IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2010-11-07

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madde55hi, should the meego-sdk version of qemu work with 64 bit system by default, or should I build it from the scratch as instructed in dev wiki?00:16
madde55because now I'm using the sdk version which seems to be installed ok, but the qemu boot fails00:17
madde55I was attempting this: mad remote -r meego-handset-ia32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2201-sda-runtime poweron00:17
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chemfymadde55, what operation system are you running ?00:18
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madde55ubuntu, 10.10 64bit00:18
chemfyThere seems to be something wrong between qemu and ubuntu 10.10 which makes it fail at boot.
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madde55punch.. I knew I was looking for trouble when I installed the 10.10 instead of 10.4, now it realized :D00:20
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madde55I guess the problem resolving work is ongoing in Meego side and the 10.10 should be supported hopefully soon?00:22
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madde55ok, thanks for the info anyway..00:26
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CosmoHillFireworks go boom :)00:39
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timeless_mbpanyone know anything about room size for talks @meego conf?00:44
Stskeepsyours is in what room?00:45
timeless_mbp"how would i know?" :)00:45
timeless_mbpsure, i'll take anything you give me :)00:46
* Stskeeps finds size00:46
timeless_mbphrm, including a pointer to my talk name ;-)00:46
timeless_mbpoh wow, it lists speakers00:47
timeless_mbpnice, *click*00:47
Stskeeps120 'cab', whatever it means..00:47
timeless_mbpwe talked about CAB w/ sp3000 and DawnFoster earlier iirc00:47
timeless_mbpit's caberet style seating00:47
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* timeless_mbp ponders00:48
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Stskeepsbbl sleep00:48
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timeless_mbphrm, sounds good00:49
timeless_mbpi have a flight in <20hrs00:49
timeless_mbp(not sure when)00:49
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timeless_mbp(actually, two flights)00:49
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geysihello everyone00:50
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geysiI've got a question about Meego install00:51
geysiI've a Samsung N220 with Win7 pre-installed00:51
geysiI've deleted the D: partition (extended one) and install there a "default layout" during Meego installation00:51
geysiall install went fine. But when reboot I get this:00:52
geysiGoing to rescue mode00:52
geysigrub rescue>00:52
geysiis it because the /bott (ext3) partition is in the extended partition?00:52
CosmoHillit won't be because it's an extended partitijon00:53
CosmoHillalso are you saying D drive or is that a shocked smiley?00:53
geysiI was stating D drive ;)00:54
geysihmm I don't know how to solve, I've already 3 prime partition: Recovery, System (200MB don't know what it is?) and Win7, all created by default Samsung install00:55
geysiso I can't have /boot as prime, or do you have a good idea?00:55
geysi(thanks for helping me by the way!)00:56
CosmoHillWindows 7 creates a small partition for it's needs00:59
CosmoHillyou don't need /boot as primary01:00
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CosmoHillat least I'm pretty sure you don't01:00
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geysiok, then do you have a clue why grub fails?01:01
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geysioh yeah, I'm using Meego 1.1 (in case this is useful)01:03
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geysiperhaps is there a solution that I boot with a live USB and install a new grub configuration01:04
geysido you know of any tutorial? A search didn't help me :-(01:04
CosmoHillcan you type "root (" and then tab01:05
geysitab doesn't do anything, but my '/boot' partition should be hd0,5 (it's sda6)01:06
geysiif I do 'root (hd0,5)' it replis - oddly - (hd0,5): Filesystem is fat.01:07
geysiwhich puzzle me, esp. since ls (hd0,5) shows one dir named grub....01:07
CosmoHilltry hd0,601:07
geysifilesystem unknown for hd0,601:07
geysi(same for 7 and 8)01:08
* CosmoHill grabs his notes01:08
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CosmoHillgeysi: try "lnsmod ext2"01:09
CosmoHillthat might be an "i" instead of an "L"01:09
geysigot unknown filesystem01:10
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CosmoHillthat should have loaded the ext2 module for grub01:11
geysiwhen I do 'root (hd0,5)' and then ls I see 'grub/' if I ls there, I see lots of files (, normal.mod, etc.)01:11
CosmoHillah okay01:11
CosmoHillyou have that as root01:11
CosmoHillnow type01:12
CosmoHilllinux /kernel-1.2.3-vmlinuz (you'll have to search for your run)01:12
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CosmoHillthen initrd /initrd_file (you'll have to search for that too, pretty sure meego doesn't have one)01:13
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bambulehi guys, i am just starting out with meego. one thing that surprised me is that meego is using swap.01:14
CosmoHillhow much RAM do you have?01:14
bambulenone, i am just playing with the emulator/reading up on meego01:15
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bambuleits more that i am wondering what planed there in general.01:15
bambuleswaping tends to cost battery for example01:15
CosmoHillah okay I thought you had a computer with little RAM01:15
CosmoHillit's better to use swap on a slow device than to have your computer freeze01:16
bambulewell it wont freeze the OOM killer will step in at some point   ;-)01:16
geysihmm I don't see any kernel file... nor initrd one01:16
CosmoHillcan you type "ls /" and pastebin the output01:17
bambulei am just wondering in general. if you compare this for example with android its quite different01:17
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geysi'ls /' only displays 'grub/' I guess something went wrong during installation (though no error was displayed)01:18
bambuleandroid apps have a life cycle and can in case of memory pressure by asked to prepare for being destroyed and later on restored (when access again by the user)01:18
berndhsbambule: seems like an awkward way to swap01:20
