IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2011-06-30

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VenemoMohammadAG, android? srsly?00:28
trumeeDoes N9/N950 support sip/google talk/skype video calls?00:28
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alteregotrumee: not sure about video calls, we'll have to wait and see00:30
trumeealterego: couldnt find any info on voip capabilities of the phone00:31
MohammadAGVenemo, ignore that, I came to my senses00:32
* trumee hopes that this bug ( is fixed in harmattan00:32
povbotBug 10388: Choppy audio in SIP conversation, WLAN power save problem?00:32
MeeGoBotBug tri, Low, ---, janne.hietamaki, CLOS WONTFIX, Support blocked field for test results00:32
DocScrutinizerskype is rather questionable00:33
VenemoMohammadAG :)00:34
trumeeDocScrutinizer: questionable?00:34
DocScrutinizeryou're aware skype is closed and highly proprietary, and been recently bought out by M$00:34
nialaoooh funny ctrl+wheel zoom text in qtcreator editor...00:35
DocScrutinizerM$ maybe doesn't like to support meego00:35
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trumeeDocScrutinizer: sip/google talk video calls will be enough to keep me happy00:36
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DocScrutinizerI'd bet some coins on SIP00:36
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trumeeDocScrutinizer: also badly need this,
povbotBug 3063: SIP Voice Mail message notification00:37
MeeGoBotBug enh, High,, tomas.junnonen, VERI READYFORINTEGRATION, [FEA] Meego touch framework - Notification00:37
VenemoI have a stupid question. How can I upload a pic to appear next to my name on the MeeGo forum? I uploaded a profile picture to my account, but it doesn't appear in the forum.00:37
DocScrutinizertrumee: that's indeed bad. But then otoh I've seen sipgate drop MWI support00:38
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trumeeDocScrutinizer: i am running my own * server. MWI is essential00:38
sumanahDawnFoster: fyi I'm inputting my notes from your OSBridge talk at
DocScrutinizertrumee: seems providers adopt email notification and web frontends for MWI00:38
trumeeDocScrutinizer: looks like not going to happen,
MeeGoBotBug 8278 enh, Undecided, ---, gavin.hindman, INDE, [FEA] VoIP/IM backend - Message Waiting indication for SIP00:39
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DocScrutinizertrumee: I'd like to see MWI support as well, just saying...00:39
DocScrutinizerbeen a fair bit involved in twinlephone development, I'm not too excited about telepathy sofiasip or whatever it's called today00:41
trumeeDocScrutinizer: yeah, twinklephone works great.00:42
DocScrutinizerand the sip stack been designed by a contributor to relevant VoIP IETF RFCs it seems00:43
DocScrutinizeron sip providers and their tech folks it's considered reference quality for the sip implementation00:44
trumeeDocScrutinizer: other day i had a play with cSipSimple on android, it has nice functionality too.00:44
trumeeDocScrutinizer: There are  a few Freeswitch developers who have android phones, so sip works quite well on android00:45
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DocScrutinizerhehe, I see00:46
DocScrutinizerwell, twinklephone was a fallout of michel de boer evaluating certain aspects of sip server implementations00:47
trumeeDocScrutinizer: he seems to have abandoned it now. Qt4 port was never made.00:48
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DocScrutinizerqt4 port is hard, the program logic is exploiting qt3 aspects that don't map to qt400:48
DocScrutinizerso that'd be a complete rewrite of the GUI00:49
DocScrutinizerand michel *hates* gui development ;-)00:49
DocScrutinizerso twinkle is in a limbo state now00:50
berndhshey the timing is right, skip Qt4 go to Qt5 in a few months00:51
DocScrutinizerand I'm not feeling like doing that either00:51
DocScrutinizerberndhs: good call :-)00:51
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w00tlearn Qt 4, and pretty much all of it will apply to Qt 500:53
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w00tthe APIs aren't changing00:54
w00t(except in rare cases)00:54
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berndhsi can almost build qt500:54
* w00t has a checkout on his laptop00:55
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w00tI'm still basing patches on Qt 4.8 for the moment though, since that's what I've got stuff built against - and thankfully I'm pretty much the only one working in my area right now00:55
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VenemoDocScrutinizer, what kind of GUI development is that? I might be able to help,00:59
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DocScrutinizerVenemo: twinkle?01:00
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VenemoDocScrutinizer, what is twinkle?01:01
DocScrutinizerVenemo: twinklephone has a qt3 GUI, and the way qt3 is used makes it hard to port that to qt401:01
berndhsits in fedora main repo01:02
DocScrutinizerVenemo: sth along mutex aiui01:02
DocScrutinizertwinkle uses mutex to safe GUI actions, and on qt4 this results in deadlocks. Something like that01:03
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DocScrutinizerVenemo: seems michel found a rather unusual way to weld the qt-based GUI to the core01:04
DocScrutinizerand this unusual way doesn't scale / port well to qt401:05
DocScrutinizernot sure if I got the bits together right, it's quite a few years ago since twinkle active development01:06
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DocScrutinizerwhen exactly been Qt4 released?01:06
w00t~6-7 years ago01:07
w00tjune 200501:07
DocScrutinizerwell >>Version 1.4.2 has been released on February 25, 2009<<01:08
DocScrutinizerof twinklephone01:08
DocScrutinizerand that's been it for twinkle I guess01:08
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DocScrutinizerVenemo: if you're seriously interested in tackling that issue with qt4 and twinkle, you probably should read the ML archives at
DocScrutinizeresp those of Michel deBoer01:12
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VenemoDocScrutinizer, it seems like the kind of GUI which you can click together in Qt Designer in a few minutes :)01:34
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Venemogood night01:36
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* CosmoHill has had hicups for about 5 hours01:55
TSCHAKeeetake a deep breath01:56
TSCHAKeeethen slowly exhale01:56
TSCHAKeeeall of it out01:56
TSCHAKeeeall of it01:56
TSCHAKeeeto the breaking point01:56
TSCHAKeeethen slowly let air back in01:56
TSCHAKeeeback out, all of it01:56
TSCHAKeeedo it slowly.01:56
TSCHAKeeeand concentrate on doing it slowly01:57
TSCHAKeeethis will prevent the diaphragm spasms01:57
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CosmoHillhey they've gone02:01
CosmoHillthanks TSCHAKeee :D02:01
TSCHAKeeeno problem :)02:01
TSCHAKeeeyou're welcome :)02:01
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cropeI installed CSSU to my N900 and no I have big problems with GPS...02:08
cropevery hard to get fix02:08
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BlueAidananyone know how to enable the crystalhd plugin in gstreamer? I've got it installed, but not sure what to put in the video section of gstreamer-properties02:10
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Damion3not me btw02:24
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MohammadAGcrope, CSSU doesn't change GPS libs, or anything related to GPS02:36
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MohammadAGand this isn't the right channel for that02:37
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Damion3has anyone had issues with the wifi on the n950?02:53
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ElleoDamion3: I remember noticing a bug listed in the firmware notes about intermittent connectivity problems with wpa2 access points03:01
ElleoDamion3: I don't know if it's the same issue the n900 has (which can be solved by turning down the power saving settings for that connection)03:01
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CosmoHillnight night03:03
