IRC log of #meego for Wednesday, 2010-10-20

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* niala is surprised that meego does not read ext400:26
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nialawoops sorry00:32
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CosmoHilli think there are bugs open for both of them00:41
CosmoHill(one day I'll be sure of something)00:41
nialabug on ext4 ? I think is more an option they have forgot in kernel00:43
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nialaCosmoHill: you can add in your faq the issue about ntfs ext4 . I haven't try reiserfs etc...00:44
CosmoHillI'd imagine that isn't there either00:45
nialathat's regratable for external disk00:48
nialaregretable? (it's a correct word in english?)00:48
nialathat's sad ..00:49
CosmoHillI'm not sure00:49
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aukefile a bugzilla00:49
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nialabut is not really a bug, only an option and for ntfs-3g maybe somes issues about licenses00:50
aukenot for ext400:51
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nialamay be it's me I'm on preview from sunday00:51
qgilGot this question: Do you know where I can find a matrix of exact APIs included  in Qt Mobility on MeeGo ?00:51
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nialaqgil: you mean that   ?01:06
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qgilniala: thanks - if that is what is included in MeeGo then yes01:06
nialais not meegotouch ... I m confused with all meego-version qt and different libs for qt01:08
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qgilniala: meegotouch has nothing to do here? in the page you linked there is a matrix but doesn't include MeeGo (it does include Harmattan, interesting)01:11
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nialaqgil: qt-mobility is not everywhere the same? like qt is everywhere the same or any libs01:16
qgilniala: see the page you linked  :)  Qt Mobility is the same, but those APIs might or might not be integrated in the underlying platform - this is why the matrix with different colors is interesting01:18
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qgilI'm getting more questions about "how MeeGo will avoid the fragmentation problems Android is having?"01:48
aukewhat are they actually worried about?01:50
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qgilauke: well, with a new version every 6 months and several UX categories, how are ODMs, app developers and users deal with all this?01:51
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qgilauke: apps in Ovi not found in AppUp or viceversa can also be seen as fragmentation01:52
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csdbqgil: I think that the problem is a real one, and its not really related to the 6month/multiple-UX part. Its more to do with the fact that ODMs will be doing the last mile of development (to take an analogy from networking...).01:53
csdbUbuntu has 6month/multiple UIs and no fragmentation.01:53
qgilauke: I guess the central piece is the Qt / Qt Mobility API and its management across releases01:53
csdbAndroid has a single UI (or two) and has fragmentation01:54
qgilcsdb: "last mile"?01:54
csdbwell, if you take Ubuntu (RedHat/etc), everyone already gets the complete set, they only potentially add apps on top01:54
qgilcsdb: but Android's fragmentation comes from what? big jumps between releases avilable in the market?01:55
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csdbBut with Android/Meego, the ODMs are in charge of the finalized product - they will have added/modified a lot more than just some apps on top01:55
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jarkkomenforce that all essential qtmobility-* packages are available on all meego incarnations and that will go a long way01:55
csdbnew kernel, new drivers, new libs01:55
qgilcsdb: if they are MeeGo compliance the MeeGo API will be there01:55
csdbyes, but that's not to say that the apps they run will be built on that api solely. Isn't that the value add for them ?01:56
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csdbIts hard for companies to differentiate yet remain the same...01:57
qgilcsdb: but why you need to come up with own apis to differentiate?01:57
csdbI don't think you *need* to, but we both know that people will01:57
wmaronecompatibility lets you escape ;)01:57
qgilcsdb: besides, it's the interest of MeeGo vendors to have a big catalog of apps01:57
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qgiljarkkom: so the point is indeed on the Qt API01:58
loufoquewhen does meego 1.1 get out?01:58
csdbfragmentation is different than compatibility. Afaik most/all Android phones can run most/all Android apps, can't they?01:58
wmaronewere any new APIs introduced with 2.(0|1|2)?01:59
qgilcsdb: I'm finding out difficult to define what is exactly this "Android fragmentation", tbh01:59
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jarkkommostly os release features and screen resolution I guess02:00
csdbI don't know that all vendors will agree with you on the big catalog. Its in their interest to make money. External apps can be seen as helping and/or a hindrance.02:00
csdbIf they just get support calls but make almost no money -> hindrance.02:00
jarkkomnot a big deal if you're a geek like my but for average user it's probably pretty confusing02:00
qgilcsdb: well, not in the times of iOS and Android02:00
csdbIf they make money but no support calls -> good :-)02:00
XavierdarknessMultiple devices running multiple different OS versions02:00
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csdbI can only guess at Android fragmentation definitions, but one thing you can notice with Android phones is that there is (almost) never an upgrade on HW that is in the field. So app vendors end up having to deal with 6, 7 simultaneous Android versions02:02
qgilXavierdarkness: ok, then easy upgradability for ODMs + "loosing" MeeGo compliance might do it... Still, there will be different version out there - but what real problems does this bring to users'02:02
jarkkomI'd say biggest issue probably will be locationing and maps, that's something that's very vendor speficic but also critical to current crop of apps02:03
Xavierdarknessqgil: my connection's a tad slow, that was in reference to android fragmentation02:03
csdbSo I think that from app vendors that's a pain. And from users too.02:03
csdb"ohh - neat app. But I bought my phone last year. It can no longer run current apps"02:04
qgilcsdb: It's a pain when it's a pain to have you apps ready for every 6 month release, so binary compatibility is important (but feasible?) and OBS automation should be of big help to app developers?02:04
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csdbqgil, yes automation helps, but only so much. There's the testing part which is usually the costly one to support multiple versions.02:05
jarkkomseparate builds aren't really an issue, it more about major ui paradigm changes changing02:05
jarkkomthough this is mostly symbian, not meego issue02:06
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qgiljarkkom: why not MeeGo user when that developer is dealing with the Hadnset version, the Netbook version, the Tablet version...?02:06
csdbqgil, look at:
csdbSo I think that there 2 aspects to fragmentation: multiple versions (and lack of upgrades to existing phones), and multiple vendors within a version.02:07
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csdbyou have to try to contain both.02:07
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csdbApple doesn't have the 2nd problem, and minimizes the 1st IMO by providing platform upgrades to HW in the field.02:08
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qgilcsdb: this might be a commercial incentive for MeeGo vendors offering OS updates to their customers02:09
jarkkomqgil, well I guess most of the time use cases for handsets and netbooks will be bit different and apart from core stuff like browser etc there might not be that much overlap02:09
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jarkkomthis is just guess but I think future of handset-specific apps would be mostly dealing with location based services02:10
csdbqgil, to me that's always been the game-changing thing that Apple did in phones, a lot more than any benefit of their OS. They detached the OS from the HW, to bring their phones to a model kinda like PCs, servers etc...02:10
qgilcsdb: but again a vendor will go or not ahead with an OS update depending on the cost, and a key part of the cost is defined by the Qt / Qt Mobility APIs02:11
csdball the other phones you get some cool apps that come with them, a few more in the first few months of their existence, and then it goes dry02:11
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csdbqgil, in an environment like Meego (and Android) the dynamics are different, the HW vendor is interested in pumping out more HW, not providing upgrades to HW that was already sold. So who takes care of that? The network provider?02:12
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csdbonce e.g. Nokia sells a phone, they only see cost in providing upgrades, they have no further revenue stream from it02:13
qgilcsdb: actually HW vendors know about customer fidelity: they want their customers to buy new hardware, but not from the competitors - so it's not that simple.02:14
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jarkkomwell that's something nokia wanted to avoid though, though I don't know about what's going on these days02:14
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jarkkombeing more than just hardware vendor02:15
csdbqgil, if their existing phone continues to function, they are not going to buy from anyone :-) I agree that's not a good long term view but it is one that IMO vendors have.02:15
csdbWhen was the last time you saw a phone getting an OS upgrade other than iphones and Nexus One ?02:16
nialathe interest of meego is to allow the TV control with his phone or his computer with his phone and that in every way (for me)02:16
csdbOnly the SW people provide OS upgrades...02:16
slaughtercsdb: lies, lol02:16