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CosmoHillgeysi: oh that's not good01:21
bambuleberndhs: yes, in some way it is. on the other way you have quite a bit of control over it.01:22
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berndhsbambule: yes but you need the app to cooperate in its own swapping, that doesn't seem good01:23
geysi_sorry got disconnected01:23
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CosmoHillgeysi: oh that's not good01:23
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bambuleberndhs: well, its more then swapping, it goes through a number of states like, created, backgroud, foreground, aboutToBeDestroyed, etc01:24
bambuleberndhs: also you don't really need to store all the internal state of you app01:24
geysi_I've been reinstalling Meego a few times now, and actually I end up in the same configuration each time ... I guess it does not work on this particular netbook01:25
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bambuleberndhs: as an extrem example a webbrowser might just wont to remember its tabs and the urls01:25
bambuleberndhs: i am advocating one over the other. i just want to figure out the meego way01:25
berndhsbambule: its non-preemptive swapping, sort of01:25
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geysi_ok anyway, I think I'm stuck... going to try to restore my MBR and try Meego 1.2 when it'll be out01:26
berndhsbambule: it looks like they are putting a lot of the complexity in teh app, and if (rather when) the app is not well behaved ...01:26
bambuleberndhs: btw. does this mean the a meego device always needs a flash memory for swap? swapping the a harddrive isn't fun when running on battery01:26
berndhsbambule: I'm not sure how meego does that, was just surprised to hear about android doing something like that01:27
geysi_thanks a lot CosmoHill01:27
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CosmoHillgeysi_: if you want to try MeeGo 1.1 you can run it from USB01:28
CosmoHillor DVD01:28
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berndhsberndhs: you would get all kinds of management issues - how do you know how an app would behave, what does it cost to toss it out and bring it back,...01:29
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berndhsbambule: that last one was for you obviously :)01:30
bambuleberndhs: thought so   :-)01:30
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nialaCosmoHill: hello Reading win this WE?01:34
CosmoHillnon :(01:35
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nialaarf, now you are 7e 8e ?01:36
CosmoHill10th :(01:38
CosmoHillwe lost 3 - 1 to the current leaders01:38
nialaah leaders that is not too bad01:39
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Macerwhere is the site that shows current hw status for the n900 and meego?02:34
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piratephlox@Macer is probably best for good infos about that. twitter is probably best to keep on the newest things, but if you want stable solutions try the wiki or the forum at meego.com02:49
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josu /win 2611:47
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JaffaMorning, all11:50
Stskeepsmorn jaffa - how goes?11:50
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JaffaStskeeps: Little bit hung over, but not too bad.11:53
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Stskeepsi'm compiling perl on a sunday morning, so i guess it's a bit like a hangover..11:53
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sivangStskeeps: hehe12:24
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MR2_GThey guys12:43
MR2_GThow's it going?12:44
CosmoHillit's going very well12:44
MR2_GThas anyone managed to get msn working in empathy in release 1.1?12:45
CosmoHillthat's something I wouldn't know but wait around and someone will be able to answer12:48
MR2_GTall i get is networki error12:48
MR2_GTsweet cheers12:49
MR2_GTirc and facebook chat are working fine12:49
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lcukdamn he left12:51
lcuki was gonna post bug 2595 and see if it matched12:51
_MeeGoBot_Bug nor, Undecided, ---, robert.bradford, NEED, None of the Chat Services I'm using AIM, Google Talk, Facebook etc are working.12:51
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CosmoHillanyone know how to control a power point from a nokia phone via bluetooth?13:04
lcukCosmoHill, using bluemaemo from the NITs you can control full computer as a HID device with keyboard control etc13:05
lcuki dont know about a specific maemo oriented clicker tho13:05
CosmoHillmine is symbian13:06
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lcuklook on ovi13:06
* CosmoHill goes to the door store13:06
nialasynergy maybe that's exist on symbian ?13:07
nialaCosmoHill: be courteous with the seller :)13:09
CosmoHillbluetooth remote control £313:09
CosmoHillsods law says I'll have a dead battery on the day13:10
lcukcan't you just download a new battery13:11
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CosmoHillI can control my blood pressure, diabetes and partner, but not my powerpoint13:21
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lcukCosmoHill, you have a wife-remote?13:21
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CosmoHilljust search for "control" on the ovi store and it should be on the first page13:22
lcukdoes it just store credit card numbers ?13:23
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CosmoHillI think you press a control on your phone and it sends it to his/hers13:23
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CosmoHillI found something called Nokia Wireless presenter13:26
CosmoHillbluesuckit looks like a good thing for our uni network13:28
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CosmoHillpst, why isn't the nokia 6220 classic listed on Nokia UK's website?13:32
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CosmoHillsweet, I think I have my phone connected to my laptop as a 3G modem13:48
psycho_oreosif so you'd have option driver loaded on laptop13:50
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CosmoHillit seemed a little stupid using a 3G connection over bluetooth13:54
raulieasier than digging the SIM card out of your phone and inserting it in laptop every time you want to connect to internet13:56
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CosmoHillI've never had a laptop with a sim slot14:07