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Damion3Elleo: I'll try, thanks03:07
Damion3it's very intermittant03:07
Elleoyeah, so was the issue on the n90003:07
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ElleoI don't know how you'd change those settings under Harmattan, but with Maemo it was a matter of doing something like Settings -> Connections -> Select the specific AP name -> Options -> Advanced -> Power and changing to 'medium' instead of 'maximum' power saving03:08
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Elleothe exact words in the release notes are: "WLAN data transfer may stall off and on with WPA2/AES encryption."03:09
Elleounfortunately it doesn't give a bug number03:09
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Damion3it seemed better yesterday03:11
Damion3my ssh connection was really bad and I wondered it it lacks enough entropy03:11
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Damion3hmm, after a reboot and also turning off power saving it's working03:23
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Damion3there isn't an advanced power saving option in wifi settings (yet)03:24
Damion3there is a general phone power saving03:24
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Damion3I got ace-solitair (x86), the i386 binary X11 app working with qemu-i386 user mode03:25
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Brunsi need to figure out a way to put meego on my droid incredible03:37
Brunsbecause im about to rip my hair out of my skull03:38
Brunsive rooted the droid multiple times and had to get it replaced because each time it was stolen or some shit, but now i cant root it. so i thought id give meego a shot03:38
Brunshas anyone tried putting it on an adroid?03:38
Brunsternana: any suggestions?03:39
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ShadowJKcan't root it? why04:03
Damion3if you can root it you won't be able to get meego on it04:10
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ShadowJKDamion3, you mean if you can't04:11
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Damion3yeah can't04:13
Damion3weird, I remember the ' char04:13
berndhseven if you do, it's not going to helpw ith people stealing it04:14
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Brunsi rooted the phone06:17
Brunsnow how do i get meego on it?06:18
Ken-YoungBruns, What kind of phone?06:18
Ken-YoungBruns, Oh, sorry.   I'm afraid I can't help you.06:21
Brunsawh :(06:21
Brunsken-young: do you know if it has been done?06:21
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Ken-YoungBruns, No, I've never heard of that having been done.   I'd be surprised if it had.06:46
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thpBruns: on the meego wiki there are some porting efforts to other android devices documented. unfortunately, most were not successful because of missing drivers afaiui09:19
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mcfriskHow to rsync from repos?10:39
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mcfriskI'm interested in
mcfriskbut it's no longer available from rsync://
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JaffaMorning, all10:44
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lbtmorning Jaffa10:45
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Termanamorning Jaffa and lbt10:48
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slaineCongrats on the n950 Jaffa and lbt10:51
Jaffaslaine: Thanks10:52
slaineLooking forward to seeing your porting progress :)10:52
arfollanyone else getting "HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error" all the time on public OBS?10:53
* alterego yawns10:54
Termanamorning slaine and alterego10:55
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slaineMorning Termana10:56
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slaineI think I should put some coffee on10:56
Jaffaarfoll: I noticed some problems *inside* the page (rendering X(HT)ML error pages)10:56
* slaine yawns and stretches10:56
Jaffaarfoll: X-Fade should be aware (*poke*)10:56
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arfollJaffa, thanks I was wondering wether my dodgy wifi was not the source10:57
Jaffaarfoll: That was at 22:00 UTC last night, so it might have fixed itself (and this is something different) or got worse.10:58
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alteregoI could do with some coffee.10:58
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* Jaffa was trying to flesh out which was tricky with having to refresh each page10:58
* arfoll is failing every osc co, web interface seems to accept files every so often10:59
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Jaffaarfoll: OK, it's definitely worse then, I didn't have any problems with ci's yesterday11:05
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Jaffalbt: Is it best practice to have package.tar.gz or package_version.tar.gz? The former seems easier to manage and there's the built-in version control, but everything seems to follow the latter...11:10
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lbtJaffa: I suspect it depends if you're maintaining or developing11:11
lbtautomation is easier without _version11:11
Jaffalbt: Let's assume developing11:12
Jaffalbt: Indeed.11:12
lbtI prefer without _version11:12
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Jaffalbt: I didn't want to make mud2 <> leave it off if that's a fatal faux-pas ;-)11:12
lbtadd : Upload ../project-build-mud/fremantle/ to the OBS11:14
Jaffalbt: Well, X-Fade's doing harmattan first. Once the OBS supports fremantle, absolutely :-)11:16
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ZrZhi i think obs is wreck now11:16
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lbtso long as it's on the 'todo' list (for the roadmap)11:17
ZrZit worked yesterday11:17
Jaffalbt: Added it11:19
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Jaffalbt: AFAICT, if gets Fremantle support, we would require two different packages (or projects) unless we can make two dscs which the different targets differentiate.11:20
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lbtJaffa: we can do that11:23
Jaffalbt: Cool - so a <package>.fremantle.dsc and a <package>.harmattan.dsc?11:24
Jaffalbt: That'd be good cos then mud2 can stick everything in the same place, which can be the osc checkout dir11:25
lbt(on call so not 100% here)11:25
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Jaffalbt: Added note about that to a 'Roadmap' item on there.11:32
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lbtI think the OBS already has something to to that - not sure of the syntax11:33
X-Fadeprobably a prjconf could filter it.11:34
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lbtX-Fade: I am pretty sure there's a dsc selection filter based on target name or something11:40
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lbtX-Fade: also, you had a couple of Apps tasks for me for today/tomorrow11:41
lbthi khertan11:41
khertan'ning lbt11:42
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Jaffalbt: X-Fade: BTW, is Spectacle something which would be done on OBS or ahead of uploading to produce the .spec file?11:43
lbtbut you must upload the yaml if you used one11:44
lbtand we re-run specify to verify the yaml matches the spec11:44
lbt(for CE, I guess we don't care for Apps)11:44
lbtOBS doesn't know about yaml11:44
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bkalingai opened settings in my tablet running inside Xephyr11:47
bkalinganow how can i close that11:48
bkalingai want to navigate to Home screen but not finding a way to exit from this settings11:48
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Jaffabkalinga: ExoPC? Tap the proximity sensor at the top-left11:51
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lcukmorning \o11:54
bkalingaJaffa: a tablet image running using Xephyr11:54
Jaffabkalinga: Oh yeah - sorry I saw Xephyr11:54
Jaffabkalinga: Escape key?11:54
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bkalingajaffa: that does not work11:55
