IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2011-05-22

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smurfBTW how do I reboot without first shutting down? It causes an extra powerup cycle on my HD.00:00
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gabrbeddgombos: MAKE UP YOUR MIND! :-)00:09
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ieatlintoh great, the wifi APs were last used in san diego, so now google is convinced i'm in san diego00:13
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gabrbeddieatlint: makes it easier to sneak up on people.00:13
ieatlinti'm also told they're bragging there is 150Mbit pipe for the conference with bursting up to 1Gbit00:14
ieatlintand the aps are all wired with different uplinks, so it shouldn't get too bad… maybe..00:15
CosmoHillieatlint: at uni we have 300N wifi with a 100Mb/s backend00:16
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ieatlintthey're running 802.11g here it seems00:18
CosmoHillwe have the fantastic problem of all the servers are on the other campus00:18
CosmoHilltwice the connection has broken and stopped all of our services working00:19
ieatlintthey do that at a number of retail stores here… wifi to the cash registers00:19
ieatlintaside from the security concerns, you can walk in with a jammer and take down most/all of their cash registers00:20
ieatlintyeah, there was an infamous case when someone dsicovered they could sit in the parking lot and intercept transactions00:20
CosmoHillmost confusing thing was a notice saying "cable broken at X"00:20
CosmoHillbetween the two campuses, X is about 10 miles to the left00:20
ieatlinterr, no, that's someone going up to the registers00:21
ieatlinthmm, there's an article somewhere about the wifi incident00:21
smurfCosmoHill: I got the zypper command working with a whole sequence of messages that it was creating things and asking whether I wanted to install the new kernel and reporting succesful completion but apparently it isn't persistent because after a reboot I still have the old kernel. The download was also not persistent and I had to redownload.00:30
smurfIs it at all possible to do these things in a live version?00:30
CosmoHillif you reboot the live version, everything is lost00:31
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smurfWell that was the whole point.... Will that version sofar linked to here: have the .39 kernel?00:33
CosmoHillI don't know00:33
CosmoHillif you need to update the kernel you need to instal Meego first00:34
smurfI understood it was suggested that kernel had Broadcom support built in.00:34
smurfI started with a question about installation... Back where I started.00:35
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gabrbeddsmurf: you can not install a kernel into the live image.00:36
gabrbeddsmurf: You have to create your own image using mic2.00:36
gabrbeddsmurf: Or, if you're an expert at isolinux and squashfs... you can try to remaster the .img.  I don't recommend this route... and nobody will help you with it.00:37
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smurfI'm definitely not an expert. Where can I find that mic2?00:38
gabrbeddsmurf: Unfortunately -- mic2 isn't really an "easy" fix, either.00:39
gabrbeddsmurf: But if you're determined, there's info on the wiki on how to get started with mic2.00:39
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gabrbeddsmhar: It's a developer tool -- so be ready to set aside a few hours to learn how to use it.00:39
smurfDo you kow whether the version here: has a newer kernel?00:40
gabrbeddsmurf: look in the packages list right next to it.00:40
smurfRight. It seems to have that same kernel I tried to install. Now there's still the question whether it has Broadcom WiFi support built-in.00:43
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gabrbeddsmurf: sofar says it does, and he should know.00:44
smurfI'll try that image. Do you know whether it is possible to reboot without shutting down (powering off) first?00:47
gabrbeddsmurf: As root, you can `shutdown -r now` and that should avoid a poweroff... but YMMV.00:48
smurfIn terminal?00:49
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rtylerI'm thinking about getting this device to play around with: how might I go about finding out if meego 1.2 will operate with it?00:52
* rtyler is dying to try out the latest release00:52
smurfgabrbedd: Yup. That worked. It rebooted. Frankly I feel it should be possible to do this from the GUI. How hard can it be to add this?00:53
gabrbeddrtyler: that'll work.  Several of us have them.00:54
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gabrbeddsmurf: File a feature request on bugs.meego.com00:54
rtylergabrbedd: will it work well enough for daily use? I don't want to find myself in another Maemo boat :P00:55
gabrbeddrtyler: the one gotcha is if it comes with a broadcom wifi card... which is unsupported (but there's some workarounds that work well)00:55
rtyleror openmoko for that matter <_<00:55
rtylergabrbedd: got a link for the workaround(s)?00:55
gabrbeddrtyler: that netbook is awesome no matter what Linux distro you run on it.00:55
rtylerfair enough00:55
rtyleryou don't work for lenovo do you? :)00:55
gabrbeddrtyler: google slaine broadcom meego00:56
gabrbeddno, i don't work for lenovo00:56
smurfgabrbedd: I now see the latest image is over 300MB smaller than the 1.2 release. What's missing?00:56
rtyleryou wouldn't happen to have any good photos of that device rnuning meego would you? :D00:56
gabrbeddsmurf: dunno.  compare package lists.00:56
gabrbeddrtyler: me?  not at the moment.00:57
rtylerbesides ubuntu, know if meego and/or other distributions ship multitouch support that works with the device?00:57
gabrbeddrtyler: why?  there's lots of youtubes and stuff all over the place.00:58
gabrbeddrtyler: meego supports mt as well as ubuntu unity.00:58
gabrbeddrtyler: The next question is... what APPLICATIONS support it?  (Answer: not many)00:58
gabrbeddrtyler: but even so, single touch goes a loooooong way00:58
rtylerisn't this the device that was given out at MeeGoConf last year as wlel?00:59
gabrbeddrtyler: yes, but that one had an atheros wifi card (which is supported out of the box)00:59
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rtylerdrats, talked myself out of the idea01:10
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* MohammadAG suggests #meegoconf here on Freenode for all MeeGo conference attendees/stalkers/lurkers :)03:02
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MyrttiI'm feeling absolutely surreal06:02
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wmarone_surreal, huh?06:03
Myrttiaw, my laptop powerbrick is incompatible with my AC adapter06:05
Myrttiyes, very surreal06:05
wmarone_wow, that sucks06:06
wmarone_I'd check if the front desk doesn't have any cables, might not need if they do06:09
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* mikeleib waves to thiago_muc 06:48
* mikeleib will party with fellow MeeGoers on Monday!06:49
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Myrttiwmarone_: thanks, that's a good idea06:53
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gabrbeddhi iekku07:41
berndhswayy past midnight, iekku is late07:42
iekkuberndhs, nooo, it's 21:4207:42
gabrbeddberndhs: are you going to meegoconf?07:42
iekkuMyrtti, i think i saw you when you arrived to hotel07:43
berndhsno, cant swing the conference07:43
gabrbeddberndhs: :-(07:43
Myrttiiekku: yup, dazed and tired as hell07:44
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iekkuMyrtti, i hear you sister :)07:45
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jykaehave fun at meego conf, will follow live stream12:50
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lcukjykae, live stream url?13:15
lcukmorning lardman, have you had bacon yet?13:15