qgilcsdb: if they have the phone on contract they might keep it until the end, or until a rebate is offered - but even if that user is still having that phone, if he is upset and willing to have another one from the competitors in practice it's a lost customer already02:17
slaughterif people can get a new phone theyll do it02:17
jarkkomcsdb, there's no way nokia can do that though, not with their current portfolio of 30+ phones/year :)02:17
slaughtercsdb: also, all of android gets free updates, btw02:17
qgilcsdb: when was the last time you saw predictable 6 month releases developed openly for ODMs to grab? MeeGo is changuing some things here02:18
csdbqgil, yes, if a competitor starts behaving differently then things might change. Competition is only useful if they options look different :-) If all but apple refuse to provide upgradeability (as is mostly the case today) then you're only options are live with it or move to iphone02:19
csdbqgil, whoa - I'm not saying there's nothing to Meego. If I thought that I wouldn't bother being in this channel :-)02:20
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qgilcsdb: :)  thank you for the discussion02:21
csdbjarkkom, agreed. But I sure don't like the fact that the phones I buy start decaying the moment I take them out of the box...02:22
csdbqgil, np. opinions are cheap :-)02:22
* csdb is waiting for his obs build to finish02:23
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jarkkomcsdb, they can't solve that so easily though, everyone knows that symbian is just crap but maemo/meego can't run on low/middle end hardware02:26
qgilcsdb: one element more: having a public roadmap and knowing the baseline months in advance and being able to start testing well ahead of a final release does help ODM organize their plans on OS updates, and even influence them - that can be an advantage for MeeGo over Android02:26
csdbjarkkom, if it was easy it would have been solved already :-) But I don't think that at the low there is this expectation of SW longevity, only on the higher end.02:29
csdbIf I'm going to shell out $400 for a phone, I want it to be useful for more than a few months02:29
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csdbqgil, I agree that the roadmap is useful - it will hopefully avoid having vendors releasing HW with already-obsolete Meego versions (as happens on Android). As long as you can get the vendors to be interested.02:31
nialacsdb: +102:31
csdbBottom line is that until both HW vendors and Network providers see this as a problem that needs fixing, it won't be fixed. Because it is costly to fix it (and become more than just a HW pusher/cellphone plan pusher)02:32
csdbBut if they want a piece of that apple pie...02:32
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qgilthanks everybody for the discussion - need to digest now  :)02:33
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ddompehi, is the OBS at open? i.e. can I get an account there?02:44
ddompewhat's the status of the community builder?02:46
aukeask lbt_away02:47
aukebut, it's being worked on and not ready02:48
ddompeauke: thanks!02:48
ddompelbt_away: any news?02:48
aukeddompe: I haven't seen lbt in a few days now...02:48
smithnahi, does anyone know where the "meegite" theme is from?02:49
ddompeauke, thanks02:50
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ali_zhi all, which file should be changed if I want to change the resolution on the meego-handset system, I ever find the /etc/meegotouch/devices.conf could do it, but now it has been removed.06:58
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nicolai_hi, any mic specialists here this morning?09:15
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Mirvnicolai_: what do you need to know?09:28
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Mirvnot sure about my specialist status, though. "I've used it"09:29
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nicolai_Mirv: I am struggling forth and back with trying to create images with mic, yet it seems that my installation of the tool is some sort of faulty or so09:31
nicolai_I get "no such file or directory" at different places09:31
nicolai_fabo helped me along yesterday about this over at #meego-sdk yet I am still not there09:31
nicolai_In the meantime I have come across the statement in the wiki that mic has a hard requirement for SSSE3 support (which I had overlooked so far), which I currently don't fullfill09:33
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Mirvnicolai_: for what it's worth, I seem to be using 0.19, on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, and at least creating loop images works09:33
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Mirvrun_mode=1, use_comps=109:34
nicolai_I will try to get myself a core2duo ASAP, yet I was wondering whether I should try to investigate my "no such file or directory"-issues further until I get there or not (as I cannot imagine that this issue is related to that requirement)09:35
Mirvdid you have some pastebin logs?09:35
Mirvmic is a bit bad in its error description.... I've had my share of troubles with it09:35
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nicolai_I started off with "no such file or directory /var/chache/meego-bootstrap/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/mic" when I was using mic verson is 0.21.1 on ubuntu 10.0409:38
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nicolai_After I had installed 0.22.0 as suggested by fabo, this became  "No such file or directory : '/usr/local/bin/mic' "09:39
nicolai_I worked around this by symlinking /usr/local/bin/mic to /usr/bin/mic (which seemed to work in some way, though I am not quite sure whether this is really somthing I should do)09:40
nicolai_But now I end up with "No such file or directory" without saying anything about which path is missing09:41
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nicolai_when I  look up the Traceback a bit, I see that the exception is thrown in the method "run_in_bootstrap", so I assume that the bootstrap has not been created correctly09:42
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nicolai_DO you happen to know whether this has to be done manually before starting mic-image-creator? I had assumed that this would be done more or less automatically as part of the process and one only has to do this by hand if one has special requirements about this09:44
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Mirvwell, one thing is certain, mic is often broken :)09:47
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Mirvdid you install the mic from ?09:47
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MirvI did have those bootstrap problems as well, but I'm not certain how I fixed it... now that it works for me, I'm not touching anything if I don't have to...09:48
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Mirvcomplaint about /usr/local/bin/mic sounds like a leftover from eg. manual installation of mic09:48
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nicolai_Mirv: the initial version I had (0.21.1), yes.. 0.22.0 came from debian sid09:49
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Mirvsorry, have to prepare for a telco now. but at least you're most certainly not alone with mic problems. I've learned not to touch or upgrade it if not absolutely necessary09:50
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nicolai_thanks for having had the chance to discuss this... it is good to know that someone else had similar problems and that there are ways to overcome them09:51
nicolai_this makes me more confident that I will find a way around it.09:51
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nicolai_Will try to get myself a new machine now anyway and then I can start from a clean platform again.. maybe that helps09:52
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Mirvone more thing: do not only test creating eg. livecd images, experiment with also loop option - some problems only occur when building certain kind of images09:53
nicolai_Cool, thanks for the hint, I will have a look at this...09:54
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dm8tbrguten morgen10:33
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PriyankaaHi, I am trying to run OBS and it says source update is running in the build status.10:43
PriyankaaHow I cancel the build?10:43
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JaffaMorning, all10:45
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lcuk2morning \o11:01
lbtlcuk2: pingmorningo/11:02
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Stskeepsmorn lbt11:03
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lbtPriyankaa: osc abortbuild --help11:03
lbtmorning Stskeeps11:03
Stskeepshow's stuff?11:03
lbtPriyankaa: also.... osc --help11:04
lbtStskeeps: really good11:04
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lbtStskeeps: internal OBS automation is looking very good... I want a fully automated end-2-end QA'ed build this sprint11:04
Stskeepscool :)11:05
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Stskeepsand community obs?11:05
lbtand we have it ready for too11:05
lbtyeah... that's more... irritating11:05
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* lcuk smiles :)11:05
lbthey X-Fade11:05
X-Fadehi, didn't see the activity here ;)11:05
lbtcommunity OBS is ready11:05
X-FadeHas been for a while ;)11:06
X-FadeAlthough I guess we should put it on 2.1 final?11:06
lbtwe're waiting on a 1hr task to setup a sql/scp/cron of user data11:06
lbtso kick mrshaver when you see him11:06
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lbtto be fair we're also (re)deploying a load of network infra11:08
Stskeepswell, release coming up :P11:08
lbthow is it going on your side Stskeeps?11:09
X-FadeThat reminds me, lbt: should I add the 1.2 pre releases too?11:09
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Stskeepslbt: usual release panic(TM)11:09
Stskeepsbut we're quite well along11:09
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lbtX-Fade: yes... I wanted to get ramez involvedf to match up to nokia internal mirroring process11:09
X-Fadelbt: Should we setup a meeting or so?11:10
lbtStskeeps: cool... when the dust settles I'd like to talk to you about automation too11:10
lbtX-Fade: when he wakes up we can grab him here11:10
Stskeepslbt: automation in what area?11:10
