IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2011-08-16

lbtlcuk: LFS would be a good project for you ... and adapting it to do systemd and/or wayland would be a mega learning experience00:02
* lbt debates doing that himself "one day"00:02
lcuklbt, indeed it would00:03
CosmoHillI've been meaning to try wayland since I've heard of it00:03
lcukI have recently obtained a bridge lbt00:03
CosmoHillalso Joe, the CLFS co-leader is planning systemd for CLFS 2.000:03
lcukI can now migrate my sketches and synchronise to other devices00:03
lbtwayland partéeee00:03
lcukand: I HAVE CHOCOLATE!00:03
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lcuknestle aero00:03
* lbt has a daim bar for later00:04
CosmoHilldude that are awesome00:04
lbtwhich is what finns call Dime bars :)00:04
htmlgetoo? whats that ?00:04
CosmoHilldo they cost a dime?00:04
lcuklbt, is it possible to run over lfs00:04
lcukbut using meego components?00:04
lbthint or tip.... don't browse the chocolate shops at an airport when you're early and hungry00:04
lbtlcuk:  let me know...00:05
flailingmonkeyI want to make a project on which branchs off a project in, namely devel:kernel:kernel-adaptation-pinetrail. the web interface does not find that project :/00:05
gastalhtml: gentoo is a distro, see]00:05
gastalops, no00:05
lbtno... flailingmonkey ... you have to use .... the keyboard!00:05
gastalops, no  ]00:05
* lbt ducks00:05
flailingmonkeythis is because I want to enable i2c-dev and i2c-i801 in kernel config00:06
lbtseriously though ... just find the project/package on main obs00:06
htmlgastal, is it netbook-friendly00:06
lbtcut and type :<ctrl-v>00:06
lcuklbt if it can use meego components, i can discuss it here you see :P00:06
lbtlcuk: you could easily do MFS00:07
lcukand perhaps get others interested in building stuff00:07
lbtjust extract the source and patches00:07
lcuklbt, using the .ks builder tool thingie00:07
lbtflailingmonkey: yell if you get stuck doing that00:07
lbtlcuk: nah00:07
lbt.ks needs packages....00:07
gastalhtml: I don't know what you mean by netbook-friendly, there is no default UI, pretty much every DE in existence is supported....00:07
lbtLFS is "make install"-land00:07
lcuklbt, original liqbase00:08
lcuki built it on the device it was using00:08
htmlde means?00:08
lcukhad problems sharing that knowledge00:08
flailingmonkeylbt: i will of course. where did you mean for me to "cut and type" into?00:08
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gastaldesktop environment, KDE, gnome, xfce, lxde, etc00:08
lbtmmm when you 'add repository'00:08
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lcukgastal, just being able to run every DE is not a benefit - having a good solid supported environment matters more to majority00:08
lbtthere's an advanced link - sounds like you were using it already00:09
CosmoHillfyi my server has been running LFS since 200800:09
lcukgastal, did you see this:
gastallcuk: to me(as a gentoo user) it matters a great deal to have near-absolute control over my system00:09
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lcukregarding supporting the other meego uxes from one build00:09
lcukgastal, of course00:09
lcukgastal, do you expect gentoo to be ready for the masses?00:10
CosmoHillfor future reference: CLFS is #cross-lfs on this server and LFS is #lfs-support on irc.linuxfromscratch.org00:10
gastalpeople always talk about that, but I don't think that means much, my parents and friends can't use windows or ubuntu without help either00:11
lcukgastal, sure00:11
gastallcuk: do it's absolutely true that gentoo is a lot more work than those00:11
* CosmoHill gets paid to do simple things for non-computer people00:11
* gastal too00:11
lcukbut good thing about windows is that lots of people are proficient at curing it00:11
gastalwhich is what I wish was true also of linux, =)00:12
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lcukgastal, indeed00:13
gastalthen again, I've been using linux for long enough that trying to use windows makes my head hurt00:13
lcukmeego is reasonably simple to keep ontop of00:13
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gastalfrom what little experience I've got with it, it seems pretty easy to use.00:15
* CosmoHill uses Fedora $CURRENT_VERSION, Win7, OS X 10.5 Leopard and Windows HPC 200800:15
gastalwow, that corageous.....00:15
gastalI've got a win7 install on my notebook for the rare ocassion in which I want to game, but I haven't booted in months00:16
CosmoHillI came in today to find that someone had tested the eletrical safety of my HPC00:16
flailingmonkeymeego OBS has so many similar projects which has me so confused :/00:16
lbtflailingmonkey: you are not alone... one day I need to fiure out and write up which ones to use...00:16
CosmoHilllbt: "there is already a package X, do you wish to continue in making your own version?"00:17
flailingmonkeybetween devel, Trunk, Meego, etc00:17
flailingmonkeyit isn't so much that people made their own version00:17
CosmoHillI mean the OBS will warn people who are creating new packages which are already in the OBS00:18
flailingmonkeyits an integration level issue00:18
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CosmoHillflailingmonkey: ah, you don't know how well they've been made00:18
flailingmonkeyit's hard to know which version is "above" another00:18
lbtCosmoHill: different and difficult problem... I mentioned it a while back... namespaces will bite MeeGo soon00:18
* lbt has popcorn ready00:18
flailingmonkeyi haven't seen any 1.3 builds working, but people do mention it on the mailing list00:19
TSCHAKeeehas there been any announcements on the meego tablet device program?00:21
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lbtTSCHAKeee: I've only seen that it's closed00:24
flailingmonkeylbt: i totally missed the "add repository" requirement for this to work when i tried earlier00:27
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lbtflailingmonkey: OK - did that sort it for you ?00:31
deselbyPlease excuse my cross-posting. Is it possible to replace in terms of functionality a notebook with some smatphone running meego or similar?00:33
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flailingmonkeylbt: unfortunately no, but I am still poking around a bit longer00:38
deselbymy needs are: emacs, org-mode, ssh, vcs, various GNU utilities, wifi00:38
lbtdeselby: yes but00:38
deselbylbt: but?00:39
lbtan N900 (which does everything you want) has too small a screen/keyb to make emacs nice :(00:39
deselbylbt: oh, i will compromise on that00:39
* lbt wants someone ..... to do mobile-org-mode in Qt/QML00:40
lbtwhich may be the better answer00:40
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lbtflailingmonkey: OK ... lessee ... url to your home/proj00:41
deselbylbt: besides emacs, will i be able to cross-compile software in my pc?00:41
lbtdeselby: yes... more easily if it's debian/ubuntu/fedora ... no clue for windows00:42
lbtand the OBS has a webui too00:42
flailingmonkeyperhaps i haven't explained what I want to do well00:42
flailingmonkeyisn't that the webui?00:42
lbtflailingmonkey: was talking to deselby about cross-compiling ... using the webui00:43
flailingmonkeyohh yes00:43
lbtflailingmonkey: url for the core meego target project00:43
flailingmonkeyi originally was looking at the one in devel:kernel, but I think this might be better?
