IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2011-03-04

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kitestudentHi X-Fade, I try to get access to the community OBS. The Wiki says you are the one to ask?00:01
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CosmoHillkitestudent: hi, do you intend to use the OBS only for open source software and do you have an account on
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jonnorjasonlife: if you have the sources, just build it on Meego :)00:04
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kitestudentCosmoHill: Yes, I'm student at FH-SWF. We are working with gumstix Overo Fire. Meego is my choice for doing Image processing. So I want to provide a patched Kernel for Overo fire with OBS00:04
CosmoHillthe kernel is part of the core which you won't be able to affect from the OBS00:05
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CosmoHillI'm unfamiliar with the process of submiting a patch00:06
kitestudentCosmoHill, ah okay.... whats the way to provide an up to date kernel for a different device.00:06
CosmoHillis it a ARM device?00:07
kitestudent... I thought it would be easy if the kernel can be installed to meego by selecting a package from repository with kickstart file....  is that the wrong way?00:08
kitestudentyes it's omap3 ARM00:08
CosmoHillI'm getting out of my depth here, maybe lbt can help00:08
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CosmoHillyou might be interested in #meego-arm00:08
kitestudent:-D  okay.... thanks.... so can you give me a short statement what i am able to build with community OBS?00:09
jonnorkitestudent: yes, you can build a custom kernel using OBS and use that package for your images00:09
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kitestudenthi jonner, how does it work? Did I need access to OBS or Community OBS?00:10
CosmoHillkitestudent: if you tell X-Fade your account he should be able to get you one00:11
kitestudentCosmoHill, okay, can I use the account for both OBS?00:13
CosmoHillyou register on and then your account is enabled on OBS when you ask nicely :)00:13
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kitestudentCosmoHill, okay thanks..... so it seems that X-Fade is not here right now ;-)00:16
kitestudenttime to wait00:16
CosmoHill~seen X-Fade00:17
infobotx-fade is currently on #meego (3h 53m 35s), last said: 'Nah, is documented. And USB->ttl convertor is $2 on ebay :)'.00:17
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thiagoit should say "dude, that person is in this channel"00:18
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CosmoHillthiago along with 490 other people, all engaged in active conversation :p00:19
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lardmanme considers looking at an 80MB kernel diff00:21
lardmanme should also consider using /00:21
CosmoHillwhen you say looking, you mean vim?00:21
lardmanprobably gedit00:22
lardmanbut more of a look and decide what needs to be used00:22
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berndhslardman: what are you looking for in the 80 M ?00:29
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lardmanberndhs: planning to either backport xinput2 stuff to or better port the relevant Samsung stuff in that 80MB patch forward to the current Meego kernel (
gabrbeddlardman: both sound very un-phun.00:38
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lardmanyeah, might take some effort, really depends what is mainlined now00:39
lardmanso I need to sit down and compare the diffs, etc., but not something for this time of the evening00:39
gabrbeddlardman: I haven't seen the samsung patch... but you'll probably have fewer headaches trying to backport the kernel's MT stuff.00:40
thiagoxinput2 is at the X level00:40
thiagoit just needs the kernel to produce the MT information00:40
thiagoI thought 2.6.32 had it00:40
lardmanthiago: someone said it was around .35/3600:40
lardmanbut I don't know00:41
thiagoI think it's a new protocol00:41
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thiagobut I'm pretty sure the mtev driver in X can read both in00:41
gabrbeddthiago: dunno.  There was some stuff added around .36 that's part of the kernel's new MT protocal.00:41
lardmanI'll have to take a look at the Tab touchscreen driver vs the N900 one which is working, see what they produce00:41
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gabrbeddIn the kernel, the mtdev input driver was specifically hijacking 3 or 4 specific devices.00:43
gabrbeddBut I don't think the mtdev logic was rocket science to adapt to a new device.00:44
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gabrbeddand the samsung's touch device may already be part of it.00:44
gabrbeddi.e. I think thiago's right (as usual) and mtdev is the path of least resistance.00:45
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lardmanor is it mtdev?00:47
* lardman looks to see what is in his xorg.conf00:47
lardmanyeah mtev, is that the same thing?00:48
gabrbeddlardman: I've seen them mixed interchangeably.  But I yeah, mtev and mtdev are more or less the same thing.00:48
gabrbeddlardman: However, one may be the kernel name and the other the xorg name00:48
lardmanah, but not quite apparently, ok, I was wondering if it was a typo00:48
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gabrbeddI never really had clarity on the oft-missing d.00:49
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gabrbeddWhen you have the kernel driver installed, there's a device called /dev/intput/mtev (or mtdev).00:51
gabrbeddThe xf86-input-mtdev driver sees this, and takes control of it.00:51
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gabrbedderrr... listens to it.00:52
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gabrbeddlardman: Now, how the messages get processed by Qt... I don't know how that works.  :-)00:54
lardmanyeah, all seems to be a bit of a black art :)00:55
lardmanbut I know that the N900 works, so plan to copy the setup there and see where I can get to00:55
lardmanwell it has touch at least, who knows about mt00:55
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gabrbeddlardman: If the VENDOR:DEVICE id for your touchscreen is already in the kernel driver/patch, then chances are you'll have an easy road.01:02
