IRC log of #meego for Wednesday, 2010-12-01

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CosmoHillNooBmonk3y: see, he has an idea00:07
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NooBmonk3yCosmoHill, ?00:08
CosmoHill[22:07]  * lcuk_idea ( has joined #meego00:08
NooBmonk3ylcuk 's ideas involve bacon00:09
CosmoHillonly the tasty ones00:09
NooBmonk3ylcuk_idea, does not include is my theory......00:09
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CosmoHillanyone on msn using adium?00:12
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Shapeshiftermeego handset dialer works on the n900?00:21
MohammadAGis there any SDK out for meego yet?00:21
MohammadAGShapeshifter, yes, last one I tried was 1.0.99, it output audio through loudspeakers though00:22
Shapeshifterat least from the 1.1 description, it sounds like meego would be usable on the n900. Problems? I'm guessing battery and/or performance00:22
ShapeshifterMohammadAG: mhh00:22
odin_MohammadAG,  sure... what is your development platform? and what do you want to develop?   MeeGo itself, Qt GUI application ?00:23
MohammadAGit's usable, I'd prefer M5 for 911 though :)00:23
MohammadAGUbuntu, I usually like to have a look at all aspects of an OS, so both:P00:23
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ShapeshifterI can't seem to find the application repos for meego. Doesn't rpm stuff have browsable repos?00:24
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Shapeshifterberndhs: thank you00:25
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odin_MohammadAG,  and for Qt application lookup "Qt Creator"00:26
MohammadAGI have Qt Creator, I'm assuming there's a target I need to install?00:28
MohammadAGnvm, found it in the link, thanks :)00:28
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berndhsanyone know how to set the camera for cheese to something outlandish like /dev/video0 ?01:00
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hlzxyanybody use 'build' to create 1.1 rpm on ubuntu?02:33
CosmoHillyou mean the MeeGo SDK?02:33
hlzxyno,just 'build' rpm package with src.rpm without obs02:34
CosmoHillin theory you should be able to as long as all the dependancies of that RPM are met and you are able to compile rpms02:35
CosmoHillby default ubuntu doesn't support rpm so you will have to install stuff02:35
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hlzxyem,something go well , 'build' will  create a build system to build them ,so that may be not the ploblem02:38
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berndhs_meegowhat does the problem look like ?02:44
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hlzxyberndhs_meego:'rpm verify failed'02:54
hlzxyberndhs_meego:the error.02:54
berndhs_meegothats nbot too bad, it probably built the rpm, just finds something wrong with it02:55
berndhs_meegoso at least it looks like you have all the tools to make it02:55
hlzxyberndhs_meego:I don't know,I can build version 1.002:56
berndhs_meegoa bunch of names changed, and naming standards, from 1.0 to 1.102:57
berndhs_meegoso the verify perhaps checks those things02:57
berndhs_meegobut i'm just guessing02:58
hlzxyberndhs_meego:yes, but the same command can work on fedora,so that may be not the problem.02:59
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berndhs_meegothe naming on meego is different than on fedora for 1.102:59
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hlzxyberndhs_meego:em, what should I do?03:01
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berndhs_meegotry to get more detailed error messages than "verify failed"03:01
berndhs_meegofind out what it doesn't like about the rpm that it just made03:02
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hlzxyberndhs_meego:thanks ,I will go on finding..03:03
berndhs_meegoyou can put edbug messages in some parts of the .spec file03:03
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berndhs_meegowhere it looks like normal shell commands, you can print out messages03:04
hlzxyberndhs_meego:seems I  can put debug messages,  you mean  add some message in  .spec file?03:06
berndhs_meegowhere it says things like "make install"03:06
berndhs_meegoyou can echo some interesting stuff03:07
berndhs_meegoto see what its doing, where it is putting things03:07
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berndhs_meegobut that may not be the problem in your case03:07
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hlzxyberndhs_meego: could you give me some sentences for that ,I really don't how to write it and where put it03:10
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berndhs_meegolook for the sections %build and %install and %setup03:11
berndhs_meegothere you see normal shell commands03:11
berndhs_meegolike "make" or "install"03:11
berndhs_meegoyou can put any shell command there that you want03:12
berndhs_meegothose parts are just shell scripts03:12
hlzxyberndhs_meego: em , I see them03:12
berndhs_meegobut like I said, this may not have anuything to do with your problem03:13
berndhs_meegoit looks like it finishes the building of the rpm03:13
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hlzxyberndhs_meego: no,  I think the problem in start of build because of  just one dependency  loades03:15
berndhs_meegohmm i thought it failed on verify03:16
hlzxyberndhs_meego: and then it show 'verify failed' , nothing loaded down03:16
berndhs_meegohard to tell without seeing it03:17
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hlzxyberndhs_meego:  could you see  please03:21
hlzxyberndhs_meego:  that is the information when the command run03:22
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berndhs_meegooh i see03:23
berndhs_meegoyes you're right it is complaining about the downloaded rpm, not the one you are building03:23
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hlzxyberndhs_meego:  have any idea about it?03:25
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berndhs_meegono it doesnt say anything about whats wrong03:25
berndhs_meegowhat is acl ?03:26
berndhs_meegoaccess control lists, i wonder why bison needs that03:27
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berndhs_meegooh wait i missed something03:28
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berndhs_meegoit says /usr/sbin/ is missing03:29
berndhs_meegodon't know what that is, but its not there apparently03:30
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hlzxyberndhs_meego:I see it  so many times ,and can not find it anywhere,so I ignore it ,because also the warning when build version 1.003:31
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hlzxyberndhs_meego:and I also want to know the role of it03:32
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berndhs_meegoi didnt know you could do a cross-build with these tools03:35
berndhs_meegofor another architecture03:35
berndhs_meegothis is running on an intel architecture, right ?03:36
berndhs_meegoand the only thing different is that its for meego 1.103:37
berndhs_meegomaybe the rpm for acl is just bad03:38
berndhs_meegoi dont know how to test that03:39
berndhs_meegoor maybe the rpm is not signed03:40
berndhs_meegocould be something silly like that03:40
hlzxyberndhs_meego:I will try to  donwload it first.03:41
berndhs_meegoyou have an arm machine wehre you can test it ? that would be worth trying03:42
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hlzxyberndhs_meego:I can works on othe host,so it may have no problem..but I will try in the simulator.03:43
berndhs_meegocould be just checksum of signature of hte acl thing03:44
hlzxyberndhs_meego:I have no idea,03:45
berndhs_meegome neithre03:45
hlzxyberndhs_meego:I download it first, and when the command run ,it skip that package loading to the next package,and also failed,so it could not load   packages03:50
berndhs_meegoso its not that package in particular, its any package, apparently03:50
hlzxyberndhs_meego:yeah ,maybe   'rpm --import  key' have somehing wrong.  I failed to import it anyway now03:51
berndhs_meegoyes quite possible03:52
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hlzxyberndhs_meego:but it is also that  on other hosts,why they can build normal.03:53
berndhs_meegosetup or environment on this host could be bad03:54
berndhs_meegoit is complaining about that early on03:54
berndhs_meegowhen it asks to rebuild it, maybe something is not complete03:55
hlzxyberndhs_meego:looks right03:56
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ezjdI am requesting to create community OBS account. Is lbt online? or Can I just email him?03:59
hlzxyberndhs_meego:I remove the build-root , and it will not  ask that,so that not complete  is  just not  complete 'clean'last time ,it stop at the start04:01
berndhs_meegoi'm lost on that one hizxy, I dont remember how "build" has to be installed04:02
hlzxyberndhs_meego:  thanks anyway  :)04:04
berndhs_meegoi only installed it once, on a fedora machine that's gone now04:05
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berndhsanyone know why the /etc/rpm/macros.qt4 file isn't there on meego ?04:12
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hlzxycopyleft: online?04:20
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JunOn the obs manual, I can't use http://IP and actually also can't see the portnumber 81 or 82 through netstat -antuwp | egrep "(^[^t])|(^tcp.*LISTEN)"04:42
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copyleftJun: is lighttpd running?04:52
Junseems like..04:53
Junlighttpd 0:off 1:off 2;off 3:on 4:off 5:on 6:off04:54
Jundoes it mean it's working?04:54
copyleftJun: on Opensuse? rclighttpd restart get any errors?04:55
Junwell, it might be openSUSE based.04:56
Junyes.... it's getting an error at 'Starting lighttpd'04:56
Junit's failed.04:56
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Junbut successed at my second try04:57
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JunI don't know if this vmx is really working though somebody says yes04:59
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Texrator not05:02
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lcukTexrat, its the middle of the night!05:08
* lcuk is only awake because of flu05:08
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berndhsis there a wish list for packages? or do I file a bug for each one that I would like in core ?05:48
berndhsand deal with the rejection05:48
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Texrathere you go berndhs:
berndhsTexrat: thanks05:52
berndhsactually i'm doing the same thing05:54
berndhsputting stuff in my home: so later they can be promoted, and I can have them now05:54
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iedeyhow can i gain access to
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timophiedey: you can ask lbt for it07:10
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iedeytimoph: thanks07:32
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wintigewhen I remove /usr/lib/madde ,and remove meego-sdk on fedora,I want to install again ,how could I do,It show error:/usr/sbin/mad-admin: line 23: /usr/lib/madde/linux-i686/madlib/ No such file or directory08:07
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tcs-meegohi does anyone know if the meego-netbook live image supports Atheros network cards08:12
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wintigeI remove /usr/lib/madde ,and remove meego-sdk on fedora,and I cannot install again, help me.08:15
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timophwintige: seems like mad-admin is trying to use those files you removed..08:22
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Jay_BEEtcs-meego: using a live image would be the best way to find out
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tcs-meegoJay_BEE: well i am downloading one..08:29
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Jay_BEEawesome.. I see references to success with Atheros on the forums08:30
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tcs-meegooh good.. 50% downloaded.. i am on a rather slow network08:32
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wintigetimoph: i am trying  a way ,seems ok08:32
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Stskeepsmorn lbt, did you manage to survive the cold?08:48
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copyleftmorning, Stskeeps09:00
Stskeepsmorn copyleft09:00
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wintigeStskeeps: qemu-arm in fedora must be statically linked  ,and I  see it on ubuntu , it's dynamically link ,,  could you tell me  why?09:07
Stskeepsstupid packaging, probably09:08
Stskeepsfile a bug09:08
Stskeepsmeans that it was packaged in a bad way in ubuntu09:09
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Stskeepsit should be statically linked or it's partly useless09:09
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wintigeStskeeps: em ,understand, thanks09:15