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deselbylbt: is gcc supported? I have some money to spend and i am considering to purchase a n900 (or n9) instead of a notebook. is there any cons besides the display and keyboard size?00:47
flailingmonkeydeselby: everything is built with gcc00:47
deselbyflailingmonkey: :)00:48
flailingmonkeyintel has this AppUp SDK for MeeGo which also includes their compilers free, and some optimization and tuning products too00:49
lbtI just added the stock MeeGo:1.2 build target (since that's what MeeGo:1.2:oss essentially is)00:52
flailingmonkeyso did that require someone with an account on the core OBS, or just command line stuff00:52
flailingmonkeyyeah, that's the one i'd be using too00:52
lbtno.. just clicking the right buttons :)00:52
flailingmonkeyreally? damn... any explanation of that would be super helpful00:53
lbtI just happen to be admin which is how I can hack on your proj :)00:53
flailingmonkeyyup yup00:54
lbtwhen you build a pkg you need to get some build dependencies (gcc, ncurses, -dev libs)00:54
lbtso the 'repo' or target is "where do I get the deps from"00:54
lbtso if you get deps from MeeGo:1.2 you build a MeeGo pkg... get them from Suse:11.4 and you build a suse pkg00:54
lbtso 'add repository' lets you pick00:55
lbtgo here :
lbtclick add repo00:55
lbtand you see which I picked for you00:55
flailingmonkeyI actually had added the MeeGo 1.2 repo from that check box00:56
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lbtso that shoulda worked00:56
flailingmonkeybut then didn't know how to get the kernel-adaptation-pinetrail package i was looking for00:56
flailingmonkeyi was trying to use the00:56
flailingmonkey"Create new package based on existing package" link00:56
lbtyeah that's a seperate task00:57
lbtthat is about getting a copy of the source00:57
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flailingmonkeyand I thought that I was messing up the repository step, which was why I undid the repo selection00:57
lbtwhich, incidentally, is likely to be built against MeeGo:current00:57
lbtbut should work for 1.200:57
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lbtbut beware... they may have removed/disabled config options that were needed00:58
* lbt doesn't track the kernel00:58
flailingmonkeyso did you just go to the target package page, "checkout" a copy of the source and commit it as a new package?01:00
lbtno ... you appeared to have done that01:00
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flailingmonkeyor did you do that step using the webui as well01:00
lbtI did: osc -A cobs branch kernel-adaptation-pinetrail home:flailingmonkey:exopc kernel-adaptation-pinetrail-lbt01:00
lbtthen deleted it :)01:01
lbtdeselby: do some research ... make sure you know what you're getting. N9 has no keyb and will be hell for emacs. Probably not possible01:01
lbtN900 is cool but has a small keyb and is now fairly old tech. I love mine though :)01:01
flailingmonkeyif you didn't do it, i have no idea how i have the package building then =P01:02
SpeedEvilI just wish they'd ship the n950.01:02
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SpeedEvil(to more than a few hundred lucky people)01:02
flailingmonkeyI think they could do an n950 refresh01:02
lbtthe N950 is lovely HW but not so hot on the SW at the moment01:02
lbtjust a dev board really01:03
lbtflailingmonkey: I didn't think I put the pkg there01:03
SpeedEvillbt: The image that's been shipped to devs is old. And won't be updated till the n9 hits01:03
flailingmonkeyit's been long enough since the original n950 design, that they could probably fit in the next generation components01:03
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DocScrutinizerN950 hw seems to have some really severe bugs01:03
lbtSpeedEvil: I guessed01:03
flailingmonkeywell, the package is kernel-adaptation-pinetrail, no -lbt trailing01:03
lbtno, I deleted that one01:03
SpeedEvilThe openness of the n9 is really questionable too.01:03
deselbylbt: thanks, will the n900 be supported by meego in the long term?01:03
flailingmonkeylbt: exactly. i have no explanations lol01:03
lbt'twas I01:04
deselbyi just saw a cheap used n900 for sale near my town01:04
lbtodd ...01:04
flailingmonkeyindeed it appears so01:04
lbtdeselby: the N900 is likely to have a long OSS life ahead of it01:04
flailingmonkeybut you say I should be able to just use that osc command to perform the same thing01:05
lbtdeselby: the main issue is likely to be usb socket failure01:05
lbtflailingmonkey: yes01:05
DocScrutinizerbug#1: bootstrap problem on flat battery. .E. user will need to consult service to recover from depleted bat. Bug#2: poor GSM sensitivity. Both bugs not 100% confirmed yet, but likely01:05
MeeGoBotBug maj, Medium, ---, vivian.zhang, VERI FIXED, [Tracker] tracker-miner-fs should be auto-started after system boot01:05
MeeGoBotBug nor, Medium, 1.1, xinyun.liu, VERI WONTFIX, DirectFB sample dfbtest_window &df_dok error01:05
SpeedEvilDocScrutinizer: Diddn't someone try it from an actually flat battery?01:06
DocScrutinizeryes, and failed01:06
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flailingmonkeyi do wonder when I might run meego as my primary notebook/desktop OS as well...01:11
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lcuki do already01:12
flailingmonkeydo you use KDE for DE? or something else01:12
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DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: and I'm going to try it now, dunno why...01:12
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lcukflailingmonkey, I use meego netbook edition01:14
lcukon my lenovo ideapad01:14
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lcukfor the few bugs it has, it does most of what I need01:14
* lcuk really wishes bug 440 was fixed01:15
MeeGoBotBug enh, Low, ---, sameo, VERI WONTFIX, Unable to support ad-hoc mode for WiFi01:15
flailingmonkeywhat do you use for word processing or spreadsheets01:15
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lcukflailingmonkey, text documents when I need to write stuff01:15
lcukalways have been most compatible :)01:16
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flailingmonkeyi'm still in university, have to turn in M$ document format stuff01:16
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thiagosend them ODF01:16
lcukhaving to create formatted documents is not something I use the ideapad for01:16
deselbyThanks for your comments. One more question. This used n900 which i'd like to buy comes with maemo 5. What will I need to update the OS?01:16
lcuki have a big keyboard nearby01:16
ali1234when i was at university we had to hand in paper documents01:16
thiagoor at least a PDF01:16
ali1234they didn't care what program you made them in01:16
lcukthiago, the question was about editing01:17
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lcuknot the file format01:17
lcukI have heard people having openoffice on01:17
thiagoif people need to edit my files, they'll install an ODF-capable program01:17
lcukbut not a default simple way01:17
thiagoMS Office can open them too01:17
CosmoHillwe had to hand in paper documents and in 2010 it became a requirement to submit a digital copy with the paper copy01:17
lcukthiago, not the issue01:17
thiagofor handing in assignments, PDF is fine01:17
lcukwhat apps on meego are available for editing such01:18
lcukis the question01:18
lbtdeselby: nothing much, you'll want to dual boot meego though ... check #maemo and checkout ... especially the wiki01:18
arfolllcuk, i put libreoffice on my netbook01:18
arfollon the wiki there are quite good intructions01:18
lcukarfoll, could anybody01:18
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lcukdo you have a link01:18
flailingmonkeylbt: in your osc command you use cobs, i assume that is usually the url for the core OBS? just ?01:20
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lcukthe todo on libreoffice and java both say todo bring into official or cobs01:20
lbtoh, -A allows you to specify aliases ... cobs is my alias for community OBS01:21
flailingmonkeyoh community OBS01:21
lcukarfoll, does it work well?01:21
flailingmonkeysounds useful, where would I define such an alias, and is the URL simply the domain name01:21