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lardmanI've generated a diff of the samsung tarball vs the vanilla kernel01:07
lardmanso I'll have a look and see what of that is now in mainline, if anything, and also what looks necessary01:07
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lardmancatch you all tomorrow, bed time01:12
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ngharoanyone else running meego on a google cr-48?01:37
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Venemongharo: what is a google cr-48?01:41
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ngharolaptop pilot hardware google gave out originally running that crummy chromeos ;)01:42
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piercengharo: are you running meego on it?01:51
piercengharo: curious to know how it runs01:51
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piercelbt: hey there01:54
lbthey pierce01:55
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lbtjust gotten in from a ski course01:55
piercenifty, so you aren't logged in from you phone while going down the mountain?01:56
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ngharopierce: yes i am.  It runs great.02:07
piercebummed that I missed the beta02:07
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pierceI guess I assumed that it would go forever, and was just too lazy to sign up :-p02:07
ngharoi'm working on kernel mods to enable the GPS and 3G inside02:07
pierceoh nice02:08
piercewhat kind of 3g hardware does it have in it?02:08
piercealso did the cr-48 come with free 3g service?02:09
ngharoBus 001 Device 012: ID 1410:a010 Novatel Wireless02:09
ngharo3g and gps both on that device02:09
ngharoyep, free 100mb of 3g per month02:09
ngharoi actually have gps working already by compiling the chromium kernel and running it02:10
pierce100mb ?  that's like 3 hours of browsing reddit02:10
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ngharobut i'm afraid it's got crummy btrfs support02:10
ngharothough, it could just be btrfs that is crummy in general from what i'm seeing :/02:10
piercesadly that might be closer to the truth02:11
pierceit has potential :-D02:11
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ngharothe free space quirks are killing me02:11
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ngharoFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on02:12
ngharo/dev/sda2              15G  9.3G  3.8G  72% /02:12
ngharoi'll get out of space errors within a couple hundred megs no doubt02:12
pierceto the cloud!02:12
ngharoi did a btrfs balance last night which brought df numbers in line with real usage02:13
ngharobut an hour later and they were fucked up again02:13
piercehow long did the balance take?02:13
ngharonot long (small SSD)02:13
ngharo20 mins maybe02:13
ngharoim going to be tar'ing up my root and formatting to ext402:14
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TSCHAKeeedamn, did nobody answer my question? or did it scroll off?02:41
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CosmoHillTSCHAKeee: scrolled off02:45
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TSCHAKeeeoop sorry, CosmoHill, can you paste in privmsg?02:45
CosmoHillI mean your question scrolled off02:46
CosmoHilland why don't you look at the public logs?02:46
TSCHAKeeehmm good question02:46
TSCHAKeeedid'nt know we had02:46
CosmoHillit's the 3rd thing in the topic02:47
pixelgeek1Here's a question that my Google fu is not revealing an answer to - Is is possible to boot MeeGo without X from the USB image?  Maybe by changing the options on the Boot MeeGo line?02:47
CosmoHillpixelgeek1: replace "quiet" with "3"02:48
pixelgeek1thank you.02:48
CosmoHillthis will boot Meego into run level 3 which doesn't load X, this run level also has greater hardware support02:48
CosmoHillrun level 5 is regular X and run level 4 is the installer02:48
pixelgeek1Unfortunately I'm still getting a bunch of error messages.02:49
pixelgeek1I knew that was what I was looking for - just didn't know the right incantation.02:49
ngharowhat is it failing on?02:49
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pixelgeek1ngharo: I'd rather not say right now :)02:51
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pixelgeek1Thanks CosmoHill - 'night!03:05
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TSCHAKeeewould be nice if someone answered my question someday03:31
berndhsTSCHAKeee: yeah03:31
TSCHAKeeei've got packages that are built in OBS03:31
TSCHAKeeeand ready03:31
TSCHAKeeeam I the only person on the planet to have attempted this?03:31
TSCHAKeeehow am I supposed to use them?03:31
TSCHAKeeeam I expected to fetch them with getbinaries?03:31
berndhsyou install the repo with "zypper ar myrepofile.repo"03:32
berndhsthen you can install your packages03:32
TSCHAKeeewhere can I get the repo file?03:33
TSCHAKeeei have all my packages under home:tschak90903:34
berndhsits in the tree of home:/yourname  close to the top03:34
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vgradeTSCHAKeee, sec03:35
TSCHAKeeenope, all i have under my osc checked out copy03:35
TSCHAKeeeis my folders that I uploaded03:35
berndhshere somewhere
berndhsthere is tschak909 and tschak909:, dont know which is the right one03:36
TSCHAKeeejust tschak90903:36
vgradeTSCHAKeee, see, for an example of how to pull down packages from
TSCHAKeeevgrade: thank you03:38
vgradenp, sorry I did not see your previous question03:38
TSCHAKeeevgrade: the pattern you upload via osc, is that the same as patterns.xml?03:39
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vgradeTSCHAKeee, my only experiance of patterns is when bulding images with mic and they are used to pull in multiple packages ie MeeGo Core etc03:42
TSCHAKeeeyup i know03:42
TSCHAKeeei was just wanting to make a @Pluto Orbiter pattern, but that's okay03:42
vgrade, looks like it may help you03:43
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lolloo1.2 awesome! how do I install it on my N900?04:11
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Alison_ChaikenHey TSCHAKeee, I really enjoyed your demo and booth at SCALE.   The major benefit of meatspace meetings is serendipity.04:57
