steven_ | Wait a second... Is this an app you have complete control over? | 00:00 |
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fiferboy | This is an app I have written for my own personal usage and allowed to connect to a user-defined central database for syncing | 00:01 |
hena | personal reasons for these things are always bad | 00:01 |
hena | it's resources vs consensus | 00:01 |
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steven_ | In that case you're probably correct. I was thinking a more typical scenario. Anyways, ODBC allows you to be agnostic, and I'm pretty sure QT supports it just fine. | 00:06 |
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timeless_xchat | oh, should be working again (as of a couple of hours ago actually) | 01:53 |
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CosmoHill | cyas | 04:06 |
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Ulf__ | Hi | 07:00 |
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Ulf__ | Hi DawnFoster ;) | 07:05 |
DawnFoster | hi Ulf_ :) | 07:06 |
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Ulf__ | wb andyross | 07:24 |
wassupnari | is there anyone who knows about 'duihome'? | 07:26 |
wassupnari | i've got source code from git:// | 07:27 |
wassupnari | and i have a question about that. | 07:27 |
wassupnari | anyone else? | 07:28 |
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wassupnari | Stskeeps, are you there? | 07:42 |
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iekku | wassupnari, I think he isn't at work yet, remember we all aren't in the same time zone | 07:45 |
iekku | wassupnari, he has been idle for a 8,5 hours now | 07:46 |
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wassupnari | i see | 07:49 |
wassupnari | where can i check someone's status? | 07:50 |
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Ulf__ | Hmm | 07:50 |
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tcs-meego | hi is the Meego 1.2 trunk? | 07:57 |
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Ulf__ | tcs-meego: is | 08:00 |
tcs-meego | Ulf__: thanks | 08:01 |
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wassupnari | hi, is there a executable 'duihome' plugin? | 08:25 |
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tcs-meego | how do i develop for the Meego 1.2 trunk using the SDK? | 08:43 |
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Termana | morning | 09:42 |
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thatguyisjames | hello everyone | 09:55 |
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thatguyisjames | i just started messing around with this, and im used to apt-get style installs. im reading alot in the wiki about yum and apt-get, those commands arent pressent on the system. how do i get yum onto my system? | 09:58 |
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Tm_T | thatguyisjames: zypper? | 09:59 |
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Tm_T | thatguyisjames: | 09:59 |
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thatguyisjames | thankyou, that was the missing link, ive never heard of that. | 10:00 |
thatguyisjames | *runs off and reads* | 10:00 |
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tyson_ | hi, all, how to compile the meego kernel kernel- you can find it in this website: | 10:34 |
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thiago_osl | tyson_: what's the problem? | 10:39 |
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tyson_ | thiago_osl: sorry for now answer you....i solve it.. thank you for your kindly. | 10:57 |
thiago_osl | you're welcome | 10:57 |
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paines | hi | 11:19 |
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paines | on the page is described that you can download the nand image after entering the imei. i did that, but there is no nand image. | 11:22 |
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Stskeeps | page is old | 11:25 |
RST38h | Stskeeps: To refresh, is there now a QEmu based ARM Meego image where one can compile stuff? =) | 11:26 |
Stskeeps | RST38h: supposedly it's supposed to be released alongside normal releases | 11:27 |
RST38h | Yes, but is there a usable one? | 11:27 |
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Stskeeps | not my area, but check | 11:29 |
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paines | okay. now I downloaded and try to start it with qemu-system-arm -M n900. none optins like -sd -hda or -mtdblock will work. anyone can help on this ? | 11:40 |
Stskeeps | that won't work, probably, not a qemu image | 11:41 |
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paines | hmm. this is all really diappointing. half of the doc / wiki pages atre out of date and none of the actions work. | 11:42 |
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paines | Stskeeps, do you know where qemu can be found ? | 11:42 |
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paines | oops | 11:43 |
paines | i mean qemu images | 11:43 |
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bricks | lbt: could you activate my account for the community meego obs? | 11:54 |
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lbt | bricks: sure - open source apps only - yes? | 11:59 |
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lbt | no 'meego rebuilds' please :) | 12:00 |
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stylesen | how do I get access to | 12:00 |
stylesen | I want to maintain the package for 'subversion' as per it says there are no maintainers | 12:01 |
bricks | lbt: yes. i am the maemo package maintainer of kde's kontact touch | 12:01 |
bricks | lbt: so i wan't to work on these packages for meego too | 12:01 |
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lbt | bricks: great ... (shoulda said "done") | 12:02 |
lbt | stylesen: there's a bug reporting process to get an account | 12:02 |
stylesen | lbt: any wiki pages which elaborates on that? | 12:03 |
lbt | stylesen: you may want to get a community account and maintain it there.... | 12:03 |
bricks | lbt: thanks | 12:03 |
