IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2011-04-19

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mikhason the N900, for MeeGo Touch applications, there's this "n900de" theme - is there another theme for end users? or is it only base + n900de?00:09
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CosmoHilldamn hamster keeps chewing on his bars00:14
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berndhsCosmoHill: too much energy. Hire him out to generate electricity.00:23
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berndhsnight Cosmo00:29
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CosmoHill[21:51]  -Global- Attention Mr. botnet owner: Please go die. Thank you.00:32
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leinirwhat the buggery meh... why is rpm crashing out so often on the tablet ux? filling up /tmp with cores :P00:38
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leinirattempts to do something every eight minutes, crashes three times in a row with a four second interval, dumps a core each time... fills up my disk in a couple of hours00:40
gabrbeddleinir: sounds like a problem with corewatcher.  (just a guess)00:42
* gabrbedd wonders what happens if corewatcher segfaults while analyzing its own core.... hmmmm....00:43
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alteregogabrbedd: a point singularity forms.00:49
alteregoI think they're aiming to do that at the LHC00:49
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* lbt wonders which is cheaper...00:54
gabrbeddalterego: :-)00:55
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leinirlbt: lhc *nods* definitely00:58
* alterego wonders if there's any more news on the developer device program front00:58
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alteregoThere was some news about an Exo DDP last week00:58
berndhsLHC keeps a large number of physicists off the streets, imagine all those guys running loose00:58
alteregoWow, and as if by magick ... DawnFoster appears from nowhere! :D00:59
lbtberndhs: scary... like a debconf00:59
alteregoI swear I'm always putting my foot in it.00:59
DawnFosteruh oh. What did I miss :)00:59
lbtalterego: that's a white hole I think00:59
alteregoA white hole?00:59
alteregoSo what is it?00:59
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lbtit's where you pop out the other side ;)00:59
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alteregoDawnFoster: nothing, I was just asking if anyone had heard any more news about the DDP01:00
lbtalterego: precisely01:00
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djszapialterego: btw you mentioned this dialer success :) How about the receiving calls, still opened dialer that I need to use for that ?01:01
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DawnFosterby DDP are you referring to the community device program?01:01
alteregodjszapi: I'm working with some people on that. Incoming call is being held up by a bug in the current headless dialer branch.01:01
alteregoDawnFoster: Ah, CDP then :D01:02
DawnFosterwe're hoping to have the application ready in the next week or so01:02
djszapialterego: yeah, but it is under redesign for a while :)01:02
alteregoIt's unlikely to make it to 1.201:02
alteregoBut should be in DE01:02
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alteregoActually, it probably will be in 1.201:03
djszapiactually that is a nice answer. :) I mean at least anybody could tell anything, thank you :)01:03
alteregoI think headless is a required feature AKA blocker01:03
djszapiwhat flag does the bug have ?01:03
alteregoNot sure, ang on01:03
alteregoWe're having the dialer meeting tomorrow afternoon actually.01:04
alteregoI think this extra month will help01:04
lcukdjszapi, bug 707401:05
lcukhirally.santiago.rodriguez: MeeGo_1.1_Release_Blocker-01:05
lcukjukka.eklund: MeeGo_N900DE_Release_Blocker+01:05
MeeGoBotBug nor, High, ---, michael.demeter, ASSI, Incoming call can not be answered if dialer not open when call is received.01:05
alteregobug 707401:05
alteregoDamn you lcuk!01:06
lcukas always01:06
alteregoYour holiday has made you quick01:06
lcuknahh that was slow, you had a whole discussion first :P01:06
alteregoI was looking through search results, then remembered it's in the most annoying bug list in qa-reports ;)01:07
djszapihey hey lcuk and thanks :)01:07
lcukalterego, that bug gets mentioned so often it is in my recent history list01:07
alteregolcuk: did you hear about my success today btw?01:08
lcukyes, you made first call with your qml dialer!01:08
lcukawesome stuff01:08
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* mikhas fails to see how "qml" is relevant for phone calls01:08
alteregoYes, it is monumental, obviously, the best thing to ever happen to MeeGo ever :)01:08
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djszapimikhas: phone calls are not made from xterm :)01:09
mikhasunless the phone call really uses QML for VOIP or such01:09
alteregoWell, you can in theory do it from xterm :)01:09
djszapialterego: do you do ?01:09
alteregodjszapi: no :)01:10
lcukthere is a dialing component inside peregrine too which has a pile of bugs pending actually, I should file them when I get round to it01:10
lcukthe de is looking swanky!01:10
alteregolcuk: it is isn't it!01:10
alteregoEven the latest T:T images are nice when you change the background and theme :D01:10
lcuknice theme and the background makes a great amount of difference01:10
alteregoAnd the transissions are so silky now01:10
alteregoI can actually see me using this in a month or so time as a real device.01:11
lcukyeah lots of improvments pushed over recent months01:11
alteregoNot sure what PM progress is like.01:11
lcukwell the screen has blanking now so it should be better immediately01:11
