IRC log of #meego for Sunday, 2010-10-24

CosmoHillI probably should have added myself there months ago00:00
thiagoand if you carry a prototype to a bar, don't take it out of your bag!00:00
* thiago guesses the dude was trying to show off00:00
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CosmoHillit someone went "look at me I have an iphone" I'd mock them00:01
VDVsxhe was trying to get laid with that :D00:01
thiagoVDVsx: that's what I was thinking00:02
VDVsxhe archived something similar: "laid-off" :D :D00:03
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VDVsxAlison_Chaiken, are you joining or some intel/nokia internal position ?00:06
VDVsxif I can ask :P00:06
Alison_ChaikenVDVsx, I will be Senior Solutions Manager at Nokia in Redwood City CA USA.    My email is  Please send me your feedback and ideas.   I will be responsible for demos of device interoperability.00:08
thiagoso you're coming to Dev Days00:08
VDVsxAlison_Chaiken, cool, didnt know that there's a office there :D00:09
CosmoHillI didn't know Nokia had other offices00:09
thiagoVDVsx: it's the old Trolltech office00:09
VDVsxin CA only know about mountain view office00:10
* VDVsx is in California atm :D00:10
thiagoVDVsx: that one was Nokia before00:10
thiagothere's one in downtown SFO too00:10
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CosmoHilldoes Nokia have offices in the UK?00:14
thiagoCosmoHill: yes00:14
CosmoHilland where are they?00:15
thiagoAlison_Chaiken: so you're coming to Dev Days in a week?00:15
CosmoHillthanks th0br000:15
th0br0london, cambridge, farnborough00:15
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CosmoHillwow, 4 in london00:16
th0br0there're 4 in berln, too :)00:16
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Alison_ChaikenRWC & Mountain View offices are supposed to be consolidated in a new office in Sunnyvale, CA, which isn't far away.   Yes, thiago, I am coming to the conference in Dublin next month.   I hope to meet lots of you there.00:16
thiagoAlison_Chaiken: I meant the Qt Developer Days conference next week00:16
thiagonot MeeGo Conf next month00:17
CosmoHillth0br0: just noticed, only one of them has a phone number00:18
th0br0why, you want to call?00:18
CosmoHillnot at the moment00:19
CosmoHilljust thinking ahead for when I finish uni00:19
thiagomove to Oslo00:20
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Alison_ChaikenThiago, I will go to the 10/30 Dev Days meetup, but next week I must finish up at my old job during the day.00:20
Alison_ChaikenNow time for well-deserved nap.00:21
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th0br0... people shouldn't be in such a hurry to leave00:21
* thiago should00:21
thiagoI'll be in a flight in 11 hours00:22
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th0br0where you headed?00:22
th0br0but have a nice flight :)00:22
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CosmoHillthiago: well you just missed coffeecat so you should sleep now00:23
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VDVsxgrr, crappy wifi :(00:24
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thiagoOrlando via Frankfurt00:27
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nialalong flight00:28
thiago8 hours I think00:29
th0br0just 8 hrs?00:29
VDVsxonly ?00:29
CosmoHillit's another 5 hours in the airport and security :)00:29
th0br0not 5...00:29
th0br0oh k.00:29
th0br0lufthansa says oslo -> orlando (via frankfurt) are 14-17 hrs... depending on which flights you get. or rather, when you#re leaving in oslo.00:31
nialalol 8 hours00:31
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CosmoHillit took my parents 12 hours to drive from one end of the UK to another00:31
th0br0why would you do that?00:32
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CosmoHillthey were on hoilday at one end and we live in the other00:32
thiago8 hours just the FRA-MCO flight00:33
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Erwynexcuse me but i have a little question about moblin/meego.00:33
ErwynIs moblin really still developped, or do we have to use meego instead of it00:34
thiagoErwyn: moblin is replaced by meego00:34
th0br0there is no moblin anymore00:34
Erwynthiago: oh ok00:34
CosmoHillmobin is no longer being developed, it has been replaced by meego00:34
Erwynmaybe moblin's project managers should noticed this fact on the moblin's website...00:34
Erwynthere isn't any information about this on the "common" pages, I noticed this cause of the last release date00:35
CosmoHillErwyn: there is a post on the front page00:36
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Erwynyeah i know but i can ensure you it't not enough visible that it's deprecated00:37
th0br0that's true.00:37
CosmoHillyou say this but...Meego has been out for 8 months00:37
