IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2011-02-26

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npmomg... this is the coolest thing ever (mixxx 1.9 on meego touchscreen)00:02
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* npm unplugs and walks away w/ tablet...00:04
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gabrbeddnpm: Are you using OpenGL ES?00:22
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* lbt___ looks around....00:25
lbt___this intel guest network doesn't like irc....00:25
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lcukn900lbt not always a bad thing00:26
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ngharoFYI DontVTSwitch in xorg.conf does not work.  1.1 netbook still switches VTs upon ALT+LEFT_ARROW while working in a browser, etc00:31
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lcukn900ngharo would that not be a generic problem? or just meego?00:36
lcukn900lbt___ I hear Intel have the fastest network!00:36
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ngharolcukn900: ALT+ARROW should only flip VTs when you're inside a VT00:40
ngharoat least that's the behavior on every linux install i've touched00:40
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lcukn900cosmohill would your clustering software install onto meego?00:52
CosmoHillnot to sure00:53
CosmoHillI'm basically installing someone elses bundles of stuff00:53
lcukn900that is normal for most people I expect00:54
CosmoHillfor the software I used for parallele computing you should be able to put it onto meego00:54
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CosmoHilllcukn900: openmpi works using ssh to computers01:01
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CosmoHillfor example01:01
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CosmoHillmpirun --host node01 --host node02 -np 2 uptime01:01
CosmoHillthat will ssh to node 1 and 2 and run the command "uptime"01:01
lcukn900is that like DCOM then:01:02
* lcukn900 wrote app using dcom once01:02
lcukn900when it was deployed to 1000 machines it had random glitches, so I rewrote the backend to use tcp and it ran happily for many years :)01:03
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CosmoHillI could have a go at making a openmpi.rpm for meego01:06
lcukn900cosmohill, lol that could be considered a cluster, it works on a room level and displays thumbnails of all the workstations01:06
CosmoHillI've been thinking about making one for meego for a while01:06
CosmoHilleven if you never use the meego device as a node, you can use it to control others, like in my example01:07
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CosmoHilllcukn900: a quick one I made for my server:
CosmoHillmay I make a suggestion for this page:
CosmoHillinstead of saying at the top "please do not edit this page", why not simply lock it?01:10
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lcukn900folks should be watching the page01:12
lcukn900and really, changes there will spark discussion01:12
lcukn900it is all logged and can be reverted or pounded out01:12
lcukn900would be better than sitting on hands01:13
CosmoHillthat is the page I want if I want to make a meego compliant rpm?01:13
lcukn900i am on n900 i rarely faff opening links01:13
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CosmoHillwould I be right in thinking that everything in /include would belong to -dev package?01:20
* CosmoHill doesn't split his packages up so he's not used to this01:21
lcukn900cosmohill, yeah01:21
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ali1234CosmoHill: i dunno about meego but usually you would have linux-headers or similar in there, it's a -dev package in all but name...01:26
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ali1234on meego it might even be named as -dev, not sure01:27
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ali1234oh, you are asking what belongs in -dev packages... well, the headers in /usr/include and the .la /usr/lib, and maybe the example code if it's small, in /usr/share/01:30
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ali1234example code might be more suited to a -doc package01:31
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* CosmoHill has hot chocolate, a muffin and a text editor01:34
lcukn900dreamy cosmohill, add a pencil and peper and you almost have the ideal dev workspace01:34
CosmoHillthis is what I wanted, section 3.3.4 of the compliance spec01:35
lcukn900it only goes to 3.3.201:36
CosmoHillmine says there's another 8 pages of stuff to go01:36
lcukn900and really, hot chocolate should have its own section01:36
lcukn900just like bacon01:36
* CosmoHill spots openmpi-1.4.3.src.rpm....damn01:38
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CosmoHillcan I upload a src.rpm file to OBS?01:41
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CosmoHillcan I access OBS vs git?01:45
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CosmoHillhey DawnFoster01:51
DawnFosterhey CosmoHill01:51
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lcukn900evening dawn \o01:56
* CosmoHill realises what yesterday's date was01:57
DawnFosterevening lcukn90001:58
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CosmoHilldoes anyone want to see the .spec file I'm writing at the moment?02:20
CosmoHill(please say yes)02:20
odin_sounds really interesting for a friday night :P02:21
CosmoHillget knotted02:21
CosmoHillin a polite way02:21
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aukenow now - don't make me kick you :)02:21
aukeCosmoHill: lol02:22
lcukwebi 'ewww'ed at the webclient02:22
odin_go on then send us the link02:22
aukeDawnFoster: have I used my kick quota already enough this month?02:22
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aukeCosmoHill: spec files should never install in /opt  or /usr/local02:23
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aukeI suppose /opt is less evil, but still02:23
lcukwebCosmoHill: that openmpi sounds similar to osc02:23
CosmoHillbut but, wtf02:23
CosmoHillI'm following the compliance draft02:23
CosmoHillsection 3.3.402:24
CosmoHillpage 11 / 1202:24
aukesorry, I'm thinking official meego packaging - you're making an non-official pkg02:24
CosmoHillI almost gave you a reason to kick me :/02:25
lcukwebCosmoHill: inline commenting on the spec is nice02:25
lcukwebthere is a wiki I saw at fosdem which offers such functionality02:25
* lcukweb looks at notes02:25
CosmoHillI should meation it's not finished now02:26
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CosmoHillfor your interest, this is what it looked like an hour ago:
CosmoHilllcukweb: tbh, that just made me glaze over02:29
lcukwebCosmoHill: so at the core of the packager, it still uses "make install"02:29
odin_should *.spec have the %install "rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT" line at all, I have seen that before but never understood why it was needed, i.e. isn't is covering up a real problem else where if/when it make a difference02:31
CosmoHillI've written a few scripts that will turn a blank, fommated hard drive into a working distro without a kernel02:31
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CosmoHillI think %install should work since it's a RPM macro02:31
odin_%install is a section heading02:31
