IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2010-12-28

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Iraqican i insrall meego on htc desire ?800:22
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CosmoHillthat depends, can you wait more than 60 seconds for someone to reply?00:24
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berndhsCosmoHill: probably did it real fast and doesn't need adivce now00:27
CosmoHillwhilst I'm in a bad mood ksplice can get knotted, and then fix itself00:28
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CosmoHillaaaaahhh, I have an exam next week :o00:36
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lbtnow I have 10mins.... what's the best thing to do with my conference lenovo?00:54
lbtis there a better image to flash?00:55
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v_zaitsevi would laugh... if I wasn't guilty of having the laptop sit idly on the corner of my desk for 2 weeks now..01:00
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berndhs10 minutes is too short for a beer. Vodka or Tequila maybe, but even that's pushing it.01:01
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Jaffalbt: Not sure myself. VKB and chrome-scrolling makes it semi-usable as a tablet for quick email checks01:01
Jaffalbt: I tried Jolicloud, but it's currently sitting on the bookshelf.01:02
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Jaffalbt: Battery life's excellent. Dunno where the charger is but it has juice whenever I just want to check something and have no other computer on (or the N900 is too piddly)01:02
lbtJaffa: the cat is now used to using it as a step to climb onto my desktop.... I figured that was a bad sign....01:02
kaushikwhat is ttyMFD2?01:02
kaushikI am getting respawning too fast01:02
kaushikfor echo "s1:235:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 115200 ttyMFD2 vt100" >> /etc/inittab01:03
lbtkaushik: something in /etc/inittab01:03
Jaffalbt: I'd be interested in trying Linpus Tablet on it; but they're touting that for OEMs only.01:03
timeless_mbpyeah, the battery life is amazing01:03
timeless_mbpi still use it once in a while01:03
kaushiklbt: I looked at the inittab and particularly for the id that I am facing01:03
timeless_mbp(but it's still w7starter)01:03
Jaffalbt: AFAICT, the best OS for a tablet/netbook hybrid (or really even just a tablet available separately) is Win7.01:03
Jaffalbt: It's just a market segment that FLOSS hasn't looked at; and even MeeGo missed it.01:04
kaushiklbt:no luck by commenting it out ... and i am sure abt the baudrate too01:04
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lbtJaffa: I think the lack of some really basic stuff (sound) put me off too much01:05
dm8tbrJaffa: the win7 ui is not touch friendly at all.01:05
lbtkaushik: ttyMFD2 is a very very odd thing01:06
lbtdo you have something similar in :  ls /dev/tty*01:06
kaushiklbt: no i dnt have ttyMFD2 in /dev01:06
lbtkaushik: so... that's not going to do much then :)01:07
kaushikso i removed it from inittab .but then I am not getting to login on VT01:07
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lbtkaushik: what OS? and what are you trying to do?01:08
kaushikits meego. I am just trying to boot it on mrst platform01:09
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Jaffadm8tbr: Ah, fair enough. So everything sucks.01:10
lbtkaushik: normal meego seems to be using mingetty01:11
kaushikthis one is using agetty01:11
lbtah, there is an agetty01:11
lbtso dmesg | grep tty ?01:12
lbtmay show you if anything found a tty device during boot01:12
kaushikI am not able type any command01:12
kaushikas I am not able to login from VT01:12
kaushikssh may not work ..this is very initial work on the hardware01:13
lbtand you have no simple tty[0123] ?01:14
kaushikyes I have tty0123 and ttyS001:14
lbtOK ... so why are you using ttyMFD2 ?01:15
lbtI guess you're playing with the image before inserting it into the device to boot?01:15
kaushikOk .. I removed ttyMFD2..still there is a problem .. I am not able to login to meego or shell01:16
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kaushikyes .. I have my own image. using kernel-mrst and mrst support01:16
lbtso what's in /etc/inittab now ?01:17
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kaushikthere is s0:235:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 115200 ttyS0 vt10001:19
kaushikthere is no S1 so it does not give any error01:20
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lbtso that's trying to start an agetty on the serial port .... yes?01:20
lbtand there's nothing like :      1:235:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty101:21
kaushiki have01:22
kaushik1:235:respawn:/sbin/mingetty --noclear tty101:22
kaushik2:23:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty201:22