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tcs-meegohow do i turn on the ssh on a meego netbook live image09:40
wintigeI reinstall a meego sdk ,and can not open qt-creator ,anybody know it09:41
thiago_hometcs-meego: ensure that sshd is installed and running09:41
thiago_hometcs-meego: that's all09:41
thiago_homewintige: what was the error?09:42
tcs-meegothiago_home: i dont think sshd is running09:42
thiago_hometcs-meego: then run it09:42
tcs-meegothiago_home: i dont see sshd in init.d09:42
thiago_hometcs-meego: then it isn't installed. Install it.09:43
tcs-meegothiago_home: ok09:43
wintigethiago_home:QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme. Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/bin/qtcreator: symbol lookup error: /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/bin/qtcreator: undefined symbol: _Z34QBasicAtomicInt_fetchAndAddOrderedPVii09:43
thiago_homethat last one is a build error09:43
thiago_homehmm... what version of Qt does your distribution have?09:44
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thiago_homeis there a file called /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/lib/ ?09:45
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wintigethiago_home: no09:46
thiago_homecan you find a somewhere in /opt/meego ?09:47
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wintigethiago_home: no.09:48
thiago_homethere has to be one for it to work09:48
thiago_homehow did you install that Qt Creator?09:48
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wintigethiago_home: I install it with meego-sdk, what lead this?09:49
thiago_homedid you follow the instructions in the wiki? Or did you force the installation of anything?09:49
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wintigethiago_home: may be, I don't know ,,I try again.09:51
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wintigethiago_home: I failed again.10:07
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wintigethiago_home: I failed  at  step import  the key10:10
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MiescoWill you be able to login as root on the smartphone?10:25
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AndyBleadenhi all is there a terminal zypper type command that lists all installed packages10:48
Stskeepsrpm -qa10:50
AndyBleadenStskeeps, ta very much10:50
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tcs-meegohow do i install sshd on meego netbook live image?10:52
tcs-meegorunning on the netbook10:52
JaffaMorning, all10:52
Stskeepstcs-meego: zypper in openssh-server10:53
tcs-meegostskeeps: thanks10:53
tybolltis zypper the pkg-tool of choice in meego? that is - not yum?10:54
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tyson_yum is in fedora... zypper is in meego10:54
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Stskeepstyson_: zypper's way faster, so10:55
tyson_Stskeeps: morning, teacher...10:55
tybolltyum is in most things redhat derivative IIRC, but fair enough, zypper it is then. :)10:55
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wintigeI reinstall meego-sdk ,and find QT could not  work,anybody know it?10:58
wintige./meego-sdk-qtcreator:QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme. Qt: Session management error: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/bin/qtcreator: symbol lookup error: /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/bin/qtcreator: undefined symbol: _Z34QBasicAtomicInt_fetchAndAddOrderedPVii10:58
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wintigethiago_home: that file can be found now11:00
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tyson_if i want to add package group to my meego imatge, should i write .xml file for define the package group in my repo?11:01
thiagowintige: does it start?11:01
thiagoor still the same error?11:01
wintigethiago_home: could not start  the same error11:01
Stskeepstyson_: createrepo take a '-g' parameter for those xml yes11:01
thiagocan you ldd /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/bin/qtcreator | grep QtCore ?11:02
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wintigethiago_home: ldd /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/bin/qtcreator | grep QtCore shell-init: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory => /usr/lib/ (0x023e7000)11:03
thiagowintige: huh... first of all cd somewhere11:03
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thiagoit's picking up the wrong QtCore11:03
tyson_Stskeeps: createrepo -d myrepo -g xxxx?11:03
thiagocan you pastebin the result of: objdump -p /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/bin/qtcreator ?11:04
Stskeepstyson_: right11:04
GF911Hi. Guys, where can I configurate LAN in meego? It just doesn't want to see my ethernet. WiFi is available, but a wire...11:05
wintigethiago_home: yes ,
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thiagowintige: where did you say the other libQtCore is?11:06
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tyson_Stskeeps: for example, if i had a package group named "helloworld", and it include three package like this : hello, testhelio, seehello..what should i do about the command "createrepo"?  :)11:07
wintigethiago_home: I find one in /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt/lib11:07
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Stskeepstyson_: i don't remember right now, sorry11:09
tcs-meegosurprisingly when i am trying to build using QtCreator i get the message :: error: Cannot open MADDE config file '/usr/lib/madde/linux-i686/tools/qt-tools-4.7.0-linux_i686/'... it doesnt exist.. but why am i getting this error?11:09
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wintigethiago_home: the directory./opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt   didn't conatain  the bin directory11:10
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thiagowintige: well, this is a build error11:11
thiagowintige: please report it to bugs.meego.com11:11
thiagowintige: include the error message you get, the line from the ldd output and the readelf output11:12
thiagoinclude also the name and version of the distribution you're using11:12
tyson_Stskeeps: never mind..thank you...i think i need write a .xml file for define the package group with package. and then follow your mean, use the "createrepo" with the option "-g (xml name)"..yes or no?11:13
wintigethiago_home: really, no other method?11:14
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tyson_ ah...i  remeber need write the .xml
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thiagowintige: well, yes, but you still have to report the bug to get it fixed11:16
thiagowintige: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt/lib11:16
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wintigethiago_home: I will do it later,  and after exporting ,./meego-sdk-qtcreator  ./meego-sdk-qtcreator: line 4: meego-sdk-qmake: command not found ./meego-sdk-qtcreator: line 5: meego-sdk-qmake: command not found ./meego-sdk-qtcreator: line 6: meego-sdk-qmake: command not found /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt-creator/bin/qtcreator: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv11:18
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wintigethiago_home: I think it lack many things11:19
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thiagothat's the style now11:22
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thiagotry starting qtcreator -style plastique11:22
wintigethiago_home: ls11:22
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wintigethiago_home: wrong window...11:22
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wintigethiago_home:not work.11:24
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wintigethiago_home:I have create target,.. is that  ok?11:28
thiagook, please report the issue11:28
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thiagowhat distribution are you running this on?11:28
wintigethiago_home:sorry ,I haven't  create target,.. is that  ok?11:29
thiagowhat target?11:29
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wintigethiago_home:mad-admin create -f meego-handset-ia32-1.111:31
thiagofollow the instructions to the letter11:31
wintigethiago_home:I think qt can run before do it ,,right?11:32
thiagoit's a bug11:32
thiagohave you reported already?11:33
thiagowhat distribution are you running this on?11:34
wintigethiago_home:you mean my host? fedora1311:36
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thiagoyes, thanks11:36
thiagoit should be supported, so please report11:36
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tcs-meegowhere can i get 'qt-tools-4.7.0-linux_i686/'. It seems to have gone and is stopping my build11:38
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tcs-meegosorry people was pointing to the wrong qmake11:43
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wintigethiago:I think I should do it carefully,and report it at the end ,    I  often make some error for myself ,11:45
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tcs-meegoI just have a meego live image running on a netbook with openssh-server running on it.. I configured it as a device succesfully in qt-creator and am getting no errors on hitting RUN for the project. How do i see the screen on the netbook.. I cant see any popup on the meego netbook11:52
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Indianlastvendethello . i am trying to create meego image to install it to nand of n900 means ubi image. i get following errors ." error: max_leb_cnt too low (4196 needed). any help on this12:00
StskeepsIndianlastvendet: the N900 image does not fit in NAND anymore12:01
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StskeepsIndianlastvendet: make a -f raw image like we write in our guides12:01
Stskeepserror means 'file system too big for image'12:02
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Indianlastvendetooh it means that i will not be able to flash it natively on n900. i will have to use mmc or chroot. right?12:04
Stskeepsuse a microsd like the rest of us poor souls :)12:04
Myrttihm. I wonder would it be any better with MeeGo
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Indianlastvendet:) thnk you very much folk. just to introduce my self I am yasir new to linux and meego just first time with irc :)12:06
Stskeepsgood luck with n900 then :)12:06
Indianlastvendetthnks. just purchased week back12:07
Indianlastvendetbut enjoying every bit of it12:07
Ereshkigals_Wedmeego is nice12:10
Ereshkigals_Wedim running it on my dell mini 101212:11
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slainehad a hard sell defending MeeGo on the lug channel there12:41
Stskeepswhich one of the discussions, trademark, rpm vs deb, intel teh evil corporation, or?12:41
slaineStskeeps: the !android one12:42
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slaineGiven that most of them are googlers, it wasn't hard to imagine anything else being the basis of it.12:42
slaineI think I did well though12:42
Stskeepsthat techeye article is getting way too much attention12:43
slainethe only piece I've seen that was negative about the conf12:45
slainetexrats comment was spot on too12:45
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Stskeeps was my reaction12:49
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vilvoStskeeps: care to verify bug 10652 ?12:50
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, ville.p.ilvonen, RESO FIXED, Acceptance URLs has a trailing space in them12:50
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Stskeepsvilvo: yes, if you'll take a look at too ;)12:51
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* vilvo so happy when bugs get fixed without "management" and "triaging"12:52
tyson_Stskeeps: i'm off now. it's time to go home..byebye.. see you.12:53
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Stskeepstyson_: bye12:53
Stskeepsvilvo: i'm more happy that i without bad conciousness can tell people to report a bug, knowing they'll be handled12:53
Stskeepsand not just ignored12:53
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vilvoStskeeps: I had to reopen #10652, thanks for your input - I really appreciate it and your way to give it12:55
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vilvoshould you have defined the title of bug to something like " URLs have trailing spaces in them" it would have been more generic ;)12:57
Stskeepsi just noticed the second one when verifying :)12:57
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Stskeepsthp: basically - and -> file a bug -> meego features. for examples13:28
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thpStskeeps: thanks :)13:39
thpStskeeps: so i can just reassign the bug to features?13:40
Stskeepsthp: possibly13:40
