IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2010-11-19

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nialatripzero: if i use libmeegotouch what must i use for doing my own slot? MApplication ?00:01
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tripzeroniala: i would make MaPage inherit from MApplicationPage00:02
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tripzeroyou pretty much need to inherit from something that has a show() member function or you need to declare and implement a show() on your own00:03
tripzeroniala, but realistically, MaPage really doesn't need to inherit from anything00:03
tripzerosince you seem to be creating a window and page inside MaPage's constructor00:04
tripzeroin that case, you don't need to call "show()" on MaPage00:04
tripzeroso you can delete that line entirely00:04
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CosmoHillniala: qui est "RTÉ International"?00:10
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nialaCosmoHill: i don't understand do you have an url ?00:16
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CosmoHillI really should have just googled it00:17
CosmoHilloh okay, I thought it was french because of the name but it's ireish00:17
nialaCosmoHill: irish tv that is ?00:18
CosmoHillthink it might be00:19
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slaineit is00:26
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slaineI'm bunched, am off to bed00:27
slainecatch you all tomorrow00:27
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nialaCosmoHill: if my simple meegotouch button don't work tomorrow night i ll never come back and i buy apple00:34
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CosmoHillniala: you won't...not when you see the price :p00:38
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nialaCosmoHill:  i'll sell my bike my pc my netbook my underpants00:40
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nialaTermana:  morning00:48
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timophonly tool 11h01:07
infobottimoph meant: only took 11h01:08
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timophand my battery is dead..01:10
CosmoHillbye timoph01:11
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* CosmoHill ponders01:34
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CosmoHillI've only ever had one high end computer and I'm still typing on it five years after I got it01:34
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Darkmagisterhi, can i put the interface home interface of meego on my debian home pc ??? i like the myzone screen with appointments and task but i love my desktop computer can i add the myzone or the whole UI ??? i can find the source somewhere ??01:38
CosmoHillthe sources are in src.rpm format at repo.meego.com01:38
Darkmagisterok ... but the ui it's a new desktop manager or ... what ? :D01:40
CosmoHillno idea01:40
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nialanot a trivial task01:42
Darkmagisterok thanks01:43
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apoldoes anybody know if i can find kde packages for the netbook version?01:47
CosmoHillnope, there is xfce tho01:48
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mortenmjhow is writing an application in qt for meego different from writing that same application for e.g. ubuntu?02:11
mortenmjwill i have to port my app if i want it to work on both?02:12
tripzeromortenmj, first, you need to consider which UX you want to have your qt app run in02:15
tripzeroyou can code a straight up qwidget based app for ubuntu, but it may not perform or look as desired when run in handset for example02:16
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tripzeroin other words, there are many considerations to take when doing a desktop vs handset or desktop vs automotive application02:17
tripzerolesser with desktop vs netbook02:17
mortenmji intend to use qml and qt. that allows me to use the same logic, and only swap out the qml when i move between meego for netbook and meego for handset, right?02:19
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tripzeroright.  the best think I've found to do is to any backend logic in c++ and keep the UI separate02:21
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tripzerowith QML, the frontend logic become much easier to manage02:21
mortenmjyeah, that's what i had in mind02:22
infobottripzero meant: with QML, the frontend logic becomes much easier to manage02:22
mortenmjfront end in qml, and back end in qt02:22
tripzeroexcellent! :)02:22
mortenmji mean, worst case, there is some back end logic that i simply don't use in the handheld version (which might be more minimalistic)02:22
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chriadammortenmj: well, if you're doing MeeGo handset UX application development, you have to consider things like power usage far more than on desktop Ubuntu for example02:23
mortenmjtripzero: so, are there special libraries or other things that are specific to meego, that i need to know about?02:23
tripzeroqt, qt-mobility are the big ones02:24
tripzerobut they aren't specific only to meego02:24
mortenmjthen i believe i'm on top of things02:25
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mortenmjqml is new to me, but it doesn't look hard02:25
apolis there any possibility to use any other distro rpm's with meego? (i want kde)02:25
mortenmjit certainly was the buzzword du jour at the conference ^^02:25
tripzeroit is possible that your app may need to do other things that are kinda specific to meego (alarms comes to mine).  But that depends on what your app needs to do02:26
tripzeroqml is quite yummy.  I've been having fun with it02:26
tripzeroapol, no, that's a bad idea02:26
mortenmjtripzero: did you have to build qt 4.7.1 or did you find binaries somewhere?02:26
tripzeroit may be possible, but it's bound to cause issues at some point02:26
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apoltripzero: hm... -.-02:27
apolis there any easy tutorial on how to create packages?02:27
tripzeromortenmj, i develop with what my distro provides (iirc, ubuntu 10.10 has qt 4.7.1)02:27
mortenmjit doesn't02:27
tripzeroif you live on meego trunk, you will also have the latest02:28
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tripzerothen 10.10 has 4.7.0, which is okay02:28
mortenmjit has 4.7.0, yeah02:28
tripzerothe .1 is just a bugfix version. and I haven't had the need for those fixes as of yet02:28
mortenmjwhich is okay, but there are some neat things in 4.7.102:28
mortenmjvery minor i suppose02:29
tripzeromaybe i'm missing out...02:29
mortenmjmost tutorials ask you to "import QtQuick 1.0", which only works in 4.7.102:29
mortenmjbut i don't think it really matters02:29
tripzerooh, hrm02:29
tripzeroi've always considered those examples to be out of date02:29
mortenmjjust "import Qt 4.7" seems to do the same, as far as i've noticed02:29
mortenmjthe tutorials are kinda crap to be honest02:29
tripzeroneeds improvement, that's for sure02:30
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mortenmjtripzero: were you at the conf?02:31
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tripzeronegative.  I had too much to do here to go :(02:31
mortenmjtripzero: too bad :(02:37
chriadamactually, a couple of good tutorials for Qt QUICK is probably a prime contribution candidate, if someone is willing to write one and contribute it back to Qt :-)02:37
mortenmjanyway, thanks for your help. time to grab the sdk, set up creator and get to work02:37
mortenmjdid i mention that i love the new fiber uplink i've got at home? 200mb toolchain took all of 90 seconds to download02:38
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mortenmjstupid wifi limiting my download speed02:39
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mortenmjtripzero: at it says to install one of the ia32 runtimes. how does that make sense given that the n900 runs arm?02:48
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WIImanapp depentancies can be like that02:52
WIImanit may work with out it02:52
tripzeromortenmj, i think you can just replace the "ia32" with whatever arch you are running02:52
tripzerofor example, use qemu-n900-pr12 as your runtime instead of meego-handset-ia32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2201-sda-runtime02:54
tripzeroi haven't tried the sdk yet so i'm unsure02:55
tripzeromy development currently consists of: develop on desktop, build package, test on target device02:55
mortenmji tried, but it failed02:55
mortenmjonly worked for the ia32 archs02:56
mortenmjnormally that's my style as well, but i figured i'd try this02:56
mortenmjqt creator is allegedly awesome02:56
tripzeroyeah, i want to give it a try02:56
mortenmjaccording to the prople in #qt, who aren't biased at all02:56
tripzeroi use qt creator on my desktop02:56
tripzeroit is quite the awesome02:56
tripzerobut the sdk has "extra features" that i wouldn't mind trying02:57
mortenmjsuch as?02:57
tripzerosuch as the maemo and meego device configurations02:58
tripzerothose aren't in my distro's qt creator02:58
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kaprWhere can I find out meego source code?03:00 in src.rpm format03:01
kaprbut what I get is user libraries03:01
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kaprI want the middle layer stuff like opengl and mesa03:01
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CosmoHillit's somewhere in there03:03
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chriadamthere's also the gitorious repos like etc03:03
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kapr<Cosmo Hill> i have downloaded all of these but ...i dnt get middleware in it03:04
kaprthats all user libs03:04
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kapr@chieadam : can you point me to the place where I can find the OpenGL libs03:07
kaprfor meegfo03:07
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mortenmjhi, i'm the qt creator options window. i can't be fullscreened, and i'm too big for your monitor. good luck finding my apply and okay buttons, teehee!03:08
chriadamkapr: not really, not sure where they are I'm sorry03:10
mgoddard|nokmortenmj: running it on device? :)03:10
mortenmjmgoddard|nok: netbook, yeah03:11
mortenmjit can't be fullscreened, has no scrollbar, and the lower row of buttons is *just* outside the screen03:11
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mortenmjmgoddard|nok: what exactly can i do in that situation?03:13
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mgoddard|nokooh, pain.  hmm, what platform? sometimes keyboard shortcuts for moving the window03:13
mgoddard|nokor shortcuts for the buttons I guess03:13
mortenmjfunny thing is i can move it down out of the screen, but not up03:14
mortenmjso the bottom part can be outside, but not the top03:14
mgoddard|nokurf.  alt+o (for ok) might work (on linux)03:14
mortenmjah, with alt click it can be!03:14
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thebootrootripzero: ping !04:03
lolloowhat does that do?04:04
thebootroowut ?04:04
lollooping !04:05
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lolloois it irc command?04:05
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ali1234no, irc commands all begin with /04:05
lollooawesome thanks04:06
thebootroowith the syntax 'user: ' you just wizz a man04:06
thebootroololloo: if a do this, your irc client must ring04:06
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lolloouthebootroo: pig04:07
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lolloohehehe sorry04:07
thebootroobut basically its a geek way to say   a_man: hello are you there04:07
lolloothebootroo: ping04:07
lolloothebootroo: /ping04:07
thebootroothe username must start at the first char and being followed by ':' without space and then whatever you xant04:08
thebootroololloo: this ping you too04:08
thebootrooand that too :04:08
lolloothebootroo: hello04:08
ali1234actually most clients will alert user if anyone mentions their exact nick04:09
lollooam using xcht04:09
* thebootroo uses Empathy04:09
* lolloo happy04:09
* thebootroo developping its own full qt multiprotocol client too04:10
ali1234empathy still sucks for irc :(04:10
lollooI would like to see it04:10
thebootrooyes somtimes04:10
thebootroololloo: not finished at the moment, doesnt support IRC, just XMPP (so Gtalk, jabber and facebook chat)04:10
thebootrooit's plugin based (using Qt Plugins framework)04:11
lolloodoes it support file transfer?04:11
thebootroonot yet04:11
lollooQt is awesome04:11
lolloowill it work on Meego?04:11
lolloothat would be awesome04:12
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thebootroomaybe but interface will not fit at all since its heavily customized for my own desktop04:12
lolloowow I would like to learn how to program using Qt, is there any books or reference yo would like to provide for me thebootroo04:13
lollooI like C++04:13
thebootroono need books, but what is your mother's language ?04:14
thebootrooare you english speaker or other ?04:14
ali1234qt comes with loads of examples04:14
lollooarabic but am good with english04:14
ali1234as long as you know C, just get qt creator (eg nokia sdk) and just start trying to build something04:14
lollooyes I downloaded the SDK for MeeGo but it's pain in the butt to install04:15
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ali1234dont get meego sdk, get nokia qt sdk04:15
ali1234it'smuch much easier to use04:15
lolloowow never knew they had one04:15
thebootrooso download the qt nokia sdk on qt website then launch the first tutorial (adress book if i remember) and if you know C++ you must not have hard times04:15
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ali1234the only downside is you can't target meego with nokia sdk yet04:16
lollooone question I dont mean to bother you guys, but will it run on MeeGo?04:16
ali1234but learn one thing at a time :)04:16
thebootrooali1234: u r tru 4 meego sdk : i can't even use it coz of my non-KVM pc04:16
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lollooalright, fair enough04:16
ali1234you can build stuff for the simulators and for your local desktop machine using the nokia sdk04:16
thebootroololloo: u must learn plain Qt before MTF, cause it uses same principles04:17
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thebootrooali1234: no, cause the emulator uses Qemu, which need KVM processor support, which i don't have on my C2D T580004:17
lollooawesome info04:17
ali1234the device emulator in the nokia qt sdk doesn't need qemu, it uses just themeing. it's less accurate of course04:18
thebootrooali1234: exuz me i though u were speakin of running meego sdk bootstraps04:18
thebootrooyes if you speak of simulator (which suxx) its ok04:19
ali1234no no, i'm saying if you just want to learn qt, use the nokia sdk, cos it's way easier to set up04:19
ali1234once you learned qt, then try the meego stuff04:19
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lollooMeego supports Qt04:19
ali1234yes, so anything you develop using the nokia sdk can be easily ported... that's kind of the point of meego04:20
lolloowow awesome04:20
ali1234some day soon the nokia sdk should have meego as a target04:20
ali1234it just isn't quite ready yet04:20
thebootrooyes but in practice the plain Qt apps are fucked off, at least on handset ux, hopin this will be fixed soon04:20
ali1234i dare say by the time you have learned qt, it will be ready04:20
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ali1234yeah that's a good point04:21
ali1234but... the alternatives are still up in the air too04:21
ali1234and the basic ideas are the same04:21
zr0has qt mobility made its way to the handset ux?04:22
thebootrooAFAIK yes at least in part04:22
lollooI hope it supports windows 7 6404:23
thebootroowho uses W764 for linux dev ?04:23
lolloothat's me04:23
thebootrooyou know meego is linux ?04:23
ljpqt mobility won't fully support meego unti; mobility version 1.2 is released04:24
lollooyes I do unfortunately04:24
thebootrooso dev on it is so easy using tools like Qemu, Chroot, SSH, GCC (all linux tools, without windows possibility)04:24