lcukapart from bug where clicking to unblank actions the hidden button01:12
alteregoI also like how power and lock slide are locking the screen now.01:12
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alteregodjszapi: but yes, it seems headless is a blocking issue for 1.201:14
alteregodjszapi: though this probably doesn't include my QML base UI, which works on top of headless. It'll still be the current MTF one.01:14
djszapiactually you do not even need operating system for phone calls :)01:14
djszapijust a very easy 8-bit controller, but yeah that is not the way how it is done :)01:15
djszapialterego: which ui is involved in the last working weekly image ?01:15
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alteregodjszapi: it's still all MTF01:16
djszapiI will check your QML one out at some point :)01:16
alteregodjszapi: once headless gets into shape I can maintain a proper QML UI branch, that would be the time to play with it.01:16
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djszapiyup :)01:17
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alteregoBut at the moment I'm working on refactoring headless and preparing it for use in QML, making it scriptable in JS etc.01:17
alteregoAnd making the current MTF UI code less intrusive.01:17
djszapithis has been my only daily usage obstacle for quite a few weeks. Otherwise I would have started using meego :)01:20
alteregoWell, I think power management is still the blocker for me :P01:20
djszapiwhat power management ?01:21
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djszapiI can charge the phone on meego, it is not that warm as previously. I am fine with those :)01:22
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alteregobed time for me, talk to you all later.01:28
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alpsxingHi. I'v downloaded the latest IVI image and installed in on my Crown Bay EVB board. But it failed to load GUI. Does anyone here know why? Thanks.04:14
the-gibson|homeany errors? have you looked through the logs?04:15
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alpsxingI'll check now.04:19
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alpsxingI found some error in the log files04:25
alpsxingVESA(0): VESA BIOS not detected04:26
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the-gibson|homehmm so Vesa has to do with the video drivers04:28
the-gibson|homeim not sure what more specificaly but I would guess it may have something to do with hw/sw graphics acceleration04:28
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alpsxingThanks gibson04:33
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alpsxingHi, gibson. I just reconfig the xorg.conf, and now it's working. Thanks.04:43
berndhsman telepathy-qt4 is seriously weird04:44
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the-gibson|homealpsxing: no prob04:57
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the-gibson|homevgrade: you around?05:42
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berndhsit is07:31
adarshajHi, a quick question.. Is there a process view for the MeeGo architecture??07:33
adarshajI wanna know the way the run time components interact with each other..07:33
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timophadarshaj: something more detailed than ?07:37
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adarshajtimoph: Actually it gives me a logical view, I wanna know the runtime interactions instead..07:38
timophyou might want to ask that from the architecture mailing list.07:38
adarshajtimoph: could you please let me knw the place where I can find the address of the list?07:39
adarshajcool, thank you :)07:39
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befordhi Stskeeps, how is it going?08:54
Stskeepsfine, just aking up :P08:54
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befordjust wondering, why meego netbook/tablet still uses a separate /boot ext* partition? extlinux/syslinux seems to support btrfs since 4.00 and it is at 4.04 currently08:59
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bkalingaHi All,09:00
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bkalingafor developing your own meego touch application what SKD,Emulator,IDE you all are using09:01
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befordmeego sdk, qemu/realdevice, qtcreator09:02
bkalingacould you share this info with i am totaly confused ...and sure whether i am on right  track09:02
bkalingabeford: iam using meego1.1.90 and qemu as emulator09:03
bkalingawhen try to create a small test application using qtcreator and run it on qemu09:04
bkalingait takes a long time09:04
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bkalingaevery transition takes a hell lot of time09:04
befordI suppose it depends on the specs/features of your machine09:04
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beforddoes it support virtualization? I think it is used to get a faster emulation09:05
bkalingai am using ubuntu 10.0409:05
befordhw specs09:05
bkalingayes VT is enabled in the bios09:05
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befordthere is something on the wiki to check about it, let me see09:06
bkalingayeah yeah, all pre-requsite already met09:07
befordglxinfo|grep renderer09:07
bkalingaOpenGL renderer string: Quadro NVS 295/PCI/SSE209:08
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befordcheck that site09:09
befordwell so you have hw accelerated graphics, it should help with the performance09:09
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bkalingau are able to test MTF test app on qemu?09:10
befordI don't use the SDK sorry09:10
befordbut check those steps, if all of them are ok then you might want to ask on the mailing list, or wait until someone else to help here09:11
bkalingaSo you agree that , what ever i have is an ideal set up for developing a meego application09:12