kaushik3:23:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty301:22
kaushik4:23:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty401:22
kaushik5:23:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty501:22
kaushik6:23:respawn:/sbin/mingetty tty601:22
lbtuse ...01:22
kaushikSorry :P01:22
lbtOK ... so they should put something on the VTs...01:22
lbtctrl-alt-Fn<N> ???01:23
lbt(not sure how much of this you know ;) )01:23
kaushikwhat is ctl-alt-fn?01:23
kaushikthey put out kernel-msgs but I dnt get to enter username and pwd01:24
lbtpress crtl + alt + a function key01:24
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lbtctrl-alt-Fn1 => VT101:24
lbtctrl-alt-Fn2 => VT201:24
kaushikoh k .. on meego i can not do that the hardware does not have keyb oard ...just a touchscreen01:25
lbtusb keyboard?01:26
kaushiksadly no :(01:26
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lbtso.... what were you planning on typing when you got the VT ??????01:27
lbtdo you have a serial port?01:27
lbtand a serial console/terminal01:28
kaushikso ... i tried the other image ..which is netbook-mrst image and i get to enter loginname and password??01:28
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kaushikyes I do have a serial port01:28
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kaushikand terminal01:28
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lbtso if you connect it and uncomment the s0 entry  (the one using ttyS0) then you may find that works01:28
lbtnb ... do you know what getty is? and how inittab works?01:29
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kaushikno i dnt know abt it in depth but i can understand the things from getty man page01:29
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kaushiklbt: i am trying the same thing that u suggested01:30
lbtOK - not much needed. getty gives you a login prompt01:30
kaushiktrying to remove the S001:30
lbtmmm not remove the S001:30
lbts0:235:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 115200 ttyS0 vt10001:30
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kaushikok. .. u suggesting not to remove it ??01:31
lbtuncomment it01:31
lbtyou want it active01:31
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lbtmeans .... s0 is just a label. 235 runlevels to start in . respawn = rerun if it exits. then the getty command creates the login prompt01:32
kaushikyeah I tried to make it active ... but no luck with it01:32
lbtso you may as well copy that to01:32
lbts1:235:respawn:/sbin/agetty -L 115200 ttyS1 vt10001:32
lbtand have both01:32
kaushikok ..thats a good idea01:32
lbtbbiam..... cat wants food :)01:32
tmztdoes mrst have it's own serial port driver?01:33
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vgradehi guys02:08
vgradeI have some book vouchers02:08
vgradefancy qt/qml02:08
vgradeany recommendations?02:09
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vgradeseen this one,
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lolloothanks dude for this book!02:12
lolloomore please if you have info.02:12
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araujolcuk, did it break? ... zypper upgrading can break the system yes03:02
lcuki sorta kinda got some of it back araujo03:02
lcuknetbook completely went away until I ran xchat on it03:02
lcukthen it magically reappeared03:02
lcukand handset has no clicker or menu03:03
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lcukaraujo, is your zypper managing to update now?03:05
araujolcuk, i cannot even access repos from my n900, I am right now trying to fix it :P03:06
lcukwell based on the updates I found ;) maybe its a good thing you can't tonight lol03:07
ptllucky you, I cannot even access my N900.03:10
lcukptl, ?03:10
ptllcuk: sorry, random rant due to my frustration with my broken N900 :) just ignore me03:11
lcuk:( what did you break?03:11
ptlI dunno. It just stopped working. When I turn it on, the blue Nokia logo appears and stays there for about one minute, then it turns off. It makes this a dozen times then stops, until I remove the battery and plug it in again. I flashed it dozens of times and still it does not boot.03:12
ptlMost probably a deep hardware problem.03:12
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ptlI even tried the meego rescue boot image.03:12
ptlthe menu does not appear...03:12
ptlalthough the screen clears03:13
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lcukptl, did you do as you said you would?03:14
lcuk2010-11-13 (Saturday):03:14
lcuk* ptl will send his fucked-up N900 to Nokia this monday :(03:14
ptlI have to find the receipt03:14
ptlit's here somewhere03:15
ptlas I am rather busy with some interview preparations (have been for two months), I can't get the time to search for it03:15
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ptlIf the N9 had been out, I'd have bought it already03:16
