IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2010-11-28

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lcukevening lbt \o00:00
villevlcuk: yeah, I whined about that on ML as well... and Glen made a bug about that as well00:00
lbthi lcuk00:00
lcukcool villev00:00
villevframerate is still unwhined-about, I think00:00
lcukdo you know the number00:00
lcukglxgears runs faster on meego netbook00:00
lcukthan debian on the same hardware00:00
lcukrunning meego on an eee pc was strange, lack of touchscreen interaction00:01
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villevwell, glxgears may be fine, the ui shell is fine as well00:02
villevbut Qt is not00:02
lcukvillev, i have just voted for the bug00:02
lcukwhich test for qt apps have you tried00:02
lcukand I noted for longest time the qt mice exaple was very slow with aa enabled00:02
lcuk(which if the moan about fonts)00:03
villevlcuk: my own qml program00:03
villevit flies on N90000:03
Venemo_N900good night guys00:03
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lcukvillev, hrm00:04
lcukare you running it in meego on n900 or maemo?00:05
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villevmaemo on n900, sorry00:05
villevrunning anything of note on meego on n900 is so outrageous I didn't even consider the option ;-)00:06
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villevit seems meego 1.1 regressed in ui perf somehow00:06
villevfor qt00:07
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lcukcan you display framerates and setup a specific example walkthrough we could use for benching this00:09
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comawhiteWould I have any trouble running meego on a Intel C2D T6400 with ATi laptop?00:10
villevlcuk: I'll try that. I'll need to dig up how to show fps in my app00:10
lcukcomawhite, please try it yourself00:11
lcukreport specific bugs and issues to the bmc tracker00:11
lcukI am sure now that amd/ati engineers would be monitoring for things like that and would try best to help :)00:12
comawhiteokay i'll give it a whirl00:12
comawhiteis there a livecd?00:12
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lcuki have a usb stick with meego on that does "run meego"00:12
lcuki picked up one from the meego conf (without the red stripe) and it has worked really nicely in the only other netbook i tried it on (eee)00:13
lcuki dont know specifically where its downloadable from tho00:13
lcukwould anyone else know?00:13
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villevthe default meego image is "live" I think00:15
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jonnorthat meego porting guide is pretty nice00:29
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gabrbeddevening :-)01:19
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berndhshow do I know in a .spec (or .yaml) file whether I am building on MeeGo or on something else ?01:26
berndhsor is the idea to make a MeeGo-only .yaml file ?01:27
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gabrbeddI think there's a %dist macro that'll resolve to "meego"01:33
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jonnordon't add such checks unless you need them, ie: don't artificially limit your package to meego01:34
berndhsi need to know the names of dependencies01:35
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berndhsand every distro has its own naming standard01:35
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berndhsI dont need to know ?01:35
berndhsor they don't have different naming ?01:35
jonnorthere are a couple of common conventions, and some variations on these for some packages01:35
berndhsthere are 3 conventions that I know of :)01:36
berndhsand yes some variations, e.g. for the Qt stuff01:36
berndhsthat's what I use conditionals for in the .spec files01:36
jonnorbut yes, adapting to different package names is fairly common01:37
berndhsso to avoid making a special .spec or .yaml for each distro, i use conditionals01:37
berndhsis there a better way ?01:38
jonnorno, not really01:38
berndhsi mean, i could make my own generator script that makes .spec and .yaml files01:38
berndhsi don't knwo if thats any better01:38
berndhsit would work for my own packages, but not for packaging other upstream things01:39
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leticali1234: did you have any luck with the accelerometer ?03:04
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CosmoHillhey w00t05:21
CosmoHillhow are you?05:24
w00tinsomnia'ing :)05:25
CosmoHillI'm round one of my mates having a drink and catching up :)05:25
w00tby being on IRC? :-P05:26
CosmoHillwe're next to each other on our laptops reading qdb.us05:26
GeneralAntillesWhat the hell time is it there?05:32
CosmoHill3:33am :)05:32
GeneralAntillesOld wheelchairs do not OSHA-compliant camera dollies make.05:34
w00tGeneralAntilles: was that directed at me? :-P05:35
GeneralAntillesw00t, dunno, should it be? :P05:35
w00tI tend to have periods of not sleeping05:36
w00tnow is one of them, helped partially by my having a nasty cough05:36
ferringbw00t: those are known as the "god damn it it's finally quiet and I can get some hacking done" periods ;)05:37
GeneralAntillesYou to,, eh?05:37
ferringbwell, first few days of it, then it sucks05:37
w00tferringb: too ill to get much productive done (I've tried)05:37
w00tcan't concentrate05:37
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w00tso I've been roughly spending half an hour playing halflife, half an hour reading various amusing cats with funny captions on the internet, and half an hour code/irc/misc05:38
w00tI love theoatmeal05:39
w00tand that is *so* goddamn true05:39
Alison_ChaikenI just got my Pandaboard booting meego: yahoo!   I said I would go on a long bike ride tomorrow.    Maybe it will rain.05:39
w00teven brik, who is a total crazy cat woman, admits that cats are evil and imperial masters05:39
CosmoHillGeneralAntilles: read that but funny :)05:39
w00t(but cute, and fluffy and adorable)05:39
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CosmoHillAlison_Chaiken: yay panda boar05:41
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Alison_ChaikenCosmoHill, Pandaboard is cool.   I'm glad I didn't get that stupid IdeaPad.   I didn't want one.    Well, not much.05:43
CosmoHilllcuk: what do you think of your new ideapad?05:44
CosmoHill :)05:45
Alison_ChaikenCosmoHill, that's hilarious but maybe none of us should have children.05:47
CosmoHillwell I don't have any05:48
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tyson_hi All, when i use this command:"sudo mic-image-creator --config=/home/administrator/meego-handset-armv7l-n900- --format=raw --run-mode=0 --arch=armv7l --save-kernel --cache=/home/administrator/Downloads/mycache" to build my own image, then some errors arise. like this:Error: failed to create image : <urlopen error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/administrator/myrepo/LICENSE.txt'>...thank you for your an06:33
ferringbtyson_: pastebin the error and the command06:36
ferringbtyson_: irc has limits on how much text you can send in a message (you crossed it)... beyond that, failures like this are best pastebin'd for viewing06:36
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* ferringb wanders back to his movie06:36
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tyson_ferringb: OK, wait a moment..i will paste it to a website.. thank you..06:37
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pupnikferringb: i can read the error here just fine06:39
pupnikbut i don't know what might cause it06:39
tyson_ferringb: this website:
* pupnik passes tyson_ the cookies 06:43
tyson_ferringb: the ks file, i modify it, and add my package to it. althought i use the same name of "meego-handset-armv7l-n900-".06:43
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Alison_ChaikenOn which mailing list would we ask questions about what's in the Compliance specs?06:51
ferringbtyson_: while you can read it fine, it's a protocol level limit... message got truncated. looking at the logs06:52
ferringbtyson_: check the version you've got locally against the one mentioned in the posting...06:53
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tyson_ferringb: oh, i'm so sorry, i cann't open this website....06:57
ferringbtyson_: fixed in git for mic07:03
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ferringbon a guess mind you, but that's likely the fix you're looking for.07:05
tyson_ferringb: i created my own repo. and modify the ks file. add my package to them. and then use the mic-image-creator command to build my own image..07:07
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tyson_ferringb: the "git" command, i cann't use this command in my net. this is my net problem..07:08
ferringbtyson_: yeah, I pointed out the patch you need however07:09
ferringbhmm.  that code should be getattr(getattr(oserr, "reason", None), errno, None) == errno.ENOENT: also07:10
tyson_ferringb: OK, i modify it.. if also some errors arise, i will ask you.OK?  thank you very much...ferringb...07:11
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tyson_ferringb: /usr/share/pyshared/mic/imgcreate/   is it ?07:18
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tyson_ferringb:  i add 5 lines to this file. but the same error arise. like this: Error: failed to create image : <urlopen error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/administrator/myrepo/LICENSE.txt'>07:29
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ferringbtyson_: no clue then.  that patch is supposedly to rectify that bug...07:34
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tyson_ferringb: OK, i guess maybe me package has some problem. mayby my repo also has some problem...07:38
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tyson_hi, all. when i use this command:"sudo mic-image-creator --config=/home/administrator/my.ks --format=raw --run-mode=0 --arch=armv7l --save-kernel --cache=/home/administrator/Downloads/mycache" to build my own image, then some errors arise. like this:Error: failed to create image : <urlopen error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/administrator/myrepo/LICENSE.txt'>08:39
