IRC log of #meego for Monday, 2010-11-01

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nialain kickstart file the rule: keyboard fr  doesn't work00:32
eikkeis there any general-purpose distribution which provides a working Meego 1.1 Netbook UX ?00:34
CosmoHilleikke: not yet, MeeGo 1.1 only came out on thursday00:36
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eikkethey could've been tracking development releases or something ;)00:37
eikkeI really like the UI on my netbook, but need much more packages than what's provided by meego (as a distribution)00:38
* niala think, if martien have invented computer, now we all speaking martien00:40
dwmw2_BOSeikke: which packages? Should be easy enough to import...00:41
dwmw2_BOSisn't there even an open build system you can use?00:41
eikkedwmw2_BOS: mostly development stuff: gvim, the whole GHC Haskell platform and related stuff, a full-fledged Python development environment,...00:41
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eikkeideally I could run both 'normal' gnome sessions and meego sessions on my netbook, depending on what I'm doing00:42
eikkegnome for dev etc, meego for entertainment sessions00:42
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ClaesBasWhich version of 1.1.80.x is known to "work/boot" on N900 (following the Wiki "Installing MeeGo to N900 on external MMC card")?01:07
CosmoHillyes version 1.1, this is the latest stable release01:09
CosmoHillv1.1.80x is the 1.2 alpha release01:09
ClaesBasCosmoHill: So v1.0.99.3... is 1.1?01:10
sofarpre-1.1 yes01:10
CosmoHillit's the beta01:10
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ClaesBasExactly which one is 1.1 in ?01:11
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CosmoHillClaesBas: the one called 1.101:11
CosmoHillit came out thursday01:11
sofarwrong folder01:11
sofarsee /releases/ instead01:11
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ClaesBasSomebody should change the Wiki!01:12
sofarit's a wiki, you can do it01:12
sofarwhich page?01:12
dolp1.1 is pretty useless super slow and looks horrible :D01:12
ClaesBasBut it seams like somebody knows allready how to do it!01:13
sofaragain, which wiki page needs changing?01:13
ClaesBas pointing to
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ClaesBasMaybe s/builds/release/01:14
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sofarfixed. please proof read the change.01:14
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ClaesBassofar: It looks better!01:16
ClaesBassofar: Doesn't any of the dev-builds work with the "MMC method"?01:17
CosmoHillsofar: are you the person to talk to about the screen shots?01:17
sofarCosmoHill: prolly dawnfoster or mshaver01:18
sofarClaesBas: did I say that anywhere?01:18
* CosmoHill pokes DawnFoster01:18
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ClaesBassofar: No, I was only curious....01:19
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dolpclaesbas: i tried some days ago01:19
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ClaesBasdolp: Did you get more than a prompt?01:20
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dolpyep.. it ran ok01:21
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ClaesBasdolp: Did you do it the "MMC way"?01:21
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dolpClaesBas: yep.. like this
dolpand then
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ClaesBasdolp: After the "flasher boot" (with or without U-key), did have to do anything and how long did it take to get some graphics on the screen?01:26
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ClaesBass/did have/did you have/01:27
infobotClaesBas meant: dolp: After the "flasher boot" (with or without U-key), did you have to do anything and how long did it take to get some graphics on the screen?01:27
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dolpi pressed u-key and guess it didnt take long01:29
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ClaesBasI try it again...01:30
dolptho before that i tried version and it didnt work.. gave kernel panic. so no graphics there whatsoever..01:30
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ClaesBasni1s: The world is small.. i'm also at ...dre.sth.bostream.se01:50
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jaafarqmake on the meego sdk really wants to use something called "mmoc" instead of "moc".  And of course, mmoc does not exist... Anyone seen this before?01:54
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jaafarOK, Mek just demonstrated that this stems from using the "meegotouch" option with CONFIG in your qmake .pro file.  Bug?02:01
sh0gunk0is there some MeeGo app repository already?02:02
sh0gunk0with rpm packages?02:02
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thiagono, just repo.meego.com02:04
Meknot a bug? with CONFIG += meegotouch in your .pro file regardless of if you actually use meegotouch, meego-qt-creator fails to build anything for a meego target, with it it works fine02:04 doesn't contain any aplication repositories as far I have checked02:04
sh0gunk0the app repositories will be in there? I mean, in the future, on repo.meego.com02:05
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jaafarthiago: would love a workaround or some suggestion of how to do it right if it's something I'm doing... thanks02:07
sh0gunk0anyway, it is possible to use fedora's repos now right?02:07
sh0gunk0in meego02:07
nialash0gunk0: nop02:07
sh0gunk0why not :/02:07
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nialabecause meego != fedora02:08
ljphmm.. did a zypper update and now meego wont auto mount the sd card ;( or mount it at all through the gui02:08
