IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2011-05-28

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lcuktimoph, Open Source luggage handling!00:03
lcukthey should give people who want to help those little vests and let them rummage through sorting it00:04
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* lcuk actually shudders at that, the luggage conveyor belt system would get feature creep and be carrying passengers around00:04
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gabrbeddDoes it count as crossing a picket line to get your own luggage?00:04
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delacrecommendations? Qemu or Qt Simulator. My processor doesn't seem to support virtualization.00:05
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timophI actually took almost 30mis to get out of the plane after landing since the same company drives those stair vehicles00:06
lcukdelac, option C00:06
iekkutimoph, hi, how you are doing?00:06
lcuktimoph, :(00:06
delaclcuk: and that would be?00:06
lcukrun it natively on the OS you have or on the device you have00:07
* lcuk frowns at emulation on principle00:07
lcukbut the qt simulator for symbian and maemo does appear to work00:07
lcukI haven't been able to run it again after doing it once00:08
delaclcuk: hmm, maybe I could put up a ftp-server or something for easy moving...00:08
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lcukdelac, ssh00:08
* lcuk used ssh and scp from windows to maemo00:09
delaclcuk: well, that too :)00:09
timophoh. the srike just ended at midnight so I might actually get my bag during the weekend00:09
* timoph starts trying to sleep in the bus00:10
* iekku tries to be awake in the bus00:13
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alteregolcuk: that's what I use too, (though maemo/meego to ubuntu)00:15
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delacthe wiki for sdk 1.2 talks about some script, but it's not in the provided location. Is it still ok to use mad-admin as noted in sdk 1.1 wiki?00:16
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delacthat is, to install targets00:16
delacbtw, why are they not in repos like everything else?00:17
delacwould make things easier00:17
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delacwhat is the preferred tool to add targets?00:31
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CosmoHilla sniper rifle00:34
delacI see...00:34
delacor do you mean "drop" targets? XD00:35
gabrbedddelac: add targets..... to what?00:35
delacbuild targets00:35
delacto download and install00:35
CosmoHillatm there is ...00:36
CosmoHillArm7, and i568 with SSSE300:36
gabrbedddelac: I usually do `emacs CMakeLists.txt` -- but I'm not sure what you're doing.00:36
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gabrbedddelac: oh... you mean for OSC?00:36
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gabrbeddOBS, that is.00:37
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delacgabrbedd: OBS?00:38
delacwiki for sdk 1.2 talks about some script, but it is not where it should be. Wiki for sdk 1.1 on the other hand has instructions to use mad-admin.00:39
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gabrbedddelac: Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "build targets" -- that means different things in lots of different contexts.  As for the SDK, I don't use it so I won't be much help.  Sorry.00:40
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araujoanybody knows where will be the next meego conf?01:02
SpeedEvilI thought it was supposed to be europe.01:02
SpeedEvilY'all can use my shed.01:02
CosmoHillit better be like tom's shed which is infact bigger than our living room and has a pool table, a bar and arcade machines01:03
VenemoSpeedEvil, I think thiago told me that the next one will be somewhere in Central EU01:03
Venemoaraujo ^01:03
araujoaah ok, thanks Venemo01:04
delacdoes anyone here use Meego SDK? how are build targets added to the SDK 1.2?01:06
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Venemodelac, you will need to add them to MADDE01:08
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delacVenemo: sdk 1.2 talks about soem Maintenancetool for sdk? Is that preferred way now?01:09
Venemodelac, hm, sorry, I'm not familiar with that01:10
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Venemodelac, I thought it will work similarly to the 1.1 sdk01:10
delacVenemo: but you know that suin mad-admin works?01:10
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Venemodelac, it worked in the 1.1 sdk01:10
VenemoI haven't tried 1.2 sdk yet01:10
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delacVenemo: well, that is what I'm worried about...01:11
delacVenemo: they dont mention mad-admin at the wiki at all01:11
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Venemodelac, weird01:15
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delacVenemo: well actually now I stumbled upon one version of the wiki where they do mention it. So I thought to try it, BUT it appears that mad-admin list only OLD targets. Most resent seems to be meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.201:39
delacI dont think that refers to the sdk 1.2 but actually to the old 1.1.2 sdk.01:40
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delacor is it just the Trunk version I should use? Is it stable enough?01:49
VenemoI have no idea01:51
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Venemoyou should come back in a more reasonable time and ask then. it's almost 1 AM now01:52
delacactually it is 2am here :)01:53
delacbut not everywhere01:53
delacsomewhere it's morning now01:53
delacbut I gues Meego is more European thing.01:54
delacmaybe I should go to sleep...01:54
SpeedEvilI'm awake - but have no clue.01:55
delacright. well, in that case: good night people!01:56
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akkPeople were asking SDK questions 6 hours ago and nobody seemed to know much then either.01:57
akkProbably the mailing lists are a better place for that.01:58
akkOr a week when people haven't been traveling for a conference.01:58
berndhsperhaps even the SDK mailing list :)01:58
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nasaHi guys, does anyone know how to turn off the screensaver and/or the monitor power saving features of 1.2?  Using xset doesn't work...  There are a couple of people on the forum wishing to know this as well02:01
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aukenasa: use the device panel -> all settings -> power02:11
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auke(1.2 netbook)02:11
nasaauke: I didn't see a power option on the IVI version (will check again)02:11
aukecan't say anything for IVI02:12
akkTablet UX doesn't have anything like that yet, right?02:12
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* timeless_xchat sighs02:14
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timeless_xchatso, i tried demoing the exopc to my aunt and uncle02:14
nasaIVI is based more off of tablet than netbook02:14
Venemotimeless_xchat, how did it go?02:14
timeless_xchatthe browser failed to load her blog02:14
timeless_xchatbug filed.02:14
pebcakakk the tablets (exopc) have a powerbutton at the back....02:15
timeless_xchathe asked me to play a youtube video02:15
Venemotimeless_xchat, what browser is that anyway?02:15
timeless_xchatand it started by giving a plugin thing02:15
pebcakyou can install fennec tough02:15
timeless_xchatwhich i didn't know how to use02:15
akkpebcak: That just powers down, which is a bit different from sleeping or turning off the display ...02:15
timeless_xchati managed to click it02:15
timeless_xchatand it played poorly and silently02:16
pebcakakk yeah, just read backscroll,sorry02:16
Venemotimeless_xchat, did it ask for the flash plugin?02:16
timeless_xchatvenemo: i think it had flash cick to play02:16
timeless_xchathe asked about playing streaming media from his computer02:17
timeless_xchati suggested he give me a usb stick w/ something02:17
timeless_xchathe did02:17
pebcakdoesn't work yet :P02:17
timeless_xchati tried using the media player (which took ages to load)02:17
