IRC log of #meego for Saturday, 2010-09-18

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lbtonce more unto the breach...12:16
lbtMark sent a new email12:17
lbtI feel we're getting much closer12:17
Stskeepsi think the mailing lists are FUBAR atm12:17
lbtyes... I heard something12:18
lbtbad time for it12:18
Stskeepsor good, depending on perspective ;)12:19
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lbtI nearly said that12:20
sjokkislbt: could you link me to the maemo request queue again? can't seem to find it12:21
sjokkisdawn wants to know some details about it12:21
thiago_homewhich Mark?12:22
lbtthiago_home: Skarpness12:22
sjokkisthank you, sir12:22
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lbtsjokkis: you're zeigeist right?12:25
TermanaDesireIf your talking about the spec thread on the mailing list - seems like an issue with its resolution potentially needing to be made by the technical steering committee12:25
sjokkislbt: yeah12:26
StskeepsTermanaDesire: i think both sides have problems in their arguments by now12:26
Stskeepshopefully it'll end up in a good solution that works12:27
lbtTermanaDesire: I may have "inadvertantly" raised/flagged it in a big way at the last TSG point 5b    :
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TermanaDesireHopefully it can be resolved without the tsg, nut we'll see what happens I guess. It would be better if a solution that suits everybody could be made.12:29
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lbtI'm a bit miffed that I've raised a concrete wording proposal that's been totally ignored12:30
Stskeepswell, i don't think so much it's the wording but principles behind12:31
lbt* permit the open-source development model to work for compliant applications12:31
lbtwhat's wrong with that?12:31
lbt I *DID NOT* say12:31
lbt  "permit open-source compliant applications"12:31
Stskeepsa random guy in china isn't going to understand what you mean exactly12:31
Stskeepsarjan's phrasing of what the meaning was, was better12:31
lbtlet me dig.... or quote?12:32
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StskeepsIt's about a componentized application with cross app shared components.12:33
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TermanaDesireOut of interest, who is the assigned responsible person for this? Isn't it Ibrahim (spelling?) from LF?12:33
TermanaDesireI haven't seen him post once :p12:33
lbtStskeeps: you mean "It's about forbidding a componentized application with cross app shared components"12:34
Stskeepswell, no, it was about using the term open-source development model :P12:34
lbtwell bullcrap12:34
Stskeepsi mean, CORBA>..12:35
lbtthat is the oss model12:35
Stskeepswell, no12:35
Stskeepsit just acts in same way12:35
lbtOpen source apps *tend* to have external dependencies.12:35
lbtClosed source apps *tend* not to.12:35
Stskeepsi beg to differ12:35
Stskeepstake a look at activex and dll-hell on windows12:35
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lbtvs Debian ?12:36
Stskeepsdo i need to remind you of VB runtime? :)12:36
lbterrr.... and this would be my point...12:36
lbtthe model proposed is MS like12:36
lbteach app ships a set of dlls12:36
lbtsame ones in multile apps12:36
Stskeepswell, no12:36
Stskeeps.NET Framework, for instance12:36
Stskeepsinstallable, people download it externally12:37
lbtI'm way out of my knowledge zone I'm afraid12:37
Stskeepsi've tried to download ATI drivers at some point12:37
Stskeepsand was asked to pull down .NET Framework first12:37
Stskeeps~300mb download12:37 framework is also shipped with some apps :p but anyway...12:37
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lbtso I'm not seeing the mapping clearly enough to jump to your meaning12:38
Stskeepsthat closed source apps has just as many insane dependancies as open12:38
Stskeepsit's code reuse12:39
lbtso the ati drivers should be 302 Mb download12:39
Stskeepswhich is the core of oss, the 90's of product development, etc..12:39
lbtand the .Net desktop widget too12:39
lbtis this Intel's play to sell flash chips?12:40
Stskeepsok, so, let's reiterate12:40
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Stskeepswe'd like to make a promise that when a application is deemed meego compliant, it will install on all meego devices12:40
debayanI was wondering why there is no dbus notification from packagekit if there are updates available.12:40
lbtI disagree right there12:40
lbtsee my last email12:41
Stskeepsand i mean application, not package12:41
Stskeepswhat is your view then?12:41
Stskeepsi don't see emails atm12:41
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lbtI think it is: "If you _install_ a compliant app then it will work?"12:41
lbtOr is there a promise and expectation that *any* compliant app a user can "get hold off" will install and work? This sounds unlikely.12:41
TermanaDesireInstall on all devices that allow it at least. As much as I hate manufactures that will lock down12:41
lbtthis goes to policy based stuff12:42
Stskeepslbt: ok, so, 'if you install a compliant app, then it will work', that works for me12:42
RST38hStskeeps: that is easy to insure by only having one meego device produced12:42
lbtthat concept is *REALLY* important12:42
lbtsince dependency can manage it12:42
Stskeepslbt: ok, so, install can mean two things:12:43
RST38hAnd then you can release a Meego2 device, and then Meego3...Well, you know12:43
Stskeeps* install from an installation source, a repository: it's dependancies must be solved within this installation source12:43
Stskeeps* install from a rpm package: it's dependancies must be solved by the meego core/ux12:43
lbtI mean it to say "yum succeeds"12:43
lbtso that's a 3rd12:43
lbtsince your first had a caveat of "the same"12:44
Stskeepsrpm package situation we can pretty much agree on: only way that this can work is if we check it only has meego core/ux dependancies, right?12:44
Stskeepsno other way12:44
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RST38hAnd what kind of packages are supposed to be in the repository?12:44
lbtif I throw an rpm with "external deps" at yum12:44
RST38hAre they rpms or something else?12:44
lbtit looks in my repo list and tries12:44
lbtRST38h: rpms12:45
RST38hOk, so there are 2 kinds of rpms now?12:45
Stskeepslbt: ok, let's be practical here - my point is there's two cases, repositories, and wget rpm scenario12:45
Stskeepsthe wget rpm scenario i would like to talk about12:45
RST38hRepository-sourced rpms and package rpms?12:45
lbtI'd forbid " rpm -i "12:45
lbtthat's a total unresolved hack12:45
lbtStskeeps: so wget rpm.... yes12:46
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Stskeepswget rpm is one that doesn't exist in a repository, and the only way to check compliance is by checking it only uses meego core/ux dependancies, right?12:46
Stskeepsi mean, on a technical level12:46
lbtThis is about validating compliance12:47
Stskeepswe have to be able to -test- compliance, otherwise it gets mighty subjective12:47
lbtlets bench that612:47
lbtlets start by assuming the app is compliant12:47
RST38hYou also have to insure that your compliance test actually means something12:47
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RST38hBecause the way you define compliance now (not-dependant-on-anything-but-core) does not mean that the pacage will work on any meego device12:48
lbtI agree we need to revisit the test question12:48
Stskeepsso i think we need to work backwards12:48
Stskeepswe start at the user: he wants to install an app. two installation sources: repositories, or rpm's straight from web12:48
lbtbut conceptually the same12:49
lbtan rpm12:49
Stskeepsrpm straight from web is obvious: we can only test for this case by verifying he only uses meego core/ux dependancies, right?12:49
lbthold on... are we doing "test"12:49
Stskeepsit does not make sense to ask a guy to add X,Y,Z repository for his dependancies to resolve12:49
JaffaStskeeps: How do you know which UX to test for?12:49
lbtor install12:49
lbtscope please12:49
Stskeepsso, compliance is very closely linked to testing12:50
lbtbut you're making a major assumption12:50
Stskeepswhich is?12:50
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lbtand it's so far unstated12:50