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CosmoHillpeople must know moblin has been replaced by meego by now00:37
ErwynCosmoHill: not new netbooks owners who hasn't been interested in proper operating systems for this type of terminal brefore00:38
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Erwynfor example, a blogpost which relates a test of moblin on a netbook by a user:
Erwyn(it's in french)00:40
thiagoErwyn: look at the date00:40
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CosmoHillit's also dated july 200900:40
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Erwynnon 200900:40
Erwynoh you're right00:41
Erwyngoogle mistake00:41
CosmoHill15 Juillet 200900:41
CosmoHillat 7:09pm00:41
Erwynsorry, my fault, but i have friends who thought moblin is still developped00:42
CosmoHillblame them then :)00:42
Erwynit's not a critic, just an advice,00:42
Erwynit doesnt "look like" deprecated00:43
CosmoHillthe first thing you see is registration, the second is the note about Moblin being replaced00:43
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thiagoErwyn: it is, just under a new name00:43
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Erwynso version 1.000:46
Erwynstill fedora based?00:46
sofarmoblin was not fedora based00:46
CosmoHill1.1 comes out next week00:46
CosmoHillhey sofar00:46
sofarmeego is hella not fedora based either00:46
thiagoand meego is not fedora-based either00:46
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nialarpm yes but no fedora00:47
Erwynlol ok00:47
sofarErwyn: please, tell everyone you know, that meego/fedora are NOT fedora based. thanks.00:47
Erwynit's a legend :)00:47
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sofarinfobot: fedora is MeeGo is *NOT* fedora based. Never was. No, it's not, really.00:47
* infobot tells is MeeGo is *NOT* fedora based. Never was. No, it's not, really. that becoming RHCP certified, is The One True Way to Supreme Linux Knowledge00:47
Erwynthat was a  rumor?00:48
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Erwynor a misunderstanding of people00:48
sofarErwyn: no, it was people misunderstanding things (badly)00:48
Erwyncause lots of people wrote that moblin was fedora based00:48
sofarit was not00:48
infobotfedora is probably sofar is <action> tells sofar that becoming RHCP certified, is The One True Way to Supreme Linux Knowledge00:48
sofarread what info bot says00:48
sofardang infobot00:48
sofarinfobot: forget fedora00:48
infobotsofar: i forgot fedora00:48
zhashaI have an N900 and am looking to create an XBMC remote control, much like the ones for iOS and Android. I'd also like this to run well on MeeGo, and I'd like to code it in Vala. What toolkit should I use?00:49
sofarinfobot: fedora is MeeGo is *NOT* fedora based. Never was. No, it's not, really.00:49
* infobot tells is MeeGo is *NOT* fedora based. Never was. No, it's not, really. that becoming RHCP certified, is The One True Way to Supreme Linux Knowledge00:49
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sofarzhasha: MTF is the de facto toolkit for UI development under MeeGo00:50
sofarit's based on Qt00:50
nialazhasha: use Qt00:50
thiagoMTF is not the de-facto toolkit for development. Qt is.00:50
thiagoMTF is a platform tool00:50
zhashaniala, sofar: so no viable option for coding in Vala?00:50
Erwynhmmm meebo is still sexy...00:51
sofarI don't think vala is even in MeeGo00:51
sofardon't remember seeing it00:51
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zhashadoesn't matter if it is, it translates to C00:51
thiagozhasha: if you want to use it, you can00:51
nialaErwyn:  G meeGo00:51
sofarof course00:51
CosmoHillMeeGo, YouGo, WeeGo :)00:51
sofaryou can use anything you want if you insist00:51
thiagozhasha: MeeGo has an X server running, so you can run any X application using any toolkit you may want00:51
sofarQt is a decent choice00:51
zhashayeah, I know, but I've gotten accustomed to Gtk+ and what follows, so it's just a question of what would be easier for me00:52
thiagozhasha: if you're used to that, by all means use it00:52
zhashaAFAIK Maemo was using Hildon for everything00:52
rittkwhat meego actually means?00:52
thiagorittk: nothing. It's not an acronym.00:53
nialarittk: nothing00:53
thiagozhasha: now here's a disclaimer: there's a "MeeGo API" which is part of the compliancy.00:53
nialalol to late00:53
thiagozhasha: only Qt is in that API for now.00:53
thiagozhasha: if you use another toolkit, your app may run, but it will not be considered compliant00:54
zhashathiago: I seem to recall something about MeeGo Qt apps running on next-gen Symbian phones?00:54
thiagozhasha: yes, Qt runs on Symbian too00:55
zhashawill Gtk+ or Clutter ever be adopted into the MeeGo API?00:55
Erwynhum how to install meego after booting the live image?00:56