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jykaecould be tough in finnish timezone, though :)13:21
* lcuk nods13:21
lcukthanks jykae I have it bookmarks, are those times US/SF normalised then?13:22
jykaeI think SFO local times13:23
dm8tbrwhat's that time offset to UTC?13:23
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jykaelive stream says 3:24 SFO time13:24
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jykaeit's -10 hours offset from finnish timezone :D13:26
jykaewell, it's prob recorded also..13:27
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lcukwhat is S3 in regards to suspend/resume?13:28
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lcuk1.2 tablet ux comes complete with some wtf moments13:32
jykaedm8tbr:UTC -7 also..13:32
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CosmoHillstupid question, does the Intel G41 chipset support 4GB RAM sticks?13:47
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* timoph curses the -10h time differnce13:59
dm8tbrquite convenient, I can watch the stuff after work :)14:02
dm8tbresp. as I can't book it on work time anyway14:02
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mufumboanyone going to the conference in sf?14:16
* timoph is already there14:17
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lcuktimoph, which sessions are you going to today?14:34
lcukthe jetlag one, or was that yesterday?14:34
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timophlcuk: :)14:35
CosmoHilloh crap, just ordered 1.65v RAM for a 1.5v motherboard14:35
lcuktimoph, the appup one is this afternoon isn't it?14:36
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lcukCosmoHill, update the order then14:39
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CosmoHillsend them a query asking them to replace the RAM with different RAM15:21
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lardman|homelcuk: morning, sorry for the slow reply, no no bacon croissants instead15:38
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lcuksounds reasonable lardman|home15:43
lardman|homeyou in SF now then lcuk ?15:43
* lardman|home wonders how that line parses15:43
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lcuklardman|home, no15:48
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lcukon my ideapad/tablet ux 1.2, the vkb comes up even though it has real keyboard available16:12
lcukwhat is a bit more troublesome, is that it covers the network connect textboxes and cannot move the keyboard or the ui to see contents16:13
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lcukbug 1781016:21
MeeGoBotBug maj, Medium, ---, junmin.zhu, ASSI, Input field is overlapped by VKB16:21
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lcuklenovois there a workiung xchat build for the n900-de?17:21
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wmarone_lcuklenovo: what version of the DE do you have installed?17:23
lcuklenovowmarone_: daily from 0520 (friday)17:23
* lcuklenovo is sat at ideapad though at the moment17:24
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Myrttigood morning18:00
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RST38hGood moorning indeed18:04
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MyrttiI probably shouldn't ruin my breakfast with these pretzels18:05
lcuklenovomorning Myrtti and RST38h \o18:10
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lcuklenovoand Ronksu too18:10
Ronksuhey lcuk18:12
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lcuklenovoMyrtti: are you  heading to the maker faaayre?18:25
lcuklenovofayre *18:27
lcuklenovofaire even ffs :P18:27
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Myrttilcuklenovo: don't know yet18:31
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lcuklenovoi didn't know there was so many of them,
lcuklenovoMyrtti: is it in the hyatt complex or elsewhere?18:32
MyrttiSan Bruno, quite a travel away18:32
Myrttinear the SFO18:32
lcuklenovohave you landed and gotten over jetlag already?18:33
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* wmarone_ goes to print out maps to his hotel18:34
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Myrttiyeah, landed about 14 hours ago, had a good 10 hour sleep18:34
timelesshello world from MeeGo Conf Warm Up18:34
lcuklenovo\o timeless18:34
timeless(this screen is projected)18:34
timelessoh, i'm looking for suggested projects / problems to walk people through w/ mxr18:34
lcuklenovohello warmup folks!18:34
timelessanyone have any?18:35
lcuklenovofinding out where random #defines are declared is often used18:35
timelessyeah, but got a specific define or project in mind?18:36
lcuklenovoso some code in random module uses SOMETHING and its value is not known, putting the keyword into mxr will show all places where defined and used through the system18:36
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lcuklenovotimeless: hold on, using the other mxr, irc search to see where, I normally paste a link for folks once I see it18:38
* timeless is confused18:38
* timeless will wait for a link18:38
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timelesscurrently i'm browsing because it smells like GUI18:38
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* timeless adjusts DPI to make screen somewhat readable18:44
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lcuklenovotimeless: ok, so somebody comes into the channel asking a question about mcompositor and a specific variable (simplified example) plumbing the variable they mention into mxr gives:18:48
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lcuklenovoit gives a simple way to see how and where that variable is used for people helping18:49
lcuklenovorather than having to checkout the source, grep contents and potentially all the required dependencies18:50
JaffaMorning, all18:52
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* timeless nods18:56
* timeless frowns18:56
timelessi don't seem to have keys to get to MXR from here. i think the only box w/ keys is in a crate on a 6-10 week trip from Finland to Canada ...18:56
timelessthankfully mxr basically just works tm :)18:56
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lcuklenovojaffa have you got one of those laptops which cannot really be used mobile?19:04
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alteregolcuklenovo: in the Intel App Up Labs at the moment :)19:05
alteregoI'm within firing distance of Jaffa, do you want me to throw a bagel at him?19:05
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mikeleibbagel in the ear always gets somebody's attention19:06
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lcukalterego, cool stuff, what are you learning about?19:11
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ieatlintalterego: you are somewhere near me as well then19:12
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alteregolcuk: nothing at the moment.19:19
alteregoieatlint: where are you, I'm right at the back,.19:20
alteregoNext to thp :)19:20
alteregolcuk: They're talking about what we're going to be talking about.19:20
alteregoCurrently obtaining the SDK19:20
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ieatlinti'm far right, 2nd row from front19:21
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Jay_BEEgood morning19:21
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lcukalterego, lol19:22
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lcukeveryone in irc and in appup do a mexican wave!19:22
alteregoieatlint: near the wall19:22
alteregoI don't think everyone is in here :P19:22
ieatlintyeah, you must be directly behind me by several rows19:22
alteregoI'm middle right, back row.19:23
Jaffalcuk: My laptop lasts about 90 minutes.19:23
Jaffalcuk: bit longer19:23