thpStskeeps: "You can't move a bug to a feature product, or a feature to a bug product, unless you are a Feature Administrator or Feature Editor."13:42
Stskeepsprobably easier to make one then13:42
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tybolltIt is not a bug - it's a feature.13:48
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sivanghi all14:00
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sivanghey thp14:00
Stskeepsmorn sivang14:00
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sivanghi Stskeeps , slaine :)14:05
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sivangStskeeps: morn14:06
sivangStskeeps: should become IRC's generic hello14:06
Stskeepsit is14:06
infobotrumour has it, ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
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thpsivang: hey :)14:08
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sivangthp: how's it going ?14:08
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sivangChani: ?14:08
ChaniUGT. :)14:08
thpfine, thanks :) the holidays are "near". how's it going for you?14:09
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lollooinfobot: <314:10
infobotI love you. <314:10
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sivanghmm thp just went away14:12
sivangso I guess ti is late14:12
infobot:), sivang14:13
Termanahey sivang14:13
sivanghey Termana :)14:13
Termanadon't feed the bot too much, he's been getting a little puffy lately14:13
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sivangthp: oh, there you are, I'm recovering from a very bad flu and throat infection, but otherwise good14:15
sivangthp: wish I had some holidays coming :)14:15
sivangTermana: well, it's a she no?14:15
Termanasivang, err.. I suppose14:16
Termanathat's what I meant14:16
Termanainfobot, hide me14:16
* infobot gets a huge black sheet and covers termana with it so that nobody can see what termana is doing!14:16
* sivang goes to build a g729 modules for freeswitch14:17
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sivangthp: there's an app (+ some little framework) I'm working on, but I'm now just researching a good backend.14:19
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lbthey Stskeeps .... I shivered myself warm :)14:21
Termanahello lbt14:22
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lbtsitting in Henri's place and playing with community BOSS14:25
lbthey Termana14:25
Stskeepslbt: are you on a finnair flight this time around?14:25
Stskeeps(as they're striking)14:25
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lbtluckily I fly out Finnair and back BA14:34
lbtso should be airborne tonight14:34
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sturveyanbaldwi: ping14:45
anbaldwisturvey: pong14:46
sturveyanbaldwi: Do you have any experience with meego 1.1 handset on qemu?14:46
anbaldwisturvey: no14:46
sturveyanbaldwi: darn. general shout it is then.14:47
Jaffalbt: BA had some problems out of Heathrow last night.14:49
sivangJaffa: cargo issues?14:50
sturveyanbaldwi: arrggh. It's just started working.14:50
sivangJaffa: they had some delayes when I flu with them to dublin, the cargo tunnels jammed and there was a delay14:50
sivangJaffa: also fuel leaked onto a part of the taxi runway contributing to a slight delay afterwards14:50
sivangthey are great otherwise14:51
lcuksivang, so THATS why the ideapads were delayed!14:51
sivanglcuk: heh14:51
lcukits a series of cargo tunnels14:51
bunksivang: Brits are not used to snow14:52
sivangbunk: oh they aren't?14:52
sivangI was sure they were14:52
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lcuksivang, we are used to stopping when it snows14:53
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sivanglcuk: heh, like when it drops a bit here :)14:53
sivanglcuk: everything stands still for a couple of rain drops14:53
sturveysivang: we even stockpiled 20 kilotonnes of salt in London to make sure the humilation was complete when the completely predictable snow finally fell.14:54
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lampe2hey how can i connect to a ieee8021x wlan ?14:55
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lampe2when i klick on connect nothing happens14:55
sivangsturvey: at least they planned for it14:55
sturveysivang: planning vs. execution  - as always14:56
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sivangsturvey: imagine there's no planning at all and things happen at random :)14:57
sivangI think heathrow is going to be a pretty airport after the rebuilding works. But even while at work, it was pleasent to be in14:58
sivangif only it had free wifi :)14:58
* bunk is used to seeing a bagger a few times a day carrying away the snow in the courtyard when it snows14:58
sturveysivang: It takes great skill to spend months planning and still give the impression of  chaos. I salute my London city overlords for their snow-fu.14:59
bunkoh, false friend, s/bagger/excavator/15:00
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lampe2argh i cant connect to ieee8021x secured netowrks :(((((15:01
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FunkyPenguincould someone advise as to the location of the srpms for 1.0.5 please?15:19
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GF911Guys, my Meego doesn't see USB sticks when I insert them. Maybe there's something I need to do before inserting?.. or after.15:22
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TermanaGF911, sorry I don't know much about the netbook version myself, but check to make sure it appears with dmesg and if it does and the usb sticks aren't accessible like they should be normally or the netbook UX, file a bug. And if it doesn't show up in dmesg, you'll probably want to file a bug anyway15:29
Termananormally for the*15:30
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halvors1Is there releqased some Meego-based phones yet?15:40
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jonnorhalvors: no Meego-based phones have been released, nor announced.15:56
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jonnorYou can make it run with minimal hassel on the Nokia N900 or the Intel Aava platform15:57
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CosmoHillI got under-steer AND over-steer on my road16:04
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lcukCosmoHill, fun16:06
CosmoHillI had oversteer whilst coming up to a parked car :/16:06
CosmoHillfyi my car is front wheel drive16:07
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Chani <-- good article16:15
* CosmoHill looks at Chani to see if he's seen him before16:15
CosmoHillI've clicked to many random links in here >.<16:15
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ChaniCosmoHill: it's just a blog post, nothing umb :)16:22
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lcukChani, one of the examples (about catching exceptions) isnt always avoidable, it depends on the library you are using16:22
Chanino flash even, afaik16:22
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lcukCosmoHill, its a decent article16:23
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Chanimeh, examples.. it's hte comparison to the big bang that's cool :)16:23
Chaniand sciences. I nevre really thought about chem and bio from that perspective16:23
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* lcuk smiles16:24
lcuki hadnt gotten that far down page16:24
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rmd_OK.. so I accidentally booted the Moblin 2.1 image... how do I turn the computer off?16:25
lcukrmd_, power button16:25
rmd_Ah, the power button.16:25
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Chanitook me a while to get that too :)16:25
rmd_it's a little counter-intuitive, from other Linux distros. :-P16:25
* rmd_ downloads meego netbook to replace this mobline image.16:26
nedrichardsrmd_: press it twice and it'll override the countdown as well16:26
lcukChani, sitting on a beach, no tools or libraries or code around, but you can still build a cool sand castle :)16:26
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magius_pendragonhey everyone, new to meego. 1) is it possible to use lvm? 2) how can I move stuff between zones? 3) how do i set ctrl:nocaps?16:27
lcukmagius_pendragon, spyro was looking at lvm for debian stuffs16:27
nedrichardsmagius_pendragon: for 2) drag and drop16:27
nedrichardsin the zones panel16:27
magius_pendragonnedrichards: cool thanks16:27
* lcuk dislikes drag and drop (especially fiddly things) on touch devices16:28
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GF911guys, another question. When I try to update the system I get "security signature not found" error. What's that?16:28
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magius_pendragonfair point. That was actually a tertiary concern, happened as soon as I started typing the other questions. Came here mostly for #3 :p16:29
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nedrichardslcuk: agreed, although netbook was designed specifically for keyboard and touchpad devices16:29
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CosmoHillGF911: it means you don't have the sig for that RPM repo16:29
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CosmoHillso your computer doesn't know if the packages are legitimate or not16:30
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lcuknedrichards, are you really sure..16:30
GF911Oh, shi... teach the lamer how to get that sig?16:30
GF911Please. :)16:30
nedrichardslcuk: I designed it. I'm pretty sure.16:30
lcuksince keyboard input does not work when you use superkey ;)16:30
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Chanilcuk: really? I wouldn't thought touchscreens make d&d easier.16:31
Chaniunless you've got stuff competing for the drag. I hate drag-to-scroll16:31
* Chani wants a hardware scrollwheel :)16:32
lcuknedrichards, \o/16:33
nedrichardslcuk: ;-)16:33
lcuknedrichards, press superkey, then "m" or something to get to media tab16:33
lcukor even just left/right to show the different tabs16:33
nedrichardslcuk: yeah, that's actually something we wanted to do for *ages*16:33
lcukyeah its a bug report now16:33
nedrichardsbut it's more complicated than you'd think16:33
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lcukof course, it always is16:34
nedrichardsto do with the keyboard grabs etc. and not stealing focus16:34
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nedrichardsthe one shortcut i use all the time is alt+f216:34
lcukbut you brought the topbar up, it is taking keyboard anyway16:34
nedrichardswhich opens the applications panel16:34
nedrichardsthen you can type and hit enter to launch16:34
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lcuknice tip :)16:35
nedrichardslcuk: sure, now I am not the author of that code but having a keyboard activation and a mouse activation path wasn't seen as ideal, amongst other stuff16:35
nedrichardsbut yeah, it's a weakness16:36
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lcuknedrichards, you just happily given folks a workaround for some aspects of it16:37
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lcuknedrichards, can the topmenubar be made to appear at the bottom16:37
magius_pendragonanyone have tips on getting rid of caps lock? I've always either set it in xorg config (not working), or gnome keyboard settings (doesn't exist?)16:38
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lcukmagius_pendragon, WHY DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF CAPSLOCK?16:38
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berndhsmagius_pendragon: I just pry the key out of the keyboard, usually16:38
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magius_pendragonlcuk: might not matter in a few weeks, but i make it an additional ctrl, and my finger gets confused16:39
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nedrichardslcuk: nope, it's fixed at the top16:40
lcuknedrichards, shame, its at the wrong end for combined keyboard use (makes it an extra stretch to reach on the touchscreen)16:40
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magius_pendragonlcuk: are you working on touchscreen devel or something?16:41
lcukmagius_pendragon, i dabble.16:41
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magius_pendragonlcuk: I got pointed to meego because this is going on a modded slate. I'm eventually gonna want to try that out :p16:43
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tmzt_g2rootmagius_pendragon: the setings in xorg.conf just do stuff with xkb, I would suggest downloading xkeyboard-config and modifying it that way if the defaults don't work for you16:44
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magius_pendragonhmm, how do I run said program? zypper says I already have it16:46
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lcukcool magius_pendragon16:47
