IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2010-11-27

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lcuk_ideamorning Termana00:40
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SageStskeeps: after reboot the touchscreen started to work again... :/00:48
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fansyIs anybody awake?02:37
tyson_did anybody had experience of build ourself image? such as including your packages in a meego image...02:40
tyson_good morning...02:40
tyson_fansy, can you hear me?02:42
fansytyson_: yes02:43
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nialatyson_: you mean your image with mic2 ?02:48
tyson_can you help me ?niala02:48
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nialaI m not sure, I m a simple user :)02:49
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tyson_niala! me too.02:50
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nialatyson_: hwat is your problem02:51
kismeteranybody know about meego obs configration02:52
araujokismeter, ask02:53
nialajust ask and you see if you have an answer02:53
wintigeanyone has built armv7l rpm  with src.rpm  ?02:53
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tyson_niala!  some errors arise,like this:  IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/cache/meego-bootstrap/tmp/SampleMedia.tar'02:53
nialatyson_: error in downloading package? disk full?02:55
kismeteraraujo:I setup a local obs and import meego 1.1, set the configration as said02:55
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nialatyson_: ls /var/cache/meego-bootstrap/tmp/SampleMedia.tar  repertory exist? empty ?02:56
kismeteraraujo:the config get from git clone but when I build package, it says bad build configration02:57
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tyson_niala! the directory /var/cache/meego-bootstrap  has not the tmp/..and my disk has 7.3G free space.02:59
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tyson_niala: maybe my .ks file has some problems...did you write your .ks file before you did this topic?03:03
nialatyson_: mmm Error creating image.... maybe you have other problem with your .ks or with mic203:04
nialalol i haven't read03:04
wintigewhen  I use the same conmmands to build a  rpm package with src.rpm  as,  success to build a i586 rpm package,but fail to  build a armv7l rpm,anyone know the reason?03:04
nialayes my ks file is good03:04
kismeterStskeeps: online?03:05
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jonnorwintige: not without you showing us the errors03:07
jonnorwintige: preferably the entire build log03:08
nialatyson_: search a more explicit error. you see pakcage downloading when you create your image ?03:08
wintigejonnor:   chroot: failed to run command 'rpm ': Exec format error03:09
jonnorwintige: in what context?03:09
jonnorjust pastebin the entire build log03:09
tyson_niala: the option --baseurl of the .ks file . i write it like this --baseurl=file:///home/administrator/myrepo. have some problems?03:09
wintigejonnor:   and I work in the fedora03:09
kismeterhello, I setup a local host as the wiki said, when build an additional package, the build result is unresolvable, said nothing provides binutils, nothing provides gcc45, nothing provides glibc, nothing provides bzip2, nothing provides gzip, nothing provides libdb-4_5, nothing provides gdbm, nothing provides libzio, nothing provides ncurses, nothing provides perl-base, nothing provides rpm, nothing provides zlib, nothing provides aa03:11
wintigejonnor:   those imformation :processing specfile /var/tmp/build-root/.build-srcdir/cpio.spec ... init_buildsystem --cachedir /var/cache/build --repository /var/tmp/build-root/.build-srcdir/cpio.spec ... It seems that there was an incomplete setup of /var/tmp/build-root. To be sure, we will build it again completely... Your build system is broken!! Shall I execute03:12
tyson_niala: i used this command: sudo mic-image-creator --config=/home/administrator/meego-handset-armv7l-n900- --format=arm --mainrepo=myrepo03:12
nialatyson_:  I don't if it's right or not but why 3/  --baseurl=file:///03:12
jonnorwintige: so you are using the "build" tool??03:13
jonnorwintige: are you sure it supports cross-compiling?03:13
nialatyson_: did you use ' createrepo ' ?03:14
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tyson_niala: yes . i used this command to create my repo.03:14
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david_tyson  hello03:15
wintigejonnor:but I can build the i386 rpm ,do it show supporting cross-compiling?03:15
jonnorwintige: i386 does not require cross-compiling, since I assume you are on a x86 machine03:16
nialatyson_: an without your repo image creation works ?03:16
kismeterdavid_:any ideas about obs?03:16
wintigejonnor:thanks ,I will try03:17
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tyson_niala: yes. and the 3/  --baseurl=file:///  , about this, i writed it like this 3/  --baseurl=/home/administrator/myrepo. some errors arised. so i write it --baseurl=file:///03:19
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tyson_niala: yes. and the 3/  --baseurl=file:///  , about this, i writed it like this: --baseurl=/home/administrator/myrepo. some errors arised. so i write it --baseurl=file:///03:22
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nialatyson_: I mean you are right with ///03:29
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tyson_niala: what's your ks file about some important option? such as --baseurl. and so on. i want to see your ks file....maybe it can help me.03:33
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nialatyson_: nothing special not  my own repo..
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wintigeJonnor:online? I am trying to build a acorss-copile ,  and  i have some question about "build" tool03:44
wintigejonnor:online? I am trying to build a acorss-copile ,  and  i have some question about "build" tool03:45
jonnorwintige: I'm off to bed, but just ask, others might know the answer or help you find it03:46
tyson_niala: thank you. and could you tell me your email? maybe next time i need ask you by email.03:46
kismeterrpm: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file:No such file or directory03:46
wintigejonnor:ok ,  "build" do not to find the tools  to compile  from the net03:47
wintigejonnor:it use the compile tools from the local host?03:48
nialatyson_: you can try
nialatyson_: some guru will help you03:49
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wintigejonnor: and I want to know ,"build" tools  I loaded contain config file  to meego1.0,  where i can find  "build" tools  to meego1.1?03:52
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nialahello lcuk_idea, question: ideapad touchscreen have 1finger or more active? touchscreen have right/midle clic ?03:58
lcuk_ideaniala, on the wiki i believe theres instructions for enabling the other buttons03:59
nialaok I search04:00
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niala synclient RBCornerButton=3   don't work for asus t101m04:10
lcuk_ideaniala, you mentioned about the ideapad04:11
lcuk_ideaperhaps a similar option will work04:11
lcuk_ideabut did you try clicking the other side of the touchscreen04:12
lcuk_ideai believe some systems have that mapped to rmb04:12
nialayes yes I mentioned ideapad because I know they is a lot of work on it04:12
wintigeanyone know "build" tools04:14
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nialalcuk_idea: can you please do for me an 'synclient -l' for me and pastebin
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nialafrom ideapad of course04:17
lcuk_ideanot tonight i cant niala - but with 1000 people having ideapads someone can04:19
ali1234niala: the touchscreen has two finger support04:20
ali1234but afaik it is up to software to do stuff like rmb with it04:20
nialawhy why why why I did not dare go to conf..  :/04:21
ali1234funny story: i just reinstalled windows on my ideapad so i can install nokia qt sdk for windows so i can develop qt apps for symbian04:22
lcuk_ideaali1234, nokia sdk did not work on meego?04:23
nialaali1234: it's a crime  :)04:23
lcuk_ideaniala, i did anyway for you since i ended up flicking around
lcuk_ideain return: wanted: vnc client04:24
ali1234lcuk_idea: there's no symbian compile for liux04:26
lcuk_ideaali1234, what did you use before last week to build symbian apps?04:27
ali1234i didn't04:27
ali1234i just developed for desktop04:27
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nialasame synclient -l04:28
ali1234actually there is a symbian compiler for linux but setting it up is too hard04:28
ali1234amusingly enough, NOTHING works ootb with a vanilla win7 install on the ideapad04:29
ali1234not even ethernet04:29
Alison_Chaikenniala, come to the San Francisco conference in May. There will be less rain than in Dublin but still lots of fine beers.04:29
ali1234but even setting all that up was easier than trying to figure out the symbian on linux stuff :/04:30
