IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2011-07-02

rzrhi any amiga maniacs around ?00:00
bash`Stskeeps|holiday: how from meego?00:00
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bash`Stskeeps|holiday: the wifi is already off00:00
Stskeeps|holidaybash`: ah.. emmc install?00:00
CosmoHillGoodwood festival of speed00:00
nialarzr, yes but 20year ago lol00:00
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bash`Stskeeps|holiday: yes00:00
rzrniala: i am trying to package a bleeding edge version of uae :)00:01
Stskeeps|holidaybash`: on a device without woking usb?00:01
berndhsdoes anyone know what's holding up mic2 on fedora?00:01
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bash`Stskeeps|holiday: no no usb is working00:01
bash`but I don't know why meego isn't charging anymore00:01
bash`it was charging, but I used the wifi a bit and then battery went low00:02
nialaStskeeps|holiday, me usb broken. You now if I can play with meego with no usbcable?00:02
Stskeeps|holidaybash`: may just be a bug, but in those cases i would boot into maemo00:02
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Stskeeps|holidayniala: i would say dont00:02
bash`I guess I cannot flash maemo with a low battery :(00:02
nialasad :(00:02
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Stskeeps|holidaybash`: get a nokia charger, it can push 500mA in00:03
bash`niala: AFAIK you need either usbnet or mass storage to install meego on emmc00:03
bash`Stskeeps|holiday: yes, the problem is 11pm here :)00:03
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Stskeeps|holidaybash`: reboot meego, start device, let it boot a bit, insert charger00:04
Stskeeps|holidaygtg again00:05
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bash`bye, thanks00:05
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Myrttinow that I'd finally have time to blog about the MeeGo conference, I can barely remember my own name00:28
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Myrttiyeah, I'm not sure if it's funny tho00:38
MyrttiI guess it is00:38
Myrttiin it's own way00:38
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alteregoLook at all the pics again, maybe some of the videos sessions etc00:40
alteregoJot down some notes and I'm sure it'll all come flooding back00:40
aslanihmm.. I know this might be a long shot, but I received a N950 this wednesday and suddenly it "stopped working"00:42
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aslaniI was changing sim card on the device and powered it down00:42
aslaniand it started looping the powering on vibration00:43
aslaniand never booted the harmattan00:43
SpeedEvilPressing and holding the poweroff button for 8s should turn it off.00:43
aslani8 seconds? I'll try it now00:44
SpeedEvilNot got one - this is generic advice - what happens if you plug it into a linux box - can you flash it?00:44
SpeedEvilYou should recharge it first before trying anything.00:44
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aslanihmm well, the battery ran out at some point, so when I recharge it, it just keeps on looping powering on vibration00:45
aslanibut let's try the 8 seconds first00:46
SpeedEvilIf it's actually got to the point where it's shutting down - that's unlikely to help.00:47
SpeedEvilWorth a shot though.00:47
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aslaniyeah, that what I thought as wll00:47
SpeedEvilI'd next wonder if it'll flash.00:47
aslaniI'll need to try that, but probably not :(00:48
SpeedEvilYou just turned it off - swapped SIM - and it never came back?00:48
aslaniand you know00:48
DocScrutinizerwhen you reached a bootlooping state then your only chance is to alien recharge or get a fresh battery00:48
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aslanithing is, that it kind of sucks because "no warranty" policy00:48
SpeedEvilCharge battery, yes - but that's going to be awkward.00:48
SpeedEvilWhere'd you get it - Helsinki meetup?00:49
Elleohave you tried removing the SIM that you swapped in to it?00:49
aslaniin there, yeah00:49
DocScrutinizerduh, wait, this is N950?!00:49
aslaniI did00:49
DocScrutinizersorry, no idea about N95000:49
SpeedEvilThis is speculation, based on it being similar to the n900, which seems likely.00:49
aslaniheh, no problem00:49
DocScrutinizeriirc there's a --charge command option on flasher for 95000:50
aslaniwell, I was thinking of opening the backside and removing the battery00:50
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DocScrutinizeraslani: yeah, take out the SIM, we witnessed cases where contacts on SIM made relevant parts of the cmt stack segfault00:52
SpeedEvilOn OM?00:52
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DocScrutinizerno, on #maemo00:52
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aslaniDocScrutinizer: thanks, It's removed already, but maybe I'll  blow some air into sim slot?00:52
DocScrutinizerthat won't probably change anything00:53
* SpeedEvil idly wonders on ESD.00:53
DocScrutinizercheck flasher, it has a charging function00:53
DocScrutinizerbootlooping won't charge battery00:54
aslanithanks, I'll try that00:54
aslanihmm... any links to the flasher? heh.00:54
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DocScrutinizernah, sorry. It's inside the image for n95000:56
aslaniyeah it is00:56
DocScrutinizercan't find the link00:56
aslaniwell, no worries00:56
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aslaniI'll probably try to boot it without battery and see what happens00:57
DocScrutinizernothing will happen00:57
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DocScrutinizerit will not boot00:57
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* SpeedEvil ponders offering a n950 repair service.00:58
DocScrutinizerit needs a kickstart push from battery to startup the hw, even while charger hooked up00:58
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DocScrutinizerwhen battery is depleted too much, you can't boot it anymore afaik00:59
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aslaniok, well that's at least somewhat usefull information01:00
aslaniI thought that my battery was about full when this happened, but you never know01:00
pabs3is there any trick to get it to charge, like there was on the FR?01:00
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aslaniupdate on the situation: I just plugged it in to my desktop and charge light turned on, but it did no bootloop01:07
aslaniI'll leave it there for 5 hours and see if that makes any difference01:07
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bash`aslani: I'm in the same situation :)01:20
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bash`nice to hear a desktop could "fix" it01:20
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migue83sorry my english is bad , is first time i install meego01:22
migue83how i can install virtualbox inside meego?01:22
aslanibash`: what did you do?01:22
CosmoHillmigue83: I'm pretty sure you can't01:22
bash`aslani: I've a n900 with meego in the eMMC01:22
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aslanitoo bad, that n900 is a bit easier device to work on.01:23
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bash`aslani: do you know if something like this could charge it?