lollooI had hard time using virtual machine04:24
lollooI Installed Ubuntu 1004:25
lolloobut still I have problems to solve04:25
thebootroololloo: i suggest you dual booting an easy linux version like ubuntu beside your windoz and use it for (Qt) (MeeGo) Dev04:25
ali1234if your goal is just to learn qt you dont need any special tools, just llearn qt for desktop first04:25
thebootroodont use virtual machine04:25
ali1234you can even klearn qt desktop style using windows since nokia sdk runs there04:26
thebootroouse plain dual boot install04:26
Moulthey all, completely new to meego- just a few vague questions: i know meego is immature, but is there an expected "good for commercial shipping" release date for the mobile version? and i know meego is linux, but is it based on a specific distro?04:26
thebootrooapril 201104:26
thebootroomeego 1.204:26
ali1234Moult: meego is not based on any distro04:26
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thebootrootechnically meego is near of fedora (same components) but meego is build from scratch04:27
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thebootroothat mandatory to get a fully optimized thing04:27
Moultah, so fresh package management tools as well?04:27
ali1234it uses RPM i that's what you mean04:27
Moultoh, so not fresh :)04:28
lolloowow Meego is GGRRRREAT04:28
nialaabout qt why my slot don't work? noo error on compil  but :   Object::connect: No such slot QApplication::monSlot() in ../learn00/MaFenetre.cpp:12 Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'sans_titre3')
ali1234but it's not going to by synced to any particular distro04:28
thebootroono afaik it uses Zypper, with rpm packages04:28
Moultali1234: yeah04:28
thebootrooniala: i'm lookin04:28
ali1234unlike eg ubuntu which syncs to debian for each release04:28
Moulthow transparent is meego in terms of its "linuxness"? will it try to hide it or will it remain open?04:28
ali1234meego is supposed to be 100% open04:29
ali1234what ends up on manufacturer's devices is a different question04:29
ali1234supposedly they can add, but not take away from, meego core functionality04:29
Moultniice. is it possible for me to demo both the netbook and mobile versions on any old laptop?04:29
lollooLinux rulez04:29
ali1234you can run both the netbook and handset image on various atom netbooks, yes04:29
thebootrooniala: you must not use qApp for connecting a slot04:29
nialathebootroo: hello, how are you, and your project04:30
ali1234you can't install them both at once, at least not easily04:30
ali1234but you can make two boootable usb drives04:30
nialai ve try ' this ' to04:30
thebootroocause you're not sure the current QApplication have it and ever more, qt doesnt know it at compling time04:30
ali1234but handset is still very very far from usable04:30
thebootrooniala: my project is going on, like alway, slower but it goe04:31
Moultali1234: no, i don't want to overwrite the current os on it, just perhaps run it as an emulator? (and i've not got any atom netbooks)04:31
ali1234you can boot it from a usb flashdrive04:32
thebootrooMoult: you can't demos meego from OLD laptop since it needs a processors that supports SSSE3 (with 3 's')  so only recent Pentium E, CD2 and Atoms04:32
Moulti've got and x64, will that work?04:32
thebootroono matters, just need SSSE304:32
thebootrooand you can't emulate it04:32
ali1234if it's intel and newer then core 2 then it will work04:33
ali1234no amd has ssse3 unfortunately04:33
ali1234however given recent events, maybe that will change04:33
thebootrooits a processor instruction from intel very recent04:33
nialathebootroo: lol i cannot do a simple button wich load an url :) but if i suppr my Slot and replace by quit that works04:33
thebootrooali1234: hope you r tru about that04:33
lollooali1234: yeah AMD is going for MeeGo04:33
thebootrooniala: cause all QApplication isntace HAVE the quit qlot04:34
WIImanwouldn't developing on a netbook be more sutable since it is usualy full intel suported hardware ?04:34
ali1234yeah hopefully amd will put some resources to a generic and/or amd optimised version of meego04:34
ali1234WIIman: yeah... but developing on a netbook is not fun04:34
thebootroo niala: but all QApplication instance doesn't have your custom slot04:34
ali1234i'd rather be debugging on a 4 core 3 ghz machine with 16 gb of rm, than some netbook04:34
Termanaali1234, AMD's newer processors will support SSSE304:34
ali1234Termana: damn. tht's not much help to me, since i have a current amd processor04:35
thebootrooniala: and if you have custom slot, your QApp is a subclass of QApplication, but qApp cast to QApplication so losin you custon slot04:35
WIImani realise netbooks are not best suted for dev but at the same time they have the nessisarry hardware for the dev to in synk with the distro04:35
thebootrooniala: use a trick with this->parent instead04:35
WIImansince more powerfull box arnt suported yet04:36
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ali1234WIIman: yeah you basically need your target hardware and also a nice fast workstation, to do serious dev. unfortunately at the moment they *both* have too be recent intel04:36
thebootrooniala: assuming you have you app in parent04:36
thebootrooniala: fuck i'm a big nnoob too : missed that04:36
thebootrooniala: your slot is not in the app04:37
WIImani have sucsessfuly build a standard linux kernel on my dell mini 10 1012 wich gives me the impression it would work for dev04:37
thebootrooniala: it's in your maFenetre (tiens t'es français aussi ?)04:37
ali1234sure you can do everything on a netbook if you are patient :)04:37
thebootrooniala: so just use 'this' instead of 'qApp'04:37
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WIImani just wish i knew qt i would love to get more apps to meego its so nice for netbooks04:38
ali1234qt is a really nice sdk for just about everything04:39
nialathebootroo: i have begin by that04:39
thebootrooniala: and ?04:39
ali1234just learn qt for whatever you have first04:39
ali1234the techniques do not really change between platforms04:39
WIImani see meego going far . so much talk on the net about it and high hopes for its future04:40
thebootrooniala: it doesn't compile ?04:40
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vicarious-Hi, I'm a bit confused about Meego...can some kind person field a few basic questions about meego?04:41
nialathebootroo:  output compil: make: quittant le répertoire « /home/niala/qt/learn00-build-desktop » Le processus "/usr/bin/make" s'est terminé normalement.04:41
thebootrooniala: ben alor c'est bon04:42
vicarious-Since the advent of Android, I have to ask regarding Meego: why?04:42
vicarious-isn't it just reinventing the wheel?04:42
ali1234android is not meant for tablets, STBs, fridges, etc04:42
thebootroovicarious-: no04:42
ljpisnt android just reinventing the wheel?04:42
thebootroovicarious-: android doesn't use C++ Qt  but Java04:43
ali1234android is just for phones... meego has a MUCh wider scope04:43
WIImani dont think so the ui is amasing04:43
thebootroovicarious-: so really heavier04:43
WIImanand the suport from intell n okia amd so on helps to04:43
vicarious-pardon: but android has already moved to the tablet platform04:43
nialathebootroo: the button is here but he does nothing04:43
ali1234vicarious-: no by google's choice04:43
vicarious-ok, so let me back is Meego different than Android?04:44
thebootroovicarious-: google himself said in its actual version android is not meant for tablet even if its works04:44
thebootrooniala: après ce le code de ton slot qui est pourri, je te le corrige et je le renvoie ok04:45
WIImanmeego is more flexable than android runs on mmore devices by desine04:45
ali1234all the android tablets and netbooks out there suck04:45
ali1234and none of them have the app store cos they are all nasty hacks04:45
* lolloo agrees04:45
nialathebootroo: si je le met pas en slot ca fonctionne et ca eteind bien la freebox. mais en fonction/slot ca marche plus04:45
thebootrooniala: ton code est inexact donc il ne peut marcher qu'une fois à la rigueur04:46
lolloooh oh04:46
thebootrooniala: corrigé :
WIImanthe interface for meego and bfore moblin is outstanding maks useing my netbook so fun and functionable , that ui and the fact it still linux wiith official drivers for the targeted hardware makes meego greaqt04:49
vicarious-Okay, so you seem to be saying that the main difference between Meego and Android is that Meego is designed to run on more platforms than just phones, correct?04:50
WIImanthere is that04:51
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WIImanand it has actual hadware vender s behind it04:51
nhganyone attended the meego conference this week?04:51
thebootroovicarious-: and MeeGo is REALLY fully open, based on linux standard, instead of a whole home made java machine04:51
WIImanso it will work on their hardware by desine04:52
nhgwonder when those Lenovo netbooks given to Meego conf participants will be shipped out...04:53
WIImani still want to call meego moblin as it run so much like moblin and has the full suport and backing by intell something no other linux has04:53
vicarious-so is Meego essentialy a new (or another) linux distro?04:53
thebootroovicarious-: not really a distro but a linux based OS for all usages04:54
vicarious-thebootroo: sorry, help me understand please, why isn't it considered a distro?04:54
thebootroovicarious-: and more than just the os, there are the ideas, the design , the people, the community ....04:54
zr0mmm, i would call meego a distro04:55
zr0targeted at embedded systems with rich ui04:55
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thebootroovicarious-:  for my part i dont call it reallt Yet Another Distro, cause all the stack are getting shacked to remove dust of all old versions of linux04:55
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WIImanit doesnt feel like you average distro were it not for the linux kerenl it wouldnt be04:56
thebootrooit uses linux kernel04:56
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thebootroobut i dont call android or mac os a distro but a linux based os04:57
WIImanthats how i see meego04:57
thebootrooat the moment meego uses linux standard stacks (appart for the compositor)04:57
WIImana linux based OS04:57
nialathebootroo: sorry et c etrange le bouton ne clic plus04:57
thebootroobut it may change by need04:57
thebootrooniala: pas de message dans le debug ?04:58
thebootroodu genre pas de slot machin truc ?04:58
thebootrooniala: au pire traitons ca the #qt-fr j'y suis aussi04:58
vicarious-what is moblin and maemo in relation to meego?04:59
WIImanmeego IS moblin and maemo04:59
thebootroovicarious-: two former oses (moblin for netbook from intel and maemo from tablets from nokia which i own) which had been merged 6 months ago to base the meego project04:59
thebootrooso meego targets netbook, tablet, but also phones (that maemo did quite wrong) and even gps, automotive , web tv....05:00
WIImanand connected tvs to05:01
thebootroo(my last one)05:01
vicarious-is it designed to be used on touchscreen devices?05:01
thebootroobut overall05:01
thebootrooits optimized for finger05:01
thebootrooto get better than symbian05:01
thebootroowhich is more stylus oriented05:02
thebootroobut the meego part which is really finger friendly is MeeGo Touch Framework, tha the current netbook edition doesn't use AFAIK05:02
WIImantouch compatablity can be installed through pkg manger05:04
thebootrooWIIman: o rly ?05:04
WIImanmangae apps or whatever its called05:04
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WIImani saw in repo i think05:04
vicarious-uhh, reading the faq, and I'm at a wtf spot: Q Will MeeGo use telepathy?05:04
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vicarious-    Yes. MeeGo will use telepathy.05:04
thebootrooWIIman: u mean be able of running MTF apps on it on actually modding the whole UX to finger size ?05:05
vicarious-is that a joke or something?05:05
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WIImanit least thats what it looked like to be available if not nativly sertainlly after enableing comunity repo05:06
WIImanbut i was in a repo05:06
WIImani dont have a touch screen so i dint install the apps05:07
nialavicarious-: even telepathy-butterfly05:08
vicarious-Meego will use telepathy!?!?!05:08
vicarious-niala: huh?05:08
vicarious-telepathy?  like ESP?05:08
nialaesp ?05:09
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vicarious-Extra Sensory Perception aka Magic05:10
vicarious-okay, perhaps I should rephrase my question: what is telepathy in this context?05:10
vicarious-is it a technology or something?05:11
thebootroovicarious-: telepathy is a linux standar stack for multiprotocol messaging05:12
thebootroovicarious-: basically it uses tubes over dbus for makin different  plugin worklin together05:12
thebootroovicarious-: if you uses a distro like Ubuntu, u have the apps 'Empathy' which uses telepathy as backend for supporting many protocols05:13
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vicarious-I see, thank you05:18
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lcuk:) @ #MeeGoConf05:56
nialalcuk: you're back good travel ?05:57
lcukyes, smooth and easy, but my sleep pattern is messed up, I had a headache this morning before traveling05:58
lcukhad lunch with some colleagues and leinir before heading off for a simple flight05:58
nialaheadache, the guiness wasgood :)05:58
lcukthe headache was related to my room location, the sunlight made it warm and the window would not open far enough to cool it05:59
nialaoh well, that's not nice05:59
lcuki am somewhat exhausted, but read some really nice reports already and been compiling some lists of things the netbook has06:00
lcuki will post it to the wiki actually06:01
lcukothers can fill in bits from it06:01
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lcukis it possible to play werewolf online do you think?  what would the digital rules be.06:40
lcukusing a graphical interface and an irc channel or IM channels06:41
niala5h40 i ll sleep 2days06:41
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Alison_ChaikenI can no longer find the Wiki page for posting notes from the Conference BoF sessions.   Anyone?06:59
lcukAlison_Chaiken, \o hi, i was making a bunch of notes earlier on my ideapad about the current ux and oddities07:00
lcukbut i fail at logging into wiki and pasting07:01
lcuk(i got sidetracked adding a new item to it which occured when I opened the browser)07:01
lcukAlison_Chaiken, how was your walk, did you get caught in the rain?07:02
Alison_ChaikenOn Weds I saw the official BoF/unconference wiki page where the notes were to be posted but now that I've typed my notes, I can't seem to find it again.07:02
Alison_Chaikenlcuk, we sure did get soaked in the rain, but we (Heikke and Mats and I) had a fine dinner at the Blarney Inn and a pleasant walk to downtown at least.07:02
lcuk:) cool07:03
lcukAlison_Chaiken, on there is a session notes one with example and harware hacking session listed07:06
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WIImanim building weechat :)07:16
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vicarious-is there a meego iso I can download?  or perhaps a pre-built meego vm that I can download?07:31
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Alison_Chaikenlcuk, there was a page with the BoF schedule that I believe the notes were to be added to, but it seems to have gone missing.   Thanks anyway though.07:35
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vicarious-yes, I'm on the download web page, but where can I download an iso or vm?07:54
iekkuuh, wrong channel, sorry I used finnish07:54
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yctvHi .. iam trying to add a Meego device configuration but when i test it for my local machine it keeps saying no Qt packages found . What should i do?08:01
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lcukleinir, spyro,
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vicarious-is the .img file the same as an .iso file?08:12
mgoddard|noklcuk: hehe08:15
glunardi@vicarious-: pretty much...
