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aliquis | who needs jvm after oracle buying sun | 00:10 |
aliquis | .net became more reasonable in a second ;D | 00:10 |
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vgrade1 | http://wiki.debian.org/Sprints/2011/EmdebianSprint, anyone planning to attend? | 01:19 |
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lcuk | vgrade1, jeremiah is heavily into debian, not sure how close by he is | 01:20 |
lcuk | oooh its another Cambridge event | 01:21 |
vgrade1 | MeeGo is mentioned on the agenda and some access to arm people as well | 01:21 |
vgrade1 | yes, its one hosted and sponsored by ARM | 01:22 |
lcuk | do they have legs and stuff as well? | 01:22 |
lcuk | or are they just arm people? | 01:22 |
vgrade1 | pity they were not as forthcomming when I asked for a venue for the Cambridge meet | 01:23 |
lcuk | well perhaps showing enough interest to form one in the community | 01:23 |
lcuk | gives them incentive to also get off their ass ;) | 01:23 |
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lcuk | vgrade1, I also confirmed, the friend visiting London is not coming until a week after the CBG meet | 01:27 |
vgrade1 | I thought you had a meeting in Cambridge that day? | 01:28 |
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CosmoHill | cyas | 03:39 |
kikay | im using opensuse 11.3 in vmware, and I installed the sdk and runtime but I can't poweron the runtime.. | 03:39 |
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Alison_Chaiken | MeeGo-related interview about Qt/WebKit: http://fosdem.org/2011/interview/kenneth-rohde-christiansen | 04:56 |
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Termana | morning | 07:10 |
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chris_ | Does anyone know how to get egl 2.0 on meego emulator? | 08:21 |
Stskeeps | chris_: supposedly they're pushing a swrast based solution | 08:21 |
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chris_ | what do u mean by swrast based? | 08:22 |
Stskeeps | as in software rendering, for the qemu stuff, just entered trunk:testing yesterday | 08:22 |
chris_ | so what am I supposed to install to use EGL 2.0 functions? | 08:23 |
araujo | Stskeeps, do you know if input is fixed in latest image? | 08:23 |
araujo | hi btw :P | 08:23 |
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Stskeeps | chris_: well, i would wait a little bit for that - what version of sdk are you using? | 08:24 |
Stskeeps | araujo: i just woke up ~10 minutes ago | 08:24 |
araujo | hehe | 08:25 |
chris_ | 1.1 | 08:25 |
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* araujo just thought Stskeeps kept hacking even while sleeping | 08:25 | |
Stskeeps | chris_: ok, so, egl -might- work with your graphics driver but there's a possibility it doesn't | 08:25 |
chris_ | could u tell me more specifically about that possiblity? | 08:26 |
Stskeeps | chris_: so, basically, in 1.2 we switched qt to target egl/gles and it turns out many things dont work with that :) | 08:26 |
Stskeeps | so working with egl/gles might need a real device for 1.1 development | 08:26 |
Stskeeps | until 1.2 sdks start coming out | 08:27 |
chris_ | hmm,, | 08:27 |
chris_ | I keep getting this compile error | 08:27 |
chris_ | what am I supposed to do if I wanna test this on ARM device? | 08:27 |
Stskeeps | chris_: what compile error? | 08:28 |
chris_ | I get lots of "not declared" messages | 08:28 |
chris_ | I dont know which library I should include | 08:28 |
Stskeeps | libEGL and libGLESv2 | 08:28 |
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chris_ | thanks | 08:32 |
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chris_ | I just installed those two packages in MADDE | 08:32 |
chris_ | how do I use those two libs though? | 08:32 |
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chris_ | it doesnt seem like they are installed under QtOpenGL | 08:33 |
Stskeeps | the ARM target has those, qtopengl is built towards egl/gles | 08:34 |
Stskeeps | in 1.2, both x86 and ARM has egl/gles as default | 08:34 |
chris_ | oh I see | 08:34 |
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chris_ | hey | 08:42 |
chris_ | I have one last question | 08:42 |
chris_ | I just run my app on real device | 08:42 |
chris_ | but I got an error "DRI2: failed to authenticate" | 08:43 |
chris_ | any idea on this msg? | 08:43 |
Stskeeps | what target device? n900? | 08:43 |
chris_ | no nexus one | 08:43 |
Stskeeps | ah, that doesn't have EGL/GLES support :) | 08:44 |
Stskeeps | the port for that one isn't that far | 08:44 |
Stskeeps | the people porting it just enabled software rendering for the UI parts using qt | 08:44 |
chris_ | is n900 the only one supporting EGL/GLES? | 08:44 |
Stskeeps | and beagleboards - it depends on if you have a gles implementation from your hardware vendor | 08:45 |
Stskeeps | which is a requirement for meego products | 08:45 |
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dneary | raster, Hey there! | 11:22 |
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raster | dneary: oi :) | 11:31 |
dneary | How are things in Seoul? | 11:33 |
dneary | Or are you in Brisbane this week? | 11:33 |
raster | oh no | 11:34 |
raster | in seoul | 11:34 |
raster | havent moved my bum anywhere | 11:34 |
raster | still cold | 11:34 |
dneary | Not at LCA then? | 11:34 |
dneary | The sons loved the presents | 11:34 |
dneary | Thomas was surprisingly enthusiastic about the watch, and Sean still wears his Mickey Mouse gloves | 11:35 |
dneary | And Paul liked his present, but I honestly don't recall what it was | 11:35 |
dneary | And one of Anne's earrings has fallen apart already :) | 11:35 |
dneary | Thanks for taking me shopping :) | 11:37 |
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raster | dneary: excellent! | 11:38 |
raster | :) | 11:38 |
raster | dneary: so you're happy at home now? | 11:39 |
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dneary | :) | 11:43 |
dneary | Did I give the impression of being unhappy? | 11:43 |
raster | oh no no | 11:44 |
raster | i didnt mean that | 11:44 |
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dneary | hehe | 11:45 |
dneary | Did I make you feel uncomfortable? | 11:45 |
dneary | :) | 11:45 |
raster | most people are happy to return home and see their family and what not again | 11:45 |
raster | after travel | 11:45 |
raster | :-P~ | 11:45 |
dneary | So - have you stopped beating your wife yet? | 11:45 |
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* thiago_home is quite happy for being home | 11:45 | |
slaine | nice recovery raster | 11:45 |
dneary | Not to put you on the spot or anything | 11:45 |
raster | hahaha | 11:45 |
raster | no | 11:46 |
dneary | Actually, we can't sit still here. Just bought a house & sold appartment | 11:46 |
raster | have to go give her a smack-down | 11:46 |
raster | just feelin' in the mood | 11:46 |
raster | :) | 11:46 |
raster | oooh | 11:46 |
raster | new house | 11:46 |
raster | moving today? | 11:46 |
dneary | Yeah - lots of work needed on it too | 11:46 |