TSCHAKeeeAlison_Chaiken: indeed. I enjoyed meeting you as well.04:57
Alison_ChaikenSpeaking of which, my BoF for the April Embedded Linux Con is accepted, if not yet actually scheduled.   Anyone else planning to be there?  And want to give a presentation or discuss?04:57
TSCHAKeeemy schedule is open; Quim stopped by the booth and asked me to submit something for the MeeGo Summit...when is it?04:59
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GeneralAntillesTSCHAKeee: May 23-25th05:07
TSCHAKeeeoh i know about the summit05:07
TSCHAKeeeshe was talking about something else.05:07
GeneralAntilles ?05:08
GeneralAntillesWhy doesn't the registration form have a field for "student" . . .05:10
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npmdocuments "meegolem" hack as bug:
_MeeGoBot_Bug 14129 maj, Undecided, ---, yan.yin, NEW, DumbUser says "MeeGo is broken I can't watch my videos, hear my music, or receive podcasts and there05:56
ieatlintanybody know which package in meego provides
TSCHAKeeevgrade: can I get the latest ks you're using for the joggler?06:00
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TSCHAKeeeit seems the file paths have changed since the last time you changed the one on bug1073806:01
_MeeGoBot_Bug nor, Undecided, ---, tero.kojo, NEED, Meego community ftp server or similar needed06:01
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gabrbeddieatlint: libqtmultimediakit1 has
gabrbeddieatlint: I'm not sure if it's the same thing you're looking for, though.06:07
ieatlinthmmm.. maybe, but the name change is causing a linker to fail then06:08
ieatlintah, i've figured it out06:09
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ieatlintqtmultimedia is not part of qt-mobility on meego06:09
ieatlinti think06:09
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gabrbeddieatlint: yep.  looks like qt-mobility.06:17
gabrbeddieatlint: See
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jumentoushi, so i'm trying to build an image of meego netbook from the kickstart file at
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jumentousone of the groups that are requested in this file is @MeeGo Netbook Desktop which at contains the package moblin-gtk-engine06:46
jumentoushowever there is no package for this in the same repo06:46
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jumentousif i skip this group (i'd end up with an unusable desktop) but i get the same problem with X for Netbooks and libGL06:48
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jumentousneither of these files are reported in the build log at
jumentouswhat is happening here?06:49
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midtomhuhello everyone08:26
seungryehello.. too late?08:30
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* TSCHAKeee happies, OBS built packages, and they install from the repo onto my meego laptop and run just fine08:38
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timeless_w7ipandre: if you happen to be awake, please pong08:38
TSCHAKeeeorbiter runs.. now am trying to build a handset image for joggler, so i can have some sort of meegotouch ui08:39
timeless_w7ipoh, ali1234, on the subject of 'having components for everything',
timeless_w7ipthe advantage of micro managing components is that there's no way anyone will manage to get bugs to the right place08:45
Stskeepssupposedly we should be having a revamp mapping each package to a component08:45
Stskeepsbut not sure what happened to that08:45
timeless_w7ipwas there some place i should have heard about that?08:47
timeless_w7ip(not that i actually pay attn to enough such places)08:47
timeless_w7ipi like the lag on that bug08:47
timeless_w7ipand the resolution08:47
timeless_w7ipyeah, no. you can't call a crash notabug. you could use 'incomplete' or you could use 'worksforme'08:48
timeless_w7ipbut calling it 'notabug' is rude08:48
timeless_w7ip(and a lie)08:48
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vgradeTSCHAKeee, will add it to my list, when do you need it?09:10
TSCHAKeeeoh, i think i am pushing ahead09:10
TSCHAKeeedon't worry09:10
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vgradeTSCHAKeee, there have been a number of EMGD updates commited in the last week or so including a libva fix.  I may have a look at upgrading at the weekend09:12
TSCHAKeeei am working on the joggler and the archos9 as targets09:13
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TSCHAKeeei have orbiter now where it installs entirely as packages in mic209:13
TSCHAKeeenow i just need to put together enough of a UI to properly configure the network without any external hardware09:13
vgradecool, do you have pics, video?09:14
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TSCHAKeeevgrade: not yet09:16
TSCHAKeeeas i said09:16
TSCHAKeeei need to get more of the system up so i don't have to connect 50,000 things to it09:16
TSCHAKeeeotherwise it's more of the same09:16
TSCHAKeeei tried making a joggler stick, and it looks like it's just sitting at the O2 splash09:17
TSCHAKeeesoooo god only knows what happened, so i am trying archos909:17
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vgradeTSCHAKeee, you bunziped before dd?09:55
vgradeI sometimes get the stick not to boot.09:55
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vgradeare you using a hsb hub09:56
vgradeI always remove power from the hub after powering down the Joggler09:57
vgradeseesm to make the boot more consistent09:57
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djszapifrom dmesg: -> I do not see anything in the output of 'fdisk -l' after connecting the device to the host PC in mass storage mode, nor the N900 memory, nor even the mmc/sdcard partition table. What do I do wrong ?12:53
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djszapifrom lsusb: Bus 002 Device 005: ID 0421:01c7 Nokia Mobile Phones N900 (Storage Mode)12:54
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djszapimmh, I always get kernel panic if I try to reboot the N900 gadget even after a new 'dd' session with the meego handset version, what do I do wrong ?13:32
djszapiThe sdcard/mmc was written from an external sd reader from the host PC.13:33
