IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2011-05-27

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sergeyledelac: geoclue has that HostIP location provider which,  I think, is what you need.00:03
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delacsergeyle: geoclue would provide what I need, but it doesnt seem to be part of official Qt API? I was more of wondering if QGeoPositionInfoSource might have IP based location source?00:10
delacor something like that...00:11
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sergeyleoh, I see.00:12
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sergeylebut the Qt Mobility implementation relies on geoclue, AFAIK00:13
delacrelies on how?00:13
delacis it the same code?00:14
sergeyleit was supposed to use geoclue as its backend00:14
sergeylenot sure if it is now, though00:14
sergeylelike here:
sergeyleof course, it is only relevant for MeeGo00:16
TSCHAKeeethere is one with a guide00:16
TSCHAKeeeand one for recorded content only00:16
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delacwell, if it is glued there, then I gues the IP based location is possible. Can anyone point a tutorial or example or anything?00:18
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sergeyleI am not sure it is fully implemented now. you'd rather use bare geoclue :)00:20
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delacsergeyle: possibly. but that wouldn't be very future proof, and as this is for a assingment, I dont think it is acceptable00:22
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sergeyleEhm, I'm not quite confident about QtMobility being more future proof. Anyway, this page: claims that Location support is at its final stage, so HostIp should be there.00:26
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delacuh, maybe I just do little test app and see if QGeoPositionInfoSource tells me if a IP based location source is available...00:28
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magius_pendragonHey, I noticed there's a developer preview for the tablet edition. Is there somewhere I can see what packages to install if I want to throw it along side a netbook meego install?01:48
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aukemagius_pendragon: the repo server has image generation logs and package lists02:13
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bkalingais there any known work around so that i can install MeeGo1.2 on Ubuntu11.0407:17
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Myrttibkalinga: uh, what? do you mean the UX07:19
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MeeGoBotBug 17194 cri, High, ---, zhang.z.chen, NEW, [FEA][Installer] SDK installer should support other installer path than the default one07:27
Jay_BEEbkalinga: also this -->
bkalingaok thanks  Jay_BEE:07:28
Jay_BEEnow if I could only get the sdk working under ubuntu 10.1007:28
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bkalingaJay_BEE:  So the problem is related to the default path07:30
bkalingai am trying to install it in my /home and have enough space07:30
akkI have the SDK working under 11.04. I did have to do some guessing about where it put things.07:31
Jay_BEEbkalinga: i have not tried installing to a different location, I am unsuccessful in trying default location07:31
akkI used the apt repository07:32
bkalingaakk: Could please let us know how did u achieved that07:32
bkalingadid u use the graphical installer07:32
Myrttiah, ok, SDK07:32
akkI started with (I don't think there was a 1.2 page, this was about a month ago)07:33
akkadded deb / to sources.list07:33
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akkand they don't tell you where it installs things -- I had to search for it then add opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/bin to my path07:34
akkand setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt/lib:/opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/lib/qtcreator/plugins/Nokia07:34
akk(I wrote up a blog post with notes, but haven't had time yet to polish it and post it)07:35
bkalingaakk: then you will have the 1.107:35
bkalinganot the 1.207:35
akkokay, that was all I found at the time07:35
akkmaybe I'll try installing 1.2 over the weekend07:36
bkalingaakk, But you said : I have the SDK working under 11.04. I did have to do some guessing about where it put things.07:36
akkI'd be surprised if it was that different, but hey, I've been surprised by things before :)07:36
bkalingaakk, now there is a graphical installer available07:37
bkalingatry that on 11.0407:37
bkalinga in release notes it is clearly mention that 11.04 is not supported yet07:37
Jay_BEEakk: i've located a similar blog which describes the steps you mentioned -->
akkIt wasn't supported for 1.1 either, but it wasn't hard to get it working.07:38
bkalingais it not possible to manually install (i am not to use that graphical installer) on 11.04 from the repo07:39
bkalingacan someone give a thought to it07:39
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akkThis "meego-sdk-installer-online-20110519" thing is some binary I'm supposed to chmod and run locally?07:40
akkThey should make that a lot clearer.07:40
Jay_BEEakk: yes07:40
bkalingaakk: try installing that in 11.0407:41
akkand yes, they should provide some way other than a binary that you're supposed to run07:41
akkthat's not an opensource-friendly way to install an SDK07:41
bkalingarightly said ..there must an alternative07:41
bkalingalike we had a page for 1.107:41
Jay_BEEakk: it seems the graphical installer actually uses apt behind the scenes to install the SDK... i'm now looking at the package manager and see the meego sdk stuff listed as installed07:42
bkalingathat describes all the step we need to do to install 1.107:42
dm8tbrthat sounds like the intel 'meego-sdk-bete' - or is that some public version by now?07:42
akkThat's even less friendly, since it won't work on non-apt distros07:42
akk(not that the apt repository would have either)07:42