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Jaffalardman: morning12:50
Jaffalardman: How's your home Internet going?12:50
lardmanhi Jaffa12:51
lardmannothing at home still12:51
lardman4th of July apparently12:51
lardmanany news on devkits?12:52
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Stskeeps|holidayyou're on the list i think12:52
Termanalardman, first round list released12:52
helllardman: first round is over12:52
helllardman:  - search thru list12:53
lardmanthanks hell12:54
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lardmanyay, I'm on the list :)12:54
ZrZi am not :(12:55
ZrZwill there be a 2d round ?12:56
thiagonor I12:56
hellZrZ: about 400 people are not in list yet)))12:56
hellZrZ: still in progress12:56
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LunohoDI'm not on the list too12:56
vvaltone"You will receive an email with instructions..." So... what do they have to sacrifice?12:56
LunohoDoh, wait. i did not submit my proposal...12:57
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vvaltone"Inorder to get your phone, you will have to buy a Windows 7 Phone"12:57
Termanathiago, hmm... aren't you a Nokia employee?12:57
thiagoTermana: not anymore12:57
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hellLunohoD: there is a russian-ukrain drama in forum)
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TermanaWhy doesn't this surprise me?13:00
LunohoDhell: lulz13:01
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Jaffakhertan: the definition of "sentence" is usually one line, not a long set of bullet points. Put the bullets on or somewhere ;-)13:04
khertanJaffa: oh ... sorry i think it was better for readeability13:08
khertanAdd here one line of text  ... <- indeed ... the n900 screen is too small :)13:09
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vvaltoneInline bullet points, ftw13:10
khertanJaffa: refined13:12
khertanthx for notifying it me13:12
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Jaffakhertan: No probs - other people could copy and make the whole page harder to read.13:14
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khertanJaffa: indeed ... even if i found it easiest to read ... it s a point of view .. i follow the rule :)13:17
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Jaffakhertan: Not following the rules will get your name removed from The List ;-)13:18
khertanhi hi13:19
khertanno !!!!! my Willie Wonka's Golden Ticket !!!!13:19
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khertanit s a micro sim, isn't it ? (i mean on the sim slot on n950 ?)13:20
lardmanyeah I remember reading that13:21
Termanakhertan, no13:21
lardmando the providers happily give out uSims?13:21
Termananot on the N95013:21
lardmanah that's for the N9 then?13:21
vvaltonea full sdcard on n950?13:21
Termanaonly miniSIM on the N950 (normal sim)13:21
vvaltoneoh.. sims13:21
vvaltonelardman, perhaps that's the joke, then they say that they didn't see any registered on any mobile network13:22
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Venemothiago, you quit? :O13:24
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thiagoVenemo: yes13:36
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Venemothiago, I'm a bit surprised, but I think I can understand why13:38
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berndhsthiago: going anywhere in particular ?13:44
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berndhsgood for Intel13:47
mardythiago: congrats! I hope you'll continue working on Qt?13:47
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thiagomardy: yes13:55
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Stskeeps|holidaythiago, good luck in your new adventures at intel :)13:58
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Venemothiago, then this is Intel's lucky day :)14:04
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thiagounfortunately pending my visa14:08
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thiagolast time, it was one week delayed for me, 4 months for a friend14:09
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w00tthiago: ehh.. that hasn't been solved yet?14:09
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thiagow00t: no, unfortunately Intel doesn't have the backdoors that Nokia did14:11
thiagoso I have to wait the regular amount of time14:11
w00tyou'd better not get deported, i'll be so disappointed if i can't come visit you :-)14:12
Stskeeps|holidaythiago: relocating to the US then?14:12
hellthiago: you relocate?14:13
thiagono, Norway visa14:13
thiagoit should be a simple update of my current visa, but it takes time14:13
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DocScrutinizerhey Stskeeps|holiday :-D14:17
hellthiago: so, you waiting it outside EU?14:18
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DocScrutinizerkhertan: lardman: N950 has standard SIM14:19
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lardmanDocScrutinizer: yep saw that, thanks14:19
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thiagohell: I'm in Norway14:22
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MiskaXthiago: great news! ;)14:23
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omcfaddethiago: visa/residence permit is never simple. I'm already starting to put aside some money for lawyer fees14:29
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khertanDocScrutinizer: thx for the info14:30
omcfaddeeasiest way is "here is the paperwork, here are my details, and here's a large heap of 100 euro bills. go to work!"14:30
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thiagoomcfadde: that's taken care of14:32
omcfaddethiago: ah, nice :)14:32
berndhsbureaucratic paperwork needs to be properly aged14:32
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omcfaddeberndhs: heh, maybe I should print my application on recycled newsprint or something ;)14:42
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smokuomcfadde: is it still worth it?14:49
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omcfaddesmoku: not sure what you mean? still worth staying in Helsinki? absolutely!14:50
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X-Fadealterego: my bh-214 works at least.14:51
omcfaddeah! yeah, I guess the process sucks everywhere :p14:51
X-FadeHehe -EWINDOW :)14:51
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Venemobergie, if you are interested still, please look at :)15:02
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TheBootroodid someone here already received a devkit email? or more  : the device ?15:08
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bergieVenemo: replied15:14
hellhm. second round will add some more grey hair on my head)15:16
hellwaiting is paain.15:16
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Venemobergie, thank you :)15:18
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MohammadAGare there any examples for status menu applets?15:37
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motafocaanyone managed to compile the meego kernel? i downloaded it and have like 50 patches, but some dont apply, probably the order is wrong, how can i check the patching order?16:23
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Termanamotafoca, are you manually applying the patches or using quilt?16:24
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motafocamanually applying16:25
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motafocanever trid quilt16:25
motafocalet me see16:25
Termanamotafoca, use quilt or look in one of the files (can't remember it's exact name) and it will show you the patching order16:25
motafocaTermana, ok, just a sec  :)16:27
Termanamotafoca, kernel.spec I think16:27
motafocaTermana, i saw that, but how to use it?16:28
gabrbeddmotofoca: You say you downloaded the meego kernel.... from where?  The .src.rpm?16:29
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motafocabut i extracted it using alien16:30
motafoca.src.rpm ..16:30
motafocachanged it to tgz16:30
motafocathen extracted16:30
Termanahmm, are you sure that one doesn't already have the patches applied?16:30
gabrbeddmotafoca: Have you read this page?
