IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2011-07-21

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berndhshmm virtual keyboard appears automatically, smooth00:02
berndhsand then I don't know how to close it :)00:02
djszapi_easy, click out of it00:03
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djszapi_report a bug ?00:04
berndhsperhaps, I'll play with it for a while first00:04
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berndhsit goes away when switching out the application and back into it00:05
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gabrbeddberndhs: Drag from the top of the VKB widget all the way down.00:10
gabrbeddberndhs: Needs to be a smooth, but brisk motion.00:11
gabrbeddberndhs: if you're too slow, it'll ignore you.00:11
berndhsah yes that works00:12
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rncbchi all00:55
rncbcanyone knows how to remove folder from favorites on the n950 mail client app?00:57
thiagoselect a folder, tap the folder selection icon on the bottom left, scroll to the folder and un-star the folder00:59
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rncbcthiago: i fail to find the "folder selection icon" :( ... after selecting a folder there are only these icons, from left to right: "<-", "+", "yin-yan-arrows for refresh" and "3-horizontal lines"01:04
thiagoit should be second icon, between <- and +01:05
thiagounless they changed since I last had access to a Harmattan build01:05
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rncbcthiago: so theres none between <- and +01:06
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rncbcthiago: thanks anyway01:07
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M4rtinK2hi :)01:14
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M4rtinK2is there some documentation to the harmattan and fremantle targets on the community OBS ?01:15
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lcukM4rtinK2, the harmattan build systems are being routed and plumbed in as we speak01:23
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M4rtinK2lcuk: nice ! so I'll just wait a little bit :)01:29
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M4rtinK2I'll have to port quite a few packages for my projects (espeak,cairo, etc.) and I would really like to do it "properly" through OBS from the start without fiddling with the SDK too much :)01:31
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berndhsmaking a triple boot system, wish me luck :)01:53
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Cosmo[PB]berndhs: what did you do to the router this time?01:55
Cosmo[PB]and why am I covered in peanut butter01:55
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berndhsmy router only does ipv6, it's not responsible for these splits :)01:56
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CosmoHillmine only does various degrees of crapyness01:58
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TSCHAKeee <-- the new orbiter prototype coming up for the very first time on the n95002:32
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CosmoHill2 views, woot02:34
berndhsyou're pressing too hard, gonna break the thing02:34
CosmoHillthat's what she said02:35
TSCHAKeeeno, it's actually a case of me not used to a capacitive screen02:35
CosmoHillor of them02:35
TSCHAKeeeam using my fingernail subconsciously02:35
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vgradeTSCHAKeee, nice. QML Orbiter on N95003:32
TSCHAKeeeyup it's a start03:32
TSCHAKeeewe're slowly building a bridge between Qt and the STL code03:32
TSCHAKeeeand then we can actually start doing UI03:32
TSCHAKeeeand no, the final UI will be completely different03:33
TSCHAKeeewe seriously want to go WAY OUTSIDE THE BOX03:33
vgradelets hope Aegis will allow it03:34
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gabrbeddAnybody know of a VM that can emulate a Core2 (or Atom) from a Core Duo?03:38
TSCHAKeeevgrade: Aegis?03:41
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MohammadAGSecurity framework03:41
TSCHAKeeehow the hell can I test Aegis appeasement ahead of time?03:43
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TSCHAKeeevgrade: also, I've been deploying my app out of QtCreator, which is making an aegis okay package, so I think I'm okay for now03:48
TSCHAKeeeI didn't relax the exec privileges03:48
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wmaronewow, looks like aegis is proving to be as end-user hostile as I expected05:25
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MaxwellsDemoncould someone direct me at which meego download would be most appropriate for an asus eee slate tablet? (i5 cpu)07:36
MaxwellsDemonshould i be looking oaktrail or pinetrail?07:36
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MaxwellsDemonwait, those are intel cpu codenames arent they?07:36
MaxwellsDemonso pinetrail it is07:37
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_|Nix|_Hi! How do I take a screenshot on a MeeGo tablet?08:21
_|Nix|_K, nm ... found gimp ...08:22