lbtthat the apps compliance is tested at install time12:50
lbtnot labelled by the developer12:50
Stskeepsno no..12:50
Stskeepsi'm just saying that this is how a test on 'if i install a compliant app, it would work' principle would start12:51
ieatlintwill compliance take into account anything beyond dependency compliance? (for instance, an opengl game that looks great on some devices, but others lack the power to make it usable)12:51
Stskeepsit would start at exactly that12:51
lbtOK ... but can we skip this Stskeeps12:51
lbtand go to "assume the rpm is complliant"12:51
lbtand how it would work12:51
Stskeepsno, because i think it's important to understand why some of the wording/angles by people are the way they are :P12:52
lbtin various scenarios given various depends12:52
Termanaieatlint, that's why MeeGo compliance as a whole has minimum hardware requirements.12:52
Stskeeps.. we need a whiteboard12:52
TermanaThere are online whiteboards...12:52
Termanafor collaboration12:52
Stskeepslbt: we agree on the core that compliance => i'm able to install it and it would work, right?12:52
lbtthat is the goal12:52
ieatlintTermana: restricting applications so that they are forced to work on the lowest hardware settings possible seems pretty stupid12:53
lbt"The servers have now been shut down"12:53
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Termanaieatlint, no I mean, for a device to be MeeGo compliant it needs a minimum set of hardware12:53
JaffaBut I'd contend that an etherpad isn't the same as a whiteboard12:54
kyb3Rit isnt12:54
ieatlintah, yes, this i understand, but a game that runs on a netbook may be simply unrealistic to run on a handset is my point12:54
RST38hAre specific buttons included into the hardware definition?12:54
RST38hI.e. if device A has a MENU button and application AA is written to rely on it, will AA work on a device B lacking MENU button?12:55
RST38hhow about screen dimensions and color resolution?12:55
TermanaRST38h, I don't think thats really been discussed yet12:55
RST38hhow about supported audio rates?12:55
RST38hTermana: Well, it better be12:55
RST38hTermana: Because... SYMBIAN!12:56
TermanaOh I'm sorry, that's not what you were saying? :P12:56
RST38hFor exactly this reason,among the others.12:56
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RST38hI am saying that in spite of extensive standartization and compliance testing, it was a royal pain to insure that the same Symbian app could work across different devices. Especially UIQ devices.12:57
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RST38hBased on that, I am saying that the current compliance-as-function-of-dependencies discussion is somewhat pointless because such compliance does not insure that your app will work across all meego devices.12:58
TermanaEveryone else has gone quiet? Are yous searching for an online whiteboard or something? :P12:58
RST38hAlso, it is fairly easy to install a missing package, but it is not possible to add missing hardware :)12:58
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ieatlinti think it's going to have to be assumed that there will be no way to ensure that a device has even a single button for use, and the way to force compatibility is to require that no application exclusively rely on a button being present12:59
RST38hWhat will be the point of having those buttons then?12:59
RST38hAlso, given that we do not know what screen resolutions will be, should applications stop relying on having a screen? :)13:00
ieatlintallowing an application to use the button for ease would allow it -- i just mean forcing that there be a touch-based alternative for the functionality13:00
RST38hah ok13:00
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ieatlintperhaps with the ability to detect which buttons are present, and allow for the removal of the touchscreen functionality13:01
RST38hBut, as a developer, I would really like that to be added at the core UI level13:01
RST38hi.e. something like a pullable tray that the developers can add virtual buttons to13:01
RST38hSomething like the tray found in Maemo XTerm, just more generic13:02
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RST38hBTW, lack/presense of hw buttons is only one issue of many13:03
Termanathe detection ability would have to be built in to MeeGo. Wouldn't want apps all having to write the detection code and potentially doing it differently.13:03
RST38hScreen sizes,color resolutions,audio specifics13:03
ieatlintthis is why apple restricts so much :P13:03
TermanaAndroid seems to have done fine13:03
RST38hTermana: Application should be able to say WantHWButton(KeyCode)13:04
ieatlintaudio specifics can be queried i know13:04
RST38hTermana: That's all application should really care about13:04
RST38hieatlint: Same as screen size and pixel format. Yet, making an app that supports all possible combinations is damn difficult13:04
TermanaPersonally, I would rather have buttons and make the buttons a requirement for compliance13:05
TermanaBut that's just me :P13:05
ieatlintyeah, scaling a UI is not always easy, heh13:05
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lcukRST38h, indeed, though some layouts can happily transpose themselves and it depends how the component groups handle it elegantly13:25
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gemidjyare there any mirrors of ? this goes max. 15kb/s16:55
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theplicgemidjy: theres a meego chrome image available via torrents17:12
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CosmoHillthere's one on the front page too17:13
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GAN800missing large chunks of the meego spec thread17:37
GAN800What a pain17:38
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BersamHi everybody ... can i install meego on my iphone ?17:41
TermanaIf you have an iPhone 2G or iPhone 3G and are smart enough to port MeeGo to it, yes17:42
thiago_homeand if you have the tools necessary to flash it17:42
thiago_homedo you have iPhone flashing tools?17:42
thiago_homebtw, isn't the iPhone 3G an OMAP3?17:43
Bersamthiago: it's jailbreaked ... but i don't have that tool ...17:43
Termanathiago_home, iPhone 3GS is, 3G isn't17:43
BersamTermana: i have iphone 3gs ... but i using ubuntu (Linux) ... i see some reviews for android on iphone17:44
thiago_homejailbroken means that the iPhone OS inside has been hacked17:44
thiago_homethat's a long way from being able to install a new OS on it17:44
GAN800TI does not make iPhone parts17:44
TermanaBersam, 3GS won't work17:44
GAN800They're all Samsung17:44
TermanaIt's only the 2G or 3G that has the ability to boot Linux17:45
GAN800Even A4 is basically Samsung17:45
thiago_homeTermana: what hardware are they?17:45
RST38hBooting Linux on iPhone is a desecration of a religious symbol17:45
BersamTermana: oh ... also i have another device ... ipod touch 3G ...17:45
GAN800Samsung ARM1117:45
Termanathiago_home, some Samsung ARM11 stuff. GLESv1 only17:45
thiago_homethat's also a dealbreaker17:45
thiago_homeMeeGo requires GLESv217:46
TermanaWell, not really17:46
thiago_homeofficially, at least17:46
TermanaBut, its better to tell people that17:46
thiago_homein any case, if it's ARM11 you need the ARMv5 build, the one that is turned off17:46
TermanaIs there any ARMv5 devices with GLESv2 though? :P17:48
thiago_homeI don't know17:48
thiago_hometo be frank, I don't know why we do have an ARMv5 build17:48
RST38hBecause someone may just want to run meego on an ARMv5 device?17:49
Bersamthiago_home: my ipodtouch cpu is this 3rd generation: ARM Cortex-A8 833 MHz (underclocked to 600 MHz)17:49
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Stskeepsv6 makes more sense17:49
Bersamthiago_home: not ARM1117:49
thiago_homethat's ARMv717:49
Stskeepsthiago_home: historical thing, we bootsttrapped off fedora arm17:50
TermanaBersam, your ipod touch won't work either17:50
TermanaUnless you have the skills necessary to find a boot exploit in it AND port the linux kernel to it17:50
thiago_homeTermana: so there is a known exploit for the first two generations?17:51
BersamTermana: oh ... can i run it on virtual machine on my PC ? or an emulator ?17:51
BersamTermana: i don't want that netbook edition ... i want to have MeeGo (mobile edition (like n900)) on my PC or any other devices :)17:52