dneary | So that's the next 2-3 years taken care of | 11:46 |
dneary | Not today, no | 11:46 |
raster | when are u moving? | 11:47 |
dneary | Need to convince a bank to lend us some money first | 11:47 |
raster | wait | 11:47 |
raster | how did you buy the house then? | 11:47 |
raster | :) | 11:47 |
dneary | raster, Well, we've currently agreed to buy the house, conditional on getting a home loan | 11:48 |
raster | aaaaah | 11:48 |
raster | ok | 11:48 |
dneary | And we've agreed to see the appartment | 11:48 |
raster | so not finalised yet | 11:48 |
raster | :) | 11:48 |
dneary | No - takes ~2.5 months in France when there's a bank loan involved | 11:48 |
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raster | wow | 11:49 |
raster | how long will it take for the bank to give u an answer?> | 11:49 |
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dneary | raster, So: 1. You sign an agreement to purchase, then you have 7 days to retract. You have a month from that date to find a bank & put in a loan application, then the bank has a month from that date to agree to or reject your application, then there's a couple of weeks to make the funds available | 11:51 |
dneary | I started numbering, then forgot to do it for 2, 3 and 4 :) | 11:51 |
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dneary | But in short, by the time you put in an official loan application, your banker has told you whether the loan will be given or not | 11:52 |
dneary | The rest is just procedural (example: home loans are compulsorally insured in France, and the insurance companies will require a health exam) | 11:53 |
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raster | wow | 11:57 |
raster | thats slow | 11:57 |
raster | :) | 11:57 |
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dneary | meh | 11:59 |
thiago_home | easier to pay cash | 11:59 |
dneary | You get an in principle agreement quickly, but the notaries include big buffers to allow the banks to be slow if there are any complications | 12:00 |
dneary | The health check can be (metaphysically) painful, for example | 12:00 |
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dneary | For example, if you have recently had general anaesthetic, that triggers a full health check, and you have to send in all of the stuff that things like that generates, and it can be 2-3 round trips sending stuff to a doctor | 12:02 |
dneary | And if your loan needs an agreement from the commission at the bank, rather than the local branch (which it does if repayments will be over 33% of your monthly revenue, or you're requesting a bridging loan for more than 70% of the valuation of your current home, less outstanding debt, for example) that takes an extra 2 weeks because they really drill down into your credit & earnings history | 12:04 |
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Stskeeps | can anyone explain me what qt's 'meego graphics system' is about? | 12:12 |
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johnx | an iconic user experience? | 12:13 |
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jarkko^ | hmm.. is there any off-the-self component available that would check test coverity based on check framework unit tests? | 12:46 |
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toninikkanen | lcov and a bit of scripting might work | 12:48 |
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jarkko^ | toninikkanen: isn't it so that gcov does not work with shared libraries? | 12:59 |
jarkko^ | so my use case is that i have dll and set of unit tests and i want check their coverage | 13:00 |
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toninikkanen | well depends on how your unittests are built I guess, I had it once so that the required parts from the libraries were compiled statically into the unittest binary | 13:00 |
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jarkko^ | yes that would work probably for me also | 13:01 |
mirek2_ | does somebody know how to solve this: | 13:01 |
jarkko^ | i'll probably fallback to that | 13:01 |
mirek2_ | pvr-bin- from non-oss-testing has depsolving problems | 13:01 |
mirek2_ | --> pvr-bin conflicts with mesa-libGLESv1 | 13:01 |
mirek2_ | Error: failed to create image : Failed to build transaction : pvr-bin conflicts with mesa-libGLESv1 | 13:01 |
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Stskeeps | mirek2_: why are you trying to put mesa-libGLESv1 and pvr-bin in same image? | 13:16 |
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mirek2_ | I am not | 13:32 |
mirek2_ | it comes from some package from package group | 13:32 |
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Stskeeps | add -mesa-libGLESv1 in %packages then | 13:33 |
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mirek2_ | dos not resolve it | 13:38 |
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Stskeeps | hmm | 13:40 |
Stskeeps | check how nCDK's .ks'es does it? | 13:41 |
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Stskeeps | Sage: yeah, something's really fishy with qt too | 13:43 |
Stskeeps | er, wrong channel | 13:44 |
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iekku | sorbus, are you from Finland? had to ask | 14:02 |
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CosmoHill | hey dragon | 15:40 |
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Psi-Jack | Hi, I have an ASUS 1015PE and when I boot it up from the live mode, it doesn't seem to detect my WiFi NIC. | 15:46 |
slaine | It's probably a broadcom | 15:46 |
Psi-Jack | Actually, no, its not. | 15:46 |
slaine | Atheros ? | 15:47 |
Psi-Jack | RaLink RT3090 | 15:47 |
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slaine | iirc, there was an issue with those in the kernel in 1.1 and it was marked as fixed for 1.1.1, i could be wrong | 15:48 |
Psi-Jack | Interesting. I originally tried Moblin, but then I joined #moblin and found Meego. ;) | 15:49 |
slaine | nod | 15:49 |
Psi-Jack | I'm gonna go ahead and install this, and see if I can get something to work, I found some guides for it possibly that will work. | 15:50 |
slaine | my new years resolution was to stop joining #moblin ;) | 15:50 |
Psi-Jack | LOL | 15:50 |
slaine | (I think I recall your nick from way back on #moblin) | 15:50 |
Psi-Jack | Nope. | 15:50 |
slaine | There was psi something or other guy, I helped install moblin on an sd card iirc | 15:51 |
slaine | Anyway, welcome to the world of tomorrow | 15:51 |
slaine | etc. | 15:51 |
Psi-Jack | Heh. Yeah. So far I like the idea Meego's got on netbooks.. I mean, wow.. Fast as heck, and yet popping eye candy at the same time. Unlike that Unity crap. | 15:52 |
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Psi-Jack | Blah.. | 15:55 |
Psi-Jack | That guide I found was for the broadcom. | 15:55 |
Psi-Jack | Not the RAlink 3090. grrr. hehe | 15:55 |
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sjokkis | DawnFoster: do you know when sponsorship applications for san francisco open? | 16:00 |
