IRC log of #meego for Thursday, 2011-05-19

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npmis there some special trick to get meego 1.2 qml video element to work? i have simple test example that behaves w/ same prob as all meego-tablet apps on this netbook, outputting QDBusPlayerControl::QDBusPlayerControl()  and if I do video.pause() it outputs "QDBusPlayerControl::paulse() " (sic)00:11
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npmQDBusPlayerControl::position():  0  is output after cueing forward whiich outputs message QDBusPlayerControl::setPosition():  500000:13
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lcuknpm, filed bugs ?00:14
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npmgiven the potchkitude of my setup, it might be ill advised00:15
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npmbut for example maybe it's just sending out a dbus signal and expecting madeo-uplayer-0.1.5-1.1.noarch to be setup?00:19
lcuknpm, not sure00:19
lcukbut isn't there some kind of dbus monitor?00:19
npmby the way, what is the purpose of madeo-uplayer-0.1.5-1.1.noarch00:19
lcukto allow you to try00:19
* lcuk not sure00:19
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lcukI was just glancing over instead of reading slashdot00:19
npmany new news that can be spoken of here :-) :-)00:20
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npmwell anyways, i now remember why i had the desktop nokia sdk installed on here w/ it's own vsn of qtmobility 1.100:24
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renatoX-Fade, is possible to build for armv7 on meego DE repository? (public OBS)00:26
lcukrenato, I thought that was fully valid, each project can be built for numerous arches00:27
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lcuk<lcuk> Architectures: i586 x86_64 armv4l armv5el armv7el armv8el00:28
renatolcuk, but the current DE repository only have i586, armv8el targets00:28
lcukhmm idk then00:29
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* npm installs the real Qt Mobility 1.2 release instead of beta2:
npmi mean beta0: qt-mobility-1.2.0~beta0+git2726-9.31.i58600:33
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lbtrenato: yes, it's possible... but I'm not sure who supports the base arch00:49
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renatolbt, I have edited the repository but not happens00:52
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lbtrenato: yes... you need a project that supports it in order to build against it00:53
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gandhijeeis there anyway to enable touchscreen in meego netbook?03:41
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ssssssssssdoes anyone have any idea on this?05:16
sssssssssswhenever I run mcompositor on my device05:17
ssssssssssmy touchscreen dies05:17
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ssssssssssno one rly talks here..05:37
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gabrbedd_iekku: howdy!06:41
berndhsman is it that late, iekku says good morning ?06:45
gabrbedd_berndhs: yeah... I saw that and thought... "Crap!  It's already midnight!"06:46
gabrbedd_...but he must be up early today. :-)06:46
berndhshad 2 hours of nice weather today06:48
berndhstoo advantage, by standing in mud and digging a ditch06:48
gabrbedd_berndhs: um... good call?06:49
berndhshad to be done, getting too swampy otherwise06:49
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iekkugabrbedd_, btw, i'm not he07:25
iekkugabrbedd_, last time i checked i was female, hope nothing has changed ;)07:26
gabrbedd_iekku: Ah!  My apologies.07:26
iekkugabrbedd_, no problem, i do the same :D07:26
gabrbedd_iekku: Well, I couldn't tell from your name... and /whois is rarely a help on this one.07:27
iekkugabrbedd_, and my real name "iekku" doesn't tell even to finns my gender, since i'm the only iekku in finland :D07:27
iekkuor i was first, don't know if there's others now07:28
gabrbedd_iekku: that's neat.  does it have any particular meaning?07:28
iekkugabrbedd_, not really, my parents just started to call me iekku when i was born, had to fight 16 years to get it as my legal first name...07:29
iekkugabrbedd_, from the area i'm from the "ee" is usually said "ie", i was eeva, usually they call eeva as ieva, so i think it comes from that, not sure07:30
iekkumy mom doesn't recall07:30
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gabrbedd_iekku: my wife and I had a hard time agreeing on names.07:31
gabrbedd_iekku: I favored original, creative names.07:32
gabrbedd_iekku: she liked respectible, jane-austin-novel names.07:32
iekkuit was hard to name our lizards, i'm glad we don't have child07:33
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maxweg81: you there?09:18
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wassupnarivgrade : hello, are you there?09:18
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SantoshHi, I have the build installed on my desktop. I was able to configure IP/Default gateway for the first time but now, Im not able change them. Once the network disconnects, it doesn't connect again!  Can anyone pls help me with the issue?09:39
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eg81maxw: I'm here09:44
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maxwI made a little progress....would like your opinion09:45
maxwI couldn't ssh in, but found and followed the instructions for 9) and that seemed to fix now I can ssh in.09:45
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maxwit's still not booting though09:47
maxwI get the 'frame', but no UI09:47
eg81maxw: hmm, could you check if 6666 port is open, e.g. with telnet 666609:47
maxwyeah, I've sshed in, so that's ok09:47
maxwwell, I guess it *is* booting09:47
maxwbut not the UI09:47
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maxwI see uxlaunch is having trbouel09:48