X-Fadelbt: Well, I'm not there, but yeah ;)11:10
lbtStskeeps: maintainer validation, QA etc... the process of promoting packages11:11
lbtX-Fade: so... tasks?11:12
X-FadeI have time to work on stuff.11:13
X-FadeWhatever stuff may be.11:13
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lbtI think we could do with reviewing the import process and naming11:13
lbtit works but is blunt11:14
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X-FadeYeah, and how to validate a weekly.11:14
X-FadeAs I tried the 1015 one and it didn't have repos.11:14
lbtyes... we have had issues when the sync results in 0 byte imports11:14
X-FadeThat obviously should not impored.11:14
lbtthe 2.1 uprade too11:15
lbtalthough my LDAP group patch was 1 patch too late11:16
X-FadeWell, we can slap that on top of it. ;)11:17
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X-FadeOne patch can be managed :)11:17
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lbtwe could also do with sorting out how we do vcs'ed config management11:18
lbtwhat are your thoughts on puppet?11:18
X-FadeI think won't work in our env.11:18
lbt*phew* :)11:18
X-FadeToo many different admin rights/levels.11:18
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lbtI proposed : ?11:19
X-FadeYeah, I like that proposal more11:19
lbtessentially rsync11:19
lbtOK ... I've been wondering if I'm being short-sighted... nice to know I'm not alone :)11:19
lbtI have installed it on11:20
X-FadeIf there is only one admin level, then it works fine.11:20
X-FadeBut that is not the case for us.11:20
X-FadeOr you would need to have a lot of puppet instances, separating out the admin areas.11:20
lbtI thought so... there is a proposal to use a local gitosis instance to manage that ...11:21
lbtI'm feeling it's a bit OTT11:21
lbtI'd be happy saying that we want a solution to do "system admin"... at the per-system level.11:21
lbtTo me that's a git tree of a sparse-root which is overlayed onto a 'apt-get install'11:22
lbtno messing about with users who only have rights to apache config11:23
lbtif you want to... break that out and get your apache system's admin to deal with it11:23
X-FadeI think machine/vm level admin should be enough.11:24
lbtso... I think setting up synctool on zathras would be another useful task... see if we can identify which config files have changed and getting them into vcs11:25
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X-FadeSo you give someone access to a VM and give them the ability to mess that up. As long as there are backups ;)11:25
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X-FadeThe hosts themselves would probably need to be managed differently though.11:26
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lbtagreed ... hosts are superadmin only (apart from rare exceptions... OBS workers)11:26
lbtbut honestly, they should be bare-bones minimal config with no activity other than LVM and iptables11:27
lbtwe're having hosts running Suse and VMs running squeeze11:27
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lbtI think you were around for that decision though?11:28
X-FadeYes, I was.11:28
lbtI'll tell you... I'm glad you're back :)11:28
X-FadeHehe. Well let's see if we can get this into a higher gear.11:30
lbtAdam is going to OSU so we may have outage later11:31
lbtI didn't see anything... but I think he's doing network stuff11:31
X-FadeYeah, but I think it is better to have an outage for a few hours than having nothing to show for months ;)11:31
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X-FadeProblem with trying newer firmware is that your modem gets updated.11:38
X-Fade-EWINDOW ;)11:39
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lcukwhats the task switcher technical component called for handset?11:59
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CosmoHillMeeGo 1.2 is coming out next Wednesday right?12:06
CosmoHillwell that would explain my recent confusion12:07
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* lcuk gets CosmoHill a coffee12:07
* CosmoHill turns it into tea and drinks it12:08
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inzHow does tea drink itself?12:12
inzOr did the tea drink the coffee12:12
inzI'm confused.12:12
CosmoHillI have a wand that only works on drinks that I used to turn the coffee into tea, which I then drank12:13
lcukthe closest to a magic drinking wand I have is a bendy straw12:13
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* lcuk is not feeling very technical this morning incase you haven't guessed ;)12:14
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CosmoHillI'\m just noticed someone's got the same printer as me and they've printed out good A4 colour pictures12:15
CosmoHillthis gives me hope that my printer might still be of some good for photos12:16
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CosmoHillI fixed it with a screw driver by removing a stupid chip from a caterage12:16
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CosmoHilldammit my tea is cold already12:18
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alteregoI've setup madde and can build mtf based apps and run them under meego handset, but when I try to create a class that inherits an mtf component I get "mmoc: Command not found" anyone know what I've missed?12:22
CosmoHilltype "which mmoc"12:23
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alteregoIn madde or just plain terminal? :)12:24
CosmoHillplain terminal12:24
CosmoHillmmoc is part of madde correct?12:24
lcukalterego, missing:  ??12:25
alteregoNo, I'm guessing mmoc is the meego touch frameworks meego thing.12:25
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alteregomeego qt moc thing12:25
alteregoOh crap, I'm gonna have to build it from scratch? :P12:26
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jonnimultipoint-touch seems to work nicely in latest meego image with lenovo S10-3t13:15
fralsbuild number?13:16
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fralsshame downloading from is horribly slow :(13:22
jonniwas testing transformaction widget so event Qt Wrt is receiving the javascript multipoint events13:23
henai'm gettin ok speeds13:23
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fralsnever managed to get over ~250KB/sec13:23
henai get about 750 all the time13:23
CosmoHilli hate you13:24
fralsStskeeps: thanks, will try that :)13:26
CosmoHillthe best I got was 300KB/s on my home connection and 35MB/s on my uni one13:26
henauu, has a mirror13:28
CosmoHillwhat file are you downloading?13:28
TermanaN900Strangely, i found to be faster the other day13:28
CosmoHillfrals: can you give me a link to the file you are downloading?13:30
fralsnot mirrored on yet :<13:31
lcukwhich netbook are you installing it onto?13:31
CosmoHillfrals: give me a few mins13:31
Myrttithis'll be interesting13:34
fralslcuk: uh, it varies depending on what i can scavage ;)13:34
CosmoHillsomeone has finished downloading cos my download speed just went up13:35
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slainefrals: that's for the url, was going to go looking for that today :)13:36
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CosmoHillslaine: if you wait 5 mins I can give you a mirrror13:37
slaineyeah, cool13:37
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slainesee if I can get my broadcom rpm in shape for the 1.1 release13:37
loufoqueis meego 1.1 out?13:38
CosmoHillloufoque: next wednesday13:38
loufoqueCosmoHill: nice, thanks for the info13:38
CosmoHillif you'd like the latest image I'll have a mirror ready in a few minutes13:39
CosmoHillwatching this download is like watching a yoyo13:40
loufoquei'm mostly interested in decent support of the N90013:40
lcukfrals, good good13:40
* lcuk installs meego on a trout13:40
CosmoHillthis better not copy limewire, it gets to 99% downloaded and then goes to 2KB/s13:41
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CosmoHillslaine: mirror's ready13:45
slaineCosmoHill: cool, on it's way down now, thanks13:45
loufoquedoes anyone have some side by side comparisons of maemo in meego?13:45
loufoqueI mean screenshots13:46
loufoqueof maemo vs meego13:46
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slainethat's kind of a meaningless comparison13:47
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pupnik_google image search screenshot+maemo13:48
pupnik_google image search screenshot+meego13:48
CosmoHillthen use the new windows 7 feature to view them side by side13:49
TermanaN900lcuk, be careful what you say13:49
TermanaN900lcuk, trout is the codename for an actual handset, people might get the wrong idea :p13:49
CosmoHillso if someone hits me with a trout they may have just thrown a phone at me?13:50
lcukTermanaN900, hmmm13:50
lcuktheres something fishy with that proposal13:50
TermanaN900hehe :p13:50
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Myrttiworld isn't fair. Why does it take over an hour to encode a 27 minute video?13:56
Surfayou're short on cpu power? :)13:56
pupnik_that's one way to say it Surfa ;)13:57
MyrttiI'll stick with my original theory of world not being fair13:57
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Tm_TMyrtti: I blame that too13:58
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CosmoHillMyrtti: because the laws of thermo dynamics say "no"13:59
henahah, http://meego.org13:59
MyrttiI know, my cpu is at 85C13:59
Myrttisorry, 87C14:00
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CosmoHillhena: their hacking skills are far greater than their html skills14:00
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henadidn't even bother to look at the code14:01
CosmoHillthat reminds me, I need to update my AV14:02
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loufoqueslaine: why is it meaningless?14:05
loufoqueslaine: I wonder how much the UI changes14:05
slaineIt's completely different14:05
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kt_hi, i am having some trouble installing qt creator with madde on my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS system14:06
kt_./ Can not install on 'x86_64' Requires i686 system14:07
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Bostikpretty obvious, you're trying to install x86-32 software on x86-64 system14:07