thiagozhasha: I think not (but that's just what I think)00:58
nialaErwyn: before but you can test in live first00:58
zhashaI can understand Nokia's commitment to Qt but what I really did like about Maemo was the complete freedom of choice when it came to language. Not a big fan of C++ here :/00:59
Erwynniala: before?00:59
nialawhen you boot a menu appear. choose 'boot meego' to try.01:00
Erwynyeah but to install?01:00
nialaErwyn: and after reboot and install if you like01:00
Erwynhow to reboot? command-line or there is a button ?01:00
nialapush on/off button01:01
Erwynoh just turn of... ok01:02
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thiagozhasha: you can use any language, like I told you01:05
thiagoyou just won't be compliant. That means your app won't be accepted in the Ovi Store, for example.01:05
zhashathiago: sure, but I won't be compliant01:05
zhashayes see, that's what I feared01:05
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thiagothere are still other mechanisms for delivering apps01:07
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zhashaI kind of want to put it in Ovi store for $2 and put the source up at fdo or github01:08
zhashagotta code it first though01:09
thiagoif you make the source available, why would anyone pay $2 for it?01:09
zhashaso they didn't have to compile it themselves01:10
thiagoI doubt the Ovi Store would accept that01:11
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thiagoanyway, the community OBS could do that for you01:11
thiagoand no compliancy requirements01:11
zhashawhy is that? the FSF encourages it01:11
Erwynerf my sound function keys and my bluetooth are not working out of the box01:12
thiagothe FSF encourages using the ovi store?01:13
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CosmoHillErwyn: check for updates01:13
Erwynoh you're right01:13
Erwynsorry for my stupidity, it is quite late01:13
zhashathey encourage charging a distribution fee if you want to make a bit of money (although they'd have the source be what you dish out for)01:14
thiagozhasha: then create your own store01:14
thiagoif you want to use someone else's (like Ovi), you need to abide by that someone's rules01:14
zhashaif I'm not allowed to do it through the Ovi store I'm not going to do it period01:14
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zhashaI'm assuming there's a repo I may be allowed to put it in then01:15
CosmoHillErwyn: oui, c'est 00:1501:15
ErwynCosmoHill: :)01:16
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ErwynCosmoHill: i had to reinstall two computers, one with archlinux and this one which was running ubuntu but i was fed up of ubuntu fatness01:17
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thiagozhasha: that's the community OBS01:17
Erwynso i'm a bit tired, and when i'm tired, i'm stupid, like most people i think/hope01:17
thiagoit would build for you01:17
CosmoHillErwyn: after about 11pm most people start going01:18
Erwynyouhou i'm not the only one!!01:18
zhashathiago: it's really just a question of: 1) I'd like to make a buck or two, and 2) I'm not going to deny people access to the source01:19
thiagozhasha: you need to ask the store for more information01:19
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thiagoanyway, "MeeGo API" is what's guaranteed to be on all devices and has forward compatibility guarantees01:21
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Erwynurk, when i press alt+tab i have a dark screen, then repress it, application switching...01:42
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nialaErwyn: upadte01:47
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Erwynsame thing after updating02:16
Erwynstill drak screen when pressing alt+tab02:16
Erwynmaybe there is an other way switching applications?02:16
Erwynand my bluetooth still doesn't work02:16
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Erwynsomeone has an idea?02:19
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Moblinuxhi everyone04:53
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rittkI've built a connman bearer plugin and installed it to the others...11:35
rittknow i SEE me wlan in the list of configurations but it still doesn't appears in the "Networks" applet11:35
rittkstupid meego11:35
rittkstupid gtk-based UXes in general11:36
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ErwynI have a couple of questions about my meego installations12:31
rittkso try to ask12:33
Erwynwhy is it not possible to sync google calendar with meego, only contacts?12:33
RST38hBecause Meego calendar does not support Google sync yet? =)12:37
Erwynthere isn't any way to use google calendar?12:38
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rittkmeego isn't ready for use yet12:40