maxw> GLIB ERROR ** default - Key file contains line ' ELF^A^A^A' which is not a key-value pair, group, or comment aborting...09:48
maxwin /var/log/messages09:48
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maxwand before that > GLIB CRITICAL ** GLib - g_shell_unquote: assertion `quoted_string != NULL' failed09:49
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maxwI take it you managed to get the whole UI up and running, right?09:50
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eg81could you try to remove and create this target again ?09:52
maxwI didn't create it.09:53
maxwI guess it came with the sdk, no?09:53
eg81sudo mad-admin remove meego-tablet-ia32-qemu-
eg81sudo mad-admin create -e -f meego-tablet-ia32-qemu-
eg81then try to boot09:54
eg81mad remote -r meego-tablet-ia32-qemu- -fg09:54
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maxweg81: sorry, my system locked up :/10:02
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maxwtrying to boot again10:04
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maxweg81:ha...ssh stopped working again, so will remove/create again10:06
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eg81that's really strange10:07
maxwwell, my system locked up while it was booting, so I guess me resetting the host system caused it10:07
eg81do you have any other computer as this looks to me unstable :)10:08
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maxwoh, recreating didn't seem to help the ssh issue...I'll try the fix it using the same technique as before10:08
maxwoh, ok, perhaps I wasn't waiting long enough10:09
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maxwnow I get an ssh key failure...which is a good sign :)10:09
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maxwyeah, logged in now :)10:10
eg81maybe your system is too slow that's why you see only black screen..10:10
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maxwit is a powerful system....shouldn't be too slow, in theory at least10:11
eg81to run this tablet version in qemu you need at least 1gb free memory10:11
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maxwI have 6G of RAM...htop shows5G free roughly10:12
maxwooh, something's happening :)10:12
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wassupnarivgrade : hello?10:44
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maxweg81: I had another system crash, so figured I'd run memtest86 to see if that showed up anything wrong....on my laptop atm10:54
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karmignanis meego 1.2 going to be released today?11:11
veri hope not, my tux is at the cleaner...11:12
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karmignanthe wiki says today is release day11:14
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timophI'd expect the images to arrive afternoon US time11:18
timophso pretty late evening/night for us in europe11:18
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JaffaMorning, all11:30
Jaffakarmignan: Nokia has confirmed no such thing.11:31
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eg81karmignan: this facebook group is unofficial11:31
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Jaffakarmignan: That Facebook page is *not* the official MeeGo page at all, and the Linux Foundation is investigating it on trademark grounds11:31
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* Jaffa makes sure this is in next week's MWKN11:31
karmignanJaffa: ok11:32
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alteregoOooo, my first bug ..11:33
alteregoAnd it's high critical ...11:33
* alterego panics11:34
iekkualterego, you're welcome11:34
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lcukalterego, which bug?11:34
iekkualterego, please, take good care of it, it's on my watch list...11:35
iekkualterego, if you don't you might see this:
alteregoI'm looking in to it11:36
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chem|stnpm: you are funny... it lacks logic that way around... should I explain again or do you just read what I wrote yesterday?11:39
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* lcuk reading
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CosmoHillhey lcuk11:54
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lcukhi CosmoHill11:55
lcukand hi lardman \o11:55
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CosmoHillsalut la11:55
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CosmoHillsalut lardman11:55
* CosmoHill may need to replace his mac :(11:56
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SantoshHello I am facing this issue
MeeGoBotBug 15552 maj, High, ---, martin.xu, ASSI, [Upstream v-0.71 has fixed the issue]network fail to connect to internet with static IP for the seco11:56
Santoshnot able change IP address11:56
Santoshis this bug fixed in latest stable release 1.2?11:56
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CosmoHillhave you run "zypper update" ?11:57
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wassupnariis there anyone who had worked about sensor drivers and 'sensord' ?11:58
SantoshCosmoHill, is your msg for Santosh ?11:58
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SantoshCosmoHill, i will try zypper update and get back11:59
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slaineWhens the 1.2 release, next week ?11:59
slaineI can never remember the date11:59
slaineI need to make some time to finalize my Broadcom instructions for 1.212:00
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verslaine, later today i believe.12:05
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slaineCool, I'll have to update my site quickly so12:11
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CosmoHillhey dazo12:11
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dazoCosmoHill: whazzup?12:13
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CosmoHilljust working on implementing some of the harder changes to the CLFS book12:13
