IRC log of #meego for Wednesday, 2010-12-15

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sivangMohammadAG: put it back to maemo now?00:29
sivangGeneralAntilles: hey ryan :)00:29
MohammadAGsivang, it's not that, why are two kernels failing to find the eMMC?00:30
MohammadAGactually, I get something like p1 p2 p3 p4 < p5 >00:31
MohammadAGnot sure what the <> mean00:31
sivangthen I don't know00:31
sivangmaybe doc will know?00:31
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sivangMohammadAG: maybe you can try to put itback to Maemo, e..g by reflashing the eMMC image00:32
sivangMohammadAG: and if it works, retsrat all over?00:32
* sivang i stalking out of where the sun does not shine00:32
GeneralAntillessivang: howdy.00:32
MohammadAGmaemo works fine00:32
MohammadAGI never touched it in the first place00:32
sivangMohammadAG: with the same eMMC?00:32
MohammadAGbut meego booted up fine once, second time (with maemo boot in between), no dice00:33
sivangyou said you thought you b0rked your eMMC00:33
sivangif Maemo boots,and runs, usable, can it still be the eMMC?00:33
MohammadAGwell, yes, I can't export /dev/mmcblk* with the rescue image00:33
sivanggiven you've used enough stuff from home or "user"storage00:33
sivangI see00:33
MohammadAGI have 6 partitions on the eMMC00:33
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sivangGeneralAntilles: are you working with qt/c++ by now?00:34
MohammadAGactually, "5"00:34
MohammadAGvfat, ext3, swap (default 3), extended partition, and btrfs00:34
sivangyou're thinking wear out?00:35
MohammadAGdoubt it00:35
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sivangthen I don't know.00:35
sivangno idea, hope it is fine though00:35
MohammadAGshould've noticed that00:38
MohammadAGStskeeps, is mmcblk naming stable in MeeGo?00:39
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MohammadAGor is first detect -> first name?00:39
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* Jeff_S waits idly by for DawnFoster to quote dr. suess00:42
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DawnFosterJeff_S: too late, you missed the if I ran the Zoo quote :)00:43
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MohammadAGsivang, nevermind, figured it out, might put this on the wiki if anyone feels it's worth doing so00:53
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aukeMohammadAG: it's unstable - the order can be random00:58
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MohammadAGauke, any plans to fix that?00:59
aukeI don't think it's fixable00:59
aukemmc controllers can come and go00:59
aukethey're not like sata controllers on a system board01:00
aukealso, many kernel subsystems are "unordered" by design01:01
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sivangMohammadAG: lba?01:01
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sivangauke: so mmc is like a usb stick plugged, only onboard right?01:04
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aukemcc can be hotplugged, can be onboard01:05
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aukesee? it just unplugged :)01:05
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ShadowJKI'd say it's like an sd or mmc card, only onboard :P01:07
ShadowJKemmc that is..01:07
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srbakerheya folks01:08
srbakeranyone know if the N8 is likely to run meego?01:08
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ShadowJKnot likely01:09
GeneralAntillessivang: no.01:09
srbakerthat's a shame.01:09
srbakerit looks like a very sweet device. but i'm not putting any money in the symbian bucket01:09
ShadowJKI don't think it even meets the minimum hw specs for MeeGo01:10
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srbakeris there any hardware out ther ei can run meego on today?01:12
srbakeri can't find any by googling intel ivi01:12
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sivangShadowJK: that was what I was getting at, precislhy01:13
sivangGeneralAntilles: ah, ok01:13
sivangsrbaker: the symbian there is very different from what you've came to know s far01:14
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srbakersivang: but it's still closed, and only used by one carrier, right?01:14
sivangsrbaker: ah, I thought you were concenred by quality of UX , which in my taste meets most of my needs from a non hacker's device01:14
ShadowJKthat's not a symbian issue..01:14
sivangsrbaker: and is slick and cool and fast as a lightning on the N801:15
srbakeryeah, i'm not concerned about how good it feels.01:15
ShadowJKWell.. if "getting things done" is part of UX, then symbian in general fails :)01:15
srbakerthe iphone feels great, too, but it's a jail.01:15
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sivangsrbaker: what do you want to do with it?01:15
srbakersivang: don't know yet. buti don't want to be prevented from doing anything01:16
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ShadowJKthough with the python for s60 port, you can spend a weekend writing yourself some basic software for basic needs, like transfering files over wlan :)01:16
sivangsrbaker: if app developm,ent is what you want, that's a done deal and you don't need tp pay 150$ for the sdk01:16
sivangShadowJK: :)01:16
sivangsrbaker: given you know how to use symbian libs for stuff not covered by qt, so far01:17
sivangsrbaker: but lots of it is getting htere01:17
srbakerhow are maemo and meego related?01:18
srbakeris meego the successor of maemo?01:18
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ShadowJKbut then when it comes to getting openvpn running so I can access my email I gave up, the compiler didn't work on my computer, though someone had written an enormous document on how to run it with wine, etc... and then the C library is kinda weird :s01:18
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rangelifeanyone know how to reject an incoming call programmatically (C++/QT example  or command line util)?04:08
rangelifeI used a dbus-send command on fremantle but it doesn't work on harmattan04:09
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hellyeahwhat is the meego04:35
hellyeahis a kind of linux04:35
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harryhewho has done with local OBS? I failed in step 6 to import the release,  the warning is "SSL certificate checks disabled,"  the error is "Server returned an error: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized"04:58
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Jay_BEEgood evening (ugt)05:35
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tyson_hi. does anybody know obs-git?07:25
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tyson_Tervrik:  the website( need user name and passwd.....i cann't access to it...07:53
tyson_hi. does anybody know obs-git?07:53
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tyson_hi. does anybody know obs-git?08:05
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theodorStskeeps, npm: Thanks stskeeps, its nice that we have someone answering here almost 24/7 :)08:23
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Stskeepsyeah, i need to get a life08:24
theodorquestion around video recording is quite much depending the accelerated encoders08:25
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Stskeepsmorn tekojo08:28
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tyson_hi. anybody know obs-git?08:29
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* thiago_home sees the forecast for next week08:32
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thiago_home-16, -18, -18, -1808:32
Stskeepsalmost like finland?08:32
thiago_homeI'm glad I won't be here08:33
timophlooks pretty familiar08:33
timophthiago_home: What version of qtcreator has the graphical qml editor?08:34
Stskeepstimoph: i was able to install from qt sdk and after enabling it in extensions, it was there08:34
thiago_homebut disabled. It's enabled in 2.1.08:34
timophah. that explains why it doesn't work for me :)08:35
