IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2010-10-31

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saigkillHello Mates. I've downloaded meego.img and used it with image-writer for writing the USB. Now after changing the BIOS my EeePC can boot the Stick. In the Bootmenue i'm choosing "Boot Meego". Then starts the Kernel but now it breaks. He says "/dev/loop2 can't read superblock". Has anyone an Idea how to fix this?00:03
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CosmoHillsaigkill: hmm00:10
saigkillCosmoHill: I've searched already with Google, found 2 Threads, but no solution...00:12
CosmoHilldo you have another USB device to you put meego on?00:12
th0br0saigkill: try a different usb stick00:12
th0br0CosmoHill:  :D00:12
sofarthat's one suggestion00:12
CosmoHillhey sofar00:13
th0br0ohai indeed :)00:13
sofaralso, try starting the installer (but don't install if you don't want) to see if it loads00:13
sofarthird, run a checksum on the download00:13
th0br0some other idea ... yeah, the checksum00:13
th0br0i'd go for 3) and if that doesn't work out for 1)00:13
saigkillThe Bootmenue works, so i think that the Stick are okay...00:14
th0br0not necessarily.00:14
th0br0the bootmenue are just some 512kb ... there could be some bad memory banks somewhere00:14
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th0br0try running some fsck on the stick...00:17
sofarit's unlikely he has btrfsck00:17
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saigkillok. I'll try it out00:17
th0br0sofar: oh the image uses btrfs ? mmh true then.00:17
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sofarthere's a squashfs volume inside a ext3 fs00:17
sofarso, fsck should work00:17
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rittkwhich connection manager is used in maemo?00:21
ShadowJKit's nokia proprietary00:22
rittkits open now, right?00:22
rittkok, thanks00:22
ShadowJKIf I was them I wouldn't open it00:22
rittklol, why?00:22
ShadowJKbecause, in my personal opinion, it works better than any connection manager I've seen so far00:22
ShadowJKso it's actually an advantage, a good thing00:23
ShadowJKRelative to the big pile of closed software that's worse than open source alternatives :-)00:23
rittkimo, thats a first reason for opening it00:23
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ShadowJKlike, first encounter with Maemo, Maemo 4 chinook, I entered two wireless APs with the same static IP00:24
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ShadowJKopensauce Network Manager was just like "Static ip? What's that lol!? Here, let me just pick a new random IP every time you sneeze"00:25
ShadowJKicd in comparison is awesome, it seamlessly switches between the two APs that cover my house, without changing IPs, without dropping connections00:27
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rittkseems like it is still closed-source00:28
ShadowJKI'm hoping connman will be somewhat less braindead than Connection Manager and probably somewhat more braindamaged than icd2 :/00:28
ShadowJKnot hoping it'd be more braindamaged, of course, I'm just a pessimist00:28
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rittklooking at the connman sources makes me a bit optimistic00:30
CosmoHillhey arjan00:31
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rittkbut, hell, it still doesn't supports adhoc wifi-s00:31
rittkif (g_strcmp0(type, "wifi") != 0 || g_strcmp0(mode, "managed") != 0)00:32
rittkreturn -EOPNOTSUPP;00:32
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sofarrittk: it would be nice if Nokia would invest some time in connman as well00:33
Stskeepswell, with icd out of the way, i'd hope so too..00:34
ShadowJKicd didn't support adhoc out of the box actually :/00:34
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ShadowJKAnd there's a case for making ad-hoc "difficult"00:35
ShadowJKit consumes enormous amounts of power00:35
saigkillError found :-) It was a Error with the copying to the Stick. After using dd it was ready. Thanks for helping00:35
rittk> icd didn't support adhoc out of the box actually :/00:36
rittkso, how it works in my n900 out of the box?00:36
ShadowJKCreating or connecting to?00:37
rittkdidn't try to create one00:37
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willwork4foohi all00:38
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rittklol, commit with a message "Ignore WiFi networks with IBSS (adhoc mode)"00:44
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rittkwhy ignore?00:44
rittkis there an issue?00:44
rittkdoes that fixes something?00:44
rittkstupid someone...00:44
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piratephloxlooking for some images/pictures from meego, for print. couldn't really find anything in that direction.01:38
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piratephloxany hints?01:40
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CosmoHilllook on the wiki01:53
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piratephloxand where in the wiki? can't really find a useful page there easer.02:00
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CosmoHillclick on any of the pictures for more screen shots02:19
CosmoHillI know the person who took some of those screenshots is english :)02:21
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CosmoHillsalut niala02:30
dimitris82any news when we will have official update with dual boot on n900 maemo+meego?02:30
nialaCosmoHill: un nouveau jour commence :)02:30
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CosmoHilloui :)02:31
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CosmoHilldimitris82: there's some stuff on the wiki about i02:31
nialadimitris82: It's in project ?02:32
dimitris82i have saw them about two days ago is it updated?02:32
piratephloxthanks, but is this stuff ready for print? resolution and so.02:33
CosmoHillI can't find any high resolution pictures02:33
piratephloxits great, that its not jpg :)02:33
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CosmoHillI will ask about them soon02:33
CosmoHillI have another problem with some of the pictures I want to sort out first02:33
* CosmoHill pokes Stskeeps and auke 02:33
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nialatime to drink a soup02:34
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rittkwhere are the meego-panel-devel package?03:38
infobotrittk meant: where is the meego-panel-devel package?03:38
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rittks/lol/stupid bot/03:39
infobotrittk meant: stupid bot03:39
rittkoh, thiago03:39
thiagohey ritt03:39
rittkgood what_time_of_day_you_have_there03:39
rittkyou might know - what is the qdbus (tool) input parameters format?03:40
rittkI need to call SomeMethod(a{sv})03:40
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rittkACTION started to build meego-panel-network and got03:44
rittkACTION > checking for MPL... configure: error: Package requirements (meego-panel >= 0.49.0) were not met:03:44
rittkACTION > No package 'meego-panel' found03:44
* rittk 03:44
rittkACTION started to build meego-panel-network and got03:44
* rittk 03:44
rittkbut there is no mpl or meego-panel or meego-panel-devel package!03:45