DawnFoster | sjokkis: corporate sponsorship of the event or sponsored travel? | 16:01 |
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Psi-Jack | Hmm, oddd.\ | 16:02 |
slaine | Psi-Jack: check the forums for that laptop model | 16:02 |
slaine | I'm pretty sure I've seen it mentioned as used ok | 16:02 |
Psi-Jack | I go to Ralink's Linux drivers download, and try to download, and get a 404.. | 16:02 |
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Psi-Jack | slaine: 2 quick searches: 1015PE, and Ralink 3090, yields no results in the forums. | 16:03 |
slaine | :( | 16:03 |
Stskeeps | DawnFoster: since i'm on program commitee again and we're starting CfP work, is there any way i can get access to survey results to base off for next CfP? | 16:03 |
DawnFoster | sjokkis: we're already getting corporate sponsorships - Brian Warner is the contact for those | 16:03 |
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DawnFoster | sjokkis: sponsored travel requests should be ready as part of registration, which will open up in mid-Feb. | 16:04 |
sjokkis | DawnFoster: sponsored travel/accomodation | 16:05 |
DawnFoster | sjokkis: yeah, that should be part of registration | 16:05 |
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sjokkis | awesomesauce. thanks | 16:05 |
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sjokkis | i think we'll be at least two from the team this year | 16:06 |
Psi-Jack | There we go, I found the RA3090 STA driver. | 16:06 |
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Cope | lbt: ping | 16:09 |
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Psi-Jack | How is Meego for internationalism? Like for example, I'd like to get Japanese IME support. | 16:10 |
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lbt | Cope: pong | 16:29 |
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Psi-Jack | Hmmm | 16:42 |
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Psi-Jack | Seems like now that I blacklisted the rt2890sta and compiled the rt3090sta, it sees the Wifi, but also locks up. | 16:42 |
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lcuk | in #meego-meeting now: "Welcome to the first MeeGo L10N meeting of the year." | 17:02 |
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lcuk | alterego, seen on twitter #PushSnowboarding afaik it makes extensive use of gps tracks and other assorted sensory goodness | 17:49 |
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lcuk | the @NokiaPush guys have been doing it | 17:49 |
alterego | Sweet | 17:50 |
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Psi-Jack | Well, I'd tried upgrading Meego using the zypper up method, and it loaded the rt2890sta driver, but that didn't work. It gave the WiFi option in networking, but wouldn't turn on. | 17:55 |
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Psi-Jack | So, apparently, that's not fixed in 1.1.1 | 17:55 |
CosmoHill | file a bug | 17:56 |
slaine | I'm downloading the 1.1.90 pre-releast atm | 17:56 |
slaine | meant to do work on my broadcom tutorial over the weekend but got side tracked | 17:56 |
Stskeeps | slaine: i'd rather say "woo, another milestone" | 17:56 |
slaine | I'll try again | 17:57 |
Psi-Jack | I have compiled the rt3090sta driver myself, and it causes lockups, failure to load up meego fully into X, and I've even experienced the lockups also in Linux Mint as well. Which is, rather odd.. | 17:57 |
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slaine | I'm downloading "woo, another milestone" atm | 17:57 |
Psi-Jack | slaine: For me, it's not broadcom, it's RaLink 3090. hehe | 17:57 |
Psi-Jack | I had a netbook that I returned that had a Broadcom. Older Acer One model. | 17:58 |
slaine | Psi-Jack: I know | 17:58 |
slaine | But they've changed the kernel and package details for 1.2 so I need to have my tutorial ready | 17:58 |
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Psi-Jack | I just bought this Asus 1015PE brand new, and like it, but Windows 7 Starter was attrociously stupifying on it. | 17:58 |
Psi-Jack | Ahhh, I see. | 17:58 |
slaine | Psi-Jack: You could of course try one of the trunk images | 17:59 |
Psi-Jack | I'm pondering that. Where can I get those? | 17:59 |
CosmoHill | slaine: qemu image? | 17:59 |
slaine | CosmoHill: no, going for the real deal | 17:59 |
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CosmoHill | good | 17:59 |
CosmoHill | I'll have a mirror up in about 5 mins | 17:59 |
slaine | I've been so busy lately, I need to try and get motivated again | 17:59 |
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CosmoHill | I've not been busy but the motivation bit is the same | 17:59 |
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CosmoHill | currently telling LFS people to leave me be so I can work | 18:00 |
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Psi-Jack | slaine: There a URL you can link me to get the trunk releases to test with? I'd be glad to try it out, see if it's workable, for now. | 18:00 |
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slaine | http://repo.meego.com/MeeGo/builds/trunk | 18:01 |
slaine | cool, that worked from memory | 18:01 |
CosmoHill | http://cross-lfs.org/~cosmo/meego/1.2/meego-netbook-ia32- | 18:01 |
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lcuk | http://download.meego.com/testing-daily/builds/trunk/ also | 18:01 |
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CosmoHill | Psi-Jack: you have three choises there :) | 18:04 |
Psi-Jack | heh | 18:04 |
Psi-Jack | Thanks guys. :) | 18:04 |
CosmoHill | if one seems slow try another cos they should be different servers | 18:05 |
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Psi-Jack | I'm getting 1.6 MB/s from the link slaine provided originally. ;) | 18:05 |
CosmoHill | I can't even get 1.6MB/s on anything :o | 18:05 |
Psi-Jack | hehe | 18:06 |
slaine | I'll download at home I think. I'll be heading shortly and we've a crappy 4Mb link here | 18:06 |
Psi-Jack | I plan to further upgrade my bandwidth capability next month to 50 Mbit/down. ;) | 18:06 |
CosmoHill | I'm going out for a driver | 18:06 |
CosmoHill | drive*, cyas | 18:06 |
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Psi-Jack | Seems also that the ASUS EeePC's have a LOT of Linux support mostly, too. heh | 18:08 |
Psi-Jack | Linux Mint 10 and Ubuntu 10.10 even has a PPA for jupiter, the Asus SHE support. ;) | 18:09 |
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Psi-Jack | I'm guessing that the Meego desktop environment itself is made using Qt, probably why I like it so much? :) | 18:16 |
Stskeeps | netbook isn't, rest of UX'es are supposedly | 18:16 |
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Psi-Jack | Hmm interesting. | 18:16 |
Jaffa | Stskeeps: "rest"? ;-) | 18:17 |
Stskeeps | 'handset' | 18:17 |
Stskeeps | :P | 18:17 |
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Stskeeps | and ivi | 18:17 |
fiferboy | Is the netbook UX going to be Qt going forward? 1.3 or later? | 18:18 |
Stskeeps | don't know, there doesn't even seem to be a development team for it | 18:18 |