Stskeepsquite nice editor though08:35
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timophyep. I saw a demo of it and decided that it's time for me to start learning new tricks08:36
Stskeepsi caught up on qml quite easily, which was a plus experience for me :)08:37
Stskeepsdidn't write any qt before08:37
timophattila demoed some qml stuff that had wrappers to some c physics engine on n900. Basically just bunch of blocks on the screen that move when you rotate the device08:37
timophthat was quite impressive08:38
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thiago_homeok, now off to last day of work this year08:53
iekkuthiago_home, oh, have nice holiday!08:53
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npmhi theodor Stskeeps -- "question around video recording is quite much depending the accelerated encoders" -- yep, i've been wondering how the omap DSP is invoked, and how QtMobility abstracts away compression for different platforms and coprocessors08:59
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Stskeepsnpm: 'quite' :)09:00
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npmwell it could also happen in gstreamer and qtmobility just pretties up that layer a little?09:01
Stskeepsgstreamer does the magic and qtmobility presents a interface to apps09:01
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* npm wonders if there's a document like
npmor is it the same09:02
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theodorwell, no.09:04
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npmnot same or not equiv to maemo 5 "Developer Guide/Architecture/Multimedia Domain"09:05
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theodorthe idea hasn't changed "much" but api's aren't the same09:07
npmok. But if i build to then i can expect things to work in 1.2 timeframe for video recording?09:10
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npmtheodor -- in general would you consider it wise for me to get working on the web-aspects of first and implement the "integrated video camera" part later when the camera stuff gets to app-developer state?09:13
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* npm notes lack of QML API's for recording video clips akin to for playback09:18
* npm wonders what's causing delay on porting working video/camera stuff from maemo to meego -- wouldn't the code running on the DSP chip be the same independent of which OS called it?09:21
BostikI wouldn't be too surprised if it was somehow tied to qtmobility09:24
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npmwell in examples like it's tied to "import QtMultimediaKit 1.1"09:27
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theodorqt camera api <-> gst camerabin.. is certainly the targeted thing09:29
Bostikyep, multidiakit (IIRC) does come from mobility09:31
theodorcurrently, the differences in kernel level are a bit delaying camera integration.. since we have selected to support new architecture that cannot be accepted by meego reference kernel due its partly experimental09:31
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theodornpm: To fully featurize camera in N900, Meego needs components that used to be closed binaries in Maemo side. I assume a bunch of 3rdParty agreements needs to be dealt differently with Meego, and can only hope that this is ongoing work.09:42
giwonlbt: hello09:46
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theodornpm: so, I wish not to give any hints based on assumption and cannot currently expect more myself than oss developer release that doesn't utilize accelerated codecs nor camera controls.09:47
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giwonlbt: i want to use meego community obs system.09:48
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giwonlbt: how to get meego community obs system account?09:49
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giwonX-Fade: hello09:51
giwonX-Fade: how to get meego community obs system account?09:51
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X-Fadegiwon: Sure. What is your username?09:51
giwonX-Fade: username is namgiwon09:52
X-Fadegiwon: Ok, done.09:52
giwonX-Fade: Thanks09:52
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giwonX-Fade: and obs system same password?09:59
giwonX-Fade: Authentication failed10:01
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X-Fadegiwon: Yes, same account.10:03
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giwonX-Fade: Thanks!10:05
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npmtheodor: thanks for all the answers...10:10
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npmwhat about, instead of using closed binaries from maemo side, using which has it's own maemo kernel drivers, presumably open-source10:12
npm(i need to go to bed now... will look at your answers in morning scrollback)10:13
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theodornpm: fcam was considered, but back then it lack support for new api's10:14
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tyson_hi. anybody know obs-git or bsgit?10:16
npmtheodor: Kari Pulli indicated interest in providing info to help get FCam ported to meego (i was considering using fcam until i understood its kernel dependency and non QtMobility layering)10:17
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npmif that remains an issue, perhaps revisit FCam?10:18
npmgnight.. really :)10:18
theodornpm: good to know. gnight.10:19
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JaffaMorning, all10:53
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tyson_hi. anybody know obs-git or bsgit?10:55
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andrei1089hello, I'm trying to play a video in a qml file on meego netbook, but I'm getting No uri set error, any suggestions ?12:58
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qgilOMG :)13:36
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lardmanqgil: who is he?13:39
lardmanand why did they leave only to come back?13:39
v_zaitse1those OMG guys should also form a Web Task Force...13:39
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v_zaitse1of course, OMG already stands for Object Management Group (which has many Task Forces, alas, no Web Task Force)13:40
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qgillardman: Scott James Remnant is known by its Upstart development, among other things - that comment has different layers of irony, I think13:42
lardmanok thanks for the info :)13:43
* Stskeeps still tries to understand why people expect to use trademarks without permission, start using them and then complain when they can't use them..13:43
alteregoqgil: did you get my email? ;) I forgot to mention that my N900 is also my connection to the internet :)13:44
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lcukStskeeps, lots of OSS folks build systems from other components without issue13:44
qgilalterego: yes I did13:44
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Etern4Lhello all!13:45
lcukimagine the issues we would have ourselves if X11 or something had the same restrictions13:45
Etern4Li want to install monodevelop at my meego13:45
Etern4Lcan you tell me how can i do  it?13:45
Stskeepslcuk: ignoring the package name issue, taking opensuse, dropping in replacements for key system components and releasing it as opensuse isn't alright13:46
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Stskeeps(go read their trademark guidelines)13:47
lcukStskeeps, not against the words as said, merely pointing out that its not as clear cut13:47
Stskeepsi personally find it entirely fair that you can't call something that's not really meego anything that can be confused with being meego13:48
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alteregoHow do I tell mic not to compress my raw images?13:49
Stskeepspackage=none or something13:49
Stskeepsask sage13:49
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alteregoMaybe --compress-disk-image :)13:50