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rittkthiago: where are you? still in US?03:47
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thiagostill in the US03:59
thiagountil Friday03:59
rittkI miss you03:00
thiagoconvince someone else to review those patches03:00
rittkwho? Lars?)03:00
rittkhe ignores me03:00
thiagohe's more busy than I am03:01
rittksame there03:01
thiagosimon should be able to find time03:01
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* thiago now needs to go have dinner03:01
thiagosee ya03:01
rittkso busy that unable to answer during a 6 months?03:01
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iceswordwhat , sthe  structure of meego?04:36
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iceswordi mean what environment is user app in? linux? or some vm?04:37
wmaroneit's standard linux04:38
wmaroneIE not some special VM or whatnot04:39
iceswordanyone awake?04:39
wmaroneyes, can you not see what I'm typing or something?04:40
lcukicesword, it use IgniramOS04:43
lcukwmarone, some ppl can :P04:44
iceswordsorry I'm on nokia 523004:44
wmaroneI certainly hope so :)04:44
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iceswordit's slow04:44
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lcukicesword, upgrade, the n900 doesn't often have lag :)04:46
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iceswordso user apps eg .rpm is running in linux runtime?04:47
iceswordis that youare saying?04:47
lcukicesword, it runs ontop of x11.04:47
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iceswordx11? vm?04:48
lcukwindowing/event subsystem, most windowing desktops on linux run on it and many toolkits sit ontop of it04:49
iceswordandroid sucks? doesn't it?04:49
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lcukwouldnt know, i have enough real toys this side to keep me from getting distracted with virtual machines04:50
iceswordit,s on a vm04:50
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iceswordN900?! dear, it's too expensive04:55
icesworddoes N 8 support meego?04:55
lcukdoes the n8 work the same as the n900?04:56
iceswordmeego rocks, android sucker04:57
iceswordN8 symbian 304:57
lcukwould be nice04:58
lcukmeego has seen firstlight on a number of odd devices already04:58
iceswordcpu and memory both are good04:58
lcukin theory nothing prevents one of hte other nokia devices04:58
iceswordhow about 5230? lol04:59
lcukchances are, it will be bootable on pretty much the same subset of devices core linux can boot on one day05:00
iceswordso meego is efficiency? isn't it?05:00
lcukhow many weeks a bootup takes or whether you can enter a gui is another matter05:00
lcukidk, what is it to you?05:01
icesworddon't know05:01
lcukwhat would you like it to be?05:02
iceswordonly thing I'm not satisfied with05:03
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iceswordis why can't nokia create a map like google,s05:04
TermanaHalt. This is the bullshit police.05:04
lcukicesword, meh, there are many places google still cannot map05:04
TermanaFirstly, the N8 "cpu and memory both are good". What a crock.05:04
iceswordand google's cloud information so nice05:05
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TermanaIt has an ARM11 (armv6) CPU that runs at 434MHz and has 128mb of RAM05:05
lcukicesword, cloud is in many places05:05
lcukbut its not everywhere05:05
Termanaeven if you COULD boot linux on that thing, good luck running MeeGo.05:05
lcukTermana, meegos *only* issue atm is hard dep on powervr05:05
wmaroneTermana: I've run linux on worse :) granted, not on battery and not with a GUI...05:06
lcukmaemo + telescope highlights its perfectly good, as does mer and some kind of mermantle :P05:06
TermanaFact: MeeGo will not run on the N8 and definitely not a 5230.05:07
TermanaStatus: [  ] Untold [ X ] Told05:07
wmaronethat's some 4chan quality commentary there, Termana ;)05:07
lcukTermana, hm05:07
TermanaNow sit down, before I have to make some arrests05:07
Termanawmarone, :p05:07
lcuk5230 i might agree with05:07
iceswordok N8 5230 suckers05:08
Termanalcuk, who is REALLY going to put in any effort to get the linux kernel to boot on the N8?... And then do the rest of the MeeGo porting work on top of that. And then realise that everything will be incompatible since everything is being compiled for armv705:09
lcukTermana, i said in theory05:09
iceswordN8 you can't change batterys? you know05:09
lcukthere is a proto n8x0 port somewhere05:09
lcukand as the number of devices grows05:09
lcuksuch support for stranger and stranger hw will grow05:09
lcuksee x86 regular for example :P05:10
wmaronen8's battery can be changed, you just need a screwdriver :)05:10
iceswordso N8 isn't quite good05:10
TermanaYou would have to maintain your own repository of the surrounds repo compiled for armv6 and, quite frankly, forget about closed apps or Harmattan-compiled apps05:10
lcukTermana, why so serious, cant we have a theoretical discussion05:11
wmaroneI'm forgetting about closed apps whenever I disable the DRM on my N???05:11
iceswordtermana is a leader05:12
iceswordwe have to shut up05:12
lcukif we can have meego on n8x005:13
lcukit should be feasible elsewhere05:13
iceswordeven it runs, it won't perform well05:13
lcukicesword, depends what you run05:14
lcukif its enough to let you say hi to friends or to use maps or something, its doing it job05:15
lcukbut, sure you may not be able to run the latest game on it05:16
lcuka remote control for your media centre or something :)05:16
iceswordok, i won't stare at it all day without doing anything, right. ps it s not good-looking05:16
lcukwhats not?05:17
Termanalcuk, icesword - sorry I didn't mean to seem so serious and/or angry :p05:17
iceswordmulti-tasking,no name05:17
Termanalcuk, also, I didn't say you couldn't theorise. I was weighing in the practical side of the argument.05:20
lcukTermana, if its too heavy theres a problem05:20
lcukthats not the linux way05:21
Termanalcuk, the practical side of the argument or MeeGo? :p05:21
lcukTermana, which was the first usable gui linux you had?05:21
lcukon handheld05:21
Termanalcuk, my N810.05:22
lcuksame here05:22
lcukthat has less power than the n8?05:22
lcukbut yet ran all the things it did05:22
lcukat a higher resolution05:22
Termanalcuk, a bit more power actually, but the argument still holds true.05:23
lcuklower the resolution as much as it does (theres 2/3 pixels on n8 as there was on n8x0)05:24
Termanalcuk, the fact is, MeeGo is heavy.05:24
TermanaThe UXs have been designed to run on beefy hardware.05:24
TermanaGLESv2 (not powervr specific btw, it's just the only one that has appropriate drivers at the moment)05:24
Termanaor GL05:24
lcuki am quite certain the n8 has practical gl support05:25
lcukit can house qt 4.7 remember :)05:25
TermanaMinimum of armv7 for default compiles, including applications for ARM. Minimum of SSSE3 on x8605:25
TermanaMeeGo has a lot of unnecessary things. But that is the way it's done. Do I like it? Not particularly. But it's something that has to be lived with at the moment.05:26
lcukso port libmeegotouch to it and run the meego apps ontop is possible also05:26
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Termanalcuk, quite frankly, even if the N8 did support GLESv2, it's impractical to make it work in a Linux/X11 environment.05:27