beford^ check vt support, kvm loaded, and graphics hw acceleration.  You seem to have graphics hw acceleration, not sure about the other too, follow the steps and check it, if all of them are okay, I believe that you should get a decent performance with the emulator09:14
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bkalingaok thank beford09:15
bkalingakvm_intel              39448  309:15
bkalingakvm                   245253  1 kvm_intel09:16
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bkalingaabove is the o/p of lsmod | grep kvm09:16
befordso kvm is ok too09:16
bkalingathis mean VT is enabled..right?09:16
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bkalinga egrep '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo also shows decent out put09:17
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bkalingaprocessor speed that vital...but it is some what recent PC09:20
bkalingamodel name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           W3505  @ 2.53GHz09:20
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bkalingai have dual processor09:20
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befordyea that machine should be more than enough :P09:24
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Myrttiyay a new daily09:31
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bkalingabeford: One more doubt i have; qemu is a better option for development point or chroot option is better09:33
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befordbkalinga, what are you developing, ARM or x86?09:34
befordI believe chroot + Xephyr can be faster09:34
bkalingacurrently, i dont have a device09:35
bkalingaso what ever i do i need to see that in an emulator09:35
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bkalingawith this : Quadro NVS 295/PCI/SSE2 chroot+ Xephyr will work??09:36
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befordI really don't know, sorry09:37
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Myrttiwould be awesome if there'd be md5sums too :-/09:49
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peisanenIonutGavaz: hi, are you joining meego-qa meeting at meego-meeting ?10:05
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Myrtticould someone tell me what the facebook integration on the tablet UX is supposed to look like or do?10:10
MyrttiI'm intrigued10:10
Myrttialso would be nice to know why twitter was in the intel image and now it's not10:11
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befordtwitter api/tos change I believe10:11
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Myrttier, right.10:13
MyrttiI thought the api change was in october or something10:14
Myrttibut oh well10:14
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befordI got  the tablet UX on my tablet, but the touchscreen is not compatible with the new input method, so I just get to see the lock screen and shutdown logo when I press the halt button.10:15
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MyrttiI think I'll stick with the Wetab OS for now, it is atleast somewhat useful10:16
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jonnorbeford: what do you expect to see when you press the halt button?10:21
Myrttijonnor: perhaps the point was that it's the only interaction available?10:22
jonnoroh. Too early :)10:23
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poutsithe qt creator from intel's windows sdk package fails to run the wizard-generated qt quick app project for the desktop target :/11:47
poutsion xp11:47
poutsianyone else tried? it complains about the "copying application data" build phase, saying "invalid number of parameters"11:48
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poutsimaybe it just needs another reboot for good measure :p11:55
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poutsiffs, did the sdk really just render my winxp laptop non-booting?12:00
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befordhopefully no?12:01
lbtpoutsi: I found a way to do that to my ExoPC using the SDK yesterday :)   set umask to 0007 and install to /usr/bin/<app> .... ouch!12:01
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lbthowever.... I reported it and they're working on it now.... can't ask for much more12:01
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Stskeepslbt: so, i deleted Project:DE:Trunk:Testing, relinking it with <link, and it happens still12:02
Stskeepslbt: so i'm wondering if we're hitting a genuine OBS bug12:03
poutsi:D okay, I just had a usb stick attached, it hung trying to boot from that :p12:03
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lbtStskeeps: possible... it's on my 'open list' ... if you want to chase in #obs though... we just had a phost go down (main web/app!)12:04
Stskeepsi'll look at that later12:04
lbtkeep me in the loop and nag me though12:04
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lbtwe have some hardware issues on all web resources (except c.obs) affected12:18
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poutsiit seems shadow builds are broken on the intel winxp sdk12:34
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arfollwhat rpm changes the /etc/sysconfig/uxlaunch file in meego so it boots a window manager?13:43
arfolldon't care if it's for netbookUX/n900/tablet whatever13:43
arfollit's the ks?13:43
arfollStskeeps, for example I don't see it here :
Stskeepswell desktop line does it in handset13:44
alteregof'ing dl speed is dire today ..13:45
arfollStskeeps, ok does look like the handset does it that way, thanks alot13:45
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arfollalso in an RPM spec how do I specify which runlevel I want my service to run at? I manage to get it added the chkconfig list but even by manually putting chkconfig --levels 5 on my service still doesn't start13:47