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Psi-Jack | Blah.. | 18:21 |
Psi-Jack | It still loaded the blasted rt2860sta which doesn't work on my rt3090 | 18:21 |
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Psi-Jack | heh, now that's sad. | 18:37 |
Psi-Jack | I was able to just plug my USB Belkin Wifi adapter and it just worked. | 18:37 |
Psi-Jack | Heh, a netbook, with an external WiFi adapter. How wrong! | 18:37 |
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alterego | Psi-Jack: I'm still confused as to why a lot of netbooks don't even have bluetooth :x | 18:43 |
mwichmann | cost, and only cost | 18:43 |
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mwichmann | sad, really | 18:44 |
Psi-Jack | Heh yeah, I know. I have a little bluetooth dongle, but it's stupid. This RaLink 3090 is /supposed/ to be dual mode WiFi 802.11 b/g/n AND bluetooth, but on this netbook bluetooth is obviously disabled. | 18:44 |
Stskeeps | DawnFoster: TSG or not tonight, btw? | 18:44 |
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DawnFoster | Stskeeps: currently yes :) | 18:45 |
DawnFoster | Stskeeps: still confirming agenda :) | 18:45 |
Stskeeps | hehe, okay :) | 18:45 |
alterego | Psi-Jack: I got a Dell Mini 9, has all of that jazz :) | 18:46 |
alterego | Not sure if it's a bit dated now, I did get it two years ago. | 18:46 |
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Psi-Jack | heh | 18:46 |
alterego | I should buy my gf a proper laptop so I can have that back and install MeeGo on it .. | 18:47 |
Psi-Jack | I dunno. I /just/ got my Asus netbook day before yesterday. | 18:47 |
Psi-Jack | Less than $300, and pretty decent setup, minus the lack of bt | 18:47 |
Psi-Jack | And apparently the Ralink 3090 issues I'm having. | 18:47 |
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Psi-Jack | So, 1.1.90 definitely did not fix that issue at all. Which sucks. :( | 18:48 |
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alterego | I'd quite like one of those lenovos they were giving away in Dublin :( | 18:49 |
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Psi-Jack | I've never heard anything GOOD about Lenovo, myself. | 18:50 |
alterego | Heh | 18:50 |
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Psi-Jack | I've heard great with Asus EeePC's, pretty good with Acer Aspires, and not much on anything else. | 18:50 |
alterego | Well, from what I can tell the Dell Minis are the best. | 18:51 |
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alterego | As far as running Linux on them ^.^ | 18:51 |
toninikkanen | i've got an acer aspire one with a dead screen, i googled a bit and seems that could be fixed with 40 euros and a screwdriver. it runs meego fine | 18:51 |
alterego | And the build quality is amazing, and it's really easy to mod :) | 18:51 |
alterego | Where as the aspires and the eees have always been a b*tch to dissassemble. | 18:51 |
Psi-Jack | Yeah, and with Dell's you definitely pay an extreme price for them. | 18:52 |
alterego | I got mine about the same price as yours | 18:53 |
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Psi-Jack | Yeah, mine was $270 | 18:53 |
Psi-Jack | USD that is. | 18:53 |
alterego | The Dell, when I got it, was 285 USD | 18:53 |
Psi-Jack | The current line of Dell Mini's, local, I find at about $384 USD | 18:54 |
alterego | But it was an ex-display model from a phone shop. | 18:54 |
Psi-Jack | And some kind of Crystal HD Broadcom Media Accelerator for graphics... heh | 18:54 |
[q^_^p] | fix the camara on kernel-power 46 | 18:54 |
[q^_^p] | any advice | 18:54 |
alterego | It was in perfect nick, except the ass hole took out the 3G module and gave me the wrong power adapter, even though it works .. | 18:54 |
alterego | [q^_^p]: wrong channel, | 18:54 |
Psi-Jack | alterego: Heh, yeah, my Netbook I returned was from RAC.. Bad idea, I know, but I got it free for a month. Decent little thing, but Broadcom Wifi that was a pain. They gave me a bad power cable that had bare wire exposed, said they could order me a new one, lied, gave me one that didn't fit it right and snug, had to be in a VERY specific way, and yeaaah. I said, screw you guys. | 18:56 |
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alterego | :/ | 18:56 |
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Psi-Jack | Went to Best Buy, picked this up, returned the Acer to RAC, now exploring a new Netbook.. Hoping I can get it to do what I want.. | 18:57 |
alterego | Yeah, I wasn't _that_ fussed about the charger or the 3g module. | 18:57 |
Psi-Jack | I like the battery life of this Asus though, holy crap.. | 18:57 |
alterego | Actually ,that wasn't the only "slight" con, the model (and I checked) was a windows version with 3G module. | 18:57 |
Psi-Jack | The Acer, MAYBE 2 hours.. | 18:57 |
alterego | Guess what else it didn't come with? :) | 18:57 |
Psi-Jack | This Asus, I can get 6 hours at maximum performance. | 18:57 |
alterego | He gave me an ubuntu CD with it ^.^ instead of the windows XP installation disc. | 18:58 |
Psi-Jack | lol | 18:58 |
alterego | Joke is on him though, he left the windows license key on the bottom of the netbook | 18:58 |
Psi-Jack | BB gave me Kaspersky Anti-Virus with mine.. I was like. OKay... It's a CD.. How would I install it? LOL | 18:58 |
alterego | Not that I need it with the MSDN license I have. | 18:58 |
alterego | Psi-Jack: yeah, there's that too :D | 18:59 |
dneary_ | Hi all | 18:59 |
dneary_ | DawnFoster, Ping? | 18:59 |
alterego | Aloha dneary_ | 18:59 |
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Psi-Jack | So far there's only one thing about Meego I'm not liking, interface-wise. | 19:00 |
Psi-Jack | The battery indicator only says percentage, not time remaining. | 19:00 |
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alterego | File a bug report :) | 19:00 |
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Psi-Jack | heh | 19:01 |
Psi-Jack | If I can manage to use Meego, I will. ;) | 19:01 |
DawnFoster | dneary: hey | 19:01 |
Psi-Jack | Worse comes to worst, I may just use the Belkin WiFi dongle for a while, file a bug report on that for the rt3090, file a bug report on the battery indicator, and hope the first one gets resolved quickly.. hehe | 19:02 |
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Psi-Jack | Few things I really want to be able to use my netbook for, since I'm gonna be traveling to Japan here this year.. in-flight continued study of Japanese. ;) | 19:03 |
Psi-Jack | Cause, 12 hours on a plane, gotta do /something/ heh | 19:04 |
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alterego | Psi-Jack: Nice :) | 19:07 |
Psi-Jack | Yeah, my soon-to-be wife is over there. ;) | 19:08 |
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dneary_ | DawnFoster, You mentioned you could get me access to the survey data? | 19:09 |
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Psi-Jack | Hmmm, I'm guessing MeeGo doesn't have OpenOffice? | 19:18 |
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thiago_home | I don't think we do | 19:20 |