timeless_xchatit doesn't seem to auto mount usb media02:17
akkexcept with a USB stick, you have to plug in a keyboard so you can mount it :/02:17
timeless_xchatoh, people suggested plugging in a keyboard02:17
timeless_xchatthis house has two Windows 7 computers02:18
akkThere are a lot of things that still require plugging in a keyboard, it seems.02:18
timeless_xchatboth have ps/2 keyboards02:18
pebcaktimeless_xchat bet he gave you mp3s anyway02:18
akkIt's very definitely a developer preview, not something that's ready for users.02:18
timeless_xchatakk: it's a nice lap-warmer02:19
timeless_xchatbut i'm in sunny southern california, i don't need a lap-warmer02:19
Venemotimeless_xchat, you hadn't cared to prepare for your demoing by testing some trivial use cases, so you humiliated MeeGo in front of them02:19
timeless_xchati told them i didn't know who made the product02:20
* timeless_xchat doesn't know who made the exopc02:20
Venemowhat is the exopc anyway?02:20
akkIt's apparently some company in canada.02:20
timeless_xchatoh, also, once the browser decided to reverse scrolling direction relative to display02:21
lcuktimeless_xchat, give people enough new use cases and soon these things find a place02:21
pebcaktimeless_xchat can send it over :P02:21
lcukbut treating it like a laptop pc is going to be tough for it02:21
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timeless_xchatpepcak: geo-ping02:21
pebcakgermany ;)02:22
Venemolcuk, it should have handled those use cases seamlessly02:22
lcuktimeless_xchat, example meego use case:
timeless_xchatit's screwing up direction in gmail again02:22
pebcakat least appgrid and lockscreen now work in landscape mode02:23
Venemoaccording to the exopc is a windows 7 device.02:24
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pebcakit's used as a reference platform for meego tablet ux02:25
pebcakyou can also use the wetab02:25
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Venemowhy doesn't their web site mention this?02:25
pebcaksame hardware (made by asustak afaik)02:26
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pebcakmaybe you should ask them02:26
VenemoI don't care that much02:28
timeless_xchatvenemo : it comes w/ * windows 7 home premium licence02:28
timeless_xchati plan to use that somewhere :)02:28
berndhsooooh premium02:29
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timeless_xchatvenemo : the dublin netbook was windows 7 starter02:31
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akkCan you actually use those exopc licenses on something else? They're not tied to the hardware?02:32
akkI've always heard that licenses bundled with a machine don't work for the retail version on arbitrary hardware (or in a vm).02:33
akkI'd love to be able to run W7 inside virtualbox.02:34
Venemoakk, I occasionally run it inside virtualbox, but it's not really fun02:35
berndhswhats premium, the licence or the W7 ?02:35
akkI know it can't do aero or whatever inside VB, but I mostly want to be able to do things like the occasional test of a website in IE.02:36
timeless_xchatberndhs: windows 7 (and older) comes in various editions02:37
timeless_xchatmore expensive editions can do more things than cheaper ones02:37
berndhsi remember vaguely, for some extra $$ i got a preview of real software02:38
berndhsstill would have had to pay lots for a normal license though02:38
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timeless_xchatnow chromium doesn't have a correct 0x0 coord02:48
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timeless_xchatthe page is shifted right 1" and down 1/2 "02:48
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Myrttiis it possible to set up USB networking with the MeeGo Tablet?05:15
MyrttiI suppose it is but I fail at google-fu05:15
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dreamerhi all, trying to follow this guide: when booting the kernel with the flasher I see: VFS: cannot open root device "mmcblk0p1" or unknown-block(179,1)06:22
dreamerthen followed with: Please append a correct "root=" boot option;06:22
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Myrttidreamer: I'd redo the dd and/or check the md5sum of the downloaded bz2 file08:19
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Jarockich habe eine frage. Muss ich das headset oder das tablet image benutzen für das nokia n900.12:06
JarockI have a question. Do I need the headset or use the tablet image of the Nokia N900.12:06
iekkuJarock, there's N900 DE image12:12
iekkuJarock, please find out more:
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JarockIs that the right image for nokia n900 ?12:15
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iekkuJarock, it should be12:31
Jarockok thanks many times I'll try my luck with flash12:32
iekkuJarock, i recommend to run image from sd card12:32
iekkuworks nice12:32
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Jarockno, I'll do it the EMMC ^^12:33
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delactrying to install targets to Meego SDK 1.2 with mad-admin, but the "mad-admin list" gives me only old targets like meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.2 and meego-netbook-ia32-trunk which apparently refers to meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.99. Any thoughts?12:40
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delacI think the problem might be because the madde-config packages are not up to date.12:52
delacDoes anyone know what is the most current repo for sdk 1.2?12:52
delacHas anyone installed sdk 1.2 succesfully?12:52
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delacCan anyone tell me where the targets are located? In the Internet, that is. Where are they downloaded from?12:59
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* bilboed wonders when videos of meego conf will be put online13:02
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pupnikafkand TSA pics of the attendees13:07
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thiagobilboed: soon, probably this week13:30
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thiagoJaffa: nice blog13:58
Jaffathiago: thanks. Seems a shame that the hard work of everyone in MeeGo wasn't recognised14:00
iekkuwhat blog, where, who?14:00
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chouchouneiekku: I guess the one available from Meego Aggregator ?14:01
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iekkuJaffa, thanks14:02
thiagoJaffa: just one thing: the LF people do recognise Android as a threat14:02
thiagoit's Linux, which means they'll help it, but it's not exactly following the ideals of open source14:03
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Jaffathiago: Perhaps. They've sponsored recent Android confs, so they're conflicted at best.14:03
iekkuJaffa, nice one!14:04
JaffaEven Intel, with all their effort, isn't dependent on MeeGo succeeding the same way Nokia was pre-Elop14:04
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JaffaNot much can be done about that in the short term, unless the Harmattan device convinces other vendors (let alone Nokia) that mass-market consumer devices can be successfully built on MeeGo14:07
thiagonokia won't change its mind14:09
miherodoubt harmattan will do that14:09
thiagoharmattan is good, but not that good14:09
miheroi think the cinvincing will have to come from tablet or ivi markets14:09
Jaffathiago: Indeed14:10
lardmanthiago: will Nokia re-evaluate eventually though?14:11
Jaffamihero: Tablets haven't been successful for anyone but Apple. Samsung have got close with Android but the Honeycomb reviews are mixed at best. MeeGo's tablet efforts (either stock or WeTab) have an almost insurmountable challenge14:11
lardmanJaffa: to echo the previous comments, nice blog post14:11
thiagolardman: that is not my place to say14:11
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lardmanthiago: just as a general point though? I would assume that the M$ thing will run for a few years and then some sort of review would occur14:12
Jaffalardman: Maybe eventually, if WP7 doesn't go as expected. But I'd guess there's a small window...14:12
Jaffalardman: Thanks14:13