CosmoHillkt_: you're ubuntu system is 64bit, you have the 32bit script14:08
Bostikat least the installer is kind enough to actually tell you up front that it won't work14:08
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kt_CosmoHill, yes but is there a 64 bit version script?14:09
CosmoHillI'd look in the same place you got the 32bit one14:09
kt_CosmoHill, on only the 32bit one is shown14:10
CosmoHillyou may have to install MADDE yourself14:12
slaineloufoque: sorry, was on a call and couldn't elaborate.14:12
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slaineThe MeeGo Handset UX is a completely new design in comparison with the MID style UX from the n900 maemo release is what I meant. So a direct comparison doesn't really mean much. You can get a fee for the handset ux by looking here,
LinexNo joke! There is a lot of peopl ein here.14:14
slaineWell, MID style was probably more applicable to the earlier nXX0 hardware14:15
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Linexanyone got screen shots of meego on a phone ?14:16
Guest81330Hello All , I Was successfull in installing qt by naming qt-devel in ks file and then using mic-image creator for repo     . Then I pull all rpms to my local repository and change repo url to that local repo in ks file , But I am not able to install qt-devel now ... anyone have the pointers ??14:17
kt_CosmoHill, i am trying to install MADDE myself now. I only need to create a simple application so maybe i could do the development on the meego pc14:17
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kt_CosmoHill, is it possible to install QT Creator on meego?14:18
CosmoHillyou probably could14:18
fralsits presinstalled in the meego sdk chroot afaik14:18
CosmoHillit's not the Qt creator that is giving you problems tho, it's MADDE14:19
kt_ok, so i would still need that on the meego pc14:19
CosmoHillI wouldn't know14:20
kt_the madde installation seemed to run smooth when using
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sunderhi all .. can anyone direct mee to the meego codedrop images' path?? their paths seem to be changed and what the repos show now are chromium images. are these two different??14:22
Stskeepssunder: :)14:22
kt_do you have experience with configuring Qt Creator to work with real devices? Is the ip address of the real device alle that is needed?14:22
sunderhi stskeeps. I followed the it talks of some, but these are nowhere to be found .. :(14:23
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CosmoHillthat image looks like it's dated for March14:24
sunderhas anyone tried the chromium images??14:26
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sunderhas anyone tried these images .. ??14:28
CosmoHill << Newest14:30
CosmoHillthe only difference between the chrome and chromium images is the EULA and brower14:31
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LinexA pure Qt program will run on meego ?14:52
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alteregoHas anyone heard anything back about the meego conference?15:35
alteregoIt's less than a month away :/15:35
Stskeepsshould have been a lot of people getting accept/reject on their talks and sponsorship15:36
alteregoOh, I've heard nothing about my sponsorship.15:36
Stskeepswhen did you sign up?15:36
alteregoAbout 2 days after they announced that website.15:36
Stskeepsdunno - check with Jaffa15:37
alteregoThen I edited my submission about a week afterwards ^.^15:37
alteregoIf it qwent into my spam I'm going to be so pissed.15:37
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slainealterego: what email address is your submission under15:40
slainewe (the committee) wrapped up last week15:41
alteregoThat, is a good question.15:41
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slaineI can check the spreadsheet and see if you're there15:41
* Jaffa leaves it to slaine 15:42
alteregoI've never been to a meetup yet :(15:42
slainehey jaffa15:42
alteregoAnd I'm jobless :D15:42
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dellI have a general qn about meego15:49
Myrttigo ahead and ask...15:50
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dellwhich layer is respinsible to use gstreamer and all other upstream compnents in meego15:50
sivudamn. gst-plugins-base from gitorious has problems15:51
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sivugstxmptag.c:830: error: 'GST_TAG_APPLICATION_NAME' undeclared (first use in this function)15:54
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dellhowdo i get an understanding of how the variou components like gstreamer , ofono, connman bluez etc work together as a system in meego?15:59
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alteregodell: They're not all completeling integrated16:02
alterego~completely ..16:02
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dellalterego i assume there should be a layer above the components am i right ?16:04
alteregoI'd look at the documentation for ofono on meego, and connman. I think Bluez is seperate16:04
alteregoWell, as far as gstreamer is concerned, I think the dialer app that integrates with ofono actually uses pulseaudio16:04
alteregoSo it doesn't talking to gstreamer directly at all I don't think.16:04
Purtidell: I think is the best place to start from..16:04
dellyes i have gone through them, they can be used by applications16:04
Purtithey all run as service inside linux exposing various APIs so that there services could be used16:05
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sid3windrsilly chinese ;>16:08
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dellhow is power management done in meego?16:09
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sx0nwith button? :) dunno16:09
alteregodepends on the hardware16:09
alteregodell: on the N900 we're a slave to bme16:10
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TermanaPower management? Who needs that. I have 100 chinese kids that use a mechanical winder to keep my battery running all day16:10
alteregoI'd imagine on netbook it's the same as an ordinary PC with GNU/Linux installed16:10
sx0nTermana, Power slaves?16:10
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dellso where in software will this differentialtion bw netbook and handset be done16:10
Termanaalterego, well... REALLY that's not power management16:11
TermanaThat's battery charging16:11
alteregoOkay, I've been running around the Qt docs like crazy for the past hour, how can I stick a QDeclarativeView inside an MApplicationPage?16:11
dellso which code should i refer if i want to understand how overall system power management is handled in meego?16:12
TermanaThe real answer is that you should be using CPUIdle and Dynamic PM on Handsets, and use the normal suspend/hibernate/CPUIdle and Dynamic PM on netbooks16:12
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dellso different kernels?16:13
Termanadell, just look into normal linux power management.16:13
Termanadell, no. Handset manufactures can do suspending and resuming for handsets as well16:13
sx0ndell, there was some discussion on power management relating to over clocking.16:13
dellin the driver level or application level ? i mean for meego case16:14
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Termanadell, rephrase?16:14
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CosmoHillTermana: Alienware16:15
dellintel uses ACPI and apm stuff16:15
dellso will the same be used in meego?16:15
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Termanadell, yes, like I said, look into normal linux power management16:15
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TermanaCosmoHill, what? :p16:15
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CosmoHilldell rephrased = alienware16:16
Termanaheh :p16:16
Termanasx0n, what does that have ANYTHING to do with what we are talking about? :p16:16
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sx0nTermana, power consumption?16:17
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sx0ni thought that consumption would something to do with management, but then maybe not.16:18
Termanasx0n, well, technically yes. But that's not really what he was looking for :p16:18
sx0nah ok. acpi..16:19
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delli refereed the meego architecture and also the meego glitorious i was not able to find a single component for handset UI framework inside the  MeeGo Handset UX. is there such a framework ?16:22
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alteregodell: meego touch framework16:24
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alteregois what you're looking for16:24
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alteregoYou're lucking I've been staring at that api ref for the past day :)16:25
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dellthanks alterego and Termana16:30
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kt_I use Ubuntu 10.04 LTS X86_64 and want to do development for Meego. I have installed Qt Creator and want to integrate MADDE (MeeGo Application Development & Debug Environment) into it. I have installed but i now only have support for MAEMO. I am confused. If i choose to develop an app for maemo will it then also work in meego?16:39
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kt_As mentioned earlier i can not just follow this guide: as i do not have a 32 bit Ubuntu version16:40
kt_furthermore i do not need an emulator. I have an actual netbook running meego that i want to debug the application on16:41
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townxelliotkt_: this is the simplest and fastest way to develop for netbook on Linux at the moment:; providing you're not using Fedora Core 13 (Xephyr doesn't work properly on it, but the reason hasn't been tracked down yet - bug here:
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townxelliotkt_: I install Qt Creator into the chroot and run it from there; and use chroot to compile before putting the application on a real netbook16:49
nialaXephyr need an intel video card16:49
townxelliotniala: that's true16:49
kt_i have a nvidia graphics card - will that do?16:50
townxelliotand kt_, I didn't notice the 64bit thing, which will make life difficult I expect16:50