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ali1234wow, win7 really likes to reboot a lot04:31
befordduring installation yea04:31
befordlike 3 times04:31
ali1234nokia pc suite made me reboot twice in a row04:31
ali1234and then csc.exe crashed04:31
ali1234gotta love windows04:31
ali1234i had to reboot after installing each driver too, that's like 10 reboots04:32
berndhsali1234: you can tell your grandkids about the excitement of your touth, rebooting Windows04:32
infobotberndhs meant: ali1234: you can tell your grandkids about the excitement of your youth, rebooting Windows04:32
nialaAlison_Chaiken: :) Unfortunately it is a bit far .  But may is far to, so maybe if my minister of finance is agree04:34
nialasan francisco for holliday is not bad :)04:34
ali1234btw, i checked the windows drivers, confirmed that it's the same accelerometer as in thinkpads04:35
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nialacat /proc/bus/usb/devices04:46
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ali1234great, it doesn't work anyway05:29
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ali1234this is pretty nifty... i bet the animated tiles example isn't this smooth on maemo05:58
pupnikwhat what05:59
pupnikwhat did you get working ali123405:59
ali1234qt creator and c706:00
ali1234and this demo:
ali1234it's a lot smoother on the c7 than in that video06:00
ali1234btw, if you ever develop for symbian, reboot your phone after installing trk or it won't work06:01
ali1234the instructions do not mention this anywhere06:01
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ali1234hmm this makes me want to install qt examples on the n900 just to compare06:02
pupnikhow do you like c7 otherwise?06:02
ali1234i love the c706:02
ali1234best phone i ever had06:03
ali1234it's the only phone i have seen that can sync my ggogle mail, calendar, and contacts without failing spectacularly06:04
ali1234admittedly i never tried an android phone06:04
pupnikan e71 seems nice06:04
pupniki like how symbian uses small screens06:04
ali1234there is no need for super high res on such a tiny screen06:05
ali1234it just needs more processing power to push pixels06:05
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pupnika pandora has the proper battery for portable surfing06:05
pupnik"the germans have to pay one way or another"06:05
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pupnikthis money debate in eu is too much :)06:06
ali1234i'd rather have 360x640 and perfect 60fps all the time, than high res and slow jerky animations06:06
ali1234the C7 battery lasts like 3 days with all the widgets going and email syncing over MfE06:07
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ali1234and i don't miss the n900 resistive screen and keyboard at all, in fact i find them a pain to use now06:08
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wmaronedoes the C7's OSK have arrow keys at least?06:08
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ali1234it has left and right06:09
ali1234why would you want arrow keys?06:09
wmaronebecause using a capacitive screen to edit an e-mail is hell06:09
wmaroneI tried doing it on an iPhone, drove me up a wall06:09
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ali1234it's fine. try to get to the point when sending emails from phone :)06:09
ali1234the OSK basically fills the whole screen anyway, but you can just press to move to another part of the text06:10
wmaroneI'll ignore the ridiculous sentiment, and just say that even correcting a typo was impossible without erasing the entire word and starting over06:11
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ali1234i have had a couple of problems with typos interacting with the auto corrector06:11
wmaroneleft and right arrow keys would have helped, at the very least :)06:11
ali1234like, typo a word, auto correct fixes it wrong, now you have to erase the whole word instead of just 1 character06:12
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ali1234i mostly use it for reading emails anyway, if i want to send a loooooong email i'll set down somewhere and get the netbook out06:13
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wintigewhen I use "build" to create a armv7l rpm with src.rpm on fedora 13 ,get this error:chroot: failed to run command `rpm': Exec format error07:22
wintigeanybody know it07:22
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wintigeand the same commands on ubuntu10.04,   it didn't07:24
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dotblankI can't seem to use the meego sdk's mad tool to install a maemo target08:01
dotblankI'd like to do both08:01
dotblankfremantle-1030            (installable)08:01
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dotblankWhen I try to install/create it says it cannot fetch the image08:01
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dotblankfremantle-arm-sysroot-1030-slim.tar.gz' -- no such file.08:02
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wintigewhen I use "build" to create a armv7l rpm with src.rpm on fedora 13 ,get this error:chroot: failed to run command `rpm': Exec format error           and the same commands on ubuntu10.04,   it didn't           anybody know it08:53
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wintigewhen I use "build" to create a armv7l rpm with src.rpm on fedora 13 ,get this error:chroot: failed to run command `rpm': Exec format error                                                                             and the same commands on ubuntu10.04,it didn't ,anybody know it09:48
wintigewhen I use "build" to create a armv7l rpm with src.rpm on fedora 13 ,get this error:chroot: failed to run command `rpm': Exec format error and the same commands on ubuntu10.04,it didn't            anybody know it09:49
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pupnikwintige:   wintige10:01
pupnikdoes that fix your problem?10:01
wintigepupnik: yes,  but  I can not find this file( anyway.10:02
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wintigepupnik: and  I do not know whether it  can do10:04
pupniki don't know either10:06
pupnikmaybe someone else knows10:06
wintigehope someone10:06
pupnikwintige: "which rpm"10:08
pupnikyou have rpm command installed?10:08
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wintigeevery armv7l  rpms   I tried10:08
wintigepupnik: may be  most of them10:09
pupnikdid you pass --arch=armv7l to meego-image-creator ?10:09
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wintigepupnik: no  ,I just want to build a rpm  package  with src.rpm file10:10
pupnikoh i get it10:10
pupnikwould need to look at that build script10:11
wintigepupnik: yes  ,I saw it , but I could no t find why10:12
wintigepupnik: i changed  something  in it  ,and  it can work on ubuntu10.04 normal10:13
wintigepupnik: still the same problem under  dedora1310:14
pupniki might say screw it and use .pnd pckages10:16
wintigepupnik: what's mean?10:17
Stskeepswintige: rpm -q -a | grep qemu10:17
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wintigeStskeeps: display :   qemu-user-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 qemu-system-sparc-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 qemu-system-ppc-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 qemu-system-mips-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 meego-qemu-ia32-3-1.1.i386 qemu-img-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 qemu-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 qemu-arm-0.12.50+git18+71af3b1-1.2.i386 qemu-system-x86-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 qemu-system-arm-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 qemu-common-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 qemu-system-cris-0.12.5-1.fc13.i686 qemu-kvm-tools-0.12.5-1.f10:19
Stskeepscould you rpm -ql qemu-user ?10:19
Stskeepsand it10:19
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wintigeStskeeps:rpm -ql qemu-user   :/etc/rc.d/init.d/qemu /usr/bin/qemu-alpha /usr/bin/qemu-arm /usr/bin/qemu-armeb /usr/bin/qemu-cris /usr/bin/qemu-i386 /usr/bin/qemu-m68k /usr/bin/qemu-mips /usr/bin/qemu-mipsel /usr/bin/qemu-ppc /usr/bin/qemu-ppc64 /usr/bin/qemu-ppc64abi32 /usr/bin/qemu-sh4 /usr/bin/qemu-sh4eb /usr/bin/qemu-sparc /usr/bin/qemu-sparc32plus /usr/bin/qemu-sparc64 /usr/bin/qemu-x86_6410:21
Stskeepslooks ok, could you /etc/rc.d/init.d/qemu start and try again?10:21
wintigeStskeeps: I will try10:23
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wintigeStskeeps: no change10:27
Stskeepswintige: hmm, curious - could you the contents of /etc/rc.d/init.d/qemu ?10:28
pupnikthat means not paste to the channel, but to http://pastie.org10:29
wintigeStskeeps: I am sorry that  I can not  go to  because of  network..10:32
Stskeepsah, how about ?10:32
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wintigeyou mean I  paste the result of  command :/etc/rc.d/init.d/qemu   to the web?10:35
wintigeStskeeps:ok, i have sent it10:38
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Stskeepsthat should really set it up correctly10:50