ieatlintthere's power at the back corners of the room, and a couple places on the sides19:23
ieatlinti'm plugged in :P19:23
lcukJaffa, ahh19:23
alteregoMy battery should last about 3-4 hours19:24
alteregoSo I should be okay.19:24
alterego(Got a 9 cell)19:24
* Jaffa can see lbt down at the front right corner, I think19:24
lcuklower screen brightness!19:24
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* Jaffa has a 4 cell19:24
Jaffalcuk: I've got power :-)19:24
lcukdo you have a wizards hat and a magic wand too?19:24
ieatlinti accidentally left mine at home :(19:25
RST38hSo, folks, all in SF, prepared for tomorrow?19:25
lcukieatlint, for shame.19:25
lcukn900 has a magic wand slot!19:25
ieatlinthmmm, i do have that on me then19:25
lbthey Jaffa :)19:26
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ieatlintis the person in the front right on irc in here?19:27
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timsamofflcuk: I didn't know it was for a "wand," but I slept very well after I found it.19:27
ieatlintcause i'm the guy directly behind you19:27
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lcuktimsamoff, narwhal docking port19:28
alteregoBAGEL FIGHT!19:28
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timsamofflcuk, if the unicorn doesn't run off with it first.19:28
ieatlintpeople should avoid the urge to scream profanitiies in #meego-sdk right now19:28
lcuklol timsamoff19:28
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lcukthat should be covered by warranty19:28
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RST38hieatlint: what is with meego sdk?19:29
timsamoffI want to see what Jaffa's power is... If Jaffa were a superhero, he would be...19:29
ieatlintthe channel was on the projector for a min19:29
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RST38hWait, has the conference strted already?19:30
ieatlintconference warm-up sessions19:30
lcuktimsamoff, rich tea biscuit dunker saver - he would dash into the room with a sieve and catch all the bits19:30
ieatlintcurrently a intel appup event19:30
Jay_BEE<--- in rooms F & G (next door to rooms D & E)19:30
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TSCHAKeeeI wish I was there, but I've blown my travel budget literally dating and having great sex.19:30
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Jaffaieatlint: The one who asked about root install? That's lbt19:31
* timsamoff lol19:31
dm8tbrTSCHAKeee: at least you got something in return ;)19:31
ieatlintyes, we've introduced ourselves :)19:31
lbtJaffa: we've met now :)19:31
JaffaTSCHAKeee: Get married. It's cheaper. But with less sex19:31
ieatlintwe should do lunch or something19:31
lcukTSCHAKeee, at the same time, or do you alternate nights?19:31
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lbthow come my install fails?19:31
TSCHAKeeelcuk: i've been bouncing back and forth between here (boston) and Ireland19:31
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TSCHAKeeeluck: for the last three months19:31
lbt./meego-sdk-installer-online-20110519   ?19:31
TSCHAKeeedating a wonderful woman19:31
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ieatlintwhat error do you get?19:32
TSCHAKeeestaying there roughly two weeks out of the month.19:32
TSCHAKeeeeach pass.19:32
lbtso is this where we organise group heckles for Bob then ?19:32
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lcuklbt, is there a local sdk downloader available?19:33
timsamofflbt, would there be a countdown here on IRC or something? ;)19:33
lcukor cd key etc19:33
lbtlcuk: I brought a copy ... was going to suggest a usb sharing system19:33
lcukI am guessing a room full of people trying to download 500mb+ would be a bit taxing on the connection19:33
lbttimsamoff: we need a question19:34
ieatlintyeah, i looked for a meego sdk offline download; there doesn't seem to be any for 1.219:34
lcuklbt, but your sdk is the online version (25mb or so)19:34
lbtoh well19:34
timsamofflbt: What does SDK stand for? :p19:34
lbttimsamoff: heh ... like it19:34
Jay_BEESam, David, Ken19:35
ieatlintshiny donkey kong19:35
* RST38h switches to #meego, as there appears to be more activity here =)19:35
ali1234some dude's koala19:35
TSCHAKeeesee that meteor? that's the joke careening into a crater.19:35
timsamofflbt: either that, or: What does "ftw" stand for again?19:35
Jay_BEEfog the windows!19:36
lcukearlier on timeless mentioned that irc was being projected somewhere19:36
ieatlintthey're handing out free windows licences here19:36
ieatlintit's going to be awesome19:36
RST38hI am sure people areimpressed19:37
timsamofflcuk: In this session... But, just prior to the session. Not during.19:37
lcukieatlint, single or double glazed?19:37
* timsamoff means in "his" session.19:37
ieatlinti'm not kidding19:37
lcuklol timsamoff19:37
ieatlintwhen you get your tablet, it'll have a windows licence with it19:37
TSCHAKeeeieatlint: that is just... WTF?19:37
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lcukieatlint, last time I was given a Windows 7 license, it was attached to some kind of lenovo dongle19:38
ieatlintthey just ordered a bunch from exopc, and then put meego on them, so there's a windows cd key sticker on the back19:38
TSCHAKeeethese tablet designs originally weren't designed to run Windows...19:38
ieatlintTSCHAKeee: they were actually19:38
TSCHAKeeeI guess, after Menlow/Moorestown, Microsoft felt all butt hurt.19:38
ieatlintthe wetab used the hardware design from exopc, not the other way around19:38
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alteregoI heard the HDMI drivers for the exo doesn't work.19:39
* TSCHAKeee wants an eXoPC :(19:39
* mikeleib hasn't gotten them to werk19:39
TSCHAKeeecan someone grab one for me? :) please?19:39
* mikeleib had hoped to present from exopc, but not looking likely19:39
RST38hMenlow stands for the 2008 Centrino platform19:41
mikeleibumm.. I don't think so19:41
RST38hSorry, no Centrino but obviously 200819:42
mikeleibohwait.. it seemed to have been once called centrino atom19:42
RST38hYes, but the name did not stick :)19:42
mikeleibanyway.. it's an atom with a specific chipset.  It was the predecessor to moorestown19:42
lcukare there decent stands for the exopc?19:43
lcukI could not use one without one, the idepad is awesome in that regard19:43
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* mikeleib has some little folding jobber that works ok19:43
ieatlintlcuk: there is an official stand19:43
ieatlintwe may be getting them with the tablets today19:44
lcukieatlint, ooOOOO19:44
ieatlintthey did this event at GDC, two sessions like today, and inexplicably one of the sessions they gave out stands and the other session they didn't19:44
mikeleibthe accessory those things really need is a usb keyboard19:44
ieatlintyes, usb keyboard is at times essential19:45
ieatlintespecially for meego 1.219:45
mikeleibfor example, in installing meego19:45
mikeleibor running emacs19:45
alteregoCan't wait to use malik on Maliit19:45
alteregoMaliit on it ..19:45
* mikeleib wonders if the appropriate bridge will work for emacs19:45
mikeleibthat would be slick19:45
lbtlooks like a dependency on libpng12 or something19:46
ieatlintis he about to give out his ip after telling everyone his root password?19:46
ieatlintlbt: that's a classic issue with qt19:47
ieatlintqt requires libpng12, but current libpng is around 1.4+19:47
lbtlooking for a w/around19:47
lbt ... :(19:47
ieatlinttypically linux distros end up keeping a lib of 1.2 around just for qt i believe19:47
lbtI just popped in libpng12-dev to see if needs that ... seems odd though... error is :19:48
lbtError during installation process(
lbtExecution failed (Unexpected exit code: 127): "/home/david/.config/"19:48
ieatlintlibpng12 also is not binary compatible with 1.4 (predictably), so you will definitely need to get a version of libpng12 installed19:48
