IRC log of #meego for Friday, 2010-09-17

Jaffalbt: Feels like Friday.00:00
lbtcan't think why... :D00:00
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lcukJaffa, I did a round of English ales earlier, but theres still some in the barrel, I guess you need one?00:02
lcuklbt, for you too?00:02
lbtyellow booze for me00:02
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lcuklbt hmm, the only yellow fluids I know isn't booze00:03
lcukyou can get your own00:04
lbtthink christmas...00:04
lcukthats worse00:04
lcuk"don't eat the yellow snow"00:04
lbtif it doesn't have an umbrella or cherries ... it's not proper booze :)00:04
lcuk*poker face*00:05
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Jaffalcuk: Please. Though I've just had a glass of milk and a Time Out, so'd probably curdle.00:06
Jaffalcuk: Some Lady Gaga to go with the dodgy drink? ;-)00:06
lcukegg nog!00:07
lcukit took a damned google search :|00:08
lcuk"christmas yellow drink"00:08
lbtyou need more cocktails in your life00:08
lcukreally dam ned obvious00:08
lcukat least I know what not to be when I grow up00:08
* lcuk strikes barkeeper off list00:08
lbtyou'd drop the bottles00:08
lcukgetting better tho, havent dorpped the sugar in a while00:09
JaffaSounds like a prison euphemism.00:09
lcukJaffa, the sugar jar is the one noticable time my finger still cannot grip properly00:10
lcukand I have dropped it quite often00:11
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* GAN900 is still at work. :(00:14
GAN900Damn timezones00:14
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Mat_MatanGood night00:18
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CHTboyis it easy to install meego on Nokia N900?00:22
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rtylerCHTboy: do you like making phone calls?00:22
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rtylerthen steer clear for now00:22
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Jaffas/making phone calls/doing almost anything/ ;-)00:25
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rtylerJaffa: using my n900 is overrated anyways00:27
GAN900CHTboy, yes it's easy, but as rtyler illustrates, it's not even vaguely close to usable.00:28
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GAN900Mark's quoting is the worst.00:42
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rtyler"what do you mean?"00:45
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GordonSso I have built an xorg server package with the support necessary for nVidia:
GordonSso now what is the URL to add to my zypper repo list??00:46
lbtGAN900 whatImeanisthatwhen rtyler saidthataboutMarkhewasright00:46
GordonSso that I can actually *download* what it built?00:47
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GAN900lbt, clap clap clap.00:59
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GAN900lbt, again, thank you for being awesome.00:59
lbtGAN900: thankyou for the support :) .... I've written so many mails tonight... which one?01:00
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GAN900lbt, the one with the spec citations in response to Mark's email, in particular.01:07
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Jaffalbt: Isn't that the one you pull back from later? ;-)01:09
JaffaAh, cool.01:09
csdbGordonS: I can't see that machine to point you to it, but if you click on the repository name of your package (i.e. the clickable blue string to the left of the green succeeded msg) that should take you to a download page01:09
lbtthat was to arjan01:09
JaffaToo many emails ;-)01:09
GAN900Good lord01:09
b0tzWhen is a meego tablet supposed to come out01:09
GAN900Quim's email killed Modest.01:09
pupnikwhen it's done01:09
lbtI rebutted his arguments but it didn't add anything01:09
wmaroneb0tz: if you're in Germany, you can order the WeTab now :)01:09
b0tzIm not sadly. Im in USA.01:10
csdbGordonS: from there you should see a "go to download repository" link. That's the link that you need to add01:10
Jaffab0tz: WeTab, apparently. But who knows if it'll be MeeGo Compliant or not ;-)01:10
wmaroneJaffa: which is a good question :)01:10
pupnikwmarone: the wetab company has had a few bad starts, let's hope they pull this off01:10
GAN900Ah, so the spec draft doesn't actually have anything to do with the current reasoning?01:10
JaffaGAN900: Correct.01:10
lbtGAN900: who'da thunk it01:10
slavikso, any insider info anyone is willing to realease about the next awesome meego phone?01:11
wmaronethough according to the Nokia guy demoing the thing on Tuesday, their changes to the tablet UI are going to be rolled into the reference UI01:11
slavike90 is driving nuts and I don't want android01:11
JaffaGAN900: Emails you've probably not got to yet say thinks like "this will definitely be removed in the next draft"01:11
wmaroneso I'm waiting to see that happen01:11
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lbtslavik: yes... it'll be compliant!!01:11
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slaviklbt: huh?01:11
GAN900Stuff like this makes people burn out on your project.01:11
JaffaGAN900: Indeed. I might have already done so, but I suspect people wouldn't have cared. So I need to put more effort in so that it's noticed when I do ;-)01:12
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GAN900Jaffa, ehehe01:12
b0tzslavik, e90 isnt any good?01:12
GAN900Burnouts should be useful01:12
slavikb0tz: it's old at this point01:12
b0tzah, i thought this was the newer one coming out01:13
b0tzreplacement to the n90001:13
slavikb0tz: if you want a nice phone now, I think n900 is nice01:13
slavikb0tz: e90 is last of the communicators. :)01:13
slaviklast most advanced, e71 is a refresh imo01:13
GAN900The fact that the majority of unpaid Maemo contributors actively want nothing to do with MeeGo should be sending up flags for somebody.01:13
b0tzahh, I dont want to spend 400-500$ on n900 and then have a better\thinner\cooler looking meego phone come out01:13
slavikand e90 was released in like 200601:13
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slavikGAN900: you read what an ex Nokia dev said? it was on engadget I think.01:14
GAN900slavik, about hardware ruling?01:14
b0tzN900 does look awesome, i mean it can crack wifi, has android ports, it seems almost OVERLY customizable01:15
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slavikthings like that an Nokia not really talking about MeeGo phones is kind of "scary"01:15
GAN900What compounds the damage of that mentality is that I don't think the hardware people have any connection to reality.01:15
b0tzbut i dont want to be left behind when a better one comes out in next 6 months01:15
GAN900I mean, has anybody here ever seen a Nokia hardware person?01:15
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slavikb0tz: and n900 can run full version of firefox inside of a chrooted debian install inside maemo501:16
slavikGAN900: they exists?01:16
wmaroneI met a Nokia software person!01:16
b0tzyeah, thats awesome01:16
GAN900slavik, well, phones keep coming out, so I'm forced to assume so.01:16
b0tzah slavik i was thhinking abou the n901:16
b0tznot the e9001:16
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GAN900wmarone, I've met several.01:16
slavikGAN900: I met a leprechaun, but not a Nokia hardware person.01:17
b0tzThe n9 looks awesome01:17
slavikb0tz: ahh, I decided not to waste my time with due to the reported 800px width screen and lack of OMAP401:17
b0tzah i see..01:17
slavikalthough the keyboard is almost as good as the e9001:17