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Stskeepsalternatively consider
pupnikthank you wonderful draft10:53
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wintigeit seems helpful ,but now  I want to build the rpm  without obs.10:53
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FansyStskeeps: Good afternoon Stskeeps10:54
Stskeepswintige: does /usr/bin/qemu-arm exist inside the chroot 'build' makes?10:54
FansyStskeeps: Did you ever meet a database issue when you delete an account with your API port on your local OBS?10:54
Stskeepsmorning Fansy10:54
StskeepsFansy: hmm no10:54
StskeepsFansy: never had to delete one :)10:54
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FansyStskeeps: It says "You sent an invalid request!" and failed to delete the user.10:55
StskeepsFansy: interesting10:55
StskeepsFansy: any specific db error?10:56
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wintigeStskeeps:/var/tmp/build-root/usr/bin/qemu-arm   exist10:57
Stskeepswintige: i don't have a good idea right now, - maybe SELinux is enabled?10:58
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tyson_Stskeeps: hello, do you have some experience of including your own package to build a meego image? thank you!~11:02
Stskeepstyson_: it's easy - grab a .ks of your image, add the repository with 'repo' command and add your package in %packages section, run mic-image-creator :)11:03
wintigethank you ,   find out anyway11:03
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wintigeanybody know about local build rpm  without obs11:13
Stskeepswintige: could you ls -l /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc ?11:14
Stskeepsand paste it on pastebin.mozilla.org11:14
tyson_Stskeeps: yes, the process of including our package to build a meego image is easy..but some errors arise..11:14
Stskeepstyson_: could you paste your errors on please?11:14
Stskeepstyson_: is it ARM or X86 imag?11:15
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tyson_Stskeeps: i want to bulid ARM image. because i need it flash to N90011:15
Stskeepswintige: yeah, that's probably why then. hmm11:16
Stskeepswintige: did you run '/etc/rc.d/init.d/qemu start' as root?11:17
Stskeepstyson_: ok - let me see the errors then :)11:17
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Stskeepsand please include your full mic-image-creator line11:17
Stskeepswintige: could you run '/etc/rc.d/init.d/qemu status' ?11:18
wintigeStskeeps:qemu binary format handlers are not registered11:19
wintigeseems bad11:19
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Stskeepswintige: and '/etc/rc.d/init.d/qemu start' output?11:20
Stskeepstyson_: ah, i see11:20
wintigeStskeeps:Registering binary handler for qemu applications11:20
Stskeepswintige: any errors?11:21
wintigeno .11:21
Stskeepstyson_: follow , " Run MeeGo Image Creator " section and try to generate an image without your repo first11:21
Stskeepswintige: manually do this:11:21
Stskeepswintige:  echo   ":qemu-arm:M::\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x28\x00:\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfa\xff\xff\xff:$QEMU/qemu-arm:" > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register11:21
Stskeepswintige:  echo   ":qemu-arm:M::\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x28\x00:\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfa\xff\xff\xff:/usr/bin/qemu-arm:" > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register11:22
Stskeepsthat instead11:22
Stskeepstyson_: when you successfully compile a 'raw' image, i will tell you how to make your own repo work - you're on the right path11:22
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tyson_Stskeeps: i already did it....11:23
Stskeepstyson_: i didn't see any --arch=armv7l line in your paste, so you didnt do it well enough :)11:23
tyson_Stskeeps: follow , i did it succeed.11:25
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tyson_Stskeeps:  i used this command:mic-image-creator --config=/home/administrator/Downloads/meego-handset-armv7l-n900- --format=raw --cache=/home/administrator/Downloads/mycache --arch=armv7l --run-mode=0 --save-kernel11:27
wintigeStskeeps:you mean echo   ":qemu-arm:M::\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02\x00\x28\x00:\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xfa\xff\xff\xff:/usr/bin/qemu-arm:" > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register11:29
tyson_Stskeeps:  and succeed.. the output is:Running scripts Your new image can be found here: /home/administrator/meego-handset-armv7l-n900- /home/administrator/meego-handset-armv7l-n900- /home/administrator/meego-hands11:29
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wintigeStskeeps:after that ,i tried again,  and get the error.11:31
wintigeStskeeps:after that ,i tried again,  and get the same error.11:31
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tyson_Stskeeps: i add the option --arch=armv7l this time. and the command like this:sudo mic-image-creator --config=/home/administrator/my.ks --format=raw --mainrepo=myrepo --run-mode=0 --arch=armv7l11:37
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tyson_Stskeeps: the errors this : Error: Given arch 'armv7l' is not found from the repositories.11:38
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Stskeepstyson_: ok, so, copy your meego-handset-armv7l-n900- to 'my.ks'  .. there is lines with 'repo' in them, add another line like repo --name=myrepo     --baseurl=file:///home/administrator/myrepo    ,, and in %packages , add your package and now run mic-image-creator --config=my.ks --format=raw --cache=/home/administrator/Downloads/mycache --arch=armv7l --run-mode=0 --save-kernel11:41
Stskeepsyou shouldn't use --mainrepo11:42
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Stskeepswintige: ls -l /usr/bin/qemu-arm11:44
wintigeStskeeps:/etc/rc.d/init.d/qemu status :qemu binary format handlers are registered.  but still not work11:44
wintige-rwxr-xr-x. 1 root root 810892 Aug 12 22:36 /usr/bin/qemu-arm11:45
Stskeepswintige: 'selinuxenabled || echo "not enabled"' gives what output?11:46
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wintige Stskeeps:'selinuxenabled || echo "not enabled"'            bash: selinuxenabled || echo "not enabled": command not found11:48
Stskeepswintige: without the quotes :)11:48
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kPb_inhello all11:50
wintige Stskeeps:  selinuxenabled || echo "not enabled"                     no  output.11:51
Stskeepswintige: setenforce 011:51
Stskeepsand try now11:51
kPb_inI am trying to dual boot meego on n900.. I followed all the instructions given in
kPb_inbut I get error boot.scr not found..11:51
tyson_Stskeeps:  i want to use the meego's package as my repo. so i download them to my repo. if do this succeed, i will add my packages to my repo.11:52
wintige Stskeeps:  what'mean?11:52
Stskeepswintige: means 'disable selinux'11:52
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Stskeepstyson_: you want to add on top of the meego image, right11:53
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Stskeepsmainrepo should almost never be used11:53
wintige Stskeeps:  and  try again?11:53
Stskeepswintige: yes11:54
wintige Stskeeps:  chroot: failed to run command `rpm': No such file or directory11:55
Stskeepswintige: show me your 'build' command please11:55
Stskeepsand 'file /usr/bin/qemu-arm'11:55
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wintige  build --repository  --arch armv7l  cpio-2.11-1.2.src.rpm11:56
tyson_Stskeeps:  OK..thank you very much...and one question:  i use the QT tool generate the package..such as helloworld application.. should i do this can build meego image succeed. because i don't know what styles of package can add to my repo.11:56
Stskeepstyson_: you can add anything you like11:57
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Stskeepstyson_: as long as they're rpm packages, naturally ;)11:58
wintige Stskeeps:  seems that  I cannot  open /usr/bin/qemu-arm,  it is binary file11:59
Stskeepstyson_: yes, it should be - could you show output of the command 'file /usr/bin/qemu-arm'?12:00
Stskeepsfile is a command :)12:00
Stskeepser, i mean wintige:12:01
wintige Stskeeps: yes,  result:/usr/bin/qemu-arm: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, stripped12:01
Stskeepswintige: ah, there's the problem :)12:02
Stskeepswintige: it should be statically linked12:02
Stskeepswintige: second12:02
tyson_Stskeeps: OK, because i found the's package is different with the QT generate's i'm afriad if i add some wrong packages, maybe i can not build my own meego image. so....ah12:03
Stskeepswintige: rpm -e qemu-user; rpm -i
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wintige Stskeeps:  you mean I should  uninstall qemu?12:06
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wintigeStskeeps:the first command:   error: Failed dependencies: qemu-user = 2:0.12.5-1.fc13 is needed by (installed) qemu-2:0.12.5-1.fc13.i68612:08