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CosmoHilldazo: yourself?12:14
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timophslaine: AFAIK broadcom wifi should work out of the box with .37 kernel12:18
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slainetimoph: I think you still need firmwares, but yes, no modules needed12:18
slaine(have Fedora 15 on there)12:18
slaineHowever, I believe that's only going to affect 1.3, 1.2 is still on 2.6.35 iirc12:19
slaineOr was on the last pre-release I tested12:19
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timophat least wifi worked for me in ideapad with 1.1.99 images12:20
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iekkudo you remember link to latest netbook image?12:20
iekkuworking with eeepc70112:20
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maxwor perhaps eg81: ping12:29
iekkunevermind, got it12:29
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timophseems that 1.2 images for netbook are already there:
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eg81maxw: pong12:35
slainetimoph: sweet12:35
maxweg81: made some progress, sort of12:36
maxwmy desktop freezes pretty frequently, but if I log into the system remotely and start strace on the qmegl process, it all unfreezes12:37
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maxwthis has allowed the emulator to boot12:38
maxwI can now see a UI, but the fonts are all corrupted12:38
maxwotherwise, it looks ok12:39
maxwslow though12:39
eg81wow never heard about such issues12:39
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lcuktimoph, are those standard netbook images with patches and fixes done over recent months? or different changes too?12:39
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maxwit just froze then again, and just attaching strace to the process and killing it frees it again12:40
maxwseems a reliable workaround :)12:40
slainelcuk: looks like the official netnook images for 1.212:40
CosmoHilltimoph: maybe the images are there to get them onto the mirrors before release12:40
eg81^^that sounds crazy12:40
CosmoHill/ annoucement12:40
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slainebuilt yesterday12:40
CosmoHilloh ffs12:40
* CosmoHill desktop is crashing again12:41
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CosmoHillfirefox is always the first victim12:41
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maxweg81: anyway, I am suspecting a graphics driver issue - the graphics is really very slow anyway (like moving a window from left to right on the screen is very slow) - others in this office have upgrade to fedora15 (and much talk of porting drivers), so I'll check that out at some point.12:43
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lcukmaxw, what desktop are you running?12:44
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maxwgnome - just a recent fedora14 install12:44
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lcukI aded QtMapper to the ITP page:
lcukit was written for the n8x0 and has had some recent tweaks and tests would be good to try on meego too12:47
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lardman|homehey lcuk12:52
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lcukmorning lardman|home \o12:54
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lardman|homewhat's the N900 image like these days?12:54
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lcuklardman|home, more and more usable every day!12:54
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lardman|homewhere are we on a scale of brick to being able to make phone calls and use calendar? ;)12:54
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maxweg81: I think it's too unstable to use, so I'm switching back to chroot. I wonder if my findings are worth reporting anywhere. What do you think?12:55
lcuklardman|home, phone calls are possible I believe! ask alterego and sabotage who have been dealing with much of that side12:56
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lardman|homelcuk: ok thanks12:57
eg81maxw: hmm probably first you need to resolve gpu drivers issue12:59
maxwhrm, perhaps I'll see about that after getting some real work done - f15 will be released fairly soon, I think.13:00
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bkalinga Hi all, i am using meego-sdk-qtcreator on ubuntu for meego related developement13:38
bkalinga i notice a problem when i use CONFIG += mobility and MOBILITY = serviceframework13:38
bkalingathe make file INCPATH pointing to host -I/usr/include/QtServiceFramework -I/usr/include -I/usr/include/QtMobility13:38
bkalingawhich is wrong.Other include paths are correct they are pointing to meego related one:I/usr/lib/madde/linux-i686/sysroots/meego-handset-ia32-madde-sysroot-
bkalingacan someone please point out whats going wrong..13:39
costellohmm hmm, is qtcreator running qmake that came with madde or the one that got installed alongside normal ubuntu stuff?13:42
costellowhat I'm suspecting is that you run qmake with qmake config made for ubuntu.13:42
bkalingaits from madee13:42
bkalingaby using meego-sdk-qtcreator13:42
costelloand this happens only when mobility is used? non-mobility qt-apps compile fine?13:44
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iekkucostello, :D13:45
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bkalingasearch for QtServiceFramework in the pastebin output13:50
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bkalingaany body else face this issue13:54
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costellohmm, only meego-project I'm having that has mobility it has only MOBILITY += multimedia systeminfo13:56
costellodoesn't have any extra additions to -I..13:57
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costellocan you make it work by adding INCLUDEPATH += /correct/directories into your .pro file?? having extra or non-existent dirs listed there should not hurt..13:57