tyson_anybody know?? thank you for your answer....08:39
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johnxdoes that file exist?08:42
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tyson_johnx:  no. i hasn't this file..08:50
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johnxwhat does your my.ks say?08:50
johnx(pastebin please)08:51
tyson_ wait a moment08:51
johnxaah. I thought you really had a file called my.ks :)08:52
tyson_yes, i change the ks file. and no change the name..08:53
johnxmaybe try creating myrepo before running the command?08:53
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tyson_i use this command : "createrepo" to create my repo.08:55
tyson_my.ks equal meego-handset-armv7l-n900-    because i modify the latter. so i name it as my.ks..08:57
johnxaaah, ok. did createrepo have any errors?08:57
tyson_this comman just generate a repodata file..08:58
theplicis there no facebook web account for status panel?08:59
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tyson_i just create my repo, and add my package to it. then use tha command:"mic-image-creator" to build my iamge..09:00
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johnxwell, does any file in your repo reference the license.txt file?09:02
johnx(other than that I don't really have any ideas ...)09:02
johnxeven the repodata file?09:02
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johnxsorry, no idea :|09:02
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tyson_thank you for your answer...johnx09:03
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theplici was trying to mount a partition and it is asking for authentication password and im onthe livecd09:13
theplicwhat is the password that i need?09:13
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tyson_hi all, when i use this command:"sudo mic-image-creator --config=/home/administrator/meego-handset-armv7l-n900- --format=raw --run-mode=0 --arch=armv7l --save-kernel --cache=/home/administrator/Downloads/mycache" to build my own image, then some errors arise. like this:Error: failed to create image : <urlopen error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/administrator/myrepo/LICENSE.txt'>10:07
tyson_what's the problem? anybody know?  thanks..10:08
tyson_and the error log you can see this website:
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dm8tbrthat looks weird. it's at least not any of the ways mic2 jumped into my face10:11
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Stskeepshi hiben7510:46
hiben754 in the morning10:46
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hiben75Nobody talks here10:48
dm8tbras this generally is a technical channel and not a social chat channel that comes to no surprise10:48
Stskeepsalso, it's weekend10:49
helloworldStskeeps: in your obs manual, u offer the trunk  project-config .  but it can only make i586 build target work , what if the armv7el ?10:49
Stskeepsit makes both work10:49
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Stskeepsand my import script imports both into the project10:49
helloworldno need any modify ?10:49
Stskeepsno need for modifications10:50
Stskeepsbut now i'm off to make some coffee10:50
helloworldStskeeps: ok,tks10:50
helloworldi will try it again10:50
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dm8tbrhelloworld: out of curiosity, which obs disk image did you use?10:50
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helloworldno image,  i create it myself10:51
dm8tbrI've had problems with the vmdk image. didn't import into vbox and qemu-img didn't convert it into anything bootable10:51
dm8tbrso you didn't use any of this: ?10:52
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helloworlddm8tbr:yes , i havn't use10:54
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dm8tbrI suspect that the vmdk file has some sort of a problem. the raw file worked immediately.10:55
dm8tbrone is also labelled build7 and the other build6.10:55
Stskeepsah, no idea about that one10:58
Stskeepsthat isn't my obs manual10:58
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helloworldStskeeps: i found the bug, just in /etc/sysconfig/   i forgot turning on the arm schedual server11:06
Stskeepsah, that makes sense11:06
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helloworldStskeeps: now the armv7el schedular is dead11:08
helloworldStskeeps: any idea about that?11:09
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ferringbhelloworld: eh?11:15
dm8tbrStskeeps: ok, now to make sure I've even tried obs-server.i686-2.1.62-Build1.7-vmx.tar.bz2 even on vmware server and no dice. you might want to add a note that the raw image might be the better option in connection with qemu-img for now11:15
Stskeepshelloworld: no sorry, consider restarting machine11:15
Stskeepsdm8tbr: ok, might be a broken build then11:16
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dm8tbrStskeeps: that's what I suspect, yes11:16
helloworldStskeeps:now my problem is the pkg can be finished  , not succeed , boring11:17
Stskeepsgive it time11:17
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helloworldStskeeps:unfortunately faild11:20
Stskeepsi don't have any idea about the old guides sorry11:21
* Stskeeps goes have a quiet sunday - talk to you later11:21
dm8tbrenjoy :)11:23
helloworldStskeeps:good day11:24
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Tumi_Hmm, my pocket has obviously had something to say last evening :D11:56
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Tumi_I definitely need an auto-keylock in my symbian phone =)11:58
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CosmoHillhey w00t, you just got up?12:08
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dm8tbrno he just rode the fleanode express like a lot of the other clients here12:09
CosmoHillthat would explain why I couldn't connect first time, is that still going on?12:10
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CosmoHillis freenode a UK company?12:17
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dm8tbrit's part of an US non profit IIRC12:18
* odin_ stretches12:18
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CosmoHillokay cos they ask for donations in UK pounds12:18
thiago_homethey detect your IP12:19
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dm8tbrIn August 2008, the PDPC incorporated as a Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Peer-Directed Projects Center Ltd replaces the US based 501(c)(3) corporation.12:20
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Stskeepsdm8tbr: well, lilo kinda died so12:22
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dm8tbrStskeeps: yes, I know. still surprising that they moved the whole thing to the uk after that.12:26
CosmoHilllilo the boot loader?12:26
Stskeepsdm8tbr: new person in charge was living in UK, so12:27
odin_you talk of they as if there is some fixed committee folks running freenode for the while time it exist12:27
odin_hard to run a US company from the UK ?12:27
dm8tbrStskeeps: i see, if there is easier continuity in the UK12:29
CosmoHillhhuh, looking at wikipedia I thought freenode was a lot bigger than it is12:30
CosmoHillah, lilo the person12:31
matrixxoh there is lilo the person12:31
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matrixxI kinda was wondering how lilo dieing relates to anything :]12:32
CosmoHilllilo founded freenode12:32
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matrixxoh, he died in a car crash :(12:34
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CosmoHillaccording to wikipedia David Levin, his brother is now on the freenode board12:35
lolloohaha his nickname is lilo12:36
lollooam lolloo12:36
lolloorest in peace12:36
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Ford_Prefectferringb: X-Fade: I "solved" the problem with the local build12:42
CosmoHillwith a hammer?12:43
Ford_Prefecturlgrabber doesn't use urllib2 any more, so the osc code to use user-name and pass from config don't work12:43
Ford_PrefectSo I manually editted to use my netrc12:43
Ford_PrefectAnd put my user/pass in there12:43
nialahello CosmoHill12:43
Ford_PrefectCosmoHill: ^ so yes :)12:43
CosmoHillsalut niala12:43
CosmoHillFord_Prefect: did you make a patch?12:44
nialaCosmoHill: the star of #meego :)12:44
Ford_PrefectCosmoHill: this is clearly not the Right Way to do it, but I'm not sure what is12:44
ferringbFord_Prefect: please say via fire12:44
nialatyson_: ping12:44
ferringbFord_Prefect: version of osc?12:44
nialahello other to of course12:44
ferringbhost os?12:45
ferringbah, right12:45
Ford_Prefect1.1, netbook12:45
Ford_PrefectFor future reference, urlgrabber dumps debug info if you have URLGRABBER_DEBUG in your environment12:45
rauli_what bugs me about freenode is why they need money to run an irc network.. ircnet and efnet have been running non-profit for decades12:46
ferringbFord_Prefect: and what magic env var makes it implode and stop being a pita? :)12:47
Ford_Prefectferringb: rm -rf :)12:47
ferringbrauli_: wrong channel for that discussion... mainly since it's semi equivalent to starting a theological discussion12:47
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ferringbFord_Prefect: implosion's are easier to visualize12:48
ferringband a bit more satisfying12:48
ferringbFord_Prefect: filed a bug?12:48
Ford_Prefectferringb: will do. Trying to come up with a correct solution12:48
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Ford_PrefectPreferably something that doesn't require fixing urlgrabber first12:49
ferringbFord_Prefect: honestly?  file a bug and let 'em solve it12:49
Ford_PrefectAlso, kudos to them for not bothering to actually try to make the curl backend feature-wise equivalent to urllib212:50
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CosmoHillmy battery is completely drained, unlike all those other times where it panics about low battery then has half battery 20 mins later12:54