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Stskeepswintige: yeah, let's just do that to get things working12:09
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tyson_Stskeeps: excuse me, if i add the helloworld package to my repo..and succeed generate the raw image. and use the flasher3.5 to install it to N900, how can i look it in my N900? can i see the icon of the helloworld,and click it ,and then see the "hello world!~"12:09
Stskeepstyson_: if the helloworld package has a .desktop file yes12:10
Stskeepstyson_: and you would write the .raw image to a microSD card and load the kernel12:11
Stskeepsas in
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wintige Stskeeps:  I did it   , try again?12:13
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tyson_Stskeeps: yes. now my N900 installed the meego os. if i didn't do this. i certainly don't konw the  falsher 3.5. ah12:14
tyson_Stskeeps: BTW, thank you very much ..Stskeeps..12:14
Stskeepswintige: yes12:15
wintige Stskeeps:  should  I  need  to install qemu-arm,   seems   not exsit12:15
Stskeepstyson_: no problem - consider making a wiki page on describing what you had to do12:15
Stskeepswintige: /usr/bin/qemu-arm should exist now that you added qemu-devel with 'rpm -i http://''12:15
Stskeepstyson_: then we can point the next person with same problem to the wiki page :)12:16
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wintige Stskeeps:  no,   it not exsit.12:17
tyson_Stskeeps: How to do this, because i'm a meego fresh man.. sorry..12:17
Stskeepstyson_: do you have a account?12:17
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Stskeepswintige: did you run rpm -i
Stskeeps ?12:17
tyson_Stskeeps: yes.. my email is
wintige Stskeeps:  I am on  fedora13,  is fedora12   ok?12:18
Stskeepswintige: yes12:18
Stskeepswintige: it's a static binary12:18
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Stskeepstyson_: you can go to and click "create", write a document with how you did it and then click 'save' :)12:19
Stskeepstyson_: and in the future we can use what you wrote to help others12:19
wintige Stskeeps:  I did it twice ,but it still not exist12:19
Stskeepswintige: that's a bit odd12:20
Stskeepswintige: rpm -ql qemu-devel12:20
tyson_Stskeeps: OK , this like bolg..isn't it?12:20
wintige Stskeeps:  package qemu-devel is not installed12:20
Stskeepstyson_: like wikipedia12:20
Stskeepswintige: well, something went wrong when you ran 'rpm -i
Stskeepscould you tell me any errors it says?12:20
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wintigeonly a warning: /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.Ttd1Ba: Header V3 DSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 62b49fdb: NOKEY12:21
Stskeepswintige: ok, then it should have installed it - rpm -ql qemu-devel doesn't say anything?12:22
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wintige Stskeeps:nothing  but  not installed  , information:
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Stskeepsnext time when there's a bunch of output, don't say 'only a warning' :)12:25
Stskeepsrpm -e qemu-common12:25
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wintige Stskeeps:I am sorry.12:26
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tyson_Stskeeps: OK, now i try to add helloworld package to my own image, if succeed , i will write the wikipedia. and could you tell me something about how to make a package with the desktop file..if i use the QT tool generate's package, it has not the desktop file.12:27
wintige Stskeeps:it needed  by many qemu-system-        file12:28
wintige Stskeeps:rpm -e    anyway?12:28
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wintige Stskeeps:online?12:43
Stskeepstyson_: uncertain of that part - you can probably run it from console12:43
Stskeepswintige: yeah, just rpm -e the things blocking installation12:44
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Stskeepsi'm online but was vacuuming my apartment :)12:44
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wintigeSkskeeps:you are busy,    now    I run   'yum remove   qemu*',and    I can not  install them12:49
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wintige Stskeeps:but   this time , I run 'rpm -i 'http''   ,  just  that warings12:51
wintige Stskeeps:and  it work normal now,12:52
wintige Stskeeps:thank you very much12:52
Stskeepsno problem - could you add a section to on how you had to fix it? and how to diagnose something was wrong ('file /usr/bin/qemu-arm')12:53
Stskeepsi'm off for now, bbl12:53
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Stskeepsthere's a 'Troubleshooting (ARM)' section it would fit great in12:54
Mat_Matanhi (bry)12:54
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wintige Stskeeps:ok  ,thanks again12:55
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tyson_Stskeeps:  excuse me, i don't know the package name i should write to the ks file..the QT generate's package name is helloworld-0.0.1-1.i586.rpm... i write the "helloworld" or "helloworld-0.0.1-1.i586.rpm" to the %package section?13:06
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lcuk_idea2hey, can i remove the sliding transition effect that occurs when alt-tabbing13:12
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thepliclcuk_idea2: you dont like it?13:12
lcuk_ideatheplic, it does not match with the alt-tab order13:12
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lcuk_ideaso when switching it makes my brain fritz13:12
thepliclcuk: hi lcuk13:12
tyson_Stskeeps: the error like this: Error: failed to create image : <urlopen error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/administrator/myrepo/LICENSE.txt'>.....and i need leave now. maybe you can post email to me. my emali is thank you very much.13:13
lcuk_ideai just filed bug 1054413:13
MeeGoBotBug nor, Undecided, ---, tf, NEW, Alt-Tab app order not reflected in applications13:13
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kismeterHello, I setup a local obs, it can build meego packages. but obs have a problem, when I login as Admin and want to delete a user, error occurs. it says "You sent an invalid request!". any body know the problems?13:14
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ElijahsFriend'God bless america'13:15
ElijahsFriendI hear this call in all circles. Military, Political, Financial and even Churches. But I say America bless God first. Make him proud to be an American then yes he will bless you as a nation. In your coming and in your going, in your dealings and in your negotiations yes I dare say even in your prosperity. But it is not a one way street. Should God reward us for our misdeeds, our greed and...13:15
ElijahsFriend...our lack of mercy. We push our power around like a bully rather than a benefactor. I say let us show God what we want from him and not the other way around because we neither obey nor follow the lead we just goad that he favors us. Now let me show you when he blesses other nations so that you can see what you missed. As far as one nation under God you can kiss my ass. - Elijah13:15
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theplicwas that a troll?13:16
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jonnorNo, trolls stay for the discussion.13:17
raulihe appears to be a messenger from god13:17
lcuk_ideait was additional training texts for irc bots :P13:17
kismeterhaha maybe13:17
jonnorrauli: is that what one calls spammers these days? .p13:17
jaynehe certainly seemed to feel he was a messenger from God.13:18
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kismeterany body know about the obs can solve my problem?13:19
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lcuk_ideakismeter, are you sure you are not trying to remotely delete a user13:20
kismeterlcuk_idea: you mean delete a user just available on local?13:22
raulijonnor: actually i think he was quoting the movie there will be blood13:22
lcuk_ideakismeter, dunno, just asking a question that comes to mind13:22
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kismeterX-Fade:I setup a local obs, it can build meego packages. but obs have a problem, when I login as Admin and want to delete a user, error occurs. it says "You sent an invalid request!". can you give me some suggestion13:27
davidjensenusalwhen is meego coming out?13:28
lcuk_ideadavidjensenusa, which meego, many people are happily using certain variants13:28
* lcuk_idea is on meego atm13:28
davidjensenusawwhat are the variants? i assume this means tablet, car, smartphone?13:30
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gebihow are umts/3g modems supposed to work on meego?13:43
gebii've 2 which work perfectly on debian and ubuntu but don't do anything on meego?13:43
Termanagebi, when ofono supports them, and MeeGo uses a version of ofono that supports them, ofono and connman should let you use 3G modems.13:44
TermanaWith whatever network manager MeeGo Netbook uses13:44
gebiand how? i've plugged in the 3G modem (even with disabled pin) and nothing comes up13:45
gebionly the dmesg output that a new gsm modem was plugged in13:46