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lcukCosmoHill, this one does14:22
lcuknever plugged a sim in tho14:23
CosmoHillI always get annoyed by 3G contracts that come with a new computer and a USB dongle14:23
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lcukthat depends on the kind of thing people want14:23
CosmoHillI mean the ones that come with netbooks14:24
lcuksome folks are happy with a serviced contract and internet included14:24
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CosmoHillthe bit that annoys me is the usb dongle part14:24
CosmoHillI think they should use netbooks with sim card slots14:24
lcukwe all have dongles14:24
CosmoHillI wouldn't mind a GPS and 3G combo PCI-E card14:26
CosmoHill*mini PCI-E14:26
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lcukCosmoHill, direct neural link14:39
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lcukhe bambule15:03
bambulei am wondering in howfar scratchbox is still relevant for meego. is it correct that it was used for cross compilation in maemo but in meego its out15:03
bambuleis this correct?15:03
lcukbambule, the sdk for meego handset is essentially a virtual machine15:06
bambulelcuk: if i run "mad make" where is the compiler executeD?15:07
lcuki found the xephyr biuld to be simplest15:07
bambulein the qemu or on the host15:07
thiago_homebut there's no madde yet15:07
bambulethiago_home: that was also my impression. so how is the sdk then a VM?15:08
thiago_home14:06 < lcuk> bambule, the sdk for meego handset is essentially a virtual machine15:08
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bambulelcuk: the xephyr is a non go for me. i don't have an intel chipset15:08
thiago_homethat was only 2 minutes ago15:08
bambulethiago_home: yes, i remember :-)15:09
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bambulethiago_home: but apperently i didn't grok it15:09
* lcuk merely found the instructions and performance for xepyhr to be simplest and worked well enough to be usable15:09
thiago_homewhen there's a madde, it will be a simple cross-compilation15:10
thiago_homeonly for projects and apps that cross-compile properly15:10
lcukmadde is only for qt tho15:10
bambulelcuk: really? i thought MADDE to be a general tool15:10
bambulealso its not ready for use yet?15:11
bambulemight explain the problems i had with it   :-)15:11
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* lcuk thought the meego sdk to be the general one, madde was geared as qt specific? i know people hack and try building other stuff in it and if it works and that is the direction then cool15:11
lcukvenemo is one such hacker who tried throwing everything at madde15:11
thiago_homethe MeeGo Qt SDK will be Qt specific15:12
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thiago_homeand a bit more, but not much more15:13
RST38hlcuk: Afaik, madde assumes that you are using qmake15:13
lcukthiago_home, will it allow libmeegotouch self building?15:13
bambulethiago_home: the cross compiler lives somewhere inside the SDK but if the application that gets cross compiled isn't made for cross compilation the host will leak into the build15:13
RST38hlcuk: And qmake writes out absolute paths to madde executables etc15:13
thiago_homelcuk: I don't know nor really care...15:13
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bambulethiago_home: so something that scratchbox prevents15:13
thiago_homelcuk: what matters is applications15:14
RST38hlcuk: Once you figure out where everything is and write down the paths, madde works as a cross compiler15:14
RST38hYour makefiles become unportable though15:14
thiago_homebambule: don't care about those either15:14
lcukRST38h, sure15:14
thiago_homeif the application is made for cross-compilation and cross-compiles fine, MADDE will be enough15:14
thiago_homeotherwise, use the VM environment15:14
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bambulethiago_home: ah now it get it. another way to compile is to log into the QEMU image and use the compiler installed there15:15
bambulethis effectively prevents the host from leaking into the target15:16
RST38hlcuk: The main question though is how to compile non-qt apps with madde15:16
RST38hI.e. if my app uses a package that is notincluded into madde, what do I do?15:17
lcukyup RST38h, that was something venemo was looking at15:17
RST38hI would guess a tool that takes a .deb file looks at contents and copies them into appropriate madde dirs (include, lib)15:18
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RST38hProlly ignoring the rest of the deb15:19
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RST38hBut I guess it does not make prinicipaldifference15:20
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lukusi was wondering what kind of benefits meego has over ubuntu on a netbook?15:23
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nialaspace on hard disk15:25
psycho_oreosdiffering package managers15:26
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nialanot a gas plant like ubuntu :)15:26
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* lcuk cant wait for the meego character gen app to be available in install image15:27
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* CosmoHill wonders if he can use his nokia as a GPS device for this laptop15:28
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lukusniala, that's a bit mean ;)15:28
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lcukpimp my meego15:29
psycho_oreoswell you did ask a question in a distro specific channel15:29
lukuswill meego limit what I can do in any way?15:29
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lcukwould it be feasible to make a lemmingeqs game using proper meego characters :D15:29
lukuspsycho_oreos, yeah, true15:30
nialaand what is diff between fedora, opensuse, ubuntu, mandrake, linpus, debian, gentoo, lfs, slackware, lukus ?15:30
CosmoHill(LFS is technically a book, not a distro)15:31
psycho_oreosa cookbook rather :)15:31
nialaLinux From Scratch CosmoHill :)15:31
CosmoHillniala: I know, I'm one of the devs :)15:31
CosmoHillwell CLFS dev15:31
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nialaclfs ?15:32
CosmoHillCross LFS15:32
lcukAngry LFS15:32
CosmoHillthere is an ALFS15:33
* lcuk was joking15:33
CosmoHillI don't recommend it to newbies15:33
nialaah i know Alf the E.T15:33
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* niala remember his firts distro was red hat 4 :)15:34
