IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2011-02-11

arfollvgrade, you get a segfault as well on vainfo?00:03
Venemolcuk2: ping00:03
vgradearfoll, yup00:03
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kaieare the handset builds in this directory the best/latest builds to try meego on n900?
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vgradei did see some posts on ubuntu re latest emgd and cva00:05
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CosmoHillhey vgrade00:05
CosmoHillonce again, why isn't this channel hidden?00:06
CosmoHillI want people who are interested in meego to come here via the website or other means00:06
CosmoHillnot trolls and bots who use /list00:06
VenemoCosmoHill: :D00:06
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skrullisI have followed the rescue guide for nokia n900 at . The guide says that I should see a rescue menu but the screen is just black. The rescue commands seem to work however. What I want to do is to open a rescue terminal so I really need to see something. Does anyone know what the problem could be?00:07
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vgradeEvening CosmoHil00:08
gingerbreadhello meegoans!00:08
CosmoHilltbh the second L is just for redundancy / backup00:08
lbtCosmoHill: I see a future in law enforcement...00:09
CosmoHillas long as it doesn't involve recovering evil videos from computers00:10
lbtstomping... I see lots of stomping00:11
lbtand bad poetry00:11
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arfollvgrade, xbmc and opengl2 fails as on previous EMGD, so i'm trying to build XBMC for the atv2 that should work better (video + opengles2 should work), but they've changed the build system and it's broken00:17
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arfollvgrade, i also wanted to ask you, how come when the joggler boots it isn't autoenabling ethernet? I need to run the netbook UX, enable the ethernet and then it connects. can I make it connect in runlevel3?00:19
skrullisI just realized that my rescue start of meego on the n900 was actually quite successful, it's only the backlight that's missing. How do I turn it on?00:20
vgradearfoll, as you know the joggler does not have a mac address for eth0 so has to be setup.  I thought I had put something in rc.local but may have forgot to do that with the latest image00:23
vgradeit shoud do ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:5500:24
vgradedhclient eth000:24
vgradeifconfig eth000:24
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arfollvgrade, no it looks like its there00:25
* arfoll just made a 176mb patch file...00:25
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vgradearfoll, will investigate00:27
arfollvgrade, thx, i was trying to get openbox instead of netbook UX and can't because of it :-(00:28
arfollanwyays i have to go early tonight00:28
arfollso cyao00:28
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arfollsee you all here for the 10am GMT ;-) i'll be wearing my meego shirt00:29
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vgradearfoll, no t-shirt here but N900 running meego in pocket00:32
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berndhsi'm not awake at 10am GMT00:37
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bzhb will be the hub for tomorrow’s Nokia strategy announcement starting around 7:30am GMT00:54
bzhbby Nokia on twitter00:55
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berndhsi'm not awake at 7:30 am GMT either00:57
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CosmoHillberndhs: I was awake at 6am, damn central heating turned on 2 hours early01:09
berndhsCosmoHill: better than not wake up because the heat doesn't turn on :)01:12
CosmoHillI still wake up, I just can't get out of bed01:13
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berndhsput interesting things far away from the bed01:14
berndhsI get up at 6am frequently, just not 6am GMT :)01:15
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CosmoHillI have a habbit of waking up 30 mins before my lecture01:15
berndhsthat;s good enough if you're the professor01:16
CosmoHillI never said I was late01:16
berndhsas long as you dont drive before you wake up, its ok01:17
CosmoHilltakes me twice as long to drive in than it does to take my bike01:17
berndhsusually took me 15 mins to drive to school, another 10 to find a parking spot01:18
berndhsthen 15 min walk to lecture01:18
CosmoHill20 to drive, 10 to walk01:19
CosmoHillor 15 to bike01:19
berndhsbike path was uphill both ways, so I didnt do that :)01:20
CosmoHillI like biking :)01:21
berndhsme too, jsut not long steep hills going up01:21
CosmoHillthat reminds me, I need to tune my gears01:21
berndhsTri-Flow is good, dont know if they sell it in the UK01:22
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berndhsits teflon spray stuff, good for lubricating gears and bike chains01:23
CosmoHillah I see, it's just out of alignment01:23
berndhswon't help with that of course :)01:23
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berndhsbut if you get sand in the chain, it keeps it from eating the sprockets01:24
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CosmoHillwhere the hell do you go to university?01:24
berndhsSan Diego01:25
berndhssome years ago01:25
CosmoHilloh okay01:25
berndhsI actually graduated and had to leave01:25
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CosmoHillwhat did you graduate in?01:26
berndhscomputer science01:27
berndhsparallel computing01:27
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CosmoHillI'm so grabbing you for my dissertation01:27
berndhsas an example of how not to do it ?01:28
berndhs:)01:28've had 1 failed motherboard, 4 / 5 failed PSUs and a faulty switch01:28
CosmoHillmy replacement switch was used for parts within 3 days01:29
berndhsthat's a hardware problem01:29
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CosmoHillyeah but it still sucks when it blows up when you plug it in01:31
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berndhsthat's why you want similators, they dont smoke01:33
infobotberndhs meant: that's why you want simulators, they dont smoke01:34
CosmoHillI had to look at your sed statment to see the difference between the two sentances01:34
berndhsyes human perception is very interesting01:35
berndhswe often see what we expect to see01:35
berndhswhether its there or not :)01:36
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gabrbeddCosmoHill: If you let the smoke out of a cluster, is that still considered cloud computing?01:44
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CosmoHilli don't think it counts if it's kinda poisonous01:45
CosmoHillthat and I dread to think what the fine is for setting off the smoke alarmm01:45
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gabrbeddYou get fines for that?  From the uni or the city?01:49
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DrGrovGood evening01:50
CosmoHilldon't know01:50
CosmoHilldon't intent to find out01:50
DrGrovAnyone feeling the interest for tomorrow's big Nokia press conference?01:50
berndhsyeah Mubarak is scared of Nokia's announcement :P01:51
CosmoHillI'm indifferent01:52
DrGrovI have been thinking over and over again and again about this01:52
berndhsjust wait, Elop is going to make Hosni quit01:52
DrGrovI do not get any kind of result. He is a cryptic man to say the least.01:52
DrGrovIs the "burning platform" memo even real?01:53
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berndhsHosni ? he believes his own propaganda, that's pretty much it01:53
DrGrovberndhs: No, Elop.01:53
berndhsdon't know if he believes his propaganda, haven't watching him01:54
mdpI have a customer thinking about basing their project on Qt, now they are worrying about its longevity due to all the press on this01:55
DrGrovberndhs: That is what I was thinking about as well. I do not get any grip on the man somehow.01:55
berndhsI think Mubarak is more interresting tomorrow01:55
DrGrovYes, Mubarak will be tha man tomorrow.01:56
DrGrovHe will at least give some type of answers.01:56
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DrGrovYou guys think that the burning platform memo by Elop is actually his own writing?01:58
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DrGrovberndhs: Me neither. It is a powerful statement to say the least.01:59
berndhsits blustery fluff :)01:59
berndhsor fluffy bluster01:59
berndhsor soemthing01:59
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gabrbeddThe memo is written like a horoscope... there's lots of ways to read into it.02:00
gabrbeddwe'll know the forunes tomorrow, though.02:00
DrGrovgabrbedd: Yes, that is the good part. We will know tomorrow what happens.02:01
gabrbeddAnd when it happens... I'll be asleep, like berndhs.02:02
DrGrovgabrbedd: I just sure as hell hope he is not cooking it up with Mr. Ballmer and having a M$ party coming up02:02
gabrbedd...just not /with/ berndhs.02:02
DrGrovgabrbedd: You got me scared there LOL02:02
CosmoHillyou got berndhs' hopes up there02:02
berndhsgabrbedd: thank you, and praise the Lord :)02:02
DrGrovLOL :)02:02
DrGrovThanks guys, the humor kind of relieves my stress LOL02:03
CosmoHillI have to be of some use in the channel02:03
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DrGrovCosmoHill: Yes, that is a nice thing :)02:05
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openstandardsBeing a maemo user, I don't like the comments made by the new nokia ceo...02:24
DrGrovopenstandards: Do tell me which comments you are meaning. He has made several comments that I do not like myself one bit.02:25
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openstandardsour platform is burning... doesn't sound good but perhaps you can enlighenmet on others hes made02:27
wmaroneit's an apt statement, and has nothing directly to do with software02:28
DrGrovopenstandards: I consider more his wandering about thinking about choices to be disturbing.02:29
DrGrovopenstandards: I feel there is too much dead weight over at Nokia at the highest positions.02:29
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CosmoHillthat wasn't questionable at all02:30
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openstandardsDrGrov: personally I love my n900 and the two that I did suggest the phone to love it too, it lacked features but the community stepped up and added features with extra apps and now i fear this ceo is a bit of a jack ass02:31
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DrGrovopenstandards: I have not yet judged him completely. But I am getting scared that he is driving the gigantic boat straight to hell....02:34
openstandardssome of those at top level can't understand what gold mine meego could be as a platform, it has cost them alot but i've spoken to a symbian dev thats worked with qt and hes enjoyed it. I hope we see another top end phone like the n900 because its increible02:34
DrGrovopenstandards: YES!02:35
DrGrovopenstandards: Meego is a pure gold mine. You hit the nail on the head right there"02:35
CosmoHillyou keep out of my mine02:36
CosmoHilland watch out for the goblins, they have fast hands02:36
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DrGrovCosmoHill: Damn you!02:38
DrGrovCosmoHill: That mine is mine, only mine!02:38
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openstandardsnokia don't just need to make phones... alot of money is in set top boxes and its a market they know too what with their nokia satelite recievers02:38
DrGrovCosmoHill: I will bring the PipBoy to navigate myself through your mines and lockpick the master vault :)02:38
DrGrovopenstandards: Yes, they could make more end-user products, not just phones. That would also be a future.02:39
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openstandardsDrGrov: I actually got myself into debt getting my phone when I did however it was a phone i'm proud to say I own however I don't like all the hurdles you need to do to get calendar syncing right02:42
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DrGrovopenstandards: I had mine for about 10 months or so. Sold it to my cousin here a few weeks ago since I got myself the Nokia N8.02:43
openstandardscrazy lad, i couldn't bring myself to part from mine02:44
DrGrovHe is taking good care of it so that is why I wanted him to have it.02:44
DrGrovI have had about 8 or 9 phones in the past 3 years02:45
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openstandardsblimey I don't buy phones much I've had about 8 in 10 yrs or so, this is by far my fav02:45
DrGrovI still have not found my favorite I think.02:46
DrGrovThe N8 is close but I still dream about Nokia and Meego.02:46
CosmoHill3 of my last 4 phones have been second hand / hand me down02:46
openstandardsi liked the e65 it had some nice features02:46
CosmoHillI was watching my signal disapear today, kinda weird since I wasn't moving02:47
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openstandardsDrGrov: have you seen this?
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DrGrovopenstandards: No, I will watch it now.02:50
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DrGrovopenstandards: Pretty cool :)02:52
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openstandardsit looks fantastic, meego could tap into one of the biggest and brightest dev communities if they stick to their plan and fancy hiring an ex microsoft ceo02:54
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openstandardsDrGrov: this is also impressive02:58
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DrGrovopenstandards: The second video I have seen before03:28
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DrGrovDamn I hate to wait for firmware upgrades03:35
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adios_ameegosEvening all04:08
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TSCHAKeeeoh look, another troll with a clever user name.04:09
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adios_ameegosSo....sounds like Windows for top end products boys and girls...any comments?04:11
wmaroneno one knows anything yet04:11
adios_ameegoswmarone: well, not oficially anyways04:12
hlzxyI falied load the source by "rsync -a rsync:// " with error "rsync: read error: Connection reset by peer (104)", anybody know why?04:12
adios_ameegosWhere is that leave meego?04:13
wmaroneadios_ameegos: even the unofficial stuff is suspect04:13
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adios_ameegosTSCHAKeee: do yoh always insult anybody that comes into this channel?04:17
TSCHAKeeeno, just you....MeegoBoy....adios_ameegos...or whatever you wish to call yourself today.04:18
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wmaronethink he's finally getting bored?04:22
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Lopican someone link me to the meego virtual keyboard source?05:04
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jonwilAnyone here know anything about the plans for N900 GPS on MeeGo? There is documentation at for the "modem LCS Server" but it doesn't seem to be correct for the N900 cellmo firmware. I also cant work out what versions of AT_MODEM_ISI_VERSION, SMS_ISI_VERSION etc match the N90005:12
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timophjonwil: dunno about the techical details but the feature for location stuff is still open:
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jonwilWill add something to the relavent bug (bug 11796 is about GPS on N900)06:19
MeeGoBotBug nor, Medium, ---, carsten, NEW, GeoClue & Qt Mobility Location API non-functional on Nokia N90006:19
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toadpoleany news on the future of meego yet?09:10
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Stskeepstoadpole: same as always09:10
Stskeepswe're at work and working09:10
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toadpolei'd be completely gutted if they killed meego09:11
toadpolebeen using nokias for 15 years, can't use anything else.. certainly not wp709:11
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Stskeepsyeah, well, we'll see soon09:13
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sivu20mins till cancellation?09:24
Stskeepsmeego isn't exclusively a nokia project, you now09:24
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Alison_ChaikenI think meego has enough momentum to be a success without Nokia.   In fact, I think it can be a successful embedded Linux distro for mobile without handsets.09:25
Stskeepsi think meego can go on along as qt isn't ditched for whatever reason, either way, it's shaping up to be a very nice distro to build products using09:26
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skrullisi started the meego rescue mode on my n900 through an initrd. The led shines yellow when booted. Is that a sign that it is charging?09:28
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bzhb_nokia microsoft partnership official09:35
bzhb_video on the right09:35
ahollerso metoo instead of meego, what a vision09:36
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bzhb_balmer makes reference to nokia wp7 phone09:40
franz_• Nokia will adopt Windows Phone as its primary smartphone strategy, innovating on top of the platform in areas such as imaging, where Nokia is a market leader.09:40
saidinesh5so the Meego device cancelled or will just be another N900?09:40
poutsiread all of it, they're still shipping a meego device this year09:41
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av500poutsi: press release does not mention meego09:44
ahollerbut devtools from ms, i wonder what will happen with qt, sold to ms and than forgotten...09:45
saidinesh5poutsi: i cant find any word about meego09:45
saidinesh5so will the meego device be another N900 or will it be totally scrapped?09:46
* sivang can't believe the news09:46
poutsican't be arsed to find it but I did read that somewhere09:46
av500poutsi: yes, but that is "old" news now09:47
bzhb_elop did pee in its pants for warm09:47
comawhiteWell MeeGo will still live, but any shot of MeeGo becoming popular on mobile phones from Nokia is a lost cause now09:47
zma"Under the new strategy, MeeGo becomes an open-source, mobile operating system project. MeeGo will place increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of next-generation devices, platforms and user experiences. Nokia still plans to ship a MeeGo-related product later this year."09:47
ShadikkaAt least they didn't kill MeeGo outright.09:48
sivangso all the rumors were right... about meego going to be shed  out09:48
av500sounds like an N1000 to me09:48
av500another geek phone09:48
ahollerif ms is involved meego will become a enemy.09:49
av500aholler: I am sure M$ will license all its linux patents to Nokia09:49
ahollerwhy should nokia need them?09:50
av500coz elop said so09:50
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Mece_"Under the new strategy, MeeGo becomes an open-source, mobile operating system project. MeeGo will place increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of next-generation devices, platforms and user experiences. Nokia still plans to ship a MeeGo-related product later this year."09:51
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saidinesh5Mece_: where did you find that?09:51
aholler_1_ product09:51
akikhawits from the pressrelease here:
iekkuthis year09:51
Mece_so basically there will be one meego product. it better be awesome.09:52
comawhitezma, maybe so, but what's the point when they are selling their competitor also next to MeeGo phones.09:52
comawhitethat's like soaking matches in gasoline09:53
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av500meego is a "project" now....09:53
akikhawSmart Devices will be responsible for building Nokia's leadership in smartphones and will be led by Jo Harlow. The following sub-units now in Mobile Solutions will move under Smart Devices:09:54
akikhaw- Symbian Smartphones09:54
akikhaw- MeeGo Computers09:54
akikhaw- Strategic Business Operations09:54
akikhawmeego is listed under computers now in the new structure09:54
zmacomawhite, obviously there wasn't enough fire on oil platform yet ;)09:54
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comawhiteI rather seen a Google partnership than with Microsoft09:54
comawhite"Nokia will adopt Windows Phone as its primary smartphone strategy, innovating on top of the platform in areas such as imaging, where Nokia is a market leader."09:55
ShadikkaFun little note: WP7 is the only "smartphone" OS that isn't POSIX-compatible. (or around so)09:55
Alison_ChaikenToo bad WP7 and meego will be in the same organizational group.    It sounds like the split is smartphones (WP7 and MeeGo) plus featurephones (*still* Symbian).09:55
comawhitehence /Primary/09:55
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av500and so much potential for "synergy" between them09:57
passeli|wso i guess we can forget Qt and start learning C# ...09:57
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Alison_ChaikenI suspect Qt is now a *larger* part of Nokia's strategy, but I have no inside knowledge whatever.09:58
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sivangzma: ?:)09:58
ahollerat least I now know what will be my next phone, surely android.09:58
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kavacha1It is of no benifit to NOkia this deal,10:00
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kavacha1it is massive benifit for MS10:00
sivangwhere is teh full announcment with the organizational changes?10:00
bzhb_i have the feeling that elop was a troyan horse10:00
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kavacha1still on hte payroll of MS10:00
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sivangso embedded visual basic into html pages? :)10:01
henuxwhat happens to meego now since nokia drops it?10:01
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henuxthere's not going to be a meego smartphone, is there?10:01
mece"#MeeGo will place increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of next-generation devices, platforms and user experiences"10:01
mecesays Stskeeps :)10:02
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jjo"Nokia still plans to ship a MeeGo-related product later this year."10:02
henuxa product10:02
* av500CDGS still plans to finish hiw PhD one day...10:02
Alex-Meegoplans. But WP7 is primary now10:02
henuxone product10:02
toadpolethey probably not concentrate on MeeGo10:02
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toadpoleas far as i'm concerned, Nokia can now kiss my ass10:03
jjothey wanted to differentiate and this is surely a good way to do that10:03
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toadpoletwo turkeys do not make an eagle, as google VP said10:03
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sivanga bit ironic the wish is to give a better user experience and to save things when this strategy for me looks the complete opoosite10:04
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lcuk2Its a shame that letter was not delivered in his handwriting.10:07
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sivangthe leadership would be close to impossilbe to regain with non posix based os, where the rest are10:07
bzhb_sivang: it does saves thing for MS...10:07
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sivangthis is blowing up the platform and shootinf the guy who jumped to to cold water...:/10:08
jonwilIf Nokia wanted to kill whats left of their smartphone business, adopting Windows Mobile is the way to do it10:08
sivangjonwil: I agree10:08
Alison_ChaikenI wish I knew who the head of "MeeGo Computers" will be since it's not Alberto Torres.10:09
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ahollerheadless computers10:09
sivangperhaps the plan is to work with MS for the meanwhile, and then when meego is ripe to put it back to be the best show in town?10:09
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Alison_Chaikensivang, that's the best face I can put on it.    MeeGo will face much less competition in IVI, for example.10:10
sivangAlison_Chaiken: did he talk about IVI?10:10
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av500so nokia will release a car?10:10
Alison_Chaikensivang, I have the same info as you.10:10
av500running meego?10:10
sivangdoes anybody know people who buy WP7 smartphones?10:10
toadpoleanyone know whats happening at Nokia's MeeGo dev team?10:10
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av500sivang: I played once with one, the UI is nice10:11
toadpole( sivang ): i know a guy who bought the HTC WP7 phone10:11
Alison_Chaikentoadpole, Nokia employees have a briefing in 9.5 hours.10:11
toadpolehe's happy with it10:11
Alex-MeegoSo... Symbian died today. Meego is going to die. WP7 is not born yet10:11
toadpole( Alison_Chaiken ): are you part of it?10:11
sivangso maybe in due time, the UI from ms will be combined with meego and that is the plan?10:11
iekkuAlex-Meego, again, meego!=nokia10:11
Alison_Chaikentoadpole, part of what?    If I wake up in time, I will attend the briefing.10:12
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sivangbut since no committment is made it leaves the time for more work for r&d?10:12
toadpole( Alison_Chaiken ): the dev team, that is10:12
saidinesh5Alison_Chaiken: and symbian really wont die10:12
Alison_Chaikensivang, that's my read.10:12
Alex-MeegoI know. But Nokia financed also in this project10:12
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Stskeepsmorn wazd10:12
wazdjesus christ, what's hap0ening in the world10:12
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wazdstskeeps: heya10:12
sivangwazd: hell has frozen10:12
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toadpoleyou know, i was planning on buying the e7 later today10:12
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toadpolei think i'll just get an android10:13
toadpoleany suggestions?10:13
obit_swedenI will eat a lot of turkey during easter10:13
dm8tbrgo troll somewhere else10:13
Alison_Chaikensaidinesh5, I totally don't understand Symbian being split between "Symbian Smartphones" in "Smart Devices" and the "Mobile Phones" unit.    I guess MP gets S60 and S40 and the evergreen Symbian 3 goes to "Smart Devices."10:13
wazdstskeeps: any blood baths in your area? :)10:13
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Stskeepswazd: i'm not sure if we are bought or sold yet10:13
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Alison_Chaikentoadpole, I had a new coworker join the MeeGo team in Sunnyvale yesterday.    Tomorrow we should check and see what job openings look like . . .10:14
sivangAlison_Chaiken: I wonder what would the breifing be10:14
Alison_Chaikensivang, I have no idea.    Probably no new info, just rehash, is my guess!10:16
Alison_ChaikenPeople who brief us will probably be told to calm us down but not give us new facts.10:16
saidinesh5Alison_Chaiken: how good is s60's Qt support?10:16
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sivangstill thinking about meego for the future, switching to a platform that's not there yet and has low adoption, is kind of against reason or maybe WP7 is as good as andriod? (I never touched one so I would not know)10:17
Alison_Chaikensaidinesh5, people I trust say Qt works well on all Symbian and that it's easy to deploy apps across all the platforms, but I'm the wrong one to ask.10:17
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Wellark^in Helsinki Stock Market Nokia has taken a hit of -11% and still sinking10:17
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Alison_Chaikensivang, some companies were set to announce meego products in Barcelona.    Will be fascinating now to see what comes out of Barcelona this week.10:17
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Mece_nokia stock -9% OMX10:18
saidinesh5hmm... well if S60's Qt support is good enough, then may be MP getting S60 and Symbian 3 going to smart devices , else i think Symbian 3 on both mobile phones and smart devices10:18
sivangthis is also a way to scare out the developers who were following open development models with Nokia..:/ yet a new platform, new sdk (MFC?)10:18
sivangsaidinesh5: so why WP7 as well?10:19
saidinesh5sivang: not really? iirc Mono has WP7 support right?10:19
sivangsaidinesh5: YOu tel me, I don't know :)10:19
KhertanMece_: nokia stock -9% OMX << and it s not enough !10:19
KhertanMorning all !10:19
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saidinesh5i dnno much sivang...10:20
Khertanwhat a cruel news !10:20
wazdkhertan: heya10:20
wazdI just don't get wtf was that10:20
sivangwazd: me neither, it seems like a kind of a mistake or a bad dream? :)10:21
* Khertan think it ll be time to stop learning QML and start to see at an other framework10:21
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sivangKhertan: I hope not10:21
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sivangKhertan: Qt runs well on windows, though10:21
saidinesh5Khertan: QML still runs on symbian and it is getting really good..10:22
VladNistorin case u missed the press release :)10:22
chouchounewhat an horrible morning : I guess I'll need to check on WebOS side now ...10:22
pgquilesso is meego effectively dead now? that "meego becomes an open source operating system" sounds like dead dead dead10:22
comawhiteVladNistor, "you" not "u"10:22
Khertanchouchoune: and probably fork qt10:22
Stskeepspgquiles: we're already a open source os10:22
comawhitepgquiles, it's not, but you might consider it on Nokia phones now10:23
saidinesh5meego isnt just mobile phone pgquiles10:23
dm8tbrah, the speculations continue...10:23
comawhitedm8tbr, what speculations?10:23
Khertansaidinesh5: yep ... but starting dev for a dead plateform is probably not the best idea :)10:23
dm8tbrcomawhite: e.g. about where meego is going10:23
VladNistormy bad comawhite10:23
comawhiteVladNistor, it's cool, sorry I just hate lazy typed English10:24
LoCusF <- the ultimate trollface10:24
* sivang recalls with irony the talk Futurice gave on developing qt on windows ce
VladNistorI do too, but i just got the breaking news from the FT and thought you might like it sooner rather than later :))10:24
VladNistorand i used you when pasting the link in #maemo.10:25
saidinesh5Khertan: really,  i dnt think symbian is dead.... i mean thats where Nokia still sells...... so QML++ i guess10:25
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GlavataIt's not April 1st yet Nokia :((((10:26
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thpsivang: wince != wp7 ;)10:27
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Stskeepsthp: it's actually a wince base10:27
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ahollernokia is now a m$ subsidiary, elop got his old chief back ;)10:27
thpdidn't know that ;) but then, the ui layer is probably (hopefully?) a different one these days10:28
sivangthp: Stskeeps tells me wp7 is on wince foundations or so :)10:28
Stskeepsat least wikipedia claims it10:28
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KhertanHe talks about jumping from a plateform in fire into the sea, and instead he run into the fire10:29
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rasterStskeeps: it is last i knew10:29
sivangKhertan: jumping onto the ice, you mean10:30
rasterStskeeps: so.... meego is... dead? :)10:30
av500raster: mate!10:30
thpsivang, Stskeeps: yep, just read it on wikipedia now.10:30
Stskeepsraster: the verdict is still not reached10:30
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rasterav500: yo!10:30
Mece_well at least one meego device they claim10:30
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Khertansivang: probably :)10:30
av500raster: maybe they will make a fridge with WP710:30
sivangthe stock clearly shows this is a business suicide..but surely there are more folks in NOkia then elop to decide on such things?10:31
GlavataMeeGo will be a lab project10:31
rasterStskeeps: well if windows phone 7 is now the principal smartphone strategy.. or so i read on engadget.. wither meego? :)10:31
Mece_so how is the NOK1V stock now?10:31
Stskeepsraster: well, they claim it'll continue10:31
rasterav500: hehehe10:31
ShadikkaMece_: -11%10:31
* sivang restarts learning to MFC and winforms. At least C++ is stil useful :)10:31
rasterStskeeps: smells of a very not-winning strategy for nok.10:31
rasterShadikka: as i thought.. not winning strategy :)10:32
Stskeepsraster: not a nokia employee but refreshing my CV is probably a good idea10:32
rasterwell that smells like that is the opinion of the market :)10:32
rasterStskeeps:  hhehehe10:32
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rasteri was just curious what "direction" nokia woudl take10:33
rasterits happene dbeforew with maemo10:33
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rasterit was all gtk/gnome stuff10:33
rasterand then suddenyl tolltech was bought10:33
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rasterand then goodbye g-world, hello q-world10:33
ShadikkaSo let's see, to develop for all dominant phone platforms now you need to know Java for Android, XNA/Silverlight/whatever for WP7 and ObjC for iOS.10:33
rasternow that looks to me like a "hello win-world" :)10:33
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GlavataI have a feeling that this is the oppinion of the US market :\10:34
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ShadowJKFunny, I thought US market was the one that wanted WP710:36
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KhertanShadowJK: i don't think10:37
sivangwe have a great ecosystem, why not just make it better instead of plundging into an unpopular platform and try to create an ecosystemwith it?10:37
ShadowJK(as far as anyone at all would want wp7)10:37
GlavataWP7 to me is just a rushed out OS that is still not even close to completion10:38
GlavataWP7 = Vista heh10:38
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sivangso how come there is oging to be an attempt to make it what meego "couldn't", while it is light years back?10:38
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rasterlet me read the whole press releasy goop10:39
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sivanganyway, time to go relax a bit10:43
sivangcheers all, keep the faith10:43
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GlavataI would have been fine keeping the faith for one more year in hope for something that can turn Nokia around. This decision has shattered my dreams :\10:45
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lauriHow does this affect MeeGo-s future?10:46
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GlavataMaybe less resources put into MeeGo?10:48
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Glavatalook Ballmer can't say "Nokia" right in the video :D10:49
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niala1it's already done? nokia drop meego?10:50
av500niala1: yes, please return your n900, so it can be wiped from it10:51
suyyes, congratulations to mr elop, the man who killed nokia10:51
comawhitesuy, well he's ex-MS would do you expect?10:51
dm8tbrah, it's troll friday XXL10:51
av500i wont get any work done today10:52
threshav500: fix my 720p dammit10:52
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niala1and now all the phone on earth are asian or us. europeen finish :/10:53
av500yes, finish10:54
av500or finnish?10:55
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niala1lol finish finnish10:55
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niala1I HATE JAVA, I HATE WINDOWS, windows sucks since win9510:56
aholleritsuckedbefore too10:56
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suymaybe we should all join #nokia and bash Elop there10:56
Khertanniala1: WebOS10:56
niala1Khertan: webos = cloud ?10:57
av500niala1: since android 2.3 you can write apps in pure C++10:57
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niala1pfff one year of work for nothing,10:57
Khertanniala1: or native apps10:58
Shapeshifteris meego dead yet?10:58
Shapeshifterwhat about intel anyway?10:58
niala1and now meego is only like another distro10:58
Mece_perhaps an intel phone. ..?10:58
KhertanShapeshifter: seems a device is still planned for 2011.10:58
lbtare there any intel press releases?10:58
ShapeshifterKhertan: by intel, right?10:59
KhertanShapeshifter: still a sidelined product10:59
lcuk2niala1, it had one nice thing though :) liqbase has a little carryable wall now :)10:59
KhertanShapeshifter: oh ? by Intel ?10:59
Mece_Khertan, lankku maybe. tablet afaik.10:59
toadpole( Khertan ): keyword being 'device', not 'phone'10:59
ShapeshifterKhertan: I don't know10:59
niala1Mece_:  pray, but atom kill battery10:59
Khertantoadpole: ouch10:59
GlavataIsn't the N9 still going to run MeeGo?10:59
ShapeshifterGlavata: it's going to run windows 9510:59
toadpoleno more n910:59
Shapeshiftertoadpole: wat11:00
GlavataShapeshifter ooh perfect! Can't wait! :|11:00
toadpoleit's been cancelled11:00
Shapeshifteroh dear11:00
Mece_Glavata, well afaik there are 2 meego devices. tablet laatta and N9-01 "Lankku"11:00
Glavatawhere did you see that N9 is canceled?11:00
Mece_one of them will be released, maybe.11:00
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Glavatayeah thought so11:00
lbt:D ,,,,,,
toadpolehang on, i'll look for the link11:00
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GlavataShapeshifter though I don't know why they would go with Win95 when you got Win ME :D11:01
ShapeshifterGlavata: oh right, since ME is much more recent. It's top notch, or so they claimed11:01
Mece_galvata, N9 is many devices. rumor is n9-00 (the leaked one) got canceled11:01
dotblanklbt, :)11:01
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dotblankHow did they think this move was a good one11:02
Mece_now since they will only release one meego device, I'm guessing the tablet. not sure though.11:02
dotblanklike.. this is such a dumb idea11:02
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Stskeepsdotblank: i'm hoping elop is doing a dick move to kill WP7 instead11:02
toadpole is one, but i did read a confirmation somewhere, i'm looking for it11:03
Stskeepsbut that's just dreaming11:03
Stskeepstoadpole: how can you cancel a device that wasn't announced? protos are usually dropped :)11:03
slaine_Not as bad as it could have been. Looks like a "we need a smartphone out there now" move11:03
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dotblankWhy didn't they keep full steam with maemo11:03
dotblankcause maemo is fine but could use some refinements11:04
niala1can we resurrect maemo?11:04
av500svn co ...11:04
slaine_maemo is meego11:04
dotblankyea but its all reworked11:04
niala1slaine say that to elop11:04
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lbthey bergie11:05
lcuk2\o bergie11:06
karlibergie: hey11:06
bergiethe Helsinki MeeGo meetup next week is bound to be interesting11:06
Stskeepsbergie: MeeGo Anonymous?11:07
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bergieStskeeps: yes, something of that sort ;-)11:07
karlibergie: so much for our buildservice project, right?   :-)11:07
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bergiekarli: depends on what happens to the MeeGo community11:07
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karlibergie: true. but it doesn´t look good. at least not the Nokia side11:08
rmtHail our new microsoft overlords! *sob*11:08
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bergiekarli: did you read
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karlibergie: sure. perhaps I read different thing between the lines than you :-)11:10
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ShadowJKThat letter to developers just makes my angry, in a "Why can't you write non-marketingspeak non-bureaucrateese" kind of way :-)11:11
* slaine_ goes to install win7 on his lenovo11:12
hhurttabecause marketspeaking and bureaucrateese is the way Nokia rolls...11:12
KhertanI like the please share tweet11:13
Khertan... i ll not ...11:13
* arfoll is thinking HTC will probably take on meego11:13
niala1slaine_: win7 on lenovo..... saad11:13
niala1sad day11:13
rmtNokia recently told their developers they had to target QT .. people learning it left right and center.. and now they'll be told to target wp.. sigh..11:14
RST38hrmt: No, no11:14
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slaine_So by the looks of it, the nokia prototype running meego didn't pass final muster and there was a "strategic" decision to get something out there on a current platform11:14
Khertanrmt: and they claim : "Supporting our developers"11:14
* slaine_ shakes head11:15
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RST38hrmt: The people are bing told to disband, go their own ways, nothing ot see here11:15
slaine_niala1: I'm kidding about the win711:15
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RST38hWhich is a really cute way to address your development community11:15
pinchartlrmt: I don't think they'll be told to learn wp7. wp7 comes as a complete package with little development required. development will be done at MS, and nokia will just need to do a bit of adaptation. it means most developers won't be needed anymore11:15
arfoll"Nokia still plans to ship a MeeGo-related product later this year"11:15
threshis there any chance I could flash my n900 with Windows Phone7?11:15
pinchartlthresh: sure. the result is called a brick, but it will still be better than an official wp7 phone :-)11:16
rmtpinchartl, Ovi services will have to be ported, unless they decide that QT on wp7 is the way to go.11:16
arfollisn't it possible that meego becomes a software platform for just one high end phone ala n900?11:16
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pinchartlrmt: why bother with ovi services ? they can just adopt MS service platform11:17
rmtI wonder how long it takes to come out with the first marketable wp7 phone..11:17
rmtpinchartl, ms is adopting Ovi Maps, at least.11:18
pinchartlas far as I'm concerned, wp7 isn't marketable, so I would say forever :-)11:18
pinchartlMS will take a few interesting bits of Ovi, I wouldn't be surprised if the rest was dropped11:18
pinchartlbut I don't care much to be honest11:18
Mece_rmt, i think they have some protos. maybe we'll see in 40 minutes11:18
wazdwell, that's pretty insane step11:18
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wazdbut I see some sense in it11:18
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rmtpinchartl, So Berlin jobs are mostly safe..11:18
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rmtMece_, presentation still going on?11:18
pinchartlrmt: unless the jobs move to MS11:19
RST38hOvi is pretty much condemned11:19
wazdrst38h: o/11:19
hefferi'm i afraid i will never want to buy a nokia phone again :(11:19
RST38hheya wazd11:19
rmtRST38h, Could be.. would've been condemned a lot faster had they said "Google" instead of MS. ;-)11:19
RST38hThat letter directly says that Nokia will be using MS services, so Ovi is kaboom, except for Ovi Maps11:19
wazdrst38h: what do you think bout these diabolic news? :)11:20
RST38hrmt: Does not matter who condemns you really11:20
RST38hwazd: I think Android or webOS11:20
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rmtRST38h, I'm most concerned with Ovi maps.. ;-)11:20
lupine_85Ovi maps is poor.11:21
* lupine_85 uses mappero :)11:21
wazdweb os is pretty much nonsense :)11:21
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lupine_85so, is meego going to have /any/ phones at all?11:21
niala1webos is cloud ?11:21
rmtRST38h, And for the time being, so long as the backend remains free of windows, I'm happy. ;-)11:21
RST38hwazd: It is not. It has got native devkit. It is Lunux, with SDL11:21
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wazdrst38h: oh, they've released ndk?11:22
rmtlupine_85, Ovi Maps is improving, but slower than we'd like.. ;-)11:22
RST38hwazd: For a while, how do all these webos games work, do you think?11:22
wazdrst38h: I'm in Prague right now, missing news11:22
Stskeepswazd: come by warsaw for a drink!11:22
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wazdrst38h: good point :)11:22
RST38hwazd: In short summary, "clusterfuck"11:23
lupine_85rmt, I wouldn't know - I've not used it for a long time now11:23
lupine_85mappero even kept me from getting hopelessly lost in morocco :)11:23
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lupine_85ovi had no chance11:23
wazdstskeeps: wait a sec, I'll check bus schedule :)11:23
* niala1 smoke weed and cry about nokia11:23
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niala1@nat/nokia/xxxxxxxx  bybye have a nice day11:25
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* niala1 need to megaupload a windows11:27
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niala1and now i become a thief!!11:27
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sivaN900any new news ?11:29
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* sivaN900 shivers to open11:30
daniel_Does anyone have a good Project Idead for MeeGo so I can work on for my graduation Project?11:31
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zmaport wine :p11:32
jonnitime to order .net coding books :)11:32
niala1jonni: :(11:32
pinchartljonni: the only reason to order .net conding books is to burn them :-)11:32
daniel_I prefer to be related to ImageProcessing11:33
HyperDUDedevelop for WP7 :-S11:33
pinchartldaniel_: implement 3A algorithms (auto-exposure, auto white balance and auto-focus) for the N900 camera on MeeGo11:33
daniel_Nice Idea, I will take a note about this now11:34
arfolldaniel_, make xbmc use graphicsmagick instead of cximage11:34
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wazdstskeeps: I'm affraid 9h bbus trip is too much :)11:35
sivaN900so why is meego not mentioned in the developer letter ???11:35
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Stskeepswazd: fair enough11:35
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pinchartldaniel_: it's not an easy project, but it would be very interesting for the embedded Linux community11:35
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wazdstskeeps: sorry :)11:35
niala1sivaN900: read qt ecosystem11:35
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wazdso, on WP7, I think nokia just needs something to sell before meego arrival11:36
daniel_what is WP7?11:36
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hefferi, too, believe it's not all that bad11:36
wazdmeego is a huge step, enormous step11:36
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psycho_oreoswindows phone 7 daniel_11:37
arfollwazd, meego isn't a huge step if you've done maemo11:37
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daniel_Statistics show that WindowsPhone7 isn't doing that well11:38
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wazdarfoll: maemo is not consumer ready os, let's face it11:38
Stskeepsdaniel_: you haven't been reading engadget this morning11:38
Glavatadaniel_ of course, the OS isn't complete yet, they just added copy/paste jeez11:38
wazdarfoll: it's powerful and really cool11:38
daniel_pinchart1: Do u know some requirements for the camera calibration?11:39
wazdarfoll: but not quite consumer friendly11:39
daniel_Can I use openCV for that reason?11:39
ha55anWP7 is a buggy mess. was released way before being stable or feature complete11:39
