IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2011-02-25

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DawnFosterCosmoHill: there is no growling in meego :)01:46
CosmoHillthat wasn't a growl, that was a rawr01:47
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CosmoHillbut I do growl too, mostly at MS01:47
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CosmoHillw00t, it's a w00t_01:50
CosmoHillDawnFoster: so how was your day?01:51
DawnFosterCosmoHill: good - actually getting some good work done. Yours?01:51
CosmoHillif it wasn't for my friend I would have said today was a waist01:52
CosmoHillor waste*01:52
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CosmoHillhey lbt, how goes?01:57
lbthey CosmoHill.... you know... looking for a job01:59
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CosmoHillgood luck with that02:05
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* lbt is not alone02:12
mihero_seems to quite a lot that going around02:13
lbtnb "looking" != "fired" or anything.... just being safe02:13
mihero_I was just cleaning my CV:)02:14
CosmoHillI had to clean up my CV02:14
CosmoHillit's part of my dissertation02:14
Part`I had to find a job.02:14
Part`University make me bored.02:14
lbtI am always optimistic and can still hope that Nokia will find a way out of the darkness...02:14
CosmoHillI'm in my final year02:15
Part`i'm in the second year, but all courses are really boring.02:15
Part`i'm 'drawing' some crap in catia and pro/engineer02:15
timeless_w7ipso, fwiw,
timeless_w7ipyou should be able to use the chooser at the bottom of gitorious mxr pages to view other revisions of files :)02:16
CosmoHillPart`: maybe you're on the wrong course?02:16
CosmoHillI see that's been fixed02:16
Part`CosmoHill: no, it's Computer Science. And only this semester contains those subjects.02:16
CosmoHillhope your course isn't like mine02:17
CosmoHill"didn't we do this last year?"02:17
Part`would be great to find a job as qt developer, or something related.02:17
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Part`last year i seen only Java/.NET offers.02:17
CosmoHillI've done: MSSQL, MySQL, C/C++, Java. AS3, PHP, html, css and JS02:18
Part`what university you are attending?02:19
CosmoHillARU in Essex02:19
Part`Let me google it. :p02:19
CosmoHillit may work, it may not. our internet cable got cut somehow02:19
Part`nice website02:21
CosmoHillour uni LAN has basically been cut in half cos someone drilled too deep about 12 miles away from campus02:21
CosmoHillmy name has been passed onto the developer who did it :)02:21
lcuktimeless_w7ip, tld error on that footer section02:22
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CosmoHillPart`: what do you do with arch linux?02:24
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Part`package maintaining, usually02:25
Part`sometimes translations, general scripting02:25
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Part`k, i'm gonna sleep02:28
Part`see you.02:28
niala1 see you in bed?  ohhh02:28
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CosmoHillplop niala102:39
niala1nice day CosmoHill ?02:40
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niala1CosmoHill: funny image
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CosmoHillnight night02:59
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lcuklbt nn CosmoHill02:59
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niala1good night cosmoHill03:00
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timeless_w7iplcuk: that's intentioanl03:01
infobottimeless_w7ip meant: lcuk: that's intentional03:01
lcuktimeless_w7ip, ahh, I tohught it was for the lookup03:01
timeless_w7iplcuk: well, in cases where the system knows more, it'll do something more magical03:02
timeless_w7ipin this case, it doesn't know enough and there's intentional fallback03:02
lcukthat has always been the way.03:02
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timeless_w7ipboy that's helpful03:04
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lcuktimeless_w7ip, gitweb could show overview of commits without including the contents03:05
lcukit would certainly be more user friendly03:06
timeless_w7ipuser friendly... gitweb... ...03:06
timeless_w7ip.. ...03:06
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timeless_w7ipi wouldn't even ask for such a thing :)03:06
lcuktimeless_w7ip, in this context, we are the users.03:07
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timeless_w7ip :)03:35
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timeless_w7iplcuk: so...03:45
timeless_w7ipsomething confused the code... if you reload that page which had the bad tld thing, you should see something less odd03:45
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lcuktimeless_w7ip, :) great stuff03:46
* lcuk sees a giturl :)03:46
timeless_w7ipthat's not what i want it to say fwiw03:46
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timeless_w7ipnote that mxr actually thinks it's an hg url03:46
lcuktimeless_w7ip, sortof, but that is certainly a step in the right direction03:47
timeless_w7iplcuk: no, seriously. the repo that mxr has is .hg, it just happens to be rather magical03:48
lcukheh, we could do with some magic :)03:49
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timeless_w7ipyeah, i'm working on it03:51
timeless_w7ipoh, so this kinda sucks03:51
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timeless_w7ipthe 'rev/' bit comes from the chooser03:51
timeless_w7ipit's just static text :)03:51
lcukI don't know where you are reading the variables from, how is the mxr storing stuff? is it in a database?03:52
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lcukhmm cannot concentrate or know how that relates tonight timeless_w7ip, going to bed, will catch you earlier tomorrow no doubt \o03:56
timeless_w7ipit's 4am today03:56
timeless_w7ipi'll be back sunday or monday :)03:56
lcuknot quite that late here, and I havent slept yet03:56
lcukso :P tomorrow03:56
timeless_w7ipif you wake up past 4pm today my time, i won't be around03:57
* lcuk will be up around 9 :) gnite timeless03:57