lcukieatlint, any recent for not using the latest that you know of?19:52
alteregoI think I've drunk my weight in coffee.19:52
ieatlintnot sure what you're asking19:52
ieatlintyou mean for the libpng issue?19:52
ieatlinti've been told that compiling qt yourself against libpng14 solves this19:53
ieatlintwhich i believe i've confirmed without knowing it via gentoo linux19:53
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ieatlintbut if you're using the qt sdk, or the meego sdk, then you're relying on prebuilt qt, and nokia in their infinite wisdom has decided libpng12 is AWESOME19:53
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* Jaffa moans that despite the stuff about "install an SDK beforehand", there was an update n May 19th which included the targets stuff. Grr/mutter/moan.19:54
* lbt being dim ... assumed that the file in .config/ was the damned config file... not a script19:54
alteregoJay_BEE: are you not installing it now like me? ;)19:55
infobotalterego meant: JAffa: are you not installing it now like me? ;)19:55
GAN900Couch surfing: if you end up with a snail on the end of your laptop power adaptor, don't be surprised.19:55
Jaffaalterego: I am installing it now, but had been self-congratulating myself on being prepared.19:56
alteregoWell, I already have _my_ MeeGo SDK installed ;)19:56
alteregoBut I'm a bit above all of the material so far, as I think a lot of us are ;19:56
JaffaAn SDK lets you develop software. Who knew? :)19:57
JaffaIt's like a kit.19:57
alteregoYeah, for like, software development or something.19:57
* timsamoff likes flying kits... No, wait...19:58
blauzahlare you all at the meego conference? is there anything going on yet?19:58
ieatlinti'm content with the qt sdk for now…19:58
lbtanyone know where the installer log lives?19:58
CosmoHillooo, they released the core on it;s own19:58
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ieatlintblauzahl: yeah, they announced the nokia n950 and gave each of us one19:58
blauzahlieatlint: oh, did they run out?19:59
* blauzahl didn't see a schedule for today, other than the intel session19:59
alteregoI just got booted off of the etherpad.19:59
ieatlintyeah, and the intel thing is fully booked now19:59
blauzahloh, i'm already registered for it19:59
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blauzahli'm just wondering if i should go over RIGHT NOW, or stick to my original plan of waiting till after lunch20:00
GAN900blauzahl, same question here. *g*20:00
blauzahli'll give someone a kde sticker if you go ask :)20:01
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Jaffablauzahl: You have an allocated session. You turn up for that one.20:01
Jay_BEEthere are 2 separate sessions... one at 9a and the other at 2p20:01
blauzahloh, so did they give one out at the 9am one then?20:01
alteregoThere's quite a few people ina the after lunch session too.20:02
blauzahli was wondering if the "half hour registration" meant we might get something :)20:02
Jaffablauzahl: There's a specific point in the session at which they are handed out. Not yet.20:02
Jay_BEEthe one which started at 9am is still in-session20:02
Jay_BEEuntil 12p20:02
blauzahlok, but that's where they are being handed out? excellent20:02
blauzahl(in the session, i mean)20:03
ieatlinteveryone in here is likely busy until this session ends around 12-12:3020:03
Sage_Ayone up for a late breakfast?20:04
blauzahlso you are at the morning intel session atm then?20:04
Jaffablauzahl: A few of us are, yup20:06
ieatlintyeah, seemingly ~6 or so of us20:06
blauzahlwell, who wants to get up before 9am? :)20:07
blauzahlbut the only official stuff happening today are those two sessions?20:07
ieatlintnah, there's some other stuff20:08
blauzahlperfect, thanks!20:08
ieatlinti'm getting paid to be here though, that's why i got up at 8am on a sunday20:08
blauzahlwow, a trebuchet. those are hard to build20:09
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Jaffablauzahl: Indeed, ask lbt...20:10
lbtblauzahl: worth the effort though20:10
blauzahlone hour to build one? is that possible?20:10
lbtit fired ... but the launch basket didn't hold the bird20:10
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* lbt thought the rail gun shoulda won though20:11
timsamofflbt's probably had more torque than anyone's, though.20:11
blauzahli hope there's photos20:12
lbtyeah ... it had some kick!20:12
lbtand it used wooden nails too20:12
lbtnot just glue20:12
timsamoffTrue, but ours used glue sticks for pivot-points.20:13
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lbtQ: How do I install the damned SDK20:13
lbttimsamoff: nice idea20:13
ieatlintA: just put the meego netbook image into a virtual machine and develop via it ;)20:14
blauzahlglue sticks for pivot points sounds like it would break...20:14
blauzahlwell, ok, i'll see you all after lunch then :)20:14
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timsamoffSurprisingly, everyone built pretty solid structures.20:15
Jaffaalterego: timsamoff: Definitely fancy doing something exploratory this afternoon. Maybe walk from the hotel round to Fisherman's Wharf and then back up to the city center20:15
GAN900Waiting out a snail to charge your laptop . . .
timsamoffJaffa: Sounds good.20:18
blauzahlif you look on google maps, it shows restraunts and has links to yelp reviews20:18
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GAN900Jaffa, I'm in on that. About what time?20:19
JaffaGAN900: This finishes about 12:30. So, say, 1pm in the atrium or hacker lounge?20:20
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CosmoHillI just found a text file from when we took the vote for the community OBS URL20:28
alteregoSounds great20:28
CosmoHillof the 21 suggestions, 5 came from texrat20:28
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alteregoJaffa: ^20:29
* timsamoff thinks that should just change the darn thing to Q.T. It would save a whole lot of confusion...20:30
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alteregoSage_: went to a nice dinner in townTHey're pretty much interchangable really ;)20:31
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ieatlintI have time after this session… need to be back at the hotel at 4pm, but if you guys want to take a trip around, I'd enjoy going with and can help you guys figure out how to get from point a to b20:33
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Jaffaieatlint: Happy to have more ppl, but I know (roughly) my way round SF. JavaOne a couple too many times :-)20:39
* CosmoHill wonders if he should use RAID 4 or 520:39
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ieatlinthaha, fair enough20:39
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fcnI see two versions for download. Is the only difference between those two one has chrome and the other doesn't?20:46
ieatlinthuh, didn't realize that meego used madde20:46
timsamoffI have a MeeGo UX question... It was cool to see the "auto" back button implementation on the app demo during the last guys talk, but... What about the "Next Page" buttons? Is that left up to the developer? Or are there some sort of defined guidelines for them? I'm asking, because that particular app didn't make me think so.20:47
timsamoffAnyone know?20:47
lcuktimsamoff, I have noticed quite many ux issues20:47
lcukand in the tablet ux I believe there is a hwkey that does it20:47
timsamofflcuk, hmmm... Weird. But no virtual button docs?20:48
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JaffaMeeGo Compliance is an open process.20:49
ieatlinti just hope it's less painful than the ovi store20:50
timsamoffJaffa, and I'll believe the "future proofing" when I see it.20:50
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lcukqt future proofing would be: taking earlier qt apps from (for instance) maemo and having them just work20:51