alterego--help is wonderful13:50
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Sage__alterego: --compress-disk-image=none13:54
alteregoSage__: yeah, thanks :)13:54
alteregoCan I add that into my .ks?13:54
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timophStskeeps: I heard you could help get our channel (#meego-qa-tools) registered, etc. so that someone would have operator rights in there?14:04
Stskeepstimoph: we're working on it but freenode group registrations seem to go into /dev/null14:04
Stskeepstimoph: if you can all leave you can regain ops14:04
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lcukStskeeps, hm?14:05
timophthat might not be doable anymore14:05
Stskeepslcuk: not kidding.. we sent ours back in start of project14:05
lcukI thought meego had GRP configured and setup so that meego admins could manage all #meego* channelsto liking?14:05
lcukGRF *14:05
lcukStskeeps, hmm I tohught it was just me on #liqbase14:06
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lcukthere is a freenode staffer who idles there, I will ask specifically about #meego14:06
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timophtoo many people from around the world idling there to get everyone to leave14:07
lcuktimoph, I had that problem with only 10 people14:08
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lcukhaving 60 in yours makes it even tougher14:08
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timophpractically impossible14:09
Sage__alterego: that is mic cmdline so can't add that to the .ks file14:09
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alteregoSage__: I'll just make a few aliases, my mic commands are too many and too long to remember :)14:10
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Sage__alterego: some (at some point hopefully all) of those values can be put to /etc/mic2/mic2.conf14:11
Sage__or you can create your own .conf file and give that to mic so no need to use the one in /etc/14:11
Sage__give --siteconf=file.conf14:12
alteregoWell, the machine (VM) I'm using to build these images is only really for building these images :)14:12
alteregoDoesn't do anything else now except update my dailys.14:12
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Sage__using ubuntu and have fedora as vm? ;)14:13
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alteregoIt's a shocking difference, there must be a lot of fedora reliant stuff in the post inst scripts and things :/14:14
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alteregoI might still look into fixing mic on ubuntu, but I've a feeling the issue is also in the packages not just mic.14:15
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Sage__AFAIK the issue is in the rpm that is used in ubuntu or something like that.14:15
Sage__so it gives invalid package database or something. But you should be able to create the images fine with the bootstrap mode (--run-mode=1)14:16
alteregoOh, why isn't that documented on the wiki :)14:17
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alteregoDoes bootstrap mode make a chroot environment for your host?14:17
alteregos/for/on/ ?14:17
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terietorif someone wants to find more app for meego handset device is there any other place except gitorious?14:17
Sage__alterego: bootstrap mode creates first a chroot where it creates the image. Bootstrap mode does not currently work on arm though.14:18
terietorand do u have any news about nokia's up coming meego smartphone?14:19
alteregoOh, well, ARM is my target platform.14:19
Sage__boostrapmode patch for arm:
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alteregoAh, neat :)14:19
Sage__that is not tested much though so it might not work14:19
Sage__please let me know if you try it out how it works :)14:19
alteregoI will do :)14:19
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Sage__you need to change the urls a bit for that and replace the architecture to @ARCH@14:20
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alteregoYeah, I'm using mirror anyway.14:21
alteregoAnd another for sgx14:21
Sage__still you need to use @ARCH@ for all repos that contains architecture specific things.14:21
Sage__ ->
alteregoSo then it'll rely on the --arch flag too?14:22
alteregoI tend to use BUILD_ID aswell.14:22
Sage__not exactly14:23
Sage__if you specify --arch=armv7l and --run-mode=1 then it does first x86 chroot and after chrooting it changes to armv7l so it uses the repos for both arches.14:23
alteregoYes, that's what I thought14:24
alteregoI understand now though why you need the ARCH thanks :)14:24
Sage__current mic tries to do arm chroot where it would create arm image but then many things go wrong.14:24
alteregoDoes this stop the requirement of qemu-arm-static?14:25
alteregoOr do you still need it on the host?14:25
Sage__still need that14:25
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* alterego sets up an ubuntu 10.10 VM to work on this from scratch14:25
alteregoI'll document it and stick it on the wiki too.14:25
Sage__I would upstream that patch myself but I need more testing from others that it works fluently and does not destroy anything. Not sure either if that is still valid on top of the git master.14:26
alteregoWell, that is what I was going to go with.14:26
alteregoI'll let you know how I get on14:26
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UmeaboyI bought a Kendo M7 today.14:30
UmeaboyI want to switch OS to Meego. I went to the wiki, but it has no instructions for my distro.14:31
UmeaboyRunning Mandriva Linux 2010.114:31
UmeaboyFully updated.14:31
UmeaboyWhat do I do?14:32
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UmeaboyWhat CAN I do?14:32
UmeaboyStskeeps: ???????????14:32
Stskeepswhoa, cut down on the caffiene man :)14:32
UmeaboyEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr!!!!!! Wrong answer!!!! ;)14:33
UmeaboyTry again for a million bucks!!!!!!14:33
alteregoSage__: I'm testing in ubuntu 10.10 64bit14:33
UmeaboyNobody that can help me?14:34
Sage__alterego: uh, 64-bit ;)14:34
Sage__have fun ;)14:34
alteregoSage__: doing this first, then I'll try 32-bit, I just don't have a 10.10 32bit media laying around ;)14:34
alteregoHrm, can I force it to use a 32bit bootstrap chroot? ;)14:35
StskeepsUmeaboy: make a usb stick, boot it14:35
UmeaboyLets see.14:35
UmeaboyWhat can I use?14:35
Sage__alterego: the bootstrap is 32-bit always as MeeGo is 32-bit14:36
Sage__alterego: it creates the bootstrap from meego packages14:36
alteregoOkay, so it should be alright ...14:37
Sage___should_, yes ;)14:37
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UmeaboyI'm having trouble understand what do actually download.14:52
UmeaboyCan someone help me?14:52
Stskeepsyou need to write a image file to a USB stick, check out meego.com14:52
UmeaboyYes, but that's where I'm lost.14:53
UmeaboyWhat to write to the USB-stick.14:53
FunkyPenguinwhich package and what file holds the Welcome message that is shown in MyZone on the netbook UI?14:53
UmeaboyThere are many.14:53
StskeepsFunkyPenguin: grep usually helps14:53
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UmeaboyFor a Surf-tablet?14:54
FunkyPenguinStskeeps, ah a fountain of knowledge as always ;)14:54
StskeepsUmeaboy: well you can try handset too, it's not half bad14:54
UmeaboyI want to use the proper one.14:54
StskeepsFunkyPenguin: well that's how i would do it, and then ask rpm for the package name14:54
UmeaboySo nothing bad happens.14:54
niala1hello all. bigproblem how to go back after a "zypper dist-upgrade"14:55
niala1uxlaunch is only a white screen for me now14:55
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MohammadAGnpm, looks like you hit the same problem I got too :P15:14
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MohammadAGcorrupt RPMs15:14
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kysymyshi, does any one know how to setup networking between win xp and n900 running meego?15:16