lbt-A meego for core... -A suse,  -A maemo, -A nokia, -A ....01:21
arfolllcuk, its ok, menus are a bit big, but my gf used it to write a 3k word essay01:22
flailingmonkeythis looks relevent:
lcukarfoll, reasonable enough01:22
arfolli find the icons/menus too large on the netbook, but i guess that must be configurable01:22
ali1234honestly, how many people actually write letters and make spreadsheets?01:23
ali1234unless you are a student or at work01:23
lcukarfoll, it is non trivial to get it installed!01:23
ali1234but meego isn't made for that01:23
arfolllcuk, i never said it was easy...01:23
lcukali1234, i spent much of the weekend doing both01:24
lcukit is a task computers can do01:24
lcukand expected to have an app to do it?01:24
ali1234well, wouldn't you be doing it in liqbase?01:24
lcukarfoll, lol01:24
lcukwho said I wasn't?01:24
ali1234that's not really the same thing as word processing01:24
lcukdon't be too sure :P01:25
ali1234oh, i'm absolutely positive01:25
CosmoHillI synced my phone and now I'm using it as a mouse, go figure01:25
lcukali1234, a word processor needs a good character level editor01:26
lbtali1234: letters + spreadsheets? not everyday but regularly, sure.01:26
ali1234if you absolutely have to do "office" functions on meego there is always google docs01:26
lcukthat screenshot is the first part of such a thing01:26
lcukali1234, no, libreoffice is there01:26
ali1234and honestly services like that are where i see most people ending up within 5 years01:26
lcukbut my assignment is due at end of the week01:26
lcukflailingmonkey, install libreoffice01:27
ali1234anyway, a straw poll of this channel kind of misses the point01:27
ali1234i mean, how many of you check your facebook accounts on a regular basis?01:27
flailingmonkeylcuk: I figured it would be the app to use, but I was more curious than in need :p01:27
lbtali1234: depends if you want sheep or shapers ;)01:27
* lcuk shall try and install it01:28
ali1234again, that misses the point01:28
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ali1234meego is not being designed for people who are productive01:28
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ali1234unless you count photography01:29
lbtali1234: and that's a problem01:29
lcukali1234, what productive apps are there for tablets?01:29
lbtI want to see my spreadsheet when I get to the local amateur dramatics club (or whatever)01:29
ali1234lcuk: i dunno, there must be some paint programs01:30
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lcukmy doodles are not paint but yeah, tuxpaint is on the repositories and mypaint is afaik somewhere01:30
lcuki tihnk01:30
ali1234lcuk: but largely all "mobile apps" are just webpages/rss feeds rerendered as kinetic scrollers for easy touchscreen consumption01:30
lcukcontent consumption vs content creation01:31
* lcuk nods01:31
ali1234and this is not necessarily a bad thing01:31
lcuki want my n900/handheld to be one part of my computer01:31
lcukthe tablet/slate to be another01:31
ali1234it allows us to keep the work on one place, and the distracting facebook stuff in another01:31
lcukand my desktop/wall unit to be another01:31
lcukbut have them working together01:31
lcuktake photo with n90001:32
lcukmanipulate it on tablet01:32
lcukprint it from wallmount01:32
ali1234i was saying the other day that i've already got to the point where if i want to check my email, i just pick up my phone rather than opening a browser windows01:32
ali1234because it's just easier, and i don't have to interrupt what i'm doing01:32
ali1234i don't want everything splattered all over everywhere01:33
ali1234i want to sort things01:33
ali1234put them in boxes, keep them separate01:33
lcukbut we live in a connected world01:33
ali1234most people don't, actually01:33
lcukremove phones and internet01:34
ali1234but you're still missing the point01:34
ali1234which is that people want appliances that are designed for specific tasks, not 5 different sizes of the same multitool01:34
lcukwell millions of people seem to enjoy buying multitools01:35
lcukbut, smoke time01:36
ali1234a multitool is a handy thing to have01:37
ali1234but i don't need 5 of them01:37
ali1234and sometimes, i need real tools01:37
flailingmonkeywho is this guy named "people" you keep talking about? :p01:37
ali1234the people who buy apple products :)01:38
flailingmonkeyhe seems to agree with you all the time01:38
ali1234and anyone who doesn't own a smartphone01:38
arfolldamn i guess most of us here aren't people01:39
flailingmonkeyyou don't think iPhone users would love being able to open up and view word and excel files from their e-mail?01:39
ali123490% of them? no, not at all01:40
ali1234especially not excel files01:40
flailingmonkeyi think you have believed the marketing hype about what a "typical iPhone user" is like01:41
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ali1234and i think you are falling into the trap of believing everyone uses technology in the exact same way you do...01:42
CosmoHill(fyi there's quiet a few hugs in #lfs-support and a few knifes in #cross-lfs...oh wait the ops are on hoilday)01:42
flailingmonkeynot the way I do, the way that my parents do, and their coworkers01:42
ali1234lol, my parents have barely understood the idea of email attachments01:42
flailingmonkeypeople who work for a living01:42
ali1234you mean, "people who work for a living in white collar office jobs"01:43
CosmoHillmy mum is an online gamer01:43
DocScrutinizercan't confirm any battery-deep-discharge bug yet, on N95001:43
flailingmonkeyi suppose most people use iPhones to go on facebook and play games, but that's also about the limits of what people are able to do with them at the moment01:43
CosmoHilland I mean properly games, not bejeweled or something01:43
lcukCosmoHill, my mum does01:44
lcukshe has uber graphics card01:44
lcukand plays loads of different high spec titles01:44
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berndhsthere actually _are_ adults that use computers, believe it or not :)01:45
flailingmonkeyi guess the issue is that once you start being able to access and handle your e-mails on a device, you want to do all the things related to those e-mails01:46
lcuklol CosmoHill01:47
CosmoHillwe replaced the network card with a linksys router that acts as a bridge but other than that it's unchanged01:49
ali1234how did you get the router to fit into the PCI slot?01:50
lcuki have the slowest computer in the house01:50
lcuktracys old sims machine has fastest01:50
CosmoHillI used to have the slowest which was a 2.8Ghz P4 but I now have a 2.4Ghz C2Q :D01:50
lcuki was still running a 1.4tbird until just a few years ago01:51
lcuknow IDK what I have lol01:51
CosmoHillmy mate has a dual 1.4 P301:51
CosmoHillactually he mind have gotten ride of it with the getting married and the moving house01:52
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berndhsi dont have the fastest computer, but I have the most OSs :)01:57
htmlhow many is that?01:57
berndhsuhm, lemme see01:57
berndhs5 or so, depends on how you count them01:58
CosmoHilldo distros count as seperate Oses?01:58
berndhsyes if they are different enough01:58
htmlim shotting for the top 50, i got 1501:59
berndhsmeego counts as seperate from fedora or ubuntu01:59
htmli had 30ish at one time01:59
berndhsyeah life with a single OS is dull and meaningless :)01:59
CosmoHillI have, BSL (mine), Fedora, Win7, OS X Leopard and Win HPC2008 at uni01:59
lcukberndhs, i have 6 in front of me now01:59
CosmoHillhtml & berndhs: and how many women (or guys) do you have?02:00
lcukand gosh darn it, they should all be operating together!02:00
berndhsyou mean at the same time ?02:00
htmlwhat do you mean?02:00
CosmoHilltrying to imply in a joking way that a person with many OSes would probably be single02:01
lcukberndhs, picing up my ideapad to carry on reading a book i started on my n90002:01
lcukalmost CosmoHill02:01
lcukmarried people need hobbies ;)02:01
htmlthat would be me , but i got i gf02:01
berndhsactually, now that i think of it, I only have one computer that is single-OS02:01
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CosmoHillberndhs: not for long02:02
berndhsthe rest are all dual or triple boot02:02