aslanilet's see01:24
migue83all perfect with meego only some software i need used with windows and i try know if i can install virtualbox or vmware01:24
bash`I don't want to buy a wall charger (I already have one, not here right now), tomorrow I'll buy something like that and see if that works01:25
aslaniI'm not really sure if this really outputs more power via USB than my USB2 desktop machine? But I have seen similiar devices being used tho01:25
aslaniI was just thinking about that01:25
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kallamHave anyone installed neetbook 1.2 with Finnish language?01:37
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aslanianother update to my situtation: flasher seems to be charging my N950 now, it did not work on my osX for some reason, but in win7 works fine03:25
aslaniI'll let you know what happens when it's finished03:25
jykaeuse gnu/linux03:32
aslaniwell, I would but I got 0 native installations right now :)03:34
aslanionly VMs03:34
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aslaniFinal update: flashing the device did work. It took a bit less than a hour04:02
aslaninow I just need to reinput all of my settings etc... :(04:03
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Elleomy first harmattan app mostly works :)
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MSMDada weatherman <304:06
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amjad_teleca ppl here??10:08
tzorvasis there any page with packages available for meego?10:11
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dm8tbrtzorvas: obs and cobs10:15
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tzorvasdm8tbr: thanks :)10:17
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tzorvashm... libreoffice is 31/35 broken :/10:22
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bash`aslani: 'morning...then you charged it with the flasher?!10:39
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dm8tbrbash`: yes, flasher has an option to force charge the device to 10%, this is needed e.g. for flashing10:45
bash`dm8tbr: 2.5.2 has that too?10:46
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dm8tbrbash`afk: no idea, try and find out...11:12
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jonwilanyone here know anything about the meego rescue initrd?11:26
jonwilI am using it on a N90011:26
jonwiland I cant type any of the symbols (i.e. the blue symbol button doesnt work)11:26
jonwilso no - or /11:26
jonwilwhich makes it hard to use :(11:27
alteregoAre you holding it down?11:27
alteregoholding blue key then pressing say 511:27
jonwilI am holding down the arrow key then pressing the F11:27
alteregoWell, I doubt the keyboard is mapped proberly.11:28
alteregoYou could jus ti11:28
jonwiljust what?11:28
alteregoinstall meego cd on a micro sd?11:28
alteregoce ..11:28
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jonwilI am booting in the recovery console since my main flash filesystem wont boot11:28
jonwilif I can get characters to type, I can fix that problem11:28
alteregoSure, flash uboot and use meego ce to rescue11:29
jonwilhow can I flash meegoce to a microsd without a working system?11:29
alteregoYou'll get fully working terminal and keyboard.11:29
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alteregojonwil: fair point11:29
alteregoYou don't have an adapter?11:29
alteregoanyway to access the card outside of the N90011:30
jonwilI have another phone that can read microsd as a mass storage device11:30
jonwilold motorola11:30
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dm8tbryou could write out the image to musd and then jumpstart the kernel from flasher11:30
dm8tbror is it too big nowadays?11:30
jonwilwell the first goal is to get a usable image onto my microsd11:31
jonwilusing this motorola Z6 to do it11:31
jonwilAnyone who can tell me how to do that, please do11:32
jonwilok, I can see the microsd as a mass storage device11:33
jonwilnow how can I get a meego image onto it?11:33
hiemanshujonwil: you can plug in to uSD card into the N900, and use the usb mass storage from rescue initrd11:34
alteregojonwil: do you use linux?11:35
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jonwilI have a gentoo box11:35
alteregodo you have meego ce image?11:35
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jonwilwhere do I get it from?11:36
alteregoang on11:36
alteregofirstly make sure you know the device node for the microsd11:36
jonwilok so I can see nokia N900 with usb storage11:37
alteregoDon't want you blitzing your phone11:37
alteregohe wants the summer release idealy11:37
jonwilso I want which files?11:38
jonwilthe mmcblk0p one?11:38
jonwiland the vmlinuz I assume11:38
alteregoNo you don't need that kernel11:38
jonwilok, downloading that image11:38
alteregoyou need the uboot kernel11:39
jonwilok, what do I download?11:40
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alteregoang on11:40
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jonwilso using the -l option for flasher to load a kernel without flashing to phone is not an option?11:40
alteregodo you know how to unpack debs?11:40
jonwilI can unpack deb yes11:40
alteregojonwil: it is, but you need to use the uboot kernel for that11:41
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jonwilok, great11:41
alteregodo you know how to unpack .debs on gentoo?11:42
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jonwilyes I can11:42
jonwilwhich deb do I need?11:42
alteregounpack that and you get a fiasco11:43
alteregothen use flash to unpack the fiasco and you get the kernel image11:43
jonwilok, yep, I got the uboot-and-zImage-2.6.28-20103103+0m5.fiasco file now11:43
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alteregoHave you wrote the micro sd yet?11:45
jonwilnope, still downloading the image11:45
alteregoOkay, do you know the device node for the micro sd?11:45
jonwilwhats the flasher command to unpack the fiasco file?11:46
jonwilok, I got it11:46
alteregoflasher -F *.fiasco -u11:46
jonwilI have a zImage file11:46
jonwilhow do I find out what mount my microsd is?11:47
hiemanshujonwil: fdisk -l11:47
alteregobzcat /path/to/meego-ce*.bz2 | dd of=/dev/[micro sd node] bs=409611:47
alteregoshould either be /dev/sd[abcd]11:48
alteregoor mmcblk[0123]11:48
alteregoI usually use dmesg11:48
alteregoafter plugging it in. dmesg should say it's got a new driver11:48
alteregoerm, drive11:48
JaffaMorning, all11:49
hiemanshuJaffa: morning, the N950 bearer11:49
alteregoHey Jaffa11:49
jonwilok, fdisk -l shows 3 drives, one is listed as 40.0gb, one is 20.0gb and one is 32.0gb11:49
JaffaThat's me :)11:49
hiemanshujonwil: and how big is the SD card?11:50
jonwilI dont know11:50
alteregojonwil: just unplug the phone with the micro sd in it11:50
hiemanshujonwil: where have you plugged it in?11:50