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kt_yes, if just i did not run 64 bit i assume it would not be a problem16:50
townxelliotkt_ Xephyr won't work on non-Intel graphics either16:51
townxelliotkt_ more accurately, netbook UX won't run inside Xephyr on non-Intel graphics16:51
kt_i just installed the standard ubuntu desktop edition a long time ago and apparently it is 64 bit16:51
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nialakt_: look at
kt_niala, i have done that16:55
kt_niala, is there something you think i have overlooked?16:55
nialaI use meego on netbook and qemu on fedora64x and ati16:56
kt_niala, how did you install install-meego-dev-env-0.7.25-linux-i686.sh16:57
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kt_assuming that you just followed the guide16:57
nialait's a script? I don't remember .16:58
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nialash install-meego-dev-env-0.7.25-linux-i686.sh16:58
kt_niala, it is a 225Mb binary file. I get the error: Can not install on 'x86_64' Requires i686 system16:59
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kt_niala, is there someway i can force installation anyway? And the find missing libraries perhaps?17:00
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niala  they explain Installing qemugl on 64 bit ubuntu 10.0417:02
nialaoh sorry I confused with MADDE17:04
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kt_yes, the funny thing is that they explain how to install qemugl on 64 bit but not Qt Creator with MADDE17:05
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CosmoHillsalut niala17:14
nialabug lol I've downoad a 700Mb file on a live disk. yes that a little stupi :)17:15
nialahello CosmoHill17:15
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LinexIs there like a virtualized or emulator of meego  for develpment ?17:18
nialaCosmoHill: cold and wet day  but nice
Linexniala: thanks17:19
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Linexjust curious, qt apps ( modified or not) runs on android ?17:20
nialaandroid is java no? lol I don't know nothing about android17:21
nialaI mean if library are here why not?17:22
Linexwould be nice to have qt on android, then our apps will run on meego and android.17:22
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kt_Linex, yes, i would really like that too17:23
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kt_the worst thing about android is (as far as i know) that only android specific java classes are supported (correct me if i am wrong)17:24
kt_there is no java virtual machine underneath17:25
nialaand licence17:25
kt_hmm... the virtual machine is named "Dalvik"17:26
nialalicense ..... english is really not my language :)17:26
Linexniala: Qemu is the best method to go I guess17:26
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nialait's depend of your hardware17:28
RST38hWhy would you need Java to begin with?17:28
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Linexniala: I got VT17:29
Linexniala: I have no idea what I want to develop yet. Just playing around.17:29
kt_RST38h, it would be nice if you could use the same applications on different platforms. If Android uses non-standard classes that is not so. But I do not know much about it17:30
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Linexthe netbook image is a lot more bigger than the phone image17:31
Stskeepsof course17:31
lcuktry holding your netbook to your ear :p17:31
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nialaLinex: each meego is different than the other17:32
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Linexso the phone version are missing many classes I guess17:32
Stskeepsphone version on meego? no, most stuff is in core17:33
nialalcuk: I do this sometines in a spip way  :)17:33
RST38hkt: Compile some kind of MIDP emulator and use MIDP apps17:33
Stskeepsfull qt17:33
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LinexStskeeps: both have the same qt core libraries ?17:33
RST38hHaving said that, MIDP is rather primitive and inherently slow17:33
LinexStskeeps: ok, so its the environment17:33
LinexStskeeps: the whole OS thingy17:34
LinexStskeeps: ok thanks17:34
lcukniala, then you are odd :P17:34
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kt_RST38h, i did not know the MIDP17:35
Linexok can someone remind me why I would want to develop on meego platform ?17:35
RST38hkt: MIDP is "smartphone java" as you know it17:35
RST38hAlso known as JavaME and PhoneME17:36
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kt_RST38h, ok17:36
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kt_RST38h, i was not really thinking in that way because i run these OS (meego and android) on x86 hardware17:36
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nialalcuk: euh well yes true! I wrote spip but I think sip :)17:37
kt_RST38h, i just need to make a few demo-apps that will run on small netbooks running meego and android17:38
kt_so far i have run into lots of trouble17:38
kt_not being a linux expert certainly does not make things better17:38
lcukkt_, so, same source for each OS?17:40
nialathe interest of vendor is not to be compatible, but to sell is phone and control her customer17:40
lcukor just different implementations17:40
kt_lcuk, no, that is not possible (unfortunately). I also am going to make something for Google Chrome OS17:41
kt_if i ever get there17:42
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lcukkt_, oh, i thought android was based on linux and allowed you to dev same stuff :)  isn't there an sdl implementaiton for instance?17:42
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kt_lcuk, i don't know if there is an sdl implementation, thank for the tip17:45
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kt_sdl does not seem to support android yet17:46
kt_but i will look more into it17:46
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Myrttibright light19:00
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Tm_TMyrtti: don't walk into it19:09
Alison_ChaikenHas anyone successfully run the IVI ISO under qemu or another emulator?    I've run various netbook images but get the impression that unless you have a copy of the proprietary bootloader and qflasher, you're out of luck on the handset and IVI images.   If I were to put MeeGo on my Android phone, would the install replace the Android bootloader?    (Just about has to be so, I guess.)    Is anybody running MeeGo on another device, sa19:10
Alison_Chaikeny a Chumby or a Linksys or somesuch?19:10
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LinexI'm on gentoo. Can I just use the qemu provided by gentoo ?19:13
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wmaroneAlison_Chaiken: it's not -quite- that easy to put MeeGo on Android devices just yet. At this point, I don't think it's replacing the android bootloader, but you'd have to get details from the people who are trying.19:14
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Alison_Chaikenwmarone, thanks for the response.    Is there any hardware available now that an ordinary Sal can run the IVI image on?19:16
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csdbLinex, what version qemu? I've had problems with older ones (0.11). As long as the version is fairly recent it should be ok19:16
Linexcsdb: 0.12.5-r119:16
Linexcsdb: is that ok ?19:17
wmaroneAlison_Chaiken: if it's x86 then any current Intel-based system should run it19:17
* wmarone looks19:17
wmaroneyeah, ia3219:17
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csdbLinex, I'm using a 0.13git version. You can give it a try.19:18
csdbmight be ok.19:18
Alison_Chaikencsdb, I've been running the netbook image under QEMU PC emulator version 0.12.5 (qemu-kvm-0.12.5) on Fedora 13.   Details are here:
csdbif you see qemu coredumping, then its time to upgrade :-)19:18
Linexcsdb: the meego-qemu-start script looks for /usr/bin/qemugl . What should I replace it with ?19:19
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Linexcsdb: I got a bunch of qemu-xxx19:19
Alison_ChaikenSo wmarone, the IVI can be run as long as one has a copy of qflasher and the bootloader?   That's the sticking point AFAIK.   Once you have those components, you can create an image with MIC and you're ready to go.19:19
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csdbLinex, ahhh sorry. I just logged in and caught the end of your questions. I thought you were asking about qemu for building. If you're running Meego under it then I can't help you, haven't done that yet19:20
Alison_Chaikencsdb, you may be missing some package dependencies for GL or libvirt.19:20
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Linexoh ok19:20
Linexcsdb: no worries19:20
wmaroneAlison_Chaiken: believe so, I suspect it's probably virtually identical to the netbook image with some interface changes19:20
* wmarone hasn't paid much attention to IVI19:21
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acab_hello. does anybody run last build of meego on n900?19:21
Linexthe virtual image needs kvm ?19:21
Stskeepsacab_: 1.0.99 or 1.1.80 ?19:22
acab_Stskeeps, 1.1.8019:22
Stskeepsif you don't have to use 1.1.80 for anything like work, i'd recommend 1.0.99 for now19:22
acab_Stskeeps, but . in  1.0.99 can i use for example. cellular?19:23
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acab_or somebody19:23
Stskeeps1.0.99 is what becomes meego 1.119:23
acab_what about video acceleration?19:23
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Stskeepsacab_: no DSP usage, but 3d is there, though old drivers19:24
acab_Stskeeps, its very slow when rotate screen19:24
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Stskeepsacab_: yeah, we are putting in fast 3d drivers in 1.219:26
Stskeepsin fact, i'm debugging them right now..19:26
acab_but why last builds are broken?19:27
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Stskeepsbecause 1.1.80 is 1.2 alpha :)19:27
acab_Stskeeps, i understand, but when load, my phone didnt see anything on sd card19:28
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Stskeepsyou might have hit an image with the broken kernel on it19:28
acab_i download last19:29
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acab_i get exacly that situation19:29
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Stskeepsyes, and 1.1.80 had a kernel problem19:29