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thiagoarfoll: usually, you set the level in the init.d file13:47
thiagochkconfig reads it and applies as default13:48
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arfollthiago, ok then where is it here for example :
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* arfoll thinks he's got it13:55
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jbosi wonder when can we expect final sessions?14:26
jbosiiuc there are still sessions left which still need to get approved14:27
Stskeepsthere's BoFs and some that got reclassified as BoFs yet14:27
jbossorry BoFs?14:28
Stskeepsbird of feather sessions?14:29
bkalingaWhy qtcreator customized for Meego does not support member completion functionality, which is available in other platforms14:30
jbosi see stskeeps14:30
jboscan we expect more sessions to get accepted?14:31
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jbosI mean its only a month and for me its like if my get accepted i get sponsored to join the conf. if not... well i mostlike will have more fun in getting sponsoring14:32
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Stskeepsthe ones in 'accepted' and are the accepted ones14:32
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Stskeepswe have 20% slots open for late breaking news, can't be a proposal proposed before and opens 2 weeks before conference. doesn't qualify for sponsorship14:33
jbosso the accepted sessions and the list are final?14:34
jbosno more proposed are going to join in14:34
X-FadeStskeeps: Weren't the speaker instructions supposed to go out last week?14:35
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jbosyes, i got confused since on the mailinglist is a claim that currently we see the "first wave"14:35
StskeepsX-Fade: yesss..14:35
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X-FadeStskeeps: supposed ;)14:35
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jbosso it sounded like there are a lot more to come14:35
Stskeepsjbos: yes..14:36
jbosso is there still chance that my peregrine proposal is going to get accepted?14:36
Stskeepswe had the unthankful job of having to sort 180 fantastic proposals and only accept 72 (+ bofs)14:38
Stskeepsso if you're not on that list, it didn't make the cut14:38
alteregoWhat list?14:39
Robot101jbos: hey don't worry, there's not even any talk about Telepathy at all.14:39
alteregoThere's a list!?14:39
alteregoRobot101: aww :(14:39
Stskeepsthere should come decline mails out today, i hope14:39
Stskeeps[13:32] <Stskeeps> we have 20% slots open for late breaking news, can't be a  proposal proposed before and opens 2 weeks before  conference. doesn't qualify for sponsorship14:39
Stskeepsis still open though14:39
Stskeeps20% is not exact number14:39
alteregoOh yeah, I'm not on there :)14:40
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alteregoThough, if I get sponsorship, I'm likely to be talking a little in sabotages' talk on the dialer.14:41
alteregoIf he still wants me :D14:41
Stskeepsthe mails with acceptance/decline has been a bit confused and some never got them, including myself :)14:42
Myrttimine is accepted?14:42
Myrttiahem. YAY14:42
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MyrttiStskeeps: why aren't the ones in the pastie list on the site as accepted?14:43
StskeepsMyrtti: messup somewhere14:44
Stskeepsgive it time, i've pushed it14:44
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Myrtti:-D :-D :-D14:44
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alteregoI guess my chances of sponsorship have sunk then :D14:46
Stskeepsno idea, tbh :)14:46
Stskeepsdifferent department14:46
alteregoThat smilie is the comedic mask I stick on when I'm crying.14:46
Myrttiwell, either way, I suppose this means that I really have to learn how to inject the damned Klexane sometime soon14:47
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MyrttiI might even be able schedule wise to actually be at the conference14:53
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edheldilHi all, is there SimToolkit in meego for n900?14:57
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Stskeepsnot sure if ofono has that support14:59
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lbtReissumies: also on the 'anyone else doing webkit2' topic : ask on meego-community and meego-dev mailing lists (and here)15:21
Myrttimy brain has turned into British mush15:21
lbtan improvement then?15:21
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MyrttiI don't know, but I started parsing the nickname as Re-issumi-es instead of the Finnish word15:22
Myrttia slight wtf moment "That isn't English, wth is lbt talking about" ... "aw crap"15:23
Myrttifollowed by facepalm15:23
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luisthey guys.. we make our own version of meego here with some customizations... is it possible to use AppUp store with our own applications?16:42
Stskeepsbetter to ask the appup guys :)16:42
berndhsyeah they would know16:43
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gabrbeddluist: I think you would need to make your apps MeeGo Compliant and also use the AppUp SDK (a DRM-like thing).16:43
gabrbeddluist: MeeGo Compliant apps have no deps outside of MeeGo core, and are installed in /opt/<companyname>/ (or something like that)16:44
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luistgabrbedd, got it... but its possible to make our own server for the applications and stuff16:45
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luistgabrbedd, also for the web part16:46
gabrbeddluist: Yeah, you'll need to contact the AppUp guys.  :-)16:46
luistgabrbedd, is there any channel here for this?16:46
Myrttitheir email16:47