Bostikyou can install gstreamer-tools and use gst-launch for that - the command is: gst-launch-0.10 ximagesrc num-buffers=1 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! pngenc ! filesink location=screenshot.png08:26
Bostikgimp is rather.. heavy for a screengrab tool08:26
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meivigstreamer bad is  being bad to me09:46
meividid they just update something?09:48
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meiviquestion, how do i update gstreamer?09:54
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mcfriskGood morning10:28
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mcfriskanother question to start the day: what creates these nice reports at
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Stskeepsnot sure, maybe it's on meego.gitorious10:29
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MSM1Im sure cupcakes will help
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wazdhi all10:52
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arfollvgrade, good work on twimgo - i'm getting dpkg -i failures though11:47
vgradearfoll, if your using the OBS version there are dependency issues11:48
vgradesec while I link a working (for other people) version11:48
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arfollvgrade, ok cheers11:49
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bkalingais there any way to get rid of tablet's time out lock screen or increase the time out?11:50
arfollvgrade, maybe i'm being stupid but i get this :11:52
vgradetry browsing to that link on the device11:54
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vgradelbt, X-Fade, I've been having issues with builds freezing and packages not being published are you still working on the OBS upgrade?11:57
arfollvgrade, looks more promising i got a click to confirm but app doesn't come up on home screen - how slow is it normally?11:57
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lbtthere is still a publish problem - I don't have time to look at it until late tonight.11:58
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vgradelbt no probs,12:00
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kdlijianso many devs here...12:02
lcukmorning \o12:02
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timophbkalinga: disable the screen saver from settings->general12:07
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bkalinga timoph: dont see settings->general , im using MeeGo 1.2 tablet on QEMU12:09
timophI'm running 1.2.0.something12:10
timophthen I don't know12:10
bkalingaU see general near to which category?12:10
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timophthe setting thing has evolved quite a bit since 1.212:11
bkalingaok .. i see all but general12:11
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timophiirc there was no tablet release for 1.2 - I'd suggest trying some recent build12:12
Stskeepsthere's a new alpha one actually12:13
Stskeepscheck meego-releases@12:13
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odin_28mins from touchdown, NASA TV12:29
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RST38hvasvlad: Hey, it has been definitely determined that OMWeather desktop applet does somethign unhealthy with file descriptors =)12:43
RST38hvasvlad: Remember that bug report where OMWeather prevented Media Player applet from starting playback? Still there.12:43
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M4rtinK2Altantis touchdown :)12:59
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rzrhi can you suggest me some image to install to ideapad tablet  ?13:20
lcukrzr the tablet image is available13:24
lcukbut folks at the meego conf in Dublin had netbook build installed13:24
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lcukit depends on what you want13:24
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matrixxanyone tried inserting coordinates to maps on N950?13:25
matrixxI havent' find any reliable format to insert the coordinates, so that they wouldn't be interpreted as an address or something else13:26
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matrixxmaps on N8 I used to use, HHH MM.MMM N/S HHH MM.MMM E/W, and it always picks the result right13:28
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matrixxno the search is acting too smart for me >:(13:28
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lcukmatrixx, file a bug on the harmattan bug tracker13:44
lcukalterego, would your gps app accept coordinates13:44
lcukdo you happen to know what format they should be entered in to help13:45
alteregoCurrently only floating point lat/lon values are supported.13:47
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matrixxlcuk: oh right, that's what I suspected, I'll file a bug13:51
matrixxjust tried to insert floating point lat/long and got the "eternal spinner"13:53
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vgradearfoll, any luck14:04
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lcukruskie, the video you just showed is indeed one of the nicest things seen for a while14:10
lcukit would be nice to use the swipe gesture to go between the panels14:10