miherothey have to re-evaluate every now and then but it could also be something else then meego they choose if wp7 fails14:13
lardmanmihero: sure14:13
lardmanthiago: that's not a very optimistic comment about Harmattan ;)14:14
lardmanshouldn't you be raving about it? :)14:14
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thiagothat it's good but not that good?14:15
lardmanyeah :)14:16
lardmanI'm only kidding, don't worry14:16
miheroit's not a meego that's why it is not that good:)14:16
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thiagoI'd have been more enthousiastic if this device had been released when it was meant to, last year14:17
thiagoor even during the conf this week14:18
miherowell, releasing it last year may have changed lots of things14:19
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lardmanwell I would agree with those sentiments as an outsider who has been left without anything in particular to develop for14:21
thiagoI've been using it as my primary device in the office for over 6 months now14:21
thiago9 months actually14:21
lcuk3thiago, using what?14:21
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thiagothe harmattan-based device14:21
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* lardman is looking forward to seeing it, feels a bit like Christmas :)14:22
lcukthiago oh cool14:22
* lcuk has been carrying around a plastic phone in outside coat pocket for about the last 12 months too14:23
lcukit has a great little hoop game on it14:23
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lcukI won it from the Collabora hogroast14:23
lcukthe game is addictive14:23
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* SpeedEvil mugs thiago.14:46
* SpeedEvil wonders if there is anyone else he can bribe with cocoa.14:46
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thiagoyou'll get one of them soon14:50
SpeedEvilBeen here with waiting for devices before - openmoko.14:52
SpeedEvilThough in this case I have doubt that the second will sell much better than the first.14:52
JaffaThink this will be orders of magnitude shinier than Openmoko14:52
JaffaSpeedEvil: Assuming there are two, and the first is "sold"14:53
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SpeedEvilJaffa: Sure.14:54
lardmanSpeedEvil: hey I was waiting for a Pandora before the N900 release and would have still been waiting when N900 production stopped (or near enough) had I not cancelled14:54
SpeedEvilJaffa: But I have doubts it'll sell lots better than the n900 I meant.14:54
lardmanSpeedEvil: Do we care how well it sells?14:55
SpeedEvilSmall scale production i _hard_14:55
SpeedEvillardman: yes.14:55
lardmanI'd quite like to go back to a close knit bunch of devs, less noise on TMO and all that :)14:55
SpeedEvillardman: If by some freak it sold oodles, there might be reconsideration.14:55
lardmanyeah I guess there is that14:55
SpeedEvilOTOH - that'd depress the market for any friendly startups - who knows.14:55
SpeedEvilAnd well - devs follow bums on seats.14:56
SpeedEvilFew people develop for platforms with 'no' users.14:56
lardmanopen source devs follow cool hw and sw14:56
SpeedEvilAnd code rots.14:56
lardmanI wonder if the location framework will be extensible this time14:57
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Jaffalardman: I'd like to have some big names like Spotify et al see Harmattan as a viable platform14:57
lardmanor even whether it will need to be14:57
lardmanJaffa: yeah good point, I suppose some sw is going to be closed source no matter what14:58
SpeedEvilSpotify, Angry Birds, ...14:58
lardmanFlash... ;)14:58
SpeedEvilIn many ways the depressing part of the meego conference was the increasing importance of hardware DRM pipelines, which the CPU can't touch.14:58
SpeedEvilAnd the requirement by content providers that these be used.14:58
lcukis meego just another meetoo distro with same goals and ideals as other devices?14:59
lardmanis that bad though? It means the rest of the system can be played with and still DRM stuff will work14:59
lcukor is it the cutting edge kick ass set of devices which cater and nurture new use cases?14:59
lardmanlcuk: yes, to be used on devices fundamentally14:59
SpeedEvillardman: It's good from that perspective.14:59
lardmanlcuk: needs to be both I would say14:59
Jaffalardman: Indeed, but presumably makes h/w more complicated; and further differentiate Harmattan from MeeGo14:59
lcuktake the ocean/yacht ux use15:00
lcukmost of the things discussed are less important15:00
lardmanJaffa: but this will be necessary on any real product, so c'est la vie15:00
lcukbecause internet is frustratingly slow and different needs arise15:00
lcukmind you, according to timeless yesterday, even with good internet there are frustrations with the normal use cases15:01
SpeedEvillardman: it's bad from the perspective that copyright holders are increasingly trying to extinguish fair-use clauses from copyright law by end-runs around it. This - plus the eventual migration of content fingerprinting and watermarking into that DRM pipeline, so you can only play the content if the device is approved, ...15:01
Jaffalcuk: Most ppl here are here to scratch their own itches. Having Angry Birds on the yacht is cool, but if the h/w and OS of the devices *I* use don't meet my use-cases why would I care?15:01
SpeedEvilAnd you can only play approved media.15:01
lardmanlcuk: there will still be a need for someone to develop software, so that is important and that will be helped by large exposure in whatever form15:01
lcuklardman, indeed we do15:02
lardmanSpeedEvil: sure that is a problem, but if we assume there will be DRM and that we might want to listen/view some DRM content, separating out the pipeline makes sense15:02
lcukI had a rant in #meegoconf yesterday15:02
lardmanSpeedEvil: the alternative is the device is locked down15:02
lcukor somewhere, hmm15:02
lcukJaffa, which device current meets your use case?15:03
lardmanlcuk: equally one will get a snowball effect, more devices -> more companies, and round you go15:03
Jaffalcuk: N900, mostly15:03
lcukwhat is missing?15:03
SpeedEvillardman: In the long term, I'm worried that it will simply be impossible to play most meduia on a rooted device - even if you have the hardware pipeline, because the authors have not approved it.15:03
lardmanlcuk: better sw, more modern hw, larger screen15:03
Jaffalcuk: Battery life, performance, commercial success & support15:04
lcukplaying devils advocate: the galaxy tab you have does that?15:04
lardmanSpeedEvil: I understand the worry, but surely a separate hw pipeline gives us more chance of being able to still play DRM stuff on a rooted device, not less15:04
lardmanlcuk: me? No I bought that as a project, I don't use it much other than ebook reading and some Meego hacking15:05
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lcuklardman, I was answering Jaffa too15:05
lardmanlcuk: though I may install Ubuntu on it and use it for meeting presentations of data - using e.g. Octave and gnuplot (as my day-to-day is MATLAB)15:05
lardmanre Tab, the browser works well, the email client works well, the calendar works well15:06
lardmanand maps too15:06
lardmancertainly far better than the N90015:06
SpeedEvillardman: Assuming rational content providers. And I'm not so much worried about this generation of device, or the next. But when the DRM pipeline gets fingerprinting, so you can only play approved content.15:06
lcuklardman, and it can setup a wifi hotspot easily15:06
lardmanon all those counts15:06
lcukit does have nice integration15:06
lardmanlcuk: nice integration of what exactly? No idea about wifi hotspot, not of interest to me really15:06
lardmanSpeedEvil: well then we'll need to strip the DRM on our main computers first ;)15:07
dreamerMyrtti: hmm, since I no longer have the bz2 I'll try the dd again15:07
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lardmanlcuk: big issue with the Tab is that the screen is large, which means if you use it too much the battery dies :) but large screen is also the main advantage of the device15:08
lardmancatch 2215:08
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SpeedEvilI have posted - ages back - about partial screen illumination on openmoko.15:09