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berndhswell, the single boot machine has a VM on it, so that's ok02:02
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CosmoHilljust remembered that my desktop also has CLFS dev builds02:04
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CosmoHillTSCHAKeee: hello from old england :p02:05
flailingmonkeylbt: urg. i can't get my osc configured to work. keep getting "Server returned an error: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized"02:05
htmlwel i have them ready just it case i dont have the internet, or the time to download them for an inpatince windows user(snobby nosed)02:05
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ali1234flailingmonkey: make sure you are using the right api url02:05
flailingmonkeyi was working from
flailingmonkeybut that could be the api url for the core OBS... which I obviously don't have access to02:06
htmland when there windows get a virses i can boost liux:P02:06
ali1234flailingmonkey: well for you, it should be
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lcukflailingmonkey, affirmative02:08
lcuktry the
flailingmonkeyi did, still getting the error 40102:09
ali1234do you actually have an account?02:10
ali1234can you log in to
flailingmonkeyi have a project and stuff already there02:11
berndhsharmattan on n950 doesn't do ipv6, bastards02:11
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ali1234flailingmonkey: delete ~/.oscrc and start again? osc -A co <your home project>02:12
ali1234that will set up the .oscrc automatically02:12
ali1234from then on you won't need -A unless you use multiple OBS02:13
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flailingmonkeysince I don't have access to any other OBS, not a problem for me02:15
flailingmonkeyworking now02:15
ali1234opensuse also has a public OBS02:15
ali1234don't know of any others02:16
ali1234you can set up your own if you are crazy :)02:16
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flailingmonkeyapparently the version of osc i am using now keeps your password encrypted02:16
berndhsthe opensuse one is really useful02:17
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flailingmonkeyand you need to specify "plaintext_passwd=1" otherwise02:17
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flailingmonkeywhich would mean my plaintext password in the config file was being decrypted, turning it into gibberish02:17
ali1234makes sense02:18
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flailingmonkeylbt: i successfully branched the package with osc, huzzah02:52
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zoujieorg1is there anyone who use totem in meego?04:19
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zoujieorg1I need help for install totem codecs in meego....I have downloade gstreamercodecs  gst-plugins-base,gst-ffmepge ,,but can't compile....,error msg:liboil not found && gstreamer not found ;but I do install them before ...04:24
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flailingmonkeywhen compiling you need to install the packages that end in -dev or -devel04:44
flailingmonkeythese packages have the headers necessary for compiles of stuff like plugins04:44
flailingmonkeyso when it says "gstreamer not found" it doesn't mean the gstreamer binaries, but its headers.04:45
flailingmonkeywhich are in the package: gstreamer-devel04:45
flailingmonkeyand for the other one you would need to install liboil-devel too04:46
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zoujieorg1flailingmonkey:thanks very much...04:58
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flailingmonkeyno problem04:59
flailingmonkeyzypper is very useful, i found those packages using 'zypper search gstreamer' and 'zypper search oil'04:59
zoujieorg1I have search gstreamer downloade page,but can't find any files or folder name'd gstreamer-devel05:00
zoujieorg1 OK,,I will have a try...05:00
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zoujieorg1flailingmokey:I user zypper search,,,Install liboil-devel & gstreamer-devel  and now ./configure is OK now,  thanks05:09
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flailingmonkeygreat :)05:17
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zoujieorg1I have install gsteamer-plugins-base,but can't play avi,rmvd,rm, video files also...who can help me,,,Is there anyone who use totem to play avi rmvb rm?06:13
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flailingmonkeywhat does meego use to manage "services" or daemons07:24
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flailingmonkeyi am trying to adapt a package which uses upstart to run on a meego system07:24
Stskeepsflailingmonkey: sysvinit in 1.2, 1.3 has systemd07:24
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flailingmonkeyStskeeps: so I will make a relevant init file for 1.2, and worry about systemd when 1.3 when tablet images start getting built07:27
flailingmonkeyi'm working on getting the Chrontel chip in the EXOPC tablet working to do HDMI output07:28
Stskeepsi think arfoll worked on that?07:29
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MeeGoBotBug 15637 nor, Medium, ---,, NEW, [EXOPC] Unable to connect HDMI07:29
flailingmonkeyyeah, I've been chatting with arfoll a bit on various EXOPC support things07:30
flailingmonkeyoho! it's been updated just yesterday07:30
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flailingmonkeyso he got it working with the WeTab code. I'm trying to get it work using the actively maintained code from chrome os07:32
flailingmonkeyactually its chromium os07:32
flailingmonkeythe WeTab code looks like it took the chromium os code as well, but did some hacking on top of it to get it working with some sort of qt app07:34
flailingmonkeyso I'll continue my own efforts too ;)07:34
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Stskeepsmorn TSCHAKeee08:10
TSCHAKeeemorning. ;)08:11
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eluttinehi! lost password for OBS. can anyone here help, or should i create a new bug requesting account reset?10:26
Stskeepsprobably best to request a account reset10:26
eluttineStskeeps: ok, thanks10:27
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dm8tbreluttine: reset your MeeGo password, the OBS password should follow that after some-time(tm)10:35
Stskeeps(if it's, doesn't, afaik..)10:35
dm8tbrah, yes my statement valid for COBS only10:35
dm8tbrcore obs -> contact whoever is responsible, I'd guess ReleaseEngineering10:36
eluttinedm8tbr: thanks for info10:36
dm8tbreluttine: so which obs? :)10:36
eluttinehave been using build.meego.com10:37
eluttinebut what is the difference?10:37
dm8tbrthen it is most likely not linked to your account10:38
dm8tbrI do not know the process for that. Most of it seems to be secret or not documented at the moment.10:39
dm8tbreluttine: contact the person you got your account from in the first place?10:40
eluttinedm8tbr: i created bug to reset or resent passwd. let's see if it works that way10:41
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dm8tbreluttine: sounds like a good option10:42
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flailingmonkeyso I have now found that one of the kernel modules relied upon by the chromiumos project's chrontel module has not yet been (or isn't fit to be) included upstream10:46
flailingmonkeywell, the chrontel code isn't a kernel module, its all userspace10:46
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dm8tbrflailingmonkey: which module would that be?10:47
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flailingmonkeyi guess later on i have to package the module's code up on its own10:47
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flailingmonkeydm8tbr: they load up a module named nm10_gpio10:47
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dm8tbrah, a plain gpio driver it seems10:49
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dm8tbris it possible to use OBS to compile a kernel module? I guess it should be if you pull in the kernel headers etc10:50
flailingmonkeyyea thats what i am hoping10:50
Stskeepsdm8tbr: -devel package yes10:51
Stskeepsnot kernel-headers10:51