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vicarious-no, I can't create a vm with a .img file.  I need an .iso file08:23
vicarious-how do I get an .iso of meego?08:25
tommaif that img is not iso then you need to convert it08:25
vicarious-how do I convert it?08:26
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vicarious-oh I found a tool to do it08:30
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eraniis there a way to see kernel logs from a previous session? i have an odd freezing issue that occurs with no reason when in the os, and I'd like to find out why it happens08:34
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Bostikno need to convert, just rename to another extension08:35
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dm8tbrerani: if your device freezes it's unlikely that the panic is written off to disk. you could try a (serial) console09:03
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eranidm8tbr: ok. how do I do that?09:38
* erani is yet unfamiliar with these things09:39
dm8tbrerani: does your device have a hardware serial port?09:39
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eraniunfortunately, no. is it possible with an USB to RS-232 adapter?09:48
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zEeLiHey guys. Where is my app supposed to save its data? I mean, does Meego use standards, like $XDG_DATA_HOME etc.?09:56
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dm8tbrerani: I don't think so. I've never used kernel console over network, you could look into that if you can connect ethernet.09:59
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eranidm8tbr: ok, thanks. I'll try to look into it this weekend10:12
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vicarious-I need help!  I'm having a problem trying to install meego 1.110:50
vicarious-I'm trying to install it as a vm running in vmware workstation on a pentium m 2.25GHz laptop10:51
vicarious-I get through most of the install10:51
vicarious-the last page of the install I got to was the one where you enter your username and password10:51
vicarious-I clicked on the forward button and I get a blank black screen and nothing happens10:52
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vicarious-any suggestions/ideos?10:52
vicarious-oops: ideos = ideas10:52
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[Steven_M]hi all10:56
vicarious-hi, can you help me?10:56
vicarious-[08:50]<vicarious->I need help! I'm having a problem trying to install meego 1.110:56
vicarious-[08:51]<vicarious->I'm trying to install it as a vm running in vmware workstation on a pentium m 2.25GHz laptop10:56
vicarious-[08:51]<vicarious->I get through most of the install10:56
vicarious-[08:51]<vicarious->the last page of the install I got to was the one where you enter your username and password10:57
vicarious-[08:52]<vicarious->I clicked on the forward button and I get a blank black screen and nothing happens10:57
vicarious-[08:52]<vicarious->any suggestions/ideas?10:57
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[Steven_M]Can you run popular GNU Apps on meego such as claws-mail and pidgin?10:58
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Myrtti[Steven_M]: well, atleast on Maemo that was possible11:02
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Myrtti[Steven_M]: so I doubt it's too difficult to get them working on MeeGo either11:03
[Steven_M]Myrtti: what's maemo?11:04
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Myrtti[Steven_M]: the internet tablet/phone operating system developed by Nokia in 2004-2010 that was later merged with Moblin to be MeeGo11:05
Myrtti(by Nokia and open source contributors of several projects)11:05
Myrttiit does show I just woke up, sorry11:05
* Myrtti goes to make first batch of tea of the day11:06
[Steven_M]Myrtti: ahh ok, I'm a smart phone newbie.11:07
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Myrttiand I'm a netbook newbie, in fact I still don't have one :-)11:09
* RST38h yawns, then moos11:09
janiIs there any specific community group for meego q&a stuff ?11:12
Myrttijani: other than #meego-qa and the mailing list?11:13
[Steven_M]is meego GNU/Linux?11:13
Stskeeps[Steven_M]: yes, has a gnu userland11:13
janiMyrtti: whats the mailing list host?11:14
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[Steven_M]Stskeeps: thanks.11:14
timeless_mbpMyrtti: you should have come to DUB11:14
timeless_mbpthen you'd have a netbook, like me :)11:15
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Myrttitimeless_mbp: thanks for rubbing it in11:15
[Steven_M]As a Linux fan I am torn between buying an Android phone and waiting for a GNU/Linux smart phone to come out.11:16
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timeless_mbpMyrtti: any time :)11:16
timeless_mbpMyrtti: actually11:16
timeless_mbpif you have time and want to play11:16
yctvcan anyone help me with meego device configuration .. i am stuck11:16
timeless_mbpmy ideapad would like to be converted into a dualboot w/ meego11:16
timeless_mbpso you're welcome to play11:17
janimm.. not much of a community stuff there as i was fearing..11:17
timeless_mbp(i.e. bring the power adapter for EU and you can make it dual boot and play on either side for a while)11:17
Stskeepsjani: they just opened a week ago or so, i'm seeing more than i'm expected :)11:17 as well11:17
Myrttiactually I'm waiting for the details of Dell Inspiron Duo to be published11:18
Myrtti(as I've said earlier)11:18
timeless_mbpMyrtti: actually, is there an alternative to verkokauppa if i just want an adapter cable?11:19
timeless_mbpthe laptop has one of those three round thing ports for power11:19
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zinit timeless_mbp: it has a standard plug to the powersupply, you can go to any electronics or electric shop and get another one11:20
timeless_mbpzinit: this is Finland11:20
timeless_mbpwe don't have lots of those (or anything else)11:20
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zinitso? do you have chlas ohlsson therE?11:20
timeless_mbpwe do11:20
zinitthere you go:)11:20
zinitthey have cables11:20
Myrttitimeless_mbp: how much is it in VK?11:20
* timeless_mbp isn't sure they'd have it11:20
timeless_mbpmythi: i arrived last night after 11pm11:21
timeless_mbpw/o my luggage11:21
zinitits the exact same cable ibm, hp, dell and lenovo uses11:21
timeless_mbp(which should arrive around 12pm today)11:21
timeless_mbphrm, dell?11:21
timeless_mbpno, not dell11:21
zinitbring your current cable and you can doublecheck the end that goes into the psu11:21
zinitmy dell has the same plug in the psu11:21
timeless_mbpdell has (round|round) (round)11:21
Myrttitimeless_mbp: bebek has
zinitand the lenovo?11:22
timeless_mbpthis 3 rounds in a triangle11:22
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timeless_mbpMyrtti: ok, where's bebek?11:22
zinitdell and ibm have a nac for using one that is also flat with 3 connections11:22
Myrttitimeless_mbp: sörnäisten rantatie 611:22
zinitthe main standard people use is the same as the ideapad has11:22
timeless_mbpzinit: sure, doesn't help me11:23
timeless_mbpi have a dell and a mac11:23
zinitany place that sells laptops usually have power cables too11:23
zinitand chlas has just about anything:P11:23
zinitalso if you got biltema, they have11:23
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janiStskeeps: blargh =(11:24
timeless_mbpMyrtti: clas would be closer to me, i'm walking distance to kamppi/ruoholahti11:24
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zinitthen go there:)11:24
Myrttitimeless_mbp: well, you didn't ask me for one close to you ;-) the limitations were "other than verkkokauppa"11:25
timeless_mbpserves me right :)11:25
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Myrttidamn right11:25
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Chanimmm, sleeeeep. :)11:26
MekChani: sleep?11:26
ChaniMek: sleep. it was good. :)11:27
timeless_mbp looks like the UK version of the cable - i.e. what i already have11:27
janitimeless_mbp: closes ohlson is propably in mannerheimintie11:27
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timeless_mbpjani: nope, kampi11:27
ChaniMek: how's it going over there?11:27
timeless_mbpit's my local neighborhood grocery store :)11:27
MekChani: figuring out an agenda11:27
timeless_mbp-- stone's throw away11:27
janiack true½11:27
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ChaniMek: cool.. i'll be over there in.. prolly an hour?11:29
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tuxcrafterhi all11:29
ChaniMek: i assume the agenda has the obvious points from the meeting with dirk, and thiago's request, already?11:29
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tuxcrafteri have been waiting for the last past 3 years for a linux mobile device with imap, caldav and carddav support11:29
Chanianything else interesting happening?11:30
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tuxcrafterthe n900 has been a disapointment in this regards for having limited imap and no caldav or carddav support11:30
tuxcrafternow i have my hopes on meego11:30
tuxcrafterwhere can i make a feature request for a caldav calender and a carddav contacts11:30
CosmoHilltuxcrafter: a disappointment when running meamo?11:31
tuxcrafterCosmoHill: yes when runningh meamo11:31
CosmoHilltuxcrafter: bugs.meego.com11:31
timeless_mbpwow, clas really screws up w/ the flags11:31
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timeless_mbpthey have country flags on their pages11:31
timeless_mbpthose take you to the store for that country's flag11:31
timeless_mbpwhich means you can't shop the Finnish store in English11:32
timeless_mbpinstead you get sent to the British store11:32
timeless_mbpwhich has different prices and selection11:32
Chanioy, cruel..11:32
timeless_mbphi Chani11:32
zinitnoticed that...11:32
zinitbut if you are in finland, just go by and get a cable:P11:32
timeless_mbpto be fair, it's better than misusing Flags to mean Language11:32
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timeless_mbphrm, i have 30mins until my luggage should arrive11:33
zinitthey sell those cables. I have bought cables at chlas in norway before11:33
timeless_mbpok... i'll do that11:33
Chanitimeless_mbp: some flight websites do hat too - and the prices in dollars are disproportionately high too11:33
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zinitprices at any travel site or airport are insane for essentials11:34
zinitjust look at a tube of toothpaste at an airport... I have seen that for 6-7 euros... and at any grocery store its 2-3 euros:P11:34
timeless_mbpChani: really?11:35
timeless_mbpi generally find the prices in dollars work as well11:35
timeless_mbpzinit: a colleague wanted toothpaste while @Dub11:35
timeless_mbpthe hotel had free toothbrushes11:35
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timeless_mbpbut the clerk said they were too cheap to include toothpaste11:35
timeless_mbpthe store attached to the hotel only sold the full size toothpaste11:36
timeless_mbp(the hotel i stayed at 2 weeks ago in Lyon, FR had toothpaste w/ its toothbrushes)11:36
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zinitthats the most common I have seen too... (cant remember ever seing a hotel with no toothpaste...)11:37
Myrttifirst decision of the day: to have more tea or no11:37
zinitMyrtti: coffee ftw!!!11:37
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timeless_mbpzinit: it was really amusing how frankly the clerk put it11:39
zinitanyone still in dublin? or have everybody gone home now?11:39
timeless_mbpi think some are staying through the weekend11:39
timeless_mbpbut most left yesterday11:39
janicoffee, small cigar and and then something stronger to dull the pain after work.11:39
RST38hDoes 70%+ chocolate qualify as coffee?11:40
zinitdublin is nice in the weekend. the market in temple bar in the weekends is nice11:40
zinitand the food market is realy nice for getting good food11:40
zinitwe always buy all our greens and fruit there. (its the only place you can find fresh fruit and veggies in dublin...)11:41
MyrttiI'm being boring and girlish then today, forest fruits tea and raspberry xylitol candy11:41
zinit(that I know of anyway)11:41
Myrttiyou go ahead with your smokes and coffee...11:41
Myrttioh btw, GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS TODAY!11:41
Myrttiyes, it's FRIDAY11:41
CosmoHillcrap it's friday11:42
* CosmoHill has to hand stuff in today11:42
* w00t_ wanders in11:44
CosmoHillhey w00t11:44
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CosmoHillw00t_: you know a long time ago you meantioned running tutorial's / lessons to each others how to package things / do qt11:45
CosmoHillwhat's happening with that?11:45
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JaffaMorning, all11:47
Jaffaw00t: Didn't get to catch-up with you at #meegoconf (unless I did, and didn't put a name to a face ;-))11:47
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janiRST38h: you could make irish coffee out of it ?11:51
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rob_w_hiho i am booting meego 1.1 on a atom 2530 device with video poulsbo graphics but the screen stays black after the kernel messages ..11:59
rob_w_any hints to go on here ?11:59
CosmoHillhow good are you at command line linux?11:59
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Stskeepsrob_w_: poulsbo isn't supported in meego due to a messy licensing situation11:59
rob_w_very !11:59
Stskeepsrob_w_: you can probably install 1.0 and the intel EMGD drivers12:00
RST38hStskeeps: Eh?12:00
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CosmoHillyou'll have to install the poulsbo driver yourself12:00
StskeepsRST38h: well, out of box12:00
rob_w_i got them running on suse 11.212:00
Chaniwhee, train interwebs12:00
CosmoHillthere's several poulsbo drivers out there12:00
rob_w_whats the way toboot meego into command line only .. init 3 didnt do the trick12:00
Stskeepsrob_w_: edit /etc/inittab and outcomment the 'x:' line12:01
RST38hStskeeps: Oh, that is everyone's favorite Imagetech thingie12:01
rob_w_how can this be as meego is intel chips12:01
CosmoHillrob_w_: you have to add a "3" to the end of the boot line12:01
tuxcrafterCosmoHill: thank you for the direction to the bug tracker i added and
StskeepsRST38h: it's really funny cos the mrst stuff has sgx too and licensing is fine there12:01
CosmoHillrob_w_ the poulsbo chip has intel's name on it but they did not design it12:01
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rob_w_oh ,,12:01
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rob_w_lemme put the iomage on the hdd then i can start editing stuff better ..12:02
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RST38hStskeeps: To be fair, Poulsbo actually means the whole SCH12:02
zinithas anyone figured out the right click issue with the ideapad in linux?12:02
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StskeepsRST38h: ok, then gma500 :P12:02
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RST38hStskeeps: Or "north cluster" or "north bridge", whatever, things have become hazy with Intel SoCs12:03
RST38hStskeeps: Yea, the GFX basically12:03
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RST38hStskeeps: There should be a VDC there as well, so you should still be able to run X on it, just no 3D12:04
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Stskeepsyeah, but that's not enough for meego :)12:05
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RST38hStskeeps: weeeeelll...12:05
rob_w_should it be doable to dd the usbstick to a partiton ?12:06
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rob_w_k differnet question .. dd usbimg isnt a good idea as its all iso stuff .. how can i boot up meego to install on a partition with bothering the pouslbo ?12:12
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CosmoHillrob_w_: you can boot into the command line by added 3 to the end of the boot menu command12:15
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CosmoHillat boot press tab and replace "quiet" with "3"12:16
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rob_w_why isnt init 3 working as exspected ?12:17
rob_w_not working .. it switches the screeen and stays black again .. maybe the fb driver is also bad with my devie12:18
rob_w_fbdev=vesa maybe ?12:18
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rob_w__fbdev=vesa maybe12:19
slaineHmmm, the ideapad doesn't seem to wake from sleep12:19
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rob_w__it really seems to be the console fb driver fukcing it up12:22
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slaineit has vga=current in there12:23
rob_w__adding init=/bin/sh works as exspected12:23
Stskeepsrob_w__: did you edit inittab like i asked you to?12:23
rob_w__i cant12:23
slaineStskeeps: he can't12:23
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Stskeepswhy not?12:23
slaineit's off the live key, I think he said12:23
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Stskeepsedit the live key12:24
slaineThe live key used to work I thought though12:24
rob_w__its a squash img12:24
* Stskeeps goes back to arm where things are sane12:24
slainerob_w__: There's a few tutorials on MeeGo for the Joggler hardware, that might help out12:24
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CosmoHillhey slaine12:32
slaineCosmoHill: hey12:33
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rob_w__is the "install" option doing the install grafically ? will it ask for partitions or will it wipe my disk without asking ?12:34
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CosmoHillit will ask for partitions and what disk to format12:36
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rob_w__can i run the installer on cmdline ?12:43
CosmoHillI've not tried12:44
MyrttiTm_T: ping12:44
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arfollrob_w__, don't think so. Are you trying to get 1.1 on the joggler?12:50
rob_w__not the joggler but a comparable device12:50
StecchinoDawnFoster: where exaclty on the wiki should the unconference notes go?12:50
