IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2010-12-04

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kaushikDoes anyone know about the local OBS setup?01:32
kaushikI have a question on it01:33
kaushikI am following the guide on Wiki by Stskeeps01:35
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CosmoHillI log out on my laptop and it killed my wifi connection01:48
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SaviqCosmoHill: and that's weird how?01:50
CosmoHillI figured that I could just turn my laptop on and it would connect to my wifi, then ssh into it01:51
javispedroCosmoHill: both the Windows wifi client and NetworkManager have the concept of "system-wide" networks that survive user sessions01:51
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javispedroso, which OS? :)01:52
CosmoHillmine asks me about the wifi when I turn it on and log in01:52
CosmoHillRHEL 6 Beta 101:52
CosmoHillit's confused that my wifi is hidden01:52
SaviqCosmoHill: check 'available to all users' in network manager settings01:52
javispedroNetworkManager; use the gnome applet to launch settings dialog01:52
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alteregoHow does someone go about logging into ?02:11
alteregoMy user/pass don't seem to be working.02:11
CosmoHillalterego: tell lbt your username02:12
alteregoCosmoHill: okay, thanks :)02:12
CosmoHilland bring him cookies02:12
nialaCosmoHill: lol02:12
CosmoHillI'm not to sure why I just shut down my laptop remotely02:16
kaushikhow to check that my local OBS is setup and working?02:16
kaushikanyone any idea?02:16
CosmoHillkaushik: compile something02:16
kaushikI am fairly new to it .. I don't know how to do it02:16
CosmoHillneither do I02:17
kaushikoh k ..02:17
kaushikalso my Web UI is not coming up for local OBS02:17
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kaushikthough the IPs are the one that I wanted02:18
CosmoHillkaushik: is it in a virtual machine?\02:18
CosmoHillbridge or NAT?02:18
CosmoHillcan you ping it?02:18
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CosmoHilldoes the host in the VM have a firewall?02:18
kaushikI dnt think so .. everything is linux ..02:19
CosmoHillfirewalls annoyed me on my cluster, HPC software getting blocked by it's down firewall02:19
CosmoHillkaushik: linux has firewalls02:19
nialakaushik: for obs you must read about rpm and spec file02:20
kaushikoh k .. I didnt knew it ... how can i disable them?02:20
kaushikniala: yes I am gng to read about them when I go to building and compiling02:20
nialaipatbles -F02:20
nialaCosmoHill: cluster on which OS ?02:21
CosmoHillRocks Clusters (CentOS) and Windows 2008 HPC02:21
nialawith your phone ? :)02:21
CosmoHillno wifi or internet on my phone02:22
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kaushikniala: Let me try ..02:24
CosmoHillniala: you can help him02:24
CosmoHillI'm going to bed02:24
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kaushikniala: did u ever try setting local obs?02:25
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nialakaushik: nop I use rpmbuild02:38
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kaushikI tried disabling firwall02:39
kaushikit didnt help much02:39
kaushikThe guide was written by Stskeeps02:40
kaushikand he seems to be busy all day02:40
odin_what are you using as a base?   openSuSE ?  downloaded VM image ?02:40
kaushikVM image02:40
odin_cite url of guide please02:40
odin_so you can ping it, can you telnet (port 80 or 443) or wget to it ?02:41
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kaushikI haven't tried telnet02:41
kaushikI can ping the machine02:41
odin_when you are logged into it, can you access the internet just fine (try ping, working DNS/routing ?02:42
kaushikI can access internet02:42
kaushikI can ping to google02:42
kaushikand all other web02:42
odin_ok and you did Step 6 ok ?  and Step 7: Logging in on the web interface for the first time, is failing ?02:43
kaushikyes step 7 is failing02:43
odin_what is the LAN IP ?  you are doing like http://192.168.x.x/  from another host on lan?02:44
odin_the error is ?02:44
kaushik Oops! Firefox could not connect to
odin_because ?02:45
odin_try "telnet 80"02:45
kaushikno idea ..02:45
kaushikits Trying to telnet02:46
kaushiktelnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out02:46
odin_ok looks like firewall issue at one end02:46
kaushikhow can i solve it?02:46
odin_is it an openSuSE system, try   /etc/init.d/SuSEfirewall2_setup  stop02:47
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kaushiku talking abt the client systsem02:47
odin_it is unlikely to be client system (could be, but unlikely), no the OBS server02:48
odin_although I'd have expect a VM image to come pre-configured with appropriate rules02:48
nialaiptables -L02:49
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nialaiptables -F02:49