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bkalingaakk: do u have 11.04 now07:43
bkalingacan u try installing??07:43
Jay_BEEi really do not want to have to resort to using this under windows07:43
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akkI'm trying but I think I'm going to have to give up and try again tomorrow. It's taking forever downloading ... something07:47
akkAnd I have to go, so maybe tomorrow.07:49
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espen77anywhere i can find upgrade details from 1.1 to 1.2?10:24
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eg81espen77: are you asking about meego (e.g. netbook) system update or about sdk ?10:25
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espen77netbook system10:29
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espen77would have imagine "sudo zypper dup" would do it, but it dont.10:35
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Ken-YoungWere there any interesting products announced at the Meego Conference in Frisco?10:36
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lcukmorning \o11:17
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Ken-YoungWere there any interesting products announced at the Meego Conference in Frisco?11:54
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VenemoI guess this is good news for everyone who is porting MeeGo to HTC devices:
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Ken-YoungVenemo, Yup, a rare bit of good news there.13:11
isolorthat ads up to sony-ericsson and motorola, ain't it?13:11
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vgrade_Venemo: good news indeed, but we still need some more support with drivers from the OEMs, bug 1757013:13
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, ibrahim, NEW, Lack of hardfp compiled graphics drivers from TI, Qualcomm, nVidia, etc13:13
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Venemovgrade_, "Currently the only device with support is the obsolete N900" -> the word "obsolete" is a bit unnice of you :P13:16
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phaeronit is far from obsolete , imho13:17
vgrade_Venemo: and also incorrect as other similar TI based devices may work with the N900 driver, beagle, pandora etc13:17
vgrade_phaeron: can you buy them still?13:17
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Venemovgrade_, AFAIK there are a lot of other devices based on OMAP3, so those should work with hardfp. as for the rest, they will simply work without hardfp for the time being13:18
phaeronthat is called "unavailable" or "discontinued" , again imho13:18
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vgrade_phaeron: ok, bad choice of word, now how do you edit a bug13:39
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lenslaine: I've followed you tutorial to make my wifi work, but now it seems that kernel-netbook-devel is obslete. I can't find to install thus I can't complete the wifi configuration14:51
lenwhat can I do?14:51
slainelen, you clearly haven't followed the guide14:54
slaineas I renamed all the groups and packages accordingly14:54
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slainekernel-devel instead of kernel-netbook-devel14:54
slaineOff to get some lunch, back in a whilke14:55
lenbut when I use rpm build, it asks for kernel-netbook-dev14:55
leni'll start all over again14:56
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maggieI m running mic on openssue 11.2 , it gives error while creating image /bin/cp: cannot create directory `/var/cache/meego-bootstrap/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages': No such file or directory  , I m using the ks file available at meego repo14:57
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lenslaine: just for the record, the package requires kernel-netbook-devel. You can check the .spec, I did all over again, from begining15:09
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slainelen, back now15:14
slainereally, wonder why I didn't get errors15:14
slaineThe url displayed on the page is correct15:15
slainebut the href for that display is wrong, it's pointing to the older 1.1 src rpm15:16
slaineif you cut and paste the code, it'll pull down the updated src rpm for 1.215:16
slaineI'll fix the href now15:16
lenslaine: true, nice catch there15:16
CosmoHillhey sl15:17
CosmoHillhey slaine15:17
leni tried everything yesterday15:17
leneven open rpm remove dep and compile again15:17
lenbut didnt succeed15:17
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slainelen, yeah, there's other changes required15:18
slainetry reloading the page nopw15:18
slaineCosmoHill: hey15:18
slainelen sorry about the inconvenience, cut'n'paste errors15:18
lenno problem, I learned a lot of new things15:19
lenthat's what problems are for :P15:19
slaineanyway, if you reload the page and follow the steps again, it should work now15:20
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slaine(you might want to nuke your ~/rpmbuild dir)15:21
CosmoHillI use rpmbuild --cleandir when making stuff normally15:21
CosmoHillit removes the build directory after creating the package15:21
slainebut not the old spec/source15:22
lenOk, doing that. Btw rpmbuild should have sudo before, right?15:22
slainehell no15:24
slainelen, the instructions on the page should be exact15:24
slainecut and paste from the page to the terminal15:24
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lenI get an error.  I'll translate, since it's portuguese to me. Output status of /var/tmp/rpm-rmp.xpto is invalid (%prep)15:27
lenusing sudo I dont get this error15:27
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bkalingaon meego 1.2 netbook i am not able to see VKB when clicked on any text entry15:27
lenshould I create a user slaine?15:27
lenit says User slaine doesnt exists using root15:27
slaineno, that's just a red herring warning/error15:28
lenI saw now. It's wget unable to solve host with my user.15:28
lentime out15:29