b0tzone thing i always look for in my phone is a physical qwerty keyuboard01:17
slavikGAN900: what happened to the hardware people that designed the e90?01:17
GAN900slavik, probably in the gulag.01:18
slavikI actually like the physical design/layout of sidekick ...01:18
slavikGAN900: really? :( IMO, that is the best phone with keyboard design after sidekick.01:18
b0tzi just ofund the tablet i want. :D
slavikis it atom? then do not want01:20
b0tzn the hardware front, the 1.5GHz Moorestown chip seemed to be super snappy and we witnessed it play a 720p clip smoothly. The actual 10-inch Quanta Redvale tablet was incredibly thin and light, but the viewing angles of the reference design's screen were poor to say the least.01:20
GAN900Entering into a discussion pre-entrenched was a big problem in Maemo.01:21
GAN900Clearly things have not (and likely will not) improve in MeeGo.01:21
GAN900I, for one, wish you the best of luck with your "open" project.01:21
MNZGAN900, I don't get it01:21
MNZI thought you and Stskeeps  were basically trying to push maemo folks to meego, but now that I started idling here.... wth? What are you trying to achieve exactly?01:22
GAN900MNZ, I'm trying to burn myself out here, apparently.01:24
GAN900MNZ, depends on why you're here.01:24
GAN900Consumers will probably have a ball.01:24
MNZI have had the N900 for about a month, and I believe I have been an active contributor01:25
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slavikb0tz: I dare you tell me that is bad layout :P01:25
b0tzwow lol01:25
MNZAnd I don't really know why I don't want to de Meego, but I guess it's just rpm-hate :P01:25
b0tzdo people still use sidekicks?01:25
slavikMNZ: you have meego running on the n900?01:25
MNZslavik, #maemo ftw01:25
sofarnow now, why all the depressed talk? lol01:26
slavikb0tz: no idea, but I think that it has the best idea for screen design (the way it swivels to reveal the keyboard)01:26
slavikMNZ: I see ...01:26
b0tzyeah, ever since i saw those sidekick commericals i thought wow that is awesome, wish i could try it01:26
b0tznever had t-mobile though.01:26
slaviktmobile is teh suck01:26
slaviktrust me on that01:26
MNZbut the question still stands GAN900, what, if anything are you trying to achieve? Besides trying to burn yourself, that is.01:27
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GAN900MNZ, avoiding the mistakes Nokia made and made.01:27
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GAN900Trying to use the things we learned there in MeeGo.01:27
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slaviksidekick with omap4, keyboard layout of e90, iphone4 screen, meego on top ... done!01:28
GAN900But the whole organization seems to be resistant to that input.01:28
slavikalso, question on meego, what language is the primary language for applications?01:28
slaviksofar: maybe not primary, but mostly used is a better term01:28
sofarthere's a list of "supported" languages, there's about 16-18 of them01:28
sofarmost people code in english01:29
sofarthat way, review is easy :)01:29
wmaronefor /official/ support it's Qt (C++) but others can work01:29
slaviklike android is mainly java, although possible to use perl and python and others01:29
sofaroh programming languages, lol01:29
slaviksofar: :(, I meant programming languages.01:29
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wmaroneand unlike Android you aren't required to use Java to access the GUI01:29
sofarMTF is the preferred language, it's the Qt variant for MeeGo01:29
mikeleibMTF is a library built upon Qt01:30
mikeleibMTF is used for handsets01:30
mikeleibMTF is used in IVI, I think as well01:30
slavikwmarone: aparently on Android, ASE allows you to use any language with full API access.01:30
MNZGAN900, I really don't have a clear view of who/what/where the 'organisation' is, so I guess I'll quite down for now. But 'I, for one, wish you the best of luck with your "open" project'?01:30
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slavikmtf = meego touch framework?01:33
slavikalso, qemu image of meego, can a realworld performance factor be calculated? (like % of real CPU/GPU speed, etc, or something).01:34
sofarit can, but would be extremely complex01:34
sofarcan you account for activity on the host system?01:35
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thiago_homeslavik: if you want real-world data, use real-world devices01:37
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sofarcan't really do power consumption numbers in qemu either01:40
sofaryet, that's vital01:40
thiago_homeyou can get proxies for the data01:41
thiago_homethe number of wakeups for power consumptiop01:41
thiago_homeinstructions for execution speed01:41
sofarsure, but, they don't tell you if the audio chipset is left on 100% all the time for instance01:41
mikeleibthe interplay between CPU and GPU is something that is going to be near impossible to get right without real hardware01:42
sofarmaybe not as important from an app writer perspective :)01:42
thiago_homeonly if you had a full-device emulator01:42
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thiago_homeemulate the instructions as well as the entire hardware01:42
mikeleibwhat is fast on one GPU may be slow on another.  There may be software paths or memory bandwidth problems that make comparisons difficult01:42
thiago_homeqemu is a processor emulator01:42
thiago_homemikeleib: oh how you're right...01:42
* mikeleib is flattered to hear thiago_home say so01:43
mikeleiband... while thiago_home is 'ere01:43
thiago_homeuh oh01:43
mikeleibis it proper to use qtn_ prefix in qtTrId id's?  as in MLabel(qtTrId("qtn_label_id"))01:44
slaviknot power consumption, I am looking mostly for things like if an opengl program runs at X frames per second, what I could expect on some reference hardware that I know specs of.01:44
mikeleibor is that a nokiaism?01:44
thiago_homewe don't use that anywhere in Qt code01:44
slavikand I can account for activity on host system01:44
thiago_homethe Nokia people asked for it because of old translation practices01:44
thiago_homewe fought them hard01:44
thiago_homewe told them it was obsolete technology01:44
thiago_homewe lost01:44
* mikeleib is marking his MTF apps just as such01:44
thiago_homein the end we gave in and let them use IDs01:44
thiago_homethere's no namespace management. We in Qt really don't care about those IDs.01:45
thiago_homein our opinion, you shouldn't use them.01:45
trevorjIs there any rough idea of when the first MeeGo phone (even the intel dev phone) will be available to the public (me) ?01:45
GAN900MNZ, wish MeeGo the best of luck with their open project that's turning out to be much less of one than we might've hoped.01:45
sofartrevorj: can't say, no01:45
mikeleibGAN900: patches accepted01:45
GAN900MNZ, notably the preordained decisions that seems to be involved with the specs.01:45
sofarin general, nobody in here will not be able to give any deadlines, release dates whatsoever01:46
slavikwhat about the blaze platform from TI? anyone run MeeGo on that?01:46
trevorjsofar: I really, really want a moorestown phone, even if I have to dial via AT commands01:46
trevorjsofar: ;)01:46
GAN900mikeleib, I deal with community and organizational issues, not code. :)01:46
sofaryou're making it hard for us by asking :)01:46
* mikeleib deals in code.. sorry01:46
slaviktrevorj: I am with you.01:46
slavikwell, not an intel phone though01:46
wmaroneGAN900: has anyone called them on that?01:46
thiago_hometrevorj: you can buy from Aava01:46