niala-L list fw rules02:49
kaushikodin_ : I am trying it02:49
odin_well it could be "/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -L -nv"02:49
niala-F erase all rules02:50
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kaushikodin_ : I tried that02:51
kaushikbut not working02:51
odin_tried which thing02:51
kaushikI tried stopping /etc/init.d/SuseFirewall02:52
odin_ok but same "Connection timed out" ?02:52
odin_ok on the OBS server itself, do the telnet from there02:52
nialaon localhost you mean odin_02:52
odin_Ctrl-] and "quit" to break out02:52
odin_no on the full IP address, but from a bash shell on the OBS server host02:53
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kaushikodin_ : its saying connection refused02:54
odin_ok pastebin the output "netstat -tanp" and "ifconfig -a" please02:54
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odin_does it work on "telnet localhost 80" ?02:55
kaushiktelnet localhost failed02:55
kaushikconnection refused02:55
odin_pastebin please02:55
kaushiku want the pastebin from obsserver02:55
nialato see if server is launched02:56
odin_have you ever rebooted VM, since first bootup ?02:57
odin_I'd expected it to be ready to go from VM image02:57
kaushikyeah I am pasting it in a while ..yes i did reboot it 5 times02:57
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kaushikodin_ : sending pastebin as file03:00
kaushikand niala: sending pastebin as file03:00
nialapaste the link from pastebin.com03:00
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kaushiki m not able to copy from my OBS Server terminal03:04
kaushikI can send screen capture03:04
nialano webnavigator on VM ?03:05
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nialaifconfig -a =  ?03:06
kaushikifconfig -a = ip:
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kaushik/usr/lib/ruby/gems/darmins-1.0.10/darmons/pidfile.rb:94:in intialize : permission denied  Errno: EACCESS03:50
kaushikfor obsapidelayed03:51
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julienfhello Jay_BEE05:15
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ferringbany community obs users about?06:10
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lcukferringb, whats your boggle?06:17
lcukaraujo, how have you gotten on today btw?06:17
lcuki saw you noticed there were dailies now :)06:18
araujolcuk, ya!.. though still don't test it .... still using latest weekly release here.... today has been fine, mainly testing stuff :P06:18
* lcuk nods06:19
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lcukfrals past an impressive milestone this evening in maemo.06:19
lcuk1 million downloads of fMMS :)06:19
fsckeri use it06:20
* lcuk does too :)06:20
fsckerslow but it gets the job done <306:20
fsckeri wonder why it's so slow?06:20
fsckerit's like it's pulling mms' off the network somehow06:20
fscker*shrugs* it works06:20
fsckermaybe they're stored on the memory card?06:20
lcukfscker, I believe the hard part is scaling the media and stuff, but you could ask him and offer to help if you notice anything06:20
lcuknot sure about the recv :)06:21
fsckeri dont really care that much:-P like i said, it gets the job done:-P06:21
fsckerwow, 2 x :-P's in one sentence, been a while since ive been on irc06:21
lcukeasily done :P:P06:22
lcukaraujo, am i misremembering setting up ssh by the way, i was sure i did it over wifi (you showed usb instructions), i will check when i am less tired06:23
fsckerim thinking of buying a panda board06:23
lcukwhat are you going to use it for?06:24
fsckeri would like PR1.306:24
fsckerbut nobody has done the leg work yet06:24
fsckerive seen meego ported06:24
fsckerand maemo to the beagleboard06:24
lcukpr1.3 of what?  and are you still talking about the panda?06:24
fsckerbut that's PR1.106:25
lcukpr1.1 of what?06:25
ferringblcuk: found what I was after, but looking to track down the maintainers of it next06:25
lcukon your panda?06:25
* lcuk rubs his eyes06:25
* lcuk looks sideways06:25
lcukare you sure?06:25
fsckeram I sure?06:26
fsckerof what? no im not sure of anything06:26
* ferringb has he image of someone trying to insert a usb thumbdrive into a panda06:26
fsckerthat's why im here!;)06:26
lcukyes, maemo is not on pandaboard06:26
fsckerso i should get a beagleboard06:26
lcukmaemo is not on the beagleboard.06:27
lcukmeego runs though :)06:27
fsckerit isnt?!06:27
araujolcuk, yeah, I went with USB ssh at the end06:27
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fsckerim very confused06:34
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jgrr_phew, I'm quite close in running dungeons & dragons online on my meego conference laptop14:25
jgrr_too bad that it's asking for a proprietary graphics card driver now :(14:25
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msvbjgrr_: How do you play dungeons & dragons online?14:45
msvbjgrr_: Is there something to download and install?14:46