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CosmoHillthe two problems I have is, 1. I don't understand the meego macros, 2. I don't understnad the non-meego macros02:32
odin_%makeinstall is a relevant macro for that section but the package is using /opt so it might not expand to the intention wanted02:32
CosmoHill(therefore 3 would be the sum of 1 and 2 :) )02:32
CosmoHillah  yes, my mistake02:32
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CosmoHillhow's the group stuff?02:34
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odin_I think the 'devel' package should have the *.so files "/opt/${name}/lib/*.so"  "/opt/${name}/lib/${name}/*.so" and the runtime package should change "/opt/${name}/lib/*.so*" for "/opt/${name}/lib/*.so.*" so as not to include *.so files02:40
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CosmoHillI'll implement that as soon as the sugar kicks in and I can wrap my head around it02:41
LuHeanybody ever tried to port MeeGo to the HTC Desire HD (HTC Ace)?02:41
LuHeI tried to do it myself and followed the instructions for the Desire as described here (but for the desire hd kernel)02:43
CosmoHillodin_: doesn't the *.so.* link to a *.so ?02:43
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odin_The *.so are only used by linker to build stuff, but the *.so.1 (and/or *.so.1.0.0) are used to run stuff, as per the "ldconfig a.out" paths (on the left hand side)02:43
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LuHebut the link for the NEXUS One rootfs seems to be missing02:44
CosmoHill => /usr/lib/ (0xb7eaa000)02:44
CosmoHillI see02:44
CosmoHillthanks odin_02:44
odin_this is why *.so is to be found in *-devel-* packaging, try "rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/lib/" and "rpm -q --whatprovides /usr/lib/" to see and example of this02:45
CosmoHillnow my next problem / task02:46
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CosmoHillmeego wants everything to be in /opt/openmpi, so I need to link them into the path / ld path, right?02:47
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odin_nope, you can install a file into /etc/ and run ldconfig -v, in your %postinstall script02:47
CosmoHillhow about the binaries?02:48
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odin_for example /etc/ with 2 lines "/opt/openmpi/lib" and "/opt/openmpi/lib/openmpi"  # maybe you know about this mechanism already?02:51
odin_maybe /etc/profile.d/ is your friend there "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/openmpi/bin"02:51
odin_I think anything going into /opt should work this way02:51
CosmoHillI don't, this is all new to me02:52
CosmoHillnow I'll have to give you credit02:52
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CosmoHillis there something that tells me the distro03:00
CosmoHilloh wait03:00
CosmoHillthis is meant to be pure meego spec file, not meant to be releated to my distro03:01
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CosmoHillI have no idea what groups meego has available btw03:05
hirabayashitaroHi all, I'm a bit confused. Meego seems like a linux distribution but it is not. So to be usable as "a product" on (for example) a netbook I should expect someone to develop a distro on meego?03:06
odin_also add "/sbin/ldconfig" to both %post and %postun  (this causes the /etc/ld.conf.cache to be refreshed to take into account the changes you just made by creating/deleting /etc/* files, also at the top maybe "PreReq: /sbin/ldconfig" should also be added, but in practice all systems have this03:06
Robot101hirabayashitaro: it's definitely a distro03:06
CosmoHilloh crap yeah03:06
Robot101hirabayashitaro: it also is home to some newly-developed components such as the reference UXes03:06
CosmoHilldoes it specifically need to be /sbin ?03:06
Robot101hirabayashitaro: but most of the components are upstream open source stuff, same as debian or redhat or ubuntu03:07
hirabayashitaroRobot101: ehiehi, the answer to this question in quite mutable03:07
Robot101hirabayashitaro: what makes you think its not a distro?03:07
hirabayashitaroso I can expect in a "near" future to have repositories of software for end users and things like that?03:08
odin_that just how I've seen probably copy'and'paste dribble, it is never in another location03:08
hirabayashitaroRobot101: Is something you can read almost everywhere03:09
hirabayashitaroRobot101: Meego is not intended for end users is kinda a meme03:09
Robot101meego /devices/ intended for end users03:09
Robot101you have to be a bit of a geek to take meego and reflash/install it yourself03:09
hirabayashitaroRobot101: You cannot say the same thing for Ubuntu or redhat03:11
CosmoHillodin_: :)03:11
hirabayashitaroRobot101: anyway I'd like to understand, for example, if I could expect to see some end user oriented working version of meego released by this community, or I have to rely on Nokia03:12
hirabayashitaroThe point is not clear at all in my opinion.03:13
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Robot101hirabayashitaro: meego (as a platform - as a distribution) *is* a distribution, but that doesn't mean it's targetting end-users directly. it's providing tools for people like nokia or intel or other vendors to build products on top of it03:14
CosmoHillwhat do you guys think for openmpi: Development/Tools or System/Console ?03:15
odin_CosmoHill, I am not sure I agree with the "Shared Libraries" section that "If you have additional commands to run during the scriptlet, call /sbin/ldconfig at the beginning of the scriptlet, like this:" if anything you should call ldconfig at the END of any manipulation (not before, so at the "end" of the section would be more correct)03:15
Robot101hirabayashitaro: reference UXes are designed to make it easier for vendors to do that - they are intended to be usable but might not be polished to a consumer level - and along the way there are test images which people can flash on their devices for evaluation, development, etc03:16
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PuddlezCan anyone here provide assitants?03:16
Robot101hirabayashitaro: but, those reference builds/images are targetted at developers, not end users. but it's still a distribution (IMO) :D03:16
CosmoHillPuddlez: no, we might be able to provide assistances tho03:16
odin_Puddlez,  how many assistants do you require ?  please state the nature of your MeeGo emergency!03:16
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PuddlezI just downloaded03:17
PuddlezFor a class project03:17
PuddlezI cant get on my network though03:17
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odin_ah I can see where you are going wrong there, hehe03:17
PuddlezIm on my vista03:17
CosmoHillthis is assuming03:17
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CosmoHillsorry, it's 1:20am, everything is a little ammsuing03:18
PuddlezI just need help cause i cant figure it out.03:18
PuddlezSo yea.03:18
Robot101Puddlez: try #ubuntu - this is not a general tech support channel, and it has nothing to do with ubuntu03:18
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odin_Puddlez, please fill out this customer satisfaction survey, thanks for calling, you have a nice day now!03:19
hirabayashitaroRobot101: Can you link me something which explains the targets of the meego project?03:20
CosmoHillpoor puddlez, if he's not pissed himself already, he will have by the time #ubuntu has finished with him03:20