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lcukon now systems20:51
timsamoffRight, but...20:51
mikhaslcuk, cheap shot20:52
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ieatlintcertain qt apps for maemo might work, but as the qt libs for maemo are not standard, it may not20:52
lcukmikhas, why cheap shot?20:52
lcukieatlint, simpler, standard qt then20:53
ieatlintand then there are a few maemo specific qt stuffs, like their toasting api20:53
lcukieatlint, of course20:53
lcukvenemo knows more than most actually20:53
lcukhis app is fully usable and builds for anything n8x0 up20:53
kahlesshey ho, quick question :) where can i access my irc within meego (its connected, but i cant find any way to join a channel and/or chat)20:53
lcukand the other main distros he tests against20:53
ieatlintyeah, i'm much more of a user of the sdks than anything higher up20:53
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mikhaslcuk, was there ever a real promise that classic Qt apps would "just work"?20:54
lcuk"code once, deploy anywhere"20:54
mikhaswasn't the whole discussion since 2009 that you "only need to rewrite the UI for each form factor"?20:54
mikhasI remember such talks from Amsterdam at least ...20:55
timsamoffmikhas, definitely, yes. That was the "idea."20:55
mikhasand now we realize this idea is bad?20:55
lcukI know on the whole if you stick to core unchanged apis it does work20:55
berndhsmikhas: yes but then there have been things like qt-components or MTF that only exist on 1 version of 1 platform20:55
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TSCHAKeeebasically dui/MTF totally ruined that one20:57
TSCHAKeeeand I still wonder, WHAT ABOUT HARMATTAN?20:57
mikhashah yes, blame it on us ;-)20:57
TSCHAKeeethere is a phone about to come out withi t20:57
TSCHAKeeewhat the hell API are we supposed to use?20:57
* mikhas puts on asbestos-proof MTF hat20:57
TSCHAKeeethis is a legitimate concern, which may very well wind up neutering an otherwise awesome phone20:57
TSCHAKeeewhatever, you get thei dea.20:58
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TSCHAKeeeis this question going to be answered at this conference?20:58
TSCHAKeeeI sure as hell hope so.20:58
TSCHAKeeeshould be question #1 answered.20:58
berndhsthe present situation is that there is no half-way common API for devices that actually exist20:58
timsamoffDepending on whom you choose to ask...20:58
TSCHAKeeeberndhs: yes, this is disasterous20:59
JaffaTSCHAKeee: QML using Qt Quick Components for Harmattan. QML using MeeGo Components for MeeGo Tablet20:59
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TSCHAKeeeJaffa: and next week?20:59
JaffaTSCHAKeee: With vivainio and others saying that MeeGo Components should/will build on top of Qt Quick Components.20:59
timsamoffJaffa, except that the UI/UX will be slightly different... Which is annoyingly bad.20:59
mikhasTSCHAKeee, that's the whole point, isn't it? All promises so far didn't live very long.21:00
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TSCHAKeeemikhas: yes, and that has hurt this platform more than anything else.21:00
TSCHAKeeewe don't know what the hell we're supposed to use21:00
mikhasand to answer your question: tomorrow it's HTML521:00
mikhas(yes, I actually do believe that)21:00
TSCHAKeeemikhas: and yes, I understand the hurt... I've been on your side of the table before.21:01
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berndhsyeah and then everything will be web-apps and nothing runs on the devices except 1 browser21:01
TSCHAKeeein my case, when I made the mistake, I cost myself my company.21:01
TSCHAKeeethe solution is to present a single face to development, like everybody else has.21:03
TSCHAKeeeno matter how much fudging you have to do underneath.21:03
TSCHAKeeepurists don't last long in the real world.21:03
TSCHAKeeeand with that..21:03
alteregoThere has been an eruption in iceland that might effect uk airspace :S21:04
* TSCHAKeee hugs mikhas, all you guys have worked so hard.21:04
thiagoyeah, saw that21:04
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berndhsseveral people might be stuck in the americas :)21:04
Jaffa"What does Qt and QML stand for?"21:04
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fcnis there any other difference between version which includes chrome and version that doesn't?21:04
thiagoQt has no expansion, it's not an acronym21:04
ieatlintsomeone ask what qt declarative is now21:04
thiagoQML is Qt Metaobject Language21:04
thiagoI prefer "Qt Magic Language"21:05
Jaffathiago: I know this. This bloke here is asking silly questions. Previously "What does GCC stand for?"21:05
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Jaffafcn: One is Chrome. The other is Chromium.21:05
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ieatlintyes, this guy also spilled coffee on me21:05
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fcnJaffa: thanks. and that's all, huh?21:06
ieatlinthe is "that guy" for this session.21:06
ieatlinthe also asked if this would work on the iphone...21:06
TSCHAKeeeJaffa: at least he didn't ask what GNU stands for21:07
alteregoieatlint: hahah :P21:07
JaffaTSCHAKeee: Heh21:07
Jaffafcn: Yup, AFAIK21:07
alteregoYeah, he's a fun one.21:07
fcnJaffa: Thanks again.21:07
merlin1991sounds like you all have great fun sniggering whenever he asks a question21:07
timsamoffIf asked, he'd say: "I saw a sign that said 'MeeGo,' so I went."21:07
TSCHAKeeeisn't somebody working on a port of Qt to iOS?21:08
ieatlinthe was here yesterday at the intro to qt session too21:08
timsamoffieatlint: I was SO annoyed yesterday.21:08
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ieatlintwere you at the intro to qt session yesterday?21:08
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ieatlintoh .. hi … i was the guy with the usb keys21:09
Jay_BEEshutting down the lappy21:09
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timsamoffHehe. Cool. He wanted one. ;)21:09
ieatlintwhat upset you so much yesterday? constructive criticism of the presentation would be welcome :)21:09
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ieatlintoh, you mean he did… yeah.. he left at noon thank god21:10
Jaffaieatlint: I think it was "that guy"21:10
timsamoffNo no no... By the guy in the front walking around asking for the USB stick during the talk. That's all.21:10
ieatlintyeah, he came up to me and told me that it "didn't work" at the start of this session21:10
ieatlintthen spilled coffee on me21:10
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Jaffaieatlint: Did you throw him oout?21:11
* timsamoff cringes.21:11
TSCHAKeeewow, sounds like grade A douche.21:11
ieatlinti don't have this magic ejection ability i'm afraid21:11
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* Jaffa misread that.21:11
ieatlintyeah, he quickly said "err, uh, sorry" and then walked away quickly as i tried to dry my shirt with napkins21:12
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timsamoffandre__ is confused.21:12
ieatlinti'm not sure which i prefer, coffee spilled on me, or dealing with him asking questions next to me21:12
ieatlinti may have gotten the better end of the deal21:12
andre__timsamoff, is he?21:12
timsamoffHe appears to be. :p21:12
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andre__timsamoff, it's the usual level of confusion that I need21:13
ieatlinthow does the lgpl work with QML?21:14
Stskeeps|holidayieatlint: case law could be python i guess21:14
ieatlintyeah, that would make sense21:15
mikeleibimports are like linking, AFAIK21:15
ieatlintwill look into that out of curiosity at some point21:15
JaffaStskeeps|holiday: Are you still on holiday? :)21:15
Jaffa"What is the advantage of MeeGo?"21:15
mikhasJaffa, valid question ;-)21:16