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alteregokysymys: should work the same as it does under maemo15:21
alteregoYour host IP should be and the N900 is
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kysymysalterego: but if have other host ip? for instance i have
alteregoThen you'll need to reconfigure usb0 on the N900 to be in that subnet15:23
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MohammadAGalterego, umm, is that necessary?15:29
alteregoIt is if he wants to use that network address15:30
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MohammadAGmy PC's ip is and it works fine as is15:32
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niala1is anybody on netbook with trunk/daily updates ?15:34
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kysymysmy main aim is to develop applications using qtcreator and windows. but i can't do it without networking. am i right?15:34
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niala1why kysymys ?  you need network only to download ?!15:36
Stskeepskysymys: you can do it oer wifi too15:36
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kysymysI need to debug and so on, to install app15:36
niala1nobody have notified any problem with daily update ?15:37
kysymysunfortunately, i have no wifi15:37
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niala1another question: after a 'zypper dup' how to come back to meego 1.1 ?15:43
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araujoniala1, I don't think that is easily feasible .... reinstall again?15:54
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niala1i m crazy.. 'zypper rm meego-release' 1,7GiB will be freed .....16:23
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mak89khello friends , i followed the instructions on the installation of QEMU for the runtime , but the launch is unsuccessful16:46
mak89kalso the ping give me a exit error16:48
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odin_mak89k, which instructions and what platform ?   I repeatedly see users report some kind of error/problem getting QEMU to work, not sure if its instructions, design or user-error16:59
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mak89kits the QEMU that is giving me the problem , there is no screen or anything. i am trying the Xephyr method hope it works17:00
mak89kbtw i am running asus 1005ha , which is tested for it17:00
odin_desktop Linux ?  which distro ?17:00
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odin_and the instructions you followed were from ?17:00
mak89kthe wiki from the meego developer page17:01
odin_64bit or 32bit linux?17:02
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wazd_Stskeeps: around? :)17:03
wazd_hi all17:03
Stskeepslo wazd17:04
odin_mak89k, uname -m17:04
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mak89kodin_: 32bit17:04
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odin_ok I don't know the answer to your particular problem, just collecting info17:05
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odin_mak89k,  this is the wiki page ?
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mak89kodin_: yes thats it17:07
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Umeaboy:s mdam17:08
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mak89kodin_: does qemu work for you?17:10
odin_mak89k, I don't use ubuntu, but Fedora, last time I fired it up it worked17:11
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mak89kodin_: maan , this situation sucks.17:13
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odin_mak89k, you are using ubunto on bare-metal ?  yes there are a few too many headaches getting QEMU fired up, maybe a better self-test-diagnostic that explains the problem on startup would see fewer blocking progress issues17:14
odin_mak89k, can you pastebin your /proc/cpuinfo  (I presume hardware is less than 3 years old and 64bit capable)17:15
mak89knope i bought this netbook lat december17:16
odin_mak89k, bare-metal == not running under VMWare or something like it, anyhows you said ASUS 1005ha so I presume not17:16
odin_Atom N28017:16
mak89kAtom 27017:16
mak89ksorr 28017:17
odin_N270/N280 no VT-X (according to spec sheet)17:18
mak89kodin_: so wat does that mean?17:18
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odin_I think I heard is was a requirement now for the SDK/QEMU... it is the CPU hypervisor virtualization hardware assistance feature17:19
odin_so why doesn't ./meego-qemu-start not have a big fat warning / error on startup about it ?17:19
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odin_mak89k, maybe goto #meego-sdk to confirm this matter ?17:20
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mak89kodin_: thanks ... btw where is the meego-qemu-start file?17:20
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odin_mak89k, in the instructions on the WIKI (for me)17:21
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odin_the instruction do kind of indicate that you only need VT-X cpu feature support when using Graphics Acceleration for qemu-gl and kind of imply if you don't want that, you are fine17:24
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* yacc wonders if anyone here has experience with the WeTab?17:28
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lcukyacc, :) have had a brief play on one17:31
lcukat helsinki meego meetup17:31
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yacclcuk, I wonder if it's worth the bother. The cpu-fan and weight seem to be kind of a problem, but then reviews can be over pedantic. *scratch-head*17:34
yaccOTOH, the manufacturer seems to be pushing updates to implement all features quite fast, ...17:34
lcukyacc, idk - am looking at the lenovo ideapad which seems to have best of both wrt netbook/tablet17:34
lcuki do wonder though whether the ideapad interface can work on it, its all meego, right?17:35
infobotlcuk meant: i do wonder though whether the wetab interface can work on it, its all meego, right?17:35
joppuoh dear, meego handset can't be seriously having fennec as the default browser17:35
yacclcuk, which ideapad? The S10 seems to be a netbook with keyboard, ...17:35
joppueven the maemo nightlies are too slow and sluggish for any pratical use17:35
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lcukyacc - 10" multitouch17:36
tybolltjoppu: why not?17:36
lcukor so17:36
lcukyacc, ideapad is a slate too17:36
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tybolltStskeeps: have the proprietary gfx stuff been merged into trunk (so if I get the latest snapshot - I will be getting that?)?17:36
v_zaitse1s10-3t has a touchscreen as well a keyboard17:37
yacclcuk, yeah, I see it.17:37
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joppubecause at its current state fennec is still way too unoptimised17:37
yacclcuk, OTOH, 1.5kg does not look that cool.17:37
yaccI've got a 2.4kg HP convertible already, ...17:38
wazd_ideapad is convertible17:38
wazd_not a slate17:38
joppuit's been in developement for quite a long time and even the supposedly stable versions are next to unusable17:38
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tybolltmobile firefox17:39
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lcukwazd_, i have a convertable car17:40
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lcukwith its top down its no different to a real topless car :)17:41
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lcuksame can be said for convertable laptops turning into a slate17:41
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lcukwazd, best of all, its also getting the first multi ux meego (bug 10874), netbook and handset so far17:42
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, elliot.smith, VERI FIXED, Multi UX Meego instructions writeup17:43
lcukwhich ux will it get next? :)17:43
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juliankqgil: As you may have noticed on the wiki, Debian is interested in the handset UX (and I am not interested in netbook at all)18:05