stylesen | lbt: I have community obs account | 12:03 |
stylesen | should I put a package for subversion in community obs first? | 12:03 |
lbt | yes | 12:04 |
lbt | I would | 12:04 |
stylesen | what happens after I put my package in community obs? I am not sure how it works from there | 12:04 |
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lbt | me neither :) | 12:05 |
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Stskeeps | stylesen: there's no real way, but if you want to maintain subversion, you usually have to have a account | 12:05 |
csj | auke, hello, I use slim as DM and execute .xinitrc when login, with 'ck-launch-session /usr/sbin/uxlaunch` in .xinitrc, and I've comment out setup_consolekit_session() in uxlaunch.c, but now network manager and date/time setting failed to work, could you give me some suggestions? | 12:06 |
stylesen | Stskeeps: but how to get that account is my question, is there a process wiki somewhere? | 12:06 |
Stskeeps | stylesen: -> community infrastructure -> build service -> build service accounts | 12:06 |
stylesen | Stskeeps: this - does not help | 12:06 |
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stylesen | Stskeeps: does not have any link 'community infrastructure' :( | 12:07 |
Stskeeps | stylesen:, sorry | 12:08 |
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stylesen | Stskeeps: should I file a new bug? | 12:09 |
Stskeeps | es | 12:10 |
Stskeeps | ys | 12:10 |
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csj | auke, but if I only execute `xterm` in ~/.xinitrc, and type `ck-launch-session /usr/sbin/uxlaunch -x` in xterm, all thing works | 12:22 |
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csj | auke, I re-compile slim with pam support, it all works, now, thank you a lot~ | 13:10 |
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wassupnari | Hello, I've got source code from | 13:41 |
wassupnari | but i don't know how to build it | 13:41 |
wassupnari | I'm currently working on Qt Creator + MeeGo emulator, and I copied this source code to /usr/src | 13:42 |
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wassupnari | if I try to make this folder, like "qmake" or "make", then "Unable to find file for inclusion check.pri" warning msg comes out | 13:44 |
wassupnari | anyone else have an idea? | 13:44 |
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Stskeeps | Jaffa: worst part is that i think there might be good legal reasons why not to have in it, given patent situation(s) | 14:52 |
Stskeeps | it's however also about saying it straight because the current FEA# stuff is just awful :) | 14:53 |
lcuk | Stskeeps, where did this part of discussion start? | 14:54 |
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Stskeeps | lcuk: mwkn posting my question to meego-pm@ about NTFS | 14:54 |
CosmoHill | don't MS have a patent on NTFS? | 14:55 |
Stskeeps | there is some murky situation, at least | 14:55 |
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lcuk | forget any of that | 14:55 |
lcuk | on the bug | 14:56 |
lcuk | theres a thread | 14:56 |
lcuk | | 14:56 |
Stskeeps | yes, i know | 14:56 |
lcuk | bottom of the first page has a list of precautions that cause goosebumps for my data | 14:56 |
Stskeeps | but that could have been the reasoning, the FEA# was closed in very vague terms | 14:56 |
Stskeeps | which will come back to haunt us | 14:57 |
lcuk | which part? | 14:57 |
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lcuk | the closing or the reasoning? | 14:57 |
Stskeeps | reasoning wasn't good | 14:57 |
Stskeeps | it claims there's no open source solution, which is balantly wrong | 14:58 |
Stskeeps | then looks really funny afterwards | 14:58 |
lcuk | Stskeeps, does the open source driver operate on x86 and arm? | 14:59 |
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Stskeeps | yes, fuse based afaik | 14:59 |
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lcuk | but if the forum is right, it does not actually create NTFS volumes in same manner as the official implementation? | 15:00 |
Stskeeps | lcuk: there's two drivers | 15:00 |
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lcuk | are both OSS GPLv2? | 15:00 |
Stskeeps | afaik | 15:00 |
lcuk | with the level of FUD< perhaps the cautious approach is/was warranted | 15:01 |
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lcuk | but the clarifications you have asked for on the PM- list would sort that if they come :) | 15:02 |
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Stskeeps | yes, which is not much to ask for | 15:02 |
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Stskeeps | it just seems funny when that announcement comes out, i mean | 15:03 |
Stskeeps | it should be said "there is patent/IPR issues related to this that would make including it difficult" | 15:04 |
Stskeeps | but "there is no open source implementation due to licensing issues" is just wrong :P | 15:04 |
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arfoll | Stskeeps, | 15:06 |
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arfoll | have a read, it shows that statement is not just wrong. Bottom bit about mp3 | 15:07 |
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Stskeeps | mm | 15:07 |
lcuk | Meego Netbook UX bug meeting in #meego-meeting any bugs filed that need pushing for netbooks obtained at meego conf should be brought up there | 15:07 |
lcuk | (or netbook in general) | 15:07 |
arfoll | Stskeeps, I don't like it but that's what lawyers came up with... | 15:07 |
Stskeeps | arfoll: well, it's more fair to write that "there's concerns about NTFS patents and hence Tuxera's NTFS-3G implementation is problematic" | 15:08 |
arfoll | Stskeeps, agree totally, but you said "just wrong". I think unfriendly and useless public response would have been fairer ;-) | 15:09 |
Stskeeps | true | 15:09 |
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hena | sigh... | 15:10 |
hena | meego-US fork with patent considerations included | 15:11 |
Stskeeps | hena: well, i can understand it to a degree | 15:12 |
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Stskeeps | i'm personally not happy with feeling like there was some undercut deal though, hence asking for specific reasoning | 15:12 |