mikeleibit's cute mascots, obviously ;)21:16
Stskeeps|holidayJaffa: officially, until tomorrow21:16
ieatlintit's a valid question, but the wrong venue, and the guy asking is not asking the question you think he is21:16
timsamoffI think I might look into using iOS to develop for MeeGo devices... At this point, the deployment would work just the same, right? :p21:16
ieatlintanswering it for him is like answering someone at the local mobile phone shop when they ask what the difference between android and iphone is21:17
Jaffamikhas: It's a wonderful question, given that the "openness" USP is... more marketing. Not one for this session, perhaps21:17
clbrI yesterday installed the current meego tablet UX release on the exopc tablet and today I'm having problems with updating the zypper repos. are there any recent changes in setup?21:18
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clbralready changed the baseurls to* but still getting errors21:19
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zehjotkahhi guys21:20
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zehjotkahhow are you carsten, over there in the hackers lounge?21:22
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* timsamoff shakes head...21:26
* lcukn900 shakes n90021:27
ieatlintjust treat it as comical, and feel sorry for the presenter21:27
timsamoffYes. I would not want to be up there.21:27
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* Jaffa gets pointed at #meegoconf as another IRC channel21:29
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JaffaIf he asks "what does PNG stand for?"...21:33
timsamoffI think I might be able to hit him with a crumpled up napkin from here.21:33
ieatlinti'm tempted to ask now21:33
timsamoffNever mind.21:33
timsamoffWhat's HTML?21:34
Stskeeps|holidayWhat is the meaning of life?21:34
ieatlintask how this integrates with facebook now21:34
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timsamoffIf anyone's going to find an answer to the meaning of life, it will be this guy.21:34
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vldcnstwhat event are you guys trolling?21:35
Jaffa"Can I upload Facebook's index.html to create an offline Facebook HTML5 application?"21:35
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timsamoffJaffa lmao.21:35
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Jaffavldcnst: We're not trolling the session, the guy is.21:35
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ieatlinttrolling requires intent… if this guy is actually trolling, i applaud him21:36
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ieatlintoooh, he's getting so close to asking what png stands for21:36
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JaffaDo I win?21:36
timsamoffMy day has been made. We've all won.21:37
ieatlintyes, you win so much21:37
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lcukn900who asked and who giggled most?21:37
JaffaThe guy asked.21:38
lcukn900who guy?21:38
JaffaI think the whole room growned.21:38
timsamoffTHE guy.21:38
infobotJaffa meant: I think the whole room groaned.21:38
* lcukn900 does not have context21:38
Jaffalcukn900: There's a guy in the AppUp session asking about every little thing. Every time there's a TLA, he asks what it means.21:38
ieatlintthere's "that guy" here who keeps asking inane questions and has no idea what is going on21:38
JaffaGCC, RPM, PNG, ...21:39
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lcukn900ask what lol means :D21:39
ShadowJKmaybe he should reply with a "STFU"21:39
JaffaIt isn't entirely clear he knows anything about MeeGo.21:39
timeless_xchatping21:39 needs to appear on the projector21:39
Jaffaieatlint: lol21:40
timsamoffOr, he should name his app name: Stop asking dumb questions21:40
ShadowJKthis sounds like a blast21:40
JaffaSomeone should've suggested the tooltip is "What is Steve's Org stand for?"21:41
mikhastimeless_xchat, pong21:42
timeless_xchatwhere are you? i'd like to maybe think about my bag21:43
mikhastimeless_xchat, will pick you up in hackerspace21:45
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ieatlintthink we'll get the "what's msi?" question?21:46
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lcukJaffa, there is a point in his observations though, it would be handy on first use of specific ones to actually preempt those sorts of questions21:49
lcukit was like the first meego-meetings TSG ones, where people just started without introducing themselves21:49
lcuk(TSG == technical steering group) btw21:50
lcuk(BTW == by the way) ;)21:50
Jaffalcuk: This is a developer talk on targetting your apps to AppUp. An assumption that you know what a PNG file is...21:50
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Jaffalcuk: LCUK == ????!21:50
lcukJaffa, no it isn't - appup targets more than meego21:50
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lcukliquid coooled in the uk21:50
lcukunited kingdom :P21:51
Jaffalcuk: And this is a talk about targetting MeeGo with AppUp :-p21:51
ieatlintoh, i just assumed it was some dyslexic spelling of luck21:51
wmarone_ok, time to head into SF21:51
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lcukieatlint, no, longtime slashdot nickname is liquidcoooled :)21:51
ieatlintsomeone ask quickly what "meego" stands for21:51
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lcukand irc needs shorter21:51
lcuk(internet relay chat)21:51
tim___is the meego project dead?21:51
Stskeeps|holidaytim___: no21:52
tim___ive heard wrong then21:52
lcuktim___, where did you hear it?21:52
tim___does meego work on system76 starling netbook?21:52
tim___i heard it from the linux action show21:52
lcukfrom the 1000+ people at the meegoconf?21:52
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lcuktim___, try21:53
lcukwhat platform is it21:53
tim___i think21:53
lcukand graphics card?21:53
lcukand processor spec, and does it have a 3d accelerator21:54
lcukand stuff21:54
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lcukhave a read there about different confirmed/not confirmed devices21:54
lcukand the kinds of issues21:54
tim___1.5 GHZ cpu im not sure if it has a 3d accelorator21:54
* lcuk thinkgs we need a checklist for "will XYZ device work with meego"21:54
* tim___ agreed21:55
lcukwhat the hell just happened in #meegoconf?21:55
tim___at the moment ive got ubuntu 11.04 on the netbook21:55
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lcuktim___, is it a touchscreen thingie?21:56
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lcukjust get one of the usb images and see how well it boots21:57
lcukadd to the devices page once confirmed21:57
tim___if it works21:57
lcukeven if not21:58
lcukthat way, the next person with same device will know21:58
lcukand perhaps be able to solve it21:58
lcuknegative confirmation is as useful in diagnosis as positive.21:58
tim___this is what i love about open source :D21:58
newbie007I'd like to see this OS on the nook color, seems pretty close21:59
lcukWOW #meegoconf channel is more popular than the ##sports channel which covers every major sporting event the world over!21:59
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lcuknewbie007, what is the nook color?22:01
tim___just about to ask the same22:01
ieatlintwhat does nook stand for?22:01
newbie007it's a touch screen device, 7 in, ARM based, no keyboard. Comes with android22:01
JaffaOh, he's going again.22:01
newbie007you can boot off an SD card22:01
tim___yeah that would be cool22:02
ieatlintthe "nook" is a e-reader device sold by barnes and noble (book store like like borders)22:02
ieatlintthe "nook color" is predictably the color version, which runs android22:02
newbie007800mhz on $150 at barnes and noble. or borders? --some book store22:02
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ieatlintbarnes and noble, but sold by other stores (including, haha)22:03