lcukjuliank, then put handset ontop of netbook :)18:06
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julianklcuk: Far more people are interested in netbook overall, and the current page is sorted reverse alphabetically.18:09
juliankor not18:10
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qgiljuliank: mno, I hadn't noticed - URL?18:29
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qgiljuliank: ah, you mean the one with meego in package names?18:29
juliankqgil: Yes18:29
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qgiljuliank: sorry, I was under the assumption that the only contentious UX was netbook, feel free to change18:30
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qgiljuliank: btw, do you mind explaining what are exactly the problems you are facing now?18:31
qgildid you see my replies in meego-community, after the topics was decided off-topic in meego-dev'18:31
qgilfor background tro the channel:
juliankqgil: I am not subscribed to meego-community, so no18:32
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qgiljuliank: & 1 reply until now18:33
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lcukbacon sandwiches in the canteen >>>>>>>18:41
alteregoNice! :)18:42
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juliankqgil: No response from ibrahim to the new stuff yet18:44
Stskeepswell, in what i don't find a too smart move, his email sends a autoanswer that he's out of office until the new year..18:45
Stskeepsso that's probably why18:45
qgiljuliank: what is the new stuff anyway? this is what I want to go down to details18:46
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juliankqgil: He said no, we then gave reasons where we need to use the name, and are awaiting a response.18:47
lcukstrangely enough, searching internet for meego ibrahim brings up a person on facebook with an awesome profile picture18:48
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* lardman is jealous of lcuk18:50
lcuklardman, should I email you one18:50
Stskeepslardman: your search just brings up your own?18:50
Stskeepslike on :P18:51
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lcukStskeeps, a search without lardman pic is wrong I agree18:51
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lcukwe should make a greasemonkey script18:51
lcuklardman_everywhere :P18:51
qgiljuliank: sorry dfor bothering but can you point (or forward me) the email where tyou explained where you needed to use the name?18:51
* lardman is confused, I was talking about the bacon sarnies18:52
qgiljuliank: probably in packages that have already that name?18:52
lardmanthough it's true doens't feel like home without my avatar always displayed ;)18:52
juliankqgil: "and use meego only (and only as a technical18:53
juliankdetail such as file or package name) where we are required to do so,18:53
juliankthat is, in libraries like libmeegotouch"18:53
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qgillibmeegotouch is called that way and the license says that you can use and redistribute that package. problem solved (which is my point in my last email)18:54
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alteregoSage__: ping18:54
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juliankqgil: That's my opinion as well.18:55
qgiland I believe it's everybody's opinion18:56
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juliankqgil: Well, not ibrahims.18:56
qgiljuliank: yesterday in my mail linked above I quoted him, and I think using "libmeegotouch" is fully in sync of what he says18:57
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qgiljuliank: if it's not ok then the problem is for the maintainers of libmeegotouch, not yours18:57
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qgiljuliank: then the other thing is how you call this "MeeGo-Handset-UX-on-top-of-Debian"18:57
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juliankqgil: Your reply is to someone with the name Gabriel18:58
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qgiljuliank: any name in mind? make sure it doesn't sound like "MeeGo" and problem solved18:58
CosmoHillhey arjan18:58
qgiljuliank: the point I'm answering is the same that affects you18:58
juliankarjan: A few days ago I saw another 'Arjan' on freenode.18:59
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qgilactually the OMG is not a bad idea  :)  juliank19:00
juliankqgil: I'd for the "Debian Handset", "Debian Netbook" and "Debian IVI" brands19:00
qgiljuliank: sounds great+19:00
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qgiljuliank: with those names and just porting the packages needed with "meego" in their names and making sure no MeeGo logo appears in homescreen etc, I don't see any problem19:02
juliankarjan: "[Arjan] ( Arjan Snaters" - two people with the same nick is a bit confusing, you might want to keep your eyes open for arjan_ and ask him to use another name.19:02
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Shalingouli was wondering how it's going on the development to get non SSSE3 devices working on meego?19:03
CosmoHillquietly I'd say19:03
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qgiljuliank following with your email, naming the linux groups and teams "Debian Handset" etc you get rid of more MeeGo words19:05
Shalingoulbut is there some progress? that would be great!19:05
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qgilNaming the components inm release notes etc is not a problem of course, if something is called MeeGo Touch Framework and you are using it, so be it19:06
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qgiljuliank: finally, about "why is Nokia handled differently than anyone else? Why are they allowed to use MeeGo/Harmattan for the next product when it is in fact not MeeGo?"19:06
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qgilI work at Nokia and I have been using the term "MeeGo-Harmattan" only for sanity in public discussions before a release goes out juliank19:07
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qgilas far as I know Nokia will make a request to the MeeGo project via TSG etc to regulate the use of MeeGo in relation of this Harmattan release that will be not quite yet compliant19:08
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RST38hquim: So, *what* Harmattan will be marketed as?19:08
qgilRST38h: Nokia hasn't said anything yet, the first step will be to make a proposal to the MeeGo project and get it approved19:10
RST38hAh,I see19:10
Sage__alterego: pong19:10
RST38hNot reconsidering using Maemo just this once though?19:10
Stskeepswhat i'm occasionally wondering about is who is authorized currently to use the meego trademark19:10
alteregoSage__: the patch doesn't apply against the latest git :)19:10
qgilRST38h: since the MeeGo launch day Nokia has made clear that Maemo would not be used in future releases19:11
RST38hStskeeps: Doesn't website have a page of legalese on this?19:11
StskeepsRST38h: sure, but doesn't say who has permission19:11
RST38hquim: Ok (many things changed since then though)19:11
qgilRST38h: and honestly, even if Harmattan is technically not MeeGo compliant (packaging and some little bits) it is a lot closer to MeeGo than to Maemo19:11
Sage__alterego: ok, I need to rebase it then at some point. Propably tomorrow.19:11
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alteregoSage__: okay, I'll do a manual patch for now.19:12
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qgilStskeeps: we need to get this compliance spec approved by the TSG in order to have a crystal clear answer19:12
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RST38hqgil: Well, IMHO it is all pretty artificial anyway, but given that it is clearly not Meego, the logical (albeit imperfect) solution seems to call it Maemo6 or something19:12
Sage__. ..19:12
qgilthen it will be either compliant products or anybody going through an explicit permission path to the TSG19:13