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Psi-Jack | Hmmm, that's about one of the few things it's missing. ;) | 19:23 |
thiago_home | the netbook UX could have it | 19:23 |
Psi-Jack | I'm using MeeGo Netbook | 19:24 |
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Psi-Jack | Heh, iiiinteresting. Looking at the ralink drivers you can download directly from Ralink's website, there's specific changelog entries about compatability with MeeGo's network manager! | 19:32 |
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alterego | Noice | 19:38 |
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Psi-Jack | YES!!! | 19:41 |
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Psi-Jack | I got the built-in WiFi Working! I had to get the firmware only, put it into /lib/firmware as rt3090.bin , and voila! | 19:41 |
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alterego | Psi-Jack: wicked :) | 19:45 |
alterego | Psi-Jack: submit a bug :D | 19:45 |
alterego | OR search, there may be a reason they haven't distributed that firmware. | 19:45 |
Psi-Jack | Hehe. | 19:45 |
Psi-Jack | Yeah. I think it's because of Ralink's distribution license. | 19:46 |
Psi-Jack | http://forum.meego.com/showthread.php?p=12139 | 19:46 |
alterego | Heh | 19:46 |
Psi-Jack | I found that trick here, which wasn't for my specific netbook, but they mentioned rt3090. | 19:46 |
alterego | Yeah | 19:46 |
Psi-Jack | So far. *crosses fingers* It's also stable. | 19:47 |
Psi-Jack | It's BASICALLy the rt2860 driver with 3090 firmware, that's it.. | 19:47 |
Psi-Jack | The 3090 full has both 802.11n and Bluetooth, this is a lesser hybrid with the same model. Fricken hate when companies do that crap. one model, multiple versions of it. | 19:48 |
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Psi-Jack | And now, it's wonderfully dropping the connection,... sighj | 19:51 |
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CosmoHill | random question, if I was zero filling a hdd with dd, would the blocksize affect the speed? | 19:52 |
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Psi-Jack | Curious.. MeeGo apparently used to use yum before, now using zypper.. Does that mean that MeeGo is kinda based on OpenSUSE? | 19:59 |
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CosmoHill | MeeGo is based on it's self | 20:01 |
* Psi-Jack nods. | 20:01 | |
CosmoHill | Moblin used yum and that was carried over into MeeGo 1.0 and I think 1.1 by mistake | 20:01 |
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dneary_ | CosmoHill, I think 1.1 uses zypper | 20:02 |
Psi-Jack | Well.. Skype.. Sorta works.. | 20:02 |
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Psi-Jack | 1.1 does use zypper. | 20:02 |
CosmoHill | both have zypper installed | 20:03 |
CosmoHill | hopefully yum will not be present in 1.2 | 20:03 |
CosmoHill | Psi-Jack: "sorta works" is a very high rating :) | 20:03 |
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Psi-Jack | heh, hey, I like, and use Skype. | 20:03 |
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Psi-Jack | Even have my own Skype WiFi phone, because $60/yr for unlimited US/Canada calls is friggen good. ;) | 20:04 |
CosmoHill | I meant on meego | 20:04 |
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CosmoHill | that depends, I don't know anyone's phone number who lives in the US or canada | 20:04 |
Psi-Jack | Yeah, apparently banshee was eating the CPU | 20:04 |
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Psi-Jack | Welp, now that banshee's not killing the CPU,, Skype works dang good. ;) | 20:07 |
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CosmoHill | i hate things that kill the processor | 20:13 |
* CosmoHill glares at flash | 20:13 | |
DawnFoster | Stskeeps: Agenda for the TSG today in 1.75 hours :) http://wiki.meego.com/Technical_Steering_Group_meetings | 20:13 |
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Stskeeps | DawnFoster: spotted it already :) | 20:14 |
DawnFoster | ah good. | 20:15 |
DawnFoster | I made one final change a few min ago | 20:15 |
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* Stskeeps liked bdub's approach of "please bugzilla me" | 20:15 | |
Stskeeps | that's openness and transparency right there :) | 20:16 |
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Psi-Jack | Hmmm, does Sync with Google not do notes, appointments, or tasks, even though I know the google service has all that? | 20:25 |
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Psi-Jack | Fun | 21:22 |
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Psi-Jack | Everytime I try to use the Meego menu suddenly it just slides open and shut the entire panel that comes out... On everything.. Applications, network, etc, everything. | 21:22 |
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Stskeeps | DawnFoster: quite nice that we're resolving almost as many bugs as is created, even though i wonder how much of those are related to the policy of "each new package update needs a BMC or FEA#" .. | 21:29 |
Stskeeps | :P | 21:29 |
DawnFoster | TSG meeting starting in 30 minutes: http://wiki.meego.com/Technical_Steering_Group_meetings | 21:29 |
DawnFoster | Stskeeps: and december metrics are always a little odd, since have the world is on vacation, but I think you're probably right about the policy :) | 21:30 |
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lardman | fiferboy: ping | 21:35 |
Psi-Jack | in the Time and Date panel, how do I add a time for specifically HMT? | 21:35 |
Psi-Jack | GMT | 21:35 |
fiferboy | lardman: pong | 21:35 |
lardman | how's things? | 21:35 |
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fiferboy | lardman: Good. Busy. | 21:36 |
fiferboy | lardman: You? | 21:36 |
lardman | how's the "itemdb"-ish app coming along? | 21:36 |
lardman | also busy, waiting for my N900 to re-appear to I can get cracking on mBarcode updates and helping out with "itemdb" | 21:36 |
fiferboy | I have been refactoring my database project to take on a general library-esque theme | 21:37 |
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lardman | cool | 21:38 |
lardman | There's a chap on TMO wanting to scan a load of items before moving house, so I was just touching base to see whether anything was up and running | 21:38 |
fiferboy | lardman: I used mBarcode today to decode a big QR my co-workers BB couldn't handle | 21:39 |
* lardman feels happy | 21:39 | |
lardman | :) | 21:39 |
fiferboy | lardman: At the rate I am going it is going to be a while before I have things in a usable state | 21:39 |
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Psi-Jack | Anyone? GMT on the Time and Date panel when you click on the time, it brings down that with multiple time zones, appointments and tasks, etc. | 21:39 |
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lardman | Once I have an N900 back I'll start working on it, do you have the code up anywhere? | 21:40 |
lardman | someone took a message from UPS today, so I guess it's in transit (garbaled tracking number, so not quite sure where it is) | 21:40 |