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arfollwazd, i don't know - seems about as user friendly as android 1.x11:40
ahollernokia just done suicide, there is nothing left what a chinese can't do too.11:40
niala1Nokia has imagined that the gpl developer would do Meego in 6 months and reap the benefits11:40
HyperDUDeMeego + Qt was the way the go :(11:40
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meceNow where's qgil?11:41
HyperDUDeI just dont understand why did they make MP7 their primary platform :(11:41
HyperDUDecould have done an experiment with couple of devices11:41
wazdaholler: nokia - best hardware on the market11:41
niala1HyperDUDe: nobody here understand11:41
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mikhasaholler, +111:41
wazdaholler: hands down11:41
wazdaholler: neither chinese nor brand can compete with them11:42
chouchoune`me, I just don't understand how Stephen Elop could sell Nokia's future sio easyly11:42
RST38hwazd: Not any more. Lots of cases when new nokia phones dies on the second or third day11:42
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sivaN900HyperDUDe: neither do i i guess there will just be one more meego device ?11:42
chouchouneQt adoption in WP7 should a been a prerequise !!!!11:42
RST38hwazd: also breaking connectors, malfunctioning LCDs, broken RF modules11:42
niala1a few month ago amd annonce her interrest in meego and now nokia .... incredible11:42
VladNistorThis makes me sad: "Though our plans for MeeGo have been adapted in light of our planned partnership with Microsoft, that device will be compatible with applications developed within the Qt framework and so give Qt developers a further device to target. "11:42
kavacha1who says Elop ever left MS, maybe that was part of his coming to Nokia in the first place11:42
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kavacha1I dont mean just as a trojan horse11:43
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kavacha1maybe the board invited him for just this reason11:43
bzhbfrom MS point of view it is perfect : they will finally be a big player in smartphone, and they almost killed the most open platform and they slow down linux progress through Qt11:43
kavacha1think of it he was an unknown from some business unit in MS11:43
HyperDUDeit's a win-win situation for MS :@11:43
kavacha1lol HylerDuDe11:44
chouchouneis there any chance to port Qt to WP7 as a community project like for Android or iPhone ?11:44
niala1and next year elop announce his departure ....11:44
HyperDUDeotherwise who would use threir shitty os :S11:44
bzhbno chance fr Qt on WP711:44
kavacha1no give him 2 years to anounce the sale of the smartphone business to MS11:44
henawhen you hire a microsoft executive, that's what you get11:45
kavacha1now that Nokia is broken in to, the stuff ms wants11:45
kavacha1and the rest11:45
niala1now nokia depends of other11:45
korgothso nokia decided to get windows and not android, eh?11:47
sivaN900poor qt11:47
wazdnokia was not the only dev of symbian for like 10 years btw11:47
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wazdand done pretty well11:48
niala1korgoth: yes the worth his appened11:48
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wazdpartnership with MS is much better than android11:49
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RST38hwazd: Not really11:49
niala11) win7phone    2) symbian and far far away meego11:49
RST38hwazd: Android phones sell, WP7 phones do not11:49
henaandroid with might have been something11:49
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henawith qt11:49
jdthoodUBrilliant deal between Microsoft and Nokia.  Microsoft gets worldwide platforms for its new OS.  Nokia gets a strong partner in the U.S. market, where it lacks presence.11:49
korgothand the only ones that are fucked up are we - the nokia fans11:50
korgoththis sucks11:50
wazdrst38h: well, first android phones were pos11:50
wazdrst38h: and didn't sell at all11:50
henagoogle is not a strong partner?11:50
pinchartlah, friday trolls. I was waiting for them :-)11:50
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sivaN900i know this is harsh but it feels like a slam in the face11:51
lbtBBC business analysis :
wazdlets be serious, company needs something to sell11:51
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korgothand we need something to use11:52
wazdmeego obviously is not ready yet11:52
jdthoodUSo which horse do you bet on.  Apple?  Google's Android on Chinese hardware?  Or Microsoft's OS on Nokia hardware?11:52
korgothi dont want to move to HTC now that ive been using nokia for 15 years11:52
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lbt"I am trying to remember a successful precedent of collaboration on this scale - involving businesses from different continents and with pretty different products and services - that worked"11:52
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wazdsymbian is good, but not for us market11:52
sivaN900wazd: is wp7 ready ? has windiws ever been ready ?11:52
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korgothsymbian is way behind already wazd11:52
ShadowJKThis looks like a bit of a step back to symbian actually :P11:52
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korgothof course i havnt used the ^3 but still i think its behind android11:53
wazdkorgoth: anyway11:53
jdthoodUApple's strength is good design and engineering.  Google's strength is openness.  Microsoft's strength is its Windows/Office cash flow.11:53
Stskeepswazd: i still maintain he should have jumped into the waters and choose Mer ;p11:53
ShadowJKI remember having an argument with some nokia person 5 years ago, wondering why I'd have to pay $2000 to make a tiny little app for symbian.. the guy said it doesn't matter since only big companies makes apps and $2K is trivially small for them.. Guess why there were no apps :P11:53
wazdsivaN900: at least you can buy wp7 phone11:53
niala1whats says nasdaq about nokia now?11:53
HyperDUDesymbian is way better then WP7, it had a pathetic sdk (carbide++) but with Qt it was going in the right direction, only thing it needed was a great UI which nokia failed to deliver11:53
RST38hwazd: compare to wp7 apps, if any11:54
wazdstskeeps: yeah, I'm still shocked he didn't make it11:54
sivaN900wazd: i can buy android as well11:54
RST38hwazd: then rethink :)11:54
korgothhaha Stskeeps  good one :_D i still have mer 'running' on myu n810 :D11:54
jboswell good thing it might be that nokia was not realy driving meego11:55
wazdsivaN900: android is google's ad platform11:55
jbosso there is still intel doing great work11:55
korgothjbos: yeah but who cares if it doesnt run on nokia hardware :)11:55
av500jbos: what work is that?11:56
wazdsivan900: and zillions of manufacturers who are crafting android hardware11:56
wazdrst38h: compare what?11:56
RST38hwazd: Android and WP7 apps11:56
sivaN900wazd: but isnt wp7 a windows ?11:57
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wazdrst38h: there will be more11:57
jboswho say its not running on nokia hardware.... well but true. At least there will be a MeeGo Device from nokia this year11:57
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wazdsivan900: so?11:57
korgothjbos: not confirmed11:57
jbosas far as i understand11:57
korgothit was supposed to be out last year11:57
wazdsivan900: you mean windows = bad?11:57
jbos:) korgoth thats true again :D11:57
jbosi'm still to optimitic11:57
sivaN900wazd: i mean instabiliy voodo trpubleshooting etc11:58
sivaN900wazd: win 7 is not bad11:58
wazdsivan900: try use something beyond win98 :P11:58
korgothlol wazd :D:D:D11:58
sivaN900wazd: i do11:58
psycho_oreosand don't forget the `windows' key.11:58
sivaN900wazd: win7 and still some archiver download site made me reinstall11:59
sivaN900wazd: bitzipper or something alike11:59
jbosyea windows key for nokia hardware keyboard11:59
psycho_oreosVery much like `in your face' type of attitude compared to Apple's iphone logo which is placed on the backside of the device and does not actually function as a button11:59
wazdsivan900: I've crashed X in Suse on my HP laptop in like 40 seconds12:00
meceare you getting sound from the live feed?12:00
wazdsivan900: completely12:00
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sivaN900wazd: use ubuntu ?-) or debian12:00
wazdsivan900: is linux unstable? :)12:00
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ha55ananybody has the link to the live stream?12:01
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_berto_the webcast should be starting now,
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HyperDUDearch linux ftw! :P12:01
meceit is.but I don't hear any sound...12:01
wazdI just want to wait for hardware announcements12:01
HyperDUDelive stream?12:01
_berto_I don't hear any sound either12:01
wazdand see what they can get12:01
HyperDUDelink plz12:01
lbtno sound here12:01
X-FadeDownload the slides ;)12:02
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Milhouseno audio here12:03
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_berto_no, there's no audio12:03
arfolllooks good they arent streaming on silverlight12:03
* lbt waits for someone who types fast to transcribe12:03
_berto_audio not implemented yet in WP712:03
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sivaN900my brother pulling his hair woorking on win server through citrix from home to uni12:03
sivaN900the clieht is like a trojan horse on the win712:04
_berto_there's audio now12:04
Milhouseaudio now...12:04
arfolloh dear music started12:04
sivaN900oh he had to reboot :-)12:04
Milhousekinda wish it hadn't12:05
meceok I have sound now12:05
mecelbt, transcribe the keynote?12:05
sivaN900a video of the announcement ?12:05
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Milhouseis judas going to be speaking?12:05
* arfoll just pasted in the wrong window12:05
mecesivaN900, video has started. nobody talking yet12:05
meceI wonder if anyone has rotten fruit12:06
Milhouseyep, here he is12:06
mecenow would be the time to throw fruit12:06
sivaN900mece: the developer letter says meego died long live symbian and wp712:06
DawnFosterack. I woke up at 2am and the webcast is getting hammered and I can't get in :(12:07
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niala1my meego is too nice to pollute with this conference12:07
X-FadeDawnFoster: I guess a lot of people want to see it :)12:07
mecewait, churchill didn't say "we give up and commit suicide"12:07
bergieI would've chosen a different Churchill quote12:08
StskeepsDawnFoster: things aren't good, i'd say, so we're in for turbulent times..12:08
Milhouseeco-systems.... wtf eco-systems does wp7 have??? this is bs12:08
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meceStskeeps, where's dawn?12:08
niala1X-Fade: DawnFoster: I guess a lot of people want to see it  <---- like vultures12:08
Stskeepsjust spoke?12:08
DawnFosterI"m here12:08
X-Fadeniala1: No, a path has been set for them. Nothing they can do about it.12:09
moofreemicrosoft plants the seeds, nokia craps on them, and then they grow into lush crops, sounds like a great eco system12:09
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Milhousenokia just an odm now12:09
moofreeexcept for the whole eating crap thing12:09
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fabiomssilvaconsumers want bing ?????????12:09
sivaN900yay office !12:09
Milhousemicrosoft wins big here, nokia ... not so much, big loss.12:09
lupine_85so we now have the odd situation where Intel is in charge of an ARM port of a Linux operating system12:09
bzhbbergie:I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat.12:09
meceMilhouse, yep. elop trojan12:09
lupine_85what could possibly go wrong?12:09
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ha55anis Elop aa Microsoft Trojan horse?12:09
meceso it seems12:10
lbtis this a Nokia statement? Or an MS statement?12:10
* niala1 search the hearse12:10
DawnFosterah, finally got into the webcast12:10
sivaN900developer developer developer !12:10
meceDawnFoster \o12:10
meceI mean \o/12:10
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bzhboohhh yes it is good for ms12:11
_berto_BINGO !!!12:11
mece"We also think this is good for microsoft" LOOOL12:11
niala1 lupine_85: so we now have the odd situation .....   <----- +112:11
ha55anand by the way, it's good for Microsoft12:11
ha55anElop is now bashing QT12:11
sivaN900do we still have meego conf ?12:11
bzhbit's good for devs excepts those who invest in qt....12:11
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sivaN900mece: hahahah12:12
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av500sivaN900: yes, and there will be free WP7 phones12:12
meceI'm getting furious here.12:12
lupine_85hell, I almost considered applying for a job in Nokia's linuxy bits12:12
moofreetrojan man12:12
mecebroader strategy12:12
lupine_85good job I didn't, really12:12
lbtWhat happens to MeeGo? It looks like its on the back burner now, barely hanging in there. ‘MeeGo will place increased emphasis on longer-term market exploration of next-generation devices, platforms and user experiences. Nokia still plans to ship a MeeGo-related product later this year‘.12:12
mecemeant to tweet that12:12
mecefracking balmer12:13
X-FadeThere he is..12:13
bzhbyes thanks steven12:13
lbtlook no chairs on the stage!12:13
mece.. "and it failed miserably"12:13
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michelewhen he start to jump around?12:13
rangeProbably WP7 is step 8 out of 1212:13
mecerange, lol12:13
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ha55anBalmer on now, LOL12:13
sivaN900i am going to vomit12:13
HyperDUDehotmail :S12:14
meceomg I feel sick12:14
sivaN900balmer under nokia logo!12:14
leticmece: same here :(12:14
psycho_oreosdeveloper! developer! developer! developer! developer!12:14
sivaN900hotmail !12:14
moofreeis ballmer dancing around stage yet?12:14
* psycho_oreos rolls eyes12:14
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ha55anthe (few) people who have used WP have been delighted12:14
meceidiot idiot idiot12:14
sivaN900DawnFoster: how r u given this black day for open source ?12:15
espen77Balmer: "you did well son, go fetch me another company!"12:15
lbtNokia has a primary focus on WP hardware12:15
niala1putain de bordel de merde12:15
DawnFostersivaN900: I've had better days and mine just started (here at 2am)12:15
mecepeople who don't like profanities should stay away from my twitter feed today. (Then again why would you be there in the first place if that was the case)12:15
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* pinchartl should have slept late12:15
DawnFosterI can say that Intel isn't slowing down on MeeGo.12:16
lupine_85intel don't make mobiles ;)12:16
sivaN900lbt: it is all over :-/12:16
sivaN900DawnFoster: same here maybe intel can save the day ?12:16
sivaN900DawnFoster: yay12:16
mecehe said "engineers" like it had quotation marks around it.12:16
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arfollimage technologies?12:16
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lupine_85which is the interesting form factor12:16
meceDawnFoster, yay Intel!12:16
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moofreehe meant engineering-associated drones12:17
sivaN900DawnFoster: i'll head to the career site asap12:17
StskeepsDawnFoster: my worry is how Qt fits in to all this, as that can tip things extremely :/12:17
mecestep 6 of 1412:17
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lcuk2DawnFoster :)12:17
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meceok meego is an os, but Qt is much bigger...12:17
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MilhouseSo Alberto Torres, Nokia head of MeeGo, is resigning?12:18
sivaN900Stskeeps: it seems it does not :-/12:18
StskeepsMilhouse: resigned12:18
Stskeepswow, the stock is taking a beating12:18
ha55anMan, Ballmer is shouting12:18
MilhouseStskeeps: thanks for the correction. :(12:18
karlilive coverage from Elops/Nokia investors presentation :
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meceStskeeps, not microsofts I bet.12:18
sivaN900Stskeeps: maybe the stock will fall so hard elop will be fired12:18
MilhouseStskeeps: When it gets low enough, maybe MS can launch a takeover (I mean buy the company, officially).12:19
HyperDUDeIE9 innovation? :-s12:19
bzhbdarthvader and his son12:19
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mecequestions. BURN THEM!!!12:19
MilhouseAnd I used to like Canadians... :)12:19
meceMilhouse, like celine dion!12:19
Milhousemece: ah, maybe not all Canadians :)12:20
sivaN900i am switching between the webcast and irc on my amazing N90012:20
meces40 is still there..12:20
MilhouseNokia must have one of the most fcked up strategies going...12:20
mecesivaN900: epic12:20
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MilhouseSymbian/MeeGo with Qt... easy. Now it's just a joke.12:21
sivaN900mece: blackest day for open source ever12:21
mecesivaN900, may I qote you on that?12:21
mecesivaN900, and yes.12:21
sivaN900mece: for the country thet invented linux12:22
peximeego is still going to bmw and others?12:22
sivaN900mece: yes12:22
av500until they take QNX12:22
niala1intel can't make phone?12:22
MilhouseMeeGo just had a leg chopped off... but will no doubt soldier on.12:22
sivaN900notic the miss fit to eu questions and uk12:22
pexicar industry is still slow enough for meego :)12:22
av500pexi: I doubt that will save meego12:23
meceask about MEEGO dammit!12:23
av500pexi: with nobody "driving" meego actively12:23
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lbtwhy? who cares?12:23
lbtjust abandonded internal research/strategy12:23
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meceKypeli on twitter: This sounds exactly what Nokia said last year with Intel.12:23
sivaN900so the intel nokia partnership ends ?12:24
lbtWhat's it delivered sivaN900?12:24
mecei have no idea..12:24
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* Jaffa wonders about TSG membership...12:24
JaffaWhen's the next TSG meeting?12:25
mecewhat's tsg?12:25
StskeepsJaffa: going to run?12:25
lbtwasn't 2 days ago Jaffa12:25
lbt"nothing to discuss"12:25
MilhouseHere we go...12:25
FryeMeego mentioned!12:25
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meceyess good question12:25
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niala1Frye: how?12:25
franz_finally someone asks about meego12:25
Jaffalbt: probably not true anymore12:25
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moofreemore like FINALLY12:25
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JaffaStskeeps: =-)12:25
mecestfu about symbian!12:26
franz_ok ok symbian who cares12:26
Milhouse"Transition to Windows Phone"... sobs...12:26
bergieTransition from Symbian to Windows Phone12:26
moofree"lol meego you still care about that?"12:26
Jaffa"Why lead, when we can be lead?" :-/12:26
bergie"MeeGo is an opportunity to learn"12:26
sivaN900so meego is dead this is it12:26
meceso only one meego device.12:26
franz_meego will be another skunkworks project12:27
mecemeego is dead.12:27
X-FadeR&D project.12:27
Milhouseso more "learning" with MeeGo... same with Maemo... then switch to "future platforms". MeeGo on Nokia is dead12:27
franz_like the 77012:27
moofree"meego was an opportunity to learn that we suck at software, so we're going to some other company that sucks at software"12:27
foolanopreety much12:27
MilhouseMaemo... what a waste of 5.5 years12:27
daggerI cannot believe Elop killed nokia...12:27
jnwiElop didn't kill Nokia, Elop saved Nokia12:27
* Jaffa wonders if the Nokia board had this in mind when choosing Elop and/or it was part of his pitch for the jon.12:28
jnwiNo, I'm serious12:28
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daggerso am I12:28
mecejnwi, how?12:28
moofreeElop saved nokia by killing it and reviving the corpse12:28
lbtJaffa: it has to have been there12:28
niala1don't care about nokia a want a open phone!!!!!!12:28
moofreeit's fine so long as you don't want phones with Charisma scores12:28
moofreeconstitution scores12:28
jnwiWhat was the previous management thinking staying on a path that would ship one MeeGo phone in 201112:28
meceniala1, yes! THIS!12:28
moofree(screwed that d&d reference up sorry)12:28
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niala1mece: thanks12:28
Khertanjnwi: better than none ...12:28
jnwiThey're the ones who killed Nokia12:28
Khertanjnwi: apple make profit with only one phone12:29
Jaffalbt: Sucks to be a Nokian today, I suspect :-(12:29
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jnwiKhertan: Nokia won't12:29
meceiltalehti lol12:29
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akikhawpretty good english for a finn12:29
mecewhat happens to finland? heh12:29
ha55anwhat happens to Finland12:29
daggerjnwi: they will waste MONTHS in transition to WP7. That time could be used to push Qt and Meego development and really change the market. Right now they signed death warrant12:29
jjoJaffa: at least it sucks to be a nokia subcontractor12:29
peximaybe he is thinking it as business.. if it won't make it in five years, it won't make it ever :)12:29
niala1fucking store all kind of store... ovi, iphone samsung or anything .... regressive world12:29
mecewell that's nice to hear from my point of view12:29
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meceabout finland12:29
meceI mean our whole economy is based on nokia12:30
dm8tbrlanguage please12:30
lbtsadly it's a "follow the leader" strategy - not a leapfrog12:30
jnwidagger: that may end up being the case, but they wouldn't have been in this situation if Nokia could have delivered in 201012:30
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bzhb"Nokia is a finnish company" or "Nokia is a finished company" ?12:30
Milhouselatter... :)12:30
lbtexcessive outsourcing... nice12:30
daggerjnwi: of course. Nokia made many bad decisions. But this one was the worst one so far12:30
ahfbzhb: :P12:31
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sivaN900bzhb: hehee12:31
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pexidagger, why so?12:31
mecewhat a nightmare12:31
niala1customers fault to, they buy iphone, now the result, compagny adapt to the market12:32
bergiejnwi: it sounds to me like it will be hard for Nokia to have proper margins being just a "yet another Windows phone manufacturer"12:32
jnwidagger: So maybe I was exaggerating when I turned killed into saved, but you just can't blame Elop for this12:32
KypeliInteresting how much Nokia has been recruiting MeeGo people just recent days. I guess that will change12:32
jnwibergie: I agree12:32
sivaN900he just said subcontracting is finished12:32
daggerpexi: their decision will boost M$ only. It was the worst possible solution for Nokia. Even going with google was better option12:32
mecethe early user community. LOL all 4 of them12:32
KypeliAnd I will not get those headhunter calls anymore :)12:32
meceKypeli \o12:32
meceKypeli, depressing12:32
sivaN900Kypeli: yes tyey have been recruiting like hell12:32
bergiedagger: with Android they could've at least kept Ovi and Qt, and a transition path to MeeGo12:33
RST38hYou can't argue that the burning platform story has been cute, in a US Christian sense12:33
sivaN900Kypeli: same here :-/12:33
daggerjnwi: I can only blame Elop for killing blow. Nokia was bleeding for long time12:33
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pexims is strong in live and trying to integrate the experience for phones, maybe they'll succeed.. like ngage did12:33
RST38hThe guy put his trust into God and the God saved him12:33
sivaN900RST38h: LOL12:33
niala1bergie: +112:33
RST38hThe problem, of course, who you consider to be your God12:33
lbtInteresting .... operators want MeeGo...12:34
RST38hAnd with Cthulhu seemingly ruling the world nowadays, you know what happens with the jumping guy...12:34
niala1lbt: ?12:34
Milhousethis all about reducing r&d expense...12:34
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Milhousegiving nokia r&d costs and returns, can't really blame him for that.12:34
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sivaN900can winphobe do irc and 3 web browser windows including streaming media on omap3 ? :-)12:34
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lbtniala1: question from financial times guy12:34
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pexisivaN900, who cares if you can play live arcade games with your friends easily :)12:35
sivaN900no company has made a browser like microb12:35
pexinokia EA sports edition12:35
pexii can see it12:36
Milhouse"He's from all about symbian" <--- Ballmer to Elop... oh dear.12:36
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lbthehe "I'm from All About Symbian"     Elop: "Sorry, I can't see where you are"12:36
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DawnFosterpoor rafe12:37
niala1pexi: openess operating system that's important - for me, not stupid little game whos exist since last century12:37
meceLOL It's that reviewer. rafe12:37
mecepoor rafe indeed12:37
sivaN900lbt: he did know where finland is as well12:37
sivaN900did not12:37
mecesomeone should make a burn question. like "As we can tell by the stock reaction this is obviously a terrible descision for nokia. Why go this way?"12:38
Milhouse"Nokia engineers" really important to Ballmer... yeah right. surpless to requirements now.12:38
mecei would buy it12:38
MilhouseGood question... MeeGo burning money.12:38
franz_"meego tablet or whatever"12:38
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franz_he really doesn't care the least huh lol12:39
meceso terrible12:39
sivaN900i suggest balmer fund psychological help for meego and nokia developers and fans12:39
niala1next week i get my new phone, and now what must i choose..12:39
MilhouseSo MeeGo is just a hedge for Nokia.12:39
sivaN900now all my iphone and android counterprts will laugh at my face12:39
lbtMilhouse: yeah12:39
moofreemicrosoft to fund euthanasia program for meego developers12:39
jnwiniala1: HP12:39
sivaN900moofree: ?12:39
Milhouseniala1: WebOS is looking interesting, might have to be my next phone now.12:39
moofreecheaper than counseling :P12:39
balorMilhouse: snap12:40
mecehaha burn!!!!12:40
mecegreat great question12:40
mecehe's not denying12:40
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KypeliStephen confirmed MeeGo is dead.12:40
MilhouseThis strategy is a mess... someone in the audience just nailed it.12:40
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ShadowJKAnd the maemo boss went to WebOS so maybe they're cooking up something nice12:40
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zumbiis there a public live stream?12:40
sivaN900ShadowJK: he did ? r they hiring ? :-)12:40
lbtNo. Pretty clear. "We're using MS tech"12:41
MilhouseJust enter any old rubbish in the name/email fields12:41
sivaN900meego is dead12:41
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sivaN900dead as can be here he just said it12:41
CosmoHillwtf have I walked ito12:41
mecesivaN900, jaaksi left when meego was announced12:41
KypeliWonder what Intel is thinking.12:41
infobotCosmoHill meant: wtf have I walked into12:41
mecekypeli, yeah, indeed.12:41
sivaN900mece: i guess he saw the future12:41
mecesivaN900, perhaps12:42
DawnFosterWe're (Intel) still going full steam ahead on MeeGo12:42
sivaN900CosmoHill: hell12:42
KypeliProbaly Intel feels a bit but raped.12:42
RST38hDawn: Including Handset Edition?12:42
niala1meego is not dead, he become a true slow project linux fundation12:42
lcuk2DawnFoster, I showed my mum the MeeGo ideapad the other night :)12:42
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sivaN900DawnFoster: at least intel remains sane12:42
MilhouseDawnFoster: Anyone likely to produce a MeeGo phone, other than Nokia?12:42
meceDawnFoster, are you (intel) making a phone with a keyboard?12:42
chouchouneMilhouse: Aava for developpers12:42
Milhousechouchoune: I mean for retail customers12:43
AranelI was away from Internet for a couple of days, what happened? Did Nokia drop MeeGo support or not?12:43
chouchouneat least I guess you can also call with their phones ;)12:43
sivaN900DawnFoster: please tell folks there we need a meego phone on intel hardware12:43
ShadowJKSomeone should ask Ballmer "Considering Nokia's adhd-type attention span, aren't you afraid nokia will throw all the wp7 phones in a trashcan a year from now?"12:43
mikhasDawnFoster, you can now get rid of Qt ;-)12:43
zumbiIntel phones?12:43
sivaN900Aranel: mostly yes12:43
niala1hey CosmoHill nice to meet you on #meego   :~12:43
DawnFosterWe still need time to digest the news and figure out the details.12:43
meceAranel, pretty much. They said they will release a meego device for teh lulz12:43
DawnFoster but Intel is certainly making chips for phones and are talking to other manufacturers12:43
CosmoHillniala1: where else would I meet you?12:43
mikhaswell, someone betrayed you, that's the news12:43
foolanoAranel: pretty much12:43
sivaN900Aranel: it is a microsoft company as fas as i deduce from the webcast12:43
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mecehaha positive effect12:44
mecestfu ballmer12:44
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sivaN900canada welcome !12:44
Aranelmece: sivaN900: foolano  :| does any other known company wants to takeover?12:44
foolanotoday is a sad day :(12:44
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MilhouseThe only winner here is Microsoft... presumably all other hardware manufacturers will continue to support WP7, and benefit from the same gains that Nokia believes it will get12:45
Aranelbtw when this thing happen?12:45
niala1CosmoHill: maybe meego is not dead, maybe he become a simple another distro, or another compagnie sell phone12:45
DawnFoster*thinks that I'm going to need a lot of tea today*12:45
StskeepsDawnFoster: i think beer is the poison of choice for many12:45
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MilhouseMost analysis shows that the real money to be made from mobile hardware is with proprietary operating systems (ie. iOS, RIM, Symbian)12:45
meceStskeeps, or vodka..12:45
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mecedammit. twitter api overloaded hehe12:46
CosmoHillDawnFoster: isn't it 3am for you?12:46
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DawnFosterwell, I just woke - seems a little early for alcohol, although that sounds way better than tea, probably won't help keep me awake :)12:46
sivaN900DawnFoster: anti panic pills more like it12:46
MilhouseAranel: Not yet, it's not a done deal - maybe still hope the Nokia board will come to their senses but I doubt it.... needs a coup... a pusch12:46
niala1Stskeeps: maybe elop think about meego to much beer and no work ;)12:46
DawnFosterCosmoHill: Yep - I woke up at 2am to watch the webcast *dedication*12:46
niala1DawnFoster: is not a nightmare it's true!!!12:47
DawnFosterniala1: ha!12:47
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CosmoHillyou might wanna write a note saying "it really happened, it wasn't a dream. sorry" for when you wake up12:47
sivaN900is the cast still going ?12:47
CosmoHilldamn, niala1 beat me to that joke12:47
mecebreak until noon gmt12:47
niala1CosmoHill: :)12:47
foolanoi still dont get it. I mean Elop said that they didnt pick android because they wouldn't be able to differentiate and that in the long term google would be the main winner. My question is, if this partnership is not exclusive what does it make different? i mean how is not microsft the one that will win in the long term?12:47
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DawnFosterthinking that today will be a busy one for this community manager12:48
daggerNokia's shares down -9.929% since the announcement :) It has begun12:48
DawnFosterany day that *starts* at 2am isn't off to a great start12:48
jonwilI still think Nokia could do BIG things with Android if they wanted to12:48
mecedagger, hmm. that's actually up12:48
pexiniala1, yes, to you, but thats not good business :)12:48
mecewas down to -1112:48
av500foolano: to be android you need to sign contracts with google12:48
moofreethey didn't choose android cause they wanted to be different? obviously they should have gone with Apple then.12:48
zutesmog1ms needs maps and has money android had nothing to offer12:48
av500and these might limit the extent of what you can do12:48
moofreeNokia iPhone12:48
moofreethat'd still be better than windows phone12:49
jonwilyou dont need to sign contracts to get Android12:49
sivaN900meego was on its way just more polish and feature reduction and we would win12:49
sivaN900too bad12:49
jonwilyou only need it if you want google binaries like Marketplace12:49
jonwilor Gmail12:49
jonwilor Google Maps12:49
jonwilor whatever12:49
av500jonwil: true12:49
leticjonwil: he said why : they won't be able to distinguished themselves from other android offering so they went with the plateform that nobody wanted at least they will be the only one using it12:49
av500but that is what customer want12:49
av500jonwil: and google has the trademark on "android" too12:49
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niala1jonwil: you can choose 1) google life  or 2) windows life  !!!12:50
foolanoas i see, this microsoft partnetship would make sense for the short term, but for the long term if they want to a have a chance they would need to create their own ecosystem and be "google" or "microsoft"12:50
av500so, nokia cannot make non sanctioned android phones12:50
moofree"maybe it's popular for a reason?" "Nah people just like the little robot character"12:50
Milhousethis seems like such a cop-out12:50
mecewoo someone brought an almost unused N900 to my work desk!12:50
moofreeare they giving it to you now that it's useless?12:50
sivaN900we invested so much effort12:50
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meceI'm gonna go talk to the embedded systems guys, and play with their wetab :)12:51
niala1I'll get my old amiga !!!12:51
foolanoav500: you also need to sign a partnership contract with microsoft...12:51
Milhousei imagine t.m.o and what is left of the "maemo community" will rapidly fall apart, mostly in disgust.12:51
moofree ;)12:51
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leiniralright, is this when i point out that Nokia and MeeGo aren't the same thing, and that Nokia couldn't kill MeeGo if they wanted to? ;)12:52
niala1intel swap to open os, nokia sawp to closed os. question: who will live ?12:52
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niala1not same works i know12:52
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sivaN900leinir: well on the handsets they could ?12:52
zumbiMilhouse: there is project to port meego there, but they are struggling to get money to produce the phone in series12:53
sivaN900unless intel does a phone with meego12:53
foolanoleinir: but it's extremely dissapointing12:53
niala1i hope a chinese compagny save meego handphone............12:53
Milhousezumbi: really needs more support than open hardware...12:53
sivaN900leinir: what time in the uk ?12:53
leinirfoolano: Oh, absolutely - i'm trying hard to stay positive here :P (anybody who knows me knows how hard it is to get me down ;) )12:54
CosmoHillI thought it was clear from the start, MeeGo is a seperate entity12:54
leinirsivaN900: 10.5312:54
CosmoHilllike a child is a seperate entity from both it's parents12:54
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sivaN900leinir: ok thanks and yes to that !12:54
CosmoHillin the start it requires them to live and grow12:54
niala1CosmoHill: you re positive, good12:54
tybollthappy faces all around today - eh? :-)12:54
leinirCosmoHill: *nods* but a lot of people in the press fail to realise that :) just look at how the BBC reports it ;)12:54
bzhb@qtbynokia: Everyone who asked about Qt's future, please stay tuned. We need to understand things better and will come back to you.12:54
leinirtybollt: Totally ;)12:54
CosmoHillMeeGo is still a kid and one of it's parents has just walked out but it can still grow to become an adult12:55
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av500foolano: yes, but who knows what M$ offered them in contrast to goog12:55
dolpstart polishing your CVs12:55
sivaN900CosmoHill: sure12:55
tybolltCosmoHill: did nookla drop it _all together_?12:55
moofreebust most likely it'll end up on the streets and in jail by the time it turns 2012:55
CosmoHillplease don't use M$, it makes you look stupid12:55
av500foolano: I bet that goog was not willing to concede to anything, why should they?12:55
sivaN900moofree: lol12:55
CosmoHillI mean using M$ instead of MS12:55
DawnFosterlots of other companies are doing cool stuff on meego:
niala1CosmoHill: yes but for me, i m not developer, and it seems that meego is not very succesfully..... please correct me!12:56
tybolltCosmoHill: so, did Nokia drop it all together?12:56
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av500DawnFoster: yeah, like weetab :)12:56
lollooomg bad news12:56
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lollooi hate MS on Nokia phones!!12:56
CosmoHilltybollt: tbh I've been awake 20 minutes12:56
tybolltCosmoHill: :)12:57
sivaN900DawnFoster: indeed lets hope my interview phone call from finland will get indeed rescheduled as it was cancelled this morning12:57
Milhouseav500/Dawn: it's hard to compare WeTab with anything from the far east manufacturers who are all supporting Android... WeTab is a drop in the ocean.12:57
CosmoHillI just hope port 8000 is open at uni12:57
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foolanoav500: my point is that this might be a valid short-term strategy, but for the long term they should their own ecosystem or they'll turn into yet another hw manufacturer12:58
KypeliI just updated my LinkedIn profile and removed MeeGo references :P12:58
MilhouseThe problem with Maemo and now MeeGo, is that in all this time they produced very few products and virtually none that anyone wanted.12:58
av500from: these are mostly companies that offered stuff on top of meego, not meego adopters for products12:58
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lolloowill MeeGo continue? or will it be replaced by MS software on Nokia phones?12:58
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leinirtybollt: No - they'll even be releasing at least one MeeGo device, and it's still listed as a part of the business unit doing smart devices12:58
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haloootttreally sad day for nokia12:59
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niala1Milhouse: the problem is people buy iphone and stupid other compagny copy this!!!12:59
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Milhouseleinir: yep, one MeeGo device with no future - who is going to buy it?12:59
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TuOki^i sold my Nokia shares today - all of them12:59
moofreebefore or after the drop?12:59
CosmoHillleinir: am I corrent in assuming that MeeGo device would be a netbook of some kind?12:59
haloootttgood one tuOki12:59
TuOki^after drop12:59
moofreeonly 10% :P13:00
leinirCosmoHill: Didn't say :)13:00
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TuOki^but i managed to get little bit profit still13:00
Milhousenaila1: No the problem is that there is no alternative to iPhone etc. - MeeGo was not an alternative, as you can't buy it. Poor execution.13:00
lollooomg sad picture13:00
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haloootttMicrosoft has gaind a lot, Nokia nothing13:00
TuOki^but i do not want to own company after this13:00
halooottthi michele13:00
TuOki^Qt and MeeGo was future and they did not understand that13:00
tvainioi also sold my shares this morning13:01
lollooi agree13:01
sivaN900the big photo with evil is disgusting indeed13:01
MilhouseMaybe if the share price tanks further they'll get rid of Elop before it's too late... :)13:01
CosmoHilloh it's too early in the morning for this13:01
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sivaN900tvainio: good call13:01
henait's hard to sell the stock before13:01
tybolltlolloo: appropriate meme there :)13:01
henasince markets open at 10 :)13:01
moofreenot with INSIDER INFORMATION!13:01
niala1maybe egyptian or tunisian peoples want open phone..................13:01
av500they want the gsm network not switched off13:02
CosmoHillniala1: I think Egypt would want a stable government first13:02
av500i doubt they care about the phone13:02
sivaN900CosmoHill: so do us :-)13:02
niala1ok ok i m nervosu13:02
av500ppl want phones to make calls and update facebook....13:02
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CosmoHillgreat, I'm not ppl :(13:03
robo"who would buy a meego device if it's not being developed actively?" "well i think you answered your own question" .. sad,sad13:03
moofreejust because nokia now doesn't mean that everything is lost...13:03
moofreejust because nokia IS EVIL now13:03
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akikhawrobo: that taking it a bit out of context tho, he did continue with "if we release something we will ensure that it has support"13:03
moofreereally they've been evil since september you just didn't realize13:04
Milhousebring back OPK... ;)13:04
sivaN900what an ugly photo13:04
moofreeugly guy shaking another ugly guy's hand13:04
moofreewith ugly grins13:04
sivaN900see ypu all in 12 uk time13:05
CosmoHill"I was indifferent on Thursday. Today I am different"13:06
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sivaN900this is one of the blackest days for open source and for linux. it states as if linux is not ready for prime time13:06
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topeiraDidn't someone at Nokia say that  "Qt is the Future"?13:06
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CosmoHilllcuk: flee now or forever be depressed13:07
Milhousetopeira: Nokia can't maintain the same strategy for more than 5 minutes.13:07
Sazpaimonoh looks like this channel is duplicating everyting in #maemo13:07
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moofreehey Sazpaimon funny seeing you here13:07
sivaN900lcuk: do what he says13:07
ICLABakikhaw: just because they said they'd make sure it had support doesn't mean they will, Symbian case and point13:07
av500sivaN900: I like my linux prime time android phone a lot13:07
CosmoHillSazpaimon: well they're kinda the same thing ish13:07
sivaN900av500: yes thst is the remaining sanest choice i guess13:08
sivaN900av500: and the closest to opeh13:08
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Sazpaimonnot really, nokia killed off maemo long ago, so i dont know why they're crying about  current events there13:08
niala1meego/we miss asian people to help develop meego13:08
LinuxCodegood bye Nokia13:08
robotopeira: yup, that what they said over and over again during the Qt Dev Days ..13:08
LinuxCodeyou were once a great compnay13:08
LinuxCodeWIndows as main smartphone OS lol13:09
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MilhouseI like this: ""Nokia will adopt Windows Phone as its primary smartphone strategy, innovating on top of the platform in areas such as imaging, where Nokia is a market leader," <--- Nokia made one decent camera phone, on Symbian, and that's where they think they will innovate on WP7? lol13:09
niala1DawnFoster: meego/we miss asian people to help develop meego13:09
moofreethey're pushing Qt on Symbian now? this is starting to confuse me even more13:09
sivaN900will we have qt dev days still ? the whole show case in october was around mobile and tablets13:09
sivaN900moofree: it is a suicide13:09
topeiraNokia also released the first phone with NFC, in 2006...13:09
moofreewell yeah13:09
RST38hThey are confused themselves13:10
sivaN900how is the stock ?13:10
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KhertansivaN900: -9.93 :
LinuxCodethats what ya get when you get a former MS employee to run your business13:10
Sazpaimonyou know on the bright side13:10
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LinuxCodemore confusion, back to the old13:10
CosmoHillSazpaimon: cos Nokia killed of their replacement?13:10
RST38hGive it time, once the dirt storm recedes, you will see the hole shape, and maybe even the coffin13:10
nidOsivaN900: down sharply13:10
Sazpaimonnokia hasn't seen this much press in in  a long time13:10
CosmoHillLinuxCode: how sure are we that he's "former"13:10
LinuxCodeglad I will ahve my N900 for the next 3 eyars13:10
sivaN900can not we write somethong to board of directors ?13:10
jjardon-7.25% now13:10
Milhouse-7.25, recovering13:11
Sazpaimonjjardon, NYSE hasn't even opened yet13:11
moofreetime for the gnu to take over and release GNU Slash Maemo (/me vomits)13:11
LinuxCodebest thing is, windows phone is the worst selling OS for mobile smartphones13:11
sharpneliAlmost -10% at finnish exhange which is open13:11
LinuxCodeand they think they will gain market share ?13:11
Khertanjjardon, Milhouse : i still see -9.9313:11
sivaN900LinuxCode: this is why it is suicide13:11
sivaN900LinuxCode: it will never make it13:11
LinuxCodewhich is why I said, Good Bye Nokia13:11
sivaN900LinuxCode: precisly13:11
moofreeat least microsoft has deep pockets to waste on advertising!13:12
moofree500 million here and there and soon you're wasting a lot of money13:12
LinuxCodemoofree, people know what thir MS based computers are like13:12
LinuxCodethey dont want that, hence most are buying Apple now13:12
sharpneliThis deal is much better for ms than for nokia. Basically MS gets a huge company to support their own tanking platform13:12
sivaN900everybody who has stocks should sell them to vote with legs against this13:12
LinuxCodethey dont want a virus riddled, insecure, crap OS13:12
LinuxCodeand I say this as a person who dopesnt like Apple either13:12
sivaN900like tvainio and another here13:12
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LinuxCodesharpneli, it smells corrupt13:13
Sazpaimonwe might see more coverage in the US market for nokia though13:13
Sazpaimonso they'd get some US exposure they desperately need13:13
LinuxCodehe leaves, and now Nokia drops everything but MS13:13
sivaN900i would sell mine if i had any13:13
Milhouseon this news, which is still confusing, if i was in the market considering a symbian phone i'd now be considering an alternative as the message today is that there is no future in that platform... so i would expect sales to fall in the near future. Q1/11 will be interesting.13:13
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MilhouseOsborne effect, basically.13:13
TuOki^well even that i sold my "real" shares i build similar position with derivatives13:13
kavacha1sivaN900, that is what MS probably wants, if the stock price drops low enough then it will be easier to aquire what is left of nokia13:13
LinuxCodeMilhouse, and peopel will opt into Android or iOS13:14
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sivaN900kavacha1: ah13:14
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MilhouseLinuxCode: exactly.13:14
LinuxCodeMS will be last on their minds13:14
sivaN900kavacha1: oops sorry then13:14
lcukCosmoHill, sivaN900 - in amongst all this faff, I went showing my mum how well apps work on MeeGo ideapad and handset. :)13:14
moofreetrojan maaaaann13:14
sivaN900kavacha1: how do we save nokia ?13:14
sivaN900kavacha1: then ?13:14
CosmoHilllcuk: I heard you telling DawnFoster that13:14
lcukshe really enjoyed it and had a game of tictactoe with Jake on the ideapad13:14