rob_w__i got ubuntu and suse just fine but have to present the device on CES with meego ..12:50
arfollrob_w__, ok well GMA500 won't work with the Xorg version in meego 1.112:50
arfollrob_w__, ubuntu/suse probably used the IEGD driver not the EMGD one12:51
rob_w__so what would be the best approach for any meego ?12:51
arfollif you have access to someone at Intel they may have an internal driver12:51
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arfollor use meego 1.012:51
rob_w__will that be working ?12:51
StskeepsStecchino: maybe?12:51
CosmoHillarfoll: but he won't be able to present it then because of the non-disclosure policy12:51
arfollCosmoHill, I'm not a lawyer ;-)12:52
CosmoHill(I may be very very wrong there)12:52
StecchinoStskeeps: looks like general unconference info only12:52
StskeepsStecchino: underneath the sessions people post notes, i think12:52
arfollrob_w__, yes meego 1.0 with the EMGD that can be gotten officially will work12:52
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arfollon 1.012:52
Stecchinohmm, a bit sparse notes (txt file) but OK12:52
rob_w__k sounds worth a try12:52
rob_w__so meego 1.0 netbook .. right12:53
arfollrob_w__, you'll have to make your own image with a .ks. I'd recommend starting with an image with openssh-server running and then install the EMGD drivers12:54
rob_w__oh dear .. i dont like the meego sdk12:54
arfollon boot with the stock images the drivers won't work and i'm not even sure you can get to the tty's12:54
arfollno meego sdk, the mic2 tool.12:54
CosmoHillyou can boot into command line by putting "3" at the end of the boot line from the boot loader12:54
arfollrob_w__, don't rejoice too quickly ;-)12:54
rob_w__no i cant12:55
arfollCosmoHill, yeah but tty's are dodgy on GMA500 and stock kernel so best to use openssh12:55
rob_w__the 3 thing doesnt change .. it boots up and switches12:55
rob_w__but blacks out .. i can see hdd activity though after that12:55
rob_w__openssh requires me to setup hte wifi first :-=)12:56
CosmoHillI've used meego 1.1 at command line with an ATi 9500 and Matrox GS200 :)12:56
rob_w__as of course the device is a tablet and has no inbuild eth12:56
arfollrob_w__, best to use a USB->ethernet adapter. Connman has a cli interface if you manage to get to a tty12:56
rob_w__wonder if intel is bad at us if we use smeegol ;-=12:56
arfollCosmoHill, yeah but this is gma500 ;-)12:57
CosmoHillI found smeegol a bit hit and miss12:57
rob_w__never tried it12:57
arfollCosmoHill, on my stock NC10, didn't even managed to get past the installer....12:57
CosmoHillit worked on my bros desktop but not my own and sometimes the icrons screwed up12:57
CosmoHillarfoll: I've never made it past the installer12:58
CosmoHillit gets confused at the partiioner12:58
arfolllinpus have a networkmanager interface for the stock netbook UX, which is really my only meego complaint12:58
arfollCosmoHill, glad to know i'm not just stupid :-)12:58
arfollworks well in 'live' mode though12:58
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rob_w__yeah thats the goal :-)13:01
CosmoHillnote how the icons change13:01
rob_w__k whats the 2 ?13:01
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MyrttiI wonder where the hell I've put my phone13:01
CosmoHillrob_w__: the firs shows the icons being all screwed up, the second show most of them working13:02
rob_w__cause of gma500 ?13:02
fcrozatlooks like a clutter or gl bug13:02
CosmoHillIntel P4 3.6Ghz with ATi 385013:02
arfollCosmoHill, are you running fglrx or the OSS radeon?13:03
CosmoHillwhatever smeegol came with13:03
CosmoHillI have a P4 2.8Ghz with a ATi x1650pro which smeegol wouldn't boot on13:03
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eraniI just noticed a topic in the forums considering the media codec installation requirement for playing mp3 files etc. Is MeeGo going to have a first-time user friendly "click 'n' play" solution for installing proprietary codecs in the future? or are the codecs possibly going to be included from the OEM side when MeeGo devices will be officially shipped to end users13:11
arfollerani, legal issues around ffmpeg basically means it's probably going to have to be an OEM thing13:13
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arfolland as for gst-plugins-ugly/bad well that's allready been stripped of all legally dodgy plugins13:14
eraniok :)13:14
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Stskeepslo wazd13:15
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eranijust popped into my mind as there are some not-to-mention distros out there that prompt the user to install proprietary codecs from a simple install button when playing e.g. say .mp3 for the first time13:16
eranidoesn't really bother me but i'm just curious13:16
smokuerani, it's actually an issue of one-click package installation. and AFAIK we're going to have that.13:16
jellybare you guys able to see this13:16
eranismoku: cheers for the answer :)13:16
smokuerani, someone just needs to rebuild gstreamer and its dependencies and put it in some repo13:17
arfollsmoku, someone allready does  -
smokuarfoll, cool :)13:18
smokudo we support openSUSE .ymp files?13:20
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janianyone here familar with qtuitest or atleast heard of it ?13:44
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lcukjani, hrm nope, the guys who do qa-testing stuff for meego hang out on #meego-qa-tools and #meego-qa perhaps ask there13:52
CosmoHillawesome, I can kill my phone battery in one short call13:53
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yctvHi, I am doing a mad remote -r meego-netbook-ia32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2037-sda-runtime poweron but that is not giving any output13:53
yctvI installed qemu-kvm but that isnt helping either13:53
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lcukhey lardman \o13:54
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lardmanhey lcuk14:01
lcuklardman, you missed an excellent few days, how was the coverage outside the event?14:02
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* lcuk asked one question for you14:02
lardmancoverage was ok, couldn't see the slides though which was a shame14:02
lardmanwould also have been good to have some roving cameramen to see what the rest of the place was like and listen in on the last day14:02
Jaffalardman: In the keynotes, I couldn't see the presenter holding up the "everyone gets one" piece of paper.14:03
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lcukheh that would be awesome14:03
lardmanJaffa: I missed those anyway, was working (which is why I couldn't come in the end)14:03
lcuklardman, especially if the webui allowed you to vote which area the camera man headed for!14:03
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lardmanlcuk: yes that would be cool, though actually some portable lower-res cameras in a grid would be cool - like the BBC red button14:04
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lcukooh yeah14:04
lardmanchoose which audo to hear14:04
lardmanwould be good for the AV guys to be tuned to IRC too, so they could hear that we couldn't see this that the other, and wanted to pan across, etc14:05
lardmanalso someone to read IRC and ask questions would be good - thanks for doing that lcuk14:05
lcuki was saying to people that irc to voice can be used in some channels14:05
lcukand actually hear the conversation as it happens14:05
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lcuklardman, thank cosmo, he repasted your message14:06
lcukand made sure someone saw it :)14:06
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lardmanthanks cosmo :)14:07
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* lcuk got woken up by an O2 person offering me cheaper broadband14:07
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lcukit wont go as fast as the 100mb cable I see from Virgin14:08
* lcuk has 3.5g mobile broadband with O2 already :)14:08
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lcukrevdkathy mentioned that theres no irc client directly for meego netbook14:10
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pexino irc client14:12
pexiit is going to fail14:12
Stskeepsssh + irssi ;p14:12
pexiofc you have to have client side irc with 3g lag14:13
lcukpexi, who said anything about fail?  its just a chance for someone to bring a whizz bang irc setup to meego :)14:13
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lardmanrubbish, equation editor with no lambda14:14
lardmanin M$ ppt that is14:14
lardmanrandom aside14:14
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pexihope the one aint khaled mardem-bey14:15
lcuklardman, are there any visual equation editors/interactive math apps that we could get onto the netbook build?14:15
lardmanQualculate is quite cool, does unit following calcs14:15
lardmanQalculate! even14:15
lardmanR would be good14:15
lardmanOctave, has some UIs14:16
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lcukzypper install cigs14:16
lardmanI really could do with a device with a larger screen and a kb, but not a full notepad size14:16
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lcuklardman, you should have really come to the conf :P14:17
lardmanyeah yeah I realise that, but I really have been rather busy this week, so no chance of getting away14:17
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Stskeepsmorning andre__14:22
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Stskeepssafe home after dublin? :)14:24
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andre__Stskeeps: yepp, all fine. was really fun and a great conf14:46
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ChaniFYI: if you're wondering why your new lenovo doesn't come back from suspend, try waiting 5-10 minutes.14:47
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ChaniI'm not sure what it spends those 5-10 minutes *doing* but  it is doing somethin :)14:48
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StskeepsChani: calculates several digits of pi14:48
lcukmmmm pi14:48
lardmanwith bacon14:48
lcukbacon pi, even better14:48
lcukChani, easy flight home?14:50
Chanilcuk: yep :)14:51
Chanifirst time I've seen ryanair check bag sizes14:51
Chaniluckily they skipped me..14:51
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lcukryanair collared spyro since he tried to take 5 hand bags onto the flight14:52
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* lcuk shakes head cos he was majorly warned14:52
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lcukwhat do i need to add to install ssh server on the netbook?  ssh and ssh-client are the only zypper install options and I don't appear to have sshd anywhere14:57
merlincoreyw/ 1314:57
merlincoreyFAIL sorry14:58
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smokuany suggestions for a particular place on wiki i should put the summary of what I was talking at my unconference session?15:34
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Stskeepsfind the unconference page, make a session page describing and then notes?15:35
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lardmancu later chaps15:56
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smokulcuk, thanks15:59
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lcukGAN900, vack16:10
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GAN900fn fail16:10
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lcukthe lenovo ideapads we got at meego conf have a strange button in the top right of the keyboard above the escape key.  I have been told it is the system restore button for the original OS.  what do we have to do to allow it to work as system restore for meego?16:28
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fcrozatoverwriting lenovo windows 7 partition16:29
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fcrozatand getting it to work with their way of working16:29
fcrozatI wouldn't try ;)16:29
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lcukfcrozat, if I buy a device with meego on it, I would damn well expect it to restore meego when I press that button ;)16:30
CosmoHilllcuk: it has a system restore button?16:30
fcrozatexcept the tablet weren't sold with meego16:30
zinityou need to set up the lenovo restore system. (has a weird way of partitioning it so it works, and from what I gathered it requires some nasty bios hacking to be able to choose which partition to use as restore)16:30
CosmoHillcan you see someone pressing it by mistake instead of esc16:30
lcukfcrozat, not this week it wasnt16:30
lcukbut it will be at some point.16:30
lcukno CosmoHill16:31
lcukits very small, recessed and under the lip of the screen16:31
fcrozatand it would mean for a vendor helping lenovo to do it16:31
lcukits out of the way I do not accidentally catch it16:31
zinitthat button is controled by the bios according to lenovo (there is an artickle about it on the lenovo forum)16:31
fcrozatlike novell is doing with some vendors16:31
CosmoHillah, like a reset button, one you need a paper click with16:31
lcukfcrozat, of course it would16:31
lcukCosmoHill, not quite16:31
lcukbut its not in the way either16:31
lcukzinit, thanks16:31
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* CosmoHill offers lcuk cheese and crackers16:35
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lcukCosmoHill, thank you.16:36
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lcukdoes anyone have a photograph or copy of the cover letter given to conference participants who needed their lenovo delivering to them16:40
lcuk(those who left before shipments arrived)16:40
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lcukI saw the letter on the helpdesk but did not take a photo16:40
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Stskeepslo Texrat16:50
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Texratloving this little Ideapad16:50
TexratI'm now ready to learn Qt coding :D16:51
Texratwe need a version of Qt that runs on it16:51
ymblcuk the letter on the front desk was that the netbook was a gift and had zero value (in case of customs asking?)16:51
lcukyou mean the qt-creator IDE Texrat ?16:51
Texratyes lcuk16:51
lcukymb, yes16:51
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lcukdid anyone take a picture of it16:52
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TexratI want to do native coding!16:52
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lcukTexrat, :)16:52
ymbnot sure, but it was written by someone associated with LOinuxFondation i thought16:52
Texratymb I didn't report my Ideapad :D16:53
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lcukymb, btw, hi ymb \o16:53
bergieTexrat: I already installed PHP from the community repo, and qmlviewer from the main repos so I'm good to go :-)16:53
TexratUS customs has never questioned my forms16:53
Texratnice bergie16:53
lcukTexrat, it was for automatic delivery16:53
lcukand for people in different countries usually16:53
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Texratso what are the thoughts on an app port request wiki page?  should I start one?16:54
MoRpHeUzwifi stuck with lenovo s10 =/ apparently I need a windows installation to solve it ( =/16:54
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lcukthere were folks from everywhere in the world and I guess that letter helped smooth the way for some16:54
Texratarg MoRpHeUz16:54
MoRpHeUzTexrat: :(16:54
MoRpHeUzright in the middle of kde mobile sprint =/16:55
* Myrtti checks for updates on hardware specifications of the Dell Inspiron Duo, is disappointed once again16:55
ymbTexrat, I too may have "forgotten" to announce it :)16:55
Texratlcuk is spamming my email inbox :P16:56
lcukonly because you weren't in here :)16:56
CosmoHillMoRpHeUz: to enable wifi under linux you need to install windows?16:56
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Texratthanks for the maemo porting pages though lcuk16:57
MoRpHeUzCosmoHill: welcome to the wonderful world of lenovo's s10 :P hehe16:57
TexratGoogle failed when I looked last night16:57
Texratand by the way lcuk, damn you English for switching " and @ on keyboards!!! :P16:57
* lcuk kicks pmo16:57
MoRpHeUzCosmoHill: the thing is that this only happens sometimes. and then to enable again you need to boot into windows, run lenovo's power management tool and enable wifi+bluetooth16:57
lcukTexrat, its a new keyboard anyway16:57
MoRpHeUzCosmoHill: then it works again16:57
smokuTexrat, have you fixed the ideapad touchpad?16:57
lcukeverything is different position for me also16:57
CosmoHillthat's just stupid16:58
Texratsmoku how would I do that?16:58
lcukTexrat, you voted for the bug and ranked it highly16:58
TexratI did?16:58
smokuTexrat, I managed to enable right click and circle scrolling with commandline util. but I do not know how to make it permanent16:58
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Texratah smoku... it will need to go into HID configuration settings16:59
lcuksmoku, would you like to document what you did on the wiki and we can see amongst ourselves how to help you16:59
* CosmoHill chokes when he saw that VAT is going up16:59
smokulcuk, i had that idea, but was to tired yesterday and just went to bed ;-)17:00
lcuki know that feeling17:00
lcuki might return there soon myself, still tired from the week17:00
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smokuwell... the gnome mouse configuration has option for side scrolling. maybe it has more hidden settings in gconf. I need to see17:01
TexratI seem to always catch a cold when I travel... throat hurts today.  Coffee is slow to cure this morning17:01
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Texratby the way if you are looking for a mouse for Ideapad, HP travel mouse coordinates lookwise and works very well17:04
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Texratstill to come: bathroom test for Ideapad.  Will it replace my N900 for those long ordeals?  :D17:05
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lcukTexrat, its got the extended battery I suppose17:06
smokubtw, how do you find meego netbook interface?17:06
Texratlol lcuk17:06
Texratand it won't drop in the toilet as easily17:07