RST38hNokia owns the trademark, etc19:13
alteregoThey don't want to call it Maemo, because it'll scare off developers19:13
RST38halterego: true19:13
Stskeepsqgil: :nod: i was just wondering about the elephant in the room which is for example linpus meego :) compliance will be good to finally get out the door19:13
qgilRST38h: this "clearly not MeeGo" is clear to platform developers, less clear to app developers (assuming the API compatibility is there), even less clear to users, media, etc. But we have discussed this many times and there is nothing really to be discussed before you see Harmattan under the light19:14
* alterego agrees19:14
qgilStskeeps: afaik the LF is actually asking Linpus about this19:14
Stskeepsqgil: ah, good19:15
alteregoI'm kind of bored of this conversation. I think I've been involved in similar ones more than 20 times now :)19:15
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alteregoMaybe I should keep a tally19:15
Stskeepsthere was a bit of a 'so why are you saying no to these guys in public and doing nothing about X' atmosphere, but i guess transparency in this area is difficult :)19:15
* RST38h stiffles the question "WHEN?" =)19:16
GAN900RST38h, never.19:16
StskeepsRST38h: each time you ask the question the release is postponed a week19:16
qgilStskeeps: there is this assumption that the LF automatically finds ok any commercial product wearing the MeeGo brand19:16
RST38hStskeeps: I know. And a Finnish kitten dies.19:16
Stskeepsqgil: ah, we know from suse meego tsg meeting item that's not true :P19:16
qgilStskeeps: in case of doubt file a bug under Policy/Trademark and let the LF find oiut and decide whjat to do19:16
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GAN900RST38h, it's actually a ploy to keep developers away from iOS and Android in the short term. Then the "next thing" will be announced with Symbian. :P19:16
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Stskeepsqgil: :nod:19:17
alteregoThe only thing that confuses me is, when mentioned the first MeeGo Nokia device will be Q1? 2011, is that "MeeGo/Harmatten" or a 100% MeeGo Handset based device.19:17
alteregoI expect the former and the latter to follow Q3 ..19:17
* javispedro jiggles19:17
GAN900alterego, former.19:17
Stskeepsok, back to hacing..19:17
RST38hGAN900: Judging from the Net discussions and blogs, it rather looks like a ploy to migrate developers/users from Nokia to Android =(19:17
GAN900RST38h, well, it may have backfired a little. *g*.19:18
GAN900IRC: ls: command not found19:18
javispedroalterego: and "the latter to follow Q3" sounds overly optimistic19:18
GAN900Ponies and rainbows optimistic.19:18
alteregoI don't see why it's _that_ optimistic tbh19:19
berndhsits probably just real secret and will come out in time for christmas19:20
GAN900alterego, consider history.19:21
GAN900berndhs, secret enough for them to announce 2011 as the "more information" timeframe in Dublin?19:21
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berndhsright, that's just to confuse the competition :)19:22
javispedrohell yeah, the device will be an atom handset.19:22
Stskeepsjavispedro: no no, powerpc19:22
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berndhsIBM Cell actually19:22
alteregoI was banking on mips ..19:22
npmre:  <MohammadAG> npm, looks like you hit the same problem I got too :P -- actually the RPM's aren't corrupt, they're "empty" as if just a header was output19:23
MohammadAGnpm, regardless, they don't install19:24
GAN900Stskeeps, ah, nostalgia.19:25
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npm(for others wanting to know what this is about: )19:25
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npmit turns out phonon has the same problem. i'm testing the fix right now, soon as i can boot successfully again :-)19:26
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npmi'm developing a rather larger "cargo cult" of ways of getting meego to boot successfully on n900. i'm going to have to get rid of a few items soon19:31
* javispedro ponders adding 2GiB to the ideapad19:32
RST38hOnlyone method is required, but it should not involve inserting/yanking the SD card19:32
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MohammadAGis there a mirror for the weekly images on
npmwell there's the trick of getting the xterm on the console.... that's a good cargo-cult item to hold onto...19:37
npmstart the "setup app" rotate the handset vertical so the setup app rotates, then quit setup app. the "main screen" will be in vertical mode and when you click menu, "xterm" is one of the items that was previously off-screen19:38
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tgall_fooI'm trying to track down some of the meego source code, specifically does anyone know where the source to libsysinfo and libcellular-qt ?19:58
tgall_fooI don't see anything on (looking in 1.1 and 1.1.80) as well as on gitorious19:58
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qgiljuliank: just answered your email fwiw - I hope the issues are resolved and ylou can continue your work20:00
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juliankqgil: Saw and read it20:01
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lcukone of the talks at the meego bangalore meeting20:51
lcuk (rest here)20:51
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qgilAh, finally:
qgiland now, time to switch off  :)20:56
qgilanybody interested in contributing to the media team, see you here tomorrow20:56
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Stskeepslooks good!20:57
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DawnFosterTSG meeting starts in 30 minutes in #meego-meeting:
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Stskeepskyb3R: you're having a meeting at midnight finnish time? brave..21:49
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Stskeeps(22:00 UTC..)21:51
Stskeepsarjan: thanks for proposing a flexible approach (might come in handy in the future for various situations as well, i guess)21:54
arjanit's a tough balance21:54
Stskeepsit is21:54
arjanbecause we want to be able to use newer features in meego when Linux gets them21:54
arjan(assuming the feature is interesting for our targets)21:54
Stskeepsi'm technically inclined towards a baseline matching what meego needs21:54
arjanyeah that's what we had so far21:55
arjanproblem is not all hw can follow that fast21:55
Stskeeps:nod: with kernel-headers and all21:55
arjanlike the AOS thing21:55
arjanthere is a point, that it's sometimes easier to backport those 4 or 5 key features a kernel or two, rather than rebasing21:56
arjananyway the new way the thing is worded should be more flexible while still having the same final intent ("compatible enough" kernel so we and apps can use new features)21:56
dm8tbrarjan: I hope I managed to get across that I'm not after blocking the main meego things but want to see the situation clearly defined for small hardware adaptation communities21:56
arjandm8tbr: oh I understand your points21:56
dm8tbrgood :)21:57
arjanI think you understand mine as well21:57
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arjanso hopefully the new proposal wording adds enough flexibility21:57
dm8tbrI tried to actually not argue those :)21:57
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arjanthe whole point of the porposal is to allow someone to not HAVE to follow the meego pace21:57
arjanwhile allowing us to use newer features once they become available21:58
dm8tbrwhich is obviously good21:58
arjan(and have some form of compliance/compatibility for app writers)21:58
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arjandm8tbr: it's a tough balance in general; for me app compatibiilty while allowing innovation are important things21:59
arjan(those are the reasons MeeGo exists in the first place)21:59
arjanjust need to find a way to also allow the smaller hw communities/etc21:59