LinuxCodesivaN900, better option13:14
CosmoHilllcuk: cool13:14
LinuxCodefind devices that will run any OS13:14
kavacha1the employees should stage a global walk out in protest13:14
LinuxCodeor distribution13:14
kavacha1and demand a change in CEO13:14
CosmoHilllcuk: my mum can't use the DVD player but she's a guild leader on WoW, go figure13:15
kavacha1but that is not likely to happen13:15
slaineI'm not going to get any work done today13:15
nidOFrankly, as someone whos actually used wp7 extensively rather than just blathering on with "omg its windazz, run!!" WP7 is not bad, and the xbox integration possibilities are massive for gamers. but I dont get the timing, if the wp7 transition's expected to take years how the hell could nokia not manage to get symbian's ui fixed up, and meego devices released, in that time?13:15
lcuklol CosmoHill my mum can't either13:15
sivaN900kavacha1: i was going to say that but was afraid13:15
tybolltkavacha1: no13:15
lcukbut she loves the calendar!13:15
moofreestupid people with their jobs not wanting to get fired for a walkout13:15
tybolltkavacha1: this is not about the CEO13:15
Milhousekavachi: vote of no confidence, but probably a bit late for that now.13:15
DawnFosterlcuk: I let my mom play with a meego netbook a while back and she liked it.13:15
moofreehow dare they not put phone platform above their own paycheck13:15
lcukDawnFoster, :D13:15
tybolltkavacha1: Nokia board SPECIFICALLY hired Ellop to deploy windows on their smartphones13:15
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lcukmake apps for real people (non computer folks) to use!13:15
Milhousekavachi: this is all about appealing to the shareholders...13:15
kavacha1tybollt: I agree13:15
CosmoHillthe only thing I showed my mum recently was some image processing I did in a matlab alternative13:16
kavacha1in 4 months13:16
tybolltkavacha1: this has nothing to do w/ steve ellop - he's just doing what he was told to do13:16
TuOki^tybollt : i do not believe it13:16
moofreethat's clear from today's announcement13:16
kavacha1this plan did not just hatch13:16
moofreethis was going to happen13:16
moofreemonths ago13:16
LinuxCodetybollt, then the board needs sacking13:16
TuOki^they give just CEO free hands to do as he sees best13:16
moofreeevil since september13:16
sivaN900TuOki^: neither do i13:16
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tybolltLinuxCode: so buy some stocks... only the shareholders (owners) can do that :)13:16
sivaN900Ans5i: i propose a memorial day13:17
LinuxCodenope, I just will buy another product13:17
MilhouseAri must be breathing a sigh of relief13:17
LinuxCodeif Nokia goes bankcrupt, I do not care13:17
lcukCosmoHill, I went watching Shane Walter from OneDotZero last night, he gave a really good chat about moving image and innovations and collaborative experiences they have been part of over the years :)13:17
sharpnelitybollt: You're sure that board spesifically wanted WP7?13:17
MilhouseGot out while the going was good.13:17
sivaN900Milhouse: indeed13:17
CosmoHillI've just thought, thank god I'm not a mod on these forums13:17
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jonwilWhats the current market cap of Nokia?13:18
TuOki^40.75 B dollars13:18
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moofreeabout 10% less than an hour ago ;)13:18
sivaN900this has been too much already13:18
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Stskeepsmorn iekku13:19
iekkuStskeeps, morning13:19
MilhouseNo doubt this will become an object lesson in business in years to come13:19
moofreenow don't be hasty mr. nokia13:19
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Milhouse"How to lose it all"13:19
lbt"MeeGo and Mobile Solutions head Alberto Torres has stepped down from the company's management team, effective Feb. 10,"13:19
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jonwilI doubt any one group, person or organization could obtain enough Nokia shares to be able to have any real influence over the running on the company13:20
jonwilNot with a $40bn market cap13:20
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moofreebill gates could do it ^.^13:20
Jaffalbt: Ouch13:21
Milhousehedge funds working together could, quite easily.13:21
kavacha1jonwil: 40 bn is nothing intodays markets13:21
kavacha1Milhouse: +113:21
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kavacha1some hedge fund managers get paid in excess of 1 billion a year13:21
jonwilyeah maybe some uber ritch guy could or maybe a hedge-fund group could do it. But no-one who would actually WANT to influence the running of the company would be able to do it13:21
kavacha1really what would 40 billion be to MS13:22
jonwilI cant see Microsoft actually buying Nokia13:22
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Milhousekavachi: all of their cash reserves, apparently13:22
moofreeinvestors care about money, not what platform their phones run13:22
akikhawwhy would ms need to pay 40 billion for nokia? they already bought the nokia leadership, they don't need to buy the shares13:23
moofreenow we just gotta ruin windows mobile somehow...13:23
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moofree"Windows Mobile 7 killed my dog"13:23
LinuxCodemoofree, they will care a lot, wen Nokia goes down to 10-20% marketshare13:23
karlialready down 10%13:23
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TuOki^moofree : no investors as like i care quite mucg13:23
jonwilhedge funds will get out of the shares if the company fails13:23
TuOki^-g +h13:23
FryeOh boy. I'm still shocked.13:23
jonwilas will other normal investors13:24
moofreesmart investors will get out _before_ the company fails13:24
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TuOki^moofree: hedge funds etc. cares only stock movement is it up or down they dont care they just want momenton13:24
moofreelilke some of you have already done, you smart people :D13:24
MilhouseCan't imagine I'll ever buy another Nokia phone now.13:24
sharpneliMs indeed has no real reasons of purchasing Nokia as Nokia practically does their bidding already.13:24
TuOki^modfree : you cannot no those things13:24
TuOki^when stock goes up or down you cannot no it13:25
moofreei never said i did know13:25
jonwilLooks like my N900 will be the first and last Nokia handset I own13:25
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moofreethis is just speculation13:25
tybolltsharpneli: Fairly. A CEO can't just decide on such a major reorganization of the entire company that this move is by himself - he needs to secure such a decision w/ the board.13:25
tybolltcertainly since it needs very strong financial backing13:25
LinuxCodejonwil, there will be one more device13:25
TuOki^but yea hedge funds have make lot of money today with Nokia13:25
LinuxCodewith meego on it13:25
tybolltso yeah - this was most likely orders "from above"13:25
janmaltecouldn't we just buy nokia and make it a community based company? :)13:25
TuOki^hhehe not with our money13:26
LinuxCodebut after that, def13:26
sharpnelitybollt: Or he managed to talk them around. It's called marketing ;D13:26
janmaltedevelop the beset ever seen OS named meego13:26
nidOhe needs to secure the decision with those board members that didnt quit/get fired, yes13:26
niala1question: the more open handset is android?13:26
TuOki^we need to have approx 1-2 bn euros so that we could really get control over Nokia13:26
tybolltsharpneli: come now - why do you think they would hire HIM of all people? :)13:26
LinuxCodethe thing about meego was, that I didnt see meego as a standalone option13:26
slaineWonder if we can go back to using Clutter/MX and GTK+ now13:26
LinuxCodesome of the meego stuff would end up in other distributions13:26
meceI want a meego t-shirt13:26
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LinuxCodeand that is the way things will go...13:26
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sharpnelitybollt: He's been COO of Juniper, CEO of Macromedia etc.13:27
sharpnelitybollt: He has experience.13:27
sandst1mece: welcome to the summit finland then :)13:27
mecetested my qml game on WeTab just now. Very very nice and smooth! yay!13:27
akikhaw"i coded for meego and all i got was this stupid t-shirt" shirt?13:27
LinuxCodeyou wont find dedicated handset OS' in the near future13:27
jonwilthere may well be another device. But we dont know that such a device will be a phone13:27
tybolltsharpneli: what was his last employer - again? :)13:27
mecesandst1, when is it?13:27
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sandst1mece: 15-16th april, registrations full though..13:27
jonwilTime to go see this announcement from the other side of the fence (13:27
sharpnelitybollt: Oh for christ sake, he was just 2 years at MS. Do you think MS hired him from Juniper in order to switch ms switchs into juniper?-)13:28
jonwil(xda-developers Win Phone 7 forum013:28
mecesandst1, well if kypeli doesn't want to go...13:28
tybolltsandst1: Let me guess - Microsoft is main sponsor of the event? :D13:28
MilhouseAll Nokia will produce is another MeeGo "project" phone - another device with all the aesthetics of a house brick, not something that is meant to succeed.13:28
tybollt"free micrososft cd's for all"13:28
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sandst1tybollt: ^^13:28
sharpnelitybollt: Or juniper wanted flash when they hired him from Adobe?-)13:28
mecewell the "project" phones are the best!13:28
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niala1nokia migrate like lemmings lol13:29
tybolltsharpneli: Did you have this debate in first grade when the math teach tried to tell you 1+1=2, as well?13:29
lcukMilhouse, Nokia have capability to bottle up the smiles from people in Helsinki as they emerged to the first snow of the year and spread it around the world.13:29
sharpnelitybollt: Yes!13:30
jonwilxda-developers people are going on about how good this move by Nokia is13:30
jonwiland how "this move means I might actually buy a Nokia"13:30
moofree"yeah now there's a phone that actually has windows mobile 7 WOW!"13:30
niala1just wait to see meegoboy laugh :)13:30
Stskeepshe's banned13:30
Milhouselcuk: people are smiling in helsinki?13:30
tybolltStskeeps: who's he?13:31
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lcukMilhouse, they were when I was there.13:31
tybolltStskeeps: May I ask how you feel today?13:31
LynoureMilhouse: mostly not13:31
lcukI was walking through the city centre when the first snow of the year arrived13:31
LynoureMilhouse: unless cynical half grin counts13:31
lcukand people were coming out of their doors and seeing it for the first time13:31
Milhouselcuk: can't imagine they are today, but what do I know... :)13:31
lcukthe smiles and glee on faces was broad and wide13:31
mecefrals, are you on here?13:31
Stskeepstybollt: @!$@ describes it pretty well but i doubt i'll be running out of job opportunities anytime soon13:31
meceStskeeps :)13:32
meceStskeeps, I _really_ hope the n900 hardware adaptation will continue.13:32
tybolltStskeeps: :-/13:32
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lcukmece, its over some of its major hurdles and infrastructure is in place so images get out.  ensuring the community apps build well is a priority even whilst adaption work continues13:33
Stskeepshonestly, i still believe in MeeGo - it's a great platform to work with.13:34
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Stskeepsand this entire shuffle might end up with a better situation than before13:34
ccookeStskeeps: do you think it's still going to produce good devices?13:34
niala1maybe be phone with choice.. win7 or meego :)13:34
mecebeware, I tweet stuff you say that is interesting..13:35
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Stskeepsmece: keep in mind i'm not a nokia employee13:35
meceStskeeps, I know.13:35
Stskeepsccooke: i mean, 1.2 is the one intended to people to productise using, and it's actually quite nice13:35
meceStskeeps, you say cool stuff. So I tweet it :)13:36
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meceStskeeps, how is 1.2 currently on N900? is it something you could use as your phone (if you're nerdy and masochistic)13:37
ccookeStskeeps: *nod* I'd be tryign it now, if I had a spare n900 with working usb port :-/13:39
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ccooke(must get aroundd to fixing that)13:40
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CosmoHillhow old is MeeGo?13:42
Stskeepsalmost a year now13:42
CosmoHillit's birthday is some time next week i think13:42
meceTomi Ahonen is shocked...13:43
sivang_shockStskeeps: how's upi ?13:43
sivang_shockStskeeps: 'sup ? :)13:43
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meceI dare not even open tmo today...13:43
meceok i will.13:43
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ccookemece: bad plan :-)13:44
meceok closing it now.13:45
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sivang_shockI take this is old by now?13:47
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sivang_shockamazing what you find on blogsphere surrounding this events13:47
meceany word from quim today?13:48
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av500lol: "....And MeeGo? What a kick in the face of Nokia's last-year partner, Intel? This is really painful news for Intel...."13:49
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moofreeoh man13:49
moofreeIntel Phone where?13:49
sivang_shockav500: intel should not care much. they are the strongest cpu mfct inthe world13:49
raghumhow do I set arm architecture to armv7hl from the default armv7el13:49
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av500sivang_shock: exactly13:50
av500hence my lol13:50
lbtraghum: #meego-arm will tell you13:50
mecei wonder. the meego device, will obviously be a project phone with no future. Which means it could be awesome for hackers13:50
moofreehackers have no future ;)13:50
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av500mece: root an android phone and start hacking today....13:50
av500why wait for awesomephone?13:50
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angasuleso I guess y'all have heard about Nokia going with windows phone? :(13:50
av500angasule: really=13:51
katrina_kdaboh yeah13:51
av500angasule: really?13:51
moofreeangasule: not really13:51
meceI dont want android, I want meego13:51
av500mece: install it13:51
moofreehadn't heard13:51
katrina_kdab#qt-chat is another interesting channel atm btw ;-)13:51
av500angasule: that's a fake13:51
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sivang_shockWeGO MeeGo!13:52
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angasuleav500: how do you figure?13:52
av500angasule: it was a joke13:53
moofreeit's fake cause ballmer's horns aren't visible13:53
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av500"LG will consider making their own OS like bada, might actually try to woo Intel into 'MeeGo part 2'" -> learn korean!13:53
moofreeobviously photoshopped13:53
Stskeepsav500: hmm?13:53
av500from Ahonen13:54
av500it - was - a - joke13:54
* av500 joked13:54
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* jonwil is getting nowhere with N900 projects13:54
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angasuleI wonder what will happen with meego and Qt :(13:55
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iekkuwork continues?13:56
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MilhouseAny ideas on how the Finnish press are reporting this?13:56
FryeWell it is a non-binding as of now13:56
Fryethey are still negotiating13:56
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FryeBut I think if market response is good they will proceed13:56
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angasuleif market response is good I'm moving to another planet13:56
iekkuMilhouse, they are like wolfs13:56
FryeI'm not happy either13:57
iekkualready reporters outside at the nokia premises13:57
FryeI have been waiting for meego phone for a long time now =)13:57
moofreethe only people that are happy are the windows people13:57
sivang_shockFrye: you mean the deal is not done yet?13:57
Milhouseiekku: so happy, or unhappy?13:57
FryeNokia and Microsoft have entered into a non-binding term sheet. The planned partnership remains subject to negotiations and execution of the definitive agreements by the parties and there can be no assurances that the definitive agreements would be entered into.13:57
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Milhouseiekku: a good move for one of finlands biggest companies, or not?13:57
sivang_shockFrye: uh-ha13:57
FryeFrom the press release13:57
niala1Frye: me too, sad day for open os13:58
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sivang_shockFrye: so if wp7 fails to deilver, as it will WeGo back to MeeGo?13:58
iekkuMilhouse, i'm in meego, i'm not happy with the news13:58
pentalussad day indeed13:58
FryeI'm not going to speculate13:58
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FryeI have no clue13:58
FryeI was 99.99% sure this would not happen13:58
Fryeand I was wrong13:58
iekkuMilhouse, but that's only my opinion13:58
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jarkkomit probably hits harder all the smaller companies who went meego+qt when nokia announced it was way to go13:59
mecethis was the worst news I have ever heard from a tech company ever.13:59
Milhouseiekku: no not you, the opinion of the Finnish press13:59
av500[Rui]: and?13:59
moofreeno man you weren't wrong, you were just .001% right13:59
moofree.01% i mean13:59
niala1"Bing would power Nokia's search..." should i laugh or should i cry ?13:59
meceappears I'm rather emotionally invested in meego and Qt13:59
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Milhousejarkkom: backing Nokia and their future direction is a risky business, that will probably never change.13:59
Stskeepsmece: then help move ahead meego, it's open14:00
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tybolltmece: that is my point... nokia is certainly not gaining goodwill w/ this move14:00
FryeYeah, there are lots of small companies near here that went to QT&maemo/meego development14:00
epxniala1, laugh until tears appear14:00
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FryeI have seen significant amounts of money poured into the training of their staff14:00
Stskeepsi mean14:00
janmaltenokia just announced to fire some more people14:00
meceStskeeps, I know. And I believe I will have a device (newer device than n900) that use meego soon enough.14:00
Fryeto train them from Symbian to Qt14:00
StskeepsMeeGo isn't technically bad14:00
mecejanmalte, where, and who?14:01
janmalteit was a headline in the radio news right now14:01
topeiraNokia is the new Palm14:01
jarkkomand transitioning to winmo7 devs is useless because currently winmo7 API is so limited that you cannot do anything useful with it except XNA games14:01
iekkujanmalte, do you have a link?14:01
[Rui]av500: and subscribe if you want, don't if you don't want to. it's the same for me :)14:01
mecetopeira, well the new hp products seem nice..14:01
jarkkombut at least people can learn .net and start doing sharepoint or something :)14:01
LinuxCodethats another good question14:01
topeiramece: yes, HP...14:01
mecethere's music in the live streem again..14:01
angasulehow can a company go from being the most open to... microsoft? :(14:01
LinuxCodemobile phone business try to make more money with app sales14:02
ruskieangasule, by getting a microsoft person as the CEO14:02
LinuxCodebut MS dropped silverlight14:02
LinuxCodeand told those people to get lost14:02
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janmaltei'm searching14:02
LinuxCodethen they said, but we will keep it for mobiles14:02
KevinBmoney money money14:02
iekkubut hey, we are here for the meego, not for the nokia, right?14:02
* Stskeeps 's with iekku14:02
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angasuleah, crap14:02
LinuxCodeiekku, naturally14:02
Stskeepsmeego's meego, even though it might have lost a big contributor14:02
LinuxCodeStskeeps, +114:03
mecedefinately. But I still need a device from someone...14:03
angasuleStskeeps: without nokia, who backs it up? Intel? MeeGo was interesting because of ARM14:03
Stskeepsso this will be a big bump in the road, but not a fatal wound14:03
niala1LinuxCode: people are stupid, they buy the most closed os never been ios ant now the other compagnies copy this ecosystem14:03
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Stskeepsangasule: who says ARM can't continue? i mean14:03
Stskeepsangasule: Linaro pretty much delivers the toolchain14:03
LinuxCodeangasule, ?14:03
RST38hAfter the first (and apparently, only) MeeGo device ships this year, the MeeGo team will then "change their focus into an exploration of future platforms, future devices, future user experiences." Trying to determine the "next disruption" in smartphones.14:04
LinuxCodearm is one of the most successful chip companies ever14:04
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janmalteiekku: mece:
janmaltedon't know if there are any international news14:04
KevinBjust wonder if nokia will still contribute to the qt-ui libraries14:04
nidOwell, a meego *has* apparently now lost one of it's major sources of actual devices to start gaining traction, which is needs to become popular14:04
Stskeepsangasule: rest of pieces is just fixing builds14:04
LinuxCodeas Nokia holds control of QT14:04
LinuxCodequestion is, what will happen to that14:04
LinuxCodeI guess worst case, it be forked14:05
meceLinuxCode, that is a very good question14:05
LinuxCodemaybe red hat would buy it14:05
Stskeeps , LinuxCode14:05
_berto_live webcast again ->
LinuxCodeStskeeps, aha ta14:05
X-FadePage 32 of the slides.14:05
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LinuxCodeI kinda knew that was coming14:06
StskeepsX-Fade: hmm?14:06
angasuleI need to go through some kind of EULA to watch a live stream? haha forget about it14:06
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RST38hStskeeps: how interesting14:07
iekkuhmm, I think I'm going soon home, and start to enjoy weekend with my friends :)14:07
RST38hStskeeps: I wonder if that agreement has been completed14:07
StskeepsRST38h: supposedly it has14:07
Stskeepseven by nokia14:07
LinuxCodeStskeeps, the trolltech kde one ?14:07
Milhousemaybe intel will buy qt...14:08
mecemy live stream seem dead.14:08
sivang_shockStskeeps: I don't get it, meego is so close14:08
meceare you getting anything?14:08
Milhouseworking here14:08
StskeepsMilhouse: at this particular point, i really hope that14:08
sivang_shockStskeeps: closer than ever14:09
ptlit was a sad day to know about those Windows Phone plans.14:09
meceok got it14:09
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Milhousewhy were there only two options? downloads from ovi are growing at the rate of 0.5m/downloads a day per month... seems like Nokia don't have the balls or belief to grow their own14:10
lcukbah "those were the 2 options"  \@/  there is always another way.14:10
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Milhousei hear his argument, but find it very hard to believe any of it14:11
meceok.. how praytell is ms better in any way whatsoever????14:11
* LinuxCode forks lcuk and creates 3 more branch lcuks14:11
lcuk\o/ yayy14:11
mecehe might as well talk about wp7 now..14:11
sivang_shockwhat is in slide 32?14:11
lcukit looks like Richard Branson has fixed my internet though :)14:11
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lcukLinuxCode, all last week in all the channels I had about 10 clones in each lol14:11
LinuxCodelcuk, yeah, he ddi that from the plane he is on atm14:11
MilhouseAnd choosing MS isn't giving up??? WTF???!!!!!14:12
LinuxCodelcuk, hehe14:12
sivanMilhouse: exactly14:12
mecehaha so we decided to commit suicide instead of just give up14:12
MilhouseThe man is a twat14:12
erstazihe was part of Microsoft for how long?14:12
RST38hmece: You are not getting it! The brave man has jumped into cold waters and has been saved!!!14:12
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bzhbin the slides there is a picture showing nokia r&d investment14:12
CosmoHillwe should read something to cheer us up, I recommend Dawn of the Bunny Suicides14:13
sivanthey have a conteporary operating system?14:13
bzhbmeego investment is cut by 314:13
bzhbor so14:13
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sivanmore than meego/ maemo/ symbian?14:13
sivanS3 is contemporay14:13
LinuxCodebzhb, meego 2 million, MS fees 100 million ?14:13
sivanbzhb: that is what in slide 32?14:13
meceby critical he means free ride14:14
bzhbit says its illustrative though14:14
mecewhat is?14:14
LinuxCodeId love it now, if Motorola or another manufacturer, would now say, ok, we will support meego14:14
sivanLinuxCode: or LG!14:14
LinuxCodeI dont care which one14:14
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mecelg would be nice.14:14
LinuxCodeId just like to see a face slap14:14
av500maybe samsung can ditch bada for meego14:14
erstazitheir Approximate Revenue slide is funny14:15
mecei want rotten fruit thrown at them14:15
u19809anybody looking at the press conference ?14:15
u19809what great bullshit14:15
erstaziu19809: agreed14:15
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CosmoHillis this channel gonna be full of LG users in a few months?14:15
meceu19809: truth spoke. Bullshit.14:15
psycho_oreosonly time will tell14:15
CosmoHillthat's just stupid14:15
erstazi"Will it succeed?" haha14:15
u19809he wants to create an ecosystem with a complete looser ???14:15
MilhouseHold on, he's just bet his companies future on something that may not succeed????14:16
LinuxCodesomebody re-post the link please14:16
erstaziI call utter failure14:16
CosmoHillpeople should buy products that suite their needs14:16
erstazisorry, should have used tinyurl14:16
MilhouseThis argument is paper thin...14:16
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erstazidid anyone see the slide "Mobile Devices Net Sales Mix14:17
* LinuxCode watches share price14:17
erstaziMeeGo net sales not illustrated14:17
erstazithat is what that slide says14:17
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ccookeerstazi: have there *been* any meego sales?14:17
MilhouseWhat MeeGo sales?14:17
erstaziccooke: of course not, yet14:17
erstazithey never even gave it a chance14:18
u19809he claims that microsoft is taking critical bets ... what the f*K with 80% of revenue from windows and office ... what is the bet here ?14:18
erstazi"Focus Our “Direct R&D” Investment" slide too14:18
erstazilooks like they are cutting R&D by 66%14:18
u19809anybody know what the stocks are doing ?14:18
fendelHow do Nokia plan to compete directly on price and time to market with Huwai and HTC?14:18
MilhouseA next generation operating system... it's Windows CE with a new lick of pain!!!14:18
LinuxCodeshare price is stubbornly hovering at -9.1x%14:18
infobotMilhouse meant: A next generation operating system... it's Windows CE with a new lick of paint!!!14:18
erstaziMilhouse: don't forget the Walled Garden approach!14:18
MilhouseNokia is dead to me... :)14:19
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u19809milhouse : yep think so to14:19
LinuxCodeall he keeps talking about is the US market lol14:19
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ccookethe problem is, Nokia make good handsets. I'd have been dissapointed if they'd gone for android, say, but that would at least have been *interesting*...14:19
* erstazi bets on how many nokia employees leave this channel14:19
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u19809LinuxCode : and also advertising14:19
lcukWindows phone blue squares look like original liqbase :)14:19
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Stskeepserstazi: i'm personally hoping some people will stay cos of that they like meego, though14:20
mecethis is good for microsoft...14:20
erstaziStskeeps: agreed14:20
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ruskieand only microsoft14:20
erstaziruskie: just was going to type that14:20
fendelMeeGo is already part of both KDE and Gnome. Someone will make products based on "MeeGo"14:20
Milhousethe only "good" that nokia gets from this deal is the oppurtunity to reduce head count14:20
LinuxCodefendel, we put some meego stuff into fedora14:20
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CosmoHillwho here wants blood?14:21
Milhousei hope nokia take an absolute caning when the us markets open14:21
dazoAnyone know if any other mobile vendors going for MeeGo?14:21
meceQML on WeTab is superbly smooth btw :)14:21
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fendelLinuxCode: Sure.. Empathy, telepathy, Sofia-SIP, and so on. Nokia sponsored projects for Maemo and MeeGo14:21
CosmoHillhey dazo14:21
* dazo is so going to ditch Nokia14:21
dazoCosmoHill: hey14:21
lcuklbt, whats the simplest path to send commits to OBS - without actually needing OBS.  ie, developing and using git for qt apps14:21
CosmoHilldazo: can I has it plz :)14:21
* dazo is grumpy on the latest news! Very grumpy!14:21
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lcukcan a person just point OBS at that git and have it in community?14:22
dazoCosmoHill: heh .... the N900 is still bought, but never Nokia again14:22
lbtlcuk: mmm14:22
erstazidazo: thats understandable. you invested time, money, and effort into a platform (I am assuming N900).14:22
CosmoHillI broke the keypad on my nokia yesterday14:22
lcuklbt, for instance, venemo's puzzle-master, its qt based14:22
lbtlcuk: so that's kinda what BOSS is about14:22
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lbtautomation of code->image14:22
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erstaziCosmoHill: you can use the on-screen keyboard but it is a pain sometimes14:22
CosmoHillmy phone is a non-touch screen14:23
LinuxCodehow mnay appz are in WP7 app store ?14:23
erstazioh never mind14:23
lbttriggering event (a commit to git) causes a QA process which ultimately builds an image14:23
CosmoHilland it's the "answer" button14:23
dazomaybe CosmoHill can develop a newer and better on-screen keyboard ... after all, it's all software14:23
lbtbut it's deliberately not system to system14:23
erstaziLinuxCode: 8 THOUSAND were added in a day!!!1 (thats what that guy said in the press video)14:23
lbtwhat if I want to do something between commit and build ?14:23
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CosmoHilldazo: I have heard of some sound reconition software that uses your phone's microphone to work out where on the screen to tapped14:23
lbtif it's git 2 obs then "tough"14:23
LinuxCodewindows phone ecosystem...14:23
* LinuxCode spreads some dioxin14:24
dazoCosmoHill: cool!14:24
lbtlcuk: by having a hub we have a bottleneck and flexibility14:24
mecehaha not only is the ecosystem hopeless, nokia also have to compete with the other manufacturers that are on a roll14:24
lbtas long as the bottleneck is wide enough ... we're fine14:24
lbtand we've tested a million concurrent commits ...14:24
lcuklbt, awesome14:24
LinuxCodefunny thing is, he wants to compete with android and apple14:24
CosmoHillmece: from the sounds of it, nokia is competing with nokia14:24
erstaziCosmoHill: haha14:24
* lcuk wants to offer programs that work14:25
LinuxCodebut, where are the 70,000 developers that will build apps for their crap ?14:25
LinuxCodewhere are the free development systems for that?14:25
lbtso ... the answer is BOSS ... and I'm on the CI delivery this sprint14:25
erstaziLinuxCode: they are probably counting the developers for Windows 7 and not windows phone 7.14:25
CosmoHillLinuxCode: well if lcuk is on developer, that gives you 10 when his internet craps out14:25
lcuklbt, good stuff.14:25
LinuxCodeCosmoHill, lol14:25
pentalusreading the slides it appears Elop is planning to drop also symbian14:25
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lcukLinuxCode, I can convert each sketch I make into an app14:25
* LinuxCode calls Richard Branson14:25
meceOH MY GOD!!14:25
meceit just gets worse and worse!14:26
u19809do i hear right if he keeps on pressing that it is not 'a standard OEM agreement' ? He wants to make us believe that they will control windows / Microsoft ?   That would be a first14:26
LinuxCode"oi, pull the plug from lcuk 's inet!"14:26
lcukjust last week14:26
CosmoHillmece: which dainty?14:26
MilhouseYep, WinCE has finally killed off Symbian14:26
erstazipentalus: right but supposedly leave R&D for Meego while dropping Symbian14:26
lcukI turned my entire UI into handwritten14:26
lcukso now, a couple of years ago, I sketched a clock14:26
lcuknow, its a fully working clock14:26
mecewell he said "we could change ui yadda yadda, but we really can't"14:26
lcukbut looks just like my sketch :)14:26
LinuxCodeMilhouse, lol14:26
MilhouseI'm expecting Symbian sales to drop off a cliff14:27
mecemeego is still there though :)14:27
erstazimece: yeah, in the R&D14:27
LinuxCodeerrrm, he thinks WP will become cheaper14:27
erstazimece: they could drop it (;14:27
erstaziLinuxCode: haha exactly14:28
LinuxCodeI do not think so14:28
LinuxCodeMS, yeah sure, we will make less profit14:28
MilhouseMan... Symbian outsells all other smartphone devices, and he's killing it off?14:28
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erstaziMilhouse: exactly14:28
u19809until now I have not heard anything i reall agree with14:28
LinuxCodethats what we do, we run a benevolent fund for mobile phone businesses14:28
MilhouseTo be replaced by something that barely sells14:28
pentalusI fear they are doing with meego the same thing they did with maemo... ship one device and then drop it14:28
erstaziMilhouse: it is the most popular smartphone OS14:28
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lollooMeeGo please dont go away.14:28
LinuxCodelolloo, it wont14:28
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leinirlolloo: let me just reiterate my earlier point here... MeeGo != Nokia14:29
CosmoHillopen source is like a bad comment, once it's out there it's out there14:29
slaineIf the money from Nokia and Intel dry up, meego won't survive. If the money from Nokia dries up but Intel remains commited, meego will survive as Intel do a lot of work. Focus from intel will probably ship to a tablet ux14:29
lcukCosmoHill, not really14:29
lcukbut we do need to find a way for community participation to be rewarded14:29
MilhouseThis guy is going to gut Nokia and leave it a broken wreck of a company, then p'ss off somewhere in a few years... by then i won't care of course, but that's what is going to happen.14:29
fendelMeeGo is a distro. We have a lot of distros. The most important is the components, the focus, the contributors, and the end products14:29
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CosmoHilllolloo: the Nokia Notbook?14:30
u19809what is he blabbing about now ?14:30
sivanslaine: right14:30
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fendelslaine: "MeeGo" is a core part of Gnome and KDE: telepathy, empathy, qt, sofia-sip, and so on.. Nokia has sponsored core projects on both KDE (meego) and Gnome (maemo)14:31
sivanMilhouse: I care.14:31
meceI care too.14:31
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Milhouseblabbing about the good stuff Nokia does on their low end devices, that will presumably be running WP7 at some point... yeah right.14:31
LinuxCodetalking about locations in this world, that buy second hand mobile hand sets for cheap14:31
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LinuxCodethats what he is taling about14:31
LinuxCodecharging them money to use their phone for banking14:31
mecewhen do they say that?14:32
mece(and by they I mean we)14:32
LinuxCodeI dont recall African farmers earning 30k a year14:32
Milhousesivan/mece: I did care, but have had enough of this mad company and their constantly changing strategy while never moving forward. this just continues that trend.14:32
slaineI missed most of what's going on though. Have nokia decided to drop R&D in MeeGo, R&D in Symbian  or is it general R&D14:32
fendelThe work done on MeeGo has already helped Fedora, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, Suse, Mandriva, and so on.14:32
CosmoHillif anyone is interested, there is a video of meego running on the nokia booklet on youtube14:33
erstazi << Let me Summarize Nokia's stock14:33
u19809he just said they would provide a meego smartphone this year as a future experimentation platform14:33
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KevinBi like this part of his speech :)14:33
u19809meee toooo14:33
u19809so we just have to wait a bit more ...14:33
* notmart hopes meego resists in some form14:33
Khertanu19809: it seems it s use the word "device" not smartphone14:34
notmartgood luck guys, and hugs :)14:34
sivanMilhouse: I don't know what to say dude. We need to petition to the board that a whole ecosystem based on specific platform for years cannot just change in one day14:34
niala1notmart: you dream14:34
sivandamn lag14:34
sivanmy cast was cut14:34
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sivanwhat did he say about meego engineers?14:34
CosmoHillvgrade: do you think your image would run on the Nokia Booklet?14:34
sivanafter that they will plan the future?14:34
u19809khertan : true but since it will relate to the future I would presume it has to do with mobile phoning ...14:34
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fendelslaine: No, but they have announced they will cut drastically. "10:40AM There will be "significant changes" to R&D spending. Nokia will be cutting its research and development costs, but Elop claims it will increase productivity."14:34
u19809sivan : nothing14:34
niala1sivan maybe they will do a .net stage14:35
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angasuleunless Elop is forced to step down, nokia is gone...14:35
LinuxCodeniala1, everyting will be silverlight14:35
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LinuxCodewp will not have flash14:35
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Milhouselet's face it, nokia hardware is over-rated too.14:35
LinuxCodeand you wont be able to install anything , apart from through the MS app store14:35
fendelangasule: Nokia will not be gone, but it might become another Dell or HTC..14:35
CosmoHillgood thing apple forced youtube to move to HTML514:35
av5002 weeks later:
angasulefendel: that is gone for all intents and purposes :-)14:35
LinuxCodeCosmoHill, I dont think they forced them too14:36
fendelMilhouse: True. How can Nokia compete with Huawei and HTC on speed to market and price only?14:36
LinuxCodeI would imagine html5 is less resource hungry14:36
slainefendel: that's not quiet the point I was making. They're spending most of their money on developing Qt and the frameworks to provide a tier-1 SDK for developers and creating a reference UX, a custom product UX('s) and applications on top of that. That's all expenses that Nokia and Intel are spending on. As well  some on tailoring core os. But the benefits you mentioned are inherint in open source, you contribute and help others and at the same time reap the14:36
slainebenefits of contributions made by others.14:36
fendelangasule, :) true14:36
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LinuxCodehe want sto bring in outsourced people ?14:36
angasule"Elop studied computer engineering and management at McMaster University" How does one study both computer engineering and management at the same time? heh14:37
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av500computer damagement14:37
Stskeepsangasule: easy - i have a mix in computer science and science history14:37
erstaziangasule: he studied how people sit at a computer and program and how to properly crack a whip.14:37
foolanonot being good at either14:37
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erstazihe speaks a lot of pointy hair buzzwords.14:38
fendelNokia seriously under estimate the Koreans, the Taiwanese, and the Chinese if they believe Nokia can continue to sell high margin OEM phones to the masses14:38
angasulemeh, I'm gonna be late for work, and unfortunately this talk sounds all too familiar :-)14:38
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meceHe'll not be the CEO14:38
erstazi"if thinks go well today, I will be the CEO"14:38
meceI hope14:38
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LinuxCodeI would not want her job14:38
bzhb"if thinks go hell today, I will be the CEO"14:39
CosmoHillbuzzwords are evil14:39
LinuxCodeshe will be blamd if it goes wrong14:39
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niala1fendel: i hope asian move on meego. that will be funny14:39
CosmoHillthey also backfire horribly when someone understands them and points out you're an idiot14:39
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MilhouseYou code in Symbian, but need to change? What do you do, code for Android/iOS, or choose Windows Phone? Hmm...14:39
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LinuxCodedoes android support qt ?14:40
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LinuxCodeor is there a port ?14:40
MilhouseYou have backed Nokia for the last 10 years, been shat on numerous times, what do you do? Continune to support Nokia or choose someone with a long-term roadmap?14:40
KevinBthere android-lighthouse14:40
CosmoHillif Android, iOS, WP7 and Symbian all supported Qt, it would be a lot easier to make cross platform apps14:40
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KevinBbut nohting steady at the moment14:40
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meceLinuxCode, it's bbeing worked on afaik14:40
niala1in fact.... why we need other phone than n900 ?14:40
av500niala1: lol14:40
CosmoHillniala1: cos it's a small brick?14:40
LinuxCodeso I guess, thats where the devs will go14:40
angasuleCosmoHill: and if pigs could fly, I would get to work in time14:41
LinuxCodeif they are in it for the money14:41
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niala1CosmoHill: good for muscles14:41
CosmoHillangasule: pigs have flown14:41
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CosmoHillsure it was with the use of a catapalt14:41
angasuleCosmoHill: self-powered or it doesn't count!14:41
av500hmm, cross platform, write in flash ... .or HTML514:41
fendelGravøl.. A nice day for a beer14:41
MilhouseHe's going to be busy, the bloke running HR.14:41
CosmoHillMilhouse: if he was smart he'd have a duvet day14:42
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MilhousePatents: So Nokia just whoring itself out...14:42
sivanand I told my ex gf to get a C7 which is amazing but...14:42
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Stskeepsand -now- they replace NAM sales organisation14:42
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sivanhow is wp7 bring speed?14:43
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lollooget more ex14:43
MilhouseWill Nokia be making Microsoft keyboards and mice next, using all that manufacturing capacity they have that won't be making phones...14:43
angasulesivan: slow speed! it gives you time to think about why you bought a windows phone14:43
sivanangasule: LOL14:43
LinuxCodeohh look at that pic14:43
LinuxCodeits the same guy who is CEO now!14:44
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sivanagain creating a different industry14:44
CosmoHillsivan: if you rage and throw the phone, the acceleromiter will register speed14:44
bzhbthe new nokia : MS bitch & patent troll bitch14:44
sivanCosmoHill: the C7 ?14:44
MilhouseElop. Fsck off. Now.14:44
pentalusLinuxCode: loool14:44
sivanhe learned to pronounc!14:44
sivanoh dear14:44
CosmoHillsivan, any phone you throw :)14:44
* CosmoHill throws his phone at people and walls14:45
sivanI have nothing agains Elop, he's not a bad guy, but where will be the speed in development?14:45
sivanI forsee WP7 plan is dropped in about 4 months14:45
dwdHas either Nokia or Intel said anything (at all) to the MeeGo community yet?14:45
sivandwd: none14:45
sivanwe are vaiting14:45
jnwisivan: I think this change in strategy is different14:45
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jnwisivan: This'll stick, unfortunately for us14:45
sivanjnwi: even if the OS fails?14:46
DawnFosterI've been here the whole time.14:46
CosmoHillDawnFoster: kinda assuming to watch isn't it?14:46
jnwisivan: The OS was never the problem14:46
* Stskeeps offers DawnFoster tea and thanks for being around14:46
DawnFosterAs I said earlier, Intel is continuing with MeeGo.14:46
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LinuxCodeDawnFoster, where is your cheque book ?14:46
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erstaziDawnFoster: I could hug you14:46
LinuxCodeohh there it is....thank you14:46
LinuxCodeI contributed, by buying a i7 260014:47
dwdI guess the real question is whether Nokia will continue to develop (decent) hardware for running MeeGo on.14:47
jnwisivan: The big problem was that their internal processes were consistently too slow14:47
niala1stupid question: a x86 phone can exist ?14:47
lollooLinuxCode, any overclock?14:47
erstaziEven though Nokia has kept Meego supposedly on the R&D budget, I am doubtful of their intentions now.14:47
sivanDawnFoster: will intel have official statement to the community who has been putting its blood and sweat at meego sometime soon? :)14:47
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LinuxCodelolloo, 2600 doesnt overclock14:47
angasuleniala1: not a good one14:47
dwdniala1, I'm told that Atom isn't *quite* power efficient enough for phones yet.14:47
lollooseen many sights run 4.3 Ghz on fan14:48
DawnFostersivan: not sure exactly what the plans are for any official announcement14:48
erstazidwd: from what I have known, Atom is a byproduct from Intel's agreement with ARM.14:48
LinuxCodeyeah, intel needs to get a shift on with atoms, or start making arm based processors14:48
CosmoHilloh crap, I have 10 mins to be at uni14:48
sivanjnwi: so why just make them quicker? gain more focus? reduce features for linux based phone and deliver an amazing experience?14:48
DawnFostermost of the US is still asleep - not quite 5am here14:48
sivanjnwi: *why not14:48
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angasuleah, well, off to the pixel mines, cheers people, at least Mubarak seems to be going down! :-)14:48
DawnFosterI've been up watching since 2am :)14:48
jnwisivan: Probably because it wasn't working14:48
dwdLinuxCode, Intel have made ARM processors before. Still do, I think.14:48
sivanDawnFoster: oh :_)14:48
erstazidwd: ^14:48
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jnwisivan: Let me whore out my blog instead of rewriting my position here ;)
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sivanjnwi: but write once run everywhere?14:50
jnwisivan: huh?14:50
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FryeIt's still "planned partnership"14:50
FryeIn the webcast14:50
sivanFrye: yes, thanks for reminding although cutbacks are planned so this is half way committed14:50
LinuxCodeI like arm, but Id really love a x86_64 architecture, to make it easier for us14:50
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jnwiYeah, they haven't managed to finish the contract yet14:50
jnwiit was said earlier14:50
sivanjnwi: good14:51
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LinuxCodeif it were power efficient enough14:51
FryeIt is very close to committed I'm afraid14:51
Milhouseroyalty payments to microsoft.... hahahahahhahahahaha14:51
