IRC log of #meego for Monday, 2011-08-15

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lcukVenemo, would the libirc thing you use be usable if you needed an alternative ux for meego00:05
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lcukarfoll, :D00:05
Venemo_N950lcuk, sure, it just needs to be packaged for meego00:06
lcuki gather the latest source is
Venemo_N950yeah, but my latest changes are not pushed yet00:06
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lcukVenemo_N950, that is ok, will try it on the n900-ce tomorrow00:07
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Venemo_N950lcuk, you can't unless you package libircclient-qt00:08
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lcukVenemo_N950, how are you using it then?00:08
lcukit is qt isn't it?00:08
Venemo_N950lcuk, it is packaged for harmattan.00:08
lcukantman8969, any chance of a meego package00:09
Venemo_N950I think rzr might have packaged it in rpm too00:09
Venemo_N950as for my own app, I can and will make an rpm00:09
antman8969for venemo's irc chatter?00:09
antman8969there you go lol00:09
M4rtinKthiago: oh, ok, I'll try to fix this one first then :)00:10
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gandhijee_hi, ,is there an updated guide to writing udev rules?? i can't get mine to work00:22
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arfolllcuk, you that happy i'm following you?00:24
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gandhijee_actually i got it to work =P00:30
gandhijee_arfoll:  so i have the hdmi stuff working, your service file worked, and i had to add a udev rule00:31
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gandhijee_now i just need it to autostart00:33
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arfollgandhijee_, cool00:40
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arfollgandhijee_, what kernel are you using?00:44
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gandhijee_a custom one00:45
gandhijee_stock doesn't come compiled with i2c-i801 i don't think00:46
arfollso your kernel isn't on obs?00:46
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arfollyou mind making a patch to the changes in the startup script and passing the udev/dbus rules you added so i can put them in the pkg?00:48
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gandhijee_sure, as soon as i get it all up i can pass it over00:48
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lcukarfoll, happy you are working on the marine stuff00:51
lcukand you are following me of course :P00:51
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arfolli'm working? that's news to me00:52
berndhsi can't tell what these maltesers are doing00:53
arfollberndhs, maybe i can help you understand00:53
berndhsyes perhaps00:53
berndhsthey dont seem to be writing a lot of code00:54
arfollberndhs, well there is some on github00:55
berndhsi saw that ues00:55
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gandhijee_arfoll: you know if there is a daemon/start-stop-daemon package for meego 1.2.x?00:55
berndhsi'm not sure why anyone would write motor control stuff in java00:55
gandhijee_berndhs: have you seen the buglabs stuff?00:56
berndhsprobably not, i just looked on github for a few minutes00:56
arfollgandhijee_, not that i'm aware, i'm thinking a .desktop file would be better00:56
arfollberndhs, and i would agree00:56
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arfollthe current concentration is currently all on getting the marssa architecture out00:57
arfollby that i mean the documentation and technical aspect00:57
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arfollnot the implementation00:57
arfollso basically coding is not the priority00:58
berndhsseems reasonable00:58
berndhsits just hard to tell what will be part of the project, and what is just specs for the world at large00:59
arfollwell the java implementation is basically for the test dinghy and as a reference01:00
berndhsthat's not the core effort though01:00
berndhsautonomous vehicle would be cool, but it doesn't seem to be a big point01:00
maourI want to try MeeGo on N900 , which version do you recommend ? summer release or daily or weekly .. ?01:01
arfollso far autonomous is not on the roadmap but it would be cool01:01
arfollonce motor control works nicely it could be implemented fairly easily01:02
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berndhsthe java is going to screw up the motor control timing01:03
arfollmy exact words last week01:03
maouri'll use daily builds!01:04
berndhsi don't know if the optimist has a daggerboard, but that would help with steering :)01:05
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arfollthe whole propulsion is undergoing serious rethinking atm01:06