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gourhello...i was experimenting with meego-1.0 on my desktop machine running it under i'm considering to buy dell's 1018 and have meego as the only OS. has situation with drivers for 3g/wifi improved in 1.1?16:58
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magius_pendragontmzt_g2root: how do I use this?17:06
tmzt_g2rootwhat are you trying to do?17:06
magius_pendragonset the option ctrl:nocaps17:06
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tmzt_g2roothow were you doing it before?17:12
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tmzt_g2rootwhat line in xorg.conf I mean17:12
magius_pendragontmzt_g2root: never did it in meego. My desktop uses gnome (2.30.2), it's in the keyboard layout settings. Used to be you could set Options "XkbOptions" "ctrl:nocaps" in xorg.conf.17:12
magius_pendragonI tried it here, and it caused X to fail to load, and I can't see logs so I dunno what went wrong17:13
magius_pendragon(or at lest, logs aren't where I expected them to be)17:13
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tmzt_g2rootmagius_pendragon: you might want to try in #xorg then17:14
tmzt_g2rootI had a way to set the defaults, but I can't find the options17:14
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magius_pendragontmzt_g2root: about which part? setting options, or missing logs?17:15
magius_pendragonthe option is still in evdev according to /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/evdev.lst17:15
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nedrichardsmagius_pendragon: I can't remember if the gnome keyboard settings are just hidden or if they're not installed, but they may be in the repo or launchable from the command line17:16
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magius_pendragonnedrichards: there's keyboard settings in the settings panel, but it doesn't have the extra layout options17:16
nedrichardsright-o, that won't help then17:17
magius_pendragonnedrichards: that's why I came in here :)17:18
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nedrichardssure, apologies for not reading more closely17:18
magius_pendragonnone needed17:18
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lcukthp ping17:28
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harrisIs lbt around?17:38
CosmoHilla little but don't say that infront of him17:39
lcukharris, lbt (its an L) is normally around17:39
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CosmoHillI'm guessing you'd like an account on the MeeGo COBS?17:39
harrisyou guessed it17:40
* CosmoHill pokes X-Fade 17:40
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harrisSo what do I need to do get an account in Meego COBS17:41
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CosmoHillyou just need to ask X-Fade or lbt very nicely17:41
CosmoHilland be registerd on meego.com17:42
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gourcan one use stick using rt2870 driver on meego?17:42
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harrishi X-Fade17:44
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thplcuk: pong17:47
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jonnorgour: Meego uses a stock 2.6.35, so if you can use it with that then yes17:47
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jonnorThe easiest might be to try-it-and-see17:47
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gourjonnor: ta17:48
gouri'm researching prior to buying netbook :-)17:48
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harrishi APARNA17:56
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aparnahi harris18:03
harrisI have a question for you Aparna?18:04
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harrisDoes Meego support USB Mouse ?18:05
CosmoHilllcuk: 40mph is the magic number, that is when the snow blows off my car and onto the car behind me :p18:05
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CosmoHillof course I didn't clear the bonnet so that back fired18:05
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CosmoHillharris: you mean any USB mouse connected to the computer/18:06
harrisI meant USB mouse connected to the Meego Dev board18:06
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CosmoHillI'm assuming meego will support any usb mouce18:07
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harrisi tried it today but it didnt work18:08
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CosmoHilldid the mouce light up?18:08
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aparnaharris u mean USB connected to laptop?18:09
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Alison_ChaikenCosmoHill, always remember to steer into a skid.18:14
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thopiekarHi I've got a N800 and I'm new in meego.. I've seen Stskeeps on youtube with a N8x0 device and meego running on it. Question is whether it is possible to run the IVI on it..18:14
CosmoHillAlison_Chaiken: that was so weird, I just asked for tips on snow driving in another channel18:14
GAN900Probably nor18:15
GAN900I'd bet IVI needs OpenGL.18:15
thopiekarI heard "kickstarter" makes images for the different targets..18:15
CosmoHillisn't the IVI x86?18:15
thopiekaryep the prebuild image on the website18:16
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CosmoHilla kickstart assembles the rpm files18:16
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Alison_ChaikenGAN900, it's my understanding that OpenGL is integral to MeeGo and will be needed for all the images.18:16
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arfollAlison_Chaiken, you need openGL if you want to run meego core? I dont think so18:18
Stskeepsarfoll: gl or gles2.0 is baseline to be compliant18:18
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mwichmannyou do on netbooks18:18
mwichmannqt is built against gl there18:18
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mwichmanngles on arm, as is about to get pointed out18:19
arfollStskeeps, really? So you cant be meego core compliant without GL support...18:19
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Stskeepsarfoll: i think there's room for a embedded meego initiative, leveraging same tools/ability, but not meego compliant..18:20
Stskeepsarfoll: where 'emgo' apps will run on meego too18:21
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Stskeepsand provide a lesser api for modern embedded target18:21
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arfollStskeeps, i read your post18:22
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aparnaanyone tried installing MeeGo on Intel Dev board?18:23
arfollnot sure i think it'll work. most ISVs are fine with 'based on meego' and dont give a damn abou tbeing compliant18:23
arfollaparna, theres quite a few of them...18:23
lcukaparna, i have meego on an intel/lenovo ideapad if that counts as devboard *grin*18:23
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aparnalcuk/arfoll which image from the repo was used for it. I mean the link from repo.meego.com18:24
Stskeepsarfoll: well, its still a win to some extent, more users of platform, but if we can avoid major fragmentation before it happens..18:24
Alison_Chaikenarfoll, the question of the size of the minimal MeeGo core is not decided for sure I think.   But if (for example), you wanted to run MeeGo kernel and middleware on a feature phone without graphics, do you care about "MeeGo compliance"18:24
lcukaparna, not sure tbh!  i was using the usb key we got at the conf18:24
lcukStskeeps, do you know which stable image it was from the conf?18:24
aparnaah ok.18:24
Stskeepslcuk: no18:24
arfollaparna, which dev board?18:24
lcukStskeeps, because that usb is awesome, it just works on different things too18:25
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Alison_ChaikenIt concerns me that the MeeGo spec has no minimum HW requirements.    I think Microsoft's definition of minimally compliant HW for Windows Phone 7 is a good idea.    "Minimum" could be fairly low.   HW below that level could be shipped, but not with label "MeeGo compliant."18:25
arfollAlison_Chaiken, you seem to think meego == phone18:26
lcukAlison_Chaiken, hmm?18:26
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lcukthere was a whole list of requirements18:26
thopiekarStskeeps: how is meego running on the N8x0's? any chance to get IVI running..18:26
lcukat the conf18:26
thopiekarI use my N800 almost in my car, so..18:27
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lcukAlison_Chaiken, ^18:27
Alison_Chaikenarfoll, not all.    I am mostly not concentrating on phone in my work, as it happens.   But same comments go for tablet, tv, etc.    Really lousy HW can ruin the MeeGo brand for consumers no matter what form factor it takes.18:27
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arfolllcuk, how is that official?18:27
JaffaAlison_Chaiken: This is in progress, AIUI. See the "profiles"18:27
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lcukarfoll, thats reporting on what official people stood in a keynote and said18:28
lcuki just found first link18:28
Alison_ChaikenAha, lcuk and Jaffa.   Thanks!18:28
arfollbut those are estimates, like saying i think meego needs 512MB of ram to run18:28
keithelHello all -- I have a basic Meego question -- I'm hoping someone might know.18:28
keithelI've got a scratchbox environment set up for meego, and have apt-get updated my packages so I'm using libqt4-dev packaged release from git 2010111818:29
lcukarfoll, and what do you expect them to say?  we require 511.465Mb of memory when using a single application which rises to 511.466 after a single extra?18:29
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aparnaIts a sooke harbour board. We have tried  on it.18:30
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arfolllcuk, one of the keynotes said you needed 1gb to run. since the UI/apps are going to take most of the ram and thats nearly always going to be custom it's not like they can really impose minimum specs18:30
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Stskeepslo dawn, had a nice vacation?18:30
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aparnaarfoll/lcuk  any idea if it the right image to try that on board?18:30
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DawnFosterStskeeps: I had a lovely vacation :)18:31
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arfollaparna, whats the chipset?18:31
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aparnaarfoll its an intel moorestone board18:32
arfolland tbh intel should be able to answer that question better. Some boards have images that arent on repo.meego.com18:32
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arfollthe mtf build would seem ok then18:32
Alison_Chaikenlcuk, you link gives "tweets from the conference" as the source for minimum MeeGo HW specs.   Did anyone hear a Grownup announce those specs from a podium?    I'd like to see them in the Compliance doc myself.    And I'd like to see OMAP4 instead of OMAP3 too . . . !18:32
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StskeepsAlison_Chaiken: view handset ux roadmap talk18:33
mwichmannthey're intended for the spec, but I've not heard any finalized yet18:33
lcukAlison_Chaiken, just relaying what I remember18:33
aparnaarfoll touch doesnt seem to be working on it. anyone faced this problem18:33
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mwichmannand the only current profile is netbook, a lot less "interesting" in this regard18:33
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nidOthat article doesnt actually specify but presumably those requirements only apply to the handset flavour18:33
lcukand the week before the conference, this spec was noted as being still being discussed18:34
arfollaparna, no idea on aava touchscreen works18:34
Stskeepsi still 256m should be more than enough if we were more clever re memory usage on handset :)18:34
* lcuk agrees with Stskeeps 18:34
arfollStskeeps, i agree with that too - and i dont think we should have hardware specs18:34
Stskeepsbut so it goes18:34
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lcukit will be better in the long run to actively consider this18:34
arfollif i want meego on my washing machine maybe i only need 128mb of ram18:35
Alison_Chaikenmwichmann and lcuk, do I understand that these specs are being discussed for the MeeGo 1.2 compliance document?   Or is there a separate parallel HW spec in the works?18:35
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mwichmannI'd expect to see several profiles for 1.2, yes18:35
mwichmannas to hdw minimums... we'll see what people eventually agree should go in,18:35
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mwichmannbut that was mentioned as an intent18:35