lardmanSpeedEvil: yes I seem to remember reading something about that15:10
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SpeedEvilWhich helps somewhat in principle - but there is stil a fairly large slice of power needed to keep the display refreshed.15:10
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lcuklardman, lol15:10
lardmanyeah, it's not ideal for ebook reading (pdfs mainly) but it is colour15:10
lcuklower brightness, use high contrast15:10
lardmanlcuk: the Tab is a different class of device though15:11
SpeedEvilDoes the screen transflect at all?15:11
lcukthat is how I extend battery life on my n900 and n810 before it15:11
lardmanno I don't think so15:11
lcuklardman, it is one of the meego target uxes though isnt it?15:11
SpeedEvilYeah - in good conditions on the n900, you can use it with no backlight.15:11
Jaffalcuk: I don't have a Galaxy Tab. The iPad I have is for a totally different use case rather than the always-with-me,always-on,always-connected N90015:11
lardmanlcuk: yeah, though Intel only thus far, though thanks for the pointer to the ARM image - I need to do some kernel tweaking and see if I can get multi touch working, then get back to Meego-isation15:12
lardmanJaffa: +115:12
lcukJaffa, right so does your n900 run meego?15:12
lcukone of mine does15:12
lardmanSpeedEvil: yeah, I wonder how well that would work, how much of a difference it would make on the Tab15:13
lcukand I was pushing for updates over reflashes and data import recently15:13
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lardmanlcuk: I'm down to one, so not yet, I have some mBarcode patching to do first15:13
lcukif all people are doing is daily//weekly tests and not filling with data etc it isnt strong for usability15:13
lcuksure lardman - that same tweaking can technically be done using maemo though?15:14
lcukso your playtest case can evolve whilst meego core catches up?15:14
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lardmanwhat do you mean? I need to run Maemo to make sure the packages work on the majority of N900s which don't run Meego15:14
lcuklardman, the meego camera app is open source by the way15:15
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lcukit is feasible to add barcode button and link to the processor now15:15
lardmanlcuk: yeah I saw that, sounds promising15:15
lcukunlike it was on the maemo build15:15
* lcuk smiles15:15
lcukthat button and linkup was requested a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time ago15:15
lardmanI'm planning to take a look at that, need some time though, have to prioritise atm, and the priority is the existing users15:16
* lcuk nods 15:16
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lardmanthough once the N900DE image is day to day usable (which it may be now), then would be the time to jump over15:16
lardmanthough I don't look forward to setting up toolchains and private repos and the like15:17
lardmanagain, I need some time to work it all out15:17
lcuklardman, I have stopped reflashing every day because I am able to use it for various things and filling in more data to see how that copes15:17
lcukthe nature of the bugs are changing from "i cannot run blah" to "when using blah ..."15:17
lcukwhich is massive shift in usability15:18
alteregoI've not been flashing daily for ages15:18
* lcuk flashes when told an important bug has been fixed15:18
alteregoI work on an image and if I have a bug that prevents what I'm doing is fixed, I'll update15:19
lcukthe n900-de has come on in leaps and bounds15:19
lardmanwould be good to be able to update in an ssu fashion15:19
lcuklardman, yeah but that is tricky even from general meego perspective15:19
SpeedEvilOooh - I can SSU from maemo to meego - how? And do all my calendars and contacts stay?15:20
alteregoIt's on the cards, but it's quite a way away.15:20
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alteregoSpeedEvil: no :P15:20
lardmanSpeedEvil: :)15:20
lardmanare there any up to date screen shots of the N900DE apps?15:20
lardmanand any info about how to import contacts, calendar, etc?15:20
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lardmanhmm, lunchtime, /me goes to buy some bacon and eggs for cooking. mmmm :)15:22
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lcuklol @ all the new twitter followers after just a couple of random posts
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SpeedEvilI should probably get a 'proper' twitter account.15:41
SpeedEvilI've only had a quarantined one so fer.15:42
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SpeedEvilI'm still boggling at the fact I've got 11 followers.15:43
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lcukSpeedEvil, I wonder where most of my followers come from15:43
lcukbut people just keep adding themselves, tis amusing15:44
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SpeedEvilOn an unrelated matter - does DE have flash?15:48
delactrying to install targets to Meego SDK 1.2 with mad-admin, but the "mad-admin list" gives me only old targets like meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.2 and meego-netbook-ia32-trunk which apparently refers to meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.99. Any thoughts?15:49
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* SpeedEvil idlyu wonders about JS-in-hardware accelleration.15:50
alteregoSpeedEvil: why don't you try and write a js interpreter in GLSL :P15:53
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wirehack7hello, one question: how to install make? i tried with the software manager, but it has been stuck, waiting for 30min now to install15:56
wirehack7but to install make i downloaded make, cd to the dir of unpacked files, made ./configure, but the next thing i have to do is make and make install15:57
wirehack7i have no make...15:57
delacwirehack7: are you using the notebook edition?15:58
wirehack7delac, yes netbook15:58
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delacwirehack7: because I think there is some bug on the packagemanager15:58
delacwirehack7: stop the install15:58
wirehack7i stopped15:58
delacwirehack7: fetch the repso again15:58
delacwirehack7: and try to install the make15:59
wirehack7i did15:59
delacI had the same problem with my system15:59
delacfirst time I tried to install anything, it would just hang16:00
delachad to stop the install and fetch the repos16:00
delacthen it would work16:00
delacalthoug it did take long time even after that16:00
alteregoLooks like they edited out my phone number :D16:00
alteregoAre the sessions up yet?16:01
wirehack7resolving dependencies is there know16:01
alteregoErm, videos16:01
delacthat might take some time16:02
wirehack7kk, i go buying food now16:02
wirehack7maybe a good thing in that time16:02
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wirehack7and why it's so awkward in MeeGo, in ubuntu just sudo apt-get install make :(16:06
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berndhswirehack7: to install "make" on meego, just do zypper install make16:08
wirehack7phew, that was easy, thanks alot berndhs16:09
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dreamerMyrtti: ok, have a correct md5sum now at least. so redoing everything hehe16:19
lardmanmmm, bacon was good16:20
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lardmanSpeedEvil: not sure JS is going to be a very good candidate for parallelised hw acceleration16:20
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lcuklardman, which language is good for parallelised accel16:40
lcukmmm bacon (lag)16:41
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dreamerhmmm, still getting this: VFS: cannot open root device "mmcblk0p1" or unknown-block(179,1) - using the flasher on my n90016:41
dreamerI checked the image and the md5 of the bz2 is correct16:42
lcukdreamer, pastebin the full log including command line used for flasher16:42
dreamerlcuk: where do I get the log?16:42
lcukwhere are you noticing the problem?16:42
dreameron boot16:43
lcukwell then I have lost context, start again and explain your problem16:43
dreamer << last step of this guide16:43