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raghum | I was using "sudo ./scripts/ 1 pandaboard"... | 15:25 |
raghum | I am able to download the packages. But, it ends with the error .. | 15:25 |
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raghum | passwd: Libuser error at line: 206 - error locking file: Bad file descriptor. Removing password for user sshd. | 15:25 |
raghum | Any help? | 15:26 |
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lcuk | hmmm the handset image that booted on my pb.onetwo does not get past boot menu | 15:30 |
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raghum | lcuk, did it build and create complete directory 1.1.80.xx.xxxxx ?? | 15:33 |
lcuk | raghum, I just inserted usb stick in same machine as : | 15:34 |
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lcuk | it got to boot menu, and I booted from it (not needing to install or anything) | 15:36 |
lcuk | and just got grey screen with flashing cursor | 15:36 |
lcuk | handset ftw. :D | 15:36 |
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lcuk | arghh | 15:37 |
lcuk | describing wrong | 15:37 |
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lcuk | the NETBOOK image does not boot | 15:37 |
lcuk | the HANDSET image does boot | 15:37 |
lcuk | handset boots to X and gets a dodgy looking uiu, netbook does not boot at all | 15:39 |
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Jaffa | Stskeeps: And, as you were asked to in the keynote at the conf, it's good to have someone reminding the project about this :-) | 15:51 |
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Stskeeps | Jaffa: true | 15:53 |
* Stskeeps did a followup now that his mind is clearer | 15:53 | |
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Alison_Chaiken | Huomenta. I want to put 1.2 on a Class 6 SD card to demonstrate the handset image on an N900. Right now I have 1.1 on a Class 2 card, which is not very fast. Does anyone have a recommendation for a 1.2-version image to use that will best illustrate stability and performance? ;-) Or should I just stick with 1.1 for now? | 15:59 |
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lcuk | Alison_Chaiken, the n900 adaption team are working towards numerous speed/stability improvements: vsync, power management, hardfp etc - the power managemenet looks like it will not only lengthen battery life but also gain upto 20% performance | 16:03 |
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lcuk | however the images with these changes are not yet on daily testing (from what I can gather) | 16:03 |
Stskeeps | Alison_Chaiken: 1.1 'demo' image from is usually good for marketing, 1.2 is the wild west but rapidly going towards something nice :P | 16:03 |
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Alison_Chaiken | Thanks Stskeeps. Perhaps I will just try the tablets-dev image on the Class 6 card then. | 16:05 |
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lcuk | Stskeeps, is that still same image as before the conf? | 16:08 |
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alterego | vgrade: ping | 16:33 |
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lcuk | fiferboy, ping, did you see the message I sent the other day? | 16:37 |
lcuk | would something like that be feasible? | 16:37 |
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fiferboy | lcuk: pong, I'm not sure where one would start for that | 16:38 |
lcuk | well you have an app core which allows you to go birdwatching and log/record the important rare birds you see | 16:39 |
lcuk | why not just turn that to tech spotting?! | 16:39 |
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lcuk | "omg I saw a quad core ARM device with dual mode capacitive/resistive screen at FOSDEM" for instance ;) | 16:39 |
jedix | anyone know what gupnp is being used for? | 16:40 |
Stskeeps | jedix: UPnP sounds like a candidate? | 16:40 |
X-Fade | jedix: dlna/upnp? | 16:40 |
jedix | yes, but for what feature/device? | 16:40 |
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Stskeeps | jedix: general support and maemo5 supported upnp? | 16:41 |
jedix | there's gupnp, gupnp-av, -vala and -ui | 16:41 |
Stskeeps | i guess it's useful in meego tv and handset, at least | 16:41 |
X-Fade | jedix: mediaplayer should support it. | 16:41 |
jedix | ah, for dlna tvs and such? | 16:41 |
X-Fade | Easy media discovery on your network. | 16:41 |
jedix | I was kinda hoping one of these were planned to be used for nokia's terminal mode | 16:42 |
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Stskeeps | jedix: there's some TM stuff on mailing list, at least | 16:42 |
X-Fade | jedix: Well Nokia strongly supports DLNA. | 16:42 |
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fiferboy | lcuk: I gotcha. I had considered that at some point, just an arbitrary listing app | 16:44 |
jedix | Stskeeps: which one? it's so hard to find these things because of the crappy name choice | 16:44 |
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fiferboy | lcuk: I am currently working toward a book/DVD/CD oriented version | 16:44 |
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lcuk | fiferboy, collaboration and teamwork in different locations to find the rarest machines | 16:45 |
lcuk | fiferboy, | 16:45 |
lcuk | for example | 16:45 |
fiferboy | lcuk: A collaborative application like that would be interesting | 16:46 |
lcuk | fiferboy, followup would be "boot meego on them" :) | 16:46 |
fiferboy | The problem I am facing right now is time constraints | 16:47 |
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lcuk | for sure, it would need skills from many areas I bet | 16:47 |
lcuk | fiferboy, how about we just spec it out over coming weeks | 16:48 |
fiferboy | lcuk: That sounds like a plan | 16:49 |
lcuk | \o | 16:49 |
fiferboy | o/ | 16:49 |
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DawnFoster | Community Office meeting starting in 10 minutes in #meego-meeting: | 16:50 |
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DawnFoster | Topic is brainstorming website improvements (, home page & projects tab on | 16:50 |