alteregothen plug it back in in mass storage mode, then run dmesg11:50
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hiemanshuits in the older phone or the N900?11:50
alteregoYou should see some output about mmcblk0 or sd something11:51
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hiemanshualterego: well with the resuce image, he should be able to access the uSD on the N900 just fine11:51
jonwiln900 in rescue mode11:51
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alteregohiemanshu: he doesn't have a fully working keyboard though11:51
hiemanshujonwil: after plugging it in, you'll have to restart yes11:51
jonwilI can see the n900 disks11:51
hiemanshualterego: sure, but he needs to run the resuce initrd, press u, and it connects the eMMC and SD card as mass storage11:51
alteregohiemanshu: okay, didn't know he could do that11:52
alteregohiemanshu: I've not used the rescue initrd11:52
hiemanshujonwil: plug in the uSD card, close the back cover, and rerun the rescue initrd11:52
jonwilI have the microsd plugged in11:52
hiemanshualterego: ah, I use it for changing the default maemo layout11:52
hiemanshu(disk layout)11:52
hiemanshujonwil: back cover closed?11:53
hiemanshu this part specifically11:53
alteregoWell, I'll never need to use it :P11:54
hiemanshuit helps when you do a stupid move like rm -rf * in the /opt directory, and cannot backup any other way :P11:54
jonwilok, I have the flasher image and zimage on my gentoo box11:55
jonwilwhich I just had to reboot because of a GPU issue :)11:55
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hiemanshuhmmm ok, anyways, re-run the rescue initrd once, and you should be able to see the uSD card11:56
jonwilonce that boots, I will be able to properly boot the N900 with the right command, then select the mass storage option11:56
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jonwilok, running dd now12:13
jonwillets hope this works and I get a usable image12:14
alteregoWhat was the device name you're wrtiting to?12:15
jonwildev/sdc is what it ended up being12:15
jonwilits still writing12:16
jonwilso lets hope this works12:16
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jonwilI couldn't get it to work with my N900 so I am using my old motorola z612:16
jonwilin the hope that works12:16
jonwilwhich it seems to be doing12:16
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jonwilok it seems like there is not enough space on my sdcard to fit the image12:19
alteregoIs it a 2G?12:19
alteregoNeed at least 4G really :/12:19
jonwiloh snap, its an old 1.0gb12:19
alteregoscht :/12:19
alteregoDoes the rescue initrd not have ssh server?12:20
jonwilI dont think it does12:20
jonwilBut I think we could add it or any other needed commands somehow12:21
jonwilAt least I hope so12:21
hiemanshualterego: it has busybox12:22
alteregoIs that all? :)12:22
hiemanshuI doubt there is a sshd though12:22
alteregoDoes it have netcat? :D12:22
alteregoJust thinking how we can get you a remote shell ..12:23
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jonwilcant we just compile something and add it to the rescue filesystem?12:24
hiemanshualterego: the de-installer has one with nc12:25
hiemanshujonwil: which reminds me12:25
hiemanshujonwil: should work too12:25
hiemanshuuse the script there, it can install to uSD if available12:26
hiemanshuthat initrd has usbnet and netcat auto starts12:26
jonwilso I can use that to flash smaller <1gb image to microsd?12:27
hiemanshuwell no, if you how to use nc, you can use that thouh12:28
jonwilI think the solution is to get a binary for ssh or something that I can add to initrd.img-descue-blah12:29
jonwilThats the only answer I can see12:29
jonwilor netcat12:29
jonwilor whatever program12:29
jonwili.e. I need something (anything) that can either fit on a 1gb microsd or be loaded into ram12:31
jonwiland that has remote access somehow12:32
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jonwilany ideas how to do that would be much appreciated12:33
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jonwilwait no I got something now12:35
hiemanshujonwil: unpack the initrd, grab the .rpms built for the meego-ce, and put them in the initrd12:35
hiemanshuthat should work12:35
jonwilunpacking the initrd is done how>12:36
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hiemanshuI am not sure what kind of initrd meego-ce uses12:36
hiemanshumaybe cpio or something12:36
jonwilfile says its "linux compressed rom file system data"12:37
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jonwilwhere are the meego gurus when ya need em :P12:37
hiemanshujonwil: try zcat12:38
hiemanshuanyways I have to run to the airport now, out for a few hours12:38
jonwilzcat doesnt work12:38
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jonwilaha, need to compile my kernel with cramfs support12:39
jonwilthen I can mount it and copy bits off12:40
jonwiland fix it12:40
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jonwilok, good, all I need now is a usable sshd binary for the N90012:51
jonwilfor meego12:52
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dm8tbrjonwil: meego comes with sshd13:05
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rzr : p-uae is a portable #unix #amiga #emulator packaged for #meego and #debian distro, report prerelease tests13:10
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moofreeonly amiga makes it possible13:10
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* SpeedEvil is somewhat concerned the UK isn't mentioned.16:08
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SpeedEvilHuh? No france, germany, italy, but poland?16:09
DocScrutinizerthere's been a rationale for that, along the line of online-shops closing for several countries16:09
Jucatowhere would be the place to ask questions regarding MeeGo CE? is there a specific channel?16:11
Ans5iSpeedEvil: i am glad that Finland is mentioned.16:11
dm8tbrJucato: #meego-arm16:11
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amjad_SpeedEvil: Stskeeps is based in poland, that can be a pointer :)16:12
JaffaSpeedEvil: As DocScrutinizer says, the online stores in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and US have all closed.16:13
JaffaSpeedEvil: So it's very likely that the "check availability" is only referring to the online stores.16:13
DocScrutinizermoo Jaffa16:14
Jaffamoo o/16:14
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JaffaSpeedEvil: It'd be great if you did a proper analysis and find if the set of shops which has closed is the exact set of countries which are missing, though :)16:15
SpeedEvilAh - I see. yeah - I just checked the UK store, and it's indeed closed. I wonder why.16:15
DocScrutinizerAmazon was cheaper, so the whole online shop probably a minus business16:16