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Stskeepsyou're ignoring me so i can't help you with that :)13:33
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djszapiMaemo5 boots just fine, but not the meego from the sdcard.13:36
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djszapiand I see exactly no output related to the Nokia gadget in the output of 'fdisk -l'.13:37
djszapieven the dmesg does not write anything wrong.13:37
djszapiI should at least see the internal memory...13:38
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djszapiand if I boot without the MMC/SDCARD I see the 29GB partition in a mass storage mode, no clue really...13:51
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djszapiis there any option to check the mmc from ubbot ?13:55
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djszapithat is the fsck stuff:
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djszapi -> what about this one ?14:16
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timakimawe (meego-qa-tools) released a new video about the concept how our testing tools support manual testing:
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timophmeego qa tools propaganda:
timophenjoy :)14:46
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timophtimakima: oh. you already pasted it :)14:46
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lcukn900hands up who knows what happens to tech (router) if a plastic bag of clothes is left ontop of it?14:48
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timophlcukn900: something funny?14:49
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andre__lcukn900, "this thread is worthless without pics."14:49
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lcukn900lol it outwardly had no problems but damn that was a hot router14:50
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* lcukn900 going getting new one14:51
lcukn900because no light are on14:51
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CosmoHillyou fried your router?14:51
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icuvhi all. wondering if there's anyone here bored enough to talk a little meego/other alt netbook oses15:56
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Stskeepsmorn gaojinl_15:57
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Stskeepsmorn GAN90015:57
GAN900Is anyone else once again confused by the registration and hotel reservation setup?15:57
GAN900Howdy, Stskeeps.15:58
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StskeepsGAN900: note it on mailing list asap ideally15:59
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icuvsuppose the biggest thing i'm wanting to hear is say, the pros of going with meego over jolicloud? (aside from cloud stuff)16:01
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icuvnot trolling or anything here. i've used both and i'd have thought i'd be able to answer my own question, but i'm still a little torn. anyone care to point out an advantage or two of meego for a non-dev?16:05
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icuvis this thing on? +v plz?16:21
GAN900Stskeeps, right.16:21
icuvright, well, you ladies and gents have yourselves a most excellent day.16:21
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wathekwhy do I have this QGestureManager::deliverEvent: could not find the target for gesture16:30
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lcuk3routers are resiliant!  the one that died earlier came back on after completely cooling down16:44
* lcuk3 keeps the new one in its box 16:44
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DawnFosterthiagoss - ping16:51
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thiagossDawnFoster, hm?16:52
DawnFosterhey - can you add the proposal deadline to the meego-dev post?16:53
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StskeepsDawnFoster: i think you mean another thiago :)16:53
DawnFosteroh, sorry - I thought the other thiago was messing with his nick again :)16:53
Stskeepstell me what to add, i was about to send it out for him as he's in the air at the moment16:53
Stskeepsprovided amy's post is read16:54
Stskeepser, ready16:54
DawnFosterStskeeps: sweet, thanks - just add something about proposals being due by 11:59 pm Pacific Time on mArch 1816:54
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ruikHi all. I want to ask if kind of remote wipe feature is planned for 1.2 release.16:56
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Stskeepsruik: i guess you could implement one if you really wanted :)16:57
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StskeepsDawnFoster: i've come to the conclusion not to include the actual CfP in the mail, agree/disagree?16:57
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Stskeepsit would look cluttered/mixed up together with the text so16:57
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DawnFosteragreed - link is fine16:57
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Stskeepssending then16:57
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lcukStskeeps, the daily testing reports moved to RSS, but I have lost the feed, do you have a link17:00
ruikStskeeps: heh ok17:00
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Stskeepslcuk: can't recall17:01
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lcuk ahh is one I believe17:02
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TSCHAKeeeStskeeps: is the 0301 snapshot of handset completely broken?17:08
StskeepsTSCHAKeee: n900 or which?17:08
TSCHAKeeesorry, i'm testing on i58617:09
Stskeepsah, no clue17:09
* TSCHAKeee is doing something gonzo, so it's probably him17:09
Stskeepscheck anyway17:09
lcukTSCHAKeee, the 0228 image at least would not boot at all17:09
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lcukfor handset or netbook17:09
TSCHAKeeelcuk: i am getting that too17:09
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lcukbug 1395617:10
_MeeGoBot_Bug maj, Undecided, ---, peter.j.zhu, NEW, [Trunk:testing][REG] Pinetrail Handset and Netbook Images do not boot from USB17:10
TSCHAKeeeyup that would be it17:10
* TSCHAKeee facepalms17:11