DawnFoster | anyone is welcome to join! | 16:51 |
lcuk | technical question: can meegobot "mirror" discussions on -meeting channel (or one of the other meego ones) so that when this main channel is quite we could fill it with content from other meego places? :) (obviously moderator controlled and able to be switched off as required) | 16:52 |
jedix | so many things pop for "terminal" | 16:52 |
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andre__ | lcuk, usecase? | 16:54 |
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lcuk | andre__, when #meego is quite since everyone is talking in -meeting for instance | 16:54 |
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andre__ | lcuk, so? what problem do you see that it would solve/improve? | 16:55 |
lcuk | many days theres a whole lot of activity in #meego-arm #meego-meeting #meego-qa-tools #meego-qa and this channel sits idle | 16:55 |
DawnFoster | lcuk: you should be constantly monitoring ALL of the meego channels just case someone says something interesting :) | 16:55 |
lcuk | giving a sense of inactivity | 16:55 |
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lcuk | DawnFoster, :) I do.. | 16:55 |
andre__ | I see this channel as the most generic one that people start with, and if they have a specific topic I'd redirect them to a more specific one. That's what I'm used to in other projects too | 16:55 |
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DawnFoster | lcuk: you probably do a better job if it than I do! | 16:56 |
jedix | what channel should I go for terminal mode? | 16:56 |
andre__ | lcuk, inactivity? what's the problem with it? bad impression to new people here, or something else? | 16:56 |
lcuk | andre__, fragmentation in a way | 16:57 |
lcuk | since its easy to miss stuff | 16:57 |
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lcuk | i have started logging all my urls posted into a daily report of what I push on different meego channels | 16:58 |
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andre__ | it's even easier for me if there's talk all of the time here, as it'd be too much for me to follow (got other work to do too) | 16:58 |
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lcuk | andre__, perhaps the mirroring totally would not be better, but digesting it and acking this channel with whats being discussed in the other channels would be reasonable? it can spark more conversation | 16:59 |
andre__ | hmm. | 17:00 |
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DawnFoster | and community office meeting starting now in #meego-meeting | 17:01 |
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Alison_Chaiken | Now, DawnFoster?! Aren't you in Oregon? You and Quim go back to bed. (I'm about to go running in the dark with dumbbells for reasons even I can't explain.) | 17:06 |
alterego | Heh | 17:06 |
DawnFoster | Alison_Chaiken: it's only 7am :) | 17:06 |
lcuk | :D DawnFoster - anidel arrived based on twitter meeting reminder | 17:06 |
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DawnFoster | dang europeans and morning meetings :) | 17:06 |
anidel | yup I did :) | 17:06 |
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jedix | I guess I'm looking to speak to Joel | 17:07 |
lcuk | how is Canada anidel? | 17:07 |
jedix | as he's listed on the feature bug | 17:07 |
Alison_Chaiken | Them Europeans should learn up our languages and choose better timezones. Nähdään! | 17:07 |
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DawnFoster | lcuk: you can be our meeting recruiter / evangelist from now on :) | 17:08 |
DawnFoster | welcome anidel | 17:08 |
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anidel | thanks DawnFoster... | 17:09 |
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lcuk | anidel, have you tried xournal on capacitive ideapad yet? | 17:13 |
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anidel | yes , someone ported the Desktop version to it and I tried it... I am discussing in xournal-devel with other folks how to best restructure the code so to create a Xournal library with the logic and have different UIs | 17:14 |
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lcuk | cool anidel | 17:15 |
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anidel | I really wish it could be faster... I may drop a Qt "hack" version soon and later "switch" to this better structured version...we'll see | 17:16 |
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lcuk | anidel, do you know where the desktop version is? | 17:17 |
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anidel | what do you mean? for MeeGo ? | 17:17 |
lcuk | and who ported it, perhaps putting it onto the | 17:17 |
lcuk | yes | 17:17 |
lcuk | get the packaging tweaks up quickly | 17:18 |
anidel | ah it's in the S10-3t Improvements thread on the forum... mmm | 17:18 |
lcuk | for the version that "works" | 17:18 |
anidel | it was added to one of those first community repos... | 17:18 |
lcuk | whilst all the other changes occur longer term | 17:18 |
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lcuk | ahh, me did not see when looking | 17:18 |
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lcuk | [lcuk@lcuk-desktop:~]$ zypper se xournal | 17:20 |
lcuk | Loading repository data... | 17:20 |
lcuk | Reading installed packages... | 17:20 |
lcuk | No packages found. | 17:20 |
anidel | hang on | 17:20 |
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anidel | it's Timoph repository | 17:21 |
anidel | | 17:21 |
lcuk | roger anidel ! I wonder where that repo went to in my list then | 17:22 |
anidel | :) | 17:22 |
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lcuk | ahh ahhhhhhhh I know | 17:23 |
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anidel | what was it? | 17:25 |
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lcuk | i moved all my repos out whilst tesing something a couple of days ago | 17:25 |
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anidel | lcuk: I see :) | 17:29 |