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slaineif you install the src.rpm15:29
slaineyou can edit the spec file and increase the wget timeout15:29
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slaineIf you already ran the rpmbuild command with a sudo infront, then you could be running trouble15:30
slaineyou'd have to cd ~15:30
slainesudo rm -rf ~/rpmbuild15:31
slaineand start again15:31
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lendid that before rpmbuild, but trying again15:31
bkalingais there any text editor in Meego1.215:32
bkalingacan some one name its binary name15:32
lenthx, that did the trick.15:32
slainebkalinga: which version of meego, handset, netbook ?15:33
bkalinga1.2 netbook15:33
slainegedit should be there15:33
* slaine uses vim though15:33
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lenslaine: it went smooth now. Thank you for your help15:34
slaineyour welcome, thanks for letting me know about the issue with the url15:34
bkalingahow do i get the VKB15:34
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bkalingaits not launching15:34
slainethere's info on the wiki for enabling the vkb im15:34
slaineProbably look under the Lenovo Ideapad stuff15:35
bkalingacan u please point me there15:35
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slainegoogle search, that's what I'd have to do15:36
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lenHow can I configure 3g usb modem?15:42
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slaineIf it's not just detected by the network manager, then I wouldn't know15:43
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slaine3g modems are a very small set of supported devices to my knowledge15:44
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lenhm, so probably it wont work, it's a brazilian device15:44
slaineThat doesn't mean it won't work15:45
smokulen: try loading usb_uart module providing your usb device id15:45
smokulen: ie.: modprobe usbserial vendor=0xf3d product=0x011215:46
smokuif you get /dev/ttyUSB0 then, you're good to go15:46
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bkalingasays change Modify /etc/xdg/autostart/meego-im-uiserver.desktop to look like this:   but  /usr/bin/meego-im-uiserver is not there15:48
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lensmoku: how do I get the vendor and product? I used lsusb15:48
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smokulen: right. lsusb15:49
lenID:19d2:2000 should I use these values?15:49
smokuyes. it's vendor:product15:49
lenhm good to know15:49
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lenmodprobe didnt output anything,15:51
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smokulen: good. so it didn't fail :)15:53
smokusee 'dmesg' output15:53
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lenbut how do i get it working15:57
lenhow do i connect?15:57
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slainelen, I'm guessing that if the module loaded (look at the last few lines of output from dmesg) then the network manager should now have it available16:00
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* CosmoHill offers slaine tea and chocolate spread on toast16:05
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lendidn't show anything. I think it's recoginizing as generic device16:07
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slaineCosmoHill: Thanks, I'll take a coffee though and some strawberries if you have them16:09
* CosmoHill turns the tea into coffee16:09
CosmoHillsorry, my wand only works on fluids16:09
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slainewell, in that case, make it some wine16:10
slaineor is it a one shot deal ?16:10
* CosmoHill waves his wand again16:10
CosmoHillI once turned the fluids inside someone's brain to ethanol16:11
slainehmm, I can see how that could be useful16:11
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naquadwhat's the latest and stable release? or 1.2.0?16:29
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CosmoHilldoesn't matter since you can only download 1.216:33
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CosmoHill1.2.0.90 sounds like a pre-release16:33
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delacis there a comparison chart for Qt SDK and Meego SDK?16:34
naquadCosmoHill, then what's
delacforget that, found already16:35
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delaccan anyone tell if Qt SDK has something that is not in Meego SDK?16:40
vvaltonedelac, is a earlier devel build to
vvaltoneerr.. naquad I mean16:41
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naquadvvaltone, thanks16:45
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* gabrbedd stumbles in and plops in a chair16:56
gabrbeddgood morning!16:56
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delacdoes Meego SDK 1.2 work with Qt Simulator 1.1? It is in the repos, but wiki page lists only Qt Simulator 1.0.17:01
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lenwell i gotta go17:08
lenthx for help guys17:08
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* CosmoHill dances cos he got an A in database17:12
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gabrbeddUPDATE grades SET grade = 'A' WHERE student = 'CosmoHill';17:21
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CosmoHillif I wanted to be pedantic I'd point out that you'd have first name and surname to be atomically correct >.>17:25
CosmoHillI'm hoping / assuming that the exam isn't partially hard since it's only an hour long17:27
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gabrbeddSELECT count(*) WHERE student = 'CosmoHill';17:30
gabrbedd>>> 117:30
* gabrbedd set 'student' as PK :-)17:30
CosmoHilloh oh, some dude on my course set "name" as the PK17:30
CosmoHillfor a regional system17:30
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gabrbeddYeah, that's bad. :-)17:31
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gabrbeddReminds me of this...