sh0gunk0so meego is now completely without any aplications :/02:08
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sh0gunk0look at maemo, you can get plenty of apps from debian arm repos02:09
sh0gunk0I mean shell aplications02:09
nialash0gunk0: you can add a repos fedora on ubuntu? or suse on fedora?02:09
sh0gunk0but ubuntu uses apt-get and suse zypper if I am right02:10
sh0gunk0fedora = yum, meego = yum02:10
nialash0gunk0: yep you can add any rpm you want, but it can broke your os updates and so02:11
nialasuse = rpm mandriva to02:11
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jaafarlacking any other alternative, I've just linked /usr/lib/madde/linux-i686/targets/meego-core-armv7l-1.1/bin/moc to mmoc and moved on... strange that it doesn't work though02:12
nialash0gunk0:  you can build you own rpm (I know it's no really easy)
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sh0gunk0ok but let's say that someone writes a program for MeeGo, compiles rpm package and so, he wants to publish it, where if MeeGo has no place for packages yet?02:15
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nialash0gunk0: not yet, public OBS is not ready, soon02:16
sh0gunk0hmm, ok02:16
nialathink meego is still in dev02:17
nialabut stable...02:17
nialash0gunk0: ./configure ; make; make install  ;)02:17
sh0gunk0I think the first meego tablet has been released02:17
sh0gunk0so they release the device without any app repository02:18
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nialayes. or maybe a company repos ?   wich tablet?02:19
nialanot in store isn't it02:20
nialais it02:20
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nialalol my english sorry :)02:20
sh0gunk0hmm I see02:22
sh0gunk0In that respect, the WeTab could be a good product but unfortunately, the content and 3rd-party application stores (Intel’s AppUp and FonPits AndroidPIT) are missing. The UI isn’t quite finished either. WeTab has it’s own applications store but currently only a ‘handful’ of apps are available.02:22
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sh0gunk0and yes, it is on market already02:26
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nialawell strange02:26
sh0gunk0using company repos02:26
sh0gunk0MeeGo repos should have been one of the first things to do, imagine that there is a device already in stores, people can buy it, they can start making apps for it, but they don't have any MeeGo publishing place02:27
sh0gunk0or not imagine, it is true already :)02:28
nialain other way meego is linux so you "can do what you want". I mean it's difficult and long to setup public OBS02:29
nialanot trivial02:29
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sh0gunk0well Asus did it, seems in a very short time, for that WeTab02:31
sh0gunk0Palm's WebOS device have been released, place for apps have been available, Android first device released, it has been available, even community distros like SHR have repositories02:33
jaafarAnyone try to install an rpm that was built with the meego sdk onto a meego handset (n900)?02:34
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nialaStskeeps: pouvez-vous donner l'url de votre configuration d'obs iin your wiki02:34
sh0gunk0maybe it's fault of Asus that they released a device with non-complete OS02:35
nialasorry can you give your url to setup obs Stskeeps02:35
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jaafarwhen I run "file" on the generated rpm on the development system I get: rrpmbuild/jeffsfirstmeegoapp-0.0.1-1.armv7l.rpm: RPM v3 bin i386 jeffsfirstmeegoapp-0.0.1-102:35
jaafarthe target system rejects this rpm with a "Problem reading the RPM header of jeffsfirstmeegoapp-0.0.1-1.armv7l.rpm. Is it an RPM file?" error02:36
jaafarIf there's anyone who actually tried to do an rpm install on a handset please tell me any special hints you have thanks :)02:37
nialain fact just setup an obs is not difficult, there is a lot of tutorial on the web. But other difficulties02:37
nialasorry jaafar I have only play with netbook version for now02:37
nialajaafar: maybe in #meego-arm02:38
sh0gunk0yes but still seems strange to me, that a big project, covered by companies like Intel and Nokia and after that long time, with device release, usable versions for N900, still don't have OBS02:39
nialan900 is an old phone he run with maemo, it's only compatible with meego.02:40
sh0gunk0I know, with device release I meant the Atom powered WeTab02:41
sh0gunk0because it is actually first official MeeGo device02:42
* niala is just an user like other, he can fail :)02:42
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sh0gunk0I don't blame niala here, probably Intel did have to push the things, because WeTab is Atom device and Intel is doing MeeGo mainly because of Atom02:43
sh0gunk0Nokia is fine here since they didn't release any phone yet02:44
nialasure netook version is the more complete version of meego02:45
sh0gunk0but not complete since it doesn't have own app repositories02:46
nialash0gunk0: try meego on virtual environment. bah I can do everything I want with meego,02:47
nialavi and terminal and the world is your :)02:47
sh0gunk0OS without apps is not an OS, with manual app installation/getting --> c'mon, are we on Windows?, with separate company app stores --> main fault, we need to let users use 1 app place from the start02:48
sh0gunk0yes I know I can use in virtualbox02:48
sh0gunk0but my point is, that there is a device released and Intel side of the project doesn't care of any app repos02:49
nialayes I m agree, but time is time and for now we must wait until public repos is open for all the world :)02:50
sh0gunk0yes :(02:50
nialasure if no app meego will die02:50
