IRC log of #meego for Tuesday, 2010-11-02

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Macerso.. how is the n900 one going?00:01
Macersomething usable yet?00:02
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auke#define "one"00:02
CosmoHillMacer: I think it's going very well00:02
Macerwhat hw isnt working still?00:02
Macersorry. havent checked up in a while00:02
aukeeasy: unsupported hardware isn't working still.00:03
Maceri am just waiting umtil it is done00:03
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Maceri thought nokia was giving out closed blobs00:03
CosmoHillauke: I think he meant what parts of the n900 still don't work00:03
aukewhat needs to be done?00:03
aukeCosmoHill: he could be more specific :)00:03
MacerCosmoHill: yeah... that is what i meant00:03
CosmoHillI pointed that out to someoen today and got shouted at00:03
aukeCosmoHill: you deserved it, I bet :D00:04
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aukeanyway I thought gfx and battery is now working properly00:04
CosmoHillthe "university  network" to me means the whole thing00:04
CosmoHillwhat I'd actually done is connected a computer to the back bone :/00:04
aukeCosmoHill: brilliant!00:05
Macerah. so still no cam and modem?00:05
Maceror is the cam the only thing?00:06
CosmoHilllcuk: was doing some witchcraft with his cam00:06
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aukeCosmoHill: TMI :)00:06
Macerreverse engineering the drivers by disecting the hw?00:07
CosmoHillauke: but I didn't even mention the goat!00:07
CosmoHillMacer: he got the camera to track it's movement and change the screen's content00:07
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eikkeis there any repository where gst-plugins-bad/ugly etc are available?00:18
raulithere is one for 1.0 .. i compiled mine from source for 1.100:19
aukethere's a forum thread that links to a personal repo with some stuff00:19
* eikke still doesnt get why meego needs to be a separate distribution00:20
aukethere's a very strong case to not base on a distro that you do not control...00:21
CosmoHillyou can't optimise what you can't control00:22
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CosmoHill(or in some cases, unoptimise)00:22
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aukegeneric vs. specifc00:22
aukegeneric vs. specific00:23
CosmoHillyou sound like my general studies teacher00:23
aukealthough there's an argument that a "mobile-device-targeted" distribution will work well on pretty much any consumer-type device, that isn't the same as "a generic" distribution working well on mobile devices00:28
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aukehence it makes sense to not try to respin an existing distro at all - that would be just as much work as just making a specific distro00:29
eikkepartially agree00:31
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aukethen there's the operational risk - suddenly your work could be extremely complex because you need to provide X but your upstream distro broke that, or has X+N00:32
eikkethats not an issue if you dont ship any end-user stuff00:33
aukeend-user stuff?00:33
eikkeeg if I work on some GNOME app, I dont care at all if some distro would break GTK00:33
eikkeauke: full distribution00:33
aukeobviously that's totally relevant if a huge part of what we deliver is based on e.g. Qt00:34
eikkes/gtk/qt then, whatever, same principle applies00:34
aukeupstream breaks Qt? we're hosed, missing our planned deadline to deliver release X.Y00:34
eikkeonly if your goal is to deliver full sets (top to bottom) :)00:35
aukethen there's the potential that "upstream" considers you hostile and tries to derail your project00:35
aukeor otherwise not cooperate00:35
eikkenobody says there should be only 1 upstream00:35
aukeyeah we'll do half debian and half red hat00:35
aukethat'll fly00:36
eikkethe thing is, you dont do anything00:36
eikkeconsider meego to be a project similar to the gnome desktop release, or the kde desktop00:36
eikkeyou dont really care about fedora or debian or opensuse at that point00:36
aukesure, a fancy desktop for mobiles, but power consumption and performance on any device sucks?00:37
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aukeoh and nobody will ship it00:37
eikkewhy would nobody ship it? meego1.0 was targetted to be part of F1400:37
eikkeits even in the release notes00:37
aukenonsense, meego 1.0 was never targeted to be part of any distro except meego itself00:38
aukemeego doesn't cater to other distro's00:38
aukethat's not a meego statement, that's a fedora statement00:39
eikkei never said nor implied it'd be a statement coming from the meego project00:39
aukeif fedora claims that meego parts are targeted towards fedora releases, they are full of nonsense.00:39
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eikkethey dont say nor imply that either00:40