smokuI think the idea is great, but execution annoys me as hell :/17:07
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bergiedid anybody find a solution for resume on the S10?17:07
Texratsmoku that's Nokia's business strategy btw17:07
bergiesometimes it resumes, sometimes you get a black screen17:07
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fcrozatMoRpHeUz: did you check the hardware wifi switch on the side ?17:07
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TexratI've had that once bergie, have not seen a fix17:07
fcrozatmine was "off"17:07
fcrozatand I took me some time to discover it :)17:08
smokubeford, I was surprised yesterday, when it actualy woke up from suspend :D17:08
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lcukbergie, just wait17:08
infobotsmoku meant: bergie, I was surprised yesterday, when it actualy woke up from suspend :D17:08
lcukfrom what I heard from Chani this morning, it does/can come back to life fully after about 5minutes o_O17:08
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lcukmine seems to restore quite quickly17:08
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Texratlcuk, it wants to make sure you're serious about it waking up17:09
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TexratIdeapad: the netbook with a suspend snooze17:09
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TexratI decided on the plane trip back home I'm going to start on a MeeGo theme song and see if timsamoff can do a video17:10
Texratthen perform it live as a lightning talk17:10
lcukTexrat, :) Ian spyro plays the guitar17:10
Texratneed some singers17:11
Texratthinking of a reggae number with doowop harmony17:11
luisbg-pianybody knows a good resource to learn how to set up a OBS for MeeGo? (the build system)17:11
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fcrochikTexrat: sorry I did not have a chance to say good bye. it was a pleasure meeting you and the ganf17:12
Texratlikewise fcrochik!17:13
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Texratone conference goof: no goodbye ceremony like we had at Maemo Summit17:13
Texratand no awards!17:13
Texratmust fix for next time'17:13
nerochiarohi all, i'm trying to build a debian package out of git:// , but there are some dependencies like aegis-builder that i don't know where to get. any hints ?17:13
fcrochikTexrat: have you figured out how to install qtcreator?17:14
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Texratfcrochik on Ideapad?  is it even possible?17:14
TexratI would love to!17:14
fcrochikTexrat: yes17:14
ymbtexrat so the evening of free beer and sport was not enough then?17:14
Texratymb that was not a formal conclusion17:15
fcrochikTexrat: just download from the qt web site the linux 32 bit17:15
Texratgood, but more of an aftermath17:15
MoRpHeUzfcrochik:'s turned on...17:15
TexratI will try it fcrochik17:15
bergieymb: I skipped that one as I didn't see it as a "closing session" and am not particularly interested in football17:15
Texratso bergie do you agree it should have had a closing like Maemo Summit?17:15
fcrochikTexrat: it is not great because of the resolution.... if you use an external monitor works much better17:16
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Texratfcrochik that's another question-- external video is supported?17:16
MoRpHeUzTexrat: it should be easy to get qt creator working on the ideapad :)17:16
ymbbergie: i probably have even less interest in football than you, but decided to use it as a nice "winddown" session17:16
fcrochikTexrat: I haven't tried but saw the option on the settings17:17
MoRpHeUzI wonder how it "decided" that it was time to turn off my wifi :P it's so stupid that even battery report status is broken so it shows as if the battery was empty while it's really full17:17
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ymbwold hae worked better as a closing session, if the snacks and beer option was highlighted17:17
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Texratfcrochik that's another thing-- I could only see how to get to General Settings via Clock applet.  Isn't there a direct method?17:18
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TexratI'm a big "control panel" guy and tend to orient aroudn them17:18
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Texratthat and file managers17:18
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smokuluisbg-pi, opensuse wiki has a very good OBS documentation17:19
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fcrochikTexrat: I saw the option on the "zone\programs"17:20
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luisbg-pismoku, OK, I will google for it, thanks!17:21
luisbg-pido you need extra/different stuff for MeeGo or is it the same?17:21
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smokuluisbg-pi, same. latest release has "for MeeGo" nickname ;-)17:22
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Texrat_okay MeeGo window switching just tripped me up17:22
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Texrat_did I just leave this channel?17:23
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luisbg-pismoku, wow! awesome17:23
Texrat_or am I aloso still logged in as Texrat?17:23
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ChaniTexrat_: Texrat is here17:23
Texrat_yeah I see... wtf17:23
Texrat_browser acting up on me17:24
smokuthere are two of you Texrat17:24
Texrat_somehow new browser instance opened when I wanted to retuirn to existing one17:24
Texrat_I miss alt-tab!!!17:24
smokudo you know are there any plans for MeeGo tablet UI?   the netbook ui is unusable on ideapad in tablet mode17:24
Texrat_shit... how to get back...17:24
smokuTexrat, alt-tab works fine for me17:25
Texratah, NOW it does for me!  did not at conference17:25
bergiesmoku: if we had screen rotation and on-screen keyboard, I guess it'd be quite ok17:25
smokubergie, there is no way of calling top menu without mouse17:25
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Texratsmoku there is tablet UI plan-- but Ideapad needs hybrid UI17:26
Stskeepsi'm curious if the rotate thing has a sensor17:27
Texratsomething like Ideapad should detect screen being converted and auto switch to tablet mode17:27
smokuTexrat, i would rather use it like n900 - in tablet mode, calling the keyboard only when necessary17:27
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Texratagreed smoku, mee to17:27
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TexratI would like to do graphics that way17:27
Texratalong those lines, I found that Inkscape guys are not interested in Qt :(17:28
Chaniaww :/17:28
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TexratStskeeps ultimately I think the rotate feature needs to be detectable17:29
* Chani needs to learn how to use OBS, maybe get hacking on some alternate ui shells17:29
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* notmart is drooling to start to use obs as well :/17:30
Chani'course, I'd need an account too. who was it that grants those again? started with l...17:30
notmartbuilding all sort of stuff in the chroot version of the sdk tough17:30
Stskeepslbt, x-fade17:30
Texratshit, I cannot get pilot to light on gas fireplace... freaking COLD this morning!17:30
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* Chani pokes X-Fade17:30
notmartbut would like it cleaner that other can install as well :)17:30
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thiagoDawnFoster: ping. Awake already?17:31
Texrathey thiago17:32
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thiagoTexrat: heya17:32
Texratthiago your hard work coordinating at conf is appreciated17:32
* thiago didn't do much17:32
thiagowell, not much compared to the real organising committee17:33
thiagoamy especially17:33
Texratshe has also been thanked ;)17:33
notmartwell no matter where in the stadium i was, looking around always there was a thiago ...17:33
bergieah, this sounds cool:
notmarthe probably invented cloning and didn't tell :p17:33
thiagoI can't give her a trip to hawaii, so I gave her chocolate17:33
Texratlol notmart17:33
thiagonotmart: so the smoke and mirrors trick worked?17:34
notmartcould be, yeah17:34
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Stskeepsthiago: you might know.. does applications benefit from NEON on their own? i guess if base system is optimized for neon (incl qt), does apps need to be?17:35
Texrathey thiago at next conference I want to have a song and video for lightning talk17:35
Texratso be prepared :D17:35
thiagoStskeeps: yes, if the compiler is good17:35
thiagosome floating point operations are faster with Neon rather than VFP17:35
thiagolike loading from memory17:35
pupnik_Just saw the netbook giveaway nice. - enjoying yours Texrat ?17:35
thiagoalso, if the compiler vectoriser is good, it'll use Neon too in loops17:36
Texratyes pupnik!  would have been nice if you had made it to conference :(17:36
thiagoStskeeps: weren't we supposed to have a talk on Wednesday on hardfp during lunch?17:36
Stskeepsthiago: yes, but it collided with nokians getting a laptop and we couldn't find you when we did end up meeting :P17:36
thiagoI was there in the Atrium at lunch17:37
thiagobut yeah, then around 1 the nokians got netbooks17:37
Stskeepsyeah - we were standing there but the other people needed weren't around17:37
* thiago was #20 or so17:37
Texratpupnik_ I am using the netbook now17:37
thiagothen I decided to stay to brief a colleague in the validation round we're doing, then prepare the lightning round of the afternoon17:38
Texratthiago, Stskeeps, I was amazed how many of my friends said they didn't know about my BoF... only lcuk showed17:38
TexratI could have sworn I got word out17:38
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lcukTexrat, there were so many sessions I missed, it was easy to get sidetracked into another room and carried away with the discussion17:39
pupnik_A nice sketch app (not a ms-paint) would be nice to ship with meego17:39
lcuk:) pupnik_17:39
Texratunderstood lcuk, but I'm talking about people saying they did not know at all... found that surprising17:39
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fcrochikIsn't odd that the meego toolbar"17:39
Texratespecially when info is on conference handouts...17:40
Texratagreed pupnik_17:40
fcrochiksorry... isn't odd that the meego toolbar is gtk?17:40
Texratpupnik_ I want Inkscape but it looks unlikely on MeeGo... at least for some time17:40
Texratit is fcrochik?17:40
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fcrochikTexrat: as far as I can tell it is... the "ui" file is a gtk file...not qt17:41
Texratodd fcrochik17:41
lcukI still require linkage between n900 and netbook, stylus operations are essential :)17:41
Texratfcrochik you are digging deep I see :D17:41
Stskeepsthiago: so, the discussion is currently that in hardfp, we'd say float-abi=hard, arch=armv7-a, fpu=vfpv3-d16. however. we will also be providing a subarch definition that enables NEON ('armv7hln'). packages that take benefit from it in Trunk will be automatically built into neon as well. in addition to that, compliance would allow vendors to do all-neon builds if they so wanted. on apps side, we'd have vfpv3-d16 as baseline ...17:41
Stskeeps... (and scanning for NEON usage), but enabling ability to provide the sub-arch neon packages.17:41
Stskeepsthiago: we haven't reached a conclusion, but this is how it looks like atm17:42
lcukthe netbook size is perfect for tagging grouping and rating stuff with big finger actions17:42
w00tfcrochik: meego netbook came from moblin, which involved gtk/clutter17:42
thiagoStskeeps: ok17:42
Texratlcuk next you need to make it where N900 can be a digitizing tablet ;)17:42
fcrochikTexrat: that is what happens when you are locked on a 40x40 inches seat w/o internet17:42
thiagoStskeeps: all-neon would be preferred...17:42
w00tthere has been handwavey "it might be replaced in the future" stuff coming up on list when it was discussed17:42
Texratlol fcrochik17:42
Stskeepsthiago: well, this is what people would be able to build (and at same time be compliant)17:42
Stskeepswe might see a similar situation in the future on intel side, so17:42
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thiagoStskeeps: though the sub-arch option makes a lot of sense17:43
fcrochikanybody knows how to get access to the garage? I would like to port some of my applications from the n900 to the meego to start to understand what is going on....17:44
Stskeepsso it can potentially pick up neon packages if the local system supports it, yeah17:44
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thiagonotmart: do you mind if I quote you in my blog?17:44
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fcrochikI assume I need an OBS account and don't know how to get one....17:45
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notmartthiago: lol, go ahead :D17:45
Stskeepsmorning DawnFoster17:45
DawnFostermorning Stskeeps17:45
DawnFosterwas great actually seeing all of you IRL this week!17:46
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Stskeepsand good to see you and the rest of the intel crowd too :)17:46
thiagoDawnFoster: I need a link that describes Werewolf :-)17:46
DawnFosterthiago: here's a start -
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Stskeepsthiago: so any objections against that baseline? this way we can basically get all ARM vendors along as well as not sacrificing our ability to speed a majority of things up (basesystem, apps if needed)17:48
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* thiago adds the link17:48
Texrathey lardman17:48
Texrathelloo DawnFoster17:49
Texrathey who has managed to connect to a printer with the Ideapad yet?  just curious17:49
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DawnFosterhey Texrat - was great seeing you this week!17:49
Texratthanks and likewise DawnFoster17:49
Texratappreciate all your hard work17:50
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DawnFosterTexrat: thanks! I hope your trip home was easier than the trip to Dublin?17:50
sivanghi everybody17:51
TexratDawnFoster trip was easier but exhausting.  and I did not know there was |US customs at Dublin airport!  almost made me late for flight17:51
Texrathey sivang!17:51
sivangTexrat: hey!17:51
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DawnFosterTexrat: I know - same here. And the customs in Dublin was slooooow17:51
TexratI am not putting Chromium through web tab stress test.  9 pages open and still flying :D17:52
CosmoHillDawnFoster: that's because they don't want you to leave17:52
Texratoops, I am NOW putting...17:52
DawnFosterCosmoHill: well, it was US Customs, so maybe they didn't want me *back* ;)17:52
sivanghey DawnFoster , had more werewolfs games since? :)17:52
TexratDawnFoster that was first time I have seen the US customs operations on foreign soil17:53
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sivangthiago: thanks for the stickers , really nice ot have them and have people asking "what? how? me wants!" :-)17:53
DawnFostersivang: ha! not yet. I'm feeling werewolf withdrawal :)17:53
sivangDawnFoster: hehe17:53
lcukDawnFoster, it sure was nice in Dublin, very warm feelings from all around :)17:53
thiagosivang: the small one?17:53
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w00tspeaking of stickers, I need to take a photo of my newly blinged lenovo17:53
sivangthiago: the qt and the i go meego, both17:53
trip0lcuk, you talking about airport security?17:54
thiagosivang: right, the small one we didn't give to many people17:54
sivangthiago: then I get to explain meego is the os, and qt is the framework17:54
DawnFosterlcuk: it really was - I had a fantastic time, and can't wait for the next one!17:54
thiagosivang: I only had that sheet17:54
thiagosivang: we used them in our badges17:54
sivangthiago: oh! I feel special :) thanks again17:54
sivangthiago: I see.17:54
CosmoHilloh bugger, I forgot to ask about getting that AMD17:54
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Texratlol... forgot I am now using Epson printer... went to to check on drivers17:54
thiagowe had loads of the bigger ones17:54
sivangthiago: small is elegant ;)17:55
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Texratarg!!!!  no linux drivers for my printer!!!  :(17:55
kallamtry google17:56
Texratto invoke an infamous meme: I should have done my research17:56
lardmanhi Texrat17:56
* thiago looks at the meego wiki and sees two conferences in the "annual MeeGo conference" list17:56
thiagotwice a year is not annual :-)17:56
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DawnFosterthiago: details, details :)17:57
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thiagowhat's the adjective for twice a year?17:58
Texratah kallam the Epson drivers are provided by a third party:
thiago"bi-annual" is every two years, IIUC17:58
Texratlol thiago17:58
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thiago <--- is this word used?17:59
Chanihow do I add repos to meego?17:59
sivangis this the channel to ask how to enable wifi again to the netbook? (1.1 build 110 or something)18:00
Chanithe add/remove software UI only seems to let me enable/disable the official ones - core, adobe, etc. there'a no community stuff18:00
sivange.g. the image we got on the sticks18:00
Texratthiago here you go:
Texratsemiannual is best18:00
sivangthere are going to be 2 conferences a year?18:00
Texratyes sivang18:00
thiagosivang: yes18:00
* sivang calcs remaining vacation days18:00
Texratsplit into marketing/business vs development18:01
Stskeepssivang: and next one in the US18:01
sivangso the US one is for development?18:01
* Stskeeps has already started planning some vacation travel with the wife there after conference18:01
Texratwe don't do open source developmnent here :D18:01
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* lardman hopes someone releases some Meego hw which is like the Moto Droid 2 Global, but with European data hw18:01
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DawnFosterWell, the one in US is slightly more industry focused, but we'll still have lots of developer / community stuff18:02
sivangDawnFoster: I see. is there a date already?18:02