costellobut what this smells like is that when you include that serviceframework it comes with somehow faulty qmake config or something..13:58
bkalingafor you serviceframework compiles?14:00
costellonever tried and I don't have a working meego env handy at the moment, sorry..14:01
costellobeen playing around only with multimedia and systeminfo parts of mobility.14:01
bkalingaok....let me try including that manually then14:02
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chem|stI guess there will be devel devices in SF... would love to get a play in this comedy14:17
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lcukdoh! dd'ed wrong image14:20
* lcuk was scratching head why it was not booting14:20
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luisbgdoes meego has a window list manager? I don't mean the display shown when you hit the hardware key14:28
luisbgthat one doesn't show the xvimagesink display when playing a file through gst-launch-0.10 for example14:28
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luisbganybody here uses xbmc in meego?14:58
luisbgit crashes everytime I try to play a file14:58
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andre__luisbg, get a stacktrace?15:04
Venemo~wtf xbmc15:08
infobotGee...  I don't know what xbmc means...15:08
Venemoinfobot, be ashamed of yourself15:09
luisbgI installed the clutter-gst package, but clutter-gst doesn't appear in my pkg-config15:10
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Venemoluisbg, you probably need a -devel package for that15:11
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Venemoluisbg, maybe clutter-gst-devel, or maybe it's called something else15:15
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priyanka hi my kernel build on OBS fails giving error Unable to write payload to /home/abuild/rpmbuild/RPMS/i586/kernel-ivi-debuginfo- No space left on device   even though my system has system has lot of free space( in bothbhome and root partition ) can somebody help15:55
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priyanka Am facing the similar issues with some other packages as well15:57
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lcukpriyanka, are you doing local osc build?16:01
lcukor is that message potentially coming from the server farm16:01
priyankalcuk : I see it on my webui, but m running the workers at the same machine as my server16:01
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priyankalcuk: is it related to kvm, never faced this issue while running on machines that dont use kvm16:02
lcuksounds odd then16:03
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lcukpriyanka, so you have configured your server to be an obs instance?16:03
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priyankalcuk: yes am using an OBS appliance set up as per meego wiki page by stskeeps , didnt add any changes related to kvm or LVM16:04
klikklakhow long is the installing packages supposed to take? I get no status bar movement etc. mouse moves.  this is on an eeepc701/600mhz atom so I can understand sluggishness, but it should do something, right?16:04
klikklakand do I have to press the > arrow button before it does something?16:04
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klikklak(I had amusing problems with the touchpad)16:05
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renatoX-Fade, I'm getting problems to try add the armv7el arch on Pyside DE_Trunk repository16:11
renatoHow I can do that? I have edited the repository but not happens.16:11
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luisbgdoes meego has a window list manager? I don't mean the display shown when you hit the hardware key16:22
luisbgthat one doesn't show the xvimagesink display when playing a file through gst-launch-0.10 for example16:22
luisbgI know it is decoding and displaying the video16:22
luisbgbut it the window it is displayed on is hidden16:22
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luisbgshouldn't clutter-gst-devel drop some header files in /usr/include/ ?16:35
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Venemo[15:22] <luisbg> but it the window it is displayed on is hidden ---> file a bug report16:39
luisbgVenemo, against mcompositor?16:40
luisbgplus I have no trace or anything about it16:40
Venemodunno what, maybe mcompositor16:40
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Venemoluisbg, on my Fedora, clutter-gst-devel drops its includes to /usr/include/clutter-1.0/clutter-gst/16:41
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Venemoluisbg, I'm not sure if the MeeGo version does the same, but I would assume so16:41
luisbglet me check16:42
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luisbgVenemo, it does! thanks16:42
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luisbgVenemo, now I have to figure out why I calling clutter_gst_init() from my code doesn't want to compile16:42
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Venemoluisbg, you usually use PKGCONFIG+=clutter-gst-1.0 then #include <clutter-gst/whatever.h>16:44
Venemoluisbg, or whatever the alternative of PKGCONFIG is in the tool you use.16:44
luisbgVenemo, yes I have clutter-gst-1.0 in the (this app builds perfectly in my debian/gentoo/fedora systems)16:45
Venemoluisbg, ah, so you use autotools?16:45
luisbgand then in the code I do #include <clutter-gst/clutter-gst.h>16:45
luisbgyes, autotools :) it took me a while to get it working, but now it is worth it16:45
Venemoluisbg, what is the error message you get on MeeGo?16:45
luisbgwhen I run make, all builds fine until...16:46
luisbgundefined reference to 'clutter_gst_init'16:46
luisbghave in mind that it builds all the other files before getting to the main one16:46
Venemoit seems that it fails to be added to the linker command line16:46