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dreamerusing meego-handset-armv7l-n900-1.1-mmcblk0p.raw.bz216:44
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wirehack7how to change the name of the device?16:44
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lardmanlcuk: good to write code, or a good language to parallelise?16:45
wirehack7it's PC-192-168- now, want to change it16:45
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pupnika_how about you shits grow a pair of testicles16:48
pupnika_and reject the tyranny16:48
pupnika_before you die forever16:48
pupnika_has that occcured to you, you intel dickheads?16:48
dreamerwhat is your problem pupnika_ ?16:49
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pupnika_reality? durrr?16:49
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pupnika_'i love das furerher'16:49
pupnika_hey RST38bis16:49
dm8tbrgetting wasted again, eh?16:50
dreamerwhat are you talking about man?16:50
pupnika_these idiots think life is normal16:50
RST38bislife is normal.16:50
pupnika_250,000 national security letters16:50
pupnika_the nazi state is watching you16:50
dm8tbrDawnFoster / Stskeeps - ping!16:51
pupnika_i hate stupid fucking idiots... especially in the open-source community16:51
RST38bisyour definition of "normal" is too narrow :)16:51
pupnika_you will march into the gas chambers16:51
dreamerpupnika_: sounds16:52
dreamerpupnika_: sounds like a stupid rant to me16:52
pupnika_i can document all of this dreamer16:52
pupnika_bitch, i'll show you16:52
dreamerwhat is the use of ranting here? what do you think it will accomplish?16:52
pupnika_this is what meego opposes16:52
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pupnika_free software can prevent tyranny16:53
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dreamerI think any support channel an freenode opposes random rants that have no use16:53
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pupnika_dreamer: 250,000 national security letters16:53
dreamerI don't know what that means16:53
dreamerand why it should interest me16:54
pupnika_because you are a zero brain16:54
pupnika_null... scheisse16:54
pupnika_a fish16:54
dreamerpupnika_: you sound like a 16 y/o that watched too many Michael Moore movies16:54
pupnika_you are 2316:54
wirehack7a german little kid16:54
dm8tbrdreamer: please stop feeding the drunk troll16:55
dreamerso instead of ranting, you could have a productive conversation16:55
dreamerdm8tbr: yeah, sorry16:55
pupnika_dm8tbr: i'll fuck you up any time i want16:55
* dm8tbr put an ignore in and suggests everyone else does16:55
dm8tbras freenode staff refused to handle this (not on access list) and meego staff is not around16:55
pupnika_dm8tbr: you're a cunt16:55
RST38bisPenguins, pupnik. Have you ever considered the penguins? They are taking over your life. They are coming into your dreams every night and stare with their empty avian eyes, beaks open in anticipation.16:55
dreameranyway, does anyone have an idea what I'm getting this VFS: cannot open root device "mmcblk0p1" or unknown-block(179,1)  flashing the 1.1 image on my n900?16:56
pupnika_RST38bis: i am here to disturb the penguins16:56
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RST38bisStop them before it is too late!16:56
dm8tbrdreamer: back cover?16:56
dreamerit's there16:56
RST38bisBefore these penguins get you and force you into repeating the same open source mantra over and over!16:57
wirehack7go and make something own pupnika_ before trolling ppl how bad they are16:57
wirehack7do it even better16:57
RST38bisReject the penguins! Tell no to penguins! Accept Ballmer as your one and only God before it is too late!16:57
RST38bisOnly He can save you from the inevitable, the avian occupation by the ugly, mute, rotten fish smelling birds!16:58
dreamerdm8tbr: it just kernel panics16:59
pupnika_stop the joking16:59
dm8tbrdreamer: did you put your backcover on?16:59
* RST38bis stops and goes off to see St Petersburg16:59
pupnika_RST38bis: what's wrong with you16:59
pupnika_dm8tbr: i should troutslap you16:59
RST38bispupnik: I am showing how to troll Properly.16:59
pupnika_RST38bis: ok17:00
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pupnika_RST38bis: it's not funny17:00
pupnika_i'm using my time to disperse info17:00
pupnika_why do you try to make jokes17:00
blindfish_pupnika made my day ...17:01
psycho_oreosStskeeps, andre__, X-Fade, DawnFoster, sofar, w00t_ and gabrbedd: ping17:01
pupnika_blindfish_: your nick is a very good one17:01
blindfish_your's not17:01
pupnika_americunts are the dumbest fish in the sea17:01
wirehack7he's even german17:01
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pupnika_and you will die in a lead storm17:01
wirehack7you will die by heart disease17:02
dm8tbrare the others also chanops? only knew about dawn and carsten17:02
blindfish_wirehack7: you think pupnika is german?17:02
pupnika_dm8tbr: is one of the tarded germans who can't see past their own shell script17:02
pupnika_but he is better than american retards17:02
pupnika_he's just AFRAID of OFFENDING AMERICANS17:03
wirehack7blindfish_, dns look up17:03
psycho_oreosdm8tbr, according to /msg chanserv access #meego list17:03
dm8tbrwas too lazy to look that up and remembered that the two were 'the ones to contact'17:04
pupnika_dm8tbr: your contributions to linux are unassailable17:04
pupnika_so i'll go away17:04
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pupnika_wait, but you are a fucking pussy17:05
blindfish_hmm ... the german become stupider each day. need to emigrade i guess17:05
pupnika_and you suck satan's cock all day and night17:05
pupnika_except for your work for linux17:05
* dm8tbr did and lives happily in finland :>17:05
pupnika_you're an idiot17:05
wirehack7that's because even more and more kids get access to a internet conenction blindfish_17:05
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delactrying to install targets to Meego SDK 1.2 with mad-admin, but the "mad-admin list" gives me only old targets like meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.2 and meego-netbook-ia32-trunk which apparently refers to meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.99. Any thoughts?17:08
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blindfish_wirehack7: yes, some assholes in the german government count the internet-connection to basic services, so - ass we all se - every syphilitic monkey gets a free access :(17:09
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SpeedEvillardman: I wasn't meaning offloading it onto the DSP - I was wondering if it was plausible to do an actual hardware unit.17:13
SpeedEvillardman: Some features do make it awkward though.17:13
SpeedEvilWell - most features.17:14
SpeedEvilStrongly typed langeages without implicit stuff are much easier.17:14
SpeedEvilDOM adds annoyance too.17:14
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andre__psycho_oreos, what's up?17:21
psycho_oreosandre__, thanks but Stskeeps sorted it out :)17:21
andre__ah. I see17:21
psycho_oreoswas a troll issue that happened earlier on17:21
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Vanadisi just heard someone was gnoming in here?17:27
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Vanadispsycho_oreos, yes, gnoming17:31
dm8tbryes but it got handled17:31
delacanyone installed meego on netbook alongside some other linux? does that work fine? any problems with bootloaders?17:31
psycho_oreosVanadis, if you meant troll yes17:33
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mwichmannhmmm, have occasion to want to use an arm image in qemu, does anyone know the right fu (kickstart) to make it work?18:12
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mwichmannthe ia32 kickstarts have pkgs that dont seem to exist in the arm repo18:13
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delactrying to install targets to Meego SDK 1.2 with mad-admin, but the "mad-admin list" gives me only old targets like meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.2 and meego-netbook-ia32-trunk which apparently refers to meego-netbook-ia32-1.1.99. Any thoughts?18:25
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Myrttiwow, that was somewhat unexpected turn in the events18:27