motafocai applied the patch-2.6.3116:31
motafocait worked16:31
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motafocabut all the morestown stuf is missing16:31
gabrbeddmotafoca: BTW, it's not uncommon for the .src.rpm package to have patches that it does not use.  You'll need to consult the .spec file to see which ones are used (and in which order).16:32
motafocagabrbedd, thanks for the link, i think it will solve it16:32
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Termanaotherwise, to use the kernel.spec file in a manual fashion you just go through it and look for all the lines labelled "PatchNUM" with NUM being an incremented number from the first one like it and patch it in that order16:32
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gabrbeddAlso, I think the .src.rpm includes a `series` file that makes using quilt MUCH easier.  I think they also keep it in sync with the .spec.16:34
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hesetysn900 online help pag sems to be convertd to redirect to n9 add page.. "nice" product suppoet from nokia :(16:35
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infobothesetys meant: n900 online help pag sems to be convertd to redirect to n9 ad page.. "nice" product suppoet from nokia :(16:35
motafocaTermana, yeah, worst case ill grep that spec and do a script :)16:38
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gabrbeddmotafoca: grep -E "^(Patch|%patch)" kernel.spec16:43
gabrbeddThe order is determined by the %patch lines16:44
gabrbeddThe file names by the Patch lines16:44
gabrbeddthey map PatchNNN ==> %patchNNN16:44
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motafocayeah thans16:46
motafocaalmost finished the script16:46
motafocasimple grep with cut did the job16:46
motafocafinishing the for16:47
motafocadone i guess16:47
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* ZrZ neheglqt : NeHe #3D #OpenGl demos PorteD to #qt4 , plz test them on #MobilE #DevicE , FeedBack PatcheS WelcomE 18:13
thiagowhat's that?18:14
X-Fadebroken shift button, for sure.18:14
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Ans5i..but nehe is great.18:19
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w00tmy hand hurts when I try write like that :-)18:21
ZrZi just build a rpm for meego18:21
Tujuwrite? i've pain while reading.18:22
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lcukw00t, even worse trying to do it in handwriting18:45
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andyross(reading scrollback) you can write ... text?  With your hands?  Nonsense.19:10
araujoHello guys,19:11
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lcukandyross, try doing handwriting from your keyboard19:11
lcukaraujo, hi19:11
lcuki heard about lmt19:11
araujoI notice they have just removed libmeegotouch, together with all meegotouch packages from Trunk now?19:11
araujoDo we have an announcement about that?19:12
araujohi lcuk19:12
lcukaraujo, what effect does that actually have19:12
lcuki just saw an email about it19:12
jonnorlcuk: where is the email?19:12
* andyross noticed that too, and had to move a few packages into a 1.2:oss branch, which is probably where they should have been.19:12
fralslcuk: it was the SR from meego-commits i assume lcuk?19:12
araujolcuk, it'd be nice ot have an announcement in advance19:13
lcukyes frals19:13
andre__commits doesn't count. real mailing lists would be welcome.19:13
fralsandre__: ha, thats not how things are done here ;-)19:13
lcukand araujo agreed, but wasnt there quite some discussion over recent weeks?19:13
jonnorlcuk: for Maliit we have had LMT free packages in Trunk:Testing for some weeks now, but noone has integrated it yet19:13
araujowell... I received the commit email, of course, but that doesn't count as an announcement :P19:13
lcukjonnor, is that what araujo is following on?19:13
jonnorlcuk: what do you mean?19:14
andre__frals, yeah, it's meego :)19:14
araujolcuk, discussion over recent weeks about what?19:14
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lcukIt was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'."19:14
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araujowe all know LMT would be soon removed, but I didn't know it was going to happen today like this....19:14
jonnorno decision was annoucnced that lmt will be removed today, as I have seen19:14
lcukaraujo, chatter about libmeegotouch19:14
fralsandre__: if you are lucky, some rabid person will send a mail to meego-dev "we decided to drop x, y and z. we are replacing it with a, b and c which needs a lot of work to come close in features" ;)19:14
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lcukfrals, being rabid at least shows some passion :P19:15
lcukit takes energy to foam at the mouth19:15
andyrossAnd related: do any OBS experts know why my personal MeeGo:1.2:oss branch repo hasn't published?  Is there some magic I need to do to make the packages appear on
fralslcuk: ye :)19:15
andre__I think I slowly lose confidence that MeeGo will get it right (=open). Might be just today though, a day with enough tension so far...19:15
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araujoand about the effects, well, right now there are many packages in OBS with unresolvable deps19:16
lcukandre__, I am recently easing tension with football19:16
araujoandyross, did you enable the publish flags?19:16
andyrossHeh, indeed.  Magic. :)19:17
andre__lcuk: damn, how productive. I just take lots of drugs and hit the streets with guns etc ;-)19:17
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pierceandyross:  publish flags always throw me off :-)   "wheres my damn package, it says it built successfully!" every single time19:19
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tomeuandre__: I think that's what he was referring with "football" :p19:19
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BlueAidangoing to actually use btrfs' features this time...20:34
BlueAidandoing snapshots as I make changes to the OS setup20:35
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peterbjornxi HATE nokia21:29
peterbjornxi sent my n900 in for repair and they give me the n821:30
peterbjornxwhat a sorry excuse for a smartphone21:30
X-Fadepeterbjornx: And you join this channel, why?21:30
peterbjornxany chance on getting a stripped down maemo or meego on it?21:30
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peterbjornxwhy not21:31
X-Fadedifferent cpu, basically lower power stuff all around.21:31
peterbjornxwith stripped down i mean , kernel + GNU tools + Xorg + simple WM + deb packages21:31
X-FadeAnd locked bootloader :)21:31
peterbjornxdo they still do that21:32
peterbjornxnow im srsly considering selling it and buying another N90021:32
CosmoHillpeterbjornx: phone them up and tell them you want a n90021:32
peterbjornxi asked for one at the shop, they said, were sorry those aint made anymore, heres your N821:33
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peterbjornxbe thankful for it cause you got a pricy new phone21:33
peterbjornxi then asked for my n900 back they said nokia destroyed it21:33
Mirvthat's unfortunately true, N900 isn't made any more. but N8 is indeed worth something... although not quite enough for a N9 pre-order where you could actually have MeeGo :)21:33
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peterbjornxhow much will n9 cost when its in stores21:34
peterbjornxany guesses?21:34
Mirvdepends if in $ or €, but I guess it's for example ca. 550€ at start21:34
thiagoprobably as expensive as the N821:34
thiagopossibly more21:34
peterbjornxand day-value of a N8 with 2 months of warranty21:34
MirvN8 is a lot less expensive21:34
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peterbjornxthey sell it for E500 there21:35
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Mirvanyway <- CE is supposed to extend to N9 next21:35