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berndhsjust put in some JATOs, it will fly01:13
arfollja, i asked for an F35 as a test platform but i wasn't even taken seriously01:14
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arfollAlison_Chaiken, i've rebuilt the kernel from trunk with the i2c modules (was getting bored)01:24
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Alison_ChaikenAh thanks, arfoll.    I'll have a look.01:26
Alison_Chaiken(I have all my vegetables now.)01:26
arfollits on meego obs, so i can open a bug and try get the modules into the meego 1.3 kernel01:27
arfollsince intel distributed the exo they should be interested in having working hdmi...01:27
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Alison_ChaikenCertainly i2c modules and HDMI are of general interest.01:29
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Alison_ChaikenIt's in kernel-adaptation-pinetrail or in devel:kernel or MeeGo:1.2.0?01:35
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arfollAlison_Chaiken, damn i forgot to branch from devel:kernel
arfolli'll fix it when i open the bug and everything works01:36
arfolltablet ux has made gd progress01:37
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Alison_ChaikenIs Tablet UX going to have official releases like Handset, IVI, TV, etc?01:40
Alison_ChaikenLike an official Tablet UX 1.3.0 shortly following MeeGo 1.3?01:40
Alison_Chaiken(Claimer: I'm joining a new startup and have a new professional interest in the matter.)01:40
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arfollAlison_Chaiken, handset,ivi,tv have official releases?01:42
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Alison_ChaikenI see that your new build says "Obsoletes: kernel-adaptation-pinetrail < 3.0", so I will use your new build as a basis instead of kernel-adaptation-pinetrail.01:43
Alison_ChaikenAs far as "official releases," I meant that has 5 icons leading to dowload links, but not one for tablet.01:44
arfollyeah looks like -pinetrail got demoted to -pc01:44
arfollnicely noticed, that does seem a bit weird. considering its probaly the nicest ui there is01:45
Alison_ChaikenHey, I see "media phone" is a new addition to the front page.01:45
arfollnah that's been there since the start01:45
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Alison_ChaikenYeah, tablet should definitely be on the front page.    I have been wondering!01:45
arfollbtw my kernel seems to work and both modules load01:45
Alison_Chaiken-pc is odd instead of -atom.01:46
Alison_ChaikenCool, does it have hid_egalax too?01:46
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arfollAlison_Chaiken, no idea whats hid_egalax for?01:47
Alison_Chaikenhid_egalax is the touchscreen that's on ExoPC.     hid_egalax.ko is part of Tablet UX.01:48
arfollwell the touchscreen works, so i guess yes01:48
pebcaktablet ux is still a developer preview01:48
pebcakand at least the are highly instable01:48
Alison_Chaikenpebcak, is tablet ux going to transition to "regular" for 1.3?01:49
pebcakAlison_Chaiken sorry, I don't know01:49
pebcakI wouldn't bet on it01:49
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pebcakas I said, it's still heavily developed01:49
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pebcakand I guess they also want appup and such stuff stable for a release01:50
pebcakit#s far from it01:50
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arfollpebcak, yes but doesnt mean tablet shouldnt be on the frontpage. i mean tv is there and there is no public tv release01:50
pebcakwould rather have a stable 1.4 than a sucking 1.3 release01:50
pebcakarfoll there are only releases on frontpage01:50
pebcaktab is developer preview, not a release01:51
arfollpebcak, so please point me to a tv meego release01:51
pebcakarfoll you shouldn't complain to me, I'm not intel/meego01:51
pebcakjust can tell you what I think I know about tablet ux01:52
pebcakand I flash it every 2 days ;)01:52
arfollgandhijee_, can you pass me that udev file?01:53
pebcakthere are still a lot of things to fix01:53
Alison_Chaikenarfoll, I see that hid_egalax is now part of CONFIG_HID_MULTITOUCH:
arfollAlison_Chaiken, thats in the -pc kernel01:55
pebcakdamn mosqitos01:56
Alison_ChaikenSo goody, I don't have to separately compile hid_egalax anymore!01:57
arfollalthough we've lost having the config in /proc :-(01:57
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pebcakthe pegatron stuff is in asus_laptop right?01:58
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pebcakanyway, tablet ux is really very unstable... forgets hardware every second boot, hangs, forgets orientation, can't decide how often is should show the numbers of pages in appgrid... and I'm not even starting on the apps02:00