Stskeepsit should be fixed but probably first in next week's weekly19:29
acab_is it real to load with another kernel?19:30
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Stskeepsjust grab 1.0.9919:31
slaineIs there a planned upgrade path from 1.0 to 1.1 ?19:31
Stskeepsthat's likely what you would want to track19:31
Stskeepsslaine: upgrades, what's that? :P19:31
slaineThat answers that19:31
Stskeepsno idea about netbook19:31
acab_Stskeeps, 1.0.99 its so slooooow19:31
Stskeepsacab_: yes, and that's because we haven't integrated new SGX drivers yet19:32
Stskeepsacab_: that's what i'm working on getting prepared for 1.2 right now, we have a bug where it crashes19:32
acab_how you test 1.1.80 if you cant load it =)?19:32
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CosmoHillslaine: no there isn't at this time19:32
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slaineI'll backup and install so19:33
Stskeepsacab_: we don't, if you went to look at the QA reports, they say unable to test :)19:33
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Stskeepsacab_: it's fixed in the daily image from today so next weeks..19:33
acab_ahahahah ^)))19:33
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CosmoHillslaine: second question on there19:33
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acab_Stskeeps, when you wanna show good build?19:39
Stskeepswant to see a video?19:39
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acab_i just wanna see what work =)19:40
acab_its good?19:40
acab_not broken?19:40
Stskeepsacab_: probably wasn't19:40
Stskeepsdriver not included though19:41
JaffaStskeeps: Presumably that's thp's MTF version of gPodder, rather than the Gtk+/Hildon one19:41
acab_what about that?19:41
th0br0Stskeeps: now i wish i had an n900, too !19:41
StskeepsJaffa: who says we don't have a working hildon?19:41
slaineguys. I'm having a problem I can't figure out19:44
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slainetrying to mount /dev/sdb1 on the live usb but it's giving me an error that it's already mounted or busy19:44
Stskeepscheck 'mount'?19:44
slaineyeah, done all that, lsof, fuser too19:45
slainenothing that I can see has it mounted or open19:45
slainewell, not lsof as it's not there19:46
slainewondering if device mapper is holding it or something19:46
slaine(the live os is an image that's hosted on /dev/sdb1, I should still be able to mount the fat32 on /dev/sdb1 though)19:47
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qgilthiago: hi, I'm still waiting for the SF code.sprints contact - Knut didn't answer either  :(20:14
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henai wonder what kind of job it would be to hack curses with touch sensitivy...20:19
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JaffaStskeeps: A working Hildon with themeing matching the Qt/MTF theme? I'd be surprised ;-)20:22
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aukehena: wrong hack, you need framebuffer console touch input implemented20:22
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aukeI think gpm already works20:23
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slaineauke, is it possible to mount the vfat partition on the liveOS (netbook) via the command line ?20:24
aukeslaine: don't see why that wouldn't work...?20:25
slaineget an error from nautilus when booting the latest image and then in the shell it just doesn't want to do it either20:25
slainebasically device or resource busy20:26
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aukemount -t vfat /dev/.... /mnt ?20:26
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slaine"mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /mnt busy"20:28
slainebut mount doesn't show it mounted20:28
slainenore does fuser show anyone using the device20:29
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aukecat /proc/mounts ?20:29
bef0rdHey, I asked this on the forums a while ago but I did not get any answer :P any help is welcome20:30
slaineyeah, nothing there20:30
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Stskeepsbef0rd: look at nokia-n900-configs, we ignore an accelerometer20:31
aukebef0rd: doesn't sound like a MeeGo-specific issue, have you looked outside MeeGo resources for clues?20:31
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bef0rdStskeeps, thanks will check. auke, yes I tried adding a configuration file to make it ignore con /etc/xorg.conf.d/ but it made my touchpad and keyboard stop working too not sure what was wrong with it20:32
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aukeStskeeps: ah, hehe yeah that would be in the way20:33
slainebef0rd: you might need a catch all evdev config in the xorg.conf.d20:34
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pupnikI found a completely superior oliveoil in the supermarkt Stskeeps
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dnearyslaine, How're tricks in dubberlin town?20:58
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slainedneary: dirty20:59
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dnearyYou're spending too much time by the gasworks walls20:59
slaineIt's where I met my love21:00
slaineYou can also find me dreaming by the old canal21:00
dnearyThe Royal?21:01
dnearyWhere the oul triangle went jingle jangle?21:01
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slainedneary: lol21:08
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* qgil just created - contributions welcome!21:47
thiago_homeMeeGo rules!21:48
thiago_homeanything about Finnish boys in Winter?21:49
qgilactually better URL is
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qgilthiago_home: who should I contact for code.sprints in SF? Knut didn't answer, time is running...21:50
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Stskeepsqgil: +1 for hitting the main points of why meego is cool :)21:51
qgilStskeeps: a lot of work is still needed, in that page and in the MeeGo project  ;)21:51
thiago_homeqgil: the one leading to Dev Days?21:51
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thiago_homeor do you mean in general?21:51
Stskeepsqgil: rome wasn't built in a day ;)21:51
qgilStskeeps: by the way, my instinct tells me that OBS is a big asset but if you & the OBS fans can help explaining why...21:51
qgilthiago_home: that Pumpkin Dinner21:52
qgilon Saturday 1ç21:52
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Stskeepsqgil: i usually explain it like this.. Qt creator -> packaging step -> OBS -> repositories I can add straight to my image description (kickstart) -> create image -> deploy to device21:53
qgilStskeeps: but is this much better to whatever steps you follow with Android?21:53
Stskeepsqgil: i must admit i haven't tried android dev env :P21:54
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Stskeepsqgil: and then there's of course the whole potential of business logic around OBS21:54
qgilStskeeps: for instance, what about targeting different MeeGo releases/devices with OBS vs Android SDK?21:54
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Stskeepsqgil: 'just add another build target'21:54
Stskeeps(two clicks)21:54
qgilStskeeps: we need good Android developers willing to explain why MeeGo does better  ;)21:54
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Stskeepsi think we have a pretty good ODM story, though21:55
thiago_homeqgil: Alex Spehr. She's organising it.21:55
thiago_homeStskeeps: isn't that describing a full image?21:56
Stskeepsthiago_home: mm?21:56
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thiago_home20:53 < Stskeeps> qgil: i usually explain it like this.. Qt creator -> packaging step -> OBS -> repositories I can add straight to my image description  (kickstart) -> create image -> deploy to device21:57
thiago_homeisn't that describing a full image build?21:58
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Stskeepsyou can also do "add repo to your existing running image and instal"21:58
thiago_homemost people shouldn't be flashing their devices21:58
thiago_homethey should be able to click a button in Creator (the Run or the Debug button) and have it installed and run21:58
Stskeepsthat too21:59
thiago_homeit works for symbian devices and Maemo521:59
thiago_homeit has to work for MeeGo :-)21:59
Stskeepsi think it does/should :)21:59
Stskeepsit was in the OBS context though21:59
Stskeepsbut yeah, OBS needs to be better explained..22:00
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Stskeepsi'm thinking examples of how to extend a meego release etc..22:02
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thiago_homeOBS is useful for device creators and platform developers22:02
thiago_homeplatform developers include people who need to maintain a package in the OBS22:03
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sivangthiago_home: hehe re: finnish boys in winter22:08
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djszapiwhich qt modules are installed on meego by default ?22:33
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thiago_homeall of them except for qt3support22:34
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djszapiis all of them really needed ?22:35
djszapifor a minimal system ?22:35
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djszapiHow much can I truncate, drop them ?22:38
djszapifor a minimal working system ?22:38
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etrunkohi, anyone here on libsocialweb development?22:39
etrunkos/on/working on22:39
lbtetrunko: ocs ?22:39
etrunkolbt: sorry?22:40
lbtopen collaboration system ?22:40
djszapilbt :)22:40
djszapidid you write on the mailing list ?22:41
lbtyeah... send an email ... I know ;)22:41
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djszapiyeah, why not.22:41
lbtscroll down to the bottom of this page
lbtI need to set that up tonight22:42
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lbtif I don't, the community OBS gets delayed some more....22:42
lbthence the sporadic delegation and recruitment attempts...22:42
* Stskeeps passes lbt a cloning device22:43
* lbt *lbt jumps out22:43
* lbt *lbt *lbt *lbt jumps out22:43
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* CosmoHill jumps on lbt 22:44
MyrttiMyrtti Video Productions presents: Nexus One Fail -teaser.