ptlbut if the preparations are worth it (the interview is for a job in Switzerland), I will at least live in Europe, closer to most maemo/meego geeks.03:18
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MohammadAGis GTK present on the handset images?03:45
befordat the moment it is03:50
befordthe installer is still gtk based at least03:50
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Stskeeps€g 4609:57
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timophStskeeps: fell asleep on top the keyboard?09:57
Stskeepstimoph: gprs lag, in a car in .dk somewherfe09:58
Stskeepsshould really set up irssi proxy..09:58
lcukStskeeps, get a CB whip aerial for your phone!10:00
lcukyou could probably maintain direct connection with home wifi wherever you are :P10:00
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dm8tbrheh a nice 'DV-27 long' :D10:02
lcuko_O I once had a thunderpole10:03
dm8tbrlcuk: fun fact, as a radio-amateur that would really work as you could connect to a gateway via shortwave. only down sides: no encryption allowed and the usable bitrate can be in the two-digit range10:04
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dm8tbrI think there are still world-convers nodes (chat network somehow predating IRC) on shortwave10:05
lcuki was looking at the example key basic features report this morning
lcuk(and  which has just been discussed also in the qa-meeting)10:06
lcukit seems to me that many of the bugs are somehow compositor related10:07
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timophachipa: \o11:01
achipatimoph: \o11:02
timophachipa: is that demo you did at TAMK available somewhere? the qml physics engine thingy11:02
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achipatimoph: sure,
achipatimoph: though it seems I have not pushed in a while, let me update the stuff11:06
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lcuktimoph, is it possible for you to be pushing a build of this onto the community area?11:18
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kyb3Rachipa: \o11:19
lcukachipa, would you end up adding meego rpm packaging into the already existing qtc_packaging folder?11:20
timophlcuk: yes. I can add it there11:20
achipakyb3R: \o11:20
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achipalcuk: we seem to have a volunteer :)11:20
achipamerge requests/patches welcome :)11:20
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lcukachipa, heh, well timoph has prior form for bringing apps to meego!11:21
lcukit would be good to have a packaging patch directly in the gitorious - so that people can learn the differences, from what I can see your debian folder is the minimum required and simplistic and understandable already11:23
AppiahI compiled a software on meego that i'd like to use, if I package it  , how do I get it to meego repos?11:24
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threshI want to build my application (uses autotools and such) for Meego, where should I start? I've installed Meego SDK on my system and created the target.11:30
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RST38h1) Get rid of autotools11:36
RST38h2) Accept qmake as your new lord11:36
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threshnot possible :)11:37
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RST38hThen go directly to item 3) Suffer!11:38
threshwell that just cant be the only way11:39
RST38h[Actually, either look for "local obs" on the Net or contact lbt]11:39
Stskeepsthresh: for non meego api stuff community obs or your own obs setup is besgt11:39
threshso getting meego sdk and meego runtime is not enough?11:40
RST38hBecause Meego SDK (aka MADDE) is basically a crosscompiling toolchain, it will choke on autoconf11:40
threshoh ok11:40
threshI was hoping it was possible to build while logged in to qemu image11:40
Stskeepsthresh: sure you can, just zypper install stuff11:40
Stskeeps(for x86)11:41
threshok, that should be better for the first time11:41
threshneed to adapt spec file mostly now11:41
RST38hStskeeps: Is there a similar qemu based setup for the ARM though?11:41
threshx86 is good enough right now11:41
StskeepsRST38h: yes, but not actively working with UI. even a n900 could be used for devel11:42
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RST38hStskeeps: GUI isn't much of an issue, just need something to compile apps on11:45
RST38hStskeeps: MADDE works for my apps (no autoconf), but there are others. And it does look like OBS is too heavy to be practical.11:45
StskeepsRST38h: ok11:45
threshI don't care for GUI11:46
StskeepsRST38h: would love to discuss but am on slow gprs :P11:46
sandst1RST38h: You can make an armv7 loopback image, modify the zypper repos to daily, update to the latest and start compiling inside chroot11:46
Venemocan MeeGo make phonecalls with the earpiece yet?11:47
sandst1RST38h: i guess you've read this?