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Mirvof course it needs people to do it, but starting obviously with packaging the harmattan kernel to MeeGo community OBS21:35
peterbjornxbut, how much do you think a N8 will sell for on ebay21:36
peterbjornxits only got 2 months warranty and it didnt come with manuals and a box21:36
piercepeterbjornx: I'm seeing some for 412usd21:37
piercesome up to around 45021:37
peterbjornxwhat'd be a better plan, go for a N9 and invest some 250 euros, buy a old N900 or keep the N821:38
peterbjornxwould people care about the warranty?21:38
pierceN9 is going to change everything21:38
piercebetter hold out for that21:38
peterbjornxhow "open" will it be21:38
MirvI'd say N9, not simply because it's the fanciest device, but because N900:s start to be rare and their USB connector is a bit shaky. keeping N8 you don't gain much (...if you're interested in MeeGo)21:38
peterbjornxjust like n900?21:38
peterbjornxit was the usb connector why i sent it in for repairs21:39
Mirvpeterbjornx: well the shipping firmware is a combination of proprietary and open stuff, but the MeeGo Community Edition for it will be ~99% open (ie. only drivers et cetera)21:39
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peterbjornxi was talking more about software restrictions21:40
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Mirvwell you can root it and flash it AFAIK, ie. totally change the software - zero restrictions per se21:40
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Mirvand with the default software you can play around freely also in the system which is Harmattan based (deb packaging)21:41
Mirvfor apps, you can target both the default people will be using and real MeeGo at the same time, since both have the same Qt for apps21:41
peterbjornxand, do you think i have any chance of selling it for a reasonable price with only 2 months of warranty and no box and manuals?21:41
MirvI guess 2 months of warranty gives a lot more comfort to the buyer than 0 months21:42
Mirvso yes21:42
peterbjornxwell i guess most on ebay have 1.5 years?21:42
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peterbjornxbut the fact that this one is completely new will compensate i think21:43
Mirvwell yes should help a lot as well21:43
peterbjornxi hate that i decided to send my n900 in21:43
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Myrttiohai Mirv.21:44
peterbjornxwas working on a manual "distro" in a flash partition that was based of maemo but with different shells and desktop env21:44
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piercepeterbjornx:  so they wouldn't give it back to you?21:45
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peterbjornxnokia "destroyed" it21:46
peterbjornxi lost my temper when the shop guy said that21:46
peterbjornxis there any official indications on the N9 price yet?21:47
peterbjornxi dont want to end up selling my phone and not having enough money to buy it , as i probably wont have more than 200 euros to add to what i get for my N821:48
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thiagopeterbjornx: check your local operators. They may have the price already.21:48
thiagopeterbjornx: but expect it to be the N8 + some more money.21:49
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MirvMyrtti: ohai!21:50
w00tDDP \o/21:51
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lcukw00t, \o/21:51
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CosmoHilldamn hicups, I keep getting them21:53
Mirvis this btw a known problem in the community OBS? "service daemon error: connect to Connection refused"21:53
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X-FadeMirv: Hmm something needs kicking then.21:53
peterbjornx€465 voor de 16GB variant en  €530 voor de 64GB variant.21:54
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Mirvuu, cheaper than I thought. probably pricier here :P21:54
Myrttinothing stops from buying abroad21:54
peterbjornx660 dollars for the 16gig21:54
peterbjornxbut thats 465 euros atm21:55
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Myrttiespecially when the hardware solutions are the same and not limited to, for example, a certain hw keyboard layout21:55
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X-Fadepeterbjornx: $ == Euro in these cases.21:55
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timophthat's how it usually is21:56
X-FadeThat is always the case. With about any product.21:56
Myrttiof course, it doesn't stop Nokia from being an arsehole and limiting sw keyboard language versions to certain areas.21:56
timophat least in .fi21:56
Myrttior Swype.21:56
timophand good evening :)21:56
peterbjornxwell, im quoting 2 dutch e-magazines21:56
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, add a plugin?21:56
Myrttia plugin?21:56
peterbjornxor, modify the software to allow for diff languages21:56
Myrtti"modify swype" lol21:57
peterbjornxtake some files from global images or UK images21:57
Myrttilet's see that happening21:57
Myrttiin a GAZILLION years21:57
peterbjornxprobably all in config/data stores21:57
Myrttisorry, I need to go wash my hair, sinuses and mind free from the hospice smell and despair21:58
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, I was thinking Maliit21:58
GeneralAntillesMyrtti, be well. :(21:58
MyrttiGeneralAntilles: I don't get Maliit21:59
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Myrttiie. understand21:59
MyrttiI see the video on which the layout is being changed21:59
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Myrttithen I wonder how I can do that on my Exo, and stare at google search box for a while, before giving up22:00
GeneralAntillesmikhas can probably illuminate if you can dig him up.22:00
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Myrttiaaanyway before I infect you all with my scepticism and tiredness, shower22:01
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oilinkiI don't know if you agree, but here is my 2c
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timophoilinki: what do you mean by "with nokia MeeGo will die"?22:10
timophMeeGo != Nokia22:10
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oilinkitimoph: nokia != meego can be true, but to meego really live it needs the end users22:11
nialam: meego need me :)22:12
oilinkiand that needs an company with large customer base22:12
timophintel isn't large enough?22:12
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oilinkiis it?22:12
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thiagoand there are other companies too22:12
* noobmonk3y prods lcuk 22:12
dm8tbrintel is not in the devices business22:12
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oilinkiintel is an large company which makes products for other companies.22:13
thiagointel likes the device business very much as they're trying to sell to the device makres22:13
oilinkiaverage user does not care which processor is in the device (actually does not have any idea of it)22:13
thiagothat doesn't invalidate the argument though22:14
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* gabrbedd steps in to #meego to find people beating dead horses. Then leaves.22:14
oilinkianyway. I just tried to find some solutions, how to get forward.22:14
pierceoilinki: if you think that intel is just a processor factory you have been misinformed :-)22:14
Purduecerhey guys, sorry to bother you, but perhaps somebody can find a quick answer to my question22:14
bdubThis post would be more correct if, instead of saying "MeeGo", it said "The people working on MeeGo at Nokia."22:15
timophPurduecer: fire away22:15
andre__Purduecer, don't ask to ask, just ask :)22:15
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PurduecerI just grabbed Meego 1.2 for netbooks and installed it on a USB drive22:15
gabrbeddHow to save MeeGo??  CREATE.22:15