sh0gunk0thath's the point02:50
sh0gunk0everyone writes about QT know, world is full of it, but no place to publish02:50
nialabut with meego you can do your-crazy-app02:51
nialabe patient and prepare your app02:51
sh0gunk0true, no other choice at the moment02:51
nialarare an os where you can do your own app before anything02:52
nialabefore the harware lol02:52
niala(sorry 2x my english)02:52
sh0gunk0it's not true, because there is a hardware already :) the WeTab02:53
sh0gunk0being sold on amazon germany and other stores02:53
nialameego is alive since may02:53
jaafarniala: thanks for the suggestion02:53
jaafarfor anyone who is interested I copied my app binary over with sftp02:54
nialajaafar: wellcome, ? I don't remenber :)02:54
jaafar(for suggesting I try meego-arm)02:54
nialajaafar: sh0gunk0 will install an app :)02:54
nialawhat is your app ?02:54
jaafarniala: just a basic simple starter app to check the development flow.  Uses libmeegotouch for look and feel, displays current orientation of the device02:55
jaafarIt was two full days getting this to work.  Documentation IMO is fragmentary and occasionally self-contradictory.  I'm going to write up my experiences in the hope it helps others02:56
nialaI note your nickname jaafar if I need help with qt/c++ ;)02:56
nialajaafar: yes please :)02:56
sh0gunk02am in here02:57
sh0gunk0work tomorrow :/02:57
sh0gunk0czech republic02:57
nialafrance nice to meet you02:57
sh0gunk0france cool, I am going to work for France customers in 2 weeks02:58
sh0gunk0nice to meet you02:58
sh0gunk0like France outsourcing team02:58
sh0gunk0placed here in Czech02:58
sh0gunk0currently working in Italian team and it's terrible, Italian people are terrible :P02:59
nialawell my english to bad I haven't understandt02:59
nialaterrible like? like cool ? or ?02:59
sh0gunk0well, terrible to work with them03:00
nialaall the country are great, only certain person in world are not good :)03:00
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sh0gunk0yes, but some countries contain more of these certain people :D03:01
sh0gunk0my experience with Italian side of IBM is terrible, maybe in other companies it's better03:02
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sh0gunk0anyway, is it hard to get work as unix administrator in France without knowing the french language?03:03
nialait depends on the canteen :)03:03
sh0gunk0get job *03:03
sh0gunk0do you require french a lot in IT jobs?03:03
nialawell get any work in france is difficult for now03:03
sh0gunk0aha :-?03:04
sh0gunk0aha :-/03:04
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nialash0gunk0: yes but only in some area, like big city paris, marseille, lyon03:04
sh0gunk0big cities are fine for me03:05
nialawell get any work in france is difficult for now <--- like every where. no?03:05
sh0gunk0currently working in Brno, which is a city with lot's of IT developer/delivery centres, not that big city, but I want to go abroad finally03:06
nialayes paris is fine, and marseille you have a hot sea near your job03:06
sh0gunk0but we have here a big IBM delivery centre in Brno, 3000 employees, L1, L2 and L3 outsourcing03:06
sh0gunk0then we have AT&T outsourcing centre03:07
sh0gunk0Red Hat developer centre, biggest in Europe03:07
sh0gunk0and many others03:07
nialago to berkeley! the king of computer and robotic lol03:07
nialas/king/the kingdom03:08
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nialaand nice weather, that is importaznt! :)03:09
sh0gunk0yes I check now03:09
sh0gunk0Marseille look great03:09
sh0gunk0I don't like hot weather and cold neither03:09
nialaa good football team :)03:09
sh0gunk0this is great03:11
sh0gunk0very stable weather!03:11
sh0gunk0I mean, in Brno we have even 35 °C in summer and sometimes -20 °C in winter03:12
sh0gunk0big differencies03:12
nialamediterranean climat03:12
nialaouch, but I love when we have a true summer and a true winter,03:12
nialathis punctuates the years03:13
sh0gunk0+35 °C in the shadows and +45 °C on sun is not true summer but hell :P03:13
sh0gunk0and -20 °C is not comfortable as well03:14
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niala:) it's a punition03:14
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sh0gunk0it is03:15
sh0gunk0one of the things why I want to get out of the country03:15
sh0gunk0but worst time for it, because of world crysis03:15
pupniki found the scandinavian countries much nicer places to do IT business than france03:17
pupnikback around 200303:17
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sh0gunk0yes, interest for them as well :)03:18
nialash0gunk0: yes but be movable is an advantage03:18
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sh0gunk0but the thing is, that in scandinavian countries, norway, sweden etc. they require their language a lot03:18
sh0gunk0sometimes, you sign a job contract with a note, that you have to learn norwegian in 2 years, etc.03:19
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nialash0gunk0: french are the worst, we speak english often (and other language to) like spanish cow03:19
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nialaI mean you can easily speak english in other country than france :)03:20
sh0gunk0yes I get your point03:20
sh0gunk0actually scandinavian people speak english almost like maiden language (excellent level) but they still require their language (norwegian, swedish, ..) a lot for jobs03:21
nialawe are to pretentious to speak other language than french ;D03:21
sh0gunk0but french is the main language along with german and english03:22
sh0gunk0it is acceptable03:22
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blackrockwhat's with this weather, countries, etc.?03:23