Myrtticorporate drones aren't known for their IRC fu16:47
gabrbeddluist: I don't know.  AppUp feels very windows-ey... so it's all forums and stuff.  I don't know of any ML's or IRC channels.16:47
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luistgabrbedd, hm... okay. know any site that i can check the current appup applications?16:48
gabrbeddluist: ^^ what arfoll said16:49
gabrbeddAFAIk they're not up-to-speed on delivering MeeGo apps, yet... but I haven't been tracking it closely.  It's clear that they believe their future is in MeeGo apps, tho.16:49
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luisthm.. i can only find windows installer there16:50
Myrttibecause only windows installer is "in gold"16:50
arfollluist, unfortunately the appup people seem stuck in the belief that people will want to create MeeGo apps in windows16:50
Myrttimeego one is in alpha state still16:50
gabrbeddluist: Looks like they took down the Moblin one.  It was there before, though.16:51
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Myrttiluist, gabrbedd
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luistMyrtti, yes that will allow me to: Submit your app to the Intel AppUp center16:53
luistbtw i want to make my own "center"16:53
gabrbeddMyrtti: I think he's talking about the app-store app... so that you can buy apps for your MeeGo device.16:53
Myrttithe Intel AppUp client for meego netbooks and tablets is on downloadable on the page I just linked16:54
gabrbeddMyrtti: sorry... I didn't look. Thanks! :-)16:54
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tomeufwiw and depending on your requirements, a possibility is to adapt addons.mozilla.org16:56
tomeuhas been done before with good results16:56
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Myrttiand for further questions I'm sure Bjoern Taubert is more than willing to oblige16:57
Myrttihe seemed like a nice chap, talking about AppUp in Tampere last weekend16:57
Myrttiwell, Bjรถrn actually.16:58
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Myrttianyhoo, I need to pack my backpack to head out to our local meego network meetup16:58
dm8tbrMyrtti: depending on country of origin this is the same last name in both cases17:00
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lbtluist: there was a talk about appup last weekend in Tampere17:04
lbtthere is only a single appup centre - all apps go to it... all vendors use it. it's closed. It has a huge billing system etc17:05
lbtif you want an app-store then use the meego apps store ...apps-beta.meego.com17:05
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lbtOTOH if you want a nice distribution channel... use appup17:06
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Aardlbt: how get the applications in selected?17:08
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lbtAard: what do you mean? get an app into the list? or download one that is there now?17:09
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Aardhow do they get in the list. I just noticed that kde-mobile and calligra are listed there, which imo is bullshit17:09
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Aardnetbook contains stuff from core as well17:10
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gabrbeddlbt luist : IIRC, the AppUp plan is that vendors would be able to create their own store-fronts in AppUp.17:16
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lbtyep ... white label only... same backend17:16
gabrbeddIt would be based on AppUp, served by AppUp... but would look/feel the way you want it.17:16
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lbtAard: manually as tests by X-Fade today...17:17
lbtAard: normally from MeeGo:Apps:*17:17
Aardlbt: and how/what stuff is supposed to go in there in the future? there are some things in my home probably other people might be interested in as well (mostly home:bwachter:nfs-support and home:bwachter:desktop)17:18
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lbtAard: simple answer: they don't go in Apps. complex answer:....17:20
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lbtI propose both Apps+ and Surrounds17:21
lbtSurrounds is 'non-gui stuff'17:21
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lbtApps+ depends on stuff in Apps+/Surrounds17:21
Aardwell, if you have figured out the details, _and_ would like some of the stuff I'm doing in my freetime in there ping me ;)17:22
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arfollarg! why does OBS not let you use binary git patches!18:18
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gabrbeddarfoll: Because rpm is using diff/patch and not git18:21
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arfollgabrbedd, and are git binary diffs different to normal unary diffs?18:27
arfollis there a way of transforming one into another?18:28
gabrbeddarfoll: git binary diffs are a "proprietary" git extension.18:30
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gabrbeddarfoll: Typical practice is to include whatever binary objects you have along with the .spec file, and then inside the spec file fire off commands to copy them into the source tree.18:31
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arfollgabrbedd, but in this case that would be really ugly, i guess I may aswell redo a tarball18:33
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lbtyou could, you know.... ask.... on meego-packaging..... and then document a policy/best-practice :)18:34
lbt(should be done by august)18:35
arfolllbt, that would be really nice18:35
gabrbeddarfoll: Or put your blobs in a tarball...18:35
gabrbeddarfoll: But lbt has me doubting myself on whether I've told you right or not....  :-p18:35
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arfolli hate the amount of work this stupid png has brought me18:36