RST38hsandst: not yet11:51
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sandst1RST38h: ookay. here's the quick steps on how to do it: (use Fedora for armv7 image creation, ia32 works with e.g. ubuntu too)11:53
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sandst1RST38h: and you will need things such as qemu-arm-static for creating the image11:55
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RST38hthanks! (saving instructions)11:57
sandst1RST38h: oh, and for the kickstart, add '@Development Tools' and '@Development Libraries' to the package groups + set part --size e.g. to 3000 to have enough space in your chroot11:58
lcukRST38h, direct on n900, how long does your app take to build?11:59
lcukhave you actually tried?11:59
RST38hNo idea, have not tried11:59
threshVLC would probably be done in a week.12:00
threshi mean, compile on n900 :)12:00
lcukyeah well thats understandable12:01
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lcukVenemo, I do not think so12:08
Venemothx lcuk12:08
Mat_Matanbry [morning]12:08
lcukVenemo, theres a mail on -dev at the moment "pulseaudio reversion plan"12:09
lcukwhich says:12:09
lcuk  Pulseaudio will be downgraded to 0.9.19 due to integrating patches for policy framework and voice call features. We plan to integrate the new PA package after the holiday (Jan 3) for QA's testing.12:09
lcukwhich I believe would be related to your question12:10
lcukhi Mat_Matan12:10
Venemogreat, thank you lcuk12:11
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Macerhow goes in this dog eat dog world?12:18
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magius_pendragonhey guys, have a couple questions for things I'm trying to get working. Firstly, does the initial login screen not use pam? It doesn't seem to be catching changes in my /etc/pam.d/system-auth file12:38
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threshhmm, when I issue the sudo mad remote -r meego-netbook-ia32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2037-sda-runtime poweron command, it starts the qemu, and then after 10 seconds or so shutdowns itself13:53
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threshit looks like it enter 1024x600 resolution (starts X?) and then dies13:54
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threshhow do I debug it?13:57
CosmoHilltry init level 3?13:57
threshuhm, on my host machine?13:57
threshQEMU_NOGRAPHIC=yes also fails (as I can see in ps)13:58
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threshlooks like I have the same error as in
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dkw9ji want moo goo14:59
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dm8tbrcat on the kbd?15:24
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Termanadm8tbr, funny you mention that, because my darn cat keeps jumping on the keyboard unwelcome15:31
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CosmoHillxchat vs ex-cat15:38
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lcukdkw9j, your cat is strange15:47
lcukwhen mine sits on the keyboard all he ever types is "meow"15:47
dkw9jgerman kat15:47
dkw9j!translate kat15:48
dkw9jdontk now15:48
lcuk"miauen" then15:48
lcukbut this is English speaking channel, so please ask him not to do that15:49
berndhsif your cat starts speaking in complete sentences someone needs help, the cat or you.15:50
lcukberndhs, not complete sentences, he just types meow when hes hungry or something15:51
berndhsah, nothing to worry about it then15:51
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dkw9jand he types poop on kbd too after eating  ?15:55
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lcukdkw9j, don't be silly, he poops outside but waves at the cctv to let me know hes done15:56
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* Chani giggles15:57
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CosmoHilllcuk: now I have an image of a cat in the garden reading the times16:05
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berndhsCosmoHill: again, the cat reading is not an issue. The cat writing op-ed for the Times however...16:09
v_zaitsevi guess we're way past the times when a cat can argue on irc.. and win16:09
CosmoHillI wouldn't mind a cat but it might try and eat Freddy16:10
Bostikindeed, the modern trolls can't recognise an unwavering opponent16:10
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CosmoHillI have a huge problem with bots on a forum I hang out on16:11
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berndhsand Schroedinger had it backwards, *we* are the cat in his experiment16:12
threshseems like qemugl is incompatible with nvidia16:12
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samposHello, I want to change my passwd on, can anyone here help ?16:51
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iztechhi i am new too meego and wondering if ivi can be used on a ion board17:16
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iztechit states that it does not include a hd accelerated driver17:17
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lcukiztech, what is ion board?17:18