sh0gunk0eg. official language in Canada03:23
blackrockisn't it a meebo channel?03:23
nialayes it is, you have a question blackrock03:23
sh0gunk0it is :D, just no one was speaking so we fill the board up03:23
sh0gunk0yes, shoot a question03:24
nialawe only take a virtual coffee :)03:24
blackrockno i'm just stalking the channel03:24
blackrockactually, i'm eager to develop for meego, and waiting for more phone support03:24
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nialablackrock: you can already devl for meego03:25
nialash0gunk0: canada is more reallistic03:26
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blackrockwhen meego replaces symbian, would the old smart phones just be left behind?03:27
sh0gunk0MeeGo is not meant to replace Symbian03:27
sh0gunk0MeeGo is developed for high-end device and Nokia still develops Symbian a lot03:28
nialasymbian will die more like win95 or comodore or amstrad, with the time...03:28
thiagoand like win95, it will be around and relevant for longer than people expected03:28
sh0gunk0and now, there will be no more versioning of Symbian like Symbian 3 etc. only one Symbian with rolling releases03:29
sh0gunk0in case the MeeGo starts to be very popular, yes it is possible that Nokia will let the Symbian die03:29
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sh0gunk0but currently, they still plan to do phones with it and they develop it actively03:30
thiagojust a couple hundred million more03:31
nialamaybe they have to more project for make a success with one ?03:31
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sh0gunk0I hope they will try to success with one MeeGo mainly, they are putting all their hopes into the Nokia N9, first MeeGo phone03:32
sh0gunk0this should be like best seller, or Nokia wants it to be. needs03:32
thiagoit's hard to beat the current nokia best seller03:33
nialathiago: have you the url from Stskeeps to setup a virtual OBS ?03:33
sh0gunk0and for Sybian devices, they will still do tons of them, low end piecies for few bucks :P03:33
thiagoniala: no03:33
thiago <--- best seller03:33
sh0gunk0N8 is an exception, after meego device release, I don't  think any other Symbian device will be selling so much03:33
sh0gunk0I didn't like this one03:34
nialaahh souvenirs souvenirs03:34
sh0gunk0Nokia 9000 and 9110 were cool ones, with GeOS :P03:36
thiagosymbian devices will still sell more than any close competitor, save maybe for the iPhone03:36
sh0gunk0then Nokia 9210 started era of Symbian03:36
thiagoI mean each device03:36
sh0gunk0but, look at the Android03:37
nialawhen ressource like coltan and lithium will be spent03:37
thiagoyep, smart phones made of coltane :-)03:37
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thiagothen they'll rise and rule us, so we'll have to send someone back in time03:38
sh0gunk0niala, you mentioned souvenirs and I remembered one cool song :P03:38
nialalong time ago sillicium valley has sillicium...03:38
sh0gunk0singing about souvenirs also :P03:38
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nialanice whos is the singer? singerin (whet the correct word?)03:40
sh0gunk0 this is the original one ;)03:41
nialawaldek? polish singer ?03:41
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sh0gunk0isn't it a french band? according to the accent03:42
nialalol maybe. I ask my second brain google03:43
sh0gunk0hmm probably Austria, Vienna,
nialawell time to bed03:46
nialasee you later #meego03:46
nialagood night sh0gunk0 thiago03:47
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Gorrothdoes meego have anything like Squid proxy yet?  or Skype access on the n900?05:24
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amjadping stskeeps10:34
amjadhow goes, loong time no see10:34
Stskeepsit goes fine.. just returned after seeing my family in denmark10:34
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amjadah, i became a first time dad on saturday , so being lil bit busy on family side :)10:36
Stskeepscongrats! :)10:36
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JKL_does he/she have a nickname meego?10:36
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JKL_and grtz anyway :)10:37
amjadlol, would ask him dad , and thanks again10:37
amjaderr, would think about naming him meego :)10:38
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Stskeepsmorn thp10:38
thphey ho10:38
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PurtiHi guys, do u know Meego 1.1 Handset UX - Video player is built on top of which multimedia framework?10:39
Myrttiamjad: congrats, how's mum and baby doing?10:43
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PurtiDoes anyone know about Media Services of Meego 1.1?10:45
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amjadthanks myrtti, mom is still recovering but baby is doing great, he is awake at night :)10:46
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MyrttiPurti: try asking at the Forums?10:56
arag0rnhey how do i access build logs for a particular component ?10:56
arag0rni'm registered on but I cant login to build.meego.com10:57
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JaffaMorning, all11:04
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tuluiI rather enjoyed Meego on my 1001px11:33
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lcukmorning #meego and Myrtti especially \o12:46
MyrttiI haz spamhammer ♥12:48
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Tm_T K'day all12:52
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slainemorning lcuk12:54
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rolfHi All.13:01