Termanathiago_home, right, the iPhone 2G and 3G have bootrom exploits, and I believe a limited amount of 3GS' do as well. iPod Touches, I believe is only the 1G ipod touch, possibly the 2G ipod touch.17:52
TermanaAnd then its only the 2G, 3G and 1G ipod touch that the idroid project has ported the linux kernel to17:53
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TermanaTo my knowledge, at least. Things might have changed since I last looked, but I don't think so.17:53
thiago_homeBersam: you can run the handset edition17:54
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kyb3Rdamn, I'd like to have semantic extensions in the wiki...18:22
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lolloohellooo0oo meego fans18:45
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lollooany news on it comming out official?18:46
sofar1.0 was released18:46
sofarwhat are you looking for?18:46
lolloomeego on N900,18:47
sofarit works, it's not usable just yet18:48
lollooalright, thanks mate18:48
Jucatohello! while on the topic, may I ask something? As long as there is no other "official" device yet, will the N900 be the reference device for MeeGo Handset UX?18:49
Jucatoor phrased alternatively, how long can we (or I :) hope/expect MeeGo Handset UX to work on the N900?18:50
CosmoHillhey sofar18:50
TermanaJucato, the N900 is a reference device period.18:50
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JucatoTermana: thank you18:51
TermanaThere is no intentions to at some point remove it as a reference device, but I expect it will happen eventually especially as minimum hardware specs go up for compliance purposes.18:51
Termanapoint to remove*18:51
JucatoI see. hopefully that's not gonna happen yet very soon (like next month?) :)18:52
TermanaJucato, no, not soon.18:53
TermanaYou'll definitely see the N900 as a reference device for the 1.1 release and most likely the 1.2 release. 1.3 is anybody's guess at this stage, since its not planned for/on the roadmap.18:54
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CosmoHillvgrade: what evil have you done now19:00
CosmoHillthat looks nice19:00
lolloohi Termana19:00
th0br0sweet, vgrade19:01
lollooI didnt like it19:01
TermanaAs soon as he uploads his rootfs, I can take out the Nexus One specific bits and put in the HTC Desire bits :P19:02
CosmoHillvgrade: what camera do you have?19:02
lolloodoes it take long time?19:02
Termanalolloo, for you, yes, it takes longer than you'll live.19:04
lollooyou are immortal Termana19:04
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CosmoHillvgrade: oo that's sneezy, if I don't zoom in it looks like that info is on the screen but you've added it with paint19:06
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RST38hOMH unspeakable, Meego on a Nexus! At this rate, you will end up installing it to iPhone ;)19:09
CosmoHillmmm, usable bluetooth on the iphone19:10
Jucatoit does somewhat address something I've always been wondering about: I always see talk about running Android on the N900, but wonder why there's very little about running MeeGo on Android phones19:10
CosmoHillonly apple can cock up bluetooth19:10
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wmaronevgrade: obvious question about the video, does it have the requisite hardware support?19:11
Termanawmarone, at the moment, its running with software rendering19:12
wmaronethat is impressive though19:13
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vgradeCosmoHill 300D19:13
vgradewmarone, basic msm fb at the moment but working on the aurora driver19:14
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CosmoHillhey thiago_-19:16
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Stskeepslbt: who was it that suggested compliant repos instead of packages?19:34
lbtnot sure ...19:35
Stskeepsi've been brewing a bit on it and i've come to the conclusion that the only way to deal with this issue is a 'surrounds' that contains APIs for potential inclusion in MeeGo and has same mandatory maintaince as meego features19:36
lcukwhere does things like open office etc lie in all this packaging stuff btw19:36
lcukwe have been concentrating on the specific uplift from maemo specific packages, but what about the general OSS favorite toys for the netbook19:37
lcukthey have same kind of problem I assume19:37
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lcukcan I get gimp on appup?19:37
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hell_hi all. Stskeeps, are you here?19:38
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Jaffalcuk: I don't think we*'ve been concentrating on Maemo packages, except where using them as examples.19:38
wmaroneis it just me or does the "preferred" method of packaging applications described in the thread strike anyone else like Mac OS X software's tendency to drag along separate copies of commonly used 3rd party libraries?19:39
hell_does anybody boots from n810 meego image?19:39
lcukjaffa sure19:39
lcukand we have the maemo community stuff as a really good available set of examples :)19:40
Jaffalcuk: Not good enough, it'd seem19:40
Jaffalcuk: liq* plugins wouldn't be compliant.19:40
JaffaActually, there's another point - no plugin system can be compliant.19:41
JaffaMassive swathes of possible functionality wiped out19:41
Stskeepshell_: yes?19:41
Stskeepshell_: meego n810 is on hold as armv5 builds were disabled19:41
lcukjaffa this was said initially19:41
lcukthings like angry birds level addon packs19:41
lcukfall into the plugins category19:42
Jaffalcuk: Ah, I missed that initial point19:42
Jaffalcuk: indeed19:42
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hell_Stskeeps: i try to boot from mmc, flashed by your prepared image. but initfs failed to boot(19:42
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Stskeepshell_: initfs shouldn't boot at all19:43
Stskeepskernel boots straight to mmc19:43
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lcukjaffa, since you need angry birds to get the level packs19:43
lcukthey need to have a way of doing it19:43
hell_Stskeeps: so, i need boot a kernel by flasher, then kernel run init from ext mmc?19:44
berndhsJaffa: plugins are non-compliant ? so no Qt-Sql support then, those are all plugins ?19:44
Jaffaberndhs: A plugin, by definition, depends on something else. If that "something" else isn't in the corep the plugin cannot be MeeGo Compliant with the intention behind the draft spec19:47
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lcuktsg meeting where this was announced, the angry birds issue was raised19:48
Jaffaberndhs: I don't know how Qt-Sql works, but since Qt is in the core, Qt-Sql could be packaged as a compliant pkg. However, nothing could depend on Qt-Sql and then be compliant itself, but that's the argument for shared libraries19:48
Jaffalcuk: Ah, I tend to miss TSG meetings due to travelling and limited sense of value.19:49
CosmoHillvgrade: kudos btw for your work19:49
hell_it does)19:49
berndhsQt-Sql drivers are all plugins, Qt-Sql by itself supports nothing19:49
lcukahh well tho19:49
hell_to nice blak screen19:49
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hell_aaaahh, it loading.19:49
Stskeepshell_: wait a while19:49
hell_yeah, i see19:50
berndhsbut Qt-Sql is going to be in the core, so that's not an issue19:50
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berndhshowever, the repo system doesn't check presence or absense of plugins19:50
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berndhsso installing an app that depends even on a qualified plugin doesn't guarantee that it will work19:51
berndhsthis qualified-apps-will-work-everywhere idea is so full of holes, it's not even funny19:52
hell_Stskeeps: as i understand, it hold in state without nokia internal drivers for keyb, charger, etc?19:52
lcukJaffa, individual liq* modules are standalone you recall :)19:52
lcukits not really anything to do with plugins19:52
hell_and what are you mean under "build in disabled", obs builds?19:53
lcukjust when it finds the other components on the same system it will use them :)19:53
lcukbut any kind of library is going to have problem for practically any app19:54
* lcuk ponders looking at something19:54