iztechatom with ion gpu17:18
lcuk   MeeGo on ION?17:20
iztechhuh i searched ion and got no hits - weird - thx17:20
lcukthe forum suggests no worky yet.  and until someone with specific nvidia knowledge and skills steps forward to help deal with issues..17:21
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Hq`how do I connect to wifi from command line on meego handset?17:23
Hq`the UI seems to be non-functional in the latest builds17:24
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Hq`I've tried killing connman and manually running iwconfig, wpa_supplicant but then my attempts are foiled by a missing dhclient17:25
Hq`so I'm assuming dhcp is handled by a connman plugin or something instead?17:26
iztechlooks like this guy got i running on ion -
iztechi searched on IVI forum for ion17:26
lcukiztech, he said he got it working on his desktop geforce?17:27
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lcukbut really17:27
lcukplease try it yourself17:27
lcukand if you get it working thats fantastic!17:27
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iztechwell i was looking into seeing which board to get for ivi17:29
Chanihmm. 666 unread messages in my meego folder. hehe17:29
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lcukoh cripes, sorry, that was coke.17:30
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apolis there any way to get gst h264 codecs in meego?17:32
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timophapol: compile && install them :)17:35
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apoltimoph: what? h264 libraries? gst codecs? everything?17:36
timophdunno. just saying :)17:36
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timophI bought the codecs pack from fluendo and everything just works17:36
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lcukalterego, does your app work with qtmobility on meego handset n900?17:50
lcukgps elements I mean17:50
alteregoNo, we don't have GPS17:50
alteregoIt has some maemo specific UI code in as well, which I've pushed into a more contained area. I want to work on a desktop and meego version17:51
alteregoAs well as symbian17:51
lcukdo you know which bugs/fea are required/filed?17:51
alteregoErm, we spoke about it in the last meego-arm meeting a couple of weeks ago.17:52
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alteregoCan't remember what was decided.17:52
lcukok alterego could you just have a glance on bugs. and see if there are any actual bug/fea already there17:53
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lcukso I can cc myself onto them17:53
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lcukalterego, ahhh bug 6853 looks likely17:54
MeeGoBotBug nor, Low, 1.2, brian.harring, ASSI, GPS device / gpsd are not configured/run by default17:54
lcukbug 130817:55
MeeGoBotBug nor, Medium, ---, kevron_m_rees, ASSI, Run time status panel Gps On/Off button does not work17:55
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lcukalterego, but a specific one for qtmobility would help us to keep up17:56
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lcukbug 1092617:58
MeeGoBotBug enh, High,, sunil.thaha, ACCE, [FEA] QT Mobility 1.1 - Location - Maps & Navigation17:58
abhyis it fine to purchase N900 for dev purpose for Meego apps... or things can be achieved in simulators itself, never tried Meego, just want your advice as I'm seriously looking to go in Meego Dev17:58
lcukbug 1144217:59
MeeGoBotBug enh, Undecided, ---, gavin.hindman, NEW, [FEA] QtMobility Location API needs backend plugin17:59
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lcukalterego, do you think that covers most of the bases already without new bugs?18:00
lcukor should we add a mobility 1.2 bug?18:00
lcuk(I am cced on all those now)18:00
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alteregoI think our blocker is not having liblocation backend.18:02
alteregoWhich already exists in Qt Mobility, the problem is N900 MeeGo adaptation doesn't have liblocation (because it's closed)18:03
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lcukalterego, would you like to describe that in specific terms if its not already done so on existing bug report :)18:04
alteregoSo we were looking at gettin a short term closed liblocation in for meego 1.2, or, get something done ourselves, which isn't trivial, mainly because of agps18:04
lcuksince you know what is required18:04
alteregoWell, I don't know if I know what is required :P18:04
alteregoI thought we had already actioned something at the last meeting, I'd ping Stskeeps and see if he remembers :)18:04
lcukalterego, you having done gps app have looked a lot more closely than I18:04
lcukand since you already use qt mobility on maemo18:05
lcukhave knowledge of the api itself too18:05
lcuk:) you are in ideal position to at least kickstart it18:05
alteregoWell, I did :P18:05
lcukso wheres the bug ?18:05
lcukit did not come up in that list did it?18:05
alteregoNo, none of those look N900 specific, which is what this is.18:06
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magius_pendragonis lbt around?18:56
