IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2011-06-11

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xoanBestiaH: hi00:23
Saviqlbt: built fine on b.o.o00:23
alteregoDamnit, can't use the map data from maemo/symbian in QML maps00:23
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lbtSaviq: FYI - some workers weren't upgraded to 11.400:24
BestiaHHi hi00:24
Saviqlbt: yeah but I think only the "kernel too old" is related to that00:24
Saviqbut maybe not00:25
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BestiaHHi there!!00:32
BestiaHI'm testing meego in N90000:33
BestiaHAnybody could tell me where can I find the specifications?00:33
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BestiaHof meego.... where is describe how it is suppose to behave :P00:36
CosmoHillalterego: fancy helping me file a bug?00:36
SpeedEvilBestiaH: The source.00:37
BestiaHwait a secon alterego00:38
lbtBestiaH: I think you should go to #meego-arm00:38
BestiaHThe source???00:38
lbtand ask there how to help with testing00:38
alteregoCosmoHill: wassup?00:38
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CosmoHillalterego: tar is old and doesn't reconisie that xz is a compression]00:39
alteregoThat's not a bug00:39
alteregoThe new version of tar uses a new version of the GPL, and apparently that's something that MeeGo doesn't want.00:40
alteregoSame with Bash00:40
alteregosorry :/00:40
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phaeronmaybe bsdtar would be better00:48
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CosmoHillsomething where I can go tar xf file.tar.xz and it not go "wtf"00:52
gabrbeddalterego: uh-oh.  MeeGo is trying to avoid GPLv3?  That's the first I've heard of that.00:52
SpeedEvilGPLV3 has real issues for manufacturers00:53
javispedromeego favors lgpl200:53
SpeedEvilFrom the makers view, tivoisation can be a big argument00:53
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gabrbeddSpeedEvil: yeah... I saw this coming.  Just the first time I've seen it become manifest.00:54
alteregoWell, I heard this same issue with tar a while back and someone explained it then, that's why I'm informed ;)00:55
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javispedroimho a can of worms. the last thing the project needs atm.00:55
gabrbeddalterego: ok, thx.00:55
gabrbeddjavispedro: FULL ACK.00:55
phaeronfrom the man page bsdtar looks like it supports xz00:55
alteregoIt's not anything new, I imagine it was a choice from the get go.00:56
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javispedroalterego: it is (same policy from nokia...), but still a can of worms.00:57
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javispedroI can only pray the fact remains hidden enough.00:57
pebcakyou bet it won't00:57
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* gabrbedd searches wiki to see if this is tribal knowledge00:57
SaviqI can't even blame them, really...00:57
SpeedEvilSomeone will bring out a locked-down meego device - guaranteed.00:57
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SpeedEvilFor example - IVI00:58
alteregojavispedro: what is your concern?00:58
SpeedEvilOk - you've bought an expensive map licence.00:58
alteregoI don't understand the "can of worms"?00:58
SpeedEvilNow, it comes with a TOS that is going to require locking down the device.00:58
alteregoBut then I'm not up on gpl law or anthing ...00:58
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javispedroalterego: think the periodical flamewars between bsd vs gpl00:59
SpeedEvilalterego: GPLV3 tries to outlaw tivoisation.00:59
DawnFosterfor example, most people involved in IVI said they won't use anything with gplv300:59
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lbtphaeron: they're not interested in a useful answer ... arguing about licenses is more fun ;)00:59
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berndhswell, the key is the start of the second paragraph, right01:00
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berndhs"In particular, the requirement is to use licenses compatible with the OSI Open Source definition and use the software and licenses in a way that enables proprietary extensions"01:00
alteregoanyway, bedtime for me, g'night.01:00
gabrbeddjavispedro: haha, i just came back to paste exactly that!01:01
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gabrbeddjavispedro: Although, it's a carefully worded statement designed to avoid opening cans of worms. :-)01:03
* gabrbedd will look the other way.01:03
user0can i get an example of what will still be the community's job to develop for the developers edition of meego to get it fully working on the n900?01:03
user0like whats gona be missing after the projects done01:04
gabrbeddalterego: night night!01:04
gabrbedduser0: I think they have a wiki page on  The DE guys also tend to hange out in #meego-handset.01:05
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alteregouser0: the project will never be done.01:05
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alteregoAs long as there are people working on it.01:06
gabrbeddjavispedro: TBH, I'm not a big fan of GPLv3, anyway.01:06
alteregoThere's no end of project deadline.01:06
javispedrogabrbedd: well, I am, and thus this pisses me off. But I will also look the other way.01:06
alteregoNot really, it's an open source project.01:07
gabrbeddjavispedro: :-)01:07
gabrbeddI figure the v2 vs v3 thing is going to get very uncomfortable (everywhere) round about next year.01:07
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user0so alterego, you think the guys from nokia will still be working on the project ?01:08
gabrbedduser0: N900 DE is a little like a Debian project.  Community driven.... community timeline. :-)01:08
user0that is after nokia stop paying them for it01:08
alteregoWe're doing it for the future of the N900, it's the only NIT device that's had a life as long as it has and especially no with MeeGo N900 CoEd.01:08
alteregouser0: paying who?01:08