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CosmoHillthat's quiet a list he has there17:35
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gabrbeddI always think of that whenever someone says "Yeah, I'm trying to sync my contacts between my iphone and itunes and outlook and gmail.... but it doesn't seem to be working right.  Why is this so hard for people to get right?  What's the big deal?"17:37
* CosmoHill is thrown a little by point 12 and 1317:37
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gabrbeddI think it depends on the locale.17:40
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CosmoHill37 I see a lot at uni, all our logins are based on your initials but a lot of my friends don't have their middle name initial in their login17:40
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gabrbeddIn English, we would say that 'mary' and 'Mary' and 'maRy' are the same... but in some languages it may not be the same.17:41
CosmoHillmcnick and McNick etc17:41
gabrbeddAlso 37 covers misspellings, to (I think)17:42
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gabrbedd(I meant too, not to.)17:43
gabrbeddpebcak: howdy17:43
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CosmoHillmy name is constantly being misspelt even though it's part of the email address :/17:43
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CosmoHillI have a weird pronunciation of it just to get people to spell it correctly which may lead to a hyphen appearing in it17:44
gabrbeddCosmoHill: What is your name?17:45
pebcakanyone using tablet ux and has problems with the graphics after the latest update?17:45
CosmoHillgabrbedd: see pm17:46
gabrbeddpebcak: The one released 5/19 or a daily build?  And can you be more specific about "problems with the graphics"17:46
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pebcakI pointed the repos to latest testing and update via zypper17:47
pebcakthere was a change in fontcolor and some images seem to be missing, because where the would be there is a white shape17:48
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gabrbeddpebcak: dunno about font color... but which images?17:49
pebcakin the panelview17:49
pebcakI'll do a screenshot later....17:50
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gabrbeddpebcak: I recommend trying one of the daily build images (.img).  Could be an API change or something.  If it exists in the fresh .img, then file a bug, please.17:53
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pebcakgabrbedd what's the difference with upgrading all packages with zypper and flashing a new img...17:54
pebcak(debian user :P)17:54
magius_pendragonI'm trying to run both the tablet ux and the netbook ux on the same computer ; I've installed the meego-Tablet pattern using zypper. Right now, the tablet ux-daemon is running behind all the windows when I'm in netbook mode. Has anyone else tried running both simultaneously? is there a way to configure it to only run the daemon when running mcompositor?17:55
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gabrbeddpebcak: The difference is that using the 'latest' repo is a YMMV thing.  The .img installs are more closely QA'ed.17:56
gabrbeddpebcak: Theoretically there should be no difference on a released MeeGo, but Tablet UX didn't get released and is still under very active development.17:56
gabrbeddmagius_pendragon: uxlauncher starts nearly everything in /etc/xdg/autostart17:57
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gabrbeddmagius_pendragon: so if you have both UX's installed... then both will be started... because both have a .desktop file in that folder.17:57
gabrbeddmagius_pendragon: To get one or the other you'll need to swap out which file exists in that folder.17:58
dm8tbrux selector *hint* *hint*17:58
pebcakgabrbedd ok, thanks17:58
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magius_pendragongabrbedd: could i use the OnlyShowIn option?17:59
gabrbedddm8tbr: perhaps you could give magius_pendragon a link to the ux selector?17:59
magius_pendragongabrbedd: I have ux selector installed...17:59
dm8tbrit's on the meego wiki17:59
gabrbeddmagius_pendragon: no, that woudn't work because each UX sets what you are "In"17:59
dm8tbrthen it might make sense to talk to Aard if there are more things that need to be adjusted to effectively switch18:00
magius_pendragongabrbedd: then I'm missing something. I have the uxselector from the wiki for switching between teh two. It's te daemon that's running behind everything18:00
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gabrbeddmagius_pendragon: IDK.  I've never used UX selector.  It sounds like you said that both Netbook and Tablet UX's are getting started at the same time.  If that's happening to you, then I would say ux selector is misconfigured or broken.18:01
Aardmagius_pendragon: the problem is that the startup of those daemons are done via xdg autostart desktop files. unfortunately, they are not conditional18:01
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AardI'm aware of the problem, but I don't see a solution possible without changing xdg-specifications right now (though I have to admit that I didn't spend much time thinking about it so far)18:02
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magius_pendragonAard: just tried using the OnlyShowIn for the daemon. Seems to work.18:03