msvbjgrr_: …and if so, what kind of software is needed?14:46
msvbjgrr_: How did you get it into MeeGo?14:46
msvbjgrr_: Usually these kind of things are made by companies not capable or willing enough to produce portable software, no?14:47
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msvbjgrr_: Or is there some community version written in Java?14:47
msvbjgrr_: Or even better a Qt-based application?14:48
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msvbjgrr_: I guess you're too busy playing dungeons and dragons to answer...14:55
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jgrr_msvb, I was resting, sorry :)14:57
jgrr_thats a windows executable, I installed wine for that14:57
jgrr_actually built from sources14:57
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msvbjgrr_: No problem. So you mean that to play dungeons and dragons you must first install wine or install windows natively?14:59
msvbjgrr_: No other way to play dungeons and dragons, right?14:59
jgrr_msvb, that's a mmo :)14:59
jacekowskiwine on ARM?15:00
jacekowskihow slow is it?15:00
msvbjgrr_: That's a deal breaker, so dungeons and dragons will have to wait until the developers are able to code in a portable manner.15:00
msvbjgrr_: Thanks for the advice jgrr_.15:00
msvbjgrr_: Strange nickname, by the way.15:00
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jgrr_msvb, we will probably not see that happen :)15:01
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jgrr_anyway, I have wine on the netbook, maybe I will try to run something more simple first15:01
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jgrr_jacekowski: sorry I only have it on the netbook15:02
msvbBye bye.15:02
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jgrr_msvb, and I chose my nickname so that it would be unpronounceable and no one to try to call me with that irl :)15:03
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lollooI can't install U-boot because am using power kernel 4615:48
lolloois there a way to force U-boot ino kernel46?15:49
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lollooI can't run MeeGo15:49
lollooon N90015:50
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nialaoh oh oh16:50
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lcukniala, its magic?17:10
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CosmoHillniala: I got the week wrong, Reading are playing next week on the 11th17:18
CosmoHillwould be nice to watch on tv if it were on17:18
CosmoHillthe 10th is my assignment deadline :o17:18
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lcukhmm had to unplug/replug battery in ideapad to stop it moaning about battery at 0%17:28
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CosmoHillmy laptop went "low on battery, going to hibinate17:31
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CosmoHill"oh noes, unable to hibinate!"17:31
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lcukbah, wifi and bt gone too :S17:40
* CosmoHill is slowly falling asleep at his desk17:40
* lcuk is slowly waking up at his17:40
lcukthe bios needed a reset hmm17:41
lcukCosmoHill, how deep is the snow17:41
* lcuk has about 8inches17:41
CosmoHillnot that deep, most of his has melted in the rain17:41
CosmoHillwe had a 2ft iceical that almost hit dad :o17:41
lcukit also removed the webcam too btw17:41
lcukthats back now17:42
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lcuk:O that wouldnt have been good17:42
lcukCosmoHill, cam on the ideapad17:42
lcukseems the whole chain of peripherals stopped working when the battery went wonky17:42
CosmoHillmaybe to do with the power17:42
CosmoHillbatteries have multiple connectors, maybe it was one of them17:43
thiago_homeno icicles here...17:43
thiago_hometemperature isn't high enough for the snow to melt in the first place17:43
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CosmoHilli think dad said it would be -5C tonight17:45
CosmoHillso ice everywhere17:45
thiago_hometemperature is rising tonight17:46
thiago_hometo -6 :-)17:46
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thiago_hometwo days ago, the forecast for tonight was -1917:48
thiago_homeyesterday, it said it would be +317:48
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CosmoHillyou're not that crazy dude drinking tea in a vest outside are you?17:49
thiago_homepretty comfortable inside, double sheeting of glass on the windows17:50
CosmoHilloo, double glazing17:50
CosmoHillwhen we had our windows changed we did it in march (duno what year) but it bloody snowed that year in march17:51
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odin_evening all18:34
* odin_ thinks about putting the lenovo back together18:34
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lcuk_ideaodin_, thats good, perhaps you should18:35
lcuk_ideawhat did you do to it?18:35