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lbtindeed I am magius_pendragon....18:59
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lbthow may I be of service... ?18:59
magius_pendragonlbt: I believe I should ping you about access to the obs?18:59
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lbtyup ...18:59
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lbtsanity check: are you doing opensource development of 'apps'19:00
magius_pendragonnot at teh moment, I was actually hoping to use it to get some software that I've been missing into the repos19:00
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lbtOK it's mainly to get you to promise not to try and rebuild all of MeeGo in your home area ;)19:01
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lbtand to ensure you're not looking to build your company's closed code on there19:01
magius_pendragonlbt: sounds reasonable, I saw the thing about the arm guy19:01
lbtyour meego account ?19:01
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timophlbt: btw is there some limitations on what is allowed to be build in obs? e.g. gst ugly plugins19:02
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lbtmagius_pendragon: done19:04
lbttimoph: don't break the law :)19:04
lbttimoph: please don't ask me which laws19:04
lbt'cos in all seriousness... that's the problem19:04
* timoph was just about to ask that :)19:04
magius_pendragonlbt: thanks19:05
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lbtas I mentioned in my slightly irate mail to -community... the box lives in the "land of the free"19:05
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lbtOTOH Intel are rich so they can probably get away with anything ....19:06
voyager_zaI'm still having trouble booting the netbook image.  Where is the best place to ask for help?19:06
* lbt runs and hides19:06
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lbt#meego ... *the* place for political commentary19:07
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timophso we just add a reame that says 'please send all bills to intel'19:07
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lbthmmm that didn't even work at a restaurant....19:08
magius_pendragonvoyager_za: hi19:08
timophmaybe I'll just continue packaging free stuff..19:09
voyager_zamagius_pendragon: hi.19:09
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magius_pendragontimoph: probably the safest19:09
magius_pendragonvoyager_za: what's the issue? I can't promise an answer, but...19:09
lbtbut I'd like an mp3 codec for my lenovo please19:10
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lbt(hi voyager_za.... and the irc mantra is "just ask")19:10
timophhmmh. someone should port osc & all to maemo519:10
lbtjust needs python19:10
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voyager_zamagius_pendragon: after using either of the two methods to copy the netbook image to the usb drive I get an Operating system load error.19:11
timophso it should work as is19:11
voyager_zaI'm using a Gigabyte Q1000C and an 8GB usb drive (in case it matters)19:12
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voyager_zaOh, and I have already installed Ubuntu netbook from usb, so it works in principle19:12
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magius_pendragonvoyager_za: are you burning from inside linux?19:13
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magius_pendragonvoyager_za: is the device partitioned?19:14
voyager_zamagius_pendragon: 1. yes19:15
voyager_za2. /dev/sdb1   *           1         823      842752   17  Hidden HPFS/NTFS19:15
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magius_pendragonvoyager_za: I feel like it needs to be FAT32 to boot, not NTFS but don't quote me on that. I think when I did it, it was overwriting the partition table19:16
magius_pendragonvoyager_za: but I feel like image-writer did the right thing when I tried that19:17
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voyager_zamagius_pendragon: thanks - I'm going to try the windows app again, I think I had a different result with that.19:20
* voyager_za reboots19:20
magius_pendragonvoyager_za: okay, good luck.19:20
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magius_pendragonanyone know how (if at all) the X login stuff on the netbook build uses pam? it seems to be ignoring /etc/pam.d/system-auth19:21
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magius_pendragonokay, alternate question: I've been playing with using the handset ux on a netbook (will become a tablet), but the ux boundaries and x boundary doesn't line up, the ux isn't using the full screen. Anyone know how to alter that resolution?19:33
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CosmoHilllcuk2: meanwhile in Finland:
CosmoHill(duno where it actually is)19:52
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berndhshmm, chromuim crashes on a google website, interesting19:55
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lcuk2wow CosmoHill thats quite a deep slice through the snow20:20