wmaronethen how on earth did Linux ever run on 486es?05:27
Termanalcuk, people have been trying to reverse engineer powervr stuff in an open source manner for quite a few years now. The last I checked, no practical progress.05:28
bef0rdplain linux will work but MeeGo is kinda heavy as Termana said05:28
lcukTermana, does everything require powervr?05:28
Termanawmarone, who said this was about general linux. This is about specifically MeeGo05:28
bef0rdplain linux works almost on everything :P05:28
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lcukmeego toaster ux coming soon :P05:29
lcuk"would anyone like any toast?"05:29
sofarwith butter pls05:29
Termanalcuk, who said anything required powervr. I said its a requirement to have GLESv2. Unless you go the software rendering route. But on old hardware it isn't going to go nice.05:30
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npmthere's a burnt image of a penguin on my toast!05:30
lcukTermana, that is specifically where lower resolution helps05:30
lcuktrying to render current high res screens in cpu bound is sluggish05:30
lcukbut i know and have confirmable first hand knowledge of the strength of lowering the resolution05:31
lcukand that just how much of a difference it can make.05:31
lcukit may never be perfect on older devices05:31
lcukbut damn, that does not mean people cannot have it on them for other tasks05:31
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Termanalcuk, but the problem still exists - it is obviously too heavy for it.05:33
Termanalcuk, you could use a much less resource hungry distro on the device instead and it would be a smoother experience.05:33
lcukTermana, "qt: code once, deploy anywhere" is quite a powerful target.05:34
lcukjust like my liqbase stuff, i wrote this on n810:
lcuki just used it tonight whilst watching something05:34
lcukit runs on things05:34
lcukwhen people start writing meego apps, some of them will be heavy on lower hardware05:35
lcukbut other stuff will be light and simple05:35
lcukits good if we have a path05:35
lcukthat lets them run too05:35
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Termanalcuk, but I think we've come full circle. The application SDK is set up to compile for armv7 and x86 and will link in libmeegotouch by default. What incentive is there for developers to make the sure their (closed) apps will run on older devices. If someone puts in the effort and recompiles the whole of Surrounds that will be a good start. But I'm not sure many people want to do that.05:39
lcukTermana, hrm05:40
lcukthe application framework has not done its job then :P05:40
lcukit is the meegotouch libraries purpose to host a compliant application?05:40
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lcukif the application listens to all the practical events and signals coming from the touch framework05:41
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lcukand adheres to blanking signals and the like05:42
Termanalcuk, I honestly couldn't tell you exactly what libmeegotouch does. I do know it relies on GLESv2 by default, but it can be turned off to use for software rendering.05:42
lcukTermana, since it looks like most of the repositories will be / are sat ontop of obs05:43
lcukthe arch problem is less so05:43
lcukinitially, Mer was building debs on n8x0 using obs05:43
lcuki find it hard to believe its more than a twiddle to get the meego obs doing the same05:43
lcuk(maybe not the deb bit, but the target arch is entirely feasible)05:44
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Termanalcuk, just something of interest as well - you can't technically call what you would be doing as MeeGo. Since the MeeGo compliance says you need GL or GLESv2. But that's a rather minor thing.05:45
lcukTermana, so actively building every single public application using the publicaly available .ks file would not be meego?05:46
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lcukand officially sancioned sources05:46
Termanalcuk, I didn't say it wouldn't be MeeGo. I just said you couldn't call it that05:46
lcukTermana, what if it was on :)05:46
Termanalcuk, don't shoot me :p I'm just telling you what the compliance spec says! :p05:46
Termanalcuk, if it's on then it would be assumed you have asked for a exception from that part of the compliance spec05:47
Termanaan exemption *05:47
lcuki can see it if its expected to run games05:48
lcukthats bleugh05:48
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lcukon that wonderful note, i will go to bed05:48
lcukits far too late for me05:49
Termanalcuk, :P good night05:49
lcukgnite Termana \o05:49
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boltRdoes anyone know where i can find documentation for the Mx UI toolkit for loading CSS files?05:58
boltRinto Mx.Style05:58
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kismeterhello all, I'm new in meego. would anybody know how to compile the meego source code?thx07:14
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boltRdoes anyone know how to apply css to Moblin UI?07:31
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ObKoHello, does anybody have info about bug #5616 -
_MeeGoBot_Bug nor, Undecided,, fathi.boudra, ASSI, Certain fonts are garbled08:22
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SpinachHeadwill meego have gtk support?09:41
Stskeepsit's there but part of meego api so may technically disappear at any time09:42
Stskeepsand vendors aren't obligated to provide it on devices09:42
tmztpart of?09:44
Stskeepsnot part of09:45
tmztwonder if I should try to provide an image of meego for running under android09:45
tmztmostly to test ofono proxy09:45
dm8tbras long as you ship your own libc that should work I guess09:48
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dm8tbrI've seen android bionic and µclibc userspace coexist09:48
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fabo_anaZ: please, could you sync sdk repo?14:42
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pupnik_  << N810 sized phones could take 2x 1500mAh batteries for hot-swap capability.16:02
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leinirHmmmm... Interesting :)16:06
Bostikwell, if you're willing to remove all the chipsets parts and components the extra battery space takes up16:06
jukso it is suitable for n90016:07
pupnik_manufacturers are seriously screwing up with these tiny batteries16:07
jukpupnik_: why, what's wrong with 'em16:07
pupnik_too small16:07
pupnik_Bostik: i'll show you pics of phones using much more of the back for battery than either n810 or n90016:08
jukpupnik_: but you can have two, in case one gets disgarged16:09
leinirWell yes, and then you have to turn the thing off...16:09
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leinirAnd no, with the new designs from e.g. Nokia, replacing the battery takes a torx driver ;)16:10
jukdrained i meant16:10
leinir(which i kinda think is neat, that you can still do it, just makes it inconvenient for the use case you present ;) )16:10
CosmoHillleinir: you mean like apple's stuff where the batteries aren't user replaceable?16:10
leinirCosmoHill: That's something else entirely yeah, that's just... meh ;)16:10