eikkethey just want to ship the Meego netbook UX as a shell for their distro, similar to how they ship GNOME 2.x and KDE 4.x00:40
aukesure, they can, it has nothing to do with MeeGo as a project00:41
aukeMeeGo is much more than just a UX for netbooks anyway00:41
eikkeit does has something to do with the meego project, since the meego project becomes an upstream for fedora00:42
eikkeI do know it's more than a netbook ux00:42
eikkeI'm not saying building your own stack from bottom to top is a bad thing per se00:42
eikkeit does have its benefits indeed00:42
eikkebut it also has drawbacks00:42
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aukesure, there's implications to that choice00:43
aukebut they're well-weighed and needed to make MeeGo on handsets for instance feasible00:44
nialaquestion: any plan to use qt for UX netbook in futur? like other meego, ivi, phone, ?00:44
aukeniala: would be nice, yes, we hope it happens in the long run00:45
aukebut, no concrete plans whatsoever00:45
niala how netbook xill survive vs classic distro?  I trust more the other meego-version00:46
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nialanote for mee meego is already very nice and speed, but many people complain about app00:47
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smithnaHowdy, does anyone know how to use buteo to sync with google contact info?00:54
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chemfyHi, been trying to get MeeGo SDK up, I'm currently on this part , but when I run the command this happens, and it appears no runtime was started. Can anyone give help with this?00:56
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* wmarone sighs as yum redownloads 130MB of packages01:08
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CosmoHillwmarone: meego doesn't use yum01:11
nialaCosmoHill: it is still01:13
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aukemeego netbook uses packagekit01:15
aukezypper is the supported package management01:15
aukeyum may be installed, but it's -not- used by meego tools01:15
aukefrom 1.1 yum is gone, not installed by default01:16
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wmaroneno no, I'm working with actual fedora on a different system01:21
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wmaroneI'm very happy that yum was not chosen, assuming zypper will cache downloads01:22
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aukeit does01:22
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auke/var/cache/zypp or something like that01:22
nialawell I haven't do any 'zypper install yum*' and he is here. but it does not matter.01:24
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auke1.1 image?01:25
* auke gets mad at someone sneaking it back in, and goes to hit people over the head01:26
aukeniala: which image exactly?01:26
niala[root@niala-desktop niala]# cat /etc/meego01:27
nialameegofeedbackd/ meego-release   meegotouch/01:27
niala[root@niala-desktop niala]# cat /etc/meego-release01:27
nialaMeeGo release 1.1 (MeeGo)01:27
nialaBUILD: meego-netbook-ia32-1.101:27
nialaoups sorry01:27
* CosmoHill gives auke a bat01:27
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aukeno, not 'which build'01:27
aukewhich image did you use to install?01:28
befordthat's weird because I remember using 1.0.99 images and they did not include yum01:28
aukee.g. what file did you download over the internet01:28
aukeI'm looking at the official image build logs for all 1.1 images, and there's no mention of yum in them01:28
befordI am going to install this one in a minut
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aukeyes, and the .packages file in that folder doesn't show yum, nor is yum mentioned in the log in the same folder01:30
befordI noticed something though, during the 1.0.99 installs and this 1.1 the touchpad  click doesnt work on the installer, I have to use the touchpad button, but after starting meego it works01:32
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aukeniala: can you answer my question?01:33
nialawell maybeI have installed yum and my redfish brain not remember. I download image again and test live01:33
aukeif you don't know that's fine01:33
nialabah your log say no yum, cpu are better than me :)01:34
aukemic2 pulls in yum01:34
aukebut, other than that I don't know of any other apps that require yum right now01:34
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nialamic2 yes it's possible I use that01:35
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nialaand abbout kickstart file it seem that .ks doesn't understand 'keyboard fr' he still use qwerty keyboard01:37
aukefile a mic2 bugreport on that?!01:38
nialalol I never do that I have no solution yet01:39
aukebugreports are not for solutions01:40
aukethey are for problems :)01:40
aukewe have solutionzilla for solutions...01:40 ;)01:40
nialaI have submitted a bug and it is closed because it's no a bug :)