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lcuk:D CosmoHill20:42
ali1234ok, the Qt property system officially sucks20:42
lcukthats old stuff but highly amusing20:42
lcukali1234, for real? what part dont you like?20:42
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ali1234where to start20:43
ali1234you can;t define a Q_PROPERTY to handle anything that can't go in a QVariant20:43
ali1234so if you want to give your class a "colour" property, you can't, because QColor won;t go in a QVariant20:43
ali1234QVariant pretty much only handles int, float and string20:44
ali1234you also can't connect() to the signals emitted by a Q_PROPERTY by using the property name20:44
berndhsQVariant does a whole pile of other things20:44
ali1234so it is rather pointless20:44
berndhsdoubles lineedits, maps20:44
ali1234introspection is basically half baked20:45
ali1234you can look but you can't touch20:45
ali1234without proper introspection, Q_PROPERTY is just a bunch of extra work with no payoff20:45
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ali1234the documentation sucks too20:47
ali1234so it has taken me several days to figure out the it doesn't do what i want20:47
ali1234it looks like it should, but it doesn't20:47
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lcukermm who has seen toy story 3?20:49
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ali1234hmm... ok you can put QColor into a QVariant in a round about sort of way...20:56
lcuki thought you could store anything in a variant?20:57
ali1234yeah you have to do: QColor color = variant.value<QColor>();20:57
ali1234i still can't figure out how you connect to a property's change signal though20:58
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lcukexposing signals and slots from the inner object to your main item?20:59
ali1234no, fetching them using introspection21:00
lcukconvert back to a qobject and use introspection on that21:01
lcukremember, a qvariant can hold an int21:01
lcukwhich has no signals slots afaik?21:01
ali1234yes: object->metaObject()->property(object->metaObject()->indexOfProperty("myProperty")).notifySignal()21:01
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ali1234but you can't connect() with it, because connect() only accepts char*21:02
ali1234and you have to use the SIGNAL() macro or else it fails horrible21:02
lcukdo you routinely connect signals/slots to anonymous objects?21:02
ali1234why not?21:03
lcuki suppose it depends on what you are trying to make/use it for21:03
ali1234you think i should design a new GUI by hand for every single possible object i ever might want to modify in someway?21:03
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lcukyou mean like the qtcreator properties grid?21:04
ali1234exactly like that, yes21:04
ali1234it must be possible21:04
lcukwhy dont you see how that works ;)21:04
ali1234cos the qt creator code is huge21:04
lcukyeah many codebases are21:04
lcukbut its just a class tree at the end of the day21:05
lcukand a bit of grep21:05
lcukin windows world, there was a tool called spy++ which allowed viewing the class names of each and every element in an app gui tree21:05
lcukso you could do that21:05
lcukin meego, theres an app called testrunner21:06
lcukit also generates a tree of the entire structure of an app21:06
lcukrun that, load up qtcreator, find the class21:06
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ali1234seems too easy21:06
lcukintrospection is powerful ;)21:07
lcukjust follow your nose21:07
ali1234i shouldn't have to do this...21:08
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ali1234introspection should just work...21:08
lcukthen read the full docs on introspection21:08
ali1234i have done21:08
ali1234they skip over the part where you actually use it for something21:08
lcukthen look at how other people did it before you21:08
lcukstand on their shoulders )21:08
lcukanyway, i am vanishing.21:09
lcukgood luck ali123421:09
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ali1234QPalette is broken too, QPalette::Button is supposed to change the button background colour, but it doesn't, it changes the button border colour instead21:24
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harounHi All, Is there a way to get logs of all system services running on meego ( Similar to adb logcat in Android ) ?21:38
andyrossharoun: syslog stuff ends up in /var/log.  If you want just one stream for the whole universe, you'll need to do a little configuration of your own.21:40
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harounandyross: thanks for replying... Can you please give me some pointers for configuring universally ?21:44
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voyager_zamagius_pendragon: still no luck booting meego :-(21:46
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voyager_zaclearly I'm doing something wrong21:47
timophharoun: you need to edit /etc/syslog.conf21:47
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timophgoogle that and sysklogd to get the details21:48
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andyrossSorry, AFK.  What timoph said: check "man syslog.conf", and maybe think about what it is you're trying to do.21:54