lcuknumber of pure qt apps vs qt apps with extra dependencies19:54
* lcuk bets most will use the extra dependencies19:55
Stskeepshell_: basically19:55
Stskeepshell_: keyboard is there but not configured, i think19:55
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lcukJaffa, since clutter is on the netbook image19:56
lcukcan it be depended upon for meego in general?19:57
hell_i hear, that somebody has it's own obs. Does it really possible, to create separate obs for n8x0 meego?19:57
sofarlcuk: no, there will probably not be clutter in handset images19:58
lcukbut but but, its in core!19:58
Stskeepshell_: yes, but we would probably do a ARMv6+VFP one instead19:58
lcukso an app certified for meego netbook usage (since it complies) will not run on meego handset19:59
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hell_Stskeeps: i thnk, that 2420 is already v6, it can run v5 code for compatibility?20:02
sofarcertification does not exist, only compliance20:02
lcukreasonable enough20:03
sofarsecond, netbook app compliance would have to be MTF based20:03
lcukso its not app compliance20:03
sofarthe fact that parts of the current netbook UX use clutter doesn't mean that apps are20:03
sofarnetbook apps should be MTF20:04
lcukso MTF works on netbook?20:04
lcuki know people are porting it to ubuntu20:04
hell_so, armv6 will break 770 support of meego? i think, 770 is too old for it)20:04
sofarat work I have it running on several netbook sized machines20:04
sofarhell_: perhaps #meego-arm is more suitable for that discussion20:04
sofarbut, could be quiet in there atm :)20:05
lcuksofar, which OS are you running those on?20:05
lcukand did you submit your patches back20:05
sofarlcuk: I do all my meego development ON meego20:05
lcuk:) good to hear at least one person is20:06
sofarand, since I'm paid to work on MeeGo, you betcha I commit my code ;)20:06
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lcuksofar, initially people did not run the qt ide on meego itself20:06
lcukso you code on netbook?20:06
sofarno, but I test it20:07
sofarI maintain large parts of the MeeGo base OS20:07
Stskeepscan RPM packages be signed?20:07
lcukso do you use the sdk, or have installed the -dev packages onto netbook20:07
sofarStskeeps: sure, yes20:07
Stskeepswell, as in, within-format20:07
sofarStskeeps: yes20:08
sofarthat's how rpm signing works20:08
Stskeepsi'll have to google for that20:08
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sofarI'm not 100% sure on the details, but the signature is embedded afaik20:08
lcuksofar, just for clarity you said you test on netbook20:09
sofarlcuk: I haven't had a need to install the UX sdk parts yet, my work is all below X20:09
lcukwhere do you actuall compile stuff?20:09
lcukon the netbook or in a VM?20:09
Stskeepssofar: thanks20:09
sofarI test on netbook, handset CDK's, and my main dev system are a laptop and a i7 desktop20:09
sofarI do not ever work in VMs20:09
sofarVMs waste my time20:09
lcukok, so you do not actually have -dev libraries on your device for compiling20:09
sofarI do on my netbooks and laptop20:10
lcukand your netbooks and laptop are running meego natively?20:10
arfollsofar, why don't you just use OBS to compile your packages?20:10
lcukand patches :P20:10
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sofararfoll: local git compilation development process is a lot faster20:10
lcuksofar, what spec machines are they20:10
sofarespecially on my laptop20:10
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arfollsofar, depends on the OBS..20:11
sofarlenovo t400 all-intel HW, with SSD20:11
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sofarit's about equal to OBS, unless OBS is busy20:11
sofarthen I win20:11
sofarthat's meego's main OBS20:11
lcuksofar, how do you find the panels system for organising your workflow?20:11
sofarof course, I'm inside the Intel corporate network so OBS access is slightly slow20:12
lcukdoes the qt ide work well on it?20:12
lcukor do you cheat and use console/vi?20:12
sofarlike I said, I have no current need to work with the SDK/Qt IDE20:12
sofarI work on things like uxlaunch, sysvinit, dbus etc20:12
lcukbut you have the low level full complete sdk installed?20:13
sofarI can20:13
lcukyou can, or you do?20:13
sofaron my laptop I have almost every pattern installed20:13
lcukits important, because until you just spoke, everyone said they use an external vm/cross compiling setup to do development work20:14
lcukyou are the first who I have heard doing it on the live OS20:14
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lcukand its obviously interesting because if I could pickup a netbook with full sdk it can be hacked on20:14
berndhsgolcuk: Arajan always says he works on meego directly20:14
lcukjust like people do with ubuntu etc20:14
sofararjan and me have been advertising "eat your own dogfood" for a long time now20:15
sofararjan works on meego too20:15
arfollsofar, you obviously don't use your phones then ;-)20:15
berndhssofar: i tried to type that, my fingers are cold20:15
* lcuk checks backlog at some point20:15
sofararfoll: I do not have a mobile phone20:15
arfolllol - not surprised20:15
Stskeepssofar: would you use a meego mobile phone?20:16
lcuksofar, i spent the longest time doing full building entirely on n810 and then n90020:16
lcuki had windows and no happy scratchbox setup20:16
sofarStskeeps: probably :)20:16
lcukso I had to find a system which worked20:16
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lcukhmmm meego default media player uses mono20:19
lcukthe dependency is being pulled in specifically for that package20:19
Stskeepsyes, it's the other most-common-flamewar in meego ;)20:19
lcukwell that kinda makes it a mockery since the same media player might be wanted on handset!20:20
lcukand shock the package has dependencies20:20
sofarugh banshee is my bane20:22
sofarnot to mention we used to have a upnp enabled player on netbook20:23
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berndhsStskeeps: they just started this spec thread so people stop fighting about deb and mono20:26
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lcukhrmwill qt sdk be on appup store?20:27
lcukor ovi20:27
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* Stskeeps sends off a proposal for the gordian knot and hides behind a rock20:37
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fralslcuk: why would the sdk be in the store? O_o20:39
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JaffaStskeeps: I'm still confused by the "...these dependencies can only be from the set of binary packages being built as part of the applications' source package."21:22
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Stskeepsas in, the only other dependancies you can pull in from the installation source is packages generated by the same source package you come from21:23
Stskeepsso, let's say we have pulseaudio, which has pulseaudio (daemon) and -modules21:23
Stskeepsat installation time this would pull in both21:23
JaffaRight, so it is the situation I described, albeit with s/.tar.gz/.srpm/21:23
* Stskeeps ponders how to show it with an actual example21:24
Stskeepsok, first off, we have a plain meego application: this would only use dependancies from meego core21:24
lcukhow does that effect good scientific study work like fcamera?21:24
lcukdoes that have to have its root dependencies in qt21:25
Stskeepshowever, given traditional packaging, we might want to split our application into multiple subpackages21:25
Stskeepsand these having dependancies between eachother21:25
lcukor can it be based on v4l2 or get or whatever it uses21:25
Stskeepswe don't want to allow let's say "just because SDL is in the 'installation source', we can depend on it"21:25
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JaffaStskeeps: That's exactly what some of us do want.21:26
Stskeepsyes, i know - but how do you handle the scenario where there's multiple SDL versions and variants?21:26
JaffaStskeeps: So that we don't have to do work about porting, packaging and maintaining SDL if someone else already has.21:26
Stskeepsi agree with that, but in this, i would put it in Staging21:26
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Stskeepsand indicate "this guy is maintaining it"21:27