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lcukmorning khertan and achipa \o13:23
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CosmoHillsalut lcuk et khertan13:23
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khertanhello lcuk and CosmoHill13:23
lcukhey also CosmoHill \o13:24
khertanusing uboot on n900 is a bad idea ...13:24
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Stskeepskhertan: did it do something wrong?13:24
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khertanStskeeps, do not charge battery with charger ... :)13:25
Stskeepskhertan: ah yes13:25
khertann900 shutdown13:25
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Stskeepsi thought we had that with a big warning13:25
khertanStskeeps, i know it s writted with a big warning ... but i was thinking it s for using meego13:25
lcukwhat happens?13:25
khertannot when you use maemo too13:26
Stskeepskhertan: it shouldn't be a problem when booting into maemo?13:26
khertanStskeeps, it s seems it is13:26
Stskeepskhertan: we'll have to investigate that - PR1.3?13:26
khertanStskeeps, or maybe my n900 reboot during the night13:26
khertanyep 1.313:26
Stskeepsok, sounds weird13:26
khertanStskeeps, let me see if the night backup finished13:27
lcuklol khertan your khweeteur on desktop looks sweet13:27
lcuktheres even my #movember tweet :D13:27
khertani just test 1 min ago13:27
khertanStskeeps, ok ... the backup is incomplete13:28
khertanStskeeps, so seems that maemo crash and reboot during the night13:28
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khertanso as by default uboot run meego13:28
khertani think we got the errors :)13:28
khertanlcuk, i ve even use it to post :)13:29
Stskeepskhertan: it boots it if there's a sd card13:29
khertanStskeeps, yep ... of course :)13:29
RST38hSts, lcuk, khertan, moo gentlemen13:29
lcukYo! RST38h13:29
khertanStskeeps, but i ll not remove it everytime :) so i ll use the flasher method instead and remove uboot :)13:29
Stskeepskhertan: :nod:13:30
khertanStskeeps, so here the problem is more the chair keyboard interface than the code13:30
Ford_Prefectferringb: X-Fade: fwiw, bug filed -
RST38hStskeeps: I think Khertan means that uboot should only boot meego if there is a certain key or button pressed :)13:31
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RST38hStskeeps: Which should not be difficult to do, I hope13:31
khertanRST38h, i mean the problem is me and not the code :)13:31
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khertanSciTe isn't a bad editor !13:35
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CosmoHilldoes anyone know how redirect the output of "time" into a file?14:28
ferringbCosmoHill: { time .... ; } &> log14:29
ferringbor just use the time binary, rather than the bash builtin14:29
CosmoHill{ time  uptime > bar; }  &> foo14:31
CosmoHillthank you very much ferringb14:31
ferringbnext step, write a web server in bash ;)14:32
CosmoHillI've heard of this challenge before I think14:32
ferringbcode was interesting14:32
ferringbawk one I saw a while back was actually more elegant14:32
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IR5012Hi!!!! can you plz VOTE ME in this site??? thnx!!!14:37
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CosmoHillwith spelling and grammar like that? I don't think so14:38
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CosmoHilldamn: syntax error near unexpected token `>'14:40
ferringbCosmoHill: what was the invocation?14:41
CosmoHill 32   { time -p mpirun -np ${CORES} --hostfile ${HOME}/hostfile.txt \14:41
CosmoHill 33   ${PROG}-mpi ${LIMIT} > c${CORES}-${PROG}.log; } &>> times.log14:41
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CosmoHilljust after ${LIMIT}14:41
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CosmoHillah I see, &>> can cause issues14:46
CosmoHillreplacing &>> with 2>> solved my problem14:46
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CosmoHillthanks again for your help ferringb. now I have a nice looking script that logs the times for me :)14:51
lcukn900cosmo, you are using your cluster to find the exact time?14:51
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CosmoHillI run the program multiple times with different number of cores enabled, the times are logged to show the speed up (or slow down)14:51
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CosmoHillyeah I'm very pleased with this script :)14:52
CosmoHillthe only other scripts I'm pleased with install a freaking distro :D14:52
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CosmoHillon a side note rpm5 can be a bit twitchy, everything gets installed but it's not all logged in the database14:54
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nialaCosmoHill: oh oh.... rpm.... mmm... that's funny you talkt about that...15:00
niala - Not supported by this backend: nothing provides needed by empathy-2.30.2-2.26.i58615:00
nialanothing provides needed by meego-panel-status-0.3.0-2.3.i58615:00
* CosmoHill flees15:00
CosmoHilldamn, not fast enough15:00
CosmoHillthe spec file should define the build and run time libraries required15:01
nialahave you a kernel update today ?15:01
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CosmoHillnot unless 10.5.9 is out15:02
CosmoHill(Darwin 9.9)15:02
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CosmoHillniala: do you have the required devel packages?15:05
CosmoHillfor example I could run gmp programs on my laptop but I couldn't compile any until I installed gmp-devel.rpm15:05
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nialaCosmoHill: it's just a 'normal' update, a security update from repo.meego. But to be complete i haven't really look why today my netbook make that, maybe he smoked the carpet last night15:24
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CosmoHillsmoked the carpet? what does that mean?15:28
nialayum update --> No Packages marked for Update...15:29
CosmoHillyou should be using zypper15:29
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arfollzypper refresh15:29
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nialahow to explain... french expression, take your carpet rolls like a weed and smoke.....15:32
CosmoHillah okau15:32
TermanaI wonder whether you can fit carpet in your pipe and smoke it like that too15:32
CosmoHillremind me never to take you to carpet world15:33
CosmoHillas long as you don' do what I've done15:34
nialauname -a --->    seem  already update...15:34
CosmoHillI had a box of matches and I'd hold one of them against the box and flick it so it would light and spin in an arc15:34
CosmoHillprobably shouldn't have done that in front of kids15:35
TermanaCosmoHill, I've seen someone "smart" enough to decide to hold the tip of the match while striking it15:35
CosmoHillwere they are a filling station at the time?15:35
CosmoHillor were they not that "cleaver"15:35
Termanaheh. No they weren't that "cleaver". "Cleaver" enough to burn their finger though :p15:36
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TermanaCosmoHill, you didn't do that at a fuel station did you?15:36
CosmoHillI was cleaver enough to pour boiled water onto my hand yesterday15:36
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CosmoHillI've phoned a friend telling him I was running late cos my fuel light came on...whilst topping up the acr15:37
TermanaCosmoHill, your an arse you know that. Because you originally spelt it CLEAVER I kept spelling it like that. Then I realised it's CLEVER not CLEAVER15:38
CosmoHillthat  will teach to to plagiarise my spelling!15:38
TermanaNot very clever of me :p15:38
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TermanaOr should I say... Not very cleaver of me?15:39
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CosmoHillkudos for using the english spelling of the worse arse tho15:39
TermanaCosmoHill, :p being in Australia and arse being the official spelling in Australia, I try to spell it properly :p15:40
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CosmoHillholy poop -O3 makes a noticeable difference15:48
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* timeless_webchat sighs16:17
timeless_webchatQt's gui tools toolchain sucks16:18
jonnortimeless_webchat: whats wrong?16:18
timeless_webchatthey can't spell Exit consistently16:18
timeless_webchatthey don't know how to use Windows (and Windows menus) correctly16:18
timeless_webchatthey don't get basic print preview behavior right16:19
timeless_webchati have some short lists16:19
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DangerMauslol cant spell exit16:20
thiago_homethe print-preview dialog was never good16:21
thiago_homewhat's wrong with Exit?16:21
timeless_webchatthey spelled it Quit in Assistant!16:21
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dm8tbrnow you've got me curious, _how_ do you misspell exit16:21
Ford_PrefectQuick rpm question - specify removes the %changelog section, causing rpmlint to generate an ignorable warning16:21
timeless_webchathow hard is it to spell a 4 letter word the same way in *three* apps?16:21
timeless_webchatanswer: apparently very if you're Qt16:21
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Ford_PrefectAnd I saw on the site that there's supposed to be a .changes file16:22
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timeless_webchatthiago_home: note: i'm posting bugs+patches for this stuff16:22
Ford_PrefectSo the warning is okay to leave as is?16:22
timeless_webchatif you want to be helpful, you can get my previous patch landed :)16:22
thiago_hometimeless_webchat: the print preview dialog isn't that easy16:22
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thiago_homechanging a word is16:22
Ford_PrefectHm, no warning if there's a .changes. wtf.16:22
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timeless_webchatthiago_home: yeah, i'm not planning to patch print preview eagerly16:23
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thiago_homeprint => wontfix16:23