leinirAt least with the new Nokia designs, you can actually get to it :)16:11
CosmoHillI like that on my old mac I can put the laptop to sleep and swap the batteries16:11
leinirHehe, yes, that's pretty nifty :)16:11
CosmoHillauke: poke16:12
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lcukso are we calling for device designs with batteries and peripherals which are connected/disconnected like a banana ammo clip on a big gun?16:12
lcukkeep spares on your utility belt and just swap them in hero style16:12
leinirlcuk: Totally! Bat-belt! ;)16:13
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RST38hyes,and add a powerful laser to that16:13
pupnik_lcuk: yes that would rule16:13
lcukRST38h, o_O laser sight for taking "perfect" pictures16:13
CosmoHilllcuk: magazie style batteries16:13
lcukpump action MMC16:13
RST38hWell you do want a lower power laser there as well16:14
pupnik_make 1/2 the back a snap-on battery, and the other half a modular camera16:14
CosmoHillStskeeps: would love that, he can swap out his N900s for testing by standing back and firing16:14
lcukpupnik_, if these things take up 1/2 space what about the new components16:14
lcukjust have the modules on lego bricks16:14
CosmoHillpupnik_: like that?16:14
lcukand let you layout them as you see fit16:14
RST38hWell To light up the target and create path through the air for the more powerful beam16:15
lcukRST38h, a sounding laser?16:15
CosmoHillI miss my k800i now16:16
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sunderhi,...did anyone stumbled upon the 'syslinux' not found error while running mic-image creator... i m searching the meego repositories and till now can't find syslinux lackage there..16:20
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summyi hame one stupid question, if i setup the OTS, how many time do i need?16:42
CosmoHillI don't understand the question16:42
summyi am a new person in the meego platform, i want to try to set up the OTS systerm16:42
summyyes, open test service16:43
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CosmoHillah, I've not used that16:43
summyok, still thanks, anyone know about that?16:44
CosmoHillsomeone somewhere should :)16:44
summywho can give me a big help?16:45
CosmoHillyou could try on the forums and mailing list to check to see if someone else has done this16:46
summyok, i will see,16:48
summythanks CosmoHill.16:48
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thomas___hello. Can I install mp3 and divx support on Meego 1.1?17:00
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CosmoHillthomas___: check the forums17:01
nialahello, CosmoHill17:01
CosmoHillsalut niala17:01
CosmoHillthomas___: if you find an answer let me know and I'll add it to the FAQ17:01
nialamp3 need compil gstreamer & gstreamer-plugin17:02
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nialaplugin plugin good, bad, ugly,ffmpeg17:03
nialaand don't forget --prefix=/usr  when you ./configure17:03
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CosmoHillthe good, the bad and the ugly....and ffmpeg17:04
Frode_Haugsgjerdhi, the download page for the Nokia N900 flasher tool is down, does anyone have a mirror of it?17:04
niala1 or 2 hour on atom l lol17:04
dm8tbrnoone set up an evil repository with rpms yet?17:04
CosmoHillFrode_Haugsgjerd: can you send me the link?17:04
thomas___I found a script at the forum and a repository, but is only for version 1.0 not for 1.117:05
CosmoHillthat may work17:06
CosmoHillI don't see there being to much difference17:06
CosmoHillFrode_Haugsgjerd: okay looks like you're going to have to wait a bit17:06
nialathomas___: better yo go in
* CosmoHill gives niala a cookie for dealing with people then goes away17:07
Frode_HaugsgjerdCosmoHill, hmm, i have a flasher binary on my device, is it possible to do it locally?17:07
CosmoHillthat sounds like it can only end badly17:08
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nialaCosmoHill: you go?17:09
CosmoHillI'm still here but I'm doing work17:09
CosmoHillI don't want to break my flow17:09
nialaright musi on headphones and work17:09
CosmoHillpick a letter17:10
eluttinesummy: did you mean
* niala going crazy with c++ and qt17:10
thomas___ok, in v1.1 the software is newer, but is the version 1.0 stable to use it on a netbook?17:10
CosmoHillthomas___: v1.1 is stable17:10
eluttinesummy: check meego-qa-tools channel, you can get help from there17:11
CosmoHillniala: subwoofer on, amp on, cd in, go go go17:11
thomas___ok, thanks for your help17:11
nialathomas___:  since 3 day I see no difference. Just facebook account from status-panel has disappeared17:12
nialaoh and qt4.7  and meegotouch integrated17:13
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* niala I will stop to speak english I don't understand myself :)17:13
summythomas, thanks ,i will see17:14
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summysorry, eluttine, i will see, thanks for you help17:14
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summyhi eluttine, another question, can the ots can be used very well?17:17
thomas___thanks niala. I will try v1.0.17:17
eluttinesummy, yes it can be used quite nicely for automated testing17:18
niala_sofa-tvthomas___: get 1.1 qt is very important in meego17:18
thomas___thanks niala17:19
thomas___try 1.117:19
summyit can be used for testing for the kernel and middleware for automating testing?17:19
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eluttinealso for those, but depends lot of the testcase. e.g. it can run min testcases17:21
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CosmoHillniala_sofa-tv: what you watching?17:26
niala_sofa-tvcamping2 CosmoHill a stupid comedy17:27
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niala_sofa-tvfrench people on hollyday17:27
niala_sofa-tvholly mean saint17:27
CosmoHillHolly can be a girl's name, it's also a prickly type of bush17:28
niala_sofa-tvahhh ty17:28
pupnik_wow look how big this keyboard is  -- Samsung Epic
CosmoHillpupnik_: my god, that looks useable17:29
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* CosmoHill looks at the fingers then the keyboard again17:30
CosmoHilloh second thoughts...17:30
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pupnik_CosmoHill: how did they get a slider mechanism to open that far??17:42
CosmoHillmaybe if he moves his pinky the keyboard falls off17:42
pupnik_n900 doen to 360 euro in germany...17:42
pupnik_awesome. that's less than i paid for the 77017:43
CosmoHillthat's still 260 € more than I'd like to pay17:43
CosmoHillin fact 100 € is still a lot17:43
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ruskieI payed 620 eur for my n900 ;)17:43
CosmoHilllast thought I bought was £45 IIRC17:44
infobotCosmoHill meant: last phone I bought was £45 IIRC17:44
ruskiebut then I wanted it rather fast... not wait for any of the operators to start offering it17:44
ruskieand frankly it was worth it17:45
CosmoHillI'd have to buy the whole phone since I'm not on contract17:45
ruskiethe diff for me was I think less than 50 eur for my basic package17:46
CosmoHillmy dad gets a new phone every year or so and I got his old two :)17:47
CosmoHillmostly because he broke them and I fixed them after he got a replacement17:47