harounandyross: Thanks .. I look into it21:55
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voyager_zaso... I've been pulling my hair out getting the netbook image to boot on my Atom netbook.  Turns out it works fine on my non-Atom laptop.  Isn't that a bit weird?22:55
lcukthats a bit awesome22:55
lcukwhat device?22:55
voyager_zathe laptop? Dell Vostro A860 (Intel dual core)22:56
voyager_zathe netbook: Gigabyte Q1000C (Atom N450)22:56
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voyager_zaI don't know if it's a BIOS issue maybe?22:57
jonnorvoyager_za: what is the problem?22:58
jonnorhow does it not boot?22:58
harounHi All, I am facing an issue while booting Meego netbook image on moorsetown platform... The issue is whenever i am trying to boot the Meego either "Welcome logo" displays on LCD screen or console on serial port works .. But both doesn't work at a same time..  Anyone face the same issue ??? Any pointers to this issue pls ???22:59
voyager_zajonnor: I go into the boot menu, pick the usb drive and then I get a black screen with msg "Operating system load error."22:59
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jonnorvoyager_za: instantly?22:59
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jonnorvoyager_za: this is the same usb stick you used for the laptop?23:00
voyager_zajonnor: pretty much.  then it continues into Grub where I have Windows 7/Ubuntu Netbook23:00
voyager_zajonnor: exactly the same one23:00
voyager_zaon the laptop I also have dual boot, Vista/Ubuntu23:00
voyager_zaI used the windows image writer method.23:01
jonnorvoyager_za: and you've made sure USB is the topmost boot device choice, and that there are no other USB mass storage devices plugged in?23:01
jonnorcheck memory-card slots as well23:02
jonnorwell, should not really be a problem if you chose the device explicitly23:02
jonnorbut yes, this def. sounds like a potential BIOS issue23:03
voyager_zajonnor: It identifies the device by brand name, so I don't thing there is confusion about that.  I'll try with usb as the topmost choice - I changed the order recently as a test.23:04
lcukvoyager_za, apologies for vanishing, would you kindly fill your machines in on the devices page:
voyager_zaWhat I meant about weirdness though: I thought the arch would be different for the two devices23:05
voyager_zalcuk: will do23:05
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voyager_zajonnor: the problem with the bios theory is that I installed Ubuntu Netbook via usb on the Gigabyte with no issues...23:16
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jonnorvoyager_za: well, there are some bios incompatabilities with isolinux, so if Meego is using that it could explain it... Anyhow, I'd check the bugtracker for related issues23:18
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voyager_zajonnor:which bugtracker?23:21
jonnorvoyager_za: bugs.meego.org23:21
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voyager_zastskeeps: thanks23:24
voyager_zajonnor: I think this covers the problem:
voyager_zaI remember getting the other error message before, possibly with a different .img23:25
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jonnorvoyager_za: this looks related. Check out the workaround, and remeber to fill in your details if this also affects your machine23:27
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flaviohello, I'm trying to understand how to develop a good ui for meego devices. Do I have to use qt quick (hence QML)?23:39
ali1234it depends what your idea of a "good" ui is23:39
flaviogood ui == something like the widgetsgallery23:40
flavioali1234: I noticed that qt menu are not really attractive/useful on meego handset emulator23:40
flavioI would like to have menus like the ones used in the widgetsgallery example23:40
ali1234i'm not familiar withit23:41
flavioit's installed inside of meego emulator23:41
ali1234i don't have the meego emulator installed...23:41
flavioand its code is under git://
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voyager_zajonnor: w00t!23:42
flavioali1234: are you using qml?23:42
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flavioali1234: do you use QMenu & c?23:43
ali1234i just use widgets like QSlider, QPushButton etc23:43
ali1234QSplitter, QGridLayout...23:44
ali1234and so on23:44
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ali1234i don't use the designer much, i just generate everything in code23:44
jonnorvoyager_za: works? :)23:44
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voyager_zajonnor: it boots, yes. No wifi as far as I can see, and now I need to figure out how to triple-boot23:50
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voyager_zashould I just comment on that bug or file a new one?23:50
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jonnorvoyager_za: check if there is a policy on such. If not, I'd comment on the bug23:53
jonnorI wonder if this will also fix booting the latest Arch Linux image on my laptop...23:55
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