flailingmonkeyi don't want to make a request of adding to the kernel a driver/module which didn't pass muster upstream10:51
dm8tbrStskeeps: *nod*, haven't done that stuff for a while10:51
flailingmonkeyit looks like some others had written a more comprehensive GPIO driver that supported NM10's gpio stuff, but it didn't get accepted10:52
flailingmonkeyit is only used to identify the i2c bus that the chrontel chip is on in a dynamic way10:52
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arfollflailingmonkey, have you seen what i've done with the chrontel pkg?11:01
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flailingmonkeyarfoll: yup, i'm glad to hear you got the wetab code working :)11:02
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arfollflailingmonkey, i dont get why you need the nm10_gpio to detect the chrontel card11:02
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flailingmonkeyis there a repository where wetab stuff is getting maintained/developed? or do we just pull from their image11:03
flailingmonkeyarfoll: i don't think i really need to. it's just part of the upstart script they wrote11:03
arfollthey have a bunch of src.rpm11:03
flailingmonkeyi'm stepping through this script myself, and i was able to find the i2c device just fine without the nm10_gpio thing11:03
arfollbut basically the new chrontel pkg explained here has a udev rule and a modfied start script11:04
MeeGoBotBug 15637 nor, Medium, ---,, NEW, [EXOPC] Unable to connect HDMI11:04
* RaymondL ..11:04
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flailingmonkeyfound the wetab source packages over at
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arfollthats where i got the code from originally11:06
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flailingmonkeybut i don't see one that says hdmi in it?11:06
flailingmonkeychrontel got it11:06
arfollbut have a look at the new chrontel pkg mentioned in that bug, if you have the i2c-i801 and i2c-dev it works straight away11:06
arfolland there is a prebuilt kernel with those modules11:07
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flailingmonkeyfrom looking at the source code, it is clear that they took code from chromiumos git, and then worked at it to make some qt app (i don't quite understand that part but, alright. some widget?)11:07
flailingmonkeywhereas the chromiumos project has made a bunch of updates to the chrontel code11:07
arfollflailingmonkey, yes they made the code into a c++ prj and then used qt to make an app to interface on dbus so the user can switch on and off the functionality using the UI11:08
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arfolli started trying to backport some of the chrontel fixes but decided a one by one basis would be easier11:09
flailingmonkeyyea, working through the c++ conversion with the fixes would be non-trivial11:10
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flailingmonkeythat's why I'm just trying to see if I can get the chromiumos approach to work. i suppose i'm a bit of a masochist :p11:10
arfollshouldnt be hard though you'll need to make makefiles or some kind of build system11:12
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arfolli didnt really see all that many interesting fixes though11:13
flailingmonkeyit's less about the fixes than being close to an "upstream"11:13
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flailingmonkeydoes the wetab package provide the UI to do the enabling/disabling of HDMI output? i wonder if there is even a time when you would have an hdmi cable plugged in when you didn't want to output, or want to output when cable isn't plugged in...11:14
arfollflailingmonkey, no it doesnt. and i guess it is kinda pointless and could be all stripped out11:16
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Bostikflailingmonkey: I can easily come up with a scenario where I want the tablet to have display on while HDMI is plugged in *and* feeding data to an external display11:22
flailingmonkeyoh darn11:22
flailingmonkeythat nm10_gpio thing is actually needed it seems11:22
arfollBostik, currently thats how it works, display on tablet is on and so is hdmi display11:22
flailingmonkeyBostik: this is only about controlling whether HDMI output is on, not the tablet's display11:23
* Stskeeps would want to disable the main screen at times too11:23
flailingmonkeythere are definitely times I wish I had a hardware lock switch like on N900 for EXOPC11:23
arfollStskeeps, just dim the brightness and voila ;-)11:23
Myrttimain screen turn on11:24
Myrttihow are you gentlemen11:24
lcukmorning \o11:24
arfollflailingmonkey, isn't nm10_gpio allready in the meego kernel?11:25
flailingmonkeyyou are on the way to destruction11:25
flailingmonkeyarfoll: only place i found nm10_gpio is on git.chromium.org11:26
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arfollflailingmonkey, well then how does chrontel work without it?11:26
flailingmonkeysupport for NM10's primary functions doesn't look like it requires exposing the NM10 GPIO stuff11:27
arfolli mean it can't be required if i can have chrontel running without it11:27
flailingmonkeyarfoll: maybe wetab people built it into their code? no idea... :/11:27
arfollflailingmonkey, from a v.quick look it doesn't seem likely11:30
flailingmonkeyit looks like the wetab version never uses gpio11:31
flailingmonkeyback in may is when the chromiumos git has this commit: "Find I2C bus that could have CH7036 instead of guessing"11:34
arfollflailingmonkey, yeah but what i did was use a udev rule to find the ch7036 and symlink it to /dev/hdmi11:34
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arfollwetab code assumes it'll turn up on /dev/i2c-2 which is quite hackish11:35
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flailingmonkeythe ch7036_monitor app takes in a device file from dev and a "GPIOFLAG" argument, which is expected to be a path like11:35
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flailingmonkeydo you have a path like that? i don't have a gpio directory under /sys/class11:36
arfolli dont have the exo with me atm11:39
flailingmonkeyno problem11:39
arfollflailingmonkey, it doesnt look like nm10_gpio is from that commit :;a=commitdiff;h=963f2da4d32ee60ef1371fcb047352a2cbd2a4f311:40
arfollbasically they do exactly what my udev rule does11:41
flailingmonkeyyeah you're right, the gpio stuff seems to have been earlier11:41
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lcukwhere are the latest pinetrail images12:12
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lcukhurrah obs is building my package12:21
flailingmonkeythat isn't Testing though12:22
lcukthanks flailingmonkey that is ok12:22
flailingmonkeylol ok :p12:22
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lcuki see your packages are going through obs too12:22
lcukI see an exopc pproject12:23
lcukwhat are you building?12:23
flailingmonkeytrying to get a certain library to be added to the kernel adaptation, by enabling the correct kernel config stuff12:23
flailingmonkeyit has been smooth up until this point :p12:23
lcukhow are you finding obs?12:24
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flailingmonkeymuch more usable when actually learning to use osc instead of just the webui12:24
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lcukflailingmonkey, yes, the osc is good12:26
lcuksometimes having the webui is good too12:26
lcukespecially for diagnostics12:26
flailingmonkeythink i figured out the problem12:26
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flailingmonkeyturning on a kernel config means you have to actually specify sub-configs as "not set" or they end up trying to be built as modules... or something12:27
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flailingmonkeyanother round of building!12:29
flailingmonkeyit is going quick because only 3 of 21 build hosts are busy12:30
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flailingmonkeyoh if i click the word "building" it has an auto-refreshed view of the build log12:31
flailingmonkeyvery very nice12:31
lcukyeah flailingmonkey I am looking at building lq* stuff so that I can use them on meego-ce12:32