gabrbedduser0: AFAIK, Nokia hasn't put up a penny for the N900 DE.  It's totally community.01:08
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alteregoI don't get paid for it.01:09
gabrbedduser0: This is witnessed by the fact that it's distributed on a server.01:09
user0well thats good news.01:09
newbie007the n900 is the best phone I know of01:09
alteregoActually, that doesn't matter so much, only the images are distributed on maemo.org01:10
alteregoThe packages are all from obs01:10
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user0alterego : you must be one of the guys in that video i watched yesterday01:10
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alteregouser0: which video?01:11
user0cant find the link anymore01:11
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alteregoWas it the San Francisco de session?01:11
javispedroalterego: sts technically gets paid ;)01:12
alteregoThen no, I was the guy Jukka phoned :)01:12
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alteregojavispedro: well everyone else does but me ;)01:12
alteregoSage and Stskeeps get paid through their consultancy firms, jukka and msugano are Nokia01:14
user0alterego : when the platform is ready to be using on the n900 to develop for meego , they will stop paying them. correct?01:14
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alteregoThe platform is already for meego development.01:15
alteregoWhat do you think it's lacking right now?01:15
newbie007I thought the n900 is dead - meaning they won't produce any more, next would be perhaps n901 or something01:16
alteregonewbie007: Nokia don't make them anymore, if that's what you mean.01:16
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user0alterego :
newbie007so why target this device (although it is cool) why not set  sites on the nook color (same architechure but newer/faster)01:17
alteregoBecause the nook isn't a handset, and we like handsets01:18
javispedronot to mention that the n900 probably has slightly more documented hardware.01:18
alteregoAnd we have all the drivers.01:18
newbie007I need my n900 as a phone so I wouldn't be so daring to switch the OS, hope to get to that point though01:19
alteregouser0: exactly, we've already pretty much reached the initial goals for the CoEd project.01:19
newbie007is the nook color so different ?01:19
alteregoSo how would you like it to improve? :)01:19
alteregonewbie007: dunno, I do know people have got MeeGo running on it.01:20
newbie007oh I'm just behind the curve since I need it as a phone, Is meego ready for the n900 (meaning phone)01:20
newbie007wow I didn't know01:21
alteregoIt's a little rought around the edges01:21
alteregoBut you can make and recieve calls, using my nice qml dialer01:21
alterego(that's what I do, the qml dialer program)01:21
newbie007my understanding is that meego doesn't  work with the screen on the nookcolor, the videos we saw were a chroot actually running  android01:21
user0alterego : so with a few more green tables on that page it should be ready to be used as a primary OS for the n900 ?01:21
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alteregoToday I implemented a little app which imports your contacts from maemo into meego01:22
newbie007if I could make a call from the command line,, then I'd totally switch01:22
newbie007./ 555-555-555501:22
newbie007that would be cool01:22
alteregouser0: depending who you are, it's already quite ready, I run it myself for my personal phone, but my work phone is still maemo01:22
alteregoI can tell you the command line to make a call if you like ;)01:23
user0the guy presenting in that video says its gona have a few features missing that need to be worked on by the community afterwords01:23
user0or thats what i understood from him01:23
newbie007ha ha cool01:23
alteregouser0: well, the important thing is we have all the hardware enablers, so we can use all hardware in the N90001:23
user0alterego : lovely.01:23
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alteregoThen it's up to the community to write apps and make meego ce what they want it to be01:24
newbie007I'm refferring to a post from wmarone at
alteregowrite/port I mean01:24
alteregoWhat we aimed to do and are doing and have done, is bring a functioning phone os to the N900 in the form of meego01:25
alteregoThat means, out-of-the-box, you can make and recieve calls, send text messages, have your contacts, browse the web.01:25
alteregoThese are the basic use cases.01:26
javispedroand have a fully functional ANSI terminal emulator!01:26
newbie007I just want almost-ti, abiword, and gnumeric and I'd be happy01:26
user0"aimed to do and are doing and have done"01:26
user0how about "will keep on doing" :)01:26
alteregoIn the user0 that too :)01:26
alteregourgh, remove those first words :P01:27
alteregoSo we're improving what we've done, the biggest thing now is performance, mainly, app start up times.01:28
alteregoAnd reducing memory usage, to stop swap hell.01:28
alteregoBut other than that (and a few small bugs) we're kinda at a loss as to what to do now.01:28
alteregoIf you've got a requirement, then let us know :)01:28
newbie007will there ever be another (newer) phone that  can run meego ?01:28
ShadowJKabiword and gnumeric would be "interesting" on meego ;)01:29
alteregonewbie007: yes01:29
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newbie007in the works ?01:29
alteregonewbie007: apparently so :)01:29
user0im getting another n900 tomorrow , the first one got stolen01:29
thiago_homenewbie007: has been for a year and a half (or more)01:30
user0good to see people still developing for it01:30
newbie007it really is the best phone01:30
alteregoThe Harmattan device, will be a target for MeeGo Community Edition, like the N900 is.01:30
user0newbie007 : indeed01:30
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* ShadowJK suspects reducing the enormous memory usages, and teaching kernel about flash based storage devices (heck, if someone would teach devs first) are tasks that probably never end01:31