Chaniwow. to add a repo that gets me packages, I have to "install a package"..18:03
kallamthere is also some kind of MeeGo summit in oulu:
DawnFosterTentative is May 23-25
Myrttikallam: why is it so close to the Tampere event?18:03
DawnFosterwe'll probably do an early bird event, too18:03
Texrathi Myrtti!18:03
DawnFosterthe weekend before18:03
kallamMyrtti: what tampere event?18:03
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Myrttikallam: good grief...18:04
sivangSo, I've never been to the US. interesting.18:04
TexratDawnFoster what would be cool is a focus group brainstorm like was run before Maemo Summit, and then later brought into the summit itself18:04
Texratit was very cool18:04
* thiago hits publish18:04
DawnFosterFinland seems to be competing with itself for local summits18:04
lcukDawnFoster, :) the collaboration and teambuilding in that space was awesome18:04
DawnFosterOulu was planned first but not well communicated to the community18:04
DawnFosterand Oulu is more business / commercial focused18:04
thiagothere's also one being planned in Brazil18:05
sivangTexrat: this is something we need very much, yes. Presenting designs and feature workflow and getting feedback on the spot.18:05
DawnFosterwould love to see them a little further apart, but there might not be much overlap18:05
MyrttiDawnFoster: no kidding, I heard about it through a photo I saw in Twitter by accident *from* Dublin18:05
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Texratwell there will be no avoiding conference collisions once MeeGo heats up!18:05
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DawnFosterTexrat: right, but 2 summits in the same country about a month apart seems a bit odd :)18:06
StskeepsDawnFoster: it also seems like at least one camera guy knew how to get audio on the video recordings, so that's already better than last year ;)18:06
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DawnFosterStskeeps: the company we used for all of that was absolutely fantastic!18:06
lardmanDawnFoster: next year it would be good to have online slides for the presentations18:07
Stskeepsi'm kinda curious why doug's keynote is broken on though18:07
DawnFosterthe audio was a little low in the livestreamed sessions, so they are re-encoding them now to adjust the audio18:07
w00t tadaaa (I'm aware that it looks a little odd having two Qt stickers, I thought I lost my large ones, so I put a small one on there initially :-))18:07
CosmoHillDawnFoster: we couldn't see any of the slides and had to have the sound up really loud to hear things18:07
lcuklardman, yes, if possible to include the slide as available whilst livecast is on18:07
lardmanand preferably the camera guy listening to irc to hear us shouting that the volume is too low/no image/pan left/etc ;)18:07
MyrttiStskeeps: abock's video had Led Zeppelin or something in the start ....18:08
lcukthat would need text to speech really18:08
CosmoHilli think we were quiet...vocal that day18:08
lardmanlcuk: well he could always just read it :p18:08
sivanga truly remakrable event, indeed.18:08
DawnFosterStskeeps: is Doug's video broken on the conference site or just the LF site?18:08
Texratdamn, linux printer driver failed to install :(18:08
lcuklardman, its impolite to have head down whilst someone is speaking18:08
thiagoDawnFoster: for the next conference we'll need to add the codeword joke too :-)18:08
StskeepsDawnFoster: let me verify18:08
pupnik_sivang: care to elaborate?18:08
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Myrttioh, and first few minutes are totally silent18:09
lcukan earpiece with text to speech from the chan would be good way to keep up tho ;)18:09
DawnFosterBTW, presenters are uploading slides here:
DawnFosterthat's also where the videos are going18:09
mortenmjneither lbt or X-Fade seem to be around lately. anyone else i can talk to about an account on the OBS?18:09
sivangpupnik_: I can't really. for me, it was like it got better each day18:09
nialahello, #meego18:09
sivangpupnik_: e.g. read blog posts etc18:09
StskeepsDawnFoster: ah, not linked on conference side -- just the LF side, guess it was cos of livestreaming troubles ( )18:09
Myrtti humdidum...18:09
Myrttior is that the Who?18:10
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Myrttistarting about 01:40 in18:10
Myrttiafter being totally silent18:10
DawnFosterStskeeps: OK, that explains it - those should be up early next week18:10
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StskeepsDawnFoster: ah, makes sense :)18:11
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sivangpupnik_: for me it wsa a bit too good to really describe in words, or rather it would took too much. But someome made a nice account close to how it went on a blog post I forgot18:12
DawnFosterBTW, if you see any issues with individual videos or other stuff on the conference site, we have a section in bugzilla to file those18:12
berndhsdawnfoster: for next year, can you kick the camera guys or girls, so they show the slides too ?18:13
Stskeepsfile a bug so we can verify it for version 1.2 ;)18:13
sivangpupnik_: In one example, being able to meet with the backup people and see a nice technical talk about the calendar support and API in meego being able to ask in real time and brainstorm was great experience. There should be more and more of that.18:14
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* sivang searches for a meego-netbook channel18:14
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CosmoHillsivang: just this channel18:16
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CosmoHillhey lbt90018:16
nialahello CosmoHill have a nice day ?18:16
CosmoHillluck_laptop: btw thanks for asking lardman's question18:16
CosmoHillniala: I've handed in some stuff, spent an hour in someone else's class trying to print18:17
CosmoHilland it's so foggy I can't see the end of my road which is pretty cool18:17
sivangCosmoHill: oh, any idea how to re-enable wifi after it has been disabled and the wlan interface is gone?18:17
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sivangCosmoHill: should I try to reinsert the kernel module?18:17
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CosmoHillhave you tried rebooting?18:17
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lbt900hi Cosmo18:17
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lbt900just back in uk18:18
lbt900lots to do :)18:18
nialasivang: what is you wifi card ? just disable and enable again don't work ?18:18
CosmoHillwhat part of the uk you from? I keep thinking cambridge18:19
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* CosmoHill supports Reading FC :)18:19
nialaCosmoHill: and even no the uk team18:20
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sivangI hope talks submission would be announced as early as possible, as I hope to be giving a talk again about how issues were addressed and things improved, as I'm going to take an active part in helping it after having a very good convo with quim about available channels of communication.18:21
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lardmanah, Meego conf OST, any chance?18:21
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lardmanwe loved the elevator music :)18:22
lbt900sivang   like helping consolidate stuff    and  direct us all tp it18:22
nerochiaroCan anyone help me in building git:// ? There's no documentation and trying the obvious qmake and make fails (it seems to be missing a directory in the source)18:22
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lbt900read the spec file18:22
lbt900should say18:22
sivanglbt900: yes, also I'm interested in running focus groups for our verticals18:22
lbt900i have so much to throw at co18:23
sivanglbt900: I was able to extract much more feedback from people in a physical setup than just onine18:23
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lbt900shame we didn't have more time...but hey,  we irc18:24
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berndhssivang: yeah you can tell if they lie to you, when they start sweating :)18:24
sivangberndhs: heh18:24
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lbt900anas claims it was just the lights....18:24
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sivangI managed to also have quite some convos with Ronan, some interestin stuff there as well18:24
lbt900do we have a todo areea18:25
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lbt900surrounds is a biggy now18:25
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mortenmjlbt900: hi, do you have a minute to help me set up an OBS account?18:25
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sivanglbt900: we should, how could we structure it? wiki?18:26
sivanglbt900: surrounds?18:27
* sivang searches wiki/ (I heard about it couldn't really make what exactly this is, a repo, garage, repo off garage?)18:27
Meklbt900: hi, is there some way for us kde people to get a community-obs project that is not in somebodys private namespace?18:28
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DawnFosterI just added a conference wrap-up section on the wiki
CosmoHillMek: you mean like a group space?18:30
DawnFosteryou should add links to blog posts, pictures, etc.18:30
DawnFosterthiago: I added your blog post as an example18:30
thiagome as an example?18:31
DawnFosterthp: I used your Flickr set as an example, too :)18:31
MekCosmoHill: well, right now we're using a home:something:kde project, but 'official' kde packages would make more sense to not be namespaced like that18:31
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RST38hthiago: BTW, why dislike for Harmattan?18:32
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thiagoRST38h: no dislike18:32
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RST38hAny specific reason?18:32
thiagoRST38h: that's not what I meant18:32
thiagohmm... /me edits the post18:33
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Texratthanks DawnFoster for wrap-up18:34
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thiagoRST38h: chagned to "though the Harmattan wind doesn’t help airplanes — not yet anyway"18:34
DawnFosterTexrat: thanks, now we just need to get people to add to it :)18:34
TexratI will18:34
RST38hthiago: Got even more cryptic this way =)18:34
Texrathave a cold now that makes my head cloudy, once coffee kicks in I'll get to work18:34
thiagoat least it's not negative18:35
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thiagoforeshadowing? maybe18:36
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Texratlol... 12 web tabs open on MeeGo Chromium and no performance hit.  Windows XP + IE7 can't say that18:36
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* thiago updates again for grammar mistakes18:38
GAN900Texrat, I'm nuking it for Ubuntu tonight.18:38
GAN900Too much like a toy for my taste.18:38
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TexratGAN900, provide feedback instead :P18:38
* thiago will install the Plasma Netbook shell18:38
TexratI already have Ubuntu for laptop so this is the chance to stress test MeeGo18:39
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sivangI'm gonna make this my main platform, now that the hardware support vmx :)18:39
Texratthere you go sivang18:39
sivangI get to finally run the QEMU chroot for proper testing and platform experiments18:39
sivangTexrat: sister already took the LG ULV18:40
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sivangTexrat: which I won't be missing since it has the worst keyboard/touchpad and misses keystrokes due to having rather aggresive cpu scheduling18:40
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Texratsivang yeah that sounds like the HP laptop I use for work.  Damn thing refuses inout every so often to do some background crap18:41
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sivangTexrat: exactly. those are pentiums. Never had this problem wtih the Atoms18:41
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GAN900Texrat, yeah, the issues are a bit too fundamental for that.18:41
Texratso... where are the first-person shooters for MeeGo?  :D18:42
TexratI am ready to game!18:42
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nialaTexrat: urban terror works18:42
Texratcool niala thanks18:42
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nialawolfenstein 3d to  ... old game18:43
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sivangniala: dislable / enable does not work, since interface is not found18:44
Texratniala I am looking for a a Halo equivalent :D18:44
sivangCosmoHill: rebooted several times already, no go.18:44
Texratman I love that game on the PC18:44
nialaTexrat: do a meego-kill-team18:44
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sivangCosmoHill, niala a: any other ideas?18:45
nialasivang: Your card has already worked ?18:45
sivangniala: yes18:45
nialamaybe disable in bios ?18:46
CosmoHillyou can try "lsmod" to see what modules are there?18:46
sivanglet me do that18:46
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sivangniala: I did not touch the bios,18:46
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sivangniala: what I fear now, a hardware breakage now that I can thinkg of it18:46
Texrathack I would like to see: live clock on Chromium top bar18:46
CosmoHillyou could also try another livecd to make sure it's not hardware failure18:46
sivang(too much security at airports, packes back pack)18:46
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sivangCosmoHill: yes, this just crossed my mind.18:46
sivangCosmoHill: Although I'd expect lenovo to be strong18:47
sivangCosmoHill: although this is no T4318:47
CosmoHillstuff happens18:47
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GAN900The hinge worries me.18:49
DawnFosterI also added a page in the wiki where people can post feedback about the conference:
CosmoHillwow, you can get DDR3 ram for a socket 755 intel?18:51
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nialaDawnFoster: I am crying when I see all the lenovopad :)18:52
mortenmjniala: you didn't get one?18:52
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nialamortenmj: 'm not going to the conference18:53
mortenmjDawnFoster: will the conference in oulu have the same general format as the one we just had?18:53
DawnFosterthe Oulu summit is organized by a local group in Oulu18:53
DawnFosterit isn't organized by the same people and will certainly be very different18:54
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pupnik_   [ Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee | Epicenter-| ]18:54
* w00t forsees some confusion of a "meego summit" not organised by meego18:54
DawnFosterKeep in mind that anyone can organize a local summit for their region18:54
mortenmji thought it would be the same thing, and i've seen news articles to that effect as well18:54
DawnFosterw00t: None of the MeeGo Summits will be official events18:55
DawnFosterall are unofficial local events18:55
mortenmjoh, wait. the news article i read refers to a conference in san francisco in may18:55
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GAN900w00t, we could try Smeegol Summit? *eg*18:56
fcrozatDawnFoster: I'm not sure it is clear for everybody. I know it wasn't when I saw the booth this week ;)18:56
DawnFostermortenmj: oh good - that's correct. The next MeeGo Conference is in SF in May18:56
w00tGAN900: haha... ;)18:56
mortenmjDawnFoster: you seem to always place these within weeks of exam season. care to push it back by about a month?18:56
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w00tmortenmj: they coincide nearby with release dates18:57
DawnFostermortenmj: unfortunately, we're slaves to our release schedule (end of Oct / end of April)18:57
mortenmjw00t: i didn't actually expect anyone to change the date, but if you'd care to move the release dates about a month back as well that would be swell!18:57
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mortenmji can probably attend. just have to start reading a few days earlier, to compensate18:58
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TexratGAN900 I just worry about my USB connectors... :O19:01
mortenmjDawnFoster: how does it feel to be done with the conference? are you slightly less stressed out now?19:02
DawnFostermortenmj: feel good to be done - now just swamped with wrap-up stuff :)19:02
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DawnFosterI'm working today and then taking the rest of the month off for the US Thanksgiving holiday19:02
DawnFosterso I have about a month work of work to cram into today :)19:03
DawnFosterno pressure19:03
mortenmjyeah, no big19:03
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TexratI am looking for a good sling-style pack that will work with Ideapad, suggestions welcomed19:04
GAN900Texrat, camera or no?19:05
TexratGAN900 ?19:05
GAN900Lowepro has one for dslrs and laptops.19:05
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GAN900But dunno for just laptops.19:05
GAN900Maybe Case Logic.19:05
TexratGAN900 I've seen a few of those... eipi has one that also has cell phone pocket on strap-- I like that, but not sure if Ideapad fits in19:06
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TexratGAN900 it would be nice if I could bring Ideapad into stores and test out packs19:07
TexratI may make a mockup19:07
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NooBmonk3yevening tex :)19:07
NooBmonk3yliked rev's present :)19:08
CosmoHillhey NooBmonk3y19:08
NooBmonk3yhey Cos :)19:09
NooBmonk3yevening alls :)19:09
Texratah, the coffee mug?  lol19:09
NooBmonk3yyeah was brilliant :)19:09
Texratleinir and timoph got them too19:09
NooBmonk3yawww cool!19:09
NooBmonk3ylovely idea :)19:09
TexratI tend to hand those out a lot at events19:09
Texratgiven away about 15 by now19:09
NooBmonk3ycool! :) - Texrat - remembered all over the world ;)19:09
Texratalthough who the hell wants to be an honorary TEXAN these days???19:10
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NooBmonk3yTexrat, the irish at the mo? looking at their finances ;)19:10
Texratstate is regtreating to dark ages19:10