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DocScrutinizerjavispedro: moo16:17
SpeedEvilI liked the coupons for the n900 though :)16:17
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dm8tbrBug 20531 has just been filed16:30
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, brian.warner, NEW, Allow usage of 'MeeGo' in the domain names and to focus community hw adapt16:30
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Andy80Elleo: ping! :) can I make you a couple of question about your client development?18:02
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ElleoAndy80: sure18:07
Andy80Elleo: oh I just noticed you replied on your blog comments :)18:07
Elleoah right, that was you :)18:08
Andy80Elleo: I'm the same person ;) I'll try to setup Harmattan SDK under Scratchbox then :)18:08
Elleoyeah, I didn't have much luck with qemu either18:08
Elleocouldn't get it to do anything other than software gl rendering18:08
Elleowhich made everything pretty much unusable slow18:08
Elleoso doing everything natively makes life much easier for the most part18:09
Andy80and using Desktop as target is almost impossible too...18:09
Elleoalthough it makes testing stuff like orientation changes more of a problem18:09
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Andy80yeah but at the moment I don't need to test orientation stuff.... having a working UI and being able to test sound would be more than enough!18:12
Andy80are you using the visual designer or are you manually coding the UI?18:13
Elleomanually, couldn't get the designer to pick up on the harmattan qml plugin properly18:14
Elleoplus in the end I found it a bit easier to get stuff laying out in a more flowable way by doing it manually18:14
alteregoElleo: yeah, I don't like the qml designer. I do everything manually.18:15
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[antenia84]anyone have a google+ invitation?18:21
RST38hyour email?18:21
[antenia84]RST38h, have you an invitation for me?18:21
jonwilok, I cant get it to pick up usbnet18:22
jonwilwhen in meego18:22
RST38hok, do not send your email, forget it.18:22
* CosmoHill only just got the book of faces18:23
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jonwilusb networking is hard to set up :(18:24
jonwilhard to get working18:24
jonwilso I have no usb, no wifi and no display backlight. Great.18:24
jonwilno usbnet18:25
jonwilsomeone must know how to get usbnet to work :(18:25
RST38hjonwil: I do think you should have figured by now that nobody here does =)18:25
jonwilok, now I got something18:27
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jonwilI see "nokia N900 usb modem #2"18:27
rbritoHi there.18:28
hiemanshujonwil: so I guess you still haven't got it working? :P18:28
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rbritoI am an almost complete newbie with an N900, but I am moderately experienced with a Unix system (well, I happen to have about 10 or 15 packages in Debian proper).18:29
rbritoI am having problems when I try to get a Meego image booting on my N900.18:29
jonwilstill no closer to getting usbnet going which is the last step I need to fix my N90018:29
rbritoI have done two things: I installed the uboot version for pr13 and it boots correctly with Maemo.18:30
hiemanshujonwil: ifconfig usb0 up18:30
hiemanshujonwil: and the phone should give itself
jonwilI cant get it to work on linux or windows18:31
rbritoThen, I picked a meego image and tried to write the bzip2'ed image to a 4GB microSD card on my notebook.18:31
hiemanshujonwil: did you try ifconfig?18:31
hiemanshurbrito: umm, how do you write the image?18:31
jonwilok, now ifconfig works18:31
jonwiland I have what appears to be usbnet18:31
hiemanshujonwil: can you ping
rbritoUnfortunately, when I try to boot this microsd card on the N900, I get a kernel panic when with the kernel telling me that the root filesystem could not be found...18:32
rbritohiemanshu: with a plain cat.18:32
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hiemanshurbrito: can I have the exact command please?18:32
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rbritobzip2 -d < the.bzip2 > /dev/mmc0devicethatIcan't remmeber (the whole device, not a partition).18:33
Elleorbrito: you should probably dd it to the device18:33
Elleonot cat it18:33
hiemanshurbrito: bzcat mmc.bz2 | dd of=/dev/mmcblkx18:33
Elleobzcat yourimage.bz2 | dd bs=4096 of=/dev/mmc0p1 or what have you18:33
hiemanshuthat is the command18:33
rbritoElleo: care to elaborate a little bit more about it, aside from buffering that dd does?18:34
hiemanshuoh right, bs-209618:34
hiemanshuugh, bs=409618:34
rbritohiemanshu: OK, I will try dd. :-) Let's see if that changes things...18:34
Elleorbrito: dd does a bitwise copy of the image, on to the device, rather than just copying the files contained within it onto the device18:35
rbritoYes, 4KB for each block size...18:35
hiemanshurbrito: it should, because dd != cat18:35
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Elleos/files/contents of the files/18:36
infobotElleo meant: rbrito: dd does a bitwise copy of the image, on to the device, rather than just copying the contents of the files contained within it onto the device18:36
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rbritoElleo: OK, I will try it, but aside from buffering and changes in chunks written, I can't see how things would change...18:36
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rbritoI can, BTW, mount the SD card on my notebook, where everything is recognized (partition table, boot partition, an ext4 partition)...18:37
jonwilok, run the ifconfig command and usb0 appears18:37
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rbritoOK, writing it. Will send feedback so that we can see what happens.18:37
jonwilbut I cant ping
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Elleoalso, what image are you using?18:38
Elleoyou did get an arm image, not an x86 image, right?18:38
rbritoElleo: mg-handset-armv7nhl-n900-ce-stable-
Elleoyeah, that looks right18:40
rbritoThat's an arm one...18:40
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Andy80trying to run a compiled binary inside Scratchbox with Harmattan target I get this: /scratchbox/tools/bin/misc_runner: SBOX_CPUTRANSPARENCY_METHOD not set18:45
Andy80how can I fix it?18:45
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ElleoAndy80: are you using the x86 scratchbox?18:47
Elleoit sounds like you might be using the arm one18:47
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Elleoif you want to run stuff natively you should compile it in the x86 target18:47
Elleothan just switch to the arm target when you want to compile for the actual device18:47
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Elleothe hostname should show: sbox-HARMATTAN_X86 if you're in the right target18:48