lcuk<ruskie> <-- this actually looks interesting for the ux14:10
lcuk(for completeness)14:10
lcukruskie, from prototype use it is feasible to consider14:10
ruskiefor a tablet it would certainly be better14:11
lcukwhether or not the ux would run happily on n900 I am not so sure about14:11
Hurrianlcuk, pixel density, tiny text and all that14:11
ruskiewell that ux more comes in line with the large screen tablets I think14:11
Hurrianthe Intel Tablet UX though looks great on the N90014:12
lcukHurrian, indeed it does14:12
lcukbut the intel panels and panning mechanism is a bit odd14:12
lcukmaking the panels whole width and using swipe gesture would improve it greatly14:13
Hurrianpages of panels14:13
lcukwhich just about makes it like that video shown14:13
ruskie <-- basically use something like this on the n900/handsets and the other one on tablets14:13
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ruskiethough I kinda think that the other one could be usable on all with some work14:14
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lcukwe want more than usable!14:15
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ruskiewell for shinny you need to come up with a better paradigm on managing things14:16
Hurrianwhat the f***? running on an Atom, and the gallery app is still not smooth14:16
lcukruskie, I have a paradigm14:16
lcukthat is the dashboard14:16
lcukonce you zoom into any of those14:16
lcukyou can swipe gesture pan between each of them14:17
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lcukeach is fullscreen14:17
Hurrianuh, a lot like Harmattan14:17
ruskiethings that should be in the UX... a close button14:17
lcukHurrian, a long time before harmattan ;)14:18
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lcukHurrian, also harmattan has only 3 panels in swipe.  I like being able to pan around all apps :)14:19
ruskieI should try to come up with a paradigm as well sometime14:19
lcukclose buttons are overrated if the apps are just there14:19
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ruskieI want to be able to quit any app I want without needing some elaborate hacks14:20
ruskieand there should probably be one paradigm for each screen ratio14:21
lcuknahh it works in portrait too :P14:21
ruskie16:10/9 could have most of the controls on left/right(user controlled) or top/bottom(if in portrait)14:21
lcukruskie, n950 camera has best14:22
lcukthe icons just rotate when you rotate device14:22
lcukso they stay in same place14:22
lcukbut are usable whichever orientation14:22
* lcuk tried to explain this years ago14:22
ruskiewhile 4:3 would probably put more emphasis on corners14:22
timophlcuk: yeah. that really is a good design. /me likes14:23
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lcuktimoph, ruskie
ruskiethat might be a bit of an overkill14:25
ruskiebut yeah icons should rotate14:26
MohammadAGdidn't mozilla do that for macbooks?14:26
ruskiethough for the most just standard 0, 90, 180, 270 would work14:26
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lcukruskie, the principle is right and yeah it is quite OTT since battern would not last doing that for everything14:27
lcukthat is how the camera app in n950 works14:27
leinirHehe, i'd want to be able to turn such functionality off... nothing more annoying than laying in bed and be forced to lie on your back to be able to see things without turning them on the side ;)14:27
MohammadAGlcuk, ^14:27
lcukleinir, agreed14:27
leinir(no heuristic can fix that, mind, so simply need a manual lock for such things)14:27
lcukhaha MohammadAG :D14:28
lcukleinir, facial recognition and orientation based on you would work14:29
ruskiefrankly my own concept would have active user settable corners(global and per/app) you could set that to have the app toolbar/wm toolbar always shown in some direction coming from some corner or even hidden unless you hit the corner and pull it out14:29
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leinirlcuk: hmm... yes, i guess that'd actually make sense :) Potentially a touch expensive to keep doing face tracking, but... yeah :)14:29
berndhsleinir: lcuk: and then you have 2 people looking at it...14:30
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ruskieand yeah the icons should rotate but in the fixed14:30
MohammadAGside sensors might work slightly better (battery wise)14:30
lcukberndhs, then a dialog box comes up "BUY ANOTHER NOKIA DEVICE"14:30
MohammadAGyou hold the device differently when you're in bed for example14:31
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MohammadAGif the 4 sides of the device are sensitive, you can detect that easily14:31
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lcukhow much are N8s nowadays?14:31
leinirberndhs: you can measure whose face is most in view, and focus on orientation of that ;)14:31
lcukI think I have to get tracy a pink one14:31
berndhsleinir: or you mark the owner with an RFID14:32
leinirlcuk: around 300 or so :)14:32
leinirberndhs: *nods* everybody should just run about with a 2D barcode on their forehead ;)14:32
leinir(gbp, of course)14:32