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GAN900Is there a conference map online somewhere?22:04
Stskeeps|holidayGAN900: checkin bag will contain a nice one22:04
ieatlint then tells you which rooms for stuffs22:05
thptimeless_xchat: pong22:05
GAN900Stskeeps|holiday, can I get one of those today?22:06
JaffaCan one check what one said one's size was for the registration? :)22:06
Stskeeps|holidayGAN900: yes, pre registration22:06
ieatlintregistration seemingly opens at 2pm today22:07
JaffaAh, medium.22:07
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GAN900Just about to hit BART, where's the hacker lounge in the hotel (are the signs apparent)?22:08
Stskeeps|holidayGAN900: go downstairs and yes there are signs22:08
timsamoffYou'll find it.22:08
thpGAN900: should be easy to find + there's a meego info desk22:08
timsamoffIf not, I know a guy who can ask for you.22:08
ieatlintit's downstairs, one floor below street level22:08
ieatlintthe hacker lounge is underneath/behind the stairs that take you down22:08
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ieatlinttry and find an old chinese guy who has some great questions, he's worth meeting22:09
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kryscoh yes he is22:10
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tim___great unetbootin has crashed :/22:10
kahlesswhere/how can i chat via irc on meego netbook edition? im connected on the server but cant find a way to join a channel :(22:11
JaffaGAN900: When you come in at street level, the main atrium of the hotel & check-in is two layers up. The hacker lounge is down a flight of stairs behind the escalators, and the Hacker Lounge is, as ieatlint says, under the stairs. But there's a desk22:11
tim___i want to put meego on my n900 but i dont want the tariff to go up because im on contract22:11
RedTypekahless: probably /join #channel22:11
timsamoffkahless, you can do it via the terminal.22:11
GAN900Jaffa, where are we meeting?22:11
kahlesstimsamoff: no "gui" for that?22:11
kahlessRedType: sure, but where? :)22:12
timsamoffNo. But, it's not too difficult.22:12
ieatlintthis presenter has figured out the game it seems :)22:12
* zehjotkah thinks about joining #meegoconf instead of #meego22:12
RedTypejust into the text field22:12
RedTypeunless there isn't one in which case22:12
RedTypezehjotkah: then join it :p22:12
kryscjoin both22:12
* zehjotkah is just thinking about it22:12
timeless_xchatthp: where are you?22:13
kahlessRedType: have to test it out, thx :)22:13
timsamoffGAN900 in the Hacker Lounge after the session?22:13
ieatlinthere comes the intel hardware marketing :)22:14
RedTypei use a mac soooo22:14
RedTypenot much of a choice... ALL HAIL GLORIOUS APPLE... ALL HAIL DEAR LEADER JOBS22:14
ieatlintso you're already on intel, and hey thank you22:14
JaffaGAN900: Let's say Hacker Lounge at 130022:15
kryscwait, he has a question!22:15
kryscwhat is debugging? what is L.A.?22:15
Jaffaalterego: timsamoff: ^^^22:15
* timsamoff nods.22:15
ieatlinti'm hoping for "what's c++?22:15
RedTypei fucking predicted "what's png"22:16
RedTypeactually, my prediciton was "what's bmp"22:16
kryscwhat is a window?22:16
timsamoffI get the "C" part, but what are the two plusses for?22:16
Jaffa"What does 'Atom' stand for?"22:16
RedTypewhat's an intel22:16
RedTypeHE JUST DID IT22:16
RedTypeOH GOD22:16
timsamoffOh, my...22:16
kryscjaffa! you called it!22:16
zehjotkahreally? I have to come over there..22:16
JaffaRedType: i did "what is PNG" here22:16
timsamoffJaffa visited the Psychic across the street this morning.22:17
JaffaI can emu;ate this guyin my head...22:17
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RedTypeare you proud Jaffa22:17
JaffaWorrying, admittedlty.22:17
RedTypepredict that you'll leave the room22:17
ieatlintyeah, what's next?22:17
* timsamoff is seriously about to guffaw out loud.22:17
JaffaRedType: :)22:17
kryscjaffa: next prediction?22:17
Jaffa"What is tuning?"22:18
RedTypejaffa may not be predicting, he may be instructing22:18
zehjotkahwaiting at the door for the next question...22:18
krysc"why is it yellow?"22:18
RedTypeWHAT IS THAT22:18
JaffaI WIN!!!!!22:18
timsamoffI might have to close IRC.22:18
zehjotkahperformance of what??22:18
ieatlinthehe, i think it counts22:18
ieatlinthe did ask why, just in a slightly different way22:19
RedTypeoh good fucking lord why wasn't camping correct22:19
timsamoffWhat does it mean by idle?22:19
zehjotkahwhy decrease power consumption?22:20
RedTypewhat is code22:20
RedTypewhat are cpu22:20
ieatlinti'd guess SoC is his next question22:20
timsamoffWhat kind of tools?22:20
krysc"what is the future?"22:20
berndhscan you explain what the difinition of "is" is ?22:20
timsamoffJaffa knows ^22:21
timsamoffthe future...22:21
ieatlintthe future will be better tomorrow22:21
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zehjotkahwhat is mp3?22:21
RedTypewhat is orange22:21
RedTypewhat is battery22:21
RedTypewhat is critical task22:22
RedTypehow do you create power22:22
timsamoffOh, boy... Here we go.22:22
zehjotkahc-state and p-state22:22
Jaffa"What does C and P stand for?"22:22
timsamoffHe stumped him!22:22
krysci need to meet you jaffa.22:22
RedTypejaffa are you here22:23
kryscthis is incredible.22:23
JaffaI'm by the pluga22:23
timsamoffJaffa, what wil I be doing later?22:23
Jaffaat the right22:23
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Jaffablack t-shirt22:23
JaffaRedType: Was a Dell, now iPad :)22:23
RedTypeit evolved22:23
RedTypewhat is manual opt?22:24
timsamoffWhat libraries?22:24
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JaffaI am actuallycuripusasto why it's 'C' and 'P', but I wouldn't ask in this session...22:24
kryschow do i recompile? why?22:24
JaffaBah, not good at typing at this full virtual keyboard22:25
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Jaffa"whatdoes XE stand for?"22:25
RedTypei think it stands for clock state22:25
RedTypeor cpu state22:25
JaffaAnd P for power, peresumably.22:25
kpucthat's what i'd guess22:26
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RST38hP-states appear to relate to SpeedStep tech22:27
RST38hC-states are standby of different depth22:27
kpucspeed step is both clock and voltage regulation?22:27
RST38hAFAIK yes althoug I have not visited the topic in a while22:28
timsamoffThank you.22:28
RedTypeany reasoning for the name22:28
lcukback in the day, I recall getting the celeron 300a to get a 50% overclock22:28
lcukI had not heard of such large scale OC until all the people saying they could run their n900 at 900mhz +22:29
lcuk(speaking of speedstep etc)22:29
zehjotkahanyone up for going out to eat later?22:30
RedTypeanyone going to maker faire?22:30
ieatlintthere seems to be a plan to meet in the hacker lounge around 1pm and then figure it out from there22:30
zehjotkahokay, I'll be there22:31
zehjotkahtaking Erik with me ;)22:31
timsamoffThis is going to be one of those fun/typical lunch outings where it takes three hours to find a place for 50 people to eat lunch together. ;)22:31
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ieatlinthaha, yeah22:32
lcuktimsamoff, how about sending an advance party out first22:32
zehjotkahor where dneary walks about an hour in front of us trying to find a place22:32
timsamoffzehjotkah: Good idea.22:32
timsamofflcuk: No one will want to miss out on getting the ExoPC.22:32
ieatlintwe're probably just being trolled and there are no tablets22:33
zehjotkahsadly we won't get the harmattan developer device this conference22:33
zehjotkahfrom nokia :(22:33
lcuktimsamoff, prefer the software than the hardware22:33
RST38hSo, this year's freebie is ExoPC?22:34
kpuci doubt it's in intel's interests to have 99 angry developers on their hands22:34
lcuktimsamoff, I waited 2 years between seeing a test of something and actually having it on hardware ;)22:34