* timeless_w7ip isn't quite sure what to do about the git bits03:58
timeless_w7ipthis code would get horribly confused if i actually converted things03:58
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timeless_w7ipalmost there04:33
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timeless_w7iplcuk: so, now has links for 'Gitorious' and 'History'05:25
timeless_w7ipthey're in the box at the top right05:25
timeless_w7ipthe thing at the bottom is really a local version chooser, so, it's back to showing its native version bits05:26
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sivangis phonon being deprecated in favor of qtmuldimediakit?05:49
gabrbeddsivang: yes.05:50
sivanggabrbedd: great, what are the reasons ? (e.g. back transparency?)05:51
sivang(backend, that is)05:51
gabrbeddsivang: I remember seeing a blog about it somewhere...  just a sec...05:51
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gabrbeddDawnFoster: do you ever sleep?05:52
sivanggabrbedd: thanks, be right back workrave wants the computer :)05:53
sivanghey DawnFoster , here?05:53
* sivang just found a very nice resource from forum nokia that could help us close the developer's guide if we add some narrative docs on top of them.05:54
DawnFostergabrbedd: well, it's only 8pm here :)05:54
DawnFosterhey sivang05:54
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andylouAnyone please help me setup wireless on Meego05:55
* gabrbedd can't get the hang of PST.05:55
andylouanyone come across with RT3090?05:55
sivanggabrbedd: pst?05:55
sivangfeedback appreciated, btw05:55
gabrbeddsivang: Pacific Standard Time, it's the time zone for Portland.05:56
andylouRT3090 .... setup on
sivanggabrbedd: ah, me neither :)05:56
gabrbeddandylou: RT3090 is no fun.05:56
* sivang hopes for some nice news for meego con in SF.05:56
andyloui know it's not fun05:56
andyloubut I am stuck05:56
sivanganyway, workrave gets the keyboard now05:56
gabrbeddandylou:  I had a couple machines with RT3090 and tried using the rt3090-dkms05:56
andylouwhole day doing it05:56
andylouso is that working?05:56
gabrbeddandylou: but I don't think I ever got it working with MeeGo.05:57
andyloui love the interface05:57
gabrbeddandylou: Meanwhile, we chose to go with a tablet with an atheros Wifi card.05:57
andyloubut if I can't used wifi05:57
gabrbeddandylou: Anyway... that's as far as I got with rt3090.05:57
andylouatheros wifi card... if I have that I don't have to install anything05:57
andylouit will detected on Meego for Atheros wifi05:58
gabrbeddandylou: correct, I think most any atheros will work out of the box, no assembly required.05:58
andyloudo you have any that run on USB05:58
andyloui mean can you suggess any05:58
gabrbeddandylou: forget about it.  you've got a rt3090... I was just explaining why I moved on.05:59
gabrbeddandylou: Have you done much with Linux before?05:59
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andylounot linux05:59
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gabrbeddandylou: Done much compiling before?05:59
andyloui am new in linux06:00
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andyloui will chat later06:00
gabrbeddandylou: OK, then I'm afraid I don't have much good new for MeeGo + rt3090.06:00
gabrbeddandylou:  However, I've made it work on Ubuntu and you can probably get it working on Fedora.06:01
DawnFosterthe real question is what are all of you guys doing up - it's late over there :)06:01
gabrbeddHeh... long story for me. :-)  But I'm usually working at this time of night.06:03
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* wmarone kicks obs06:11
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gabrbedd-*- obs starts playing "Sea of Love"06:13
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wmaronenice dependency knot here06:13
wmaronenot a knot I suppose06:14
wmaronebut opensuse 11.3 is unable to fill the requirement of libMagickCore2 that obs requires06:14
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gabrbeddi hit one of those with fedora's `hal` package recently.06:16
wmaronethe silly part is that I installed opensuse to avoid the problems of such a distro-specific applicatoin06:17
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gabrbeddJeesh.  Yeah, I can't *wait* to try and install OBS on a debian box.06:19
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gabrbeddtimoph: evening06:23
timoph6.23am here :)06:23
gabrbeddSame here... in about 8 hours. :-)06:24
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timophnot even that late06:24
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timophhmmh. let's see if bugzilla has something interesting for me06:27
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ar5:28AM here06:28
iekkutimoph, morning :)06:31
timophiekku: morn o/06:31
iekkutimoph, in 1h I will be at office too06:31
iekkufirst cop of coffee :D06:32
timophI've had 1.5 cups of coffee in my life06:33
ar"cop of coffee"? i've heard about that usb disk with some strange stuff created by microsoft and handed out to cops, but...06:33
ar(and, coincidentially, it's named "coffee"06:33
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iekkutimoph, nice06:34
iekkuar, hah06:34
* ar mutters something about windows iscsi performance06:35
iekkuplease, don't swear?06:36
ari won't06:36
arat least, i won't write it here06:36
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arbut that said, if i one gets, on average, about 10MB/s more linear write speed than windows gets linear read speed (with same target settings), it means that something has to be wrong with windows. and i've already tuned the target settings for the windows initiator (i started with 45MB/s linear read speed, ended up with 60 to 65)06:39
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ranamalocan one install any software one wants?06:58
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ranamalolike can I compile from source a package?06:58
ranamalodoes that generally work?06:58
gabrbeddranamalo: yes.06:59
ranamalois there a way to install meego as a vm so I can try it?07:00