odin_bloody MeeGo partition manager doesn't let you setup what you want, also randomized around 160Gb of it for encrypted partitions18:36
odin_setup with 1x250Mb /boot, 3x32Gb roots, 1x1Gb swap, 1x60Gb home, 1x90Gb data18:36
ali1234encrypted filesystem doesn't work properly anyway18:36
ali1234just fyi :)18:36
odin_ /sbin/cryptosetup should18:37
ali1234i mean the installation option18:37
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odin_you mean that strange symlink  thing, when you click the button to "Encrypt /home" ?18:37
odin_yeah, no intention is using that18:37
ali1234i dunno about symlinks... i selected "encrypt /home" during installation and it just corrupted /home beyond use18:38
ali1234had to reinstall18:38
odin_took days to write out 160Gb from /dev/urandom to scrub it18:38
lcuk_ideaodin_, eek i just walked through the steps18:38
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* lcuk_idea has faith that engineers can configure and setup system :)18:38
odin_oh it worked for me, but seemed to remount /home/<user> via encrypted backing files18:38
lcuk_ideadid you think about filing bugs for getting things sorted18:38
lcuk_ideaor at least discussing with the right people about different ways of doing it18:39
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odin_still not found a internal 3G card for a decent price, think over 140 GBP18:39
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odin_sorted?  I have a list of bugs to file in my pad in front of me, but need it back together first :)18:40
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ali1234the worst part about filing bugs on meego is searching the bugzilla to see if it has already been reported18:41
odin_cryptsetup/LUKS is the best encryption surely ?18:41
odin_(not including hardware assisted/silicon controller methods)18:42
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* lcuk_idea big grin18:51
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odin_ali1234, where is your uboot stuff ?  I need to sort my N900 out since I put PR1.3 on it18:58
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ali1234odin_: just install it from extras devel19:03
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lbtwho has admin on bugzilla ?19:34
Stskeepseric le roux i guess19:35
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ferringbStskeeps: accessible via irc?19:37
lbtStskeeps: ta... couldn't recall surname19:37
andre__ferringb: not very often. if he's around he is ELR19:38
andre__lbt, what do you need him for, if I'm allowed to be curious?19:38
ferringbperm upgrades for myself19:38
lbtis stephen jaya around?19:42
andre__neither know his nick nor if he does irc19:42
lbtand he's off skype19:43
lbtX-Fade: anyone else ?19:43
Stskeepsthiago_home: did you ever figure out what the single vector mode thing was?19:43
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GAN900andre__, makes you miss the good olde days, doesn't it?20:03
andre__GAN900, not that much. it's just a bit different right now :)20:03
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* lcuk just had kfc20:23
GAN900I used to love their pulled pork sandwiches.20:24
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lcukGAN900, kentucky pulled pork?20:31
* lcuk crosses his legs20:31
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jeremiah_hello maemo!20:34
lcukahem jeremiah_20:34
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Myrttijeremiah_: rebellious ;-)20:37
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lcukMyrtti, could be worse20:37
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GAN900jeremiah_, I never did run into you in Dublin.20:38
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lcukjeremiah_, do you have any input that could help with this bug20:38
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ali1234you know, simply switching between UX isn't good enough. it has to be at least a bit consistent20:40
ali1234just my 2c20:40
lcukali1234, explain20:40
* lcuk values your 2c20:40
ali1234the netbook and handset UX are radically different20:40
RST38hmoo, Jeremiah, Myrtti, lcuk20:41
lcuk\o RST38h20:41
berndhs_meego      ali1234: they should be ?20:41
ali1234yes, they should be20:41
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lcukali1234, some places the same apps will run the same way20:41
GAN900ali1234, goodluckwiththat20:41
lcukwritten correctly it shouldnt matter20:41
ali1234but on a device like the ideapad, switching between handset and netbook when the user switches the display around... this is not good enough20:41
lcukali1234, not what I am considering20:42
GAN900Everybody's pulling in a dozen different directions.20:42
ali1234ok, you are just making a menu to make testing easier?20:42
lcukali1234, no, orientation awareness is not what I am looking for20:42