Alison_Chaikenarfoll, I agree with you that you can run MeeGo on any device you want, but what we are discussing is whether you can call a device "MeeGo Compliant"18:35
mwichmannyou know, so we can have one Angry Birds binary instead of two :)18:36
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berndhsif "compliant" is defined just right, there will be a big market for "non-compliant" products :)18:37
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arfollAlison_Chaiken, maybe i want to make a meego compliant washing machine?18:37
arfolleither way it looks like armv5 is going to be meego compliant....18:38
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Alison_Chaikenarfoll, do you think consumers would care about MeeGo compliance on a washing machine?   Don't they only care about price?   Of course HP is putting WebOS on printers.18:38
arfollAlison_Chaiken, my point is that you're making assumption. it's fully possible people want a smart washing machine that tells them when their clothes are dry via twitter and that connect to the net18:39
BostikAlison_Chaiken: they may not care about "compliance" but if their neighbour has a flashier UI which doesn't lag, they do care about that18:39
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arfollStskeeps, the armv5 was just meant as in they used to build it i'm guessing they'll start again sometime18:40
berndhsAlison_Chaiken: one concern it that "compliant" does not end up saying "limited"18:40
nidOAlison_Chaiken, it depends on what restrictions end up being placed on devices that arent compliant. Those supposed minimum specs require a GSM modem, consumers wont be too impressed if they get the same lame-ass restrictions as the android market, in that their wifi-only meego tablet cant access proper app stores because its not "compliant"18:40
Alison_ChaikenBostik, what I fear is consumers saying, "MeeGo barely works" because they have purchased an underpowered device.18:40
Bostikarfoll: my coworker already enjoys a bluetooth-enabled washing machine - it prevents him from forgetting that he put the thing on when his phone beeps18:40
arfollnidO, gsm modem would suck if you want a CDMA phone18:40
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Stskeepsarfoll: i doubt v5 is making a return, personally18:41
GAN900nidO, it wont be "MeeGo" if it's not compliant.18:41
arfollStskeeps, maybe not but there is definately at least one person using armv5 with meego - do you think he wont be allowed to apply for meego compliance?18:41
GAN900LTE and CDMA were discussed as 1.3 things at the conference.18:42
nidOGAN900: well, those supposed specs require a GSM/HSPA/CDMA modem. if thats going to be a genuine requirement, whats the use-case supposed to be for a gsm/cdma modem in a meego television?18:42
arfollBostik, thats kinda cool. btw washing machine is just a silly example I dont want a meego washign machine. although i might be warming up to the idea18:42
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arfollnidO, i dont think they need gsm/cdma modems as part of compliance. if you want to sell a phone you put them in. otherwise you dont... seems fairly simple18:43
lollooguys, am trying to install meego sdk on windows xp, I folowed instruction, when I reach the part saying Run Mad-admin and some huge file will be downloaded... it succefully downloads but the problem is my connection always resets and I have to download again18:43
GAN900nidO, think those are the Handset specs.18:43
Stskeepsarfoll: that is not a bad question18:43
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Bostikarfoll: I can think of people actually wanting some kind of integrated and "smart" thing on their fridges; I for one would love to just to see what wife has put on shopping list and then simply flash my phone next to it and get it transferred via NFC18:44
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nidOGAN900: ah okay, that isnt specified in the article so wasnt clear whether it's just for a specific ux or not18:44
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arfollBostik, lol O2 tried and failed. but maybe its possible.18:44
lollooI need the file meego-handset-ia32-w32-qemu-1120101031.220118:44
Stskeepsmwichmann: was gles/egl part of platform or meego api?18:44
lolloowhere can I find it so I can download it  aneully18:44
lcukmagius_pendragon, i don't generally discuss stuff in PM, so please talk out here18:45
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mwichmannStskeeps: because we know the gl story is changing, it had to be platform18:45
lollooI need the file meego-handset-ia32-w32-qemu-1.1.20101031.220118:45
Stskeepsmwichmann: k18:45
lollooI want to download it manualy18:45
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lolloomad-admin runs slow when downloading also doesnt have resume download18:45
lollooso I always have to restart the download18:46
lollooalso the file is huge about 700mb18:46
lolloocan some one link me a direct link for me to download18:47
GAN900nidO, I'd assume, anyway.18:47
GAN900nidO, but I can't say I've been super impressed with the specs or the process around them so far, so. . . .18:47
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Stskeepsarfoll: i guess my main thought is that in a year, those systems you would normally target meego and qt on, will typically have gles2 too18:48
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lollooI need the file meego-handset-ia32-w32-qemu-1.1.20101031.220118:49
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arfollStskeeps, you're probably right but it seems like a shame to limit what is possible by arbitrary "requirements"18:50
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lolloocan someone upload it for me please?18:50
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Stskeepsarfoll: well, capability such as gles2 i can understand, MB .. not so much18:51
Stskeepsmb is for handset profile though18:51
thopiekarI wanted now to install the image creator, but apt says that the meta-index is malformed..18:51
thopiekar* Ubuntu 10.0418:51
CosmoHilllolloo: give me the link to the file18:51
thopiekarI'm using 10.10 and I think the 10.04 repo should work fine for me, too18:52
arfollStskeeps, we'll see. so far linpus get away with using networkmanager instead of connman and call it meego18:52
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lolloo4th part step 3 CosmoHill18:52
lolloowhere it says launch MADDE18:53
Jaffaarfoll: Do we *know* Linpus are actually using networkmanager, rather than just *saying* they do.18:53
Stskeepsarfoll: that one was a bit of a wtf18:53
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lollooI need direct link for it please because MADDE TERMINAL is slow very slow18:54
lolloowhen downloading18:54
arfollJaffa, its a good point. maybe their marketing got it wrong...18:54
Stskeepsmwichmann: do we have any products using meego trademark legally atm?18:54
Stskeeps(can only recall suse meego discussion)18:55
Stskeepsand i dont mean smeegol :P18:55
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CosmoHilllolloo: I can't find it18:56
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mwichmannStskeeps: I'm not privy to that info as things stand... LF would know (ibrahim)18:56
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lolloommm you shouldnt thats the point18:56
Stskeepsmwichmann: alright18:56
lollooI need it as a download link not as a command to input18:57
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Stskeepsi guess it wouldnt be a bad TSG discussion18:57
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* Stskeeps wonders what is on agenda for TSG tonight19:01
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berndhsvery specific today:19:02
JaffaStskeeps: The same thing which was supposed to be on the last time the meeting was postponed?19:02
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StskeepsJaffa: i dont recall it being postponed, but backlog looks like i should attend if hardfp is on there..19:03
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lollooso anyone would kindly upload this file for me19:06
lollooI need the file meego-handset-ia32-w32-qemu-1.1.20101031.220119:06
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ezjdIs lbt online? I'd like to apply to access Community OBS?19:47
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CosmoHill~seen lbt19:48
infobotlbt <~david@> was last seen on IRC in channel #meego, 5h 13m 42s ago, saying: 'so should be airborne tonight'.19:48
CosmoHillyou took your time19:48
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thopiekarthopiekar@linux-ng26:~/meego> sudo mic-image-creator --config=handset-armv5tel-n810.ks --format=vmdk --cache=mycache19:48
thopiekar['/usr/bin/mic-image-creator', '--config=handset-armv5tel-n810.ks', '--format=vmdk', '--cache=mycache']19:48
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jonnorezjd: you can ping X-Fade as well19:49
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CosmoHillthopiekar: wait! use pastebin.org19:50
CosmoHill~seen X-Fade19:50
infobotx-fade is currently on #maemo (9h 3m 53s) #meego (9h 3m 53s), last said: 'I don't know the dirty details of qtm coding, so I can't help you.'.19:50
thopiekarjust passed my outputs to the wrong window :(19:50
CosmoHillno problem, you got kicked before it became annoying19:50
ezjdThx! Is X-Fade here?19:51
thopiekargot problems making a image for N8x0's: <- Stskeeps19:52
CosmoHillthopiekar: did you use arm5le?19:54
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thopiekaryou mean because I'm making a vmdk? uhm.. does it matter which output I take? just wanted to test whether the creator works..19:55
CosmoHillthopiekar: the problem seems to be that there is no armv5tel repo on the server19:55
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thopiekarin case to use it later for my n800 I'll need to choose jffs2 right?19:55
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thopiekarbut how could I use then the image for the n8x0? these devices use the armv5tel arch19:56
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CosmoHillIIRC Stskeeps' N8X0 work was done privatly, I.E not on the meego server19:56
orzelhello. Do you know if there's any chance that the nokia C7 will ever run meego ?19:56
orzelseeing how close symbian and meego are19:57
orzel(at least at high level)19:57
adeusslim to none19:57
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orzelah? :(19:57
javispedrowhich package to install on meego netbook to get the /lib/modules/.../build symlink working?19:57
javispedroI have kernel-headers, yet the symlink is broken19:57
CosmoHilljavispedro: it will never work19:58
CosmoHill. = current, .. = parent ... = wtf?19:58
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adeus"zypper in /my/file"?19:58
CosmoHillunless that was a typo you made on irc19:58
thopiekarCosmoHill: so as I can see there is no interest in N8x0 devices(, maybe because of the missing oGL support?)19:58
CosmoHillthere is19:58
javispedros/.../$(uname -r)19:58
CosmoHillbut there is nothing official at the moment19:59
CosmoHillthopiekar: you can try looking on here:
msvb1Just compiled the latest linux kernel (2.6.36) for kernel-netbook20:01
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msvb1…and it's running fine right now on Meego 1.1.20:01
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msvb1But I had to strip out all the patches from the official kernel package.20:02
lcuki thought meego was upstream first!?20:02
msvb1…most were integrated into the new kernel sources anyway probably.20:02
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msvb1Upstream yes, but there are hundreds of patches in the kernel package.20:02
msvb1I guess because of the different natures of hardware, handset, TV, netbook...20:03
SineOtDoes anyone know how to change the font size in Empathy? :C This whole 32 point thing kind of gets old after a while...20:03
msvb1It might have even sorted out the wireless driver problem I was having.20:03
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msvb1…atheros 9K on the ideapad seems to work better now.20:03
msvb1…but I'll have to keep testing that (the opensource driver I mean.)20:04
SineOtHeh. I'm still waiting for the rtl8187se to actually do WPA. WEP? Fine. Open? Sure! WPA? Silent fail. :C20:04
msvb1Hopefully the new kernel fixes the sleep/resume problems as well.20:04
msvb1That's too bad, where do you think the WPA?20:05
javispedromsvb1: it doesn't here.20:05
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msvb1Where do you think the WPA problem lies?20:05
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SineOtmsvb1: No idea. I think they're using outdated drivers/packages... Since it works fine under Ubuntu and has for a long time. Since like 8.x I think...20:06
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thopiekarCosmoHill: check your link and the different repos.. so n8x0 relevant software there..20:06