ranamalolike with virtualbox or xen or something?07:00
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ranamalogabrbedd: it's rpm based right?07:01
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gabrbeddranamalo: yes, you can install meego in a vm.  Search  There's several ways to do it.  I've personally run the MeeGo SDK through qemu, and it works OK.07:03
gabrbeddranamalo: And yes, MeeGo uses rpm for package management.07:04
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ranamalogabrbedd: you always have root right?  It's like like android where you need to jailbreak your stuff07:04
ranamalogabrbedd: like if I buy a nokia n90007:05
wmaroneranamalo: depends on what a device vendor decides to do07:06
wmaronemeego does not guarantee a vendor will play nice07:06
gabrbeddranamalo: I haven't dev'd on android... so I'm not sure what you're asking.07:06
gabrbeddranamalo: I dev MeeGo on netbooks, and it's almost just like any other linux distro in that regard.07:07
ranamalowmarone: if it's unlocked that means no dirty proprietary games.  Is that correct?07:07
wmaroneranamalo: well, almost all the games you will find are proprietary07:07
ranamalogabrbedd: sounds good.  that's what I'm looking for07:07
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ranamalowmarone: no i mean like locking me out of my own hardware07:08
wmaroneI know07:08
ranamalowmarone: that type of game07:08
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wmaronegames don't lock you out of your hardware07:08
wmaronehandset vendors try to though07:08
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wmaroneand meego has a security framework that can be used to enforce such07:08
wmaronenote /can/, not /will/07:09
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Lukiancan MeeGo be installed while skipping the bootloader installation in the setup process?08:19
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dm8tbrLukian: what are you talking about?08:49
LukianI'm concerned that the syslinux bootloader breaks GPT08:50
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sshormjayne: hi09:12
sshormDCC SEND 0 0 009:12
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sshormDCC SEND 0 0 009:13
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bleeterwtf is that dcc stuff yer fiddling with sshorm09:13
Tm_Tbleeter: spam, ignore09:13
sshorml33t hax09:13
Bostikokay, who has trojaned client?09:14
sshormit's not a trojan09:14
bleeterTm_T: yeah, just pissin' me off... grr09:14
sshormit's a router bug09:14
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sshormpeople with old router firmwares will disconnect when they get that message09:14
sshormDCC SEND 0 0 009:14
sshormit's also annoying in all clients that aren't irssi09:14
sshormbecause all clients that aren't irssi suck09:14
bleetersshorm: so you're trying to piss people off on purpose?09:15
iekkusshorm, that's not very nice09:15
sshormjust /ignore sshorm ALL09:15
sshormDCC SEND 0 0 009:15
bleetersshorm: maybe you're new to freenode, but that's k-lineable stuff09:15
bleeterjust stop it09:16
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sshormDCC SEND 0 0 009:16
iekkuI'm hoping that too09:16
sshormbleeter: i've been glined more times than you've been laid09:16
Tm_Tkids, stop commenting on spam, it aint helping09:16
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sshormTm_T: lol09:17
AgentBlairsshorm why are you sending me stuff09:17
iekkuTm_T, ok dad :)09:17
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* Tm_T is sorry for his bit grumpy action above09:18
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sshormthis channel is no fun09:18
sshormsee ya09:18
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AgentBlairsshorm goddamnit dont send me shit09:18
AgentBlairwho was he09:18
AgentBlairor she09:18
AgentBlairsshorm wants to send you (Unknown.)09:18
iekkuit's not allowed to swear in here, so can't answer ;)09:18
Tm_Twelcome to the IRC: commenting on spam is just giving those kids the attention they are looking for09:18
AgentBlairaye alright09:19
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bleeterTm_T: indeed, just wanted to make sure they knew what they were doing before hopping in to #staff to see if my mate was around ;)09:19
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poutsilet's hope the univesity of miami is serious about logging and abuse emails :p11:10
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Tm_Tpoutsi: miami?11:14
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Tm_Toh right11:15
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lardmanDoes mic-image-creator normally take an age at the "Running scripts" stage?11:35
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lardmanI've never actually had to sit around and wait for it before, so am not sure if this is normal or not11:35
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lardmanhmm, I'll see if it's an error in the ks file then11:41
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timeless_w7ipCompleted stage 4 (16988s):Information on 12918231 identifiers dumped to disk.11:49
timeless_w7ipsp3000: yum11:49
timeless_w7ipok, so, if people want to try to use, the ident database is now working11:50
timeless_w7ipwhich should make it vaguely useful11:50
arfolltimeless_w7ip, you're so positive11:51
timeless_w7ipthis isn't the final, and it isn't cronned11:51
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timeless_w7iparfoll: well, i'm not quite sure what people will do with it, and i'm not sure how mxr will deal w/ a database of 12 million identifiers...11:51
arfollI get : ** Fatal: Search isn't available; please complain to the webmaster [cite: bad_glimpseindex]11:52
timeless_w7ipyeah, 'search' doesn't work, 'ident' does11:52
timeless_w7ipamusingly enough, the identifier index pass finished before the glimpse index pass11:52
timeless_w7ipi'm fairly certain that traditionally glimpse is the fast leg11:52
* timeless_w7ip wonders what's causing glimpse to be unhappy11:52
timeless_w7ipoh, why do i bother.11:53
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timeless_w7ipname too long: /data/mxr-data/