timeless_webchatno one in their right mind touches printing, let alone print preview16:23
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thiago_homelet's save the planet and remove all print dialogs16:23
* timeless_webchat nods16:24
timeless_webchatwe tried that in Maemo16:24
timeless_webchati heard rumor that someone objected to it for MeeGo :(16:24
thiago_homeMaemo4 had it wrong16:24
CosmoHillfirefox and flash are hating me today16:24
thiago_homeinstead of removing the print dialogs, it removed the entire Qt printing subsystem16:24
thiago_homeincluding the PDF generation16:24
timeless_webchatthiago_home: yeah well16:24
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timeless_webchatmaemo started out as a "ifdef EVERYTHING_OUT"16:25
timeless_webchatbecause people wanted to save bytes16:25
timeless_webchati'm not defending maemo design principles :)16:25
* thiago_home remembers one Qt port that started with QT_NO_FILESYSTEM16:25
thiago_homewho needs files?16:25
thiago_homecan't tell you. The project died.16:26
thiago_homelet it rest in peace. The OS was so crappy it would have never worked.16:26
timeless_webchatis it something i could look up based on the power of Ownership?16:26
timeless_webchati did something stupid last week, i installed a Qt commercial license :)16:26
timeless_webchat(and then i rebuilt Qt and ran out of disk space)16:26
thiago_home6 GB at least16:27
timeless_webchatso my computer has been compressing things all weekend16:27
timeless_webchati got back 10gb of space :)16:27
thiago_homewindows build? you probably had debug-and-release mode16:27
timeless_webchatyeah i did16:27
timeless_webchatbecause i need to be able to drop in release-with-pdb into Ovi Suite!16:27
timeless_webchatbecause some idiot in the Qt team made debug not interchangable with release16:28
timeless_webchatand some other one didn't ship pdb's for release (patch already posted)16:28
thiago_homes/Qt team/Redmond/16:28
timeless_webchatit's perfectly possible to make debug and release compat16:28
thiago_homethe MS Visual Studio C++ assemblies are different from debug and from release16:28
thiago_homeyou can't mix them16:28
* timeless_webchat ponders16:28
timeless_webchatwell, through vc7 it was possible :)16:29
timeless_webchatas long as you don't use the wrong allocator/free for an object...16:29
thiago_homeQtCore4.dll is built with the C++ release, QtCored4.dll is built with the C++ debug assembly16:29
thiago_homeyeah, right16:29
thiago_homeever used templates? :-)16:29
timeless_webchati try to avoid them...16:29
thiago_homecontainers even16:29
thiago_homeobject created in one place, deleted in another => bam! crash16:29
thiago_homeevery time I see someone in qt-interest saying their application crashes when they use QList, I know it's assembly mixup16:30
timeless_webchatok, where do bugs in Qt Assistant live?16:31
timeless_webchatQt Creator?16:31
thiago_homeQt (for now)16:32
thiago_homewe'll have a QTTOOLS component soon16:32
timeless_webchatyeah, found it16:32
timeless_webchatoh good16:32
timeless_webchatmaking components match source structure = good16:32
thiago_homethe tools are moving out of qt.git, that's why16:33
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timeless_webchatthiago_home: QTBUG-1567616:33
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timeless_webchatanyway, please get QTBUG-15644 committed :)16:34
timeless_webchatoh, and what's the story w/ "What's this"?16:34
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CosmoHillrandom fact: did you know that the number 31398 can be made by the sum of two primes 490 different ways16:34
timeless_webchatwould someone cry if i removed it from linguist? afaict it does nothing16:34
timeless_webchatCosmoHill: why would we care?16:35
CosmoHillnobody cares, I'm just bored cos this it taking longer than expected16:35
timeless_webchatthiago_home: oh...16:36
timeless_webchatthe fact that linguist and assistant have totally different source tree hierarchies = awesome16:36
timeless_webchatplease say someone's fixing that...16:36
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timeless_webchathrm, wait16:37
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timeless_webchatawesome, eh?16:37
thiago_homebut there's a reason for that16:37
timeless_webchatoh, i'm sure16:37
thiago_homethere are more tools in tools/assistant/tools16:38
thiago_homeand there's tools/assistant/lib16:38
timeless_webchatbut does assistant really need its second tools/ directory?16:40
timeless_webchatso, in linguist 4/6 panes don't support what's this16:40
timeless_webchatwhich means that on average whatever you click won't give you help16:40
timeless_webchatoh brother16:41
timeless_webchata tooltip for a statebutton "toggle <whatever>"16:41
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timeless_webchatwhat's this for the "cancel" button...16:42
timeless_webchat"Click here to close this window."16:43
timeless_webchatoh really?16:43
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timeless_webchat>10gb of free space16:45
* timeless_webchat had <200mb of space earlier16:45
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CosmoHillmay I ask what you deleted?16:46
thiago_homethe Qt build16:47
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thiago_hometimeless_webchat: patch applied16:48
thiago_hometo 4.8 due to string freeze in 4.716:48
timeless_webchatthiago_home: how about the mkspec one?16:48
thiago_homenot my call16:48
thiago_homeI'll let someone who cares about Windows decide16:48
timeless_webchatany idea how long it'll take before it reaches a real engineer?16:49
thiago_homeyou've already reached them16:49
thiago_homethe task tracker is managed by the engineers16:49
thiago_homejason is the release manager. He usually responds very quickly.16:50
thiago_homehe may not want to enable the pdbs in the .exe because that would make the download much bigger16:50
thiago_homein the .exe installer16:50
timeless_webchatso, i'd rather get it into the build and have the .exe packager exclude them16:50
timeless_webchatthe pdb's should be stored on a symbol server16:50
timeless_webchatis the packaging code in here somewhere too?16:51
timeless_webchati.e. would it help if i wrote something such that those were actively excluded?16:51
thiago_homethe packaging code includes the commercial license key decoder16:51
timeless_webchatit wouldn't be in the commercial bundle either16:52
CosmoHilltimeless_webchat: speaking of running out of hard drive space. my program creates about 0.5GB log files from the output16:52
timeless_webchatCosmoHill: that's nothing :)16:52
timeless_webchatQt created roughly 6gb of crap :)16:52
CosmoHillit's something when there are 33 of them :o16:52
* thiago_home starts:16:52
* timeless_webchat notes that ie9beta seems to break w7 help16:52
thiago_homedu -sh ~/src/troll ~/obj/troll16:52
CosmoHillI'm not a troll! nor am I am object!16:53
timeless_webchatCosmoHill: troll=trolltech :)16:53
CosmoHillI know :)16:53
thiago_homethis will take some time to run16:54
StskeepsCosmoHill: i occasionally have you mistaken for an AI, though16:54
timeless_webchatfwiw my Qt directory is 2.3GB as a compressed NTFS folder16:54
CosmoHillmeh, I've been mistaken for the opposite gender before16:54
timeless_webchatCosmoHill: how'd you manage that one?16:54
pupnik15:54 < timeless_webchat> fwiw my Qt directory is 2.3GB as a compressed NTFS folder16:54
CosmoHillI'm not to sure...I don't think I ever corrected him tho16:55
timeless_webchatpupnik: down from 6gb uncompressed16:55
timeless_webchatcompression is my friend :)16:55
pupnikhow is that possible?16:55
timeless_webchatpdb files are inherently uncompressed16:55
timeless_webchatyou're supposed to compress them16:55
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thiago_hometimeless_webchat: is that including the intermediary files (the .o and .obj) ?16:55
timeless_webchat(pdb= program database = symbols)16:56
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CosmoHillIIRC GCC takes up about 2.5GB to compile16:56
timeless_webchatthiago_home: yes .obj, .lib, etc16:56
pupnikthose are video tutorials compressed in mpeg2?16:56
tmzt_g2rootCosmoHill: great for crypto :)16:56
timeless_webchatpupnik: Qt = Qt 4.7.0 source + release + debug including intermediate gunk for both16:56
timeless_webchatthiago_home: right...16:58
pupnikI wasn't aware that german lawyers were coding QT nowadays.16:58
timeless_webchatso in linguist, how the heck do i get the file name + path of a file?16:58
timeless_webchatpupnik: =~ s/QT/Qt/g16:58
CosmoHillhmm, if I double the amount of numbers it searches it quadruples the log file16:58
timeless_webchatthiago_home: that question's for you :)16:58
timeless_webchat(no one in #qt seems to use Linguist)16:59
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thiago_homeilmasam_: what was the question?17:02
thiago_hometimeless_webchat: what was the question?17:02
thiago_homeoh, I see it17:02
thiago_homeno clue17:02
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thiago_home12G     /home/tmacieir/src/troll17:03
timeless_webchatyou have more cruft than me17:03
timeless_webchatdo i want it?17:03
thiago_homeprobably not17:03
CosmoHillthiago_home: it took you that long to get the output?17:03
thiago_homeCosmoHill: yes17:03
thiago_homeI probably *can* erase the 4.2.3, 4.3.5, 4.4.3 and 4.5 builds17:03
thiago_homeI'm not a developer anymore, I don't need them around to test for regressions17:04
CosmoHillhmm, I still have CLFS and LFS on my laptop17:04
CosmoHillthey've not been booted in months17:04
timeless_webchatthiago_home: that leaves you a 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8-cand?17:07
thiago_home42G     /home/tmacieir/obj/troll17:07
thiago_homeqt-4.6, qt-4.6-fremantle, qt-4.7, qt-4.7-fremantle, qt-main17:08
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thiago_homethat's source17:08
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timeless_webchitthiago_home: that leaves you a 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8-cand?17:09