CosmoHillmine was kubuntu15:34
* lcuk first distro was maemo15:34
psycho_oreos<< rh815:34
lcukreal day to day use15:34
* lcuk had many boot cds for various things15:35
CosmoHillI did mandrava before that but was so confused15:35
nialayes very disappointing mandriva15:36
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* RST38h tried many Linux distros but the first that actually worked was Ubuntu15:37
nialaand Bsd** series15:38
CosmoHillSolaris and FreeBSD have confused me15:38
psycho_oreosrh8 had issues with rpm crashing and forcing one to rebuild rpmdb.. what joy.. then there was fun messing with isapnp for getting sound blaster awe32 to work under linux15:38
nialafreebsd have the best logo :)15:39
RST38hFreeBSD worked beautifully years before Linux15:39
nialabsd have created ip protocols15:39
* sivang wonders about his new meegon15:39
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sivangwhere's texrat the last couple of days?15:40
leinirPossibly busy :)15:40
lcukon call weekend15:40
sivanglcuk: heyhey15:40
sivangactually, hehey to leinir as well15:40
leinirHeya :)15:41
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sivangleinir: should pack the docs with me soon to not forget them :)15:41
leinirThanks :)15:41
sivangleinir: has the dot article went out already?15:41
leinirNo, i'm working on it right now15:41
leinirIt was... yeah, needs some work ;)15:41
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* sivang is writing a post about syncevolution-akonadi and possible qt gui; results from OVI sprint.15:41
leinirVery blog-entry-like, very much not an article :)15:42
sivangleinir: well, I reckon it is best fitted that way15:42
sivangleinir: right, Ovi, since it is 'door' in finnish15:42
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leinirWell, the Dot is a news outlet - blog articles are for the planet :)15:42
sivangleinir: ah, I see. already read one blog post about it from you, with the photos and stuff15:43
leinir*nods* Exactly my point :)15:43
sivangleinir: I had some important notes to discuss before ironing the doc, I hope you got to those? I'm in concern we still don't get the full status on things, with random ML threads about maps/ syncevo work in meego etc.15:44
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sivangleinir: I tried to note it on the document, and kriztof added some as well15:44
leinirThere's two things in there - the dot article is separate for that, yeah :)15:44
markeyheya leinir15:45
sivangah, I was referring tot he dot article yes15:45
markeyleinir: I heard that we are making progress with the dot article? :)15:45
markeythat would be great15:46
markeyit's basically finished15:46
sivangleinir: this was spotted by me a few days ago;
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leinirsivang: Hmm...15:48
sivangleinir: and that one, for maps:
sivangI was too busy to seriously look into how this falls in our document and if any, affects the request we'd be communicating to Ovi.15:50
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lukusI don't understand what the goal of meego is15:51
lukuswill meego be a competitor to android?15:51
leinirHmm... i'm thinking it probable that the only real impact is that we need to explain that when we say "API" in the document, what we actually mean is "REST API" ;)15:51
thiago_homelukus: yes15:51
thiago_homelukus: not will. is15:52
lukusthiago_home, ok .. I suppose it's also a competitor to chrome os then too?15:52
sivangleinir: ah, I see, so instead of a qt dbus wrapper we need a rest api for both? (maps/ovi sync)15:52
lukusone OS for both markets segments15:52
thiago_homelukus: what does chrome os do?15:52
leinirsivang: *nods* Yeah :)15:52
lukuschrome os is a low footprint os for netbooks and small devices15:53
lukusprobably tablets i imagine15:53
leinirlukus: and cars ;)15:53
lukusbuilt to integrate with the fabled cloud15:53
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thiago_homelukus: can you run anything besides the browser?15:53
lukusI'm not sure thiago_home15:53
thiago_homemeego is a Linux distro, so it can run anything15:54
lukusmost apps are designed to be browser orientated - but I'm sure there will be some traction away from that eventually15:54
thiago_homeand it runs on not just netbooks and handhelds15:54
thiago_homethere's the automotive, connected TVs and STBs, tablets15:54
lukuswill meego have an app store?15:55
thiago_homemore than one15:55
leinirovi store, appup (from intel), and the meego garage (community thing)15:56
leinirmost likely more than that as well - it's known that at least Orange want their own15:57
lcukmeego mall15:58
leinirlcuk: aaaah laik it ;)15:59
* lcuk has said for a long time that an app store app would be needed :)15:59
lcukapp store store rather :P15:59
leinir*giggles* Yup! Well, as long as they speak OCS, there basically is one already ;)15:59
* lcuk carries on reading about planes16:00
sivangleinir: the KDE store? :)16:00
sivanglcuk: planes?16:00
leinirsivang: no, there's a meego app which speaks OCS :)16:01
sivangleinir: so I re-read the Knut document part, it seems well and apparently with collaborated work all points are there, I'll just add that we porbably want an REST api.16:01
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sivangleinir: which one?16:01
leiniri can't remember the name - i'm not sure it's released as such, but it's there... frank was talking about it in his Bretzn presentation :)16:01
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sivangleinir: Bretzn?16:01
leinir*nods* what i do for work ;)16:02
lcuksivang, just having a read around wikipedia at the NASA x series experimental craft which pushed the boundaries :)16:02
lukuswhy will people choose to buy apps when the platform is open?16:02
leinirend-to-end-and-back solution for building and distributing applications :)16:02
* lcuk likes fast things16:02
lcuklukus, i can fix my own car16:03
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lcuki can use a lathe to make new components16:03
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lcukbut you know what - its just easier to get someone else to16:03
leinirlukus: When we say "store", it's a little more involved than "buy stuff", really... :) it includes free stuff, donation systems and so on ;)16:03
leinirand yes, of course, what lcuk said :)16:03
lukusi'm just interested though - because the iOS store / android are used for selling IP16:04
lcuki thought ip addresses were free?16:04