lbtalthough... may be better to think and then *tell* people, then let them edit the wiki if they disagree18:36
lbtthoughts : small images (png), mp3 files, firmware... etc18:37
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lbtespecially for more 'app' type packages18:37
arfolli guess i'll have to think about it while eating easter chocolates :-)18:38
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lbtDawnFoster: ping19:05
lbtwhen you're awake :)19:05
DawnFosterhey lbt19:05
DawnFosterI've been awake for 3 hours :)19:06
DawnFosterit's 9am here & I'm an early bird who gets up at 6am19:06
lbtI tend to the other end of the day19:07
DawnFosteryeah, and I'm dozing off on the couch by 9/10pm19:07
lbtalthough sunday was up at 4:45am ... and that was 2:45am UK time...19:07
lbtworked through to 11pm ... long day that one :)19:07
lbtanyhoo (as your neighbours would say)19:08
lbtWould you care to register on  (and dneary if you're around)19:08
dnearyIs the meeting on now?19:08
* lbt has images of the startled doormouse from alice in wonderland19:08
dnearyOr am I still on winter time?19:08
* alterego chuckles:
alteregoThe quote at the end tickles me.19:09
lbtyep - I like that19:09
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berndhswell, 500 *is* better than 25019:10
lbtinteresting that we're now competing significantly at mech-eng problems19:10
alteregoYes, obviously the higher the better in this industry :D19:10
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lbtdneary: once you two have accounts I'll add you to the IT section and explain some stuff19:11
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lbtshould be very useful for trend info19:11
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dnearylbt, what are you spamming me with now? :)19:13
lbtI'm going to put external monitoring for on there19:13
lbtif you like it as a UI and data access19:13
lbtthen you can also get arbitrary json published data19:14
lbteg #users19:14
lbt#logins today19:14
dnearyalterego, That's the wrong checklist19:14
lbtit's a consolidation and monitor/alert service19:14
lbtfocus is on "management reporting"19:14
dnearySo what do I do?19:14
lbttell me the details, I add you to the demo account19:15
lbtsame for DawnFoster19:15
alteregoSounds like you're spying on us :P19:15
dnearyIs this your company?19:15
lbtused them before based on recommendation19:16
dneary"I have read the terms and conditions" checkbox... yeah right19:16
DawnFosterhave we checked with Mike / Adam before setting this up?19:16
DawnFosterwe need to check with Mike / Adam, too19:16
lbtyeah... I am on that team :) we do talk :)19:17
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lbtyou do know that was down for about an hour this am19:17
lbtno one knew19:17
lbts/would have known/19:17
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lbtso this adresses that issue19:18
ericlrlbt: it was noticeable...19:18
lbtit's also *may* be useful to you two ... if you want I'll help make it useful19:18
lbtif you want to mess about with nagios then feel free19:18
lbtericlr: yeah ... bugs went down ... that was important :)19:19
dnearylbt, Registered19:19
lbtericlr: feel free to register too - do you have monitor/report/trend info systems for bz?19:20
lbtif not this may be an easy fix... if you do then no real need19:20
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lbtdneary: you've been invited19:23
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ericlrlbt: nothing I personally monitor but Steve or Stefano might have something...19:24
lbtdneary: I've added you read-only ... of course we can change that ... lets see how that goes19:24
lbtericlr: OK - I suspect it'll be more for people wanting to trend metrics on multiple services19:25
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ericlrlbt: hmm, having a look at the site doesn't give me a feeling I should register ;)19:26
dnearylbt, So what am I looking at now?19:27
lbtericlr: it's a commercial nagios-style system with management graphs19:27
dnearyI got to the spying dashboard19:27
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dnearyI have a world map showing me the location of our agents19:27
ericlrlbt: looks very nice but I reckon not my "cup of tea"19:27
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dnearyericlr, I'm just about to make Verveine Mint.19:28
dnearySuit you better?19:28
lbtericlr: most techs say "just use nagios" ... I say "sure... if you can set it up and run it for $40+/month... go for it"19:29
lbtdneary: try the dashboard19:29
lbtthere's just a couple of graphs for now19:29
dnearyYeah - that's the one with the agents19:29
ericlrdneary: in my timezone Verveine is almost right time to enjoy ;)19:30
lbtdneary: trending?19:30
dnearyericlr, which tz is that?19:30
ericlrlbt: ehe, Stefano might say that ;)19:30
dnearylbt, Ah, right web responsiveness19:31
dnearyDown at the bottom of the page. I missed it19:31
dnearyericlr, .fi?19:31
dnearyericlr, I'm in .fr19:31
ericlryes Dave19:31
dnearyAre you a Frenchman, by any chance?19:31
ericlryes I remember that19:31
ericlryes I am19:32
ericlrbut I live in HEL19:32
dnearyI'm not French, by I play one on TV.19:33
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dneary(j'habite ร  Lyon)19:33
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ericlrdneary: (trรจs jolie ville !)19:34
ericlrbtw, have you had a chance to check the QA dashboard demo? Any feedback?19:36
dnearyericlr, Je suis d'accord... surtout ร  l'extรฉrieur19:36
dnearyI have not19:36
dnearyWhich dashboard?19:36
dnearyI'm not on the qa list19:36
ericlrdneary: partout pareil, ร  visiter c'est toujours mieux qu'y vivre :P19:36
ericlroh so you might want to have a quick look here:
dnearyNan! Je veux dire: les monts du Lyonnais, Beaujolais, les Monts d'Or, le pays de Tarare, la Dombe, ...19:37