mikeleibthiago_home: do the id's passed into qtTrId need to be globally unique to an app?01:46
* wmarone hasn't had time to follow the thread01:46
trevorjslavik: why not if I may ask?01:46
thiago_homethey're not cheap, but you can buy them01:46
trevorjthiago_home: oh? what's not cheap?01:47
slaviktrevorj: arm > intel on mobile/embed IMO01:47
thiago_homeI have seen another dev phone from another company too01:47
thiago_homealso not cheap01:47
Jaffamikeleib: I deal in all three, but as a coder I don't want to bundle libxyz inside my package when J Smith has already done the same :-/01:47
thiago_hometrevorj: the aava01:47
trevorjslavik: I'm a big fan of omap4, I feel you01:47
GAN900wmarone, lbt is fighting the good fight.01:47
GAN900wmarone, among others.01:47
wmaronewhat's lbt's name?01:47
mikeleibJaffa: lsb wars all over again01:47
mikeleibit's the same principle01:47
trevorjthiago_home: no, I meant, what cost is considered not cheap01:48
trevorjthiago_home: =)01:48
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GAN900wmarone, David Greaves.01:48
wmaronetrevorj: $2k + per unit, iirc01:48
wmaroneGAN900: oh ok01:48
trevorjwmarone: wow, that's not cheap01:48
mikeleibconsidering what you get, I'd say not01:48
wmaronetrevorj: no, but that's a devkit for you :)01:48
GAN900wmarone, mostly the only emails in that thread really worth listening to. ;)01:48
JaffaRight, bed time.01:48
thiago_hometrevorj: $2k01:48
* wmarone notes that the Zoom II platforms are easily $1200+01:48
berndhscan you make phone calls with the aava ?01:48
GAN900Jaffa, later.01:48
trevorjAre they so much because of the limited build quantity?01:49
JaffaGAN900: Aww, meany. Anyway; you need to read the other to appreciate lbt ;-)01:49
thiago_homeberndhs: yes, if you code the app to make calls01:49
thiago_homeberndhs: the HW is there01:49
GAN900Jaffa, of course.01:49
GAN900Jaffa, and your emails too. :P01:49
ljpthiago_home: I thought the modem driver was not finished01:49
JaffaGAN900: Meeting minutes from earlier over in #maemo BTW01:49
GAN900Jaffa, saw it, thanks.01:49
JaffaRight. Gone. Properly.01:49
mikeleibthe app to make calls is there.. the plumbing below isn't01:49
thiago_homeljp: I heard it can make calls.01:50
thiago_homesecond-hand information01:50
ljpoh ok. maybe I will try a new image01:50
slavikhonestly, I just want a phone with a terminal that has the needed drivers. that would be hardcore01:50
thiago_homemaking calls is not the problem01:50
thiago_homehanging up is01:50
thiago_homeif you can't hang up, your phone bill will explode...01:50
berndhsfaraday cage ?01:51
ljpnot my bill :)01:51
thiago_homeyou can pull the battery out, but only if it's not screwed in01:51
slavikminicom on the phone with a terminal, done!01:51
slaviktrue geek phone01:52
ljpya, not screwed in. just like my desktop machines01:52
slavikBYODGUI, Bring Your Own Damn GUI01:52
berndhsdon't need gui for phone calls, just audio01:52
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slavikberndhs: hence: minicom and terminal01:53
* thiago_home also thinks that all laptops should have a handle01:53
lcukthe first hack for an all audio phone would be someone setting the ringtone to say "cancel call"01:53
slavikthiago_home: and a hand crank when you need a quick charge and not near outlet01:53
mikeleibthiago_home: for better throwing01:53
thiago_homemy laptop has a lot of grease from my palms today, after two days carrying it around in Nokia World01:54
thiago_homeI'll blog tomorrow about it (impressions from a developer's point of view)01:54
slavikseriously though, a phone can fit a 512MB DRAM chip on the PCB, hardware people can put that in and just let the software people do software01:55
lcukthiago_home, shame I missed you, hope you enjoyed London01:56
thiago_homelcuk: it was good01:56
thiago_homenice weather, for a change01:56
slavikfog wasn't black this time?01:56
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lcukcool stuff, i've seen and heard some good stuff come out of NW so far01:57
thiago_homeyeah, no smog01:57
thiago_homeI am pissed off about one thing though01:57
slaviklcuk: any meego stuff comming?01:57
thiago_homepeople who attended my presentation got N8s01:57
thiago_homebut not me!01:57
lcukhaha th01:57
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thiago_homeslavik: no, nothing about meego during the conf, except to say that there would be no meego announcements01:57
slavikthiago_home: I'll listen for you drone on for hours, can I get an N8, too?01:57
* mikeleib doesn't want an N801:58
* mikeleib wants an N901:58
lcukslavik, you have meego now01:58
lcukgo install it hack on it01:58
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slaviklcuk: on what phone though?01:58
thiago_homemikeleib: that's my rationalisation :-)01:58
* ljp has an n801:58
lcukwho is gonna make the first cross meego/maemo app?01:58
thiago_homeeven though there's no such thing as an N9, yadda yadda yadda01:58
slavikljp: impressions?01:58
lcuksomething that will run on both happily01:58
mikeleiblcuk: emacs.. already been done01:58
lcukmikeleib, sure01:58
ljpslavik: i like it01:58
* thiago_home looks at the prototype that he's been allowed to carry home01:58
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lcukthiago_home, thats why you didn't get an n8 :P01:59
slavikthiago_home: remember the gizmodo iPhone4 prototype thing?01:59
thiago_homeslavik: yeah01:59
ljpthiago_home: maybe you need to be an engineer :)01:59
thiago_homeslavik: wtf was the dude doing with it in a bar?01:59
slavikabout to be N9 ;) just tell me what bars you frequent :)01:59
thiago_homeslavik: and more importantly, why did he take it out of the bag in a bar?01:59
ScottishDuckthiago_home confirmed for having n9 <posts on tech blogs and causes media storm>02:00
thiago_homeScottishDuck: there is no such thing as N902:00
thiago_homeNokia has not announced such a device02:00
thiago_homeljp: did you know that Nokia prototypes don't have just one codename? They have two?02:00
slavikseriously though, is the marketing department at Nokia dead?02:00
slavikno hype, no sales02:00
thiago_homeslavik: sales for what? There is no N9.02:01
ljpthiago_home: nope02:01
slavikthiago_home: there won't be without any hype02:01
thiago_homeljp: yeah, turns out that they do. There's a secondary codename...02:01
thiago_homeslavik: there won't be any hype without an announcement :-)02:01
thiago_homeslavik: it's like warp factors now02:01
thiago_homeslavik: no Warp 10, no N1002:01
ScottishDuckyou can generate plenty of hype with the help of mr blurrycam02:02
slavikthiago_home: but if there is no announcement now, when could one possibly happen?02:02
wmaronestupid vnc, will have to read this thread at home02:02
lcukslavik, pick a device thats out there now.02:02
wmaroneI don't like Arjan's last response though02:02
b0tzn900 ^02:02
lcukand run meego on it :)02:02
wmaronebut I need more context02:02
lcukany device02:02
thiago_homeslavik: I don't know and if even if I did, I wouldn't be allowed to say.02:02
slavikso far, every company having an expo type thing always make latest/greatest announcements there02:02
b0tzDoes n900 have a STABLE build of meego?02:02
b0tzthat can run02:02
berndhsif you deny something loud enough, people start believing it02:03
wmaroneb0tz: well, run yes. do useful things, no02:03
lcukslavik, meego goes beyond one thing, have people run linux on the new iphone yet?02:03
* ljp tries to find flash instructions for aava02:03
thiago_homeslavik: the sooner I can give you an answer is the moment an announcement is made02:03