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lukusI'm not sure how the same model can work if an OS is truly open16:04
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lukuslcuk, I understand you can make / build your own software - but that's not a fair analogy16:04
lcukwhy isnt it?  car analogies are used everywhere16:05
lukusthe option isn't make or buy -> it's install for free or buy16:05
sivanglcuk: you plan on taking it to come to Dublin? :)16:06
lcuksivang, well i have to find a way to get there, i have missed window for work related flights16:06
lukusI think the reason android / iOS attract so much commercial attention, is the fact that they operate closed app-ecosystems16:06
lcukand my helicopter is a bit small16:06
lcuklukus, freedom to choose.  some people like to create art for all (graffiti), others like to hang them in a gallery and sell them16:08
lcuka truly free system will allow everybody the room for expression16:09
lukusI agree with you .. but there's a problem, in - how do we create conditions that encourage people to pay for software16:09
lukuspersonally, I think software should be sold as a service16:09
lukus(.. in the cases when the software author wants to sell for a price)16:10
lcukthose conditions already exist, as stated multiple app stores are being setup and people have already shown willingness to pay for software - thats not a problem16:10
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lukuspeople only pay for software when the alternative options are far worse, imo16:10
lcuki remember the person selling crumpled balls of paper as art16:10
lcukand making a healthy living from it when i saw16:11
lukusthat's possible - because art is a scarce resource ..16:11
RST38hActually, people will sitll use worseoptions rather than paying16:11
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lukusRST38h, true .. but I think there's a limit16:11
RST38hlcuk: must have been one hell ofa salesman :)16:11
lcukRST38h, make it simple and its less of an issue.16:11
lukusa personal line, when people decide it's easier to pay16:11
RST38hlukus: there isn't:)16:11
* lcuk personally sees piracy as free advertising since word of mouth is one of the strongest forms of advertising 16:12
lukusRST38h, your line might be close to the point of 'no limit'16:12
RST38hlukus: true16:12
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lcukso put those apps on the tips of peoples tongues in an environent where they can pay easily and sales come in16:12
lukusif software is sold as a service, I think a lot of problems are solved16:13
lcukthen make your software like that16:13
lukusa decent micropayment system will change a lot of things I think16:13
lcukother people want software as a boxed product on their shelf16:13
lcukwith a real manual and stuff16:13
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lcukteenagers want posters on their walls from favorite things16:14
* CosmoHill hides his posters16:14
lukuslcuk, facebook walls? ;)16:14
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CosmoHillactually I have comics, signed touring car posters and a pitcure of bobby :)16:14
lcukbobby from home and away?16:15
* lcuk grins16:15
lukusdidn't she die?16:15
lukusand come back a s ghost?16:15
CosmoHillno, he's a 5 year old Lancashire heeler dog16:15
CosmoHillI also have a Fedora 6 DVD stuck up there and my lecturer's marking scheme16:15
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lukuswell - ive downloaded meego16:16
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lcuki once hung about 100 cans from ceiling as some sort of art16:16
lukusgoing to put it on a usb stick16:16
lcukthe holes are still in my old bedroom ceiling16:17
CosmoHillI have some pictures stuck on the ceiling over where my bed used to be16:18
CosmoHillit's got 2002 written on it16:19
* lcuk just has a pinboard nowadays16:19
CosmoHillthe last time I took a poster down was when we repainted it16:20
* lcuk will virtualise it soon :)16:20
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lcukluke had a poster over a hole in his wall.16:21
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lcukfixed the hole, then got grief cos his poster got crumpled in the process16:21
lcuk(customised stig one)16:21
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* lcuk back to reading, bbl16:23
CosmoHillmy bed was infront of the cupboard so one day when I was at school, mum removed my cupboard doors and put a curtain up16:23
CosmoHillnow if I close the curtain I look like a normal guy instead of some nut with a load of computers in the cupboard16:25
lcukare the curtains frilly?16:26
lcukif so, your normal guy persona is a bit off :P16:26
CosmoHillthe remotes work through it tho which is good cos that's where all my AV gear is16:26
CosmoHillon a side note, you can silence a sky+ box by removing the hard drive and fan16:31
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CosmoHillomg there's a littlewoods advert that uses music from Nightmare on christmas16:37
infobotCosmoHill meant: omg there's a littlewoods advert that uses music from Nightmare before christmas16:37
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leinir*nods* Yeah, i saw that earlier... it's... somewhat weird/scary/cool... not quite sure, lots of things ;)16:38
lukuscan settings be confligured in meego?16:39
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leinirlukus: it kind of depends on what you mean... but yes, in general... :)16:41
lukusleinir, at the moment everything seems quite big16:43
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lukusi do like its simplicity tho16:47
lukuscould be nice to be able to link a google account16:49
lukusfor calendar and mail16:49
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leinirMy guess is it'd be more likely that you would be able to link it with an Ovi account for those purposes... but yeah, a generic system for such details would be kinda nice :)16:52
lukusyeah, twitter can be added globally ..16:52
lukusshame google can't be added in the same way16:53
lukusinterface is quite snappy16:53
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lukusi wish everything wasn't so large though16:55
lukusseems like a waste16:55
CosmoHillI read that as "everybody"16:55
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lukusthe huge title bar seems pointless .. especially when it's only really used for 'X'16:56
lukus.. and going back a step16:56