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GAN900GMail SMTP failure in Modest. Big surprise.17:23
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sivanghi al17:42
sivangdo hope to be sponsored participants need to reserve lodging?17:43
Stskeepssorry, that didn't parse17:43
sivangalso, Hyatt Regency is the hotel where the conference is taking place right?17:43
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Stskeepsi'm personally taking another hotel17:44
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sivangStskeeps: closer to beach?17:45
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Stskeepstake a look at the hotel location, it doesn't get much closer to water17:46
Stskeepsnah, somewhere cheaper17:46
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Stskeepsthiago: we sent already17:47
lcukStskeeps, is this because mrs Keeps is with you?17:47
Stskeepslcuk: that too17:47
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Stskeepsand the fact we're travelling around the US from 14-28th may17:48
* sivang wonders what to choose on the lodging menu that you can't workaround17:48
sivangmaybe no lodging?17:49
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thiagoStskeeps: thanks for posting17:49
lcukyeah Stskeeps - will be a great adventure for you guys! :D17:49
Stskeepsthiago: np, seems like it was one person per list.. one for events, one for dev, one for community ;)17:50
GAN900sivang, just sent an email to -community about that.17:50
thiagothat's how we did before17:50
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* thiago is about to enter the Oslo-Lillestrøm tunnel and will disconnect17:51
sivangright... and I don't have a printer as well.17:51
sivangneat usability for the regiteratio site :)17:51
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lcukTSCHAKeee, did you notice the daily images for handset/netbook are not showing pinetrail on the images page17:54
Stskeepsyet again disappointed dietary restrictions doesn't contain "bacon"17:55
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lcukStskeeps, you cannot restrict bacon!17:55
sivangGAN900: so yes, the most suboptimal solution as just proposed by Amy, I replied onto the list17:55
lcukyou can add it as a dietary supliment to every meal though!17:55
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sivangGAN900: I chose 'no lodging' so far17:56
lcuklinuxy question: before gtk, what did people build apps using?17:56
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sivanglcuk: they did not :-p17:56
Stskeepslcuk: Motif!17:57
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sivangGAN900: held myself not to add 'canonical manage this without requiring thier community credit number' :-)17:58
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sivanglcuk: he meant' X-Motif'18:02
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lcuktimoph, :D your twitter name has an extra character!  any reason?18:03
sivangI actually developed some bits with this set of libs...18:03
sivangon a silicon graphics Irix18:03
sivangor Iris18:03
timophlcuk: IIRC timoph was taken when I registered18:03
sivangor whatever they were called back in 9618:03
* lcuk remembers the amiga and evolution from built i to the MagicUI stuff18:04
lcuktimoph, o_O18:04
lcukthere is only 1 of you!18:04
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gabrbeddlcuk: moral of the story... never take timoph 's nick.  You'll "disappear", too.18:06
timophI actually would have a use for a stunt double sometimes18:06
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timophanyway, I just starting to look how this twitter thingy work. I've had the account for some time already but haven't really used it18:08
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lcukgood to see you on it timoph \o18:10
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GalegOHi guys...18:37
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lcukhi GalegO18:38
GalegOHow the nexts steps og meego by Nokia?? If I buy a N900, how it will be supported?18:38
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GalegOow!! rsrss... I consfused... is Maemo not Meego ... sorry!!!18:39
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Canadian_P1rat3Does anyone know how to disable the virtual keyboard, but still keep it so that you can get in on command19:14
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gabrbeddCanadian_P1rat3: With the MTF's keyboard.... If you swipe the kb down, it disappears.19:15
gabrbeddCanadian_P1rat3: One way to get it back...19:15
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Canadian_P1rat3I do not want it to appear every time i select a text field19:16
gabrbeddCanadian_P1rat3: is to click on the top of the window frame (in Netbook UX).19:16
Canadian_P1rat3I would like have it running, just not coming up19:16
gabrbeddCanadian_P1rat3: Then the answer is: No, you can't.19:16
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gabrbeddAnybody know how to make the meego installer /not/ write to the MBR?19:30
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miheroyou can use grub rescue to fix what installer messed up19:31
CosmoHillgabrbedd: I didn't see an option when I last looked19:32
gabrbeddmihero: Eh, I'm having to deal with a fickle windows 7 boot loader.19:33
gabrbeddmihero: Not just M$'s... but a vendor-enhanced one.19:34
gabrbeddmihero: I keep tripping on a land mine.19:34
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gabrbeddCosmoHill: thx.19:35
miherogabrbedd: i have w7+ubuntu+meego working fine in tripleboot19:36
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miherow7 oem install19:36
gabrbeddmihero: Yes, I can make it work.19:37
gabrbeddmihero: But the vendor has a special "factory restore" feature that's tied to the boot loader.19:37
gabrbeddmihero: When I touch the MBR, it quits working.19:37
miheroyep, it creates 2 loaders for windows19:37
gabrbeddmihero: I even once tried saving and restoring the MBR... no dice.19:37
miheroother starts the restoration and other the actual os19:38
* gabrbedd freaking hates recovery partitions. Send recovery disks, dammit!19:38
CosmoHillmy mates had, boot partition, windows vista, second NTFS partition and OEM restore partition19:38