thiago_homeljp: dd onto SD card02:03
lcukif so, can meego go ontop of it?02:03
thiago_homeljp: don't try flashing. I bricked two Aavas trying that.02:03
ljpoh thats right02:03
wmaronethiago_home: no jtag to recover an Aava?02:03
slaviktoo bad my e90 can't run meego :(02:03
thiago_homewmarone: I'm sure there are02:03
thiago_homewmarone: the device was actually stuck in "firmware recovery mode"02:04
thiago_homewmarone: but without a "firmware recovery tool" it's as good as bricked02:04
lcukthiago_home, theres a guy building libmeegotouch on ubuntu02:04
lcukive asked him to keep the tweaks and twiddles he needs and submit them as a potential patch/MR02:04
thiago_homeslavik: no, but it can kill a person!02:05
wmaroneI keep forgetting that the Aava handsets are x86 but otherwise totally alien to standard x86 HW02:05
slavikthat's what everyone keeps saying at owrk :(02:05
wmaronewoo, nice lag spike02:05
thiago_homethe aavas are like what we're used to on ARM, except it's an Atom02:06
thiago_homeactually, it's worse... with Nokia ARM devices, we do have flashing stations and tools.02:06
thiago_home/tmp/flasher --enable-rd-mode02:07
thiago_homecool blinking keyboard to keep you up at night02:07
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thiago_homemikeleib: btw, there is one way you can get a prototype... find an excuse to spend a couple of weeks in the Oslo office :-)02:08
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slaviktoo bad there is no Nokia office in NYC02:09
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* ljp gets back to backporting mobility stuff.. again02:09
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slavikin any case, going home.02:09
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sofarthiago_home: oslo beats helsinki :)02:11
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thiago_homein proto per capita, yeah02:11
thiago_homebtw, results are out02:11
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* mikeleib finds it more likely that he will return to helsinki than head to oslo soon02:14
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GordonScsdb: thank you very much - I didn't think of that one :)02:15
slavikthiago_home: what results?02:15
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asjljp: you could have made my mistake instead and tried qt-4.7/mobility on freebsd...02:18
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thiago_homeslavik: meego conference02:23
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GordonSslavik: I said much the same about Denver, heh02:24
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* Kubuntiac also wonders "what results"...02:33
ali1234the results of the chosen papers for the conference02:35
KubuntiacThey don't seem to say on the MeeGo conference site... that still says they're being decided :/02:38
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ali1234maybe results are not public yet02:39
ali1234the email says "you can see status when you view *your* proposal" (emphasis mine)02:39
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Kubuntiacali1234: Ah, ok.02:41
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mikeleibwhat email?02:50
mikeleibali1234: has email?02:51
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mikeleibI don't see "accepted" on my talk :(02:58
mikeleibthis is an odd way of doing things02:58
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mikeleibCosmoHill: talking in Dublin?03:15
mikeleibCosmoHill: smiles for other reasons, then03:15
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CosmoHillnight night03:16
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wmaroneUS carriers flex their abusive muscle and cripple the Tab05:00
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pupnikwmarone: say what now?05:04
wmaroneUS Tab won't have voice capabilities apparently05:04
wmaroneGalaxy Tab I should say05:04
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gabrbeddIs this an OK place to ask newbie rpmbuild questions? :-)05:49
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sejoreformatting the disk again09:03
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sejohey all on the n900 image (weekly) what should work and be visible?09:21
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bef0rdsejo, #meego-arm09:26
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Stskeepsbloody wiki edit bug10:18
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fralsis it just me or is it really hard to follow some of the meego-dev threads when half of the replies are inline in RTF/html without any hints on whats a reply and what the quote is? :P10:27
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JaffaMorning, all10:47
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arfollMyrtti, the 'british' repo is probably mine. The one with XBMC? It's about as british as... well I'm french and i'm living in spain...11:28
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arfollwhen is there going to be an 'extras'?11:29
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lolloolbt, morning11:49
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sorin7486hey anybody know if MeeGo can be installed on the Toshiba AC 100 ?12:06
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GNUton-BNCI guess notebook version of Meego runs on any Atom laptop... isn't it?12:10
sorin7486the AC 100 isn't atom .. it's ARM12:11
sorin7486I'm curious if it's been rooted yet12:12
X-FadeThat doesn't make a lot of sense. Why would you root it ;)12:12
theplicsomeone was taking about arm yesterday12:12
sorin7486because I don't want android on it12:13
sorin7486I'd rather just put MeeGo or ubuntu remix on it12:13
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X-FadeI'm not sure Netbook UX is working for ARM atm.12:14
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Stskeepsor build12:15
X-FadeHandset UX would be interesting though.12:16
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X-FadeBtw, the specs for that device can't be right. 8 hours of use time? I'm guessing that android port doesn't use any power management then.12:17
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X-FadeAn A9 should run a lot longer on such a huge battery.12:18
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theplicmy atom is advertised as runnable for ~10hours :/12:20
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sorin7486X-Fade, it's probably because of the rather large screen12:21
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sorin7486also at 800 grams the battery can't be very big12:21
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X-FadeScreen probably has a lot to do with it yes, but still it sounds really low.12:22
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Termanatheplic, and it gets 4 amiright?12:25
sorin7486well yes I'd like to see one last some 15 hours or more12:25
sorin7486even if it's a bit heavier, I would't mind :)12:25
theplicTermana: lol. surely not 4 but closer to 6-7 i think. thugh i havent really tried it12:25
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Myrttigood $timeofday13:34
Myrttiwhoa, I wrote a bloody novel to the forum,13:34
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Myrttimeh, editing a post kills all the Thanks it has gotten ;___;13:45
Stskeepsnot afaik - just looks like that13:46
Stskeepsuntil you reload13:46
Stskeeps(i think)13:46
Myrttinope, I lost Bergie's thanks that way just now I think13:46