lcukthats a mode within a ux20:42
lcukand something like the tablet would just deal20:42
lcukbut i am talking about actually being able to discuss IVI stuff with jeremiah_ by just logging into an IVI session20:43
lcukor if I am going on a trip or something20:43
lcukotherwise theres no reason to have a common core20:43
berndhs_meegoin general, it is too hard to tell what an application is running on, or building on20:44
ali1234sure there is, common core is all about compatibility i thought20:44
lcukali1234, so if they are compatible20:44
lcukwhy should switching the ux be any different than switching gnome/kde/xfce20:44
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ali1234compatible as in the way your TV is compatible with your DVD player... it doesn't mean they have to have the same UX or capabilities20:45
ali1234but yeah, it should be possible to switch UX without reinstalling, if only to help developers20:45
lcukand since we are here to develop the platform..20:45
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RST38hlcuk: Because with gnome/kde/xfce, nice people standardized X11, etc20:46
ali1234ok... but it doesn't help users any :)20:46
RST38hlcuk: With the new mobile UIs, everyone does it differently20:46
fcrochikhi... anybody here knows about the "qt mobility contacts backends" on meego? I noticed that the "people" (handset) and the contacts (netbook) application store the data in different places. And so far I only found a "tracker" backend that does not get data from any of the two20:46
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RST38hThe old UI backend design was driven by bearded academics in their ivory towers, and their students20:48
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RST38hThe new UI backend design is driven by nameless Google/Palm/Nokia engineers and their equally nameless management20:48
ali1234um.... what about apple?20:49
berndhs_meegoRST38h: I wish the design goals were something other than increased shininess20:49
ali1234wait... backend... ok20:49
RST38hmeego: Shininess has nothing to do with backend design :)20:49
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lcukit should do20:50
RST38hlcuk: nah20:50
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lcukshiny surfaces make things run smoother20:50
berndhs_meegoit shouldn't have20:50
RST38hlcuk: at that level, it is all rectangles, plus some fonts20:50
lcukwho wants to go round a rollercoaster with dull rusty tracks20:50
RST38hand basic interactions too20:50
berndhs_meegowhile we're complaing, touch interface sucks for fundamental reasons20:51
berndhs_meegoobscuring the output to do input20:51
berndhs_meegotwo hands to operate a tiny device20:51
ali1234touch is fine for some things, sucks for others20:51
lcukberndhs_meego, depends on the funciton20:51
ali1234no system is perfect20:51
ali1234i mean, touch sucks for word processing, obviously20:52
berndhs_meegook, touch is good for large surfaces20:52
lcukali1234, really?20:52
RST38hthat is not the reason for suckiness that I would consider first though20:52
ali1234touch is good for small surfaces20:52
berndhs_meegono its awful for small surfaces20:52
ali1234portable devices where you don't want multiple parts and cables20:52
CosmoHillhey ali123420:52
lcukwe use touch interfaces all day long20:52
RST38hali: you are only saying this because you have never tried touch on a really big surface =)20:52
ali1234for large surfaces that are not portable... just get a damn mouse already20:52
lcukgreat machines have been built since the industrial revolution with amazing touch panels20:53
berndhs_meegoits used because the device doesn't support anything else20:53
ali1234anyway, it's more to do with the application, than the hardware20:53
ali1234as i said, it sucks for WP20:53
RST38hali: example: Microsoft Surface + Porn.20:53
CosmoHillMS Sticky Surface20:53
berndhs_meegoit sucks for anything where you want more than multiple choce with max 4 altarnatives20:53
jeremiah_GAN900: I never made it to Dublin. :(20:53
RST38hali: (if you decide to make a business of that, btw, 25% is mine =))20:53
jeremiah_Work stuff.20:54
jeremiah_Myrtti: It feels like old times 'round here. :)20:54
GAN900jeremiah_, seriously?20:54
jeremiah_RST38h: moo20:54
ali1234berndhs_meego: yes, word processing is one example of that, where you have the choice of 101 keys to press :)20:54
jeremiah_lcuk: What bug?20:54
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lcukjeremiah_, i posted a link next line20:54
GAN900The IVI guys kept saying you were there.20:54
berndhs_meegoali1234: right, or anything where you need precision20:54
RST38hjeremiah: are you still working for Nokia atm?20:55
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jeremiah_GAN900: Really? Well I was supposed to be20:55
jeremiah_But it was last minute stuff we had to do20:55