dwdLinuxCode, Yes, especially if there were an x86 ecosystem taking us through to the desktop.14:51
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Stskeepsthey said royalty payments?..14:51
sivanMilhouse: sweet mother of god!14:51
LinuxCodeinvestment in OS' ?14:51
sivanStskeeps: THEY DID!14:51
LinuxCodewhat OS' ?14:51
sivanWHAT OS???14:51
LinuxCodethey are ditching all the ones they were involved in14:51
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LinuxCodeI think I figured all this out now14:52
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LinuxCodethis is a major cost cutting exercise14:52
LinuxCodeyou ditch any r&d you do yourself14:52
sivanLinuxCode: ONE THAT WILL be taught in books14:52
u19809LinuxCOde : yes I agree ... they need cash14:52
LinuxCodeand let MS do it14:52
jnwiLinuxCode: yep14:52
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u19809LinuxCode : all the rest is fuzz14:52
niala1intel left windows adopt meego, nokia left his os and adopt windows.... who is stupid ?14:53
sivanprotest is in place, I guess14:53
LinuxCodewith a good wad of wishful thinking, that WP will take off14:53
sivanroylatie payments14:53
Stskeepsso, of curiousity: how many of you are still interested in contributing to MeeGo and making it -the- future platform? I know I am.14:53
sivanDawnFoster: you read this?14:53
sivanStskeeps: I am.14:53
alteregoStskeeps: me too :)14:53
niala1i suppose intel will not have interrest in os (meego or not) for a long time14:53
jnwiStskeeps: Sort of, but I want to know I'll have an actual device to use14:54
sivanStskeeps: how do we make EUs though?14:54
jnwiStskeeps: otherwise, I'll probably get a Palm14:54
DawnFosterstill here :) still working on meego14:54
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alteregoStskeeps: even if it's around the N900 for the time being. Maybe we'll come up with something to attract Nokia back to sanity.14:54
sivanDawnFoster: we have the conference as planned?14:54
sivanalterego: yes14:54
* lcuk slides coffee over to DawnFoster14:54
sivanalterego: we should prove them the community can make it better and make sure it surpasses WP714:54
alteregoHey lcuk14:55
CosmoHilldo you think meegoboy will pop up in a few hours when the US wakes up?14:55
Stskeepsi'm still interested in bringing 1.2 and 1.3 meego ARM to release, at least14:55
alteregoCosmoHill: definitely :D14:55
* LinuxCode slides a piece of cake over to DawnFoster 14:55
Naibshame i like my n90014:55
DawnFostersivan: we still need to figure out what all of this means. should have more updates soon14:55
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LinuxCodevirtual bribery ftw!14:55
CosmoHilleveryone agree to lie to him14:55
sivanDawnFoster: please send to meego community and spare no info :)14:55
erstaziCosmoHill: it is already 07:55 here in the EST (US)14:55
sivanI hae to get something to eat14:55
sivanI think I got an ulcer today14:56
CosmoHill"intel has left meego and nokia have gone for the iOS"14:56
alteregoStskeeps: maybe new meego nokia dev device around 1.3 release.14:56
niala1sivan if wa can install a meego on phone like on netbook or pc yes meego will survire... otherwise....14:56
erstaziDawnFoster: I definitely would like to hear from Intel as well. Thank you for being a community member.14:56
sivanniala1: yes, I wrote about it a year ago on the mailing lists14:56
sivanniala1: like meego on N814:56
sivanpoor guy14:56
alteregosivan: it's not the end of the world :P14:56
jonwilI think we should push Nokia for certain info/things so that MeeGo on N900 can be done with minimal binary blobs and with maximum hardware support14:57
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erstazijonwil: agreed14:57
alteregosivan: though I can think of a few scenarios where this could be the turning point of such an event :D14:57
jonwilThere is no reason why GPS on MeeGo n900 needs to have blobs14:57
eichidamn, wtf is nokia doing?14:57
erstaziNow he is talking about R&D for Meego14:57
alteregojonwil: well, maybe there is :P14:57
sivanalterego: well, for some of us who meego and the nokia is a way of life and standing onto the company while getting tossed android job offers constantly and refusing them..14:57
jonwilwell if Nokia documents the isi/phonet calls for GPS on N90014:57
GeneralAntilles1alterego: MeeGo's in for a lot less interest if one of the two founding partners is going to MS.14:58
alteregosivan: I am in the same boat.14:58
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sivanalterego: pitching and idea to an investor while he laughs at you for targetting nokia platforms.14:58
Milhouse"harvest mode" - really hate that phrase14:58
sivanalterego: yes, I undersatand :)14:58
LinuxCodehah! told you so14:58
LinuxCodecost cutting excercise14:58
jonwilif Nokia documents those, a gpsd backend can be done14:58
GeneralAntilles1One has a certain hate for Nokia these days.14:58
Milhouse"meego to drive future disruptive innovations" - ie. microsoft to cherry pick the good ideas from meego for windows phone?14:58
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GeneralAntilles1First MeeGo last year, now this.14:58
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sivanGeneralAntilles: better go back to bed :)14:59
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Milhousei wonder if we'll still have sudo gainroot in nokia+microsoft world...14:59
sivanso he says this might be the next disruptive technolgy14:59
GeneralAntillessivan: rolled over at 6:30, thought about it, then I picked up the phone.14:59
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jonwilWP7 has no root at all14:59
GeneralAntillesWent to the park to take pictures of the birds instead of brooding.14:59
jonwilWP7 is totally locked down :(14:59
sivanGeneralAntilles: and what the phone said?14:59
GeneralAntillesGotta be at work in an hour.14:59
u19809So basically symbian out WP7 in and meego like maemo ...14:59
LinuxCodeWP& is just...rooted14:59
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eichiand i bought my n900 2 months ago :/14:59
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sivanso it suddenlty feels to me the light point:14:59
leinirMilhouse: personally i read that as not the worst thing in the world... It means we'll get to do much wilder things with MeeGo :)14:59
smokuWhy are you so negative? We needed Nokia making money on Symbian to fund Maemo. Now they need to make money on something to fund MeeGo - let it be Windows... :)  Microsoft is not the no1 evil anymore. ;-)15:00
sivanGeneralAntilles: right15:00
sivanGeneralAntilles: who was that?15:00
erstaziMilhouse: think iOS, walled garden15:00
sivanGeneralAntilles: same here15:00
leinirsmoku: Totally :) Let's focus on it not being iOS ;)15:00
alteregosivan: look at it this way, less pressure for us all.15:00
GeneralAntillessivan: Nokia.15:00
sivanalterego: exactly I was going to say15:00
dwdsmoku, That's true. Seems amazing that Google and Apple are now overtaking Microsoft in the Evil Race. :-)15:00
chem|stwhy do you people even bother? there is nothing to do for people like you and me in a µsoft+nokia world, so why do you even care... didge nokia get along with meego and try to get it running on !=Nokia-Hardware15:00
GeneralAntillesleinir: let's focus on it not being Android.15:00
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sivanso we get the time to develop meego to be the alien all in wonder platform,15:00
sivanwhile wp7 is sold to investors and share hodlers15:01
sivancompany gains more breathing room15:01
leinirGeneralAntilles: Hehe, and that, yes :)15:01
sivanwe finish meego to be an amazing15:01
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alteregosivan: this is a brilliant strategy that Nokia developed to ease the burden of maemo and meego enthusiastss and developers from the annoying EUs :)15:01
GeneralAntillesI'd just like to have a stupid phone I can use sometime in the next year or so.15:01
Mece_actually this is a good time for N900. cssu, meego, lots of good stuff coming15:01
sivanand then in a year long we WIN15:01
GeneralAntillesThat possibility is looking more and more remote.15:01
leiniras for whether winmo7 is in any way useful, i've no idea, never got the opportunity to play with it :)15:01
rastersivan:  the investors and shareholders spat the dummy at wp7 already today15:01
rasterthere wont be "selling it"15:01
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niala1chem|st: yes do, personaly i havent the science to do that :(15:01
sivanelop leavs WP7 as a replacement for symbian15:01
sivanand meego wins15:01
leinirsivan: *nods* That's the spirit! :)15:01
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rasterit will be "trying to put out the fires"15:02
erstaziMece_: cssu?15:02
sivanWHo's coming wiht me to next meego con! ? :)15:02
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Mece_community SSU15:02
sivanMece_: in the meanwhile15:02
erstaziMece_: ah gotcha15:02
Naibwhat android apps for n90015:02
dwdsivan, I suppose there *might* be someone else...15:02
GeneralAntilles"Two bicycle makers, from Dayton Ohio, one day decided to fly."15:02
GeneralAntillesThat guy should die.15:02
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leinirPlus, of course, i'll say it again: MeeGo != Nokia. And Intel and all the other slightly enormous players are still steaming ahead, whatever happens with Nokia ;)15:02
sivanleinir: thanks, I'm starting to see how this can fold nicely for us15:02
Jartzathe nokia announcement really kicked in15:02
LinuxCodeIf intel was smart, they would ramp up meego, which feeds into other distributions15:03
erstaziMece_: already there (;15:03
niala1i propose to all of our app are selling in win7p or android and free for meego ....15:03
GeneralAntillesleinir: steaming ahead to . . . selling Atoms? :)15:03
u19809Since he said : specific nokia experience on WP7, coudl that mean that Qt for WP7 and own GUI using the CE OS underlying ?15:03
Stskeeps617 people in this channel, that's a lot..15:03
GeneralAntillesFrankly, who cares?15:03
LinuxCodeallows manufatcuers to make chaper tablets, mobiles15:03
sivanleinir: as if Elop understands open source has much more thickness but needs more relaxed working mode and research to become best show in town.15:03
LinuxCodesales go up15:03
LinuxCodecosts go down15:03
Jartzahalf of the meego and qt-courses got cancelled already15:03
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sivanJartza: where?15:03
leinirsivan: Yeah :)15:03
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smokuLinuxCode, Intel just scraped meego for netbooks. My guess is they are going with Windows 8 for ARM.15:04
sivanleinir: but that means, that Elop leaves to us the community to help him unpaid15:04
LinuxCodesmoku, ?15:04
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sivanleinir: unless the finish ecosystem gather more invesors other than nokia to finish to work15:04
sivanwhich I hope they do, as my contact said my interview today got cancelled due to personal reasons and not the events of today15:04
smokuLinuxCode, see
Jartzasivan: iin finland. I teach for three biggest training-companies in finland.15:05
DawnFostersmoku: Intel hasn't scrapped anything on netbooks15:05
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leinirsivan: *nods* Yeah :)15:05
alteregosivan: sorry to hear that :(15:05
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sivanJartza: ah I see :-(15:05
Jartzaqt is not interesting anymore.15:05
eichiMece_ i dont understand cssu. is this a repository, a new application manager, a debug mode? what is is?15:05
DawnFostersmoku: wafaa only works on the Suse port of the netbook, he doesn't represent the MeeGo netbook team15:05
LinuxCodeDawnFoster, thank you for clarifying15:05
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Jartzawhy develop to symbian when nokia is going to kill it?15:05
Milhousejartza: sad, but no real surprise. the take home from today is that Qt has just been killed off.15:05
smokuDawnFoster, quoted: "I spoke to several people directly and indirectly involved with MeeGo, especially the Netbook UX, about the lack of info on the Netbook UX. Each one of them said the same thing - MeeGo is putting the Netbook UX into Maintanence Mode, stopping any further development on it, and only providing bug fixes for major issues."15:06
KevinBNokia self destruction 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...15:06
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Jartzawhy develop to meego when nokia doesn't seem to be interested of it.15:06
lcukbecause its an OSS platform15:06
MilhouseAnd the future for MeeGo - even with Intels continued involvement - is highly suspect.15:06
sivanDawnFoster: poor Jaffa I confused them yesterday :)15:06
psycho_oreosmeego isn't just for nokia15:06
lcukand its future is not tied to any partner15:06
Khertanluck: it s not the only one ?15:06
sivanwe have GENEVI15:06
u19809Jartza : depends if the apps use the Qt layer, the OS does not matter, really15:06
sivanas well15:06
sivanand tablets15:06
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sivanI just wonder why Intel in Haifa are trying to optimize qt for windows...15:07
Milhouselcuk: But they just lost their biggest supporter and getting products into the market.15:07
Jartzau19809: sure. but it seems that customers thought that qt==development for meego and symbian15:07
Khertanlcuk: and what wil happen to Qt ... this is the main question ...15:07
Jartzaand when both factors are unknown, they are not interested15:07
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* GAN900 eyes HP sidelong.15:07
* Khertan look at WebOS too15:08
u19809Jartza : qt and symbian should remain (said the CFO) so I presume perhaps also for WP7 since it looks that they want the move symbian apps to WP715:08
LinuxCodelol, thats something I didnt get either15:08
GAN900Too bad I don't want a portrait-only device.15:08
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LinuxCodewhy HP continues with webos15:08
Jartzau19809: at least in finland the message seemed to be "symbian will survive for a while"15:08
chouchouneu19809: he said only .Net for WP7, no Qt ...15:08
AranelKhertan: is WebOS open-source and "real" GNU/Linux, like Maemo?15:08
KhertanGAN900: yep ... this is what i think too ... and so i ll probably stay with maemo15:08
sivanchouchoune: he did?15:08
LjLAranel: i really don't think it's very open source at all15:08
KhertanAranel: real gnu/linu, not open source15:09
Jartzabut companies don't want to train developers for platform that will exist "a while"15:09
erstaziAranel: I don't think it is open source15:09
niala1fuck off i have erase fucking slow win7 from my netbook and now win7 will enter to my phone!!! anyway!!!!!!!!!15:09
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u19809chouchoune : i did not hear that ... perhaps missed it ?15:09
Aranelhow? Real GNU/Linux but not open-source? what parts of it is closed?15:09
LinuxCodeniala1, language!15:09
chouchouneu19809: it's written in the press documents Nokia released too15:09
lcukwooohooo Mr Elop still writes on paper15:09
toadpoleis this confirmed? ->
KhertanAranel: the ui, and the framework ui15:09
erstaziAranel: they use the Linux Kernel15:09
lcukI hope his handwriting is clear15:09
MilhouseZune.... dear god.15:09
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erstaziAranel: the rest is closed source15:10
tzorvas__lets pray15:10
u19809chouchoune : URL ?15:10
rasterniala1: win7 != wp715:10
rastertotally different os's15:10
smokuniala1, does anyone force you to buy windows device? :>15:10
GAN900I just have to laugh at the people saying MeeGo will survive with Intel.15:10
leinirtoadpole: well, they said they would be shipping /some/ meego device this year... of course, no idea what that device will be, or indeed when it'll happen :)15:10
erstaziGAN900: DawnFoster said so.15:10
rasterdifferent kernels, different base os15:10
MilhouseWin7 == WinCE15:10
Aranelokay, it's another dead end for me if it's not oss.15:10
DawnFosterGAN900: meego is way more than just hadset15:10
infobotMilhouse meant: WP7 == WinCE15:10
tzorvas__what did you expected? 5 meego devices?15:10
toadpoledid Dawn mention anything about the handset UX?15:10
toadpolethey closing development on that too for the time being?15:11
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erstazitoadpole: ask dawn15:11
tzorvas__only one is fair enough for a platform that brings out its first release15:11
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DawnFosterhandset is also important for intel15:11
GAN900DawnFoster, if you say so.15:11
LjLAndroid is open source enough for me, sure it doesn't run X etc, but i think i'm with it15:11
chouchouneMicrosoft will continue to invest in the development of Windows Phone and cloud services so customers can do more with their phone, across their work and personal lives.15:11
erstazitoadpole: the support is already there for n900, for instance. why would that be thrown away?15:11
niala1DawnFoster: sorry where are car/tv/phone ... sorry again... maybe elop is in true15:11
Milhousepresumably Nokia involvement in MeeGo will continue, slowly (more slowly).15:11
erstaziMilhouse: less R&D, for sure.15:12
GAN900If nobody is shipping devices and no ecosystem is developing, it's all a bit academic.15:12
Aranelbtw, won't Meego (as in meego of FSF, not "nokia meego team")  make an announcement about this news?15:12
av500LjL: nothing prevents you from running X on an android phone15:12
leinirGAN900: ehrm... It's hardly a secret that Intel've been trying to get into handsets for a while now... So yes, she does say so, and you'd be a silly bugger to not trust her on that statement ;)15:12
LinuxCodeGoldman Sachs guy askingg a very good question15:12
FryeIn the slides there was still budget for meego after symbian is totally out15:12
FryeR&D budget that is15:12
DawnFostersome examples:
Jartzamost probably microsoft will just suck some money out from nokia phone division, and after a while buy the whole company15:12
FryeSo I would not say it's completely dead horse15:12
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erstaziFrye: yep, something like 50% (or more) cut15:12
av500DawnFoster: that list is a joke, that is all ppl that counted on somebody drving meego15:12
LjLav500: true, but it sort of becomes awkward. actually, i'd say that myself i'm content with the Android interface, and it even has some decent open-source software... i just understand the feelings of those who want "real" Linux, by that meaning X and its friends15:13
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MilhouseLinuxCode: Thinking the same as the rest of us, Nokia sales will plummet15:13
av500lol: "Novell Announces Support for MeeGo"15:13
FryeThe two bars were not in scale15:13
DawnFosterand Intel will continue to drive meego15:13
av500what Novell?15:13
smokuFrye, I would expect a budget around the one Maemo had - just to keep it from dying ;-)15:13
Fryeso I cannot comment on the amounts15:13
Jartzaalthough, meego could survive if some other player did a good phone with it15:13
erstaziMilhouse: pssh, nokia's stock is already plummeting (;15:13
Jartzaor a good tablet15:13
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LinuxCodehahah read the comments15:13
av500LjL: well, if "real linux" means X in 2011 I cant help you :)15:13
tzorvas__DawnFoster: MeeGo development will be continued with the same speed? by Nokia side.15:13
leinirerstazi: started this morning, yeah :)15:13
leinirtzorvas__: reduced some, but looking at the graph they presented, surprisingly little, considering :)15:14
Khertantzorvas__: so it ll stay slow ...15:14
LjLav500: let's say "personal computer-like" Linux15:14
Milhouse"I trust Nokia" - he's having a larf!15:14
av500LjL: you want a PC in your phone?15:14
* Aranel checks the calendar, it's not april 1st :|15:14
* LjL rolls eyes15:14
niala1DawnFoster: yes i know, i m interresting in meego since day one. i have installed it for my friend (even mp3!!) but i m very disapointed today.15:14
toadpole( DawnFoster ): what do you think, would it be worth pursuing MeeGo at this point? or is it going to progress too slowly to depend on it?15:14
LjLav500: i don't. read what i said again :P15:14
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av500LjL: :)15:15
* openstandards really would like to see nokia using kde's plasma for meego15:15
MilhouseElop really believes people will continue to buy Nokia/WP7 through loyalty...15:15
av500they will15:15
LjLav500: (although i'd certainly like a device like my trusty Psion 5, except a bit more up to date)15:15
toadpolei won't, thats for sure15:15
openstandardsI'll stick to my n90015:15
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toadpole( openstandards ): same here15:15
av500621 nicks in this channel will not make a dent in any phone sale15:15
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Milhouseav500: If a Symbian user is going to make a switch, there's plenty of better choices than WP7... sure I know some people have remained loyal to Nokia for years, but this might be a step too far.15:16
niala1Milhouse: people want a nice look they don't care abour Os. thats the true...15:16
FryeI smell that Nokia is being set up to be sold15:16
openstandardsI love my n900 so much its my best friend or atleast i feel it is15:16
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Jartzamaybe time is right for another spinoff-company. take best of people who are willing to leave nokia and take the severance package, put up a smaller company and start making only meego-phones :)15:16
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Milhouseniala1: Nokia hardware is vastly over-rated - plenty of "nice" looking phones out there that don't have a Nokia logo.15:16
toadpole( Milhouse ): yup, i've been using nokia phones for 15 years now15:16
av500Milhouse: same for meego15:16
Jartzanokia has created lot of spinoffs anyway during its history15:16
StskeepsJartza: makes me wonder if there's more innovation in that approach really15:16
GAN900leinir, the "Atom everywhere" story is not one I'm interested in.15:17
openstandardsniala1: I care about what OS my phone uses actually and so do two others I know that have brought the n90015:17
niala1#meego is animated like in dublin conf ...15:17
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leinirJust to point this out - (and so's my current employer ;) )15:17
Khertanniala1: and they want apps on their phone ... and a fashion phone and os ... WP is far from having the best ecosystem, and microsoft name on an os isn't something fashion15:17
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JartzaStskeeps: at least the spinoff wouldn't need to do anything with symbian, and they wouldn't have a history of slow moving :)15:17
niala1openstandards: me to i want a open phone. nokia or anything else15:18
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openstandardsniala1: to say _no_one cares would be stupid, sure the average joe doesn't expect how well it works15:18
MilhouseKhertan: It's just about reducing R&D cost15:18
CyuonutOsittain. Kuis?15:18
CyuonutSorry, wrong window.15:18
GAN900Intel's just as likely to pursue Android.15:18
GAN900They're not selling to you or me.15:18
av500since when does intel care about the OS?15:19
MilhouseGAN900: Might as well, Google already target the same areas, and actually have product in the market and an ecosystem15:19
KhertanMilhouse: it s just about suicide15:19
tzorvas__can we remember something? WP7 phones comes out with standar HW inside them. Also Nokia wont have the need of building an ecosystem etc. Anyone that would like to buy a WP7 device would buy propably an Nokia device. anyone that was expected of a MeeGo device will have the option to buy a Nokia MeeGo device.  but what about developers? what about meego? will nokia take advantage of WP7 so will sell devices easier and make her income b15:19
MilhouseKhertan: Agreed.15:19
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niala1i persist, people don't buy iphone, other compagny didn't copy 'store application system.15:19
slaineGAN900: Intel are already involved in Android and ChromeOS iirc15:19
mecehave they said anything interesting?15:19
av500jayabharath: he15:19
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tzorvas__also i cant understand why MeeGo is open source now. it was and before this day and it will be open source until it will be dead.15:20
DawnFosterav500: Intel cares about OS - did you know that Intel is one of the top contributors to the Linux kernel (for example)15:20
jayabharathav500: hello15:20
* jonwil wishes he could find someone who has contacts at nokia and can ask about possibility of n900 GPS isi/phonet info and some other stuff :P15:20
Khertanniala1: people buy iphone because it s fashion ... microsoft didn't sell wp7 because it s not15:20
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sivanDawnFoster: I know, IBM as well :)15:20
openstandardsI'm surprised nokia don't push meego more now that android apps can be used on maemo15:20
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slaineHey DawnFoster, you're either up early or very late15:20
av500DawnFoster: sure, but that does not favor any OS flavor, android, webos, meego15:20
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av500all run linux kernel15:20
DawnFosterslaine: I got *up* at 2am :)15:20
LinuxCodewow, even shareholders are outraged15:20
rastertzorvas__: all fine and good - but to get anything to boot.. letalone WORK... lets say.. oooh.. have fully baked opengl drivers.. or any AT ALL... requires the vendor actualyl do it15:20
slaineDawnFoster: dedication ;)15:20
sivanLinuxCode: where?15:20
rasterand make the product tailored around that os15:21
DawnFosterav500: Intel works with all of the major operating systems15:21
LinuxCode"as a shareholder and long term customer I can only say I am outraged. Steve Elop - your Companies Stock is just loosing around 12% in the European Stock exchanges.15:21
LinuxCodeBut you might not care as you probably still have more MSFT stock from your time there....15:21
LinuxCodeNokia board how - how could you choose such a guy to run "our" company "15:21
LinuxCodeto quote a comment15:21
rasterin the arm/handset world.. this is the reality of it15:21
av500DawnFoster: I know that15:21
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rasterif the vendor is going to push 1 os and relegate another15:21
av500DawnFoster: but meego is not a major operating system15:21
mecewhat's the word on Qt for WP7?15:21
LinuxCodeav500, yet15:21
DawnFosterslaine: either dedication or insanity :)15:21
rasterthe relgated one - even if open.. wont be of much use on anything except the device(s) it is supported on15:21
sivanso if htere's apath tomigrate from symbian, that sounds like meego will be the future15:21
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slainemece: non existant15:21
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rastermece: no qt on qp7 from nok15:21
sivanand only for the time being it will be reduced in investemnt so we work for free15:21
rasterthats the word15:22
LinuxCodeav500, and as I said earlier, meego stuff feeds into other distributions15:22
meceraster, slaine, but WHY?????15:22
DawnFosterav500: Intel has made a lot of contributions to MeeGo and will continue to contribute15:22
av500DawnFoster: ok15:22
slaineLinuxCode: that's a non comment to be honest15:22
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meceQt for WP7 is the only positive thing I can imagine that would come out from this.15:22
rastermece: why is it this way?15:22
av500LinuxCode: yes, since meego is a distribution as well15:22
slaineOther distros feed MeeGo, that's how all this oss stuff works15:22
niala1DawnFoster: have intel the money to buy nokia and arm? :) joke15:23
meceraster, yes. I mean there's Qt for desktop windows15:23
rasteroh why no qt for wp715:23
LinuxCodeslaine, exactly15:23
rasterduno thats what nok says15:23
fendelThis might be the Microsoft strategy: Get the WP7 into the market. Make a new version of XBox. Sell extra services to the Xbox trough WP7. WP7 becomes a hit trough games on Xbox15:23
rasterlink somewhere in the scrollback here15:23
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smokuopenstandards, Linaro is using kde plasma for handset UI - you may wanna check it out :)15:23
LinuxCodebut meego devs do a lot on netbooks, mobile devices as a whole15:23
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LinuxCodewe dont do much with that15:23
niala1:( pfff i can't launch qtcreator today :(15:23
LinuxCodealthought we have some dedicated arm people15:23
openstandardsav500: the telepathy framework that maemo used for the n700...etc made it into gnome and is used by empathy, thats a basic example of some of the eco system around maemo which no doubt will be the same with meego15:24
Milhouselow cost WP7 phones... you're still paying a royalty, dumb ass.15:24
Milhouse(at Elop, btw)15:24
LinuxCodeMilhouse, probably the r&d budegt end15:24
MilhouseRobbing Peter to pay Paul...15:25
erstaziMilhouse: has anyone asked a question (in the Q/A session) about Meego yet? (I had to walk away for a few minutes)15:25
niala1j  #qt15:25
ALLurGrocerieserstazi: none.15:25
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Milhouseerstazi: no - a guy from JP Morgan just asked if WP7 could reach to down to the very low end that is serviced by Symbian, or would another OS appear at the low end. Elop reckons Nokia have the skill/experience to take WP7 down to the very low end... I doubt it.15:26
erstaziMilhouse: agreed15:26
MilhouseI know the guy asking from UBS... :)15:27
openstandardssmoku got a link at all for me and what os is it using15:27
GAN900Milhouse, text him and tell him to ask more about MeeGo. :P15:27
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GAN900How did we not see this coming when this joker was hired?15:28
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MilhouseGAN900: Does seem obvious, in hindsight.15:28
LinuxCodei knew this would happen15:29
GAN900Milhouse, indeed.15:29
javispedroThe Joker =)15:29
toninikkanenwell, when Rich Green was hired as Nokia CTO no-one saw Solaris coming... (which it didn't)15:29
openstandardsI kinda did GAN900 however I hoped it wouldn't15:29
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GAN900They're not going to bring in somebody new and stay the old course.15:29
smokuopenstandards, - look at right sidebar15:29
mecewhat openstandards said.15:29
MilhouseGAN900: Seems like a decision to win the US market, but lose market share everywhere else... and reduce costs at the expense of any control over your own platform destiny.15:29
fendelGAN900: :-) It was nothing new. It happens from time to time: Hire a ex-Microsoft manager, get into close partnership, sell the leftovers after failure15:29
GAN900openstandards, self delusion, I guess.15:29
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GAN900Milhouse, win the US market with WP7?15:29
zr0RIP Nokia15:29
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GAN900You know how long it's been since I've seen an MS mobile device here?15:30
niala1fendel: +115:30
LinuxCodeGAN900, I have never ever seen a single one15:30
javispedrofendel: it's called suicide-by-Microsoft. Happened to Palm...15:30
MilhouseGAN900: not saying they will, but surely that's the intent15:30
GAN900iOS, Android, shitty LG/Samsung/whatever.15:30
smokuGAN900, I recon WP7 got very good press in states15:30
GAN900If that's the intent, Elops an idiot.15:30
fendeljavispedro: And many others. SGI is also a famous story15:30
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GAN900smoku, not really.15:31
MilhouseExplains the cancellation of the X7 on AT&T and Neuron2 (T-Mobile)15:31
mece:( :( :( :(15:31
mecethat is soo depressing15:31
smokuGAN900, so, you say they need to throw some money at AT&T? :)15:31
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mecewe could hack meego onto the windows phones.. sounds like it :D15:31
* javispedro ponders what the EU comission has to say as they're chopping R&D jobs for an american company. 15:32
* javispedro stocks even more popcorn15:32
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fendelGAN900: This is the move with the least risk for Elop. He can easily get a position in Microsoft or one of the other related companies if something happens.15:32
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fendelSafer for him than burning bridges..15:32
LinuxCodetbh it sounds borderline corrupt15:32
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LinuxCodeanother good question15:33
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Stskeeps"throwing chairs in frustration"15:33
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LinuxCodedid MS pay Nokia15:33
GAN900fendel, I agree.15:33
mecegreat question15:33
meceok he's avoiding the question15:33
kavacha1Paul allen's yacht spent half of last summer in Finland15:34
erstazimece: of course15:34
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kavacha1do you think he was making brown paper bag drops :)15:34
LinuxCodedoes his reponse make any sense to anyone ?15:34
erstaziLinuxCode: he skirted answering the question15:34
openstandardsLinuxCode: more than likely MS has been lobbying for windows mobile to appear on a nokia handset15:34
sivanjavispedro: we shoudl write them15:34
slaineDepending on how Nokia's investment in MeeGo comes out of this (assuming it's not heavily hit, I think Symbian is by far a larger cost) this might actually not be too bad for us. It may well mean that Nokia make enough profit and don't sink further in an Android dominated market. Meaning that we've not got a chance to catch our breath and make a killer meego handset ux15:34
Milhouse"invest significantly"... paying the same for less.15:34
sivanjavispedro: EU can't afford to lose this jobs15:34
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* georgem yawns at the idea of Windows handsets.15:35
sivanslaine: yes, my thought15:35
LinuxCodeMilhouse, yeah, with that R&D budget15:35
Milhouseslaine: i think Nokia have lost the belief they can do this on their own15:35
sivanslaine: however- doin that without money ?15:35
fendelsivan: Who cares? EU can pay companies to stay, but nothing else15:35
LinuxCodewhat was the marketing budget ?15:35
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* mece vomits at the idea of Windows handsets.15:35
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meceQt question finally!15:35
dwdOh, interesting question...15:36
LinuxCodesomething just jumped into my mind15:36
aenebyHi ppl15:36
slainesivan, that's what I meant by depending on the meego budget from nokia15:36
LinuxCodeI have not seen a Nokia ad in years15:36
Aranelmece: +infinite15:36
aenebyquick poll: chances of Nokia handing Qt over to the Linux Foundation now? :)15:36
georgemmece: hey now. you can get on and chat with all ur peeps on xbox live :P15:36
LinuxCodewhereas I saw motorola, LG ads all with android15:36
ruskie<-- has seen nokia ads and ads for nokia devices...15:36
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LinuxCoderuskie, which country ?15:37
slaineThe spring meego gathering might be a more sombre affair than the meegconf2010 :(15:37
fendelsivan: The "American" internationals are even less Americans than Nokia is Finish. IBM fires people in Europe and USA on regular basis. They hire new ones in India, China, Brazil, and so on15:37
SpeedEvilIs anyone aware if any moves have been made to approach Nokia about specs of W7 devices to run meego on?15:37
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Aranelwhere can I watch the stream? is it still live?15:37
LinuxCodeohh god, he mentioned silverlight15:37
slaineaeneby: dneary had a good point earlier. Perhaps Canonical will buy it off them ;)15:37
ruskieLinuxCode, what did you expct?15:37
dwdAranel, Go to anbd you can't miss it.15:37
sivan'that meego device'15:37
zr0hahaha, silverlight15:37
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MilhouseQt - incredible how Nokia have managed to turn a winning play into a total fail15:37
RaimLinuxCode: I can't remember any HTC ad either in Germany, but a lot of my friends use their android phones now...15:37
sivanwe will evaluate qt's role...15:38
GeneralAntillesWell, my thoughts go out to the Nokians who're likely to be canned now or in the near future.15:38
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zr0Milhouse: totally agree15:38
LinuxCodeRaim, because people know android15:38
MilhouseGeneralAntilles: Seconded.15:38
Aranel"not as part of another broad smarpthone platform strategy, but as an opportunity to learn."15:38
georgemI dunno. Qt has really been quite fail for a long time in my opinion.15:38
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Aranelmeans "go to hell"15:38
ruskiebasically seen ads for 'droids, nokias sonys etc... etc... though primarily from cellcos around here15:38
LinuxCode"the bet we have placed"15:38
sivanqt everywhere cancelled15:38
openstandardsnow to look for a new phone for the future15:38
* LinuxCode face palms15:38
zr0to be honest, the N97 is what killed Nokia15:39
SpeedEvilsivan: apart from maybe on the low-end.15:39
LinuxCodebing aka ripped off google search15:39
av500LinuxCode: nope, "palm" is dead too :)15:39
sivanSpeedEvil: but they will transitoin to WP15:39
sivanSpeedEvil: did not he said that?15:39
ruskieav500, palm palmed off webos to HP ;)15:39
SpeedEvilsivan: the very low end15:39
mecewtf is bing and why would anyone care about it?15:39
zr0they should have put all their eggs into maemo/meego/whatever at that point15:39
* av500 face-HPs15:39
KevinBWho put Bill Gates hidden son on top of Nokia CEO :'( ?15:39
SpeedEvilsivan: the 'bring internet to a billion people' phones.15:39
georgemthis is why I don't own a mobile phone :P... and no one likes to talk to me :(15:39
dwdzr0, In as much as way too much R&D went into making a semi-competitive SYmbian phone.15:39
psycho_oreosnokia phones will also now feature a windows button for all your smiting needs15:39
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fendelgeorgem: The main failure of QT: It was never sold in to Red Hat, Fedora, and Ubuntu. The change to LGPL had potential, but it would be to through out GTK15:39
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fendelgeorgem: A united Linux desktop would be helpful also on other devices and handsets15:40
LinuxCodefendel, we have loads of QT stuff in fedora15:40
Saviqmece: bing is a google frontend ;)15:40
slaineMark Shuttleworth would love to see a Qt based GNOME desktop15:40
sivanmaybe canonical will adtop MeeGo and make it with dpkg ? :)15:40
openstandardsfendel: used kde 4 recently?15:40
zr0as much as i like nokia hardware, i will never buy a microsoft phone15:40
sivanslaine: he's actually working on it , I think15:40
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* JockeTF is disappoint. :(15:40
fendelLinuxCode: And a lot of development of GTK related code.. Red Hat do not look very active in QT15:41
slainesivan, starting the process anyway with Unity going to Qt/Quick15:41
ruskiefendel, why would anyone want Qt is beyond me15:41
sivanslaine: yes, surprised me but yes15:41
openstandardsI ain't buying another nokia phone nor is my brother....15:41
fendelopenstandards: That is my point. It is good, but it doesn't get focus15:41
slaineand adding a dconf backend15:41
sivanslaine: I wonder where he'll go now with the focus out of Qt15:41
ruskiebut then I'm not a developer... I still consider GTK to be the better looking UI15:41
sivanslaine: onwards SLiverslight15:41
slainesivan, He may buy Trolltech from Nokia ?15:41
fendelruskie: You prefer GTK?15:41
u19809ruskie : are you serious GTK better than Qt ???15:41
angasulinoruskie: ah, that explains it, GTK is horrible to develop on15:41
sivanslaine: right15:41
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Aranel"Please register below to access the webcast."15:42
georgemfendel: I think Qt went wrong way back when they decided not to go full FOSS15:42
Araneloh really..15:42
erstaziruskie: GTK is horrible to develop with15:42
angasulinoAranel: lie, it's ok15:42
openstandardsruskie: you should see my desktop.... its sexy and smart15:42
fendelruskie: The "look" is just a skin15:42
* sivan goes to look at Canonical's job offerings15:42
zr0steve jobs is probably giggling right now15:42
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ruskiefendel, look and feel15:42
angasulinoAranel: there are no checks, no confirmation email or anything15:42
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ruskieaka user experience15:42
ruskieI love the gtk save/open dialog for one15:42
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LinuxCodefendel, red hat favours foss15:42
angasulinoAranel: they are turning into microsoft minions, lying to them is ok15:42
Aranelyup, "I'm the F*** You from F*** You Inc."15:42
u19809ruskie : really ?15:42
meceyeah, diving forward into a wall15:42
* ruskie puts a flame retarndad shield infront15:42
fendelgeorgem: I disagree. The problem was that they did not go full FOSS. They could have been "the linux" of GUIs15:42
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LinuxCodeand when I say foss, I mean as open as possible15:42
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ruskieu19809, yes really15:42
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fendelgeorgem: QT did have more in common with OpenOffice and MySQL. Closed, but open15:43
ruskiealso qt for me looks way to much like windows...15:43
Chanigeorgem: so GPL isn't free enough, it should be LGPL. they do that and now LGPL isn't free enough either, you want what? GPL again?15:43
angasulinocrap, I'm finally watching the stream and it ends?15:43
Aranelangasulino: looks like. :|15:43
Milhousemece: diving from a burning platform into a cesspool15:43
LinuxCodewho is that guy15:43
Aranelwhat happened to Qt btw?15:43
meceLOL that was weird15:43
angasulinohahaha this guy is funny15:43
u19809ruskie : ok ... good for you15:43
LinuxCodethe legal guy15:43
openstandardsI hate the fact that microsoft will now use this as FUD against anyone considering using linux as a base15:43
mecethe disclaimer guy15:43
angasulinoI wonder if he does stand up comedy too15:43
AranelThey intend to not talk about it.15:43
LinuxCodeterms and conditions apply, read the small print, it was all a lie15:43
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erstaziLinuxCode: haha I loved the guy at the end15:43
erstaziopenstandards: Meego is still being given R&D, so it isn't all over15:44
angasulinoI had never seen a legal guy do that before15:44
zr0erstazi: that'll change very soon15:44
LinuxCodeangasulino, must be inherited from MS15:44
georgemChani: I thinking way back. I remember at one point they had a lot of momentum then messed around with their license and freaked a lot of people out.15:44
sivanhe almost choked15:44
FryeIt's because the deal is not on paper yet15:44
erstazisivan: all lawyers choke,… on money15:44
LinuxCodeUS companies love lawyers15:45
FryeSo there could be an obstacle and the deal is off15:45
sivanerstazi: HAHA15:45
fendelOne thing we have not talked about: What is a phone anyway? It is just a device that communicate with some defined protocols. Anyone can develop a phone as long as the standards are open15:45
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zr0Frye: no chance15:45
sivanFrye: no chance15:45
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FryeYeah it' a wet dream =)15:45
sivanFrye: listen to what he said at the end of the webbcast15:45
dwdfendel, My problem is that Nokia developed *nice* phones, and appeared to have an OS for them that seemed like it should be very good.15:45
jonwilstskeeps: ping15:45
FryeI listened it15:45
openstandardsfendel: that was tried with openmoko which never took off15:45
fendelPhone hardware is mass produced standardized parts that anyone can buy15:45
Stskeepsjonwil: pong15:45
sivanStskeeps: TSG and Community office needs a meeting ASAP15:46
angasulinogeorgem: the problem with Qt's license is *really* old and no longer relevant, and it has only become more free with time, also, if Chani is who I think Chani is, Chani knows this :P15:46
Raimfendel: we have seen with OpenMoko that it is possible, but also how hard it is15:46
fendelopenstandards: It was just too early.15:46
openstandardsfendel: which are locked down15:46
FryeThere is this disclaimer on the press release too15:46
Chanigeorgem: I think you're misremembering. they started proprietary, then went GPL, then when nokia bought them it went LGPL to make it  spread faster15:46
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Fryethat the terms are under negotiation15:46
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Fryeand it is currently non-binding15:46
mecequim tweeted!15:46
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fendelopenstandards: The finished devices are locked down. The parts are cheap and get cheaper buy the day15:46
sivanmece: link ?15:46
ruskieRaim, the way I see it... openmoko was a death by commite approach15:47
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mece@quimgil: Still digesting, but I guess "MeeGo becomes an open-source, mobile operating system project" =  MeeGo/Harmattan-by-Nokia,including UX & apps15:47
openstandardsfendel: since when have the parts been cheap?15:47
meceapparently he is shicked too.15:47
SpeedEvilfendel: 3G parts are not available in small volumes.15:47
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georgemChani: I probably am misremembering. I'm just remembering back in about 98 when people were freaking about Qt in KDE. Too many beers since then I guess :)15:47
SpeedEvilfendel: You cannot go out and buy 5000 3G chips.15:47
Chanigeorgem: ah yes, that was a looong time ago :)15:47
openstandardsfendel: the parts aren't cheap at all look at the gaming handset openpandora15:47
georgemChani: Seems like that might have hurt their momentum a bit15:47
dwdgeorgem, I remember when it was just K, but yes.15:48
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Chanigeorgem: that was where they started, though; their momentum has gone nowhere but up15:48
leinirgeorgem: the lgpl? Hehe, not exactly :) Look at the size of Qt DevDays if you need proof that it's going well ;)15:48
openstandardsfendel: mass bulk is how they become cheap15:48
fendelSpeedEvil: That is changing. 3G and 4G is becoming commodity. 5000 units are a very low number. Intel announce their prices in 10000 units?15:48
erstaziSpeedEvil: don't forget HSPA+ suport (;15:48
ruskieRaim, they should have made the device and a shiny OS... THEN release it... so that people actually buy it and can use it... then they can hack on it... then take best of breed from the first run... again lock it down... polish it off... release...15:48
Chaniman, yeah, devdays was huge...15:48
SpeedEvilfendel: perhaps. I diddn't mean that they will sell you 10K15:48
SpeedEvilfendel: Simply that 5K is no-hope.15:49
openstandardsfendel: whos going to sell you the hardware?15:49
smokufendel, disagree.  the manufacturers of these "mass produced standardized parts" won't talk to you unless you bring $1M to the table ;P15:49
fendelopenstandards: My point. Nokia was a player when the hardware was the difference. A mobile phone is becoming a PC and nothing more than a cheap pc15:49
Matan[M]KURWA!!! NIE!!!15:49
* Matan[M] wanna kill M$15:49