Termanathiago_home, err... right. Nevermind me, going a bit delusional13:46
gebiboth modems should be supported by ofono, it's a huawei and a zte 18013:46
gebizte even with disabled pin13:46
Termanagebi, like I said, ofono doesn't support general USB 3G modems at the moment, and even if they have now implemented it, MeeGo isn't using a version that supports it13:47
Termanato my knowledge.13:47
gebioh, didn't read that from your response sorry13:47
gebibut du you _really_ say that a netbook distri like meego does not support 3g modems??13:47
gebia netbook without internet is just a pice of crap, albeit light crap13:48
Termanayes I _really_ said that. As evidenced by the words on your screen and the log in the log file, I said that13:48
TermanaAt least for 1.113:48
thiago_homeit should work13:48
thiago_homeif it doesn't, it's a bug13:48
thiago_homeplease file it so we can correct it13:48
gebioh, didn't even thought about that possibility, thx13:49
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gebithiago_home: how should they work? (should be a real question) does the 3g modem come up as new connection under network?13:50
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thiago_homeI don't know13:52
thiago_homeI don't have any modem to test with13:52
thiago_homethe only time I use a modem is when I plug my N900 to my laptop via USB and dial out13:52
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gebioh? really? here in austria you get faster connection with umts than with wired internet, at least in the inner cities13:53
thiago_homeyeah, not gonna get 20 Mbit/s on UMTS...13:55
thiago_homethe office has a 34 Mbit/s and I live 15 minutes away13:56
thiago_homethe only time I use 3G is when I'm travelling and the conference place's Internet is horrible13:56
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gebithiago_home: heh...14:00
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gebihere i get 3mbit with a 'up to' 20mbit dsl and live in the center of the city, umts has no problems getting to 5mbit14:01
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lcuk_ideaNooBmonk3y, good morning \o14:13
NooBmonk3yGooooood morning :)14:13
lcuk_ideawhat delicious cakes is Mandy making today? *grin*14:13
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NooBmonk3yhehe, she's at the bank talking mortages, not as fun as cake making :(14:14
lcuk_ideaNooBmonk3y, home making is important :P14:16
NooBmonk3ylol, she already has a house, wants another lol14:17
NooBmonk3ysome people are just greedy :P14:17
lcuk_ideaone monkey not enough for her :P14:17
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theplicwhos making cake?14:19
lcuk_ideatheplic, normally mrs NooBmonk3y14:20
theplici would like to eat her cake14:20
theplicwait that did not come out as expected.14:20
NooBmonk3ytheplic, it could have come out worse though14:20
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kPb_inam trying to install meego on n900.. I have uboot installed and I did "dd" raw image on mmc.. now where should I create boot.scr?14:28
StskeepskPb_in: just grab 'demo' image from
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Stskeepsand that should help you easily14:32
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kPb_inStskeeps: Ok..14:33
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lcuk_ideais there any tweak to prevent meego from shutting down when I close the lid?  mainly when I am charger14:48
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javispedrolaptop working with lid closed could be a hazard14:56
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lcuk_ideajavispedro, closing the lid to move around the house is more of a hazard14:58
lcuk_ideaespecially to sanity14:59
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chuckgaohi guys, do you know is there any HDMI lib can be use in Meego/Linux ?15:11
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jonnorchuckgao: what do you mean HDMI lib?15:33
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chuckgaohi jonnor , sorry for reply late . I mean , just like Nokia N8 , they use a lib(maybe symbian or not) to implement HDMI tv-out16:05
chuckgaoMeego dosn't have yet, maybe in the furture will16:06
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lcuk_ideachuckgao, o_O is meego running on the N8 then to require HDMI out?16:11
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chuckgaono,it looks like the HW of the meego's device didn't support HDMI now .And for N8 ,symbian^3 support the feature16:19
chuckgaoi just find in Linux , ASLA seems have APIs to do this , but i'm not sure16:20
thepliccan meego be installed on n8?16:21
lcuk_ideai am not even sure if generic tvout is working on the n900 handset actually16:21
jonnorchuckgao: HDMI video output is provided by the graphics drivers16:23
jonnorchuckgao: HDMI audio output is provided by audio drivers16:23
lcuk_ideachuckgao, HDMI holograph output is provided by R2D216:24
chuckgao@jonnor, so , how about N8's HDMI output , do you know how they do it ?16:25
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Stskeepschuckgao: thats symbian and probably also gfx drivers16:25
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lcuk_ideaStskeeps, the tvout mirroring on n900, low priority I know, but I see no bugs about it, do you happen to know where there is one?16:27
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* lcuk_idea will file if not there yet16:27
Stskeepslcuk_idea: we have a patch, just not upstreamed16:28
Stskeepswe just got it a day after our n900 talk16:29
jonnorhas there been anything happening regarding a Meego port for the N8?16:29
lcuk_ideasweet yeah16:29
chuckgaohi Stskeeps , can we use the gfx drivers directly to make the output in both symbian and meego ?Or we should use some symbian C++ api ?16:29
lcuk_ideai noted that the examples and demos were done using OHP like maemo2008 style lol16:29
jonnorchuckgao: do you mean as an application?16:29
chuckgaosomething like that16:30
lcuk_ideachuckgao, i would expect that driver sharing between symbian and meego would be not possible16:30
chuckgaohi , do you Helix ?16:30
lcuk_ideainitial thing, does general linux support hdmi out?16:30
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jonnorof course16:31
lcuk_ideajonner, cool, i recall someone saying it didnt16:31
lcuk_ideaperhaps it was only one flavour16:31
jonnorchuckgao: in general, the application does not need to know anything about the output system to be displayed there16:32
chuckgaoso , you mean , the gfx driver will do it for us ? we just need to connect the phone and the tv ?16:34
lcuk_ideahaha bug 887316:34
MeeGoBotBug enh, Medium, ---, rusty.lynch, NEW, need a touch friendly file picker dialog for app development16:34
Stskeepschuckgao: usually policy turns it on, but ye16:35
jonnorchuckgao: yes typically, the graphics system handles it, and there is no reason it cannot be automatic16:35
jonnorhowever, if one want an application to *control* the video output alone, that would have to be solved differently16:36
jonnoron a handset and similar devices (which typically do not have a good concept of a multi-screen workspace) that might be wanted16:37
chuckgaoi have a question here , someone told me that there has 2 modes with HDMI output , one is called copy mode , and another i forget the name , do you know what does it mean?16:37
jonnoryou mean "clone" versus "extend"?16:38
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jonnorthese are not really HMDI modes per se, more like the typical ways one would use a HDMI output in the graphics system16:38
chuckgaomaybe , i'm not sure . What's the differences between the two ?16:38
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jonnorvery roughly clone gives you the same image on the external output as on the primary screen, where as extend gives you an area which can display something different16:40
jonnorcan the N900 be used for the extend case at all?16:40
jonnorI don't have a tv to test with, but I suspect not16:41
Stskeepsjonnor: with xv tricks i think16:41
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chuckgao the N8 can be used for the Clone case, but how about  the "extend" case ? Can N8 do that ?16:42
javispedroyou could also setup another xorg server on the fb1 device :)16:42
javispedrodunno if you'd be able to use sgx to it.16:42
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Stskeepschuckgao: we do meego, we dont know anything about symbian :)16:43
javispedrojonnor: the stock N900 maemo already does it for the builtin media player16:44
chuckgaoyes , do you know how can we handle the mode?16:44
jonnorjavispedro: really, that is nice16:44
jonnorI suspect future Meego devices to at least have feature parity with that then16:44
chuckgaoif i want a extend mode , how can i do that ?16:44
jonnor*Meego handset16:44
javispedroI also remember reading that the N8 does it also for videos...16:45
javispedro(because it can output full 1080p over HDMI, can't it?)16:45