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Stskeepsideally we wouldn't have any other dependancies than our 'own' application packages and meego core + profile + staging21:28
Stskeepsthe alternative is chaos21:30
Stskeepsthere's merit to both 'sides''s positions, and this is a middle way21:31
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lcukhow does it work with openoffice?21:34
lcukor gimp?21:34
Stskeepsthere's a problem with plugins, i agree with that21:35
lcuktwo massive applications people think of with linux and expect to be available21:35
Stskeepslcuk: put them in the 'meego community appstore'21:35
lcukis there a meego mall?21:36
lcukwhere I can go to get all the apps I want?21:37
Stskeepsthere will be many different21:37
arjanI think meego calls that "garage" not "mall"21:37
Stskeepswell, Community Application Support at last name.. garage is sometimes used though21:38
lcukI always said I would make an app-store-store one day21:38
lcuklooks like it will be needed21:38
lcukso to get the meego community store21:39
lcukit would need to be an app available from the other stores21:39
lcukto add the icon21:39
lcukor will the meego community store be available ?21:39
Stskeepsdunno, do we have any apps yet? ;)21:39
arjanmoblin had this sort of thing21:39
lcuksure there are21:39
lcukmeego reference ones are community21:39
arjandunno why it didn't move over21:39
arjanthe whole infrastructure was there21:40
lcukjust wait until people start forking them21:40
lcukarjan, the maemo one had 10million downloads last month21:40
Stskeepsarjan: i think it's still there with the open collaboration services and so on21:40
Stskeepsjust in a different form21:40
lcukif anything its getting stronger21:40
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Stskeepsarjan: at least i see people here discussing it often21:41
lcukisnt gitorious the meego version of garage21:41
Stskeepslcuk: term confusion - garage in moblin was for downloading applications21:41
arjangitorious is git for developers21:41
Stskeepsin maemo it was for application development21:41
sofararjan: mornin'21:41
Stskeeps( for reference..)21:42
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sofarwe used to code on for moblin, and just decided to go to a public place with the source code21:42
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arjansofar: the systemd discussion is .. interesting21:42
sofarhaven't read the lists in 3 days21:42
sofarfeeling a bit better though21:43
Stskeepssofar: i wouldn't start if you'd like a quiet weekend :)21:43
arjanit seems people don't realize that, yes, JIT is a good paradigm (as shown in manufacturing).. but it means *done* just in time, not *start* when needed21:43
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arjansystemd is inside out in that sense... and somehow people drink its coolaid anyway and don't see the big architectural gap in it21:43
Stskeepsmy personal worry is that i wouldn't want several important system daemons maintained by the same person, as there will always end up with less maintainer time for each daemon..21:44
* Jaffa foods.21:44
* sofar thinks21:45
arjanthe idea of having things done just in time is nice21:45
arjanbut it needs to be *finished* just in time.21:45
arjannot *start* right when you need it21:46
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arjanbecause then you are guaranteed to stall .. which is bad21:46
arjankinda a worst case21:46
sofarup until now we can get away with sysvinit extremely well because we're a very specific distribution21:47
sofarthat's not going to change soon21:47
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arjanI'm not saying it's an easy problem ;)21:47
arjanbut making a solution that is architectually completely guaranteed worst case is also not good ;)21:48
Stskeepsarjan: isn't d-bus activation kinda like that too?21:48
arjanit is21:48
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arjandbus activation for things you KNOW you need is thus a disaster21:48
arjandbus activation for things you almost never need is just fine and an acceptable tradeoff21:48
arjanbut for things you always need... not so much21:48
sofarhence uxlaunch becoming a platform for desktop startup much more than it already was21:48
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CosmoHillhey arjan21:48
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sofarheh, didn't know systemd got punted to fc15 either21:50
sofarI get sick 2 days and miss all that :)21:50
lcukarjan, will the qt sdk be compatible with the rules for applications?  how about plugins for it (do they exist)21:51
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lcukie, can I install the IDE itself21:51
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lcukon netbook21:51
arjanshould be yes21:51
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arjanassuming the netbook OS you use is meego compliant ;-)21:51
CosmoHillsofar: that's the replacement for init right?21:51
lcukarjan, thinking meego21:52
sofarCosmoHill: sysvinit/upstart/systemd/etc yes21:52
CosmoHillah interesting21:52
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CosmoHillI only have experience with sysvinit21:52
lcukarjan, how will the stores know they are being contacted by a compliant OS?21:52
nitro424i want to create a meego mythtv package. mythtv requires the qt-sql-driver /usr/lib/qt4/plugibs/sqldrivers/ which is not privided by any meego package. is it a bug? i forced the system to install the fedora 11 qt-mysql package but this cant be a solution21:53
arjanlcuk: the person deploying the OS also deploys the store...21:53
sofarnitro424: not a bug21:53
CosmoHillsofar: what does meego use?21:53
wmaronespeaking of stores, are they linked or are they all independent?21:53
lcukarjan, so the stores are physical apps run on the device itself :)21:53
sofarnitro424: we don't have mysql in meego atm21:53
arjanlcuk: assume device model..not computer deployment model21:53
sofarnitro424: hence, qt won't have mysql bindings21:53
arjanlcuk: generally yes21:53
arjannitro424: using fedora packages on meego..not generally a good idea21:53
nitro424it works with the fedora package21:53
nitro424but its dirty21:54
lcukarjan, I try not to make ssumptions21:54
sofarCosmoHill: sysvinit with heavy modifications to bypass certain slow parts of a traditional sysvinit setup21:54
nitro424even the qt4 sql demo browser works with it :)21:54
arjanour init is from sysvinit21:54
sofarbypass *all* parts needed really :)21:54
arjanthe actual bootflow is not21:54
sofarmeego is fully sysvinit compatible but doesn't itself use much of it21:54
nitro424is it planed to include mysql into meego?21:54
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lcukits not yoursql21:55
sofarnitro424: no, not on the roadmap21:55
CosmoHillsofar: ah I remember reading about that in the link you gave me about the 5 second boot21:55
Stskeepsnitro424: , search for [FEA]21:55
CosmoHillwhy would a netbook need mysql?21:55
sofarbasically meego removes every init.d script that distro's usually have and provides a fast path for getting those services up21:55
nitro424i will do that21:55
sofarCosmoHill: to run mythtv lol21:56
ali1234CosmoHill: mythtv uses it extensively21:56
nitro424i use the netbook in the bathrottm for watching tv21:56
sofarit would need at least a client to run mythfrontend on a meego netbook etc21:56
lcukCosmoHill, mysql is invaluable for small scale fast database uses21:56
nitro424there are a lot of reasons i think21:56
* CosmoHill reframes from commenting on that21:56
Stskeepssofar: we run into that often and we're not as skilled in the meego way.. do we have some docs on recommended ways to use instead of init.d?21:56
lcukit would be needed at very least for firefox21:56
sofarI'm not sure if we can package or have at least the mysqlclient code21:56
lcukcos some of the database stuff inside it is?21:56
Stskeepssofar: i'm getting rather cautious over the amount of init.d's we have on n900, hence my question21:56
sofarStskeeps: short answer: ask me to do it - I own that part of meego21:57
sofarabsolutely, we need to poke at all of those21:57
ali1234nitro424: do you need live streaming? cos you can do everything else with mythweb...21:57