alteregouser0: we even have the camera working quite well L)01:31
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thiago_homeShadowJK: don't forget power consumption01:31
ShadowJKoh and isn't there newer kernels to keep up to date with, wayland move, etc :P01:32
thiago_homeheck, I keep having to teach people not to use "sleep" in their code01:32
user0alterego , i remember him saying something about that01:32
alteregoBut there are certainly things I miss, basically apps I use all the time on maem01:32
alteregoLike conboy01:32
alteregoAnyway, I really must get to bed now01:33
newbie007there is a program on most linux distros  "calcurses" I think. It's a textbased calendar/scheduling system. If that program were fully integrated with the cell phone's scheduler, that would be pretty cool01:34
alteregoGot a weekend of hacking to look forward to ;)01:34
newbie007thanks for the info!01:34
ShadowJKthiago_home, oh yes. "flash isn't magic, it's worse than harddrives, much worse", and "if you poll I'll strangle you with an elephant"01:35
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newbie007ShadowJK: could you explain your dislike of flash ?01:36
user0im assuming , closed source or something about buggy linux support01:37
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javispedroI use to read a blog from a MS guy, "the old new thing", and they usually have this discussion of how to enforce "good manners" on applications01:38
thiago_homeraymond chen's blog01:38
thiago_homevery good read01:39
javispedrothere was a quote this week or the previous, "non enforceable law is not law"01:39
javispedrowhich I found inspiring, in the sense that understanding it is probably the best way to "forbid sleep" ;)01:39
newbie007ms bought out skype and installed some malware01:39
ShadowJKIt's not that I hate flash based storage, it's just that all our disk schedulers and filesystems have 25 years of optimizations for rotational media, and thus able to slow down a 12Megabyte/s write capable flash storage to 0.1 Mbyte/s01:39
thiago_homewhat was the one I liked...01:39
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thiago_homeoh, "to illustrate our superior intellect, we'll ask you a question you cannot answer" :-)01:40
thiago_homehe was talking about how developers often resort to asking the user a question when they can't figure out what to do01:40
thiago_homeand invariably the user's answer will be "get me out of this dialog"01:40
thiago_homesearch for "The default answer is Cancel"01:41
newbie007I wonder if flash will make filesystems obsolete someday, it will eventually become a black box I would think01:41
javispedrothiago_home: an experience I had: elderly woman: clicks on the close button of firefox, gets the "Do you want me to close all tabs?" dialog, doesn't read it, closes the dialog, proceeds to close tab by tab manually, the clicks on the window close button again01:43
newbie007I mean if flash is going to put something somewhere regardless of where the filesystem thinks it is, then seems like unnecessary overhead to  have a filesystem01:43
javispedrocue sense of accomplishment because this time "she didn't get a error message".01:43
thiago_homenewbie007: a filesystem is more than just "where did my bytes go"01:45
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smokunewbie007, flat-filesystem is not a new thing01:49
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Sceltokay misters01:50
newbie007no I get, I was just thinking out loud01:51
Scelt - which one from there is okay to run?01:51
Scelthaving the "no mmc card found" problem now01:51
Sceltwiki says (you need the raw.bz2 file for the daily acceptance image) and tried with a daily acceptance image but something isn't okay01:52
ShadowJKjavispedro, oh I've seen the opposite. That tab-saving and restore functionality resulting in people opening firefox, getting old tabs+new tab, clicking bookmark to favourite tv stream, suddenly having multiple streams playing simultaneously thinking their computer is posessed01:52
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javispedroyeah, tab-saving has surprised me a few times even.01:53
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ShadowJKon desktop I can't live without tab-saving :P01:56
Sceltshoudl that work with n900?01:56
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Saviqhrm hrm where do I get the current madde-sysroot... the 07.06 builds seem to have failed at building the madde-sysroot image01:58
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Sceltokay, reinstalling uboot fixed it01:59
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Sceltthanks for the help!01:59
Scelttroubleshooting would hurt in wiki01:59
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Saviqdoes the meego online sdk installer actually install 12GB regardless of the targets?03:23
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phl0x81could be, that it gets you all the good stuff ;)03:25
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berndhsthey could give a formula for space required, based on the targets - but people would complain that its off by 3 bytes03:27
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sivanghey people at EST :)06:02
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sivangand in PDT06:02
sivangofcourse :-)06:02
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sivanghey b0unc306:08
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sivangmorning all06:14
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berndhsgood night06:21
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azgarothhello everybody07:18
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* sofar enjoys a beer07:24
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* Stskeeps is making morning coffee07:28
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sivangcoffee morning to you Stskeeps :)07:46
sivangsofar: I wonder if statistics are still being collected07:46