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lbtdneary: meh ... made you an admin19:37
dnearyericlr, Very nice!19:38
ericlrok ! Oui, en effet quelle rรฉgion magnifique !19:38
lbtjust in case I was supposed to add you to a group or something19:38
dnearyI like the Florence Nightingale wedge graphs19:38
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dnearyericlr, I like running & walking, so I'm a bit spoiled around here19:38
ericlrJe suis de Bretagne mais je connais un peu la rรฉgion Lyonnaise..19:38
ericlrdneary: indeed, spoiled ;)19:39
dnearyIn the process of moving to Chaponost, south west of Perrache, and just at the start of the Monts du Lyonnais19:39
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ericlrlbt: you saw the dashboard, right?19:39
dnearyUntil now, I was in Lyon 3eme, so to get to Miribel Jonage (for example) I had to go 10km19:39
lbtericlr: only just now19:39
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ericlrdneary: is this a small village Chaponost?19:40
dnearyericlr, What's ICDK?19:40
dnearyericlr, Yes19:40
dnearyericlr, Near Brignais19:40
dnearyWhere are you from?19:40
lbtdneary: OK - have a look/play ... if you're interested let me know. If not that's fine19:40
dnearylbt, I'll add it to the stack19:40
dnearyCan you remind me again in a couple of weeks?19:40
dnearyI really do have to get a move-on re - now that I have a VM, I still haven't got everything set up there19:41
ericlrlbt: this is another thing I'd like to integrate, I mean test results directly visible in a bug report...19:41
lbtI'm not the best at that ...19:41
lbtericlr: yes - that'd make sense19:41
lbtdneary: when it comes up ... at least now you've seen it :)19:42
ericlrdneary: ICDK? some specific HW or?19:42
dnearyericlr, In the dashboard19:42
dnearyThere are 2 tabs at the top, N900 & ICDK19:42
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ericlrdneary: I need to check on google maps ;) I was born in St Malo, lived in Rennes long time then moved to Paris and now HEL19:43
lbtdneary: DawnFoster:  what I would say is it may be worth spending a little time setting it up... 'cos you have to leave it to collect data before it makes much sense19:43
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ericlrdneary: I assume this is some other HW than N900, makes sense no?19:44
dnearyericlr, I assumed the same thing :)19:45
dnearylbt, I agree19:45
dnearylbt, And you have to know what you're instrumenting first19:46
ericlrlbt: I know it's not your area but it gives you an idea of all integrated bugzilla view eg. at a glance you see what's really cooking and for in depth or hollisitic view you can check the relevant dashboard, QA, bugs, integration etc...19:46
dnearylbt, What kind of things can this instrument?19:46
dnearyConcurrent sessions, things like that?19:46
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lbtdneary: it can measure things externally as per normal ... service response etc19:49
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lbtit can also query for a set of json metrics19:49
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lbtso if you have internal instrumentation that responds on a known port to an http response... you send json data out and you can graph it19:50
lbtso, yes... anything. Including concurrent sessions19:51
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lbtericlr: hmmm19:51
npmfyi: if you've got json data, it's pretty easy to massage it into format used by
lbtnpm: I'd be delighted to use and promote an OSS solution (this circonus is actually mainly OSS AFAIUI)19:52
lbtnpm: the main issue is the time... which == $$$19:53
npmi'm a committer ... it's opensource19:53
npmstuff i built w/ it:
lbtnpm yep - when it's integrated into nagios...19:54
lbtping mord about it though19:54
lbtand LoCusF19:55
npmjust an FYI... you've at least seen the simile widgets timeline used in many places19:55
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lbtericlr: how would you link bug->test results?19:56
lbtbug metadata?19:56
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npmlooks like someone already integrated bugzilla w/ exhibit20:00
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npmsadly...  along w/ the 2009 date is bitrot on the timeline view in above sample unless you use an old browser20:10
npmwhich is one of the reasons why i've been glad to go back to compiling C/C++ :-)20:10
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ericlrlbt: just as you can see in the QA dashboard demo, a bug fails one or several test cases and we would just get this info back into a combobox visible in the bug report20:12
lbtI'm wondering where/how the bug->testcase relationship is stored managed20:13
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lbtlooking at the top blocker : 1424120:14
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lbthow do I see which test cases it fails ?20:15
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ericlrlbt: good point, but I understood tht one of the widget should be able to display this info, can't tell where or how it's stored though - I'll meet the guys soon and will let you know20:18
ericlrjust like the overall concept of full tracking from bugzilla ;)20:18
CosmoHillanyone in here used LuxRender?20:19
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LoCusFlbt: ?20:23
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* gabrbedd always sees the blue pengine on and thinks, "Look! There's lbt!!"20:26
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the-gibson|homeIm trying to setup a boot strap and I the url on the wiki is outofdate or down, could someone give me a current one?20:28
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the-gibson|homethe command i got off the wiki: sudo mic-create-bootstrap -n trunk -k ./tmp/cache -r -o ./bootstrap20:29