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luisbgVenemo, you mean the CLUTTER_GST_LIBS in src/ ?16:47
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Venemoluisbg, I have no idea. All I can say is autotools has been gotten in my way so many times now that I would restort to using violence whenever I met its creators16:48
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luisbgVenemo, LOL!16:50
luisbgVenemo, I feel you16:50
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renatohi all, How I can add the armv7 on my PySide project on OBS? (DE_Trunk repository)16:50
Venemoluisbg, I mean, I tried to build stuff made with autotools, and I tried modifying them. I didn't manage to add anything to the linker command line yet.16:51
Venemoluisbg, I ended up with using a command-line option of make16:51
Venemoluisbg, you could try that too16:53
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Venemoluisbg, in my case, it was 'make -j4 LDFLAGS=-lX11', and in some other projects, 'make -j4 AM_LDFLAGS=-lX11' worked too. just substitute '-lX11' with the necessary lib and you're good to go.16:54
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Venemoluisbg, obviously, you should get rid of -j4 as well if your CPU isn't up to the task16:57
lcukVenemo, in a qt application, when qDebug() << something;  is used, where is that logged?  normal command line or elsewhere?16:57
Venemolcuk, usually the standard output. which apperars in the command line when you run your app in the command line16:58
Venemolcuk, if you run the app from Qt Creator, it will appear in Qt Creator's 'application output' pane16:59
CosmoHillI got a C for information security which made me kinda sad, then I realised that I've only had one C every year16:59
CosmoHillso going by that I should get As and Bs on everything else16:59
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lcukVenemo, yeah I know, I have an app on the device and looking at code where debugs are used16:59
lcukso expecting to see certain ones16:59
lcukCosmoHill, are you meant to be disclosing the grade you got in your information security exam?17:00
CosmoHillI don't have an exam for it17:00
CosmoHillthis was my assignment that I handed in17:00
lcukwhat you should have done is "I got a [censored] for information security" :P17:00
CosmoHillah I see17:00
Venemolcuk, if you launch the app from the terminal, you should see the debugging output in the terminal.17:00
lcukI did do Venemo17:01
lcukdo these qDebug() lines get included in all builds?17:01
lcukor does it need specific debug binary17:01
lcukor command line option perhaps17:01
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Venemolcuk, it is possible that they are left out from the release builds (in order to preserve space)17:01
Venemolcuk, I have not tried to check the output of a release build17:02
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lcukthanks Venemo I will dig and see where qDebug() is available17:03
Venemolcuk, if I were you, I'd just run the app from Qt Creator.17:03
Venemolcuk, that is the best way of debugging17:03
lcukVenemo, I am testing meegophotos app17:03
Venemolcuk, you could easily obtain its source, I presume17:04
lcuktrying to see why it does not list photos when you run it first time17:04
lcukand you have to rotate first17:04
lcukbefore they are listed17:04
lcukI was hoping to see one of the qDebug messages within PhotoStripView::updateView17:04
* lcuk is solidly used to large amounts of debug17:05
Venemolcuk, are they not appearing when you launch the app from terminal?17:05
lcuk(debug output is a whole UX!)17:05
lcukno, some random warnings from deep within qt17:05
lcukSkipping non-Touch device: Virtual core XTEST pointer ( 4 )17:05
lcukSkipping non-Touch device: TSC2005 touchscreen ( 9 )17:05
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Venemolcuk, hmm17:15
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Venemoluisbg, is it working17:15
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luisbgoooh, he asked and left17:15
gabrbeddlcuk, Venemo: I think if the touchscreen only supports one touch point (single-touch) it gets filtered out of Qt's "touch logic."17:16
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gabrbeddlcuk, Venemo: I think if the touchscreen only supports one touch point (single-touch) it gets filtered out of Qt's "touch logic."17:17
gabrbedd...but it'll still work as a mouse.17:17
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Venemogabrbedd, understandable17:18
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lizardorenato: try asking on #meego-arm , there a people talking about OBS on it17:22
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lcukahh gabrbedd thanks17:38
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dnearyDawnFoster, Ping?17:49
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DawnFosterhi dneary18:02
gpradehello, what do you think, will aava mobile ever release the twist?18:03
gpradeanybody here?18:04
lcukgprade, have you asked them?18:04
lcukbecause they are the ones who know18:04
gpradeyes, i tried to contact them, but they send no answer18:05
gpradewill meego 1.2 today released?18:05
slainegprade: if you look on the servers, you might find them18:06
gpradei found in some new, but is this official?18:07
lcukgprade, it is on official meego servers?18:07
lcukhi slaine18:07
slainelcuk: howdy buddy18:07
gpradei think yes, ok then it is released, thanks18:08
slainegprade: I'm guessing once Portland wakes up there'll be an announcement18:08
slaineI've downloaded the img but not installed it, will do that later18:08
DawnFosterfor the record, Portland is awake :)18:09
DawnFosterwe give the mirrors some time to pick up the new releases before we post the announcement18:09
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iekkuDawnFoster, :D18:10
slaineDawnFoster: awake and at your desk, or awake and enjoying the first tea/coffee ?18:10
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iekkutime to take a nap18:10