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lcuk | sabotage, end users should have simplified feedback reporting subsystems from the apps themselves: "Ooops your app crashed, wanna send a coredump" "hey it broke, tell us what went wrong: ... " than them having to learn about whole process, but of course I am pie in the sky (should list current ux screens too) | 17:49 |
sabotage | lcuk: I don't disagree... but that was not the point of the topic at hand... we're talking about project management infra... not end users interaction with the project | 17:50 |
lcuk | yip | 17:51 |
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trevorj | Is there any recommended hardware that will run the MeeGo car UI? | 17:59 |
lcuk | trevorj, I am guessing a car would be high on the dependencies at some point. | 17:59 |
maclaver | What did I miss from the community meeting? | 18:00 |
trevorj | lcuk: I suppose so | 18:00 |
lcuk | maclaver, 52 minutes of a 60minute active meeting with lots of discussion about layout and extending into hosted services | 18:01 |
trevorj | Let's say I somehow managed to procure such a thing | 18:01 |
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maclaver | :( | 18:01 |
lcuk | maclaver, theres full minutes and breakdown available in just a few minutes once the meeting closes | 18:02 |
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lcuk | how are you doing today? | 18:02 |
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maclaver | I will check it out, it has been a hectic day. | 18:02 |
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lcuk | maclaver: | 18:05 |
lcuk | <MeeGoMeetBot`> Meeting ended Tue Jan 18 16:01:52 2011 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 18:05 |
lcuk | <MeeGoMeetBot`> Minutes: | 18:05 |
lcuk | <MeeGoMeetBot`> Minutes (text): | 18:05 |
lcuk | <MeeGoMeetBot`> Log: | 18:05 |
lcuk | <DawnFoster> thanks everyone! | 18:05 |
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maclaver | Looks like an interesting meeting. | 18:06 |
maclaver | (Based on the text), pity I was late | 18:07 |
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lcuk | was lively for sure :) | 18:07 |
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lcuk | trevorj, regarding IVI, info and testability seems to be somewhat less exposed than with handset or netbook instances, perhaps review the IVI mailing list or post questions there | 18:11 |
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trevorj | lcuk: will do, ty | 18:13 |
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lcuk | alterego, ping, your gps bugs are in motion | 18:37 |
lcuk | bug 10926 | 18:37 |
MeeGoBot | Bug is not accessible | 18:37 |
lcuk | bug 11442 | 18:37 |
MeeGoBot | Bug enh, Undecided, ---, michael.leibowitz, RESO READYFORINTEGRATION, [FEA] QtMobility Location API needs backend plugin | 18:37 |
alterego | Yes, I saw :D | 18:38 |
alterego | This means that Columbus can hopefully be out for 1.2 :) | 18:38 |
lcuk | you need a yacht for publicity shots! | 18:39 |
alterego | I started porting it to a MTF based system a few days ago. | 18:39 |
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alterego | Basically the UX is all custom Qt, so it's fine. Except for menus & dialogs, which are somewhat Qt and in some places Maemo 5 specific. | 18:40 |
alterego | So I started work on a MeeGo menu/dialog setup. | 18:40 |
alterego | So I now have columbus (Maemo 5) and columbus (MeeGo MTF) projects. | 18:40 |
alterego | Oh, and a "columbus-common" project. | 18:41 |
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alterego | lcuk: do you think it's harsh having the maemo version FOSS and the meego version commercial? :D | 18:49 |
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lcuk | alterego, Open Source applications in app stores have similar quandry | 19:04 |
lcuk | I personally see no problem with it but there is the problem of trivial tweaks being submitted by non author porting only builds | 19:05 |
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sabotage | lcuk: alterego: per the discussion on #meego-meeting earlier today... | 19:10 |
sabotage | bug 12589 | 19:10 |
MeeGoBot | Bug nor, Undecided, ---, dawn.m.foster, NEW, Allow addition of 3rd party Components into | 19:10 |
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sabotage | feel free to vote/comment/rant as needed ;) | 19:11 |
lcuk | great stuff sabotage \o added cc for now | 19:11 |
andre__ | rant. | 19:11 |
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sabotage | andre__ == same andre that posted comment 1 on that bug? | 19:11 |
andre__ | yes. | 19:11 |
sabotage | if so, thanks! | 19:11 |
andre__ | heh. welcome... | 19:11 |
sabotage | while I personally feel that BMC will quickly become a bottleneck for 3rd party apps, I'm all for "sabotaging" the system to get things moving in the right direction | 19:13 |
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sabotage | if at some point we find it unsuitable for community bug needs, I guess we cross that bridge when we get there | 19:13 |
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lcuk | yes | 19:14 |
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lcuk | sabotage, but bugzilla itself has proven itself capable for many needs | 19:14 |
sabotage | no disagreement | 19:14 |
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sabotage | my issue stems from those admining/controling it and how they manage the schema[s] | 19:15 |
lcuk | the andre__ add on component to bugzilla also helps make it run smoothly! | 19:15 |
sabotage | heh ;) | 19:15 |
andre__ | sabotage, can you elaborate on the issues? :) | 19:15 |
andre__ | I'm interested in problems experienced | 19:16 |
sabotage | I'd have to dig through old emails for the details, but one example was QA duplicating bugs that had been planned for 1.1, missed it and now are planned for 1.2 | 19:17 |
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sabotage | rather than simply changing the target | 19:17 |
andre__ | yeah, awesome heavy weight processes, aren't they? :-P | 19:17 |
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sabotage | others were around requests for additional flags, or the removal of them for certain products/components | 19:17 |