ruskieberndhs, that wouldn't be such a bad idea security-wise... as soon as device is far away from tag... lock it up14:32
berndhssure it would simplify lots of things14:33
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jonwilhi all15:31
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lcukhi jonwil15:33
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lcukStskeeps, do you know the status of the n950-ce builds?16:01
Stskeepswe're working on moslo side at the moment16:02
lcukas in, can they be flashed16:02
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fiferboylbt: Have you been bugged enough today? :)16:02
lcukis that work on the public obs?16:02
Stskeepslcuk: no16:02
Stskeepslcuk: can't be for various reasons16:03
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lcukthat is a shame16:04
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lcukStskeeps, are the n950 images on the site not bootable then?16:09
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lcukor is the bootable part the moslo thing?16:10
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Damion3when you say n950 images...16:10
Damion3oh sorry, one of them does have n950!16:10
Myrttioh man16:12
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lcukMyrtti, \o16:13
* Myrtti grabs a pint and cries softly on lcuk's shoulder16:13
lcukwassup Myrtti ?16:13
* lcuk gets a pint too16:14
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vgradefiferboy, lbt is busy today. He said he may get chance to look at the repo publising bug late tonight16:17
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fiferboyvgrade: Cool, thanks16:17
fiferboyI figured he would be busy16:17
vgradelbt, if you need anyone to test things there are a number of us willing to help16:17
lcukfiferboy, vgrade - is there anything we can do to try diagnose problem16:18
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lcukto help simplify it for david16:18
lcukie, do we know if publishing does not work for anyone16:18
lcukor specific project type etc16:18
fiferboylcuk: I have heard that it is not just Harmattan repos that are not publishing, but I haven't experienced that16:19
Stskeepsyeah, i have a repo that isn't16:19
fiferboyI rebuilt my project for Harmattan and MeeGo and only the Harmattan refused to publish for me16:19
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vgradeits both MeeGo trunk and HArmatttan16:19
vgradefor me16:20
vgradethere have also been stuck builds reported with rc timout messages reported16:20
fiferboyYeah, it looks like my MeeGo packages didn't complain about publishing but the packages in the repo haven't been refreshed (could be build versions didn't change though)16:20
berndhsI tried 2 packages, they both say they have published but haven't16:21
lcukok, to try and follow the flow here16:21
vgradeyes, I get all the signs from the GUI that things have completed fine and the new versions are referenced from the GUI just not copied to the repo16:22
lcukcan we try to walk one project16:22
lcukincluding links to the project pages and where they would expect to be published to16:22
lcukso that at a glance we could run through the link pages and say "this is here, this is here, this is not here but expected to be"16:23
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berndhslet me get the links16:23
berndhsthere it says it has version in the repo16:24
arfollall my repos haven't been publishing for a few days now :-(, not just harmattan16:24
berndhsthat's the repo, which still has the previous version only16:24
arfollyou can download updated versions through the api using osc or using the webinterface16:24
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vgradeqgil hi16:29
qgilhi vgrade16:29
thiagoqgil: morning16:29
qgilhi there thiago - glad to follow you in G+  ;)16:30
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* thiago already spends far too much time on it16:31
Stskeepsis it more addictive than IRC?16:31
Damion3people like G+ yeah?16:31
thiagoStskeeps: IRC is work for me16:31
thiagothe only time I'm not online is when the computer is suspended16:31
qgilbtw any Chess lovers willing to practice some Qt & Quick skills for a MeeGo mobile app focusing on handset?16:31
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thiagoStskeeps: can't find you there... want me to invite you?16:32
vgradeqgil, there has been much talk on #harmattan about where all the new exiting N950 apps should be pushed to, have you been following?16:32
Stskeepsthiago: i'm still contemplating if i want to join, i have a couple of invites16:33
qgiloh, I wasn't aware of a #harmattan channel vgrade - anyway, the place to discuss this is
thiagoStskeeps: ok, then you have one more now16:34
w00twb, qgil16:35
w00tgood holidays i hope :)16:35
qgilw00t: it was a week in Zeeland playing with the kids, the tide and the rain - connecting only to check the weather updates  ;)16:36
w00talways good16:36
lbtfiferboy: vgrade ... it's not testing... there is just something wrong with the OBS rsync setup16:36
gabrbeddhi, all!16:37