lcukVenemo, "Printing using qDebug usually results in console output (you might have to add CONFIG += console to your project file to get output at all on some platforms)."   I am guessing not seeing any because of the build/config options18:11
iekkuand after that start to figure out what i need to take with me to SF18:11
DawnFosterslaine: I've been awake for 2 hours already and am halfway through the first pot of tea :)18:11
iekkui hope they sell flowers in the airport?18:11
lcukDawnFoster, 2 hours and only halfway through?!18:11
slaineDawnFoster: nice, not at your desk though18:11
DawnFosterslaine: working from home today :)18:11
Venemolcuk, maybe. in any case, IMO you should try running it from Qt Creator :)18:11
slaineDawnFoster: I love doing that. Thanks to HRM's visit, I did it yesterday18:11
DawnFosterneed time to finish my presentation before I fly the conference tomorrow18:11
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lcukwhen people do working from home days, an inlfatable autopilot should populate your real desk seat!18:12
gabrbeddDawnFoster: You too?  Now I don't feel so bad. :-)18:12
* slaine feels left out18:12
DawnFostergabrbedd: yeah, if I don't make some progress today on my presentation, the "State of the MeeGo Community" will be very similar to what it was 6 months ago in Dublin :)18:13
DawnFosterslaine: we'll miss you!18:13
slainehopefully meet up at the Autumn event18:13
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gabrbeddDawnFoster: :-)18:15
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KDEVwhat can i do for meego18:25
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chouchounea device18:26
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lbtKDEV: participate :)18:27
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chouchounesoread the world18:28
gabrbeddKDEV: What do you like doing?18:29
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lcukKDEV, ask not what you can do for meego, but what meego can do for you!18:30
KDEV_i want to see  meego smartphone in the market18:32
gabrbeddKDEV_: Here's a few suggestions:  (1) help the MeeGo DE team.  They're working on making MeeGo work well on the N90018:33
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gabrbeddKDEV_: (2) Squash bugs in the MeeGo UX (tablet) and the Handset UX.18:34
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gabrbeddKDEV_: Write cool apps for MeeGo.  Get them into AppUp.  If AppUp is thriving, MeeGo becomes more attractive to a handset vendor.18:35
gabrbedd(erm... that was (3))18:35
gpradei wish to see a simple sync tool for contacts and calendars for kde desktop, maybe for kde kontact or thunderbird18:35
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KDEV_ok thx.........i want to try meego in my PC18:36
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gpradelike i had it for windows and outlook with my xda some years ago18:36
gpradethat would be awesome18:36
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gabrbeddKDEV_: BTW, AppUp still has several contests (with cash prizes) that have not expired.  If you're a coder... might check that out.18:38
KDEV_i m beginer trying ...diffenetly one day my app run on meego18:39
gabrbeddKDEV_: Is coding what you want to do?  Or just something you /can/ do?18:40
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gabrbeddKDEV_: because if it's something you /want/ to do... I can't emphasize enough how valuable bug squashing is to your skilz.18:41
gabrbeddKDEV_: So, I would work on app development and also help squash bugs on
gpradewhy no handset and tablet release?18:41
KDEV_coding or anything18:42
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KDEV_last time i tryl meego in VMware but it didn't work ........18:43
chouchounegprade: I guess, they might be coming18:43
gpradeok, thanks18:43
gabrbeddgprade: Wow, I didn't notice that.  It's probably because they're a bit rough around the edges.18:43
chouchouneKDEV_: try qemu18:43
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gabrbeddgprade: They did release Tablet, but it's still being called a "Developer Preview"18:44
KDEV_in windows or Linux18:44
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chouchouneKDEV_: linux ?18:45
gpradei've seen it, thank you all for your work18:45
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* gabrbedd wonders why there was no release announcement on any ML that he's on...18:46
DawnFostergabrbedd: we just haven't posted it to the mailing list yet18:47
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DawnFosterusually Imad sends it himself18:48
gabrbeddKDEV_: It might be worth your $$ to get a new or used netbook to use as a development device.  Atom-based netbooks can be had for as low as $250 new.18:48
DawnFosterthe blog post is available now & the mailing list post will be very similar18:48
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gabrbeddDawnFoster: OK, thanks.  I know everyone is very busy...18:49
gabrbeddDawnFoster: I was just wondering, that's all. :-)18:49
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KDEV_i m sure meego support HTML5, WebGL or OpenGL....18:50
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DawnFostergabrbedd: no worries, and yes it's just a busy week :)18:50
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gabrbeddDawnFoster: Oh, crap.  No wonder... my internal calender it 1 day off.  I thought today was 5/20.  :-p18:51
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wmaronecouple more days18:51
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DawnFostergabrbedd: ha! we have all day to finish our various release tasks :P18:52
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slainegabrbedd: I'm in no rush on the announcement, gives me time to get my updated broadcom instructions online.18:53
gabrbeddslaine: No, it's not that.  I was just thinking, "It was supposed to release YESTERDAY.  Did it?  I didn't even hear a `hurrah` or anything."18:55