prometoyshi, is there a meego tweaks or beginners guide?16:45
jonnorHopefully this will be public, supported API for these cases in future devices16:45
prometoysi really like to use meego, but I miss a lot of stuff. the debian users translation guide is a good start, but i need more info16:46
jonnorprometoys: what are you missing?16:46
prometoyslike, how do i start/stop services16:46
jonnorhopefully that will soon be using systemd :D16:47
prometoysinfos about repositories, shortcuts, settings, what is used instead of init etc16:47
jonnorI thiink it is using upstart right now16:48
GAN900Depends on the UX, no?16:48
Stskeepsno, sysvinit and fastboot16:48
prometoysstskeeps, jonnor: thanks16:49
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lcuk_ideaMeeGoExperts1, \o16:51
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prometoysdoes anybody managed to get a n900 (with maemo5) running as a modem for meego?16:53
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lcuk_ideahmmm prometoys16:58
lcuk_ideaits detected by low level16:58
lcuk_ideabut does not come through to the UX16:59
lcuk_idea[ 4195.346547] usb 1-2: Product: N900 (PC-Suite Mode)16:59
lcuk_idea[ 4195.346555] usb 1-2: Manufacturer: Nokia16:59
lcuk_idea[ 4195.350798] cdc_acm 1-2:1.6: This device cannot do calls on its own. It is not a modem.16:59
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prometoysthis is the dark side of network-manager, i get used to the comfort that it just works16:59
prometoysnow i have no idea how to use the n900 as a modem from the shell :)17:00
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theplichi thiago17:00
lcuk_ideayes thiago17:00
theplichi thiago_home17:00
lcuk_ideaplugged in and did the same action on n900 that I do in other lesser OSes17:01
lcuk_ideaI will file this as a bug actually17:01
thiago_homelet me check my manual config17:01
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thepliclesser OS's ?17:01
thiago_homeconfirm /dev/ttyACM0 exists17:01
thiago_homeconfigure your init string to: AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","","",0,017:02
NooBmonk3ylcuk, :)17:02
thiago_homereplace with your operator's APN17:02
lcuk_ideathiago, yes it does17:02
prometoysthiago, lcuk: thanks17:02
thiago_homedial *99#17:02
lcuk_ideai have never configured an init string in my life17:03
thiago_homethat's it17:03
tmzt_g2rootthat's using a proxy on the phone? not phonet?17:03
thiago_homeno, that's 3G via the USB modem17:03
prometoysthiago: where do I define the init string?17:05
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lcuk_ideaNooBmonk3y, :) you are simply awesome, you know that don;t you17:06
* NooBmonk3y grins sheepishly17:06
NooBmonk3yyou can tell i really am trying to make this thing actually look usable!17:07
* lcuk_idea giggles at SMS17:07
thiago_homeprometoys: how are you going to dial?17:07
prometoysthiago: good question, i have no idea.17:08
* thiago_home uses kppp17:08
lcuk_ideathiago, on n900 i just connect to internet using its UI, plug in usb and select pc suite mode17:08
lcuk_ideait then comes up as a modem on my laptop17:08
lcuk_ideano dialing reqd17:08
thiago_homelcuk_idea: it comes up as a modem, but how do you use the modem?17:09
thiago_homepc suite mode enables USB networking17:09
lcuk_ideaconnection manager whatsit, just like any other network connection17:09
thiago_homebut AFAIK the Fremantle kernel doesn't come with NAT enabled17:09
lcuk_ideaworks like a charm, lots of people have same experience17:10
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thiago_homenow try without turning on the internet in the N900 UI17:10
lcuk_ideathe other connection method is also not available at the moment17:10
lcuk_ideasince meego networking does not support adhoc17:10
lcuk_ideathiago, why would I do that17:10
lcuk_ideai want internet, so i connect to internet17:10
thiago_homebecause you'd see you don't have to connect using the N900 UI17:10
thiago_homefrom what I can tell, it's a separate connection17:11
lcuk_ideawould the n900 ui show that it was connected via your method?17:11
prometoysthiago: yes, in ubuntu i would use network-manager to establish the connection. what do i use in meego17:11
thiago_homelcuk_idea: no17:11
lcuk_ideaso potentially peoples credit could be going down17:11
lcuk_ideawithout realising it by just glancing at n90017:12
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thiago_homethat means it's a Fremantle UI issue17:12
thiago_homeif I can go online without it showing in the UI, it's a Fremantle bug17:12
lcuk_ideahaving to remember an arcane connection string is more the issue :P17:13
thiago_homeI don't remember17:13
thiago_homeI looked it up once and put it in my kppp17:13
thiago_homenow I simply fire it up and press Connect17:13
thiago_homeanyway, if you turn off your connection on the N900, does the computer disconnect too?17:13
prometoysi have a flatrate. via gprs i can use two connections, one in the n900 itself, one with n900 itself, with 3g i must disconnect the connection in maemo17:14
lcuk_ideathe 3g connection routinely connects and disconnects17:14
lcuk_ideathats part of 3g17:14
prometoysbut, how do i connect to 3g with n900 as modem in meego (on a netbook)17:14
lcuk_idea"celluar data not available"17:14
thiago_homeprometoys: I don't know, I've never tried.17:15
thiago_homeI've only tried on my laptop and I use a distribution that thankfully doesn't have NM17:15
prometoysthiago: i have no problems with NM. it works perfectly with NM. I want do it without NM! ;)17:16
thiago_homeI've just told you17:16
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CosmoHillthat's the first time I've ever defrosted a hose pipe17:16
thiago_homepppd+chat are the old-time tools for dial-up17:17
thiago_homeso just use them17:17
jonnorbut make sure a bug is filed against connman too, it should allow you do do thee things17:18
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thiago_homeconnman should just detect the presence of a USB modem and then offer for you to connect17:18
prometoysjonnor: i hope it will be accepted, not like the 802.1X networks (#2588)17:19
lcuk_ideathiago, do you have qt-creator on your meego netbook install?17:19
thiago_homelcuk_idea: haven't installed anything on it yet17:19
lcuk_ideais it just me or does the font in the code editor look ill?!17:19
prometoysthiago: "should" in future? means it cant do it right now?17:19
thiago_homeprometoys: I don't know. Like I told you, I have never tried.17:19
lcuk_ideathiago, please do, would be good to have an expert such as yourself looking :)17:20
thiago_homeprometoys: but my point is that this is the objective. If it isn't doing so, it's either not implemented (future feature) or a bug.17:20
prometoysthiago: sorry, i just wanted to be sure, that there is no misunderstanding... my english skills, u know17:20
prometoysthiago: i tried it right now and it offers nothing, i just installed ppp and will try it again on the shell17:21
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prometoyswith the n900 an alternative would be, configuring usb0 and using routing. is it possible with the n900 or something missing?17:23
thiago_homethe n900 can do it17:24
thiago_homeMaemo5 can't17:24
thiago_homeno iptable_nat.ko17:24
prometoysthiago: oh, i just right now saw, that you mentioned kppp. is it available for meego?17:25
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prometoysthiago: what a pity17:25
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lcuk_ideanice, hello world from qt creator in meego on meego works!17:28
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lcuk_idea"sudo zypper install qt-creator" was all it took to get it installed too :)17:29
lcuk_ideamuch better than the faff required in windows!17:30
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pexiif the win-installer was problematic, you're in a deep hole when programming :)17:32
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lcuk_ideapexi, well getting started is a big issue for many people :)17:38
pexitrue dat :)17:39
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lcuk_ideaRevdKathy, thats because i am at ians :P17:48
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RevdKathySo you exaggerated the statement 'talking on irc' ;)17:49
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lcuk_ideano, thiago came up with a mechanism to use n900 from the ideapad, dont know if it works tho17:50
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RevdKathyBe interested to see! Did you see this:
RST38hConsider using Bluetooth to connect.17:54
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nialalcuk: hello,  05:49:46 PM) lcuk_idea: no, thiago came up with a mechanism to use n900 from  <--- maybe synergy ?17:56
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timeless_mbpso, i found my collabora shirt :)18:05
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prometoysok, i played with ppp and cant get working configuration18:16
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prometoysbut i must did something with my n900. when i received a call, the sound was broken18:17