zehjotkahno, the ExoPC is only for AppUp attendees22:34
Stskeeps|holidayRST38h: appup always gives out exopc22:34
ieatlintonly 100 people per session for this too22:34
kpuc99 devs, one guy with no clue22:35
RedType99 devs, one cup22:35
zehjotkahpng anyone?22:35
kpucpng or it didn't happen22:35
timsamoffPretty nifty graphics?22:35
ieatlintthat's going to be the quote of the conference… "MeeGo 2011: What <i>does</i> PNG stand for?"22:35
RedTypepenises now graphical22:35
* lcuk ponders what he would actually do with a budget like that and how a team could be organised22:35
timsamoffieatlint: We need to make t-shirts.22:35
RedTypei'd buy one for 10bux22:36
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RST38hlcuk: Give everyone an N900, make them all run Liquibase on it, then run that distributed bubble app over all 100 devices?22:36
lcukRST38h, :) yeah22:36
lcukbut now liqbase is not constrained to one device22:37
ieatlinti'm sure they won't be giving out the nokia meego phone, but i'm still hoping they announce it and give us the specs22:37
lcukit runs happily on everything I have tested it on22:37
MohammadAGsomehow I feel otherwise22:37
zehjotkahthey wanted to distibute it, but they don't have enough devices22:37
MohammadAGbut only because I'm not there, stuff like that usually happens :p22:37
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lcukRST38h, the big ideapads actually make it feasible and confortable to have the big version22:37
lcukie, the grafiti wall actually does hold all the sketches ever drawn on any of my devices22:38
zehjotkahlcuk: why are you not here?22:38
* lcuk kicks the damn networking stack for not supporting adhoc though22:38
ieatlintzehjotkah: yeah, i'd heard they will not be making that many at all22:38
RedType"Can I use Meego in place of Android"22:38
lcukzehjotkah, baby due and shouting22:38
zehjotkahI see22:38
MohammadAGlcuk, which one? Maemo's or MeeGo's?22:39
zehjotkahieatlint: there are more than enough devices, but not here at SF^^22:39
lcukMohammadAG, ?22:39
zehjotkahor they're not willing to give out that much22:39
MohammadAGlcuk, networking stack + adhoc22:39
zehjotkahI'm really frustrated22:39
zehjotkahhad nose bleeding this morning^^22:39
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ieatlintzehjotkah: you're just making me bitter that i don't get one then22:40
lcukMohammadAG, N900 Maemo + ideapad/x200s/XYZ machine + ubuntu can add-hoc nicely22:40
lcukmeego connman does not22:40
ieatlintit's not even really the free part, but the instant gratification i WANT ONE NOW part22:40
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lcukso MeeGo ideapad + meego n900 cannot talk on the bus22:40
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infobotlcuk meant: so MeeGo ideapad + MeeGo n900 cannot talk on the bus22:40
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lcukbug 44022:40
MeeGoBotBug enh, Low, ---, sameo, VERI WONTFIX, Unable to support ad-hoc mode for WiFi22:40
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zehjotkaheveryone getting an ExoPC now22:42
zehjotkahhave fun with it.22:42
lcukMohammadAG, I heard from sameo that the tweak needed to connman would be almost trivial, but that he was not doing it22:42
tim___is there an iso file for netbook meego22:42
ieatlintok, we're all off to stand in line for tablets22:42
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lcuksounds like a pharmacy22:43
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tim___lcuk: is there an iso for the netbook meego22:45
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lcuktim___, of course there is!22:45
* GAN900 is about 10 minutes out.22:45
lcuksee there for links to the various images and flavours22:46
tim___thanks my netbootin doesnt want to work with floppy images today22:46
lcuktim___, are you using 3.5 or 5 1/4 inch disks?22:47
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lcukdm8tbr, I find 8" drives less than optimal for travelling22:48
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tim___lcuk:  none i ment the .img file doesnt want to work i need an iso22:48
lcuktim___, oh22:48
lcuki just stick it on a usb and it works22:49
dm8tbrlcuk: pish, just fold the disk, ... oh...22:49
lcukas does everyone else22:49
lcukdm8tbr, nifty idea22:49
lcukdoes that make them dual layer?22:49
dm8tbrand double density!22:49
lcukhalf moon disks22:50
lcukI bet you could actually fit those in a manilla envelope!22:50
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tim___wooooop my meego on my system76 starling netbook has booted :D23:08
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tim___lcuk:  it worked :D23:08
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sofarooo connman's ntp support now works in trunk23:16
tim___meego on netbook is awesome23:18
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lcuk2 identical 4gb sandisk C2 cards23:29
lcukthe first one I have been using has had write speeds of 750kB/s23:29
lcukthe second one (identical markings) has write speed of 2.2MB/s23:30
ShadowJKsame cid and stuff too?23:32
ShadowJKsame partition alignment? :)23:32
lcukShadowJK, CID?23:33
lcukShadowJK, IDK can only base it on what is in front of me23:33
* lcuk not going to complain though :)23:34
ShadowJKlike the oemid, manufacturer and other data23:35
lcukShadowJK, probably the faster one was one I dropped in cup of coffee some months ago23:36
lcukit is still buzzing23:36
ShadowJKbecause there are lots of fake sandisks out there :P23:36
lcuki cannot take the back cover off device just yet whilst copy is in progress23:36
lcukbut I will double check the markings23:36
ShadowJKit's not written on the card23:37
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ShadowJKit's in /sys/block/mmcblk?/device/23:37
lcukShadowJK, it was merely a cursory glance and "i wonder" which made me switch them out23:38
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lcukwriting to /dev/sdc atm23:38
* lcuk even had a quick heart flutter at the wrong device entirely23:38
tim___luck on live does the wifi have trouble?23:40
lcuktmi___ not normally for me23:40
lcukbut on the tablet image I could not enter the parameters needed for my home wifi23:41
lcukthe netbook ux is easy to enter details into though23:41
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tim___how do i do that?23:44
tim___but i dont think its picking up my wifi card23:44
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MarcA-Nsomeone advise me on how to add to add openoffice to my 'applications' on my MeeGo netbook?23:47
MarcA-Nwiped to 1.2, reinstalled openoffice, and it doesn't show up in icons23:47
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lcukw00t_, why do you think I try to have everything I want/need to not rely upon internet23:51
lcukand why do you think ad-hoc is so important! :P23:51
lcukdownside to faster usb transfer - IO lag on the laptop and jumping audio o_O23:52
tim___my meego isnt picking up my wifi23:55
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tim___is there a bash command to find out if it sees my wifi card23:55
lcuktim___, some of the devices in the meego devices wiki page say that the wifi card itself is not detected23:56
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tim___lcuk:  so its only detectable when installed?23:56
lcuktim___, IDK23:57
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lcukeverything I have run it on properly has detected it normally23:57
lcukI don't think it is a matter of installed or not23:57
tim___meego is pointless for me without the wifi23:57
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* thiago needs wifi on everything23:58
thiagoor bluetooth23:58
* lcuk really really wants adhoc to work23:58

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