fiferboy | Not yet, once I have everything renamed and compiling I will throw it up into a git server | 21:41 |
lardman | ok, will wait until you're sorted, no rush | 21:41 |
* lardman goes to grab some supper | 21:45 | |
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alterego | lardman: I'm having an urge to do a geolocation game with Columbus and QR barcodes :) | 21:55 |
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slaine | evening all | 22:03 |
Stskeeps | TSG meeting now in case anyone forgot :) | 22:03 |
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lbt | ah... not "MeeGo operations" ... "MeeGo stuff that LF is supposed to deal with" | 22:10 |
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lbt | dneary_: isn't the "be quiet" reminder very unpleasant ... just when you think you've waited for a pause | 22:14 |
slaine | watching people type is so hard | 22:15 |
lbt | quite makes you not want to say anything | 22:15 |
dneary_ | Yeah :) I was just saying - there was a lull, and I thought he'd finished | 22:15 |
DawnFoster | lbt: I will ask for questions | 22:15 |
DawnFoster | if we don't have a process for these meetings, we can't get to the approvals | 22:16 |
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Stskeeps | dneary_: at least the issue re naming of projects bug was assigned and taken upon | 22:20 |
slaine | Stskeeps: that's a huge step in the right direction | 22:21 |
Stskeeps | bdub: btw, +1 on taking the approach of using bugzilla for your work tracking :) | 22:22 |
bdub | thanks! | 22:22 |
bdub | it'll keep me sane (or at least tell me how crazy I am) | 22:22 |
dneary_ | Gotta go | 22:23 |
slaine | laters dneary_ | 22:23 |
dneary_ | Sorry I can't stay longer, interested in Ibrahim's report. I guess I'll see the minutes | 22:23 |
slaine | bugzilla's my crazy metric | 22:23 |
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lbt | hey bdub, welcome... | 22:24 |
Stskeeps | slaine: worse than git commits? | 22:24 |
lbt | bdub: are you around Portland ? | 22:24 |
slaine | Stskeeps: yes, doing more and more managery stuff these days, so I see everyones bugzilla as well as my own, sigh | 22:24 |
bdub | lbt: I'm actually in Texas, but I'll be spending some time out there for sure. | 22:25 |
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lbt | OK ... the MeeGo IT team is coming over the last week in Feb and it would be a good idea to meet. | 22:25 |
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bdub | Nice! can you send me the details of which days they'll be there and what'll be happening? | 22:26 |
Alison_Chaiken | http://appdeveloper.intel.com/en-us/blog/2011/01/18/winning-meego-content Contest winners announced. Way to go thp, creator of my favorite app, gpodder (plug!) | 22:26 |
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slaine | lbt, You relocated to Portland ? | 22:26 |
lbt | bdub: 20-26 Feb | 22:26 |
lbt | slaine: no, working visit | 22:27 |
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slaine | right | 22:27 |
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Stskeeps | we need to find a better word than "companies" that in some way enclose foundations and organisations / projects for these kind of things.. | 22:28 |
Mousey | facist contributors | 22:28 |
Mousey | ^_^ | 22:28 |
* Mousey isn't helping | 22:28 | |
* Mousey stfus | 22:28 | |
* Stskeeps glares | 22:28 | |
Stskeeps | :P | 22:28 |
wmarone | I like how intel still as a link to the moblin sdk on the appup developer front page | 22:28 |
lbt | bdub: we're working on an agenda ... | 22:28 |
lbt | wmarone: raise a bug and allocate to bdub :) ... technological consistency ... | 22:29 |
bdub | lbt: sounds good. | 22:30 |
lbt | on another note (and nothing to do with today's nomination) ... I was just wondering if any roles have been discussed or opened up before a nomination pops up onto the TSG and is rubber stamped? | 22:30 |
effchen | yeah! i have managed to install java in meego on my eee1000h :-)-):-) | 22:31 |
lbt | is there a 'nomination process' ? | 22:31 |
effchen | its so good | 22:31 |
* lbt tries to map "java" to "good" ... | 22:32 | |
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Stskeeps | lbt: i've seen the QA roles being done like that | 22:32 |
effchen | lbt: lol | 22:34 |
effchen | i need it for surfing | 22:34 |
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lbt | effchen: that's a reasonable use for java | 22:35 |
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lbt | Stskeeps: OK ... still seems the exception | 22:35 |
dm8tbr | java used to be popular for surfing in the 90s... | 22:36 |
dm8tbr | fphover anyone? | 22:36 |
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Stskeeps | lbt: a good discussion over a cider or a beer on if job qualifications/experiences outside a project is meritocracy :) | 22:37 |
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lbt | true ... but tends to mean you have to live near someone important :) | 22:40 |
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Stskeeps | capable-to-get-sponsorship-of-meego-position-cracy? ;) | 22:42 |
Stskeeps | i'm sure we'll come up with a good term eventually | 22:43 |
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mwichmann | lbt: I find the nomination stuff a little odd at times too | 22:55 |
Stskeeps | perhaps a week proposal period now that's we're kinda over bootstrap mode? | 22:56 |
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lbt | mwichmann: thanks - glad it's not just me :) | 22:58 |
lcukx200 | slaine, I think theres even more legal stuff regarding medical usage of devices, not to mention the medical data laws HIPA and stuff | 22:58 |
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Stskeeps | thiago_home: isn't it better we're all relaxed by SF? :P | 22:58 |
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mwichmann | e.g. got no problem at all with bdub, quite the contrary | 22:58 |
thiago_home | and partying that we've just released | 22:58 |
thiago_home | if we release at the end of April or beginning of May, we have the new release starting up | 22:58 |
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lbt | thiago_home: nah... give them time to find hardware that's compatible this time <evil grin> | 22:59 |
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* lcukx200 slaps lbt | 22:59 | |
bdub | heh thanks mwichmann ;-) | 22:59 |
mwichmann | but he's hired by LF to do a job that is already delegated to LF, kind of odd the project has to nominate/approve that, which should be LF's option, right? | 22:59 |
lbt | lcukx200: you're not in #meego-bar .... people are going thirsty | 23:00 |
lcukx200 | hiya bdub \o | 23:00 |
bdub | howdy! | 23:00 |
lcukx200 | lbt having internet connectivity issues | 23:00 |
Stskeeps | mwichmann: more interestingily, if nominee moves company, is nominee still in a meego role? :P | 23:00 |
lcukx200 | but since I just opened a Guinness, yes I shall head to #meego-bar | 23:00 |