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Aardoh, looks like I missed one key when reading the specification :)18:05
Aardanyway, any comments about uxselect? I've been hoping to get some feedback of people using it for quite some time...18:06
gabrbeddmagius_pendragon: But... I think that'll only work until you try to switch UX's.18:06
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alteregoDoes the exo have 5 point tracking?18:07
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magius_pendragongabrbedd: I just tried it on both handset (tablet) and netbook.18:07
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gabrbeddmagius_pendragon: ok.18:08
magius_pendragonAard: It seems to be ignoring the config file. Or I'm missing something about how that works. Does it switch live? I've only gotten it to work on boot.18:08
pebcakis there a way to make the gui somewhat smaller?18:08
magius_pendragon(well, on telinit 5)18:08
gabrbeddalterego: I was handed an ExoPC to play with at the conf... and it only did 2 points.18:09
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Aardmagius_pendragon: it should read the config file after you exit a ux (though I didn't test if it actually works). when you exit a UX uxlaunch respawns, and then launches uxselect18:09
pebcakthe driver for the egalax can do all 5 alterego gabrbedd18:10
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magius_pendragonAard: I had tried adding another line for the Tablet UX, when I thought that it was using something other than mcompositor, but it's not showing up in the selection18:10
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Aardmagius_pendragon: only entries which exist show up in the selection18:11
gabrbeddpebcak: I did `hexdump -C /dev/inputN` and it stopped sending messages when the 3rd finger hit the screen.18:11
alteregogabrbedd: okay, I just remember a demo of a paint app where they demo'd five point and wondered if it was an exo/wetab18:12
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alteregogabrbedd: yeah, I got an exo too, that's why I'm wondering, gonna download the wetab os image later.18:12
gabrbeddalterego: someone, somewhere, told me that the exo did 4x... but not the one I had.18:12
magius_pendragonAard: what does it mean to exist in this case?18:12
alteregoOh, maybe it was 4x18:13
Aardmagius_pendragon: uxselect checks if the path to the session-launcher exists, and only displays entries if it does18:13
pebcakgabrbedd got a wetab, got 5 or 418:13
magius_pendragonAard: and if two have the same path? I think that was te issue, the 2nd one isn't showing18:13
magius_pendragonAard: I'll test it out later and let you know18:14
gabrbeddalterego: But I was in a hurry, and it could have been a kernel driver thing. noodle around in /dev/input/by-id/ to find out the input device...18:14
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gabrbeddThen when you do `hexdump -C /dev/input/inputN` you should see messages stop when you've done one finger too many.18:14
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alteregoCool, well I'm heading off, it's my Nephews' birthday today :)18:14
gabrbeddI think there's a more human readable tool.... I just don't remember what it is.18:15
gabrbeddalterego: cya... tell 'em HB from us. ;-)18:15
Aardmagius_pendragon: I use the session name as key -> only one can exist. anything else doesn't really make sense (at least in the current state, where you can't have special parameters for a session)18:15
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Myrttioh wow, what an eventful day yesterday18:17
magius_pendragonAard: name and the header tag [blah] are unique, path is the same. Only one was showing up.18:17
Aardmagius_pendragon: yes, I use path as key, and only take the first entry. it does not make sense to have multiple entries with the same path18:18
alteregoWhat happened yesterday? Did I miss something good? :(18:18
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magius_pendragonAard: okay, good to know18:19
Aardmagius_pendragon: though I'm thinking if I should add some support for changing gconf-values (would be required to support an install of both handset and tablet ux on one device)18:20
Myrttiwent to have a walkabout at Hyde Street Pier, then took a cable car to Union Square, walked from there through the Chinatown, went to City Lights bookstore and from there to Embarcadero, and with a trolley to the hotel, at the hotel pulled out my laptop only to find the powerbrick wasn't in the bag...18:20
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Myrtticue a trip to Hyatt with a trolley, bus to Geary at Masonic Ave Best Buy, shopping for a new powerbrick and a side order of Flipcam extra battery and a cab back to the hotel...18:21
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magius_pendragonAard: I can see how it'd be helpful. For my current situation I didn't need it, I was just confused since I was using it as a placeholder.18:22
Myrttiending up with a grand total of a one sunburnt Englishman, one medium-rare Finn, less money in the wallet and lots of scenery seen.18:23
Myrtti(and of course the aforementioned shopping)18:23
Aardmagius_pendragon: if you want to be helpful, please add things you found out (and things which confused you) to the ux changing wiki page18:23
magius_pendragonAard: will do, thanks for the help18:24
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Myrttiso - did anyone grab my powerbrick into their bag at Hyatt?18:24