thiago_homefor builds, I have 4.6, 4.6-release, 4.6-fremantle, 4.7, 4.7-release, 4.7-harmattan, 4.7-harmattan-release, 4.7-icc, 4.7-icc-release, main, main-release, main-arm, main-arm-release17:09
timeless_webchitand are you using a single .git shared between them?17:09
thiago_homeyes, now they are shared17:09
thiago_homethe 4.5.0 and previous builds were using qt-history.git17:10
timeless_webchitis that someone's synthesized backwards walking repo?17:10
thiago_homep4-converted repo17:10
timeless_webchitdid you guys use perfarce?17:10
thiago_homeplus 6 months of Git use before we cut the history and made the public repo17:10
thiago_homebefore p4, we used CVS17:10
thiago_homebefore CVS, we used RCS17:10
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* thiago_home hated p4 edit17:14
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thiago_homep4 integrate -ay was cool17:14
thiago_homeor -am17:14
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* thiago_home erased 14 GB of builds17:15
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thiago_homeand 3 GB of sources17:17
thiago_homenow 23 GB free17:17
timeless_webchitdo i want to know where linguist hides its conf file?17:17
thiago_homewindows? in the registry17:18
thiago_homeand 100.6 GB available in my volume group17:18
thiago_homenot too bad for a 3.5-year-old 250 GB disk17:18
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thiago_home33.5 GB free on the laptop (cleaned up ~20 GB today) and 20 GB unpartitioned for when I want to switch distros17:22
thiago_homeactually, it's 20 GB free in the VG. That means I can only switch to a distro that can boot off LVM :-)17:23
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arfolllbt, how long does it take for meego pub OBS to publish RPMs to the repos?17:34
timeless_webchitthiago_home: QTBUG-15678 deals w/ recent17:34
timeless_webchit(not a string change, so it might be a candidate for older, but i don't care)17:34
thiago_homethat one I'll leave for karsten17:34
* thiago_home needs to go do other things now17:35
timeless_webchitok :)17:35
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timeless_webchitanyway, that's a couple of "good deeds" for the weekend17:37
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Stskeepsarfoll: when build cycle is over17:39
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arfollStskeeps, thats what I thought but if you look in home:arfoll:enna, you'll see libplayer (i586) is at version 2.0.1-2.117:40
arfollbut libplayer-2.0.1-4.1.i586.rpm has been built for quite a while17:41
arfolland there is only one repo17:41
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* arfoll just got enna working on his netbook :-)17:46
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Stskeepsarfoll: hmm17:48
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timeless_webchitthiago_home: ?17:52
timeless_webchitwhy does Qt say Copyright Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(ies) ?17:53
timeless_webchitwhat's wrong w/ Nokia Corporation ?17:53
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thiago_hometimeless_webchit: standard disclaimer18:04
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timeless_webchatthiago_home: we use "Nokia Corporation" or something for Ovi Suite :)18:05
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timeless_webchatthiago_home: so...18:14
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timeless_webchatsome Qt apps on windows under virtualbox hang in d3d calls18:14
timeless_webchati've caught designer doing it :)18:14
timeless_webchatwhich is good, because i have sources for designer (i haven't found sources for ovi suite)18:15
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lcukhey timeless_webchat \o18:17
lcukdid you get to the cinema?18:17
timeless_webchati still have time18:17
* lcuk pleased that the qt font / performance bugs are on the bugzilla :)18:18
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* timeless_webchat wonders what phonon is18:26
Chanitimeless_webchat: an abstraction layer for audio, to avoid things like the gstreamer/PA debate18:27
timeless_webchatChani: ok... and on windows? :)18:27
Chaniand to ensure a stable API for app developers18:28
ferringb...and introduce a new debate about how aiming for the LCD (as required for such a beast) is potentially worse than specializing to one or two of 'em ;)18:28
Chanitimeless_webchat: what about windows?18:28
timeless_webchatChani: what's it do there? :)18:28
berndhstimeless_webchat: abstraction layer for audio18:28
Chaniferringb: well, apps that need more can specialize.18:28
timeless_webchatberndhs: Chani already said that ;-)18:29
Chanitimeless_webchat: it uses whatever backend is available there18:29
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ferringbChani: bogus arguement, than they don't really play nicely w/ the usual integration :P18:29
* Chani can't remember if there's a directx one18:29
Chaniferringb: yes, which is why apps that can use phonon ought to use phonon :)18:29
Chaniferringb: better to have some apps play nice than none.18:30
ferringbor just stop chasing the various gnome bits ;)18:30
timeless_webchatChani: it seems to be trying to reach d*918:30
planktonI ran MeeGo with VirtualBox on my pc! o/18:30
timeless_webchatwhich is um... not working for me18:30
Chaniferringb: I'm not sure which backend is supposed to be the gnome one, but, artsd proved that picking a 'kde bit' is dangerous :)18:31
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Chanitimeless_webchat: ah. sucky. try the gstreamer backend then?18:31
* Chani can't remember what the most reliable winows one is18:32
timeless_webchatChani: um. pretend ii'm a user and walk me through it?18:32
timeless_webchatthe reason i'm doing any of this is that i have a binary (Ovi Suite) from a third part (Nokia)18:32
timeless_webchatand it hangs when it launches18:32
timeless_webchati'd rather it didn't hang when i launched it...18:32
Chanitimeless_webchat: I don't use windows myself. maybe #kde-windows can help you18:32
Chanior #qt18:32
Chaniyes, that does sound a bit inconvenient :)18:33
timeless_webchatvideorenderer_evr.cpp is the file which gets me into this mess18:33
timeless_webchatfor some reason i don't have symbols for this stupid 3rd party qt stuff18:33
Chanibinaries, meep.18:33
timeless_webchatthis is Qt 3rd party, sources are included18:33
Chanioh crap, I was trying to gte *away* from irc18:34
timeless_webchatand i patched Qt to give me symbols for most of its stuff, but phono seems to have opted out18:34
* Chani has chores to do. really must go.18:34
timeless_webchatwell thanks for the basics18:35
timeless_webchatit looks like i should be able to unregister some com bits18:35
* timeless_webchat tries to figure out how .pro files work :)18:37
timeless_webchatberndhs: can you hold my hand w/ a .pro file? :)18:37
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berndhstimeless_webchat: perhaps, depends on how complicated it is18:38
timeless_webchati'm in qt\4.7.0\src\phonon\18:39
timeless_webchatand i'm looking at the .pro file there18:39
timeless_webchatmost of the pro files in qt\4.7.0\src\core (?) honor my mkspec file18:39
timeless_webchatbut this one isn't18:39
timeless_webchatso what i need to understand is how it's picking mkspec files18:39
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berndhsah that's TrollTech magic18:40
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timeless_webchathrm, it *did* pick my mkspec file18:40
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berndhsis that file online somewhere ? i dont have it here18:40
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timeless_webchatso the .pro file is there yes18:42
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berndhsi think it gets the mkspec from environment variables, or from what you tell qmake directly18:43
timeless_webchatthe msvc mk file i'm using isn't there (not sure how that happened), is close enough (i'm using 2010)18:43
timeless_webchatyeah, the generated file shows that it was supposed to use mkspec for win32-msvc2010/18:44
berndhstehre is a command line option  -spec specfile18:44
berndhsand then it gets wired into the Makefile18:45
timeless_webchatyeah i was able to see that in the makefile18:45
timeless_webchati wonder if i just didn't manage to trigger a rebuild in this directory18:45
* timeless_webchat tries a simple make18:45
berndhsso if you want to change what mkspec it uses, you ahve to nuke all the generated Makefiles18:46
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berndhsthis is in a big tree, not a simple 1-directory project, is that correct ?18:47
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timeless_webchitdeleting Makefile.Release was a *bad* idea18:49
berndhsit was?18:49
Stskeepshm, bugs.* dead?18:50
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timeless_webchitberndhs: there doesn't seem to be a rebuild rule18:50
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berndhsqmake should rebuild it18:51
berndhsor at least qmake and then make18:51
timeless_webchatyeah, using qmake worked18:51
timeless_webchatok, so rebuilding the Makefile(s) gave me what i wanted18:52
berndhsyou are a lucky man :)18:52
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timeless_webchatnow i just get to find out what EVR is...18:56
timeless_webchat[Enhanced Video Renderer]18:56
berndhsbeats me18:56
timeless_webchatyeah, don't worry :)18:56
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berndhsEcclesbourne Valley Railway18:57
berndhsPeriyar E. V. Ramasami, Dravidian social activist — sometimes known as "EVR"18:57
timeless_webchatyeah, that's alright18:58
timeless_webchati'll take Enhanced Video Renderer18:58
timeless_webchatit sounds nicer :)18:58
timeless_webchatanyway, i hope you found useful :)18:58
berndhsprobably I will someday19:01
timeless_webchatthey're showing TMNT... in Finnish19:01
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Stskeepstimeless_webchat: i have bbc comedy or something tv channel just in polish19:02