pupnik_100 euro will get you a 320x200-400x240 display cellphone in germany17:48
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CosmoHillmy friend got a LG Cookie for £5017:48
CosmoHillscrolling was a pain17:50
pupnik_i don't see anything that could compete with a N900 for under 400 - even imagining one could get meego running on it17:52
CosmoHillmy experience of touch screens is limited to LG cookies and iPhones17:52
RST38hThere is nothing above 400 either17:53
lcukom nom nom nom17:53
pupnik_want to see some beautifully dense packing?  LG Mini GD880 854x480 display for .. 160 euro??17:53
RST38hIsn't that "bisquits", lcuk? =)17:53
CosmoHillI think I'll stick with my candy bar phone17:53
CosmoHillRST38h: 1. biscuits17:53
CosmoHill2. Cookies are awesome17:53
RST38hAh right17:53
lcukc is for cookie17:54
lcukthats good enough for me17:54
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RST38hpupnik: Android actually comes pretty close. But nounified messaging there.17:54
CosmoHilllcuk: unless it's used to describe someone who unplugs a computer after 1 week of solid work17:54
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RST38h(besides, the base OS appears to suck, but I fully understand that not everyone cares about it17:55
CosmoHillit would be nice having a Meego phone and a meego netbook17:56
CosmoHillsort of like a matching set17:56
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ruskieCosmoHill, look at touchbook or smartbook ;)17:57
lcukCosmoHill, watching tv on your meego tv and driving with your meego car is also on the list17:57
lcukmeego tv remote control :)17:57
RST38hDon't forget flying a meego airplane orsomething17:58
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lcukRST38h, is there an airside ux?17:58
lcuki know some folks o nthe mailing list are laughing about military ux17:59
lcukbut i never get the army, how on earth do they manage to find all their tanks and stuff17:59
RST38hNo, but I can see embedded Atom SoCs in avionics17:59
RST38hProbably the same SoCs that are planned for automotive use18:00
lcukonce you camouflage them it gets difficult18:00
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pupnik_i'd love meego on that LG Mini GD880... 180 euro without branding or lock18:01
RST38hThey find motorized equipment by oily traces =)18:01
lcukpupnik_, but what cpu and system components has it got18:02
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pupnik_it has a radio, display and audio device18:03
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CosmoHilllcuk: the carPC would cost more than the car18:05
lcukhmm CosmoHill18:05
lcukwhy do you say that18:05
CosmoHillmy car is insured for £400 IIRC18:05
lcukis that still classified as a car?18:06
ruskieI think I pay ~200eur yearly for it18:06
lcukCosmoHill, its a bit unusual insuring a matchbox car :P18:06
CosmoHillruskie: you rent?18:06
CosmoHilllcuk: for some weird reason fully comp is cheaper than TFT18:07
lcukCosmoHill, who is main driver tho? or is this all your own policy18:07
CosmoHilldad is18:07
CosmoHillthe car insurance costs more18:08
lcukthen, yes thats understandable18:08
CosmoHillbut we'd get £400 - excess if it's written off18:08
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lcukCosmoHill, the insurance for a car such as yours is less for yourself18:08
lcukand more for other drivers18:08
ruskiewe'd either get for repair... if it's marked as total ~1000eur18:08
CosmoHillwhen it runs out we're moving it over to my own name18:08
ruskieof coruse the car has 10+ years18:09
lcukpupnik_, i was asking what spec cpu it has18:09
sfriqueuhelo folks18:09
ruskieanyway afk18:09
pupnik_lcuk: still looking for that18:09
lcukahh k18:09
lcukthought you had specs around18:09
sfriqueui just tested meego hahaha18:10
sfriqueumy microsd is so slow.. can even play with it =/18:10
lcukis that a mad scientist laugh?18:10
CosmoHillpupnik_: can I have a link18:10
lcuksfriqueu, first boot is slower than other times18:10
sfriqueueven in N900 ?18:11
sfriqueuCosmoHill, why that so ?18:11
lcuksfriqueu, especially in n90018:11
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lcukhi Alison_Chaiken18:11
sfriqueuluck why that ?18:11
lcuksfriqueu, many technical reasons, but essentially boils down to caches and media scanning and stuff from what i hear.18:12
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Alison_ChaikenHyvaa huomenta everybody, lcuk.18:12
lcukoptimisation of the experience is ongoing18:12
piru2in maemo I could do "git clone repo"; cd repo ; "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D"18:12
lcukheavy optimisation hopefully18:12
lcukpiru2, no you couldnt18:13
sfriqueui undersand that is slow cause of my sd card18:13
lcukdpkg-buildpackage was not supported on the maemo device itself :P18:13
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* RST38h wonders if someone at Meego Devices management gathers enough courage to kill the Tracker18:13
piru2lcuk :)18:13
sfriqueubut does not make anysense be slower at first boot18:13
sfriqueubut anyway hahah18:13
piru2in scratchbox :)18:13
CosmoHillit makes perfect sence to be slower first boot18:13
lcukof course piru2, was jesting18:13
sfriqueuonly if it does caching an stuff18:14
lcuksfriqueu, its gotta organise its bits and shake itself out18:14
lcukRST38h, principle of tracker is right18:14
sfriqueui mean, not the "boot" is slow18:14
RST38hlcuk: that is not enough though18:14
sfriqueui am saying18:14
sfriqueuwhen i am using it18:14
piru2what is the equivalent in meego-chroot18:14
lcukRST38h, understood18:15
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RST38hlcuk: it has to actually *work* for the users and not cause them grief18:15
lcukwhats the replacement18:15
piru2git clone repo18:15
piru2cd repo18:15
piru2rpmbuild package.spec18:15
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piru2~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/package.tar... not found18:15
sfriqueuhow do i install a packeg in meego ?18:16
RST38hlcuk: Well, if I were doing it, I would deprioritize getting metadata18:16
RST38hlcuk: I would simply store filenames in the database18:16
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RST38hlcuk: I would still scan for metadata but in very short bursts, and only when device screen is off18:16
lcukRST38h, :) sounds reasonable in theory18:17
RST38hI.e. when I am absolutely sure that the user is NOT using the device18:17
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piru2*"rpmbuild -ba package.spec"18:17
RST38hWould probably also make the camera app produce thumbnails when it makes pictures18:18
RST38hAs it has the data in memory at that moment18:18
CosmoHillRST38h: how about only scanning when it's connected to the charger too?18:18
RST38hCosmo: there is a setting like that in Tracker. Not sure if it ever heeds it.18:18
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RST38hCosmo: but this may not be very useful, as some people use their device when it is plugged in (on their desk, or in a car)18:19
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lcukRST38h, that last bit about thumbs being created in sync with writing the original is deffo something that has been discussed in places18:19