Andy80Elleo: yes I'm using the x86 one18:49
Andy80Elleo: [sbox-HARMATTAN_X86: ~] > meego-run ./flickr18:49
Elleonot sure what's up then18:49
Elleoif you do "file flickr" what does it tell you?18:50
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Andy80[sbox-HARMATTAN_X86: ~] > file flickr18:58
Andy80flickr: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), not stripped18:58
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Andy80I compiled for x8618:58
Andy80Elleo: which target do you choose in QtCreator when you want to compile for x86?18:59
ElleoAndy80: ah, did you configure QtCreator to use the toolchain in scratchbox? I think I forgot to point you to that guide:
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Andy80Elleo: I missed that part :)19:01
Andy80Elleo: I'll try it later then! Thanks for now ;)19:01
Elleono worries19:01
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Andy80Elleo: your code looks quite good to understand :) I'll take it as guide to structure my app :)19:05
Elleoit's my first attempt at doing anything much with QT and QML so it might not be the perfect guide ;)19:06
Andy80Elleo: right but.... I tried to follow official examples and they're a big caos of code.... Qt code mixed with QML... I really hate it. I prefer your way, separating the code in the servercomm and putting only UI stuff in .qml files19:07
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Elleoyeah, well I prefer having UI stuff as separate as possible, especially as I might want to have some different UI for tablet/desktop versions19:08
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GAN900Anybody catch Quim's sad violin tweet?19:20
alteregoYes :D19:21
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Andy80Elleo: exactly :)19:23
Andy80Elleo: all the QtQuick/QML tutorials, lessons ecc... I followed did everything in QML19:23
Andy80I remember for example a QML twitter client we tried to realize at MeeGo Conference.... it was using just qml :\19:24
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Andy80Elleo: just a strange thing I noticed... why are you using Phonon and not QtMultimedia which is part of QtMobility?19:28
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ElleoAndy80: from reading the docs QtMultimedia appears to be aimed at lower level usage and recommends phonon for higher level use19:30
Andy80uhm.... things have changed then :\19:31
Andy80when I developed LastGo ( client for Maemo) I used QtMultimedia, it was the suggested one19:31
leinirIt sort of depends on who's around when you ask the question...19:34
Andy80anyway... the usage is almost the same.... 1) set the source, 2) play :)19:35
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Andy80I think the most difficoult (at lest for me) part will be creating a custom ListView in QML and fill it with data dinamically. But I really think is a very common task and I hope I'll find documentation, tutorials ecc...19:36
maligorwell, I've done that19:37
maligorthere's a sample I wrote for that19:37
maligorthe model that uses is from c++19:38
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maligorI'm not actually sure if it's possible to make a model in qml19:38
Andy80maligor: something like this to give you an example :)19:39
maligorwell, the sample is quite similar actually19:40
maligorit has a image, title and text for the display model19:40
maligorthe source model as I said, is c++ tho19:40
GAN900SpeedEvil, can't get you a link from TwimGo, apparently.19:41
maligorthe QAbstractItemModel19:41
maligorAndy80, which bit of it is confusing you?-)19:41
alteregowhat is the nature of the model you're making?19:42
Andy80maligor: which target do I have to use to run it?19:42
alteregoYou can populate a model using "append" function in js19:43
alteregoI used it to create a json based model yesterday19:43
maligorAndy80, well, it's a part of the tablet images19:43
Andy80maligor: oh... so I've to use the MeeGo SDK..... I was opening it with QtSDK19:43
maligorAndy80, the basic part is the "Delegate" and the ListView19:43
maligorline 157 in main.qml for listview19:44
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maligorthe delegate is declared just below it19:45
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maligorand the delegate item itself is in the SampleItem.qml19:45
maligorAndy80, there's also examples of that in the qml docs actually19:46
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maligoruses some xml parser model19:48
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* TSCHAKeee is currently having to create a shitload of C++ glue classes19:50
TSCHAKeeeto ferry data to qml19:50
maligorI'd prefer writing everything in c++, and just the gui glue in qml ;P19:51
TSCHAKeeewe all have what we prefer19:52
Botsikmaligor: sounds like a reasonable approach, and is quite doable19:52
TSCHAKeeethe difference is, what's reality?19:52
TSCHAKeeeI can bitch and complain all i want, but I still have to do it19:53
maligorthe reality is that there's people who bitch and complain that they want it in qml+javascript ;P19:53
berndhsif you don't believe it and its still there, it's probably reality19:53
TSCHAKeeeand those people...are pussies.19:53
maligorI think of it a bit like python.. it's nice, but you don't want to do anything that affects performance in it ;P19:54
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maligorI know the new javascript engines are awesome tho19:55
TSCHAKeeethey're getting better19:55
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rbritoHi there, again.20:29
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rbritoWell, with dd or not writing to the SD card, when uboot loads the uImage, the kernel has mapped the internal memory at mmcblk0 and the SD card at mmcblk1, but it tries use mmcblk0p1 as the root partition, which fails. Is this a known/reported problem?20:33
rbritoI don't know if meego uses udev or if it uses a static /dev to tell it where to find things...20:34
rbritoOh, just to be sure, uboot *does* load the 2.6.37 kernel made by the adaptation team.20:35
rbritodm8tbr: meego 2011-07-01 (actually, the -06-23 image gives the same results). The device is a N900.20:36
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dm8tbrit works for everyone else, so there's likely something that you did differently20:38
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rbritodm8tbr: Of course, that's possible. :-)20:38
dm8tbryou wrote to the raw device not to the first partition?20:39
rbritodm8tbr: Just to recap, I installed uboot pr13...20:39
rbritodm8tbr: sure.20:39
dm8tbryou have your back-cover on?20:39
rbritodm8tbr: I know a little bit about booting with Linux... :-)20:39
dm8tbrI don't doubt that, but do you know how to make n900 boot a meego image? ;-p20:40