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Myrttibecause, you know, I'd still want it back18:24
Aardand if you have more feedback, please tell. we'll most likely include uxselect in 1.3, but I don't like doing that without any feedback from users at all right now18:25
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magius_pendragonAard: I'll let you know as I play with it a bit mroe.18:30
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pebcakgabrbedd was indeed a change with the graphics/theming which wasn't complete with just updating via zypper18:45
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gabrbeddpebcak: ok, thanks18:52
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* CosmoHill grumbles cos data admin and database admin are too similar19:04
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CosmoHilljust a quick fyi, the link doesn't work with the / on the end19:11
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gabrbeddCosmoHill: I like the picture with the dead blowfish.19:14
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CosmoHilldamn that's a sweet 404 page19:15
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MyrttiWWWWHHHYYYY can't there be md5sums of the images and!?!?!?!?!?!19:23
thiago_MUCwait, wrong movie19:23
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Myrttithis is shite - tablet wont boot but I have no way of telling if the problem is with dd of the image or image itself :-<19:24
CosmoHill56528b8331cf7f28171b91fe59d2fa38  meego-netbook-ia32-1.2.0.img19:24
Myrttithanks, close but no cigar19:24
MyrttiI want it on the website19:25
Myrttiand all the images19:25
CosmoHillme too19:25
Myrttiincluding dailies and snapshots, and all UX versions19:25
Myrttiso I reiterate: WWWWHHHYYYY?!?!?!19:25
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* CosmoHill blinks19:25
CosmoHillfound them19:25
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* CosmoHill runs for cover19:26
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Myrttioh well, atleast there's partial success19:26
Myrttitoo bad the snapshot images don't have that19:26
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MyrttiI'm just blind19:27
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eg81the name of this file is confusing19:28
eg81why it's manifest but not sums or md5sums19:28
eg81or smth like that19:28
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CosmoHillsomeone should file a bug19:29
* CosmoHill looks at Myrtti 19:29
Myrttiyeah, once I get the tablet booting with this sodding image I just might!19:30
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* npm wishes there was an X-based remote keyboard "tunnel app" ... displays on exopc, but lets you type w/ desktop keyboard19:48
thiago_MUCit's called "ssh"19:51
newbie007I think the nook color suffers the same no keyboard problem  (
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newbie007the only connection is usb which cannot be used19:52
CosmoHillcan't you do networking over usb/19:52
wmaroneyes, the lack of a keyboard or regular USB on the nook color is a pain19:52
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newbie007wmarone: is there something I can do to help get meego on the nookcolor?19:54
gabrbeddthiago_MUC: I think that npm wants to use the $DISPLAY of the remote computer, but the keyboard of the local computer.  I don't know of any solution for that.19:54
wmaroneyes, if you've got any experience working with OMAP or other mobile devices19:54
wmaronethe first thing is getting the display to actually come on, and I'm kinda poking around in the dark19:54
wmaroneno pun intended19:55
newbie007no I'm a newb, I'm a programmer for 10 years but mainly business apps. Very willing to learn though19:55
akkIsn't meego using X (for now, anyway)? Couldn't you use X forwarding?19:55
SpeedEvilGEtting ssh or some sort of netork up can be an alternative.19:56
SpeedEvilEven if it's just serial console.19:56
SpeedEvilThe amount you can do once you've got some meens of talking to it...19:56
wmaroneakk: I can't even see how far the boot is getting19:56
wmaronethe link to the serial output over USB looks like it would be far more useful right now19:56
thiago_MUCX forwarding will not use the display of one device and keyboard of another19:57
thiago_MUCit's all or nothing19:57
newbie007it's basically the same architechure as the n900, I wonder if a rouge nokia developer might leak thoes drivers19:57
thiago_MUCa red nokia developer?19:57
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newbie007a fired nokia dev19:57
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thiago_MUCleaked drivers are still not usable19:57
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SpeedEvilLeaked drivers for what?19:58
thiago_MUCI don't know19:58
thiago_MUCI'm just reacting to the "rouge nokia developer" part19:58
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akktrue, you couldn't still display on the meego device then19:58
wmaronenewbie007: which is why I chose it. But everything necessary for video is already available in the DE19:58
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smokunpm, or better
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smokuwith X11 everything is possible :)20:01
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akkIt's certainly possible. But probably not without writing an app for the purpose.20:03