Myrttior that's how it should work in the ideal world really13:47
MyrttiI could edit my post to have goatse on it after people have thanked me for the post13:47
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Myrttibetter for the software to reset the thanks after an edit than to assume that people will go and check and unthank if they think it's right13:48
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Myrttibergie: :thumbsup:13:49
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Myrttigood grief, I really need to track down where my termemu gets the impression I want to use Firefox to open links13:50
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CosmoHillhey Myrtti13:58
CosmoHillping ali123413:58
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CosmoHillruddy thing14:00
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debayanI get the following error in my uxlaunch logs ->
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Stskeepsis dbus-x11 installed?14:59
debayanStskeeps: yes, dbus-x11-1.2.24-7.2.i58614:59
Stskeepswhat device15:00
debayanyes. It boots meego fine. I am working on it right now.'15:00
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debayani created it from a kick start file15:00
debayancome services are not running and am trying to debug them15:01
debayansome *15:01
debayani noticed this early error in uxlaunch logs15:01
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debayanpolkit consolekit devkit etc are not running15:01
debayani installed x11-setuid as well15:02
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Stskeeps <- this could apply for community management too15:02
debayanStskeeps: look for consolekit15:03
Stskeepsno xorg?15:03
Stskeepsdoes /usr/bin/Xorg exist?15:03
debayanyes it does Stskeeps15:03
Stskeepsi don't know about netbook side, sorry15:04
Stskeepsi would think permission problems15:04
debayanwell i do have another netbook running fine with the downloaded img file from the website15:04
debayanbut this kickstart custom build does not work15:04
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* CosmoHill has written 2000 words in about an hour :)15:07
CosmoHillStskeeps: I've not read dilbert since they changed their website15:07
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ieatlintdebayan: is consolekit running?15:10
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lollooTry using comic strip widget15:12
lollooits awesome CosmoHill15:12
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gaarahello i'm a noob and i've jus installed the handset sdk, half the things dont work...firstly how do i make the keyboard appear?15:13
gaaracoz anything i type doesnt seem to be recognised15:13
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gaaraanyone here from within intel?15:15
lolloois meego official release?15:16
lollooor still for developers15:16
gaaraofficially for devs15:16
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debayanieatlint: no it isnt. How do I start it before uxlaunch?15:17
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thiagololloo: it works fine on my netbook15:18
ieatlintuh, not sure... but that's your problem15:19
ieatlintdon't know how meego lays stuff out15:20
ieatlintone sec, let me setup a chroot to an image and see if i can figure it out15:21
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sjokkisDawnFoster: i sent that email, at long last15:23
sjokkisDawnFoster: also, first in line!15:24
lbtsjokkis: that's when you find out about the *other* line15:25
sjokkislbt: the line to get in line?15:25
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ieatlintlooks like chkconfig is the utility to add services15:26
ankyhi everyone15:26
ankyi wanted to discuss about adding multi user support in meego15:26
ankycan somebody direct me how this could be done15:26
anky( i m new to kernel level )15:26
thiagoit has nothing to do with the kernel15:27
ankythen can u tell me what needs to be done15:28
thiagojust do it15:28
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lcukhey lbt (or any packaging wizards) are there any examples of dual mode packaging available?15:30
lcukie, something with a simplistic debai npackage and also a similar matching rpm spec15:30
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lcuknot using any complexities, just the basics to get like for like on the 2 systems15:30
lbtjust write a debian/ and a .spec15:31
lbtthey won't overlap15:31
lcukwell, I am thinking if there is already one there15:31
lbtor do you mean OBS?15:31
lcukno, thinking packaging itself15:31
lcukie, does shopper have a /debian and an rpm spec yet?15:32
lcukor any other apps15:32
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lbtpick any normal package... wget the debian src and the fedora/meego src15:32
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lbtno shopper doesn't15:32
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lbtit's like saying does any package have an INSTALL file and a README file....15:33
lcukok, i will have a look around for something with simple dependencies15:33
lcukand try to do something15:33
lbtit's kinda.... well yeah15:33
lbtthe only interesting thing is in the OBS :)15:33
lcuknot really15:33
lcukobs is one part of it15:33
lbtotherwise it's a no-op AFAIUI15:33
lcukits possible to build an rpm without obs15:34
lbtof course15:34
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lcukbutare you saying that with obs you dont need the spec15:34
lcukbecause obs understands how to make an rpm from the /debian?15:35
lbtdebian packaging = tarball + debian/ dir     rpm packaging = tarball+spec .... dual packaging = tarball+spec +debian/ dir15:35
lbtit's like saying does any package have an INSTALL file and a README file....15:35
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lbtor "how do I add an INSTALL file if there's a README already there"15:36
lcukno, i asked if you know of a specific package which does have those things15:36
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lbtOK ... yes15:36
lcukto see comparatively how it was done15:36
lbtOK ... what app/package would be an ideal example for you15:37
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lcuklbt, wasnt thinking even complex dependencies, something as simple as hello world app which will show a qt window when you built and as .deb on maemo, and do the same when built and installed as an rpm on meego15:39
lcukbut the same source and project etc15:40
lcuk"code once, deploy anywhere maemo and same on meego when built as rpm"15:40
lcukballs VNC lag15:40
lcuk"code once, deploy anywhere"15:40
lcukgpodder I understand will take longer, that involves many more dependencnes and has people looking now15:41
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lcukI know theres been a preview, but its a more indepth thing15:41
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lcuklbt - if can be used as a reference to help people with their more complex packaging15:42
lbtOK .. this has nothing to do with dual mode then15:42
lbtyou just need to teach how to rpm package15:42
lbtand how to deb package15:42
lcuk"i have XYZ app on maemo and its packaged only for maemo"15:43
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lbtOK .. that would be "how do I convert from deb to spec".... understood15:43
lcuk"how could I also target meego without having to rewrite"15:43
lbtit's training material15:43
lcukbut in example form15:43
lbtyou can't auto convert really15:43