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* timeless_w7ip thanks alsa for being *stupid*11:53
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arfolltimeless_w7ip, works well11:53
timeless_w7ipthere are dozens of these evil things11:54
timeless_w7ipname too long: /data/mxr-data/
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timeless_w7ipactually, so far those are the only two that glimpse has hit11:55
timeless_w7ipcome to think of it, iirc i ended up adding a patch to my other glimpses to deal with evil packages12:00
* timeless_w7ip would have to vpn in and ask12:00
tybollttimeless_w7ip: I see from your nic you took you CEO literally? :)12:02
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timeless_w7iptybollt: aww,g, thanks12:04
timeless_w7ipthis was actually more of a gift from Intel/LF than Nokia12:04
timeless_w7ipi got it because LF paid for me to go to MeeGo Conf Dublin :)12:04
timeless_w7ipNokia wouldn't pay even though i was a speaker ..12:05
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mikhasDawnFoster1, still awake? what do you think about - can we get the ML?12:13
MeeGoBotBug 13696 nor, Undecided, ---, dawn.m.foster, NEW, Request for dedicated meego-inputmethods ML12:13
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Mazzaawhen does MeeGo 1.2 come to N90012:25
Stskeepswhen 1.2 is released12:26
Mazzaaand what is that day?12:26
Mazzaaor month :D12:26
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Mazzaaany one?12:27
timeless_w7ipmazzaa: stop asking12:27
Mazzaai can ask if i dont know?12:27
Mazzaathis channel is for general discussion...12:28
Mazzaaso just tell me and i will stop asking12:28
Mazzaahahaha xD12:28
Mazzaayou think you are funny with that letmegooglethatforyou link?12:29
timeless_w7ipi think you're an idiot12:29
timeless_w7ipfor not googling firstr12:29
Mazzaahahahahahahahha xD12:29
infobottimeless_w7ip meant: for not googling first12:29
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timeless_w7ipfwiw, i'm actually impressed w/ the google hits for that query12:32
timeless_w7ipkudos for the wikians etc12:32
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* timeless_w7ip notes that the query for meego 1.2 release schedule actually gives the right answer..12:35
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timeless_w7ipstskeeps: anyway, can you try and tell me what you think? - freetext search isn't ready yet -- alsa-lib and meego-lsb insisted on being evil12:36
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ali1234you see those charts on the release page?12:39
ali1234(release schedule)12:40
timeless_w7ipali1234: yeah12:40
timeless_w7ipthey're cute/shiny12:40
ali1234why do they go new, resolved, verified?12:40
timeless_w7ipinstead of?12:40
timeless_w7ipnew=bugs that aren't resolved12:40
ali1234that puts the "actually fixed" bugs in the middle of the bar12:40
timeless_w7ipresolved=bugs that aren't verified12:40
ali1234it should go new, verified, resolved12:40
ali1234you know, in the order that things happen12:40
timeless_w7ipa bug's life is "reported", "resolved fixed", "verified fixed"12:41
ali1234so that you can tell how far "done" it is at a glance12:41
Stskeepsali1234: they go new, assigned, resolved, verified12:41
ali1234oh, ok12:41
* thiago thought that "new = bugs that aren't resolved" and "resolved = bugs that aren't new"12:41
timeless_w7ipverified is closer to done than resolved12:41
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ali1234i thought "verified" was like "confirmed"12:41
Stskeepsali1234: there's a diagram somewhere12:41
timeless_w7ipthiago: my aren't we feeling helpful12:41
Stskeepsali1234: no, it means QA tested developer aren't lying12:41
thiagoRESOLVED -> bug is fixed12:41
thiagoVERIFIED -> verified by QA that it is fixed12:42
timeless_w7ipali1234 ^12:42
thiagoRELEASED (if it exists) -> bug fix is in a release12:42
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ali1234i think the charts are in alphabetical order though, so this is by accident rather than design :)12:42
thiagothere's generally one stage before NEW for bugs that haven't been confirmed12:42
timeless_w7ipstskeeps: please file a bug12:43
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timeless_w7ipthat isn't linked from's lifecycle page12:43
timeless_w7ipi'd file it, but i don't know my password :(12:43
Stskeepsnot sure we have UNCO in meego.com12:43
timeless_w7ipthe page claims we do12:43
Stskeepsit does?12:44
CosmoHilltimeless_w7ip: Password123!12:44
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timeless_w7ipstskeeps: yes, click my link12:44
timeless_w7ipand it's been modified to list released + waiting for upstream which are nonstandard12:44
Stskeepstimeless_w7ip: poke andre or iekku12:44
timeless_w7ipoh, i could use bugzilla's password reset feature12:44
timeless_w7ipbut i'm lazy12:44
timeless_w7ipthe only computer which knows my password is my dead mac12:45
Stskeepsso i am12:45
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timeless_w7ipitym 'so am i'12:45
Stskeepsyeah, sorry, learning polish screws up my language..12:45
CosmoHilltimeless_w7ip: if it's intel, you can remove the hard drive, plug it into another Intel mac and boot from it12:45
CosmoHillyou should be able to do it with a USB caddy, you just hold down ALT when booting12:46
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timeless_w7ipcosmohill: i copied the keychain to another box12:49
timeless_w7ipand finally pulled it down to my g512:49
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CosmoHillah cool12:50
CosmoHillI Rysnc my home directory with my server so if anything happens to my mac I can restore to a new mac12:50
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timeless_w7ipand then it took me 5 or so attempts to unlock the keychain..12:52
timeless_w7ipright, so anyone here do theme work?12:52 would like to have a meegon12:53
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CosmoHillI thought texrat did the meegons12:54
* timeless_w7ip eyes
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CosmoHillnow I need a password12:56