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Cosmo[PB]oo oo03:31
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lbt___Are we drunk yet?03:36
berndhsi'm lacking the necessary ingredients03:37
lbt___we're about to go and work on it03:38
lbt___in a hot tub in portland03:38
lbt___l8r all :)03:38
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Cosmo[PB]I'm in bed and making openmpi for meego :)03:42
Cosmo[PB]wait, if this sucessfully compiles, does this me I'm a packager for a distro?03:43
berndhsyeah then you have to maintain it for the rest of your natural life03:43
odin_Shhh! don't spoil the moment for him03:44
Cosmo[PB]:o :D03:44
Cosmo[PB]that backfired03:45
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Cosmo[PB]I was using /opt/${name} to make it more generic so people can just copy and paste, it failed03:45
Cosmo[PB]    File not found: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/openmpi-1.4.3-12.1.i386/opt/${name}/bin03:46
odin_s/\${/%{/g ?03:46
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Cosmo[PB]btw, it says it doesn''t liek buildroot03:51
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Cosmo[PB]crap, it's 2am and I need to do my workout still >.<03:59
berndhsi shoveled snow for 1/2 hours, that's enough04:03
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freeedrich|I cleaned the pool for 3/4 hours, ...04:07
Cosmo[PB]I have no snow or pool04:08
berndhsyou can have my snow04:08
Venemovery interesting reading:
berndhsi don't think Intel is "reeling", and I don't think it is correct to say MeeGo has "failed"04:16
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Cosmo[PB]odin_: turns out ${name} just fails04:24
odin_use %{name} ?  s/\${/%{/g04:24
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berndhshow does ${name} fail, as if its empty ?04:26
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odin_as-if it is literal I think ?04:26
berndhsprobably supposed to be %{name} as odin says04:27
CosmoHilllike /opt/%{name}/bin becomes /opt//bin04:27
odin_  - maybe this link helps?04:27
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CosmoHillit's taken about half an hour for me to understand what yo04:27
CosmoHillyou've said04:27
CosmoHillI really should go to bed04:27
berndhsperhaps try it when you're awake :)04:28
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CosmoHillI'll be so pleased if this all works :)04:34
CosmoHilland if it doesn't I'll be to tired to care04:35
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berndhsrpm stuff isn't hard, just cryptic and mysterious04:36
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CosmoHillerror: File not found: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/openmpi-1.4.3-15.1.i386/opt/openmpi/bin04:43
CosmoHillmy spec file has no meantion of that04:44
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odin_ /etc/opt/%{name}  ?04:44
CosmoHillit shouldn't put binaries in there04:45
odin_but "make install" did ?04:45
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CosmoHillit might be something to do with the debug stuff OBS likes to build04:46
berndhsperhaps "make isntall" constructs a path like that04:46
CosmoHilldoesn't matter04:46
CosmoHillgonna sort it out tomorrow04:46
CosmoHillif it's not done by midnight tomorrow I'll leave it04:46
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berndhsmay day is unprodutive, I'm done04:51
berndhsgood night everyone04:52
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djszapiCan I do these steps on all distributions where I install the program 'osc' ?
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ar ;)09:08
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Stskeepsslonopotamus: part of example to state your package ownership :P09:09
slonopotamusar: mwahaha :)09:13
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jboshello, Stskeeps, may you can answer me this, who is creating the weekly trunk images? Is tis some kind of automatic process triggered by OBS?15:23
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Stskeepsjbos: semi-automatic15:24
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Stskeepsit's done with mic215:24
jbosok, we would like to start creating a automatic testing system / workflow15:25
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jbosto improve our meego libs / keep them working y' know.15:26
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jboswhat we wondered, on public obs - is there a way to let it produce images?15:26
Stskeepswell, obs just builds packages and makes repositories15:27
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jbosyea but shouldn't it be able to produce complete distros?15:28
jbosso but than - i can see that if many people do this :D15:29
Stskeepsit exports repositories and then you use a image creator make the repositories into a image15:29
Stskeepsthe idea for more business logic is the BOSS system15:29
jbosmhm yep I read about this, is it already running?15:30
Stskeepsi think in some form15:30
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Stskeepsi mean, mic2 is cron-able already15:30
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jbosi think i still miss some links between OBS, and BOSS and how this fit in the 'app/lib' development workflow15:32
Stskeepsso, BOSS listens to events from OBS and helps to make business logic on top of this15:32
Stskeepslike continous integration, etc, building images, etc..15:33
jboswill BOSS be on 'user account basis?'15:33
Stskeepsdon't know :)15:33
jbosso everyone with a OBS account will be able to configure his own BOSS ( .... :D)15:33
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jbosk, well btw. finaly we managed to setup a fully crosscompiling (arm and i86) toolchain with realtime rpmizsation, deploy and debug on meego - from within the qt creator15:35
jbostook us some brain15:35
Stskeepscontribute to sdk work? ;)15:36
jbosits all possible with the current sdk15:36
Stskeepsyeah, that was what i wondered :P15:36
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jboswell, point is - its really just a single line to go... we have a setup of 4 projects15:36
jbos2 seperate QML Uis15:37
jbos2 libraries15:37
Stskeepsblog about your experiences?15:37
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jbosYeap. Started here:
jboslast bits about deployment just finalizing15:38
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jbosbut.... well your options to go are very very stricted to basically 1.15:38
jbosuse qmake, use own sysroot, use linux15:39
jbos(I dont get it working in windows)15:39
Stskeepsi think there's a OBS plugin15:39
jbosthere is ?15:39
jbosthat would be more than nice15:39
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jbosi actually considered to make one15:40
jbosthis is cool15:40
jbosneed to take a look15:40
jbosone thing, we found very much not funny15:41
jbosthe gcc version in obs native builds != the gcc in the toolchain15:41
Stskeepsthat one is a screwup in 1.115:41
Stskeepsin 1.2 the situation is much better afaik15:41
jboswe got a bit scarred about this ;)15:41
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jbosi heard the rumor that 1.2 will provide meegocore - full dev lib - toolchain / sysroots15:42
jbosis that correct? Do you know?15:42