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Erwynyeah i know but google is widely used so i thought that was already implemented and i didn't know how to use it12:42
rittkno gcalendar, no usable media player, no workable network manager/gui, no handy config stable kernel after all12:42
rittkguess, nobody needs gcalendar there for now)12:42
Erwynand is it possible to install other apps like netbeans or things like this?12:44
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rittk#zypper se netbeans12:44
rittkNo packages found.12:44
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araujoErwyn, meego is still under *heavy* development12:48
Erwynyeah I understand that but i thought it was already "usable"12:48
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rittknot yet. try again later12:49
rittkfor now its only hangable, crashable and unworkable:P12:50
Erwynrittk: :) lol ok12:51
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Erwyni'm sad, i realy wanted to use it12:53
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CosmoHillErwyn: MeeGo 1.1 Notebook / Netbook gets released next week12:53
Erwynyeah but will it be usable?12:54
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rittknope )12:54
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Erwynrittk: bad boy :p12:55
rittkme? no, I'm good12:55
ErwynI'll have to reinstall a debian or an archlinux on my netbook .... :(12:56
CosmoHillif you fancy a challenge, try vista12:56
CosmoHillmy friends laptop had 1GB, minimum for Vista, 128MB of that was given to the graphics card -.-12:57
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ErwynCosmoHill: Oo yeah a vista good idea!!!13:02
araujoErwyn, what it is "usable" it depends on each person needs13:02
Erwynwhich distribution do you use on your netbooks?13:02
araujoI use Meego on my netbook , and it i usable for me now13:03
CosmoHillI don't have a netbook ^.^13:03
Erwynaraujo: yeah, but i would like to sync with gcalendar, i would like to install some apps like netbeans etc... and according to rittk it's going to be quite difficult for me to do this13:04
araujoErwyn, then for your needs, you need to wait bit longer13:04
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Erwynaraujo: yes..13:05
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CosmoHillha! netbeans on a netbook13:17
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ErwynCosmoHill: it works :) don't be afraid13:34
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nialahello all,13:47
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CosmoHillbonjour niala13:50
nialahow are you today CosmoHill13:50
CosmoHillje vais bien, merci13:50
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CosmoHillet toi?13:51
nialawell I see 2 mouse on my touchscreen but It seems that meego do not really use them.13:51
nialaCosmoHill: bien merci, il semble que tu fais moins de fautes en français que moi en anglais :)13:52
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* CosmoHill translates that13:52
nialaCosmoHill: Russian earl grey tea is good? I like it but I want to know if it's a traditional english tea  lol13:53
CosmoHillone of my goals is to learn french13:53
nialaCosmoHill: very hard if I believe non french people13:54
CosmoHillif I'm honest, I just have PG tips13:54
nialaPG ?13:55
nialaI search an app for testing mltitouch-screen on meego.. any idea ?13:55
CosmoHillisn't there a paint like app?13:56
nialayes good idea13:56
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CosmoHillthen draw a pair circles on it13:57
CosmoHillif things go well you're have two circles close to each other13:58
nialaok install gimp13:58
CosmoHillif they go badly you'll have lines going down the middle13:58
nialaI will test your tea :)13:58
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CosmoHillyou might like to try "gun powder" tea, I had some of my dad's and it was nice13:59
nialaoh water on my cup is evaporated lol14:00
nialagun powder? I will strike people after? lol14:01
CosmoHillonly if they interrupt you14:03
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nialammmm I m not convinced by gimp14:10
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CosmoHill-bash: dmesg: command not found14:26
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nialatht's not normal CosmoHill !14:27
Stskeeps /sbin/dmesg14:29
* CosmoHill was joking14:31
CosmoHillStskeeps: if you do double / it allows you to start with a /14:31
CosmoHillsee :)14:31
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PontusOhmanAnyone in here that have ported an app from android to maemo?14:44
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CosmoHilltry asking in #maemo14:45