Purduecertrying to do some work in the meego terminal22:15
Purduecerbut... bash claims it can't find man...22:15
noobmonk3ybash only likes women.....22:15
Purduecerand, I'm unsure what Meego uses for package installation22:15
Purduecersince it's apparently not apt-get22:15
thiagoPurduecer: zypper22:15
timophPurduecer: zypper22:16
* timoph is slow22:16
Purduecercool, thanks22:16
Purduecerand, no man in the Meego distro?22:16
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oilinkiso.. you don't agree what I wrote? then how to get forward in better way?22:16
Purduecerjust --help or something?22:16
thiagooilinki: MeeGo, the project, doesn't need "saving". It could very well use more development, more devices running it, more applications.22:17
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thiagooilinki: but it's not in danger of dying, hence no need for saving.22:17
gabrbeddPurduecer: MeeGo has `man` -- but it's not installed by default.  I think it's just `sudo zypper install man` and you're good to go.22:17
Purduecergreat, thanks everyone!22:17
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Purduecer*signs off*22:17
piercegabrbedd: Purduecer you also need manpages22:17
thiagooilinki: so I don't agree with what you wrote at all.22:18
oilinkithiago: how come it's not in danger of dying? I mean in scale of (mobile) symbian, android etc22:18
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noobmonk3yhmmm odd question... do you have to be registered on this nokia launchpad thing to be eligable for the n950?22:18
gabrbeddpierce: IIRC, there's several man pages already there... just no way to view thim.  (That is for MeeGo <= 1.2)22:18
pierceoilinki: your assumption is that meego is another flavor of the month linux fork, which is not true22:18
thiagooilinki: MeeGo tablets is growing fine. MeeGo IVI and STBs are doing very well. In fact, we own the IVI industry.22:18
thiagooilinki: so it's not in danger of dying.22:18
thiagooilinki: true, we're not seeing much in the mobile (handset) segment, but what we need there is someone to commit to shipping a MeeGo device.22:19
oilinkipierce: please explain22:19
pierceoilinki: meego is just linux, everything in meego gets upstreamed to every other distro22:19
thiagooilinki: meanwhile, we keep it alive in the Community Edition.22:19
pierceoilinki:  it's owned by the linux foundation22:19
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lbtthiago: congrats : I hope the change makes no real difference :)22:20
oilinkiwhat I think is that in the future (actually already) there is huge need for mobile and laptop integration. like google is already doing.22:20
oilinkiif I see an picture on my laptop, I wish to see it on my mobile as well.. without thinking when changing the device.22:21
oilinkithese are just simple things.22:21
oilinkiand if there is no meego on mobile, the laptop (or PC if you wish), can not work out.22:22
bduboilinki: You're not making the distinction between MeeGo as a project (which has a lot of different contributors from a lot of different companies who can use it in a lot of different ways), and Nokia's handset as a product.22:22
pierceoilinki: all of these projects are related, that's how open source works22:22
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thiagooilinki: agreed. Lots of people are working hard on the "multi-screen" demo22:23
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oilinkibdub: no I'm not. also the end users do not care. they just want things to go forward. Today the message is - there is no MeeGo. And that message is pretty bad.22:23
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oilinkitoday feels like everythin is hanging in the cloud. It could go anywhere.. but the real direction is missing.22:24
dm8tbrbdub: btw thanks for coming back quickly to my query on bug 1351622:24
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, brian.warner, RESO FIXED, Proposal: Allow MeeGo trademark usage in form of "<X>, a MeeGo R&D project"22:24
oilinkitherefore what Nokia's way to hang.. and way, is the worst thing. Some new directions would be needed.22:24
* timoph thinks this conversation is going nowhere22:25
piercetimoph: it's good exercise22:26
pierce"this tredmill is going nowhere"  <-- same thing!22:26
* dm8tbr prefers the nature, more variety22:26
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oilinkitimoph: could be so.. but then again there should be an direction and future for the mobile part as well.22:27
piercedm8tbr: but that's where the bears live22:27
thiagooilinki: also, don't forget that the MeeGo team inside Nokia will continue to exist, researching what more can be done and maybe plotting a comeback.22:27
thiagooilinki: it will be just much smaller.22:27
dm8tbrpierce: yes, they make you run faster, that's for bonus ;)22:27
oilinkithiago: What I'm afraid that Nokia's Meego Team is really, really small compared to the ex-symbian and current WP7 team.22:28
bduboilinki: My point is that the article is very incorrect in the way it treats MeeGo.  MeeGo is a workgroup of the Linux Foundation, not an OS by Nokia.22:28
thiagooilinki: it will be22:28
thiagooilinki: no need to keep 7000 people (the size of the Symbian team)22:28
oilinkibdub: in that way yes. but what really matters at the moment, is the support from nokia.22:29
timophyeah. they have been pretty open with the stategy change :)22:29
timophso no need to guess22:29
oilinkiand if nokia is let to slowly kill it's meego team.. then there will not be real meego anymore22:29
thiagooilinki: you're again forgetting all the other companies and individuals22:29
timophoilinki: you're still confusing meego and nokia22:29
thiagoMeeGo does not depend on Nokia. Never has.22:29
gabrbeddoilinki: that's bullshit.22:29
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thiagoif Nokia lets its team die off, we'll feel its loss, but MeeGo will survive22:30
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* timoph bails out from this conversation as it starts to feel like trolling22:30
oilinkiI still think that without an major mobile company backup, there is no real concept and therefore a lot less growth with meego22:31
gabrbeddoilinki: Right now, there's a boat load of code being dumped into meego from Intel's OSTC22:31
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oilinkithat's put in pc way. but really. how to go forward?22:31
* gabrbedd goes swimming with timoph22:31
thiagooilinki: so without a mobile company, we can't have MeeGo IVI? Why?22:32
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thiagooilinki: explain to me why Nokia is needed to make STBs successful.22:32
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TSCHAKeeeoilinki: MeeGo spreads across more verticals than just Handset, bro.22:33
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Jaffathiago: IVI and STBs result in a very different community and offering, though.22:33
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Jaffathiago: No-one has ever made IVI and STBs which are accepting - or successful - for third party developers; let alone "hobbyist" developers.22:33
thiagoJaffa: that is probably true22:34
TSCHAKeeemeego could serve as an example22:35
oilinkisomeone needs to explain IVI and STB for me.22:35
thiagooilinki: no. You need to research them on your own before writing your posts.22:35
dm8tbroilinki: you need a trip to the meego wiki to look them up maybe22:35
TSCHAKeeeoilinki: no, we don't. go read. IVI = In-Vehicle-Entertainment... STB = Set Top Box.22:36
pierce*meego high five*22:36
thiagoIn-Vehicle Infotainment, Set-Top Boxes22:36
TSCHAKeeeoilinki: we do not appreciate people who thinks things are owed to them "just because"22:36
oilinkiTSCHAKeee: thanks for the explanation22:37
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oilinkiand thiago as well22:38
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oilinkiI wish not so step on your feets.22:39