Stskeepspossibly, but ask #meego-sdk guys during the work week days15:43
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Stskeepsmy worry is scratchboxisms :)15:43
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Stskeepslike the software depending on things that are in sysroot but not part of meego api, so it doesn't declare dependancies15:44
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Stskeepsbut i guess that the RPM's based dependancies might take care of it..15:44
Stskeeps( Requires:)15:44
Stskeepsso people don't declare correct deps in the spec for building15:45
djszapin900does someone an rpm arm package on archlinux host ?15:45
jbosYou know I see several people trying to work on meego apps15:46
jbosand we tried a lot of different approaches ourself15:46
djszapin900is it possible to build an rpm package on arch host ?15:47
Stskeepsdjszapin900: ask in archlinux irc channel?15:47
jbos... from both projects: Firefox Mobile and Peregrine Communicator..... Both with totaly different build requierments...15:47
Stskeepsjbos: yeah - we need a straightforward development story15:48
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Stskeepsjbos: firefox mobile is just crazy to build15:48
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jboswell I work on that little babe since about 2 Years or so...15:48
jbosit improved a lot15:48
djszapin900stskeeps ask on both ?15:48
gabrbeddStskeeps: jbos: The downside of a "straightforward development story" is usually gooey (GUI)...15:48
djszapin900here and there ?!15:48
Stskeepsdjszapin900: people here aren't likely to know if you can build rpms for arm on archlinux15:49
gabrbeddStskeeps: jbos: And I like my terminal. :-)15:49
Stskeepsdjszapin900: so it's offtopic :)15:49
Stskeepsgabrbedd: osc build ;p15:49
djszapin900stskeeps meego package making is oo topic15:49
gabrbeddStskeeps: Then I have to be connected to a network to do anythin.  :-p15:49
Stskeepsgabrbedd: not really15:49
djszapin900* off15:49
jboswell yes,... the point is, both options must work, terminal and gooey15:49
djszapin900time to ignore...15:49
jbosterminal for i.e. firefox mobile15:50
gabrbeddAnyway... I'm just putting in a word for us CLI geeks. :-)15:50
Stskeepsdjszapin900: how mature15:50
jbosyou wont be able to build firefox mobile with qt creator...15:50
jbosbut you would also not like to build firefox mobile within a freaking qemu15:50
jbosarm thingy15:50
jbosits slow, unstable and very scary... So what options do you have left? If you need to use a terminal15:51
jbos... OBS, and i.e. your native N900 :D15:52
jboscomming back to Firefox - it take about 20 minutes to compile on my quad core i715:52
jboswith HT15:52
Stskeepsobs ARM building is really nice15:52
jbosguess how long it take on a n900 with meego running *laugh*15:53
Stskeepsjbos: well, you'd have to be insane to do it on a n900 ;)15:53
jbosyeap... so currently we use some very bad hackish scratchbox kind of thing15:54
Stskeepsjbos: why, though?15:54
Stskeepsi mean, osc build and osc chroot is very capable for this15:54
jbosrapid development?15:54
Stskeepsi mean, usually i just have a chroot laying about with cross compilers already installed15:55
jbosok. I need to consider this15:55
Stskeepsie, run osc build once, re-use chroot15:55
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Stskeepsi mean, it'd feel like a really fast arm machine :)15:56
Stskeepsto build on15:56
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jbosi think we have basically the same this scratchbox thingy is somekind of chroot ... well duno. most times its enough to build for desktop15:56
Stskeepsi mean, that's how we build fennec-qt for arm :)15:57
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jbosmhm yea. Lokesh is mostly taking care about all meego integration :)15:58
Stskeepsso you guys were basyskom or how was it?15:58
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jboswell I'm employee there, yep. But we are a group of people from ixonos, digia, nokia, basyskom, mozilla15:59
jbosworking on getting the best mobile browser on meego16:00
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jbosright now, well, its hard work to shift most responsibilities to mozilla, upstream our changes and patches16:01
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jbosgetting rid of non meego core dependencies16:01
jboslike meegotouch16:01
jbos(and still keep functionality)16:02
jboswell and my second project - which i do in my spare time is peregrine communicator16:02
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jbosWe get sponsored by basyskom (server, website, hardware (like weetab, n900, ideapads...))16:03
jbosbut no working time :( ;)16:03
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CosmoHillnate@blue[1014]:~/meego/opt $ ls16:31
CosmoHillthat kinda explains why it failed on the OBS16:31
gabrbeddIs there now a Trunk:HPC group in OBS? :-p16:33
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CosmoHillgabrbedd: that doesn't surprise me to be honest16:39
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gabrbeddI'm curious, though... why package openmpi for meego?16:41
* CosmoHill shurgs16:41
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CosmoHillpractice run? boredom? running low on brain power at 11pm16:42
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gabrbedd...just curious, that's all.  :-)16:43
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Stskeepsgabrbedd: everything is collapsed into Trunk anyway16:44
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* CosmoHill takes a breath16:59
CosmoHillthere wasn't a space between "--prefix=/foo--sysconfig=/etc"17:00
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CosmoHillsalut DawnFoster17:04
DawnFosterhey CosmoHill17:05
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* Stskeeps looks17:08
Stskeepsthat's nice :)17:09
vgrademkEmgd for
Stskeepsat least gma500 people are getting some support :)17:10
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* CosmoHill gasps17:12
vgrademkWill try a joggler adaptation.17:12
CosmoHillI think I made a package17:12
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CosmoHillwere are the finished .rpm files?17:14
CosmoHillI can't seem to find it17:16
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berndhshena: ½ ? I call17:21
CosmoHillhmm, I found a link to the download location and it says 40417:21
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JaffaCosmoHill: You'll be lucky. bergie & X-Fade seem to have dropped off the face of the planet (except for bergie's regular Twitter updates)17:32
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StskeepsX-Fade's in the us17:35
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CosmoHillI don't seem to have a download repo of my own17:36
CosmoHilleven tho my package built17:36
berndhswhat's your user name there ?17:38
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berndhsyes, its not there17:38
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berndhsnormally it would be in /home:/cosmo17:39
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CosmoHillthat's the link it gives me17:40
vgrademkDon't know if my last message was sent as I'm mobile but it was reported earlier I think that repo publishing was us17:40
CosmoHillvgrademk: last thing I heard from you was at 15:1517:41