Stskeepsi think it's not entirely what the point was19:02
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timeless_webchatsomeone was showing Ice Age 2 in Finnish earlier today19:02
berndhsI watched an american movie in Romania once, english with Ro subtitles19:02
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timeless_webchatoh With, I read Without (not sure how)19:03
berndhsthe Romanians were laughing at completely different times than I was19:03
timeless_webchatI saw an English movie in Strasbourg, FR19:03
timeless_webchatEnglish w/ Fr subtitles19:03
timeless_webchatthat worked19:03
berndhsi can read a little romanian, but i dont understand it19:04
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berndhsdoes anyone know how to clean up after an rpm that failed its un-install ?19:05
berndhszypper can't get past it19:05
niala1timeless_webchat: hey strasbourg is here19:05
timeless_webchatniala1: i was there 2 years ago (roughly) in the fall19:06
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Stskeepsevening andre__19:08
ferringbberndhs: look for a scripts related option19:09
timeless_webchatok, now i have symbols for phonon419:09
ferringbberndhs: barring that, resort to rpm --erase w/ the appropriate scripts option19:09
timeless_webchatbut not phonon_ds94 :(19:09
* timeless_webchat curses build systems19:09
CosmoHillthe program I'm using isn't being very good either19:09
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CosmoHillit's like, all the correct answers to the questions are there19:10
CosmoHillthey just got a little mixed up19:10
berndhsferringb: i'll try that, thanks19:10
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timeless_webchatsp3000: turns out you can't build gecko xpcom stuff using xpidl if glib2 isn't installed :)19:32
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berndhsis the certificate on broken ? osc complains about it and won't let me check out my project20:18
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lbtberndhs: why use https for repo ?20:47
lbtor do you mean build/api ?20:48
berndhspasted the url from the browser, that's the main reason20:48
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berndhsactually, no I didn't I used
berndhsdon't know why osc does the certificate stuff20:49
lbtthe cert has changed from when it was cbuild20:50
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berndhsit is complaining about "subjectAltName does not match host"20:51
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timeless_webchatberndhs: you don't know why people care that the binaries they download really came from the right server?20:51
lbtmmm old cert cache I think20:51
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berndhsexpected got DNS:api.meego.com20:51
lbtso is it or ?20:52
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berndhspub is where i'm trying to go with the url20:52
* lbt suspects a typo somewhere20:53
lbtcheck your ~/.oscrc file20:53
lbtit probably has a []    section20:53
lbt(ie no .pub)20:53
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berndhsno pub, and build-api.moblin.org20:55
timeless_webchatlbt: why is using a cert w/o chaining to a well known CA?20:55
lbttimeless_webchat: no clue.... SEP :)20:56
* timeless_webchat finally gets a stack trace through both parts of phonon20:56
lbtberndhs: so ... you're going to fix that?20:57
berndhsok i changed the url to
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lbtand you fixed the credentials20:57
berndhsmaking more progress now, crashing later in python :)20:57
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berndhsthis works for normal people ?20:58
lbtwe get a few oddballs... 99% of people "it just works"20:59
berndhscan't be 99%, there are only 62 people :)21:00
lbtheh ... not on opensuse OBS21:00
berndhsit works there for me too, just from my meego machine to the meego OBS21:00
lbtso... maybe a quick reset21:01
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lbtosc is quite capable of supporting multiple OBSes  ... yes?21:01
dm8tbrlbt: are you by chance in contact with the suse obs people? the vmdk they ship in their unstable directory seems damaged / not working21:01
lbtso : osc -A ls21:01
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lbtshould work21:02
lbtdm8tbr: #suse ?21:02
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lbtor #obs :)21:02
dm8tbrlbt: I tried #obs which redirects to some lenghty channel, but the people who'd know weren't there21:02
dm8tbrI'll try tomorrow :)21:02
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lbton a sunday night? Why... the slackers!!21:03
dm8tbrbackground: we had someone who wanted to set up an obs for their meego stuff and failed because of that21:03
dm8tbr - they tried this guide by Stskeeps21:04
lbtyeah... that's good for single user installs21:05
dm8tbrwell the vmdk contained in the recommended tarball is shot in my opinion :)21:05
dm8tbrbut the raw file works a treat21:06
dm8tbrI'll bug the #obs ppl again tomorrow.21:06
lbtthey have a bugzilla21:07
dm8tbrthe url says 'unstable' so who knows.21:07
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* Myrtti makes a note about complaining about the location and name of that wikipage to Stskeeps 21:08
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StskeepsMyrtti: what regulations am i breaking?21:10
MyrttiStskeeps: why is it underneath your own userpage? why isn't it categorized?21:11
w00tMyrtti: presumably because it's not a finished product21:11
w00tat least, that's generally the reason for those sort of things :)21:11
Myrttiw00t: that's bullshit21:11
Myrttior a bullshit reason21:12
StskeepsMyrtti: cos its draft atm and we need to merge it into /MPG21:12
Myrttifor unfinished pages you put a template warning "this is a draft and isn't a complete guide. Use with extreme care, we take no responsibility if your shit breaks"21:12
Myrttiand put it where you'd put it if it were finished21:13
w00tMyrtti: well, tell that to wikipedia21:13
* lbt offers Myrtti support (though she's taking no prisoners anyhow .... ;) )21:13
Myrttieven as a draft it's a useful page and should be where it's easy to find21:13
w00tthey're also frequent users of this sort of thing21:13
Myrttiw00t: I've been an admin on the Finnish one.21:13
w00tI couldn't personally care21:13
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w00tit's even in the Wikipedia: namespace for 'what may I have in my user pages' :)21:14
lbtw00t: link to page please ?21:14
Myrttiw00t: sure. It's just stupid, and makes stuff more difficult to find21:14
lbt(where it says that)21:14
w00tlbt: oh *come on*21:14
lbtw00t: we have no such policy21:14
Myrttiit's a usability issue of the documentation, if people pickle useful pages on the subpages of their personal pages21:14
lbtthis is a wiki... not a pedia21:14
w00tI'm saying where the convention comes from, and you nitpick by pointing out that we don't even have a wiki policy?21:14
w00thow is shooting people for putting work in progress material on a personal page productive use of time? :)21:15
lbtno, but you started it21:15
w00tno, I didn't21:15
lbt"it's even in the Wikipedia: namespace for 'what may I have in my user pages' :)"21:15
lbtso... you pointed at the rules21:15
w00tbecause I was using wikipedia as the case study... :)21:15
lbtI said "we have none"21:15
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Myrttiw00t: discussing where documentation is useful isn't unproductive21:15
w00tMyrtti: so why did you do it?21:16
lbtI agree with Myrtti that home: is a bad thing21:16
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w00tI don't21:16
Stskeepsmy page is marked as draft and since the vmdk is broken, there is a good reason for it21:16
w00tand I'm pointing out that on other big wiki instances, there is a convention to do this21:16
lbtdo you publicise it?21:16
lbtit's "promoted" and shared21:16
w00tif you feel so strongly about it, why not write your own documentation instead of shooting people about where they put their *work in progress* material?21:16
lbtso it should go into the main namespace21:16
w00tif you do that often enough then maybe they'll just stop writing it21:17
lbthaving it in your own space implicitly says "Don't touch"21:17
* Stskeeps goes watch futurama21:17
* Myrtti fucks off21:17
w00tyou're right, it does21:17
w00tand it not working at all is a pretty good reason to say "don't touch"21:17
lbtit only doesn't work today21:18
w00tit not being finished would be another pretty good reason21:18
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lbtnot working is a bug in opensuse, not the wiki page21:18
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w00tyou don't tend to release images before they boot on a device, so why are you going to 'release' a wiki page for public consumption?21:18
* lbt checks if this is M$21:18
lbtoh, no21:18
lbtit's opensource21:19
lbtrelease early21:19
lbtyou know...21:19
w00tspeaking of sharing, how's that public registration for OBS coming?21:19
lbtyou mean getting accounts enabled ?21:19
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Weasel_Is the raw image in something I could try with meego qemu?21:32
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lcuka wiki *IS* by definition work in progress21:39
lcukif the page is to end up as real documentation its better to be in a collaborative space21:40
w00tlcuk: people have a right to choose *when* they deem their work ready for actual, proper release21:40
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w00tjust like people often publish a git repository before they ask people to use it21:40
lcukrandom notes and learning stuff goes under your user21:40
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arfollX-fade, thanks for the meego 1.0 target :-)21:40
tybolltcan someone PLEASE put a "work ing progress" banner you know the kind from the early ninties everyone put on their webpages on :)21:40