angasulinoyeah, Qt rocks more and more, I hope Ubuntu switches to a Qt based by default15:49
zr0fendel: absolutely15:49
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openstandardsfendel: i Disagree completely15:49
erstaziQt is definitely easier to develop with15:49
Raimruskie: the approach was to design both hardware and software with the community. it was more than just a open platform to hack on...15:49
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niala1good for me i suppose now i can buy a n900 not to expensive. i can convince the seller that is phone is dead15:49
zr0niala1: heh15:50
smokuMatan[M], a lot of people here do understand these15:50
RST38hMatan: TAK!15:50
leinirThe Freerunner was a brilliant piece of kit... only problem was someone decided to market the thing as a phone ;)15:50
zr0well, we could still get a meego device, as long as that device is the n900..15:50
openstandardsfendel: have you looked at the price of a openpandora?15:50
ruskieRaim, well then any such approach is doomed to fail sadly...15:50
* Chani drags herself away from the computer15:51
chouchouneangasulino: they anounced they would support Qt inside Unity15:51
fendelopenstandards: :-) I have followed the project. It might also been too early. They integrate communication in more and more devices.15:51
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angasulinochouchoune: until it's in active use, it doesn't count :-)15:51
mecefrom twitter: "@quimgil: Still digesting, but the Nokia strategy has MeeGo as a platform for open experimentation and mid term innovation"15:51
openstandardsfendel: its only been shipped recently15:51
ruskieRaim, I find that often the better approach for the long term is a benevolent dictator...15:51
dwdfendel, You're kidding, right? Nokia led the industry for so long because of their hardware. People use 5 year old E71's because they don't die (and don't even run out of battery).15:52
Andy80mece: lol :P15:52
angasulinomece: who is the source of that?15:52
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zr0dwd: 3 year old :)15:52
openstandardsfendel: it lacks hdmi and all the other goodies and how long has it been in the procss of being made15:52
Raimruskie: but it was the first try. we have now seen it is possible and someone figured out all the problems with that. we have also seen, that it didn't work as expected. so we learn from this experience and move on with a new plan :)15:52
fendelopenstandards: The market are changing now and the next few years. Android has opened up a market for off the shelf mobile phone hardware15:52
ruskieRaim, yeah... but that takes time and a lot of cost...15:52
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openstandardsfendel: the embedded market won't change that much15:53
ruskiewhile if you were to design a contraption from the ground up with your own OS but allow hacking to others... you could actually be making money to support other things...15:53
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treebeen`man, this elop dude, i hope he goes down with wp7 and nokia15:53
dwdzr0, Hmm. Yeah, probably. Mine's only 18 months. Up for a replacement, but I have no clue what to replace it *with*, now.15:53
ruskieRaim, see always innovating touchbook and now smartbook15:53
zr0fendel: totally agree, smartphone hardware will be marginalized further and further just like PC hw back in the day15:53
mece@quimgil: Question to those asking me questions: thinking in business terms like CEOs have to think, would made a different choice?15:53
mece@quimgil: And question to myself, shared among freedom lovers: does the standard Linux stack we all know have a future as 4th mobile ecosystem?15:53
ruskietreebeen`, he'll just jump back to microsoft for a nice big fat bonus for helping take out nokia...15:53
alterego"midterm innovation" :/15:54
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smokuchouchoune, there is a QML based rewrite of unity15:54
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GAN900Johnny Cash makes for excellent theme music for this Friday.15:54
zr0midterm innovation.. more like midterm abortion15:54
meceGAN900, Satanic Warmaster too...15:55
angasulinoruskie: you can keep using an old phone, they don't rot :-P15:55
angasulinoI wanted an N9 with meego, though...15:55
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fendelopenstandards: Been in China? Never seen as many variants of ipod as I did in Beijing in 2005 or so. A lot more versions that Apple make them self :)15:55
zr0i don't see the N9 happening.. and I see Nokia's first WP7 device full of fail15:55
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fendelopenstandards: They was much cheaper than ipod and had much more functionality and diversity15:56
AranelI wonder where's the Nokia employees (Quim?) now? Don't they have anything to share about this matter, or do they have to "be silent"?15:56
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treebeen`ruskie: it is sick, nokia invested so much in QT and everything. it's like a slap into the face of too many devs. i bet they will be leaving the company15:56
erstazi@stskeeps: 100 MeeGo code changes mails during the night. Who said #MeeGo was dead? We are #MeeGo and we're very much alive!15:56
georgemI'm a bit worried that the library of iOS and Android apps are going to create a barrier to entry.15:56
zr0Aranel: they're probably looking for new jobs15:56
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fendelopenstandards, Sold as Apple iPod :)15:56
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Aranelzr0: don't think so, they may migrate to "evil WP team"15:57
av500georgem: might it be that that was what drove nokia to WP7?15:57
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angasulinoI'd rather quit than make that switch15:57
alteregoOnly those not really interested in what MeeGo offer are saying it's dead ...15:57
openstandardsfendel: most hardware is made by the same company but look at fic who produced the openmoko handset that failed because it couldn't been done in mass15:57
georgemav500: I don't know. I think WP7 is suffering from the same problem.15:57
Aranelangasulino: thank you =)15:57
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angasulinoAranel: np, makes no sense to retweet stuff in here15:58
alteregoAt least WP7 is ready (and already released)15:58
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fendelopenstandards: Unsure how they produce all the crap of the day in China. But it is a lot of devices that they sell dirt cheap15:58
ahiemstraalterego: for some definitions of ready15:58
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openstandardsfendel: people buy named brands for a reason they believe that name is better, not always the case however the point is nokia had a brand and that brand sold in mass15:59
zr0alterego: you're in a state of denial15:59
alteregoahiemstra: not mine admittedly. But still15:59
dD0Terstazi: Meego on mobiles is imho dead. Without someone to make the HW and back the development it just won't happen. Too bad...I was looking forward to an n900 successor....15:59
treebeen`alterego: yeah, and nobody cares, sales for windows phones dropped even further15:59
alteregozr0: am I?15:59
Aranelalterego: I would prefer waiting couple of years.15:59
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erstazidD0T: that is from @stskeeps on twitter, not me15:59
openstandardsfendel: how many copies of those ipod copies get exported and i've had cheap chinese knock offs before....15:59
angasulinosetting up manufacturing is usually a large chunk of the cost, but making a million more or less units doesn't cost that much (relatively speaking), so Chinese factories can easily make a bit extra...15:59
alteregotreebeen`: I'm being devils advocate, I'm about as likely to get a WP phone as I am Android or iOS15:59
openstandardsthe software is generally flakey and feels cheap too16:00
dD0Terstazi: Just wanted to add my 2cents ;-)16:00
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erstazidD0T: there will be a Meego device16:00
angasulinoI don't really like Android, I prefer something more open and with less java16:00
fendelopenstandards: Sure, but they do not need to write software from scratch. The same as with TVs. They comes with Linux16:00
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SpeedEvilAt 12:32 today - the talk implied that meego device would be a smartphone.16:00
SpeedEvilI don't suppose anyone was recording?16:00
zr0yeah, what's kept me from getting android is the mediocre hardware and battery life performance16:01
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niala1erstazi:  there will be a Meego device so terrible that he kill other nokia phone... i dream16:01
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dD0Terstazi: Didn't they just scrap the N9. Is something else even announced yet?16:01
openstandardsfendel: but whos going to export the hardware and what about battery life?16:01
GAN900alterego, problem is, if there's no money behind it, not much is going to happen.16:01
fendelzr0, I am not a big fan of "the cloud". I am not interested in putting everything online in a google account.16:02
SpeedEvildD0T: In another part of the talk it was mentioned that meego devices in the design process are becoming w7 devices.16:02
openstandardsfendel: how many chinese laptops exist that do well?16:02
smoinendD0T: n9 is not announced by nokia16:02
GAN900Frankly, there's little reason for investors to want to see companies dump that money on MeeGo.16:02
SpeedEvilSo N9 may well arrive16:02
zr0fendel: totally agree, that's my other reservation with android16:02
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fendelopenstandards: Battery: Time handle that. Others develop cheap off the shelf hardware that others can buy.  Export: Why export?16:02
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georgemI don't need a smart phone. I have iPod touch I can use with wifi and play stupid games on and a prepaid phone that costs me $100 a year which I keep off most of the time incase my car breaks down.16:02
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GAN900Nokia is bad for my health.16:02
erstazidD0T: Elop said that there will be a Meego Device. whether they follow through with that is another story16:03
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GAN900Second time in less than 12 months they've given me heartburn.16:03
toninikkanen"if you buy it in large enough numbers" I would say16:03
zr0erstazi: not gonna happen16:03
fungithey prob have to produce a device as part of contract with intel, like microsofts sidekick thing16:03
zr0GAN900: heh16:03
dD0TWith them using WP7 I honestly can see no reason for them to pour any more money into that area though.16:04
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openstandardsfendel: so these companies that produce "cheap" hardware, how will i get hold of one when i'm based in the uk i ain't going to china for a phone16:04
SpeedEvilopenstandards: dealextreme.com16:04
georgemopenstandards: ebay16:04
SpeedEvilHowever - the build quality and the software quality is generally not great.16:04
av500openstandards: what do you want with a crap china phone?16:04
fendelopenstandards: You wont. But they keep developing for their own market. A player gets good at their stuff from time to time and we got another rising star16:05
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openstandardsav500: fendel is trying to say theres a market with cheap chinese hardware and i'm pointing out thats its got to be mass produced otherwise it will be pricey16:06
meceI'm out. tata16:06
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openstandardsSpeedEvil, georgem had chinese hardware before and it was flakey and quite rubbish16:07
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funginot everything from china is cheep crap, zte and huwei arent that far behind korean lg in build quality16:07
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Stskeepsjust remember, all of you - all the contributions from nokia into MeeGo aren't lost. They're open source and public.16:07
ahollerbtw, anyone read somethingabout how much nokia has to pay for the wp7 the want to use to replace their r&d costs?16:07
Milhouseaholler: not specific amounts, no, but royalties they will be paying16:08
toninikkaneni wouldnt't be surprised if the cost was less than paying for thousands of symbian guys16:08
av500aholler: I guess around $10 per unit16:08
georgemmost stuff from China is cheap crap unless it has the backing of a non Chinese company :)16:08
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dD0Tfungi: There's lots of high quality stuff from china. But most of it will be OEM or a known brand16:08
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av500aholler: with volume discounts16:08
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fendelgeorgem: They do all kind of stuff in China. They even export OK quality wifes.16:09
LinuxCodefendel, loool16:09
Milhousetoninikkanen: yes, but what they'll save is only to become one of the heard.16:09
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LinuxCodeIm glad I didnt make a joke earlier16:09
LinuxCodeor your line would sound very wrong16:09
openstandardspeople will just use android....16:09
Khertanfendel: but it s not cheap !16:09
ahollerav500: 10$ until they are dependent16:09
GAN900Stskeeps, doesn't mean much if there's never any reasonable hardware to put it on.16:09
fungi<georgem> not really at all16:09
fendelKhertan: My wife came for free, but I have to invest time ;)16:09
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LinuxCodeI doubt MS sells virus patches for 10 USD16:10
Khertanfendel: for the moment ... it s ll higher and higher during time16:10
aholleranyway, who cares about nokia, just another company doomed by ms16:10
av500aholler: well16:10
fendelKhertan: :-)16:10
Khertanfendel: do not forget the 14th :)16:10
millenomiI would have loved MeeGo in the mass market, or at least as an Android competitor16:10
dD0TGAN900: I guess we'll see some embedded / netbook stuff from the intel side of things. Though I can't quite fathom why you wouldn't use android / windows for that16:10
millenomibut unless Intel can build its own ecosystem16:11
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GAN900aholler, only real chance of us getting a semi-open mobile device in the near future.16:11
millenomiit'll remain Yet Another FOSS Project For FOSS People.16:11
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millenomiAnd Embedded Manufacturers.16:11
av500I still fail to see what intel wants with meego16:11
millenomime too16:11
millenomiand I've talked to them twice16:11
av500netbooks are win716:11
millenomithey do not seem to care that much.16:11
georgemav500: yeah. I know what you mean.16:11
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millenomi(I was contacted for AppUp)16:11
smokuav500, win8 for ARM :)16:11
dD0Taholler: I care. They own Qt. I like Qt. Without their runs everywhere strategy they have no reason to invest in Qt. Makes me a sad panda16:12
av500smoku: its still "windows"16:12
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millenomidD0T: LGPL FTW :)16:12
millenomibut no investments :(16:12
dD0Tmillenomi: Doesn't help without commercial backings16:12
ahollerdD0T: qt doesn't need nokia16:12
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millenomiI know16:12
av500dD0T: the code is out there16:12
smokuav500, yup. I guess that Intel is just covering all bases.   Do we support Linux? Sure we do.16:12
millenomibut there's an exit route.16:12
millenomiat least.16:12
openstandardsav500: car sat nav systems16:12
av500openstandards: well16:12
dD0Tav500: That's rubbish. Without backing by a company it's going nowhere16:12
av500dD0T: like gnow?16:12
av500dD0T: like gnome?16:12
dD0Tav500: Ever heard of redhat? ;-)16:13
dD0Tav500: Or cannonical?16:13
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millenomiheh heh heh 'cannonical'16:13
openstandardsav500: redhat backs gnome big time16:13
av500canonical came late16:13
smokuav500, for intel it's just commoditizing the hardware market. they need a glue to all the APIs out there16:13
openstandardsav500: ever heard of kde?16:13
Milhouseav500: Qt without Nokia (and more importantly, product support) has a bleak future16:13
av500openstandards: rings a bell16:13
dD0Tmillenomi: -n for you ;-)16:13
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toninikkanenhow was trolltech doing before nokia bought it ?16:13
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av500so so i guess16:14
mikhasso good that it got bought16:14
toninikkanennot too badly since I remember they had to pay hundreds of millions for it...16:14
Milhouseav500: Best thing Nokia can do is sell it on as a going concern16:14
openstandardsav500: kde doesn't get as much attention as gnome for the fact that gnome has bigger sponsership16:14
AranelI wonder who will adopt Qt. Most likely KDE, since they need it for their desktop projects.16:14
fendelopenstandards: Would prefer if KDE and Gnome could find some middle ground. They are getting closer and closer, but still waste limited resources16:14
av500sell it to who?16:14
Milhouseav500: And given that they are now driven by avirice than ideals, they probably will16:14
av500kde has no money16:14
dD0TAranel: KDE has no major financial backer. I doubt they could stem the development16:14
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fendelopenstandards; MeeGo/Maemo/Nokia has helped to push pulseaudio, gstreamer,telepathy, and so on in KDE16:15
av500so, maybe today is more a say day for KDE than for nokia16:15
Milhouseav500: Intel might be a good shout16:15
AraneldD0T: I don't say that Qt will be the same Qt, with "cross-platform awesomeness, future of the development blah blah"16:15
dD0Tav500: Actually I think Nokia will profit from this step. At least in the short run.16:15
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AraneldD0T:  It will become another way to do things, like Gtk, which is mostly used for desktop (gnome) purposes.16:16
MilhousedD0T: Short term I think they'll lose money big time... who is going to invest in Symbian (development, or buying phones)? Symbian sales to drop off a cliff, and no WP7 phone until 2012.16:16
DrGrovGood evening16:16
MilhouseThe next 2-3 quarters will quite possibly be loss making, pluss all the redundancy packages on top16:16
DrGrovThis was a serious fuck up on a large scale16:17
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dD0TMilhouse: Symbian phones are mostly sold in contracts afaik. I very much doubt customers will know or care. It'll hurt their ecosystem though.16:17
smokuBTW, you know that GTK+ 3.0 was released yesterday? :)16:17
fendelGood things for the Linux dekstop: GTK 3.0 just came out.  KDE has matured well with KDE 4.6. No crises16:17
openstandardsfendel: I know this, I chat to a dev that got given a nokia n800 to hack on and another friend whos employed by nokia who was part of the symbian team16:17
georgemGTK 3 scares me a little bit.16:17
MilhousedD0T: If you heard the news that Symbian is going to be killed off, why would you be interested in buying a Symbian phone? Agree that some people won't care, but this is not a good move.16:17
dD0TMilhouse: Though you might be right. It's not as if I've got that good a grip on the market ;-)16:17
openstandardsruskie: thats a kde desktop16:18
RST38hsmoku: yes, but who cares about gtk+, when your platform is buuuurrrrrning? =)16:18
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dD0TMilhouse: The question is how many people will hear or even care. Though bad word of mouth can go a long way....16:18
smokuRST38h, another nail in the coffin? :>16:18
MilhouseShare price now -10.75%16:18
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DrGrovShare prices will sky dive like never before16:18
ahiemstraopenstandards: nice background :)16:18
openstandardsto be far that ceo probably got something out for saying that16:18
fendelgeorgem: gtk 3.x gives room for discussions and changes without screwing up a major ongoing project. It is done and it works. Changes can now be discussed16:19
MilhousedD0T: This is pretty big news, all over most news services - will be hard to ignore unless you live under a stone.16:19
RST38hsmoku: more like a wooden stake16:19
av500Milhouse: most customers that have a symbian phone dont even know that it is "symbian", they have a nokia phone...16:19
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oilinkiI think Microsoft big plan is that they are currently clearing out Nokia and buy the mobile distribution skeleton after 1 year or so.16:19
openstandardsI can see MS buying nokia stocks now16:19
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dwdopenstandards, Might be a plan, they're pretty cheap now.16:20
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georgemfendel: I'll be happy as long as it doesn't break a bunch of existing apps.16:20
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comawhiteI hope someone in the MeeGo area, will offically port it to us N900 users since I won't be buying another Nokia phone16:21
dD0Tfendel: Even better for the linux desktop would be some consolidation instread of the diversification occuring atm....16:21
av500the single desktop to rule them all16:22
Stskeepscomawhite: you are aware that a team has been working on this for a long time? :P16:22
Stskeepsi mean, we even have camera working :P16:22
georgemAs long as its not gnome16:22
LinuxCodecomawhite, too late16:22
dD0TStskeeps: Wasn't that port unofficial?16:22
LinuxCodeit already works on N90016:22
comawhiteStskeeps, wasn't it never an official port?16:22
StskeepsdD0T: define 'official'16:22
DrGrovWell, time to go and open a vodka bottle and get seriously hammered16:22
av500Stskeeps: does it also make phone calls?16:22
Stskeepsav500: yes, it does16:22
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Stskeepsav500: even has audio routing16:22
openstandardsav500: devs have egos and those egos are what drive innovation16:22
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av500Stskeeps: nice :)16:22
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LinuxCodeStskeeps, official meaning, not you16:22
MrCaseLinuxCode: working is something different. even maemo doesn't work on the n900 properly with factory settings.16:22
comawhiteis there a way to wipe Maemo and use it natively?16:23
Stskeepsit was nokia employees + subcontractors + community doing it16:23
dD0TStskeeps: "As good as if the phone shipped with it"16:23
StskeepsdD0T: meh16:23
Stskeepsthen no16:23
Stskeepsand not "was" "is"16:23
Stskeepswe're still at work16:23
dD0TIf it voids my warranty then weeeellll ;-)16:23
oilinkiMrFlop will come back to Microsoft as an hero who bring Nokia under it's wings.16:23
LinuxCodeyou guys can dual boot if ya want16:23
LinuxCodemeego site has instructions online16:23
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GAN900Stskeeps, does this mean N900 MeeGo might actually target day-to-day instead of "neat toy". . . .16:24
dD0TStskeeps: Though I appreciate the work that has been done in that area. While not being what I actually planned (testing ground for future phones) I'll at least get more use of my n900 itself.16:24
DrGrov-11,27% NOK right now16:24
openstandards check out that guys16:25
LinuxCodeshows 10.57% here16:25
DrGrovIs the whole press conference available?16:25
StskeepsGAN900: i mean, we have power management in works, we have cellphone working, camera.. i mean, it could be more than a neat toy16:25
AranelStskeeps:is there any roadmap/progress bar/something to read about the process online?16:25
LinuxCodeI thought after the press conference it would stabilize16:25
lcukstskeeps, my liqbase analogy, I have barely touched it all year (have been obviously concentrating on Maemo, now Meego) but I walk around it quite often as a user and occasionally straighten up pictures hanging in the rooms and stuff. MeeGo will get there as long as there are dedicated people doing similar :)16:25
DrGrovLinuxCode: I check from Finnish sources,
StskeepsAranel: track our status meetings every week on thursdays, we sent minutes out on meego-dev16:26
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MrCaseworst decision ever. no idea why they didn't push meego hard and provide something like alien dalvik on their devices.16:27
GAN900Stskeeps, yes, but is it the goal of the project? :)16:27
dD0TDrGrov: Negative feedback loop engaged. It'll take some time before the stock prices have any meaning again.16:28
AranelStskeeps: okay ^^ I think n900/meego project is much more important now than ever, since many ppl -incl. me- wont ever buy any product from Nokia.16:28
StskeepsGAN900: our goal is to deliver a complete hardware adaptation16:28
StskeepsAranel: well, then contribute :)16:28
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DrGrovdD0T: Yes, it will take quite the time for stock prices to regain trust.16:28
AranelStskeeps: I would love to, I'm not skilled enough. I'm contributing to meego translations anyway :)16:29
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openstandardsi wonder how many are thinking about buying shares right now as they are becoming cheap16:30
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ahiemstrai'd wait a few more hours16:30
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MrCasei'd like to know what the nokia employees think of this.16:30
StskeepsMrCase: i think you really don't need telepathy to realize that16:31
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openstandardswant to read something ironic16:31
fendeldD0T: I agree regarding the Linux desktop. KDE 4.x has matured and Gnome3 is on the way (GTK 3.x just came out). It might be openings in both camps to discuss without becoming a problem for ongoing major projects.16:31
micryptStskeeps: Is there something like a "getting started with contributing guide?". I had a look through gitorious, wondering if there's a quick ramp of some sort.16:32
dD0Topenstandards: n8 sold pretty well over here in europe afaik16:33
leinirAlright - for the doom and gloom around in here, read it: :)16:33
Stskeepsmicrypt: for meego ARM, show up in #meego-arm :)16:33
openstandardsdD0T: i'm in the uk and don't know a single person with one16:33
fungidoes anyone know what "franchise platform" means?16:33
RST38hMeans "we'll milk it until it dies"16:34
raulifungi: mcdonalds platform, like android16:34
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dwdfungi, "Do you want chips with that?"16:34
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dD0Topenstandards: Anecdotal evidence?16:34
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dwdopenstandards, FWIW, I don't know of anyone with one, but I had a tinker with one at FOSDEM and I was quite impressed with the device. Just a shame the same effort hadn't been put into a MeeGo device.16:35
Aranelyes it is ^^16:35
sivanleinir: thank you dan!16:35
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DrGrovI wonder what is the next phone then... Any suggestions?16:36
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leinirsivan: You're very welcome :) i'm just the messenger, mind, but... yeah :)16:36
openstandardsdD0T: correct its only what I've encounted16:36
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leinirDrGrov: Well, either an avaa or whatever the thing nokia /will/ be releasing is? :)16:36
openstandardsdwd: i was chatting to one lad in here last night who sold his n900 to his cousin as hes got one but thats it16:37
leinir(depending on whether you want atom or arm in the short term, i'm sure there'll be plenty other arm devices :) )16:37
xDaReaperxJust to clarify ... MeeGo will be still under development for future Nokia devices right ?16:37
ahiemstrawhich will apparently be shipping before any of their wm7 phones...16:37
xDaReaperxthough they maybe not be planning to release one soon16:37
leinirahiemstra: *nods* it's too close to being ready :)16:37
ahiemstraxDaReaperx: as a "research platform"16:37
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xDaReaperxokay , so there wont be a real MeeGo smartphone as they planned ?16:38
leinirxDaReaperx: Indeed :) speculations are that it's their active fallback - the wp7 thing fails, meego will still be there :)16:38
Stskeepscan't blame them, considering M$'s history16:38
xDaReaperxyeah i really dunno why Nokia would abandon meego16:38
dwdopenstandards, If I could pick up a cheap n900 I would. Otherwise I'll stick with my E71 until I see this Atom MeeGo phone that Intel have mentioned.16:38
leinirxDaReaperx: Sure thing - but rather than a whole slew of devices, they'll release one now, and then we'll see :)16:38
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DrGrovleinir: Noooo!!! Please no... Nothing with Nokia anymore. I will call Nokia and demand a full refund of my N816:38
leinirStskeeps: it's a sensible approach :)16:38
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xDaReaperxAh okay16:38
MrCasedwd: there are plenty cheap n900s on ebay and more to come i guess.16:38
Stskeepsi mean16:39
StskeepsWinMo not being a success for Palm caused them to develop WebOS16:39
xDaReaperxlol there's gonna be a high sale of N900 now16:39
sivanleinir: indeed16:39
DrGrovopenstandards: You were talking with me I presume about the N900?16:39
xDaReaperxi better get some protective casing for my N900 to prevent damange lol16:39
openstandardsyep :D16:39
* dD0T droppes his twice already oO16:39
leinirStskeeps: well... that /was/ the old winmo... wp7 is an entirely different beast... though, yeah, i never did actually try anything running it, so i can't really comment more than that of course :)16:39
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openstandardsDrGrov: you idle too much and sorry couldn't remember your nick16:40
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MilhouseNokia on the up, hopefully a dead cat bounce...16:40
xDaReaperxdD0T : i don't take mine out of my house lol16:40
Milhouse(share price, that is)16:40
jarkkomproblem is that winmo7 APIs are really limited (by design), there isn't really anything that interesting you can do with them16:40
Milhouseback up to -10.7116:40
Milhouse% loss16:41
dD0TxDaReaperx: Its my primary phone so that's not an option ;-)16:41
DrGrovopenstandards: No worries, I am idling because I am fucking breaking my left testicle with my Nokia N8 and rest of Nokia phones16:41
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StskeepsMilhouse: US market opening?16:41
lindi-Milhouse: which site do you use to track that? yahoo finance had some flash stuff last time I checked16:41
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openstandardsMilhouse: what do you expect Microsoft have just brought alot :)16:41
Milhousejust looking at google finance16:41
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xDaReaperxconnection failed16:42
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xDaReaperxAh yeah ... i wasn't planning on using it as my primary device16:42
xDaReaperxi felt it was too delicate16:42
Milhousesafe to say the markets are not liking todays announcement...16:42
xDaReaperxNokia makes its decisions too quickly16:42
Frye-11.12 now16:42
xDaReaperxthey should have though of this before16:42
xDaReaperxbut no use complaining now16:43
openstandardsthis new ceo wont last long16:43
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Frye<wishful thinking>16:43
lindi-Milhouse: that is just uncool. "For the ubercool interactive charts, you need to install the Adobe Flash Player"16:43
FryeIF they manage to get a short term cash horse out of this16:43
dD0TxDaReaperx: Dropped twice from 1m onto concrete. Only scratched the bevel a bit. The thing is amazingly robust ;-)16:43
FryeThe it could be ok decision16:43
Milhouseboardroom coup, reverse all his decisions, got to be a total win16:43
FryeHowever I have hard time seeing that16:43
Frye</wishful thinking>16:43
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dD0TxDaReaperx: Dropped twice from 1m onto concrete. Only scratched the bevel a bit. The thing is amazingly robust ;-)16:44
MilhouseFinnish government nationalises Nokia... :)16:44
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dD0TMilhouse: Haha. From what I hear Nokia is big industry over there16:44
xDaReaperxdD0T : oh lol i dunno i'm kind of paranoid xD16:44
niala1what about qt/meego/intel-and-the-other16:44
ahiemstrayeah, there's a few towns that are more like nokia factories16:44
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javispedroMilhouse: boardroom agrees with elop..16:45
MilhouseGranted Nokia can be made more efficient, but this isn't the way to do it...16:45
dD0Tahiemstra: Then I guess Nokia better performs well so those ppl. can keep their jobs16:45
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Milhousewas a dead cat bounce, phew16:45
DrGrovI use this,
openstandardswow haven't seen stocks drop like that for a while16:46
Milhousewonder how low it will go today... 52 week low is $816:46
Milhousecurrently $9.6016:46
openstandardsmicrosoft to the rescue....16:46
ahiemstradD0T: yeah, otherwise they will have problems16:46
DrGrovI am not so angry about Nokia in that sense. I am mostly angry since It will fuck us Finns royally16:46
openstandardsmicrosoft will bail out nokia for windows mobile16:47
chouchounehahaha, all these analysts calling for a WM7 strategy are now selling their shares16:47
openstandardsthey are the only ones really interested in it16:47
chouchounefucking liberal economy !!!16:47
Milhouse-11.95% on NASDAQ, -13% on EUR markets16:47
MilhouseThis is working out well...16:47
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ahiemstraMilhouse: :p16:48
ahiemstraat least it is pretty clear what most people think of it16:48
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MilhouseDrGrov: Technlogy wise, the board just sold Finland down the river16:48
MilhouseDrGrov: Nokia is just a manufacturing company, putting components together.16:49
DrGrovMilhouse: Yes and that makes me fucking insane over here16:49
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openstandardsi just watched that openletter vid and well it made me laugh16:49
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MilhouseThis union isn't going to happen quietly16:50
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openstandardswindows mobile will bring services users want.... "bing"16:50
openstandardssorry but bing is terrible16:50
Milhouse"Over a thousand Nokia employees walk out in protest in Tampere, Finland."16:50
DrGrovBing is a fucking joke16:50
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DrGrovHow about this?16:50
treebeen`openstandards: heh, yeah, I LOLD at that one too16:50
MilhouseI could care less about Bing - Nokia don't do search, so it doesn't matter to me16:50
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DrGrovI call Nokia Monday and demand a fucking refund on all my Nokia phones. Especially the N816:51
openstandardsDrGrov: i acctually laughed16:51
dD0Topenstandards: windows mobile will bring revenue nokia & microsoft want *bing* (at least that's the plan I guess ;-) )16:51
av500DrGrov: and you will get a refund why?16:51
ahiemstraMilhouse: too bad the google translation of that article is terrible16:51
openstandardsdD0T: this is win/win for microsoft excuse the phun but they have a brand now16:51
Milhouse-12.41% NASDAQ16:52
ahiemstraopenstandards: that's quite clear yes16:52
DrGrovav500: I have no idea why but at least I will make Nokia understand from a consumer standpoint how it feels to be royally fucked, not only as a customer but as a country in whole16:52
Milhouseahiemstra: blame google :)16:52
ahiemstraMilhouse: ;)16:52
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openstandardsDrGrov: how long have you had that fun for?16:52
openstandardsphone lool16:53
dD0Topenstandards: Sure was the best thing that could happen for WP7. Nokia is still huge (the biggest in everything but smartphones) in the mobile market worldwide.16:53
DrGrovopenstandards: Explain better what you mean16:53
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openstandardsDrGrov: your n8 how long have you had it for?16:54
dD0T1,5k ppl. working on symbian. Wow. That's a lot.16:54
DrGrovopenstandards: Since day 1 of the release16:54
DrGrovI have had the N97, N900 and N8 since 1st day of release16:54
openstandardspretty loyal then16:55
DrGrovWell, I consider so as well16:55
fendelMilhouse: Nokia has been the main research company for basic mobile phone technologies: GSM, UMTS, LTE, and so on.16:55
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av500fendel: now they can add research on mobile blue screens16:55
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treebeen`well, i got the X6, i guess that was my last Nokia unless they bring out something without wp716:56
fendelav500,  :-)16:56
bzhb-12% : it is was Elop was meaning by diving into the unknown16:56
wokibzhb:  lol16:56
openstandardsdoes nokia have much patents?16:56
dD0Topenstandards: tons16:56
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av500much bollocks?16:57
dD0Topenstandards: Can't built a modern phone without licensing from them afaik16:57
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openstandardsthats extremely bad if microsoft do buy stocks16:57
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MrCaseOracle should buy Nokia, sue everybody else.16:58
niala1sorry for finnish employes16:59
dD0Topenstandards: As fendel said they are one of the big researchers in the hw/standards space.16:59
MilhouseAlien Dalvik (or similar) on MeeGo and Symbian would have surely been a better option than this bollox...16:59
av500google should buy nokia, sue themselves16:59
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MrCaseMilhouse: agreed.16:59
MilhouseIf all Elop cares about is an eco-system, he'd have got it on  plate for peanuts.16:59
openstandardsdD0T: that I understand and thats whats bothering me so much16:59
Milhouses/on  plate/on a plate/16:59
infobotMilhouse meant: If all Elop cares about is an eco-system, he'd have got it on a plate for peanuts.16:59
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fendelSome people mentions the possibility that Microsoft might start suing over patents. They have Nokia on their side17:01
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miheroipr was mentioned on press releases atleast17:01
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openstandardsperhaps google will be smart and buy just incase17:01
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MilhouseGoogles mistake was not to buy Sun17:02
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dD0TMilhouse: Hm. Google would've done exactly what with sun? ;-)17:02
openstandardsyeah oracle is laughing over that deal17:02
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treebeen`fendel: i doubt they have Nokia on their side, they have Elop, and some puppies17:02
MilhouseSolaris patents, a shed load of OS patents actually, plus of course Java...17:02
openstandardsdD0T: patents sun is a big patent player17:03
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fendeldD0T: Patents. The rest could be split up and resold17:03
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MrCaseApple and Google in the plus...17:03
openstandardsi wonder why17:03
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dD0Tfendel: Doesn't sound like do no evil to me ;-) And except Java I don't see much google would've gained. Though I might be missing something.17:03
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MilhouseMaybe I'll come out of the shower in a few minutes and this will be all a bad dream17:05
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fendeldD0T: There are a difference between "do no evil" and being sued17:05
alextaifendel: some time ago Novell started some relationship with Microsoft - and there are were similar opinion about suit cases17:05
alextaibut nothing happen17:05
fendelalextai: We have a import tool on our hand: Governments and anti-trust17:05
dD0Tfendel: I don't think google was aware they could be sued. They tried to play it safe by explicitely not using the jvm.17:06
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openstandardsfendel: and goverments have shown that they can be brided too17:06
fendelalextai: Microsoft on the desktop and on the servers are too big to that what ever17:06
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fendelopenstandards: :-) Qt has had one thing for some time: Knut Yrvin17:06
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openstandardsknut yrvin?17:07
fendelopenstandards: A lot can be said about Knut, but he is one of those who know how to put pressure on politicians17:07
fendelopenstandards: There are some small groups of individuals who makes pain for major players. That is of major importance17:08
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blitz00no comment17:09
fendelNorway made Apple change their iTunes licensing policies. That was partly by support of people like Knut.17:09
alextaibe honest... I waited for meego nokia phone... and I do very like qt... as for phone - I believe that somebody else will continue this,,, as for Qt... I hope Nokia will continue it since it can be very valued on M$ platform as well17:09
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blitz00all of microsoft mobile partnerships ended really bad for thei partners17:09
openstandardshow long before he jumps ship thou fendel17:10
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blitz00Today, Microsoft Business Division President Stephen Elop and Nokia’s Executive Vice President for Devices Kai Öistämö announced the agreement, outlining a shared vision for the future of mobile productivity.17:10
blitz00That was in aug 2009.. What happened? Two and a half years later the same Stephen Elop announced that Symbian will be deprecated.17:10
Milhouse-13.33% NYSE17:11
Aranel"this deal combines microsoft's openness with nokia's innovation."17:11
Milhouseand still falling17:11
Araneldo they really said that? haha17:12
Milhouse-13.51% NYSE17:12
niala1is AMD already work on meego ?17:12
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sivan900Aranel: ha ha ha ha17:12
sivan900niala1: they anounced they will support in when we were in dublin17:13
openstandardsniala1: yeah amd have been working on some meego stuff17:13
TSCHAKeeeI want to cry.17:13
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Milhousegotta love network splits...17:15
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berndhsthey all left, was it something I said ?17:15
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sivan900so we all optimicy i think the pic twit for qt might be too representative17:16
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sivan900i mean we can try optimicy buy why people in the inside r not ?17:17
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sivan900people in qt dev frameworks org17:17
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openstandards13.24% on google now17:18
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openstandardsits dropping quikcier than a sex addict's trousers about to get liad17:19
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sivan900oh right. well leinir i will try to be optimistic some other day read the the register article and think if we r going to have another ovi sprint this year.....17:20
MilhouseThe only way I can see how this pans out, Nokia helps Microsoft establish WP7 as a success, then Microsoft buys Nokia. If MS haven't committed to buying Nokia in the future, then there is nothing in it for Nokia, nothing at all.17:20
sivan900leinir: the analysis is interesting17:21
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StskeepzMilhouse: except they'll end up in a similar situation like google.. their partners won't be happy m$ giving 'nokia' brand preference17:22
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MilhouseWith nokias scale, that won't be a problem for Microsoft17:22
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gourso, nokia is ditching meego and adopting wp7?17:23
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Milhouseditching everything, and adopting wp7. yep.17:23
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gourvery strange17:24
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treebeen`somehow this will strip nokia of all the relevance, after all who cares who is making the hardware? the software is what is runs the game. and MS will decide on that...17:24
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sivan900treebeen`: indeed17:25
gourotoh, it was obvious that meego is coming lte to the party...too bad :-(17:25
Robot101treebeen`: its not that simple - at the moment MS has 1Ms of WP7 handsets - Nokia's volumes are 100Ms17:25
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Robot101treebeen`: so, Nokia has a lot that MS needs - route to market and sales volume in ~100 countries17:25
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Robot101treebeen`: which is why it's MS and not Android - Nokia means a lot to MS - they would mean nothing to Google17:25
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sivan900so people17:25
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openstandardswhat i remember got nokia famous was being able to change the covers...17:26
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Robot101openstandards: I think Nokia will be able to "change the covers" on WP7 if they are shipping 90% of the devices :P17:26
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sivan900the analysis on the register is very sadly the practical and realistic one17:26
pvanhoofRobot101, so where do you think meego will go medium-term (<= 6 months)?17:26
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dwdRobot101, Hey, Rob. So you were right, and I didn't believe it was possible.17:27
Robot101pvanhoof: well - they're still committed to releasing a device this year17:27
pvanhoofThey say that meego stays r&d, but ..17:27
openstandardsRobot101: nokia has patents....17:27
pvanhoofOne device, you think more will happen with meego?17:27
Milhousepvanhoof: there'll be a device from nokia, but who will seriously b developing for MeeGo (and Qt) after todays news? it's a dead end device, but no doubt interesting all the same.17:27
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Robot101but the fact Qt isn't part of the WP7 story - means it will have an "N900" problem17:27
dwdpvanhoof, There's promising noise from Intel.17:27
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Robot101a standalone device with very little platform appeal unless Intel also produces some devices17:28
Naranekdwd: care to clarify?17:28
Stskeepzi'm hoping to see devices on MWC.17:28
dwdRobot101, You saw Intel's note on an Atom based phone this year?17:28
openstandardsRobot101: i can't see anyone getting rid of maemo to run win mobile....17:28
wmaronewell done Elop17:28
Robot101Naranek: I was saying last weekend that I thought the Nokia + WP7 rumour was the most credible I'd heard17:28
niala1ahh #meego is quiet again ...17:28
Naranekdwd: thanks17:28
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Robot101dwd: cool - thats roughly what I thought - Intel has multiple pokers in the fire around MeeGo besides Nokia17:29