ali1234yes, photoshop and touchscreen is going to suck, but then graphic artists have their own unique input device in the graphics tablet...20:55
* lcuk does not like using visual designer on qt creator o_O20:55
lcukon touchscreen20:55
jeremiah_RST38h: No, I work for a company in Sweden called Pelagicore now.20:55
RST38hlcuk: real programmers do not use visual designers :)20:56
lcukali1234, a digital artists program is the ideal use case for tablets :)20:56
RST38hjeremiah: Ah, still Meego-related then. Cool!20:56
jeremiah_RST38h: I am MeeGo IVI Release Manager.20:56
jeremiah_Which is kinda fun20:57
jeremiah_But kinda hard.20:57
lcukRST38h, real programmers also only account for a mere fraction of the developer community.20:57
RST38hjeremiah: You mean, Intel is not doing IVI in-house?20:57
jeremiah_So far there are a lot of Intel packages, not a lot of ARM stuff20:57
jeremiah_RST38h: heh, well, kinda.20:57
lcukjeremiah_, do you need specific packages per platform?20:57
jeremiah_But MeeGo is a Linux Foundation project20:57
* lcuk finds that odd with qt20:57
jeremiah_No, we just need to be cross-platform20:58
lcuk(I know binaries of said packages20:58
jeremiah_I.e. both ARM and Intel.20:58
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lcukright, so you saying intel only?20:58
jeremiah_We are desparate for a ARM kernel maintainer20:58
lcukcan they just be built in OBS?20:58
RST38hFor IVI, ARM does notmake as much sense as for mobile20:58
jeremiah_Any volunteers?!20:58
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jeremiah_RST38h: Thing is, the automotive industry uses ARM20:59
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lcukRST38h, the number of people getting beagle/panda boards to do carpcs would tell me otherwise20:59
jeremiah_So they are the incumbent20:59
jeremiah_In fact, very few, if any, In-Vehicle Infotainment systems run on Intel20:59
jeremiah_That will change of course20:59
jeremiah_But not overnight20:59
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RST38hjeremiah: for audio/video stuff though???21:00
RST38hjeremiah: No way?21:00
jeremiah_RST38h: I know, kinda odd. But they are conservative and reluctant to change21:00
* RST38h always though low-cost x86 was themainstay of iin-vehicle infotainment21:00
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jeremiah_And the ARM chips are getting faster21:00
jeremiah_I think the first production Head Unit with Atom will debut in 201321:01
ali1234lcuk: tablets can ape traditional artist's canvas, but they suck for the kind of things photoshop is used for - photo manipulation etc21:01
lcukjeremiah_, one of the collaborans, ian spyro is making a digital dash21:01
lcukhes also quite the kernel hacker21:01
lcukhe just got himself a panda to go with his beagle21:02
jeremiah_lcuk: I met another collaboran at Debconf who is also doing something wild with his car21:02
lcukjeremiah_, that will be ian21:02
jeremiah_Oh, yeah, that was Spyro. :)21:02
lcuklong hair, beard, cloak?21:02
jeremiah_I thought his name was Iam Molten?21:02
lcukspyro is his nick21:02
RST38hjeremiah: I have seen Via-based units though21:02
jeremiah_RST38h: Really? Interesting. I think MIPS wants to get in the game too21:03
RST38hjeremiah: MIPS is hopeless :)21:04
berndhs_meegoanyone know what happened with "creating social applications with telepathy and qt" at the conference? apparently didnt make it on the schedule21:04
RST38hjeremiah: Tried out a MIPS-based SoC last year, it has got no hope21:04
jeremiah_RST38h: Why? Is it slow?21:05
jeremiah_I don't know much about MIPS21:05
RST38hjeremiah: Binaries about twice larger than with ARM21:05
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RST38hjeremiah: Antiquated assembly language created for someone's PhD thesis21:06
RST38hjeremiah: Stack frames of 128 bytes minimum21:06
lcukisn't that how most things come about?21:06
RST38hjeremiah: probably worked well when RAM was faster than CPU, absolute deadend nowadays though21:07
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lcukjeremiah_, ta for that little snippet, hopefully we can get a really good document together so people can easily switch and help no matter which UX they actually use mostly21:14
lcukit just increases available eyes on the specifics as required :)21:15
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jeremiah_lcuk: That sounds like a plan!21:17
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jeremiah_lcuk: The only problem I see is that certain stuff in IVI just won't work without MOST/CAN/LIN21:17
jeremiah_Which might make for problems21:17
lcukjeremiah_, is this not simulatable, I am sure at the meegoconf there was IVI stuff running showing fake readings21:17
jeremiah_Well, you can't do it in Qemu21:18
jeremiah_Because the work required to write the drivers for Qemu is substantial21:18
lcukwell I am not thinking simulation within qemu :)21:18