lbtit isn't well documented and we hacked it to make it work for us last year ... when we upgraded something broke16:37
Damion3I probably have unlimited invites16:37
vgradelbt, thanks for the update16:38
lbtbut it appears I am behind... X-Fade fixed it .... cheers Niels!16:38
* lbt thinkgs and would collapse without X-Fade16:38
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vgradeX-Fade, lbt, what do we need to do now.  Trigger rebuilds?16:39
qgillbt: precisely these days I was thinking that X-Fade and Soumya are the two most unsung heroes I have the pleasure to work with16:40
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fiferboylbt, X-Fade: My repo is publishing now, thanks!16:41
arfollosc rebuild --all FTW16:41
lbtqgil: absolutely16:41
lcuk++ qgil16:41
lbthey gabrbedd16:41
* lbt needs more "met in RL in SF" flags16:42
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* Myrtti gives lbt a few stickerbooks16:43
Myrttino, wait16:43
Myrttiwe're emptying mums house and I found a huge bag of floppy disc stickers. You can use them ^____^16:43
* Myrtti gives to lbt.16:44
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* lbt starts sticking them to the irc log16:44
lbtMyrtti: got any scrolly ones?16:44
lcuklbt, most irc clients have  keyword highlight, use it to include nicknames of people16:46
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gabrbeddlbt: \o.16:47
* lbt wants a little mouseover with photos and notes....16:47
lcukmouse over? :P16:47
lcukyou mean finger press :P16:47
* lbt means gaze-driven16:47
lbtwith subliminal "W(ho)TF" triggering16:48
lbtanyhow ... I shouldn't be chatting ... too much to do,,,16:49
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gabrbeddlcuk: lbt:
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lcukhaha gabrbedd17:01
lcukthat is awesome17:01
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lcukgabrbedd, the facial tracking is very nice17:04
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rcgping lbt X-Fade17:24
lcukrcg, please say what you want them for, they are extremely busy wrangling obs at the moment17:26
rcglcuk: oh right.. thanks17:27
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rcg^ i'd like to apply for an account17:28
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rcgmy account is "wonko"17:29
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lcukrcg, cool - now, what do you plan on doing with your account17:30
lcukand you have read I gather since you are here asking17:31
rcglcuk: thanks :)17:32
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rcgbasically i am porting some of my Fremantle stuff to Harmattan + i am currently developing a new application for securely storing passwords and the like for Harmattan17:33
thiagorcg: Harmattan has a secure storage. See aegis.17:33
rcgmy old applications are e.g.: vumeter, stultitiasimplex, Zeecontrol see:
rcgthiago: yeah, my application also uses aegis.. though (either because i didn't get the concept right or am paranoid) i encrypt the data stored in the aegis store once more using a user supplied secret17:35
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rcgthiago: according to you need a resource token to access the aegis storage vfs.. this token must be owned by the application.. currently the only thing i managed to get this "token" was to request an application via the aegis manifest and then use the application id to authenticate with the storage17:39
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rcgin my point of view, having the storage only "secured" by something such as the application id is kinda suboptimal.. hence, the additional layer of encryption via a user supplied secret (password) using
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rcgbtw. of course all my applications are open source ;)17:46
tomeurcg: are you using gnome-keyring-daemon? I think it's part of meego core17:47
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rcgtomeu: no, just some password entered by the user and then use symmetric encription.. but thanks for the pointer17:48
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tomeuI have no idea how it relates with aegis, though17:49
SpeedEvilrcg: NFC may add shiny17:49
SpeedEvilDepending on how easy to use and open the NFC stuff is17:49
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rcgSpeedEvil: for authentication?17:50
rcghmm.. sounds cool indeed17:51
SpeedEvilFor example - tap phone to a ring or something with an ID17:51
rcgthough, i dunno how complex that stuff will be ;)17:51
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DocScrutinizer  your private security dongle17:52
rcgcurrently i am still working on getting the basics working ;)17:52
SpeedEvilIdeally you'd want a ring that lost key when you removed it17:53
rcgso far one can store, edit, view, and delete entries.. the encryption stuff also works.. though i'd have to double check this once more to see if there are possible flaws in there17:54
DocScrutinizerSpeedEvil: usually you use the dongle for storing the passphrase to a key stored on the phone. So you are free to reconfigure that key to have a different passphrase any time (given you have the master key :-D )17:55