RST38hCosmo: screen off OR (no user input AND no CPU activity) is a better condition18:19
lcukits something that i think should be happening for sure18:20
RST38hlcuk: "discussed" is not enough18:20
lcukyou have an in memory representation of a large image18:20
lcukduring writing it should scale and save thumbnail in process18:20
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RST38hlcuk: yep18:20
lcukRST38h, it depends on who the discussion is with18:20
RST38hlcuk: it may not be elegant from tracker author's point of view, but it will improvecustomer experience (i.e. remove one of the major pissing point)18:21
lcukagreed, it also saves cpu18:21
RST38hpointS, hell, what is it with these "island" keyboards18:21
lcukno point in reloading and decoding the image18:21
lcukto produce a thumbnail just afterwards18:21
RST38hlcuk: CPU isn't usually a problem in N900 (and probably other similar devices). It is memory and disk activity18:22
lcukRST38h, its simply a waste18:22
RST38hlcuk: in this case, you are saving on disk activity, a very important point18:22
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RST38hand you do not need to start up thumbnailer, causing swapping18:22
lcukyup and whatever race conditions may present themselves18:23
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lcuk"oh look" says tracker, a new image has been saved, oh its already got a thumbnail, NO-OP :)18:23
RST38hand no, unless this is actually implemented and distributed as part of PR, it does not count as something that matters for me18:23
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RST38hWe have seen too many "discussions" over the last few years18:24
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CosmoHillRST38h: take a gun to you next discussion18:24
RST38hCosmo: I have a simpler solution18:25
RST38hCosmo: Of not discussing anything with people who have no ability or desire to act on it18:26
lcukRST38h, how do you know these things arent already on the table?18:26
CosmoHillthat sounds better, also a lot easier than getting a gun18:26
RST38hlcuk: I do not18:26
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RST38hlcuk: All I care is that the person I am talking too is capable of putting them on the table18:27
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lcukwell hopefully whatever the current state, some folks have hopefully read this and can ask their own questions and see whether anything can be done18:28
RST38hlcuk: it is #meego, not #maemo though18:29
RST38hI am sure meego will have its own set of warts18:29
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lcukRST38h, warts are everywhere, but thankfully are mostly treatable :P18:30
lcuktho shouldnt ask tonight, since theres a lot of witches around18:30
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* lcuk got jacob walking around like a zombie asking for brains earlier18:30
lcuktho he still runs away like a girl if i put a mask on18:31
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CosmoHillyou should keep the mask for whenever he does something naughty18:34
CosmoHillif he's done something naughty in the day, when you tuck him in at night you should put the mask on before you enter his room18:35
lcukthat would be evil18:35
lcuki just have to reach for the cupboard18:35
lcukwe put it ontop of the chocolate thats in there18:35
lcuksurprisingly, he hasnt been helping himself this afternoon18:36
CosmoHillthat would be so funny if he pulls the box down and that falls into his hands18:36
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CosmoHillbetter yet, when he opens the door that is in there looking down at him18:39
CosmoHillI really should stop thinking of ways to scare children18:40
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CosmoHillI wonder if meego will run on this:
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lcukCosmoHill, ask yourself a better question: will the remote software from logitech run in meego18:51
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pervertI have a laptop that i've got IVI 1.1 on, and in ubuntu i can get my resolution normal/etc. but the UI is waaay out of bounds on this monitor. i set up a 10-monitor.conf file with 2048x1536 (native res), but its still way out of bounds20:21
pervertis there some other place to change ui scale? the res looks right. the text is crazy tiny20:23
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piratephloxhi, I'm looking for general information on meego and widgets.20:29
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piratephloxI write an article about meego, and thats still to cover.20:29
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piratephloxany hint where to find more infos about widgets?20:29
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the_lordwhere can I find information about dual booting maemo and meego?20:32
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piratephloxhi the_lord, just read that as a topic in the wiki-FAQ:
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piratephloxbtw. why is the no tablet section under devices?20:48
piratephloxat I mean.20:48
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Myrttipiratephlox: because there isn't anything published for it yet20:51
Myrtti(my guess)20:51
piratephloxI guess so to, just would like to know, if there is one to be. my problem is that I write an article now, and its published after the conference :/20:52
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smithnapervert: IVI doesn't seem to run well on high resolutions....20:52
Myrttipiratephlox: I wouldn't be sourcing my articles on IRC anyway20:53
piratephloxsure. I'd rather look on the net. but wikipedia isn't the best source either. may someone here knows some sources for it.20:54
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piratephloxstill looking for a page that says something about meego and widgets, sofar I couldn't find any.20:54
pervertsmithna: yeah i can see that. i think maybe its just the skin. or whats a good res to run it in?20:59
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sofarpiratephlox: what do you mean with "widgets"?21:04
sofarare you talking about the phone applications or about the graphical toolkit used?21:05
piratephloxmobile widgets. all I know about widgets on meego is, that wrt could be used for it.21:05
piratephloxhtml5 widgets kind of I mean.21:05
piratephloxI've written already some stuff for qt, now I'd also like to get the widgets stuff covered in my article.21:06 isn't really diversifing my knowledge about that, so.21:06
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sofarthe knowledge is in the code21:06
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sofarwrt code is available - why not check that out?21:08
piratephloxheck, I'm not looking for code, I look for some offical page, telling what kind of widgets are in meego.21:08
CosmoHillsofar: hey21:08
CosmoHillyou might be the person to talk to21:08
RST38hpirate: Making a guess here: whatever you end up writing, it will not be very informative21:09
piratephloxbtw. cosmohill: the resolution of the images you pointed to yesterday should be high enough. they are just downscaled for the browser.21:09
CosmoHillpiratephlox: ah cool21:09