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w00tyou don't start hacking on an application and write up an announcement and say "HEY GUYS COME USE THIS" when it doesn't actually work, you invite people to look at material that might help them and contribute to it and *when it works and you think it's ready* you write the post asking for people to use it21:41
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* lbt looks for a single "finished" page on the meego wiki...21:42
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w00tlbt: let me draw you an analogy21:42
w00tlbt: a page with 'draft' or in user namespace: a git repository21:42
npmrunning meego 1.1 on n900, 'Retrieving repository 'updates-core' metadata [error]'21:42
npmhow to fix?21:43
w00ta page in the public namespace or without 'draft': something that has actually been released21:43
npm^^ in zypper21:43
w00tI'm not a microsoft loving oss-hating bastard like you seem to think I am21:43
CosmoHillw00t :(21:43
lbtpfft you know me better21:43
w00t(that was partly said tongue in cheek, btw)21:43
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w00t(IRC so doesn't communicate well for that sort of thing)21:44
* npm finds /etc/zypp/repos.d/updates-core.repo21:44
CosmoHillit's damn hard to get sarcasm into text21:44
w00tback to the analogy: it's publically visible, so that people can look at it and contribute feedback etc21:44
w00tbut it's not considered production ready21:44
lbtand I disagree - a git repo says "feel free to contribute" .. "home:" says "don't touch"21:44
w00tlbt: except you can't contribute to a git repo without push rights21:44
* npm wonders what's wrong with
w00tto me, that's what something in a user namespace is21:45
lbtthis is basic wiki stuff21:45
tybolltmeego is unusable (demo) on n900 :)21:45
w00tit's "here's what I have so far, talk to me about it"21:45
lbta wiki is a huge sandbox21:45
jonnorMy approach to wiki namespaces is simple; if it is useful for others it does not go under my home21:45
lbtjonnor: indeed21:45
lbthome: is for personal stuff21:45
jonnorand, wiki-pages (like software) is never "done"21:45
npmtybollt: it's not unusable.21:45
npmi'm running emacs on my n900 right now, displaying on my desktop21:46
npmtrying to figure out what's wrong21:46
npmalready corrected the timezone manually :-)21:46
ali1234right, you can use it to demonstrate how bad it is, that's about it though :)21:46
lbtnpm: armv7el ... 'e'21:47
npmactually, the stuff that works, works. it is a developer release21:47
npmi'm doing development. i'd like a time-machine to move foreward two years w/o experiencing pain, but i've had babies puke on me too....21:47
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lcukw00t, Myrtti, lbt, jonnor, Stskeeps - there is of course a really simple way to deal with it, we could just make a new page for it now that it became an issue and its sorted - carsten has had plenty of hacking time on it and discussions with people and its being used and others want to contribute (johnx has an edit already), so lets all help and move it into the general namespace?21:50
lcuk(page in question for people wondering)21:52
npmlbt curious thing is there's other dirs with 'armv7l' that are valid:
lbtnpm: wot? you want consistency ;)21:53
ali1234hmm you mean those instructions still don't work?21:53
lbtnpm: seriously... probably a transitional thing21:53
npmlbt but indeed, is a correct replacement for the package in error above21:53
npmis that a filed bug report? or should i?21:53
tybolltali1234: ex-fucking-actly21:54
jonnorlcuk: as long as Stskeeps approves it sounds good to me21:54
lbtStskeeps would know why it's 7l and 7el .... when he's done with futurama21:54
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npmthks... not sure what is meant by futurama...21:55
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npmthis beats bsd 4.2 on a vax back in the early 80's and i can hold it in my hand.... instead of taking up part of an office21:56
dm8tbrnpm: he's watching an episode, right now, that's what it means21:57
jonnorfuturama is a tv show21:57
npmfuturama is my n900 :-)21:57
jonnorwow, you need 90GB for for OBS?21:59
jonnordoes that apply even if you only want to build for Meego?21:59
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npmone major piece of misleading documentation is indicating to follow and all the hoo-haa about usb charging21:59
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npmi discovered the easy way that i only had to follow half of the latter and could skip the entire flashing part of the instructions22:00
* npm left device plugged in, took break before the flashing part, and came back to n900 running meego22:00
npmit booted into meego w/o flashing22:01
ali1234it would do, if you installed uboot from extras devel and wrote the SD card22:01
npmall i did was drop in the memory card and plug it into a powered off computer22:01
npmthat's all i did22:02
npmbut the instructions made it sound like i needed the flashing part too22:02
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lbtnpm: clarify them22:02
* lcuk smiles at inz 22:02
npmof course, the instructions don't mention to look at the screen carefully, as it is actually booting but dark so you don't see what's happening22:03
lcuki just refound your url list and remembered what you said about meego too22:03
lbtnpm: clarify that too :)22:03
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npmwill do, once i'm past my day-2 blunders (just got it running last night)22:04
npmlbt any hints on how to enable the camera or video recording, or libs/apps to install to get it running?22:05
* npm found sensord for accelerometer so far22:05
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ali1234lol, video playback barely works, and you want camera?22:06
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lbtnpm: no.. I haven't found time to try it yet :)22:06
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lbtnpm: really good to see you exploring though... just stab the naysayers ;)22:07
npmwill need it for http://ytd-meego.googlecode.com22:07
npmwriting architecture doc now:
lbtyou'll need a community OBS account to build the apps for 'Extras' then22:09
lbtgrab me when you need that22:10
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npmwhat is the URL for "Extras"22:10
lbtmmm WIP :)22:10
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* lbt notices that that wiki page says [WIP] ;)22:11
npmyep... thanks for the pointer.22:11
npmso for example if i wanted ffmpeg libs, that would be where to put them?22:12
lbtsee 'Surrounds' ... we have a big job to put together the big package library around meego that other distros22:13
npmand can it be as easy as hacking a SPEC file from planetccrma or rpmfusion22:13
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lbtwell... it's more a matter of responsibility22:13
lbtif you want to be a Maintainer of a library22:14
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npmi may have to be :-)... but what i'd really want is an automated process to wholesale copy and modify RPMFUSION and PlanetCCRMA ... so as to give "meegolem" effect for other platforms ( )22:16
lbtyeah... that's a hack22:16
npmmeegolem is a hack, but figuring out a way to modify SRPM spec files wouldn't be22:17
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lbtthere's a lot of discussion happened around this area22:17
lbtI personally favour doing something similar...22:18
lbtpicking an 'upstream' (say... opensuse) and using that as a reference platform for pkgs that are not in meego22:18
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npmbasically have a "wild west repository" where the packages are experimentally directly ported. and then promote them into actual packages once they get positive feedback22:18
lbtbut we need to ensure they work against meego core - they need to be adapted to use the correct architecture components22:19
lbteg ofono/conman22:19
lbtthe 'wild west' is your home: area initially22:19
lbtwe plan on Surrounds for maintained packages22:20
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npmlbt: i agree, though as a longtime fedora user, i have that pref. perfectly happy w/ opensuse as the "reference" as the OBS would be easier to emulate22:20
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npmone interesting adaptation i found in maemo is 'kmplayer' -- it would be nice to have more kde adaptations for meego22:21
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npmseems like a thin "mobility" kde adaptation would be very useful22:22
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lbtthe KDE team are working on meego already22:22
lbtthere's a Team:KDE project planned22:22
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npmbut there's always the rejection that brings because it's not "pure Qt" ...22:23
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lbtthis is Surrounds - the community space22:23
ali1234how ever will they adapt the KDE user interface style to low resolution screens?22:23
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Chaninpm: well, meego's already got koffice in it, that's not "pure qt" :)22:24
CosmoHillali1234: free glasses22:24
lbtali1234: that's their problem ...22:24
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lcukali1234, thats a generic problem22:24
npmhmm... 'koffice' not found in n900 repos :-)22:25
lcuknot something related specifically at KDE or any specific toolkit22:25
ali1234it's a generic problem that is MUCh worse on KDE than anything else22:25
lcuknope, you chose a complex example22:25
ali1234because *all* KDE apps look like that, even the most simple ones22:25
jonnorali1234: which app is that?22:25
Chaniali1234: well, koffice and kotact solved it by making new UI specifically for mobile22:25
ali1234that's a hex editor22:25
lbtnpm: there's a modified one22:25
lcuka complex hex editor then22:25
ali1234all KDE apps are complex22:25
lcuknot so22:25
Chaniali1234: otoh, plasma stuff is much easier to adapt because it's already written to cope with changing formfactors22:25
lcukall complex apps are complex22:25