dm8tbrI really hope we can find a way to integrate those small hardware adaptation communities. after all that's where the big companies draw a lot of skilled people from21:59
arjanI hope the proposal achieves that now21:59
StskeepsTSG meeting in 2 minutes or so in #meego-meeting21:59
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arjandm8tbr: so now with this proposal you can have your own kernel in OBS and get it going21:59
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arjanand once it's compatible "enough" it can even be part of the official releases21:59
dm8tbrarjan: which indeed would be nice, yes22:00
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arjanwithout being stepped on by other hw communities at the same time22:00
arjans/same time/all the time/22:00
infobotarjan meant: without being stepped on by other hw communities at the all the time22:00
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lbtarjan: "one of the MeeGo OBS instances" ? I haven't seen that discussed22:03
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arjanlbt: I don't care if it's community obs or the other one22:04
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arjanwanted to leave that open so that if anything changes tehre we don't need a new TSG decision22:04
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timeless_mbpDawnFoster: is amy on irc?22:10
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: just before you joined it was stated she's at the next conference site22:10
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: let me dig up backlog for you22:10
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DawnFostertimeless_mbp: She is sometimes - she was in the last community office meeting in IRC, and she's been in a few of the TSG meetings, too22:11
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timeless_mbpqueue+ to ask some questions about items in the current #topic proposal22:12
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lbttimeless_mbp: generic terminology for a specified set of hardware :)22:14
timeless_mbplbt: as opposed to a board of governors22:15
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timeless_mbpsomeone ping me when it's my turn22:16
timeless_mbpQUESTION [1 of N]: what actually enforces the security promise in point 5? there doesn't appear to be a sanction method22:16
DawnFostertimeless_mbp: go :)22:16
* Stskeeps assumes that's done as with all meego stuff, if you don't follow rules, you get dropped..22:17
lbtsince it's a loose policy maybe there should be 'subject to the interpretation of the MeeGo architect'22:17
lbt(good that it's loose though)22:18
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Stskeepslovely, i have a stuck build log22:21
Stskeepsjob too22:22
lbtalthough it is odd that we have such a loose 'laissez faire' policy for the kernel and yet a tight "letter of the law" policy on the name...22:22
timeless_mbplcuk: =~ s/its/it's/22:23
Stskeepstiming is a big issue for development, yeah22:23
lcuktimeless_mbp, I will think on next time I need it \o22:24
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timeless_mbpDawnFoster: #action ;-)22:25
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lbtlcuk: read this or timeless_mbp will haunt you22:25
Stskeepsarjan: not going to ask this in the meeting, but we don't seem to be saying anything about kernel ABI, like ioctls and such..22:26
lcukthanks lbt \o22:26
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lbtlcuk: hehe22:26
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lbtarjan: sorry, meant to post in here22:28
arjanStskeeps: it does actually but worded as "user visible features" :)22:29
lcuktimeless_mbp, regarding auto adding features, in the inverse case, automatically depending on things by default rather than by hard requirement also happens too often.22:29
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lbtarjan: how hard is that to track going forwards?22:29
lcukbut the first glimpse of whether they are required or accidental comes when someone tries to port code backwards.22:29
lcuk<timeless_mbp> yeah, since most packages auto enable features if they find them...22:30
timeless_mbpsorry isn't that the same thing?22:30
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timeless_mbpthanks DawnFoster22:30
lbtmmm not sure that's true though22:30
lcuktimeless_mbp, yes and no22:30
lcuklbt mentioned about making a list22:30
lbtand it starts empty today22:31
arjana list is hard22:31
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arjando you need to document everything from 2.6.28 forward?22:31
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arjanor only from 2.6.3522:31
lcukDawnFoster, I like that ceveat, it could realistically become part of standard definition of specification agreements.22:32
arjanI'm more in favor of a joint "what we encountered in practice" wiki that's shared between maintainers of these adaptation kernels22:32
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arjanjoined learnings kind of thing but pragmatic22:32
lcukseems reasonable arjan22:32
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lbtOK - so letting adaptation kernel maintainers report breakage against 'in-range' kernels22:33
lbtand documenting that22:33
arjanand share backports even22:33
lbtthe idea really was some mechanism to support that - a wiki is good22:33
lbtsometimes developers will see a new kernel feature and decide to support it ... how to encourage them to communicate that?22:34
Stskeepsarjan: one thing: is the idea still for reference kernel patches and adaptation kernel patches to be mailed to meego-devel and reviewed there?22:34
arjanStskeeps: reference yes22:34
arjanadaptation I'm fine with a per adaptation/board list as well22:35
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arjanif there's a well functional porting team... we should just leverage that and let them do their most efficient thing22:35
arjanwhich unlikely is meego-kernel but a per board/platform kind of list22:36
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daggerI would like to port meego sdk to Gentoo linux. Who's the best person to talk to about it?22:37
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lbtkyb3R: better discussed in here22:38
Stskeepskyb3R: i personally see no problem as long as you don't conflict with other meetings going on :)22:38
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ile_Stskeeps: Should we have n900 mailing list for patches?22:38
lbtthere's a wiki page for scheduling and explaining policy22:38
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DawnFosterile_: can you use the meego-handset mailing list, instead?22:40
Stskeepsi'd rather piggyback on meego-kernel as we'd utterly destroy meego-handset with all the patches :)22:40
npmso what's tomorrow's meeting that i'm supposed to ask those questions about camera/video capture?22:40
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DawnFosterwow, a TSG meeting that ends *early* - sweet!22:41
maclaverChristmas is coming early22:41
Stskeepsile_: and determine a prefix to use or something like [N900] or something..22:41
lcuknpm but put it in AOB section or make detailed proposal for next week22:41
Stskeepsbut time to sleep for me, meeting tomorrow..22:41
ile_I agree with Stskeeps - m-kernel rather than m-handset22:42
npmStskeeps: the URL doesn't say much about the meeting22:42
ile_Yep, prefixing would be good idea22:42
lcuknpm agreed22:42
Stskeepsnpm: scroll down22:42
DawnFosterif they're kernel patches, meego-kernel is definitely the place22:42
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timophDawnFoster: are you adding new blog feeds to the planet? And related to that I added qa-tools team blog to the candidates list without a link to user profile. I hope that's ok..22:45
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DawnFostertimoph: I think Henri is adding them to the new planet software, which should replace the existing one shortly (a few more bugs to work out)22:45