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aukesuch is the life of some bug reports01:42
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* smithna wonders since no one knows about buteo if anyone knows much about festival...01:51
nialaauke: you can sleep nice, after verif, yum is not by default, like you say maybe mic201:51
aukeok, thanks for taking the time to track that down01:51
nialaother on t101 onefinger touchscreen work but if computer go sleeping only mousepad work on wake up. more for the forum i think01:51
CosmoHillwtf, my PC card eject button just popped out on it's own01:56
nialawtf? save the pandas ?01:56
niala World Taekwondo Federation01:58
CosmoHillwt = what the01:58
CVirusMeeGo looks very promising :-)01:59
nialaahhh, c'est quoi ce bordel I understand CosmoHill01:59
nialaCVirus: yes it is01:59
CosmoHillsomething like that02:00
CVirusniala: can't wait to see it on a phone02:00
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CVirusniala: I mean shipped on a phone :-D02:00
nialawait and see02:00
CVirusaren't those Aava sets for sale ?02:01
nialaCVirus: try it in a virtual environment02:01
CVirusniala: will do02:01
CosmoHillCVirus: they are development phones and cost one sun02:01
nialaI don"t know what compagny are doing i m not dealer :)02:02
CVirusCosmoHill: I don't have one yet02:02
CVirusI'm getting an HTC Desire next week .. hopefully will play a bit with meego's port02:03
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* twinkie_addict finaly decided to drop win 7 starter . and am deciding to try meego, how is it for those that use it ?02:28
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wangjan"ImportError: No module named worker.worker"  who encounted the problem when try to start ots.worker?08:12
wangjananybody can give me some comments?08:14
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zutesmog  Is your problem in dev or production?, don't know what worker is, but have you installed it in your project.08:15
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zutesmogoops sorry wrong chanel -08:23
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timophyou can also consult the ots developers in #meego-qa-tools (after they wake up)08:31
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Tumi_they are woken =)08:35
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wangjanzutesmog, i have setup the ots server and also setup the worker eviroment according the ots installation from wiki,08:38
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wangjanwhen i start the worker, it pops up the error from my pc08:38
Tumi_wangjan: I really recommend this #meego-qa-tools08:41
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wangjanTumi, yes , so you can give me some help>08:42
Tumi_I'm not the best one but the other guys there08:42
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Tumi_E-P might know08:43
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wangjanis he at here?08:44
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Tumi_not sure08:46
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Tumi_is there problem joining the channel?08:47
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Tumi_I encourage using specialized channels whenever possible not to flood the general ones :)08:56
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ForeachHi, is it possible make phone calls in N900 with Meego 1.1 installed to it?10:01
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Stskeepsyes, if you have a PIN-less sim card10:02
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eranihello all10:23
eraniI'm having issues with my eeepc 1000H and meego. it seems that meego somehow work recognize my wlan card10:24
eraniit's turned on in bios and os but i can't find any networks10:24
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Foreachhmm, I'm trying to boot meego on n900 according to #meego at but device hangs after showing "Waiting for root device /dev/mmcblk0p1" in console. Well, It not hangs - cursor is blinking - but noting happens. Is it as it should be?10:50
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Stskeepsput your back cover on10:51
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ForeachStskeeps, did it before booting..10:51
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Saziuserani: what does it say for HWaddr if you open a Terminal and type "ifconfig wlan0" ?11:05
Saziuserani: if it is the same problem that I had on EeePC 901 then this forum thread might be helpful:
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eraniSazius: all zero's11:10
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eranihmm, but ifconfig wlan0 up doesn't work11:12
eranieven with sudo11:12
Saziushmm, I was just going to suggest that11:13
eranisomething about SI0CSIFFLAGS11:13
Saziusif you read that forum thread further there is the same issue for some people11:14