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lbt | lcukx200: :) | 23:00 |
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bdub | mwichmann, yes, the impetus behind this role was that the LF had a bunch of people doing MeeGo part time. They figured it was going to be much more efficient to have one person handle all of that. | 23:01 |
sivang | Stskeeps: so meegobot is python? :) | 23:01 |
Stskeeps | sivang: yes | 23:01 |
lcukx200 | bah! thats the shortest tsg I have sat in, missing a big chunk was not inmy plan | 23:01 |
bdub | Much of what I do will actually be behind the scenes. I'm practicing my evil laughs as we speak. | 23:01 |
sivang | same here | 23:01 |
thiago_home | bdub: just hope you do have time to do everything | 23:01 |
sivang | mwichmann: any news on compliance spec work? | 23:02 |
dm8tbr | sivang: MeeGoBot is perl, but maybe you are talking about something else | 23:02 |
Stskeeps | and remember that it's OK to delegate out to community members - ie, ask someone if they'd like to head up let's start, beginnings of a policy document or whatever | 23:02 |
lbt | kevinz: ping ... do you mind discussing here? | 23:02 |
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kevinz | sure | 23:03 |
lbt | ok .. answers that | 23:03 |
lardman | alterego: if you need any mBarcode plugins for your geoloc let me know | 23:03 |
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lbt | so kevinz.... you want to port meego to another platform and want an OBS account | 23:03 |
kevinz | yes | 23:03 |
lbt | and this is a commercial activity | 23:03 |
kevinz | yes | 23:03 |
lbt | so the community OBS is for opensource stuff | 23:04 |
kevinz | yes | 23:04 |
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lbt | and we don't really have the resource to support a port like that at the moment | 23:04 |
sivang | dm8tbr: ah, sorry the meeting bot then | 23:04 |
mwichmann | sivang: yes, sort of, things are starting to roll again and there should be calls for reviews by early next week | 23:04 |
mwichmann | I may ask some questions before then | 23:04 |
bdub | thiago_home, I know what you mean! a lot of stuff. This (MeeGo in general) is a busy group of people | 23:04 |
Stskeeps | kevinz: out of curiousity, is it another platform or ARM? | 23:04 |
lbt | so you probably want to investigate getting an OBS of your own setup | 23:04 |
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alterego | lardman: I was sort of thinking the opposite ;) | 23:04 |
kevinz | not asking for support much. It's for arm based | 23:05 |
alterego | An mbarcode plugin for columbus. | 23:05 |
kevinz | just how to build | 23:05 |
lbt | kevinz: oh, we want to help :) | 23:05 |
Stskeeps | kevinz: come by #meego-arm and let's have a talk :) | 23:05 |
sivang | mwichmann: reviews for a new draft? | 23:05 |
kevinz | ok | 23:05 |
mwichmann | yes | 23:05 |
lbt | kevinz: and you can have a community account too ... just to help learn using the OBS | 23:06 |
lbt | what's your meego.com username | 23:06 |
sivang | mwichmann: okay, are you going to send a notif to ml once draft is on wiki? | 23:06 |
sivang | mwichmann: together with your questions, I'd like to also read it before to see where we stand :) | 23:07 |
kevinz | kevinz is my meego.com username | 23:07 |
ali1234 | kevinz: if you are looking for instructions how to do a local build of all meego packages... give up now before you go completely crazy | 23:07 |
lbt | kevinz: OK ... you're enabled | 23:07 |
kevinz | cool man. Thanks a lot! | 23:07 |
lbt | np | 23:08 |
lbt | ali1234: still stuck ? | 23:08 |
mwichmann | sivang: seeking to clarify issues such as difference between abi vs api promises, things that are known to be changing (arm abi, gl/egl, etc.) and so on | 23:08 |
mwichmann | yes, of course there will be a note on doc when available | 23:08 |
ali1234 | yeah i can't even successfully compile 1 app using obs, but that's just me | 23:08 |
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lardman | alterego: feel free to contribute then :) | 23:09 |
ali1234 | i gave up trying to compile all packages months ago, i don't believe it is possible | 23:09 |
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ali1234 | and no new docs have come out since then | 23:09 |
ali1234 | that i have seen | 23:09 |
lbt | ali1234: OBS is not trivial | 23:09 |
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lbt | but it's not *that* hard | 23:09 |
ali1234 | it isn't OBS i have a problem with really | 23:09 |
lbt | just start slowly and not "rebuild the entire world" as step 1 | 23:09 |
lbt | import a meego release and rebuild a leaf package against that | 23:10 |
ali1234 | i mean sure it always goes wrong, has downtime that prevents me doing local work, has terrible docs | 23:10 |
lbt | then move along | 23:10 |
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ali1234 | but i can work around that | 23:10 |
ali1234 | the problem i have at the moment is generating a spec file for a trivial project | 23:10 |
ali1234 | it was recommended i use autospectacle however this doesn't even run properly on meego | 23:11 |
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ali1234 | i'm sure if i could get a spec file done, i could compile my app, assuming i can figure out why osc always says i am not authorized (i fixed .oscrc and i can log in using a browser) | 23:11 |
ali1234 | and then assuming i can figure out why osc co never works, just says "error 2: file not found" | 23:12 |
lbt | hehe... yeah, OK | 23:12 |
lbt | this is community OBS ? | 23:12 |
ali1234 | yes | 23:12 |
lbt | and your distro ? | 23:13 |
ali1234 | meego | 23:13 |
lbt | not supported | 23:13 |
* lbt grins | 23:13 | |
lbt | I don't actually run meego anywhere yet... | 23:14 |
ali1234 | sorry, osc co (checkout) works | 23:15 |
ali1234 | it's when i try to commit | 23:15 |
lbt | can you use something sane? like Debian ? | 23:15 |
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sivang | mwichmann: okay, great. Feel free to ping me through email as I am no longer holding my irc session. | 23:16 |
sivang | mwichmann: or the list, for that matter. | 23:16 |
sivang | mwichmann: *on | 23:16 |
slaine | lcukx200: Yes, there are lots of areas there, but not all of them are laiden with standards etc. | 23:17 |
ali1234 | i can use something sane like debian but only if i am not forced to add external repos that mess up the system for other tasks than "developing for meego" | 23:17 |
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alterego | lardman: it was just a small idea really, basically a geocaching game. But I donmt have experience doing that sort of thing :) | 23:18 |
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ali1234 | thing is, i'm only really doing this to see how easy it is. so i'm not really interested in long winded work arounds. | 23:20 |
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ali1234 | so don't go out of your way to help me. concentrate on fixing it for everyone... | 23:21 |
lbt | ali1234: most people follow the instructions and, within reason, "it just works" | 23:21 |