vgrademkYou may need to ping lbt17:42
CosmoHillI'd imagine he's doing birthday stuff this weekend17:43
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CosmoHillor was it last week17:43
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CosmoHillhow come auke has two repos and I don't have any?18:36
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berndhsCosmoHill: auke is more special than you are ?18:41
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CosmoHillhow do distros know if ethernet is connected? dbus?19:18
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timeless_xchat:( someone could have told me the meegon was missing from other pages19:23
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* timeless_xchat ponders19:36
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timeless_xchathow painful is it to set up obs?19:37
timeless_xchatis there an rpm for it? :)19:37
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ali1234timeless_xchat: it is still pretty painful - setting up the OBS is only about 10% of the actual work you need to do19:40
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Stskeeps(may be a bit out of date)19:41
ali1234yeah, set 1/10 is "set up the OBS"19:41
timeless_xchatstskeeps: i'd want it to sandbox pain for mxr19:41
Stskeepstimeless_xchat: why do you need obs for mxr..19:41
timeless_xchati'm not nesting a vm into a vm19:41
timeless_xchatstskeeps : rpmbuild -bp seems to randomly run configure for various rpm's19:42
timeless_xchatwhich seems absolutely bogus19:42
timeless_xchatbut there you have it19:42
ali1234you don't have to run it in a VM, but you basically do have to install opensuse19:42
ali1234this is a detailed version of step 1:
Stskeepstimeless_xchat: why you do -bp ..?19:42
ali1234i never got any further than that19:42
timeless_xchatstskeeps: i want patched sources19:43
timeless_xchatotherwise what you have isn't what you're running19:43
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Stskeepswhy not just grab debuginfo then?19:43
Jbosmhm the Meego SDK Linux Setup of Intel Tablet UX does not support opensuse... :(19:43
vljab: hi !19:43
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Jboshey timeless_xchat, how are you.19:44
timeless_xchatit's just references to line numbers19:44
timeless_xchatjbos: pretty good19:44
Stskeepstimeless_xchat: debuginfo contains sources in meego19:44
Stskeepstimeless_xchat: for gdb'ing19:44
timeless_xchatstskeeps : wtf?19:44
Stskeepstimeless_xchat: in opensuse, they have debugsource19:44
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timeless_xchatstskeeps: got a url for a sample rpm?19:45
Stskeepstimeless_xchat: somewhere, too lazy to find it19:45
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timeless_xchatjbos: i hit your "missing time on debian" issue when setting up mxr.meego.com19:46
timeless_xchatbut it's mostly up19:46
timeless_xchatincluding a meegon!19:46
vljab: quillimage does not allow to store image in a 32bits format ?19:46
Jbostimeless_xchat i was checking latley mxr but it seems to miss certain "symbole click" feature19:46
Jboswhich i like the most about mxr :)19:46
timeless_xchatjbos : should be working now19:47
timeless_xchatat least temporarily19:47
Jbosk, yea i tried to understand how meegotouch is doing rotation of apps...19:47
timeless_xchati didn't build the xref initially because i wasn't happy w/ the source extraction story19:47
Jbosto copy certain missing steps to firefox mobile...19:47
Jbosi see19:47
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toadpolewhat's the current meego n900 build?19:48
abvlj, as it is using qimage, it does allow it.19:48
Jbosjust finaly cron'd peregrine mxr today19:48
vljab: qimage stores image as 8 bits rgb19:49
Jbosstill want to improve the html code / layout19:49
Jbos:) want to have it more web2.0 ish19:49
vljit is possible to store float rgb value instead ?19:49
timeless_xchatjbos: there are some temporary patches on which might interest you19:50
Jbosright now it looks a bit to oldschool ( )19:50
abvlj, QImage::Format_RGB32 or ARGB3219:50
abvlj, but no float rgb19:50
Jbosyep, have a buglist?19:51
vljab: qt can then convert them into 8bit rgb ?19:51
Jbosso i can take a look19:51
timeless_xchatsee .hg/patches19:51
timeless_xchati finally refactored some of it19:51
timeless_xchatespecially the tree switcher19:51
abvlj, that's one limitation as QImage is mostly about painting something before drawing it to screen. THey are not really about image processing19:51
timeless_xchatnot really, patches tend to have vaguely meaningful names and one line hg commit messages19:51
timeless_xchati have perhaps a dozen i'm close to pushing to hg proper19:52
timeless_xchatmaybe tomorrow19:52
abvlj, I'm working on a new qt imaging module but it will take some time before code becomes usable19:52
abespecially with current circumstances19:52
timeless_xchatthe tree switcher one will help you19:52
timeless_xchatit'll automatically hide the tree switcher if you only have one tree19:52
vljab: I was asking because I'm using float array to store hdr image right now19:53
vljI would like a "better integrated" way of storing image19:53
Jbosi see19:53
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vljab: btw are image in QImage stored in row major or column major way ?19:53
Jbosi will take a deeper review of those patches tomorrow or so :) for today my server can sleep ;)19:54
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* timeless_xchat nods19:55
timeless_xchatyou'll definitely want to use mq - so you can qpop+qdel when they land upstream19:55
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abvlj, they are row major19:57
vljab: qt imaging should be an "official" part of qt or ?19:57
abvlj, that's unknown yet. Depends on what we'll achieve :)19:58
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vljand btw19:58
vljcan qt-mobility Camera part use webcam on desktop computer ?19:59
abit should be possible, barring obvious limitations19:59
vljbecause I'm lacking samples to test the accuracy of my hdr routine20:00
timeless_xchatjbos : btw, your readme could use some line breaks ;)20:00
Jbos:D the readme need some update20:01
vljright now I'm using images from links here
vljbut they are probably not licenceable to run unit test for instance20:02
Jbosits totaly out of sync after last week jump from cmake to qmake... i just see the guys left cmake files  ;)20:02
timeless_xchathrm, there's something wrong w/ the source header, it has an extra blank area20:03
timeless_xchatneed to figure out why20:03
vljI'm thinking of using my N8 to get some picture using qt -mobility but it would be easier if qt-mobility can take images from webcam20:03
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vlj(no stabilising issue)20:04
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vljab: hdr construction and compression works acceptably well using jpeg20:06
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vljit came to me as a surprise but using the jpeg sample produces correct image20:06
vljthere are some minor artifacts however20:06
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abyou may probably take some CC images from Flickr for unit tests20:07
vljgood suggestion20:09
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timeless_xchatjbos : oh, you might not have noticed, but look at the bottom of e.g.