Stskeepsthere's still being ratings collected. especially now after videos are up07:47
Stskeepsbut keep in mind that ratings are also kind of sensitive to many people - if your company sent you across the world to present something on your topic and you did a crap performance, it might affect you07:48
Stskeepsi'm much more into 'top 10 best rated talks', ie, positive rating07:48
Stskeepsso i'm kind of against publishing raw data/comments07:49
sofarobviously, my talk will rank top #1007:50
* sofar giggles, he had like maybe 20 ppl in his talk07:50
Stskeepswe should update package-groups for systemd reality btw, i spotted fastinit in there07:50
Stskeeps(and good job at the systemd integration, i started looking closer at it now)07:51
sofarthough fastinit was already gone07:52
sofarwhich package-group?07:52
* Stskeeps looks07:52
Stskeepspackage-groups 0.70 in trunk, base.yaml07:52
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Stskeepszypper would complain about it but yum happily steps over the missing dep, i think ;)07:53
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sivangsofar: lol, 20 people are a lot07:58
sivangsofar: two of my sessions there was barely 10, and in the talk around 5-607:58
Stskeepsat least it seems like BoFs were more constructive this time around07:58
sivangbut that is mostly due to late breaking news CfP not being properly annoiunced on the large LCD07:58
Stskeepsthe 200 person room for BoFs in dublin was killer for any kind of real discussion07:59
sivangStskeeps: they were awesome!07:59
sofarsmall rooms work well08:00
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sivangjust got hacked through twitter,or my system decided to telinit 1 by itslef08:08
sivangthere are some nasty spammer circulating in twitter, be ware :)08:09
* sivang changes passwords all over08:10
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* sivang thinks chrome is tainted, reinstalls and clears all cache08:12
* sivang wonders if there's a new key shortcut for reboot on the terminal08:14
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* Stskeeps ponders09:09
Stskeeps[  340.565032] <13>uxlaunch[1695]: process -1 was killed by signal 909:09
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sofargit is currently broken09:13
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sofaris that a released version?09:13
Stskeepsi killed pulseaudio and uxlaunch went mad ;)09:14
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sofarcan you pastebot your pulseaudio.desktop file (/etc/xdg/autostart...) ?09:14
Stskeepser, yeah, from the 'cat'09:16
sofarwell, funky09:18
sofarcorefile might be nice to have09:18
sofaror, a bt full09:18
Stskeepsdoesn't core, interestingly, just loops09:18
sofarunless you have corewatcher running, in which case I'll get it09:18
Stskeepsyeah, but let me replicate this on a less frankenstein image :P09:18
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Stskeepsi'm doing a personal experiment to cut down meego core footprint so it fits with qmlviewer (and eventual qt5+wayland) in 128mb ram09:19
Stskeepsso forcing my n900 to have mem=128m in kernel :P09:20
sofarjust do cgroups09:20
sofarmove all of it into a container with a max mem limit09:20
Stskeeps:nod: adding mem=128m to cmdline works just as well and is closer to reality09:21
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lardmanhey w00t11:59
lardmanamjad_: sounds like morning is not agreeing with you ;)12:00
w00tthe only good morning is a dead one12:00
amjad_well in my part of world it is seista time now :)12:00
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lardmanDoes the Meego 1.2 SDK install?12:26
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lardmanas mine is complaining about not being able to find sometihng or other12:27
lardmanError during installation process(
lardmanExecution failed (Unexpected exit code: 100): "/home/simon/.config/ install meego-sdk-qt-simulator-skin"12:27
lardmanhmm, whole thing is apparently broken12:29
lardmanI do like the way the progress bar rewinds when you cancel the installation though12:29
lardmanbut that is probably the only positive feature12:29
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Saviqlardman: mine won't install since my distro version isn't supported yet... it's only been here since March, after all :[12:34
lardmanAh I forgot I just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04 on my netbook, perhaps that is the issue12:34
lardmanthough the errors reported are not very clear really12:35
lardmananyway I'm not sure I want the SDK12:35
lardmanthis is all far more painful that it should be12:36
lardmanI wonder if employs anyone to look at documentation12:36
lardmanI guess I will need something other than the SDK if my app requires external libraries12:37
lardmanones that I will also need to build for Meego12:37
chouchounelardman: what I did on Ubunu 11.04 is12:38
chouchounewhen you get the error message12:38
chouchounefor example "/home/simon/.config/ install meego-sdk-qt-simulator-skin"12:38
chouchouneI did aptitude install meego-sdk-qt-simulator-skin12:38
chouchouneand the "Retry"12:38
chouchouneand it passes12:38
lardmanoh ok12:38
chouchounebut you have to do it lots of times because it will fail for every packet12:39
lardmanyeah I saw that12:39
chouchoune(as <Ubuntu 11.04 is not supported officially)12:39
lardmanI might give up on the netbook and go back to the desktop which still has Ubuntu 10.1012:39
lardmanbut presumably for the external libs, I need to setup an obs account and build them there?12:40
chouchouneyou might also have to change the repo in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/meego-sdk12:40
chouchounemmmhhh, no idea for that12:41
lardmanI miss everything being encapsulated in e.g. sb12:41
lardmanif I ever work out how to do this I should write a guide for Maemo developers wanting to migrate12:42
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doyoulikeithey we like this www.62bo.com12:48