prometoyslike a stream on low bandwith18:17
prometoysshe couldnt hear me, too18:18
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Venemo_N900does the N900's FM transmitter work on MeeGo?18:22
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RevdKathyDoes anyone have a working microphone/sound input on the ideapad?18:34
theplicwhats an ideapad?18:35
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RevdKathyLenovo S10-3t18:36
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Texratanyone home?18:40
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GAN900Texrat, no.18:42
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Venemo_N900Texrat: I'm home, why do you ask?18:45
Texratah cool18:45
Texratno reason18:46
Texratit was just so quiet here18:46
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RevdKathyHi Texrat!18:49
Stskeepslo kathy, texrat18:51
Venemo_N900hi Stskeeps18:52
Stskeepshi venemo18:52
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* Jaffa 's getting annoyed at the lack of a task switcher in tablet mode.18:54
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RevdKathy'lo Stskeeps :)18:55
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lcuk_ideaspyro and I running meego on an eee19:36
lcuk_ideai keep bashing the screen :P19:36
GAN900Jaffa, still running MeeGo? :P19:36
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Venemo_N900RevdKathy: are you here?19:58
JaffaGAN900: Don't use it often enough to have bothered replacing it...19:59
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RevdKathyIt varies Venemo_N900. I am here if I'm not anywhere else. Since I got the IdeaPad, I have tended to hang round here looking for help/info/etc20:00
javispedrobtw, for task switching on the netbook ux you can also try and tap on the top pixel row :)20:00
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AndyBleadenRevdKathy, Hi Have you sorted your skype issue20:03
GAN900Jaffa, I'm actually bothering to take it to work with me with Ubuntu on it.20:04
RevdKathyNo, apparently the IdeaPad doesn't have any sound input? I mean, hardware-wise it does, but can't actually use a mic.20:04
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javispedroit has a mic iirc20:04
javispedrolemme check it out20:05
GAN900RevdKathy, all of these words make it sounds like you're trying to do unsupported things. *eg*20:05
* javispedro is also doing prolly "unsupported" things ;)20:05
RevdKathyWell, I'm trying to use skype, GAN900.20:06
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, I managed it by installing xfce sudo zypper install xfce4-mixer and then running that to set up sound20:06
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RevdKathyOhhh! Something new to try! Thanks AndyBleadon. Venemo_N900 that's why I hang round here!20:06
javispedrodefinitely has a mic :)20:07
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, it worked on my lenovo earlier one but same issue20:07
AndyBleadenit throws up a gui20:07
AndyBleadenwilol stick a piccy on twitpic20:07
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RevdKathyAndyBleadon thanks - I will try it. And a GUI is even better for us bears20:07
RevdKathyHave been exhorted to start a set of 'Bear's Guides'20:08
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* lcuk_idea alt-tabs here20:11
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CosmoHilldammit, no wonder I couldn't find my webcam20:12
CosmoHillI kept using lspci instead of lsusb >.<20:12
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, twitpic link coming over now20:12
RevdKathyGot it, thanks. Along with one from lcuk featuring bacon.20:13
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, cool20:13
RevdKathyNo, the bacon image is far from cool, AndyBleadon20:14
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, you select your sound card (intel) I think20:14
RevdKathyThanks _ I'll try that next!20:14
AndyBleadenThen select all the (click) all the boxes20:14
AndyBleadenIt is in your apps as mixer20:15
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, Only turn up one mic not both and not too much or you will get LOUD FEEDBACK like I did :)20:17
RevdKathyAndyBleadon: mine looks slightly different - and doesn't find headphones20:17
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AndyBleadenhave you selected all the controls (bottom left)20:18
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RevdKathyYes - but it still doesn't find anything like so many20:19
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, BTW I am andybleaden not andybleadon..    :) He is a much maligned fig20:19
RevdKathyOops! Sorry20:20
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, Which sound card have you select Middle Top drop down box where mine says HDA there may be other choices20:20
RevdKathyThere is only that choice, and the analogue which has even less20:21
Venemo_N900RevdKathy: just a small tip: most irc clients auto-complete names when typing in the first few characters then pressing tab20:21
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, No probs..Bleadon is near Weston Super Mare ..I was from Bristol :)20:21
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RevdKathyIs it you in Glossop I have just invited to chat on Skype then?20:21
RevdKathyOr some other random bloke?20:21
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, I tried to claim the village but the council said no20:21
AndyBleadenhang on20:22
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, Cest moi!20:22
RevdKathyaha! You are out to lunch?20:23
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, LIsten I need to split for a few hours...outlaws for dinner but will be back ...have a play around with sound mixer or sudo alsamixer20:23
AndyBleadenRevdKathy, need to update will not have any mic yet tho?20:24
RevdKathyOk - not hearing you but seeing you!20:25
RevdKathyprobably not - need to reboot I expect20:25
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AndyBleadenRevdKathy, need to go I am afraid20:29
RevdKathyOk - that was interesting. Mine looks nothing like that (overheard in the playground)20:29
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RevdKathyHave a good evening!20:29
pupnikyou too RevdKathy20:30
Venemo_N900you too20:30
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RevdKathyI'm still here - doing 12 things at once, but still here20:30
tyson__Stskeeps: online?20:31
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villevmarnanel: there is no replacement for stacked window20:35
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CosmoHillwhen I install my nokia phone on windows 7, why do I get 7 unspecified devices instead of one nice phone device?20:39
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* RevdKathy has too many devices switched on at once.20:40
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CosmoHillis it over?20:40
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tyson__Stskeeps: online?20:41
javispedroseems so20:42
javispedrobtw, the topic line is broken20:42
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javispedroit has unicode non-breaking space instead of plain ascii space20:43
javispedrothis breaks x-chat linkifier20:43
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javispedrofor example character after "..../meego-irclog/" and before "| IRC guidelines" is &nbsp; instead of " "20:44
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javispedrothis used to happen on #maemo... guess it is contagious ;)20:44
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RevdKathyWTF happened there?20:44
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RevdKathyyeah, here20:44
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CosmoHillwhen I install my nokia phone on windows 7, why do I get 7 unspecified devices instead of one nice phone device?20:44
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javispedroah, so it was not over.20:44
alteregoOh, was that a netsplit?20:44
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tyson__many red color of "=="......20:48
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tyson__what's the problem?20:49
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CosmoHillI'd like my nokia phone and all it's stuff to show up like this:
javispedrodevice stage20:52
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javispedroit's a few registry keys away :)20:52
javispedrowell, "a few".20:52
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tyson__javispedro: china is now 2:55 am...what about you?20:57
* CosmoHill gets distracted and plugs in his devices just to see the device stage20:57
CosmoHillif anyone else ever sees it they're gonna wanna mug me :o20:57
dm8tbrCosmoHill: you want to emulate a printer?20:57
CosmoHillI mean I'dlike my phone to have that setup21:00
CosmoHillinstead of 7 unspecifcied devices21:00
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tyson__javispedro:  thank you very much!~21:09