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gabrbeddextloader does work fine with Windows... it's just the recovery partition that's eating my lunch.19:38
CosmoHillgabrbedd: my laptop has grub2 booting Windows, Redhat and two dev linux builds19:39
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gabrbeddCosmoHill: yes, I know all that.  :-)19:41
gabrbeddCosmoHill: You know Lenovo's crappy OneKey Recovery?19:41
CosmoHilldo you know that windows 7 has two partitions?19:41
gabrbeddCosmoHill: It's something like that... just crappier.19:41
CosmoHillI don't, my laptop had a blank hard drive when I got it19:41
MyrttiDawnFoster1: do you think would BoF sessions be something that might get sponsored?19:42
DawnFoster1Myrtti: like people leading bofs being sponsored for travel?19:42
MyrttiDawnFoster1: yup19:42
* gabrbedd loves to delete Windows off hard drives. :-]19:42
DawnFoster1Myrtti: it's certainly part of it and makes it a lot more likely.19:43
miherogabrbedd: why not just slap some brand new ssd disk in:)19:43
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DawnFoster1Myrtti: would be great to see you at the conference19:43
Myrttialthough my family situation is - to put it mildly - really difficult and I don't know if I could travel in the end even if I get sponsored19:44
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gabrbeddmihero: because it's not for me. :-)19:44
DawnFoster1Myrtti: really sorry to hear that you're having difficulties19:45
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CosmoHillgabrbedd: alright, 4200rpm hdd19:45
DawnFoster1Myrtti: family issues can really make things difficult19:45
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lcukDawnFoster1, I have heard from people many times about that and howto solve, for instance bringing a partner along to a conference for speakers adds lots of complications, perhaps if there was a way for the partner to also help with the conf itself (even if not technical) ?19:48
DawnFoster1lcuk: the partner would have to apply and receive sponsorship on their own merits19:49
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lcukDawnFoster1, yeah, my point19:49
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DawnFoster1yeah, the sponsorship program isn't really designed for people to bring partners19:49
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DawnFoster1honestly, we just can only accommodate so much19:50
lcukDawnFoster1 it never has been for any conf and has always been a random question from people19:50
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lcukStskeeps, you could get Mrs Keeps coding!19:50
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Stskeepslcuk: hehe, we're taking all this on own budget :)19:51
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lcukStskeeps, I know19:52
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* lcuk drooling over holiday villas in dubai o_O20:31
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hejoshi there20:33
hejoshas anyone ever tried Meego + n90020:33
hejosdoes the usb host mode work?20:33
Stskeepsno, doesn't - someone needs to make it work on modern kernels and ideally get it upsteamed20:34
Stskeepser, upstreamed..20:34
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Stskeepsarfoll: ooh. didn't know about rpmrebuild21:36
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arfollStskeeps, it's a very nice little tool21:37
arfollespecially when working with proprietary rpms....21:38
* arfoll looks at his cubovision smiling :-)21:38
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gabrbeddwait a second... I thought rpm was better than deb because the RPM is looking for instead of some random package name.  WTH??21:50
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* gabrbedd is talking about the skype thing and rpmrebuild21:51
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ali1234it looks for them while making the rpm, then transforms the library names into package names21:51
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ali1234so if you only have a binary rpm, it doesn't help you21:52
ali1234at least thats how i understand it21:52
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ali1234so rpmrebuild rebulds an rpm based on the package database and the installed files21:54
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ali1234i briefly considered writing such a tool to turn the tablet UX back into RPMs21:54
gabrbeddali1234: Right.  But rpm /will/ let you specify aribtrary package names that you depend on... and this is what Skype did.21:54
gabrbeddali1234: They covered their bases by requiring the package "qt4-x11"... so they used rpmrebuild to edit the metadata in the package and remove that requirement.21:55
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ali1234well, that's not my understanding21:56
arfollali1234, you don't need to have it installed you can specify a new package21:56
gabrbedd(Erm... LEGEND: first "they" == skype, send "they" == aMeeGos)21:56
arfollgabrbedd, how did I become 'they'21:56
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ali1234what is in the list of depends for the new package then?21:57
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arfollali1234, i just commented out qt4-x1121:57
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gabrbeddarfoll: :-)21:57
ali1234so it will happily install on a system without Qt now?21:57
arfollali1234, yep - it's dumb as hell21:58
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arfollbut there is nothing stoping you from adding a new requires for whatever suits meego best21:58
arfollmy point was just to show it was easy21:59
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ali1234right. but what you can't do is make a rpm that directly depends on because rpm has no way of knowing which package provides it, unless that package is already installed21:59
ali1234so there is no way skype could have made a rpm that was compatible with both fedora and meego22:00
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Stskeepsali1234: uh, i actually think Requires: gets made automatically22:00
arfollali1234, you can require an so directly22:00