ali1234 | i find that difficult to believe, really... | 23:21 |
lbt | now sure... they may not be perfect (ie include non debian repos) but they work | 23:21 |
lbt | it's true | 23:22 |
Stskeeps | sivang: LeeGo? that's two trademark infringements in one :) | 23:22 |
sivang | hehe | 23:22 |
sivang | Stskeeps: I'm sure leinir can find a good name then :) | 23:22 |
sivang | Stskeeps: I will soon need a lawyer eh? :-p | 23:22 |
leinir | *giggles* well, i wouldn't mind trying ;) | 23:23 |
alterego | ali1234: you could always make a chroot for your meego stuff so it doesn't interfere with whatever else you're doing. | 23:23 |
ali1234 | alterego: i could do, but it sounds like a long winded work-around to me | 23:23 |
sivang | leinir: I just recalled our chat about Lego world, and thought about meego hence the idea | 23:24 |
ali1234 | i know i can make it work like that,and i don't have to try it to know how annoying it would be | 23:24 |
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leinir | sivang: Hehe :) | 23:25 |
alterego | ali1234: well, I don't have your problems, I've got desktop, maemo and meego development environments, several different versions of Qt and nothing interferes. | 23:25 |
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ali1234 | nothing that you know of :) | 23:26 |
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sivang | leinir: it'd be nice to go back in time a bit, to when I was spending most of my free hours at lego technique but this time combine it with an ARM controller :) | 23:26 |
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alterego | All on my ubuntu 10.10 laptop. | 23:27 |
leinir | sivang: Tehee, yeah, that would be kind of fun :) | 23:27 |
alterego | ali1234: nothing interferes. | 23:27 |
ali1234 | when i look in the ubuntu repo for osc stuff i see loads of packages that i don't know what they do | 23:27 |
sivang | leinir: respond on the ML, if you will (sorry for the solicitation) | 23:27 |
sivang | ;) | 23:27 |
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leinir | *nods* Sure thing :) | 23:27 |
ali1234 | but i know they're incompatible with the ubuntu versions they replace, otherwise there would be no need to replace the ubuntu versions | 23:27 |
alterego | ali1234: meego likes to have the latest versions of the build tools. | 23:28 |
ali1234 | now i'm not going to go hunting through the changelog for each one to see what was changed, and if it will affect me | 23:28 |
ali1234 | and i'm not going to just blindly install them either | 23:28 |
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alterego | Well don't then | 23:29 |
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alterego | Don't do anything. | 23:29 |
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alterego | This is just another thing for you to bitch about :P | 23:29 |
ali1234 | i figured that meego itself would have the right versions | 23:29 |
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ali1234 | but apparently it doesn't | 23:29 |
alterego | The right versions for what? | 23:30 |
ali1234 | the right versions that would allow me to use osc successfully, to use autospectacle successfully... | 23:30 |
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alterego | So, you've installed the required packages from the meego repo for your distro and you cant do what you want/need with them? | 23:31 |
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ali1234 | no | 23:31 |
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ali1234 | i have installed meego, and then installed all the develpment tools from the meego repository for meego | 23:32 |
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alterego | Oh, right | 23:32 |
auke | which should work | 23:32 |
ali1234 | so in a sense, yes i have done that | 23:32 |
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sivang | ali1234: a very dumb question, or you on trunk upates for that meego installation? | 23:32 |
auke | zypper install -t pattern packaging-tools | 23:32 |
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sivang | s/or/are/ | 23:32 |
infobot | sivang meant: ali1234: a very dumb question, are you on trunk upates for that meego installation? | 23:32 |
ali1234 | auke: i have all the tools installed, they just don't work :) | 23:32 |
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auke | ali1234: do not go to start, go straight to bugzilla, you will not get 200$ | 23:33 |
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auke | what version of meego did you install/update to? | 23:33 |
ali1234 | i reported that ext4 bug btw, along with a tonne of bootloader and installer issues | 23:33 |
auke | bug numbers? | 23:34 |
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ali1234 | 12813 - 12817 inclusive | 23:34 |
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ali1234 | i'm using atm. i just happened to have it installed after testing all those issues were still present. | 23:36 |
ali1234 | so, which version is good for making the dev tools work? | 23:36 |
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kp | is touchscreen suppose to work in meego out of the box??? | 23:38 |
ali1234 | that's one thing that does work for me, on ideapad | 23:38 |
ali1234 | so yeah... even works in the installer | 23:39 |
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kp | so which touchscreen driver it uses??? | 23:39 |
ali1234 | depends on your hardware | 23:39 |
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kp | yeah what was it in your case?? | 23:40 |
ali1234 | i don't know, it just works | 23:40 |
ali1234 | it doesn't say which it is using | 23:40 |
kp | ok ... though I have my own hardware running moorestown ... | 23:40 |
ali1234 | is this netbook or handset UX? | 23:41 |
kp | I made my own image using kernel-mrst and netbook packages | 23:41 |
kp | netbook UX | 23:41 |
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ali1234 | in about 10 minutes i can tell you which driver it is using... after i reinstall 1.1 and while i run all the updates | 23:44 |
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kp | ok .. | 23:44 |
kp | that wud good information | 23:45 |
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sivang | is question regarding the chroot doc go in meego ml or meego-dev or meego-sdk? | 23:46 |
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sivang | (It is under SDK in the wiki) | 23:46 |
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ali1234 | kp: it appears to be using generic usb hid | 23:50 |
kp | oh k .. | 23:50 |
kp | Can you send me your xconf file | 23:50 |
kp | ? | 23:50 |
kp | /etc/X11/ | 23:51 |
ali1234 | it is empty | 23:51 |
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kp | k | 23:55 |
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ali1234 | "Enabled Russion keyboard" - Russion? | 23:56 |
kp | no | 23:56 |
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ali1234 | is that a typo or is there really such a thing? | 23:56 |
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