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Saziusthis seemed to help:
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Saziusbut check the forum thread...11:16
eranioh, ok. :) sorry, i'm on my n900 in a lecture so trying to focjus on both assistant and irc is rather challenging11:17
eranithanks, i'll look into that11:17
Saziusok, good luck :)11:18
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eranii now got wlan0 if up but can't see any networks O.o11:35
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eranioh, just adding the ifconfig wlan0 up to rc.sysinit fixed the problem as was described in the first page. thank you :)11:53
Saziusgreat! :)11:54
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Foreachthis is strange anyway, could not boot meego on n900. After flashing kernel to device it starts to wait for /dev/mmcblk0p1 and do nothing. What could be the reason for this?12:48
Stskeepsback cover not on or you wrote the image in a bad way12:49
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euriskohi all, is it possible to install meego on a ARM based tablet?13:22
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X-Fadeeurisko: That really depends on what you want.13:24
euriskookay, let me explain, i want to develop an application to work with gps. For that i need a hardware plataform with a touchscreen and portable. So i found those cheap arm tablets from china13:25
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X-Fadeeurisko: What cpu is in there exactly?13:26
euriskothey cost arround 160$ , my question is if it's possible to install meego into it13:26
euriskolet me see13:26
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euriskoZT180 1.06GHZ ARM13:26
euriskoZT ZeniThink13:27
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X-FadeThat seems to be an armv6 cpu.13:28
X-FadeWhich means it is not supported by MeeGo.13:28
X-FadeThat doesn't mean you can't use MeeGo on it, but you'd need to recompile for armv6 yourself.13:29
euriskoyes it is13:29
euriskowhat arm cores are supported by meego, is there any page where i can read about it?13:29
phellarv"The Zenithink ZT-180 is powered by an ARM Cortex A8 1GHz processor"13:29
euriskono phellarv it's a lie13:30
phellarvIs it?13:30
euriskothey try to sell it as it a armv813:30
euriskoarm a813:30
euriskobut it isn't13:30
X-Fadeeurisko: On #meego-arm, Stskeeps was looking into armv6 support.13:30
phellarveurisko: Aaah - Found it:
X-Fadephellarv: That seems to be an overhyped lie.13:31
euriskothere is a thread here , wait
euriskothat one13:31
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euriskox-fade what means overhyped?13:31
X-FadeThey inflated their specs it seems :)13:32
euriskooh yes they did :D13:32
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euriskobut now  they are seeling them cheap because of the bad fame13:32
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kt_is there an easy way to search for file in the entire meego source code tree?14:01
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kt_or an easy way do download everything14:02
Stskeepsrsync the src.rpms :P14:02
kt_Stskeeps, i am not familiar with rsync. How would you use it to get all the source code at *?14:04
Stskeepswell, i would just grab it from the repo.meego.com14:05
slaine_kt_: what are you looking for, there's probably a better way to narrow it down14:05
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kt_i am looking for a header file called accessories.h or actually i am looking for the file where input_dev_t is defined14:07
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kt_slaine_, i am trying to figure out how the jack sensing is implemented14:09
slaine_meego 1.0 or 1.114:09
slaine_didn't think jack was on meego14:10
kt_slaine_: meego 1.0 for now.14:10
slaine_grand, you can do14:10
slaine_yum whatprovides */accessories.h14:10
slaine_that'll tell you what rpms offer it14:11
kt_slaine, not "jack" but the sensing of whether headphones are plugged in or not14:11
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* CosmoHill gives slaine_ a cup of tea14:13
slaine_Thanks CosmoHill, was about to get one before I head off later14:13
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kt_slaine, i have tried running "yum whatprovides */accessories.h" on the meego pc. no results14:14
kt_is the meego source code tree really searched by yum?14:15
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Bostikpackage content index, more likely14:16
slaine_Any packages that have a non-private api will generate a -devel rpm14:16
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kt_i think that should be able to use repo to download the complete source code tree for meego but i don't know how to do it14:16
slaine_so headers etc. would be there14:16