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Stskeepzcome on freenode17:30
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niala1what's appens? a second Elop attack today?17:30
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dwdStskeepz, It's the cold - the pipes freeze.17:30
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Stskeepzdwd: so freenode = hell, as hell froze over today?17:31
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GAN900Great, the evil Android grows.17:31
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sivan900Stskeepz: yes17:31
psycho_oreosbetter anddroid than iOS or WP7 or even symbian17:32
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polteuusbetter android than wp7, GAN90017:32
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openstandardspsycho_oreos: whats wrong with symbian...17:32
xDaReaperxugh channel overflow thingy17:32
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xDaReaperxalways disconnecting17:32
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arfollhas everyone seen the mail on meego-community to elop and dell?17:32
sivan900psycho_oreos: s3 is great i dont agree17:32
[Rui]Just saw -14%17:32
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openstandards[Rui]: the stocks are like a yoyo right now17:33
treebeen`“Finland is our home, and it will remain our home”17:33
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psycho_oreosopenstandards, reboots whenever it wants, cannot turn off stupid camera sounds, C:\ and Z:\ usually hidden and are read-only.17:33
GAN900polteuus, not in the slightest.17:33
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GAN900polteuus, Android is evil in a way WP7 can never be.17:33
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psycho_oreossivan900, you meant something like s^3?17:33
[Rui]openstandards: like a yoyo falling down a mountain, sometimes when it hits a stone it jumps a bit up, but still falling17:33
slaineI'd rather see webOS grow than android, it's already the Windows95 of phones17:34
psycho_oreosopenstandards, and that's just barely the tip of the iceberg for my qualms with s6017:34
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sivan900psycho_oreos: yes dude i have seen it and played with it it is shiny and great for mm17:34
polteuusGAN900: how so?17:34
psycho_oreossivan900, hah, shiny and great.. more like being locked inside some obscure jailhouse :)17:35
GAN900polteuus, it's a black hole.17:35
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openstandardspsycho_oreos: symbian is open now thou17:36
GAN900It sucks open source devs into contributing to a project which help nothing else in Linux or open source.17:36
GAN900When you're contributing to Android, you're only contributing to Android.17:36
psycho_oreosopenstandards, o rly? where's their open source portal? I heard it was no longer open :p17:36
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Milhouse20,000 layoffs expected in Finland:
niala1GAN900: agree17:37
psycho_oreosand softwares written for WP7 supports none other than WP7 devices17:37
psycho_oreosno different17:37
openstandardspsycho_oreos: symbian s^3 is opensource17:37
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psycho_oreosopenstandards, and their portal? link? is it still up and valid? :)17:38
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psycho_oreosopenstandards, they've ditched fixing woeful s60 for s^3? how wonderful17:38
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GAN900psycho_oreos, yes, it's very different.17:38
psycho_oreosleaving the s60 users in the dark, typical of nokia's attitude17:38
GAN900WP7 and iOS don't pretend to be anything they're not17:39
GAN900You know what you're getting into with Apple and Microsoft.17:39
openstandardspsycho_oreos: its a rewrite....17:39
GAN900With Google, Android pretends to Open Source.17:39
openstandardsGAN900: this is the ceo's doing17:39
iekku20 000 can't be17:39
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GAN900And suckers in large swaths of the open source community supporting their advertising machine.17:39
treebeen`GAN900: did you know that Android even has a x86 port (not from google)17:40
psycho_oreosopenstandards, slow adoption for nokia n?? and e?? series handhelds seems like17:40
GAN900So we end up with a blackhole platform subverting open source.17:40
Milhouseiekku: all so that nokia can flog a few WP7 phones...17:40
GAN900selling a lot of locked down devices.17:40
openstandardsGAN900: stop spreading FUD, as much as I don't like whats going on17:40
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openstandardsGAN900: my n900 is pretty open mate17:40
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polteuusGAN900: android IS open source. granted, carriers install closed middleware on their phones... but it's the carriers you have to blame17:40
polteuusandroid is opensource per se17:40
psycho_oreosGAN900, I don't think android is that overly pretentious, every platform is pretentious in their own ways17:41
[Rui]openstandards: erms... right... pretty open...17:41
siriuslylol Windows Phone 717:41
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siriuslysorry but you guys are screwed17:41
wmaronepolteuus: only in a shallow "you can have the source code after all of our vendors are done with it"17:41
siriuslyid jump ship now if I were you17:41
wmaronesort of way17:41
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Stskeepzsiriusly: meego != nokia, and don't troll17:41
openstandards[Rui]: the battery managment... was the problem for the devs17:41
siriuslyStskeepz - meego backs Nokia pretty much17:41
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[Rui]openstandards: what about the graphics card? gsm?17:41
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[Rui]iirc still pretty close.d17:42
psycho_oreosmeego doesn't back anyone, meego was founded because of a joint venture existed between Intel and Nokia17:42
[Rui]don't get me wrong, I was pretty excited with meego, specially partnering with Intel, as it could mean more open phones in the future.17:42
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[Rui]but N900 isn't exatly open.17:42
openstandards[Rui]: find me a phone other than the neo freerunner and neo 1973 thats completely open17:42
[Rui]though not designed for meego either17:42
KaadlajkMilhouse: that 20k is the number of employees nokia has in finland :P not the number of layoffs17:42
GAN900polteuus, it may be open source, but it's not Open Source.17:42
openstandardsyou won't be able to17:43
GAN900Which is an important distinction17:43
RST38hCan you make calls with these Neos? =)17:43
GAN900Supporting Android does not support Linux.17:43
[Rui]openstandards: even those aren't fully open, the freerunner has about 5 computers in it, 4 of which run on closed firmware.17:43
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MrCaseyesterday i have installed the NokiaQtSDK and the QtSDK. I had a look ad PySide and QML. today I think of it as wasted time.17:43
openstandards[Rui]: ok if thats not even open, how the hell do you expect me to hate nokia for the n90017:43
[Rui]at least the main OS can talk to them all via more or less clean interfaces allowing for a fully free stack (modulo the firmware blobs for bt, wifi, gps and gsm)17:43
treebeen`GAN900: stop spreading that rubbish, do some research first17:44
ahiemstraKaadlajk: well, they could be laying off 20k people if they plan to completely ditch finland :p17:44
openstandardsGAN900: stop spreading FUD17:44
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[Rui]openstandards: I don't expect anyone to hate nokia for the n900, if it wasn't so overpriced I'd get one to help port SHR into it :)17:44
wmaroneChanges to Android only benefit Android (and Google)17:44
[Rui]openstandards: but don't claim it's open, please :)17:44
[Rui]I was hoping Aava would be an openphone, but it seems more like vapourware so far17:45
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sivan900re lardman17:45
Milhousekaadlajk: The Finnish government is already bracing itself for the hit. "You’re talking about 20,000 people, it’s a big number," <--- Finnish government minister, ambiguous wording perhaps but he seems to be suggesting that number could be laid off17:45
wmarone[Rui]: it exists, but only as a devkit17:45
lardmanhey sivan90017:45
dnearyMilhouse, Does that count the ecosystem too, or Nokia only?17:45
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Milhousedneary: What eco-system? ;-)17:45
openstandards[Rui]: ok, i'm claiming it to be the most open phone on the market other than the freerunner... thats all not completely open17:46
GAN900treebeen`, proving my point.17:46
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[Rui]wmarone: how open is it?17:46
openstandards[Rui]: i'm actually trying to point out to GAN900 how nice nokia have done things in the "past"...17:46
[Rui]wmarone: is it going the way of OpenMoko? Taking so long to get a product out, overly hyped marketing and then coming out so late it's no longer a top hw phone?17:47
GAN900openstandards, aint FUD, buddy.17:47
GAN900Dispute my claims if you care to, don't just dismiss it as FUD17:47
wmarone[Rui]: what are you referring to, the Aava?17:47
[Rui]wmarone: yes17:47
fendelAndroid has opened up a market for cheaper and more open hardware. MeeGo can use that17:47
arfollopenstandards, it's my understanding the n900 can't even charge without proprietary code?17:47
wmaronethey're selling the devkits into Intel and Nokia, I suspect that may shift but I've got no insight into that area17:48
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dnearyMilhouse, Tieto, Symbio, Ixonos, TAT, Movial, ...17:48
[Rui]openstandards: well, Nokia was better than many compannies, but far from nice. Consider software patents, they're one of the strongest european supporters of software patents.17:48
openstandardsarfoll: read up and you'll see i said theres issues with battery management already17:48
[Rui]wmarone: ok.17:48
wmaronebut they're like, $2000 a piece.17:48
GAN900openstandards, I think youmve missed my point.17:48
dnearyMilhouse, I'm sorry, I can't bring myself to be flippant about people's livelihoods & companies17:48
fendel[Rui]: Nokia has a lot in common with IBM17:48
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[Rui]wmarone: just that I'd love to replace my Freerunner with another open phone (if at least as much) so I could save my Freerunner for my fondest memories17:49
Milhousedneary: point is, the lack of eco-systems is how we got here, apparently17:49
[Rui]fendel: but IBM is not european17:49
dnearyMilhouse, I'm putting myself in the place of friends of mine who are right now probably going "Oh shit, my main client might go away"17:49
openstandards[Rui]: that I didn't know I do know one of the devs that worked on some gstreamer audio got a n80017:49
gabrbedddneary: good ML post.  Very apropos.  Thanks.17:49
Milhousedneary: am not treating anyones loss of livelihood lightly17:49
[Rui]fendel: and there's really evil stuff WRT software patents going on *right*now* at the European Comission17:49
dnearyMilhouse, Nokia has been extremely successful in creating an ecosystem of companies17:49
GAN900dneary, moral superiority, eh? ;)17:49
openstandardsGAN900: what is your _point_?17:50
dnearyGAN900, Any time I can :)17:50
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fendel[Rui]: right.. I have't been watching. What is it this time?17:50
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openstandardsI'm missing it so explain it to me.17:50
Milhousedneary: shame elop doesn't think so, but with today's news they're not in a good position, unless they know Windows APIs.17:50
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GAN900openstandards, Google subverts Open Source with Android.17:50
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sivan900no hanset mfct did open source like nokia17:51
dnearyGAN900, Also because I just bought a house, and 3 of my main leads for training services probably disappeared today, so I just said goodbye to ~35% of my annual revenues, so I'm kind of in the same boatr, with 5 mouths to feed17:51
[Rui]fendel: they're trying to, under the guise of harmonising the EU patent system, throw the patent regime into the European Patent Office, which is a non democratic international *company* and with no jurisdicional oversight.17:51
GAN900They're an advertising company co-opting open source contributors into contributing to a black hole.17:51
[Rui]fendel: all the supporters of software patents support this harmonisation.... guess why...17:51
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openstandardsGAN900: I know android isn't opensource, the eco system doesn't scream opensource, heck you need liceasing permision to bundle the google apps with it17:51
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[Rui]fendel: the principle of harmonising laws in EU is ok, by me. but doing it the way they're doing will legalize software patents by proxy17:52
arfollGAN900: sorry but you can build an android image using opensource ala cyanogen no problems17:52
fendel[Rui]: I agree. Will have a look in the weekend17:52
GAN900dneary, yeah, we're all taking a hit here, both financial and emotional.17:52
dnearyMy point exactly17:52
* TSCHAKeee hugs dneary17:52
GAN900dneary, trust me, nobody here is flippant about that.17:52
[Rui]openstandards: GAN900: andoird is free software, of course. but it's free software friendly to proprietary lock downs.17:52
openstandardsarfoll: just can't use google's app :)17:52
* TSCHAKeee hugs GAN90017:52
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[Rui]the result is that there's only freedom in android if you're a phone developer17:53
arfollopenstandards, yes but thats the same on n90017:53
openstandards[Rui]: this i understand17:53
TSCHAKeeei'm just in shock, because it's like I witnessed the mass suicide of an entire company.17:53
dnearyI have an online friend (we've met in person a few times, but we know each other online mostly) who's creating a company & is basically broke now17:53
dnearyEvery penny is in her company17:53
TSCHAKeeedneary: I've been there. I spent my entire 20s helping found a company.17:54
dnearyAnd she recently wrote a Facebook status (she's very honest about this all) saying "why is it pep talks always seem so patronising?"17:54
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Stskeepzdneary: the interesting thing is if we can turn this around and still benefit from/to MeeGo.. i don't think meego's dead and my source of income is at risk too17:54
dnearySo I wrote that the feedback I got from other business owners was what Winston Churchill said: "When you're going through hell, keep going"17:54
sivan900dneary: i got cancelled a meego interview today. i hope it will be rescheduled17:54
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dnearyStskeepz, Indeed - that's the challenge, and one of the things I've been thinking about17:55
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dnearyStskeepz, As a viable platform for an application developer ecosystem, it mostly died today (let's be frank)17:55
dnearyBut as a vertical platform one step above Yocto, it's very much alive17:55
sivan900dneary: how do we do that ? it is becoming hard with the strikes that wrath upon us17:56
GAN900dneary, trust me, nobody here is flippant about that.17:56
dnearyAt this rate, the Linux Foundation will be the center of the Linux embedded world soon :)17:56
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Stskeepzdneary: i'm not so sure about that (that it died today), all things considering, but it took a really really nasty beating17:56
sivan900Stskeepz: i have to agree with dneary17:56
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Clippy This dude was way ahead of the curve!
openstandardsi don't think meego will die i can see alot of promise in it17:56
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dnearysivan900, I don't see any phone builder using MeeGo (but who cares? with Android & WebOS, we have two viable Linux phone OSes)17:57
miheronokia is luckily only one player in meego, big but not the only one17:57
dwdIf - big if - Intel pull their phone platform out of nowhere and back MeeGo on it, then MeeGo isn't dead.17:57
Clippyi dont think OS/2 will die17:57
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dwddneary, Both WebOS and Android use the Linux kernel, but not the userspace.17:57
dnearysivan900, On the other hand, tablets, cars, planes, TVs, media centers, some consumer device category we haven't seen yet...17:57
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MrCasemihero: sadly intel is not a player in any of the recently attractive markets.17:58
dnearydwd, So they're Linux, but not GNU/Linux17:58
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dnearydwd, Android is free software, for the most part (more than Maemo was)17:58
treebeen`dwd: wrong, they are using some of the userspace17:58
sivan900dneary: lets hope those will hold the eco system yes17:58
daedaluzthanks Nokia17:58
dwddneary, I'd argue they're Linux, but not in any useful way.17:58
KhertanHum ... nice ... The job position i apply about porting an Android app to Symbian / Meego in C++/Qt was just cancelled ...17:58
[Rui]dneary: only WebOS is closer to what most people perceive as a "Linux" device. Android only uses a bastard version of the kernel17:58
dnearyAnd WebOS isn't (but there's a bunch of open source on it)17:58
Khertanwhat a fucking day !17:58
Aranelwhat does "blink on" means?17:58
MrCasemihero: they paid big for larrabee and to nvidia and have nothing against what is happening CPU/GPU wise on the mobile market.17:58
StskeepzAranel: not keeping focus for a sec17:58
daedaluzElop should be castrated17:59
[Rui]webos is openembedded with a graphical stack above it17:59
dnearyKhertan, Serious, or joking?17:59
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openstandardsKhertan: theres an app that does that for maemo already17:59
Khertandneary: serious17:59
dwdAranel, Intel is saying they're not changing (or even considering changing) their MeeGo strategy at this point, I think.17:59
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orospakr"Over a thousand Nokia employees walk out in protest in Tampere, Finland."17:59
treebeen`and there is NO GNU/linux today, it's a/b/c/d/e/.../GNU/Linux17:59
[Rui]daedaluz: at this rate, he will be fired. those things are a bit of an hyperbole, I hope.17:59
Clippyintel failed in wireless for a decade17:59
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dnearydwd, That's damage limitation for stock value17:59
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Khertanopenstandards: there is a demonstration of an app ... it s not avialable yet17:59
dnearydwd, We'll see in April17:59
Khertanopenstandards: and will surely not be free18:00
dnearyThey'll give themselves 2 months to come up with a decent public strategy18:00
crevetorI'm sad, very sad. Nokia is dead to me as of today.18:00
Aranelokay, thanks ^^18:00
Naranekdwd: on the other hand, if they just heard about the new strategy of Nokia, they couldn't have done any changes themselves. they need to analyze the situation before making any announcements18:00
daedaluz[Rui] worst thing is the board knew this will happen, Elop is not allowed to function rogue18:00
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daedaluzElop will not be fired18:00
Naranekof course I'm hoping they'll stick with meego18:00
openstandardsyeah i can't see it being free at all interesting none the less18:00
Aranelorospakr: source?18:00
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Kaadlajkorospakr: I was there and did not realize there was a walk out :P18:00
[Rui]daedaluz: of course, but I think they're very deluded that it would be taken as a good thing, I only see positive comments from known microsoft fanboys18:00
miheromost likely elop was hired to do this, board had allready decided this will happen18:01
[Rui]I'm discaring officially paid lobbyist, of course.18:01
Khertanmihero: +118:01
dnearydaedaluz, In hindsight, it seems clear that the house-cleaning in Autumn was preparing the terrrain: Ari Jaaksi, Carlos Guerreiro, OPK et al all left because MeeGo was on the way out & was declared a failure18:01
dnearydaedaluz, So Elop was hired to make this partnership happen18:01
ClippyIn summer this as predicted
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sivan900bah freenode18:02
GAN900Imagery for your day today.
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GAN900sivan900, split?18:03
SpeedEvilWhen was elop hired/18:04
sivan900GAN900: sudden disconnect18:04
polteuusSpeedEvil: september i think18:04
SpeedEvilIt was mentioned discussions began in November.18:04
treebeen`let's see, how long do you gather it will take nokia to make a good wp7 phone?18:05
SpeedEvilDuring the Q+A I think18:05
sivan900i just wanted to say and i hope nobody here grudge us communit for what we say18:05
MrCasethere is no such thing as a good wp7 phone.18:05
SpeedEviltreebeen`: Impossible.18:05
MrCaseand never will be.18:05
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sivan900it is a very bad day for us so far18:05
treebeen`well, just one that works... you know what I mean18:05
MrCasedefine works.18:05
MrCasefrom my perspective the n900 is a total fail.18:05
SpeedEvilThey will have phones out and in themarket in 201218:05
treebeen`no bugs, runs like MS intended it18:06
SpeedEvilBut MS put the bugs in for a reason!18:06
sivan900as i realize some decision makers and hirerers r here please bare with us at our harsh hour18:06
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SpeedEvilI don't think I want most of the decision makers bare.18:06
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MarcA-Nsivan900 I doubt anyone would hold it against anyone in here18:06
treebeen`can they bring out a wp7 phone this years?18:06
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ahiemstratreebeen`: no18:07
crevetorWhat will happen to Trolltech/QT ?18:07
Clippybetter install MSVC and C#18:07
sivan900some of us have dedicated the last 2 or more years and lost out job due to passion for meego.18:07
treebeen`ahiemstra: ok, let's  assume they can do it in 2012... it will be far too late18:07
chouchouneanother ex Microsoft to Nokia18:07
sivan900MarcA-N: thanks for the reassurement18:07
ClippyCliipy lives!18:07
Stskeepzchouchoune: ..18:07
MarcA-Nwow, re: NA Pres18:08
Clippychown meego windows18:08
chouchouneStskeepz: ?18:08
polteuuscrevetor: nobody kjnows18:08
Robot101dneary: I don't think (m)any of those people were strategically dispatched as you're inferring - except OPK, but that was because shareholders were baying for his blood - nothing more18:08
sivan900i just figured this is our way to ingest this18:08
ahiemstratreebeen`: yes, which is also what completely baffles me in this entire story18:08
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ClippyOlii Pekker sucks18:09
treebeen`ahiemstra: it just proves that some people in the management have no clue about what is going on right now18:09
sivan900and to talk to each other in our grief given no counseling is given by LFS :P18:10
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Robot101dneary: I can see how Torres was somehow staking his career on MeeGo being at the top of Nokia's sw strategy, and so it's not surprising to see him go now18:10
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ClippyHasta manana Torres18:11
sivan900dneary: thanks  for noting the livlyhood issues in this nightmare18:11
crevetorWhat would be nice is a spinoff of Nokia which would develop new phones with meego18:11
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slaineWonder if Torres will end up at HP or Intel18:12
[Rui]rotflol <treebeen`> no bugs, runs like MS intended it18:12
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sivan900[Rui]: you mean by design ?18:13
polteuus-13.92% and it keeps going down18:13
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Clippyat some point it will be a buy18:14
ahiemstraslaine: no, at google ;)18:14
[Rui]polteuus: I just saw Down 1.22 (14.94%)
ClippyBuy! Buy! Buy!18:15
slaineahiemstra: ouch18:15
ahollerClippy: why? do you expect they will still sell phones?18:15
crevetorDid Microsoft just start Chemio on what it calls a cancer ?18:15
polteuus[Rui]: --> I was reading here18:15
[Rui]15% now18:15
[Rui]Clippy: that's what Balmer's thinking right now, I'm sure.18:16
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treebeen`"Today, Microsoft Business Division President Stephen Elop and Nokia’s Executive Vice President for Devices Kai Öistämö announced the agreement, outlining a shared vision for the future of mobile productivity." - August 200918:16
[Rui]if Microsoft tries to buy Nokia, it should go to SEC investigation18:16
[Rui]and EU as well.18:16
ClippySEC usually not, usually FTC18:16
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[Rui]guy leaves MS in good terms, goes to be Nokia President, makes disastrous move for Nokia, then leads to buyout...18:16
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SpeedEvilWhat happend Nov 30 - price was a bit below current values?18:17
dwdRobot101, On the plus side, Collabora should be able to take over Nokia in a couple of hours at this rate.18:17
mikhasdwd, lol18:17
Clippywhats nokias enterprise value? 35 billion?18:17
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dwdClippy, It was 40 this morning.18:17
Clippyyep, 35b18:17
crevetordwd: :)18:17
arfolldwd, lol18:17
crevetordwd: I'd definetly apply to collabora then ;)18:18
dwdClippy, two-and-a-half chocolate bars and half a packet of peanuts now.18:18
SpeedEvildwd: Salted, or unsalted?18:18
dwdcrevetor, I wouldn't. I hear the boss is a real slave driver.18:18
Clippyairline prices or 7-11 prices?18:18
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crevetorDon't know about that.18:18
crevetorOk then I'll start my company and will finish porting Android to the N90018:18
sivan900where is dneary 's post on the ml ?18:19
Clippystarting a company to port an OS to an older HW? thats nuts18:19
dwdcrevetor, (I'm joking - the boss is posting in here now...)18:19
* dwd considers using smilies.18:19
[Rui]Clippy: or that. Not an expert in US thingies18:19
crevetordwd: huhu ok.18:19
Clippyis pt portugal? Your bonds are going for a ride i heard18:19
crevetorClippy: it was a joke.18:20
sivan900can we trust collabora to push open source ? :-)18:20
[Rui]Clippy: Portugal has some decades of disastroups Elops as prime ministers.18:20
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Clippynice land tho, i went to caiz caiz and lisbon in 200418:20
arfollsivan900, trac record seems ok - see
[Rui]Clippy: things have been so bad even the Prime Minister emigrated for a better job (current president of European Comission)18:20
Robot101Collabora's actually been working on our own BeOS based mobile platform, totally closed source. We're planning to announce some new mobile devices with Sinclair soon. :P18:21
sivan900arfoll: i was kidding :-)18:21
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dnearySpeedEvil, November was when OPK et al left Nokia. Then there was the software strategy announcement in December, and Elop seemed to be avoiding major boat rocking, then rumours this week drove the price up, and today...18:21
crevetorIt's all a microsoft strategy : announce a bad move for Nokia, have the stock price drop, buy Nokia. Now they own the whole chain (software + hardware)...18:21
arfollcrevetor, surely they need developers,developers,developers?18:21
Clippyi dont forsee that18:21
sivan900i wore the ninja shirt day after day until my boss fed up with it :-)18:22
crevetorarfoll: who does ?18:22
SpeedEvilcrevetor: And they can then sell them bundled, taking a reduced profit hit, as they have the nokia profit too.18:22
sivan900crevetor: so it seems according to stock18:22
dnearyAnyone interested in buying the share, tomorrow mid-morning would be a good time18:22
crevetorSpeedEvil: yup. And then they can bundle computer computers+phone18:22
[Rui]dneary: lol18:22
dnearyToday is shock selling & profit taking, tomorrow that'll keep going for a few hours, then people will realise "hold on, it's Nokia, these shares are really cheap"18:23
crevetorarfoll: thanks ;)18:23
dnearyAnd the prices will pick up again. For a 6 month hold, it's a good bet18:23
mikhasoh well, at least my feeling on Qt was right - an expensive experiment18:24
dnearyIt's not going down any more, you'll note - the announcement has been "priced in", as the market says18:24
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* SpeedEvil realises that his last two phones 'next gen OS' have both gone down after they switched to QT18:24
SpeedEvil(neo1973 and n900)18:25
dnearyWait till Monday for the magnitude of cuts to sink in, I bet it goes down further18:25
orospakrAranel, alas, only some random guy on Twitter. Who knows how accurate it is.18:25
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dnearySpeedEvil, Was Qt the lifebuoy or the anchor?18:25
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daedaluznokia stock will go down as people who trusted old good strategy sell them off, when US markets open people believing in new strategy will make it rise18:26
orospakryeah, it's likely mostly the symbian people.18:26
orospakrwith a smattering of MeeGo people, I suspect :)18:26
chouchounedaedaluz: aren't US markets open ?18:26
daedaluzI actually think it'll rise quickly to 9 euro18:26
MarcA-Ndaedaluz the us market is open18:26
Clippythe us mkt is open and the ADR are down significantly18:27
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MarcA-Nbut I agree with dneary, Nokia is a pretty stable company18:27
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Clippyin other news, gong rumin is in a scandl18:27
chouchouneMarcA-N: was18:27
daedaluzholy crap, they are. what surprises me even more is that Microsoft is sinking too18:27
chouchounewith all the noise around Nokia these days and the decision, Nokia is not the same now18:27
MarcA-Nno, definitely not18:28
MarcA-Ncompanies change though18:28
MarcA-Nthey find new support from like minded people18:28
MarcA-Nthose people are probably not here, right now18:28
MarcA-Njust saying  ;)18:28
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fendeldaedaluz: I expected Nokia to fall and Microsoft to rise18:29
MarcA-Nmsft also is hurting a bit18:29
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daedaluzlooking at stock prices, I'd say all those bloggers bitching at Nokia and Symbian and Meego were dead wrong. Nobody actually wanted it18:30
daedaluzto go away18:30
SpeedEvildneary: Well - speaking of the neo1973 - in march 2007 they had a more-or-less functional GTK phone stack, that could have been a basic dumbish phone + X for xmas 2007, with little investment.18:30
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sivan900that last link say tampere office closes ?18:31
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sivan900seems and error in translation18:31
timophit is. doens't say so in the original finnish article18:31
fendelMy understanding of the Nokia-Microsoft deal: Nokia admits publicly they have nothing extra compared to what Asian cheap factories can make more effectively.18:31
fendelSo.. why should the stock go up?18:32
sivan900timoph: omgs18:32
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sivan900timoph: they cant close the tampere office !18:32
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Clippyfendel yea18:32
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sivan900timoph: i wish i was there to march with them.18:33
chouchounemmmhhh, actually buying Nokia stock now is quite safe, how could they go further down ?18:33
Clippychou, yes18:33
Clippycan go down more or flat or up18:33
daedaluzchouchoune, easily, just wait until small investors in Europe hear the news over the weekend18:34
timophwe'll see when they'll start announcing something18:34
daedaluz"nokia did WHAT?!18:34
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Clippywaiting to see Clippy on a Vertu phone18:34
chouchounedaedaluz: they won't sell to such a cheap price anymore18:34
fendelchouchoune: How can they not go down? Nokia was not priced as a direct competition with HTC and what ever OEM factory of the day18:34
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timophI'm not going to start guessing anything18:34
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chouchounefendel: I agree, going down was normal, but going down again is nonsense now18:35
sivan900timoph: sure sorry i am just overly shocked.18:35
chouchouneI just hope it won't go up now ;)18:35
Clippywhy is this shocking, it was predicated!18:36
fendelchouchoune: Down 70% would sound logical to me. Nokia is not positioned to compete. They could fire 80% of staff and become HTC, but what else?18:36
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daedaluzI sure hope it rises, I'm 900 euro poorer than I was in the morning lol18:36
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chouchouneyes but it's still Nokia with marketing strength, it can't go down before they unvail WP7 phone which would fail18:37
fendelchouchoune: Nokia was something. It is still a major research company, but nothing special on devices. They are also competing directly with Huawei on infrastructure. Huawai got the deal for the whole network of the larges phone company in Norway18:37
chouchouneI'm sorry for you daedaluz18:37
sivan900but if share goes up then ms cannot take over no ?18:37
Clippyprediction: they will differentiate by re-introducing Clippy onto the phone as a little helpful animation software18:37
chouchouneanyway, time to leave from work18:38
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fendelI see the MS-Nokia deal as a major boost to Huawei, LG, Samsung, HTC, and others. It is more scary for the google lawyers18:39
sivan900fendel: of breed devices engineerd from out of this world18:39
Khertanfendel: and WebOS :)18:39
chouchounegood luck to all persons impacted by this decision (Nokia employees, contractors, ...)18:39
Clippyagree chouchou18:39
Clippythats a bad feeling of uncertainty18:39
fendelsivan900: Nokia had good devices, but others can learn that fast. They are learning that fast trough Android.18:39
befordI think webos doesn't look that bad, haven't had a chance to try it though18:39
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sivan900chouchoune: that is uneeded here stop18:40
sivan900fendel: disagree18:40
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sivan900fendel: maemo today does more than android or ios will ever18:40
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Clippyplease let me know an example sivan18:40
fendelsivan900: I am talking hardware. Nokia is not a software company. That was yesterday18:41
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sivan900Clippy: get a maemo device. the ecperience is beyond words18:41
MrCasesivan900: yeah. totally crappy.18:41
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MrCasefact is that you can't even phone with a stock n900.18:41
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fendelsivan900: I do enjoy N900. I like the freedom18:42
sivan900MrCase: no it is amazing and it can be used just as a laptop18:42
Clippyill probly ping timeout, i am telnetted in and have to take a shower.... good night to the eu folks18:42
sivan900which is what i  am doing now18:42
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fendel"Nokia CEO: China faster at making phones" -
MrCasesivan900: it is as good as a laptop as a laptop is as good as a washing machine.18:42
sivan900flash webcasta irc facebook share internet with joikuspot18:42
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sivan900you name it18:43
sivan900get calls in the middle18:43
cleberMrCase, don't talk about what you don't - that was his experience, and is backed by mine and others18:43
sivan900listen to music18:43
sivan900act as a streamer18:43
fendelMrCase: Small changes would make a N900 into more or less similar as the laptop I am using: 1.2Ghz CPU, decent GPU, and 2GB RAM18:43
sivan900mobile hd backup device amazing camera18:44
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sivan900game platform18:44
sivan900remote control18:44
sivan900syntific survey device18:44
arfollfendel, how is that 'small' changes?18:44
sivan900security device18:45
fendelarfoll: The software is more or less the same18:45
fendelarfoll: Just buy the new generation components18:45
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arfollfendel, 2GB of ram?18:45
fendelarfoll: RAM is cheap18:45
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arfollthen show me one phone with 2GB of ram18:46
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sivan900i even helped my boss reroute all his sms s or resppnd to the  from afar by sshing into his n900 while he was abroad18:46
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MrCasesivan900: it is a geek device, no doubt. totally useless as a phone for a normal user who would buy something like a motorola defy.18:46
polteuusarfoll: why do you need 2gb of ram?18:47
fendelMrCase: :) Just like a normal smart phone would be useless for me18:47
polteuusI'm fine with 512mb on my pc18:47
polteuus2gb on a phone is wasted18:47
LinuxCodearfoll, how many non-disclosure agreements are you willing to sign ?18:47
sivan900MrCase: that is the only geek usage did not you see the list of stuff before ?18:47
LinuxCodebefore you see said 2GB ram phone18:47
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arfollpolteuus, i don't, he said ram was cheap so 2GB was easy on a phone18:48
sivan900nokia supported developers like no company ever in mobile open field see forum nokia18:48
sivan900this is a bad bad nightmare18:48
LinuxCodeI bet there is a concept phone out there, with 2GB of ram and x86_64 arch18:49
destinal-workI'm not really sure of the impact of this, is meego still going to be run as an OSS project just receive far fewer resources from Nokia?18:49
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fendelpolteuus: Anything less than 2GB RAM in a PC is pain. Swap is slow18:49
LinuxCodedestinal-work, that is correct18:49
crevetorsivan900: What worries me the most (appart form lots of good people being laid off) is what will happen to QT. I have the same feeling as when Oracle bought Sun18:49
fendelWhy not 4GB RAM on a 32bit platform?18:49
fendelRAM makes multitasking easier18:50
sivan900crevetor: we will have to wait and see18:50
LinuxCodecrevetor, QT is mainly FOSS18:50
LinuxCodeit will probably be forked18:50
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dwdfendel, Multitasking is stupid on a phone.18:50
LinuxCodeif they mess with it18:50
dwdfendel, I know because Steve Jobs told me so.18:50
LinuxCodeI doubt they will18:50
RST38biscost, availability of parts in the right form factor, power requirements18:50
sivan900crevetor: with qt nokia was unbeatble18:50
fendeldwd: ;) All right then18:50
MrCasenokia should have let 30 of their devs develop killer apps for maemo for 6 months.18:50
BluesLeehonestly, it was a big loss today18:50
crevetorLinuxCode: sure but you can't deny that having full time developers, project leaders, etc helps open source projects a lot18:51
RST38bisand yes, you can answer most questions by googling18:51
crevetorsivan900: I agree18:51
LinuxCodecrevetor, of course18:51
fendelRST38bis: Power might be a problem18:51
crevetorsivan900: What's really disappointing is that they had a really nice strategy and it all went to waste today18:51
RST38bisnot might be, it is a problem, among other things18:51
sivan900oh did i mention download meeting slides while listening to music and reading writing emails ?18:51
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LinuxCodeI think it is fair to say, that if we didnt have red hat pay most peoples wages, there would be a Fedora release every year18:51
LinuxCodewith not mnay added features18:52
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LinuxCodethe same applies to other foss projects18:52
fendelcrevetor: I would say it is close to a must. Almost all effective and productive open source projects has well paid and experienced staff18:52
sivan900crevetor: i think we must pledge to the board to officially announce fallback on meego and qt when wpt fails18:52
crevetorLinuxCode: exactly18:52
polteuusLinuxCode: debian is community-driven18:52
LinuxCodepolteuus, indeed18:52
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crevetorfendel: yes that's why I'm worried about QT18:52
sivan900because wp will fail18:52
LinuxCodeI think generally, the development of new features would slow down18:53
fendelLinuxCode: War, Oil, Weapons, and so on... They pay for Linux18:53
LinuxCodebut it would carry on18:53
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fendelLinuxCode: Top50018:53
sivan900just as win7 continues to ger reinstalled on some new http malware18:53
crevetorsivan900: that'd be nice but even then, it will be too late and I doubt Nokia could still come back from it18:53
LinuxCodefendel, errrm18:53
LinuxCodeI doubt many big businesses directly are involved18:53
sivan900crevetor: they could18:53
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sivan900crevetor: there r AMAZING people there in bulk18:54
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crevetorsivan900: Will they stay though ?18:54
sivan900crevetor: with amazing innovation18:54
sivan900crevetor: if our pledge is heared maybe18:54
crevetorsivan900: Yeah. I sort of doubt it18:54
sivan900i say this afte getting to  know many of themr18:54
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sivan900not to mention the ecosystem18:55
fendelLinuxCode: Why should businesses be directly involved? IBM, Red Hat, Oracle, Novel, and so on do the contracting and product development for them18:55
sivan900which is just as amazing18:55
LinuxCodefendel, exactly18:55
LinuxCodeso why did you mention top500 ?18:55
fendelThat is why those companies do good money (Novell had some issues)18:56
LinuxCodegod, I think this "ecosystem" word is really gonna tick me off18:56
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LinuxCodeecosystem == corporate greed18:56
MrCaseecosystem my ass.18:56
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LinuxCodei.e. app store18:56
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sivan900why didnt they talk to ibm18:56
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LinuxCodethat is all they care about18:56
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sivan900another kernel patcher18:56
dwdLinuxCode, Well, to be fair that's true for any company.18:57
LinuxCodedwd, sure18:57
fendelLinuxCode: Linux has been developed largely by huge organizations needs. Governments has put a lot of money into Linux based nuclear weapons research. Oil companies into oil research and so on18:57
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LinuxCodebut....wrapping it into a shitty word kinda sucks18:57
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sivan900just when ovi became even better with free pblishing etc for individuals18:57
LinuxCodefendel, ehhh18:57
dwdLinuxCode, My concern with Nokia's decision is it suggests they're quitting a long-range (and badly executed) strategy. And nobody likes a quitter.18:57
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LinuxCodefendel, government maybe through Unis18:58
sivan900dwd: see the stock18:58
sivan900the stock talks best18:58
LinuxCodesivan900, whats it now ?18:58
LinuxCodeI only just came back18:58
dwd-13.42% on Google.18:58
fendelLinuxCode: Sure. Top500 and so on.18:58
LinuxCodeit was 10 when I left lol18:58
dwdLinuxCode, But it's holding steady now.18:58
LinuxCodefendel, Uni stuff work on linux in their "own time"18:59
LinuxCodethere is no "research project"18:59
LinuxCodewhich makes them work on it18:59
LinuxCodedwd, shocking18:59
LinuxCodethat should really speak for itself18:59
LinuxCodethat usually only happens when they lost billions in revenue18:59
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fendelLinuxCode: - Most of Linux is made on company time19:01
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LinuxCodemainly technology compnaies19:01
sivan900anyway my energy is drained for today but this and old blog post about something that nokia were among the first to offer - ivi before ivi existed:19:01
LinuxCodeI dont see a weapons manufacturer there19:02
crevetorfendel: What is true for the kernel is a bit different for software19:02
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crevetorfendel: and BTW I think if those stats were on the latest kernel we would see a far greater proportion for Nokia19:02
sivan900and my friends tell me ios dont do this yrt not sure about android19:03
MrCaseit is practically over. in 2012: android, ios, palm.19:03
MrCaseunless oracle pulls a stunt on google.19:04
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crevetorsivan900: android has some sort of IVI19:04
CosmoHillvgrade: my department is closing and moving to cambridge at the end of the teaching year :(19:04
fendelMrCase: Do not forget the people in the east. There are a huge room for something there19:04
gabrbeddCosmoHill: :-(19:05
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sivan900be back later i am spent19:05
MrCasefendel: for sure not w7 :).19:06
CosmoHillseems stupid concidering they rolled out new computers and networking equipment over the past 18 months19:06
fendelThe Asian companies uses Linux in all kind of devices. Why not phones?19:06
ali1234they do use it in phones19:06
ali1234they have been doing for aages19:07
fendelali1234, :)19:07
CosmoHillwould you like some cake?19:07
av500and linux is in every android phone19:07
sivan900CosmoHill: uni department ?19:07
ali1234see, the power of linux is you can customize it to the point where nobody even knows it is running linux19:07
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* CosmoHill just wanted av500 to say yep 3 times in a row19:07
CosmoHillsivan900: yep19:07
CosmoHillthey're closing it and moving it to the cambridge campus19:07
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arfollcya i'm ou19:07
sivan900crevetor: was not discussing ivi per se but ivi experience with maemo19:08
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sivan900crevetor: fm transmitter et al n900@is the most feautre packed platfrom ever19:08
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sivan900now bye all19:09
sivan900we must rest for what lies ahead19:09
av500fm transmitter </eyes roll>19:09
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bilboed-tpfm transmitter ftw :)19:10
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av500bilboed-tp: not here, every spot taken :(19:11
av500I cant drive 10km without changing the frequency19:11
bilboed-tpyou live in a radio testing center or what ?19:11
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av500nope, near frankfurt19:12
av500same effect19:12
sivan900works for me over 100km range19:12
ali1234maybe it is a regional thing, or maybe it is because i don't have a car, but i find FM transmitter really pointless19:12
CosmoHillmine works great, but then again my areal got remove by a bush19:12
merlin1991driving 200km trough austria I had to change frequency 8 times :D19:12