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RzRcan u suggest a terminal package for the tablet install ?02:18
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berndhsRzR: xterm-261-3.10.i586.rpm ?02:29
ZrZthat one is ok for me but i wish it has a better integration w/ the rest of the desktop02:30
ZrZi'am testing other ones02:30
berndhswhat integration, its a full screen xterm :)02:31
arfollmaybe meego-terminal will be better, it builds on obs02:31
berndhsintegration is important
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arfollactually i dont really get that comic02:33
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berndhsthis one in particular, or xkcd in general ?02:34
arfollthat one02:34
arfollyour the second person to mention it so i must be missing something02:34
berndhsthe evaluation of the gui and lack of crashes is more important than that it doesn't actually work02:34
arfolloh ok. but loads of people just too dumb to use apps. if you use android store a bit you learn to ignore those 'dont work' comments02:35
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arfolli mean loads of people can't follow the nstructions to enable the JSON api in xbmc and then claim the android remote app doesnt work02:36
berndhssure taht too02:36
arfolli thought it was something with the multiple location warning (because it02:37
arfollsupposed to warn you 'where you are')02:37
arfollbut thats not funny02:37
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gandhijee_arfoll: KERNEL=="i2c-?02:40
arfollgandhijee_, actually i've worked out to put KERNEL="i2c-[0-9]*", MODE="0666" in rules02:41
gandhijee_KERNEL=="i2c-?", ATTRS{name}=="SMBus I801 adapter at f000", MODE="0666"02:41
gandhijee_that will make it so only the one for the chrontel chip is in rw mode02:41
gandhijee_arfoll: do you have start-stop-daemon installed/02:42
arfollah, even better02:42
arfollno, i dont, where did you get it from?02:42
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gandhijee_i don02:42
gandhijee_i'm about to track down the we tab sources for it02:42
arfollbut it works or not?02:42
gandhijee_how do i use OBS?02:43
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gandhijee_kind of, you need start-stop-daemon so you can plug in the hdmi at any time and work02:43
arfollyou ask lbt/x-fade for an accont, swear to only do FOSS and then use osc02:43
CosmoHillgandhijee_: do you have an account?02:43
gandhijee_the current way you have to call tiitoo-hdmi-daemin02:43
arfollgandhijee_, when i do i just get an error :02:43
gandhijee_*daemon, and if your device isn't the std i2c-2 you need to pass the -d02:43
gandhijee_arfoll whats the error?02:44
arfollWrite byte fail (8, 03, 04): No such device or addressFound device ID 0xffffffff02:44
arfollFatal: Device ID 0xffffffff not the expected 0x5602:44
gandhijee_ahh yeah, its checking the wrong device02:44
* lbt is going to bed pretty much 'now' ....02:44
gandhijee_apply the new udev rule and then check what /dev/i2c-* is in 666 mode02:44
lbtso if you want OBS enabling... need your account02:44
gandhijee_then run the tiitoo-hdmi-daemon with tiitoo-hdmi-daemon -d <i2c device>02:45
arfollgandhijee_, k - obey lbt and you'll get OBS access ;-)02:45
gandhijee_umm let me get one real quick02:45
lbtI'll pop back in a few mins...02:46
gandhijee_waiting for the email02:47
gandhijee_lbt: what do you need from me account name? anishp5502:49
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lbtgandhijee_: done ... have fun... and night all02:55
arfollgd night02:55
CosmoHillbye bye02:56
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arfollgandhijee_, i don't get any i2c devices coming up with 666 perms03:03
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gandhijee_arfoll: do you have I2C_CHARDEV and I2C_I801 modules?03:05
arfollgandhijee_, i changed the ? to a * and now i do get one03:06
gandhijee_ah ok my mistake03:06
gandhijee_i think i might have copied my rule wrong03:07
arfollgandhijee_, although now i get the dbus register failing03:07
gandhijee_arfoll: you need that .service file03:07
gandhijee_i will pastebin it03:07
arfollwhere did you put it /etc/dbus-1/session.d/ ?03:07
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arfollbus name with capitals *shudders*03:09
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gandhijee_just need start-stop-daemon now and it will work03:11
arfolluhm no i just get dbus registration failed03:11
gandhijee_mine doesn't show up in qdbus until i run the daemon by hand, but i only get an error about com.tiitoo.SystemSound i think03:14
arfolli'm an idiot03:16