rolfCan anybody tell me how I can modify the isolinux.cfg file which is generated by mic using the livecd format? I want to have it boot the installation entry automatically...13:02
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eikkeis there any way to override the luks check in the installer?13:15
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eikkeI have a luks partition on my netbook, but would like to install meego on an SD card, so it shouldnt care about any of the drives in the system except for that one13:16
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niala_zombiluks ? you can choose to make your own partition to install meego ?13:18
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eikkethe problem is the installer gives an error and quits whenever it finds any (existing) luks partition13:19
ruskiefun... still meego is broken for the original netbooks(i.e. non atom ones)13:20
niala_zombiI don't know luks word13:20
ruskieluks is used for encryption13:20
eikkeLinux Unified Key Setup, encrypted block volumes using cryptsetup13:20
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* niala_zombi note new word13:21
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eikkeso I'm kinda stuck :P13:29
eikkeinstalling to the flashdrive in virtualbox is not possible either, since meego doesnt work in vbox13:29
pervertyeah it works13:30
perverti have it booted on a vbox right now13:30
eikkeoh? thats new13:30
pervertits IVI though13:30
eikkewhats IVI?13:30
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pervertin vehicle infotainment edition13:31
eikkeah :)13:31
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pervertits better than trying to do it all on my 7inch screen. once i have it all configured the way i want it i'll clone the installed copy to my other drive13:32
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eikkepervert: you simply use the img file as virtual cdrom device?13:35
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Bostikmeego .img file is a standard .iso, only named differently; vbox may complain or outright ignore the file if the extension doesn't match13:39
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pervertyep, i just loaded the .img. i was going to convert it, but i thought "might as well try it first"13:41
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eikkething is when i try to 'live' system from the .img in vbox, it hangs on black screen13:42
eikketrying an installation to a virtual disk now13:42
pervertyeah, i dont remember which way i did it13:43
perverti think i text installed it13:43
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pervertyeah, i just reinstalled from the .img (1.1) in vbox13:47
pervertwell its like 70% done13:47
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pervertbootloader doesnt work13:49
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pervertmaybe use my chameleon bootloader install disk13:49
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pervertor find anothr linux iso13:50
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eikkenah, bootloader works after a reset13:51
eikkei think :P13:51
pervertnot this time :)13:51
pervertoh, it doeds13:52
perverti'm just a tool13:52
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pupnik_Archie Bunker: In this house it's 'my country, right or wrong'!14:13
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summywho can give me some introduction about how to install eat?15:08
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iceswordsummy, eat?15:09
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iceswordsummy, what app by who15:09
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summyThe abbrivation of enable automation test15:11
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summyiceword, do you know about that?15:11
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vilvosummy: enables automated testing15:12
vilvoyou might want to join #meego-qa-tools to discuss with eat developers15:13
zumbi_which is linux foundation implication into meego after yocto release?15:13
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summyyes, i get it from gitorious, and also i have knew what it will be used15:13
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summybut how can i install it in pc and device?15:14
vilvothere's packages already available?15:14
summyis there anyone who install successfully and give me some suggestion?15:14
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summyvilvo, what do you mean? you said is one question?15:15
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vilvowould you please elaborate what kind of problems you have?15:17
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vilvosummy: now that I recall, it's successfully built&installed also from git even today -
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summyi see the auto-guide, finding that the eat-device is installed acording to the image flashed into the phone, which it means the image contains the eat-device automation script, is my understanding right?15:23
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vilvosounds right but you need also host side support - what do you try to do with it?15:26
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iceswordsomeone told me the new x-server is Wayland in meego, right?15:28
summyi used it do some automation test15:29
summyyes , i need also install host side,15:30
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kt_I need support for jack sensing in my PulseAudio module in Meego. Jack sensing is not a part of PulseAudio yet so I need to investigate how to obtain the jack sensing information myself. By looking at the overview of the Meego structure: i think audio device drivers maybe are compiled into the kernel/ i don't know where to look for an API to get the jack sensing information15:51