Stskeepsdoyoulikeit: is that spam?12:50
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w00tlooks like it12:50
doyoulikeitwhat spam?12:50
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lcukCode Gardening14:19
lcuk  1. To cultivate a visually pleasing set of pixels.14:19
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CosmoHillLe Mans starts in 2:30 mins15:57
* thiago_home is watching15:58
thiago_homedo they time the SC leaving with the chronometre?15:59
CosmoHilleuro sports?15:59
thiago_homethere we go16:00
thiago_homeare all LMPs now closed cockpit?16:01
thiago_homethere's one open-top16:01
CosmoHilldad says that are all closed now and are heavier too16:03
thiago_homemaybe the opentop ones are LMP216:03
CosmoHillfuel pumps are slower than regular fuel pumps that we use16:03
* thiago_home likes the Aston Martins' numbers16:03
CosmoHill007 and 009?16:03
thiago_homeyeah, and 008 too16:03
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CosmoHillwe should be seeing the same thing on eursport just with different comentary16:04
thiago_homeyes, it's in norwegian here16:04
CosmoHillLMP2 are lighter and open aparantly16:04
CosmoHill(according to dad)16:04
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CosmoHillnoooo, not james bond16:09
thiago_home007 is out...16:10
CosmoHillit's backwards in a gravel trip16:10
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CosmoHill009 is having issues too16:10
thiago_homedo you get a commercial break now?16:10
CosmoHillvery arty audi A1 advert16:11
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thiago_homesame here16:11
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CosmoHillit's kinda cool watching the same thing as someone else in different places16:11
thiago_homenow rolex16:11
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CosmoHillwell that wasn't a very nice thing to do that a biker16:12
thiago_homeok, now I'm confused: if we're watching the same thing, is the bike race tomorrow 12:00 your time or mine?16:12
CosmoHillhuh, Mtu actually looks okay in blue16:12
CosmoHillit's been 15 mins and people are already being lapped16:14
thiago_homeit's only been 3 laps16:15
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CosmoHillmust be weird driving the pro or am cars and being over taken at those speeds16:19
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timakimait gets always awesome during night and/or rain16:22
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CosmoHillI know the LMP cars have white headlines and the GT cars have yelow16:23
CosmoHillthat guy is flying16:24
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berndhswent to the 24h race in Daytone, lots of fun16:27
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CosmoHillgod lord16:27
berndhsah there is a stream16:29
berndhshow nice16:29
CosmoHillsome of the racers have their own feeds16:29
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berndhsyes this seems to be from 1 car16:30
berndhsno commentary, just scenery going by, and another car in front16:31
timakimaspeedtv seems to have corvette sponsored stream16:31
CosmoHillpit stop16:31
berndhsyes thats the one I found16:32
* timakima doesn't have eurosport :P16:32
berndhsits amazing how eurosport isn't on canadian over-the-air TV :)16:32
CosmoHillit's not on over-the-air tv here either16:32
CosmoHillsky here (satellite)16:33
* thiago_home needs to go to the supermarket16:35
thiago_home23 hours and 25 left. I think I have time.16:35
berndhsoh but the critical event will happen while you're shopping16:35
* thiago_home has live pause on his PVR16:36
berndhsget the stream on your phone :)16:36
thiago_homethe supermarket is 30 seconds away16:36
thiago_homehmm... rain has picked up again16:36
thiago_homewill wait another 15 min16:37
berndhsthis will be good for IVI, watch racing while you sit in a traffic jam16:37
CosmoHillthat pink car will be easy to spot at night16:38
berndhsi took a nice photo of the cleanest car in the 24h Daytona race, broke down on the first lap16:39
thiago_homecleanest as in no sponsoring?16:40
berndhscleanest as in no bugs on no dirt on it16:40
CosmoHillI remember corvert pulled there cars into the bits to clean them before the final lap16:41
CosmoHillthiago_home: go go go16:44
berndhsthe #73 is pretty much by himself most of the time16:48
berndhsjust taking a weekend drive in teh countryside, very relaxing16:50
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CosmoHillI should go some time16:50
CosmoHillmy aunty lives in le mans16:50
berndhsyeah, what's your excuse for not being there ?16:50
CosmoHillI have many16:50
thiago_homeok, looks like the rain has lessened again16:51
thiago_homebut wait...16:51
CosmoHillfucking hello16:51
StskeepsCosmoHill: language16:51
thiago_homethat was an audi16:51
CosmoHillStskeeps: sorry16:51
CosmoHillwas that the GT1 leader he hit?16:52
thiago_homedriver's ok16:52
timakimawhich audi team?16:53
CosmoHillaudi audi16:53
* w00t got rained on16:53
w00ta lot16:53
* w00t makes a vow to never go outside again16:53
thiago_homeno, it wasn't the GT1 leader16:53
thiago_homethe lights on the side weren't on16:53
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CosmoHillthat could have been a lot worse if that tyre had his nayone16:54
CosmoHillcamera man in the blue was so lucky16:55
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thiago_homeok, now I'm going to buy food17:05
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CosmoHillwe don't have eurosport 2 in HD here :(17:17
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Stskeepslbt: ?[?1953.857746]?serial8250:?too?much?work?for?irq417:44
Stskeeps10 bucks to guess where that one is from :)17:44
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Stskeeps(that's from a OBS build.)17:53
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allixi had a look at the irc logs for running meego on a amd fusion cpu , i would have to compile for source or is their a unofficial meego 1.2 amd port18:07