Bostikhead -c6 /dev/urandom | base64   ?12:57
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CosmoHillBostik: I'll have to use that some time, but I meant to get into the site timeless_w7ip linked to12:57
ali1234CosmoHill: meego/developer12:58
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lardmanhmm, my mic endless waiting problem was a lack of an <<EOF where I was trying to add a file to the fs12:58
CosmoHilldamn, I tried that combo backwards12:58
timeless_w7ipcosmohill: i'd bet you could lop off 'developer' and get the file12:58
CosmoHilltook me a while to work out that the meego was facing away from me and that it was a shelf, not his head12:59
timeless_w7iphrm, nope12:59
ali1234i think it's a spirit level?12:59
timeless_w7ipali: i prefer 'bubble level', but it only has 1, i'm used to 313:01
* timeless_w7ip is used to Carpenter's level13:01
ali1234spirit level = UK term i think13:01
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* timeless_w7ip grumps13:04
timeless_w7ipanyone know where the images live?13:04
* timeless_w7ip wants to browse them13:04
timeless_w7iplcuk: not .iso image, .png image13:05
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lcukthen, nope IDK where13:06
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timeless_w7ipok, temporarily has a bit of branding13:14
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timeless_w7ipthe branding and stuff will flicker for a bit while i fold it around13:15
iekkuhi timeless_w7ip13:16
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CosmoHillwell there goes my DVD drive :(13:23
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* alterego wonders if MeeGo input method has a "dialpad" mode.14:22
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* CosmoHill is running out of disk space on his server :/14:28
* slaine needs more coffee14:29
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CosmoHillI'll trade you coffee for disk space14:29
CosmoHillor the left side wing mirror for a mk4 golf14:29
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CosmoHillbetween taking me home wednesday night and thursday night my friend lost his14:30
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CosmoHillI'm the only one of my friends to not have an accident in my car14:33
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* CosmoHill really should install xfs_dump14:47
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timeless_officeso... i need a meegon :)14:56
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timeless_officehas anyone here seen a construction worker /contractor meegon?14:56
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timeless_office <- Error creating thumbnail:  libgomp: Thread creation failed: Resource temporarily unavailable  ??14:58
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* timeless_office tries
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lcuko_O a beer has managed to slide its way all the way from #meego-bar and stopped infront of andre__15:06
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andre__lcuk: yay & thanks! *kling* cheers! :)15:06
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CosmoHillwhoever told me to install exiftools, thank you :)15:26
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mikhaswhat is actually the bugzilla component "OS Base" referring to?15:31
mikhasI only understand core and platform ;-)15:32
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CosmoHillcould it be the stuff between the core and UX?15:32
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CosmoHilllike medic codecs for example15:33
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CosmoHillinteresting, I'm getting blocked on youtube from viewing videos in my own country15:42
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lcukhmm the pinetrail image set the brightness wrong today15:49
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CosmoHillbleh, it's 2pm and I've not done anything today15:51
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timeless_officelcuk: i've got a meegon! :)15:56
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lcuktimeless_office, thats a cool meegon15:57
lcukand he links to the tools page as well :)15:58
lcukdouble bonus15:58
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timeless_officei suspect the colors aren't quite right, if someone wants to recolor him for me, i'll gladly integrate16:00
timeless_office(credit can be given or lost, at the contributor's discretion)16:00
timeless_officehe's an svg16:00
timeless_officefwiw, he came from midmeegon.svg16:00
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timeless_officei think he might be a bit too tall, opinions?16:01
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gabrbeddtimeless_office: The MeeGo Compliance specification says that all meegoans shall have a width:height ratio between 1:2.35786 and 1:38884.16:02
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timeless_officeum, i meant in pixels16:04
timeless_officebut please feel free to check him against any specs16:04
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lcukgabrbedd, so, they have an ideal BMI?16:06
timeless_office <- is the related original (as a png, the svg is in a sibling directory)16:06
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Guest5392how to check what wireless I have on meego16:17
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Dijitwhat do you mean wireless?16:18
Dijityou mean scanning for access points?16:18
Dijitor, what card you have?16:18
Dijitor what it's called?16:19
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Dijitor... what?16:19
andylouhello everyone16:19
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andylouI need help here16:20
andylouhow to check what hardware i have on meego16:20
andyloui mean my wireless16:20
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andylouon lsmod. it show i got rt2860sta16:22
andyloubut then it is not connect, can someone help pls16:22