thopiekar* I think20:07
CosmoHillthere may be20:07
CosmoHillif someone builds it20:07
SineOtmsvb1: it's pretty much the only thing keeping me from using Meego more often. Well, that and the whole IM text size issue and not being able to change it, although that's more of a just visual issue20:07
msvb1SineOt: Where are the sources for the defective driver you're talking about.20:07
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SineOtmsvb1: I'm not sure, I've never really looked. They're somewhere out there though, since Ubuntu is using them!20:08
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msvb1SineOt: Too bad, I don't know much about the RTL wireless drivers either.20:09
msvb1SineOt: Most are using the atheros or broadcom chips.20:10
rmd_So does Meego have a place to adjust power settings? i find it odd that this netbook-centric release leaves my screen at full brightness and doesn't adjust cpufreq when I'm unplugged...20:10
SineOtmsvb1: I think there's modules in the kernel staging stuff right now. I think what it is is that Ubuntu is including the staging modules and Meego isn't20:10
msvb1SineOt: …but I don't think many are using realtek wireless chips.20:10
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msvb1Does anyone know how to use the SIM card slot of the ideapads?20:12
msvb1…or any netbook for that matter?20:12
msvb1I'm running Meego 1.1 and would like to try at connecting over GSM.20:12
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msvb1I guess that's called 'mobile broadband IP' or something like that.20:13
lcukmsvb1, sim slot is readable in code, but is pretty useless without a modem20:13
msvb1lcuk: but don't the ideapads have 3G modems?20:13
SineOtif it has a SIM card slot, wouldn't it... Have a 3G modem20:13
msvb1lcuk: or any modems to connect to even GPRS networks?20:13
lcukwell i asked the same thing but it seems theres no modem in there20:13
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SineOtso it has a sim slot, with hardware in it to connect a sim, but no modem?20:14
CosmoHillmaybe it's one of those things where the slot it there but you have to pay extra for the moderm20:14
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msvb1What is the procedure for installing a modem then?20:14
lcukto be fair, it does lead to further questions if the modem exists20:14
msvb1…open the battery and HD door and plug in a mini-PCI card?20:14
lcuklike how do you hold your ideapad to make a call :P20:15
CosmoHillmsvb1: I'd imagine it would be like wifi, there's a load of cables leading to the mini pci-e compartment20:15
lcuki believe that it does CosmoHill20:15
lcukand the antenna is already embedded20:15
lcukand has a connector etc20:15
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lcukjust no actual mini board to use it20:15
CosmoHillsounds like wifi in older macs20:15
CosmoHilleverything is there apart from the actual wifi card20:16
* javispedro maps the first ideapad front button to the Windows key20:16
lcukjavispedro, :)20:17
javispedroso it now shows/hides the meego top toolbar :)20:17
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rmd_Wait. So... is there a way to navigate the top toolbar with keyboard?20:17
lcukrmd_, you can bring it on screen with superkey20:18
javispedroon any platform the windows key triggers the meego top toolbar20:18
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javispedroon the ideapad, this key was hidden when in "tablet mode"20:18
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rmd_yeah bringing it on screen is good.. but what about navigating once I bring it up?20:18
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lcukjavispedro, add the tweak onto the ideapad page please?20:19
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javispedrolcuk: it's a kernel module :)20:21
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lcukjavispedro, ?20:22
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javispedrolcuk: that the "tweak" is to install a kernel module20:24
lcukfor key remapping20:24
javispedroit's not exactly remapping, the key doesn't send any events without it20:24
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javispedroit's just that officially that key should be KEY_PROG1 (aka "User Program 1")20:25
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javispedrobut I remapped it to KEY_LEFTMETA20:25
javispedrofor test purposes20:25
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odin_can someone confirm for sure... is there a GSM/3G/whatever modem built into the Lenovo ?  or is it just a sim slot under the battery with no modem ?20:26
javispedrono modem here20:26
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ali1234it's just a slot20:27
dm8tbrif there is a SIM slot then there might be an empty pci-express slot inside waiting for a modem :)20:27
ali1234yes there is both20:27
odin_ok thanks for confirmation20:27
odin_ok anyone with a link to such a devicd?20:27
dm8tbrthey tend to be expensive20:27
ali1234there are two PCIe slots in the ideapad, one is half height and has the wifi card, the other is empty20:27
ali1234there is a page on the internet listing working modems20:28
odin_also need to eye up a carry case :P  the ones I saw don't seem great in the pics20:28
ali1234other modems can be made to work with a BIOS hack20:28
dm8tbrcould be thinkwiki then?20:28
odin_other modems ?  (other as in, not PCIe ?)20:29
odin_lenovo takings days to randomize the hdd data20:30
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ali1234other modems as in not official lenovo ones20:30
odin_ok ic, thanks I'll research some more, laters20:30
fiferboyjavispedro: Did you build your own 2.6.36 and apply the module?20:31
javispedrofiferboy: no, for testing I'm now using latest kernel-netbook,
fiferboyThere is a now20:32
fiferboyjavispedro: Where did you get the proper module?20:33
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javispedrofiferboy: its' the one I was making on the f.m.o thread20:34
javispedrobased on what the platform-x86 guys discovered by reading the DSDT20:34
fiferboyjavispedro: Excellent work!20:34
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javispedroI ponder if reading the DSDT for interoperability purposes is OK from a Linux kernel developer PoV?20:36
javispedro... or from a lawyer PoV.20:37
javispedro(if I'd like it to be eventually merged, for example).20:37
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StskeepsDawnFoster: so will there be a TSG tonight?20:39
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fiferboyjavispedro: Good question.  I take it your module isn't available anywhere yet?20:39
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* javispedro thinks it's OK, as half of the platform-x86 modules couldn't have been made otherwise.20:42
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DawnFosterStskeeps: yep. Quim is running it20:44
DawnFosterI'm still catching up :)20:45
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StskeepsDawnFoster: hehe, good luck then20:46
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Stskeepsah, there the agenda was20:53
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javispedrofiferboy: it's now available ;) :
fiferboyjavispedro: Nice!  I will be checking that out shortly20:55
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timeless_mbphi DawnFoster20:59
DawnFosterhey timeless_mbp21:00
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timeless_mbphave a good vacation?21:02
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fiferboyjavispedro: Brilliant!  I have it working.21:07
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fiferboyjavispedro: Do you have any plans for changes?21:08
fiferboyI like the show/hide functionality21:08
fiferboyBut hinge events might be nice21:08
javispedroso far I only found the tablet mode one21:09
javispedroit is already exported, as SW_TABLETMODE21:09
Stskeepsjavispedro: you should make that a contexkit plugin21:09
fiferboyjavispedro: SW_TABLETMODE triggers when the hinge is rotated and the screen is "closed"?21:10
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fiferboyBut there is no trigger when it is reversed?21:11
javispedroyes yes21:11
javispedroSW means "switch"21:11
javispedroit has two position21:11
fiferboyAh, gotcha21:11
ali1234it's a reed switch :)21:11
ali1234on windows, tablet mode rotates the screen 180 degrees, it sucks, and you can't stop it21:11
fiferboyAnd apparently the middle button on the bezel triggers only when in tablet mode?21:12
javispedrofiferboy: yep, enforced by hw21:12
javispedroweird reasons.21:12
javispedroOf course, it was a miracle I noticed that....21:13
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javispedroali1234: I think you will be able to disable it by uninstalling the lenovo touch sth application21:14
javispedroor the lenovo rotation application. or all of the lenovo applications :)21:15
ali1234windows has built in "tablet mode"21:15
ali1234the lenovo app just enables rotation by accelerometer, which is even worse due the the accelerometer chip being crap21:15
javispedroali1234: it didn't happen when I was installing windows, it started happening after I reinstalled the lenovo stuff21:15
javispedro(I mean the 180º rotation)21:15
ali1234perhaps... i suspect the only way to disable it would lead to no rotation at all though21:16
javispedrogma3150 driver does it iirc21:16
javispedrosurely not from the accelerometer though21:16
javispedrothe accelerometer is another story.21:16
ali1234no, you need the special lenovo app for that21:16
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ali1234personally i would like it to go directly to portrait mode instead of the 180 degree rotation, but there is no way to configure this in windows, that i can see21:19
javispedroprolly not. stuff is very hardcoded on this thing.21:19
javispedrofor ex. the hw masking of the power button when the lock is enabled, or the rotate button when not in tablet mode21:19
ali1234well... you expect that from a lock switch21:20
ali1234the rotation button thing does suck though21:20
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javispedroi'm quite sure windows just listens to the "new orientation" events the DSDT sends to it21:20
javispedromy driver currently prints those to dmesg as I'm yet to understand what the actual new orientation is from them21:21
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blonduromenian ??21:21
blonduserver is on ??21:21
blondu ;)21:22
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fiferboyjavispedro: I see the orientation message in dmesg21:23
fiferboyI have only found three different values, and tried four orientations...21:23
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javispedrotry to guess what the value means :)21:23
ali1234in the windows settings there is a part where you specify the order of rotations21:24
fiferboy0x0 looks like "normal", 0x20 looks like 90 degrees clockwise, and 0x60 90 degrees counter-clockwise21:24
javispedroare you in "tablet mode"?21:25
fiferboyBut I don't see an upside down, (unless it is also 0x60)21:25
fiferboyNo, in laptop mode21:25
fiferboyI haven't tried tablet mode yet :)21:25
fiferboyI realize the values are less useful in laptop mode21:25
javispedrono, it's just that you're getting quite different values from what I get, which are more random21:26
* javispedro powers off21:26
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fiferboyjavispedro: In tablet mode I get the same 0x0, 0x20, 0x6021:26
javispedroI'm now getting perpetual 0x6021:28
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javispedroI can get 0x40 by tilting the keyboard upwards =)21:29
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javispedrosomething's amiss. I think it's reading the previous value or sth. Will look later on it.21:31
fiferboyI have yet to see a 0x4021:31
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javispedroeither way, I think the way to go would be to read the accelerometer values as rawest as possible, because as I said I quit sure believe this is what windows uses to autorotate and it sucks at it.21:33
javispedro*I quite sure21:33
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javispedrotoo sensitive.21:33
fiferboyYeah, the orientation data doesn't look all that useful21:33
lcukjavispedro, autorotation is always sensitive and annoying21:34
lcukespecially if its locked to 90deg21:34
fiferboyjavispedro: iaps.c is your accelerometer module?21:37
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javispedrofiferboy: yep -- don't look at the source though, it might not be "clean"21:38
* javispedro is yet to understand the kernel policies on that regard :P21:39
fiferboyIs the current state reporting accelerometer information through dmesg?21:39
javispedronope, input device21:39