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oilinkiand I do know that I do not hold the knowledge I should for coding.22:40
thiagoyou're welcome to help22:40
thiagobut you need to do your own research first22:40
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oilinkiBut at the same time I wish not to see Nokia (or other mobile companies) to let Meego go to the 'nice but useless bin'22:41
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oilinkiSo, how to do with Nokia?22:43
thiagoI agree22:43
oilinkiit has been the major company behind meego. even if it let it down.22:43
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thiagoNokia will continue to have a division which is the rightful heir of MeeGo22:43
* TSCHAKeee looks at Intel.22:44
thiagoit will be much smaller than it is today, but it will continue researching and experimenting with technologies22:44
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thiagoNokia wants to avoid being caught with its pants down again (like the iPhone was), so this unit may produce something interesting. We just don't know.22:45
TSCHAKeeeit is becoming as i suspected, an R&D tank.22:45
thiagothen there's all the talk of "internet for the next billion"22:45
oilinkiinternet for the next billion is likely to be with s40 still22:46
TSCHAKeeeif my spidey sense is correct, i suspect it may go like this, Meego division comes up with an idea, the Windows Phone division copies it and put it in consumer devices. but that's just speculation.22:46
pierceI want to see a MeeGo visor vertical :-D  team up with vuzix or something22:46
thiagooilinki: Nokia has not revealed what that would be, so that's just speculation right now.22:47
oilinkihere in thailand, the cheapest phones (checked today at the supermarket) are about 12 euros.22:47
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thiagooilinki: with or without a subscription plan?22:48
oilinkiif nokia has to pay 5-7 euros to microsoft.. they can not beat that price22:48
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thiagomicrosoft is only the smartphone (high-end) segment22:48
oilinkithiago: yes. from the shelve. some nokia model, did not check it better.22:48
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oilinkipreviously there has been a long time an segment for 20-30 euros phones. with 100 euros you get an chinese copy of some phones with touch screen, tv, radio, wlan etc. etc. funny toys.22:50
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lcukthiago, i think microsoft do something other than smartphones22:52
lcukbut I cannot quite put my finger on it22:53
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timophlcuk: o/22:53
lcukoh hi timoph \o22:53
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lcukcongrats! :D22:53
timophthanks. you too :)22:53
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MiskaXkind of funny, when i joined nokia i was working on STBs22:54
TSCHAKeeelcuk: congrats! :)22:54
lcukI have just been talking to mja_fin (meego guy from Manchester) who has a great qt multitouch game that he has tested on harmattan sdk but he hasn't been on the device program yet22:54
lcukstrange because of how active around meego forums he is!22:54
timophlcuk: are the sources somewhere in public?22:55
* timoph wants to try22:56
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lcuktimoph, I think so, he spoke about OSS and gitorious last time we got together22:56
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timophlcuk: do you remember the project's name?22:58
lcuki just asked him22:58
lcukwill let you know22:58
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timophah. that one22:59
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timophI actually already tried it :)22:59
lcukheh I didn't have a multitouch device to try it on23:00
timophthe lack of multitouch device made it a bit hard to play.. :)23:00
lcukhence the n950 testing would be a good thing (TM)23:00
CosmoHillNokia N8 is £400 or £300 for a refurbished one23:01
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timophwe need to make a flute out of it. sandst1 made a component already that gives you the amplitude when you blow into the microphone :)23:02
lcukgood stuff23:03
lcukCosmoHill, I have an N8 now actually23:03
CosmoHillT9 phones seem to have vanished from the market :(23:03
gabrbeddtimoph: You mean like Smule's Okarina? (iPhone app)23:03
lcukfirst thing I want to try and do is add an extra tab to the swipe :)23:04
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javispedrolcuk: I think it's closed source .. :(23:06
timophgabrbedd: yep23:07
gabrbeddtimoph: how many fingers does the N9/N950 display support?23:08
lcukjavispedro, really23:08
lcukthe source is there23:08
javispedrooh, good.23:09
timophgabrbedd: at least 10. dunno if there's any limit really. We tried but run out of screen space23:09
gabrbeddtimoph: OMG!  Sweet!23:09
gabrbeddtimoph: With 3 fingers you can do a diatonic scale.  With 4 or more you can do a chromatic scale.23:10
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lcuktimoph, :P I did not think the SDK supported multitouch23:11
timophlcuk: I had a little play time with it :)23:11
lcuk bbiab23:12
arnbakis it possible to speed up the qemu emulated harmattan device, with qtsdk ?23:13
javispedroqemu seemingly supports multitouch23:13
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arnbakhardware acceleration is enabled23:14
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thiagogabrbedd: the N950 supports 10 fingers.23:14
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thiagogabrbedd: I tried the 11th touch point with my nose but didn't succeed.23:15
berndhstablets should suport 20 fingers for 2-player games :)23:15
thiagoI just hope no one took a picture of my trying that23:16
smokuthiago, which app do you use to test it?23:16
thiagoberndhs: if two people have all their fingers on the tablet, who's holding it?23:16
thiagosmoku: evtest23:16
smokuthiago, table?23:16
berndhsthe table holds the tablet23:16
gabrbeddthiago: :-)23:16
smokuthiago, thanks. how does evtest report these?23:16
BlueAidanso does anyone have tips about actually using the crystalhd gstreamer plugin from the community repo?23:16
w00tthiago: rofl23:16
thiagosmoku: it reports the touch ID23:16
thiagosmoku: from 0 to 9. So 10 touchpoints.23:17
smokuoh. cool.  need to try it then :)23:17
gabrbeddsmoku: you can also test it with `hexdump -C /dev/input/inputN`23:17
thiagobut evtest decodes the stream for you23:17
gabrbeddsmoku: When you go one-too-many it stops sending data.23:18
smokugabrbedd, i would like something human friendly rather :D23:18
gabrbeddthiago: true... but sometimes it's not installed. :-)23:18
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smokuthiago, I guess touchscreen designers didn't think about the nose :(23:19
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peterbjornxn950, isnt that simply N9 or have i missed something23:24
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* fiferboy steals the idea to make a fife-emulator23:25
thiagopeterbjornx: two different devices23:26
thiagosimilar, but not exactly the same23:26
peterbjornxwill n950 be released too or is it released already23:27
thiagoit's released already23:27
peterbjornxto customers too?23:27
peterbjornxor just to devs23:27
thiagojust to devs23:28
peterbjornxany info on rtm date and pricing23:28
thiagoprice is 023:29
thiagoyou cannot buy it23:29
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peterbjornxit wont be released to customers :O23:29
thiagothe n950 is only available as a devkit and you have to be given one by Nokia23:29
peterbjornxin the future too?23:29
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ali1234i am fairly certain that giving out the n950 as dev kit for the n9 is a bad idea and here is why23:36