lcuki have been bookreading with it and keep picking up my n900-ce and remembering it does not yet work through obs12:32
flailingmonkeyi used to test out meego on my N90012:32
flailingmonkeybut the microUSB port is no longer working. still on the board, but it moves a bit. no charging and no data so no way to flash kernels :/12:33
Stskeepsflailingmonkey: got uboot installed?12:33
Stskeepsthat's how i survive personally12:33
flailingmonkeyI wasn't dual booting yet, I was just using flasher to load kernel temporarily and boot off microSD12:34
flailingmonkeyyep :/12:35
flailingmonkeygotta open my N900 up at some point (if i can get the right torx screwdriver bits) and take a closer look12:35
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psycho_oreosflailingmonkey, there is another USB port accessable from the back side of N900 (solder pads only). I wonder if you could use those as a regular port just like that microUSB port12:37
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arfollflailingmonkey, you should be branching from devel:kernel:1.2 not MeeGo:1.2:oss12:40
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flailingmonkeyarfoll: yeah probably, but my changes are tiny. making a new branch when I (possibly) am ready to submit a change request won't be much difficulty12:41
arfolli still dont understand why you need CONFIG_GENERIC_GPIO and CONFIG_GPIOLIB12:41
flailingmonkeyi was having trouble figuring out how to do the branching, which lbt helped me out with12:42
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flailingmonkeyoh, I think that the newer chrontel code uses the GPIO interfaces to handle more output resolutions and handle detection more smoothly12:43
arfollah thats cool12:43
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flailingmonkeyarfoll: did you also notice the bug with io.h requiring xen.h but xen.h not being there? also an issue when trying to build crystalhd13:01
thiagoio.h? that's a DOS thing...13:02
flailingmonkeyfrom arch/x86/include/asm/io.h13:03
arfollflailingmonkey, no, which file includes io.h?13:03
flailingmonkeyanyway, it's actually an upstream kernel bug. someone put an include at the top of the file instead of inside the ifdef that checked for CONFIG_XEN, so it was always included even when the relevant code wasn't being used13:04
flailingmonkeylol, you would have only seen it with crystalhd compile. it was nm10_gpio which included it *sigh* :p13:05
flailingmonkeymore so, it was being included even though the kernel config was leaving out the particular header13:05
arfollah right, crystalhd compile was way to long ago for me to remember. and actually all i was interested in was getting the library headers so i  could compile xbmc against it (so that it could be installed on wetab)13:05
arfollat that time wetab werent kind enough to provide src.rpms13:05
flailingmonkeyso nm10_gpio thing is now compiled13:05
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flailingmonkeyok thats it for tonight13:10
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flailingmonkeyi still can't get a /sys/class/gpio directory lol13:11
arfollguess you have to stay up a while longer then ;-)13:12
flailingmonkey# CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS is not set13:13
the-bossflailingmonkey: Error: "CONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS" is not a valid command.13:13
flailingmonkeyCONFIG_GPIO_SYSFS is not set13:13
flailingmonkeywell, time for another build :p13:13
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slaineGod damn QtCreator13:30
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* lcuk uses mxr13:37
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slaineqtcreator still segfaults on F15 for me with the -style windows cmdline13:38
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Venemo_N950slaine, it has always been working for me, even the nightlies13:41
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slaineI'll try a yum reinstall13:45
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radiofreeslaine: what output do you get?13:46
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slaineradiofree: Qml Designer: Log File is …..13:46
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slaineremoved qt-4.7.3 and all it's deps, reinstalling qt-creator now13:50
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slaineVenemo: is your F15 box x86-64 ?14:01
Venemoslaine, that's correct14:02
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lcuka growing list!14:08
lcukloads of folks involved :D14:08
Venemovery nice14:10
VenemoI hope there will be a usable release soon14:11
VenemoI regularly read their wikipage and get enthusiastic14:11
Venemothen I read the QA page, and I get sad again.14:11
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X-Fademarquiz: yes14:22
flailingmonkeyit's getting down with the sickness14:22
flailingmonkeyc'mon now, let's all get down with the sickness14:22
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gabriel9are you disturbed? :)14:33
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htmlhi yall14:45
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htmlmmmm , yumie!    i got the honey !14:48
CosmoHillmy mum told me to use local honey in my tea before the hayfever starts14:49
iekkumy mom has usually said to use local alcohol after flu has come..14:49
htmlberndhs,  no worries   i made a feast for all, just set youyr own place at the table14:49
arfollmy mum told me not to accept food from irc14:49
iekkumy mom has several times asked me to ask something from irc..14:50
berndhsmy dad told me rum and tea were good if you have the flu14:50
berndhswon't make you any better, but you won't care14:50
htmlrum speeds it up but tea keeps it at bay14:51
iekkuberndhs, "it much more nicer to be sick if you are little bit drunked" said my mom14:51
htmlarfoll,  lol , but you tke advice from us14:51
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htmliekku,  and how are you?14:52
iekkuhtml, wondering if i'm going to have flu :P14:54
iekkuhtml, how are you :)14:54
CosmoHillthis conversation is become hard to follow14:54
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iekkuCosmoHill, really :D14:55
htmlCosmoHill,   its about food, and sickness14:55
CosmoHillwhere does 21 come from then?14:55
iekkuhtml, what was the 21?14:55
iekkusick 21/100 ?14:56
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flailingmonkeygabriel9: ;)15:02
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htmliekku,  you asked my age15:07
CosmoHillhtml: that's why it confused me, he didn't ask your age15:08
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CosmoHillnice to know tho15:08
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iekkuhtml, no i didn't :D15:15
iekkuCosmoHill, she by the way :P15:15
CosmoHillmy bad15:15
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zoujieorgis there anyone who use totem to play avi rmvb mepg and wma video files in meego?15:41
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lcukzoujieorg, which meego are you talking about? I assume netbook?15:43
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zoujieorg yes...15:45
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zoujieorgacer happy215:45
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zoujieorgyesterday,I also try mplayer ,,mplayer can play avi and rmvb ,,but no sound...15:47
zoujieorgso i want to try totem....15:47
dm8tbrI'd guess installing the right gst-plugins-ugly/bad should help a lot?15:48
zoujieorgpersionly..I like it,cause it's simple ...15:48
zoujieorgI just install gst-plugins-base15:48
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zoujieorgI also try to install gst-ffmegpe  but fails...error msg:15:51
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zoujieorgconfigure: No package 'gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10' found15:52
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zoujieorgconfigure: error: no gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10 >= 0.10.31 (GStreamer Base Plugins) found15:52
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zoujieorgbut I did have instold gstreamer-plugins-base15:52