* gabrbedd sighs18:55
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slainegabrbedd: Yeah, as DawnFoster said, the final image was built yesterday but it has to get out to mirrors and then have the announcement. It may even be announced at MeegoConf (but probably today)18:56
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DawnFosterslaine: gabrbedd just lives in a slightly different space time continuum than the rest of us ;)18:57
gabrbeddslaine: Right.  No worries now that I've looked at my calendar. :-)18:57
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slaineHopefully the tablet ux will get a 1.2 beta release or some such now 1.2 is out. But not sure on the time line for that project18:57
slaineDawnFoster: lol18:57
slainegabrbedd: do you have a large laptop ?18:58
DawnFostertablet did get a refresh - I'm just downloading in now to see if it's much difference18:58
gabrbeddslaine: Only when I'm driving fast.18:58
slaineDawnFoster: I couldn't see a url for that, might still be internal18:59
DawnFosterI promised w00t_ that I'd install it and lend him my tablet at the conference for some cool demos he's working on :)18:59
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slainenice :)18:59
slaineDawnFoster: community device program will be up and running soon enough for plebs like us to apply anyway18:59
DawnFosterslaine: well, it's just not easy to find the new tablet builds (we make the developers dig to get them):
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slainesuch a catchy url, how could I miss it19:00
DawnFosterslaine: I'm really hoping to have the community device program live on Monday *crosses fingers*19:00
slaineI'll keep hitting refresh on the wiki so ;)19:00
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GreatgibDawnFoster: what is the community device program?19:04
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DawnFosterGreatgib: it's a way for community members who are doing cool things to apply for devices:
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GreatgibBy the way, do anyone know where i can find a package of libcrypto? I use the oss trunk repo, but not such a package here :(19:07
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Venemolcuk, have you had any luck?19:12
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w00t_DawnFoster: :-)19:17
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DawnFosterw00t_: tablet 1.2 new image installed :)19:19
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w00t_DawnFoster: you rock!19:19
lcukVenemo, I went playing on the wii19:19
lcukso IDK19:19
Venemolcuk, haha19:19
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DawnFosterw00t_: I'm even charging the battery :)19:19
* w00t_ sorted out his lenovo via ssh the other night19:19
Venemolcuk, I'm sure it was more fun than the debugging19:20
w00t_that just leaves the n900 as the last problematic thing to set up19:20
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lcukVenemo, yeah :D19:20
lcukw00t_, which image are you using for it?19:20
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DawnFostertablet is looking pretty good. UI is pretty much the same, but seems more responsive / stable than earlier versions (based 5-10 minutes of playing)19:21
w00t_lcuk: right now, a very old, hacked up 1.2 beta19:21
w00t_once I finish fighting it tonight, hopefully latest DE19:21
lcukw00t_, do you have uboot installed?19:21
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CosmoHillwtf, how could I make this computer without a swap19:46
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mikeleib`any n900DE peeps in the house?20:00
mikeleib`can take bug 17872 off my hand?20:00
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, michael.leibowitz, NEW, [DE] Build version is clipped in 'About product' settings in portrait mode.20:00
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TomaszDStskeeps|holiday, are you on holidays?20:01
mikeleib`can I assign to Stskeeps|holiday, then20:01
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Alison_ChaikenA great device with a slick new interface can be a big hit even when it's not Android or Apple:
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Myrttiblackberry :-(20:14
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* gabrbedd always sees "RIP" whenever "RIM" is written, for some reason...20:17
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CosmoHillyou have to be careful when writing "jobs at RIM"20:21
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gabrbeddjobs at ROM20:27
* gabrbedd did not do that on purpose20:28
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* lcukn900 orders a new laptop screen.20:32
CosmoHillI told you that one wasn't a touch screen20:33
berndhsjobs at ROM
lcukn900lol cosmohill20:35
CosmoHillberndhs: lol20:35
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CosmoHilllcukn900: my name just looks like you're going !!!!!20:36
berndhshey those are legitimate jobs :)20:36
smokuare there any drivers for GMA500 in meego repos?20:36
CosmoHillI read it as "cosmo1!!!" :/20:37
lcukn900berndhs there was a person ages ago who wanted to use maemo in the museum for exhibits20:37
berndhssounds reasonable20:37
berndhsinteractive mobile guide using a LAN20:38
lcukn900there are many things, fully interactive would certainly be good20:38
lcukn900i remember once going to museum of photography film and television with parents20:39
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lcukn900everyone got a nikon camera to go round the museum with20:39
berndhsmaybe it can detect which exhibit its is next to, bring up info about that one20:39
lcukn900and photos at the other end20:39
lcukn900berndhs bluetooth would be better for that20:40
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Trunghi there I've joined20:40
lcukn900joined what?20:41