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rcgDocScrutinizer: thanks for that link17:59
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lbtrcg: did you ping me?18:05
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rcglbt: yes18:08
* Myrtti points in backlog18:08
DawnFosterlbt: are we having any mailing list issues?18:08
lbtMyrtti, rcg I rebooted - missed backlog18:08
rcgi'd like to apply for an account... my account is "wonko"18:08
Myrttiso I see18:09
DawnFosterlbt: I'm subscribed to all of them (except commits) and only got 6 messages18:09
rcgbasically i am porting some of my Fremantle stuff to Harmattan + i am currently developing a new application for securely storing passwords and the like for Harmattan18:09
rcgmy old applications are e.g.: vumeter, stultitiasimplex, Zeecontrol see:
* Myrtti needs to go clean her glasses again18:09
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DawnFosterlbt: maybe everyone is on holiday, but that's highly unusual18:09
lbtrcg: sure18:09
lbthave fun18:09
StskeepsDawnFoster: something's shady with archives on at least, meego-commits doesn't have anything since 16th18:09
rcglbt: great, thanks :)18:09
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DawnFosterStskeeps: that's not good18:10
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DawnFostermust have been some issues with the migration18:10
Stskeepsbut meego-dev has from 20th18:10
* lbt wasn't involved.18:10
Stskeeps(and latest, i think)18:10
DawnFosterlbt: can you escalate to the rest of the IT team and investigage18:10
StskeepsDawnFoster: i can't recall, did i give you irc stats for this month or not?18:11
Stskeepser, for june18:11
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DawnFosterStskeeps: oooh, good point. I don't think so18:12
DawnFosterand I'm working on those today18:12
Stskeepsok, that goes on my todo then18:12
Stskeepsok, my 'now' todo then..18:12
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lbtDawnFoster: I'm getting commit messages18:13
DawnFosterlbt: but they aren't being archived
lbtOK .. so just checking lists vs web-archive :)18:14
lbtyep ... mails in handet, packaging, releases, kernel, qa, ivi  since yesterday18:15
lbtDawnFoster: Niels and mike are looking at it18:16
DawnFosterStskeeps / lbt: Thanks!18:18
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* Stskeeps goes back to reading about rdf18:18
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Stskeepshm, new meego product:
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thiagolet's see...18:20
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leinirmmm, classic endadget comments as well...18:21
leinirranging everywhere from stupid to just plain uninformed ;)18:22
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Stskeepsuninformed opinions on the internet? impossible!18:22
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leinir*giggles* :)18:24
leinirThe comments on there are generally quite funny, even though they do have a nasty tendency to make me loose faith in humanity ;)18:24
Stskeepstry reading at times then18:25
leinir*giggles* Oh, i know, they're everywhere :)18:26
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CosmoHillselect "title"19:02
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lcukCosmoHill, :D19:04
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berndhsthey should allow combinations19:05
CosmoHillthey do19:05
berndhsRear Admiral Prof Dr19:05
CosmoHillscroll down further19:05
CosmoHillthat almost sounds like a youth-a-miz-ium19:05
CosmoHill(phonetic spelling ftw)19:06
gabrbeddCosmoHill: :-)19:06
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albancstormer, I can setup a proxy in pacrunner with this python script: <> and then telepathy-gabble will attempt to use the specified proxy. But the config with the proxy is alive only while the python script is running (that is 10 seconds, there is a sleep(10))... pacrunner checks when the configurator leaves the bus and unregisters the config19:45
albancstormer, do you know what is the intent of that?19:46
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stormeralbanc: sorry for the delay19:57
stormeralbanc: the runner is suppose to be setup by the network deamon, ConnMan or NetworkManager (the session isntance)19:58
stormerthis way, the proxy is automatically disabled when you logout19:58
stormerI think the goal was to get rid of gnome proxy setting UI and merge this into network seettings UI19:59
stormerIt's also possible for network manager or connman to setup system whide proxy, in which case the system deamon would push the settings, this one nevers quit I guess20:00
albancstormer, you said the goal was to merge this into network panel... is it mentioned somewhere in some mailing list or spec?20:03
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stormeralbanc: got that fro speaking to Hotsman on IRC20:04
albancstormer, /usr/libexec/carrick-connection-panel always run... and it has a connection to the session bus & GConf... that may be the easier solution20:04