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NooBmonk3ydid you have a good time at the meego conf? :)19:10
lcuktheres a marked difference in display brightness characteristics between different lenovo models.  the s10-3t is very bright and crisp and the colors seem balanced.19:11
NooBmonk3yno chance i can make the sisco one next year, but gonna see if i can get to finland :)19:11
NooBmonk3yevening lcuk19:12
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lcukhey NooBmonk3y \o19:12
NooBmonk3ylcuk, did you bring the irish luck with you tonight?19:12
NooBmonk3yMaecount, finally packaged, in extras-devel and working!19:13
lcukNooBmonk3y, I had the luck when I arrived19:13
NooBmonk3ylol ;)19:13
lcukI had to change it back to lcuk though :P19:13
GAN900Texrat, my Slingback 202 fits my Mini 9 but not the Lenovo.19:14
lcuktimeless_mbp, you are right about the formatting of the badges.  it would be useful when registering for other events to have a clearer idea of the format19:14
TexratGAN900 bummer19:14
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Texratso who has ordered Ideapad power connectors to replace UK one?19:15
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lcukTexrat, the plug adapter with the triple tunnel connector?19:15
* fcrozat exchanged his with one spare from IT department, since most people have thinkpad here :)19:15
Texratyes lcuk19:15
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fcrozatTexrat: you can probably find some at dealextreme.com19:16
adeusanyone considering to buy a 3g modem to put inside it?19:16
TexratI found the whole thing cheap at amazon:
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* fcrozat wonders if a crystal hd card would fit 19:17
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Texratalthough I don't like that it connects to Ideapad straight in... right angle connector is much better19:18
adeusthere's a empty mini pci-e slot inside19:18
adeusso it should19:18
Stskeepsthere's a sim slot, how does that interface with an eventual modem?19:19
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adeusmy understanding is "automatically" if you actually have a modem19:19
adeusin the pci-e slot19:19
zinitit has the sim reader, it just needs the card to controle it19:19
zinitthose that are approved and doesnt require you to hack your bios cost from 60ÂÂ euros and up as far as I have seen19:20
adeusI was thinki about something like that19:21
fcrozatadeus: good to know, I didn't check about pci-e19:21
Texrathere's a 2-prong charger for US use cheap at amazon:
zinithas one availeable pci slot19:21
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zinitopened mine last night to check up on it19:22
zinithas 2 pci slots, one has the wlan/BT card, and one is empty19:22
Texratha!  was 2 of those chargers left, but I just snagged one19:22
Texratfor Ideapad19:23
zinitdont you have one that came with it?19:23
fcrozatoh my god, people patched bios to be able to support crystalhd card19:23
Texratyes, with UK plug19:23
zinityou just need a differrent CABLE from the charger to the wall19:23
TexratI needed US, and this charger was cheap so now I have a spare19:23
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Texratunderstood zinit19:23
zinitisnt it cheaper to buy a cable than a charger?19:24
Texratbut again, now I have a backup and cost was low19:24
Texrat$8 is cheap19:24
zinitthe cable alone would probablt be around 5-619:24
Texratand these are small power adapaters, very likely to wear out quickly19:25
Texratthey get hot19:25
zinithave to get one or an adapter before the holiday.. going to italy for christmas19:25
TexratI am using a universal adapter for now, works well enough19:25
zinitthese machines doesnt use much power19:26
Texratbut damn fuses blow so easy19:26
zinitin ireland?19:26
zinitor the fuses in the charger?19:26
Texratin universal adapter19:26
zinitprobably made in ireland.....19:26
RST38hbad adapter19:26
Texratnah, China I think19:26
zinithere the fuses for the buildings blow when you just look at them..19:26
TexratI've had this adapter for a long time19:27
RST38hanyways, your stock US laptop power adapter will happily work in europe with a 50-cent converter19:27
Texratthis thing not designed to handle much amperage19:27
Texrattrue RST38h19:27
zinitrussian, american, european, all made in taiwan19:27
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RST38hRatShack sells two different adapter - one for <60Wt, another for 60-300Wt19:27
zinitseem to remember that quote from armageddon or one of those movies:P19:28
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RST38hIf you really need a dedicated voltage converter you can get one of these (both are flimsy though)19:28
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TexratI hyave 2 universal adapaters, brought both, and one would not fit in Irish sockets19:28
zinitthink these chargers are 100-240V so a converter shouldnt be needed19:28
Texratright zinit, for most cases19:28
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zinit(besides some mobile chargers ofc. that shows 100-240 and when you plug them into 110 they go boom19:29
zinit(or vice-versa19:29
Texratnew universal adapters now include usb also...handy19:29
lardmanvice versa normally19:30
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lardmanespecially good when it's a manual switch which hasn't been switched19:30
GAN900lcuk, I just assumed somebody who knew would be printing the badges.19:30
Texratfailure always happens at most expensive part :D19:30
RST38hzinit: never happened to me andI do it all the time19:30
zinittrue... had a charger I bought in mexico, it exploded when I plugged it in here19:30
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zinitthe manual switch is common '19:30
lardmanzinit: you in the USA?19:30
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Texrata laptop will fail so that the fuse survives19:30
zinitI live in dublin19:31
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lardmanwe're blessed by higher voltages in this our of the world19:31
zinitused to live in mexico some 3 years ago19:31
lardmanthis part even19:31
Texratcripes I need to light my furnace, Texas is finally getting cold19:31
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zinitdublin is freezing and wet19:32
slainehas anyone figured out click and drag on these things ?19:32
zinitsame as any touchpad19:32
zinitput your finger on it and pull19:32
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lcukslaine, just use the screen itself ;)19:32
zinitworks with the screen and touchpad19:33
slainecan't get the touchpad to do it19:33
* lardman is just feeling jealous now19:33
zinittap twice, the 2nd time, hold down and pull19:33
zinitfirst to grab, 2nd to move:P19:33
zinitthe touchpad is sensitive, so takes some practice19:33
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Texratfurnace on!  bring on the heat!19:33
GAN900Texrat, feels downright hot here by comparison.19:33
slainezinit: a cool, thanks19:34
* RST38h opens balcony door19:34
TexratGAN900 I did not ask for a Florida weather report!!!!!19:34
zinittime to finish with the dinner...19:34
RST38htoo warm here, and stuffy19:34
CosmoHillRST38h: dude put some pants on19:34
Texratlol CosmoHill19:34
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GAN900Texrat, mid 70s.19:34
TexratGAN900 hush19:34
Texratyes we have hot air!19:35
slaineYay, fixed the Qt font setup19:35
Texratand I don't mean this chat19:35
slaineJust needed the old .font.conf trick19:36
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Texratso MeeGo has a font bug (capital letter O same as zero)... I hear it uses Droid font, true?19:37
Texratbug would then be filed against Android, yes?19:37
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slaineYes, Google droid is the default font19:38
TexratI am amazed that bug persists19:38
Texratfundamental stuff19:38
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slaineThey are different, but it's so subtle it's effectively the same font19:39
slaineor glyph I should say19:39
Texratif there's a difference my old eyes can't see it19:39
Texratneed stronger distinction19:39
RST38hIt is fixable by not using Droid fonts, right?19:39
Texratyes but default should not be buggy19:39
slaineRST38h: yeah19:39
Texratstill needs to be reported, so i will19:39
RST38hAndroid is competition19:40
* lcuk likes Nokia sans - I wonder how it would look19:40
Texrator Liberation font19:40
slainelcuk: I wondered that myself19:40
RST38hSo, using their fonts is both ironic and legally dangerous19:40
lcukwhats the typeface used for the meego logo?19:41
slaineGoogle Droid fonts have an ASL 2.0 license, so there shouldn't be an issue19:41
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RST38hslaine: who knows what google may do in the future19:42
Texratlcuk it's a DIN font and more irony, NOT open source19:42
slaineLiberation fonts are in the repo's if you prefer to use those for the O0 distinction19:42
Texratthanks slaine19:42
slaineOh, time to commute19:43
TexratDIN 1451 I think19:43
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slaineCatch you over the weekend I'm sure19:43
Texratand not good for LCD typeface19:43
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lcukok, so how would the fontface be modified on device to try Nokia Sans as the default?19:44
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Texratwell, Liberation font not in default repos... wonder where19:45
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RST38h"The slashed zero long predates computers, and has been known to have been used in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries"19:50
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Stskeepsmeego sdk doesn't include qt quick examples?20:04
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poutsianybody have the git-fu needed to rename a remote master branch in git?20:08
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poutsinevermind, force push (heh) seemed to do the trick20:10
fcrochikStskeeps: sorry to bother you directly but I am pretty sure that you at least know the answer:  can I get an account to access the OBS? I would like to contribute some ports of my n900 apps...20:12
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Texratfcrochik I am sure David Greaves said anyone could get an account20:13
fcrochikTexrat: the trick question is HOW?20:13
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fcrochikI saw someone else asking the same question before but haven't seen an answer yet20:14
odin_signup on and your account should work at
Texratfcrochik ah, my bad.  He answered that at the conference but I don't recall details.  Is it absent from OBS wiki?20:14
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lcukfcrochik, Texrat odin_ - lbt said him or X-Fade20:15
lcukto get a community account for now20:15
Texratthanks lcuk20:15
lcukit needs an enabling flag setting on the obs side, your meego account details are used for the login and it has SSO20:16
odin_ok sorry I was not at that talk :P and not had time to digest all videos, but the intention is as above (soon)20:16
Texratright odin_, and no problem20:16
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odin_did all the maemo/meego accounts get transfered ?  (i.e. the test OBS accounts on the maemo boxes)20:18
Stskeepsodin_: think it's a clean slate20:18
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Texratwould a MeeGo Ovi Suite be needed to enable N900 modem tether, or is there an easier solution?20:19
StskeepsTexrat: i thought there was a usb AT-command modem exposed over usb automatically20:20
Stskeepsprovided you don't run meego on n900 ;)20:20
Texratlol Stskeeps... not yet.  I'll look into the modem enabling20:21
Stskeepsfcrochik: lbt and x-fade are moderating, though i think they could need a third guy20:21
TexratStstkeeps, fcrochik it would be nice to have someone on this side of the earth ;)20:21
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Texratand Asia20:21
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Stskeepsi kinda understand them, looks like there's only 3 workers..20:23
lcukTexrat, user solt in meego forums has a saneish beard on his meegon, mine looks odd in comparison20:23
fcrochiklooking at I can't see many (user) applications....20:24
Texratlcuk I didn't do your meegon :P20:24
lcuki know20:24
Myrttiwhat I'd love is a Application Bounty programme20:24
Myrttior an official place to file application ideas20:24
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fcrochikwould be nice to tag on all the people that got netbooks and make them more usefull with some more packages20:25
Myrttiother than whining in a personal blog or IRC20:25
TexratMyrtti we LIKE whining on IRC :P20:25
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Texratseriously Myrtti I will probably start a MeeGo wiki page for that20:26
MyrttiTexrat: I've whined about knitting programmes for Maemo for years on IRC, and just now is someone doing something like that20:26
Texratright now we are brainstorming ;)20:26
Stskeepsfcrochik: the fun would be home: repos usually20:27
MyrttiTexrat: too bad your son busted the N1, could've given you an example of something I'm looking for20:27
TexratMyrtti the N1 still works20:27
Texratjust cracked screen20:27
lcukMyrtti, NooBmonk3y is a good guy20:27
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Texratok my plan is to create an app request/status wiki page...20:28
MyrttiI might have a justification in getting an Android tablet just to be able to run LittleKnitter on a tad bigger screen than on my phone20:28
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TexratI see these fields: existing app (porting), description, champion, project link(s), notes... anything else?20:29
Texratalso will need sections for app, drivers, etc20:30
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MyrttiTexrat: perhaps a RfaA with a template and instructions on how to make subpages using the template20:30
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Texratsorry Myrtti you lost me20:31
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MyrttiTexrat: Request for an Application, with a list of requests and a template for creating a new one as a subpage20:31
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Texratah ok myrtti20:32
MyrttiI'd really love a spot for screenmockups20:32
Texratthat would be a good link for MeeGo Gretters to add20:32
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MyrttiTexrat: did you see the other day I found a stencil for Android app mockup development20:33
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Myrttiit's pre 2.1 but looks brilliant, I'm trying to forget ever seeing it so I wouldn't buy it20:34
Texratyou know I was wondering how useful I would find a netbook and this Lenovo has me pleasantly surprised20:35
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Texratand MeeGo more mature than some claim ;)20:35
Texratworks well for "vaporware"20:35
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Myrttiplease tell me that nobody has yet ported Xournal with sane GUI to MeeGo20:38
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* NooBmonk3y blinks20:40
NooBmonk3ywhat did i miss?20:40
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NooBmonk3yand lol ty lcuk20:41
NooBmonk3yMyrtti, you talking about maecount? :P lol20:41
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NooBmonk3yonly reason that appeared is because it was 30ish lines of code and rev'd kathy asked :P20:41
fcrochikTexrat: I was wrong... you don't even need to download the qt creator package, you can just install it using "sudo zypper install qt-creator"20:42
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fcrochikTexrat: you probably will want to install some other packages too (like docs)... let me know if you decide to cross the bridge to the dark side :)20:43
Myrttiwell it is something it it's form that I have requested and begged for years for Maemo... combined with sane xournal it would be brilliant... but alas I have no N900 and I'm not getting on either unless a miracle strikes20:43
NooBmonk3yawwww :(20:43
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NooBmonk3ynot sure maecount will go any further as i want to get back to healthcheck for now :) - but it's supply and demand i spose :p i've never knitted in my life :P20:44
Texratthanks fcrochik!  running sys update now after repo add, will test in a minute20:44
Myrttiand of course
Myrttithat's the xournal from... HE2007 prolly20:46
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Myrttiawwww the comment on the first picture... *sigh*20:47
Myrttioh well, it's a lost cause for me now20:47
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w00t_can I get an account on the community OBS, assuming it's now somewhat useful for hacking on meego packages? X-Fade?20:49
Texratfcrochik I just launched Qt Creator on Ideapad-- THANKS!!! :)20:50
timophTexrat: :)20:50
Texrathi timoph!20:50
Texratit's time to code!!!!!20:50
timophgo for it20:50
Texratme looks for something easy to port20:50
* Texrat 20:51
w00t_Texrat: that means getting off IRC :-D20:51
Texratthat is20:51
* w00t_ ducks20:51
timophfix the screen rotation :)20:51
Texratlater w00t_ :P20:51
Texrateh timoph I will focus on porting existing apps20:51
Texrateasier to start20:51
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Texratplan to add a meego wiki page for port requests20:52
NooBmonk3ywow Myrtti  impressive20:52
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timophgood idea. In most cases you only need to package existing stuff20:52
NooBmonk3yassuming that software is not portable?20:52
MyrttiNooBmonk3y: what, xournal? sure, has been installable in N900 since the beginning - it just happens to be totally unusable for the knitting pattern use, if I remember my experience running Maemo 5 in scratchbox correctly20:54
* timoph drinking cola from honorary texan mug (Thanks again Texrat)20:55
NooBmonk3yi meant the knitting thing20:55
NooBmonk3yor is that xournel?20:55
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MyrttiNooBmonk3y: that is xournal, I printed the patterns to pdf and viewed them in xournal, which gave the option for pdf annotation in yellow20:56