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bergieJaffa: I'm in Vienna so connectivity to the infra is a bit limited, and X-Fade is in the US20:11
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timeless_xchatjaffa: what's up?20:12
timeless_xchathey bergie, whatcha doing in vienna?20:12
bergiehacking semantic web editing tools20:13
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* timeless_xchat settles for hopping off a train in search of a movie night20:15
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vljab: thank for information :)20:19
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Jaffabergie: Can you poke someone with connectivity then about ticket #1981?20:53
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smokuMeeGo_current_Core_standard is not a valid repository, use one of: meego_1.1_core21:17
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npmgabrbedd: yesterday you asked about whether i saw waveform display error in mixxx 1.9 on meego 1.2 -- answer: YES21:23
npmgabrbedd: i tried several different things that had fixed the problem in 1.8 and earlier, but it didn't work in 1.9 -- as you reported as well21:24
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gabrbeddnpm: I figured that you were seeing them... I was just curious if you were using OpenGL ES ?21:28
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gabrbeddnpm: Before, you had talked about switching to software rendering to get it to work.21:28
npmi tried using 'raster' 'opengl' and 'x11' systemgraphics per and nothing helped21:29
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npmgabrbedd: that was for 1.8 on fedora... 1.9 seems to have fixed the problem on fedora but now meego is broken21:29
npmIMHO what's going on is this:  WaveformViewerFactory :: Sharing existing GL context.21:30
npmafter doing WaveformViewerFactory :: Making new GL context.21:31
npmas in it's probably not even using the same graphics context it's drawing into21:31
gabrbeddnpm: so when you said "meegolem hack" you were pretty much using a Fedora Qt setup (with full Open GL).21:31
npmi always end up seeing dropping from other screens in there21:31
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npmactually the first time i compiled with fedora qt devels but meego libs (bad idea)21:32
npmthe second time i removed all fedora qt and used only meego 4.7.1 qt devel and libs21:32
gabrbeddnpm: lol!  yes, bad idea. :-)21:32
npmand it still happened21:32
npmit actually worked fine....21:32
npmthe only thing that puked was mixing meego and fedora libtag21:33
npmbut i decided to clean it up and remove as much fedora stuff as possible and still have all the apps run21:33
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gabrbeddso, what did you do to make the waveforms /work/ ?  I'm still confused.21:34
npmthey don't work21:34
npmthats what i was confirming21:34
gabrbeddOH! :-)21:34
npmthe trick i mentioned worked in fedora previously21:34
npmbut i tried it various differenrt ways and it didn't work on meego21:34
npmand yes it has to do with GL graphics contexts being used improperly imho21:35
gabrbeddnpm: Well, FWIW... I'm starting to think it's a bug in Qt.21:36
npmso feel free to pester the MIXXX people into fixing the bug... i've done enough pestering for the day :-)21:36
gabrbedd...but the problem is that I can't isolate the bug.21:36
gabrbeddI've pulled all the waveform code out of Mixxx and into a test app... and the code works fine.21:36
npmit could be... i guess the other experiment i could try is completely overwrite meego's qt with fedora's21:36
npmbut i'm trying to make stuff work, not break everything these days :-)21:37
gabrbeddNo, I don't recommend doing that.21:37
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npmyou can... it is interesting21:37
npmmy least proud moment of meegolemization: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2011-02-25 21:35 /usr/lib/python2.7 -> python2.6//21:38
npmbut i just installed gpodder and all it's python modules and everything works beautifully21:38
gabrbeddWell, the code works for everyone else (with regular OpenGL)... and it's the only thing really different on MeeGo.21:38
npmone thing i've been thinking about is upgrading meego's python to 2.7 instead of using the symlink to make meego and fedora's python modules work together21:39
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gabrbeddThe EGL/GLESv2 code in Mesa and QPaintEngine (AFAIK) haven't had nearly as much testing as the regular OpenGL libs.21:39
gabrbeddFor example, if you drag and drop a track to load it...21:40
gabrbeddThen mcompositor (meegotouch-compositor) crashes.21:40
gabrbeddThat's the window manager... so EVERYTHING crashes.21:40
gabrbeddThat was an unchecked pointer in Mesa's EGL driver.21:40
npmi was dragging and dropping files in mixxx for several hours last night21:40
gabrbeddI believe you... but it still crashed for me and I was able to get the smoking backtrace. :-)21:41
npmthe main instability I saw is using ALSA rather than jack... usual timing wonkiness from not running realtime21:41
npmoh, i have the smoking backtraces: -rw------- 1 root root 7417964 2011-02-26 11:26 /var/log/messages21:43
npm7 megabytes of them.21:43
gabrbeddNo, I meant for the crash. :-)21:43
gabrbedd...the one specific crash.21:43
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npmspeaking of crashes --
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gabrbeddnpm: are you using clutter? (the netbook ux)21:46
gabrbeddthat's why dragging didn't crash for you.21:47
npmso what are you running?21:47
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npmisn't indamixxx based on the netbook ux or does it have its own?21:48
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gabrbeddUp to January we were netbook.  And right now the beta program tablets will come with netbook.21:49
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npmr u using intel tablet ux?21:49
gabrbeddBut netbook is not for tablets... and the devs say it will never be for tablets.21:49
gabrbeddAnd we're selling tablets.21:49
gabrbeddNot yet on the Intel Tablet UX.21:50
gabrbeddI switched over to handset to do what... well, they did.21:50
npmyes the netbook ux is not optimized for tablet usage... for example, you unpin the icons when you hit them with your finger instead of clicking them21:50
gabrbeddI haven't switched over my dev environment yet... since I see that they're using mostly the same stack that I'm using.21:50
ali1234the whole idea of a button panel that appears when you mouse over it completely fails on a tablet21:51
gabrbeddstack: meego touch framework (mcompositor window manager instead of clutter)21:51
gabrbeddali1234: Well, believe it or not we've gotten good at dragging our fingers over to get the pin to appear. :-)21:52