djszapithiago_home: tell me if you have got idea about Qt module truncation, dropping matter :)22:45
lbtCosmoHill: which one of me22:45
CosmoHillI have a choice?22:46
thiago_homedjszapi: truncation?22:46
djszapiI mean I would like to use as few Qt modules as I can.22:46
djszapiI am just thinking of whether I can write my meego application safely with Qt modules.22:46
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djszapibut if that can be dropped it is not that safe decision.22:47
thiago_homedjszapi: don't use the modules you don't want to use22:47
thiago_homethat's it22:47
djszapithe matter is distinct a bit.22:47
thiago_homeI don't see how22:47
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djszapiwell, I must parse an XML file, k ?22:47
djszapiI do not know whether I can count for QtXML module.22:47
djszapiif the user can live with no that, I would not like to use it.22:47
djszapibecause it is an unneccesary dependency for him.22:48
thiago_homewhat does the user have to do with anything?22:48
thiago_homeif the user installs your app, QtXml gets installed22:48
djszapithat is what I am asking, whether it is needed or not.22:48
thiago_homewhat is needed?22:48
thiago_homeall modules are available. Qt is part of the MeeGo API and will be available in all devices.22:49
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thiago_homeall modules except for qt3support. Maybe phonon.22:49
djszapithe problem is more like that I would not like to cause extra dependencies for the user.22:49
djszapiyes, but I am not sure for example: QtXml is needed by the user for anything22:49
thiago_homeyou can use anything in the MeeGo API22:49
djszapiif not, my application would force him to install it.22:49
thiago_homethe user would barely notice22:50
qgilYesterday I was asking around about the "Android fragmentation" and the risks for MeeGo - I have tried to reflect all that at
qgildetails and relaity check welcome22:50
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djszapithiago_home: it does not matter.22:50
djszapinormal users do not about dependencies on linux, at least the newbies :)22:51
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djszapibut an advanced hardcore hacker geek can require that to remove QtXML.22:51
thiago_homeusers don't care about dependencies22:51
djszapiif that is not needed by the system by default.22:51
thiago_homeit gets installed, that's it22:51
djszapiI care about.22:51
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thiago_homeyou're not a typical user22:52
thiago_hometypical users won't know those extra dependencies even got installed22:52
djszapiit is not a reason to say for my team leader for instance :P22:52
djszapiI feel that.22:53
thiago_hometell me the last time you installed an app on MeeGo and gave up because it required other dependencies you didn't want to install22:53
djszapithere are still people using tile window managers and so on.22:53
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thiago_homecompletely irrelevant22:54
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thiago_homewhy are you changing the subject?22:54
thiago_homewhen a user tries to install an app, the package manager will simply install the dependencies22:54
thiago_homethe user won't even know that dependencies got installed22:54
djszapiI am not sure it is distinct, the point is here the lightweight thing.22:54
thiago_homewhat lightweight thing?22:54
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djszapilightweight solutions.22:55
rittkhow to sacrifice a package to the meego's repo?22:55
thiago_homewhat lightweight solutions?22:55
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thiago_homerittk: huh?22:55
djszapithiago_home: I do not see the point of your question.22:55
Myrttirittk: you need 3 herrings, 2 sticks of incense and a penguin feather22:55
thiago_homeI don't see the point of your argument22:55
djszapithere are people liking lightweight solutions...22:56
djszapiwhat is the question about this ?22:56
thiago_homethis is #meego22:56
thiago_homeall MeeGo devices will have all Qt modules (except for Qt3Support)22:56
RST38hand there are people who like building heavyweight solutions22:56
djszapiUbuntu has got gnome installation22:56
RST38hguess which ones prevail here22:56
thiago_homeUbuntu is not MeeGo22:56
djszapibut there are a couple of users using ratpoison22:56
djszapiso they drop, remove gnome22:56
rittkthiago_home: I've built the Midnight Commander and ntfs-3g since I mess them on meego22:56
djszapiand I am thinking of about the same on meego22:57
* CosmoHill offers popcorn22:57
djszapiwhether an advanced user can drop qt modules.22:57
rittkthiago_home: now, I'd prefer to contribute them to official repo22:57
thiago_homedjszapi: all MeeGo devices will have all Qt modules, plus Qt Mobility modules working, plus some more22:57
djszapithat was my first question :)22:57
wmaronedjszapi: you can replace the user interface, sure, but if you swap out Qt you aren't using MeeGo anymore22:57
thiago_homedjszapi: the user cannot22:57
thiago_homeany device with any Qt module missing is not MeeGo22:57
djszapiwmarone: this is not about the interface at all22:57
djszapiQtXML is not interface22:57
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thiago_homethe use of the brand "MeeGo" requires having all Qt modules installed22:57
wmaronedjszapi: that's what it sounds like to me, what with all your offtopic examples22:57
thiago_homeor available, at least22:57
* RST38h hehes at that22:58
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djszapiRST38h: if there are heavyweight people, it does not mean there are no lightweight people.22:58
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thiago_homedjszapi: yes, a user can install Android on their devices. So what?22:58
djszapithe people are different.22:58
thiago_homeif people install a different OS, it's their problem22:58
thiago_homeyou're targeting MeeGo. MeeGo has Qt.22:58
thiago_homeproblem solved.22:58
RST38hdjszapi: heavweight people have got bigger impulse :)22:58
djszapiUbuntu has got Gnome.22:58
thiago_homeMeeGo doesn't22:59
thiago_homenor KDE for that matter22:59
djszapicouple of people do not use that.22:59
RST38hAnyway, I do not see your insistence to have Qtless Meego22:59
* thiago_home gives up22:59
wmaroneQt is the whole point of MeeGo, isn't it?22:59
RST38hMeego is simply a Linux distro. You can use any Linux distro you like.22:59
thiago_homeI've explained this more than once22:59
RST38hwmarone: Not really, but don't tell that to thiago :)22:59
thiago_homewmarone: well, not the whole point, but a good portion of the point22:59
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thiago_homewmarone: there are other points :-)22:59
djszapiRST38h: you still did not understand the point :)23:00
djszapiit is not a distribution question23:00
thiago_homedjszapi: it is23:00
thiago_homeMeeGo is a distribuion. MeeGo has Qt.23:00
djszapiit is more like whether I can safely use qt modules23:00
thiago_homeall devices called "MeeGo" have Qt.23:00
djszapiwhether I can tell that to my boss23:00
djszapiwe should use QtXML for parsing23:00
RST38hdjszapi: YOu can23:00
djszapiwhether it is safe solution23:00
thiago_homeand you shouldn't use QtXml for parsing23:00
djszapior we should write our own parser.23:00
RST38hdjszapi: Is that all you wanted to know?23:00
djszapithiago_home: ubuntu is a distribution23:01
djszapiubuntu has gnome.23:01
thiago_homedjszapi: ubuntu is not meego23:01
thiago_homethis is the #meego channel23:01
thiago_homewe're talking about meego23:01
ColKilkennypink floyd has this song lost for words and the lyrics at the end go "you know you just can't win"23:01
thiago_homeubuntu is off-topic23:01
djszapioff-topic in that way you think of that.23:01
wmaroneoff topic in that this is not Ubuntu23:02
djszapibut it is a good example for the people who would like to create a minimal Meego environment on their devices23:02
jarkkomso I tested MMC installation of Meego on N900 but app startup times were like 30-60 seconds, is it just MMC generally being really slow causing it?23:02
rittkplz stop23:02
rittkdjszapi: what is you question? shortly23:02
thiago_homedjszapi: minimal MeeGo environment CONTAINS Qt23:02
ColKilkennyif someone screws up their os it's their own choice23:02
thiago_homedjszapi: all of Qt23:02
ColKilkennythey can remove libc as well23:02
thiago_homedjszapi: the most minimal MeeGo (MeeGo Core) contains Qt23:02
thiago_homedjszapi: you cannot remove ANY module from MeeGo23:02
djszapiwhat will happen ?23:02