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kt_slaine_, ok but the meego source code tree is hardly contained in a package?14:17
Bostikkt_: rsync should be the best tool for that; you won't get an unpacked source tree (a'la BSD) but you do get all the .src.rpm files in addition to binaries14:17
slaine_you're talking about a private api then14:17
slaine_So where did you get accessories.h from ?14:18
slaine_Or you could write a simple script that gets a list of all the rpms installed on your system and then does a 'yumdownloader --source <packagename>'14:19
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* slaine_ needs to learn all the zypper equivilants14:19
CosmoHillzypper help14:20
CosmoHillon a side note that's the only zypper command that works on non-SSSE314:20
kt_slaine_, I am looking in, in wired.c the header file is included. There are so many projects that I can't download them all one by one.14:22
slaine_that's what you asked how to do14:22
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kt_slaine_, no i want to dowload all the source code for meego (all projects) in one go14:22
kt_like repo init -u git:somethingwithmeego14:23
kt_repo sync14:23
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slaine_there's a difference between all the source code for meego and all the hosted projects that are under the meego section14:25
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slaine_Stskeeps: is maemo-multimedia even used on the handset-ux ?14:26
Stskeepswhich parts?14:27
kt_slaine_, i use the netbook version14:27
slaine_kt_: you're looking at handheld maemo code though, afaik14:27
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slaine_your audio driver would probably issue a kevent if it honored the switch you're talking about.14:29
kt_slaine_, i need to figure out how to do jack sensing, i am just looking in the code for inspiration and to copy-paste some parts14:29
slaine_that's plagiarism, not inspiration ;)14:30
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slaine_anyway, I'm off for that cuppa/lunch. Hope to be back later for the CO meeting14:30
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dcordessmoku: are you tomasz from the arm-linux-msm mailing list ?14:31
smokudcordes, Tomasz Sterna. yes14:32
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dcordessmoku: nice14:33
dcordessmoku: it is hard to find out what you are basing on when looking at
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dcordessmoku: I would like to add more documentation here
dcordessmoku: I would like to add Leo (HTC HD2) in the qualcomm kernels14:36
dcordessmoku: so we have a similar aim14:36
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smokudcordes, because we (as the dell streak development community) do not know what we are basing at14:44
smokudcordes, dell just domped some source at us ( ) with close to zero additional information14:45
dcordessmoku: I am talking about the kernel branch. does the dell streak development community have a website?14:45
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dcordessmoku: you are very welcvome to join #htc-linux . we do a lot with qsd8xxxx14:45
dcordesthanks for the link I will add it in the htc-linux wiki14:46
smokudcordes, their kernels have 2.6.29 version encoded. but when you look at it there is a lot of code from .31 and .35 in these sources14:46
smokudcordes, so it's a mixup of code from different kernel versions14:46
dcordesand the gitorious branch is that kernel from dell ?14:47
smokudcordes, we do not have a website. we mostly talk at #dellstreak here at freenode14:47
dcordesyou should really add it in the gitorious descriptio14:47
dcordesfeel free to document anythin in the htc-linux wiki, as it is full of qualcomm14:48
smokudcordes, which branch?  dell-* branches are code imports from dell. the rest are my attempts to port dell changes to msm-2.6.35 branch from codeaurora14:48
dcordesI added some stuff about streak in the wiki at
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dcordeswrong channel, sorry14:50
dcordesalright thanks14:51
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back-2-95Hi all, I try to run application in MeeGo/N900 which takes RSS feed from internet. Problem is that I can't type WIFI wpa key as n900 keyboard types what ever. Now the wpa key is saved somewhere in the settings but I can't find how to edit it.. Any clues? Or do I have to just write the whole image again to SD card?15:08
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TormisI created new connection when mistyped my key15:11
back-2-95so you just added the network with "Add" page and retyped it?15:12
back-2-95I have numbers in my wpa key, and when I try to write numbers with the keyboard, it goes crazy and types what ever...15:13
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Tormisweird, slow but working here15:15
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back-2-95im using the 1.1 handset ux from meego.com15:18