NooBmonk3yoh cool20:56
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vicarious-Hi all, I need help, I'm trying to install meego 1.1 as a vm on my laptop.  I get through most of the install, but then it seems to hang or something.  The last screen I get is the one where it asks you to create a username and password.  Once I click on the forward button, I just get a blank screen. :(20:57
vicarious-Any suggestions/advice?20:57
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Texratdamn, I want to design meegons on the Ideapad!  must... have... Inkscape...21:00
vicarious-can anyone actually provide assistance?21:00
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Stskeepsvicarious-: what laptop specs?21:01
Stskeepsvicarious-: as far as i know, VM's aren't well supporttd21:01
vicarious-2.25 GHz Pentium M21:01
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vicarious-Sorry, its not actually a Pentium M, it's a Core 2 Duo21:02
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timophTexrat: I'll try to build inkscape in the community obs21:02
vicarious-I know VM's are well-supported, just do the best you can ;)21:02
vicarious-oops: arent21:02
lcukdoes the install wizard run in composited (ie 3d requiring mode) or is it a simple ui until the main desktop starts?21:02
timophhopefully I don21:02
lcuktimoph ++ :D21:03
Texrattimoph would it be that easy?  after reading on it last night people sounded pessimistic21:03
timoph't need to package a lot dependencies for it21:03
vicarious-lcuk: its not in 3d, it's just basically a text-driven menu21:03
timophthis uk keyboard is weird21:03
Texratah timoph maybe I'm just thinking of the conversation about converting Inkscape to Qt21:03
Texrattimoph even lcuk says it's weird :D21:04
lcuktimoph, its slightly different even for myself as a uk guy :P21:04
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StskeepsTexrat: i wouldn't mind a plugin to convert from inkscape to qt qml/quick, just like from photoshop21:04
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Texratbtw timoph thanks once again for helping with BoF!21:04
Texratenjoy the mug21:05
lcukanimated svg to code mm21:05
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Myrttiwhile you're at it, build xournal too to add injury to the insult21:05
Myrttiif it's not already built21:05
timophI planning to set the keyboard to finnish and buy some stickers to mark the keys21:05
Texratlol timoph21:05
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Myrttitimoph: I did that for my home office keyboard in UK21:05
Myrttiamazon ftw!21:06
* lcuk would add a bacon button21:06
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lcukperhaps the superkey would suffice21:06
* NooBmonk3y agrees21:06
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TexratStskeeps I found talk of an Inkscape/Gimp/scribus suite interesting21:06
Texratbut Scribus would need a LOT of work21:07
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TexratI hate its workflow21:07
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MyrttiI would've thought it would need less work as it's already Qt21:07
Texratbut-- if someone can create such a suite, think of the draw it would have (literally)21:07
julienfGood evening all.21:07
Texrathey julienf21:07
Saviqhello all21:08
Texrathey Saviq21:08
Saviqnice turnup21:08
julienfhey Texrat :)21:08
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Texratnice crowd here today21:08
Saviqwe need a wiki page of issues-to-be-fixed on the ideapad21:08
Texratand so many of us on our Ideapads :D21:08
julienfanyone has tried to compile IRSSI?21:09
TexratSaviq one is created or in the works21:09
lcukvicarious-, which set of instructions are you following21:09
Saviqcool, /me wanna see21:09
lcukand have you read everything on the page and got the required chipset etc21:09
Texratsee this thread Saviq:
Myrttijulienf: remind me again why would anyone run irssi locally?21:09
julienfTexrat: yes indeed :) Love the machine. Already upgraded to 2GB RAM and had a look at the PCIe for 3G modem.21:09
Saviqre compiling, lbt, X-Fade, I can has OBS account enabled?21:10
Texratjulienf source for ram?21:10
lcukTexrat, thats similar to the page I started on my talk page
timoph~seen lbt21:10
infobotlbt <> was last seen on IRC in channel #meego, 1d 1h 52m 24s ago, saying: 'I guess you found how messed up the image is by now...'.21:10
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Texratright lcuk as I replied to you eariler :P21:10
julienfMyrtti: cause my server isn't running properly these days? and I can't just ssh and screen there... :D21:11
lcuktimoph, lbt flew to london only this afternoon21:11
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lcukI guess he is still decompressing and stretching out after a full week21:11
timophneed to bug him about the community obs at some point21:11
julienfTexrat: I had 2GB in an eeepc701 so I just swapped the modules and it works21:11
TexratI would have liked to stay in Dublin one more day21:11
Texratah ok julienf21:11
julienfTexrat: no idea of performance right now, but can see a bit of speed up. Will look into more details when I have more time21:12
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timophdownload / repo link don't work21:12
Texratjulienf 2g will be useful for graphics and audio work21:12
Texratalso spreadsheets21:12
Texratbeen there suffered lack of that21:12
julienfTexrat: I just wanted to figure out what was below the bottom door so I just unscrewed it and decided to play :)21:13
Texratmy goal: make this my default device :D21:13
julienfmight not need it so far but it doesn21:13
Texratjulienf I am very impressed at performance so fart21:15
Texratam stress-testing MeeGo on Ideapad and it is surpassing Windows XP re web usage ;)21:16
tripzeromeego handset?21:16
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julienfTexrat: want to see if I can do some dev on it.21:20
Saviqjulienf: you had some talk earlier today? can you share what / where was it?21:21
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Texratjulienf install QT Creator:  sudo zypper install qt-creator21:21
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Saviqthe virtual keyboard is running there, only problem it's a bit too persistent21:22
Saviqand overlaps half of the screen21:22
Saviqs/is running there/can run on netbook/21:22
vicarious-c'mon, no one's gonna even try to help me?21:22
TexratSaviq is it opaque or translucent\/21:22
SaviqTexrat: opaque21:22
Stskeepsvicarious-: when it's a vm check the wiki, but you're really on your own with a unsupported config21:23
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Texratshould have transparency level setting21:23
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julienfSaviq: was a talk on mobile, its evolution/revolution and what are the opportunities right now for software developers21:23
Stskeepsvicarious-: only VM method supported atm is qemu based21:23
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julienfSaviq: was at a 118tracker.com21:23
vicarious-ok, can you give me a link to the wiki?21:23
julienfTexrat: installation in progress but will be stressing the wireless at starbucks... :D21:23
julienfTexrat: worked but now need to figure out if I can get the Nokia SDK for Symbian :)21:25
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Saviqvicarious-: try, btw what VM?21:26
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luisthey i installer my meego application in the new 1.1 and the fonts are all messed up... seems to the in bad quality and resolution, when all other applications are still normal... what could it be? i tried to rebuild the package in the new system but its still the same21:32
Stskeepscould you screenshot it?21:33
luisthm.. i think so just a sec21:33
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Stskeepslooks like bad antialiasing21:36
luistStskeeps: yup.. so what could it be21:36
Stskeepstry to install qtconfig-qt4 maybe21:36
Stskeepsfile a bug, eventually21:36
luistStskeeps: i dont see qtconfig-qt4 in meego repos21:37
julienfbtw, if you are into "werewolf", we started a page to enhance the game for next conf :)
GAN900julienf, 3 AM werewolf just isn't right. :P21:38
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julienfGAN900: I21:38
julienfGAN900: I've never played like that, was really amazing... Learned so much...21:39
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GAN900When are we gonna have the MeeGo application? ;)21:41
henathe killer app?21:41
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julienfhave you guys been talking with Thomas already?? :D21:42
julienfwe had a chat at the airport and we came up with a concept for next conference21:42
julienfa killer game21:43
julienfthat we21:43
julienfwe'd play in real life but using our phones to know our targets and progress through the game21:43
julienfgoal would be to meet people, discover the venue before hand, engage more with the sessions and have fun :)21:43
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Myrttilcuk: are you on your normal comp?21:44
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pupnikjulienf: write the idea up and post it somewhere21:44
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ChaniTexrat: oh, you're that meegon guy? .. i can haz? :)21:45
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pupnikyou must do nice things for Texrat :P21:47
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julienfpupnik: am working on that as we speak :)21:47
Texratsure Chani, ask at, Community Matters21:48
Texratyes Chani like pupnik who made sure I could stay in Tampere cheaply :D21:48
Myrttiright, I give up. I remembered BF has gone down to London for a concert with his bro so no video call for me tonight...21:49
Myrttigood night21:49
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DawnFosterhey julienf!21:50
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DawnFosterjulienf: when you get the page, can you link to it from here:
RST38hgnight myrtti21:51
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DawnFosteralso, anyone else with ideas for fun stuff to do at the May conference should add it there, too21:51
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RST38hcreating qmlmockups, in groups21:52
RST38hmay actually end up as a useful way of letting potentialusers design the ui, then passing it up to developers21:52
julienfDawnFoster: update the page, it's already there :)21:53
DawnFosterjulienf: awesome! I love it when people are already several steps ahead of me :)21:54
DawnFostermakes my job easy21:54
julienfDawnFoster: am writing the content right now21:54
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julienfDawnFoster: content updated, more to come22:02
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lcukDawnFoster, i have to object to the killer/assassin style games where folks are slain in the night22:04
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DawnFosterlcuk: just because we kept killing you off :)22:04
lcuki only had one game and managed to last till the final group22:04
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CosmoHillAssassin's Creed?22:06
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DawnFosterlcuk: we'll leave it up to you to add a game that involves fuzzy kittens or something less violent :)22:08
lcukwe could let dawn come up with some kind of bear related one :P22:08
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DawnFosternah, revdkathy would have to come up with the bear game :)22:09
DawnFosterIf you can't assassinate / lynch your friends in good fun, then it isn't really a proper game for conferences :)22:09
DawnFosterStskeeps: oooh, I like that idea22:10
lcukDawnFoster, eek of course I meant kathy lol22:10
DawnFosterlcuk: I assumed that - I'm not really the cuddly teddy bear type22:10
* lcuk is tired22:10
DawnFosterI loved that her bear made a cameo in most of her conference photos :)22:11
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* julienf is having a hard time learning the wiki formating...22:11
lcukthat bear had its own ticket to the brewery22:11
GAN900I got one of her creeping it into the picture of everybody trying to fix the audio on her Lenovo.22:11
vladimiroffis there planning about meego for netbooks to migrate Qt apps only?22:11
DawnFosterjulienf: it gets easier over time - ping me if anything gets really mangled22:12
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vladimiroffThere are almost only GNOME applications...22:12
julienfDawnFoster: thx, should be able to get it done :)22:13
eranihmmh. does this mean that even open source solutions of video encoding using gpu is not legal?
DawnFosterjulienf: yeah, it's not really that bad - just offering help like a good community manager (just in case) :)22:14
julienfDawnFoster: appreciate :)22:14
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julienfDawnFoster: can you check the page and tell me what you think (formating wise essentially?)22:16
DawnFosterjulienf: looks good!22:17
julienfDawnFoster: still some few things to fix, doing that now.22:17
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julienfwould be interesting to see if we can design a fully open source game, up to the strategy itself and so on :)22:19
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GAN900and then sell consulting services to help companies provide it at their own conferences! *g*22:20
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lpottervladimiroff: I am wondering that as well...22:22
julienfGAN900: haha :D if not selling, at least providing the analytics and showing that how it helped or made the conference worse :D22:22
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* CosmoHill rage quits the PS3 and scares his brother out of the room22:23
* GAN900 <- "guy in the hat" by the way.22:24
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* julienf <- other "guy in the hat" but mostly french :D22:25
julienfok, time for me to hit the road22:25
CosmoHillwhat did the road ever do to you?22:26
julienfthanks for the conversations and let's keep on having fun until next spring22:26
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julienfCosmoHill: not much yet, it's preventive... for when I'll be too close to it...22:27
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marnaneldoes anyone have an idea why meego's X server, under qemu, should die with the message "no screens found", even when qemu was given -vga std?  Image is meego-handset-ia32-mtf-1.1-sda.bin .22:28
CosmoHillTerminator Salvation, good film?22:28
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pupnikopinions on 'good film' vary too greatly to compress into this space22:30
julienfCosmoHill: just watch it and let us know :)22:30
pupnikmarnanel: actually relevant to my interests.  Have you gotten the older one running?22:30
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CosmoHillpupnik: it's friday night, I'm single and all my friends are busy22:31
marnanelpupnik: not under qemu, no.  I did have it running on an N900 earlier22:31
pupnik  this your bug, marnanel ?22:31
julienfCosmoHill: where are you based?22:31
julienfCosmoHill: I figured that out, but where? :D22:31
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CosmoHillsouth east22:32
julienftoo far from London I guess?22:32
CosmoHillI could take the train pretty easy22:32
CosmoHillI mean physically it's easy22:32
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marnanelpupnik: hm, could well be that.  Looks like I'm out of luck.22:32
pupnikOk CosmoHill - i reccommend "Jean de Florette" and "Manon des Sources"22:32
CosmoHillsounds like you're trying to each me french22:33
pupnikmake it a double feature :)22:33
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marnanelI really liked Manon des Sources.  the trick ending surprised me22:33
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julienfwe could catch up at some point in London then. Tonight am gonna try to sleep as I've been lacking of that lately... some of you might know why..22:34
CosmoHilloh the conference thingy22:34
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julienfthe game thingy :D22:35
pupniktoo bad watching meego conference videos requires flash22:35
DawnFostersomeone was organizing UK Meego meetups at some point22:35
julienfDawnFoster: if you22:35
julienfDawnFoster: you've got a contact, let me know. I was thinking of looking that up..22:35
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DawnFosteryeah, hang on a sec22:35
julienfDawnFoster: send me an email, I've got to run. :)22:36
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DawnFosterjulienf: will do22:36
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rhkfinBuilt my first meego rpm seconds ago, qemu still downloading..22:49
rhkfinIs it so that installing meego on uSD for N900 or changing the bootloadre or something disables the warranty of N900?22:49
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marnaneldoes anyone know what particular image was on the usb keys used to install MeeGo at the conference?  I've managed to trash my installation already23:25
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Saviqmarnanel: did you get the one with Atheros or Broadcom wifi? AFAIK the only difference from downloadable netbook images23:28
Saviqwas that 'the one with the red stripe on the back' had BCM's fw included23:28
marnanelyeah, the red stripe one23:28
Saviqyou should be able to just grab the standard image and then add the firmware23:29
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marnanelokay, lovely.  thanks.23:29
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notmartputting the ideapad on good use:
DawnFosterthe image used was a recent version of 1.2 trunk (not 1.1) just FYI23:47
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marnanelDawnFoster: thanks!23:58
rhkfinnotmart: NICE!!!23:58
notmartwe are having a code sprint right now23:59
notmarthopefully in the end there will be packages for people to try :p23:59

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