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npmsmoku: thanks20:17
npmrepo oss has 'quicksynergy20:17
npmSummary: Share keyboard and mouse between computers20:17
npmor i can install synergy-plus.1.3.4-6.fc1420:18
npm'oss' also has synergy-1.3.1-9.720:18
npm'QuickSynergy is a graphical interface (GUI) for easily configuring Synergy2, an application that allows the user to share his mouse and keyboard between two or more computers.'20:19
npm^^^ part of meego :-)20:19
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gabrbeddnpm: lemme know how that goes. :-)20:25
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berndhsjust don't do your banking with synergy :)20:26
npmwhat my tablet doesn't have manpages installed :-)20:26
npmgabrbedd: will do20:26
npmexcept that quicksynergy(1) didn't tell me how to use itself20:26
npmbut is running on tablet20:27
smokuIIRC it's a panel applet ;-)20:27
smokuor tray applet20:27
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npmyes it looks kinda funny full-screen20:27
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smokutry using synergy directly from command line - it's easy20:28
npmthe "about" button is about 4 cm by 4cm20:28
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npmsetting up quicksynergy requires plugging in a USB keyboard :-)20:29
npmthere's a fine line between irony and ridiculousness20:29
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gabrbeddnpm: couldn't you log in with `ssh -X` to configure it?20:30
npmssh -Y actually20:31
npm-X is oldschool20:31
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* alterego downloads wetab os image20:44
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vgradealterego, you have a exo now20:44
alteregoThey were giving them out at the App Up labs on sunday20:45
alteregoI'll have to demo it at the next meetup :)20:46
vgradeI'm still looking for the London App to be announced20:46
alterego:) It was a really good session20:46
vgradeI can't do the Borm meetup as I'm away again :(20:46
alteregoAh :/20:47
alteregoThe loan period is 3 years, then you have to destroy it or return it20:47
vgradenot a bad deal20:48
alteregotbh, I don't think large tablets like that will last much more than 3-4 years anyway.20:49
MohammadAGalterego, destory it?20:49
MohammadAGdestroy*, seriously?20:49
alteregoI'm not a huge fan of the form factor. I guess it's good couch surfing size, but I'm more into mobility.20:49
alteregoMohammadAG: yeah20:50
alteregoOr send it back20:50
vgradealterego, I played with the new htc 7" at the weekend, still to big for a pocket20:50
alteregoWell, pocket size is obviously one issue, the other is one handed holding for voice calls and stuff.20:51
vgradealterego, anyone talking about other arm devices at the conf, tegra,snapdragon etc20:52
alteregoNot that I saw20:52
alteregoThe general consensus is that tegra is crap :)20:52
alteregoBut meh, I don't really know much about it's ins/outs.20:53
alteregoAnd it's still a very new platform20:54
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npmvgrade: those htc 7"s will require really baggy pants... but the weight will require a belt :-)20:54
npmotherwise you get a little too much "linux plumbers" showing...20:55
berndhsdid you not know that suspenders are the new fashion trend ?20:55
npmman larry king should have gone into plumbing20:56
berndhsand you can weave a nice antenna into the suspenders too20:57
vgradeah, braces, suspenders mean something else here20:58
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* npm wonders if we're ever going to have planetary explorers crashing into the surface of planets (because one contractor used meters, the other feet) because people's english means different things?21:01
alteregovgrade: anyway, no announcements at all21:01
gabrbeddnpm: time to switch to latin?21:02
* npm refers to mars polar lander disaster21:02
alteregoAnyway, I need to bolt for a bit.21:02
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vgradealterego, bye21:03
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berndhsnpm: we had that already, i think was called Beagle21:04
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npmreally? what specific kind of misunderstandings happened?21:04
berndhsfired retro rockets at the wrong height I think21:05
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npmoh, i thought you referred to beagleboard21:05
berndhsno, the Beagle that crashed into Mars21:05
npmlast i checked the beagleboard has no retrorockets :-)21:05
npmunless it's an add on module21:05
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berndhsyou need a weapons import/export permit for those :)21:06
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npmkind of like that nerf gun project built w/ n900 (?) i heard about at conf.21:07
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SpeedEvilpandaboard looks fun too.21:10
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gabrbeddI think pandaboard only supports solid rocket modules.21:12
npmI hear it has a great HAARP plugin though21:14
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npmBTW, what's the diff between and
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* npm wants to encapsulate my web app
blauzahlthis sounds like a joke?21:28
SpeedEvilArgh, sorry.21:28