andre__ | Dave Woodhouse also complained about that cloning stuff already | 19:17 |
sabotage | also the addition of new HW/platforms, lots of resistance there too | 19:18 |
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andre__ | sabotage: product/comp reorg is definitely on the way, but I wonder if it has ever been communicated in the open. and yes, I've criticized that before... | 19:18 |
andre__ | adding new HW/platforms: anything specific / bug IDs you can point to? | 19:18 |
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sabotage | andre__: I'm on the "inside" and this comment from you is the first i've heard of impending reorg in BMC | 19:19 |
andre__ | I think the problem is the "agreeing" on something in Error management (no open process), maybe combined with the old "ignoring requests means less work" classic | 19:19 |
sabotage | does that say anything about how we communicate :/ | 19:19 |
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andre__ | sabotage, yeah, cool, isn't it?</sarcasm> private emails instead of public mailing lists rock! | 19:20 |
sabotage | and that for some 3rd party projects, "ignoring" may be just good enough... while others would need to be managed more closely | 19:20 |
andre__ | it's on my list (now that I'm considered part of MeeGo error management) to answer by default on any private mail "why isn't this on the qa mailing list". | 19:21 |
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andre__ | however, consdering the mindsets I deal with, this might take a while. | 19:21 |
sabotage | this fact alone will be hard to manage in a combined BMC that serves both official MeeGo release management processes *AND* free form per-project community components | 19:21 |
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* sabotage learns there's a "qa" ML :P | 19:22 | |
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andre__ | well, I survived that in too... just need to be careful with group memberships etc I assume, but maybe I'm naive | 19:22 |
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mikeleib | fabo: ok to use old name for first integration and obsolete later? | 19:22 |
sabotage | well, to be clear... I knew there was one, but I had no inkling I might be marginally interested in it content ;) | 19:22 |
sabotage | mikeleib: take it to meego-packaging :P | 19:23 |
andre__ | sabotage, feel free to post to it in case of issues that need a push (silence is a popular answer though). ;-) | 19:23 |
alterego | lcuk: well, in this case I can in theory make the MeeGo UX closed but keep the engine and support libs open. | 19:23 |
* lcuk shudders | 19:23 | |
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lcuk | alterego, the qtm components which are data source are already open | 19:23 |
mikeleib | sabotage: meh | 19:24 |
sabotage | hehe ;) | 19:24 |
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alterego | lcuk: I have a layer on top of that which implements waypoints, routes, logging, streaming, plugins etc. | 19:25 |
alterego | Basically, the app engine. | 19:25 |
alterego | That uses QtMobility | 19:25 |
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alterego | lcuk: well, we'll see how far donations go in the maemo version ... | 19:26 |
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* alterego doesn't expect much if anything tbh ;) | 19:26 | |
lcuk | sabotage, the dialer component wiki page | 19:27 |
lcuk | are there any screenshots that could be put onto it | 19:27 |
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sabotage | lcuk: I had some old ones at one time... could take some more again | 19:28 |
sabotage | TBH, it looks like _crap_ ATM | 19:28 |
sabotage | the meego reference theme is sadly out of date with the base theme :( | 19:28 |
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lcuk | sabotage, hrm which versions of themes are you meaning? | 19:29 |
lcuk | be explicit and descriptive when you say reference/base (best to show picture examples) | 19:30 |
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mikeleib | alterego: re: waypoints, routes, logging, etc -- what are you making? | 19:30 |
sabotage | meegotouch-theme == base | 19:30 |
sabotage | meegotouch-theme-meego == reference | 19:30 |
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lcuk | sabotage, so whats the differences and reasons for them, and would it would take a theme ninja to get them back into sync? | 19:31 |
sabotage | I suggested that they ought to merge so as to keep them in sync, be never got a reply/interest from the Nokia theme maintainers | 19:31 |
alterego | mikeleib: | 19:31 |
sabotage | I suspect there was some politics involved | 19:31 |
lcuk | sabotage, both are open? | 19:32 |
alterego | mikeleib: it's a GPS navigation app more in the vein of a handheld GPS receiver, it also logs to file, streams over bluetooth, network or acts as a usb serial device. | 19:32 |
sabotage | yes | 19:32 |
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lcuk | hmm so it needs a bug filed against one so that we can update it | 19:33 |
sabotage | alterego: any integration plans? | 19:33 |
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alterego | sabotage: it has a plugins system, it's not out of the question. | 19:33 |
lcuk | (since obviously integration can only occur with bug numbers :P) | 19:33 |
sabotage | lcuk: it needs a maintainer, fulltime | 19:33 |
lcuk | sabotage, theme ninja :P | 19:33 |
mikeleib | alterego: nice. is it OSS? | 19:33 |
alterego | mikeleib: yes | 19:33 |
sabotage | that used to be me, but I couldn't manage both it and dialer and platform integration and ... | 19:33 |
lcuk | sabotage, ok | 19:34 |
alterego | I need a job, if it's paying I'll do it :P | 19:34 |
sabotage | lcuk: there is an "owner" now, but he's not active on it anymore AFAICS | 19:34 |
mikeleib | alterego: spiffy! where's can I grab the source? What license? | 19:34 |
lcuk | sabotage, theres a few prospective theme oriented people around, but I am guessing its less theme twiddling and more bit moving | 19:34 |