CosmoHillI'm about to talk to auke about them21:10
smithnapervert: The default res is 856x480 (I think)21:10
sofarpiratephlox: MeeGo has never used the word "widgets" ever21:10
sofarnot in any official document21:10
piratephloxRST38h well, so far I havent written anything about widgets.21:10
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sofarso, if you wanna talk about widgets, .... it's not even related to MeeGo21:10
RST38hSo, at best, you will have to extrapolate from technologies introduced in Maemo521:10
piratephloxso, what is the word they use in meego for this?21:10
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RST38hThere is a good chance they will be implemented in Meego the same way as Maemo521:11
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RST38hActually, the first attempt at googling for "meego wrt" brings this page:
RST38hI doubt you will get much more by asking here21:13
RST38hMarked as "upcoming"21:13
RST38hHere is documentation on using WRT in Meego SDK 1.1:
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piratephloxthanks. at least I know know its not worth writing too much about it.21:14
RST38hWell, it depends on your scope21:14
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RST38hIn a certain sense, it may not be worth to write anything about Meego at all, as the project's UI has not been completed yet21:15
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RST38hFrom the other point of view though, you may want to cover all the main technologies (Qt, QML, QtQuick, WRT, Mobility)21:15
piratephloxoh well, for now its 2,5 pages.21:16
RST38hAnd repositories, for a good measure21:16
RST38hDouble-spaced? :)21:16
piratephloxabout meego, qt, appstores, history and so on.21:16
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piratephloxa lot about the 5 device things and a bit speculation about tablets. something about meego phones etc.21:17
piratephloxits just a small article for an overview about meego.21:17
RST38hHell, you could just plagiarize a random t.m.o post instead! 8)21:18
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RST38hPosters wouldn't mind, in fact, they wouldn't be able to tell which exact post you plagiarized.21:18
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piratephloxapplication, hm, what you call then an app written with qt?21:19
piratephloxat least here in germany there are native apps (qt apps f.e.) and (html5) widgets, as far as it goes about mobile technologies.21:20
RST38happlication is a program you start and use and quit21:21
RST38hwidget is something that hangs around your desktop permanently21:21
RST38hthe language it is coded in does not really affect this division21:22
raulisome gui toolkits call the ui elements widgets21:22
berndhsRST38h: yeah but you ask 5 professionals, you get 8 definitions of "widget"21:22
RST38hok, let us call the hang-around crap applets21:22
RST38hand call UI coding primitives widgets21:22
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RST38hAmigaOS called them gadgets btw =)21:23
lcukuser extensible desktop widget plugins :P21:23
RST38hit does notmatter what you call them as long as your readers understand what you mean21:23
niala_sofa-tvRST38h: ;) rohh amiga workbench long time ago. Once upon a time was the comodore 64....21:24
RST38hC=64 was from the previous age21:24
RST38hAmiga was from the future though21:24
rauliamiga was a fascist regime anyway, let us not go there21:24
RST38hended up very similarly to how maemo/meego may one day...21:25
niala_sofa-tvRST38h: please insert a disk to boot21:25
RST38hso, not entirely offtopic21:25
lcukhaving a disk box full of microsd cards in for different meego boots is "cute"21:25
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lcukflipping through your friends disk collection to find that game he got off a magazine cover :D21:26
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RST38hlcuk: would be cuter to finally fix kexec and make it bootable from a single card, without having to swap them...21:26
lcukRST38h, sure21:26
lcukstep by step21:26
raulipiratephlox: qt apps have to be built separately for each target platform (phone, netbook, whatever), while the WRE stuff should run as-is on any of them i guess21:27
piratephloxi know :)21:27
piratephloxwith qt you get the performance of c++ on every platform it supports.21:27
* _MeeGoBot_ mumbles something about c++ being evil21:27
pupnikbased on the meego previews on n900, i'd say you get the shitty performance21:28
lcukc++ is a tool,  it is not evil in itself21:28
raulii was quite surprised how much faster meego feels than ubuntu netbook remix on my samsung nc1021:28
lcukevil developers.  thats a different story altogether :P21:28
pupniklcuk: OO makes people ignore performance21:28
lcukpupnik, you can have OO and performance21:29
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RST38hpupnik: Not OO21:31
RST38hpupnik: Dogmatism makes people ignore real priorities21:31
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dwmw2_BOSqt's use of C++ isn't that bad21:32
dwmw2_BOSit's a sane subset21:32
dwmw2_BOSno exceptions, etc.21:32
raulimaybe if you start stacking up virtual inheritance, but there certainly is more ways to writing c++ than c, and not all of them are evil21:32
RST38hpupnik: OO by itself is fine. It is when you make OO the main goal of your work, you start forgetting about actual goals21:32
dwmw2_BOSC++ is a whole bunch of mostly misguided shit bolted onto the side of C21:32
mechanichello everyone just checking in21:32
dwmw2_BOSqt is relatively tasteful in what it uses of that extra shit21:32
RST38hrauli: you can stack up as many classes as you like. Virtual function call is still one lookup away21:32
piratephloxC++ is not java pupnik. the language isn't build around oo.21:32
RST38hThe usual culprit in bad performance and reliability of C++ code is the new/delete21:33
lcukdwmw2_BOS, some would say the MOC ontop to give inheritence chains throws what you said to the side21:33
RST38hBy extension, STL usually leads to performance problems21:34
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lcukyou rarely hear people complaining about how clean and presentable qt code actually is (infact theres many compliments)21:34
dwmw2_BOSlcuk: perhaps21:34
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perverti code in qbasic 4.521:34
dwmw2_BOSI have a vague recollection of hating that part :)21:34
dwmw2_BOSit's been a quite since I did anything in qt though21:34
lcukpervert, hm?21:35
dwmw2_BOSnot since I was working on the iPaq stuff in about 200221:35
pervertlol. "hm?" is right. i was just being a tool21:35
lcukpervert, :)21:35
RST38h[state-of-factly] Two perverts meet.21:35
raulipervert: you idiot! turbo pascal 7.0 would give you a nice clean ui library and superb compilation and execution performance21:36
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piratephloxRST38h only if you don't know how to use STL.21:36
RST38hpirate: Most people who "know how to use STL" at this level, do not care about anything else but STL21:36
mechanicWTF is a N900 anyway?21:36
dwmw2_BOSmechanic: nokia linux-based phone21:36
dwmw2_BOSsuccessor of their N770/N800/N810 range, except this time with GSM21:37