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niala:( my bonsai tree dies21:12
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tyson__niala:  do you know me ?21:12
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CosmoHillmy desktop is having one hell of a time and showing it's age21:16
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nialahello tyson_ :) it's must be late now for you21:20
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villevspectacle doesn't support building Qt projects OOB?21:20
villevit seems you need to patch the .spec file...21:20
villevis this still the case?21:21
villevthat seems terribly, terribly wrong for a system where qt is the default toolkit21:21
nialahello CosmoHill, yes I m not sure if it's because of winter or not.21:21
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lcuk_ideahello timeless_mbp, lardman_ \o21:22
Stskeepsvillev: there's autospectacle too21:22
lcuk_idea\o Stskeeps21:22
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villevStskeeps: it's not in spectacle main package? (I'm using the tools repo for ubuntu)21:23
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villevwell anyway, I'll read up on autospectacle21:25
villevis the current working assumption that we should be checking out the developer tools from git instead of using the repo?21:27
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villevwell, autospectacle doesn't seem to get the job done21:31
villevBuilding package   ....21:31
villevBuild failed ... stopping here.21:31
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villevnot the most verbose of the tools21:32
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wyrwiszmati have problem with running meego sdk on ubuntu 10.10 x86_64 machine21:49
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wyrwiszmatits any solve for this problem?21:49
villevwyrwiszmat: my guess is that there is your problem right there :)21:49
villev(64 bin linux)21:50
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wyrwiszmatcan i use vm to run and use sdk21:51
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villevwyrwiszmat: good question - you would have 2 nested vms21:59
villevas the sdk is using qemu as well...22:00
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wyrwiszmatvillev: for linux 64bit its good choose?22:01
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CosmoHillhey Tumi_22:04
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* lbt clicks on lkml ... 80k unread messages...22:09
CosmoHilllbt: select all, delete22:10
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villevwyrwiszmat: 64 bit linux is a bad idea unless you really need it22:15
villevso about this "extras" thing... is there a status report or somesuch for it?22:16
CosmoHillGAN900: you've just reminded me of all the programming I've been doing22:16
villevI know the builder just got up, but is there actually something useful trickling to extras already?22:16
Mat_Matanhi, where i can find meegosdk in one package?22:16
villevmy build on obs is choking on find-debuginfo.sh22:18
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Stskeepsvillev: people are working to cut time of that, at least for arm22:19
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villevStskeeps: mine is probably stupid user error:
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villevfind: `/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILDROOT/qmlreddit-0.0.1-9.1.i386': No such file or directory22:20
villevit creates and nukes that dir several times before22:21
sivangtimeless_mbp: there's a good polish saying "I'll have plenty of time to sleep, *eventually* ;)22:21
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villevthere is plenty of time for sleep in grave22:21
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sivangvillev: exactly ! :)22:22
sivangvillev: you know it as wel?22:22
villevI guess it's an international saying22:22
sivangvillev: ah, here it is known as something immigrant pole jews days22:22
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sivangvillev: were you taking about the new extras for Maemo on the opensuse obs?22:23
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GAN900Familiar in the US22:24
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GAN900More often: "You can sleep when you're dead." though.22:24
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villevsivang: I'm talking about the extras for meego netbook22:25
villevthat are sourced from
sivangah, okay22:26
sivangunrelated thn.22:26
villevwell, I imagine same obs could someday build maemo extras too22:28
sivangGAN900: more popular here as "I'll have plenty of time to sleep in the grave" when you tell your aunt she works too hard, or when you tell her shemakes her husband work too hard "He'll have plenty of time to sleep in the grave"22:28
sivangGAN900: etc22:28
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sivangvillev: I read somwhere opensuse obs can build debs as well and rpms if packaging metadata is aval22:29
sivangvillev: avail22:29
villevyeah, opensuse obs can e.g. build for ubuntu22:29
villevbut starting to provide something you can use on n900 is work in progress I believe22:30
sivangI see.22:30
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sivangvillev: qmlreddit?22:38
sivangvillev: interesting :)22:38
jonnorvillev: it was stated at the Meego conf that the OBS people were hoping to be able to build packages for freemantle and harmattan as well22:38
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villevsivang: you can try it on n900 already22:45
villevit's in extras-devel22:45
villevjonnor: yeah, and lbt has brought it up occasionally on maemo-dev ml22:46
sivangvillev: will do22:47
lbtwe have fremantle building on build.maemo.org22:47
lbt'just' needs pulling over22:47
lbtmeh... why not...22:48
sivanglbt: hopw do you enable obs to build for antoher packaging target?22:49
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lbteg deb ?22:49
sivanglbt: yes how much involved is it?22:50
lbtyou provide a debian/ dir and a dsc22:50
villevsivang: there are checkboxes where you choose the targets22:50
lbta 'target' is a collection of packages needed to provide a chroot22:51
lbtso if you point to a target that has .deb pkgs in it then you end up with a deb-based chroot22:52
lbtsimilarly .rpm22:52
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nialaCosmoHill: readingfc ?23:02
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CosmoHill0 - 0 against leeds23:02
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nialaCosmoHill: :( again !!!23:02
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nialaalways a draw23:03
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CosmoHillnot always23:03
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CosmoHillalso in finland (NSFW)
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* CosmoHill instantly starts looking for the undo button23:30
villevanyone else think there is a framerate problem in meego 1.1 netbook + Qt apps btw?23:32
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villevqml works much slower than on, say, N900 on my ideapad with meego23:32
mortenmj_currently meego for handset has a framerate problem just running the main menu, so whatevz you know23:34
villevyeah, I can understand handset probs, but for netbook as well23:34
villevthe desktop shell works just fine23:34
mortenmj_well, i'm currently at the emulation phase in the project i'm working on now. haven't tried actually running it in meego yet23:35
mortenmj_i'll let you know how it goes23:35
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cobra-the-jokerhey guys ... can install meego on samsung star ?23:51
Venemo_N900I doubt it, but maybe it's possible23:52
Venemo_N900I don't have a clue about how to do it though23:52
cobra-the-jokerwhats the requirments to be able to install it23:52
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jonnorcobra-the-joker: are you an end-user?23:53
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cobra-the-jokerjonnor , somehow23:53
jonnor(as opposed to a developer/hacker)?23:53
cobra-the-jokerin between23:53
jonnorcobra-the-joker: it will require a lot of hacking23:54
cobra-the-jokerjonnor , i know some tricks23:55
cobra-the-jokeralthoiugh i wished to be supported23:55
cobra-the-jokeri will do my best and post the results23:55
jonnorsomehow I doubt you realize what this involves23:56
jonnorporting an OS to a new mobile device23:56
cobra-the-jokerits opensource23:57
cobra-the-jokerisnt it ?23:57
jonnorMeego core is open source, yes23:58
jonnorand the handset UX23:58
lbtcobra-the-joker: main thing... do you have decent 3D driver support ?23:58
cobra-the-jokerlbt , you mean in the samsung star23:58
cobra-the-jokeri dont know actually23:59
cobra-the-jokerthanx lbt , thats what i just needed23:59
lcuk2villev, i note fonts in qt look grainy and coarse23:59
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