thiago_homeif you do, it's not MeeGo anymore23:02
wmaroneyou aren't meego anymore23:02
djszapiif I remove qtxml for example.23:03
thiago_homethen you don't have meego23:03
thiago_homeand then we don't care23:03
djszapiwmarone: you still did not get the point23:03
wmaroneyou done broked it23:03
djszapiit is not that question whether it is meego23:03
CosmoHillI think thiago_home's point if the Legal definition of MeeGo23:03
thiago_homethis is #meego. We're talking about MeeGo. MeeGo has all of Qt modules.23:03
djszapiit is the question whether is lightweight meego.23:03
thiago_homethis is #meego. We're talking about MeeGo. MeeGo has all of Qt modules.23:03
thiago_homedo you need me to repeat a third time?23:03
CosmoHillthiago_home: go away and have a cup of tea or something23:03
wmaronedjszapi: the lighest meego gets is exactly what thiago_home just said23:03
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* RST38h finds this course of discussion disturbing23:03
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CosmoHillyay it's DawnFoster to save the day23:04
thiago_homeCosmoHill: yeah, I'm just gonna go away for a while23:04
DawnFosteruh oh. I'm afraid to ask what you guys have been up to :)23:04
CosmoHillthiago_home is going to have a cup of tea or something AFK23:05
thiago_homeDawnFoster: I still haven't found dark chocolate for you23:05
CosmoHilland djszapi is going to stop asking about meego and qt modules23:05
DawnFosterthiago_home: that's OK, you can buy me a drink in Dublin :)23:05
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CosmoHilli think chocolate might be cheaper23:05
thiago_homeDawnFoster: oh, I'll be in Portland next week. That's why I was thinking of bringing chocolate to you. To thank for all the help here and in the Conference organisation.23:06
djszapithiago_home: why should not I use qt for xml handling ?23:07
DawnFosterthiago_home: oh cool - what are you doing in Portland? Visiting us at Intel?23:07
djszapiI have already done it several times, nifty :)23:07
CosmoHilldjszapi: i think his point is that definition of meego is that is has all the Qt modules23:07
djszapiCosmoHill: it is already another question ...23:08
CosmoHilllike the definition of a convertable is that the roof folds down23:08
rittkdjszapi: you shouldn't but you ca :)23:08
thiago_homeDawnFoster: yep, that plus another company in Portland23:08
CosmoHillfrom a software point of view bugger all will happen if you remove one Qt module23:08
djszapirittk: should not ?23:08
thiago_homeI'll be in the US for almost 2 weeks this time. Record for me.23:08
thiago_homelongest since I went to Disney when I was 1323:09
djszapiCosmoHill: you said me to stop and you continue ...23:09
CosmoHillI'm trying to end it23:09
DawnFosterthiago_home: nice - when do you get into Portland? (We have a BarCamp on Saturday you might be interested in attending)23:09
djszapithank you.23:09
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thiago_homeDawnFoster: I arrive on Wednesday 27 and leave on the 2923:09
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CosmoHillso..everyone ready for the snow?23:09
djszapithiago_home: did you mean the core module is enough for that ? Or what did you mean with this xml handling ?23:09
thiago_homeCosmoHill: it's already -4°C here23:09
thiago_homedjszapi: QtCore has QXmlStreamReader and you should use that23:10
w00t_thiago_home: sounds like the right temperature to me ;)23:10
djszapiyes, of course23:10
djszapibut I need feature from QtXML :P23:10
thiago_homew00t_: dropping to -7 until tomorrow morning23:10
thiago_homedjszapi: QXmlStreamReader is all you need :-)23:10
djszapi:) k then.23:10
DawnFosterthiago_home: let me know when you are going to be at Intel (I work from home a lot, but can come in the office)23:10
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thiago_homeDawnFoster: Thursday 28 afternoon and Friday 2923:11
thiago_homeDawnFoster: but I'll send you an email closer to that23:11
DawnFosterthiago_home: I'll probably be in the office both of those days for other meetings.23:11
* thiago_home ponders that this stay which is his longest since he want to Disney also starts with Orlando23:11
DawnFosterso I'll see you then!23:11
thiago_homeDawnFoster: yup23:12
thiago_homeDawnFoster: any Qt goodies or freebies you'd like?23:12
* thiago_home can bring stickers, pens, reflectors23:12
djszapican someone give me a list about the installed packages on MeeGo by default ?23:12
DawnFosterthiago_home: stickers are always good :)23:12
thiago_homeDawnFoster: I'll bring a bunch then23:12
djszapijust to make sure what I can use safely :P23:12
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Stskeepsmoo jebba23:13
jebbaso how is it a file like  gets added to trunk today, but the last %changelog is from like May? odd.23:13
Stskeepsjebba: *.changes file?23:13
araujodjszapi, though still draft, you might like to check
Stskeepsor a rebuild only?23:14
Stskeepsjebba: that's a 404 for me though23:14
jebbawell, like *.changes, but i mean:    rpm -qp --changelog
CosmoHillStskeeps: didn't for me23:14
jebbai'm rsyncing from fwiw23:14
CosmoHillah, the rpm file did 40423:14
djszapiaraujo: ty23:15
CosmoHilllbt: may I PM you?23:15
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Stskeepsjebba: checking23:15
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* jebba notes may have looked at old file 1 sec23:16
jebbaya, above i did -12-44, not -12-46, but it's still the same  ;)23:17
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jebbafor clarity, this file was added today, but no %changelog;
Stskeepsjebba: 12.46 is commitid (in obs).rebuildid -
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Stskeepsthe srcrpm version follows the binary version23:19
Stskeepsas it's generated in same run23:20
Stskeepsso you'll see it as a 'new rpm' but it's in fact the same old23:21
* CosmoHill pokes thiago_home and arjan23:21
jebbaah, just bumped.  In fedora when they do mass rebuilds/bumping, they note it in the changelog23:21
sivangwow, I just now see that-23:22
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sivang1.3 with dual booting to meego?? Stskeeps you have been busy!23:22
lbtthe problem with bumps in the clog23:22
jebbalike this, for example:23:22
jebba* Tue Feb 19 2008 Fedora Release Engineering <> - 0.18-223:22
jebba- Autorebuild for GCC 4.323:22
lbtis that the OBS rebuilds far too much23:22
lbt(for that purpose)23:22
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pupnik" I am proud to announce that we will propose Carsten as the official N900 maintainer for MeeGo in the next TSG meeting. I am fully confident that he is the best single person on this planet to handle that position"  < no kidding on that23:25
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CosmoHillanyone who hasn't voted on the community OBS sub-domain please vote now here:
CosmoHillyou have about 10 ~ 30 minutes23:27
th0br0i seriously dislike the cobs and pub :S23:27
* araujo goes for it23:27
th0br0but gonna vote23:28
lbtvote for cobs23:28
CosmoHillvote what what you want23:28
CosmoHillyou can make suggestions23:28
th0br0no, given the limited time ...23:28
th0br0huh why 10-30 min? it's open until 11-09-10 !23:28
CosmoHillso far nobody has given a suggestion AND selected *other*23:28
lbtnot anymore :)23:28
CosmoHillth0br0: yeah, it turns out you can't edit a poll once you've made one23:28
th0br0is in use?23:28
CosmoHillthe poll is a guide for the the sub-domain, the winning vote might not be used23:29
th0br0well, pub it is for me. although that reminds me of an ftp dir :(23:30
th0br0or rather that there is a *.priv.meego.com23:30
CosmoHillfor example "dev" which I'm sure someone has just voted for probably won't be used since exsits23:30
berndhshey lets name it after the competition23:30
CosmoHillwe've had "extra" and "contib" or something like that suggestede23:31
berndhsor something completely non-sensical23:31
th0br0like auki ? :D23:31 ?23:31
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araujolbt, I liked that one ...23:34
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lbtlooks like pub.23:35
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araujothough it seems there is another favorite one :P23:35
lbtdev is a no-no23:35
lbtso don't bother :)23:35
araujoactually I didn't like the rest ....23:36
araujocobs seems straight and with a reasonable meaning .... anyway, let the community to decide :P23:36
CosmoHillyes, please don't vote for dev23:37
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