timeless_officelcuk: so, i've given its own favicon16:22
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andylouanyone can help with RT2860sta or RT3090 wireless setup on Meego...please16:24
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Dijitwhat's the output of "ifconfig" and "iwconfig"16:26
CosmoHilloh com'mon, that's the second DVD drive to fail today16:28
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Venemowhat is the Qt Creator ifdef for MeeGo?16:32
wmatandylou: see this fixed bug ->
MeeGoBotBug 13194 nor, Medium, 1.1,, VERI FIXED, RaLink RT3090 Wireless does not work16:32
gabrbeddwmat: andylou is gone, but that helps *me*.  Thanks!16:35
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wmatgabrbedd: great!16:39
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lcukthanks to whoever just phoned my houseline16:55
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* lcuk just nearly fell down stairs getting it 16:55
mihero_most likely just a salesman16:55
qgillcuk: you just lost a million pounds16:56
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lcukqgil, I am sure they will call back.16:57
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RST38hlcuk: you mean, to make yu really fall down the stairs?16:57
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Venemocould anyone please tell me the Qt #ifdef for MeeGo?17:19
gabrbeddVenemo: you mean, a compile-time #ifdef to determine that you're compiling for MeeGo?17:20
JartzaQ_WS_MEEGO ?17:20
Venemogabrbedd: correct17:20
CosmoHillVenemo: search the logs, it was meantioned not to long ago17:20
Venemogabrbedd: also, the section for .pro files17:20
JartzaI'm pretty sure it is Q_WS_MEEGO17:20
VenemoJartza: and what is the .pro file section name?17:21
JartzaI don't remember17:21
VenemoJartza: meego { } ?17:21
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gabrbeddI thought the policy was that there is no Q_WS_MEEGO and that there would never be one. It's Q_WS_X11.  Did this change?17:22
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JartzaI can't quite check now17:25
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gabrbeddI remember a ML post from thiago several months ago saying that Q_WS_MAEMO was a hack and a mistake and it will not be repeated on MeeGo.  I think that was perhaps on meego-dev ML.17:27
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gabrbedd...but, things like this seem to change on MeeGo without any mention on meego-dev.17:27
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Venemogabrbedd: this is bad news :(17:31
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Venemothiago: is this true?17:32
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thiagoyes, there's no #define for MeeGo17:32
thiagoMeeGo is a standard Linux with X1117:32
Venemowhy not?17:32
Venemowell, I want my app to appear differently on mobile devices and desktop, and I use #ifdef to distinguish17:33
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thiagoso your app looks the same on a 3" handset and a 30" TV?17:33
Mekyou can't know at compile time what meeg UX is running your app, and thus not if it is a mobile device17:33
Venemothiago: no, because I #ifdeffed the differences17:33
thiagoand the same as a 10" netbook but different from a 14" laptop?17:33
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thiagono, you want a form-factor API17:34
thiagothat's not a compile-time #define17:34
Venemothiago: is there one?17:34
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Venemothiago: formfactor API would be good enough for me. is there such an API?17:34
thiagothe best is the System Information Mobility API17:35
thiagowe're missing the rest because we've been focused on one single form-factor17:35
Venemothiago: that doesn't have form factor...17:35
thiagoI know, but it's the closest17:35
Venemookay thiago17:35
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Venemoplease tell me then how to differentiate 3" from 10"17:36
thiagoif you have different builds anyway, then you can set your own #define17:36
thiagoQX11Info has the display size, I think17:36
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Venemothiago: I can't find such a method in it17:38
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thiagolet me find it17:38
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Venemowhich method is it?17:39
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MekVenemo: appDpiX/Y in combination with QDesktopWidget to get the pixel size?17:39
thiagoI think you can multiply the DPI by the geometry (
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Venemothiago: how reliable is the DPI setting?17:41
thiagodepends on the system17:41
Mekmaemo at least lies about the dpi17:41
thiagosome systems lie about the DPI17:41
thiagothey make the DPI lie by telling the system that the screen is actually of a different size17:41
Venemoso, there is no reliable way to tell, neither an ifdef I could use.17:42
Venemojust great.17:42
gabrbedd#ifdefs lie, too17:43
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Venemogabrbedd: how so?17:43
thiagoyou can install an application meant for a device on another17:43
gabrbeddIf I take your MeeGo-handset-built #ifdef'd package and run it on a desktop... it won't adapt, will it?17:44
berndhsVenemo: say someone does ssh into your system, your ifdefs dont know about that display17:44
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Venemoso in your opinion, what's the solution then?17:44
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VenemoI want to display a different UI for mobile and desktop - how can I achieve it in Qt?17:47
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gabrbeddIf you want to support different compile-time configurations (Mobile|Desktop) -- it's easy to create your own #define.17:47
Mekdecouple UI from engine, and create seperate applications for mobile and desktop, and then let the user decide which one to run?17:48
gabrbeddIf you want to support run-time configurations, try to auto-detect it but allow either a command-line switch to override it... or have the config. as a user setting.17:48