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blauzahlwithout looking at the second link, possibly very little, but there might be more API in the first eventually21:28
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npmblauzahl: thanks. i got the impression it was just a relabeling for the intel sdk of what's in qtcreator 2.122:14
npmhowever i was taking a shower and not investigating the issue :-)22:15
npmnext year, can we get a waterproof exopc?22:15
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npm"their tablet may be designed in california, but only our tablet is designed to work in a hot-tub"22:19
blauzahlthat's very californian22:19
npmthats where i live22:19
npmNewport Beach, CA -- home of the economic collapse of a variety of EU nations22:20
npmsorry. it wasn't me22:20
SpeedEvilnpm: Fortunately a key patent has expuired.22:22
npmso that means now we can use those stupid QML spinning transitions w/o fearing patent violation :-)22:24
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gabrbeddThen you could experience the ghost of Coriolis whenever you drag-and-drop.22:29
npmhmm... that's an interesting idea for a window manager... centrifugal force... unless you keep things in the center, the slowly fly away onto outer screes22:31
gabrbedd"Great for DJ's!"22:32
SpeedEvilI would love a tablet I could use in the bath.22:33
SpeedEvilI've pondered making one.22:33
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SpeedEvilBut I ended up just using a disposable mouse, and my laptop placed out of the way of splashes.22:33
akkI know people who put their phones in a ziplock bag and use them in the bath.22:33
gabrbeddSpeedEvil: My kids have one.  Kinda like Tuxpaint.22:34
gabrbeddNo wifi, though.22:34
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npmquick late breaking session... meego bath ux22:34
berndhsor the user could counter-rotate the device to null out the spin22:35
berndhsthe bath UX could be a simpler version of the marine UX22:36
npmi wasn't thinking the windows would be spinning, the window is in the same reference frame as the spinning22:36
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npmit would take care of the problem of old windows stacking on top of each other on a tablet ux so that there's no way to tell they're there w/o going to the window switcher22:38
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npmi.e. a lack of "context" that might occur on a larger display w/ traditional window manager and stacking/overlap22:39
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delacis there any good reason why the wiki page for Meego SDK 1.2 doesn't mention repository as possible way to install the SDK. Only the network installer. There seems to be stuff on the repos though.22:50
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akkI think the gui installer uses the repos under the hood -- but it sure would be nice to have that documented, and have a more transparent way to install.22:53
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delacakk: well, in that case following instructions for sdk 1.1 shouldn't do any harm. But yes, it would be nice if it was mentioned there too.22:56
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lcukoh fudging faffility23:09
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gabrbeddlcuk: Hey bro!  Making fudge?23:10
lcukjust stripped down entire laptop to change the screen23:10
lcukand once I fitted the nice shiny new screen23:10
lcukand put it all back together23:10
lcukfound out the inverter is not operating with it23:11
lcukso I stripped it down again23:11
lcukput the old screen back in to check if it was the inverter itself23:11
lcukand it is23:11
lcukso, meh for productivity23:11
lcukI was having a good run today too!23:12
* lcuk ahead on hours though23:13
lcukgabrbedd, I even found all the right screws and had non left over!23:14
gabrbeddlcuk: That's a shame.  So do you need a new mobo now?23:14
lcukjust inverter card23:14
* lcuk typing on it now23:14
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lcukgabrbedd, how was the conf for you?23:17
lcukdid you do any mixing on the plane?23:17
gabrbeddlcuk: conference was great.  a lot of work and fun mixed together... very good time.  On the plane, I took the opportunity to rest (both directions).23:18
lcukI open up a blank page and start writing23:19
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* timoph is back in Finland23:46
timophbaggage handlers are on strike at hel airport..23:47
gabrbeddtimoph: yay!23:47
leiniryay fun :P23:47
gabrbeddtimoph: boo on the baggage handlers...23:47
timophso I guess I'll get my bag some day23:48
Myrttilesson of the day: do not fly to/from Helsinki23:48
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timophthey just gave averyone one form to fill "were to send your luggage once it's handled" :)23:49
timophstill need to sit 1.5h on a bus to tampere :/23:51
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CosmoHillso timoph is back in finland but his luggage is not?23:54
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Myrttioh I'm sure his luggage is too23:55
Myrtti... in a big pile with gazillion other bags23:55
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gabrbeddCosmoHill: They just kick all the bags off the plain and leave them in a pile until the union gets the deal they want.23:55
timophyep :)23:55
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