npmso when i'm using 'mixxx' with netbook ux -- it's not using opengl?21:52
npmand in your case it is?21:52
ali1234gabrbedd: me too but it's not exactly something you would put in a product you expect people to buy21:52
gabrbeddali1234: Right!21:52
ali1234without doubt the tablet UX works better on a netbook than the netbook UX works on a tablet21:53
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gabrbeddnpm: Yes, and I think Trunk is even using OpenGL ESv2.21:53
gabrbeddnpm: It's just not using mcompositor for the window manager.21:53
npmhow would i check?21:53
gabrbeddcheck for mcompositor?21:53
* npm reads xdpyinfo21:54
gabrbeddps aux | grep mcompositor21:54
npmah thans21:54
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gabrbeddbtw, your wifi crashes look like they're happening in the kernel.21:56
gabrbeddHave you filed a bug?21:56
npmi attached it to previous bugs i'd filed21:56
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npmath9k looks problematic21:56
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npmbut also having problems w/ wired21:57
npmand tracker seems to be involved somehow as well (migbht be a secondary issue)
MeeGoBotBug 13778 nor, Undecided,, martin.xu, ASSI, Wireless connection loses "router" setting for Static-IP21:57
MeeGoBotBug 13780 nor, Undecided,, martin.xu, ASSI, Wired connection stops working when transferring lots of data21:58
npmi just turned off tracker so i'll see if that has something to do with it...21:58
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npmgabrbedd: by the way what's your fav qt skin for apps... i'm finding the meego one makes existing interfaces and dialogs not fit but 'plastique' does and isn't bad to use with the finger22:04
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npm vs
gabrbeddnpm: I've always like plastique.  What I think is interesting, though... is how it looks "old" when you use it in MeeGo.22:05
gabrbeddnpm: Indeed, QJackCtl's settings won't fit on the screen unless you switch to something like plastique.22:05
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npmand also the meego style looks all "greyed out" and the buttons are hard to see if clicked22:06
npmplastique the clicked button is bright red22:06
thiago_homenpm: since it doesn't look like a Qt style, it must be Gtk+22:06
npmwhich? the meego style?22:07
thiago_homethe default must be Gtk+, which loads the Gtk style of choice22:07
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npmon my fedora desktop, i seem to be using a style between gtk and qt that looks similar22:08
npm(plastique actually)22:08
npm(i use kde)22:08
npmis there a way to set that for meego, so that the gtk and qt all look like my fedora desktop?22:09
npmand when is kde going to save the day and release a nice tablet ux for meego :-)22:10
ali1234my favourite Qt style is QGtkStyle22:11
ali1234and my standard challenge for anyone who claim that KDE is better than gnome because KDE is more configurable, is to make KDE look exactly like gnome...22:12
npmso does QGtkStyle do that?22:12
ali1234it makes Qt apps look like gtk apps22:13
ali1234but it doesn't make KDE look like gnome22:13
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gabrbeddnpm: One of the KDE devs said they had a small team working on a Tablet environment -- though I don't know if they're targeting it being a "MeeGo UX"22:15
gabrbeddnpm: Check the ML archives on meego-community for one of the Tablet UX threads22:16
gabrbeddnpm: ...or on meego-dev where a KDE dev introduced their intention to collaborate with MeeGo.22:16
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thiago_homeKDE would make a Plasma-Tablet UX22:17
thiago_homeit's up to MeeGo to adopt it or not22:17
thiago_homein any case, there's a MeeGo tablet UX being done by Intel (shown at MWC last week)22:17
npmali1234: thanks for suggesting  QGtkStyle -- looks good22:18
ali1234npm: it's used by default if you use a gnome desktop... if you try to use it on KDE, it doesn't really work22:19
ali1234it doesn't change how plasmoids or the panel or the window decorations look22:19
ali1234and all the KDE versions of those just look even worse if you use a gnome style for widgets22:19
ali1234KDE is fixated on ugly gradients everywhere for some reason22:20
ali1234doesn't work too well with the usual flat gtk styles22:20
npmsince there's no open-source tablet uX for meego, and people are in agreement that the netbook ux doesn't cut it for touchscreens...  seems like plasma-based QML stuff could be the open source tablet solution we need22:20
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thiago_homeI'm pretty sure Intel will open-source it22:21
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npmit certainly has the apache license there.22:21
ali1234if you look in the code, it's really simple22:22
npmsimple, but hard to put together22:22
npmthat's the problem w/ UI code.22:22
ali1234designing it maybe22:22
ali1234reimplementing it from scratch wouldn't be that hard22:23
hirabayashitaroHi, I was wondering why contact feature is not included in the core part of meego. It is not planned for all the adaptations (handset, netbook, etc)?22:23
npmyeah... if the code looks simple that's a testament to QML being the right tool for the job22:23
ali1234heh, well, i wouldn't say it's exactly a testament to Qt22:23
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thiago_homeQt is just a tool22:23
ali1234it would be half the size if it wasn't full of comment like "// ugly workaround for bug xxx"22:23
thiago_homeand shortcomings are expected in the first version22:24
thiago_homeintel's been developing with QML way before it was released at 1.022:24
npmthiago_home: agree -- QML is awesome22:24
ali1234like i said before, QML reminds me a lot of early days of Html, where everything had to be tweaked by hand and hacks were used like fixed width container tables etc22:25
npmi should quit screwing around w/ the netbook and get back to writing some :-)22:25
ali1234at least, that's the impression i get from the tablet UX code22:25
* thiago_home doesn't like the fixed-width part, but the designers of QML seem to22:25
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npmali1234: the tablet ux code is the result of a deadline i'm sure...22:26
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npmif they open-source it we could easily rip out the fixed scaling and make it adaptive to display sizes22:26
ali1234sure. when i said it was simple, i meant it was implemented in the quickest and dirtiest way possible22:26
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npmit's also that QML is new and we don't yet understand the "design patterns" it necessitates22:27
ali1234npm: i actually attempted to do that, and had some success22:27
npmplus there' no obious "toolkit" of compoentns to use22:27