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sivan900of constant driving and streaming finish radio interent through 3g19:12
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av500sivan900: yes, but where?19:13
MrCasei will bring mine to nokia care tomorrow. 3 defects.19:13
MrCasewill not mention the missing apps and the 600 euro i have spend a year ago for a phone one can buy for 150 euro on ebay now.19:13
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ali1234you can buy any year old phone for 150 euro on ebay...19:14
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MrCasesure. but not like everyone of them.19:15
MrCaseat least this is how it feels.19:15
MrCasebut maybe everyone sells their after a year.19:15
MrCasei will try to hack something with PySide and QML for the n900.19:15
* CosmoHill needs a new phone19:15
CosmoHillor super glue19:16
AranelCosmoHill: which one?19:16
CosmoHillI broke the keypad on my nokia 6220c19:16
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SpeedEvilMrCase: I can't see one under 250 euro sold on
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SpeedEvilMrCase: In new condition19:17
CosmoHillmy phones aren't given to me new so I tend to treat them kinda badly19:17
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CosmoHillthan and when I get angry to tend to throw them19:17
SpeedEvilWell - apart from the dual SIM model of the n900.19:17
CosmoHill(never text / phone me bad news)19:17
MrCaseSpeedEvil: i meant used phones.19:17
SpeedEvilThe only used ones I see going for that are either smashed screen, or sold using  a stock photo, from a seller with 0 feedback.19:19
*** ragner has joined #meego19:19 here. used in the 200 range. new for 300 (which is too much, considering a milestone 2 costs 400).19:19
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trumeebly me, there are still people here after todays announcement!19:24
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Stskeepzof course, meego isn't dead19:25
SpeedEvilIt's just resting.19:25
SpeedEvilPining for the fjoords.19:25
trumeeStskeepz: well Flop axed it already.19:26
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* CosmoHill pets berndhs 19:26
berndhsdid I do something wrong ? my ISP keeps disconnecting19:27
berndhsprobably their hamster is tired19:27
CosmoHillthey need to get a cat19:27
wmaroneberndhs: they need to upgrade to gerbils19:27
wmaronegerbils multiply faster and like living in groups, thus allowing for more wheel uptime19:27
berndhsyeah or run 2 hamsters in parallel19:28
Stskeepztrumee: rd budget on nokia side is planned to be lower, but still works19:28
CosmoHillmy friend's gerbils never had a wheel19:28
Ans5imeego is not going anywhere.19:28
wmaroneCosmoHill: tragic, so much wasted power19:28
CosmoHillStskeepz: is hosted by the linux foundation19:28
Ans5iit just take some time to mature19:28
trumeeStskeepz: is Collabora still on the team?19:28
Stskeepztrumee: i'm not from collabora, so i dont know19:29
trumeeStskeepz: Flop mentioned about cutting outsourcing, so it will interesting to know how it affects Collabora19:29
Stskeepztrumee: i think that effects a lot of other companies too19:30
slonopotamusStskeepz: well, meego is already half-dead (netbook ux), no?19:30
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Stskeepzslonopotamus: netbook ux didnt have any features in 1.2 as the focus was on handset, i think19:31
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CosmoHillStskeepz: what happened to your nick?19:31
StskeepzCosmoHill: i'm evil stskeeps19:31
linuxplatformthis years biggest disappointment,  Nokia & Microsoft19:32
slonopotamusStskeepz: no progress = dead software19:32
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javispedroStskeepz: more like high impedance Stskeeps (bad hdl joke)19:32
linuxplatformwhat does this mean for Meego?19:32
CosmoHillStskeepz: kinda hard to tell tbh19:32
CosmoHillslonopotamus: could just be sleeping19:32
Stskeepzslonopotamus: bugs have been worked on afaik19:32
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CosmoHillotherwise the open source world would be full of zombies19:33
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slonopotamusCosmoHill: and it is :)19:33
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trumeewasnt there a lot of recruitement lately within nokia for meego development?19:33
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CosmoHillinteresting fact, there are 100 more people in here than were in here wednesday19:33
fendeltrumee: My guess: The different departments was not informed before lately.19:34
Aranellinuxplatform: according to Intel, It means MeeGo lost a major partner, and It still has "other" (?) partners.19:34
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Aranellinuxplatform: according to more pessimistic ppl, It means MeeGo is dead, It's never going to be stable etc..19:34
fendelIntel probably see MeeGo as just another distro. One of many they support19:35
CosmoHillwe've had people saying meego is dead without the N9 for ages19:35
CosmoHillnothing about "without nokia" tho19:35
CosmoHillwell not until this week anyway19:35
Ans5iit up to makers, there are going to be stable products afaik. from intel and nokia at least.19:35
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linuxplatformwas waiting for my first MeeGo phone, that hope is now gone :(19:36
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SpeedEvilThere will be a meego phone.19:36
treebeen`this would be a good time for another company to pick up meego, flop would probably agree to sell it ;)19:36
SpeedEvilIf there will be a next is questionable19:36
slonopotamusSpeedEvil: one? :)19:36
MrCasewhy would anyone want to buy it knowing it is a dead horse?19:37
AranelI guess (blindly) MeeGo will be more tablet/netbook-centric OS than a smartphone OS from now on, since Nokia is not going to make new devices for it.19:37
gabrbeddCosmoHill:  IMHO, the MTF is the reson why our co. has been working on a MeeGo device.  With Nokia's decision, we're obviously anxious about the future of MTF.19:37
Araneltreebeen`: sell what?19:37
linuxplatformit's not good for the competition19:37
SpeedEvilSpeaking personally, if it's a more capable n900 style device, because it's a more stable n900 style device.19:37
Araneltreebeen`: MeeGo is not a property and it's name rights are property of FSF, not Nokia.19:37
treebeen`Aranel: hmm, ok, forget the "sell" part19:38
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DawnFosterMeeGo is run by LF, not FSF :)19:38
Araneloops, sorry. my mind is blown today :|19:38
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gabrbeddCosmoHill: MeeGo Touch Framework.19:39
MrCaseoh well. mubarak has retired, at least some good news.19:39
sivan900DawnFoster: we should have lfs publish a request for a major partner to meego that will support it as nokia did19:39
sivan900MrCase: heh19:39
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* CosmoHill goes to chill out19:40
CosmoHillanyone wanna come?19:40
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Ans5iwaiting bus to chill place..19:41
CosmoHillI've spent hours at uni going round in circuls :(19:41
linuxplatformso it's just Intel left on MeeGo development?19:41
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CosmoHillIntel is the only big company, there's the rest of us little people too19:42
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gabrbeddlinuxplatforms:  Nokia has not pulled out of MeeGo.19:42
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mikhasgabrbedd, MTF's future is brighter than the one of the Symbian.19:42
gabrbeddthere's even a slide where they said they'll continue to develop meego.19:42
AranelCosmoHill: I'm not that sure about it.19:42
MrCasemikhas: symbian has no future.19:42
gabrbeddThe angst is whether or not we believe them.19:42
uhsfI'd like to comment here about the disaster, but my thoughts have mostly been posted already, in a slightly more peaceful way.19:42
mikhasIt's part of the platform API, so even if it gets axed it would take a year or so before it would vanish from MeeGo devices19:43
AranelThere are other big companies in the MeeGo game, dunno how they're commited to it but anyway..19:43
AranelLike Cisco, Electronic Arts (gaming, anyone?), BMW, AMD, Fujitsu etc.19:43
mikhasgabrbedd, also: MTF is available @ gitorious, sitting in the open.19:43
Ans5iwell if there is alternative for android, i would guess so19:43
mikhasYou don't need Nokia to keep open stuff alive.19:43
gabrbeddMrCase: Thanx.19:43
MrCasewhat does EA exactly contribute to Meego?19:43
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wmaroneMrCase: user draw19:45
MrCasewmarone: nothing then.19:45
merlin1991EA is as evil as M$19:45
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wmaroneMrCase: without users you have nothing19:47
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janmaltedoes anyone knows if applications developed for meego will run on the wetab or maemo(N900) too?19:48
Stskeepzjanmalte: meego and wetab is likely19:48
Stskeepzmaemo less19:48
MrCasewhat happens if people continue to stop buying atom netbooks and buy tablets instead?19:49
janmalteok, thanks for the information19:49
MrCasewhere intel has no share?19:49
MrCaseto me the one with the foot in the market was nokia.19:49
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LinuxCodethere are tablets with atom processors19:50
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gabrbeddmikhas: Yes, but part of our strategy was to piggy-back off Nokia's hard work on MTF.19:51
mikhasgabrbedd, well, look at what you have today19:51
mikhasMTF has become quite stable over the last couple of months19:51
mikhasand it has a few useful features for handhelds19:51
mikhasIf it wasn't software, you could say "It's nearyl finished" ;-)19:51
gabrbeddmikhas:  Maybe I'm working on the wrong build (entirely possible)... because what I have is not "stable" by any means.19:51
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mikhasThere have been over 150 people working on MTF (check
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mikhasthose people arent going to simply die now, you know19:51
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gabrbeddmikhas: I know.  Have I not said, "Nokia has not pulled out of MeeGo" ??19:51
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gabrbeddmikhas:  :-)19:51
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gabrbeddmikhas: It's friday and I'm too ticked off to make decisions. :-)19:51
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* gabrbedd goes sit beside CosmoHill19:51
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mikhasDont make any hasty decisions19:51
mikhasso far, only rome has been burnt down in a day19:51
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mikhasoh right, "Do not kill yourself" ;-)19:51
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AranelMrCase: games I guess. Since Maemo simply sucks about gaming and any kind on interactive entertainment.19:51
crevetorI had Andry Birds on my N900 before anybody had even played it on the iphone or android..19:51
crevetorAngry Birds19:51
Aranelgaming of Maemo = a few commercial games (mostly indie titles), emulators, preenv, angryman.19:51
Aranelyup AB was cool, so keep it coming, what other games are Maemo-exclusive?19:51
crevetorAranel: It's just because it was such a small market that games weren't developed for it19:51
crevetornot a matter of ability to run games19:51
Aranelsure, MeeGo was planned to be a mass market OS anyway19:51
Aranelso EA is there, to make games and profit.19:51
AranelThey wouldn't do the same for N900 since it is a very small market.19:51
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mikhasgabrbedd, keep reporting stability issues @ - we do care19:51
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* CosmoHill hands gabrbedd and PS3 controller19:51
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gabrbeddmikhas: I'm not going anywhere.  Just axious is all.19:51
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Aranelam I lagging or does Freenode act weird?19:52
MrCaseLinuxCode: competitive to the ARM ones?19:52
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LinuxCodeMrCase, thatsa  subjective view I cant really answer19:52
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LinuxCodeas I have not played with arm/x86 tablets19:52
LinuxCodeI just bookmarked a link with one19:53
mikhasgabrbedd, aren't we all anxious today?19:53
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mikhasnot a good day to make decisions ;-)19:53
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LinuxCodegod, I nees to stop hording bookmarks19:54
LinuxCodeI would paste the thing, if I could find it19:54
sjkYou might have been getting the following question countless times today and in that case I am sorry. But does the Nokia+Microsoft deal mean that MeeGo is pretty much dead?19:54
uhsfI don't know why but it's like I knew all along that that Nokia/Meego was DOA since the Intel partnership last year.19:56
uhsfNokia didn't died today, it died one year ago.19:56
slonopotamussjk: it may pretend being alive, but i doubt meego will be any more alive than maemo19:56
uhsfMaemo was so close to be perfect on the N900. If Nokia would have keep improving Maemo instead of starting all again from scratch with Meego, we would have plenty of great Maemo devices to choose from by now.19:56
Aranelsjk: Nope, Intel and some others still commited to MeeGo.19:56
sivanguhsf: true19:56
ali1234i have to agree. a few more timely updates to maemo 5 wouldn't have been bad either19:57
MrCasethe problem (also a bless) with intel is, that intel can be committed to pretty much anything for a decade and it can still be a loss of 10 billion usd to them...19:57
Aranelyeah, I also wonder why they didn't stay with Maemo. In fact N900 was not a "geek-only" device, Nokia made it so.19:57
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treebeen`lol, from 2009:
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ali1234treebeen`: who is that other dude?19:59
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treebeen`Executive Vice President Kai Öistämö19:59
sjkHm, they must have lost a lot of money on the N900, no? Compared to the iPhone and similar it's fairly difficult to learn20:00
LinuxCodeI think ELops pay should be slashed, and that money put back into R&D20:00
AranelGIMP-ed it in a min, It's very funny to me, I'm even thinking of a simple dart game with this picture.20:00
MrCaseso torres ( quit?20:00
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AranelMrCase: yesterday.20:00
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LinuxCodeis Aari Jaaksi still about ?20:01
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RST38hat hp20:02
AranelLinuxCode: he's still working for Palm since the beginning of MeeGo.20:02
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LinuxCodelucky him then, he got out20:02
MrCasewho is maluka at
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LinuxCodebefore the ship turns into a submarine, which cant use its ballast tanks20:02
Aranelwell I think he was one of the best20:02
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Araneleven think that he was too good for Nokia.20:03
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LinuxCodeshowed off a tablet on his blog20:03
LinuxCodeNokia, I havent even seen a teaser yet20:03
LinuxCodeof a working tablet20:03
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AranelI think somebody from MeeGo should make an announcement, or at least write a blog entry about future of MeeGo and mostly about its smartphone part.20:04
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treebeen`oh, flop what CEO of macromedia, heh20:04
Richrd_bad day20:04
MrCaseAranel: it is not like anyone will build smartphones for meego now.20:05
LinuxCodeRichrd_, why what happened ?20:05
MrCaseAranel: and i doubt Nokia will ship the one meego phone before a w7 phone.20:05
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Richrd_just the announcement and 14% stock drop :P20:05
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LinuxCodeRichrd_, its ok,l elop will forfeit his pay, until the share drop has been sorted out20:05
Richrd_never been here before but I'm really interested in all the MeeGo stuff and decided to come see what you guys are thinking now20:06
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LinuxCodeIntel is great20:06
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LinuxCodethats what I think20:06
AranelMrCase: well It's Handset UX is still under development so I think another company can replace Nokia about making devices.20:06
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Richrd_dont know much about them, but the project is good20:06
RST38hLinuxCode: How does Intel compare to Allah then?20:06
LinuxCodeand Intel will be better, if it stuffs more money into meego20:06
MrCaseAranel: which company?20:06
LinuxCodespecially as Intel is making huuuge profits20:06
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LinuxCodeRST38h, they both dont exist ?20:07
LinuxCodeohh wait...flaw20:07
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treebeen`LinuxCode: you mean intel? the company that paid like 4 billion dollars to dell for not selling AMD?20:07
AranelMrCase: I also wonder.20:07
LinuxCodetreebeen`, yeh that one20:07
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LinuxCodesack some lawyers working for Intel20:08
LinuxCodesave money on cases like that20:09
LinuxCodepump it into meego20:09
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LinuxCodewhich in turn feeds mobile support into other distros20:09
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LinuxCodewin win!20:09
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LinuxCodeARM should support something20:11
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MrCasewhy? :)20:12
MrCaseeveryone is supporting them!20:12
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niala1MrCase: everyone support intel too20:14
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MrCaseniala1: where are the phones with intel processors?20:14
uhsfsome company should just make an x86 phone and let customer install any Linux distro20:14
uhsfall problems would be solved then20:15
uhsfexcept battery life but I don't care at this point20:15
niala1MrCase: processor are not only for phone20:15
MrCaseneed to travel with a nuclear power plant then in order to make a clone.20:15
MrCase*make a call.20:15
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niala1MrCase: windows exist for desktop or laptop intel/amd and intel support meego .... why ?20:16
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MrCaseniala1: because they have to. imagine a bazillion of ARM/Nvidia based netbooks/tablets running android/webos + apple.20:17
niala1MrCase: intel can sell only processor like arm20:17
niala1they support only because they want a 'store like'20:18
niala1not for the fun20:18
GAN900Aranel, it's still steaming ahead!!!20:18
fendelLinux is big business. No reason why Intel should not be active20:20
niala1with no qt no sdk for a store like20:21
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niala1why he should? what about amd and meego? work is already starting?20:21
MrCase,12169.html, Nokia drops Meego.20:21
MrCaseit is a problem now. why should anyone start developing apps with Qt when symbian will be dead in a year and there will be maybe one phone for meego in 2011?20:22
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fendelBad day for openness:
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lbtthere is still a community OBS and any netbook UX or other variations would be welcome on there20:23
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* auke reads the news, and the irc discussions, and the mailinglists20:26
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X-Fadeauke: I hope you got a lot of coffee at hand, it is a long read.20:26
treebeen`fendel: hmm, something like that was to be expected, of course now that google dropped h.264 from chrome they have reason to worry20:27
iekkuMrCase, try to keep positive thinking20:27
* auke declines to read Dohm's thread20:27
DawnFosterauke: what, you didn't get up at 2am to watch it like I did :)20:27
iekkui think meego is great and will survive20:27
aukeDawnFoster: haha, hell no - my kids wore me out - I need my sleep20:27
X-FadeDawnFoster: Still awake? How are you holding up? :)20:27
MrCaselbt:,12169.html - so this is just bullcrap?20:27
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DawnFosterX-Fade: I got a quick nap between 6:30am and 8:30 so I'm doing well20:28
DawnFosterlots of tea helps :)20:28
lbtMrCase: no20:29
* X-Fade decided to just continue working on MeeGo Apps and not let this get to me.20:29
lbtMrCase: it's just not the whole story :)20:29
Aranelclick it for instant epic lulz.20:29
RST38hDawn: Are you staying awake to watch this whole elopocalypse, or are there other reasons? :)20:29
joppuwhat's with this "nokia=meego" talk?20:30
DawnFosterRST38h: I got *up* this morning at 2am to watch the webcasts20:30
DawnFosterRST38h: dedication20:30
RST38hDawn: urgh20:30
DawnFosterso I could hang out with all of you on IRC20:30
RST38hDawn: and pretty morbid webcasts too. At least they came at 13:00 over here.20:30
DawnFosterNap + Caffeine = happy Dawn20:30
Myrttiin other news:
RST38hMyrrti: Old news!20:31
ShadowJKI never thought it'd come to this, but help help help, save us Intel, you're our last hope! :)20:31
RST38h(like 2 days :))20:31
MyrttiRST38h: and my life is so messed up on the personal level that I really couldn't care less20:31
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* auke declares that he is .... working as usual20:32
RST38hMyrtti: all shit sooner or later blows off20:32
RST38hMyrtti: or becomes irrelevant.20:32
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MyrttiRST38h: or is buried, but not forgotten.20:32
TSCHAKeeeauke: at least you still have a job. i feel sorry for the guys who got axed because of this.20:32
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lbtauke: you're not alone :)20:32
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aukeTSCHAKeee: I have no idea what you're talking about. I didn't hear about people losing their jobs, and, that would suck.20:33
RST38hMyrrti: We will all get buried eventually, can't do much about it20:33
StskeepzTSCHAKeee: afaik noone got axed so far, except Torres resigning20:33
niala1i can't open qtcreatop today... maybe tomorrow........20:33
StskeepzTSCHAKeee: people high likely will though20:33
X-FadeStskeepz: A lot of people will get axed, just not today.20:33
Stskeepzauke: thumbs up on boardname latest impl with uname20:34
MyrttiRST38h: moving on, I've cried enough today20:34
d12nwell if they had before the move would have been obvious before the presentation20:34
lbtI hear 20,000 jobs to go... so yeah...20:34
andyrossLong term clearly a lot of linux positions at Nokia are going away.  That's not quite the same thing as a layoff, though it's still bad news.20:34
aukeStskeepz: going to close on that today, and merge to trunk20:34
DawnFosterMyrtti: *hugs*20:34
fendelHope the community start looking into starting new companies20:34
Stskeepzauke: cool20:34
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iekkulbt, i wonder how 20 000 in finland are going20:34
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lbtiekku: unlikely to be .fi only20:35
MrCaseiekku: i am thinking positively.20:35
Myrttiiekku: media quoting wrong numbers20:35
fendelNokia have a global ecosystem of employees and suppliers than can start new companies and opportunities.20:35
iekkuMyrtti, i think that too20:35
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MrCaseiekku: will develop something for the n900 while waiting for a quadcore android phone with a proper keyboard.20:35
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fendellbt: 20k sounds very low to me. Nokia is going trough a revolution.20:36
blizzowsuper sad to hear the news. :(20:36
iekkuMrCase, that's the spirit!20:36
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d12nthe announcement does not sound very visionary unless WP7 is just kept for transition time20:38
RST38hIt is kept until the finns figure out it does not sell.20:38
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MrCaselike all the other windows phones that didn't sell.20:38
RST38hAnd if you do not believe it does notsell, check the 2010 sales figures20:38
bunklbt: Nokia employs only around 20 000 people in Finland.20:39
lbthence "unlikely to be .fi only"20:39
d12nand no Qt really makes sense20:39
niala1if nokia sell qt to intel may be a hope!! lol20:40
bunklbt: And do you have any reliable source that Nokia will shrink by that many people?20:40
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lbtbunk: no20:40
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lbtoh, I suspect it all makes sense ... but the mindset and ones personal financial situation probably have a huge impact20:41
iekkuin the news they said 20 000 in finland20:41
bunkiekku: Nokia *has* around 20 000 people in Finland.20:41
lbtiekku: don't forget knock-on job losses20:41
iekkuso, it just can't be, only rumours20:42
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lbtElop did say they'd consulted .fi govt20:42
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iekkuso they did when they ended jyväskylä, there were ~360 people20:42
iekkuand once again, only i can say, is meego!=nokia and i think meego goes on, with or without nokia20:43
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lbt+1 iekku20:43
d12njust nokia gives meego bad press with this move20:44
niala1  advertissment make sense today20:44
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pvazGood afternoon, day or night, depends on place20:45
ali1234Qt runs on windows mobile right?20:45
ali1234a lot better than it runs on android20:45
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ali1234so that quote "we didn't think we would be able to differentiate as easily on android"20:45
ali1234maybe they will write a UX for WP7 using Qt :)20:45
d12njust get an abstraction layer20:45
ali1234Qt *is* an abstraction layer20:45
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sebsauerali1234: and since it's in Qt it should be easy to replace WP7 with e.g. MeeGo :)20:46
ali1234porting it to a new OS is not easy though20:46
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ali1234sebsauer: exactly20:46
ali1234but Qt port to windows mobile is a lot further forward than android20:46
iekkuwas this already here:
ali1234just a thought anyway20:46
d12nthat is what I thought too20:46
EdLinsorry to disappoint you20:46
sebsauerali1234: no since it already works fine on WP720:46
iekkui think this is more important part than nokia news20:46
andyrossCan't imagine MS would want to allow a portable (!?!) API for app development.  And it's not like Nokia was negotiating from a position of strength...20:47
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MrCaseXNA on nokia phones *puke*20:47
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ali1234EdLin: well, screw it then20:47
andyrossThen again, WP7 ks sort of tanking, so they were both desperate I guess.20:48
crevetorfrom Vic Gundotra (VP Android at Google) : “Two turkeys do not make an Eagle”20:48
sebsauerEdLin: your source is wrong.20:48
pvazHi everybody, how can I get access to OBS ?20:48
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sebsauerEdLin: since he assumes that one developer-tool exlucludes the other what never was the case20:48
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X-Fadepvaz: Which one?20:48
EdLinsebsauer: is this source wrong too?
smokupvaz, ping vgrade or X-Fade20:48
pvazping vgrade20:49
pvazsorry, newbie, howto ping ?20:49
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X-Fadesmoku: s/vgrade/lbt/20:49
smokuX-Fade, ouch. yes. sorry ;-)20:49
sebsauerEdLin: no, it is correct and in the "The Qt ecosystem" it even explicit says that Qt will target a new decide now: WP720:49
bunkandyross: Nokia produces twice as many phones as the second-biggest producer - that is a huge strength20:49
smokupvaz, ping lbt or X-Fade  :)20:49
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MrCaseQt does not run on WP7.20:50
EdLinsebsauer: where does it say that sebsauer? It says it will continue on "for symbian", which will be phased out by 2012.20:50
lbtpvaz: opensource app development?20:50
MrCasewould need to port it.20:50
sebsauerMrCase: it does and very fine20:50
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pvazyes, opensource app development20:50
jonnorbunk: no, there are no plans for Qt for WP720:50
sebsauerEdLin: the last sentence in the "The Qt ecosystem" section20:50
Stskeepzright, i'm done being shellshocked20:51
jonnorbunk: the device being referred to is the Meego device20:51
MrCasesebsauer: erm. you ported it yourself?20:51
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sebsauerMrCase: no, Qt works fine on Windows CE since a very long-time and WP7 is WinCE6+Silverlight20:51
EdLinsebsauer: "that device" refers to the one meego device, you have a reading comprehension problem.20:51
niala1now what about aavamobile ?20:51
lbtpvaz: meego username?20:51
MrCasesebsauer: no.20:51
MrCasesebsauer: it is not.20:51
pvazlbt, username is pvaz20:52
Stskeepsniala1: aava's a developer board, essentially20:52
Stskeepskinda like omap blaze etc20:52
lbtmmm how long ago did you register pvaz20:52
lbt< 1hr ?20:52
sebsauerEdLin: no, it does not. You should read carefully. It says "hough our plans for MeeGo have been adapted in light of our planned partnership with Microsoft, that device will be compatible with applications developed within the Qt framework and so give Qt developers a further device to target. "20:52
pvazless, yes20:52
niala1Stskeeps: may be they can take a opportunity ?20:52
lbtping me again in 7 mins20:52
EdLinsebsauer: yes, they are releasing one device on meego. That sentence is about meego, not about wp7.20:52
jonnorsebsauer: "that device" clearly refers to "Extending the scope of Qt further will be our first MeeGo-related open source device"20:53
sebsauerEdLin: hmmmm.... probably you are right20:53
MrCasesebsauer: the apps on wp7 run in a CLI, is there a port of Qt for .NET?20:53
pvazI have to leave now to pick up my kids from school, I will leave irc open, and will try to find you later, ok ?20:53
sebsauerEdLin: but that means that MeeGo WILL continue, right?20:53
lbtpvaz: yep .. np20:53
EdLinsebsauer: after that one device, elop is scrapping the meego team.20:53
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StskeepsEdLin: they aren't saying that anywhere though20:53
pvaztalk later, thanks20:53
EdLinsebsauer: intel says they will continue developing meego though.20:53
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niala1sorry i m not a great codder, but maybe if the only meego phone is better than the win7p  they drop win7p :p20:54
niala1me i can't do a great UI :(20:55
jonnorEdLin: the roadmap stated that long-term R/D will spend about 1/3 of the current resources on Meego20:55
d12ncurrent meego resources?20:55
EdLinjonnor: link?20:55
bunkjonnor: Whomever you were answering to, it wasn't me.20:55
sebsauerEdLin: "after that one device" <= what's your source for that? Also I am still not convinced that Qt will not be on WP7. Have you a source for that too?20:55
Stskeepssebsauer: that one is mentioned in blogs and in the capital markets day20:55
MrCasesebsauer: a second ago you said it already runs on it.20:55
Stskeepswhich imho , is suicide20:55
sebsauerMrCase: it does but run on CE20:56
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MrCaseCE is dead, WP7 is a different design.20:56
Meksebsauer: Elop explicitly said in response to a question about Qt that it would not be made available for WP720:56
javispedroMrCase: no, Wp7 is CE.20:56
penguinbaitfun times20:57
sebsauerMek: oha, does there exist a source?20:57
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EdLinjonnor: that says they'll continue to do R&D on mobile platforms, not on meego, which they are throwing in the towel on.20:57
javispedroMrCase: in fact, the current versions of Wp7 run into the same version of Ce WM6.5 does because the newer version of CE was a disaster.20:57
niala1how much as nokia paid for Qt?20:57
Meksebsauer: not sure if the webcast is available somewhere...20:57
d12nso they willl reduce the total R&D?20:57
ahollerhmm, I wonder when the map-business will be given to ms. But that make need some more time, sold out ot ms just begins20:57
jonnorEdLin: the green bit is Meego20:57
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sebsauerMek: that indeed sounds like bad news :-(20:57
EdLinjonnor: ah, I see it now. Correct, they did say, however, they have no plans for more than one meego phone....20:58
fendelWould be nice if Red Hat, Intel, and Canonical could hire some of the MeeGo/Qt people20:58
jonnorEdLin: in 2011 :)20:58
d12nor novell20:58
d12nwell suse20:58
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EdLinjonnor: 2012 is a long way off, it is being put in the same position as maemo, one experimental device every few years.20:58
ali1234EdLin: that's assuming their one meego "device" actually is a phone...20:58
fendelIt is a lot of good stuff going on: pads, Gnome3, KDE 4.6/4.7, MeeGo, and so on20:58
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niala1fendel: meego can live on desktop/laptop with only us, but no on handset. i believe20:59
EdLinali1234: true, intel does say they'll continue to spend on meego.20:59
jonnoralso, they actually say "Meego related" device20:59
jonnornot "Meego"20:59
MrCasejavispedro: i stand corrected, thank you. not sure about running pure c++ on it though.20:59
jonnorEdLin: potentially20:59
d12nwell so meego core plus different UX?20:59
MilhouseOne mad leader down, one more to go...20:59
fendelniala1: The most important in short term is to make sure that as many projects get finished as possible20:59
MilhouseWill Elop survive, will there be much left of Nokia by the time he gets the push...20:59
javispedroMrCase: nothing save for "microsoft-selected third parties" (and of course microsoft themselves, their own apps are c++)21:00
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ali1234Milhouse: he'll sell what's left to micrsoft, like he did with macromedia and adobe...21:00
lbt  "two turkeys don't make an eagle"21:00
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MilhouseGoogle, Apple, ARM all up - Nokia 15% down21:00
d12ni like the turkey picture21:00
sebsauersource re Qt will not be on WP7;
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EdLinali1234: I don't think Microsoft is interested in buying a giant mobile phone manufactorer.21:01
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EdLinali1234: they are, however, happy to crush them the way they did with Palm.21:01
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hirabayashitaromicrosoft... lol21:03
niala1microsoft will have a big party this week end i suppose, with champagne and toasts21:03
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fendelniala1: They should. They do deserve it. Great work on Microsofts behalf21:04
AranelGAN900: now I understand what you meant =)21:04
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hirabayashitarowell, nokia announced also which is the future of meego?21:05
iekkuhirabayashitaro, it's not something nokia can decide21:05
niala1hirabayashitaro: meego continue without nokia... more excactly he s "promise" just a meego phone21:06
hirabayashitaroiekku: but they can decide how many founds to give to the project, which is not irrelevant at all21:06
uhsfaren't you amazed by the extreme stupidity of Nokia's leaders? I mean 15% market shares drop in a few hours, I don't know anything about market shares, but even I could've predicted this easily. why so much stupidity is beyond my understanding.21:07
lbt"We reserve the right to introduce tablets using other platforms, including ones we may be working on internally," he (elop) said.21:08
d12nreserve the right?21:08
lbtmeh... I'm just hoping to keep a job at this point ;)21:08
lbtas, no doubt, are many others...21:09
Milhouselbt: best of luck to you all21:09
Stskeepsi am a little curious how meego-nokia will look internally now21:09
bunkuhsf: Don't bother about short-term tock value changes. It was an interesting change, and it will take a few years to see if it was good or bad for Nokia.21:09
d12nyap best wishes21:09
EdLinlbt: elop is planning on cutting "over a thousand jobs" so polish your resume and look elsewhere.21:09
hirabayashitarobunk: no way21:10
StskeepsEdLin: that's easy by cutting symbian, though21:10
EdLinStskeeps: he's not exactly increasing the size of meego spending either.21:10
henaelop would be nuts to cut from meego21:10
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StskeepsEdLin: of course, but there's definately cuts to be made to center qt-symbian-meego apps21:11
bunkhirabayashitaro: Why not?21:11
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EdLinhena: he has said he's going to cut it by 2/3rds already.21:11
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Milhouseif you cut symbian, and meego is turned into a "project", the motivation for qt and meego developers will go through the floor...21:11
MrCasethe dude responsible for meego quit yesterday.21:11
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hirabayashitarobunk: after a public event like this shares are supposed to grow in any case21:11
Milhousebasically, motivation will go to shit21:12
Milhousealong with morale21:12
d12nEdlin: which is a really good investment in the future...21:12
EdLind12n: they are gutting R&D, what future?21:12
hirabayashitarobunk: two failures toghter don't form a success21:12
d12nsorry that was sarcasm21:12
guest7any idea what mwc will bring?21:12
bunkhirabayashitaro: Such short-term value changes are not very meaningful.21:12
EdLind12n: i thought it might be, but wasn't sure. :)21:13
niala1Milhouse: you re right :(21:13
d12nEdLin: it was ;-)21:13
EdLinMilhouse: morale is in the toilet, a thousand nokia employees walked out in protest.21:13
lbtMrCase: wow ... I guess we're not the only ones thinking it's a dipshit move21:13
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StskeepsMrCase: saw it at 16 before21:14
Milhouseguest7: more promises that nobody will believe, and no new products to buy would be my guess21:14
blizzowWho is the person "in charge of Meego" that quit yesterday?21:14
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bunkhirabayashitaro: M$ has a smartphone operating system but no devices, and N is by far the biggest device manufacturer in the world but is behind on having a competitive software platform.21:14
Milhouseblizzow: Alberto Torres21:14
Stskeepsblizzow: MeeGo in Nokia21:15
guest7@milhouse: yep... sounds like a realistic guess :/21:15
MrCasethey took the page down21:15
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Stskeepsevening mwichmann21:15
guest7still curious about what intel is up to now21:15
Milhousehonestly, after all the changes in strategy over the last few years, and now this, you'd have to be mad to bet serious investment on anything nokia are involved with.21:15
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Stskeepsguest7: meego goes on, it seems21:15
lbtguest7: buying eyedrops21:15
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lbtsince apparently they're not blinking ;)21:16
Stskeepsnightwalk: larne?21:16
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d12nintel has to reflect?21:16
Wellarkohh, I don't know how to feel right now.. I'm just so sad..21:16
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MilhouseMeeGo needs a new big name parter in the mobile space...21:16
hirabayashitarobunk: there are plenty of things that ms does't have21:16
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fendelPositive view: The Nokia move shows how much mobile phones are becoming a competitive mass produced market. This is a market where things will change and opportunities exist.21:17
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bunkhirabayashitaro: I'm more puzzled how N changes it's strategy every 1-2 years instead of doing one thing consequently.21:17
niala1Milhouse: +121:17
MilhouseAnd with a bit of luck, they'll make a success out of MeeGo while Nokia fails miserably with WP7.21:17
blizzowSo is there any good hardware out there for a qwerty phone?21:17
fendelThere are one other huge potential: Intel is still not a major player on mobile phones. Intel is involved in MeeGo and Linux21:17
MrCaseblizzow: milestone 2?21:17
MrCaseblizzow: cam might suck a bit.21:18
sebsauersilverlight only, that's stupid21:18
MrCaseand XNA.21:18
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MrCasedoes XNA support opengl?21:18
Wellarkthis whole "abandon Qt" just demonstrates lovely how this new strategy is a flying duck21:18
MilhouseMrCase: DirectX21:18
WellarkQt made sense for nokia21:18
Stskeepsthey just alienated whatever developer community they had21:18
Chanifunny, I thougght I heard that silverlight was being discontinued last week. maybe I was dreaming...21:18
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sebsauerthat also removes any upgrade-path21:18
WellarkQt made sense for all the partners21:18
fendelStskeeps, Seems like that has been the main Nokia strategy the last year21:18
Wellarkand now it's all destroyed21:19
MilhouseQt made perfect sense for Nokia, that's also why this is such an incredible turn around21:19
MrCaseMilhouse: so one would need some kind of 3d engine that runs on XNA and opengl in order to be able to deploy the mobile apps on major mobile OSes.21:19
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MrCasenot sure such thing exists for cheap money.21:19
blizzowlooks like I'm looking for an N900 to baby for a while.21:19
bunkhirabayashitaro: Did MeeGo or Symbian offer a better mid-term and long-term alternative to N? And having M$ as a partner can bring advantages.21:20
* Chani is hearing more positive things about qt, but, no details...21:20
henabuy mine21:20
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sebsauerCommondore 64, Delphi and now Qt. Good things die first :-(21:20
d12nQt is not dead21:20
niala1yes and amiga21:20
MrCasebunk: Meego with a Dalvik VM was the route for me.21:20
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fendelsebsauer: C64? That one sold for a long time. Amiga did well after that...?21:20
Milhousebunk: Nokia could have gone to Microsoft for Bing (search) and advertising, without selling out on their entire platform...21:21
sebsaueryeah, Amiga was great too21:21
fendelsebsauer: Amiga messed up21:21
Milhousethis decision today just shows a complete lack of ambition./21:21
d12nc64 wasn't GPL'ed21:21
niala1amiga ---> amigo ---> meego21:21
* TSCHAKeee is an ex Amiga, and NeXT developer.21:21
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MilhouseA small Canadian firm are doing exactly what Nokia can't, for crying out loud (RIM).21:21
EdLinTSCHAKeee: NeXT isn't dead, it's OS X.21:22
d12nniala1: :D21:22
TSCHAKeeeEdLin: I know.21:22
fendelMilhouse: :-) Nokia management can't. That is the problem21:22
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d12nEdLin: well because there was a vision which was kept up21:22
d12n(not by apple though)21:22
EdLind12n: Apple was bought out by NeXT, not the other way around. ;-)21:23
fendelI hope as many ex-Nokia employees as possible start new companies21:23
d12nEdLin: I know but the vision did not come from Apple21:23
uhsfnow that Nokia's dead, my main concern is about the future of open mobile devices. what company could make any interesting hardware in a foreseable future?21:23
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wmaroneEdLin: Apple bought Jobs and got NeXT as a freebie21:23
EdLind12n: it came from Steve Jobs, which is Apple.21:24
Milhousefendel: True, but I honestly thought they had a winning plan - which they've just torn up.21:24
niala1next win7p/nokia phone
d12nEdLin: he "was quitted" then21:24
fendeluhsf: Some unknown Chinese company. They push what ever all the time. It will be "white box" phones from some of those factories.21:24
bunkMilhouse: "Nokia's content and application store would be integrated with Microsoft Marketplace for a more compelling consumer experience." - N failed on doing that themselves, and if the two companies get that up and running together that's an interesting option.21:24
fendelMilhouse: I had hope myself21:25
EdLind12n: I'm aware of that, but Apple is Steve Jobs - without him, it was a zombie of a company. ;-)21:25
hirabayashitaroWas listening to today's the not so slim nokia CEO's speech and had the irresistible impulse to buy an iPhone.. Where to buy one?21:25
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d12nEdLin: yes .... isn't that a message?21:25
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bunkMilhouse: That's the part of the business where the huge profit is.21:25
EdLinhirabayashitaro: so you heard nokia announce using a closed platform, and you want to buy a diffferent closed platform?21:26
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Milhousebunk: where, in an app store?21:26
bunkMilhouse: yes21:26
guest7(Genivi) Intel, BMW, General Motors, PSA Peugeot, Magneti Marelli and Bosch agreed on meego as a reference platform.. so meego's future might is the in-vehicle branch...21:26
hirabayashitaroEdLin: Sure, so I can at least have a working japanese input21:26
guest7would be horrible though.. cant afford a bmw just to use open source os ;)21:26
EdLinguest7: meego is going to be continued to be developed by intel, and it may very well be only for non-mobile platforms by the looks of it.21:27
Milhousebunk: maybe, but Ovi Store was gaining in downloads/day quite nicely. Things actually looked to be on the up.21:27
niala1guest7: for now that is just promises21:27
EdLinwell, I guess cars are mobile....21:27
fendelguest7: The different MeeGo branches help the others21:27
niala1i see nothing from amd, peugeot, bmw etc....21:27
hirabayashitaroEdLin: Something that I'm not supposed to have in the near future... Or maybe I can consider android...21:27
StskeepsDawnFoster: when was next TSG planned?21:27
fendelEdLin: I expect cars to have sim-cards, ipv6, LTE, GPS, and so on21:28
niala1wordw words words only words they use meego ONLY if the community do the work21:28
Milhousebunk: the problems should have been manageable... instead they've just thrown everything out, baby and bathwater. this isn't about eco-systems though, being realistic this is about reducing costs and head-count at Nokia.21:28
EdLinhirabayashitaro: I'm enjoying my HTC HD2, it runs meego, android, wp7 (!), ubuntu, or wp6.5.21:28
EdLiner, wm6.521:28
StskeepsDawnFoster: or at least, the initially planned one21:28
fendelniala1: They will probably sponsored targeted projects21:28
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sivangStskeeps: plans for official announcments to community ?21:28
bunkMilhouse: AS I already said, the bad thing I see about N is that they change their strategy every 1-2 years.21:28
hirabayashitaroEdLin: Sure you're right.21:29
Stskeepssivang: no, just curious21:29