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kt_it seems that alsa should send an input event when the jack is inserted but it is unclear to me16:09
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DawnFosterStskeeps: ping17:41
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StskeepsDawnFoster: pong17:41
DawnFosterStskeeps: well, it's the 1st of the month, so I'll give you one guess :)17:42
DawnFosterNo big hurry - I have lots of other metrics data to pull together17:42
timeless_mbpyou don't like mailman?17:42
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saltsa_do you have problems with and zypper refresh?17:42
Stskeepsthe monthly bribe payment? ;) sure, i'll book some time for irc stats tomorrow17:43
saltsa_it seems that there is some kind of ip fragmentation problem when n900 is connected through USB to the internet17:43
Stskeepssaltsa_: hmm, mtu too high?17:43
DawnFosterStskeeps:  :) thanks again for gathering the IRC stats every month17:44
saltsa_Stskeeps, my desktop is sending this ICMP to the "unreachable - need to frag (mtu 1494), length 556"17:44
DawnFosterI'm cooking up a plan to get all of this better automated17:44
Stskeepssaltsa_: hmm, mtu too high?17:45
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Stskeepssaltsa_: that might be a reason for the odd wifi problem we have too.. could you report this issue and cc ?17:45
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saltsa_Stskeeps, mtu is 1500 for everything, usb0 in n900 and desktop, and for the ethernet on desktop too17:46
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Stskeepssaltsa_: interesting17:47
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saltsa_Stskeeps, okay, now it's working correctly. I did nothing...17:48
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saltsa_Stskeeps, probably configuration problem with ignoring those icmp messages about framentation?17:49
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saltsa_Stskeeps, but another problem: Booted to meego and the screen is white. So some desktop loading problem?17:50
Stskeepssaltsa_: might be17:50
Stskeepssaltsa_: give it some time17:50
saltsa_i have given it over 15 minutes. Ssh to it is working correctly..17:50
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townxelliotsaltsa_: netbook? have you checked your graphics card?17:51
saltsa_townxelliot, no, n900 and the 1.1 release image released @ meego.com17:52
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townxelliotsaltsa_: oh, OK, not something I've done myself yet17:56
saltsa_tried to boot again and now it booted to desktop17:57
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Stskeepssaltsa_: that sounds weird18:10
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saltsa_can't make phone calls, it seems the device is in flight mode?18:11
Stskeepsdo you have a PIN on your sim?18:12
Stskeepsthat's why18:12
Stskeepswe don't support that right now18:12
saltsa_anyway to manually enter it somewhere?18:16
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Stskeepsnot in 1.118:17
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sivanghi all18:27
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Alison_ChaikenFriend: "you can't use MeeGo, you won't have Gmail!"  Me: "You can't use Linux, you won't have Outlook Exchange!"18:42
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aukeX-Fade: just pinged lbt as well, my home project isn't showing up on crepo.meego.com18:55
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sivanghey Stskeeps :)19:00
sivangStskeeps: less busy now that the release is out?19:01
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CosmoHillsalut niala, comment ça va?20:46
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eikkeinstalled meego 1.1 on my eee901 now, as-is, but wlan doesnt work20:52
eikkert2860sta is modprobe'd and no obvious errors in dmesg or messages20:52
eikkeifconfig wlan0 up works fine20:52
eikkebut there's nothing shown in the networking panel20:52
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thiagohow about iwconfig wlan0?20:53
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aukeI just did a dist-upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1, and seeing the same issue20:55
aukeon 901eee pc specific20:55
aukeeikke: please can you open a bugreport?20:56
aukeeikke: and tell me the bug number20:56
thiagodoes restarting connmand help?20:56
aukeI can try that20:56
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auke(still a bug though, even if that helps)20:56
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aukethiago: nope, still no wireless showing up20:57
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CosmoHillhey auke and thiago21:01
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eikkeauke: will do. 901 here as well21:02
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eikkegoogle found a  forum thread as well, though diner now21:03
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eikkethiago: actually21:12
eikkerestarting connman with the same args (-W nl80211,wext) after ifconfig wlan0 up does make the wlan conn. appear in the panel21:13
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Myrttiwohey! I actually show up in there21:14
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CosmoHillStskeeps: thanks21:16
CosmoHillI don't like what th0br0's random line is :/21:17
CosmoHillniala: you got counted twice21:18
nialahello CosmoHill what? what did I do21:20
CosmoHillsee the link Stskeeps posted21:20