lbtthere are some on the meego wiki too15:44
lbtthere's rpmschool15:44
lcukn900cool lbt, so that fedora example will work or will it still need meegoisms?15:46
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lbtit's a good start ... the rpmschool in meego wiki should be better.... not looked at it recently15:47
lcukn900blasted lag15:47
lcukok great - thats a decent start anyway, thanks david \o15:47
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frightened-startcan please somebody help me, i think i've messed everything up with meego and the nokia n90016:28
frightened-startafter flashing i only see a tux in the left-upper corner of the screen16:29
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frightened-starta soft-reset (akku) doesn't help16:29
frightened-starti cannot go into the usb mode anymore - is it damaged?16:29
Stskeepsfrightened-start: did you use flasher -l -k -b or -f -l -b?16:29
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frightened-starti used -f -k .. -r16:30
frightened-startfollowing this instruction:
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Stskeepsright, you should have used /MMC16:31
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Stskeepsyeah, install onto mmc16:31
Stskeepsfrightened-start: pull battery and flash original maemo kernel16:32
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frightened-startStskeeps: how? when i remove the battery, it won't start in usb mode by pressing "u"16:32
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Stskeepsfrightened-start: what OS do you run?16:32
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frightened-starti formerly used maemo, but tried to flash now there is no os booting only the damn tux showed on the screen16:33
Stskeepsno, on your pc16:33
frightened-startwindows vista 32 bit16:33
Stskeepsdo you know how to flash maemo back?16:34
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Stskeepsright, pull battery while i find the instructions for you..16:34
frightened-startbecause to flash memo back i have to use the usb - mode, right? but i cannot go into usb - mode16:34
Stskeepsit's only in some circumstances you have to16:34
Stskeepsi personally never do that16:34
frightened-startn900 << batt removed16:35
Stskeepsjust before we continue, i should remind you what the page you pointed to said16:35
StskeepsWARNING: Flashing MeeGo to your N900 will permanently erase your settings and may cause damage to your device. This image is meant for experienced developers only. Improper use or installation of the image may harm your device. With the open image, the battery management is not functional, so you may cause damage to your device. We do not take any responsibility for the damage that may be caused to your device.16:35
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Stskeepswith that said, let's see if we can restore your OS..16:35
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Stskeepsbasically, don't get mad if we can't get it working :)16:36
frightened-startthank you ;-)16:36
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Stskeepswhat location are you at? US?16:37
Stskeeps - put in your IMEI and grab RX-51_2009SE_3.2010.02-8_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin16:37
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frightened-startyou mean the thrid and not the actual release?16:38
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Stskeepsfrightened-start: hm, RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin16:40
Stskeepssorry :)16:40
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frightened-startgot it16:40
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frightened-startStskeeps: download completed16:42
Stskeepsok, now flasher-3.5 -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin -f -R16:43
frightened-startthe n900 connected without battery to the pc?16:43
Stskeepsok, so do it in this order16:43
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Stskeepstake out usb cable, battery out. plug in usb cable from pc to device. put in battery16:44
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frightened-startStskeeps: WOW! its flashing16:47
frightened-startStskeeps: i used the wrong order16:47
Stskeepsnow, can i scold you for not knowing how to handle that before trying out something experimental? ;)16:47
Stskeepsgood that it's working16:48
Stskeepsi would recommend putting your device on wall charger for at least an hour.16:48
frightened-startStskeeps: the thing i am really ashamed of is that i am a student of comp. sc. and i was not able to install that linux16:49
Stskeepsfrightened-start: ah, don't worry, i have a masters and occasionally i'm stumped by issues too16:49
Stskeepsyou learn things the hard way16:49
frightened-startcan i do something for you? i mean the help16:50
frightened-startyou gave me was great16:50
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Stskeepsnext time, use (install to a microsd)16:50
Stskeepsand no need, - report bugs on our releases ( and we're happy :)16:50
Stskeepsand perhaps get into meego16:50
lcuk(even better to try and fix/add a patch16:51
frightened-startStskepps: i will go off and buy a microsd16:51
Stskeepsi had to do the same today myself, i fried two of my microsds with too much meego work :)16:51
Stskeepsthough i think travelling a lot and going through x-ray scans might have helped16:51
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frightened-startso thanks really a lot to you Stskeeps16:53
Stskeepsnp, good luck16:53
frightened-starti go and get a msd16:53
frightened-startbye and hope to see you again16:53
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dnearyslaine, Ping?17:04
slainedneary: ACK17:04
dnearyslaine, Cén chaoi ina bhfuil tu?17:05
Stskeepsis that rot13?17:05
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dnearyStskeeps, Secret code. Like finnish17:05
dnearyExcept fewer people understand it :)17:05
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dnearyStskeeps, By the way, I've been meaning to ask - have you guys seen any engagement from people involved in Linaro with the MeeGo on ARM project?17:06
Stskeepswell, there's at least one sitting in #meego-arm :)17:06
dnearyStskeeps, kiko?17:06
Stskeepsno, asca17:06
dnearyAdding to auto-joins lurker list :)17:07
Stskeepslinaro's a really odd size but when you understand they're basically a pool of resources devoted to further and sanitize ARM in Linux, it makes more sense..17:07
Stskeepsso you might not see them directly, but in upstream work you would17:07
slaineTá mé go maith. Agus tu fein ?17:07
dnearyHad a good chat with a contact in ST Ericsson about it17:07
dnearyslaine, Go measra17:08
Stskeepsdneary: and we do see some STE people in #meego-arm too..17:08
dnearyslaine, An bhfuil GPS agat?17:08
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slaineNíl, ta mo iPhone marbh. Ta se san ospidéal17:09
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Stskeepsdneary: basically i see meego ARM growing, especially considering attendees and talks in meego conference17:10
dnearyslaine, Níl N900 agat?17:10
dnearyStskeeps, Cool17:11
dnearyslaine, Might be easier just to go to /msg :) I'm at the limits of my gaeilge17:11
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slainesame here, was fun though :)17:12
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thiagoARM is important for MeeGo17:13
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thiagoeven if Intel's Medfield blows ARM away, ARM will continue to be relevant for a while17:13