Stskeepssofar: :nod: putting it on my todo - thanks21:57
CosmoHillbut if we learn we can do it for ourselfs21:57
nitro424i want to build a client but it really needs mysql21:57
bef0rdlcuk, Firefox uses sqlite21:57
ali1234or upnp players now for that matter21:57
lcukbef0rd, ahhh ahhhh fair enough21:58
* lcuk mixed them up!21:58
sofarCosmoHill: problem with me explaining everything to everyone is that people start hacking it to shreds and there goes the fast boot ;)21:58
nitro424hmm i have an easy mythtv installation without mythweb and stuff21:58
lcukthanks for clarification21:58
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lcukwill sqlite be available?21:58
sofarbef0rd: mythtv only works with mysql afaik21:58
sofarsqlite is supported21:58
nitro424sqlite is available21:58
lcukas in "core"21:58
ali1234yes, mythtv needs to talk to the database running on backend, so it needs a network capable DB21:58
arjanafaik sqlite ends up in the architectural set21:58
lcukwhat if it has a security update!21:58
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sofarseveral key base components need sqlite21:58
lcukor version problems?21:59
lcukmultiple versions etc21:59
sofarfile a bug </hides>21:59
nitro424mythtv compiles without problems. i could use it locally but i have a server/client arch21:59
lcukall the bumf given about other packages21:59
sofarseriously, a bug would be interestign against sqlite to see if we've covered sqlite db upgrades etc.21:59
Stskeepsarjan: by the way, we had a booting to ux btrfs image on n900 using mic222:00
lcukStskeeps, I notice from logs earlier btw, you once said you had calling from n900 on mer22:00
Stskeepslcuk: no, i didn't22:00
sofarStskeeps: nice22:00
arjanStskeeps: good22:00
Stskeepswe need to verify nothing breaks, but it actually seemed more performing..22:00
arjanStskeeps: I would think btrfs is nice for n900 because it can make 1 fs over the two storage blocks22:00
Stskeepsi think it's nice because we don't have to cp big buck bunny on first boot, too22:00
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Stskeeps(thanks sofar)22:01
CosmoHillStskeeps: kudos22:01
lcukStskeepsarjan: we made a ofono dialing on Mer on n900, shouldn't be that far off :)22:01
lcukactually Stskeeps, you did22:01
Stskeepslcuk: got terms messed up22:01
Stskeepsi meant meego22:02
nitro424there is already a feature request for mysql. i dont have to do that :)22:02
lcukthat was feb 18th22:02
sofarStskeeps: haha22:02
lcukand we didnt have meego then22:02
lcukcan you recall which version of mer it was?22:02
sofarwell at least mic2 makes btrfs images now22:02
Stskeepslcuk: oh, dialing.. yes - 7 months off ;)22:03
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sofarI can start looking at cool features using it :)22:03
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Stskeepsi'm probably going to enjoy snapshots for development22:04
sofarI run automated snapshots on most my systems now22:04
sofarbest rm -rf guard ever22:05
sofarbut, there are a ton cool things we can do with it:22:05
sofar- factory reset a device22:05
sofar- OS upgrades, or downgrades!22:05
CosmoHillfor some reason I was about to ask if sofar used VS2010 :/22:06
sofarimagine this: with extlinux, you can boot any number of linux operating systems from -the-same-btrfs-partition-22:07
sofarCosmoHill: lol! last time I used VS was .... *counts* back in 1999 or so :)22:07
CosmoHilldude I wasn't even in highschool in 199922:07
CosmoHillthe only reason I have VS2010 is so I can import my code and get an instant UML class diagram22:08
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RST38hand you obviously NEED UMLclassdiagrams?22:09
CosmoHillI might give systemd a go on my next LFS build22:09
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Stskeepsi think we also need some discussion on directory setup on handset and such.. and if people will want to have their documents / home directory exported over USB and so on22:09
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CosmoHillRST38h: is got us extra points in our assignment22:09
Stskeepsin maemo we have this 'MyDocs' setup which is a bit ugly but gets the job done..22:09
RST38hOh, your assignment...22:09
CosmoHillRST38h: yes, i've a full time student22:10
RST38hBut for all practical purposes...?22:10
CosmoHillthis was my C++ assignment I've been talking about in the channel a fair bit at the time22:10
sofarStskeeps: that's an ongoing debate - I'd like to keep xdg compliance but the user's home could live on vfat for USB connectivity purposes22:10
Stskeepssofar: i'm wondering how badly things would react to anything in /home/meego being inaccessible..22:11
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sofarStskeeps: it's prolly gonna splode all over :)22:12
Stskeepscould we make it xdg compliant by having let's say, /home/meego/MyDocs/Documents, etc? i mean, xdg-user-dirs are there for a reason..22:12
sofarbut, the vfat would be on the same storage as the rest of the image22:12
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Stskeeps(not only l10n)22:12
sofarwe could22:13
Stskeepsstill a can of worms though..22:13
sofaror we'd move other stuff out of /home/meego22:13
Stskeepsas we'd have to signal to apps they can't access these parts of system22:13
sofarstill an unsolved problem22:14
* CosmoHill gets a cup of tea to read the systemd post22:14
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lcukforget things not existing at one point22:16
Stskeepsor take the easy way out and lock screen and show 'usb mass storage mode in progress' ;)22:16
lcukits people vaping stuff from windows22:16
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lcukthats funner22:16
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smithnaHi,  without starting a flame war...  What is/are the plans for using/including mono for apps other than banshee?22:40
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lcukas long as you can embed the whole thing inside your application, you are good to go22:41
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sofarI'll work hard to get mono *out* of all MeeGo builds22:41
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smithnawhy is that?22:41
sofarcuz I just flipped a coin and it came up heads22:42
CosmoHillI believe him :)22:42
sofarseriously, mono shouldn't be in MeeGo in the first place22:42
lcukgood reason why not?22:42
* smithna guesses *heads* is as good as any22:43
sofarwell, It gives me the legal creeps22:43
wmaroneis mono compatible with .NET 4?22:43
sofarhaha and questions like that22:43
lcuksofar, what about official .net?22:44
lcuksupposing a build was made from microsoft22:44
lcukwould you fight as hard?22:44
sofaranything that smells of microsoft is probably better avoided for an open source distribution22:44
wmaronelcuk: in official meego?22:44
wmaroneI could see a vendor deciding to include it on their own device, but...22:45
sofarmy daddy told me to not walk around with a sign saying "drop bomb here" on my t-shirt22:45
lcuksofar, openness extends beyond code.22:45
sofarlcuk: openness has to be both sides22:45
lcuki can run mono on other open source linux distributions22:45
lcukwhether I like to isnt down to me22:45
wmaroneI'll wait for MS to start dropping vague threats regarding mono against MeeGo using OEMs ;)22:45
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wmaroneor anything, really22:46
lcukwmarone, you do know that mono will be used in the default meego media player22:46
wmaroneI'm aware of that22:47
wmaroneI don't like it22:47
sofaronly for netbook22:47
lcukyou make it sound like netbook isn't meego22:47
lcukif its good enough for the core os to use22:48
lcukthen it should be good enough for applications?22:48
sofarnetbook has an odd history, and not all the components are what they should be22:48
sofarunfortunately, there's nobody working on an MTF-based netbook UX22:48
lcukyes, its more open and flexible from what I see and hear22:48
smithnawell, it's not good enough for *core* (mono packages aren't included in that part)22:48
sofarwhich would be the preferable solution22:48
lcukwell there is in a way22:48
lcuklibmeegotouch is being compiled for ubuntu22:49
lcuksomeone was in hte other night playing22:49