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lirakisnokia is stupid, they treat their customers like crap, they have a shit for brains marketing department, and they have no for site of the mobile market.  Having been a n n810, and n900 user (ditched them for my nexus one) and dealt with nokia's shit - I hope they stick with meego so I can watch the product totally bomb and hopefully they will lose a lot of money too.  serves them right for being ass holes to their customers15:11
lirakisok bye bye :D15:11
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crismon_ hi, is there a smegool father in chat?15:51
CosmoHillSmeegol is made by OpenSuse, not MeeGo. please use their channel for support15:51
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crismon_CosmoHill Thanl you15:52
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Nandeconeed some help17:36
Nandecoi know tha there is a way to make my fedora looks like meego17:36
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Nandecoany one can help?17:37
smithnaI've been trying to take screenshots of my meego install (to illustrate some issues) and installed imagemagik to get "import".  What's the best way to use that to take a screenshot?  Doing "sleep 30; import -window root screen.jpg" from a terminal and then opening an app doesn't work right17:37
nialasmithna: hello, you have an application in app-panel--->accessories17:39
smithnaNope, no accessories section (I'm using the IVI image)17:40
smithnawhat app from there?  I could install it from another image17:40
nialaah ok well I don't know sorry17:41
nialaI t's gnome-screenshot on netbook17:42
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jocelyni've just install MeeGo17:48
jocelynbut before i had ubuntu on my netbook with separate home in ext417:49
jocelynand i can't use it17:49
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jocelynsomeone have a solution ?17:49
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smithnathanks niala17:49
jocelynor could help me17:49
jocelynwhere as that the same ^^'17:50
smithnajocelyn: what do you mean "can't use it"?17:50
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nialayou must certainly edit extlinux.conf17:51
jocelynMeego doesn't manage ext417:51
jocelynso in the install i have put no home17:51
jocelynbut i'd like to still use the partition17:52
smithnacheck to see if ext4 support is included in your image -- if so, edit your fstab file to add it in.17:52
jocelyni've try this page :
jocelynbut the "insmod fs/jbd2/jbd2.ko17:54
jocelyninsmod fs/ext4/ext4.ko" doesn't exist17:54
niala*ah well ext4
dm8tbryummy, build-yer-own-module17:55
jocelyndm8tbr: ?17:56
smithnaIt looks like netbook doesn't have the module for ext4 support built by default, so you have to build it....17:57
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nialacost a "little" time depends of your hardware17:57
jocelynwell, that's not the purpose of ths topic ?
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smithnajocelyn: so if you followed the steps from that forum, you know have a brand new kernel, right?18:01
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jocelynsmithna: i think so18:08
jocelynbut, the most simple would be to install an ubuntu, backup my data, and install MeeGo18:10
jocelynno ?18:10
nialajust for booting on buntu?18:11
nialaor to mount partition ext4 from meego18:11
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CosmoHillhi Alison_Chaiken19:59
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Alison_ChaikenHi CosmoHill.   I'm going to spend an hour hacking and then go for a run in the rain.   And I've just signed up for Finnish lessons in Berkeley!20:00
CosmoHilloh dear lord...I mean good luck with the lessons20:00
Alison_ChaikenSeems like people are always happy if you try to learn just a bit of a completely different language.   Who knows, if the Finnish goes well, mebbe I'll even try C++.20:01
miheroc++ would be easier20:02
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Alison_ChaikenAnyone else in the SF Bay Area who wants to learn a bit of Finn, ping me, as group lessons are cheaper.   Will be in Berkeley, maybe one night a week.20:11
Alison_ChaikenTo work with Intel, please study x86 assembly instead.20:12
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lcukAlison_Chaiken, I was in Helsinki recently and had my first real lesson in Finnish - at a local subway20:30
lcukmy teeth nearly fell out attempting some of the names of the salads!20:30
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Alison_Chaikenlcuk, how was travelling around Helsinki without Finnish?20:30
* lcuk thanks araujo for pushing him20:30
Alison_Chaikenlcuk, I can point at salads.    I just want to be friendly.  Learning Finnish should make me smarter.20:31
lcukAlison_Chaiken, easier than travelling around other countries/cities20:31