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javispedroso you need a tool to read it that hasn't been meego-packaged, yet21:40
qgilStskeeps or anybody with MeeGo handset UX at hand: is there a dialer in landscape mode or only portrait?21:40
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fiferboyOk, I'll hold off on that one21:40
Stskeepsqgil: only portrait21:40
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qgilStskeeps: thanks!21:40
Stskeepsqgil: if you mean the dialer showing only in portrait21:41
Stskeepsand not talking about the application launcher, in which some icons disappear from occasionally :)21:41
qgilStskeeps: the dialer to make calls21:41
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nbrouardHi, I need help to build libmeegotouch21:58
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nbrouardI got libmeegotouch/mgen/mgen: symbol lookup error : undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii21:58
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javispedronbrouard: seems that you're mixing Qt versions22:01
javispedronext step, trying to understand what makes the s10-3t unable to resume from suspend22:03
javispedroas it just hanged on me again :(22:04
pixelgeek+1 for jarvispedro22:04
DawnFosterBTW, TSG meeting starting now in #meego-meeting22:04
DawnFosteragenda at
GAN900fiferboy, all the potential freeagents are turning down arbitration. :(22:05
javispedrothanks DawnFoster !22:05
fiferboyGAN900: One Blue Jays pitched accepted22:05
GAN900Our bullpen is gone.22:06
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javispedrothe s10-3t doesn't actually hang while resuming22:10
javispedroit just resumed on me22:10
javispedroit just takes a long time22:10
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timeless_mbpit looks like the available market for meego is clearly the 55+ range :)22:11
nbrouardSorry andre_, I just did a fresh git clone git://
nbrouardthen I did a ./configure and make22:12
lcuktimeless_mbp, get it right and you have an extremely large audience22:12
javispedronote also desired!=bought22:12
javispedroI desire a lunar module. I will never buy it.22:13
nbrouardI changed my PATH to have /opt/meego/meego-sdk-qt/bin in first in order to use Qt4.7 which is inside meego-sdk22:13
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timeless_mbplcuk: that get it right thing is hard22:13
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lcukas always.22:14
lcukthanks timeless ( re #meego-meeting )22:15
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timeless_mbplcuk: so um22:17
timeless_mbpjake-k: your background is broken22:17
timeless_mbpbackground should include "and the last time we did a toolchain upgrade we screwed the browser teams"22:17
timeless_mbp"this time we've been more careful by testing <x>"22:17
timeless_mbpnote that i don't see that in your proposal22:17
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: we're going to be doing a slow changeover, softfp alongside22:18
timeless_mbpStskeeps: i don't really care22:18
timeless_mbpi want people to show that they're learning from their mistakes22:18
timeless_mbpsaying "we're doing a change" or "we want to do a change" "because ooh shiny"22:18
timeless_mbpisn't learning from mistakes22:18
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: there's a lot of information not in the proposal, but it could end up being a huge technical report otherwise :)22:18
timeless_mbpthe mistake you made last time was not testing the compiler against stuff22:18
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timeless_mbpi want to see that you learned from this22:19
timeless_mbpnote that i want you to do the upgrade22:19
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timeless_mbpbut i object to you not showing that you did your homework22:19
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nbrouardandre__ you're right. If I rename /usr/lib/ , I got libmeegotouch/mgen/mgen: error while loading shared libraries: What should I do to have libmeegotouch using which is in my meego-sdk intallation?22:20
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* timeless_mbp grumbles22:21
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andre__nbrouard, oh, I don't know, I just asked the question that came to my mind first :) please ask to public22:21
ali1234meego being aimed at at least the 40+ market seems about right actually, i mean who under 40 could actually afford to buy all the junk you need to make the whole "connected everything" actually worthwhile?22:22
nbrouardok thanks andre__22:22
timeless_mbpDawnFoster: that's fine and dandy22:23
DawnFostertimeless_mbp: we'll have time for questions in just a minute22:23
timeless_mbpbut totally impractical22:23
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: but also procedure as usual22:23
timeless_mbpi'm about to physically walk out a door22:23
andre__ali1234, which marketing plan (URL?) was this written in, or what is your impression based on?22:23
DawnFostertimeless_mbp: these meetings are tightly structured to keep them on track22:23
timeless_mbpDawnFoster: please tightly structure proposals so they don't suck22:23
ali1234andre__: it wasn't written anywhere, my impression is based on no one i know under 40 being able to afford more than 1 computer and a dumbphone22:23
timeless_mbpmisspelling "Softwarwe"22:23
timeless_mbpis not a tightly structured proposal22:24
javispedroquestion time22:24
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timeless_mbpit's *CRAP*22:24
andre__ali1234: my impression is different22:24
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berndhsali1234: my impression is that teenagers are buying a lot of stuff with their parents money22:24
ali1234yeah, and guess what, their parents are 40+22:25
Stskeepslcuk: only code changes you'll need is if you have stuff directly related to softfp, which people usually don't22:25
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Stskeepslcuk: or assembly code calling stuff22:25
lcukStskeeps, we have spoken about these changes often22:25
javispedroaka if you wrongly try to do a function prologue in assembler22:25
lcukbut not everyone has, its something lots of folks thought about22:26
* javispedro is more worried about potential compiler bugs other than the actual change22:26
timeless_mbpjavispedro: 4.5.0 was a crappy compiler22:26
timeless_mbpas usual for .0 releases22:26
timeless_mbp4.5.1 is a slightly less crappy compiler22:26
javispedrobut we're going to use it in a "slightly less common" configuration.22:27
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nbrouardHi all, I try to compile libmeegotouch (fresh clone from git) and it cannot link with I got: libmeegotouch/mgen/mgen: error while loading shared libraries: What should I do to have libmeegotouch using which is in my meego-sdk intallation? I looked at libmeegotouch/src/corelib/Makefile and LIBS seems correct.22:29
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javispedronbrouard: I think libmeegotouch requires 4.722:29
javispedroso I'd purge 4.6 from your system22:29
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lcuknbrouard, getting the source from git is bleeding edge and has a symbiotic relationship with the latest bleeding edge code for whole of qt and other libraries22:30
timeless_mbpjavispedro: yeah, slightly less crappy doesn't imply bugfree22:30
timeless_mbpespecially on strange configurations :)22:30
lcukif you are using the git version and trying to link with standard generic installed qt, these problems may arise22:30
javispedroecially on strange configurations :)22:30
javispedro<lcuk> if you are using the git version and trying to link with standard generic installed qt, these problems may arise22:30
nbrouardlcuk, where should I get libmeegotouch?22:30
lcuknbrouard, from your os repository of course :)22:31
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timeless_mbpmwichmann: certain vendors are in a hurry to get performance22:31
timeless_mbpand they can't wait for a 1.322:31
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Stskeepstimeless_mbp: no, that's not the reason22:32
timeless_mbpbecause the release window on 1.3 is too far from when they might hypothetically want to ship a product22:32
Stskeepstimeless_mbp: the thing is we have to make the break now, or never.22:32
lcuknbrouard, look at the -testing respositories on obs22:32
kaltsimwichmann: jump from 4.5.0 -> 4.5.1 should/can't be as bad as from 4.4 -> 4.5.022:32
mwichmannyes, agree; I think it's got its own justification,22:32
mwichmannand that argument maybe shouldn't be conflated with the arm abi question22:33
dl9pfmwichmann: both abi tree's will be built for a grace time side-by-side22:33
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nbrouardlcuk, thank, going to try that22:33
dl9pfso its separated to continue development while stabilizing hardfp22:33
Stskeepsand not like in 4.5.0 changeover where most of ARM broke22:33
Stskeepsand we were stuck for weeks on end22:34
V-PVHas someone practical experience on this performance benefit (60%) in MeeGo N900?22:34
javispedrothe "wait until last question is answered before asking" rule in pretty much non-enforceable on irc.22:34
javispedrowith random lags, etc.22:34
timeless_mbpDawnFoster: you need to hire Zakim22:35
timeless_mbpthe primary syntax you care about here is roughly:22:35
timeless_mbpZakim open the queue22:35
kaltsiV-PV: it's not 60% system-wide, but in functions that pass floats.. so very localized performance improvements22:35
timeless_mbpq+ to ask about <...>22:35
timeless_mbpq+ Stskeeps22:35
timeless_mbpq- lcuk22:35
timeless_mbpack DawnFoster22:35
timeless_mbpZakim: close the queue22:35
timeless_mbpwhen someone is acked, zakim reminds the acked person about the topic the person queued for22:36
timeless_mbpq? lists the queue22:36
timeless_mbpq- drops someone from the queue (w/o a someone, it drops yourself)22:36
timeless_mbpq+ [someone] [point to discuss]22:36
timeless_mbp(w/o someone, it queues the person making the action)22:36
GAN900Or we could get Jim Zemlin to moderate and not have to worry about any questions. *eg*22:37
timeless_mbpGAN900: he was the guy who left no time for questions?22:37
timeless_mbpi think i finally saw that video this week22:37
timeless_mbpnote that zakim can also manage agendas22:37
timeless_mbpoh, and zakim can enforce time limits :)22:38
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V-PVkeltsi: Understood that from proposal, but in practice hs this been tried out? Can you see the difference?22:38
kaltsiV-PV: (I presume kaltsi).. yes Leonid M has run performance tests on hardware22:39
timeless_mbpkaltsi: so...22:39
timeless_mbptechnically that's a bogus answer22:39
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timeless_mbpthe correct answer is "yes, see <url> where Leonid M's report shows this"22:40
kaltsiit's nokia internal url :-/22:40
sivangor , re22:40
timeless_mbpkaltsi: duh22:40
sivanghey timeless_mbp22:40
timeless_mbpthe correct version is "sorry, I'll get Leonid M's report published, probably to <url>"22:40
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sivangtimeless_mbp: hanset performance?22:40
timeless_mbpkaltsi: i can physically smack Leonid M, he's one wing over22:40
V-PVtimeless_mbp: Something like that, I was waiting for :-)22:41
timeless_mbpbut that's not relevant in an open source context22:41
timeless_mbpkaltsi: so, _repeat_after_me_ :)22:41
* timeless_mbp looks for a quote22:41
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timeless_mbpWestley:    Then you're not married. If you didn't say it, you22:42
timeless_mbp            didn't do it.  Wouldn't you agree, Your22:42
timeless_mbp            Highness?22:42
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dnearyHi all22:42
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dnearyDawnFoster, Welcome back :)22:42
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DawnFosterdneary: thanks!22:42
sivanghey dneary , 'sup? thanks for forwarding folks over for the qt cross symbian/meego, lots of stuffto explore there22:42
timeless_mbpkaltsi: roughly, if you're driving a proposal, you actually have to make promises and stuff22:42
dnearysivang, no problem!22:42
timeless_mbpit isn't sufficient for me to know stuff, it's your job to promise everyone that you'll show them those things22:43
sivangdneary: I am only now getting to this after a nice week of flu22:43
kaltsitimeless_mbp: cool down :)22:43
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timeless_mbpkaltsi: it's 10:43pm, i haven't had breakfast22:43
dnearyIt's good to have things to point people at when people say "I'm new, I'd like to help"22:43
dnearyWe're missing some meaty code tasks, though22:43
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ali1234cross symbian/meego is relevant to my interests, where is this stuff?22:44
