did not20:48
Stskeepsnot sure, check /etc/zypp/repos.d/ ?20:48
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ali1234it only added one repo20:48
ali1234source seems to count as a different repo under rpm20:49
Stskeepsuncertain, check the .repo file20:49
ali1234i did20:50
ali1234it only defines one repo20:50
Stskeepsusually there's a flag about debuginfo and so on i think20:51
Stskeepsbut i may be wrong20:51
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Stskeepsoh thank god, finally20:52
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ali1234Stskeeps: i put that stuff in /root/.rpmmacros and it made no difference21:02
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ali1234wait, what happened to meego-development-tools21:04
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newbie007does meego use (or can it use) hildon desktop?21:12
ali1234look for cordia21:12
newbie007I want to try to get hildon on an intel32 arch21:12
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