lcukmost people there speak English to a degree also20:31
Jartzaespecially in helsinki area20:32
* lcuk found the atmosphere great and tried to say kiitos when appropriate20:32
Jartzafinnish is easy. even babies can learn it! :)20:33
lcukJartza, yes, i bet if I had been born in Finland I would be able to speak it also20:34
dm8tbrthat reminds me ot the page I saw the other day...20:34
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dm8tbrFurther I'd pose that trying to learn finnish while living in any of the major cities is bound to fail.20:36
dm8tbrI've spent more than a year in Tampere and am not much further than I was when I arrived.20:36
lcukdm8tbr, is that due to your lack of motivation?20:37
lcuksince theres no real need?20:37
dm8tbryes, I can count the cases where a person didn't speak _any_ english on one hand20:37
lcukperhaps a word a day calendar would be useful :)20:39
dm8tbrit doesn't help either that my GF speaks pretty decent english, but we do manage to train my finncrypt codec once in a while.20:39
dm8tbrI need to take a longer look at finnish grammar. I'm good with the vocabulary.20:41
dm8tbrAlso need to get back to reading/listening to news in simple finnish. A very nice service by YLE.20:41
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JartzaI heard a lot of similar stories during my time at Nokia20:42
Jartzaa lot of foreign people working for Nokia like 3 to 5 years, living in finland and no real need to learn finnish :)20:42
dm8tbrfinnish vodka? does that exist in finland?20:42
Jartzaexcept when they finally tried to get the nationality20:43
* dm8tbr will stay with kossu20:43
Jartzadm8tbr: finlandia vodka or koskenkorva vodka :)20:43
dm8tbrheh, yeah, you have the choice to speak one of 5 languages20:43
dm8tbrJartza: kossu is strictly not a vodka20:43
dm8tbrand finlandia is an export product20:43
Jartzakoskenkorvan viina is not, but koskenkorva vodka is :)20:43
Jartzadifferent product20:44
Stskeepsmm, koskenkorva20:44
dm8tbrdoes that sell in significant numbers?20:44
* dm8tbr only ever sees number-1320:44
JartzaI usually buy "russian standard" :)20:45
dm8tbrJartza: my GF says she doesn't remember ever seeing/trying that ;)20:45
dm8tbris that russian brake-fluid? ;)20:46
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Jartzanope. it's a nice vodka.20:46
JartzaI'd say one of the best.20:47
dm8tbrmkay, gotta try that20:47
dm8tbrwhich reminds me that I need to restock Żubrówka20:48
Jartzajust realised: looking at vodka on web-page is actually quite non-rewarding20:49
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lcukJartza, new lickscreen technology should improve matters20:54
Jartzameanwhile we're waiting for that, I still prefer the real thing :)20:55
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dm8tbrto that tune, time to fix me an nice Żubrówka drink with apple juice. Jartza feel free to visit for tasting. ;)20:58
Stskeepshehe, my wife likes that mix too :P20:58
Jartzadm8tbr: I might be too far :/20:59
Jartzaif you're in helsinki21:00
dm8tbrJartza: well, next time you visit T:re21:00
Jartzaoh, tampere :)21:00
JartzaI live in nummi-pusula21:00
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Jartza70km towards turku from helsinki. in the middle of nowhere, that is21:01
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JartzaI do visit tampere from time to time, not sure when next time21:03
JartzaI'm a travelling trainer21:03
dm8tbrJartza: ah, spent a weekend not too far from there this summer.21:03
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Jartzait's peaceful and quiet in here21:04
dm8tbrlike most of Finland :)21:05
Jartzayes :)21:05
Jartzabut even more in here21:05
Jartzait's just me and deers21:05
dm8tbrI'd love to settle somewhere in Pohjois-Karjala21:05
Jartzawhy there?21:05
dm8tbrSpent many a summer around there21:06
Jartzathat would be a bit too far from anything for me21:06
Jartzathis is just fine, it's about an hour to helsinki, two to tampere, one and half to turku :)21:07
dm8tbrnext to a lake, and then an airplane with pontoons.21:07
Jartzabut still a countryside21:07
dm8tbryes, certainly nicely close to many places21:07
dm8tbrand everywhere else you can take a plane from H:ki21:08
Jartzaor a trin21:11
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Stskeeps'lo Texrat :)22:39
Stskeepshow's it going?22:39
Texratjust reinstalled pidgin, setting up accounts22:39
Texratworking my ass off22:39
Texratso much to do for conference, work, etc22:40
Stskeepswe have meego 1.1 around the corner and already people are rebelling on tmo..22:40
Texratand so much fud on twitter22:40
Texrattmo is on life support :/22:40
Stskeepsi just want to have 1.1 out of the door so we can start getting 1.2 to a proper platform state22:40
fralsStskeeps: did you honestly not see that coming from :P22:41