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nialaCosmoHill:   well  disturbing maybe I must more read and less speak.  We have the worst spelling and grammar in the stats also ?21:25
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CosmoHillas long as you get your point across21:26
CosmoHillmy english isn't the best either21:26
DawnFosterStskeeps: thanks!21:26
fabrice_hi, I'm using the chroot sdk env, and need glib-config to compile a project. Which package does provide it?21:27
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aukefabrice_: glib2-devel prolly21:39
aukefabrice_: zypper install -t pattern meego-handset-desktop-devel ?21:39
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aukeor look at `zypper pt` for existing patterns21:40
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fabrice_auke, I alreay installed glib2-devel21:41
fabrice_is there  a way to list the files installed by a package21:41
aukerpm -ql $rpmname21:41
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fabrice_auke, thanks. still no luck with glib-config ...21:57
aukewhat project are you compiling? is it looking for glib 1.x ?21:59
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aukethere is no glib-1 in meego, only glib-221:59
aukeand glib2 uses pkgconfig, not a -config script21:59
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kevloralHello all22:02
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aukeX-Fade: did you get my ping earlier?22:05
aukelbt: ?22:05
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nialasu RogerFederer!!22:07
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willwork4fooHi all. Does anyone know whether the meego desktop component is available as a standalone thing that can be installed on top of another Linux distro, say for example Debian or Slackware?22:11
willwork4fooAlso, are there any plans to provide support for restricted (proprietary) wifi drivers?22:11
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aukethere are no plans for restricted wifi drivers, meego has a strict merge guideline22:12
aukethe netbook UX can be installed or compiled on most other distributions22:12
willwork4fooauke: I've been looking for that component and can't find it... I really like the UX, but sadly my netbook's wifi requires a proprietary driver22:13
aukewhich component are you looking for?22:14
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willwork4fooauke: surely it'd be easier to get my netbook's wifi chipset (Broadcom) working from within Meego....22:14
aukebroadcom is working on an open source wifi driver22:14
willwork4fooI'd quite like to get Meego on my netbook - I really like the interface22:14
willwork4fooah ok... but until then I can't use the closed source one?22:15
aukeit's being worked on and will be in meego as soon as the upstream kernel accepts it22:15
aukeI answered that question: no, there is a strict policy on no closed source kernel drivers.22:15
willwork4fooaha ok fair enough. I guess I'll have to pass on meego for now then, until that becomes available22:15
aukeyou can maybe add it yourself22:15
aukebut, meego will not because it can not (distribute them)22:16
aukewillwork4foo: if you want to help, call broadcom and tell them to work on it :)22:16
willwork4fooauke: I'm sure there are already enough voices singing that chorus :)22:17
aukeno, not nearly enough22:17
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willwork4fooIn that case, I will send them an email now. Interestingly, on their contact page there is a specific bit about linux drivers for 802.11 wireless22:19
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giovais possibol to have meego on HTC Touch2 (HTC Mega) smartphone???22:22
giovapardòn... possible22:22
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CosmoHillyou can try22:23
Myrttinot that I've heard anyone succeed22:24
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giovabut how?22:24
aukegiova: it starts with being extremely experienced in these matters22:25
CosmoHillI don't think anything has tired yet22:25
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giova... ok ...22:26
aukewe should make a wiki listing the porting efforts and attempts22:26
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aukewell at least he got an answer to his question :)22:26
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thiagoauke: have you build arjan's recent powertop?22:27
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aukethiago: yes22:28
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aukeinfobot: htc is See
infobotauke: okay22:28
infobothmm... htc is See
CosmoHilldamn infobot22:28
CosmoHillPM'd me saying someone said that 0 seconds ago22:28
thiagoauke: where does pci/pci.h come from?22:29
auke(lspci etc)22:29
thiagoauke: thanks22:30
* thiago runs the new powertop22:30
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bambulehi,  i am trying to get the meego helloworld running as described here
bambuleeverything works till i try to run the result in qemu22:46
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bambule then i get this error
bambulecan anyone help me out there?22:46
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bambuleits seems that there are other things wrong with my meego handset image. dmesg show
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lcukbambule, do you have the 1.1 image itself or are you recycling an old one?22:54
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bambulelcuk: meego-handset-sdk-20101012- is what i am using22:55
bambuleshouldn't be something old. i just started two days ago or so to have a look at meego22:55