ali1234even the start menu fills most of the screen and has multiple levels of menus22:25
lbtnpm: freoffice ?22:25
lcukand the toolkit of choise does not make that better or worse22:26
lbtali1234: no, really.... quelle surprise ;)22:26
lcukits a design fault, not an engineering one22:26
Chaninpm: koffice had to be called something else... uhm.. crud, I forget what22:26
lcukali1234, i can do that with meego menu now22:26
Chaniali1234: what idiot would try to put a start menu on a phone?22:26
lbtali1234: if I use VNC to display my dual 1920x1200 screens on my N900 I find the usability poor....22:26
lcukits got loads of categrgoies and have to click and stuff22:26
lcukplease, its more than kde22:27
lcukChani, someone who wants to run his apps would22:27
Chanilcuk: we have alternate app launchers :)22:27
lcukChani, they all have to show apps tho22:27
ali1234the meego applications menu is much simpler than the kde start menu22:27
lcukand if you have a lot of apps22:27
lcukno matter how you lay it out its going to be full22:27
Chaniyes, but when you say "start menu" I think traditional old-style app launcher menu22:28
lcukali1234, i beg to differ22:28
lcuki dislike it22:28
ali1234the thing about the kde menu is there is sometimes three different ways to find the same application22:28
lcukapart from when I type "a" in the list22:28
lcukand it shows me the things I want instead of category headings22:28
Chaniali1234: kde has more than one application launcher you know22:28
lcuk(as long as app has "a" in the title22:28
Chanicheck out plasma-mobile and plasma-netbook22:28
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lcukali1234, on meego netbook theres many more things that could be changed22:28
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Chaninetbook has the search&launch interface by default, mobile has.. well, this flip-screen thingy that I haven't quite figured out yet :)22:29
lcuknetbook doesnt have it22:29
ali1234but you still get the same apps though22:29
lcukpress super key and type "term"22:29
lcukand see what it does22:29
npmthe flip screen thing needs an "in bed mode"22:29
lcukor move mouse to top and try same ;)22:30
Chaniali1234: erm, what was the point of this discussion again? :)22:30
npmbecause i always end up turning it and then the image flips upside down....22:30
ali1234that KDE apps have always been designed for the highest of high resolution screens, and will never work right on a mobile device unless someone rewrites them from scratch, which totally defeats the purpose of "porting" kde22:30
Chaniali1234: that is quite provably wrong.22:31
npmwas using fennec to  browse from bed using n900 meego 1.122:31
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Chaniali1234: like I said, koffice and kontact's mobile versions were made by doing a new UI (the backends didn't need rewriting, just the UI). and plasma didn't even need to rewrite most of its UI22:33
Chaniand then there's marble22:33
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lcukChani, :) have you seen cloudgps on the n90022:33
npmso what would be more interesting is to have all these apps "skinned" by QML so that different application faces can be constructed for desktop or handheld w/ same backend code22:34
ChaniI dunno what marble's been up to, though. kinda didn't pay attention to that presentation :)22:34
lcukruns so smooth :)22:34
Chanilcuk: cloudgps?22:34
lcukan app for maemo22:34
lcuk3d stuff22:34
ali1234that reminds me, i've been meaning to ask, what is the difference between plasma and qml?22:34
lcukyou mentioning marble reminded me :)22:34
Chaninpm: plasma can do that :D22:34
lcukali1234, one will burn you if you get too close and the other is a KDE widget adaption :P22:35
npmwith QML?22:35
Chaninpm: notmart did a screencast about it recently.22:35
Chaniyeah, it uses different qml files based on the device22:35
ali1234serious question... they seem to have similar goals?22:35
Chaniali1234: nah. plasma is a user of qml22:36
lcuknpm, once you have the object model defined, sure you can construction various utility UIs ontop22:36
notmartali1234: not really22:36
lcukbut if the app isn't written with that in mind it doesn't end up so simple22:36
ali1234ok... it's just that i heard about plasma long before qml... so was qml "created" to accomodate things like plasma?22:36
CosmoHillquestionable mailing list?22:37
Chaninot just plasma22:37
ali1234of course22:37
notmarti mean, we had a widget set in plasma because ther were anything at all in place at the time, but having something lower level to use (preferably qtcomponents using in turn qml) is a better way22:37
ali1234but the earliest versions of plasma could not have used qml... it was too long ago... or did they?22:37
lcukisn't QML the QML Markup Language?22:37
Chaniqml was created toget designers and coders closer together, it's meant to be something that allows designers to create the UI they want easily22:37
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ali1234i don't get that thing about "getting coders and designers closer together" - i don't see how making them learn different languages achieves that22:38
notmartali1234: yes plasma development started around 2007, so there wasn't ml around at the time ;)22:38
ali1234developer is going to say "i hate javascript so i'm not going near that stuff" - and UI designer is going to say "what's javascript?"22:39
Chaniali1234: qml gets you something like qgraphicsscene but easier and scripted. plasma gives you widgets (in both the pushbutton and weather-monitor sense) and a framework for creating workspaces (although people keep using it in applications too...)22:39
notmartali1234: the idea of qml i guess is gettng designrs create their mockups with photoshop/gimp/whatever as usual then exporting them to qml with a plugin22:39
notmartthe developer then gets the resulting qml files and modifies it "adding semantics" into it and turns it into real code22:40
notmartas opposed to demos in flash which the developer can just watch and try co mimic22:40
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ali1234heh, cos that method wroks really well for designing websites :)22:40
ChaniI think part of it was to try and get the people who design mockups in flash to switch to qml (at least it sounded like that at devdays)22:40
npmthis is a good summary of qtquick/qml
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notmartbut that said qml is quite a low level tool: it gives some primitive ui elements like rectangles, images and what not22:42
notmartwhat is missing is basically two things:22:42
notmarta) semantics that defines things like "button" (not even look-wise, but more api-wise)22:42
jonnorwidgets, and some real best-practices and solutions to common issues? :p22:43
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notmartb) something that makes easy for an application to load the qml files, package them together, hook up them to sources of data, pick different qml files for dfferent target devices...22:43
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notmartand b) is what gives plasma22:44
npmnotmart: Button {         height: 50;width: 600         text: "Show a cat"         onClicked:(window.nextPage(catComponent))       }22:44
notmartjonnor: exactly ;)22:44
notmartwhile answer to a) is qt components22:44
CosmoHillIt's a kitty \o/22:44
jonnornotmart: b) is currently not hard except for the target detection issue...22:44
jonnorwhich of course is a very critical point22:44
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Chanihow does plasma do that?22:45
jonnorhopefully there will be Meego APIs for this "what profile am I running on" might actually be sufficient22:45
notmartChani: atm plasma does the loading of correct file once is told22:46
notmartwhat is missing is the hardware detection part, that will be possible to automate -only in part-22:46
notmartqtmobility gives some hints like presence of touchscreen,keyboard and what not22:46
notmartunfortunately until now often x11 just plain lies about the phisical screen size ;)22:47
Chanioh joy :)22:48
ali1234heh, i remember back when kde would just pick a random DPI after each reboot :)22:49
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notmartor the n900 configured to tell around half or its real dpi to not break old desktop x11 applications ;)22:50
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gabrbeddHi guys!  What should I use for performance profiling on MeeGo?  I recall using oprofile in the past -- but that seems to be gone.23:43
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arfollwhats the accepted way to fix the broadcom wireless on the S10-3t after the update?23:49
gabrbeddarfoll: I rebuilt and reinstalled the package.23:51
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gabrbeddarfoll: But it might work to just reinstall the package.23:51
arfollgabrbedd, and where did you get the sources? you mean slaine's package?23:51
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thiago_homearfoll: install the broadcom driver23:54
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arfollbut the weird thing is that update wasnt a new kernel (at least i dont think) so how come it went?23:55
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gabrbeddarfoll: `uname -r` changed, so there's a new /lib/modules folder.23:57
gabrbeddarfoll: Your old driver was probably installed in /lib/modules/2..35.3-10.3-netbook/23:57
gabrbeddarfoll: But the new kernel is looking in /lib/modules/
arfollgabrbedd, you are very right23:58
arfollgabrbedd, i should really read when i do an ugprade23:58
arfolli only saw they fixed bzip2 package and I was all happy so went with it...23:58
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gabrbeddarfoll: Well the bigger question is -- does RPM have any triggers for this sort of thing?23:58
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arfollgabrbedd, well i guess it must. On fedora do people have the nvidia driver bugger off everytime they do an ugprade?23:59

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