gabrbeddCommand-line switches can be done in the .desktop file and are transparent to the user.17:48
Venemookay, gabrbedd's last idea is the best so far.17:49
berndhsI think its worse, the display is not always the one attached to the system you're running on17:49
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lcukVenemo, but Mek gave the real mechanism for actually doing it, n-tier development, decouple ui from logic17:49
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Venemoberndhs: "have the config. as a user setting."17:50
Venemolcuk: UI is decoupled from the logic.17:50
berndhsVenemo: right, the config is on the system you run on17:50
lcukwell we know that17:50
Venemoberndhs: so if you use it from SSH, you can set it from the settings dialog.17:50
berndhsthe display could be on a different system, X has supported that for 25 years17:50
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Venemoberndhs: in this case, you can go to settings and enable "mobile mode"17:51
berndhsyes if your settings dialog is tolerant enough of unkown displays17:51
Venemoberndhs: it should be.17:52
gabrbeddberndhs: C'mon... let's not confuse things with X-forwarding.  That's for people who already know what they're doing.17:52
berndhspoint is, you need both UIs in the application, switch mroe or less dynamically17:52
Venemoberndhs: yeah.17:52
gabrbeddberndhs: But yes, I've run into several apps that don't do configs right because they view the X console as a singleton...17:53
gabrbeddberndhs: and won't allow more than one app (or config) on the same display... even though they're being run on different computers.17:53
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Venemoberndhs: in either way, it is unlikely that the target users of my app would use it this way often. but I'll make it configurable for GUI.17:55
Venemofrom* GUI17:55
berndhssure it depends on what the app does17:55
Venemoit is a jigsaw puzzle app17:55
berndhsits a good test case for general cases though17:57
Venemowhat do you mean?17:57
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berndhswell, the UI on the wrong screen size will look bad, not it doesnt completely break the app17:58
berndhssome app that has 257 buttons on a desktop is not functional at all on a phone display17:58
Venemoberndhs: it doesn't look really bad. actually, Qt handles the differences in a nice way. the 5 buttons even appear right on small screens.17:59
berndhsright, I'm saying the differences are not insurmountable, but visible18:00
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Venemoberndhs: you're correct18:00
Venemoberndhs: only some minimal behaviourial differences are needed, for example to give more screen space to the user in mobiles and such.18:00
berndhsso the different UIs are probably not drastically different18:00
berndhswhile for the 257 buttons app, you would need a different strategy18:00
Venemoberndhs: you can try it if you want :)
Venemoberndhs: according to lcuk, it works on MeeGo nicely :)18:01
berndhshmm gitorious hangs up unexpectedly, network hates me18:03
berndhsusually works for me too, jsut not today18:05
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shahinghazinouriDoes anyone here have experience setting up Hermes for a local OBS?19:00
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CosmoHillprobably shouldn't blindly throw my phone over my sholder19:17
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berndhsCosmoHill: hit innocent bystander ?19:18
CosmoHillthey're not innocent if they're in my bedroom19:18
berndhsyeah, you should aim, not throw blindly19:18
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CosmoHillsony ericssons hurt19:26
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mikhasDawnFoster1, could you please check again?20:07
MeeGoBotBug 13696 nor, Undecided, ---, dawn.m.foster, NEW, Request for dedicated meego-inputmethods ML20:07
DawnFoster1mikhas: I'll take a look it in a few min20:08
DawnFoster1thanks for pinging me20:08
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Stskeeps'lo DawnFoster1 :)20:09
DawnFoster1hey Stskeeps20:09
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Stskeepsreally crazy times we're living in right now20:32
Stskeeps(wrt meego)20:33
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gabrbeddStskeeps: Crap.  Now what did I miss?  :-p20:38
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Stskeepsgabrbedd: nah, nothing new, but it is erm, interesting when half of TSG resigns from company position (and also TSG?), so i wonder where things will end up20:39
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gabrbeddStskeeps: Really?  Who resigned?  Is there a news release somewhere?20:41
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mikhasI love the "twitter for iPhone"20:43
Stskeepsmikhas: competitor study20:43
mikhasof course20:44
mikhasI do that all the time!20:44
TomaszDStskeeps, I'm not seeing any n900 kernel adaptation updates lately, how's the touchscreen work going, know anything?20:44
TomaszDhell, btw20:44
StskeepsTomaszD: we usually push fixes when we have them - there's been a long long discussion on irc and in bug report20:44
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TomaszDStskeeps, could you link me to the bug report?20:45
StskeepsTomaszD: bug 1328320:45
MeeGoBotBug maj, High, ---, kalle.jokiniemi, RESO FIXED, [TRUNK:TESTING] Wrong touch behaviour while trying to navigate through the items in application grid20:45
TomaszDexploring meego's bugzilla is... difficult20:45
Stskeepsit's a really bizarre bug :)20:46
TomaszDwhat about the wifi ui weirdness Stskeeps ?20:47
TomaszDthat has a bug too?20:47
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TomaszDwould be so kind as to share its number?20:49
* Myrtti snatches a cinnamon bun from Stskeeps 20:49
TomaszDhey, that bun belongs to him20:49
MyrttiOM NOM NOM20:50
TomaszDit was his favourite bun20:50
TomaszDthe last one he had20:50
Myrttisee, he still has his20:50
Myrttisooooo... he must have an infinite source20:50
gabrbeddStskeeps: :-(  Thanks for the link.20:50