arfoll^^ if people weren't allready aware of that03:16
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arfolli forgot to export the display....03:16
arfollgandhijee_, well dbus works but i still get the device ID not expected thing03:18
arfolli'm using tiitoo-hdmi-daemon -d /dev/i2c-1403:19
arfolluhm error message now is /dev/i2c-2: Could not open: Permission denied03:20
gandhijee_arfoll: i haven't gotten -d to work properly, mine is on i2c-0, so i used ghex to edit the binary....  let me find the start-stop-daemon, that should help solve the problem03:20
arfollgandhijee_, uhm it's 2:30am, i have to go to bed03:21
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gandhijee_ok, i'll get you the rest of the details tomorrow?03:21
arfollsure that'd be great03:21
arfollin fact if you want to mail me or shove it on the wiki that would be cool. i guess i'll be up before you03:22
Alison_Chaikengandhijee_ flailingmonkey put up the HDMI chrontel scripts from WeTab:
arfollAlison_Chaiken, but that is packaged ;-)03:24
gandhijee_Alison_Chaiken: and that don't actually provide everything you need to get it running03:25
gandhijee_and that link actually points ro arfolls package =)03:25
Alison_ChaikenAh, I didn't notice!03:25
arfollgandhijee_, looks like they hardcode i2c-2 in ch7036_monitor.h03:26
gandhijee_does it even honor the -d flag?03:26
gandhijee_you could symlink the device to /dev/HDMI103:27
arfollgandhijee_, nope just -us and -a03:27
arfollfor underscan and all output modes03:27
gandhijee_then hex edit the tiitoo-daemon to read from /dev/HDMI103:27
gandhijee_i mean the tiitoo-hdmi-daemon, thats more or less what i did03:28
arfollor i could remove the i2c-2 device and simlink i2c-14 ;-)03:28
gandhijee_and i'm sure there is some way to make the i2c-14 be i2c-2 with udev rules magic03:28
arfollit works! you're magical03:28
gandhijee_yeah, we should probably fix the rule to make that i2c device be i2c-203:29
gandhijee_'ll see if i can't figure that out at some point03:29
arfollthat would be awesome. right i am really off to bed now03:30
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gandhijee_lol, later man03:30
arfollgive me a shout on how far you get, i'll try pkg it all tmrw unless you've done it first ;-)03:30
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antman8969javispedro you added a manual color option to your icon generator, very nice!03:48
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Venemonewsflash for all N9/N950 owners:!/Venemo/status/10300833906727321611:34
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Tm_TVenemo: I love the explanation for the pic on the wiki page11:44
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lcukmorning \o12:07
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VenemoTm_T :)12:11
Venemolcuk, good morning o712:12
VenemoTm_T, which part do you love about it? :)12:12
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lcukmorning Venemo you are gaining momentum with your awesome app12:15
Venemolcuk, am I? :)12:15
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Venemolcuk, I'm happy for my app - in the beginning I just wanted to use an awesome IRC client - I'm happy that other people find it awesome too :)12:18
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lcukVenemo, building momentum as you have is good12:19
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Tm_TVenemo: in general, just find it amusing that you find a need to explain it, and the explanation12:20
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VenemoTm_T, many people asked me "where did you get that N9" - so I wrote there that I don't actually have one... :P12:21
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slaineanyone here using Fedora 15 as a Qt Development box ?13:45
radiofreeslaine: I'm using Fedora 1413:46
slaineI'm having a problem on F15 with QtCreator, trying to see if it's just me13:46
radiofreewhats the problem?13:47
slainecrashes out if I try and open the designer on a qml file13:47
slaineany qml file13:47
radiofreeno it's not you13:47
radiofreeits a bug in qtcreator13:47
slaineupstream or missing files from the package13:47
radiofreeyou can get around it by using a different theme engine for qt creator (not the gtk one)13:48
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radiofreeslaine: try ./qtcreator -style windows13:54
radiofreeshouldn't crash now13:54
slaineSo if I was using KDE as the desktop, I wouldn't see that ?13:55
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radiofreeI don't think so, it's a problem with GTK theme, I'm not sure what the solution is or if it's been fixed in 4.813:55
slaineI probably just need a .qtconfig file or whatever it's called.13:56