CosmoHillhmm, the VTech Mobigo looks like the Nokia N900 for the under 5s16:57
lukusit does suffer from the fisher price effect16:57
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lukuscan i switch between running applications?17:13
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leinirNope, you can only start them *nods*17:14
lukusthat's a mistake17:16
lukusi hope the team change it17:16
leinirAlright, i should probably point out that that was sarcasm - i know it does not translate into text very well :)17:17
lukusah ..17:17
leinirYes, of course you can switch between running applications :P Don't ask me how, i never used the netbook UX, but yes, of course you can17:17
lukusi honestly thought you were telling it straight .. alt-tab isn't doing anything17:17
leinirlook through the various bits of the UI, there's going to be somewhere that'll list running applications and give you the choice to switch to them17:18
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lukusI might start using meego fulltime on my netbook17:23
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lukusleinir, what do you use meego on?17:30
leiniri don't at the moment :)17:31
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leiniri don't have any spare devices that it fits on which i can afford to have suddenly not working :)17:31
leinir(n900 is my main comms device, laptop is my main workstation...)17:31
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bueillusionhi guys. I already have an existing gentoo installation, and i'm not really interested in setting up another partition just so I can do meego development. I'd like to compile the meego environment on my system if possible.  looking at i can definitely see i need the qemu package, but im not sure what else i need to get an environment up and running18:11
Bostikbueillusion: the easiest way is to install the netbook version inside a VM (virtualbox works nicely), and develop there; you'll do the coding on x86 and test building on x86 too and while you're at it, you can spend time on getting the qemu systems up and running for you18:16
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bueillusionBostik, that sounds like a good idea, i think I will try that.18:18
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sergiusenssince your bringing up developing in the VM, has anyone solved the issue with the qtcreator and gdb issue?18:28
Bostikyou might want to stick around for a day or two and pay attention to any discussion about "community obs" as that will be used to provide the native build environment for volunteer developers18:28
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Qantouriscon top of grain and maize you also have wheat ....18:51
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gasswith virtualbox in windows, my system after installed and configured shows only the background19:14
gassor ... "a" blue background19:14
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gassbut it seems to work, because i press acpi shutdown and it shuts down19:14
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bueillusiongass, i just experiences the same problem19:18
bueillusionnot sure what's going on19:18
bueillusionexcept im running linux19:18
gassBostik, any advice?19:19
gassi think i have all enable ... but it seems something is missing, maybe the window manager19:19
Bostikah, it's the blasted "quiet" + X failing for any reason19:20
gassBostik, how can we make it come alive again?19:20
Bostikjust pounce on tab as the vm boots, then 'e' to edit the boot commandline and remove the 'quiet' part19:20
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Bostikmay take a few tries19:20
Bostikthat way at least you get a terminal version up19:21
gassat least instead of a background ... i get "black"19:22
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gassBostik, vga=current?19:23
wyrwiszmathi, I'm begginer in programming and i wand make a piece of app for meego OS (handset version). I'm know C and C++ language. what SDK you propose (btw. i don't know Qt framework)19:23
_MeeGoBot_c++ sucks19:23
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wyrwiszmatwhat should i choose, Nokia Qt SDK or MeeGo SDK?19:28
Bostikgass: if that's the default parameter, then yes; the only thing you need to snuff out is the hideous "quiet" option19:28
Bostik(and whoever thought that 0s boot delay was a good decision deserves to be flogged)19:29
gassBostik, it still freezes19:29
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BostikI'll give the it a spin in a few minutes, just to see for myself19:30
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bueillusionfollow those instructions. it worked for me19:36
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lcukdm8tbr, i don't think having your _Meegobot_ spewing lines about c++ sucks is very wise.  and unless you have official permission to actually call your bot a meegobot may also be frowned upon (unless you have permission)19:40
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lcukwyrwiszmat, the nokia qt sdk is specifically for qt app development, its just being updated to include meego as a target (afaik, might already be there)19:42
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gassbueillusion, libglx then19:42
bueillusiongass, yep, that was the problem for me19:43
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wyrwiszmatlcuk: thx, so i use MeeGo SDK, whether will be problems with QEmu if i have machine with AMD64 architecture (and Ubuntu 10.10 Linux)19:48
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marnanelmthemedaemon is crashing for me with: "mthemedaemon: symbol lookup error: mthemedaemon: undefined symbol: _ZN13QElapsedTimer10invalidateEv".  My packages seem to be up to date.  I thought that symbol was defined in qt-wayland, but that seems to be up to date as well.  Any clue as to what I might be doing wrong?19:51
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gassthanks bueillusion19:51
gassbueillusion, maybe you should change the meego version displayed there19:52
Bostikah, that was it - the black screen even in non-quiet boot is the blank vt2, so you need to press ctrl-f1 to get the one working console19:54
Bostikand then kill off the respawning X process19:54
gassbueillusion, for me chmod +s /usr/bin/Xorg worked19:56
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Bostik"sudo telinit 2" was probably a working spell, even if it's probably not the most correct one19:57