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dm8tbrzoujieorg: it has to match the release you have15:53
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zoujieorgdm8tbr:do you mean,,,,gst-ffmegpe release should match gst-plugins-base?15:55
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lcukDefining the requirements for a MeeGo-CE
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dm8tbrzoujieorg: gst-plugin-ffmpeg or whatever the name of that package must be built for that particular meego release (1.2?) else it won't work15:56
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zoujieorgdm8thbr  thanks a lot16:02
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zoujieorgdm8thbr : one more question  ,do you mean  I cant use gstreamer-plugins tarball ,only use "zypper " from meego repos?16:13
zoujieorgdm8thbr :  I16:13
zoujieorgI'm not good at english16:13
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dm8tbrzoujieorg: you should be able to compile it yourself, my comment only pertains to binaries16:18
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lcukStskeeps, what are you building?16:33
Stskeepsnothing atm16:35
BogdanVHello everyone! Stskeeps, I've seen your name mentioned on the Tegra 2 page of the Wiki. If you don't mind, may I ask you some questions about flashing a Tegra 2 board with a MeeGo raw image ?16:39
Stskeepsi don't, ask vgrade and co :)16:39
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BogdanVoh, sorry then. I'm not from the community, and since vgrade wasn't on, I thought you would be the next one to ask (as that's about the only other name I've found :)) )16:41
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arfollBogdanV, hey i've been working on tegra2/trimslice - what would u like to know?16:44
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BogdanVhi there! i was trying to find some up-to-date info on building and flashing a meego image to run on my xoom. i did manage to find a raw image on which seems just what I need, but I was wondering how am I supposed to get the tablet to boot off the sdcard ?16:47
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, david, NEED, Meego community ftp server or similar needed16:47
arfollBogdanV, have a look here on how to boot on various android devices
arfolli'm not sure about specifics of the xoom, using N1 it's fairly easy16:49
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arfollbut if you expect a nice UI and a gd product you're about to be seriously dissapointed16:49
arfollthe current tegra2 image for trimslice will most likely at least require you to rework the xorg.conf, i'm not sure of the comptability between tegra2 models16:50
slainecontemplating a xubuntu install on my ideapad16:50
arfollslaine, why not just put xfce on it?16:51
slaineHow does XFCE perform on 1024x60016:51
slainearfoll, I want something separate from MeeGo16:51
lcukslaine, best way to know is to check16:51
lcukand report back!16:51
slainewill do16:51
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slaineit's always fine until you hit that dialog that you can't press the buttons and go 'Gahhhh'16:51
arfollyou realise you're on #meego? ;-)16:52
lcukin times past, our UI had to be designed for 800*600 for this reason16:52
slainearfoll: it's for meego dev16:52
slaineI can't get QtCreator to work on F1516:52
slaineit keep segfaulting16:52
arfollthen use qt creator on meego16:52
arfollworks ok on my nc1016:52
slaineI've found meego to be a poor dev env16:53
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radiofreeslaine: what's the back trace?16:53
slaineI use it to dogfood16:53
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slaineradiofree: what was that codlin arg again, just to be sure I didn't mess it up16:53
radiofree./qtcreator -style windows16:54
radiofreebut to make sure it's actually doing anything, try -style motif16:54
radiofreeyou'll know if that worked....16:54
slaineyeah, I'm doing it right, but it's not taking affect16:54
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radiofreecheck the menus16:55
radiofreethey should look like the 1970's16:55
Venemo_N950radiofree, why is that necessary?16:55
radiofree(with -style motif)16:55
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radiofreeVenemo_N950: qt quick designer crashing when using the gtk theme16:55
slainenod, yes, the style is changing, but the segfault is still present16:55
BogdanVthanks arfoll ! indeed, fastboot seems to be the way, and it seems to be quite a clean method. one last thing, if you don't mind (and sorry if it was asked a thousand times because I've heard all sorts of stories out there) : did nvidia really release meego compatible binaries for the graphics driver ?16:55
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radiofreeVenemo_N950: I had the same problem when i tried the designer, never looked for a fix though since i don't use qt creator16:57
radiofreebut i know -style windows worked for me (and does now, segfault with gtk theme, fine with windows style)16:57
arfollBogdanV, yes nvidia released hardfp drivers that are compatible with meego16:57
arfollbut the xoom has a Tegra 250 T20, i don't know if thats the same or if there are incompatibilites with the trimslice tegra16:58
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dm8tbrarfoll: there are hfp drivers for T2? interesting. haven't seen it mentioned in bug 1757016:59
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, ibrahim, NEW, Lack of hardfp compiled graphics drivers from TI, Qualcomm, nVidia, etc16:59
arfolldm8tbr, they come from trimslice (from nvidia), and i'm not too sure on their reditributableness17:00
arfolldm8tbr, they are in 'beta' at nvidia but work quite well :
BogdanVso, there are several variations on the 250 ? i thought it was the same board everywhere (with obvious differences between dev and production hw)17:02
arfolli only know whats on wikipedia :
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arfolli guess since trimslice is at 1ghz it has to be AP20H or T20 tegra 25017:03
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Stskeepsgood morning Alison_Chaiken17:04
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BogdanVwell, I'll take the plunge anyway and return to tell you guys the news (that is, if anyone's interested on it)17:04
arfollBogdanV, yes please do :-)17:04
arfollBogdanV, you probably want to try with this image
JaffaDawnFoster: ping17:06
arfollits far from perfect and will definately require some tweaking for you, but its the latest tegra2 build atm17:06
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BogdanVwow, thanks! i've spend the whole day fighting with dead links and old news, I never expected this17:08
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arfollBogdanV, best news are from and
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htmlBogdanV,  what i s it?17:15
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Alison_ChaikenHuomenta, Stskeeps.   Good to see you back!17:18
BogdanVnothing, html. arfoll has helped me around and for the moment, i haven't met any problems17:18
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htmlok good for you17:25
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* CosmoHill returns with money17:48
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berndhshey I lost some money the other day, it looked exactly like the money you have now17:49
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CosmoHillwhat currency was it in?17:50
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berndhsit was numbers on pieces of paper, and in computer recors17:51
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infobotberndhs meant: it was numbers on pieces of paper, and in computer records17:51
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StskeepsOBS is back up!19:14
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berndhsgood news indeed19:15
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vgrade_at_seaarfoll: did you get the link?19:19
lcukcollaborative apps ahoy!19:20
vgrade_at_sealcuk: \019:21
Stskeepsvgrade_at_sea: where are you sailing?19:21
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lcukvgrade_at_sea, \o19:21