thiagoanyway, for Linaro, I've seen some people here and there17:13
thiagonot active engagement in our distro discussions, but as long as they help the kernel and toolchains, I'd be satisfied17:14
GAN900I can't see x86 being competitive in the Cortex segments for a while yet.17:14
thiagoGAN900: any reason besides power consumption?17:14
GAN900thiago, mostly it comes down to that.17:14
GAN900Unless we get some sort of ridiculous battery advancement coming to market in the next couple of year.17:15
thiagoI haven't seen Medfield and I don't know what is being targetted, but I'm sure Intel is working to become competitive17:15
GAN900And so far nothing's been particularly impressive.17:15
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thiagomy guess is that it will take two years for Atom to be on the same ballpark as ARM17:16
thiagoespecially the OMAP17:16
GAN900The x86 architecture advantage is steadily becoming irrelevant with open source on the rise.17:17
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thiagoI'm sure AMD and Intel disagree :)17:20
berndhspower you can solve on both the supply side and the consumption side17:22
berndhsheat is another matter17:22
thiagowell, if you increase the supply without decreasing the consumption, then ARM will still be better17:22
thiagoit will mean the device will stay longer in stand-by mode17:23
berndhsright, i'm saying that better supply could get you to a stage where its good enough17:23
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GAN900thiago, most certainly.17:24
GAN900thiago, but as speaking the consumer, the final decision really isn't theirs to make. *g*17:25
pupnik_how about a high-tech ARM cpu with a little x86 core on the side?17:26
GAN900Unfortunately ARM doesn't meet many people's definition of "good enough" these days, so x86 is going to be hard pressed to.17:26
GAN900pupnik_, to what end?17:26
thiagopupnik_: huh?17:26
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pupnik_run a low-power OS and be able to launch x86 software in a vm/emu17:26
thiagoGAN900: what do those people find lacking?17:26
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thiagopupnik_: right... so emulating x86 on a low-power CPU... that sounds like a recipe for disaster17:27
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berndhsembedded doesn't always mean pocket size mobile17:27
pupnik_better speed and less power than emulating in software17:27
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lokeshHow to resolve this problem while building rpm locally :17:29
lokeshrunning aaa-meego-accelerator postinstall script17:29
lokeshchroot: cannot run command `sh': No such file or directory17:29
lokeshrunning bash-x86-arm postinstall script17:29
lokeshchroot: cannot run command `sh': No such file or directory17:29
lokeshinitializing rpm db...17:29
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lokeshchroot: cannot run command `rpm': No such file or directory17:29
Stskeepslokesh: what OS?17:30
lokeshI just cleared the buildroot and tried osc build17:30
Stskeepslokesh: yes, but what is osc running on?17:30
lokeshusing linux17:30
lokeshdidnt have any problems when i was building i58617:31
Stskeepsright, you need to get qemu-arm17:31
Stskeepsi don't have a ubuntu url handy sadly, just a fedora one17:31
* Stskeeps looks17:31
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lokeshyeh thanks17:52
lokeshthat helped17:52
lokeshhowever now i get another error17:52
lokeshmake[1]: *** write jobserver: Bad file descriptor.  Stop.17:52
lokeshmake[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....17:52
lokeshmake[1]: *** write jobserver: Bad file descriptor.  Stop.17:52
lokeshmake: *** [/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/sputnik5_33915/mw/build/qmake/../../external/lua/src/liblua.a] Error 217:52
lokeshmake: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....17:52
Stskeepswell, we're getting closer17:53
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Stskeepscould you paste the whole build log?17:53
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GAN900thiago, well, getting through a day of moderate-heavy use on a mobile computer would go a long way.18:02
lokeshStskeeps :
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Stskeepslokesh: looking18:05
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Stskeepslokesh: cat /proc/sys/vm/vdso_enabled18:08
Stskeepslokesh: what qemu-arm did you fetch?18:10
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lokeshi  qemu-common                                         0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.2                        qemu common functionality (bios, documentati18:10
lokeshii  qemu-kvm                                            0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.2                        Full virtualization on i386 and amd64 hardwa18:10
lokeshii  qemu-kvm-extras-static                              0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.2                        static QEMU user mode emulation binaries18:10
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lokeshstskeeps : did u figure out the problem ?18:24
lokeshjust mail me if u do18:24
Stskeepsno, not offhand18:24
lokeshmy mail id : lokesh.k.goel@nokia.com18:24
Stskeepsi have some ideas but we can take it on monday18:25
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lokeshsee you on Monday then.18:25
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lokeshhave a nice weekend :)18:25
Stskeepsyou too - and thanks for hacking on fennec for us18:25
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lokeshno problem. Thanks for your help. cyu.18:26
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Stskeepsi've spent too much time with meego.18:27
Stskeepsi just tried to rpm -i a deb package18:27
CosmoHilldon't you need to use alien to install a deb package for rpm?18:28
arfollcosmohill, does that ever work properly?18:29
CosmoHillthink so18:29
CosmoHillI used it ages and ages ago18:29
arfollhow does it translate the dependancies though?18:30
th0br0don't think it does really18:30
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FunkyPenguinis there a guide to how to add services to libsocialweb?18:31
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arfollmust make a right mess18:34
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romen(ops, wrong chan!)18:45
Stskeepsbye though ;)18:45
slavikno seriously, bye18:45
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lbtStskeeps: -dev is quiet today....19:07
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Jaffalbt: Everyone's driving round to you with pitchforks19:07
lbtI notice there was no answer as to whether they *wanted* a solution...19:08
Stskeepslbt: i'm pondering to suggest something along lines of: an package may only have 3rd party dependancies that are available from the installation source19:08
lbtStskeeps: mmm19:09
Stskeepslbt: if the installation source is a .rpm only, this means "only meego core"19:09
lbtI don't see what's wrong with my proposed wording19:09
lbtif a depends is missing.... no install19:09
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Stskeepsi can't access my gmail atm now anyway19:10
lbtI heard there may have been ml problems?19:10
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GAN900Time to work through the rest of the spec thread.19:10
lbtthe one argument that made sense was ... if the vendor installs SDL as part of their differentiation19:11