rbritoJust un'bzip2'ed and piped that to the block device corresponding to the SD card.20:40
rbritoThe actual command:20:41
dm8tbrsounds fine20:41
dm8tbrand the n900 back cover is on?20:41
rbritobzip2 -d < foo.img.bz2 > /dev/mmcblk0 (on my notebook).20:41
rbritodm8tbr: no, I left it off, because I still plan on fiddling with it, until it works... :-)20:42
dm8tbryou won the zonk20:42
dm8tbrplease put the back cover on, reboot20:42
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timophyeah. it doesn't mount the card if the cover is off20:42
rbritodm8tbr: Done that already. :-) Maemo loads fine. Meego doesn't...20:43
rbritoOK, I will try that... Let's see if that's the thing...20:43
maligorwhat's with the back cover anyway? I looked at it and it only seemed to have a slight notch that pushes the sdcard?20:43
dm8tbrthere is a magnet20:43
dm8tbrif you flip out the kickstand20:43
timophit's under the stand20:43
rbritoOK, I will grab it. This is *weird*...20:44
* timoph is slow and leaves the explaining to dm8tbr 20:44
dm8tbrit holds both the kickstand AND triggers something like a reed contact which affects the musd card20:44
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berndhsit is for your own safety I'm sure20:44
maligorso can you boot it with a small magnet?20:45
rbritoJust a second. I just attached the back cover...20:45
dm8tbrmaligor: yes people do that20:45
rbritoWill tell you the outcome ASAP.20:45
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rbritoHummm, it booted directly into maemo... And maemo just told me that "internal memory format not supported", which is really weird...20:47
rbritoJust a second. I will turn off this thing and report back...20:47
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dm8tbr ;)20:49
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rbritoOh, shit. It did load Meego with the back cover put on...20:50
rbritoThis thing is counter-hacking...20:50
* dm8tbr plays rimshot.ogg20:50
dm8tbrrbrito: peel out the magnet, tape it onto the right spot...20:51
maligorwhat's the magnet for anyway? sdcard hotplug detection?20:51
rbritoOh, this meego thing is slow to boot, right?20:51
dm8tbrfirst boot takes longer20:52
maligorit's gotten faster recently20:52
rbritoOnce it is running it seems to run at a moderate speed...20:52
dm8tbralso what class of card do you have?20:52
maligorbut I've only used the tablet images20:52
rbritodm8tbr: Not very speedy. That I can concede.20:52
maligorI used a class 10 at one point, it was decent20:53
rbritoIs there any way to use a kernel with a higher clock frequency?20:53
rbritomaligor: Not sure where I would get one class 10 sd card.20:53
dm8tbrclass 6 is quite OK too20:54
maligoryeah, microsd class 10's seem incredibly hard to find20:54
rbritoBTW, has anybody here gotten an SD card that is bigger than 16GB to work with the n900?20:54
rbritoI guess that I may, perhaps, just be on my way to get another microsd card...20:55
rbritoWould an SD XC card work with this?20:55
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rbritoDoes the phone work with meego?20:58
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Stskeeps|holidayon n900? yes20:59
rbritoI could connect with wifi, but it tells me that I have no signal.20:59
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rbritoStskeeps|holiday: OK, I will try harder here, then. I have no problems with meego, though.20:59
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bash`hi all, my n900 keeps rebooting because battery is low and it doesn't charge. I haven't the wall charger here right now. I can access the terminal and run commands, is there something I can disable or start?21:02
Stskeeps|holiday#meego-arm is really better21:02
the-bossStskeeps|holiday: Error: "meego-arm" is not a valid command.21:02
infobotrbrito meant: Stskeeps|holiday: OK, I will try harder here, then. I have no problems with maemo, though.21:03
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rbritoBut I would prefer to use meego, if only for developing stuff.21:05
infobotRemove battery for 1 minute. Insert battery. Plug powered Nokia wallcharger to device. Watch steady amber. Let sit and charge. Do NOT try to boot. After 30 min, you got either a) a booted up N900, b) flashing amber which means you can boot, c) steady amber going off - in this case start over again with ~flatbatrecover21:05
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rbritoThe meego user interface is not too intuitive, though...21:06
MSvBHaving an insane time trying to use the MeeGo 1.2 SDK to develop on Linux...21:06
rbritoJust a second. I will be right back.21:07
MSvBSince I don't have a win32 computer lying around, I need to figure this out some other way.21:07
MSvB...and it seems that Linux 64-bit is just a no show for developing MeeGo at all using the official SDK.21:07
MSvBAnyone here developing MeeGo software using the Qt libraries at all?21:08
MSvBThe question is, what's to stop building in a rude way on a IA32 device running MeeGo 1.2 with no MeeGo SDK in sight.21:09
MSvBI assume it's no problem, and that's what I plan to try in order to solve this SDK problem.21:09
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maligoryou can build on meego21:11
maligorquite often the target devices just are much slower than workstations21:11
maligoryou can also use the images to create your own chroot21:12
MSvBYea that's why we install the SDK on a workstation (Linux 64-bit Suse) and crosscompile.21:12
MSvB...but like I said the SDK is pretty well defective at this time.21:12
rbritoJust one question that is not clear to me: why are some UI items prefixed with two exclamation points?21:12
Stskeeps|holidaylack of translation21:13
MSvBAbout MeeGo building, I'm thinking this could work:21:13
MSvBzypper install libqt-devel; cc mycode.c -lqt ...21:13
MSvBAnd away you go.21:13
rbritoStskeeps|holiday: Any way that I can help with pt_br translations? I do recognize that the UI is not finished (and the strings can change), but I would like to contribute in an ongoing basis...21:14
MSvBMy only hope is that the SDK (which is unusable) doesn't provide special widgets or components which are required.21:14
rbritoStskeeps|holiday: any appropriate mailing list?21:14
maligorMSvB, I think you also need the qt development tools, which were in a different package21:14
maligorMSvB, no, it doesn't have anything special in it21:15
maligorwhat meego sdk are you referring to?21:15
MSvBmaligor: Is that just your guess, or are you actually developing?21:15
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MSvBI mean the one you can download 'MeeGo 1.2 SDK'21:16
MSvB...but after that failed to install (on four of my computer)... I tried other things as well.21:16
maligorI guess I'm a meego developer for the time being21:16
MSvBThere are SDK packages for OpenSUSE, Ubuntu... online and that got further but is broken as well.21:16