berndhsbluetooth would tell it where its at within a room  ?20:41
Trungand meego20:41
gabrbeddTrung: Welcome!20:42
lcukn900berndhs scan bt nodes, display info from the one with heighest signal strength20:42
gabrbeddlcuk: Would you please show Trung the secret handshake?20:42
Trunghaha, I even don't remember my public key20:43
Trungand private one20:43
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lcukgabrbedd, that would require me knowing it also21:07
lcukalso gabrbedd they are more like internet high 521:09
lcukrequires touch screen for full effect though21:09
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smokuare there any drivers for GMA500 in meego repos?21:19
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dm8tbrsmoku: I think there is something. at least I remember looking at an Archos9 kickstart file for recent MeeGo21:20
smokuany URL for the ks?21:20
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dm8tbrif I'd only remember who came up with it21:24
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smokuwhat is the root password in 1.2 ?21:35
piercesmoku: should be meego21:37
smokutried that21:37
piercefor netbook, the root password is the same as your user password21:37
piercethen one you manually set at install time21:37
smokuoh. anaconda magic?21:39
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piercesmoku: I tend to remove root's hash from /etc/shadow when done since the default user has full sudo anyway21:40
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piercesmoku: also a good idea to   zypper remove openssh-server   if you want to add any actual data to the device :-)21:41
smokuwell... nobody should know my password anyway ;-)21:41
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berndhsone of the first things I do is set the root password21:43
berndhsseems better than removing stuff and hoping nobody will get in21:43
gabrbeddlcuk: LOL21:45
smokuhuh... 1.2 does not provide fbdev X driver??21:45
smokuwhich wifi module should I load on atom Z515 ?21:48
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lcukdm8tbr, vgrade has built various GMA500 builds22:01
lcuksmoku, ^22:01
lcukEMGD driver afaik22:01
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smokulcuk, got it. thanks.22:02
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dm8tbrlcuk: yes and most likely the joggler image / ks is on my bug... server :)22:21
dm8tbrlcuk: but there was some other kickstart I was actually thinking about, never mind as that is no longer necessary :)22:21
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lbtmmm 1.2 on my ExoPC ... is the screen brightness synced to some subliminal tune?22:36
lbtit keeps fading in and out...22:36
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lbtsome kind of light sensor ???22:37
ieatlintwell, there is the ambient light sensor in the upper left22:37
ieatlinttry covering it and see if the brightness stables22:37
lbtno.. it switches to panel mode ... hehe22:37
fiferboylbt: You have quite a few talk and BOFs coming up, don't you22:38
lbtfiferboy: tue is busy ... I'm doing 4 and want to be at the OBS/Apps one22:39
lbtkinda need to finish the tutorial too...22:39
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chouchounedoes someone know if there is any chance that the Meego SDK could be available for Fedora 15 quite quickly ?23:11
chouchoune(Fedora 15 release is in 5 days)23:11
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berndhs chouchoune: is there a MeeGo SDK for Fedora 14 ?23:14
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chouchouneberndhs: yes23:17
chouchouneDownload the MeeGo 1.2 SDK for Linux23:18
chouchouneSupported hosts: Ubuntu 10.04, 10.10; Fedora 13, 1423:18
chouchouneUbuntu 11.04 is out of scope too23:18
berndhsthe main page is out of date then23:18
chouchounebut meego SDK 1.2 waqs released today23:18
chouchouneso everything is maybe not updated yet\23:19
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berndhsthats probably it23:19
chouchouneut I tried to install on Fedora 15 beta and it doesn't work ;)23:19
gpradejoin #meego-handset23:20
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chouchounewhat is there on #meego-handset ?23:21
berndhsi think gprade: just forgot the leading /23:22
chouchouneok ;)23:22
berndhsbut i am sure the conversation on #meego-handset is very inspiring23:23
gpradei hope23:23
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gpradelast time there was nobody23:24
chouchounenoone is speaking there right now23:24
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chouchouneis slow for me only ?23:25
chouchouneor is it for everyone ?23:25
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lcuk1.2 was announced/released afaik23:28
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berndhsah the benefits of not relying on normal repos to distribute the SDK, you end up with umpteen copies of Qt Creator23:33
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leinirHeyhey, anybody here know where that meego-ux-switcher thing got to? i'm sure i found it somewhere, but...?23:44
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lcukleinir, on the desktop switcher wiki page afaik, hold on23:45
leinircheers :)23:46
lbthey leinir o/23:46
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leinirlbt: Yo! :)23:47
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lbtjust packing ... :)23:47
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leiniri'll be doing that in an hour or so :)23:47
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lbtyou coming to SF ?23:47
leiniri certainly am :)23:48
lbtwe're arriving tomorrow pm23:48
leinirwill be arriving at half past midnight local time on Saturday ;)23:48
lbthmmm 00:30 saturday.... or just into sunday ?23:48
leinir0035 Saturday ;)23:49
lbtgood - you'll be there for the wargames!23:51
leinirYupyup! :)23:51
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