DawnFosterlbt: we had some issue with unsubscribes for bouncing19:11
lbtDawnFoster: OK ... nothing serious then :)19:11
DawnFosterwe're working on getting people resubscribed19:12
GAN900I don't see the point of crippling open source stuff trying to mandate something to operators while simultaneously pandering to their despicable business practices.19:12
StskeepsDawnFoster: ah, that's a handy way to stop a thread out of control ;)19:12
lbtJaffa: that one is valid.... and I really don't have a problem with working to understand real problems19:12
lbtDawnFoster: yeah... it was convenient ;)19:12
lbtStskeeps: I'd still like Arjan and Mike to say "we *want* to solve this .... help us"19:13
Stskeepsanas raises a good question though19:13
lbtrather than the (rather arrogant?) "we haven't got an answer and you can't possibly understand how complex it is"19:13
Stskeeps'That is what I am saying, if I have library libXYZ from meego installed and working and someone adds the same library with a new version and other options in some other enabled repo, the dependency resolver will not take libXYZ from that other repo.19:13
Stskeepshow can we solve this one effectively?19:14
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lbtI think that's the same as I just mentioned with SDL ?19:14
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lbtno... actually.19:14
lbthmmm train time RSN19:15
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Stskeepsthat then adds the complexity of ecosystem friendly behaviour19:16
Stskeepswhich gets even more difficult19:16
lbtyes... but that example19:16
lbtisn't that just non-compliant19:16
lbt"library libXYZ from meego installed"   someone adds the same library .... non-comliant19:17
Stskeepshow do we handle libSDL versions where ogg is disabled for various reasons, or mp3 is?19:17
lbtso if libSDL is available from Surrounds and NokiaPlus19:17
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Stskeepsin the past, this would mean that ogg support wouldn't be in SDL :)19:17
lbtgotta go... train.... l8r19:18
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GAN900Arrogance characterizes things pretty well.19:52
GAN900It's the Finns all over again.19:52
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adeusintel is from finland? :)19:53
GAN900adeus, no, but Nokia is.19:53
GAN900and we have lots of experience with their arrogance.19:54
Alison_ChaikenGAN900, let's not focus on slagging on people, let's focus on making MeeGo the best mobile user experience.    I've been trying to run MeeGo x86_64 iso under qemu-kvm.   The tabs come up but no icons or menus.    I'm a qemu newb, so maybe I'm screwing up.   Is anyone running MeeGo under qemu-kvm?19:54
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abhijeethi guys....20:38
abhijeetIf i will write an application using Qt and run it on meego then will it acquire the theme of meego or do i need to call meego specific api to get that look and feel20:38
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mrshaverlbt: Hi David, want to jump over to #meego-cas for a second?20:41
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* CosmoHill hugs lcuk and dm8tbr 20:45
CosmoHillmotherboard is done :D20:45
CosmoHillnow to see if it's fubared :o20:45
dm8tbrbut 'doez it workz?'20:45
CosmoHillit's taken my 3 weeks to get to this point20:46
CosmoHillI'm just pleased nothing caught on fire and i've not burnt myself20:46
CosmoHillpleased and surprised20:46
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Jaffare/last jaffa20:48
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CosmoHilldm8tbr: now, can I remember how to put the laptop back together20:51
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dm8tbrheh, the obligatory 3 screws will be left over20:53
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CosmoHilljust noticed a nice thing, the four screws that hold the mobo in place have arrows pointing to them20:54
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dm8tbrmeh, screw the screws, my chili peppers are ripe! and e.g. the white hot has a very nice aroma and well is also white hot20:58
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CosmoHillaww no friggin' way. I need to remove the mobo again so I can put the BIOS battery back in cos you can't access it from the botto21:02
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toggleswtf.. who changed dpkg-buildpackage21:10
togglesoops.. sorry, wrong channel.21:10
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CosmoHillit\s POSTs!±!!!!21:15
CosmoHillthis motherboard is freaking invinsiable :D21:16
berndhsCosmoHill: and if it's not smoking too much, you're in business :)21:19
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GAN900There must be something wrong if I've gotten to the end of the spec thread.21:23
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lbtGAN900: just for you22:36
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* CosmoHill disasembels laptop again cos he found the DVD bracket22:37
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CosmoHillnote to self: make more notes22:45
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lcukCosmoHill, take photos of each step and playback in reverse when putting it back together23:11
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CosmoHillhey lcuk23:11
CosmoHillI took it apart to put the DVD drive abck i23:12
GAN900lbt, new email?23:12
CosmoHillonly to find that it would have gone in anyway23:12
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GAN900It's fun when you come away with extra parts.23:12
CosmoHillI have a scale layout of the screws on my desk :)23:12
lbtMark is being much more focussed now23:12
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lbtI should check the archive though23:13
GAN900lbt, haven't had any new in -dev since the bugs maintenance break one (1912 UTC)23:13
lbtdawn was saying they'd had some problems23:13
lbtunsubscribe bounces or something23:14
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* CosmoHill growls at the missing screws23:33
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lcuklol CosmoHill at least the board is together23:35
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CosmoHillindeed :D23:36
CosmoHillplus I found one screw, sometimes after I unscrew and remove something I put the screw back in the hole23:37
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CosmoHillI take it as a kinda comperlent that someone trusts me this much with their laptop23:43
Stskeepsit's probably encrypted23:43
Stskeepsi think there's material enough in all the meego conference proposals for another meego conference in 6 months again or something..23:44
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CosmoHillinteresting, a user on this laptop is running some odd processes, the interesting bit is they're not a user on the laptop23:47
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lcukyeah Stskeeps, whats the threads you have enjoyed so far?23:50
GAN900lbt, poking through the web archives now. . . .23:50
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GAN900Or maybe not. . . .23:52
CosmoHilllcuk: thank you very much for your help23:53
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Stskeepslcuk: well, i think the ones we've accepted so far are really good, but there's still a lot of good proposals lingering about23:54
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