RST38hpirate: So, you either get problems due to people not knowing that you have to write your own memory allocation code for effective STL use21:37
mechanicAh thought it must be a mobile device. ta!21:37
RST38hpirate: Or you get problems due to people who spend 90% of their work time writing memory allocation code for effective STL use21:37
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rittkdwmw2_BOS: and with fake battery)21:38
pupnikRST38h: do you think that people who learn programming with procedural or OO have a more useful outlook and skill-set to writing fast code?21:38
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RST38hpupnik: OO is still procedural21:38
mechanicIs this netbook version of Meego just a sideline or are they really trying to promote it on this platform?21:38
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piratephloxSTL is a template library, it already offers quite good memoryallocation.21:39
* dwmw2_BOS learned to program in ml :)21:39
dwmw2_BOSlambda-calculus ftw21:39
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mechanicWhere's the quality framework in Meego, coding standards, release criteria, code reviews?21:40
mechanicNot impressed with the bug lifecycle process diagram either21:40
piratephloxthats probably in the future of meego ;)21:40
RST38hpupnik: In fact, OO is not a coding method, it is a data organization method21:41
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pupnikpoint taken21:41
pupniknow can you understand the question despite that?21:41
mechanicStill there seem to be a lot of real programmers involved, presumably they are paid?21:41
RST38hpupnik: case in point:
RST38hpupnik: Well, answering your question at its face value, I think that starting children with OO from the beginning is wrong21:43
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mechanicWhat was wrong with Logo as a starting language?21:43
RST38hpupnik: If you are teaching them programming, Pascal or BASIC are probably the most fitting languages21:43
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RST38hpupnik: Both are generic enough to be similar to other widespread languages (so the kid will not have to relearn programming)21:44
mechanicBut who learns programming these days, code writing is becoming automated21:44
RST38hpupnik: Both are easy and low on keywords21:44
pupnikty, i agree21:44
pupnikalso not too much abstraction21:44
RST38hpupnik: There is just enough21:44
RST38hpupnik: OO is something you show them once they start writing code and discover that they are better off grouping properties into structures21:45
piratephloxmaybe Brainfuck?21:45
RST38hpupnik: At which point you suggest adding methods too, and you have got primitive OO21:45
RST38hJust like C++, hehe :)21:46
pupnikat university, starting with something like scheme is good for seperating out the people who shouldn't be in the programme21:46
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RST38hDunno, Scheme probably qualifies as cruel/unusual punishment21:47
RST38hLike placing newborn kittens into a room with lined walls to see if they can still recognize vertical lines after that21:47
RST38h(do note that I am all for experimenting on humans, there are just too many around, but there are better experiments to conduct)21:48
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CosmoHillwho would I need to speak to about the screen shots?21:55
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pupniknice analogy RST38h22:07
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rittknewborn kittens are blind, AFAIK22:33
CosmoHillonly for a few days22:33
CosmoHillit's more that they can't open their eyes than are actually blind22:33
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rittkbtw, who added those cute kittens to a demo media?)22:34
lcukon this night of Halloween, shouldn't Meego have a Scary UX?22:36
lcukmodded broomsticks22:36
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leinirHehe, halloweenie meegons ;)22:37
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sofarrittk: someone at intel but I haven't figured out who yet...22:40
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rittkalso I have an idea for the meego bootscreen22:43
rittkmake it like those stereo images)22:44
sofarred/blue glasses?22:44
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* rittk googling22:44
sofar ?22:46
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sofarthose are annoying as hell22:48
owen1can i use meego on an arm tablet, as the archos 101?22:48
rittkthebootscreen's background looks exactly like these stereoimages22:49
rittkbut w/o anyhiddenimage)22:49
sofarah IC22:49
sofarowen1: in theory yes, in practice anything not on the support list will require a certain amount of work to get it working22:49
* rittk hits his keyboard22:50
owen1sofar: where can i find a list of devices+22:50
sofar see top-right part22:50
sofarit's claimed archos 101 runs meego22:50
sofarbut I don't recall confirmation22:51
CosmoHillsofar: a char is 1 byte, correct?22:53
sofarthat's why strings are arrays of chars22:54
pervertholy shit. its 2pm and kids are already trick-or-treating22:54
CosmoHilla long int would be 16 bytes?22:54
sofarthat's early22:54
pervertyeah, its super early22:54
perverti better go get some candy or leave my dog outside to scare the kids away22:54
sofarlong int? no I thought that was 8 bytes (64bit)22:54
CosmoHillpervert: put the candy on the dog house22:55
sofarCosmoHill: sizeof(long)22:55
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sofarCosmoHill: but, it varies per standard and the only way to know for sure is to use sizeof()22:56
CosmoHillah, a long int is the size of the processor22:56
rittkit also varies per platform22:56
CosmoHillso 32 bits = 4 bytes22:56
sofarafaik long long == 128bits (16 bytes)22:56
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sofaryeah I'm mostly focussed on ia3222:57
CosmoHillso my program wants to put 38B on the processor22:57
sofar4.75 bytes, lol22:57
sofarwhat's packed in that? a float?22:57
CosmoHill38 bytes22:57
sofaroh bytes22:57
CosmoHillsmall b for bytes?22:58
sofarthe only way to reliably do that is probably a string22:58
sofarb/B are not consistent, always use the word22:58
sofarare you making me do your homework?22:59
CosmoHillsofar: as an intel person you might like to know this, my program has been running on an Intel Xeon E552022:59
CosmoHill...since monday22:59
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CosmoHillsofar: nope23:01
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sofarshrug, we have those around in the office23:01
sofarsorry, unless it's unreleased hardware it doesn't get me excited anymore :)23:02
CosmoHillI barely have anything new, let alone unreleased :p23:02
CosmoHillwhen I say since monday, I mean solidly running23:07
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owen1i want to run meego on a vm. i have  Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.60GHz. i read that it have to be SSSE3. is my cpu ok?23:18
CosmoHillYou will need a Atom or C2 or newer23:19
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owen1CosmoHill: got it23:21
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