ali1234in order to change the size of the panels on the main page i had to change the relative width of about 5 different sub components22:28
ali1234there is no top level "scale everything by 50%"22:28
npmthat's one of the reasons why i've been wanting the netbook ux alongside n900 for apps.. . so as to figure out how to make apps work on difft screen res/sizes22:28
ali1234actually there is, but it doesn't work the way anyone would expect it to22:28
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ali1234if you scale the panel by 50%, the distance between panels remains the same (because it is in a fixed width container)22:29
ali1234but if you scale that container by 50%, then the panels get scaled to 25%22:29
ali1234because they inherit both the parent container size and also the scaling of the parent22:29
ali1234so you have to put in loads of really nasty hacks22:29
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* gabrbedd was actually asking about the fixed size problem on #qt22:30
thiago_homegabrbedd: there's a task about other units22:31
thiago_homelike ems and cm22:31
lcukn900thiago it is a shame there is no simple 'fill window' mode22:32
thiago_homefill with what?22:32
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ali1234lcukn900: there is, it fills the window by stretching everything in the UI22:32
gabrbeddlcukn900: Do you mean like `cat /dev/urandom > content.dat` ??22:33
ali1234but it doesn't quite work right because some bits are fixed size22:33
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lcukn900yeah so why does that not work?22:33
ali1234it more or less does22:33
lcukn900ali then it is not dynastretching22:33
gabrbeddlcukn900: instead of using layouts, they're using alignment anchors.22:33
ali1234what is dynastretching? is that like callanetics?22:33
gabrbeddlcukn900: ...and it more or less does the same thing.22:34
npmseveral decades ago, we had this thing called a "table widget" which would do all that quite nicely:
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lcukn900ali1234 component might request certain sizes but should be displayed as large as possible within the actual allocated space22:35
ali1234lcukn900: even though you can only see two panels on the ideapad instead of the three you would see on the wetab, nothing is actually getting drawn outside the screen, and the UI is completely functional22:35
lcukn900i know22:35
ali1234and if you tell it to scale the entire UI by 50%, that works22:35
ali1234you still see a little bit less than two panels, but in a window that fills 1/4 of the screen22:36
ali1234this isn't a failing of QML, it's a failing of how the UI has been written22:36
ali1234because it's a hacky demo, not a serious product22:36
ali1234IMO :)22:36
gabrbeddthiago_home: how do I get the top-level QML element to "do the right thing" without me setting width/height manually?22:37
ali1234and because it's a hacky demo... well, it wouldn't take someone long to make an equally hacky open source version22:37
ali1234and that's just assuming they don't release the source, which they probably will22:37
thiago_homegabrbedd: I don't know22:37
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gabrbeddthiago_home: ok, thanks.22:38
gabrbeddthiago_home: I asked on #qt and somebody started a QML troll session. :-(22:38
* thiago_home pays attention there22:39
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ali1234it wasn't me :)22:39
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npmIMHO, the problem is there needs to be a toplevel component that abstracts away screen size in pixels and has everything underneath work in "floating point" percentages22:46
thiago_homeyou don't want to do that22:46
thiago_homescaling is not the answer22:46
thiago_homeit's also CPU intensive22:46
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ali1234npm: it already does do that22:47
npmthere needs to be an abstraction beyond pixels, esp if you're working "declaratively"22:47
thiago_homecm and other units are useful22:48
ali1234if you set scale: 0.5 on the top level container it will draw the whole UI in 1/4 of the screen, therefore it is already resolution independent22:48
thiago_homeexpanding elements are also useful22:48
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npmpart of the issue is also the need for actual "declarative programming" (aka backtracking in prolog)22:50
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npmin that constraints can propagate down from the top (e.g. screen size) and up from components (such as fixed images etc)22:50
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npmbut it seems like most of the layout in QML is top-down, when it actually needs to be solving a constraint problem simultaneously from bottom up and top-down22:51
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ali1234the thing is, this stuff is handled for you automatically if you use QWidgets. i would argue that by trying to simplify it too much, QML actually makes it harder to get this stuff right22:52
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thiago_homeqwidget's layout system is incredibly complex23:32
ali1234perhaps, but reimplementing it in QML is even worse23:33
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ali1234it makes creating a QVerticalLayout and adding some widgets into it seem trivial23:34
* javispedro finds gtk's "layouts"="widgets" concept easier to explain23:36
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* Stskeeps watches quim's talk at scale9x23:39
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gabrbeddStskeeps: live?  or is it streaming?23:41
Stskeepsgabrbedd: streaming, i'm not in the US right now :)23:41
gabrbeddStskeeps: url?23:41
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gabrbeddmissile lock....23:44
Stskeepsthat's not friendly :P23:44
gabrbeddha!  it may sound bad... but in the US that's actually friendly.  It means "I'm dialed in and you have my undevided attention."23:45
Stskeepsto europeans it sounds like vietnam and iraq..23:46
Stskeepsbut yeah, cultures23:46
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* gabrbedd makes mental note not to use military idioms around europeans. :-)23:50
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gabrbedderm... stet.23:50
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gabrbeddpoor qgil... I knew that would be the first question.23:52
* Jaffa opens stream now. What was it? "Why does Nokia suck?"23:53
StskeepsJaffa: "will nokia's focus change in meego" or something23:53
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Stskeepsreally the worst kind of question to get, especially since there's not too much info yet23:56
javispedroand there will never be...23:56
Stskeepsthey just said they're working on a offical statement ;)23:57
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