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alterego | mikeleib: gpl and lgpl I've not put it in gitorious yet, but you can get the source in the maemo extras-devel and extras-testing repositories. | 19:35 |
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sabotage | IMNSHO, there is ZERO reason for us to have these as two seperate theme packages | 19:35 |
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alterego | mikeleib: it's a little messy and as I'm adding my v1 features I'm doing a bit of cleaning up. | 19:35 |
mikeleib | alterego: spiffy. I'm also working on some location software for meego | 19:36 |
lcuk | sabotage, where are the gitwebs for these themes | 19:36 |
alterego | mikeleib: what's the nature of yours? :) | 19:36 |
mikeleib | some of it is not open source yet :) | 19:36 |
mikeleib | but some of the framework stuff is | 19:36 |
lcuk | something I can point people to when trying to describe them and what might be needed | 19:36 |
sabotage | lcuk: it's largely a taks of keeping up to date with every change in libmeegotouch and meegotouch-theme and making corresponding adjustments in meegotouch-theme-meego as needed | 19:36 |
alterego | mikeleib: well, I wouldn't say mine is strictly open source, as the source isn't prepared and there's no license attached to it yet. | 19:36 |
sabotage | | 19:36 |
mikeleib | alterego: I would really like to be able to get a hiking/geocaching app started. I know sabotage also really wants to do it. We need time. I think both of our preference would be to work int he open | 19:37 |
alterego | mikeleib: but you can download the source from the extras repos :) | 19:37 |
alterego | mikeleib: well, that's what my app is aimed at. | 19:37 |
alterego | hiking, cycling etc. | 19:37 |
sabotage | lcuk: | 19:37 |
alterego | Though the statistics area needs some work. | 19:37 |
sabotage | lcuk: | 19:37 |
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lcuk | sabotage, so they are identical clones of each other? | 19:38 |
lcuk | or should be | 19:38 |
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sabotage | lcuk: not, not in the least | 19:39 |
sabotage | MTF themes are CSS based, and therefore one is built on top of the other as the set of deviations from the base | 19:39 |
* alterego wonders if Qt will ever get themed properly in MeeGo ::P | 19:40 | |
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lcuk | roger sabotage | 19:42 |
lcuk | just looking for any related bugs and will try to collate this information into a bug | 19:42 |
lcuk | holy crap! bug 12513 I could drive to persons house faster than bringing up their info! | 19:43 |
MeeGoBot | Bug maj, Undecided, ---, jimmy.huang, NEW, [Trunk:Testing] [REG] IVI: It takes >25 seconds to launch Dialer/People | 19:43 |
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brik | AAAAA/AAAAA26 | 19:44 |
brik | ignore that :/ | 19:44 |
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sabotage | sorry, drive-by interrupt... | 19:44 |
lcuk | bug 9540 | 19:44 |
MeeGoBot | Bug nor, Medium, ---, ossama.othman, NEW, Theme can not be changed. | 19:45 |
sabotage | lcuk: IOW, you must have meegotouch-theme in order for meegotouch-theme-meego to even work | 19:45 |
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lcuk | ok sabotage, am just hunting for whether its been filed as issue already | 19:46 |
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sabotage | many of my own (dialer) bugs are directly related to outdated theme | 19:47 |
sabotage | or changes to theme and view classes that need my app theme to be ported to | 19:47 |
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lcuk | sabotage, based on that, I will just keep what you have said in mind and if I find some ninja capable will expand on the conversation, cya in a bit | 19:51 |
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haataja | Is there a mechanism to add another user in MeeGo 1.1 on Netbook? | 21:16 |
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Stskeeps | there is no login manager/gdm, so doubt it | 21:18 |
haataja | ok, thans | 21:18 |
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magius_pendragon | is there an easy way to get mp3s to play on meego? | 21:36 |
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vgrade | alterego, hi | 21:38 |
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alterego | vgrade: I replied to your forum post, somehow it all went in my spam so I didn't see it until today :/ | 21:55 |
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vgrade | which one | 21:56 |
alterego | cambridge meetup | 21:57 |
alterego | I'm Tom Swindell | 21:57 |
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vgrade | hi there, there has not been much interest so far and I may be out in Germany next week | 21:59 |
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vgrade | It was mentioned that the lack of time and venue may be putting people off | 21:59 |
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vgrade | could 'book' the venue for a day the following week 31st to 4th feb? | 22:00 |
vgrade | then we can advertise | 22:01 |
vgrade | what day suits you/ | 22:01 |
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alterego | Well, thursdays they already have something going on, so I'd recommend a wednesday or a friday. | 22:03 |
alterego | Well, I know a few people that would be interested. | 22:03 |
vgrade | is that the collabra guys | 22:03 |
alterego | I know some of them yeah, could see if they're interested as well. | 22:04 |
vgrade | what about Wed the 2nd then? | 22:04 |
alterego | Sounds good | 22:05 |
alterego | We should probably come up with some kind of agenda :) | 22:05 |
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vgrade | do they have a bar :) | 22:06 |
lcuk | the answer needs to be yes for both! | 22:07 |
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vgrade | I'll post something on the forum, can you pencil in the venue | 22:08 |
alterego | They sell alcoholic drinks yeah | 22:08 |
alterego | Sure, I'll pop in tomorrow and let the guy know. | 22:09 |
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vgrade | nice one | 22:18 |
alterego | What sort of things are we meant to talk about? :D | 22:19 |