lcukso all the meegotouch goodness will be usable on everything :D22:49
sofarsure, MTF works on a netbook22:49
sofarit doesn't actually make a compelling netbook UX22:49
lcukyeah cos theres little in the way of touchability22:49
* lcuk understands this better than you imagine22:50
johnxah, that's very good news22:50
lcukjohnx, did you ever rebuild mer on wii?22:51
johnxbut that is the first thing I thought of ;)22:51
lcukwill be meego now22:51
smithnatalking touchability...  I asked about mono because of a frontend for carpcs' that is using it.  I wanted to see how/if that would integrate with the IVI plans22:51
lcukshouldnt IVI be on the same compliancy path?22:51
smithnaIVI seems to be lagging behind the other parts of meego, and I haven't seen much discussion about it22:53
lcukwell it was a big part of last weeks tsg22:53
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johnxsorry, IVI?22:53
lcukin vehicle infotainment i believe22:54
lcukor somesuch22:54
Stskeepssmithna: a lot of political discussion i think22:55
Stskeepssmithna: same with tablet market22:55
ALoGeNohey the quemu image dont have X?22:55
ALoGeNoand the keyb dont work?22:55
ALoGeNoand hello :)22:55
johnxaah, thanks22:56
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sofarMeeGo's UX is totally different22:56
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sofarIVI generally isn't touch-focused22:56
sofarand the professional vendors behind that work on their own UX's22:57
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smithnaWhat I've been struggling to figure out is if meego will be a viable solution for carpc hobbiest (those of us wanting to use linux, that is)22:57
sofarIVI does have a reference Qt-based UX22:57
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* smithna has the IVI release running on his carpc22:58
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lcukspeaking of cars22:58
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lcukmodern ones now are mostly computerised?22:58
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lcukcan something be plugged in and actually have access to all the switches and knob settings?22:59
smithnapretty much22:59
lcukie for fan control or even stereo?22:59
lcukindicators etc22:59
smithnaLook at the CAN bus22:59
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lcukits a general question22:59
sofardepends on the design, but, theoretically, yes22:59
lcuki will accept your first answer :)22:59
lcukawesome then23:00
lcukso no need to replace the good solid valuable real interface with a new one23:00
ali1234lcuk: fuel mix yes, stereo control no23:00
lcukali1234, thats engine management23:00
lcuki was thinking dashboard interaction23:00
ali1234that's what CAN bus is for23:00
Stskeepsoh dear, i just signed one of my mails as 'Carstem Unk'23:01
* Stskeeps ponders if it's time to sleep23:01
ali1234dashboard interaction... not so much23:01
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ali1234lcuk: you might be interested in though23:01
Stskeepslcuk: you're forgetting the case where we have two SDLs and one of them has ogg disabled for patent fear reasons23:01
ali1234not that any cars have it yet23:01
lcukStskeeps, 2 different versions23:02
lcukits not forgetting anything23:02
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Stskeepslcuk: this has actually been seen in extras23:02
lcukand you have repository priority for that anyway23:02
Stskeepsyes, but repository priority is hard for the wild west :)23:02
lcukthere is no wild west23:02
lcukCore -> profile -> Store -> Item23:02
Stskeepshow can you prioritise app repo 1 vs app repo 2?23:03
lcukand I like the Profile term23:03
lcukit embodies that middle grey part23:03
smithnaali1234: there are ways to interact with a car stereo (depending on the brand)23:03
lcukStskeeps, I am buying an app from Tesco app store23:03
lcukthe dependencies cannot say to use Asda in that case23:03
Stskeepswho says the SDL from Tesco doesn't conflict with the one from Nokia?23:03
lcukbut it can pickup stuff from tesco shelves happily23:03
Stskeepsin case you buy one from there23:03
lcukand the App store running on specific devices23:04
Stskeepsversion's don't mean shit in this regard..23:04
ali1234smithna: sure, but i figure lcuk wants something more like controlling his phone with the steering wheel (not while in motion though i hope)23:04
lcukchumps even nokia!23:04
lcuksince nokia may not be the vendor23:04
Stskeepsif it's the same source package but different ./configure ..23:04
Stskeepsthen it's darn hard to tell the difference, and it'd be only temporal23:04
lcukdependency chains23:04
lcukyou are making a problem out of nothingness23:04
lcukthis was solved long ago in every distro23:04
lcukif its temporal then it really doesnt matter does it since the code is the same23:05
Stskeepsversions doesn't solve if provider A and provider B provides different actual code/implementation23:05
smithnaSo, where can I read about the long term plans for meego?23:05
smithnaspecifically IVI23:05
Stskeepssame source tarball, just different configure flags23:06
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lcukthen the first installed one wins for same version number23:06
Stskeepslcuk: this often affects ABI too23:06
Stskeepsand now suddenly my game can't play ogg23:06
Stskeeps=> unsatified user23:06
StskeepsABI or behaviour, for that matter23:06
lcukwhy is a package offering different binaries given the same version ?23:07
lcukchanges are changes23:07
lcukand require new versions23:07
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lcukthat was learnt in class 101 develment23:07
lcukdevelopment even23:07
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* lcuk missed 101 in spelling today23:07
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Stskeepsit's very likely that if they make same increment in versions, the problem still exists.23:08
Stskeepsthing is23:08
lcuknot really23:08
Stskeepsthey shouldn't both provide it!23:08
lcukthat problem is the compliancy thing23:08
lcukand the later one that wants to break one already there23:08
lcukshould be the one that doesnt get to the store23:08
johnxthe only perspective I can offer is from the debuntu world, and Stskeeps knows just as much about that as I do23:09
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johnxlcuk, yup. generally that's the way things go when happening inside of one repository23:09
Stskeepsexcept we're going to have a large bunch of app stores23:10
Stskeepswe have to regulate anarchy => compliance testing23:10
johnxs/regulate anarchy/herd cats/23:10
Stskeepsand we start at the case where the user has to install a package, and it has to be done succesfully23:11
Stskeepswe cannot guarantee this without proper regulation23:12
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johnxso ANY package in ANY store MUST be installable on ANY device with ANY other number of packages installed?23:12
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lcuki believe thats the idea johnx23:12
johnxjust a gut reaction here, but that sounds like some other problems that are NP complete ...23:13
Stskeepsjohnx: well, more specifically: any meego compliant package for a certain architecture and profile must install on that architecture and profile23:13
Stskeepsjohnx: which is a rather fair assumption23:13
Stskeepsjohnx: and subsequent compliant package installs should not break23:14
johnx'profile' as in IVI, handset, tablet?23:14
Stskeepsfor instance23:14
Stskeepsif it uses those APIs23:14
Stskeepsthere can be 'meego x86' which just uses plain qt or libmeegotouch, for instance23:14
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Stskeeps(profile not required)23:14
lcukwhat happens when differences between versions happens across the profiles23:14
lcuka version of sqlite thats core23:14
lcukhas to be tweaked in its configure part23:15
* johnx cracks open a spreadsheet23:15
Stskeepsdoesn't happen23:15
lcuktheres differences between packages all over23:15
Stskeepsprofiles build on top of core and doesn't replace core packages23:15
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lcukso everything on core builds on both x86 and arm23:16
lcukand the api across them is identical?23:16
johnxlcuk, it better23:16