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gassBostik, only chmod +s /usr/bin/Xorg worked20:05
gassthanks Bostik bueillusion20:05
gasshumm ... no office applications in meego20:05
lcukgass meego netbook has capability to install i believe20:07
lcuknot sure which repo to use, i know some of the admins have had it running before now20:07
gasslcuk, abiword, it seems20:08
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Bostikpersonally (and yes, professionally too) I'd like to see qt-mobility 1.1-b2 packaged for meego more than any office suite at this point in time; partly because I've spent the better part of two weeks trying to get it done myself and, of course, failing in not-quite-spectacular but certainly annoying ways20:09
lcukhm Bostik20:09
gasshumm ... meego netbook is a full gtk set20:11
gassas i can see20:11
gass(and glad to see it)20:11
Bostiklcuk: 1.0.2 package contains .spec file that is supposedly updated to 1.1.0 but there is something quite wrong with either the .spec or the tree; .pc files are not generated and when I modify the .pro files to get them done, their installation paths are for some reason overwritten to ${_libdir}, not pkg_config_path20:11
Bostiknot quite spectacular, just incredibly annoying20:12
lcukBostik, do you know if anyone has filed an official bug/offered patch for this situation?20:12
Bostiklcuk: once I get it built, *I* will offer a patch myself20:12
lcuksounds like the sorts of niggles people appear to have in numerous places20:13
lcuk:) then *I* will thank you now20:13
Bostiktrust me on this one20:13
Bostikthe biggest itchy-scratch with the mobility build is that all kinds of stuff that should be unix/linux "platformed" are bound to maemo5|maemo6 specific blocks; and if you have a Qt installation that has those targets, enabling the switch automatically modifies a LOT of paths you don't want or even know about20:15 the scars20:15
* lcuk makes note that bostik is da man and will help with qt-mobility :D20:15
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lcuk>> food20:16
Bostiklcuk: just so you know, I'm actually getting paid for it because our project absolutely needs qt-mobility 1.1 (tp+) and in about two or three weeks it's going to be a blocker issue...20:17
* Bostik is a mere integrator who wants to avoid getting dumped a metric buttload of manure on top of him20:18
CosmoHilloo, aparantly the day after my birthday we should get fibre optic broadband in the exchange :)20:18
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madde55hi, beginners question, can I use meego-handset-ia32-qemu-1.1.20101031.2201-sda.raw i.e. QEMU image with Xephyr? Where can I get the non-QEMU image if needed?20:29
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gassmadde55, meego downloads?20:33
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madde55gass: thanks, I was setupping Xephyr scripts in the meanwhile.. have to check into those images21:27
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dm8tbrlcuk: oh, I thought that module was off. I only got it here to do bugzilla lookups.21:39
Stskeepsheh, standard supybot? ;p21:41
Stskeepsand the bugzilla lookups are useful21:41
dm8tbrlcuk: who should I talk to about the bot's nickname. I offered Stskeeps to get an bugzilla bot here and he agreed that it could be useful21:41
gassups, sorry21:41
dm8tbrI'm going to check which module that is and unload/blacklist it21:41
dm8tbrStskeeps: it's a mozbot21:42
Stskeepsdm8tbr: generally it's me and DawnFoster running the irc stuff, i think it's fine, since it performs a service function for the meego project21:43
Stskeepsfeel free to check with dawn as well21:43
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lcukbug 10021:45
_MeeGoBot_Bug nor, Medium, ---, qiang.z.zhang, RESO WORKSFORME, Software update will cause zone switching21:45
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dm8tbrif you notice other things the bot does it shouldn't please let me know. There may be other functions that I didn't notice21:45
lcukno probs dm8tbr just with it insulting c++ ;)21:46
dm8tbractually I don't know why it does the C++ thing21:46
dm8tbrsure, esp in the Qt context...21:46
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gasslcuk, insulting c++ was cute ... in a chat room for c++ apps21:47
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* javispedro envisions a future where irc bots' first step to enslave mankind is start insulting c++ on a qt channel21:49
lcukjavispedro, nahh21:50
lcukthe initial problem was inventing c++ in the first place ;) now its here we have to make the most21:51
javispedropoor c++21:53
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dm8tbrfound the c++ thing. let's get rid of those22:02
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madde55damn.. I'm stuck with the ubuntu 10.10 64bit and QEMU problems, I guess there is no other way around than downgrading to 10.4. sad22:13
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Alison_ChaikenHas anyone installed #meego on #n8?     I see that the topic has come up on this channel before, but so far no one has answered "yes"!22:22
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StskeepsAlison_Chaiken: that'll be a no - it's also probably difficult due to there being no public broadcom gfx drivers as well as bootloader being signed.. as well as us not having an armv5/armv6 port atm22:23
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thiago_homeAlison_Chaiken: # here is for channel names only22:23
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thiago_homeAlison_Chaiken: and the N8 is not a supported device, nor do people have access to flashing tools for it22:23
Stskeepsthiago_home: re hardfp, do you happen to have an exact set of gcc optimization flags you'd like to have?22:24
thiago_home-mfpu=neon -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=hard22:25
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thiago_homebut I'll settle for -mfpu=vfpv3 -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=hard22:25
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Stskeeps(i actually have a working set of meego hardfp glibc, gcc, binutils atm - working to finish up the rest of the bootstrap packages)22:26
Stskeepsso hopefully we can get a proper port on the road soon :P22:27
Alison_ChaikenThanks thiago_home and Stskeeps.22:27