lcuk | alterego, i would like to see how you are coming on with columbus if you are going to be there! | 22:20 |
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lcuk | and vgrade has a crate full of meego devices that would be cool to see all together | 22:21 |
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alterego | Sounds good | 22:21 |
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alterego | what time of day would you guys prefer? | 22:22 |
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lcuk | vgrade, did you see, the default meego handset image boots on both lenovo x200s laptop and my packard bell onetwo 20" allinone HDTV computer thingy | 22:22 |
vgrade | should have nexus one, netbook, joggler and hopefully vega tab. oh and a n900 if qgil keeps his promise | 22:22 |
vgrade | lcuk, yup, did you get the image resized | 22:23 |
lcuk | still not looking right, but its certainly great to have some big screen system for looking at TV system | 22:23 |
lcuk | no vgrade I filed a bug about it though, its a generic problem | 22:23 |
alterego | vgrade: I've got an N900 I can demo meego on :) | 22:24 |
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vgrade | alterego, cool | 22:24 |
lcuk | which devices have tvout/projector capability | 22:24 |
lcuk | i know n900 does, so if the place has a projector you could show columbus qt/qtm even on maemo :) | 22:25 |
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vgrade | vega tab has hdmi | 22:25 |
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anidel | The N8 ? | 22:25 |
alterego | My laptop | 22:25 |
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anidel | my TV box | 22:25 |
lcuk | speaking of which.... | 22:25 |
alterego | My netbook to | 22:25 |
lcuk | can you get portrait mode video | 22:26 |
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alterego | lcuk: ? | 22:26 |
lcuk | from n900 or other mobile | 22:26 |
anidel | why you'd need that? | 22:26 |
lcuk | well to play stuff from phone on a projector | 22:26 |
alterego | Not sure what you mean. | 22:26 |
lcuk | the ui might actually have been designed in portrait | 22:26 |
lcuk | so sending via tvout it would be on its side | 22:26 |
anidel | makes sense... | 22:26 |
lcuk | and you couldnt show others | 22:26 |
alterego | vnc? | 22:27 |
lcuk | unless the tvout itself reorients itself | 22:27 |
alterego | Hrm, | 22:27 |
anidel | never actually tried... not even with the N900 | 22:27 |
lcuk | that should be tested from maemo actually | 22:27 |
alterego | We don't have projector equipment at Clowns btw | 22:27 |
lcuk | alterego, a big laptop or allinone display would still help with showing stuff | 22:28 |
alterego | I can sort out a large display then | 22:28 |
lcuk | just plug in tvin and show at 20" instead of 4 | 22:28 |
lcuk | its just an idea :) | 22:28 |
alterego | Yeah, it's a good idea too :) | 22:28 |
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alterego | I've got a 30" LCD HDTV | 22:28 |
alterego | Quite portable. | 22:29 |
lcuk | transportable tho | 22:29 |
lcuk | :P | 22:29 |
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alterego | It is quite portable, and I'm right in Cambridge so it's not like I need to travel far ;) | 22:29 |
anidel | like the very first "laptops" :) | 22:29 |
anidel | they had a fancy handle | 22:29 |
alterego | Hahah yeah, it's probably more portable than the first Nokia mobile :P | 22:30 |
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anidel | going for a coffee | 22:30 |
anidel | espresso actually | 22:30 |
lcuk | \o ttly anidel | 22:30 |
alterego | lcuk: otherwise, as I'll have my laptop anyway, I can use my usb video digitizer ... | 22:31 |
lcuk | alterego, cool | 22:31 |
alterego | Using both, I should be able to handle portrait too with a bit of poking. | 22:32 |
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anidel | good nice expresso | 22:39 |
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Lopi | will meego run with framebuffer? | 22:43 |
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hena | Mem: 1020804k total, 1000916k used, 19888k free, 40k buffers | 22:54 |
hena | Swap: 262136k total, 262128k used, 8k free, 465504k cached | 22:54 |
hena | and the culprit it mutter | 22:54 |
hena | starts to be a reoccurring event | 22:55 |
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markuman | will meego get support for encrypted fs (luks dm-crypt)? | 22:57 |
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FinboySlick | Hello people. I have a fairly simple project I'd like to run on fit-pc2 and I hear meego is the only platform out there with relatively okay GMA500 support. I need relatively fast blit (probably OpenGL) but no fancy features and as bare bones a system as possible. Basically it has to give boot up, give me an X display and run my app. | 23:07 |
FinboySlick | Is there some sort of barebones build or install option to meego? | 23:07 |
Stskeeps | you can make your own image | 23:08 |
Stskeeps | which you'll have to for gma500 anyway, think it exists for emgdo 1.0 | 23:08 |
Stskeeps | -o | 23:09 |
Stskeeps | and emgd drivers appearing for 1.2 too | 23:09 |
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FinboySlick | Stskeeps: Sounds relatively straightforward. I'm relatively new to meego. Is this more of a buildroot/crosscompile type of distro or do I build my image straight off the target? | 23:11 |
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Stskeeps | FinboySlick: more like a "indicate what packages to install into the image" | 23:11 |
Stskeeps | look into mic2/meego image creator | 23:11 |
FinboySlick | Stskeeps: You said 1.2 might have emgd... Is it available yet? | 23:12 |
Stskeeps | think it's getting staged, so wait for it | 23:12 |
Stskeeps | we have a feature freeze coming up | 23:13 |
FinboySlick | Stskeeps: I have a bit of a deadline too. If 1.0 gives me fair opengl performance (as I said, I only need to blit images), I'm fine with it. | 23:14 |
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Stskeeps | FinboySlick: ok, well, good luck - | 23:14 |
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