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radiofreelooks like it'll be fixed for 4.8, before then you can use -style windows14:02
slaineThanks radiofree, saves me from installing a load of crap or a new distro14:03
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RzR testing #irc on #harmattan #n950 using irc-chatter thanks to Venemo enjoy #video next step #xmpp now (#n950club)15:00
ZrZ testing #irc on #harmattan #n950 using irc-chatter thanks to Venemo enjoy #video next step #xmpp now (#n950club)15:00
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lcukRzR, Venemo mentioned that a .spec file and meego package for the irc library was required15:05
lcukdo you happen to have this already?15:05
RzRi rebuilt it from source15:05
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RzRfrom git15:05
lcukRzR, I know that15:05
RzRfor harmattan only not rpm yet15:05
lcukbut for others around meego to use it15:06
lcukit will need rpm15:06
RzRspec file should be easly to set it up15:06
RzRthis is the step #215:06
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lcukrzr it would help Venemo to create proper meego version if making the .spec file would be possible15:12
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Venemolcuk, not yet, but I'll have them as soon as I'm convinced that the app works with MeeGo vanilla15:19
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Venemolcuk, if you like, I could make a .spec file for you, but I currently have no way for testing on MeeGO15:20
Venemomaybe I should grab my N900 already? :P15:20
lcukyes, you should15:20
lcuktodays daily testing images are here15:20
* lcuk just dding one 15:20
Venemoall right15:21
Venemois there an easy way of installing MeeGo now, or it's still complicated?15:21
lcukif you have a microsd, it is relatively simple15:21
lcukjust dd the image onto the microsd15:21
lcukthen flash the kernel15:22
lcukthat will boot meego from the sd15:22
lcukand will happily run and operate until you reboot15:22
lcukit is the simplest path15:22
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Venemolcuk, I do not own a suitable MicroSD, and I don't have the money to buy one now. :(15:23
ZrZlcuk: ping me if this is stuck i'll help him15:24
pebcakwtf google buys motorolas mobile15:24
Venemolcuk, again, I don't have an external card.15:25
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lcukI missed an E15:26
Venemoah, ok15:26
VenemoI'm reading it now15:26
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arfollgandhijee_, Alison_Chaiken - see
MeeGoBotBug 15637 nor, Medium, ---,, NEW, [EXOPC] Unable to connect HDMI15:53
arfollhdmi sound works too :-)15:55
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slaineI hope Google buying Motorola Mobility drives some Android licensees to evaluate MeeGo more seriously16:03
inzslaine, you mean the nokia-symbian-effect16:04
slaineins, I'm not sure what that is16:04
arfollis motorola mobility the entire motorola mobile phone division?16:04
slainearfoll: I believe so16:05
* slaine isn't sure what's left of motorola after that16:05
Bostikit looks like google acquired a hefty mallet with which to smack the other patent holders back - so far they've been taking nothing short of beat after beat on that front16:05
slaineBostik: and in one fell swoop, Google now compete with all their Android licensees16:05
RST38hnot yet16:06
inzslaine, most other manufacturers started leaving symbian alone when Nokia bought it.16:06
RST38hyou have no idea what android is going to do16:06
arfollslaine, they allready did with the N1 + NS16:06
Bostikslaine: true16:06
slainearfoll: Yeah, but I don't think the industry took this seriously enough to consider it a threat. They could be seen and where treated more as reference platforms than competition.16:07
arfollalthough i liked their philosophy. One device take it or leave it. I'm tired of HTCs 100 phone lineups16:07
arfollslaine, well i think everyone in the android industry kind of fear android. including the operators16:08
arfollandroid and google are interchangeable in that sentence16:08
slainethey're still falling over themselves to get android phones out though. It's really ballooned as a revenue generator for those manufacturers over the last 2 years16:09
slaineThe N1 really ushered in the Android era with the 2.x software16:09
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arfollwell for elop it's good. until M$ buy htc16:11
npmdumb qtcreator (from QtSDK 1.1.X) question: on my tablet, i have a Tools->Subversion but on netbook it's missing. How do i get subversion tools enabled?16:13
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npmslaine: motorola split into two companies. one of which is motorola mobility.