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CosmoHillnice shooting guys22:28
Stskeepswell, that's the honest answer :P it is probably technically possible, but you'd have to be a nokian to pull it off22:28
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thiago_homeStskeeps: the runfast option requires a runtime flag being set22:29
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Stskeepswell, question is where to place it, qt or glibc? :P22:30
thiago_homeglibc or kernel22:31
thiago_homebut this requires more investigation, since runfast turns off IEEE compatibility22:31
Stskeepsonce we're at -mfloat-abi=hard it's flexible to experiment i guess22:31
smithnaQuery: is it useful to report bugs (IVI image) on applications called "sample"?22:31
thiago_homealso note that there's vfpv3 and vfpv3-d1622:31
thiago_homedo we support D16 devices?22:32
thiago_homesmithna: yes22:32
thiago_homesmithna: the sample apps are supposed to be fully-functional22:32
Stskeepswell, is there anything but d16 armv7 devices?22:32
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smithnathiago_home: ok, thanks22:32
thiago_homeStskeeps: the d32 ones, like N90022:32
Stskeepswell, i suppose it does d16 too22:33
Stskeepsvfpv3 implies -d32?22:33
thiago_homethey do d16. But -mfpu=vfpv3 would use d17, d18, ...22:33
thiago_homefrom the name, I guess so22:33
Stskeepswell, current mfpu is vfpv3 in armv7 port in general22:33
Stskeepsok, so, seems like we don't even support nvidia and marvell in meego atm22:35
Stskeepsthey have vfpv3 d1622:35
* thiago_home talked to NVidia on Friday22:35
Stskeeps(tegra2, marvell dove)22:35
thiago_hometold them to get their act straight and get Neon22:35
Stskeepsso in theory we might as well go to -mfpu=neon without harming anyone22:35
javispedrobut, does -mfpu=neon do doubles in soft?22:36
thiago_homejavispedro: Qt uses float almost everywhere22:36
thiago_homeand performance of floats in Neon is much better22:36
javispedroqreal being qfloat, I know :)22:36
thiago_homefloats on the VFP are good, provided we have runfast on22:36
Stskeepsjavispedro: we're also porting to mfloat-abi=hard atm22:36
thiago_homeif it's off, the performance is horrible on Cortex-A8 (worse than ARM11)22:37
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javispedrostill better than soft22:37
thiago_homeyeah, no doubt22:37
javispedroso that's the question, will gcc emit softfp for doubles when fpu=neon?22:38
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javispedroor will it emit... vfp3? (doesn't sound like it)22:38
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thiago_homesoftfp uses the VFP hardware22:40
* thiago_home did some quick checking and didn't see much of a difference between -mfpu=neon and -mfpu=vfpv322:40
thiago_homeit uses only in a couple of special cases22:41
thiago_homelike loading a 0 or 122:41
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javispedroso it would use the vfp.22:41
thiago_homeit uses the vfp22:41
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thiago_homebut it uses d16 and d17 at first, so it definitely wouldn't run on D16 HW22:42
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Stskeepswell, one less argument against not simply enabling mfpu=neon, even for armv7-softfp..22:44
javispedromaybe use fpu=vfp3 by default, with -ffast-math adding a run_fast_enable() call in each function prologue...22:44
javispedrosounds crazy.22:44
thiago_homeit does use neon in a couple of places, which is enough to cause crashes if the CPU doesn't have Neon22:44
thiago_homeQt has some unprotected Neon code too22:44
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javispedroStskeeps: btw, can I pm for an unrelated issue?22:45
javispedro*pm you22:45
Stskeepsyes, go ahead22:46
* thiago_home needs to send the confirmations for the lightning talks22:46
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Stskeepsthiago_home: raised issue that we might as well move to mfpu=neon for softfp22:57
Stskeepson meego-dev22:57
Stskeepsat least we can get a win there while we await the hardfp work22:57
thiago_homeQt enables Neon on its own for the raster engine22:58
thiago_homethe only unprotected code is in string handling and, to be honest, the gain isn't that high22:58
javispedrohave you read (search for neon)22:58
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thiago_homesince I've just verified that -mfpu=neon still generates a lot of VFP instructions on gcc 4.5, I really don't think it will be much of a gain22:59
thiago_homehard-float is a lot more important22:59
javispedro"If the selected floating-point hardware includes the NEON extension (e.g. -mfpu=`neon'), note that floating-point operations will not be used by GCC's auto-vectorization pass unless -funsafe-math-optimizations is also specified."22:59
javispedrothere's also neon-d1622:59
javispedrofor tegra 2 I guess?23:00
* thiago_home looks at the assembly output and sees that -funsafe-math-optimizations produced worse code23:01
* RST38h somehow doubts the positive performance effects of Neon23:01
thiago_homef /= 2.5; for example calculated with double23:01
RST38hAt least on the CortexA823:01
thiago_homeif I make it f /= 2.5f; then it works as well as without -funsafe-math-optimizations23:01
RST38hA9 may be a different business23:01
javispedrowhat's worse is that Neon is technically optional in A9...23:02
thiago_homeactually, better. It uses fmacs (multiply-accummulate)23:02
thiago_homejavispedro: yeah, but ARM vendors are realising that they should have it23:02
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* CosmoHill signs23:11
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CosmoHillthird person today has asked me the same question23:13
thiago_homewhat question?23:14
CosmoHillbasically "why won't gcc pass 1 compile"23:14
CosmoHillthe answer: because they didn't follow the book23:15
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CosmoHillgcc requires mpc, mpfr and gmp, these have normally been put in the wrong location23:17
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nialafunny, chroot an meego-ivi into a meego-netbook and you will have a new panel whos is interact with all app netbook running23:54
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tybolltniala: are you one of those spambots who just slumps random words?23:57
nialamaybe a wrong translate23:57
* CosmoHill gives niala a muffin23:58
CosmoHilltybollt: no, he's french23:58

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