johnxotherwise that's not a very sane cross-platform distro23:16
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lcukok, so meego netbook, would mono be inside the profile?23:18
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Stskeepsjohnx: my premise is that we can only solve this problem by requiring dependancies to be fullfilled only by meego core, the specific meego profile, the package's own subpackages and an area that contains well-regulated APIs (with people responsible to maintain them)23:18
johnxI think that sounds reasonable23:18
Stskeepslcuk: for example, not sure where it's at atm23:18
johnxall those areas would have to be totally cross-platform, cross-profile and be version specific I think23:19
Stskeepsjohnx: :nod:23:19
Stskeepswell-regulated APIs could technically be SDL and everything else - if you want to share your API with the world, take responsibility for it23:20
johnxversion-specific as in meego 1.1 should pull from one set, and meego 1.2 should pull from another23:20
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lcukok Stskeeps understandable actually23:20
Stskeepsthe thing is, everything else we can't test for, as we can't possibly know every combination of repos and packages23:20
lcukI gather staging would need its own pre staging repositories (similar to maemo?)23:20
Stskeepslcuk: right, there's a possibility for an entire sub-project in itself in it23:21
lcuknot for normal users - similar in manner to the -devel -testing etc23:21
johnxsoo, what does 'sub-packages' mean. is that just things built out of the same source package?23:21
Stskeepsjohnx: yeah23:21
lcukits where (for instance) a set of hildon interfaces could sit?23:21
Stskeepslcuk: for instance23:21
lcukthats reasonable23:22
Stskeepsjohnx: i could extend it to be 'any packages not shared with other repositories' but that is largely untestable23:22
lcuksince it will also solve the issue of where the developers pool themselves towards23:22
johnxok, so I'm joe-app developer now. I need SDL as a dependency. I don't want to maintain it for ARM, just use it on X86, so I pile their source into my source package as well, make a build script to build them both and now I've installed /usr/lib/libSDL.so23:22
johnxwhat happens when we get a 'real' libSDL into the 'contrib' area later?23:23
lcuksdl apps would have to wait for some knowledable sdl maintainer to work on the packageset23:23
Stskeepsjohnx: well, we actually require packages to install into /opt/packagename or something..23:23
wmaronethis strikes me as a lot of extra effort and wasted space23:23
johnxStskeeps, very MacOS X of you :) I like it :D23:24
Stskeepsjohnx: the hope is with the staging repo to discourage this23:24
lcukwmarone, the staging area actually does sound reasonable23:24
CosmoHillsofar: I'm reading about systemd and it looks like there would be none to minimal benifit for my distro23:24
lcukbecause it will draw those interested in sdl together to make sure it works "on meego"23:24
lcukwithout worrying about which flavour it is23:24
lcukthey are concerned with all23:24
Stskeepslcuk: they'll be required to, otherwise it wouldn't make it into staging23:24
lcukthat makes sense23:24
Stskeepsie, show interest, maintainers, people you can call..23:24
Stskeepsperhaps even an agreement to sign..23:25
* lcuk sighs @ more paperwork23:25
lcukwe were playing with liqbase on x64 last night23:25
johnxugh @ paperwork23:26
lcuki was learning about all the pointer to int differences :)23:26
johnxthough, gathering public keys is a nice way to go for signatures ;)23:26
lcukStskeeps, ok23:26
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Stskeepsthe downside is that we need to get an organisation up doing this Staging thing and i doubt we'll have it for 1.123:27
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Stskeepsbbl sleep23:27
lcukwe have technical staging now - the maemo way of doing it works for arm at least23:27
johnx'night Stskeeps23:27
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* johnx wonders what part of the world Stskeeps is in ...23:28
lcukand we could just get any maintainers interested to just start building their libraries on x86 and trying it ;)23:28
lcukStskeeps, gnite23:28
johnxah, nm. forgot how late in the day it was23:28
lcukjohnx, can we get meego running on wii please :P23:29
johnxI think the 'contributed packages' area could easily become bigger and have more complicated inter-dependencies than core+profile given a bit of time23:29
lcuki want to use n900 as a remote control23:29
johnxlcuk, AFAIK, meego doesn't target PPC at all23:30
lcukno, thats where it can be cleansed23:30
johnxtargeting PPC in this day is kind of a lost cause I think23:30
lcukcore is the super tight system where the cleanest bits go23:30
lcukfine, just run n900 onto tvout23:31
johnxor get a wiimote working with a normal machine ;)23:31
* johnx looks up at the 'wii sensor bar' taped on top of his monitor :)23:31
lcuki have a triangle of LEDs on a cardboard cutout and some wires above my mouse23:32
lbtJaffa: have you seen Mark's latest response.23:32
lcuki am itching to change the colour of them to green and actually try using my n900 as a mouse23:32
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cpghi, i installed the latest meego, however, the nvidia graphics card is not supported23:37
smithnaas expected...23:37
cpgwould like to get to command line, somehow, to add the repo from vljn23:37
smithnawhat's vjn?23:37
cpgbasically, he compiles the x driver in the kickstart23:38
cpgwhen the machine comes up, i see it's working, but ssh is not enabled23:38
cpgi just need to somehow get into the machine23:38
cpgi am looking for a suggestion to get into the machine23:39
cpgso that i can install the drivers23:39
cpglookin for advice23:39
smithnayum is installed by default (I believe) so just edit/add a repo to /etc/yum.repo.d/23:39
cpgat the moment, i see the machine coming up (it requests dhcp)23:40
cpgbut the screen is all blue and white23:40
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smithnato get to command line just do ctrl-alt-f123:41
cpgsmithna: hmm. i tried that, but it did not work23:41
smithnathat works with the IVI, haven't tried with others23:41
cpgi think the gfx is hosed by now23:42
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cpgmaybe i can try change the image from outside23:42
smithnawhat drivers are you using now, to boot up?23:43
cpgwhatever the default install uses23:44
cpgi just installed and ran once23:44
smithnaI would ensure it's using the VESA driver23:44
cpgboots up ok otherwise23:44
cpgi will mount it from outside23:44
cpgis there a key to press to give the kernel boot options?23:45
cpgi rather work natively if i can23:45
smithnaThe boot loader is grub, which has some way to do that -- I just don't recall23:45
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cpgaha. i got into grub23:46
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sofarcpg: zypper install openssh-server23:48
sofarat boot, add '3' to the kernel command line23:48
sofarshift, tab should work23:49
cpgnice, sofar23:49
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cpgputting 3 does not seem to help. the grub image sits there ... and i see the system booting , seemingly, from the dhcp request and the hard drive light23:51
cpggetting close :)23:51
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cpgpressing the power button shuts it down cleanly, which is nice23:51
sofarthe '3' tells it to boot to runlevel 323:51
sofarbasically not starting X23:51
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sofarat that point you can login as root and muck about23:52
cpggreat! worked by removing the vga=current!23:53
cpgthanks sofar, smithna !23:53
CosmoHillsofar: using init 3 meego mostly works on non-SSSE3 computers23:53
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sofarwell yeah, most of the optimizations are used in UX applications calculating floats for screen positions23:54
CosmoHillrpm works but yum and zypper doesn't >.<23:54
sofarwhat's the problem with zypper?23:54
CosmoHillboth have "illegal instruction" error23:54
sofargood, nothing that needs to be fixed then23:55
sofarwho's Mr. Norman? :)23:59

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