npmin fact one can look at the split in hindsight as a plan to get bought16:15
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slainenpm, What do Motorola Solutions do ?16:18
slaineI could look it up, but I'm not that interested, so if you don't know, don't worry16:18
slaineInteresting take from @asymco, The debit column for Android being profitable just increased by $12,000,000,000.0016:19
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RST38hslaine: don't worry about their profits16:20
juliankYou don't have to worry, Motorola basically remains independent, but being owned by Google, gives Google their patent portfolio to protect Android16:21
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arfolljuliank, who says?16:23
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juliankarfoll: PR says "Google will run Motorola Mobility as a separate business." and the quotes from the other Android vendors say things like "We welcome Google‘s commitment to defending Android and its partners."16:25
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arfollmeh, i don't believe PR16:25
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juliankarfoll: It of course makes sense to fire Motorola's software people though, and let them only create hardware and use stock Android.16:27
juliankAll we know now with some certainty is that there won't be a MeeGo device from Motorola16:27
RST38hRight, let us fire as many software people as possible16:27
pat_plussorry, maemo dev new to meego, using Community edition on N900...  is there a graphical file manager that works on the Handset UX?16:28
RST38hjuliank:You mean, we did not know that?16:28
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slaineI see BBC NEWS are now giving a demo of a Motorola Android phone to give context to the Google buy ouy16:30
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gastallbt: X-Fade: could I get a MeeGo Community Build Service account? (I'm looking to build an ARMv7 chroot, to see if I can use MeeGo tablet for a project)16:33
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odin_no meego from motorola, nor LG (in form of GW990), nor nokia (in UK/US at least), what meego hardware vendors are known to be in the handset arena ?16:38
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SpeedEvilodin_: The 'no ... uk has been unclear.16:39
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SpeedEvilThere have been statemets made which seem to imply it may be available through smaller vendors unsubsidised.16:40
SpeedEvilBut not through main carriers.16:40
Venemo_N950there doesn't seem to be any meego handset makers, if you don't count nokia16:41
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lbtgastal: pong17:19
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gastallbt: hey17:19
lbtso gastal - sure you can have an account17:19
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lbtwhat I would say is that rebuilding all of MeeGo is a bit much for the c.obs as an individual project17:20
gastallbt: do you need me to email you any info? my account username is gastal17:20
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lbtcan I suggest you talk to Stskeeps or Sage on #meego-arm17:20
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lbtgastal: enabled now17:21
gastalcertainly, to rebuild all of meego you'd recommend doing it locally?17:21
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lbttalk to those guys about how they'd like it handled17:22
lbtnp :)17:22
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Alison_Chaikenarfoll, the link to the download repo at is broken18:48
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Alison_ChaikenThanks to you and gandhijee for your help!18:48
arfollAlison_Chaiken, fixed18:49
Alison_ChaikenThanks, I see it's fixed!   You guys are fast.18:51
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dm8tbrjfyi: < forMeeGoBot> PROBLEM HTTP CRITICAL CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 10 seconds Mon Aug 15 16:28:06 UTC 201120:01
* dm8tbr waited 30min20:02
CosmoHillso two errors in one20:02
dm8tbrsomething I expect this to be unrelated to the weekend thing. as that's supposedly fixed20:04
arfolldm8tbr, time for a bugzilla update...20:04
dm8tbrarfoll: I'm unsure, I was labelled a 'bother' because I was updating it20:05
dm8tbrarfoll: I guess it needs to be down for at least a day before you are allowed to complain or sthg20:05
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arfolldm8tbr, lol ignore that. they need to accountable for their downtime20:06
dm8tbrI do not understand how ReleaseEngineering works. there is no transparency.20:06
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dm8tbrarfoll: is it down for you too?20:07
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arfolldm8tbr, yep20:07