dnearyLike "This library here is slow, see this bug number, can you have a look & see if you can figure it out?"22:44
sivangdneary: agreed. there's nothing to tell the skilled developer where to cheap in22:44
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sivangdneary: I talked about this months ago22:44
sivangwell, 'wrote'22:44
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sivangdiscussing it with Stskeeps , but we were either too short in time or resources to follow on with it22:44
dnearysivang, A list of bugs & feature requests that no-one is working on would be useful22:45
dnearysivang, The thing is the doubt... plus, all the high priority meaty stuff gets assigned early22:45
kaltsiv-pv here are some perf results not related to meego/nokia in any way, but related to hardfp vs softfp
sivangdneary: it is extremely hard to really know if a bug or feature is benig worked on, judging by assignees etc22:45
timeless_mbpsivang: s/cheap/chip/22:46
sivangtimeless_mbp: thank you22:46
sivangtimeless_mbp: I guess that's how you say high after not having breakfast all day long ;-)22:46
sivangtimeless_mbp: s/high/hi/22:47
timeless_mbpsivang: chewing people out does vaguely make up for not having breakfast22:47
sivangtimeless_mbp: lol22:47
timeless_mbpbut it isn't a good substitute22:47
sivangtimeless_mbp: it is not as tasty as pizza or the food in the cantonese restaurant22:47
sivang(albeit somewhat too spicy for me)22:47
timeless_mbpwell... people aren't kosher22:47
sjgadsbySo, stupid question: Does MeeGo going hard fp have any impact on the plan to have compiling community apps for Maemo 5 be something akin to a OBS submission checkbox?22:47
timeless_mbpwhich is a minor problem22:47
sivangtimeless_mbp: neglected this altogether :)22:48
timeless_mbpsjgadsby: it shouldn't22:48
timeless_mbpthe new compiler will support both22:48
sivangwe are going harfp?22:48
timeless_mbpand for maemo5 you'd probably select the old compiler anyway22:48
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dl9pf_jake-k: we already bootstrap'ed ~ 700 packages and the remaining are currently just blocked by dependency cycles22:48
timeless_mbpyou *need* to select the old libc22:48
timeless_mbpotherwise you're screwed22:48
sjgadsbytimeless_mbp: Thanks.22:48
timeless_mbpmozilla discovered that22:48
sivangdl9pf_: nice22:48
timeless_mbpsjgadsby: so, technically "barely"22:49
timeless_mbpin that the maemo5 obs config will need to be pinned to not do that stuff22:49
sivangnew compiler being gcc bootstraped to hardfp I suppose?22:49
timeless_mbpthe new compiler and the hard v. soft are technically distinct22:49
timeless_mbpthey should be distinctly selectable things in obs22:50
timeless_mbpi don't speak obs so i couldn't say how22:50
javispedroon maemo5, you were using gcc 4.5?22:50
javispedrono way22:50
javispedrothe fremantle toolchain was already being used then, and that won't change22:51
timeless_mbpmozilla tried to use the 2009 compiler instead of the 2007 compiler iirc22:51
timeless_mbp(codesourcery versions)22:51
timeless_mbpwhat bit them though wasn't technically the compiler22:52
timeless_mbpthat would have worked22:52
timeless_mbpwhat bit them was the libc22:52
timeless_mbpwhich "seemed" to work if you had an updated toolchain22:52
timeless_mbpbut didn't work deployed because people didn't have the newer libc22:52
timeless_mbpnote that this is from memory from a while ago22:52
sivangwas there just a TSG meeting that ended?22:53
timeless_mbpno, it's still alive22:53
GAN900Hi, sjgadsby. :)22:53
Stskeepsno, it's ongoing22:53
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timeless_mbpthe TSG people themselves got stuck in think()22:53
sjgadsbyHeya, GAN900.22:53
timeless_mbpmwichmann++ for asking a useful documentation question22:54
DawnFostertimeless_mbp: note that Imad said he approved it22:54
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timeless_mbpDawnFoster: that part isn't interesting ;-)22:55
timeless_mbpwhat's interesting is when no one speaks for a while :)22:55
Stskeepsi like the fact we have subarchs in the works too, that might be useful in future even for x8622:55
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timeless_mbpStskeeps: is !atom a subarch? :)22:55
Stskeepsi still think ssse3 should have been an rpm subarch, but that's a discussion better taken over beer22:56
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Stskeepsbut hey, it made amd get ssse3 too :)22:57
timeless_mbpreally? wow22:57
javispedrothe weird stuff will start when we get to talk about sse422:57
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sivangmwichmann: do you have any idea what sort of quality 'specs' or guidelines are being included into the spec?23:00
sivangmwichmann: or plans, there of23:00
mwichmannwaiting for someone to make suggestions23:00
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lcukdneary, plenty of meaty code tasks ahead.23:01
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dnearylcuk, If you see someone saying "Hi, I'm new!" point them at one, would you please?23:01
dnearylcuk, I'll catch on after the first couple :)23:01
sivangmwichmann: I see, so should I just email the meta-suggestions to the ML and cc you then?23:02
dnearylcuk, Hoestly, right now I don't really know what to point at which wouuld be small enoughh to allow someone new to get into it, and consequential enough to provide a satisfying end result - siomething they can point to at the end & say "I did that"23:02
dnearyAnyway - must go23:02
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mwichmannfor now23:03
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lcukdneary, :) sure thing. just trying to get a grasp now and it somehow doesnt feel right pushing people to code tasks when we dont know everything ourselves23:03
timeless_mbpdneary: hey23:04
dnearylcuk, That's when it's the most fun :)23:04
lcukdneary, was saying to someone last night, theres some apps which are lacking in features but those which exist work23:04
lcuki believe one of them was the office presentation/powerpoint app23:04
timeless_mbpi'lll file bugs about meego ui if someone gives me a tutorial for how to install meego onto my ideapad such that it shrinks my existing ntfs volume instead of killing it23:04
sivanglcuk: let's start a wiki page for that, and link it from a "want to contribute: code" ?23:05
infobottimeless_mbp meant: i'll file bugs about meego ui if someone gives me a tutorial for how to install meego onto my ideapad such that it shrinks my existing ntfs volume instead of killing it23:05
lcuksomething as silly as that to see if people can add new features to it23:05
dnearylcuk, What would you rather be doing: exploring unknown space, or following signposts to get to the beach?23:05
lcukwhich obviously doesnt break the existing23:05
timeless_mbpdneary: so if someone asks for a task, offer "non destructive install by shrinking" both in "document" and "code"23:05
sivanglcuk: andI'm in for being the guinne pig for that23:05
lcukdneary, the great unknown.23:05
sivangtimeless_mbp: LOL23:05
dnearytimeless_mbp, Why would you want to keep ntfs around? ;)23:05
sivangtimeless_mbp: lucky bastard, you got to save that wonderful shared touch based authoring app!23:05
sivangI'm so technocratic23:06
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timeless_mbpdneary: because it gives me the ability to see what is possible23:06
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lcuksivang, hes not the only one
timeless_mbpit's a reference platform for the hardware23:06
sivangand for UX23:06
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* timeless_mbp rebases a patch queue of 217 items23:07
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sivanglcuk: :)23:07
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sivanglcuk: so th lacking apps are on handset/netbook or both?23:08
lcuksivang, both23:08
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sivanglcuk: you have a list of features per app? I can scatch someting uner my user23:09
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lcuksivang, not in a format I can give you right now23:10
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ravenmasteryesterday, i tried to connect my facebook acc with moblin and meego but cant find a way to do it, can somebody help?23:11
sivanglcuk: so, I can ask you question and put my findings on the page, and dogfood the experience and feedback if it is too deep rabbit hole23:11
lcukbut I would love to see frals working with the SMS guys and some designers to build open mms/sms app :)23:11
sivanglcuk: his app is not open at the moment?23:11
sivangit was, last time I checked23:12
lcuksure it is23:12
lcukbut do you know about the complexities of MMS?23:12
timeless_mbpqlength -= upstreamed_count()/* == 7 */;23:12
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sivanglcuk: I had the pleasure to discuss this, and read longly about it after he kindly provided his online resources he used learning the subject23:13
sivanglcuk: but I would need to review it now23:13
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lcuksivang, many of us around maemo had the pleasure to talk with frals whilst he did investigation on the subject23:13
lcukit was a community development win23:13
sivanglcuk: I got a general understanding for what it does to send them, from the Python code23:14
sivanglcuk: indeed :)23:14
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* lcuk thanks him every time I send/recv MMS :)23:15
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lcuksivang, put your findings on which page?23:17
* lcuk just read scrollback a bit and did not understand 23:17
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timeless_mbplcuk: how often do you do that?23:19
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lcuktimeless_mbp, do what?  MMSes?23:19
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lcukor not understanding23:19
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lcukMMSes about 2-3 times a week, why?23:20
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timeless_mbpuseful to know how often things are used23:21
timeless_mbpwhich reminds me23:21
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timeless_mbpi need to file a bug about calendar screwing up an .ics import23:21
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lcukdepends what I am doing23:22
lcukand who I am talking to23:22
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lcuktimeless_mbp, its easier to send direct phone-phone for somethings :)23:23
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lcukbut in Dublin it didn't work to send or recv :( because it uses data channel23:23
* timeless_mbp beats the **** out of share23:24
timeless_mbpi open file manager, type filter for a file, select the share view, type filter to the file (again), select the file, click share23:24
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timeless_mbpi'm given a choice of timeless-mbp and timeless-mbp , so i pick timeless-mbp23:25
timeless_mbpthat fails, so it dismisses: 1. the select a target device and 2. the filtered share view23:25
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timeless_mbpoh, someone should tell the proposer that the timeline was bogus23:37
timeless_mbpTimeline> Toolchain version must be agreed during 11/2010 and it must be available to testing in OBS at the beginning of 12/2010.23:38
timeless_mbpwe aren't in november :)23:38
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DesktopMMno mention of codesourcery? has it been considered before?23:39
timeless_mbpDesktopMM: nokia has used codesourcery historically23:40
StskeepsDesktopMM: linaro is really where its at now23:40
DesktopMMI see23:41
DesktopMMsomething we also should look into? we use codesourcery for arm linux targets :P23:41
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DesktopMMI assume I don't have a vote but by god please upgrade the toolchain :)23:47
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aukeDesktopMM: why? what are you missing?23:48
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mikecomputinghmm just installed meego handset is there no IRC client in the repository? :-S23:49
DesktopMMnot changing at the last opportunity to do so for great speed improvements sounds like a no brainer to me23:49
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mikecomputingwhoops I meant I installed meego-netbook (cant find an IRC client in repo)23:51
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auketelepathy/empathy supports IRC23:55
aukejust use the people panel -> IM settings -> add IRC server23:55
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mikecomputingauke, I did but didnt find a wayt to join channels23:56
aukeadd chat23:56
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aukepeople panel -> open messenger -> chat23:56
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