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Stskeepsdoes fusion have SSSE3?18:09
Stskeepsif so, you shouldn't need to compile from source, but you may have to do hardware adaptation for graphics18:09
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Stskeepsmeego is tune for core2, SSSE318:09
GAN900DawnFoster, any details on the bit about TSG nominations for the CO meeting next week?18:10
StskeepsGAN900: wiki page lists them18:10
GAN900I saw the CO office nominations, but didn't see anything obvious on the wiki.18:11
Stskeeps - the TSG of Jaffa was added by mikhas, think that might be wrong area18:11
Stskeepsit's linked in
mikhascan only nominate for meetings that actually happen18:12
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Stskeepswell, let's see18:13
berndhsthere still is a TSG? or is that a rumor too ?18:14
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gabrbeddallix: can you do this.... cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags18:15
Stskeepsdunno, truth is it's us people at the floor that runs the show anyway ;)18:15
mikhasmore than ever18:15
gabrbeddallix: Also, "intel graphics" has been a MeeGo x86 requirement in the past.18:15
mikhasdad left us first, but mom only drinks these days18:16
Stskeepsthat's a little more vague :)18:16
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Stskeepsgabrbedd: people have mentioned success with netbook+nvidia drivers+xorg with xinerama at least18:16
gabrbeddStskeeps: ok, thx18:17
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allixgabrbedd, i am not currently on the machine at the moment,  All models support: SSE, SSE2, SSE3, SSSE3, SSE4a, NX bit, AMD64, PowerNow!, AMD-V18:18
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gabrbeddallix: ok... I was just double-checking.  We get all kinds in here.  :-)18:20
allixhehe, i can imagine18:20
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allixthe device is the acer iconia w500 tablet18:22
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ahelhi! there is an application to chat on irc for meego?18:24
lcukwhich build?18:25
ahelsorry lcuk netbook one18:25
ahellast stable avaible i think18:26
lcukxhcat is on the repositories18:26
lcukhold on18:26
lcukthe info to get at the repository that timoph setup is there I believe :)18:27
lcukand fingers crossed, that should have xchat within once you add that repo18:27
ahelmeego chat integration library won't work? found in Add/Remove Software :)18:29
allixahel, xchat is a good irc client, i am using it now :)18:31
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ahelallix: you also have obtained it following that ^^ page?18:36
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ahelok done it :) ty18:42
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CosmoHillthat green car did very well19:01
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berndhsits amazing how often the RNG picks me to win an ipad19:04
SpeedEvilMe too!19:06
SpeedEvilI've got a couple of hundred of them by now as free gifts and special offers.19:06
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SpeedEvilI'm using them to keep the mud down in the garden. If you crush them and scatter them on paths, it works well19:06
berndhsyou extract the rare earth materials first, I hope19:07
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lcukin meego netbook, there is an internet search option19:34
lcukhow come the browser is not preloaded for things like this?19:35
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csgeek2hello all19:59
csgeek2I'm trying to install meego 2 on a netbook.  When I try to boot the image I get an error:  mount: /dev/loop2: can't read superblock19:59
csgeek2any ideas?19:59
ahelafter resuming meego2 won't load anymore the Network Panel on the top20:02
aheleverything is unclickable20:02
ahelcsgeek2: what is your loop2 device?20:04
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aheli have restarted but it's the same thing!20:05
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ahelit won't store back my network :'(20:06
csgeek2I have no idea.. the usb thumb drive that's trying to boot?20:07
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lbtJaffa: ping20:08
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csgeek2hmm.. okay.  I have meego setup now, just no wireless sadly20:22
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ahelcsgeek2: yesterday was the same for me.20:41
g00fyhope any1 is able to hel me...20:41
ahelcsgeek2: what driver do you need?20:41
ahelg00fy: speack20:41
g00fysince release of meego 1.2 i'm no more able to use wifi20:42
g00fyasus eeepc 100020:42
g00fywifi works so far, it recognizes wireless networks20:42
ahelg00fy: downgrade!20:42
Stskeepsreport a bug20:42
g00fybut when i'm trying to connect, nothing happens20:42
Stskeepsbest way to get things fixed20:42
g00fyStskeeps: before I start a bug report i'm willing to ask the community20:43
Stskeepsbugs are usually better :)20:43
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g00fyand i thought irc would be the fastest way  ^20:43
Stskeepswe have people triaging acively20:43
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g00fysoooo many bugs found already... uuuh., gonna be hell lot of work  -__-'20:44
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ahelStskeeps: do you know how to say in english that a button is unclickable, gray and so on..20:44
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g00fyguess you mean "disabled"  :)20:45
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ahelahah ty guys :) i'm hungry "P20:46
g00fyyou're lucky20:47
g00fyI'm currently sittin at McDon20:47
* g00fy throws a cheese burger at ahel 20:47
ahelty g00fy but i don't eat _that_ stuff :P20:48
g00fywhat about some tomatoes from spain?  xD20:48
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user_hi everyone20:49
user_there is someone here20:49
ahelpasta e polpette dall'italia mate :P20:49
g00fyhi mister / miss x20:49