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om26eris there some development ISOs of meego somewhere?20:10
om26erwhat if someone wants to help with testing and stuff?20:11
dm8tbrom26er: what are you exactly looking for?20:11
om26erdm8tbr, I want to test the upcoming release20:12
dm8tbrom26er: of which UX?20:12
om26erdm8tbr, netbook20:12
dm8tbrwill there even be a 1.3 netbook release?20:12
dm8tbrI understood that development on 1.2 was already largely stalling20:13
lcukdm8tbr, well since we are seeing devices with meego netbook on coming out20:13
dm8tbrlcuk: ok, not unlikely then20:13
dm8tbrom26er: anyway, yes there are images for download20:13
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om26erdm8tbr, where?20:13
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dm8tbrom26er: that would be 1.2.80, which is the target branch for 1.320:14
dm8tbrthe meego wiki should know more how to install etc20:15
om26erdm8tbr, thx so basically the project is .....20:15
om26erdm8tbr, stalled20:15
om26eri was expecting to see gnome 3 and stuff in meego20:16
dm8tbrom26er: well, _netbook_ seems to be more in a sort of maintenance as far as I understand. which means it's mature20:16
dm8tbrom26er: you are mistaking meego for a linux distribution?20:16
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om26erdm8tbr, yes i thought so20:17
om26erbut now i think i am getting the vision now20:17
dm8tbrit's more of a 'business thing', where you can build a distribution on top etc20:18
dm8tbrI'm not the right person to explain that though20:18
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om26erdm8tbr, is intel still interested in Meego???20:19
om26erthats all what matters for me20:19
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dm8tbrom26er: yes, as far as I understand they are very much commited to meego20:24
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CosmoHillit would be foolish of them to pull out now20:26
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om26erdm8tbr, good to know, thx.20:30
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CosmoHillhey DawnFoster21:06
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lcukevening CosmoHill21:42
lcukdid you watch top gear last night?21:43
CosmoHillnope, I thought it was a repeate21:43
CosmoHillI still have the week before's to watch on sky+21:43
CosmoHillbbl, dinner21:43
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CosmoHillhtml: you american?21:51
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htmly do u ask?21:59
htmlCosmoHill, ? y do you ask?22:00
CosmoHilljust curious22:00
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CosmoHillspotted your real name which sounds american22:01
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htmlborn american , but my roots are elsewhere22:03
html what about you?22:05
CosmoHillEnglish :)22:05
CosmoHillfamily have lived in the same town for 3 generations and the same region for 100s of years22:06
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htmlreally?  dont you think its time to move XD22:08
CosmoHillmum's side moved to france22:08
htmlive been here most of my live22:08
rzri am still here :)22:11
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lcukhtml,Tim Berners Lee is one of your parents! :P22:13
CosmoHilllcuk: I'd guess the father22:14
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htmllcuk,  me?22:14
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htmllcuk,  are you joking?  cuz my name is simular to his22:17
lcukaccording to this thing, either you or your computer is called dustin22:18
CosmoHillthat is why I thought you where american22:18
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htmlmy name is dustin    , also lee  is my other name22:20
rzr`Venemo: I can test irc-c on tablet version of meego22:20
Venemorzr`, you could try, but there are no guarantees that it will work.22:21
CosmoHillDustin Lee Thomas22:21
html? are you giving me that name?22:23
CosmoHillif you want it22:23
CosmoHillnone of them are my names22:23
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Venemorzr`, you will need qt-components (or whatever it's called)22:25
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rzr`main.cpp:9: fatal error: MDeclarativeCache: No such file or directory22:29
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rzr`forget that lines that wasnt about irc-c22:30
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newbie007hi I'd like to get meego install on a android device called gentouch78, how can I tell if this device uses uboot?22:32
htmlnewbie007,  you can do that?22:34
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newbie007we'll see22:34
newbie007I don't mind bricking it, I have two and it was vry cheap22:35
CosmoHillnewbie007: a start would be to find out if the hardware is compatable22:35