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Tormissame here15:19
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chemfyHello, been trying to get MeeGo SDK working on Ubuntu 10.10 and when I start qemu it always gets stuck on this part , anyone got an idea whats wrong?15:23
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Tormisback-2-95: can you type numbers somewhere else correctly?15:26
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back-2-95I rebooted 2 times and it got better...15:31
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X-FadeWhat is happening with daily builds when there is only an image available, but not the repos? Is this an error condition somehow?15:37
X-Fade does not have repos, but does.15:37
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FunkyPenguinam i correct in saying that moblin-panel has been replaced with meego-panel which is provided by mutter-meego?15:43
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djszapiwhat is the name of the meego 1.2 release like maemo was fremantle ? Can that be known ?15:58
Stskeepswe didn't have a name for 1.1 or 1.015:59
Stskeepsso it's likely 1.2 doesn't have one15:59
djszapipublic yet :P15:59
Stskeepsi don't know of one, public or not15:59
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CosmoHillis it good or bad that I removed two heat sinks in two minutes and both had processors attached16:56
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lcukCosmoHill, not usually, were the computers powered up though?16:59
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CosmoHillI went to remove the fan off one, found it was in fact the heatsink lock then realised the processor had come out too16:59
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CosmoHillthen spent 2 mins swearing at it cos the heat sink got stuck and I couldn't remove it from the case17:00
lcukCosmoHill, the amount of force required to attack heatsink to cpu nowadays is silly17:00
CosmoHillboth are pentium417:00
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lcuki remember the tomshardware thing  about removing heatsink from intels and amds17:00
CosmoHillI'd only fitted one of them 5 mins ago17:00
lcukwas amazing to see17:00
CosmoHillyeah I remember that17:00
lcukcaused a change in the amd chipset from what I recall17:01
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CosmoHillmy plan was to swap my bros heat sink and put the old fan on the new one17:01
lcukCosmoHill, you do know that using superglue as a heatsink compound is not normal17:01
CosmoHillin the process I broke the old fan mount and couldn't fit the old fan to the new one cos of the screws17:01
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CosmoHillit's a great way to make sure you have contact between the heatsink and processor17:02
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CosmoHillhey DawnFoster17:16
DawnFosterhey CosmoHill17:16
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lcukmorning DawnFoster \o17:18
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chemfyHello, been trying to get MeeGo SDK working on Ubuntu 10.10 and when I start qemu it always gets stuck on this part , anyone got an idea whats wrong?18:59
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awayfarHey guys, I have a quick (dumb) question.  I have Meego running using a USB mouse.  I see the mouse just fine in normal X, but using uxlaunch with duihome I cannot see the mouse.  Where can I tell uxlaunch/duihome my mouse device?19:29
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Myrttiomnomnom chocolate19:50
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aukewho has a netbook with ralink wireless (e.g. asus eee pc) that runs 1.1 and has issues?19:54
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aukeX-Fade: ping19:59
aukelbt: ping19:59
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X-Fadeauke: pong?20:00
qgiltesting testing from Qt Developer Days 1h before Community Office IRC meeting  :)20:00
X-Fadeqgil: loud and clear :)20:00
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thiagoqgil: let's see if the wifi holds out20:01
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qgilwell, the meeting is at lunch time (which can be good, or can be bad)20:02
qgilthiago: definitely bad for my stomach  :)20:02
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Stskeepsqgil: it's an irc meeting, having laptop in one hand and a sandwich in the other isn't visible ;)20:07
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aukeX-Fade: crepo.meego.com20:08
aukeX-Fade: lbt pointed to you when I asked him why my personal repo wasn't publishing20:08
qgilStskeeps: disapearing 10 minutes to grab the food and come back might be noticeable - but I'll manage20:08
X-Fadeauke: Dat heb ik gefixt :)20:08
aukegatver, nog een hollander20:08