ahelg00fy: ^^20:49
user_ciao italiano20:50
g00fysry, i'm not that good in italian language20:50
ahelhehe :) ciao anche a te user_20:50
ahelg00fy: i said i prefear a good dish of pasta :)20:50
user_i prefer pizza20:51
user_but there is some games project for meego to join?20:51
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g00fybrb (changing 2 another client)20:52
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* CosmoHill tries BSD tar20:52
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user_sorry i am on xchat on n900 and tou20:56
g00fyforgot about mibbit blocking20:56
user_how can find meego games channel?20:57
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g00fyoookay, adding bnc  ^^21:04
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user_hey boy i first time use irc but noone write or my client don't work well?21:08
SpeedEvilThere isn't a meego games channel.21:08
user_4xx users and noone write21:08
SpeedEvilAs far as I k now.21:08
user_thanks so21:08
user_however why noone talk if are online more than 400 users?21:09
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berndhsthey're busy doing soemthign else probably21:10
user_ok sorry21:10
* CosmoHill can't find out where to download star21:10
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g00fyyeah, it works  :D21:13
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g00fyam I still on???21:17
user_what is the problem?21:17
g00fynothing  ^^21:17
g00fyit just was quite silent21:17
user_yes it was21:18
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maligorthe silence might be because it's a weekend evening21:19
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maligorthere's certainly a bunch of people who get paid for working on meego, so they're more inclined to gather motivation here during work hours of their work weeks ;P21:21
SpeedEvilSee also the wiki and mailing lists.21:23
SpeedEvilAt the moment a lot of attention is going on getting the basic bits of meego up and working well.21:24
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SpeedEvilYou've pretty much got to get that stable, and working, before starting to think about games.21:24
Stskeepspeople are already doing games, at least21:25
g00fywhatever... i'm gonna use the remainig weekend :)21:27
g00fysee ya21:27
maligorunless  you target netbook, getting hw might be out of reach of most tho21:27
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maligorI guess the only easily available ones are the lenovo and exopc21:28
maligorfor tablet, and n900 for handset21:28
maligorkind of makes games hard, since all of those aren't really target hw21:29
maligorerr.. none21:29
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harbaumWhere do i find a recent tablet image for the ideapad?21:44
harbaumOne of these:
Stskeepspinetrail, i think21:44
Stskeeps(if i recall correctly)21:44
harbaumThanks, will give one a try ...21:45
maligoryeah, it's pinetrail21:45
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Sagehmmp... For some reason I'm unable to install the latest tablet stable and testing to my exopc22:24
lcuksage eep22:24
Sage1.2.0.90.x that is22:25
maligorthat's not 'stable'22:25
Sagemaligor: it says stable in URL so it must be :D22:26
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maligorsnapshots and stable seems contradictory to me22:27
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Sagemaligor: well tablet hasn't ever been released as "stable" or "gold" images yet. 1.2.0 didn't include tablet ux release22:27
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maligorI know, I even had access to them before public drop :P22:28
maligorbut the non-release setups sometimes will fail to start22:29
SageI have tried to install 3 different images alraedy 4 times each and all failed :)22:29
Sageeither my exopc is broken or the installation is broken :/22:30
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lcukSage, does the live boot work?22:30
lcukie can you get to the UI by just inserting usb key?22:30
maligorSage, you should note that the exopc setup has a issue tho22:30
maligorit'll fail x times when you boot it up22:30
maligorwe have a few of those at work, and it's certainly consistent22:30
Sagemaligor: well that is separete issue. This halt happens in the very end22:30
maligoroh, ok22:31
maligornever used the exopc's myself22:31
SageIt is already installing stuff to the disk and I see status bar. And that goes to the end and it halts there22:31
Sage"Copying live image to hard drive"22:31
Stskeepsany dmesG?22:31
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Jaffalbt: pong22:34
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SageStskeeps: well, not sure how to get out of the installer :)22:36
SageI don't have keyboard at hand currently22:36
Sageand my lenovo N5901 doesn't have F1-F12 keys ;)22:38
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maligorgood old keybord wins every time, instead of silly wireless ones22:39
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maligorlooks like a dinovo mini in some ways22:40
Sagelcuk: trying that now22:45
Sagelcuk: yes live boot works22:46
lcukSage, curious22:47
* Sage tries the liveinst after booting22:48
Sageeh, it doesn't find the ssd :P22:48
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Sageah needed to start it as root22:50
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Sagestill not working :/22:56
SageStskeeps: dmesg didn't give any clues22:56
Sageno errors etc22:56
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maligorSage, is it a personal exopc or just happen to be working in the weekend?-)22:59
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maligorI think the last pinetrail images I tried were very early ones from either of the 1.2.xx or 1.2.0.xx series23:00
Sagemaligor: well didn't have anything else to do so wanted to try how it looks now :)23:00
maligorthe 1.2.0 wouldn't 'look' very different23:01
* Sage wonders why ext4 isn't option when doing partitions with installer23:01