newbie007it's arm22:35
newbie007arm 11 I think22:36
CosmoHillmore than just the processor22:36
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newbie007also I've heard that ubuntu was put on it22:37
newbie007I'm just starting with, does it use u-boot22:37
CosmoHillresearch sounds like a good place22:37
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lcukis it possible to use the android kernel with meego userspace?22:48
lcuk(to ask a question based on the grid thingamibob22:48
Bostiklcuk: yes22:50
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Bostiklcuk: you can boot an android kernel and then pivot to a meego rootfs22:50
lcukBostik, ooh22:50
lcukbut that is not quite the same as making a meego image with an android libc or whatever it needs22:51
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Bostiklcuk: how do you think our early "meego on nook color" worked? :)22:51
lcuki don't know! :$22:51
lcukdare I say: magic!22:51
lcukbut since I have not seen the nook really22:52
antman8969lcuk, what did you think about grid?22:53
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lcukantman8969, not sure been preoccupied with meego bugs22:54
lcuki am just curious about making it easier to use meego on different devices22:54
lcukand since many have android already22:54
lcukit would make things simpler22:54
CosmoHillmy dad got the Sony Arc today22:55
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Bostikthe biggest issue is having matching softfp/hardfp userland for the kernel drivers - most android devices apparently ship softfp drivers so it needs a custom build22:57
lcukdo device drivers generally have floating point functions?22:58
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Bostikthe GL/GPU ones seem to sport them...23:02
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lcukperhaps yeah23:02
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* CosmoHill is debugging his model railway23:31
CosmoHillcan't be that hard, it's a circle. Having said that I am using a DMM23:32
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gabrbeddCosmoHill: solving race conditions can be tricky.23:39
CosmoHilltell me about it, I had two HSTs on with different loads and I couldn't get them to go the same speed23:39
lcukCosmoHill, share the load23:40
CosmoHillkept changing the loads and all I did was change which one went faster23:40
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lcukCosmoHill, how is lfs doing?23:47
CosmoHillLFS seems to be going alright, a few new comers this month and one big argument about windows or microsoft or something23:48
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CosmoHillI duno but I kicked like 5 people including regulars and ops23:48
CosmoHillLinux From Scratch (or Cross LFS which I work on)23:48
CosmoHilllcuk: we're (I'm) slowly getting towards the release of CLFS 1.2 we just need to test / do a build on each arch23:49
CosmoHillIf anyone has an questions about CLFS / LFS and don't like to go off topic you can ask me in #cross-lfs23:50
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htmltell me what is  it?23:51
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CosmoHillCLFS / LFS are books / guides for the purpose of teaching you how a linux distrocution is created and how the packages work with each other23:51
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CosmoHillby follow the book you will end up with a basic linux distrobution23:52
lcuki should read more linuxy books23:52
lcukis there a meego one?23:52
CosmoHillI believe the motto is "your distro, your rules"23:52
CosmoHill("stfu and do as I say" is another one used by moderators)23:53
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CosmoHilllcuk: with a decent system / ability to read english / follow instructions you could do LFS within a day23:54
lcukI have grasped much of how linux sits together now after last couple of years23:54
lcukbut it is still non trivial no matter which distro to get started23:55
gastalCosmoHill: does LFS covers X and DEs?23:55
CosmoHillI actually joined #meego to learn more about linux since my level is pretty much low end core. I know little about fancy packages and GUIs23:55
lcukespecially coming from windows side23:55
CosmoHillthere is a Beyond book which covers pretty much everything else23:55
CosmoHillCBLFS is a wiki which can be updated where as BLFS is an outdated book imo23:55
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CosmoHilllcuk: some say it's like the next step after gentoo23:58
lcuki have to vanish, there is chocolate somewhere in this house23:58
lcukCosmoHill, i sometimes feel like I could do gentoo easily now!23:59
CosmoHillI became a CLFS developer within a year of starting LFS and now I'm the release manager23:59

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