ali1234all those maemo guys who get one are going to port the same old stuff from maemo 523:37
ali1234and it's all going to suck on the n9 without a keyboard :/23:37
smokusucky apps won't be accepted ;-)23:38
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ali1234speaking of which, what is going to happen with "extras" on harmattan?23:40
ali1234does it even have a name?23:40
berndhsthe n950 is there to keep the old maemo crowd quiet for the next 6-12 months :)23:40
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ali1234are they even going to have a community repo in it?23:40
ali1234or they just going to have nokia store?23:40
ali1234or is this stuff not known yet?23:41
smokuintel appup23:41
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ali1234nothing else?23:41
smokuovi store too I guess23:41
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smokuif they manage to get it working23:41
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smokulast time I tried uploading .deb to ovi, it barked on me, that .deb is no good, and I need to upload .deb23:42
ali1234i've had similar experiences with just about every nokia service ever23:42
berndhswell that should teach you :)23:43
ali1234it taught me not to bother with nokia "ecosystem"23:43
smokuand today they messaged me, that they are discontinuing ovi chat, and I need to download new app from website, that in turn informed me that my n900 is not supported23:43
RST38hali: Dunno about other guys but my stuff is not going to suck =)23:43
RST38hali: Got touch joystick, accelerator joystick, going to add multitouch and compass based controls=)23:44
RST38hsmoku: Hehe23:44
smoku:)  my stuff is also touch based.  i still find using the keyboard awkward for anything more than sms and email23:44
ali1234i never understood why i need a ovi chat account to talk to people on msn, jabber etc on a symbian phone23:44
RST38hYea, kbd is kinda too slow23:45
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Damion3I think people think there is money to be made in social and having your own ecosystem might help23:45
smokuali1234, i did setup ovi chat just out of couriosity. never exchanged one message over it.  but messaging me to upgrade and then informing that sorry, but we do not support you is kind of ironic.23:46
Damion3google+1, ovi, etc23:46
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smokuand exemplary of the whole ovi ecosystem23:46
Damion3I use gtalk via irssi and bitlbee in a screen session I ssh to from my n95023:47
smokuDamion3, there is. you just need to do it right, not outsource it to some god forgotten dev centre23:47
smokulike nokia did with ovi23:47
Damion3and before that n900 and e90 before, 9300...9500, 9210, 9110, 900023:48
smokusame session? :D23:48
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smokunice uptime you got there :)23:48
Damion3I've had 4 year screen sessions23:48
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peterbjornxare there any plans for a Atom MeeGo phone?23:49
Damion3there is a box at the bbc with about 13 years uptime or some such silly amount23:49
smoku[22:45:25] OviPublish: Nokia Ovi Store success: TenPearls: 1.4m downloads globally-
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Damion3peterbjornx: I hope so, don't know who'd do it though23:49
smoku1.4m globally.... nice "success" :D23:49
Damion3nokia have does intel compatible hones before23:50
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Damion3the 9000 and 9110 could run command.com23:50
peterbjornxyh but was it really a PC or some native file?23:50
smokupeterbjornx, intel for sure has plans. but not for the current atom generation.  the upcoming one23:50
Damion3peterbjornx: native23:50
Damion3it supported INT 10h23:51
RST38h1.4m is a lot23:51
Damion3was 48623:51
peterbjornxwhy was  bochs so slow on n90023:51
peterbjornxas ive had pc's with comparable specs performing better23:51
RST38hpeter: you really have to ask?23:51
Damion3it didn't have screen ram at b800:0000 but was quite pclike23:52
smokuRST38h, comparing to 500k android activations a DAY23:52
Damion3x86 version of solitaire is quite fast in qemu (user)23:52
peterbjornxlol, so in theory you could've ported a windows os to it with custom vid drivers23:52
peterbjornxnt 3 or something23:52
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Damion3peterbjornx: uh... not really enough ram/storage.  it's os was GDOS23:53
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Damion3this'll all be on wikipedia23:53
RST38hsmoku: Do not compare to Android.23:53
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RST38hsmoku: Besides, I doubt you would get 1.4m downloads in the Android app store23:53
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smokuRST38h, so, to which other competition should I compare to? :)23:53
RST38hsmoku: Lots and lots of fecal matter there, very difficult to get your app seen23:54
ali1234see that's what i don't get23:54
RST38hsmoku: RiM:)23:54
smokuRST38h, that's one _very_ unfortunate name ;-)23:54
ali12341.8M downloads is a success... they have 11 apps, so that's 160000 downloads per app23:54
RST38hsmoku: yea, on many levels, I am afraid :)23:54
ali1234but the most downloaded apps on maemo 5 extras have 200000 downloads23:54
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RST38hsmoku: Anyway, I am planning to try putting some of my stuff on the Android app store23:55
ali1234i don't understand how this can be the case when there is about 100x as many symbian phones23:55
RST38hsmoku: Also going to put it into Meego app store (for free)23:55
RST38hsmoku: So, we will see how well each goes, for the same app =)23:55
smokuRST38h, these are 1.4m downloads for the whole ovi store. globally.  not for one app.23:55
Damion3wanting/installing apps is surprisingly niche23:56
RST38hAh, that is for the whole thing?23:56
ali1234Damion3: it used to be, but not any more23:56
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Damion3but enough iphone ppl do it it seems popular23:56
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smokuor not.23:56
ali1234Damion3: the average iphone user *buys* 6 apps per *month*23:56
smokujust googled TenPearls - it's a publisher23:56
Damion3look at the gazillions of people wh don't care and just get on with tneir symbian phones23:56
smokuok. for one publisher 1.4m downloads is a succes23:56
RST38hsmoku: See?23:57
peterbjornxi dont get the whole app thing23:57
* smoku gets under the table and barks23:57
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ali1234yes, the reason i use a symbian phone is because it is a good phone. i don't care about apps23:57
Damion3peterbjornx: I use ssh
RST38hdon't need to get it, it is a religious thing.23:57
ali1234the best thing about symbian is they put all the effort into making the phone and PIM functions actually work in a decent way23:57
peterbjornxisnt it a de-development, like worse than what was before it23:57
RST38hmarketing people get it, on the faith level23:57
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peterbjornxwhy use a app for every newspaper if theres a RSS application23:58
smokuali1234, you are basically required to give your credit card number to use the iPod/iPhone23:58
ali1234i would never use one even if it was free23:58
smokuali1234, so getting these users to click "buy for $1" and then regretting the desision is easy23:58
ali1234os x is bad enough23:58
ali1234but yeah, i can see where you're coming from23:58
Damion3I'd like to like osx23:59
peterbjornxOSX isnt that bad23:59
peterbjornxbut i prefer linux23:59
ali1234supposed to be getting an android soon23:59
ali1234never tried it before. tbh i don't expect to like it23:59
Damion3been a hardcore terminal/x11 man for too many decades23:59
ali1234even though i use google for everything pretty much23:59
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