lcukahoy indeed!19:21
vgrade_at_seacadiz to lisbon currently19:21
lcukvgrade_at_sea, if I can move this from a prototype19:21
Stskeepsvgrade_at_sea: nice19:21
lcukthen that table full of meego devices you keep showing19:22
lcukcan all communicate and smile :)19:22
vgrade_at_seaStskeeps: hi19:22
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vgrade_at_sealcuk: noticed your RFC, will have a closer look when I'm back19:23
vgrade_at_seaStskeeps: I've had a request for a MeeGo from nVidia Tegra Architect. Vincent. Have you taked to him19:24
vgrade_at_seaMeeGo Image19:26
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vgrade_at_seadam web client19:27
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lcukvgrade_at_sea, you are on a boat, it is understandable19:27
vgrade_at_seaat 65c an min I expect a good connection19:28
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vgrade_at_seaanyway must log off as if Janice finds me in the internet room I'm toast19:29
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arfollvgrade_at_sea, no what link?19:31
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arfolldamn i hate being late to the party....19:34
Stskeepslooking at meego:1.2.0:oss package list.. damn there's a lot of crap/stuff19:38
* Stskeeps ponders what is truly needed to get qt + qt mobility up19:38
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lbtStskeeps: how about a community proposal for a skinny MeeGo ... we could use a name that sounds MeeGo-ish but isn't trademarked. Maybe something smaller than MeeGo to indicate a slimmed down size? Me<something short...maybe even one letter>19:52
Stskeepslbt: MiniMe?19:53
lbtmuch too long19:53
Stskeepsyes, but
arfollhow about Mo19:54
Stskeepslbt: "Mer"?19:54
Stskeepslbt: the thought really does pop up quite often by now :P19:55
StskeepsMeNO CARRIER19:56
Stskeeps.. err19:56
Stskeepsok, that modem joke didn't work out19:56
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MOUDHey all20:49
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MOUDis there a way to dual boot maemo and meego without the use of a SD card?20:52
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MOUDok, tks20:54
ali1234well, maybe20:56
ali1234i mean it's probably possible, but you will have to figure out how to do most of it yourself20:57
MOUDi see20:57
wmaronemostly because the current installation process on the N900 eliminates the partition used for /home and /opt21:05
wmaroneso you'd need to fix the partitioning issue21:06
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StskeepsOBS quiz: why is 'excluded' on both arm and x86? :)21:33
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exception13is alive?21:50
lcukStskeeps, not sure21:50
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Stskeepslcuk: i'm actually a bit stumped myself :)21:51
lcukhas it been like that for a while21:51
lcukthe source files look aged21:51
exception13ok. i have question.21:51
lcukand what is it actually used for21:51
lcuksince I gather things like gcc proper will be in there building somewhere21:51
Stskeepsnot in use in builds, afaik21:52
exception13i need bootstrap for armv7. mic-create-bootstrap not have arch param. it's use environment or something else21:53
Stskeepsexception13: you use x86 as a bootstrap21:53
exception13host x8621:54
exception13target armv721:54
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Stskeepsmic-create-bootstrap shouldn't be needed21:54
exception13with mic-create-image i have trouble21:55
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exception13look at this21:56
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exception13maybe i fail in .ks21:57
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exception13i need preconfigured userspace with preinstalled tablet ux without platform depend components (kernel, nonfree)22:06
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lcukexception13, what previous .ks experience have you had22:07
lcukie, can you build the default images ok?22:08
exception13i'm "fix" .ks for n90022:08
exception13remove any n900 depends22:08
lcukbut does the default n900 ks build is my question22:08
lcukie, is your system configured correctly to do what you need22:09
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Venemohey lcuk22:10
lcukhi Venemo \o22:10
Venemolcuk, look how nice a pic joppu made for us:
* SpeedEvil weeps at the beauty.22:11
VenemoSpeedEvil :P22:11
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lcuklol SpeedEvil22:12
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joppuall that and still no dev device! :P22:13
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exception13lcuk: try .ks for core n90022:14
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exception13"Problem count: 9" for default core .ks it's ok?22:15
exception13promlem like "is not installable", "nothing provides"22:17
lcukexception13, i don't know, I was asking whether your configuration was correct for the default one22:17
lcukbecause that may be easier to diagnose than you adding extra ontop ;)22:17
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Venemolcuk, could you please help me with something22:18
Venemolcuk, I wanted to edit to point to instead of its current URL22:18
Venemolcuk, but it didn't let me edit the url22:18
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Venemolcuk, so I clicked "archive", and now it even hided it!22:19
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Venemolcuk, how can I bring it back and edit it?22:19
lcuki dunno22:19
* lcuk is not support22:19
Venemo"bitly links cannot be edited. They also do not expire and cannot be changed"22:20
Venemof*** them.22:20
lcuksounds reasonable to me22:20
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Venemowell, I want my link to point to the new location of my stuff.22:21
Venemohiemanshu moved it from User:Venemo/IRC_Chatter to plain IRC_Chatter22:21
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hiemanshuVenemo: I can move it back if you want me to22:22
Venemohiemanshu, no, I don't want you to move back just because bitly is crap.22:23
Venemothe original URL will redirect to the new one anyway, so no problem with that.22:24
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hiemanshuVenemo: use
Venemohiemanshu, what's that?22:25
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hiemanshuVenemo: another url shortening service22:25
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lcukif you shorten an already short url does the service implode?22:26
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hiemanshulcuk: like inception? :P22:27
hiemanshuVenemo: there is also :P22:27
hiemanshuwhich is run by, so if you have an account you can do it, or I can22:27
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TSCHAKeeeI tried to start http://f.yu// for the porn people, but it just didn't take off.22:31
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Ulf^Stskeeps, did you solve the quiz yet? ;)22:35
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StskeepsUlf^: nop, still stumped :)22:40
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Stskeepsthat package is probably due for removal but the double 'excluded' baffles me22:40
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exception13Error: failed to create image : Failed to find group 'MeeGo Compliance' : Unable to find pattern: MeeGo Compliance22:43
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hobangood day all.22:44
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hobanI remember seeing a video of meego running on the Nook Color a couple months ago, are instructions for doing so published anywhere?22:45
hobanI've seen
hobanbut it's fairly bare22:45
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Ulf^Stskeeps, My best guess is that no other toolchain package requires gcc-cross, so OBS knows that it can exclude the package from building23:23
Stskeepsmm, maybe23:25
Stskeepsit's an odd one for sure :)23:25
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Ulf^Oh no23:59
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Ulf^The Internet is broken23:59
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