TSCHAKeeedamn, vgrade isn't here22:01
Stskeepsif you're depending directly on qt-x11, you're doing it wrong :)22:01
arfoll^^ see what Stskeeps said22:01
gabrbeddali1234: rpm doesn't care what package provides it... it just checks that it's there.22:01
TSCHAKeeearfoll: is there something else i need to install besides emgd-bin? as there is no kernel module for the emgd bits22:01
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ali1234so how would eg. zypper know which package to install to provide the depended libraries?22:01
gabrbeddali1234: OTOH, /zypper/ does know what package(s) provide
gabrbeddali1234: i.e. zypper wp
ali1234"zypper wp" does not work if that file isn't already installed22:02
arfollTSCHAKeee, not sure I think that emgd-bin should work on its own22:02
arfolli havent looked at it enough though, best to ask vgrade when he's here or try it out22:02
TSCHAKeeearfoll: it doesn't.22:02
arfollthen have a look in the kernel joggler22:02
arfollthere must be some glue or something22:03
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gabrbeddarfoll: No.  rpm only works on what's installed... zypper can use the repo.22:04
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* gabrbedd is fully aware that Skype does not know how to package properly -- for any distro. :-)22:06
TSCHAKeeeskype engineers don't know how to code properly22:06
TSCHAKeeemuch less package for any distro22:07
TSCHAKeeethey do some of the nastiest hacks i've ever seen to deal with the sound card22:07
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gabrbeddTSCHAKeee: LOL :-)22:07
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TSCHAKeeeand consistently leave the sound card unusable on a vast number of configurations22:07
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ali1234so where does zypper get it's list of files for wp?22:09
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gabrbeddali1234: /var/cache/zypp22:10
ali1234no, that's clearly where it caches it22:10
gabrbeddali1234: i.e. the info is in the repos.22:11
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ali1234ok let me put it another way: how can i see everything a package provides, without installing it?22:13
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ali1234or, how can i see which package contains "/usr/bin/convert" for example? (the correct answer is ImageMagick)22:15
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CosmoHillali1234: give me a second22:16
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CosmoHillrpm -fq /path/to/file22:17
lcukMeeGo TigerBlood UX22:17
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gabrbeddali1234: not sure of the zypper command... but the info is in the repodata/filelists.xml22:18
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ali1234CosmoHill: error: file /usr/bin/convert: No such file or directory22:19
gabrbeddali1234: e.g.
CosmoHillah sorry, my command only works for installed packages22:19
gabrbeddali1234: un-gzip that file and you'll see it in there.22:19
gabrbeddali1234: that's the data that zypper uses.22:20
ali1234i just see a huge xml file that crashes firefox :(22:20
ali1234right, i loaded it eventually22:20
ali1234so it really does have a list of every file in the rpm22:20
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gabrbeddali1234: So, when you do `zypper wp /usr/bin/convert` it looks in there for the answer(s).22:21
ali1234yeah except it doesn't work22:21
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MyrttiI must've gone blind...22:22
ali1234i can see the entry for /usr/bin/convert22:22
ali1234but zypper says "No providers of '/usr/bin/convert' found."22:22
ali1234and "No providers of 'convert' found."22:23
ali1234so if my app depends on /usr/bin/convert, and i don't want to explicitly name a package (because it might be different named elsewhere) what do i do?22:23
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gabrbeddali1234: What about `zypper wp convert` ?22:26
Myrttihas anyone submitted their proposal for a talk at the meegoconf?22:26
MyrttiI need some help in submitting mine22:26
ali1234so, if it has a listing of every file, why does it work for .so but not for other files?22:28
ali1234it works for "zip"22:28
ali1234but it is probably just matching the package name in that case22:29
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gabrbeddali1234: I don't know.  Looks like a bug to me.22:31
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gabrbeddali1234: It looks like this explains what we're seeing:
gabrbeddali1234: yum does it, zypper doesn't.  As of last year, it was "WONTFIX"22:46
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CosmoHillgabrbedd: yum is to be remove from Meego22:48
ali1234so iow blame suse22:48
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gabrbeddno, blame skype.22:49
ali1234also that doesn't really explain to me what the exact rule is22:49
ali1234i can't really blame skype for not understanding this stuff if i don't understand it myself22:49
berndhsi blame the standards, there are too many of htem22:50
gabrbeddi blame CosmoHill, there are too many of him22:50
CosmoHilldon't blame me, blame the pope22:51
gabrbeddali1234: skype had no need to depend on qt4-x1122:51
berndhswhy do they have the dependency in their rpm ? random chance ?22:51
gabrbeddali1234: rpmbuild automatically inserts a requirement for -- so you don't even have to worry about it.22:51
CosmoHillautomatic requires aren't always good22:52
CosmoHillI've had rpm complain that I can't install bash.rpm because /bin/bash is a requirment22:52
gabrbeddberndhs: probably CYA... in case they missed something.22:52
berndhsqt-devel, libqt-devel, libqt4-devel, people should make up their minds22:54
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lcuksuch a positive writeup:
ali1234tbh i thought they already had support from nokia22:57
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ali1234i note there's not mention of power management22:59
lcukbug 779023:00
_MeeeGoBot_Bug nor, Medium,, ilkka.koskinen, ASSI, N900 turns warm quickly after boot23:00
lcukand notably, one of the last comments:23:00
lcuk> For reference, the maemo kernel on n900 can run ~8mA base consumption without23:00