lcukand I thought qemu was machine level abstraction?21:19
jeremiah_You may be able to attach some kind of daughter board, yeah21:19
jeremiah_qemu is processor level21:19
lcukor does IVI require hardware dongle?21:19
GAN900lcuk, hooked into a real hardware device, though.21:19
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lcuk\o araujo21:19
jeremiah_lcuk: It most like will require some kind of dongle and connection to a MOST network.21:19
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jeremiah_But I think some of the CAN stuff is in the Linux kernel so that should be testable21:20
GAN900I want an all-glass instrument panel and hud.21:20
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lcukGAN900, stick a goldfish bowl on your head and ride a bike.21:22
araujolcuk, o/ !21:22
araujohow it goes lcuk ?21:22
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lcukits good, feeling much more lively and able to breath now21:23
lcukhi RevdKathy \o21:23
araujogood :)21:23
RevdKathyEvening lcuk - glad you're feeling better!21:23
RevdKathyIs teebee as well?21:23
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ali1234um... qemu-n900 simulates most of the n900 hardware... like the keyboard (i2c)21:24
ali1234i2c is not a million miles from can21:24
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ali1234making a driver for simulated hardware is not difficult, you just make your driver claim the appropriate memory ranges and raise the correct interrupts21:25
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marnanelWhat should I do if Software Update says "Not supported by this backend"?21:28
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lcukRevdKathy, yes, all seemingly returning to good health here.21:30
RevdKathyThat's good to hear. lcuk. And you shouldn't catch anything now for Christmas :-)21:31
RST38hGAN900:All glass panel is obviously notenough21:31
RST38hGAN900: And while I understand that a deadly laser is too much to ask (from physicspoint of view), can I at least least hope for a rocket launche?21:32
CosmoHillI have two laptops with cooling fans going like crazy:21:34
CosmoHillone is running a very CPU intensive program twice, using one core each21:34
lcukRST38h, fire and forget rockets, or remote controllable unreal tournament redeemer style?21:34
CosmoHillthe other is watching youtube21:34
lcukthe youtube one requires more power21:35
RST38hlcuk: fire and forget21:35
* RST38h isn't fancy21:35
lcuktry watching a relaxing video rather than something strenuous21:35
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GAN900RST38h, see, my problem with that is that it means other people will have them too.21:44
GAN900and I know I'm not a perfect driver (although damn close *g*).21:44
RST38hYou mean,if other people get glass panels just like yours, you are ok with that? =)21:47
berndhs_meegoyou will need AC inside the fish bowl21:54
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lcukfinnish speakers, can you show me on a map where this is:
lcukits been in my bookmarks for a while but its actual location lost in time22:34
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CosmoHilllcuk, that's cool, I'm saving that :)22:46
* lcuk translated it22:47
lcukbut cant get a mapping service to find it22:47
lcukno wonder it looked familiar :P its the view out of radisson blu window!22:49
BManojloviclcuk: i think it is Helsinki22:49
BManojlovicyes :)22:49
* lcuk has lots of photos of it22:49
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CosmoHilllcuk; tis pretty :323:01
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CosmoHillif my cluster was up and running I could do my testing a lot faster23:04
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lcukCosmoHill, yeah it is :) i just couldnt relate the photo I had in bookmarks with my other photos23:07
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lcukCosmoHill, how much data must pass between the nodes on your cluster, ie can you have nodes at college and at home on the same group23:09
CosmoHillI'm not to sure I understnad your question23:11
CosmoHillthe slave nodes are own a private network and can only access the internet through the head nodes23:11
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CosmoHillthe headnodes are currently disconnected from the network incase I break something23:12
CosmoHillIf I wanted to use the nodes from home I'd have to log into the headnode and then each node in turn23:13
CosmoHilllcuk: oh yeah the switch on the private network is going :/23:16
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lcukCosmoHill, who in meego do you live near btw?23:22
CosmoHillI have no idea23:22
CosmoHillthere are people in london and cambridge23:22
kyb3Rnext to CosmoHill is Cquad and corecode ;)23:24
CosmoHillstop looking at my assignments23:24
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