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dm8tbrlol, the meego-ux-daemon doesn't take it well when you restrict the available scaling frequencies!18:27
dm8tbrstarted crashing every few seconds18:27
lcukMyrtti, ?18:27
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Myrttipupnik losing his marbles18:28
mah454Hello ...18:28
mah454I install meego-1.118:28
dm8tbrnot surprising at all, happens every now and then18:28
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mah454meego-1.1 have not yum command ?!18:29
mah454why ?18:29
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dm8tbruse that18:29
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delachas anyone managed to use the Meego SDK 1.2?18:43
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mwichmanndelac: only a bit, it's giving me lots of trouble too18:45
berndhsdelac: yes a little, seems to work ok18:45
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delacwhat is the version number of the most current Targets? as given by "mad-admin list"?18:46
lcuklardman, earlier you mentioned parallel programming18:47
lcuknoticed that now18:47
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berndhsone of the things that makes it hard is that people do multi-threading instead18:49
berndhswith really low level synchronization18:49
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berndhsmulti-threading is a really dumb choice as a programming model18:49
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rasternot really18:50
berndhsits idiotic18:50
rastermulti-threading is just the basic mechanism18:50
rasterhow you USE it matters18:50
berndhsI said as a programming model18:50
rasterif u decide to go spwaning a new thread for everything you do.. u'll not come out well18:50
rasterif you just have a worker thread per cpu hanging about\18:51
berndhsexpressing your parallel algorithm in terms of multi-threading is wrong18:51
rasterand u throw tasks onto work queues for them18:51
rasterand then just wake them up once their queue has something worth waking up for in it18:51
rasteru're probably doing better18:51
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berndhsmulti-threading is a manufacturing solution, not a programming model18:51
rasterit is a model18:51
rasterits the same model everyone has used for years18:52
rasterjust multiplied by N18:52
rasterie N stacks18:52
berndhsyes but it is there because of manufacturing advantages18:52
rasterN execution contexts18:52
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berndhsthat's idiotic18:52
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rasterthats what the hardware looks like18:52
berndhsand using that as a programming model is idiotic18:52
rastereven that doesnt help u all the time18:53
berndhsnobody writes programs in terms of registsers and caches18:53
rastereg u may have 2 or 4 or 8 cores18:53
rasterbut they share the same cache and memory bus18:53
berndhsbut thats what the hardware looks like18:53
rasterif they are all hammering on memory access18:53
rasteru can easily perform worse with workload split18:53
rasterthat it being just concentrated in a single thread18:53
delacmwichmann: what kind of problems? and what targets you use?18:53
berndhsso writing multi-programs as excatly the hardware model is not a good idea either18:53
rasterof course multilpe cores look great when youa re compute not access bound18:53
berndhsi'm not talking about details of how to use it most efficiently18:54
mwichmanndelac: we had the tablet download problem last week18:54
berndhsi'm talking about getting correct execution with good parallelism18:54
mwichmann(now fixed but there seems to be more problems there)18:54
berndhsand multi-threading is fundamentally the wrong way to do that18:54
mwichmannwell this week... time not moving that fast :)18:54
mwichmannI built for netbook but it refused to use the right toolchain and built native instead, so I got x86_64 rpm in the end :(18:55
mwichmannI seem to have it beaten into some shape now18:55
rasterberndhs: iu dont mean multithreading18:55
rasteru mean multiple execution units\18:56
berndhsyes you are talking about efficiencies18:56
berndhsI am talking about the evil nature of multi threading as a programming model18:56
berndhsits too low level18:57
rasterpeople would argue that c and c++ are too low level18:57
rasterjust go use erlang18:57
rasterFACt is..18:57
berndhsand worse, if you write a multi-thread program, it won't work on any other multi-processor18:57
rasterc/c++ are low level18:57
berndhsso what?18:58
rasterand thus.. multithreading falls into their ballpark18:58
rasteru casn build a higher level thing on top of them18:58
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delacmwichmann: do you remember the version number for the netbook target?18:58
berndhsc++ can run on many different architectures18:58
berndhsc++ being low level has nothing to do with it18:58
rasterso can a multithreaded one18:58
mwichmannI was using 1.1.218:58
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berndhsyou can write message passing programs in c++ if you want18:58
berndhsand people do that18:59
delacmwichmann: hmm, that is the problem I'm having. I think that is too old version. It should be at least 1.2.0 at this point.18:59
mwichmannyes, I'll switch; I specifically needed a 1.1 example for my talk, because the compliance checker is only at 1.119:00
berndhsmulti-threading is just a hardware implementation19:00
berndhsshould not be used as a general purpose model to write programs19:00
delacmwichmann: do you have anything newer available? I dont seem to even have anything.19:00
mwichmannmad-admin shows me a large list19:01
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delacmwichmann: do you have anything over 1.20?19:01
mwichmann... but not, apparently, a 1.2 for netbook19:01
mwichmannit's confusing; the installer tool shows different things than this19:01
rasterberndhs:  c is a hardware implementation too19:02
rasterit should also not be used to write programs?19:02
berndhsno its niot19:02
rasterwhat should we use then?19:02
rasteryes it is19:02
berndhsC is  a programming language19:02
rasterthey are fundamentally no different19:02
berndhsyes they are19:02
delacmwichmann: interesting19:02
berndhsyou can run C on many different types of hardware19:02
rastermultithreading exposes a concurrent execution and control model that maps onto the kind of hardware we have19:02
berndhsmulti-threading is the worst way to do that19:03
rasterand u can run mukltithreaded apps on all the same hardware19:03
berndhsas a programming model19:03
rasterits the same thing19:03
berndhsas a hardware implementation its fine19:03
rasterc assumes a unified memory model19:03
berndhsno it is not the same thing19:03
rasterso does multithreading19:03
delacmwichmann: do you have something called MaintenaceTool installed on your system?19:03
rasterc assumes a stack and a heap, so does multithreading19:03
rasternot nonsense19:03
mwichmanndelac: the installer has downloaded for me meego-netbook-ia32-qemu-1.2.0-raw.tar.bz2 and meego-core-ia32-madde-sysroot-1.2.0-fs.tar.bz219:03
berndhsno C does not assume a stack and heap in hardware19:04
mwichmannyes, by "installer" I mean the maintenance tool19:04
berndhsmulti threading assumes a shared memory space19:04
rasterand multithreading doesnt ASSUME multiple cores19:04
berndhsand that is already a bad programming model for most parallel machines19:04
rasterC does assume a stack and heap19:04
rastermalloc and friends expose a heap19:04
rasterthe fact that u can even call a function assumes a stack (to allow for recursion)19:05
berndhsno you can have malloc on some other memory model19:05
rasterthe fact that u have pointers and can pass them around from func to func assumes a unified memory model/space19:05
berndhsfunction calls do not assume  a hardware stack19:05
rasterthere is no such thing as a hardware stack19:05
delacmwichmann: hmm, I gues I need to use the installer too. I just set up the repos and hoped it would get me all I need but apparently the installer fetches something extra.19:05