TomaszDprobably in his secure office20:50
Stskeepsbug 13474 and bug 1126120:50
MeeGoBotBug maj, High,, ext-gabor.2.juhasz, REOP, The control panel (duicontrolpanel) cannot be opened from application menu20:50
MeeGoBotBug cri, High, ---, brian.j.jones, NEW, Wifi/Bluetooth cannot be set [ON] in control panel.20:51
Stskeepsi think20:51
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Stskeepsthose letters aren't part of the polish alphabet, i believe :)21:07
Stskeepsor my iconv is shot21:07
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arStskeeps: i nic się nie chwalisz, że mówisz po polsku? ;)21:11
Stskeepsar: nie mowię po polsku ;)21:12
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arStskeeps: not at all?21:12
Stskeeps(am a foreigner living in this country and i'm fairly sure æ isn't part of polish..)21:12
Stskeepsar: some. i take classes21:12
arwell, it isn't21:13
arit's part of latin, i guess21:13
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thiago_homeæ is part of Norwegian and Danish21:20
thiago_homeI don't remember if it's used in Icelandic too21:20
ngharoanyone know how to change virtual term hotkeys? for instance ALT+LEFT_ARROW flips me to prev VT in 1.1 netbook.  This is kind of annoying when browsing the web21:25
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ngharowould i be best using xmodmap or something to rebind them?21:25
Stskeepsisn't there a nozap or something like that xorg conf option can be used?21:26
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ngharoStskeeps: I'll try that on my lunch break :)21:28
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ngharoat first glance it seems like that'll only prevent ctrl+alt+backspace from killin x21:28
ngharoohhh, that lead me to the solution me thinks21:29
ngharoDontVTSwitch in xorg conf21:29
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CosmoHillbless you21:42
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* lcukn900 kicks his windows pc23:12
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gabrbedd-*- windows pc starts playing "Love Me Tender"23:17
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lcukn900gabrbedd lol, it should be doing something like that.  damn thing won't open xchat.23:22
lcukn900I may be replacing it this weekend with a mac though so not to bothereed23:22
gabrbeddlcukn900: yeah, saw your tweet(s)23:23
gabrbeddlcukn900: Did you get any answers on the touch stuff?23:24
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lcukn900gabrbedd, yeah like most legacy computers the 'normal' macs are non touch, its only the ipad etc that is23:25
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lcukn900I did not check whether xcode was available for ipad23:26
gabrbeddlcukn900: desktop or notebook?23:26
lcukn900well since it is my desktop that is poorly I should replace that23:27
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gabrbeddlcukn900: can´t you add a monitor with touch?23:28
lcukn900yeah but that would not help23:29
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lcukn900gabrdebb i have my maemo and meego surfaces and the ideapad will not move from my side and n900 stays in my pocket23:30
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lcukn900i just want to poke around xcode to see how to do some stuff23:31
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* lcukn900 remembers poking around maemo first days o_O23:33
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javispedroomg lcukn900 getting a mac, the end is near :)23:36
CosmoHilllcukn900: oo23:37
lcukn900javispedro, thinking about it.  it would be good to actually run some benchmarks of my code on actual hardware23:37
CosmoHillwhat mac?23:37
lcukn900i was hoping someone would have put the linux on iphone with meego so we could look directly23:38
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lcukn900cosmohill, idk but I need a new desktop23:38
CosmoHillI say ignore the mac mini23:39
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lcukn900it never entered my head lol23:39
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lcukn900cosmohill, which do you have?23:40
CosmoHillI have a 2005 powerbook G423:40
CosmoHillsuper drive (DVD-RW was a selling point back then)23:41
javispedrono, bad!  buy a Leemote Yeelooon like Richard Stallman!23:41
lcukn900i would rather have a meego desktop23:41
CosmoHilllcukn900: do you buy off the shelf or build your own?23:41
lcukn900cosmohill i might have built my own n the past but I am far too old and my fingers are too tired nowadays to faff.23:42
CosmoHillif you go to PC world, make sure you go in school time23:42
lcukn900I struggled to change the powersupply on this desktop a few weeks ago23:43
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CosmoHillI ended up opening a computer on thursday and showing a lecturer and 5 students the difference between a hard disk and hard disk controller23:44
CosmoHill"no that's not the chip, the chip is under it, it gets hot, that;s why it's under it"23:45
lcukn900lol oh i understand the components, pretty much down to tracing the signals through the board23:45
lcukn900i just keep cutting my fingers whenever i try to change stuff23:45
CosmoHillmost of the time I think "you're in my class / year ffs, how do you not know this"23:46
lcukn900heh yeah when I was at college it was the same23:46
CosmoHillsome of them are asking me to install software tho!23:46
lcukn900cosmohill, if the perks are right you should agree!23:47
* CosmoHill giggles23:47
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lcukn900many a computer runs on the power of fluttered eyelashes and a bit of cleavage23:47
RST38hlcuk: transauricular cartilage != computer23:48
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CosmoHillalmost bought a t-shirt last year that read "no I will not fix your computer"23:52
* npm successfully builds on MeeGo 1.2 netbook (using "meegolem" hack)23:52
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wargWhich was my point23:58
wargwrong chan... grr23:58

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