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maligorand certainly a decent bit of experience writing apps for it now21:17
MSvBmaligor: But are you developing using the 'MeeGo SDK', 'Qt SDK', or just hand building against the Qt libraries?21:17
MSvB...or not using Qt at all?21:17
maligorwell, any gui apps tend to use qml21:17
Stskeeps|holidaymeego sdk is centered around building against qt  libs21:17
MSvBmaligor: Okay, that's good. Then what you're doing is what I intend to do as well.21:18
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Stskeeps|holidayusing meego toolchains and sysroot21:18
MSvBStskeeps: Yeah that's all very clear.21:18
maligorlast I tried, using qt widgets was a bit rough21:18
hiemanshuStskeeps|holiday: go back to holidaying :P21:18
rbritoHumm, the meego UI is friendlier in many places, but I still can't place a call... :-)21:18
rbritoOh, one thing: how does one cause the browser to zoom?21:19
Stskeeps|holidayrbrito: file bug at bugs.meego.com21:19
rbritoDouble tapping didn't work.21:19
Stskeeps|holidayhiemanshu: its raining, got nothing better to do21:19
rbritoStskeeps|holiday: Thanks.21:19
hiemanshuStskeeps|holiday: haha, enjoying the holidays?21:20
Stskeeps|holidayhiemanshu: yeah, but at same time looking forward to come hacking21:20
rbritoI was just planning on backporting patches from the -stable series of the kernel to 2.6.28, but you guys have done a great job with 2.6.37, from what I can see...21:20
hiemanshuStskeeps|holiday: ah nice, well, I'll be around hacking with you too :D21:20
Stskeeps|holidayrbrito: we even have 3.0.0 rc running21:21
maligorrbrito, but you'll soon be working on a hopelessly outdated kernel when 3.0 comes out ;P21:21
maligorlinus should've just gone the emacs route and called it 6.2921:21
maligorerr.. 3921:22
rbritomaligor: Well, at least if we preserve the binary interfaces, we could use a newer kernel with maemo...21:22
berndhsmaybe linus is going the Mozilla route, 4.0 will be out in september21:22
rbritomaligor: that woud be 40. :-)21:22
maligorberndhs, but 6 is larger than 421:22
berndhsonly for small values of 421:23
rbritomaligor: we had 2.6.39 released. The next step would be 40. :-)21:23
rbritoAnd the releases that Greg KH make would be 40.x21:24
MSvB2.6.39 is pretty welcome to show up any time, it has important atheros driver changes I think.21:24
rbritoActually, Linus would, according to that, release 40.0...21:24
rbritoMSvB: 2.6.39 was released for some time already...21:25
maligorheh, yes, version 40.0 would make it way superior to os's using 7 as a version number21:25
maligoror marketingname21:25
rbritoSure. Linus doesn't actually care what the kernel version is, as long as it is increasing...21:26
MSvBYes 2.6.39 was released at but it seems to not have been integrated by the distros yet.21:27
MSvBThe various (sometimes adventurous) patches make kernel packaging pretty time consuming.21:27
rbritoMSvB: debian will be skipping it. We already have 3.0.0-rc's packaged...21:27
maligordebian has 2.6.39 also tho21:28 at least I'm waiting for things to settle and see where 2.6.39 pops up.21:28
MSvBOkay, skip it. I just think it's a bummer that the kernel module for my NIC is flaky on every computer I'm using.21:29
MSvB...because 2.6.39 (or >) has not been officially packaged and released yet.21:29
MSvBThe problem I'm talking about is placing the ath9k in management mode and using it to create a ad-hoc network.21:30
rbritoMSvB: try linux-image-3.0.0-rc4-amd6421:30
rbritoI am using it for some time now...21:31
MSvB...acting like a WiFi AP server.21:31
MSvBrbrito: What repo?21:31
rbritoAnd it seems that the buildds already have -rc5 compiled..21:31
rbritoMSvB: experimental.21:31
rbritoThe official Debian mirrors...21:31
MSvBThat doesn't help on MeeGo very much though. Those are debs.21:32
MSvBMaybe Fedora has something >=
rbritoMSvB: there's nothing to fear with experimental... It usually is used to test programs (sure), but many times it is used to not disturb transitions...21:33
rbritoAnd that's the case right now...21:33
rbritoMSvB: Converting a deb to an rpm isn't something too hard...21:33
rbritoIn the worst case, you can just use the data.tar.gz that is contained..21:34
maligorI wouldn't21:34
rbritoThe package manager doesn't need to know what kernels you have.21:34
maligoryou can setup a kernel for meego quite easily21:34
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rbritomaligor: sure, strictly speaking it is not something for the faint of the heart.21:34
MSvBOkay, packaging a alpha/beta kernel on a foreign OS, then converting with alien to RPM, then installing on MeeGo.21:34
MSvBThat gives me a headache already before even trying...21:34
MSvBmaligor: Yeah I've packaged kernels no problem, but its the massive quantity of patches that makes it a miserable task.21:35
MSvB...I'd rather just be patient and use no ad-hoc for the time being.21:35
jonwilmy phone finally works again. YAY.21:35
jonwilAnd I didnt loose anything on my emmc21:35
jonwiljust my /opt21:35
jonwiland my rootfs21:35
jonwiland any settings stored on either21:35
MSvBjonwil: What did you do to fix it?21:36
jonwilwhich should be easy to restore tommorow21:36
maligorMSvB, what target are you looking at? mrst?21:36
rbritojonwil: Can you use the phone ("the telephone" part of it)?21:36
rbritoI could not (yet).21:36
jonwilThanks to finally getting usb networking working in meego, I was able to backup my NAND rootfs21:36
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jonwilso then I could reflash a combined FIASCO image21:36
jonwiland my phone now boots21:36
MSvBmaligor: What do you mean, target?21:37
MSvBmaligor: If you mean trying to use the SDK, the target is IA32. A netbook.21:37
MSvBmaligor: I know, it's no problem building on the machin itself.21:37
MSvBmaligor: I'd just rather use the MeeGo 1.2 SDK since it's the most official way to develop.21:38
rbritojonwil: In the worst case, you could just use a wifi connection + usb to backup the box...21:38
maligorkernel-adaptation-pinetrail doesn't actually have many patches21:38
maligormrst has a lot21:38
MSvBmaligor: ...oh okay you're talking about patching the kernel. Sorry.21:38
jonwilin this case my issue was that meego had wifi issues21:38
jonwilso I had to get usbnet goingf21:38
MSvBjonwil: Which kept your phone from working?21:39
jonwilno, my phone is running maemo5 which stopped working. So I did some gparted fiddling and flashed meego to emmc21:39
jonwilwhich I could then boot with flasher -l and the relavent kernel21:39
jonwilbut wifi didnt work in this meego instance21:39
jonwilbut I was able to get usbnet going21:40
MSvBjonwil: Which phone is it?21:40
jonwilso I could backup my maemo rootfs21:40
jonwiland then I was able to reflash that maemo image21:40
jonwiland get my phone to boot again21:40