maligorif I understand the versioning right23:01
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maligorSage, because meego people are mad with brtfs23:01
maligorerr.. btrfs23:01
Sagethat is not a good reason :)23:01
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Sagethere is vfat, ext3 and some others already23:02
berndhsext4 is considered to be Bad(tm)23:02
maligorberndhs, as opposed to btrfs being Good(tm)?-)23:02
berndhssomething along those lines, yes23:02
maligorI've had my workstation trigger kernel panics a few times because of it23:02
maligoruntil I decided to blacklist btrfs23:02
berndhsi forget why, but ext is missing on purpose, its not an accident23:02
maligorext certainly never was focused on ssd use23:03
maligorbut I've seen a bunch of oopses from btrfs in target systems so...23:04
Sage <- apparently ext4 is not supported and will not be supported during installation23:04
MeeGoBotBug 12814 enh, Undecided, ---, gavin.hindman, INDE, [FEA] Meego kernel lacks ext4 driver23:04
_MeeGoBot_Bug 12814 enh, Undecided, ---, gavin.hindman, INDE, [FEA] Meego kernel lacks ext4 driver23:04
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berndhsSage: I think some (most?) device manufacturers prefer a full-auto install with no questions asked23:14
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maligorberndhs, on tablets?23:15
Sageberndhs: well, if the image is for device manufacturer then it is different story as it probably comes as preinstalled to device anyway23:15
maligoryeah, they might have a usb recovery setup or something tho23:16
berndhssure but people who work on this stuff for a living might prefer to use something close to what the actual customers will use23:16
berndhsby "customers" i mean manufacturers, not end users23:16
maligorberndhs, well.. that depends a lot23:16
berndhsjust saying this is where some of it comes from23:17
maligormostly if the "customers" are interested in modifying the software stack themselves or not23:17
maligorand what the view point is :P23:17
berndhsit's not my view point :)23:18
Sageberndhs: also any manufacturer that wants to use meego will probably do their custom images anyway as they want their logos etc to them23:19
berndhsyou won't buy the IVI in a BMW with a meego label23:19
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maligorSage, well... it always depends on where you're in the ecosystem ;P23:20
berndhssun has set in Le Mans23:21
maligorlike if you're writing middleware for some intel customer23:21
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DocScrutinizerwtf? bug #123423:27
MeeGoBotBug nor, Medium, ---, wu.zheng, RESO INVALID, [Calpella notebook] No bluetooth device driver23:27
_MeeGoBot_Bug nor, Medium, ---, wu.zheng, RESO INVALID, [Calpella notebook] No bluetooth device driver23:27
DocScrutinizer/kick _MeeGoBot_23:27
DocScrutinizerdm8tbr: would you like to sort hat ?23:30
dm8tbrDocScrutinizer: indeed :)23:30
DocScrutinizerthat meegobot schizo issue23:30
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dm8tbryay, got the right one23:31
dm8tbrrebooted that box lately, probably made a mistake while starting it or so23:31
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lcukDocScrutinizer, are you by chance helping to test the n900-ce ?23:34
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DocScrutinizerlcuk: that been a question or a request?23:37
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lcukDocScrutinizer, both23:43
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lcukDocScrutinizer, early next week I think we might be able to get maemo contacts imported on first boot23:44
lcukso that when you are testing meego it is not blank, it opens more discussion for importing data and apps23:45
DocScrutinizermight give the whole process a try23:45
maligorjust maemo exports?23:46
DocScrutinizerstarting with "where to start"23:46
lcukmaligor, well what other contacts would you have already on your n900?23:47
DocScrutinizerseems channel topic doesn't provide a proper pointer to any startpoint23:47
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lcukdownload latest image from:
maligorlcuk, I guess sim cards would be a very generic point of importing contact data from :)23:48
lcukdd it onto microsd23:48
maligoreven if the data format it has is rather silly these days23:48
lcukmaligor, the contact cards on maemo itself are exported in vcard format23:48
lcukso it is quite standard, this is just an easy step to filling some data23:49
lcukand at least opens up discussion windows for a more complete import23:49
maligorofcourse, always have to start from somewhere23:49
* lcuk nods23:50
lcukand this is quite a nice one :)23:50
lcukKISS approach too, just a check if the contacts were exported and bring them in :)23:50
lcukDocScrutinizer, dd the image to microsd, then flasher3.0 the kernel and boot23:51
lcukbattery lasts on par with maemo so far23:51
lcukif not better because there are no desktop widgets yet!23:52
lcukanyway, movie time23:52
maligorlcuk, yeah, I'm a big fan of KISS, even if sometimes contradicts with the inner elitist in me23:53
DocScrutinizerlcuk: flash kernel? o.O23:57
DocScrutinizeryou mean "get uBoot?"23:57
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maligorlcuk, I've only ever just dd'ed the image to the sdcard23:58
DocScrutinizer(not going to flash any proprietary kernel that's not supposed to be incompatible with maemo)23:58
maligorlcuk, but I suspect the n900's I've used were prepared for booting off sd23:58
w00tyes, uboot means flasher isn't necessary23:58
w00tDocScrutinizer: proprietary?23:58
DocScrutinizers/ inco/ co/23:58
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: (not going to flash any proprietary kernel that's not supposed to be compatible with maemo)23:58
DocScrutinizerw00t: NFC what's that "flash kernel" meant to do - well maybe I actually got a clue, just want to make sure.23:59

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