X-Fadelastig he ;)20:08
auke -> no auke20:09
X-FadeBut it only publishes on rebuild.20:09
aukeso I have to force a rebuild?20:09
X-FadeYeah, please do so. I tweaked the xen setup too, so I hope that it is less slow.20:09
aukegood time to try20:09
* auke hits the rebuild button on all the xfce packages20:10
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X-FadeIt is idle anyway.20:10
vnepohello everybody20:10
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aukehmm I wonder if I can rebuild an entire project somehow with one command20:11
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thiago"te fixen" is a real verb? :-)20:12
X-Fadeauke: delete the repo target and add it again. ;)20:12
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X-Fadethiago: no, that is borrowed from English and butchered to fit :)20:13
aukeah smart20:13
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eranihmmh, meego strangely crashes every time when it goes to sleep mode on my 1000h...20:15
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aukeX-Fade: bedankt. it's rebuilding and looking faster than it was already...20:15
eraniclosing the lid won't freeze the system, but if it is idle for some time it'll crash20:15
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X-Fadeauke: xen dom0 didn't have enough cpu power assigned to it, so that killed scheduling between the worker VMs.20:16
aukeok already appeared, nice20:17
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X-FadeBut the IO on these servers still seems quite slow. And setting up a worker vm each time takes quite some IO.20:18
X-FadeSo we need to play with that some more.20:19
X-FadeWe could do with some nice Intel solid state drives :D20:19
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* Stskeeps ponders if arm hardfp is a new architecture in terms of rpm arch_canon20:21
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X-FadeStskeeps: Yes.20:22
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X-FadeStskeeps: at it lists armv5teb and armv5tel, so I guess that answers it?20:23
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thiagoeb = endian-big20:23
thiagoARM can run in either endianness20:23
thiagothat has nothing to do with the FP ABI20:24
X-FadeHmm yeah, but isn't this the same difference?20:24
X-FadeHardfp apps don't work on non-fp hardware?20:24
thiagothey don't20:24
RST38hbut is usually little-endian20:24
thiagobut sse apps don't work in non-sse hardware either, yet they don't have an arch for themselves either20:24
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X-Fadethiago: complicated ;)20:26
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* Stskeeps watches his armv6+vfp meego:1.1:core chew away20:26
X-FadeStskeeps: What hardware are you trying to run that on?20:27
StskeepsX-Fade: a machine that if it had hands, it would try to choke me20:27
thiagonote that you really want armv7, to get the SMP-safe instructions20:28
Stskeepsyeah - this is just a hobby project for the n8x0 devices20:28
Stskeepsand to learn more about meego porting20:28
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DawnFosterCommunity Office meeting starting now in #meego-meeting Agenda
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Unmenschhey hey21:28
Unmenschis there a port of meego to the archos 7o internet tablet planned21:28
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aukeUnmensch: no, no ports are "planned" officially right now.21:29
Unmenschtoo bad, I am a former n800 user and think that android can't really compete21:30
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alsafHi got a query about third party development on meego21:32
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* qgil wonders whether thiago will follow this channel during his session about "Qt on MeeGo" starting right now ;)22:01
X-Fadeheh :)22:01
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robtaylorSo, I've just been cleaning up ContextKit's documentation, and now i have a nice tarball of it's docs.22:18
robtaylorWhat should I do with it? :)22:18
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dziqanybody use rt3090 on meegoo 1.1?22:30
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Noobmonk3yomg... frals you traitor!!!! hiding in here and not #maemo!22:59
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Noobmonk3yfrals: .... pity you... missing infobot porn... doc's sorting it/she/he out23:03
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X-Fadeauke: it seems the repo got published ok now?23:24
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aukeX-Fade: pro! yeah, it published ok23:32
aukenow I can actually go and clean it up a bit23:33
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aukeX-Fade: hey, I just added the 1.1 netbook repo and it's not building23:43
auketrunk is ok23:43
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