lcukcan you get the sdk itself to come up without attempting to run the binary and do the existing apps actually come through22:55
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lcuk(sure, just asking general questions :))22:55
bambulelcuk: yes the qemu brings up the home screen.22:56
bambulelcuk: but there are some apps that i can't run22:56
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lcukbambule, that might be due to other things, but what specifically have you noticed?22:56
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lcukbambule, i do know the sdk guys are working through getting it documented and released cleanly, theres a chance that you have falling into one of hte gotchas, but someone over there >>>> will have to carry on, i have to vanish22:58
bambuleone thing is the same as when i try to run my own app in qtcreator. if i am logged in on a console i see this22:58
bambulelocalhost klogd: [  305.039051] Process mcompositor (pid: 639, ti=f68f0000 task=f68e8430 task.ti=f68f0000)22:58
bambuleif i use dmesg i see the crashes that i also see with my app22:59
auke"killed with signal 6" is an issue with shutting down the X session23:00
aukeit should not affect the applications, nor have I seen it occur at startup (only on shutdown is when it occurs)23:00
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bambuleauke: i've just retested it. with the image i have i can't run the webbrowser. it will come up, the screen will become black and white a few times and then it falls back into the homescreen23:02
bambulethe console prints the klogd messages show earlier23:02
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bambuleit also show localhost klogd: [   56.380475] Process meego-im-uiserv (pid: 619, ti=f39ce000 task=f6feb050 task.ti=f39ce000)23:02
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aukeyeah several apps receive a SIGABRT23:03
aukeas I said, it's only at shutdown time or should be23:03
bambulewell its a stock handset image i've just downloaded23:03
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aukeas I said, it shouldn't affect the normal startup and working of any application23:04
bambulehmm, but the webbrowser shouldn't just terminate a few seconds after i've started it?23:04
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aukethat is probably an unrelated issue23:05
aukeis it getting a SIGABRT?23:05
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bambulebtw my dmesg also shows meego-im-uiserv/619: potentially unexpected fatal signal 11.23:09
bambuleis this also normal shutdown/startup?23:09
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aukeno, any signal 11 is a bug23:10
aukesignal 6 errors are technically a bug, but in this case the impact is zero23:10
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kendrickquick question - thinking of adding "move to trash" inside Tux Paint (when you delete a picture), rather than just doing an unlink()  [think of the children!]23:19
kendrickon KDE/Gnome/etc., we can use xdg ( spec.  does Meego have the concept of a 'trash'?23:20
bambulei played around some more and i can start every apps inside the handset image but not the browser23:21
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aukekendrick: good point23:23
aukekendrick: meego should use `xdg-user-dir TRASH` but I see it's not defined23:23
aukekendrick: I wonder why it's not defined though - that's a miss but I can't find it on one other distro either23:24
aukekendrick: I think XDG_TRASH_DIR is a distro-specific extension23:24
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* kendrick shrugs23:24
kendricki'm very new to any of this :)23:24
Jaffakendrick: good idea23:25
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aukewait wait23:27
aukethere's a XDG trash spec23:27
aukeusing xdg-user-dir is probably wrong23:27
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auke -> trash is per definition $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash23:29
aukewhere XDG_DATA_HOME=~/.config by default23:29
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aukeseems nautilus on meego puts it in ~/.local/share/Trash23:31
aukeok, Thunar also uses that location23:32
aukeok, found it23:33
auke$XDG_DATA_HOME defines the base directory relative to which user specific data files should be stored. If $XDG_DATA_HOME is either not set or empty, a default equal to $HOME/.local/share should be used.23:33
aukeso, The location of Trash is:23:33
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aukethat's what you should use in your application23:34
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eikkehmh, why oh why doesnt meego ship with the ext4 FS driver :(23:37
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kendrickthanks auke23:39
raulieh. why is swi-prolog installed with meego?23:39
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kendricki don't think i've seen the ${THIS:-THAT} syntax before23:40
aukeit's bash for "if this variable has no value, use this as default"23:40
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kendrickyeah that's neat23:43
kendrickof course, in my app (it's C), it'll be a pair of getenv() calls23:43
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aukefoo = getenv("XDG_DATA_HOME") ; if (!foo) { home = getenv("HOME") ; sprintf(foo, "%s/.local/share", home) }; sprintf(trash, "%s/Trash", foo);23:51
aukeor... something like that :)23:51
andyrossSadly to pidgin, ":-$" get interpreted as a squiggle-mouthed smiley.  Not sure whether to blame bash or pidgin for that one...23:52
kendrickanyway, i'm outta here23:53
kendrickthanks again@23:53
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