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stormeralbanc: don't connman has a plugin mechanism ? e.g. NetworkManager20:05
* stormer have no idea what is carrick-connection-panel20:05
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albanccarrick-connection-panel is the panel displayed when I click on the network icon on the top right of the screen (the icon with the wifi in my case)20:06
albancI can connect on a specific wifi network, enable/disable bluetooth, go offline from this panel20:06
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albancI don't know about connman plugin mechanism20:07
stormerah! so yes, it's most-likely a good place to setup PacRunner, it's much simpler, especially that for now I guess it's fine to limit this to session, and keep it connection independant20:07
albancFirst step could be to listen to GConf changes (from gnome-control-panel) and push them to pacrunner20:08
stormerbut maybe it would be nice for next version to suggest some "per-connection" proxy settings, I was thinking or some proxy profiles that you could auto-magically enable on certain network20:08
albancthat would be nice yes20:09
stormerthat seems like a good idea20:09
stormerI think all this has been in so bad shape that making it work and enhancing it later is the best we can do20:09
albancsecond step, if we add UI bits in carrick-connection-panel, we don't need the proxy config from gnome-control-panel anymore... but keeping the GConf storage is good, at least for chromium20:10
stormeralbanc: right, unles they move to gnome 3 gsettings stuff, which is a little different (but not that much020:11
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stormerbut in the future, we might want to simply patch chromium to use libproxy20:12
stormerthis way we make our stuff storage independant, thus better in cross DE20:13
albancI heard rgs likes patching chromium20:14
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albancrgs_, we were talking about proxies in MeeGo... gnome-control-center has UI to set the proxy, it stores it in GConf, and chromium reads the GConf settings directly. Other applications use libproxy. My patches attached on #10025  let glib-networking use libproxy correctly.20:17
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albancrgs_, on MeeGo, it's not libproxy but something with the same API/ABI (pacrunner) and it does not read the GConf settings written by gnome-control-center, so it does not work20:18
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albancrgs_, stormer and I were discussing about making the MeeGo network panel listen for GConf changes and push those changes into pacrunner, so proxies would work in every application using libproxy (e.g. telepathy-gabble)20:19
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stormerAnd Soup20:22
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albancstormer, ohhh Soup for Facebook?20:25
stormerYes, there a bug that says proxy does not work for Facebook plugin using Soup20:25
albancso if applications using libproxy work, Facebook will magically work again :)20:25
stormerAnd stuff like HTTP live streaming, or any HTTP video in gstreamer uses soup20:26
albancthat would be good20:26
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albancstormer, is there any open bug about HTTP live streaming with proxies?20:31
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stormeralbanc: I don't think so, let's say HTTP streaming and gstreamer is not super ready yet20:44
stormerAlso, HTTP streaming (video tags) in browsers use the browser HTTP stack as it sometimes requires cookies20:44
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berndhsah but the replacement allows for unauthorized names, which the original doesn't :)20:57
* CosmoHill points to line 15,321 default: echo $name;20:59
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berndhsyes but that cleverly marks the unauthorized name as starting with lower case if the intruder doesn't know about this security scheme21:01
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fiferboylbt, X-Fade: Looks like OBS publishing is on the fritz again?22:43
berndhsagain or still ?22:44
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fiferboyberndhs: It was working earlier today22:44
berndhsmaybe it was selective :)22:44
* lbt still working ... l8r :)22:51
fiferboylbt: Thanks!22:51
fiferboyJust wanted to make sure you were aware :)22:51
lbtOK - FYI it only publishes when everything in a project finishes building22:52
fiferboyYeah, all the builds went to "succeeded" but didn't publish22:52
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berndhsah that explains something22:54
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lcukoff topic, do you use .net to develop for windows phone?23:56
MeeGoExpertsYou have been warned before23:57
MeeGoExpertsI love shouting in Caps23:57
ReffyI thought objective c could be used too?23:58
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ReffyMaybe C#23:59
rzrmono :)23:59
ReffyCan't find much about it23:59

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