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lbtLoCusF: the ... no idea if it's relevant20:50
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lbtLoCusF: you filled up /var on revs220:55
lbtbad LoCusF20:55
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luisthey guys.. im listing some plugins that i consider important to have on my meego, like: AdobeReader_enu, flash-player, flash-plugin, gstreamer-ffmpeg, gst-plugins-ugly. What else would you suggest?20:58
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thiagoyou plug headphones in21:04
gabrbeddluist: It's a joke.  sorry.  :-)21:07
luisti just got it21:07
luistwasnt even trying...21:07
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gabrbeddMaybe moonlight... it's getting more common these days.21:08
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gabrbeddAlso the google talk plugin.21:08
gabrbeddAlthough I tried it once with MeeGo and it resulted in a #fail21:09
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Myrttiwell that was somewhat fun21:19
MyrttiI hate USB sticks :-(21:19
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luistgabrbedd, so no google talk for meego :(21:25
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gabrbeddluist: I just said I tried it once... I didn't say I tried /hard/ :-)21:27
gabriel9anyone available can answer this question: Do i need to manually install MADDE if i have Qt 4.7.2 installed?21:29
gabriel9i use ArchLinux21:29
gabriel9i wish to try meego, i have some coding experience with Qt21:30
gabriel9also i have 2.1.0 version of QtCreator21:31
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luistgabrbedd, well there are some rpm packages for that already.. maybe if...21:36
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npmgoogle talk works just fine for me... (i cheat: )21:47
* npm realizes should get rid of punctuation in titles...21:48
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npmalthough with 1.2 and meego-app-browser variant of chromium, I retract the "newer and featureful", versus google-chrome, but beware "about:sandbox" bug21:54
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npm( )21:56
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MeeGoBotBug 16284 nor, Undecided, ---,, NEW, Chromium browser sandbox feature is not working in MeeGo builds21:56
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Stskeepsarfoll: so what are you submitting?22:07
Stskeeps(to trunk:testing)22:07
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arfollStskeeps, meego TV 1.2 UI22:07
MeeGoBotBug 16353 cri, Undecided, ---, brendan, ACCE, [FEA] MeeGo TV 1.2 release will use XBMC as reference UI22:07
arfollam i doing something wrong?22:08
Stskeepsno, but i might have some comments on the codecs like faad :P22:08
Stskeepsas it was my understanding we can't legally include it22:08
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arfollStskeeps. I'm going to leave other people to answer these questions. I just don't know22:09
Stskeepsso don't take it as malice when i just bought it up on meego-packaging@ :) looking forward to seeing it in meego in some form22:10
Stskeepsheh heh, libass22:10
arfolllol yeah those subtitles are having a laugh22:10
arfollStskeeps, no offense taken.22:11
* arfoll wants to reply "tasty" to Stskeeps's mail22:12
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Stskeepsmm bacon22:17
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* CosmoHill slaps VMware for using the 54g wifi instead of the GbE network22:20
* CosmoHill stabs Rocks (distro) for shitting on his plans22:24
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* npm fingers crossed on reboot22:26
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iekkuStskeeps, some how i started to imagine that you have homer's voice22:28
Stskeepsiekku: that's not good.22:28
iekkuStskeeps, it was, hmmm, weird22:28
iekkuStskeeps, but i didn't imagine homer simpson having your voice, that would be even more weird22:29
alteregoOoo, someones looking for some Qt devs22:30
iekkuStskeeps, hahhahahah22:30
berndhsalterego: where ? I need income22:31
alteregoMe too :P22:31
alteregoIt was on the MeeGo linked in network22:31
alteregolinkedin ..22:31
berndhswell, India is kinda far away for me22:32
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Stskeepsnot a time to be picky22:34
alteregoIt's in India?22:34
berndhsi suppose if they pay for the trip22:34
berndhssays Bangalore/Noida22:35
miheroit's warm there so not much money needed for clothing:)22:35
berndhsyeah and I hear housing is quite reasonable too22:35
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alteregoOooo, the guy that posted it is from India22:35
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LoCusFlbt: oh :D22:43
vgradealterego, evening, still on for tomorrow22:44
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alteregovgrade: certainly :)22:51
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vgradealterego, see you there.23:09
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gabriel9ok meego guys can someone tell me do i need all this stuff for meego development if i have already installed QtCreator and i can make desktop applications?23:11
gabriel9you see that stuff in sources23:11
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alteregovgrade: :)23:15
vgradeCambridge UK MeeGo Meet. When, Wednesday, April 20 ยท 7:30pm - 10:30pm, Where, Clowns, Cambridge 54 King Street23:16
gabriel9anyone :D23:17
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gabrbeddgabriel9: You might have better luck on the meego-sdk ML.23:22
gabriel9maybe :/ there is just to many versions and to many ways to do simple stuff. And i did not start coding. :D23:23
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