berndhsthere is no good reason to assume shared memory as a model for parallel programs19:06
rastera stack is simply a storage space you push elements onto as u go down the call tree19:06
rasterand pop from when done to get returns etc.19:06
berndhsit makes things really hard to get correct19:06
rasterthe fact that u can just pass pointers to elements on a stack to functions and have them operate on them the same as memmory froma  heap etc.19:06
rasterassumes a unified memory model19:06
mwichmanndelac: yes, that's right; the big globs (qemu runtimes, sysroots) are downloaded by madde (mad-admin)19:06
rasterits fundamentally no differeht to pthreads19:06
berndhsyou can write distributed memory models in C19:06
mwichmannthe installer calls those for you, but you can also do manually19:06
mwichmanntry "mad-admin list"19:07
berndhsjsut that you can also write uniform memory models does not mean you have to19:07
rasteryou can19:07
rasteru have to WRAP it all19:07
rasterbehind calls19:07
rasterno different to pthreads19:07
mwichmannyou don't /have/ to use the installer, but it seems to be easier now19:07
rasteru can turn it into message passin g or something else if u want19:07
berndhsyes and expressing all parallel algorithms in the lowest hardware implementation is what is idiotic19:07
delacmwichmann: well I was actually counting on that, but apparently get madde doesnt seem to find the newest targets. Didnt you say that the installer does find them?19:07
mwichmannmad-admin fetch   to download,  mad-admin create   to unpack19:08
berndhsand *teaching* this as the normal parallel programming model is worse19:08
mwichmannI've got a dual-boot setup here and happen to be booted into the wrong universe19:08
rasterder as will 10000's of people say that exposing pointers (memory) in a programming model is idiotic19:08
berndhsyou can run things like message passing just find on the hardware we have19:08
mwichmannit does seem to be finding the right stuff when I chroot into the other one19:08
rasterthey are no different19:08
berndhsI dont care what thousands of people say19:09
mwichmanne.g. under Targets I now see:  meego-netbook-ia32-1.2.0                 (installed)19:09
rasterthe threading model (i'll talk of pthreads here as i believe thats whats being assumed) is in the same boat as tyhe rest of the c/c+= world19:09
berndhsmillions of people voted for Stalin19:09
mwichmannand under Runtimes: meego-netbook-ia32-qemu-1.2.0-runtime                      (installed)19:09
berndhsno the threading model is in the boat of minds with no imagination19:09
lardmanlcuk: thanks for the links19:09
delacmwichmann: well, my problem is that I dont see it even as available19:09
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berndhsi'm talking about multi-programming19:10
lcuklardman, better than the link is the conversation it spawned :)19:10
berndhsnot about some specific implementation of it19:10
berndhsand I think that is where the disagreement is19:10
lardmanworst problem I have is trying to get a handle on memory latency & memory movement speeds vs processor occupancy19:10
berndhsthat you don't see a model, you only see implementation19:10
delacmwichmann: can you tell me what version of madde-config-ia32 you have installed?19:10
lardmanfound a rather shaky video of N900DE on TMO19:11
delacmwichmann: hmm, same version as I have...19:11
lardmanlcuk: did you say it has a calendar onboard?19:11
berndhsI write C++ code with pointers, they have little or nothing to do with the memory hardware19:12
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berndhsand in fact, the uniform memory assumed by C does not exist in hardware19:13
berndhshardware has a hierachy of caches and registers, paging and swapping19:13
berndhsthere is no flat uniform memory in hardware19:13
mwichmanndelac: perhaps there's someone on #meego-sdk who knows how to unstick your setup (or rather, get it to refresh the list of targets/runtimes)19:14
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lardmanworking out which is the best to use of texture memory vs coalesced reads from global GPU memory is unfortunately a pita19:14
lardmanthough they both use the same memory, but different read caching, afaiu19:15
delacmwichmann: I think that might be meego-devel, althoug that place is pretty dead right now...19:15
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lardmanlcuk: nice example: MATLAB code takes 850s, MATLAB code using GPU extensions takes 9s :)19:16
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lcukalterego, why does dialer component have a close button?19:19
lcukI thought tablet ui did not have that, have you added it yourself?19:19
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dm8tbrlol, someone might want to fix the frontpage...19:25
lardmandm8tbr: it never seems to be very up to date ;)19:26
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lcukdm8tbr, it took maemo quite a while to move lardman from the front page :P19:30
lardmanlcuk: oi!19:30
lardmanmy immense mass19:30
lcukis that what you call your gut nowadays? :P19:31
lardmansome people might get offended :p19:32
dm8tbrok, and given the mass of that bridge up there it might take a year or two19:32
lcuklardman, have you seen/tried ?19:32
lardmanlcuk: yeah I had a quick look the other day19:32
berndhsthe pope has immense mass on easter and xmas19:32
lcuklol dm8tbr19:32
lcukno wonder the meegon with a hatt on is smiling19:33
lcukhe made a whole bridge levitate!19:33
lcukspeaking of which, what time is doctor who on?19:33
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lardmandunno, I don't watch it, was always scared of it as a kid :)19:34
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berndhshe was one of my professors, Dr Hu19:35
berndhsdid combinatorics19:36
javispedroand killed aliens?19:36
berndhswell, he was already of advanced age, maybe earlier in his life19:36
dm8tbrmeh, i thought this exopc was so spiffy and all. if you actually have something showing in those panels on tablet UX it gets all jerky if you swipe...19:37
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chouchouneI've read that Fedora 15 will be supported later for Meego SDK ...19:44
chouchounebut does anyone know if it will be soon or not ?19:44
lardmananyone know if I can pass an argument to the callback of a QTimer::singleShot() ?19:45
chouchouneDo I have to downgrade to Fedora 15 or Ubuntu 10.10 to develop for Meego or is it just a matter of days/weeks ?19:45
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lardmanapparently not19:56
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lardmanas in it's not possible19:56
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solstagI'm trying meego for the 1st time... only one issue so far20:15
solstagchromium won't start, on the terminal it gives a "bus error"20:15
solstaganybody seen this?20:15
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dm8tbrwhy are you trying to start chromium from the terminal?20:16
solstagI wasn't, but it wouldn't start so I tried to see if it gave any hints as to why20:16
andre__to get error output?20:16
chouchounelol dm8tbr, why not ? ;)20:17
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dm8tbrchouchoune: I was trying to understand what he's trying to do and why20:17
dm8tbrand apparently the real problem is that chromium won't start20:17
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dm8tbralso when doing such things from the terminal you have to remember to check if DISPLAY is set etc20:18
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chouchounebut the issue from DISPLQY wouldn't be that one but omething like "Cannot open display:"20:19
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infobotchouchoune meant: but the issue from DISPLAY wouldn't be that one but omething like "Cannot open display:"20:19
chouchounehaha, nice bot ;)20:19
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dm8tbrI've seen X11 software fail in interesting ways and not saying 'can't open display'20:19
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solstagwell, not meaning to interrupt this curious deviation, but has anyone seen this "bus error" thing, or have any idea why?20:20