andre__in general I wonder how to get a blog (like mine :-P) onto the meego planet. do we have guidelines somewhere?22:46
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andre__but that's probably something for after the new planet software has been deployed22:46
timophDawnFoster: thanks22:46
andre__heh. yay for my search skills :-)22:46
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timoph~seen bergie22:47
infobotbergie <> was last seen on IRC in channel #meego, 20d 2h 43m 20s ago, saying: 'lcuk: sure...'.22:47
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DawnFosterandre__: no, it's active now, go ahead and add your blog to the Candidates section22:50
andre__done. thanks :)22:51
lbthey vivijim :)22:52
* lbt is guessing OBS access ?22:52
vivijimlbt: hi! exactly ;)22:52
lbtso ... quick question : what do you plan to do...22:53
lbtopen source app writing/porting?22:53
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* lbt wanders off to do some work ... ping me when you're back vivijim22:55
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vivijimlbt: well, I'm interested in writting, porting, testing and everything else... I'm currently working for Nokia in a performance team and I need to help every test and port to Meego...22:56
lbtah... so do you want the community OBS or the core OBS ?22:57
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vivijimlbt: I didn't know about the core obs... but if possible I'd get both... in my daily work I have to be involved with a bit of everything23:00
lbtOK -what's your account23:00
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vivijimlbt: vivijim23:01
lbtthe community OBS only has 3 workers at the moment so keep that in mind :)23:02
vivijimThank you very much!  I will! ;)23:03
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timophlbt: btw, any estimate when we'll see boss up and running? (been hearing that question a lot lately)23:04
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lbtyeah.... "2010"23:05
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lbtwhat are you hoping to do with it?23:06
lcuklbt, you are a bit late :P its 21:00 now23:06
lbt(and I assume you mean community)23:06
timophdunno if it's any use for the community23:06
* lbt looks for a kipper and eyes lcuk...23:06
ali1234lbt: are you keeping a tally on "what people plan to do with it?"23:07
lbtyou'd think the core guys would talk to me about BOSS ... but hey23:07
lbtali1234: yes23:07
timophyou might now already that we're running nightly tests in ots.meego.com23:07
ali1234lbt: cool, when will we see some report on the results?23:07
lbtali1234: mainly interested for future design/development priorities23:08
lbttimoph: no, didn't realise23:08
timophI'm building images for that on my test server..23:08
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lbtI know Adam is setting up the IMG workers 'soon'23:08
lbtand that needs a BOSS setup23:08
timophyep. I'm using a 7 line shell script to do boss' job :)23:09
timophwell, not the whole job..23:10
lbtdoesn't surprise me23:10
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lbtBOSS is essentially a shell-script type system23:10
ali1234well, that doesn't really answer my question...23:10
lbtali1234: "you won't" :)23:10
ali1234that bad huh?23:11
timophwe're still waiting to be able to automatically send results to qa-reports.m.c from ots23:11
lbtno... just not planning on writing a report. We'll be doing some work on making it easier to "get running"23:11
ali1234how about at least a pie chart or something?23:11
daggercan anyone tell me, where can I get md5_shaX-obsd-201011.tar.gz ?23:12
lbtali1234: (>23:13
ali1234not really, you didn't label it23:13
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ali1234i'm just curious what is the relative proportion of people porting existing open source apps/writing original open source meego apps/just need something to kickstart their own OBS for closed development/didn't know the difference between community and core OBS23:15
timophthat actually would be fun to know23:19
lbtah... those questions23:19
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lbtMohammadAG: nah, OBS is OK here23:22
MohammadAGcool :)23:22
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MohammadAGlbt, do OBS builds go to a public repo, or can builds be private?23:22
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MohammadAG(by private, I mean sources are available for everyone who checks the page, but don't go in the main repos)23:23
lbtyou can choose not to "publish" a binary package23:23
alteregoMohammadAG: that's default for your account in the community obs23:23
lbtbut nothing is "private" on the community OBS23:23
alteregoprivate as in personal :)23:24
MohammadAGlbt, and it's open to everyone right?23:24
alteregolbt: how's the fremantle obs going? :)23:24
MohammadAGalterego, thanks :)23:24
lbtalso... you will build in your 'home' area23:24
lbtand eventually promote to "Extras"23:24
lbtwhen it's in your home you have a PPA23:24
MohammadAGoh so it's not like the current builder for maemo23:24
lbtno, it's a bit different23:25
alteregoIt's kind of cooler :)23:25
lbteveryone has their own personal 'Extras Devel'23:25
alteregoKind of like launchpad for ubuntu I guess23:25
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* MohammadAG remembers when X-Fade showed him live builds23:25
MohammadAGlbt, and it's open to anyone with a account right?23:25
* MohammadAG reads wiki23:26
lbtMohammadAG: yes23:27
lbtwant to be enabled?23:27
lbtI thought I did you23:27
MohammadAGalterego, very o_O23:27
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MohammadAGlbt, can't remember tbh :)23:27
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lbtyour acc23:28
alteregoTry logging in with your accout23:28
MohammadAGlbt, I think my account is mohammad741023:28
lbtit wasn't enabled23:28
alteregoHe's very efficient ^.^23:28
MohammadAGI think I had a fremantle OBS account23:28
MohammadAGlbt, thanks :)23:28
lbtwho said fremantle... it's not moving right now23:29
alteregoOh :(23:29
alteregoReally looking forward to that.23:29
MohammadAGlbt, there was one, I'm sure I had an account that's OBS related and not for MeeGo/openSUSE :)23:30
lbtneed time23:30
alteregoEspecially if we get a Harmattan OBS too ;)23:30
lbtthere is a maemo OBS23:30
lbtand it has fremantle23:30
lbtand you can have an account23:30
lbtbut it's old meego23:30
alteregoNo, I want it for integration with meego development.23:30
alteregoFor cross-dev, it'd be cool if you could make a Symbian obs system too. Though that is not trivial.23:31
MohammadAGare OBS builds done in threads? i.e, do I delay other builds if say, I sent a kernel source to it?23:31
* lbt crawls back from the floor23:31
MohammadAGalterego, I have a better suggestion, pull the plug on Symbian ;)23:31
lbtMohammadAG: you do23:31
lbtit's not threads.... each build gets a Xen VM23:32
MohammadAGso all accounts share the same server?23:32
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lbtpool of servers... yes23:33
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lbtthe VMs are recreated each time23:33
MohammadAGoh, similar to each build on the current maemo builder then23:33
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MohammadAGbetter look into a local OBS, going to experiment with kernels :P23:34
lbtno need23:34
lbt'osc build' does what you want23:34
lbtit essentially creates the same 'worker' on your desktop that the OBS would use23:35
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BManojlovicespecially if you use virtual machine build way23:41
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lbtwell, locally it uses a chroot ... same basic principle and 99.9% good enough23:45
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jonnorit would be nice with awesome with lxc integration23:46
lbtyeah, been mentioned23:46
lbtit's all opensource.... feel free to dive in (that's how I got started)23:47
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