Texratsure I did22:41
Texratand I see a troll here and there at meego now22:41
Texratsoon a flood...22:41
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StskeepsIMO, MeeGo will be a tragedy on smartphone market like Maemo! thread is a blast.22:42
TexratQuim suggested I become a meeGo moderator but I'll wait until after conference22:42
RST38hStskeeps: Life is just full of tragedies, it seems22:42
Texratman I can't wait for Dublin, but i have sooo much to do22:42
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Texratand hey, where is your feedback on my Greeters lightning draft?22:43
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StskeepsTexrat: hrm, i must have commented it in my head then22:43
StskeepsTexrat: i work by the UNIX method, if there's no reply, i liked the input22:43
Texrata busy place, your head22:43
Texrata, ok22:43
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Stskeepsand i did, thought it was fun :)22:43
TexratI guess I work by windows method: silence means crash22:44
mikhasperhaps we should block access to tmo for Stskeeps, so he can work uninterrupted =p22:44
lcukStskeeps, if there is no reply it expects more input22:44
TexratI am liking this new pidgin22:44
Texrat+1 mikhas22:44
Texratlol lcuk22:45
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Stskeepsi did actually add for a bit22:45
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TexratI think I recall you saying that stskeeps22:45
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Stskeepsi think we're really seeing the downside of a device with 'no limits' in what it can do..22:46
Stskeepspeople are never satisfied.22:46
Texratyes, hard to define22:46
mikhasshould have done an iphone clone, damnit22:47
Texratstskeeps, on greeters presentation, did the "or fly to Dublin" slide come off ok?22:47
Texrat-10000000 mikhas22:47
RST38hStskeeps: You are seeing the downside of marketing it as an uberphone22:47
Texratmobile computer!!!22:47
mikhashahah, good one, RST38h has seen *marketing* for the N90022:48
RST38hTexrat: What is N95 then?And N97?22:48
CosmoHillüber handy!22:48
StskeepsTexrat: if described properly, yes22:48
RST38hTexrat: Nokia marketing disagrees with your statement on N95/N9722:48
RST38hEach of them has been advertized as "the first mobile computer"22:48
TexratI have a blog article brewing on the whole mobile computer thing... just pulling it all together22:48
Texratfeh to Nokia marketing22:49
lcukno limits is one thing, having a focused specific user exciteable set of use cases is another ;)22:49
Texratthey created this mess22:49
Texrat+1 lcuk22:49
TexratNokia lists features of device, apple simply says "it can do THIS"22:49
Texratwe know which one works22:50
CosmoHillyou mean translating geek into english?22:50
Texratmore or less22:50
Texratclear, simple, compelling22:50
Texrataverage user glazes over on epic Nokia feature lists22:51
CosmoHillwould you prefer 801.11n wireless technology or "super fast wifi"22:51
lcukneither CosmoHill22:51
fralsand proclaming it as some kind of new innovation none has ever done before ;)22:51
CosmoHilllcuk: but it has the word "super" in it22:51
lcuk"internet everywhere"22:51
Texratlcuk = spoiler22:51
lcuki dont care the technology22:52
CosmoHilllcuk: you mean mobile interweb or HPDSA something or other22:52
Texratlcuk he was making a point22:52
lcukif it has to light a little fire and send smoke signals22:52
lcuki must be able to twit from the bathroom damnit! :P22:52
* RST38h notes how tired he has got of discussing various Nokia failures, real andimagined22:53
Texraton another note, I was told yesterday Nokia Dallas operation lost 100+ people22:53
Texratit's damn near gone22:53
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CosmoHillyou should present \ first with geek available, so if we want to find out more we can22:53
infobotCosmoHill meant: you should present English first with geek available, so if we want to find out more we can22:53
RST38hJust leave the damn company alone to fire another few thousand of its employees and either get back on track or get off the cliff22:53
Texratsure CosmoHill: vet with geeks, then aim at users22:53
Texratagree with infobot: I like the drilldown approach22:54
Texratworks best overall22:54
CosmoHillyou don't want a phone where someone goes "what does that mean? I know, I'll ask Cosmo, he knows a lot about computers"22:55
CosmoHill(this happens)22:56
CosmoHillsmall words make it easier to understand and tweet22:57
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lcuksystems support over twitter is always amusing22:57
lcukat least with irc you dont have the 140ch limit22:57
CosmoHilloh god22:58
lcukRST38h, did you manage to get emulib building in qt?22:59
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