lbtStskeeps: 2 weeks - 2 days21:29
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sivangStskeeps: okay.21:29
Stskeepslbt: ok21:29
EdLinhirabayashitaro: I'm thinking of getting an n900 to replace my n810 if prices drop a lot.21:29
lbtJaffa, X-Fade and I had a proposal....21:29
EdLinwhich they probably will, already down to $350.21:29
Stskeepslbt: true, life must go on21:30
hirabayashitaroEdLin: want mine? Just joking... maybe21:30
ShadowJKNokia stopped selling N900 in Finland, gone from their webshop21:30
EdLinhirabayashitaro: does yours have t-mobile us bands? :-)21:30
fendelWhat is the state of MeeGo on N900?21:30
DawnFosterStskeeps: we don't have one on the schedule right now. This week was cancelled, next week is MWC and then imad is on vacation for 2 weeks21:30
sivanglbt: ?21:30
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StskeepsDawnFoster: alright21:31
guest7@fendel: works afaik21:31
hirabayashitaroEdLin: I suppose it hasn't... Don't know. I'm not Amrican tough21:31
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EdLinhirabayashitaro: it's called AWS, 1700 up, 2100 down, although these are also european bands, it uses them in a different way.21:32
sivangDawnFoster: but surely some official messages to community will come sooner than this time frame?21:32
Stskeepssivang: technically 'only' meego needs to worry about is status of their upstreams21:32
Stskeepsthat's Qt and the individual components nokia contributes - as well as if the people nominated in the MeeGo project continues21:33
DawnFostersivang: I think everyone is still regrouping right now - I'm hoping that we'll have more communication next week, but no promises21:33
DawnFostersivang: I don't get to decide when to communicate something big like this ;)21:33
EdLinStskeeps: meego also is hardware, and without anyone making hardware for it, it'd be like openmoko.21:33
hirabayashitaroStskeeps: Nokia is not supporting qt anymore?21:33
RST38hAt least let nokia show something at thw MWC!21:34
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: didn't say that21:34
DawnFostersivang: I have asked that we get something out to the community as soon as we can21:34
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hirabayashitaroStskeeps: Just asking...21:34
RST38hEven if it is only a mock N8 with WP7 :)21:34
sivangDawnFoster: thank you I appreciate it21:34
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sivangStskeeps: sure, what about developer offering that has been driven jointly , websites , events etc?21:34
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* marsje wonders how/when/if he will ever get an open phone...21:34
niala1hirabayashitaro: meego and qt migrate to research ... not good next stage it's trash21:35
StskeepsDawnFoster: in more light news, do we have a birthday party for MeeGo announcement planned? ;)21:35
sivanglbt: a com21:35
niala1for nokia21:35
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sivangStskeeps: :)21:35
DawnFosterStskeeps: not that I know of, but we should do something21:35
DawnFosterStskeeps: wondering how to do virtual cake and candles :)21:35
Stskeepsbeen one heck of a year :)21:35
bunkMay I ask a technical question about a problem I have with MeeGo on a device?21:36
timophwe need a meegon cake!21:36
sivangStskeeps: you can say that again21:36
* niala1 offer beer and weeds for all 21:36
hirabayashitaroniala1: I see, just I supposed21:36
Stskeepsbunk: gladly21:36
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hirabayashitaroNo one involved with intel who knows which is the position from that side?21:36
MrCase-15.99% again.21:37
Stskeepshirabayashitaro: so far meego is going ahead afaik21:37
MrCasei hope it drops to -80% and someone takes over.21:37
javispedroMrCase: it will be gates.21:37
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niala1hirabayashitaro: intel must be chocked too, i suppose they have a meeting and decide for the futur21:38
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* marsje wonders when Microsoft will buy Nokia21:38
timophStskeeps: why wouldn't it go on? besides if all commercial players leave, we can rename it to mer :)21:38
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bunkCan anyone give me a hint what might be going wrong when uxlaunch does not start the applications in /etc/xdg/autostart ?21:38
dwdhirabayashitaro, There's an Intel statement, basically saying it's business as usual for them.21:38
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Stskeepsbunk: are you on NFS?21:39
niala1now wait for windows7 car and tv and plane!!!  LOL21:39
bunkStskeeps: yes21:39
DawnFosterhirabayashitaro:  Intel is moving full steam ahead on MeeGo. We still need to digest all of this news, of course.21:39
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Stskeepsbunk: there's a bug related to that i believe21:39
sebsauerniala1: that's not funny but scary21:39
treebeen`windows tv 7 ;)21:39
Stskeepsbunk: hang on21:39
sivangtimoph++ and put it back to deb? :)21:39
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bunkStskeeps: sure :)21:39
niala1sebsauer: :)21:40
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Stskeepssivang: ew21:40
timophDawnFoster: good to hear. I know I'll contribute to it whatever I can21:40
sivangStskeeps: kidding sorry bad day for that :)21:40
Stskeepsthe thing that is really nice about working with and contributing to MeeGo is that it is -fun-.21:40
niala1DawnFoster: you know if other than intel have already submit works for meego? or just promises for now ?21:41
sivangfor us it is love not just work or loss of work :)21:41
dwdDawnFoster, I don't suppose there's any public info about that Atom-based phone they mentioned, is there?21:41
LinuxCodegive the girl a break lol21:41
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guest7well.. gotta go back to work now.. since i have to save up more money than expected for my meego mobile device... still have to figure out how to answer calls in a meeting with a bmw 5 though... gl guys21:41
LinuxCodeIm sure they will make an announcement soon21:41
niala1i will remember this day a long time21:41
DawnFosterdwd: not yet, Intel product announcements are made by different teams at Intel.21:42
LinuxCodeohh wait its Friday21:42
bluelfwill meego participate in gsoc this year?21:42
DawnFosterbluelf: we're starting to look at gsoc21:42
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LinuxCodeDawnFoster, you should, we are21:43
LinuxCodelooking for projects atm21:43
StskeepsDawnFoster: count me in for mentoring :)21:43
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thiago_homeqt's open governance hasn't advanced enough to allow me to apply qt this year21:43
sivangthiago_home: :/21:43
dwdDawnFoster, Thanks. By the way, I appreciate the fact you've been here since the wee small hours.21:43
CosmoHillhey thiago_home21:43
DawnFosterStskeeps: awesome, thanks!21:44
sivangDawnFoster: Same here!21:44
oilinkino one here?21:44
LinuxCodeif ya dump a site up now, could have some projects to submit soon21:44
sivangDawnFoster: with Python speciality21:44
DawnFosterdwd / sivang: thanks. I like to at least be here for the community - I can sleep later :)21:44
LinuxCodeDawnFoster, lol, thats dedication!21:44
sivangDawnFoster: you are too cute, really:)21:44
sivangDawnFoster: I hope we can play wearwoulves again soon21:45
DawnFosterawww, thanks :)21:45
dwdHas there been any contact from Nokia to the MeeGo community?21:45
bluelf I would like to work in meego . Can you point me to some documentation that will help me get started with it ?21:45
LinuxCodedwd, apart from two fingers ?21:45
Stskeepsbluelf: welcome - we have a how to contribute to meego :)21:45
Stskeepsbluelf: hang on21:45
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DawnFostersivang: we'll have werewolf at the next meego conference, and I'm hoping to get a couple of games going at the CollabSummit in April21:46
sivangI wonder where is Quim though21:46
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Stskeepssivang: like the rest of nokians, regrouping21:46
sivangDawnFoster: collabsummit from LFS?21:46
sivangStskeeps: I guess.21:46
Stskeepsbunk: you'll want to poke 'nazgee' for his patch21:47
Saviqsivang: he's wearing his other MeeGo shirt21:47
Stskeepsbluelf: my internet is utterly slow, but look for contribution guidelines on meego.com21:47
Saviqbut you probably know that alreday21:47
DawnFosterThis has to be really hard for the Nokians working day to day on the project - let's give them some time to digest what all of this means for them21:47
bunkStskeeps: Do you have a bug URL.21:47
thiago_homewe're hiding, trying to steer clear from the discussions21:47
Stskeepsbunk: was trying to find it21:47
Stskeepsbunk: but all my tcp connections stall in funny ways21:48
bluelfStskeeps, ok21:48
tybolltwhere does todays news leave QT at large?21:48
sivangthiago_home: keep safe21:48
SpeedEviltybollt: Quiet?21:48
Stskeepsbunk: ah, found the merge21:48
tybolltI mean seeing as nokia bought trolltech (right?) they will just drop qt all together now, or?21:48
Stskeepstybollt: go read the press materials, that explains a little more21:49
thiago_homelike I said, keeping clear of the discussions21:49
sivangsad to hear that wonderful music that always was in the background of device demos in helsinki promotion videos with the new video of the partnership21:49
openstandardsi can't get over how much nokia's stock has been dropping21:49
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DawnFostersivang: <- I just added an informal gathering section with werewolf as the first idea :)21:50
sebsauerthank you sivang :)21:50
Stskeepsi'm waiting for qt 4.7.2 in meego at the moment, as that should get us meegographicssystem for libmeegotouch21:50
Stskeeps(is disabled atm)21:51
uhsfNokia should have kept GTK in the first place, Qt is in part why Nokia was never able to release Meego21:51
sivangsebsauer: for what ? :)21:51
openstandardshow well does kde mobile work on meego21:51
Stskeepsuhsf: naah. that wasn't it21:51
sebsauersivang: for rememering me with that video by I left Windows long ago21:52
niala1sivang: your links was not necessary :(21:52
Milhouse15.99% down... come on, go below 16...21:52
javispedroStskeeps: otoh you have to think what would happened if they had just released a n901 a few months ago21:52
Milhousewoot! -16.08% :)21:52
timophStskeeps: any eta for that?21:52
javispedrowould elop be the ceo? :)21:52
sivangniala1: well, it is very saddening to me.21:52
Stskeepstimoph: 4.7.2?21:52
Stskeepstimoph: supposedly FEA is accepted, but i don't know if 4.7.2 is even out :)21:52
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timophah :)21:53
niala1sivang: elop face bug my splendid asus s101 atom meego21:53
openstandardsMilhouse: i feel sorry for the devs of nokia.... they have families the more the stock drops the more people will be laid off21:53
openstandardsdon't hate nokia because of some ex-microsoft jackass21:54
uhsfI think it would be a great time to reunite Maemo and Meego communities into one, to join forces and produce the best open mobile platform, and under a better name by the occasion.21:54
niala1openstandards: +1000000021:54
Milhouseopenstandards: i doubt that, to be honest. they'll be laid off irrespective of stock price, but if it continues to tank maybe they won't. I feel very sorry for them though, and hope they'll all be ok.21:54
niala1openstandards: sad day for european industry, if i permit politic talk here21:54
Milhousei'm hoping that if the market continues to give the thumbs down for this new strategy, the board (or someone) will grow the balls to think about reversing it... i can dream anyway.21:55
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openstandardsMilhouse: I'm friends with a dev that worked for symbian that went onto nokia... and lets just say nokia uk wasn't doing great back in nov21:56
CosmoHillI tend to throw phones at people21:56
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openstandardsso its certainly not going to get any better21:56
CosmoHillso a nokia phone with windows and a blue screen would be a good brick21:56
CosmoHilloh wait, that's not what you meant by ball21:56
openstandardsMilhouse: all it means is some ass is going to buy a ton of nokias shares for cheap and its not going to help anyone21:56
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Milhouseopenstandards: I'd expect the people to be cut have already been identified, the share price isn't likely to affect that at all.21:57
niala1if we forget nokia what s new in congress ?21:57
Stskeepsniala1: i'm hoping to see other meego announcements really21:57
javispedrofunnily enough,21:57
openstandardsMilhouse: that might be the case however more job cuts will come21:57
javispedrohtc just said that they're not showing any wp7 phones at mwc21:57
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Stskeepsjavispedro: interesting21:57
javispedrobut that they "still believe in wp7"21:58
niala1Stskeeps: we needs asian21:58
Milhouseopenstandards: no doubt, but a tanking share price is the only hope for change - if it starts to go up it vindicates this announcement.21:58
sivangjavispedro: heh :)21:58
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Milhousehope for change == back to meego, qt, etc.21:58
openstandardsMilhouse: it will jump up again as the stock falls21:58
Milhouseeven symbian, which i think is a good mobile os - just needs a new lick of paint.21:58
thiago_homeso now it's time to say something which I have been allowed to say already: qt is not disappearing, open governance continues21:59
* thiago_home goes back to idling and reading21:59
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openstandardsits going to be a yoyo till one company decides to buy enough shares to do damage21:59
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Milhouseopenstandards: we'll see, too early to call it now... just interesting to see it go south21:59
* Stskeeps thanks thiago_home21:59
* sivang thanks thiago_home 21:59
javispedrono need to found the freeqt foundation then I guess =)21:59
thiago_homedo you mean another one?21:59
thiago_homeyou know, the KDE Free Qt Foundation already exists22:00
pvazping lbt22:00
thiago_homeit's maybe not what you want, but a foundation exists :-)22:00
lbtpvaz: pong22:00
lbtyeah, your account doesn't appear to be there22:01
pvazstrange, I've create on meego website22:01
sebsauergreat to hear thiago_home, thx :)22:01
pvazoh, I should register on obs ?22:01
lbtno website22:02
lbtwhat's your email - msg me if you like22:02
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lbtwell now... it is possible that the website stopped syncing again22:03
lbtI dunno what those guys keep doing...22:03
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DawnFosterlbt: want me to ping Mike to have him look at the account snc?22:04
fendelOpen Source + Asians + fast growing economies + cheaper hardware + the hardware openness Android has made = opportunities22:05
pvazstrange, even i tried to create on opensuse build system, and gives error22:05
lbtDawnFoster: adam just signed in... gimme a sec22:05
lbtpvaz: that won't work22:05
sebsauerSo Qt@Symbian then. The N8 has 4.6 pre-installed and rocks already.22:05
pvazlbt: yes, seems so22:05
DawnFosterlbt: cool - let me know if I can help - otherwise I'll just stay out of your way :)22:05
pvazDawnFoster: Thank you22:06
Milhouse"$NOK down 16% in New York. Nokia's soul down even more in Finland." <---Asymco22:06
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* thiago_home thinks the stock down that much has moved from "market reaction" to the "investor panic" range22:06
* timoph nods22:07
lbtDawnFoster: mmm adam's not responded ... pinging Mike would be good. Last sync at 14:58 server time22:07
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Stskeepsthiago_home: or that they simply don't believe in the direction, maybe22:08
ColKilkennywhatever nokia does the stock goes down, completely normal for nokia :)22:08
lbt"abandon linux and watch your stock collapse"22:08
timophhmmh. I could package something to kill the time. anything simple missing from MeeGo?22:08
Stskeepstimoph: "joe"22:08
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timophjoe? what's that22:08
niala1timoph: vnc22:08
iekkujoe doe?22:08
lbttimoph: package it in c.OBS22:08
Stskeepstimoph: my favorite editor22:08
* WindowsPhone7 brings you: Trojan Horse22:08
timophlbt: was planning to22:08
WindowsPhone7have fun22:09
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lbtgood ... I want to get some maintained apps sorted22:09
timophStskeeps: ack. I'll start with it22:09
Stskeeps(yes, while i'm a vim user, i like joe better as it uses same shortcuts as PolyPascal editor..)22:09
timophI thought MeeGo had a vnc client already22:09
lbtI also would like to see some of the non-essential come out of MeeGo core and into a more community supportable area22:10
pvazAnyone knows if it's possible to put MeeGo working on a ARM11 tablet ?22:10
velopeyes, a big upset today22:10
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dm8tbrlbt: regardless of the current mess going on, what was the field you were looking for help with? something about packaging IIRC?22:10
Stskeepspvaz: we currently build meego for armv7 and higher22:10
thiago_homepvaz: meego requires armv722:10
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lbtdm8tbr: policy :)22:10
pvazStskeeps: But cannot use higher arm cpu ?22:11
Stskeepspvaz: arm11 is lower22:11
DawnFosterlbt: mike is looking into it22:11
dm8tbrlbt: that's the other topic, yes22:11
lbtI'd like to get some Team areas and top level projects started22:11
* WindowsPhone7 raped MeeGo22:11
lbtDawnFoster: thanks22:11
thiago_homepvaz: it goes like this: arm9 (armv5), arm11 (armv6), cortex-a8 (armv7)22:11
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dm8tbrcan someone please plonk the troll?22:11
iekkuWindowsPhone7, haa haa, very funny22:11
thiago_homepvaz: so be careful when saying "a9" (cortex-a9, an armv7) and "arm9"22:11
pvazthiago_home: thank you, always learning22:11
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StskeepsWindowsPhone7: please adhere to or we'll have to ask you to leave22:12
iekkuDawnFoster, could you please do something?22:12
aukedm8tbr: which troll?22:12
* niala1 enjoy that nobody answer the troll22:12
dm8tbrauke: WindowsPhone722:12
niala1too late22:12
aukesorry, just walked in from lunch22:12
WindowsPhone7Stskeeps: meh, I feel very sorry about all :(22:12
WindowsPhone7I almost cryed :/22:12
VidStskeeps, do you have a link for the Nokia press release on the status of Qt?22:12
thiago_homepvaz: the ones with "v" indicate the instruction set and major architecture22:12
WindowsPhone7I seriously dont understand how they made such thing22:12
aukeWindowsPhone7: please, just log out instead of misbehaving22:12
StskeepsVid: , etc22:12
niala1Vid: is every where on the internet22:12
thiago_homepvaz: v7 is the latest22:12
sivangVid: ^^22:13
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StskeepsWindowsPhone7: well, switch to a less insulting nickname then ;)22:13
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sivangWindowsPhone7: please22:13
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pvazthiago_home: thanks, you have any idea if anyone have made it for any tablet made in china ?22:13
* WindowsPhone7 < MeeGo22:13
*** WindowsPhone7 is now known as HtheB22:13
niala1WindowsPhone7: laugh with windows community please if they exist22:13
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thiago_homepvaz: no clue.22:14
Stskeepsi'm almost afraid to read today, heh22:14
niala1HtheB: thanks you re welcome22:14
HtheBauke: np22:14
HtheBniala1: ?22:15
MohammadAGStskeeps, you don't want to, I think there are about 9+ threads on the Nokia + MS partnership22:15
dm8tbrStskeeps: after seeing what went on here and on #maemo during the day I wouldn't dare to touch it with a 10m pole22:15
HtheBI dont know if you guys already know about this:22:15
niala1thank to change nick... anyway forget22:15
pvazthiago_home: I think it was amazing to spread meego, since the market of tablets is predicted to by millions this year22:15
StskeepsHtheB: yeah, we read that22:15
RST38hStskeeps: Stay away fromtmo for Tetnacled's sake22:16
sivangdm8tbr: lol22:16
HtheBWell... I guess its  Time to join Intel and AMD and leave Nokia22:16
dm8tbrlet's just nuke it from orbit, k?22:16
StskeepsHtheB: meego goes on22:16
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HtheBStskeeps: yeah :) thats for sure22:17
* dm8tbr plonks HtheB, should have done it earlier22:17
HtheBbut who will make the devices?22:17
pvazI believe that we should do all we can to make meego become stronger and stronger, againts all speculations that want to make the project to go down. Android is good, indeed, but MeeGo can have it's own space22:17
HtheBany other manufacturer that will use MeeGo? ...22:17
StskeepsHtheB: the question is, who wont?22:18
pvazPersonally I do not like Android22:18
HtheBStskeeps: Nokia wont...22:18
HtheBwell.. they will do...  but22:18
HtheB"as an experiment" ¬_¬22:18
HtheBThat guy doesnt like Open Source at all22:18
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fendelpvaz, I also believe there is room for Meego. It is room for a few billion mobile units. That make space for more players22:19
Vidsivang, thanks for the link.  The paragraph on Qt talks about Symbian mostly, and holds out a carrot to devs promising they could 'migrate' to meego in the future22:19
MohammadAGActually, with today's announcement, I realized how other alternatives are meh-y, so I'm looking into MeeGo again22:19
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niala1HtheB: "HtheB: "as an experiment" ¬_¬" experiment like bad boy experiment cat on water22:19
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VidBut I was looking for info on their future plans for licensing Qt after Symbian is gone22:20
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pvazfendel: Yes, I have nothing against android, I think Android is good, for me personally does not make me "in love", as long as MeeGo and since I use QT for a long time now, it's better. Also the UI it's far better than Android, on my opinion22:20
sivangVid: so yes, I don'tbeloieve nokia board want to see it dead. so they buyus time withWP7 when it is finished with qt it replaces WP722:20
treebeen`wow, pretty scary, i turned off adblocking to see what the internet is like with ads: it's horrible22:20
sivangVid: the strategy can be canged anytime and the hint for that is "distruptive technolgoies"22:21
* thiago_home resists... urge... to comment!22:21
sivangso meego investment is protected as 'distrup[tive' forthe next gen22:21
sivangthiago_home: hmm, am I the fool on the hill? :)22:21
* CosmoHill pets thiago_home 22:21
thiago_homeuh... no comments22:22
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thiago_homebtw, if you want to know what a "disruptive technology" is, I recommend the book The Innovator's Solution22:22
thiago_homepretty heavy in management and strategy22:22
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fendelpvaz: I have a lot against android, but I respect their right to exist and see that it can be opportunity in cooperating with android communities.22:23
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fendelpvaz: I trust Google as much as I trust Chinese government, Russian mafia, and what else. Nice as long as we have the same goals.22:23
fendel"cloud" is great as long as it is MY cloud22:23
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sivangthiago_home: I guess I am a fool then :)22:24
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thiago_homesivang: no, you're not22:24
* dm8tbr hands out free scoobie snacks to everyone22:25
pvazfendel: I do not thrust Chinese Gov, but reallity is that China is a sleeping dragon, awaking, and we cannot avoid it22:25
sivangthiago_home: ok :)22:25
* sivang goes to order that book22:26
* thiago_home also liked yesterday's dilbert22:26
pvazfendel: they are now making huge business on tablets, many of low quality, indeed, but putting android and spreading android as a flag to sell their tablets. I believe that it was important to have MeeGo working on this tablets22:26
fendelpvaz: I do deal with both google and the Chinese. They are a fact of life, but I will not change my citizenship into Chinese or use Google services22:26
HtheBlets just thumb down this vid
thiago_homedogbert was consulting and said: categorise your company: 1) facebook; 2) china; 3) irrelevant22:26
RST38hyea, yea,that is how a proper ceo thinks22:27
pvazfendel: yes, I travel a lot to Asia but I also do not convert my self to their mind.22:27
DawnFosterthiago_home: Dilbert is awesome22:27
fendelpvaz: The Chinese communist party was official guests in my wedding. They had the table of honor. They are a fact of life and I respect that22:27
thiago_homeDawnFoster: every other office in Oslo has a dilbert strip glued to their windows22:27
thiago_homeother offices have some mementos of Feb 11, 201022:28
RST38hsame strip?22:28
sivanglink to dilbert?22:28
thiago_home(yes, last year)22:28
sivangof yesterday22:28
thiago_homesivang:, click the back button22:28
pvazfendel: I also respect them, but reality is that it's a comunist gov and have a close way of thinking. I have many good chinese friends, but indeed China is good for rich Chinese people22:29
DawnFosterthiago_home: my family always gives me the dilbert daily calendar for christmas. Dogbert is my hero :)22:29
fendelpvaz: :-) My view of Google is a bit similar.22:29
pvazlbt: any luck ?22:29
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* thiago_home has one that says something about trying to change the world with a powerpoint22:30
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fendelNokia down 15.17%22:30
thiago_homethe Qt official blog is internally called the "PHB blog"22:30
pvazfendel: yes, also, they want monopoly and what is happening to MeeGo is indeed the action of interest to make it go off. All the news outside it to damage the image of this great project22:30
sivangall interested in meego, meego will live in that project even within Nokia. we must recouncil as a community and help it as much as we can and I am sure external funding will come to bring it to the point where it is ripe for main show with qt and focus will shift again.22:31
sivangand we still have intel full steam22:31
Stskeepssivang: founding will be interesting22:31
sivangStskeeps: I have a hunch it will miracously appear22:31
pvazsivang: I fully support you. The union makes it stronger.22:31
lbtpvaz: no, not yet... I don't have access to the source systems yet (not migrated) so I have to wait22:31
* thiago_home has no plans of leaving this channel22:32
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sivangso we should continue with meego on N900 and verticals without hesitationas just as with any community project.22:32
aholleranyone knows if there are still europeans in the board?22:32
fendelpvaz: Agree22:32
sivangand I am sure the LFS want sto see it prosper22:32
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pvazlbt: please do not forget to help me on that, it's important for me. And thank you for your help.22:33
sivangand qt is going forward with open governece so should not be a problm to fix there what we need for meego22:33
pvazsivang: to make it stronger is to make it alive22:33
sivangit is a live and one of the nicestFOSS to be part of ,  I assure you22:34
DawnFosterlbt: adam is looking into the account sync issue right now22:34
sivangand not just by the friendlynature of support channels22:34
piggzthiago_home: how do you see the outlook for meego/qt?....can you see projects like freoffice having a platform to run on?22:34
lbtDawnFoster: ta - it seemed to stop earlier today22:34
uhsfwhen do you expect Meego to be more usable than Maemo on a N900?22:35
thiago_homepiggz: I'd rather not comment on anything official right now22:35
Stskeepsuhsf: when you contribute22:35
lbtI'm going to be looking at some monitoring over the weekend too22:35
sivanguhsf: send a patch22:35
thiago_homepiggz: the news are pretty fresh and everyone is still digesting them22:35
sivanguhsf: think of more app ideas that can be used only on posix based22:35
sivangtoo religious a bit :)22:36
piggzthiago_home: i know, i have been digesting it all day, getting more and more depressed!22:36
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piggzi should remove twimgo from my n900...twitter is just gloomy!22:36
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ahollerthere is nothing to digest about, nokia done suicide. the might still sell some phones over the next years, but as sw will get more and more important, there is no future for nokia in the phone business22:37
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piggzwell, thats certainly +ve ;)22:38
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ahollerdo think they can successfull just by soldering some chips together?22:41
aukeremember, this is a meego discussion channel, not a nokia discussion channel22:41
dolpmee go sleep now22:41
niala1 a little quiet, it feels good22:41
thiago_homeRFC 2795 :-)22:41
bunkStskeeps: You haven't forgotten my question?22:42
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pvazI've create a forum for QT developers and I am trying to find some moderators to this forum and to help me making it known, anyone can help me ?22:42
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thiago_homepvaz: uh... please use the qt devnet instead22:43
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thiago_homepvaz: or qtcentre22:43
niala1meego forum need helps22:43
bunkStskeeps: OK, as soon as I ask I find it myself...22:43
pvazthiago_home: I will22:44
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bunkStskeeps: Thanks for the hint with the NFS, I'll check that.22:44
Stskeepscheck changes done there22:44
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DawnFosterlbt: try again - sync should be working now22:45
bunkStskeeps: yup, found it22:46
DawnFosterlbt: looks like ssh config on destination server changed & broke sync22:46
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timophlbt: any progress on defining the surrounds/extras process?22:46
LinuxCodeDawnFoster, you based in the UK ?22:46
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DawnFosterLinuxCode: nope - at Intel here in Oregon (US)22:47
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LinuxCodeComputing Mag (free), does a weekly dilbert22:47
DawnFosterjust working on UK time today with the Nokia announcements22:47
lbtDawnFoster: it's not there ... probably will turn up in 10 mins though22:47
LinuxCodeor bi-weekly, cant recall now how often that thing comes through the door22:47
LinuxCodeDawnFoster, there is a digital edition22:48
lbtpvaz: I've set it to add you in 15mins... try then22:48
DawnFosterLinuxCode: i'll have to check it out22:48
* piggz downloads the feb-11 build of meego for n90022:48
* lbt -> until tomorrow .... 'night all .... hope there's better things to come ;)22:48
pvazlbt: I will do that. Thank you lbt and DawnFoster for all the help22:49
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Myrttiwhat a week22:52
* Stskeeps passes Myrtti tea22:52
DawnFoster*yawn* not sleeping is starting to catch up with me.22:52
crevetorWhat day !22:53
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crevetorWhat a dat !22:53
crevetorcan't type anymore..22:53
crevetorLet me try again : What a day !22:53
GAN900Aranel, ha, I actually hadn't seen that. Weird coincidence. ;)22:53
niala1intel will have a talk like nokia today at mobile world congress ?22:53
pvazDawnFoster: wanna coffee ?22:53
DawnFosterpvaz: I've been drinking green tea since 2am22:54
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DawnFostercaffeine only gets me so far22:54
pvazDawnFoster: Green Tea as lot of caffeine22:54
niala1tea good idea......22:54
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pvazand tea if far better than coffee, and also you can eat some cookies ! lol22:54
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piggzi usually start the day with 2 filter coffess's, followed by a green tea in the afternoon22:55
RST38hYou can just as well take it via a syringe...22:56
MrCasejust imagine balmer and elop at this party:
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ahollerbtw. how do I enable the virtual keyboard? I've installed large parts of meego from source.23:02
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MrCasethe meego phone nokia "promised" will not be n900 by any chance?23:03
niala1aholler: on netbook ?23:04
StskeepsMrCase: nah, they're not -that- delusional23:04
ahollerniala1: no, e.g. for touch-photo, -music -email23:04
MrCasei am wondering about the sorry state of the apps on the n900.23:04
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Stskeepshandset ux?23:05
niala1aholler: sorry i don't have any n900 i haven't try meego handset .23:05
MrCaselike twimgo or newsflow, some of the supposedly better apps, they're lacking.23:05
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niala1question: i m newbie how long should infuse tea ?  3minute 5 minutes?23:08
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RST38hdepends on the tea and the water temperature23:08
DawnFosterok people, I'm off to nap for a bit :)23:08
Stskeepsnite DawnFoster - thanks for being around23:08
aukeniala1: depends on your flavor, palette, water, cups/pot used etc...23:08
openstandardsdo it till you think it looks good23:08
DawnFosterStskeeps: thanks23:08
niala1:) earlgrey water 100°celcius23:09
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MrCaseniala1: 5 minutes for me.23:09
niala1DawnFoster: have a nice day23:09
ahollerniala1: I too don't have such. I've used a beagle:
openstandardsit all depends, tea is like steak :)23:09
MrCaseniala1: 3 should be sufficient.23:09
niala1ahhh  smile here :)23:09
* openstandards likes his steak medium rare23:10
MrCaseniala1: but try 5 with a bit of sugar and milk.23:10
niala1thanks it's perfect23:11
niala1perfect like meego netbook23:11
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niala1woops i have destroy the little small bag of tea23:14
CosmoHillyou mean the teabag?23:14
aukeniala1: aw23:15
CosmoHillhey auke23:15
aukegood day23:15
CosmoHillno, not really23:15
CosmoHillbest part of the day was seeing my friend and playing the PS323:15
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aukespeaking of ps223:15
CosmoHillmy dissertation is a blackhole :(23:15
aukemy 2-year old LOVES watching me or my wife play Flower23:16
CosmoHill2 year olds are awesome23:16
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CosmoHillI used to babysit one23:16
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d12nniala1: then you have sopmething nice to chew on ;-)23:17
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niala1d12n:  :)  fortunately that was not happen during nokia announce, I'd become crazy23:19
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niala1idea: an solar atom phone to work around battery issues23:20
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aukethat ... is a23:22
aukevery long url :)23:23
CosmoHillauke: you must have missed the dilbert one yesterday23:23
aukeI haven't read my comics for a few days23:23
aukeno worries, they're all in my inbox23:23
dotblankI'm super sad23:23
dotblankthat nokia did this23:24
ieatlinthere, i'll fix that url:23:26
* CosmoHill hides23:26
dotblankyou took that too far23:26
CosmoHillkick him23:26
RST38hSomebody ban him already, he has lost his mind =)23:27
GAN900Who could blame him?23:27
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GAN900clearly autothrotling.23:27
CosmoHillyou people are slow to your awords23:27
GAN900ieatlint, /part !23:27
ieatlintwow, i didn't get kicked for that?23:27
ieatlinterr, uh, sorry23:27
CosmoHilloh for the love of people23:27
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* ieatlint will go be quiet for a while to make up23:27
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dm8tbrignore-ance is bliss ;)23:28
* marienz eyes ieatlint 23:28
dotblankyou are going to be kicked regardless23:28
dotblankpossibly banned23:28
CosmoHillieatlint: you bastard you23:28
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ieatlinti am a bastard23:28
ieatlintin general23:28
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MrCasehow long is that url?23:29
MrCaseit seems a bit useless, since some browsers are very limited on url length23:29
merlin1991ieatlint, pastebin that url, i can't be arsed to stitch it together :D23:29
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CosmoHillauke: kinda late now23:29
javispedronever late for a good kicking23:29
dm8tbrIIRC firefox was limited to 1k or 4k chars per URI23:30
aukefriendly reminder on this tumultuous day to be considerate, and consider our IRC policies23:30
CosmoHillI kick anyone who pastes to much in the channel23:30
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CosmoHillI then invite them back23:30
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ahollernobody has a short hint about how to enable input-method-keyboard?23:30
CosmoHillauke: never op yourself after playing GTA or Assassin's Creed23:30
niala1lol CosmoHill23:31
merlin1991CosmoHill, drive-by kicks?23:31
ieatlintyes, i apologise for flooding the channel23:31
ieatlinti will try to follow nokia's lead and be respectful to those in here23:32
dotblanknokia's lead?23:32
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RST38hieatlint: are you going to marry a Microsoft employee or what? =)23:32
aukesarcasm isn't part of our IRC policies, but it is certainly frowned upon23:32
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ieatlintthe apology was sincere, if that helps23:33
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niala1 CosmoHill reading fc this we ?23:34
CosmoHillweekend? yes23:34
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CosmoHillmerlin1991: one moment23:35
pupnikignoring is good23:35
niala1just to distract, is tennis fan here ?23:36
pupnikhow about a meego device program so devs can buy some improved hardware without installed OS23:36
aukeprobably - with 600 ppl there is bound to be a tennis fan here23:36
pupnikthinking of that n9 prototype leaked23:36
niala1auke: 600 ppl but sleeping or bot, or microsoft spy :)23:37
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niala1now i think microsoft was afraid about meego promises23:39
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niala1may be23:39
CosmoHillmerlin1991: 8 seconds well spent :)23:39
velopeit may be microsoft's move againts meego23:40
fendelLooks like Intel is pushing a MeeGo phone23:40
niala1fendel: if this is true i demand a green card   !!!! :)23:40
polteusvelope: yeah, elop was a trojan horse xD23:40
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fendelniala1: I was a bit fast..
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polteusintel doesn't make smartphones23:41
sivangniala1: heh23:41
fendelniala1: Intel says they supports MeeGo *and* that it will be a phone with Intel hardware. BUT they do not specify OS23:41
fendelniala1: Intel supports all major linux platforms23:42
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anidelwe all knew Intel would always push MeeGo, it was and is their platform.. Nokia would have provided its expertise on the handset UX (and will do)23:42
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anidelI don't see anything changing from the Intel point of view... that is,exactly, disappointment ...23:42
ahollerI wouldn't bet on the part in ()23:43
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anidelNokia hasn't decided yet .. as eFlop ...erm Elop said, this is a transitional period for Nokia. They needed a stable OS until things clear in their mind... Wp7 or MeeGo?23:44
anidelWP7 is here now, so they went for it.. MeeGo will be here later.. so they wait and they continue to experiment as they did with Maemo23:44
sivangso given companies aside, if we make meego amazing as we can through the community evolution will prevail, that is wp7 has to prove itself in the market so until this has not happened I think we cannot yet say that meego is gone in Nokia23:44
lpotterexcept wp7 wont be on nokia phones for a year23:44
sivanganidel: exactly23:44
openstandardsi can't see the point in nokia doing this at all23:45
sivanglpotter: in that time meego becomes amazing and ripe, and nokia ndever sells wp7's :)23:45
pupnikwhat does WP7 do better than symbian3?23:45
sivangpupnik: getting US carrier market share23:45
anideland if they give something to MeeGo with the next N9, then I am happy.. as "we" community will still have a choice between those closed source alternatives23:45
openstandardspupnik: crash?23:45
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anidelpupnik, a lot.. Symbian still crashes and the UI is old.. Symbian wasn't born to be scalable23:45
fendellpotter: First Nokia tells their N900 customers that they are screwed. Then they do not communicate much at all. Then they tell all their customers that what ever they buy the coming year will be unsupported soon...23:46
anidelWP7 is... and, actually,I like it a lot.. they did a great job.. but it's very very closed source23:46
niala1think,,linux start with no vendors.............23:46
niala1 but he was a very good hacker.... i m not... not at all.....23:46
anidelfendel, everyone knew the N900 was a transitional device23:46
MrCasesymbian should have been axed a long time ago.23:46
lpottersymbian is not the problem, the ui on symbian is23:47
anidelMrCase, true, but it takes guts to cut something you've spent billions in... with no alternative.. they had Maemo, they might have been pushing more on it23:47
fendelanidel: Yes, but Nokia would have made it a bit easier for them self if they had communicated some kind of support for MeeGo on the unit. It would not make a huge difference anyway. But it would have given them a lot less negativity23:47
anidellpotter, I ad a N8 for a month.. crashes were common.. it was crashing more than I was drinking glasses of water every day23:47
pupnika whole product pallette of maemo phones in 200923:47
fendellpotter: I can not see the problem of Symbian either23:47
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anidelfendel, what do you mean some kind of support for MeeGo on the unit?23:48
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fendelanidel: This was the clear message: We do not care about your needs or wishes. Your time invested is gone.23:48
anidelanyway... Nokia had to make a decision.. I don't approve it.. but I guess they were forced to do it and MS made a very nice deal for them..23:49
MrCase!/nokia - this is so sad.23:49
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MrCaseno one is going to code for an already dead symbian, no one for just 2 maemo/meego phones.23:49
anidelfendel, false.. they did least the team working on Maemo and MeeGo.. but for Nokia as a whole, it was and is still an experiment..23:49
fendelanidel: It would be nicer with something like: We have changed our strategy. We will help to ensure a smooth transition. The test users and developers will get a upgrade path23:49
niala1ok forgot nokia, continue meego, but Qt..... ? difficult to know now23:50
fendelanidel: A lot of users and developers has written about this the last year23:50
anidelfendel, miscommunication has always been an issue..23:50
anidelI don't defend them23:50
anidelI'm just tying to grasp this partnership ...23:51
anidelas I see it... MeeGo with its OSS roots was too slow for them... too slow to deliver23:51
anidelmay be :)23:51
sharpneliIt's madness23:51
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jukka77_so, that's it about meego23:52
jukka77_what a pity.23:52
anidelwell they were in a corner.. Symbian didn't deliver, Maemo was ready, but for some reason they didn't believe in it or they though merging it in MeeGo would make more sense.. it does, but that meant another year thrown awat23:52
pupnikindeed maemo was ready23:52
anidelso they had to choose... and went for WP7. I might like that.. as I like WP7, but for us in the OSS word, it's a bad news.23:52
fendelanidel: MeeGo was slow because of lack of resources and management support. Linux and other major open source projects are not slow23:53
anidelbut I guess the stock went down for different reason.. Nokia lost a piece of its identity23:53
pupnikcorrect fendel23:53
pupnikno committment behind meego23:53
pupnikjust lawyers and trademarks.  no hardcore team23:53
anidelfendel, MeeGo is slow because of too many entities driving it... as I said , democracy can be a bitch23:53
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MurmurORWould be nice to know what Ubuntu camp thinks about Qt integration, is there enough will power to carry on Qt platform and tools by someones23:54
fendelanidel: That is a management problem. Linus Thorvalds deals with those issues all the time with not much slow down23:54
anidelbut anyway.. they made this choice23:54
anidelfendel, look at the status of the Desktop Linux...23:54
MrCaseforget canonical.23:54
anidelso many developers.. and still...23:54
hirabayashitaroAfter nokia departure who are the "leading figures" for a possible future plan of meego about market strategies?23:54
sivanganidel: right23:55
anideland remember, MeeGO is NOT a Nokia product.. they depended on others... that was, to me, the main mistake in merging Maemo in MeeGo23:55
anideltrue, they could've branched off somehow... but still .. I think that process is very slow and they are still grasping how to manage it23:56
anidelnot something you would base a huge company as Nokia23:56
ahollerfor me maemo was the mistake.23:56
anidelso they still use Symbian as a cash cow as long as it lasts23:56
fendelanidel: No major player with a clear goal. Red Hat has been running the shows since 1998:
anidelwaiting for WP7 and MeeGo to deliver23:56
anidelfendel, but how is their desktop compared to Windows 7 or Mac OS X?23:57
anidelI've been using Linux since 0.99pl13 !23:57
fendelanidel: Red Hat has been the main player on the Linux desktop. A company with no special interests in it.23:57
dotblankI don't think maemo was the mistake23:57
anideldotblank, was the mistake to drop it23:57
anidelthe mistake was to drop it :)23:57
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dotblankwell yea23:57
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ahollerI might offend someone, but writting gnome-apps is a pain23:58
anidelbut who are we to judge ... after all we're not even end users (at least not me :P)23:58
* pupnik agrees with anidel 23:58
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fendeldotblank: MeeGo is more or less ready to go. Two things lacking: 1) Testing by mass market (always some issues)  2) More important: Needed a functional ecosystem23:58
fendeldotblank: 2) Like a app-store with apps23:59
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anidelanyway... I always like Maemo since the 770 and being very active in it... I will see what MeeGo brings ... then.. we'll see. .it's a shame.. Maemo meant a lot... was what I was waiting for on a mobile device..23:59
dotblankwell I hope intel kicks destroys the tablet market then23:59
pupnikapp-stores stink23:59

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