dm8tbrsolstag: what sort of CPU?20:20
solstagAtom n45020:20
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solstagit's an acer aspire one, with 1gb RAM20:20
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dm8tbrmhm, missing ssse3 would have been another option, but that is certainly there...20:21
solstagalso, I am running from the pen drive20:21
solstagthat might be related20:21
chouchounesolstag: can you check chromium -h ?20:21
chouchouneto see if there is an option to launch it without some kind of synchronization ?20:21
solstagsure... as soon as I find out what the default password for the pen-drive boot is...20:22
solstagit locked on screensaver mode20:22
dm8tbrmeego/meego ?20:22
solstagok, "meego" did it20:22
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solstagchouchoune: there's no chromium, only chromium-browser and chromium-browser-ext.sh20:23
solstagtrying the first one20:23
solstagno synch option, just help and debug20:24
chouchounedebug one ?20:24
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chouchouneto have more traces maybe ?20:24
solstagdebug calls gdb20:24
solstagno traces, gdb complains that some library is missing20:25
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blindfish_does anyone know something about n9 / n950? afair it was going to be announced at the end of mai, which is ... now20:25
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berndhswell, there's 3 days left to announce the announcement20:26
solstagchouchoune: "gdb: Unable to find libthread_db matching inferior's thread library, thread debugging will not be available."20:26
chouchouneand no-one said it's in May ;)20:26
solstagchouchoune: that was a "warning:" displayed several times.20:27
solstagchouchoune: and then finally "gdb: Program received signal SIGBUS, Bus error."20:27
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chouchouneno idea sorry20:27
chouchounemaybe someone else ;)20:28
solstagyeah... : P20:28
solstagweird thing20:28
chouchouneI'm ebven not using meego netbook version20:28
berndhsthe warnings are just gdb telling you that it can't tell you anything20:28
solstagchouchoune: thanks anyway :)20:28
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solstagchouchoune: why did you ask about a sync option? maybe I can create a config file telling it not to sync?20:32
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delacoh nice, NOW I noticed that 64bit systems are not supported by the SDK...20:35
delacso, was there anyone who had installed Meego alongside another distro?20:36
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lardmanyeah, I've installed it on my 64bit system20:37
lardmanthe SDK this is20:37
chouchounesolstag: no idea, just had an issue like this with another software which was trying to synchronize unsuccessfully once ;)20:38
chouchounedelac: I know someone which installed it on (k)ubuntu 11.04 64 bits20:38
delaclardman: you have? The wiki pages tout that it is only for 32 bit systems20:38
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delacchouchoune: oh? 11.04 shouldnt be supported either20:39
chouchounedelac: on it's written that it's not tested20:39
lardmanLinux simon-desktop 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 02:41:37 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:39
delaclardman: how well does the SDK work?20:39
chouchounedelac: I agree, but not supported doesn't mean that it won't work20:40
chouchounejust that it's your problem if it soesn't work ;)20:40
chouchouneI have the issue with fedora 15 on my side20:40
* lardman wonders if this is some later SDK than the one he installed20:41
lardmantbh I tried it when I installed it, then went back to Maemo dev (which also doesn't support 64bit fwiw) due to lack of working hw at the time20:41
delaclardman: ah. dont remember the version?20:42
lardmanno, was from tail end of last year though20:43
lardmanbut as chouchoune says, it may not be officially supported (Ubuntu in general wasn't at the time) but can probably still be made to work20:44
delaclardman: did you manage to build any working apps?20:44
lardmanthe compiler worked, but I didn't try building anything20:45
lardmanbut I don't see that there would be any problem20:45
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alteregolcuk: To close the window? :)20:49
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lcukalterego, I know20:58
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lcukI did not know that it had to be added by you though20:58
alteregoOh yeah21:00
alteregoWell, it doesn't _have_to be21:00
alteregoWhen I originally implemented the UX, it was a pure QML clone of the MTF based dialer UX21:00
alteregoSo I had to implement that stuff, because the Qt windows didn't render window decorations.21:00
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smharI lost my N900 -very sadly- and I tried another -temporary- phone which only made me miss my N900 more. My question is, is there a new maemo or meego mobile in the horizon soon, or should I just get another N900?21:04
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delacis it possible to prevent Meego from installing bootloader? For installing it alongside another distro.21:12
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lcuksmhar, if you have a need for *something* today, buy based on the market today21:14
lcukthat has been the same advice for anything ever known to man21:14
lcukby tomorrow we might not be using mobiles at all, let alone alternative models21:14
lcukso if you need one now, get one now :)21:15
berndhsi confidently predict tehre will be no new maemo phone this quarter :)21:17
pixelgeekComputex is next week - see what gets announced there?21:17
smharlcuk, thanks for the eternal advice :-) although for me, at least now, it is more of a convenience and a satisfaction rather than a pressing need21:18
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berndhspixelgeek: indeed worth waiting 1 week21:18
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sofargood lord, the trolls were out again last night?21:50
sofardelac: yes, netbook installer in 1.2 has an option to skip bootloader setup21:50
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TSCHAKeeeberndhs: the RM-680 passed FCC testing22:14
TSCHAKeeeberndhs: it will happen.22:14
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TSCHAKeeeberndhs: so shut your mouth.22:14
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Jaffathp: Should've fixed the spam detection22:26
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thpJaffa: nice :) thx22:28
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lcukan android, iphone and meegon walk into a bar..22:50
berndhsi want some of these
berndhsto break the desktop/tablet barrier22:57
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delacsofar: it has? nice. is it obivious or do I have to hack something?23:01
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CosmoHilldelac: I'd imagine it's a tick box23:04
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DocScrutinizersmhar: get a N900 as long as there are some around still23:23
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DocScrutinizersmhar: even if you get a 'new meego device' tomorrow, you'll miss the N90023:24
* CosmoHill wonder's how his laptop battery compartment has become deformed23:24
berndhselephant sat on the device ?23:25
DocScrutinizerthat happened when it decided NOT to burn down your appartment23:25
smharDocScrutinizer, problem is, it is not available anymore here. I will need to get one online from somewhere. I will probably try to find a good used one from ebay :-/23:25
DocScrutinizerN900 recently started to show up in second hand stores here23:27
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delacHow do I prevent the bootloader from installing over my grub? In the last image , should I untick all, delete them or just mark the one that has grub?23:30
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gabrbeddpsycho_oreos: pong!23:34
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situ_Anyone tried WeTab OS here ?23:53
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