jonwilanyhow its fixed'21:40
MSvBjonwil: Oh, glad you got it working again.21:40
jonwilso its all good21:40
jonwilmy emmc is fine so I keep most of the settings21:40
jonwiljust a few like the desktop background seem to have reset21:41
jonwilI have learnt that messing with /etc can be bad21:41
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jonwiland that you cant use a meego rescue initrd to mount the ubi NAND on a N90021:42
jonwiland that meego-de isnt as polished as maemo is21:42
jonwilalso its cool that I can do cool shit like that, if this was an iPhone or an Android handset I would have had no choice but to restore the whole thing21:43
jonwiland loose everything21:43
maligorit's meego ce now21:43
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jonwilok, meego ce then21:44
jonwilbut yeah the magic of open source and linux wins over closed proprietary crap21:44
jonwilAlthough the N900 has its share of proprietary crap... :P21:44
MSvBjonwil: What's not open, the GSM stack?21:45
jonwileven meego-ce-n900 cant function without proprietary crap21:45
jonwillike the GPU drivers21:45
RST38hjonwil: Have you noted you are the only one speaking?21:45
jonwilheh :P21:45
MSvBOh right.21:45
jonwilanyhow, its nearly 3am so I need to collapse21:45
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vitnahy everyone21:47
MSvBvitna: Hello.21:47
vitnaMSvB: Hello21:47
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vitnawhat say here21:50
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MSvBstskeeps: Did you say you knew more about the MeeGo SDK?21:55
MSvBstskeeps: ...still thinking about what the difference could be between building on [MeeGo|Qt] SDK.21:55
MSvBstskeeps: Leaving any emulation out of it, my guess is that everything would be the same.21:55
MSvBstskeeps: I mean, the targets have different names, but if the arch is IA32 in both cases, then there's no binary difference in what the two SDKs produce.21:55
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MSvBThe IA32 target on MeeGo SDK is 'MeeGo' something or other,21:56
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MSvBwhile on the Qt SDK it would be 'Desktop' or something.21:56
MSvBJust maybe there's a differerent -O2 instead of -O3 or something minimial like that.21:56
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MSvBHi Leinir.21:58
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rbritoHummm... Just some questions here to you: I think that I will leave meego installed on my external mmc, but what is the recommended way to alternate the boot between meego and maemo?22:31
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Elleorbrito: if you're using uboot you just type "run noloboot" for maemo or "run mmcboot" for meego (this is the default I think)22:36
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rbritoElleo: do I necessarily have to open the keyboard for that?22:38
Elleoyes, you need to type the command22:38
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rbritoI like to avoid using "hardware parts" (especially moving ones) so that the hardware lasts a little bit longer.22:39
rbritoElleo: thanks.22:39
rbritoI will try it right now and report back.22:39
rbritoHow do I show/hide the virtual keyboard in meego?22:42
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rbritoIt is not obvious and, sometimes, the keyboard gets in the way... :-(22:42
jonnorrbrito: if there is no input widget focused, the input method will not be shown.22:44
Elleoalso if you open the hardware keyboard the software one will autohide22:44
jonnorassuming that your hw adaptation has a contextprovided for this22:45
jonnorand that you're not using a very recent weekly trunk image, where this functionality is temporarily disabled22:45
rbritojonnor: well, I just opened a terminal and the virtual keyboard was automatically enabled...22:46
rbritoI am using the 2011-07-01 image. I don't know if that's recent enough...22:46
rbritoNot a daily image, though.22:46
jonnorrbrito: that is expected behavior.22:46
jonnorIt is just that the terminal in the standard meego images sucks.22:47
jonnor(no input widget relocation)22:47
jonnoramong other things22:47
rbritoI also got the same behaviour a few minutes ago when I was trying to test my wifi visiting google.22:47
jonnorwhat behavior?22:48
rbritoIf I remember correctly, Google makes the search widget have focus automatically... Perhaps that's the reason?22:48
rbritoThe behaviour = automatically opening the virtual keyboard.22:48
jonnorthe one in N900 CE is good, but was unwanted in std Meego because it uses LMT22:48
jonnorrbrito: sounds likely.22:49
rbritoLMT? Not sure what that means...22:49
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jonnorJust an unfashionable toolkit built on top of Qt.22:49
rbritojonnor: well, I have to play with this a little more. I happen to like Meego so far.22:49
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rbritojonnor: Oh, right. I will learn a bit about programming with Qt...22:50
rbritoI think that I may port xpdf with a poppler backend to use Qt...22:51
jonnorrbrito: if you have issues specific to input methods / virtual keyboard, don't hesitate to visit us in #meego-inputmethods (after you've read the information available on of course :)22:51
rbritoI have this project here:
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MSvBI just wen to #meego-inputmethods and there is nobody there.22:52
rbritoNice to know, because many input methods don't take into account the two common keyboard layouts that we have here in Brazil: one is the "native" one (br abnt2) and another is "US intl".22:53
berndhsMSvB: they are waiting for you to read the Maliit stuff, they know :)22:53
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MSvBberndhs: Huh? I don't see anything about Mailiit, maybe my IRC client is defective?22:54
rbritoOn a "regular" Linux distribution, it is a pain to tell that I *really* want the US intl layout with an accent (') + c to produce รง, instead of an accented slavic c.22:54
rbritoI think that I will post on about this...22:54
MSvBOkay there seems to be exactly one person (besides me) in that room now, don't know whats wrong.22:54
rbritoNot only this, but this huge gotcha that you guys helped me to understand (the back cover of the n900 has to be attached for the SD card to be mounted---a stupid detail that many more experienced people would miss).22:55
MSvBGood night folks happy chatting.22:56
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rbritoJust registering myself at
rbritoI hope to be able to help with some not so mature points... :-)22:59
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CosmoHillI probably should have a hot laptop on top of another hot laptop23:08
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