lcuk> enabling OFF mode. With cellular networking, it'll be probably around 10mA. I23:00
lcuk> think that's the target for what comes to idle power consumption for N900 on23:00
lcuk> MeeGo 1.2.23:00
ali1234it's not mentioned here:
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ali1234except for "battery will be optimized"23:02
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lcukali1234, the page is not a complete technically detailed manifesto23:02
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ali1234well, i thought it was23:02
Stskeepsali1234: you can't have a daily usable solution without PM, that is understood23:02
ali1234i mean it certainly reads like one23:02
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lcukali1234, the power management is already being sorted23:03
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lcukthey did not mention any of the other 100s of bugs being worked on either23:03
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ali1234they did list all the other important ones though23:04
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gabrbeddali1234: For RPM deps and zypper, it looks like you can depend on anything returned by `rpm -q --provides PACKAGE`23:14
gabrbeddali1234: As it happens, `rpm -q --provides ImageMagick` does not have `convert` in the list.23:15
ali1234that also only works on installed packages23:15
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gabrbeddali1234: You said that you don't have ImageMagick installed, right?23:16
gabrbeddali1234: What does `zypper wp` give you?23:16
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gabrbeddali1234: Right.  And if you install ImageMagick and do `rpm -q --provides ImageMagick` you'll get a list of strings that you /could/ use to depend on ImageMagick23:18
gabrbeddali1234: ...and zypper will be able to solve the dependency.23:18
gabrbeddthe list is actually pretty long, too.23:19
ali1234and where does that list come from?23:19
gabrbedd...but it's mostly .so-files23:19
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ali1234who decides what things appear on it?23:19
ali1234say i am packaging libfoo23:19
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ali1234how do i control what the package provides? just list it all manually in the spec?23:20
aukeali1234: pretty much, yes23:21
ali1234in that case you can't rely on this any more than you can rely on consistant package names across distros23:21
aukealthough rpmbuild automatically makes those23:21
gabrbeddali1234: You add something like `Provides: FooBaby` to make a manual "capability"23:21
gabrbeddali1234: And rpmbuild automatically does a bunch of stuff... like .so-files.23:21
gabrbeddali1234: So then a 3rd party package could depend on FooBaby or on
ali1234hmm... ok23:23
TSCHAKeee <-- Using MeeGo Image Creator to make a Handset image for a new piece of hardware...23:25
gabrbeddali1234: Anyway WRT Skype... they circumvented a very stable feature by manually depending on "qt4-x11"23:27
gabrbeddali1234: But *your* case with scripts...23:27
ali1234my case?23:27
gabrbeddali1234: ...and binary dependencies...23:28
ali1234i was just pointing out inconsistencies in my understanding :)23:28
gabrbeddali1234: ...that's a totally valid shortcoming.23:28
gabrbeddof course, DEB doesn't do this part any better.  :-)23:28
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ali1234deb does not even try though, afaik23:28
ali1234and pretty much all deb distros inherit their package names from debian (if not the packages themselves)23:29
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gabrbeddyeah it does try... but I won't get in to that.  :-)  Still deb requires that everyone's on the same page for package naming.23:30
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ali1234i like how on ubuntu, if you type a command and it isn't installed, it tells you what package to install23:35
ali1234i constantly run against this problem on rpm distros - command not found, and no idea what package it is in23:35
berndhsali1234: i hate when it does that, makes me wait every time i mis-type something23:35
ali1234yeah it can be a bit slow23:35
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ali1234but the benefit is worth it23:35
berndhsi wish it could be turned off, fedora does it too now23:36
ali1234i'm sure it can23:36
berndhsoh probably, but I can't find it23:36
gabrbeddali1234: berndhs  I both love and hate that feature.  And it /can/ be turned off.  I just don't remember how.  :-)23:36
ali1234sudo dpkg -r command-not-found23:37
ali1234and -data23:37
gabrbeddali1234: beat me to it!23:38
ali1234still, the slowness is no worse than the slowness when you press tab and there's 8 million possible completions23:38
ali1234i'm not going to turn off tab complete just because of that :)23:39
berndhsi have a few aliases for my most frequent typos23:39
berndhsalias mroe=more23:39
gabrbeddali1234: do you want to show all 1384 possibilities?23:39
gabrbeddalias moron=gabriel23:39
ali1234gabrbedd: if theres enough possibilities, even that can take ages23:40
ali1234eg i have some directories with over 50000 files all with sequential filenames23:40
ali1234eg 00000000.bin - 00050000.bin23:41
gabrbeddyeah, I know.  I've hit that errorspace, too.23:41
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lcukwhat is the best game I can install on any of my meego devices?23:56
MyrttiI've never submitted a proposal for a talk before23:57
ali1234lcuk: how much effort are you willing to go to?23:58
lcukali1234, well based on previous effort put in, I think you could say quite a lot.23:58
ali1234does it basically have to be in the repos, or are you willing to eg compile wine?23:58
Myrttidoes Sun Java work in MeeGo?23:58
lcukthat is not really a meego game is it23:58
ali1234well you didn't say meego game...23:59
lcukbut let us assume that is valid23:59
Myrttibecause if it does, then MINECRAFT23:59
ali1234minecraft is probably the correct answer, yes23:59
lcukand it would of course have to work on my n900 too23:59
lcuksince that is my meego device in hand atm23:59
lcukminecraft on wine on some emulator hmm23:59

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